What You Need to Know About the Archons

Published on Aug 23, 2018




Jay Weidner talked about the entities known as archons, as well as his research into the mysteries, and mythic back stories of Mount Shasta (featured in his latest movie “Shasta”). Archons were described in the ancient Nag Hammadi texts as parasitic off-world beings who came to Earth and invaded the minds of certain humans, and over the years, many of these invaded humans have risen to positions of power throughout society, Weidner stated. The Archons try to create situations with as much bloodshed, agony, and chaos as possible, as they feed off human fear, he explained. “The Gnostics would tell us this was not going on before the Archon invasion of about 3,500 to 6,000 years ago…and this is the cause of all of our strife,” he added.