Why I Hate Flying in America…

by Truthstream Media
January 8, 2019



Comment from Aaron Dykes:

Aaron here. I convinced Mel to put this video up, even though she was a bit embarrassed and had mixed emotions about it. It was recorded in the immediate aftermath of her incident with TSA; her emotions were raw, but it is important because this is what’s happening, and continues to happen on a daily basis. We are all treated, preemptively, with suspicion, and treated as criminals. Basic rights and basic human dignity are systematically overlooked – and seemingly all of these ‘public authoritays’ have accepted their power to treat members of the public however they wish – with no apologies. Meanwhile, We the People have become accustomed to, and just accepted this permanent police state presence, and yet, people are being abused on a daily basis. Just as Mel said, we are all being collectively punished for the crimes of a few, now a long time ago. They don’t do this overseas in other places, though many are still trying to catch up.