A Winter Wish: My Thank You Card to All of You

A Winter Wish: My Thank You Card to All of You

by Kathleen Stilwell, editor, Truth Comes to Light
December 24, 2021


Dear friends,

As 2021 ends, I want to thank you all so much for being here, for sharing truth, and for standing up for freedom.  Thank you for your perseverance and for your courage.

Many thanks to all of you who, throughout the past few years, shared your kind words of support,  sent donations or offered suggestions.  Thanks to all who let me know about typos or other errors, who shared our articles and videos with others when something rang particularly true to you, and who trusted me with your stories of hardship and of miracles during these times (even if you didn’t want me to publish for others to read).

Some of you will be alone during whatever holidays your families and friends celebrate. If you are alone, know that many of us know your situation well. It won’t always be this way.

And, in truth, you are never alone. But you already knew that. That knowing is part of what brings you here.

While the world around us is shouting out in fear of a dark future and harsh winter, no one really knows what’s going to happen. How things will unfold is unknown.

We always stand in the unknown. And the unknown can be trusted because it is the fabric of life itself.

That unknown is home to unlimited creative power. That unknown works actively with the unseen and with the hidden. This includes the mostly-unseen, divinely-empowered self that is each of us.

Each of us has the power to shift worlds, starting with own perception and focus. Individually, and as part of all that is, we are the soul of the world.

Some people say protests don’t work, writing doesn’t work, speaking to others doesn’t work, love alone doesn’t work, prayer alone doesn’t work.  Yet, the truth is, it all works and it is all part of turning the tide.

Only you know what action or non-action is your best gift to the world. Most of the shifting, the awakening, the transformation, the living and dying — most of what we are creating takes place in realms our logical minds can’t wrap around.

As this year 2021 comes to a close, I wish for you continued inspiration as we move through the illusion of time into 2022.

More and more, may unexpected experiences lift your heart and remind you that life itself is a miracle.

May you increasingly share your love and your vision with the world.

May you speak courageously with a kind and powerful heart whenever there is an opening.

May you remain fearlessly silent and at peace when that seems the wisest thing to do.

May you hold an opening for others to share truth and listen for the wisdom they offer, especially those who’ve given you many reasons to doubt their ability to connect with truth.

May you give things away when you encounter the fear of not having enough.

May you trust life and know that evil can never win.

May you live your life that fear of death can never enter your heart.

May you start something new. Anything.  You might even start a huge, foolish project.

May you know that you are loved and appreciated in ways you might not always be aware of.

We are here for a reason and that reason is all about love.

But you knew that. So, thank you for being here, reminding me that it really is all about love.


With overwhelming gratitude for all of you,



cover image credit: perezvcking / pixabay



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Live Your Life That the Fear of Death Can Never Enter Your Heart


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