Truth Comes to Light editor’s commentary:
Brandon Joe Williams is gaining notoriety among those who have long sought to understand the history of the United States of America, the enslavement of the population via taxation, registrations, licensing, birth certificates, social security, the Federal Reserve, etc. His group’s research clarifies the non-citizen national status, but recognizes the significance of “state national” and other “national” organizers and researchers, as well as so many others who have sought and championed for freedom from those who seek to control us.
In the video below, Brandon interviews Dave Champion, author of “Income Tax: Shattering the Myths”. For those of us who are old enough to have observed, followed or respected Irwin Schiff and Larken Rose (in their differing ways of challenging involuntary taxation) who have ended up doing prison time, Dave Champion addresses those approaches and explains why they failed.
The interview is dynamic, with both men respectfully challenging the other.
Dave Champion offers his full analysis via his book “Income Tax: Shattering the Myths” which can be purchased at his site:
Brandon offers all of his materials at no cost via his “Contract Killer Course”, wherein he unveils the ways we’ve been hoodwinked into volunteering for enslavement via contracts hidden cleverly within unintelligible-to-the-average-person language (word spells) and how the solution is in voiding the contracts, “revocation of election” and changing passport status.
There are 37 videos in the main course and additional advanced videos. His website has a lot of reference material and shared links for further research. If you’ve been delving into the “state national” and other “national” information, you’ll recognize some of his sources.
Personally, I’ve made my way through 35 of the videos, alternating with assorted interviews that Brandon has done with others and with reading many linked documents, downloading books in pdf from various sources, etc. I’ll share more about my personal process when I’ve completed Brandon’s course and taken the actions that are on my list.
My own view is that Brandon really shines in his interviews with others. The dynamic of conversation adds focus and his genius in dot-connecting is apparent. His law firm website is
To help with understanding Brandon’s apparent method in his madness for choosing his website name and for what is intended to be humor or banter in Brandon’s Contract Killer Course (consistently there through the entire course), in video #16 at approximate timestamp 13:54, Brandon says:
“And here you are watching a series of videos by this borderline insane white guy that makes sexual jokes constantly like a child, and has the website called It’s like this course and the representation of what I just explained to you is the exact representation of the entire world. The entire world is completely upside down. We live in an Alice in Wonderland. We live in a world where up is down, black is white, fast is slow. Everything’s upside down and completely backwards. And the thing is the more backwards things get and the more upside down things get the more people are going to start asking questions…”
The few people that I’ve personally shared his work with find it hard to dive into, being put off by the “F you” messages on the site and the references to shoving a certain vegetable up a body orifice. Thus I’m working my way through this material to see if I can help share the message (with all due credit to Brandon and others) in a different way perhaps.
In the meantime, Brandon has an ever-growing following and whatever the madness in his method, the tactic is working and he is being heard far and wide. I found that listening to his overall values, recognizing his high intelligence and the coherence of the information he presents, I wanted to learn more about what he’s uncovered, regardless of a type of humor that might feel more annoying or off-putting than funny to some of us.
To find Brandon’s work, type his name into the YouTube search bar, check out his YouTube channel, or visit his website.
~ Kathleen

Brandon Joe Williams and Dave Champion talking about Dave’s journey and his book
by Brandon Joe Williams with Dave Champion
March 8, 2024
As a precaution, should YouTube take Brandon Joe Williams’ video down, a mirror of the video is available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee channel.