The Current Assange Screenplay: Reality or Psyop?

The Current Assange Screenplay: Reality or Psyop?

by Gary D. Barnett
June 29, 2024


“In effect, the human being should be considered the priority in a political war. And conceived as the military target … the human being has his most critical point in his mind. Once the mind has been reached, the ‘political animal’ has been defeated without necessarily receiving bullets.”

~ U.S. Central Intelligence Agency training manual


I believe it imperative to question absolutely everything, especially anything coming from questionable (all) ‘news’ sources, governments, politicians, most ‘alternative’ media, and all mainstream reporting services. Nothing is to be believed unless it can be critically vetted, and proven to be accurate. In this day and age, nothing can be considered certain on its face, as lies and propaganda rule the airwaves, and inundate the minds of the indoctrinated masses. In fact, in the sense of reality, psychological warfare against individuals en masse, is a constant, and therefore a soft conscience and preferred sympathies should be initially discarded, unless and until the actual truth is found, and shown to be without doubt. This seemingly cold-hearted response can be a difficult pill to swallow, but swallow it one must if actual truth is sought.

Considering the Julian Assange saga, there is much controversy, and questions abound from every angle. I will admit before I go any further, that I was also fooled by the Assange psychological operation for a brief period, and even penned a short piece about it five years ago. I knew all along his arrest and all the attention was misleading and a scam, but wrongfully assumed that he was likely just a ‘victim’ of the State’s efforts to silence whistleblowers and dissent. That desired outcome was certainly achieved, but was Assange just an innocent victim and hero of the ‘alternative’ media, or was he complicit in this CIA psyop plot meant to squelch honest reporting exposing real criminal behavior?

Usually, when one is targeted as a risk to the phony-baloney ‘national security’ narrative, he and/or his organization is heavily censored, his content severely restricted or eliminated, and in some cases, he might be disappeared or succumb to some suspicious death, but just the opposite was the case with Assange. His so-called crime centered on the release (leak? Who leaked it and why did Assange get it?) of video showing the brutal murder of innocent people, including journalists in Iraq at the hands of the U.S. military. But the U.S. military has been brutally murdering civilians worldwide since the so-called beginning of the country. The U.S. has been responsible for slaughtering civilians for decade after decade, and in many cases, showing this evil on television to the applause of its braindead population. What about the fact that Madeline Albright, then Secretary of State, admitted that murdering 500,000 children under the age of five years, was worth it? Was that not a more heinous crime that was ignored? That is only one example of U.S terror against innocents.

Consider U.S. crimes against humanity in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Africa, Iran, Russia through the U.S. proxy war in Ukraine, Palestine, and of course in other areas and here at home. Tens of millions of civilians have died just since WWII at the hands of the U.S. directly, or by proxy, but no arrests of the murderers and their mercenaries were ever forthcoming. So why Assange, and what was the real agenda? Dan Dicks does an excellent job of explaining much of this, as can be viewed in this short video he released just recently.

Wikileaks, Assange’s organization, was suspect as a CIA operation long ago, and continued to receive press coverage from ‘alternative’ and mainstream sources, and CIA controlled mainstream sources, before, during, and after the Assange ordeal. Coverage of Assange was not hidden, it was continuously reported by every news source. Now, it is still all-consuming in the mainstream and ‘alternative’ circles, blanketing news cycles.

What began with Assange in the Ecuadorian Embassy, and his very public arrest, and dragging out of that embassy, leading to his imprisonment at Belmarsh prison in the U.K., seemed brutal, and his haggard and gaunt physical appearance gave the impression of harsh mistreatment or torture. He was said to be subject to horrible conditions, heavy drugging meant to destroy his brain and body functions, and many eluded to the possibility that he would soon die in prison; a physically broken and braindead soul. But time continued, and so did constant reporting and pleas by ‘alternative’ sources to free him.

The trials, so-called extradition efforts, and constant threats against him were never-ending it seems, and all the reporting continued freely and openly throughout this decade-long plus incarceration. Now, all the drama has ended, as Assange willingly pled guilty to what were called crimes against the State, when in fact, crimes by the State have by extreme magnitudes, been far and above, beyond imagination actually,  anything that Assange was accused of exposing. After all the supposed torture and drugging of Assange, he just walked out of prison, looking well-fed, fat, happy, and younger, and was given free passage back to his home country, as if nothing had ever happened. How could this be?

By pleading guilty, Assange effectively has gained his freedom, and many damning documents and emails against the U.S., its criminal politicians, and its war crimes will likely be destroyed. In addition, the precedent set is extremely dangerous considering anyone willing to expose crimes of the State. I would say that ‘journalism’ has been greatly harmed, but that happened a long time ago, as real and honest ‘journalism’ is basically non-existent today. This plea deal will go a long way to eliminating future whistle blowers, hackers, and truth tellers speaking out and exposing this heinous criminal government, and its crimes against humanity.

So is Assange a CIA asset, is he a hero, or has this entire ordeal been a staged screenplay meant to achieve a plotted outcome beneficial only to the deep state ruling cabal, its pawns in government, its enforcement gangs, and its controlled media? After all, much of Assange and his family’s past is suspect.

At this stage, it is my studied opinion, and therefore, I believe  a foregone conclusion, that Wikileaks is and has been all along, a CIA operation. While my views on this matter will be a controversial stance, until I can be proven wrong, I rest on the assertion that all this has been a planned psychological operation from the start. I cannot come to any other determination based on irrefutable fact.

What I know without doubt, is that all this stinks to high heaven, and raises many more questions that have not been answered. This alone requires the utmost skepticism, and much more critical investigation is necessary if the real truth is actually sought. This is just too convoluted and too pat a hand to accept without maximum scrutiny. Get upset at my conclusions if you choose, but always look much deeper than the assumed narrative purposely given to you by your handlers.

“Capture their minds and their hearts and soul will follow.”

~ Author unknown


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ADHD: Ritalin, Cocaine, and the Fraudulent Pharmaceutical Physical and ‘Psychological’ Torture of Children

ADHD: Ritalin, Cocaine, and the Fraudulent Pharmaceutical Physical and ‘Psychological’ Torture of Children

by Gary D. Barnett
May 24, 2024


“The degree to which the psychiatric community is complicit with abusive parents in drugging non-compliant children is a war crime across the generations, and there will be a Nuremberg at some point in the future”

~ Stefan Molyneux


I will step away from my normal correspondence in order to address a purposely-generated problem that has reached heights of abuse so extreme as to have grossly compromised one in nine children in this country. This intentionally manufactured problem is insanely egregious, and has caused irreparable harm due to the administration of psycho-stimulation drugs prescribed to mostly children, and in many (most) cases, has destroyed their ability to think, function normally, live active and fulfilling lives, and to exist without devastation of their health, mind, body, and soul. I am speaking of what is dishonestly labeled as ‘ADHD,’ or Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity ‘Disorder,’ a bogus scam meant only  to achieve wealth, power, and control of a large segment of the young in society, without any physiological evidence whatsoever.

I was first introduced to this State-supported atrocity 25 years ago, when the government (‘public) school system attempted to erroneously ‘diagnose’ and drug my granddaughter with what is the equivalent of cocaine on steroids for a non-existent ‘disorder.’ She was only 6 years old at the time, but I was able to get her out of the heinous ‘public’ school system and into a private school that did not promote (force) the drugging of children. This began my research efforts into this collaborative and criminal government’s fascist partnership with pharmaceutical companies targeting kids.

This was (and is) in essence, a domestic false flag operation targeting the young, with a multi-dimensional agenda that could at the same time disturb the mental capabilities of a large swath of the youngest generations. This of course, would lead to a compounding effect over time, breeding a more obedient and a less intellectual population. It could cause additional health-related problems for life, serve as a control mechanism based on the compromising of brain and motor functions of the young through central nervous system damage, and could easily lead to a much more compliant society so as to enhance the ability to manage and regulate large numbers. This is all based on the greatly enhanced wealth of the few, gaining governing power, and a higher level of control over the collective herd of the dumbed-down masses.

There is no such thing as ADHD! Period. No brain condition, no brain damage, ‘mental’ or physical, no physiological evidence whatsoever exists, or has ever been demonstrated to prove that any cause dishonestly referred to as ADHD is valid. None.

What has been proven and is obvious, is the horrible damage done due to the administration of harmful drugs, especially to the bodies and minds of the not fully developed, and immature young. The so-called (illegitimate) ‘treatment’ for the fake ‘disorder’ called ADHD is Ritalin, a most devastating and mind-altering drug to be certain. The properties of Ritalin as opposed to cocaine are staggeringly similar, and in fact, are two sides of the same coin, except that Ritalin has longer lasting adverse effects. Cocaine is said to be plant based, while Ritalin is said to be chemically based. In simple terms, and from a comparative analysis, the differences are few. Ritalin is the immediate-release form of methylphenidate, and is classified as a central nervous system stimulant or psychostimulant. in fact, it has been classified as a Schedule II drug, which is in the same class as cocaine, Vicodin, methamphetamine, methadone, hydromorphone, Demerol, OxyContin, fentanyl, Dexedrine, Adderall, and Ritalin.

Ritalin’s side effects, and many are not even listed here, are astounding. They include allergies, hives, swelling, extreme heart problems, psychosis, circulation problems, increased blood pressure, mood changes, anxiety, nervousness, irritability, inability to sleep, fast heart rate, heart arrhythmia, no appetite, extreme weight loss, nausea, vomiting, pain, headache, dizziness, disorientation, aggression, hostility, paranoia, and loss of coordination. This is in addition to possible permanent brain damage. All of these side effects can also be enhanced to even more dangerous levels when other drugs, anti-depressants, and even over-the-counter ‘medications.’ are co-mingled. Given the massive prescribing and administration of drugs for everything and everybody today, the risks are astronomical. Also, the risk of dependency (addiction) is great as well.

The incidence of diagnosis of this bogus ‘disorder’ has increased steadily year after year. Since 1997, and just up to 2017, the increase in stated cases rose by approximately 145%. The rate of diagnosed cases by that time were over 11% of children under 12 years of age. In addition, more cases are said to be dramatically increasing in older children and adults, opening up much larger markets for higher profits for the murderous pharmaceutical companies.

This is an abomination, as it is the literal destruction of a large percentage of children. Much of this criminal medical scam is based on fear of one’s child being ‘different,’ which should be applauded, instead of suppressed. Today’s parents are much at fault (or most) for allowing the State and its partners in crime, to dictate how their children should be raised and drugged to suit the perverted mores of the ruling class’s idea of societal collective mediocrity. There is another degrading aspect to this dilemma, as parents today, many who have been ‘forced,’ (due to voluntary support of the State) both married couples and single parents, to work outside the home, leaving their children to be raised by the evil governing and schooling systems. This in my mind is the abandonment of family for the sake of material survival, which would never have been prevalent if government instead of family had been abandoned.

Every child, every human in fact, is different from every other. We are unique as individuals, and that uniqueness should be cherished. Wants, needs, intelligence, interests, personality, desire, energy levels, talents, hopes, and dreams, are destroyed when all attempt to stifle individual excellence in favor of conformity. When the individual is sacrificed for the so-called ‘good’ of the collective crowd, an inferior society will be the result, and independence, strength, self-ownership, and self-responsibility, will be discarded in favor of  sameness, universal attitudes of victimization, boredom, and depression.

This is why the drugging of society, especially the current and future generations of the impressionable young, are targeted by this fascist and criminal State. The older generations still exist in large numbers, but their lives are not long for this world. In two generations only, all will dramatically change. If the young are fully controlled due to indoctrination, AI, technocratic design, drugs, and propagandized from birth, the controlling element of this world will have an easy time eliminating all dissent, while creating an entire society of drone-like mannequins accepting of their own dependency and enslavement.

There is a reason that the young are being dumbed down and targeted from every angle, manipulated to never question false ‘authority,’ to forget and eliminate tradition, to abandon family, and to hate everything and everybody. The State and its criminal partners fully understand the path they are taking in order to achieve its goal  of creating a kept and indifferent society of slaves. The medical fraud, including the toxic and fatal poisoning by lethal injection of bioweapons called ‘vaccines,’, and the extreme drugging of youth, including the ADHD and Ritalin crime, is just one aspect of this terror being inflicted on society.

To stop this deadly assault, parents have to once again become parents, instead of worthless, pathetic, dolts worried more about their phone, games, and constant personal desires that run completely counter to the well-being of their own children.


“Why fit in when you were born to stand out?”

~ Dr. Sues


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The Constitution Is Illegitimate; Therefore All Government and Its Laws Are Criminal and Immoral

The Constitution Is Illegitimate; Therefore All Government and Its Laws Are Criminal and Immoral

by Gary D. Barnett
March 11, 2024


“And yet we have what purports, or professes, or is claimed, to be a contract—the Constitution—made eighty years ago, by men who are now all dead, and who never had any power to bind us, but which (it is claimed) has nevertheless bound three generations of men, consisting of many millions, and which (it is claimed) will be binding upon all the millions that are to come; but which nobody ever signed, sealed, delivered, witnessed, or acknowledged; and which few persons, compared with the whole number that are claimed to be bound by it, have ever read, or even seen, or ever will read, or see.”

~ Lysander Spooner, No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority

There is but one legitimate law, and that is natural law, which is simply all the inherent rights of man at birth to his free life. No laws by any man over another, and no laws assumed by any group of others calling itself government, and no government proclamations, are justifiable or right, and cannot exist except in a state of tyranny. Therefore, all government is illegitimate and criminal, and any and every ‘law’ dictated by any State is immediately reprehensible, immoral, and without justification. In order for freedom to exist, rule and arbitrary political laws cannot. Aggressive behavior (offensive force) negates freedom, while natural law protects it.

Non-aggression is critical, but self-defense against any ruling State is mandatory, as those who choose to rule, will always seek power and control over their subjects. Government has no right to any property, as its only method of securing that property is theft. Since one’s own mind and body are his private and personal property, government has no say in how one lives, or how much one earns. Government has no right to any property, and therefore has no right to steal or regulate one cent by taxation, whether from income, property tax, or any other tax of any kind. No country (government) has any right whatsoever to legislate its ‘definition’ of morality, for government is itself a completely immoral system, with no legitimate authority whatsoever.

It is imperative here as well to completely obliterate the idea that any federal “Bill of Rights” has any authority over any individual or independent state, or can in any way define and bestow any rights of man. Government, whether federal or state, cannot under any  circumstances, give or take any natural right that already exists for the individual. Even the thought of such, is not only contradictory and entirely hypocritical to the legitimacy of natural rights,  but rests on the asinine assumption that government has a claim on what are called ‘citizens.’ That designation is also illegitimate, because to accept it, is an admission that government owns you. The term ‘citizen’ is offensive immediately, as simply being born in any particular geographic location does not give any State the right to claim you as a subject of that State.

The false reasoning claimed by the so-called ‘founders,’ in their efforts to build a powerful and controlling central state of government, was to sell it as seeking freedom for individuals, when in fact, the exact opposite was sought. The idiotic notion of bestowing rights that already existed, has been propagandized as legitimate to the brainwashed population ever since that time. What has been taught about this country’s beginning was all a lie. Had these supposed ‘founders’ really wanted a free society of individuals, as they claimed, they would have dismantled all government, instead of massively increasing its power. They had no right to delegate, regulate, restrict, or define the rights of others. Their agenda was to create an incredibly powerful central government to enhance their own wealth, property, and power; nothing more. As Lysander Spooner so correctly stated:

“No man can delegate, or give to another, any right of arbitrary dominion over himself; for that would be giving himself away as a slave. And this no one can do. Any contract to do so is necessarily an absurd one, and has no validity. To call such a contract a “constitution,” or by any other high-sounding name, does not alter its character as an absurd and void contract.”

“No man can delegate, or give to another, any right of arbitrary dominion over a third person; for that would imply a right in the first person, not only to make the third person his slave, but also a right to dispose of him as a slave to still other persons. Any contract to do this is necessarily a criminal one, and therefore invalid. To call such a contract a “constitution” does not at all lessen its criminality, or add to its validity.”

All government ‘laws,’ are criminal and illegitimate in that they assume the power to grant or take rights from another individual, to allow or restrict the individual, or to fully control the thought and actions (slavery) of the sovereign individual. This is always wrong, since all legitimate rights are natural, so how can any individual,  state, or nation, presume to declare or mandate the rights of others? As previously mentioned, this can only occur in a state of tyranny; the antithesis of freedom that the illegitimate state pretends to protect.

Concerning “law,” Spooner again has this exactly correct. The very idea of law rests only with the individual among men, begins and ends only with the natural rights of men, and therefore, there is no value or validity whatsoever with any laws arbitrarily constructed by government.

“The true and general meaning of it, is that natural, permanent, unalterable principle, which governs any particular thing or class of things. The principle is strictly a natural one; and the term applies to every natural principle, whether mental, moral or physical. Thus we speak of the laws of mind; meaning thereby those natural, universal and necessary principles, according to which mind acts, or by which it is governed. We speak too of the moral law; which is merely an universal principle of moral obligation, that arises out of the nature of men, and their relations to each other, and to other things—and is consequently as unalterable as the nature of men. And it is solely because it is unalterable in its nature, and universal in its application, that it is denominated law. If it were changeable, partial or arbitrary, it would be no law. Thus we speak of physical laws; of the laws, for instance, that govern the solar system; of the laws of motion, the laws of gravitation, the laws of light, &c., &c.—Also the laws that govern the vegetable and animal kingdoms, in all their various departments: among which laws may be named, for example, the one that like produces like. Unless the operation of this principle were uniform, universal and necessary, it would be no law.

Law, then, applied to any object or thing whatever, signifies a natural, unalterable, universal principle, governing such object or thing. Any rule, not existing in the nature of things, or that is not permanent, universal and inflexible in its application, is no law, according to any correct definition of the term law.

What, then, is that natural, universal, impartial and inflexible principle, which, under all circumstances, necessarily fixes, determines, defines and governs the civil rights of men? Those rights of person, property, &c., which one human being has, as against other human beings?

I shall define it to be simply the rule, principle, obligation or requirement of natural justice.

This rule, principle, obligation or requirement of natural justice, has its origin in the natural rights of individuals, results necessarily from them, keeps them ever in view as its end and purpose, secures their enjoyment, and forbids their violation. It also secures all those acquisitions of property, privilege and claim, which men have a natural right to make by labor and contract.”

You own yourself, your mind, and your body.  You therefore own all that you produce. No other, or any collective entity, has any right to alter this natural state of all men. To do so is criminal, and relies on aggressive force, which for purposes here, is violent harm at the hands of any and every government and governing system. No piece of parchment, no arrogant or ‘authoritarian’ rule or law, no unlawfully mandated license requirement of any kind, and no false declaration of rights or independence can change this fact. The only predominant law is that which is natural, and not assumed by rule, and none other is worthy of consideration.

Because of this reality, negation, non-compliance, mass disobedience, and self-defensive force concerning government when necessary, is the only way to achieve peace, harmony, and freedom. Anything less can only lead to mass enslavement.

“A man’s natural rights are his own, against the whole world; and any infringement of them is equally a crime; whether committed by one man, or by millions; whether committed by one man, calling himself a robber, or by millions calling themselves a government.”

~ Lysander Spooner, No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority


Copyright © 2024


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Cover image credit: Angela_Yuriko_Smith


The Claimed ‘Holocaust’ State of Zionist Israel Commits a ‘Holocaust’ Against Palestinians

The Claimed ‘Holocaust’ State of Zionist Israel Commits a ‘Holocaust’ Against Palestinians

by Gary D. Barnett
February 2, 2024


“Monsters exist, but they are too few in number to be truly dangerous. More dangerous are the common men, the functionaries ready to believe and to act without asking questions.”

~ Primo Levi

First, let us understand the actual meaning of the word holocaust, and the transformation of, and targeted use of this expression. The word actually means “sacrifice by fire” or “burnt offering.” If taken directly from Latin, (holocaustum) it means “a thing wholly burnt.” Like many words and terms, it has been bastardized, and given wider figurative meanings, some which include massacre, or massacre of large numbers of people, but eventually became singularly associated with Jewish deaths in Germany under Hitler during World War II. This was supposedly not to be used as a proper name for Hitler’s Jewish policies, but that has been ignored these past many decades. Basically, the word ‘Holocaust” now refers only to the murder of Jews by Hitler during the war. This is a very deceptive objective achieved by long-term repetition of a misdescribed term.

What is disturbing about this change and isolated use, is that it was meant to serve a particular interest only, and therefore it was segregated for the purpose of yielding a plotted agenda as opposed to describing actual separated atrocities. Few would ever take the time to research, write, or expose this situation, because to do so opens one up to very aggressive criticism, threats, and false accusations of being ‘antisemitic,’ which also is a misunderstood, and completely ridiculous claim.

If the term holocaust was used properly, it would have to account for most every victim of bombings, sanctions, torture of populations, war, (all war) slaughter, massacre, and the outright murder of millions at the hands of the State. Millions upon millions, hundreds of millions actually, have been brutally burned, poisoned, fire-bombed, put into concentration camps (consider Eisenhower’s murderous concentration camps) and murdered indiscriminately in the name of savage and violent aggression. What about the victims of Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, and the genocide of tens of millions at the hands of monsters, and all those who supported these monsters, so many of which were built, funded, weaponized, and fully supported by the warmongering nation-state called  the U.S.? What about Korea, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, where millions of innocents at the hands of America and its allies, were raped, burned, poisoned, murdered, had their villages and towns razed and destroyed entirely, including women, children, and the old? Why are not all of these massacres considered holocausts?

So that brings us to today, where Zionist Israel locked up Gaza, surrounded it with high guarded walls and razor wire, effectively turning Gaza into an open-air prison, a concentration camp; fully controlled by Zionist forces. This happened after 75 years of displacement, bombing, massacre, and murder of Palestinians by Zionist Israel. Then, after what appears to be either or both, a false flag set-up using a purposely placed Hamas, or an allowed cooperative ‘invasion’ with Hamas, so as to intentionally claim the ‘right’ to eliminate millions of an entire population. This is a plotted massacre; it is a holocaust.

The irony and hypocrisy here are beyond imagination, and involve genocide at every level. This hellish and evil atrocity has been supported far and wide across much of western society, at least until the obvious nature of these horrendous murders and brutal slaughter of innocents became even too much for many supporters to sanction. This was simply  not out of real pity or sympathetic compassion for the innocent, it was in most cases due to fear of being associated with such blatant, immoral and disgusting evil. And the massacres continue as the world watches.

This is being forgotten here in the U.S., as concentration on insane ‘elections,’ the Taylor Swift Bowl, the rotten Trump ‘trial,’ threat of all-out war against Iran and the Middle East, the Grammy’s, the geo-engineered weather anomalies referred to as fake ‘climate change,’ the completely unknown ‘X-‘virus,’ the transgender idiocy, and of course much, much more take over the headlines. There is no telling what tomorrow will bring, when this economy will implode, or when Taylor Swift becomes president. This is a world gone mad!

In the meantime, the slaughter of innocents will continue, and expand, as you sit and watch while normality, tradition, moral behavior, empathy, and any intellect of the masses left, disappears from view.

Do not forget the people of Gaza, do not forget Lahaina, do not forget East Palestine, Ohio, do not forget any of the atrocities committed in your name, the current and impending wars, but do forget this heinous ‘election,’ the political class, the government in its entirety, all State mandates, and the enormous number of intentional distractions thrown at you from every angle. Live as if you are actually free, and you will have a chance to gain liberty one step at a time.

Jean Baudrillard said in “Simulacra and Simulation:”

“Forgetting extermination is part of extermination.”

There was not just one extermination of people, there have been many, and the massacres continue to bring death and destruction to millions. Without the acknowledgement of modern extermination as a certainty, you may be next in line for extinction.

Referenced links:

Dark Secrets of Eisenhower’s and America’s WWII Death Camps

Genocides of the 20th and 21st centuries

(The U.S. was conveniently left off this list, but considering all wars, aggressions, and support for many on this list, the U.S. should be at the top)

Israeli military says Gaza slaughter will continue throughout 2024

Gaza deliberately being made uninhabitable

The history of the Israeli expulsion of Palestinians

The Hannibal Directive and Zionist Israel’s False Flag Terrorism

Copyright © 2024


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

Cover image credit: hosnysalah

A Rant for Everyone Who Thinks Government and Masters Are Vital and Necessary

A Rant for Everyone Who Thinks Government and Masters Are Vital and Necessary

by Gary D. Barnett
January 17, 2024


“To be GOVERNED is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured, commanded, by creatures who have neither the right nor the wisdom nor the virtue to do so. To be GOVERNED is to be at every operation, at every transaction noted, registered, counted, taxed, stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed, authorized, admonished, prevented, forbidden, reformed, corrected, punished. It is, under pretext of public utility, and in the name of the general interest, to be placed under contribution, drilled, fleeced, exploited, monopolized, extorted from, squeezed, hoaxed, robbed; then, at the slightest resistance, the first word of complaint, to be repressed, fined, vilified, harassed, hunted down, abused, clubbed, disarmed, bound, choked, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed; and to crown all, mocked, ridiculed, derided, outraged, dishonored. That is government; that is its justice; that is its morality.”

~ Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, The General Idea of the Revolution in the Nineteenth Century

It will be obvious to my readers and supporters after reading this, that I have been inundated with very annoying responses to my last article. I have been cursed, called names, and preached to about the necessity of government. I have been told to give a one-shot solution to fix not only this screwed up country of 335 million people, but the entire world of 8 billion. I have been sent ‘plans’ to do this and told that I must use them or be blamed for not fixing the ‘planet.’ I have been told that only with government rule can chaos be avoided. (That one puzzles me greatly, considering the state of chaos in this world today) I was asked, “How much do you pay Lew Rockwell to publish your nonsense?” This dolt did not even know how to read the copyright to know that it was republished for free from my website. I was told to quit “preaching” the “nothing” I write. I was told: “You, actually! (are the problem) and a few others like you. I’ve already pointed out to you, the ‘method’ (to fix the world) but have not heard of any action, or reaction” (from me). I was told, “You are just another open borders anarchist.”

I won’t bore you with any more of this drivel, but sufficed to say, there is plenty more, much not suitable for children. And by the way, this is not meant for all my wonderful readers, supporters, and subscribers, but for all those who cannot write to me without being rude, condescending, nasty, sarcastic, and uncivil. I will post a few of my replies to these people, (not their names or emails) so that I do not have to keep writing to them individually. Please excuse my wrath. I try to be somewhat cordial, but at times, it is just too tempting to lash out.

These responses are mine:

“My goodness, you are so confused. 

“As to anarchy, it is not some ideology, political structure, or governing system, it is just freedom with non-aggression. Any who aggress would be subject to any and all self-defense only, not aggression, by any anarchical society. Those who want to be ruled can have it, so long as they do not attempt to force it on those who do not.

This world is in total chaos and war, and has always been. Governments guarantee that. The fact that you ignore your own situation is mind-boggling. Do you not have your private earnings stolen through forceful and violent taxation? Have you ever been drafted into slavery, as I was? Have you ever been locked down, been subject to constant surveillance, restricted from doing almost absolutely anything without mandated licensing and extortion, had your business or work shut down, been forced to pay for war and everyone else’s welfare, been told you are not allowed to travel or work unless you take bogus tests and get bio-weapon injections, watched as transvestites and transgender idiots have invaded all schools and many government positions of power, been forced into horrendous government indoctrination centers called ’schools,’ been imprisoned for putting a plant into your body, been subject to laws concerning every aspect of your life, had your own property taxed into oblivion by government, had the fake currency supply printed into the hundreds of trillions so you pay 100 times more than you did when you were younger, been subject to protectionist policies to protect fascist corporations that disallow you from having needed goods, or been locked and imprisoned in your own home? This is a very short list, so why go on?

Screw the second amendment and the heinous constitution. I have always been armed, and always will be, but I have killed no one. Peaceful anarchists do not aggress or create violence, they only depend on actual self-defense individually or collectively. Anyone ransacking my house and threatening me or my family would be shot, period.

And lastly, I don’t give a shit about anyone wanting to live off of what I earn. That is pure theft or theft by proxy, and only scum (purposely) seek to steal from their neighbors.”

You have been brainwashed to think that you and all others cannot live and make decisions without a master class, stupid people (politicians) telling you what to do. That is a ridiculous mistake in judgement, and an admission of dependency and pathetic weakness. I do not have that gene!”

“Everyone in this country, including the Indians, are either immigrants or the progeny of immigrants. So I guess you should lump yourself into what you describe as “scum” and “invaders,” since this country is consumed by immigrants. 

It is amazing to me that the lack of intellect has gotten so widespread. It is astounding that ignorance and insanity is so common that few can see the nose in front of their dependent face.”

“If only you had a clue, but you don’t. I never called for “open borders,” unless all property was held by private individuals in a free society, and government was totally restricted or abolished from control. You cannot even read and understand simple language, so why do you expect to be coddled by your obvious insecurity?”

“Well, you were rude from your first words, but then what else could be expected?

You obviously do not want to do anything of value for yourself in order to become free. You obviously expect me or others to do it for you. How pathetic is that?”

“Maybe you should reread my article in full this time, and a couple of hundred others, and attempt to actually understand what I was saying, before you pop off with misinformation and condescending remarks.”

“Well, that is great, so why not send your plan to ‘better’ people, say maybe Tucker Carlson, or Alex Jones, or Trump, and have them implement your plan. They certainly have more clout than me, and if they fail to fix the world with your idea, then you can blame them too.”

“I care not what dumb asses think, including you. You apparently did not understand a single word I said, but that is not surprising. You would blame anyone who wanted a better life, regardless of where that life might be, and automatically assume that anyone wanting a different life in a different place, must be scum. Look around this country at the ‘legal’ Americans, and tell me that this is the ‘heaven’ you seek. The dumb asses you speak of, are the ones who have accepted a master and rule by force of this evil, heinous government, and to this day continue to beg for handouts and protection, and I am not even speaking about the government’s efforts to pay off people to come here illegitimately. You missed my entire point. Most all the morons that you speak of, are your neighbors, and not ‘illegal’ immigrants, but stupid Americans.”

“I write for me, (and those who respect freedom) not for the vast majority of dolts who have chosen to be ruled over, controlled, and who desire to be dependent on a master, and voluntarily enslaved.

I don’t give a shit what ‘others’ (those who rudely condemn my personal views) think, except that I attempt to pass on as much fact, logic, and truth as I may encounter, so that others have an opportunity to learn and act. If they do nothing, as is the norm, they will be the cause of their own demise.”

“Stupid, uninformed comments all!”

I will not apologize for these few remarks, because they were intended only for those who were deserving of my pent-up ire. A little outrage at times is good for the mind and spirit, especially when one is overwhelmed by rudeness, vulgarity, arrogance, and annoyance, and it does put a smile on my face.

Thank you, and good night!


Copyright © 2024


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

Cover image credit: geralt

The Electronic Takeover of Every Asset on Earth, “The Great Taking,” and the Control of Humanity

The Electronic Takeover of Every Asset on Earth, “The Great Taking,” and the Control of Humanity

by Gary D. Barnett
December 28, 2023


“Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin… Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money and control credit, and with a flick of a pen they will create enough to buy it back.”

~ Josiah Stamp

Sometimes things seem so complicated, that most simply avoid any effort to understand the problems facing them. Very little of anything is too complicated or too complex for any thinking individual to understand, so breaking things down to a level that is more easily understandable is often necessary for clarity. These efforts can be helped along by those with knowledge about important issues, who take the time to explain them in such a manner, that little expertise is necessary to figure out the basis of the matter at hand. A great impediment to this dilemma, is the fact that the State has over many decades, attempted, and most successfully, to dumb-down the population at large, by taking over the ‘schooling’ of each generation almost from birth until full adulthood and beyond, thereby harming the intellect of large numbers of ‘society’ to such an extent, as to effectively negate meaningful dialogue.

The result of this manufactured and manipulated outcome, has been the plotted creation of a blind, ignorant, and indifferent population, with voluminous propaganda being used as a tool of deception. This has led to mass slavery, even though the crowd for the most part, still believes due to extreme gullibility and brainwashing, that they are somehow free. This solidifies the statement made by Von Goethe, that “None are so enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free.” This country is the epitome of this reality, but few recognize the existence and scope of the extreme uncertainty confronting us, and the dire consequences of the mass inaction of the herd in the face of the staggering challenges ahead.

Our plight, at least in the economic and financial sense, has been recently explained by David Rogers Webb, in his documentary, “The Great Taking.” This is very well done so far as explaining much of what has happened, how it happened, and the players involved on Wall Street, in government and by so-called ‘law-makers,’ political regulators, corporate heads, and the central bankers, whose ability to create unlimited sums of currency has plunged this country into economic hell. A lot of what he is saying in this production is spot on, and does get very technical concerning the structuring of assets so as to place ownership of nearly everything intangible on earth in the hands of the few at the top of the banking cabal. Where he completely fails, is in his very confused ideas concerning the solutions to this takeover plot.

On one hand, he nails the problems, but on the other, he destroys all his efforts due to his gross ignorance and misunderstanding of government and the power structures bent on controlling everything. It is astounding to me that Webb understands so much about the corruption, dishonesty, and intricate criminal workings of those who control the ‘money,’ but fails miserably in his assessment of how to go about fixing these problems.

This is not uncommon, as most everyone seeks solutions from outside themselves, and inside the very failed system that has always been the problem. This is of course backward, but by accepting the system and attempting to change and reform it using that same system, negates any risk or responsibility of the individual, and places all efforts on ‘trusting’ others to be honest and noble for the benefit of the evil and moronic idea of the ‘greater good.’  Let’s just get ‘better people’ in government; let’s tell government not to seek power or expand; let’s just ‘educate’ the ruling class, because they really do not want this, but only inherited this ownership layer of power. “They (Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Royals, Presidents) did not design this, they did not put it into motion, they have allowed the juggernaut to continue; they are not particularly capable people.”

All we have to do according to Webb, is push the ‘awareness’ of the insanity of wanting to control everything, to the top levels of all the “muscle,” (politicians, agency heads, corporate heads, CIA, military brass, etc.) who enforce the criminal behavior of the real rulers, so that they will see the error of their ways, because “they did not know anything about this” plot. So all we have to do is reach people at high levels, in order to expect them to save us.

With Webb’s thinking, we do not need to get rid of this heinous system, all we need to do is repair it. We do not need a privately-owned central bank, (of course not) we need to have a central bank run like a ‘public’ utility, or in other words, the government should run the central bank and return all profits to the ‘public’ (government) and for the support of that same government. This is what I would refer to as a socialistic, communistic, nationalistic, and fascist, utopian monetary plan, based on pure fantasy.

According to Webb, “We have to have government. We have to have someone to ‘operate’ society.” “Anarchy and chaos; (opposites) we can’t have that.” His notion is that everything has to be done ‘legally,’ which only means by the forced and enforced rules of the State. All we have to do is to make government smaller, limited, and beneficial to humanity. Ah, so simple?

Enough of this poppycock, love and respect of the evil State, its laws, and the expectation that by informing the ruling class that it is not being good, that they will understand their complicity in evil, and voluntarily reverse everything they have done perpetually throughout history, and only act as benevolent masters and ‘leaders,’ ministers of peace for humanity, and lowly saints of man. All this nonsense means is that a full reliance on educating the near top level of rule, so that they will speak out against what is happening; those high level politicians, billionaires, corporate heads, and banking magnates, and then the ‘system’ will repair itself for the betterment of mankind.

All assets on earth are on the chopping block, as all assets are coming under the control of the ruling master class. The electronic takeover of all monetary, credit, and debt systems, total control the internet, and the all-consuming growth of artificial ‘intelligence,’ are going ahead full steam, and once in place universally, once all monetary transactions are digital, once CBDCs and other central bank monetary units (fed coins, etc.) are in place, and when currencies are cleared and controlled from a global central source or sources, the total loss of control by individuals, will be the result. All property will be subject to confiscation and management by the State, including the very lives of the sheep.

The bankers own the earth, (and all politicians) and will never give up their power to create money out of thin air, and without limit. Even if government was to somehow take over the monetary system and control the central bank, a joke to be sure, it would never rectify this gross corruption, or act in favor of the people. The entire system is the problem; government is the problem, so in order for any escape from this insanity, in order to ever regain any aspect of real freedom, this entire system, all of it, must be abolished.

Nothing of value can ever come from seeking redress from the same government that is the oppressor of humanity. No government or ruling class controlling government, will ever limit its own power in favor of individual sovereignty, for that would automatically negate any need of government or rule. No government or rule should exist, as it is completely immoral for any man to rule another by force. The natural state of  man is to be free, and this is the responsibility of each and every individual; each and every one of you.

“Between the government which does evil and the people who accept it – there is a certain shameful solidarity.”

~ Victor Hugo


Reference links:

The Great Taking

The End of the World as We Know It

Harmonizing central bank digital currencies for cross-border transactions

Copyright © 2023


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

Cover image credit: RichardsDrawings

I Love ‘My Country’ — ‘My Country’ Is Best??

I Love ‘My Country’ — ‘My Country’ Is Best??

by Gary D. Barnett
December 12, 2023


“Nationalism of one kind or another was the cause of most of the genocide of the twentieth century. Flags are bits of colored cloth that governments use first to shrink-wrap people’s minds and then as ceremonial shrouds to bury the dead.”

~ Arundhati Roy

Ah, nationalism and patriotism, the scourge of all mankind. Just the thought of these terms brings to mind a telling song by John Prine; “Your Flag Decal Won’t Get You Into Heaven Anymore.” I have long considered the heinous nature of nationalism and patriotism an afront to all things good in life; merely excuses for hate, hypocrisy, gross arrogance, and committing atrocities against innocents on a massive scale. Most country’s peoples tend to think well of themselves, a natural phenomenon, and in many cases, they think they are the best, but no country’s population on earth has ever taken this position to any such obscene extreme exceeding that of the people of the United States of America. This insane position consumes many if not most in this country today, even though this is a time of hating any traditional history or moral structure ever to exist. They believe this simply because they are here by an accident of birth, and nothing more. This useless attitude has brought nothing but brutality, massacre, aggressive war, and the slaughter and murder of others around the world, and left this country and the rest of humanity much worse off than imagined.

No one can even define what it means to “love a country” or “hate a country,” mainly because it means nothing. When the rulership uses these terms, it is meant as a trick to fool the people into supporting the State and its governing forces. When the common dolts use these terms, it means a support for all that government does right or wrong, but since governments cannot do right, it really means that the people who claim to be patriots and nationalists support most all government action that is heinous and wrong. This is the essence of horrific nationalism, and the antithesis of independence and freedom. This is why those who claim to be patriots and nationalists, usually have no clue as to what they speak.

Before some of you have a cow, let me clarify a few things. First, I have rarely, if ever, heard any say “I love my country,” who were simply referring to nature, the landscape, or the societal herd. It is almost always said as a political statement, and in many cases, it is in direct relation to support for aggressive war, or egotistical exceptionalism, neither of which are legitimate. In addition, these terms are used as weapons against any who do not toe the line of worship for the State and all the evil it does in the name of its captive ‘citizens.’ There are even firm rules as to how the blood-soaked cloth called the ‘flag,’ must be treated and respected, as if it were a living being instead of a hideous symbol of a nation-state and its totalitarian government. These vile terms also indicate that one must support without question, the brutal escapades of the murderous military, who will kill anything or anybody on orders from the State and its military heads running the war machine.

Every single American should know, but they do not, that any real ‘patriot’ would negate, disobey, dissent, fight against the State and its government, and never blindly support it. No real ‘patriot,’ would ever kill anyone on orders, and would only use force for actual self-defense, not to prop up the State’s power, and fill the coffers of the profiteers of war. In my case, I would never support any State, government, any governing entity of any kind, any war, or any rule for any reason. I guess that would make me the ultimate ‘patriot,’ but I so abhor that label. The mere mention of it turns my stomach because it is so misunderstood and mis-used.

There are those out there who say that they ‘love’ their country but not its government. This confusing statement is usually meant as an attempt for one to separate himself so as to take both sides at once, and more times than not, I have heard several politicians attempt this strategy. That is telling, as they are already a part of the State, but feign disgust while remaining in their position of power in the State hierarchy. As you can clearly see, this is just blatant hypocrisy.

How many of you have ever said to others that you “love your country?” When you said it, what did you really mean? How did you justify claiming  the country was ‘yours?’ Did you claim ownership of the country because you were born here, or were able to move here by gaining permission from a heinous government to be a captured, indentured, and taxed citizen-slave? Or like the majority who might say these words, were you saying this to show that you accept this country’s existence and its activities ‘good’ or bad?

The ruling sector of this country and its government are committing atrocities on a daily basis, and have been doing so since the so-called founding. As I write this, the U.S. is up to its neck in a partnered genocide with Zionist Israel of an entire people in Palestine. The brutality, torture, humiliation, and murder of innocents by Zionists, their enforcers, and their supporters and partners, is horrendous, and being done in the open, and without any moral constraint whatsoever. This is pure evil, so how could any sane person support a ‘country’ (nation-state) guilty of such sadistic barbarity?

This country’s government has been warring aggressively for nearly its entire history over almost 250 years, murdering or causing the death of tens of millions of innocents, and more likely, is responsible for hundreds of millions of maiming’s and death over time. Carpet bombings and chemical and biological weapon releases against civilians worldwide has been a mainstay, whether in Germany, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, and the Middle East, and now of course in Palestine. The death (slaughter by sanction) of 500,000 Iraqi children under the age of 5 years, was lauded by Secretary of State Madeline Albright (your government ‘representative’) as worth it, as loudly announced to the world without pause or concern. All of you have been lied to, abused, stolen from, had your children used as cannon fodder, and had your lives torn apart by this country’s governing system, and yet, you still scream out “love of ‘country” while waving a flag of death. Recently, you have been locked down, held in home prisons, forced to wear worthless masks and take deadly toxic bioweapon injections, lost your jobs, and watched as intentional inflation is devastating the entirety of this population, with of course, the exception of the rich and powerful, who continue to revel in your misery as they get wealthier while taking over the world.

I have not even scratched the surface of all the horrors of government, all governments, that are supported by clueless populations seeking false protection and dependency, while clinging to mass indifference, pretending not to see the terror committed in their name.

Many will think this view too extreme, but is it really? I think not, as one honest look at this country and the world today should send shockwaves of terror throughout all societies, as humanity sinks deeper and deeper into the abyss of an immoral and empty existence consumed by hate and mass slavery to the State. This world today is little more than one after another concentration camp filled with people who have been taught and conditioned to give up everything to their masters. They languish in the idiocy of rule, labor for the benefit of the State, while discarding their own sovereignty in favor of obedience and reverence to their masters.

 All wars are civil wars because all men are brothers… Each one owes infinitely more to the human race than to the particular country in which he was born.”

~ Francois de Salignac de La Mothe- Fenelon

Copyright © 2023


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

Cover image credit: ArtTwirled

A World Where Genocide of Civilians Is Not Only Accepted, but Cheered

A World Where Genocide of Civilians Is Not Only Accepted, but Cheered


“But in the bright light of truth and honesty, this has been only offensive and unrestrained aggression. Zionism is not Judaism, it is a tyrannical political cult bent on power, control, and the elimination of Palestine in favor of a singular ‘Jewish’ State.. Zionism is colonialism, pure and simple, a political/nationalist movement, formed and plotted for the purpose of taking over lands of the peoples in that region, and by any means necessary. This plot was decades in the making, with deals solidified with Nazi Germany, the U.K., and the U.S. According to Jewish historian, Ilan Pappe, ‘Zionist leaders were well aware that implementing their project would necessitate the ethnic cleansing of the indigenous Palestinian population…”


“People have the ability to live together in harmony, but governments have no ability to live in peace, because the only mission of ‘authority’ is to attain power and control by any means necessary in its rule based only on the dominance of others. Reclaim the higher ground as individuals, and completely eliminate and destroy all forms of government and rule, as war is their health, fear, violence, and killing are their tools, and elimination of dissent is their only means of survival…”


by Gary D. Barnett
November 2, 2023


“In Gaza, some of us cannot completely die.

Every time a bomb falls, every time shrapnel hits our graves,

every time the rubble piles up on our heads,

we are awakened from our temporary death.”

~ Mosab Abu Toha, Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear: Poems from Gaza

I wish I could say that this world of genocide, democide, torture, terror, and slaughter of innocents was something new, but of course it is not. The story of mankind is one of horrible brutality, and it is never-ending. The latest atrocity is the ethnic cleansing and slaughter of innocents in Palestine, and the majority are children. This is the purposeful slaughter of Palestinians at the hands of the Zionists; this after 75 years of ruthless savagery levied against them. My comments here are in no way meant to support Hamas, or any State, government, or terrorist organization, but then that is repetitive, as all States, governments, terrorists, and those who control them, are cut from the same cloth, and are pure evil. That is the nature of all States, organized ruling governments, and criminal terrorists.

Because of the history of man, many would think that his natural state would be that of evil, and given what has occurred over thousands of years, one might be justified in accepting this conclusion, but I think it is much more complicated than it appears. On the other hand, one comment I hear consistently, at least by Americans, is that most people are basically good. I think this incorrect as well, so where does that leave us? It seems to me that the natural state of man, at least psychologically, is more sympathetic and peaceful than is evident, but the stoking of hate and division by very nefarious forces, and the purposeful instilling of great fear, has been voluntarily accepted by the majority, and this has caused constant turmoil among nation-states, leading to horrendous nationalism. Because of this intentionally structured antagonism among peoples, constant war has been the result, and this has led to a common behavior that would be best described as dual hatred. What is meant by this statement, is that governments and rulers are certainly evil, but due to the intentional instilling of nationalism, the majority supports State evil due to false ‘patriotism,’ apathy, and fear; this greatly enhanced by the collectivist nature of nationalism.

We live in a ‘modern’ world where the bulk of populations, if given the opportunity to do so, will more than not, choose non-aggression, but they are willing to turn their heads in the face of brutality, war, and carnage instead of facing the truth. Human nature is fickle, and a spectacle of inverted logic. When one is confronted with a death of friend or family, there may be a cry of agony. When a small group of innocents is mercilessly slaughtered by horrendous means, torment may occur. But when thousands or millions are murdered by States and their armies, a heavy fog of indifference takes over the psyche, and a cloak of silence spreads, covering the crowd. One might say that this is just a protective mechanism, but in reality, by remaining silent, it is an acceptance of evil, which is in and of itself, evil. Until this is understood, evil will reside not only in those who perpetrate this terror, but also in those who stay silent and support or condone it.

First and foremost, there is no real war between Israel and Palestine, there is only war against Palestine. There is no war against Hamas, at least not in any conventional sense, because Hamas was created, built, funded, and supported by the Zionist Israeli government and Mossad, with the assistance of the U.S. government and the CIA. This is also true of groups like ISIS and al Qaeda. The Palestinian people have no military, no navy, no tanks, no rockets, and no arms. They are virtually helpless civilians, mostly children, locked inside a completely walled concentration camp, that is heavily guarded by the Israeli military and Mossad. They are relegated to throwing rocks at Israel’s world class military that consists of advanced weaponry that qualifies as the third most powerful military in the world. This is a slaughter and genocide of these people for political, geopolitical, and monetary purposes, and is nothing more than intentional, unbridled, and inhuman wrath against a persecuted population.

What is so confusing is that this torturous brutality, land and property confiscation, mutilation, starvation, and humiliation by Zionists against Palestinians, has gone on relentlessly for the past 75 years under the guise of a false claiming of a long-inhabited territory; all in the bogus name of defense of a forced Zionist State. But in the bright light of truth and honesty, this has been only offensive and unrestrained aggression. Zionism is not Judaism, it is a tyrannical political cult bent on power, control, and the elimination of Palestine in favor of a singular ‘Jewish’ State.. Zionism is colonialism, pure and simple, a political/nationalist movement, formed and plotted for the purpose of taking over lands of the peoples in that region, and by any means necessary. This plot was decades in the making, with deals solidified with Nazi Germany, the U.K., and the U.S. According to Jewish historian, Ilan Pappe“Zionist leaders were well aware that implementing their project would necessitate the ethnic cleansing of the indigenous Palestinian population.”

This is a very deep and complicated subject matter, and this short essay is obviously not meant to be an historical accounting of Zionism, but it is vitally important to understand the background of this heinous movement that is not what it has always been falsely portrayed to be. There is no innocence in Zionism, as would be true of any brutal and violent nationalist movement.

The bottom line is this: We are witnessing the unrelenting genocide of a people at the hands of the world powers. It is being sold as a defensive effort due to aggressive terrorism by Hamas, an Israeli created organization, used as a patsy, whether accepted or not by the casual observer, to allow for the long-planned and final elimination of all Palestinians from their homelands. But it is so much deeper than this implies. The West, especially the United States government, the CIA, the U.S. military, and the entire U.S. military industrial complex, among many other Fascist corporate partners, are in full support of this genocide. What this means, is that the U.S. population, the masses if you will, are complicit as well in this inhumane, immoral, and brutally evil plot to slaughter and murder an entire people. They are after all, at least a majority,  condoning it through taking sides, and allowing the funding of this murderous rampage with their own tax dollars stolen by the government they support.

Geopolitically, this becomes a springboard  for regional or world conflict, all for the purpose of continuing the drive toward a one world government; a secret global governing cabal, which has the one goal of attaining total power and control of all populations. Depending on the agendas sought, the involvement of powers due to this plot, could include Russia, China, Iran, the entire Middle East, the U.S., the U.K., and all of NATO. One can just imagine the carnage possible in the future due to what is deceptively claimed to be a struggle between only Israel and undefended Palestine. It is anything but that, but by framing this as a localized regional conflict, the masses of plebiscites will take sides, thus allowing the rulers and their enforcement monsters, to assume a much larger aggression, and one that will affect everyone on earth.

How can any accept this horror? How can any not speak against it, and refuse to support any factions and nation-states, instead of embracing the plight of all innocent victims, regardless of sides? Condemn all who harm the innocent. Condemn the governments and rulers, and their murderous armies, who stoke and perpetuate this violent assault on civilians. People have the ability to live together in harmony, but governments have no ability to live in peace, because the only mission of ‘authority’ is to attain power and control by any means necessary in its rule based only on the dominance of others. Reclaim the higher ground as individuals, and completely eliminate and destroy all forms of government and rule, as war is their health, fear, violence, and killing are their tools, and elimination of dissent is their only means of survival.

“We will expel the Arabs and take their place. In each attack, a decisive blow should be struck resulting in the destruction of homes and the expulsion of the population.”

David Ben-Gurion: Zionist and first Prime Minister of Israel–Letters to his son, 1937


Reference links:

Zionism as Colonialism

How Israel was created

The Israeli false flag and genocide of Gaza

U.S. Department of ‘Defense’ continued support of Israel


Copyright © 2023


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

Cover image credit: Enoch111

The Zionist Israeli State, Hamas, and All Governments Everywhere, Do Not Give a Damn About ‘The People’

The Zionist Israeli State, Hamas, and All Governments Everywhere, Do Not Give a Damn About ‘The People’

by Gary D. Barnett
October 17, 2023


“You are not Christians. You are not Jews. You are not Muslims. And you certainly aren’t atheists. You all have the same god, and its name is ‘government.’ You’re all members of the most evil, insane, destructive cult in history. If there ever was a devil, the state is it. And you worship it with all your heart and soul.”

~ Larken Rose, The Iron Web

There is much to be said about the evil occurring in the Middle East, and the absolute heinous nature of the Israeli government and Hamas, the claimed ‘leadership’ (ruling class) of Israel and Palestine. The governing aspects of both are insanely wicked, psychopathic, and these entities are murderers of the innocent. They are tied at the hip, as Hamas was created, supported, and funded, by the Zionist Israeli government and its so-called ‘intelligence’ service Mossad, and constantly used against the people of both countries. But this is only the tip of the iceberg, as virtually all governments everywhere act in the same manner, even if to a lesser degree of terror in some cases. In fact, the U.S. government, its CIA, and others are in full support of Israel, to the great detriment of all these countries.

After much research, it seems brutally obvious that this situation in Israel was long-planned, as is most always the case, was almost certainly a false flag attack, meant to get the backing of the Israeli people and much of the western world, so that they would accept and support the genocide of the 2 million Palestinian people in Gaza; mostly unarmed, undefended, women and children. Many of the reports and claims of brutality in Israel by the complicit media, have been exposed as lies, but if that is any surprise to anyone, I would be amazed. Certainly, any acts of violence and death of civilians on either side is atrocious, but much has been misrepresented in order to justify the slaughter and murder of the defenseless people of Gaza, who are locked inside a walled concentration camp patrolled by the Israeli military. Most every claim has become suspect, and in essence, these claimed acts of terror could have only occurred if that was the desired plan of the Israeli ruling class all along. This is no surprise, it was no accident, or breach of Israeli security, as the only way this could have happened in my view, was if it was a premeditated and managed plot to bring about the elimination of Palestine, by using and sacrificing the Israeli people as well, and possibly to also bring about a larger-scale regional or world war involving Iran and Russia.

Israel’s government and military have committed many acts of terror, false flags, conspiracy, bombings, aggressive war, and murder against those in the Middle East, as well as against the U.S., Britain, and others around the world. This statement is factual, but is not meant to absolve those mentioned of the same crimes against humanity, especially given the history of the murderous policies of the U.S. and British empires, along with their western allies. It has always been my position that the U.S. government and its military, including the CIA, and every complicit bureaucracy, have been the worst and most aggressive warmongering of all nation states in history, and Israel has been complicit and intimately involved in much of that carnage as well for decades.

This situation today is pure evil, and could lead to events that could change the world in very disastrous and deadly ways for all; even to such an extent as to threaten mankind. But that leads us to the real problem in all our lives, and exposes the biggest threat to the human population, which is any and all central authority, governments, and rule. You see, no government cares in the least about the people, as those who choose to rule are monsters bent only on money, power, and control over those it dominates. They do not give a damn about what they consider to be the “useless eaters,” and treat all as sheep to be herded into submission and compliance, or slaughtered for the sole benefit of the agendas of the State.

In this current horrifying onslaught of innocents, the people in Gaza are the initial target, but this will only lead to more murderous attacks against innocents in the future. None of us are safe so long as these heinous governments are allowed to exist at all. This is what needs to be fully understood by the seemingly helpless masses who continue to rely on governments to guide, dominate, and control them.

The most prevalent attitude today among the people of this earth is uncertainty, which leads to indifference. It seems only the very few are willing to face reality, while nearly the entirety of populations choose voluntarily to rely on a master’s plan for their lives. Each of us is capable of so much more, but courage to accept the truth is lacking, and this brings about an apathetic attitude so powerful that it disallows the natural state of man; which is freedom. As Carl Jung put it:

“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakes.”

Life is not about bending to the will of others, it is not about outside influence and opinion, society’s expectations, peer pressure, or fear. All power as Nietzsche so correctly stated, lies with self, not with others, and self-determination brings one to a place of confidence instead of a place of submission and compliance. The natural state of the individual is to gain power over self, but never to seek power over others. Those who choose the latter, any and all who choose to rule, have succumbed to psychopathy, and should be considered the scourge of the earth. They only appear strong because those they rule are weak. All responsibility lies with each of us, and never relies on collective madness.

We live in a world of authority. We live in a world where some claim to hold truth, and to possess great knowledge, but it is only their knowledge and their truth alone, as they cannot possess all knowledge. Not one on earth can know but an infinitesimal amount of what there is to know. In other words, no individual knows anything of what there is to know. We are each and every one of us unique individuals, we are not drones to be used and controlled, but there are those who pretend to be all-knowing, and who claim to hold the ultimate truths, and who desire to rule as masters of all domains. All authority of one over another is absurd, as we are autonomous beings, and not meant to be ruled. Blind obedience is what ‘authority’ seeks, and only depraved monsters hold to such insanity as this.

What is happening to the Palestinian people, and to some of the Israeli people, is but a preview of what can and will happen to the rest of you. To ignore this, is to abandon all logic and reason. Americans long ago abandoned all freedom, and are headed for disaster. Look deeply into what has happened these past few years, look deeply around the world, and understand that all tyranny outside will soon be tyranny inside. The only escape is to eliminate all government rule, to never comply, to never allow your lives to be controlled by others who claim false superiority over you, to never support any government or State aggression of any kind, and to question absolutely everything.

“Action is hope. There is no hope without action.”

~ Ray Bradbury


Reference links:

The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany

Zionist terrorism and the British response

Zionist bombing of the King David Hotel 1946

The Lavon Affair: How a Israeli false flag bombing operation led to war

The Transfer (Haavara) Agreement between the Zionists and Nazis

How Israel was actually created

The Israeli false flag and the genocide of Gaza

Balfour’s time bomb: The other side of the news

U.S. Department of Defense supports Israeli war

Americans continue to back support of Israeli war

Copyright © 2023


Connect with Gary D.  Barnett

Cover image credit: geralt

This Long Plotted World Takeover Scheme Is More Advanced Than Any Normal Human Can Fathom

This Long Plotted World Takeover Scheme Is More Advanced Than Any Normal Human Can Fathom 


“The takeover framework of these ruling psychopaths is based always on the prototype of problem-reaction-solution, of which all are fake premeditated events and false emergencies; conspiracies in fact, meant to instill fear, hatred, or confusion, so that the State can pretend to come to the rescue of its hapless slave-class.”


“While the state continues to build its new world order, the general population is consumed by one after another false flag event, claimed ’emergency,’ or new ‘threat,’ as stated by the ruling class bent on taking over the world. While the masses are at each other’s throats, the state continues its drive toward total domination. What this indicates is that the people are complicit in their own slavery due to their inability to see the big picture, while concentrating on every distraction thrown at them by this evil ruling force.”


This Long Plotted World Takeover Scheme Is More Advanced Than Any Normal Human Can Fathom 

by Gary D. Barnett
September 21, 2023


“The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining supercapitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control. Do I mean a conspiracy? Yes, I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, incredibly evil in intent.”

~ Rep. Larry P. MacDonald [Note: Lawrence McDonald was killed (likely murdered) on Korean Air Lines 007, 1983, a few months after making this statement.]

To begin, I will preface my remarks by saying that this is an attempt to explain in simple terms, very complicated financial and economic crimes being used against Americans, and also against the entire world population, in order to create and sustain total control over humanity. This is meant to manifest itself in the concept of one world governance, the ‘Great Reset,’ or the New World Order.

This may seem a bold statement; it is not, but once you understand that everything that has happened over many decades is linked, especially since the plotted and premeditated false flag event called ‘9/11,’ you should be able to recognize the massive number of obvious connections that are incredibly evil.

It has recently become more prevalent by mostly alternative news sites and bloggers, to put forth the notion that many are waking up, and that the people are winning the battle for freedom. In my opinion, this is just not so, and in fact is misleading, as false hope is the driving force of this thinking.

It is evident that more are claiming to be against government tyranny, but absolutely nothing has been done to reduce or eliminate the power of the State at any level to date. In addition, the nefarious efforts of the State and its controllers continue to expand, and the drive toward more draconian policies is never-ending.

In the current environment, it is not known what the reaction by the masses might be considering the vast and imminent array of so-called ’emergencies’ that are certain to arise as this controlling cabal seeks to advance its agendas, but if the past is any indication, compliance should be expected.

The takeover framework of these ruling psychopaths is based always on the prototype of problem-reaction-solution, of which all are fake premeditated events and false emergencies; conspiracies in fact, meant to instill fear, hatred, or confusion, so that the State can pretend to come to the rescue of its hapless slave-class.

This strategy has worked most every time it has been tried to date, and the herd continues to simply go along, regardless of the erroneous rhetoric being spewed that this populace is winning. It is not, and so long as the State continues and succeeds in its push to remake and transform society, whether psychologically, financially, or economically, the power of the ruling class and its governing system, will advance its wealth transfers, its monetary monopoly, and its depopulation efforts.

Psychological manipulation and control is necessary in order for the State thugs to accomplish their mission of world takeover, but financial and economic control is mandatory.

This brings us to the real question; who owns and controls this world? It is certainly the big banking cartels, including all central banks, the large corporate magnates, the government protected NGO foundations, and of course, the entire global asset industry, which by 2020 controlled well over $100 trillion dollars. But who owns and controls all of these entities? Who has controlling interest in everything on earth? That is Blackrock and The Vanguard Group, and as I explained a year ago:

“There are a few thousand institutional investment firms that own every large bank, every large corporation, every large investment firm, every ‘news’ outlet, every large communication company, every large pharmaceutical company, every large transportation company; in other words, most every large company on earth is owned by these institutional investors. In turn, the small institutional investment firms are owned by larger institutional investment firms, and the larger investment firms, are owned by even larger investment firms. The two institutional investment companies that are the major owners and controllers of all the others in the world are Vanguard Holdings and Blackrock, and Vanguard is the largest shareholder (owner) of Blackrock. What this means is that Vanguard and Blackrock own and control this planet.”

The current CEO of Vanguard is Tim Buckley, and of course, the head and founder of the powerful Blackrock institution is Larry Fink. It should be noted that Fink and Blackrock have attained a position of extreme and almost infinite power over finance and economics, and according to many are now the fourth branch of government.

The connections of Fink are incredibly telling of the power wielded by Blackrock. Blackrock effectively has control of the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury, as well as banks around the world. It should be noted that Fink was appointed to the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Board on August 22, 2019, the onset of the fraudulent ‘covid pandemic,’ which was set up, solidified, and begun, the same month that Fink took his seat on the board of the WEF.

To gain a full picture of Fink and Blackrock’s history through today, watch this superb documentary by James Corbett; “How Blackrock Conquered the World.” In it, Corbett explains with full reference in video and text, how the entire ‘covid’ hoax was staged, and was first and foremost a financial takeover coup led by Blackrock. This connection of dots and people is of vital importance.

As I mentioned earlier, this is a very simplistic view of events, but it is necessary to tie a few things together in order that all can be seen to be completely connected; which would indicate a vast conspiracy that has been propagated over a long period of time.

All so-called ’emergencies’ since the fraudulent 9/11 inside job, have much in common, and why would they not, as the main agenda of world governing domination was always the goal sought.

Consider just three events, but there are many, many more, over that time.

The buildings that came down on 9/11 were turned into powder, an impossibility with fire caused by jet fuel. Consider that cars far away from any fire were burned to nothing, with melted metal, aluminum, windshield glass; all as if by spontaneous combustion.

But the same thing happened in the Paradise, California fires in 2018, with many similarities, including the incredible damage to automobiles not even in the path of fires that had to be well above any heat level of a wildfire.

The same also just occurred this past month in Lahaina, Hawaii.

How could this be? It could not, unless similar or exact methods of destruction were plotted beforehand, and carried out by criminal State (military) means. And this is happening around the world as well, all falsely explained away by the complicit and controlled mainstream media.

One very telling aspect of all these bogus ’emergencies,’ from 9/11 to Maui, is that Wall Street and the financial firms, the institutional asset firms, central banks, defense contractors, and military-controlled tech companies, and of course this includes Blackrock, tended to gain huge profits, capture (steal through land grabs) more property, government contracts, and massive bailout money, while walking away from disaster far richer and more powerful than ever before possible.

This happened with 9/11, the 2008 finance and housing collapse, the fake ‘covid’ plot, and now with the ultimate weapon against humanity, the completely illegitimate ‘climate change’ agenda; and this agenda placed Blackrock at the top of the heap worldwide, of this criminal fraud.

Each and every emergency brings about a bigger and more powerful State, more restrictions, more regulation, more mandates, more lockdowns, less travel, and more surveillance and censorship. This is all by design, and never coincidental or accidental, as all is a deliberate plot against humanity.

Regardless of political considerations or parties, this assault against us all is ongoing, and forever expanding. Every incident, every manipulation, every ’emergency,’ has been planned far in advance, and the world takeover is now closer at hand.

While the state continues to build its new world order, the general population is consumed by one after another false flag event, claimed ’emergency,’ or new ‘threat,’ as stated by the ruling class bent on taking over the world. While the masses are at each other’s throats, the state continues its drive toward total domination. What this indicates is that the people are complicit in their own slavery due to their inability to see the big picture, while concentrating on every distraction thrown at them by this evil ruling force.

What is being ignored is that this world has already been taken over and is being fully controlled by the very few, and the fighting of one against another is continuing to aid in this takeover plot. By concentrating on each and every tyrannical distraction, the people have left themselves open to dictatorial management, and in the process have lost all ability to stop the totalitarian usurpation of their lives and property at the hands of the financial cabal bent on world rule. By treating each indiscretion as independent of the real agenda being sought, nothing is being done to stop the state in its efforts to fully control all people on earth.

By participating in the political and ‘voting’ process; a process designed and implemented for the single purpose of control, by concentrating on the political side shows, by attempting to use corrupt government courts to gain redress from tyrannical maneuvers, by accepting the ruling system as legitimate, by allowing the Federal Reserve and all banks the ability to monitor and control assets through complete digitization, the lowly people are digging their own graves.

It may already be too late to continue this asinine exercise in futility, as the ruling class few are in control of the systems that will allow them to complete their takeover plot.

The only answer to this evil attempt to destroy us in favor of the few most powerful, is to negate all government, to negate and abolish the federal reserve system, to disallow any and all control by the banking cartels, to stop any and all efforts to monopolize the economic and monetary system’s efforts to create and implement any central bank digital currencies, and to not accept any new feigned emergency concerning health, fake ‘climate change,’ war threats, unnatural events, or any other intentional  criminal acts meant to cause undue fear among the seemingly helpless proletariat.

The people are not winning; they are losing, but this deadly assault on humanity can still be reversed if even a small majority stand up and take responsibility for their own lives and freedom.

If the current trend continues, if the bulk of this population persists in hiding from the truth, if most expect others to save them, all will be lost, but if any true actionable awakening by large numbers becomes evident, the state will fold. This will never happen with any election, and no politician can change the course we are on, as depending on any  master participating in this evil governing system, is the epitome of failure, and can only lead to eternal enslavement.

 “The one thing man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by a World Government, a New World Order.”

~ Henry A. Kissinger


Copyright © 2023

Connect with Gary D. Barnett

Cover image credit: EvgeniT

The Government Slaughter in Lahaina: Eerily Similar to NYC on September 11, 2001

The Government Slaughter in Lahaina: Eerily Similar to What Happened in New York on September 11, 2001


“Cars were melted where no evidence of a fire was even present, and the scene looked eerily similar, almost exact, as to what happened in New York on September 11, 2001. This is not coincidental, it is apparent, and telling of a pre-planned slaughter and mass destruction.”


The Government Slaughter in Lahaina: Maui Revisited!

by Gary D. Barnett
September 11, 2023


“Whoever lays his hand on me to govern me is a usurper and tyrant, and I declare him my enemy.”

~ Pierre-Joseph Proudhon

We are in the midst of a heinous crime in what is falsely referred to as the ‘American’ State of Hawaii, so vile and evil, that it should sicken all who have any remote possibility of exhibiting mental acquaintance with truth, compassion, or empathy.

The State’s attack on the people of Maui was in my studied opinion, premeditated, brutal, murderous beyond explanation, and targeted to achieve a preconceived agenda which was the total destruction of Lahaina by extreme property devastation and mass death of much of the local population. This was necessary in the mind of the State in order to steal the land and rebuild based on the World Economic Forum and U.N. plan for captured cities, as evidenced by the evil piece of garbage governor, Josh Green, who immediately claimed he wanted to acquire by theft the purposely destroyed land and property for the State, while smoldering embers still burned, and bodies had not been found.

Today, I went to the ten top mainstream news sites searching all news stories, and did not find a single story about the Lahaina fires, except one showing the slimy Biden sleeping while at a meeting with Maui victims; this after offering these victims $700 per family after they had lost everything, including many of their family members.

In other words, this story has been purposely scrubbed from view, not different than what happened after the intentional chemical fire devastated East Palestine, Ohio, and left that town and many others with deadly pollutants.

A tall black fence was actually built around the town of Lahaina, at taxpayer cost of course, and a no fly zone order was given to hide the gruesome murder scene from any view and scrutiny.

What is insanely troubling about the reporting concerning this horrific crime in Maui by all mainstream outlets, and even many alternative sites, is that most continue to call this a ‘wild fire,’ while the evidence of such nonsense does not exist. The anomalies and reactions to this so-called ‘natural’ event, are staggering beyond recognition, and reek of the stench of total corruption at the highest levels.

This was a land grab of epoch proportion, but it was much worse than that, as high death counts were pursued by the State thugs, as they locked the residents of Lahaina inside the rings of deadly fire likely caused by directed energy and microwave attacks; creating fires that were strategically targeted, with heat that was in some cases double that of any wild fire.

This was clearly evident given the melting of aluminum and steel, and also the melting of automobile windshields which requires heat at or above 2,500 degrees. Cars were melted where no evidence of a fire was even present, and the scene looked eerily similar, almost exact, as to what happened in New York on September 11, 2001.

This is not coincidental, it is apparent, and telling of a pre-planned slaughter and mass destruction.

The fires in Maui that were said to have been caused ‘naturally,’ a brazen lie, were almost identical to the fires in Paradise, California as well; fires that were targeted, burning homes to white ash without burning trees or plastic, and in areas desired by the State criminals for rebuilding so-called “smart cities.”

In Lahaina, homes of the very rich were magically spared, as were certain state buildings, grand hotels, and other areas of State favor.

But the homes and families of the local residents were attacked head on, with absolutely no regard for the lives or property of these innocent people.

The ‘crime’ supposedly committed, as seen by the State, was not bowing down, and giving up their homes and lives voluntarily, so a direct false flag action of slaughter and murder was created to complete the State’s agenda of land theft. To hell with the people and their property was the private battle cry of these State politicians and their murderous enforcers called police.

No sirens were turned on even though there were 80 active sirens on Maui.

All water was turned off so fires could not be fought.

Wi-fi was turned off, as was most all electric power.

Roads out were closed, and police roadblocks were manned to forcibly keep all the residents inside the fire perimeter, causing purposeful mass death.

Schools were shut down, so that children were home alone when these intentional fires raged through Lahaina, and many burned to death without help from any State service. The real numbers of deaths are still being hidden as far as I can tell.

In addition, before and after the fire, speculators were attempting to buy these properties, and while bodies were still unfound, the government announced its intentions to buy up this land.

None of these are coincidences, but the State and its complicit media would have you believe that all of these, and many, many, more impossibilities are all coincidental. How could anyone with two brain cells to rub together, buy into the propagandized narratives being presented by the evil State?

I fully realize, especially considering the nearly complete lack of any ability to think critically by the masses, that what I am presenting here will be ignored by a very large swath of the population.

The long-term dumbing down of individuals, and the now digitally-manipulated population, has embraced indifference to such an extent, as to have escaped all reality. In fact, common sense, logic, and reason appear to be nearly non-existent generally speaking. It is much easier for the collective herd to believe the State narratives than to do the work necessary to ferret out fact and truth.

Unfortunately, the ruling class understands this weak and apathetic trait that seems to have captured the very large percentage of dead men walking among us.

How much more obvious corruption, lies, and murder at the hands of the State will have to take place before any majority comes to terms with the reality that this world is ending in favor of mass slavery and depopulation? Will the flock ever fight back?

The forced annexation of Hawaii, the staged Pearl Harbor attack, the world wars, Operation Northwoods, MK Ultra, the Cuban missile crisis, the JFK assassination, Operation Gladio, U.S. aggressive invasion after invasion, Desert Storm, 9/11, the Patriot Act, the War of Terror, the fake ‘covid pandemic,’ bogus ‘climate change, intentional chemical spills, and weather geo-engineering; these just a few of the major false flag events, and government terror operations that have taken place.

Now there are deliberately set fires in Canada, all over the U.S., Hawaii, Australia, Turkey, Greece, China, and many other areas, and the sheep continue to hide their proverbial heads in the sand.

Everything happening is planned, and being done intentionally in order to achieve a particular agenda. This has been outlined, discussed openly, warned about, written about in policy journals at the WEF, WHO, U.N., and most everywhere else I might add. The big picture has been discussed for decades, and the agenda being sought is a one-world governing order, where the ‘elite’ rule all, and the rest of us are slaves of the State.

This agenda is as clear as day, so why cannot the lowly collective herd see that the way to achieve this evil goal is for the State to destroy the current system in favor of a system that will allow the control of everyone?

Each planned event, whether fire, weather, war, geo-engineering, bio-weapon production and use, fake ‘viruses,’ and every so-called emergency, are staged only to create fear and panic through economic devastation, property theft, (land grabs) monetary and transaction digitization, mass surveillance, and total censorship.

Will the blind ever see, will the deaf ever hear, will the dumb ever speak, or will the bulk of this dependent and lazy population, simply sit back locked inside their cell phones and ‘social media’ absurdity, waiting for the end of times?

No one should forget or ignore what happened, and is happening in Maui. Your neighborhood could be next, and what chance will you have given the advanced weapon systems being used against us by the military industrial complex, and its controllers?

The government controls nothing, as all politicians and their enforcers are fully controlled themselves, and act on orders from the real ruling class. Denounce them, abandon them and eliminate them, so that the real rulers will have no cover!

“I have certain rules I live by. My first rule: I don’t believe anything the government tells me. Nothing. Zero.”

~ George Carlin


Best explanation by 48 year arborist concerning Lahaina, Maui fires

Maui Fire video and comments

Lahaina land grab

Lahaina, Maui and California fire anomalies

Arson, DEW, HAARP, fake ‘climate change’ and fires

The U.S. is the false flag empire

Hawaii governor declares ’emergency’ three weeks before Maui fire


Copyright © 2023


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

Cover image credit: United States Department of Homeland Security

There Is no Limit to State Power, and There Never Has Been!

There Is no Limit to State Power, and There Never Has Been!

by Gary D. Barnett
September 8, 2023


“Winston Smith: Does Big Brother exist?
O’Brien: Of course he exists.
Winston Smith: Does he exist like you or me?
O’Brien: You do not exist.”

~ George Orwell, 1984

From the time of birth, Americans have been inundated (indoctrinated — brainwashed) to believe that they live in a free country, and that the reason for this rests on the notion that the United States was ‘founded’ on the principle of a ‘limited government,’ where the State is greatly restricted in its power.

Fiction at this level resides only in the most extreme fantasy, and can only be propagated successfully if the entire population is put into a type of mystical trance where critical thinking is completely absent.

This did not occur recently, it has always been the case in every government on earth since the beginning of what is falsely referred to as ‘civilization.’

I should preface my remarks for those who still cling to the ridiculous idea that government can be benevolent, restricted, limited, and that any government document called a constitution, has anything whatsoever to do with rights or freedom. It absolutely does not.

The State as a political structure is based on fear, force, terror, and power gain, and nothing else.

The idea of freedom is based solely on the premise that no man has any right to rule over any other. All government is in direct contradiction of this premise, and therefore it is the antithesis of liberty, not its creator or protector.

Every aspect of the falsely claimed ‘founding,’ was and is a lie in my estimation. This statement will anger most, and what that exposes, is that people’s desires (emotions) outweigh reason and logic, and cause total confusion concerning what are the actual rights of man.

The natural rights of man are inherent; they do not come from the sky or heavens, nor any government, as each and every one of us as an unique individual, is born with a right to live, a right to life. All other rights spring from this clear assumption, regardless of those who believe otherwise, or who claim that man has no rights at all.

Because each individual has a right to his life, it stands to reason that he has every right to defend his life. In addition, he has every right to sustain his life, which indicates that he has a right to work, to prosper, to supply his every need, which leads to his right to property, and all the fruits of his labor. Every individual has a right to do whatever is necessary in order to sustain, protect, and continue his life, so long as he does not aggress or infringe on the same rights due all other individuals.

This demands the understanding that there is no such thing as a collective right, which is a government scam used to fool the herd in order to control what are falsely referred to as ‘societies.’ Since every man is an unique individual, there are only groups of individuals, not collective ‘societies.’ This leads to the reality that no one has any right to take the property of one to benefit another or any State.

Therefore, there is no right to be fed, housed, or supported, no right to medical or health care, no right for State retirement, no right to basic income, no right to universal defense, no right to universal infrastructure, no right to any ‘welfare’ by the State, and on and on.

There are no ‘social’ rights whatsoever, there are no paranormal rights; for if these unfounded mystical rights were to exist, the individual would cease to exist, and no right for any man could then exist. In fact, if any so-called ‘social’ rights exist, it would demand the slavery of all in order to sustain by force and violence the lives of those unwilling to be responsible for themselves. This would negate every right of every man.

This is why any constitution created and drafted by government is absolutely worthless if the actual rights of man are considered. In fact, the very idea of constitutions issued by the State is ludicrous, and based on deception.

The single concept alone, that government (The State) can give, define, or protect rights, is asinine, for if the State could do so, it could just as easily take all rights away at its whim, which it has done, regardless of the most idiotic notion that government could ever define human rights in the first place. They are natural, and therefore cannot be questioned. This is little understood by this largely dumbed down and indoctrinated population.

The ruling class, and the State, and all governments, have but one agenda, and that is to rule. In order to rule, the State must seek total power, therefore it will never limit itself, or restrict its own ability to garner control over its ‘claimed’ territory, or that of other states and nations.

Pieces of parchment cannot limit government, it can only enhance its ability to fool the people into believing a lie, and therefore letting down their guard in the face of extreme tyranny.

The permanent goal of all States, is to gain more power, so eliminating all limits and restrictions on its powers is the ultimate goal. This has always been, and always will be, so if real freedom is sought for the individual, the State can never be allowed to have any power over any individual.

This is why all states in existence are structured as single entities, seen to be populated only by collective hordes, all overseen by a political monopoly. This allows for all to be considered as single units, instead of areas populated by individuals. This is only a recipe for mass control.

Towns, cities, counties, states, and nations, are a plot to collectivize all individuals, so that the individual is made impotent, and destroyed in favor of the group. This is simply a control mechanism meant to avoid the power of the individual; this because to accept the individual, is to abandon all government.

This short essay is meant to clarify the basic tenets of real freedom of the individual, as opposed to the evil power of the State. It is based upon the ideas of common sense, logic, reason ethics, morality, and reality. The State has no limits, and could not survive if that were not the case. Since all government is based on force and compliance, it is impossible for the existence of any State to coexist with the individual, his natural rights, and freedom.

Quotes by Ayn Rand:

“A government is the most dangerous threat to man’s rights: it holds a legal monopoly on the use of physical force against legally disarmed victims.”

“The smallest minority on earth is the individual. those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.”

“Freedom (n.): To ask nothing. To expect nothing. To depend on nothing.”


Copyright © 2023

Connect with Gary D. Barnett

Cover image credit: Alexandra_Koch

The Grip of Fear and Need for Acceptance: The Impetus for the Psychological Takeover of the Minds of Men

The Grip of Fear and Need for Acceptance: The Impetus for the Psychological Takeover of the Minds of Men

by Gary D. Barnett
August 21, 2023


“Freud (1921), without referring to the general systems implications of his assertion, spelled out this mechanism clearly: “. . . the individual gives up his ego ideal and substitutes for it the group ideal embodied in the leader” (page 78, Group Psychology).”

~ Stanley Milgram, Obedience to Authority

The grip of fear and propaganda have captured the minds of the collective masses to such an extent, as to stop all critical thinking processes in favor of abandoning responsibility. To accept the collective mindset over right in order to fit in, or avoid conflict, is considered by most the easier path, but it necessitates immoral decisions and irresponsible behavior.

Need of the group is a recipe for ignorance, and it leads in essence, to an allowed psychological takeover of the human brain and all its capabilities to grasp truth, logic and reality, in the face of any stress or uncertainty.

In order for extreme tyranny to become the norm, for State control to be sustained, and if rule by the few is to be possible, it is required that a high level of blind consent by a major portion of the people be evident. Obviously, consent and obedience to power needs to be voluntary among the masses, because constant fear and the need for acceptance by the ‘societal’ herd, is key in any psychological plan of takeover by the ruling class.

Most propagandists use the false idea of the ‘greater good’ to fool the many into accepting this nonsense, so that shame and guilt can then help drive the effort to gain obedience and submission by the weaker group. This tactic is also effective in marginalizing the individual, which has the result of stifling any real or honest dissent.

As an example, the uptick in what are labeled fantastic weather events, and they are not in most cases, is becoming astronomical in order to stoke terror and capture the minds of the weak through psychological means. What is left completely out of the conversation, is the very likely possibility, that most of what is going on in this vein is intentional.

Once again, everything is being tied to the lie that is ‘manmade climate change.’ This narrative is taking over the airwaves, manipulating minds, and is obviously a set up for continued and vastly increasing restriction on movement, control of populations, destruction of private property, the total control of currency, and land and property grabs by government and State supporting speculators, as even more extreme wealth transfers are planned.

The ‘hurricane’ set to hit Southern California early Monday, made landfall as a minor tropical storm, with much less rain and damage than anticipated, (wanted) but was still called a “major climate disaster.” It was also said to be the first tropical storm to hit Southern California in 84 years, an outright lie. Actually, to the detriment of the forecasters and ‘climate change’ advocators, it was nearly immediately downgraded to a post-tropical storm, and all warnings were discontinued.

Future natural weather events as well, will be first blamed on fake ‘climate change,’ and then used to create the perception of massive damage, whether actual or not, caused either by purposeful or completely artificial means, but certainly intentional. State negligence, meant to enhance the damage in order to spread more fear and death, will most always be a factor. This happened of course, in Lahaina, Maui just recently, but the dependent among us are left unaware, and aimlessly grasp for any narrative that will lessen any responsibility to think independently.

When man lives, gains knowledge, and strives to improve himself, all others around him benefit by this behavior. They do not falsely  benefit due to force or theft of property as a result of heinous taxation or fabricated emergencies, which are criminal, but they benefit simply because as each individual improves himself, and is responsible for himself, he is able to achieve more, and by this act alone, society, not in the sense of collective madness, is bettered. As one improves himself, he gains more ability to understand and live a life based on reason, logic, and moral strength and fortitude, and this can greatly improve everything around him.

One should be able to understand that if a majority of individuals acted in this manner, freedom and free markets would flourish, and the State would dramatically shrink. That is the power of the individual, and so long as man lives to his highest purpose, takes responsibility for his own thoughts and actions, and relies on reason, moral existence as a purpose, and common sense as a guide, humanity will not only survive, but prosper.

To live in the shadow of others, to bow to any make-believe human authority, to do the bidding of the powerful at the expense of the weak; in other words, to accept the absurd notion that to sacrifice anything or everything for the so-called ‘greater good,’ especially given that this fictitious good is dishonestly presented under the name of hollow nationalism, is in fact the absolute antithesis of all that is right and moral.

Consider that if common men lived to improve self, to seek self-happiness, and practiced a moral existence, wars could not be fought, for war is based on the insane ‘belief’ of sacrifice to the State, and sold to the mindless as sacrifice to all others. If men en masse strive in their own self-interest, they would not feel compelled to sacrifice for the false gods of government, and therefore would not murder on orders.

War is based only on evil intent and the sacrifice of human fodder, it is not, and cannot ever be, based on moral behavior or the improvement of man.

Sacrifice, not strength, intellectual awakening, or morality, is all that the State seeks, and in order to gain the obedience of the masses, the individual, and individual accomplishment, must be destroyed. The psychological takeover of the minds of men, must precede any and all efforts of long-term totalitarian rule, for any aspect of critical thought, self-improvement, and dissent, are the considered enemies of State rule.

All who think for themselves, and live in their own best interest, will not serve the State, and will not allow for their own enslavement. Independent, self-interested men and women, do not live in fear, and do not cower in the face of adversity. They do not have an unwarranted need to be accepted by the ignorant collective crowd, for they have gained the confidence to live their lives to the fullest without sacrificing themselves to any false god called the State.

Rulers and governments work only on the basis of fear, threat, extreme force, shame, and guilt, in order to fool the people into thinking that their individual lives mean nothing, and sacrifice to the ‘greater good’ means everything.

The ‘greater good’ in this case is always the few at the top of the power pyramid of control; the elusive and dominating nation-state. This is the only reason that the irrational idiocy called nationalism, Statism, and patriotism exists.

All government is evil, and that is why all are taught and brainwashed throughout their lives to feel inferior (worthless) as individuals, but to feel whole only as an invisible cog in the wheel of a ‘national’ society. Atrocities abound due strictly to this asinine mindset, and that has been the plan all along.

Those who consciously reject reason, logic, and common sense, those who hide from reality and truth, and those who only seek to follow the crowd, are worthless to the betterment of man. They cannot be of value to your freedom, because they are of no value to themselves, so abandon them as quickly as is possible.

“People don’t want to think. And the deeper they get into trouble, the less they want to think. But by some sort of instinct, they feel that they ought to and it makes them feel guilty. So they’ll bless and follow anyone who gives them a justification for not thinking. Anyone who makes a virtue – a highly intellectual virtue – out of what they know to be their sin, their weakness and their guilt… They envy achievement, and their dream of greatness is a world where all men have become their acknowledged inferiors. They don’t know that that dream is the infallible proof of mediocrity, because that sort of world is what the man of achievement would not be able to bear”

~ Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


Copyright © 2023

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Cover image credit: Pexels

The Only ‘National Defense’ Needed in This Country, Is Defense Against the Real Enemy: The Ruling Class and the U.S. Government

The Only ‘National Defense’ Needed in This Country, Is Defense Against the Real Enemy: The Ruling Class and the U.S. Government

by Gary D. Barnett
August 18, 2023


“I believe that all government is evil, and that trying to improve it is largely a waste of time.”

~ H.L. Mencken

Throughout our history, and today, little, if any defense of this country or its people, has been necessary or warranted. The true enemy of the people of America is, and has always been, its own government.

The real enemies are most all the politicians, regardless of party, the courts, the CIA, the NSA, the FBI, the IRS, the entire military industrial complex, and in general, the federal and state police forces. In other words, all the ruling class and it pawns in government, its enforcers, and all their institutions and bureaucracies, are the real threat to this populace and its natural freedoms.

The ludicrous notion of national defense, and that government forces actually “defend the country,” is an outright lie; propagandized by the State and its mouthpieces in media, simply as a way to gain great power in order to own and control society.

Many will take offence to these statements, mostly due to the fact that since birth, they have been inundated and indoctrinated by false ‘authority’ figures, to believe that they cannot survive and prosper without restrictive laws and rule, and worthless government schooling, all kept in check by severe coercive State prosecution.

They are taught (schooled) to abandon their individuality in favor of the so-called ‘greater good’ of a collective society, to depend on and trust others in power to protect and sustain them and their families throughout their lives. This breeds only ignorance and passivity in the face of State terror.

Independence, a supposed hallmark of this nation-state and its residents, is literally vilified, and even prohibited in many instances, causing personal sovereignty to be discarded in the name of unified slavery.

We live in a country that has warred aggressively against fictitious enemies, meaning without cause or necessity, more than any other country on earth.

It is stated, and supported, that the United States has been at war for at least 93% of its entire existence. I firmly believe this number to be much higher, and with proper consideration, it is likely closer to 100%.

If one is to determine the actual damage done, the actual harm due to direct war, proxy war, what is insanely considered ‘collateral damage,’ what is the horrid long term cost to human life in the aftermath of this terror, the total number of causalities, including the dead, would be tens if not hundreds of millions of innocent people.

But what is sold to the wrongly named ‘public, is that this country is and has been the savior of ‘democracy,’ a completely evil and failed ideology, which is a gross lie beyond the imagination of any sane and thinking human being.

Yes, the truth hurts, but without acceptance of truth, what is left is a deceitful lie; a manufactured myth so atrocious as to have caused an entire nation’s abhorrent and hostile policies to be supported by the masses to such an extent, as to have caused the most broad-based, aggressive, and egregious destruction of humanity in history. This should be the epitaph upon the death of this empire.

At this time in our lives, aggressive war by this government and all who support its heinous deeds, has graduated from its main objective of slaughtering innocent men, women, and children, in addition to the other devastation, in other countries most everywhere on earth, to include the entirety of this country’s population as well.

The major war currently is against all of us who live and work in the U.S. by those who continue to claim to be our protectors. This contradiction is absurd, but is still little understood by the average American, as can be evidenced by the terroristic treatment inflicted, and with little if any resistance, on this society these past few years.

At a time when this country and the world are steeped in madness and hate, more and more atrocities continue to take place, with almost zero empathy evident by the political class.

The last evil ‘ruler,’ just one among all, ‘chosen’ by the ‘people,’ was Biden, and this was his response to the State’s complicit murder of those in Lahaina just recently, after a very suspicious and devastating fire had destroyed an entire town and its residents.

He had the audacity to offer these poor people who lost everything, including many family members, a one-time $700 payment per household. This was in the midst of giving over $200 million more to Ukraine’s political criminals recently, with plans to give many more billions; this after more than $113 billion has already been paid to enrich the newly rich politicians in Ukraine. (Apparently, blackmail garners payment more than actual need of Americans.)

This alone should be enough for everyone in this country to grasp how little this government cares about its own, and how worthless all in the governing system have become. To depend on, or trust this scum to defend you from harm, is asinine beyond explanation.

Who will defend you from harm? Who will defend you from foreign invasion, although that has never once happened in this country’s history, not even including the pre-planned setup called the Pearl Harbor attack? Who will defend you from hyper-inflation and the resulting extreme prices for goods? Who will defend you from mass censorship and constant surveillance? Who will defend you from food shortages, energy shutdowns, and extensive restrictions on all transactions and travel? Who will defend your children from the consuming perversion being forced on them at every opportunity with this government’s blessing? Who will defend you from aggression and tyranny? Who will defend you from yourself?

It will never be the evil State that defends you, nor will it be its ‘national defense systems,’ its enforcers in the military and police, the politicians, the banking cartels, the large corporate monsters, or any government at any level.

There is only one legitimate defense, and that is self-defense.

Only you, each of you, has the ability and desire to defend himself. No other and no State entity can or will ever be your savior.  Until that is accepted, expect total serfdom to become your voluntarily accepted way of life.

Much more tyranny is coming. Lockdowns, fake ‘viruses,’ bioweapons, threats and totalitarian measures based on bogus ‘climate change, central bank digital currency, social credit restrictions, more inflation, destruction of money, health mandates, curfews, travel shutdowns, food shortages, transhuman promotion, among many other atrocities, including perpetual war.

National defense is an outright lie, and can never protect you, it can only harm you. There is but one enemy, and that enemy is the State!

There is but one defense against this demon called government, and that is when individuals, or individuals working together en masse, abolish all rule. The responsibility for you is you, and any dependence on government whatsoever can only lead to despair, hopelessness, disaster, and enslavement. Defend yourself from this evil State, and break the chains that bind you.

“Every government is run by liars. Nothing they say should be believed.”

~ I.F. Stone


Reference links:

America’s perpetual wars of aggression

What the media won’t tell you about the Maui fires


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

Cover image credit: kirillslov

Dependency on the State Is the Core of the Takeover Plot of Humanity

Dependency on the State Is the Core of the Takeover Plot of Humanity

by Gary D. Barnett
August 16, 2023


“It’s not an endlessly expanding list of rights — the ‘right’ to health care, the ‘right’ to food and housing. That’s not freedom, that’s dependency. Those aren’t rights, those are the rations of slavery — hay and a barn for human cattle.”

~ P.J. O’Rourke

Most of you have entered the final stage of your voluntary acceptance of mass slavery, and that slavery is fully dependent on the concept of fear, compliance to a false ‘authority,’ and total dependence on the very tyrant called government, whose plan is to control the world by controlling the common, ignorant, and apathetic collective crowd called ‘the people.’ The most vital component of this ‘Great Reset’ agenda, is for the majority to be dependent on the State, and that phenomenon is now close at hand. The final foundation of all restriction, control of financial and monetary transactions, and control of movement, will hinge on the farcical fraud called manmade ‘climate change.’ No worries however, because many other excuses, and aspects of control and manipulation will be used as well, but at this point, the ‘climate change’ hoax is the lynchpin of the future takeover plot.

The speed of this agenda has accelerated far past earlier time projections, and I believe this to be due to more exposure by the few who understand what is actually happening, to explain all the contradiction, lies, and propaganda, that have inundated society for the past few decades. At this point, the somewhat panicked ruling class and its pawns in government, have vastly escalated their terror campaign worldwide, in order to shut down dissent before it can gain too much ground. This campaign of terror is meant to drive the tool of fear to a much higher degree, so as to be able to accomplish takeover goals with less resistance. As mentioned earlier, the main focus of this increased intimidation is based on the fake ‘climate change’ model.

One obvious example of this fear campaign, is the purposely heightened threat of so-called weather anomalies, especially what are conspicuous (intentionally set) fires burning at ridiculously high temperatures, destroying particular properties, towns, cities, and valuable mineral-laden land holdings. These unnatural fire outbreaks began in earnest in early spring, and have continued incessantly since that time. What began in Canada, has now overtaken the Hawaiian island of Maui, among many other areas around the world, and the devastation is incredible. Only psychopaths could perpetrate such evil as this, but the coverup and blame on bogus ‘climate change,’ has been accepted by most of course, and promulgated by the ruling class, and every State-owned or controlled mainstream media outlet. The attack on all truthtellers claiming these horrendous fires to be intentionally set, was instant, without any legitimate evidence to the contrary to back their plotted refutations, and in fact, this universal response was certainly coordinated.

Now there is a fight to see who will take this land in Maui, and by take, I mean exactly that. It has been exposed that many are attempting to buy and gain contracts to build a new ‘smart city’ on this hallowed ground, and many big players are involved, including Blackrock.. Those claiming to help, people like  Jeff Bezos and Oprah Winfrey, are already heavily involved, and the governor of Hawaii, Josh Green, has taken control of this, and not to the benefit of those residents and business owners who lost everything. (As an aside, the houses and property of Bezos and Winfrey magically escaped the fire?) This evil governor, a true controlling politician, said, and before all bodies have been recovered, or any funerals for the dead have taken place, “I’m already thinking of ways for the state to acquire that land so that we can put it into workforce housing, to put it back into families, or make it open spaces in perpetuity as a memorial to the people who were lost,” Democrat Gov. Josh Green said. What about all those who own that land the ‘State’ is going to force buy? (Steal)

But let us not stop here, as during this same year, there were unbelievable train derailments. most all of which involved very poisonous, and toxic materials, the most noted of course, being the purposely released (due to deliberate fire-setting) noxious chemicals in East Palestine, Ohio, that poisoned much of the northeast U.S. There were many more incidents of this nature as well.

As to extreme fear-mongering, weather ‘services’ nationwide, have intentionally changed all reporting in order to strike extreme fear in the collective herd called the ‘citizenry.’ Fantastic claims of record heat, which are bogus in most every case, are rampant. Instead of greens and darker muted colors to show heat, dark reds and purples just so happen to be the new norm across the entire country, and simultaneously; a coincidence certainly? In addition, the heat is not just hot, it is now “boiling” according to these weather idiots. These descriptions, while ludicrous and plotted, are purposely meant to cause undue alarm in an uninformed ‘public’ with little or no desire or effort to understand any truth.

All of these things, and an endless supply of other threats, including the threat of nuclear war, of financial collapse, of food shortages, of extreme inflation leading to extreme prices, to new ‘pandemic’ emergencies, to travel restrictions, lockdowns, monitoring of all transactions, and of total digitization of the economy in order to control all, are now constant. The end of cash is being pursued aggressively, and the replacement by central bank digital currency (CBDC) is looming in the near future. This agenda too, has recently accelerated greatly, indicating that the ruling element of society is attempting to expand its control mechanisms more quickly so as to avoid any pushback. Given what is happening in open view, the great increase of intentionally-structured disastrous events, the massive transfer of wealth and property, the government’s aggressive stance immediately following every manufactured ‘weather event’ or so-called ‘natural’ emergency, and the total disregard for life and personal property, how long will it be until this takeover plot becomes fully entrenched in reality?

All of these events are meant to make the average ‘citizen’ dependent on the State. The more dependency, the easier to control. When the bulk of society cannot or will not take care of themselves, will not be responsible for their own lives and freedom, will not fight back in their own defense, and voluntarily choose to acquiesce to authority and State relief instead of taking any personal responsibility, what will become of this country?

It will be very telling to watch this State terrorism that has been released on Maui, and how the people respond. Will they give up their homes and land that was destroyed by and due to evil forces, or will they demand to keep and hold their property? Will they disallow this totalitarian scum called a governor from his nefarious U.N. plans, and keep what is theirs? Or will they simply allow the State’s political class to do as they please with everything they have deliberately destroyed, and become wards (slaves) of the State?

Once mass dependence is in place, there will no longer be any chance of a free society. The State seeks to control all, and the way to accomplish that heinous mission, is to make the populace at large completely impotent, so that they have not the ability or drive to fight back. Total dependency is key to any takeover conspiracy by the ruling class and its State thugs, and many feigned threats and so-called emergencies will erupt on a regular basis going forward. This is without doubt in my opinion, so believe nothing, trust no State representative at any level, trust no mainstream media, and question everything!

Between the government which does evil and the people who accept it – there is a certain shameful solidarity.”

~ Author: Victor Hugo

Reference links:

A message to Maui … The truth may shock you!

Canada fires four times more toxic

California firestorms

Lahaina rebuild scheme

Additional government complicity in Lahaina fires

Hawaii governor wants to swoop in and buy up Lahaina

East Palestine, Ohio intentional chemical fire corruption


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

Cover image credit: stevepb

The Asinine Insanity of the ‘Climate Change’/C02 Hoax: Kill the Cows to Save the Earth!

The Asinine Insanity of the ‘Climate Change’/C02 Hoax: Kill the Cows to Save the Earth!

by Gary D. Barnett
July 18, 2023


Sky Falling

Experts Agree: Not only is the sky falling but we’re all going to die from global warming. SUVs are a major culprit, and have been contributing to rising sea levels according to climate expert, Chicken Little. Colleague, Algore, speaking during a blizzard, agreed with Little.”

~ The Daily Alarmist

I must preface my comments here with sane logic, so as to ward off the absurd idiots who have bought hook, line, and sinker, the madness of the mainstream media, the political class, the non-science ‘scientists,’ the fake environmental whackos, the evil UN, the illegitimate IPCC, and the staged marketing of the ever-pathetic rantings of the once teenage bimbo ignoramus, Greta Thunberg, about man’s normal activity destroying the ‘planet.’ It is just not so!

Yes, the climate on earth changes on a regular basis. Yes, extreme weather conditions are seemingly present more often than not considering the near past. Yes, warming and cooling takes place over time, and has for millions, (or billions) of years. Yes, particular humans, (government, malevolent ‘scientists,’ NGOs, and the military, among many other nefarious individuals and organizations) can manipulate weather to harm us, but no; driving an SUV cannot kill us all. I present this as a purposeful affront to the evil liars, propagandists, depopulation monsters, eugenists, and technocrats, who desire to rule the earth at the great expense of all common men and nature.

The latest absurdity, not new or unique in any way, is the plan of the Irish government to cull (kill) 200,000 healthy cows, claiming “they contribute to ‘climate change’ due to ‘carbon’ emissions.” Anyone who takes this nonsense seriously, or accepts and/or ignores it, is opening the gates to voluntary human extermination. To not be able to understand that both cows and humans eat, live, and expel C02, and to not see that there are eight times more humans than cows globally, why would anyone not grasp that killing humans would be, according to these mad enviro-fools, even more effective in their efforts to ‘save the planet’ than killing cows? Why not kill every animal, including large numbers of humans, if ‘saving the planet’ from farts is the main goal?

Humans not only expel more C02 than cows, but they consume vast amounts of energy, they drive cars, they fly on planes, they build factories that pollute, they mine, they create incredible mountains of plastic and garbage, they perpetuate wars that destroy the earth at unheard of levels, and they continue to outpace cows in population growth by extreme margins. Cows only breath and fart, so why kill these innocent animals; why not just go ahead and cut to the chase, and kill large swaths of humans, (the real plan) saving the soon to be endangered Bos taurus — bovine? (cow) Are you beginning to see the absurdity of this bogus ‘climate change’ bullshite? The nonsense swallowed up and believed by most all these ‘climate change’ pushing scum, expands the bounds of absurdity to astronomical levels.

It gets much worse. This incredibly harmful and idiotic plan by the very imbecilic Irish Department of Agriculture, and the Irish Environmental Protection Agency, will pay 5,000 euros ($5,622) for each cow killed. Keep in mind, that 200,000 cows makes up 0.02% of the total number of cows on earth. Is anyone stupid enough to consider this a legitimate fight against the fraudulent notion of ‘climate change?’ At that price, it would cost $1.125 billion just to pay the farmers for killing their animals. (At this price, to kill all cows on earth, would cost $5.525 trillion) But what about the cost to dispose of these animals, the huge amount of energy and pollution used to do so, the loss of food and dairy products, the supply reduction and obvious extreme price increases certain to come? How will these losses be made up, and how much increased energy will be required to fill this void?

I do realize that most might consider this a minor subject matter, but that would be a grave mistake on your part. The powers that be are not planning on stopping with the killing of animals; they are intent on total control over every aspect of your life, including what food you eat, where you are allowed to go, how much energy you are allowed to use, how much heat you will be allowed in winter to keep warm, how you spend your allotted currency units, (CBDCs) how much medical care you may be allowed, where you may live, and even control whether you may procreate or not.

Why not get to the meat (pun intended?) of this problem, and dispose of the lies and propaganda that consume this now ignorant, pathetic, and indifferent population. The weather is being controlled, it is greatly harming humanity and nature, and is causing an incredible amount of damage not only to this earth, but to every living thing on it. This is not, and never has been, the result of normal human behavior, but is due to mass manipulation of the weather by the ruling class of claimed ‘elites’, who have chosen to use false climate narratives to create mass fear in order to control all. This is the ultimate fake ’emergency’ being used to take over humanity.

Many factors are likely present concerning climate extremes, including, but not limited to, weather geoengineering by the State, graphene rain, directed energy, climate modification assault, heating the ionosphere using HAARP technology, cloud seeding, spraying our skies with metals and poisons through stratospheric aerosol injection, (chemtrails) and most assuredly, artificially creating and enhancing the destructive  nature of hurricanes and earthquakes. Certainly, there are other devastating manipulations of weather going on as well that are unknown at this time, as the military’s full technological potential is hidden, and far ahead of what is believed by most. In addition, releases of toxic chemicals, bioweapons, and the continuous poisoning of the earth’s land and water by deadly substances such as glyphosate, is continuously ongoing. Weather is now a major weapon against mankind, and is being used to monopolize all agriculture and food production, or planned lack thereof.

It is not just cows that will be targeted by these evil ‘climate change’ monsters, it is the entire human race. So to believe that killing cows will save anyone or this earth, is not only completely ludicrous, but a sign that this is only the start of a much broader assault on all of the proletariat herd. They may attempt to begin with the cattle, but if that atrocity is allowed to happen, you and your family will likely be next.

Carbon Dioxide (C02) is absolutely vital to the existence of man. Without it, everything on earth would die. Through the process of photosynthesis, leaves on trees and plants use the great energy of the sun in order to convert this C02 to feed the plants, causing life-sustaining oxygen to be produced so that all things can live and breathe. It is said that one large tree can produce by using expelled C02, enough oxygen supply to provide what is necessary for a full day for several people. Plants also store carbon dioxide to clean the air and reduce negative effects to the environment. This process is imperative for life to survive, as without it, oxygen would cease to be available. If carbon dioxide were to be eliminated, (net zero is the stupid term used) everything would die. Keep this in mind the next time you hear some ranting ‘climate change’ dreg advocating the killing of all our animals (including humans) to ‘save the planet.’

All that is needed to save this planet and everything on it, is the elimination of all rulers and governments! Think about that the next time you perpetuate your own destruction by choosing to vote to ‘elect’ a master, any master, to rule over and control you. It is better to cull politicians and save the cows.

“Almost all of history is an unbroken trail of one conspiracy after another. Conspiracies are the norm, not the exception.”

~ G. Edward Griffin

Reference links:

Irish government to cull 200,000 healthy cows to meet ‘climate goals’

Carbon Dioxide from breathing and farting is not a concern for ‘global warming’

Don’t blame cattle

World cattle numbers by year

Chemtrails: The Conspiracy Theory That Never Was

The power of one tree

Geoengineering Watch

HAARP and the Sky Heaters



Connect with Gary D. Barnett

Cover image credit: ArtTower & LauraTara

When Dissent Ends, Transhumanism Reigns, and Digitization Rules, Humanity Will Cease to Be Human

When Dissent Ends, Transhumanism Reigns, and Digitization Rules, Humanity Will Cease to Be Human

by Gary D. Barnett
June 27, 2023


“The only thing worth globalizing is dissent.”

~  Arundhati Roy

Self-defense comes in many forms, but all defense of self begins and ends with dissent, non-compliance, disobedience, saying no to any and all rule, and never allowing aggression against mind and body; mental or physical. Without dissent, defense is not possible, because when voluntary compliance is the prevailing behavior, whether sought, desired, or not, all defense mechanisms are effectively disarmed. In other words, silence in the face of injustice, immorality, terror, or tyranny, creates a condition of weakness, submission, and irresponsibility, which are all the fodder of indifference.

When you say nothing, when you do not say no, when you take no action against evil, you commit evil. By not speaking out, and by not responding, you have spoken loudly, and openly committed an act of cowardice. The ultimate blame lies not just with the aggressor in this circumstance, but also equally with he who hides and remains silent.

In “Beyond Good and Evil,” Friedrich Nietzsche wrote: “He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if thou gaze into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee.” This is an accurate description of the phenomenon of becoming what one lives, so if you live in a state of indifference, ignoring the evil around you, accepting it in order to avoid conflict and responsibility, you become the evil you have chosen to ignore. The dark abyss in this circumstance, is created by your own inaction against it.

What we face as a society, is the most tremendous threat ever perceived or active in the history of mankind. Do you scoff at this seemingly ‘bold’ pronouncement? If so, you are already fooled, and a major contributor to the vast problems rampant in our world today. Instead of the State just singularly seeking war, the continuance of the bogus Federal Reserve System, isolated government corruption, communism, fascism, or any broad-based totalitarian assault on certain segments of society, we are all being bombarded from a thousand different directions at once with all these atrocities and many more, including attacks on our freedom and sovereignty, on our minds and bodies, and on every aspect of our being.

Due to the colossal advances in technology, which in many more ways than not are being used against us in order to build a literal transhuman world run by technocratic means, we are facing what could be considered a technological Armageddon, where all control over humanity will be isolated in the hands of the most powerful few. To accept this, to treat it as normal or eminent, is a most fatal error, and one that could determine our fate in perpetuity.

When humanity ceases to exist in any natural form, when male and female become one, when transhumanism and mind control are inescapable realities, when perversion is commonly accepted, the presence of life that we have all known to be magical and a wonder, will have disappeared. The world being designed is not a world of love, hope, and dreams, it is a nightmare of horror, and those pursuing this downfall of man have already lost all human characteristics. They are monsters, so we must fight and defeat them without becoming monsters ourselves.

There is a reason that the children, beginning in infancy, are targeted by State indoctrination, drugs, chemicals, bioweapon injections masquerading as ‘vaccines,’  insane propaganda, distraction, gross perversion, and are pulled away from family mentally and physically throughout their lives. This, in and of itself, if allowed to continue, will guarantee mind destruction of multiple future generations, and that will secure a fully dumbed-down, compliant, and obedient proletariat mass in the future. At that point, total control by the technocrats over humanity will have been achieved.

While technology has the capability to accomplish many great things, in the hands of these monsters who seek universal control, it can also be used to destroy us. Many refer to this technological phenomenon as ‘artificial intelligence,’ (AI) but there is no such thing. This false terminology is being used against us, as machines are not intelligent, they are programmed by intelligence, or so it is believed. When man becomes a machine, real intelligence ends, and a programmed society of slaves is the result. AI is ‘defined’ as “perceiving, synthesizing, and inferring information–demonstrated by computers, as opposed to intelligence displayed by humans or other animals.” 

Intelligence is defined as the ability to learn, reason, and understand, so honest intelligence cannot be artificial, and machines are still machines. The transhuman digitization of man will mean the end of all traditional life as we know it.

The bulk of this society, has already succumbed to a digital world, and relies on what is falsely labeled ‘social media’ as parent, family, and friend, disregarding the natural state of personal communication, love, companionship, debate, and the grandeur of nature. At this point, the future is not owned by you, but is owned by your masters. All privacy has disappeared, and most all private and financial transactions are captured and data-based.

Every aspect of life is now tracked, traced, used, surveilled, restricted, censored, taxed, and every activity imaginable requires licensure (paid permission slip) by the State. You are already a slave, whether you realize it or not.

The plot continues to thicken, as centrally-controlled digital currencies (CBDCs) are being rolled out around the world, which will allow for most every individual to be fully contained and regulated. This will lead to mass restrictions as to what you are allowed to do, where you may travel – if at all, what food you must eat, what medical care you may or may not receive, what State stipend you will be allotted, how much energy you will be permitted to use, and on, and on.

Everything in your existence will depend on behavior modification; in other words, do as you are instructed by the State technocratic rulers, or lose everything, as your entire life will be technologically sanctioned.

It is imperative to understand that everything you think you know about technology, and technological advances, is likely at a minimum, 20 years behind. Every so-called new discovery and new technology recognized as such, are not new at all. What the military has now, and is working on today, is unknown to most all except the very few at the top of the pyramid of power. To understand and grasp this concept, should strike fear in the hearts of man.

The internet, and therefore, the internet of things, was not discovered and implemented by some computer geek, but was designed and created by the military through the “Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.” (DARPA) Getting to this terroristic time in our history was no accident, and was intentionally planned long ago. We have little time left to stop this totalitarian hell that has been created in order to destroy what we know as the human race.

Will you continue to sit on the sideline, keeping your eyes closed, your ears covered, and your mouth shut, or will you stand up and defend your freedom and life, and that of your family? The only solution, as I have often said, is through active dissent. Say no to the State, disobey, do not comply with any tyrannical order, and do so as individuals en masse. No one can do this for you, but it can and should be done by many independent freedom-minded individuals.

Asking someone else for a solution for the masses as a collective, is worthless, and exposes apathy at a level that if practiced by the herd as it has been for so long, the end of humanity will surely be our destiny.

“Has there ever been a society which has died of dissent? Several have died of conformity in our lifetime.”

~ Jacob Bronowski, Science & Human Values


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Gary D. Barnett: A Brief Moment of Freedom

A Brief Moment of Freedom

by Gary D. Barnett
June 19, 2023


The Peace of Wild Things

When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.”

~ Wendell Berry, The Selected Poems of Wendell Berry

I spent this past week in the clutches of nature, and. freed my mind from the confusion and horror of man’s grip on the perceived reality of controlled enslavement. I left the world of what is falsely labeled civilization, and washed my soul with the grandeur of life beyond man.

To escape the madness of crowds in the solitude and quiet of the outdoors, and experience the sanctity of all things wild, causes an awakening that can never be achieved by any other means.

No one can free another, he has to free himself, and in order to do so, he has to encounter his inner being without foreign interference from the daily absurdity of human hysteria. It is what is inside that matters, it is not what others think or do, but what one is able to accomplish in his own mind and spirit.

I walked in the woods, climbed mountains, looked in awe at the great Tetons and all the mountains and rivers too rarely seen by most. I fished alone in the presence of nature, I watched moose, elk, deer, antelope, birds, reptiles, and insects, and abandoned the thoughts that haunt me. I walked for many miles in wild country and forests, I was drenched by spring rains, was in the midst of storms and lightning bolts, alerting me to my minor importance in this sea of nature.

It is good to be alone; not always, but often. One can never really cleanse and clarify his mind without escaping the grip of the human propaganda, lies, and deceit; all meant to create a false reality.

I write so that others may at least have a different perspective on all that consumes us in this life of perplexing turmoil caused by the arrogance of man. Is this effort too presumptuous? I think not, for my intent is not to preach, to force, to lie, to advance only my own opinions, or create my own narratives, but simply to awaken a few to the reality, truth, and beauty of life.

If I accomplish anything in this pursuit, I hope it is just to build a spark of curiosity, rebellion, and a seeking of honest independent thought. Life is a great adventure, but the bulk of humanity has abandoned most of the good in life by accepting the false promises of others, instead of experiencing the wonder of nature, self, and family.

We have watched as rulers, kings, politicians, and perverted and murderous governments, have taken control of all aspects of our existence. In this country, most are once again in the midst of choosing their next ruler. It matters not to most it seems, that this process has failed miserably every time it has been tried in history, nor that we are on the precipice of yet another political disaster, regardless  of which worthless piece of scum thought to be honorable gains the power to control the masses; and of course, by voluntary acceptance by the herd.

Why not look to self for redemption, instead of relying on those who purposely choose to rule over you; telling you how to live, breathe, and how to structure your lives? Why not rely on self in order to make decisions as to how to live, where to go, what work to do, what property to own, what beliefs to accept or not, and what is best for you and your family? Why not gain the strength necessary to eliminate your slavery to this heinous State, by looking around you, and understanding the majesty that is life and nature without the chains of dominant rule and authority by those who pretend to know what is best for you? For once and for all, strike down the State, experience life to its fullest, walk in the presence of nature, rely on self, and condemn any who presume to place themselves above you?

Only without rule can freedom ever be experienced. Only without the State can each of us travel our own path, loving every moment of life, instead of being locked in the insanity of what is called ‘modern civilization.’

Is it civilized to accept war and murder of innocents? Is it civilized to allow the brutality that is the exploitation of children by perverted State players, and the dregs of  ‘society’ who are empowered by the State to promote immoral behavior? Is it civilized to live your lives at the expense of others due to the State’s theft of private property? Is it civilized to be locked in your own homes, told you must wear a suffocating mask, told to take a bioweapon injection whether you want it or not? Is it civilized for the few who gain rule to tax all others to enhance their power over you? Is it civilized to be told to shut down your businesses, fire your employees, and care not about the plight of others? Is it civilized to watch the total destruction of this earth by governments seeking global rule? Is it civilized to be poisoned, controlled, starved to death, have your wealth destroyed due to inflationary currency expansion, and be surveilled by the horrendous State in every aspect of your daily lives?

Is anything that the State does civilized, or is all that the State does evil? The answer to this question should be brutally obvious.

Get away from the State whores, and into nature, and you will at once see what freedom really looks like. Take a break from the false reality presented by the political class, the media, the promoters of socialism, fascism, communism, and yes, ‘democracy,’ and all those who think they are owed something at the expense of others.

Listen to no one, and reclaim your own spirit and soul, by taking away all power from any who choose to rule.

Most will ignore this plea, and will continue on this road to hell, but some will not accept the madness, and they will be left with their sanity and their freedom, regardless of the abominable circumstances surrounding them.

We need no obscene president, we need no politician, we need no rule, we need no government master; we only need to reclaim ourselves.

Grasp a brief moment of freedom, and maybe you will then seek more of it. The more real freedom that is experienced, whether in mind, body, or both, the more precious it will become.

Walk in nature, observe the beauty of all life around you, and spend time alone to reflect on the madness of humanity. Climb mountains, experience all plants and animals, spend time on rivers, lakes, and oceans, and bask in the beauty and wonder of it all. In this human world of today, most everything is psychotic, and rife with grief, perversion, confusion, hate, and rule.

To escape this insanity, seek the solace of all the good we have before us, look inside yourself instead of depending on those seeking power over you. When you do this, you will awaken to a better place.

“How narrow we selfish conceited creatures are in our sympathies! How blind to the rights of all the rest of creation!”

~ John Muir


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Cover image credit: LN_Photoart

The Current Accepted Racism Is Evil as All Racism Is Evil: White People Matter as Much as Anyone Else!

The Current Accepted Racism Is Evil as All Racism Is Evil: White People Matter as Much as Anyone Else!

by Gary D. Barnett
June 8, 2023


I generally begin my articles with an appropriate quote, but attempting to find a quote concerning extreme racism against white people, especially white males, is almost impossible. In fact, site after site, ‘fact-checker’ after ‘fact-checker,’ fake black ‘leader’ after fake black ‘leader,’ ethnicity after ethnicity, and one stupid white leftist after another, claim there is no such thing as racism against any white person living today. This is convenient for hateful, ignorant, and agitating whores of hypocrisy of all stripes, as perpetrating and perpetuating harmful agendas does not require it seems, any fact or evidence, and certainly belies all logic and reason when it comes to hate simply over the color of one’s skin. In light of this, I will use my own quote.

“Racism is, from any position of honesty, logic, and reason,  just as was clearly stated by Muhammad Ali; hating anyone due to the color of their skin, period. It matters not if that racism comes from white against black or black against white. Given the unbelievable stupidity of people today, now white people can be racist against white people. How in the hell can that be, without the obvious contradiction not being seen for what it is? Any who abuse or hate others due to the color of skin, are racists, and at this time in this country, we have racism against some people only because they are white. “

Gary D. Barnett–February 10, 2023, “I Am Sick and Tired of Racist White Bashing”

Yes, I am a white heterosexual male, and I do not give a damn who likes it or not! In case many of you have lost all your brain cells, not one human on this earth has any control whatsoever over what color, ethnicity, culture, or country in which he is born. It is completely out of his control, and therefore, each should be proud of, or at least aware of his background, regardless of what that background entails. Each has to make his own way in life, successful or not, and cannot change his color or biology, no matter what effort is taken. This also includes biological gender, as that also cannot be altered in such a manner as to defy natural biology, no matter what efforts are pursued. So let the hate mail from ignoramuses commence, as this will expose the idiocy that consumes most of the proletariat today.

Humanity is made up of people from every corner of this earth; white, black, brown, yellow, red, and whatever other shades of melanin might happen to be present. The bottom line is that we all are human, we all breathe and bleed the same, we all have our wants and needs, most wish to experience love and family, and we all have to live together. We are much more the same than different, except due to the hate-stoked animosity and evil intent promoted by the ruling class in order to divide, cause dissention, and to create conflict, by weaponizing illegitimate hate so as to control the masses. Extreme and hostile malevolence has no place in the minds of men, but this evil is brought about and accepted by the herd, and it should be eliminated just like the cancer that it is. This is only possible if all look upon others as individuals, and assess worth only due to character, behavior, color-blindness, and non-aggression. This is as simple as following the “Golden Rule,” which dates back for thousands of years, and was taught to me throughout my childhood by my loving parents. Not so today it seems.

The most prolific racism in this country today is becoming black against white, but in reality, it is every ethnicity, every culture, and every idiotic ‘identifying gender’ with multi-labeled  acronyms, (2SLGBTQI+) plus, plus, of course, as new designations surface regularly, against white people. (The explanation of this bullshite is astonishing) It is about every color, media outlet, government, many so-called ‘entertainers,’ leftist politicians, and a multitude of white hypocrites; all committing racism against white people, especially white males, as discussed earlier. This form of racism today is illegitimately viewed completely in reverse. But fear not, with this level of racism against white people, they (everyone else) may yet get the hate they tend to crave so much. Why would that ever be desired?

In this current environment, ‘reverse’ racism has come out on top, and is now actually in vogue, which is atrocious, as all real racism certainly is immoral. The race card has been played over and over again for decades, even after most of those long-held beliefs of past centuries have gone the way of the dinosaurs. There will always be some people who dislike others for the wrong reasons, there will always be racists and bigots, there will always be bad people, there will always be those who achieve more and are richer than others, and there will never be complete ‘equality’ unless all are equally enslaved. This is the way of the world, but that does not have to be a bad thing. No one can be equal based on outcome, as that means the destruction of freedom, and therefore, the destruction of mankind.

The only true slavery that exists in this country today is the slavery of the masses by the State. There are no black slaves, white slaves, brown slaves, or any other in any real sense of the term, as actual slavery ended in this country well over 150 years ago, which means that no one living is or has ever been a slave. The past is gone, and while it should be remembered and studied in order to learn from those mistakes, it should not be used to punish the innocent for crimes committed by people now dead. That kind of blame is flawed and deadly, and is only a heinous political tool, never used for good or meant to cure ills, but only to enhance one group at the expense of another, or to purposely cause division where none should thrive; which of course is very wrong. Committing multiple wrongs does not make a right as the old saying goes, but it does keep evil alive.

As an aside, for all white people who claim that white people should die due to the color of their skin, if you have not yet committed suicide, you have perpetrated hypocrisy at the highest level possible, and are not worth the effort to acknowledge. You know who you are, and everyone else does as well.

Let us end this conversation with a hope that many more might in the future attempt to get along together, to only see each individual for his real worth and not his color, eliminate the State’s planned division that has been foisted on us, and voluntarily accepted by most, and understand the wickedness of the plot to breed hate in order to control.

Make love not war was the protest mantra of the 60s, and was loved by the young and anti-war crowd, and shunned by the promoters of war and conflict. It is just as appropriate today concerning the mass divide that exists among the people at large, and would it not be so much better if more understood that we are still at war; only this time, it is the State that is warring against all of us, and so long as we continue to hate each other, the State will win, and all of us will lose everything.

“None of us is responsible for the complexion of his skin. This fact of nature offers no clue to the character or quality of the person underneath.”

~ Marian Anderson


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Cover image credit: Victoria_Regen & n-kukova, pixabay, creative commons

Divisive Societal Collectivism Is a Primary Driver of Total Control Over the People

Divisive Societal Collectivism Is a Primary Driver of Total Control Over the People


“But we must realize that even this tendency to restrict the exploitation of class privileges is a fairly common ingredient of totalitarianism. Totalitarianism is not simply amoral. It is the morality of the closed society—of the group, or of the tribe; it is not individual selfishness, but it is collective selfishness.”

~ Karl Popper, The Open Society and Its Enemies – Volume One: The Spell of Plato


The might of the State relies exclusively on the destruction of the individual, and participation, acceptance, allowance, and support of State as god, by the collective members of ‘society,’ who have succumbed to the State’s efforts to divide them into a multitude of groups at odds with every other group. The focus of this purposeful mass antagonism is to build differing aggressive personalities in order to set the stage for unrestrained division and chaos. This intentional distractive methodology pits one against another, in the age old strategy of divide and conquer. It has worked against the people and their freedom for most all of history, but has taken on new meaning in this immoral, consumption-based, irresponsible, apathetic, and postmodern culture, now consumed by a cold technological existence.

Without this gross division of society, the individual and individuals en masse, would reign supreme, and the ruling class and government would become politically impotent considering its endless drive toward power and control over large numbers of non-thinking collectives. This revelation is evident, so the solution necessary to lessen or destroy those who seek and practice authoritarian dominance, seems obvious and also simple, but due to the weaknesses and flaws of man, it is not as simple it appears.

The history of all politics, government, and rule, is one of unbridled authority, theft, perversion, organized crime, power, control, and mass murder. It is not, and never has been, any endeavor to ‘serve’  the people, but only to serve the State or personal and business desires. Those who choose politics, have voluntarily chosen the path of rule over others, which in effect, is an admission of power seeking, oppression, and dominance. To adhere with the political belief system, to accept voluntarily a ruling master class due to the fraud of voting; is little more than intentionally giving up your freedom in favor of tyrannical rule and serfdom.

Consider the deranged divisive nature of this population today. It is one of black against white, men against women, democrat against republican, the religious against the secular, confused and unhinged ‘transgenders’ against everybody, the reality of biology against stupidity,  neo-Marxists against children and all white males, tradition against postmodernism, and race against race. It is actually even much worse than this idiocy; it is all against all in this environment of hate, with the State (governments and rulers) waging war on all of humanity.

This is not the natural progression of all mankind as I see it, even though the human species is flawed almost beyond comprehension. I think this because humanity has not always been consumed by this gross indifference, apathy, ignorance, and herd mentality.  The idea of right over wrong, (good over evil) considering most general populations, was much more evident in past times, and that attitude was held in higher regard overall. But in modern times, the long-term conditioning of people by means of propaganda, all meant to indoctrinate minds in order to create a condition of hiding from the truth and turning away from compassion, has reached a critical mass.

So-called ‘civilizations’ have waged brutal war against each other since the very beginning, seeking more power and control at every turn, but the scope of that aggression is now universal throughout most States and their subjects. This is now evident worldwide. Was this due only to government’s and ruling classes’ efforts to control all, or are the people themselves at fault? Did the State initiate this plot, and did the people eventually cave to power, and accept it is normal? Obviously, the fault lies with both. The slaughter of innocents during most of our existence could be viewed as the founding element of our downfall, creating a lack of empathy for others, but what caused such aggression and murder amongst a single species if it is not the natural state of man? In my view, and as always, it comes down to evil against good, but is that determination based on the age old belief of ‘God’ against ‘Satan,’ or has this conclusion been accepted due to a purposely-structured narrative by those who seek to control the collective masses?  If so, would that explain the progression of the non-caring blindness that is seemingly universal today?

We will not be able to answer such a contentious and philosophically complicated question in full here of course, but one has to wonder why so many have turned away from logic, reason, compassion, cooperation, and common sense, in favor of the false belief that everything under the sun has to be accepted as normal. The only way for this utter madness to have become normalized, is for people to have abandoned the idea of the individual and individual sovereignty, and accepted societal collectivism, which can only bring about mass ignorance and division. Collectivism is a cancer of the mind, and can only result in a meaningless existence.

One extreme example of absurd collective mentality, is the recent bogus’ phenomenon’ called ‘transgenderism. Depending on which particular survey is accepted, and accepting any is questionable, it is stated that approximately 1 million to 1.5 million people supposedly ‘identify’ as ‘transgender’ in the U.S. Considering that this population is 335 million people, that means that about .4% have ‘identified’ themselves as ‘transgenders. Worldwide numbers would indicate between .1% and .6% identify as transgender.’ That is of course a vast minority, even if these figures are not grossly exaggerated. But if an alien space traveler from another planet was to suddenly  land in the U.S., he would think immediately that most every human was transgender, and was biologically ignorant. The airwaves, all major media, the entirety of government, large and even smaller corporations, most all institutions, especially government schools, and nearly every commercial ad, sporting event, television program,  and movie, among almost all other venues, are inundated with ‘transgender’ characters and ‘transgenderism’ in general. This is of course ludicrous.

Children are being bombarded with lies, and are being targeted by government and private institutions, in order to force the heinous notion that they should all respect ‘transgender’ identities, and should accept that they may all be confused about their own gender. Depraved ‘trans’ programs meant to confuse and indoctrinate children are rampant, and completely immoral, and the obvious rub here, and the most telling element of this horrible deception, is that most all who ‘identify’ as ‘transgender,’ are young children to young adults. Those over 50 who are confused, make up only about 0.3% of the total. This should be no surprise at all, as children are targeted in this evil campaign only because they are innocent and vulnerable to lies, propaganda, and indoctrination.

This is a mass effort by the State to corrupt and destroy this and future generations of children, so that future adults will be unable to function as normal human beings. This will lead to depopulation of course, a desired goal of the globalist rulers, but will also lead to a completely dumbed down and manipulated future adult population, making them susceptible to total control. Using and abusing children in order to gain power over future generations is deplorable and beyond any evil, but is now being accepted as normal by many in this country. How can such an atrocity as this be allowed to happen in any country made up of decent and moral people? The answer to this question, is that it cannot be allowed by any moral society, so what does that say about the sorry state of morality in what is referred to as ‘America?’

Societal collectivism in the midst of this divisive atmosphere, whether fomented by the State or not, and accepted by the illiterate herd; is the epitome of unintelligible stupidity, and can only lead to self-destruction. The only viable solution to change this course that has consumed this country, is to resurrect the importance of the individual in society, re-establish freedom by eliminating all power of the State, and abandon any idea that a collective mass of followers who expect someone else to solve all their problems for them, can be successful in any way.

This requires personal responsibility, and that cannot be achieved by any group, nor can any simple solution crafted by another, release you from your own slavery. Each individual is responsible for his own lot in life, so either stand up and negate all tyranny, or understand that you have no right to freedom.

“The socialist submerging of the individual under the collective’s prerogative is a perverse and putrid vision for humanity.”

~ A.E. Samaan


Reference Link:

Transgender numbers (Note that the information on this subject is conjectural at best, and likely much overstated, and exhibit extreme bias in favor of the State narrative. Regardless, the numbers and ages are telling of the plot to destroy children.)


Copyright © 2023

Connect with Gary D. Barnett

Cover image credit: CDD20

Government and Rule: The Bane of Humanity

Government and Rule: The Bane of Humanity

by Gary D. Barnett
May 12, 2023


“To be GOVERNED is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured, commanded, by creatures who have neither the right nor the wisdom nor the virtue to do so. To be GOVERNED is to be at every operation, at every transaction noted, registered, counted, taxed, stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed, authorized, admonished, prevented, forbidden, reformed, corrected, punished. It is, under pretext of public utility, and in the name of the general interest, to be placed under contribution, drilled, fleeced, exploited, monopolized, extorted from, squeezed, hoaxed, robbed; then, at the slightest resistance, the first word of complaint, to be repressed, fined, vilified, harassed, hunted down, abused, clubbed, disarmed, bound, choked, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed; and to crown all, mocked, ridiculed, derided, outraged, dishonored. That is government; that is its justice; that is its morality.”

Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, General Idea of the Revolution in the Nineteenth Century


Properly summing up government and rule of any kind, is to accept that all government, all State force, and all authority of one over another, is an atrocious abomination against humanity. Government is the scourge of mankind, it can only exist due to force, and if any government or any rule is administered by any politician or ruler, or any of their ilk, freedom has already vanished. As Orson Scott Card so clearly explained what he had learned: “My father always said that government is like watching another man piss in your boot. Someone feels better but it certainly isn’t you.” This image is accurate, but if the free man sticks his boot up the arse of the government, he will not only feel better, he will be free.

The bottom line as I see it, is that there is no such thing as good government, benevolent government, necessary government, or protective government; there is only evil government. This is easy to understand when one simply discovers what governments cause, what they do, what they steal, who they murder, and how they hold power over all. Considering America, without government and rule, there would have been few if any wars, no government taxation, (theft) no confiscation of much of the land in this country by rule of ‘law’ and force, few if any monopolies, no mass regulation of any kind, no government prisons filled with those incarcerated for victimless crimes, no drug laws, no gun laws, and no murderous federal or state police and military. There would be no politicians, no elections, no voting for masters, no congress, no president, (king) no massive bureaucracies, no government indoctrination systems, (‘public’ schools) no republicans, no democrats, and therefore a great reduction of lies.

Without a government, the false flag inside job of September 11, 2001, would never have happened. There would never have been any Patriot Act, no war of terror by the United States, no torture program, and probably no recessions or depressions, unless they were isolated, natural, localized, and very short-lived. The housing and economic crisis beginning in 2008 would not have occurred. Stock and bond manipulation would be nearly impossible, and mass spending, currency expansion, and monetary inflation would be unheard of in an environment devoid of government.

There would be no national emergencies declared by government, so the fake ‘covid’ pandemic would never have taken place. There would never have been business closings ordered, no mask mandates, no forced home imprisonment, no curfews, no lockdowns, no ‘social distancing,’ no testing, and absolutely no required deadly poisonous bio-weapon injections purposely and unjustly called ‘vaccines.’.

There would never have been any travel restrictions, no bailouts, no mass welfare scams called ‘stimulus checks, no hyper-inflation, no poisoning of food sources, no destruction of farms and ranches, no slaughter of animals, no toxic chemical poison spraying of the atmosphere, no geo-engineering of weather and unnatural disasters, and no Trump or Biden.

There would be no debt ceiling, because there would likely be no federal or state debt. There would be no national deficit, and no unfunded liabilities. There would be little if any division among the people because most all division is caused and stoked by government. There would be no immigration problem, no fences at the borders, no ‘war on drugs,’ no drug cartels supported fully by the U.S. government and the CIA and other ‘intelligence’ services. There would be no antagonistic foreign policy, and therefore, no real risk of nuclear war with China or Russia, and no food and energy shortages caused by state thugs.

No one has any legitimate right to give authority, or assign any power of one over another, by calling it government. The very idea that one can vote to allow by proxy, the rule of the many by the few; those chosen liars and cheats called politicians, is in and of itself absurd. How can any illegitimately selected political class, the most immoral group of criminals on earth, legislate morality to others? All that government consists of, are those dregs of society seeking rule, who are given power to do things that no normal citizen has a right to do. Any who are allowed to make ‘laws’ controlling others, are automatically assuming a position above their own heinous ‘laws.’ They are only able to do this by using the resources they steal from all, to buy violent enforcers called police and military, to punish, harm, or murder, any who question or refuse their false ‘authority.’

As I have said in the past: “All those who continue to support the notion that government is necessary, all those who continue to advocate government as the only answer to societal cohesion, all those who demand that others accept government for the benefit of all, and all those dependent on rule who expect government to be their master and protector, are in essence the destroyers of liberty, and therefore they are advocates for mass slavery. There is no legitimate reasoning for such asinine behavior.”

Government can only exist when people accept that they are slaves, and allow a master to rule over them. Without this voluntary acceptance of rule, no government could ever stand. No individual or group of individuals, has any right whatsoever to rule another, and this has only been possible due to the insane mindset that is collectivism of the masses. This so-called ‘philosophy’ that is ‘collectivism,’ sets the stage for where we are today; living as slaves in a society of fools, dependent on a master’s permission to live and breathe. No freedom will ever be present, so long as any government (State) exists. This is a reality that cannot be questioned.


“Free election of masters does not abolish the masters or the slaves.”

~ Herbert Marcuse


Copyright © 2023

Connect with Gary D. Barnett

Cover image credit: GDJ

Will the Mass Poisoning of Our Skies Cause a Killing Field Effect?

Will the Mass Poisoning of Our Skies Cause a Killing Field Effect?

by Gary D. Barnett
May 3, 2023


“When people look up into the sky and see white trails paralleling and crisscrossing high in the sky, little do they know that they are not seeing ‘condensation’, but instead are witnessing a man-made ‘climate engineering CRISIS’ facing all air-breathing humans and animals on planet earth. These white aircraft spray-trails are the result of scientifically verifiable spraying of aluminum particles and other toxic heavy metals, polymers and chemicals. These toxic atmospheric aerosols are used to alter the weather patterns creating droughts in some regions, and deluges and floods in other locations. Even extreme cold can be created by climate engineering under other conditions. Unfortunately, these unfolding catastrophes are not capturing the attention of America’s citizen nor politicians. Weather warfare has already almost reached beyond possibility of devastation of all mankind and animals. It is that serious, and it is time-limiting.”

Signed: General Charles Jones, Brigadier General, U.S. Air Force.


The term Chemtrails, while accurate, is a common term that has been widely mis-used by the general population and media, certainly by design, in order to discredit all efforts against weather and climate geoengineering, cloud-seeding, and the manufacturing and spraying of chemically-based artificial clouds meant to reflect sunlight, by spraying the atmosphere with chemicals, deadly metals, and toxins. This is, and has been done, for a long time in the false name of ‘protecting us’ from the farcical and fraudulent ‘threat’ of manmade ‘climate change.’ Those who expose this fraud are of course, generally called “conspiracy theorists.” This is most always an unwarranted and rhetorical ad hominem attack on character instead of examining substance; all in order to avoid any discussion of what is a valid subject matter concerning the top-down manipulation of weather, and the poisoning of all living things. There is actually manmade weather engineering, and toxic spraying of metals and chemicals, but that has not occurred due to one driving a car, or taking a trip on a plane, but has been affected by government and military operations. In other words, global warming, global cooling, or the benign term, ‘climate change,’ are intentional acts, and not due simply to human existence and the basic daily functions of life.

I will preface the rest of my comments with an anecdotal experience that I personally witnessed over the past two days in the Rocky Mountains here in Montana. What I saw, is almost a daily occurrence here, and most everywhere else as well, but I spent the entirety of both days watching the unfolding of fake chemical cloud seeding, and the resulting atmospheric changes. We had a rare period of total blue skies, although not as blue as in the past. On both days I watched from 9AM until late evening, as jet after jet continued to spray metals and chemicals across the horizon. The patterns were crossing, and at different altitudes, moving from section to section of sky, likely dependent on wind currents. Both days were forecast to be clear, but by afternoon on both days, the unnatural cloud cover was enough to block the sun entirely; at least from partial to heavy.

What began as completely clear skies, changed to a manmade and broad-based cloud cover that hung in the air until I could no longer see the skies. This was obviously the purposeful spraying of toxins in order to block vital sunlight, but much more is going on than just simply blocking the sun, as all these metals and chemicals eventually disperse and fall to earth, harming every single living thing. This very adversely affects all plants and animals, including humans. Given what has been proven to be in these payloads, the risk of agriculture devastation, changing weather patterns, killing bug life and pollinators, weather manipulation, geoengineered weather systems, and cancer-causing toxins made up of nano-particle metals and chemicals, are all threats to all of nature, including to water, soil, insects, animals, birds, fish, and humans.

This has been going on for decades, but at this point in time, it is inundating airspace everywhere in this country and the world. Some of this is being done by commercial aircraft, but most it seems is being done by the military, mainly the Air Force, by and with approval of this government, by NASA, and by others. This is a deliberate and planned attack against mankind and the earth. This is a weaponized form of war against all life domestically and globally. These tactics can be used as war weaponry, for food and agricultural destruction, and for depopulation through bodily system devastation.

Weather phenomena recently have been extreme. While proving without question that these are not normal, but designed events, is certainly difficult, but these anomalies are happening so often and are so far beyond reason, that one cannot ignore that these events are likely engineered. Well above average temperatures in mid-spring have been changing to very cold and heavy snow, and then back to high temperatures in many areas across the country.  Even in my area in just the past two weeks, I saw record temperatures, then very cold and record snow, two feet or more, and now temperatures of close to 80 degrees. This is happening everywhere, and is not due to what is called ‘climate change,’ but in my opinion, it is due to manmade manufactured systems. There are masses of tornadoes, 90 degrees and then snow, unreal flooding, as happened in Florida recently, and many weather events that belie imagination, in that a vast reversal of normalcy is present in most every area at once.

But this is not the only threat concerning the toxic chemical and metals spraying that is continuous across the country and the world. We are literally being poisoned, sickness is expanding greatly, and cancer is advancing in numbers and severity. This is certainly due to this heinous spraying, but it is also evident due to deadly ‘covid’ bioweapon injections, poisoning of food, including plants and animals, destruction of farming and ranching, and land and water poisoning due to very toxic chemicals and metals. This population and others are being attacked from every angle in what appears to be a mass depopulation effort by the State, its controllers, pharmaceutical manufacturers, the CIA and military, NASA, HAARP, the so-called scientific community, and the technological giants. This war against humanity is now seemingly never ending.

Geoengineering, weather engineering, and bogus ‘climate change’ policies, are not meant to help humanity or the earth, they are purposely being used only to harm and control. In addition to what I have mentioned here, there have been an inordinate number of chemical spills, massive explosions and fires of not only toxic materials, but in food production facilities nationwide. At this point, no mass food distribution can be trusted, as it is impossible to know what is being put into our food supply.

Solar geoengineering, high-energy waves, and toxic poisoning of the skies and earth, are causing increased storm activity, droughts, floods, tornados, fires, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, and extreme volcanic activity. In addition, the health of humanity is being systematically destroyed. As I noted last year: “The most major tenet of this grand assault on humanity at the hands of the manipulative state, is advancing the ‘climate change’ agenda, so that total control over all of humanity and all property, can be solidified with very little resistance. It is all based on false fear, as always, but the state players in their haste to complete this takeover coup, have actually through climate and weather manipulation, also placed themselves in harm’s way. The plot was allowed to continue because multiple state agendas were being sought, and it is still in place today, even with the risks to all due to this horrendous plan. Oh, what a tangled web they weave.”

“What’s coming will make post-apocalyptic movies look like a Disney world vacation.”

~ Dane Wigington


Reference and source links:

Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth

Geoengineering Watch

Geoengineering Parts I, II, and III–Congressional Hearings 2009 and 2010

Elana Freeland: Geoengineering Transhumanism

“The Dimming: Exposing the Global Geo-Engineering Cover-Up”

Weather Modification History Timeline

HAARP and the Sky Heaters

Spain Allows Geoengineering as do over 50 Other Countries

Spain Admits to Spraying Chemtrails in Secret U.N. Program

Chemtrail Poisons Are ruining Your Health From Above


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Cover image credit: Sharon James, contributing writer at TCTL

More photos taken by Sharon James, contributing writer at Truth Comes to Light. All photos were taken during October of 2022 as she drove through American midwest farm land where she lives and farms.

Perception Can Be Reality, and Reality Can Be Perception: So What Is Real?

Perception Can Be Reality, and Reality Can Be Perception: So What Is Real?

by Gary D. Barnett
April 25, 2023


 “Because one believes in oneself, one doesn’t try to convince others. Because one is content with oneself, one doesn’t need others’ approval. Because one accepts oneself, the whole world accepts him or her.”
~ Lao Tzu


A bit of philosophy!

I guess this subject boils down to the obvious truth, that one sees what he wants to see, whether or not reality, logic, and conscience, are in direct contradiction to that perception. This is a natural human reaction, although it is not any preferred method of deduction if honesty and responsibility are desired. In this so-called modern age, it seems that everything has become perception, as most hide from any uncomfortable truth or reality in an effort to shift all responsibility away from themselves in favor of a tyrannical governing system. So long as the compliant dolts of this society believe they are free when they are not, they will take the easy way, accept all government stipends, follow all the ‘rules,’ and pretend that they are happy, because they will not have to make any decision for themselves. Truth and risk, you see, are not accepted by most, and this is a recipe for totalitarian rule to prosper.

Some great philosophers of the past, have posited that there is no truth; that everything is illusion. But we do have this life, and it is as real as is possible, because it is the only thing of which all are certain. The meaning of life is a different story, but then, that is a subject meant to belittle the time we have on this earth, and not in any way something that can be fully understood; at least not in our current state of consciousness. There lies the contradiction. We all know we are alive, if for no other reason than we awaken every morning to the only life we know, so why not accept that knowledge, and make of  it something of value, instead of becoming a cog in the wheel of time without individual worth and purpose. Is this not a truth we can accept?

Since none of us can ‘fix’ or change another to suit our perception of the desirable human, and can only change ourselves, why not concentrate on individual awareness and improvement, instead of wasting our time in any effort to force upon others our perception of reality? Each of us, you see, is unique, so each of us has to come to our conclusions alone, for if worrying about the perceived flaws of others consumes one’s mind, how can one improve self and find happiness in life? Obviously, this would require that no aggression be present, and from what is reality, we all know that non-aggression is not universal in nature, so conflict will arise. The true test of man then, is to learn how to respect the thinking and opinions of all others, unless aggression is at hand.

This attitude of peaceful anarchy allows for a general environment of calm and harmony, so long as aggression is not tolerated. That means first, that rule and governing has to become obsolete for all those who choose that path, and any who choose voluntarily to live under a master or government, may certainly do so, if and only if, their preferred system is not forced on any who do not willingly accept it.

Poppycock you say; humans cannot live without governments. Who would build roads, who would make ‘laws,’ who would give everyone ‘free healthcare,’ who would protect you from harm, who would fight constant wars of aggression, who would lockdown the country when someone got the flu, and who would fill the prisons with those who never harmed another? Who would tax you (steal from you) to supply the things you illegitimately desire that should only be the responsibility of each individual? All aggression is immoral and wrong, so all those sanctioning aggression at the hands of government as proxy, are in essence, committing aggression themselves. This is what is not understood by the collective masses, whose idea of right is doing whatever the majority decides, regardless of the consequences to all who disagree.

There is an old saying, and a correct one I might add, that reads, live and let live, which is now completely ignored by this collective herd of parasites. In today’s world, most have accepted the notion that all should be able to live at the expense, labor, and property of others, in order to suit their wants and needs. This is a case where reality is ignored in favor of the perception that living at the expense of others is legitimate and right due to the asinine assumptions of equity and ‘fairness;’ assumptions that rest on the ideology of communism.

Perception becomes reality in the minds of fools when the majority willingly accepts the premise that they deserve something or anything, due solely to the fact that they exist, the color of their skin, their sexual preference, their laziness, or their greed. This is why most think they deserve freedom, but expect that freedom without any effort on their part to gain or secure it. Most believe that government (rulers) gives (allows) them freedom, and that is why they so blindly expect a piece of paper filled with political language is the foundation of their so-called rights, instead of the fact that their freedom rests only on the natural and inherent right to life of the individual. This society is consumed by perception, because to accept the harsh truth of reality requires thinking, action, and consequences, whereas false perception requires no risk or effort, but only obedience to the god of government.

Reality is not always what we see, but it is what we live. Our lives are real, our families are real, and nature is real. We do not have all the answers of our existence or of the universe or beyond, but that does not change the fact that we have this life on earth. Reality becomes perception when one expects to know all there is to know, and no human has that capability. In fact, we, as individuals, know nothing of all there is to know. The wonder of it all is astounding to be sure, but the reality of this life and all it has to offer, is just as amazing.

Take what is real, and revel in it. Do not allow others to impede on your short time on this earth. Do not allow any other to rule over you, or claim to be your master, regardless if many of your fellow men decide to take that worthless and treacherous path. If each of us accepts his individuality, embraces his unique nature, and lives his life as a free man, what is real will become clearly obvious, and perception will be dreams. Once this state of mind is evident, disobedience will become natural, and disobedience is vital in any effort to secure individual freedom.

Let go of the State, and trust yourself instead.

“No man has the right to dictate what other men should perceive, create or produce, but all should be encouraged to reveal themselves, their perceptions and emotions, and to build confidence in the creative spirit.”
~ Ansel Adams


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Cover image credit: Bessi

Here We Go Again: Deranged Voters Looking for a Political Savior

Here We Go Again: Deranged Voters Looking for a Political Savior

by Gary D. Barnett
April 22, 2023


“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, I’m a moron. Fool me three or more times consecutively, and I’m a voter.”
~ Jarod Kintz

My gracious sakes alive; it is amazing that it is only eighteen months away from yet another mentally deranged presidential ‘election,’ and the insanity circus is already in town. Who will run? Who will be nominated? Who will be your savior this time around? Who will give you a check? Who will ‘fix’ the country? Who will be tasked with continuing the madness? Which trimmer will get called into the game by the ruling ‘elites’ to compete in this selection-based political process? Will it be Biden again, Trump, DeSantis, M. Obama, or the new lauded democrat, RFK, Jr., or any others in the cadre of political scum of wanna-be rulers vying for the selected top spot? It does not matter you see, as so long as this voting insanity continues, this country and world will persist in flushing all freedom down the proverbial toilet bowl of dreams, while the lowly complicit masses cheer on their political gods.

The idiotic notion of the myth of representative government, democracy, and the ludicrous lie of “government of the people, by the people, and for the people,” will once again be shouted from the rooftops by most all involved, including the clueless voters. There have been 59 previous presidential elections since 1789, and things have worsened after every single ‘election’ in the history of this country. In case this fact is still difficult for most to grasp, this next cycle of a staged picking of a master, will culminate by allowing the lowest form of human to be placed in a dominating position of rule and power over the enslaved people. The only result will be more dominance, self-serving tyranny, and a continued democide of this population. As always, this fate of the people at large will have been voluntarily accepted.

What is so unforgettably deficient of mind about this absurdity, is that this will be the 60th time in a row, that the American people have intentionally and with free will, chosen a king and master to rule over them. This will be the 60th time consecutively, that the ‘voting public’ has allowed control of their personal behavior, accepted government theft of their property by forceable taxation, allowed the waging of continuous wars of aggression against innocents, experienced the destruction of their economy and wealth, and has given up freedom. While it is unlikely that Einstein voiced or wrote the quote: ‘insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result,’ that idea when concerning the voluntary approval of totalitarian rule, holds true. How can anyone with even a modicum of intelligence, ever fathom making the same mistake over and over 60 times consecutively? That truly is insanity.

Why does anyone expect this time to be different? How could anything be clearer than the understanding that government brings nothing but tyranny, economic devastation, and the death of liberty, and that accepting a ‘supreme leader’ is nothing more than openly embracing slavery? I wish someone–anyone–could explain this phenomenon to me, as I cannot fathom ignorance at this level.

There will be the Trump faithful, and it seems they will never falter until the last of them have their ‘Trump vaccine,’ are thrown into prison, or are lied to a thousand more times. His so-called party opponent, DeSantis, who cannot make up his mind as to what to say or do, who to support or not, but is the darling of the crossover crowd between the staunch ‘conservatives,’ the ‘libertarians,’ and those who think he is the real deal to save America because he was governor of a state that was slightly better than D.C. during the fraud and deception of fake ‘covid.’ There are many others as well, those like Haley, Hutchinson, Ramaswamy, (?) and Stapleton, on the Republican side, and the ever-braindead Biden, Williamson, and Scott on the Democratic side, at least so far. And then there is the ever-present Kennedy, who will cause all kinds of confusion, as libertarians, Democrats, and Republicans will get an aneurysm attempting to figure out how to handle this contradiction. Maybe they can all holds hands and sing Kumbaya, and all join together to rule the plebes. I am sure many others will throw their hat in the ring,  just as soon as their ruling class masters gives them the green light.

One strives to present a picture of things so that most can at least understand the madness, gain some truth, and sort out the absurdity, but it is impossible to do so in this day and age without extreme sarcasm, and blatant parody. This is truly a circus event if ever one existed on this earth, and many still have the psychotic desire to not only participate and sanction this idiocy, but to expect a different outcome this time around. If Mencken were only alive today, he would likely be forever consumed by either maddening laughter, or deep and delusional schizophrenia. That would be the only saving grace of sanity in such a world consumed by this raving lunacy.

What in the world is to become of us? How can any sit back and watch this game show, and not come away thinking they are in a world of political fanaticism. If it were not so absolutely dangerous, it would be the most profound comedy of all time.

Instead, it is this manufactured and guided realty that has been foisted on this non-thinking society, and accepted by the masses as normal. If this is normal, what defines the ludicrous, and who could even comprehend such a state of confusion and neurotic existence? As Louis-Ferdinand Celine so correctly stated: “I have never voted in my life… I have always known and understood that the idiots are in a majority so it’s certain they will win.” And they have, over and over again, in a system of perpetual stupidity.

“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”
~ H.L. Mencken, On Politics: A Carnival of Buncombe


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Cover image credit: Dieterich01

The Evil Intent of the Pledge of Allegiance

The Evil Intent of the Pledge of Allegiance

by Gary D. Barnett
March 22, 2023


Southington, Connecticut school children pledge their allegiance to the flag, in May 1942.

“Rex Curry is the historian who revealed amazing discoveries including (1) that the USA’s Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was the origin of the Nazi salute and Nazi behavior adopted later in Germany under Hitler’s socialism, and (2) that the so-called “swastika” symbol was used to represent “S” letter shapes for “SOCIALISM” under Hitler.

It has pleased me greatly to see the recent headlines and articles lambasting the horrible “Pledge of Allegiance.” It is about time. This is beside the fact that many of the reasons given for abandoning these nation-state glorification (socialist) testimonials, are incorrect, based on some ‘woke’ agenda, or some non-thinking collective nonsense. No one should ever have said any evil pledge to any nation or country, or sang any ‘national’ anthem meant as worship of the State. The fact that this is demanded of children from almost infancy to adult is no accident, as it takes time to indoctrinate, and make compliant an entire society.

Jacob Hornberger’s recent article, “The Pledge of Allegiance and Government Schools,” was well done, and explained some of the history of the heinous pledge, but I think it is very important to concentrate on why most adults still stand at attention at every single demand to say the pledge or sing the national anthem. The children mostly comply because they have been taught to do so almost since birth,  this due to being exposed to heinous government schooling (total indoctrination)  that only exists in order to harm and brainwash by promoting State worship and obedience.

I have told this story before, but will once again. When I was 16 years old and in a government school, all students in the high school I attended  were required to meet the first thing in the morning in a very large auditorium. At that time, there were over 400 students, and all were told every morning to stand, put their hand over their heart (different than the ‘Hitler (Roman) salute’ used from 1892 until December 1942) and say the Pledge of Allegiance. I do not recall exactly when I began to find this to be obnoxious, but it had been a long time. I was shy at this age, but could no longer put up with this idiocy. I stood up in front of the entire hall, and stated that I would never say this pledge to any flag again in my life. As you might imagine, this caused a great stir and disbelief, and those in charge immediately took me to the principal’s office.

As you might imagine, I was threatened, and told I had to say the pledge, but I said never again. I do not remember all that was said to me, or how long this browbeating went on, but eventually, my parents were called. I do not remember how my father was able to get there considering his work, but he showed up and came to the principal’s office. He was told that I refused to say the pledge, and that this was required. My father simply said, and I paraphrase, “If Gary said he is not going to say the pledge, then that is the end of the conversation. It is his decision.” I have never said it since that time.

It was later in life that I came to the same decision concerning the warmongering, and abhorrent national anthem, but I saw little difference in this and the pledge, concerning the attitude of worship for the State. I had no use for that idiocy, which I consider a voluntary pronouncement of slavery to the State.

The history of pledging allegiance and bowing to the State as master, has long been a part of this country’s past, but it was not always so, even given that the constitutional convention was meant to create a large and powerful centralized federal governing system; one with virtually unlimited powers. One aspect of the State gaining submission to its false authority by the common people, is to fool them into believing that the ‘country,’ (nation-state) and its hideous flag are more important than the individual, and that ridiculous ‘patriotism’ to the State is necessary for the ‘greater good.’ This is laughable, especially considering the evil tyranny and murder committed in the name of this country–the USA.

What should be gained from understanding the deceit of such nonsensical madness as worship of government or State, is that in order to be free, one must separate himself from any devotion to rule, or allegiance to any country or false governing authority. When one accepts that any regime or State is more important than the individual, slavery will naturally result. Those in power fully understand this concept, and every fiber of their being is bent on fooling the people into believing that they are subordinate to the State. (Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.) The ruling class considers themselves as gods, and the people their servants, and uses fear as their crutch to capture the hearts and souls of mankind. This is the essence of rule, power, and control over society.

If one is to seek and respect freedom, all governing systems, all government schools, and all aspects of power of one over another, must be abolished. Freedom and rule are opposite, and cannot exist together. There is either rule by tyrants, or there is freedom, and never the twain shall meet.

“You assist an evil system most effectively by obeying its orders and decrees. An evil system never deserves such allegiance. Allegiance to it means partaking of the evil. A good person will resist an evil system with his or her whole soul.”

~ Gandhi


Reference links:

The Bellamy salute

Francis Bellamy


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Cover image in Public Domain: (1899) Students pledging to the flag, 1899, 8th Division, Washington, D.C.
Part of the Frances Benjamin Johnston 1890 – 1900 Washington, D.C., school survey.

The Homily of Obedience: A Curse on America

The Homily of Obedience: A Curse on America

by Gary D. Barnett
published March 14, 2023


Still further back in history, Benjamin Rush—one of the founding fathers of the United States and the man officially recognized by the American Psychiatric Association as the “father of American psychiatry”—made early contributions to the weaponization of psychiatry by inventing a number of mental disorders to pathologize dissent. The most notable of these made-up disorders was “anarchia,” a type of madness Rush defined as “an excess of the passion for liberty,” which “could not be removed by reason, nor restrained by government” and “threatened to render abortive the goodness of heaven to the United States.”

James Corbett quoting Benjamin Rush in “Dissent Into Madness”

It is telling that one of the considered ‘founders’ of this country, one who was recognized as the Father of American psychiatry, one who signed the Declaration of Independence, and one of the ‘leaders’ in the ‘ratification’ of the Constitution, did not want anyone to have any “excess of passion for liberty.” That is real rule-negation anarchy, as evidenced in his mental disorder description he called “anarchia.” If that is not a complete, total, and ludicrous contradiction, nothing is. But then, he is just stating the obvious truth, that was and is, that all people should be ruled, and not take it upon themselves to seek too much freedom. Of course, that was the intent of the Constitutional Convention in the first place, so none should have been surprised. The talk of freedom for all people, was just that; political talk, lies, and doublespeak.

And how did this ‘founder’ treat (prescribe) for those who wanted “too” much freedom? He chose darkness, solitary confinement, standing erect for days at a time, sleep deprivation, total bodily immobilization, and other torture techniques. This led to one or more of his apprentices and colleagues to continue and expand his heinous techniques, including Samuel Cartwright’s invention of the idiotic ‘disorder’ he named “drapetomania, or the disease causing negroes (slaves) to run away.” This is the essence of the American system today, with current ‘prescriptions’ being to censor speech, eradicate dissent, shame disobedience by using division, create concentration camps for non-compliance with government orders, and to destroy any ability to voice opinion against the State.

The drive of American rule and politics, and of this Fascist ‘republic,’ has always been to create and enforce obedience by the entirety of the population to all State mandates, illegal laws, and immoral demands. In order to achieve such a heinous coup, the first step was to build a ‘free’ system of ‘public’ (government) schooling to indoctrinate and dumb down society, to build fake ‘patriotism,’ by promoting love of State, (idiocy) to steal most all assets under the guise of creating ‘equality,’ to control all aspects of every part of life, and then to create constant fear so that the State would forever be the savior. All this was allowed voluntarily by the vast majority of this now defunct and totalitarian State called ‘America.’

Blind obedience in my opinion, is not a natural state of humanity, although it seems so at times. It is, I believe, a conditioned response to outside pressure and mental stress, indoctrination, brainwashing, and propaganda, especially when beginning from infancy to adult in any State sponsored schooling, political governing system, and saturated implementation of policy to affect compliance. Once the virgin mind is inundated with false information, and habituated by constant manipulation, the innate nature of the individual is destroyed in favor of collective ignorance.

It does not take the majority, or all those involved in the indoctrination process, to achieve large scale dominance over the population. It is only necessary in order to turn the tide toward the State’s objectives, to influence those at the top of the pyramid, or at the top of any of the influential entities that control those working for or profiting from this deception. If the directors and managers can be ‘convinced,’ of the agenda, whether by acceptance of false ideology, profiting, extortion, or blackmail, to go along with the State’s protocols, the rest will follow. This is also true concerning politics, media, and corporatism. This is how the few can rule over the many, by using leverage and deceit to capture the minds of a majority, while steering the entire system from afar.

Consider the power of religion and churches, consider the power of the State-controlled media, consider the power of this horribly corrupt political system; and then consider that when all these entities are working as one, how much influence is wielded over society? If the few at the top in these areas are working together to advance the same agendas, how powerful a message is foisted on the populace? Now consider what happened during the ‘covid’ hoax, when all of these players went along completely with the state narrative, and supported every false and draconian effort by the governing system to tame and fully control the people. How many were influenced by this coordinated and concentrated alliance of powerful and (falsely) respected so-called ‘leaders? I can tell you; hundreds of millions who make up the proletariat herd succumbed to this fraudulent plot.

The homily of obedience is beaten into the minds of the people by multiple deceptive means, and is an ongoing process that never sleeps. The effort to control societies is based on many methods of promoting service, (subservience) monetary or dependency enticement, nationalism, (worship of State) promotion of collectivism, and especially fear. The basis of this atrocious curse of obedience is psychological warfare against the people. Henry David Thoreau properly stated: “Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves.”

There is no reason to be afraid, and once self-reliance, confidence, and individual sovereignty, are expected and sought, the light of freedom will shine brighter. What is necessary is to never trust the State in any capacity whatsoever, question everything and expect valid answers, accept nothing but the truth, and practice disobedience at every possible opportunity. Do not comply with any harmful government mandate or order, resist all ‘authority,’ and scream out for independence without pause.

“The most erroneous assumption is to the effect that the aim of public education is to fill the young of the species with knowledge and awaken their intelligence, and so make them fit to discharge the duties of citizenship in an enlightened and independent manner. Nothing could be further from the truth. The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all; it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality. That is its aim in the United States, whatever the pretensions of politicians, pedagogues and other such mountebanks, and that is its aim everywhere else.”

~ H.L. Mencken


Copyright © 2023

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Cover image credit: Graehawk

My – Oh My – Oh My!: “It Seems That All Hell Is About to Break Loose.”

My – Oh My – Oh My!: “It Seems That All Hell Is About to Break Loose.” 


“All of this and much, much more is going on every day. With this much distraction, something big, or multiple agendas, are being pursued, and fear through false flags, economic calamity, war, or any other number of events, are likely on the horizon. I think it prudent to watch very carefully what goes on the next few days, weeks, and months, as it seems that all hell is about to break loose.”


My – Oh My – Oh My!

by Gary D. Barnett
March 11, 2023


Please forgive the title, but my oh my! What in the world is happening, and why is it happening all at once?

We now have constant train derailments, hazardous truck crashes, extensive increases in deadly weather (manmade?) and solar geoengineering, dangerous chemical fires, food production and distribution destruction, animal slaughters, explosions, strange weather anomalies, sudden deaths, and eggs at $12 a dozen.

January 6th, the ‘greatest insurrection’ in the history of the world, all planned by government, FBI, CIA, and others, was on TV as everyone watched the set of that movie, and fake investigations have been ongoing since that time. All of a sudden, ‘hidden’ tapes and information are available on the mainstream, so now many of those who condemned it, have changed sides, and everything is being reversed. The same is true of the ‘covid vaccines,’ (bioweapons) as actors and politicians who wanted to imprison or kill all those refusing to take the injection, are now claiming that they are dangerous. Reversal.

Travel is being said (by U.S. government and media) to be too dangerous to experience in many countries. Mexico is the most recent victim of stupid American politicians and media, after two people were killed in what looks like an FBI operation, while in the past 6 days, 53 were shot, and 7 died in Chicago alone. Year to date shootings in Chicago (just over two months) is 440, with 103 of those being homicides. Maybe Chicago should go to the top of the list of places no one should go.

At the same time, Silicon Valley Bank, a huge operation, was shut down, and no one knows what the fallout will bring. Just three days ago, Silvergate Capital Bank in San Diego was closed and is liquidating all assets. That bank was involved in Crypto, so from an agenda perspective (CBDCs) this killed two birds with one stone. How many banks will fail next week, next month, and after?

War drums are continuing to be beaten aggressively against China and Russia, with one belligerent act of war after another being propagated by the U.S. This could of course, lead to any number of deadly outcomes, and could cause a snowball effect of epoch proportion that could change life as we know it forever.

And then there is Trump. How could anyone explain the idiocy, arrogance, and downright stench of this clown. He just said he is going to eliminate the “Deep State,” this after he put nearly every deep state asset in his administration when in office. He said he will “drive out the globalists.” As announced yesterday, Trump is screaming his plans to build 10 “freedom cities,” (smart cities) which is a globalist plan to lock up people in confined spaces. He wants also to make sure there are flying cars for these new prison systems. You just can’t make this stuff up!

All of this and much, much more is going on every day. With this much distraction, something big, or multiple agendas, are being pursued, and fear through false flags, economic calamity, war, or any other number of events, are likely on the horizon. I think it prudent to watch very carefully what goes on the next few days, weeks, and months, as it seems that all hell is about to break loose.

At least the ‘balloon fiasco’ seems to have subsided. What a relief!


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

Cover image based on creative commons work of: GDJ

The Bulk of This Population Has Been Rendered Mentally Harmless by the Elimination of Individuality

The Bulk of This Population Has Been Rendered Mentally Harmless by the Elimination of Individuality 

by Gary D. Barnett
March 10, 2023


“Freedom means freedom from forces and circumstances which would turn man into a thing, which would impose on man the passivity and predictability of matter. By this test, absolute power is the manifestation most inimical to human uniqueness. Absolute power wants to turn people into malleable clay.”

Author: Eric Hoffer


Many wonder why things are as they are today, why unique and sovereign individuals gather in large groups en masse, (as one) why they seek and embrace the herd mentality, and why they demand a dominate government, when this behavior can only lead to a loss of identity and an elimination of all critical thought. This does not happen due to a lack of intellect, it does not happen because of any intentional desire for one to destroy his own free will, it is the result of purposeful long-term planning on the part of the ruling class, and the voluntary acceptance of dependency by the masses. This technique, is in essence, the use of people as chattel, little different than that of animals, by the select few in society whose aim is to control all others. It is humans using and abusing humans as a matter of policy. This is why the (State) government schooling system was created in the first place, and in today’s highly technological environment, this designed experiment is proving its worth to the evil ‘elites,’ and their controlled pawns in government.

None of this, as mentioned above, was or is accidental in any regard, as allowing the general populace to remain self-reliant, entrepreneurial, self-sufficient, and fully literate, is anathema to the authoritative element of society, and is considered by the powerful ‘elites’ a deadly weapon against their rule and domination. The elimination of the individual in favor of the lie that is the ‘common good,’ the dumbing down and indoctrination of each generation of children from infancy to adult by structured intellectual obsolescence, and the propagandizing and promotion of a general attitude of non-existent ‘equality’ and entitlement, leads directly to dependence on the State.

To examine our distant past, is to walk in a world that is completely opposite of this totalitarian hell-hole that is America today; an America that has been voluntarily surrendered to the few. This is due to a total breakdown of the individual in society, replaced by cogs in a machine of  scared, non-thinking, dependent, conforming, lost souls, hiding in a collective mass of confused people without purpose. This once society of independent free men has allowed others to control their lives, instead of accepting themselves, and pursuing life as a confident individual. This has happened because most have turned over their children to a government system bent on destroying their drive, their individual talents, and their unique abilities to live, grow, prosper, and follow their own path, without resistance from any illegitimate authority; especially given the harm caused by the heinous ‘public’ (government) schooling system.

According to research confirmed by The Columbian Phenix and Boston Review in 1800, “no country on the face of the earth can boast of a larger proportion of inhabitants, versed in the rudiments of science, or fewer, who are not able to read and write their names, than the United States of America. Literacy had been an obsession in America since as early as 1642. In Massachusetts, children were to be able to read and understand the principles of religion and capital laws of the country at this time. Thomas Jefferson even stated in the 1770s: “Those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny; and it is believed that the most effectual means of preventing this would be, to illuminate, as far as practicable, the minds of the people at large.”

During much of the 18th, and throughout the 19th century, literacy was nearly universal in this country, but there is much more to this story. Basic literacy, reading, is one thing, but knowledgeable and active literacy is a different matter. In the past basic literacy was only the beginning, as gaining great knowledge, having the ability to communicate with others intelligently in conversation, and being able to write and successfully present thoughts and information, was common. Even with this advanced society of the time, much more was required in order to remain free and prosperous. That was the independent spirit of the individual, entrepreneurial drive, self-reliance, and a high degree of confidence.

Most all desired to work for themselves, own their own businesses, and even if one began work as an apprentice or not, he wanted to use all knowledge and assets gained in order to soon work for himself. Most all businesses were small and private long ago, including of course the massive number of small farms, and interest in working at a ‘job’ for someone else was  rarely considered. The horrendous corporatism of America changed all that, and for it to be successful for the corporate class moguls, and the new massive government, the dumbing down of society was necessary. And what more perfect solution could there be to indoctrinate an entire society than a prison-like existence, brainwashing, and obedience training centers called ‘public’ (government) schools?

Now literacy took on a whole new meaning, as a high percentage would still be ‘literate,’ (could read) but only enough to be able to understand their orders, not to be intellectually awake, and able to discuss the important matters of a dissenting society, but simply a large body of drones doing the work of their masters instead of working for themselves. This is the America of today, one of weakness, compliance, nationalism, and State worship; all living under tyranny, instead of a society made up of intelligent, happy, and moral citizens,  entrepreneurs, critical thinkers, and dissenters.

So long as people continue to expect government to give them things at the expense of others, so long as they think of government ‘welfare’ as a right, so long as they expect to be protected or enriched by government laws and policies, so long as the masses look to the collective herd instead of self, so long as this population continues to ‘vote’ and accept their political masters, and so long as people do not become fully independent, self-responsible individuals, the State will rule, and the people will be condemned to slavery.

The total negation or elimination of the State, along with its heinous institutions, would go a long way toward allowing people to once again embrace the idea of the individual, critical thinking, self-determination, independent existence, and regain the freedom they have lost.

“Independent study, community service, adventures and experience, large doses of privacy and solitude, a thousand different apprenticeships — the one-day variety or longer — these are all powerful, cheap, and effective ways to start a real reform of schooling. But no large-scale reform is ever going to work to repair our damaged children and our damaged society until we force open the idea of “school” to include family as the main engine of education. If we use schooling to break children away from parents — and make no mistake, that has been the central function of schools since John Cotton announced it as the purpose of the Bay Colony schools in 1650 and Horace Mann announced it as the purpose of Massachusetts schools in 1850 — we’re going to continue to have the horror show we have right now.”

~ John Taylor Gatto,Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling


Reference links:

Literacy in early America

The Ultimate History Lesson–John Taylor Gatto and Richard Grove


Copyright © 2023


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

Cover image credit: InfinityMinds

Trump, Wuhan, ‘Covid,’ the Media, and the Ease of Propaganda Gullibility

Trump, Wuhan, ‘Covid,’ the Media, and the Ease of Propaganda Gullibility

by Gary D. Barnett
March 5, 2023


“Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.”

~ Abraham Lincoln *

Let loose the propaganda Kraken, should be the new slogan of most so-called news presenters today, especially, but not exclusively, the mainstream media, but including much of the ‘alternative’ media as well. Considering the mindset of the American population at large, it seems that Orwell’s vision of “1984,” “War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength,” is very appropriate today. One might even go so far as to say up is down, left is right, and black is white; although this last example will likely, given the lack of intelligence evident, also be considered racist by the progressive dolts who make up much of society, politics, and the media.

After I awoke (in the physical sense) this morning, one of the first ‘news’ items I saw, a very obnoxious one to be sure, was a Trump video with him claiming that: “I am your retribution.” Sadly, he went on to say that “I will totally obliterate the deep state.” “With you at my side, we will demolish the deep state. We will expel the war mongers… We will drive out the globalists. We will cast out the communists. We will throw off the political class that hates our country … We will beat the Democrats. We will rout the fake news media. We will expose and appropriately deal with the Rinos [Republicans in name only]. We will evict Joe Biden from the White House. And we will liberate America from these villains and scoundrels once and for all.”

It took all my strength and resolve to get through just one minute of this repulsive political horse-hockey. As Trump was claiming to be God, he told lies he has  spewed over and over again. He said he would expel the warmongers, but he is an extreme warmonger, and when in office, threatened to obliterate tens of millions of innocents with nukes, as well as continuing to threaten and wage aggressive war throughout his term in office. He set the fake ‘covid’ machine in action, claimed he was the father of the ‘vaccine,’ a toxic bioweapon experiment, and death sentence for likely millions, and allowed the economic destruction of this country, all while his administration spent $7 trillion in 2020 alone. Much of  the money doled out was for relief of a ‘virus’ that has never once been identified, and a bogus ‘pandemic’ he helped to create. He and every other politician was and is a part of the globalists he pretends to castigate, so how could any sane person be fooled by this loathsome and arrogant parasite and his lies and propaganda?

Then there is the new and improved U.S. government ‘intelligence’ (an oxymoron of course) claim that once again fake ‘covid’ was ‘likely’ a lab release from Wuhan, the ‘likely’ origin theory revamped. This was a so-called ‘conclusion,’ (purposely leaked ‘story) by the very ‘reputable’ U.S. Department of Energy, with help from the FBI, one of the most heinous, evil, and corrupt enforcement agencies on planet earth. Remember, that the U.S. had been in the Wuhan lab for many years, and that no such thing as SARS-CoV-2 or ‘covid-19’ has ever once been found to exist. This is all happening at the very same time as many rabid ‘covid’ injection and ‘pandemic’ supporters, those who make up the phony propaganda-belching Hollywood crowd, are denouncing (wink) the bioweapon shot, all after many, if not most Americans, have taken this deadly venom, and succumbed to the current and future dire health risks of this poison. Could it be? Could this be a bait and switch tactic to distract this deaf, dumb, blind, and gullible populace into once again giving cover to this atrocious government for its pre-planned covert ‘pandemic’ plot that was used to destroy this country, by shifting the narrative again to blame China? This idiocy is being reported everywhere, including most all the mainstream, and the bulk of the so-called alternative news sites and blogs. It seems everyone got their marching orders, saluted, and deployed their ‘journalistic’ ammunition to the masses, just as instructed.

‘Coincidentally’ of course, headlines today also speak of the U.S. heavily training for a Pacific Island fight (war) with China, stating that U.S. relations with China are deteriorating. Statements being issued by very dubious U.S. military sources, claim this is due to China’s “aggressive moves on Taiwan,” its “attempts to intimidate Japan,” its “violation of U.S. airspace” with a fake and most probably U.S. false flag spy balloon operation, and its support for Russia’s (U.S. staged) “invasion of Ukraine.” There seems to be a pattern here, but how many are buying this hype?

What is not inundating most of the news today? The chemical poison attack and health devastation story in East Palestine, Ohio is being kept fairly silent, as is most of the other continuous train derailments that have chemical spills. The balloons are also gone it seems. Animal and bird slaughters are mostly missing in the ‘news,’ and food and energy shortages worldwide are mostly hidden. There is little about the U.S. effort and the global drive toward CBDCs, and their implementation. There is little if any reporting on sudden deaths recently, even though some Hollywood whores are supposedly censorious of the bioweapon injection. The horrible geoengineering in our skies is little discussed, including the United Nations recent admissions of this, (it has been going on for decades) and statements claiming their desire to seek the regulation of this poisonous process.

I could of course, go on and on about the massive amount of propaganda, lies, corruption, misdirection, and evil intent of the State and its government pawns, but most will still swallow the cool-aid, believe the lies, and buy into every fake distraction and false flag that is rammed down their gullible throats. With another, and most probably, the biggest bullshite election circus of all time coming next year, the airwaves will be inundated with more fake stories, more threats, more hypocrisy, contradiction, false flag events, and fantastic propaganda that one has ever experienced. This will all be taking place while the drive toward world domination by the ruling class, its government and enforcement arms, media, and all the other complicit political criminal gangs, continues to destroy this earth and humanity while the sheep watch from their perch in their theatre of gullibility.

“Do not be so open-minded that your brains fall out.”

~ G.K. Chesterton


Yes, the Lincoln quote is fake.!


Reference links:

An open letter concerning “solar radiation modification” – SRM (blocking the sun with chemicals and metals)

Look over here so you won’t see what is in front of you

2020 federal spending (understated)

UN Supervillians Threaten to Dim the sun


Copyright © 2023


Connect with Gary D Barnett

Cover image credit: CDD20

Concerning the State, There Are No Accidents, No Coincidences, and No Natural ‘Emergencies’ or Threats: All Is Planned

Concerning the State, There Are No Accidents, No Coincidences, and No Natural ‘Emergencies’ or Threats: All Is Planned

by Gary D. Barnett
February 19, 2023


“Liberty is not for these slaves; I do not advocate inflicting it against their conscience. On the contrary, I am strongly in favor of letting them crawl and grovel all they please before whatever fraud or combination of frauds they choose to venerate…Our whole practical government is grounded in mob psychology and the Boobus Americanus will follow any command that promises to make him safer.”  

~ H. L. Mencken

We are in the midst of one perceived fake threat after another claimed by the state, and each day seems to bring more and more events best described as fantasy; or to a greater extent, purposely produced and directed theatre. Hollywood could not manage these false flags any better, or maybe the movie design of all these staged events and government are fully coordinated and choreographed.

Regardless of where we begin, all of this could easily be placed under the heading, “You just can’t make this s**t up!” It appears that each and every ‘event’ is meant for one or another purpose, but lies and cover-ups by this corrupt government and its bought and paid for media, are certainly beyond obvious.

It is interesting to look at time lines to find out the sequence of events, so as to find if one is being used to cover another. The East Palestine train ‘derailment’ actually happened on February 3rd, which was two weeks ago. This is one of the most devastating toxic releases of deadly poison ever to occur, and was intentionally detonated under the guise of protecting the residents from a possible explosion. In other words, this train full of incredibly deadly chemicals, was intentionally blown up (exploded) to ‘protect’ the citizens from a possible explosion. Very little if anything was reported about this life-changing event by any major news outlet, and did not become well known until many days later when the uproar reached high levels. The White House and government did not comment for a week. In the meantime, the first so-called Chinese balloon that was recognized on February 3rd, (the same day of the toxic release in Ohio) was shot down over the Atlantic the next day, and the balloon fiasco became the most major story in the mainstream media, while thousands of people’s lives were threatened, fish and animals were dying, and lethal poisons were traveling across the country. Coincidence? Not hardly.

Since that time, and still, any number of planted objects have continually been shot down; these stories inundating the mainstream news. As an aside, in 2022, a movie called “White Noise,” (I am not linking this) was released, which portrayed  a train derailment in a small town in Ohio, that allowed a toxic release of deadly chemical poisons. In addition, the train that derailed recently, was filmed by security cameras 20 miles before it reached East Palestine, and showed the rail car that supposedly caused the derailment was on fire, but the train was not stopped. Why?

But do not worry, as this evil government has vowed to investigate this tragedy, well after it happened, and only due to exposure, which in effect is like investigating itself; this after the White House and FEMA turned down disaster relief for East Palestine while spending tens of millions to shoot down balloons. This tragedy and environmental disaster has been described by many as the same as a chemical nuclear bomb being dropped on the area.

It just so happens that the two largest shareholders of Norfolk Southern, the rail company in question, and said to not be carrying toxic and deadly chemicals before derailing in East Palestine, are Vanguard and Blackrock. Worry not however, as Norfolk Southern has said it is ‘making plans’ to create a $1 million dollar charitable fund to support all the residents of East Palestine. For those with weak math skills, this equates to about $200 per person. Of course, the millions who will likely be very adversely affected by this across a large swath of this country are just out of luck, as they will not receive their $200. This is akin to shutting down businesses across the country, many closed for an undetermined amount of time, and many going bankrupt, all for a fake ‘pandemic,’ and receiving a check from the same government that shut them down, for $1,200 for their misery.

To add insult to injury, the very evil EPA has announced that all the air and water after this intentional release of deadly toxins in East Palestine, is safe. Of course their track record does not bring confidence, as the toxic waste and poisons in the air in New York after the state-sponsored terror attack of 9/11, was given the same “safe” to breathe label. These past few years have brought much in the area of safe, or “safe and effective.” How has that worked out so far?

How many negative events, especially any that could be harmful to government, are covered up? How many cover stories or plotted secondary ’emergencies’ are used as cover for government terror, government policy, or mandates that caused great harm? Think of the Ukraine plot, continuous false flag events, the recent U.S. terror campaign and blowing up of the Nord Stream pipelines, fake pandemics, the made-up China and Russia threat, the bioweapon injection meant to harm hundreds of millions here and billions worldwide, the new and ridiculous current UFO scare, and killer balloons. What about fake cyber threats and cyber false flag scares, what about the slaughter of chickens and farm animals, what about manufactured food shortages, what about energy plant destruction, what about money expansion and debt, and brutal price increases meant to harm all? What about all the state complicity and questions concerning so-called school shootings, and then the inevitable new gun laws enacted immediately after each event?

Consider also that any event that paints an undesirable picture of the state or government, or that indicates state involvement or lies, or that is a coverup meant to cloud the minds of the sheep so that they remain blind to the obvious truth, are hidden due to false media coverage of staged events, just as is now happening with this balloon nonsense. Consider the killer ‘earthquakes’ in Turkey that are possibly manmade, all at the same time once again happening during the massive balloon threat. It is rarely mentioned in the mainstream, but the Pentagon has been releasing advanced surveillance balloons domestically and internationally for very many years, but this goes unnoticed and unreported in the midst of the current balloon invasion.

Once again, everything in politics and government is planned in advance, is not accidental, any coincidence, natural, or organic, as all is staged in one way or another to either affect a certain outcome, or cover up another. Believe nothing in the mainstream or government,  trust nothing, question everything, and never accept any reports unless you can verify the real facts in order to find the truth.

“All governments are run by liars and nothing they say should be believed.”

~ I. F. Stone


Reference links:

White House turns down relief for East Palestine, Ohio

Get the hell out of there: Apocalyptic chemical disaster and balloon mania  

Ohio Chernobyl

Pentagon testing high altitude surveillance balloons

U.S. blows up Nord Stream Pipeline

Haarp technology and the Turkey earthquake

Copyright © 2023


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

Cover image credit: ArtTower

The Final Chapter of Slavery Hinges on Widespread Implementation of Central Bank Digital Currencies

The Final Chapter of Slavery Hinges on Widespread Implementation of Central Bank Digital Currencies

by Gary D. Barnett
February 9, 2023


“We don’t know, for example, who’s using a $100 bill today and we don’t know who’s using a $1000 peso bill today. The key difference with the CBCD the central bank will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of that expression of central bank liability, and also we will have the technology to enforce that.”

~ Agustín Carstens–General Manager, Bank for International Settlements

I do not mean to indicate that CBDCs are our only or single greatest risk, but when fully implemented, it will be the final breaking point of this country’s freedom. Digital control of every transaction, total surveillance, and total central bank control over all monetary processes, will also demand tracking and tracing of every individual, which in turn will necessitate social scoring, identity, and social passports. Any and all transactions will be centrally controlled, cash will be eliminated, so that only ‘allowed’ purchases, travel and any movement, energy use, and carbon emission allowances will be the excuses used by the central bankers and the technocrats as to what is and what is not tolerated by your masters.

This may be very confusing to most, but those few who have contemplated the true ideas of freedom, and have come to the conclusion that the only laws and the only ‘rights’ that exist are those of the individual, have a better understanding. In addition, only natural law is of any value or consequence, and only natural law is valid as a moral purpose of actual justice for any individual, or any group of individuals. Therefore, should any state or government come into existence, and claim any authority whatsoever, and for any reason, it should do absolutely nothing other than protecting the individual and his inherent natural rights, for any other function would necessarily expose that each individual is nothing more than the property of the state, and therefore a slave. In other words, there is no legitimacy in any governing system whatsoever that chooses to make any laws, to enforce those laws, or in any way restrict the peaceful individual.

Discussing these concepts at this time and in this manner seems absolutely insane, as no government that has ever existed has held itself to only protecting the natural and inherent rights of the individual, without aggressing against those very same rights. What this clearly indicates then, is that no government and no state or nation, has any right to exist in any free society. No government has any right to ‘make’ laws, because natural law is already apparent and obvious. Nothing mandated by the state should ever be called a law, as no legitimate right whatsoever allows one man to make a law with authority over another. No one can even count the ‘laws’ on the books, or will even attempt to do so. There are over 300,000 state and federal gun laws alone, so how many hundreds of thousands or millions of laws are claimed by one or the other government; local, state and federal? The insanity of this is beyond imagination to any intelligent individual.

Everything that is happening and has happened, including all the wars of aggression, taxation at every level, the multitude of laws and changing laws, banking and corporate control of finance and government, all state restrictions, the 9/11 inside scam, and the fake ‘covid’ pandemic, were planned long in advance in order to achieve certain agendas. All is a constant progression of events meant to lead to a total control situation, where a ruling class is master of all. The pinnacle of this heinous plot is technocratic globalization, where the few will rule the world. By digitizing most every aspect of life, including every monetary transaction, this will allow for a fully centralized governing system where each and every individual is dependent on the state. This would be the crowning achievement of the globalists, and central banking digital currency as the global fiat system, would allow for mass control of virtually every single condition of life.

Centralized digital money, artificial intelligence, chipping of the population, movement and ‘health’ passports, 15 minute cities, and the like, will change forever the structure of power. It is imperative to understand the scope of this plot, and even though many more are turning against these changes, the state is going full steam ahead with its plan to roll out CBDCs worldwide, and the central bank of central banks, the Bank of International Settlements, is openly discussing and implementing these heinous strategies around the world without pause.

Consider the consequences of this control insanity. Once the Bank of International  Settlements reorganizes the entire central financial system into a total transaction control grid; one that allows for the central banks to fully control everything from a global centralized position, all freedom instantly disappears. Almost every country on earth is completely consumed by debt, this by design, especially the United States. Because of this planned outcome, debt consolidation on a global scale will be the biggest financial coup of all time. This is the agenda sought by the ruling class, as once this consolidation coup is in place, the world’s financial systems will act as one; all controlled by the central banks. Huge wealth transfers have been taking place aggressively for some time, but especially these past three years. Now consider that most every debt-ridden country will band together as one, taking complete control out of the hands of individuals and sovereign nations, and placing all power and control in the hands of the global central bank, the Bank of International Settlements.

At that point, traveling outside your home, whether 5 miles or more, will be controlled. What foods you choose to buy, what products you want or need, how many digital credits you are allowed to hold and use, how much energy you will be allowed, etc., and this is just the tip of the iceberg. As I write this, the drive toward this financial and digital control agenda is going forward continuously, and the CBDC push is the linchpin of the great reset coup.

Keep in mind that this short essay is meant only to explain in as simple of terms possible, the absolute deadly threat of central bank control over financial systems and economies. It is a complicated agenda, and is being pursued from many angles all at once across the entire world. The heads of the central banks, especially the most powerful central bank, The Bank of International Settlements, are openly discussing and implementing policies to take over all financial systems, to digitize all transactions, and to control every aspect of our lives through technocratic means. This is not ‘conspiracy theory, ‘this is conspiracy fact.

Control over people and nations requires that populations voluntarily comply with, and accept that control. Without the masses acquiescence to state laws, mandates, lockdowns, taxation (criminal theft) and monetary control, the state ceases to have any power. At this point in time, we are on the verge of not only national control by the few, we are on the verge of international control by the few. The central banking system is the key to this planned takeover, so resistance to this takeover at every level by the masses is mandatory if freedom is to survive.

 “The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences.”

~ Carroll Quigley


Reference links:

Agustin Carstens comments on control via use of CBDCs

Vision of cross-border payments and central bank heads on CBDCs

Catherine Austin Fitts–CBDCs and The Financial Coup

John Titus on the Split Purpose Monetary System

CBDCs and the Fed’s plan to weaponize money


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

Cover image credit: GDJ