Dr. Tom Cowan & Sally Fallon Morrell: Why Viruses (including “Coronavirus”) Are Not the Cause of Disease | Highly Protective Foods in This Toxic World

Dr. Tom Cowan & Sally Fallon Morrell: Why Viruses (including “Coronavirus”) Are Not the Cause of Disease | Highly Protective Foods in This Toxic World

by Dr. Tom Cowan with Sally Fallon Morrell
September 10, 2020


[As a service to protect truth from censorship, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, LBRY & Brighteon channels. All credit goes to the original source of this video.]


Sally Fallon Morell, MA is best known as the author of the best-selling cookbook, Nourishing Traditions®: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats.

This well-researched, thought-provoking guide to traditional foods contains a startling message: animal fats and cholesterol are not villains but vital factors in the diet, necessary for normal growth, proper function of the brain and nervous system, protection from disease and optimum energy levels.

The culinary ideas introduced in Nourishing Traditions® have stimulated the growth of a variety of small businesses providing traditional nutrient-dense foods including lacto-fermented condiments, kombucha and other lacto-fermented soft drinks, bone broth and genuine sourdough bread.

Raw milk production is flourishing as are direct farm-to-consumer buying arrangements. Sally is frequent contributors to holistic health publications.

Her work is widely respected for providing accurate and understandable explanations of complicated subjects in the field of nutrition and health. Several articles on the dangers of modern soy products have generated intense controversy in the health food industry.

Her presentations on Nourishing Traditions Diets and The Oiling of America have earned highly complimentary reviews throughout the US and overseas.


Dr. Tom Cowan’s website and podcast

Sally Fallon Morrell’s blog

As mentioned in the conversation:

Is Coronavirus Contagious?  article by Sally Fallon Morrell



[**September 26, 2020 Update: The Contagion Myth has been banned on Amazon. It is available at Barnes & NobleBooks-a-MillionTarget]

The Contagion Myth: Why Viruses (including “Coronavirus”) Are Not the Cause of Disease
by Thomas S. Cowan MD, Sally Fallon Morell

For readers of Plague of Corruption, Thomas S. Cowan, MD, and Sally Fallon Morell ask the question: are there really such things as “viruses”? Or are electro smog, toxic living conditions, and 5G actually to blame for COVID-19?

The official explanation for today’s COVID-19 pandemic is a “dangerous, infectious virus.” This is the rationale for isolating a large portion of the world’s population in their homes so as to curb its spread.  From face masks to social distancing, from antivirals to vaccines, these measures are predicated on the assumption that tiny viruses can cause serious illness and that such illness is transmissible person-to-person.

It was Louis Pasteur who convinced a skeptical medical community that contagious germs cause disease; his “germ theory” now serves as the official explanation for most illness. However, in his private diaries he states unequivocally that in his entire career he was not once able to transfer disease with a pure culture of bacteria (he obviously wasn’t able to purify viruses at that time). He admitted that the whole effort to prove contagion was a failure, leading to his famous death bed confession that “the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything.”

While the incidence and death statistics for COVID-19 may not be reliable, there is no question that many people have taken sick with a strange new disease—with odd symptoms like gasping for air and “fizzing” feelings—and hundreds of thousands have died. Many suspect that the cause is not viral but a kind of pollution unique to the modern age—electromagnetic pollution. Today we are surrounded by a jangle of overlapping and jarring frequencies—from power lines to the fridge to the cell phone. It started with the telegraph and progressed to worldwide electricity, then radar, then satellites that disrupt the ionosphere, then ubiquitous Wi-Fi. The most recent addition to this disturbing racket is fifth generation wireless—5G. In The Contagion Myth: Why Viruses (including Coronavirus) are Not the Cause of Disease, bestselling authors Thomas S. Cowan, MD, and Sally Fallon Morell tackle the true causes of COVID-19.

On September 26, 2019, 5G wireless was turned on in Wuhan, China (and officially launched November 1) with a grid of about ten thousand antennas—more antennas than exist in the whole United States, all concentrated in one city. A spike in cases occurred on February 13, the same week that Wuhan turned on its 5G network for monitoring traffic. Illness has subsequently followed 5G installation in all the major cities in America.

Since the dawn of the human race, medicine men and physicians have wondered about the cause of disease, especially what we call “contagions,” numerous people ill with similar symptoms, all at the same time. Does humankind suffer these outbreaks at the hands of an angry god or evil spirit? A disturbance in the atmosphere, a miasma? Do we catch the illness from others or from some outside influence?
As the restriction of our freedoms continues, more and more people are wondering whether this is true. Could a packet of RNA fragments, which cannot even be defined as a living organism, cause such havoc? Perhaps something else is involved—something that has upset the balance of nature and made us more susceptible to disease? Perhaps there is no “coronavirus” at all; perhaps, as Pasteur said, “the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything.”


Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and Diet Dictocrats
by Sally Fallon Morrell

This well-researched, thought-provoking guide to traditional foods contains a startling message: Animal fats and cholesterol are not villains but vital factors in the diet, necessary for normal growth, proper function of the brain and nervous system, protection from disease and optimum energy levels. Sally Fallon dispels the myths of the current low-fat fad in this practical, entertaining guide to a can-do diet that is both nutritious and delicious.

Nourishing Traditions will tell you:

  1. Why your body needs old fashioned animal fats
  1. Why butter is a health food
  1. How high-cholesterol diets promote good health
  1. How saturated fats protect the heart
  1. How rich sauces help you digest and assimilate your food
  1. Why grains and legumes need special preparation to provide optimum benefits
  1. About enzyme-enhanced food and beverages that can provide increased energy and vitality
  1. Why high-fiber, lowfat diets can cause vitamin and mineral deficiencies

Topics include the health benefits of traditional fats and oils (including butter and coconut oil); dangers of vegetarianism; problems with modern soy foods; health benefits of sauces and gravies; proper preparation of whole grain products; pros and cons of milk consumption; easy-to-prepare enzyme enriched condiments and beverages; and appropriate diets for babies and children.

Dr. David Martin: The Synthetic Construction of Coronaviruses | Toxic Tarheels…Fauci’s Dr. Evil

Dr. David Martin: The Synthetic Construction of Coronaviruses | Toxic Tarheels… Fauci’s Dr. Evil

Toxic Tarheels… Fauci’s Dr. Evil

by David Martin World
September 8, 2020


[As a service to protect truth from censorship, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, LBRY & Brighteon channels. All credit goes to the original source of this video.]

Revisiting all the chimeric and gain of function research performed on coronaviruses in North Carolina.



Moderna 28 March Patent Application:

Current Opinion in Virology Article:

PNAS Paper:



Lizards Eat Butterflies: an antidote to the “Self-help” Addiction unveils how we’re living on this planet and how we could do so much more to improve our experience with a shift in perspective. In a triumph of cutting-edge science, social commentary, and deeply personal life experience, David Martin shows us that, with an alteration in perspective, that which stands in the way of our humanity is an illusion that can be eradicated.

UN Forced to Admit Gates-funded Vaccine is Causing Polio Outbreak in Africa

UN Forced to Admit Gates-funded Vaccine is Causing Polio Outbreak in Africa

by 21st Century Wire
September 4, 2020


This really should be one of the biggest public health scandals of the decade, but instead it’s given little attention – mainly because of the high-profile nature of the people and organisations involved.

The United Nations has been forced to admit that a major international vaccine initiative is actually causing a deadly outbreak of the very disease it was supposed to wipe-out.

While international organisations like the World Health Organization (WHO) will regularly boast about ‘eradicating polio’ with vaccines—the opposite seems to be the case, with vaccines causing the deaths of scores of young people living in Africa.

Health officials have now admitted that their plan to stop ‘wild’ polio is backfiring, as scores children are being paralyzed by a deadly strain of the pathogen derived from a live vaccine – causing a virulent wave of polio to spread.

This latest pharma-induced pandemic started out in the African countries of Chad and Sudan, with the culprit identified as vaccine-derived polio virus type 2.

Officials now fear this new dangerous strain could soon ‘jump continents,’ causing further deadly outbreaks around the world.

Shocking as it sounds, this Big Pharma debacle is not new. After spending some $16 billion over 30 years to eradicate polio, international health bodies have ‘accidentally’ reintroduced the disease to in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and also Iran, as the central Asia region was hit by a virulent strain of polio spawned by the a pharmaceutical vaccine. Also, in 2019, the government of Ethiopia ordered the destruction of 57,000 vials of type 2 oral polio vaccine (mOPV2) following a similar outbreak of vaccine-induced polio.

The same incident has happened in India as well.

It’s important to note that the oral polio vaccine is being pushed by the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI), a consortium which is supported and funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

All of this should be cause for concern, especially with western governments and transnational pharmaceutical giants all rushing to roll-out their new Gates-funded experimental coronavirus vaccine for the global population.

Currently, the first experimental COVID-19 vaccine is being tested on the African population through GAVI Vaccine Alliance, another organization funded by the Gates Foundation. A large round of human trials is taking place in South Africa, run by the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg—another Gates-funded institution.

This latest revelation from Africa should prompt journalists and health advocates to ask harder questions about the efficacy and safety of the much-hype COVID ‘miracle’ vaccine.

AP News reports…

LONDON (AP) — The World Health Organization says a new polio outbreak in Sudan is linked to an ongoing vaccine-sparked epidemic in Chad — a week after the U.N. health agency declared the African continent free of the wild polio virus.

In a statement this week, WHO said two children in Sudan — one from South Darfur state and the other from Gedarif state, close to the border with Ethiopia and Eritrea — were paralyzed in March and April. Both had been recently vaccinated against polio. WHO said initial outbreak investigations show the cases are linked to an ongoing vaccine-derived outbreak in Chad that was first detected last year and is now spreading in Chad and Cameroon.

“There is local circulation in Sudan and continued sharing of transmission with Chad,” the U.N. agency said, adding that genetic sequencing confirmed numerous introductions of the virus into Sudan from Chad.

WHO said it had found 11 additional vaccine-derived polio cases in Sudan and that the virus had also been identified in environmental samples. There are typically many more unreported cases for every confirmed polio patient. The highly infectious disease can spread quickly in contaminated water and most often strikes children under 5.

In rare instances, the live polio virus in the oral vaccine can mutate into a form capable of sparking new outbreaks.

Last week, WHO and partners declared that the African continent was free of the wild polio virus, calling it “an incredible and emotional day.”

On Monday, WHO warned that the risk of further spread of the vaccine-derived polio across central Africa and the Horn of Africa was “high,” noting the large-scale population movements in the region.

More than a dozen African countries are currently battling outbreaks of polio caused by the virus, including Angola, Congo, Nigeria and Zambia.

Amid the coronavirus pandemic, many of the large-scale vaccination campaigns needed to stamp out polio have been disrupted across Africa and elsewhere, leaving millions of children vulnerable to infection.

In April, WHO and its partners reluctantly recommended a temporary halt to mass polio immunization campaigns, recognizing the move could lead to a resurgence of the disease. In May, they reported that 46 campaigns to vaccinate children against polio had been suspended in 38 countries, mostly in Africa, because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Some of the campaigns have recently been re-started, but health workers need to vaccinate more than 90% of children in their efforts to eradicate the paralytic disease.

Health officials had initially aimed to wipe out polio by 2000, a deadline repeatedly pushed back and missed. Wild polio remains endemic in Afghanistan and Pakistan; both countries also are struggling to contain outbreaks of vaccine-derived polio.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. & Del Bigtree: Exposing Vaccines

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.  & Del Bigtree: Exposing Vaccines

by Daystar
July 29, 2020


Vaccine Ingredients Exposed | Robert F. Kennedy & Delbigtree


[As a service to protect truth from censorship, mirrored copies are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, LBRY & Brighteon channels. All credit goes to the original source of this video.]


Robert F. Kennedy and Del Bigtree dish out the ugly truth behind the most shocking ingredients in today’s vaccines.


TCTL Editor’s Note: To view the entire video, the source requires you to create an account with their Christian ministry website. The clip above is available on their public youtube channel. To view the entire interview, first create account by supplying them with an email address, then enter this url to find the video: https://www.daystar.tv/videos/covid-19-robert-f-kennedy-jr-del-bigtree

All Sickness Should Be Considered a Consequence of Starvation or Poisoning Until Proven Otherwise

All Sickness Should Be Considered a Consequence of Starvation or Poisoning Until Proven Otherwise


“…the viruses that we are told will kill us all are actually not potent enough to grow on and kill a sample of egg tissue in the laboratory — unless the virologist first starves (withdraws nutrients from the tissue culture) and poisons (with antibiotics and strong oxidizing agents like bleach) the tissues.”
“,,,The point is, sickness should be considered a consequence of starvation or poisoning until proven otherwise.  The bacteria are there to clean up the dead tissue; the “viruses” arise to communicate the type of starvation or poisoning that has occurred.”

by Thomas Cowan, MD, Dr. Tom Cowan
August 27, 2020


A realistic understanding of how and why any living organism gets sick must start with the idea that starvation and poisoning are two main causes.  In a remarkable ironic twist, this fact is actually demonstrated in the practices of modern virology.

If we investigate the question of how virologists “prove” that a virus causes disease, it goes like this.  A virologist takes a sample from a sick person, usually either mucus, lung secretions, blood or urine.  Then they centrifuge this mixture of cellular debris, viruses, bacteria, possibly fungal components, genetic material and whatever toxins were present in the person who is sick.  The centrifuged components are then inoculated on a tissue culture usually derived from monkey kidney cells, fetal tissue, cancer cells or egg yolks.  Then, and this is key, the virus is not able to grow on the tissue culture if it is simply inoculated onto the tissue.  In other words, the viruses that we are told will kill us all are actually not potent enough to grow on and kill a sample of egg tissue in the laboratory — unless the virologist first starves (withdraws nutrients from the tissue culture) and poisons (with antibiotics and strong oxidizing agents like bleach) the tissues. The tissue, of course, disintegrates into its myriad cellular components, spewing out its genetic material into the final unpurified mess.    Interesting to note is that when one does a careful control and uses saline as the initial inoculant, the starved and poisoned tissue is killed and disintegrates in the same fashion.  It is not the “virus” that is killing the tissue, it is the starving and poisoning.  Somehow, this has escaped the attention of the entire medical community.

So it is with us. When we are starved — for nutrients, love, acceptance, warmth, shelter, security, peace, cholesterol, minerals and many, many other things — we get sick.  This outcome has been proven over and over again with such diseases as scurvy, beriberi, pellagra and many others.  Then, as in the viral culture, if one introduces a toxin, the starved organism will deteriorate and sicken even more.  The type of poisons are many; it could be glyphosate, arsenic, lead, mercury, aluminum in vaccines or in the air, or the many forms of electromagnetic-field poisoning that is threatening our world.  The point is, sickness should be considered a consequence of starvation or poisoning until proven otherwise.  The bacteria are there to clean up the dead tissue; the “viruses” arise to communicate the type of starvation or poisoning that has occurred.

Read the rest of this article, including links to Dr. Cowan’s healing resources.

David Icke w/ Dr. Andrew Kaufman: Truth About the ‘Virus’ Test | This Fraud Is How They Justify Locking Down All of Humanity

David Icke w/ Dr. Andrew Kaufman: Truth About the ‘Virus’ Test | This Fraud Is How They Justify Locking Down All of Humanity

by David Icke with Dr. Andrew Kaufman
August 24, 2020


Dr. Andrew Kaufman brings deeper analysis of the PCR tests and antibody testing going on globally.

This illuminating conversation reveals more of the seriously-flawed ‘science’ around the ‘pandemic’ as well as the psychological, emotional and spiritual effects of acquiescing to this deception.

“Certainly the policies in the schools are going to ruin a generation of children.” ~ Dr. Andrew Kaufman

“We have the opportunity to teach our own children how to see through this stuff and think for themselves — and not be indoctrinated in that system.” ~ David Icke

Video mirrored from DavidIcke BitChute channel.

[also available at TCTL BitChute, Lbry & Brighteon channels.]

Anthrax, Arsenic and Old Lace

Anthrax, Arsenic and Old Lace

by Sally Fallon Morell, Nourishing Traditions
August 22, 2020


Anthrax is an infection caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis. It can occur in four forms: skin, lungs, intestinal and injection. Symptoms begin between one day to over two months after the infection is contracted. The skin form presents as a characteristic black blister.

The inhalation form presents with fever, chest pain and shortness of breath. The intestinal form presents with diarrhea which may contain blood, abdominal pains, nausea and vomiting. The injection form presents with fever and an abscess at the site of drug injection.

Anthrax is spread by contact with the bacterium’s spores, which often appear in infectious animal products. Contact is by breathing, eating or through an area of broken skin. Anthrax does not typically spread directly between people or animals—in other words, it is not contagious.

Although a rare disease, human anthrax, when it does occur, is most common in Africa and central and southern Asia.  Anthrax infection on the skin is known as hide-porter’s disease. Historically, inhalational anthrax was called wool sorters’ disease because it was an occupational hazard for people who sorted wool.

Bacillus anthracis is a rod-shaped, Gram-positive, facultative anaerobic bacterium about 1 by 9 μm in size. The bacterium normally rests in spore form in the soil, and can survive for decades in this state.

Today, this form of infection is extremely rare in advanced nations, as almost no infected animals remain. In November 2008, a drum maker in the United Kingdom who worked with untreated animal skins died from inhalation anthrax.

Anthrax posed a major economic challenge in France and elsewhere during the 19th century. Sheep were particularly vulnerable, and national funds were set aside to investigate the production of a vaccine. Louis Pasteur dedicated several years to this quest after Robert Koch, his German rival, claimed discovery of the causative agent, Bacillus anthracis.

In May 1881, Pasteur performed a public experiment at Pouilly-le-Fort to demonstrate his concept of vaccination. He prepared two groups of twenty-five sheep, one goat and several cattle. The animals of one group were twice injected with an anthrax vaccine prepared by Pasteur, at an interval of fifteen days; the control group was left unvaccinated. Thirty days after the first injection, both groups were injected with a culture of live anthrax bacteria. All the animals in the unvaccinated group died, while all of the animals in the vaccinated group survived.

This apparent triumph, widely reported in the local, national and international press, made Pasteur a national hero and ensured the acceptance of vaccination in the practice of medicine. That’s the official story.

Now, let’s examine it more closely.

Pasteur’s public triumphs look different when we compare the glowing newspaper reports with his private notebooks, analyzed by Gerald L. Geison in his book The Private Science of Louis Pasteur. Anthrax was indeed a major problem in livestock in France during the nineteenth century, especially among sheep, and the efforts to find a vaccine enticed Louis Pasteur and other scientists of his day into a fiercely competitive race for the glory and the gold.

Pasteur promoted the germ theory, widely disputed at the time, that microbes caused most if not every disease. The germ theory allowed scientists to envisage a quick fix to disease with a vaccine containing a weakened or attenuated form of the bacteria—similar to the then-common idea that a little bit of poison could make you immune to a larger dose.

Reading about these early attempts to find a vaccine for anthrax conjures up images of Monty Python and the Ministry of Silly Science. Some scientists attempted “attenuation” by subjecting the microbe to a poison, potassium bichromate, or carbolic acid, a disinfectant. Another thought he could create an attenuated vaccine by heating the blood of infected animals and injecting it into non-infected ones. Some favored boiling the bacteria in chicken broth, others in urine. One of Pasteur’s colleagues tried to “enfeeble” anthrax cultures by exposing them to gasoline vapors. Pasteur attempted to destroy the virulence of the anthrax bacillus by subjecting it to “atmospheric oxygen,” science-speak for air—all of these theories pursued with John Cleese-like gravitas.

Unfortunately for these would-be heroes, none of the ideas worked very well.  Pasteur’s rival, a veterinarian named Touissant, focused on heated blood, which he initially claimed could serve as an effective vaccine. Later, however, he found that the results were inconsistent, even killing experimental animals, and began to add carbolic acid, which did not meet with expectations either. In his notebooks, Pasteur expressed frustration that his experiments with rabbits, Guinea pigs, monkeys and dogs gave such inconclusive results. The magic vaccine was elusive, and Pasteur had “exceptionally little experimental basis for announcing the ‘discovery’ of an anthrax vaccine in January 1880” (Geison, page 167).  Pasteur made a similar announcement in February 1881, and in March he reported successful results in preliminary tests on sheep. As Geison reports, “. . . the boldly confident tone of Pasteur’s public reports exaggerated the actual results to date of his experiments with the new vaccine. In fact, the results of his tests remained ‘decidedly inconclusive’” (Geison, page 170). Yet Pasteur, to the dismay of his co-workers, “impulsively” accepted the challenge of Pouilly-le-Fort and signed the detailed and demanding protocol of experiments on April 28, 1881.

The other problem was that try as he may, Pasteur was unable to make animals sick by injecting them with the microbe he associated with the disease he was studying, such as anthrax or rabies. In the case of anthrax, to make healthy animals sicken and die, he had to inject them with “virulent anthrax.” Pasteur made “pathogenic” microbes more virulent by what he called “serial passage” of the organism through other animals—in the case of anthrax he used Guinea pigs, injecting them with the microorganism he associated with anthrax, then sacrificing the animal and injecting its blood or tissue, possibly mixed with poisons such as carbolic acid or potassium bichromate, into another animal; this process was repeated through several Guinea pigs. In this way he came up with what he called “virulent anthrax.” (For rabies, he was able to produce the symptoms of disease by injecting “cerebral matter. . . extracted from a rabid dog under sterile conditions and then inoculated directly onto the surface of the brain of a healthy dog through a hole drilled into its skull.” This treatment did sometimes make dogs foam at the mouth and die (Geison, page 189).

In the midst of his frustrating anthrax experiments, Pasteur was enticed by the Academy of Medicine into making the celebrated demonstration at Pouilly-le-Fort. With his rival Touissant (a mere vet, not even a true scientist!) breathing down his neck, his enemies made him sign the protocol of an experiment they judged impossible of success.

Geison makes much of the fact that Pasteur deliberately deceived the public about the nature of the vaccine he used, although there was no particular reason for doing so.  The protocols did not specify the kind of vaccine that Pasteur would inoculate into the animals.  Pasteur was equally cagey earlier about how he made his vaccine for chicken cholera.

The key point: unlike all his early experiments, the trials at Pouilly-le-Fort worked perfectly! All the vaccinated sheep lived and all the unvaccinated sheep died. A triumph!

One has the right to ask: did Pasteur cheat?  After all, the stakes were high, and Pasteur’s notebooks indicate that he was sometimes dishonest, even unsavory. He was also extremely aggressive in defending his interests, having destroyed several opponents with manipulation and rhetoric.

The death of all the unvaccinated sheep is easy to explain.  He used “virulent anthrax,” in other words, he poisoned them.  What about the vaccinated sheep that lived?  All of them. Did he inject them with “virulent anthrax” or merely anthrax, with which he could never succeed in killing animals. As the French would say, “Il y avait quelque chose de louche.”  Something fishy was going on.

After the trial, requests for supplies of his anthrax vaccines flooded Pasteur’s laboratory. But Pasteur and also his assistants remained surprisingly reticent to disclose any details about the type of vaccine they used. Nevertheless, Pasteur’s laboratory soon acquired a monopoly on the manufacture of commercial anthrax vaccines, and he aggressively pursued foreign sales. Pasteur and his laboratory enjoyed a net annual profit of 130,000 francs from the sale of anthrax vaccines in the mid-1880s.

The problem was—and another source of suspicion that Pasteur cheated—the vaccine didn’t work.  In Pasteur: Plagiarist, Imposter, author R. B. Pearson notes that Pasteur began to receive letters of complaint from towns in France and from as far away as Hungary, of fields littered with dead sheep, vaccinated the day before.  According to the Hungarian government, “the worst diseases, pneumonia, catarrhal fever, etc., have exclusively struck down the animals subjected to injection.” An 1882 trial carried out in Turin found the vaccination worthless. In southern Russia, anthrax vaccines killed 81 percent of the sheep that received them.

Gradually use of the vaccine faded. . . but here’s the mysterious thing:  the occurrence of anthrax faded also. Today it is a rare disease. So what was causing the death of animals, mostly sheep, during the nineteenth century and why don’t sheep die of anthrax today?

Let us consider sheep dip. The world’s first sheep dip was invented and produced by George Wilson of Coldstream, Scotland in 1830—it was based on arsenic powder. One of the most successful brands was Cooper’s Dip, developed in 1852 by the British veterinary surgeon and industrialist William Cooper. Cooper’s dip contained arsenic powder and sulfur. The powder had to be mixed with water, so naturally agricultural workers—let alone sheep dipped in the arsenic solution–sometimes became poisoned.

The symptoms of arsenic poisoning are remarkably similar to those of “anthrax,” including the appearance of black skin lesions. Like anthrax, arsenic can poison through skin contact, through inhalation and through the gastro-intestinal tract. If an injection contains arsenic, it will cause a lesion at the site.

Sheep dips today no longer contain arsenic so anthrax has disappeared—except in developing countries where it is still an ingredient in industrial processes like tanning—hence the 2008 death of the drum maker working with imported skins.

The real mystery is why scientists of the day did not make the connection between anthrax and arsenic.  After all, the French knew a thing or two about arsenic—every physician and pharmacist stocked arsenic powder and in Flaubert’s bestselling mid-century novel Madame Bovary, his heroine kills herself by swallowing a handful of arsenic.  Flaubert graphically describes the black lesions that mar the beautiful Madame Bovary as she dies—every Frenchman knew what arsenic poisoning looked like. It seems that scientists, vets and physicians were so dazzled by the new germ theory that they could not make the connection of poison with disease.

Pasteur died in 1895 and immediately took his place as the premiere saint of medicine, the press featuring engravings that reeked of old lace, showing him as the subject of adulation, his flasks and beakers placed on an altar, a grateful admirer kneeling before them. Science had become the new religion.

But Pasteur did not radiate the satisfaction of having saved lives. He spent his last years enfeebled and sad-looking, his faults etched as deep lines of stress and worry around his eyes.

Anthrax faded from public consciousness and anthrax vaccines languished until the famous anthrax letters, sent to well-known members of the media and two senators a couple weeks after 9/11.  At least twenty-two people became sick and five died. Genetic testing (not isolation of the bacteria) indicated anthrax spores but no one tested the powders for arsenic.

The attacks revived interest in the anthrax vaccine.  According to conventional sources, all currently used anthrax vaccines provoke reactions, such as rash, soreness and fever, and serious adverse reactions occur in about 1 percent of recipients. Rarely used for decades, the vaccine was dusted off for use in the “at risk” category, such as members of the military. Solders get the vaccine in five consecutive doses, with a booster every year.

Mandatory vaccinations for military men were halted in 2004 by a legal injunction which challenged the vaccine’s safety and effectiveness.But after a 2005 FDA report claiming the vaccine was safe, the Defense Department reinstated mandatory anthrax vaccinations for more than two hundred thousand troops and defense contractors.

One last thought:  scientists have found that certain bacteria can “bioremediate” arsenic in the soil.  These arsenic-resistant and/or accumulating bacteria “are widespread in the polluted soils and are valuable candidates for bioremediation of arsenic contaminated ecosystems.” Nature always has a solution, and in the case of arsenic, the solution is certain ubiquitous soil bacteria. We need to entertain the possibility that the “hostile” anthrax bacteria, first isolated by Robert Koch, is actually a helpful remediation organism that appears on the scene (or in the body) whenever an animal or human encounters the poison called arsenic.

COVID: Going to the Root of the Poisonous Tree

COVID: Going to the Root of the Poisonous Tree

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
August 20, 2020


Before I jump in, I want to point to a film that hacks away the leaves, the branches, the trunk and the roots of the poisonous tree of vaccination all at once: VAXXED II, directed by Brian Burrowes. I urge you to watch it. “Urge” is too light a word. What is coming down the pipeline at us, in terms of attempts at vaccine mandates…this film will only strengthen your resolve, even if you’re quite sure you don’t need strengthening. The film contains many interviews with parents of vaccine-devastated children, and the children are there, too. The children who have died are there as well. Nobody has ever made a film like this.

We DO need to drill down to the roots of the poisonous tree.

Some people make this calculation: “I don’t want my view of COVID to appear too radical. That would drive the audience away. So I’ll cut myself off at a certain point and try to give the audience pieces of the puzzle they can digest…”

For example, they would assert: “I’m not against vaccines. I just want to make them safer.”

They would say: “We have to agree there is a new virus spreading around the world. If we don’t, people will reject everything we say. So let’s focus on whether the virus is as dangerous as health officials claim it is.”

They would say: “We have to accept official case numbers as a starting point, even if untold numbers of people are being diagnosed with COVID by a casual glance at their symptoms, and even if the tests are inaccurate…”

Bit by bit, and piece by piece, people would be accepting the official COVID story, until there is very little to argue about.

Let’s take the issue of safer vaccines. How are they going to be made safer? Manufacturers are going to throw in the towel and just eliminate the toxic adjuvants? They’ll eliminate the injected germs which are the very basis of the exercise? They’ll make vaccines in outer space, where, hopefully, contamination with random viruses would be avoided? The synthetic genes they insert in the body will magically refrain from creating many horrendous ripple-effects?

Deeper still, why do immune systems need a “rehearsal for the real thing”—which is the foundational hypothesis underlying vaccination. Nature isn’t sufficient? We must fight off every conceivable germ with a shot in the arm?

Why not try to improve the strength of immune systems through non-medical means? Nutrition, for instance, was the key reason for the historical decline of traditional diseases. Along with improved sanitation.

“No, let’s not go there. Too many people will reject us if we reject vaccines.”

I beg to differ. We are in a long-term war against the medical cartel. It’s not going away. Think ten thousand years into the future. That’s a reasonable estimate of the length of the battle.

“Look, I know there are serious questions about the original discovery of the COVID virus. Maybe the researchers didn’t use the proper procedures. But let’s not awaken that sleeping giant. Too many people won’t be able to fathom what we’re talking about. It’s too far out. Then they’ll reject everything else we’re saying.”

Yes? And? So? Sooner or later we’re going to have to bring up the subject. Because this isn’t the only time “discovery” was faked. And it won’t be the last. So let’s jump in now. Don’t stint. Don’t hold back. Go to the root.

I think of my good friend and colleague, Robert Scott Bell. Go to his site, robertscottbell.com. Listen to his radio show. He’s been on the front lines of health for more than 20 years. Every day. He dives deep. He never lets people forget that the terrain vs. the germ is still one of the most important debates in human history. Are germs the basic problem, or is the overall condition of the body and its ability to remain vibrant and resilient the paramount factor?

That argument has been largely forgotten, even in the natural health community. Why? Because over time, too many people have said, “Oh, we can’t bring THAT up. It’s too radical for the masses.”

So now those “natural people” are wearing masks and fear the virus.

—Thus proving you can accept every “natural” slogan coming down the pipeline and still buy counterfeit science.

The issue isn’t the content of slogans. It’s the acceptance of any gross shortcuts that seek to avoid the need to do something called THINKING.

“Oh. But we must have slogans. People are too dim to figure out matters on their own.”

Good luck with that notion. Do you really believe you can win a long-term war, AT THE ROOT, by engaging in a contest of slogans? That’s like saying the failure to teach basic literacy in schools stems from older computers. We need better computers in classrooms. Idiot’s delight, brought to you by Bill Gates.

A ten-thousand-year war. Don’t shrink away from it.

Here’s an historical example of root vs. compromise. It’s called pellagra.

Among the symptoms: Large scaly sores. Huge areas of red inflamed skin. Diarrhea. Weakness. Loss of appetite. Abdominal pain.

In the early 20th century, several million people in the American South suffered from it. Public health officials asserted the cause was a germ.

The question was, which germ? A prestigious government commission was appointed to find the answer.

At the time, there were people who suspected a germ wasn’t the cause, but they kept their mouths shut, in part because they thought they couldn’t sell the idea. It was too radical. Better to argue about whether quarantines would work. Better to argue about whether case clusters were a fertile area for research. Better to argue about whether the germ might be carried in corn, across farms. Better to argue about unique weather conditions in the South, where the disease was concentrated. Argue about anything other than the existence of a germ as the causative agent.

Flash forward THIRTY YEARS. After fighting their own war, a few researchers correctly convinced the medical world that pellagra was the result of a niacin deficiency.

There was no germ. It didn’t exist. It was a pompous assumption, championed by arrogant scientists, who wanted to own the territory of disease research.

What if the few dissenting investigators, who endured three decades of utter rejection by the establishment, had decided, “Well, we can’t claim there’s no germ involved at all. That would be too much. We can’t go that far. We can’t go to the root. Let’s debate about the weather, the case clusters, the corn fields—issues where we can make a stand, where we can have an effect…”

Dr. Tom Cowan: Challenging the COVID-19 Narrative — A Call for Debate About the Myth of Contagious Disease

Dr. Tom Cowan: Challenging the COVID-19 Narrative — A Call for Debate About the Myth of Contagious Disease

The Book Born of the Biggest Intellectual Challenge of My Life

compiled works by Dr. Thomas Cowan, drtomcowan.com

Excerpt from Dr. Tom Cowan’s August 12, 2020 newsletter:

We are living in an unprecedented and perilous time in history. Never before that I know of has the full fury and power of “science”, “medicine” and technology been unleashed to control the lives of so many people.

As many of you know, I have somewhat reluctantly been thrust into a role of examining the facts behind the “science” and “medicine” surrounding the COVID-19 crisis. This examination has been the intellectual challenge of my life.

Although I don’t pretend I have all the answers or the full truth, I do believe I have something important to contribute.

It is in that spirit of contribution that some months ago my dear friend and colleague Sally Fallon Morell and I decided to write a book detailing the history of the real science of contagious disease, including COVID-19. It will be published September 15.

What we found might be shocking and even hard to fathom for many, but I can assure you that our findings are based on meticulous research, not the dogma of germ theory. 

We want the information in this book to become part of an open, honest, public debate, an integral part of the serious and scientific dialogue.

To that end, we are asking everyone we know to purchase a copy of our book, The Contagion Myth.

Read it yourself, read it again, send me your feedback, comments and questions. Give a copy to your friends, family members, health-care providers and government officials.

I will continue to speak out, but I need your help.

We are at a turning point in history. Like the mythical Phoenix, we can rise up and create a more beautiful world, one based in trust, compassion, mutual aid and a profound connection to the needs of all life.

But, this more beautiful future will be born only from an intentional and collective effort to see and think clearly and to act with confidence and courage.

Join me, please.

Dr. Thomas Cowan, MD 3/12/2020 at the Health And Human Rights Summit in Tucson, AZ

Video also available at Lbry

[**September 26, 2020 Update: The Contagion Myth has been banned on Amazon. It is available at Barnes & NobleBooks-a-MillionTarget]

The official explanation for today’s COVID-19 pandemic is a “dangerous, infectious virus.”

This is the rationale for isolating a large portion of the world’s population in their homes so as to curb its spread.  From face masks to social distancing, from antivirals to vaccines, these measures are predicated on the assumption that tiny viruses can cause serious illness and that such illness is transmissible person-to-person.

It was Louis Pasteur who convinced a skeptical medical community that contagious germs cause disease; his “germ theory” now serves as the official explanation for most illness. However, in his private diaries he states unequivocally that in his entire career he was not once able to transfer disease with a pure culture of bacteria (he obviously wasn’t able to purify viruses at that time). He admitted that the whole effort to prove contagion was a failure, leading to his famous death bed confession that “the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything.”

While the incidence and death statistics for COVID-19 may not be reliable, there is no question that many people have taken sick with a strange new disease—with odd symptoms like gasping for air and “fizzing” feelings—and hundreds of thousands have died. Many suspect that the cause is not viral but a kind of pollution unique to the modern age—electromagnetic pollution.

Today we are surrounded by a jangle of overlapping and jarring frequencies—from power lines to the fridge to the cell phone. It started with the telegraph and progressed to worldwide electricity, then radar, then satellites that disrupt the ionosphere, then ubiquitous Wi-Fi. The most recent addition to this disturbing racket is fifth generation wireless—5G.

In The Contagion Myth: Why Viruses (including Coronavirus) are Not the Cause of Disease, bestselling authors Thomas S. Cowan, MD, and Sally Fallon Morell tackle the true causes of COVID-19.

On September 26, 2019, 5G wireless was turned on in Wuhan, China (and officially launched November 1) with a grid of about ten thousand antennas—more antennas than exist in the whole United States, all concentrated in one city. A spike in cases occurred on February 13, the same week that Wuhan turned on its 5G network for monitoring traffic. Illness has subsequently followed 5G installation in all the major cities in America.

Since the dawn of the human race, medicine men and physicians have wondered about the cause of disease, especially what we call “contagions,” numerous people ill with similar symptoms, all at the same time. Does humankind suffer these outbreaks at the hands of an angry god or evil spirit? A disturbance in the atmosphere, a miasma? Do we catch the illness from others or from some outside influence?

As the restriction of our freedoms continues, more and more people are wondering whether this is true. Could a packet of RNA fragments, which cannot even be defined as a living organism, cause such havoc? Perhaps something else is involved—something that has upset the balance of nature and made us more susceptible to disease? Perhaps there is no “coronavirus” at all; perhaps, as Pasteur said, “the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything.”

Mentioned by Dr. Tom Cowan in the video above:

Electricity has shaped the modern world. But how has it affected our health and environment?

Over the last 220 years, society has evolved a universal belief that electricity is ‘safe’ for humanity and the planet. Scientist and journalist Arthur Firstenberg disrupts this conviction by telling the story of electricity in a way it has never been told before―from an environmental point of view―by detailing the effects that this fundamental societal building block has had on our health and our planet.

In The Invisible Rainbow, Firstenberg traces the history of electricity from the early eighteenth century to the present, making a compelling case that many environmental problems, as well as the major diseases of industrialized civilization―heart disease, diabetes, and cancer―are related to electrical pollution.

[TCTL editor’s note: For understanding the history of medical deceit, see Hippocratic Hypocrisy: A Tale of Two Snakes by Dr. Andrew Kaufman]

Does HIV Exist? An Explosive Interview

Does HIV Exist? An Explosive Interview

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
August 11, 2020


Before we get to Christine Johnson’s interview, a bit of background.

My first book, AIDS INC., was published in 1988. The research I engaged in then formed a foundation for my recent work in exposing the vast fraud called COVID-19.

In 1987-88, my main question eventually became: does HIV cause AIDS? For months, I had blithely assumed the obvious answer was yes. This created havoc in my investigation, because I was facing contradictions I couldn’t solve.

For example, in parts of Africa, people who were chronically ill and dying obviously needed no push from a new virus. All their “AIDS” conditions and symptoms could be explained by their environment: contaminated water supplies; sewage pumped directly into the drinking water; protein-calorie malnutrition; hunger, starvation; medical treatment with immunosuppressive vaccines and drugs; toxic pesticides; fertile farm land stolen by corporations and governments; wars; extreme poverty. The virus cover story actually obscured all these ongoing crimes.

Finally, in the summer of 1987, I found several researchers who were rejecting the notion that HIV caused AIDS. Their reports were persuasive.

I’m shortcutting a great deal of my 1987-8 investigation here, but once HIV was out of the picture for me, many pieces fell into place. I discovered that, in EVERY group supposedly at “high-risk” for AIDS, their conditions and symptoms could be entirely explained by factors that had nothing to do with a new virus.

AIDS was not one condition. It was an umbrella label, used to re-package a number of immunosuppressive conditions and create the illusion of a new and unique and single “pandemic.”

Several years after the publication of AIDS INC., I became aware of a quite different emerging debate going on under the surface of research: DOES HIV EXIST?

Was the purported virus ever truly discovered?

And THAT question led to: what is the correct procedure for discovering a new virus?

The following 1997 interview, conducted by brilliant freelance journalist, Christine Johnson, delves into these questions:

How should researchers prove that a particular virus exists? How should they isolate it? What are the correct steps?

These questions, and their answers, reside at the heart of most disease research—and yet, overwhelmingly, doctors never explore them or even consider them.

Johnson interviews Dr. Eleni Papadopulos, “a biophysicist and leader of a group of HIV/AIDS scientists from Perth in Western Australia. Over the past decade and more she and her colleagues have published many scientific papers questioning the HIV/AIDS hypothesis…”

Here I’m publishing and highlighting excerpts from the interview. Technical issues are discussed. Grasping them is not the easiest exercise you’ve ever done, but I believe the serious reader can comprehend the vital essentials.

CJ: Does HIV cause AIDS?

EP: There is no proof that HIV causes AIDS.

CJ: Why not?

EP: For many reasons, but most importantly, because there is no proof that HIV exists.

… CJ: Didn’t Luc Montagnier and Robert Gallo [purportedly the co-discoverers of HIV] isolate HIV back in the early eighties?

EP: No. In the papers published in Science by those two research groups, there is no proof of the isolation of a retrovirus from AIDS patients. [HIV is said to be a retrovirus.]

CJ: They say they did isolate a virus.

EP: Our interpretation of the data differs. To prove the existence of a virus you need to do three things. First, culture cells and find a particle you think might be a virus. Obviously, at the very least, that particle should look like a virus. Second, you have to devise a method to get that particle on its own so you can take it to pieces and analyze precisely what makes it up. Then you need to prove the particle can make faithful copies of itself. In other words, that it can replicate.

CJ: Can’t you just look down a microscope and say there’s a virus in the cultures?

EP: No, you can’t. Not all particles that look like viruses are viruses.

… CJ: My understanding is that high-speed centrifugation is used to produce samples consisting exclusively of objects having the same density, a so-called “density-purified sample.” Electron microscopy is used to see if these density-purified samples consist of objects which all have the same appearance — in which case the sample is an isolate — and if this appearance matches that of a retrovirus, in terms of size, shape, and so forth. If all this is true, then you are three steps into the procedure for obtaining a retroviral isolate. (1) You have an isolate, and the isolate consists of objects with the same (2) density and (3) appearance of a retrovirus. Then you have to examine this isolate further, to see if the objects in it contain reverse transcriptase [an enzyme] and will replicate when placed in new cultures. Only then can you rightfully declare that you have obtained a retroviral isolate.

EP: Exactly. It was discovered that retroviral particles have a physical property which enables them to be separated from other material in cell cultures. That property is their buoyancy, or density, and this was utilized to purify the particles by a process called density gradient centrifugation.

The technology is complicated, but the concept is extremely simple. You prepare a test tube containing a solution of sucrose, ordinary table sugar, made so the solution is light at the top but gradually becomes heavier, or more dense, towards the bottom. Meanwhile, you grow whatever cells you think may contain your retrovirus. If you’re right, retroviral particles will be released from the cells and pass into the culture fluids. When you think everything is ready, you decant a specimen of culture fluids and gently place a drop on top of the sugar solution. Then you spin the test tube at extremely high speeds. This generates tremendous forces, and particles present in that drop of fluid are forced through the sugar solution until they reach a point where their buoyancy prevents them from penetrating any further. In other words, they drift down the density gradient until they reach a spot where their own density is the same as that region of the sugar solution. When they get there they stop, all together. To use virological jargon, that’s where they band. Retroviruses band at a characteristic point. In sucrose solutions they band at a point where the density is 1.16 gm/ml.

That band can then be selectively extracted and photographed with an electron microscope. The picture is called an electron micrograph, or EM. The electron microscope enables particles the size of retroviruses to be seen, and to be characterized by their appearance.

CJ: So, examination with the electron microscope tells you what fish you’ve caught?

EP: Not only that. It’s the only way to know if you’ve caught a fish. Or anything at all.

CJ: Did Montagnier and Gallo do this?

EP: This is one of the many problems. Montagnier and Gallo did use density gradient banding, but for some unknown reason they did not publish any Ems [photos] of the material at 1.16 gm/ml…this is quite puzzling because in 1973 the Pasteur Institute hosted a meeting attended by scientists, some of whom are now amongst the leading HIV experts. At that meeting the method of retroviral isolation was thoroughly discussed, and photographing the 1.16 band of the density gradient was considered absolutely essential.

CJ: But Montagnier and Gallo did publish photographs of virus particles.

EP: No. Montagnier and Gallo published electron micrographs of culture fluids that had not been centrifuged, or even separated from the culture cells, for that matter. These EMs contained, in addition to many other things, including the culture cells and other things that clearly are not retroviruses, a few particles which Montagnier and Gallo claimed are retroviruses, and which all belonged to the same retroviral species, now called HIV. But photographs of unpurified particles don’t prove that those particles are viruses. The existence of HIV was not established by Montagnier and Gallo — or anyone since — using the method presented at the 1973 meeting.

CJ: And what was that method?

EP: All the steps I have just told you. The only scientific method that exists. Culture cells, find a particle, isolate the particle, take it to pieces, find out what’s inside, and then prove those particles are able to make more of the same with the same constituents when they’re added to a culture of uninfected cells.

CJ: So before AIDS came along there was a well-tried method for proving the existence of a retrovirus, but Montagnier and Gallo did not follow this method?

EP: They used some of the techniques, but they did not undertake every step including proving what particles, if any, are in the 1.16 gm/ml band of the density gradient, the density that defines retroviral particles.

CJ: But what about their pictures?

EP: Montagnier’s and Gallo’s electron micrographs…are of entire cell cultures, or of unpurified fluids from cultures…”

—end of interview excerpt—

If you grasp the essentials of this discussion, you’ll see there is every reason to doubt the existence of HIV, because the methods for proving its existence were not followed.

And so…as I’ve reported these past few months, there is every reason to doubt and reject the existence of the COVID virus, since correct large-scale electron microscope studies have never been done.

I kept the Christine Johnson interview, and other similar information, in mind when, for example, I explored the dud epidemics called SARS and 2009 Swine Flu.

How many viruses have been named as causes of disease, when in fact those viruses have never been isolated or proved to exist?

Of course, conventional-consensus researchers and doctors will scoff at any attempt to raise these issues. For them, “the science is settled.” Meaning: they don’t want to think. They don’t want to stir the waters.

A few years ago, chemist David Rasnick sent a request to the CDC, asking for evidence demonstrating that the Ebola virus had ever been isolated from a human. The answers he received did not begin to approach a level of certainty.

After 30 years working as a reporter in the area of deep medical-research fraud, I’ve seen that false science occurs in levels.

The deeper you go, the stranger it gets. To put it another way: the deeper you go, the worse it gets.







Connect with Jon Rappoport

Exposing the Gates Foundation in Africa: #ExposeBillGates

Exposing the Gates Foundation in Africa: #EXPOSEBILLGATES

by Obianuju Ekeocha
June 14, 2020



Exposing Melinda Gates, along with the Gates Foundation, in Africa.



Video also available at TCTL BitChute and LBRY channels.

Kennedy Jr. vs Dershowitz: Heated Vaccine Debate

Heated Vaccine Debate – Kennedy Jr. vs Dershowitz

by Patrick Bet-David, Valuetainment
July 23, 2020

Heated vaccine debate between Robert Kennedy Jr. and Alan Dershowitz moderated by Patrick Bet-David.

About the Guests:

(Anti Vaccine) Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. serves as President of Waterkeeper Alliance, as well as Founder, Chairman of the Board, and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense, and of counsel to Morgan & Morgan, a nationwide personal injury practice.

Mr. Kennedy is an esteemed author, with a long list of published books including the New York Times’ bestseller, “Crimes Against Nature.”

Mr. Kennedy was named one of Time magazine’s “Heroes for the Planet” for his success helping Riverkeeper lead the fight to restore the Hudson River. His reputation as a resolute defender of the environment and children’s health stems from a litany of successful legal actions.

He received recognition for his role in the landmark victory against Monsanto last year, as well as in the DuPont Case that inspired the movie “Dark Waters” (2019).

Robert Kennedy Jr. latest book: American Values

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(Pro Vaccine) Professor Alan M. Dershowitz is Brooklyn native who has been called “the nation’s most peripatetic civil liberties lawyer” and one of its “most distinguished defenders of individual rights,” “the best-known criminal lawyer in the world,” “the top lawyer of last resort,” “America’s most public Jewish defender” and “Israel’s single most visible defender – the Jewish state’s lead attorney in the court of public opinion.”

He is the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law at Harvard Law School. Dershowitz, a graduate of Brooklyn College and Yale Law School, joined the Harvard Law School faculty at age 25 after clerking for Judge David Bazelon and Justice Arthur Goldberg.

Alan Dershowitx latest book: Guilt by Accusation

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(Moderator) Patrick Bet-David – During the Iranian Revolution of 1978, Patrick’s family had to escape to survive and ended up living at a refugee camp in Erlangen, Germany. At 12 years old Patrick found himself collecting cans & beer bottles to raise money that could help his family and get him a Nintendo.

These childhood experiences had a major impact on his perspective of freedom, hard work and entrepreneurship.

Today, he is CEO of PHP Agency, Inc. a financial services company with over 15,000 agents in 49 states and Puerto Rico and an active YouTube creator commonly known for his investigative journalistic approach to interviews and unorthodox business teachings.

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(Channel) Valuetainment is an emerging media network for entrepreneurs and people from all walks of life created by Serial Entrepreneur, Patrick Bet-David. Subscribe to the channel for weekly videos http://bit.ly/2aPEwD4

In the event that the original video is censored and deleted by the source social media platform,
link here to a mirrored copy on TCTL BitChute and LBRY channels.

Luciferase Chain Reaction to ID2020

Luciferase Chain Reaction to ID2020

by , Nature of Healing
July 22, 2020


Put down the mask. The mask is a tool of conditioning, a temporary distraction from the new technology.

Biometric bioluminescence.

Bioluminescence is a “cold light” that derives from a chemical reaction within a living organism. Cold light means less than 20% of the light generates thermal radiation, or heat. Most bioluminescent organisms are found in the ocean; fish, bacteria, and jellies. Some bioluminescent organisms, including fireflies and fungi, are found on land. There are almost no bioluminescent organisms native to freshwater habitats.

Until now.

Luciferase Chain Reaction to ID2020

Scientists say humans can utilize bioluminescence through a chemical enzyme called Luciferase. Enzymes catalyze biochemical chain reactions in the body to make things happen. The root word lucifer – means lightbringer. It also happens to be the name of the Vatican’s binocular telescope, LUCIFER, atop Mt. Graham in southeastern Arizona, as well as the name of an infamous fallen angel.

Researchers at MIT created a microneedle platform using fluorescent microparticles called quantum dots (QD), which can deliver vaccines and at the same time invisibly encode vaccination history directly in the skin. Bill Gates calls it the Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System.

The researchers designed their dye to be delivered by a microneedle patch rather than using a traditional syringe and needle. Such patches are now being developed to deliver vaccines for measles, rubella, and other diseases. The QD are composed of nanocrystals, which also emit near-infrared (NIR) light that can be detected with a specially equipped smartphone using an app. The dots are about 4 nm in diameter, and are encapsulated in biocompatible microparticles that form spheres about 20 µm in diameter. This encapsulation allows the dye to remain in place, under the skin, after being injected.

Forget the HIPAA Privacy rules. The MIT team set out to devise a method for recording vaccination information in a way that doesn’t require a centralized database or other infrastructure, rather it is an “on-patient,” decentralized medical record. No mention of adding or subtracting information, or hacking was disclosed. The team wrote:

Because these phones offer on-board processing power, camera applications, and inexpensive consumer-grade camera modules, they chose to adapt an existing smartphone to enable NIR imaging rather than build a completely new imaging system.

This experiment was conducted in rats in the December 2019 journal Science Translational Medicine which concluded:

intradermal QDs can be used to reliably encode information and can be delivered with a vaccine, which may be particularly valuable in the developing world and open up new avenues for decentralized data storage and biosensing.

Biosensing is a new drop sensing method for faster testing of Covid-19, published June of 2020 in ACS Nano.

Sound Supernatural?

Biometric ID2020 & Cryptos

COVID19 seems to be an acronym for Coronavirus I.D. 2019. This I.D. will be delivered via quantum dot microneedles, as a digital identification mark. Part of this injectable system will include a human implantable device  for buying and selling cryptocurrency. The digital ID will come in the form of something called an Immunity Passport.

In the Information Age, advertisers claim blockchain-enabled digital “immunity passports could help take the strain off increasingly stretched healthcare systems and help reinvigorate shrinking economies.” But what if the Immunity Passport is also your passport to travel by plane, to buy a car, to purchase food, to see a show?

The Plandemic is the vehicle for the government to move from a currency system (a dollar in your pocket) to a crypto system, to allow government to get deeply into your business.

Think Smart Meter in your body.

The Luciferase chain reaction is set up to:  1). inject everyone with a universal shot, 2). create a device for buying and selling currency that’s run on the human body as it’s battery, and 3). attach both those things to a digital identification from ID2020.

Crypto is not a currency. It’s a control system. Your crypto (in a digital system) can arbitrarily be taken away if you don’t behave. That is not your asset. It is a credit at the company store. And they can take it away or change its value. – Catherine Austin Fitts, investment advisor

Unlike the dollar, which is tied to the oil standard as the petrodollar, the crypto will have a human being as its collateral.

Catherine Austin Fitts says:

So you see Bill Gates coming out with ID2020, so every human being has a biometric ID. They’re talking about changing from an oil standard to a human standard. And where I come from, we call that slavery. Where the dollar syndicate wants to go is a Mark of the Beast System, a control system. The end of currencies.”

FUN FACT:  The publication of this Microsoft patent?  #060606

The US government (Navy) is working with a Danish tech firm to come up with an implantable chip that would integrate with a cryptocurrency called Ripple. The technology being rolled out over the next decade, from life extension technology to new energy systems, to building out space, can create incredible wealth, for some. But there is also a reason to believe in the dumbing down of an entire global population.


Spiritual war.


The Global Superbrain

The Covid19 solution being called a “vaccine’ is the Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination. It is not a vaccine.  It is an implantation to become a part of the Cloud.

Image by 6557056Think Star Trek, The Borg. As in: We are the Borg. Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own. Resistance is Futile, You will be Assimilated.

According to a research published in the journal Frontiers in Neuroscience, exponential progress in nanotechnology, nanomedicine, artificial intelligence (AI), and computation will lead this century to the development of a “Human Brain/Cloud Interface” (B/CI).

Being connected to the Cloud would mean neural nanorobots would provide direct, real-time monitoring and control of signals to and from brain cells to allow Matrix-style downloading of information.

These devices would navigate the human vasculature, cross the blood-brain barrier, and precisely autoposition themselves among, or even within brain cells. They would then wirelessly transmit encoded information to and from a cloud-based supercomputer network for real-time brain-state monitoring and data extraction. With the advance of neuralnanorobotics, we envisage the future creation of ‘superbrains’ that can harness the thoughts and thinking the power of any number of humans and machines in real time,” – Robert Freitas, senior author of the research, University of California, Berkeley and Institute for Molecular Manufacturing in the US.

“Crytocurrency is not a currency, it’s a crypt.” – Catherine Austin Fitts

Luciferace is not only a ‘near infrared bioluminescence enzyme’, it is a chain reaction to catalyze an ID tracking system.

Put down the mask.

Know what are are consenting to.

Know what you are connecting to.

Know you always have a choice.



Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at natureofhealing.org.


Dr. Stefan Lanka 2020 Article Busts the Virus Misconception

Dr. Stefan Lanka 2020 Article Busts the Virus Misconception

by Makia Freeman, The Freedom Articles
July 21, 2020


The virus misconception is at the heart of Operation Coronavirus, because without the concept of germ theory and without the horror story of the killer virus, most people would not buy the NWO-directed official narrative of COVID propaganda.

In a previous article on the nature of the virus, I have discussed the heroic efforts of German virologist Dr. Stefan Lanka, who won a landmark case in 2017 which went all the way to the German Supreme Court. Lanka proved in the highest court of the land that measles was not caused by a virus, and that there was in fact no such thing as a measles virus.

Lanka is still busy working, and he wrote this article earlier this year (translated into English here) entitled “The Misconception called Virus” in which he explains the history of how mainstream science went horribly wrong with its conclusions (really assumptions) to demonize the humble virus and to falsely ascribe pathogenicity to it when there is none.

The Virus Misconception: The Killer Virus Story vs. Deficiency and Toxicity

Lanka’s main point throughout the article is this: when modern scientists are working with diseased tissue, they think the presence of a virus is causing the disease, instead of realizing that the tissue in question has been cut off and isolated from its host, then doused with antibiotics, and that this separation and poison make it diseased and kill it, rather than any virus. Lanka writes:

“All claims about viruses as pathogens are wrong and are based on easily recognizable, understandable and verifiable misinterpretations … All scientists who think they are working with viruses in laboratories are actually working with typical particles of specific dying tissues or cells which were prepared in a special way. They believe that those tissues and cells are dying because they were infected by a virus. In reality, the infected cells and tissues were dying because they were starved and poisoned as a consequence of the experiments in the lab.”

” … the death of the tissue and cells takes place in the exact same manner when no “infected” genetic material is added at all. The virologists have apparently not noticed this fact. According to … scientific logic and the rules of scientific conduct, control experiments should have been carried out. In order to confirm the newly discovered method of so-called “virus propagation” … scientists would have had to perform additional experiments, called negative control experiments, in which they would add sterile substances … to the cell culture.”

“These control experiment have never been carried out by the official “science” to this day. During the measles virus trial, I commissioned an independent laboratory to perform this control experiment and the result was that the tissues and cells die due to the laboratory conditions in the exact same way as when they come into contact with alleged “infected” material.”

In other words, the studied cells and tissues die with or without the presence of a virus in exactly the same way; therefore, the virus cannot be the cause of the morbidity and mortality. Interestingly, this exactly what many health experts have stated, namely that there are only 2 causes of disease: deficiency and toxicity.

For instance, Charlotte Gerson (who took over running the Gerson Clinic from her brilliant father Max) said this about disease and cancer. Removing cells or tissue from the body and thus cutting them off from their energy/nutrient supply will quickly lead to deficiency; injecting antibiotics into the mixture is toxicity; thus there is no solid proof a virus is causing disease when there is already deficiency and toxicity present. This is the key point of the virus misconception.

How the Virus Misconception Has Roots in 1858 and Became Entrenched in 1954

Lanka traces back the development of the virus misconception to 1858 and to the ‘cell theory’ of Rudolf Virchow, who proposed a theory that all disease and all life originates from a single cell, which is somehow hijacked by a virus that weakens it and propagates itself. Lanka points out 2 problems with this:

“The cell theory was only originated because Rudolf Virchow suppressed crucial discoveries about tissues. The findings and insights with respect to the structure, function and central importance of tissues in the creation of life, which were already known in 1858, comprehensively refute the cell theory and the subsequently derived genetic, immune and cancer therapies.

“The infection theories were only established as a global dogma through the concrete policies and eugenics of the Third Reich. Before 1933, scientists dared to contradict this theory; after 1933, these critical scientists were silenced.”

By “infection theories” Lanka means germ theory, the prevailing theory of modern Western Medicine. Lanka then describes how a paradigm shift in the perception of the virus occurred during 1952-1954:

“Until 1952, a virus was defined as a pathogenic poison in the form of a protein, which as an enzyme caused damage in an unknown manner, which could cause disease and be transmissible. After 1953, the year in which the alleged DNA in the form [of] an alleged alpha helix was publicly announced, the idea of a virus became a malignant genotype wrapped in proteins. Thus, a paradigm shift took place between 1952 and 1954 regarding the image of a virus.”

He talks about how theory become dogma in the Church of Mainstream Science (aka Scientism):

“This completely unscientific approach originated in June 1954, when an unscientific and refutable speculative article was published, according to which the death of tissue in a test tube was considered … possible evidence for the presence of a virus. Six months later, on 10 December 1954, the main author of this opinion was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine for another equally speculative theory. The speculation from June 1954 was then raised to a scientific fact and became a dogma which has never been challenged to this date. Since June 1954, the death of tissue and cells in a test tube has been regarded as proof for the existence of a virus.”

Returning to Koch’s Postulates: No Isolation, No Purification

As I covered in COVID-19 Umbrella Term to Operate a Fake Pandemic: Not 1 Disease, Not 1 Cause, today’s mainstream scientists are skipping the all important 2nd step of Koch’s postulates: the isolation and purification of the virus. This isn’t something you can just gloss over or forget to do, like accidentally forgetting your umbrella on a rainy day and getting a bit wet. This is the absolutely quintessential part of determining if there is a new virus and if it causing causing disease. It’s the sine qua non. If you can’t isolate it, you have FAILED to prove anything, because the budding offshoot you think is an invading virus could easily be a exosome or particle being produced by the body itself. This is why all the COVID propaganda has conveniently glossed over the fact that there are no electron microscope images of SARS-CoV-2, since the electron microscope is an extremely important tool in the 1st step of Koch’s postulates, the identification. Lanka continues:

“… a virus has never been isolated according to the meaning of the word isolation, and it has never been photographed and biochemically characterised as a whole unique structure. The electron micrographs of the alleged viruses show in reality quite normal cellular particles from dying tissues and cells, and most photos show only a computer model (CGI – computer generated images).”

So What Does All This Have to Do with COVID?

So to bring this back to the current plandemic, all of the same assumptions and lack of evidence are in play when it comes to COVID:

“Individual molecules are extracted from the particles of dead tissue and cells, they are misinterpreted to be parts of a virus and are theoretically put together into a virus model … The consensus-finding process for the measles “virus”, in which the participants debated in order to determine what belonged to the virus and what didn’t, lasted for decades. With the apparently new China Coronavirus 2019 (2019-nCoV, meanwhile renamed), this consensus-finding process lasts only a few mouse clicks.

With only a few mouse clicks as well, a program can create any virus by putting together molecules of short parts of nucleic acids from dead tissue and cells with a determined biochemical composition, thus arranging them as desired into a longer genotype which is then declared to be the complete genome of the new virus … in this process of theoretical construction of the “viral DNA”, those sequences that don’t fit are “smoothed out” and missing ones are added. Thus, a DNA sequence is invented which doesn’t exist in reality and which was never discovered and scientifically demonstrated as a whole.”

So basically, mainstream Chinese scientists who work under the same theory as mainstream Western scientists invented a new theoretical model for SARS-CoV-2, and proclaimed a novel coronavirus, but all without the electron micrographs to actually back it up.

This entire process has extremely interesting parallels with the theme of space fakery, whether it’s propagated by NASA or the space agencies of other nations. We don’t have verifiable images of viruses; we don’t have verifiable whole (non-composite) images of the Earth, or many other space bodies such as moons, planets, etc. Instead we are fed CGIs and told not to question authority. Is this science or is this faith-based Scientism? To what extent are we being manipulated when we are denied real and true photographs of the world around us, both on a micro and macro level? I would argue to a massive extent.

Lanka on the Danger of Vaccines

Our lack of understanding about viruses, disease, the immune system, terrain theory and much more is exploited by Big Pharma to push dangerous medical interventions such as vaccines. Here’s what Lanka has to say about the danger and ineffectiveness of vaccines:

“[A] concoction consisting of dying tissue and cells from monkeys, bovine foetuses and toxic antibiotics … is being used as a “live” vaccine, because it is supposed to consist of so-called “attenuated” viruses … [this] toxic mixture full of foreign proteins, foreign nucleic acids (DNA/RNA), cytotoxic antibiotics, microbes and spores of all types is being labelled a “live vaccine.” It is implanted in children through vaccination mainly into the muscles, in a quantity which if it were injected into the veins would immediately lead to certain death … The verifiable facts demonstrate the danger and negligence of these scientists and politicians, who claim that vaccines are safe, have little or no side-effects, and would protect from a disease. None of these claims is true and scientific, on the contrary: upon precise scientific analysis, one finds that vaccines are useless and the respective literature admits to the lack of any evidence in their favour.”

Final Thoughts

The virus misconception has been with us a long time. As insane as the current fear-based, mask-wearing, social-distancing submission is, there are those people who are using Operation Coronavirus as a chance to wake up. While some go deeper into unconsciousness and look to new protective products (“upgrade your mask for our patent-pending powered air-filtration protective shield (N95)”), others have seen the coronavirus coup for what it truly is: a chance to roll out all kinds of control architecture while people sleepwalk in fear. It is always a good idea to question the base assumptions of any governmental pronouncement, because almost always, it can open up a portal that leads to the truth.






Exposing the Lie — Hippocratic Hypocrisy: A Tale of Two Snakes

Exposing the Lie — Hippocratic Hypocrisy: A Tale of Two Snakes

by Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Spacebusters
June 5, 2020


Also available at SpaceBusters on YouTube and at Dr. Kaufman’s website.

A collaborative film by Spacebusters and Dr. Andrew Kaufman about how authentic medicine was hijacked by the power elite and turned into a deadly, sickness for profit industry.

Written by : Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Steven S. Busters
Produced by: Spacebusters
Technical advisor: Rosco S. Busters


Dr. Andrew Kaufman’s YouTube channel
J.S. Bach Piano Concerto/D minor: Polina Osetinskaya & The Marlinsky String Orchestra, conducted by Anton Gakkel
History of Medicine Society
Things you don’t learn in medical school: Caduceus
The Caduceus vs the Staff of Asclepius
Medical Symbols in Practice: Myths vs Reality
Caduceus as a symbol of medicine
the Esoteric meaning of Mercury, Hermes and the Caduceus (Gemini)
the Esoteric meaning of the Rod of Moses, staff of Asclepius (Scorpio)
Organic Unity

[Truth Comes to Light Editor’s note: This transcript is provided by Truth Comes to Light as a service to sharing truth. It has not been verified by the authors, so 100% accuracy is not guaranteed.]


This tale of two snakes is the story of how medicine in the United States, and eventually the world, was subverted into a commerce business enterprise with the central goal of creating and maintaining illness throughout the population for profit.

We have been kept from fully developing our potential to reason, our intuition, to become enlightened and to be the godlike beings that is our true nature.

Animal man can be domesticated and controlled. Enlightened man cannot.

The unholy trinity of corporate allopathic medicine, which is our mainstream medical system today — utilizing synthetic Big Pharma drugs, surgery and radiation — drains the body’s corpuscles through medical treatment strategies based on suppressing symptoms through synthetic drugs instead of targeting the cause of disease and removing it.

What causes disease or cellular dis-ease?

Toxic industrial environments.  Toxic foods.  Over-acidic diets.  Polluted air and water.  Prolonged states of mental stress and emotional distress.  Lack of sleep. Drugs. Alcohol. Cigarettes. Electrosmog. Heavy-metal poisoning. Vaccines. And even prescription drugs.

The Rod of Asclepius has been the exoteric symbol for medical healing since as far back as 1400 to 1200 BC.

He was the son of Apollo, the god of healing, immortalized forever in the stars as Ophiuchus, the serpent holder standing on the male genital phallus and corpuscle destroyer, Scorpio, which we’ll cover in the plot twist at the end of this film.

It is the staff with the single snake, completely misunderstood exotericly, to be a symbol of the snakes possession of anti-venom against its own poisons and its ability to shed its skin and renew — an exoteric symbol of longevity and immortality.

But in 1902 a captain in the US Army Medical Corps mistook the caduceus for the Rod of Asclepius and he proposed the adoption of the caduceus as the Medical Corps official symbol.

The two-snake caduceus is the symbol of the Roman god Mercury, whereas the one-snake rod is the symbol of Asclepius.

Natural Healing

Before 1902, the caduceus was used as a symbol for commerce and companies in printing, as Mercury or Hermes was the messenger of the gods.

It was used in mining, chemistry and metallurgy, as alchemy was a hermetic science.

Exotericly Mercury is the god of commerce, trade, merchants, outlaws, thieves and tricksters and is represented by two serpents to show the opposing meanings of polarization.

One snake is the healing — remediating and curative — the upward flow of living corpuscles from the spleen to the cerebral crown chakra, supporting positive energy, inner development and enlightenment.

The other serpent is the poisonous, debilitating, drainage of the living corpuscles away from the higher-self, body and mind.

It is this second serpent that has infiltrated medicine.

It has convinced us that paying for poison is the cure for cellular poisoning.

It is no accident that this symbol was first adopted by the army. The bogus germ theory, driving allopathic medicine, states that microorganisms invade our bodies and require military defense.

This model of disease, the warfare model, where illness comes from an uncontrollable enemy outside of us, necessitates a drug from the medical machine as our only chance of survival. We fight this imagined enemy with chemical weapons and machines, just as any warfare.

Allopathic medicine blames these enemy diseases on bad genes or evil germs, mysterious and deadly cancers, unexplained autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases, and many more — always outside of our control with causes unknown and no ability to address or reverse ourselves.

Thus, we are dependent on the medical system to rescue us.

How did this happen?

In 1847 the American Medical Association was founded. The largest association of medical students and physicians — both doctors of medicine and doctors of osteopathy, which is a type of alternative medicine — much of which is now said to have no therapeutic value and is labeled pseudoscience by the medical cartel.

From the very beginning, the AMA urged all state governments to adopt measures to register all births, marriages and deaths, which is a form of commerce itself — the way shipments are registered to port authorities as property of the receiving country’s government.

In 1897 the AMA incorporated into a private corporation and by 1899 they were already pushing for mandatory, untested smallpox vaccinations.

Then, in 1901, the AMA started a committee on national legislation, starting the trend of non-elected NGOs directing elected lawmakers policy decisions.

In 1905 they created the Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry to set standards for drug manufacturing and advertising, asking drug companies to show proof of effectiveness of their drugs or pay corrupt bribes to “Doc” Simmons in order to advertise those drugs in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

They basically became the first drug catalog sales reps. Obviously, drug manufacturers had great incentive to get in good favors with “Doc” Simmons and the AMA, later known as the Big Pharma revolving door.

But the real horror started in 1904 when the AMA founded the Council on Medical Education to regulate medical schools and what type of medicine could be taught in them.

As osteopathic and homeopathic medicine had no commercial profit incentive to these snakes, they had to go.

From its earliest inception, the American Medical Association has had one principal objective: attaining and defending a total monopoly of the practice of medicine in the United States.

From its outset, the AMA made the unholy trinity of allopathy the basis of its practice.

Allopathy set up an intense rivalry with the prevalent 19th century School of Medicine, the practice of homeopathy.

The AMA is one of the biggest frauds in history, involved in medical bribery, racketeering, corruption, coercion, and deception.

The former quack heads of the organization — like the failed journalist “Doc” Simmons, who never attended a medical school or worked for an actual hospital, and his protege Dr. Morris Fishbein, an aspiring circus trapeze artist and part-time opera singer who never worked a day as a physician in his life, but somehow headed the American Medical Association — were to set the standard for the disgraceful fraud still going on to this day.

You can find the shocking details of this in the first two chapters of the book Murder by Injection.

In 1907 the American Medical Association involved the Carnegie Foundation in elaborating a book-length study of medical education in the United States and Canada, also known as the Carnegie Foundation Bulletin, Number Four.

Its author, Abraham Flexner, was an ambitious educator, neither a physician nor a medical scientist, but the brother of Simon Flexner, employed by the Rockefeller Institute for medical research. Later on, Flexner became the first director of the Rockefeller philanthropy programs in medical education.

Andrew Carnegie was regarded as the second richest man in history after John D. Rockefeller. While Carnegie played a leading role in the American steel industry and education, Rockefeller was interested in the oil industry and medical research.

Flexner’s report was published in 1910 and the purpose was to improve the quality of medical service by establishing professional medical education based on mainstream scientific principles.

But what was accepted as science in the early 20th century?

The theory of materialism — rising in the 17th century — holds that the only existing thing is matter, everything is composed of material and all phenomena (including consciousness, human soul and spirit) are the result of material interactions.

In other words, matter is the only substance.

Scientific materialism or physicalism became the philosophical position of the early 20th century. The main statement of physicalism is that there are no kinds of things other than physical things.

Before the Flexner Report was released, twice as many physicians practiced alternative medicine than conventional allopathic medicine, and medical knowledge was taught in small private schools all over the United States.

The report changed everything. And backed by the police power of each American state, medical schools were obliged to follow the trends set by the Carnegie Foundation.

The Flexner Report stated that the human body belongs to the animal world. It is put together of tissues and organs. It grows, reproduces itself, decays, according to general laws. It is liable to attack by hostile physical and biological agencies.

Herbs, homeopathy, chiropractic & massage were demoted as quackery.

Small medical schools were either closed or merged into universities financially supported by large industrial companies.

In less than 10 years the number of medical schools dropped from 650 to just 50. The number of medical students decreased from 7500 to 2500 and they were unable to afford the high education fees.

The report included a detailed regulation of medical education and pharmacology as the only solution against dreadful diseases.

According to the present day consequences of this report, no medical school can be created without the permission of government and medical research adheres fully to the protocols of scientific research of the 1910s — materialism, medication and vaccination.

Supply of physicians were restricted, incomes of the remaining practitioners raised, and conventional medical schools began to be centralized.

in 1997 the WHO obtained full control over medicine, as the validity of the Flexner report extended worldwide.

And what was the long-term result of reforming medical education and practice?

Hardly any news on the media.

According to the 2003 medical report Death by Medicine, 784,000 people in the United States die every year from conventional medicine mistakes.

This is 16,400% of the victims of September 11th, 2001 — the equivalent of six jumbo jet crashes a day for an entire year. A hundred and six thousand of these deaths each year are from prescription drugs.

The United States spends 282 billion dollars annually on deaths due to medical mistakes or iatrogenic deaths. According to a 1995 US iatrogenic report, the annual automobile accident mortality rate is 45,000 people. On the other hand, annually over a million patients get injured in hospitals and 280,000 of these cases result in death.

In 2004 the US spent 1.4 trillion dollars, 15,5% of the GDP, on health care. More than one third was paid to the pharmaceutical industry.

In 2010 alone, the top 20 pharmaceutical companies profited the equivalent of $97 per person times six billion people.

Back in 2001 Pfizer was the number-one most profitable company — with 7.8 billion dollar profit — of all the Fortune 500 companies.

In 2002 the combined profits of the top 10 drug companies of the Fortune 500 were nearly 36 billion dollars. That is more than the profits of the other 490 businesses put together.

After a hundred years, we must raise the question: what went wrong?

Despite the huge amount of money accumulated by the pharma industry, there are more dreadful diseases and sick people today than ever. You will find the answers in the Flexner Report — a document that created and enabled the terms of a centralized medical system and the pharma industry to take over the control of healthcare for profit.

“When we interfere with the processes of nature, and breed efficient plants and efficient animals, there’s always some way in which we have to pay for it. We do not really know how to interfere with the way the world is…

The way the world actually is, is an enormously complex, interrelated organism. The same problem arises in medicine because the body is a very complex, interrelated organism.

And if you look at the body in a superficial way, you may see there’s something wrong with it.

Here’s chicken pox.

And there’s spots that itch that come out all over the place. Well, you might say ‘Well, spots are there. Cut ’em off,’  So you kill the bug. Well, then you find you got real problems.

Well, then you think ‘Well now, wait a minute, it wasn’t the bugs in the blood. There are bugs all over the place.

What was wrong with this person?

His resistance wasn’t out there.

For what you should have given him was not an antibiotic but vitamins…

See, we always look at the human being medically, in bits and pieces, because we have heart specialists, lung specialists, bone specialists, nerve specialists and so on.

And they each see the human being from their point of view. There are a few generalists, but they realize the human body is so complicated that no one mind can understand it.”

~ Alan Watts

And that’s the problem with compartmentalized allopathic medicine.

Imagine your car doesn’t work because it’s out of gas and has a dead battery.

The allopathic, Big Pharma approach is to charge you big money to send five people to push your car. And then they say ‘See, it’s moving. We’ve fixed it.’

Sure it’s moving, but not very fast. Nothing inside works without power and you won’t make it more than a few miles before those people are too tired to push, no matter how much you pay them.

A mechanic wouldn’t fix a blown engine valve or gasket leaking oil by telling you to just add more oil every day. That would be stupid. You have to fix the cause.

But this logic is perfectly normal in modern medicine. We end up with specialists and general practitioners trained in which symptoms hint at which specific part of the physical anatomy may be in dis-ease — but have zero non-specialized education in nutrition, biochemistry, plant medicines, molecular biology, naturopathy, homeopathy, exercise, psychology or any other sciences that can tell them how to diagnose and eliminate the cause of cellular dis-ease.

So out of ignorance and frustration, they are left with three unholy options.

Synthetic Drugs

Most synthetic drugs circulate through the entire body and have a chemical effect on every biological system in the body, not just the specific area of cellular dis-ease they are meant to help.

While they may sometimes help the problem area, they simultaneously disrupt perfectly working functions in other parts of our body.

Have you ever noticed the dozens of side effects listed on drug inserts or at the end of commercial disclaimers?

This is why: [Commercial for Chantix]

“Kurt quit smoking with Chantix and support. Talk to your doctor about Chantix and a support plan that’s right for you. Some people have had changes in behavior, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping Chantix. If you notice agitation, hostility, depression or changes in behavior, thinking or mood that are not typical for you, or if you develop suicidal thoughts or actions, stop taking Chantix and call your doctor right away. Talk to your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems which can get worse while taking Chantix. Some people can have allergic or serious skin reactions to Chantix, some of which can be life-threatening. If you notice swelling of face, mouth, throat or a rash, stop taking Chantix and see your doctor right away. Tell your doctor which medicines you’re taking as they may work differently when you quit smoking. Chantix dosing may be different if you have kidney problems. The most common side effect is nausea. Patients also reported trouble sleeping and vivid, unusual or strange dreams. Until you know how Chantix may affect you, use caution when driving or operating machinery. Chantix should not be taken with other quit-smoking products.

‘The urges weren’t like they used to be and that helped me quit.’

Talk to your doctor to find out if prescription Chantix is right for you.”

Talk to your doctor to see if a drug twenty times more dangerous than smoking is right for you?

Then these “side effects” require more drugs to balance the new problems caused by the first drug. And on and on this vicious circle goes.

Because these drugs relieve symptoms, but don’t eliminate the cause of the cellular dis-ease, many people are on their meds for life — raking in huge repeat customer profits for the big pharma snakes.


After enough neglect — cells, tissues and organs eventually die, putrefy and go into sepsis  — inducing internal bacteria to eat you alive.

Rather than addressing and reversing the reasons why, the allopathic strategy is to just remove parts or all of various organs, or even hack off the limbs — not stop the cause.

And when the dis-ease expresses itself again, they’ll just cut out more of you, until there’s nothing left of you to cut out anymore.

But don’t worry, your insurance will pay for it. And, if not, they’ll take your house and life savings in return for the “favor”.

Surgery has been around since ancient times. And there are brilliant trauma, heart and transplant surgeons — and others — saving millions of lives when absolutely no other option is left.

This is in no way meant to attack them.

But allopathic medicine is the reason we now need so many of them so often.


You already know about the effects of acute radiation syndrome on cellular biology.

To even discuss the absurdity of this allopathic form of medical treatment, as some sort of cure for cellular dis-ease, is an insult to human intelligence — sheer lunacy. So we won’t even bother going there.

If your doctor even suggests this — run very far and fast.

“A better thing to talk about, however, is the relationship between profits and cancer. In the United States, there was a study that was published — I believe it was in 1994 — it was a 12 year program, 12-year study.

They looked at adults who had developed cancer as an adult — not childhood cancer, but adult cancer. Right? This is the main type of cancer that we get here in the United States. They did a meta-analysis of these people, all around the world, who developed cancer as adults for 12 years and were treated with chemo.

They looked at the results and they published the results in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. And the results?  Ninety-seven percentof the time chemotherapy does not work. Ninety-seven percent of the time it doesn’t work.

So why is it still used? It’s one reason and one reason only. Money.

If you go to a medical doctor, an MD, with a sinus infection and that doctor prescribes an antibiotic, he gets no financial kickback. Now if he prescribes 5000, you know, of that antibiotic in one month, the drug company that makes it might send him to Cancun for a conference. Right? But he gets no direct remuneration.

It’s not… with chemotherapeutic drugs it’s different.  Chemotherapeutic drugs are the only classification of drugs that the prescribing doctor gets direct cut of.

So, if your doctor prescribes chemotherapy for you, here’s how it goes, more or less:

The doctor buys it from the pharmaceutical company for five thousand dollars, sells it to the patient for $12,000. Insurance pays nine thousand dollars and the doctor pockets the four thousand dollar difference. And there ought to be a law.

The only reason chemotherapy is used is because doctors make money from it. Period.

It doesn’t work! Ninety-seven percent of the time!

If Ford Motor Company made an automobile that exploded 97% of the time, would they still be in business? No.

This is the tip of the iceberg of the control that the pharmaceutical industry has on us.

We — most people — have no idea of this at all now.

I wrote a book it’s called The MD Emperor Has No Clothes. Right?

In my book, I have a bulleted list of 10 questions that every cancer patient could ask their doctor. Ten questions.

I’ve had patients checked out, literally kicked out of the oncologists office, because the doctor was p-o’d that the patient was asking them these questions. And these are just common sense questions.

Cancer treatment in the United States — we have lost the war on cancer. We have lost the war on cancer.


Because cancer is not a reductionistic phenomenon. Cancer is a holistic phenomenon.

When you try to bring a reductionistic methodology, like drugs and surgery, to bear on a holistic phenomenon, you will completely miss the boat each and every time.

Medical doctors are like colorblind art critics. They can see that that’s a boat — they can see the black and white outline — but they’re completely blind to all of colors and textures that make up the substance of the thing.

It’s no difference with cancer. The reason that people get cancer in the United States, and the reason that we have completely lousy outcomes, is because medical doctors are driving the research bus.

When women get together and do a 5k run for breast cancer, all of that money — do you think any of that money goes to nutritional research?

Do you think any of that money goes to homeopathic research? Or acupuncture? Or traditional Chinese medicine? Or naturopathic research? No.

All of it goes to drugs and surgery — which do not work.

Now, why aren’t those women running for selenium? If every girl in this country took 200 micrograms of selenium, in one generation we’d eliminate breast cancer by 82%.

That’s a big number.

Why aren’t we doing that? Because medicine in the United States is a for-profit industry and most people are completely unaware of this. And most people bow down to the altar of MD-directed high-tech medicine.”

~ Dr. Peter Glidden, ND

READ… Mustard gas – from the Great War to frontline chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is in fact nitrogen mustard, the cell killing compound used to make chemical warfare mustard gas n World War I and II,

Why does it have a 97% failure rate?

It doesn’t just kill cancer cells. it kills all cells.

It’s poison.

The exoteric correlation between the caduceus and our double helix DNA cannot be ignored — as DNA alteration is the target of Bill Gates and the current Big Pharma vaccine cartel — set to become the world’s first medical mafia trillionaires.

“They’re using a new technology for this vaccine, which they say allows them to develop it more rapidly.

But, you know, they’ve developed it in record time. I mean, obviously they have developed this before–  before the plandemic actually came to fruition. But what these vaccines are is, they have DNA

And they — using this technology called microporation, where they apply an electric current through two additional needles. And it causes little holes to open up in your cells, so that this foreign DNA can go into your cells and basically turn you into a genetically modified organism

Now they say that the gene is the gene of a virus, so we’re gonna have our own cells making virus proteins and somehow that’s gonna trigger an immune response.

You know, I don’t buy that at all.

S,o what these genes are I don’t know.

You know, I have some guesses because I know one of the goals of the vaccine is for infertility. Right? Because it’s all about population reduction.”

~ Dr. Andrew Kaufman

By either coincidence or conspiracy, at the very same time the WHO and NGOs were giving out hundreds of millions of free poisonous smallpox vaccines all over Africa.

The continent erupted with the biggest autoimmune disorder epidemic in known history.

What wasn’t free, and ended up indebting several African governments, were the hundreds of millions of PCR tests already manufactured to test for the new unheard of autoimmune disorder called HIV/AIDS.

READ… WHO Admits That Smallpox Vaccine Created AIDS/HIV

And the bogus-treatment-drug AZT — called one of the most toxic, expensive and controversial drugs in the history of medicine — this disease may result in the deaths of 90 million African people by the year 2025.

We saw the same trend in India when a polio epidemic and hundreds of thousands of paralyzed children coincided with a mass polio vaccination campaign there.

And today, we can now recognize the same alarming pattern happening with the blatant fudging of statistics and the orchestrated villainization of the common cold and flu — to force a worldwide multi-trillion-dollar profit vaccination agenda.

“There’s no paper that shows, based on its experiment, that this virus causes anything. So there’s not one paper and the conclusion that said ‘as a result of this study, we’ve determined that this virus is the cause of this disease’.

So that’s not even stated in the literature as a conclusion.

But if, in fact, if you look at the methods that they use to supposedly isolate viruses, they’re doing no such thing whatsoever.

And this was really something that I learned about only in studying this illness, because I had looked into germ theory, and I knew germ theory had lots of experiments that disproved it. And that it was, you know, something that was pervasive in medicine.

But what I’ve ultimately come to learn is that they discovered a technique that essentially has these culture cells decay. And they say that that’s proof that a virus is causing the decay of those cells.

But, in actuality, they’ve never run a control experiment. And what they’re doing is taking those cells and giving them inadequate nutrition, and exposing them to toxic chemicals. And so, that’s the reason the cells are decaying.

And that’s the only thing that they say that proves a virus.

So they’ve not actually isolated any virus whatsoever. They have shown that they can do this isolation technique in bacterial viruses. They call them bacteriophages. And they’ve shown that they can use this technique to isolate exosomes. And the technique is fairly simple.

You just filter out these small particles and then you put them through a centrifuge to have them segregate together based on their density. And then you hold a syringe or a pipette and you can look at them under the microscope.

You can characterize them chemically. You can take out the genetic material and sequence it.

And they’ve done these experiments for exosomes and bacteriophages. But they’ve never done it for a virus. And the simple reason is because there must not be any virus, that exists, that causes disease.

So they have this other procedure that just shows damage to cells in a culture and they say that that’s evidence of a virus. And it’s really quite astounding when I uncovered this. Because it’s not just in the studies for the SARS-CoV-2 virus that, you know, they say is associated with COVID-19, but it’s true for every single virus paper that I’ve looked at for any type of virus.

So really, there’s really no evidence that any virus that is alleged to cause a disease has ever been isolated, or proven to cause any disease whatsoever.”

~ Dr. Andrew Kaufman


“Yeah and here we see this response, which is unprecedented.

And the interesting thing, like you mentioned exosomes. And in one of the first discussions that I heard you talk about this, you mentioned the fact that, well actually, when you look at an exosome, you look at its makeup, you look at the way it reacts and its characteristics, and then you look at COVID-19. Well, you go, well hey, it’s actually exactly the same thing.

So they’ve basically taken this normal part of our immune system, which is just a response to toxicity in the cells, and categorize it as this terrible pandemic. And it’s going to appear in basically anybody who’s stressed or got toxicity in the cell.

So it’s a total win-win situation for them. But there appears that there is no virus at all. They’re simply, you know, re-diagnosed or re-labeled, part of our immune system. And the response has been like, you know, it’s been over-the-top. Absolutely over-the-top.

And even when you look at the death figures for this year, it’s less deaths this year than it has been for the last five years. And no one seems to be dying of anything else anymore.”

~ Max Igan


“Well, essentially — see what what they’re seeing under the microscope — it could very well be exosomes because they’ve they pretty much created a recipe to make exosomes. Because they’re usually using monkey kidney cells for this purpose and they’re mixing it with antibiotics. And it’s well known that antibiotics induce exosomes. But the thing is that these cells are basically dying cells and they’re putting out all kinds of debris.

And early on, in the study of virology, they actually really wrestled with this problem and pretty much gave up on trying to find a virus — until this new technique that I described was invented. So we could very well be seeing pictures of exosomes when we see those pictures But they could also be other kinds of cellular debris particles.

The thing i, we just don’t know because they’ve never taken those particles and then purified them and characterized exactly what they are. So that’s really never been done. And what you’re talking about with the test — the test is a little bit different because the PCR test, which is the main test, it doesn’t test for a virus at all. What that tests for is a sequence of RNA, which is genetic material.

And the way they obtain that is also — they take the impure sample basicall, like the lung fluidn  ithis case, from some people who are sick or possibly a throat swab. And they amplify short little sequences. And sequences that they’re specifically looking for mostly because they have this library of gene sequences of viruses.

But the thing is, if you go back, they’ve always characterized them this way. So they’ve never once had a intact virus particle and then sliced it open and taken the RNA out and done a sequence from end to end.

That’s never been done. What they do instead is, they take this impure sample and they look for specific sequence that they’ve pre-identified as being viral in nature from this database. And then what they’re doing is amplifying these short little sequences — maybe 150 to 250 base pairs — and they’re splicing them together into this one long strand of 30,000 which they say is the viral genome. But it’s actually just this Frankenstein-type of assembly of all these little pieces that we don’t even have any proof they’re related. They could even come from different types of cells or different creatures.

And when there’s gaps, they’re basically using sequences that they get from that database of other viruses that are also put together in this Frankenstein-type way. And they sew all those together, you know, and say that this is the sequence, the genome sequence of this virus.

And that’s the procedure. And that’s — they’re testing for something from that. But we don’t really know what it is. Except it’s most likely our own sequences.

So that’s why there’s so many positive results, because they’re essentially testing our own genetic sequences.”

~ Dr. Andrew Kaufman

In other words, more medical fraud for profit and control by keeping people in fear and ignorance of the truth — the promised plot twist.

Which is the actual, secret, hidden and misunderstood esoteric meaning of Mercury — the metaphoric symbol representing the higher mind, spirit and belief. In the Cerebrum and his caduceus are actual two hemisphere cerebrum, spinal cord, cerebrospinal fluid and two snakes representing the two sensory and motor nervous systems of our body, through which we experience everything.

The science of epigenetics states that what you are thinking is translated by the brain into body chemistry that will determine what you physically become.

As Dr. Bruce Lipton explains, the function of Mercury or mind is to create coherence between what we believe and the physical reality that we experience.

If you believe there’s a threat, signals of threat released into the blood will prepare the cells to engage in a protection area response. But if the perceived threat is imaginary stress, emotion or worry from an imbalanced mind, our cells don’t know if a threat is real or not — because cells only respond to the chemicals. They do not see the real external environment.

If we believe we are under threat or stress, we manifest stress in our cellular physiology, even though the environment in which we live is not really promoting that. Our thoughts, Mercury, whether they are right or wrong are actually changing our cellular biology through his caduceus.

What we think we become. Signal plus protein equals behavior.

So when our behavior is not supporting health or us, we can say we are expressing dis-ease.

So it’s either defective proteins or the signal causing disease. Defective proteins lead to defective functions creating disharmonious behavior in your cells which can cause disease.

Which is why a COVID-19 vaccine, using electroporation to fuse foreign bat or pig DNA into your cells, to create new protein instruction codes, is most certainly going to lead to both disease and your demise.

Luckily for those wise enough to reject the new RNA/DNA recombinant COVID-19 vaccines, flawed protein expression genes caused less than 1% of all natural disease. The signal causes up to 90% of all dis-ease.

How can it interfere with health? Trauma — physical damage to the brain, spine or parts of the body related to the nervous system — can interfere with the flow of information from the nervous system to the cells, altering communication and leading to a misunderstanding by the responding cells — because the signals are altered.

Toxins cause disease by interfering with the propagation of the signals from the brain to the cells. If we put toxic elements into our body, including vaccine adjuvants and even toxins from eating industrial farmed food, these toxic chemicals can engage in the signal pathway.

But if they do, they don’t promote a normal signal propagation. Toxic chemistry can distort the signal.

If the brain is sending a signal to control the cells and there’s toxic chemistry in the pathway, then the signal that reaches the cell is altered, and then the behavior of the altered cell can lead to disease.

But the real secret of Mercury mind, is that our thoughts become translated into chemistry that can either cure or create disease.

A dis-ease caused by thought is not because the body is defective, it’s because the signal is inappropriate.

Because this esoteric science is hidden — consciousness, emotion, worry and stress are the primary problems contributing to issues regarding health on this planet. Too many people are sending inappropriate signals at inappropriate times, leading to inappropriate behavior which we call disease or dis-ease.

The truth is that these are two sides to the same coin.

Metaphysically, mercury is mind.

Physiologically, Mercury is the nerves and the cerebrospinal system. The cerebrospinal system is the generator and carrier of physicochemical electricity, which is simply energy or life.

Our mind and the sensory nerves utilize the electrical energy of thought and the subtle nerve fluids in the cerebral spinal fluid.

Depending on our thoughts and actions, Mercury may do this beneficially and positively, or negatively and destructively.

Chemically, Mercury is quicksilver which, is an oily fatty substance. the “argentum vivum” or “living philosophical silver” that rises back up from our sacrum to our cerebrum to be converted back to electricity infinitely if not wasted

The real interpretation of “quick” means living.

And as oil is the physical manifestation of energy, mercury or quicksilver, means the oil of life.

We are told by the AMA that a quack is a medical charlatan. Takes one to know one.

But actually quack is short for the 1570s Dutch term quacksalver or the German quacksalber, and the Danish quakzalver, meaning “hawker of salve” or oil or to rub with ointment.

Quakzalver sounds remarkably close to quicksilver. Wouldn’t you say

As usual, the snakes have inverted the true meaning of healing — for profit.

And that is the real reason Mercury is the father of merchants and thieves.

Mind, which is the father of thought, can actually rob the physical body by wasting living electricity through thought, emotion, action and physical merchandise — through riotous and gluttonous thought and living habits.

The “brain esse”[esence] and thought power or electricity constitute the true merchandise of every human body.

And thus, the job of the great physician Mercury, your mind, is to electrochemically heal all dis-eases.

Not just through pure thought and action, but through pure food sustenance and plant medicine on the physical plane. The cerebrospinal fluid around our brain, spinal cord, and nerves, cushions those organs.

It picks up supplies from the blood and gets rid of toxic waste products. It is a colorless, transparent alkaline fluid — 99% water, 1% monoatomic potassium — which creates healing and toxic-dissolving oils, glucose, protein amino acid molecules, enzymes, hormones, antibodies, etc.

It is how the brain talks to cells.

In esoteric biblical biochemistry, the healing Rod of Asclepius is the staff of Moses.

The electrical seed germination that creates the healing corpuscles of the cells (created in our spleen) that make up our blood, lymph and nerve endings, brought down to the spleen from the cerebrum (or Aries the lamb or Ram of God), also known as Brahma or Abraham, by Mercury, the messenger of the Godhead.

That is why Moses, or the electric seed of the corpuscles, is the descendant of Abraham, our cerebrum.

The winged caduceus of Mercury is the Tree of Life.

While the serpents represent the tree of knowledge of good and evil, or cellular ease and dis-ease, one is the sensory system, the other the motor system, doing work pertaining to motion. But perverted it becomes e-motion, meaning energy wasted, substance lost, death and dis-ease.

All around us today, we see its effect.

Humanity as a whole, floundering in chaos instead of harmony, lost in a sea of emotion — energy wasted, substance lost.

The blood corpuscles carry not only nutriment to every cell, but air as well. Our cerebral cells, as well as all other cells, must be supplied with the proper mineral foods and salts, and kept free from acid accumulation and toxic poison.

Each individual has his own Tree of Life. No one but himself can destroy that tree and no one but himself can cultivate it or supply it with nutriment.

There are links to details on this beautiful esoteric science in the description.

But know that oils neutralize and dissolve body toxins and poisons.
Water keeps fibers fluid and in motion.
Spirit (electricity) moves the body and the 12 mineral salts that manifest electricity to biology are the physical body.


Physician heal thyself. This is not medicine.


And this is not the cause of disease.

At a glance, on the surface symbols, are just pictures that represent an idea in the consciousness of those who look at them. But while we may think symbols are just pictures, they do act on our subconscious mind to bring about the desired influence of the sigil creator.

The actual intent of the symbol may be unknown to the viewer or even be inverted in its true meaning. For example the peace symbol, or inverted Algiz, is actually a Proto-Germanic death ruin that was inscribed on tombstones. Death is peace.

The swastika had a positive meaning in ancient times. Its Sanskrit name was svasktika, literally meaning “it is”, well being, good existence, and good luck.  For the Hindus it was a symbol for Vishnu and the Sun or, when inverted, Kali and magic.

Thus we can invert the meaning of the caduceus to serve our health, rather than drain our corpuscles.

In our current reality, war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength, and poison is medicine. But it does not have to be that way, if we do not want it to.

You can decide yourself, right now, that poison is poison, but plants, clean nutrient-filled food and positive mind is medicine.

Our bodies have amazing capabilities to heal if we simply provide the right environment, free of toxins, full of nutrition, purity of mind and spirit.

There is no form of cellular disease we cannot heal from.







Free PDF Books

Murder by Injection by Eustace Mullins

Death by Medicine by Gary Null PhD,
Carolyn Dean MD ND, Martin Feldman MD,
Debora Rasio MD,
Dorothy Smith Phd

The MD Emperor Has No Clothes by Dr. Peter Glidden, ND

The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation by George W. Carey

New Docs: NIH Owns Half of Moderna Vaccine

New Docs: NIH Owns Half of Moderna Vaccine

by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman, Children’s Health Defense
July 7, 2020


New documents obtained by Axios and Public Citizen suggest that the National Institute of Health (NIH) owns half the key patent for Moderna’s controversial COVID vaccine and could collect half the royalties. In addition, four NIH scientists have filed their own provisional patent application as co-inventors. Little known NIH regulations let agency scientists collect up to $150,000.00 annually in royalties from vaccines upon which they worked. These rules are recipes for regulatory corruption.

NIH’s stake in the jab may explain why Anthony Fauci moved Moderna’s vaccine to the front of the line and to let Moderna skip animal trials despite the experimental technology and the inherent dangers of Coronavirus vaccines. Every prior coronavirus vaccine has proven problematic and can be lethal to animals due to COVID’s unique penchant for “pathogenic priming.” Death occurs only after a vaccinated animal encounters the wild virus.

Public health advocates and scientists criticized Fauci’s decision to skip animal trials as reckless. It may also explain why Anthony Fauci arranged a $483 million grant to Moderna from a sister NIH agency, BARDA, despite the fact that Moderna has never brought a product to market or gotten approval.

… Fauci publicly announced he was ‘encouraged’ by Moderna’s catastrophic Phase 1 clinical trials despite the fact that groups of super healthy volunteers had Grade 3 ‘severe or medically significant’ reactions following vaccination.

Fauci’s infusion made Moderna CEO Steve Bancel a billionaire and further enriched Fauci’s mentor and co-investor Bill Gates. It may also explain why Fauci publicly announced he was “encouraged” by Moderna’s catastrophic Phase 1 clinical trials despite the fact that 20% of the high dose and 6% of the low dose groups of super healthy volunteers had Grade 3 “severe or medically significant” reactions following vaccination. Those results would have spelled DOA for any other medical product. After getting the abysmal news, Bancel and four other Moderna executives immediately dumped more than $89 million in stock and Fauci was forced to make his optimistic public assessment to save Moderna’s plummeting shares from death spiral.

Fauci knows from experience that no matter how dangerous a vaccine, the easy part is convincing people to take it. Pharma, after all, controls the media.

Fauci painted lipstick on that lame donkey and now he’s trying to convince everyone it’s a thoroughbred. Moderna and NIH began manufacturing the first of 1 billion doses of the deadly vaccine this month. Fauci knows from experience that no matter how dangerous a vaccine, the easy part is convincing people to take it. Pharma, after all, controls the media.

Dr. Fauci and the NIH’s History in Experimenting on Foster Children and Using Aborted Fetal Tissue to Develop an HIV Vaccine

Dr. Fauci and the NIH’s History in Experimenting on Foster Children and Using Aborted Fetal Tissue to Develop an HIV Vaccine

by Brian Shilhavy, Editor, Health Impact News
June 25, 2020

Top row left to right: CDC Director Robert Redfield, Bill Gates, Operation Warp Speed Director Dr. Moncef Slaoui. Bottom row next to President Trump: Dr. Anthony Fauci, and Dr. Deborah Birx. These four doctors and Bill Gates have a history of working together through the NIH to develop an HIV Vaccine, and they are currently working to develop a COVID vaccine.

When we started MedicalKidnap.com in 2014, one of the shocking things we learned was that it was perfectly legal for medical researchers to use foster children as lab rats to develop drugs. Once the state takes custody of a child away from the parents, and the child becomes a ward of the state, medical researchers no longer need parental approval to conduct medical research, and they can also bill the U.S. Government directly to fund this research, usually using Medicaid, even if they drugs being used are experimental and have not yet been approved by the FDA.

We published an article in May of 2015 highlighting this horrible practice that is legal in the U.S. See:

Medical Kidnapping in the U.S. – Kidnapping Children for Drug Trials

Some highlights from that article:

The U.S. federal government has mandated drug research with children. The need for children to participate in drug company research is high, and the temptation to overstep parental rights to force children to participate is great. Researchers publicly admit using money and other rewards to obtain participation of children in their drug trials.

Organizations that advocate for the rights of parents to make decisions regarding their children’s healthcare are finding that foster children in CPS custody are being enrolled in drug experiments without parental approval. State Child Protective Services are enrolling children in drug experiments without parental approval or court orders. However, those who conduct these drug experiments for pharmaceutical companies, and those who are charged with monitoring such research, do not see a problem with their recruitment methods.

In a 2011 article in the Journal Pediatrics, researchers discussed the problem of recruiting children for participation in clinical trials for drug testing. Researchers from Ohio State University (Columbus) and Case Western Reserve University, confirm that the US federal government is mandating that children be included in clinical research studies.

Dr. Tishler, PhD, and Dr. Staats Reiss, PhD stated:

Since 1994, federal guidelines have called for the inclusion of children in clinical studies. Related federal incentives and laws such as the “pediatric rule” (the Pediatric Research Equity Act) and the pediatric exclusivity provision have also been passed to increase the number of pediatric clinical trials launched by pharmaceutical companies. Despite these mandates, the allocations to pediatric clinical trials in federal and private research and development budgets have remained limited. In addition, pediatric researchers continue to experience difficulty locating children and families who are willing to enroll in clinical trials.

Recruitment for pediatric studies is hampered by several factors including ethical concerns with using children as subjects, regulatory oversight that is significantly more restrictive for child trials than for adult trials, a lack of research infrastructure, the need to obtain consent from parents, and the challenge of determining appropriate payments for participation that are not coercive.

In 2005, a hearing with the title “Protections for Foster Children Enrolled in Clinical Trials” was held by the U.S. House of Representatives. The Subcommittee on Human Resources of the Committee on Ways and Means, investigated whether adequate safeguards were in place to protect foster children from being forced to participate in drug studies.

The allegation that they were investigating involved clinical drug trials on AIDS drugs that were conducted during the period from the late 1980s through 2001.

Since publishing this article back in 2015, much more information has come to surface, especially in light of the COVID Plandemic of 2020. The same group of people who have been involved in HIV/AIDS research to develop an HIV vaccine, a vaccine which has never come to market, are the same group of people now working with the U.S. Government to develop a COVID vaccine.

The public has a right to know more about the past research to develop an HIV vaccine, and how they experimented on children who who were “legally” kidnapped from their families for research purposes, as well as the live aborted fetuses that were used to try and create “humanized mice” to produce this vaccine, since this is the same group that has been given hundreds of billions of dollars by the U.S. Government to now develop a COVID vaccine.

Dr. Fauci and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Use of Foster Children in Developing an HIV Vaccine

Faith Dyson recently published an article on Facebook titled: What Was Fauci’s Role In Funding Tuskgegee-Like AIDS Experiments On Foster Children In Seven U.S. States?

She relies heavily on the work of investigative journalist Liam Scheff, and his research published in the book, The House That AIDS Built, which can be found online here.

In 2004 – investigative journalist, Liam Scheff, exposed the fact that hundreds of Foster children at Incarnation Children’s Center [ICC] in NYC were used and abused as lab rats for unsupervised and unrestricted AIDS research and Vaccine studies by Big Pharma and The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases [NIAID].

Years later in separate investigations – 13,878 children were discovered to have been made subject of the same fate during the 1980’s and 1990’s in six other states: Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, North Carolina, Colorado and Texas.

Phil Crane, right, meets with President George W. Bush
and Representative Bill Thomas of Committee on Ways and Means. 
Image Source.

As we found out in our own investigative report back in 2015, Congress knew about these medical experiments being conducted on foster children and conducted a hearing in 2005, with the title “Protections for Foster Children Enrolled in Clinical Trials.”

The transcript of these hearings used to be on the House.gov website, but since we published our article it has been removed. A copy can be found at Archives.org here.

When the Subcommittee on Human Resources of the Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives met to examine this problem, Chairman Wally Herger, Representative from California made this statement:

Over the last 18 months, this Subcommittee has heard hearings about a number of issues affecting kids in the Federal, State child welfare programs, and this issue is like many of them: It has the potential for being explosive. The child welfare program in the richest, most powerful country in the world is, and has been, often an abysmal failure.

Now, we don’t need proof of more of that. We can give you all kinds of examples of it. We know about kids losing their lives in the child welfare system. Practically every State legislature every year deals with one case or another, and everybody wrings their hands, and the problems go on. The kids are sometimes locked up and sometimes starved under the supervision of the agencies. We know the children have been used without proper supervision for drug testing.  (emphasis added)

The first witness to testify before the House subcommittee was Dr. Donald Young, M.D., U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation. He provided extensive testimony regarding governmental oversight. Dr. Young concluded his remarks by stating:

We continue to address challenges posed by the threat of HIV/AIDS and are committed to basic and clinical research to strengthen the nation’s ability to cope with this infectious disease. The protection of human subjects, including children, in clinical trials has been and will remain a top priority for HHS. HHS is firmly committed to the protection of the rights and welfare of every individual who participates in human research consistent with sound ethical standards and regulatory requirements.

Later in the hearing, Dr. Young was asked if any changes were needed in regard to foster children and their participation in drug experimentation. Dr. Young stated:

We are not aware of any changes that we believe need to be made. If they are identified, we will be very happy to consider them and make a decision as how best to proceed. We share with you the concern about the adequate protection of foster children. At the same time, the opportunity to let them participate and get the advantage of clinical research, if that is theirs and their guardian’s decision.

It appears that this Congressional hearing, while acknowledging that foster children were being enrolled in HIV/AIDS vaccine trials, did nothing to stop it.

Liam Scheff details what some of these foster children went through in his book.

In New York’s Washington Heights is a 4-story brick building called Incarnation Children’s Center (ICC). This former convent houses a revolving stable of children who’ve been removed from their own homes by the Agency for Child Services [ACS]. These children are black, Hispanic and poor.

Once taken into ICC, the children become subjects of drug trials sponsored by NIAID (National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Disease, a division of the NIH), NICHD (the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development) in conjunction with some of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies – GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Genentech, Chiron/Biocine and others.

The drugs being given to the children are toxic – they’re known to cause genetic mutation, organ failure, bone marrow death, bodily deformations, brain damage and fatal skin disorders.

If the children refuse the drugs, they’re held down and have them force fed. If the children continue to resist, they’re taken to Columbia Presbyterian hospital where a surgeon puts a plastic tube through their abdominal wall into their stomachs. From then on, the drugs are injected directly into their intestines.

In 2003, two children, ages 6 and 12, had debilitating strokes due to drug toxicities. The 6-year-old went blind. They both died shortly after.  Another 14-year old died recently. An 8-year-old boy had two plastic surgeries to remove large, fatty, drug-induced lumps from his neck.

This isn’t science fiction. This is AIDS research. The children at ICC were born to mothers who tested HIV positive, or who themselves tested positive. However, neither parents nor children were told a crucial fact — HIV tests are extremely inaccurate. The HIV test cross-reacts with nearly seventy commonly-occurring conditions, giving false positive results. These conditions include common colds, herpes, hepatitis, tuberculosis, drug abuse, inoculations and most troublingly, current and prior pregnancy. This is a double inaccuracy, because the factors that cause false positives in pregnant mothers can be passed to their children – who are given the same false diagnosis.

Most of us have never heard this before. It’s undoubtedly the biggest secret in medicine. However, it’s well known among HIV researchers that HIV tests are extremely inaccurate – but the researchers don’t tell the doctors, and they certainly don’t tell the children at ICC, who serve as test animals for the next generation of AIDS drugs. ICC is run by Columbia University’s Presbyterian Hospital in affiliation with Catholic Home Charities through the Archdiocese of New York.

Does the issue of “inaccurate tests” sound familiar? It should, because we are seeing the exact same thing today with COVID tests.

Faith Dyson writes about her reaction after reading Liam Scheff’s reports:

When I read the report, I was much like the general public – totally ignorant of NIAID; its director, funding, etc. and I doubt at that time there were very many other people who would have known who was in charge of the Agency outside of government bureaucrats, scientists, researchers, activists and possibly those who were affected by ‘the AIDS/HIV virus’.

What’s interesting to note here is that the source and/or existence of that pandemic is another highly questionable subject, because it appears to mimic the same scenario that accompanies the latest super-bug to attack the world’s population, the Coronavirus.

In fact – they’re so much alike, one would think the exact same plan had been followed in the production of both epidemics; the older one, AIDS/HIV, using monkeys and the newer one, Corona, using bats. (See link #3 for a shocking revelation re: active viruses in childhood vaccines that cause AIDS, Cancer, and Leukemia plus a host of other diseases and disorders and see #4 for the traumatic details of how the effects are still plaguing our population decades later.)

Therefore – due to the results of the AIDS/HIV epidemic, those most affected by it had been demanding – from the same government Agency and pharmaceutical companies – some sort of treatment, vaccine, drug, etc. to stem the tide of the infection.

So the big question back then was:

“Where could Big Pharma and NIAID find lab rats to whom they could offer ‘free medical care’ in the guise of ‘helping to prevent and/or remedy their suffering’ all the while using them in AIDS/HIV drug and vaccine trails – without being bothered from outside interference, the same as was done in the infamous Tuskgegee Syphilis Experiment?” (See link #5.)

As Liam Scheff uncovered – the answer to their mad scientific prayers was the unsupervised and unprotected wards of the state, a.k.a. ‘Foster children’.

However – since the newest pandemic has arisen to overshadow all others, and we now have a much larger group of people demanding the same provisions from the same corporations and Government Agency, we all know who is the head of NIAID.

It’s Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the lead members of the Trump Administration’s White House Coronavirus Task Force addressing the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States.

So a recap of the facts we’ve learned from the corona outbreak – in conjunction with the AIDS/HIV funding that spawned the experiments at Incarnation Children’s Center and elsewhere – are as follows:

1) Dr. Fauci has been the director of NIAID, a division of The Executive Branch of The U.S. Government, since 1984, so he was also director during the Incarnation Children’s Center Experiments,

2) his NIAID profile states that he still currently “oversees an extensive research portfolio of basic and applied research to prevent, diagnose, and treat established infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, respiratory infections, diarrheal diseases, tuberculosis and malaria as well as emerging diseases such as Ebola and Zika.” (See link #6),

3) Fauci participates in Gate-sponsored Global Health Conferences and is listed on The Leadership Council for The Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation (See link #7 and #8.), which has a huge stake in the profits from a Vaccine, Contact Tracing, microchipping, and various other technologies,

4) NIAID illegally outsourced $3.7 Million in U.S. Tax-payer’s money to Chinese scientists in the Wuhan Lab at the center of the Coronavirus outbreak for researching its ‘gain of function’ – after a moratorium had called a halt to all U.S. involvement in such studies. (See link #9.)

5) Fauci famously predicted in a speech from 2017 at Georgetown University: “[…], but also there will be a surprise outbreak […], and the history of the last 32 years that I’ve been the director of NIAID will tell the next administration that there’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that they will be faced with the challenges that their predecessors were faced with” – in a battle with a pandemic of infectious disease. (See link #10)

Read the entire article by Faith Dyson here.

Judicial Watch Sues the FDA to Obtain Records on Purchases of “Fresh and Never Frozen” Fetus Parts for HIV/AIDS Research

Last week we published an interview between Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dr. Theresa Deisher regarding the use of human fetal tissue to culture viruses for vaccines.

Most of the COVID vaccines being developed are using human fetal tissue to culture the coronavirus.

One of the more interesting questions Mr. Kennedy asked Dr. Deisher was why the manufacturers of vaccines switched from exclusively using animal tissue to culture viruses for vaccines, to start using aborted fetal tissue some years back.

Dr. Deisher’s reply was that the industry was getting a lot of pressure from the animal rights movement to stop using animals for experimentation.

Mr. Kennedy was shocked, and stated:

It’s kind of weird to think that the animal rights activists have more clout with the vaccine companies than do the anti-abortion activists.

Dr. Deisher replied:

They do. And you know what’s really alarming is the lack of outcry over human babies born alive at five to six months old so that their hearts can be obtained beating. And they have to be beating to be used in the research that’s being done.

If the heart has stopped beating, it’s not useful. You cannot use it.

And so these babies are delivered alive, and their hearts cut out without anesthesia.

I wouldn’t do that to a mouse….

Watch the interview here.

Earlier this week, June 23, 2020, Judicial Watch announced that they had obtained records showing that the FDA paid for “Fresh and Never Frozen” human fetal parts for use in “Humanized Mice” creation in the past for HIV/AIDS research.

Judicial Watch announced today it received 165 pages of records from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) showing the FDA between 2012 and 2018 entered into 8 contracts worth $96,370 with Advanced Bioscience Resources (ABR) to acquire “fresh and never frozen” tissue from 1st and 2nd trimester aborted fetuses for use in creating “humanized mice” for ongoing research.

ABR is a non-profit firm which has been the subject of criminal referrals from House and Senate committees investigating whether Planned Parenthood or any other entity was illegally profiting from the handling of fetal tissue from aborted babies.

Judicial Watch filed the lawsuit in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department Health and Human Services (No. 1:19-cv-00876)) after HHS failed to respond adequately to a September 28, 2018, FOIA request seeking:

  1. All contracts and related documentation between FDA and Advanced Biosciences Resources (ABR) for the provision of human fetal tissue to be used in humanized mice research.
  1. All records reflecting the disbursement of funds to ABR for the provision of human fetal tissue to be used in humanized mice research.
  1. All guidelines and procedural documents provided to ABR by FDA relating to the acquisition and extraction of human fetal tissue for its provision to the FDA for humanized mice research.
  2. All communications between FDA officials and employees and representatives of ABR related to the provision by ABR to the FDA of human fetal tissue for the purpose of humanized mice research.

The lawsuit can be read here.

On February 13, 2020, Judicial Watch announced:

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced it received 676 pages of records from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) showing that the agency paid thousands of dollars to a California-based firm to purchase organs from aborted human fetuses to create “humanized mice” for HIV research.

The records show that NIH paid at least $18,100 between December 2016 and August 2018 to Advanced Bioscience Resources (ABR) for livers and thymuses from second trimester aborted fetuses. They include at least 26 such purchases from ABR by Dr. Kim Hasenkrug, senior investigator at the NIH lab in Hamilton, Montana.

Purchase orders associated with the transactions state: “These tissues, liver and thymus, are required [by] Ron Messer for ongoing studies of HIV in the Hasenkrug Lab. Our mice will be ready for reconstitution soon.”

The Trump Administration put a ban on using aborted human fetal tissue in federally funded research, but during the COVID Plandemic some members of Congress petitioned to get an exemption for COVID-19 research. (Source.)

HIV/AIDS DNA Vaccine now a COVID DNA Vaccine Project – Same People, Same Methods

Having failed at their attempts to develop a DNA altering vaccine for HIV/AIDS, the same group of people are now collecting BILLIONS of dollars of U.S. funding to develop a COVID DNA altering vaccine.

It looks a lot like the same play book, only this time it is on “Warp Speed” for fast-tracking, and instead of using fresh fetal tissue to create “humanized mice” they have the FDA’s approval to conduct trials directly on humans, with no animal testing first.

What will be the results?

Fact Check: Polio Vaccines, Tetanus Vaccines, and the Gates Foundation

Fact Check: Polio Vaccines, Tetanus Vaccines, and the Gates Foundation

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
June 23, 2020


A listener writes in to lament that The Corbett Report is spreading false facts about Bill Gates in Who Is Bill Gates? . . . at least, according to the fact checkers. But are they right? Don’t miss today’s important edition of the Fact Check series where James teaches a master class in how to examine a “fact check” and how to tell whether a claim is supported by the evidence or not.

Watch on BitChute / LBRY / Minds / YouTube


Who Is Bill Gates?

Fact Check: Were 496,000 Children In India Paralyzed Between 2000 & 2017 From “Bill Gates Polio Vaccine”?

Correlation between Non-Polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis Rates with Pulse Polio Frequency in India

25 years on, rumour by US anti-contraceptive organisation still damages tetanus vaccine programmes

The Catholic Church in opposition to the tetanus vaccine saying it as a population control tool

Discussion: How Catholic Church undertook a testing exercise on tetanus vaccine

Doctors who blew the whistle over tetanus vaccine grilled by medical board

Politifact funding

Africacheck partners

The Doctor Who Risked His Career to Expose the Lies About COVID-19


by Marshall Hodge
June 7, 2020



Dr. Andrew Kaufman lost his job recently because he refused to conform to the ideas that he didn’t think were true about COVID-19. I sit down with Dr. Kaufman to discuss his perspective on what he thinks is actually going on with this current pandemic…

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Excerpt from interview:

Dr. Andrew Kaufman:

“…Specifically about the mask, I think there are a number of reasons. Primarily, I think it’s to separate people from each other, right? Because this is built on the social distancing and the lockdown procedures, right — where we basically required people to stay at home and not interact with others. And they’ve required people to stay, you know, six feet apart. And the masks then came after that. And, you know, when you come across someone who’s wearing a mask you can’t read their facial expressions. You can’t communicate effectively. So it really serves to separate people.

But I believe there are other underlying, maybe more esoteric, significance of the masks as well. Masks are used in initiation rituals. And perhaps you could envision this process as initiation into a new type of society. And that the participants are actually going through that process as part of it. Also masks result in shame, right? People who experience a high degree of shame — and I’ve encountered this many times in my practice of psychiatry — that people cover their face. So there’s certain hairstyles or wearing dark glasses or different ways to do this. But now we’re in this sort of artificial predicament where people are asked or requested to cover their face, and sometimes with the force of law behind it. And this creates a situation where you feel shame about yourself that you have to cover yourself up, right? Because we’re saying that you’re a source of danger for other people. So if we walk around and see other people as a danger to our health and safety, obviously we’re not going to be able to have normative social relationships like we are meant to as human beings…

… if people are kept separate from each other and unable to interact then they can’t exchange ideas and information about what may be going on right now. So it would be easier to control people and have them accept the mainstream narrative if they’re separated and isolated from each other — and only can rely on you know electronic sources of information, specifically the mainstream media. But there also is some indications that it may actually facilitate this tracking software, right — the contact tracing programs that they’re starting off by putting on people’s smartphones. And that you can get a clearer signal if people are separated from each other. Right? And they’ve even suggested in many jurisdictions that when you’re driving cars to keep separate. Right? I’ve seen video of parking lots where they’ve actually blocked off the space so that you have to be two car lengths. And this kind of separation allows like a GPS signal which could be used for tracing to be isolated from one person from another…”

In the event that the original video is censored and deleted by the source social media platform, link here to a mirrored copy on Truth Comes to Light Bitchute channel.

See also:


Exposé on ‘Vaccine’/Injection Fraud & the PERP Act: Catherine Austin Fitts With Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

Special Solari Report: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on the PERP Act & Injection Fraud

by Catherine Austin Fitts, The Solari Report
June 13, 2020


Connect with the work of Catherine Austin Fitts: The Solari Report – solari.com

Connect with the work of Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: Courses for Mastery – http://courses4mastery.com/



See also: The Injection Fraud — It’s Not a Vaccine by Catherine Austin Fitts


In the event that the original video is censored and deleted by the source social media platform, link here to a mirrored copy on Truth Comes to Light Bitchute channel.

The Fallacies of Germ Theory with Dr. Thomas Cowan

The Fallacies of Germ Theory with Dr. Thomas Cowan

by Catherine Austin Fitts, The Solari Report
June 12, 2020

Listen to the full interview at the Solari Report – solari.com


In the event that the original video is censored and deleted by the source social media platform, link here to a mirrored copy on Truth Comes to Light Bitchute channel.

Poison in Our Vaccines—Investigating Mercury, Thimerosal, and Neurodevelopmental Delay

Poison in Our Vaccines—Investigating Mercury, Thimerosal, and Neurodevelopmental Delay

by Lyn Redwood, Originally Published Mothering Magazine, Nov-Dec 2002, Redwood, L.
sourced from the Children’s Health Defense
June 8, 2020


More than 60 years ago, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a little-known product, thimerosal, to be used as a preservative. Today, many parents question whether this product is responsible for the current epidemic of children diagnosed with learning disabilities and autism.

Read PDF:


Poison in Our Vaccines


Vaccination: How the West Invades the World

Vaccination: how the West invades the world

cc: to Bill Gates

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
June 8, 2020


“A great wave of missionaries brings a fairy tale to the Third World. These outsiders are the priests in white coats. They offer medical treatments for problems they can’t possibly solve. The self-generated delusions of the doctors about their ‘success’ are stupendous.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

Vaccination is the prow, the leading edge of the invasion.

Convincing nations that vaccines are absolutely essential opens the way for all the other practices of Western medicine. Especially mass drugging.

In recent years (think Swine Flu, SARS and other fake epidemics — including COVID-19), the World Health Organization has played a major role in insisting—with threats of sanctions and quarantines and travel advisories—that nations vaccinate their citizens to the hilt, in order to protect the world against “the deadly spread of viruses.”

The WHO wields significant power in this regard. It is a pharmaceutical enforcer.

There is a hidden aspect of the vaccination-invasion: the local political leaders of “backward” nations stand to gain from the vaccine ruse.

Instead of having to admit they are causing widespread death and devastation by maintaining poverty, hunger, starvation, unsanitary overcrowded living conditions, and contaminated water supplies—all of this on purpose, in order to keep their populations weak and under control—the leaders in those countries can say:

“Our people are suffering from specific diseases, over which we have no control. We are afflicted with viruses. We must take steps. We must upgrade our medical care programs. The first step is instituting widespread vaccination against viruses.”

This con lets them off the hook. This con is a cover story that obscures what these leaders are actually doing to their own people. This con obscures the fact that, when living conditions are execrable and miserable, disease arises independent of what particular germs are circulating. The imposed conditions of life destroy immune systems, period.

Vaccination, as a “bonus” for repressive leaders, actually makes things much worse for populations. It pushes already weakened immune systems (and healthy systems, too) over the edge.

Consider also how mega-corporations benefit.

After making deals with local dictators to set up shop, hire workers for pennies a day, steal land and resources—keeping populations weak, sick, debilitated, and therefore less able to rebel against the outright theft of their countries—these corporations also have a built-in cover story:

“It’s shame what’s happening to the people here, all this disease. Therefore, we wholly support bringing in medical aid, to stem the tide…”

As if doctors and drugs and vaccines could cure the destruction wrought by abject poverty and starvation.

The degree of brainwashing propaganda about the miracle of medicine is extraordinary.

People watch/read news stories about doctors and medical supplies going to impoverished countries, and casually assume there is some connection between that and bringing health to millions of people.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

“Yes, I see you’ve been hungry for 20 years. Here is a drug. And roll up your tattered sleeve for 10 vaccines.”

Any doctor worth his salt understands these things. He knows. He knows he is being used as a prop in a fantasy stage production of The Cure: A Great Deception.

The man in the white coat comes to dinner, but there is no dinner.

“Hello. I represent a few mega-corporations who, in conjunction with your leaders, have stolen your country from you, taken the best farm land, the richest minerals, and put you to work at starvation wages. Therefore, you’re sick. So now I’m going to help you with a shot in the arm that will do nothing to raise your level of health. But I’ll pretend it will.”

Many years ago, in my college bulletin, a young doctor wrote a piece about his experiences in Africa. He grasped a fraction of the truth. He mentioned that severe dehydration/diarrhea was a leading cause of death there, but the medical people refused to give out simple packs that would at least, for the moment, rehydrate the sufferers. Instead, they insisted on administering antibiotics—which of course made the problem worse by killing off beneficial gut bacteria.

Thirty years later, while I was writing my first book, AIDS INC., I got a call from a doctor who had set up a small AIDS clinic in Uganda. He simply gave his patients clean rooms and nutritious food, and helped them start a little farm, where they grew beans and sold them. That’s all.

He said to me, “All their AIDS symptoms went away. What do I do now?”

The first thing he could do was realize that HIV was a stupendous cover story to explain “why so many people in Africa were sick.”

He was something close to a healer, and he had done his job well. But because of his indoctrination, he didn’t know it.

When experts rattle on about how vaccination has wiped out many diseases in the Third World, what they really mean is: vaccines have suppressed the visible symptoms that lead to the diagnosis of these diseases. But new symptoms will arise, and they will be called other disease-names. It’s a shell game.

I challenge anyone to show me large, correctly done studies that track people in the Third World who have received the usual batches of vaccines. Show me that the overall health level of these people has improved over time.

In other words, show me that people who are chronically affected by hunger, starvation, contaminated water, and unsanitary overcrowded living conditions are somehow enjoying improved health because they were given shots in the arm.

“Well, when you put it that way…”

I do put it that way. Because that’s the way it is.

All the laudatory verbiage about the unparalleled success of vaccines in the Third World is just more illusion, more cover story, more diversion.

The invasion is ongoing.

The invaders are the same people and the same groups who are going to try to inject every human on Earth with a COVID-19 vaccine.

So you trust them, right? And you won’t resist them, right?


Dangerous Nano-Particles Contaminating Many Vaccines: Groundbreaking Study

Dangerous nano-particles contaminating many vaccines: groundbreaking study

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
June 3, 2020


“The Lung,” Second Edition, 2014: “Nanoparticles [are] comparable in size to subcellular structures…enabling their ready incorporation into biological systems.”

A 2017 study of 44 types of 15 traditional vaccines, manufactured by leading global companies, has uncovered a very troubling and previously unreported fact:

The vaccines are heavily contaminated with a variety of nanoparticles.

Many of the particles are metals.

We’re talking about traditional vaccines, such as HPV, flu, Swine Flu, Hepatitis B, MMR, DPT, tetanus, etc.

To begin to understand some of the destructive effects of contaminating nanoparticles in vaccines, here is the groundbreaking 2017 study:

International Journal of Vaccines & Vaccination
Volume 4 Issue 1
January 23 2017
New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines:
Micro- and Nanocontamination
Antonietta M Gatti and Stefano Montanari


“The analyses carried out show that in all samples checked vaccines contain non biocompatible and bio-persistent foreign bodies which are not declared by the Producers, against which the body reacts in any case. This new investigation represents a new quality control that can be adopted to assess the safety of a vaccine. Our hypothesis is that this contamination is unintentional, since it is probably due to polluted components or procedures of industrial processes (e.g. filtrations) used to produce vaccines…”

Are the study authors leaving the door open to the possibility that the contamination is intentional?

“The quantity of foreign bodies detected and, in some cases, their unusual chemical compositions baffled us. The inorganic particles identified are neither biocompatible nor biodegradable, that means that they are biopersistent and can induce effects that can become evident either immediately close to injection time or after a certain time from administration. It is important to remember that particles (crystals and not molecules) are bodies foreign to the organism and they behave as such. More in particular, their toxicity is in some respects different from that of the chemical elements composing them, adding to that toxicity…they induce an inflammatory reaction.”

“After being injected, those microparticles, nanoparticles and aggregates can stay around the injection site forming swellings and granulomas…But they can also be carried by the blood circulation, escaping any attempt to guess what will be their final destination…As happens with all foreign bodies, particularly that small, they induce an inflammatory reaction that is chronic because most of those particles cannot be degraded. Furthermore, the protein-corona effect…due to a nano-bio-interaction…can produce organic/inorganic composite particles capable of stimulating the immune system in an undesirable way…It is impossible not to add that particles the size often observed in vaccines can enter cell nuclei and interact with the DNA…”

“In some cases, e.g. as occurs with Iron and some Iron alloys, they can corrode and the corrosion products exert a toxicity affecting the tissues…”

“Given the contaminations we observed in all samples of human-use vaccines, adverse effects after the injection of those vaccines are possible and credible and have the character of randomness, since they depend on where the contaminants are carried by the blood circulation. It is only obvious that similar quantities of these foreign bodies can have a more serious impact on very small organisms like those of children. Their presence in the muscles…could heavily impair the muscle functionality…”

“We come across particles with chemical compositions, similar to those found in the vaccines we analyzed, when we study cases of environmental contamination caused by different pollution sources. In most circumstances, the combinations detected are very odd as they have no technical use, cannot be found in any material handbook and look like the result of the random formation occurring, for example, when waste is burnt. In any case, whatever their origin, they should not be present in any injectable medicament, let alone in vaccines, more in particular those meant for infants.”

This 2017 study opens up a whole new field: the investigation of nanoparticles in vaccines where none were expected.

Such particles are not medicine in any sense of the word.

Many legal and scientific “experts” assert the State has a right to mandate vaccines and force them on the population. But these contaminating nanoparticles are not vaccines or medicines. Only a lunatic would defend the right of the State to inject them.

Here is another section from the 2017 study. Trade names of vaccines, and compositions of the nanoparticle contaminants are indicated. Take a deep breath and buckle up:

“…further presence of micro-, sub-micro- and nanosized, inorganic, foreign bodies (ranging from 100nm to about ten microns) was identified in all cases [all 44 vaccines], whose presence was not declared in the leaflets delivered in the package of the product…”

“…single particles, cluster of micro- and nanoparticles (less than 100nm) and aggregates…debris of Aluminum, Silicon, Magnesium and Titanium; of Iron, Chromium, Silicon and Calcium particles…arranged in a cluster, and Aluminum-Copper debris…in an aggregate.”

“…the particles are surrounded and embedded in a biological substrate. In all the samples analyzed, we identified particles containing: Lead (Typhym, Cervarix, Agrippal S1, Meningitec, Gardasil) or stainless steel (Mencevax, Infarix Hexa, Cervarix. Anatetall, Focetria, Agrippal S1, Menveo, Prevenar 13, Meningitec, Vaxigrip, Stamaril Pasteur, Repevax and MMRvaxPro).”

“…particles of Tungsten identified in drops of Prevenar and Infarix (Aluminum, Tungsten, Calcium chloride).”

“…singular debris found in Repevax (Silicon, Gold, Silver) and Gardasil (Zirconium).”

“Some metallic particles made of Tungsten or stainless steel were also identified. Other particles containing Zirconium, Hafnium, Strontium and Aluminum (Vivotif, Meningetec); Tungsten, Nickel, Iron (Priorix, Meningetec); Antimony (Menjugate kit); Chromium (Meningetec); Gold or Gold, Zinc (Infarix Hexa, Repevax), or Platinum, Silver, Bismuth, Iron, Chromium (MMRvaxPro) or Lead,Bismuth (Gardasil) or Cerium (Agrippal S1) were also found. The only Tungsten appears in 8/44 vaccines, while Chromium (alone or in alloy with Iron and Nickel) in 25/44. The investigations revealed that some particles are embedded in a biological substrate, probably proteins, endo-toxins and residues of bacteria. As soon as a particle comes in contact with proteic fluids, a nano-bio-interaction…occurs and a ‘protein corona’ is formed…The nano-bio-interaction generates a bigger-sized compound that is not biodegradable and can induce adverse effects, since it is not recognized as self by the body.”

“…examples of these nano-bio-interactions. Aggregates can be seen (stable composite entities) containing particles of Lead in Meningitec… of stainless steel (Iron, Chromium and Nickel…) and of Copper, Zinc and Lead in Cervarix…Similar aggregates, though in different situations (patients suffering from leukemia or cryoglobulinemia), have already been described in literature.”

I’m sure you’ve read official assurances that vaccine-manufacturing problems are “rare.” You can file those pronouncements along with other medical lies.

“I’d like the heavy metal sandwich on rye, please. And instead of serving it on a plate, can you inject it?”

Several vital questions demanding answers spring from the findings of this 2017 study:

Are some of these nanoparticles intentionally placed in vaccines?

Does the standard manufacturing process for traditional vaccines INEVITABLY lead to dangerous and destructive nano-contamination?

New nano-technology is already being employed to create several vaccines—supposedly “improving effectiveness.” In fact, the coming COVID-19 vaccine may be a nano-type. Does this manufacturing process carry with it the unavoidable effect of unleashing a hurricane of nanoparticle contaminants?

How many cases of childhood brain damage and autism can be laid at the door of nanoparticle contamination?

And finally, where are these contaminated vaccines manufactured? The above study did not attempt to discover this. It was outside the scope of the research. It’s common knowledge that, for example, in the case of the US, vaccines or their components, are, in many instances, not produced domestically. Where does this put control of safety? In, say, China, where there have been numerous pharmaceutical scandals connected to contamination of products?

The vaccine establishment does not show the slightest interest in answering any of these questions. They are busy pretending the questions don’t exist.

Trusting the establishment would be suicidal.

One in Every 16 Irish Boys has Autism: Crisis Worse than COVID-19 and Nobody Cares

One in Every 16 Irish Boys has Autism: Crisis Worse than COVID-19 and Nobody Cares

by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman, Children’s Health Defense
May 28, 2020


According to National Health data released last week, autism incidence among Irish children is now at 4.3%, an 82% rise in five years. One in 16 boys is affected. US rates trail Ireland’s slightly only because CDC lies to minimize the crisis.

In 2016, Judith Pinborough-Zimmerman, CDC’s Principal Investigator for the Autism Monitoring Network (ADDM) filed a federal whistleblower suit charging that CDC routinely forces its investigators to falsify data to hide the Autism Pandemic. “The autism explosion is an acute embarrassment to CDC so they fix the numbers.”

The autism crisis dwarfs COVID-19. Bill Gates’ Institute for Health Metrics predicts 81,766 deaths from COVID. The average age of death is 75. In contrast, autism attacks infants presaging a lifetime of nightmarish agony. Half will never go on a date, write a poem, hit a baseball, join the military, pay taxes, cast a vote, run for office, speak, or use a toilet. Their cost of care is over 1/4 trillion U.S. dollars annually and rising.

EPA scientists say the epidemic began in 1989, the year the CDC dramatically expanded the childhood vaccine schedule, multiplying infant exposures to neurotoxins like mercury and aluminum. CDC’s massive 1999 study of the VSD—America’s largest medical database—showed that children receiving the Hep B vaccine in their first 30 days had an 1135% increased risk for an autism diagnosis. CDC and Pharma knew at that moment that vaccines were causing the epidemic.

They hid the VSD study, closed the database to independent scientists and commissioned a sketchy cabal of tobacco scientists, grifters, felons and Pharma biostitutes to gin up dozens of fraudulent vaccine studies purporting to “prove that vaccines don’t cause autism.” They blocked studies of all vaccines given to children under six months. Tony Fauci played a key role in the cover up. Fauci distributes $5 billion annually in research grants and assured that studies of autism’s environmental causes never get funded. When in 2008 NIH’s Autism Coordinating Committee voted $16 million to study the links between autism and vaccines, Tom Insel killed those studies. Fauci and Insel have committed some of the most consequential criminal conspiracies in history. Children’s Health Defense will bring these criminals to justice.


Connect with Children’s Health Defense

In 1917 Rudolf Steiner Foresaw a Vaccine That Would ‘Drive All Inclination Toward Spirituality Out of People’s Souls’


by Dylan Charles, Editor, Waking Times
May 27, 2020


If you’ve felt at all like you’re in a spiritual war right now, you’re not alone.

Many of the world’s greatest scholars, philosophers and ascetics understood the world to be multi-dimensional and co-inhabited by non-physical beings both good and evil, always at war with us and each other.

It’s not something that can be rightly explained with language or science. One must cultivate such sensitivity that the existence of spiritual beings can be directly experienced.

Rudolf Steiner was an Austrian philosopher, educator, and spiritualist, and over the course of his life he published numerous books and papers on the science of spirituality. He viewed the human body as a spiritual vessel, open to occupation by other entities.

To be conscious of these forces was to have the power to reject their negative influence. To remain unconscious of them was to be a leaf in their wind, and spiritual cultivation was the key to developing conscious awareness of them.

“The spirits of darkness are now among us. We have to be on guard so that we may realize what is happening when we encounter them and gain a real idea of where they are to be found. The most dangerous thing you can do in the immediate future will be to give yourself up unconsciously to the influences which are definitely present.” ~ Rudolf Steiner

If people express the natural human inclination toward spiritual growth, they free themselves from fear and anxiety, and effectively develop a sort of immunity to the influences of negative entities. If not, our vibration attracts hostile spirits and we fall unconsciously unto their influence.

“There are beings in the spiritual realms for whom anxiety and fear emanating from human beings offer welcome food. When humans have no anxiety and fear, then these creatures starve… If fear and anxiety radiates from people and they break out in panic, then these creatures find welcome nutrition and they become more and more powerful. These beings are hostile towards humanity.

Everything that feeds on negative feelings, on anxiety, fear and superstition, despair or doubt, are in reality hostile forces in supersensible worlds, launching cruel attacks on human beings, while they are being fed. Therefore, it is above all necessary to begin with that the person who enters the spiritual world overcomes fear, feelings of helplessness, despair and anxiety. But these are exactly the feelings that belong to contemporary culture and materialism; because it estranges people from the spiritual world, it is especially suited to evoke hopelessness and fear of the unknown in people, thereby calling up the above mentioned hostile forces against them.” ~Rudolf Steiner

With such profound global fear, anxiety, and panic over the present pandemic, many are exposing their own spiritual sicknesses and acquiescing to any recommended behavior or intervention that might alleviate these emotions. Along with this is the push to vaccinate 7 billion healthy people.


Nearly 100 years ago, in a series of 14 essays published under the title, The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness, Steiner issued a warning to future generations about a possible measure of mass control, quite similar to the  visions presented by Orwell and Huxley. Steiner foresaw a future when vaccines could steal our spiritual nature.

First, some background:

“In these fourteen lectures, given at the end of 1917 following four years of war in Europe, Steiner speaks on the complex spiritual forces behind the World War I, humanity’s attempts to build theoretically perfect social orders, and the many divisions and disruptions that would continue on Earth into our own time. Humanity in general was asleep to the fact that fallen spirits, cast from the spiritual worlds, had become intensely active on Earth. This manifested mainly in human thinking and perception of the surrounding world. ” [Source]

The fall into such  destructive slumber would be marked by an age of materialism and centralization of power, during which the influences of ‘spirits of darkness’ would inspire humans to devise new technologies and new means of oppression. Steiner comments:

“I have told you that the spirits of darkness are going to inspire their human hosts, in whom they will be dwelling, to find a vaccine that will drive all inclination toward spirituality out of people’s souls when they are still very young, and this will happen in a roundabout way through the living body. Today, bodies are vaccinated against one thing and another; in future, children will be vaccinated with a substance which it will certainly be possible to produce, and this will make them immune, so that they do not develop foolish inclinations connected with spiritual life – ‘foolish’ here, or course, in the eyes of materialists. . . .

“. . . a way will finally be found to vaccinate bodies so that these bodies will not allow the inclination toward spiritual ideas to develop and all their lives people will believe only in the physical world they perceive with the senses. Out of impulses which the medical profession gained from presumption – oh, I beg your pardon, from the consumption [tuberculosis] they themselves suffered – people are now vaccinated against consumption, and in the same way they will be vaccinated against any inclination toward spirituality. This is merely to give you a particularly striking example of many things which will come in the near and more distant future in this field – the aim being to bring confusion into the impulses which want to stream down to earth after the victory of the [Michaelic] spirits of light [in 1879].” ~Rudolf Steiner

Steiner was talking only about vaccines here. His comment does not consider the compounded effects on human spirituality of the many myriad influences we have in our world today, all of which work against spiritual connection on their own right.

Again, if you’ve felt at all like you’re in a spiritual war, you’re not alone.

This article (In 1917 Rudolf Steiner Foresaw a Vaccine that Would ‘Drive All Inclination Toward Spirituality Out of People’s Souls’) was originally created and published by Waking Times and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Dylan Charles and WakingTimes.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.

COVID-19 Vaccination: What the Plan Looks Like

COVID-19 vaccination: what the plan looks like


“Culture, conditions, law, shaming, tracing, boycotting, collectivism, enforcement, leaking, snitching, celebrities…
A poisoned cosmic cheese-glob sandwich inducing amnesia about the past as the Brave New World shapes up.” ~ Jon Rappoport


by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
May 26, 2020


“Despite Moderna’s cheery press release this week, the clinical trial results for its groundbreaking COVID vaccine could not be much worse.”

“The vaccine, developed and championed by Anthony Fauci and financed by Bill Gates, used an experimental mRNA technology…”

“Three of the 15 human guinea pigs in the high dose cohort (250 mcg) suffered a ‘serious adverse event’ within 43 days of receiving Moderna’s jab. Moderna…acknowledged that three volunteers developed Grade 3 systemic events defined by the FDA as ‘Preventing daily activity and requiring medical intervention’.”

“Moderna allowed only exceptionally healthy volunteers to participate in the study. A vaccine with those reaction rates could cause grave injuries in 1.5 billion humans if administered to ‘every person on earth’.” (Robert F Kennedy, Jr., Children’s Health Defense, May 22, 2020, “Vaccine Trial Catastrophe: Moderna Vaccine has 20% ‘Serious’ Injury Rate in High Dose Group”)

But who cares, right? Full steam ahead.

In many articles over the years, I‘ve provided evidence that vaccines are unnecessary, destructive, and useless. This article is about something else: how the planners are shaping their scheme for injecting a COVID vaccine into the bodies of the global population. The planners aren’t completely stupid, you know. They understand there will be problems. They understand many people will say NO.

Think of their scheme as an intelligence-agency operation. Their architects engage in many discussions; they lay out predictions; they consider options.

“What happens if we flat-out make the vaccine mandatory for everyone?”

Aside from awesome logistical problems, “mandatory for everyone” means the planners have no wiggle room. It becomes difficult to make adjustments in the face of public opposition. They’ve played their hole card from the get-go.

Heavy enforcement is possible, of course. Bring in the military. Go door to door. For years. Try to track down every refuser and hold them down and shoot them up. Overt police state.

“That could be a bad play. We actually incite more resistance and rebellion with our tactics.”

Trying to funnel eight billion people along a single path to a shot in the arm has serious drawbacks. This isn’t a low-budget sci-fi thriller on the big screen. The government doesn’t just snap its fingers and vaccinate 320 million people in America.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, they could offer a light suggestion that everyone take the COVID shot.

“That’s a loser. All our propaganda and preparation go to waste. We look like wimps. People aren’t going to line up like robots on the basis of a mere suggestion. They’re going to think the pandemic isn’t all that serious anymore. It’ll be like the flu shot. Lots of people will go for it, and lots of people won’t. No good.”

What might an in-between scenario look like—something in the middle.

Define CONDITIONS under which the vaccination is mandatory. Push that, along with heavy encouragement for all people to take the vaccine. Wall to wall propaganda on TV. Widespread shaming, targeting and outing refusers. The usual nonsense stories about people who didn’t take the vaccine and died, or spread the virus to others who died.

“If contact tracing reveals a person has been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19, he/she must be vaccinated, in order to protect the public. A person over 65 who has suffered from any one of several key illnesses must be vaccinated, as a precaution. All hospital and nursing home employees must be vaccinated. Travelers returning from the following locations must be vaccinated before re-entering the country…”

Even here, there will be problems. Too many conditions and the situation is too complex. The public can’t keep track of all the rules. Still, “we must make it work.”

Conditions plus CULTURE—that might be a winner. For example, enlist the assistance of employers and companies. Issue government rewards based on the vaccination rates of employees. Actively lean on employers to make their own tough rules about vaccinations for their workers. Lean hard.

“So, Bob, you’ve been working for us for twenty years. You’re a valued employee. I see you haven’t signed on to take the COVID vaccine. Last Tuesday, in the lunch room, you talked to Susie from accounting about possible dangers of the shot. We simply can’t have that, Bob. Now, I understand your questions about the vaccine. There are always questions. You have a choice to make. This is a free country. You can take the shot, or we can’t employ you…”

Unlike most of his fellow employees who eagerly opt for the shot, or fold at the first veiled threat, Bob sticks to his guns. He quits his job. Now, all his friends know he’s sacrificed a very good salary and the security of his family for some weird principles. Bob is a son a bitch. How could he do this to Kathy and the kids? Shun Bob. Don’t talk to him…”


“Dammit, I think Bob had every right to refuse the vaccine. But if we talk to him, what are our friends going to say? We love Bob, but we can’t take the chance…”

“Here at XXX CORP, all our people take the shot proudly. We want the community to know we’re in the lead in compliance. We support Governor Gargoyle and his team of public health experts. Our new contact tracing app has built in signals telling you when you’re at risk in certain neighborhoods. Visit our Facebook page and learn more.”

“Hi, I’m Dr. Julius Meng of the CDC. I want to tell you about a man named Carl. He refused the vaccine and infected his whole warehouse and we had to shut down the company. Right now, Carl is on a ventilator fighting for his life in a hospital…don’t be a Carl…”


“Did you know you can report certain people who actively refuse the vaccine? We can’t forcibly inject them [yet], but we can isolate them when necessary and protect the community. Go to our Facebook page and learn who you can report on and why…”

“We here at YYY Corp, all 32,000 of us, want to salute the nation’s contact tracers who are working to keep all of us safe. We know you’re out there protecting us 24/7. So we’re cutting your insurance premiums by 15 percent across the board, for the next six months, as a gesture of thanks. Remember, America, tracing leads to vaccinating, and that’s what we all need—immunity from the virus…”

“Leading our coverage tonight, the CDC has pinpointed three areas in Utah where vaccine refusal has climbed higher in recent weeks. Some estimates place it as high as ten percent. A breakaway church and its pastor have been blamed for spreading conspiracy theories. In accordance with federal conditions under which the COVID vaccine can be mandated, one of those areas has now been designated a ‘hot spot.’ Local border controls have been set up. Two clinics are prepared to receive people who have turned down the vaccine and are being placed in custody. We now go live to the ER at Buchen Hospital…”

Culture plus conditions.

Outing refusers? “In Houston, a group calling itself COVID Truth has leaked a public-health list of local residents who have so far refused to take the vaccine. Utilizing Facebook posts, 90 names have been exposed. Of course, medical privacy is an issue, but the majority of local citizens seem to be siding with COVID Truth…”

“Shocker. Word on the street is, a Chicago Catholic bishop is prepared to exercise ancient excommunication laws for any of his flock who actively promote refusing the COVID vaccine…”

Culture, plus conditions, plus local mandates. A state governor decides that all new applicants for restaurant business licenses must present a certificate of immunity obtained after vaccination. All hotel workers must receive shots. Schoolteachers must be vaccinated. State by state, piece by piece, a quilt is stitched together. It looks like improvisation (it’s supposed to), but state public health officials are carrying out confidential federal CDC orders to advise and lean on governors in specific ways.

“Today, three eastern states reached agreement limiting inter-state travel, deploying a wide-ranging series of highway checkpoints, where officers can demand certificates of immunity…”

“Two major airlines will accept passengers for out-of-state flights only after evidence of vaccination is presented…”

“The governor of Alabama has so far resisted all efforts to make COVID vaccination mandatory under any conditions for residents of the state. However, now, two major meat distributors have decided not to ship beef or pork to Alabama…”

Culture, conditions, local mandates, boycotts.

Of course, some planners will still want a federal order mandating the vaccine for EVERYONE. They want, first and foremost, a police state. They’ll do everything they can to cook, fake, and inflate case numbers and death numbers to attain their objective. Bill Gates and his minions definitely want to fake case numbers. One reason? When “adverse events” from the vaccine start piling up, they’ll need to label this horrific human wreckage “cases caused by the epidemic COVID virus.”

The president of the United States, whoever he is, will say, “We’re keeping a careful eye on reports and updates about the success of the vaccine, and new coronavirus cases. So far, we see no reason to issue a federal emergency order making the vaccine mandatory for everyone. We hope that will not change in the coming weeks and months. Contact tracing and testing are absolutely necessary…”

The underlying message is clear: If you want the right to refuse the shot, cooperate completely with contact tracing and get tested…and then we’ll see.

More culture, outing, sensationalism, celebrities:

“Tonight, New York City is on fire with the story of former weatherman, Fred Smith. A popular fixture for many years on several local channels, Fred left his last job a month ago, after refusing to take the COVID vaccine. His subsequent divorce made headlines in gossip outlets. Then it turned out Fred had also refused to get tested. This was too much for his two adult children. They made public statements distancing themselves from their father. His son Ben said, “I could barely understand why in the world dad wouldn’t take the vaccine. But when I found out he wouldn’t even get tested, I was completely in the dark. I didn’t want to speak to him anymore. I felt ashamed, devastated.” Well, tonight we have learned that Fred has gone missing. The police are searching for him. He may still be in the city, but no one is sure. From beloved figure to outcast, Fred Smith…a tragedy…”

The coronavirus working group, composed of people from CDC, WHO, NSA, FBI, and other agencies, keeps pushing. They present a new set of numbers to the president. He holds a press conference:

“Frankly, it pains me to say this, but we must institute two lockdowns of cities. Dayton, Ohio, and Boulder, Colorado, are showing a new wave of COVID cases. After consultation with the governors of those states, mandatory vaccination is in effect for five defined groups of residents in those cities. The governors will be releasing specifics tomorrow…”

National TV talk show:

“So, Jim, first of all, thank you for your service. You’ve been working as a contact tracer for a year. Can you tell us what you do?”

“Sure, Bill. Basically, I go door to door and interview people who’ve been in contact with people who are infected with the virus. I inform them. I tell them they’re at risk. I find out if they have symptoms. Many of them are surprised to learn there could be a problem. But I’ve also done a new training course. I can not only test these people, I can also vaccinate them.”

“That’s really terrific, Jim.”

“I know. I’m now a one-stop shop. See, I had lost my job during the 2020 lockdowns. My family was on the edge. But when I saw the announcement for tracers, I jumped at the chance. At first, I was thinking of joining the military. But for me, this was even better. I could work in my community…”

“I see colleges are signing up students to be contact tracers now.”

“You bet. In droves. And vaccinators, too. These kids are remarkable. They want to serve. I mean, education is a great thing, but work-study is a no-brainer. When you’re young and you have high ideals, you want to make a difference. And now you can…”

Culture. Collectivism “at its finest.”

“Dad, mom, I want to tell you something. I’ve decided to drop out of school and become a full-time tracer. I can still go back whenever I want to. But this work feels a lot better. The thing I’ve found out—we really ARE all in this together. And look, I can make 53 thousand a year, plus medical and dental. If and when I go back to college, I’ll be on full scholarship. That’s part of the new deal. You won’t have to pay for my education anymore. I’m trained to vaccinate people in their homes. I’m friends with Paul, the starting tight end on the football team. He’s dropping out, too. He wants to serve…”

Culture. Mind control for victory.

“Our top local story tonight. In San Francisco, the group known as VV, ‘Vaccinate or Vacate,’ which has been going door to door checking to make sure people are taking the COVID vaccine, now has uniforms. As you can see in this clip, the pants and jackets are brown and they appear military. VV states they’re ‘urgers not enforcers,’ but some residents are worried. The city director of public health, Dr. Marissa Molotov, has met with VV and quote, ‘come to an understanding’ about the use of forceful language. ‘These people are well-intentioned,’ Doctor Molotov said. ‘They just need to dial it back a little. Look, lives are on the line. Do we want more deaths, or do we want simple vaccine compliance?’ Earlier this month, two members of VV, who are no longer with the group, were arrested by police after an altercation at a gym. The city attorney is still sorting out the details, and determining whether a weapon was actually drawn, and if so, whose weapon it was. Julia Copper, an ex-member, has previously told Channel Six News, quote, ‘These people are fascists. They want to help the government by clamping down on people. This has nothing to do with vaccination, which everyone supports. VV has a violent mindset. They’ve formed groups in four states. They’re expanding’.”


Bill Gates, TED talk: “Now that we finally have a vaccine out there, people are asking me how I think it’s going. This is a question about logistics. There is no doubt we have to find a way to make the vaccine mandatory for everyone. The science tells us this. I and others have a plan. It’s incremental, and it works. It’ll reduce the incidence of COVID-19 by almost twenty percent in nine months…legislatures all over the world are now looking at a package of new laws that will clearly define conditions under which electronic surveillance can be expanded to ‘pre-locate’ people at risk for COVID-19 (standing ovation from the ‘intellectual’ audience who believe they understand ‘science’ but of course have no clue).”

Culture, conditions, law, shaming, tracing, boycotting, collectivism, enforcement, leaking, snitching, celebrities…

A poisoned cosmic cheese-glob sandwich inducing amnesia about the past as the Brave New World shapes up.


Aluminum, Fluoride, Glyphosate and EMF: The Deliberate Concoction to Shut You Down

Aluminum, Fluoride, Glyphosate and EMF: The Deliberate Concoction to Shut You Down

by Makia Freeman, The Freedom Articles
May 19, 2020


There is a deliberate concoction

of 4 separate elements which work synergistically together to shut down your pineal gland, it appears, unless you subscribe to wild coincidences. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt is a renowned natural doctor with decades of experience in nutrition, health and related topics. In the video below, he reveals how poison in the air, poison in the water and poison in the food combine to produce a sharp and damaging effect on the pineal gland in the center of our brain – damage which is then amplified and exacerbated by the EMF (electromagnetic field) wireless radiation. The pineal gland is the “seat of the soul” as Descartes called it, the receiver for higher fields of energy and the gland which controls our immune and endocrine systems. Klinghardt is surely a genius for discovering this deliberate concoction and the mechanism by which it works. However, the existence of such a mechanism may rightly lead to unease in people. Why are the 4 elements of this concoction so widespread in society? Is there an evil genius force that understood how this mechanism worked, and deliberately introduced these elements en masse into society, knowing the eventual effect it would have on people’s brains?

The 4 Elements That Work Together to Damage You

The poison in the air is aluminum from chemtrails or geoengineering. Aluminum (aluminium in England, Australia, etc.) is also present in many products such as deodorant and food packaging … and vaccines, where it acts as an adjuvant to spike the body’s immune response. This study specifically asked the question, “Aluminum vaccine adjuvants: are they safe?” and found they were not. Other studies have implicated aluminum in the development of impaired congitive functionneurotoxicityAlzheimer’s and autism.

The poison in the water is fluoride. As I covered in this earlier article Fluoride, Fluoride, Everywhere: Sources of and Remedies for this Ubiquitous Toxin, fluoride is a real lynchpin of destruction and also present in pesticides, antiobiotics, tea, dental products, rat poison and much more. It is a halogen disruptor, binding to receptor sites in the body that need iodine. Fluoride is implicated in arthritis, diabetes, endocrine disruption, gastrointestinal effects, hypersensitivity, kidney disease, male fertility, skeletal fluorosis, thyroid disease, damage to bone structure and the brain and the 2 leading causes of death in the USA: cardiovascular disease and cancer.

The poison in the food is glyphosate, found in many pesticides such as Bayer/Monsanto’s RoundUp sprayed liberally on GMO crops. In my earlier article Houston, We Have a Glyphosate Problem, I highlighted how horribly widespread glyphosate has become, showing up in blood, urine and breast milk everywhere, even in those people who eat 100% organic food. The “most destructive chemical in our environment” as it has been called works by interfering with the shikimate pathway, a metabolic function in plants which allows them to create essential amino acids or proteins. Glyphosate depletes micronutrients (such as calcium, zinc, magnesium, sulfur and cobalt, just to name a few) which are essential for health in plant and animal organisms. It kills the healthy bacteria in our microbiome in our gut, which are responsible for our health, immunity and our “second brain”. Specifically, glyphosate mimicks 1 of the 22 amino acids, glycine. Pretending to be the glycine, glyphosate mis-fold proteins, causes them to behave unnaturally and lead to severely negative effects.

So far all of this is bad: but here’s the kicker. The deleterious effect of these 3 material elements are exacerbated when EMF (Electromagnetic Frequencies) are introduced, specifically wi-fi, which is usually around the 2-5 GHz range. The EMF actually opens up something in our brain, allowing the concoction to cross the blood-brain barrier and deactivate the pineal gland.

Cascading Stupid Mistakes? Or a Deliberate Concoction?

So is it a coincidence? Random chance? Cascading stupid mistakes? Even humans? Or a non-human, diabolical mindset that has orchestrated this? Here’s what Klinghardt in the video (embedded above) has to say:

“Rudolf Steiner, the Austrian mystic … the founder of Waldorf schools and biodynamic farming and a kind of alternative medicine … predicted that … there will be a movement driven by big compactions to take the soul away from people, to disconnect people from the higher world. And, in order to that, they have to destroy the pineal gland in people. I’ve followed the research on that, and amazingly … the pineal gland is the most sensitive part of our Central Nervous System and is highly highly highly sensitive to 4 things: aluminum, glyphosate, fluoride and wi-fi. And we (USA) are the only country in the world that has pushed these 4 things in the last 60 years or so on everyone growing up here …”

“People have severely calcified pineal glands. I show the anatomy in some of my courses. It is very clear that the pineal gland is a receiver for higher fields of energy and translates them into thought and into controlling our immune system, our endocrine system … and so, it is astounding that the telecommunications industry has selected the frequencies out of the huge spectrum of frequencies that are absolutely destructive to our cells, and especially to the pineal gland. They couldn’t have made any better choices than 2.4 GHz … the end point when you inhale aluminum as we do from the geoengineering program, and have glyphosate in the food chain … the glyphosate and aluminum combine in the blood, in the gut and in the bloodstream to form 6 different chemical compounds where aluminum and glyphosate are hooked up together, and the end point of that compound is the pineal gland … what is needed for this compound to actually enter the brain is to open up the blood brain barrier, and the current frequencies in the wi-fi world are exactly doing that.” 

The fact that such a lethal combination, such a perfect storm – aluminum, glyphosate, fluoride and wi-fi – exist around us in easily combinable forms is already disconcerting enough. But is it just a coincidence that these 4 elements came together, or is it a deliberate concoction? And if it’s a deliberate concoction, what kind of evil genius or dark force figured this out and made it happen? Klinghardt again:

“There must have been an ultra intelligent group of scientists who have designed this protocol to fluoridate the drinking water, to put nanonized-aluminum in the air, to put glyphosate in the food, and then activate it – spark it with the right frequencies. It almost – it took me 20 years to figure out the perfect storm it has created – and it’s either a coincidence, which is possible (that enough dumb people made the wrong choices along the years [I’m still hoping that … is partially true]), or it’s orchestrated by a very intelligent group of destructive minds, or, what I also believe is very possible, that there’s some higher fields of consciousness that can be both tuned into the light (life-affirmative action) and can be absolutely destructive … the phenomena Adolf Hitler and others, the people that come under the influence of something absolutely dark and destructive … and I do believe it’s possible that enough scientists and politicians have come under the influence of those higher fields and are acting according to it, actually not knowing on a human level why they’re doing what they’re doing.”

The Dark Force and Demonic Possession

He then goes on to state that 5G is a good example of politicians acting under the influence of a destructive force without realizing why they’re doing it. 5G is bad enough in routers and telephone masts on the ground, but beaming it down from the air onto all plants, animals and people below, smothering all of us with specific toxic EM frequencies (that can reduce oxygen availability and many other things) so there is no escape? What dark force is propelling such insanity?

Corroborating Evidence on Glyphosate from Dr. Stephanie Seneff

In this interview with activist Derrick Broze, Dr. Stephanie Seneff reveals how she has studied glyphosate and its effects for decades. She considers glyphosate the single most toxic chemical in the entire world. Seneff discusses the glyphosate COVID connection. She reveals how New York, the hardest hit state in the US for COVID, is a place which uses lots of biodiesel – made from ethanol in turn made from GMO corn (for this reason, biodiesel can actually cause more damage than regular diesel). Guess what? The NY COVID hotspots correlate with areas where biodiesel in being burnt. Another factor is that glycerol, used in e-cigarettes and vaping, is made from leftover biomass used to manufacture biodiesel and thus also has glyphosate. New York has seen many asphyxiation cases ascribed to COVID – is it really glyphosate?

Seneff summarizes the glyphosate COVID connection as follows:

1. If you have been exposed to glyphosate, it weakens your immune system, thus making you more susceptible to disease;

2. Glyphosate has been proven to cause lung damage, and COVID is a respiratory disease; and

3. The symptoms of vaping disease are equivalent to the symptoms of COVID.

Additionally, glyphosate also messes up the the beautiful tripe helix of collagen and its ability to heal the body. Collagen releases important macrophages that destroy viruses and plays an important role in the immune system.

Solutions to the Deliberate Concoction

So what are the solutions here? Fortunately there are some options to get this stuff out of your body:

Aluminum: Avoid vaccines, all personal products with aluminum and all food with aluminum or aluminum packaging. Dr. Chris Exley has done great research on aluminum. He recommends a kind of silica water from Malaysia (Acilis) which can bind with the aluminum and remove it safely from your body.

Fluoride: Avoid pesticide-laden food, fluoridated water, non-organic tea and antibiotics. Use water distillation as the best method to strip fluoride out of your water (if you have to drink municipal supplies). Iodine is an absolutely essential nutrient in the human body, the importance of which cannot be overstated. By ensuring your increase your amounts of iodine, your body will be less susceptible to absorbing fluoride. Melotonin and boron may help remove fluoride. Paul Fassa suggested using lecithin (as an adjunct to iodine) for excreting fluorides, as well as tamarind, dry saunas and liver cleanses. He also suggested that people take steps to relieve fluoride toxicity and neuropathy symptoms by boosting their immune and nervous systems. This can done by increasing omega-3 intake (e.g. using flax, hemp or chia seeds), increasing ALA (alpha lipoic acid) intake to counter neuropathy, increasing Vitamin B complex intake (including B12, but only the methylcobalamin type) and increasing CoQ10, especially as ubiquinol. Additionally, magnesium chloride and magnesium citrate are beneficial in assisting almost any treatment. Lastly, since neuropathy is an inflammation of nerve tissue, properly consuming and cooking with turmeric or curcumin can also be quite beneficial. Evidence suggests turmeric can reduce the effects of fluoride poisoning.

Glyphosate: A company called Purium claims that its product Biome Medic can safely remove gyphosate from the body. Klinghardt recommends Matrix Minerals.

Wi-Fi: Turn it off! Wire your house and office so you never have to use it inside. Use EMF-blocking paint and curtains. Klinghardt recommends Ki science products Ray Wave and E-Shield.

Final Thoughts on the Deliberate Concoction

Sometimes, the sheer scale of evil can be hard to swallow, fathom and integrate. However, the point of power to return to is that there are always ways to claim your sovereignty, whether health sovereignty or other forms. This assault on humanity is happening precisely because we are powerful and we have much coveted creativity and energy that dark forces are trying to hijack and steal. This is happening to force us to step into our full power to repel these attacks. Sometimes, nothing can force you to achieve your potential short of an adversary that threatens everything you hold dear – or your life itself.


In the event that the original video is censored and deleted by YouTube, link here to a mirrored copy on Truth Comes to Light Bitchute channel.

A Lesson on Logic with Tom Cowan, MD | Exposing Fallacious ‘Science’ About Viruses & Bacteria as They Relate to Disease

A Lesson on Logic with Tom Cowan, MD

by Andrew Kaufman
May 17, 2020

[Editor’s note: This short video by Dr. Cowan, as edited by Dr. Kaufman, clarifies essential roles of viruses and bacteria as related to our health.  Key knowledge to avoid making false assumptions when finding bacteria and disease together: Bacteria is nature’s way of biodegrading poisons.]


Dr. Cowan may be found at: https://fourfoldhealing.com

Dr. Kaufman may be found at: andrewkaufmanmd.com


In the event that the original video is censored and deleted by YouTube, link here to a mirrored copy on Truth Comes to Light Bitchute channel.

Dr. Zach Bush: Unraveling COVID — What Viruses Are Telling Us About Our War Against Nature’s Microbiome


by The HighWire with Del Bigtree
May 8, 2020



Triple board-certified M.D., Dr. Zach, joins Del in an evolutionary discussion on why Coronavirus is here, what it’s trying to tell us, and how we emerge from the darkness.

The following videos are clips from the video above.
Zach Shares a Beautiful, Empowering & Profound Vision in His Closing Message…




In the event that the original video is censored and deleted by YouTube, link here to a mirrored copy on Truth Comes to Light Bitchute channel.

The Pseudoscience Of Vaccines – Big Pharma’s Final Solution

by Greg Reese
May 8, 2020


The de-evolution of healthcare in the western world


This is a mirrored copy of the original. Source video, if still available, can be found at Greg Reese’s YouTube channel here. Due to the vast censorship on YouTube and other platforms, we are mirroring key videos to our Bitchute channel before posting.

Robert Kennedy Jr. Exposes the Great Harm Caused by Vaccines, How Big Pharma Controls the Media & Manipulates Government, the Corruption & Sinister Behavior of Anthony Fauci

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Robert Kennedy Jr. Destroys Big Pharma, Fauci & Pro-Vaccine Movement

by Valuetainment
May 2, 2020



Robert F Kennedy Jr talks vaccines, Dr Fauci, family history and JFk assassination with Patrick Bet-David.

Site for Childrens Health Defense https://bit.ly/2St8XDX

Follow him on Instagram: @robertfkennedyjr https://bit.ly/2YpVBw3

About the Guest: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s reputation as a resolute defender of the environment stems from a litany of successful legal actions. Mr. Kennedy was named one of Time magazine’s “Heroes for the Planet” for his success helping Riverkeeper lead the fight to restore the Hudson River. The group’s achievement helped spawn 300 Waterkeeper organizations across the globe.

A mirrored copy is available on Truth Comes to Light’s Bitchute channel should the source video be censored or become otherwise unavailable at YouTube or other platforms.

How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health

How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health

by James Corbett
May 1, 2020


Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed

Who is Bill Gates? A software developer? A businessman? A philanthropist? A global health expert? This question, once merely academic, is becoming a very real question for those who are beginning to realize that Gates’ unimaginable wealth has been used to gain control over every corner of the fields of public health, medical research and vaccine development. And now that we are presented with the very problem that Gates has been talking about for years, we will soon find that this software developer with no medical training is going to leverage that wealth into control over the fates of billions of people.



This video is also available on James Corbett’s Bitchute channel, should the YouTube video seen above be censored or become otherwise unavailable.

The Bill Gates Effect: WHO’s DTP Vaccine Killed More Children in Africa Than the Diseases It Targeted

The Bill Gates Effect: WHO’s DTP Vaccine Killed More Children in Africa Than the Diseases it Targeted

by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman, Children’s Health Defense
April 23, 2020


Anyone defending the Bill Gates/WHO global vaccine program needs to explain this study: Mogensen et al 2017. Prior to 2017, neither HHS nor WHO ever performed the kind of vaccinated/unvaccinated (or placebo) study necessary to ascertain if the DTP vaccine actually yields beneficial health outcomes. The DTP vaccine was discontinued in the US and western nations in the 1990s following thousands of reports of death and brain damage.

… girls vaccinated with the DTP vaccine—the flagship of Bill Gates’s GAVI/WHO African vaccine program—died at 10 times the rate of unvaccinated kids.

But Bill Gates and his surrogates, GAVI and WHO, made DTP a priority for African babies. The Danish government and Novo Nordisk Foundation commissioned this study by a team of the world’s leading experts on African vaccination. The two most prominent names, Drs. Soren Mogensen and Peter Aaby, are both vocal vaccine supporters. They were shocked when they examined years of data from a so called “natural experiment” in Guinea Bissau where 50% of children die before age five. In that west African nation, half the children were vaccinated with the DTP vaccine at three months and the other half at six months. Dr. Mogenson and his team found that girls vaccinated with the DTP vaccine died at 10 times the rate of unvaccinated kids. While the vaccinated children were protected from Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis, they were far more susceptible to other deadly diseases than unvaccinated peers. The vaccine apparently compromised their immune systems. Thanks to Gates, DTP is the world’s most popular vaccine.

The researchers suggested that the DTP vaccine is killing more children than the diseases it targets.

For African nations, GAVI and WHO use DTP vaccine uptake to gauge national compliance with vaccine recommendations. GAVI can financially punish nations that don’t fully comply. The researchers suggested that the DTP vaccine is killing more children than the diseases it targets. It’s possible that millions of children are adversely affected. Although the New York Times and other Gates boosters will accuse me of promoting “vaccine misinformation”, this is a peer reviewed publication in a respected journal by the world’s most authoritative vaccine scientists describing catastrophic outcomes.

Shouldn’t we be scrutinizing Bill Gates’ record in Africa before we let him dictate which medicines we need to take? By muzzling legitimate criticism as “anti-vax”, the media avoids honest debate on many damning studies like Mogensen.

image credit: Pixabay – Odwarific

Dr. Ron Paul: Bill Gates & Tony Fauci Are Determined to Run the World by Vaccines

Dr. Ron Paul Interview: Bill Gates & Tony Fauci Are Determined To Run The World by Vaccines

by Spiro Skouras
April 16, 2020


In this exclusive interview, Spiro Skouras’ guest is Dr. Ron Paul. Dr. Paul needs no introduction as a multiple time congressional representative and presidential candidate.

Dr. Paul and Spiro discuss the current coronavirus crisis and the political, social and economic fallout effecting millions of Americans, as people begin to display resistance to the government lockdown response.

Dr. Paul and Spiro also discuss President Trump’s position in this crisis as well as the potential conflicts of interest regarding the White House Coronavirus Task Force, in addition to a possible ‘Medical Patriot Act’.


Ron Paul Institute

Ron Paul Liberty Report

Ron Paul on Twitter

Also mirrored on our Bitchute channel in case original is removed by YouTube.

Read the Fine Print: Vaccine Package Inserts Reveal Hundreds of Medical Conditions Linked to Vaccines

image credit: journeyboost.com

Read the Fine Print: Vaccine Package Inserts Reveal Hundreds of Medical Conditions Linked to Vaccines

by the Children’s Health Defense Team
April 14, 2020


In March 2015, Dr. Anthony Fauci—the career National Institutes of Health official elevated by the media to the status of COVID-19 Grand Poobah—told PBS’s Frontline with a straight face that risks from vaccines are “almost nonmeasurable.” Fauci then proceeded to downplay every potential vaccine risk proposed by the interviewer, stating that each had “no basis in reality.” Having served at the helm of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1984, Fauci surely was aware then, and is aware now, that the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program established in the late 1980s has paid out billions of dollars to the vaccine-injured: $4.3 billion as of April 1, 2020. Did Fauci feel that he could get away with making such dismissive statements because he knew about the Harvard study from 2010 showing that fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events get reported—and what isn’t reported can’t be measured?

All package inserts (made available online by both the FDA and vaccine companies) contain a section on Postmarketing Experience (Section 6.2) that lists adverse events “spontaneously reported in the US and other countries” after the vaccine’s licensure.

Vaccines belong to the class of pharmaceutical products called biologics, products that allergy experts widely recognize for their “potential to cause allergic hypersensitivity reactions,” among other adverse effects. Is Dr. Fauci—director of an institution focused on allergies and immunology—unaware that the package inserts of at least 22 vaccines list allergic hypersensitivity reactions as an adverse event, and that the inserts of at least 31 vaccines list post-vaccine anaphylactic reactions?

The fact is that vaccine package inserts are one of the few available sources of detailed information that consumers can turn to when they want to sidestep official stonewalling and learn about the more than 200 adverse events reported for vaccines given to children and adolescents. All package inserts (made available online by both the FDA and vaccine companies) contain a section on Postmarketing Experience (Section 6.2) that lists adverse events “spontaneously reported in the US and other countries” after the vaccine’s licensure. Manufacturers include adverse events in the list on the basis of severity, frequency of reporting and strength of evidence for a causal relationship to the vaccine. They also include adverse events that may not have been detected during the vaccine’s clinical trials.

… vaccines—promoted for the prevention of 13 illnesses—have yielded postmarketing reports of at least 217 adverse medical outcomes, including death.
Shining a light on the fine print

To facilitate parents’ use of the information buried in small print in the package inserts, Children’s Health Defense has conducted a comprehensive review of the adverse events reported in Section 6.2 for all vaccines currently included in the U.S. childhood and adolescent vaccine schedule. The review includes 38 vaccine brands produced by 8 different manufacturers to protect against diphtheria, Haemophilus influenzae type b, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, human papillomavirus, influenza, meningococcal infection, pertussis, pneumococcal infection, polio, rotavirus, tetanus and varicella (Table 1). According to the information compiled from the inserts, these vaccines—promoted for the prevention of 13 illnesses—have yielded postmarketing reports of at least 217 adverse medical outcomes, including death (Table 2).

There are several things to note about the information presented in Table 2. First, while we used the verbatim insert terminology for each disorder and also largely stuck to the disease groupings in the package inserts, we added two categories—allergic and autoimmune disorders—that the inserts surprisingly omit. (The package inserts lump allergic reactions in with “immune system disorders.”) Second, there are a number of disorders that fit in more than one category; in those instances, we have included them (with an asterisk*) in both places (while counting them once). Third, the table only includes those adverse events that manufacturers decided to report in the inserts—but other adverse events are not only possible but likely, due to the widespread problem of underreporting. Notably, none of the package inserts include any mention of prevalent, childhood-onset neurodevelopmental disorders like tics or autism that published, peer-reviewed studies have linked to vaccines.

…the Pentacel vaccine (which contains a Hib component) can produce “invasive Hib disease”; the RotaTeq vaccine (for rotavirus) is associated with “transmission of vaccine virus strains to the unvaccinated”; and some influenza vaccines trigger influenza.

As readers peruse Table 2, they may notice the following themes:

  • Every single vaccine on the childhood/adolescent vaccine schedule is responsible for at least one adverse event. For example, as already noted, roughly four out of five vaccines (82%) are associated with reports of anaphylactic reactions. The incidence of anaphylaxis has been climbing in the U.S. for several decades. Medications are the top known triggers of anaphylaxis, while another 39% of anaphylaxis cases are idiopathic, meaning that the cause is “unknown.”
  • Vaccines can cause the very illnesses—or adverse consequences of those illnesses—that they are supposed to prevent. In the era of measles hype and hysteria, it is particularly important to point out that both MMR vaccines—MMR-II and ProQuad—are failing to prevent “atypical measles” (both vaccines), “measles” (ProQuad), “measles-like rash” (MMR-II) and “skin infections” (ProQuad). Likewise, the package inserts report “varicella” and “varicella-like rash” in the aftermath of vaccination with Varivax and ProQuad (which combines varicella with MMR). Equally concerning, the MMR-II and ProQuad vaccines—which have shifted mumps from a noneventful childhood illness to a fertility-endangering condition afflicting adolescents and adults—have produced reports of serious testicular problems (epididymitis and orchitis). Table 2 also shows that the Pentacel vaccine (which contains a Hib component) can produce “invasive Hib disease”; the RotaTeq vaccine (for rotavirus) is associated with “transmission of vaccine virus strains to the unvaccinated”; and some influenza vaccines trigger influenza.
  • Vaccines can also cause other serious infections. For example, the risky MMR-II, ProQuad and Varivax trio is linked to “pneumonia” and “pulmonary congestion,” the Infanrix and Pediarix vaccines are associated with “respiratory tract infections” and seven different vaccines are associated with various forms of meningitis. Ironically (or perhaps not), pneumonia and meningitis are the targets of the pneumococcal and meningococcal vaccines.
  • Vaccine adverse events affect numerous body systems, including the immune and nervous systems. Although the longest list of adverse impacts—41—is for effects on the nervous system, the wide-ranging list also shows effects on the blood, connective tissue, ears, eyes, gastrointestinal system, heart, liver, lymph nodes, musculoskeletal system, respiratory system, skin and more.
Dr. Fauci himself might want to take note of the fact that companies like Johnson & Johnson, one of those rushing to develop a coronavirus vaccine, have been censured by the Department of Justice for drug marketing fraud that exposed children and the elderly to serious side effects, including death.
Measurable and often unsafe

All pharmaceutical products come with potential side effects, and vaccines are no exception. For Dr. Fauci to describe the adverse events associated with vaccines as “almost nonmeasurable”—when they are not only described in package inserts but tracked in postmarketing surveillance systems such as the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the European EudraVigilance system and the World Health Organization’s VigiBase system—is not only disingenuous but unethical. Given that Dr. Fauci’s wife is a senior NIH bioethicist, the NIAID director’s ethically murky eagerness to deemphasize the prevalence and significance of vaccine adverse events is surprising.

As the COVID-19 situation has brought Fauci into the limelight as “explainer-in-chief” of the epidemic—and proponent-in-chief of patentable vaccines that will use untested technologies while leapfrogging over ordinary vaccine development protocols—we would do well to query Fauci’s five-year-old throwaway remarks about vaccine safety. Dr. Fauci himself might want to take note of the fact that companies like Johnson & Johnson, one of those rushing to develop a coronavirus vaccine, have been censured by the Department of Justice for drug marketing fraud that exposed children and the elderly to “serious side effects, including death.”

Much has been made of Fauci’sNIAID’s and the NIH’s cozy entanglements with Bill Gates, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Gates-Foundation-created Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), particularly in light of the massive Gates Foundation and CEPI funding being directed toward coronavirus vaccines that the NIH is also supporting. Gates recently called for digital “certificates” showing who has received an eventual coronavirus vaccine and also made veiled statements that “you don’t want people moving around the world” unless they have received a vaccine. In that context, Fauci’s additional remarks in the 2015 Frontline interview take on somewhat ominous overtones. The good doctor stated that while “there’s never a situation where someone is going to tie you down and vaccinate you . . . you don’t want the respect for autonomy of people to get in the way of a public health mandate.” 

Table 1. Vaccine package inserts reviewed
Type of Vaccine Brand Name Manufacturer
Vaccines containing diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis components Adacel (Tdap)
Boostrix (Tdap)
Daptacel (DTaP)
Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids Adsorbed (DT)
Infanrix (DTaP)
Kinrix (DTaP-IPV)
Pediarix (DTaP-HepB-IPV)
Pentacel (DTaP-IPV/Hib)
Quadracel (DTaP-IPV)
Tdvax (Td)
Tenivac (Td)
Sanofi Pasteur
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK)
Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccines ActHIB (Hib)
Hiberix (Hib)
PedvaxHIB (Hib)
Hepatitis vaccines Engerix-B (HepB)
Havrix (HepA)
Recombivax HB (HepB)
Twinrix (HepA/HepB)
Vaqta (HepA)
Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines Gardasil
Gardasil 9
Influenza vaccines Afluria Quadrivalent
Flublok Quadrivalent (age 18 and older)
Flulaval Quadrivalent
Fluzone Quadrivalent
Protein Sciences Corporation
Meningococcal vaccines Bexero
Measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) and MMR+varicella vaccines MMR-II (MMR)
Proquad (MMRV)
Pneumococcal vaccines Prevnar-13
Inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) IPOL (IPV) Sanofi
Rotavirus vaccines Rotarix
Varicella vaccine Varivax Merck
Table 2. Adverse events reported in package inserts, by body system*

[Note: Medical conditions with asterisks appear in more than one category.]

Body System Medical Disorder Vaccines Reporting Disorder
Allergic (5) Allergic reactions/hypersensitivity* ActHIB, Adacel, Afluria, Bexero, Boostrix, Daptacel, Engerix-B, Fluarix, Flublok, FluMist, Fluzone, Hiberix, Infanrix, IPOL, Kinrix, Pediarix, Pentacel, Quadracel, Recombivax, Tenivac, Trumenba, Twinrix
Anaphylactic and anaphylactoid reactions, including shock* ActHIB, Adacel, Afluria, Bexero, Boostrix, Daptacel, Engerix-B, Fluarix, Flublok, Flucelvax, Flulaval, FluMist, Fluzone, Havrix, Hiberix, Infanrix, IPOL, Kinrix, MMR-II, Pediarix, Pentacel, Pneumovax-23, Prevnar-13, ProQuad, Quadracel, Recombivax, RotaTeq, Tenivac, Trumenba, Twinrix, Varivax
Angioedema* ActHIB, Adacel, Boostrix, Daptacel, Engerix-B, Fluarix, Flucelvax, Flulaval, FluMist, Fluzone, Havrix, Hiberix, Infanrix, Kinrix, MMR-II, Pediarix, PedvaxHIB, Pneumovax-23, Prevnar-13, ProQuad, RotaTeq, Tenivac, Twinrix, Varivax
Serum sickness* Afluria, Engerix-B, Fluarix, Havrix, Pneumovax-23, Recombivax, Twinrix
Urticaria* [hives] ActHIB, Adacel, Afluria, Boostrix, DT, Engerix-B, Fluarix, Flucelvax, Flulaval, FluMist, Fluzone, Hiberix, Infanrix, IPOL, Kinrix, MMR-II, Pediarix, Pentacel, Pneumovax-23, Prevnar-13, Quadracel, Recombivax, RotaTeq, Tenivac, Twinrix
Autoimmune (7) Diabetes mellitus* MMR-II
Guillain-Barré syndrome* Adacel, Afluria, Engerix-B, Fluarix, Flulaval, FluMist, Fluzone, Havrix, MMR-II, PedvaxHIB, Pneumovax-23, ProQuad, Recombivax, Tenivac, Vaqta, Varivax
Kawasaki disease* [blood vessel disease] Rotarix, RotaTeq
Lupus-like syndrome* Recombivax
Multiple sclerosis (or MS exacerbation)* Engerix-B, Havrix, Recombivax, Twinrix
Pancreatitis* Gardasil/Gardasil 9, MMR-II
Systemic lupus erythematosus* Recombivax
Blood/lymphatic system (10) Anemia, aplasic or hemolytic Gardasil/Gardasil 9, Pneumovax-23, ProQuad, Varivax
Epistaxis [nosebleed] FluMist, ProQuad
Extravasation [blood vessel leakage] ProQuad
Hematochezia [bloody stools] ProQuad, Rotarix, RotaTeq
Increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate Recombivax
Leukocytosis [increased white blood cells] MMR-II, Pneumovax-23
Lymphadenitis [swollen lymph nodes] Boostrix, Pneumovax-23, ProQuad
Lymphadenopathy, including regional Boostrix, Daptacel, DT, Fluarix, Flulaval, Fluzone, Gardasil/Gardasil 9, Infanrix, IPOL, Kinrix, MMR-II, PedvaxHIB, Pneumovax-23, Prevnar-13, ProQuad, Tenivac
Thrombocytopenia [low platelets] Afluria, Engerix-B, Fluzone, Havrix, Infanrix, Kinrix, MMR-II, Pneumovax-23, ProQuad, Recombivax, Twinrix, Vaqta, Varivax
Thrombocytopenic purpura, idiopathic Gardasil/Gardasil 9, Rotarix, Twinrix, Varivax
Cardiac (6) Cyanosis* [bluish discoloration, low oxygen] Daptacel, Hiberix, Infanrix, Pediarix, Pentacel, Prevnar-13, Quadracel
Hypotension Adacel
Myocarditis [heart muscle inflammation] Adacel, Boostrix
Palpitations Engerix-B, Twinrix
Pericarditis [pericardial inflammation] FluMist
Tachycardia [abnormally high heart rate] Engerix-B, Fluarix, Recombivax, Twinrix
Congenital (1) Congenital anomaly Havrix
Death (2) Death Gardasil/Gardasil 9, MMR-II, Rotarix, RotaTeq
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Infanrix
Ear/labyrinth (5) Ear pain Engerix-B, Infanrix, ProQuad, Twinrix
Nerve deafness MMR-II, ProQuad
Otitis media MMR-II
Tinnitis Engerix-B, Recombivax, Twinrix
Vertigo Engerix-B, Fluarix
Eye (15) Conjunctivitis Engerix-B, Fluarix, MMR-II, Recombivax, Twinrix
Eye irritation Fluarix, ProQuad
Eye pain Fluarix, Flulaval
Eye redness Fluarix
Eye swelling Bexero, Fluarix
Eyelid swelling Fluarix, ProQuad
Keratitis [corneal inflammation] Engerix-B
Ocular hyperemia [eye inflammation] Fluzone
Ocular palsies* [nerve damage] MMR-II, ProQuad
Optic neuritis/neuropathy, papillitis* [inflammation of optic nerve] Engerix-B, Fluzone, MMR-II, ProQuad, Recombivax, Twinrix
Photophobia [light intolerance] Flulaval
Retinitis, necrotizing [inflammation] MMR-II, ProQuad, Varivax
Retrobulbar neuritis [nerve damage] MMR-II, ProQuad
Uveitis [eye inflammation] Recombivax
Visual disturbances Engerix-B, Recombivax, Twinrix
Gastrointestinal (13) Abdominal pain, discomfort Fluarix, ProQuad
Candidiasis* ProQuad
Constipation Recombivax
Diarrhea Daptacel, FluMist, MMR-II, Pediarix, Pentacel
Dyspepsia [indigestion] Engerix-B, Twinrix
Dysphagia [swallowing difficulties] Flulaval
Gastroenteritis Rotarix, RotaTeq
Intussusception, including recurrent/fatal Rotarix, RotaTeq
Mouth ulcers ProQuad
Nausea Daptacel, DT, Fluarix, FluMist, Gardasil/Gardasil 9, MMR-II, Pneumovax-23, Tdvax
Pancreatitis* Gardasil/Gardasil 9, MMR-II
Swelling of mouth, throat or tongue Fluarix
Vomiting Flulaval, FluMist, Fluzone, Gardasil/Gardasil 9, MMR-II, Pediarix, Pentacel, Pneumovax-23, Tenivac
General and injection site (20) Abnormal gait Flulaval
Apathy ProQuad
Asthenia [fatigue, weakness] Fluarix, Flulaval, Fluzone, Gardasil/Gardasil 9, Infanrix, Pediarix, Tenivac
Body aches Fluarix
Chest pain Fluarix, Flulaval, Fluzone
Chills Fluarix, Gardasil/Gardasil 9, Havrix, Twinrix
Decreased limb mobility Pneumovax-23
Feeling hot Fluarix
Fever MMR-II, Pneumovax-23
Injected limb—extensive swelling ActHIB, Bexero, Hiberix
Injection site abscess Adacel, Daptacel, Fluarix, Flulaval, PedvaxHIB, Pentacel, Quadracel
Injection site bruising Adacel, Flulaval
Injection site cellulitis Afluria, Daptacel, Fluarix, Flulaval, Pediarix, Quadracel, Tenivac
Injection site reactions (mass, pain, warmth) Adacel, Afluria, Bexero, Boostrix, Daptacel, DT, Engerix-B, Fluarix, Flucelvax, Flulaval, Havrix, Hiberix, Infanrix, IPOL, Kinrix, MMR-II, Pediarix, Pentacel, Pneumovax-23, Prevnar-13, ProQuad, Quadracel, Tdvax, Tenivac, Twinrix
Injection site rash Daptacel, Flulaval, IPOL, Prevnar-13
Listlessness Quadracel
Malaise Gardasil/Gardasil 9, MMR-II, Pneumovax-23, Tdvax, Twinrix
Peripheral edema ActHIB, MMR-II, Pneumovax-23, ProQuad, Tdvax, Tenivac, Varivax
Pyrexia [fever] Tdvax
Swelling MMR-II, ProQuad
Hepatobiliary/liver (3) Elevation of liver enzymes Recombivax
Hepatitis Havrix, Twinrix
Jaundice Havrix, Twinrix
Immune system (5) Allergic reactions/hypersensitivity* ActHIB, Adacel, Afluria, Bexero, Boostrix, Daptacel, Engerix-B, Fluarix, Flublok, FluMist, Fluzone, Hiberix, Infanrix, IPOL, Kinrix, Pediarix, Pentacel, Quadracel, Recombivax, Tenivac, Trumenba, Twinrix
Anaphylactic and anaphylactoid reactions, including shock* ActHIB, Adacel, Afluria, Bexero, Boostrix, Daptacel, Engerix-B, Fluarix, Flublok, Flucelvax, Flulaval, FluMist, Fluzone, Havrix, Hiberix, Infanrix, IPOL, Kinrix, MMR-II, Pediarix, Pentacel, Pneumovax-23, Prevnar-13, ProQuad, Quadracel, Recombivax, RotaTeq, Tenivac, Trumenba, Twinrix, Varivax
Angioedema,* angioneurotic edema ActHIB, Adacel, Boostrix, Daptacel, Engerix-B, Fluarix, Flucelvax, Flulaval, FluMist, Fluzone, Havrix, Hiberix, Infanrix, Kinrix, MMR-II, Pediarix, PedvaxHIB, Pneumovax-23, Prevnar-13, ProQuad, RotaTeq, Tenivac, Twinrix, Varivax
Edema Adacel
Serum sickness* Afluria, Engerix-B, Fluarix, Havrix, Pneumovax-23, Recombivax, Twinrix
Infections and infestations (29) Atypical measles MMR-II, ProQuad
Bronchitis Infanrix, ProQuad
Candidiasis* ProQuad
Cellulitis Daptacel, Infanrix, Pneumovax-23, ProQuad, Tdvax, Varivax
Early-onset Hib disease PedvaxHIB
Herpes simplex ProQuad
Herpes zoster [shingles] Engerix-B, ProQuad, Recombivax, Twinrix, Varivax
Infection ProQuad
Influenza, influenza-like illness Afluria, Flulaval, Havrix, ProQuad
Invasive Hib disease Pentacel
Kawasaki disease* [blood vessel disease] Rotarix, RotaTeq
Laryngitis Flulaval
Measles ProQuad
Measles-like rash MMR-II
Meningitis (aseptic, eosinophilic) Engerix-B, FluMist, MMR-II, Pentacel, ProQuad, Twinrix, Varivax
Pharyngitis Fluarix, Varivax
Pneumonia, pneumonitis MMR-II, ProQuad, Varivax
Pulmonary congestion ProQuad
Respiratory tract infection Infanrix, Pediarix, ProQuad
Rhinitis Fluarix, Flulaval, Havrix, MMR-II, Pentacel, ProQuad
Secondary bacterial infections (skin, tissue) Varivax
Sinusitis ProQuad
Skin infection ProQuad
Sore throat MMR-II, ProQuad
Tonsillitis Fluarix
Transmission of vaccine virus strains RotaTeq
Varicella (vaccine strain) ProQuad, Varivax
Varicella-like rash ProQuad
Viral infection Pentacel
Investigations (2) Abnormal liver function tests Engerix-B, Twinrix
Increased serum C-reactive protein Pneumovax-23
Metabolic (3) Decreased appetite Pentacel
Diabetes mellitus* MMR-II
Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, Leigh syndrom exacerbation [neurometabolic] FluMist
Musculoskeletal/connective tissue (13) Arthralgia [joint pain] Boostrix, Engerix-B, IPOL, MMR-II, Pneumovax-23, ProQuad, Recombivax, Tdvax, Twinrix
Arthritis Engerix-B, Flulaval, MMR-II, Pneumovax-23, ProQuad, Recombivax, Twinrix
Back pain Boostrix
Hypotonia [low muscle tone] Daptacel, Hiberix, Infanrix, Pediarix, Prevnar-13, Quadracel
Lupus-like syndrome* Recombivax
Muscle spasm Adacel
Muscle weakness Engerix-B, Flulaval, Recombivax, Twinrix
Musculoskeletal pain ProQuad
Musculoskeletal stiffness Havrix
Myalgia [muscle pain] Boostrix, IPOL, MMR-II, ProQuad, Tdvax, Tenivac
Myositis [muscle inflammation] Adacel
Pain in extremities Fluarix, Fluzone, Pediarix, Recombivax, Tdvax, Tenivac
Systemic lupus erythematosus* Recombivax
Nervous system (41) Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis MMR-II, ProQuad
Ataxia [nervous system dysfunction] MMR-II, ProQuad, Varivax
Bulging fontanelle Pediarix
Cerebellar ataxia Vaqta
Convulsions/seizures ActHIB, Adacel, Afluria, Boostrix, Daptacel, DT, Fluarix, Flulaval, Fluzone, Havrix, Hiberix, IPOL, Kinrix, MMR-II, Quadracel, Recombivax, Tdvax, Twinrix, Varivax
Depressed level of consciousness Boostrix, Pediarix, Pentacel
Dizziness Fluarix, Flulaval, Fluzone, Havrix, MMR-II, ProQuad, Tdvax, Tenivac, Varivax
Encephalitis, vaccine-induced encephalitis [brain inflammation] Boostrix, Engerix-B, FluMist, MMR-II, Pediarix, Recombivax, Twinrix, Vaqta, Varivax
Encephalomyelitis [brain and spinal cord] Afluria, Fluarix, Fluzone
Encephalopathy [brain disease] Afluria, Engerix-B, Flulaval, Havrix, Infanrix, MMR-II, ProQuad, Twinrix
Facial palsy, Bell’s palsy Adacel, Boostrix, Engerix-B, Fluarix, FluMist, Fluzone, ProQuad, Recombivax, Twinrix, Varivax
Facial (or cranial) nerve paralysis Flulaval
Facial paresis [impaired facial movement] Fluarix
Febrile convulsions/seizures Afluria, Daptacel, Fluzone, IPOL, MMR-II, PedvaxHIB, Pneumovax-23, ProQuad, Quadracel, Recombivax
Guillain-Barré syndrome* Adacel, Afluria, Engerix-B, Fluarix, Flulaval, FluMist, Fluzone, Havrix, MMR-II, PedvaxHIB, Pneumovax-23, ProQuad, Recombivax, Tenivac, Vaqta, Varivax
Headache DT, Infanrix, IPOL, MMR-II, ProQuad, Tdvax, Twinrix
Hypoesthesia [decreased tactile sensitivity] Adacel, Engerix-B, Fluarix, Flulaval, Havrix, Recombivax, Twinrix
Hypokinesia [loss of muscle movement] Flulaval
Hypotonic-hyporesponsive episode to immunization (HHE) Daptacel, Hiberix, Kinrix, Pediarix, Pentacel, Quadracel
Lethargy Pediarix
Limb paralysis Flulaval
Measles inclusion body encephalitis MMR-II, ProQuad
Migraine Engerix-B, Recombivax
Multiple sclerosis (or MS exacerbation)* Engerix-B, Havrix, Recombivax, Twinrix
Myelitis [spinal cord disease] Adacel, Fluarix, Fluzone, Havrix, Recombivax, Twinrix
Neuralgia [nerve pain] Afluria
Neuritis (including brachial, polyneuritis) Adacel, Afluria, Engerix-B, Fluarix, Fluzone, MMR-II, Twinrix
Neuropathy, polyneuropathy Afluria, Engerix-B, Fluarix, Havrix, MMR-II, ProQuad, Recombivax, Twinrix
Ocular palsies* [nerve damage] MMR-II, ProQuad
Optic neuritis/neuropathy, papillitis* [inflammation of optic nerve] Engerix-B, Fluzone, MMR-II, ProQuad, Recombivax, Twinrix
Paralysis Engerix-B, Twinrix
Paresis [partial paralysis] Engerix-B, Twinrix
Paresthesia [abnormal skin sensations] Adacel, Afluria, Boostrix, Engerix-B, Fluarix, Flucelvax, Flulaval, Fluzone, Havrix, IPOL, MMR-II, Pneumovax-23, ProQuad, Tenivac, Varivax
Partial seizures, seizures Daptacel, Engerix-B, ProQuad
Presyncope [feeling faint] Flucelvax
Radiculopathy [“pinched nerve” in spine] Pneumovax-23, Recombivax
Somnolence Daptacel, DT, Flulaval, Havrix, Hiberix, IPOL, Pediarix, Pentacel, Quadracel, Recombivax
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis MMR-II, ProQuad
Syncope, vasovagal syncope [fainting] Adacel, Bexero, Boostrix, Daptacel, DT, Engerix-B, Fluarix, Flucelvax, Flulaval, Fluzone, Havrix, Hiberix, Infanrix, Kinrix, MMR-II, Pediarix, ProQuad, Recombivax, Tenivac, Trumenba
Transverse myelitis Afluria, Engerix-B, Fluzone, MMR-II, ProQuad, Recombivax, Twinrix, Varivax
Tremors Flulaval, ProQuad
Psychiatric (8) Agitation IPOL, ProQuad, Recombivax
Crying/unusual crying Pediarix
Hypersomnia ProQuad
Insomnia Flulaval, Pediarix
Irritability MMR-II, Recombivax
Nervousness Pediarix, ProQuad
Restlessness Pediarix
Screaming Daptacel, Pediarix, Pentacel, Quadracel
Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal (12) Apnea Engerix-B, Hiberix, Infanrix, Kinrix, Pediarix, Pentacel, Prevnar-13
Asthma, asthma-like symptoms Engerix-B, Fluarix, Twinrix
Bronchospasm Engerix-B, Fluarix, Flulaval, MMR-II, ProQuad, Recombivax, Tenivac, Twinrix
Cough Fluarix, Fluzone, Infanrix, MMR-II, Pediarix, Pentacel
Cyanosis* [bluish discoloration, low oxygen] Daptacel, Hiberix, Infanrix, Pediarix, Pentacel, Prevnar-13, Quadracel
Dyspnea [shortness of breath] Fluarix, Flulaval, Fluzone, Havrix, Pediarix, Quadracel, Twinrix
Dysphonia [vocal abnormalities] Flulaval
Oropharyngeal pain Fluzone
Respiratory distress Fluarix
Rhinorrhea [runny nose] Fluzone
Stridor [high-pitched wheezing] Fluarix
Throat tightness Flulaval, Fluzone
Wheezing Fluzone, ProQuad
Skin/ subcutaneous tissue (22) Acute hemorrhagic edema of infancy MMR-II, ProQuad
Alopecia [hair loss] Engerix-B, Recombivax, Twinrix
Ecchymoses [subcutaneous bleeding] Engerix-B, Recombivax, Twinrix
Eczema Engerix-B, Recombivax, Twinrix
Erythema [skin redness] Fluarix, Infanrix, MMR-II, Pediarix, Pentacel, Tdvax
Erythema multiforme [skin disorder] Engerix-B, Fluarix, Havrix, MMR-II, Pneumovax-23, ProQuad, Prevnar-13, Recombivax, Twinrix, Varivax
Erythema nodosum [nodules or lumps] Engerix-B, Recombivax, Twinrix
Exanthem [widespread rash] Boostrix
Facial swelling/edema Daptacel, Fluarix, MMR-II, ProQuad, Varivax
Hyperhydrosis [abnormal sweating] Flulaval, Havrix, Twinrix
Impetigo ProQuad, Varivax
Lichen planus [inflammatory skin rash] Engerix-B, Twinrix
Panniculitis [disease of fatty layer of skin] MMR-II, ProQuad
Parotitis [salivary gland inflammation] MMR-II, ProQuad
Pruritus [itchy skin] ActHIB, Adacel, Afluria, Boostrix, Daptacel, Fluarix, Flucelvax, Flulaval, Fluzone, Infanrix, Kinrix, MMR-II, Prevnar-13, ProQuad, Tdvax, Tenivac
Purpura [red/purple spots] Engerix-B, MMR-II, ProQuad
Rash ActHIB, Adacel, Afluria, Bexero, Boostrix, Daptacel, DT, Fluarix, Flucelvax, Flulaval, FluMist, Fluzone, Hiberix, Infanrix, IPOL, MMR-II, Pediarix, Pentacel, Pneumovax-23, Prevnar-13, Quadracel, Tdvax, Tenivac
Skin discoloration Pentacel
Skin induration MMR-II, ProQuad
Stevens-Johnson syndrome [severe skin reaction] Engerix-B, Fluarix, Fluzone, MMR-II, ProQuad, Recombivax, Varivax
Urticaria* [hives] ActHIB, Adacel, Afluria, Boostrix, DT, Engerix-B, Fluarix, Flucelvax, Flulaval, FluMist, Fluzone, Hiberix, Infanrix, IPOL, Kinrix, MMR-II, Pediarix, Pentacel, Pneumovax-23, Prevnar-13, Quadracel, Recombivax, RotaTeq, Tenivac, Twinrix
Vesiculation MMR-II
Vascular (8) Cerebrovascular accident ProQuad, Varivax
Flushing Flulaval, Fluzone
Henoch-Schönlein purpura [blood vessel inflammation] Boostrix, Fluarix, MMR-II, ProQuad, Varivax
Pallor DT, Flulaval, Hiberix, Pediarix, Pentacel, Prevnar-13, Quadracel
Petechiae [bleeding capillaries] Pediarix, Recombivax
Polyarteritis nodosa [damaged arteries] Recombivax
Renal vasculitis Afluria
Vasculitis Afluria, Engerix-B, Fluarix, Fluzone, Havrix, MMR-II, Recombivax, Twinrix
Urogenital (2) Epididymitis [testicular inflammation] MMR-II, ProQuad
Orchitis [inflammation of the testes] MMR-II, ProQuad

*There are several things to note about the information presented in Table 2. First, while we used the verbatim insert terminology for each disorder and also largely stuck to the disease groupings in the package inserts, we added two categories—allergic and autoimmune disorders—that the inserts surprisingly omit. (The package inserts lump allergic reactions in with “immune system disorders.”) Second, there are a number of disorders that fit in more than one category; in those instances, we have included them (with an asterisk*) in both places (while counting them once). Third, the table only includes those adverse events that manufacturers decided to report in the inserts—but other adverse events are not only possible but likely, due to the widespread problem of underreporting. Notably, none of the package inserts include any mention of prevalent, childhood-onset neurodevelopmental disorders like tics or autism that published, peer-reviewed studies have linked to vaccines.

DNA Vaccines and Transhumanism

DNA vaccines and Transhumanism

by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
April 2, 2020


Transhumanism is a futuristic concept where man and technology blend, resulting in soulless intelligent machines. It is a movement that favors the evolution of a new species of human through the use of integrative circuitry. Referred to as “human betterment for the post-human era,” transhumanists assume that humanity will only be enhanced by machines. No damage. No degradation. No possibility for coercion or domination. In a post-human world, humanity as we know it will be obsolete.

In 2012, artificial intelligence pioneer Ray Kurzweil became Director of Engineering and Chief Futurist at Google, hired to work on projects to teach machines to learn. Kurzweil predicts that by 2030 (there’s that date again) technological advances will allow tiny nano-bots to be injected into the bloodstream, pass through the blood-brain barrier and integrate into the brain. The human brains can then be connected to “the cloud,” achieving a level of brilliance never thought possible. So, essentially, biological beings will become “non-biological entities.” In his book, The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology, Kurzweil states, “In the future, there will be no distinction between human and machine, or between physical and virtual reality.”

But if our brains can tap UP into the cloud, it only makes sense the what’s in the cloud could be pushed DOWN into our brain…So, the question becomes: Who controls the specific information we’re allowed to tap into? Who determines what is downloaded into us?  The disturbing vision of thousands – or millions – of Manchurian Candidates comes to mind.

The Quest for Control of the Human Brain

In former-president Obama’s 2013 State of the Union Address, he announced his plan to invest in brain mapping technologies. In April of that year, a $100+ million initiative was launched called BRAIN, which stands for Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies. Multiple public-private partnerships were funded, including the Allen Institute for Brain Science, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute,  Salk Institute for Biological Studies, and the Kavli Foundation and Institutes.  Our tax dollars also funded this project; the government allocations included:

  • $20 million to the National Science Foundation to study how Big Data could be used to understand the ability of the brain to generate thoughts, emotions, and memories;
  • $40 million to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to develop training tools and resources to support the BRAIN initiative; and
  • $50 million was given to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to develop tools to capture and process dynamic neural and synaptic activities.

Using those funds – and more – DARPA announced in 2016 it would develop the Neural Engineering System Design (NESD) program. Touted as the next-level brain-computer interface (BCI), the NESD system is designed to turn brain activity into a binary code, allowing humans to engage with machines wirelessly, by simply thinking.

While many amazing medical uses could come from this research, from treating PTSD and traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), to maneuvering brain-activated exoskeletons and prosthetic limbs, it takes very little imagination to see how this research could quickly turn dark.

  • What if the post-human world was dominated by strong, mechanical humanoids with enhancements designed to benefit institutions, at the expense of the individual?
  • Will the drivers to create bionic humans be economic efficiency, cultural modification, and military dominance?

Post-humans will live longer and be Global Citizens, a future where humankind is melded into a single, apolitical identity ruled by the UN and governed by the global Sustainability Agenda. Bionic humans will have no need to connect, even with creatures of their kind. Advances in animal cloning and embryonic stem cell technologies are bringing human cloning closer to reality, eliminating the need to procreate – satisfying the globalist’s concerns regarding planetary overpopulation. Need more worker bees? Create them at the factory – they need no benefits, no vacations and can work 24/7.

DNA Vaccines: Permanent manipulation of humans and animals

DNA vaccines, a type of genetic engineering, were first tinkered with in the early 1990s. A small snip of DNA, say, from a herpes virus, is inserted into a bacterial “bubble” called a plasmid. When the plasmid-laden vaccine is injected, the cellular immune system gears up to eliminate the foreign protein (plasmid + viral DNA snip) and at the same time, the humoral immune system creates antibodies against the viral DNA. When a herpes virus enters the body, the memory T-cells and B-cells work together to attack the foreign virus, eliminating it and avoiding the infection. 

This process is not without problems.

  • The DNA snip can be incorporated into the host’s DNA, leading to chromosome instability. The mutagenic affect can turn on oncogenes and turn off tumor suppressor genes, leading to cancer. 
  • Genetic expression is the process where genes create proteins. Genetic over-expression is when the process “goes rogue” and produces massive amounts of foreign protein, destroying human tissues via both acute and chronic inflammation.
  • Often the plasmid used is resistant to antibiotics; the same antibiotic resistance can be transferred to the host.
  • The plasmid DNA can appear very similar to the vaccine recipient’s DNA. The anti-DNA antibodies can attack human organs with similar DNA sequences. The result is autoimmunity, clearly identified as the cause of nearly  100 different diseases and suspected to be the cause at least 40 more chronic and potentially life-threatening conditions.

A concern that sounds like science fiction is the use of DNA vaccines in food-producing animals. The foreign DNA can be incorporated into an animal’s DNA, getting into the human food supply. The plasmid DNA can disrupt the animal’s microflora, and even potentially transform the environmental microflora as the animals defecate. 

This level of genetic manipulation makes DNA vaccines a dreamy tool of the transhumanists. With a host of companies working on biotic human body parts and DARPA working to build killer robots, designing DNA vaccines to enhance human DNA is only a step away. In fact, Editas Medicine, a US-based company, announced in November 2015 that the trials with the first humans to have their DNA genetically modified were well underway. 

If robots could think, feel and have a conscience, would that make them human? Or, would the lack of genetic material always render it as non-human? Using the combination of artificial intelligence, nanotechnology and DNA vaccines to insert human genes and human characteristics into machines is no longer just for the movies. At what point are humans no longer humans?

As vaccine recommendations become mandates – and 30 states are now pushing for mandatory vaccines, will you retain your right to refuse?

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is an osteopathic medical doctor, board-certified in three specialties. She is the founder of Tenpenny Integrative Medical Center, a medical clinic located near Cleveland, Ohio. Her company, Courses4Mastery.com provides online education and training regarding all aspects of vaccines and vaccination. 

Dr. Tenpenny has invested nearly 20 years and more than 40,000 hours documenting and exposing the problems associated with vaccines. As an internationally known speaker and author, her many articles have been translated into at least 15 languages. She is a frequent guest on radio and TV to share her knowledge and educate parents on why they should Just.Say.No. to vaccines.

The Chinese Virus, HIV, and a Stranger on a Train

The Chinese Virus, HIV, and a Stranger on a Train

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
February 4, 2020


In my research on so-called epidemics and viruses over the last 30 years, I’ve examined a point very few people want to think about.

Does the virus being promoted actually exist?

It might seem absurd to ask that. “Well, of course it exists. Why else would experts be saying it’s causing disease and death? Why else are they developing a vaccine?”

I don’t buy that reply at face value. Never have, never will.

Let me illustrate with a short tale. —Word goes out to an elite intelligence agency that a stranger on a train is a spy, and he is dangerous. He must be captured. The Agency sends a few people to board the train.

Who is the spy? What does he look like? Unknown. The agents move from car to car looking at passengers. From “past experience” in profiling suspects, they decide their target is probably a man in sleeping car 100. They knock on his door. He opens it. They place him under arrest.

The next thing the Agency knows, a week later, the ops director says, “Boys, he was the one, we have our man. He was planning to blow up bridges. Great work.”

Evidence of guilt? Proof? Was the initial story about a spy on a train even true? Answers unknown. But who cares? The job is done.

With a purported new epidemic disease, how do researchers find the man on the train? What method do they use to isolate a unique virus that is present in the bodies of people who are sick?

Various experts will offer various answers. In a moment, I’ll present an interview with a researcher who proposes a method. To sum up this method in simplistic terms: you remove a tissue sample from a person suspected of carrying a virus. Taking a tiny piece of that sample, you place it into a sugar solution and spin it in a centrifuge at high speed. The solution settles out, according to layers of density and weight. You presumably know, from past experience, which layer will contain particles of virus (if they are there). From that layer, you remove a small sample. You look at it under an electron microscope. You photograph what you see. If you’ve found a virus, you should be able to observe many copies of it in the photo. From analyzing these copies, you should be able to tell what kind of virus you’ve found. This is a very rough description of the process.

To announce to the world that you’ve found a virus that’s causing a rapidly spreading and dangerous epidemic, you should be sure of your work. You should have performed the above process on MANY, MANY supposed human carriers of the virus, and you should have obtained the same result in the overwhelming percentage of cases. And independent researchers should be able to replicate your work.

In the Chinese epidemic, and in other past epidemics, I’ve seen no evidence that this process of isolation was employed on many, many patients with the same result—much less the independent confirmation.

Therefore, the whole inquiry and research are in doubt. Simply announcing to the world that “the virus has been found” means nothing.

All right. Here are excerpts from an interview. It gets somewhat technical. It was conducted by a brilliant independent journalist, Christine Johnson. The interviewee is Dr. Eleni Papadopulos, “a biophysicist and leader of a group of HIV/AIDS scientists from Perth in Western Australia. Over the past decade and more she and her colleagues have published many scientific papers questioning the HIV/AIDS hypothesis…”

CJ: Does HIV cause AIDS?

EP: There is no proof that HIV causes AIDS.

CJ: Why not?

EP: For many reasons, but most importantly, because there is no proof that HIV exists.


CJ: Didn’t Luc Montagnier and Robert Gallo [purportedly the co-discoverers of HIV] isolate HIV back in the early eighties?

EP: No. In the papers published in Science by those two research groups, there is no proof of the isolation of a retrovirus from AIDS patients. [HIV is said to be a retrovirus.]

CJ: They say they did isolate a virus.

EP: Our interpretation of the data differs. To prove the existence of a virus you need to do three things. First, culture cells and find a particle you think might be a virus. Obviously, at the very least, that particle should look like a virus. Second, you have to devise a method to get that particle on its own so you can take it to pieces and analyze precisely what makes it up. Then you need to prove the particle can make faithful copies of itself. In other words, that it can replicate.

CJ: Can’t you just look down a microscope and say there’s a virus in the cultures?

EP: No, you can’t. Not all particles that look like viruses are viruses.


CJ: My understanding is that high-speed centrifugation is used to produce samples consisting exclusively of objects having the same density, a so-called “density-purified sample.” Electron microscopy is used to see if these density-purified samples consist of objects which all have the same appearance — in which case the sample is an isolate — and if this appearance matches that of a retrovirus, in terms of size, shape, and so forth. If all this is true, then you are three steps into the procedure for obtaining a retroviral isolate. (1) You have an isolate, and the isolate consists of objects with the same (2) density and (3) appearance of a retrovirus. Then you have to examine this isolate further, to see if the objects in it contain reverse transcriptase [an enzyme] and will replicate when placed in new cultures. Only then can you rightfully declare that you have obtained a retroviral isolate.

EP: Exactly. It was discovered that retroviral particles have a physical property which enables them to be separated from other material in cell cultures. That property is their buoyancy, or density, and this was utilized to purify the particles by a process called density gradient centrifugation.

The technology is complicated, but the concept is extremely simple. You prepare a test tube containing a solution of sucrose, ordinary table sugar, made so the solution is light at the top but gradually becomes heavier, or more dense, towards the bottom. Meanwhile, you grow whatever cells you think may contain your retrovirus. If you’re right, retroviral particles will be released from the cells and pass into the culture fluids. When you think everything is ready, you decant a specimen of culture fluids and gently place a drop on top of the sugar solution. Then you spin the test tube at extremely high speeds. This generates tremendous forces, and particles present in that drop of fluid are forced through the sugar solution until they reach a point where their buoyancy prevents them from penetrating any further. In other words, they drift down the density gradient until they reach a spot where their own density is the same as that region of the sugar solution. When they get there they stop, all together. To use virological jargon, that’s where they band. Retroviruses band at a characteristic point. In sucrose solutions they band at a point where the density is 1.16 gm/ml.

That band can then be selectively extracted and photographed with an electron microscope. The picture is called an electron micrograph, or EM. The electron microscope enables particles the size of retroviruses to be seen, and to be characterized by their appearance.

CJ: So, examination with the electron microscope tells you what fish you’ve caught?

EP: Not only that. It’s the only way to know if you’ve caught a fish. Or anything at all.

CJ: Did Montagnier and Gallo do this?

EP: This is one of the many problems. Montagnier and Gallo did use density gradient banding, but for some unknown reason they did not publish any Ems [electron microscope photos] of the material at 1.16 gm/ml…this is quite puzzling because in 1973 the Pasteur Institute hosted a meeting attended by scientists, some of whom are now amongst the leading HIV experts. At that meeting the method of retroviral isolation was thoroughly discussed, and photographing the 1.16 band of the density gradient was considered absolutely essential.

CJ: But Montagnier and Gallo did publish photographs of virus particles.

EP: No. Montagnier and Gallo published electron micrographs [EMs] of culture fluids that had not been centrifuged, or even separated from the culture cells, for that matter. These EMs contained, in addition to many other things, including the culture cells and other things that clearly are not retroviruses, a few particles which Montagnier and Gallo claimed are retroviruses, and which all belonged to the same retroviral species, now called HIV. But photographs of unpurified particles don’t prove that those particles are viruses. The existence of HIV was not established by Montagnier and Gallo — or anyone since — using the method presented at the 1973 meeting.

CJ: And what was that method?

EP: All the steps I have just told you. The only scientific method that exists. Culture cells, find a particle, isolate the particle, take it to pieces, find out what’s inside, and then prove those particles are able to make more of the same with the same constituents when they’re added to a culture of uninfected cells.

CJ: So before AIDS came along there was a well-tried method for proving the existence of a retrovirus, but Montagnier and Gallo did not follow this method?

EP: They used some of the techniques, but they did not undertake every step including proving what particles, if any, are in the 1.16 gm/ml band of the density gradient, the density that defines retroviral particles.

CJ: But what about their pictures?

EP: Montagnier’s and Gallo’s electron micrographs…are of entire cell cultures, or of unpurified fluids from cultures…

(end of interview excerpt)

If you grasp the essentials of this discussion, you’ll see there is every reason to question the existence of HIV, because the methods for proving its existence were not followed.

Therefore, more questions emerge. How many other viruses have been named as causes of disease, when in fact those viruses have never been isolated or proved to exist?

Of course, conventional-consensus researchers and doctors will scoff at any attempt to raise these issues. For them, “the science is settled.” Meaning: they don’t want to think. They don’t want to stir the waters.

I want to be clear about what I’m asserting here. There are very serious questions about whether a variety of viruses have ever been isolated, proven to exist, and proven to be causing disease. An OPEN, lengthy, ongoing, published debate needs to be undertaken among researchers—including independent researchers.

These vital issues should never be concealed behind closed elite doors.


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When the Blood Boils: Vaccines and Autism

When the Blood Boils: Vaccines and Autism


Lies passed around like conjured pieces of gold. Medical liars speaking their messages with straight faces, from their pulpits of influence.

We’ve watched them work. We’ve experienced the inner sensation of blood boiling; outrage.

Who are these people? Where did they come from? How did they attain their positions of power? Are they a different species?

And like you, I have watched the passive faces of audiences as they take in these lies, as they know something is wrong, as they refuse to act.

If you control the meaning of words like “evidence,” “cause,” “relationship between,” you own the playing field. You can manipulate outcomes and conclusions, and you can define science itself.

Your power derives from ownership of those simple words.

Suppose a healthy baby with all his faculties intact receives a barrage of vaccines at 15 months. Then, three days later, his temperature soars to 105, he has seizures, he screams, and then he goes silent. He withdraws from the world, from his parents. In the ensuing months, he doesn’t speak. He doesn’t laugh. He shows no interest in life around him. He doesn’t recover from this. He doesn’t regain his former health.

In what sense can it be said that the vaccines caused his condition? That may seem like an absurd question to be asking, but scientists claim it is important. So do judges and government officials. So do drug companies who make and sell vaccines.

They claim it’s very important, because they want to maintain control over the concept of “cause.” It’s their protection in the racket they are running.

Can we track the path, step by step, of these vaccine ingredients as they are injected into a baby and make their way through his system? Can we observe every reaction they produce, in sequence, all the way into and through the recesses of the nervous system and the brain?

Of course not.

By such an impossible standard, everyone falls short.

If perverse officials and scientists suddenly invoke that standard, can anyone fulfill it? No.

But make sure you understand that scientists and bureaucrats judge their own work by far looser principles.

They assert, for example, with psychotic arrogance that the underlying cause of autism is in the genes, although their research has only given them the foggiest of reasons for even beginning to crawl out on that limb—where they crow and lie and ask for more research money.

They say ADHD is created by certain brain abnormalities, even though their scans produce on-again off-again evidence—which, finally, is no evidence at all.

In fact, for every one of the 297 so-called mental disorders that are named and defined and described in the official bible of psychiatric literature, there is not one, not one lucid diagnostic test to back up, biologically, their disease labels and descriptions and definitions.

It’s a game. “We may hold you to an impossible standard. We hold ourselves to no standard at all.”

So you should be aware that, if you choose to enter this game, for whatever reasons, you are playing against a monumentally stacked deck.

The powers-that-be will do everything they can to subvert, deny, and destroy THE STORY OF ONE PARENT ABOUT ONE CHILD.

Why? Because the story is too convincing. It’s too obvious. It’s too real. It’s too DEVASTATING. It’s too dangerous.

“My child was healthy. He was vaccinated. Then he collapsed. He never recovered.”

With that, you are setting dynamite on the rails of the medical princes.

And you are also waking up other parents whose stories are essentially the same. You are igniting a fire in their heads.

Can you imagine what would happen if you said, “Look, my child was hit by a cluster of vaccines delivered when he was fifteen months old, and he was never the same after that, and THAT is what I’m seeking compensation for, and that is ALL I’m seeking compensation for. I don’t care what you call it, what name you give to it.”

And the government said, “Well, all right.”

The ensuing flood would drown them. And would drown the vaccine manufacturers, too.

You must be stopped.

And the way they will stop you is by manipulating the word “cause.” That’s all. That’s their entire policy and program. They execute it on an arcane and pseudo-technical level, employing models and constructs and numbers in their private little universe, while they polish their credentials.

They don’t want YOUR STORY to stand naked in front of the public.

Of course it is obvious that, when health turns to tragedy, the vaccines were at fault, just as when a blow to the head causes memory loss. Of course everyone concerned knows the truth.

But they say: science is not done this way.  We must have “evidence of causation.” They occasionally throw a few crumbs to parents whose child was brain-damaged by a vaccine. But in the main, they conjure up a version of pseudo-science and use it to obfuscate the otherwise unpardonable reality of what the vaccine has done.

And how does this conjured and manufactured science work?

It starts with the owned and operated definition of a disease or disorder. In the case of autism, the old behavioral criteria are dragged out. Here they are. I’m sorry for loading the full display on you, but I want you to see it in print:

The following is from Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM IV

(I) A total of six (or more) items from (A), (B), and (C), with at least two from (A), and one each from (B) and (C)

(A) qualitative impairment in social interaction, as manifested by at least two of the following:

1. marked impairments in the use of multiple nonverbal behaviors such as eye-to-eye gaze, facial expression, body posture, and gestures to regulate social interaction
2. failure to develop peer relationships appropriate to developmental level
3. a lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment, interests, or achievements with other people, (e.g., by a lack of showing, bringing, or pointing out objects of interest to other people)
4. lack of social or emotional reciprocity ( note: in the description, it gives the following as examples: not actively participating in simple social play or games, preferring solitary activities, or involving others in activities only as tools or “mechanical” aids )

(B) qualitative impairments in communication as manifested by at least one of the following:

1. delay in, or total lack of, the development of spoken language (not accompanied by an attempt to compensate through alternative modes of communication such as gesture or mime)
2. in individuals with adequate speech, marked impairment in the ability to initiate or sustain a conversation with others
3. stereotyped and repetitive use of language or idiosyncratic language
4. lack of varied, spontaneous make-believe play or social imitative play appropriate to developmental level

(C) restricted repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests and activities, as manifested by at least two of the following:

1. encompassing preoccupation with one or more stereotyped and restricted patterns of interest that is abnormal either in intensity or focus
2. apparently inflexible adherence to specific, nonfunctional routines or rituals
3. stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms (e.g hand or finger flapping or twisting, or complex whole-body movements)
4. persistent preoccupation with parts of objects

(II) Delays or abnormal functioning in at least one of the following areas, with onset prior to age 3 years:

(A) social interaction
(B) language as used in social communication
(C) symbolic or imaginative play

(III) The disturbance is not better accounted for by Rett’s Disorder or Childhood Disintegrative Disorder

And now you have the full and complete definition of autism from the official manual. There is no other definition. There are no physical tests or blood tests or brain scans. There is only this menu of behaviors.

And there are many so-called related disorders, and each one has its similar complex behavioral definition. These depictions overlap. But no matter. As far as the psychiatrists and pediatricians and medical bureaucrats are concerned, autism is defined. Engraved on tablets.

Does, in the judgment of a doctor, your child fit the definition or doesn’t he? The word is given from on high. The decision is rendered. And we are then one step removed from the reality of the simple and brutal destroying effects of the vaccines. This is good for them. They are now in familiar territory. Protected land.

Now they can say, “Your child, who at fifteen months collapsed, has autism.”

This is the bridge to the next giant step. Which is:

“We have determined that vaccines are not the cause of autism.”

“We know this.”

“We have proved this.”

Therefore, you’re trapped. Your child has been painted with the label “autism”–and perhaps you were actually hoping for that, because you knew something was terribly wrong, and the designation confirms you were correct. But as far as making a link to the vaccines, you’re suddenly at their mercy.

If they decide to compensate you through the federal vaccine compensation system, they will say, “Well, your child actually is suffering from encephalopathy and has autism-like symptoms.” But far more frequently, they will fall back on their pronouncement that vaccines and autism are unconnected, and you will get nothing.

How did these medical experts and their bureaucratic partners determine that vaccines are not the cause of autism?

They examined studies. And the studies “found no link.” In particular, there is the key Verstraeten study, published in two phases. Three HMOs’ records of babies were considered by Verstraeten and his colleagues.

I’m going to quote from the study and then comment:

“Results. In phase I at HMO A, cumulative exposure at 3 months resulted in a significant positive association with tics (relative risk [RR]: 1.89; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.05–3.38). At HMO B, increased risks of language delay were found for cumulative exposure at 3 months (RR: 1.13; 95% CI: 1.01–1.27) and 7 months (RR: 1.07; 95% CI: 1.01–1.13). In phase II at HMO C, no significant associations were found. In no analyses were significant increased risks found for autism or attention-deficit disorder.”

“Conclusions. No consistent significant associations were found between TCVs and neurodevelopmental outcomes. Conflicting results were found at different HMOs for certain outcomes. For resolving the conflicting findings, studies with uniform neurodevelopmental assessments of children with a range of cumulative thimerosal exposures are needed.”

First of all, notice how far away we are from that basic fact that vaccines were delivered to your child and your child collapsed and never recovered. We are miles from that. We’re now discussing correlations between vaccines containing mercury (thimerosal) and various indicators and labels: tics, language delay, autism, attention-deficit disorder, neurodevelopmental outcomes.

We now have a complex situation. First of all, in order to conclude that mercury-containing vaccines are correlated with autism or attention-deficit disorder, the researchers would have to have observed, in these children’s medical records, reports detailing all the behavioral criteria THE RESEARCHERS ASSUME add up to a positive diagnosis of these two INVENTED disorders—neither of which even exists on the basis of actual biological or chemical tests of any kind.

So essentially, if we make the translation from psychiatric-speak to basic English, we have this: “There is no convincing correlation between mercury-containing vaccines and those disorders we invented by slicing and dicing human behavior into compartments and giving them disease-labels.”

This is staggering when you think about it.

Continuing: In the first HMO records, Verstraeten and his colleages found a significant correlation between the vaccines and tics. As in facial tics. Why is that important? Because tics can be a sign of motor brain damage. They have a name for that: tardive dyskinesia. But it means brain damage.

However, if you look at the concocted definitions of the concocted disorders called autism and ADD, you’ll find no mention of tics or tardive dyskinesia. Therefore, an increased risk of tics doesn’t bring the researchers any closer to connecting vaccines and autism—simply because autism wasn’t defined that way. It wasn’t invented that way.

Perusing the records at the second HMO, Verstraeten found an increased risk of language delay. The babies didn’t start speaking when normally expected to. This is one of the listed criteria for a diagnosis of autism, but of course it is not enough, by the concocted rules of the game, to rate a placing of the invented label, autism, on any of those children.

At the third HMO, which was investigated as a separate phase 2 of the study, researchers found no significant associations—meaning no tics, no language delay…nothing that would rate a diagnosis of autism or suggest the presence of any of the invented symptoms of autism.

All in all, Verstraeten and his colleagues found no reason to conclude that mercury-containing vaccines were correlated with autism or other signals of neurological problems.

He played off one HMO against another: “In this one, we found X. But in the other one, we didn’t. We found Y instead. And in the third one, we found neither X nor Y.” Why didn’t he simply use all three HMOs as one reservoir? Possibly because he was trying to guard against the possibility of biased records at one HMO. Who knows?

And why didn’t he conclude, “All in all, we discovered some evidence of harm from the vaccines.”

Again, notice how far we are from the actual event of vaccines causing brain damage in a child.

The study decides that there is no increased risk, from vaccines, for autism or ADD. And that’s that. “Further research” is needed.

A child harmed by vaccines could have a tiny brain lesion or severe immune deficiency or a rewired connection somewhere deep in the recesses of the brain—undetected—but none of this matches up to the invented criteria for a diagnosis of autism.

But millions of people actually believe that autism is a distinct entity which was “discovered,” like a pre-set embedded pattern of errant pathways in the brain. And when those people are told, by experts, that vaccines don’t cause it, the PR value is enormous. For doctors who give the vaccines, for drug companies, for public-health agencies.

This is all a ruse. It’s a fabrication, and the studies that follow from it serve to mask the facts of vaccine damage.

They invent define the disorder, they have no definitive diagnostic tests for it, they conclude that vaccines don’t cause it. It’s one fantasy after another.

It’s as if you drew a map of a gold mine that doesn’t exist, and then you passed a law forbidding people from searching for it.

There are various degrees and events of tragic and lasting impact-damage that are laid upon children. The causes are multiple. One significant cause is vaccines. There is no such thing as autism. It is a construct ultimately designed to get certain people off the hook. And to make profit. And to engender money for research.

They will never find a cure for autism, because it doesn’t exist, except as a menu of behaviors wrapped inside their fantasy. Of course, if they were in the world, the world you live in, they would acknowledge that vaccines do cause brain and neurological damage, and they would compensate for that. They would act in a straightforward and honest fashion.

I spoke to one psychiatrist off the record, who said, “A genetic cause for autism? Are you serious? Autism is an artifact to begin with. So how do you find a gene that causes a fairy tale?”


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‘Vaxxed’ — How Vaccine Safety Is Undermined and Suppressed

by Dr. Joseph Mercola
September 28, 2019




  • “Vaxxed” is a film investigating claims that vaccines have nothing to do with the autism epidemic
  • A 2017 study, which examined health outcomes among 3- to 5-month-old infants following the introduction of DTP and oral polio vaccine in Guinea-Bissau, found that DTP vaccination was associated with fivefold higher mortality from all causes than being unvaccinated
  • William Thompson, Ph.D., a (now former) senior scientist at the CDC’s National Center for Immunizations and Respiratory Diseases, confessed that he conspired to cover up links found between the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism
  • The original MMR vaccine was found to cause meningitis, and the younger the patient at time of vaccination, the higher the risk of developing meningitis. CDC-funded research suggested there’s a heightened risk for autism in some children when the first MMR dose is given at an earlier age
  • CDC whistleblower Thompson stated that a 2004 CDC study was manipulated to erase a link between MMR vaccine and autism in African-American boys who received their first MMR vaccine before the age of 36 months, which resulted in a 3.36 times greater risk of developing autism compared to those who received the vaccine after the age of 36 months

Can vaccines trigger autism? This is the topic of the film “Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe,”1 directed by Andrew Wakefield and produced by Del Bigtree, an Emmy Award-winning producer of “The Doctors” talk show.

The film became the center of controversy when it was pulled from the Tribeca Film Festival lineup in 2016 by Robert De Niro and Jane Rosenthal, the two founders of the well-known film festival. According to Rosenthal, other filmmakers had threatened to withdraw their films from the festival if “Vaxxed” was shown.

While De Niro admitted feeling pressured to pull the film, he urged people to see it, saying there are many issues relating to the way the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) evaluates and monitors the safety of vaccines that are not being openly spoken about, and really should be addressed.


Are Vaccines as Thoroughly Researched as Claimed?

The official stance repeated by most mainstream media is that vaccines have been thoroughly researched, that “hundreds” of studies have proven their safety, and that no link between vaccines and health problems, such as autism, have ever been found.

Again and again, you hear that the autism-vaccine link was based on a single study published in 1998 by a now-“discredited” doctor (Wakefield), and the hypothetical association between vaccines and autism has since been thoroughly and repeatedly debunked. It sounds definitive enough, and is often repeated as established fact. Yet it’s far from the whole truth.

Importantly, the vaccine industry has long shied away from evaluating vaccinated versus unvaccinated populations to determine potential differences in general health outcomes. The few independent scientists who have attempted such an investigation have little comfort to give to those who believe vaccines are essential for health, and mandatory use of vaccines by all children is the only way to protect society from disease.

One such study,2 published in 2017, examined health outcomes among infants 3 to 5 months old following the introduction of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP) and oral polio vaccine in Guinea-Bissau, which took place in the early 1980s. This population offered the rare opportunity to compare vaccinated and unvaccinated children due to the way the vaccines were rolled out in the West African country.

Shockingly, researchers discovered “DTP was associated with fivefold higher mortality than being unvaccinated.” According to the authors, “All currently available evidence suggests that DTP vaccine may kill more children from other causes than it saves from diphtheria, tetanus or pertussis.”

In other words, the researchers concluded that DTP vaccine weakened the children’s immune systems, rendering them vulnerable to a whole host of other often deadly diseases and serious health problems.

Other clinical trials in West Africa revealed that a high-titer measles vaccine interacted with the DTP vaccine, resulting in a 33 percent increase in infant mortality.3 In this case, the finding led to the withdrawal of that experimental measles vaccine targeting very young infants, but what would have happened had those studies never been done? Clearly, we need many more like them.

In the U.S., the CDC now recommends that children receive 69 doses of 16 vaccines by the time they’re 18 years old, with 50 doses of 14 vaccines given before the age of 6.4 How does this affect their health? And is anyone actually tracking the health outcomes of children adhering to the federally recommended childhood vaccine schedule and state mandatory vaccination programs?

The answer is no. We do not know if or how all of these vaccinations are affecting the general health and mortality of our children.

We do, however, know that the U.S. has one of the highest infant and maternal mortality rates of any developed nation,5,6 and we also have the highest vaccination rates with 94 to 96 percent of children entering kindergarten having received multiple doses of vaccines.7 This high vaccination rate among kindergarten children, mostly due to state vaccine laws that require vaccinations for school attendance, has been maintained in the U.S. since the 1980s.8


Whistleblower Admits CDC Manipulated Data

A central part of the “Vaxxed” storyline centers around William Thompson, Ph.D., a senior scientist at the CDC’s National Center for Immunizations and Respiratory Diseases (NCIR), who confessed that he conspired with colleagues to cover up links found between the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism.

According to Thompson, this scientific fraud was committed for the express purpose of covering up potential safety problems so the agency would be able to maintain that the MMR vaccine had been proven safe to give to all children. Thompson explained they simply eliminated the incriminating data, thereby vanishing the link.


How FDA and CDC Hid Evidence of Mercury Poisoning

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., founder of the former World Mercury Project and chairman of the Children’s Health Defense, has exposed how officials at the CDC and FDA knew that infant vaccines were exposing American children to mercury far in excess of federal safety guidelines since 1999.

Even so, when they held a meeting in 2000 to discuss it, the CDC “moved aggressively to hastily gin up five poorly designed epidemiological studies” to deny any link between mercury (thimerosal) and its dangers to children.

As Kennedy told The Epoch Times, three of those five studies were published in the journal Pediatrics, which is severely compromised since it depends heavily on vaccine revenues for its existence. He added:9

“In response to pressure from Congress and the public, the FDA conducted a review in the late 1990s that found that the amount of mercury in the childhood vaccine schedule surpassed some federal safety guidelines. Accordingly, the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) issued a lukewarm statement in 1999 about thimerosal’s potential risks.

The statement’s authors called for the phase-out of thimerosal-containing vaccines ‘as expeditiously as possible,’ while still avowing that ‘the large risks of not vaccinating children far outweigh the unknown and probably much smaller risk, if any, of cumulative exposure to thimerosal-containing vaccines over the first 6 months of life.'”

The reason you don’t hear about this is because federal health officials conceal it with a statistical trick that massages the numbers to reflect what the CDC and FDA want them to say — a trick they employ often when determining vaccine “safety” — while journalists continue to spout whatever the CDC tells them. As noted by Kennedy:10

“Thimerosal is 50% ethylmercury, which is far more toxic and persistent in the brain than the highly-regulated methylmercury in fish.

Hundreds of peer reviewed studies by leading government and university scientists show that thimerosal is a devastating brain poison linked to neurological disorders now epidemic in American children. My book, ‘Thimerosal: Let the Science Speak,’ is a summary of these studies, which CDC and its credulous journalists swear don’t exist.”

This is why journalists who merely parrot the approved FDA and CDC talking points do readers such a tremendous disservice. Both federal health agencies have been accused of malfeasance and cover-up of important drug and vaccine safety data and, until the truth is known, it is unwise to blindly accept them as the final arbiters of what’s safe and what’s not.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), which includes the CDC, FDA and NIH, also owns a number of vaccine patents and sells $4.1 billion in vaccines each year while simultaneously being responsible for vaccine regulation, policymaking, monitoring of vaccine safety and promotion of universal use of all CDC-recommended vaccines.

How can these federal health agencies effectively meet all of these different goals when they have inherent conflicts of interest? They cannot. Yet, these conflicts of interest are rarely if ever mentioned by the media.


What You Need to Know About the ‘Discredited Autism Study’

In the film, Wakefield explains the genesis of his now infamous paper, the so-called “discredited autism study” that vaccine advocates insist is the sole evidence for a link between autism and vaccines.

What many people don’t know is that Wakefield and 12 other coauthors of the paper never actually performed a study to ascertain whether the MMR vaccine caused autism. They also did not state that MMR vaccine causes autism in the paper, but simply called for more research into the potential association.

It all began when a mother contacted Wakefield about her son, whose gastrointestinal and autism symptoms began after he received his MMR vaccination. An academic gastroenterologist, Wakefield told her he couldn’t help, as he had no knowledge about autism. She insisted, saying her son had terrible digestive problems but no one was taking them seriously.

Wakefield decided to look into it and, in 1998, he and 12 colleagues published a case series paper in The Lancet, reporting that parents of 9 of 12 children, who had been seen for chronic gastrointestinal symptoms, reported their children’s health deterioration began shortly after MMR vaccination.

It’s important to realize that a case series paper is very different from a case control study. A case series simply describes the experiences of a single patient or group of patients with a similar diagnosis.

As Wakefield points out in his book, “Callous Disregard,” the purpose of a case study is to “generate new hypotheses.” It is not supposed to determine or investigate possible causality — and Wakefield’s paper did not make any causal claims. Rather, he and his colleagues concluded:11

“We have identified a chronic enterocolitis in children that may be related to neuropsychiatric dysfunction. In most cases, onset of symptoms was after measles, mumps and rubella immuni[z]ation.

Further investigations are needed to examine this syndrome and its possible relation to this vaccine.”

The paper also explicitly stated that:

“We did not prove an association between measles, mumps and rubella vaccine and the syndrome described …

If there is a causal link between measles, mumps and rubella vaccine and this syndrome, a rising incidence might be anticipated after the introduction of this vaccine in the U.K. in 1988. Published evidence is inadequate to show whether there’s a change in incidence or a link with measles, mumps and rubella vaccine.”


Was Wakefield’s Paper Fraudulent?

Wakefield’s paper was eventually retracted after generating massive international controversy and denials by public health officials and doctors giving vaccines to children, who claimed the paper unnecessarily frightened and caused parents to question the safety of MMR and many other vaccines.

But to use Wakefield’s case series paper as “proof” that there is no link between vaccination and autism simply because this paper was retracted is grossly misleading.

It wasn’t a case-controlled clinical study designed to investigate or determine causation by comparing health outcomes of two different groups of patients; it was merely a case series paper that described similar health outcomes in patients and presented a hypothesis, nothing more.

According to detractors, including Bill Gates, Wakefield’s paper was based on fraudulent, completely made-up data, but such accusations have been rebutted by David Lewis, Ph.D.,12 a research microbiologist and director of the Research Misconduct Project13 of the National Whistleblower Center in Washington, D.C.

A summary of the Wakefield case can be found on AHRP.org in the article, “How the Case Against Andrew Wakefield Was Concocted.”14 In fact, Lewis’ investigation led him to accuse The British Medical Journal of institutional research misconduct15 for publishing false accusations of fraud against Wakefield. According to Lewis:16

“Documents recovered from Dr. Wakefield’s files during my investigation at the National Whistleblowers Center reveal that a pathologist associated with the study, Dr. Andrew Anthony, interpreted a number of the children’s biopsies as evidence of colitis.

Altogether, the evidence contained in Wakefield’s files suggested to me that the BMJ’s fraud theory was more tabloid news than science.”

In the end, what happened to Wakefield is powerful testimony of the danger that research scientists and physicians face if they draw the ire of the vaccine industry, government health officials and medical organizations promoting mandatory vaccination. The threat to one’s livelihood is in and of itself a factor that prevents much-needed independent vaccine safety research.


Does Age of Exposure to MMR Vaccine Influence Autism Risk?

According to Wakefield, the history of the MMR vaccine may offer valuable clues to its safety, or lack thereof. The original MMR vaccine was linked to meningitis,17,18,19 and the filmmakers cite research suggesting the age of exposure was a significant factor. The younger the patient at time of the vaccination, the higher the risk of developing meningitis.

Wakefield wondered if perhaps there might be a similar age-related link between MMR vaccine and autism. This research was ultimately done by the CDC, and Thompson was part of that team. As explained in the film, CDC whistleblower Thompson ended up contacting Brian Hooker, Ph.D., and advising him on how to obtain this and other vaccine data from the CDC.20

Copies of the files Hooker obtained from the CDC — about 10,000 in all — can be downloaded from the Vaxxed website.21 While Thompson could not legally give the studies to Hooker, he told Hooker to file a citizen’s request to the CDC, and guided him on which studies and data sets to ask for.

Among them was a study22 Thompson co-wrote that looked at autism rates and time of MMR vaccine administration, and found evidence for a heightened risk for autism when the first MMR dose was given at 15 months — a finding that was subsequently covered up.

A letter23 requesting the retraction of this study has been sent, based on the evidence of fraud presented by Thompson.


Protecting MMR Vaccine More Important Than Children’s Health

Wakefield also describes the research he did into the testing and licensing of the MMR vaccine and how, based on that research, he could no longer support the use of the combination MMR vaccine. After he urged parents to avoid the triple vaccine and get the single vaccines (i.e., the individual vaccines for measles, mumps and rubella), demand for the single vaccines dramatically increased.

However, rather than allowing parents to choose between MMR and individual vaccines, the U.K. stopped importing the single vaccines and Merck decided to cease production of the single vaccines in the U.S. This action effectively removed parental choice altogether, compelling parents to use the combination MMR vaccine if they wanted to vaccinate their children.

When Wakefield questioned the rationale behind the U.K.’s decision to eliminate the single vaccines, a senior representative at the British department of health told him that if parents were allowed to choose between the triple MMR and single vaccines, it would destroy the MMR program. “In other words, the concern was for the protection of the program, over and above the protection of children,” Wakefield said.


Whistleblower Admits Omitting Data Showing MMR-Autism Link

Thompson also co-wrote a widely cited 2004 CDC study24 that concluded there was no link between the MMR vaccine and autism. However, Thompson admitted this conclusion is actually false, as the team simply massaged the outcome by excluding the data that showed a link.

According to Thompson, he and the other scientists who worked on the study were pressured “from the top” to come to conclusions that would support the government’s policy on MMR vaccine safety. The omitted data, Thompson claimed, showed a distinct link between early MMR vaccination and a risk for the development of autism in young African-American boys.

Hooker published a reanalysis of the 2004 CDC data set in 2014, in the journal Translational Neurodegeneration,25 concluding that African-American boys who receive their first MMR vaccine before the age of 36 months have a 3.36 times greater risk of developing autism, compared to those who receive the vaccine after the age of 36 months. (The CDC’s childhood vaccination schedule recommends getting the MMR vaccine between 12 and 18 months.)

For males in general, regardless of race, the risk for autism was 1.69 times greater when MMR was given prior to 36 months of age. Just how was Thompson’s team able to hide this rather obvious connection? In short, data were originally obtained on 2,583 children living in Atlanta, Georgia, born between 1986 and 1993.

The original scientific analysis plan specified that school records and/or birth certificates were to be used to obtain race data. By excluding children who did not have a valid state of Georgia birth certificate, they were able to reduce the cohort size by more than 40 percent, and by including fewer subjects — through the introduction of the arbitrary criteria of a valid birth certificate to ascertain race — the statistical power of the findings was eliminated.


How Vaccines May Cause Harm

While a lot of attention has been given to thimerosal, a mercury compound used in some vaccines as a preservative, it’s a mistake to think thimerosal is the sole problem when it comes to vaccine safety.

Thimerosal preservatives are not present in live virus vaccines such as MMR, and are not even included in significant amounts in most inactivated childhood vaccines anymore, yet vaccine-related injury and death, including the unexplained big increase in autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders among children in the past three decades, is still a pressing reality.

What’s more, vaccine safety is not simply a matter of proving or disproving the link between vaccines in general and autism specifically. There are many other, potentially severe vaccine side effects, including immune system dysfunction, that can lead to or exacerbate any number of health problems.

Examples of other vaccine ingredients and factors related to vaccination that may be harmful to health include:

  • Lack of research into the safety of the CDC’s recommended childhood vaccine schedule that subjects infants and young children to 50 doses of 14 vaccines during the first six years of life, starting on the day of birth, including receipt of six to 10 vaccines on the same day.26
  • Failure of one-size-fits-all vaccine policies and laws to acknowledge increased individual susceptibility to harm from vaccination that include genetic, biological and environmental high-risk factors often not identified, or, dismissed as unimportant by doctors and other vaccine providers.27
  • Research28 showing an increase in death following receipt of inactivated vaccines. Aluminum adjuvants might be a factor, but it appears inactivated vaccines may also program your immune system in a way that decreases your body’s ability to fight off disease later. To learn more about this, please follow the hyperlink provided.
  • The gut-brain axis, and the compelling synergy between compromised gut flora and autism, where vaccines can act as a trigger.
  • To learn more, please see the hyperlinks, as I’ve written about this on previous occasions.
    The association between autism increases with the introduction of vaccines using human fetal cell lines and retroviral contaminants.29
  • The potential for DNA fragments in vaccines to produce an exaggerated and potentially fatal immune response.30

Barring large-scale studies comparing unvaccinated and vaccinated populations, general health statistics can give us an inkling as to how well the U.S. vaccination program protects our children’s health, and it doesn’t look promising.What Do Statistics Suggest About Vaccine Safety?

  • One in 6 children today has a developmental disability,31 which includes ADD/ADHD, autism, hearing loss, learning disabilities, mental and behavior disorders and seizures, which have been associated with vaccine side effects.
  • Fifty-four percent of children have a diagnosed chronic illness,32,33 including anxiety, asthma, behavioral problems, bone and muscle disorders, chronic ear infections, depression, diabetes, food and/or environmental allergies and epilepsy.

This list again mirrors brain and immune system dysfunction that has been reported following vaccination. The rise in prevalence of these chronic diseases among children and young adults parallels the rise in the numbers of required vaccines, yet promoters of mandatory vaccination insist that these illnesses are in no way associated with vaccinations.

In his book, “Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies,” Neil Z. Miller also provides eye-opening information about vaccine safety. He downloaded the entire vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS) database and created a program to extract all reports involving infants. In all, the reports of 38,000 infants who experienced an adverse reaction following the receipt of one or more vaccines were extracted.

Another program was then created that was able to determine the number of vaccines each infant had received before suffering an adverse reaction.

Next, reports were stratified by the number of vaccines (anywhere from one to eight) the infants had received simultaneously before the reaction took place. They specifically homed in on serious adverse reactions requiring hospitalization or that led to death. Here’s what he found:

  • Infants who received three vaccines simultaneously were statistically and significantly more likely to be hospitalized or die after receiving their vaccines than children who received two vaccines at the same time
  • Infants who received four vaccines simultaneously were statistically and significantly more likely to be hospitalized or die than children who received three or two vaccines, and so on all the way up to eight vaccines
  • Children who received eight vaccines simultaneously were “off-the-charts” statistically in that they were significantly more likely to be hospitalized or die after receiving those vaccines
  • Children who received vaccines at an earlier age were significantly more likely to be hospitalized or die than children who receive those vaccines at a later age


Why We Must Protect Vaccine Exemptions

All of these facts are why we simply must protect the legal right to exercise voluntary, informed consent to vaccination and to obtain vaccine exemptions in the U.S. We must have the right to choose, which includes the right to refuse one or more vaccines for ourselves or our children if we determine the risks are too great.

Make sure you take action to protect and expand the legal right to make voluntary vaccine decisions in your state by signing up to use the free online NVIC Advocacy Portal.

Moreover, when an individual experiences a deterioration in health after vaccination, doctors need to understand the danger of giving more vaccinations until or unless the vaccine can be conclusively exonerated as a causative or contributing factor to that health deterioration.

Physicians who recommend and administer vaccines to people, particularly to vulnerable infants and children, need to apply the precautionary principle of “first do no harm.” This is critically important when the foundation of science supporting the safety of any given vaccine, alone or in combination, for any given individual is so weak — and in some cases, based on outright fraud.

If you haven’t watched “Vaxxed” yet, I hope you will take the time to view it now, while you can watch it for free.


Resources Where You Can Learn More

  • NVIC Advocacy Portal — Become a registered user of this unique free online communications network that electronically connects you directly with your own legislators and emails you action alerts with talking points so you can be an effective vaccine choice advocate in your state. You can use it to inform your legislators about why it is necessary to protect vaccine exemptions and your legal right to make voluntary vaccine decisions for yourself and your children.
  • Ask 8 Vaccine Information Kiosk — Download brochures and reports on vaccination and how to recognize vaccine reaction symptoms, as well as posters and web badges that you can share with your family and friends. Access the illustrated and fully referenced Guide to Reforming Vaccine Policy & Law to educate your legislator when you advocate for vaccine informed consent rights.
  • State Law & Vaccine Requirements — You can easily obtain your state’s current vaccine policies and laws here.
  • Vaccine Reaction and Harassment Reporting — Search for and read descriptions of vaccine reaction reports made to the federal vaccine adverse events reporting system (VAERS). On NVIC’s website, read about or publicly report a vaccine reaction or describe an experience of being bullied and sanctioned for attempting to exercise informed consent to vaccination for yourself or your child.
  • Guide to Flu & Flu Vaccines — This Mini Guide to influenza & Flu Vaccines is a brief summary of facts about influenza and influenza vaccines.


Let’s Help NVIC Get The Funding They Deserve

This charitable educational organization has been working since 1982 to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths through public education and provide information and counseling to those reporting vaccine reactions, as well as to advocate for the legal right to make informed and voluntary vaccine choices.

During this week I’ll match your donations to NVIC up to $100,000 for this crucial cause. Please consider donating to NVIC to help support their life saving mission and join the vaccine freedom of choice movement today.

“Swine Flu Expose”: Spanish Influenza Epidemic of 1918 Caused by Vaccinations

“Swine Flu Expose”: Spanish Influenza Epidemic of 1918 Caused by Vaccinations

[Excerpt from  Swine Flu Expose, written by Eleanora I. McBean, Ph.D., N.D. and published in 1977, with claims that Spanish Influenza epidemic of 1918 was caused by vaccinations, ]


As has been stated before, all medical and non-medical authorities on vaccination agree that vaccines are designed to cause a mild case of the diseases they are supposed to prevent. But they also know and admit that there is no way whatsoever to predict whether the case will be mild or severe – even deadly.

With this much uncertainty in dealing with the very lives of people, it is very unscientific and extremely dangerous to use such a questionable procedure as vaccination. Many vaccines also cause other diseases besides the one for which they are given. For instance, smallpox vaccine often causes syphilis, paralysis, leprosy, and cancer. Polio shots, diphtheria toxin-antitoxin, typhoid vaccine, as well as measles, tetanus and all other shots often cause various other stages of disease such as post-vaccinal encephalitis (inflammation of the brain,) paralysis, spinal meningitis, blindness, cancer (sometimes within two years,) tuberculosis, (two to twenty years after the shot,) arthritis, kidney disease, heart disease (heart failure sometimes within minutes after the shot and sometimes several hours later.) Nerve damage and many other serious conditions also follow the injections.

When several shots are given (different vaccines) within a few days or a few weeks apart, they often trigger intensified cases of all the diseases at once, because the body cannot handle such a large amount of deadly poison being injected directly into the bloodstream. The doctors call it a new disease and proceed to suppress the symptoms. When poison is taken by the mouth, the internal defense system has a chance to quickly eject some of it by vomiting, but when the poisons are shot directly into the body, bypassing all the natural safeguards, these dangerous poisons circulate immediately throughout the entire body in a matter of seconds and keep on circulating until all the cells are poisoned. I heard that seven men dropped dead in a doctor’s office after being vaccinated. This was in an army camp, so I wrote to the Government for verification. They sent me the report of U.S. Secretary of War, Henry L. Stimson.

The report not only verified the report of the seven who dropped dead from the vaccines, but it stated that there had been 63 deaths and 28,585 cases of hepatitis as a direct result of the yellow fever vaccine during only 6 months of the war. That was only one of the 14 to 25 shots given the soldiers. We can imagine the damage that all these shots did to the men. (See the chapter on What Vaccinations Did to Our Soldiers.) The first World War was of a short duration, so the vaccine makers were unable to use up all their vaccines. As they were (and still are) in business for profit, they decided to sell it to the rest of the population. So they drummed up the largest vaccination campaign in U.S. history.

There were no epidemics to justify it so they used other tricks. Their propaganda claimed the soldiers were coming home from foreign countries with all kinds of diseases and that everyone must have all the shots on the market. The people believed them because, first of all, they wanted to believe their doctors, and second, the returning soldiers certainly had been sick. They didn’t know it was from doctor-made vaccine diseases, as the army doctors don’t tell them things like that.

Many of the returned soldiers were disabled for life by these drug-induced diseases. Many were insane from postvaccinal encephalitis, but the doctors called it shell shock, even though many had never left American soil. The conglomerate disease brought on by the many poison vaccines baffled the doctors, as they never had a vaccination spree before which used so many different vaccines. The new disease they had created had symptoms of all the diseases they had injected into the man. There was the high fever, extreme weakness, abdominal rash and intestinal disturbance characteristic of typhoid.

The diphtheria vaccine caused lung congestion, chills and fever, swollen, sore throat clogged with the false membrane, and the choking suffocation because of difficulty in breathing followed by gasping and death, after which the body turned black from stagnant blood that had been deprived of oxygen in the suffocation stages. In early days they called it Black Death. The other vaccines cause their own reactions — paralysis, brain damage, lockjaw, etc.

When doctors had tried to suppress the symptoms of the typhoid with a stronger vaccine, it caused a worse form of typhoid which they named paratyphoid. But when they concocted a stronger and more dangerous vaccine to suppress that one, they created an even worse disease which they didn’t have a name for. What should they call it? They didn’t want to tell the people what it really was — their own Frankenstein monster which they had created with their vaccines and suppressive medicines.

They wanted to direct the blame away from themselves, so they called it Spanish Influenza. It was certainly not of Spanish origin, and the Spanish people resented the implication that the world-wide scourge of that day should be blamed on them. But the name stuck and American medical doctors and vaccine makers were not suspected of the crime of this widespread devastation — the 1918 Flu Epidemic. It is only in recent years that researchers have been digging up the facts and laying the blame where it belongs. Some of the soldiers may have been in Spain before coming home, but their diseases originated in their own home-based U.S. Army Camps. Our medical men still use that same dodge. When their own vaccines (required for travel) cause vaccine diseases abroad they use this as grounds for a scare campaign to stampede people into the vaccination centers.

Do you remember the Hong Kong Flu and the Asian Flu and the London Flu scares? These were all medically-made epidemics mixed with the usual common colds which people have every year. Now (1976) we are being worked on again by the vaccine -epidemic makers in their effort to force another multi million dollar vaccine sale caper. Their con men have already talked President Ford into handing over $135 million dollars to start their vaccine racket. Even the insurance companies refused to become involved with such an obviously dangerous and crooked scheme.

So, again the medical and drug con men induced the appropriate government officials to guarantee insurance against the, possible billions of dollars in law suits which could be brought against the vaccine promoters if the vaccine campaign is carried out as planned. It’s a good thing Ford was voted out of office. It’s too bad he wasn’t “dumped” before he paid the poison squad the MONEY’ to poison the whole population.

However, we don’t yet know if President Carter will be any better. Will he be held in the grip of the medical and drug dictatorship? Or will he investigate — learn the truth — reverse the decisions and make the vaccine makers return the money taken from the taxpayers under false pretenses?

The statement of the swine flu vaccine promoters to the effect that the vaccine is harmless, is false, and the statement that it will protect against flu is false. Fifty-six people died after the shots, some within 48 hours.

There is confusion and disagreement among the doctors about all aspects of the vaccine, from the safety and effectiveness to the necessity for it, who should have it and who should be warned against it. Their scare-head campaign cry is that the swine flu is like the 1918 flu which killed 20,000,000 people. They don’t have any usable and provable blood samples from the 1918 flu epidemic to prove it. That was 58 years ago, and the doctors were just as confused and inefficient then as now.

However, one thing is certain — the 1918 Spanish Influenza was a vaccine-induced disease caused by extreme body poisoning from the conglomeration of many different vaccines. The soldiers at Fort Dix who were said to have had Swine Flu had been injected with a large variety of vaccines like the vaccines which caused the 1918 flu epidemic. The flu epidemic at Fort Dix was in no way related to swine. There were no swine at camp (unless we want to sarcastically call the vaccine promoters who caused the diseases -”swine.”)

To add to the confusion, the doctors tell the people that there are a lot of various kinds of flu; the one which the soldiers at Fort Dix had was AVictoria flu, there are other strains of flu virus, and also, that the swine flu vaccine which so many people have taken already will not protect them against the many other types of flu. This will be used as an “out” in case of law suits later on when more casualties begin to show up. The doctors will say that the vaccine failed because it was the wrong kind of flu for the vaccine. Of course, no one can prove it one way or the other because viruses are illusive, invisible organisms which are unstable and unpredictable. One dictionary definition of virus is “a morbid poison.” The vaccines injected into the body are poison and cause the typical poison reactions. Virus (poison) does not fly around and attack people.

Therefore, there will be no swine flu epidemic unless the vaccine promoters make one like they did in the 1918 flu epidemic. It will not kill 20,000,000 people unless the people submit to the disease-producing shots.

There are also, other causes of disease besides vaccines, such as bad food, which has been devitalized and contaminated with poison preservatives and artificial drug concoctions. There are many more causes of disease but no diseases are contagious. Vaccine drives come and go as often as the vaccine promoters can cook up the slightest pretense of a reason.n Back in1957 they were trying to stir up a vaccination campaign for what they decided to call Asiatic flu. An editorial in the Herald and Express for August 29, 1957 was captioned, “Fear of Flu Propaganda.” Part of the piece is as follows:

“What a tempest in a teapot has been blown up over the probability that this country will experience an epidemic of the Asiatic flu in the fall and winter months ahead.

“Even the United States Department of Health is stooge for the panic — and has issued statements which are frightening the public, rather than reassuring them by pointing out that this epidemic, while widespread, gives no indication of being any more dangerous than our usual flood of influenza-like colds when winter comes on.

“Those who read between the lines even wonder whether the whole thing might not be a bit of super salesmanship on the part of those who are making and selling the vaccines which are being prepared.. . .”


All the doctors and people who were living at the time of the 1918 Spanish Influenza epidemic say it was the most terrible disease the world has ever had. Strong men, hale and hearty, one day would be dead the next.

The disease had the characteristics of the black death added to typhoid, diphtheria, pneumonia, smallpox, paralysis and all the diseases the people had been vaccinated with immediately following World War 1.

Practically the entire population had been injected “seeded” with a dozen or more diseases — or toxic serums. When all those doctor-made diseases started breaking out all at once it was tragic.

That pandemic dragged on for two years, kept alive with the addition of more poison drugs administered by the doctors who tried to suppress the symptoms. As far as I could find out, the flu hit only the vaccinated.

Those who had refused the shots escaped the flu. My family had refused all the vaccinations so we remained well all the time. We knew from the health teachings of Graham, Trail, Tilden and others, that people cannot contaminate the body with poisons without causing disease.

When the flu was at its peak, all the stores were closed as well as the schools, businesses — even the hospital, as the doctors and nurses had been vaccinated too and were down with the flu. No one was on the streets. It was like a ghost town. We seemed to be the only family which didn’t get the flu; so my parents went from house to house doing what they could to look after the sick, as it was impossible to get a doctor then.

If it were possible for germs, bacteria, virus, or bacilli to cause disease, they had plenty of opportunity to attack my parents when they were spending many hours a day in the sick rooms. But they didn’t get the flu and they didn’t bring any germs home to attack us children and cause anything. None of our family had the flu — not even a sniffle— and it was in the winter with deep snow on the ground.

When I see people cringe when someone near them sneezes or coughs, I wonder how long it will take them to find out that they can’t catch it — whatever it is. The only way they can get a disease is to develop it themselves by wrong eating, drinking, smoking or doing some other things which cause internal poisoning and lowered vitality.

All diseases are preventable and most of them are cureable with the right methods, not known to medical doctors, and not all drugless doctors know them either.

It has been said that the 1918 flu epidemic killed 20,000,000 people throughout the world. But, actually, the doctors killed them with their crude and deadly treatments and drugs. This is a harsh accusation but it is nevertheless true, judging by the success of the drugless doctors in comparison with that of the medical doctors.

While the medical men and medical hospitals were losing 33% of their flu cases, the non-medical hospitals such as BATTLE CREEK, KELLOGG and MACFADDEN’S HEALTH-RESTORIUM were getting almost 100% healings with their water cure, baths, enemas, etc., fasting and certain other simple healing methods, followed by carefully worked out diets of natural foods. One health doctor didn’t lose a patient in eight years.

The very successful health treatment of one of those drugless doctors who didn’t lose any patients will be given in the other part of this book, titled VACCINATION CONDEMNED, to be published a little later. If the medical doctors had been as advanced as the drugless doctors, there would not have been those 20 million deaths from the medical flu treatment.

There was seven times more disease among the vaccinated soldiers than among the unvaccinated civilians, and the diseases were those they had been vaccinated against. One soldier who had returned from overseas in 1912 told me that the army hospitals were filled with cases of infantile paralysis and he wondered why grown men should have an infant disease. Now, we know that paralysis is a common after-effect of vaccine poisoning.

Those at home didn’t get the paralysis until after the world-wide vaccination campaign in 1918.


This article is excerpt from  Swine Flu Expose – a book by Eleanora I. McBean, Ph.D., N.D.

See related: The Poisoned Needle by Eleanor McBean

The Most Brilliant Scientists Working for the U.S. Government Do NOT Vaccinate Their Own Kids

Source:  Natural News


(Natural News) Welcome to Los Alamos, New Mexico, where our country’s most scientifically literate families are avoiding vaccines like the plague. Meanwhile, the infected “vaxxers” are all throwing poisoned fits, wondering why all the “sheeple” aren’t following the rest of the “herd” like they’ve been summoned to do by the script-fed mass media and the morally corrupted CDC. Could this phenomenon be gaining momentum because hundreds of parents in that New Mexico community are employed at Los Alamos Labs and the Los Alamos National Laboratory, where extensive research is done on vaccines?

Science geniuses are opting out of vaccines – why?

Wait, isn’t it a cold hard fact that America has “settled the science” on vaccines? Didn’t the CDC swear up and down that Polio, Shingles, Smallpox and Influenza (seasonal flu) can all be avoided by injecting aluminum, mercury and African Green Monkey kidney cells into the muscle tissue in your arm? Hold on a second, did you still think the CDC removed mercury from all childhood vaccines? They didn’t. That was a bold-faced lie. The mercury-laced flu shot is highly recommended by the CDC for all pregnant women and infants just six months young.

Should you be wondering right now why the Rotavirus vaccine called Rotateq is laced with two strains of a deadly pig virus called circovirus? Yes, you should be very concerned. These facts are just a few solid reasons why people who study vaccines do NOT get injected with them, nor do they have their brilliant children get jabbed with known neurotoxins.

Maybe the scientists in Los Alamos all know that the flu vaccine is responsible for the most adverse events (horrific side effects), and that the vaccine industry’s secret court has settled more of these cases than from the damage caused by any other immunization concocted in America. The flu shot is a totally experimental scam and is highly dangerous, and most scientifically literate citizens of this country know. The difference is that certain scientists are paid to document lies about vaccines and the subsequent research, and they’re also paid big bucks to spread propaganda. That, my friends, is why science geniuses opt out of vaccines.

The Superintendent of Los Alamos schools takes notice of the HIGH RATE of parents keeping vaccine needles out of their children’s arms

Several top scientists in Santa Fe are keeping their kids from getting vaccinated and these statistics are among the highest in America. Obviously, the science of vaccines is not settled. In fact, the so-called “safety and efficacy” of vaccines is under intense scrutiny, especially as of late, given that the vaccine industry has paid out over $3 billion in damages to injured families, and because vaccines have been proven to spread disease more often than they prevent it. Ever heard of the massive polio outbreaks in India? We can all thank Bill Gates for that.

Media scares, though, are in full swing, because it’s only fear that outweighs common sense. After all, who in their right mind would want their baby or themselves injected with over 50,000 parts-per-million of mercury, when the EPA warns pregnant mothers that 1/25,000 of that much mercury contaminates drinking water?

The real disease in America is spreading like wildfire, and the only cure is education. That “disease” is the lie that all vaccines are “safe and effective.” The children of Santa Fe are being spared because their parents are scientifically literate. Maybe they’re all smart enough to ignore the lying news on CNN, and in the propaganda machine newspapers known as the WashPo” rag and the failing New York Times.

Pro-vaxxers infected by emotions plead for all children to be injected with known neurotoxins and heavy metal poisons, just like their kids

There’s a new extremist religion in America called “pro-vaccine.” These folks damn-to-hell anyone who doesn’t bow down to the vaccine alter and have their kids infected and injected with genetically modified blood and cells from human abortions, monkeys, pigs, dogs, eagles, salmonella, and yes, deadly E. coli (found in multiple meningococcal vaccines).

Most people who are adamant about vaccines have no clue what’s in them today. They don’t know the true investigative history of vaccines either. The media starts frenzies about measles “outbreaks” when the measles is easy to beat back with a normal immune system that’s not compromised by vaccines. Most vaccines are much more dangerous than the infectious diseases they are purported to prevent.

Look into natural immune boosters like garlic, oil of oregano, medicinal mushrooms, licorice root, cinnamon, colloidal silver, vitamin D, vitamin C, and of course, elderberry for the flu. There are no side effects or deaths reported from natural remedies, folks. Just remember that.

Sources for this article include:








Why Medically Caused Deaths Continue to be Ignored

Why Medically Caused Deaths Continue to be Ignored

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
August 29, 2018


More than any other reporter, I have continued to champion and spread the word about Dr. Barbara Starfield’s revelation: The US medical system kills 106,000 people a year with its medicines. Extrapolate that number for a decade: more than MILLION DEATHS.

I have reported, many times, on Starfield’s review, “Is US Health Really the Best in the World,” published in the Journal of the American Medical Association on July 26, 2000. I interviewed her in 2009, when she told me that her death numbers (106,000 per year) were conservative, and that the federal government was doing NOTHING comprehensive to fix the ongoing disaster. Imagine that, coming from a doctor who was a revered public health expert at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health.

Since I’ve written more articles about Dr. Starfield’s revelations than any reporter around, I also know the reaction of the mainstream press over the years: SILENCE. And more silence. And more.

So this time, I thought I’d explain the main reasons for the silence.

On one obvious level, it stems from the fact that the pharmaceutical industry buys enormous amounts of ads on and around news media. Do not bite the hand that feeds you.

And of course, blaming the medical system for a million deaths per decade…well, if you’re the New York Times and you’re making this into a take-no-prisoners ongoing building story, you’re going to incur considerable heat. Blowtorch heat.

Then there is this: nowhere in the medical literature is there any evidence, based on published studies of drugs, that these substances do such catastrophic damage. In fact, the studies and reports of clinical drug trials are largely glowing. Only one conclusion can be reached: the medical literature is rife with fraud from top to bottom. This fact would immediately throw the reputations of the most prestigious medical journals in the world into garbage landfills.

Indeed, we have, on the record, an editor of one of these publications broadly confessing to a mind-boggling reality: Dr. Marcia Angell, editor of The New England Journal of Medicine for 20 years, has written:

“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.” (NY Review of Books, January 15, 2009, “Drug Companies & Doctors: A Story of Corruption”)

Next: if the press dug deep into the guts of the Starfield story, the FDA, which must approve all medical drugs before they are released for public use, would go down with a blinding crash. No one would be able to defend the Agency. Its profound criminal alliance with Pharma would come full force to the surface.

Multiple medical schools would come under the gun for their relationships with Pharma, and their basic practice of teaching monopolistic drug medicine and not nutritional medicine. These schools pretend “the evidence of safety and efficacy” for drugs is wide-ranging and invariably clear. Therefore, they, the schools, are abetting what amounts to a capital crime.

And what of the basic Hippocratic oath to “first do no harm”? Where is that vaunted pledge that tries to establish the practice of medicine as supremely ethical?

As you can see, a whole long line of dominos would fall, if the Starfield story were pursued, by the mainstream, with time, energy, money, and passion for the truth. (Starfield is not the only citation on medically caused deaths. I have documented others in the past.)

Finally, we arrive at a psychological and even philosophical reason for press silence on this ongoing holocaust: for millions of people, the institution of medicine is a foundational pillar of Reality in the world. Attachment to it is, in a way, mythological. Loyalty to the medical system runs the gamut from hope for raw physical survival to spiritual sustenance. Creating doubt, widespread doubt, about such a powerful building block of Existence—that would be tinkering with the very structure of things, “meddling with the primal forces of nature.”

But here, on these pages, I’ll meddle with anything I want to. If you can’t handle that, so be it. If I want to make a true fact into a sledgehammer and use it over and over, I will. And on this issue of medical caused deaths, I’d be crazy not to.

Vaccine Woman

Vaccine Woman

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
July 3, 2018


there was no way to deny it or get around it
her little boy started screaming after the shot
and then 2 days later
the world shut down
he sat in a corner
he lay in his bed
he didn’t speak
the doctor huffed and puffed in back of his steady blank eyes
he assured her this had nothing to do with the shot
it was a predisposition or a genetic trait or a precondition
he smiled now and then
he said autism could have emerged on its own just after the shot was given
as if the universe rearranged itself
at that moment
she saw she was talking to a psychopath
he had been a machine for a long long time
she went into the darkness and pled her case before a government committee
they sat like ancient high priests
and listened and glanced at documents
and when they had permitted her the allotted time they handed down their judgment:
she went home and took her boy in her arms
he was still
he didn’t look at her
he didn’t speak
she consulted a lawyer
who told her
the manufacturer was protected by an iron wall
he would continue to make the vaccine and sell it
and pocket billions
the long night was closing in
the storm was here
the silent boy was sitting in its eye
rage was burning in the middle of her chest
a rage the public would see as insanity
from a distance, the moon and the stars might know
what was going on
but people in their everyday straitjackets
would lash out at her
because they needed a target
they needed to ridicule a defector from their own slave-shuffle
they obeyed all the small print
they were neutered in their cores
but she wields
the two-edged sword in the empire
that cuts away the web
and comes to the spider
no matter what defamation
the intermediary whores
lay at her door
lady liberty, liberty from the living death…Vaccine Woman
She and her family are pre-civilization, civilization, and
And she will go to the ends of the earth
To bare the innards of the crime
Her enemies will never know
What it means to have her mission, her eternal mission
But she knows
Vaccine Woman
Love in her breast for her own is one answer
Justice is the other
She has a two-edged sword in the Empire
That cuts through the web
And comes to the spider
Vaccine Woman…

Connect with Jon Rappoport website | substack

The (Bill) Gates of Hell Foundation

The (Bill) Gates of Hell Foundation

by Zen Gardner
January 4, 2011


Why mince words when the planet’s being destroyed and we’re all being systematically murdered?

When it finally dawns on you what these New World Order elite globalists are up to it can be staggering.

And it can’t be more in your face than it is right now.

We have chemtrails continually ‘playing’ on the world’s biggest screen, our skies – horrific displays of absolute disregard for all things living. And yet the majority doesn’t even see them and there’s total silence about it from authorities and the media.

Flocks of birds are falling from the sky and millions of dead fish are washing up on our shores, and they all act dumb, like they have no idea what the hell is going on.

The Gulf of Mexico has been killed, the vital loop current disrupted, the weather shot to hell, the food and water are deliberately poisoned and altered, and then they screw with the stratosphere and magnetosphere with a host of devilish devices.

Never mind the deliberately trashed economy and the fabricated ‘war on terror’ while the police state clampdown continues.

And we’re not supposed to notice?… or think this is deliberate destruction of our world?

Enter the Two Man Wrecking Crew

And so they trot out a “friendly, respectable face” for this deliberate destruction and depopulation, hoping we won’t notice the havoc being wreaked in front of our eyes, all the while making us think they’re doing us a favor and ‘pioneering our future’.

…And with a message straight from the Bilderbergers which seems to say..

‘It’s time to step up the depopulation plan’…

So good, so clean, so ‘successful’, so giving…


Bill and Melinda Gates Tapped To Be “The Friendly Face of Eugenics”

As F. William Engdahl in Financial Sense wrote:

Microsoft founder and one of the world’s wealthiest men, Bill Gates, projects an image of a benign philanthropist using his billions via his (tax exempt) Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, to tackle diseases, solve food shortages in Africa and alleviate poverty.

In a recent conference in California, Gates reveals a less public agenda of his philanthropy – population reduction, otherwise known as eugenics.

Gates made his remarks to the invitation-only Long Beach, California TED-2010 Conference, in a speech titled, “Innovating to Zero!.”

Along with the scientifically absurd proposition of reducing man-made CO2 emissions worldwide to zero by 2050, approximately four and a half minutes into the talk, Gates declares,

“First we got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”

Hard To Believe?

Watch this clip for yourself if you haven’t seen it yet, as he builds false premise upon false premise, like they all do as if we’re stone cold idiots, and then he gives his chilling solution on how to “Innovate to Zero”…

The Decade of Death

By the way, they’ve set a goal for their vaccine program they love so much. Is this a signal to their own?

Bill and Melinda Gates Pledge $10 Billion in Call for Decade of Vaccines
DAVOS, Switzerland

Bill and Melinda Gates announced today that their foundation will commit $10 billion over the next 10 years to help research, develop and deliver vaccines for the world’s poorest countries.

…said Melinda Gates, “We’ve made vaccines our number-one priority at the Gates Foundation because we’ve seen firsthand their incredible impact on children’s lives.” Source

“Incredible impact”, alright.

And Not Just Vaccines, Folks…

Besides vaccines, the Gates are funding 10 different projects researching new contraception methods, including their latest that involves sterilizing men by putting ultrasound on their testes. (Nice one, Bill. Hope you’re trying it out nightly.)

But more importantly, the Gates of Hell also fund two other major thrusts towards the destruction of earth’s eco-system and the extermination of its inhabitants:

  • geoengineering (chemtrails et al)
  • genetically modified organisms or GMOs

‘Bill Gates’s Hidden Dreams of Geoengineering Revealed’

Bill Gates has already proven his interest in geoengineering schemes with his earlier co-patent filing for reducing the intensity of killer hurricanes.

So perhaps we’re not too surprised that Science Insider has dug up the Microsoft chairman’s past projects on altering the Earth’s climate, ranging from filtering carbon dioxide to reflecting sunlight via brighter clouds. Source


‘Gates Foundation Funded Approval of Genetically Modified Mosquitos’

Bill Gates, who recently bought 500,000 shares of Monsanto stock, is reportedly funding the approval of genetically modified mosquitoes.

It seems that not only will genetically modified salmon enter the environment along with unforeseen changes, but a new self-sterilizing mosquito may be joining them.

The plan, concocted by United Nations’ Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, involves creating genetically modified mosquitoes that either kill or sterilize themselves.

The United Nations’ aim is to combat Dengue fever through the genetic manipulation of nature.

As with other genetically modified organisms, the long-term repercussions are widely unknown, and introducing a genetically modified creature into the environment may make for the genetic coding of an entire species to be altered. Source

The Monsanto Connection

Besides funding and profiting tax free from this horrific company, there’s an ‘image problem’ there too for which they’re trying to use Bilderberg Bill and Melinda.

The immediate impact of these partnerships is to enhance the public image of Gene Giants that are donating royalty-free genes to needy farmers.

But the longer-term goal is to create the “enabling environments” (bio-safety regulations, intellectual property laws, positive media coverage to promote public acceptance) that will support the market introduction of genetically engineered crops and related technologies.

It’s a package deal – wrapped in a philanthropic façade – and it comes with strings attached… Source

The Elite Call To Arms?

For those of you ‘awake and aware’ to what’s going on, that the world’s self-appointed ‘elite’ are planning a great ‘culling of the herd’ comes as no surprise. What’s remarkable is how blatant they’ve become about the subject.

This possibly denotes two things:

  1. They feel comfortable with how well they’ve programmed and entranced most of society to accept such nonsense as global warming and carbon footprints, never mind the mythical ‘war on terror’ and a host of other lies
  2. They’re signaling to their own the program’s ratcheting up

And the Bill and Melinda Gates (of Hell) Foundation is the new poster child and sanitizing ploy.

But while every effort is being made to give the Gates Foundation a benign, philanthropic appearance, their primary program is clearly population reduction, just wrapped in brighter elitist “do gooder” package.

“Awwwww. Look how they’re giving back and leading these new technologies…”

Right… just wait and see.

But they’re throwing everything at it. And telling the others it’s time to throw in as well.

“A Time To Give, Brethren”

President Barack Obama met with Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Chairman Warren Buffett and Microsoft Corp. co-founder Bill Gates this morning at the White House to discuss the economy and the billionaires’ philanthropic endeavors, an administration official said.

Obama called for the Oval Office meeting, which also included Gates’ wife, Melinda, to discuss the Giving Pledge project, started by Buffett and Gates to encourage wealthy U.S. individuals and families to give most of their fortunes to charity, the administration official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. Source

Why not…

The old money will soon be worthless when we go through the ‘transition’ they have planned for us.

“Use it for a good cause men. We’re going to make the earth our own private country club!”

Norway Seed Vault

Other Signs

Still wondering?

Why do you suppose they just locked up supplies of all the world’s natural seeds in an underground vault in Norway, but are busy altering the genetic make up of the seeds WE’RE supposed to eat?

Think about that.

And why are they feverishly burrowing their monstrous underground cites while trashing the environment on the surface of the earth?

Oh, you don’t know about that?

Or don’t believe it or “they woulda told us”?

Please, pull your head out.

Are they preparing to board their underground ‘arks’?

Yeah, it’s ugly stuff to hear about.

Would you rather just let the train run over you and I and others not say anything?

Sorry to say, this isn’t theory, it’s fact.

Read up on “depopulation” and “eugenics” and you’ll find this has been their MO for centuries, periodically “culling the herd” with wars and epidemics, gutted economies and famines, all while keeping the world in one form of social slavery or another.

It’s nothing new. It’s just that the expanding growth of humanity is accelerating at such a rate, our numbers frighten them, and besides, they want all those resources for themselves.

Have you noticed they tend to hoard slightly?

The Rothschilds alone are worth an estimated 500 trillion dollars… with a ‘T’. The queen of England and the Vatican could bail out AND support half the world.

The Herd

They’re not real big on sharing if you haven’t noticed, yet they make you feel guilty for devouring the earth’s resources.

Why believe anything they say?

Useless Eaters

This is how they view us.

We’re now chillingly referred to as “human resources”.

Spot your social ‘security’ number?


Bill Gates is one of many eugenicists, but he’s channeling gobs of money and a lot of perceived clout, and apparently they think he has the image to pull this off.

That global warming and the other scams still have such traction is hard to believe, but that’s the image the media is portraying. And people are swallowing it, I’m sorry to say, and will likely sit back and watch our demise and blame themselves for it.

A neighbor mentioned the weird yesterday and added, “Do you think it’s God’s way of punishing us for what we’ve done to the planet?”

I know. Lunacy. It’s endemic.

The manipulated masses have been so dumbed down and indoctrinated, if the adulterated planet doesn’t kill them, they will practically volunteer for death to reduce their carbon footprint. That’s the cumulative effect and logical deduction you could arrive at. And it’s all by design.

It’s amazing to behold. People get all snotty about their energy saving Prius or recycling efforts, while joining hands and singing kumbaya with benign exterminator Bill and his conniving ilk over ‘the woes of global warming and human swarming’.

Little do they know what their “final solution” really is.

This mass mind manipulation of guilt and lies is the drumbeat of the elites, while we sw-allow their planet destroying programs and march into the chemtrail sunset trying to eliminate our carbon footprints.

Only one way to do that…

How manipulated are you?

Stay conscious. They’re spraying hard, closing down on our food supply, and more fabricated troubles are on their way.

Keep your loved ones close and spread the word to the hungry.


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on amazon.com. You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.