Nubian Pyramids and Giant Fingers?

Nubian Pyramids and Giant Fingers?

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
July 22, 2021


This is a fascinating article that was found by V.T. and passed along, and I have to blog about it, for three reasons: (1) the pyramids, (2) the giant and the elefants, and (3) the giant finger.  Here our method is as it always is: we assume the photos are genuine and not doctored in any way in order to indulge in our a bit of fun high octane speculation. Here’s the article:

Regarding the pyramids, what is intriguing to me is their shape. In one of my very earliest books in this alternative research output I’ve been doing, The Giza Death Star Deployed, I noted that in the classified Soviet-era research into pyramids, they made the discovery that these narrow, tall, and sharp pyramids seemed to function rather like antennae, broadcasting whatever mysterious power pyramids manipulate. Wider, shallower pyramids with angled faces below 51 degrees inclination from the plane seemed to have an opposite function, gathering and collecting such energy, rather than projecting it. Oddly, the Great Pyramid, with faces inclined to a few minutes and seconds above 51 degrees, was at exactly the precise angle to do both.  So let’s indulge in a little high octane speculation. Assuming these Nubian pyramids had another, perhaps hidden, function other than just the funerary, what might it be? One thing that struck me looking at the picture of these pyramids was that they appear to be arranged along a curve. Perhaps we are looking at some sort of phased antenna array.

One of the things that argues that that’s not the case is the fact that the inside of these structures are painted with murals, one of which, as the article points out, depicts a giant carrying two elephants as if they were small dogs. Elephants when born weigh about 200 lbs, and stand approximately 3 feet tall,  so the picture – if depicting something real – is highly suggestive. I am one of those who takes stories and reports of giants rather more seriously than standard quackademia, even Christopher Columbus reported encountering them among the native populations of the New World. And of course, they play a role in the myths and legends of the world, including the Old Testament of the Bible. What’s intriguing to note in this regard is that this ancient site is that given the conquest of the area by Egypt ca. 1500 BC, this would place the depiction in the same time frame as the Old Testament books of Moses (if one accepts more conservative dating of those books), the books that mention giants.

Then… there’s the finger…

The article ends by showing a picture of what purports to be a giant mummified humanoid finger, emphasizing its size by playing a currency note next to it. Of course, archaeological frauds occur all the time and this could be a case in point…

… but I suspect not. I’m reminded of those Mesopotamian cylinder seals depicting very large kings seated on very large thrones, being served by very small men…

See you on the flip side…


Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

cover image credit: पाटलिपुत्र / Wikimedia Commons

The Physiology of Precognition

The Physiology of Precognition

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
May 11, 2021


This is such a wild article that I simply had to blog about it. It concerns what I’m calling the “physiology of precognition”, and it was shared by V.T.:

Scientists Discover That The Heart & Brain Respond To Future Events – Before They Happen

Here’s the crux of the matter: As part of an experiment in physiological responses to future events, participants in an experiment were made to sit at a computer screen, and were then shown pictures of either a calming or emotion-evocative nature, and this procedure was then repeated. The pictures remained on the screen for three seconds, and in every run, the pictures were presented in randomized order. The results were astounding:

The results of the experiment were fascinating to say the least. The participants’ brains and hearts responded to information about the emotional quality of the pictures before the computer flashed them (random selection). This means that the heart and brain were both responding to future events. The results indicated that the responses happened, on average, 4.8 seconds before the computer selected the pictures.

How mind-altering is that?

Even more profound, perhaps, was data showing the heart received information before the brain. “It is first registered from the heart,” Rollin McCraty Ph.D. explained, “then up to the brain (emotional and pre-frontal cortex), where we can logically relate what we are intuiting, then finally down to the gut (or where something stirs).”

The question is why does this happen? And here, as one might expect, I have some high octane speculative hypotheses to advance.

Most of us have probably had such “precognitive” experiences at one time or another during our lives, from the simple example of thinking about someone only to have the phone ring a few seconds later, and that individual is on the line. Or a vague sense of something “being amiss” and the refrigerator dies or a computer malfunctions or the car won’t start.

Explaining these phenomena is evoked all sorts of theories. The Soviet astrophysicist Dr. Nikolai Kozyrev, for example, conducted highly classified experiments in torsion in the Soviet Union, and actually posited that there was a kind of “retro-causation” as information flowed from the future into the past. His reasoning was complicated (as the thought of Russian astrophysicists usually is), but it basically boiled down to the Observer effect in modern physics, and how given a partially-known set of circumstances, certain future results were more likely than others, and could thus exert an influence from the future on the present and past, inverting the normal “common sense” ideas of  the flow of time and causation. For this (and other) reasons, Kozyrev’s work (what little is reliably known of it) remains controversial both inside and outside of Russia, with some denouncing him as a crank, and others viewing him as a brilliant man (for the record, I tend strongly to the latter view).

More recently, there have been arguments that the structure of the observable and known universe, with its galaxies and galactic clusters spread out over the vast voids of space, resembles a gigantic neuron. Pictures have appeared on the internet of these structures juxtaposed with pictures of neurons, and the resemblance is more than striking, giving rise to the ancient metaphor that the universe is more like an organism, or perhaps better put, a meta-organism than it is like a machine, which is of course the “metaphor” that most moderns operate with. It is with this metaphor that today’s high octane speculation is chiefly concerned. The ancients not only viewed the universe as more organism than machine, but went so far as to draw the analogy to mankind as a “microcosm” of that meta-organism, an analogy that clearly implied some sort of intelligent order to the universe, but an order vastly more complicated than the Cartesian-Newtonian machine metaphor. One individual in that “microcosmist” tradition, a Church Father by the name of St. Maximus the Confessor, went even further, concluding that if man is a microcosm, the universe was a “macanthropos,” a “large man,” anticipating the modern developments in the “anthropic principle” of cosmological physics by several centuries. Kozyrev’s “retro-causation” would have made complete sense to a Maximus: “…before Abraham was, I am.”

If that be the case, then perhaps what falls out of that view is that the human being acts as a “transducer” of the vast information field of the universe, rather like a radio does not contain the information “inside the box,” but rather, tunes into it and receives it, a view that makes even more sense when one views DNA, and particularly human DNA, as an aperiodic crystal, an analogy or metaphor one sometimes encounters in regard to human genetics.

That in turn puts the comments of some people who have received the mRNA covid “quackcines” and reporting that “they’ve killed God” into an interesting light: tinker with the tuning crystal, and one is tinkering with a divine connection…

…can you say “entanglement”? Oh…wait… that’s tomorrow’s blog…

See you on the flip side…


Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

The Age of the Earth, the Moon, and Catastrophism

The Age of the Earth, the Moon, and Catastrophism

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
March 30, 2021


This is a fascinating article shared by S.D.D.H. (to whom a big thank you for sharing it) about recent fossil finds that have some scientists revisiting the question of the age of the Earth, and when life first began to appear here. Except, as one reads this article, some “problems” begin to appear for those “following the science”, or at least, following some of it, while ignoring a few inconveniences cased by some other science:

Fossil Discoveries Challenge Ideas About Earth’s Start

The thesis here is simple enough, and will be of some interest to those who have long thought that the Earth, and more importantly, the life on it, is far older than the standard narrative believes:

In the arid, sun-soaked northwest corner of Australia, along the Tropic of Capricorn, the oldest face of Earth is exposed to the sky. Drive through the northern outback for a while, south of Port Hedlund on the coast, and you will come upon hills softened by time. They are part of a region called the Pilbara Craton, which formed about 3.5 billion years ago, when Earth was in its youth.

Look closer. From a seam in one of these hills, a jumble of ancient, orange-Creamsicle rock spills forth: a deposit called the Apex Chert. Within this rock, viewable only through a microscope, there are tiny tubes. Some look like petroglyphs depicting a tornado; others resemble flattened worms. They are among the most controversial rock samples ever collected on this planet, and they might represent some of the oldest forms of life ever found.

In late-2017, researchers lobbed another salvo in the decades-long debate about the nature of these forms. They are indeed fossil life, and they date to 3.465 billion years ago, according to John Valley, a geochemist at the University of Wisconsin. If Valley and his team are right, the fossils imply that life diversified remarkably early in the planet’s tumultuous youth.

More importantly, the new discoveries suggest the possibility that the early “hellish” period of Earth’s geophysical history itself may increasingly come under fire:

As that story goes, in the half-billion years after it formed, Earth was hellish and hot. The infant world would have been rent by volcanism and bombarded by other planetary crumbs, making for an environment so horrible, and so inhospitable to life, that the geologic era is named the Hadean, for the Greek underworld. Not until a particularly violent asteroid barrage ended some 3.8 billion years ago could life have evolved.

But this story is increasingly under fire. Many geologists now think Earth may have been tepid and watery from the outset. The oldest rocks in the record suggest parts of the planet’s crust had cooled and solidified by 4.4 billion years ago. Oxygen in those ancient rocks suggest the planet had water as far back as 4.3 billion years ago. And instead of an epochal, final bombardment, meteorite strikes might have slowly tapered off as the solar system settled into its current configuration.

What I find intriguing here is the rather loose confirmation of cosmologies indicating a very early beginning not only to life, but also to those views which hold that intelligent life may have existed on this planet far longer ago in the mists of pre-history than the standard academic and scientific model suggests. For example, Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson’s Forbidden Archeology, a lengthy and copiously documented and illustrated book well-known in the alternative research community outlines a case for the existence of such life, not just hundreds of thousands of years ago, but even millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions, and in the case of one rather  extra-ordinary archeological mystery, over a billion years ago.  Whatever one may think of their thesis – and having read their book, I’m not inclined to entirely dismiss it – one thing that emerges from this article is that “following the science” can be a daunting proposition, especially since real science changes; new facts are discovered and their implications are pondered and discussed, and old models are tweaked, adjusted, significantly modified, or outright rejected. And as any historian of science knows, sometimes those old rejected models have astounding ways of coming back, in a new guise or new clothing, as more data is added to the picture, or data “from outside the considered context” is pondered.

That point brings us to another point in the article, one which to my non-scientific mind, poses yet another significant problem for “the narrative”. First comes the rehearsal of the narrative:

About 4.54 billion years ago, Earth was forming out of dust and rocks left over from the sun’s birth. Smaller solar leftovers continually pelted baby Earth, heating it up and endowing it with radioactive materials, which further warmed it from within. Oceans of magma covered Earth’s surface. Back then, Earth was not so much a rocky planet as an incandescent ball of lava.

But then we get this exposition of one of those theories that forms one version of the narrative, which we’ll call the “Earth-Moon fission theory” for want of a better term:

Not long after Earth coalesced, a wayward planet whacked into it with incredible force, possibly vaporizing Earth anew and forming the moon. The meteorite strikes continued, some excavating craters 1,000 kilometers across. In the standard paradigm of the Hadean eon, these strikes culminated in an assault dubbed the Late Heavy Bombardment, also known as the lunar cataclysm, in which asteroids emigrated to the inner solar system and pounded the rocky planets. Throughout this early era, ending about 3.8 billion years ago, Earth was molten and couldn’t support a crust of solid rock, let alone life. (Emphasis added)

I don’t know about you, but at this juncture I feel a little like that enfant terrible in elementary school who asks that disturbing question “Why didn’t the trees just grow taller?” when confronted with those pictures in older generation “science” textbooks trying to describe why giraffes had such long necks, and being told that they “evolved” them to reach the leaves on eucalyptus trees. (I know this from experience, because I was one such enfant terrible, and when my question was posed, I was told that “When you grow up you’ll understand it. Are there any other questions?”)  But back to our story…

The Moon, you see, was split off from the Earth when “a wayward planet whacked into it with incredible force, possibly vaporizing Earth anew and forming the Moon.” Well, that may satisfy geologists, but it presents a few problems for physicists, such as trying to explain just how the Moon then ended up in a nearly perfect circular orbit around the Earth in a double planetary system at the exact distance needed for the Moon to blot out the corona of the Sun exactly during an eclipse, and doing so in such a fashion that the Moon, rotating on its own axis, rotates in an orbit at just exactly the right speed to leave one face constantly turned to the Earth – about 60% of its surface – and the other face invisible to Earth-born observation until Apollo and Chinese satellites evolved to show us the other side.  The other model of the Earth-Moon narrative has the Moon wandering through the solar system, somehow evading gravitational capture by such behemoths as Jupiter and Saturn (perhaps they were nowhere near when the Moon wandered through and hence couldn’t be captured which is certainly a possibility), and ending up in the same orbit doing exactly the same things, the problem here being that if it was captured, its orbit would possibly be a little more elliptical than it actually is, since it would accelerate during the capture. Possible? Sure, except it looks to my non-scientific mind as if the Moon had to have been slowed down during the capture, and “parked” there, leaving people scratching their heads and re-doing their equations. And if you think I’m the only one with a “Moon problem,” think again, because Isaac Newton and Isaac Asimov both had the same problem (and there’s a few others, including some intrepid Soviet scientists who some years ago actually posited the idea that it was a big spaceship and that someone simply parked it there and arranged for it to be doing all the strange things it is doing), leaving some – including me – to respond to the question “Ever seen a UFO?” with the answer “Yes, every time I see the Moon.”

So, I don’t know about you, but yes, I can buy some really old fossils and an even older date for the origins of life on this planet, but I’m still skeptical about some explanations for that Moon, or whatever it is…

See you on the flip side…

Invading Antarctica: Hidden History of Secret South Pole Colony

Invading Antarctica: Hidden History of Secret South Pole Colony


“While many of the topics Mae Brussell brings up regarding Antarctica are very controversial, especially regarding German UFO technology — since the secret of flying saucer propulsion is also the key to the dream of universal free energy, which is classified and kept from the general population by oil companies that have maintained a monopoly on energy.
That said, what was arguably even more controversial was her quote regarding Churchill, when comprehending the degradation of cultural marxism, and Stalin’s totalitarian communism, and the mistake of letting him consolidate power.
Churchill reportedly exclaimed, “We have killed the wrong pig.” A similar quote was made by General Patton after the end of the Second World War when he said that America defeated the wrong enemy.
Of course, the powers that be are more afraid of people waking up to the truth about World War II than any other topic — which is evident by the degree of censorship that exists whenever the official narrative is challenged.
One can’t help but wonder: What if Churchill, Patton or the soldiers that died during World War II could see the world today. Would they still volunteer to fight with the same patriotism and optimism? Or would they look at the corrupt media, world leaders, and question who the real enemy is.”
~ Robert Sepehr



Invading Antarctica: Secret South Pole Colony

by Robert Sepehr
January 30, 2021

Original video is available at Robert Sepehr YouTube channel.

Operation Highjump was commanded by Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, lasted six-months (Aug 1946 – Feb 1947), and included 4,700 armed personnel, thirteen ships and thirty-three aircraft.

Still classified and officially titled the United States Navy Antarctic Developments Program, their covert mission was to seek out and destroy an alleged subterranean South Polar colony established by Germany, before and during WW2, which not only harbored thousands of scientists in a semi-secret secluded base, but free energy technology and advanced propulsion craft (UFOs).


Mae Brussell was an American radio personality with a career spanning from 1971-1988, where she addressed topics ranging from the assassination of President John F. Kennedy to anomalies concerning Antarctica and thee UFO phenomena.


[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

cover image credit: pixabay


Ancient Sites and Pole Shifts

Ancient Sites and Pole Shifts

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
January 29, 2021


The Gizars have been out in force this week combing through the internet, and that’s certainly true with today’s offering spotted and shared by M.S. (with a big thank you). And this one is a whopper doozie, being nothing less than an article from The Journal of Scientific Exploration by Dr. Mark Carlotto, which correlates the location of certain ancient and megalithic sites to poles that have since shifted.

If that seems highly significant, it is, the much more so because of the man who authored the article, Dr. Carlotto. Many Gizars will already be familiar with that name, but many may not recognize it, so a brief review of Dr. Carlotto is in order. Dr Carlotto was involved early on – ca. the 1980s – in pioneering computer analysis of digitized photographs, and actually authored the algorithms of some of the computer analysis programs for photographs both for the American military and for its space program. As such, Dr. Mark Carlotto was brought into the analysis of the Viking photographs of the “Face on Mars” and the surrounding area of Cydonia on Mars by Richard C. Hoagland back during the days of his earliest analysis of those anomalies. Carlotto thus formed a part of Hoagland’s “Mars Mission” team back in the late 1970s and early 1980s, along with a host of other scientists, anthropologists, artists, and so on, before Hoagland’s “Mars Mission” morphed into his current website,  Carlotto went on to offer his own theories on the Martian anomalies, authoring a book and several articles on the topic, and concluding on the basis of astronomical alignments that whatever disaster as befell Mars and the Cydonia region may have occurred ca. 650,ooo years ago.

So when Dr. Carlotto offers a theory with combines “pole shifts” with alignments of ancient megalithic sites on Earth, I sit up and take notice:

A New Model to Explain the Alignment of Certain Ancient Sites Mark J. Carlotto Submitted July 19, 2019; Accepted September 4, 2019; Published June 30, 2020

This article is, as one can gain from a cursory reading, full of detailed technical and mathematical argument, but the abstract of the article sums up the argument:

Abstract—In a previous study of more than two hundred ancient sites, the alignments of almost half of the sites could not be explained. These sites are distributed throughout the world and include the majority of Mesoamerican pyramids and temples that are misaligned with respect to true north, megalithic structures at several sites in Peru’s Sacred Valley, some pyramids in Lower Egypt, and numerous temples in Upper Egypt. A new model is proposed to account for the alignment of certain unexplained sites based on an application of Charles Hapgood’s hypothesis that global patterns of climate change over the past 100,000 years could be the result of displacements of the Earth’s crust and corresponding shifts of the geographic poles. It is shown that more than 80% of the unexplained sites reference four locations within 30° of the North Pole that are correlated with Hapgood’s hypothesized pole locations. The alignments of these sites are consistent with the hypothesis that if they were built in alignment with one of these former poles they would be mis-aligned to north as they are now as the result of subsequent geographic pole shifts.

Now there is an implication here for my own work, one which contra-indicates some assumptions that are implied in my Great Pyramid weapon hypothesis. Consider the following table from Carlotto’s article. On page 216 of the article, Dr. Carlotto notes that several Egyptian sites, including the major pyramids of the Giza Compound, are exactly aligned to the cardinal compass points as currently exist, and not to a previous cardinal north pole. In other words, they were constructed after the previously hypothesized crustal displacement as advocated by Charles Hapgood, which took place ca. 100,000 years ago. While it is certainly true that I did not couple the Pyramid weapon hypothesis to any particular date, I have strongly implied that (1) it was built long before the beginnings of the Egyptian era, and (2) that is may be far older than anyone really knows, and (3) it, or something like it, may have been involved in “the cosmic war” which may have occurred some 3.2 million years ago (see my The Cosmic War: Modern Physics, Interplanetary Warfare, and Ancient Texts). It should also be noted that Carlotto’s hypothesis does not contraindicate Christopher Dunn’s hypothesis that the Great Pyramid was a machine, for Mr. Dunn did not attempt to place his hypothesis within any broader model of any major historical or chronological revision.

What is also intriguing about Carlotto’s table is that it is clear that the basis for the alignments of some sites is different. Some sites – like many of the Egyptian sites – appear to be aligned to the currently existing cardinal compass points. Others are aligned to stellar positions, lunar standstills, and so on. Some, as Carlotto also observes, seem to have no currently recognized basis of alignment.

Interestingly enough, one of the alternative researchers into the subject of megalithic alignments that Carlotto does not mention is Carl Munck, whose work I reviewed in my book Grid of the Gods.

What appears to emerge from all of this is that Dr. Carlotto, at the minimum, has considerably increased the mystery surrounding these ancient sites. Clearly, like Munck, he is implying that the orientation of these sites was not accidental, but served some sort of scientific purpose, and that implies a science to create the alignments that are there. It also implies the possibility that all these projects may have been massively coordinated not only over a wide area of the Earth but over a considerable time as well.

At this juncture, it appears that we’re all “back to the drawing board,” and in that spirit, I offer a bit of (very) high octane speculation. And that speculation is prefaced by my own personal skepticism of many years about Charles Hapgood’s crustal displacement hypothesis. I have never bought into it, for it implies a radically different geophysics than that of the standard model. On Hapgood’s view, the Earth’s crust “floats” on everything else, and under the right circumstances, might “slip” like the rind of an orange slipping over the rest of the orange. It’s a model attractive to some catastrophists, as a sudden “slippage” of that nature would cause all manner of havoc and destruction, from floods to earthquakes to volcanism, and massive topographic changes. In my “weapon hypothesis”, I argued that whatever weapon as might have been used in that great “cosmic war” was a weapon that weaponized the fabric of space-time itself, and as such, could perhaps be used precisely to cause that sort of massive geophysical disturbance.

But for the moment, I remain skeptical of Hapgood’s idea.

Or to put it country simple, we’re still “missing something.”

See you on the flip side…

Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

Dr. Joseph P. Farrell w/ Dark Journalist: Election Aftermath, ‘Deep Events’ & the Deep State | Resemblance of the 2021 Domestic Terror Bill to the 1933 Enabling Act in Nazi Germany

Dr. Joseph P. Farrell w/ Dark Journalist: Election Aftermath, ‘Deep Events’ & the Deep State | Resemblance of 2021 Domestic Terror Bill to 1933 Enabling Act in Nazi Germany


Dr. Joseph Farrell – Aftermath: Emergency Powers 

by Daniel Liszt, Dark Journalist


Original video available at Dark Journalist YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Truth Comes to Light editor’s brief synopsis of the video:

This conversation covers a wide range of topics with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell and Daniel Liszt connecting dots as they go. Here are a few of the ideas they explore. This is Part 1 or a two-part interview. When the second part becomes available, we will share it at this site.

  • The virtual inauguration & Biden as a complete puppet to Mr. Globaloney (global controllers)
  • Resemblance of the 2021 Domestic Terror Bill to the 1933 Enabling Act in Nazi Germany
  • ‘Deep events’ & the deep state
  • Nuclear football within the U.S.
  • Geopolitical fallout
  • International finance
  • Pushback from within the states & calls for succession
  • ‘The Plan’ narrative & the manipulation of its many spokespersons in the alternative media
  • Data-mining & mapping of connections between Trump supporters
  • The persistent attacks on Trump supporters & the idea of “concentration camps” to rehabilitate them


Connect with Joseph P. Farrell at Giza Death Star

Connect with Daniel Liszt at Dark Journalist


Scientific Bigfoot Research

Scientific Bigfoot Research

by Coast to Coast AM Official
Recorded October 10, 2020


COAST TO COAST AM – October 10, 2020. First-hour guest, Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum presented an objective look at the Sasquatch mystery as one of few credentialed scientists looking at the issue. Meldrum also discussed a giant Bigfoot skeleton that was 3D-printed for a TV production, based on reports and detailed research on sightings and footprints. He lamented that there is still prejudice in academia against Sasquatch research even though, based on his decades-long study, “the evidence is compelling if not conclusive” for the existence of large, hairy hominids in North America.



Read More & See All Images at Coast to Coast AM

Cover image credit: Coast to Coast AM

Forbidden Zone of The Grand Canyon: Legends, Landmarks & Lies

Forbidden Zone of The Grand Canyon: Legends, Landmarks & Lies

by Mark Andrew Carpenter, Ancient Origins
November 1, 2020


In the last decade or so, controversies and wild speculations have swirled online around Grand Canyon National Park and a newspaper article published by the Arizona Gazette on April, 5 th 1909. The headlines read: “EXPLORATIONS IN THE GRAND CANYON/ Mysteries of Immense Rich Cavern Being Brought to Light / JORDAN IS ENTHUSED/ Remarkable Finds Indicate Ancient People Migrated From Orient.” The Grand Canyon controversy is revealing in many ways and also disturbing in other ways.

The Grand Canyon article explains that an explorer named G. E. Kincaid had made the initial discovery and was joined by the Smithsonian scientist S. A. Jordan to study what was described as a wonderous labyrinthian honeycomb of man-made tunnels filled with seemingly Eastern treasures of golden urns, sophisticated copper tools, ancient artifacts, hieroglyphs, mummified remains, and statues whose iconography resembled those common to Hindu and or Egyptian cultures. “If their theories are born out by the tablets engraved with hieroglyphics, the mystery of the prehistoric peoples of North America, their ancient arts, who they were and whence they came, will be solved. Egypt and the Nile, and Arizona and the Colorado will be linked by a historical chain running back to ages which will stagger the wildest fancy of the fictionist.”

Was The 1909 Grand Canyon Article A Fabrication?

Modern day sceptical writers, academics, and the Smithsonian claim that this story is simply a piece of sensational yellow journalism . They insist it is a pure fabrication from top to bottom that preys on the spiritual yearnings of a gullible and superstitious public. On its surface, the article does appear improbable at best, and, at worst, a dishonest printing of fanciful tales to conjure up profits. The original author of the piece is anonymous which does a disservice to either the believer and the sceptic camps, and there never was a follow up article.

The Smithsonian has publicly denied the story outright (over a hundred years later) and denied any records verifying the existence of Kincaid or Professor Jordan. “The story also asserts that a Smithsonian archaeologist named S. A. Jordan returned with Kincaid to investigate the site. However, the Arizona Gazette appears to have been the only newspaper ever to have published the story. No records can confirm the existence of either Kincaid or Jordan.” Naturally, the academic community toes the party line without question.

Alternative researchers clamour online, insisting this is an elaborate cover-up. They claim that there does exist a “forbidden zone” within Grand Canyon National Park which completely forbids anyone to hike, camp, or explore there. They also point to the curious names of the landmarks in this allegedly off-limits area, and they even go so far as to suggest that shadowy branches of the Federal Government secretly monitor the entire area.

In the more extremist alternative factions, this is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg as they expand the scope into a complex conspiracy of subterranean reptilian overlords that manipulate the ruling elite class . The sceptical position is heavily fortified behind obtuse walls of authority and plausibility, easily defended against one lonesome article published over a century ago.

The objective researcher is justified in questioning the credibility of a newspaper and an anonymous author, but on the reverse side of that same token, this same researcher would be naïve to blindly accept the mainstream narrative presented by a government institution that absolutely does have a conflict of interest regarding the manipulation of the human history narrative. This is especially true when it comes to the U.S. Government and the elevation of indigenous cultures in the early twentieth century.

So, what is the reality, whose word is to be believed? As with any mystery, the skeleton key to unlocking it is objective reasoning, the suspension of any preconceived notions, and sailing upon the winds of evidence, avoiding the inevitable rocks and sandbars of confirmation bias, formal, and informal fallacy.
Landmark Names Suggest There Is a Bigger Truth

It is an undisputed scientific fact that there does exist a large grouping of promontories with curious names in the park. The high points / summits are in the Haunted Canyon and Trinity Creek area of the park and include geological formations like the Osiris, Isis, Shiva and Horus Temples, the Tower of Set, and the Pyramids of Ra and Cheops, all legendary figures of ancient Egypt and India, respectively.

Geological formations in the Grand Canyon are given curious names. Source: Google maps

It is also worth noting that who was responsible for, and when exactly these landmarks were given these names, remains difficult to research. However, it must have occurred well before the printing of the 1909 article and the most likely suspect would be General John Wesley Powell who lead the first government-funded passage through the Grand Canyon during his 1869 Powell Geographic Expedition. Powell was also the first director of the Smithsonian’s Bureau of Ethnology, a founding member of the National Geographic Society, and a member of the Cosmos Club.

Apparently, Powell’s expedition experienced a series of disasters and this resulted in many of his notes being lost, but it is reasonable to conclude that it was he who gave these names to these landmarks. Curious choices, indeed!

John Wesley Powell in the Grand Canyon. (Grand Canyon National Park / CC BY 2.0 )

The Forbidden Zone In The Grand Canyon And The Law!

It would seem that the anonymous author of the news article in 1909 decided to capitalize on these names and sensationalize them. But this reasonable theory quickly becomes challenging when confronted with the next step in research, which validates the claim that this very section of the park is forbidden to explore.

Predictably, the official document regarding the restricted areas of the park is lengthy and painful to read, but some relevant language does lie therein: “The following geographical areas and/or roads within Grand Canyon National Park are closed to public use or are restricted by specific activities and/or specific times for specific activities: Hopi Fire Tower and Access Road, Maricopa Point Endangered Plant Area, Hopi Salt Mines, extending from river mile 62 to river mile 62.5 on the southeast side of the Colorado River (precisely where the aforementioned landmarks are located), Hance mine South of Hance Rapid, Furnace Flats from 71.0 to mile 71.3 on the north side of the Colorado River, and the Anasazi Bridge.”

It’s important to keep in mind that these “mines” are not active mining operations and may never have been mines at all, but are in fact, ancient man made tunnels, allegedly made by the Hopi as their names would suggest, and that is in it of itself interesting. The monotonous text goes on to discreetly command that nobody is permitted to enter any cave or “mine” at the park at any time, ever, without a permit, which they will never be granted. “In addition, artificial anthropogenic features (i.e., mine works) which comprise a twilight zone and a zone of perpetual darkness will be managed as caves… ‘as per the (Federal Cave Resources Protection Act of 1988)’ Permits required to satisfy this section may be applied for and/or obtained Backcountry Permits Office.”

As if these restricted areas were not suspicious enough, legislation was passed in 1987 that restricts the airspace over the canyon along with only two other National Parks, Yosemite and Haleakala, supposedly to “provide for substantial restoration of the natural quiet and experience of the park and protection of public health and safety from adverse effects associated with aircraft overflight.”

What on earth are they blathering about here? Restoration of natural quiet, the experience of the park, and the protection of public health and safety? How does an airplane flying thousands of feet above the canyon incur adverse effects on public health / safety? And if noise is a legitimate issue (doubtful), then why is it that they are not concerned with noise pollution at the other four hundred and eighteen national parks, only these three? These three parks have some other elements in common as well. They’re all sites of primordial geologic upheaval, volcanic remnants, karst earth deposits, vast, unexplored cave systems, and native lore that revolves around lost races of hominins, demi-gods, and deities responsible for creation.

No drone zone in the Grand Canyon. (kellyvandellen / Adobe Stock )

Other Mysteries Near The Forbidden Zone Of The Grand Canyon

Is there any other evidence of some lost or aboriginal culture in the immediate area? In fact, there is, that of the Anasazi whose name translates into “the ancient ones” or “the ancient enemies.” They were an extremely mysterious people spread all across the southwest and were responsible for the many strange stone structures that litter the landscape and baffle authorities.

Sites like Mesa Verde, Four Corners, Mummy Cave, Chaco Canyon, Stanton’s Cave, and the Canyons of the Ancients National Monument were all abandoned by the time Europeans arrived, leaving behind only puzzling ruins of master masonry often aligned with solar and lunar events and adorned with odd towers and subterranean sacred spaces known as kivas.

Modern scholars believe that these people were just another Native American tribe who simply assimilated into the so called modern Puebloans, and this is the explanation for their disappearance. However, Navajo, Paiute, and Hopi oral traditions universally agree that the region was inhabited by a genetic / culturally distinct, vicious, and cannibalistic people prior to their arrival, and that these ancient enemies were eventually driven away or into extinction, although some degree of assimilation most likely did occur. While all of the aforementioned sites are worth researching in relation to this mystery, perhaps the two most intriguing are Stanton’s Cave and Mummy Cave.

Stanton’s Cave is located close to the South Canyon camping beach, near but not within the forbidden zone. This “cave” was originally believed by the authorities to be man-made and is currently sealed with metal bars to prevent entry. According to the sign, this is for the people’s safety and to protect an endangered bat habitat. The ceiling of the cavity is clearly vaulted and it does not resemble a natural feature. It is also known that this cavity was inhabited in the distant past and that many precious artifacts were removed during an official excavation in 1969-70 AD(6).

Dave Derosiers and Stan Sloan of the National Park Service show off the completed Stanton’s Cave gate: 20 feet high and 20 feet across. ( Bat Conservation International )

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cover image credit pixabay

Richard Dolan w/ James Fox: New UFO Documentary “The Phenomenon”

Richard Dolan w/ James Fox: New UFO Documentary

by Richard Dolan
October 09, 2020


After much anticipation, filmmaker James Fox’s latest documentary, The Phenomenon, was released on October 6, 2020.

This film has a great deal of new video that even experienced students of the UFO subject have not seen. Without a doubt this will widely be recognized as one of the best UFO documentaries to appear in some time. James meets with Richard Dolan for a live video interview to discuss what makes his film unique.

See the trailer for The Phenomenon Movie

Available Digitally Worldwide:

Melting Ice Reveals 60ft Wide Disc Stuck in the Ground of Antarctica

Melting Ice Reveals 60ft Wide Disc Stuck in the Ground of Antarctica

by MrMBB333
October 9, 2020

Hereford Mappa Mundi: Legendary Cities, Monstrous Races, and Curious Medieval Beasts

Hereford Mappa Mundi: Legendary Cities, Monstrous Races, and Curious Medieval Beasts

by Liz Leafloor, Ancient Origins
October 8, 2020


A large calfskin canvas was secreted away beneath the floor of an English cathedral, featuring what, at first glance, appeared to be a map of the world. Once recovered and repaired, the map which is now known as the Hereford Mappa Mundi was found to date to 1285. While a myriad of cities and towns are depicted on the medieval Mappa Mundi, more than 500 ink drawings illustrate biblical events, exotic plants and animals, wild and strange creatures, and classical myths. More than just a map, the “Cloth of the World” remains one of the greatest surviving artworks of the Middle Ages.

Recent reporting hints that this piece could even hold clues to the whereabouts of lost locations from the Bible, such as the resting place for Noah’s Ark and the Garden of Eden – which are both represented. But this seems like a bit of a stretch of both hope and hide.

The medieval artwork showcasing history, religion, and mythology is depicted in intricate detail on a single sheet of vellum, or preserved calfskin. The skin stretches five feet high by four feet across, and is attached to an oak frame. The remarkable artifact remains the largest known medieval map which still exists.

The tangled ink illustrations of black, gold, green and blue reflect a medieval European understanding of the known world at the time—and also the unknown world of the supernatural— highlighting not just the human world of men, cities, and seas, but entire bestiaries of horrifying mythical creatures and the strange cultures of distant lands. It was not for use as a navigational tool, but instead an artistic compendium of people, parables, and places.

The Hereford Mappa Mundi. (Public Domain)

The Hereford Mappa Mundi’s Towns and Cities

Most obvious is the cartography of the Mappa Mundi. East is found at the top of the map, as this orientation represented the rising of the sun and the second coming of Christ. The world is laid out in a circle, and because of its Christian framework, Jerusalem sits at its center, a common theme in medieval mapmaking. At the very middle of the map a small hole has been pierced where a compass-like instrument was used to create a perfect circle, which became an image of a fortified wall with eight towers.

Continents included are Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Mediterranean. Approximately 420 towns and cities of the day are represented on the map, such as Rome and Paris (and Hereford), as well as oceans and important landmarks.

Detail showing Africa south of the Nile River.
A Troglodyte rides a goat-beast, and headless Blemmyes. (
Public Domain )

 Read More…

Legend of Prince Madoc’s Discovery of America in 1170

Legend of Prince Madoc’s Discovery of America in 1170

by Robert Sepehr
September 22, 2020


According to folklore, Madoc was a Welsh prince who sailed to America in 1170, over three hundred years before Christopher Columbus’s voyage in 1492.

While most historians dismiss the legends, some scholars claim that Madoc’s voyagers had made it to the New World, intermarried with local Native Americans, and that their Welsh-speaking descendants still live somewhere in the United States.

Related videos by Robert Sepehr

The First Americans

DNA of Ancient Native American Mummies

New Evidence Americas Settled At Least 31,000 Years Ago

Rethinking the Peopling of the New World

Ancient Trans-Atlantic Migrations

There was a time that pre-Colombian Viking voyages were also dismissed by academia, until evidence of Viking settlements in the Americas proved the Icelandic legends to be true.

That said, these alleged Welsh Indians have been credited by some to have constructed a number of landmarks throughout the Midwestern United States.

Randall Carlson: Why is There NO Record of Ancient Humans?

Randall Carlson: Why is There NO Record of Ancient Humans?

by After Skool
November 25, 2019


To see more from Randall, please visit

Randall Carlson is a master builder and designer, a geologist, anthropologist and historian.

He specializes in sacred geometry, ancient civilizations, climate and environmental change, myths, legends, cosmic cycles and catastrophes.

He is a proponent of the Younger Dryas impact hypothesis, and has theorized about the extinction of historical advanced human civilizations.

Questioning Academic Powers That Be: Aquatic Ape Theory

Aquatic Ape Theory

by Robert Sepehr
September 9, 2020


Why do humans differ from other primates?
The aquatic ape theory suggests that early human ancestors lived in water at least part of the time.
This aquatic lifestyle may account for our hairless bodies, which made us more streamlined for swimming and diving; our upright, two-legged walking, which made wading easier; and our layers of subcutaneous fat, which made us better insulated in water.
The theory even links an aquatic existence to the evolution of human speech.
Elaine Morgan was a Welsh author of several books on evolutionary anthropology, especially the aquatic ape hypothesis, which proposes that human evolution had an “aquatic phase” in the Miocene or Pliocene epoch.
Elaine Morgan says we evolved from aquatic apes (FULL)
David Attenborough on the Aquatic Ape Hypothesis

Related videos on hidden history of humanity:

Ancient Atlantean Colony in the Grand Canyon?

Ancient Kingdom of Shambhala

Forbidden Kingdoms of Inner Earth

Ancient Giants, Blood Sacrifice, Rockefellers, Federal Reserve, the Titanic & Elite of Jekyll Island

Ancient Giants, Rituals, and Elite of Jekyll Island – ROBERT SEPEHR

by Robert Sepehr, Atlantean Gardens
July 31, 2020


Jekyll Island is located off the coast of the U.S. state of Georgia, where in 1910 some of America’s most influential bankers gathered for a secret meeting to plan the country’s monetary policy and establish a central banking system, which resulted in the draft legislation for what eventually became the creation of of the Federal Reserve act.

One of the most influential and popular documents exposing the formation of the FED central banking system is a book called, The Creature From Jekyll Island, which recounts a secret meeting that took place in 1910 on Jekyll Island, a stretch of white-sand beaches and beautiful landscape off the coast of Georgia.

Link to the original 2013 interview on BlogTalk

A Titanic story about the Federal Reserve Bank

While the Bible speaks of Giants roaming the earth in the remote past, so do many other mythologies from around the world, as quoted by the Greek poet Homer in 400 BC saying, “On the earth there once were giants”, or as communicated by Native American tribes, who have a long oral tradition passed down concerning inhabitants with an unusually large demeanor.

Ancient Race of Giants</

Ancient Giants of the California Coast

President Abraham Lincoln was quoted in 1848 as saying before congress that, “The eyes of that species of extinct giant, whose bones fill the mounds of America, have gazed on Niagara as our eyes do now.”

Who were these giants that Lincoln spoke of?

Robert Sepehr is an anthropologist and author. Find his books HERE

Michael Tellinger: Money Was Created to Enslave Humanity

Michael Tellinger: Money Was Created to Enslave Humanity

by Michael Tellinger
March 26, 2020


About Money:

The path that brought us here as a species is not only filled with lies and deception of unimaginable proportion, but also with continuous manipulation of the human race that goes back thousands of years – all controlled by money.

Michael Tellinger has come full circle since his epic Slave Species of god in 2006 and Slave Species of The Gods in 2012, by proposing a blueprint for the emancipation of the slave species called humanity. The world, and everything in it, has been incorporated, including every single human being, without their knowledge. But how do we use the knowledge of the past effectively, to benefit all of humanity into the future?

Tellinger exposes the previously misunderstood origins of money and the rise of the royal banking elite, that have controlled the world for millennia, and who continue to do so today through the modern banking families. He points out that money did not evolve from thousands of years of barter and trade, but that it was maliciously introduced to the human race as a tool of absolute control and enslavement.

Tellinger makes a strong case, that if we do not understand our human origins, we cannot come to terms with why the world is so utterly confusing and messed up in the 21st century. He demonstrates that our current situation presents us with a unique opportunity to change the course of our destiny.

Michael Tellinger describes how the ancient African philosophy of UBUNTU will allow us to seamlessly move from a divided, money-driven society, to united communities driven by people, their passion for life and their God-given talents.

Coming to terms with our enslavement as a species by the global financial system, is critical to discovering the path to full enlightenment. UBUNTU Contributionism presents a solid foundation for a new social structure to take us into a new era of true freedom from financial tyranny, towards real prosperity on every level of human endeavour.


Connect with Michael Tellinger

1666 — Redemption Through Sin: Sabbatean Ties to Rothschilds, The Illuminati and New World Order

1666 — Redemption Through Sin

by Robert Sepehr, Atlantean Gardens
May 22, 2015



Most people have heard of Jesus Christ, considered the Messiah by Christians, and who lived 2000 years ago. But very few have ever heard of Sabbatai Zevi, who declared himself the Messiah in 1666. By proclaiming redemption was available through acts of sin, he amassed a following of over one million passionate believers, about half the world’s Jewish population during the 17th century.

Although many Rabbis at the time considered him a heretic, his fame extended far and wide. Sabbatai’s adherents planned to abolish many ritualistic observances, because, according to the Talmud, holy obligations would no longer apply in the Messianic time. Fasting days became days of feasting and rejoicing. Sabbateans encouraged and practiced sexual promiscuity, adultery, incest and religious orgies.

After Sabbati Zevi’s death in 1676, his Kabbalist successor, Jacob Frank, expanded upon and continued his occult philosophy. Frankism, a religious movement of the 18th and 19th centuries, centered on his leadership, and his claim to be the reincarnation of the Messiah Sabbatai Zevi. He, like Zevi, would perform “strange acts” that violated traditional religious taboos, such as eating fats forbidden by Jewish dietary laws, ritual sacrifice, and promoting orgies and sexual immorality.

He often slept with his followers, as well as his own daughter, while preaching a doctrine that the best way to imitate God was to cross every boundary, transgress every taboo, and mix the sacred with the profane. Hebrew University of Jerusalem Professor Gershom Scholem called Jacob Frank, “one of the most frightening phenomena in the whole of Jewish history”.

Frank would eventually enter into an alliance formed by Adam Weishaupt and Meyer Amshel Rothschild called the Order of the Illuminati. The objectives of this organization was to undermine the world’s religions and power structures, in an effort to usher in a utopian era of global communism, which they would covertly rule by their hidden hand: the New World Order.

Using secret societies, such as the Freemasons, their agenda has played itself out over the centuries, staying true to the script. The Illuminati handle opposition by a near total control of the world’s media, academic opinion leaders, politicians and financiers. Still considered nothing more than theory to many, more and more people wake up each day to the possibility that this is not just a theory, but a terrifying Satanic conspiracy.

Updated on September 15, 2019:

Very few have ever heard of Sabbatai Zevi, who declared himself the Messiah in 1666, proclaiming that redemption was available through acts of sin. He amassed a following of over one million passionate believers, about half the world’s Jewish population during the 17th century. Sabbateans encouraged and practiced sexual promiscuity, adultery, incest and religious orgies.

A century after Sabbati Zevi’s death in 1676, his Kabbalist successor, Jacob Frank, expanded upon and continued his occult philosophy. Jacob Frank would eventually enter into an alliance formed by Adam Weishaupt and Meyer Amshel Rothschild called the Order of the Illuminati. The objectives of this organization was to undermine the world’s religions and power structures, in an effort to usher in a utopian era of global communism, which they would covertly rule by their hidden hand: the New World Order. 

Using secret societies, such as the Freemasons, their agenda has played itself out over the centuries, staying true to the script. The Illuminati handle opposition by a near total control of the world’s media, academic opinion leaders, politicians and financiers.


Connect with Robert SepehrRumble | Bitchute

The Antarctica Strangeness List Just Became Even Stranger

The Antarctica Strangeness List Just Became Even Stranger
by Joseph P. Farrell
June 19, 2018

By now, regular readers here are well aware of the high strangeness surrounding our planet’s southern continent, Antarctica. Much of that high strangeness surrounds the very weird list of people associated with the place. Since the last time I posted this list, there have been some “revisions”, some of which have been brought to my attention by our friend and colleague, Daniel Liszt a.k.a. the Dark Journalist, and some of which I mentioned in my last book, Hess and the Penguins. So, here’s the very strange list of people connected to Antarctica, as far as I know it and can recall (and many thanks to all of you who’ve helped expand and document this list: (1) Reichsmarschall Hermann Goering, creator of the Luftwaffe and the Gestapo, sponsor of the 1938-39 German Antarctic expedition (as pointed out in some of my books, beginning with Reich of the Black Sun); (2) Deputy Fuehrer (Stellvertreter) Rudolf Hess (as pointed out in Hess and the Penguins); (3) US Navy Rear Admiral Richard Byrd, leader of the 1946-1947 US “High Jump” expedition (Hess and the Penguins); (4) U.S. Navy Admiral-of-the-Fleet Chester Nimitz (Hess and the Penguins); (5) U.S. Secretary of the Navy John Forrestal (Hess and the Penguins); (5) Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin; (6) Kiril III, Russian Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow; (7) U.S. Secretary of State John Kerrey; (8) the late King Juan Carlos of Spain; (8) the recently-married Prince Harry of Antarctica…

…Well, the list goes on and on, but you get the idea. Oh, did I mention, that Admiral Byrd’s nephew was one of the owners of the Texas School Book Depository building in Dallas when President John F. Kennedy was murdered there? Well, if not, here’s the reference (courtesy of Daniel Liszt a.k.a. the Dark Journalist, who first made me aware of thatstrange connection):

When we began to look a little closer at D. Harold Byrd (nephew of the famous Admiral Byrd), there was one major detail that jumped out at us. It wasn’t the fact that he was a saunch right-winger and a personal friend of Lyndon Johnson. Nor was it the fact that he founded the Civil Air Patrol. (An organization to which Lee Harvey Oswald once belonged). What intrigued us was the fact that D. Harold Byrd, Dallas millionaire and oil tycoon, was the owner of the Texas School Book Depository Building. (Glen Sample and Mark Collom, The Men on the Sixth Floor [Garden Grove, CA: Sample Graphics, 2011], p. 178.)

This above-cited source also goes on to show D Harold Byrd’s close association with the Texas oilmen that many researchers believe were involved in some manner in the JFK assassination, Murchison and Hunt. (See the same source, pp. 178-180.)

Now, if Russian Orthodox Patriarchs of Moscow, Nazis, US admirals, Secretaries of State, moon astronauts, British and Spanish royals aren’t enough to convince you that something very strange and serious is going on in connection with the polar continent(oh, did I mention that you can add US defense contractor and well-known black projects company Lockheed-Martin to the list?), then perhaps this newest addition to the list will convince you (and a big thank you to all of you who spotted this story):

Turkey set to create own Antarctic research station next year — president

‘Time of the Dawn of Turkey’: Erdogan Announces Construction of Antarctic Base

Really? Ottomaniac Erdogan wants a Turkish scientific base in Antarctica, while he has significant problems at home? What’s even weirder is the way that the Sultan decided to announce the project, in a tweet on Twitter. Even weirder than this “Trumpism” is the actual wording of the Sublime Porte’s announcement:

“In 2019, we will create a research station in Antarctica. Through this station, we will join the victorious group of 30 countries who already have a presence there. This is a time of global vision. It is the time of the dawn of Turkey!”(Emphasis added)

The rhetoric here  – “the victorious group of 30 countries” – is reminiscent of the Rococo language of the Porte, and could thus be written down to the politics-as-usual sort of thing that politicians like to indulge in, in this case minus the “bey effendis” that characterized the Porte of yesteryear.

But I have to indulge in my trademark High Octane SpeculationTM here: what if it isn’t? What if Mr. Erdogan means what he says when referring to a “victorious group of 30 countries who already have a presence there”? Viewed that way, I cannot but help recall the words attributed to Rear Admiral Byrd by the El Mercurio de Santiago when the Admiral terminated the High Jump expedition months ahead of schedule, and warned that the USA would have to prepare to defend itself against “enemy” aircraft capable of flying from pole to pole. Byrd returned to the USA, and we can only presume that he then briefed his superiors – Fleet Admiral Nimitz and Secretary Forrestal – about the expedition. He then wrote a very lengthy article about the expedition for National Geographic magazine, did a television appearance on the old Longines CBS talk show, and then more or less laid low. As readers of my book Hess and the Penguins will recall, his son was invited to Washington on an anniversary of that National Geographic article, but on the way, disappeared, only to be found dead in a Baltimore warehouse. The Baltimore police treated it as a homicide and assigned a detective to the case, but nothing  more, to my knowledge, was ever done about the case.  Within the alternative research community, the hypothesis has been advanced that Admiral Byrd and the High Jump expedition ran afoul of post-war surviving Nazis and their advanced high tech in Antarctica, was whipped into submission, and beat a hasty retreat, a view to which I do not subscribe. Other versions have it that he encountered aliens and UFOS, or found the entrance into the “hollow earth”(also stories to which, needless to say, I most emphatically do not subscribe), and so on. None of these stories has much, if any, evidence to back them up. But something happened down there that caught the attention of Herman Goering and Richard Byrd, and it probably wasn’t just whale oil, lubricants, resources, or rich fishing fields.

So along comes Mr. Erdogan in the Sublime Porte, and announces that Turkey intends to join the “victorious group of 30 countries who already have a presence down there.” Victory implies a conflict of some sort, and conflict of some sort implies someone with whom one is in conflict, an enemy, an opposition. So taking Mr. Erdogan’s strange remark in a more literal and less rhetorical sense, one has to wonder, how long was this conflict? Against whom was it waged? Was the presence of Secretary of State Kerry, King Juan Carlos, Prince Harry and so on related to this possible conflict? Does the presence of Apollo Moon astronaut Buzz Aldrin – and for that matter, Kiril III – in this list indicate some off-planet opposition? Or does the presence of Goering and Hess- or again, Kiril III – in this impossibly strange list indicate that – indeed – there may be some kernel of truth to all those Nazi “last battalion” legends that have so persistently continued against the end of the war?

I don’t know, but the bottom line is, Mr. Erdogan’s comment is capable of more than one interpretation, and in the context of all the other high strangeness associated with Antarctica, my money is actually on the second interpretation.

See you on the flip side…


Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

Cover image credit: mynzman

Strange Tales: Secret Space Program “Whistleblower” Corey Goode

Source:  AlphaZebra

Published on Aug 8, 2017

~~~ Folks, this is Bill Ryan here.

 Please subscribe to HIS channel. 🙂

I posted against his original video, which is here:

(this is re-uploaded with his permission and encouragement)

I just posted on the Avalon Forum: “I highly HIGHLY recommend this new video. One of the very best I’ve seen about this entire thing. It’s a balanced, sane, detailed, methodical, well-articulated, well-researched, fully-referenced summary of the whole saga.”

And I wrote to a friend: “I think it’s actually THE best video I’ve seen or heard (for most people out there)… including my own two with Rich Dolan. He must have spent a lot of time on it. It’s EXTREMELY well done. Needs to be posted far and wide.

It’s almost like a last word on the whole story, but it’s totally, totally balanced and grounded.”

Here is tmcleanful’s original descriptive text:

~~~ Yes I’m interested in ufology.

From what I can tell, there appears to be a “there” there. Have I drawn any conclusions regarding what that is? No. But I find the whole thing fascinating, regardless of what the truth turns out to be, if that’s ever revealed.

But I have a strong aversion towards people who take advantage of the openness and good nature of regular folks to advance themselves.

I created this video for the UFO Proof channel, and a “UFO Proof” version of it may appear there soon, but given the current profile and significance of this topic within ufology I wanted to get it out now and it seems perfect for my new Strange Tales series.

Whether you are into ufology or reject the whole thing as nonsense, I think you will be informed and hopefully entertained by this video.

All of the links to references and sources provided in the video are as follows:

Richard Dolan’s website:

Corey Goode’s website:

Dark Journalist’s website:

Project Avalon forums:

Corey Goode YouTube Channel:…

Bill Ryan YouTube Channel:

Bill Ryan interviews Richard Dolan:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Dark Journalist YouTube Channel:

Dark Journalist interviews Bill Ryan:

Dark Journalist interviews Richard Dolan: Part 1:

Part 2:

Teresa Yanaros (Tessa Gianni) YouTube Channel:…

Teresa interviews Stacy Goode:

Teresa interviews Corey Goode:

Jordan Sather YouTube Channel:…

Jordan complains about suppression of his brand:

Chronicles from the Future: Video synopsis (skip to the 24 minute mark for the diary description):

First 60 pages of the Dianech’s diary/book:…


Russians to Investigate Whether America Really Landed on the Moon

Source: Truthstream Media


Ten Secret Submarine Bases Hidden in Plain Sight

Source:  Truthstream Media

10 Secret Submarine Bases Hidden in Plain Sight

Continued Speculation on the Connection between Atlantis and Antarctica


Published on Jul 28, 2017

In this part 2 episode, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Oxford Scholar Dr. Joseph Farrell to analyze the strange history and the recent peculiar happenings around the mysterious icy continent of Antarctica.

The possibility that Antarctica once formed a part of Atlantis in ancient times is explored, along with the idea that a pole shift took place 12,000 years ago and may be responsible for its current position on the globe. Edgar Cayce’s unique vision of the enigmatic Atlantean ‘Mighty, Terrible Fire Crystal’ or ‘Tuaoi Stone’ which powered the lost civilization is theorized as being the cause for the destruction and inundation of Atlantis.

Part 1 of this interview:

The Megalithic Giants: The Lost History of a Forgotten Race

Source:  MegalithomaniaUK

Published on Nov 11, 2015

Megalithic researcher Hugh Newman investigates giants and megalithic structures from around the world asking – did giants build the ancient stone circles, pyramids and earthworks? Was it the Nephilim, Gog & Magog, King Og of Bashan, or the Titans of ancient Greece? Hugh is a regular guest on History Channel’s ‘Search for the Lost Giants’ and ‘Ancient Aliens’ and has co-authored the new book with Jim Vieira: ‘GIANTS ON RECORD‘.


More info:

The Real Secrets Buried in Antarctica

Source:  Truthstream Media
April 8, 2017


There may be good reason for your curiosity if you have ever wondered about what is really going on at the southernmost continent.

With so many myths and rumors flying around about the place lately, we decided to do a little research of our own into the claims… which turned into a whole lot of research… and what was going to be a 10-minute video turned into this.

Faces of Evil that Rule the World

Faces of Evil that Rule the World

by Zen Gardner
December 11, 2010


They say a picture is worth a thousand words. With the human face it’s even more revealing, especially the eyes.

Politicians, if you’ve ever seen a professional one up close, have almost a waxen stiffness and sheen to their phony, memorized expressions. Most public and power characters need to be caught off guard to reveal their true nature, but it’s not necessary. Usually it’s in plain sight.

The eyes are the ‘windows of their souls’, while their expressions can also intermittently give away their true nature.

Here’s a quick selection of some current, and a few past, leaders or power brokers.

Look for the light in their eyes–it’s not there.

You might see something else though, something very troubling.





Those are just plain disturbing. That anyone can’t see this ex-Nazi probable abuser is an evil plant  just baffles me.

Right out of a B movie–but the Chain-man has tremendous power and influence, responsible for the deaths of millions while trying to fulfill  the  Machiavellian Masonic neocon mission.




“How YOU doin?”

Mafia boys: Robert DeNiro type Egyptian puppet Mubarak and the Masonic ‘pretend bad guy’ Putin–all in the game.



David Rockefeller and look alike. What lurks in there….whew…





Here’s our boy–the stare of mindless commitment, and playing with fire with daddy’s protection and coaching. The consummate tool. And the bewitched ‘patriots’ eat it up. So sad.




A couple for the ages…and even the neocons fear Barbara, alleged daughter of Aleister Crowley.





Speaking of mind control…..all that crazed ambition takes its toll…




Didn’t expect this one, did you. This one’s called “conniving Bill-derberger”. This baby face Gates fellow with those lying, self righteous power crazed eyes was ‘set up’ with Microsoft and was groomed in a eugenicist family for one thing: population control and financing the NWO.


This guy’s a little scary to me, since he tends to move around and be scarce. Besides pushing the carcinogen aspartame down our throats and heading up any barbaric corporation he can, Rumsfeld led us straight into 9/11 while pulling off the biggest pillaging of the Defense Department in history.





One of the creepiest of all – John D. Rockefeller. What exactly IS that skin stretched over…?






Speaking of which is this classic. Some believe that reptilians are influencing us. Could be.Brzezinski, evil spirit behind 5 US Presidents, sure gives credence to the idea.




This lady’s serious. Heavy handed German Chancellor Merkel, former Prez of the European Council, is sold out to the Illuminati plan to shove the EU down Europe’s throat.





‘Uhh..uhh…’ Next lie. This scampering opportunist can’t tell the truth if he wanted to. Bubba wants it soooo bad. And his nose does appear to be growing….)






Freaky chick. Read up on her.








Mr. ‘Push the Agenda’–as well as push the gullible programmed Americans’ buttons– Netanyahu. Mean.





The true black Pope, still behind the scenes. Jesuit leader Kolvenbach might as well be Klovenhoof.



Here’s a better look into the evil power behind the Papacy–and much more…


Class clown. Right, nice cover. Need I say more? What a pathetic, power-crazed woman…admittedly sucks up and reports to the CFR–the globalist Council on Foreign Relations. Sickening sell out.


Where’s the love, George? So much money, so little light. Soros, so-wrong.




The smug life of the go-fer. Check the fearful eyes and forced smiles around the room.

Henry Kissinger way back with an earlier boss Golda Meir…don’t be fooled, this Rothschild plant was no sweetie…





Heavy (very weird) handed, much like this modern day version below…






Thug. Bigtime.





Here’s a study in evil–Uber Zionist Ehud Barak, believed by some to be the 9/11 mastermind, never mind Gaza butcher, and co-sculptor of Israeli/American aggression. Google his images–the vibrations are so bad you can only look for so long…

God deliver us from such evil and pathetic people, if they are human. The list goes on, but here’s a taste to “wonder” about.

There’s lots more. This is just a smattering. The good thing is that these freaks are in the minority. To not contribute to or participate in their schemes in any way possible is paramount.

Just wondering,



Zen Gardner is an insightful writer whose works often explore the narratives, the groups and the individuals whose ‘hidden hands’ control the majority of mankind. His book ‘You Are the Awakening’  examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.