Connecticut Rises: Thousands Stand for Freedom in Face-Off With Political Tyrants Who Signed Away Medical Exemptions

Connecticut Rises: Thousands Stand for Freedom in Face-Off With Political Tyrants Who Signed Away Medical Exemptions


Connecticut Rises

by The HighWire with Del Bigtree
April 30, 2021


Thousands descended on the Connecticut State Capitol for the “Rise Up Rally” to stand together for health freedom, and oppose a bill to remove the religious exemption to vaccination.

Here’s just a small look at what turned out to be an inspiring and hope-filled day for a fast growing movement.

Video available at The HighWire BitChute and Brighteon channels.

Police Take Court Action Against Ontario Government Over Anti-Covid Enforcement Duties

Police Take Court Action Against Ontario Government Over Anti-Covid Enforcement Duties

by the Constitutional Rights Centre
April 29, 2021


The Constitutional Rights Centre in Canada held a press conference on April 29 to announce that fifteen active and four retired police officers have launched an application in Ontario Superior Court to seek clarification on the province’s Covid measures. They are also challenging their enforcement as breaching and violating their police oath which includes upholding the Constitution.

Their Notice of Application can be viewed on the Constitutional Rights Centre website at:


See Constitional Rights Centre for contact information & to support their work.

Take Heart. Humanity Is Rising: London April 24, 2021 – “Humanity on Its Feet” by Oracle Films

Take Heart. Humanity Is Rising: London April 24, 2021 – “Humanity on Its Feet” by Oracle Films


Humanity on its Feet | Oracle Films | London 24.04.2021

by Oracle Films
April 28, 2021

Video available at Oracle Films Brand New Tube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

‘End Massachusetts Medical Mandates’ Holds Another Successful Demonstration in Hyannis

‘End Massachusetts Medical Mandates’ Holds Another Successful Demonstration in Hyannis


End Massachusetts Medical Mandates supporters gathered in Hyannis on Saturday April 24th to take a stand for medical freedom.

The demonstrators received overwhelming support by passersby (9 out of 10) who honked their car horns and gave them thumbs up.

All photos by Jennifer J.

“Guess what? You are the experiment.” graphic by James McCue.

Connect with End Massachusetts Medical Mandates at







Anti-Lockdown Protesters Take Over Central London in Massive Stand for Freedom

Anti-Lockdown Protesters Take Over Central London in Massive Stand for Freedom


Thousands of Anti-Lockdown Protesters Take Over Central London 

by RT
April 24, 2021

A demonstrator shows his fists as he takes part in an anti-lockdown ‘Unite for Freedom’ protest in London, Britain, April 24, 2021 © Reuters / Toby Melville

Thousands of protesters have descended on London to protest the British government’s ongoing coronavirus restrictions. Though pubs and shops have reopened, stiff limits on gatherings remain in place.

Holding signs reading “Freedom is non-negotiable” and “No health passports,” the demonstrators gathered in the capital on Saturday. Billed by its organizers as the “biggest street party London has ever seen,” the rally drew thousands of participants unhappy with the lingering restrictions on gatherings and movement, and opposed to the government’s vague plans to introduce so-called ‘vaccine passports’.

Actor and mayoral candidate Laurence Fox, who has promised to do away with Covid-19 restrictions entirely if elected, was an enthusiastic participant. Posting videos of hordes of people marching through the streets, he decried the “total corruptstream media blackout” of the protest.

As of mid-afternoon, the mood seemed jovial. Though gatherings of such a large scale are still forbidden under the UK’s lockdown rules, the mostly maskless crowd marched freely through the city.

Unlike protests by climate activists over the preceding days, Saturday’s march was largely ignored by the mainstream media, with only a handful of British tabloids dedicating short stories to the demonstration.

The protesters themselves accused the media of ignoring “hundreds of thousands” of marchers and their demands. However, nailing down a more accurate attendance figure than “thousands” was not immediately possible.


The UK’s current lockdown strategy will all but end by late June, unless a surge in infections or new variants of the coronavirus triggers a change of plan. As of Saturday morning, more than 38 million people in England have received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine, and government researchers noted on Friday that infections have fallen to such an extent that Britain has “moved from a pandemic to an endemic situation.”


See also:

THOUSANDS of anti-lockdown protesters TAKE OVER central London 


WATCH: Tens of thousands of peaceful protesters gathered in Hyde Park, London at the ‘Freedom March’ 


‘Unite For Freedom’ March Through London: Saturday, April 24th at 1 PM

‘Unite For Freedom’ March Through London: Saturday, April 24th at 1 PM

by Save Our Rights UK


For updates see Telegram channel:
or @saveourrightsuk on all channels


Update 4/24 – See: Anti-Lockdown Protesters Take Over Central London in Massive Stand for Freedom

Oracle Films: The Pushback — The Day the World Stood Together

Oracle Films: The Pushback — The Day the World Stood Together


THE PUSHBACK | Oracle Films | The Day the World Stood Together (Banned from YouTube) 

Original video available at Oracle Films BrandNewTube channel.

⁣On March 20th 2021, people in over 40 countries across the world gathered in peaceful unison for a worldwide demonstration – to oppose disproportionate government measures threatening the very foundation of their rights and freedoms. This huge international effort was appallingly misrepresented and downright ignored by the mainstream media.

Produced by Oracle Films, in collaboration with CoviLeaks and independent journalists in over 40 nations – this documentary is an authentic account of what really happened on March 20th, what protestors worldwide were standing against, and why the media went to such lengths to conceal the truth.


[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


The next Worldwide Freedom Rally is scheduled for May 15, 2021

See for locations (growing daily)

Cape Cod, Massachusetts Against Medical Mandates: Join Protest Saturday April 24, 2021

Cape Cod, Massachusetts Against Medical Mandates: Join Protest Saturday April 24, 2021


Protest call by End Massachusetts Medical Mandates



Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates, Protest Call


WHEN: Saturday April 24, 2021, 12 to 2 PM (rain or shine)

WHERE: Hyannis, Massachusetts, airport rotary, intersection of Route 28 and Route 132 near Barnstable Municipal Airport.

Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates is supported by people who believe the emergency pandemic orders of the past year had a great deal more to do with social control, wealth transfer, and increasing state power than with public health. Indeed, public health overall has only been damaged by quarantines, lockdowns, the loss of businesses and livelihoods, restrictions on travel, and the effects of fear and isolation. This damage appears to have been purposeful.

We are also supported by people who had hard experience with the dishonesty of the medical establishment before coronavirus ever came on the scene. Some are parents of children injured by vaccines labelled “safe and effective” which instead created chronic and life-threatening illnesses in their formerly healthy children. The pharmaceutical industry, the medical establishment, and governments which promote and mandate vaccines have not taken responsibility for the damage caused by vaccines in the past, and there is no reason to believe that they will start now. Indeed, almost all dissenting points of view on vaccines are being actively censored by the established powers. It is up to us take responsibility for our health ourselves.

The Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson products being promoted in the US as the cure for coronavirus are not vaccines. They are an experimental gene-altering nano-particle injection for which human safety trials have not been completed. Because the long term safety of the injections has not been proven, they are only allowed under emergency use. According to the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, between December 14, 2020 and April 1, 2021 a total of 56,869 adverse events were reported. This includes 2,342 deaths and 7,971 serious injuries. Because the medical establishment does not recognize harm caused by vaccines, only a small percentage of adverse events are ever reported ― the true numbers are likely much higher. The CDC has failed to follow up on adverse event reports to determine cause and effect. One can only assume this is because they don’t want to know.

There is no reason to take the risks involved with this injection when the survival rate for whatever it is that is being called covid (e.g., the flu) is 99.95% for people under 70. The genetic changes this injection causes cannot be reversed. We are human beings. We do not want to be genetically modified. We have been lied to about the virus being isolated, we have been lied to about case numbers, we have been lied to about deaths; now we are being lied to about “vaccines.” This is criminal behavior on a massive scale.

This call is for a peaceful, non-partisan protest following up on our demonstrations in December and March. Bring large-letter signs or banners with your message (no signs for political candidates please). Our emphasis is on the restoration of constitutional and human rights that have been violated in the past year in the name of a non-existent “pandemic.”

We have the following demands:

No to mandatory “vaccines.”

End “the new normal”

We stand for . . .
  • our right to refuse medical interventions,: no to the Governor’s mask mandate and any future vaccine mandate
  • our right to breathe and be visible to one another: universal masking is about behavioral conditioning, not health; it robs us of oxygen and of our humanity
  • our right to assemble: no to “social distancing” and the idea that government can dictate how many people can gather in one place, when they can gather, and how far apart they have to be
  • the right to bodily autonomy: no one should be forced to take a vaccine or wear a mask, be swabbed, temperature-checked, or otherwise scanned
  • the right to complete informed consent, the foundation of medical ethics: no substance should be injected into anyone’s body without their full understanding of all possible harmful effects
  • parental rights: the state has no right to bypass a parent’s authority on whether a child should be given any pharmaceutical product
  • the right to education: education at public schools and colleges should not be used as leverage to enforce government medical decrees
  • the right to make a living: let small businesses, trades, shops, performance venues, sports venues and restaurants serve all patrons without restrictions reopen the economy
  • the right to freedom of religion: places of worship must be allowed to host all of their members without restriction
  • the right to freedom of movement: no “shelter in place”, no curfews, no checkpoints, end Massachusetts’ current restrictions on travel to any US state except Hawaii
  • the right to privacy: no to digital IDs, no to biometric surveillance, no to sharing of private medical information with third parties, no to government and commercial medical databasing
  • the right to freedom of association: no to contact tracing
  • the right to due process: end government by never-ending emergency orders bypassing democratic process. There is no emergency. There never was.
  • the right to freedoms of speech and press: end media censorship and cancellation of people with legitimate questions about the covid narrative
  • the right to equal protection of our civil and Constitutional rights: refusal of service by airlines or other transport companies, public venues, ticket vendors, grocery stores or any other business on the basis of arbitrary “vaccine passports” is a form of discrimination which we should be protected from under the law. Loss of this right amounts to coercion through medical tyranny and will lay the groundwork for a “social credit score” system in which all citizens no longer have equal rights.

End Medical Mandates:


If you would like to be notified of future events, write Richard at


all images courtesy of Richard Hugus

Toronto Police Make No Arrests, Allow Anti-Lockdown Protest to Proceed One Day After Doug Ford’s Restrictive Lockdown Measures

Toronto Police Make No Arrests, Allow Anti-Lockdown Protest to Proceed One Day After Doug Ford’s Restrictive Lockdown Measures


“I understand you have an opinion that you’d like to express,” one officer said to some protestors, adding that “free expression is everything in this country.”


PLOT TWIST: Toronto police make no arrests, allow anti-lockdown protest to proceed one day after Doug Ford’s restrictive lockdown measures

by Beth Baisch, Post Millennial
April 17, 2021


Protestors once again gathered at Queen’s Park in Toronto to speak out against the ongoing lockdowns, the latest amendment of which gives police increased authority to enforce the provincial stay-at-home order.

In sharp contrast to previous weeks where protestors were arrested and ticketed in accordance with the order, the police were far more relaxed during Saturday’s events.

Officers stood in groups around the event itself, while others walked among the protestors in conversation.
“I understand you have an opinion that you’d like to express,” one officer said to some protestors, adding that “free expression is everything in this country.”
Another officer said “There are at least two sides to everything,” one said, “and we’re always in the middle. We’re just trying to make it a safe place for everybody.”

Since Doug Ford’s announcement that police would now be stopping vehicles in order, several police districts have said they do not intend to enforce the orders.

Protestors then embarked on their “Essential Exercise March,” referencing the fact that exercise is deemed an acceptable reason to be outside.

Travis Dhanraj, Queen’s Park Bureau Chief for Global News, reported that as a result of the police’s refusal to enforce Ford’s harsh measures, Ontario is currently “reconsidering” the playground closures and police stops.

Read the rest of this article at Post Millennial


cover image credit: Post Millennial


Rebellious Restaurateurs Link Up for Barbecue Protest in Alberta

Rebellious Restaurateurs Link Up for Barbecue Protest in Alberta

by Rebel News
April 14, 2021


Rebel News was on location at the Whistle Stop Café in Mirror, Alberta this past Saturday, where owner Chris Scott has refused to shut down, despite new provincial lockdown measures. Chris has become, in the eyes of many, the unofficial leader of Alberta’s restaurant revolution, as many businesses are following his lead in refusing to heed Alberta Health Services’ directives.

Adam Skelly of Adamson Barbecue in Toronto was on location for the day as guest chef. Adam, like Chris, defied government restrictions and kept his business open. But unlike in Alberta where Chris had support from other businesses, Skelly stood alone in defiance. In response to this defiance, he was locked out of his restaurant and ultimately publicly detained by a platoon of officers, including, as though for dramatic effect, mounted RCMP.

Hundreds were on hand for Saturday’s event, with many waiting in line for hours for a chance to get their fill of Adamson Barbecue. A seemingly endless parade of cars and trucks honked in support of the event while passing by, though you might not have heard them over the live music that entertained the large crowd throughout the day. Numerous attendees commented on how “normal” all of this seemed, when contrasted with the isolation and starkness of a locked-down Canada.

AHS and the RCMP did arrive on location, issuing yet another closure order to the Whistle Stop Café. They also quickly cleared out a few guests who were dining inside the restaurant, but made no effort to put an end to the large outdoor event, which Skelly noted was an incredible departure from the abuse he endured at the hand of police and RCMP in Toronto.

Chris Scott insists that events like these will continue at the Whistle Stop until the government stops imposing crippling and overreaching restrictions on local businesses.

Connect with Rebel News

On Filing a Public Complaint & Declaring Non-Compliance: A Letter to the Editor From Robert Cinque

On Filing a Public Complaint & Declaring Non-Compliance: A Letter to the Editor From Robert Cinque


[Editor’s Note: Robert Cinque sent a letter to me, sharing his vision of inspiring others to contact government representatives with letters of complaint about the unfolding medical tyranny. He wrote a letter to his state’s attorney general. Below are excerpts with key points from his letter, followed by a copy of his filed complaint which can be used as an example for others to use in their jurisdictions. — Kathleen]


Excerpts from a Letter to Truth Comes to Light Editor
by Robert Cinque
May 30, 2020


“I want to see 300 million Americans issue personal complaints filed with the County, State and Federal jurisdictions against forced testing, tracing and treatment. This costs the Sacred Patriot nothing and goes into the Public Record like sandbags piled up to contain a flood. The next step will be to convene a Grand Jury.

This must be done before they roll out their next devastating wave: Bills “part 2”, the Terrorist Bioweapon attack.

Truly, this is a spiritual battle between the Purity and Perfection of Nature and the blood sucking satanic parasites who torture her and defile her sacred blood.”


“It can be achieved by the willingness to trust Life in all its Genius and ignore the extortionists and rapists who suck its blood and sell it to the rest of us, at exorbitant prices

The covid 19 Medical fraud is our opportunity to strike down Goliath with this single Stone:  Health is the natural condition. We already have an Immune System, no need to manufacture one, as if a vaccine could actually do it.”


Robert’s letter to his state’s attorney general


Govenor Jay Inslee stated in his May 12, 2020 press release that mandatory testing for covid 19 will begin for all Washington State residents. The inserts in these tests state that “This test is not to be used for diagnostic evaluation”. My Complaint is that a mandatory test puts me and my family and every single resident at risk for a false positive which will lead to “contact tracing” and “treatment”. Since the tests themselves declare that they “are not to be used for diagnostics” and the fact that they produce false positives 80% of the time, then any mandatory test forced upon me against my will puts me (and everyone) in the most grievous danger. A positive test is a death sentence because the “treatment” is unproven to be effective and is highly toxic due to the mercury, aluminum, live viral particles, aborted fetal tissue, and God knows what else that is in the “treatment”, the much vaunted and eagerly awaited Vaccine. My complaint is against Anthony Fauci in particular and the National Institutes of Health in general because 1) the presence of a virus in a sick person does not prove that it is the cause of the illness. The FDA, the CDC and the NIH have done exactly no experiments to prove that covid 19 causes illness and have published papers in which it is only assumed that this is the case. Since “assumption is not evidence” and “correlation is not proof of causation”,  my Complaint must begin with an Indictment for Medical Fraud. Knowingly misrepresenting medical information is Felony Murder and should be prosecuted as such.

I want the Attorney General to File a Class Action suit for myself, Robert John Cinque, and all persons who have been affected and are under threat by this Medical Fraud.

Also, I will personally consider all attempts to test me for covid 19 as assault with a deadly weapon.

If the Attorney General will not proceed with my Complaint, then please ask him to send it to the appropriate authorities.

Robert Cinque

ps  I know it’s hard to believe, but viruses are not the cause of disease; they are the clean-up crew that gets blamed for it. It is on the basis of this Fraud that the Police State is advancing on our beloved Free Republic. Please take action or point me to those who can, many thanks.


Robert Cinque

In addition to writing essays like these, Robert Cinque also builds beautiful, affordable and comfortable yurts for homeowners and businesses in the fabulous Skagit County. He has worked with visionary architect and organic designer Sunray Kelley for over 20 years. They formed Radiant Homes and are actively engaged in the development of the Living Home, the Bioshelter, the no-mortgage, no-permit, food and energy producing home. Read more here.

Robert’s essays “are designed to destroy what’s false and cultivate what’s real… They are intended to water the Seeds of Life buried under mountains and centuries of false beliefs, inherited “culture” and ego cults, so-called “religions”, including scientism, masquerading as truth…“.

Connect with Robert and read more of his essays at cinqueterra.  Various e-book permutations of Robert Cinque’s essays can be downloaded here.

Victory for Standing Rock Sioux Tribe

Source: Light on Conspiracies
From  Daily Native American



Ruling: Trump administration shortcut environmental review; Court seeks additional briefing on whether to but down pipeline.


Washington, D.C. — The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe won a significant victory today in Its fight to protect .e Tribe’s drinking water and ancestral lands from Me Dakota Access pipeline.

A federal judge ruled that the federal permits authorizing the pipeline to cross the Missouri River just upstream of the Standing Rock reservation, which were hastily issued by the Trump administration just days after the inauguration, violated the law in certain critical respects.

In a 91-page decision, Judge James Boasberg wrote, “the Court agrees that [the Corps]did not adequately consider the Impacts of an oil spill on fishing, hunting rights, or environmental justice, or the degree to which the pipeline’s effects are likely to be highly controversial”

The Court did not determine whether pipeline operations should he shut off and has requested additional briefing on the subject and a status conference next week.

“This is a major victory for the Tribe and we commend the courts for upholding the law and doing the right thing, said Standing Rock Sioux Chairman Dave Archambault II in a recent statement, “The previous administration painstakingly considered the impacts of this and President Trump hastily dismissed these careful environmental considerations in favor of political and personal interests.

We applaud the courts for protecting our laws and regulations from undue political influence and will ask our courts to shut down pipeline operations immediately.

The Tribe’s inspiring and courageous fight has attracted international attention and drawn the support of hundreds of tribes around the nation.

The Tribe is represented by the nonprofit environmental law firm Earthjustice, which filed a lawsuit challenging the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers for issuing a permit for the pipeline construction In violation of several environmental laws.

“This decision mads an important turning point. Until now, the rights of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe have been disregarded by the builders of the Dakota Access Pipeline and the Trump administration—prompting a well-deserved global outcry,” said Earthjustice attorney Ian Nasselman.  “The federal courts have stepped in where our political systems have failed to protect the rights of Nave communities.

The Court ruled against the Tribe on several other issues, finding that the reversal allowing the pipeline complied with the law in some respects. The $3.8 billion pipeline project, also known as Bakken Oil Pipeline, extends 1,168 miles across North Dakota, south Dakota, lowa, and Illinois, crossing through communities, farms, tribal land, sensitive natural areas and wildlife habitat The pipeline would carry up to 570,000 barrels a day of crude oil from the Bakken oil fields in North Dakota to Illinois where it links with another pipeline that will transport the oil to terminals and refineries along the Gulf of Mexico.