International Crimes Investigative Committee (ICIC): Has the Corona Virus Ever Been Isolated? Why Do So Many From “The Resistance” Resist Dealing With This Question?

International Crimes Investigative Committee (ICIC): Has the Corona Virus Ever Been Isolated? Why Do So Many From “The Resistance” Resist Dealing With This Question?


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

At approximately 1:14:00 in the video, Samuel Eckert and Reiner begin discussion of the dismissive and disrespectful way that Dr. Stefan Lanka and Dr. Andrew Kaufman were treated by two of the Corona Investigative Committee members when they challenged the foundations of virology. 
If you are unfamiliar with that session of the Corona Investigative Committee, see the article at the bottom of this post, where you will find additional links to the work of Dr. Stefan Lanka and many others. 


Excerpt from Dr. Reiner Fuellmich’s introduction to this committee session:

Reiner Fuellmich:

“Today at the International Crimes Investigative Committee, we want to look at the question: Has the corona virus, the alleged novel corona virus, ever really been properly isolated or not?
Related to that is the question of: Why do so many people, even from “the resistance”, resist dealing with this question at all?
Because the most important thing I’ve learned, at least from the last two and a half years, is that almost everything we see is illusion.
Apart from the fact that we seem to have been lied to about almost everything in the past, including history that didn’t happen as it’s portrayed to us, what we see in the context of corona is also almost all lies. From A to Z.”


Fear & Loathing of the Emperor’s new clothes

by International Crimes Investigative Committee
January 15, 2023


In this episode of ICIC, Reiner Fuellmich and his guests, Dr. Claus Köhnlein, Internist and Author, Dr. Hans-Joachim Maaz, Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist, Psychoanalyst, and Samuel Eckert, Entrepreneur and initiator of the Isolate Truth Fund, discuss the “science” as well as the psychological aspects behind our current health crisis including faulty or non-existent scientific studies, profit-driven narratives and the aggressive scare tactics which created a global mass psychosis.

[The video below is in German with English subtitles & is mirrored from ICIC-Net.]


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Cover image credit: CDD20


Challenging the Foundations of Virology: Corona Investigative Committee With Dr. Stefan Lanka & Dr. Andrew Kaufman