Stop Mandatory Vaccinations in 400+ Colleges Today by Sending a Letter to University Presidents! Tell them: My Body, My Choice!

Stop Mandatory Vaccinations in 400+ Colleges Today by Sending a Letter to University Presidents! Tell them: My Body, My Choice!

by Children’s Health Defense, The Defender
August 26, 2021


College-aged students are facing challenging decisions and the loss of constitutional freedoms as the price of admission. In a few weeks, many Universities begin in person classes. BUT students need to take and confirm their full vaccinations two weeks before – so time is critical. You can send emails today to presidents of over 400 universities to tell them the facts regarding COVID vaccination in young people and why all mandates are a bad idea. Email your local media too. Everyone needs to get involved!

Children’s Health Defense Sues Rutgers University Over COVID Vaccine Mandate: The lawsuit seeks declaration that the students’ rights are being violated, injunctive relief, and damages.

NOTE: We want to see your emails. So please blind copy CHD at:

Find Universities, President Email Addresses and Sample Letters

Give your school this useful information about why mandates are not legal.

COVID-19 vaccines are Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) Products. Mandating them violates Federal Law and the Nuremberg Code. The Children’s Health Defense Legal Section has extensive legal resources to make individuals aware about their legally protected rights. Use these resources to educate and preserve fundamental human rights on critical issues related to health freedom.

Tell Your Elected Officials NO MANDATES! Tell Them: My Body, My Choice!

With one click, send a letter to your Federal officials, Governor, State legislators, Mayor and City Council Members. Send a letter now.


Due to outcry, many colleges have changed their mandates policy including: University of MichiganPenn State, and Nova Southeastern. We hope this is a sign for other colleges to change as well. CHD will keep track of colleges changing their minds as we move forward.

Successful Actions by Students
Successful Actions by Parents

Info coming soon for this section.

Successful Actions by Governors/Attorney Generals
Coercion College or Individual Freedom College?
UCLA is Missing University Disclosure Information

Here’s where they went wrong. Is your school like UCLA? If so, substitute UCLA for your school’s name.

UCLA offers partial information about its mandatory COVID-19 vaccine mandate for Fall 2021 students. But, its web page is incomplete, allowing for disinformation. Full disclosure is absent. Therefore, UCLA should rectify the following deficiencies that accrue as a result of its vaccine mandate:

  1. UCLA is silent on Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) Vaccinations: UCLA should inform students that the mandatory COVID vaccinations are experimental and are only authorized under the FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization or EUA.
  2. Absence of Informed Consent: When vaccines are administered under an EUA, those administering the vaccinations are required to give informed consent information such as:
    • CDC has announced (via the VAERS data base) that, as of June 23, it has received reports of over 1,000 cases of heart inflammation, known as myocarditis or pericarditis, in males between the ages of 16 and 24, following mRNA COVID-19 vaccinations.
    • FDA recently included a warning about the risk of heart inflammation in the Moderna and Pfizer Vaccination fact sheets.
    • The number of COVID 19-related vaccination injuries, including deaths, reported by CDC (VAERS) as of August 13, 2021 is 595,622.
  3. Cancellation of the Medical Code of Ethics: UCLA violates one of the four pillars of the medical code of ethics, one of which is autonomy—meaning that an individual’s freedom of choice with regard to medical procedures is essential. UCLA should state that through its mandate, they are suspending the medical code of ethics with regard to autonomy.
  4. Legal Authority not cited: UCLA should state the legal and statutory authority on which it bases its vaccine mandate.
  5. Remedies at law are not cited: UCLA should inform its students that in the event of vaccine injury, they have no legal recourse against the pharmaceutical company that manufactured the vaccine that caused injury. Additionally, UCLA is also silent about whether students or parents have recourse against UCLA in the event of its students’ injuries or death or if UCLA is claiming a legal shield against liability.
  6. Undefined Responsibility: UCLA does not identify the official that signed off on the mandate.  This means that in a trial based on violations of the Nuremberg code, UCLA has not identified if the Chancellor, president, or board of trustees might be called as witnesses, or even be named as defendants.
Other Universities
Other Useful Information
Examples of “Vaccine Failure”


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