A Perfect Nightmare: Cryptoklepto

Source:  Giza Death Star

by Joseph P. Farrell
March 25, 2019


Regular readers here will be accustomed to my occasional rants and warnings about crypto-currencies. And those who are familiar with those rants will understand that I’m not an investment advisor, much less a “policy maker” (thank God!). I’m a hack from South Dakota who likes to indulge in high octane speculation. And today I want to do double duty and give not one, but two, high octane speculations about three very seemingly unrelated articles, shared by Ms. K.M., Mr G.L.R.,  and Mr. E.G. (who also kindly shared his own speculations in his email, which I will attempt to outline because they impact on my own). In addition to that, Catherine Austin Fitts also shared a story from the Bank of International Smugglers… er… I mean… the Bank of International Settlements, that is also germane to my high octane speculations. So with all those caveats on the record, let’s dive into the first article:

Oregon Bill Would Create Banking Alternative for Cannabis Industry, Bypass Federal Reserve

Now let’s cite a few paragraphs then summarize what the implications are:

A bill filed in the Oregon House would establish limited state-chartered banks to serve the cannabis industry. Final passage of this legislation would remove a major federal roadblock in front of the developing industry in the state and further nullify federal prohibition in practice.

Rep. Pam Marsh (D) and Rep. Ken Helm (D) introduced House Bill 3169 (HB3169) on Feb. 28. The legislation would create a self-contained, state chartered banking system for the cannabis industry in Oregon.

Because marijuana remains illegal under federal law, cannabis businesses in states that have legalized marijuana remain effectively locked out of the banking system. If a federally chartered or insured financial institution touches marijuana money, it takes on significant legal risk. The federal government insures or charters virtually every bank in the U.S. As a result, cannabis businesses have been forced to transact almost exclusively in cash. Passage of HB3169 would bypass the federal banking system and create a limited banking alternative for the marijuana industry in Oregon.

HB3619 would authorize banking institutions and credit unions to organize as limited charter cannabis financial institutions. Cannabis businesses would be able to deposit funds in these institutions and write “special purpose checks” for the following:

(a) To pay fees or taxes to a public body;

(b) To pay rent on property that is leased by, or on behalf of, a cannabis business;

(c) To pay a vendor that is physically located in Oregon for goods or services associated with a cannabis business; and

(d) To purchase bonds issued by a public body.

Oregon is among a growing number of states simply ignoring federal prohibition, and nullifying it in practice.

So what do we have? (1) A growing number of states that are fed up with the ever-growing unmanageable marsh monster in Swampington, D.C.; and by the same token (2) a growing popular distaste for far-off bureaucrats making decisions as representatives of corporations and banksters about how local people with live, run their lives, and govern themselves; (3) a determination to create local or regional means of financial transaction, with media of exchange actually backed by something (in this case, marijuana). When Ms. K.M. sent along this email, she indicated that her suspicion was that this was but the camel’s nose in the door.

If one looks at this list, I suspect she’s right, for almost anything could be used to create such banks, from marijuana to gold – think of Texas’ state bullion depository – to food or, to borrow a page from the Nazis for a moment, Feder’s “labor treasury certificates,” which represented a kind of “state surplus” medium of exchange. In other words, Oregon’s move is of a piece with Texas’ bullion depository in a sense, and part of wider moves by several states in the United States that have passed “constitutional money” resolutions. These moves all occur, let it be noted, in the same time frame that several countries are trying to repatriate their physical gold reserves, a trend that was kicked off by Germany a few years ago, and which list has grown to include Australia, Austria, the Netherlands, and of course, Venezuela.

Meanwhile, of course, the globalist banksters are not idle, and have been noticing the growing trend of dissatisfaction with their grand scheme of creating a global centralized government with billionaire busybodies telling everyone else how big their toilet bowls can be, how many vaccines their children must have, how many showers per week they can take, and most importantly, has been throwing up road blocks to those countries trying to repatriate their gold. Recall the difficulty Germany encountered for a while trying to do so. Venezuela was simply told “you can’t have your gold because we don’t like you,” no doubt because Venezuela was not Germany and could not make as big of a fuss.

Which leads to the second article shared by Mr. E.G.:

Gold – Preparing For The Next Move

Now, again, I’m not an investment advisor, nor are my speculations to be construed as such. I only share my own personal reactions to what appears to be emerging, which brings us to Mr. E.G.’s speculations which are quite similar to my own. The crucial crux interpretum of this second article appears to be this:

The finances of any government whose unbacked currency is the national pricing medium are central to determining future general price levels. Just taking the US dollar for example, the government’s debt to GDP ratio is over 100% (in 1929 it was less than 40%). At the peak of the cycle, the government should have a revenue surplus reflecting underlying full employment and the peak of tax revenues. In 1929, the surplus was 0.7% of estimated GDP; today it is a deficit of 5.5% of GDP. In 1929, the government had minimal legislated welfare commitments, the net present value of which was therefore trivial. The deficits that arose in the 1930s were due to falling tax revenues and voluntary government schemes enacted by Presidents Hoover and Roosevelt. Today, the present value of future welfare commitments is staggering, and estimates for the US alone range up to $220 trillion, before adjusting for future currency debasement.

Other countries are in a potentially worse position, particularly in Europe. A global economic slump on any scale, let alone that approaching the 1930s depression, will have a drastic impact on all national finances. Tax revenues will collapse while welfare obligations escalate. Some governments are more exposed than others, but the US, UK, Japan and EU governments will see their finances spin out of control. Furthermore, their ability to cut spending is limited to that not mandated by law. Even assuming responsible stewardship by politicians, the expansion of budget deficits can only be financed through monetary inflation.

That is the debt trap, and it has already sprung shut on minimal interest rates. For a temporary solution, governments can only turn to central banks to fund runaway government deficits by inflationary means. The inflation of money and credit is the central banker’s cure-all for everything. Inflation is not only used to finance governments but to provide the commercial banks with the wherewithal to stimulate an economy. An acceleration of monetary inflation is therefore guaranteed by a global economic slowdown, so the purchasing power of fiat currencies will take another lurch downwards as the dilution is absorbed. That is the message we must take on board when debating physical gold, which is the only form of money free of all liabilities.

Gold can only give an approximation of the loss of purchasing power in a fiat currency during a slump, because gold’s own purchasing power will be rising at the same time. Between 1930 and 1933 the wholesale price index in America fell 31.6% and consumer prices by 17.8%. These price changes reflected the increasing purchasing power of gold, because of its fixed convertibility with the dollar at that time.

When Mr. E.G., shared his speculations on what all this meant, he proposed the following: that there were discernible signs that central banks were moving toward the creation of a crypto-currency world, or a cashless society, with the crypto-currencies or some type of digital currency backed by (1) gold, and (2) collateralized space assets.  This, in essence, was my own speculation at the 2014 Secret Space Program Conference in San Mateo, Nuttyfornia. There I proposed that space assets had been collateralized from a very early period in the post-World War Two era as a component of a secret system of finance. More importantly, recent stories seem to indicate this may have been the case, as a few years ago we were treated to stories about certain asteroids having astronomical resources that were valued in the quadrillions of dollars, handy things to have floating around when the toxic derivatives on the books are calculated to be in the quadrillions of dollars. Additionally, he pointed out that some governments have already committed to becoming cashless within a few years, for the simple reason that it gives them – and their controlling central banks – the ability to tax in real time.

I suspect – strongly – that Mr. E.G.’s and my own speculations about the collateralization and backing of digital currencies are, indeed, the “game plan” of the banksters who, sensing the rising tide of revolt against their plans for centralization and telling everyone else how they can and should live, are speeding up the process as fast as they can. With that in mind, consider this article shared by Catherine Austin Fitts about digital and crypto-currencies from the BIS (the Bank of Institutionalized Swag…er… Bank of International Smugglers… er… Bank of International Settlements… it is difficult to keep all these players sorted out):

1/10The future of money and payments Speech by Agustín Carstens General Manager, Bank for International Settlements

There’s so much in this speech to give one pause that to do a thorough job of reviewing it would require several blogs. But there are a few paragraphs that jumped out(Note, in the article, CBDC stands for “central bank digital currencies”):

Banks play an important role as provider of financial services to citizens and businesses. Imagine that the Central Bank of Ireland and the ECB were to offer deposit accounts to everyone and then issue debit cards and mobile phone apps for you to make payments with. In such a scenario, the central bank would be taking on the customer-facing business lines. Presumably, the central bank would need to recruit new staff to handle this line of business and to handle customer enquiries (sic). Now, I can tell you that central bank staff are very good, and they would be capable of taking on customer-facing tasks. But that is not the main issue.

Safety could be an important reason to deposit money in the central bank. In times of uncertainty, more customers would prefer to have deposit accounts at central banks, and fewer at commercial banks. A shift of funds from commercial banks to the central bank could be gradual at first. But the trickle could turn into a flood.

If bank deposits shift to the central bank, lending would need to shift as well. So, in addition to the deposit business, the central bank would be taking on the lending business. The central bank would need to meet business owners, interview them about why they need a loan, and decide on how much each should receive.

We can ask ourselves whether this is the kind of financial system that we would like to have as the ultimate set-up. I grant that this thought experiment may have gone too far. For instance, the central bank could make do without a lending operation if it sends customer deposits to the commercial banks by opening central bank accounts at commercial banks. In effect, the central bank would be lending to the commercial banks so that they could lend on to the customers.

In his speech, Mr. Carstens points out that the above scenario is a “thought experiment”, and throughout the rest of the speech he simply points out that cashless payments are a growing trend in certain countries (notably China). The implication is that “it’s a technological inevitability,” and of course, he gives the usual caveats that central bankers are extraordinarily cautious people and don’t want to leap into a course of action without knowing the full consequences.

But the consequences are spelled out in his speech: central banks simply take over all the functions of ordinary banks, including direct deposits, lending, and clearing functions for individual and corporate customers. With the BIS sitting on top of it all, of course. Notably, there is not much said about accountability in such a system, so the question needs to be baldly and nakedly stated: should we trust such a system, given what we’ve seen from Mr. Globaloney lately?

I don’t. Given my “druthers,” I’d much rather trust Texas’ bullion depository, or Oregon’s “cannabis certificates” than the Tower of Basel. And that brings us to the final article. At the beginning of his speech, Mr. Carstens points out that there is much discussion about the “digital” component of “central bank digital currencies.” However, he quickly (and deftly) shifts the discussion to the “central bank” component as if it were another implied inevitability. In doing so, he avoids the real issue: cyber systems are simply not secure, and as such have no integrity and make it much easier for looting, fraud, and outright theft to occur, and in a central banking pyramid, that means the banksters themselves will be the primary looters, frauders, and thieves. Consider this final article shared by Mr. G.L.R:

Study Finds That Overwhelming Majority Of Bitcoin Trading Volume Is Faked

And what’s true of Bitcoin is true for all cryptocurrencies, without exception. What’s of concern here is the same problem I’ve raised elsewhere, and in different contexts: crypto-currency works for those who have the ability to create large computer systems and algorithms to execute trades, and do so with the most efficient speeds. Accordingly, market activity is not reflective of genuine human trading activity. In other words, take the same criticism of equities, commodities, securities and currency markets, and now apply it to crypto-currencies. Ultimately, the trend is toward ever greater centralization, because this is what the technology requires and demands to function profitably. And none of it – none of it – is secure.  Add to this the fact that one must trust these banks to tell us the truth about how much gold, or space assets, is really backing those blips on the screen. And the more centralized, the more remote from your neighborhood, and its economic realities, they will be.

So, as far as I can see, this is a recipe for a perfect nightmare for pretty much everyone, except, of course, the banksters.

What this means is, I suspect, that one will see increasing local and regional pushback from states, provinces, and localities and more abandonment of the globalist agenda.

See you on the flip side…

G. Edward Griffin on the Federal Reserve, Banking System & Cryptocurrencies

Source: Jason Goodman
February 19, 2019

A Conversation with G. Edward Griffin Author of The Creature from Jekyll Island




Jason Goodman shares brief conversation with G. Edward Griffin at Anarchapulco 2019.

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JP Morgan’s New Cryptocurrency

Source:  Giza Death Star

by Joseph P. Farrell
February 19, 2019


You may or may not have heard of this, but in case you haven’t, Mr. J.T. sent this article, and it’s worth your attention. As most regular readers here are aware, I’m not a big cryptocurrency fan. In fact, I’m very skeptical of them. They started out being touted as “virtually impregnable”,  and so they were, until people learned how to start hacking and stealing. Their biggest selling point, however, was something akin to a battle cry, that they would by-pass the central banks, and a new utopia of central-bank-free transaction would emerge and we’d have debt-free money (i.e., real money) and everything would be Wonderful.

Then came the stories that the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street, the Bank of England, were doing their own study of a gold-backed crypto, so the central banking part of the narrative sort of fell apart (at least, for a while), then we heard no more about the Bank of England thing, and the narrative of a central-bank-free crypto-utopia re-emerged, though not with as much wind in  its sails as before.

Well, another bank is now announcing its own cryptocurrency, and though it’s not a central bank, it might as well be:

JPMorgan is creating a cryptocurrency pegged to the dollar

Oh joy… JP Morgan is getting into the cryptocurrency parade… what could possibly go wrong?

Well, for starters, consider this:

JPMorgan Chase is developing a new cryptocurrency called JPM Coin whose value will be tied to the US dollar, the bank said on Thursday. The new private blockchain platform is designed to help large JPMorgan clients move money around the world. The new cryptocurrency will be built atop JPMorgan’s Quorum blockchain technology, a variant of Ethereum that has been modified to serve the needs of a major financial institution like JPMorgan.

The Ethereum network is public and open to anyone; Quorum is a private blockchain where a network owner can control who has access. All transactions on the Ethereum network are visible to everyone on the network. In contrast, nodes in the Quorum network can create encrypted transactions (and smart contracts) that are only visible to parties to the transaction.

Quorum also jettisons the wasteful proof-of-work algorithm that secures the Ethereum network in favor of a simpler scheme that relies on majority voting among network nodes.

Wait… whoa!  what the heck does that mean, that bit about the network’s being secured by “a simpler scheme that relies on majority voting among network nodes.” Majority vote of whom? JP Morgan stockholders? Federal reserve stockholders?

Ah… wait…presumably it means this:

Public blockchain networks like Ethereum use proof-of-work algorithms to guard against Sybil attacks, in which someone tries to take over a network by creating a lot of zombie nodes. But Sybil attacks aren’t a concern in a permissioned blockchain like Quorum, because each node is tied to a real-world identity that has been vetted by the network owner.

Whew! I feel better now! Thank you JPMorgan for vetting nodes and determining which ones are real or not. I feel like a real person again! At least, I’m beginning to feel more like a node.

But there’s another big catch toward the end of the article:

big unanswered question here is what value is added by doing this as a blockchain network rather than a conventional database running on JPMorgan servers. The selling point of a conventional blockchain network like bitcoin or Ethereum is that it’s open for anyone to participate and therefore can enable cooperation among people who don’t otherwise trust each other.

But JPM Coin is only going to be open to JPMorgan customers. And two parties who are both JPMorgan customers can already rely on JPMorgan as a trusted intermediary for any financial transactions they might want to undertake. So it’s not clear how using a blockchain is helpful.

So, in all seriousness, what’s really going on here? Well, in my high octane speculation of the day, I suspect what we’re looking at is “a scheme”, a “scheme” rather like those “robo-signed” mortgages of yesteryear, only this one may be much cleverer. Indeed, Mr. J.T., when he sent along this article, spotted it immediately. Gee, surprise surprise! A “scheme?” From a Rockefailure bank? Say it isn’t so! So…

…what’s the “scheme”?

Well, toward the middle of the article there are these two things: first, you’ll note that the new crypto’s value is tied to the dollar, mentioned toward the beginning of the article. This is affirmed elsewhere:

The value of bitcoins and Ethereum’s ether float on the open market. In contrast, JPMorgan will guarantee that each JPM Coin can be redeemed for $1.

Then there’s the second thing:

There’s also the potential to expand this system to other types of transactions. The system is flexible enough to have JPM Coins denominated in euros, yen, or other major currencies. There’s also the possibility that it could be used to facilitate the sale and transfer of other assets, like stocks or bonds.

So what might be really going on? My high octane speculation – and I think I’m on the end of the twig on this one – is that this is an attempt to create a version of the old European “Snake”, the Exchange Rate Mechanism whereby the currencies of smaller countries were pegged, within certain percentage points of valuation, against the German Deutschmark. When currencies fluctuated outside that benchmark, the central bank (in this case, the Bundesbank) stepped in to restabilize those currencies. It was this mechanism which France later joined, and the emergent result was the euro and the Eurozone. So it’s those parts about JPMorgan’s new crypto being tied to (1) the dollar and (2) the possibility of expanding that to handle other currencies and possibly even types of securities that really catches the eye, for it suggests that it is a move to peg other currencies, and securities, to the dollar and dollar-evaluation. Think of it as a kind of combination of SWIFT, the Exchange Rate Mechanism, and a securities brokerage all in one fell swoop. And, oh yea, lest I forget, you’ll notice it’s also a nifty move to allow JPMorgan to become a kind of international central bank, too.

See you on the flip side…

Rigged Cryptocurrency Markets? Say It Isn’t So!

Source: Giza Death Star

by Joseph P. Farrell
October 17, 2018


Most regular readers of this site know that I’ve been skeptical from the beginning about cryptocurrencies for a variety of reasons. It’s not that there haven’t been people who haven’t made money from them. It’s that I’m more or less opposed to financial capitalism that isn’t involved in actual production of something by way of goods and/or services; speculating isn’t investing, and it seems to this outside observer that there’s been far too much speculating in the guise of “finance” and too little investing. Cryptocurrencies always struck me as being a variation on currency and securities speculation. Add to this the problem of cyber security in general, and the (to me) unpleasant fact that the Bank of England was thinking about crypto-currencies, and that pretty much did it for me: (1) finance capitalism, coupled to (2) speculation being done on (3) cyber-systems plus (4) a famous central bank considering “doing its own crypto” pushed my suspicion meter into the red zone.

And those, suffice it to say, were the reasons that when Mr. V.T. sent along the following article, I sat up and took notice:

Meet The Finance Professor Exposing Rigged Markets One Academic Paper At A Time

What caught my eye in this article was not so much the fact that Professor John Griffin has been quietly publishing academic analyses of financial markets and their rigged nature (no surprise there), nor even the fact that he is being consulted and read by regulatory agencies. What caught my eye was rather the comments relating to my “cause for worrying number two” above: speculation. In case you missed it, here it is again:

Finance professor John Griffin, along with his doctoral student companion, Amin Shams, were the two academics that drew market-moving conclusions about bitcoin last year, while the digital currency was trading around $20,000. After sifting through 2 terabytes of trading data, they alleged that bitcoin was being manipulated by someone using the cryptocurrency Tether to purchase it. Tether remains a relatively little-known crypto, which is pegged to one US dollar. Part of its appeal is that it can “stand in” for dollars when necessary, according to Bloomberg.Griffin and Shams authored a paper in June, with the results of their findings ultimately catalyzing many digital assets to move lower, despite the fact that the CEO of Tether publicly denied that its currency was used to prop up bitcoin. (Emphasis in the original)

Ponder the implications of the first paragraph for a moment: one crypto-currency was being used to “prop up” another. Abstract that to general principles and you get the idea: one crypto could prop up another, which props up another, and on and on, either leading back to the origin in a computerized circle, or going on and on indefinitely with the creation of new crypto-currencies, all for the purposes of manipulation.

Professor Griffin, according to the article, alleges that “bitcoin was being manipulated by someone using Tether to purchase it.” The question is, who is that “someone”? In relationship to that question, ponder also the very next sentences: “Tether remains a relatively little-known crypto, which is pegged to one US dollar. Part of its appeal is that it can ‘stand in’ for dollars when necessary, according to Bloomberg.” Now add that “little” insight to the “abstraction to general principles” and one has a system whereby not only various crypto-currencies can be manipulated by other crypto-currencies, but if they in turn are pegged to the dollar, and more and more manipulation of crypto-currencies occurs with such pegged cryptos, then what one might be seeing is an attempt to secure the dollar’s reserve status by moving part of that status into cryptos.

And that lends a little corroboration to a theory that’s been out there, if you’ve been following the speculations about the origins of the idea of crypto-currencies being ultimately tied to the American intelligence community.

And, now that I think about it, it’s also a good way fund that hidden system of finance, by harvesting wealth through crypto-manipulations.

So I’ll make a prediction: I suspect that over time, we will hear more and more stories of these types of manipulation, and that slowly, over time, interconnected webs of such manipulation will emerge. (And yes, that was my high Octane Speculation of the day.)

See you on the slip side…

Catherine Austin Fitts on Global Control & Bitcoin

by  DarkJournalist
May 25, 2018



Daniel Liszt interviews former Assistant Housing Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts on the Black Budget.

If we can’t talk about reality, how are we going to deal with reality?

I’ve been doing due diligence on Bitcoin, digital currencies, and was really inspired by a series of events to do a serious – the kind of due diligence that an investment advisor or an investment banker is required by professional standards to do… and then I sat down and I said, you know this really is as bad as I thought…

So Mr. Global is getting all the freedom fighters to invent his digial currency mechanisms and transactions. You know it’s many things, it’s complex… But I ran into so many wonderful people who were adamant that somehow – that the cryptocurrency revolution was going to solve all of our problems. And they didn’t understand that when you have a government structure that is invisible, does not have integrity, and is controlling you through physical force, there is no such thing as a financial solution to that. Because if I control the physical world, I control the hardware, I control the train tracks, I control the cables that go underneath the ocean, I control the satellites in the sky, I’m in control...

The whole point for me in Control 101 was to try to reach into the minds of so many wonderful people and help them come back to coherence about how control works. You know, control in our world runs by force, physical force. That’s why we spend more than a trillion dollars a year on military hardware and budgets. It’s run by force…

…digital currencies and digital payment systems will be used to control us. What I think the bankers want is they want everybody chipped and entrained… They want “Daniel, here’s your chip and if you don’t behave, we’re turning off your money.”…

I think we are building the train tracks of our own control…

My one rule is my most precious asset is my time and attention. And I’m only going to invest in things which give life = both give life to the people I serve and give life to me. If I see something as ultimately developing the train tracks of control, I don’t want to contribute.

– Catherine Austin Fitts

Bitcoin Humor

by  JP Sears
December 19, 2017


Bitcoin – Ultra Spiritual Life episode 86


Crypto Current-Seas and the Shifting Morphic Field

Crypto Current-Seas and the Shifting Morphic Field

by Zen Gardner
November 28, 2017

(A response to an awakened friend regarding the arising of crypto currencies as a potential economic as well as societal answer.)


Very interesting questions you pose. The financial situation is a symptom as you know, yet also a controller and apparent key to unlocking centralized power. So, like projected individual consciousness and the collective, they work synergistically as I see it.

I find it’s important to always remember that our perception is very 3-D tainted, if not seriously bound, so even our perceptions are fundamentally limited, something I think we need to remain aware of, vigilantly. In a parallel fashion, it appears to me both power and money have to go at the same time in a strange yet practical way, so I don’t apply myself to anything having to do with currencies, nor any specific seemingly actionable vectors at this point. I addressed all of those for years but it was time for me to move on. But that’s me. The NWO thing will attempt to solve these issues, just as religion pretends to address spiritual longings, but it’s a scam. They’ll declare a false peace with carefully engineered “solutions” along these lines while declaring unity as they co-opt humanity at large. At least that’s the plan.

The great thing is so many have done such wonderful work. There’s enlightening information available now for anyone who decides to search, and I admire and respect those who do provide such work honestly and sincerely and without agenda. I just don’t see much point in overly rehashing it and thereby drawing further attention and intention to it, other than what is essential – i.e. information from those whom I would call the true Watchers. There needn’t be many nor nearly as many repeaters as we now have, as it’s spawned infective egos, disinfo and psyops galore. But it is what it is for those who need to experience all of that and find their way.

This is especially so in light of the fact that knowing all of that clearly, at least for me, comes to indicate the solution is in how we individually live and come alive spiritually, which has a much greater effect than anything we do externally, although each are manifestations of the other. By doing so we’re then changing the entire morphogenic field, if you will, by changing our personal vibration and what we contribute to energetically. As I said for years, when we realize the vast power of our personal consciously empowered energetic effect it will magnify this shift exponentially. That may sound a bitt woo woo to some but it’s a fact.

Rabbit Hole Fever

It’s similar to the over-emphasis on seeing the dark occult influences, or even the many machinations of the control fascinated cabal. Once aware of them, which is important, and knowing the teachings regarding them are out there, we need to move on as I see it. To remain in any of these fields of investigation too long is only to feed them and draw undue attention to them. Not an easy shift for most.

It borders on fascination which is a form of worship, very akin to the energy of subservience and fear. It only gives more power and subtly assumed adoration and servitude to the very things we claim to recognize as negative or “wrong”.

But again, this dualism playing out is a teaching tool, an opportunity to learn and grow, that can’t be bypassed or misunderstood for what it really is. Similar to the friction and surface tension that draws water up the stems of plants, it’s part of the process, as in the classic illustration of the butterfly struggling through its metamorphosis. When we accept these influences without wrong judgement we begin to spiritually understand the dynamics we live within and their apparent purposes, despite the seemingly needless suffering that appears to take place.

There’s tremendous peace and clarity of a very transcendent nature to which these realizations give birth.

I’m going way off point it may appear, but as I see it the only current-cy worth placing our attention on is the energetic current of true Source creation, as well as our innate indwelling Source energy. I guess I’m a purist, but this is my journey. I know everything will follow heading straight for Source, but I don’t discount at all countless manifestations of it are happening in budding forms; they just don’t have much importance to what I’m drilling for except as outward signs of change. It’s encouraging, but we have to remain in hot pursuit of the Real Deal as I see it and stay honed in. The rest will never take us Home, for lack of a better word, until we do.

Back to Cryptos

I don’t trust crypto currencies any more than anything, but see them as a sign of budding life attempting to take form. They’re something to be careful with like anything, but much of the original intention is terrific. This question takes me back to the reformation vs true revolution contraposition. The tendency of humanity to reform instead of truly break free is evident. Perhaps this is why Gaia, in concert with Source, has had to truly “dump and recycle” our planet over and over, way more times than most of humanity would like the know about, or would-be controllers would like us to be aware of. For that very purpose.

Hence true history is erased from the 3-D collective, for obvious reasons. The parasitic energies want to live. Yet so do we in our energetic form. The battle for energy is all part of the way things naturally work, seeking attention and intention and hence energy, a strange and foreign thought to the dualistic mind. Good and evil, light and dark, can be likened to the yin and yang, symbolizing entirety. Or perhaps a theoretical atom. Which do you kick out, the positive or the negative? Or are both “making the whirled go round”?

The Asymptote That Is Never Reached

To me, “everything must go”, the big sale, and humanity has to at least be willing to make a true leap in consciousness before any kind of real reset will work. Universe is ready to meet the willing heart. It’s not that complicated. Maybe all these cyclical trends are leading up to it, but I’m constantly reminded of the asymptote – the ever approached axis by the infinitely closer but never reaching hyperbolic curve. As a metaphor or illustration, this curve is like the prevailing human condition as not fully willing to truly transform, pierce through and “get” its inherent deception to make it through the membrane of the axis it approaches to where true reality operates.

A perhaps crude and clearly two dimensional illustration but it makes a point. Approaching can be deceptive and self assuaging. Breaking through requires full on transformation. Think reverse osmosis.

This always brings me back to the ego and mind, put simply, that fight tooth and tong to stay alive. This parasitic influence we were apparently saddled with does not die easy and I’m not trying to minimize the intensity of the scrap we are in. Yet all is not eternal frustration, but is all for the purpose of Source creation unfolding and ourselves discovering who we really are. This is where our power lies.

This is altogether different and separate from this grossly limiting 3-D experience we’re born into, an apparent learning process which all of this contrast beautifully serves. It’s seemingly non-sensical, paradoxical and counter intuitive, but so be it. The fact that we can perceive that such a perspective exists beyond the seemingly self-contradicting mundane proves its very reality. Quite profound in itself.

“Other” – that “outside of” this limiting, self serving construct – exists, and must be found accessed and lived before we can even begin to assess and address our situation in the least bit consciously, never mind sufficient empowerment beyond what is available on this plane of existence. This is something seers, mystics and even leading edge true philosophers and rogue scientists have been hounded for identifying and expounding upon for eons.

The ego-mind driven system will not tolerate it because it means its demise. Plain and simple.

Again, it’s really not that complicated – like our fight and flight mechanisms we apparently harbor. They’re all very basic mechanisms that are actually easily identified.

Crypto Co-opts and the Synthetic Copycats

I look at the crypto currency stuff and contrary commentary and I agree with some that it’s being co-opted as we speak. I see most alternative forays the same. That may sound cynical but that doesn’t demean the profound significance of whatever form or level of all that’s transpiring. That’s what happens to all directional “missiles” of truth with the trajectory of escape from this gravitational field – they’re contained, dismissed, shot down or co-opted by rote.

As we gain clarity it is all easily dismissed.

As I said a long time ago, which drew a lot of criticism, I think we’re leading “them” by our conscious avant-garde ideas and perceptions which I’m convinced they follow ever so closely, all of which goes way beyond their synthetic intelligence. They, whomever “they” or these containment influences are, only follow, copy, imitate, and subvert relentlessly, trying to co-opt and lead truly conscious outcroppings. For them it’s a constant game of catch up.

People can take that for what they will, but that’s what I perceive.

The Truth and our growing awakening is leading them, not the other way around. Parasites are always looking for new food or are protecting their crops. They will continue to fight it tooth and tong in this dualistic battle we’re born into. At some point or perhaps in an other dimensional way, true Source-derived consciousness transcends these low density mechanisms, but those still in the school of dualism are unable to see that. Hence the disconnect.

Those worlds do not intersect, but rather perhaps a better graphic illustration is that these lower levels are subsets of the greater, however by no means in any Cartesian form. This gets into dimensional perspective which we are handicapped from seeing clearly from this plane, hence language cannot communicate these deeper truths and realities which subsequently drives us to intuitive heart knowing and learning.

It’s like those still in the dualistic warrior mode. There’s a place for it for some, I was there a long time as well, including within the controlled religious paradigm previous to other layers of taking a “contestual” stance. Information and exposure to the light of truth is essential. I somehow melded the spiritual warfare with socially expressed activism when they are dimensionally of quite different natures.

They aren’t necessarily the same, mutually exclusive, nor contrary. The essential warfare is our individual journeys to fully wake up and overcome obstacles etc. to make our full connection and true self realization. Fully. Or at least to get past some non delineated threshold, the convoluted nature of which I’m attempting to describe here, which is where I’m venturing now and feeling fully humbled by as I venture on.

The unknown is exactly that – unknown – fully foreign and pretty scary to our entrained natures. There’s nothing at all unhealthy about that. Fear can work in our favor, ironically enough.

Informational and social activism as I see it is a transitory stage and apparently essential for many, but not all. Many leap right past it but that is the exception as far as I have seen. But in this era, serious preliminary bondage-cutting has to start at the basics since the metastasized mutant matrix’s sinews have such a strong control on the mind and even hearts of this epoch. A tough one to slog out as so many of us have experienced from a variety of approaches.

Liberation at every level is essential, but we mustn’t focus on the seemingly dark negative. That short circuits and defeats the awakening process at so many levels – the great test of judgmental dualism that thrives on reinforcing separation.

It’s many levels operating at once – individually and collectively. We are each on a very individual path, so the need to avoid negative, self righteous judgment becomes quite evident in this process, yet few manifest. We each learn at our own speed, and all of this is merely the backdrop for it – ironically to be enjoyed at the same time as we suffer and grow through it.

Conclusion, of Sorts

I got off on quite the tangent there, going back to planar geometric mathematics ironically enough, but such is how I currently perceive our experience at the particular “angles” of my perception I’ve been exploring. Again, I am astoundingly humbled by the vastness of it all, but we are all essentially consciousness having this experience, the very reason for us having this discussion at all.

That we realize how little we perceive yet feel so much more proves there are other realms we sense and for which we seek. This is an incontrovertible fact and not some form of escape or delusion as many would say. Those who cannot even conceive of the idea that there are many co-existing realities and dimensions operating concurrently will sooner or later find out otherwise. That our language and minds cannot grasp these ideas is the very nature of this testing and learning ground.

The amazing and wonderful phenomenon is that so many are on to this adventure and sense the same things, however they describe or manifest their understandings. Quite an amazing time to be here.

Much love, and thanks for the provocative question. As in everything, it all points back to  our essential nature – amazing beyond our cognitive abilities, yet well within our super conscious, true being.

It’s no wonder this spasmatic miasma called the matrix or society and all the interim control levels will do everything they can to prevent humanity from discovering who they truly are. As this awakening happens, despite anything that tries to stop it, it’s turning things around, upside down and inside out.

Only truth can survive that.

This is going to be very interesting indeed. In fact, it already is and always has been!

So who or what is it again that is viewing all of this we experience?

Therein lies the answer.

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on amazon.com. You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.