Steady as She Goes

Steady as She Goes

by Zen Gardner
August 31, 2016


Well, I sure didn’t see this coming. I have talked about the wild times advancing on us, the awakening, the growing division, the veil lifting, and here we are. It will continue to escalate so hang in there. It’s all for our good if we have the guts to navigate it, but it will continue to unravel and pick up speed.

Be vigilant and stay centered and grounded most of all.

I’ve enjoyed this ride very much. I love the people I’ve met and connected with, getting to feel their hearts. The information and perceptions are just a means to connect, to share the deeper things that are available to all of us while clearing away the rubble and illusion. We lose perspective some times, as can be expected, but it’s all about heart and digging deep to find the true source within us.

From there we’ll operate in compassion and humble yet fearless conviction.

Many wonderful people are awakening and I’m proud to have been part of all of this, and will continue to be in some way, shape, or form of spiritual influence. There are plenty of amazing people who can continue on; this isn’t dependent on any person or group of people. It is what it is, and we move and grow with it.

The ego is easily triggered, we all experience it. That some have gone somewhat unconscious in their reactions is understandable in this environment and knowing what we all grew up with and our intense abusive system entrainment. This particular phenomenon regarding me is ironically being fueled by sources many have said they don’t trust – media hype and false and questionable or ill intentioned sources, as well as those with an ego driven agenda. I agree there are startling aspects to be taken on board, but it should have been responded to consciously, not frantically, fearfully, mean-spirited and incredibly irresponsibly.

Much of what I’m saying here and in my last articles and videos may not sit well with some people, but it’s the truth. The dynamics I point out are intended to expose how this whole parasitic system works and how so many fell for it, while professing they knew it so well.

The fact is, it doesn’t take much to set off very complex mechanisms based on our personal life experiences, fears and deep personal issues, never mind quite powerful spiritual influences that are just waiting to wreak havoc. We’ve gotten to witness all of that in full bloom.

It’s all part of the test. And our ongoing education. No one will escape this process, any more than we can escape death.

It’s strange, too, how love is touted so much as being the answer by this same collective.

We don’t really know what love is yet. Forgiveness and tolerance are completely incongruous and counter intuitive in a world based on judgement. We say we believe in love yet we want justice. We trust our hearts but obey our minds. It’s time to transcend.

And all of this was a good test, as will succeeding tests that will be right on the heels of this one.

I’m honored to be the focal point for this, even though it’s cost me everything I held dear in this life. But that’s a good thing, letting go is a well known solution. It’s just when the collector comes for those dearest to you and any sense of stability or frame of reference it gets pretty strange, disorienting, surreal and deeply challenging in ways you’ve never experienced.

But so be it. I’m being broken down and destroyed in one reality and placed into another. I’ll take it. Full on. And I’m honored.

Thank you all again for your loving support and inspiration. This is all working for good. I’ll be around and moving into my next adventurous phase, mostly self discovery and healing and getting back to a truly grounded life, as will you.

I’ll find a way to stay in touch. I’m collecting the emails of sane and loving people off the comment section but if you need a contact address for me, use But please be easy on me for a bit, it’s time to recuperate. Thanks.

I asked for the unknown and I got it. Deep inside I’m very excited but in a very different, unnervingly quiet way, but most of all I’m humbled to the bone and standing very alone – and quite empty.

And it feels right.

I’m awaiting the trade winds. They’ll come and take me where they may.

Meet you past the horizon. The unknown is calling. And it’s worth the price.

Love always,



Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.


Cover image credit: Myriams-Fotos

In the Downpour of the Rain

In the Downpour of the Rain

by Zen Gardner


I see it in the faces
I feel it in the earth
The yearning ever deeper
Like the pains before a birth

The living sense, the sadness
Their eyes are filled with tears
As our lonely, longing people
Are fending off their fears

The heart of man grows tender
Caring more for those in pain
We’re covering our loved ones
In the downpour of the rain

The night is soon approaching
But it must, as will the day
Be brave and always steadfast
Love will wipe the tears away

Learning, ever learning
Seeing consciousness arise
While ever dissipating
Is the veil of woven lies

We cannot come to fathom
Or think to just arrive
This life is for the living
Yet we onward choose to strive

For answers to our questions
The thirst cannot be slaked
Our hunger knows no bound’ries
We’re born to be awake’d

It seems we’re in a process
Conscious evolution’s own
To realize just who we are
And my, the way we’ve grown

Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Truth or Denial in the Age of Information Overload

Truth or Denial in the Age of Information Overload

by Zen Gardner
January 18, 2013


A lot of people are getting more frustrated than ever with either trying to wake people up, or just witnessing the apparent absolute ignorance of people not being able to notice what’s really going on around them. There are many reasons for this, and it’s an age old problem.

In today’s world, it appears it’s because things are crystallizing so fast and the flow of changing information coming at people is so massive it can barely be processed anymore by the lower density mind. True to some extent.

You’ll soon see that doesn’t hold up when it comes to consciousness.

But as a result of this onslaught people just shut down. In spite of so much Truth being more readily available than in any other time in history people still choose to close their eyes and ears. This info-barrage is no excuse for anything, but it’s part of the reality of the effects of this swirl of accelerating craziness that’s spinning around us.

And that’s just what’s on the mental, informational surface. Vibrationally and spiritually things are even crazier as the Matrix and its inter-dimensional minions furiously fight against the natural progression of change and advancing energetic waves of Truth our world is experiencing.

All this may not appear to be an improvement to many following this recent galactic alignment and change of ages, but despite the chaos getting loosed on the world we are definitely moving towards a much greater conscious state of awareness and energetic power. It’s getting free enough to see and experience all this that’s the major issue at hand.

Don’t let the confusion and chaos fool you. Keep your ship steady as she goes. It’s all a transition, but man the helm diligently. This is the real deal and it’s about to get very personal if it hasn’t already.

Testing Times Are Times of Choice

It’s a very challenging dynamic we’re all facing at this juncture.  And I expect it to get even wilder and more confusing by the day, especially to the unwary. And this increased fury of change is causing basically two reactions. We either open up to new and more fulfilling options for our lives, or we duck and cover and adopt the state sponsored party line for seeming safety and security.

It appears to be that simple.

The preponderance of the population is apparently shutting down and hiding from this seeming informational onslaught. They are actually happy the state propaganda machine pablumizes everything into a nice, warm, sugary goo. After all, it’s easier, and easier is better, right? Like eating cheap toxic processed fast food instead of real, living food. “We’ll worry about that healthy stuff later. You can’t expect me to eat consciously and study what’s in stuff all the time. Surely it can’t be that bad if the FDA has approved these foods and additives. And the media might not be perfect but they’d never outright lie to us…” blah blah.

Little do they know. But intentional ignorance is of course no excuse either. Even the slightest bit of critical thought could open the floodgates to the Truth but the subconscious awareness that there’s way more behind the wizard’s curtain than they care to know about keeps them squeezing their eyes shut.

Look at Sandy Hook-winked. If people knew the depths the Powers That Be sink to put on such elaborate murderous schemes and the many strange goals accomplished during these high profile rituals it would make their heads spin. So what does the media controlled world do? Nothing. Not even admit one iota of contrary evidence, be it others arrested on the scene or any contradictory stories that don’t toe the party line.

And on top of that they demonize anyone who not just proposes opposing information, but dares to question the lack of evidence to support anything that happened as the public was told! Anyone smell 9/11 here? Not a bad comparison really, an emotionally charged and fact-bereft media story that has just the right desired effects.

Always ask, Cui Bono? Who benefits? Apply that across the board.

But the time to pay the fiddler is nigh. Personally and collectively.

Even the Back Burner Is Boiling Over

There’s one thing people aren’t counting on. In this energetically enlivened time everything gets activated. Even the pots put on the back burners are boiling over and there’s no ignoring these suppressed issues any longer. You can’t stop the energetic changes any more than you can keep the waves of Truth like waves of the ocean from hitting the shore.

And despite all this jacked up confusion, people subconsciously realize to wake up and challenge any one of these major issues might mean having to see and therefore react to other issues or questions. It might mean changing their whole understanding of life which would take them to new, uncomfortable places.

For those trying to put off these uncomfortable realizations, it’s gonna get a heck of a lot more uncomfortable as well as confusing for those who don’t get honest about what’s before them and rise to the challenge, believe me.

We’re either part of the problem, or part of the solution. Plain and simple.

All or Nothing at All – Beware the Vortex

It’s really becoming all or nothing at all when it comes to the fundamentals of Truth vs. the Lie in people’s lives. Those that shut down and close their eyes and ears to the Truth are forced into the only other option: the one touted by the mainstream media/religion/intellectual mantra and enforced by the matrix. And its end is death..spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.

The vortex of this false world is way too strong for anyone to be anywhere near the big lie with little compromises to not get sucked into the whole morass of deceit. We’ll all be shedding more and more cherished baggage as the storm picks up.

Let go gleefully. It’s helping you get free.

Commit to Detachment

It’s very simple knowing what to do. Arm yourself with Truth and Love and detach from the Lie any and every way you can. Any compromise is going to cost more than it ever did before. As the wind picks up even the smallest bit of debris becomes increasingly hazardous. Same with attachments. The smallest thing can bring us down if we’re off guard and playing too near to the snare of the matrix.

Think about that.

The battle before us is overcoming the fog machine that brings on excuses, indifference, apathy and confusion, all very “reasonable” causes for inaction and keeping wrong attachments. That we’re being absolutely hammered with false informational overload is a given. The wonderful part of the equation is the good informational field that’s intensifying at the same time.

Stay alive, alert and detached. The only way to process this burst of false information is to step back, see yourself as consciousness having an experience called “you”, and then process it and act or not act accordingly.

Such is the way. A great default that always works for conscious warriors.

Much Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.


Cover image credit: GDJ

The Pernicious Power of Partial Truth

The Pernicious Power of Partial Truth

by Zen Gardner
January 30, 2013


Here’s the problem. It’s not the awakened and informed that get ensnared by partial truths. It’s those that have yet to find full awareness and gain a real conscious perspective. It thwarts real investigation and shunts the unwary up the garden path to Numbsville.

This is what politics and social engineering thrive on.

You think people would go along with complete frontal lies continually? While it seems our Orwellian society has degraded to something pretty close to that, there has to be something that appears to relate to people’s everyday experience, no matter how engineered that is as well. It may be a relative truth within an entire fabricated system, but still it’s something someone can relate to.

The Alternative Dilemma

What has been labelled the alternative community, alternative research community or truth community is in a bit of a quandary. It’s nothing new. Whenever you have an implied or perceived polarity this kind of lumping together by the mind happens. Strangely enough almost every time our low level thinking does this polarized perception it’s wrong and a false choice.

Same with this mainstream vs alternative. Very lumpy thinking but deal with the concept we must.

The right/left political paradigm is a good, obvious example. A totally false premise yet a whole fabricated system is built around it making it appear legitimate. Oh how many things in this life are like that! When you realize all this is a holographic projection based on intention and participation you can work backwards and see how pervasive and restrictive that limited mind thinking really is and understand why it falls for all these tricks.

With the alternative news media concept it’s a little more clear the dichotomy people face with respect to where they get their information. From a mainstream perspective, the alternative press is anything outside of their accepted realm and “trusted” sources. They don’t look at the details much except to accept the mainstream definition and have total disdain for anything so-called “alternative” where they’ve turned the word conspiracy into a broad brushing pejorative.

Within the alternative news community there is obviously a lot more diversity than the flatfooted mainstreamer could ever imagine. They won’t touch it, or if they do it’s a couple of accidental hits or doubt-filled super skeptical queries they venture to look into. There are those that get an eye opener and it leads to new worlds of information, but I’m describing the general perception.

Amongst the overall “alternative” or non-mainstream community there are loads of dynamics at work. Which is wonderful. The truly enlightened can tell what’s what and understand there are many ideas and theories and approaches and they learn from anything they can. There’s no fear because they’re grounded in truth and not jumping on any bandwagon that happens to roll by just because it’s so called “alternative”.

Moles, Cling-Ons and Psyops

Of course this ugly stuff goes on. There’s also controlled opposition like the mainstream co-opting partial truthers like Glenn Beck who apparently thinks he’s a radical or something. Just look at the employers, paychecks and big egos of these types if nothing else. Wittingly or not so many are manipulated by Zionist interests, big banks, corporate and political influences, secret societies and occult powers.  That’s the name of the game. That’s who’s running the external show. So by definition if someone isn’t fully conscious and free from all that, they are being tooled around by them in some fashion.

Especially people in the media where the projected illusion is so all important.

But in the alternative world it can get pretty tricky. The labyrinth of the rabbit hole is practically endless so just about anything goes when you really get into the big picture and are trying to excavate the Truth from the rubble of lies and sealed off compartments you find. So most of us are willing to consider most anything and at least take a look at it. You eventually develop an intuitive sense about things, but even that stretches and changes as more becomes apparent and your consciousness grows.

We realize we relatively know less and less in the grand scheme of things and it’s wonderful!

The Spaghetti Test – Observe and Stay Detached

As I’ve often said, I use what I call the spaghetti test when processing information. Not the perfect analogy, but it demonstrates several truths.  You know when you first learned to make spaghetti and the test was to see if it stuck to the wall or not? If it did it was done. Messy but effective.

That’s one way to approach it. If it sticks, OK, leave it there for now. Sometimes things fall away later on. The main point is to sort of leave it out there and just keep going. Something later may confirm or contradict it, or it’s just lower level information that’s leading you to somewhere Universe is taking you. That’s the fun part, watching synchronicity lead the way.

Number one lesson I’d say is stay the observer when it comes to information. Detachment is the key. The mind is working along with your consciousness to process whatever you’re coming across so beware of getting attached to ideas and concepts and the allure of “sexy” information. It’s whenever we get attached we get ourselves in trouble – whether it be to a what could become a dogmatic concept, belief or an outcome, we need to constantly let go; it’s a matter of conscious awareness survival.

Look at the billions who’ve been sidetracked and hijacked and joined these confining mind controlled religions or belief systems or the like. We’ve all been in some form of a belief system or another even if just school or the overall system. The good news is the struggling to get free from that chrysalis, or a series of them, is what pushes the blood into the wings of the conscious liberated butterfly to-be!

Snakes and Rats in the Labyrinth

We have enemies. Truth has enemies. Humanity has enemies. Just as you see the alphabet agencies infiltrate militia groups or persuade patsies to participate in some false flag scheme, the same is true in the Truth community. That’s a given. We see the trolls and phony social media perps all the time and we each have those sites we’re wary of. Expect even more.

Information is the name of the game and if they can’t shut us down, they’ll try to trip up, divert and divide us.

Or discredit us. But you know what? I’m not that worried about that. While some want to be watchdogs and stop people from firing off their theories as happened with the Sandy Hook reaction for example, people need to decide for themselves and feel free to express themselves if they’re sincere. It’s like that insane criticism of the Occupy movement. “What’s your message? You have no united voice or clear agenda…” blah blah. Yeah, so they could sculpt one for us and divert it into one of their controlled arms. Such is collectivism.

Besides, nothing would have satisfied the critics.

At least it was an expression of life, as well as protest. Sure, Soros and his dirty ilk are always up to no good and there we all kinds of plants and agents provocateur, but something else also happened– an energizing and coming to real realizations of what we’re all up against from people of all walks of life. The political stuff all missed the real issues and there was a lot of short sighted frustration, but instead of listening to what people were saying and learning what people were upset about, all the major media could do was belittle and mock and criticize. That says it all right there.

But muzzle ourselves? OK, admonitions are good and needed at times, but freedom of expression needs to be exactly that. And we’re not here to impress or win over the mainstream. Anyone with that idea is headed for frustration and disaster. They will not listen.

But individuals will. Let’s be sure to address people and not the illusion.

The Half-Truthers Are the Most Dangerous

There are a few things I think are important to look for in an information source. Assuming it’s not coming from one of the major media outlets I evaluate along these lines:

1. Is the information fundamentally on the right track?

2. Is the source more interested in notoriety and self promotion than the issues, or is heavily weighed down by those egoic influences?

3. Are there any obvious compromises, or glaring omissions that could be intentional?

4. Are they loving? Is the message one of love, for the good of mankind and its freedom, even if it blasts away at the lies of the matrix?

5. Are they really fully awake and conscious? Or at least on their way to “getting it” and humble and sincere in their quest?

6. Are they heart led more than mind? Can you sense the passion behind the information and ideas?

7. Does yours or a trusted associate’s bullshit detector go off repeatedly? 😉

Big egos are a dead giveaway. That’s why for all the good Jesse Ventura might do in getting some truths out there, he’s anchored in trying the impress the system. That’s why as David Icke says he’s the go-to guy for the Piers Morgan types and he gets away with what he puts in his show. I have the same askance take on Ancient Aliens and those History and Nat Geo channel productions and these Michio Kaku type spokespeople no matter how much good info is presented.

And I think that’s a healthy attitude.

Lots of truth but man, they are always busy shoving some serious agenda down your throat sideways and most people have no frikking idea it’s happening to them. You can’t lead a sheep down the path with stuff that smells like poison. There’s gotta be something that gets their trust and attention that appears to be real food.

Partial or manipulated truths inoculate the masses against the full Truth. Partial truth is fine with them–it doesn’t shake anyone up, doesn’t concertedly challenge their precious matrix.

Whereas whole fully conscious Truth blows their whole frikking control system to smithereens!

Ahem. Warning bells, anyone?

The Zeitgeist Truth Heist

This might be hard to swallow for some, but this Zeitgeist movement is another thing I’m very wary of. Anything that opens up with 50 million hits immediately and youtube and google and the like continue to let fly, you better beware. Anyone else who really challenges the system gets their numbers shaved by the youtube stazis or their work deleted altogether. The Z movement enjoys wide open popularity and acceptance.

Follow the money on this one and it will most likely take you to some interesting sources.

Besides, do you really like the techno-cold world the Venus Project espouses? Do you sense warmth, or transhumanish coldness as well as political daggers getting thrown around? Reminds me of the new agers getting led straight into the new world order. I enjoyed learning from their earlier videos that have some great exposes thanks to Jordan Maxwell’s research and others, but something is amiss as well as way too “accepted”  about this whole thing. I know many Zeit lovers who do not get the whole picture and are even deeply entrenched in Obamamania and other agendized liberal and socialist leanings.

Not a good sign.

And the effect? Diversion, dilution and dissipation of energy in a nicely encapsulated medium that’s prepping you nicely for the coming techno new world order.

I might sound cynical but if it ain’t right, it ain’t right.

Perceived “Truth” Can Be A Control System

We should know our sources as best we can, and take from them what truths we can glean. None of us has everything figured out or are so supra-conscious we can discern or understand it all. We learn as we go.

The problem arises in the direction the spirit of some information takes us. There can be lots of truth head to toe but if it’s being used to manipulate you into some controllable viewpoint or belief system or some sycophantic all-trusting relationship that stunts your growth and ensnares you, that’s wrong.

People are baited with the truth all the time. They’re led down pathways that seem to have all the fixings, but they meet frustration and futility and get waylaid into a sort of stillborn mode. It’s very sad as many were really looking but took one of these engineered detours.

That’s all the matrix does. It’s a lie and leads you round and round to nowhere, spinning your wheels as they vamp off your energy, getting you to support and feed the system. If it takes a few truths to get you to comply and stay sedated, so be it.

Besides, sometimes they’re just pulling a release valve maneuver, letting it appear they’re getting it and we’re having an effect to satisfy the general angst. That can stop people dead in their tracks from the hot pursuit they were on. If we get deceived into thinking they’re listening and believe this type of hopey changey bullshit or whatever false promise they make, we cool our jets and lose momentum.

They’re liars and we cannot stop short and compromise. Conscious awareness knows no compromise.


Controlled opposition specializes in half truths and buses to nowhere, so it pays to exercise extreme caution in this world of mines and booby traps. There’s nothing to fear. Lies don’t hold any real weight except to the swallower. The Truth can take care of itself.

We don’t need to censor or protect the “truth community”, the Truth does that. There is no collective, only consciousness and our underlying connectivity to each other and the entire Universe. That’s a force to reckon with–and tap into and utilize as much as we can.

Staying detached is imperative. When we get invested in static or defined collective notions we’re limiting consciousness. Who knows what’s at hand? Or what magnificent twist Universe will come up with? Maybe it’s already under way and about to manifest. Where will these heavily attached designs be then?


Stay free. And have a good laugh about it all. That’s a good place to start. And finish. 😉

“Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It’s seeing through the facade of pretense. It’s the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.” -Osho

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.


Cover image credit: qimono

Transformation, X-Ray Eyes and the Lifting of the Veil

Transformation, X-Ray Eyes and the Lifting of the Veil

by Zen Gardner
August 1, 2016


These are very exciting times as well as extremely challenging ones. Changes continue to accelerate on personal as well as external fronts, and will continue to do so.  This veil lifting meme has come on strong. It’s in our collective consciousness. It’s the awakening morphing as we said it would and will continue to do.

On the external front, the BREXIT issue is very indicative of the growing effects of recent events, even if it’s engineered to try and bring on a new globalist plan. The point is people are getting a sense of empowerment and involvement. When these openings arise they lead to more awakenings of the spirit as related issues come to light.

I see and feel it here in Spain, as there are a lot of Brits here and they’re talking about it quite a bit and recalculating many things as a result, as are all other nationalities here in Europe. It affects trade, freedom of movement and places of residence the most immediately.

People are already on the defensive with the monetary manipulations and the underlying issue of disappearing national cultures with the migration agenda in full swing, so the cumulative effect of these issues is precipitating new viewpoints and understandings about what’s going on.

Populations are also being battered about by these escalating false flags and ginned up fear with the resulting militarization of their otherwise peaceful nations. They’re seeing through all this more and more. That’s pretty powerful. It’s all backfiring as they get more and more desperate to gain control, and people aren’t buying into it nearly as much.

The Break Though Is Under Way – And It’s Very Personal

The truth is bubbling through this lifting veil and changing the playing field in more ways than we can even clearly identify. It’s a shift – ultimately in consciousness that is affecting the entire planet and everything and everyone in and on it.

The most profound manifestations are what’s happening in people’s personal lives. I’ve been going through a major shift the past 10 months with very personal ramifications coming at me full speed and from all sides. The thing is, I’m hearing this from every quarter. My own children, close friends, readers and commenters on the site, people I’m meeting, and just perusing the consciousness oriented web sites.

The shift is hitting the fan. And it’s all for good.

It’s really remarkable how lives are being impacted. And it’s clearly what’s most important – that we make the personal changes that are being required of us to prepare us for what’s ahead, as well as in fulfilling our essential roles as sovereign awakened souls and awake and responsible inhabitants of this glorious planet.

X-Ray Eyes – Just Wait To See What You’re Gonna See!

What’s thrilling about these changes is what is being revealed to us. Not only in our general outlook as that will continually keep morphing, but our self perception and how we view those about us that closely influence our lives.

You’ll see yourself, first of all, warts and all as the layers peel off. But it’s revealing your real shining self. It’s all good. I get into this in other articles but you know what I’m talking about. Transformation is a painful but necessary process.

Don’t fight it. In fact, pursue it.

The wild stuff I’ve been experiencing the past several months and which continues to step up is seeing not only myself, but other people differently. Especially the ones I thought I “knew”. Things get revealed to you. Brace yourself, a lot of it comes as a shocker or sideways revelation, but trust what your heart is telling you. And respond accordingly as you’re led.

It’s an ongoing adjustment process but quite a thrilling experience. It’ll make you draw close to some and distance yourself from others as your newly revealed self comes to the surface.

The Bombastic Bullshit Factor

There’s a lot of complete bullshit getting thrown around, and pointless, distracting and time and energy wasting drama. It’ll be cloaked in anything from morphed new age type spiritual rigamarole, a very toxic infection going around, to shallow amusements with no lasting value that also drain the spirit and distract from deeper relationships grounded in reality.

You’ll also see other people you don’t know differently. It’s sort of like having x-ray eyes that are waking up and activating. It gives you a lot more compassion to realize what people are trapped in, as well as an increasing disdain for destructive behavior and deliberate ignorance.

Events and news morph too. You’ll be able to more easily resist areas of information that you once tolerated and even sought after. Go with it. As we detoxify it gets easier and easier and we naturally spend more time on connecting with nature and relaxing as well as working on spiritual grounding, essential to our health and survival, especially now in these increasingly turbulent times, both socially and spiritually.

Hyperdimensional Stuff

This can’t be emphasized enough. Without awareness of this aspect we’re sitting ducks. Almost if not all of our problems are influenced by hyperdimensional energies and entities. We’re under attack now more than ever and as the veil lifts, but we’re going to be able to identify these pestering spirit influences at work.

That’s why grounding work in order to stay firmly planted in reality is so very important.

But it’s all for our good and growth, so react consciously. Again, the Wetiko information is very empowering in this regard. We need to understand what is going on in this important hyperdimensional aspect and there’s a lot of great information regarding this available.

But nothing takes the place of vigilance. If we’re “on call” we’re much more likely to nip things in the bud before we get entangled and things really become complicated and confusing. That’s why I wrote about social contracts and co-dependence recently, because these can be activated before we know it. It’s bad enough the ones we’re aware of and already disengaging from, but why bring on more problems for ourselves if we can avoid them?

Can I Help?

Co-dependency often manifests in trying to help others in the wrong way and with the wrong motives driving us. Maybe we’re drawing others to ourselves, or working out old issues with wanting to feel needed. It could be a lot of things.

This phrase “can I help?” has become a joke with my closest friends. We talk about all these things I’m writing about here a lot which really helps heighten awareness of it. But if you can laugh when you catch yourself doing it it’s a real good sign! Issues like this are a manifestation of previous trauma and tragedy in our lives and may not seem so funny at times, but we can get past it.

We just need to see it for what it is.

That takes some “homework” but it’s an essential part of our growth. Wrong, binding social contracts are another extension of co-dependency. It’s that thing that reaches out and attaches in completely unhealthy ways. It reminds me of the quote:

“Thoughts are not the problem… It’s the thing that goes out and grabs them and makes them ‘yours’ that’s the problem.” – Jack O’Keeffe

Watch Your Thoughts – and Everything Else

That quote above is like anything in us that seeks attachment. And let me tell you, hyperdimensionals LOVE attachment! Besides what basic attachments to to bind up personally, attachment is how these entities and influences work and even travel from person to person. So watch out where you hang out, who you’re with and what you think. Do regular energetic cleansing.  All this may seem a tall order but it’s the nature of the beast right now.

Actually it always has been.

“Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom” is a lot deeper than we thought. But it’s not that complicated. It will take some tough decisions to let go of compromised situations. The answer is usually clear and easy but the execution can be tough. Some things take more time to unravel and disconnect from than others. But we all can do it.

Unveil Yourself

I’m dwelling on these personal aspects because self-healing is the most profound manifestation of this lifting of the veil. And once we’re whole we’re way more effective in helping to change the vibrational level of our environment. That’s the most effective thing any of us can do.

It’s also where these other forces and issues can’t touch us, and that awakening process continues to self replicate and raise in not just frequency, but power and speed. Besides, it’s the unknown territory we all crave to find and explore and dwell in.

And it’s at all of our fingertips.

Now that’s empowering. We’re in the midst of a planetary shift that’s being energetically charged, and as we respond and resonate it works synergistically to compound this wonderful change exponentially.

Keep on. It’s an individual fight, but we each help each other massively by overcoming.

Meet you in the unknown! It’s the place to be!


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.


Cover image credit: PublicDomainPictures

Social Contracts, Co-Dependency and Closed Loops of Limitation

Social Contracts, Co-Dependency and Closed Loops of Limitation

by Zen Gardner
July 18, 2016


There are so many readily available ways to not be our authentic selves.

They come easy, or so we think, since they’re so rampant in our shallow societal system. But the price is seriously self imposed, crippling limitation.

Social engineering is a massive subject. That humanity has been dumbed down is a huge understatement. We’ve been severely handicapped in ways we can hardly discern, hence their disastrous grip and closed self reinforcing loops have such sway.

By design we cannot see what is truly going on.

To transcend any and all of these systems is imperative. This is why the true spiritual masters throughout time have said that transcending mind is fundamental to true discovery and personal empowerment.

 The mind plays tricks – seriously distracting ones. The mind breeds such a cloud of all knowing self importance we tend to bend to its every whim.

Beware the mind-field.

Stay conscious and observe…

Distraction Mechanisms – Social Contracts

Man, these are a bitch.

What agreeance we make with others in order to be “friends” or tolerate each other. Heavy duty stuff, and not easy to own up to. Again the root to everything is the willingness to let go of anything and everything we’re attached to.

A very big deal in every way and one we need to be consciously aware of.

We all do it all the time in order to “get along”. It dissipates as we become our authentic selves. That’s the good news. But disentangling from contracts can be a real tough ride, and not an easy thing to handle with grace.

But it has to be done…

Co-Dependency, The Inner Child, and Shadow Work

All of us are subject to triggers that activate extremely dangerous reactions that completely cloud our minds and hearts.

 Our interactions are affected by unresolved past issues, only because we haven’t explored and identified the truth of our upbringings.

Co-dependency born of abandonment begins at birth. It’s passed on by unconscious parents – and all parents are complicit, as were their parents. We spend the rest of our lives looking for acceptance and affirmation as a result, as well as many other entangled issues.

None of us were acknowledged to be the spiritual creatures we arrived as. The portal soon closed and we were born into a world of abuse and engineered survival challenges of every sort. We searched for true love and understanding from the start, but it was denied.

And we were left confused, desperate, and hungry for true love and spiritual community.

Again, a massive subject that deserves real investigation and application. It’s way too much to fully explain here. You can liken these deeper issues to impacted spiritual teeth. They are painful, often infected, and need surgery.

 If you dive into this subject and are willing to expose yourself fully and the digging it entails, the healing can begin.

 Bringing It Home

I’ve been going through some serious self discovery for some time now.

 It’s not all that pleasant, yet it is extremely liberating and empowering. Besides other issues in my life, my recent separation from Elle brought up more things than I could handle at times and I was often overwhelmed with emotional instinctive reactions and just plain gunk that came up.

Even knowing the conscious and detached observer mode is the only true and awake way to handle it, I was flooded with reactions that in turn triggered all kinds of strange crap from my past.

It seems a current, justified feeling and response when going through things like this, but all of it is based in past childhood and otherwise traumas and feelings of abandonment, abuse, learned co-dependency and everything I grew up with.

I’ve become aware of much over my life time and thought I was getting a handle on this challenge called living, but these past months have made mincemeat of my illusions.

And I’m happy for it, although it hurts like a bitch. I’m fully committed to going all the way and I guess Universe is helping me along with these very deep and painful tests.

It seems we have to get to the extreme before we really pay attention and look for the true bigger picture in always newer ways.

Face It Head On

All I can say is the quickest way through these types of issues is straight on.

We’re at a very poignant time in human history with the veil lifting so dramatically of late.

I’m still in the midst of all this, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. It never turns off, we just don’t see it in the preoccupation with our selves we naturally succumb to, and the smoke of the burning fires of purification billowing about us. That’s just the nature of the transformation.

If we’re willing to take it on the chin and face whatever we need to we’ll get through it all the quicker. But it’s not without setbacks and there’s no formula for going through any type of crisis.

The key is honesty and determination, in my opinion. That’s what’s seeing me through, so far, and being as loving as possible while the flames of hell seem to lick my my every nerve.

Not fun when the fires rage, but learn we can. And will.

Enjoy the ride. All things pass. Try to take it with grace when it comes your way. You’ll fall flat on your face many times but just keep getting up. We’re all getting through this.

 It’s just part of the process, and all in love…


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Mimic – Meme of the Archons

Mimic – Meme of the Archons

by Zen Gardner
May 17, 2013


Our Spirit Speaks the Loudest

Our Spirit Speaks the Loudest

by Zen Gardner
June 3, 2013


The Information Carousel to Nowheresville

The Information Carousel to Nowheresville

by Zen Gardner
Jun 22, 2016


Have you ever felt like you’re in a wash-rinse-repeat cycle watching the news, not just mainstream but even alternative media? Much of it is just that, in effect, if it doesn’t draw actionable conclusions or serious elevation in thought and perception. If newly discovered or implicated avenues of personal as well as social expression aren’t pursued, what’s the purpose of pointing out the need for them?

Yes, information is crucial to awakening humanity from its disconnected slumber. But when the dots are connected and we realize we’re in a fabricated landscape of illusion, what then?

Once we realize what’s truly going on and pierce the veil of lies, it’s time to make some serious choices in our lives. The empowering truth awaiting any sincere searcher should directly translate into how it affects their own personal life in a way that transforms not just their existence, but that of those around them and the entire fabric in which we exist in order to liberate the captives.

Action and Inaction

All inaction is not bad. In fact, ceasing participation in this engineered worldly system and more importantly the interdimensional matrix is the most important decision anyone can make. But the ensuing steps of our journey are equally important and will appear before us one at a time. And those are the next “most important decisions” we’ll ever make.

And on it goes.

We’re in a process, a fabulous one, with new discoveries awaiting us any time we’re sincerely open to them. But this new found knowledge comes with a very real responsibility. Responding to it. How each of us does that depends on our individual situations, perceptions, and the growth cycles we choose, but respond we must.

One immediate and obvious course of action is telling others of our discoveries. This is the unleashed heart manifesting compassion and concern for those around it to try to help people to see the newly revealed world that they have just experienced. We all go through this and will continually, if we truly care about others and stay in hot pursuit of truth.

What’s paramount is getting beyond that level to a state of profound personal empowerment.

Information Is Not the End – But the Beginning

As I’ve said before, I don’t know anyone who’s a sincere researcher and truth uncoverer who isn’t deeply spiritual. It’s the inherent next step in the path of discovery as we realize the current projected reality we’ve been subjected to, from whatever source, is an entrapping, illusory one. This doesn’t happen immediately necessarily, although those spiritually inclined make the connection quite quickly. The fact is, we’re all spiritual but many have been lulled into such a deep sleep it can take them longer to awaken to this important aspect.

There’s a growing field of alternative information sources vying for a place in the sun. That’s fine when it’s a manifestation of someone just waking up and tracking the changing landscape of world events is important. But when it continues on at the same level and either goes commercial or is pride-laden or fear and hate centric, something’s usually gone amiss. The fact that so much is available now in the alternative world is wonderful, but at the same time there’s a disturbing element that seems to be manifesting we need to be aware of and learn to sidestep.

Like anything, this burgeoning phenomenon can become a cyclical repeat vortex with no end or goal but the manifestation of itself. It’s just another indication of the nature of things we go through, but we must draw attention to this aspect. The very real situation in the world around us only grows more dire by the day in spite of the massive awakening we’re witnessing simultaneously. We must draw conclusive understandings to stand upon and then take those realizations to the next level and not get caught up in the morass of information for information’s sake.

Merry-Go-Round, Or Devious, Disempowering Vortex?

Sure, life is like a ride, but there’s a point to all this, as Bill Hicks famously put it in his classic analogy. Continuing to share newly discovered or forbidden knowledge without drawing actionable conclusions that break us out of the cycle of information for information’s sake is a serious pitfall. The New Age movement is a classic example as it has virtually pulled many off the circuit of action into an ethereal-cereal lukewarm vortex of self-assuaging, mind tingling placid ineffectuality, sidelining itself from any application to the real world around us and ultimately playing directly into the hands of the psycho-social engineers.

Sure there are truisms galore but how are they affecting humanity, or bringing about any real change in the dynamic of our existence here?

Like anything, there are of course very sincere people as well as helpful technologies in any such social paradigm. The same can be said of much of the independent media and alternative research. What is the goal? Again, cutting edge and enlightening, empowering information is essential to blasting out of the matrix. but we don’t want to get sucked into the vortex of a wash, rinse repeat information cycle.

There comes a point where we need to move on. But when the spinning wheels of constant information bombardment become an end to themselves we have a problem. At that point the independent media becomes just that – another media news source to some degree. We can all see this in our daily pursuit of real news and developments that help us gauge where we are in all of this, but if the information isn’t drawing powerful conclusions that drastically change lives who will in turn help change others and our overall field of energy, we’re in a fix.

Where Do We Go From Here?

Unless we’re willing to keep letting go over and over we’re not going to make the grade to where our true empowerment resides. We can get attached to our new sense of identity as having “woken up” to what’s going on around us and some specialty that’s caught our attention; we can also fall into new self-created or accumulated belief systems as to what the ultimate answer is and attach to a new pet theory of everything, so to speak. It’s tricky stuff.

But ultimately it’s always simple. When we’re through changing, we’re through. When we take our new found understanding as the “be all end all” we’re through. It’s a process, and we’re all going to continually go through new and more amazing and empowering revelations as we keep on. That’s the beauty of it!

That requires constant letting go. Admitting we each have blind spots is very important. The thing about these devious blind spots is, we think we see clearly in those areas – when we don’t at all! That can be a pretty troubling thought for anyone but it’s the truth. These are the areas that keep us humble and searching and honest with ourselves.

We know so very little and have so much to learn.


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Truth is the Most Empowering and Inspiring Thing You Can Tap Into

Truth is the Most Empowering and Inspiring Thing You Can Tap Into

by WeAreChangeRotterdam with Zen Gardner
June 18, 2016


What is Sovereignty

What is Sovereignty

by Zen Gardner
May 25, 2016


This subject or concept is a hot topic in the alternative community. I recently attended the Anarchapulco conference that featured a wide range of aspects of this important subject regarding our personal awakening and growing financial, legal and spiritual independence and empowerment.

Cryptocurrencies were featured along with our current geopolitical situation and alternative lifestyle choices, while roundly exposing the futility and anachronistic nature of statism, brilliantly done by Larken Rose and many other speakers. Understanding what we’ve been programmed to accept and learning to question every aspect of what the social engineers have indoctrinated us with is paramount to any real truth seeker.

When I approach these subjects touching on sovereignty, whether it be freedom from the binding maritime law-based legal system or questioning all forms of the hierarchical control paradigm, I look at it from a spiritual perspective.

What essentially IS freedom? How do we manifest our true nature more fully and thus naturally break the chains that bind us from whatever quarter?

It’s all about the initial question. And our perspective.

Standing Back

Conscious awareness may appear to be something vague and illusive but it’s not. It’s extremely practical. The fundamental step to be taken is to find the vantage point of our higher self. What is it that is observing you, and that speaks to you and even corrects your thoughts and behavior? What is this inner voice?

The fact that it exists at all, as Echhart Tolle so lucidly expounds upon, causes a major shift in awareness and breaks so many chains immediately. What exactly is this awareness observing the experience that is us? How do we develop and utilized that perspective and what implications does this realization the wise sages of the ages have all spoken about have on the course of my life?

This to me is the deep and wondrous world to be explored, which in its very seemingly esoteric nature has all the so-called answers to life we are seeking. But this awareness needs to mix and gel with our mental and heart awareness at the same time to make sense of this experience we call “life”.

It’s as practical as deciding what to eat or not to eat. Whether to go by impulse and just yield to our surrounding environment and accumulated habits, or learn to make a more conscious decision as to our actions as well as thoughts, this profound realization begs a whole new way of life.

If we let it. And take action on what we’re learning and hearing from this much more pure source of information and awareness. It needs to be developed which is the challenge of this school of higher learning in which we find ourselves.

Beware the Psychopathic Paradigm

Just look at the world today. Unfortunately, while the fact that non-empathic, power-crazed personages is well known to be the case amongst rulers, politicians, bankers, corporate monsters and the Orwellian media, people still take their word, hoping against hope that their empty promises will come true. What is that? Is it lethargy, apathy, psychotic denial, mind control, or what? Most likely it’s a convergence of many such conditions, but the reality of this form of mass Stockholm syndrome is absolutely pathetic.

Stockholm Syndrome:

Stockholm syndrome, or capture-bonding, is a psychological phenomenon described in 1973 in which hostages express empathy and sympathy and have positive feelings toward their captors, sometimes to the point of defending and identifying with the captors. These feelings are generally considered irrational in light of the danger or risk endured by the victims, who essentially mistake a lack of abuse from their captors for an act of kindness. [Emphasis mine] (source)

Does that sound familiar? That’s society at large. Just the abuse/abuser cycle is rife in society, and designedly so. After all, these so-called rulers have themselves been abused by their handlers, physical and/or interdimensional, and so pass on that same paradigm. Hence the massive propagation of fear as the ultimate controlling signal. It’s the implanted and socially engineered parasitic mindset, be it archontic, wetiko or some other transdimensional explanation of this energetic vampirism. The dynamic is there and it’s designed to disempower and control through intimidation, fear and ignorance of the truth.

What are they afraid of ultimately? What is it they are trying to suppress? Because underlying this is the empowering reality that we can break from that cycle at any time; first by identifying what is going on and then by making the necessary changes in our thinking, behavior and attitudes while continuing to grow in manifestation of the infinite divine expression within each of us.

But whatever you do, don’t support it by participating in it. Elections are a perfect example.  They’re rigged and a total distraction. Just look at the strife they engender, dividing up the populace in yet another way in their effort to divide and conquer. It’s time people fully woke up to what’s really going on and how they’re energy is being siphoned off.

Appealing to a hierarchy that shouldn’t be in the first place only reinforces its grip, and is a form of voluntary self-subjugation. It’s eons old and evidenced not just in politics but religion, learning institutions, scientism, medicine and the entire corporate and monetary state model. It’s time to get conscious and disengage. Their entire manufactured structure many call the matrix will crumble. It’s the people who fall for the charade that support it. But first people need to see the extent of the lie, as well as discover their own power of spiritual sovereignty.

Taking the Stand

What invariably happens to a sincere truth seeker is a change of lifestyle. It usually happens in increments. It becomes obvious to have the least entanglement possible with any of the world’s systems. They’re essentially toxic and woefully binding, hindering our very being from being truly free in a whole range of ways.

It may mean to change jobs or careers, so called. It may mean, and usually does, finding some creative outlet where this conscious awareness can manifest via our imagination. It also means disengaging from any compromises we can, be it banking or credit card enslavement, poor eating and living habits, choosing the right people to engage with and leaving others and unfruitful relationships behind.

It’s profound, but only goes as far as we’re willing to go. As these changes progress more and more becomes completely obvious. You are not your name, therefore any legal attachments to your paper identity are essentially fraudulent or fundamentally ensnaring. The entire legal and political system becomes almost embarrassingly stupid and obviously built for control purposes.

Therefore, you strive to get free. Only not striving in their sense, fighting the very thing that only seeks affirmation by our unconscious response to it, but by sidestepping the entire matrix. If we think we can combat or dissipate their fabricated low vibrational world on their level we’ve already lost, and will only recreate another system with the same low vibrational construct in some form.

It just doesn’t work that way.

Be Practical, But Stay Spiritual

I’m all for activism, but it needs to be wisely targeted. When it builds community and most of all awareness it’s good, whatever it is. There are definitely times to lay ourselves on the line when it comes to the encroaching machine. There’s clearly a war on against humanity, one major thing that will become apparent to the seeker, and we cannot lay down and just take it, just as you wouldn’t let the state come in and take your children, never mind vaccinate them or some other such barbaric practice.

The most powerful and impactful effect any of us can have is being who we truly are. To what degree we’re willing to manifest our true self is the challenge we all face, including the apparent nuts and bolts on how we do that in a practical way, one step at a time as we continually raise our levels of consciousness.

Essentially it’s not complicated at all. Being honest, lovingly forthright and sovereign comes naturally to the soul. It’s the rest of our convoluted, conditioned and reflexive self that needs to snap out of the hypnosis and catch up.

Changing our personal environment is a big start. Cut away the hindrances to where you can gather some momentum in manifesting your integral, honest and authentic self. Drop the downers and energy vampires out of your life. You’re not helping them by continuing on as just another compromised gnome to appease and avoid confrontation. That’s the matrix working through our horrific psycho-social programming to hold us back at as low of a frequency as possible – and to NOT venture out into our full-on freedom but stay firmly in the yoke of their parasitic grip.

There’s plenty of motivation to do this for anyone even half awake. The exterior world of the system is closing down at a frantic pace, and your life, mine, and those of our loved ones and the many wonderful people worldwide as well as the life of our very planet are at stake.

It may mean doing more to expose the establishment and what’s behind it in a meaningful, awareness-generating and community building way. Whatever we do or refrain from doing, one cannot keep on business as usual once you’ve woken up, that’s for sure.

Whatever path you take, let it be a conscious one, done wisely and circumspectly. There are so many factors and each of us is our own unique expression of Universe and we need to honor that. But respond we must to the call of consciousness.

It’s not airy fairy, it’s not a religious retreat, it’s not some state of blissful ignoring of our circumstances. It’s being fully alive in the eternal here and now. We are communicating in very human bodies with very real restrictions and limitations as well as needs and desires. But at the same time we are primarily and first and foremost spiritual beings inhabiting these incredible bio-machines.

It may appear to be a conundrum but it’s not. It’s what it is, and we need to have that reality check in full and take on our responsibilities with courage and determination. Not judging by what’s going on around us and the actions of others or any kind of social or even alternative norm. But expressing our uniqueness, as living examples of authenticity and freedom in everything we do.

We are sovereign, in the very essence of the word. Now we need to operate from that all permeating knowing. Everything else will become clear.

“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” – Albert Camus

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author whose writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Chemtrails, Terraforming, Transhumanism and You

Chemtrails, Terraforming, Transhumanism and You

by Zen Gardner
April 22, 2016


What most people are not allowing to coalesce in their consciousness is the grand scheme behind the so-called chemtrail program, also known on a more macro level as geoengineering.

Geoengineering is an ongoing operation to steer and fabricate not only the world’s weather, but its food growing cycles, disasters, and the deliberate manipulation of economic and geopolitical trends, such as the weakening of governments and the placement of humanity to more controllable centers. Like any and all of these massive manipulative programs under way against humanity, these attack vectors have multi-fold purposes.

We know the slow and steady depopulation of especially the northern hemisphere is under way via a variety of programs, from chemical and genetic sterilization to growing food scarcity and outright sickness inducement. Instead of government or international agencies working to actually help and heal humanity, their agenda is clearly documented as being one of human impairment and reduction in numbers, easily accessible information on this being available in UN documents, tank papers and the stated goals of eugenicists for decades.

Even more nefarious is the introduction of nanotechnology into a wide range of these assaults. While transhumanism has been successfully popularized and embedded into mainstream culture and the robotization of our workforce made fashionable, little do people realize that amongst the chemtrail particulates have been found intelligent nanoparticles designed to make the human body and any living organism a micro transceiver of information. (See

Ray Kurzweil, a major proponent of artificial intelligence and the mis-named singularity and human so-called transcendence to machine status and supposed infinite longevity, is even more Orwellianly a top exec at the massive intelligence OP called GoogleInc. I say mis-named singularity as this term originally indicated a transition in consciousness and society when information met an apex in acceleration. They’ve since bastardized this notion to say it would indicate the takeover by artificial intelligence.

How convenient for those seeking maniacal control of absolutely everything. All of this speaks to the psychopathic depth of these control programs.

In addition, the earth, our beloved Gaia, is being inundated with toxic influences meant to break any and every natural cycle there is. From changing the Schumann resonance of our planet to our genetic make up, weather, radiation levels and even magnetosphere, they will stop at nothing in their efforts to literally terraform our planet. As insane as that sounds, since it appears we all need to live here including these psychopathic engineers, this speaks to something much deeper and spiritually nefarious.

For whom is this environment being changed? Is a grand experiment under way to create a survivable race of humanoids who can adapt to a toxic environment for the purpose of easy dominion by a very few? And from whence are these creatures who tolerate such an altered state, or think they can survive unscathed by their wicked, unnatural machinations?

These are questions we should be asking when investigating these programs. If we cannot connect the dots, as creepy a picture as this information may paint, we won’t be able to confront, never mind expose, the depths of manipulation and control to which we’re being subjected.

Identifying the obvious, such as the chemical invasion of our skies, is just the beginning. They are trying to keep us at bay by drawing the line on our collective awareness as they do at every level of projected information regarding their ongoing programs.

Let’s take this investigation and exposure to its full extent on every front. There is an overall agenda humanity needs to wake up to before we can begin to counter it.

But always remember, our awakening of eternal consciousness is the ultimate weapon, and solution. Get there first, and the rest will be evident.

Much love,

Zen Gardner


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Apocalypse Now – Falling Idols and Spiritual Adversaries

Apocalypse Now – Falling Idols and Spiritual Adversaries

by Zen Gardner
April 22, 2016


We’re living in very challenging times. Our metal is being tested to new and extreme degrees that increase by the day. It’s clearly a time for expanded wisdom, discretion and discernment to fully understand what is happening around and within us.

As well as determination.

In a time of revelation, which is what the apocalypse is referring to, things come to light that can rock our world. False idols fall, concepts are cracked, and new understandings and awakenings abound, whether we like them or not. These are each up to the individual to find out and experience for themselves, but they can be very disconcerting when it comes to the shattering of old paradigms of thinking and our current personal outlook on the world, no matter how seemingly progressive we think we are.

The Fall of False Images and Mass Projections

There are many symptoms of radical change that we can expect. Idolatry, or putting unquestioned faith and misguided “belief” in some human or system, or even supernatural solution-bringer, is completely off course.

As long as humanity looks for a leader they will be sorely disappointed. History attests to this in spades. Projecting our problems, questions and needs for exterior solutions is destined to fail. Worse yet as it affirms this mass hysteria. Anyone or anything that pretends to fill this vacuum you can be assured are deceived to whatever degree, unfortunately with the strong reinforcement of a sycophantic populace programmed to look for such.

Start by not putting people in that position of temptation. It’s ultimately up to us, similar to not participating in the matrix.

The more perceptive understanding of this has to do with those who accept this predominant role of “solution bringer”. Once someone agrees to play this part of the projected play being broadcast you have problems, and it usually comes up because of not just the throngs projecting the wrong intent, but that those agreeing to fulfill such a role have grown an inflated ego, together with a plethora of attachments, capable of collecting this group intention, consciously or otherwise.

In the words of Lao Tzu:

“A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.”

Again, history attests to this. People look for a leader, a panacea, a catch all solution, someone else to do the real work and have all the conviction they’re lacking, and when it appears to be embodied in a particularly charismatic figure who is then emboldened and willing to play this role, we have serious problems.

Every time. Truth by its very nature is a continually acting catalytic iconoclast.

Truthful ideas lead us to more truth and empowerment. Granted, some people can encapsulate and articulate these ideas better than others, but it’s nonetheless the ideas, not the people. When the intention and attention is hypnotically focused on the usually dynamic individual, those accepting such a role are immediately programmed to self destruct.

As truth has it, when something gets in the way of white hot truth it burns up. It may take time but it won’t stand the test.

It’s never clear in the time of transition but always clarifies over time. It’s up to us to be circumspect and wise in our observations and resultant behaviors.

Plato said something very profound in this regard:

“When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty and there is nothing to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader.” – Plato

Inside and Outside Attacks

A big part of this revelation we’re in the midst of has to do with knowing not just the truth but the enemies of truth. These contrarian “signal jammers” can be clearly belligerent external foes of freedom, creativity and the like which are relatively easy to spot individuals or socially engineered trends, but there are also inside or internal spiritual attacks on ourselves or others in our midst that can be difficult to identify as well as deal with.

This awareness of spiritual attacks must become an important aspect of our awareness. Whether people call these influences transdimensionals, demons, archons, wetiko or whatever, they are real, and very active and present in this human conflict.

People will be, and already are, seeing personality changes in others around them who are not moving or working with the truth vibrations, if you will. If you haven’t yet experienced this element you soon will, but it usually takes some grounded awareness and spotting ability to see them for what they are, and that awareness can only manifest when there is the ability to see what you are.

Some coming into our midst are people who are clearly outside plants and shills, but I would venture to say that the most present danger is the spiritual element which invariably uses the weakest link available as their doorway in any situation.

These negative, parasitic forces go where there is an opening. A particularly weak individual, someone with a grudge or contrary agenda for whatever reason, or simply a misguided soul laden with pride who is easily influenced and in some cases taken over.

These influences are not just demonically persuasive and extremely intelligent and can win almost any argument on their level if you engage them, but very aggressive.

This is where the fuller overarching paradigm of how to effect change is most blatantly manifest – learning to circumnavigate and ultimately rise above this level of interchange is a proverbial stitch in time and will avoid untold confusion and wasted energy.

This might sound a bit woo woo and out there for some geopolitical pragmatists, but if you’re reading this I’m sure you’ll identify some of these symptoms. Obviously psychopaths are fully charged with these elements, but it’s when it reaches you personally that we can be taken aback and inadvertently steered into futile encounters or courses of action.

The spiritual cannot be ignored. In fact, it is first and foremost amongst factors that need to be under consideration at any and every given time during this transitional process.

Take It from There

This may seem a bit vague to some but you will come to see it manifest in many ways. Much more needs to be explained about these inside and outside attacks but I wanted to touch on the concepts to get the ball rolling.

Idols will fall. Despite any temporary confusion good folks will survive and thrive as they empower. Paradigms will continue to crumble and morph. It’s a spectacular convergence and a time to learn.

Go with the flow but be aware, very aware, of the influences we are being bombarded with. This is a very serious transition we’re in the midst of and we need to remain vigilant and detached in our perspective.

There is no in between when it comes to joining the forces for truth.

Just a heads up.

Stay on top of it, not under.

Much love always,



Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Calm Before the Shift

The Calm Before the Shift

by Zen Gardner
March 28, 2015


There appears to be a growing sentiment that we’re on the verge of some kind of significant breakthrough. Not the obvious crackdown of the PTBs, but a good move forward for conscious humanity. It seems to be an awareness step of some sort, but this next stage is becoming more and more palpable.Many have talked about these energetic changes and the consciousness shift we’re in the midst of, but even within that we can sense levels of relative change and I’m hearing it from all sides. There’s an unraveling going on as the awakened become empowered, but many dynamics are involved.

Is it related to this feeling of a calm before a storm on the world stage, a version of our own anticipation clearly known amongst the awakened?


The difference is the awakened are not reactive, but responsive and even proactive. We follow our hearts and feel out what’s transpiring. While the compulsion and near infatuation with keeping track of the mounting manipulative deeds of the usurpers consumes a lot of alternative attention, we can also sense these hard to perceive shifts in perspective that continue to surface.

They happen for our own encouragement and help to mark our points of progress in what we’re accomplishing and where we’re going.

More importantly, seeing these definitive integrated, staged changes helps to articulate these progressions. This isn’t just the overall “shift” we’re in the midst of, but a clear staged move into a post awakened awareness and understanding of where we are at in this present moment.

Spiritual Resignation – or the Pause that Refreshes?

The current trend that I’m personally sensing is almost a spiritual resignation taking place. Not in a negative “I give up” tone, but more a realization of what is about to take place and the many practical preparations. Many are finding that helping those who aren’t willing to be helped, or those who aren’t willing to be made aware of this nearing point, as a futile form of redundancy.

“Why try? They don’t want it…”

In other words, what people are meant to do they’ll do, or not do. It’s really up to them to wake up or not. This feeling is triggered by the auto-response mechanism they all seem to display – “no, no, and more no. It’s not possible, it can’t be, and you’re full of conspiracy crap” yada yada.

My take? It’s true. Walk away from the dead and go find the living. We have serious work to do.

It’s much like the age old philosophical argument between free will and determinism. Just because we run up against dead heads doesn’t mean we stop doing what we’re doing. We march on in spite of thuggish attitudes and mindless opposition.

The fun thing is, another mechanism is seeping in and we need to understand it clearly.

The Truther and the Fatalist – Are They Merging?

While awakened souls feel compelled to reach out and tell others what has become intensely clear to them, they’re also continually processing the more subtle changes around them and what they are indicating. There is no set agenda, there are no set protocols except love and a strong desire for truth.

But what happens when the mission seems to come to an end? What happens when the campaigner thinks it’s become futile, the die is cast, the worm has turned, the tables are fixed?

I’m not saying that’s the case across the board, but it’s a reality seeping in and I’m not afraid of it, as active as I am. I can understand that type of resignation and the decision to pull back and prepare for the changeover. It’s very realistic.

In my mind that’s not what I endorse, although I have taken precautions in my own life along those lines and encouraged others to do the same. Keeping at the battle every chance I get is what I live for. But I think I’m catching the drift of the “resignationist”.

It’s all about to happen and people aren’t listening.

But they can.

More importantly, let people want to wake up and decide for themselves. If they’re not hungry, you can’t make ’em hungry. Leading a horse to water, no mater how compelling or entertaining, will not make it drink. But there’s an inner desire on the part of all living creatures.

Freed to Take Care of Business

We need to each learn to deal with this dilemma ourselves and act on it. I will not endorse reluctance, compliance, giving up or yielding to the dystopic negative entropic forces in any way, shape or form. But this wave of spiritual sensation is a profound one, and nothing to be ashamed of if you’re feeling it.

The reason? We ARE there. It IS all about to blow. Maybe folks are being freed to go about their lives to get their things in order, prepare loved ones, concentrate their energy on immediate matters.

If that’s the case, that’s wonderful. We’re all supposed to be going about getting our lives and homes in order, but sometimes we need to be freed from other perceived obligations. This isn’t necessarily everyone’s “reason” for disengaging from the battle but I hope it does some potential explaining and liberating.

For everyone.

Keep on. Very strange times we’re passing through. Be aware, be conscious, be ready, be responsible.

Hang on and let go. You’ll know what to do. Just do what calls you.

From your heart.

Much love – Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Be Like Water: The Need for Adaptive Fluidity

Be Like Water: The Need for Adaptive Fluidity

by Zen Gardner
April 1, 2016


As the proliferation of staged events and the accompanying fear campaigns and predictable clampdowns ensue, it’s always good to take stock of any situation unfolding and assess how best to handle what’s transpiring. With the playing field changing at such a rapid rate, locally as well as globally, it’s wise to see how to perhaps adjust our sights as well as personal attitudes and outlook, all the while staying completely clear of any reaction with even the faintest smell of fear.

Any wise strategist knows you don’t fight today’s battles by yesterday’s instructions. Surely in big ideas there will be overarching plans that too will need to be adjusted accordingly, but the day by day, minute by minute decisions require thinking on your feet and being prepared, vigilant and most of all agile and adaptive are the ever present challenge.

Not just now, but in the potentially confusing days to come.


The nature of water makes the most amazing metaphor for spiritual preparedness and how to adjust and adapt to our environment. Water cannot be compressed or repressed. It changes states, and yes, can be temporarily contained, but even then has incredible kinetic energy despite its confinement and seeming resting state.

It’s energy withheld from potential activation in another form, awaiting movement. But even then it can evaporate into another state and transfer itself on a whim.

This incredible liquid is the basic building block of nature. It’s now known even stars produce water and other heavenly bodies are rich with it. It floats about in our cosmos like life itself, all completely contrary to the dead, sterile vacuum model of “space” we were entrained with.

It moves, it adapts, it morphs, much like the gift of the human spirit. Only wrong teaching can convince us otherwise. Experience bears this out, as does our intuition.

Staying Nimble in a World Ruled by Flat Brained Scientism

Adaptability is contrarian to social programming. We’re handed down a very staid, structured and set model for our behavior, as well as outlook. So-called modern science attests to this. It only changes its views with overwhelming 5-sense evidence they accept, an attribute that is a total giveaway as to its true origins and intent and left brained, system reinforcing paradigm and lack of spiritual understanding.

While there is a current wake up of sorts amongst the scientific community as to the influence and profound importance and implications of consciousness, it’s slow on the uptake and will never match the requisites for true societal change.

These so-called advances are encouraging in a way, but they’re always too little and too late….and too lame. Much like so many of the changes many seek to see in conventional understanding that will never hit the mark.

We’re on different frequencies, different levels of understanding and awareness.

We cannot look to any form of established authority for anything. But one thing we can know for sure, when we follow our hearts we know it’s a time of massive change in ways that they will never allow themselves to acknowledge.

Fine. We don’t need their affirmation.

The point here is it’s time to keep moving and changing. Like water.

Being Here, Being There

A lot of people ask me about where I live, why I moved out of the US gulag, and have questions about why I live like I do. I don’t mind and I answer many questions regarding this. Where we each choose to live at any given time is up to each one of us individually. There’s no set or pat answer for anything.

I just like being free. Most of all consciously. Free to do what I love and feel is the most productive, without having to look over my shoulder every two minutes or drive somewhere never knowing what kind of a fascist police bust is up ahead.

But this leads directly back to the water metaphor.

Move where you’re led, go with the flow and all that. It’s true. Just know the source of what you’re letting go into and be grounded in your intentions. Some seemingly confining situations may be your best option. There’s no place for comparison on that level. Where we’re each led to be and how to act is a very individual decision.

Water is the same. It goes where it flows. It sits where it’s confined or rests. It molds to circumstances, restrictions and environment, but it doesn’t lose it’s fluid, adaptive nature. It may be required to wait a while but it is always living kinetic energy awaiting release at any given time.

Enter the Sacred Dragon

Bruce Lee was big on this. And rightfully so. You may remember him as a martial artist but he was extremely spiritual, and died young with his empowering message.

Principles are principles, and hold their own. The wise teachings that have withstood the test of time and worked their way around the rocks and protuberances of social engineering still speak loud and clear to the hearts of humanity. Much like water, foundational truths cannot be quenched. They may be waylaid for short periods of time, even sequestered by powers that shouldn’t be, but they always escape the clutches of the control grid and reach deep into the heart of mankind.

Lee famously touted the liquid metaphor, as have many sages. It’s ours to learn these techniques and if you will, spiritual technologies, to stay free and happily afoot and adaptive.

It’s not easy but it’s worth learning. Flow.

And flow we will.

Be like water.

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Glitch-O-Rama and the Leaking Matrix

Glitch-O-Rama and the Leaking Matrix

by Zen Gardner
March 28, 2016


There is increasing evidence that the constructed veil between humanity and reality is dissipating. Much like settled science now confirming cosmic realities long known to consciously awake and aware humans such as the center of our galaxy being an energetic source intensely affecting ourselves and our planet, revelations of truth continue to pour into our collective awareness.

The fact that we’re in the midst of a rare alignment with the galactic center as well as passing through other charged fields has profound implications.

But the manifestations of this massive shift in consciousness are busting out all over. Quantum physics revelations, new archeological finds continue to be discovered, all while previously unavailable documents and information are surfacing at an unprecedented, exponential speed. Most of all, people are finding their passion as a result of this explosion and availability of information and communication and are having major life changes as a result, deciding to drop out of the matrix and dedicate their lives to being, as well as bringing about, the change we need to see in the world.

The awakening springs forth – and nothing can stop it!

Language Leaks Busting the Dam

This is a continual phenomenon to definitely track. You’ll see it more and more as the very language and terminology of the so-called alternative and truth community is seeping into and out of the mainstream information outlets as well as the burgeoning social media exchange network.

It can’t help but happen. As the awakening keeps escalating it’s simply a matter of fact as truth passes through the collective consciousness and leeks into communications at every level, allowing people to build on new levels of awareness and thus keep transforming.

To quote from Language Leaps and the Information Shuffle:

So much can be told by language shifts. Both what’s being used more frequently in general as well as substantial new additions, and deletions, to the lexicon. This goes two ways. The controllers keep shifting their language and euphemisms to blanket their intentions, while the awakening community grabs hold of and proliferates empowering and revealing words and concepts that grow in usage at an astounding and truly inspiring rate.

This is a powerful manifestation of the awakening.

Just look how easily and readily words like the matrix, the Illuminati, social engineering, transhumanism, zionism and the holohoax, freemasonry, synchronicity, psychopathy, cognitive dissonance, geoengineering, false flags, predictive programming and big brother surveillance are being used now. These were considered side line or taboo issues discussed by whack jobs not long ago. Now? They’re mainstays of conversation that bleed more and more into the mainstream dialogue.

That speaks volumes as to the effect the onslaught of true information is having. And something to be very encouraged and inspired about.

Timelines and Parallel Worlds

This concept was once thought to be way out there and sci-fi sounding, but now has scientific merit, for what that’s worth, but that does bring it into the mass consciousness which brings a willingness to consider and perhaps grasp such mind expanding ideas.

Here’s a recent news report that frames these concepts for public consumption and is quite telling all on its own:

Quantum mechanics, though firmly tested, is so weird and anti-intuitive that famed physicist Richard Feynman once remarked, “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics.” Attempts to explain some of the bizarre consequences of quantum theory have led to some mind-bending ideas, such as the Copenhagen interpretation and the many-worlds interpretation.

Now there’s a new theory on the block, called the “many interacting worlds” hypothesis (MIW), and the idea is just as profound as it sounds. The theory suggests not only that parallel worlds exist, but that they interact with our world on the quantum level and are thus detectable. Though still speculative, the theory may help to finally explain some of the bizarre consequences inherent in quantum mechanics.

The Mandela Effect

Here’s another glitch that has been identified, similar to the phenomenon of déjà vu. The idea that various timelines are continually being generated is a mind-boggler but helps us take a more transcendent view of reality, similar to the Mandela Effect:

The Mandela Effect is a theory of parallel universes, based in the idea that because large groups of people have similar alternative memories about past events. Advocates of the theory claim that for these collective experiences to be true, the fabric of reality must have shifted at some point in the past, and that therefore not only do parallel, inhabitable universes exist, but that we are constantly switching between them.

This goes on to say that there are many shared “mis”memories of this sort that lead people to believe that again different timelines or dimensions are involved, which blows our current “mind” set to oblivion as to what the nature of reality really is.

There are many such examples, but suffice it to say we’re living in awakening times and what was once considered way out there is now under serious consideration.

That in itself blows the old paradigms to bits.


Wreck It Ralph, King Candy and Glitch

There’s an amazing metaphor for this matrix we’re living in brought to us by, yes, Pixar. I was personally shocked when I saw this animation at its appropriate story line and ingenious portrayal of characters and is a revealing film I’d suggest seeing.

As you can see from the illustration, the unlikely heroes of this story of computer game characters manage to bust out of their electronic matrix. What’s so extremely telling about this tale is the nature of the controlling character named King Candy, how he has manipulated his underlings, and the extent and means of his level of control. (more on the Wizard of Oz like King Candy and the movie’s story line HERE)

The atmosphere is quite cleverly oppressive and all think it’s well within their confines, when in fact, as you will find out, the heroine of this tale is the castoff and exiled previous benign leader of this domain, renamed Glitch after her fall, who herself had forgotten her previous role in this digitized world ominously called “Sugar Rush”.

Sound familiar?

And guess what? Glitch is soon restored to her rightful place – but not without a fight.

We Are the Glitch in the Matrix

When all is said and done it’s about the human spirit. Our attitude, our fortitude, our spirit, and our decisions. This is clearly a testing ground for each of us. The challenges we face are formidable, but not insurmountable.

Indeed we are faced with a very real matrix of deceit that takes many forms. Whatever they are, this is the enemy to be identified, exposed and dealt with. If an animation can make this as plain as the noses on our faces, why can’t we see it for ourselves?

Well, one reason is because of these truths being aired and let out through fiction so we don’t do anything in reality. That’s the big drawback of this kind of psychic release valve. However, if we see it for what it is it can actually be a help and inspiration.

The challenge is to first get out from the programming and slumber mode most of the world has been enticed into. Once we do that and things become clear, then it’s time to act.

Every awake and activated soul on this planet is a glitch in the matrix. In fact, every deed of unselfish love, every utterance of truth, every kind deed tears at the very fabric of this foisted lie that engulfs us. This is why they have to constantly inject fear into everything they do or say, that or very base level behaviors without any conscious awareness of consideration for others.

That’s how they play. We don’t do that.

That’s what is bringing their walls down and causing massive leaks in their intolerable matrix. It cannot stand nor survive in an atmosphere of truth and love.

Keep turning it on, and up – the curtains are coming down!

Love always,



Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

This is our Realm

This is our Realm

by Zen Gardner
March 23, 2016


The Pissing Contest of the Impotent Parasites

The Pissing Contest of the Impotent Parasites

by Zen Gardner
April 7, 2016


Using the ongoing situation in Syria as an example, this particular incursion of the parasitic western powers, never mind their other psychotic maneuvers, serves as a perfect example of how the so-called powers that be are simply pissing in the wind.

Getting a Grip on Letting Go

Getting a Grip on Letting Go

by Zen Gardner
March 9, 2016


This might sound contradictory or counter intuitive but it’s not. Many are being faced with serious personal challenges and decisions right now on top of this backdrop of the
ongoing global crackdown and diminishing realm of harmony and supply.  The building maelstrom around us only picks up speed as we attempt to go about our lives and it is by no means an easy time in which to operate.

I’ve often addressed the issue of personally shifting in a seriously shifting “whirled” on many levels and how at least two very distinct dynamics are at play during this awakening amidst an increasingly contorted and spiritually toxified environment. Changing in a changing world is not a time to simply lay back and take it. Our participation is clearly implicated and needs to be very awake, aware and conscious.

There are things to hold on to while at the same time adhering to the principle of letting go. This can only be approached from a conscious perspective but approach it we must.

Grab the Rudder and Move On

The underlying truths and realities we’ve become intensely aware of cannot be neglected during such times of apparent stress and contradiction. We need to loosen our grip on the temporal nature of the fleeting emotional and physical gymnastics we’re experiencing on a very practical level, while at the same time sailing steadfast in the direction of firm conscious conviction regarding underlying realities.

All this is easy to say but it’s actually quite clear when we consciously stand back and lucidly evaluate our situations. I’m no perfect example of continual overcoming as I succumb to these waves like anyone else at times. It just helps me enormously to stop and assess and consciously address these confrontations as they come up, with the intention that it can perhaps help someone else in the process.

After all, we’re in this together.

Sometimes Simply Blast Through

This is a personal remedy I employ regularly. Rather than wallow in some confining situation, mulling over my circumstances, challenges and growing sense of anxiety or sense of depression that seem to close in periodically, I prefer to blast out.  If I don’t like the circumstances I can change them by taking the initiative. It’s not always easy, nor does it always work, but it almost always does.

Get busy. Do something productive and quickly move on. All the while keeping an eye on what was trying to hold you back and often those around you to better understand it as you gain distance from it. It’s a learning process and requires attentive action and some real tenacity.

It’s actually easy and the path of seemingly less resistance to take the initiative rather than slide around the morass of goop that surrounds us in times like this. We look for sympathy and grovel in it a bit thinking we’ll get some leg up from a loved one or some external influence to help yank us out of these cesspits of weakness and self-pity, but it’s just a fleeting comfort and of no avail as far as overcoming.

Those assuaging bandages never go anywhere and we know it, yet we each play that game on and off. But it does help a bit to share ourselves in this manner – to an extent.

We always eventually pull out of these dips, but waiting for circumstances to change is like expecting your containment cell sergeant to give you a break. Ain’t gonna happen. It’s more often than not a time to turn the dial to another station and operate accordingly.

The challenge is making the decision, and that gets into a world of personal, social and psycho-spiritual influences. Nevertheless it’s the same simple, basic decision.

Move on.

The Challenge

A lot is and will be coming at us in the time to come. Be armed, and aware. We’re each antennae picking up a myriad of signals from a wide variety of sources so this should not be a surprise to us, yet when it hits home personally it takes on another nature that isn’t that easy to shirk, never mind grasp at the time.

That’s understandable, and the nature of the game. Try not to internalize these confrontations as much as see them for what they are: outside attacks on the psycho-spiritual body testing our metal and resolute determination, something available to each of us that awaits drawing upon.

The battle we’re engaged in is one for our consciousness. This is why the would-be controllers work so hard at diverting our attention, to keep us from our true spiritual nature and mode of understanding. Information comes at us at an almost blinding speed and we need to be aware of the nature of this onslaught and selective as to what we tune into and give our attention as well as intention.

What Awaits Us

This won’t get any easier. Our fundamental fighting techniques need to be honed. The true spiritual warrior need only be equipped with dogged determination to get through, nothing more, although discernment sure helps and grows with time. The enclosing matrices of seeming impossibilities and insurmountable circumstances will always be there. They simply take on new disguises and play with a variety of emotional triggers.

Our vision beyond these creeping enclosures creates the way. It’s simply ours to follow it.

When we know the end from the beginning, which we do in our heart of hearts, there’s nothing to fear or seriously deter us. Sure we get waylaid and we’re fallible beings subject to many influences, but ultimately we have a very sure knowledge set in our hearts as to where we are going and in what mode we should be operating.

Trust that. Take the coming challenges with grace and patience, despite your reflexive nature. It’s not all that hard when we rise in conscious awareness. As we all find out, that’s not some ethereal catch all but a learned attitude of a true, sincere heart.

It comes with practice and sound determination.

Trust your heart and operate in simplicity. Let the static fall away as best you can. That’s all it is, distracting static.

You can do it. And know you’re not alone.

We’re all in this together – and overcoming!

See you on the front.

Love always,


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Outlook Ain’t Pretty – But Looking Up Is Great!

The Outlook Ain’t Pretty – But Looking Up Is Great!

by Zen Gardner
May 20, 2013


If you’re reading the “signs of the times” like any thinking person, the apparent world outlook isn’t good. While phony political processes cloud the air with smoke, mirrors and idiotic political air horns, UN and foreign troops are reportedly training on American soil and massive arms and munitions buildups continue at the behest of an enemy government.

Our own.

All with no visible signs of anything being warranted, nor of a population being warned of impending disaster.  Despite this obvious reality in every sphere of society the world marches on towards certain chaos.

And something very similar is transpiring in the UK, Australia and Canada, other strongholds of so-called democracy. Actually these same “enclaves” of supposedly free democratic peoples are bases of intelligent opposition to the New World Order which is exactly what is anathema to the PTBs.  Just as the intelligencia was the enemy of the great communist takeovers and thus liquidated.

Take a lesson from history. Fascism’s never been pretty.

Recent Signs are Troubling

This series of scandals hitting the deliberately dysfunctional Obama administration is particularly troubling as I’ve outlined in recent posts.  Why are they allowing this spate of no doubt controlled media releases against the Obama administration? Why the apparent deliberate chaotic element at this time? There’s always a reason, these “outlets” are all in cahoots with a bigger plan and we know it – and they also know many of us also know it.

It’s all part of the release program, as if they’re giving us a chance to catch on. Occult reference here I’ll expound on later.

It’s a nasty time for sure as things continue to convolute and they broadcast their various bands of disinformation.

A Media Bent on Mind Control

It bothers me big time how the media play(s) the unwitting public. While disinformation is their mainstay, I think the most effective tactic is just plain distraction. Even though troops move into place, new tactical equipment is stationed around the country and in our skies, and innocent civilians are getting accustomed to shake downs and ID checks and militarized police and actual troops in their streets, the TV plays weather news, sitcoms, sports and other major stupidity to keep the masses distracted and intoxicated.

The realization that our world is about to crumble every which way from Sunday is not on their radar for us to know – deliberately. Thinking people who catch on are marginalized more militantly by the day.

We’re in a rapidly shifting psycho-political war. And they’re making their move.

The Onslaught Against Truth and Humanity

Much of mankind is simply getting worn down. While a conscious sense of love and truth, right and wrong resides in every human, it has been successfully squelched to a large degree by the social engineers in their effort to split humanity into two distinct classes.

The elite rulers and the deliberately dumbed down worker class.

The middle class will be no more. Replacement elites will be groomed from amongst their own protected bloodlines and those showing potential in their engineered University hatcheries, while the genetically modified transhumans do the maintenance work on the new, geoengineered planet Terra.

Or so goes their plan. I almost hate to articulate it to fulfill their intentions.

Our Challenge

In the United States, as with anywhere, anything can happen. Being a personally armed nation due to its founding and nature, the globalist forces need to take care of that issue, either by disarming or outright incarceration and destruction. It is well within the agenda of global control to empower other nations to do the dirty work and attack Americans. It is also clearly within the scope of the dark cabal to create a private army if need be. Anything can happen in a staged martial law environment.

To not realize this is to leave yourself naively open to very intrusive factors, to say the least.

Remember: another major false flag or series of escalated events will happen. It’s their “go to” tactic that always works, scaring the hell out of the majority to justify draconian measures time and again.

The whole idea is to destroy from the inside as much as possible. This is why the phony internal “terrorist” threat is now ex-military, survivalists, political dissidents, so-called “truthers” and those critical of the status quo and the like.

Remember, an outright attack is also not out of the question. Once America shows itself vulnerable due to serious internal strife we may just see something like an EMP strike, possibly convincingly blamed on China. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but these are real possibilities.

The point is, the take-down is imminent. There’s no stopping it at this point. There’s way too much momentum for this not to at least be attempted. What happens then we’ll just have to see.

This is not new.

History bears out how many times great powers were caving in from their own corruption and simultaneously undermined, resulting in massive pogroms to eliminate any potential opposition.

It’s just better to be realistic if you’re making any plans or preparations.

Apply that across the board.

Look Up!

We hold the promise of a better world. We are the better life that lies within us and expressing it brings it into reality. We are proof that this insanity is just that, an insane projection on a false screen attempting to lie and mislead an unsuspecting population of beings.

We are awake. We are aware. We get what’s going on here and reject the phoney projectors. Love is our “god”, Truth is our mission, kind caring and sharing is our nature.

Damn the other force. It lies and breeds fear and control. Let it shrivel up under its own contrived, constrictive force.

Keep alert. And never despair. Love is in the air!

Life is. Always was and always will be. Death of anything creative is an illusion to create fear.

Laugh in its face and enjoy the ride! We are forever and to stay!

Love always, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

America the Pitiful: Who Will Dare to Wake Up?

America the Pitiful: Who Will Dare to Wake Up?

by Zen Gardner
February 21, 2016


As many wonderful Americans as there are who have snapped out of the trance and are doing fabulous things to awaken and empower others as well as expose the truth of what’s really going on, I’m dumbfounded at the willful abject ignorance, consumerism, apathy and shallow selfishness of the vast majority.

All I need to make my point is the following video. Many of you have no doubt seen some of Mark Dice’s “man on the street” surveys, but this one takes the cake, or should I say bar of chocolate – this time over a 10 oz. bar of silver bullion currently worth $150:

I rest my case.

As powerful as it is and perhaps he does this in some manner I don’t know, but it would be great if he handed people an envelope for them to open later with an explanation of what just transpired. It would be eye opening and helpful for them to know that they just passed up a silver bar worth $150 right in front of a Coin and Precious Metals Exchange shop and they could have waltzed in there and redeemed it – or better yet kept it for when the dollar turns to dust.

Still, the entranced ignorance is stunning.

Don’t Give Up Trying

It only takes the right conditions, some initiative, and a little wisdom to get someone started on, or encouraged along, the path to awakening on any and all levels. Never give up trying, but do definitely avoid the full, frozen cups and armored souls who will just waste your time, suck you dry and discourage you.

Learning to find that introductory opening is a bit of a skill but it’s learnable. Dropping hints, being honest but not brutally, speaking up instead of going along with what you know is wrong, all lead to finding those who have a hunger to know what’s really going on and are starting to get it.

It can be extremely inspiring, and as I’ve often said and many have found out, there are sincere, open, receptive and massively awakened people everywhere. Just don’t take things at face value. The societal controls and behaviour conformity is so strong it’s easy to do that, but it’s wrong and very misleading.

This goes for anywhere in the whirled. It’s a way of life. Another really cool thing that happens is you become known for your perspective and those you’ve touched will often refer people they think would be receptive to what you have to say, either to you or suggest you contact them even when they themselves don’t agree with you but like you and your sincerity.

Passing It On

That’s how it works. One interaction at a time. Then if you also write about it in an article or on a blog or website or post it in social media it reaches that many more!

People talk about paying it forward, but what more profoundly empowering thing can we pass on than the truth?

Keep on keeping on. You’ll encourage the heck out of yourself the more you respond and engage in this. And the rewards that come from helping someone along the path are immeasurable, both for them and yourself and an endangered world in constant flux that needs all the vibrational uplifting we can help facilitate.

That’s a win win and win!

“Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth!” – Henry David Thoreau

Love always, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Dangerous Mind — Flat Earth Fundamentalism and the Archon Agenda

The Dangerous Mind — Flat Earth Fundamentalism and the Archon Agenda

by Zen Gardner
February 15, 2016


This article is not about whether the earth is flat, round or something else, but about the rabid dogmatism, intolerance and religiosity that has apparently taken hold with the more staunch adherents to this new perspective and to put it in a clearer context.

Flat earth or whatever theory that somehow brings unnecessary contention and division is an indicator of something we’re seeing throughout the information field, and such lower level forcing of assertions have been a source of infection in many arenas for generations – some obvious and some not so obvious, but the symptoms are the same.

Because something is perhaps true or not true does not make any of us an unquestionable source of anything. We’re here to each wake up individually, and no form of forced persuasion, threats or bludgeoning will change our minds.

That’s the beauty of the human spirit and our eternal consciousness.

How Do We Fall Into These Traps?

The following might help explain a lot of things to a lot of people.

 The overarching question of how segments of humanity can fall for lies and deceit of any type is an intriguing one. More importantly, how can agendas be carried out by so many lemming like sycophants of the clearly illuminist empire to the obvious degradation of humankind?

The answer may surprise you.

I’m not trying to imply this latest flat earth investigation is wrong, as it’s important information that needs processing and a wonderful world of discovery.

The point is so many play into mechanisms they may not be fully aware of.

Behold the Predator – “They Gave Us Their Mind”

They, those outside our playing field, work through the mind.

What we think are rational processes are not always what they seem.

Minds can be tricked, and very easily, contrary to what your self-reinforcing mind might tell you. That’s why it’s important to not play in their arena; they’re smarter than us on a certain level, a level we don’t belong in and should shirk.

And it all has to do with the mind…

This quotation from Don Juan Matus alludes to this aspect of which we all should be well aware:

“We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives.

Human beings are its prisoners. The predator is our lord and master.

It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don’t do so… Indeed we are held prisoner!

They took us over because we are food to them, and they squeeze us mercilessly because we are their sustenance.

Sorcerers believe the predators have given us our systems of beliefs, our ideas of good and evil: our social mores. They are the ones who set up our dreams of success or failure. They have given us covetousness, greed, and cowardice.

In order to keep us obedient and meek and weak, the predators engaged a stupendous maneuver,

stupendous, of course, from the point of view of a fighting strategist

a horrendous maneuver from the point of view of those who suffer it

They gave us their mind…

The predators’ mind is baroque, contradictory, morose, filled with fear of being discovered any minute now.

Sorcerers of ancient Mexico reasoned that man must have been a complete being at one point, with stupendous insights, feats of awareness that are mythological legends nowadays. And then, everything seems to disappear, and we have now a sedated man.

What I am saying is that what we have against us is not a simple predator. It is very smart, and organized. It follows a methodical system to render us useless.

Man, the magical being that he is destined to be, is no longer magical.

He’s an average piece of meat…”

Don Juan Matus – in Castaneda’s “The Active Side of Infinity“.

How Do We Differentiate?

This is the human dilemma.

We’re born into these physical body-minds with an immediate challenge.

 We are not greeted from the outset as being spiritual or super sentient and innately awakened beings as we should. Instead we are neglected, abandoned and ultimately abused. And so begins the treadmill of denial, fighting to gain acceptance, and a life of involuntary co-dependence and servitude.

Quite the heavy concept for most to wrap their minds around but this is our reality.

Finding out the fundamental truths that are so contrary to what we’ve been taught is a rough road. It’s never, or rarely, met by others with compassion and understanding, but rather ridicule and belittlement.

Hence so many are shying away from reality. No matter. It will meet them halfway anyway.


Symptoms of the Archontic Mindset

Whether you subscribe to the Juan Matus or Gnostic understanding of our reality or not, the fundamental teachings remain – from the Tao Te Ching through Zen Buddhism and the like and even eclectic western philosophy as well as psychology reflect this same underlying nature of reality, that the mind is more often the tool of illusory ego fabrication and lower dimensional reinforcement of extremely hindering psychic mechanisms than a helpful friend.

The right brain, left brain picture tells the tale in another fashion.

Once aware of profound spiritual forces active in our universe with which we interact, things take on other dimensions and require deeper levels of awareness to truly get the big picture.

It’s up to each of us to discover these experientially, not just intellectually, which hails to the crux of the matter we’re addressing here.

If you apply this archontic understanding to our mental nature and often untoward inclination to justify everything via non-conscious, pre-programmed reason, a lot makes sense.

Enter the Flat Earth Contra-versy – Example of a Digital Inquisition?

This has to be addressed.

Not just because I have been attacked personally for not conforming to what certain individuals in this movement seem to require in order for anyone to be considered a valid source of information, but to help people understand the symptoms and origins of this type of rigid insistence that causes such uncalled for conflict and division.

  • Who needs a government psyop when we can individually yield to the archontic mindset?

  • After all, who is our real enemy?

Let that bake your noodle…

To attack alternative websites for not wanting to take on some belief system, real or unreal, is so counter-intuitive to the awakening process it is staggering. So many very intelligent and well “informed” people going combative for a particular mindset that seems to be a catch-all solution is actually disturbing to me.

I admit, I am fascinated by the flat earth information and know we’ve been lied to on every front and love learning new information and challenging realizations.

But don’t give me ultimatums.

  • Aren’t I and others allowed to wonder and process?

  • What’s with the idiotic insistence and condition setting?

  • Who do these proponents think they are?

  • Do others with very strong beliefs and personally experienced based systems insist everyone get on board and publish their stuff or you’re a shill worried about your income or you can go to hell?

Yes – mainstream religions working within the ‘divide and conquer’ construct.

Are those not “on board” with some proposed new understanding being lumped into the same false paradigm? That’s simple evidence of what I am trying to discreetly expound on here – without ultimatums and name calling but with distinct disdain. I mean, c’mon. You who are unwittingly pushing this warfare are your own psyop from the sounds of it.

Snap out of it. Even the logic doesn’t make sense, never mind the exclusive spirit of the overall thrust.

Fundamentalism Revives and Hardening of the Arteries

What it boils down to in my understanding is a falling for this archontic “yahwey or the highway” mentality.

It divides, puts others down, creates discord, disharmony and confused aggravation. That’s how it works.

When one researches the Flat Earth thoroughly, as I have, and imbibe the information as well as the reaction to it, one very profound realization arises. And this could very well be the crux of our problem.

The iconic-archontic savior concept…

While I do know there is a wonderful creative force we’re all part of, this so clearly plays into the mind control matrix paradigm. And this is what we need to remain aware of as well as transcend.

Flat earth fundamentalists manifest, confirm, reinforce and greatly magnify the God-Creator factor and contend that this one realization of the flat earth truth will single-handedly bring down the matrix.

Interestingly enough, I’m not against the theory in it’s most esoteric form and love solutions of all sorts. Creation and our particular place in a magnificent creative universe and our wonderfully particular place makes a lot of sense in many ways.

But this can also be seen through the lens of the holographic universe understanding of our situation without all this godhead stuff that’s being implicated.

There are many interpretations that shouldn’t be excluded. Point being, the easily adopted creator concept could be a set up for the unwary to be cleverly hijacked by the archontic influences of hierarchy, patriarchy and domination.

Take it for what you will, but let’s stay open and conscious here.

Warning Bells

Serious warning bells went off when I found this factor over and over from the very staunch and more belligerent proponents of this issue that are now giving this false choice, in or out type options with all the incumbent ultimatums.

What gives? Is there no room for debate, time to digest and present the information for people to decide for themselves? Not a very winsome approach if you ask me.

What’s with this “weighing in” precipitation process? Where the hell does that come from?

Flat, round or pear shaped as one confused physicist said, we all exist here together with very real challenges. That the flat earth realization will solve any and every problem is tantamount to following a religious belief for salvation, salvationism being the ultimate control tool of the archontic mindset.

If you make it a religion you’ve lost your argument, real or not real. And the attachment to it is nothing less than the archontic/illusory mind once again seeking to take control.

Separate truth from this fundamentalist thrust and you might get some traction.

This confrontational tack is way wrong and contrary to any and all consciously awakened methodologies that have brought us this far.


Despite these unnecessary yet revealing skirmishes, the march to loving truth goes on.

When forces attempt to disrupt this powerful yet somewhat sensitive process it bothers me. Overall, I have to admit it disturbs me how people cannot grasp the importance of actively participating in the awakening, but skirmishes like this don’t help one bit.

There are so many easily available vectors to just walk into, worlds of empowering and enlightening information and encouragement.

  • Why not let people discover naturally and synchronistically what is theirs for the taking?

  • Haven’t we had enough stuff shoved down our throats?

Seek and Find

“You Are the Awakening”. It’s nowhere else. It’s in you, it’s in me.

We cannot change the external world unless we ourselves are changed. Let it happen. Discern the pressure lobbies, whatever truth they may bear. We’re here to freely learn.

Lose your mind. Find your heart.

And don’t forget to dump the infected rubbish after gleaning the truth…

Love always, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Could 9/11 Truth Topple the American Empire?

Could 9/11 Truth Topple the American Empire?

by Zen Gardner
July 2013


Manifesto of the Awakened

Manifesto of the Awakened

by Zen Gardner
January 15, 2016


To: The Few Whom This Concerns
Re: The Deliberate Subjugation of Our People and Planet


While you continue to hypocritically blame humanity for the dire plight of our world, we hereby put you on notice that we are well aware that it is you, the financial, corporate, military, scientific and governmental agents, and most of all the dark shadow forces behind you, which we know full-well comprise and empower the destructive global power grid, and which are responsible for our current engineered crises and overall social condition.

You’ve brought us and our planet to the precipice. If you do not cease and desist, what is soon to come will be blood on your hands, cause untold suffering, and all for naught as far as your designs are concerned.

You too will shrivel up in the dustbin of history as just another invasive parasite that couldn’t succeed in its self-serving designs for all its efforts.

Know that.

We hereby officially notify all those complicit in this massive control program that:

  • We are aware of your efforts to dumb down, anesthetize and control the world’s populations.
  • We are aware of your destructive programs to sicken and alter humanity through the chemical, electromagnetic and genetic modification of our food, plants, animals and ourselves.
  • We are aware of your wanton destruction of our earth, skies and oceans through resource exploitation, geoengineering and weather modification.
  • We are aware of your many false flag events and surreptitious “strategy of tension” schemes purposely designed to keep the world in perpetual fear and continual wars against fabricated outside enemies for control and profit.
  • We are aware of your fascist medical designs to drain and destroy humanity via the decrepit allopathic medical system based on profit and ill health at every level, including the proliferation of pharmaceuticals, invasive and debilitating treatments and deliberately damaging vaccines.
  • We are aware of your moves toward a worldwide police state based on hyperbolized fear and disinformation to manipulate humanity in order to get an unspoken imprimatur to execute your program of control and subjugation.
  • We are aware that your political crony establishment is all staged and designed to distract from the real issues and keep the populace occupied and feeling like participants while you work your nefarious program.
  • We are aware of your falsely imposed vampiristic taxation system to fund further bureaucratic bloat, controls and an overarching agenda of genocidal wars on innocent peoples, and that it is arbitrary and our sovereign choice to simply not participate in any longer.
  • We are aware that a select few major corporations with vested interests in this global agenda now control almost all media and that mass media is nothing more than a mouthpiece of propaganda to these ends.
  • We are aware that your “entertainment” industry is simply socially engineered entrainment towards personal and social distraction, chaos and degradation.
  • We are aware of your AI, electromagnetic grid and mind manipulating designs and technologies that are being imposed to further expand your psychopathic control program.
  • We are aware that you repress emerging technologies that threaten existing parasitic profitable ones, such as the hazardous petroleum and nuclear industries, when alternative energy sources and other such solutions have arisen for many decades which you have suppressed.
  • We are aware that you sequester knowledge and information in a vast array of fields to keep the general populace in the dark and thereby disempowered as to our true historical context, while you are coveting secret information and carrying out advanced covert research for your own ends.
  • We are aware that you have stigmatized, marginalized and seek to outlaw any form of criticism, questioning or dissent using whatever excuse you can manufacture.
  • We are aware of your oppressive, enslaving monetary and legal control scams, private fractionalized banking pillaging, and twisted cravings for money and power in an imposed control system that never needed to exist in the first place.
  • We are aware of your falsely postured institutions, foundations, institutes, charitable organizations and international bodies such as the so-called United Nations and its many agencies and agendas being used to further develop your global control plans and programs.
  • We are aware of your secret societies, blood line allegiances and luciferian, freemasonic, Babylonian and otherworldy roots that propel the wickedness of your self appointed leaders. We are aware of your ritual sacrifices, paedophelia and bestiality inclinations and other sordid practices, all of which are anathema to our conscious race.

Ad nauseum…

This will be tolerated no longer.


We are aware that you know we are on to you. We stand fearless, fully committed to humanity’s well being. You are shallow, self-serving and seriously misled guns for hire working for a control system being engineered by powers beyond your knowledge that will devour you, just as you seek to devour us.

We are aware of who you are. Your days are numbered. Your designs will soon be visited upon your heads if you do not drastically change your ways. Universal law dictates it. You know it, and we know it. Hence your sloppy, miscreant behavior being so thoroughly exposed which you so furiously attempt to deny and suppress. This futile lashing out only works toward the exposure of open truth and the awakening’s favor.

If there is an ounce of humanity left in any of you, defect and help us expose and bring down these life ending forces. You, your children, your grandchildren and anything you may still hold dear are already suffering and will also perish in the catastrophe we are soon destined for, if you do not respond.


A last warning.

We are aware. We are awake and activated. We will do everything within and without our personal power to see our race and planet survive and shake this parasitic invasion. Our planet itself will not take this attempted overthrow. Know that, and expect repercussions from Her, as well as us, a gathering storm of sacred truth you cannot possibly fathom.

Your opposition, resistance and puny, short-sighted efforts are dwarfed by what awaits you.

Will you find your humanity in time? We think many of you could, and those of you who do will be welcomed amongst the awakened. However, we realize many are beyond redemption.

But don’t try to fool us. We’re more on to you than you could ever imagine.

Just watch and see. We will surprise you, just as you fear.

We’re here. We live. We cannot be stopped nor thwarted by any means despite your flimsy efforts.

The truth and love we bear are coming for you. Truth and cosmic resonance cannot be denied and any aberration from it will be mitigated.

That’s just the way it is.

Think about it. If you dare.


The Eternally Awakened


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Tipping Point Is Here – And It’s All About You

The Tipping Point Is Here – And It’s All About You

by Zen Gardner
December 16, 2015


There’s no question about it. We’re there. And I’m not just talking about the globalist takeover bid they’re hastily and clumsily trying to execute. The awakening is erupting.

Many feel lost and afraid right now all across the spectrum of humanity. This deliberate creation of chaos is designed to do just that. However, parallel and simultaneous to their psychotic designs is a massive arousal of the human spirit, spurred on by an arising of conscious awareness and a deep sense of growing personal realization and empowerment.

Most may not recognize these rising seemingly confusing energetic changes as being the creative process at work, but it is. Awakening is first of all a destructive process, eliminating everything that is unreal and inhibitive of personal development and progress. These two dynamics work concurrently.

When you stand back and observe with open eyes you’ll see it, and it brings great peace in the midst of these stormy times.

At What Price Awakening?

Being awake comes with a price, and it may have been upped a bit or even a lot lately. You’re being worked on. Letting go and getting the most out of challenging circumstances and conditions is vital to growth. Don’t fight it, whatever you do.

It’s very sad to see unawakened humanity being tossed to and fro without a clue as to what is really going on. But even that is an “engineered” shake up designed by Universe to help every one of us come to our senses and transcend this false reality. Millions are flocking to alternative news sources to try to make sense of what’s going on, and they’re stumbling on realities they never considered before.

And that’s a wonderful thing. It will cause a lot of pain to make the realizations they’re being presented with but again, that’s alright. Truth comes with a cost – the end of the lies and illusions they had previously based their entire lives on. And it’s an ongoing process.

Many will be forced to enter the “dark night of the soul” whether they want to or not. I can tell you from personal experience that it’s a hell of a lot easier and quicker if you elect to let yourself go through it, and in many ways the sooner you do, if you haven’t already, the better.

What Do We Do?

So what should we do? If we know the truth, we’re responsible not only to share it passionately, but also to live it. This is where it gets even more uncomfortable, but it must be done. The hour is late and the times we are living in are dire. There’s no alternative any more.

We have to rise to the occasion. It’s virtually us or them, life or death, truth or lies, freedom or slavery – for not just ourselves but our loved ones, progeny and the entire human race. That’s what makes this the opportunity of a lifetime, and our marvelous creative Universe is there to meet you if you dare walk the path.

In fact, you’ll even meet your true self, what you’ve been looking and longing for your whole life!

The Tipping Point

The tide is not just turning, but the tide of humanity awakening is rising quickly. What we do from here is supremely important as we have a growing array of opportunities for active participation unfolding before us. And there will be more, but waiting to start somewhere is not an option.

The time to activate is now. Let anything that hinders this fall away from your life, whatever the cost. The call for our inner warriors to rise could not be any clearer.

You’ll see these manifestations of the tipping point we’ve reached everywhere if you look. People’s tones are changing, minds are tossed about but exploring new perspectives, truths are being outed like never before. It’s an amazing time. Don’t stare at the machinations of the powers that shouldn’t be, they’re designed to distract and disempower. This is crucial.

And don’t think Gaia is going to take all this lying down either. We’re talking about a massive energetic change we have the privilege to be a part of. Remember, nature bats last.

Fed Up? Good!

Many are getting fed up with false flags, mass shootings, war drums, complete media bullshit and the fear riddled bloviations of the psychopaths in the news. That’s actually good, and one of the main symptoms of what I’m addressing here. You’re fed up – you’ve had enough. So turn it off. Just get the essentials from the independent and alternative news to keep an eye on things then turn it off. Draw on empowering sources that feed your soul and inspire your heart and draw close to supportive loved ones.

Take the exploration of self you’re no doubt being presented with and see where it takes you.

That’s the primary battle at hand. We need to become who we truly are if we’re to finish this out the way we should, could, can and will. But don’t dwell on your own damn ass all day either. Activate and proliferate the truth and build community and bonds of love with those you’re being called to be with. We all need this support and strength, and environments where we can be our authentic selves and grow into the full stature of awakened, empowered souls.

Enjoy the ride, but don’t buck at the pain and sacrifices when they present themselves. They’re small fry compared to the glorious new world being birthed in the hearts of our beloved mankind.

Love always,


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Changing in the River of Change

The Brutal Onslaught of Bullsh*t

The Brutal Onslaught of Bullsh*t

by Zen Gardner
December 2, 2015


The stuff we’re forced to witness and read about is incredible. Literally.

Besides this obviously orchestrated clampdown and ramped up war mongering following the Paris “’incident”, front and center is the Syrian turnaround by a bold-stepping, clear minded Russia. The western media is beside itself, furiously trying to bury, minimize, justify and demonize this wise and functional step, the barefaced truth of which is turning this psychopathic move toward western hegemony on its warped head.

The ongoing genocides in Yemen, Ukraine and Palestine continue with nary a flicker of mention in the western press, with the Yemen extermination recently exacerbated no doubt by weaponized storms further jeopardizing the lives of millions in that defenseless country.

If that isn’t dystopian enough, the newly placed head of the Human Rights Commission of the so-called United Nations is none other than a Saudi Arabian, a country deeply tied to all things terrorist which has just announced a mass beheading to take place as part of their public relations inspired move to continue to appear as barbaric as possible.

This kind of clap trap on the whirled stage is beyond comprehension to the awakened viewer, yet it goes on. Therein is the indictment against humanity, I might add. We listen, but don’t respond consciously. We watch as observers, without actually participating in this surreal theater of the absurd being thrown at us – much like an industrial manure spreader splattering your windshield, yet we think it’s just the weather.

Why do people tolerate it? Because it’s mainstream – as in streaming from the mainframe, what is commonly referred to as “news”. What will it take for people to wake up?

Good News in Dystopia

Despite the West’s brutal intrusion into Syria under the guise of fighting their own creation, aptly termed ISIS, sane elements in the world have stepped up to confront this madness. Namely Russia and its allies, whom the US is continually attempting to vilify and denounce in the most crassly adolescent manner, so much so that it’s making heads across the entire world spin.

Yet this exemplifies what we’re talking about here. Absolute crap thrown up on the screens of our minds that we’re supposed to believe is the truth or “just the way things are”. From the western and Israeli creation of ISIS to the obviously US engineered coup in the Ukraine and incidences such as the poorly-staged downing of the Malaysian Airlines flight and other such false flags they relentlessly throw at us — ’s all smoke and mirrors, and obviously so.

Look how blown out of the water the so-called Syrian gas attack was, or the fact that ISIS never touches Israel, one of its prime creators, supporters and trainers – or Turkey for that matter, a supposed NATO member. How blind do people have to be to not put 2 and 2 together?

Well, apparently, pretty damn blind. And swept away into the mental conditioning and mind controlled meme of what people want to see and hear. It’s a disgusting tribute to the current state of mind-mushed, gutless humanity that lets anything and everything roll right over it without question, never mind resistance.

And On It Goes

This staged reality we’re being presented with applies to the economic meltdown, the rise of militarized police and draconian domestic controls, and the continued attack on human health and our environment while grandstanding their fake hand-wringing over supposed population-caused climate change. This is all made possible and exacerbated by any and every media ploy, perhaps the most culpable agent in this engineered mess. Were there a truly free press that allowed honest news and investigative reporting instead of this onslaught of crass propaganda there is no way all of this would be possible.

Anyone can see the clampdown on humanity that’s now in process, all under the guise of fighting terrorism, the supposed threat which is now conveniently spread abroad by these same ‘powers that shouldn’t be’, via migration and their drumbeat of on-line recruitment via “radicalized social media” and internet sites.

Again, an engineered hoax with a very clear purpose.

All this while the chasm between the awakened and asleep continues to widen. What takes this to new stinking heights of repulsion is this engineered UN Agenda roll out. Don’t people see this coming as clearly as some of us do? Agenda 2030 reeks of societal containment and the new world agenda, yet it’s being sold as the best thing since sliced bread. Many are catching on but this awareness must be stepped up.

The TTP agenda is another major manifestation. Shrouded in secrecy, it and Agenda 2030 portend to exercise control mechanisms that have such massive ramifications that it makes the post-9/11 period look impotent.


Then there was this recent Pope-a-dope New World tour, never mind his ongoing globalist target-softening propaganda. After a bunch of politically charged judgements and summarily dismissing generalities, this guy had the gall to say;

“I have not come to judge you or to lecture you,” he said. “Allow me only, in the freedom of love, to speak to you as a brother among brothers.” (source)

This, while he self-righteously judges and lectures the dazed masses of sycophantic listeners, all looking for some kind of truth in what this extremely dangerous Jesuit, socialist NWO proponent and intentioned agenda-pushing puppet activist has to say.

Just look at this and tell me people aren’t deliberately hypnotized with this insanity:

Watching Pope Francis speak at the multi-faith ceremony at the 9/11 Museum in lower New York brought tears to my eyes. I didn’t expect it—I hadn’t really focused on the pope’s visit much except to plan my schedule around traffic snarls in Midtown, but when I tuned into this ceremony I became transfixed. (source)

Anyone with any sense knows this Pope figure has no real power, but on the other hand has full emotional, spiritual and ecumenical sway over billions of Catholics and other religiously inclined onlookers, never mind those innocently longing for a better world that “someone” should bring their way, all dutifully pushed by a fawning media.

For goodness’ sake people, shake the spell and act accordingly.


I can’t say much more on this without spitting nails. The good news is it’s getting more obvious by the hour. People are beginning to connect the dots and that’s a good thing, and in many more ways and deeper societal strata than we can conceive.

Don’t fall for their version of our effect either. Of course they ignore, minimize and outright demonize anything that goes against their narrative. We need to recognize our effect for ourselves, and it’s extremely encouraging. But much more needs to be done to keep it rolling out.

Rise up and do your part. The hour to act is now. Their intention is to shut down alternative and independent media which they know is their biggest threat. Don’t get put on the defensive – now is the time to reach even wider audiences. Those awakening out of this trance are looking for answers and we have them. Let’s get them into the hands of as many as possible via every means available.

Flood local media outlets with credible, well researched information and dot connecting analyses. Share them even with old stale contacts you might have given up on over the years. The entire world paradigm is shifting fast and everyone can sense it to some extent.

All it takes is a small crack for the water of truth to seep in and start to do its work.

While seeming to act with such impudent bravado, the matrix of deceit is crumbling under the weight of its own lies.

Now’s the time to charge their faltering bastions of bullsh*t.

Keep heart. That’s where it all happens.

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Don’t Worry – Everything is Not Under Control

Don’t Worry – Everything is Not Under Control

by Zen Gardner
September 2015


What a farce. Telling everyone “everything is under control” is perhaps the most dulling and disempowering phrase ever uttered.My fascination with language just keeps expanding. I love looking at expressions, words, colloquialisms, so-called “sayings” and the like with fresh awakened eyes. I can’t help it. The supposed, accepted and unconscious meanings of these imposed “expressions” are what direct our minds and turn our attention.

So much of what we’ve been handed down is contorted, manipulated and eventually nestled in the collective mindset to twist our hearts away from simple truth.

How many times has this expression been used to bring seeming comfort to someone; “Don’t worry, everything’s under control.” Really? What control? Who’s controlling what? And why?

So often this is used to imply some powerful force is behind everything directing what’s going on. Remind you of anything? Yes – religion, hierarchy, and social, political and economic so-called “controllers”. How debilitating can you get when it comes right down to it, playing on people’s insecurity and lack of conscious awareness?

“It’s under control” is comforting to people? It’s the picture of personal disempowerment!

External Control? Or Creative Freedom!

Sure, there is a wonderful creative Source we are all intrinsically part of, but it’s not “controlling” anything in a living, expanding Universe with beings of all sorts with free will and self determination in an alive multidimensional environment. If anything, this Creative impetus is tearing down control systems that attempt to foist themselves on its process, put there either by conscious intent or the manifestation of hardening mindsets in the social fabric.

Earth processes attest to this, as well as our spectacular expanding and ever changing Universe. Nature itself is alive with new sprouts of life in the animal, plant and mineral worlds, never mind other realms of existence.

Look at earthquakes and volcanoes, or the sun and astral influences. As much as some try to analyze or predict major events that affect earth that still brings no control, only a measure of preparedness on rare occasion. And that type of insecurity is good for us. It’s humbling and keeps us in check.

This process is what the awakening is all about!

While some earth changes may be exacerbated by human activity, the big stuff is way out of our control. Thankfully. That’s what makes life life, and also why the insane would-be captivators of humanity and its planet work so feverishly in their mad pursuits to try to control natural processes. Control is their yardstick and without it they have no temporal security or power, which to them equates some weird form of normalcy or equilibrium.

How upside down can you get.Be it geoengineering our climate, genetically modifying the natural progression of life forms, or attempting to install artificial intelligence to run their soulless programs, these maniacs are desperate for control in every shape and form. Why? They cannot meld or harmonize with what’s natural since their psychopathic, demonic intentions have nothing to gain, all while the rest of us thrive on being part of the fantastic empowering natural processes of Creation Itself.

Therein lies the rub. Quite apparently we’re in a world of conflicts of interest. That’s our current playing field, if you will. Or won’t. It’s just the way it is.

Let Go Into Conscious Anarchy

I like the anarchy approach. Anarchy is an example of another twisted word. It’s doesn’t mean putting a society into deliberate chaotic destruction, it means living without hierarchical control mechanisms. Something most groomed humans are scared spitless of thanks to generations of social programming.

You mean to tell me if we didn’t have so-called “government” that everything would fall apart? Baloney. People are resourceful and essentially responsible, at least their inner nature is, that hasn’t been perverted by all of this programming to the contrary. That very dependence on external control systems is what the hierarchy is literally banking on which is why the repeated memes of fear of scarcity or personal security.

There’s plenty for everybody. All we need to do is work together locally and share with other communities in a range of sizes and distances. Real commerce in loving cooperation, not the regulated systems that have been foisted upon us. We’ve been weaned from personal responsibility into a system of statist dependence, like someone who’s stopped using their muscles and is dependent on some mass produced contraption for their mobility when there’s nothing wrong with them at all.

They just need to exercise their innate capabilities.

Just because people have become spiritually atrophied in large numbers doesn’t mean that’s the way it’s supposed to be. Exactly like waking up, it’s time to arise and use the magnificent body of capabilities we’ve all been given, and let go of these false crutches and systems of hierarchy and walk into life and live!


That false assurance that everything’s under control by external forces as if we individually have virtually none has got to go. Being comforting in times of stress and turmoil is one thing, but propping people up with some external dependence reinforcement is fundamentally wrong.

It’s time to be conscious – in our words, our thoughts and our actions.It’s really not that difficult. The main thing you’ll confront is ignorant, unenlightened opposition from those who’ve grown deeply accustomed to this dependency programming, as if it’s some form of respect for the “great ones” who rule them.It’s very deep and will take time to overcome for most. But remaining in that conscious space, no matter what ridicule or obstacles assail you, is the very solution we each are longing for.

It begins with each of us. Standing our ground and then moving forward in conscious, loving action.Do it. Bravely. The time for humanity to arise is now.

Much love, be well, and fully empowered.



Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Don’t Be Attached to the Shitstorm

Don’t Be Attached to the Shitstorm

by Zen Gardner
August 30, 2015


This is not a time to be tuning into the overall state of humanity without great care and awareness.

We’re in a vortex of change such as humanity has never been exposed to. And it will hurt your heart. This confluence we’re in the midst of is very serious business.

We’re all being taken on a wild ride that can lead nowhere, or somewhere. It all depends on our original orientation.

The unaware will be taken down paths of deceitful manipulation while the aware will find a ride to empowerment and even further confirmations regarding what’s truly transpiring.

What path we choose is paramount…

The best analogy is a stream or river of water, or even a turbulent sea. When in one, when and where you direct your vessel is what it’s all about. Especially when the stream or ocean is moving rapidly and with seeming reckless abandon.

There’s nowhere to hide from these “current” influences.

Our options appear to be somewhat limited, but only without conscious awareness and the ability to rise above the turmoil and so not be driven or steered by what is coming at us.

Operating from an intelligently detached perspective, like a wise, informed ship captain in a turbulent sea, must be our conscious point of reference.

When to Tune In, and Out

Empaths specifically are particularly sensitive and instinctively “take on more water” in their foundational nature of attuned compassion.

The shared passion for others is what their hearts readily “take on board”. But be careful. Empathy alone will not mitigate a survival situation.

So many are and will be suffering through these eddies, rip tides and gushing engineered rapids being foisted on humanity that the heart cries of the innocent will resound loudly in the empath’s ears.

This is potentially like the seductive sirens of Ulysses’ journey if we’re not careful to regulate what we tune into. We need to be touched by the “feeling of their infirmities” but never compromise nor forsake the manning of the ship.

What we know and represent is their lifeboat. As well as our own.

Much like rescuing a drowning swimmer, the lifeguard has to approach the situation with great caution and wisdom, or he too will go down with the panicking victim. That’s not to say nothing should be done. It just needs to be handled intelligently and in a sense, unemotionally.

If we tune into the fear and panic we do no one any good and our positive potential is completely compromised.

I know those I’m addressing are hearing this loud and clear. Those who feel estranged from this sentiment I’m expressing may yet wake up spiritually to our inter-connectivity at which time this will become clear.

For now this just needs to be said.

Mind Your Psychic Awareness

Mind your tuning and reception device. There’s a time to turn it up, and a time to turn it down. Know the difference and act judiciously.

I know many wonderful people in various states of upheaval over these latest turns in the world situation and what appears to lie ahead of us.

It’s taking a toll on people’s health, energy, minds and hearts. It’s no small thing we’re going through, nor is it some kind of situation we’re going to escape by flipping into 4 or 5D or have a galactic intervention or some such to save us from it all.

My advice is to beware of all of that, but entertain what you want. The only “escapism” we can enjoy is true conscious awareness based in compassion and determination. And it’s nothing to snicker at.

Those who know this perspective at whatever level understand what I am saying.

It is sober, it is responsible, it is caring to the utmost degree. It’s just important to be intensely aware of the external and internal environment and not get duped into foolish mind flips and fanciful escape hatches or side tracks, all of which seem to be popping up faster by the day.

I have a tremendous love for humanity and strong conviction concerning its potential, as do so many of you. Let’s all keep awakening those around us, but guard your energy in times like these. Not to be selfish, but wise.

Stay strong. We’re at our battle stations. Be vigilant.

And it’s an honor to serve with so many wonderful, caring souls…

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Final Transition and Defeat of the Archons

The Final Transition and Defeat of the Archons

by Zen Gardner
August 2015


We are living in perhaps the most exciting and challenging time in history. The acceleration of information from every side continues to pour in while the spiritual awakening bursts upon us. This collision of worlds is ongoing and the culmination at many levels is surely inevitable and no doubt already upon us.

That humanity faces a psychopathic otherworldly driven agenda is evident, and has been for a long time. The advancement of technology at this rapidly rising peak of this crescendo brings new dimensions to our planet and existence. The ultimate power tools are now available to darkly driven forces and we are increasingly forced to deal with them on a daily basis as they steer towards their totalitarian nightmare.

This massive program is not a briskly brushed aside issue by any stretch of the imagination. Too much has been at work and covertly engineered for far too long to stop their progression – entirely. But it is destined to fail. The question is: will it be now?

It’s up to us.

The Struggle Is Real

Everything natural, growing and spontaneous in our marvelous Universe attests to the eventual downfall of any and all controlling mechanisms. These living proofs are markers dear to our awakened hearts, regardless of power crazed entities’ devastating designs of oppression and genocide. Life survives, just as plant life always comes back again despite forest fires, volcanic eruptions or massive earth changes.

That’s the inherent nature of our wondrous creative existence.

Battles within life’s cycles clearly rage, as they do with the varying levels of the higher conscious-being community around us. This struggle is apparently part of how things work. No matter how much some may attempt to over-spiritualize this reality, the growth cycle clearly involves living amidst adversity and learning to not just survive, but cooperate in love and harmony together despite oppositional forces.


The missing factor has been doing what we can to dismantle their destructive mechanisms. This is the stage we now find ourselves after far too much time blindly trusting authority and abdicating our power and capabilities to overlords, many disguised as so-called elected representatives, while others are outright oligarchs who’ve been in place for eons without disruption.

How It Will Play Out

It’s clear things will get worse before they get better. While this current world we’re confronting is simply a snapshot in eternity, it cannot be minimized or ignored any longer. Too many forces are in the hands of madness to not be used to some degree. We see this in the roll out of the AI agenda as well as the monetary, biotech and geoengineering programs, to name just a few. For these despotic forces to not attempt to utilize these insane programs, most of which are already in process after decades of preparation, is counter-intuitive, however nightmarish the current as well as coming effects may be.

It’s a form of momentum and very difficult to stop altogether. We can expose what’s going on and help people prepare as well as speak up and fight this as much as possible. However, their meglomaniacal designs have been going on full throttle while humanity was lulled to sleep and distracted from seeing its intended control and obvious violence and death fixation to satisfy their parasitic cravings.

A fundamental truth many are uncomfortable with as true as it is, but seeing the enemy for who they are is intrinsic to knowing how to expose, resist and defeat them.

The Lynch Pin of Activation – Downing the Archon Agenda

On the bright side, we’re taking their ill-conceived and wickedly intentioned construct of death and control down. One step, one article, one video, one conversation, one awakening, one empowerment, one loving deed, one concerned action at a time. This is our heart cry and the calling we’re learning to step into.

You can visualize this as the crashing of massive spacecraft that are attempting to overtake our planet, much like we saw in the movie Independence Day. Their eventual end will have dire consequences on the rest of us since they’ve interwoven their matrix of control into every fabric of human society and even massively interfered with earth’s natural processes.

But it won’t happen unless we do our part.

Humanity has been bamboozled. Ironically, these archontic entities trying to control and manipulate us are able to transgress in the name of “freedom” with impunity – something these same entities loathe. Deceit is their number one tool, as perfectly evidenced by the archon possessed Zionist agenda, an outcropping that is so obviously wicked the entire world structure has to deny it even exists.

Similar to the bully in the playground, these oppressive entropic influences seek complete dominance at the expense of everything in their path. They create and promote anger, violence, greed and self-satisfaction to justify their own ends like a mind worm working its way into the human psyche. This is how they work, softening and even neutralizing opposition of any sort.

When confronted with the full light of truth, however, they cannot operate.

These parasites thrive on the principles of the generous life giving nature of our creative Universe, yet want to limit that access for others. In fact they’re insanely jealous of us. There’s a lot to be said about this in the Gnostic texts and other perceptive teachings everyone should be familiar with.

These archonic cryptoterrestrials in whatever form are real and are behind the scenes engineering our world either directly or using willing, psychopathic idiots amongst us to manage their tasks. It’s an infestation and just as our white blood cells rush to meet destructive micro organisms to preserve our health and well being, so must we behave as conscious warriors of light and true love.

On the Fulcrum – A Golden Opportunity for Drastic Change

As the dystopian skynet-type AI program rolls out and geoengineers, psychoperverts and social engineers continue seeming to implode our planet and race, we stand at an apex of change never before seen in the history of our planet – at least as far as we know. Perhaps we’re replaying the Atlantis vs Lemuria scenario or the ancient Vedic wars. I don’t know, and it doesn’t really matter, although the passing of the Kali Yuga is extremely significant as we make this transition.

We’re faced with what we’re faced with – very serious challenges and conditions.

I do feel strongly though that we have an opportunity of the ages, literally. The transition to the next age is upon us but how it comes out is up to us. We can stop the insanity of futile cycles of history and move on to the next level, or not. However you perceive the cycles of life, you have to admit that humanity’s history is a sordid repeating cycle of oppression and violence, despite humankind longing to live in peace and harmony.

Controllers come and go at will while humanity has simply observed and complied. This is on the precipice of being ended if we will seize the opportunity before us. Synchronistically, or by design, this coincides with the change of ages foreseen by cultures of old.

The question immediately arises: Is this our ultimate opportunity to leave this repeating cycle, by standing up and defeating the self ordained masters of our race who have sentenced us to this prison-like repeating cycle of abuse? A profound thought.

I think so.

Our Potential Outcome – But It Must Be Seized

I visualize a very encouraging conclusion, although wrought with interim destruction and tragedy, much like we’ve witnessed in various sci-fi scenarios. Their programs will fail, but at a great price.

To be so cavalier as to think the destructive aspect would be fully averted is nonsense to me. It’s merely wishful, blissful thinking that fills our current outlook with mind-numbing soma that keeps us from appropriate action. Just look at the constant escalation of outright war and genocide, never mind the geophysical, economic and mad science manipulations running amok. It’s not letting up.

This new agey misleading so-called “pacifist” mindset that all is cool and everything will be taken care of by the “others”  of whichever description, or just go “Om on the Range” while the world crumbles, is not the case or solution by any stretch of the imagination. It’s a deliberately disabling, debilitating and ultimately destructive imposed paradigm of social and personal disempowerment, however “cool” or trendy. Simple research into who and what agencies and institutes are behind these psyops movements will clarify any questions you may have.

But ultimately those who align themselves with this feel good gobbledygook are copping out from taking personal action and responsibility.

It’s my understanding there is outside help available to each of us, but it is dependent on our personal activation. To just watch and wait is nothing less than outright complicity in what is being perpetrated upon us.

Spiritual technologies are of course extremely important and in fact fundamental to countering this war on humanity being waged. I participate in many and find them very effective as well as personally empowering.

If we’re not empowered by conscious connectivity to Source and manifest the indomitable light of Truth and Love our efforts will be in vain, something I and many others have pointed out extensively. We must first be fully awake ourselves, and full on exposure of the reality of our situation and what we’re up against is intrinsic to this victorious overcoming.

Sorry Boys, We Woke Up and Won’t Have It

This is the fulcrum on which we are perched. Will humanity roll over and let these psychopathic parasites’ designs materialize? The answer is no.

But don’t just observe, participate. The extent of the damage these spiritually driven psychopaths create is up to us – here and now. We can minimize the damage and encourage and strengthen our progeny and brothers and sisters enormously. We must face up to it, in any and every way possible. The ongoing struggle is not to be dismissed in fatalism and reticence, but active participation in full on empowered conscious awareness.

Let’s stand together, courageously and with dogged determination. It is clearly our calling at this crucial time in the history of mankind and our planet. Never fear or stand in awe of their temporal power, it only feeds their program.

Live in light and broadcast it with abandon!

Much love always,



Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Facets and the Funnel of Kaleidoscopic Perception

Facets and the Funnel of Kaleidoscopic Perception

by Zen Gardner
August 1, 2015


It’s intriguing to me to find viewpoints. When we observe anything we need to be mindful from whence we are doing so. It has everything to do with how we perceive so called reality.I had an interesting experience one time, I can’t remember if it was in a semi dream state or some such altered frame of reference, but I could see an object or concept I was viewing as a sort of crystal. If you looked at it head on it had certain perceived traits and characteristics. But when I moved slightly to the side to see this form through another facet it was of a completely different nature than I had originally perceived.

It was a brief insight but it was extremely powerful for me. I actually could see more clearly what the nature of the form was from a side angle than I could from straight on. The “displayed” identity of what it was I was looking at was nothing like, or should I say very dissimilar to, the projection I was being given looking at it from the conformed frontal viewing space.

This is a very powerful metaphor for our ingrained ideas of perception. Looking “head on” is not all it’s cracked up to be, no matter how seemingly perceptive our understanding of that head on picture of the fractal holographic reality we’re attempting to process. Slide around the side and look again.

Our Twisting Perception

Let’s “face” it, so to speak, this world is all about perception. If you’ve ever looked through a kaleidoscope you’ll know what I’m talking about. The bits of glass or crystal move inside this cleverly mirrored viewing tube while light permeates from behind the image. With each slight twist the picture completely changes.

Such is our changing perception, and we should be mindful of that.

Plato, whom I don’t fully trust, said that behind our perceived reality are “forms”, archetypal images and concepts that we’re in a way identifying and even conjuring into our reality. I don’t know about that, but the idea is very interesting. It’s one way to perceive or explain our reality. The essential question is what exactly are we perceiving, and how can we get a true grasp on the nature of our actual existence?

Such is the life of human spiritual pursuit perhaps, but it’s not one without ultimate gratification. We’re not here to be deceived, tricked or led on into vain searches for meaning in life, however rampant this phenomenon is. Knowing we are whole in ourselves and have every answer we need at our disposal in some way is essential to the quest.

Perceive Outside the Tube of Thought

Twisting the kaleidoscope is fair enough as a metaphor, but why are we confined to even that? Perception has everything to do with the perceiver. We are the real, conscious crystal in a sense. And in a marvelous crystalline universe. The possibilities are boundless yet the spirit of perception is what lives on. Therein lies the key – conscious awareness in a sea of infinite possibility.

This is why the position of the observer is so essential to our awakening. The place of conscious awareness is our essential being. Not what we view, or even understand, as those will change, much like the kaleidoscope of perception. It’s who is viewing this magical world we exist in that is connected to the essence of everything that is the essential all powerful element being hidden behind this holographic veil of illusion that is the key.

Such is the power of detachment. We’re no longer subject to our surroundings, but playful participants. We observe, we pop in and out on the field of interchange, but are not subject to any laws other than those of loving Source, which we are aligned with by the nature of our detachment and awareness of our essential consciousness. It’s really not all that complicated. When we operate from this standpoint our actions have their most profound effects where needed, and our peace is kept securely in the bosom of a loving, creative Universe.

Facets – Something to Grok

Facet is a very interesting term. We use it in so many ways, but essentially it does reflect attributes or faces of perception. What “face”, derived from facet, is someone or something portraying? Is it the true face of what lies behind it? Are we often being given a deliberate false perception of something for whatever reason, or taking things at “face” value without realizing it?

This is one of life’s toughest lessons, realizing we’ve often been deliberately deceived and abused in whatever manner after a conjured lie caught our fascination. It’s a mainstay of popular, manipulated culture. It seems to usually appear one way only to lure us into participation or consumption in some way. Plants and animals do this as well to attract prey. Why not so within the human and even spiritual realms where deceptive parasitic energies are fully at play?

One look at the put on faces of our evil would-be rulers knowing well what lies beneath illustrates this point perfectly. Spoken lies are another projected facet through which they want the world to perceive them.

That wake up happens to all of us sooner or later. Be it crass advertising, religious and cultic predators, or socio-economic-political deviants on the road to nowhere looking for adherents, this is a minefield we each grow up navigating.

Have Fun With This Reality

This kind of detached yet fully aware and participating existence is a blast. Just look at the joy in the faces of realized people you’re read about or know. Happiness, clearly not derived from temporal pleasures although those can be fun too, is a state of mind and heart. It comes from overcoming the falsities imposed upon us by this lower dimensional paradigm we’re living in and in finding truly free and productive lives, helping to liberate those unfortunately entranced by the lies of this matrix-type world we find ourselves embroiled in.

Herein we find fulfillment in this current paradigm. Overcoming and then dancing with glee on the illusion couldn’t be a better setting for a conscious soul! If you’re not laughing at the current insanity you’re not there yet is all I can say. Overwhelmed or overcoming keeps coming to mind lately. It’s a choice.

That’s how to handle this current world. But it’s not without response-ability that needs to be actuated. We can’t possibly think we’re awake yet not helping to rescue those who are drowning.

Some thoughts to ponder.

Stay detached, yet engaged. That’s about as zen as you can get.

Enjoy the ride! And help others do the same while exposing the game for what it is.

Love always, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Revelation of the Method, Predictive Programming and the Prime Directive

Revelation of the Method, Predictive Programming and the Prime Directive

also published under the title:
Mind Control, Predictive Programming and Occult Conditioning

by Zen Gardner
July 12, 2015


These are big subjects and well worth investigation. Knowing the mechanics of the matrix we find ourselves in is extremely empowering and liberating. There’s a saying, “If you’re not wondering if you’re under mind control, you probably are.”

Think about that one for a minute.

I find that profoundly true. The truly awake and aware are so intensely conscious of their thoughts and impulses and the information coming at them that they question everything. And so it should be. We’re in a massively manipulated world by forces many of which are beyond our comprehension. Knowledge-wise we grasp much of what is at play. Experientially we understand even more.

But intuitively we can really round out the picture. This is, if we dare to listen to our hearts and tune into the vast Universal storehouse of true information.

This inherent knowledge of the manipulated world around us is our greatest defense as well as weapon of recourse. Anyone who’s truly woken up finds that out in a hurry.

There are very interesting dynamics at play on this shifting playing field we’re each encountering. Clearly the manipulators of control attempt to hide and disguise these techniques and occult realities, but as we become aware of them it’s also important to not only expose them, but to fully understand them in order to help end the madness these psychopathic tyrants are exacting on humanity.

The Revelation of the Method

This is a fascinating concept. One that is revelatory yet potentially disturbing in some ways. The basic question is this:

  1. Does humanity literally give its permission for controlling forces to perpetrate what they do by being told in some form what is being, or about to be done to it? Even if it’s disguised from their conscious awareness in esoteric and occult messages?
  2. Or are they simply being pre-programmed to accept what is about to unfold?

Or both?

There are two main levels from which to perceive this concept. The first is that preconditioning is simply a method to get the subjects to accept the agendas being implemented. The other is, without our explicit or even implied agreeance, these things cannot take place.

While they work in concert and both beg humanity’s compliance, those dynamics are powerfully different. Both require human awareness at different levels, yet the second more esoteric notion implies a sort of restrictive code whereby without agreeance any such takeover plan apparently would not be “allowed” to succeed.

Let me just say for starters that I’m not so sure about that second one. It smacks of external reliance and everything that has distracted humanity from waking up in the first place. Just ask the innocent victims in Gaza and an entire world experiencing massive oppression and degradation. If permission was needed and there was some “galactic code of conduct”, we would have seen it from the get go.

Maybe it’s time to get real about the conditions on our planet and stop over-spiritualizing reality away. It’s time to demystify what is clearly more layers of manipulative energy extraction, rather than be dazzled by some kind of esoteric code.  All of these tactics, to whatever extent they’re real and influence us, need to be kept in a conscious perspective.

Predictive Programming and Occult Conditioning

Either way, as Robert Livingstone said,

“The preparation of humanity for the New Age involves psychological and physical warfare in the form of spectacular crimes and events that, filtered through the IIluminised media, have a ritual occult and initiatory effect on the populace.”

Here’s a short explanation of the first definition:

 “Revelation of the method is basically an occult truth that more of an ‘effect’ can be garnered from an event if that event is made aware to the person who you plan on affecting before it happens, usually at a subconscious level. The subconscious mind can actually pick up on imperceptible elements to the conscious mind that hint at future plans. In this way it is possible to sow acceptance through subconscious exposure to numbers and symbols as presented in the media. 9/11 is the perfect example as it was featured in may different shows before it happened to plant the seed subconsciously, and the intended effects of 9/11 (social change) cannot be denied.” Source

Very interesting, and at the least that aspect is very, very true. One sure thing to be wary of is being played. Here’s another very deep aspect of this phenomenon:

Researcher Michael Hoffman defines “twilight language” as follows in his Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare:  “The path to unlocking this gnosis was centered in “twilight language,” a once nearly universal subliminal communication system used in Egypt, Babylon, the Indian subcontinent and among the Aztecs, consisting of a combination of numbers, archetypal words and symbols, which in our time are sometimes embedded in modern advertising, and in certain modern films and music….

“Ritual is obsession in motion.  Obsessive people are walking rituals and what they attract “coincidentally,” aids to their obsessions.  If this is done consciously and the obsession happens to coordinate with the trend and tendency of the time, a lot more “coincidental” magnification will be forthcoming.  Coincidence can be summoned.  It is a matter of attention and timing.  First you must be aware of – believing in and observing – the mechanism of coincidence when it agrees with your work, then you coordinate what you’re working on with what you were predestined to do.  When you start to see the pattern of coincidence and it becomes a language for you, you have either become an initiate or a schizophrenic, take your pick, because you lose the protection of materialism – our own protection against the disordering of the arrangement we’ve given to the world to make it manageable.” (Ibid., 130)

Very interesting insights, and clearly something that has been enacted upon humanity for a long, long time.

Is There A Universal Code They’re Bound To?

Is there something even deeper involved working at the same time? Is it a universal precept of some sort they must conform to? I don’t know. I’ve run across this dynamic for many years. It may speak to some people, especially those who’ve dared to delve into the bowels of trying to ascertain an esoteric understanding of this temporal reality in which we’re embroiled.

The Universe is after all orderly in its own dynamic yet seemingly chaotic way. There are mechanisms at work according to apparent guidelines or patterns such as fractal geometry as well as some sort of a fundamentally plasmic-magnetic vibrational nature. We’re still learning.

But why can’t that apply to morals and existential behavioral aspects of even the free willed agents spawned by our amazing Source? Aren’t we growing and learning and evolving to different and often higher levels of realization?

A concept very much worth our consideration in the grand, as well as immediate, scheme of things. It portends to be a source of empowerment. Yet the profound underlying inescapable reality most do not want to face is that humanity is in no way off the hook as to its response, whatever the underlying “reality” of forces at work. Consciousness and free will attest to this.

A Prime Directive?

Here’s a quick explanation on the Prime Directive :

Direct intervention with people on primitive and spiritually evolving planets, Earth being a good example, is not allowed. Other beings are permitted only to observe emerging civilizations. A long-standing edict prohibits the unauthorized or forcible colonization of planets. However, in some cases, benevolent EBEs have chosen to intervene in certain affairs in order to ensure the longevity of an observed planet and civilization. Although the EBEs seem to have no interest in conquering Earth, or in controlling the population of this planet, it does serve their interests to ensure that the resources of Earth are not destroyed or spoiled. To that end, certain EBEs have been sent to Earth on reconnaissance missions from time to time to gather information.

Fair enough. But is it true? Or is it just another way of putting off our response?

That there are “more worlds than meet the eye” I am certain. However some sort of code of non-interference, if there would be one, clearly is not being adhered to as evidenced by the invasive species of whatever origin, homegrown or alien empowered, that are in the last stages of hijacking our planet. I know there’s a lot of channeled and otherwise received information in the webosphere claiming knowledge of galactic civilizations and their intentions, but I’m going to somewhat lay that aside here.

Let me just say that such a concept of some sort of galactic code defies free will and would ultimately “outlaw” any and all rogue elements, just as we see acting in wanton diabolical ways in front of our faces every day. It may apply to some more advanced civilizations in some form, but we’re sure not seeing it on this planet. But I digress.

My point here has to do with our responsibility as a race to wake up and respond to what’s happening to us and not lay back and wait for some far away cavalry to arrive and save humanity. That ploy has been successfully used for eons by debilitating religions and belief systems and is largely responsible for the mess our planet is in today. With that way of thinking just about anything or anyone can waltz in strutting some super powers and pull a few magic tricks and voilá – the pre-programmed, debilitated masses will jump for it, as has happened throughout history and we’re apparently being set up for right now.

Prophecy, Prediction or Causation?

There’s a lot of esoteric information regarding these very important topics. Prophecy alone has had incredibly profound effects on the followers of religious teachings, as have the works of seers such as Nostradamus or other psychics. Within the dark occult world you’ll find a plethora of mechanisms to “divine” knowledge of the future, but even more on how to attempt to direct events to bring on those desired by the ill-intentioned.

The blurry bleedover and progression from prophecy – to prediction – to actual causation is what needs to be noted.

Social engineering is a vast, even scientific, phenomenon. That humanity has been steered and manipulated and literally harvested for eons by self-serving controllers is a historical fact. Whether for its manpower or psychic and spiritual energy, the vast majority of humankind has been corralled and drained by vampiric parasites throughout the ages.

Is that repeating cycle coming to a close? The answer is up to us, which unfortunately is not something anyone waiting for a savior or galactic rescue squad wants to hear.

Predictive Programming and Playing on Archetypes

And how do they keep us compliant? There’s a host of methods as anyone reading this is no doubt aware. But the deeper psychological methods are important to understand. Carl Jung identified archetypes as collectively inherited unconscious ideas or patterns of thought. Assuming these to be real to whatever extent, you can see why social engineers would have a field day playing on such shared tendencies.

Which they do.

This is what the whole field of psychology is about. Not always to interfere in a negative way, but we all know there are those who weaponize everything they can get their hands on, and mind manipulation is one of their favorite tools.

Predictive programming is another vector of assault. It’s very subtle as it is usually cloaked in science fiction and ornately wrapped in the glittery garb of stimulating entertainment. It’s become a fascination for people to witness totalitarian and dystopian futures and watch the end of the world brought on by everything from plagues, global warming or an ice age, to meteor impacts and alien invasions.

This is programming. Familiarizing the target audience with potential outcomes in a milieu that serves their purpose. One of fear and fatalistic acceptance. It’s nothing but conditioning disguised as entertainment.

That entire industry is controlled by the same manipulators, steering mankind by the nose in any direction they want. The sheer bombardment of mind-numbing genres of soul polluting films and TV shows from vampire and slasher flicks, war and police glorification memes, to end of the world scenarios is beyond overwhelming.

For the unwary.

On top of this the news media continually pump out assumptive information directing the audience towards their desired conclusions. Their carefully scripted narrative is obvious to the discerning eye, not only in the news but it runs through every facet of society from media to schooling to even the products people consume, right up to and including which toys children are to play with.

The point is we’re being programmed for a desired future. Not one we desire, one they desire. The more blindly familiar people are with their intended result the more quickly and easily it will be adopted. The world facing a major cataclysm of some sort, a favorite theme, gives the climate change fear program and world economic “solution” tremendous impetus, for example. The world needing a savior mentality greases the idea of some sort of new world governance to save the day, no doubt with some charismatic leader eventually at the helm.

That may be a bit oversimplified but that’s how it works.

Conscious Permission? Or Cowardly Acquiescence

This is where the rubber meets the road. Whether programmed in whatever fashion or not, we are free agents. Try as they will with occult practices or social and media manipulation, the sanctity of the human spirit cannot be violated.

Unless we allow it.

Any way you look at this issue, the power is ours. We are the control center, not the self-ordained psychopathic rulers or whatever influences we’re being bombarded by. We each individually have the controls.

Understanding how they work via the media, entertainment, occult practices and outright admissions is intrinsic to our awakening to the empowerment available to us. To just lay down and take it for any reason, engineered or so-called “ordained” or not, is tantamount to suicide and ultimately genocide and a complete takever.

That we have so much enlightening information and connectivity at our disposal is unheard of in human history. Let’s have the courage to utilize it and activate our lives accordingly.

Your future and that of humanity and our planet depend on it.

The savior lies within each one of us.

“Rise like lions after slumber!”

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

So What’s Really Happening Now?

So What’s Really Happening Now?

by Zen Gardner
June 26, 2015


There’s been something of a lull in truly major developments of late, despite all the garish noise and typical bravado of global figureheads and their complicit media and a few events here and there. Sure, there are skirmishes worldwide and economies continue to crumble as governments continue their draconian crackdowns, but the urgency of many regarding our ongoing situation is apparently suspended in some sort of strange holding pattern.While it’s encouraging that the awakening is keeping TPTB’s machinations at bay and forcing them to change directions and tactics, I find it nonetheless a bit foreboding.  It’s clearly not a time to let our guards down.The indicators that this September and October hold some interesting confluences is nothing to ignore. The signs are very clear and it’s obvious they’re up to no good.

If you think back to 9/11, there were no warnings as to the vast dimension of what was about to transpire on the world stage. That particular sudden shift in the collective consciousness and the subsequent restructuring of society within that emotionally charged atmosphere were unprecedented. Surely the beginnings of the World Wars and the false flag events that were used to justify them as well as draw in US participation such as the sinking of the Maine, the Lusitania and then the infamous Pearl Harbor set up, were similarly traumatic for their day.

But in this modern era of instantaneous communication and media dominance and global interconnectedness the 9/11 events were exponentially more drastic, which portends for further such engineered catastrophes.

The Russian Gambit

Since the Muslim terrorism meme seems to be running out of relative steam, especially now that it’s clear the West is again using these same elements they groomed from the start to foment their wars, they’ve now resurrected the Russian demon. Russia and the US have been working in close cooperation for decades on many levels, especially after the West imploded their economy and their previous Union was drastically dispersed.

Russia has needed outside help to get back on her feet so we know there is a lot more going on behind the scenes than meets the eye. Over time the tables have turned somewhat as they’ve gained more economic independence and exploited their vast natural resources, something the West has had their eye on all along. Ukraine is one such gem of natural wealth, as outlined in globalist architect Zbigniew Brzezinski’s book The Grand Chessboard in 1997 where the allusion to the need for a new Pearl Harbor was first coined and where he also names the countries and states of that entire region as the prize the West should strive to control.

Never discount the fact that this entire play we’re witnessing is fully staged. At the very least it is being carefully manipulated to create just the atmosphere that will take the New World Order plan to its next level. The TTIP and coming UN meeting in September to put their imprimatur on the next stage attests to this.

Similar to the global economic take down to bring about a one world digital currency, the hidden powers behind the scenes know exactly what they’re doing, despite any setbacks their interim plans may have taken.

The Doors for Major Events Are Wide Open

Unfortunately a variety of options are now available as lynch-pins they can yank out at any moment that would make the wheels fall off of our current societal structure and drastically change humanity’s course. Not only could this orchestrated cold war simulation burst into some kind of military conflagration, whether limited or an all out nuclear war thus changing the course of humanity profoundly, but the undermining of Syria continues, as does the pugnacious Israeli hate for Iran that apparently cannot be satisfied, just to name two such vectors.

Add to that the descent of the United States into a totalitarian 3rd world state with a first world military and the potential for another major false flag event, not just to distract from domestic issues and the clearly seen unraveling at hand, but to galvanize the mass American mind into the next level of hysterical jingoism. In that climate the US machine can go after any named culprit it wants, having saturated the Middle East and Eastern Europe with military installations, especially over the past 14 years, and now gaining massive impetus.

This may be stating the obvious but this is our real time predicament. And we must be prepared for any eventuality. We won’t be warned by them, that’s for sure. The value of just such a drastic manipulated event is in the emotional impact, massively supported by government propaganda via their mainstream media mouthpieces, dutifully filling in the blanks as to whodunnit and why we need more war and domestic controls. This scenario then bleeds into the NATO countries the fastest and travels the world in new restrictions and mind traps, all based on fear.

The Walking Dead

These are not very pleasant scenarios, but if we can’t see the handwriting on the wall by now we’re in even worse shape already.

Despite the sabre-rattling and economic, military and police crackdowns, most think the world will just keep trundling on with little adjustments here and there, but all will be fine. Their faith and reliance on authority refuses to be shaken. The consequences of such thinking may require individual action and that option was engineered to be discarded in most cases since birth.

If anyone isn’t aware of the grand plan to institute global governance they are seriously hindered from connecting the dots of this worldwide meltdown. Once you understand the plan, everything from the Agenda 21 driven land grabs, gun control false flags, and the plethora of other One World driven programs, to the deliberate evisceration of the world’s food and water supply while toxifying anything that brings life to the planet and its inhabitants come into focus.

Depopulation, disempowerment and gulag type city incarceration are plainly stated plans of these megalomaniacs. The slightest bit of open minded research will prove that to anyone willing to investigate.

Spiritually It’s Anything But Calm

Many are experiencing very trying times as this transition continues. As I’ve said repeatedly, for those not spiritually prepared, the next major storm is going to hit very hard and turn their worlds upside down in a moment. For those aware of the forces at work and sensitive to spiritual conditions the great war is already here and well under way. Is is already World War 3 by the technical definition of world wars and depopulation is also well under way.

When the ocean comes to life and the waves and currents become tumultuous, everything in and on the sea is greatly affected. Perhaps the deeper levels under the sea feel the impact less immediately, but everything is part of the whole experience. Similarly, as the waves of global tension rise and manifest in all walks of life, so our spirits sense the deeper changes working behind the scenes both causing and reacting to these pressures and disruptions.

I know I and many others have been experiencing such changes. Perhaps it’s difficult to concentrate, your sleep pattern is disrupted, or waves of emotion and questions pass through seemingly without reason, even to the point of anxiety and depression. If you’ve been on a boat in rough seas it’s not easy to do much of anything, be it writing, eating or hardly any normal activity while being tossed by a storm. This is what many are experiencing.

So before you get all introspective and down on yourself, remember almost all of this is being brought on by external influences. Know, too, that you are not alone in much of what you are experiencing. We’re all in this turbulent bathtub together. There are some very dark forces, both earthly and spiritual, deliberately trying to make things confusing and conducive to fear, a very suggestible state to be in.

This is why the media is pounding on the tropes they’ve embedded into the mass mind harder than ever – humanity is very susceptible in times like these.

Abandon Their Stinking, Sinking Ship

A story was told last year of how the passengers of a sinking ferry boat were told to put on their life jackets but stay where they were. Do not jump off the ship, even as it was listing they were told. 302 people died needlessly as a result, while those who did abandon ship, following their basic instincts, were rescued from the water. Those who didn’t, died in their mind-frozen, authority-obeying seats, if you will, holding on to their so-called life jackets, a token gesture of care from rulers who don’t give a damn for who dies or how many. They only want to preserve a semblance of order as long as they can while their perfidy in perpetrated.

Don’t fall for the life jacket ploy. It’s like waiting for FEMA to come to your rescue. It’s all a sham to keep you quiet and staying in the boat. And just waiting for them to take the initiative.

When people wake up to the reality that today’s authorities do not have mankind’s well being or even survival at heart, and are in fact working feverishly for its demise into controllable factions of a vastly reduced number, they start to approach the point of taking action.

This begs the question: will such activation be in time to thwart their Machiavellian plan?

The Sleepy Sound of the Alluring Sirens

The Sirens of Greek mythology were beautiful, singing bird-like maidens said to put unwary sailors to sleep as they lured their ships onto the reefs and their ensuing destruction. There couldn’t be a more fitting illustration of the shallow, mind numbing spewings of the likes of of Obama, Cameron, and a host of other puppeteered so-called first world leaders. It’s all essentially a sleep inducing lie with a very disturbing, destructive motive, dressed in syrupy sing song platitudes.

It seems the more they lie the more people believe them. As the adage goes, tell a big enough lie and everyone will believe it. That apparently applies to quantity of lies as well.

History bears this out. Yet do we learn from it? Does anyone know any history? Is the history that they have been taught the truth, as in real, true history? These questions come front and center as individuals proceed through the wake up process.

Steady As She Goes

Spiritual disciplines and communing with nature are very healing, comforting and strengthening in times like these. As is drawing close to those you love and who love you, as well as forming active community with other awakened souls in whatever form we can. Remembering that most of these strange phenomena are outside spiritual attacks and influences will help clear the mind and heart from confusion. This is also why alternative information must include the so-called “bad” news with the good; it’s important to keep track of these trends, as well as continue to expose them to the unwary.

Our accumulated voice is rescuing and empowering people by the day. Never ever let that be minimized in your mind and heart.

Do your best to be “steady as she goes” as we all traverse this next phase. A major event is on the horizon in some shape or form. It’s their trump card, having worked so well in the past. They even brag about this fact. As David Rockefeller infamously stated years ago, “All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the new world order.”

They cannot control us all, especially as the awakened grow in strength and numbers. They’re aware of this, which is why they’ve become somewhat slipshod in their execution of their plans of late. They know time is of the essence, which, as I said, may be why they moved straight for the Russia confrontation, temporarily bypassing their thwarted efforts to go after Syria and Iran as was their admitted original plan. But they’re still in play and obviously active.

Stay alert and prepared – physically, mentally and spiritually. And do your best to help prepare those around you, and inspire even more to get prepared.

The storm that’s coming following this relative lull will be earth-shattering. The US would gladly nuke one of its own cities if it has to. Jade Helm is no innocuous drill. Insane Israel would be happy to attack and nuke anyone or everyone to push their self-serving genocidal program. These self proclaimed controllers are all psychopaths, so never expect anything to make sense or follow any sort of path of reason, as much as they try to create scenarios to justify their actions.

Don’t be lulled into complacency by contrived rhetoric. It’s all a lie.

Very strange dark powers are at work. Stay supple, stay sharp, stay acutely conscious – but keep your dukes up.

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Are You Living Behind the Eight Ball?

Are You Living Behind the Eight Ball?

by Zen Gardner
Jun 10, 2015


It’s remarkable to me how people can live in such a determined response mode to react to whatever is set in front of them. Action-reaction is as basic a principle as there is, yet humanity lives behind the eight ball as if it knows what’s going on by observing what happened after the fact. All the while getting bounced around the table of life like expendable toys in some masochistic game of “throngs”.

Incredible, and hauntingly dystopian.
The worldly media minions are gleefully awash in this phenomenon and feed on it like confident parañas watching their prey drop from the psychologically shell shocked water’s surface into their murky domain of predatory consumption.

The news? What news? Who’s kidding who. Its dutifully spewed results and ensuing manifestations are conquering testaments to massive social and geopolitical engineering schemes the waiting hoards lap up in concert as if in an animated geomantic symphony. A maddening frenzy of feeders and reactors empowering the very thing their hearts despise.

Sway Programming
Humanity is bombarded with foreshadowings of what the powers that shouldn’t be think is their conquering ace up their occult sleeves. Message laden symbols, false flag terror events, societal degradation, environmental toxins, economic slavery, fatalist religious teachings and mind manipulation have been unleashed on unsuspecting populations to keep them on the defensive and in a continual react mode with no time to even catch their breath never mind realize what this is all stemming from.
Often disguised as harmless animations or science fiction projections into a helpless future of a world under attack, our subconscious has been emblazoned with future scenarios depicting extinction level events from global warming, global freezing, asteroids, pandemics and alien invasions, and the message is the same. Sway, people, sway…come what may.  They want us to think our condition is just a causal effect from outside influences and we should just “go with the flow.”
Whether people realize it or not it is nothing more than fear and survival programming, taking us down to our basest level where our true power to fully manifest as the boundless beings we are with the fundamental rights to freedom, abundance and boundless creativity are thereby hidden from us, thus bringing on a forced acquiescence to their schemes.
Get Out from Behind and Move to the Front
Although just one level of manipulation, the cause-effect nature of so called news today without looking at the inherent driving impetus behind it is a good example of this very clever mechanism to keep humanity on its heels. According to their meme, we can only react, never investigate or initiate a response. The populace of the world is treated like a herd a cattle who need only know their next meal is in the feed bin and what they need to be informed about will be told to them.
It’s assumptive positioning of the worst sort, and people need to wake up to this fact. Humanity has become a target, a focal point for quick-footed manipulators with quite nefarious designs. It’s of tantamount importance that people realize this. Until we snap out of that imposed mindset we’ll never see the light of day.
It’s time to see reality for what it is. Face up to our condition and reverse the flow.
This simple illustration should shed some light on our circumstance. What we see and hear needs to be approached extremely intelligently and consciously. Not just reacted to. We’re in a very controlled socio-political environment. Correctly processing what we appear to be fed is of absolute importance.
Even more important is our spiritual stance and condition – staying awake and aware in every way possible against this onslaught of disinformation based on very clever presumptions of authority.
What we’re witnessing is an elaborately fabricated lie. The truth of which stands in the fact that they cannot stand investigation. Truth needs no justification, and invites scrutiny. Not so in the world we now inhabit. This simple test brings everything to light.
Stay lit, stay strong, stay empowered and stay encouraged.
Their false creation is even now crumbling, but it will not go down without exposing its violence and absolute perfidy for all to see. It won’t be pretty, but Truth will prevail. That I know.
Be well, be happy and be who you truly are.
And take your stand. The time is now.
Love always,


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Beginning Is Here

The Beginning Is Here

by Zen Gardner
May 12, 2015


Is everything a conspiracy? No, just the important stuff.”

~ Jeff Wells

Waking up to the realities presented before us and even more importantly what they imply is a very profound and personal experience. Once we become aware we are living in a world that’s been deliberately fabricated in ways we never would have imagined and that even our own true nature is anything but what we’ve been told, there’s no turning back.

It may appear to be a lonely path at first, but we are by no means alone in this awakening. It is happening in all walks of life. Whether a banker or corporate employee wakes up to the scam being perpetrated on humanity and pulls out of the matrix, or a normal taxpaying worker realizes they’re contributing to a military industrial machine hell bent on control and world domination, we’re all the same.

And those are just surface issues compared to the deliberate suppression of man’s innate spiritual nature, whether we call it social liberty or the simple freedom to create and manifest as we truly are. Not the least of which control mechanisms we are faced with is religion which works hand in hand with this suppression of humanity. All part of this repressive, controlling matrix.

Triggers for Awakening

There are many such triggers that wake people up. Once someone realizes, for example, how the world was scammed on 9/11and that the powers that be are willing to continue to perpetrate such atrocities to promote their agenda, the digging begins. When we realize we seem to be at the complete mercy of parasitic central bankers more than willing to not only implode the world’s economy, but finance both sides of any conflict for personal gain and control, and that our governments are complicit in this scheme, we start to grasp the enormity of what befalls us.

That we have rapidly evolved into an advanced militarized surveillance police state is driving many to ask some hard questions — and the answers can be startling and difficult to swallow, especially when you realize they’re attempting to cut off all avenues of recourse.

Another major issue is that it’s more evident by the day that our very health is under attack, again by complicit government and multinational corporations pushing GMOs, adulterated food, vaccines, pharmaceuticals, atmospheric aerosols, genetic alterations and the like, all of which are clearly extremely hazardous to humanity. Yet they push harder by the day, mandating program after destructive program. Meanwhile, natural and organic farming and foods, as well as supplements, are under intense attack by these very same perpetrators.

The truth about these issues and many, many more including awareness of the massive planet harming programs such as fracking, electrosmog, genetic modification, technologically driven transhumanism and the ongoing geoengineering assault on humanity are driving a major perceptual paradigm shift amongst all walks of life as we delve more deeply into who is doing all this and why.

What exactly is their agenda? Volumes of evidence points to not just control, but literal depopulation motives. Is this shadow force literally that Machiavellian?

There Is No “They”… Or Is There?

This is often the final breakthrough point for many people. As the true picture starts to crystallize, the horrific realization that the ‘powers that be’ are fundamentally a clandestine cabal with puppet-like front men comes into focus. These are powerful minions, more interested in weakening and subjugating humanity via health degradation, dumbed down education, mindless ‘bread and circus’ government controlled media, depraved violence and sex oriented entertainment, and a draconian militarized police crackdown. The ugly truth then comes to the fore.

It can be staggering. If you take just 9/11 and other false flag events and realize they were staged to bring about this Orwellian police state where the citizens are now terrorist suspects, it can be very difficult to swallow.

A quick perusal of history soon follows, where people realize these same false flag/false enemy tactics were used to justify almost every war, leading to such totalitarian states as Stalinist Russia, Communist China and Nazi Germany, each of which descended into horrific pogroms, decimating their own populations of anyone potentially daring to question the new regime. With that perspective, the trees we’re amongst on the edge of the forest become strikingly transparent. America and its allies are indeed exactly the same, only much much worse, being pawned off to a numbed down generation who actually believe this is all a fight for liberty and freedom when in fact it is the exact opposite.

It’s not all black and white. There are of course good people working for bad people, powers and programs, wittingly and unwittingly. Many are trying to change and improve our existing structure. Many good people are performing wonderful services within this overarching societal program thinking it can be changed constructively. What we’re addressing are the deceitful and destructive powers and mechanisms at play that are attempting to bring humanity into a weakened subservient role to some sort of worldwide fascist control state, eliminating personal and national sovereignty to support and obey a very few powerful self-appointed elites.

And it’s coming on fast.

This becomes evident as one pursues almost any avenue we’re discussing here. To realize this massive program is being orchestrated by some form of ‘they’ soon becomes obvious. The reality of the conspiracy that JFK so eloquently pointed out before he was surgically removed from office via assassination hits squarely home. Here’s an excerpt from this landmark speech.

For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day.

It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. ~ John F. Kennedy

We Have to Find Out for Ourselves

An essential element to a true awakening is investigating and learning for ourselves. One of the main control mechanisms has been teaching humanity to only trust what they’ve been told by these same agendized so-called authorities. How many times have you heard, “If 9/11 was an inside job, surely it would have been on CNN. If something was really wrong surely someone would have said something.”

Well, a lot of people have and continue to speak out. And what’s the response? Anything contrary to the official narrative is ‘outlandish conspiracy theory’, and results in the subsequent demonization and marginalization of any form of questioning or healthy criticism.

Waking up from that media and education entrancement is another shocker. Could they do such a thing? Could we really be facing such a totalitarian crackdown and mind and information control? Do they really have such sway on humanity?

When I was young there were over 60 media companies vying for audiences. Real investigative reporting, although it’s always been tampered with or suppressed, was still available. Today 6 mega corporations own all of the media. The very same corporations that own much of the corporate military industrial infrastructure. Conspiracy is not a stretch; of course these power brokers would twist information to suit their intentions. The word conspiracy has been stigmatized for a reason —don’t ask questions or there will be consequences.

All of this will take some serious researching, most likely in places people have never dared to look before. And this is good. Don’t let anyone tell you what the truth is, find out for yourself and be convinced in your own mind and heart. That’s a new phenomenon for most, as odd as that may seem, but stepping outside the propaganda mainstream is a must. And it is oh so refreshing.

The Shock Does Wear Off … But the Indignation Doesn’t

There are so many interconnected ‘rabbit holes’ of similarly repressed, twisted or hidden areas of information that it can be staggering. Once we realize we’ve been lied to about any one of these serious issues, we begin to question everything. And that is extremely healthy. You may not find support for your new found perspective from those around you, but there are millions who are sharing your experience. Thanks to the internet you can find others undergoing the same transformation quite readily and derive a lot of affirmation, encouragement and support.

Battling through the naysaying of close friends and loved ones seems to act like a chrysalis, much like the cocoon a metamorphosing butterfly has to struggle to escape. And as we know, that is exactly what drives the blood into the wings of the birthing creation that will soon bear the beautiful new awakened soul to glorious new heights and vistas.

One thing that won’t wear off is your absolute disdain for what is being perpetrated on our fellow humans. As the expression goes, “If you’re not angry, you’re not paying attention.” If you knew your home was under attack and malevolent forces were coming for you and your children, you would do anything in your power to protect your family. That soon becomes an innate awareness regarding the current toxic social and physical world we’re experiencing and the need for a conscious response.

We are Responding … They Know It and Don’t Like It

Globalist adviser to 5 American presidents including Barak Obama, Zbigniew Brzezinski has clearly laid out the plan for global hegemony at any cost. His book, The Grand Chessboard even alludes to the need for a new Pearl Harbor, later echoed by the oft quoted PNAC report issued before 9/11 literally forecasting the event.

In one of his many addresses to the globalist advisory board called the Council on Foreign Relations, he made some very revealing statements. They are very aware of and afraid of the global awakening, and have surreal plans on how to control it.

Not lauding this awakening, but decrying it, Brzezinski chillingly said:

For the first time in human history almost all of humanity is politically activated, politically conscious and politically interactive. The resulting global political activism is generating a surge in the quest for personal dignity, cultural respect and economic opportunity in a world painfully scarred by memories of centuries-long alien colonial or imperial domination. The worldwide yearning for human dignity is the central challenge inherent in the phenomenon of global political awakening. That awakening is socially massive and politically radicalizing. The nearly universal access to radio, television and increasingly the Internet is creating a community of shared perceptions and envy that can be galvanized and channelled by demagogic political or religious passions. These energies transcend sovereign borders and pose a challenge both to existing states as well as to the existing global hierarchy, on top of which America still perches.

The youth of the Third World are particularly restless and resentful. The demographic revolution they embody is thus a political time-bomb, as well. Their potential revolutionary spearhead is likely to emerge from among the scores of millions of students concentrated in the often intellectually dubious ‘tertiary level’ educational institutions of developing countries. Depending on the definition of the tertiary educational level, there are currently worldwide between 80 and 130 million ‘college’ students. Typically originating from the socially insecure lower middle class and inflamed by a sense of social outrage, these millions of students are revolutionaries-in-waiting, already semi-mobilized in large congregations, connected by the Internet and pre-positioned for a replay on a larger scale of what transpired years earlier in Mexico City or in Tiananmen Square. Their physical energy and emotional frustration is just waiting to be triggered by a cause, or a faith, or a hatred.

[The] major world powers, new and old, also face a novel reality: while the lethality of their military might is greater than ever, their capacity to impose control over the politically awakened masses of the world is at a historic low. To put it bluntly: in earlier times, it was easier to control one million people than to physically kill one million people; today, it is infinitely easier to kill one million people than to control one million people.

Zbigniew Brzezinski [Emphasis added]

The Conscious Awakening

This dark yet ultimately empowering information goes hand in hand with anyone experiencing this paradigm shift. If things here are so massively manipulated, what lies beyond all of this? What are we being kept from? Why do we sense we are so much more?

These are very important questions to pursue. There must be meaning in all of this. “Certainly all of humanity is not as wicked as these psychopathic control freaks.” Yes, that’s true. Unfortunately, the aggressor usually rules the day in this hierarchy of control our world has adopted for millennia. History bears this out.

The beauty of gaining a greater new found spiritual perspective is that it puts these influences in their place. We discover new ways to perceive our true indomitable nature which gives tremendous peace and confidence in spite of what we’re currently faced with. This sense of profound conscious awareness and spirituality only grows as our pursuit for truth, in love, gains momentum.

Awake, But Never Alone

A sense of isolation following the initial awakening is natural. It’s foreign to everything we’ve been taught, with implications that can be mind-boggling as well as heart breaking. However, we are very much connected and sharing a profound common experience. Knowing we are not alone is very important to keep in mind.

Building community also becomes a priority, where we can contribute to the healing of the planet at every level possible. Whether it’s activist or spiritual associations these are very important. It may only be on-line at first, that’s fine. Find kindred spirits and empowering and informative websites and blogs and even attend meet up events in your area on some of these subjects of concern.

This awakening of empowered consciousness is upon us, and is transpiring at an accelerating pace, and something to be very encouraged about. Once you get past the shock of what you’ve ‘found out’, it becomes easier, but it will drastically alter your life. For the better.

Enjoy it, be empowered, and take action accordingly.

The beginning is here.

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.


Cover image credit: TerriAnneAllen

Dancing with the Hologram

Dancing with the Hologram
by Zen Gardner
May 5, 2015


You have to admit, even if all of this is a construct for some seemingly unknown purpose, this is an incredible world we’re inhabiting. This spontaneous creative Force we’re engulfed in and intrinsically interwoven into is absolutely spectacular despite all the obstacles we encounter.

That there’s an invasive parasitic force at work trying to gum up the works and usurp this magnificent design and claim whatever weirdness it simulates as some sort of alternative reality is absolutely ludicrous, yet this is the contest humanity and our planetary existence finds itself in.

What is wonderful and should be the center of our focus and attention is the magnificent power of true Creation and its stunning beauty, intricacy and unlimited potential. We’re only just discovering its wonders, but as we do Creation itself becomes more manifest in new and amazing ways as we respond in conscious awareness and resultant responsive actions.

This so dwarfs the puny efforts of these measly low density control freaks that no one should ever fear or be awed by their furious temporal psychopathic designs no matter where they come from or how much they scream and try to intimidate humanity.

The jig is up. We’ve awakened from slumber and the tide of iniquity is being shoved back into their wicked faces and readily busting up their phony façade, no matter how elaborate or real the false construct they’ve erected may appear to be.

The Regenerative Power of Our Fractal Universe

Just as our very bodies miraculously heal and rebuild themselves, so Universe keeps unfolding and regenerating life ceaselessly and unstoppably. Whatever transpires in this temporal existence we find ourselves in, we are born with an innate knowing that all is ultimately well and truth reigns eternal.

And is astoundingly wondrous.

Just look at your hands, look into someone’s eyes, study a tree or an animal, look at the sky, the mountains and the sea. This is one amazing place we have the privilege to inhabit, even if only for a short while. We cannot ever forget or minimize that. Despite the storms of life and all of its obstacles and challenges, we are imbued with the same creative force we have the honor to witness at work around us, day in and day out, hour by hour, minute by minute.

Therein lies our very strength. To sense the overwhelming love behind this magnificent Creation, including ourselves, is our everlasting fountain of peace and joy. Nothing can take that away from any of us.

That is, unless we allow something to. The decision lies with each of us individually. Not collectively. We each can, and must, make that simple commitment to not allow anything that robs us of our connection to Source and our standing fast in that knowledge.

Fractal Magic Surrounds

Just look at the fractal nature of Creation, the amazing regenerative geometric patterns from the inconceivable macrocosm to the infinitesimal microcosm of the very smallest of particles. They scream wonder and awe at every possible level. That even settled science is awakening to the fact that consciousness and empirical discoveries are intrinsically interwoven is one manifestation of the awakening age we are blessed to be a part of.

That sages have known this for eons naturally comes to the fore, bringing worlds of understanding into a magnificent confluence of new found awareness for a surging number of awakening people worldwide.

Couple this with the growing discoveries of ancient archeological finds and the release of suppressed historical truths, and the fractal nature of the awakening comes into view in a very practical manner. That the powers that shouldn’t be have openly announced their concerns about a massive global political awakening is another such outcropping.

The evidence is everywhere, and simply a natural progression in this time of revelation, the very apocalypse foretold by many, yet a word twisted to mean our destructive end when in fact it’s a massive awakening of humanity. The crumbling of the matrix is just another symptom of the revealing, the revelation of Truth and the infinite, unstoppable power of the Universe to which we are all not just connected, but living crystals of resonance pulsing with this same enormous power of eternal Creation.

Cycles Within Cycles and Our Opportunity of the Ages

I find it fascinating how many things work in cycles, be they ages, also known as epochs or yugas, or even repeating themes and  lessons throughout history. We’ve been given so many clues to help us find our conscious footing in this strange world we’ve landed in. Sure we’re up against massive efforts to close our hearts and minds through generations of social engineering and cauterizing lies and violence, but that’s part of the challenge and apparently important to our growth cycle.

While I’m absolutely inspired about the worldwide awakening we’re witnessing, what concerns me is that so many still don’t understand the magnitude of the opportunity before us. We’re so close to rolling the humongous boulder of a very real critical mass of revelation and thus liberation of humanity on to the heads of these entities and their construct, yet many still do not yet get the enormity of this opportunity of the ages to end their cycles of deceit and destruction.

Many such opportunities for awakening have happened in the past. Most civilizations, at least from recent recorded history, only used their new found understandings of the workings of the Universe to assert more and more human control over others and our planet, instead of returning to natural cycles based on love and cooperation. Power mad usurpers seem to have eventually infiltrated and taken control of just about every so-called civilization. From what we’re learning about Atlantis and Lemuria it appears that was the case there as well, as with ancient Vedic history, where their societies ended with horrific catastrophic destruction apparently wrought by their own hands in that same disturbed competitive power mad control paradigm.

Arise or Repeat – A Time to Choose

Some cycles are meant to be broken. Just because they repeat doesn’t make them right. It’s much like the law of karma and reincarnation. Many have apparently come back to this plane to have another go at getting the point of being here. It makes sense and from what I’ve learned has a lot of validity.

However personally, I don’t subscribe to the inevitability of anything. While Universe is way too wondrous, powerful and creative to be caught up in any type of destructive loop, we apparently create such loops by our own reactive design, all based on individual decisions on whether we’re going to go along with the collective herd or wake up and become who we truly are.

The social constructs simply follow and repeat themselves, just as old patterns of control and subservience do in our current societies. It appears to be a matter of fact at some base level, for reasons deconstructed by many an enlightened researcher.

The awareness of these cycles and their inherent nature are profound when taken to heart, not just to the head. Can we break out? Are we being told to be resigned to such a fate, when in fact we can escape this great mandala of control and repeated insanity?


We’re not just meant to be free, but already are. Therein lies perhaps the most powerful Truth available to humanity. We already are who we are seeking; we have everything we need, we have every answer supposedly sought by the outside projection of life and its search for meaning.

We are it. We already possess every skill and ability needed to manifest the true world of love and cooperation. All that awaits is awakening these inherent gifts we each were born with.

Take this for what you will, but for me it is fact. It is a truth so profound and powerful that it has been suppressed for countless centuries by those who seek to dominate humankind.

It’s time to arise. It’s time to manifest who we each truly are. It’s clearly an individual decision but one that must be made. Consciously, and with heart and determination.

The time has come.

Arise. It’s literally now or never. And always has been.

And now more than ever. Keep heart, keep love, keep true.

The awakening is upon us – let’s help it manifest and proliferate with reckless abandon!

Love forever,



Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Jade Helm and the American Massacre

Jade Helm and the American Massacre

by Zen Gardner
May 27, 2015


I’m prefacing my thoughts with this provocative title for a reason. What is being perpetrated on the American people is virtually a complete dissembling of everything they supposedly hold dear and will only lead to their ultimate destruction. A nationwide massacre of their infrastructure, personal rights and protection, and even livelihoods and food security is not only at stake, but now in progress.

Let me number my points.

1) Jade Helm is a military exercise endorsed by the American government and perpetrated on its own people in complete violation of not just the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878  but is a total an affront on every civil liberty the US Constitution and Bill of Rights is supposed to espouse and maintain.

2. Occupying sovereign territory with a nation’s own armies indicates the very people for which a government was established to help provide for and protect are their declared enemy.

3. The fabricated external threat of terrorism has been deftly translated into meaning that anyone challenging the status quo, be it political, economic or psycho-spiritual, is the enemy. Not external enemies but domestic, as has always been the case, but openly declared since the first so-called Patriot Act. Dissent has become illegal and they’ve virtually declared any thinking American an enemy of the State with a litany of laws, rules and regulations at their disposal while mechanisms set in place long ago to protect personal rights have been eviscerated.

4. The very massive size of this operation and the vast amounts of military hardware pouring into distribution locations around the country indicates this is not just an exercise, but a stealth occupation, at the very least designed to intimidate and acclimatize the American mindset to living in virtual martial law conditions, while they step up their preparations for worse social conditions to come.

5. As wars rage on against supposed terrorists abroad, targeting a nation’s own citizens in such draconian measures makes absolutely zero sense when hardly a non-government induced “terror” incident has transpired. Many more have died from medical and pharmaceutical abuse, police killings and even strikes by lightning, along with a host of other causes. Where’s the big brave justice league on the real problems?

6. The inherent doctrines of personal freedom and individual sovereignty are being violated with abject impunity, a repugnant affront on human dignity.

7. The question haunts: who’s even noticing? Besides those that fall for the supposed need for such a massive operation, how many are totally ignorant that it is even happening?

And the Potential Outcome of Such a Maneuver?

1. Anything could trigger this operation to go “live” as has happened repeatedly with such staged government sponsored operations.

2. One resisting individual, real, or more plausibly planted, could cause a chain reaction of events that would be devastating.

3. A typical false flag attack on these infiltrating government deployed forces would easily justify a strong armed response, be the incident a lone personal reaction, staged sniper fire, a planted bomb on a military vehicle, or something or things much worse. Such triggers within a staged drill or exercise have proven to work time and again.

4. Problem-reaction-solution. Since they’ve created the problem of imposing military control and its intrusions on personal freedoms, so-called practiced or otherwise, the reaction would no doubt be begged. Once the reaction appears from whatever quarter, real or simply reported to have happened, the justification for full on mobilization against the American people, designed from the outset, goes into play. Confiscation of guns and all potential weapons is clearly on the agenda as they’ve been practicing for years following natural and unnatural disasters. Precious metals, large amounts of cash, and even stockpiled food could easily be on the list as well.


This Jade Helm 15 operation is no simple exercise. At the very least it is conditioning Americans for more control, even less personal freedom in the metastasizing surveillance state, and something worse in the near future. The bare fact remains that too many will fall for it and continue to stand back in fear and obedience to false, illegitimately imposed fascist controls backed by brute force.

The time is now to withdraw your consent and participation in such fear and obeisance mongering.

See what is happening for what it is. And sound the alarm. Our full awareness of the nature of these staged operations and broadcasting it far and wide has pushed them back before, and we can do it again. Let your awareness, indignation and refusal to accept this be known far and wide.

And be prepared. They’re up to no good and it’s all completely staged for specific reasons. Don’t give them the response they want.

Stay lit with truth.

Spread the word, disengage from their systems, and keep your peace.

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Allowing the Vibrational Change

Allowing the Vibrational Change

by Zen Gardner
April 2015


Many of the symptoms we’re witnessing amongst those around us can be explained in terms of the vibrational change we’re undergoing. The shift is on, and people are responding by either welcoming or resisting it at all kinds of levels. It’s quite a fascinating phenomenon to behold, as well as a bit disturbing as people who don’t get it lash out at whatever influence they perceive is the culprit for their disorientation.

Fascinating stuff, but intrinsically important to what’s happening here at the surface level.

Most importantly is the personal level of this transformation that’s happening whether people want to acknowledge it or not. Fighting the structural degradation of old paradigms is always a messy affair, with seeming little to support our old viewpoints, except desperate grabbing on to old thought patterns and resultant behaviors which have shaped our lives. Such is the death of the old.

The overwhelmingly empowering aspect of what humanity is experiencing is the complete liberation from decrepit control systems into a world longing for exploration and enjoyment that brings with it realms of transformation we never dreamed of.

The Rhythm of Change

Whether humanity likes it, believes it, or is ready or not, the change is happening. It’s as unstoppable as the music of the spheres, as identified by the great philosopher and geomantic mathematician Pythagoras. This wondrous discovery of the decipherable fundamental rhythmic patterns of creation at every level has profound implications that permeate every level of our existence.

Vibrational frequency affects everything. This has been demonstrated using not just sound on water, sand and metal filings where fabulous geometric patterns are formed which change as the frequency is altered, but it also happens with the application of thought, emotions and intention as demonstrated by the late great Masaru Emoto.

The earth resonates with what is called the Schumann Resonance frequency, first calculated at 7.83 hertz. And now it is literally changing, and moving into a higher frequency. And that’s just one measuring stick. What else is changing around us and within us? What marvelous new patterns are our basic structures morphing into as this vibrational change continues to unfold?

Nothing to the skeptic, but something wonderful to the experiencer.

Step Out of the Theater

While the world’s attention is transfixed on Matrix movie reruns in the theater of life, the entire theater is moving and changing, as is the the world around it. When people finally get up out of their seats and go outside, boy are they in for a shock. It isn’t the same place they entered from, and even then it will continue to change. People looking at the televised reruns and the entranced audience for evidence of this change will never see it. Besides, much of the nature of vibrational change is intuitive, but the evidence is there. Like the changing of the seasons it takes time and is a gradual process but spring always follows winter even when it appears winter just won’t quit.

It reminds me how some people can’t even see the chemtrails. Or think there’s no rhyme or reason to the obvious coordination of world events and the bogus money system. In their minds it’s always been that way and there is no possible alternative. It’s the same with the royalty scam or the rich riding on the backs of the poor. Only this is way more profound than these surface manifestations of the old control system. But until you’ve experienced this vibrational awakening it won’t be in your reality.

Or so you think.

This is the big one, the very vibrational nature of the entire world we live in, from our DNA to the music of the planets in our solar system, the transformation is under way. What it will entail geologically, geopolitically and personally remains to be fully seen, but transform we will, like it or not.

Letting Go

This might seem esoteric to some but it’s as real as the nose on our faces. The shift is on, vibrationally and therefore emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically. Hence the confused reaction on so many planes. The big drawback to lower level thinking is that we interpret changes by old worn-out channels of thought and understanding.

Fundamentally speaking, never the two worlds shall meet.

They can’t. They’re completely different paradigms. And even the next paradigm will meet dissolution as we continue on the journey. We learn by changing, which begins with a willingness to explore and thus change evolves. It couldn’t be simpler in many ways, but letting go into new realms has been conditioned against, violently. The constructs of society, especially in this highly engineered age of technofascism, are relentless in their pursuit of containment and control. We are forced to judge “normalcy” by carefully manipulated “standards” that, once conformed to, begin to reinforce themselves. On a mass scale this then becomes a form of voluntary enslavement.

Don’t fall for it. In fact, you won’t be able to much longer anyway. The entire ball of wax is undergoing an unstoppable transformation whether it likes it or not. Empowering and thrilling for some, completely disorienting and even terrifying for others.

Why not just go with it? Let go and enjoy the ride! It’s the solution everyone’s been waiting for, but it requires our willing participation to allow its creative magic to work more efficiently and effectively.

Translating Vibrational Change

Whether this knowledge and experience embolden you to speak out against the control system as well as help co-create these wonderful changes or not is everyone’s free choice. I share what I’m perceiving and try to nudge and inspire as many as I can, as a growing number of others are doing. We can stare at the maniacal matrix and its wicked workings all day, but positive solutions abound and are there for the harvesting. Activating vibrationally to this paradigm shift makes it manifest and accelerates its effect on everyone and everything.

If you’ve ever seen those musical demonstrations where one string or vibration sets off others around it to vibrate at the same frequency you know what I mean. Only here we’re talking about a much deeper, even quantum level of, vibrational transference. It manifests in changed lives, resonating thoughts, awakening mental and spiritual awareness. If plants and animals respond to music, how much more the human spirit to the music of the spheres and fundamental cosmic vibrational change?!

All we have to do is throw the switch!

I’ll leave you with this inspiring and enlightening video about our amazing fractal holographic universe and the role sound and frequency play which highlights this vibrational change we’re undergoing that’s well worth the watch.

Much love, Zen



Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Activated Awake

The Activated Awake

Sleepwalkers, Boiling Frogs and the Activated Awake

by Zen Gardner
April 19, 2015


To continue sleepwalking once someone knows the truth is not ignorance, it’s madness, as David Icke so aptly said. Anyone looking for happiness and fulfillment while helping to build a better world has plenty of options. But sitting still and just gazing at the oncoming storm, no matter how much you know about it, isn’t one of them.

To be able to describe something and think you understand it isn’t the grand finale. It’s responding to what the information is telling you to do that matters. Do you literally have to wait for the bulldozer, as so poignantly put in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy after you found out certain disaster was coming?

Again, that’s madness.

Granted, the effects of what’s coming will be felt worldwide so at the very least we need to make preparations where we are or in some better location. Not in fear, but in informed wisdom. But I have a hard time understanding anyone who doesn’t have the sense of urgency to put everything in motion that they’re being shown needs to be done. Once we make that decision and work towards the right direction a wonderful peace comes over us, and there will be plenty more to learn and do each step of the way.

There’s really no standing still once you begin to answer the call. Yes, there’s a wonderful stillness and confident knowing in spirit that are our ever present strength and refuge, but that doesn’t mean we do nothing when so many need encouragement, empowering information, resources and even awakening motivation.

Taking Action Doesn’t Necessarily Mean Relocating – But It Might

I get a lot of criticism for encouraging people to leave the US. I realize not everyone is able to do it, but for me I put feet to my convictions about what’s happening there and I’m glad I did. The relief from the bombarding influences there is immeasurable. Besides, it’s already more difficult to travel and get passports now as I warned, all while jumping through mounting surveillance, security checks, and impromptu requirements and shake downs at the whim of the metastasizing police state.

Why do you suppose they’re doing all of that?

Sure it’s ultimately more control, but why restrict travel or crossing borders, which we’ll be seeing more and more of? Yes, they want more money at every turn which is partially why they’re flagging anyone owing the IRS anything, but they also want to do the same to people with any outstanding debts. And pray tell how many people don’t have debt. The whole system is built on it.

It’s entrapment, because the mounting tide of awake Americans is one of their biggest threats.

If you have a roomful of cockroaches you need to exterminate, what do you do? Close the doors and windows so they can’t escape to another part of the house, and then most people will spray the hell out of them. Sound familiar? Check your skies, and food and water for that matter.

That’s how we’re viewed by the dark overlords, as pests. And America is enemy #1 to them, with the UK, Canada and Australia not far behind. The American entity that once stood for freedom must be weakened, dismantled and vastly depopulated, all while socially and genetically mutating the remainder of the species into an unquestioning transhumanized work force kept in carefully guarded and monitored city centers. This widely known plan is worldwide but some places are going to be way safer than others in the near future, and in fact they already are.

The California Drought Example

It’s said California only has one year of water left. While we know that situation has been brought on deliberately via geoengineering, fracking, massive bottling operations and host of other insanities, that’s 10% of the US population facing real peril, as well as almost half of the country’s fruit and vegetable production.

Where’s everyone going to go? Do you think they’ll just sit there and wait for FEMA trucks to bring water, and food? No doubt many will for various misguided reasons. But would you just sit there until your home is worth nothing and you have to flee with whatever you can fit in your car? And to where? And if you don’t think the government will go full on fascist during such a time and heavily restrict travel, look up the dust bowl disaster in the US and how those escaping starvation conditions weren’t even allowed INTO California where there was plenty for all.

This time they’ll no doubt make FEMA camps and even prison life look attractive with food, water and accommodations as they attract a free incarcerated labor force like so many have done in other totalitarian regimes. Some serious things to think about.

The Pizza Oven Dream

A many years ago I had a striking dream that woke me up out of a sound sleep. I was watching someone standing in front of a pizza oven in a dazed, transfixed state. He was a typical youngish overweight American just staring at the oven fire from about 4 feet away. But the fire was growing, steadily. And as it did he didn’t move. He was totally fixated into such a state he couldn’t even feel the heat.

As the fire grew in intensity I could see his flesh literally starting to cook. And he still didn’t flinch. At this point I was screaming at him at the top of my lungs imploring him to get out of there, and still nothing. The scene so horrified me it woke me up as I was screaming.

I was living in Southern California near the beach at the time and we were getting chemtrailed something fierce everyday. While I had my windows rolled up, air filters running and the air-con on recycle as I did on spray days, I was always befuddled and horrified by the hundreds of joggers, bikers and surfers I drove by with my windows up each day who were completely ignorant of their demise under their poisonous chemical skies.

This vivid dream was an expression of how I feel watching this horrific reality play out on the benumbed, completely unsuspecting masses, and quite appropriate for what I’m attempting to communicate here.

Answers – Inform Others and Build Community

Getting in touch with others doesn’t have to wait for anything, wherever we are. Now is the time to connect and meet up with like minded folks wanting to take appropriate action. This should be done as locally as possible – or else move to where there is an active and awake area or community you can be part of. That is, if you’re serious about what you have found out about the ensnaring world around you. If it’s just a semi-amusing side interest this probably won’t even affect you.

But it should.

Food freedom is essential for the days to come, as well as having a reliable water supply. But even more important is having a good support network of caring and capable people with similar outlooks and real spiritual insight and understandings.

And by the way, these types of groups and communities are all over the world and very awake as well as helpful to people expatriating from other countries.

One of the good spin offs of trying times is that it drives humanity to be resourceful and get back to more natural ways of living. As we connect to the earth and each other wonderful things happen. The ultimate solution is to live and build the world we want to see created. We are beings that  were born to create. Living a life based in creativity and not partaking of the manipulated world’s media, mindsets and toxified environment as much as possible releases amazing energies that ripple out in more ways than we can conceive, including the morphic field.

If we’re serious about taking control of our lives the time is now. It’s always now, but it’s now more than ever, if you’re looking around you with even a modicum of awareness.

What can you do? The possibilities are as endless as life itself. They only remain to be pursued.

Just wait until you see what Universe has waiting for you!

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

How Much Evidence Do We Need to Take Action?

How Much Evidence Do We Need to Take Action?

by Zen Gardner
April 13, 2015


It’s past time to draw some conclusions from all of the obvious evidence.

This is where the rubber meets the road. There comes a time we need to crystallize all that’s being plainly revealed into a very clear picture that brings personal action and a conscious response. The global engineers are enacting a full spectrum attack on humanity, to not just subdue, control and transform the world’s populations, but to reduce it by slowly maiming and killing it off.

The common awareness of these programs extends to such arenas as weather and electromagnetic warfare, radiation contamination and a full on global fracking agenda, full spectrum geopolitical hegemony, invasive medical and pharmaceutical fascism, and the tightening economic vice grip on people’s supply lines and their very survival.

Everything we read daily points in the same direction.

The question before us is, what will we do in the face of such an onslaught? Are we first of all willing to draw some conscious conclusions? Or are we afraid due to the implications of what our personal involvement might entail? And all while our race is clearly being adulterated and exterminated?

Serious personal questions indeed. Courage is the absence of letting fear rule our lives. Doing the conscious and responsible thing is the duty of every living creature, not just “activists”, another term used pejoratively to keep people from doing the obvious.

Eugenics – The Openly Declared Usurping Elitist Agenda

Elitism runs on fundamental tenets. Thinking they are superior and knowing what’s best for the world, they have funded and operated think tanks, foundations, institutions, universities and secret organizations for centuries in one form or another to formulate and hone their plans.

The scale is massive with these internationalists and we are the subjects of their experimental implementations. That their aim is to modify as well as reduce our numbers is a repeatedly documented goal of these psychopaths.

All for control and arrogantly assumed domination of those they consider inferior.

After all is said and done, they’re not sure of anything, despite their hubris. We are a race with qualities they cannot fathom due to their abject lack of empathy and true conscious awareness, despite their metastasized left-brained so-called intelligence and other intimidating dark machinations and engineered influences.

Recent decades have seen a massive proliferation of such elite planning organizations, many operating openly with benign names like the Rand Corporation, the Stanford Institute, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Carnegie Institute, the Red Cross, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Institute for the Advancement of the Sciences, the Ford Foundation, the Sierra Club, the Jesuit Society of Jesus and many many more.

Most hypno-zombies don’t think anything of such organizations. After all, like the “Patriot Act”, they must be for out collective good.

More profoundly, media manipulation through language sorcery and meme repetition has been extremely successful. Most would never even stop to question anything sounding like an “authority” on some issue, hence the worship of men in white coats with strings of degrees after their names, trusting “talking heads”, institutions like these and anything sounding credible.

To the News

Which brings me to the news. Almost hourly we’re reading of new exposes regarding critical health issues, from the disastrous effects of vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs to the cover up of what is actually in our adulterated and genetically modified food which they themselves won’t touch, as well as our drinking water and the very air we breathe.

Not new, but bubbling up more and more in the mass consciousness.

The world militarization and mass surveillance agenda is another major factor happening concurrently as an obvious manifestation of this globalist agenda. Media complicity is clear and their influence is waning rapidly as grass roots community actions proliferate.

Just the fact that the realistic, awake and aware perspective of seeing these realities for what they are has been portrayed as “conspiratorial” puts the control issue way over the top, not just in Orwellian incredulity, but exactly where they want it in the mass mind. Safely ensconced in frozen compartmentalized suspended animation.

In plain reality of course it’s a very real conspiracy, and they’re clearly executing a stated agenda, one we’re fully aware of. Naturally they have to decry anything that opposes it.

What an obvious sham. But again, who’s looking?

We are!

What We’re Up Against

It’s a disinformation machine, spouting out whatever toxic spew it deems necessary at any given time. Keeping people in the dark is their number one job. Once you catch on to that you’re on your way to mental and spiritual freedom, but it takes some doing, and takes guts to openly see past the green screen projection we’re being fed.

As someone wisely said, “The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.”

Very true words indeed. Get past that stage and start to activate. Every one of us counts.


If we don’t respond consciously to this invasion on our kind we’re not worth our salt. Doing what we can restores confidence and an innate sense of who we are, and spurs many others on to do the same.

Pass it on. And on and on. Passionate communication is the key to empowerment at this point. Never downplay or delay that.

All of this is just for starters. The rest is up to you, and me. There are massively powerful spiritual weapons of mass construction at our disposal such as localized community activism – use them, and discover new avenues continually. We’re swimming in an ocean of possibility waiting to be tapped into and manifested.

There is nothing more empowering than that as I see it.

Hope you do too. It’s a wonderful opportunity for taking the initiative and making a massive difference.

See you there!


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Burning Dross and Distilling to Consciousness

Burning Dross and Distilling to Consciousness

I frequently correspond with a close friend with whom I shared a large part of my “middle life”. We were recently talking about how it can be dismaying realizing how many stupid things we fell for in our previous limited understanding yet we can’t have any regrets, as whatever it took to get us to an awakened state was all good. Whatever it took to get here, so be it!

I was musing on this thought and the intense pressures we all endure going through life and all of its challenges and wild changes. So often things seemed insurmountable with no end in sight to those particular situations we find ourselves seemingly trapped in.

When thinking on this and how I literally exploded into this wonderful new awakened conscious awareness I had an interesting analogy come to mind that made me smile inside. All that compacting pressure and often feeling like I was seething in a cauldron of trials and tests I was actually getting distilled down to truth concentrate. When the alive crystal clear waters of true liberating and enlightening truth finally got into my then ready container….wham! And I’ve been exploding ever since.

I was getting distilled down to the elements that would be essential for my eventual role in life. As the old analogy goes, gold is purified by intense fire whereby the dross is burned off to give us the refined end product – in this case: consciousness concentrate with a heck of a lot of learning along the way!

It’s Not Easy – The Scylla and Charybdis

It’s a lot easier to look back on all of those trying life situations and experiences than it is actually going through them. But we do get through them. If, that is, we keep up the pursuit of truth. I’m by no means minimizing the seriousness of life’s trials, they literally are life and death, both physically and spiritually.

Getting through those dire straights, real or imaginary, is no picnic.

I loved Homer’s The Iliad and the Odyssey as a teen and learning about Greek mythology. The imagery was fascinating. I just knew there was truth in so many of those so-called “myths” and ancient legends. They resonated with me very deeply and surfaced in my consciousness repeatedly all during my journey.

One particular story comes to mind that is the archetypical backdrop for idioms like “dire straights”, “between the devil and the deep blue sea”, or being “between a rock and a hard place.” What’s interesting about this metaphor for life’s challenges is the extreme nature of the obstacles, painting them as aggressive energetic forms out to “sink” the life traveler.

All fear based, again sometimes appearing very real, but after all is said done fear is our biggest obstacle. Once we learn to overcome that we’re well on our way.

But life’s circumstances can sure appear this way:

Scylla and Charybdis, in Greek mythology, two immortal and irresistible monsters who beset the narrow waters traversed by the hero Odysseus in his wanderings described in Homer’s Odyssey, Book XII.  Scylla was a supernatural creature, with 12 feet and 6 heads on long, snaky necks, each head having a triple row of sharklike teeth, while her loins were girt with the heads of baying dogs. From her lair in a cave she devoured whatever ventured within reach, including six of Odysseus’ companions.

Charybdis, who lurked under a fig tree a bowshot away on the opposite shore, drank down and belched forth the waters thrice a day and was fatal to shipping. Her character was most likely the personification of a whirlpool. The shipwrecked Odysseus barely escaped her clutches by clinging to a tree until the improvised raft that she swallowed floated to the surface again after many hours. To be “between Scylla and Charybdis” means to be caught between two equally unpleasant alternatives. (source)

Pretty apt as to how life’s challenges often appear.

Putting Truth In Action and The Duality Game

It’s a whole lot harder to know truth and not respond to it than it is to find it out and take action. I pity people who are coming across so much empowering and enlightening information now yet refuse to budge. There’s something called accountability that I think people minimize to try to keep their conscience at bay. Once we know something is true the next obvious step is to do something about it.

If we don’t, there are spiritually derived consequences at many levels.

It’s not always clear what the next step is, but as I often say the boat has to be in motion for the rudder to take effect. Too many are afraid to venture out into what appears to be unknown territory, but that’s only based on our previous understanding of what is known and unknown, what is a so-called safe and secure course of action versus a life of thrilling fulfillment and a greater sense of real security that awaits anyone willing to push off from that seemingly safe shore.

That fundamentally “forbidden territory” is now my number one destination.

But when you finally step out you immediately realize all of those fears were unfounded, and in most cases you’ll find are deliberate social engineering memes rerun over centuries to keep humanity frozen in place. Ultimately they are just fabricated dragons and demons as in the above metaphor, only given power by our entertainment of the illusion.

This is where duality comes into focus, setting humanity at variance with besetting ogres and fabricated concepts and enemies to keep us apart from realizing we are all one in a completely connected universe. In other words, transcending the board game called life and seeing things for how they really are is the most empowering and thrilling experience you’ll ever have. The rest simply comes into focus as an opportunity to learn and grow and help others to do the same.

The cauldron used to get you here wasn’t so bad after all now, eh?

Living With Yourself

This is the crux of the matter. Our personal universe is ourselves. That’s our battlefield. When we get sorted out we can help sort out others, not before. Once we’ve found greater truth which we know needs to be manifested and shared, our lives drastically change, whether we handle it responsibly or not.

For those who respond constructively life gets brighter, happier and more meaningful. Certainly new challenges present themselves but tremendous empowerment kicks in, even if we feel absolutely alone during the first phases of this transformation, an aspect of the birthing process I like to address to help those during this seemingly estranged period.

The most wonderful realizations come when we see this entire set we’re on is a fabricated one, and that we each have complete control over our personal reality.

But all this can be addressed in a very simple way. You have to live with yourself. All day every day. For the non-enactor, when you know better than to do or be what you are living or participating in, life is very conflicted and unpleasant. Such is the power of truth. It will not go away. It’s here to stay and always has been here and will eat at you. That’s a good thing.

You just discovered it, or a good piece of it. Now it’s your turn to respond. If you don’t, there’s a price to pay. Your conscience has been more fully awakened and will not be satisfied until you respond to it. You too have been changed for life.

This is obviously why the “whirled” is the way it is, to keep everyone comatose so they don’t feel, never mind respond to, these callings of conscience. For those unwilling or too lethargic or selfish to answer the call, these distractions become a source of solace, an enabling mechanism for their apathy. They’re also addictive, all the better for the unwilling to hide behind. Such is the state of much of society today.

But the price is high. Personally and socially.

Dispelling the Hologram

It’s a time to awaken from slumber. Realizing everything that has transpired in our lives only makes us stronger is wonderfully empowering. We hear that at many levels, but when the break through happens it really comes into focus.

Know your life is a process, a wonderful one. What each of us has to endure in this magical journey really is part of a wonderful design, but the most important aspect is to see it as such from an awakened perspective. I spent decades “trying” to forgive my father for how he serious damaged me as a young man, having horrendous consequences throughout much of my life. I knew forgiveness was intrinsic to moving on but I just couldn’t muster it.

When I woke up it was a piece of cake, and I’ve been happily “corresponding” with him on the other side ever since. A dramatic shift in consciousness was necessary.

If things are troubling you and don’t make sense, it’s time to rise above this entire paradigm. Whatever it takes, get there. There’s no secret remedy except a sincere heart and a driving passion. Once you transcend the old understanding model everything will make perfect sense, and the gratitude pours in like sunlight into a darkened room.

See you there. Love truly does rule the Universe.

We just need to get above the fray and see things for how they truly are.

Much love always, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Tipping Point at the Crossroads of Time

The Tipping Point at the Crossroads of Time

by Zen Gardner
March 31, 2015


It appears we’re hitting that infamous tipping point in many arenas of late. So much is getting revealed and reaching the collective consciousness as the truth manifests. Remember, to finally tip a scale it just needs that last grain of sand to completely reverse perceived reality in the mass mind.

Just look at not just the grains, but the flood tide of truth being released into the public mental, spiritual, economic and political domains, never mind the profound vibrational morphic field shifts with so many souls awakening in a whole range of areas. It’s astounding.

There’s still a lot to be done but the landscape is changing fast.

No doubt the external world situation grows more direful by the day, but it’s important for people to be able to identify these powerful shifts now taking place for their own encouragement and inspiration. While the forces of abuse and control seem to be making monstrous strides toward their end game, their machinations are becoming more obvious and clearly malicious. As people are able to step back and identify the fact that their world is a completely manipulated one they shed their fear of it and soon find their true spiritual and consciously aware footing.

This is the very definition of empowerment and drastically weakens the power structure’s control over people’s minds. As a result the flame of true freedom grows brighter continually, further propelling humanity’s awakening and empowerment.

The Alternative Mosquito Swarm

Every email, every blog, every website, every post, every conversation, every independent media outlet  broadcasting the truth is a massively powerful influence towards turning the tide in the perception of our world and hence its actual operation. It happens one seemingly small act at a time, but it’s spreading like wildfire, in spite of the doubts of naysayers and and even alternative cynics.

Doubt is akin to fear, and its end result is apathy; i.e. disempowerment and inaction. It’s similar to one of the biggest lies ever perpetrated in the heart of mankind. “After all, what can little me do to make any kind of difference that matters? I’m just one little person.”

The absolute opposite of the truth.  As the oft used expression goes;

“If you think you’re too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a closed room with a mosquito.”

Now picture multiple swarms of truth-bearing mosquitoes, replicating as they go. Can’t you just see the  wicked minions in assumptive power fleeing their pretentious little bastions of lies and pompous superficial sandcastles as a result of such an onslaught? Absolutely glorious!

The Power of the Awakening Factor

Few realize the power of change, whether it be conscious awareness or fundamental knowledge tools. What we have been handed is a very limited viewpoint that needs continual challenging, especially once we become aware of the vast social engineering programs.

Researchers have discovered a very powerful dynamic in our social milieu, something we know in our hearts to be true but sometimes it’s good to have it affirmed by so-called scientific evidence.

Scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have found that when just 10 percent of the population holds an unshakable belief, their belief will always be adopted by the majority of the society. The scientists, who are members of the Social Cognitive Networks Academic Research Center (SCNARC) at Rensselaer, used computational and analytical methods to discover the tipping point where a minority belief becomes the majority opinion. The finding has implications for the study and influence of societal interactions ranging from the spread of innovations to the movement of political ideals.

“When the number of committed opinion holders is below 10 percent, there is no visible progress in the spread of ideas. It would literally take the amount of time comparable to the age of the universe for this size group to reach the majority,” said SCNARC Director Boleslaw Szymanski, the Claire and Roland Schmitt Distinguished Professor at Rensselaer. “Once that number grows above 10 percent, the idea spreads like flame.”

Pretty damn powerful, and personally empowering.

Turning Tides

Just look how the ISIS “terror” operation cover has been blown open for what it truly is, a ploy masterminded and funded by cooperative surreptitious interests out to destabilize and control the Middle East and beyond. This recent attack on Yemen by Saudi Arabia, of all despotic nation states, is another massive blip on the radar, as if that fascist state is interested in representative rule, all with the full on backing of Israel, the US and NATO.

And into another spectrum, how about the moon mission being thoroughly debunked as NASA admits they can’t pass the Van Allen radiation belt? This fact has been known for a long time but is now evident to all. Not only the whole space program, but all of the information coming from NASA all these years comes into question.

A new 9/11 novel titled Methodical Illusion by a former airline stewardess is chock -a-block with real information regarding what really transpired that day that’s going viral in the mainstream media, with pilots buying the book by the box to pass out to friends. The truth is being revealed by the minute in all kinds of arenas.

Clearly multitudes are seeing the world’s economy is manipulated by central banksters, and that the unending war on this scripted illusory concept of terror that they keep propping up with new false flags and boogeymen has become a worn out old saw for anyone even half awake to see. Now rapacious Israel has openly declared its intentions to eviscerate Palestine and other foes while its vice like grip on America is laid bare before the world.

And more examples are proliferating by the day. The obvious nature of this world game is now naked in the eyes of millions of people worldwide, despite Amerika’s comatose state – and these realizations are rapidly growing as lives change in the light of this awareness.

Yet you won’t hear a peep about any of this in the scripted media. After all, big money and control rule all in this metastasized Orwellian spin off to which we’re subjected. Another aspect is the vast discrepancy between fat cat incomes and the rest of humanity continuing to distend as these psychopaths think no one is noticing, all while subjugated citizens’  income and food supplies run thin as the elite’s bankrolls blossom and our food supply is systemically attacked.

The outrage is boiling and reaching the tipping point, in multiple ways. The tide will certainly shift, and already is in massive undercurrents. But now is the time to put our shoulders to the wheel of change while we can still operate freely in order to stave off as much of this draconian insanity as possible.

It’s time to rise.

Let it rip. Express these realizations loud and clear in whatever way you can to make the message heard while encouraging others that are sensing this same reality. The doors of opportunity are closing fast. If and when the temporally induced night comes, we need as many hearts ablaze as possible to light up the darkness while our work continues.

When Humanity Awakens and Arises

We’re about to see some fantastic cataclysmic changes on our planet, but way more importantly within human consciousness. This is not so much “their” doing even in lieu of the obvious socio-geopolitical arena, but is of cosmic proportions in ways they will never see coming. This awakening is what they inherently fear, as global takeover progenator Zbigniew Brzezinski articulated, and the very thing the would-be controllers are preparing for in their attempts to kill off, drug, cripple, transhumanize and militarily control humanity.

The tide is turning, the scales are tipping. This is not wishful thinking. It’s fact. The question does remain however: what will we do with this empowering dynamic? Observe, or participate?

Change, awareness and activation don’t just happen on their own. They work through you, they work through me. If we respond to them the changes happen. If we just observe, pass the buck and let it all just pass, it doesn’t happen or meet up to its full potential.

It’s a choice. It’s yours, it’s mine. To not enter in at this point is stupefied insanity.

Will you go all the way? Because that’s the type of commitment it will take at this stage of the game. All it is is simply responding to the need at hand. It’s not all that difficult. When push comes to shove most everything people are now preoccupied with will vanish as if it were a dream. That’s when the remorse sets in for all those who refused to take action.

Something to think seriously about. We are now at the crossroads. What world are we helping to manifest? Or will we irresponsibly let things slide along as they are? The answer is up to you.

It’s ours in which to participate. Passionately and with dogged determination. Because everything is at stake. Here and now.

Fulfill your calling.


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Anger Trap

The Anger Trap

by Zen Gardner
March 20, 2015


We’re all pissed off in some form or another. No question. No one can sit idly by with any level of consciousness and not be ticked off by the insanity, inequities and atrocities going on around us. That’s righteous anger and there’s nothing wrong with it.

But we must keep anger in its place. The general populace is being set up and baited for violent response.

All they’re waiting for is a justification to herd the unsuspecting flock right into their tightfisted fascist paradigm as the police state takes shape around us.

Don’t fall for the trap.

An Old Trick at Work

Induced passions make people easily manipulated. When we fear or act in anger we are not fully conscious nor fully empowered. Our vision is impaired and our reasoning seriously tainted. Anger is akin to fear, and the ability to manipulate those acting in anger and fear is very similar.

Dr. William Sargant, a psychiatrist with the illuminist Tavistock Institute, wrote in his 1957 book, The Battle For The Mind:

“Various types of belief can be implanted in people after brain function has been deliberately disturbed by accidentally or deliberately induced fear, anger, or excitement. Of the results caused by such disturbances the most common one is temporarily impaired judgment and heightened suggestibility. Its various group manifestations are sometimes classed under the heading of “herd instinct”, and appear most spectacularly in wartime, during severe epidemics, and all similar periods of common danger, which increase anxiety and so individual and mass suggestibility.” Source

So while people get aroused and decide to become active within the framework they’ve been handed by the manipulators we’re often walking right into their paradigm that grips like a Chinese handcuff–strengthening the enemy’s hold on us by fighting them on their level and on their terms.

History proves this. One system toppled by the same tactics used by the oppressor becomes a replacement system, and the Masonic pattern continues.

Amerika – Born and Bred in Violence

The Boston tea party was thrown by dressed up Freemasons to provoke exactly what they got. Another violent stronghold obtained by violence, built on violence, and that has since executed nothing but violence on the world since its inception, whether culturally, economically or militarily. Just ask the millions of exterminated and incarcerated native Americans about the “freedom of religion” excuse these invaders used to go there in the first place.

If the old adage is true that “they that live by the sword shall die by the sword”, what America is about to reap is not going to be pretty.

Why should the “innocent” Amerikans suffer this causal reflex, you say? Because by and large Americans not only did nothing to stop the pillaging and atrocities being carried out by its corporo-fascist government and those they support such as insane genocidal Israel, but they de facto supported these programs and ever more importantly, luxuriated in the profits and delicacies of an over-indulgent resource-pillaging machine, sucking the very life blood of the poor of the world.

And yes, the U.S. isn’t the only player in this. These selfish parasites are internationalists stationed around the globe, but the US is its primary arm of oppression and exemplifies all of these characteristics.

The Deliberate Piss-Off

The breakdown our world is undergoing is deliberate – and people are catching on faster and faster. It’s getting to where almost anyone can see the banksters deliberately pulled the financial plug for their periodic harvest.  The media disinformation and obfuscation of truth as well has become outright Orwellian as the migration into alternative news sources continues to accelerate.

Granted, much of the public still takes the disempowering soma-swill of the never ending promise of  “hope and change”, but the matrix mirage is rapidly evaporating for all to see.

That’s the vibrational change we’re talking about. Inside and out.

It’s now obvious to a vast swathe of humanity that our social fabric has been dissolved by anti-moral, anti-human doctrines of seemingly satanic self-indulgence and death worship. Our food, air and water supplies are deliberately poisoned. Our leadership is clearly dishonest, shallow and inept.  Even disasters, very many man-made consequences of deliberate tinkering with mother nature, are manipulated for profit and strategic control of populations.

Major political, economic and social changes in society don’t just happen–they’re engineered. With guaranteed outcomes.

Either way they win. But their time is almost up.

Watch for Provocations…and Pre-Programming the Solution

False Flag operations have been the most successful hoodwinks to date. The relatively recent big ones like 9/11 and 7/7 in London and other staged incidences such as the many shootings and bombings like Sandy Hook and the Boston Bombing, were carefully led up to by the Oklahoma City, USS Cole, US Embassy and other similar bombings to give the “official” explanations credibility.

Yes, it is that planned and yes, it is that nefarious.

The Occupy movement was treated as a test run on handling a larger scale street fight in the US. A fight they are preparing for at an astounding speed, buying guns and ammunition to arm not just police, but now military battalions being stationed in US cities while armed drones are dispatched overhead. Talk about a preemptive strike.

And the latest trigger pins?

Try the new black vs white racist provocations the press is fanning such as the Ferguson riots, or the induced Islamophobia now metasticising in western society, or the revival of the cold war fear syndrome against Russia. How about the NSA revelations and “re-education camps” now in the public information domain? Or the insane actions of the TSA or local police, or the inflammatory rhetoric regarding anything anti-government, resorting to labeling anything contrary to the status quo or  mainstream propaganda as “home grown terrorism”?

It’s sick, it’s staged, and it’s designed to provoke a response…and is dutifully bilked for every media minute they can get to create the problem-reaction-solution scenario they so love and thrive on.

What Do We Do?

Our conscious confrontation needs to be at a deeper level of awareness. While we need to make our voices known, relegating all apparent public expression to some angry demonstration will not just go practically nowhere, but play right into the Controllers’ hands. We need to express, but smartly. We need to first of all be fully aware of what we’re up against, its full dimensions and implications, but then infiltrate at the grass roots level in any way we’re called and be consciously disciplined about it.

A good singular example of this is  “Food Sovereignty Activism” that perfectly encapsulates what one person’s actions can do. And this is just one of many thousands of examples. But I dare say confronting a police battalion in public and getting your head bashed in by those robots might not do much more than piss people off more, thanks to a twisted complicit media.

Demonstrating is not all bad and there’s clearly a time for it. This is especially true within public governmental chambers and places of local decision making. Just don’t play into one of their traps, usually fueled by them via controlled opposition.

Hit the Matrix Where It Hurts

Motivation comes in all forms, but we must behave smartly. We need to hit where it hurts the matrix the most and empowers as many as possible. Some ideas:

#1. Inform. True information clears the deck. It neutralizes the effects of the enemy’s propaganda. That has to be done first.

#2. Live in alignment with your convictions. We can’t speak truth to the lie while living within its bondage. Break free, in any and every way we can. Screw the consequences if it’s matrix stuff, it’s not worth worrying about. “Lead, follow, or get out of the way” as they say.

#3. Persist. As we follow on in a conviction of the power of Truth and Love it will lead each of us on to more ways of having a greater effect.

#4. Teach others. Mainly by example. If you live a committed life and have paid the price of giving up a cozy life of security for one of spiritual fulfillment and helping to change the world, others will be prodded to do more themselves. We don’t want to cram anything down anyone’s throats. We live by the example of commitment the enlightening love of the truth speaks for itself.

#5. Act locally. Find or create local communities of active and awake people. Whether it’s a food co-op or meet up groups to discuss how to change your town or city for the better, this is where we need to operate from. With the world crashing around us we need to find each other and work and build together on every front.

All the while continuing to broadcast the truth in any way we can.

After all, what else is there to live for?

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.



by Zen Gardner
Mar 10, 2015


If I see another “petition” asking for the selected “powers that shouldn’t be” to do this or that I’m gonna spit nails. It’s ridiculous. The very positioning of the populace into a place of “petitioning” others to get things done only reinforces the matrix of control and deceit.

The answer is to rise up.

This is done individually most of all, and collectively as a result. The PTSBs are parasitic fleas on the back of humanity trying to direct the movements and mind set of the body. It’s insane. This comes into perspective when you realize you are the creator of the reality around you. It’s an immense realization and empowerment awaiting any truth seeker.

We are what we project, and we project what we perceive. If the importance of awakening can be encapsulated into anything it’s that. If that seems too esoteric for you then dig deeper and wake yourself up. Without awakening we are swimming in a futile state of induced cause and effect within carefully circumscribed limits.

Petition Attrition

It’s honestly hard to believe even semi-conscious active humans still have the mindset to “ask” others to perform what needs to be done, to either bring to public discussion, pass laws or acknowledge the obvious. Just think about it. When the obvious is obvious do you need validation from some outside “authority”? What more validation do you need than your experiential facts?

This is why small subcultures existed in such harmony. What was known was known. Experiences and wise understandings were considered valid. There was a common agreement and harmonious communication, even if the evidence was sometimes subjective it was understood.

Today? It’s a legalistic nightmare. “Prove what you saw with your own eyes” or “Bring evidence that you were accosted or an offense was orchestrated” etc. The system is based on lack of trust and empathy most of all, and resigned to relegate humanity to a place of servitude to imposed law and authority by controlling interests.

Know Your Individual Authority

Stand your ground. Be fully who you are. What you perceive once awakened is your path to full awareness. Trust it. Have confidence in what you are being shown. And stand within it.

Everything in the world society will assail such a stance but stand you must. Friends will desert, old paradigms will fold in on themselves, opposition will arise; but this is no reason to waver. Our united calm and centered confidence is what shakes the matrix to its foundations.

Being bold and brave doesn’t touch on the deeper meaning of this kind of conviction. It’s a sense of knowing that surpasses all emotional and mental calibration or judgement. It just is. And there we must stand fearlessly. There’s clearly a seeming paradox here when what you know to be true doesn’t stand up to their measurements, but stand we must.

After all, it’s reality. And no outside power source needs to confirm it. Because we know it to be true.

Let It Go

There are so many imposed paradigms that need to be let loose. Our apparent dependency on the system goes from our birth certificate to our income tax form; our money subservience to the educational and job treadmills. It’s all the same. To make it in the treadmill you must align with the treadmill’s system and abide by its contracts. It’s all a super imposed sham.

Do you dare to let go of it? Do you think it will make a big enough difference? Are you waiting for others to lead the way, similar to asking the current authorities for permission to act?

These are big questions.

It’s certainly not a time for cowards and curious onlookers. That’s what got us into the mess we’re in today. It’s a time for selfless doers. Or perhaps insane dreamers – not insane in the least since they have a grasp on reality but are considered as such by the status quo.

Do we have the guts to stand up? To be who we truly are? To live according to our innate convictions?

This is the challenge. Let’s rise to it.

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Whatever It Is – Weaponize It!

Whatever It Is – Weaponize It!

by Zen Gardner
March 10, 2015


What’s with this world? It doesn’t matter what new technology surfaces, “How can we weaponize it?” is the overarching meme of the “powers that shouldn’t be” of self-appointed overlords.

It’s insane to the max.

Whether it’s money, viruses and bacteria, flying things, vaccines, food, water, sound and electromagnetic technology, anything with a camera, x-rays and radiation, forays into space, psychological advances, animals and insects, vehicles of any sort including unmanned drones of every size, time travel and remote viewing, microchips and computers, robots, transhuman bodily attachments, genetic modification, and even the air, environment and flipping weather.

And that’s just some of the stuff we know about. Whatever…..

“Weaponize it!”

Latest Insanity

If what’s already in the cookers of these psychopaths isn’t enough, they even enjoy letting on little slivers of what they’re willing to “confess” to, just to keep the mass mind conditioned to accept whatever new “scientific advancement” has been translated into weaponry.

US Navy successfully test devastating new laser weapon

A NEW devastating laser weapon has been successfully tested by the US Navy that could change modern warfare.

Weapon experts Lockheed Martin developed the new laser gun which can destroy targets with minimal damage to human life. The weapon, named Advanced Test High Energy Asset (ATHENA), was able to immobilise a truck from over a mile away On a recent test performed by the US Navy. The truck was hit by the a 30kw laser and was able to slice through the bonnet and melt the engine in a matter of seconds.

ATHENA incorporates a 30-kilowatt fibre laser developed by the company in Bothell, Washington and is based on the Area Defence Anti-Munitions (ADAM) laser weapon system. The laser weapon has also been proven effective in demonstrations against small airborne and sea-based targets.

Keoki Jackson, Lockheed Martin chief technology officer said: “Fibre-optic lasers are revolutionising directed energy systems. “We are investing in every component of the system – from the optics and beam control to the laser itself – to drive size, weight and power efficiencies.” Source

Do you see the abject insanity of such an approach? Yet conditioned humanity will accept such horrific death-dealing power as necessary and justified. There’s not a mention of how such technology could be used to better mankind, and never will be.

Satanic Lunacy

Just look at all the crap they’re pumping out. It’s incredible! All in the name of “national security”. DARPA, or the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, is a highly secretive branch of the Military Industrial Monster that spends billions on developing just such insanities, but that’s the only officially known black op. Cloaked in this extremely handy veil of “classified” like so many 10’s of thousands of documents and undercover operations for decades, DARPA does whatever the hell it pleases.

Like the shadow government. While the populace sleeps, feeling “protected” from one set of fictitious “bad guys” after the other.

So called “Congress” is a long dead joke in this cryptocracy anachronistically called the United States. That icon of so-called “freedom” has slipped off like a bad toupe worn by a Hitler look-alike in a wax museum. Your bullshit detector has to be changed and cleaned more often than a baby’s diaper just to keep up with the lies being spun on an hourly basis.

It’s sick out there.

All the more reason to stay detached, awake and fully conscious where freedom truly reigns.

Who Are the Warmongers?

This is an important question to ask. When you find out all of the so-called enemies have been either entirely fictional or deliberately fabricated you start to catch on. It also leaves you with the horrific spectre of a very dark shadowy influence  with way too much power and a cornucopia of bad intentions.

Nasty conclusion, but a true one.

The Defense Department, once more openly called the War Department, is the tip of the iceberg. War is a money maker, as well as a release valve for sick psychopaths, a chance to rearrange the world, take over vital natural resources, reward the gofers with new despotic positions of power, and last but not least enjoy a massive occult, sacrificial ritual to energetically empower those engaged in the dark sorcery of subduing our planet and its native races.

I bring that up because the source is all important.

If anyone can stand back and see how massive this assumptive manipulated world view is, they will deduce there is more than just wicked, evil and power crazed money grubbers at work here. We’re hitting new dimensions. This strain of coordinated, frighteningly similar tactics takes on the appearance of a science fiction alien movie.

Why? Because it is.

They Play Us at Every Level

We’re not dealing with conspiracy theory, but conspiracy fact. And as David Icke has wisely said, that doesn’t make every conspiracy theory right either.

Not at all. Especially the ones the PTBs spin as fact. Those are the biggest doozies. But not one enlightened being I’ve ever known just swallows anything that comes along. Those in that frame of mind are usually trying to be a “success” in the alternative or new age world and look for things to confirm that, as Clif High has so astutely pointed out.

Watch out for belief systems or ethereal cereal you can’t quite grasp that leads you down the primrose path to nowhere. Because that’s exactly where you’ll end up…giving your sovereign sense of judgement and hence your consciousness away.

We’re dealing with manipulative overlords here. What populace would ever want to send its sons and daughters to die in a far off country? What human being in their right mind would want to fight against another human to the death for some abstract cause of its rulers?

If your life is directly threatened up close and personal, that would make sense. But with these huge engineered wars and decades long escapades into far away lands with so little information except churned out propaganda, it just doesn’t add up and never has.And how do they start and get their impetus going? An event…a galvanizing event. Pearl Harbor, a “new Pearl Harbor” – 9/11 –  and a plethora of other examples. These wars are produced, directed and funded by this self-appointed ruling authority that humanity willingly acquiesces to. But it is so essentially other-worldly in relation to true human nature there has got to be an outside source for this maniacal, highly sophisticated and manipulated passion for war and anything warlike.Granted, it may appeal to a reptilian side of human nature, but this preoccupation to the detriment of our very race goes way beyond that.

What Are They Fighting?

There are many thoughts in this area. Some say it’s an evil, bloodthirsty way of life and method of self empowerment for a parasitic race converting humans into co-conspirators. Others say the earth is being set up as yet another base for an invading species to attack and overcome other planets and solar systems similar to ours, sort of the galactic federation model.

I don’t know. But it’s weird, way weird, and deserves our stepping back to see the absolute insanity of it and pursue its source. At the very least it’s a call to disconnect from it and remove our imprimatur of approval by our silence and cooperation!

I do know we, the human race, are the most feared enemy they have. We have the power to throw them off if we’d be willing to wake up, unite and take action together, the most important of which is full on awakening which helps bring on the vibrational change they cannot handle. But their awareness of this threat is the the reason for their stringent efforts to dumb us down via tainted food, water and air; a mind and spirit numbing propaganda barrage via education and media outlets, and the deprivation of Truth causing a massive worldwide spiritual asphyxiation.

The following is a perfect summary of this issue and why they are afraid of us:


Any way you look at it it’s off the charts weird on this here earth, and getting worse. The escalating knowledge and scientific breakthroughs are not empowering as they should be, but instead are frightening in the hands of such monstrous entities tooling with the weakest of our race…the greedy sell outs who will do anything for power and money and thus do the bidding of these shadow, ill intentioned powers.

An easy bunch to convince they’re doing the right thing, even by eliminating 90% of the earth’s population as long as they survive and get rewarded with a position of power. Talk about phony belief systems!

Boy are they in for a surprise!!

You really think such evil entities would keep their “word” about anything?

How ironic.

Let the underground base reptilian barbecues begin!

Just wondering, as always….

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

A Time of Revelation

A Time of Revelation

by Zen Gardner
Mar 2, 2015


I don’t know about you but the schism between truth and lies seems to be widening pretty drastically lately with a lot of confusion and disorientation sewn into the mix.

Just recently I’ve seen friends facing personal upheavals, con jobs, personal attacks from very strange quarters, new and very revealing understandings of personal perspectives and relationships, and just about everything, for myself as well.

It’s like we’re viewing the perceived world as being fractured into shards of broken off new perspectives to be grasped and understood, making the big picture that much more lucid.

If we connect the dots.

I’ve said for a long time the split between the willing awakeners and the willful asleep would widen and we’d see more and more psychotic behavior on the part of the truth resistant. The revelation of what’s really going on within these vectors of society, as well as in the so called Truth movement, are something to look out for and be consciously aware of.

Apocalypse Now

Apocalypse means the unveiling, the revealing, hence the term revelation. Quite a far cry from the end of the world, it’s just an end of a very limited understanding and the opening of another.

As the world becomes more and more aware of what is really driving society, via enlightened thought, archeological and scientific or otherwise discoveries of profound truths about our realm and where we came from, our dimensional reality, the real history of our planet etc., things take on whole new dimensions even for mainstream thinkers.

Settled science is famous for concealing not just information, but its implications. That’s really the world we’re up against. “Mustn’t make any rash decisions or paradigm shifts. We’re still processing this data”….yada yada.

We’re in for a fun and wild ride. Things are going to be revealed that are going to peel eyeballs back. Then observers are going to have to deal with the cognitive dissonance as mainstain purveyors make mush out of what could be empowering truth which the unaware will have to swallow. As the information field shifts and steps up its vibrational intensity we’re going to be seeing some real doozies and these seeming controllers won’t be able to keep their tracks covered.

Meanwhile we’re experiencing what we’re experiencing, faster than any mainstream or even alternative narrative can keep up with.

There’s so much being released as this fractured shift and partition of the old paradigm takes place it will be mind boggling. But a great ride to take nonetheless…if you’re conscious, awake and aware…and on the offensive.

The Moral of the Story?

Don’t let it throw you, but pay attention to all of this. It might be seeping up through some personal issues you might have but let it bubble up and see it for what it is. Maybe dreams are surfacing to your consciousness, or old relationships or new situations are under scrutiny. Just pay attention.

Truth invites inspection. Never be afraid.

We are being empowered by the mightiest force in the Universe. The Universe itself. We can steer through this madness with calmness of heart and soul and a determined mind, or let it disturb us and send us into lower level thinking and vibration.

The choice is ours.

Don’t let anything throw you. Examine everything carefully in conscious awareness, and never fear your conclusions, or path along the way.

Trusting our awakened hearts is imperative.

Steady on your way.

Much love always, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Inevitable Awakening

by Zen Gardner
Feb 28, 2015


The waking up process is a very personal experience. Once we become aware of the existence of a fabricated world we thought to be real and that our true nature is anything but what we’ve been told, there’s no turning back.

It may appear to be a lonely path, but we are by no means alone in this awakening. It is happening in all walks of life. Whether a banker or corporate employee wakes up to the scam being perpetrated on humanity and pulls out of the matrix, or a normal taxpaying worker realizes they’re contributing to a military industrial machine hell bent on war, control and world domination, we’re all the same.

And those are just surface issues compared to the deliberate socially engineered suppression of man’s innate spiritual nature, whether we call it social liberty or the freedom to create and manifest as we truly are.

Triggers for Awakening

There are many such triggers that wake people up. When a child dies from a supposedly preventative vaccine, or becomes autistic for no reason, things change. Once someone realizes, for example, how the world was scammed on 9/11 and that the powers that be are willing to perpetrate such atrocities to promote their agenda, the digging begins in sincerity. When we realize we’re at the complete mercy of parasitic central bankers more than willing to not only implode the world’s economy, but finance both sides of any conflict for personal gain and control and that our governments are complicit in this scheme, we start to grasp the enormity of what befalls us.

In addition, that we have rapidly devolved into an advanced militarized surveillance police state is driving many to ask some hard questions – and the answers can be startling and difficult to swallow, especially when you realize they have cut off all avenues of recourse.

Another major issue is that it’s more evident by the day that our very health is under attack, again by complicit government and multinational corporations pushing GMOs, adulterated food, vaccines, pharmaceuticals, atmospheric aerosols and the like, all of which have been proven to be extremely hazardous to humanity. Yet they push harder by the day, mandating program after destructive program. Meanwhile, natural and organic farming and foods, as well as supplements, are under intense attack by these very same perpetrators.

The truth about these issues and many, many more including massive planet harming programs such as fracking, electrosmog, and the geoengineering assault on humanity are driving a major perceptual paradigm shift amongst all walks of life as we delve more deeply into who is doing all this and why.

There Is No “They” – Oh Really?

This is often the final breakthrough point for many people. As the true picture starts to crystallize, the horrific realization that the “powers that be” are fundamentally a clandestine cabal with front men comes into focus. These are powerful minions, more interested in total control and weakening and subjugating humanity via health degradation, dumbed down education, mindless “bread and circus” government controlled media, depraved violence and sex oriented entertainment, and a draconian militarized police crackdown. The ugly truth then comes to the fore.

It can be staggering. If you take just 9/11 and other false flag events and realize they were staged to bring about this Orwellian police state where the citizens are now terror suspects, it can be very difficult to swallow.

A quick perusal of history soon follows, where people realize these same false flag/false enemy tactics were used to justify almost every war, leading to such totalitarian states as Stalinist Russia, Communist China and Nazi Germany, each of which descended into horrific pogroms, decimating their own populations of anyone potentially daring to question the new regime.

It’s not all black and white. There are of course good people working for bad people, powers and programs, wittingly and unwittingly. Many are trying to change and improve our existing structure. Many good people are performing wonderful services within this overarching societal program thinking it can be changed constructively. What we’re addressing are the overarching deceitful and destructive powers and mechanisms at play that are attempting to bring humanity into a weakened subservient role to some sort of worldwide fascist control state, eliminating personal and national sovereignty to support and obey a very few powerful self-appointed elites.

And it’s coming on fast. The recent FCC takeover of the internet being a prime example of the internal version, while wanton wars proliferate unchecked while the economic and survival conditions of regular people continues to tank.

This becomes evident as anyone pursues almost any avenue we’re discussing here. To realize this massive program is being orchestrated by some form of “they” soon becomes obvious. The reality of the conspiracy that JFK so eloquently pointed out before he was surgically removed from office via assassination hits squarely home. Please listen to his entire speech.

We Have to Find Ourselves
An essential element to a true awakening is investigating and learning for ourselves. One of the main control mechanisms has been teaching humanity to only trust what they’ve been told by these same agendized so-called authorities. How many times have you heard, “If 9/11 was an ‘inside job’, surely it would have been on CNN. If something was really wrong surely someone would have said something.”Well, a lot of people have and continue to speak out. And what’s the response? Anything contrary to the official narrative is “outlandish conspiracy theories” as they parrot the phrase “you’re either with us or with the terrorists, which results in the subsequent demonization and marginalization of any form of questioning or healthy criticism.

Waking up from that media and education entrancement is another shocker. Could they do such a thing? Could we really be facing such a totalitarian crackdown? And why?When I was young there were over 60 media companies vying for audiences. Real investigative reporting, although it’s always been tampered with or suppressed, was still available. Today 6 mega corporations own all of the media. The very same corporations that own much of the corporate military industrial and agra-pharmaceutical infrastructure. Conspiracy is not a stretch – of course these power brokers would twist information to suit their intentions.The word conspiracy has been stigmatized for a reason – don’t ask questions or there will be consequences.

All of this will take some serious researching, most likely in places people have never dared to look before. And this is good. Don’t let anyone tell you what the truth is, find out for yourself and be convinced in your own mind and heart. That’s a new phenomenon for most, as odd as that may seem, but stepping outside the propaganda mainstream is a must. And it is oh so refreshing.

The Shock Does Wear Off – And Don’t Worry, We’re in this Together

There are so many interconnected “rabbit holes” of similarly repressed, twisted or hidden areas of information that it can be staggering. Once we realize we’ve been lied to about any one of these serious issues, we begin to question everything. And that is extremely healthy. You may not find support for your new found perspective from those around you, but there are millions who are sharing your experience. Thanks to the internet you can find others undergoing the same transformation quite readily and derive a lot of encouragement and support.

Battling through the naysaying of close friends and loved ones seems to act like a chrysalis, much like the cocoon a metamorphosing butterfly has to struggle to escape. And as we know, that is exactly what drives the blood into the wings of the birthing creation that will soon bear the beautiful new awakened soul to glorious new heights and vistas.
One thing that won’t wear off is your absolute disdain for what is being perpetrated on our fellow humans. As the expression goes, “If you’re not angry, you’re not paying attention.” If you knew your home was under attack and malevolent forces were coming for you and your children, you would do anything in your power to protect your family. That soon becomes an innate awareness regarding the current toxic social and physical world we’re experiencing and the need for a conscious response.

Awakening Your Spirituality

This goes hand in hand with anyone experiencing this consciousness shift. If things here are so massively manipulated, what lies beyond all of this? What are we being kept from? Why do I sense I am so much more? Where does God or Love or human kindness come in? And for so many with some form of religious or spiritual background or understanding, the question always arises, “Is this some form of spiritual warfare?”

These are very important questions to pursue. There must be meaning in all of this. “Certainly all of humanity is not as wicked as these psychopathic control freaks.” Yes, that’s true. Unfortunately, the aggressor often rules the day in this hierarchy of control our world has adopted for millennia. History bears this out.

The beauty of gaining a new spiritual perspective is that it puts these influences in their place. We discover new ways to perceive our true indomitable nature which gives tremendous peace and confidence in spite of what we’re currently faced with. This sense of profound conscious awareness and spirituality only grows as our pursuit for truth, in love, gains momentum.

Awake, But Never Alone

A sense of isolation following the initial awakening is natural. It’s foreign to everything we’ve been taught, with implications that can be mind-boggling as well as heart breaking. However, we are very much connected and sharing a profound common experience. Knowing we are not alone is very important to keep in mind.

Building community also becomes a priority, where we can contribute to the healing of the planet at every level possible. Whether it’s activist or spiritual associations this is very important. It may only be on-line at first, that’s fine. Find kindred spirits and empowering and informative websites and blogs and even attend meet up events in your area on some of these subjects of concern.

This awakening of consciousness is transpiring at an accelerating pace, and it’s something to be very encouraged about. Once you get past the shock of what you’ve “found out” it becomes easier, but it will drastically alter your life.

Enjoy it, be empowered and take action accordingly. Trust your heart.

The darkness cannot put out the Light no matter how hard they try.

Please share this freely with those embarking on this magnificent journey.

Much love,

The Matrix Program is Crashing

The Matrix Program is Crashing

by Zen Gardner
February 2015


The Matrix program is crashing. It is outdated programming and its  engineers can’t keep up. The vibrational changes are exceeding their capabilities. You know how your phone or computer’s software goes out of date, and new programs can’t operate? It’s the same thing. The imitators of creation can’t maintain a current operating system any longer in the face of this Universal shift. And it’s driving them nuts.

Just look at the desperation we’re witnessing. Crude military and police state maneuvers are only one aspect. The biggest clue is seeing the previously incremental and now hyperbolic use of monstrous lies that are becoming so unbelievably transparent to just about anyone. Agreed, there are the entranced apathetics who swallow anything, but we’re witnessing a meltdown before our eyes.

If you can’t see it, look again.

You Want Proof?

First of all you’re in the wrong mindset if you’re looking only for data or left brained evidence, although it’s out there for those who can see. When we come to understand the vibrational workings of our holographic reality everything takes on new dimensions and opens us up to understanding these more esoteric notions.

Those with hearts that can see feel this. I say hearts because much of what we need to grasp or at least track is intuitive. Taking all of the information and dot connecting and personal spiritual experience together paints very clear pictures, we just need to trust what we’re seeing and learning. When we explore these realities we’re sensing, we start to notice how they’re manifesting.

Forbidding free speech, shooting civilians with no cause, obvious mega bullshit in the news, wars with no possible end, deliberate poisoning, starvation and dumbing down of populations? I mean, c’mon.

But it’s kind of a conscious or spiritual symbiosis we’re experiencing. They all work together. But ignoring the spiritual and metaphysical as “evidence” in conjunction with such obvious manifestations is why this world has devolved to its current state. Previous enlightened civilizations and earth connected tribes took this to heart. Our current imposed paradigm does nothing of the sort.

The Computer Analogy

It’s just like expired or outdated software. Their programs can’t keep up with the changes the cosmos is bringing to our planet and race. That’s exactly it. While they’ve literally gotten away with murder for millennia and are working furiously to enforce their “programs” at so many levels, the time’s up. Sorry Charlie, but you’ve been superceded, or should I say “super seeded”. The new upgraded paradigm is taking over fellas. It’s just a matter of time before your whole wicked system crashes.

The shift is moving through their lower level grip and on into massive empowerment and transcension beyond the net they’ve laid for humanity.

It’s got to be frustrating the hell out of these creeps. Imagine, the very thing you’re trying to encase in every way possible keeps morphing before your eyes. They can throw up matrix program after program but their perceived petri dish subjects just keep finding ways to survive and grow. What irony the Universe has.

Hence the Transhuman Agenda – Things They Think They Can Control

Humanity is getting out of hand, in their eyes. All the while we’re being empowered – by our own awakening and resultant commitment to truth, but also by a fundamental vibrational shift we’re undergoing. No savior, no galactic battlestars. It’s us, and an organic consciousness evolution at the deepest level with a living, expanding and enveloping Universe.

Awakening with Creation Itself.

Anyone who’s woken up to almost any degree understands everything is interconnected. Even “modern” physics is arriving at this reality, all while mainstream thinking ignores the profound ramifications. That we’re all interconnected not just as a race, but with the earth and the cosmos in such a fundamental way is a game changer. While this has been known for eons, our current control model cannot even begin to acknowledge this fact. To these oligarchs and self-appointed maniacal masterminds, no matter what powers they’re summoning, that truth is something apparently well beyond their debased comprehension.

It’s out of their league.

Sure, they have their satanic rituals and tap into other dimensional entities, but it’s child’s play compared to the True picture of our all Powerful Creative Universe. That they live in rebellion against this Force is a known reality for millennia, and even alluded to by spiritual traditions and native shamanic teachings alike for ages. Bringing this understanding “down to earth” is another story.

This is why the transhumanism agenda is so important to them. This merging of man with machine has been in the works for a long time. Clipping the link with our humanity by short circuiting the human creation is an obvious next step for these would-be controllers. Agreed, they’ve made it a fad and carefully groomed acceptance of such a trend, but it’s going to fritz and die in the junkyard of temporal existence. It can’t stand, never mind last, in such a creative force field.

Time will bear this out, as has happened to previous off-course civilizations.

Is This For Real?

It’s up to us. We have everything going for us. But our will and actions need to be aligned with this transition. We can ignore it or respond. The sanctity of our free will cannot be violated. Either we get paddling and ride the wave or it crashes on us and perhaps dissipates on the shores of time for lack of recognition or response. And the whole cycle may need to be repeated. Not a nice destiny.

I don’t know.

I know I’m not coming back. I’m done with this insanity and am doing my damnedest to change things this time around. If we all did it won’t get repeated, but time will tell. Not many seem to be willing to respond, even though their lives and their children and grandchildren’s lives are at stake. Talk about self imposed defeat and debilitation.

Either way, the matrix will collapse. But the true civilization of love, peace, harmony and abundance awaits manifesting.

Is it time?

I think so. It is for me.

How about you?

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Stormy Weather on High Cosmic Seas

Stormy Weather on High Cosmic Seas

I don’t even need to ask who’s feeling this. We’re all experiencing turbulent vibrational times right now. It’s a very real challenge. Whatever the source, we’re going through a kind of vortex of change and disturbance that needs to be acknowledged and addressed.I don’t know the so-called “reason” for it, but it’s there. This is confirmed by good friends and a variety of sources, but with even a cursory look at the world around us, we’re passing through some serious stuff. And it can be quite disconcerting.

I’ve said many times this was coming in previous articles, but as always, when it hits it’s another story. We can observe something inside the “washing machine” with a safe distance between the event and ourselves, but when we’re actually in it personally – man o’ man.

Symptoms and Possible Contributors

The affects in times like this include scrambled sleep cycles, a sense of tension and difficulty in concentrating, low energy and health challenges, emotional turmoil, and even degrees of confusion in our thinking processes. It really helps to look outside for influences so that we don’t lose perspective on the event we’re part of or get lost in futile introspection.

Astrologically speaking, we’re in a very powerful vortex. Currently the mercury retrograde is having its usually somewhat disempowering effect. It’s said to always be a good time to back away from major decisions in our lives when this is happening.

More substantially is a major influence called the Pluto-Uranus square, an infrequent alignment that has drastic implications on social and personal situations. This was brought to my attention by a dear friend Kit Walker who has been deeply immersed in astrology for much of his life and follows these trends passionately. Apparently this same squaring happened in the ’60’s and contributed to the rise of the cultural and spiritual revolution at the time, and is about to happen again once the direct squaring passes.

Which happily is soon! Beginning March and April this year, it portends an uprising of convergence of social activism and increased awareness which will give tremendously greater impetus for spreading this awakening amongst a much larger swathe of humanity and help dismantle the ruling oligarchy.

Happy thought? I thought so too.

Surreal Signs and Screwing with Humanity

I don’t know about you, but just observing the daily news and events is enough to make your head spin. The obvious lies, reversals, omissions and outright blather, negativity and fear we’re being bombarded with is surreal. That so few can stand back and take notice of this charade is another mind-blowing factor.

It’s increasingly hard to even peruse the headlines as it’s so shockingly bad. But remember, that’s the intention – “shock and awe” at their sorcery and draconian power plays.

For many of us, that anyone can even begin to fall for the mainstain portrayal and explanation of anything is hard to believe. But to so many this is their way of life, as incredible as that may seem. How they’ll snap out of the hypnotic trance is a question we all ask ourselves.

Again, remember that detachment is the key to keeping a well balanced and conscious outlook.

What’s Going on in the Etheric Realm?

Good question. There are a lot of explanations being posited. Spiritual and inter-dimensional attacks, electromagnetic influences, chemical, radioactive and genetic degradation, mind control programs and on and on. Personally I take them all seriously and put them into the mix. It’s out there to be investigated.

The point being, a very serious affront, or bombardment if you will, is now accosting our planet and spiritual sphere. That’s what we’re feeling and is twisting and turning so many and causing this sense of disassociation. We can’t lose our conscious footing due to “circumstances” and outside influences.

This may seem like ethereal cereal to some but those who are experiencing what I’m talking about understand.

Know you’re not alone, first and foremost. This is hitting all of us. But it can be weathered with full empowerment. Those on the cutting edge of understanding and consciousness already know this, as it’s not a new routine. We’ve faced these onslaughts many times over, and much of it continually.

My intention here is to bring clarity and a general sense of common awareness. In unity we are strong, and as we share these common influences in open communication we’re able to better understand and ward off these affronts.

Much love, and power to the True People,



Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

All the World’s a Cult


It’s funny how people get all self righteous about not being religious or belonging to some group. Naturally most people attempt to be careful about what they align themselves with, but do we really see what all of society is made up of and what we’ve each unwittingly participated in to varying degrees?

Religions don’t have a corner on the market. Perhaps all of us have been cult-ivated in some way.

Cult-ure is called just that for a reason. It’s pretty blatant nomenclature. Merriam-Webster defines culture as the following:

: the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or time

: a particular society that has its own beliefs, ways of life, art, etc.

: a way of thinking, behaving, or working that exists in a place or organization (such as a business)

That just about includes every societal behavior or activity. So-called cults, the word derived from the Latin colere meaning to cultivate, are mere start-ups of new and old ideas of group conformity for some objective. In the 60’s these were everywhere as groups and individuals attempted to harvest the spiritual awakening and longings of an entire generation looking for alternatives to the mad military industrial complex-bound world around them. Some were labeled cults by the orthodox minded, but these included a wide range of groups, organizations, alternative learning centers, spiritual fellowships, institutes, break away churches or other so-called “new religious movements” as they preferred to be called.

And the followers were enthusiastic, the word enthusiastic derived from “spirit, or god within us”. Just about any alternative was deemed good, or at least an effort to break free from the system, so there was a lot of experimentation going on. Some of those groups still exist today. Many have been absorbed by the New Age amoeba and yet others grew into powerful organizations. Mind control experimentation was rife at this time as well as the deliberate introduction of mind altering drugs and manipulated music in an effort to scramble society, diffuse dissent, and make it malleable for further indoctrination.

Little did we know. But now we do.

Cults and More Cults

When you finally become awakened and grow detached from this massive matrix ensnaring the world you begin to realize it’s all cults.They’ve simply externalized the idea so we don’t recognize the cults we’re already in. Cult of the personality for example, where sycophantic adoration towards an individual takes place. There are the obvious cases as in showbiz and the media and charismatic religious or social leaders, but this is much more prevalent than people would like to realize. It could be anyone in our lives we’re overly enamored with to the point we relinquish our rational thought and even worse, our autonomy and individualism, to the charismatic or domineering authority of another, resulting in great devotion to whatever the object.

These are all forms of disempowerment or containment, the symptoms to look out for. I’ve written about religion and belief systems quite a bit in this regard, but few realize how social and spiritual pressures are brought to bear via many seemingly innocuous relationships, especially with groups and even loose associations.

Think about school and all the pressures we felt to conform and survive in that packaging facility. That’s a cult, a carefully structured one with a very clear purpose – entrainment and uniformity. How about clubs, fraternities and sororities, or the whole sports scene. The even more obvious examples are business organizations and “work” relationships. Then there are the guys at the bar, or the ladies’ coffee cliques. Speaking of cliques, remember those from your school days? They still exist not only in school environments but in adult social circles.

Then you get to the source – the oc-cult cultivators. They are the ones that set the imprint. They are all avid adherents to cult control of the very worst and most insidious sort. They may seem to act autonomously or as having authority, but they aren’t and they don’t. They’re under heavier control than any of us could imagine. It’s a blood agreement and they’ve sold their souls to move up the pyramid of control, both in this world and other realms. This is a big subject covered extensively in many books as well as other articles by myself and other researchers.

Cultivating Culture – The Open Hidden Hand

The media, corporations and government have a field day playing on this weakness for group think and the need for acceptance, to the extent they’ve created a society that’s complete mush, with the intent that big corp and the nanny state can be the lead dogs in everyone’s life. When you think about how many people are glued to the boob-toob today it’s easy to understand why the masses behave as they do, dress as they do, and eat and drug themselves as they do.

It’s learned. And there is a lot of direct as well as implied pressure to fit in, or else you’ll be mocked, marginalized and excluded, to the extent that any seemingly “anti-social” behavior is now considered suspicious and to be reported, the fear of terrorism coursing through their programmed neurons like molten nano metal.

Most of us are aware of these traps and devices, but the vast majority have no idea. They’re swayed like sickened seaweed in an artificially rippled pond of liquified sewage.

Detachment – The Only Way to Live Fully Free

This may sound like some vague concept but it really isn’t. If you’re not invested in their sticky entrapping webbery you can live outside of it. Sure, we all have to interact with this engineered madness but we don’t have to give it our energy and obeisance. But it will take some sacrifices.

Each of us have to deal with our own entanglements. Financial interactions with the beast, social obligations we think we have to submit to or endure, or employment entrapments we’d rather have nothing to do with.

Do what you can, but get free, in mind, body and spirit, even if you’re still in it. Some costs will not be comfortable. Old stuck in the mud friends who only bring you down and sap your energy, living or working circumstances that make you curse your situation and absently long for freedom, or how you portray yourself on a daily basis.

This is perhaps the most important. Are we being who we truly are? Do we respond honestly, or has the cult-ure of our micro environment, usually hinged on the macro, force us to compromise our convictions and water down what we know to be true, honest and loving? Do you like yourself when you’re forced into artificial social situations and to compromise for the sake of momentary convenience? We all face these situations.

These are questions we all ask ourselves, consciously and definitely subconsciously.

They need answers. And appropriate action, or inaction, needs to be taken.

The hour is late. It always is when it comes to snapping out of the matrix of deceit. Otherwise it will kill you – spiritually and physically.

Something to think about. Time to bust out of the cult of everything. It’s not the real world, it’s fabricated, and often with our permission and subservient compliance.

Stop empowering it. Break out and change the world by being your authentic self. Wisely and lovingly, and with centered conviction. This is the stand we each need to make.

The rest will follow.

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Mimic of the Lost Intelligent Design

The Mimic of the Lost Intelligent Design

by Zen Gardner
February 4, 2015


The mindset of the assumed “elite” who are behind the scenes masterminding our current matrix is bastardized truths derived from long lost natural, clear and obvious understandings that once dominated and ruled our planet and its civilizations long, long ago.

We are currently in the dark ages of human thinking and evolution. And that to a massive degree. Societal patterns and standards, including rituals, sigils and commonly held belief systems are merely dark manipulative shadows of once thriving day to day realities and long since passed advanced intelligent culture. It was on the surface much like ours, yet fully intelligent, awake and loving, while completely down to earth. No hocus-pocus or manipulation was intended or needed; their connection to real intelligence and simple conscious spirituality was profound and fully well intentioned.

Imagine a simple, non intrusive organizational structure by a semi-remote yet present benign, lovingly motivated group of kind and conscious beings. All of it co-created by them with the understanding the same was true of the rest of humanity, and maintained via passed down guidelines and empowering knowledge designed to help individuals and communities thrive, and happily accomplish their designed mission. Happily and fully conscious.

Now visualize go-betweens, representatives who took messages from the enlightened ones who were behind the central wisdom hub, loving and sincere and caring individuals yet loyal to the core enlightened intelligence. Not gods, but loving and caring enlightened representatives who once mingled but periodically retreated to a place of conservancy to protect and preserve the inner knowledge.

It was a very down to earth lifestyle way back then, but profoundly interesting. Today these simple mechanisms for things as simple as getting water or simple, practical architectural structures were eventually hijacked. They eventually became occult forms and symbols of power and worship, later generations not even knowing they stood for the simplest of things while the hijackers know full well they were archetypes playing on our minds.

So Very Easy to Hijack

Over very, very long periods of time, as civilizations drifted further from the simplest original way of life, these precepts were twisted and perverted. Time and the temptation to counterfeit, just as any structure goes through as beings drift from the truth into controlling religious organizations, governing bodies, etc.,  perverted the original template. In fact, we are currently stone age compared to this simple, connected and benevolent form of intelligent organization our planet once experienced.

This is what we are remembering.

The intelligence was so natural and nothing at all “super natural”, it has only been made to appear that way since so much is no longer part of common knowledge. No doubt the spiritual was interwoven in such a way as to make it part of basic, natural life, while in today’s dysfunctional world under control by the current dark dictatorship of lies, these ideas have been fractured into separate parts of life. This dichotomy is one of the basic tenets of control, as manifested in the many black or white memes our current understanding is herded into. The freemasons are famous for using this separation, but ultimately anything anti-conscious does the same, causing separation at every possible level.

How We Get Back – Remembering and Clearing the Fog

Unfortunately in our current way of life there is this passed on active and passive aggressive structure, mimicking these very early societies. The problem is the influence and power is in the wrong hands. But the reason we are yoked with it is that this older system of civilization is deeply imprinted in our very nature, to follow these ancient ways, and they’re playing on this embedded memory in our collective subconscious which is why humanity resonates with much of the current program.

Therefore what we are witnessing is ultimately a very clever imitation of a wonderful previous reality, but is really just an entropic progression used against a degraded race of hijacked beings following orders from a hijacking race, using compliant humans as tools to execute it.

It’s easy to see how such a basic and fundamental structure could be perverted, especially over long epochs of time. Once the structure or control was weakened, parasitic mimicking fraudulent “ancestors” would wrest this imprint away from benign and benevolent leadership into abusive, self serving means. Power corrupts the weak and self serving inclined, especially when such forces see how easy it is to enact upon a trusting, already entrained population.

This era’s corrupt Illuminati are famously mental and intellectual and consider themselves the awake ones, and it’s easy to see why. Not only are they ruthless in their intent, they’ve been emboldened by usurping these powerful ancient paradigms of which they are aware, and they know what they’re doing. Hence the strong symbolism and references to this ancient past in their occult symbology and secret society nomenclature. All based on the sequestered truth about the power of the original, natural and humane pattern.

Interesting? A type of garden of eden in our way distant past that’s been hijacked. As Jung would say, a very powerful archetype or set of archetypes, and something to play upon, says the invader.

But we’re waking up from our long slumber.

Behind the Scenes and Go-betweens

These emissaries – appointed, trusted representatives who were sent to be among the people while the core team kept the purity of the basic intelligent lifestyle – were integral to the lifeblood of the civilization. It appears in history even the inner core was walking amongst humanity at one point but eventually took a back seat, and eventually passed away, and those who knew them and were among them took their place. Yet this same benign somewhat hierarchical structure remained, but it also morphed over time and was corrupted and lost track of the original purpose.

This is how power overruled love and common sense. Fear of losing control, which is passed on into laws, regulations, containment devices etc. is now clearly evident. We all know in our hearts this doesn’t have to be the case. This is past epochs and consciousness speaking to us.

Those on the inside really do think they know best, and in the case of the ancient benign control structure they did. It’s how it was in the beginning and is something innate to natural law, similar to how a crystal grows or plants and animals develop from a true source and designed pattern. This is why we see this imprinted over and over, not just in nature, but in man’s organizations, companies and eventually government, howbeit perverted. It’s been a form of natural law for eons I suspect, but it’s degraded and lost track of its true roots. Losing touch with the original inspiration and plan it now remains an empty shell, the controllers themselves also mindlessly worshipping these ancient symbols from a once very simple open and intelligent way of life.

Oh the irony.

The core was meant to maintain the purity and message and simplicity of intelligence. Instead it morphed over time and became a power base for future usurpers. It’s no wonder then that they think they know better, when in their world view and usurpation of this organizational foundation they seemingly do. They are not religious, they only pretend to be. They know that’s a bunch of hooey, although they are ritualistic, but it works on a superstitious and now easily bamboozled populace. All based on ignorance and someone “smarter” pulling the ropes and levers.

Letting true intelligence rule our lives we can have that individual realignment with the natural as well as the “super” natural on our own. We don’t need anyone to tell us what to do, but we do need to clear away the cobwebs and false training and reactive living to see it. Otherwise we remain in that darkened state.

And at this point it’s become almost a state of emergency to do so. When you catch on that urgency will hit you big time.

Conclusion – Taking It Back

Obviously we don’t want to fall into any of their traps of control and manipulation, seeing clearly it is not for humanity’s benefit but rather to maintain it’s lower level status, at least at this dark point in history. One of the biggest traps is anger, which is akin to fear, and a very low level response that only plays into this imposed condition. If we are to walk and talk as enlightened, intelligent humans it means a life change and disengaging from the many mechanisms at play, which appear to be at one of the lowest levels in our human evolution.

Sadly, even from the sparse records still available, it appears great clashes in civilization eventually arise, often at a huge cost to the current inhabitants.

Unfortunately we are way down the road at this point. While there is an unprecedented awakening taking place, perhaps laying the groundwork for a world to come arising within each of us, these usurpers have succeeded in amassing huge arsenals of destruction born out of their perverted cravings for power and control. These are playing out before our eyes in all that we are currently witnessing on the world stage. Many of us are tracking this slow motion train wreck in the making which contributes greatly to the awakening of humanity’s innate true intelligence, but stopping or derailing this train they have forced humanity on to is not going to be an easy task, and some sort of culmination or cataclysm may just have to take place as they self destruct.

We have seen it in many recent civilizations, but our real clues come from antiquity such as the Vedas where great clashes apparently took place in the heavens as vying powers had it out for control. Even further back we hear that this was the fate of Atlantis and Lumeria who destroyed each other at the pinnacle of so-called advanced civilization.

Who knows how many times this has been played out on our planet, never mind the millions of others in our galaxies or the billions if not infinite number of such massive star and planet clusters in the entire universe? One can only imagine they haven’t all had this type of parasitic invasion such as earth experiences. Perhaps earth really is a particularly valuable blue gem compared to other worlds available for habitation. It’s thought we co-habit this planet with many other races, which we call “alien” when those races in fact call us the aliens, or “engineered species” created by advanced civilizations that arrived here long, long ago.

We don’t know for sure, but we are finding our identity and innate connectivity to everything. If artificial intelligence can be produced, how much more can we “revive” our own wonderful intelligence and so magnificently transcend and overcome these deviant, however powerful, warring entities!

That’s a happy thought, and one I think is very real.

How else could we even conceive this? That’s something in itself to wonder about.

Be empowered – and remember who you are. It’s coming back to us all.

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Silence and the Storm

The Silence and the Storm

by Zen Gardner
January 22, 2015

We’re being jerked around something fierce but most don’t even recognize it. The abrupt up and down news cycle changes are really doing a number on humanity. There’s this periodic deadness of spirit in the world at large coupled with this sugary news of fake social and political improvements, and then they slam us with another off the wall staged event.

The powers that be seem to regularly recoil for more madness to unleash while assuaging their docile populace. The on/off rhythm of this social programming is designed to callous, inoculate, dumb down and condition so it’s really no surprise if you’ve been watching with open eyes. They keep periodically both lulling us to sleep then hitting us with manufactured issues and weird events to keep us on our heels while we dance the defensive two-step to their music. Such perfidy.

It is upsetting. It can’t help but be.

The dearth of good news while false promises and doublespeak pervade during a blatant societal clampdown is enough to drive anyone to distraction. Which it does. Hence the emphasis on sports, fashion, entrancing Hollywand glitz and the like. What’s become the filler now, ironically enough, is global issues that are nothing but programmed diatribe to keep the war and police state narrative going. “Ho hum. Enemies everywhere, shut everything the hell down. We’re under attack blah blah. It’s all to insure our security and we’re safe here. Yay Amerika. Now pass the deep fried bullshit and shut up, the game’s on.”

The Lull During the Cull

This perceived lull is intuitive to the awake. We know much bigger events await us as they need massive triggers to push their agenda. I was thinking this morning about the upcoming Superbowl and the fact that it’s on the 33rd parallel and the Phoenix symbolism as I wrote about before in Phoenix False Flag Nuke on the Table?

Not a pleasant thought and I don’t like to put it out there as far as intention goes, but we need to be aware.

Whether it’s there or somewhere else, the PTBs have been rattling their sabres over an attack on American soil for years, and have been stepping it up vigorously since this engineered ISIS uprising. It’s the same old ploy, create the “enemy” then use what “they” do to justify whatever is on the agenda. Comatose Americans will fall for it as usual and the “world” will dutifully follow suit. Whatever the event or events, they always rattle political and societal bones far and wide to spark new clampdowns and stepped up draconian measures worldwide.

Meanwhile, the Slow Kill Proceeds

As if that isn’t dark enough, the poisoning of humanity continues. There’s enough aluminum and barium, glyphosate, GMOs, pharmaceuticals, EMFs and radiation (et al) being pumped out to stun just about any immune system and numb anyone’s brain. The reaction of the majority of such a stunted race will no doubt follow the programmed lead.

And that’s as beyond Huxley-Orwellian as you can get.

I’m clearly speaking to the informed, because we are not only aware of this madness, but are also not under their control, nor will we be. But this sits in the back of any awakened mind as things continue to deteriorate. These control mechanisms are aimed at the unknowing and unseeing, of whom there are way too many. Those that wake up, and there are more by the hour, gain control of their minds and lives. Those who don’t are blindly walking into a mass grave.

We cannot be ignorant of our current condition. It’s dire, any way you look at it. Whatever our understanding of this imposed madness, we seem destined to face serious immediate consequences and we need to be on our toes as we inform others of the reality encircling our species. Trying to identify the source of this control system is important but not essential to our survival. Dismantling whatever we can, mostly in the hearts of men, is our mission.

Sound the Alert

If my message has been anything it’s been to help people wake up and connect the dots, much like many others concerned for their fellow humans. It rends the heart to see such death and destruction rained down on our planet but this is our current reality and we can’t just bury our heads in the sand and attend the next celebration of life expo without this understanding firmly under our belts.

Yes, we can dance to the rhythm of the Universe and herald in the new dawn of consciousness, but we need to be awake and aware and not in denial or deliberately naive.

These hard realities sit before our eyes daily as they roll out their agenda. It’s not pretty and is more absurdly counter intuitive all the time, yet they play this card and seem to get away with it. After all, they control the media so that’s how it appears. But it’s not the case. More people are awakening by the day and are beginning to say “no more!” When individuals and their family’s lives are directly threatened things finally start to become clear and right action kicks into gear.

This is what they’re anticipating and why the militarized police build up is taking place. They know this is coming. After all, they designed this madness.

We Are Many, They Are Few

United action trumps all. When we coalesce into a cohesive force for a clear objective things begin to change, even if only energetically. That’s why words are so powerful. Aligning minds and spirits in a common understanding and goal is the most powerful weapon we have. Again, this is why they’re perpetrating the current stepped up clampdown on free speech, which has in typical Orwellian form been kicked off by the murder of those practicing free speech in the Paris set up.

Go figure. No, don’t. It doesn’t make any sense. That’s an essential part of their game.

That world leaders get a phone call to show up at this staged event in Paris is direct evidence of a dark cabal behind world affairs, but few would be able to recognize that. Who coordinated that? What pressures were brought to bear on these shills? Anyway, the world isn’t looking at why, they just react to what they are shown and told. A very, very sad state of affairs for humanity.

The good news is we are alive, very alive, and that drives them crazy. The elite mindset is that we are less than insects, a population of workers that don’t deserve to live except to bring them breakfast in the morning and clean their mansions. Sci-fi has made this clear for decades yet no one pays any attention. The above board eugenics movement in the first part of the last century was shut down because of its arrogant anti-human thrust, but they just went underground. They’ve been leaking out from their overflowing sewer covers ever since.

That’s what we’re up against. An anti-human force that seeks to not only rule, but transform our race and very planet.

It’s time to stand up and tell it like it is. You may be ridiculed, but there are those that will hear you. Maybe not now, but the time will soon come when the truth will sink in.

Perhaps it won’t be too late for this world after all.

I don’t know.

I do know once you’ve woken up the peace, love and truth flood in to where we know all is well where it really matters. But the responsibility to care for our fellow human beings is a big part of the territory, so it’s time to act on it.

You’ll know who is who by that trademark. Look for the sincere, sacrificial love. It’s what the family of humankind is all about.

Let’s do our part.

Love always,



Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Awakening Springs Unstoppable

The Awakening Springs Unstoppable

by Zen Gardner
December 29, 2014


People don’t realize the effects of their actions, words and decisions as they seem to take so long to take effect in the long run. That’s a manifestation of the semi-conscious mind at work. We expect quick results when so much is way deeper than surface appearances and understandings.

I’m addressing the awakening and those working to effect it. If these controllers can work their nefarious program this slowly over centuries, so must we be willing to see our desired arousal of humanity in many ways. Admittedly we need something fast and furious in light of what they’re foisting upon humanity, but it’s an organic process, much like spring reaching the roots and branches of budding nature which blossoms in the crescendo of life.

Seemingly slowly, yet all encompassing and of a synchronized and massively magnificent magnitude – a wondrous demonstration of irrepressible life!

Don’t Be Fooled

On their imposed time frame and mindset we may appear to be weak and powerless. That’s a total illusion, a lie of the baser sort designed to engender weakness and a lack of fight. We are everything. Our united stand in conscious awareness and brotherhood is exactly what they fear and are trying to dispel at every cost.

That’s why it’s time to put the pedal to the metal.

Defy them. Glory in your awareness and freedom. Be bold and brash in the face of whatever they throw at us. Our fire is what is setting their cobweb of deceit aflame and they know it…but never mind them. Our concentration needs to be on manifesting the Truth. Their mechanisms are in place to discourage initiative, any sense of freedom or autonomy, and our clear and given knowledge of personal sovereignty.

Screw them. United we stand. And march forward we will. Unrepressed. Truth cannot be stopped.

All the hocus-pocus of media entrainment has one goal – disempowerment. They cannot kill our bodies as hard as they try, they cannot suppress love and truth, and they cannot stop the tide of the awakening, despite the naysayers and critics. We are it. As sure as the tide comes and goes, as sure as the sun sets and rises, the spiraling nature of existence has put a definite period on this march to dystopia, no matter what insane conflagration might befall us as they perform their desperate death throes.

Happy Days

This might sound shallow to some but this is the case. We have a LOT to be happy about. The exposure of their cruel intent, their psychopathic maneuverings, and the brash and blatant designs of their programs are out in the open. Wide open. Those who are willing to see are clearly able to see now. It’s something to take great heart in.

Granted, it’s sad for those who refuse to look. They apparently haven’t gotten the memo yet. But many will in the days to come. You can count on that.

We need to keep our chins up and looking into the light. It takes some concentration when the news is so foreboding everyday, but do it we must. Not ignorantly or Pollyanna-ish, but with real determined wisdom and knowledge. We’re facing a change the world has never seen – a global reconstruction which these fascist controllers want to reconstruct enroute. Sorry, a new age is dawning boys.

They’re usurpers, shallow magicians of sorts, making their play for our planet that was designed for love and harmony. Out with the bastards, they’re lying thieves wanting to steal our energy and home.

It’s time to manifest our true selves, true heart, true spirit and true claim to our heritage.

Do it – and enjoy it! It’s a wonderful time to be alive!

Know you are not alone!

Love always,


The Sculptor

The Sculptor

by Zen Gardner


With a  slow, steady pace he swings and hits
With the hammer he strikes his blows
Now up, then down with a pummeling sound
As he digs for the figure enclosed

He chips and carves, then stops and stares
As he wipes his brow and sighs
Then it’s back with a whack and another piece cracks
As the monolith sheds its size

Now no one can see what the artist perceives
Or why such persistent pursuit
Of a form inside as if buried to hide
From the hammer and chisel’s repute

But the sculptor strives on in his labor of love
Though he strikes with the force of a blow
To free the form that’s entombed inside
…alas David, di Mikelangelo!


From earthen clay and rough hewn stone
Came the sages and seers we revere
Why is it then as we break and mold
We protest, or shiver in fear?

 We all come deep from the quarry of earth

And are sculpted and hewn for our tasks
With strong skilled Love only seeking the best
Bringing freedom from weights and the masks

So when the blows seem to so far exceed
What we thought we could ever bear
And can no longer stand all the pain we feel
Or rejection and depth of despair

Remember the sculpting, steady and true
Is Creation just freeing us here
Relax and receive as we learn to perceive
That the pain is illusion and fear

Remember the process, co-creation in love
As we each are such similar stones
And what’s been begun let creation complete
Though it carves ‘ere so deep to the bone

So what may seem to be punishing blows
Are a process of true love alone
That free us from shackles and encasing weights
That had us entombed within stone!


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.