Is Cosmic Music Unlocking the Matrix?

Is Cosmic Music Unlocking the Matrix?

by Zen Gardner
March 23, 2012


Music is amazing. The right combinations of vibrational sounds can open the spirit and unlock moods and emotions and stir thought and action. Discordant sounds close the heart and cause discomfort and annoyance.

This happens on the cosmic level as well. The shift in consciousness that’s taking place coincides with a vibrational change in the Universe. Like electricity or thought, it can only be seen by its effects, which come in the form of new feelings, new realizations and new perspectives which in turn bring about changed behaviors.

The Code Is Being Broken

David Icke recently talked about there being a code that’s being given to us to unlock the false reality we’re currently perceiving around us. When this goes into full effect, the whole matrix will just come down on a massive scale.

That’s a very happy thought. And I feel the same. It happens one person at a time but it’s undoubtedly happening on a huge scale.

You can also think of this code as a harmonic key. Amazing they call them “keys” in music, but that’s what they are. This cosmic change, perhaps best pictured as the sun’s current recharging cycle we’re seeing and the photon field and alignments we’re simultaneously passing through, is a harmonic vibrational combination that’s tuning us into it, and conversely, it into us.

As we resonate with that harmonic key it turns the tumblers and unlocks our doors of perception and understanding, and breaks down those layers of separateness that have been imposed on us that we’ve subconsciously reinforced in the matrix out of pure imposed ignorance.

A huge exponential spiritual awakening on a scale never even imagined!

Synchronicity Abounds

This is why so many of us are having the exact same thoughts, insights and spiritual experiences…while even continents apart. This is why you’ll see phrases of explanation or thoughts that jump out at you as your own. It’s happening far and wide and we need to learn to stay tuned to it and take full acceptance, appreciation and advantage of it.

This is also why it’s important to inspire people to develop a real trust in their intuitive senses as I’ve often harped (vibrational) upon. It’s more important and practical than people realize. Just imagine when the internet goes down and there’s no more “hearing of the ear” and “seeing of the eye” by getting confirmation from elsewhere on the things we’re sensing and learning.

That’s profound. We have an extremely “secure” alternative at our fingertips.

We can all capitalize on this river of vibrational information we’re simultaneously receiving by embracing it, acting accordingly, and passing it on. Those are acts of experiential faith.. We need to stay stark clear headed sober in our consciousness if we are to do any good during this massive confusion that’s hitting planet earth.

We may be fine, but those around us are gonna go nuts for want of understanding, and we need to be there for them.

The more we let these fabulous, loving fundamental Truths be known, however they’re given to each of us, the more will be prepared. They’ll at least know someone knew and cared, and maybe even find you out for more Truth.

Do your part. Activate. Express your Truth experience. Each of us changes the entire battlefield called the Earth experience.

If you don’t think it’s a battleground..think again. It’s our reality. And you don’t win a battle by standing still.

Words and right actions are weapons of Truth and Love – use them now.

Love always,



Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Age of Madness and Enlightenment

The Age of Madness and Enlightenment

by Zen Gardner
February 28, 2012


It’s hold on and let go time!

That’s about the sum of it. The vibrational ride is picking up steam so cinch up your saddles, relax from tension and lean into the wind. We’re gonna have to be on our spiritual toes for what’s about to hit and we’re already getting a taste of.

Things are gonna get wonky!

Real sailors and sea lovers don’t freak at the challenge of a good storm, but also have the utmost respect for the awesome power of nature. Like a surfer watching a huge wave build as he catches the top of it and starts his descent, he respects it, admires it, but knows he better do the right thing to keep this a fun experience. He’s also psychologically prepared for any eventuality…including what to do to survive if he wipes out!

Well, we’re pretty much there. I mean, this has been building for some time. But we’re hitting new levels and need to walk circumspectly and stay tuned more than ever if we’re to get the most out of this wonderful opportunity while avoiding the pitfalls.

As David Icke, one of the most profound messengers of our time, said almost 6 years ago and continues to reiterate:

“The end of the inter-generational amnesia is in sight and therefore so is the ‘world’ it has allowed to manifest. It may seem that we are sinking deeper in the mire of control, surveillance and manipulation, but that is being expressed in the ‘out there’ realm of the still-unawakened – the great majority for sure. One step back from that, however, there is a stirring in the hearts and consciousness of rapidly increasing numbers of people and the time is coming when that will explode in massive global change.”

The fact that we’re now 6 years closer is profound!

A World Gone Nuts

We can see how that has already happened in so many respects. The mindless addiction and belief in the false media; wars being waged without regard for popular support or even political consent; scientific insanity from bio-weapons to nuclear madness; deliberate economic implosions for manipulative control; the corporate rape of planet earth; and a clear and openly stated elite agenda for a drastic reduction in the world’s population that is already under way.

Insane enough?

Ah, but here’s the blowback. All that is not based in conscious reality. All that is a fabricated matrix from a dark vibrational level. When it gets tested by Source, our Universal reality scanner of vibrational Truth, it cannot stand. By definition what is false and fabricated will crumble.

That doesn’t mean they won’t make their last ditch effort to shove their plan through. And it may even meet some short term apparent success. But it cannot stand, just as the twin towers couldn’t withstand whatever it was that vaporized them.

And psychologically? They are mincemeat!

No way can they stand up to these vibrational changes! Their construct is left brain and call it lower vibrational or Satanically inspired and it cannot stand the Truth.

And So It Begins!

How can so many people who’ve been bought off or coerced one way or another into keeping the big lie covered up for their overlords stand it? Especially when their own families are starting to be affected, and it increasing appears society is literally coming apart at its seams.

Why? Humanity’s left brain thinking patterns are getting jammed and repatterned and their right brain creative side is getting more say so. To think these cosmic events won’t have massive effects is like flooding a bowl of ice cubes with warm water and expecting them not to melt!

And none too soon. The mad controllers’ artificial psychotronic matrix will also be vying for control of humanity’s mind.

The sooner we break free from mind into conscious awareness the better.

All Good to the Awake and Aware

We’re in a challenging and what could be considered disorienting time. That’s only going to affect you if you haven’t realized our entire ‘orientation’ here is a temporal illusion. Just as materialistic people think they’ve lost everything when their money and home is gone, those attached to their beliefs and world view are going to take a serious hit if they don’t let go.

For those who respond positively to these changes? Many of us are already feeling the degree of accelerating change that’s upon us. The world is obviously careening towards a mega cataclysm, but the big news is the massive wake up that’s hitting at so many levels. And those who are just now ‘getting it’ are digging into the internet fast and furious and getting up to speed faster than ever.

And that’s a wonderful, wonderful thing!

And for those who aren’t yet getting it? Believe me, there will be a flood of latecomers, but at least they will have finally gotten it.

Let’s be there for them.

Keep on resonating with the changes, there’s a lot of cool stuff to see….and share!

Together we help bring the Change into this reality for all to enjoy.

Much Love,



Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Epitaph: The Late, Great United States

Epitaph: The Late, Great United States

by Zen Gardner
February 21, 2012


It’s over. The sacrifice is done. A lone bugle plays weak, warbled taps as the smoke drifts from the ruins into the dark, grey sky.

America, and the world, is finished. The plan is executed.

The labored shuffle of straggling survivors is heard as the rubble continues to slowly crumble. The jagged silhouette of a once proud metropolis looms in the background like the set of an old war movie.

Only this was no movie.

One Thing Led To Another..

And then it was over. Only now could the warnings be heard in the survivors’ ears. Awake? If so, too late.

An eerie gasp of collective horror fills human consciousness as the news reaches distant shores, arriving like limp waves lapping in the misty silence, lonely drenched survivors dragging themselves up the beach.

Wailing and supplication erupt from humanity and saturate the heavens.

It was not just America. Israel, the used to start the conflagration, is immolated. Only this Phoenix will never rise again. Iran is pocked with craters between vast, flattened landscapes. Russia and China survive, but badly wounded. The UK and other NATO countries in Europe also took major hits, as did Syria, Lebanon, India and Pakistan, for entering the fray. Almost all US and NATO bases are gone or inoperable. Not bad in itself. But they brought devastation to scores of their host countries.

The human toll is inestimable. Recovery is not an option.

Now, it’s survival.

I ask you: is this what you want?

Because that’s where we’re headed, unless humanity has one hell of a massive wakeup.

Is there still time to avert this? I don’t know.

We know they’re cocked and loaded and itching to get this thing started. How far it will go remains to be seen.

I do know we’ll get past this, one way or form or another. Until then, prepare and keep sounding the alarm. The wake up is in full swing and that is why the crackdown.

They’re afraid of us. And rightly so.

Expect empowerment and synchronicity to guide you, and learn to follow your heart.

As you act on it, the volume grows louder.

And keep your fire burning brightly.

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Dazed Lemmings Can’t Bridge the Reality Gap

Dazed Lemmings Can’t Bridge the Reality Gap

by Zen Gardner
December 29, 2011


Why do so few people seem to care about the dangers of the unreported radiation levels and toxic debris washing across the pacific? How is it no one but local residents raise the alarm about the horrific effects of the Gulf oil spill and the poisonous seafood landing on American dinner tables?

As the Orwellian American police state sweeps into place, the economy crumbles, and their faultless leader languishes on a Hawaiian beach, Americans are preparing to celebrate their entry into a brave new 2012 with minimal awareness of the true dangers already dissolving their health, wealth and chances for survival in an engineered conflagration of mythic proportions that is already descending on their heads.

Sensory Overload and the Ostrich Effect

As the gap between reality and manipulated public perception grows, it may just be too big a leap for many at this point. Having been dumbed-down and unresponsive for so long, it’s too much for them to take in.

Sad, but again, that’s reality.

Hey, why wake up when everything’s such a bummer? That’s the underlying mentality. The thing is, this is a conditioned response. Overload and recoil. And it’s been going on a long, long time.

Why? Like the dumbing down effect of fluoride and chemtrails and adulterated food, it eventually suppresses natural responses. When the real alert presents itself, the subject will not be able to react and protect himself.

Why all the dramatic end of the world sci-fi movies? Why the emphasis on violence and horror movies and graphic, destructive wars? Why does the news major on the bad events of the day? Why the combative gladiator sports, emphasis on technology instead of humanity, and mind-numbing crass consumerism and sexualization of society?

This is deliberate social engineering, and that’s the biggie.

It’s all engineered..and that’s the last thing most people want to realize.

And it usually is.

The Power of Cognitive Dissonance

The world has become essentially schizophrenic in outlook. Being told one thing while the exact opposite is happening before their eyes for so long, the “dissonance” created by this conflict causes humanity to shut down. America is the perfect example. Ostensibly fighting for “freedom and liberty” we commit genocide and destroy nation after nation. To protect our liberties the government has overturned the Bill of Rights and made the Constitution a mockery.

Yet the populace sits and takes it. Why? Too big of a leap. If it turned out they’ve been completely conned by a massive manipulated agenda they may just completely break down. And subconsciously the horror of that reality is therefore a “no”.

Even if it were true they’re at the point they’d rather not know.

I’ll Take Conscious Reality

“Why all the negativity?” is what you’ll hear a lot of the time when you bring these things up. The answer, as David Icke often says, is that ignorance is negative. Truth is empowering, no matter how awful it may be sometimes. And at this point in history the more you learn the more negative it may seem, with the Controllers’ agenda in full final-phase swing.

But so what.

Things haven’t changed all that much. The purpose of life is to rediscover who you truly are, and that wonderful awakening makes everything else pale in comparison. Our mission then becomes to inform and empower, share and encourage. The same one it always has been.

That it’s taking this kind of extreme compression to awaken the slumbering masses is really no surprise, and ultimately a gift from the Universe to help people back into the real world… that of conscious loving awareness.

Awaken from slumber, one and all…

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Transhumanism – The New Face of Eugenics

Transhumanism – The New Face of Eugenics

by Zen Gardner
March 28, 2011


A friend sent me a photo of this book cover from an airplane magazine. I haven’t read the book, but I can tell already he’s on target, or at least is broaching an important subject with some urgency.

Especially when reviewers say,

“it’s not as close as he thinks but he makes some good points.”

It’s not?

(not plugging the book… but pictures tell so much…)

What is Transhumanism?

Transhumanism has a variety of definitions and can be made to appear as just an innocuous notion.

We’re plagued with mechanization and digitalization. It moves information, ourselves, our economy. How can it be bad? Why not use it to enhance our capabilities?

Yeah, but where do you draw the line? What’s really going on?

Wiki says:

“The transhumanist vision of a transformed future humanity, which is influenced by the techno-utopias depicted in some great works of science fiction, has attracted many supporters and detractors from a wide range of perspectives.
Transhumanism has been condemned by one critic, Francis Fukuyama, as the world’s most dangerous idea, while one proponent, Ronald Bailey, counters that it is the ‘movement that epitomizes the most daring, courageous, imaginative, and idealistic aspirations of humanity’.”

OK, make it look like there’s some discussion on the matter, blah blah. In reality it’s all over the place and getting shoved down our throats as the “wave of the future”.

From commercials to pop stars to military “breakthroughs” we’re seeing the robotization agenda in full swing.

It’s a definite dehumanizing trend that is being programmed into an unsuspecting human population.

More popular literature on the subject<

Fact is, you see it everywhere.

There’s a new mechanized apparatus every day for some new “improvement”.

  • Do you think things are improving?
  • Sure, things run quicker and faster, but where?
  • Does it matter?
  • Has efficiency become the “drug of choice”, as long as we’re numb and dumb to the effects?
  • Are we letting our humanity be erased out of expediency and our lack of willingness to deal with the reality of what’s happening?

Origins of the “Transhumanist Agenda”

Transhumanism is essentially eugenics. It’s the lessening of the human factor in humanity for the sake of the few who control.

Here’s a terrific quote on the profound impact of the transhumanist agenda:

Julian Huxley, brother of Aldous who authored Brave New World, first used this word: Transhumanism. Huxley was a member of the British Eugenics Society, eugenics being the foundation of Transhumanism. Eugenics is a science dedicated to a Darwinist philosophy applied to humanity, that the strong should thrive and evolve, while the weak are culled and eradicated. Eugenics rests on a necessity of there being superior and inferior genetic pools in the human population. It might be very socially unacceptable to speak publicly of there being some races, ethnic or cultural groups who are inferior to the rest, yet in secrecy this is exactly what elite Eugenicists believe.The public is guided to love the idea of Transhumanism by being persuaded that it is not a goal attached to race or ethnicity, but simply a means of bettering all of humanity. This is quite untrue.Elite Transhumanists have no desire to “evolve” all humankind, their goal is one which seeks to advance only their own bloodlines and to leave the rest in disadvantage to them so that these unfortunate ones have no choice but to become their slaves, their lab animals and their labor force.“The lowest strata are reproducing too fast.

Therefore… they must not have too easy access to relief or hospital treatment lest the removal of the last check on natural selection should make it too easy for children to be produced or to survive; long unemployment should be a ground for sterilization.” – Julian Huxley

The elite, as they are wrongly called, are blood relations of one another, descending from the hybrid tyrants who ruled in result of this same Transhumanist philosophy pre-flood.(Source)

Huxleys having the ‘inside scoop’ is no accident…

Speaking of Julian Huxley, yes, he’s the brother of Aldous, “foretelling” author of Brave New World that also just happens to cover this very subject, with precognitive awareness of the coming pharmaceutically adapted, genetically sculptured society and more. Ahem.

Elite geniuses? Or co-conspirators in constructing this “brave” new world odor (not misspelling).

As David Icke says, these bloodlines have other dimensional capabilities/connections that enable them to see down the timeline to future events. Somehow, these Huxley boys, George Orwell, HG Wells, Darwin and many others had the “Inside scoop” or agenda “talking points”.

Think about it.

And so does occult insider Hollywood. It’s programming

Hollywood’s productions are not mere entertainment. It’s a form of psycho-entrainment, teaching humanity to resonate with whatever themes and memes it wishes to introduce into the human consciousness.

And transhumanism is HUGE in their agenda.

Meet the Huxleys

Sir Julian Sorell Huxley FRS (22 June 1887 – 14 February 1975) was
an English evolutionary biologist, humanist and internationalist.
Read “globalist”.

Notice these elitist guys are always knighted, given Nobel prizes, have freakish success stories and are involved in nature preservation groups.

It’s all in their giant game of Risk they play for future world domination, and we are just expendable pawns in their eyes.

He was a proponent of natural selection, and a leading figure in the mid-twentieth century evolutionary synthesis. He was Secretary of the Zoological Society of London (1935–1942), the first Director of UNESCO, and a founding member of the World Wildlife Fund.(Julian) Huxley came from the distinguished Huxley family. His brother was the writer Aldous Huxley, and his half-brother a fellow biologist and Nobel laureate, Andrew Huxley; his father was writer and editor Leonard Huxley; and his paternal grandfather was Thomas Henry Huxley, a friend and supporter of Charles Darwin and proponent of evolution.
His maternal grandfather was the academic Tom Arnold, great-uncle poet Matthew Arnold and great-grandfather.

Lotta connections there. “Distinguished”, by the way, by the same elites who put them there. Whatta scam. People are groomed to worship their destroyers.

It also says…

Huxley was well-known for his presentation of science in books and articles, and on radio and television.
He was awarded UNESCO’s Kalinga Prize for the popularization of science in 1953, the Darwin Medal of the Royal Society in 1956, and the Darwin–Wallace Medal of the Linnaean Society in 1958.

He was also knighted in that same year, 1958, a hundred years after Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace announced the theory of evolution by natural selection.

In 1959 he received a Special Award of the Lasker Foundation in the category Planned Parenthood – World Population. Huxley was a prominent member of the British Eugenics Society, and its President from 1959–1962. (Source)

Eugenics at the inception. Interesting.

You think Darwinism, Brave New World, Eugenics, and Transhumanism might have some common threads? And on rolls the agenda. (See The (Bill) Gates of Hell Foundation for a mega eugenicist.)

The elites think they know better. Check your Georgia Guidestones again. And please, fully wake up and take action. This is not information to tickle the ears.

We each influence many and do make a mighty difference.

“The ancient ambition of the Dark Empire of the Secret Societies, the “Great Plan,” is the establishment of an Occult Hierarchy that presides over a long-dreamed for One World Government and a One World Religion. That is, the Occult Hierarchy ruling directly and in full public view as the supreme leaders of the Novus Ordo Seclorum… the New World Order. Freemasonry has been superbly cultivated by the Black Adepts, Secret Leaders of the New World Order Plan, to become the main vehicle of this Externalization of The Occult Hierarchy.”- Manly P. Hall


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The (Bill) Gates of Hell Foundation

The (Bill) Gates of Hell Foundation

by Zen Gardner
January 4, 2011


Why mince words when the planet’s being destroyed and we’re all being systematically murdered?

When it finally dawns on you what these New World Order elite globalists are up to it can be staggering.

And it can’t be more in your face than it is right now.

We have chemtrails continually ‘playing’ on the world’s biggest screen, our skies – horrific displays of absolute disregard for all things living. And yet the majority doesn’t even see them and there’s total silence about it from authorities and the media.

Flocks of birds are falling from the sky and millions of dead fish are washing up on our shores, and they all act dumb, like they have no idea what the hell is going on.

The Gulf of Mexico has been killed, the vital loop current disrupted, the weather shot to hell, the food and water are deliberately poisoned and altered, and then they screw with the stratosphere and magnetosphere with a host of devilish devices.

Never mind the deliberately trashed economy and the fabricated ‘war on terror’ while the police state clampdown continues.

And we’re not supposed to notice?… or think this is deliberate destruction of our world?

Enter the Two Man Wrecking Crew

And so they trot out a “friendly, respectable face” for this deliberate destruction and depopulation, hoping we won’t notice the havoc being wreaked in front of our eyes, all the while making us think they’re doing us a favor and ‘pioneering our future’.

…And with a message straight from the Bilderbergers which seems to say..

‘It’s time to step up the depopulation plan’…

So good, so clean, so ‘successful’, so giving…


Bill and Melinda Gates Tapped To Be “The Friendly Face of Eugenics”

As F. William Engdahl in Financial Sense wrote:

Microsoft founder and one of the world’s wealthiest men, Bill Gates, projects an image of a benign philanthropist using his billions via his (tax exempt) Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, to tackle diseases, solve food shortages in Africa and alleviate poverty.

In a recent conference in California, Gates reveals a less public agenda of his philanthropy – population reduction, otherwise known as eugenics.

Gates made his remarks to the invitation-only Long Beach, California TED-2010 Conference, in a speech titled, “Innovating to Zero!.”

Along with the scientifically absurd proposition of reducing man-made CO2 emissions worldwide to zero by 2050, approximately four and a half minutes into the talk, Gates declares,

“First we got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”

Hard To Believe?

Watch this clip for yourself if you haven’t seen it yet, as he builds false premise upon false premise, like they all do as if we’re stone cold idiots, and then he gives his chilling solution on how to “Innovate to Zero”…

The Decade of Death

By the way, they’ve set a goal for their vaccine program they love so much. Is this a signal to their own?

Bill and Melinda Gates Pledge $10 Billion in Call for Decade of Vaccines
DAVOS, Switzerland

Bill and Melinda Gates announced today that their foundation will commit $10 billion over the next 10 years to help research, develop and deliver vaccines for the world’s poorest countries.

…said Melinda Gates, “We’ve made vaccines our number-one priority at the Gates Foundation because we’ve seen firsthand their incredible impact on children’s lives.” Source

“Incredible impact”, alright.

And Not Just Vaccines, Folks…

Besides vaccines, the Gates are funding 10 different projects researching new contraception methods, including their latest that involves sterilizing men by putting ultrasound on their testes. (Nice one, Bill. Hope you’re trying it out nightly.)

But more importantly, the Gates of Hell also fund two other major thrusts towards the destruction of earth’s eco-system and the extermination of its inhabitants:

  • geoengineering (chemtrails et al)
  • genetically modified organisms or GMOs

‘Bill Gates’s Hidden Dreams of Geoengineering Revealed’

Bill Gates has already proven his interest in geoengineering schemes with his earlier co-patent filing for reducing the intensity of killer hurricanes.

So perhaps we’re not too surprised that Science Insider has dug up the Microsoft chairman’s past projects on altering the Earth’s climate, ranging from filtering carbon dioxide to reflecting sunlight via brighter clouds. Source


‘Gates Foundation Funded Approval of Genetically Modified Mosquitos’

Bill Gates, who recently bought 500,000 shares of Monsanto stock, is reportedly funding the approval of genetically modified mosquitoes.

It seems that not only will genetically modified salmon enter the environment along with unforeseen changes, but a new self-sterilizing mosquito may be joining them.

The plan, concocted by United Nations’ Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, involves creating genetically modified mosquitoes that either kill or sterilize themselves.

The United Nations’ aim is to combat Dengue fever through the genetic manipulation of nature.

As with other genetically modified organisms, the long-term repercussions are widely unknown, and introducing a genetically modified creature into the environment may make for the genetic coding of an entire species to be altered. Source

The Monsanto Connection

Besides funding and profiting tax free from this horrific company, there’s an ‘image problem’ there too for which they’re trying to use Bilderberg Bill and Melinda.

The immediate impact of these partnerships is to enhance the public image of Gene Giants that are donating royalty-free genes to needy farmers.

But the longer-term goal is to create the “enabling environments” (bio-safety regulations, intellectual property laws, positive media coverage to promote public acceptance) that will support the market introduction of genetically engineered crops and related technologies.

It’s a package deal – wrapped in a philanthropic façade – and it comes with strings attached… Source

The Elite Call To Arms?

For those of you ‘awake and aware’ to what’s going on, that the world’s self-appointed ‘elite’ are planning a great ‘culling of the herd’ comes as no surprise. What’s remarkable is how blatant they’ve become about the subject.

This possibly denotes two things:

  1. They feel comfortable with how well they’ve programmed and entranced most of society to accept such nonsense as global warming and carbon footprints, never mind the mythical ‘war on terror’ and a host of other lies
  2. They’re signaling to their own the program’s ratcheting up

And the Bill and Melinda Gates (of Hell) Foundation is the new poster child and sanitizing ploy.

But while every effort is being made to give the Gates Foundation a benign, philanthropic appearance, their primary program is clearly population reduction, just wrapped in brighter elitist “do gooder” package.

“Awwwww. Look how they’re giving back and leading these new technologies…”

Right… just wait and see.

But they’re throwing everything at it. And telling the others it’s time to throw in as well.

“A Time To Give, Brethren”

President Barack Obama met with Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Chairman Warren Buffett and Microsoft Corp. co-founder Bill Gates this morning at the White House to discuss the economy and the billionaires’ philanthropic endeavors, an administration official said.

Obama called for the Oval Office meeting, which also included Gates’ wife, Melinda, to discuss the Giving Pledge project, started by Buffett and Gates to encourage wealthy U.S. individuals and families to give most of their fortunes to charity, the administration official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. Source

Why not…

The old money will soon be worthless when we go through the ‘transition’ they have planned for us.

“Use it for a good cause men. We’re going to make the earth our own private country club!”

Norway Seed Vault

Other Signs

Still wondering?

Why do you suppose they just locked up supplies of all the world’s natural seeds in an underground vault in Norway, but are busy altering the genetic make up of the seeds WE’RE supposed to eat?

Think about that.

And why are they feverishly burrowing their monstrous underground cites while trashing the environment on the surface of the earth?

Oh, you don’t know about that?

Or don’t believe it or “they woulda told us”?

Please, pull your head out.

Are they preparing to board their underground ‘arks’?

Yeah, it’s ugly stuff to hear about.

Would you rather just let the train run over you and I and others not say anything?

Sorry to say, this isn’t theory, it’s fact.

Read up on “depopulation” and “eugenics” and you’ll find this has been their MO for centuries, periodically “culling the herd” with wars and epidemics, gutted economies and famines, all while keeping the world in one form of social slavery or another.

It’s nothing new. It’s just that the expanding growth of humanity is accelerating at such a rate, our numbers frighten them, and besides, they want all those resources for themselves.

Have you noticed they tend to hoard slightly?

The Rothschilds alone are worth an estimated 500 trillion dollars… with a ‘T’. The queen of England and the Vatican could bail out AND support half the world.

The Herd

They’re not real big on sharing if you haven’t noticed, yet they make you feel guilty for devouring the earth’s resources.

Why believe anything they say?

Useless Eaters

This is how they view us.

We’re now chillingly referred to as “human resources”.

Spot your social ‘security’ number?


Bill Gates is one of many eugenicists, but he’s channeling gobs of money and a lot of perceived clout, and apparently they think he has the image to pull this off.

That global warming and the other scams still have such traction is hard to believe, but that’s the image the media is portraying. And people are swallowing it, I’m sorry to say, and will likely sit back and watch our demise and blame themselves for it.

A neighbor mentioned the weird yesterday and added, “Do you think it’s God’s way of punishing us for what we’ve done to the planet?”

I know. Lunacy. It’s endemic.

The manipulated masses have been so dumbed down and indoctrinated, if the adulterated planet doesn’t kill them, they will practically volunteer for death to reduce their carbon footprint. That’s the cumulative effect and logical deduction you could arrive at. And it’s all by design.

It’s amazing to behold. People get all snotty about their energy saving Prius or recycling efforts, while joining hands and singing kumbaya with benign exterminator Bill and his conniving ilk over ‘the woes of global warming and human swarming’.

Little do they know what their “final solution” really is.

This mass mind manipulation of guilt and lies is the drumbeat of the elites, while we sw-allow their planet destroying programs and march into the chemtrail sunset trying to eliminate our carbon footprints.

Only one way to do that…

How manipulated are you?

Stay conscious. They’re spraying hard, closing down on our food supply, and more fabricated troubles are on their way.

Keep your loved ones close and spread the word to the hungry.


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Faces of Evil that Rule the World

Faces of Evil that Rule the World

by Zen Gardner
December 11, 2010


They say a picture is worth a thousand words. With the human face it’s even more revealing, especially the eyes.

Politicians, if you’ve ever seen a professional one up close, have almost a waxen stiffness and sheen to their phony, memorized expressions. Most public and power characters need to be caught off guard to reveal their true nature, but it’s not necessary. Usually it’s in plain sight.

The eyes are the ‘windows of their souls’, while their expressions can also intermittently give away their true nature.

Here’s a quick selection of some current, and a few past, leaders or power brokers.

Look for the light in their eyes–it’s not there.

You might see something else though, something very troubling.





Those are just plain disturbing. That anyone can’t see this ex-Nazi probable abuser is an evil plant  just baffles me.

Right out of a B movie–but the Chain-man has tremendous power and influence, responsible for the deaths of millions while trying to fulfill  the  Machiavellian Masonic neocon mission.




“How YOU doin?”

Mafia boys: Robert DeNiro type Egyptian puppet Mubarak and the Masonic ‘pretend bad guy’ Putin–all in the game.



David Rockefeller and look alike. What lurks in there….whew…





Here’s our boy–the stare of mindless commitment, and playing with fire with daddy’s protection and coaching. The consummate tool. And the bewitched ‘patriots’ eat it up. So sad.




A couple for the ages…and even the neocons fear Barbara, alleged daughter of Aleister Crowley.





Speaking of mind control…..all that crazed ambition takes its toll…




Didn’t expect this one, did you. This one’s called “conniving Bill-derberger”. This baby face Gates fellow with those lying, self righteous power crazed eyes was ‘set up’ with Microsoft and was groomed in a eugenicist family for one thing: population control and financing the NWO.


This guy’s a little scary to me, since he tends to move around and be scarce. Besides pushing the carcinogen aspartame down our throats and heading up any barbaric corporation he can, Rumsfeld led us straight into 9/11 while pulling off the biggest pillaging of the Defense Department in history.





One of the creepiest of all – John D. Rockefeller. What exactly IS that skin stretched over…?






Speaking of which is this classic. Some believe that reptilians are influencing us. Could be.Brzezinski, evil spirit behind 5 US Presidents, sure gives credence to the idea.




This lady’s serious. Heavy handed German Chancellor Merkel, former Prez of the European Council, is sold out to the Illuminati plan to shove the EU down Europe’s throat.





‘Uhh..uhh…’ Next lie. This scampering opportunist can’t tell the truth if he wanted to. Bubba wants it soooo bad. And his nose does appear to be growing….)






Freaky chick. Read up on her.








Mr. ‘Push the Agenda’–as well as push the gullible programmed Americans’ buttons– Netanyahu. Mean.





The true black Pope, still behind the scenes. Jesuit leader Kolvenbach might as well be Klovenhoof.



Here’s a better look into the evil power behind the Papacy–and much more…


Class clown. Right, nice cover. Need I say more? What a pathetic, power-crazed woman…admittedly sucks up and reports to the CFR–the globalist Council on Foreign Relations. Sickening sell out.


Where’s the love, George? So much money, so little light. Soros, so-wrong.




The smug life of the go-fer. Check the fearful eyes and forced smiles around the room.

Henry Kissinger way back with an earlier boss Golda Meir…don’t be fooled, this Rothschild plant was no sweetie…





Heavy (very weird) handed, much like this modern day version below…






Thug. Bigtime.





Here’s a study in evil–Uber Zionist Ehud Barak, believed by some to be the 9/11 mastermind, never mind Gaza butcher, and co-sculptor of Israeli/American aggression. Google his images–the vibrations are so bad you can only look for so long…

God deliver us from such evil and pathetic people, if they are human. The list goes on, but here’s a taste to “wonder” about.

There’s lots more. This is just a smattering. The good thing is that these freaks are in the minority. To not contribute to or participate in their schemes in any way possible is paramount.

Just wondering,



Zen Gardner is an insightful writer whose works often explore the narratives, the groups and the individuals whose ‘hidden hands’ control the majority of mankind. His book ‘You Are the Awakening’  examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.