Does Society Realize It Is Being Initiated?

by Truthstream Media
January 15, 2019


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The Night the World Recovered Its Sanity

Source:  No More Fake News


No one knows where it started, but on the evening of August 12, 2075, all over the world, groups began disintegrating.

Not just sewing circles and protest juntas and gamers; not just political activists and victim-support organizations; and not just governments and armies.

Religious and racial groups fell apart, too. By some accounts, they were the last to go.

In Greborg-Lavre-Brooklyn, on the former French and German border, Kayne Larder, a Muslim leader of a motorcycle gang, the V-2, stood on busy streetcorner and said, “I’m not black, I’m not religious, I’m not a V-2. I’m me.”

As gang members and neighbors moved forward to stone him to death, an anonymous person started beating on a drum. He shouted, “I don’t belong to anything or anybody!”

Everyone froze, including Hesh Zion, the king of the Hebrew Tankers, a feared local attack mob.

Zion said, “I’m not a Jew.”

Scenes like this were repeated from Nome to Tierra del Fuego.

In Lower Manhattan, Sal Tosca, a hitman for the Carneri crime family, was eating pizza in a small restaurant on Mulberry Street. He announced to his pals: “Guess what? I’m not Italian. I’m not a gangster. I’m just myself.”

The next day, the NY Times printed notices from the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg Group, declaring their dissolution.

A week later, the President of the United States, Abner Ali Chang Grey Feather, went on national television and said:

“I’m not the President, there is no more federal government, I’m going fishing. Bye bye.”

By then, few people seemed surprised. The Event was well underway.

Soldiers were leaving their bases. Medical associations were disbanding. Lobbyists were closing up shop. The ten largest corporations in the world declared a year-long hiatus.

Some called these happenings a miracle. Others said it was the end of the world.

Greta Curt, president of The Most High Octopus, the famous language-filtering and restriction group, responsible for assassinations of people who uttered forbidden words, shot herself in the head in a suite at the Essex House in New York.

Her assistant, Moji Schwartz Limbo Ghandi, told Internet viewers: “Greta just couldn’t handle the new turbulence. She felt herself breaking like a porcelain vase.”

Dick Cheney Bush Perle Cauc, a USAF commander in Afghanistan, told his crew in a briefing room at the Obama Kindness Base outside Kabul, “I’m heading home, wherever that is, guys. I just figured out I’m not white, I’m not a Republican, I’m me.”

At Harvard University, a third-year major in Taliban Studies, Eric Thomas Bin Leary, attempted to organize an “I’m Me” club. A classmate injected him with Haldol2x, drove him to Maine, and deposited him, unconscious, in a muddy bed on the shore of Lake Casco.

Sociologists were apparently the hardest hit, since their enterprise was all about promoting groups. Dr. Elia Fogg Robinson, a Yale professor and the author of We’re All the All, invited colleagues to his lab, where he tried to persuade them to partake in an orgy while immersed in a large vat of melted bubbling cheese, after which, he promised, they would emerge as a single hybridized entity. They put him out in a snowstorm.

It was the beginning of what is now called The Blank Period, approximately a hundred years of unrecorded history.

Yes, we came through, but nothing would ever be the same. The distaste for all groups remained.

As my great-grandfather, Jack Anarch, wrote, in his diary, “Once upon a time, humans needed clans and tribes to survive in the wild, but long after technological civilizations were raised up, the addiction to groups was still overwhelming. It almost destroyed us, but we came to our senses in time. Families yes. Friends yes. Groups no. An old relative of mine told me, ‘There’s nothing like the group habit. Coming off that jones can give a person the shakes for a couple of decades. It can make your eyeballs want to pop out. And you’ve got to do it cold. I went through a six-month stretch where I hallucinated that rain made out of glue was falling from the sky, pasting me to some mythical collective of shoppers in a giant mall in space. It was so heavy I almost flipped. A voice in my head kept saying, Spill on aisle 13, spill on aisle 13…”

Janus, Illuminati God of Chaos & Deception: Twin Towers & Two-Faced Rulers

Janus, Illuminati God of Chaos & Deception: Twin Towers & Two-Faced Rulers

by Zen Gardner
September 17, 2011


Janus Bifrons ~ Who was the two-faced Greco-Roman god?

The irony is that people not only know their rulers and society overall are two-faced, they expect it.

Whether consciously or subconsciously we all know lying and deception are inherent to the matrix that’s been foisted upon us.

Another irony is that even in the definition of Janus there are two very different versions as to whom this mythological character really was.

Who was Janus?

We see this two-faced image a lot in our lives. Many know it dates back to Greek and Roman mythology. However, there’s much more to this character than meets the eye.

We’ll start with the lighter version:

Janus means “archway” in Latin. Janus was the Roman god of gateways and beginnings, often depicted as having two faces looking in opposite directions. The month of January is named for him.

Interesting. Sounds pretty innocuous. Wikipedia also mentions:

As a god of motion he looks after passages, causes the startings of actions, presides on all beginnings and since movement and change are bivalent, he has a double nature, symbolized in his two headed image.

And more:

His two faces (originally, one was always bearded, one clean-shaven; later both bearded) originally represented the sun and the moon. He was usually depicted with a key. 

Janus head is a popular phrase for deception, that is, when action does not match speech.

OK. I can do that.

“Two-faced” apparently came from this archetype emblazoned into our collective subconscious.

There’s a lot of deceit and cover up in the world, to the extent most people are quite leery of each other. Very unfortunate, when trust would go so much further but the world’s been corrupted and corruption is glorified.

And this “permission” to deceive to get ahead and even subjugate others is apparently too good to pass up for some.

A quick perusal of governmental, corporate, legal, financial and social leadership and behavior around the world is all the confirmation you need.

Keys, Janus and the Pope

Note Janus was depicted with a key. It turns out there’s a lot to this. Remember he’s the god of doors.

There’s another god, a goddess, who also bore a key.

Remember, Catholicism teaches ancient paganism with Christian names and terms. This is another perfect illustration of that.




Follow me:

About 378, the Pope fell heir to the keys that were the symbols of two well-known Pagan divinities at Rome. Janus bore a key, and Cybele bore a key; and these are the two keys that the Pope emblazons on his arms as the ensigns of his spiritual authority. (and flag)

Cybele…with fish god mitre the pope wears, and key in hand ~ goddess worship anyone?

What was this power of the keys?

It was these two gods (Janus and Cybele) that had the power of heaven and earth.

Whoa…that’s a lotta power, heaven and earth. As you can see, all this ties in with the Isis-Samiramis et al lineage of goddess worship that goes down through millennia and in which today’s Illuminati still revel.

Look at early American architecture and symbolism from the goddesses on pedestals and domes around Washington DC to the Freemasonic gift called the Statue of Liberty.

It’s all essentially the same old goddess.

In the US she’s called “Columbia”. Ring a bell?

Compare the headgear of the two above images.
In this picture the Pope carries the bent cross of the antiChrist.

Yup, the government is fully based on Freemasonic paganism to the core. All for occult power as they honor the forces they worship and tap into. More on that in a minute.

But this Vatican connection and switchover from these pagan key gods to supposed “keys of the kingdom” that somehow links to Peter whom they claim to be the first Vicar of Christ of which the Pope is spiritually descended is absolutely typical historical revisionism.

The pagan Roman priesthood (before the birth of Jesus Christ) had a sovereign pontiff who held the keys.

Pagan keys of Janus and Cybele

The goddess Cybele was also worshiped as Cardea, and the College of Cardinals was named for her.

She bore a key like Janus, which opened the gates of the invisible world.

In Greek mythology Cybele holds the key to Earth, shutting her up in winter and opening her again in the spring. 

Similarly, Janus opens the door of the sky and releases the dawn.

The term Cardinal is derived from Cardo, a hinge. Janus, whose key the Pope bears, was the god of doors and hinges…

It was only in the second century before the Christian era that the worship of Cybele under that name was introduced to Rome; but the same goddess, under the name of Cardea, with the “power of the key,” was worshipped in Rome, along with Janus, ages before. Source

Byzantine two-headed (faced) Eagle holding the keys

Now the “Flip Side” of Janus

Janus was no small potato. As you research more and more into him, he connects a lot of dots and represents serious forces.

He presides over the concrete and abstract beginnings of the world, such as religion and the gods themselves; he too holds the access to Heaven and other gods: this is the reason why men must invoke him first, regardless of the god to whom they want to pray or placate.

He is the initiator of the human life, of new historical ages, and economical enterprises: in myth he first minted coins and the first coin of the libral series, bears his effigy on one face.  Source

Who was this guy?

He’s apparently a gateway, for economic power and societal change.

But is this a real entity?

Someone they invoke?

And/or a blueprint for chaos?

Texe Marrs calls it:

The Illuminati secret formula for world revolution and deceit. This is how and why Satan is making such incredible progress. The Janus Factor is Satan’s hidden method. The two-faced Roman god Janus was known as “Keeper of the Keys” and as “Interpreter of the Mysteries.” Throughout history, Janus operatives ~ Darwin, Hegel, Freud, Marx, Lenin, Obama, and others ~ have successfully employed the Janus method to psychically and culturally churn global events and overturn all standards of morality and human dignity. Source

In other words, by playing with right v. wrong and reversing social norms to bring society into chaos, or utilizing the use of opposites with the Hegelian dialectic where a planned action provokes a similarly planned re-action, and other techniques, you can do a lot of manipulative damage.

As they have. Another dialectical symbol found throughout history, signifying the same concept as Janus is the two headed eagle, or phoenix.

The eagle of the Holy Roman Empire


Double headed eagle on Albert Pikes Freemasonry book ‘Morals and Dogma” with Order Out of Chaos slogan.

Enter Freemasonry

Freemasonry is all about opposites and duality, and playing one side against another as some sort of occult ritualistic exercise, supposedly to evoke the illuminated man and world.

It’s basically what the motto on their two-headed eagle crest says, create chaos to bring about the new world order essentially.

Most involved in lower level Freemasonry don’t know what the heck they’re involved in, like lower level anythings.

But the commitment to their agenda gets extremely serious at higher levels and human life takes a back seat to the “illuminated” program of using these techniques and powers for very evil ends.

Freemasonic symbolism is rife with duality..sun-moon, black-white, twin pillars, male-female etc.

Janus-Bifrons is his full name

The Illuminati are all about levels of disguise via carefully constructed lies, half-truths and diversions. Just as their doctrines of opposites seem to have this new-agey air of esoteric truth, these entities they literally worship in some form or another always have a cover.

What they are leaving out in the name Janus in all the popularized pictures and references to this guy is that Janus was actually known as Janus-Bifrons, and when you research THAT name it takes us to a whole different place.

In demonology Bifrons was a demon, Earl of Hell, with six legions of demons (twenty-six for other authors) under his command.

He teaches sciences and arts, the virtues of the gems and woods, herbs, and changes corpses from their original grave into other places, sometimes putting magick lights on the graves that seem candles. He appears as a monster, but then changes his shape into that of a man.

The origin of the name is, without any doubt, the Roman god Bifrons (Janus).

Other spellings: Bifrovs, Bifröus.

The Queen of England’s royal Masonic goat on parade.

Oh dear! How did this photo of the future King of England with his “pet goat” end up here?

Bifrons was also one the names given to the baphomet allegedly worshipped by the Knights Templar, and which description was as a statue with two heads surely inspired in the Roman god Bifrons, one looking towards the left to tell the past, and the other looking towards the right to tell the future, all this by means of the power of a demon (there were other suppositions on the figure of the baphomet). Source

It is also said the Janus-Bifrons appeared as a monster and then changed his appearance to that of a man.

In other words, he was (is) a shape-shifter.

A computer game demon named Bifrons (Janus’ real name) Reptilian. Hmmm…



The Knights Templar were the precursors to today’s Freemasons. Now we see how this all ties in together. Looks like this could be the same nasty dude in a few different disguises. Typical.


Now Baphomet actually takes us straight to witchcraft and the horned goat.


Which also ties in with Freemasonry. Any way you connect it, we’re down in the bowels of the occult now.

And as we know, the Illuminati are drenched in witchcraft however you slice it or want to call it.

The melding of Janus and Cybele.

Speaking of keys, when it comes to evoking spirits as the Satanic Illuminati do, there’s a lot of black magick involved that has very specific procedures. And many of these wicked controllers are adepts in this to increase their power and obtain favors.

The Lesser Key of Solomon contains detailed descriptions of spirits and the conjurations needed to invoke and oblige them to do the will of the conjurer (referred to as the “exorcist”). It details the protective signs and rituals to be performed, the actions necessary to prevent the spirits from gaining control, the preparations prior to the invocations, and instructions on how to make the necessary instruments for the execution of these rituals. Source

Things to steer clear of. Janus was considered the most important god of the Greco-Roman pantheon…even above Zeus (Jupiter). Yes, he was above the recognized head god ~ a very Luciferian concept.

Janus Global Communications logo.

So when you see references to Janus it’s nothing innocent, believe me.

Pleasant. By the way the dove at the top represents the goddess Columbia aka Isis aka Semiramis et all….right back to the other key holder, his contemporary Cybele…

Janus brought up to date

Janus is a very popular name and logo. Again, freemasonry rules the corporate world in addition to politics, finances, etc. They speak to each other in logos, and attempt to evoke spiritual power from their use.

The elite bloodlines and their minions have been into this for millennia. Take a look at an occult Rothschild party in the early part of last century:

Baroness Marie-Hélène de Rothschild sporting golden calf baphomet,
and Baron Alexis de Redé as two-faced Janus at a Rothschild soiree..

Janus was also a secret government psyop group. Again, nothing really constructive going on, one might say:

The super-secret Janus Group utilizes very highly-trained psychic assassins, who employ such techniques as the green and red marble systems, as well as the White Glove method. 

In order to psychically kill enemies of the Illuminati, the Director of Janus (an Illuminatus) wields more political clout than the hierarchy of the National Security Agency. 

He was an intimate friend of the late Roy Cohn ~ a director of Permindex, the group which masterminded the assassination of President John Kennedy. Source

Comforting to know you’re in good hands…

Weathered gargoyle embraces Shepard Hall, City College of New York

This one even boasts the Illuminati pyramid.

And finally…

Speaks for itself.

The lying, masked manipulative media in a Janus nutshell…


I hope this little foray into this age old deity has been “illuminating”.

It continues to amaze me how it always traces back to an innate lust for power and control by these elite Illuminati minions right through the ages.

They preserve what they consider to be their “inside edge” within their bloodline, and this can be traced back to the dawn of this civilization…and probably the one before.

[ED: From the ultimate deception of 911. The harbinger of change bringing the world to a darker place, serving the desires of the very dark beings on this planet. I repeat, Bush’s sitting with that classroom of children was Masonic symbolism and dark ritual at its most bizarre, in-your-face, in plain sight variety. The goat book, the innocent children, their chant. It all harks back to Janus!]

It’s important to decode their language, be it through symbolism, mythology, alchemical practices or societal engineering and programming.



The simple and ignorant will pass on and suffer the consequences.

Keep on learning, and most of all….keep wondering.

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

What You Need to Know About the Archons

Published on Aug 23, 2018


Jay Weidner talked about the entities known as archons, as well as his research into the mysteries, and mythic back stories of Mount Shasta (featured in his latest movie “Shasta”). Archons were described in the ancient Nag Hammadi texts as parasitic off-world beings who came to Earth and invaded the minds of certain humans, and over the years, many of these invaded humans have risen to positions of power throughout society, Weidner stated. The Archons try to create situations with as much bloodshed, agony, and chaos as possible, as they feed off human fear, he explained. “The Gnostics would tell us this was not going on before the Archon invasion of about 3,500 to 6,000 years ago…and this is the cause of all of our strife,” he added.

The Wonder of It All: Metaphysics, Magic, Advanced Physics, and Other Dream States

Source: R Wayne Steiger
Streamed live on Jan 5, 2018


Friday night Live Dr. Richard Alan Miller

Dr. Richard Alan Miller is a pioneer in the annals of metaphysical and paranormal exploration. Miller began working in the “X-Files” world of Navy Intel (Seal Corp. and then MRU) in the late 60s. His public collaborations and research continue.

As an original black ops team-member, Miller’s research in the field of paranormal began as a graduate physicist working 11 years with Navy Intel (Anesthesiology). During this period numerous foundational papers, including “A Holographic Concept of Reality” and “Embryonic Holography” were written.

His past and current writings and presentations reveal a depth of knowledge and practical experience in three major fields; Alternative Agriculture, New Age Physics, and Metaphysics.

Miller now writes for Nexus magazine and is a preferred guest on Internet radio. He is re-emerging at a critical time in humanities evolution where metaphysics and practical survival converge.


The Hidden Paranormal People

Source:  Outside the Reality Machine


by Jon Rappoport
May 14, 2017


NOTE: I’ve combined several pieces here.  In various ways, they’re connected.


Conventional physics argues that all the tiny particles which make up the universe are:

Neutral and unconscious and dead—

And yet, say these same physicists, the brain, which is only a collection of such particles, is conscious.

The absurdity of this contradiction can only be sustained by monopolistic authority.

Consciousness is as non-material and paranormal as paranormal can be.

Without it, obviously, we would not be communicating right now.  We would not be here.  We would not Be.

Categories like telepathy, ESP, clairvoyance, and telekinesis don’t tell the whole story.  They’re just a pale reflection of the fact that Existence itself is paranormal.

Consensus reality, on the other hand, is a stage play based on the notion of “normal.”

So here we are, and we’re all paranormal, and we’re living in a normal world.  If that isn’t a joke, if that isn’t a sickness, if that isn’t a conspiracy, what is?

The Matrix can spawn one Agent Smith after another, like a machine turning out products, and still the incalculable and magical fact of consciousness endures beyond the machine.

The stage play called reality is dedicated to top-down control, because consciousness, if unleashed as creative power, if allowed to flourish, would explode the stage flats and take us out into an open sky of such varied magic it would ring in a multiverse of unpredictable beauties…none of which require supervision from the psychopaths behind the curtain.

Making life into a machine is the goal of elites.  We, on the other hand, see something else.

We don’t need to define what that is in a lab.  We certainly don’t need to develop algorithms that purport to define what we are.

…Forty years ago, I was hired to tutor a young girl in arithmetic.  She was having trouble with long division.  She was in sixth grade, she was extremely bright, but she couldn’t do division.  This is what I was told.

So one night I walked into a very large house in West Los Angeles.  The mother, tall and thin, a remote ghost, led me into a cavernous living room, in the center of which sat her daughter, at a small table.

The mother gestured vaguely and glided off into unknown rooms and left the two of us alone.

I sat down.  I gave the girl a couple of division problems to work, and she couldn’t.  She grimaced.

“Don’t worry,” I said.  “We’ll fix it.”

I asked her to explain what she was confused about.  I wanted to get her to talk.  She thought about it and recalled a few experiences in arithmetic, from third grade.

I sat there and listened.  As she talked, she raised her head and started looking at me.  There we were, in a huge quiet house, a dead house, two people, two strangers.

Something clicked.  She began smiling.

She said, “I can read very well, but I can’t do division.”

I smiled, too, because it seemed there was a joke here, and it had nothing to do with math.  It had to do with her whole life, the house, her parents.

Neither of us quite knew what was going on, but we were in the moment.

Without thinking, she said, “I’m in prison.”

She laughed.

I said, “Right now, I don’t why but I feel like I’m in prison, too.”

We both laughed.

That was all it took.

I brought her back to the beginning of division, started from the bottom, and we worked our way up to more complicated problems.  It took about an hour and she was fine.

I felt like we were two undersea divers, our oxygen lines were crossed and pinched, and we’d worked out the kinks.  We could breathe again.

After that, we talked about her school, my days in school, teachers. She mentioned tomatoes.  She said she was growing them in the back yard.

She took me through a few large rooms into the yard, turned on the pool lights, and we walked along a path to her garden, by a high fence.

The vines were tall, and the red tomatoes looked splendid.

We walked back and sat down at a table by the pool and looked at the water.  All of a sudden, things shifted.  The night sky was wide open.  I could feel the air on my face.  I could smell flowers.

“It’s a nice yard,” I said.

She nodded.  “I’m reading everything Charles Dickens wrote,” she said.

“Why?” I said.

“Because it doesn’t seem to end,” she said.

I thought about it.

“Some things are like that,” I said.

“No,” she said.  “Everything is like that.”

I looked at her.

She was smiling.  Her face was radiant.

“Remember what you just said,” I said.

“I will,” she said.

She put out her hand.  I shook it.

That was the end of the lesson.

I’ll always remember it.



There’s a local church in my neighborhood that brings in Tibetan monks once a year to do a sand painting.

For a few days, the Monks use colored sands to create a memorized complex mandala on a large table.

At this service on Easter, the monks destroyed the mandala.  They always do that.  That’s their gig.  They make it and then they whisk it away into dust.

An array of reasons was given to the congregation, to explain why the monks get rid of a sand painting after they’ve completed it.

One, they were “transmuting” the painting.  Two, they were now using the sand to create “healing.”  Three, they were giving people small envelopes of sand to “spread the healing/creation.”  Four, they were illustrating the ineffable or transient nature of all things.

These are all “New Age reasons.”  Superficial food for a modern audience.

In the ancient Tibetan tradition, the creation of art had a much deeper and wilder purpose: to reveal that the universe is a product of mind.  Period.  The universe isn’t some intrinsically sacred entity, it’s a work of art…and if it can be vividly and deeply perceived as such, the adept (artist) can then spontaneously delete pieces of physical reality and/or insert pieces of his own invented reality into universe.  Magic.

This was the core of Tibetan thought, and it was brought to the country some 1400 years ago by rebel teachers from India.


The ancient Tibetans weren’t fooling around.  They weren’t about worship or self-effacing religion.  And they weren’t just claiming a person could manifest a desire in the physical world.  Of course that could be done.  They were going light years farther.

They were saying the universe, at the deepest level, wasn’t really an interlocking system of energies. No, it was a creation of mind.  The whole thing was, in that sense, one work of art.  Just one.  Universe is one work of art among an infinity of possible works of art.

To really qualify as an adept, you had to able to destroy (as in DESTROY) what you created.  Not disperse it or turn it into some healing force or blow magic dust on a crowd with it.  No.  You had to be cheerfully willing to destroy what you create.  Otherwise, you would be caught in tangle of diminishing power, fueled by your precious and careful attitude about your own inventions.

Yes, these people were riverboat gamblers.  They were shoving in all their chips.  They were tough and determined and innovative to the nth degree.

Nothing like them had ever been seen on the face of the Earth.

Two authors are indispensable to understanding what was really going on in Tibet all those years ago.  John Blofeld and Alexandra David-Neel.  Read Blofeld’s The Tantric Mysticism of Tibet and any of David-Neel’s books about her travels in Tibet, including With Mystics and Magicians in Tibet.

Of great importance is Blofeld’s description of a practice he translates as “Deity Visualization.”  The Tibetan student is given a very precise “personage” to create in his mind, down to the last detail of accoutrement.  Presumably, this information was relayed to him through a painted mandala.

The student would then retire into isolation, and for months, perhaps years, he would work on this “interior painting,” in his imagination.  If he was finally able to hold the complete image together, mentally, he would be done with phase 1.

Then, phase 2, and the imagined personage would seem to come to life.  It would become the student’s friend, his ongoing guide, his advisor.  The teacher would watch this joyous interaction between the student and the “personage,” and when he saw the student was starting to rely on his new best friend, he would tell the student: DESTROY IT.

This third phase, it was said, was harder than the original task of creating it.

If the student could move through all three phases, he would realize that universe IS a product of mind…and he would be able to impact universe spontaneously.  Making things disappear, re-appear, inventing “new pieces” to insert into physical reality.

No ceremonies, no allegiance necessary.

However, as always happens, the priests moved in.

Then the Tibetans clogged up their own fantastic technique of creative work with immense amounts of baggage and ritual and “preparation.”  The student had to approach magic from a long way off, had to endure all sorts of hardship.  In Tibet, the theocracy took over and buried the core of the teaching.

Then on top of that, coming into modern times, further New Age fluff was added to the mix, resulting in a ludicrous mess.

Yes, the ancient Tibetans—before the priests obscured the most profound of all Earth-bred cosmologies—were on to something enormous.

The monk sand painters at the local church on Sunday?  I have no idea what they remember about their real tradition.  But they are a vague reminder of that wildness and actual wisdom.

Whether anyone knows or cares, that’s what the sand painting and destruction are about.

There is much more to say about all this, and in various venues I have and will be saying it.  Based on this ancient Tibetan fire, I’ve developed a number of techniques that move toward the original Tibetan goal.  (See my collection, Exit From The Matrix.)

There is a great deal of nonsense and underbrush to clear away, to establish a new mystery school—where the mystery is out in the open.

CIA Memories Part 2


NOTE: A patient presently confined to the Sleight Center psychiatric facility believes he is the director of the CIA. He also believes he is living in the year 2053. He is writing CIA memos to “his own top people.”

Memo: July 7, 2053

Dear All:

The other day I wrote this: “There is now no doubt that we have become victims of our own manipulations of time.  I find myself in different periods, depending on the day.  And not by choice.”  I would now revise that statement.  I am shifting identities, and each identity carries its own time signature.  That is a different situation.  Obviously, I have many legends and cover stories I developed over the years in the Agency.  At some point, the covers began to take on new force.  They ceased being simple disguises.  They penetrated past and future.  This is a theatrical quality.  For example, I found myself reading documents which hadn’t yet been written.

This is the beginning of something.  See, I don’t think I’ll be coming back to this place after I leave.  I don’t think so.  I don’t know where I’ll go, but it won’t be here.  There is one thing I need to do while I’m still here.  I need to sever my last connection.  That connection has to do with secrets.  Secrets still fascinate me.  So I’ll have to take the lid off and go down that hole into the massive cave and spill all the secrets I find there.  Messages about the secrets.  Some of them are very complicated.  That’s not a problem.  I’m ready.  I’m ready to deliver those messages.  For example, the one about the person who thinks he is me, who imitates me, who accesses records about me, in order to build his legend.  I assume he is the current CIA Director, posing as me.  I would pose as me, too, if I could.  After all, I have a great deal of knowledge.  I’m rather handsome.  I’m facile.  My enemies fear me.  Most of you don’t know this, but at the Agency we have a number of doubles who are posing as employees.  Don’t ask me where the actual employees have gone.  I don’t know.  I don’t keep track of that.  Apparently, someone wants to take over the Agency and is doing so at a slow pace.  Replace an agent here, an agent there.  On the other hand, and this is what really interests me, the replacement program could stem from the desire to improve the Agency.  Bring in new and improved doubles, as an upgrade.  Produce androids.  This is the future.  Suppose, one day, you’re walking around and you see a person who looks exactly like you buying bread in a shop.  You approach him and engage him in conversation.  You discover he knows everything you know.  But he knows it with more clarity.  He’s integrated. He’s more agile.  You’re no longer useful, pragmatically speaking.  You’re out.  In an instrumental society, you’re defunct.  You have to go somewhere else.  You have to start over.  You’re cut loose.  You don’t need to consider your obligations.

That’s where I am now, except I’m confined.  But that will end.  I’m not unhinged.  I’m lucid.  And I consider my options.  When I was officially serving as Director, I made sure conflicting messages were broadcast in the press.  This is the straightest path to sowing confusion in the public mind.  Confusion leads to despair, and despair leads to inaction.  Does that sound like the work of a crazy man?  I knew exactly what I was doing.  Just as I do now.  Think about it.  I can communicate with you, my top people at the Agency, can’t I?  They can’t stop me.  So I’m still the de facto Director of the CIA.  They may have my double over there sitting in my chair, but I supersede him.  He thinks he’s me, but I know I’m me.

Remember when we got rid of Nixon?  We worked through our cutout at the FBI, and he worked with Woodward.  Woodward peeled away the layers of the onion on that story.  But the whole story was already in the bag.  It was a preordained conclusion that Nixon would leave the White House.  We had to make it look like an investigation, a sequence.  We do that for the rubes and yokels.  We give them sequence, but time is already collapsed.  We work with time, ladies and gentlemen.  That’s our forte.

With JFK, we were aiming for shock value.  The sudden explosion of a shot, to induce public trauma.  But with Nixon, we spread it out.  We can go either way.  We destabilize.  That’s one of our primary missions.  They’ve tried to destabilize me, but they’ve failed.  I’m stronger than ever.  The psychiatrists at this facility think they’re experts at creating imbalance, but they don’t have a clue who they’re dealing with.  From the beginning, I was suckled on an unpredictable nipple.  Here today, gone tomorrow.  I absorbed the lesson.

Above all, we must remember, when we’re fighting enemies, they are the people to whom we gave life.  We invented them.  We brought them up.  If we lose that knowledge, we lose everything.

We turn out reality.  We make it up.  Through our agents and assets and cutouts, we disseminate the truth as we create it.  If we say the sky is falling, the sky is falling, even if it isn’t.  We have the means to build a world, a universe.  Why wouldn’t we build it?  Should we shrink back from our duty?  There is no actual world.  It’s an indefinable mix of people and events.  It has no form.  We give it form.  We give it meaning.  It’s not our fault that people can’t achieve that on their own.  Remember, when the ancient Roman Empire was crumbling, because it couldn’t control all the territory it was conquering, it changed course.  It decided to shape a Church that would construct a cosmic order according to a story line it invented.  It would thus control minds.  That was the great change.  Why use armies when words and pictures and theatrical presentations shape thought itself?  We are our own Church.  We still use political subversion and military force, but on the whole we are dealing with mental processes.  We slip in unnoticed and re-constitute belief and opinion and perception.

Given enough time, and adequate personnel, we could convince the population that the world is made of jelly beans.  Why not?  Atoms, electrons, protons, nuclei, quarks—all dead, all in motion according to inexorable laws.  They therefore eliminate the possibility of consciousness.  It’s already a jelly bean cosmology…

The Enlightened and the Entangled

The Enlightened and the Entangled

by Zen Gardner
April 8, 2017


It’s either/or, and it takes some serious commitment and doing, as well as not doing, to truly get free. Most of us have no idea of what real freedom is, as we tend to listen to our minds predominantly rather than our hearts when it comes to understanding. Besides being a very limited means of perception, our minds are severely corrupted since birth by the engineered world we’re born into. 

Molded by programmed parents and teachers and a societal milieu invented by psychopathic forces and their agents for the sole purpose of control, it’s a fight from day one to fight off these influences and dig our way back to our true selves. 

Upon arrival on this planet and its limited and constricting dimensions, our first response is survival, how to get along and maybe even excel in the maze we walked into. We invent personalities and very complex support mechanisms to prop up our inventions to keep up with the myriad of other invented stories we continually encounter. They call that adjusting. Incredible.

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” – Jiddhu Krishnamurti   

It’s All About the Will and Courage to Search and Find

Something within each of us longs for something much greater. We sense it’s there but can’t put our finger on it. The illusory construct we’re born into is fully entangled in its own story, reinforcing itself like a cancer against the realization of deeper truths. The true humans amongst us all experience this innate contradiction, yet we’re told this is just the way it is. 

This is where the heart drive comes in. Enlightenment has been made out to be some ethereal, far away unattainable state reserved only for the duly revered and hence separated from our personal potential. A complete fabrication. 

This experience here is like a very low level, barely intelligence-challenging juvenile video game. The answers are obvious. As Occam’s razor states so beautifully and succinctly, the simplest answer is usually the right one. That’s why children are so profound in their understanding, and many of the great teachers have said we need to become like little children again. When we reject the love of the truth we’re given over to delusion, and a very convoluted set of life sapping variables. 

We then learn to accept or reject whatever we choose to according to what fits our perverted sense of self-serving understanding. After all, the world around us does it, why shouldn’t I?

Meanwhile your inner soul and connection to true innate understanding weeps. 

“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” ~ Carl Jung

Just Look at the Challenge

Not only are we programmed from birth and thrown into a swamp of twisted lies, the bombardment continues with soul and mind twisting education and societal “norms” backed by insane degrees of media propaganda – which again seems to be happily assimilated into this twisted, dumbed down normalcy bias. 

What could be more challenging?

Is there a purpose to it, for each of us individually? Having been twisted to incredible torques of trauma in my personal life I can only assume so. Something survives that can still see the beauty around us and all that is implied behind it. The more I find out how swindled we’ve been, from the obvious to controlled opposition and plants to divert whole well intentioned movements, the more that resonates with my heart in complete contradiction to what I’ve been presented with. Hence the more I know the more I don’t know. A healthy attitude I’ve come to learn. 

But at the same time the more arises a warrior spirit within me. Spirit rising. Herein lies the spark of life.

I’m all too aware of coping mechanisms and the like, so don’t even bother going there if you’re that jaded. Somehow truth surfaces. It may be paltry in the world we’re witnessing in this dark age we’re living in, with all its glitz and tech and glamour. Humanity has been shrouded in immense darkness, cut off from what was once obvious to our child like spirits.

The Moral?

It’s up to you. How committed are you to truth, really? I know my settings. Do you know yours? Are you truly connected to them? Does fear of death still affect you? A good barometer.

We are up against many common obstacles. Illusory and mentally induced ones in most cases, but nonetheless appearing real. Like the famous expression, FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real. Pretty profound. But do we implement these realizations, or file them away as comforting cover ups.

The battle we’re in is very real. It’s first of all personal. We can’t change the external without having that real metanoia, about face, in our own lives first. That’s not a popular subject in a world that wants its ears tickled with the latest media punch or on the alternative side conspiracy theory world wanting more and more “information”, whatever truths they contain. It’s still stroking the same egoic body that sucks up to this matrix of deceit. 

It may take you a while to make that connection to the concept of and resultant disconnection with false self, but it’s essential. At least learn to be conscious of such a schism and then observe it. It’s truly liberating. 

All the best. I’ll keep wondering. Can’t help it. Hope you do too.

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Truth or Denial in the Age of Information Overload

Truth or Denial in the Age of Information Overload

by Zen Gardner
January 18, 2013


A lot of people are getting more frustrated than ever with either trying to wake people up, or just witnessing the apparent absolute ignorance of people not being able to notice what’s really going on around them. There are many reasons for this, and it’s an age old problem.

In today’s world, it appears it’s because things are crystallizing so fast and the flow of changing information coming at people is so massive it can barely be processed anymore by the lower density mind. True to some extent.

You’ll soon see that doesn’t hold up when it comes to consciousness.

But as a result of this onslaught people just shut down. In spite of so much Truth being more readily available than in any other time in history people still choose to close their eyes and ears. This info-barrage is no excuse for anything, but it’s part of the reality of the effects of this swirl of accelerating craziness that’s spinning around us.

And that’s just what’s on the mental, informational surface. Vibrationally and spiritually things are even crazier as the Matrix and its inter-dimensional minions furiously fight against the natural progression of change and advancing energetic waves of Truth our world is experiencing.

All this may not appear to be an improvement to many following this recent galactic alignment and change of ages, but despite the chaos getting loosed on the world we are definitely moving towards a much greater conscious state of awareness and energetic power. It’s getting free enough to see and experience all this that’s the major issue at hand.

Don’t let the confusion and chaos fool you. Keep your ship steady as she goes. It’s all a transition, but man the helm diligently. This is the real deal and it’s about to get very personal if it hasn’t already.

Testing Times Are Times of Choice

It’s a very challenging dynamic we’re all facing at this juncture.  And I expect it to get even wilder and more confusing by the day, especially to the unwary. And this increased fury of change is causing basically two reactions. We either open up to new and more fulfilling options for our lives, or we duck and cover and adopt the state sponsored party line for seeming safety and security.

It appears to be that simple.

The preponderance of the population is apparently shutting down and hiding from this seeming informational onslaught. They are actually happy the state propaganda machine pablumizes everything into a nice, warm, sugary goo. After all, it’s easier, and easier is better, right? Like eating cheap toxic processed fast food instead of real, living food. “We’ll worry about that healthy stuff later. You can’t expect me to eat consciously and study what’s in stuff all the time. Surely it can’t be that bad if the FDA has approved these foods and additives. And the media might not be perfect but they’d never outright lie to us…” blah blah.

Little do they know. But intentional ignorance is of course no excuse either. Even the slightest bit of critical thought could open the floodgates to the Truth but the subconscious awareness that there’s way more behind the wizard’s curtain than they care to know about keeps them squeezing their eyes shut.

Look at Sandy Hook-winked. If people knew the depths the Powers That Be sink to put on such elaborate murderous schemes and the many strange goals accomplished during these high profile rituals it would make their heads spin. So what does the media controlled world do? Nothing. Not even admit one iota of contrary evidence, be it others arrested on the scene or any contradictory stories that don’t toe the party line.

And on top of that they demonize anyone who not just proposes opposing information, but dares to question the lack of evidence to support anything that happened as the public was told! Anyone smell 9/11 here? Not a bad comparison really, an emotionally charged and fact-bereft media story that has just the right desired effects.

Always ask, Cui Bono? Who benefits? Apply that across the board.

But the time to pay the fiddler is nigh. Personally and collectively.

Even the Back Burner Is Boiling Over

There’s one thing people aren’t counting on. In this energetically enlivened time everything gets activated. Even the pots put on the back burners are boiling over and there’s no ignoring these suppressed issues any longer. You can’t stop the energetic changes any more than you can keep the waves of Truth like waves of the ocean from hitting the shore.

And despite all this jacked up confusion, people subconsciously realize to wake up and challenge any one of these major issues might mean having to see and therefore react to other issues or questions. It might mean changing their whole understanding of life which would take them to new, uncomfortable places.

For those trying to put off these uncomfortable realizations, it’s gonna get a heck of a lot more uncomfortable as well as confusing for those who don’t get honest about what’s before them and rise to the challenge, believe me.

We’re either part of the problem, or part of the solution. Plain and simple.

All or Nothing at All – Beware the Vortex

It’s really becoming all or nothing at all when it comes to the fundamentals of Truth vs. the Lie in people’s lives. Those that shut down and close their eyes and ears to the Truth are forced into the only other option: the one touted by the mainstream media/religion/intellectual mantra and enforced by the matrix. And its end is death..spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.

The vortex of this false world is way too strong for anyone to be anywhere near the big lie with little compromises to not get sucked into the whole morass of deceit. We’ll all be shedding more and more cherished baggage as the storm picks up.

Let go gleefully. It’s helping you get free.

Commit to Detachment

It’s very simple knowing what to do. Arm yourself with Truth and Love and detach from the Lie any and every way you can. Any compromise is going to cost more than it ever did before. As the wind picks up even the smallest bit of debris becomes increasingly hazardous. Same with attachments. The smallest thing can bring us down if we’re off guard and playing too near to the snare of the matrix.

Think about that.

The battle before us is overcoming the fog machine that brings on excuses, indifference, apathy and confusion, all very “reasonable” causes for inaction and keeping wrong attachments. That we’re being absolutely hammered with false informational overload is a given. The wonderful part of the equation is the good informational field that’s intensifying at the same time.

Stay alive, alert and detached. The only way to process this burst of false information is to step back, see yourself as consciousness having an experience called “you”, and then process it and act or not act accordingly.

Such is the way. A great default that always works for conscious warriors.

Much Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.


Cover image credit: GDJ

Transformation, X-Ray Eyes and the Lifting of the Veil

Transformation, X-Ray Eyes and the Lifting of the Veil

by Zen Gardner
August 1, 2016


These are very exciting times as well as extremely challenging ones. Changes continue to accelerate on personal as well as external fronts, and will continue to do so.  This veil lifting meme has come on strong. It’s in our collective consciousness. It’s the awakening morphing as we said it would and will continue to do.

On the external front, the BREXIT issue is very indicative of the growing effects of recent events, even if it’s engineered to try and bring on a new globalist plan. The point is people are getting a sense of empowerment and involvement. When these openings arise they lead to more awakenings of the spirit as related issues come to light.

I see and feel it here in Spain, as there are a lot of Brits here and they’re talking about it quite a bit and recalculating many things as a result, as are all other nationalities here in Europe. It affects trade, freedom of movement and places of residence the most immediately.

People are already on the defensive with the monetary manipulations and the underlying issue of disappearing national cultures with the migration agenda in full swing, so the cumulative effect of these issues is precipitating new viewpoints and understandings about what’s going on.

Populations are also being battered about by these escalating false flags and ginned up fear with the resulting militarization of their otherwise peaceful nations. They’re seeing through all this more and more. That’s pretty powerful. It’s all backfiring as they get more and more desperate to gain control, and people aren’t buying into it nearly as much.

The Break Though Is Under Way – And It’s Very Personal

The truth is bubbling through this lifting veil and changing the playing field in more ways than we can even clearly identify. It’s a shift – ultimately in consciousness that is affecting the entire planet and everything and everyone in and on it.

The most profound manifestations are what’s happening in people’s personal lives. I’ve been going through a major shift the past 10 months with very personal ramifications coming at me full speed and from all sides. The thing is, I’m hearing this from every quarter. My own children, close friends, readers and commenters on the site, people I’m meeting, and just perusing the consciousness oriented web sites.

The shift is hitting the fan. And it’s all for good.

It’s really remarkable how lives are being impacted. And it’s clearly what’s most important – that we make the personal changes that are being required of us to prepare us for what’s ahead, as well as in fulfilling our essential roles as sovereign awakened souls and awake and responsible inhabitants of this glorious planet.

X-Ray Eyes – Just Wait To See What You’re Gonna See!

What’s thrilling about these changes is what is being revealed to us. Not only in our general outlook as that will continually keep morphing, but our self perception and how we view those about us that closely influence our lives.

You’ll see yourself, first of all, warts and all as the layers peel off. But it’s revealing your real shining self. It’s all good. I get into this in other articles but you know what I’m talking about. Transformation is a painful but necessary process.

Don’t fight it. In fact, pursue it.

The wild stuff I’ve been experiencing the past several months and which continues to step up is seeing not only myself, but other people differently. Especially the ones I thought I “knew”. Things get revealed to you. Brace yourself, a lot of it comes as a shocker or sideways revelation, but trust what your heart is telling you. And respond accordingly as you’re led.

It’s an ongoing adjustment process but quite a thrilling experience. It’ll make you draw close to some and distance yourself from others as your newly revealed self comes to the surface.

The Bombastic Bullshit Factor

There’s a lot of complete bullshit getting thrown around, and pointless, distracting and time and energy wasting drama. It’ll be cloaked in anything from morphed new age type spiritual rigamarole, a very toxic infection going around, to shallow amusements with no lasting value that also drain the spirit and distract from deeper relationships grounded in reality.

You’ll also see other people you don’t know differently. It’s sort of like having x-ray eyes that are waking up and activating. It gives you a lot more compassion to realize what people are trapped in, as well as an increasing disdain for destructive behavior and deliberate ignorance.

Events and news morph too. You’ll be able to more easily resist areas of information that you once tolerated and even sought after. Go with it. As we detoxify it gets easier and easier and we naturally spend more time on connecting with nature and relaxing as well as working on spiritual grounding, essential to our health and survival, especially now in these increasingly turbulent times, both socially and spiritually.

Hyperdimensional Stuff

This can’t be emphasized enough. Without awareness of this aspect we’re sitting ducks. Almost if not all of our problems are influenced by hyperdimensional energies and entities. We’re under attack now more than ever and as the veil lifts, but we’re going to be able to identify these pestering spirit influences at work.

That’s why grounding work in order to stay firmly planted in reality is so very important.

But it’s all for our good and growth, so react consciously. Again, the Wetiko information is very empowering in this regard. We need to understand what is going on in this important hyperdimensional aspect and there’s a lot of great information regarding this available.

But nothing takes the place of vigilance. If we’re “on call” we’re much more likely to nip things in the bud before we get entangled and things really become complicated and confusing. That’s why I wrote about social contracts and co-dependence recently, because these can be activated before we know it. It’s bad enough the ones we’re aware of and already disengaging from, but why bring on more problems for ourselves if we can avoid them?

Can I Help?

Co-dependency often manifests in trying to help others in the wrong way and with the wrong motives driving us. Maybe we’re drawing others to ourselves, or working out old issues with wanting to feel needed. It could be a lot of things.

This phrase “can I help?” has become a joke with my closest friends. We talk about all these things I’m writing about here a lot which really helps heighten awareness of it. But if you can laugh when you catch yourself doing it it’s a real good sign! Issues like this are a manifestation of previous trauma and tragedy in our lives and may not seem so funny at times, but we can get past it.

We just need to see it for what it is.

That takes some “homework” but it’s an essential part of our growth. Wrong, binding social contracts are another extension of co-dependency. It’s that thing that reaches out and attaches in completely unhealthy ways. It reminds me of the quote:

“Thoughts are not the problem… It’s the thing that goes out and grabs them and makes them ‘yours’ that’s the problem.” – Jack O’Keeffe

Watch Your Thoughts – and Everything Else

That quote above is like anything in us that seeks attachment. And let me tell you, hyperdimensionals LOVE attachment! Besides what basic attachments to to bind up personally, attachment is how these entities and influences work and even travel from person to person. So watch out where you hang out, who you’re with and what you think. Do regular energetic cleansing.  All this may seem a tall order but it’s the nature of the beast right now.

Actually it always has been.

“Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom” is a lot deeper than we thought. But it’s not that complicated. It will take some tough decisions to let go of compromised situations. The answer is usually clear and easy but the execution can be tough. Some things take more time to unravel and disconnect from than others. But we all can do it.

Unveil Yourself

I’m dwelling on these personal aspects because self-healing is the most profound manifestation of this lifting of the veil. And once we’re whole we’re way more effective in helping to change the vibrational level of our environment. That’s the most effective thing any of us can do.

It’s also where these other forces and issues can’t touch us, and that awakening process continues to self replicate and raise in not just frequency, but power and speed. Besides, it’s the unknown territory we all crave to find and explore and dwell in.

And it’s at all of our fingertips.

Now that’s empowering. We’re in the midst of a planetary shift that’s being energetically charged, and as we respond and resonate it works synergistically to compound this wonderful change exponentially.

Keep on. It’s an individual fight, but we each help each other massively by overcoming.

Meet you in the unknown! It’s the place to be!


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.


Cover image credit: PublicDomainPictures

Glitch-O-Rama and the Leaking Matrix

Glitch-O-Rama and the Leaking Matrix

by Zen Gardner
March 28, 2016


There is increasing evidence that the constructed veil between humanity and reality is dissipating. Much like settled science now confirming cosmic realities long known to consciously awake and aware humans such as the center of our galaxy being an energetic source intensely affecting ourselves and our planet, revelations of truth continue to pour into our collective awareness.

The fact that we’re in the midst of a rare alignment with the galactic center as well as passing through other charged fields has profound implications.

But the manifestations of this massive shift in consciousness are busting out all over. Quantum physics revelations, new archeological finds continue to be discovered, all while previously unavailable documents and information are surfacing at an unprecedented, exponential speed. Most of all, people are finding their passion as a result of this explosion and availability of information and communication and are having major life changes as a result, deciding to drop out of the matrix and dedicate their lives to being, as well as bringing about, the change we need to see in the world.

The awakening springs forth – and nothing can stop it!

Language Leaks Busting the Dam

This is a continual phenomenon to definitely track. You’ll see it more and more as the very language and terminology of the so-called alternative and truth community is seeping into and out of the mainstream information outlets as well as the burgeoning social media exchange network.

It can’t help but happen. As the awakening keeps escalating it’s simply a matter of fact as truth passes through the collective consciousness and leeks into communications at every level, allowing people to build on new levels of awareness and thus keep transforming.

To quote from Language Leaps and the Information Shuffle:

So much can be told by language shifts. Both what’s being used more frequently in general as well as substantial new additions, and deletions, to the lexicon. This goes two ways. The controllers keep shifting their language and euphemisms to blanket their intentions, while the awakening community grabs hold of and proliferates empowering and revealing words and concepts that grow in usage at an astounding and truly inspiring rate.

This is a powerful manifestation of the awakening.

Just look how easily and readily words like the matrix, the Illuminati, social engineering, transhumanism, zionism and the holohoax, freemasonry, synchronicity, psychopathy, cognitive dissonance, geoengineering, false flags, predictive programming and big brother surveillance are being used now. These were considered side line or taboo issues discussed by whack jobs not long ago. Now? They’re mainstays of conversation that bleed more and more into the mainstream dialogue.

That speaks volumes as to the effect the onslaught of true information is having. And something to be very encouraged and inspired about.

Timelines and Parallel Worlds

This concept was once thought to be way out there and sci-fi sounding, but now has scientific merit, for what that’s worth, but that does bring it into the mass consciousness which brings a willingness to consider and perhaps grasp such mind expanding ideas.

Here’s a recent news report that frames these concepts for public consumption and is quite telling all on its own:

Quantum mechanics, though firmly tested, is so weird and anti-intuitive that famed physicist Richard Feynman once remarked, “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics.” Attempts to explain some of the bizarre consequences of quantum theory have led to some mind-bending ideas, such as the Copenhagen interpretation and the many-worlds interpretation.

Now there’s a new theory on the block, called the “many interacting worlds” hypothesis (MIW), and the idea is just as profound as it sounds. The theory suggests not only that parallel worlds exist, but that they interact with our world on the quantum level and are thus detectable. Though still speculative, the theory may help to finally explain some of the bizarre consequences inherent in quantum mechanics.

The Mandela Effect

Here’s another glitch that has been identified, similar to the phenomenon of déjà vu. The idea that various timelines are continually being generated is a mind-boggler but helps us take a more transcendent view of reality, similar to the Mandela Effect:

The Mandela Effect is a theory of parallel universes, based in the idea that because large groups of people have similar alternative memories about past events. Advocates of the theory claim that for these collective experiences to be true, the fabric of reality must have shifted at some point in the past, and that therefore not only do parallel, inhabitable universes exist, but that we are constantly switching between them.

This goes on to say that there are many shared “mis”memories of this sort that lead people to believe that again different timelines or dimensions are involved, which blows our current “mind” set to oblivion as to what the nature of reality really is.

There are many such examples, but suffice it to say we’re living in awakening times and what was once considered way out there is now under serious consideration.

That in itself blows the old paradigms to bits.


Wreck It Ralph, King Candy and Glitch

There’s an amazing metaphor for this matrix we’re living in brought to us by, yes, Pixar. I was personally shocked when I saw this animation at its appropriate story line and ingenious portrayal of characters and is a revealing film I’d suggest seeing.

As you can see from the illustration, the unlikely heroes of this story of computer game characters manage to bust out of their electronic matrix. What’s so extremely telling about this tale is the nature of the controlling character named King Candy, how he has manipulated his underlings, and the extent and means of his level of control. (more on the Wizard of Oz like King Candy and the movie’s story line HERE)

The atmosphere is quite cleverly oppressive and all think it’s well within their confines, when in fact, as you will find out, the heroine of this tale is the castoff and exiled previous benign leader of this domain, renamed Glitch after her fall, who herself had forgotten her previous role in this digitized world ominously called “Sugar Rush”.

Sound familiar?

And guess what? Glitch is soon restored to her rightful place – but not without a fight.

We Are the Glitch in the Matrix

When all is said and done it’s about the human spirit. Our attitude, our fortitude, our spirit, and our decisions. This is clearly a testing ground for each of us. The challenges we face are formidable, but not insurmountable.

Indeed we are faced with a very real matrix of deceit that takes many forms. Whatever they are, this is the enemy to be identified, exposed and dealt with. If an animation can make this as plain as the noses on our faces, why can’t we see it for ourselves?

Well, one reason is because of these truths being aired and let out through fiction so we don’t do anything in reality. That’s the big drawback of this kind of psychic release valve. However, if we see it for what it is it can actually be a help and inspiration.

The challenge is to first get out from the programming and slumber mode most of the world has been enticed into. Once we do that and things become clear, then it’s time to act.

Every awake and activated soul on this planet is a glitch in the matrix. In fact, every deed of unselfish love, every utterance of truth, every kind deed tears at the very fabric of this foisted lie that engulfs us. This is why they have to constantly inject fear into everything they do or say, that or very base level behaviors without any conscious awareness of consideration for others.

That’s how they play. We don’t do that.

That’s what is bringing their walls down and causing massive leaks in their intolerable matrix. It cannot stand nor survive in an atmosphere of truth and love.

Keep turning it on, and up – the curtains are coming down!

Love always,



Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Don’t Worry – Everything is Not Under Control

Don’t Worry – Everything is Not Under Control

by Zen Gardner
September 2015


What a farce. Telling everyone “everything is under control” is perhaps the most dulling and disempowering phrase ever uttered.My fascination with language just keeps expanding. I love looking at expressions, words, colloquialisms, so-called “sayings” and the like with fresh awakened eyes. I can’t help it. The supposed, accepted and unconscious meanings of these imposed “expressions” are what direct our minds and turn our attention.

So much of what we’ve been handed down is contorted, manipulated and eventually nestled in the collective mindset to twist our hearts away from simple truth.

How many times has this expression been used to bring seeming comfort to someone; “Don’t worry, everything’s under control.” Really? What control? Who’s controlling what? And why?

So often this is used to imply some powerful force is behind everything directing what’s going on. Remind you of anything? Yes – religion, hierarchy, and social, political and economic so-called “controllers”. How debilitating can you get when it comes right down to it, playing on people’s insecurity and lack of conscious awareness?

“It’s under control” is comforting to people? It’s the picture of personal disempowerment!

External Control? Or Creative Freedom!

Sure, there is a wonderful creative Source we are all intrinsically part of, but it’s not “controlling” anything in a living, expanding Universe with beings of all sorts with free will and self determination in an alive multidimensional environment. If anything, this Creative impetus is tearing down control systems that attempt to foist themselves on its process, put there either by conscious intent or the manifestation of hardening mindsets in the social fabric.

Earth processes attest to this, as well as our spectacular expanding and ever changing Universe. Nature itself is alive with new sprouts of life in the animal, plant and mineral worlds, never mind other realms of existence.

Look at earthquakes and volcanoes, or the sun and astral influences. As much as some try to analyze or predict major events that affect earth that still brings no control, only a measure of preparedness on rare occasion. And that type of insecurity is good for us. It’s humbling and keeps us in check.

This process is what the awakening is all about!

While some earth changes may be exacerbated by human activity, the big stuff is way out of our control. Thankfully. That’s what makes life life, and also why the insane would-be captivators of humanity and its planet work so feverishly in their mad pursuits to try to control natural processes. Control is their yardstick and without it they have no temporal security or power, which to them equates some weird form of normalcy or equilibrium.

How upside down can you get.Be it geoengineering our climate, genetically modifying the natural progression of life forms, or attempting to install artificial intelligence to run their soulless programs, these maniacs are desperate for control in every shape and form. Why? They cannot meld or harmonize with what’s natural since their psychopathic, demonic intentions have nothing to gain, all while the rest of us thrive on being part of the fantastic empowering natural processes of Creation Itself.

Therein lies the rub. Quite apparently we’re in a world of conflicts of interest. That’s our current playing field, if you will. Or won’t. It’s just the way it is.

Let Go Into Conscious Anarchy

I like the anarchy approach. Anarchy is an example of another twisted word. It’s doesn’t mean putting a society into deliberate chaotic destruction, it means living without hierarchical control mechanisms. Something most groomed humans are scared spitless of thanks to generations of social programming.

You mean to tell me if we didn’t have so-called “government” that everything would fall apart? Baloney. People are resourceful and essentially responsible, at least their inner nature is, that hasn’t been perverted by all of this programming to the contrary. That very dependence on external control systems is what the hierarchy is literally banking on which is why the repeated memes of fear of scarcity or personal security.

There’s plenty for everybody. All we need to do is work together locally and share with other communities in a range of sizes and distances. Real commerce in loving cooperation, not the regulated systems that have been foisted upon us. We’ve been weaned from personal responsibility into a system of statist dependence, like someone who’s stopped using their muscles and is dependent on some mass produced contraption for their mobility when there’s nothing wrong with them at all.

They just need to exercise their innate capabilities.

Just because people have become spiritually atrophied in large numbers doesn’t mean that’s the way it’s supposed to be. Exactly like waking up, it’s time to arise and use the magnificent body of capabilities we’ve all been given, and let go of these false crutches and systems of hierarchy and walk into life and live!


That false assurance that everything’s under control by external forces as if we individually have virtually none has got to go. Being comforting in times of stress and turmoil is one thing, but propping people up with some external dependence reinforcement is fundamentally wrong.

It’s time to be conscious – in our words, our thoughts and our actions.It’s really not that difficult. The main thing you’ll confront is ignorant, unenlightened opposition from those who’ve grown deeply accustomed to this dependency programming, as if it’s some form of respect for the “great ones” who rule them.It’s very deep and will take time to overcome for most. But remaining in that conscious space, no matter what ridicule or obstacles assail you, is the very solution we each are longing for.

It begins with each of us. Standing our ground and then moving forward in conscious, loving action.Do it. Bravely. The time for humanity to arise is now.

Much love, be well, and fully empowered.



Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Don’t Be Attached to the Shitstorm

Don’t Be Attached to the Shitstorm

by Zen Gardner
August 30, 2015


This is not a time to be tuning into the overall state of humanity without great care and awareness.

We’re in a vortex of change such as humanity has never been exposed to. And it will hurt your heart. This confluence we’re in the midst of is very serious business.

We’re all being taken on a wild ride that can lead nowhere, or somewhere. It all depends on our original orientation.

The unaware will be taken down paths of deceitful manipulation while the aware will find a ride to empowerment and even further confirmations regarding what’s truly transpiring.

What path we choose is paramount…

The best analogy is a stream or river of water, or even a turbulent sea. When in one, when and where you direct your vessel is what it’s all about. Especially when the stream or ocean is moving rapidly and with seeming reckless abandon.

There’s nowhere to hide from these “current” influences.

Our options appear to be somewhat limited, but only without conscious awareness and the ability to rise above the turmoil and so not be driven or steered by what is coming at us.

Operating from an intelligently detached perspective, like a wise, informed ship captain in a turbulent sea, must be our conscious point of reference.

When to Tune In, and Out

Empaths specifically are particularly sensitive and instinctively “take on more water” in their foundational nature of attuned compassion.

The shared passion for others is what their hearts readily “take on board”. But be careful. Empathy alone will not mitigate a survival situation.

So many are and will be suffering through these eddies, rip tides and gushing engineered rapids being foisted on humanity that the heart cries of the innocent will resound loudly in the empath’s ears.

This is potentially like the seductive sirens of Ulysses’ journey if we’re not careful to regulate what we tune into. We need to be touched by the “feeling of their infirmities” but never compromise nor forsake the manning of the ship.

What we know and represent is their lifeboat. As well as our own.

Much like rescuing a drowning swimmer, the lifeguard has to approach the situation with great caution and wisdom, or he too will go down with the panicking victim. That’s not to say nothing should be done. It just needs to be handled intelligently and in a sense, unemotionally.

If we tune into the fear and panic we do no one any good and our positive potential is completely compromised.

I know those I’m addressing are hearing this loud and clear. Those who feel estranged from this sentiment I’m expressing may yet wake up spiritually to our inter-connectivity at which time this will become clear.

For now this just needs to be said.

Mind Your Psychic Awareness

Mind your tuning and reception device. There’s a time to turn it up, and a time to turn it down. Know the difference and act judiciously.

I know many wonderful people in various states of upheaval over these latest turns in the world situation and what appears to lie ahead of us.

It’s taking a toll on people’s health, energy, minds and hearts. It’s no small thing we’re going through, nor is it some kind of situation we’re going to escape by flipping into 4 or 5D or have a galactic intervention or some such to save us from it all.

My advice is to beware of all of that, but entertain what you want. The only “escapism” we can enjoy is true conscious awareness based in compassion and determination. And it’s nothing to snicker at.

Those who know this perspective at whatever level understand what I am saying.

It is sober, it is responsible, it is caring to the utmost degree. It’s just important to be intensely aware of the external and internal environment and not get duped into foolish mind flips and fanciful escape hatches or side tracks, all of which seem to be popping up faster by the day.

I have a tremendous love for humanity and strong conviction concerning its potential, as do so many of you. Let’s all keep awakening those around us, but guard your energy in times like these. Not to be selfish, but wise.

Stay strong. We’re at our battle stations. Be vigilant.

And it’s an honor to serve with so many wonderful, caring souls…

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Final Transition and Defeat of the Archons

The Final Transition and Defeat of the Archons

by Zen Gardner
August 2015


We are living in perhaps the most exciting and challenging time in history. The acceleration of information from every side continues to pour in while the spiritual awakening bursts upon us. This collision of worlds is ongoing and the culmination at many levels is surely inevitable and no doubt already upon us.

That humanity faces a psychopathic otherworldly driven agenda is evident, and has been for a long time. The advancement of technology at this rapidly rising peak of this crescendo brings new dimensions to our planet and existence. The ultimate power tools are now available to darkly driven forces and we are increasingly forced to deal with them on a daily basis as they steer towards their totalitarian nightmare.

This massive program is not a briskly brushed aside issue by any stretch of the imagination. Too much has been at work and covertly engineered for far too long to stop their progression – entirely. But it is destined to fail. The question is: will it be now?

It’s up to us.

The Struggle Is Real

Everything natural, growing and spontaneous in our marvelous Universe attests to the eventual downfall of any and all controlling mechanisms. These living proofs are markers dear to our awakened hearts, regardless of power crazed entities’ devastating designs of oppression and genocide. Life survives, just as plant life always comes back again despite forest fires, volcanic eruptions or massive earth changes.

That’s the inherent nature of our wondrous creative existence.

Battles within life’s cycles clearly rage, as they do with the varying levels of the higher conscious-being community around us. This struggle is apparently part of how things work. No matter how much some may attempt to over-spiritualize this reality, the growth cycle clearly involves living amidst adversity and learning to not just survive, but cooperate in love and harmony together despite oppositional forces.


The missing factor has been doing what we can to dismantle their destructive mechanisms. This is the stage we now find ourselves after far too much time blindly trusting authority and abdicating our power and capabilities to overlords, many disguised as so-called elected representatives, while others are outright oligarchs who’ve been in place for eons without disruption.

How It Will Play Out

It’s clear things will get worse before they get better. While this current world we’re confronting is simply a snapshot in eternity, it cannot be minimized or ignored any longer. Too many forces are in the hands of madness to not be used to some degree. We see this in the roll out of the AI agenda as well as the monetary, biotech and geoengineering programs, to name just a few. For these despotic forces to not attempt to utilize these insane programs, most of which are already in process after decades of preparation, is counter-intuitive, however nightmarish the current as well as coming effects may be.

It’s a form of momentum and very difficult to stop altogether. We can expose what’s going on and help people prepare as well as speak up and fight this as much as possible. However, their meglomaniacal designs have been going on full throttle while humanity was lulled to sleep and distracted from seeing its intended control and obvious violence and death fixation to satisfy their parasitic cravings.

A fundamental truth many are uncomfortable with as true as it is, but seeing the enemy for who they are is intrinsic to knowing how to expose, resist and defeat them.

The Lynch Pin of Activation – Downing the Archon Agenda

On the bright side, we’re taking their ill-conceived and wickedly intentioned construct of death and control down. One step, one article, one video, one conversation, one awakening, one empowerment, one loving deed, one concerned action at a time. This is our heart cry and the calling we’re learning to step into.

You can visualize this as the crashing of massive spacecraft that are attempting to overtake our planet, much like we saw in the movie Independence Day. Their eventual end will have dire consequences on the rest of us since they’ve interwoven their matrix of control into every fabric of human society and even massively interfered with earth’s natural processes.

But it won’t happen unless we do our part.

Humanity has been bamboozled. Ironically, these archontic entities trying to control and manipulate us are able to transgress in the name of “freedom” with impunity – something these same entities loathe. Deceit is their number one tool, as perfectly evidenced by the archon possessed Zionist agenda, an outcropping that is so obviously wicked the entire world structure has to deny it even exists.

Similar to the bully in the playground, these oppressive entropic influences seek complete dominance at the expense of everything in their path. They create and promote anger, violence, greed and self-satisfaction to justify their own ends like a mind worm working its way into the human psyche. This is how they work, softening and even neutralizing opposition of any sort.

When confronted with the full light of truth, however, they cannot operate.

These parasites thrive on the principles of the generous life giving nature of our creative Universe, yet want to limit that access for others. In fact they’re insanely jealous of us. There’s a lot to be said about this in the Gnostic texts and other perceptive teachings everyone should be familiar with.

These archonic cryptoterrestrials in whatever form are real and are behind the scenes engineering our world either directly or using willing, psychopathic idiots amongst us to manage their tasks. It’s an infestation and just as our white blood cells rush to meet destructive micro organisms to preserve our health and well being, so must we behave as conscious warriors of light and true love.

On the Fulcrum – A Golden Opportunity for Drastic Change

As the dystopian skynet-type AI program rolls out and geoengineers, psychoperverts and social engineers continue seeming to implode our planet and race, we stand at an apex of change never before seen in the history of our planet – at least as far as we know. Perhaps we’re replaying the Atlantis vs Lemuria scenario or the ancient Vedic wars. I don’t know, and it doesn’t really matter, although the passing of the Kali Yuga is extremely significant as we make this transition.

We’re faced with what we’re faced with – very serious challenges and conditions.

I do feel strongly though that we have an opportunity of the ages, literally. The transition to the next age is upon us but how it comes out is up to us. We can stop the insanity of futile cycles of history and move on to the next level, or not. However you perceive the cycles of life, you have to admit that humanity’s history is a sordid repeating cycle of oppression and violence, despite humankind longing to live in peace and harmony.

Controllers come and go at will while humanity has simply observed and complied. This is on the precipice of being ended if we will seize the opportunity before us. Synchronistically, or by design, this coincides with the change of ages foreseen by cultures of old.

The question immediately arises: Is this our ultimate opportunity to leave this repeating cycle, by standing up and defeating the self ordained masters of our race who have sentenced us to this prison-like repeating cycle of abuse? A profound thought.

I think so.

Our Potential Outcome – But It Must Be Seized

I visualize a very encouraging conclusion, although wrought with interim destruction and tragedy, much like we’ve witnessed in various sci-fi scenarios. Their programs will fail, but at a great price.

To be so cavalier as to think the destructive aspect would be fully averted is nonsense to me. It’s merely wishful, blissful thinking that fills our current outlook with mind-numbing soma that keeps us from appropriate action. Just look at the constant escalation of outright war and genocide, never mind the geophysical, economic and mad science manipulations running amok. It’s not letting up.

This new agey misleading so-called “pacifist” mindset that all is cool and everything will be taken care of by the “others”  of whichever description, or just go “Om on the Range” while the world crumbles, is not the case or solution by any stretch of the imagination. It’s a deliberately disabling, debilitating and ultimately destructive imposed paradigm of social and personal disempowerment, however “cool” or trendy. Simple research into who and what agencies and institutes are behind these psyops movements will clarify any questions you may have.

But ultimately those who align themselves with this feel good gobbledygook are copping out from taking personal action and responsibility.

It’s my understanding there is outside help available to each of us, but it is dependent on our personal activation. To just watch and wait is nothing less than outright complicity in what is being perpetrated upon us.

Spiritual technologies are of course extremely important and in fact fundamental to countering this war on humanity being waged. I participate in many and find them very effective as well as personally empowering.

If we’re not empowered by conscious connectivity to Source and manifest the indomitable light of Truth and Love our efforts will be in vain, something I and many others have pointed out extensively. We must first be fully awake ourselves, and full on exposure of the reality of our situation and what we’re up against is intrinsic to this victorious overcoming.

Sorry Boys, We Woke Up and Won’t Have It

This is the fulcrum on which we are perched. Will humanity roll over and let these psychopathic parasites’ designs materialize? The answer is no.

But don’t just observe, participate. The extent of the damage these spiritually driven psychopaths create is up to us – here and now. We can minimize the damage and encourage and strengthen our progeny and brothers and sisters enormously. We must face up to it, in any and every way possible. The ongoing struggle is not to be dismissed in fatalism and reticence, but active participation in full on empowered conscious awareness.

Let’s stand together, courageously and with dogged determination. It is clearly our calling at this crucial time in the history of mankind and our planet. Never fear or stand in awe of their temporal power, it only feeds their program.

Live in light and broadcast it with abandon!

Much love always,



Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Expanding Our Ability to See the Hidden World Influencers

Expanding Our Ability to See the Hidden World Influencers

by Adam Abraham, Phaelosopher
April 30, 2015


Et tu, Baltimore?

The events that are unfolding in Baltimore, Maryland, characterized by many as riots, are in my opinion, a positive sign that life and love yet exists in America, and that the American spirit hasn’t, in spite of some major efforts, been distracted, drugged, or anesthetized into a quiet sleep or coma.Compartmentalization pressure has been so severe that pundits and critics alike will view the demonstrations in racial terms alone. Some will look at “those black people rioting,” and infer that they are uncivilized savages for destroying “their own” neighborhoods, and have little regard for property or “authority”.


The air had red glare, as something lit was hurled through the air.


Critics won’t see the protest by the people of a community intent on being treated with respect, by others who shouldn’t need to be told this, as the actualization of their own pent-up and unspoken angst and protest.

Nature doesn’t recognize the “boxes” that man has created and insists that everyone live inside. Seeing the situation in Baltimore as a problem of race alone severely limits the scope and context of remedy. Evolution occurs when we expand the scope of our love and care beyond the priorities or needs of “our” particular social group and seek to discern and embrace what is best for The Whole.

When I write about the criminality of vaccine practice or standard cancer treatment, it’s not because “my” children have been afflicted (though both were affected), it’s because I’ve studied and come to understand the damage that these practices do (which I did not know then).

All children are victimized by the unrepentant and unmitigated Medical System that thus far insists, like police departments that cover for their abusive officers, on rationalization while escalating its destructive and repressive practices.

There can only be ONE set of laws that apply to ALL. If either government, military, or “law enforcement” doesn’t live by that understanding, those who do must remind them.


A Hidden Influence in Plain Sight



Just who do you address your grievances with if, in spite of your best efforts and intentions, you find that “The System” is unresponsive and seems to be dead set against you? What most critics and pundits don’t know is that The System doesn’t discriminate. It thinks little of them too.

This is America, the Land of the (Not) Free (Not) and home of the (Not) Brave. It has never been either. America is more the land of the indebted and home of the indentured.


This is a dubious place to “outperform” China!

Ownership is a myth in America. Even automobile makers are attempting to claim that they still “own” the intellectual property of the software and system management in the car even when you purchase it, to dissuade you from repairing cars on your own. (See story.)

Even if you “own” your home free and clear, try not paying property taxes. Nothing is actually as it seems in our social system.

On the other hand, there are those who think they “own” you and me. They’ve got the birth papers and bonds to prove it, but are clear (1) not to let you know about it, and (2) make the audit trail difficult to find, or follow.

The protesters in Baltimore expressed dissatisfaction with an hypocritical, deceitful, even criminal social System (that’s what it is) that has shown itself to be concerned about little beyond the perpetuation of its own agenda. All benefits that are promised by The System shall benefit and advance The System, even if it is at the expense of, and of detriment to those it purports to serve.

Did you know that roughly $0.45 of every gallon of gas that you pay for goes to the government? One reason that gas mileage (and emissions) are improving only marginally compared to what is truly possible, is the significant tax revenue that the government would lose if there was a sudden decrease in fuel consumption due to increased efficiencies. The engine management system in your car actually ensures that it will keep fuel consumption up, i.e., within a predictable norm which is well below what automotive engineers have long been able to deliver.



Instead of being open about it, Americans have been killed  for solving the oil crisis riddle (e.g., Stanley Meyer), while America has sent our children to war, increasing its debt to bankers, to kill and destroy and take control of oil, which we no longer need. Even our cars of today can be made to burn fuel far more efficiently than they currently do, which would reduce emissions while increasing range and power.


It’s Time To Join Hands, Hearts, and Minds


Unity in peace moves everyone forward.


Most would find it incredible to hear that factions exist within world society that believe they “own” us all; black, white, brown, and red, Christian, Muslim, and Jew, capitalist, socialist, and communist.

Do you find it interesting that a movie, “The Purge” released in 2013, introduced the idea of a period of “legalized crime”, which then served as a framework for organizing the Baltimore protests? Is it possible that this was the purpose of the movie; that is, to insinuate new destructive ideas into the public consciousness? The factions that think they control everything are capable of making such “deposits” of ideas, through motion pictures, television, sports, and other media, as they wish.

They are the ones that instruct companies like Monsanto, Cargill, Bayer, and others to contaminate agriculture with non-reproducing, genetically modified seeds, under the guise of “business”. They also tell presidents to pass measures granting such corporations immunity from prosecution, and presidents do.

They tell the Supreme Court to give corporations equal standing to human beings, and the court so rules.How does a protester in Baltimore throw a rock at these people? It’s not that anyone wants to throw rocks. Everyone wants to be treated with the respect that they deserve. No one group has been singled out for special shafting.

Through strategic use of research grants, endowments, tenure, prestige, and recognition, they have perverted health sciences, turning it into a Medical Industrial Complex, a well-oiled, patent-holding, disease creating, drug-dispensing machine. It mandates that all will be vaccinated, even infants, with absolutely no accountability (or so they think) for the effect that their powerful, patented, mutagenic immune system suppressants have on fragile, newly arriving souls.They don’t care, and it’s not about money.



In the same way as the Earth is self-sufficient, people truly understood that humans are designed to be self-healing, and will heal automatically when balance and natural harmonics are restored, do you really think they’d be asking their doctor if “________” is right for their psoriasis, hemorrhoids or cancer? Most people have come to believe that disease is the inevitable result of getting older, or, a “genetic deficiency,” or bad luck.None of these are true.


An All-Out Assault




Pesticides kill microbial life, upset natural balances, and alter human minds.

From virtually the day a child is born, the human Immune system is suppressed by unnatural institutionalized standards and practices employed in health care, the production of food and processing of water, through fundamental concepts of science (e.g., germ theory) and culture (one drop theory); not by acts of Nature, and not by “flaw” of God.

We’re so deep into unnatural alteration that we wouldn’t know how a human being, if  raised on natural foods and beverages, would fare, health-wise. Many would like to know.

Many more know that the choice, responsibility and power is theirs, not in a pharmaceutical drug, even when government agencies imagine up new “laws” to keep real solutions unavailable or out of reach of the people who need them most.

The same government agencies maintain policies and practices that keep expensive  health-debilitating options at the forefront and health restorative ones in the background or in sequestration.

If a tornado had gone through Baltimore, survivors would have expressed gratitude, cleaned up and rebuilt, and got on with their lives. Will your passion for humanity guide your judgment? Or will pre-judgment blind you to the new direction that we… not just black or white, not just Democrat or Republican, not just Christian, Muslim, or Jew, but ALL people, agree needs to be made?




This shit is coming home because we have tolerated “exporting” it around the world. We can stop it now.

Those who would have all humans take the proverbial “koolaid” in the needle, or through the water, or the GMO’d food, grains, and dairy, or via the chemtrails, are fucking everyone over, and laughing all the way to the bank, which they own, while we look at our peers and blame each other and gird for battle. It’s just what they want us to do.When People use the voting system that they believe is there for them to redress such issues, this same group still gets its way by controlling the tally. Go to court, and that is controlled too.

When you walk into a courtroom, you might as well be in another country. The barristers don’t wear wigs in America (that would raise too many questions), but being a member of the BAR (British Accredited Registry) means that another set of priorities and agendas are at play.

While some Americans are in this cloistered group of Influencers, they’re not based in America.Some people point to the 535 members of congress as the ones who should be held accountable to the American people and be voted out if they are not, ignoring the fact that the Federal Government, the military, and their subsidiaries employ hundreds of thousands in Washington, DC, and millions around the country and the world, who are not elected every two, four, or six years.



Do you see how deftly the American public’s attention has been focused on the group that knows the least and is the most transitory, while the ones who do the most damage are ignored “in plain sight?Americans then inflate their own egos by claiming that the President is “the most powerful man in the world.” The controllers know that the American president is little more than a sock puppet.



The “leader” of the “free” world?


As the 2016 presidential “campaign” season gets rolling, what makes you think that the American people actually want another (1) Clinton, or (2) Bush to choose from? Who doesn’t know that both are fruit from the same poisonous tree? The Influencers either (1) don’t know, (2) don’t care, or perhaps (3) are losing their influence.

Out of 300 million people, our political and social preferences can only be expressed in terms of “Democrat” or “Republican?” There will be the public campaign, and the private campaign, and the private one is where “the winner” will come from, irrespective of how you or I vote.

That is why it is useless to blame Barack Obama for the slide United States of America Corporation has taken (although it is his job to take the brunt of your dissatisfaction, as it would have been if the other candidate had won the sock puppet job), and why it didn’t matter where he was born. If he was this group’s choice, then he would be in, and every expedient measure would be taken to make it appear on the “up-and-up.” However, the entire system is a fraud, when you open your eyes enough, and are willing to see it.

Most Americans, while disappointed, know that elections aren’t run ethically, but don’t do anything but bitch and moan on social media, or to each other, or bury their troubles in alcohol.

Barack Obama recently suggested making voting “mandatory,” never even asking why so many Americans see the utter futility of the electoral process. Even mandatory voting wouldn’t yield any meaningful data, because they — the controllers — only want obedience, not freedom, and for their secret influence to remain that way.

But that’s not happening either.

The controllers lord over the education system to make sure Americans think and react predictably, and operate under the same misconceptions. They use the threat of future diseases as a reason to coerce parents into consenting to have their children vaccinated again, as a prerequisite to entering “public” school. Did you know that vaccines lower a child’s IQ? This is not an idle statement.

I could go on-and-on. The assault is pervasive and ubiquitous. The only problem is that we’ve stopped seeing the truth as it is, and lived in a fantasy of how we think it should be, if it were not for them (whoever “they” are).

Before I leave that point, you should also know that clearing out the toxicity in a child or adult will likewise raise the IQ.

Genius is as natural to us as love.Raising or waving the flag is supposed to mean that “good” is being down here, even when U.S. soldiers are deployed to guard poppy (heroin) fields in Afghanistan or police use inhumane, excessive force on people who do not “obey” their commands.


Those are NOT white roses.


Police officers are increasingly acting like storm troopers or institutionalized robots in their interactions with the public, thereby distancing themselves and their departments from what is important. Protecting property is not important. Being instruments of, and for peace between and amongst the community, is. Can’t be about peace when you’re bulking up for war.

How does this help community relations?

It’s sad to see riots, but it’s good to see that some Americans have had enough and are willing to say so. I am grateful that so few were injured and so many took conscious steps to show they cared for their communities and the Law Enforcers who were there to “control” them.

We’ve grown accustomed to expecting less of “such people”.200 years from now, the actions of the “rioters” will be seen differently. They are patriots who had the courage to (1) voice their grievance, (2) stand up against the “authority” (not really… the police are just doing their job). They also had the human decency to not try to take vengeance out on the police themselves.


A Stratum Strategy Perfected


Beyond that, the controllers have, through both science and religion, cultivated the idea of stratification between various groups; a social hierarchy or pecking order based on perceived status, wealth, education, position, or what have you.

It’s all bullshit from a continuum of bullshit that people have used to manipulate others for at least 1,000 years.

The truth is that ALL are equal. Always have been, always are, and always will be. How we think about ourselves, our world, and our relationships with each other, determines the life that we live, the doors that open to us, or the ones that close. AT THE CORE, “BLACK” PEOPLE ARE *EQUAL* TO EVERYONE ELSE, AND EVERYONE ELSE ARE *EQUAL* TO “BLACK” PEOPLE. One’s “equality” is a product of his or her imagination, visualization, attitude, passion, courage, and determination.

No one “gets ahead” by being angry. They may make money that way, but won’t evolve. They won’t know love, which is the essence of life, nor peace. Evolution, not technology, harmony, not force, is what’s important. Love is the only doorway to human evolution, Not transhumanism, not “World Order” bullshit.

One of the most difficult moments that one will experience comes when we realize that the IDEAS–about ourselves and others–we’ve inherited or embraced involving a multitude of actions, have been based on lies we sincerely believed were true. In America, we certainly thought that democracy, freedom of speech and association, were real principles. It is a JOLT to discover the betrayal that continues this very moment.


It’s hard to see what’s hopeful in this image when we’re used to being polarized.


Did you not see the LOVE in the mom who was photographed slapping sense back into the head of her son? Did her skin color really matter? If Child Services goes after her for that, you’d get a sense of just how insane the institutions have become.



No one is factoring in the effect that synthetic, chemical-based, processed foods and beverages (energy drinks, “Big Bulps,” etc.) has on people, police officers included. The controllers sit and watch humans flounder, totally unaware of how they are being played.


How All of Society is Under Mind Control


If we’re balanced, then humiliation, which is something altogether different, becomes humility, which is ennobling. It becomes our gateway to recovery from self-imposed guilt, remorse, shame, anger, confusion, and fear as the utter hypocrisy that becomes self-evident discloses itself to our consciousness.

Neither cynicism nor apathy are goals to awakening truth. There is something far more liberating that awaits recognition; namely, the amazing Gift that courses through each of us, and connects us to All That Is. The Divine Stillness that makes motion and Life as we know it possible.

Humanity isn’t dead in Baltimore.

That Divine Stillness is everywhere, in everything, and behind ALL of Creation. We have the added privilege of being consciously aware of this Undifferentiated Element that makes what appears to be individualized differentiation possible, knowing that It, and We, have always been, and shall always be.

Therein lies the key to amazing change, that was and is within us all the time.

Religions aren’t any help to human evolution. Instead, they help reinforce the stratification. The IDEA of “sin” and “chosen people”, of heaven and hell. If you realize that ALL that “exists” comes from ONE Source, then it’s Source’s business. Because we are EQUAL, and because you and I have been given the power to imagine independently of common sense, and in a vacuum of love, we experience life accordingly. But the moment we embrace the love that is present within us, Life changes.


Baltimore residents a peaceful buffer to protect police and prevent escalation of chaos.



The power of IDEATION is EQUAL within each of us. BE-LIE-F affects our state of being, and literally what we attract into, or repel from our personal experience. That is one reason the controllers — although that is their goal, they don’t really “control” anything. However, their influence is pernicious.

That is one reason the Influencers (1) want to incite “peer-to-peer” conflict, (2) maintain fear, and (3) maintain stress. They use misinformation, false flag events, control over the politics, government systems, banking policies and practices, scientific exploration and disclosure, religious traditions, that all APPEAR to be disparate, but are actually interconnected.

Their goal is to keep you acting disconnected and abandoned, a cosmic afterthought, and from KNOWING your EQUALITY and ONENESS with ALL, including THEM.Nature isn’t wrathful, and doesn’t produce in scarcity.

While some people believe that the Influencers want to de-populate the world, to make it more “manageable” (and there is some evidence that they’re trying), it’s not due to a lack of Nature’s ability to produce. If anything, the goal must simply be to maintain the charade as long as they can.

But in order to do that, you would need to continue thinking that you have no power, or that you need to play “catchup” with someone else, or some other group. You don’t. You need only begin becoming the best YOU that you can imagine, and living that life to the best of your ability. What changes would you make in your life if you were to do that?

Only YOU can answer that question, and you need no one else’s permission or blessings to do it.


The Vatican Rules the World


Perhaps this is behind the famous biblical statement (John 8:32) “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” The question that arises is, what truth are we seeing? What is it that we’re beginning to KNOW?

The answer begins in the truth that you’re seeking, where you’re looking for it, and as such, the truth and love, that you, yourself become. Being truthful is first evidence of One having found truth. Truth doesn’t come in a single moment; it flows into the consciousness like water, first a few drops at a time, then a steady stream which becomes a mighty river that takes the willing consciousness to an heretofore unknown, but yet familiar, ocean.


An Open Letter to The World of Science — Walter Russell



Connect with Adam Abraham

A Time of Revelation

A Time of Revelation

by Zen Gardner
Mar 2, 2015


I don’t know about you but the schism between truth and lies seems to be widening pretty drastically lately with a lot of confusion and disorientation sewn into the mix.

Just recently I’ve seen friends facing personal upheavals, con jobs, personal attacks from very strange quarters, new and very revealing understandings of personal perspectives and relationships, and just about everything, for myself as well.

It’s like we’re viewing the perceived world as being fractured into shards of broken off new perspectives to be grasped and understood, making the big picture that much more lucid.

If we connect the dots.

I’ve said for a long time the split between the willing awakeners and the willful asleep would widen and we’d see more and more psychotic behavior on the part of the truth resistant. The revelation of what’s really going on within these vectors of society, as well as in the so called Truth movement, are something to look out for and be consciously aware of.

Apocalypse Now

Apocalypse means the unveiling, the revealing, hence the term revelation. Quite a far cry from the end of the world, it’s just an end of a very limited understanding and the opening of another.

As the world becomes more and more aware of what is really driving society, via enlightened thought, archeological and scientific or otherwise discoveries of profound truths about our realm and where we came from, our dimensional reality, the real history of our planet etc., things take on whole new dimensions even for mainstream thinkers.

Settled science is famous for concealing not just information, but its implications. That’s really the world we’re up against. “Mustn’t make any rash decisions or paradigm shifts. We’re still processing this data”….yada yada.

We’re in for a fun and wild ride. Things are going to be revealed that are going to peel eyeballs back. Then observers are going to have to deal with the cognitive dissonance as mainstain purveyors make mush out of what could be empowering truth which the unaware will have to swallow. As the information field shifts and steps up its vibrational intensity we’re going to be seeing some real doozies and these seeming controllers won’t be able to keep their tracks covered.

Meanwhile we’re experiencing what we’re experiencing, faster than any mainstream or even alternative narrative can keep up with.

There’s so much being released as this fractured shift and partition of the old paradigm takes place it will be mind boggling. But a great ride to take nonetheless…if you’re conscious, awake and aware…and on the offensive.

The Moral of the Story?

Don’t let it throw you, but pay attention to all of this. It might be seeping up through some personal issues you might have but let it bubble up and see it for what it is. Maybe dreams are surfacing to your consciousness, or old relationships or new situations are under scrutiny. Just pay attention.

Truth invites inspection. Never be afraid.

We are being empowered by the mightiest force in the Universe. The Universe itself. We can steer through this madness with calmness of heart and soul and a determined mind, or let it disturb us and send us into lower level thinking and vibration.

The choice is ours.

Don’t let anything throw you. Examine everything carefully in conscious awareness, and never fear your conclusions, or path along the way.

Trusting our awakened hearts is imperative.

Steady on your way.

Much love always, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Matrix Program is Crashing

The Matrix Program is Crashing

by Zen Gardner
February 2015


The Matrix program is crashing. It is outdated programming and its  engineers can’t keep up. The vibrational changes are exceeding their capabilities. You know how your phone or computer’s software goes out of date, and new programs can’t operate? It’s the same thing. The imitators of creation can’t maintain a current operating system any longer in the face of this Universal shift. And it’s driving them nuts.

Just look at the desperation we’re witnessing. Crude military and police state maneuvers are only one aspect. The biggest clue is seeing the previously incremental and now hyperbolic use of monstrous lies that are becoming so unbelievably transparent to just about anyone. Agreed, there are the entranced apathetics who swallow anything, but we’re witnessing a meltdown before our eyes.

If you can’t see it, look again.

You Want Proof?

First of all you’re in the wrong mindset if you’re looking only for data or left brained evidence, although it’s out there for those who can see. When we come to understand the vibrational workings of our holographic reality everything takes on new dimensions and opens us up to understanding these more esoteric notions.

Those with hearts that can see feel this. I say hearts because much of what we need to grasp or at least track is intuitive. Taking all of the information and dot connecting and personal spiritual experience together paints very clear pictures, we just need to trust what we’re seeing and learning. When we explore these realities we’re sensing, we start to notice how they’re manifesting.

Forbidding free speech, shooting civilians with no cause, obvious mega bullshit in the news, wars with no possible end, deliberate poisoning, starvation and dumbing down of populations? I mean, c’mon.

But it’s kind of a conscious or spiritual symbiosis we’re experiencing. They all work together. But ignoring the spiritual and metaphysical as “evidence” in conjunction with such obvious manifestations is why this world has devolved to its current state. Previous enlightened civilizations and earth connected tribes took this to heart. Our current imposed paradigm does nothing of the sort.

The Computer Analogy

It’s just like expired or outdated software. Their programs can’t keep up with the changes the cosmos is bringing to our planet and race. That’s exactly it. While they’ve literally gotten away with murder for millennia and are working furiously to enforce their “programs” at so many levels, the time’s up. Sorry Charlie, but you’ve been superceded, or should I say “super seeded”. The new upgraded paradigm is taking over fellas. It’s just a matter of time before your whole wicked system crashes.

The shift is moving through their lower level grip and on into massive empowerment and transcension beyond the net they’ve laid for humanity.

It’s got to be frustrating the hell out of these creeps. Imagine, the very thing you’re trying to encase in every way possible keeps morphing before your eyes. They can throw up matrix program after program but their perceived petri dish subjects just keep finding ways to survive and grow. What irony the Universe has.

Hence the Transhuman Agenda – Things They Think They Can Control

Humanity is getting out of hand, in their eyes. All the while we’re being empowered – by our own awakening and resultant commitment to truth, but also by a fundamental vibrational shift we’re undergoing. No savior, no galactic battlestars. It’s us, and an organic consciousness evolution at the deepest level with a living, expanding and enveloping Universe.

Awakening with Creation Itself.

Anyone who’s woken up to almost any degree understands everything is interconnected. Even “modern” physics is arriving at this reality, all while mainstream thinking ignores the profound ramifications. That we’re all interconnected not just as a race, but with the earth and the cosmos in such a fundamental way is a game changer. While this has been known for eons, our current control model cannot even begin to acknowledge this fact. To these oligarchs and self-appointed maniacal masterminds, no matter what powers they’re summoning, that truth is something apparently well beyond their debased comprehension.

It’s out of their league.

Sure, they have their satanic rituals and tap into other dimensional entities, but it’s child’s play compared to the True picture of our all Powerful Creative Universe. That they live in rebellion against this Force is a known reality for millennia, and even alluded to by spiritual traditions and native shamanic teachings alike for ages. Bringing this understanding “down to earth” is another story.

This is why the transhumanism agenda is so important to them. This merging of man with machine has been in the works for a long time. Clipping the link with our humanity by short circuiting the human creation is an obvious next step for these would-be controllers. Agreed, they’ve made it a fad and carefully groomed acceptance of such a trend, but it’s going to fritz and die in the junkyard of temporal existence. It can’t stand, never mind last, in such a creative force field.

Time will bear this out, as has happened to previous off-course civilizations.

Is This For Real?

It’s up to us. We have everything going for us. But our will and actions need to be aligned with this transition. We can ignore it or respond. The sanctity of our free will cannot be violated. Either we get paddling and ride the wave or it crashes on us and perhaps dissipates on the shores of time for lack of recognition or response. And the whole cycle may need to be repeated. Not a nice destiny.

I don’t know.

I know I’m not coming back. I’m done with this insanity and am doing my damnedest to change things this time around. If we all did it won’t get repeated, but time will tell. Not many seem to be willing to respond, even though their lives and their children and grandchildren’s lives are at stake. Talk about self imposed defeat and debilitation.

Either way, the matrix will collapse. But the true civilization of love, peace, harmony and abundance awaits manifesting.

Is it time?

I think so. It is for me.

How about you?

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Slipping Into the Cosmos

Slipping into the Cosmos

by Zen Gardner
May 26, 2014


You might be feeling a strange sensation lately – like slipping into other realms of thought, perspective or consciousness. It can be manifest in very mundane incidents, and it can be very perceptually profound. It’s not easy to identify, never mind classify.

Nevertheless, the shift is on and it’s hitting people in different ways, and most may not be fully aware of what’s going on.

While world events can make us feel so disempowered and degraded, something else is urging us on. It’s very strong, subtle and beautifully powerful. The energetic and information supply line we’re receiving is a huge boost, but more than that there’s a connectivity we’re each experiencing, a sense of not just awareness, but a collective desire to help bring about a shift in the world to which we’re being subjected. What we’re experiencing is deeply coupled with this innate hunger to be connected to each other, and to the wonderful spiritual and vibrational sources with which we’re aligned.

Intuitive connectivity with kindred souls, Gaia, and ultimately the wonderful, overarching Cosmic Universal Reality is what our hearts crave, however one may perceive or even explain it. Huge forces are at play and we’re in the midst of and participants in this changeover. Hence some of the forces you may be sensing.

Ear to the Ground

This is how the native Americans knew what was coming. Listen to the earth. She resonates. She does not lie. She is constant and trustworthy. She is honest, and when she shrugs there’s a purpose.

Such should be our attitude toward all true natural resources, both physical and spiritual. As well as our interactive relationship with these marvelous sources. This is a time to connect with what is trustworthy – family, true friends and trusted sources, and the true understandings we’re being given. Much of this is intuitive but it’s nevertheless just as, if not more, profound.

Listening is key to our spiritual strength. The encouragement available is almost overwhelming when you tap into it. Without that sense of trust and grounding we’re going to feel “lost at sea” and very confused and disoriented. Dig into it.

Forget the Past – Now Is All That Matters

If you’re suffering from personal condemnation from past failures or unconscious living,  you’re not alone. None of us are up to the perfection level we innately sense should be our standard. However, it’s not meant to be that way. Nothing is expecting perfection or “attainment” of any sort. We are encased spirits in human form attempting to grasp the Universe. Parts of us get it, and other parts are digging their heels in. This conflict is our predicament and challenge.

It’s apparently meant to be part of our growing process.

We can only assume these events to be so because this is what we experience.  While we realize we’re living in a contrived matrix of deceit, our rooting and budding within this earthbound form is a very natural process. As we grow, we leave previous forms behind. Letting these go can be a dilemma but it’s actually quite simple.

Let them go. Release them. New awarenesses and awakenings are budding and that’s all that matters. While we can always learn from the past, we must not be condemned by it. Time is a river, and it moves on, just as you are not the same person dipping your foot in the river now as you were before, nor is the river the same. It moves on.

All is in flux.

The Practical Application

While this all may seem somewhat esoteric, it’s not completely. The decisions we make, as well as personal resolutions, are what determine our current reality. Our next decision is based upon our current understanding. That’s how we grow.

When we find ourselves awakened in a hostile environment it’s only natural to want to escape. When we’re confronted with untruths that beg to be addressed, we do so naturally. Not to offend, but to inform. As well as stand our conscious ground.

It’s not always easy, I know that. My point is that to respond consciously is being true to our response-ability. It’s that simple. Those who do so will see their lives directed accordingly. Those who don’t also will – but with a much less enlightened outcome.

We Each Are the Difference

When you look at society today it’s important to realize it’s an accumulation of social and spiritual cause and effect. All built on individual responses. This of course explains the mass media; mass educational indoctrination drastically affects our current populace. Our separation from it also does.

We need to break free from these accumulated influences. And have confidence in doing so. There are lot of psycho-spiritual influences working on each of us, and they’re important to identify, but more importantly shun their current and after-effects. We are free conscious being here having an experience. Learn from everything, deal with what needs to be dealt with, but most of all we must affirm our absolute freedom.

Slip on by to the other side. It’s a fun ride. Unhook the hinderances and let it go!

Give it a go; now’s the time to do it as the winds pick up. Leave unneeded baggage behind now. You’ll be glad you did.

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Overwhelming the Illusion

Overwhelming the Illusion

by Zen Gardner
May 15, 2014


They don’t own the earth. They don’t own you and me. They don’t own all their stupid secret symbols. They don’t own the present, they don’t own the future. They don’t even own themselves.

They’re usurpers, in every sense of the word. And absolutely nothing to fear.

That these invading power freaks striving to control the world should try to lay claim to some secret knowledge and power source that’s superior to everything else is a fraud. That they think they can bring on world changing events that result in national clampdowns and population reduction is their personal nightmare in the making.

And we need to see it for what it is. A spiritual charade. While we have to deal with their very real machinations they’ve unleashed to destroy the earth and most of its inhabitants for whatever sick reason they conjure, they have no superior super powers to fear.

The nightmare is theirs, not ours. We just have to deal with the fallout from their insanity. But we can do so consciously and with great peace of mind and heart in spite of all of their efforts to induce fear.

The fact is, there is no secret but that which is willfully withheld or deliberately ignored. And to the conscious, nothing is hidden that cannot be revealed.

Their Puny Pride Is on the Run

So much of the big lie that we’re witnessing on the world stage is simply projected pride – the big, fat, stinking manufactured pride of pathological egomaniacs reinforcing a fabricated world of their ugly, demented imaginations. Whether world conquest piggy-backing on natural and manufactured catastrophes, or attempting to morph humanity and terraform our environment to meet their specifications for world control, it’s all defensive.

They’re scared.

It is they who are running and hiding from something so incredibly powerful they have to erect giant sand castles to hide behind while they attempt to exterminate all those who carry this amazing potential to realize Truth.

Us. An awakened and empowered us is what they’re absolutely frightened of. And like the cowardly bullies in the playground, they know their time is almost up.

Our warfare is a spiritual one. Whether we encase this understanding in one of the more classic frameworks or see it completely metaphysically, the play we’re witnessing is nothing to fear. The feverish power struggles and social engineering taking place on such a massive scale are all based in fear.

Fear of you, and fear of me. Because we represent the potential connection to Truth. And their inevitable downfall.

Evil Pentagram fruit? Or nature’s true meaning of love and beauty.

A perfect example of this shadowy charade is the “Brotherhood’s” usurpation of symbols.
While we know this supplanting of authority is true about their false hierarchy and self-imposed “ownership” of land and other natural and even human resources, they’ve cleverly tried to co-opt the inherent powers of the so-called mystery schools, the language of which is numbers and symbols.

What people forget is almost all of these symbols occur naturally with wonderful positive, regenerative properties. What these lying entities have done is simply attach negative and destructive and abusive connotations to anything they can. A perfect example of how once you’re wrapped up in their world of interpretation with an abusive, violent world around you to back it up, you begin to think the lie is true.

Therein lies their only power. Our “belief” via our attention and entertaining of their notions which are empowered to appear real only by our participation. Turn it off. Turn off their sources–mainstream media, staged events, manipulated music, shallow publicity, even old thought patterns and phony personal responses and relationships.
It’s time to get real.

Remember, their whole plan is designed to replace reality with a false matrix of power that’s fed by fear. Don’t dwell on it, but see it for what it is. And reverse the flow.

Each one of us changes the present and future direction of Spaceship Earth.

Uncork the X-Factor

By our very clarity of understanding, our conscious awareness of the Truth and our not submitting to their web of deceit, we throw off the illusory shackles of the would-be controllers. Just one person’s total lack of fear, not giving any obeisance to their societal, political, economic or physical oppression network, is a flame in their flimsy cobweb.

Be it.

They’re lying usurpers..but it only works with our agreement. Our conscious awareness, as vague as that may seem to some, is the ultimate weapon. And it starts with waking the hell up and then keep waking up…rattling as many other cages as we can in the process. It’s not always a smooth process, but it requires honesty and guts.

And cutting the bullshit.

As our collective consciousness grows more awake and aware it gains power and tremendous momentum. The x-factor is synchronicity.  When each of us responds to Universal consciousness things change dramatically. Life’s signs become increasingly apparent and start challenging and leading our lives more and more, activating them in ways we never knew possible and giving us a tremendously powerful influence over the world around us.

With each and every wake up the war is won.

It was won in the beginning. We just need to stop believing the illusions around us and acting on our true conscience.

At that point it becomes Now.

And a very inspiring one at that!

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Spirit Into Matter — The Geometry of Life

Source: Thrive


“Physicists have been spending billions in tax payer money for decades trying unsuccessfully to access energy through attempting to fuse hydrogen atoms together at Sun-like temperatures in their tokamak device. They’re using the torus shape, but still using an approach of force rather than blending or resonance…

“What if, instead, we were to take a more Aikido-type blending approach, to learn to follow the dance, to see what the universal energy flow naturally does and then go with it instead of crashing against it? What if the fundamental building block of the universe is not a “thing,” a billiard ball-type particle, but a geometry of flow, a pattern that holds true at any scale? What if, instead of creating more violence to access our energy needs, we look to harmonic resonance, to the natural amplification that happens when waves are in sync, when two systems get in tune?”


by Foster Gamble
February 22, 2014


When I was a teenager, my deep concern about the global threat of nuclear annihilation set me on a life-long quest to understand the nature of energy and how we can relate to it harmoniously instead of violently.

This video is a quick summary of decades of my research, influenced especially by people like Bucky Fuller, Arthur Young, Walter Russell, Nassim Haramein and Kenneth Snelson.

Many find it beautiful, and that is a tribute to nature and to the computer skills of Goa Lobaugh and the liquid buddha studios team as well as Robert W. Gray. But most important are the implications of what is represented.

This model indicates that the Universe is an infinite sea of living energy and that there are predictable patterns by which energy is concentrated into the whirlpools that we typically know as particles, atoms, molecules, planets, galaxies and clusters. These insights point to the possibility of accessing energy through harmonic resonance with the naturally occurring toroidal fields — and I have witnessed this manifested numerous times by successful inventors.

This perspective also can awaken us to realize there are no actual “solid things.” But instead there are aggregates of energy vortices — like the atoms and cells in our bodies organized by “meta-physical” consciousness, so that our own essential nature can be seen as existing beyond the body and being intimately connected with all other beings.



Audio Transcription

Foster: From decades of research, I’ve concluded that the torus is, in fact, the fundamental pattern that the universe uses to evolve. It is the energy flow and the vector equilibrium is the fundamental structure of space. My explorations with many scientists through The Sequoia Symposium, The University of Science and Philosophy, The Institute for the Study of Consciousness, and other venues has given me strong confirmation for these insights into primary patterning.

Not only did the two patterns appear as primary, from tiny molecules all the way to vast galaxies, but over time we began to see how the two patterns fit together as one. A ten year study by a team of Italian astronomers confirmed our understanding that even at the level of galactic clustering, about as big as one can think in physical terms, the pattern of groupings match the vector equilibrium, or isotropic vector matrix, outlined by (Buckminster) Fuller. I worked with physicist, geometer, computer scientist, Robert Gray, to see if what we had learned would reveal a useful, new understanding of the table of atomic elements, the 92 complex patterns by which spirit, or consciousness, manifests into what we call “matter”. We worked with the hypothesis that if the torus were fundamental, then it would probably be the shape of hydrogen, the fundamental atom. The next element, helium, would be a double torus, like the Sun itself. And the rest would complexify from there as pressure was added to the tiny structure by the giant stars and supernova in which they are cooked.

Bucky Fuller’s Cosmic Octave Hierarchy laid out a potentially predictable series of shapes with each electron as a torus on the outside and each proton as a torus in the nucleus, both connected by a tornado-like vortex of energy. Confirmation of our identifying this atomic structure came along the way from the work of Patrick Flanagan.

Flanagan: The donuts were spinning in such a way that energy was exiting at the equator and energy was coming in through the poles. And the proton had the exact reverse. So now, a neutron would be a combination of an electron and a proton coupled together.

Foster: The Cosmic Octave Hierarchy is to 3-D geometry what the music octave is to sound waves or the rainbow is to light. It begins with the simplest space-containing form, the tetrahedron, and its dual. These two form the cube whose dual is the octahedron. Next comes the icosahedron and its partner, the dodecahedron. And, finally, the vector equilibrium and its dual, the rhombic dodecahedron.

As with so much in Nature, the sequence seems to follow the most efficient, least effort arrangements of symmetry in space. Increasing external pressure creates not billiard balls, but more and more of the whirlpools that show up as electrons on the outside and protons on the inside. As the structure of the atoms become more complex and get heavier, they periodically reach stability in what are called the “inert”, or “noble elements”: Neon, then Argon, then Krypton, Xenon, and, finally, Radon. Each of these is characterized by having eight electrons in the outer shell and I believe these eight vortices match the eight outer triangles of the vector equilibrium. And that is why they exhibit equilibrium on their own. They are essentially satisfied or, literally, fulfilled and do not seek to combine with other atoms for stability. As each so-called shell builds toward equilibrium, the pressure creates more and more vortices inside the outer shell, and these form the geometries of the octave hierarchy. The atomic numbers of each inner shell hint that if we could look inside, we could see the sequential forming of the duo-tetrahedron, the octahedron, the icosahedron, and the dodecahedron. The late master geometer, Marvin Solit, showed me how Nature’s Phi Spiral coordinates even atomic structure. And more recently, cosmometry explorer, Marshall Lefferts, has been modeling this dynamic.

The final elements, like Radon and Uranium, have their outer vortices, or electrons, so far from the pull of the nucleus that they are on the verge of flying off to join other atoms. That seems to explain why they are so volatile and ready to radiate or start a chain reaction as used in the atomic bombs and nuclear fission. This is why Walter Russell had warned in his book, “Atomic Suicide”, that these elements should be left deep in the Earth where they are naturally doing their job of dissolving rock rather than brought to the surface where they represent the most lethal toxicity for humans and other species. I heard Bucky Fuller say, “There’s nothing wrong with nuclear power. It’s just that the safe distance from the reactor, the Sun, is about 93 million miles.”

Physicists have been spending billions in tax payer money for decades trying unsuccessfully to access energy through attempting to fuse hydrogen atoms together at Sun-like temperatures in their tokamak device. They’re using the torus shape, but still using an approach of force rather than blending or resonance. At the new, large Hadron Collider in Switzerland, they have constructed the largest ever man-made torus, seventeen miles around, to reach energy levels that they hope would reveal the sub-structure of the atom and to find the hypothetical “God particle,” the Higgs boson, that is supposed to make the whole universe work. Yet, once again, the fundamental idea is crashing protons together at high speed to create a powerful splash of energy.

What if, instead, we were to take a more Aikido-type blending approach, to learn to follow the dance, to see what the universal energy flow naturally does and then go with it instead of crashing against it? What if the fundamental building block of the universe is not a “thing,” a billiard ball-type particle, but a geometry of flow, a pattern that holds true at any scale? What if, instead of creating more violence to access our energy needs, we look to harmonic resonance, to the natural amplification that happens when waves are in sync, when two systems get in tune?

To find out more about the proven applications of this notion, be sure and check out our New Energy Technology section of the website.

For science-minded viewers, here are the postulates that guided my exploration and animation of a new view of the periodic table of elements — the 92 geometries through which spirit seems to manifest into so-called “matter.”

For the In-Forming of Essence

Guidelines for Foster Gamble’s Atomic Geometry

  1. Universe is a continuous, alive and infinite medium.
  2. The metaphysical, conceptual “geometry” of balance of the system will always be present and, because it is in equilibrium, it will be invisible.
  3. All multiplication happens by division of the wholeness.
  4. All form and matter are a function of motion (in the medium), centered by stillness, so action, not matter, is basic, and comes in wholes.
  5. All processes evolve through maximum simplicity and efficiency.
  6. The simplest distinction creating a self-sustaining entity as motion in and of the medium is toroidal.
  7. Since every system is in rotation and embedded in other rotating systems, all movement is helical.
  8. All systems are connected, and all centers are one.
  9. Complexity builds on combinations and variations of toroidal field distinctions — following fundamental principles of least-effort division of the space medium cohering geometrically around any “point” as center.
  10. Each “point” is the center of its system even as it participates in other systems with other centers.
  11. There are an infinite number of “points” or “centers”.
  12. Curvature toward and away from a center is infinite.
  13. Within the infinite is the finite and within the finite is the infinite.
  14. The structuring of “reality” is fractal and holographic in nature.
  15. Quantization of space pre-exists matter.
  16. Since the whole must always be in balance, any event, impulse, break in symmetry is always accompanied by its complementary dual (reflected as linear and radial polarity, opposite — direction, rotation, charge, — contraction/expansion, edge/vertex, fields, alternating shells etc.…)

How to Walk Out of Any Dark Mental Movie

Source: Life of Learning Foundation

by Guy Finley


Imagine for a moment you’ve gone to a huge cineplex with eight separate theaters. You buy your ticket and walk into the show you came to see. But, before too long, you realize you don’t like what’s on the screen so you decide to change theaters. Unfortunately, the next movie’s just as pointless. So you change theaters again. And again. You move from one show to the next — all the while not remembering that the film you just walked into was unable to please you the first time you saw it.

Then, in a moment of clarity, another choice comes to you. You walk out of the movies. You take yourself out of the theater complex. Now you’re free to go enjoy the rest of your day in some other way.

Now, consider your own thinking for just a moment. Can you see how your mind loves to go over and over events that haven’t even happened yet? Each time your mind envisions some future event, it’s actually trying to find a feeling of security for itself. But the only security this lower nature can ever know is imaginary. So it has to dream up one scene after another where somehow you’ll come out a winner. But, the more victories it conjures up in this way, the more fear it feels that it won’t win the battles it just created. And the more agitated this low level of mind becomes from its own unconscious activity, the more it tries to settle itself with more mental movies.

No mere mental picture of security has any real power to make you feel secure. And this realization empowers you, effortlessly, to just walk out of your own mental movie.

Being able to consciously walk out of the moviemaking complex is the same as the power to free yourself. Why? Because once you walk out of this tiny darkened theater that your lower nature considers the whole world, you know for certain and at last: there is something outside the world of your usual mind; And once you walk into its light, you know that everything can be forever new for you.

Make a practice of catching yourself in front of the “big screen.” Learn to detect negative feelings that imply there’s nothing that can be done about the way you feel at the moment. Fear, anger, depression, and frustration are a few of the inner conflicts that the mind loves to project through your psychic system.

At the moment you catch these mental crooks stealing your life within the darkness of that mental movie, remember that you always have a higher option. Instead of looking for another self-created scene better than the one you’re in, deliberately take your mind off of the mental screen of thoughts before you. Wake yourself up! Here’s a good place to start.

Notice the tension in your hands, or the feel and temperature of the air around you. Become conscious of the expression on your face. Listen to the sound of your own voice as you speak.

Placing your attention in the fully present moment helps to snap whatever psychic spell you may have been under. Your wish to be awake and free, coupled with your new level of awareness, is the same as walking out of the theater all together.

Now, once you’re out, do your best to stay out! Allow the sunlight of your own momentarily awakened nature to gently warm you. Let the truth remind you of what real pleasures are. You’ll want more and more sunlight, and less and less of the mind’s dark back stage dramatics.



Source: surrenderingtolove
January 24, 2014




Built upon a series of incidences and events, the world seems solid and concrete. Cause then affect, day then night. Childhood becomes adulthood. It’s like a movie really, one long story that we experience as REALITY.

It’s all a farce. All of it. Our lives are more like celluloid film than we could ever expect. There are frames and edits and continuity errors all over the place. The sum total of all that experience, you know, all the stuff that makes you-you and me, well-me. It’s a brain game. The brain is an intricate machine that takes the dicrete objects of reality and makes it “look” flowing and seamless.

Seriously, if you stop once in a while and notice the ways things really are. Stop and look at the weird ass ways this reality is put together. How stuttering and jolting the whole experience of life is? Then you know, or at least can begin to speculate, that we do not exist. No personality, no real existance outside the thinnest thread that is our experience as we watch the whole thing unfold.

Lately, I have seen completely different emotional states, points of focus, experiences that are literally dropped in as if someone with a computer mouse is pointing and clicking things into my reality. No. I don’t buy it any more. No. More.

Even this thought, this writing is fading from view as I write it. The passion and clarity that grew into these words are now twisting and changing into something else. Of course I could just be crazy. How the hell would I know- right?

But I don’t think so. “I” don’t exist as some objective being within or without this reality framework. Never did. The brain creates the illusion of continuity, but that can only go so far. Who we “really” are? No clue. But at the moment, smart enough to figure this illusion out.

What comes next? Who knows.

Love you.

The Reptilian Roots of Pedophilia

The Reptilian Roots of Pedophilia

by Zen Gardner
July 11, 2013


This gargoyle on St. John’s cathedral in Holland would certainly suggest pedophilia has reptilian roots. Add to it the fact that this is a bastion of Catholicism, itself rife with pedophilia, and the picture starts taking shape.

The reptilian instinct is a parasitic one, and vampiric sexuality is at its core.

Even the quickest perusal of the dark activities of the so-called elite and rulers of the forces of this world takes you directly to pedophile rings and satanic ritual abuse and ceremonial slaughter in every possible fashion. And the origins are spiritual first and foremost, being derived from manipulative satanic forces imposing their will and minds on an unsuspecting populace via every medium they can.

And where there’s sacrificial smoke, there’s usually reptilian fire rearing its scaly head.

Call them demons, djinn, archonic entities, whatever – we have an infestation and they’re now going for the jugular.

Give Away Images – They Can’t Help It

Interesting this apparent act of pedophilia should adorn this Gothic 15th century cathedral and that it’s featured in most literature about the edifice. But maybe I’m just reading into this…or am I? What do you think of this innocent logo?

Actual Logo of Catholic Church’s Archdiocesan Youth Commission:

And he supposedly got his inspiration from this lovely “stained” glass window. Nice place to send your kids.

Lying Costumes and “Statue-Tory” Rape

Interesting how the more hypocritical an entity is the more it dresses itself up to appear “official” or “respectable”. After all, monsters know who they are and try to keep their spiritual tails tucked in so it’s not too obvious. That this world goes so much by appearances is pure social programming through the ages. Instead of judging by actions people take these power freaks in suits and fancy costumes as truth – by not just listening to their lying drivel, but hardly ever really calling them out on it and holding them accountable.

So where do we see these camouflaged parasites on display, knowing how they like to brag about their hold on humanity?

This same cathedral above is one nasty looking building. While these edifices are glorified as wonderful works of architecture to me they’re ugly, deviant deliberate tirades against the pure beauty of nature.

You have to force yourself to see beauty in that monstrosity. Fine, sacred geometry and feats of architecture yada yada, but to glorify what? Looks like invasive thorny barnacles hatched in the evil empire establishing a colony on the surface of lovely Gaia to me. Wicked.

Enter the Dragons

So if this reptilian force is working amongst humanity wouldn’t there be some further indications, especially with their issues with arrogance and hubris? Certainly they have honored themselves and their roots for all to see in some cryptic manner…

Not so cryptic after all. The City of London, financial and otherwise power base within greater London, is replete with dragons, as are the shields, emblems and coats of arms of royalty around the world. This one is in the foreground of the phallic  gherkin building. Goes with the phallic tongue of the dragon.

I mean, c’mon.

Think they’re trying to say they’re screwing us?But I thought the dragons were slain by St. George and were bad? You mean they made that up to fool us?  I’m shocked. Sure looks to me like the dragons won.

Here’s some of the lovely sculptures at Hampton House, UK, including this humanoid horned reptile with the royal scepter. Just a reminder who’s in charge.

Lovely. “Honey, come here and see this one! Isn’t it beautiful!” Excuse me, what the fuck are they displaying and exalting here people?! More occult references to their netherworld of interdimensional power and control, but it seems even the infamous goat has to be chained. (Not the dragon, mind you..)

As you know, these dragon-reptilian-satanic displays are all over the world. Here’s one in Slovenia.

And of course they’re in everything Chinese…


There are examples in every culture of these reptilian creatures being magnified as important in some way. When you see how specific they can get as in the case of the pedophile gargoyle, and you contra position these other telling images on display in our staged reality against the backdrop of obvious horror in the world today, things take on a different dimension in your sense of perception.

And that’s good.

They hide in plain sight, but humanity would rather not know they’ve been corrupted and subjugated by parasitic entities. Even though they are devouring their own children, executing mass ritual slaughter and have imprisoned humanity for their own energy vampirism, apparently there’s something that keeps people from snapping out of their spell.

Pretty sad.

It always reminds me of this scene from Time Machine when the quasi-reptoid Morlochs would sound the siren and the groomed and well fed humans – Eloi – would hypnotically march into the maw of their Sphynx-like capped underground dwelling entrance where they were subsequently devoured.

The author, H.G. Wells, was an avid eugenicist, globalist and Fabian social engineer. Wonder where he got his inspiration and what else he knew?

Don’t be entranced by any aspect of this matrix of deceit. And don’t try to outsmart it either as they’ll win just by your tuning into their lower vibration. Get as far from them and their media, money and other manipulated outlets of information and control as you can.

Their designs are only for the weakening and total dominion of mankind and the planet.

Keep a high frequency of conscious awareness and activity. Our environment is more toxic than ever and the only thing that can keep us is the same thing that empowers us – our connection and revelation within and without ourselves of the infinite and our connectivity together and with Source.

There’s is no more time for dawdling about. It will take a full time commitment to stay free and be in a position to where we can truly help others who are also awakening from the hypnotic slumber.

Keep on. There’s no losing a war that has already been won. But living the winning is the manifestation of itself.

It’s not theoretical – it’s as practical as knowing the right thing to say and do….and doing it. That fulfillment has tremendous power on so many levels.

Love always,



Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.