I Met A Man Today…

I Met A Man Today…

by Zen Gardner


I met a man today.

Ever so briefly. He was tired.

His work boots grounded his humble, yet impressive frame.

As he gathered his rudimentary supplies from the small shopping basket

He placed them on the checkout counter. Slowly. Deliberately.

I dropped the tug of any angst to get home soon. A world was unfolding before me.

His life is hard, but no complaints. No groans. Just resignation on his weary part.

He clearly had a family to feed. Ever so meekly he appears to perform his life functions.

My heart began to bleed in pain and anger as I observed the programmed crap being piled into his plastic bags.

How many beautiful creatures are forced to buy non-nourishing manipulated replacement crap to keep their offspring alive. How many worldwide are forced to eat contaminated shit from the self appointed masters of control.

My heart continued to gush. I was heavy in my shoes as the scene unfolded before me.

This isn’t right.

I wait in another observant world as he does his meek, slow check out. I’m creating prose in my mind of the poignant moment.

I check out after him and follow him to his small scooter outside, a simple Chinese made mode of transplanted transportation most use in these parts where he decorates the handlebars with weighty plastic bags.

Families of four can be seen riding regularly and carrying groceries home on these scooters.

“How may children do you have?” I asked. I could tell he was shopping for a small family.

“Two, ages 7 and 5”, he reluctantly replied in subdued tone.

“Tough economy right now” I brokenly continued, trying to be pertinent and not too obvious as to my intention. He nodded but proudly said he’s getting on OK.

I couldn’t help it, and expecting rejection said as his head bowed to meet my extended hand, “Please take this gift, with love for you and your family” in my broken language, handing him the money I had on hand, a small but hopefully encouraging gift to this unsung saint of humanity.

He took it, thankfully, I’m happy to report. I was afraid this stately man would say no.

It was tough. Humbling for such a proud man and a stretch for me to reach out without embarrassing him or feeling patronizing. But if I didn’t respond to what I felt in that revelatory moment of seeing this display of life highlighted before my very eyes, I too am another living hypocrite.

Thankfully, he accepted.

It was a release, and a good one. I was in tears all the way home. I had witnessed something very special and had the honor to participate in some small way, even if only for my own personal cleansing and growing connectivity.

The most giving and sharing people on planet earth are the poor. They are rich in the real riches, so giving and sharing come easy. I’ve witnessed it in dozens of countries. Reciprocation is only natural and I’m glad I was accepted.

The meek have already inherited the earth.

That is why.

They are grounded.

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on amazon.com. You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Where Will You Be When The Music Stops?

Where Will You Be When The Music Stops?

by Zen Gardner


Where will you be? Where will I be? We all know it’s coming. To ignore it is tantamount to insanity. At this point we’re playing musical chairs and everyone knows that clear underlying truth somewhere in their being.

When the music stops is where you will be. Period.

Anyone the least bit aware knows the seriousness of  our pending manipulated world situation and has food, water and other supplies and contingency plans. If they don’t they’re asleep and dangerous. The decidedly unprepared are the ones who will freak out and mooch off the first succulent neighbor they can find.  Just another symptom of the selfish, parasitic driven reality we live in.

Me first, and what’s yours is mine in a pinch. But there’s a way to avoid that scenario.

Being Ready – Are You Asleep or Awake?

Good question. I think location, where Universe wants you and has been steering you is the key.  Naturally, Universe is wherever we are.  But there are always decisions to be made. And thankfully wherever we are is where we are.

If you can fully grok that.

Except perhaps, if we’re too dumb or insensitive to get to this better place we’ve been shown, at least any thinking person should at least prepare for where they are.  What is the excuse for humanity to be hiding its head in the sand in the light of such globalist attacks as we’re sustaining and know they’re planning?

Is intentional government induced dependency the solution? No wonder they’ve created that paradigm. So FEMA the reamer will save you? Doctor Doolittle and his doodlers? C’mon folks! Will the “authorities” who’ve taken away all of your civil and personal rights as they militarize your streets help you?

Think about this.

And this is just the culmination of an increasingly fascistic society. It’s been going on for years and has now metastasized to a monster control system. And one of their central signals is to tell you “all is well”. Sorry, it’s far from well, and is about to shut down any minute.

Musical Chairs

I’ve lived in countries experiencing revolutions, martial law and uprisings. It’s no joke. Americans are about to be woken up so horrifically I personally do not want to be here to witness it first hand. Americans are so sheltered and spoiled they will freak out to such a degree that the rest of the world is going to stand back in absolute shock and awe.

The “great whore is fallen”…and she will fall hard.

It’s estimated there are between 3 and 5 days of food on the currently available supply circuit in the US at any given time. That’s down from 6 months of food from only a few decades ago. Mega cities where the sheep have been deliberately corralled will be decimated if the system shuts down. If that isn’t Orwellian enough, those who “hoard” more than 6 days of food are now suspected terrorists.

Anyone seeing a pattern here?

Where Will You Be?

Getting the picture? Where will you be? Is  your current situation endurable for you and your family and loved ones? Do you have community to help pull together during such a shut down for whatever reason?

That’s the key.

Conscious community. Loving empathetic cooperation in times of stress. But without grasping the drastic nature of what is about to befall us is foolishness, denial, the worst form of sticking our heads in the sand while the whirlwind blows our butts to high heaven.

Real Survival

It’s consciousness; conscious awakened awareness. All else follows. We’re in a spiritual warfare first and foremost. When that’s won, everything else follows….and happily.

If that isn’t clear then keep pursuing and figure it out. But prepare. The shitstorm is coming….very soon.

The loving, conscious  thing is to be ready.

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on amazon.com. You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Refuting the Matrix – A Dark Message of Control and Deceit

Refuting the Matrix – A Dark Message of Control and Deceit

by Zen Gardner
February 2, 2017


As captivating at the Matrix movies are, and their exposé of the concept and workings of the matrix construct, the underlying message is one of futility. The struggles against it, as valiant as they are made out to be, are in vain. Ultimately Neo makes the wrong choice, even being told he’s about to make the wrong choice, choosing his personal desires over the good of humanity. The “architect” of the matrix, as in grand architect, a clear reference to Freemasonry, clearly mocks humanity and its futile struggle with itself. Apparently, with their direction, they think we always ultimately make the wrong choice and the cycle has to repeat.

It’s very well done, entrancing people with the false choice of the red and blue pill, the high tech driven construct feeding off of humanity’s energy, and of course the adventure of fighting the bad guys, a constant movie theme for that feel good arousal and emotional release, else we catch on and apply that packaged reality to our real world. This is the same motive for the heavily pushed sports arena and other public contests, giving a release valve to our instinctual frustration and anger over our suppressed condition.

Painted as a challenge to overcome the oppressive matrix, it’s ultimately all false hope and futility against what has been already “programmed”. This gives away their underlying doctrine. In their view humanity cannot break the cycle – we are doomed to repeat it, which the movie makes quite clear in its ending. Why? They think they know us so well we can be manipulated by our very strength – our empathy.

Note also that Neo goes into the “bright light” and as if through a tunnel, giving us the preposterous message they have control over death itself.

Another very telling scene on causality reveals this doctrine, cloaked in false hope and baked in bravado and goofy fight scenes that make no sense. If Neo ultimately gets these super powers and can stop bullets, what the hell is he doing kicking and wielding all these fancy swords and daggers all over the place? But people eat it up, not realizing that as usual, as sensational as it all is to some, Hollywood is hoodwinking them with all kinds of dissonant hogwash to dumb down their perception.

But the principle of causality is a true one, which they live by because it is so powerful. They’re bragging here about what they consider their secret knowledge and their super tool, but it’s no secret, just the nefarious way they use it to manipulate humanity, which is what the occult is all about. But we need to take that causality aspect to heart but not fall for their trick of minimalizing free will, which this film screams, despite the choices that appear to be empowering. In the end, their game of cat and mouse is designed to just keep repeating.

Our actions and inactions and response to what we’re up against determine the outcome, and all intermittent outcomes. When we act on truth we set in motion incredible dynamics. When we don’t, it’s the same but the wrong ones, completely deleterious to the human condition and why we’re in this mess.

That responsibility rests on each of us.

It appears they are compelled to give us a whole lot of truth about what they’re up to. It’s either mockery, shedding guilt and directing it to us for our tacit permission even though we were warned, predictive programming to bring it to pass, or perhaps some other dynamic – or all or some of the above. (See here ) – Basically it’s bullshit in the grand scheme of things. It reminds me of this scene if you’ll excuse the campiness and expected anti-Muslim message:

Don’t be fixated by the intricate machinations of all this illusion. One blast of raw truth does the trick. Their attempts to induce fear only work if we cooperate with them. Unfortunately many are entranced by all this sorcery, which is what empowers it, but it’s ultimately an illusion based on lies. Just as it’s said archons and AI are inorganic influences, our true realm to the contrary is one of spectacular, natural true beauty – and power.

But it begins with identifying what we’re up against. It’s intricate, fascinating and mesmerizing but again, that’s what they feed on – the audience, us, and our naiveté and innocence. They’re harvesting our energy, which this movie clearly states.

I look at it this way. We’re in school, and we can advance as fast or as slow as we want. Some of us are in very advanced education as we awaken more and more. This entire battle we’re in is for our growth and advancement in conscious awareness and development. But the battle is for real.

They play humans as dumb and ignorant, in which they play the major part to make sure is the case by toxifying our minds and bodies and sequestering empowering truths and realities, such as natural law and the eternal and infinite nature of consciousness. What they don’t want us to wake up to is our true nature and the literal war we’re in spiritually. Once we discover that, our warrior spirit arises, and they’re in deep shit.

The Real War Is in the Heart

The real war is not in any sense what they portray. They’d love it if we went berserk and tried to fight them on their terms, conditions and playing field. That’s nothing but the external manifestation of the real war against the lies that bind and perpetrate this illusory play. And it begins in our own hearts, rooting out the false matrix we’ve been conditioned to believe is real. One truly awakened and fully realized soul can set ablaze the fabric of this veil cast over humanity. The principles may seem esoteric and complicated but they’re not. It’s all about truth, real truth. Who and what are we essentially? How attached are we to the goodies of this illusion, the comforts and support that ego so drives people to acquire?

Understanding what’s going on with true knowledge is essential, but we’ll still be one dimensional with no depth perception unless we open all areas of understanding. One is being open and receptive to true knowledge and being willing to see what’s really going on in our world. The second, and more importantly as this is too often neglected, is to be willing to honestly look inside and see the darkness we ourselves are cooperating with. All this in the exterior is a projection of the human state and our compromised, self serving motives and lack of true courage to stand up for full truth.

The other, and most important of all, is our conscious awareness that is looking steadily at the vast infinite resource of our true higher nature and our interconnectivity with Universe and tapping into all of it’s magnificent resources. Without that we’re powerless, but it usually awakens as the other two aspects come into our awareness.

To truly awaken and more importantly, keep awaking, is not a comfortable place. In fact, as John Maxwell aptly said, “If we’re growing, we’re always going to be out of our comfort zone.”


We’re now witnessing a collapsing, increasingly transhuman, AI and otherwise totally controlled world and a potential dystopian future for our children and planet. Seeing such denigrating hubris as this kind of veiled mockery by these Matrix movies and their message, never mind the day to day psychopathic behavior of the socio-political mayhem, it’s a time of decision for each of us.

Do we go all the way and commit to being the very change we desire? Do we have any other choice? It takes death to self and all forms of fear based attachments, including ego. We each have to dig deep and reconcile our issues and come fully alive.

Let go. The water’s fine.

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on amazon.com. You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Humpty Trumpty and the Shear in the Matrix

Humpty Trumpty and the Shear in the Matrix

by Zen Gardner
January 30, 2017



Hey Z,

I don’t know if it has occurred to you as well, but the reaction to Trump’s support and presidency is divided by such polar opposites as to be a possible indication of alternative timelines among us.

His vulgarity, misogynist, and racist tendencies have been on full display for everyone to see. Yet, there are those who still think that his populist rhetoric will circumvent all that and keep him on a pedestal of acclaim. I just don’t get it. I think he’s bordering on insanity.

What’s your take on it? – Mark


Hi Mark. Great to hear from you. Great points.

I warned people this Trump thing would go sideways right out of the gate. Those pinning hopes of any kind on some new demagogue in the hierarchy of the matrix are incredibly naive and ungrounded. Besides, the system has to fail for the ground to be tilled to bring new life. The old has to go. Why people keep trying to prop it up or fix it or have any faith in it escapes me. The whole paradigm is the problem, giving our sovereignty away to supposed authorities is their cornerstone. It has to be yanked out, as well as the entire foundation. Not politically, but in our own hearts. That’s where the real problems are rooted.

It’s a very peculiar phenomenon that’s happening now. It was brilliant to bring Trump on, no way it was just a groundswell, that’s just part of the narrative. He has that populist crap going on keeping everyone blinded and jacked up and wide open to absolute fascist control, which they’ll never see coming. Mind you, he could put the whole alt press and media on hold like he did immigration, then feel justified for more repression with the outcry. His war agenda is completely berserk as is his abject Zionism, giving Israel carte blanche support. It takes a psychopath to support a psychopath. He’s just another blind corporate mogul thinking he’s getting stuff done when no one else had the balls, completely deluded and very easy for the deep state to steer and to blame things on when they go haywire. A total set up as usual, even if a few things have perhaps gone off the rails for them.

The Unraveling Accelerates – Good!

But I’m amazed how fast it’s unraveling. He’s barely 10 days in and has galvanized public outcry nationally and internationally like no else has, and in an extremely fragile and volatile, fully interconnected, interdependent world. We know it was set up for this but wow, it’s happening fast. Someone said he’s aligning with Russia and perhaps even China to bring on the NWO which could slip into place before anyone knew what happened. It’s totally unhinged and weird so read between the lines as to what’s really going on, but we know who’s behind it and what the end game is. The ramping up of fear and chaos is their signature. And it will get worse and more confusing to the unwary.

Even more impactful for me is the intense spiritual strangeness that’s being unleashed, which is off the charts.  I don’t know about you, but it has me reeling. I’m sure any spiritual sensitive will agree. We knew this storm was coming but man, it’s ramping up fast and a lot of strange stuff is swirling around. I’ll be writing something about this soon, very important to identify as it’s throwing people into a tizzy and it can feel very dark and scary, but needn’t be.

Timelines and the Shearing of the Veil – A Total Opportunity

Timeline splits and that kind of stuff? Perhaps. It sure feels that way if you’re a conscious observer to all this madness. There’s definitely a shear in the fabric. This is a massive year of opportunity when this type of foundational disarray happens and people are more open, if the internet stays free. Otherwise it’s going to have to be local and one on one, which is ultimately more effective anyway, again showing this all works for good. Whatever, the physical manifestation we’re witnessing has everyone hopping and in the reactive mode, never a good place to be and extremely manipulable as these outcroppings of pent up frustrations surface.

But there’s definitely a huge crack in the psycho-social construct. But again, opportunity knocks as that’s where the truth gets in. A lot of people are going to be trying to make sense of all this and be more willing to shift perspectives and start asking questions and will find the treasure trove of the pre-digested research materials and analyses waiting to be tapped into.

The would-be controllers could be making a big move now seeing how the trend towards waking up is continually accelerating. That’s very feasible but it always backfires. It’s amazing how people thought he was hope and change #2, this time middle Americans that Obama et al crushed and those fed up with political correctness etc., but he’s clearly stacking the deck for oligarchy and with complete abandon. Remarkable. He’s an extremely dumbed down nut case, already a deluded basically gambling capitalist real estate jackal cum beauty pageant and game show host awash in and intoxicated with money and influence, not unlike most of the other parasitic charlatans. Great credentials for leadership, wouldn’t you say?

But now that he’s got this apparent power he’s going berserk with it so expect some real shit to hit the fan. And his handlers are having a field day! Nothing like a good crisis – talk about a crisis actor, ha. They’re ringing their hands with glee right now. By the way, as you know this is what the troops on US soil and armed police are for – and if they can get middle Americans to help police whatever draconian jingoist programs he calls for, slam dunk. We could easily see the mirror reflection of the very political correctness they decry with the rise of the reactionary right. They’re all the same as we know, but that’s how the Fabian/Sabbateans play it. Very clever bastards.

But it’s just going to be a mess as everything breaks down. He’s plowing blindfolded into thousands of dominoes and they’re flying all over and about to run their course in expected as well as unexpected, nor always obvious, ways. It will be wild.

Again, a time of opportunity for people to wake up.

Anyway, he’s certainly the man of the hour., ha. You can’t make this stuff up. Trump couldn’t be a more fitting name, gambling and hailing back to the trumps of apocalypse, or a sound of alarm. Should be interesting how this rolls out, but we’ve been seeing this coming for a long time. The mountain range is clear from a distance, but you start venturing in and and through the foothills and those big old mountains start towering over you. Perspective is everything. “Stay conscious, my friend”- to paraphrase that Dos Equis beer commercial guy. Ha!

Stay in the Spaces – You Can Move Freely and Hear from Source

The key is to move in the spaces opening up. Penetrate every opportunity like rain on the cracks of a thirsty desert. And hook up with people locally now. Don’t wait for the shutdown. You’ll be glad you did, now, and then.

They’ve shut these natural conscious “space” channels down completely with tech now. On phones and computers, busy with work and amusements. No time to just be still and listen and learn or do any self work where the real issues lie that are causing all this external projection. That’s why I’m so thankful for this shift in my life. Off the treadmill is the place to be, in every sense.

But all this we’re witnessing is insane, in a nutshell – it always has been, but at least it’s coming out and shaking people up. Hang in there. The fun’s only beginning.

Like Mark Twain said, “When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained.” Ha! Stay free and happy brother.

Love you!



Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on amazon.com. You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Carefully Calculated Mass Migration Agenda

The Carefully Calculated Mass Migration Agenda

by Zen Gardner
September 6, 2015


This mass migration plan has been in the works for a long time, but they’re kicking it up several serious notches now, flooding the US borders while continuing to swarm European countries with any immigrants they can from a variety of cultures.

What and who is behind it?

Clearly staged US/NATO/Israeli sponsored terrorism and genocide are at work in the middle east, driving desperate people to seek asylum elsewhere, as the US mandates inviting in as many as possible over its southern border. And all in concert.

As usual, they give themselves away in their own documents and bloated speeches to their own inner circle. In particular, United Nations globalist fat cat Peter Sutherland, non-executive Chairman of Goldman Sachs and former BP CEO, never mind top Bilderberger and Trilateral Commission honcho, has come right out and stated their plan as plainly and arrogantly as possible.

It’s not clear that the comment made by last week by Peter Sutherland, the UN’s special representative for migration, really counts as a “gaffe,” since Sutherland seems to have no sense that what he said might have been disturbing.

Sutherland was speaking to the British House of Lords, according to a BBC report published last Thursday, and said that the European Union should “do its best to undermine” the “homogeneity” of its member states, because “the future prosperity of many EU states depended on them becoming multicultural.”

He also, according to the Beeb, suggested “the UK government’s immigration policy had no basis in international law.” (Kind of a novel interpretation of the authority of international law over a state’s control of its borders, but that wasn’t the worst of it.)

The report goes on:

Mr Sutherland, who is non-executive chairman of Goldman Sachs International and a former chairman of oil giant BP, heads the Global Forum on Migration and Development, which brings together representatives of 160 nations to share policy ideas.

He told the House of Lords committee migration was a “crucial dynamic for economic growth” in some EU nations “however difficult it may be to explain this to the citizens of those states”.

Yes, I bet it is hard to explain to those citizens, especially when the UN rep looks like he’s in cahoots with the EU to deliberately flood and multi-culturalize Europe via outside populations. Sutherland’s answer, of course, is that this is purely an economic problem (and where have we heard that before?)

An aging or declining native population in countries like Germany or southern EU states was the “key argument and, I hesitate to use the word because people have attacked it, for the development of multicultural states”, he added.

“It’s impossible to consider that the degree of homogeneity which is implied by the other argument can survive because states have to become more open states, in terms of the people who inhabit them. Just as the United Kingdom has demonstrated.”

[Sutherland] told the committee: “The United States, or Australia and New Zealand, are migrant societies and therefore they accommodate more readily those from other backgrounds than we do ourselves, who still nurse a sense of our homogeneity and difference from others.”

“And that’s precisely what the European Union, in my view, should be doing its best to undermine.” [emphasis mine]


That’s pretty straightforward, to say the least. Where does he get his hubris? They’ve been doing this for a long time whether local officials want it or not.

The implementation of United Nations Agenda 21 and other programs such as Codex Alimentarius have been eroding society’s fabric behind the scenes like termites eating out a building’s infrastructure. All while bankster backed globalists mastermind the various tentacles manipulating humanity via their multinational banking, political and corporate stooges.

It’s important to note that the UN Sustainability 2030 Program is set to be ratified by the UN later this month. A major step up.

Coincidence? Not on your life.

The Planned Immigration Crisis

Again, the plan has been in effect for quite some time, breaking down American borders and homogenizing their weakened populace in a deliberately devastated economy being more militarized by the day in preparation for a societal breakdown, the very one they’ve engineered. Just as in Europe.

In addition, it is bringing massive division in America as they once again employ the age old totalitarian maxim to “divide and conquer.”

Here’s how they’ve led up to now in the US:

Behind the endless throngs of desperate Central American children arriving on the U.S. border and a steady wave of illegal immigrants from Mexico and beyond is a covert plan for global economic warfare — those building up the world of globalization are tearing down the sovereignty and financial strength of the United States and Europe to make way for the coming corporate new world order.

A generation of sending American jobs offshore under NAFTA, GATT and the WTO, dumping cheap corn on Mexico thereby destroying millions of farming jobs and unleashing disruptive retailers like Wal-Mart upon the fragile economies of Latin America have created turmoil, uncertainty and rivers of human migration… and along with it bitter tension and discord over the dynamics of immigration, illegal immigration and the struggle for a lasting standard of living under the New World Order.

The globalist plan to wreck our national sovereignty has been unfolding for awhile now…things are just speeding up in recent months.


EU Overload

This rapidly unfolding development defies any sense of sovereignty, as clearly intended. The sense of insecurity and outrage is palpable in regular citizens as this unabated, uncontrolled onslaught continues. While besieged countries of course seek refuge from their economically and militarily bombarded societies, the western nations perpetrating these attacks are on one hand publicly appalled at their “invasion” and desire to flee their devastated homelands, while with the other encouraging this very phenomenon.

Your typical Freemasonic playing of both sides of the chess game. That’s simply how they work, and always have. The unwitting are caught up in a cognitive dissonant state of choosing either false side, which shuts down mental rationality and intuitive understanding. In most – but not all.

But what would you do in the face of seeing super powers contesting over your very soil and homeland while at the same time destroying it? Would you sit there with your loved ones simply observing and hoping for the best? Or would you flee for seemingly safer grounds?

Brazen Bullshit and Tossing Wrenches

That’s the question to ask those refusing to wake up as we point out these obvious truths. The awakening lights fires under people and that’s a good thing, to get them off the fence and out of their perilous stunned and bewildered state. There’s no place more dangerous than not only being on the defensive, but in a condition of fear and confusion. Never mind a place under immediate attack, something about which most of the modern western world has no clue.


That makes sitting ducks out of unaware individuals. But the tide is turning.

These entities are now pushing their programs with abject impunity while humanity tries to wrestle with these issues on a corrupt, futile, and inept political level. It won’t be until they fully grasp the big picture of what is being perpetrated that the people will have a true awareness of the scope of humanity’s planned takeover and the importance of not feeding the beast with their energy and cooperation any longer.

And standing strong in that awareness while pushing back in every way possible.

Knowledge and understanding eradicate fear, which is why their media minions make it so hard to connect the dots. But their illusive veil is coming down at a terrific rate now and I expect we’re going to see some serious wrenches thrown into their machinery. And it comes through awake and aware individuals.

You, and me.

To empower others with the truth is our most important duty, especially at this perilous time in history.

Keep on no matter what. And don’t fall for the fear and confusion agenda. They’ll be turning it up more and more so be on your toes and keep your vibrations high.

And chuck a few wrenches into their insane machinery while you’re at it.

Every wrench counts! Let’s grind this fucking beast to a halt. Gather some fortitude and do something radical. Their machinery is exposed and vulnerable. Let’s do some damage in any way we feel compelled. Lob the unexpected of any sort into any situation you can. Let them handle the results.

After all, that’s what they do to us. Nothing unauthorized going on here! 🙂

Now go have a nice day.

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on amazon.com. You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Cosmic Shift, Unconscious Crazies and Moving Forward

The Cosmic Shift, Unconscious Crazies and Moving Forward

by Zen Gardner
August 12, 2013


There’s a lot of very interesting information available on this transition we’re going through and with many interpretations, and some great advice on how to manage these vibrational changes. My personal take is to stay very alert and aware on every front, most of all with my thoughts and feelings, remaining the observer monitoring what’s going on within and without me.

Don’t ever forget, your very thoughts and feelings at times may not even be your own but tainted by ingrained programming or some morphed projection from these both occult and hyper-technological insanely driven would-be controllers to steer humanity.

This is especially dangerous when our guards are down.

For me staying on alert also means keeping abreast of the news, the real news. It’s watching for trends, not just in the NWO rollout or political news, but following earth and space changes is very important. How our planet and solar system are behaving is intrinsic to getting a deeper sense of the energetic changes we’re undergoing. And sensing the spiritual changes around you is also imperative, much of which is intuitive.

Close communication via regular networking with other awake and aware activists is one of your best resources for keeping your finger on the pulse and grasping the big picture. Once you get rounded well-sourced information on our fluctuating condition the dots connect.

But we have to keep at it, especially now.

Real information is everything. It’s our spiritual food. Either we’re getting the adulterated stuff or we’re getting real nourishment. It makes a world of difference in how we feel and think and affects the very course of our lives and hence the rest of humanity since we each affect everything so profoundly. I avoid raw TV almost entirely and keep it unplugged.  It’s toxic and completely destructive. If there’s something worth watching as in breaking news, fine. But generally you’ll find what you’re looking for on the net where you can be in control of it. If you have to watch anything, limit it carefully and always mute the advertisements, hopefully instinctively.

It’s all part of remaining vigilant and detoxed. It all adds up. Same with steering clear of EMF pollution and using protective devices, changing out CFL bulbs, buying organic etc.

Conscious, Observant Living Is A Must – Beware the Unconscious Crazies

Learning to listen to our hearts, our real consciousness that taps into the central Source, and observe from that point is the key. As things start to pick up more speed as they are now this will be more and more important when mental processes become increasingly affected.

The mind is much like the computer that is susceptible to an EMP blast, a large electromagnetic pulse; the same kind that can stop your computer controlled car, all electrical supply and appliances and shut down the grid. The heart, however, your conscious spirit, only revels in the additional energetic bursts and will never let you down!

Now that’s empowerment – but we have to be careful.

We need to watch out for erratic behavior.

People are going to start unraveling before our eyes. Many will have psychotic type reactions to these vibrational changes especially as the matrix degrades into chaos, and we need to be wary wherever we are. As the system crumbles and basic needs become scarce this will get magnified many times over.

Society as we knew it will morph quickly so being centered and preparing those around us is imperative. It will not be nice, nor make “sense”.

It’s a very sad reality but we need to be on our toes. People may not be as they “seem” to be, nor as you would like to believe they are or “could” be. And there will be no rational control over them. This will include many of your relatives and loved ones. Not a lot will make sense as things come apart at the seams.

We who are awakened and aware of the greater depths of reality and where this all fits in the cosmic and otherwise scheme of things understand.

They don’t. Nor are they willing to accept a greater truth or reference point.

Hence: We’ll be witnessing some crazy behavior, to keep it colloquial. Psychologically and spiritually it’s much, much deeper.

Make Friends and Help Each Other

This dynamic has changed my life and many that of many others. I spend almost my full waking time on the internet and otherwise discussing in every medium possible with loved ones and targeted movers and shakers about what’s going on. There is so much to learn and there are so many amazing wonderful people who have been researching and compiling empowering information I just don’t have time for anything else. I get my walk and take breaks but it’s my full time passion because it to me is the essence of what’s happening and where I can best help and be the most effective.

Contributing to this massive wake up is all that really matters to me.

I’m a communicator. And I’m not afraid to ask questions, or to thank and try to help those who have contributed so much to this truth revolution. This has led to the best friendships of my life. I wrote to others like myself how many of us seem to be alone when in reality we’re most likely where we’re supposed to be, yet we’re united in spirit.

I received many touching comments to that post as it apparently resonated with quite a few people. Many also said they don’t mind the isolation. That’s the world they work and learn best in, and I relate to that. Most of the people I correspond with are the same. We savor conscious awareness and spreading it and helping to empower the changes we’re led to contribute to. It’s an act of love that gives tremendous satisfaction that at least we’re doing what we can.

And we do the same in our daily interactions.

These friendships that have come with meeting fellow activists are the best. They’re almost like broadening your antenna array to where you can pick up clearer signals and bounce your “readings” off those you love and trust. So often a little inkling or sensation or an email and link from a friend or comment on my site can lead to new realms of understanding and even new researchers and whole areas you weren’t aware of and a fresh re-synthesizing of what you’ve come to learn.

It’s just fabulous.

But we have to reach out.

Conclusion – Activate or Else

These energetic changes accompanying this huge scale awakening are not the answer. We are the answer. Those they affect who in turn willingly transform and pass it on, helping others understand and utilize what’s going on, are the answer.

You and me.

With or without any new cosmic or otherwise energies, combined with all we’re co-experiencing, our mission is the same. And what a great time to be alive as this awakening and all its accompanying energies unfold. Good for conscious  humanity, but bad for the matrix whose minions are scared to death of what’s happening.

This is why we’re seeing the frantic implementation of the control system. Poor puny bastards. It’s like a bucket of water on a raging forest fire. Sorry guys, you’ve already lost. You really think you can fight the Truth? C’mon.

But we do need to keep exposing them so others can see through their false projection and find empowering Truth and Reality for themselves.

Keep On!

We’re here to act out our mission, however we’re each called. We can follow, we can lead. We can sit by the wayside.

I don’t personally condone non-action in the least. We need to be conscious responders. Not inexcusable idiots. That’s thoroughly pathetic. I think we’ve all been through enough of that..and so have the enslaved.

Raise your voice.

Radiate your energy and the change any way you can!

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on amazon.com. You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Hidden Hand of Controlled Opposition

The Hidden Hand of Controlled Opposition

by Zen Gardner
September 20, 2016


“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” -Vladimir Lenin

This concept eludes public awareness to a scary degree. It’s similar to the reality of false flag operations, the epitome of carefully planned societal manipulation by unseen forces who have no regard for the human condition other than to control it.

This is so very similar to the slogan of the nefarious Mossad: “By way of deception, thou shalt do war.”

And the war is on us; for the subjugation, exploitation and control of….us.

The human race.

It’s all misdirection, controlled opposition for the mind. This game of ruthless deception is endemic to the fabric of the entire matrix.

Useful Idiots and the Puppeteers

The obvious NATO/US backed insurgences in Syria, the Ukraine, Venezuela, as well as most of the Middle East and now Africa and other nations, past and present, are perfect examples of controlled opposition on the political stage. As awful as that is, the problem is way deeper than that.

We’ve all been useful idiots at one time or other. No one’s been fully conscious or completely independent of these influences all of their lives. We all have had to compromise in some manner just to survive in the matrix.

This social landscape is an engineered one, and we help build and maintain it at varying degrees of conscious awareness until we disengage. Some aspects become more obvious than others to different people. The banking system for example has been getting hammered by the awakening. The full extent of its control is known by very few, but people are getting the idea. And it leads to more questions.

That’s how it works.

Many people come to the awakening via the health crisis we’re facing, with contaminated and mutated foods being forced into the market without the slightest compunction from our ever-so-caring slightly disguised crypto fascist central State. Just going to natural food or natural or alternative medicine sites is another way to go into the Wardrobe and land in a Narnia of Truth they had no idea existed.

For those looking to help others, this is a great way to approach someone still under the spell to get them started looking around. GMO awareness has jacked and is a great entry point. And just like the bankster revolving door with government, the Monsanto/Merck et al. infestation of so-called health agencies, this will make their heads spin if they’re willing to see it.

Geoengineering and Fukushima are other portals to the awakening. The surreal potential ELE nature of these assaults is seriously disrupting many entrained minds.

Finding out the extent of our own involvement is a trip in itself, and will lead to many wonderful, sometimes disturbing discoveries. Even more so is realizing the source of information we were trusting was tainted, twisted and distorted, or as in most cases, a complete fabricated lie, propped up by the energy of those that believed it. Matrix battery pods powering the collective.

What Really Matters

Religion, politics, education and the economic meme are of course the most predominant in the mainstream mind. But important things like where we came from, why we’re even here and where we’re going are barely addressed, and if they are it’s all gobbledygook designed to confuse and stifle the human spirit. Or freeze it into a debilitating religious paradigm where we wait for the cavalry to save us and are told “the powers that be are ordained by God”.

This is the true controlled opposition, although we’ll get to the modern oracles of this insidious ploy soon enough.

We have to see this for what it is. Anything short is not going to cut it. Just about every aspect of the opposing paradigms we’ve been handed as the absolute truth are designed. And even outside protesting elements who seem to know what’s going on are often generated by, or soon channeled by, these same overlords.

Here’s where and how the manipulation kicks in. Just like the controlled State media propaganda, there have to be enough apparent facts to cultivate credibility. Just enough. They won’t overdo it unless it’s some innocuous subject. Many of those “facts” will be wrapped in fear and violence as well, designed to cauterize your sensitivity while heightening your fear.

Religions have effectively done this for eons. Tapping into your inner knowledge of the spiritual and mixing in a few truths, they have no problem steering you straight into a numbed state of docile subservience to some weird-ass hierarchy of spiritual and physical abuse. In the name of God of course. Name dropping, anyone? Oh, and in the name of that guy they can send you and your kids off to fight their wars, build and support oppressive exploitative corporations, or be a professional gladiator and gain fame and fortune pounding other contestants into the ground to the roar of the frenzied, flag waving mob.

It’s Rarely Black and White – Deliberately

Layered in the imposed matrix are many overlapping memes and projected illusions, rendering fundamental empowering truths either hidden altogether, disguised or distorted. In a loving, uncontrolled conscious world there would be no need to hide anything. Instead, this mutant matrix system is built on deceit in order to spiritually disconnect and disempower those they wish to exploit.

Think of the mega volumes of information and technology being held from public knowledge under the guise of “national security”. How about “closed door meetings” or “need to know basis” or the vast labyrinth of secret ops operating in their vast network built on compartmentalization in the name of science or military confidentiality.

Now slide over to the Vatican sitting on brutally gained secret history accounts for centuries.

Does this make any sense to you?

Why do they keep all this as separate concepts? Connect them and they form a picture, a very clear one. Our entire society is completely staged, controlled and with vastly sinister intent.

(Fareed Zakaria is a confirmed CFR member)

Who’s Controlling Whom?

 I try to be very careful about what I read and certainly what I “take on board” in my mind and heart. I’ll look at just about anything, even mainstream drivel, to keep an eye on stuff and get the pulse of what’s going on.

But I’m very careful. I know I get fooled sometimes like anyone, but I’m not afraid to admit when I’m wrong. In fact it’s a joy every time that happens. Hey, I got another damn velcro hook off my spiritual body!

And media outlets and information sources are something to look at very closely and carefully. And keep watching.

It’s never, or should I say rarely, totally clear cut as to who is who. Someone can be piping out a high percentage of true information, but then throw in some massive monkey wrench that few see coming. Sometimes it’s the tone. I’m skeptical of crass self-promoters who are caught up in their image. If there’s that much ego there’s that much less conscious awareness, and the love starts running thin. If people can’t see past all the evil in this world to the wondrous beauty of the Universe and the amazing unlimited potential of the human spirit, I wonder about their information, or at least how it’s used.

But no one’s perfect, so we need to see and process the good and the Truth, and chuck the husks in the trash. It can take time and things morph, so it’s all part of the process.

Snowden, Color Revolutions, Wikileaks, Occupy, “Parties” and Other Corruptible Things

Keep a close eye out on these supposed whistleblowers. While we need real ones to come forward desperately, those that attain public acclamation by way of major media attention are always suspect. This is because the corporate media is completely controlled. They may let out some truth, but it’s always to inoculate us against the full truth. There is no more responsible mainstream media today.

These 6 big corporations running everything media are a fascist cabal.

I’ve written much about Snowden and my suspicions, as have many others. When the Wikileaks phenomenon appeared, I and many others were again very skeptical. It was playing right into the globalists’ plan, not the least of which is to muzzle the internet and smokescreen real events. Like most disinfo outlets, it conveniently sidestepped, minimized or dodged many of the really important issues. And sure enough, Assange was groomed in the Oligarchs’ machine for years. When he came out and said 9/11 was NOT an inside job…that cemented the deal.

It’s very similar to how these “partial” whistleblowers never mention Israel or the Zionist influence. Incredible.

The Occupy movement was clearly engineered to be a controlled opposition release valve. Wonderful things still happened, but they managed to dilute and mis-steer the message enough to diffuse its greatest potential effects. The Orwellian stomp down by the Police State was off the charts, and of course the State run media made nothing of it.

Gone. But people got involved, that’s good.

The Tea Party? Again, born of a driven passion to stand up within that paradigm. Now? Zionist stooges Michelle Bachman, Glenn Beck and Hannity types are all over a wimped out “movement”, a form of expression that desperate middle class folks were joining in for the first times in their lives. Neutered and detoured once again. And now a ridiculed arm of the republican party.

Who Are the Moles?

Who is this controlled opposition? Here is a recent example that came to light that would normally go unreported by the mainstream media.  This is a good sign.

Did an undercover cop help organise a major riot?

From the Stephen Lawrence inquiry we learned that the police were institutionally racist. Can it be long before we learn that they are also institutionally corrupt? Almost every month the undercover policing scandal becomes wider and deeper. Today I can reveal a new twist, which in some respects could be the gravest episode yet. It surely makes the case for an independent public inquiry – which is already overwhelming – unarguable.

Before I explain it, here’s a summary of what we know already. Thanks to the remarkable investigations pursued first by the victims of police spies and then by the Guardian journalists Rob Evans and Paul Lewis (whose book Undercover is as gripping as any thriller), we know that British police have been inserting undercover officers into protest movements since 1968. Their purpose was to counter what they called subversion or domestic extremism, which they define as seeking to “prevent something from happening or to change legislation or domestic policy … outside the normal democratic process”. Which is a good description of how almost all progressive change happens. Source

Their influence is vast. We have no idea how many inroads have been made and how the military industrial government complex has infiltrated and controlled all we see and hear at this point, even within our alternative community.

It’s staggering, but it doesn’t frighten me. It’s expected.

Follow your heart. You’ll know.

So Will the Wake Up Be In Time?

Clearly we’re up against massively orchestrated activities, outlets and manufactured disinformation, and there’s much controversy on this subject. It’s a huge part of their agenda. Never mind…it’s just the matrix at work. Rise above it.

But will humanity “get it” in time?

It’s always in time…individually and collectively. Once you’ve popped into Now awareness and even begin to grasp the fact that all this is a sham and a fabricated facade, you’re virtually home free.

Your participation in propping up this fake social landscape will fall off like over-sized pants.

It just happens.

Enjoy it, but be responsive. We’ve all got to make a difference. That’s where the revolution lies. Right there.

Respond. Consciously. And in love.

Much love and all the best, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on amazon.com. You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Pugnacious Parasites and the Provocation

Pugnacious Parasites and the Provocation

by Zen Gardner
April 02, 2016


Everyone knows the unscrupulously manipulative always accuse others of what they themselves are guilty of.

It’s an age old trick to obfuscate the obvious and buy time to accomplish their purposes. Lying is their pathological language. Such behavior, especially in high profile public figures, is unthinkable, yet for some inexplicable reason it is not just tolerated, but ironically readily expected.

People still buy into it. And the reaction always remains the same. Complacency on the most part, and a rising sense of anger in others.

No doubt a byproduct of cognitive dissonance and range of other deliberately triggered mechanisms, but surreal just the same.

A Bald Faced Lie is a Punch in the Face

This is essentially what transpires when someone knowingly lies to your face.

It jars your mind and pushes you back on the defensive and you’re left to try and understand why your heart and head are not matching up with what you just heard.

Everyone, except these willingly possessed psychopaths, has a conscience. And it’s faithful to speak to us. This is why humanity has been conditioned to not respond to it, and also why fear is so essential to their game. When our signals are scrambled, our gut reaction belittled and intuition denied we’re left in a daze.

This is exactly what they want to happen. It gives them time to keep executing their programs, especially when a complicit media candies and bandies it about as if it’s true and nothing to question.

This is the whirled we’re in and up against. Again, another reason to stay fully conscious and circumspect and thoroughly educated as to their techniques and true nature.

Not pretty stuff to look at, but understand it we must.

Abject bullies like Israel are relatively easy to spot – if we grasp their obvious odious nature and where they’re coming from.

The bully in the playground works by pure intimidation and force and will resort to any form of expression they can – loud mouthed intimidation, brandishing weapons, and all bathed in swaggering bravado right up to and including physical force to get their point across.

Send a signal is their MO. And those who don’t cower, teach them a lesson. Again, just look at the abject genocidal insanity of the Israeli occupiers. Now that they’ve gained control of most of the world’s media, especially in the west, what they say goes.

And if the media or governments don’t toe their line well enough they’ll hear from these vociferous, self serving elitist beasts.


The Provocation

Another aspect of bullying is provoking your supposed enemy.

The US is at this big time, deliberately firing up the conservative right and constitutionalists. It’s full on deliberate. The opulent extravagance of the Obamas, the clearly deliberate crashing of the economy, the flagrant trashing of patriotism and removal of individual rights are all carefully planned.

Threatening to disarm fiercely independent Americans is an essential part of this agenda.

The mass migration agenda is the same. While the US gets inundated with needy Central Americans with clear governmental manipulation, Europe is similarly being swept with an influx that threatens their economies and cultural identities.

What’s most amazing about this is anyone can read this agenda for themselves from UN statements and documents and the Agenda 21 or 2030 programs. That so many can’t be bothered to look into much of this is outright frightening.

Israel again is a master example of aggressive agendas designed to push back common sense and reason as well as true empathy for the plight of others. A clearly apartheid state while claiming they were the victims of such treatment is completely nonsensical. It flies in the face of simple reason and logic.

Yet they get away with it.


They’ve taken over the media and political structures through the same tactics of intimidation and potential consequence by their massive Mossad/CIA/MI6 black hand of control.

Strategy of Tension and Not Just Provoking, but Demonizing Your Subjects

What’s amazing is the thoroughness of psychopathic social engineers. This is where we need to wake up and get smart.

They operate according to something called the Strategy of Tension, keeping peoples and nations nervous and afraid and more inclined to rely on government and enforcement to protect them. It also homogenizes cultures in a form of group think and a state of malleability due to this state of fear.

The extension of their influence is far and wide. Mass shootings, weird mass “accidents” at certain interims, and most of all false flags, never mind assassinations and the like. This has been the weapon of choice for every totalitarian regime for eons and a real favorite of this latest push for world dominion by these psychopaths.

The end result, ironically, is not entirely to direct everyone’s attention to a foreign enemy. That’s just a ruse and excuse for genocide and expansion. The enemy to them is within – us.

We must be contained like animals and malleable to their every whim.  So-called domestic terrorism has been a meme on the rise.

The deliberate migration of “potential muslim extremists” is a key part of this, as any and every incident they stage can more and more be justified and conveniently blamed on outside influences.

The end result is the same: clampdown on the populace.

Just look at this propaganda piece brought to you by the Rothschild/Rockefeller owned and CIA/Mossad/MI6 et all run Reuters news agency: 

U.S. eyes ways to toughen fight against domestic extremists

The U.S. Justice Department is considering legal changes to combat what it sees as a rising threat from domestic anti-government extremists, senior officials told Reuters, even as it steps up efforts to stop Islamic State-inspired attacks at home.

Extremist groups motivated by a range of U.S.-born philosophies present a “clear and present danger,” John Carlin, the Justice Department’s chief of national security, told Reuters in an interview.

“Based on recent reports and the cases we are seeing, it seems like we’re in a heightened environment.”(source)

The agenda is obvious…

If we’re looking…the language as well is a giveaway, the smooth talking and use of buzz phrases like “clear and present danger”, “national security” and the like are rife.

The Subtler Techniques of Deceit

This may seem a bit tangential to the main point I’m making here but is nonetheless essential information if we’re to more fully understand how these tactics are carried out on subtler levels.

You’ll see the following logical fallacy tactics in use continually, but unfortunately most people fall for them for lack of discernment as well as awareness of just what deceitful people are capable of doing.

This is a big subject well worth researching on your own but here are a few to get you started:

These are just a few examples.

It’s a field well worth exploring and getting a handle on. When you dissect and analyze these mechanisms it is extremely empowering.

1. The Strawman Argument

Misrepresenting someone’s argument to make it easier to attack.


After Will said that we should put more money into health and education, Warren responded by saying that he was surprised that Will hates our country so much that he wants to leave it defenseless by cutting military spending.

You’ll see this in use continually especially in the political and government arenas.

It’s very clever really, side-stepping the real issue and misdirecting the argument to a false issue having nothing to do with the original question or discussion.

2. The False Choice Dilemma

Giving an extremely narrow range of choice to an issue or situation that is much wider than is being portrayed with virtually unlimited possibilities.

Baby Bush’s carefully framed post 9/11 statement is the classic geopolitical example:

“You’re either with us, or you’re with the terrorists.”

You have to admit that’s pretty damn galvanizing.

But in what way? Now you can’t question what the “good guys” are doing or you might be with “axis of evil”? That’s what it’s since come down to.

Again, cleverly staged propaganda by these very intelligent psychopaths. Keeping the public drugged and dumbed down would sure work in their favor, wouldn’t it?

3. Correlation versus Causation

You can apply this across the board. It’s so easy to assume what we’re told is true in this context. Beware…

The easiest example is when two events occur at the same time, or in close apparent relation with each other. One is then seen as the cause of the other. An increase in robberies occurs at the same time that jobs cuts are announced, for example.

There is no evidence to support the claim that the expected job losses caused the increase in robberies.

This is best seen in false flag events when the enemy or culprit is named before any investigation whatsoever. If someone “claims” responsibility it’s case closed, as they go after their pre-selected patsy to confirm this or already executed this planted persona on the spot.

Done deal…

4. Overgeneralization or Oversimplification

This is another framework for logical fallacies.

Generalizing from too small of a population, or reducing complex social issues to only one choice or the other, and leaving out the complex issues that do not support the claim are examples of fallacies that stem from overgeneralization and oversimplification. (source of last two citations)

All That To Say…

Be on the look out.

Stay alert and awake and aware. What we see around us is not what we get, unless we fall for it and thereby make it our reality. Personal empowerment in such an environment as we’re living in is essential.

But you have to do the work.

Psychopaths are running the external world. It’s more evident by the day to more and more people. Those not fully on board even at higher and middle levels are being bullied into it within the power structure.

They can see who the apparent heirs are to the coming positions of power so they’re buckling under the pressure in an effort to save their hides.

Others at many levels of society are waking up and looking for ways to expose this nefarious agenda and help humanity push back in whatever way it can. We need to keep our voices loud and clear and distinctly truthful and helpful.

There may be many vectors by which they’re coming at us, be they,

…and the like, but we’re clearly up to the challenge.

After all, we’re here! We’re thriving just fine in spite of all they do, and we’re growing stronger by the day.

Never forget that, let down your guard, nor grow weary in well doing.

This is our day – not theirs. Let’s fulfill our mission, and use the massive spiritual weapons at our disposal – love, truth, our connection to Source and essential eternal nature which can never be taken away.

Stay true…


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on amazon.com. You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

‘The Cult’, Trump and the Rest of Us

by Kathleen Stilwell
November 17, 2016


A recent conversation between Jeff Rense and Linda Stone titled “Did the Cult Give Trump a ‘Briefing’?” got me thinking.

Over the past months, as I pondered our recent presidential (s)election here in the US, I wondered why so much of the alternative media seemed to view Trump as a messiah of sorts. The liberty movement (patriots who want to ‘restore the republic’ or ‘restore the constitution’) seemed particularly elated at Trump’s win.

How is it that we, as truth seekers, can understand that the system is rigged, that we are manipulated into choosing our controllers, and not assume that Trump was, at least on some level, selected to be president? Why would we imagine the powers which have controlled us for eons would now step aside just because a man who was not already completely taken over moved into the White House?

As someone deeply interested in our awakening, in transforming our world, in freeing our resources from an imprisoning monetary system, I could not understand how either candidate would help us get there.

Trump did say some very inspiring things about restoring some of our liberties. We would all feel great relief if some of this police-state government could be dismantled. But this is not enough.

Trump’s entire “success”, his celebrated life path, is deeply linked to the life-force-draining monetary system that has us all living lives of quiet desperation.

Trump’s corporations and his celebrity family represent the same old stifling social order filled with order followers and place holders.

Trump’s vision does not call for spiritual maturity, a recognition of natural law, or a return to love. It does not require that we transform our inner worlds along with the outer.

In the conversation I mentioned above, Rense addresses the fact that Trump has recently done a turnabout on many things he pledged before the election. He brings up the fact that this change came about right after Trump’s briefing at the White House. He questions whether Trump may have been briefed by the cabal, reminding us that “the cult is everywhere”.

It’s quite possible that Trump did not know the level of evil he was walking into. Or perhaps he didn’t believe it could be as horrific as it is.

If we don’t work on waking up on all levels of being, we can find ourselves in this same boat. We sense the danger, we are on alert, but we don’t know what we are walking into.

We all want a different world, but if we do not change who we are, we can’t get there from here. It can’t be done by changing external laws and tweaking the status quo here and there.

If we don’t change who we are, we will keep looking for leaders instead of looking to be creators, and we will allow ourselves to be controlled by others who know we’d rather not take responsibility for ourselves. If we don’t change who we are, we won’t have the spiritual sight to free ourselves from “the cult”.

A few months ago, I dusted off this blog to post my thoughts about the witch hunt around Zen Gardner. The whole situation was so bizarre, as large numbers of the “awakening community” were suddenly triggered into banning him from their sites, causing his Facebook page to be closed down, and essentially attempting to drive him out of town. In light of this attack, Zen took a hiatus and disappeared from the web for a while.

As I listened to Rense’s words, I realized that this is exactly why Zen’s life story caused such an unconscious reaction. Zen had been a member of a well-known cult that started out with high ideals but morphed into a deeply disturbed mess, including pedophilia (as is rampant in the Catholic church and government circles). Zen’s attackers insisted he must have condoned or participated in the abuses that existed in the cult. He must be guilty of something. ‘How could anyone be so blind?’, they asked. How, indeed!

We are all guilty of having been blind to a cult that just so happens to be everywhere. All of our lives we could feel that something was horribly wrong, yet we didn’t know exactly what it was.

(Thankfully, the freakout about Zen Gardner seems to be over and most of the major sites have “reappeared” Zen’s writings. This seems to have occurred right after Ole Dammegard spoke out publicly of his love for Zen Gardner and his belief in him.)

The dark control system is all around us, even in the alternative structures and communities we set up. It will continue to reappear until we fully take responsibility for self-governance and stand as creative, sovereign beings. It will continue until we choose to be integrous, until we become the masters of our own inner and outer worlds without the need for gods, rule books or oversight committees.

When we take responsibility for our lives and transform ourselves, we see that the control system may be everywhere, but we no longer fear it.

We also begin to understand that the dark side only sees certain aspects of humanity. It zeroes in on our temporary limitations. It sees our immaturity and is attracted to controlling us through that vulnerability.

It’s no wonder that cabal members are so interested in pedophilia. These beings may appear human, but they are something else entirely. They are deeply-twisted predators who seek out those who can be controlled. They feed on and thrive on the fear, deep pain, and traumatized energies that they call forth from us with their abuse. Children are the most vulnerable among us and make the perfect target.

This cult of darkness has, for the longest time, had possession of occult knowledge, empowering it to take advantage of our weakness and bedazzling us into obedience. But the apocalypse (unveiling) is here and the curtain is being ripped back, the weak monsters behind the smoke and mirrors are being revealed, and the gig will soon be up. As we find our strength and our vision, as we step outside of fear, ‘the cult’ loses its power because, as we rediscover who we are, we can see it but it can no longer see us.

The video disappeared from YouTube during the purge of alternative views. However, the following is an excerpt from Jeff Rense’s comments in the video:

“…What we do know is that this planet, especially western Christian civilization, is controlled by a dark, and honestly, unimaginably evil occult, ritualistic, satanic group of people — a cabal, if you will which goes back many hundreds if not thousands of years. It dominates nations almost as if they are toys in a sandbox. That’s how powerful they are. No they’re not presidents. No they’re not kings. They’re above that. They answer to no one. They are above all laws. And I mean laws and morality, as well as political. Human life means nothing to them. In fact, morality, just alluded to, kindness and care mean less than nothing to them. They are in many ways not human by normal measurements, any normal measurements. Now Donald Trump is changing positions, or so it would seem so, on several of his many, many promises and pledges…”

This article may be freely shared as long as the text is unaltered and the original author, Kathleen Stilwell, is clearly identified with a hyperlink back to the original article.