Will There Be an Intervention?

Will There Be an Intervention?

by Zen Gardner
February 13, 2014


I hear this question often and it’s frequently a topic of alternative and otherwise spiritual discussion. After all, whole religions are built around some sort of rescue plan or salvation by a higher power based on either good works accompanied by repetitious prayers and ritual, or simply “believing” that some chosen external power can save us.

Save us from what? You name it – personal problems, sickness, death, ruthless rulers, the “devil”, or even contentious neighbors. We’re talking about a potentially very long list here. Who wouldn’t like a little supernatural help once in a while?

Energetic forces and agencies of all sorts surround us continually. Even quantum physicists agree a myriad of dimensions are existing in the same space at any given time, and that in fact time itself is an illusion.

Now that should bake any left-brained noodled attempt to rationally grasp all of this right off the bat. Ha!

What Is Going On Then?

Good question. Lots for sure. But our decisions and actions don’t have to be fully dependent on having a full answer. What we do need to know is the fundamental dynamic we are part of, and anyone can know it because it’s in our hearts. It’s always been there and awaits to be fully awakened and activated. Call it heart knowledge, call it a sense of right and wrong, call it intuition, call it a moral compass, call it your personal portal to Universal consciousness, but we all have it.

Have we even started to really listen to it and actually act on it, never mind be fully responsive to this “divine” impulse without hesitation?

Life was never intended to be complicated, as fascinating and intricate as the Universe is. We are meant to live in harmony with the Universal forces, working in concert with the great eternal collective dance of infinite consciousness. What makes humanity cry out for deliverance is the onslaught of the invasive, parasitic forces attempting to hijack this planet and its inhabitants. That war is very real. And it’s at many levels. Why there has to be a war of some sort in the first place is ours to ponder, whether it’s a test of some sort or an opportunity for spiritual development or otherwise, but the battle is upon us and needs addressing.

We cannot over spiritualize these questions into oblivion or think they will just go away. Nor can we expect someone or something else to do the spiritual or physical work with which we are tasked. After all, that’s what religion and flighty new age intervention trip-offs teach. As crazy as conscious awareness may seem to some, most of us agree that wishful thinking in a pseudo-spiritual environment is not what the awakening is all about.

Other Influences, and Ours

There are, however, many levels of spiritual entities that can be of assistance. People have experienced these phenomena for eons. Some hinder and deceive, some aid and work in the etheric to help clear bad energies or give messages of encouragement or instruction. But the onus is on us. We activate these influences by our own response to the prompts of Spirit and attitude of heart.

To think otherwise is to live in the grandest of deceptions.

I’ve had many wonderful experiences along these lines, yet I don’t depend on them. That would be relinquishing my personal authority, the very essence of my conscious being. That concept of such personal empowerment won’t make sense to most as we’ve been deliberately debilitated from birth, continuously prevented from finding our true Source and Authority as the the co-creators we are.  Nevertheless it is true.

We truly are what we’ve been waiting for.

There is a lot out there to discover, but it only unfolds with right intention on our part. Once we align via sincerity and heart conscious awareness put into action it becomes clearer. There are many entities of all sorts all around us continually. While we feel limited in this dimension, we might want to be grateful we can’t see everything going on around us in our underdeveloped state. Just look at the average reaction to seeing even a ghost or extra-terrestrial being or unknown space traveling vehicle. Most of humanity are like sprouts in a hothouse that have no idea what the real worlds are all about and can’t fathom the depth of what’s going on.

Don’t Fight on their Level

While celestial intervention may be what many are waiting for, others are ready to take matters into their own hands. This I applaud – as long as it’s non violent or a natural extension of the spiritual awakening that we’re coming through that seeks expression. Unfounded allegiances such as patriotism, personal belief structures and other defensive notions are traps and pitfalls to be avoided at all costs. Our perspective needs to be pure and free from these fabricated battlefields that have been set to pit us against each other.

The real warfare is much, much deeper.

And it starts with us. Individually. Once we “get right” and start to truly connect the dots we see the real picture before us. At that point we can act consciously. Granted, not many wait for that signal, but the more of us who do tune in to and grasp this profound perspective, the clearer the picture becomes.

And it’s contagious.


In a nutshell? Intervene for yourself.

Help might just arrive, but not until you do.

Keep paddling and enjoy the ride.

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on amazon.com. You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Kicking Stones – Clearing the Pathway for Others

Kicking Stones – Clearing the Pathway for Others

by Zen Gardner
February 26, 2014


I’ve had a habit for many years, as I’m sure many others have, of clearing paths that I travel by foot. I can’t help it. I kick stones out of the way, clear branches, whatever I happen upon. It only makes sense and I’ve never thought anything of it. I was thinking today what a perfect metaphor for life that is. We don’t have to take the whole world on at once, just deal consciously with what’s in front of us.

Just imagine if everyone cleared the path for others in whatever way they could, even just a little at a time.

It doesn’t take much. A little kick here, a toss there as obstacles appear. Some are not as easy as others. Some need chainsaws and bulldozers a team will need to provide in some form. We can each do what we can do. Many “rock kickers” have joined into teams of “earth movers” and I’m blessed to know many of them. Either way, even with the seemingly small stuff, just kick it aside and keep on.

We each make a huge difference in spite of what we’ve been told. It’s the activation of that conscious impulse that matters, and our response to the immediate need.


It’s really instinctive, or rather it should be. Unfortunately simple conscious responding has become less and less the case. The wonderful underlying reality is that many make this a way of life – whether for their childrens’ safety or future, or even their own survival. In more advanced tribal and cultural societies this was ingrained in their way of life. In today’s world, extending that impulse for the sake of the whole is seriously discouraged.

That is easily overcome.

Life is a series of interactions within ourselves, as well as between ourselves and the world around us. Our behavior is based on how awake and aware and responsive we are, and to what we are responding. Since birth we’ve been programmed with guidelines and rules for behavior. Having the simple courage to overcome that selfish, fear based training and allowing our own personal awakening from this programming to flourish determines how much we’re letting our true essence come to life.

It’s clearly a process but most of all it’s a continual choice. Will I let my true convictions show and play out? Or will I cave in to conformity with a clearly dysfunctional world and stifle those conscious promptings?

It’s hard to fathom the mass of decisions we’re faced with every day. The underlying important ones get buried in the daily hubbub of experiences and input. The truly conscious questions have to do with why we’re here, where am I going, what is behind this apparent illusion, and what do I do about it. Once we start to grasp these essential basics we’ll know how to respond consciously. The problem is these underlying questions are deliberately suppressed, discouraged and glazed over.

The beauty of it is that this latent lower level programming is almost immediately overcome when a personal awakening takes place. Whole new worlds of dynamics affect our response mechanisms and everything drastically changes.

How Does This Translate?

A smile, a helping hand, a word of encouragement. A wise word of advice, a hug, or even shared information and artistic expression, however you can get it out. It comes in all forms. As each of us adopt and commit to this simple way of life the world will continue to change for the better. Love is affirmed, sympathetic vibrations radiate, the social and spiritual fabric changes.

Change the world by ‘Manifesting the Mystic Morphic Field’ I like to say.

As synchronicity would have it, as I walked home from a local park thinking about this I turned up a street to see a young father and his daughter walking ahead of me. And what he was doing? Kicking gravel and rocks to the side of the road, just as I was, here and there. It was picture perfect synchronicity as I mulled writing about this life long habit. He seemed to be a local tourist and may not even walk that way again but he felt responsible.

That’s what I’m talking about. Caring enough to at least do something whenever we get the opportunity.

No matter how seemingly small or insignificant, we each make a huge difference. And our accumulated effect is something we can derive huge inspiration from. Keeping proactive in all of these small ways has a much greater impact than can be calibrated. Have you ever watched a column of leaf cutter ants work their way back and forth from a nearby crop of leaves they’re harvesting? Talk about focus, teamwork and determination…one responsible ant at a time.

The beautiful thing is it’s happening with humanity. It’s not new by any means, but in an increasingly callous world it is a radical act to be unselfish. It’s very similar to Orwell’s adage on speaking the Truth in an oppressively deceptive climate such as we’re seeing today:

“In a time of universal deceit – telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

So is behaving lovingly and responsibly in a world seriously infected with selfishness and fear.

Keep On Kicking

Each of us have our own obstacles. We can succumb to them or we can intelligently learn from these challenges and either bypass, overcome or transcend them. When it comes to common sense in-your-face issues that need immediate addressing we cannot falter. Some of these are pretty huge, such as the on-going Palestinian extermination which the world will not even acknowledge, but tackle them we must by responding consciously and not going on business as usual. As humanity arises from its slumber and learns to spontaneously care for each other and our environment, the changes for the betterment and reawakening of our planet will accelerate with blinding speed.

If the rock’s in the way, kick it aside.

Others will travel “the road less followed” with fewer mishaps and obstacles, and take the awakening even further down the road. We don’t need to see the results to know this, it just is.

Keep kicking and and keep on loving in every way possible.

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on amazon.com. You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Death Wish Agenda

The Death Wish Agenda

by Zen Gardner
October 30, 2013


I recently wrote a good friend and fellow activist/writer/researcher a hot headed note about the assault we’re witnessing:

We’re so full-spectrum fucked I’m getting seriously tempted to move into nature and just cut the fuck out….but you know I won’t unless my body just quits on me…funny how these bastards have made the death option a viable choice to living in this morass of deceit and manipulation…shit, this assault is mind and soul boggling…

Ever feel that way? Lots do, and are acting accordingly, getting fully off the damn grid and just living with Mother Earth as closely as they can. I envy them even though I’ve moved away from the beast. At this point I feel strongly compelled to do what I’m doing but the stench is so bad now it can get a soul down. We can of course get as close as we can to a balanced lifestyle and do our best to remain as free as possible and cultivate the same in others. But it’s a fight.

The other implied option is “get the fuck out of here any way you can…including death. This world is not fit to live in.”

Sad, but true. Unfortunately this programmed impulse is hitting a wide swathe of humanity, not just the US military. In the UK, Greece, Italy and many other clamped on peoples we’re seeing the heartbreaking reality of the elderly and destitute taking their own lives out of desperation. Death in their lives becomes a better option than living.

It’s Maddening – Of Course

What prompted that response is my walking with our pup to a favorite park that is so peaceful, green and energetically alive it’s just a real treat. Looking up, however, which I constantly do, I again saw the full-on white-out-by-chemtrails in this otherwise idyllic land, converting what would have been a clear and sunny sky into a canopy of other-worldly grey death.

That’ll piss you off bigtime, and in a hurry.

You make an effort to find a beautiful spot for rest and rejuvenation and are again reminded of the scope of the invasion taking place on our planet. I know it happens to many of us. Keeping tabs on this assault is empowering in that you’re maintaining your sanity and clear vision, yet it can close in on you like a vice when you’re powered-down and least expect it.

The Agenda

Euthanasia, birth control and brutal suicide are the same. Don’t let the sanitized bullshit fool you. They’re sociologically induced forms of murder like all of their eugenics programs. Remember, they work very gradually. Oh so incrementally people find themselves accepting the most anti-life, anti-freedom, anti-moral and anti-conscious concepts and resultant actions imaginable. Agenda 21 is a good re-cap of their centuries old eugenics and population control program. You can read their plans from many sources, including the infamous and resoundingly decried Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. They don’t mind putting it in black and white. They’ve simply learned that nothing’s in public awareness until the “accepted” media says so.

Easy breezy at this point, for them.

No, not everybody falls for everything, but the overpowering multi-faceted war on the human spirit wears people down one area at a time. These implanted false ideas become tenets of civilization and the rest is built on top of these false pillars and foundations. That’s why truth archeologists are screaming their heads off. Injected false assumptions have become mainstays of the ensuing mass thought structure creating the massive lie we’re now witnessing.

As Orwell so poignantly (and knowingly) pointed out:

“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.”

It’s all about the narrative. So-called recorded history is the biggest mind screw going. The jury is still not out as far as I’m concerned as to whether Orwell was deliberately warning humanity about this plan he learned about from his buds in the Fabian Society, or if he was just implanting the program and idea, as his  mentor Huxley clearly was. While Orwell was obviously an initiate, many things he later says in his letters seem to indicate he had serious misgivings about whether such a society they were creating was right.

Either way, like the Protocols and many other documents, it’s clear they were meant to come to pass. Because they have. If you don’t believe that, read them again and just look at the world around us. As the paraphrased quote by Napoleon says, “History is written by the victors.” How horrifically true. And we’re now at an apparent culmination of these falsely sold plans as they poison, engineer and steer us clear out of our very humanity.

Turning Adversity Into Action

It was once famously said, “Instead of throwing your life away, why not give it away.” If anyone’s at the end of their rope, it’s a terrific time to let go into a greater reality. Right here.  That may not seem like practical advice to those in dire straights, but the dynamic is the same.

The Controllers are like the obnoxious guest who enjoys seeing people leave the party he’s jealously spoiling. It’s similar to the internet troll mindset. “If I can spoil what’s going on here I’ve done my job.” That’s exactly how fucked up it is. And if that’s not apparent to you yet, you have some serious learning to do.

Do we stop blogging, writing or talking about what’s going on because of these insipid trolls? Of course not! They’re literally running a “wipe” program and are the arrogant bastards who sit back and hope we fall for it. It’s pure bullshit with no other basis than the fabricated reality they’re trying to sell us.

I have to admit as I did here, it does get a soul down at times, this full spectrum assault we’re being subjected to. I just took another bunch of chlorella tabs and did my homeopathic nasal spray when I got home after walking in all that chem-shit. It affects us, and we are forced to react to it and be conscious of it. But it’s how we handle it and translate it into action that matters.

That’s our course of action. And if this knowledge doesn’t lead to an activated life to help bring attention to these issues and help our fellow man, I seriously wonder about those people.

Be aware, rise above it, and be fully alive and active.

“We are the answer we’ve been waiting for” has never been so true.

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on amazon.com. You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

So You’ve Woken Up…Now What?

So You’ve Woken Up…Now What?

by Zen Gardner
November 11, 2012


Many people ask about this or something similar so here’s some thoughts on the subject. I don’t mean to tell anyone what to do, as that’s completely contrary to consciousness and conscious development, but I will share my understandings at this point and my passion for Truth and you can do what you like with it.


“What do you say to people who have woken up but can’t leave the system because of family and friends?”

This and those like it pose a very broad question since we’re all different and need to be led of our own convictions. However, the answer is fundamentally similar in every case.

Do what consciousness tells you.

There’s really no time for fiddling around once you’ve found what you know to be the Truth, which is always something clearly outside the realm of what you’ve been indoctrinated with. It’s always life altering. And if it isn’t, you didn’t hear correctly or it fell on deaf ears.

I don’t want to be counted amongst the deaf or unresponsive. Do you?

Especially when you found out that that’s exactly what perpetrates the big lie you found out about–a compliant, non-awake populace.

System Dependence is the Name of the Game

That’s the trouble with the “system”, it teaches dependency, hierarchy, and rote knowledge, where your choices are carefully narrowed down to “acceptable” alternatives within carefully confined parameters.

That’s why people feel like fish out of water when they wake up. They never learned how to truly think freely, nor did they have the knowledge tools. Instead, most everything was reversed, scrambled, confused and filed away in seeming useless obscurity.

The result is not just a marginalization of empowering Truths into the catch-all dustbins of “conspiracy theory” or wing nut stuff, but worse yet, the system does not cultivate original thought or true personal freedom or responsibility.

The real Truth is not an option in such a controlled environment. Oh, you get smatterings of truths, but drawing awake and aware conclusions is not an option to humanity’s would be Controllers.

The Wake Up Starts with a Bang – But You Have to Keep It Going

When someone awakens to the true nature of the manipulated world we live in, as well as the vast resources at our immediate conscious fingertips, it takes some doing to fully realize what that information means, as well as the vast implications on your personal life.

It can hit hard and may need some time to be digested.

How it affects each of us individually is really a question of simply putting what we’ve learned into action and trusting the Universe for the consequences.

I don’t think there’s time for much else. In fact, there never has been.

If you know the Truth, what are you waiting for?

While many are hoping for some kind of soft-pedaling of any kind of action call, it’s not a set formula. You just find out, and you react. And just that takes some doing, breaking off the rust of your True Self to animate and start to call the shots that were previously hindered by life long programming.

Stages of Development

For me the full wake up took on many stages of development, but the full blown realization of the vast extent of the manipulated lie and its fleshed out intricacies was a head splitting explosion that blew me past the pull of convention’s gravity so fast I’m still grinning from ear to ear as I zip through the universe..ha!

The point there being, the wake up takes on many forms and evolves. What gives the wake up traction is commitment, putting feet to your realizations.

You think TV’s bad? Turn it off. Banks are a rip off? Get out except for perhaps necessary operating funds if need be. Trapped by the ownership of housing, “might needs”, and all kinds of dumb stuff?

Dump everything you can, if that’s your understanding. Knowing “stuff owns you” is fundamental to consciousness. We all get there, but it depends on our enthusiasm…or “spirit in us”.

How many respond to just that?

Do What You Know or Face Confusion

Until people put into action what they already know, there isn’t gonna be much more to follow for them. Just a lot of flailing about in frustration because we don’t do what we already know we should do and are looking for excuses or compromised solutions to assuage our guilty conscience and hopefully preserve our personal status quo.

Sad, but true.

That also includes getting right with people, making relationships honest,  and disengaging from situations of compromise. It takes courage.

Know You Are Nobody–Yet Everybody

All this is a whole lot easier when you realize you are nobody. There’s nothing to defend.

Your old senses of self were the very strings the lying matrix played upon. Get conscious and the sirens of the system don’t affect you except peripherally.

That’s a biggie.

Conscious awareness is number one realizing and seeing through the higher level of awareness that is detached from this life’s experiences, and thus free to discern and identify without attachment what your life experience is.

Seeing through those eyes will bring tremendous peace and understanding.

Get Along But Don’t Compromise

Don’t fret the next steps. The universe is so vast and full of infinite possibilities there’s something for everybody. Our job is to find it for ourselves and when we find it, act on it. No, it’s not the “safe” way, or the “accepted” way.

At all. We do have to break free.

In reality the parasitic system has been sucking you dry and lying to you and everyone you love. You now no longer owe it any allegiance and can and should disengage any and every way you can. No guilt trip necessary. You are doing what is right.


And that is not contingent on relationships, financial security, self image concerns, or what have you.

So get any and all attachments possible out of play. Happily. You are freeing yourself from the spider’s tentacles.

There’s Real Peace in Commitment

When you’ve resolved to go ahead and “make the break” with convention and stand up for what you know is right, it leads to a new lifestyle. How do you think these wonderful websites were formed of like-minded people who found each other and decided to make an impact with videos, interviews, articles, participation in events, etc?

How were Gandhi, Martin Luther King or other world truth bearers including the present day alternative luminaries birthed from their previous lives?

Something gelled, made total sense, resonated, and they just committed. These truth enthusiasts on the internet also somehow found each other and it clicked. It’s all about responding to the need and call and openly networking…true response-ability.

The Truth Glasses

I read this fantastic analogy and it’s never escaped me.

Finding out the whole truth is like putting on these amazing truth glasses, much like the movie “They Live”.

Here’s how they work:

#1. You gotta want to put them on.

#2. You can’t force someone else to put them on.

#3. Once they’re on, you can’t take them off.

If you’ve found and put on the glasses, that will make total sense. If you haven’t, keep searching.

Let your heart lead you.

In the words of Lao Tsu:

At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want. – Lao Tsu

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on amazon.com. You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Why the Deliberate Trashing of Planet Earth?

Why the Deliberate Trashing of Planet Earth?

by Zen Gardner
April 30, 2013


Ultimately those who awaken invariably come up against the big question; why would the so-called “elite” self-appointed rulers of this planet bring the house down around their own ears? Don’t they get irradiated, chemtrailed and ultimately modified like the rest of us? Aren’t their children in peril just like ours?

Underground bunkers or not, the rapid deterioration of our environment is leading toward a dead planet if their machinations aren’t halted some time very soon.

What these manipulators are up to is not life giving, it is death dealing. For humanity and all of nature. Why would anyone/anything do such a thing? To answer that, people first need to realize that that’s what they’re doing.

Deliberately trashing our planet.

The Utter Insanity

It’s beyond our fully grasping how these entities think and operate because of the difference in vibrational understanding. They’re insane in our minds, we’re dumb sheep in theirs. Someone said the reptilians told them to trash the environment but don’t worry, their greys will restore everything. Neat little package but it always makes me wonder since they’re doing exactly that, trashing the place.

The oceans are being deliberately killed off. The Macondo oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico never ended. It’s still gushing oil and other toxic elements which work their way around the gulf and then take the Atlantic current up the US coast and over to Europe, screwing that whole system up. What did they expect would happen when you drill miles down into a known volcanic undersea region? And oil leaks and spills continue worldwide with hardly a mention anymore.

To then spray the banned dispersant Corexit over the area so it wouldn’t look so bad, further killing off sea life and dangerously toxifying the entire region is even further insanity.

Sewage and waste, much of which won’t decompose for centuries, is flooded into the seas and tributaries in gargantuan amounts. On top of that the US Navy is “experimenting” with huge algae blooms that starve sea life of oxygen and disturb the natural life-cycles of the sea, while they’re also playing with sonic warfare equipment that also results in mass fish and other sea life die-offs.

Add chemtrails to the mix now, and weather manipulation and earthquake induction. How about genetic modification of just about anything that’s alive.

To top it off, the irradiation of our planet–all from years of hundreds of atom bomb tests, reactor meltdowns and even medical and so-called security usage. Remember, Fukushima, like the Macondo well, is still spewing, and our atmosphere and oceans are getting massive amounts of radiation. With hundreds of reactors reaching deterioration point and a mad world on the verge of a nuclear holocaust, the outlook is, what you my might say, a little tenuous.

That’s the state of our home. The planet on which we live.

Feeding Off Accelerated Entropy

At the very least these manipulative forces imposing their paradigm upon the earth and her inhabitants is a purely anti-creative force, a form of relative darkness that feeds off of the entropic breakdown they engineer and exacerbate. Instead of the magnificent creative growing complex force of life, entropy is the breakdown of organized structures into lower, simpler forms which in turn releases energy.

In nature this happens as living forms decay, giving off heat and and water vapor and replenishing the soil with nutrients for the next cycle of growth of living, wonderfully complex organisms. All natural.

Engineering entropy is another thing. While harnessing a river’s energy via electric generators may seem innocent enough, the by-product of man’s actions are cumulative. Damming up the world’s rivers has changed the natural flow and distribution of water. Drilling for oil to burn and mining massive amounts of other natural resources is changing the make up of the earth’s interior and the balance of nature as well. Asphalting and paving the surface of the earth is literally turning the world inside out. That cannot bode well.

This entropic reduction for power can be dramatically seen in an atomic explosion, which only results in death, destruction and the lingering of deadly radiation for many hundreds of years. Other forms of massive energy releases such as other weapons of war are using entropy for power and control. Fluoridating our water, chemtrailing our skies and altering our food are other forms of this. Besides organic and even inorganic structures breaking down unnaturally, these and other toxins and drugs are making humanity stupid and dazed – chemically lobotomized and unable to function properly.

In addition, our geoengineered skies are also precipitating increased methane releases, more entropic breakdowns, that seriously threaten our planet’s very existence. EMFs from cell masts, GWEN towers and massive antenna arrays such as HAARP further break down the natural magnetic resonance of the planet, ourselves and everything on it.

The entire biodiversity of the planet is shrinking drastically as plant and animal species are disappearing at an exponential rate. All a designed breakdown to harvest energy and bring the planet to a lower vibrational state.

This is where it becomes apparent who is engineering all of this. We’re dealing with a force not natural to our environment, something we often call other worldly that exists in another dimension and seeks to transform and take over the world we inhabit. It is not only from another plane of existence, it is parasitic in nature and seeks the complete subjugation of our planet and our species.

Ultimately It’s Psycho-Spiritual Vampirism

Similar to the chemical and biological programs, breaking down the human spirit for psychic energy harvesting is another exercise in entropy. This is the big one, their drug of choice. We know the entities that guide and motivate the dark rulers of this world feed off of fear, violence, pain, suffering and even death. For them the more heightened the intensity, the better, which is why drugs, perverted sex, human sacrifice and energy sucking Satanic rituals are so madly pursued by these dark energy vampires.

The breakdown in society’s complexity and the cultural variety of the planet has always been important to them. Our natural tendency as conscious beings is to love and care for each other, unite in cause and purpose for the betterment of all. This tremendously creative force generates incredible spiritual awareness and empowerment and re-creation, like crystals spontaneously growing beautiful fractal structures as consciousness taps into infinite potential.

That forces have always fought against this for the empowerment of some titular energy/control freaks at the top at the expense of the many has apparently been our planet’s plight for hundreds of thousands of years.

Our connection to infinite, conscious creative awareness is diametrically opposed to the world they come from. While we revel in empathy, compassion and love they have no such affinity. It is not just foreign to them, but anathema. Their cold, calculated realm runs purely on self gratification, which extends from sexual lust to the dark ecstacy of having control over the lives of others.  It is two dimensional. They wish they had what we have but wouldn’t know what to do with it anyway. That’s why they fear us, manifested in the intense hate and violence they breed. They know the only control they can have over a superior consciousness is fear, which shuts off our connection to Source.

Where the Hell Are We?

Is this planet a playing field to see who wakes up and who doesn’t? Are the asleep destined to constant recycling into this strange arena called Earth until they get the point, wake up and make an effort to help get this planet on its true track of conscious awareness and a society based on love and cooperation?

You can sure see why the religions have a field day with this. People want to know, they want this question answered. Even if it’s only a belief, they want to lay it to rest. Unfortunately they play right into the controllers’ hands when they do so.

“Back to sleep, now. Don’t want you to ask too many questions.”

Even the dualism we see being played out is part of the game. While there is a struggle between what we call light and dark forces, these dualities we see being played out at different levels are illusions, distractions from the core principle of life – conscious awareness.


There are a lot of very interesting theories as to what’s really going on here. Knowing there are infinite parallel worlds at play makes it all the more exciting. Our particular 3-D theater is quite macabre at the moment and about to get a lot worse if and when these entities unleash the big stuff. That there’s an ongoing ascension of the awakened could be true at some level, but last I checked I’m still here.

However things are shifting vibrationally and continue to shift so it should be exciting wherever we’re headed.

If there is a cavalry to be sent in it sure should have happened a LONG time ago. Don’t hold your breath. This is up to us. That’s how they got away with it, by continually berating and intimidating humanity via lies and deception. The enforcement trip is mainly a ruse, as there’s no way they could stop all of humanity if we all rose up to throw them out. The problem is centuries of dumbing down, physical weakening and spirit breaking.

That we’re being terraformed for habitation by an alien life form isn’t that far fetched to me. Those who’ve yielded to and carried out the programs of these parasitic entities are clearly no longer human by the natural, spiritual definition, so they are carving out their own hell to say the least, no matter the expense to the races that populate the planet.

One thing for sure, knowing the realities outlined above will help find a more true answer to our current predicament. But much more profound than that, discovering and awakening to the infinite true nature of who we really are is the ongoing solution to it all.

From there everything makes sense. We may not have every answer to every individual question, but we know what’s important.

And that’s important.

Stay awake and aware, conscious and acting accordingly.

We do our parts first and foremost. Universe will lead us one step at a time.

Enjoy the ride!

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on amazon.com. You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Crescendo of Chemtrail Awareness – A Breakthrough Issue

by Zen Gardner
March 20, 2013



Some big strides have been made recently in chemtrail awareness. Thanks to the efforts of people like Dane Wigington at GeoengineeringWatch.org who has been appearing on dozens of radio shows each month, and approaching civic and environmental groups and regularly contributing eye opening articles to news sites. But there are many others like him, such as the tireless folks like those at aircrap.org and many other sites and blogs. It’s working. We have founding pioneers like Clifford Carnicom at the Carnicom Institute, Will Thomas at WillThomasOnline and Rosalind Peterson at the AgricultureDefenseCoalition and many others to thank as well.

The list goes on and on.

Remember, most of this is more grass roots than anything. Rather than just preaching to ourselves we need to inform those around us, those who do not yet realize the severity of their condition due to these insane geoengineering programs. These planted algae blooms the Navy is experimenting with, which Rosalind Peterson has been screaming about for years, are yet another horrific program destroying our environment.

When you add GMO foods, fluoridated water, deliberately tainted food and then deadly vaccines, a nightmarish reality starts to set in. And we need to be there to help whenever possible to birth people into this new conscious awareness.

Because it stings like a bitch in a B horror film when it first hits.

The Encouraging Crescendo of Chemtrail Consciousness

There are terrific folks who comment on mine and other sites, many of whom take action whenever they can. And they’re seeing results. So am I. And there’s a different tone in the reactions you get lately. Of course you still get the “don’t tell me”, “leave me alone” or “you’re crazy” but it’s not nearly as often.

Something’s changing. The previously frozen paradigm is shifting and it’s time to load explosive charges into the cracks of the matrix and blast away.

Even more than that, there’s a personal sense of being free to boldly proclaim the Truth that we know, whenever and wherever we are.

 A Poignant Word From Dane Wigington

I spoke to Dane about this issue of urgency and speaking up and the opening we have. He again is so full of this subject and had this to say:

“Global geoengineering is pushing all life on Earth to the breaking point. We are all standing on the end of the plank, with nowhere to hide. We can remain silent as we are pushed over the edge, or we can turn and take a stand.

On a recent evening I was wandering through the forest which surrounds my home, I heard a single lonely frog sound out. Only a few years ago the sound of singing frogs was deafening in this place, but now it is silent, as most of these miraculous amphibians have succumbed to the fallout from the constant spraying. An initial feeling of overwhelming sadness was quickly overcome by a tsunami of anger and motivation. If this frog could hang on, and not give up, neither could I give up. I studied the trees which surrounded the frog and I,  the massive silent sentient beings, also refusing to give up.

We must all refuse to step off the plank, we must never give up.

There is a great convergence occurring. As the “collective insanity” increases the lethal global aerosol spraying, the “collective consciousness” is awakening by the day. There is a profound stirring of dire concern over the toxic spraying and a rapidly growing motivation to take action against it. Responsible radio hosts from around the globe are seeking information to pass on to their listeners. I have been contacted by a number of prominent scientists from major universities who are now getting up to speed and educating their associates. Public consciousness of the geoengineering issue is getting closer to critical mass by the day.

The planet’s life support systems are being decimated by geoengineering programs, which includes the HAARP facilities. Now the planet is pushing back. All data to date continues to confirm the methane mass release occurring in the Arctic. The climate systems and atmosphere as a whole are being ripped apart. Geoengineering is fueling the climate feedback loops and ozone/atmospheric destruction. We must keep stepping up our pace in regards to exposing these deadly programs.

The Power of Two

I’ve been touting an idea for some time regarding the dynamic of individuals telling others about this dire issue.

If one person shares the geoengineering issue with two others on the first day of the month, and then those two share with two each on the second day, and so on for 30 days, well over 5,000,000 people would be made aware at the end of that time. Pretty profound, yet completely true.

Our efforts matter if we pull together. Its up to all of us and this issue cannot wait until tomorrow. If we bring this issue to light, the rest will fall into place. If those that are carrying out these programs, who are completely unaware of what they are doing to their own children, knew this truth they would refuse to participate. I am told by one of the university scientists that this may already be taking place.

Get educated, spread the word, and take a stand. This issue cannot wait.”

Dane Wigington,

It’s A Matter of Fact – “Silent No More” – Demonstrating Daily

There’s no need to convince anyone. Chemtrails just are and people need to look up and take notice. A simple nudge or sign or mention with careful deft follow up will do it in many cases. I’ve seen it over and over when approaching people. “Ever notice these?” “What do you think they’re doing up there?” or “Do you like your skies engineered?” may eventually hit the conversation. Nothing confrontational, these are sleepers who need awakening.

It’s not an exercise in self justification. A lot of compassion is in order.

Approaching individuals is the ultimate form of demonstration. And perhaps soon our only one in the Orwellian state we all now living in. The point is, just doing a little at a time, wherever we are, discreetly and in love, goes a long, long way. We’re not out to alienate or aggravate, but educate and alleviate… ignorance.

I spoke to a sweet check out lady at Trader Joe’s today. I usually start with a comment about “I like to get more cash back than I paid…besides it’s not real money anyway.” It tests the waters a bit, but I joke around to break the ice first. “The government just prints the stuff when they need it, why can’t we?” and they laugh. It will go any number of directions from there, lately it’s talking about Cyprus and how they’re coming after the people’s private savings, which she didn’t know anything about. Then it went to Italy next, then how they pulled the plug on the EU and US economies on purpose…and she was astounded, saying “I knew it! It all seems so pre-planned!” And off to the races I went. She begged me to stop in to see her next time I come to the store.

After advising her to get her money out of the banks and get food and water, my parting words were “Be strong and do the right thing!” She was on board.

This isn’t uncommon. People are waking up, but they’re not going to get a nudge unless we free agents reach out and do some guerrilla truth warfare. They’re SOOO ready to hear more but not finding the source for it due to the limitations of their prescribed circumstances. Mental prisoners, in other words.

That’s where we come in. All of us, any of us. Us. You. Me. Raise your voice. You don’t need to occupy a park, you don’t need to scream bloody murder at a police line with a placard in your hand. Although there’s a time for that, for sure.

We are the solution- by being who we truly are. Everywhere. And without a shred of fear.

It’s Not Just Chemtrail Consciousness – Truth Is Bustin’ Out All Over!

We’re at the cusp of something so fantastic and wonderful that we think it’s too good to be true. I don’t fully understand it but I know it’s real. Our actions in conscious awareness and spreading the message of Love and Truth without fear are the key to the world to come…i.e. manifesting right before us.

Revel in it and pass the word.

The time is now for open conversation, clear message T-shirts, hats, flyers, calling cards, any form of outright truth. Just make it part of your daily routine. Remember, when you’re long gone, what did YOU do to try to  help avert this horrific world takeover? Your kids and grandkids will either be proud, or ultimately ashamed.

Where were you?

Something to think about.

Live life fully. Tell the truth. Live the Truth to the best of your ability.

We all make a difference, one way or the other.

Love, Zen

The Slippery, Slimy World of Subliminal Contracts

The Slippery, Slimy World of Subliminal Contracts

by Zen Gardner
January 2013


It happens so often and so subtly. Anytime we bend to the will of a lesser consciousness and address something on a wrong premise, we’ve agreed to a contract. We’ve officially agreed to engage at a lower level of understanding and awareness and will now have to operate within that severely limited and crippled framework.

Is it that serious?

Yes it is. How do you think this flimsy, lying matrix gets away with keeping so many handcuffed, bewildered, stupefied and incapable of waking up people in submission? There’s a methodology. And a big part of it is the lure into lower, self reinforcing levels of communication and understanding. And there’s no intention of getting  anyone up and out of there, but instead to reinforce its grip on whomever ventures there.

It’s like the sayings about fools. Get down to their level of arguing and they’ll pound you into submission. Why? They believe that crappy lying system of thought, they’ve bought into its manipulative highly self-serving power. And by its very dumb downed lying nature they will deny the existence of anything else and try to beat into submission anything that challenges it.

Claiming vociferously that higher levels of understanding and Truth don’t exist. And you have no leg in that world to stand on.

Sorry, but you went there willingly. Don’t do it again.

The Presumptive Premise

Look at that word “premise”. “Based on a false premise.” “According to your premise…” yada yada. Then there’s “get off of my premises!” Hmm.

Important idea. Has to do with where you claim to maintain yourself. Or where you stand on something perhaps.

Here’s an interesting and somewhat funny example of how a false premise can be easily carried forward:

“An old cowboy goes into a bar and orders a drink. As he sits there sipping his whiskey, a young lady sits down next to him. … She says, ‘I’m a lesbian. I spend my whole day thinking about women. …’ A little while later, a couple sits down next to the old cowboy and asks him, ‘Are you a real cowboy?’ He replies, ‘I always thought I was, but I just found out I’m a lesbian.'”

Look how easy that was to slip by. We think funny only because it’s obviously a male cowboy and a jarring juxtaposition. But the suppositional power of a false premise is much more clever and dastardly than that. Just listen to lawyers and politicians and all the assumptive, contractual phrases they sneak into their language. It’s overwhelmingly fraudulent and extremely intrusive and aggressive.

And each time people believe it, take it in and don’t identify and deny and resist it, it becomes another contract.

A voluntary agreeance to enter and participate within a trapped environment.

“Don’t say Hi, like a spider to a fly
Jump right ahead and you’re dead”

-Mick Jagger/Keith Richards

Friendly Contracts

Same with people. You agree to be a certain person with this person, and they with you. Same with another. The conflict arises when you’re with a group of people and you have several different contracts out. Ooops. Finding your footing can be tough if you’ve been living at that shallow, deceitful level. But it’s a question of survival so people make it work.

And work it is keeping so many contracted stories going. Such is life for so many entrapped in the system.

Being real and honest, as unhip as it is in this artificially contaminated world, is so simple. It was actually a big revelation “back in the day” (another give-away expression) to “be real” only 50 years ago. “Do your own thing”. Wow, how revelatory! “Do what I’m innately called to do and not what the system is telling me? Shit, that’s cool!”

Hippies. Misfits. Druggies. Outcasts.

It all took some time to wear off but wear off it did, after the spiders popularized the psychedelic and sexual features of the movement and slowly beat it into accepted submission. They’ve got time, and that’s the kind of thing they do. We just ride along and comment on the countryside.

Beliefs Are More Bullshit Contracts

I don’t use the word believe except to challenge and belittle it. It has nothing to do with Truth, consciousness or experience. It is hope made into rigamarole. It is ethereal cereal in a world that needs real experiential food. It is more often than not dreamy feel good nonsense in a massive garbage dump that needs recycling.

Or burning.

And they’re contracts. People agree to what they want to project or wish for. It’s fantasy. It’s not all bad as there are positive affirmations than can help alter immediate situations, but they’re still bullshit on a stick.

They’re not experiential. They’re attached to outcome, phony baloney wishes and desires that have nowhere to go. So WE harbor them as a last resort in our fantasy football world of desired outcomes. Play the game of belief if you want, but your idea of spirituality is sitting in the lotus position while a boulder is rolling down the mountain on top of you.

It’s bullshit. And bullshit to new age wannasee and wannabeeism. Get real. Consciousness is knowing. Faith is knowing.

Belief is hope and has no foundation in anything. Get off the drug. You’ll see SOOO much more clearly.

Conclusion – Making A Path

This subject of contracts is quite profound. When you grow in consciousness you’ll recognize these issues quickly and easily. When you’re enmeshed in the morass of intentional confusion and control you’ll think “conspiracy freak” or something to explain away these pin pricks on your consciousness.

No biggee. You’ll get it eventually.

That’s why we need to wake people up. Any way we can! We each only have our personal realms of influence, but more importantly we each have our ability to align with consciousness and automatically each other. Therein lies the key, our unity. I don’t know how it works but I know that’s a massive factor in our effectiveness.

When you or I activate, others activate. If we don’t, the ones we touch probably won’t. That’s how it works.

As the gorgeous picture just above illustrates, we each are part of the path to the safe haven of Truth. We are lining up even if we don’t think we are or can’t feel or see it. Trust your heart and do what’s right.

The light will and does show the way…and sometimes the darker outside the clearer!

Love and affection always, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on amazon.com. You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Prison Prism – The Narrowly Confined World of Visible Light

Prison Prism – The Narrowly Confined World of Visible Light

by Zen Gardner
January 2013


Oddly enough the light we see about us is not real light. It’s a lower level energetically illuminated projection called “visible light”. We call it light, but like so many things, there are real versions and layers of imposter or incomplete versions. It’s not just semantics. We see in just a very thin slice of the big energy picture.

The perfect analogy to locked-in, stringently limited perception versus true conscious awareness.

It appears to be a metaphysical discussion but this is very applicable to everyday living. In fact it’s essential. Which is why it’s so discouraged. And this analogy with the light spectrum is a perfect one. Conscious understanding is the real, yet non-physical light. If that’s the True light, what is this other one we so readily use to measure and supposedly understand the world around us?

When people say they “see” or understand something, within what wavelength are they operating? It would be interesting if people were calibrated for their capability level so we’d know who sees the real world and who just sees the highly limited and confined visible world. They used to be called seers, shamans,  visionaries, mystics, elders or the like.

Fact is, we’re all each of those things…we just need to wake up to it and exercise these innate gifts. And again, that’s what they fear and try to suppress.

Visible Light and Visible Truths – All Severely Limited

So many people take what they see at face value and according to accepted interpretation. They operate as if what they’ve basically been taught to understand or perceive is true and base their lives on it, before they even have a chance to question anything. The parameters are set within a highly contained, meticulously designed society, so by the time they have the impetus to question the fundamentals they’ve been given they’re already well on their way to total serfdom.

And to question all this is anathema to this carefully constructed society.

This is why when a deeper or more realistic mega-model is exposed to people it is very hard for them to accept. A lot of social issues are also at play, but basically we’re seeing hardly anything of what’s really going on around us. Predictably that viewpoint is discouraged. Instead we’re told we make our own destiny…within their framework of course.

Whatta  joy.

Similarly, within this limited “visible” band of light or energy, what is manifested or projected within this realm is but the tip of the iceberg of related fields of energy and information that everything resonates with and is intrinsically attached to. To not grasp this inter-connectivity is to miss the big picture, real perception, and people are left to draw conclusions or be told conclusions based on a very limited and untrue narrow band of a contained reality.

Same as this visible light spectrum. It’s absurdly short-sighted, so to speak. (Note: Never mind considering other dimensions..I mean, c’mon…)

Comparative Relativity Comparing with Itself…Relatively

To interpret anything on that stringently limited level of understanding as being explainable by something else on that same limited level will never make real sense..neither here nor especially in the full magnificent scheme of things. This is something quantum physicists are finally concluding that sages and shamans and enlightened individuals have known for eons.

Now apply this limited self-comparing incomplete contained world perspective to the world of the mind, social interactions, understanding science or history, etc. Our small shallow world of perception is just as limited if we cannot appreciate the entire connectivity of everything, and realize things are never as they seem.

Here’s the rub. What do the societal controllers do, from wherever they may hail? Take full advantage of this disadvantage; “Ah, these beings think they’re little slice of perception is the whole shebang! Perfect! We’ll explain everything to where it appears to make sense even though it doesn’t. We’ll just make sure it does, and slap down anyone who says otherwise.”

The Pyramidical Prism Prison Projection

If manipulators are already working over this sorrily susceptible and easily limited race virtually lost and imprisoned in this grand limited illusional “spectrum” of things,  what would we expect such a world to look like?

Wouldn’t it be like this one? Here and now?

Would this accumulated insanity we’re witnessing make sense? Or the endless wars on ourselves for easily manufactured reasons to benefit the energy sucking controllers? The overall milking of a highly motivated and productive race of beings seeking satisfaction, safety and security to suit the invaders’ sick, parasitic designs?

Piece of cake. A walk in the park…an inter-stellar gold mine of exploitable energy for the most aggressive invaders. Just give these earthlings the projection they need to keep their wheels turning and their “assisted” limited understanding where you want it. “Not much chance of them seeing beyond it, we got it all under control.”

Sick..but is it true?

The Happy Ending

Fear not. Who knows who’s doing what, but there’s an answer to every question. And for those who DO see beyond our carefully scripted illusion?

Ha! Fight us they will, but to no avail. Even the Archons or how ever you perceive the assemblers are trembling, cuz the awakening is under way and cannot be stopped. They know it, and that their time is almost over. Why is this so? It’s inter-dimensional and Universe would have it so. Nasty abusive parasites will not be tolerated. But it apparently takes time, and we’re not too good in that department either.

Our limited comprehension is clearly just too short sighted, but that’s the cosmic reality. We’re encased in these wondrous fleshly/spiritual bodies, but we are connected to Universe and all its wondrous gifts and power.  And all will be well. Somewhere, somehow.

Trust me, we are hooked up to everything we need to be!

Fear not, and don’t be afraid to see the full Truth. I don’t know it all, but I’m looking…with open heart, open mind, and anything else I can summon. And that’s what matters. Our heart transmitters are fired up and we can trust those through and through!

I hope you are reaching out too. We all need to get on board and magnify the Truth and Love vibe any way we can.

We’re bringing it on Home! That’s where it belongs! And we already are!

Keep on!

Love always,



Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on amazon.com. You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Eight Deliberate Suicidal Steps Towards Hell on Earth

Eight Deliberate Suicidal Steps Towards Hell on Earth

by Zen Gardner
January 2013


Like you, I could spit nails over the current onslaught of horrific destruction being perpetrated by the insane powers that be. I don’t think this can be screamed about enough. And more than that, we need to look the Endgame square in the face.

We’ve gone over these before, but let’s do a quick recap of just a few aspects:

1. Geoengineering and Terraforming. Filling our skies with toxic metal oxide chemtrails to use weather as a “force multiplier” in their drive to control earth. This includes engineered sea-killing algae blooms, atmospheric heaters and electromagnetic warfare causing mass animal die-offs and creating more desert areas worldwide. Then they HAARP it all up and spin, crack or fry anything in their path. Sick fuckers.

2.Genetic Modification of anything they can get their hands on. Now it’s trees and shrubs, along with fish, animals and insects in addition to genetically destroying the food chain. Don’t forget, all this ultimately changes the human genome. It’s pure disgusting insanity.

3. Release of previously banned pesticides and herbicides that besides infecting the entire food chain is contributing to the decimation of the world’s life-giving bee population, a sure indicator of an unsustainable food supply system.

4. Mindless medication at any cost and for any reason. Vaccines, drugs, poisoned water and foods and toxic air. All clearly nti-life.

5. Delirious raping of earth’s resources, including poisoning the water table through fracking, killing the oceans with oil and waste, and putting banned toxic substances on it to boot to cover up their perfidy…just for starters…

6. Electromagnetic soup is swirling around screwing and growing stronger by the day with humanity, set deliberately on the same frequency as the human nervous system…be it cell phones and towers, WIFI, smart meters, GWEN towers and the like.

7. War and more war. Besides the rapacious and wonton mass and often robotic destruction by more and more weapons technologies in the hands of mad war lords, the use of depleted uranium and other highly toxic materials is rendering huge areas of our planet unusable for generations to come, while horribly mutating babies and children.

8. The nuclear kill shot: If all that’s not enough, why not build high profit poorly planned nuclear time bombs around the world producing enough nuclear waste to destroy the world hundreds of times over–while “testing” atomic bomb devices thousands of times in our delicate atmosphere for decades?

Sounds reasonable to me…

Why? Open Your Mind, We Have Serious Enemies

This is where we need to really stand back and see what’s really going on. We need to attack each of these issues any way we can, but obviously these idiots are in collusion with one another politically, financially, economically…and most of all, spiritually.

And very likely with another inter-dimensional source.

So why would anyone or anything on this inhabited planet behave so deliberately irresponsibly and destructively? And don’t give me that corporate bankster greed coverall. Sure that’s part of the cause and what’s used to get the lower levels on board. When you connect the dots you can see there’s much more than that going on.

What’s their end game? They’ve stored good non-modified seeds in a vault in Norway. The elites have their food and riches in giant underground vaults with accompanying bases. All documented.

So what’s the plan? Just kill off the earth and this superfluous, unwanted 90+% population overflow they so disdain while they wait it out underground? Are they that crazy?

Or do they also know of a coming cataclysm where earth is set off  of its axis or something of that sort?

Or both? Idiotic any way you look at this display of psychotic self-serving behavior.

Underground bunker or self-made tomb?

We’re Talking Surreal, Folks

Unfortunately what I’m laying out here is well documented. They haven’t even hardly tried to hide it. They just don’t let it into mainstream consciousness as their media mongrel watchdogs keep everyone watching Disney froth or the phony political bullshit. Very well orchestrated, but absolutely insane.

Machiavellian even falls short. Satanic beyond your wildest dreams is more like it.

Where’s this coming from? Insane means “unclean”. But more than that we’re talking non human. That’s why people can’t grasp the depths or motivation behind all this. And no, not everyone being used is in on the full plan or are aware of that.

It’s all compartmentalized. Many times over.

This driving force to subdue our world into a totally controlled energy unit to be vamped has been around for millennia. From this beyond fascist “order” they hope to create this pseudo-spiritual Satanic techno-race that will want to no doubt conquer other races and planets and solar systems. This is what NWO insider spokes-scientist Michio Kaku calls a Type 2 civilization.

Yes, It’s Hard To Believe

It’s hard to believe we’re on a planet with such psychopathic, parasitic control freaks whose sole aim is domination for their selfish purposes. When the vast majority of the world are loving, caring and sharing compassionate individuals, you have to consider this an invasive or mutant species that needs to be exposed and put in its place.

Fast and furious, to use a phrase properly…

Instead the world has been carefully lulled into voluntary submission. Just as they designed. Their ultimate M.O. is for us to conform or die. Mostly die is how they want it at this point. Those who remain they want to be “transhuman”. In fact, they’re so recklessly pursuing their megalomaniacal plan they don’t care what humanity morphs into, as long as it’s shrunken to a manageable half billion dumbed-down fully controllable batch of chipped up nano particled droids.

All possible with genetic engineering, drugs, and invasive nano and computer implant technology.  And driven by a deeply occult-scientific agenda.

Epilogue – Popular Kickback Is Good

When societies face these types of scenarios, from the decimation of the planet to draconian clamp downs, it always has a powerful kickback effect. When it starts to become so in your face obvious to a broader and broader swathe of people, the wake up accelerates exponentially.

We need to fan those flames of Truth and Freedom by feeding those awakening with empowering information!

Truth and Love always win in the long run. The test is within you and your life. When you get it you’ll change and be motivated to reach out to others. And on it goes.

Keep on, folks! We need to step on it in these final laps around the track. They’re itching to pull the plug on the internet so get the word out while you can!

Screw the bastards and their fear and confusion agenda. Be strong and affirmative and full of love and confidence.

We win! I’ve seen the movie! 😉

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on amazon.com. You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Snap Out of It!

Snap Out of It!

by Zen Gardner
December 2102


I’m sick of hearing this nauseating, pointless moaning and sloppy emotional crap about the latest slaughter in Connecticut. I’m even seeing it in segments of this so-called alternative movement. “Let’s reflect on the terrible problem of growing violence in our country during this season” and blah blah blah.

How the hell do you think it got that way, to the extent that it’s even really true?

It’s staged! It’s engineered! It’s imposed on us! By the very ones accusing us of being violent and needing to be heavily policed and monitored and now disarmed and who knows what else!

Don’t you get it?

Never mind the absolutely outrageous hypocrisy, as they murder innocent children around the world in massive numbers. Where are the tears for them, you lying murderous hypocrites? Absolutely disgusting!

Righteous Anger Clears the Head and Heart

This may seem obvious to some, but I don’t think it’s nearly clear enough to most. The only reaction that counts at a time like this is righteous anger and indignation!

How much longer will these covert agencies be allowed to waltz in and stage terrorist events and blame it on some patsy and imply it’s some “social problem” that needs “meaningful action”? They cordon off the crimes scenes for days while the story gets put in place. Then they blatantly lie in our faces about this lone gunman bullshit while quashing all testimony to the contrary, even threatening action against those who say anything contrary! People should be screaming!

And then they run absolute DRIVEL in the media counseling us how to react, preying on weeping and distraught parents and loved ones while the predatory press rams their agenda down everyone’s gaping throats.

“Lean forward”, says Obama and CNBC. What so you can ram it up our butts?

9/11 anyone? Waco, OK City? Norway shooter? Columbine, Ft. Hood, Batman and Sikh temple shootings? So you bastards weren’t getting the desired full effects yet since so many saw how staged the first ones were?…or maybe some foreign agency wanted to join in the sick action and really screw with things?

Hence the monstrous Newtown massacre of innocent children. Just like them. And it’s working like a charm.

And this LIE needs to get blown wide open to high heaven so everyone can see the Truth!

After All, We’re To Blame

Reminds me of the man-made global warming bullshit. While humanity hasn’t been good to the planet–mainly led by the hellish war machine and rapacious industrialists–the main thing that’s man-made that’s by far the most significant about global warming is the fucking chemtrail program and other technologies being carried out by them, leading to fully manipulated weather and a totally screwed up collapsing atmosphere, accelerating the depletion of the ozone layer with the concurrent release of methane in our oceans, something barely anyone is talking about.

With the solar maximum hitting us at the same time, we’re on track for a man-exacerbated global disaster if these programs aren’t shut down. (Learn more here.)

But no, we’re the bad children.

“Stop breathing CO2 and put down your toy guns. And shut up. You are so, so bad. I know, we got you into this hunger for and acceptance for gratuitous violence with our war programming, violent media, splatter genre video gaming and putting you on psychotropic drugs while dumbing you down with fake education and hypnotic television programming, but who’s looking? Besides, who ya gonna tell? We own the media. Now shut up and take your meds and feel sorry, so very very sorry for these poor children, and think how bad people are becoming. We really do need to do something about this, don’t we?”

Fuck ’em. Now you see why we need to wake the hell up? Beware the stupor. Their shitstorm is in full force and people are getting infected by it.

Creeping Paralysis and Self Censorship

I know a lot of people get this so I’m not talking to you. I’m talking to those who don’t see the creeping paralysis that can get you before you realize what hit you. And this incident and the heavy duty lying propaganda that is permeating every level of society is a perfect example.

That cop gets up and threatens people saying anything contrary on social media with Federal and State action is intolerable! Completely over the top! Yet the reaction? NSA-Google immediately shuts someone down who barely said a thing contrary. Fear, anyone? Don’t let it get you. Stand strong. (Of course not a word about all the brand new facebook accounts opened at the time of the shooting who were immediately screaming for gun control. Nothing fishy there..)

These are all psy-op techniques to get the population on the defensive, pliable and under stricter control. Their agenda for decades, centuries and millennia. Only today they have technologies never heard of before. Any they’re feeling their oats.

Even more disturbing is the self-censorship coming on. Sports stores and other outlets are stopping sales of certain weapons without there even being a ban on them…yet. Can you imagine? Unfortunately, yes. The media is taking gun scenes and shows off the air…selected of course to help send Big Brother’s message.

I mean this is one hell of a bad symptom.

Know why? It’s fear of the State. Retribution. It’s been there all along, but now they don’t even need to pass their contrived and manipulated targeted legislation.  Of course it’s usually the Big Corp stores who are complicit in all this that lead the way, but just watch the dominoes fall.

But just bark, and they’ll sit, or roll over.

Better yet,  just “lean forward”.

Welcome to Gulag America. Enjoy the holidays as the State dictates your mood and what you’ll be allowed to even feel. Yes, it’s that bad.

Screw ’em. We Are Free and Clear

This type of reaction can pass in intensity but the mindset is important. It’s good for the soul to see this absolute lying bullshit for what it really is and what it’s doing and meant to do. It’s like this goo they throw at you and you have to keep peeling the stinky crap off before the smell puts you to sleep. It’s nasty.

Hope this helped clear the air a bit for someone besides me. But this is the tack we need to take in answering these events in order to expose them.

Concentrate on what matters most, staying free and clear. Just that sometimes righteous indignation blows the mind fog and sentimental crap out of the tubes. All part of staying clear. Just see all this for what it is.

Stay in love and enjoy the wonderful vibes hitting us now, in spite of all they’re doing to screw it up.

They can’t stop the shift.

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on amazon.com. You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Are We Irradiated Mutants in a Techno-Spiritual Matrix?

Are We Irradiated Mutants in a Techno-Spiritual Matrix?

by Zen Gardner
April 11, 2012


This might just explain,

the Fukushima spraydiation and other pending nuclear threats

airport scanners

HAARP and its affiliates

the massive abuse of medical and security scans

the EMF broadcast proliferation





…and the rest…

They want us mutated. It’s pre-planned. And they want just the right amount of dumbed-down handy fuel cells for an upgraded occult World Brain,

i.e. “The Matrix”.

SciFi? I kid you not.

We’ve suspected this all along and seen a lot of circumstantial evidence, but this is going to blow all that out of the water.

The Very Real Plan for the Matrix

We know the matrix to some extent is definitely real.

We’ve found that out by dot connecting massive amounts of information derived through years of research. Some is hidden in plain site as if they want us to get it and get used to it. Other information is so damning they don’t want it to come to light because it exposes with such clarity their arrogant, Illuminist agenda and the perfidy of their dark, controlling eugenic intentions.

This is just such information.

The endgame of a stifling one world group-think religion as predicted by many and forecast by the would-be Controllers is not going to come about by just declaring it.

These guys worship science and technology of all sorts as the tools for bringing their Satanic agenda to life and have been busily using them for decades. And they know humanity needs to be “prepared and educated” as well as fearfully herded into the next phase of this agenda.

Hand in hand, Orwell and Huxley predicted technological domination and a pharmacologically altered new world over 60 years ago.


But not at all complete by any means.

There is a lot more to their scientific world domination agenda, lots more.

Remember, The Enemy of Mankind Has No Empathy

Planning and scheming for an ultimate global takeover is intrinsic to their heartless, wicked kind.

They’re virtually possessed machines carrying out their masters’ bidding. “Classified” scientific ventures intermingle with Illuminati think tanks, institutes and foundations, overt and covert, worldwide, all bought and paid for and guided by these same monied manipulating elites. The public sits numbly by thinking “science” is finding better ways to serve mankind.

Yeah, like McDonald’s serves cattle better, with new packaging on a different bun. Mooo.

They don’t care a gnat’s ass about humanity. We are fodder. We are less than living cattle which they view as annoying frogs on the highway to be run over. When you understand their inhuman mindset you start to understand the real depths of what’s going on.

But besides our temporary slave power to keep their machines working, those of us who survive their depopulation drive are being viewed as a possible fuel source to power a very weird future occult world they envision.

They call it “illuminated”. The “greater good” to them… is them… and a world that caters to these self same elites and whatever occult designs suit their whims. While even more insidious forces are behind them, that’s the underlying self-serving thrust.

And it doesn’t matter how they try to disguise it, it permeates everything.

Meet the Modern Architects of the Present Day Matrix

H.G. Wells was no simple “futuristic” author, but an infamous social engineer, eugenicist, proponent of repression and control, and insider to the Illuminist network.

His works were based on inside occult, social manipulative information, much like fellow Fabians Orwell and Huxley, George Bernard Shaw and others.

They and the others of these schemes were all well aware that creating the form or idea in the collective conscious literally “blueprints” future moves into that reality for a chemically altered, propagandized and dumbstruck humanity.

In the words of Fritz Springmeier:

Not only did H.G. Wells predict modern warfare, the bombing of London, atom bombs, the League of Nations, stealth fighters over Iraq, space flight and countless other details of the future, far in advance of their eventual happening, as well as mapping out in detail how a New World Order could be created, but he participated in causing events to take place.

Now look at the titles of his books “Anticipation” and “Things to Come” and the way they were written, and it is evident that he is psychologically conditioning the public to accept the stages of the New World Order as if they were self-evident.

H.G. strongly believed in racial eugenics to kill the inferior races and useless eaters. He believed the state should educate people and control their minds to obediently serve the state. He believed in social engineering.

He was opposed to Christians being allowed to teach their children about God, and religious toleration.

The World Brain and “Unified Mind”

H.G. Wells is actually most noted for his work “World Brain” – a beyond Orwellian concept of a new world order that has resonated throughout elitist and secret society teachings for ages.

Wells acknowledged that we have now begun to frame “preliminary ideas for a federal world control of such things as communications, health, money, economic adjustments, and the suppression of crime.”


“all of these ideas of unifying mankind’s affairs depend ultimately for their realization on mankind having a unified mind for the job”
(Wells, 1938 p. 57, 58).

The emergence of that unified mind was to be the result of the creation and the essential function of a World Brain.

“It would be the concrete beginnings of an actual world mind”.
(Wells-Doubleday Memo, [1938] p.8)

In 1939 he returned to what he called,

“my refrain: ‘We need a World Brain,’” and to his “insistence that the creation of a greater mental superstructure to reorient the mind of the world is an entirely practicable proposal”
(Wells, 1942c p.158)

That’s serious stuff. Starting to see the matrix take shape? It gets worse, much worse. But this is the underlying mindset of the elite.

Know that.

How the Modern Matrix Came Into Reality

The following combination of Freemasonic and Theosophist influences within academic think tanks may sound preposterous.

But if you were going to construct a plan to control and domineer modern evolving man you had better integrate every science, including technology, pharmacology and even the occult and metaphysical, to make sure your plan is socially, scientifically and spiritually comprehensive.

After all, we are fundamentally spiritual beings and that’s the most important aspect they need to harness.

It’s also what they fear.

And this is exactly what these insane social engineers have been up to for millennia.

Each generation of these call them “Satanic forces” reinvents and improves their control techniques, which is scheduled to be culminated in this last great scientific age madly accelerating before our eyes.

Never before has the public known that the Freemason-Theosophist elite formed an academic think tank in 1940 with the expressed goal of channeling all academic research toward their goals.

This Theosophist-Freemason think tank was the Institute for Integrative Education.

The board of directors included the family of the directors of the Theosophists as well as ivy league professors from Harvard, Johns Hopkins, etc.

Their 1940 flagship issue of their academic journal “Main Currents in Modern Thought” openly states this Freemason conspiratorial goal and at one point the journal even states that most professors are more dangerous than Nazis!

How’s dem apples?

Integrating Theosophy, Physics and World Governance

Theirs is a deliberate, gradual long term plan, as is the technique of the Illuminist Fabians.

While many still can’t believe there’s a “they” out there engineering most everything in our world, on top of that it’s way more comprehensive and scientifically metaphysical than anyone would dare to realize.

Here’s some history:

The founder of this Freemason-Theosophist Educational-Research Complex that secretly controlled U.S. academic research was Lumber Magnate Julius Stulman.

The postscript of his book “Evolving Mankind’s Future” is a long statement by “liberal” University President Laurence Bolling – a high level statecraft policy maker, documenting the influence of this think tank.

In 1965 Stulman created the World Institute in collaboration and at the behest of the U.S. Government, the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, and the United Nations. This information is detailed by President Bolling.

The expressed role of the World Institute was to oversee the direction of technology for the world and it was located at UN Plaza. It’s main policy plan was the actual plan for the Matrix published in 1975 and edited by systems theorist, global planner Ervin Laszlo.

This is background for that Real Matrix Plan that is now coming into reality – as “liberally” promoted by Laszlo’s book “Macroshift.”  (2001) Ibid.

Cosmic Humanism, Radio-Eugenics and Techno-Spirituality

Watch how they apply their scientific theories to controlling social evolution. Dastardly.

The Institute for Integrative Education highly praised Philosophy of Science Professor Oliver L. Reiser’s 1965 manifesto “Cosmic Humanism.”

Reiser’s 1945 book “World Philosophy” was considered by Einstein to be the best plan for a unified field theory. In 1936 Reiser had promoted and initiated “radio-eugenics” in the Journal of Heredity.

In 1945 Reiser discovered World Institute founder Julius Stulman’s essay, “Energy Theory Applied to Human Relations.”

What is Radio Eugenics?

Remember the fuel cells in The Matrix?

In order to become a fully compliant source for fuel for their literal “world brain” we need to be literally mutated. All for the common good of course. Think – scanners, Fukushima and the hundreds of other nuclear time bombs called reactors…

Then throw in HAARP for amplification and manipulation.

It goes on…

In 1936, Dr. Reiser, introduced and promoted the concept of “radio-eugenics” in the scientific Journal of Heredity. This entails applications of radiation for evolution. In 1945 Dr. Reiser was impressed by think tank founder Julius Stulman’s article called “Applied Energy to Human Relations.”

In the 1965 publication of “Cosmic Humanism” that is highly praised by Stulman’s Institute for Integrative Education, the concept of radio-eugenics is promoted in synthesis with the concept of nondual harmonic resonance.

Dr. Reiser states that we learned from Hiroshima and Nagasaki that not only does radiation cause massive destruction but that even those who survive “the baptism by fire” have children with severe birth defects.

He then states that unfortunately that is how evolution works and that hopefully with the proper applied harmonic resonance of radiation then a new human society and a new “World Sensorium” will be achieved. The “World Sensorium” of Dr. Reiser is based on utilizing the radiation of the ionosphere, amplifying it with high technology, and applying it globally to cause mutations.

The effect is to achieve not only a higher dimensional reality but to harness the zero-point energy. [HAARP anyone?]

In 1975 Dr. Reiser publishes “Cosmic Humanism and World Unity” (Gordon and Beech) as part of a series for the World Institute. This book calls the plan for the World Sensorium, “The matrix” several times and states that, in concept, it is closest to H.G. Well’s 1936 proposal for a “World Brain” to the Freemasonic Royal Institute for International Affairs the source for the Council of Foreign Relations.

H.G. Wells was not just a science fiction writer, he was the head of British secret intelligence during World War One and he was the mouthpiece for the global elite policy makers.

The World Brain was inspired by the NeoPlatonic concept of the matrix outlined by Professor John Ruskin, a favorite source of inspiration for the Royal Institute of International Affairs.

“Artificial Intelligence”

So, What’s Going On?

This is genetic engineering and techno-interference, also know as enforced transhumanism, on a global scale without the knowledge or consent of mankind.

If these reasons are true or even near to true, it is nothing less than a massive, if futile, war against natural life and true consciousness.

Another alien invasion in our midst attempting to create another enslaved race.

This has been an ongoing war of supernatural origins for millennia. The morons playing out their roles in this generational play are slaves of their greed and arrogance to participate in such a futile folly, with such terrible consequences on humanity.

While it seems to possibly parallel what was done long ago in our original genetic engineering, we in no way have to subscribe to such insanity. Most will die, so they think, while the “conveniently mutated” would be cultivated into a submissive battery-like new race.

Wow, how insane can you get?!

But they’re doing it!!

But Why?

Try this out for size:

The 1975 book calls the plan, “The Matrix” prominently and repeatedly and states that humans will be in “Techno-Samadhi” as the “neuroblasts” and “Electronic tubes” for the new “World Mother.”

According to this plan, the embryo of this mother is in the middle of the earth and like an egg, the humans and the environment are to be fed off as energy for evolution of the Matrix.

Radio-Eugenics is still openly promoted by the World Institute – except now it is called “orthosynthesis.”

In “Techno-Samadhi” a person does not breathe or think words – they are hooked up to the satellite systems and used as energy so that the Theosophist-Freemasons can create “THE COSMIC LENS” that controls and manipulates higher dimensional space-time.

This is all detailed in “Cosmic Humanism and World Unity” – the ACTUAL PLAN FOR THE MATRIX.

The essence of this plan is to create a new global religion – Cosmic Humanism (now called “transhumanism”) – or in general techno-spirituality. Picknett and Prince have exposed this plan and it is corroborated fully by Reiser who openly states that a new religion must be promoted.

Former M.I.T. History Professor David F. Noble has traced this religion to the ninth century A.D. in his academic analysis of the Freemasons, “The Religion of Technology.”

Prince and Picknett trace it back to ancient Egypt but Reiser openly goes back to Sumeria and Vedic India.

The research of the Freemason-Theosophist Academics is based on RATIO THEORY that promotes the Indo-European SEPARATION OF HEAVEN AND EARTH by HUMAN SACRIFICE and DESTRUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY for the ALL-SEEING EYE.

I know…  Holy Shit!

I haven’t read all these books nor have I seen anyone debunk these assertions and findings nor their references. All I know is it resonates.

It hits hard.

We’re up against a cabal of pseudo-scientific metaphysical occultists. And they know exactly what they’re doing, to whatever degree this is true.

Know your enemy is all I can say. And investigate. But they’re real.

They are playing every scientific and spiritual manipulative angle they can to manipulate and control humanity and planet earth.

This explains once again the mutative effects of nano particles in chemtrails, the deliberately released radiation and the proliferation of radioactive devices, EMF bombardment from cell phones, power lines, Wi-Fi and smart meters to HAARP, GWEN towers and satellite electro-radiation, never mind poisoned water, vaccines, drugs and genetically modified food.

I know. Sick bastards.

Stay awake. Stay aware. And manifest the true reality.

Know this. Theirs is crumbling in the face of Love and Truth. For sure. Don’t fear this insanity, just know its self-serving roots and occult objectives. It’s based in another reality that is not our own.

Shirk it, shunt it, it’s not yours to bear. We are free eternal beings on the course to realization!

But it’s important we know what they’re up to. Every aspect of it, however weird or disturbing. Same old, same old IMO. Just transcend.

Keep on exposing. Harmful, nefarious infections don’t like sunshine. Squirt some lemon juice in there and put a band aid on it.


Shine on, people! They’re freaks and can’t stand the sunshine of Love and Truth!



Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on amazon.com. You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.