The Freedom Convoy in Solidarity With the Truck Drivers: What Canada Needs Is the “Political Quarantine” of Justin Trudeau

The Freedom Convoy in Solidarity With the Truck Drivers: What Canada Needs Is the “Political Quarantine” of Justin Trudeau

by Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research
January 26, 2022


A mass movement against the Covid mandate is unfolding coast to coast across Canada in solidarity with cross-border truck drivers. Tens of thousands of people will be joining the truck drivers in Ottawa. 

According to Justin Trudeau, unvaccinated truck drivers “may pose a risk of transmitting COVID-19 to the general public”.  What nonsense. Truck drivers for the most part stay in their truck, perform administrative duties and supervise loading and unloading. They deliver the commodities and have limited contact with people.

All cross-border truckers will “need to be vaccinated in order to avoid a 14-day quarantine”, says Justin Trudeau. 

Has Trudeau been Vaccinated?

Is it relevant to the solidarity movement with the truck drivers? The Prime Minster demands that the truck drivers be vaccinated. Has he been vaccinated?

Check it out and decide for yourself: There are indications, yet to be fully confirmed, that Prime Minister Trudeau has not been vaccinated.

(See video, testimony and analysis of Registered Nurse).

Video: Has Justin Trudeau Been Duly Vaccinated? Registered Nurse Expresses Doubt on Authenticity of Trudeau’s Vaccine Jab

US-Canada Trade Is the Lifeline of Our National Economy

Canadian governments are fully aware of the importance of the North-American trade bloc. And now Justin Trudeau has sucked us up into the biggest economic mess in our country’s history, while violating the fundamental rights of Canadians.

What we need here in Canada is an indefinite “political quarantine” of our not so illustrious Prime Minister. 

I can say as an economist that this irresponsible decision by the Trudeau government (if enforced) will have devastating consequences on producers, transport companies as well as on the entire fabric of wholesale and retail trade. It will affect all of us.

If applied, it will create shortages of essential goods including food, fuel and pharmaceuticals.  It will also affect the delivery of essential commodities shipped via the US from China, the European Union and Latin America.

We must prevent this from occurring. We must initiate dialogue involving the truck drivers, the owners of transport companies, law enforcement officials, customs officials on both sides of the border, producers, wholesalers, retailers.

The government will say we are committed to saving lives, to protect people against V the virus. What utter nonsense.

The Trudeau government is corrupt. This far-reaching decision was taken on behalf of powerful financial interests. Its unspoken intent is to trigger a renewed wave of bankruptcies.

It is important that government Covid-19 mandates and restrictions be lifted and that cross-border trade is protected and sustained.

#Yes, It’s A Killer Vaccine

The various Covid mandates have been used to spearhead the fear campaign and encourage Canadians to take their booster vaccine dose.

While the media repeats ad nauseam that the virus is more dangerous than the vaccine, the devastating impacts of the mRNA vaccine are now confirmed beyond doubt.

Official figures of reported vaccine-related deaths are routinely published by the US, UK and EU. They are not published by Health Canada. See the statement by Doctors for Covid Ethics.

According to the latest report by VAERS: 

“There have been more deaths, more permanent disabilities, and more hospitalizations following the experimental COVID-19 vaccines [in the US], than there have been following all FDA-approved vaccines for the previous 31 years combined.”

Moreover the devastating impacts of the vaccine are now confirmed by a Confidential Report by Pfizer released in November as part of a Freedom of Information (FOI) procedure. The data on deaths and adverse events recorded by Pfizer in this confidential document are now in the public domain. They did not want us to read it:

What is contained in  Pfizer’s “confidential” report is detailed evidence on the impacts of the “vaccine” on mortality and morbidity. This data which emanates from the “Horse’s Mouth” can now be used to confront as well formulate legal procedures against Big Pharma, the governments, the WHO and the media.

This is a de facto Mea Culpa on the part of Pfizer. #Yes it is a Killer Vaccine.

The Freedom Convoy Initiative focusses on the broader policy context, with a view to confronting the Trudeau government and repealing the Covid-19 narrative and its various policy mandates including the mRNA vaccine.

This movement must not be sidetracked. It must focus on the immediate repeal of the mRNA vaccine, which has resulted in an upward trend in mortality and morbidity. It is essential to dispel the lies.

The Covid-19 Test is Invalid. The Data Used to Justify the Policy Mandates are Meaningless

The RT-PCR test which is used by the governments to justify their policy mandates has now been declared invalid by both the WHO and the CDC (which called for its withdrawal in the US effective December 31, 2021).

All the data pertaining to so-called “Covid Confirmed Cases” resulting from the PCR test are totally meaningless.

The Rapid Covid-19 Home Test Kits

In November 2021, 94 million rapid home test kits (self testing and antigen testing kits) were delivered and distributed to the provinces, and another 140 million were ordered by the federal government in early January at a cost of 1.7 billion dollars.

Test Test Test: 

Canada has a population of 38.5 million and we now have 234 million rapid test kits which have indelibly contributed in the course of the last two months to pushing up so-called Covid-19 positive cases.

This has created havoc in families across Canada. The fear campaign has gone into high gear.

Ironically, the antigen and self testing kits recommended by Health Canada are categorized as less reliable than the PCR test which is now upheld as “the gold standard”.  The PCR test is totally dysfunctional. It does not detect or identify SARS-CoV-2.

All those figures of Covid-19 are meaningless.

The official figures (UK, US, EU) on reported vaccine related deaths and adverse events are REAL.

Canada’s Freedom Convoy: First Step towards the Development of a Broad Based Grassroots Movement

This movement is now supported by people from more 65 countries. Truck drivers in Australia will be sending a convoy to Canberra on the 31st of January.

More than 60,000 truck drivers from the United States including 15,000 from California will be crossing the border and meeting up in Ottawa for this important event.

in a CTV online poll, 77% of Canadians have voted in support of the Freedom Convoy in support of the truck drivers. (out of 17,698 votes cast).


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See related for details on timetable, locations, maps and more:

Support Canadian Trucker Convoy to Ottawa – Here They Come!

Canada’s Freedom Convoy: #TruckersConvoy2022