In 1917 Rudolf Steiner Foresaw a Vaccine That Would ‘Drive All Inclination Toward Spirituality Out of People’s Souls’

In 1917 Rudolf Steiner Foresaw a Vaccine That Would ‘Drive All Inclination Toward Spirituality Out of People’s Souls’

by Dylan Charles, Waking Times
January 20, 2021


If you’ve felt at all like you’re in a spiritual war right now, you’re not alone.

Many of the world’s greatest scholars, philosophers and ascetics understood the world to be multi-dimensional and co-inhabited by non-physical beings both good and evil, always at war with us and each other.

It’s not something that can be rightly explained with language or science. One must cultivate such sensitivity that the existence of spiritual beings can be directly experienced.



Rudolf Steiner was an Austrian philosopher, educator, and spiritualist, and over the course of his life he published numerous books and papers on the science of spirituality. He viewed the human body as a spiritual vessel, open to occupation by other entities.

To be conscious of these forces was to have the power to reject their negative influence. To remain unconscious of them was to be a leaf in their wind, and spiritual cultivation was the key to developing conscious awareness of them.

“The spirits of darkness are now among us. We have to be on guard so that we may realize what is happening when we encounter them and gain a real idea of where they are to be found. The most dangerous thing you can do in the immediate future will be to give yourself up unconsciously to the influences which are definitely present.” ~ Rudolf Steiner

If people express the natural human inclination toward spiritual growth, they free themselves from fear and anxiety, and effectively develop a sort of immunity to the influences of negative entities. If not, our vibration attracts hostile spirits and we fall unconsciously unto their influence.

“There are beings in the spiritual realms for whom anxiety and fear emanating from human beings offer welcome food. When humans have no anxiety and fear, then these creatures starve… If fear and anxiety radiates from people and they break out in panic, then these creatures find welcome nutrition and they become more and more powerful. These beings are hostile towards humanity.

Everything that feeds on negative feelings, on anxiety, fear and superstition, despair or doubt, are in reality hostile forces in supersensible worlds, launching cruel attacks on human beings, while they are being fed. Therefore, it is above all necessary to begin with that the person who enters the spiritual world overcomes fear, feelings of helplessness, despair and anxiety. But these are exactly the feelings that belong to contemporary culture and materialism; because it estranges people from the spiritual world, it is especially suited to evoke hopelessness and fear of the unknown in people, thereby calling up the above mentioned hostile forces against them.” ~Rudolf Steiner

With such profound global fear, anxiety, and panic over the present pandemic, many are exposing their own spiritual sicknesses and acquiescing to any recommended behavior or intervention that might alleviate these emotions. Along with this is the push to vaccinate 7 billion healthy people.


Nearly 100 years ago, in a series of 14 essays published under the title, The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness, Steiner issued a warning to future generations about a possible measure of mass control, quite similar to the  visions presented by Orwell and Huxley. Steiner foresaw a future when vaccines could steal our spiritual nature.

First, some background:

“In these fourteen lectures, given at the end of 1917 following four years of war in Europe, Steiner speaks on the complex spiritual forces behind the World War I, humanity’s attempts to build theoretically perfect social orders, and the many divisions and disruptions that would continue on Earth into our own time. Humanity in general was asleep to the fact that fallen spirits, cast from the spiritual worlds, had become intensely active on Earth. This manifested mainly in human thinking and perception of the surrounding world. ” [Source]

The fall into such  destructive slumber would be marked by an age of materialism and centralization of power, during which the influences of ‘spirits of darkness’ would inspire humans to devise new technologies and new means of oppression. Steiner comments:

“I have told you that the spirits of darkness are going to inspire their human hosts, in whom they will be dwelling, to find a vaccine that will drive all inclination toward spirituality out of people’s souls when they are still very young, and this will happen in a roundabout way through the living body. Today, bodies are vaccinated against one thing and another; in future, children will be vaccinated with a substance which it will certainly be possible to produce, and this will make them immune, so that they do not develop foolish inclinations connected with spiritual life – ‘foolish’ here, or course, in the eyes of materialists. . . .

“. . . a way will finally be found to vaccinate bodies so that these bodies will not allow the inclination toward spiritual ideas to develop and all their lives people will believe only in the physical world they perceive with the senses. Out of impulses which the medical profession gained from presumption – oh, I beg your pardon, from the consumption [tuberculosis] they themselves suffered – people are now vaccinated against consumption, and in the same way they will be vaccinated against any inclination toward spirituality. This is merely to give you a particularly striking example of many things which will come in the near and more distant future in this field – the aim being to bring confusion into the impulses which want to stream down to earth after the victory of the [Michaelic] spirits of light [in 1879].” ~Rudolf Steiner

Steiner was talking only about vaccines here. His comment does not consider the compounded effects on human spirituality of the many myriad influences we have in our world today, all of which work against spiritual connection on their own right.

Again, if you’ve felt at all like you’re in a spiritual war, you’re not alone.

CDC Removes Claim ‘Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism’ From Its Website

CDC Removes Claim ‘Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism’ From Its Website

Sourced from ICAN Newsletter, Informed Consent Action Nework
January 21, 2021


ICAN, through its attorneys led by Aaron Siri, has been relentless in its legal demands and actions to compel the CDC to remove its blanket claim that “Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism” from its website.  We are excited to report that the CDC has finally capitulated to those demands!  It has removed this claim from its website!  

CDC’s Autism-Vaccine Page

The more than three-year journey for how ICAN, and its legal team, achieved this result is a story of determined persistence.  Here are the highlights.

ICAN’s Opening Salvo (Oct. 12, 2017 – Dec. 31, 2018)

The journey began with a letter sent to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) on October 12, 2017.  That letter explained why the CDC cannot scientifically claim that “Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism” on its website.  ICAN then ended with the following demand: “Please confirm that HHS shall forthwith remove the claim that ‘Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism’ from the CDC website, or alternatively, please identify the specific studies on which HHS bases its blanket claim that no vaccines cause autism?”

To put HHS and the CDC (an agency within HHS) on their heels, mere days after sending this letter, ICAN also sent a FOIA request on November 1, 2017, demanding:

All reports, scientific studies, and any other documents the CDC relied upon to support the assertion “Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism” located on its website at‌vaccinesafety/concerns/autism.html.

The CDC quickly called ICAN’s counsel, Aaron Siri, regarding this request. After some negotiations, the CDC formally responded on November 7, 2017, stating that “A search of our records failed to reveal any documents beyond the records hyperlinked in the specific web site” to support the claim that vaccines do not cause autism.  The CDC had thus revealed a truth, one that HHS could not run from in its response to ICAN’s letter.

On January 18, 2018, HHS responded to ICAN’s October 12th letter.  In that letter, HHS provided a list of studies it said supported the conclusion on its website that “Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism.”  All of the studies cited related either to a single vaccine, MMR, or to a single vaccine ingredient, thimerosal.  None of these studies support the claim that vaccines given during the first six months of life do not cause autism.

Given that HHS failed to support its claim that “Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism,” ICAN responded by letter dated December 31, 2018 wherein ICAN asserted that “HHS cannot scientifically claim that ‘Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism’” and “must therefore remove this claim from the CDC website until it can produce the studies to support the claim.”

ICAN’s Pincer Maneuver (Jan. 1, 2019 to June 18, 2019)

In order to keep the pressure on to force the CDC to be honest with the public, during the first six months of 2019, ICAN submitted numerous requests for communications among key personnel within the CDC relating to autism.  Some of these requests sought emails going back decades.  The key players within the CDC with regard to vaccines and autism now knew we were watching, and that we would have their unvarnished, internal emails related to autism.

ICAN Drops the Gauntlet (June 19, 2019 to Dec. 30, 2019)

Now that ICAN had gathered the proof in the form of evidence and admissions it needed to hold the CDC’s feet to the fire, on June 19, 2019, ICAN demanded that the CDC produce copies of the studies it relies upon to claim that all the vaccines given during the first six months of life “Do Not Cause Autism.”  These vaccines include DTaP, HepB, Hib, PCV13, and IPV.  ICAN also demanded that the CDC produce studies to support that the cumulative exposure to these vaccines during the first six months of life “Do Not Cause Autism.”

ICAN, of course, already had the CDC’s admissions on these points from its prior FOIA request in November 2017, the HHS letter exchange, and the CDC’s internal emails.  The CDC had nowhere to hide and no way to dissemble.  As expected, it responded to ICAN’s request with the same list of studies involving MMR or thimerosal.  Not a single study supported that DTaP, HepB, Hib, PCV13, and IPV do not cause autism.

ICAN Battles the CDC in Court (Dec. 31, 2019 to March 5, 2020)

ICAN then put the pressure directly on the CDC.  Instead of walking away after the CDC effectively admitted it did not have the studies ICAN sought, ICAN sued the CDC in federal court.  The suit focused on the CDC’s claim that “Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism” on the basis that the CDC had not specifically listed the precise studies that it asserts support that claim.  This lawsuit also quoted from the deposition of Dr. Stanley Plotkin, the godfather of vaccinology, who admitted under oath that he was “okay with telling the parent that DTaP/Tdap does not cause autism even though the science isn’t there yet to support that claim.”

After a lot of wrangling between ICAN’s counsel Aaron Siri, and the Department of Justice, which was representing the CDC, the CDC finally capitulated and signed a stipulation that was entered as an order of the court on March 2, 2020 in which the CDC identified 20 studies as the universe of support it relies upon to claim that DTaP, HepB, Hib, PCV13, and IPV do not cause autism.  Here is a summary of the vaccines these studies cover:

1 relating to MMR (not a vaccine ICAN asked about);
13 relating to thimerosal (not an ingredient in any vaccine ICAN asked about);
4 relating to both MMR and thimerosal;
1 relating to antigen (not a vaccine) exposure; and
1 relating to MMR, thimerosal, and DTaP.

Incredibly, the one study relating to DTaP on the CDC’s list was a recent review by the Institute of Medicine (IOM), paid for by the CDC, which conducted a comprehensive review looking specifically for studies relating to whether DTaP does or does not cause autism.  The IOM concluded that it could not identify a single study to support that DTaP does not cause autism. Instead, the only relevant study the IOM could identify found an association between DTaP and autism.

In other words, the only study the CDC listed that actually looked at any of the vaccines given to babies during the first six months of life concluded that there are no studies to support that DTaP does not cause autism.  Yet, the CDC chose that study as one of the few that supports its claim that “Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism”!
This reality is truly incredible because, when it comes to autism, vaccines are the one suspected culprit that the CDC claims to have exhaustively investigated but, yet, the CDC could not provide a single study to support its conclusion that the vaccines given during the first six months of life do not cause autism.

The CDC regularly complains that those raising concerns about vaccine safety are unscientific and misinformed.  It is therefore truly stunning that when we asked the CDC for studies to support its claim that “Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism,” the March 2, 2020 stipulation and order made it abundantly clear that it was the CDC’s own claim that “Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism” that was unscientific.

 ICAN’s Coup de Grâce (Mar. 6, 2020 to Aug. 26, 2020)

And now for the coup de grâce.  ICAN’s demands at the end of 2019 and over which it took the CDC to court in early 2020 were for the studies the CDC “relied upon” to claim that Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism.  ICAN now had a court ordered stipulation that specifically listed the twenty studies the CDC “relied upon” to support this claim – none of which supported that the vaccines given during the first six months of life do not cause autism.

To assure that the CDC understood ICAN was never, ever, ever, letting this issue go, on March 6, 2020 (days after concluding the federal lawsuit) ICAN submitted the following FOIA demand to the CDC: “All studies supporting the claim that DTaP does not cause autism” and days later requested “Studies created or retained by CDC to support the claim that DTaP does not cause autism.”  The difference between this and ICAN’s prior requests is subtle but powerful.  Instead of asking for the studies the CDC “relied upon” to support that DTaP does not cause autism (as it did previously), ICAN was now seeking the studies that in fact support that DTaP does not cause autism.

In response to this request, the CDC could not list its MMR or thimerosal studies – its hands were tied.  It understood there was nowhere left to hide its unsupported claim that “Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism.”  And it knew that ICAN would again take it to court, and this time the outcome could be even harsher.

The CDC Capitulates

On the heels of the foregoing, and dozens of related demands regarding autism that ICAN continued to press, in the dead of the night, and without any fanfare or announcement, on August 27, 2020, the CDC website removed the claim that “Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism” from its website!  The CDC had finally capitulated to the truth!

Compare for yourself the CDC’s autism-vaccine webpage on August 26, 2020 versus August 27, 2020.

You may be wondering why we waited until now to announce this amazing news.  Well, ICAN and its legal team have been so busy fighting on dozens of vaccine related fronts (mandatory MMR vaccines, flu shot requirements, improper COVID vaccine trials, etc.) that we only realized the CDC’s vaccine-autism claim had been removed when we recently turned back to that front!  Like a Mayan temple hidden in plain sight for hundreds of years, ICAN only recently discovered the CDC’s silent capitulation.

 The Future

The most recent data from CDC shows that 1 in 36 children born this year in the United States will develop autism. This is a true epidemic. If the CDC had spent the same resources studying vaccines and autism as it did waging a media campaign against parents that claim vaccines caused their child’s autism, the world would be a better place for everyone.

To their credit, parents with autistic children have never backed down.  In the face of incessant brow beatings by public health authorities, studies have found between 40% and 70% of parents with an autistic child continue to blame vaccines for their child’s autism, typically pointing to vaccines given during the first six months of life.  These parents know what they experienced, what their parental instincts tell them, and no amount of shaming can change that truth.

With the removal of the claim that “Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism,” it is ICAN’s sincere hope that our public health authorities have turned or will soon be turning the corner on this issue.  That they will fund independent scientists to conduct the desperately needed studies of autism and the cumulative impact of the vaccines given during the first six months of life.

The cries of parents who know that vaccines caused their child’s autism should no longer be ignored.  The science must be done. And ICAN will continue to fight to make sure that that it is done.


The CDC’s website does continue to claim that “Vaccine ingredients do not cause autism” and so ICAN’s fight continues!  Our next step will be to force the CDC to admit whether or not they are also making this claim for aluminum adjuvants used in vaccines.  And if so, to produce the studies to support this claim.  (See ICAN’s white paper on aluminum adjuvants and autism here.)

Of course, whether one or more ingredients, like water used in vaccines, does not cause autism is not really the issue.  The question is whether the vaccine, the product itself as formulated, causes autism.  And we now know that the CDC finally understands that it can no longer claim that “Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism.”

This victory for truth and science could not have happened without the encouragement ICAN receives from its supporters like you.  Thank you for making our work possible!

Dr. David Martin Releases ‘The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier” | 205 Pages, 22 Years of Research

Dr. David Martin Releases ‘The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier” | 205 Pages, 22 Years of Research


Butterfly of the Week, 18 January 2021: The Fauci/Covid-19 Dossier

by Dr. David Martin
January 19, 2021


Download PDF
The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier
Prepared for humanity by Dr. David E. Martin


In the video below, Dr. David Martin reads this excerpt from the report:

By March 2015, both the virulence of the S1 spike protein and the ACE II receptor was known to present a considerable risk to human health. NIAID, EcoHealth Alliance and numerous researchers lamented the fact that the public was not sufficiently concerned about coronavirus to adequately fund their desired research.
Dr. Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance offered the following assessment:
“Daszak reiterated that, until an infectious disease crisis is very real, present, and at an emergency threshold, it is often largely ignored. To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis, he said, we need to increase public understanding of the need for MCMs such as a pan-influenza or pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of process, Daszak stated.”


Original video available at David Martin World YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

See also:

Dr. David Martin at January 6 Rally: “Nature Has Never Conspired Against Us. Criminals Do.”

Dr. David Martin with Sacha Stone: Deep Research Exposes Fauci’s History of Criminal Activity — A Call to Action


New Science Outlines Risks of Masking Children

New Science Outlines Risks of Masking Children

by Del Bigtree w/ Jefferey Jaxen, The HighWire
January 18, 2021


Jefferey Jaxen reports on new mask studies that support the available data on children, showing that we are putting children at risk by forcing masks on them.

Video available at The HighWire BitChute and Brighteon channels.

Tip of the Iceberg? Thousands of COVID Vaccine Injuries and 13 U.S. Deaths Reported in December Alone

Tip of the Iceberg? Thousands of COVID Vaccine Injuries and 13 U.S. Deaths Reported in December Alone
In December, 3,916 COVID vaccine-related adverse events, including 13 deaths, were reported to VAERS. As more adverse events — ranging from life-threatening anaphylaxis to death — occur, it will be tougher to “sell” the experimental injections.

by Children’s Health Defense Team, The Defender
January 14, 2021


When the U.S. Food and Drug Administration gave Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna permission to distribute their experimental mRNA coronavirus vaccines to Americans on an “emergency use” basis in December, it opened the floodgates for other countries to quickly follow suit.

By Jan. 11, counting China and Russia, 43 countries had administered at least 26 million doses of vaccine — especially Pfizer’s — with far more ambitious plans for the coming year. The companies’ global delivery targets for 2021 include two billion Pfizer/BioNTech doses and at least 600 million Moderna shots.

Drawing on the tried-and-true marketing technique of drumming up the “illusion of scarcity” to “accelerate demand,” U.S. officials have been attempting to direct the public’s attention to the concocted drama of vaccine supply shortages and a slower-than-expected rollout.

However, as the early warning signs already apparent during clinical trials begin to translate into serious adverse reactions on a wider scale, officials now face a new public relations challenge — that of “managing expectations” to ensure population willingness to take the vaccine.

As more people hear about adverse events, and more adverse events occur — ranging from life-threatening anaphylaxis and emergency room visits to brain inflammation and death — “selling” the experimental injections may become an increasingly uphill battle.

Deaths … so far

In the U.S., the primary mechanism for reporting adverse reactions is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a flawed passive surveillance system that relies on the willingness and ability of parents and professionals to submit reports voluntarily.

As Children’s Health Defense Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. wrote on Dec. 18, 2020 to the co-chair of the new COVID-19 Advisory Board, VAERS has been an abject failure, with fewer than 1% of adverse events ever reported, according to a 2010 federal study.

Given the abysmal track record of VAERS in capturing serious adverse events, it is noteworthy that 13 deaths — a subset of 3,916 total adverse events reported following COVID-19 vaccination — had already been recorded by the system by the end of December (as per the MedAlerts search engine).

Nine of the deaths followed the Pfizer vaccine and four followed the Moderna shot (see table below). Nearly all of the deceased were institutionalized (primarily in nursing homes), although one 63-year-old male received the injection at work.

Five (and possibly six) of the deaths occurred on the same day as vaccination, all in women and sometimes within 60 to 90 minutes of the injection — and without any “immediate adverse reaction” having been observed.

The reports describe outcomes ranging from “foaming at the mouth” to “massive heart attacks.” Three of the deceased were in their early to mid-60s.

The write-ups that accompany VAERS reports furnish details about these sad fatalities, including the astonishing fact that some of the deceased had actually experienced and recovered from COVID-19 (raising questions about why they were vaccinated).

The write-ups also illustrate the subtle pressure to attribute the cause of death to something other than COVID-19 vaccination. For example, a grandchild who submitted a report wrote, “My grandmother [age 85] died a few hours after receiving the moderna covid vaccine booster 1. While I don’t expect that the events are related, the treating hospital did not acknowledge this and I wanted to be sure a report was made.”

A nursing home submitting a report on behalf of an 89-year-old who died five days after receiving the Moderna injection likewise wrote, “Due to proximity of vaccination we felt we should report the death, even though it is not believed to be related.”

And when a 78-year-old died two days after the Pfizer shot, the report simply stated, “no adverse events and no issues yesterday; Death today … (unknown if related – Administrator marked as natural causes).”

The 13 deaths communicated to VAERS do not include any deaths in the state of New York. However, a disturbing news report from suggests that COVID-19 vaccines could be linked to a shocking number of additional deaths in the elderly in that state.

According to the news account, a single nursing home in upstate New York vaccinated 193 residents beginning on Dec. 22 and subsequently reported 24 deaths within the span of a couple of weeks. Although the facility has attributed the deaths to a COVID-19 “outbreak,” there had been no COVID-19 deaths in any nursing homes in the entire county “until the first three deaths … were reported Dec. 29.”

Pointing out that 24 deaths among 193 vaccinated residents equates to a 12.4% mortality rate, one observer notes that this reflects a “124-fold increase in mortality over and above the COVID-19 death rate for the population at large.”

Another compelling source of data about deaths following receipt of the experimental Pfizer/BioNTech shot comes from a growing number of incidents being reported from Israel and Europe:

  • Israel: Four individuals die “shortly after receiving the vaccination,” including two elderly men, aged 75 and 88, who experience apparent heart attacks two to three hours post-Pfizer-vaccine.
  • Norway: Two nursing home residents die within “a few days” of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination.
  • Portugal: Health worker Sonia Acevedo, 41-year-old mother of two, dies suddenly two days after receiving the Pfizer injection.
  • Sweden: An elderly man, age 85, dies of a heart attack one day after receiving the Pfizer vaccine.
  • Switzerland: An elderly man, age 91, dies not long after getting the Pfizer shot.

Finally, in early January, news outlets, including The Defender, also described the tragic U.S. case involving Miami obstetrician-gynecologist Gregory Michael, who at age 56 died within two weeks of receiving the Pfizer vaccine — with the cause of death attributed to a “highly unusual clinical case of severe [immune] thrombocytopenia” (ITP).

ITP is considered a Type II “hypersensitivity reaction” (“immune responses that are exaggerated or inappropriate against an antigen or allergen”). Because Michael did not start experiencing symptoms until three days post-vaccination, his case was not captured in a Jan. 6 Centers for Disease and Control (CDC) report on serious allergic reactions following COVID-19 vaccination that limited the analysis to reactions occurring within the first 24 hours.

Serious allergic reactions

Critics familiar with VAERS’ shortcomings — and the ways in which officials can manipulate its data — bluntly condemn VAERS as “nothing more than window dressing, and a part of U.S. authorities’ systematic effort to reassure/deceive us about vaccine safety.”

As an example of the “effort to reassure,” one need look no further than the Jan. 6 CDC news release about post-vaccination anaphylaxis and non-anaphylaxis allergic reactions. In this report, the CDC’s tally of the hundreds of VAERS reports received per day during the first 10 days of the Pfizer vaccine rollout totaled 4,393 adverse events from December 14 to 23 — including 175 incidents flagged by CDC “for further review as possible cases of severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, based on descriptions of signs and symptoms.”

Following its review, the CDC chose to include only 21 cases, excluding 154 cases either because they did not meet narrow criteria defined by the Brighton Collaboration (a global group that publishes “standardized case definitions” for countable adverse events); or because symptom onset occurred “later than the day after vaccination”; or because CDC judged the events to be “nonallergic” despite signs and symptoms to the contrary.

Based on the 21 cases, the public health agency then produced an estimate of 11.1 cases of anaphylaxis per million vaccine doses, whereas including all 175 events reported as severe allergic reactions would have yielded a rate of 92.4 cases per million doses.

Even so, the CDC’s conservative estimate of the anaphylaxis rate for experimental COVID-19 mRNA vaccines is roughly 10 times greater than for flu shots, including in individuals with no prior history of allergic reactions.

News reports have added to the frightening picture of post-COVID-19 allergic reactions that is emerging. These include the “hundreds” of Israelis describing “severe anaphylactic shock,” other allergic symptoms such as tongue and throat swelling, tingling sensations, dizziness and weakness; the two health workers in the UK who suffered “anaphylactoid reactions” on the first day of the Pfizer vaccine rollout; the two hospital workers in Alaska who experienced allergic symptoms — a serious anaphylactic reaction in one case and “eye puffiness, light headedness and scratchy throat” in the second case — within 10 minutes of getting the Pfizer jab; and the “mild to moderate” side effects from the Pfizer injection, including pain and dizziness, reported by four Bulgarians.

Reactions have not been confined to allergic symptoms, however. Additional descriptions of adverse events include:

  • A “rare, multisystem inflammatory syndrome,” including heart damage, developed by a 23-year-old male social worker in Israel 24 hours after receiving the Pfizer injection.
  • The seizures and encephalomyelitis (brain and spinal cord inflammation) experienced by 32-year-old Mexican internist Karla Cecilia Perez hours after getting the Pfizer shot.
  • The Bell’s palsy developed by a U.S. nurse within three days of her injection. On YouTube, she warns Americans, “Do not take this vaccination,” saying “I would not wish this on my worst enemy.”
Adverse mRNA vaccine reactions — no picnic

Setting the stage to “manage expectations,” The Atlantic told readers in mid-December that while COVID-19 injections have “a kick” and involve “more than the usual unpleasantness of getting a shot,” they are still “nowhere near as bad as COVID-19 itself.”

Some of the individuals described above and others submitting reports to VAERS might beg to differ.

For example, in a write-up accompanying one VAERS report (available through MedAlerts), a 36-year-old female who received the Pfizer vaccine on Dec. 17 was described as experiencing “disabling” light-headedness and dizziness 15 to 20 minutes post-vaccination, followed by an elevated heart rate and “really high” blood pressure.

After several hours in a monitoring station, where health workers gave her Benadryl and “lots of water” along with measuring her blood pressure “every five minutes,” she spent another four hours undergoing “continual monitoring” in the emergency room, followed by “a few more hours” in the ER the following day and a recommendation to start taking blood pressure medication. By Dec. 20, her blood pressure still had not normalized, and she had developed a bad headache. The health provider who submitted the report to VAERS on the woman’s behalf concluded that a causal association between Pfizer’s vaccine and the event could not be ruled out “based on a compatible temporal relation.”

Among Pfizer vaccine recipients with reactions categorized in VAERS as “life-threatening,” there are many other disquieting write-ups, often concerning young women in their 30s:

  • Female, age 31: “40 min after injection my throat and tongue started to feel weird and tight, pharmacy…gave me [Benadryl and Tylenol]. At about 1 hr 45 min after injection my throat got to the point of so swollen and itchy I couldn’t swallow. I went to nearest emergency room….”
  • Female, age 35: “5 minutes after getting the vaccine began itching that quickly developed into rash/hives to face, neck, chest, abdomen. At 20 minutes post vaccine developed severe leg weakness with lightheadedness, chest tightness, and [shortness of breath]. 22 minutes out collapsed to the floor unable to bear weight…and had severe cramping and tingling in legs, still unable to move them. Was rushed to the ER….”
  • Female, age 30: “Approximately 2 minutes after injection, felt flushed and tingly. This subsided, but developed a cough. Felt fine enough to leave the vaccination area after being monitored for 15 minutes. Cough continued, and developed a scratchy throat that eventually led to swelling of the throat at approximately 30-35 mins post administration. Sought care in the ED, where I was tachycardic and hypertensive…. Discharged home, but symptoms returned around 2pm. Sought care in a different ED, where I remained hypertensive and tachycardic.”
What’s next?

An objective analysis of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout necessarily raises serious questions about product safety and the assessment of risks versus benefits.

The VAERS reports submitted through December indicate that over half (53%) of those affected by mRNA vaccine reactions are 17-44 year-olds in the prime of life.

More than one in five (n=877) adverse events resulted in an emergency visit, 140 were rated “serious,” 100 led to hospitalization, 41 were “life-threatening” and 5 produced permanent disability.

Supplementing VAERS, the CDC has been encouraging COVID-19 vaccine recipients to use a smartphone app called v-safe to “quickly tell CDC” about mRNA vaccine side effects. On Dec. 19, v-safe tallies for the first five days of COVID-19 vaccination showed that among 215,362 vaccine recipients registered with v-safe, 5,052 individuals self-reported serious “health impact events” following their first dose of vaccine — events requiring care from a fellow health professional and rendering the person unable to work or perform normal daily activities. This, too, is concerning, translating into a one-in-43 injury rate (2.3%) for the v-safe group.

In the new year, many states are planning to aggressively scale up distribution of both the Pfizer vaccine and the even more reactogenic Moderna vaccine, including at drugstoressupermarketsbig-box storesdental offices and temporary sites like stadiums and even Disneyland.

This has prompted concerns among allergists, in particular, who question whether drive-thru sites and under-trained personnel will be able to recognize and handle the sudden adverse reactions that the two mRNA vaccines seem capable of eliciting — especially since both contain the notorious allergenic ingredient polyethylene glycol (PEG).

In the U.S., some allergists are recommending that consumers with known allergies be “proactive” and ask prospective vaccination venues “pointed questions” about their emergency training, equipment and ability “to respond swiftly if something goes wrong.”

A growing number of healthcare experts are going even further, with one Wyoming public health official describing the injections as “biological weapons of mass destruction,” and many others urging the public to “just say no” to experimental injections that health officials and the vaccine makers admit aren’t proven to prevent COVID or stop transmissibility, but could do long-lasting harm.

COVID Vaccine Secret, a Stunner

COVID Vaccine Secret, a Stunner

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
January 15, 2021


From the off-guardian, January 3, 2021, “What Vaccine Trials?” by Iain Davis:

“…the WHO protocols Pfizer used to produce the mRNA [for the vaccine] do not appear to identify any nucleotide sequences that are unique to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. When investigator Fran Leader questioned Pfizer they confirmed: ‘The DNA template does not come directly from an isolated virus from an infected person’.”

And there we are, right back where I started, some time ago. If you don’t have the isolated virus, how can you claim you’ve sequenced it?

And if you’ve sequenced it by ASSUMPTION and GUESS, how can you claim the sequence—or the virus—is real?

Answer: You SAY the sequence and the virus are real, but you have zero proof. Because you’re a “scientific authority,” people automatically believe what you SAY.

A man visits a vast auto junkyard looking for parts. Over the office door, he sees a sign: “1972 Ferrari 365 GTB/4 Daytona Spider. Inquire within.”

The owner of the junkyard tells him, “We’re offering shares in the Ferrari. Three thousand a share. When we eventually sell it, you’ll make at least double your investment.”

The man says, “Where is the car? I’d like to see it.”

“Well,” the junkyard owner says, “look around you. We’ve got several square miles of cars and parts. The Ferrari is out there somewhere. We recently ran a test on exhaust fumes with a special instrument. It concluded that the ’72 Ferrari had recently been driven through the yard here…”

This is the sort of thing that happens in virology.

Of course, no mainstream virologist would admit it. He would talk about analogues and gene banks and PCR and representative samples and in silico (computer modeling).

But the stark reality is clear.

Assumption and guess and slippery inference do not carry the day.

You either have the isolated virus or you don’t. If you don’t, anything you say about “it” is useless. You can’t validly claim it exists.

As I’ve written and said dozens of times now, the virological meaning of the word “isolate” is quite different from the ordinary meaning.

In the technical world of the con and the hustle, “isolated virus” means: “We have the virus in a soup in a dish in the lab. The soup contains human and monkey cells, toxic drugs and chemicals, and other genetic material. Some of the cells are dying. This means the virus is killing them.”

That assertion is false. The drugs and chemicals can be killing the cells. And the cells are being starved of vital nutrients. That alone could explain the cell-death.

Furthermore, a supposed virus mixed in a soup in a dish in a lab is definitely not “isolated.”

Bottom line: there is no persuasive evidence that a virus is in the soup.

What’s in the COVID vaccine? Among other material, a supposed fragment from a supposed virus that hasn’t been proven to exist.

Consider the PCR test. Several levels of valid criticism have been aimed at the test.

First, different labs will come up with different contradictory test results. This is true.

Drilling down a little deeper, the test, when it amplifies the tissue sample taken from a patient, is useless and dangerous when more than 34 cycles or steps of amplification are deployed. Why? Because then, huge numbers of false-positives occur.

Down yet another level, we discover that the PCR doesn’t detect a virus at all. It identifies a piece of RNA presumed to come from a virus.

And finally, the test identifies a piece of RNA from a virus that hasn’t been proven to exist.

This is the root of the poisonous tree.

Death by Coincidence?

Death by Coincidence?
Declarations by health officials and vaccine makers that deaths and injuries following COVID vaccinations are unrelated coincidences are becoming a pattern. They’re also depriving people of the information they need to make informed decisions.

by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Children’s Health Defense
January 14, 2021


The official handling last week of the deaths of two Danes and a Miami doctor following their COVID jabs highlights the gaping holes in the government’s surveillance system for detecting post-marketing vaccine reactions.

These incidents suggest that health officials will be unlikely to give the public authentic risk profiles for the emergency use COVID vaccines.

Accurate risk profiles allow regulators to determine if a medical intervention is causing more harm than good and consumers to make rational choices about their own use of a product.

Regulators usually develop risk assessments during preclinical trials by comparing health outcomes in individuals receiving the intervention against a placebo group. Such studies must be large enough to detect rare injuries and of sufficient duration to reveal ailments with long diagnosis horizons.

The existence of the placebo group makes it difficult to conceal or misattribute injuries. Conversely, the absence of a placebo group in post-vaccination surveillance systems makes it easy for self-interested pharmaceutical and regulatory officials to undercount injuries by attributing them to coincidence.

Coincidence is turning out to be quite lethal to COVID vaccine recipients.

Death by coincidence

Shortly after reporting the Danish deaths and prior to any autopsies, Tanja Eriksen, acting head of Denmark’s Pharmacovigilance Unit, told the Danish newspaper, EkstaBladet, that the Danish Medicines Agency had determined that coincidence probably killed the two Danish citizens whose deaths followed their vaccinations.

One of the deaths was a citizen who had “severe lung disease.” The existence of the comorbidity suggested that the death was therefore coincidental. The second citizen received the vaccine at a “very old age,” and therefore also expired from coincidence.

“When vaccinated in fragile groups, one would expect there to be deaths,” explained Eriksen, using logic seldom applied by health officials to deaths from the COVID-19 virus. “This will happen regardless of whether they are vaccinated or not.”

These simple declarations — that deaths and injuries following vaccination are unrelated coincidences — are becoming a pattern.

On Dec. 20, 2020, World Today News reported the death of an 85-year-old man in Kalmar, Sweden, one day after he received the vaccine. Dr. Mattias Alvunger of the Kalmar Hospital dismissed concerns about the death being related to the vaccine, calling the fact that it was reported to the Swedish Medical Products Agency as “routine.”

On January 1, Sonia Acevedo, a 41-year-old Portugese nurse and mother of two, died two days after receiving the Pfizer/BioNtech vaccine. Her father told the Daily Mail that she never drank alcohol and was in perfect health. Nevertheless, Portugal’s Health Authority dismissed her death as a sad coincidence.

Israel also reported two deaths from the coincidence pandemic: one in a 75-year-old man in Beit She’an, and the other an 88-year-old man. Both died two hours after vaccination. Israeli health officials warned the public not to attribute the deaths to the vaccine.

In Lucerne, Switzerland, a 91-year-old man died five days after getting Pfizer/BioNtech’s vaccine. Swiss authorities called any connection “highly unlikely.”

On January 3, Dr. Gregory Michael, a beloved Miami obstetrician and enthusiastic COVID-19 vaccine booster, died of a hemorrhagic stroke after receiving Pfizer/BioNtech’s vaccine. Dr. Michael developed acute idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura (ITP) — a known vaccine side effect — immediately after receiving the jab. His platelet count dropped from 150,000 to zero and never rebounded.

An army of experts from around the world, involved in the vaccine program, consulted in doomed efforts to restore Dr. Michael’s platelet count. The inevitable brain hemorrhage killed him two weeks later. Michael’s wife said that her husband’s death was “100% linked to the vaccine. She added that he was physically healthy, exercised often, rarely drank alcohol, never smoked cigarettes and had no known comorbidities.

Nevertheless, Pfizer dismissed Michael’s injuries as another sad coincidence: “We do not believe at this time that there is any direct connection to the vaccine.” Pfizer pointed out that ITP is also caused by excess drinking and reasoned that “there have been no recorded safety signals identified in trials from vaccinations so far.”

On Tuesday, the New York Times quoted Dr. Jerry Spivak, a blood disorder expert at Johns Hopkins University, saying “I think it’s a medical certainty that the vaccine was related.”

But Pfizer/BioNtech would not have been likely to see the thrombocytopenia signals in its brief, under-enrolled clinical trials. Thrombocytopenia occurs in 1 in approximately every 25,000-40,000 doses of the MMR vaccine. It is also a similarly rare, but persistently reported side effect of hepatitis A, TB, HPV, chickenpox, DTaP, polio and HiB vaccines.

An injury that occurs at that frequency would not likely be seen in Pfizer/BioNtech’s Phase II clinical trial because only 22,000 people received the vaccine. However, an injury of this severity occurring once in every 25,000 shots could debilitate or kill 12,000 of the 300 million Americans to whom the company hopes to give the jab.

The public can expect to see more of this strategic chicanery: When a healthy 32-year-old Mexican doctor was hospitalized with encephalitis — inflammation of his brain and spinal cord —  after receiving the Pfizer/BioNtech vaccine, Mexican doctors dismissed the injury as unrelated to the vaccination, reasoning that the condition had not been detected in Pfizer/ BioNtech’s clinical trials.

This week an Auburn, New York nursing home reported, without any apparent irony, that 32 of 193 residents have died since the facility began administering the Pfizer vaccine on Dec. 21. The company claims that its clients are dying of COVID-19 infections, not the vaccine.

Equally disturbing, additional deaths may have gone altogether unreported.

Among Dr. Michael’s many grateful patients was Tessa Levy, who had a scheduled appointment with him for the Tuesday after his death on Jan. 3. Michaels delivered all four of Tessa’s children, saving one of them with an ingenious split-second diagnosis of a rare heart condition that would have otherwise killed the boy.

Tessa is the daughter of my close friend, the famous Beverly Hills surgeon, Dr. George Boris. “He was a healthy, strong, vigorous guy,” Tessa told me about Michaels. “He never showed any health problems.”

On New Year’s Eve, Dr. Boris’s brother-in-law, Murray Brazner, also died suddenly, one week after receiving the Pfizer vaccine. Neither the vaccine company nor any health agency took notice of his sudden unexpected death. “No autopsy was performed, and his death isn’t recorded as a vaccine injury. It makes you wonder,” Dr. Boris told me.

Mr. Brazner’s death illustrates an even graver problem: Many injuries may be escaping notice by the surveillance system and the media. Unreported stories similar to Dr. Brazner’s tragedy are already common complaints on social media.

On Jan. 2, Janice Hisle lamented on Facebook that her friend’s mom, an Ohio woman, died after receiving the vaccine. According to Hisle, the woman developed a high fever hours after the jab and died a “couple days” later. “I am so angry for my friend,” she commented, “who is crying because relatives were not allowed to see her before she was vaccinated. They thought the vaccine would ‘open the door.’”

We could find no mention of the Ohio woman’s death in media records or official COVID-vaccine death tallies.

One might assume that if deaths following COVID-19 vaccine can be so easily dismissed or ignored, lesser injuries will also escape notice.

The all-too-familiar vaccine propaganda playbook

The routine of reflexively dismissing suspicious deaths and injuries as unrelated to vaccination not only calls into doubt the official data tallies on vaccine injuries, it also contrasts markedly with the habit among public health officials of authoritatively attributing every death to COVID-19 so long as the deceased tested positive for COVID within 60 days of death using a PCR test notorious for producing false positives.

In fact, the $48 billion COVID vaccine enterprise shares three defining features with every new vaccine introduced since 1986:

1. Systematic exaggeration of risk from the target disease. (Pharma calls this project “Disease Branding.”)

2. Systematic exaggeration of vaccine efficacy.

3. Systematically downplaying vaccine risks.

1. Exaggerating disease risk:

Regulatory agencies count every death as a COVID death, so long as the deceased tested positive for COVID within 60 days of death — no matter that he may have died in a motorcycle crash.

In September, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) admitted that 94% of individuals whose deaths the CDC officially attributed to COVID had other illnesses that may have actually killed them. The average deceased had 2.8 comorbidities. Yet in CDC’s official tabulations, CDC always presumes that COVID-19 did the killing.

But as we see from the examples above, when it comes to COVID vaccine injuries, the opposite presumption governs: the comorbidity is always the cause of death — even when, as with Dr. Michaels, there are no known comorbidities.

2. Systematic exaggeration of vaccine efficacy:

Pfizer touts a 95% efficacy rate in its clinical trials, but this is a meaningless measure of “relative efficacy” based on a tiny cohort of 94 people in the placebo group who got mild cases of COVID during the clinical trials.

The “absolute,” or “actual,” efficacy of the vaccine during clinical trials was 0.88%. According to the British Medical Journal, this means that health authorities must administer 155 vaccines to avert a single case of mild COVID.

3. Downplaying vaccine risks:

The true risk of vaccine injury will continue to be obscured by the habit among public health officials of routinely dismissing reported injuries as unrelated to vaccination.

The practices of systematically overestimating vaccine safety, underestimating vaccine deaths, and exaggerating risks of COVID-19 effectively deprive the public of their right to informed consent.

And so what do we really know about the true risk of COVID-19 vaccines?

Public health officials and industry spokespeople like to say that the risks of serious injury from vaccination are “one in one million.. However, in the first week of distribution, Americans took 200,000COVID vaccines and reported 5,000 serious” (meaning missed workdays or medical intervention required) injuries.

This is an injury rate of 1 in every 40 jabs. This means that the 150 shots necessary to avert one mild case of COVID will cause serious injury to at least three people.

If the clinical trials are good predictors, that rate is likely to increase dramatically after the second shot (the clinical trials suggested that almost all the benefits of COVID vaccination and vast majority of injuries were associated with the second dose).

We don’t know the true risk of death from the vaccine since regulators have rendered virtually every death invisible by attributing them all to coincidence.

The 1-in-40 risk of “serious injury” from Pfizer’s COVID vaccine is consistent with what we know about other vaccines.

For many years, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has maintained a post-licensing surveillance system known as the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Even government insiders like Surgeon General Dr. David Kessler acknowledged that VAERS is an abysmal failure.

Nevertheless, it is only by clinging to this “designed to fail” system that regulators and industry have maintained their pretense that current vaccine risk profiles are acceptable.

A 2010 study funded by HHS concluded that VAERS captured “fewer than 1% of injuries.” In other words, the actual injury rates from mandated vaccines are more than 100x what HHS has been telling the public!

The 2010 HHS study found that the true risk for serious adverse events was 26/1,000, or one in 37.

Similarly, Merck’s clinical trials for Gardasil found that an astonishing half of all vaccine recipients suffered from adverse events, which Merck euphemistically called “new medical conditions,” and that 2.3% of vaccine recipients (1 in 43) suffered from autoimmune disease within six months of vaccination.

Similarly, a recent Italian study found that 41% of vaccine recipients (412 adverse events per 1,000 doses) suffered adverse events, with 11% of these rated “serious,” meaning 38 serious adverse events per 1,000 vaccinated individuals. These include grave gastrointestinal and “serious neurological disorders.” This amounts to a “serious” injury rate of 1/26.

Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav of the Alliance for Human Research Protection has observed that, “Everyone who gets any of these vaccines is participating in a vast medical experiment.”

Health officials generally concur that the granting of “emergency use authorization” to the rollout of experimental vaccine technologies with only a few weeks of safety testing, two years before the scheduled completion of Phase 2 testing, is a great human experiment, involving millions of subjects.

But researchers are unlikely to see all of the safety signals if a badly designed surveillance system allows local health officials and company employees the discretion to dismiss any serious injury as unrelated.

This is an injury rate of 1 in every 40 jabs. This means that the 150 shots necessary to avert one mild case of COVID will cause serious injury to at least three people.

If the clinical trials are good predictors, that rate is likely to increase dramatically after the second shot (the clinical trials suggested that almost all the benefits of COVID vaccination and vast majority of injuries were associated with the second dose).

We don’t know the true risk of death from the vaccine since regulators have rendered virtually every death invisible by attributing them all to coincidence.

The 1-in-40 risk of “serious injury” from Pfizer’s COVID vaccine is consistent with what we know about other vaccines.

For many years, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has maintained a post-licensing surveillance system known as the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Even government insiders like Surgeon General Dr. David Kessler acknowledged that VAERS is an abysmal failure.

Nevertheless, it is only by clinging to this “designed to fail” system that regulators and industry have maintained their pretense that current vaccine risk profiles are acceptable.

A 2010 study funded by HHS concluded that VAERS captured “fewer than 1% of injuries.” In other words, the actual injury rates from mandated vaccines are more than 100x what HHS has been telling the public!

The 2010 HHS study found that the true risk for serious adverse events was 26/1,000, or one in 37.

Similarly, Merck’s clinical trials for Gardasil found that an astonishing half of all vaccine recipients suffered from adverse events, which Merck euphemistically called “new medical conditions,” and that 2.3% of vaccine recipients (1 in 43) suffered from autoimmune disease within six months of vaccination.

Similarly, a recent Italian study found that 41% of vaccine recipients (412 adverse events per 1,000 doses) suffered adverse events, with 11% of these rated “serious,” meaning 38 serious adverse events per 1,000 vaccinated individuals. These include grave gastrointestinal and “serious neurological disorders.” This amounts to a “serious” injury rate of 1/26.

Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav of the Alliance for Human Research Protection has observed that, “Everyone who gets any of these vaccines is participating in a vast medical experiment.”

Health officials generally concur that the granting of “emergency use authorization” to the rollout of experimental vaccine technologies with only a few weeks of safety testing, two years before the scheduled completion of Phase 2 testing, is a great human experiment, involving millions of subjects.

But researchers are unlikely to see all of the safety signals if a badly designed surveillance system allows local health officials and company employees the discretion to dismiss any serious injury as unrelated.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Explains His Positions on Vaccines to His Family

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Explains His Positions on Vaccines to His Family

by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Children’s Health Defense Europe
January 14, 2020


Three of my Kennedy relatives published an article criticizing my advocacy for safe vaccines. Our contentious family dispute highlights the fierce national donnybrook over vaccinations that has divided communities and raised doubts about the Democratic Party’s commitment to some of its defining values: abhorrence of censorship, wariness toward excessive corporate power, support for free speech, religious freedom, and personal sovereignty over our bodies, and the rights of citizens (codified in the Nuremberg Code and other treaties to which we are signatories) to decline unwanted government-mandated medical interventions. The debate has also raised questions about the independence of our press and its role as a champion of free speech, and First Amendment rights as a bulwark against overreaching by government and corporations.

I love my family and sympathize with their anxieties when I call out government officials for corruption. The Kennedys have a long, close, and continuing relationship with public health agencies so it is understandably difficult for us to believe that powerful regulators would lie about vaccines. “All issues are simple,” the saw goes, “until you study them.”

My skepticism

I’ve arrived at my skepticism after 15 years spent researching and litigating this issue. I have watched financial conflicts and institutional self-interest transform key sectors of our public health bureaucracies into appendages of the very pharmaceutical companies that Congress charged them to regulate.

Multiple investigations by Congress and the HHS Inspector General have consistently found that an overwhelming majority of the FDA officials directly charged with licensing vaccines, and the CDC officials who effectively mandate them for children, have personal financial entanglements with vaccine manufacturers. These public servants are often shareholders in, grant recipients from, and paid consultants to vaccine manufacturers, and, occasionally, patent holders of the very vaccines they vote to approve. Those conflicts motivate them to recommend ever more vaccines with minimal support from evidence-based science.

The pharmaceutical industry also enforces policy discipline through agency budgets. FDA receives 45% of its annual budget from industry. The World Health Organization (WHO) gets roughly half its budget from private sources, including Pharma and its allied foundations.  And CDC, frankly, is a vaccine company; it owns 56 vaccine patents  and buys and distributes $4.6 billion in vaccines annually through the Vaccines for Children program, which is over 40% of its total budget. Further, Pharma directly funds, populates and controls dozens of CDC programs through the CDC foundation.  A British Medical Journal editorial excoriates CDC’s sweetheart relationship with pharma quotes UCLA Professor of Medicine Jerome R. Hoffman “most of us were shocked to learn the CDC takes funding from industry… It is outrageous that industry is apparently allowed to punish the CDC if the agency conducts research that has potential to cut into profits.”

HHS partners with vaccine makers to develop, approve, recommend, and pass mandates for new products and then shares profits from vaccine sales. HHS employees can personally collect up to $150,000 annually in royalties for products they work on. For example, key HHS officials collect money on every sale of Merck’s controversial HPV vaccine Gardasil, which also yields tens of millions annually for the agency in patent royalties. Furthermore, under the 1986 Act that created the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, HHS is the defendant in Vaccine Court and is legally obligated to defend against any claim that a vaccine causes injury. Despite high hurdles for recovery, HHS pays out hundreds of millions of dollars annually (over $4 billion total) to Americans injured by vaccines. Hence, if HHS publishes any study acknowledging that a vaccine causes a harm, claimants can use that study against HHS in Vaccine Court. In June 2009, a high-level HHS official, Tom Insel, killed a $16 million-dollar budget item to study the relationship between vaccines and autism by the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee. Insel argued that petitioners would use these studies against HHS in vaccine court.

Such conflicts are a formula for “agency capture” on steroids. “Instead of a regulator and a regulated industry, we now have a partnership,” says Dr. Michael Carome, a former HHS employee who is now the director of the advocacy group Public Citizen. Carome says that these financial entanglements have tilted HHS “away from a public health perspective to an industry-friendly perspective.”

In 1986, Congress—awash in Pharma money (the pharmaceutical industry is number one for both political contributions and lobbying spending over the past 20 years) enacted a law granting vaccine makers blanket immunity from liability for injuries caused by vaccines. If vaccines were as safe as my family members claim, would we need to give pharmaceutical companies immunity for the injuries they cause? The subsequent gold rush by pharmaceutical companies boosted the number of recommended inoculations from twelve shots of five vaccines in 1986 to 54 shots of 13 vaccines today. A billion-dollar sideline grew into the $50 billion vaccine industry behemoth.

Since vaccines are liability-free—and effectively compulsory to a captive market of 76 million children—there is meager market incentive for companies to make them safe. The public must rely on the moral scruples of Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi, and Pfizer. But these companies have a long history of operating recklessly and dishonestly, even with products that they must market to the public and for which they can be sued for injuries. The four companies that make virtually all of the recommended vaccines are all convicted felons.  Collectively they have paid over $35 billion since 2009 for defrauding regulators, lying to and bribing government officials and physicians, falsifying science, and leaving a trail of injuries and deaths from products they knew to be dangerous and sold under pretense of safety and efficacy.

Doesn’t it require a kind of cognitive dissonance to believe that vaccines are untainted by the greed, negligence, and corruption that bedevil every other pharmaceutical product?

No safety testing

Such concerns only deepen when one considers that, besides freedom from liability, vaccine makers enjoy another little-known lucrative loophole; vaccines are the only pharmaceutical or medical products that do not need to be rigorously safety tested. To win an FDA license, companies must safety test virtually every other drug for years in randomized comparisons against an inert placebo. Yet, not a single vaccine currently on the CDC’s childhood schedule was tested against an inert placebo before licensing. Without placebo testing, regulators have no capacity to assess a medicine’s risks. During a January 2018 deposition, Dr. Stanley Plotkin, the world’s most influential vaccinologist, acknowledged that researches who try to ascertain vaccine safety without a placebo are in “La La land”. According to Dr. Drummond Rennie, Deputy Editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association, “It is the marketing department, not the science, that is driving the research.”  It seems plain wrong to me that Democratic-controlled legislatures across the country are frantically passing coercive mandates for pharmaceutical products for which no one knows the risks.

Furthermore, safety testing, which typically requires five or more years for other medical products, often lasts only a few days with vaccines—not nearly long enough to spot cancers or chronic conditions like autoimmune disease (e.g., juvenile diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis), allergic illnesses (e.g., food allergies, allergic rhinitis, eczema, asthma), or neurological and neurodevelopmental injuries (e.g., ADD, ADHD, narcolepsy, epilepsy, seizure disorders, and autism). Manufacturers’ inserts accompanying every vial of mandated vaccines include warnings about these and over 400 other injuries including many serious immune, neurological, and chronic illnesses for which FDA suspects that vaccines may be the cause. Federal law requires that the package insert for each vaccine include “only those adverse events for which there is some basis to believe that there is a causal relationship between the drug and the occurrence of the adverse event.”

Many of these illnesses became epidemic in American children after 1986, coterminous with the exploding vaccine schedule. For American kids born in 1986, only 12.8% had chronic diseases. That number has grown to 54% among the vaccine generation (those born after 1986) in lockstep with the expanding schedule.  Evidence including HHS’s own surveillance reports, manufacturers’ inserts, and peer-reviewed studies link all of these injuries to vaccines. However, the associations are not definitive because CDC has failed to conduct the necessary randomized studies to prove or disprove causation.

HHS has directed the Institute of Medicine (IOM, now the National Academy of Medicine) to oversee the CDC’s vaccine safety science. IOM has repeatedly rebuked the agency for failing to study whether vaccines are causing these epidemics. In my experience, vaccine proponents rarely cite specific peer-reviewed studies to support their assertions that all vaccines are safe, relying instead on appeals to authority; CDC, FDA, WHO, or the AAP. My relatives, for example, argue that vaccines are safe because WHO, HHS, CDC, and FDA say so. But HHS designated the IOM as the ultimate arbiter of vaccine safety. And IOM says that the existing scientific literature does not support these claims.  Despite requests by the IOM, CDC has steadfastly refused to perform safety studies.

In total, three IOM reports (19911994, and 2011/2012) investigated 231 adverse events associated with vaccines. For 34 conditions, IOM found that the evidence supported a causal connection between the vaccine and the adverse event. But for 184 adverse events, fully 80% of the conditions reviewed, the IOM found that HHS’s evidence was inadequate to accept or reject vaccine causation. How can our public health officials claim safety when there is no follow-up research on reported adverse events?

Autism and vaccines

Let’s drill down on bedrock dogma that science has thoroughly debunked any links between autism and vaccines. That assumption is so engrained that media ridicules anyone who questions this orthodoxy as a dangerous heretic. But, look for a moment, at the facts. In 1986, Congress specifically ordered CDC to determine if pertussis-containing vaccines (DTP, later DTaP) were causing autism.  Then, as today, many parents with autistic children were claiming that vaccines were a cause of their child’s autism and DTP/DTaP vaccines were/are a popular suspect.

On its website, CDC declares that, “Vaccines don’t cause autism,” citing IOM’s comprehensive 2011/2012 literature review of vaccination safety science. However, the IOM study and the follow-up HHS study in 2014 both say that CDC has never performed a study to support CDC’s claim that DTaP does not cause autism.  The same is true for Hep B, Hib, PCV 13, and IPV. The only vaccine actually studied with regard to autism is MMR, and a senior CDC scientist claims the CDC did find an increased rate of autism after MMR in the only MMR/autism study ever conducted by the CDC with American children. Moreover, HHS’s primary autism expert recently provided an affidavit to the DOJ explaining that vaccines can cause autism in some children.

Autism has grown from about 1 in 2,500 prior to 1986 to one in 36 among vaccine generation children today. Why are we content with the CDC’s claim that the exponential explosion of autism is a mystery? CDC spares no expense systematically tracking the source of 800 measles cases. But when asked about the cataclysmic epidemic of upwards of 68,000 new autism cases annually, CDC shrugs. Why are we not demanding answers? “CDC is paralyzed right now when it comes to anything to do with autism,” explains former senior vaccine safety scientist Dr. William Thompson, who is still a CDC employee. Thompson told Congressman Bill Posey under oath that CDC bigwigs ordered him to destroy data that showed a link between autism and vaccines and to publish a fraudulent study dismissing the link. Today, he is remorseful, “When I see a family with a child with autism, I feel great shame because I have been part of the problem.”

We are killing children

HHS has also ignored its statutory obligations to study vaccine injuries and improve vaccine safety. In 1986, Congress—recognizing that drug companies no longer had any incentive to make vaccines safe—ordered HHS to study vaccine injuries, work to improve vaccine safety, and report to Congress on its progress every two years. A year ago, I brought a lawsuit that forced HHS to admit that in 36 years it had never performed any of those critical studies.

Post-licensure vaccine safety surveillance is also in shambles. The CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), to which doctors and patients may voluntarily report adverse vaccine events, received 58,381 reports in 2018, including 412 deaths, 1,237 permanent disabilities, and 4,217 hospitalizations. An HHS-funded review of VAERS concluded that “fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported” to VAERS. This suggests that there are a hundredfold more adverse vaccine events than are reported. The CDC has nonetheless refused to mandate or automate VAERS reporting.

On March 9, 2019, Dr. Peter Aaby issued a scathing rebuke to the world’s public health agencies for continuing to allow pharmaceutical companies to sell vaccines without proper safety testing.  Dr. Aaby, who has authored over 300 peer-reviewed studies, is one of world’s foremost authorities on WHO’s African vaccine program and the winner of Denmark’s highest honor for health care research. Dr. Aaby was one of five co-authors of a 2017 study of the diphtheria tetanus, and pertussis (DTP) vaccine, the most widely used vaccine on earth, which found that children who received DTP had ten times the risk of dying compared to DTP-unvaccinated children. For thirty years, doctors, including Aaby, never noticed the danger because vaccinated children were succumbing to illnesses and infections apparently unrelated to the vaccine. It turns out that while the vaccine protected children from diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis, it so badly weakened their immune systems that they were dying in droves from unrelated infections. The researchers concluded: “The DTP vaccine may kill more children from other causes than it saves from diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis.”  In March, an alarmed Aaby plead for a policy change, “Most of you think we know what our vaccines are doing. But we don’t…. We are killing children.”

The world’s most aggressive vaccine schedule has not given our country the world’s healthiest children. We now rank 35th in overall health outcomes—just behind Costa Rica, making the U.S., by most measures, including infant mortality, the sickest in the developed world. In addition to those 400 chronic diseases and injuries that FDA suspects may be vaccine related, the vaccine generation suffers unprecedented levels of anxiety and depression and behavioral disorders running the gamut from aggression to anorexia. Peer-reviewed animal and humanstudies have linked all these symptoms to vaccines. The present generation is the first in a century to lose I.Q., having suffered an extraordinary drop of seven points.  Researchers concluded that some environmental cause is the trigger. In the U.S., SAT and, more recently, bar exam scores are plummeting. Could these declines be the outcome of injecting virtually every child with multiple doses of two of the world’s most potent neurotoxins—mercury and aluminum—in bolus doses beginning on the day of birth? Shouldn’t we be doing the research to reject this hypothesis? The logical approach to doing so would be to compare health outcomes between vaccinated and unvaccinated children. For years, public health officials, including the IOM, have urged CDC to conduct such studies.

In 2013, the IOM found that, “No studies have compared the differences in health outcomes… between entirely unimmunized populations of children and fully immunized children…. Furthermore, studies designed to examine the long-term effects of the cumulative number of vaccines or other aspects of the immunization schedule have not been conducted.” In a 2008 interview, former NIH Director Bernadette Healy explained that HHS refuses to perform safety studies out of fear that they will expose dangers, “that would scare the public away” from vaccines.  Healy continued, “First of all, I think the public is smarter than that… I don’t think you should ever turn your back on any scientific hypothesis because you’re afraid of what it might show.”

Media malpractice

The suppression of critical safety science documented by the IOM would not be possible without a mass epidemic of media malpractice. Mainstream and social media outlets which collectively received $9.6 billion in revenues from pharmaceutical companies in 2016 have convinced themselves they are protecting public health by aggressively censoring criticism of these coercively mandated, zero liability, and untested pharmaceutical products.  But, the absence of press scrutiny leaves industry no incentive to improve vaccine safety.  Muzzling discussions of government corruption and deficient safety science and abolishing vaccine injuries by fiat is not a strategy that will solve the growing chronic disease epidemic.

The children who comprise this badly injured generation are now aging out of schools that needed to build quiet rooms and autism wings, install wobble chairs, hire security guards and hike special ed spending to 25% to accommodate them. They are landing on the social safety net which they threaten to sink. As Democratic lawmakers vote to mandate more vaccines and call for censorship of safety concerns, Democratic Presidential candidates argue about how to fix America’s straining health care system. If we don’t address the chronic disease epidemic, such proposals are like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. The good news for Pharma is that many of these children have lifelong dependencies on blockbuster products like Adderall, Epi-Pens, asthma inhalers, and diabetes, arthritis, and anti-seizure meds made by the same companies that made the vaccines.

My belief that all or some of these injuries might be vaccine related has been the catalyst that wrenched so much of my focus away from the environmental and energy work that I love, and prompted me to become an advocate for vaccine safety. I have sacrificed friendships, income, credibility, and family relationships in an often-lonely campaign to force these companies to perform the tests that will definitively answer these questions.

People will vaccinate when they have confidence in regulators and industry.  When public confidence fails, coercion and censorship became the final options.  Silencing critics and deploying police powers to force untested medicines upon an unwilling public is not an optimal strategy in a democracy.

My uncle and my father argued that in a free and open society, the response to difficult questions should never be to shut down debate. What we need is science, not censorship. I am not anti-vax. I am pro-safety and pro-science. I want robust, transparent safety studies and independent regulators. These do not seem like the kind of radical demands that should divide our party or our families. As Americans and Kennedys, we ought to be able to have a civil, science-based debate about these legitimate concerns.

Dr. Tom Cowan: Overview of the Real Science Related to the COVID Narrative; How Science is Being Weaponized Against Us

Dr. Tom Cowan: Retrospective on 2020; How Science is Being Weaponized Against Us & Why We Must Understand Real Science
Year End Review and Thoughts on the Future

by  Dr. Tom Cowan


Original video is available at Dr. Tom Cowan YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Topics covered:

  • How science is being weaponized against us and why we must understand real science.
  • What do virologists actually do?
  • Where do they get the genome?
  • The creation of an imaginary genome of a make-believe virus.
  • Looking into the science of the so-called COVID vaccine — an injectable product that is nothing like any vaccine ever made.
  • Genetic engineering.
  • The theory of vaccines.
  • mRNA drug development meant to act as an operating system in our bodies.
  • Dr. Tom Cowen’s strategies for keeping himself and his family well.


Excerpts — Unofficial Partial Transcript

…There’s nothing unique about this. They’re simply testing for pieces of genetic material, having no idea the origin of this genetic material. 

So, as far as I know, and I know this, I think, as well as anybody could know it. There is not one study out there — there has never been with this virus or many other viruses  — that has properly isolated the virus, properly sequenced the virus. And if you can’t properly isolate it, you cannot say that a sequence of it comes only from that virus.

And, if you’ve never isolated it… you could never prove that the virus is the cause of this disease.

Isolation is the key. And no matter how many people say they’ve isolated, no matter how many people criticize me and us for saying it, I still contend that there is simply no evidence that this kind of isolation has ever happened with this or many other of the viruses that we are told cause disease.”


“Let’s move on a little bit to talk about… the so-called COVID vaccine… We need to understand thoroughly that this injectable product is nothing like any vaccine that has ever been made, and actually, in no way should be called a vaccine…

The first thing we have to know is that in genetics… there is something called a central dogma. 

The central dogma of genetics — meaning the foundational principle of genetics — is that the genetic material in all animals, including humans, is found in the nucleus it’s found in this substance called DNA, which we’re told is the house of the genes. In other words, each strand of DNA contains many different genes which are composed of so-called nucleotides, which are composed of base pairs, which are either A, T, C or G. 

So a gene is a long string, like word, made of say AATTCGAT, etc. So it’s got a certain number of length. And the sequence of those nucleotides is what constitutes a gene. And there’s many genes in sequence, not necessarily one after the other, laying on this piece of DNA.

Now, the central dogma is, this DNA, which is formed sort of like a zipper, right? So there’s a strand here and this is A. And every A matches up with T. And then the next one is C and every C matches up with G, and then so on down the line. 

[Dr. Cowan is demonstrating with his hands during this explanation — near the 21 minute mark in the video.]

So they’re like this and then you separate them. And then two strands will form if it’s mitosis, so that A always matches up again with T and the C always matches up again with G. And so then you make two exact copies of it. And that’s how a cell reproduces itself.

Now, sometimes the DNA — let’s just use the word “wants” — to make protein. So the way that works is, you get this separation, And so, here’s the A — and it makes T, C…whatever the complimentary nucleotide. And that new structure is called m (or messenger) RNA. And that process of turning the DNA into a homologous copy of RNA, messenger RNA, is called transcription.

Now, that process, we think, happens in the nucleus. Then the mRNA goes out of the nucleus into the cytoplasm.  And now we have a homologous copy. And then through a process called translation, this RNA is converted into a protein, which obviously has the same sequence as the DNA did in the first place…

And that sequence of nucleotides creates the amino acids, which is essentially the backbone or the material out of which a protein is made. And then the protein does all the functions that are happening in a living organism.

So, again, the central dogma is, quite simply — this is a one-directional process. DNA makes messenger RNA, called transcription. Messenger RNA makes protein, which is called translation.

The central dogma tells us that protein never makes RNA, RNA never makes DNA, and DNA never makes protein directly.

It’s always in that very specific sequence: DNA, messenger RNA, protein. Transcription, translation, action. The action molecule is the protein. The blueprint is the DNA.

Now, here’s the interesting thing, all those facts that I just said — and, I’m sure some of you this won’t come as a surprise to — are actually incorrect. One of the things I’m going to do in this next year is dissect that whole process and show very clearly how many of the things that I just said, which are reported as fact, are actually not fact at all. 

And one of the things that’s not fact is, starting with the discovery of what are called retroviruses (or in other words RNA viruses)…

So again, a virus is a piece of genetic material, either DNA or RNA, in a protein coating. So that’s what a virus is. 

Then a bunch of people — Gallo, Montagnier and others — came up with the theory that this disease called AIDS is caused by a virus called HIV. Human Immunodeficiency Virus. But the trouble was, this virus, which also was never isolated or proven to cause anything (but that’s another story) was an RNA virus. And the question then for them was, how does this RNA virus insert itself into the DNA of the tissues and the cells to make copies of itself.

Since there is no — or at that time, there was no idea that RNA could reverse this central dogma and make DNA. So, they discovered in researching this that there’s something called reverse transcriptase (which is abbreviated RT — which is what the RT-PCR test means) that can convert RNA, messenger RNA, into DNA , that can then get itself inserted into the animal or human DNA. And this process is basically based on an enzyme called reverse transcriptase. And, at the time, the theory was this reverse transcriptase, this enzyme that could do this process of reversing the central dogma, was only found in so-called retroviruses. There was no normally, naturally-occurring reverse transcriptase in any animal or any human…


What we didn’t know is that this process of converting RNA into DNA is actually a normal repair process, and any tissue in any system, any mammalian living system, actually has it’s own reverse transcriptase. And that there is a continual interplay between RNA and DNA…

So, you may be asking why is this something I need to know about? The reason is, for the first time humans are injecting other humans with messenger RNA

…The expectation of the injection of messenger RNA into an animal is to make that messenger RNA insert itself into the human DNA, the human genome, which is basically the definition of genetic engineering…”


 See related: Dr. Tom Cowan w/ Jon Rappoport: SARS-CoV-2 Has Never Been Isolated, Is Only an Imaginary or Theoretical Virus, and, Therefore, No Test Can Detect It

Exposed: Fauci and CDC Clash; Can’t Keep Their Story Straight

Exposed: Fauci and CDC Clash; Can’t Keep Their Story Straight

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
January 12, 2021


Once more, dear reader, I venture into the insane world where experts falsely claim they’ve proved SARS-CoV-2 exists. Within that world, they contradict themselves. They just can’t keep their story straight.

So let’s begin with Tony Fauci. We have him on video making the following statement: “…In all the history of respiratory borne viruses of any type, asymptomatic transmission has never been the driver of outbreaks…Even if there’s a rare asymptomatic person that might transmit [the virus], an epidemic is not driven by an asymptomatic carrier.” [1]

Fauci is emphatic. People with no symptoms who are carrying a virus? Not a problem. They don’t spread the virus to other people. They don’t cause or maintain an epidemic.

Now let’s turn to the CDC. Jay Butler, CDC deputy director for infectious diseases just told the Washington Post, “The bottom line is controlling the COVID-19 pandemic really is going to require controlling the silent pandemic of transmission from persons without symptoms.” [2] [3]

Just the opposite of what Fauci said.

So now we have this:

ONE: People who carry the virus but have no symptoms don’t cause or maintain an epidemic.

TWO: Those very people ARE a major problem, and the epidemic can’t be controlled without controlling them—with masks, distancing, and lockdowns.

Follow the science? What science?

On the back of this gibberish, nations all over the world are seeing their economies destroyed, and hundreds of millions of lives ruined.

It’s a freak show, and the freaks are running it.

Of course, the experts can lie their way out of this. They can say, “Well, this is the FIRST TIME in human history that people with no symptoms are driving an epidemic. We’ve never seen it before…”

Right. This is a special case. Astounding.

If you believe that, I have condos for sale on the far side of the moon.


This is how official science operates. It’s political and totalitarian, and it pretends to be objective.

So Jay Butler, the CDC deputy director, rounds off his statement to the Washington Post with this: “The community mitigation tools that we have [masks, distancing, lockdowns] need to be utilized broadly to be able to slow the spread of SARS-CoV-2 from all infected persons, at least until we have those vaccines widely available.”

Translation: We have to keep lying, to keep the global population under lock and key. Putting the Chinese model of control in place, in Western countries, takes time. Buy the con for another few years and we’ll have an iron grip on the population.





Frontline Workers Refuse COVID Vaccine

Frontline Workers Refuse COVID Vaccine

by Del Bigtree w/ Jefferey Jaxen, The HighWire
January 8, 2021


Medical workers have first access to new #COVID19 vaccines. However, many of them are not receiving the shot. Find out why.

A Nursing Home Had Zero Coronavirus Deaths. Then, It Vaccinates Residents for Coronavirus and the Deaths Begin.

A Nursing Home Had Zero Coronavirus Deaths. Then, It Vaccinates Residents for Coronavirus and the Deaths Begin.

by Adam Dick, Ron Paul Institute
January 10, 2021


Things seem to be working backwards at The Commons on St. Anthony nursing home in Auburn, New York. Vaccinating people is supposed to reduce or end coronavirus deaths. Right? But, at The Commons, such deaths are reported to have occurred only after residents began receiving coronavirus vaccinations.

James T. Mulder wrote Saturday at that until December 29 there had been no coronavirus deaths at The Commons. December 29, when deaths of residents with coronavirus began occurring at The Commons, is also, Mulder’s article discloses, seven days days after the nursing home began giving coronavirus vaccinations to residents, with 80 percent of residents so far having been vaccinated.

Over a period of less than two weeks since December 29, Mulder relates that 24 coronavirus-infected residents at the 300-bed nursing home have died.

Is the timing just a strange coincidence?

Read Mulder’s article here.

This is the penultimate paragraph of Mulder’s article, where vaccinations at The Commons is mentioned:

The nursing home began vaccinating residents Dec. 22. So far 193 residents, or 80%, and 113 employees, or less than half the staff, have been vaccinated. The nursing home plans to do more vaccinations Jan. 12.

Dr. David Martin at January 6 Rally: “Nature Has Never Conspired Against Us. Criminals Do.”

Dr. David Martin at January 6 Rally: “Nature Has Never Conspired Against Us. Criminals Do.”

by New Earth Project w/ Dr. David Martin
January 10, 2021


Original video is available at New Earth Project BitChute channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.] 

Connect with Dr. David Martin at
Dr. David Martin in collaboration with New Earth Project: h


Unofficial Transcript:

…But we’re not going to do that today. We’re going to do something very simple.

I’ve got three messages for you.

The first message is very simple:

Nature has never and will never conspire against humanity. Nature loves humanity and nature loves humans.

The only things that conspire against humanity are humans who have sold their souls.

Our job today is very simple. And for those of you who don’t get the memo, the great news is there’s a print copy of the memo.

But, for the record, I am actually standing in front of the senate office building and I’m actually going to read the crimes — and I mean literal crimes — against humanity perpetrated by Dr. Anthony Fauci, by Dr. Robert Redfield, and by Mr. Alex M. Azar, the Secretary of Health and Human Services.

These are crimes and these, in the first instance, are felony crimes — resulting in jail time and fines.

And, not one office of inspector general, not one attorney general, and not one US attorney for any district in this country has had the courage that I have on this stage today.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Redfield and Mr. Azar have done the following crimes against the United States and against the citizens of the world.

They have violated 18 U.S. Code, Section 2339 in funding and conspiring to take engage in acts of terror against the citizens of the United States. That is a felony.

They have engaged in a violation which is a felony of 18 U.S. Code, Section 2331, Section 802 of the Patriot Act, where they have willfully lied and manipulated and coerced the population to induce fear in that population for their self-interest. That is a felony violation.

They have, in fact, in October of 2020, lied to Congress — a felony violation of 18 U.S. Code Section 1001.

In violation of 15 U.S. Code, Section 1 through 3, they have conspired to commit criminal activities by appropriating US taxpayer dollars, to fund those taxpayer dollars into their market-selected corporate interests, including Moderna, and Pfizer, and Gilead Sciences, and a whole host of others.

In violation of 15 U.S. Code, Section 8, they have engaged in market manipulation and market allocation by price fixing the prices of vaccines and therapeutic interventions for COVID-19.

In violation of 15 U.S. Code Section 19, they have actually violated a federal felony crime of interlocking directorates — controlling both the means, the motive, and the message around what is, in fact, the COVID-19 campaign.

Those are criminal violations. Those are things for which they should be arrested, cuffed and taken into custody right now.

And, if anyone within the hearing of my voice here, or anywhere else, has courage and has a freakin’ drop of patriot blood in them, they have an obligation under the oath that they take to protect and defend this Constitution, to bring these criminals to justice. And on their way, they can actually charge them for the civil complaints as well.

Violation of 35 U.S. Code, Section 206, which is the disclosure of government interests. In fact, Dr. Anthony Fauci on October of 2020 failed to disclose 40 patents generating over 4.5 billion dollars a year that he is actually directly benefitting from in NIAID and NIH’s response to the office of the general accountability office investigation into NIH.

They have violated Section 35, Section 101 of the patent laws of the United States by patenting nature, which is actually a violation of the fundamental rights of patent laws in the United States. And finally, in violation of 21 Code of Federal Regulations.

And, by the way, this goes to everybody standing here, and everybody around the country, they have forced us to participate in a clinical trial in violation of 21 CFR and in violation of the Nuremberg code.

They have actually forced us to participate in a clinical trial and violated the federal trade commission laws that say that you actually cannot promote the treatment or prevention of disease by an untested medical technology.

As recently as April of 2020, the actual journal of medical association said there was no evidence, no scientific evidence, that masks did anything to prevent or treat or ameliorate any form of disease.

But against the law — and it’s 21 CFR, Section 50.24 and following, they violated the law and they violated the federal trade commission act that says you’re not allowed to do that.

That is the same act that they have used to shut down natural medicine solutions for the last 115 years.

And it’s time we throw their own law back in their face. This is about actually holding people accountable to their own thing.

Now, that’s part two.

Here’s part three:

You’ve been lied to.  And you’ve been lied to time and time and time again.

But I’m going to bring you some evidence. And this is evidence that you never saw before.

This little book here is actually a book I published in May of 2005.  And, in it, I have the evidence that the programs that Anthony Fauci has funded and supported are, not only, not in the interest of health, but worse than that, they are part of bioweapons programs.

And what we are experiencing right now is not an accident of nature. It is the willful virulent enhancement of a pathogen that has been unleashed for the purpose of destroying this country.

This is an act of war. This is not just a treasonous act, this is an act of war.

And, in this book, on page 76, I actually have the evidence that the United States Department of Defense actually patented the weaponization of biologic agents at the exact same BSL facilities. They are the same facilities where the coronavirus allegedly was amplified.

This particular document details — are you ready for this — the blast-resistance, so that a pathogen could be placed in a rocket-propelled grenade. Does that sound like an injection? Does that sound like public health? Does that sound like the way you would distribute a health-related project? With rocket-propelled grenades? And blast-resistant pathogens? That’s in 2005, ladies and gentlemen.

That was published and given to the FBI, to law enforcement, to intelligence agencies. And, for the entirety of the last 15 years, no one has done a single thing to disrupt this.

So when people say, ‘Dave, how did you suddenly know so much about coronavirus? How did you suddenly know? Like, how is it, December came along, January came along, and suddenly you knew everything there was to know about coronavirus? “

Well, ladies and gentlemen, I have been following the money. One hundred and ninety-one billion dollars of your taxpayer money, appropriated in the building right behind us. One hundred and ninety-one billion dollars — and I have followed every dollar into the hands of over 6,500 organizations, over half of them who are foreign agents.

This is not some sort of interesting public health crisis created by nature. This is a bioweapons terror attack on the United States and we have to call it what it is.

I am done. I am absolutely done with people who have no courage. Every AG, every Department of Justice official, the Anti-Trust Division — which has 180 million dollars to investigate whether facebook and google are criminal organizations. You don’t need 180 million dollars that facebook and google are criminal organizations. The European Union has spent millions of dollars establishing that fact already.

We don’t have to spend 180 million dollars for that. We need to spend five dollars to get one person, one law enforcement agent, somewhere on this planet , to actually have the courage to stand up and say ‘acts of terror in this country will not be tolerated’. Period.

This is our time to reclaim the fact that we the people are, in fact, products of, participants in, and stewards of the nature that surrounds us. And we the people have a legal and moral and ethical obligation to actually use one of those rare talents that most of us lost a long time ago — and that is the courage to use our voice.

Each and every one of you has that within you. And you need to use this moment, on this chilly January 6th 2021 to light the fire of patriotism inside of you, so that you will not allow this to happen again.

Remember, nature has never conspired against us. Criminals do. And it’s time that we hold the criminals accountable.

Thank you very much. God bless you.


See related:

Focus on Fauci’s Crimes Against Humanity: Sacha Stone, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., David Martin, Rocco Gallati, Judy Mikovits 
RFK, Jr. w/ Dr. David Martin: Fauci’s “Sick, Demented” Criminal Ponzi Scheme, Dangerous Vaccines & Harmful Technology
TRUTH’ With RFK, Jr. and David Martin: Fauci’s Checkered Past, Moderna’s Warp Speed Vaccine

10 Facts From the UK Government Pfizer Vaccine Guidance That Promote “Vaccine Hesitancy”

10 Facts From the UK Government Pfizer Vaccine Guidance That Promote “Vaccine Hesitancy”

Official government guidance has been released in the United Kingdom to assist healthcare professionals in administering the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine BNT162b2. While the UK government goes to war against supposed misinformation, the official narrative is clearly based on very little to no supporting data from incomplete clinical trials. This article examines the document “Reg 174 Information for UK Healthcare Professionals” and narratives being pushed in the mainstream media that directly contradict that document.

by Johnny Vedmore, Unlimited Hangout
December 30, 2020


Healthcare professionals globally have begun the controversial campaign to vaccinate large swathes of their respective populations with various experimental medical products. The vanguard of the mainstream pro-vax extremists have been busy enacting mass censorship tactics and committing blatant acts of digital book burning on a scale never before seen in the internet era. So-called “trusted sources” have become indistinguishable from the state-run media apparatus of your bog-standard dictatorship with the usual MSM outlets working non-stop to skew any information that threatens their hyper-aggressive official narrative. Throughout 2020, our basic civil liberties have been quickly stripped away by countless unelected officials from a wide array of unaccountable global power structures, all of them connected to a small group of elites who are sitting aloft the COVID-19 money train and using the heavily exaggerated epidemic to achieve their own long term goals.

Any useful data, scientific paper, or other credible research contradicting the official narrative is being purposely hidden from view. Too many uncomfortable, yet ultimately necessary, questions for vaccine companies such as Moderna, AstraZeneca, Pfizer, and their many collaborators, are being heavily censored by those pushing their own various COVID-related agendas. The promised “war on truth” is in full swing throughout all nations globally and their respective state media machines are nearly all towing their official government lines. Mainstream talk shows and podcasts worldwide are also in lockstep, and have often been caught publicly guilt-tripping their easily swayed audiences to help push them deeper into queues for mass medical trials for vaccines and other products that lack research studies on their long term effects. This inconvenient lack of completed research will not stop the money men from pumping this milky white liquid into the arms of hundreds of millions of people worldwide.

At this point in the process, the medical professionals who are administering these heavily rushed vaccines are being given the opportunity to defer responsibility and accountability for their actions to the government’s vaccine-related guidance. As the Stanley Milgram experiments have proven, when the option to defer responsibility is present, then roughly 65% of participants will follow the orders they have received regardless of the risk to their subjects. In 1974, Stanley Milgram detailed the behaviour of his participants in his famous study and suggested that people have two basic states of behaviour when they are in a social situation: “The autonomous state”, where people direct their own actions and ultimately take responsibility for the results of those actions and “the agentic state”, where people allow others to direct their actions and then pass off the responsibility for the consequences to the person giving orders, in essence acting as agents of another person’s will.

The majority of the people who are injecting these experimental drugs into their trusting patients are not likely to question the official guidance, as the overwhelming majority will often simply be in an agentic state. Thus, it should be in the best interest of anyone thinking of receiving a mRNA vaccine to first study the guidance offered by the various government sources. And, when one does study the official guidance given to healthcare professionals, one will find many different glaring contradictions and shocking admissions.

While all official bodies are attacking any inconvenient fact as misinformation, they are all busy defrauding the global population with their own misinformation campaigns that surely would have inspired awe in the likes of Joseph Stalin. So, let’s study their own words and examine the NHS guidance given to the medical professionals in the UK for the administration of the recently approved Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

An Introduction to Reg 174 Information for UK Healthcare Professional(#1-4)

The short ten page official guidance being given to UK healthcare professionals contains many interesting admissions. In fact, the document, released in early December 2020 to accompany the vaccine rollout, appears to advise healthcare practitioners not to risk giving the experimental injection to the majority of the people who are due to receive the vaccine, particularly “prioritized” populations. Those in charge are pushing to vaccinate as much of the population as possible, before any critical public questions can be asked and answered, a situation that has left the safety and ethics of the vaccination campaign questionable at best and inhumane at worst.

In going through the Reg 174 document, it becomes very clear that there are many issues and recommendations that are being hidden from the general public. Here are ten of the most notable causes for concern contained within the official UK guidance document.

1. This medicinal product does not have UK marketing authorisation but has been given authorisation only for temporary supply

The authorisation to produce and supply this experimental vaccine in the UK was given by the UK Department of Health and Social Care, led by Matt Hancock – the UK Secretary of Health, and also by the Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). While the MHRA is part funded by the Department of Health and Social Care for the regulation of medical devices, the costs of medicine regulations are met through fees paid by the pharmaceutical industry. The agency’s financial reliance on Big Pharma has led to suggestions by some Members of the UK Parliament that the MHRA is not actually independent. Being in associated roles at the MHRA since 1985, June Raine was officially appointed as CEO in September 2019 and had previously been the Director of Vigilance and Risk Management in the Medicines Division.

2. The official Phase III safety trials will not be completed until 2023

Section 1 of the medical guidance clearly states that this vaccine guidance refers specifically to the “Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 concentrate for solution for injection.” On 2 December 2020, the MHRA became the first medicines regulator in history to approve an mRNA vaccine for human use, granting emergency authorisation for BioNTech and Pfizer’s BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccine for widespread use only a week after its first Phase III eight-week trial had finished. However, the Phase III trials for BNT162b2 will not actually be fully completed until January 2023 meaning that, if you’re ready to take the vaccine now, then you should be informed that the safety trials for these experimental vaccines have at least two more years before the results are in. Regardless of that fact, Raine told reporters “no corners have been cut in approving it” and that “the benefits outweigh any risk”.

3. Will you be truly “protected” from COVID-19?

The official guidance clearly states that individuals may not be protected until at least 7 days after their second dose of the vaccine. This fact has again been ignored by various reckless pro-vax media campaigns where powerful elites such as Tony Blair have contradicted this specific recommendation, suggesting recently in an interview that people should only be given a single dose of any vaccine. Mr Blair told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that “Does the first dose give you substantial immunity, and by that I mean over 50 percent effectiveness? If it does, there is a very strong case for not, as it were, holding back doses of the vaccine.” Blair, writing in the Independent, stated that the current vaccination strategy needed to be “altered and radically accelerated”. In responding to Blair’s call for radical acceleration, Professor Wendy Barclay, chair of virology at Imperial College London and member of the UK government’s NERVTAG, said: “I think that the issue with [Mr Blair’s suggestion] is that the vaccine is on the basis of being given in two doses, and the efficacy is on that basis.” Barclay went on to point out that “To change at that point, one would have to see a lot more analysis coming out from perhaps the clinical trial data.”

It is very important to pay attention to the wording of Reg 174 because the Pfizer vaccine purportedly boosts the immune system, rather than stopping the transmission of the virus. This would suggest that you will not be fully “protected” from COVID-19 and that you will still be able to catch the virus and could still suffer complications. The official guidance also states that “Immunocompromised persons, including individuals receiving immunosuppressant therapy, may have a diminished immune response to the vaccine,” with the guidance admitting “No data are available about concomitant use of Immunosuppressants.”

Reg 174 goes on to make this most pertinent of points when it states:  “As with any vaccine, vaccination with COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 may not protect all vaccine recipients.” The guidance also states clearly that “administration of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 should be postponed in individuals suffering from acute severe febrile illness and that individuals receiving anticoagulant therapy or those with a bleeding disorder that would contraindicate intramuscular injection, should not be given the vaccine unless the potential benefit clearly outweighs the risk.”

4. The complicated multistage dilution and thawing process of the vaccine vials opens the major possibility of human error

In investigating the official instructions for the vaccine’s administration, we can clearly see that there are plenty of opportunities for potential human error. Section 2 of this document describes the distributed vaccine as coming in “a multidose vial and must be diluted before use.” Confirming that each vial contains 0.45 ml (which equates to 5 doses of 30 micrograms) of BNT162b2 RNA embedded in lipid nanoparticles. The delicate preparation process will be repeated 100s of millions of times globally and the multidose vial will be stored frozen and must be thawed prior to dilution. The guidance describes the process for preparing the frozen vials stating that they should be transferred to temperatures of between 2 °C to 8 °C to thaw or, alternatively, the frozen vials may also be thawed for 30 minutes at temperatures up to 25 °C for immediate use. Once thawed, the undiluted vaccine can be stored for up to 5 days at 2 °C to 8 °C, and up to 2 hours at temperatures up to 25 °C. The thawed vial must then come to room temperature and be gently inverted 10 times prior to dilution.

Some of the featured diagrams and instructions found in Reg 174

The complicated thawing and dilution process will obviously leave room for individual error. Healthcare practitioners are also warned not to shake the vials and instead to gently turn them 10 times. Prior to dilution, the vaccine should present as an off-white solution with no particulates visible. The guidance states that you must discard the vaccine if particulates or discolouration are present. The thawed vaccine must be diluted in its original vial with 1.8 mL sodium chloride 9 mg/mL (0.9%) solution for injection, using a 21 gauge or narrower needle and aseptic techniques and this complex, multistage process isn’t completed there.

The healthcare professional should then equalise vial pressure before removing the needle from the vial by withdrawing 1.8 mL of air into the empty diluent syringe. Then they should gently invert the diluted solution 10 times, again being careful not to shake the solution. The official guidance continues: “The diluted vials should be marked with the dilution date and time and stored between 2 °C to 25 °C. After dilution, the vial contains 5 doses of 0.3 mL.” The healthcare professionals are then told to “withdraw the required 0.3 mL dose of diluted vaccine using a sterile needle and syringe and discard any unused vaccine within 6 hours after dilution.”

The instructions must be followed precisely to safely administer the mRNA vaccine; there are no data available on potential consequences for the vaccine recipient if anything goes wrong during this tedious and complex multistage process. On 19 December 2020, video emerged of an official drive-thru vaccination hub which had begun operating out of a car park of Hyde Leisure Centre in Greater Manchester. The video in question, shared by No Comment TV on YouTube, shows people being vaccinated outdoors at Hyde Leisure Centre by gloveless staff and in less than sterile conditions. In an article in the Manchester Evening News four days prior to the videos release the local news site stated that “The first batch of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine arrives in the borough on Tuesday, with vaccinations starting at Hyde Leisure Centre on Wednesday, December 15.”

No Data Available (#5-10)

When reading Reg 174, you will soon notice a recurring theme throughout the document. The guidance clearly states on multiple occasions that there are no data available concerning some of the most important questions surrounding the mRNA vaccine. As previously noted, the actual Phase III section of the safety trials will not be completed until January 2023, meaning that two years of trials are still to be run before the vaccine can be confirmed as safe, effective and ethical.

5. The safety and efficacy of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 in children under 16 years of age have not yet been established

Although the guidance states that the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine has not been established in children, it doesn’t mean that children have not been included within the studies. In fact, in the official Pfizer study entitled “Protocol C4591001”, one of the two main study groups included children as young as 12 years old. The inclusion of children in trials but not the guidance raises the important question, why were children included in the trial? If the vaccine is not to be given to those under the age of 16 years old, then why include children as young as 12 in the trials for an experimental vaccine technology never before authorised for use in humans?

The mainstream media, instead of raising concerns about the involvement of children in the Pfizer clinical trials, have been fully supportive of the move to test experimental pharmaceuticals on minors. CNN reported on children as young as 12 being involved in trials in an October 2020 article entitled “This 12-year-old is happy to be testing a Covid-19 vaccine” while Microsoft News recently announced that “China begins Covid test trials on children as young as age three.”

6. No data are available on the use of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 in persons that have previously received a full or partial vaccine series with another COVID-19 vaccine

We are currently witnessing the very first of many tailor-made vaccines being rolled out for general use, so don’t expect the COVID-19 jabs to be the only vaccines coming our way. With a 20 to 1 return on investment on many of these new technologies, most pharmaceutical giants will surely be lobbying governments across the globe for the next “necessary” vaccination program. The idea of multiple COVID-19 vaccinations throughout the year is already being presented as a very possible outcome for the future of humanity. Yet, no studies have been completed showing the risk of taking different types of vaccines. There have also been suggestions that people will have to have the same vaccine that they had previously taken every six months or so. This will leave Astrazeneca, Pfizer and Moderna picking up repeat vaccine contracts worth billions in secured future revenue before there are any real data on the results of the vaccines.

7. No interaction studies have been performed and there are no, or a limited amount of, data from the use of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2

Admissions like these should be a cause for concern for anybody reading the official guidance. While officials and carefully chosen “trusted sources” are telling you that “no corners have been cut” in the race to approve these vaccines, it is also true that no full length studies have been completed either. These two facts are juxtaposed and obviously contradict the official narrative that is being thrust upon the general public by all of those involved.

It is clear that the officials have no real data on what will happen next and that there is a tsunami of ethical questions that are not being answered. In the absence of data, there will be speculation.

8. It is unknown whether COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 is excreted in human milk and It is unknown whether COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 has an impact on fertility

It is vital to note the potential dangers posed by the BNT162b2 to unborn and newborn babies as well as the reproductive organs in general. There are so many parts of the Pfizer/BioNTech clinical trials that have not yet been completed. Dr. Peter Klatsky, the Director of Fertility Preservation at the Bay Area’s Spring Fertility, talking about the coming animal trials which are to be performed over the coming months was quoted in SFGate as saying, “It will reassure me an awful lot if the protein expression is not seen on the placenta. That the mRNA isn’t making it to the placenta in animals,” he said. “I don’t expect to see any.” The article goes on to explain that it will be about another 9 months until the data has been collected and analyzed.

Section 4.6 of the official guidance recommends pregnant women should not recieve the BNT162b2 vaccine

Big names in mainstream media have also been caught recklessly promoting the vaccine to pregnant women, such as Karen Weintraub writing for USA Today, whose recent article quickly states, “Although there are very little data on how pregnant and nursing mothers will respond to a COVID-19 vaccine, professional organizations and individual doctors say the benefits are very likely to outweigh the risks.” Even though the clinical trials intentionally excluded pregnant women, Weintraub went on to state that “23 women in the Pfizer-BioNTech trial and 13 in Moderna’s became pregnant during the trial.”

While the UK’s official guidance is left sounding ambiguous, on the European continent, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) states that “the Pfizer vaccine should be considered on a case by case basis for pregnant women”, but they also reserve the right to alter the guidance if more data becomes available. It seems there is no longer any erring on the side of caution with some regulators when it comes to the COVID-19 vaccinations.

9. Non-clinical data reveal no special hazard for humans based on a conventional study of repeat dose toxicity but animal studies into potential toxicity to reproduction and development have not been completed

Animal studies have not been completed and, as referred to in the previous section, the data on those animal trials will not be available for another 9 months.  It is, of course, a very rare decision to approve an experimental medical technology before any animal studies have been completed. This should be a great cause for concern for any free thinking man or woman. The fact that they have had to use what they refer to as “non-clinical” data in these studies is also in conflict with the idea that the trials were conducted to the highest professional standard. The document also fails to clearly define what non-clinical data actually means.

10. In the absence of compatibility studies, this medicinal product must not be mixed with other medicinal products

Possibly the most fascinating admission in the entire document is the absence of any compatibility studies when somebody is given the vaccine while on any other medication or medical treatment. The guidance clearly states “this medicinal product should not be mixed with other medical products.” This completely jaw dropping sentence will lead many to assume that if you are on any medication at all, then you shouldn’t be given the vaccine. Whether this refers to the mixing of other medical properties directly together with the vaccine, or simultaneous dosing of any other medical product is unclear from the official guidance.

The Mail Online and The Guardian reported in 2019 that a staggering 1 in 4 people in England – nearly 12 million people – were taking what was described as “addictive” prescription medicines such as antidepressants, sleeping pills and opioid painkillers, saying that “the NHS must take action”. Those statistics throw into question the mass rollout of a vaccination with no compatability studies. This makes the fact that elderly care home residents, followed by those aged over 80, will be the first to recieve the experimental Pfizer vaccine an extremely risky strategy. Also in 2019, Age UK reported that nearly 2 million older people were on more that 7 prescription medicines and were at “risk of side effects that are severe in some cases, and occasionally even life threatening.” This worrying issue has been barely reported by the “trusted news sources”.

A Conclusive Lack of Real Data

After examining the official guidance, one fact becomes glaringly obvious — there is little to no data on the official Pfizer vaccine in key areas. In the clinical trials, children as young as 12 years old were used as unnecessary guinea pigs. There also wasn’t enough care taken to avoid pregnant women being involved in the initial clinical trials and under the cover of unyielding and uneducated mainstream propaganda, the safety of some of the most vulnerable people involved in the vaccine trials have been ignored by Pfizer and the politicians who have successfully pushed for the public vaccination campaign to essentially replace mass clinical trials. The stage has been set for a potential disaster on an unimaginable scale. It isn’t only the participants of the trials who are risking their health for the sake of big pharmaceutical companies’ hyperinflated profit margin, but it is also the medical professionals who could be risking their futures by collaborating in these risky experimental trials, which will certainly see many people dead and irreversibly injured.

In one section of Reg 174, the Big Pharma giant lays out the risk to people’s health from the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine. The most common adverse reaction in participants 16 years of age and older was pain at the injection site, which affected a massive 80% of those taking part in the Pfizer trials. Fatigue came a close second with 60% of trial participants becoming sluggish and tired. Half of those involved in the studies suffered from a headache as the experimental vaccine went to work while myalgia was experienced by 30% of vaccine recipients, though the results do not indicate whether the myalgia was acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term). Almost a third of participants came down with chills, while just under 1 in 5 people suffered from arthralgia (joint pain) and 1 in 10 from pyrexia (increased body temperature).

Adverse reactions reported in clinical trials are listed in the study in decreasing order of frequency and seriousness. Just under 1 in 10 people who take the vaccine will suffer from the very common and common adverse reactions referred to in the latter paragraph, such as headaches, myalgia and chills, but the more serious issues are classified as uncommon – including Lymphadenopathy (which causes swollen or enlarged lymph nodes) and nervous system disorders – which may affect up to 1 in 100 people. Rare adverse reactions that could affect up to 1 in 1000 people and very rare adverse reactions that would affect less than 1 in 10,000 of the vaccine recipients were not included in Pfizer’s self-reported safety information. It has obviously been decided that this information should be kept out of the public domain as much as possible to avoid any further vaccine hesitancy.

Not only does the official guidance actively hide the types of rare and very rare adverse effects, but they have also been leaving out some of the adverse reactions reported during the clinical trials. As I write this, the Reg 174 guidance for healthcare professionals is on version 10.1 of the document and, since its release, they have yet to admit to the potential of a certain uncommon adverse reaction to the vaccine being a specific nervous system disorder. Structural nervous system disorders include brain or spinal cord injury, Bell’s palsy, cervical spondylosis, carpal tunnel syndrome, brain or spinal cord tumors, peripheral neuropathy, and Guillain-Barré syndrome. However, previous versions of the guidance gives no clue as to what type of nervous system disorders they were referring to. However, recent articles in the USA Today, heavily promoted by the Microsoft Network, suggested that the Bell’s palsy some people came down with in the vaccine trials wasn’t related to the Pfizer jab. The article states that on Dec. 10, the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research held the 162nd meeting of the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee to discuss the emergency use authorization of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. The USA Today piece even goes on to admit that , “a 53-page briefing noted that there had been four cases of Bell’s palsy among the vaccinated group and none among the placebo group.”

Bell’s palsy causes drooping facial muscles similar to the effects of a stroke, image source

Even though Miriam Fauzia, who wrote the USA Today piece, claims that the Bell’s palsy was not related to the experimental Pfizer vaccine, the 53-page briefing she sources clearly states, “Among non-serious unsolicited adverse events, there was a numerical imbalance of four cases of Bell’s palsy in the vaccine group compared with no cases in the placebo group, though the four cases in the vaccine group do not represent a frequency above that expected in the general population.” While it is true that 1 to 4 people in 10,000 will develop Bell’s palsy within the general population, it should be noted that the 4 cases in the vaccine trials and none in the placebo group makes for a statistical anomoly that must be examined more thoroughly. Instead, the mainstream media moved quickly to discredit the Bell’s palsy links to the Pfizer vaccine using various mislead tactics to achieve their aims.

Many mainstream outlets were caught spouting the same misleading information with articles entitled “Why you shouldn’t worry about a connection between Bell’s palsy and COVID-19 vaccines,” from Business Insider and a Reuters article from 14 December 2020 entitled, “Fact check: Photo does not show three recipients of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine that developed Bell’s palsy.”

In the case of the Reuters article, which is described as written by “Reuters Staff” rather than a specific journalist, the focus was not on the four Pfizer clinical trial participants who developed Bell’s palsy but instead the article discredits a random post on social media of three people with Bell’s palsy unconnected to the Pfizer vaccine. These type of misinforming mainstream media articles are commonly found to be using obvious fallacies to mislead their readership and with no individual taking responsibility for writing the misinforming piece, a trick repeated by many other media companies complicit with the official narrative. The Reuters article even goes on to admit that: “According to the FDA’s briefing document dated December 10, Bell’s palsy was reported in four vaccine participants and none in the placebo group, out of the 44,000 total participants of the late-stage vaccine trial.” However, the title of the Reuters article would mislead even some of the most keen eyed observers.

The mainstream media has been creating a flood of misleading stories, but it appears as though they have been given carte blanche to continue to do so, probably because they are sticking so tightly to the official narrative. It’s a narrative that is thick with irony, for it is the “trusted sources” who are being caught systematically misleading the general population again and again while also declaring a propaganda war against “fake news”.

The official guidance noted in Reg 174 doesn’t only highlight the serious lack of real data gained from Pfizer’s clinical trials for its Covid-19 vaccine so far, but it also exposes the wealthy medical professionals involved in these experimental vaccine development programs as complacent, reckless and very naive. It’s no secret that children are, more often than not, incapable of giving informed legal consent for such a risky and unethical enterprise. But the pro-vax extremists are using every tactic to coerce and manipulate children and their guardians into becoming human guinea pigs for Big Pharma. Pregnant women are also treated as acceptable collateral damage to advance the new science of gene, mRNA and DNA manipulation, a science and technology that pushes a sinister transhumanist agenda.

Don’t be fooled by the carefully worded vacuous celebrities, self-serving politicians, Big Pharma, and the mainstream medias authoritarian style misinformation campaigns. Keep your humanity intact and read their own words. The government guidance to healthcare professionals clearly states on multiple occasions that there are “no data available”.


A Pandemic of Insanity

A Pandemic of Insanity

by Arthur Firstenberg, Global Research
January 7, 2021


You see them everywhere. Men and women walking down the street, all of them with masks on their faces and cell phones in their hands. People jogging, with masks covering their faces and cell phones in their hands. Mothers wheeling their babies with one hand, holding a cell phone in the other hand, with a mask covering their face.

The world has gone insane.

Back in May, the President of Tanzania announced that a goat, a quail, and a papaya had tested positive for COVID-19. People did not stop eating papayas. But when farmed minks began testing positive, the response has been to kill them all.

After a few minks in the Netherlands tested positive in April, 570,000 minks were slaughtered. Minks started testing positive and being killed in Denmark in June, and on November 4, Denmark announced it would destroy the rest of its 17 million minks. Sanity finally broke out in that country, and the eradication campaign stopped after only 2.5 million minks were slaughtered. But minks have also been killed in Spain, Sweden, Greece, France, and the United States.

Lions, tigers and leopards in zoos have tested positive.

People have been testing their dogs and cats, and lo and behold, some of them have tested positive, and on May 6, the Centers for Disease Control created a webpage titled “What to Do if Your Pet Tests Positive for the Virus that Causes COVID-19.”

This is what you are supposed to do: “Isolate the pet from everyone else, including other pets.” “Keep your pet at least 6 feet away from other pets and people.”

“If you have a private backyard where your dog can go to the bathroom, do not take them for walks.” But, the CDC warns, “Do not wipe or bathe your pet with… hand sanitizer,” and “Do not try to put a mask on your pet.”

It is becoming obvious that no matter what you test — minks, lions, dogs, papayas, people, or anything else — you will get positive results, and that the results mean nothing. Just wait until someone tests a cow. Kill all the cows, and no more meat or dairy products! Vaccinate every pet and farm animal in the world! Do contact tracing for every pet that comes in contact with an infected pet!

We have a pandemic, all right, but it is a pandemic of insanity, not COVID-19. The world — the entire world, not just a few people or a few countries or a few cultures — has forgotten what life is. Life is community. It is social contact, touching, breathing, sharing. It is oxygen. People are dying because their masks are making them hypoxic. Cancer cells thrive in the absence of oxygen.

If you have cancer, and you wear a mask, you are making your cancer grow. And life is bacteria and viruses. Ninety-nine percent of all bacteria and viruses are beneficial and necessary — necessary for life, and necessary for evolution. If you disinfect the surface of the earth, you will put an end to life. We did not disinfect the world for smallpox, influenza, measles, or tuberculosis. But we are doing it for “COVID-19.”

And we are blaming every symptom known to man on “COVID-19.” COVID-19 is a respiratory virus, closely related to the common cold. But we have made a caricature of it. Suddenly a coronavirus is a magical piece of RNA, created by Dracula, that will damage your kidneys or your heart or give you a stroke.

There is another, very real pandemic that is out of control: a pandemic of radiation. A pandemic that does cause kidney and heart damage and strokes, in addition to pneumonia. The radiation is produced by cell phones. The cell phones with which mothers are irradiating their babies, and joggers are irradiating their hearts. The cell phones with which 7 billion people are irradiating the birds, insects and flowers around them. The radiation that will kill all 7 billion of us, unless we put an end to it.

Take Back Your Health Conference, January 23-24, 2021

I will be speaking about these issues at the 2021 Take Back Your Health (TBYH) Conference. This year’s conference, featuring doctors, immunologists, environmental experts, and others, is titled Our Global Microbiome: Understanding Our Relationship with the Viruses, Bacteria and Molds Around Us.

The conference will be held online January 23 and 24. Details and registration information are here:


Arthur is founder of ECHOEarth (End Cellphones Here On Earth) and the author of The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life.


cover image credit itssinaali / pixabay

Their ‘Vaccines’ Are Genetic-Engineered Drugs

Their ‘Vaccines’ Are Genetic-Engineered Drugs

by Dr. Tom Cowan
January 7, 2021


Two Amazing Admissions from Pfizer and Moderna

I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year. Those words seem almost absurd to say right now, given all that is happening in the world, but hopefully we all continue to experience wonders and joy. We are living in the midst of world-shaking, cosmic events, the likes of which most people never get to experience. We are finding new friends, finding our courage, and many of us are finding our voices as we speak out against the treachery we see all around us. Many of us are finding our way back to divine inspiration and new meaning in our lives. We all have to admit and accept that we simply can’t and don’t know where this all will lead, but that has always been the case. Now, more than ever, it’s time to enjoy the ride.

Today I want to address two things that are commonly referred to as “conspiracy theories” in the mainstream narrative. The first is that some of us are saying researchers have never isolated the “corona virus” nor proven that it exists. Proving the existence of the virus is, obviously, the first step in showing that it could cause a disease called COVID-19. The corollary to this claim is that any so-called COVID vaccine can’t possibly be based on something that is actually from a virus, as the virus has never been found.

An email correspondence was sent to me this morning from a woman who asked Pfizer to describe what the company is using as the template for its new vaccine. Here is what the customer-service person said to her in writing:

When asked where the DNA template for the virus came from, she replied:

“The DNA template used does not come directly from an isolated virus from an infected person.”

The statement begs the question, “so where does the genetic material being put in the vaccine actually come from?” Here is the same person’s response to this question:

“The DNA template (SARS-Cov2, Gen Bank:MN9089473) was generated via a combination of gene synthesis and recombinant DNA technology.”

In other words, as I and others have said, they are injecting people with GMO products for who knows what reason. Or, as I jokingly like to say, at least you won’t have to worry about eating GMO food after the “vaccine” as you, yourself, have been GMO’d.

One of the main points here is this drug is NOT a vaccine in any conventional use of that word. It is a genetic-engineered drug designed to have its effect through some sort of modification of your DNA. If that isn’t a scary proposition, I don’t know what is.

The second “conspiracy theory” that the mainstream media has “debunked” is that the Moderna “vaccine” is actually an operating system designed to allow an interface between the human being and some computer network. As always, I trust that no one would believe me for such an outlandish claim, but what does Moderna, the Gates-funded maker of one of the major “vaccines” now being used, actually say? Here are words from their own website:

“Recognizing the broad potential of mRNA science, we set out to create an mRNA technology platform that functions very much like an operating system on a computer. It is designed so that it can plug and play interchangeably with different programs. In our case, the “program” or “app” is our mRNA drug — the unique mRNA sequence that codes for a protein.”

Two things stand out in this statement. First, if the idea that mRNA “vaccines” are meant to be operating systems is a hoax, then apparently Moderna is in on the hoax. How could the company make it clearer that this is the point of their mRNA drugs?

Second, this mRNA “vaccine” is no vaccine at all. Not that any vaccine is any good, but this product is an mRNA drug. So why call it a vaccine? Simple. Most people think vaccines are “good,” so that helps with marketing. More important, though, is that calling this drug a vaccine allows the company to escape any liability if people are harmed. If it were classified as a drug and the company were sued, it would have to produce science showing it actually works and is safe. It would also have to pay damages if found liable. With vaccines, none of this applies.

I have wrestled during these Holy Nights with the question of whether human beings who willingly agree to have an mRNA operating system downloaded into their bodies can claim to be free, spiritual beings again. Frankly, I don’t accept that sending your child to a Waldorf school, or meditating daily, or eating the perfect food will somehow mitigate the damage to the human being that will result from the choice of getting these drugs. I believe we are at a crossroads, and this is the free human being’s chance to say “not me.” All it takes is courage.

In the words of Alexander Solzhenitsyn:

“You can resolve to live your life with integrity. Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me.”

Dear Police, Healthcare Workers, and First Responders: Regarding COVID-19 Vaccine Concerns

Dear Police, Healthcare Workers, and First Responders: Regarding COVID-19 Vaccine Concerns

by Vaccine Choice Canada
January 5, 2021


Dear Police, First Responders and Healthcare Workers

Re: COVID-19 Vaccine Concerns

I am writing on behalf of Vaccine Choice Canada to express our deep concern for you and your colleagues.

We understand that first responders and frontline healthcare workers are being targeted to receive the initial deployment of the COVID-19 vaccine. After a thorough review of the available scientific literature, it is our contention that the Pfizer and Moderna products authorized for use in Canada carry substantial risks.

We recognize the importance of first responders and frontline workers and feel a sense of urgency to share this information with those we rely on most during times of emergency. The attached document addresses the following concerns:

  • Human experimentation: The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines granted ‘interim approval’ by Health Canada have not been adequately tested for either safety or efficacy. This means that the use of the COVID-19 vaccine is human experimentation.
  • The Vaccine May Not Prevent Infection or Transmission: COVID-19 vaccine makers are not required to demonstrate that their product prevents either infection or transmission of the virus.
  • COVID-19 – A Low Lethality Illness: The coronavirus is statistically shown to be far less deadly than portrayed by mainstream media and health officials.
  • Health Canada Oversight Insufficient: The safety testing of the COVID-19 vaccine products is incomplete and less rigorous than that for other vaccines.
  • No Individualized Risk-Benefit Analysis: A proper risk-benefit analysis has not been conducted. Implementing a “one-size-fits-all” policy fails to recognize that the risk of infection varies greatly depending upon several variables including age and pre-existing conditions.
  • Informed Consent: Those advocating for mandates and coercive measures that remove the right to consent are undermining essential individual rights and freedoms. This is a clear violation of the Canadian Charter and also medical ethics.

Our intention in writing this letter is to bring to your awareness the experimental nature of this vaccine. It is our hope that this information will help to protect your right to voluntary informed consent, free of any coercion or constraint. Thank you for your service to Canadians.


Vaccine Choice Canada

1. The COVID Vaccine Is Human Experimentation

The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were granted ‘interim approval’ by Health Canada but have not been adequately tested for either safety or efficacy. This means that the use of the COVID-19 vaccine is technically considered to be human experimentation[i]

The normal development timeline of a vaccine product is 5 – 10 years. It is impossible to identify the effects of a vaccine in the few months the product has existed. The most significant concern with the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines is the introduction of ‘messenger RNA/DNA technology’. This technology has never before been injected into humans on such a mass scale. The consequences of injecting genetic altering technology into a human body is unknown.

The potential exists for catastrophic consequences, not only for the person receiving the vaccine, but for all future generations as it is highly likely that the mRNA/DNA in the vaccine will combine with the recipient’s own DNA and be transmitted to their offspring.

The use of this novel technology is especially disconcerting given COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers have been granted total immunity from liability for any harm or injury caused by their products. Federal procurement minister Anita Anand justified the indemnity in the following statement – “All countries, generally speaking, are faced with the issue of indemnification of companies, especially in cases of novel technologies like this.” [ii] Ordinarily, a ‘novel technology’ would demand a higher level of oversight and accountability, not less.

Normal protocols to test the safety of vaccines include testing in animals prior to testing in human subjects. This protocol is even more essential for a coronavirus vaccine. All previous efforts to develop a coronavirus vaccine over the last 60 years have failed because the vaccine caused an exaggerated immune response upon re-exposure to the virus. [iii] This ‘pathological priming’ resulted in severe injury and death to the test animals. An earlier attempt to create a similar RSV vaccine resulted in an 80% hospitalization rate and the death of two of the 35 children in the trial. In the rush to develop a COVID vaccine, Health Canada has permitted vaccine makers to bypass animal testing and move directly to testing on humans.

Health Canada has also granted Pfizer and Moderna permission to deploy their vaccines in the general population without completing Phase III trials. This is unprecedented in vaccine development. Health authorities admit that long-term safety data does not exist for the vaccine. [iv] There is no data that defines the vaccine’s interaction with other vaccines or prescription medications. [v] COVID-19 vaccines have not been tested for their ability to cause cancer, induce organ damage, change genetic information, impact the fetus of a pregnant woman or to impair fertility. William Haseltine, a former Harvard Medical School professor states that, “These protocols seem designed to get a drug on the market on a timeline arguably based more on politics than public health.” [vi]

2. The Vaccine May Not Prevent Infection or Transmission

Many individuals eager to receive a COVID-19 vaccine are under the notion that the vaccine will protect them from the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The reality is that COVID-19 vaccine makers are not required to demonstrate that their product prevents either infection or transmission of the virus. Vaccine manufacturers are also not required to demonstrate that the vaccine will result in a reduction in severe illness, hospitalization, or death. [vii] [viii] [ix]

According to a report in the British Medical Journal, “Hospital admissions and deaths from COVID-19 are simply too uncommon in the population being studied for an effective vaccine to demonstrate statistically significant differences in a trial of 30,000 people. The same is true of its ability to save lives or prevent transmission: the trials are not designed to find out.” [x]

This begs the question – what benefit will the COVID-19 vaccine actually confer?

Public health authorities have stated that vaccine recipients will still be required to wear a face covering, maintain physical distance, and avoid crowds. CDC’s own data confirms that over 80% of individuals who test positive for COVID-19 are asymptomatic. For these individuals a risk-benefit analysis could only conclude that a COVID-19 vaccine will result in substantially more risk than benefit.

3. COVID-19 Is A Low Lethality Illness

Many individuals who intend to be at the front of the line for a COVID-19 vaccine will do so because they believe COVID-19 is an illness with a high rate of mortality. This fear creates a sense of panic that compels people to accept a medical product with an unknown safety profile.

Our federal and provincial governments and the mainstream media persist in describing COVID-19 as a “deadly” condition. This is simply not true for the vast majority of the population. The risk of mortality is primarily to those over 80 years of age in poor health, residing in extended care facilities. [xi] The median age of death attributed to COVID-19 is 82 years. Almost all were frail with several co-morbidities. According to the CDC, the case survival rate of COVID-19 in patients ages 0 – 19 is 99.997%, 99.98% in patients 20 – 49 years, and 99.5% in patients 50 – 69 years. [xii] [xiii]

What is also rarely acknowledged by our government, public health officers, and the corporate media is that safe and effective drugs for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 have been identified.[xiv] [xv] [xvi] Such treatments negate the need for an ‘emergency use’ vaccine. Unfortunately, these treatments are rarely discussed, much less encouraged.

4. Health Canada Oversight Insufficient

Many Canadians assume Health Canada provides rigorous oversight and would never permit a vaccine to be introduced to the Canadian public without robust testing to ensure both safety and effectiveness. The fact is that Health Canada does not conduct its own clinical trials to determine the safety and efficacy of a vaccine. Instead, Health Canada relies on the data provided by the vaccine manufacturers. Health Canada also holds the perspective that it is not necessary for vaccine makers to test their products against a neutral placebo, the gold standard for safety testing.

Canadians may not be aware that vaccine producers such as Pfizer, Merck and GlaxoSmithKline have paid billions in criminal penalties and settlements for research fraud, faking drug safety studies, failing to report safety problems, bribery, kickbacks, and false advertising. [xvii] [xviii] In 2009, Pfizer paid $2.3 billion to resolve criminal and civil allegations in what was then the largest health care fraud settlement in history. [xix] Canadians may also not be aware that the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program in the United States has paid out more than $4.4 B in compensation for vaccine injury and death since 1989, and that Canada is one of only two G20 Nations without a national vaccine injury compensation program. While a vaccine injury compensation program has been promised, the details have yet to be announced.

Vaccines are not benign medical products. Vaccination is an invasive medical procedure that delivers by injection complex biochemical drugs and now genetic modifying technology. Because of this complexity and uncertainty, the level of safety testing ought to be even more rigorous. But this is not the case. The safety testing of the COVID-19 vaccine is less rigorous and more incomplete as compared with other pharmaceutical drugs.

The consequences of rushing a novel and inadequately tested product can be serious, permanent, and even deadly. Data following the administration of the Pfizer vaccine reveals that 3.6% of test subjects experienced a ‘health impact’ significant enough such that they were “unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, and required care from a health professional.” [xx]

5. No Individualized Risk-Benefit Analysis

The arguments used to legitimize, legalize and implement COVID-19 vaccination are political and  ideological rather than evidence-based. In the rush to approve a COVID-19 vaccine an analysis of the risks vs benefits has not been conducted. Indeed, how does one conduct a risk-benefit analysis when both the risks and the benefits are unknown? Some researchers have described the use of a COVID-19 vaccine in the general population as the most reckless and brazen experiment in the history of humanity.

Further, implementing a “one-size-fits-all” policy assumes the risk-benefit is the same for everyone. This fails to take into consideration the established fact that the risk of COVID-19 infection varies greatly depending upon several known variables, most especially age and pre-existing conditions. These variables must be considered when assessing the risk and benefit of this medical device.

6. Informed Consent Is Essential

The mandate of Vaccine Choice Canada has been and continues to be protecting the health sovereignty of Canadians, which inherently includes the right to informed consent. Informed consent is the most fundamental aspect of health sovereignty, an ethical medical system, and a free and democratic society.

It is imperative that any individual contemplating getting a COVID-19 vaccine be fully aware that the vaccine has not undergone the most basic testing to demonstrate either safety or efficacy and that they are participating in human experimentation. In a letter dated October 3, 2020, Dr. Michael Yeadon, a former Vice President of Pfizer stated – “All vaccines against the SARS-CoV-2 virus are by definition novel. If any such vaccine is approved for use under any circumstances that are not EXPLICITLY experimental, I believe that recipients are being misled to a criminal extent.”

Secondly, we hold that any medical intervention requires voluntary consent. Canada is a signatory to The Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights which describes consent as follows: “Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information. The consent should, where appropriate, be expressed and may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason without disadvantage or prejudice.”

According to the Nuremberg Code, developed in response to the medical abuses of the Nazi regime, informed voluntary consent means that “the person involved… should be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion.”

Those advocating for mandates and other coercive measures that remove the right to voluntary consent are undermining essential individual rights and freedoms. This is a clear violation of the Canadian Charter and also medical ethics. It is important to understand that we have the legal right to refuse any unwanted medical intervention.

We would be glad to provide you with further documentation should you wish.

For more information, visit:






















Printable PDF

Click here for a similar letter to share with your family, friends and colleagues.


Further reading:

Questioning the Covid Narrative and Measures – List of Resources

1st Responders Covid-19 Vaccine Flyer (pdf)

Covid-19 Resources

The Politicization of Medicine & the Dangerous Vaccine Agenda Created

The Politicization Of Medicine & the Dangerous Vaccine Agenda Created

by Ryan Cristian, The Last American Vagabond
January 6, 2021


Joining me today is Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, here to discuss the very real dangers of taking the experimental COVID-19 vaccines, the politicization of the medical & scientific fields, and how that has led to pharma-controlled industries which consider your health and safety a secondary concern – if considered at all.

All of this has not only been allowed, but actively participated in, by the very politicians and agencies charged with your safety.

Now, in a time of shockingly absent transparency and government accountability, COVID-19 is being used as the final catch-all justification to put the finishing touches on the complete pharma take over of the US medical industry.

All Video Source Links Can Be Found Here At The Last American Vagabond:

Video available at Last American Vagabond channels:

See related:

Spiro Skouras w/ Dr. James Lyons-Weiler: Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated — The Study the CDC Refused to Do
Created in a Lab: James Lyons-Weiler, PhD & Del Bigtree on Corona Virus Genome Sequence

“Very Healthy 56-Year-Old” Miami Obstetrician Dies after Being Injected with the Experimental Pfizer COVID Vaccine

“Very Healthy 56-Year-Old” Miami Obstetrician Dies after Being Injected with the Experimental Pfizer COVID Vaccine

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News
January 6, 2021


The experimental Pfizer COVID vaccine has claimed another life of a medical professional, and one can only wonder what the true casualty numbers are among medical professionals since the CDC stopped reporting on serious adverse reactions on December 22, 2020.

Gregory Michael MD, a “very healthy 56 year old” obstetrician that had his office in Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach, has died after being injected with the Pfizer COVID experimental vaccine, according to a post by his wife on Facebook.

The love of my life, my husband Gregory Michael MD an Obstetrician that had his office in Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach Died the day before yesterday due to a strong reaction to the COVID vaccine.

He was a very healthy 56 year old, loved by everyone in the community delivered hundreds of healthy babies and worked tireless through the pandemic.

He was vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine at MSMC on December 18, 3 days later he saw a strong set of petechiae on his feet and hands which made him seek attention at the emergency room at MSMC. The CBC that was done at his arrival showed his platelet count to be 0 (A normal platelet count ranges from 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microliter of blood.)

He was admitted in the ICU with a diagnosis of acute ITP caused by a reaction to the COVID vaccine. A team of expert doctors tried for 2 weeks to raise his platelet count to no avail. Experts from all over the country were involved in his care.

No matter what they did, the platelets count refused to go up. He was conscious and energetic through the whole process but 2 days before a last resort surgery, he got a hemorrhagic stroke caused by the lack of platelets that took his life in a matter of minutes.

He was a pro vaccine advocate that is why he got it himself.

I believe that people should be aware that side effects can happened, that it is not good for everyone and in this case destroyed a beautiful life, a perfect family, and has affected so many people in the community.

Do not let his death be in vain please save more lives by making this information news.

Fortunately, I got a tip on this story from a physician friend of mine, and was able to extract this from Facebook before they could ban it.

It will be interesting to see if at least the local media in Miami will cover this story, since his wife Heidi states that his death “has affected so many people in the community.”

Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed: Lawsuit Seeks to Protect Americans From Discrimination Based on Vaccination Status

Vaxxed v. Unvaxxed: Lawsuit Seeks to Protect Americans From Discrimination Based on Vaccination Status

In a federal complaint filed last month in the U.S. District Court of California, constitutional litigators Greg Glaser and Ray Flores presented results of a pilot study showing unvaccinated adults and children are healthier than their vaccinated counterparts. 

by Greg Glaser, Esq.
sourced from The Defender, Children’s Health Defense
January 6, 2021


On George Washington’s birthday, Feb. 22, constitutional litigators Greg Glaser and Ray Flores will be in federal court in Sacramento to request an order immediately protecting all Americans from discrimination based on vaccination status.

Glaser and Flores represent The Control Group, which is a recently completed pilot survey of unvaccinated Americans showing 1,248% better health for unvaccinated adults and 1,099% better health for unvaccinated children.

In the federal complaint filed December 2020 in the U.S. District Court of California — Eastern District, Sacramento, Glaser and Flores state:

“As a matter of national security, this constitutional case is respectfully brought by scientifically focused patriotic Americans, including United States military family members. The American population is currently in the process of being decimated by chronic illness, due to injured and dysfunctional immune systems … The Control Group dataset provides profound proof that vaccine exposure is in fact the primary cause of this nation’s current public health crisis.”

According to Glaser, here is the case in a nutshell:

“America is dying from the current trajectory of chronic illness. Our Control Group pilot survey proved it is the vaccines causing our nation’s demise. And even the government’s own admissions make it clear vaccines are unavoidably unsafe. There is no single agency such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration that can be petitioned to heal the whole nation, nor a single law such as SB277 that can be overturned to heal this nation from the current trajectory. That is why Ray Flores and I are requesting comprehensive relief in the form of an executive order preventing discrimination based on vaccination status. If we prevail, then every American will be protected from mandatory vaccination.”


Glaser said he believes this case is the most comprehensive presentation of evidence to date on vaccine harm. For example, Glaser and Flores have 400+ top-level science exhibits offered for judicial notice, which requires the court to accept certain statements made by government officials and other authoritative sources. A key goal of this judicial notice technique is to help shift the legal burden to the state to prove vaccine safety. According to Glaser, because the State has no vaxxed versus unvaxxed study, the state cannot meet its legal burden.

Judicial Notice #1 connects all these chronic illnesses (i.e., digestive disorders, diabetes) to the immune system with the most authoritative citations on the planet.

Judicial Notice #2 shows that vaccines are dangerous and untested — once again all of these are authoritative citations the government cannot dispute.

And Judicial Notice #3 shows how vaccines are made and distributed through communist China.

Because the evidence is so voluminous, Glaser and Flores also filed infographics (demonstrative evidence) to help showcase some of the main points: Health Crisis In AmericaVaccines Are DangerousVaccines Are Made In Communist China.

A great deal of the complaint is devoted to insisting that control groups are necessary to the scientific method, and the court’s job is to preserve this particular vital evidence necessary to rescue America from the current trajectory of chronic illness.

Some evidence highlights from the case include:

  • National data of vaccinated children show approximately 54% have a chronic health condition. But in The Control Group of unvaccinated children, the number is only 6%. That means vaccination causes an 800% increased risk of chronic illness in children. This has now been proven with a 99% confidence interval. Moreover, this pattern is repeated over and over in The Control Group data with 99% confidence: diabetes (0% in the unvaccinated Control Group v. 10% in the vaccinated), digestive disorders (0.4% in the unvaccinated v. 18% in the vaccinated), ADHD (0.47% in the unvaccinated v. 9.4% in the vaccinated).
  • The Control Group provides numerical proof that vaccines are causing chronic illness. For example, the p-value (probability or odds) that the excess health conditions seen in the vaccinated population under the age of 18 are not due to vaccine exposure is 1 in 84,721,527,559,728,800,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.
  • The calculated Pearson correlation coefficient shows a “very high correlation” between the increase in the CDC vaccine schedule and the increase in these chronic illnesses. This is another numerical proof showing vaccines are causing chronic illness.
  • America is suffering an epidemic of chronic illness caused by vaccination. The nation will collapse on the current trajectory of vaccination.
  • Vaccination is unavoidably unsafe. It is a form of experimental biological alteration of the human immune system.
  • Improved living conditions (not vaccination) are responsible for historical improvement of public health.

All of the evidence filed in the complaint can be found on The Control Group litigation website.

Bill Gates DTP Vaccine Killed 10 Times More African Girls Than the Disease Itself

STUDY: Bill Gates DTP Vaccine Killed 10 Times More African Girls Than the Disease Itself

by GreatGameIndia
January 6, 2021


According to a peer reviewed study published in a respected journal by the world’s most authoritative vaccine scientists, Bill Gates DTP vaccine killed 10 times more African girls than the disease itself. The vaccine apparently compromised their immune systems. Although, such study was never performed before 2017, Bill Gates and the Vaccine Alliance GAVI and WHO pushed the vaccines on unsuspecting African babies.

The study (read below) titled, The Introduction of Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis and Oral Polio Vaccine Among Young Infants in an Urban African Community: A Natural Experiment was commissioned by the Danish government and Novo Nordisk Foundation and was conducted by a team of the world’s leading experts on African vaccination led by two most prominent names, Drs. Søren Wengel Mogensen and Peter Aaby.

The DTP vaccine is a class of combination vaccines against three infectious diseases in humans: diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), and tetanus.

The DTP vaccine was discontinued in the United States and other western nations in the 1990s following thousands of reports of death and brain damage. Despite widespread vaccination, the United States and other countries are still experiencing large pertussis outbreaks.

Until the study was published in 2017, the WHO (World Health Organisation) never conducted the kind of vaccinated/unvaccinated (or placebo) study necessary to ascertain if the DTP vaccine actually yields beneficial health outcomes.

Yet, Bill Gates and his Vaccine Alliance GAVI and WHO pushed the untested vaccines on African babies.

The scientists conducting the study were shocked when they found that 50% of children in the African nation of Guinea Bissau die before the age of five.

‘Risk for Future Generations’? Peru Clashes With Pfizer Over Big Pharma’s Legal Immunity for COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects

‘Risk for Future Generations’? Peru Clashes With Pfizer Over Big Pharma’s Legal Immunity for COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects

by RT, Question More
January 6, 2021


Peru has reached an impasse with Pfizer as it negotiates a deal for a Covid-19 vaccine, the country’s health minister said, citing a conflict over legal immunity for the pharma firm that could undermine Peru’s sovereignty.

While officials have remained in “constant contact” with Pfizer since the summer, the talks ran into trouble last month amid “controversy” over some clauses of the agreement, including those linked to pricing and delivery, as well as legal immunities for the pharmaceutical giant in the case its inoculation leads to death or injury, health minister Pilar Mazzetti told lawmakers on Tuesday.

“With Pfizer there are some details where there is no agreement,” Mazzetti said, adding “This has to do with prices and the delivery schedule” as well as “the waiving of important elements such as … jurisdictional immunity.”

It is true that one needs the vaccine but it is also true that there are aspects related to aspects of our sovereignty that the country has to protect … it has to do with risk for future generations.

The health chief noted that since most aspects of the negotiations are protected under a confidentiality agreement, she could not offer further detail on the ongoing row, but assured that the talks continue. “We hope that the controversy will be resolved so we will be able to determine when the vaccine will arrive,” she went on.

Though the country announced a final deal with Pfizer for nearly 10 million vaccine doses in late November, Mazzetti said the process stalled after some clauses in the agreement required “more in-depth analysis” to determine whether they are compatible with Peruvian law.

The Latin American nation is not the first to voice concerns about legal liability waivers in their talks with the pharma firm, with Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro observing last month that “it is quite clear that they are not responsible for any side effects. If you become an alligator, it’s your problem.” Officials in Argentina have raised similar worries.

As the liability concerns become a major obstacle for some nations, the World Bank said on Tuesday that it is working with over 100 countries to address the issue, whether through local legislative efforts or other processes. The World Bank Group’s president, David Malpass, also noted that the agency aims to distribute $160 billion in resources by June to help developing countries obtain immunizations and fight the pandemic.

While Pfizer’s jab has been granted approval by health officials in a number of countries – as well as the World Health Organization – many on an emergency basis, several alarming reports of adverse reactions have emerged following inoculations. Most recently, a pediatric surgery assistant in Portugal suddenly died after receiving the jab earlier this week, while two nursing home residents in Norway passed away days after taking their first dose. It remains unclear whether the deaths were related to the vaccine, however.

Peru has hosted clinical trials for coronavirus vaccines developed by a variety of other firms – including China’s Sinopharm, AstraZeneca, a British-Swedish firm, and the US-based Johnson & Johnson – and is negotiating deliveries from 20 different laboratories, the health chief said. Talks with AstraZeneca similarly stalled in October, with the government stating the company had not provided enough data about its jab, however negotiations with that firm are also ongoing, according to Reuters.

Read more at RT:

Family calls for more research after young doctor left paralyzed in wake of taking Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine in Mexico
Investigation launched as 2 people die in Norway nursing home days after receiving Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine
Health authorities on alert after nurse DIES following vaccination with Pfizer’s Covid-19 shot in Portugal

US Govt Paid Over $57 Million for Vaccine Injuries in 2020 as Experimental COVID Vaccine Fast Tracked

US Govt Paid Over $57 Million for Vaccine Injuries in 2020 as Experimental COVID Vaccine Fast Tracked

by GreatGameIndia
January 2, 2021


As experimental COVID vaccines have been fast tracked with secret agreements by govts to protect the pharma companies from liabilities, the US government paid over $57 million in compensation for vaccine injuries and deaths till March 2020 alone. Meanwhile, there are currently no such laws in India that would protect victims of the COVID-19 vaccine side-effects.

US Govt Paid Over $57 Million for Vaccine Injuries in 2020

Unknown to most of the public and conveniently suppressed by the media, a meeting was held on March 6, 2020 with the Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV), under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

These are quarterly meetings held every 3 months, as required by law, but seldom, if ever, reported by media.

The March 6th meeting by the Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines included a report (read full report below) from the Department of Justice (DOJ) on cases settled for vaccine injuries and deaths as mandated by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP).

The NVICP was started as a result of a law passed in 1986 that gave pharmaceutical companies legal immunity from being sued due to injuries and deaths resulting from vaccines.

If you or a family member is injured or dies from vaccines, you must sue the US federal government in this special vaccine court. Many cases are litigated for years before a settlement is reached.

The report states that 288 petitions were filed during the 3-month time period between 11/16/19 – 2/15/20, with 181 cases being adjudicated and 146 cases compensated.

Medical Weapons of Mass Destruction:  A Continuing Tradition, in Which COVID Is the Latest Example

Medical Weapons of Mass Destruction 
     A Continuing Tradition, in Which COVID Is the Latest Example

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
January 5, 2021


After a hundred years of intense propaganda promoting the idea that diseases are everywhere, and each disease is caused by a single germ, which must be killed by a medical drug…

The fallout has been extreme, to say the least.

Let’s start here:

When will hysterical defenders of “science” face up to the destruction the US medical system is causing?

Millions of masked people, who border on hysteria, believe they know COVID science.

On closer examination, these people believe what their television sets tell them. They believe Fauci because he’s on television, and he’s talking from the White House, and he disagrees with Trump.

Of the millions who believe in Fauci television science, there are many who will say science is “studies.” They are quite sure these studies back up what Fauci and Redfield are spouting, and any contradictory studies would be artifacts dreamed up by secret minions of Trump.

I recently analyzed COVID-19 from the point of view of false data.

COVID case numbers and death numbers are being fraudulently inflated to the skies. That’s an enormous crime, because the lockdowns and the economic devastation have been based on these data.

Now I want to apply that same direct analysis to the entire US medical system. In this instance…

True data are buried, hidden, and ignored.

What data? Actual numbers of deaths and maiming CAUSED by medical treatment.

When you see the dimensions of this crime and this mass human tragedy, you’ll also see further implications—titanic insurance fraud, tax fraud, and, indeed, millions upon millions of work-hours irretrievably lost to the nation’s economy.

Insurance companies are paying out billions of dollars for medical treatment that is destructive, not helpful.

Insurance companies are also paying billions in death benefits as a result of doctors, not diseases, killing people.

And all this medical destruction is being subsidized by the taxpayer.

No one has calculated the $$ cost. No one can calculate the tragic human cost.

Now here is the analysis. Understand that the vital data in these mainstream reports have been briefly revealed, then hidden.

ONE: “The Epidemic of Sickness and Death from Prescription Drugs.” The author is Donald Light, who teaches at Rowan University, and was the 2013 recipient of ASA’s [American Sociological Association’s] Distinguished Career Award for the Practice of Sociology. Light is a founding fellow of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania. In 2013, he was a fellow at the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard. He is a Lokey Visiting Professor at Stanford University.

Donald Light: “Epidemiologically, appropriately prescribed, prescription drugs are the fourth leading cause of death, tied with stroke at about 2,460 deaths each week in the United States. About 330,000 patients die each year from prescription drugs in the United States and Europe. They [the drugs] cause an epidemic of about 20 times more hospitalizations [6.6 million annually], as well as falls, road accidents, and [annually] about 80 million medically minor problems such as pains, discomforts, and dysfunctions that hobble productivity or the ability to care for others. Deaths and adverse effects from overmedication, errors, and self-medication would increase these figures.” (ASA publication, “Footnotes,” November 2014)

TWO: Journal of the American Medical Association, April 15, 1998: “Incidence of Adverse Drug Reactions in Hospitalized Patients.”

The authors, led by Jason Lazarou, culled 39 previous studies on patients in hospitals. These patients, who received drugs in hospitals, or were admitted to hospitals because they were suffering from the drugs doctors had given them, met the following fate:

Every year, in the US, between 76,000 and 137,000 hospitalized patients die as a direct result of the drugs.

Beyond that, every year 2.2 million hospitalized patients experience serious adverse reactions to the drugs.

The authors write: “…Our study on ADRs [Adverse Drug Reactions], which excludes medication errors, had a different objective: to show that there are a large number of ADRs even when the drugs are properly prescribed and administered.”

So this study had nothing to do with doctor errors, nurse errors, or improper combining of drugs. And it only counted people killed or maimed who were admitted to hospitals. It didn’t begin to tally all the people taking pharmaceuticals who died as consequence of the drugs, at home.

THREE: July 26, 2000, Journal of the American Medical Association; author, Dr. Barbara Starfield, revered public health expert at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health; “Is US health really the best in the world?”

Starfield reported that the US medical system kills 225,000 Americans per year. 106,000 as a result of FDA-approved medical drugs, and 119,000 as a result of mistreatment and errors in hospitals. Extrapolate the numbers to a decade: that’s 2.25 million deaths. You might want to read that last number again.

I interviewed Starfield in 2009. I asked her whether she was aware of any overall effort by the US government to eliminate this holocaust. She answered a resounding NO. She also said her estimate of medically caused deaths in America was on the conservative side.

FOUR: BMJ June 7, 2012 (BMJ 2012:344:e3989). Author, Jeanne Lenzer. Lenzer refers to a report by the Institute for Safe Medication Practices: “It [the Institute] calculated that in 2011 prescription drugs were associated with two to four million people in the US experiencing ‘serious, disabling, or fatal injuries, including 128,000 deaths.’”

The report called this “one of the most significant perils to humans resulting from human activity.”

The report was compiled by outside researchers who went into the FDA’s own database of “serious adverse [medical-drug] events.”

Therefore, to say the FDA isn’t aware of this finding would be absurd. The FDA knows. The FDA knows and it isn’t saying anything about it, because the FDA certifies, as safe and effective, all the medical drugs that are routinely maiming and killing Americans. Every public health agency knows the truth.

FIVE: None of the above reports factor in death or injury by vaccine.

The US system for reporting severe adverse effects of vaccines is broken.

Barbara Loe Fisher, of the private National Vaccine Information Center, has put together a reasonable analysis:

“But how many children have [adverse] vaccine reactions every year? Is it really only one in 110,000 or one in a million who are left permanently disabled after vaccination? Former FDA Commissioner David Kessler observed in 1993 that less than 1 percent of doctors report adverse events following prescription drug use. [See DA Kessler, ‘Introducing MEDWatch,’ JAMA, June 2, 1993: 2765-2768]”

“There have been estimates that perhaps less than 5 or 10 percent of doctors report hospitalizations, injuries, deaths, or other serious health problems following vaccination. The 1986 Vaccine Injury Act contained no legal sanctions for not reporting; doctors can refuse to report and suffer no consequences.”

“Even so, each year about 12,000 reports are made to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System [VAERS]; parents as well as doctors can make those reports. [See RT Chen, B. Hibbs, ‘Vaccine safety,’ Pediatric Annals, July 1998: 445-458]”

“However, if that number represents only 10 percent of what is actually occurring, then the actual number may be 120,000 vaccine-adverse events [per year]. If doctors report vaccine reactions as infrequently as Dr. Kessler said they report prescription-drug reactions, and the number 12,000 is only 1 percent of the actual total, then the real number may be 1.2 million vaccine-adverse events annually.”

Medical crimes.

Medically caused deaths of friends, family members, loved ones, who are buried along with the truth.

No criminal investigations, no prosecutions, no guilty verdicts, no prison sentences.

But of course, you can believe everything leading lights of the US medical system tell you about COVID.

You can believe everything the press—who buries the truth about this medical holocaust—tells you about COVID.

Given the reports on medically caused death and maiming I’ve just cited and described in this article, it’s obvious that…

Leading medical journals around the world, which routinely publish glowing accounts of clinical trials of medical drugs…

Are spilling over with rank fraud, on page after page.

Indeed, here is a stunning quote from a woman who has quite probably read and analyzed more medical-drug studies than any doctor in the world:

“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.” (Dr. Marcia Angell, NY Review of Books, January 15, 2009, “Drug Companies & Doctors: A Story of Corruption)

Compare that quote with one from “the father of COVID science,” Tony Fauci. In an interview with the National Geographic, Fauci stated: “Anybody can claim to be an expert even when they have no idea what they’re talking about…If something is published in places like New England Journal of Medicine, Science, Nature, Cell, or JAMA—you know, generally that is quite well peer-reviewed because the editors and the editorial staff of those journals really take things very seriously.”

They take things so seriously, they routinely publish glowing studies of medical drugs that are killing people in great numbers.

JUST BELIEVE: Vaccine Science Pivots to Faith

JUST BELIEVE: Vaccine Science Pivots to Faith

by Jefferey Jaxen, The HighWire
January 4, 2021


It started with the rapid emergency use authorizations (EUA) of experimental Covid vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna (and now AstraZeneca in some countries).

It’s concerning. Nearly zero caution was observed as Big Pharma rolled out a product with so many unknowns upon the entire public worldwide. But it’s okay! Just believe!

The primary endpoints for the Covid vaccine trials were a positive SARS-CoV-2 PCR test and mild symptoms. There was just one problem: The PCR test protocol to identify SARS-CoV-2 had, and still has, known and concerning errors, as well as inherent fallacies that render it useless. Yet that didn’t stop Pfizer and Moderna from leaning hard on them to validate their experimental Covid shots’ efficacy.

Others in the scientific community who saw through the issues and errors sounded the alarm in the form of a legal motion to stop the clinical studies until the protocol could be amended. Again, Science™  ignored the warnings, data and facts to recklessly roll out their experimental shot on the world…Just believe!

Now the lines are further blurred and the waters are even more murky. Unhinged health officials are creating their own reality as the corporate media gleefully ramps up its medical gas-lighting of the public to support their delusions. We are entering cult-like territory…Just believe!

Pregnant women and children are considered more sensitive and vulnerable biologically. The far-reaching effects from adverse events have the potential to yield a greater impact upon these groups. Therefore, batteries of studies and experimental data usually proceed recommendations for them to take risks on new products.

As it stands, both Moderna and Pfizer’s experimental Covid vaccine trials lack the data to give guidance to pregnant women. In fact, they specifically state:

8.4 Unknown Risks/Data Gaps
Safety in certain subpopulations 

There are currently insufficient data to make conclusions about the safety of the vaccine in subpopulations such as children…pregnant and lactating individuals, and immunocompromised individuals.

That did not stop the U.S. Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from making a potentially catastrophic and unscientific appeal to faith and belief. The agency took to Twitter shortly after the EUA vaccine approvals to specifically target pregnant women.

…Just believe! Like the ‘experts’ do.

We’ve seen this scam before from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), when they approved and then solicited both flu shots and TdaP vaccines to pregnant women without the proper studies.

After failing to produce the clinical trials and safety studies that were allegedly used to license both sets of shots for use in pregnant women when presented with a FOIA request, the FDA was taken to court in 2019.

At the time, Scott Gottlieb’s FDA conceded, “Clinical studies for TdaP and inactivated influenza vaccines did not specifically enroll pregnant women.” The FDA legal response went on to admit they “have no records responsive to your [plaintiff’s] request.

In short, the agency that licensed both flu and TdaP shots for use in pregnant women did so without the required scientific studies to ensure safety.

In addition to the FDA licensing the flu and TdaP vaccines outside of law and their own policy, the agency also actively promoted and marketed the flu shot to pregnant women – much like the CDC is doing presently with the experimental Covid shots.

Ringing in 2021 were sudden, predictable stories of up to half of health care workers saying they would avoid the vaccine alongside headlines claiming thousands of reported vaccine reactions.

The ‘wobbly’ frontline healthcare appeared to be growing weary. Amidst the chaos, chief medical officers for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland announced a delay in giving the second dose of shots to recipients.

There was just one problem. All the Covid vaccine trials were tested using two doses, not one, to achieve their endpoint results in which an EUA was based upon. Put another way, trials weren’t designed to test the safety and efficacy of one dose. Just believe!

The lockstep vaccine operation was thrown into upheaval. Pfizer broke rank and publicly refuted UK health officials in a rare distancing from their previously cozy relationship:

Pfizer and BioNTech’s Phase 3 study for the Covid-19 vaccine was designed to evaluate the vaccine’s safety and efficacy following a 2-dose schedule, separated by 21 days,” Pfizer said in a statement on Thursday. “There are no data to demonstrate that protection after the first dose is sustained after 21 days.

Even Time magazine’s Person of the Year and In Style fashion icon and cover star Dr. Anthony Fauci rebuked UK’s chief medical officers, telling CNN the U.S. would not adapt such an unscientific position by delaying the second dose.

Fauci quickly changed his tune to get back on script telling NBC news that spreading out doses is now “under consideration.”

The Washington Post began banging the drums for the delay writing:

Is there any potential downside to a delay? “Yes. The strategy hasn’t been studied, so we don’t know if and when the immunity from the first shot begins to wane. But data from Moderna, for example, is reassuring. It shows robust immune response four weeks after the first shot, and most experts believe it is extremely unlikely immunity would somehow plummet by week eight or even week 12 following a single shot.”

Just believe! Yet not all experts do.

The Times of Israel writes, “It’s an act of desperation. It also contravenes the scientific protocols,” said Israeli epidemiologist Ron Balicer on Saturday, in an interview with Channel 12. He underlined  the unknown risks, as well as the questions about how effective a single dose will be in shielding elderly and high-risk people from the virus.

That made it an all ‘round embarrassing day for the Science™ crowd. In the past, there was at least a public relations effort, a united front feigning thorough science in order to back health policies and recommendations when such data was insufficient or just plain missing. The public has been asked often during the Covid response to believe [and comply] with unscientific policies yielding well-known detrimental ends.

Universal lockdowns, across-the-board school closures for children, a heavy reliance on highly erroneous PCR tests and packing nursing homes with Covid-positive patients have extended out deaths and despair while grinding down societal health and well-being to a nearly unrecognizable state.

Experts and policy-makers, among others, are to blame. But now something has changed. A worn facade of proclaiming to be following the science only to act contrary to it has given way to a religious-like fervor. A strange, uncomfortable, cult-like brainwashing and intimidation scheme is attempting to mesmerize, bully or otherwise lure the public into compliance.

Society is being led further away from sound science by ‘officials’ and ‘experts’ who ask for our trust based upon magical thinking. Why have we allowed such a degree of medical and health charlatanism, often favoring corporate bottom lines and the vertical integration of power, to be wielded by those who have not earned the trust of The People?

What will you do in 2021 to avoid this continued sliding away from truth, reality and common sense?

IG Farben: The Roots of the COVID Plan

IG Farben: The Roots of the COVID Plan

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
January 4, 2021


Knowledge of an ongoing crime inside a corporation turns into a conspiracy of silence, shared by many employees…

But as you travel up the corporate ladder, SOMEONE not only knows, but INTENDS to keep committing the crime.

This is my conclusion, after 30 years of investigating criminal medical behavior, including mass murder.

Here is deep background, which illuminates the current pharmaceutical lead role in the COVID fraud and devastation:

In 1933, the largest cartel in the world, IG Farben, enabled Hitler’s rise to power. Farben: pharmaceuticals, dyes, chemicals, synthetics.

During WW2, Farben had prisoners shipped from Auschwitz to its nearby facility, where horrendous medical/pharmaceutical experiments were carried out on them.

For accounts, read The Devil’s Chemists, by Josiah DuBois, and The Crime and Punishment of IG Farben, by Joseph Borkin.

At the end of the War, Farben executives were put on trial and, despite the efforts of Telford Taylor, the chief US prosecutor, and assistant prosecutor, Josiah DuBois, the sentences handed out were light.

For example, Fritz Ter Meer, a high-ranking Farben executive, was tried for mass medical murder and slavery, and sentenced to a paltry seven years in jail. He was released after three years, and went on to occupy a post as chairman of the advisory board of Bayer, a “branch on the tree” of IG Farben.

There were clear reasons for light sentences for Farben executives. One, the rebuilding of Europe was seen as a bulwark against aggressive Soviet Communism. Farben war criminals were “needed” to organize the new Europe.

More important, a whole new world was coming into being, and mega-corporations and cartels were at the heart of it. They would be the engines driving the global economy and controlling the natural resources of the planet. It was colonialism with a different face, the East India Company running on technology and industry and a planetary reach beyond anything ever attempted.

So the Farben moguls, and those like them, were seen by many as highly competent designers of the new “peace and prosperity.”

And oh yes—there was a third reason the Farben executives got off so lightly. Their powerful cartel partners all over the world wanted to continue profitable relationships with these Nazi brethren.

A few of the highly influential international partners: Dow, DuPont, imperial Chemical Industries, and, most importantly, the Rockefeller Empire.

You could say that, after the War, the emerging global pharmaceutical colossus was a reincarnation of the Farben pattern:

Profit before safety; lethal medical experimentation beyond any legal limit; the use of drugs/vaccines as a means of control.

That m.o. has survived to this day, and it has prospered beyond predictions. It has also damaged, destroyed, and killed far more people than Nazi Farben dreamed of.

I have often cited Dr. Barbara Starfield’s July 26, 2000, review in the Journal of the American Medical Association, “Is US Health Really the Best in the World?”

Starfield conservatively stated that every year, the US medical system kills 106,000 people by direct administration of FDA approved medical drugs.

This turns into more than a million deaths per decade. And we aren’t even talking about the millions more who are severely maimed. Nor are vaccines part of this estimate.

The horrific medical program is a direct continuation of the IG Farben plan.

And now we have the fraud called COVID-19. The killing—of the frail and elderly—comes through the terrifying diagnosis of the “pandemic disease,” plus the forced isolation from family and love ones. No virus necessary.

The maiming and killing also comes with the administration of the favored toxic drug, Remdesivir, and the use of breathing ventilators plus sedation. In one large New York study, the death rate among elderly patients placed on ventilators was a staggering 97.2 percent.

Medically justified COVID lockdown-imprisonments have devastated millions of lives.

This captive audience is now being subjected to the largest medical experiment in history: the administration of a vaccine that was rushed through approval, and deploys an RNA technology never approved for public use before—owing to its dangers.

The main benefit of this vaccine accrues to the modern Farben nexus of pharmaceutical companies: RNA technology, finally approved, allows much faster, easier, and cheaper production of vaccines and drugs.

Thus, researchers can claim to discover dozens of “new viruses” that require vaccines. From testing to mass vaccine production—a matter of a few months, not years.

Serious adverse reactions to the new COVID vaccines are piling up—at last count, a reported 3% of those who received the shots. You can EASILY multiply that by a factor of ten to gain a more accurate picture.

Public health officials and government leaders will write these reactions off as “COVID disease” and keep on promoting the experimental vaccine—and they’ll warn that widespread refusal to take the shots will bring on the need for new levels of incarceration-lockdowns.

This entire program of destruction—from WW2 onward—actually from 1910 and the infamous Flexner Report—has been aimed at weakening populations, making them easier to control.

This entire program has been intentional, at the highest levels.

The ongoing administration of the program has essentially been carried out by the ignorant, the blind, the brainwashed, the cowardly—who form a vast faceless bureaucracy that resembles the Nazi machine-structure; “I was only following orders.”

But again, at the highest levels, it is intentional.

War by other means.


Truth Comes to Light Editor’s note — for your reference:

The Devil’s Chemists by Josiah DuBois, was published in 1952 and is hard to come by.  Download the PDF version (scanned pages, not digitized text) here: The Devil’s Chemists Part 1    The Devil’s Chemists Part 2

The Crime and Punishment of IG Farben by Joseph Borkin was published in 1979 and can still be found as a used book at reasonable prices. I did not find a PDF version available. You can read the entire book online here:

To read the Flexner Report (1910); The Flexner Report PDF

For background on how authentic medicine was hijacked by the power elite and turned into a deadly, sickness- for-profit industry see the work of Dr. Andrew Kaufman: Exposing the Lie — Hippocratic Hypocrisy: A Tale of Two Snakes

“The House Cat Flu” Pandemic is Coming. The Meow Apocalypse…

“The House Cat Flu” Pandemic is Coming. The Meow Apocalypse…
     Satire: The Simpsons (2010)

by Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research
republished January 3, 2021 [originally published April 18, 2020]


he following episode of the Simpsons was released in 2010.

It is a satire. But at the same time it reveals the unspoken truth. The writer of the script is an award winning author and political analyst. Michael Price

This episode was not “taken out of the blue”?  In 2010 when The House Cat Flu  episode was broadcast on TV in November 2010,  the  World was recovering from the 2009 H1N1 swine flu pandemic which turned out to be “fake”.

In the Meow Apocalypse, it was a campaign against the house cat.

In the REAL LIFE 2009 H1N1 swine flu pandemic, it was a worldwide campaign against the pig. Hundreds of thousands of pigs were slaughtered. 

The WHO was and remains controlled by Big Pharma. In 2009, WHO Director General Margaret Chan ordered 4.9 billion doses of an H1N1 vaccine from the pharmaceutical industry. It was  a multibillion dollar scam.

And there lessons to be drawn in regards to the ongoing 2020-2021 corona crisis. 

scroll down for details on the H1N1 Swine flu pandemic scam.


The H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic

In 2009, hundreds of thousands of pigs were executed Worldwide, despite the fact that  the WHO had confirmed that there was no danger of transmission from pigs to humans.

And then what happened, an authoritative study by the John Hopkins School of Public Health was released saying that humans could infect the pigsPutting Meat on the Table Industrial Farm Animal Production in Americas, see also Washington Post, May 9 2009).

Based on incomplete and scanty data, the WHO Director General nonetheless predicted with authority that: “as many as 2 billion people could become infected over the next two years — nearly one-third of the world population.” (World Health Organization as reported by the Western media, July 2009).

It was a multibillion bonanza for Big Pharma supported by the WHO’s Director-General Margaret Chan. 

In June 2009, Margaret Chan made the following statement:

“On the basis of … expert assessments of the evidence, the scientific criteria for an influenza pandemic have been met. I have therefore decided to raise the level of influenza pandemic alert from Phase 5 to Phase 6.  The world is now at the start of the 2009 influenza pandemic. … Margaret Chan, Director-General, World Health Organization (WHO), Press Briefing  11 June 2009)

What “expert assessments”?

In a subsequent statement she confirmed that:

“Vaccine makers could produce 4.9 billion pandemic flu shots per year in the best-case scenario”,Margaret Chan, Director-General, World Health Organization (WHO), quoted by Reuters, 21 July 2009)

A financial windfall for Big Pharma Vaccine Producers including GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Merck & Co., Sanofi,  Pfizer. et al.

The same Big Pharma companies are also behind the coronavirus pandemic.

Fake News, Fake Statistics, Lies at the Highest Levels of Government

The media went immediately into high gear (without a shred of evidence). Fear and Uncertainty. Public opinion was deliberately misled

Swine flu could strike up to 40 percent of Americans over the next two years and as many as several hundred thousand could die if a vaccine campaign and other measures aren’t successful.” (Official Statement of Obama Administration, Associated Press, 24 July 2009).

“The U.S. expects to have 160 million doses of swine flu vaccine available sometime in October”, (Associated Press, 23 July 2009)

Wealthier countries such as the U.S. and Britain will pay just under $10 per dose [of the H1N1 flu vaccine]. … Developing countries will pay a lower price.” [circa $40 billion for Big Pharma?] (Business Week, July 2009)

But the pandemic never happened.

There was no pandemic affecting 2 billion people…

Millions of doses of swine flu vaccine had been ordered by national governments from Big Pharma. Millions of vaccine doses were subsequently destroyed: a financial bonanza for Big Pharma, an expenditure crisis for national governments.

There was no investigation into who was behind this multibillion fraud. 

Several critics said that the H1N1 Pandemic was “Fake”

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), a human rights watchdog, is publicly investigating the WHO’s motives in declaring a pandemic. Indeed, the chairman of its influential health committee, epidemiologist Wolfgang Wodarg, has declared that the “false pandemic” is “one of the greatest medicine scandals of the century.” (Forbes, February 10, 2010)

And in January 2010, the WHO responded with the following statement


The Western media which provided daily coverage of  the pandemic, remained mum (with some exceptions) on the issue of financial fraud and disinformation.

I should emphasize that the present Public Health Crisis concerning China’s novel coronavirus is of an entirely different nature to that of H1N1.

But there important lessons to be learnt from the 2009 H1N1 Pandemic: 

The fundamental issue we must address pertaining to both present as well as previous public health emergencies:

Can we trust the Western media?

Can we trust the World Health Organization (WHO)?

Can we trust the US government  including the US Centers  for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), all of which are serving the interests of Big Pharma (at tax payers’ expense)?

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Interview About the International Lawsuits: “It’s Quite Clear That This Is Like World War III, and Probably Worse”

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Interview About the International Lawsuits: “It’s Quite Clear That This Is Like World War III, and Probably Worse”
Reiner Fuellmich : “cette pandémie a été mise en scène” [VOSTFR]
Translation — Reiner Fuellmich: “This Pandemic Has Been Ataged” [VOSTFR]

by FranceSoir
December 21, 2020


Debriefing in partnership with

We welcome Reiner Fuellmich. After a general presentation and his analysis on the pandemic, he tells us about the actions he is leading, the legal and judicial situation in Germany where the system is locally under the influence of certain companies, international cooperation and “loaded dice” by the PCR tests of the much criticized Dr. Drosten.

Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: This video made use of YouTube’s transcript option and, unedited, it naturally contains a lot of errors. Below, we are providing some excerpts where you will find corrected names, etc.

[Original video available at FranceSoir YouTube channel. As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Topics of discussion include:

  • Background of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich’s involvement with the lawsuits
  • Key lies that are the basis for the fraudulent pandemic
  • Class action in the United States, Canada and Australia
  • Malpractice lawsuits internationally
  • Various lawsuits for individual situations


I did remember, however, that there was a similar thing that happened years ago but I couldn’t quite remember the details of this. And that’s why I called my friend Wolfgang Wodarg who was a medical doctor. And I asked him about what he thought about it. He explained to me that I was remembering the right thing — it was the swine flu, which was 12 years ago. And he said it looks very much like the swine flu all over again — because it’s the same people playing the same roles. Panic. Making people panic. The same professor Drosten of Charity University, the same Neil Ferguson of the Imperial College in London. Same people.

And he told me to take a closer look at what some of the other experts said, because we knew very quickly that the only person who the German government relied on was this infamous, now infamous, professor Drosten. So he pointed out to me that there’s Ioannidis of Stanford University and Michael Levitt of Stanford University. Plus a number of German scientists who have a entirely different view of the situation.


…it’s quite clear that this is like World War III, and probably worse. A lot of people are committing suicide.


So the final question was, ‘what about the PCR tests?’. And when we looked at this, it turns out that there’s one major player who’s — now it’s called the Drosten paper which was published on, I think January 23rd. This major player is professor Drosten — who as it turns out is neither a professor nor is he a doctor. Because the dissertation, that finally was found by the people… who had been looking for it for months and months and months, turns out to be a piece that was probably produced in June of this year, but not in 2003 or 2002 as he as he claims it was.

So that got us really interested in this, because if somebody lies about his academic background then the next question is — is he telling the truth as far as what he’s saying in this now infamous Drosten paper, in this paper he claims that he had invented a new PCR test which was capable of detecting infections.

In another paper, that was published a little later, he claims that there are asymptomatic infections. Now you have to read this together because — what does that mean? If there really are asymptomatic infections, that means that people out there who have no infections whatsoever are dangerous because they may be infectious. If it’s not true then we don’t have to worry about that.

Up until then it was quite clear that anybody who didn’t have any any symptoms is not infectious — is a healthy person. I mean, who goes to see a doctor when they don’t have any symptoms? But all of a sudden this brand new claim stated there are asymptomatic infections. And this is, I think, really important to know because, if there were asymptomatic infections, then it would make sense to be afraid of everyone. If not, then the whole thing collapses like a house of cards.

The other thing is, what about the PCR tests? And it turns out that PCR tests — even though a PCR test is a great thing to amplify things that the human eye normally cannot see — it doesn’t and cannot tell you anything about infections. The inventor of the PCR test Kary Mullis said this over and over and over again. I listened to all of his videos. Great guy. Intelligent. Witty. Smart.


So we listened to, I think in the meantime, over a hundred experts from all over the world — scientists, doctors, economists, lawyers — and as far as the scientists are concerned — the immunologists, the biologists, all of them said ‘No way can a PCR test tell you anything about infections’.

Because the one major problem it has — first of all it isn’t designed and it isn’t admitted for diagnostic purposes.


So what do we have here? We have two blatant lies. These are false statements. And we know that this man made them knowingly because he’s supposedly an expert on PCR tests. And we know that he lied on purpose because there’s an interview with him from six years ago, I think that was during the MERS flu, which is also a corona virus, a different one, but still. And that’s when he said that the PCR tests are so sensitive that they test positive to almost anything — and that, in many cases, it tests positive on healthy people. So he knew what was going on. And, even then, he also knew that the mainstream media played a big role in this. Because in this interview, he said ‘and you also have to take into consideration’, he pointed out that the mainstream media are causing quite a ruckus, quite an uproar.


If there are no asymptomatic infections, what’s going on? So we arrive at the conclusion — that is our current conclusion — that there’s some other agenda being pushed, which has nothing to do with health, and everything to do with control and power and money.


A class action is something that you can use when you have a huge, or a large number, of people who suffered damages because of one single damaging action. In this case it’s the lockdowns. The Drosten-PCR-test-induced lockdowns. And that’ll be a problem for Mr. Drosten and the people who he cooperates with — W.H.O. and others who are behind this — because they sold these PCR tests, these Drosten PCR tests, throughout the world.


…it looks as though the mistakes were made on purpose in order to drive up the numbers of infections which are really only false positives.


…The first complaint that we filed is — we’re representing our friend Wolfgang Wodarg because he was accused by a group of what is now called “fact checkers” (which is nothing else but people who are bought and paid for by youtube, twitter, facebook in order to defame people who express an opinion that is not in agreement with the government’s opinion, in particular when it comes to covid and PCR). So these people called him a liar because he explained that PCR tests cannot tell you anything about infections. Now if they call him a liar, they have to prove that he’s the liar. So we’re suing them for defamation… Today we’re sending out another brief to Drosten himself, explaining to him that he has to retract his ideas, but that, even at this point, he is civilly liable for the damages that he caused.


The most important thing is, of course, to get these class actions started, both in the United States and in Canada, and if possible, also in Australia. How this works is as follows: A person who suffered damages in the United States, or in Canada, or in Australia, because of these Drosten-PCR-test-induced lockdowns can file a complaint against Drosten, against the W.H.O. — or anyone else who, in the United States, Canada or in Australia claims that the PCR test that they’re selling tells you something about infections.

Now, if then, they explain to the judge that they’re not the only ones who are suffering harm, but that there’s thousands and thousands of more people who suffer the same kind of damage, they can ask the court to let this case go forward as a class action. Meaning, if the judge decides, yes, this makes sense to be tried as a class action, then anybody who suffered the same kinds of damages can join this class. What the judge will then do is publish this. And, if it’s going to be an international case, then he’s going to publish this worldwide in all the mainstream media — so that anyone who suffered damages because of this same illegal action can join the class. They don’t have to, but they can. They can still file their own complaints but the power of this class action is that you have — in the end, you have probably hundreds of thousands, I think even millions, of plaintiffs who are all in this one case together. But only one case, for the so-called representative plaintiff — someone who suffered typical damages — one case is tried. If this case is won then everybody else wins too.


We’re cooperating with all of our colleagues in Italy and France, in Spain, Austria, Switzerland — all of the countries from which lawyers have approached us. And they all get everything they need from us.


There are other actions that are going to be filed for malpractice. Yes. Because we know that, in particular when it comes to New York and Bergamo, Italy… The pictures of these places were shown all over the world in order to scare people, in order to tell them ‘this is what’s going to happen if you don’t do as we are telling you’. Because they needed these pictures in order to make people panic — put them in panic modes — so that they won’t ask any questions but do as they’re told. Wear masks, for example. Social distancing, for example. You have to have a lockdown, for example.

We know now from talking to the doctors from New York and from the United States, and from talking to a network of doctors in Italy and in other places that these pictures were staged.


…We’re waiting for a trial date to be set by the court here in Berlin. I know that, very soon, there’s going to be a similar complaint to be filed someplace in the United States — within the next couple of days I think. And I know that within the next couple of weeks a real PCR class action case will be filed in Canada.


I wish we had acted sooner, but it took us a while to understand what was going on. And you can’t go to court unless you have the full picture. Now we have the full picture, we believe. In our opinion, this is a staged pandemic — staged for completely other purposes than health care.

As I said, this is about money, power, and control over the people. And so this is actually the last step. Collecting damages should be the last step.

What we’re all working on right now — because we have to get our priorities straight — is to… we’re filing criminal complaints and administrative law complaints in order to stop the EMA [European Medicines Agency] — the European commission that decides on whether or not to admit these vaccines — in order to stop them from admitting these vaccines, because as we know now they’re extremely dangerous.

They’re not vaccines. This is genetic engineering.


[speaking about situation in Germany] I think there are about thirty percent of the population who are completely in line with the government, and who, if they had a choice but probably would wear three or four or five masks on top of each other. But then, there’s 20 percent who are of the opinion that there’s something seriously wrong and this should be stopped very soon. But 50 percent of the people — that’s what we estimate — are beginning to ask more and more questions. And, if I read my sister correctly, and other nurses and doctors who I spoke with, at least 90 percent of the people do not want vaccinations.

Tomorrow we’re meeting with a large group of lawyers and we’re going to decide who’s going to do what. Some of us are going to go to administrative law courts, some of us are going to work with the tort law cases — which is my specialty– and others are going to do criminal law.


More and more doctors are coming out of hiding and are approaching us, the Corona Committee, through our whistleblower tool. So things are beginning to boil…

See related: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich on The Corona Crime Scandal | International Network of Lawyers Will Argue the Biggest Tort Case in World History


The Empty Hospitals

The Empty Hospitals

by John Thor
December 31, 2020


Hugo Talks

Carl Vernon


Mad World – Gary Jules / Tears For Fears (Cover by Jasmine Thompson)

O.D.D TV | End of the Tunnel (Feat. K-Rino & Tony Mac)

O.D.D TV | Twilight Zone | Real Truth Music / Conscious Rap

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Breaking! Public Prosecutor Orders Investigation Into Vaccine Quality Control and Says Scientific Answers Are Needed (Italy)

Breaking! Public Prosecutor Orders Investigation Into Vaccine Quality Control and Says Scientific Answers Are Needed (Italy)

by Senta Depuydt, Children’s Health Defense Europe
December 31, 2020


The Italian citizens’ organization Corvelva has finally forced an inquiry into the quality of vaccine lots after having financed independent analyzes of different vaccines that showed many samples are not compliant with quality standards and health product regulations.

Corvelva just issued a press release of the decision made by the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Rome on December 28th. They proudly announced that « our analyzes, which had led to a complaint to the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Rome, after a request for dismissal made by the Public Minister and with our subsequent opposition last year, were today considered worthy of further study. The judge in charge issued AN ORDER in which he indicates to the Public Prosecutor the need to proceed with investigations.

Particularly interesting is a quote of this decision that emphasizes the need to provide real scientific answers and not get away with administrative or legal arguments.  “It is believed that a merely formal response to the complaint is not sufficient to overcome the technical and scientific arguments of the exponent”. This sentence was written as a response to the Public Ministry who had motivated his request to dismiss, by arguing that the effectiveness of the controls of the Italian and European health agencies “cannot be questioned by the results of the analyzes carried out by private individuals”.

The order finds that arguments of the complaint are “detailed” and that it is therefore considered necessary to investigate what was reported.

Therefore there is an indication to proceed with independent analyzes by the health security police department to see if the findings can be reproduced.

Mattia Marchi a member of the Corvelva team summarizes the whole story:

On July 31, 2017 the Italian government decided to impose 10 mandatory vaccines for children. In our opinion this law made no sense, was contrary to science and logic and to our fundamental rights.So from that moment on our organization Corvelva decided to oppose it in every way. One of the strategies chosen was to go verify the compliance of vaccines marketed in Italy and Europe. Initially we had identified 7 vaccines (1) of which 5 vaccines had shown major discrepancies compared to the data sheets. From here we decided to study in depth both the efficacy and safety of 4 vaccines, analyzing them both under the chemical and metagenomics (biological) aspects. We found issues so serious that we were obliged to proceed with the investigation, always making everything public. (2)

While we proceeded with the study and analysis of these 4 vaccines, Priorix Tetra, Gardasil9, Hexyon and Infanrix Hexa, we deposited the results to all Italian and European control bodies, also opening a complaint to the criminal court of Rome. For almost 2 years we have received summary and delayed responses, focused more on the fact that we are considered antivaccine rather than on the merits of the data presented, but today we are proud and happy to share the big news: our complaint is validated and the judge has instructed an investigation”.

This decision is truly unprecedented worldwide and signs a first victory against the lack of accountability of vaccine makers and health institutions.  The issue of vaccine quality is of extreme importance as the public needs to be certain that vaccine products contain what they claim, nothing less and nothing more. It goes beyond the pro- or anti-vaccine debate and it can open new legal avenues.

Children’s Health Defense has been following Corvelva’s work closely and had published some of their findings relevant for the American public on their website. Read here the articles reporting about the quality issues (for example the presence of amphetamine residues and retroviruses) in the  Gardasil vaccine and about the DNA from fetal cell lines contained in vaccines last year.

You can read all details on their website in the series ‘Vaccinegate’ with specific analysis for each vaccine. For the European people, the reports on the MMRV Priorix Tetra vaccine (GSK), Hexyon (Sanofi) and Infanrix Hexa (GSK) are a must read as these are major pediatric vaccines marketed in Europe.

We will not review their findings here, but some of the results are very concerning, for example the fact that in some cases (Priorix and Infanrix) the required quantity of antigen could not be detected. No antigen means it can’t work and it should normally be withdrawn from the market with immediate effect.  Will the Italian investigators do their job?  How far can we trust our health institutions in their mission to protect the public? This time we need answers.




Why Do Hypocritical Officials Violate Their Own COVID Rules? | The Open Secret

Why Do Hypocritical Officials Violate Their Own COVID Rules?
   The Open Secret

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
January 1, 2021


The latest example of hypocrisy is Dr. Deborah Birx, White House coronavirus advisor. It turns out she traveled to meet her family for Thanksgiving after telling Americans not to travel, not to gather with family outside their immediate households.

Gavin Newsom, the governor of California, told the public they should celebrate Thanksgiving outdoors. Then he was caught having dinner, indoors, at a restaurant, unmasked, with 12 people.

There are other examples.

The usual explanation: these officials are arrogant and believe they’re above the law. They want to thumb their noses at the little people.

Yes, no doubt. But a more direct reason is staring us in the face.

The hypocritical officials know the whole COVID pandemic is a fraud.

They know there is no danger.

They know the lockdowns are unnecessary.

That’s why these officials break their own rules.

Why would they expose themselves to “the virus,” unless they knew they were safe?

Some of them believe they’re trapped in a political apparatus that offers no exit. They must go along with the show. They must participate in the fraud because, for example, federal dollars flow into their states, and those dollars are contingent on “playing the COVID game.”

Other officials have been bribed, blackmailed, threatened.

Regardless, they know they can flout their own rules because there is no health risk, no danger.

The risk is on the level of betting on a boxing match, when the bout is fixed, and you know who will win.

People will say, “These officials aren’t smart enough to figure out COVID is a fraud.”

You don’t have to be smart, you don’t have to understand all the intricate details of the fake test, the fake case and death numbers based on the test. You just need to understand enough.

You just need to be clued in.

This would suggest the COVID fraud is an open secret, shared by many in power. I believe that is exactly the case.

For purposes of comparison, consider a level of “secret understanding” slightly above that of politicians. Government scientists.

These scientists are fully aware that the PCR test for COVID is a complete hoax—for reasons I’ve detailed over the past nine months. Therefore, the scientists also know the case numbers based on those tests are fraudulent. And they know the case numbers are used as the rationale for the lockdowns.

That’s a lot of knowing. That’s a lot of “open secret.”

Here’s another comparison. PCR techs in labs all over the world, who are running the test, are fully cognizant of the crimes they’re committing every day—by utilizing “too many cycles” and therefore destroying any shred of validity when diagnosing ANYTHING.

Sharing this open secret among themselves, they otherwise remain silent.

Getting the picture?

The open secret of the COVID fraud isn’t confined to a dozen people in a sealed room. It’s high and wide. It’s understood by many in positions of power and responsibility, all over the world.

You can add your own lists of “secret sharers.” Mainstream physicians, for example. Physicians who are in charge of administering the COVID vaccines they know are unnecessary and dangerous. They also remain silent. So do certain news media people.

And since there are so many people who know the real score, we can begin to see the degree and extent of complicity that is driving the whole pandemic hoax.

This isn’t only a small conspiracy of movers and shakers who planned it and launched it.

This is a very wide-ranging conspiracy of silence.

“Don’t blame me. I’m just following orders.”

“But you know COVID is a total fraud.”

“Of course I know.”

“And you know others who know.”

“Many others.”

“Case closed.”

Which is to say, case WIDE OPEN.

The COVID situation is directly analogous to the Nazi, USSR, and Chinese bureaucracies; faceless workers passing on and obeying orders.

Many of the workers know those orders, no matter how they are dressed up, are arbitrary and evil.

The orders are initiated to destroy lives and freedom, and are transferred through the human machinery of The Complicit Silent Ones.

cover image credit TillVoigt / pixabay

Scientific Manipulation – Can the “Experts” Make You Believe?

Scientific Manipulation – Can the “Experts” Make You Believe?

by Joe Plummer,
January 1, 2020


Even those who aren’t paying attention, probably know by now that access to information is being blocked. Apparently, a handful of people have decided that our new normal does not include the right to speak or hear unapproved facts. To the extent possible, they’re creating a digital echo chamber; where they write the official narrative, and only those who repeat the narrative are permitted to be seen and heard.

There’s a science to making people believe things that are not true. Bertrand Russel, an expert on the topic, argued in the 1930s that “The society of experts will control propaganda…all real power will come to be concentrated in the hands of those who understand the art of scientific manipulation.”[i] He noted that the population will: “not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated.”[ii] Hopefully, this short video will shine some light on how they generate convictions.

For those of us who understand the “art of scientific manipulation,” because we’ve studied the history of those who employ it, the COVID 19 manipulation could not have been more obvious. Once you know the formula, it’s very easy to identify: Use the media to convince the population that it faces an imminent apocalyptic threat, generate as much hysteria as possible, and then implement your desired policies; policies that, without the hysteria, would have been politically impossible.

At this point, they’ve already achieved many of their desires, so let’s turn our attention to one goal that they’ve yet to achieve: Injecting billions of human beings, multiple times, with a rushed, inadequately tested, unproven mRNA vaccine. Fortunately, their propaganda formula is less effective in the age of the internet. Unfortunately, they’ve now identified and addressed this problem by adding censorship to the mix.  And it’s not just Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.

When my wife and I moved back to Ohio, somebody invited us to join Unlike Facebook, where you see things that your friends have posted, periodically sends an email digest of posts from people who live in and around your neighborhood. Garage sales, lost cats…recently, somebody found a chicken that flew the coop…stuff like that. In 8 years, I’ve only gone to the site a handful of times to comment. Last week was one of them. The post read: Will you get the COVID vaccine and why?

Clearly, I’m passionate about this topic, so I was one of the first ones to reply. I wrote: “No. You couldn’t pay me enough to take a rushed mRNA vaccine for a disease that, in the vast majority of people, has a 99.98% survival rate. (And that’s IF you catch it. Many seem to already have some form of immunity.) Add in the fact that the vaccine may only reduce symptoms, not prevent infection or transmission, and the idea of injecting billions of healthy people seems downright criminal.”

 So, that was my first post. Let me show some references to back up my claims. All links will be available in the description.

*First, my claim that “the vast majority of people have a 99.98% survival rate” is based on information from the CDC and the UN. Some of you might have seen graphics like this that use CDC data to show the survival rate based on age:
However, if you want to confirm this on the CDC website, you’ll notice that the CDC presents their numbers in decimal form, and they focus on the number of people who die instead of the number of people who survive. No problem. To confirm the survival rate, you only need to do two things: First, convert the CDC’s decimal format to a percent by moving the decimal point 2 places to the right. You now have your infection fatality percentage. Subtract the fatality percent from 100% to see how many people will survive. In this case, 99.997% survive, and in this case 99.98% survive.

For a little more perspective, 99.98% survival rate translates to 1 death in 5,000 infected people. I emphasize infected because it appears that many people are already immune to this due to exposure to other coronaviruses. It could be that 10,000 need to be exposed for 5,000 to become infected and for 1 of those people die. Bottom line, contrary to what the pharma-funded “experts” and media want you to believe, unless you personally know at least 5,000 people under the age of 50, there’s a good chance you won’t know a single person in that age group who dies from this. How many of the planet’s 7.8 billion people are under the age of 50? According to the UN, about 6 billion.
Here’s that reference. Note that the graph shows figures in thousands, so to get the actual total, you’ll have to add 3 zeros.
You can run the query yourself here:

Last but not least: Listen for yourself as Fauci admits the vaccine might not prevent infection, but that’s OK with him as long as it reduces symptoms.

And just for fun, here’s the Nobel prize winning biochemist who invented the PCR test, Kary Mullis, giving his thoughts on Tony Fauci.

It’s a shame Kary died in August of 2019, just before the so-called “pandemic” was announced. I’m sure he’d have had plenty to say about how Fauci and his friends have used the PCR test to “scientifically” create public hysteria.

OK, so when I first replied under the COVID vaccine thread, only a couple other people had posted, and they too responded with an emphatic “No way, I’m not taking it.” However, the next day, somebody responded with a yes. Quoting from his post, under the question will you take the vaccine and why, he replied.

“Yes, the vaccine will be fully vetted. It will not be approved if the side effects are worse than the disease. Some people cannot take the vaccine – babies and those with preexisting conditions. By taking the vaccine you are not only protecting yourself but many other people…3000 people are dying every day from Covid-19, that’s like a September 11th every day!”

I took my time and replied with the following:

I’m not trying to be confrontational; you have the right to believe what you want, but I disagree with your statements. First, the virus poses no significant risk to the overwhelming majority of the population. Therefore, the overwhelming majority of the population is not “protecting themselves” by taking the vaccine. Rather, they’re actually putting themselves at unnecessary risk.

Second, Fauci himself admits that he’ll be happy if the vaccine permits infection, but simply reduces symptoms. That standard does nothing to protect the people who can’t take the vaccine.

Third, more than 160,000 people die globally every day (about 60 million per year.) Approximately 25 million of that 60 million is made up of people over 70 years of age. Many of us suspect that they are “harvesting” from that enormous pool of annual deaths to inflate COVID numbers. Excess mortality data (and diminished mortality in areas like the flu), should hopefully tell the story.

Last but not least, there is no way to fully “vet” or account for potential long-term side effects that this vaccine will cause. That could easily take 5 years or more. If the risk / benefit makes sense to you, that is fine. But the idea of coercing healthy people into taking this vaccine (via restrictions on their movement, employment, insurance, or other means), is criminal.

We’ve already covered the survival rate for 6 billion people, and I’ve already shown Fauci’s statement about whether or not the vaccine will prevent infection, so here’s a graph showing total annual deaths at 7.6 per thousand…multiply the 2020 population estimate of 7.8 billion by .76% and divide by 365 to arrive at 160K+ deaths per day.

Regarding the typical death count in the 70+ age group, this graph from the UN puts the figure at just over 25 million deaths average per year for those over the age of 70. The period in this graph is from 2015 to 2020, so to confirm, add the figures and then divide by 5 to get the total per year. It, too, is displayed in thousands, so you’ll need to add 3 zeros when you’re done.

Now would be a good time to point out that all of the hysteria, censorship, economic destruction, nationwide lockdowns, curfews, privacy violations and threats of mandatory vaccination have been justified based on the world reaching its normal yearly death count on December 20th 2020, instead of December 31st.  And again, that assumes the 1.7 million COVID fatalities they’re claiming haven’t been harvested mostly from the 25 million deaths that occur every year in the 70+ age group alone.

Moving on:

After posting my reply, I saved what I wrote to my computer, and I also saved the post that I’d replied to, and I’m glad I did. I’m sure you know where this is going. The entire thread was deleted.

The last time I looked at the thread, approximately 15 people had responded. Only 3 had replied “yes, I’m going to take the vaccine” so it was 4 “no’s” for every 1 “yes.” Just like the first reply that I responded to, the other “yes” replies repeated the standard “messaging” of mainstream news. “We need to trust the science,” and “don’t listen to conspiracy theories,” and “with the vaccine, we’ll be able to get back to normal.” With that said, I want to expose this idea of media-directed messaging, because it is just another term for scientifically crafted propaganda.

The obvious message, drilled relentlessly into our heads, is that we all face an ominous threat. A threat so great, that it warrants 24 / 7 news coverage and unprecedented governmental intervention. Slightly less obvious is the idea that we’re to trust, without question, the corporate-funded, agenda-driven experts that the media puts in front of us. This tiny group of media-approved experts is not superior in any way to the far-larger group of dissenting experts. In fact, you could easily argue that the tiny group is inferior. Because their job, as Kary Mullis noted, is to say what they’re told to say. Their job is to create and maintain the illusion of consensus. If they value their prestigious positions at the WHO, the CDC, the NIH and other institutes, they will not publicly challenge the official narrative. By design, that narrative contains no context that will lead to unwanted conclusions.

In pursuit of “scientific manipulation,” society has been trained to accept media propaganda for reality. The screen says there’s a new killer mercilessly ravaging the earth, and they believe…they’ve lost the confidence to turn their back on that screen and, using their own judgement, compare its claims to the reality that they actually live in. If they could just do that, if they could turn away long enough, they’d realize that the world they live in bears no resemblance to the 24-hour fear porn they’re subjected to.

Right now, we’re at a stage where they want to manipulate you into taking an unproven and inadequately tested vaccine. A vaccine that doesn’t even promise to keep you from becoming infected or from infecting others. How can they possibly manage to pull that off? Well, we’ve already covered that. They intend to manipulate you with a combination of “messaging” and censorship. If want to dig a little deeper, you can read some “messages” that Yale university is testing on the public. I’ll cover a few here. Tell me if they sound familiar:

The Guilt message
This message is about “the danger that COVID-19 presents to the health of one’s family and community. The best way to protect them is by getting vaccinated and society must work together to get enough people vaccinated. Then it asks the participant to imagine the guilt they will feel if they don’t get vaccinated and spread the disease.”

Can you count the manipulations in that short paragraph? First, we’ve already covered that COVID 19 isn’t a threat to the vast majority of human beings, which includes the human beings in your family and community. Second, they claim the best way to protect your family and community is via vaccination. (If out of 10,000 people, 9,990 face no serious risk, then you are only exposing those 9,990 people to unnecessary risk. As for the other 10 who may be at risk, it’s up to them to decide whether, best case, “reduced symptoms” are a sufficient payoff for taking an unproven mRNA vaccine. Especially when other treatments, buried by the media propaganda and censorship, are available…Finally, as with most propaganda, they threaten exclusion from the circle of “good, smart, brave, proud” people, who did as they were told. You’re either with the good guys who are working to get everyone vaccinated, or you’ll be relegated to the status of a filthy / guilt-ridden spreader.

Personal freedom message
“COVID-19 is limiting people’s personal freedom and by working together to get enough people vaccinated society can preserve its personal freedom.” First of all, COVID 19 isn’t limiting personal freedom, rather, it’s being used as a pretext to limit personal freedom, that’s an important distinction. And the idea that vaccination “preserves” freedom is just bizarre. At best, they’re saying that you must surrender your freedom to decide for yourself, then, if you do that, maybe they’ll give back some of what they’ve taken. How is that preserving freedom?

I’ll just cover one more, but I’ll link to the study’s page in the description. Here we have the

The “Trust in science” message
“…getting vaccinated against COVID-19 is the most effective way of protecting one’s community. Vaccination is backed by science. If one doesn’t get vaccinated that means that one doesn’t understand how infections are spread or who ignores science.” Well, you wouldn’t want to ignore “the science!” that our scientific manipulators have chosen to put before us. Pay no mind to the 10’s of thousands of other doctors and scientists who are risking their careers (and of course, being censored), for challenging this insanity.

On that note, let’s wrap this up with a reminder from Robert Kennedy Jr. about the history of those who not only produce these drugs, but fund the only institutions and “experts” that you’re allowed to hear from.

[i] The Scientific Outlook, page 175

[ii] The Impact of Science on Society, page 41


[Truth Comes to Light Editor’s note: Original video is available at Joe Plummer YouTube channel.  As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to Joe Plummer. Please follow links provided to support his work.]

cover image credit  mohamed_hassan / pixabay


Del Bigtree: The Rise of Truth in 2021

The Rise of Truth in 2021

by Del Bigtree, The HighWire
January 1, 2021

Video available at The HighWire BitChute and Brighteon channels.

We look back on our successes, reflect on our losses, and forge ahead with hope, determination, and a dedication to the rise of truth in 2021.

#Winning #TruthWillOut #2021 #2020 #NYE

W.H.O. Chief Scientist Caught Lying to the Public

W.H.O. Chief Scientist Caught Lying to the Public

by The HighWire With Del Bigtree
December 31, 2020


W.H.O. Chief Scientist, Soumya Swaminathan, caught lying to the public.

The Criminal W.H.O. Blows Its Own Cover: Fake PCR Test

The Criminal WHO Blows Its Own Cover: Fake PCR Test

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
December 31, 2020


In early 2020, the WHO accepted a PCR test for “SARS-CoV-2” that was designed without having possession of the virus. Yet the test is meant to detect…the missing virus. This is evidence of deep criminal intent. [1]

But as of December 14, 2020, WHO has made a correction [2]. Thereby blowing its own cover. Why?

Two reasons. Huge numbers of people have caught on to the PCR test scam. And by their correction, WHO paves the way for “declining COVID case numbers”—thereby making it appear the new vaccine is a roaring success. I predicted this development. [3] [4]

A brief review. The PCR test (a complete fraud for several reasons) is run in “cycles.” Each cycle is a giant magnification of a tiny portion of the swab sample taken from the patient.

As I’ve reported, even Tony Fauci readily asserts that if the PCR is run at 35 cycles or higher, it’s meaningless. [5] [6]

Every positive result—indicating “infection with the virus”—occurring at 35 cycles or higher is meaningless.

BUT, as I’ve also pointed out, public health agencies recommend running the PCR test at up to 40 cycles. Therefore, labs comply.

Therefore, millions upon millions of PCR tests results, over the last nine months, which indicate “infection,” are a vast lie.

Therefore, the COVID case numbers are a vast lie, and the lockdowns, which are based on those numbers, are absurd, insane, criminal, and predatory.

NOW, the WHO is walking back their stance on how the PCR should be run, for the reasons I mentioned above.

The WHO document is titled, “WHO Information Notice for IVD Users/Nucleic acid testing (NAT) technologies that use real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for detection of SARS-CoV-2.” [2]

Here are the money quotes. The language is mealy-mouthed, intentionally confusing, cautious, and sterile. Nevertheless, we can see the intent to lower the number of test cycles.

“Users of RT-PCR reagents should read the IFU [Information for Use] carefully to determine if manual adjustment of the PCR positivity threshold is necessary to account for any background noise which may lead to a specimen with a high cycle threshold (Ct) value result being interpreted as a positive result.”

Translation: Using too many test cycles—aka “high cycle threshold (Ct) value”—has resulted in patients being told they’re infected, which is a lie.

“In some cases, the IFU will state that the cut-off should be manually adjusted to ensure that specimens with high Ct values are not incorrectly assigned SARS-CoV-2 detected due to background noise.”

Translation: Running the test with a high number of cycles yields “background noise”—aka a false positive result. The patient is told he’s infected but he’s not.

“The design principle of RT-PCR means that for patients with high levels of circulating virus (viral load), relatively few cycles will be needed to detect virus and so the Ct value will be low. Conversely, when specimens return a high Ct value, it means that many cycles were required to detect virus. In some circumstances, the distinction between background noise and actual presence of the target virus is difficult to ascertain.”

Translation: When the test is run with a high number of cycles, we can’t tell the difference between “irrelevant” and “meaningful.”

A frank and honest translation of the WHO message: “We’re changing the way we’re doing PCR tests. We were running them with a high number of cycles and getting millions of false positives, and those numbers were deployed to justify the lockdowns—but NOW we’re moving to a lower number of cycles. This change, all on its own, will result in fewer positive results, fewer case numbers, making the vaccine look VERY GOOD.”

The WHO is still crazy, still criminal, but not entirely stupid. They know what they’re doing and why.









cover image credit Comfreak / pixabay


Trial Lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: International Lawsuits Take on the Fraudulent Pandemic, Based on the Big Lies Around PCR Tests & Asymptomatic Infections

Trial Lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: International Lawsuits Take on the Fraudulent Pandemic, Based on the Big Lies Around PCR Tests & Asymptomatic Infections
Reiner Fuellmich | Full Length Interview in Berlin | Planet Lockdown 

by Truth Matters
December 25, 2020


Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is a German American lawyer with experience going after large companies like Deutsche Bank.

He is a member of the German Corona Investigative Committee. He discusses the current situation and his efforts to bring justice to the situation.

This interview was done as apart of the full length documentary. We are releasing the full interview for the betterment of public understanding of the situation.

The full film, when released, will be available at

Original video is available at Truth Matters YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


“Our focus is on the PCR test because if we manage to convince a court of law that this is a fraudulent enterprise — the PCR test being marketed with the assertion that it can detect infections. If we can convince a court of law that this is a false statement, then the whole house of cards is going to come crashing down because there’s nothing else.

That is the tool that they’re that they’re using in order to keep people in panic mode. And there’s no basis for this panic because, as I just pointed out, even according to the WHO which couldn’t quite escape the conclusions of  John Ioannidis, the mortality is, or lethality is, roughly the same as that of the common flu.”


“And also there’s already herd immunity. That’s another thing that has been overlooked. So there’s absolutely no reason for vaccines except for the pharmaceutical industry to make money and probably cause a lot of damage as far as health. And even there’s probably going to be a lot of fatalities too because these vaccines haven’t really been tested properly.”


“This is not gonna be one single lawsuit. It’s gonna be a number of different lawsuits that are going to be filed both on here in Germany on this side of the Atlantic and in the United States.”


“The intent is, or the intention that we think is important here, is to uncover the whole thing–  to use what we’ve learned through the corona committee — to use these pieces of evidence and the experts that we’ve heard in order to convince a court of law that this is a staged pandemic and that there’s other goals, other people who are behind this, and trying to push completely different goals. This has nothing to do with the world’s health.”


“We know that there’s something in the background but it’s not important for our lawsuit. For a lawsuit, we can concentrate on one thing only. These people lied when they’re telling the general public that PCR tests can tell us something about infections. “


“…but trying to use fear so that people will believe everyone, even their closest neighbors and relatives is a danger to them could be a super spreader, even if they’re completely healthy and show no symptoms. That’s why I’m saying. It’s not just a lie about ‘PCR tests can tell us something about infections’. In addition, they needed to lie about ‘people can be infectious even if they don’t show any symptoms’.”


“One of the law professors who advises us in the background pointed out to me, in this tort case there are two really important lies that have to be put front and center: One is PCR tests can tell us something about infections. The truth is it cannot. In particular, not the way these PCR tests, the Drosten tests are set up…”


“Lie number one, you cannot tell anything about infections by using these PCR tests because what they do is they test positive to almost everything, including, for example the debris, the fragments, of a common cold, of of your immune system’s fight against the common cold.

Lie number two, even more important I think, is — he says that there are asymptomatic infections. Which basically means anyone who is surrounding us, our relatives, our friends, and who shows no symptoms, who’s perfectly healthy or appears perfectly healthy, could be a threat. That’s what this induces. That’s what this fraud — there are asymptomatic infections — induces. It tells us, ‘oh my god, everybody could be potentially dangerous’. That is not true.”


“We have had not just lawyers who are trying to help, more and more lawyers who are coming out of hiding more or less, but we’ve also — The Corona Committee, that is — we’ve also had judges calling us, getting in touch with us, and asking us how they can help. “


“From what I’ve read and the people who we talked to here on this committee, historians and journalists, this is the so-called Great Reset that some very rich players of the corporate world, including Bill Gates, but also including Klaus Schwab. He’s using his World Economic Forum as a meeting forum for the corporate elite, self-appointed corporate elite, and the self-appointed political elite — to influence them, to manipulate them, to basically lobby them. What the goal is probably — probably population reduction is one of the goals, so that the resources of the world will last longer for those who will survive this. That, in my opinion, is one of the goals, maybe the basic goal.”

Every Scary Thing You’re Being Told Depends on the Unreliable PCR Test

COVID: ‘Every Scary Thing You’re Being Told Depends on the Unreliable PCR Test’

by News Wire, 2st Century Wire
December 30, 2020


Since the COVID-19 crisis began, all of the WHO and Government so-called ‘mitigation’ policies – lockdowns, social distancing, masks, shutting schools etc, have all been based on data of coronavirus “cases” gathered from the increasingly dubious PCR Test. Despite its many fundamental flaws – and even an warning by its inventor, Nobel Prize winner Kerry Mullis, who explicitly said not to use his test as a diagnostic for any virus – governments, the medical establishment, and even Dr Anthony Fauci himself, have chosen to base their entire COVID ‘pandemic’ narrative on this highly inaccurate testing regime. 

The following video presentation is a summary of the pitfalls of the PCR Test and why no responsible medical professional or public health official should be treating it as a legitimate medical diagnostic tool, but rather only, as Mullis himself instructed, as an auxiliary ‘research aid’. Research links for this video have been provided below.


Kary Mullis criticising Fauci:

Dr Mike Yeadon: Cases, Admissions, Deaths, ALL Hang on the Unreliable PCR Test!

Prof. Carl Heneghan: PCR Test Positives Up to 78 Days After Having Had the Virus

Zoom conference with Fauci:

Dr Mike Yeadon Government are using a Covid-19 test with undeclared false positive rates:

EP 91 Emeritus Professor of Immunology Reveals Crucial Viral Immunity Reality:

Reveals Crucial Viral Immunity Reality:


Review report Corman-Drosten et al. Eurosurveillance 2020:

Pathologist Claire Craig on the PCR test:

Kary Mullis 1993:

Interview with Prof. Stephen Bustin:

Carl Heneghan Giving Evidence to House of Commons Committee:


An essential problem that many PCR tests have is called the “cycle quantification” (Cq), also know as the “cycle threshold” (Ct), these two different terms are explained here:

The Cq/Ct value specifies how many cycles of DNA replication are required to detect a real signal from biological samples. As it says in the MIQE guidelines ( “Cq values higher than 40 are suspect because of the implied low efficiency and generally should not be reported.”

MIQE stands for “Minimum Information for Publication of Quantitative Real-Time PCR Experiments”, a set of guidelines that describe the minimum information necessary for evaluating publications on Real-Time PCR, also called quantitative PCR, or qPCR.

The inventor of the PCR test himself, Kary Banks Mullis, agreed, when he stated: “If you have to go more than 40 cycles to amplify a single-copy gene, there is something seriously wrong with your PCR.” Source for the above quote:

The MIQE guidelines have been developed under the guidance of Stephen A. Bustin, Professor of Molecular Medicine, a world-renowned expert on quantitative PCR and author of the book A-Z of Quantitative PCR which has been called “the bible of qPCR ( According to Bustin, a Cq in the 20s to 30s should be aimed at and there is concern regarding the reliability of the results for any Cq over 35. If the Cq value gets too high, it becomes difficult to distinguish real signal from background, for example due to reactions of primers and fluorescent probes, and hence there is a higher probability of false positives.

PCR Test unable to distinguish between signals from dead or live viruses: “Molecular techniques based on real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) allow the detection and quantification of DNA but are unable to distinguish between signals from dead or live cells.” (archive:

Covid19 PCR Tests are scientifically meaningless: (archive:

The Trouble With PCR Tests: (archive:

PCR as “Useless Testing”: (archive:

Was the Covid-19 test meant to detect a virus? (archive:

Corona: creating the illusion of a pandemic through diagnostic tests: (archive:

Are you infectious if you have a positive PCR test result for COVID-19? (archive:

BBC: Coronavirus: Tests ‘could be picking up dead virus’:



[Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: The PCR tests are being completely misused when looking for cause of infectious disease.  In the case of Covid19, they are looking for a virus that has never been isolated — meaning they are looking for something not known to exist outside of a computer model. To say that a certain number of cycles, as stated by several in this video, will help in determining who is infectious, makes no sense at all. Exactly what are they looking for when the virus itself has never been isolated? Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test, tried to make it very clear that this test could not be used for determining infectious disease. Add that to the questions about the role of viruses in infectious disease and the entire convoluted narrative falls apart. The Covid19 narrative is fraud to the bone. To understand the unfolding truth revelations, see the work of Jon Rappoport, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Zach Bush, and many others whose work we share here. ~ Kathleen]

Mysterious Disappearance of Flu in San Diego Prompted Call for Audit of COVID Records

Mysterious Disappearance of Flu in San Diego Prompted Call for Audit of COVID Records

by News Wire, 21st Century Wire
December 28, 2020


One of the most bizarre features of the alleged COVID-19 ‘global pandemic’ has been the mysterious disappearance of the seasonal flu in medical and public health record keeping. It’s as if the Flu just vanished into thin air after being the most common perennial seasonal respiratory virus.

As it turns out, recorded seasonal influenza cases have literally nosedived by 98% across the globe.

This improbable phenomenon has led a number of experts to ask, “Has Covid killed off the flu?”

“The disappearing act began as Covid-19 rolled in towards the end of our flu season in March. And just how swiftly rates have plummeted can be observed in ‘surveillance’ data collected by the World Health Organisation (WHO),” reported the UK’s Daily Mail.

WHO spokesperson, Dr Sylvie Briand, recently claimed during a press briefing that “literally there was nearly no flu in the Southern hemisphere” of the planet Earth in 2020, but gave no real explanation as to why. She then went on to extend this magical thinking saying that, “We hope that the situation will be the same in the Northern Hemisphere.”

Truly extraordinary science by the health experts at the WHO.

Earlier in December, Southern California news outlet KUSI raised the alarm which prompted an audit of COVID statistics in their region…

SAN DIEGO (KUSI) – COVID-19 cases continue to increase across California, and here in San Diego County, but flu cases remain extremely low in comparison to this time in previous years.

We are well into flu season, but San Diego County’s data for flu infections only shows 36 reported cases so far this year. Carl DeMaio tweeted out this shocking revelation, comparing it to this time in other years saying, “In a typical year we get over 17,073 on average!”

DeMaio explained, “if you are going to use a set of numbers like COVID stats to shut down the economy, to take people’s livelihoods away, then we have to really look closely at what those numbers really mean, and whether those numbers are giving us the right picture.” Continuing, “my concern has been from the get go, that we are relying on numbers from government agencies, that may have a different agenda at stake. We would benefit from having a different set of eyes looking at them, such as an auditor or a citizens review committee. Because again, the decisions being made on these data sets are sweeping, the lockdowns are far reaching in terms of their impact.”

DeMaio then said San Diego County has refused to have any look over or vet our local COVID-19 numbers.

Chairman of Reform California, Carl DeMaio, joined KUSI’s Jason Austell on Good Morning San Diego to explain why he is calling for a “full audit of the COVID-19 data we are seeing reported from our public health system.”

As different pressure groups and journalists begin to demand answers from the various health authorities, it’s becoming clear now that there has likely been some degree of widespread, systemic administrative fraud designed to over-inflate COVID-19 numbers to the detriment of every other normal seasonal illness or disease.

cover image credit geralt / pixabay


Bill Gates: Deleted Documentary | Why He Switched From Microsoft to Vaccines

Bill Gates: Deleted Documentary | Why He Switched From Microsoft to Vaccines


Narrator/interviewer: Mikki Willis, producer of Plandemic — Indoctornation.

Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: This documentary appears to be linked with the Plandemic — Indoctornation project. It was created with the invitation “please share” at the close of the video.  Our original source was but it is found on many platforms and websites. None of the sources that we found share creator/producer information. ~ Kathleen

Available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels.

Spiro Skouras w/ Dr. Pam Popper: The Lawsuit That Could End Covid-1984

The Lawsuit That Could End Covid-1984 with Dr. Pam Popper

by Spiro Skouras, Activist Post
December 27, 2020


Ever since the world became aware of Covid-19 in early 2020, we have warned of the possibility that the government response may turn out to be worse than the condition itself.

Many have described this response as a form of medical tyranny, sold to us as a temporary measure for the greater good. Two weeks to flatten the curve they said.

Four months into the lockdowns, some of us half jokingly said things like, “I hope they lift the lockdowns before the 4th of July, so we can celebrate our freedoms.”

Now we find ourselves eight months into a two-week lockdown with no end in sight, despite the fact that a federal judge in Pennsylvania ruled the shut downs were unconstitutional. The Michigan Supreme Court also ruled that the Governor’s emergency orders had violated the Constitution. So why hasn’t anything changed?

In this interview, Spiro’s guest Dr. Pamela Popper discusses two new lawsuits that she believes could end Covid-1984. The two lawsuits, one in Ohio and one in New Mexico, challenge the root of the problem: the emergency itself.

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Member of German Parliament, Dr. Heinrich Fiechtner Warns: ‘It’s a Killer Vaccination’

Urgent Alert: MEP Dr. Heinrich Fiechtner Warns: ‘It’s a Killer Vaccination’

by Amy Mek, RAIR Foundation USA
December 27, 2020


Independent Member of Parliament (MEP), Dr. Heinrich Fiechtner slammed the German government and media for their endless propaganda, misinformation and fake news concerning the Chinese coronavirus. In an impassioned speech on the floor of the German Parliament, Dr. Fiechtner also warned the public of the dire consequences of the new “killer vaccination” and urged the public to resist the illegal government impositions.

Dr. Fiechtner, a licensed and trained hematologist and oncologist, explained that minutes after observing a national television report describing the coronavirus-strained capacity of hospital intensive care units (ICUs), he phoned his former hospital colleagues and learned that the hospital had not a single coronavirus patient in its ICU. Outraged by these irresponsible and politically motivated lies and exaggerations, Fiechnter lashed out at the fear mongering politicians and their media allies.

I called his hospital’s ICU and requested to speak with the chief physician on duty, with whom I spoke. I asked him, “How many COVID patients have been admitted to your Intensive Care Unit?” This ICU has 19 beds, and as of yesterday there WASN’T A SINGLE PATIENT! With such half-truths and complete lies, the wool is being pulled over our eyes. These propagandists that are invited on these shows for the sole purpose of creating panic and fear among the population.

In addition, Dr. Fiechtner admonished politicians and the media for conflating the number of infected individuals by not distinguishing positively tested individuals from positive tests. More specifically, if the same person receives three positive tests in their medical care, the reckless media has been reporting triple the infection rate with three different infections.

Further, Dr. Fiechtner raises concerns over the practice of grouping inactive and active coronavirus positive results into a single bucket to heighten fear of infection. In actuality, the positive test results should be categorized as the test results from those actively carrying a contagious form of the virus and those inactive carriers who have recovered from the virus.

Dr. Fiechtner believes that impact of the coronavirus is being exaggerated to justify many of the draconian measures restricting the citizenry and the accelerate the government efforts to vaccinate the population.

You are destroying an entire country. You are leading people into suffering, panic, ruin and death! At this point, at this point, no, you can’t even justify these measures, the masks, social distancing, quarantine, and the lockdowns.

The medically trained MEP highlights many of the risks of these new vaccines that range from infertility in women to deadly allergic reactions. The more fear instilled in the population, the more likely the people will rush to inoculate themselves with an unproven and risky vaccine.

I’ve said it before: it’s a killer vaccine It’s a pharmaceutical product for which there isn’t even a toxicology report. It’s just going to be given to people. There’s a possibility that it may cause infertility in women, severe allergic reactions, and you want to inflict this unreasonable imposition upon citizens. That’s right, and you will, because you made them afraid beforehand. You are putting the lives of citizens at risk. You putting existences at risk.

With the German government illegally exercising power, Dr. Fiechtner implored the people to exercise their rights and resist these illegal government impositions. “The civic duty for the citizens to obey the rule of law is now broken.”

Watch the following powerful speech by MEP Dr. Heinrich Fiechtner exclusively translated by RAIR Foundation USA:

Many thanks to MissPiggy for the translation.

Madame President, ladies and gentlemen: yesterday evening at 10pm, prime-time TV, on the
Anne Will talk show, there was an illustrious group discussion about the coming lockdown,
which included Professor Dr. Uwe Janssens, President of the German Interdisciplinary Association
for Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine.

He made an emotional and lengthy plea about the importance these grave and drastic measures
being implemented upon the German population. He explained how the ICU stations were being
overwhelmed and overflowing with patients, causing a situation that was barely manageable.

Around 10:13pm I called his hospital’s ICU and requested to speak with the chief physician
on duty, with whom I spoke. I asked him, “How many COVID patients have been admitted to your
Intensive Care Unit?” This ICU has 19 beds, and as of yesterday there WASN’T A SINGLE PATIENT!

With such half-truths and complete lies, the wool is being pulled over our eyes.

These propagandists that are invited on these shows for the sole purpose of creating panic
and fear among the population.

And then there’s the whole “infection” narrative and the test. This test isn’t even capable of
making the distinction between an active virus and an inactive virus.

Just as the Senate in Berlin had to admit.

Regardless, it is being registered as an infection.

So if a patient tests positive three times in one week, this increases the statistic of
infection by exactly three.

This test that is absolutely incapable of diagnosis is being used to implement drastic measures.

And now the vaccine is coming. What nonsense. I’ve said it before: it’s a killer vaccine

It’s a pharmaceutical product for which there isn’t even a toxicology report.

It’s just going to be given to people.

There’s a possibility that it may cause infertility in women, severe allergic reactions,
and you want to inflict this unreasonable imposition upon citizens. That’s right, and you will,
because you made them afraid beforehand.

You are putting the lives of citizens at risk. You putting existences at risk.

You are destroying an entire country. You are leading people into suffering, panic, ruin and death!

At this point, at this point, no, you can’t even justify these measures, the masks, social
distancing, quarantine, and the lockdowns.

Following an enquiry, the answer I received was, “A review of non-pharmacological
measures has not been documented. Accordingly, there are no administrative procedures
or files pertaining to such results in existence.” The absolute capitulation! What nerve!

You demand people endure quarantine, but can’t even give evidence why they should!

You are leading our country into ruin! At this point, it is high time… Yes, please. —[?]

Do you have a question? At this point, it is high time…

—Dr. Fiechtner, it’s high time.

At this point, it is high time, in light of the fact that it is no longer possible for citizens
to exercise their rights, the civic duty for citizens to obey the rule of law is now broken.

In Article 20 paragraph 4 [German constitution] citizens have the right of resistance
in defense against an illegally exercised state power…

Dr. Fiechtner, it is high time that you stop because your speaking time expired a long time ago.

A legislative branch which acts accordingly is needed.

In Case You Thought the PCR Test Detects an Actual Virus…Wrong

In Case You Thought the PCR Test Detects an Actual Virus…Wrong

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
December 25, 2020


In a CDC document titled, “Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) 2020 Interim Case Definition, Approved April 5, 2020,” under the section, “Laboratory Criteria,” we have this: [1]

“Detection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 ribonucleic acid (SARS-CoV-2 RNA) in a clinical specimen using a molecular amplification detection test.”

The test referred to is the PCR. And as you can plainly see, it is detecting, not the virus itself, but a piece of RNA.

A piece of RNA ASSUMED to come from the virus, SARS-CoV-2.

I say ASSUMED because, where is the actual virus? Where is the virus isolated from all surrounding material?

If you don’t have the virus, you can’t say, with any degree of certainty at all, that you have a piece of it (the RNA).

As I’ve described many times, “isolated” is a term that is tortured by researchers and public health officials, so that it means just the opposite of what it is supposed to mean. [2]

Numerous studies that claim the virus has been isolated actually turn out to mean: “We have the virus in a soup in a dish in the lab. The soup contains various types of animal and humans cells, toxic chemicals and drugs, and other genetic material. The virus is completely surrounded, but it is there. We know this, because some of the cells are dying, and this dying must be the result of infection with the virus…”

This argument not only turns the definition of “isolation” on its head, it reveals, upon a moment’s consideration, that the dying of the cells could come from the action of the toxic chemicals and drugs; and on top of that, the cells are being starved of nutrients, so they could be dying as a result of that deprivation.

Therefore, to say “the virus must be in the soup in the dish in the lab” because is killing cells…well, that’s completely unproven, and therefore…

There is no reason under the sun to claim that the virus is there in the soup at all.

Hence, the claim that the PCR test is detecting a piece of RNA from the virus is unwarranted. Because, again…where is the virus? Where is the truly isolated virus?


And on that basis alone, the PCR test is irrelevant, useless, and deceptive.

It is set up to look for and detect a piece of RNA material that has never been proved to come from this un-isolated phantom ASSUMPTION, called “SARS-CoV-2.”

A few more moments of clear thought, and you realize the whole string of “science” that leads to the lockdowns and the economic devastation is not science at all.

It is what is called, in the intelligence community, a cover story. A story launched to justify crimes.

In this case, capital crimes against humanity.



[2] “Conversations with Dr. Cowan and Friends Episode 12: Jon Rappoport” (Dec 17, 2020)

As Thick as Two Short Politicians – The Government That Never Learns

As Thick as Two Short Politicians – The Government That Never Learns

by Steve Cook, UK Reloaded
December 25, 2020


So the gov’s latest wheeze in an effort to breathe more life into its dying terror campaign has been to respond to “advice” from “experts” that it should be “worried” and “concerned” the COVID9 bug has developed a mysterious  “variant” that has caused it to accelerate the rate at which it is spreading.

Having received their stimuli, Boris and Co have duly reacted in the manner of Pavlov’s dogs, turned up the dictatorship another notch and launched WEDs (Weapons of Economic Destruction) against London, ably assisted by its Mayor, Genghis Khan.

This is all being done according to the scientific methodology known as MSU (Making Sh*t Up) so favoured by oppressive regimes the length and breadth of the United Kingdom.

In line with MSU’s compulsory voluntary guidelines there’s no actual scientific evidence produced unless you count “advice” from faceless subversives, and “concern” or “worry” or Barmy Boris looking mental on TV (or Hatt Mancock looking shifty) as scientific  evidence.

The government of course feels that telling everybody repeatedly that it is “following the science” is enough science, especially as science can be inconvenient and time-consuming if you have to spend days or weeks rigging the results or faking the stats – the time after all can be better spent panicking or grinding down small businesses and other government programs.

So what we apparently have is a government “concerned” about an accelerated spread of the bug because of “advice”it has received from somebody or other whose identities must remain secret for reasons of state secrecy.

That’s evidence is it?

Apparently it is at least enough evidence to justify bypassing Parliament (yet again) attacking London and turning various screws (social, economic, Yuletide, patience etc) on the populace.

And who are these freakin’ experts on whose puppet strings Barmy Boris and the rest of his intellectually challenged crew of nation wreckers are so happy to dance?

We are going to leave aside the fact that, by the way, the statistical evidence for the spread of the disease is derived from the ruddy PCR test.

The PCR test has more things wrong with it than Boris’ haircut. One of these is the minor technical point that it does not establish and never has established the existence in anyone who tests positive (even in the minuscule percentage of cases where the positive is not false) of a live infectious virus.

Because of this (along with a host of other reasons) relying on the PCR test to “prove” the spread of the virus is about as sound as referring to the movie “Independence Day” to prove there’s a threat of alien invasion.

You can find out more on why the PCR test is a total fraud here

So who are those very wise but anonymous people with brains the size of a planet?

Well, professor Neil Ferguson for one, as the following article from the Spectator explains.

Leaving aside the fact that he is still advising the government when the government (in YET ANOTHER lie) said he would not be, why the hell does the government insist on using this bloke whose mathematical predictions (not to mention his personal ethics) were utterly, abysmally, horribly, blatantly, glaringly indisputably and undeniably wrong?

With the resources of the entire scientific community at its disposal, virologists, epidemiologists, mathematicians, statisticians and so forth, the gov is still taking advice from Ferguson? Is this indicative of the standards it will accept when the well being of the country is at stake?

Another, deeper, mystery in back of all this of course is this:

Why are we letting ourselves be governed to destruction by people so bereft of common sense, competence, sanity, honesty or even an interest in the survival of our country?

The Spectator at least has sided with the People and its article is well worth a read. Find it here.


Read More by Steve Cook at UK Reloaded

cover image credit Prawny, pixabay

A Brilliant Analysis of Vaccination, by Richard Moskowitz, MD and Homeopath

A Brilliant Analysis of Vaccination, by Richard Moskowitz, MD and Homeopath

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
December 24, 2020


In the age of COVID, vaccination looms large. As in mandatory. And of course, toxic.

I’ve already covered two new vaccine technologies, one of which has already been pushed forward, to “protect” people from a virus that has never been properly proven to exist.

DNA vaccines, aka gene therapy, permanently alter recipients’ genetic makeup in unknown ways. RNA vaccines (Pfizer’s and Moderna’s, just approved for COVID) can cause auto-immune reactions—which means the body attacks itself. [1] [2]

In this piece, I want to take a look at a few fundamentals about vaccination. In particular, the claim that vaccines have done a fantastic job of reducing case numbers of diseases, and therefore all criticisms of these injections are irrelevant.

From his bio [3]: “Richard Moskowitz was born in 1938, and educated at Harvard (B.A.) and New York University (M.D.). After medical school he did 3 years of graduate study in Philosophy at the University of Colorado in Boulder on a U. S. Steel Fellowship.”

“He took his internship at St. Anthony’s Hospital, Denver, and has been practicing family medicine since 1967, as well as attending about 800 home births. With a background in Oriental medicine and other forms of natural healing, Dr. Moskowitz studied homeopathy with George Vithoulkas in Greece and Rajan Sankaran and others in India.”

In 1987, while writing my first book, AIDS INC., I had a long conversation on the phone with Richard about vaccination. It was my first trip exploring vaccines as a form of immune-system suppression.

I had already seen that AIDS was actually a lumping together of various immune-system problems, none of which needed HIV as an explanation.

I still recall that phone conversation with Richard Moskowitz. I came away from it with an idea about how vaccines could be touted and trumpeted as the reason for vastly reducing cases of diseases, when in fact the reduction of visible symptoms was occurring—a very different thing.

If vaccines were lowering immune-system response, then the acute, vigorous, and all-out inflammatory reaction to germs would be eliminated. And it IS that acute reaction which creates the visible symptoms (rashes, spots, etc.).

Vaccination equals no cases of measles, the experts say. But really, as a result of vaccination, it’s just the visible rash that is missing, while something more dangerous, out of view, is going on in the body.

I’m printing here an excerpt from Richard’s article (written years ago), The Case Against Immunizations. The article is based on a classical view of germs and the action of the human immune system. The pros and cons of germ theory itself are a different matter, about which I’ve spoken and written in other places. [4] [5]

Note: Although the RNA COVID vaccines deploy a technology different from classical vaccines, they still rely on antibody response as the key to “producing immunity.” But that response is only one of many natural reactions in the body which maintain health and ward off disease.

From Dr. Richard Moskowitz’s brilliantly articulated article, The Case Against Immunizations: [6]

“It is dangerously misleading, and indeed the exact opposite of the truth, to claim that a vaccine renders us ‘immune’ to or protects us against an acute disease, if in fact it only drives the disease deeper into the interior and causes us to harbor it chronically instead, with the result that our responses to it become progressively weaker, but show less and less of a tendency to heal or resolve themselves spontaneously. What I propose, then, is to investigate as thoroughly and objectively as I can how the vaccines actually work inside the human body, and to begin by simply paying attention to the implications of what we already know. Consider the process of falling ill with and recovering from a typical acute disease, such as the measles, in contrast with what we can observe following administration of the measles vaccine.”

“…Once inhaled by a susceptible individual, the [measles] virus undergoes a prolonged period of silent multiplication, first in the tonsils, adenoids, and accessory lymphoid aggregations of the nasopharynx; later in the regional lymph nodes of the head and neck; and eventually, several days later, it passes into the blood and enters the spleen, the liver, the thymus, and the bone marrow, the ‘visceral’ organs of the immune system. Throughout this ‘incubation’ period, which lasts from 10 to 14 days, the patient typically feels quite well, and experiences few or no symptoms of any kind.”

“By the time that the first symptoms of measles appear, circulating antibodies are already detectable in the blood, and the height of the symptomatology coincides with the peak of the antibody response. In other words, the ‘illness’ that we call the measles is simply the definitive effort of the immune system to clear this virus from the blood. Notice also that this expulsion is accomplished by sneezing and coughing, i. e., via the same route through which it entered in the first place. It is abundantly clear from the above that the process of mounting and recovering from an acute illness like the measles involves a general mobilization of the immune system as a whole, including inflammation of the previously sensitized tissues at the portal(s) of entry, activation of leukocytes, macrophages, and the serum complement system, and a host of other mechanisms, of which the production of circulating antibodies is only one, and by no means the most important.”

“Such splendid outpourings indeed represent the decisive experiences in the normal physiological maturation of the immune system in the life of a healthy child. For recovery from the measles not only protects children from being susceptible to it again, no matter how many more times they may be exposed to it, but also prepares them to respond promptly and effectively to any other infections they may encounter in the future. The ability to mount a vigorous acute response to infection must therefore be reckoned among the most fundamental requirements of health and well-being that we all share.”

“By contrast, the live but artificially attenuated measles-virus vaccine is injected directly into the blood, by-passing the normal port of entry, and sets up at most a brief inflammatory reaction at the injection site, or perhaps in the regional lymph nodes, with no local sensitization at the normal portal of entry, no ‘incubation period,’ no generalized inflammatory response, and no generalized outpouring. By ‘tricking’ the body in this fashion, we have accomplished precisely what the entire immune system seems to have evolved to prevent: we have placed the virus directly into the blood, and given it free and immediate access to the major immune organs and tissues, without any obvious mechanism or route for getting rid of it.”

“The result is the production of circulating antibodies against the virus, which can in fact be measured in the blood; but this antibody response occurs as an isolated technical feat, without any overt illness to recover from, or any noticeable improvement in the general health of the recipient. Indeed I submit that exactly the opposite is true, that the price we have to pay for these antibodies is the persistence of viral elements in the blood for long periods of time, perhaps permanently, which in turn carries with it a systematic weakening of our capacity to mount an acute response, not only to the measles, but to other infections as well.”

“Far from producing a genuine immunity, then, my suspicion and my fear is that vaccines act by interfering with and even suppressing the immune response as a whole, in much the same way that radiation, chemotherapy, corticosteroids, and other anti-inflammatory drugs do. Artificial immunization focuses on antibody production, a single aspect of the immune process, disarticulates it, and allows it to stand for the whole, in much the same way as chemical suppression of an elevated blood pressure is accepted as a valid substitute for genuine healing or cure of the patient whose blood pressure has risen. It is the frosting on the cake, without the cake. The worst part of this counterfeiting is that it becomes more difficult, if not impossible, for vaccinated children to mount a normally acute and vigorous response to infection, by substituting for it a much weaker, essentially chronic response, with little or no tendency to heal itself spontaneously.”

This is an explanation of vaccination which chops down the claim that vaccines are wonderful because they eliminate cases of disease.

With experimental RNA COVID vaccines, who knows how long the injected RNA lingers in the body, and what effects it produces over time? The relatively short clinical trials certainly don’t offer useful conclusions. [7] [8] The CDC blithely assures us that once the injected RNA offers “instructions to cells of the body,” the cells destroy the RNA. Sounds magical. The cells wait, receive instructions, THEN destroy the messenger.

And again, as I stated above, RNA technology has, in the past, caused auto-immune reactions, in which the body basically attacks itself.










Vicious Criminal Neil Ferguson Playing Key Role in New Lockdowns

Vicious Criminal Neil Ferguson Playing Key Role in New Lockdowns

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
December 24, 2020


Let me boil this down for you. Claiming a new “mutant strain” of SARS-CoV-2 is 70% more deadly than the original, computer modelers in the UK have advised Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, to lock down the country at a much stricter level.

The computer model was concocted at the Imperial College of London. The accompanying text actually admits it’s too early to tell whether the mutant strain is a major threat.

Nevertheless, Boris Johnson has issued the new vast lockdown order. [1] [2]

Who is on television promoting the need for the lockdown? None other than Neil Ferguson, the disgraced and failed computer modeler. [3] [4]

He didn’t author the new model/study at the Imperial College, but he’s now the face of the “science.”

Ferguson’s prior model predicted 500,000 COVID deaths in the UK and 2 million in the US would occur by last summer. This absurd and criminal estimate directly influenced Boris Johnson and Donald Trump to declare states of emergency, and abandon plans to keep their national economies open.

Then Ferguson violated his own lockdown recommendations by carrying on an affair with his mistress, who lived in her separate home with her husband.

And now he’s back, on television, warning citizens about the new “mutant strain” of the virus and the need for a higher level of lockdown.

Other scientists are outraged at the latest computer model; they are demanding to see the actual evidence of the increased threat. They’re saying they don’t even understand what “70% more deadly than the original strain” means.

How much more economic devastation can the people of the UK take?

Here is my original piece on Neil Ferguson, written as his prior computer model was being trashed—but followed by political leaders in the US, UK, France, and Germany. Buckle up:

Neil Ferguson: the ghost in the machine [5]

Why do governments salute when he predicts a pandemic and tells them to lock down their countries?

Does anyone care about his past?

Why does he still have a prestigious job?

Who is he connected to?

by Jon Rappoport

Neil Ferguson, through his institute at London’s Imperial College, can call the shots on a major percentage of the global population.

He’s Mr. Genius, when it comes to projecting computer models of epidemics.

Fellow experts puff up his reputation.

According to the Business Insider (4/25) [6], “Ferguson’s team warned Boris Johnson that the quest for ‘herd immunity’ [letting people live their lives out in the open in the UK] could cost 510,000 lives, prompting an abrupt U-turn [massive national lockdown in the UK]…His simulations have been influential in other countries as well, cited by authorities in the US, Germany, and France.”

Not only cited, not only influential, but swallowed whole.

Business insider continues: “On March 23, the UK scrapped ‘herd immunity’ in favor of a suppression strategy, and the country made preparations for weeks of lockdown. Ferguson’s study was responsible.”

There’s more. A lot more.

Same BI article: “Dr Deborah Birx, coronavirus response coordinator to the Trump administration, told journalists at a March 16 press briefing that the Imperial paper [Ferguson’s computer projection] prompted the CDC’s new advice to work from home and avoid gatherings of 10 or more.”

Ferguson, instigator of LOCKDOWN. Stripping away of basic liberties. Economic devastation.

So let’s look at Ferguson’s track record, spelled out in the BI piece:

“Ferguson co-founded the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis, based at Imperial, in 2008. It is the leading body advising national governments on pathogen outbreaks.”

“It gets tens of millions of dollars in annual funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and works with the UK National Health Service, the US Centres for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), and is tasked with supplying the World Health Organization with ‘rapid analysis of urgent infectious disease problems’.”

Getting the picture?

Gates money goes to Ferguson.

Ferguson predicts dire threat from COVID, necessitating lockdowns—thus preparing people to accept a vaccine. The vaccine Gates wants.

Ferguson supplies a frightening computer projection of COVID deaths—to the CDC and WHO. Ferguson thus communicates a rationale for the Gates vaccine plan.

National governments surrender to WHO and CDC. LOCKDOWNS.

Business Insider: “Michael Thrusfield, a professor of veterinary epidemiology at Edinburgh University, told the paper he had ‘déjà vu’ after reading the [Ferguson] Imperial paper [on COVID], saying Ferguson was responsible for excessive animal culling during the 2001 Foot and Mouth [mad cow] outbreak.”

“Ferguson warned the government that 150,000 people could die. Six million animals were slaughtered as a precaution, costing the country billions in farming revenue. In the end, 200 people died.”

“Similarly, he [Ferguson] was accused of creating panic by overestimating the potential death toll during the 2005 Bird Flu outbreak. Ferguson estimated 200 million could die. The real number was in the low hundreds.” HELLO?

“In 2009, one of Ferguson’s models predicted 65,000 people could die from the Swine Flu outbreak in the UK — the final figure was below 500.”

So you have to ask yourself, why would anyone believe what Ferguson has been predicting in this COVID hustle?

Are his fellow experts that stupid?

Are presidents and prime ministers that stupid?

And the answer is: This is a monumental covert op; some people are that stupid; some are caught up in the op and are afraid to say the emperor has no clothes; some are aware of what is going on, and they want to destroy national economies and lead us into, yes, a new world order.

Gates knows he has his man: Ferguson. As the recipient of tens of millions of dollars a year from the Gates Foundation, Ferguson isn’t about to issue a model that states: COVID is nothing to worry about, let people live their lives and we’ll be all right. The chance of that happening is on a par with researchers admitting they never properly identified a new virus as the cause of illness in 2019, in Wuhan. [7]

In order to justify injecting every man, woman, and child in the world with heavy metals, synthetic genes that alter genetic makeup, a host of germs, and who knows what else, Gates needs A STORY ABOUT A DEADLY VIRUS THAT NECESSITATES SHUTTING DOWN AND IMPRISONING THE PLANET, ACHIEVING A CAPTIVE AUDIENCE.

He’s got the story, all dressed up in a computer model, composed by a man with a past record of abject and devastating failures.

Neil Ferguson is the ghost in the machine. The machine is the World Health Organization and the CDC. The man behind the ghost is Bill Gates.









W.H.O. Deletes Naturally Acquired Immunity From Its Website

WHO Deletes Naturally Acquired Immunity From Its Website

by Jeffrey A. Tucker, American Institute for Economic Resesarch
December 23, 2020


Maybe you have some sense that something fishy is going on? Same. If it’s not one thing, it’s another.

Coronavirus lived on surfaces until it didn’t. Masks didn’t work until they did, then they did not. There is asymptomatic transmission, except there isn’t. Lockdowns work to control the virus except they do not. All these people are sick without symptoms until, whoops, PCR tests are wildly inaccurate because they were never intended to be diagnostic tools. Everyone is in danger of the virus except they aren’t. It spreads in schools except it doesn’t.

On it goes. Daily. It’s no wonder that so many people have stopped believing anything that “public health authorities” say. In combination with governors and other autocrats doing their bidding, they set out to take away freedom and human rights and expected us to thank them for saving our lives. At some point this year (for me it was March 12) life began feeling like a dystopian novel of your choice.

Well, now I have another piece of evidence to add to the mile-high pile of fishy mess. The World Health Organization, for reasons unknown, has suddenly changed its definition of a core conception of immunology: herd immunity. Its discovery was one of the major achievements of 20th century science, gradually emerging in the 1920s and then becoming ever more refined throughout the 20th century.

Herd immunity is a fascinating observation that you can trace to biological reality or statistical probability theory, whichever you prefer. (It is certainly not a “strategy” so ignore any media source that describes it that way.) Herd immunity speaks directly, and with explanatory power, to the empirical observation that respiratory viruses are either widespread and mostly mild (common cold) or very severe and short-lived (Ebola).

Why is this? The reason is that when a virus kills its host, it cannot migrate. The more aggressively it does this, the less it spreads. If the virus doesn’t kill its host, it can hop to others through all the usual means. When you get a virus and fight it off, your immune system encodes that information in a way that builds immunity to it. When it happens to enough people (and each case is different so we can’t put a clear number on it) the virus loses its pandemic quality and becomes endemic, which is to say predictable and manageable. Each new generation incorporates that information through more exposure.

This is what one would call Virology/Immunology 101. It’s what you read in every textbook. It’s been taught in 9th grade cell biology for probably 80 years. Observing the operations of this evolutionary phenomenon is pretty wonderful because it increases one’s respect for the way in which human biology has adapted to the presence of pathogens without absolutely freaking out.

And the discovery of this fascinating dynamic in cell biology is a major reason why public health became so smart in the 20th century. We kept calm. We managed viruses with medical professionals: doctor/patient relationships. We avoided the Medieval tendency to run around with hair on fire but rather used rationality and intelligence. Even the New York Times recognizes that natural immunity is powerful with Covid-19, which is not in the least bit surprising.

Until one day, this strange institution called the World Health Organization – once glorious because it was mainly responsible for the eradication of smallpox – has suddenly decided to delete everything I just wrote from cell biology basics. It has literally changed the science in a Soviet-like way. It has removed with the delete key any mention of natural immunities from its website. It has taken the additional step of actually mischaracterizing the structure and functioning of vaccines.

So that you will believe me, I will try to be as precise as possible. Here is the website from June 9, 2020. You can see it here on You have to move down the page and click on the question about herd immunity. You see the following.

That’s pretty darn accurate overall. Even the statement that the threshold is “not yet clear” is correct. There are cross immunities to Covid from other coronaviruses and there is T cell memory that contributes to natural immunity.

Some estimates are as low as 10%, which is a far cry from the modelled 70% estimate of virus immunity that is standard within the pharmaceutical realm. Real life is vastly more complicated than models, in economics or epidemiology. The WHO’s past statement is a solid, if “pop,” description.

However, in a screenshot dated November 13, 2020, we read the following note that somehow pretends as if human beings do not have immune systems at all but rather rely entirely on big pharma to inject things into our blood.

What this note at the World Health Organization has done is deleted what amounts to the entire million-year history of humankind in its delicate dance with pathogens. You could only gather from this that all of us are nothing but blank and unimprovable slates on which the pharmaceutical industry writes its signature.

In effect, this change at WHO ignores and even wipes out 100 years of medical advances in virology, immunology, and epidemiology. It is thoroughly unscientific – shilling for the vaccine industry in exactly the way the conspiracy theorists say that WHO has been doing since the beginning of this pandemic.

What’s even more strange is the claim that a vaccine protects people from a virus rather than exposing them to it. What’s amazing about this claim is that a vaccine works precisely by firing up the immune system through exposure. Why I had to type those words is truly beyond me. This has been known for centuries. There is simply no way for medical science completely to replace the human immune system. It can only game it via what used to be called inoculation.

Take from this what you will. It is a sign of the times. For nearly a full year, the media has been telling us that “science” requires that we comply with their dictates that run contrary to every tenet of liberalism, every expectation we’ve developed in the modern world that we can live freely and with the certainty of rights. Then “science” took over and our human rights were slammed. And now the “science” is actually deleting its own history, airbrushing over what it used to know and replacing it with something misleading at best and patently false at worst.

I cannot say why, exactly, the WHO did this. Given the events of the past nine or ten months, however, it is reasonable to assume that politics are at play. Since the beginning of the pandemic, those who have been pushing lockdowns and hysteria over the coronavirus have resisted the idea of natural herd immunity, instead insisting that we must live in lockdown until a vaccine is developed.

That is why the Great Barrington Declaration, written by three of the world’s preeminent epidemiologists and which advocated embracing the phenomenon of herd immunity as a way of protecting the vulnerable and minimizing harms to society, was met with such venom. Now we see the WHO, too, succumbing to political pressure. This is the only rational explanation for changing the definition of herd immunity that has existed for the past century.

The science has not changed; only the politics have. And that is precisely why it is so dangerous and deadly to subject virus management to the forces of politics. Eventually the science too bends to the duplicitous character of the political industry.

When the existing textbooks that students use in college contradict the latest official pronouncements from the authorities during a crisis in which the ruling class is clearly attempting to seize permanent power, we’ve got a problem.

The Five Key Events in the Fake Pandemic

The Five Key Events in the Fake Pandemic

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
December 22, 2020


This article is a summary. I’ve written extensively on each of the five key events.

ONE: The false claim that a new virus was discovered and isolated.

No true isolation has been performed. The so-called genetic sequencing of the virus was actually a concoction, a cobbling together of pieces of data referencing segments of RNA. These segments were PRESUMED to be parts of the new virus—but researchers didn’t have the virus, so their presumptions amounted to fraud.

TWO: The erecting of a diagnostic test (PCR) for the virus they didn’t have. Obviously, no such test has meaning. It is built on the same sorts of absurd assumptions that led to the fictional discovery of the virus. However, strategically speaking, the test has produced millions of “positive results,” which are taken to mean “infected by the virus.” On this foundation of sand, the lockdowns were declared.

THREE: The Chinese lockdown of 50 million citizens, for no medical reason. This unprecedented event provided the model for other governments, and for the CDC and the World Health Organization. Now it was “acceptable” to imprison the global population and wreak economic devastation across the planet.

FOUR: The absurd computer prediction of 500,000 deaths in the UK and two million in the US, made by historically failed modeler, Neil Ferguson. His institute at the Imperial College of London is bankrolled by Bill Gates. Ferguson’s predictions were used to convince Trump and Boris Johnson that states of emergency and lockdowns were necessary.

FIVE: The forced premature deaths of millions of elderly people across the world—which were falsely called “COVID-19 deaths.”

These people were and are suffering from multiple long-term health conditions, made far worse by decades of medical treatment with toxic drugs. Terrified by a COVID diagnosis, then isolated from family and friends, they give up and die.

There are other important events, to be sure, but these are the key five.

The underlying fact that needs to be understood: what is called COVID-19 is not one condition. It is a variety of illnesses and effects stemming from different traditional causes RE-PACKAGED under the label, “COVID.”

Where authentic new conditions and causes may be involved, independent investigators need to look closely at such clusters of people, where they live. For example, the investigators should find out whether toxic vaccine campaigns were initiated in a community or region prior to declaration of the “COVID outbreak.”

Here is a short piece of fiction I wrote early on during the “pandemic.” It paints a far different picture of COVID events. At that time, I hoped “white hats” would squash the insane lockdowns and economic devastation. That never happened. Instead, high-powered business leaders gladly caved in and took their turn at the bailout trough.

Coronavirus and Island X-24

There was a small island.

Amazingly, it had never been claimed by any country. It just sat there. It was inconsequential. Geographers were irritated that it had no name. In 1998, they named it X-24.

123 families lived there. They emigrated from 14 countries.

During the 2019 onset of the trouble in China, 19 citizens had escaped the lockdown in Wuhan and found their way to the island in a small makeshift boat, which broke into pieces near shore. The resident families welcomed them without fanfare, and offered them housing in huts on the north side of the island.

People on the island practiced agriculture on their tiny farms, and they raised chickens and ate eggs. There was no government. The families met once a month to discuss any issues that might have arisen since their last meeting. They did not vote. They used common sense. They were sensible people. They had no ideology. They had no phones, no computers, no electricity.

One of the newly arrived Chinese women explained, at a meeting, the coronavirus, the epidemic, the lockdown, the testing. She asked whether anyone was concerned that her people might have brought the virus with them. The people of the island looked around at each other and shrugged. They didn’t seem interested.

Three weeks later, an article appeared in the mainland Chinese press about X-24 and the 19 escaped Wuhan residents. It was picked up by a wire service and then republished by a number of outlets around the world. It did not become a big story.

However, a boat soon arrived at the island. A Chinese official and an American public health officer from the CDC stepped off. Several conversations ensued. The two bureaucrats were concerned that the virus might have come to X-24. The residents said they didn’t travel, and they didn’t even fish. Why not? No one had an answer. The bureaucrats took samples of rainwater from a backyard container. They took a look at all the X-24 residents and saw they were healthy. They took throat swabs from the new 19 Chinese residents. There was a bit of tension when the Chinese official told these Wuhan escapees they were living illegally on the island and should return home. The Chinese residents said they wouldn’t, but they had no intention of causing trouble. The visitors left.

A week later, at a meeting in government offices in Wuhan, CDC and Chinese scientists told a deputy mayor of the city that nine immigrants on X-24 had tested positive for the coronavirus. A call was immediately made to the public health and safety office of the national government, and the news was reported. Two hours later, a message came back: leave the people on X-24 alone for now.

The government in Beijing took up the X-24 issue in several committees. A decision was made. Drones would do high flyovers and surveil the island. No one would be permitted to leave it.

Three months later, with the world in lockdown, a small elite government committee met in Beijing. The news: all the residents of X-24 were going about their daily business. No sick people were observed, even among the elderly. No one had tried to leave the island. No one was practicing social distancing. People met and mingled as usual. A CDC/WHO message was read: It expressed concern about X-24. People who were positive for the virus couldn’t be allowed to live outside the limits of control. Something needed to be done.

Three weeks later, X-24 residents observed a group of armed boats approaching. Maneuvers were executed, and the craft made a ring around the island. They sat about 20 miles offshore. They stayed there.

This operation was noticed by the press. The X-24 story made a brief limited comeback. INFECTED PEOPLE LIVING ON AN ISLAND. QUARANTINE FORCED. A few reporters tried to get information on the condition of the X-24 residents. They couldn’t.

CDC meetings took place. The gist was: These people remain healthy. There is no sign of trouble. No disease. No illness. “What happens if THIS becomes a story?”

The issue was kicked up to the Chinese and American military. Very private meetings took place. “We could launch a drone missile attack and wipe them out.” “We could send in a kill-team.” “How about a massive fire? Drop a few incendiaries.” “Spray them with nasty chemicals. They’ll have a hell of time trying to breathe, they’ll foam at the mouth and die.”

But in the end, the military held back. A message from a carefully guarded private source came down the line: “Leave them alone. Remove the stupid ships. Observe from drones. Do not attack. They rate as experimental subjects. They constitute a control group. By CDC projections, at least a few of them should become ill. So far, that’s not the case.”

…A year later, on X-24, the Chinese woman, who had originally told the island residents about the coronavirus, wrote in the diary she had been keeping, “The mainland madness is just a faint memory. My mother here is 93. She is reasonably healthy. A few people get sick, as a matter of course, and then they get well. Nothing unusual. There were two deaths last year. A French woman and an American man. They were both in their 80s. I helped their families make them comfortable. I saw no sudden illness of the lungs. I liked all these island people from the start. I feel close to them now.”

Old habits die hard. She looked around her small cabin, as if some government authority might be present. She walked to the pile of stones arranged in the corner, where a low fire was burning. It occurred to her there was no reason to continue her diary. She bent down and placed it in the flames and watched it for a minute. The past was past.

Nothing untoward had happened on the island.

Back at the CDC, a private analysis was carried out. Nine mitigating factors were listed to explain why no one on the island had fallen ill from the virus. The conclusion was the island was not a proper representation of the real world. The analysis was sent up the line to the guarded source who had ordered the ring of ships to back off. He read the CDC analysis.

He sent back a message. “I wasn’t asking you to cover your ass or justify your role in this fiasco. Your so-called mitigating factors are a crock. Apparently, you’re unable to be honest. So let me send you my analysis. The people on X-24 didn’t get sick because they didn’t get sick. Remove promoted fear, diagnostic tests, treatment with toxic drugs, and other damage falsely labeled as COVID, and you have nothing. I see why you were disturbed about the story of X-24. But then, accounting for healthy people who stay healthy has never been your strong suit, has it? You’ve gone too far. I should set my hounds loose on you.”

A colleague of his walked into the steam room, picked up a pitcher of cold water and poured it on the rocks. Steam rose and the rocks hissed. Wrapped in white sheets, the two men sat side by side.

“Did you tear them a new one?”

“I gave them something to think about. These people are incorrigible. They really are.”

“When our friends arrive tonight, we’ll discuss the situation.”

“Yes. Recess is over. The bureaucrats interrupted business. Products must flow. Money must flow. They don’t understand we’re the engine of the world, for better or worse.”

“We’ll school these little bureaucrats. They parade around thinking they’re princes. They’re going to pay.”

The steam spread. The men were invisible.


James Corbett: The Future of Vaccines

The Future of Vaccines

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
December 23, 2020


If the Gateses and the Faucis and the representatives of the international medical establishment get their way, life will not return to normal until the entire planet is vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2.

What many do not yet understand, however, is that the vaccines that are being developed for SARS-Cov-2 are unlike any vaccines that have ever been used on the human population before.

And, as radically different as these vaccines appear, they represent only the very beginning of a complete transformation of vaccine technology that is currently taking place in research labs across the planet.

This is a study of The Future of Vaccines.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / LBRY / Minds / YouTube or Download the mp4


Since the dawn of the corona crisis, we have been told over and over that the world has changed forever.

MARIA VAN KERKHOVE: What we’re going to have to figure out, and I think what we’re all going to have to figure out together, is what our new normal looks like. Our new normal includes physical distancing from others. Our new normal includes wearing masks where appropriate. Our new normal includes us knowing where this virus is each and every day, where we live, where we work, where we want to travel.

SOURCE: What the New Normal Looks Like After Covid-19

DUCEY: What we’ve gone through and the challenges that I’m sharing with you really is Arizona’s new normal. And it’s our new normal for the foreseeable future. I really want ask people to get their heads around that.

SOURCE: Arizona Gov. Ducey Holds Coronavirus Briefing

JUSTIN TRUDEAU: This pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset. This is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts to reimagine economic systems that actually address global challenges like extreme poverty, inequality and climate change.

SOURCE: Coronavirus: Trudeau tells UN conference that pandemic provided “opportunity for a reset”

This “New Normal” with which we are being threatened brings with it great uncertainty. Uncertainty over work. Uncertainty over travel. Uncertainty over what our lives will look like on the other side of this “Great Reset.”

But there is one thing that we can be certain about: If the Gateses and the Faucis and the representatives of the international medical establishment get their way, life will not return to normal until the entire planet is vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2.

GATES: It is fair to say things won’t go back to truly normal until we have a vaccine that we’ve gotten out to basically the entire world.

SOURCE: Bill Gates on his 2015 ‘virus’ warning, efforts to fight coronavirus pandemic

ZEKE EMANUEL: Realistically, COVID-19 will be here for the next 18 months or more. We will not be able to return to normalcy until we find a vaccine or effective medications.

SOURCE: Dr. Zeke Emanuel On The Return To ‘Normal’

DOUG FORD: The hard fact is, until we find a vaccine, going back to normal means putting lives at risk.

SOURCE: Ontario announces $20 million for COVID-19 vaccine research

JUSTIN TRUDEAU: This will be the new normal until a vaccine is developed.

SOURCE: PM Trudeau on modelling data and federal response to COVID-19 – April 9, 2020

GAVIN NEWSOM: As I said: normal it will not be, at least until we have herd immunity and we have a vaccine.

SOURCE: California Gov. Newsom Holds Coronavirus Briefing

ANTHONY FAUCI: So, if we get the overwhelming majority of people taking the vaccine, and you have, on the one hand, an effective vaccine, on the other hand, a high degree of uptake of the vaccine, we could start getting things back to relative normal as we get into the second and third quarter of the year, where people can start thinking about doing things that were too dangerous just months ago.

SOURCE: Fauci: We’ll Get Back to Normal Gradually After Vaccine; You Don’t Know How Effective Vaccine Is for You

NORMAN SWAN: The only thing that will really allow life as we once knew it to resume is a vaccine.

SOURCE: Life will only return to normal when there’s a coronavirus vaccine, Dr Norman Swan says

This message has been repeated so frequently and so consistently by public health officials, political “leaders” and media commentators that many have begun to believe it. And now, the public is being prepared for an unprecedented global vaccination campaign. Taking the form of a military operation . . .

GENERAL GUSTAVE PERNA: It is this effort that I can look you in the face and say to you, “E.U.A. [Emergency Use Authorization] comes, 24 hours later vaccines will be distributed out to the American people and be ready for administration.”

SOURCE: General Perna says vaccine distribution will begin 24 hours after Emergency Use Authorization

. . .the plan is to rush a new generation of experimental vaccines to market and deliver them at “warp speed” before any long term testing has even been attempted. What many do not yet understand, however, is that the vaccines that are being developed for SARS-Cov-2 are unlike any vaccines that have ever been used on the human population before.

And, as radically different as these vaccines appear, they represent only the very beginning of a complete transformation of vaccine technology that is currently taking place in research labs across the planet.

This is a study of The Future of Vaccines.

You’re tuned in to The Corbett Report.

For almost the entirety of 2020, a traumatized public has been told that nothing resembling our pre-corona lives will return until there is a COVID vaccine.

So it is no surprise that the same media sources that have been promoting this talking point would celebrate the hopeful pronouncements of the Big Pharma manufacturers regarding their COVID vaccine candidates.

BECKY QUICK: Welcome back to Squawk Box everybody. We have some breaking news from Pfizer. Meg Tirrell joins us right now. Meg, good morning.

MEG TIRELL: Good morning, Becky. This is the news that we’ve been waiting to hear.
Pfizer and BioNTech reporting the first results from their phase 3 vaccine trial saying that in this interim look the vaccine showed to be more than 90 percent effective.

SOURCE: Pfizer, BioNTech announce Covid-19 vaccine candidate is 90% effective

JAKE WHITTENBERG: Well, we begin with breaking news this morning. The push to find a coronavirus vaccine. This morning, Moderna says its vaccine is more than 94 percent effective.

SOURCE: BREAKING: Moderna coronavirus vaccine “more than 94% effective”

TIM STENOVEC: Vaccine headlines are rolling in. One of AstraZeneca’s doses stopped an average of 70 percent of patients from falling ill and that even rose to 90 percent with additional regimens now the head of the government’s operation warp speed is saying that quote hopefully vaccinations in the u.s will start in less than three weeks.

SOURCE: AstraZeneca-Oxford Vaccine Found Effective in Preventing Covid

But lost amid the hype of this media-led celebration are some sobering facts.

Firstly, these news stories were not generated on the back of publicly accessible data, but literal corporate press releases. This announcement-by-press-release style of corporate self-reporting was immediately exposed as a sham when AstraZeneca was found to have given an “unintentionally” lower dose to one group of trial participants and then touted the results of that smaller dose group without clarifying the confusion.

FRANCINE LACQUA: I’m not really sure what to make of this AstraZeneca-Oxford trial there’s confusion about whether it’s 60 efficacy whether it’s 90 what exactly happened.

ANDREW PEKOSZ: Well it is a little bit unclear, but let’s start with what we think we know. which is some of the patients that were in their phase three clinical trial ended up getting a half-dose of their of the initial inoculation and it turns out that the group that got that half dose followed by a boost had a much higher rate of protection from covid19 disease than the group that got the dosing schedule that the company wanted to give to everybody

SOURCE: AstraZeneca Vaccine Trial Likely Needs a Restart: Johns Hopkins

Secondly, the “success” of these vaccines is not being measured by their ability to prevent infection with SARS-CoV-2, as many in the general public believe, but merely to lessen the severity of the symptoms associated with COVID-19, like coughs and headaches.

ANJALEE KHEMLANI: Do you anticipate that the first sets of vaccines out the door will be more of a less effective blocker of the virus?

FAUCI: Well that’s the primary—that’s a great question, and that’s the primary endpoint of most of the virus, is to prevent clinical disease. To prevent symptomatic disease, not necessarily to prevent infection.

SOURCE: Fauci Happy if Vaccine Permits Infection w/ Fewer Symptoms

Thirdly, the studies are touted as involving tens of thousands of people, but in Pfizer’s trial, only 170 of them were reported as being “diagnosed with COVID-19” during the trial. Of those, 162 were in the placebo group and eight were in the vaccine group. From this, it is inferred that the vaccine prevented 154/162 people from developing the disease, or “95%”. But as even the British Medical Journal points out, “a relative risk reduction is being reported, not absolute risk reduction, which appears to be less than 1%.”

Fourthly, the trials are still ongoing. Although several countries have now issued “emergency use authorization” allowing these companies to begin distributing these vaccines to the public, the stage III trials of the vaccines are ongoing, with several of the planned “endpoints” for the data not being collected for 24 months after injection. As a result, as even the UK’s own “Information for UK Healthcare Professionals” pamphlet regarding Pfizer’s vaccine points out, “Animal reproductive toxicity studies have not been completed,” meaning that, “It is unknown whether COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 has an impact on fertility.”

Even more chillingly, it is not healthcare professionals who are leading the charge to deliver this vaccine to the world, but the military

MURRAY BREWSTER: He commanded Canada’s NATO mission in Iraq. Now he’s in charge of making sure Canadians get the COVID vaccine.

TRUDEAU: Major General Dany Fortin will be heading up the logistics and operations within the centre.

SOURCE: Senior military commander to lead Canada’s COVID-19 vaccine distribution

SAMANTHA GALVEZ: Operation Warp Speed is a Department of Defense / CDC operation to distribute 300 million vaccines to the US.

MATTHEW YIENGST: As soon as the FDA authorizes an emergency use, if they chose to do so, we will move vaccine to all jurisdictions within 24 hours.

SOURCE: Adams County native plays vital role in military operation to distribute vaccine

RICHARD PASCOE: You know, we’re about to turn the corner here into 2021 and I think the American public should be very proud of what the army and the Department of Defense and our partners on the science side have done to bring these vaccines to the market.

SOURCE: Operation Warp Speed and US Army Role in Vaccine Distribution

BREWSTER: How much more involved the military will get is unclear. Public Health is still developing its plan. Defense Minister Harjit Sajjan acknowledges it is not beyond the realm of possibility in some parts of Canada troops could be running clinics and administering vaccine.

SOURCE: Senior military commander to lead Canada’s COVID-19 vaccine distribution

And most importantly, as incredible as this headlong rush to push an experimental vaccine on the majority of the world’s population is, it is even more incredible when it is revealed that Moderna and Pfizer’s vaccines are not, in fact, “vaccines” as anyone in the general public understands them. They are mRNA vaccines, a novel method of vaccination that has never before been approved for human use.

RHIJU DAS: So the concept of an RNA vaccine is: Let’s inject the RNA molecule that encodes for the spike protein.

ANGELA RASMUSSEN: It’s making your cell do the work of creating this viral protein that is going to be recognized by your immune system and trigger the development of these antibodies.

DAS: Our bodies won’t make a full-fledged infectious virus. They’ll just make a little piece and then learn to recognize it and then get ready to destroy the virus if it then later comes and invades us.

[. . .]

DAS: It’s a relatively new, unproven technology. And there’s still no example of an RNA vaccine that’s been deployed worldwide in the way that we need for the coronavirus.

RASMUSSEN: There is the possibility for unforeseen, adverse effects.

AKIKO IWASAKI: So this is all new territory. Whether it would elicit protective immune response against this virus is just unknown right now.

SOURCE: Can Scientists Use RNA to Create a Coronavirus Vaccine?

To be sure, the new mRNA vaccines work on an entirely different principle than any other vaccine that has ever been used on the human population. In order to understand that, it is important to understand the history of vaccine technologies.

The concept of “inoculation” has been around for centuries, with one of its earliest instances in China several centuries ago, where dried-out scabs of lightly infected smallpox sufferers were powdered and then blown up the nostrils of healthy people. The procedure aimed to infect the patient with a mild strain of smallpox, thus conferring immunity on them. This practice was brought over to Europe via Turkey and was eventually adopted around the world.

“Vaccination” developed in the late 18th century when Edward Jenner discovered that those who had been exposed to cowpox—a less virulent relative of smallpox—were themselves immune from smallpox. He “vaccinated” a boy with a cowpox vesicle from a milkmaid and then inoculated him with smallpox two months later. The boy did not develop smallpox, and the procedure was hailed as a breakthrough of medical science. The term “vaccination,” derived from the Latin word for cow, eventually came to refer to the general process of introducing immunogens or attenuated infectious agents into the body in order to stimulate the immune system to fight infections.

But this is not how mRNA vaccines function. In contrast to vaccination, which involves introducing an immunogen into the body, mRNA vaccines seek to introduce messenger RNA into the body in order to “trick” that body’s cells into producing immunogens, which then stimulate an immune response.

ELENA GUOBYTE: Two types of genetic vaccines are being investigated for COVID-19: mRNA and DNA. mRNA needs to reach the cytoplasm of host cells, while DNA needs to enter the nucleus. Then this genetic material gets taken up by the cell’s machinery, and the cell expresses the spike protein. These spike proteins are then recognized by the immune system, hopefully stimulating a protective response.

SOURCE: Coronavirus Vaccines – An Introduction

PAUL OFFIT: So the way this is going to work, the mRNA vaccine is—it’s the mRNA that codes for that coronavirus spike protein. You’re inoculated with that small little piece of genetic material. That genetic material then enters your cells and is is translated into a protein—in
this case, the coronavirus spike protein—which is then excreted from the cell. So, in essence, your body makes the spike protein and then your body makes antibodies to the spike protein, all because it’s been instructed to do that. Your cells have been instructed to do that by this little piece of messenger RNA.

SOURCE: How Do mRNA Vaccines Work?

NARRATOR: Protein factories in the cytoplasm, called ribosomes, bind to the messenger RNA. The ribosome reads the code in the messenger RNA to produce a chain made up of amino acids. There are 20 different types of amino acid. Transfer RNA molecules carry the amino acids to the ribosome. The messenger RNA is read three bases at a time. As each triplet is read, a transfer RNA delivers the corresponding amino acid. This is added to a growing chain of amino acids. Once the last amino acid has been added, the chain folds into a complex 3D shape to form the protein.

SOURCE: From DNA to protein – 3D

Any and all questions about this rushed, experimental vaccine technology are being labeled by the pharmaceutical manufacturers and the corporate press that runs on their advertising dollars as “anti-vax misinformation” and being actively censored. But despite the straw man argument that opposition to the vaccine comes solely from ignorant members of the public who are worried about being “injected with mircochips,” there are genuine concerns about the long-term safety of these vaccines coming from within the scientific community, and even from whistleblowers from within the ranks of the Big Pharma manufacturers themselves.

On December 1st, the former chair of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Health Committee, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, joined Dr. Michael Yeadon, a former Vice-President and Chief Scientific Officer at Pfizer Global R&D, to file a petition calling on the European Medicine Agency to halt the Phase III clinical trials of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine until they are restructured to address critical safety concerns associated with this experimental technology.

DEL BIGTREE: There is a petition now to try and stop the vaccine from being released in Europe and stop the trials in their tracks until some serious errors are fixed. The complaints are the potential dangers, if they are not rectified, of this vaccine. Let me very quickly just read through these before I bring on my next guest.

Here are the four major elements that are being pointed out by Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Yeadon.

  • The formation of so-called “non-neutralizing antibodies” can lead to an exaggerated immune reaction, especially when the test person is confronted with the real, “wild” virus after vaccination. This so-called antibody-dependent amplification, ADE, has long been known from experiments with corona vaccines in cats, for example. In the course of these studies all cats that initially tolerated the vaccination well died after catching the wild virus.
  • The mRNA vaccines from BioNTech/Pfizer contain polyethylene glycol (PEG). 70% of people develop antibodies against this substance – this means that many people can develop allergic, potentially fatal reactions to the vaccination.
  • The vaccinations are expected to produce antibodies against spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2. However, spike proteins also contain syncytin-homologous proteins, which are essential for the formation of the placenta in mammals such as humans. It must be absolutely ruled out that a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 could trigger an immune reaction against syncytin-1, as otherwise infertility of indefinite duration could result in vaccinated women.
  • The much too short duration of the study does not allow a realistic estimation of the late effects. As in the narcolepsy cases after the swine flu vaccination, millions of healthy people would be exposed to an unacceptable risk if an emergency approval were to be granted and the possibility of observing the late effects of the vaccination were to follow. Nevertheless, BioNTech/Pfizer apparently submitted an application for emergency approval on December 1, 2020.

We’ve just updated you that that vaccine has been approved for the UK as we speak.

[. . .]

BIGTREE: What is it that people can do what—your fellow scientists and doctors—what do we need to do to make sure we don’t make one of the greatest scientific errors in human history?

WOLFGNG WODARG: Protect yourself and protect all your neighbors and friends so that they don’t get this vaccine. and you have to be—you have to show up, you have to tell the politicians that you will blame them for what they do with this. I think what what’s happening, it’s a great betrayal. We are betrayed. And people who betray normally are punished, and we won’t forget this if they go on doing this with us.

SOURCE: Health Expert: “Stop COVID Vax Experiments”

Before the combined weight of the pharmaceutical manufacturers, global health bodies, governments and the corporate media combined to suppress any questions about this unprecedented rush for a globally-distributed, experimental vaccine, there were widespread calls for caution from within the heart of the scientific community.

Even mainstream publications like Scientific American were compelled to note back in June of this year that there are reasons for concern over the way the COVID-19 vaccines are being rushed to market:

Telescoping testing timelines and approvals may expose all of us to unnecessary dangers related to the vaccine. While preclinical trials to evaluate the potential safety and efficacy of vaccine candidates are likely to include tens of thousands of patients, it is still unclear whether that number will be large enough and a trial will last long enough to evaluate safety for a drug that would be administered to so many. The US alone plans to vaccinate hundreds of millions of people with the first successful candidate. One serious adverse event per thousand of a vaccine given to 100 million people means harm to 100,000 otherwise healthy people.

The potential dangers of these vaccines—not just the mRNA vaccines that hijack your body’s cells to begin producing proteins to stimulate an immune response, but vaccines like AstraZeneca’s that uses a chimpanzee adenovirus to express the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein—are numerous. Not only do these vaccines present the potential for the antibody-dependent enhancement phenomenon that makes people more susceptible to the wild virus after having been vaccinated against it—which is a problem common to previous coronavirus vaccine candidates—but their potential impact on fertility has, even by the UK government’s own admission, not been tested at this point and remains “unknown.”

But even more fundamental than these particular safety concerns about these particular vaccines is the way that this fanatical, reckless and unprecedented headlong rush to push (and potentially even mandate) these vaccines on billions of people worldwide—women and children, young and old, healthy and unhealthy alike—is setting the most dangerous public health precedent in the history of humanity, a precedent that threatens to undermine our most cherished health freedoms in the name of a panic-induced “emergency.”

One of these core freedoms is the ability to refuse an experimental medical procedure, a freedom that was acknowledged in the Nuremberg Code of 1947 and enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which states that “no one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.”

Despite the fact that the clinical trials surrounding these experimental vaccines are ongoing and that the FDA itself admits that there is “currently insufficient data to make conclusions about the safety of the vaccine in subpopulations such as children less than 16 years of age, pregnant and lactating individuals, and immunocompromised individuals” and “risk of vaccine-enhanced disease over time, potentially associated with waning immunity, remains unknown,” governments around the world are contemplating making these vaccinations mandatory, or compelling people to take them against their will by restricting their access to public life until they subject themselves to this medical experimentation.

ANCHOR: It’s a controversial idea that could end up being the law: “no jab, no job,” with some businesses considering making the COVID-19 vaccine mandatory for employees.

SOURCE: Coronavirus: Businesses considering making vaccine mandatory | 9 News Australia

CHRISTINE ELLIOTT: There may be some restrictions that may be placed on people that don’t have vaccines for travel purposes, to be able to go totheaters and other places. But that will be up to the individual person to decide.

SOURCE: COVID-19 vaccine won’t be mandatory, but those who don’t get it could face restrictions: Elliott

JO LING KENT: So here’s how it works: The app gives you a health pass to show before you go into big stadiums like this to streamline the process to make it safer and faster to get to your seat.

SOURCE: NBC Nightly News Broadcast (Full) – December 7th, 2020 | NBC Nightly News

TRACY GRIMSHAW: Alan, when there is a vaccine are you going to require all of your passengers to be vaccinated before they get on a plane?

ALAN JOYCE: Yeah we are looking at changing our terms and conditions to say for international travellers that we will ask people to have a vaccination before they can get on the aircraft.

SOURCE: Qantas boss says COVID-19 vaccination compulsory for international flights

The threat of forcing or compelling people to become unwilling guinea pigs in an ongoing medical experiment is immoral on its face. But even the prospect of enforcing such mandates would entail the erection of a surveillance and tracking system that further threatens basic rights and liberties. After all, in order to determine who has been vaccinated—and thus who is allowed to board an airplane or access a stadium or enter a store with a vaccine policy—there will need to be a system for identifying and tracking each vaccine recipient.

Whereas in days past, such tracking systems might have worked with identification papersspecial badges to identify people’s status or other outwardly identifying marks, in the modern age, such schemes will take the form of digital apps and other technologically advanced methods for tracking, categorizing and identifying billions of people and their movements in real time.

There are already apps like IBM’s Digital Health Pass and CLEAR’s Health Pass that envision a world where our biometric ID will be linked via our smartphones to our health data in order to grant or deny access from public spaces and public events

NARRATOR: Here’s how Jane opens the CLEAR app and verifies her identity with a photo and real-time health insights. CLEAR’s developed touchless technology can take her temperature and confirm Jane is Jane so she can walk in with confidence


NARRATOR: Your COVID-19 status will efficiently display as green, amber or red, dependent on your test results. This allows us to go about our daily activities in a safer way. We can all use health passport ireland in many ways, such as travel, hospitality, education, health care, construction, offices, entertainment, visits and much, much more.

SOURCE: Health Passport Ireland

Once the COVID vaccines are widely distributed, it would simply be a question of linking one’s vaccination record to the health pass app to prevent the unvaccinated from accessing any given space.

And while this future—sold through glossy corporate advertising but rejected by the vast majority of the public—may seem like a science-fiction dystopia, such systems are already being used to control the movements of people in China, where access to certain building or the ability to leave one’s own neighbourhood can be restricted to those whose phone-based apps show a “green” immunity status.

Worse, the COVID vaccine presents governments, intelligence agencies and corporations that have a direct interest in suppressing dissent, monitoring dissidents and controlling their populations with the perfect opportunity to make such systems a permanent fixture of daily life. After the immediate “threat” of the declared public health crisis subsides, the public is already being warned that these apps will be transitioned seamlessly into general monitoring of the population.

ANCHOR 1: Well during the summer spike, Palm Beach County launched something called a Combat COVID app. they spent a huge chunk of CARES Act money to do it. The app can alert you if you come into contact with a COVID positive person.

ANCHOR 2: The problem is it only works if there’s widespread use and there isn’t. So was this just a big waste of money?

[. . .]

DANIELLE WAUGH: Palm Beach County officials would not make anybody available for an interview for this story but I did get a written statement from a county spokesperson, who tells me they will still have use for this app even after the pandemic is over. He says they plan on transitioning its functions to be a more general community app.

SOURCE: Palm Beach County COVID app: Big investment, few users

As chilling as these “immunity passports” opening the door for governments to implement persistent digital tracking of their entire population is, it represents only the most visible privacy invasion that is being enacted on the back of this unprecedented vaccine rollout.

As viewers of the “Who Is Bill Gates?” documentary will know, these smartphone apps and voluntary reporting mechanisms will eventually be replaced by an even more invasive technological means of certifying vaccination. Not the “microchip” strawman that the fact checkers use to attempt to debunk these concerns, but the verifiable existence of a program to develop quantum dot tags to instantly identify who has received a given vaccine.

Late last year, Gates once again turned to Robert Langer and his MIT colleagues to investigate new ways to permanently store and record the vaccination information of each individual. The result of their research was a new vaccine delivery method. They found that by using “dissolvable microneedles that deliver patterns of near-infrared light-emitting microparticles to the skin,” they could create “particle patterns” in the skin of vaccine recipients which are “invisible to the eye but can be imaged using modified smartphones.”

Rice University describes the quantum dot tags left behind by the microneedles as “something like a bar-code tattoo.”

So who was behind this development? As lead researcher Kevin McHugh explains:

“The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation came to us and said, ‘Hey, we have a real problem—knowing who’s vaccinated [. . .] So our idea was to put the record on the person. This way, later on, people can scan over the area to see what vaccines have been administered and give only the ones still needed.”

SOURCE: Who Is Bill Gates?

Experimental vaccine technologies. Rushed testing. Mandates and health apps. And, eventually, quantum dot tags and biometric IDs. The future that is coming into view on the back of this COVID nightmare is truly dystopian.

But as worrying as all of this, the most worrying aspect is the precedent that it sets for a new era of biosecurity. An era in which public health authorities will claim to have the right to force rushed, untested and experimental technologies on the public in the name of public “health.”

At the moment, these new technologies—like mRNA vaccines which reprogram cells to produce antigens or the DNA vaccines that seek to insert foreign genetic material directly into the cells’ nucleus and that even biotech giant Moderna admit “have a risk of permanently changing a person’s DNA”—are still understood by the public as “vaccines.” But they bare as little resemblance to the vaccines that have previously been given to the public as Edward Jenner’s cowpox vaccine bore to the old Chinese art of blowing smallpox scabs up the nose. And the medical technologies that are emerging now will once again utterly transform our understanding of “vaccines.”

One such technology is being actively developed by Profusa, Inc., a company that in 2016 received a $7.5 million grant from DARPA—the research and development agency of the US military—to “develop implantable biosensors that can continuously monitor multiple body chemistries.” Earlier this year, Profusa announced a study that will examine how the company’s technology—including a “wireless reader that adheres to the skin and collects and reports tissue oxygen levels” and a 3mm string of hydrogel, which can be inserted under the skin with a syringe and programmed to send “a fluorescent signal outside of the body when the body begins to fight an infection”—can be used to “develop an early identification system to detect not only disease outbreaks, but biological attacks and pandemics up to three weeks earlier than current methods.” The study is expected to be completed next year.

Hydrogels—networks of crosslinked polymer chains—are increasingly being turned to by proponents of these new technologies as potential delivery devices for drugs, cells, proteins, and bioactive molecules. In 2013, for instance, a team of European researchers announced a novel method for injecting a vaccine-containing hydrogel sphere to a spot beneath the skin, which could be released at a later time by swallowing a “stimulusresponsive biohybrid material.” Touted as a “remote-controlled vaccine delivery system,” the researchers proved their concept by injecting mice with a hydrogel containing human papillomavirus vaccine and later giving them a pill containing fluorescein, which dissolved the hydrogel mesh and released the vaccine. The research on this vaccine delivery method continues, with a Chinese team publishing research just this year on a self-adjuvanted hydrogel which “had both adjuvant potential and the ability to sustained release antigen.”

As viewers of the “Who Is Bill Gates?” documentary will know, the idea of implanting remote-controlled vaccines in large populations has been around since at least 2012, when, according to MIT Technology Review, Bill Gates personally asked MIT researcher Robert Langer to create an implantable birth control device that could be turned on or off remotely. The resulting device—a wireless birth control microchip that, as the National Post noted in 2014, “can be turned on and off with a remote control and that is designed to last up to 16 years”—was developed by Microchips Biotech, now part of Daré Bioscience, and has so far received $17.9 million in grant funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

From biolectronics to nanorobotics to synthetic biology, ever more incredible technologies are being pioneered that, whether or not they are marketed to the public under the catch-all term of “vaccine,” will operate in ways that are fundamentally unlike anything before used on the human population.

University of Ottawa researchers are working on creating “edible vaccines.”

Researchers at Harvard Medical School are developing autonomous DNA nanorobots capable of transporting molecular payloads directly into cells.

A team of scientists at Johns Hopkins University are working on shape-changing microdevices called “theragrippers” that can reside in the GI tract to aid in extended drug delivery.

Nanobots. Shape-changing bioelectronic devices. Remote-controlled vaccines. This is not the stuff of science fiction but of science fact, and the precedent that is being set during the COVID era to rush experimental and unproven medical technologies into use on the back of a declared crisis is the same precedent that could be used to foist these injectable technologies on the public in the future.

And, as Catherine Austin Fitts—former United States Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and founder of Solari, Inc.—explains, these injectables are part of an elaborate system of biological, economic, and political control that is being bankrolled into existence by powerful special interests.

CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: So let me go through where I think he’s going. I think where they’re going—and they’re they’re prototyping tons of technology, so I don’t think they have it yet—but where they want to go is they want to download a Microsoft Office system into your body, into your brain, and hook it up to the Jedi cloud contract and the Amazon Cloud contract at the CIA. And if they can get seven people seven billion people hooked up directly to their cloud contracts and use viruses—I mean, it’s very clever—use viruses to keep those updates coming. You know, just keep those updates coming.

So you saw my most recent article, “The Injection Fraud.” I think it’s a fraud to call these vaccines they’re not vaccines, they’re not medicine. But I think it’s the exact same model you used in the computers and the ideas. Just like Bill Gates made it possible for the intelligence agencies to get a backdoor into our—you know, our data—and our computers. They want a backdoor into our mind and it’s very hard if you haven’t if you haven’t looked into the creepy technology, the Charles Lieber kind of technology, it’s hard to fathom but we’re beginning to fathom it.

[. . .]

So what we have are people who have unimaginable liabilities for what they’ve done in the health area and what they’ve done in the financial area. And what they’re trying to do is they’re trying to do two things: one is to load an operating system into our bodies—I call it the injection fraud because they’re calling it a vaccine and under law a vaccine is medicine, this is not medicine, so to me what they’re up to is a fraud. And then the second thing they’re trying to do is implement contract tracing so they they can have—before they get the operating system in everybody they can have complete control. You know, kidnap you, put you in prison with no warrants, break into your house, take your kids.
And I keep saying to people: “Do you notice that it’s the people who flew Epstein Air who all want contract tracing? Why is that?” You know, why would you want the people who did Epstein Air to be able to come into your house and kidnap your kids?

Despite the protestations of those like Bill Gates who have a financial interest in these experimental vaccines, and the Big Pharma corporations that are selling these vaccines, and the governments that are being bribed by the international public health cartel to purchase these vaccines and pressure their public to accept them, and the corporate media who relies on these Big Pharma corporations for their advertising dollars, some facts about these novel coronavirus vaccines are indisputable:

  • They are the most rushed vaccines ever developed.
  • The manufacturers have been given total immunity from liability if their experimental vaccines cause injury.
  • The clinical trials testing the safety of these injections are not finished, meaning that every member of the public who takes one is now a human guinea pig in an ongoing medical experiment with the population of the planet.
  • The Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines are themselves part of an experimental class of injection that has never before been given to the public;
  • These vaccines have not been tested for their ability to prevent infection or spread of SARS-CoV-2 and are not intended to do so.
  • And there is absolutely no long-term data about these vaccines to determine what their effects may be on fertility, the potential for pathogenic priming, or any other serious adverse reaction.

That this represents the most reckless and brazen experiment in the history of the world is undeniable on its face. Never before have billions of people been pressured to submit to a completely experimental, invasive medical procedure on the basis of a disease with a greater than 99% survival rate.

But large-scale, emergency vaccination campaigns have been tried before with sobering lessons about the danger of such a wide-scale experiment that are being deliberately ignored right now.

In the late 1950s and early 1960s, hundreds of millions of people were injected with polio vaccines that, years later, were discovered to have been contaminated with SV40, a cancer-causing virus found in the rhesus monkey kidney cells that were used to create the vaccine.

In 1976, twelve soldiers at Fort Dix were diagnosed with swine flu. This kicked off a round of public health hysteria that led the US government to mandate that every citizen in the country be vaccinated. In the end, only one soldier at Fort Dix died of the swine flu and no one outside of the base even tested positive for it, but the emergency immunization program went ahead. It was brought to an abrupt end after hundreds who had received the rushed vaccine began to display severe neurological disorders.

MIKE WALLACE: Remember the swine flu scare of 1976? That was the year the U.S. government told us all that swine flu could turn out to be a killer that could spread across the nation, and Washington decided that every man, woman and child in the nation should get a shot to prevent a nation-wide outbreak, a pandemic.

Well 46 million of us obediently took the shot, and now 4,000 Americans are claiming damages from Uncle Sam amounting to three and a half billion dollars because of what happened when they took that shot. By far the greatest number of the claims – two thirds of them are for neurological damage, or even death, allegedly triggered by the flu shot.

SOURCE: 60 Minutes Mike Wallace Exposes the 1976 Swine Flu Pandemic Vaccine Injuries

During the hysteria over swine flu in 2009, GlaxoSmithKline rushed a vaccine called Pandemrix to market in several European countries that was later associated with increased risk of narcolepsy. Years later, it was admitted that the 2009 flu season was no deadlier than any other flu season, but the British Medical Journal revealed that the body that advised the WHO on the declaration of the public health emergency that caused governments to purchase billions of dollars of vaccines was itself populated by advisors with direct financial ties to the Big Pharma vaccine manufacturers.

In each of these cases, the public was told to “follow the science,” and in each of these cases an unknown and perhaps unknowable number of people paid for that blind faith with their health. Now the revolver is once again being put to our heads and, with an assurance that that revolver probably contains a lot of empty chambers, the public is being asked to play Russian Roulette in the name of “trusting the science.”

NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: I think we’re in the middle of a massive experiment worldwide. And that is—

STEPHEN COLBERT: —And we’re the guinea pigs?

TYSON: Maybe. The experiment is: will people listen to scientists?

SOURCE: Neil deGrasse Tyson On Coronavirus: Will People Listen To Science?

Surely those who wish to be the test subjects in this ongoing experiment should be free to make themselves into guinea pigs for the Big Pharma manufacturers. But every mandate or compulsion to force the vaccine on an unwilling recipient sets a dangerous precedent, a precedent that will one day lead to a tracked and surveilled population unable to resist the next generation of injectable bioelectronics.

This is not a game, this is not a test. Billions of people are being asked to participate in a gigantic experiment, not just an experiment in medical technology, but an experiment in compliance and blind trust.

The pressure to say yes and to go along with the crowd in this experiment is enormous. But if we lose the freedom to say “no” to this, then we may lose control over our bodily autonomy—and, ultimately, our humanity—forever.

The choice is ours . . . but for how much longer?

Just Trust ‘Em! . . . Because You Can’t Sue ‘Em

Just Trust ‘Em! . . . Because You Can’t Sue ‘Em 

by Eric Peters, Eric Peters Autos
December 23, 2020


You can’t walk into a store without wearing the Holy Rag – because someone might get sick. But if you actually get sick as a result of being forced to take the Holy Jab, you can’t sue the company that made the god-knows-what’s-in-it vaccine.

Which is pretty sick when you think about it.

The pharmaceutical mafia can force you – via its enforcer, the government – to take its products; vaccines are already required for kids in many states and if you don’t submit to it the state can take your kids . . . and then walks away from any harm it caused because the government protects them from you.

Thus one-upping the health insurance mafia – which only forces you to buy its product.

The vaccine-pushers are uniquely endowed with government-granted immunity from lawsuits. They can wreck your life – and you get the bill.

This is almost beyond belief – especially in view of the fact that they are for-profit enterprises, meaning they can literally get rich off of the suffering they impose on people who can’t say no to the Jab.

Jabs, actually – as it’s not just one – and not just this one. There will be at least two Holy Jabs and then – having established the precedent that they can make you take those jabs, why not other jabs?

All the risk – which you won’t be allowed to say no to – on you.

All the profits for them.

Where are the Public Citizens and “consumer advocates”? Where are the investigative i-Team reporters?

They’re out there. The problem is they’ve been bought – literally. And sometimes you get what you pay for. Ask your doctor about Nemenda.

Don’t tell the audience anything about what Nemenda might do to you (cue the super-fast-talking dude who gets paid to read the fine  print at warp speed).

Else we – the drug-pushers – might pull our ads.

When I worked for newspapers, it was understood that the car dealers who bought ad space would not be happy – might pull their ads – if the paper published car reviews that weren’t come-hither/come-buy hagiographies.

That same principle applies to the breathlessly favorable “coverage” of the it’s finally here! Holy Jab – and the silence about its possible not-so-great consequences.

With the difference being one could sue the manufacturer of a dishonestly advertised, shoddily built and dangerous car. And there was another difference: The government has yet to force anyone to buy a particular car.

You may remember the Ford Explorer/Firestone tire fiasco of the late ’90s.

The Explorer was one of the first really successful “SUVs” – a term unknown before someone in the marketing department conjured it as a way to sell what had been specialty/niche 4x4s sold mostly to men (and a few women) who liked to use them for rugged, off-road adventures and more importantly understood what they were for and so what their limitations were  . . .  to soccer moms and others who drove them like the cars they weren’t, often at high speeds on tires not designed for 80 MPH highway running.

With sometimes catastrophic results.

A tire would blowout – and the Explorer would do the equivalent of an alligator’s death roll.

The lawyers of the victims’ families blamed Ford for designing and selling a vehicle apparently not very safe at speed to begin with, which Ford allegedly made even less safe at speed by recommending too-low tire pressure  . . . in order to make the Explorer ride less like the modified truck it was and more like the car it wasn’t. This exacerbated the high-speed stability issues of what was more or less a truck with its bed enclosed and carpeted and seats bolted to the floor.

Plus the Firestone tires themselves were apparently pretty flimsy, even if inflated properly.

Mix it all together and you had  . . . liability.

Ford and Firestone got sued – because the victims could. And the industry was chastened, that being the point of such lawsuits, even more so than compensating the victims. The idea being to discourage future victimization by holding today’s victimizers accountable.

It is not for nothing that post-Explorer SUVs – not just Fords but the entire class of SUVs – behave more like the cars most of the people who buy them assume they are – and that tires are chosen and inflation pressure recommended to promote stability.

And it is because of the Explorer/Firestone tire debacle that all new vehicles are required to be fitted with tire pressure monitors that warn the driver about an under-inflated tire – so as to make the point that the driver was warned about the risk of under-inflated tires – and given an opportunity to avoid the consequences.

But there is no such chastening anvil hanging over the heads of the drug companies, who are free to advertise – and use the editorial power this gives them to suppress negative (i.e., factual) coverage of themselves and their wares and their motives – knowing they can get away with victimizing people.

What do you suppose this encourages?

Imagine a car company wheedling a deal for itself with Uncle that let them sell you a dangerous vehicle, with a built-in design flaw or unusually high risk of some kind of critical failure – and then gave the car company immunity from civil lawsuits.

How careful do you suppose the car company would be with design? How much testing would be done to ascertain whether its vehicles held up, didn’t have weird quirks that would get people dead?

Then imagine them securing a mandate from the government that you had to buy a vehicle from them.

You actually don’t have to imagine this – Tesla has built a business on this model.

But at least you can still sue Tesla – for now – if you get roasted to death in one of their mobile crematoriums.

Not so the Needlers, they of the Holy Jab.

You’d think it’d make people mad.

Hopefully, it will.

Over 3,000 “Health Impact Events” After COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinations

Over 3,000 “Health Impact Events” After COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinations

by Barbara Loe Fisher, The Vaccine Reaction
December 22, 2020


Between Dec. 11 and 18, 2020, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna pharmaceutical companies an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)1 to distribute COVID-19 vaccines using messenger RNA (mRNA) technology that to date has not been licensed for use in humans.2 3 4 5 Although the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) held two special Saturday meetings to create national vaccine use recommendations for the two vaccines,6 7 legally both vaccines remain experimental until they have been formally licensed by the FDA.8 As initial supplies of the vaccines roll out into the states and health care workers treating COVID-19 patients in hospitals and medical facilities are the first to be vaccinated, reports of vaccine reactions are emerging.9

On Dec. 19, 2020, at a special meeting of the ACIP,10 the CDC presented information released by the ACIP COVID-19 Vaccines Work Group “Anaphylaxis Following mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Receipt.”11 According to the CDC, by Dec. 18 there had been six case reports of anaphylaxis following Pfizer/BioNTech vaccinations that met the Brighton Collaboration criteria for anaphylaxis, which is a potentially life threatening reaction that occurs when immune cells overreact to a substance that has entered the body and a hyper-inflammatory response is triggered involving sudden release of histamine and other chemicals that may cause:12 13

  • skin redness, hives, and itching;
  • swelling of the eyes, lips, tongue, throat, hands, feet;
  • trouble swallowing and breathing, wheezing;
  • diarrhea or vomiting;
  • abdominal or chest pain;
  • fast or irregular heartbeat;
  • dizziness, sudden drop in blood pressure;
  • headache;
  • confusion, vision and speech problems;
  • shock/loss of consciousness;
  • cardiac arrest;
  • death

Foods are the most common triggers for anaphylactic reactions, followed by drugs/biologicals, insect stings, and idiopathic anaphylaxis (anaphylaxis of unknown cause). A shot of epinephrine is the first-line immediate treatment for anaphylaxis.14

Vaccines are known to cause allergic and anaphylactic reactions within minutes to four hours of vaccination, but CDC officials have long considered vaccine-associated anaphylaxis to be rare, stating in a 2018 study that:

Vaccine-associated hypersensitivity reactions are not infrequent; however, serious acute-onset, presumably IgE–mediated or IgG and complement-mediated anaphylactic or serious delayed-onset T cell–mediated systemic reactions are considered extremely rare.

The CDC confirmed that one person, who had an anaphylactic reaction following administration of the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, had a previous history of anaphylaxis after a rabies vaccination. The CDC said the reported cases of anaphylaxis are being reviewed by federal health officials.15

CDC Reports More Than 3,000 “Health Impact Events” After COVID-19 Shots

At the Dec. 19 ACIP meeting, a chart entitled “V-safe Active Surveillance for COVID-19 Vaccines” was presented indicating that between Dec. 14 and Dec. 18, there were 272,001 doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine administered and 3,150 “Health Impact Events” recorded, including 514 events in pregnant women after receipt of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine. The chart gave no further details about the nature of the more than 3,000 Health Impact Events recorded by the CDC.16

The CDC’s definition of Health Impact Events is “unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, required care from doctor or health care professional.”

Great Britain First Reported Anaphylaxis Cases After COVID-19 Shots

Britain was the first country to vaccinate frontline health workers and the elderly with the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine beginning on Dec. 8. Within 24 hours, Reuters reported that there had been two cases anaphylaxis and one possible allergic reaction in health care workers receiving the first doses of the vaccine. Reportedly, both health care workers had a history of allergic reactions and carried an epi-pen. On Dec. 9, the chief executive of Britain’s Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) stated that, “any person with a history of anaphylaxis to a vaccine, medicine or food should not receive the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.”17

Alaska Health Care Workers Had Allergic Reactions to Covid-19 Vaccine

On Dec. 16, The New York Times reported that two health care workers in Alaska who got the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine suffered allergic reactions. One worker had a reaction serious enough to require hospitalization.18

A middle aged woman with no history of allergies experienced shortness of breath, elevated heart rate and a rash covering her face and torso within 10 minutes of receiving the vaccine. She was immediately treated with epinephrine and her reaction subsided but then re-emerged and she was given IV epinephrine and steroids, hospitalized in the intensive care unit for one night and spent a second night in the hospital further recovering. According to CNN, the allergic reactions experienced by the two Alaska health care workers after the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccinations were reported to the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS).19

History of Anaphylactic Reaction to Previous Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Only Contraindication

The CDC states there is one contraindication to the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine: “Severe allergic reaction (e.g. anaphylaxis) to any component of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine listed in the prescribing information is a contraindication to vaccination.” However, there is one precaution:20

CDC considers a history of severe allergic reaction such as anaphylaxis to any vaccine or to any injectable therapy (e.g., intramuscular, intravenous or subcutaneous) as a precaution, but not a contraindication.

Currently, the government does not consider a history of severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, to foods, drugs, other vaccines or environmental substances to be a reason to not receive mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.

Dermal Fillers May Be Associated with Facial, Lip Swelling After Moderna COVID-19 Shots

On Dec. 17, there was a report published in Drug Discovery and Development, that “temporary facial swelling might be another mild side effect for [Moderna Covid-19] vaccine recipients who have had prior dermal fillers,” such as injectable hyaluronic acid (HA) used in certain plastic surgery procedures.

Reportedly, in Moderna’s Phase 3 trials, three people developed facial or lip swelling after receiving the vaccine and two of the patients had prior dermal fillers in their cheeks within six months before vaccination. The third patient had received dermal filler in the lip two days after receiving the vaccine and had reported similar swelling in the past after receiving a flu vaccine. Antihistamines and steroids were used to treat the patients.

FDA Recommends Watching for Bell’s Palsy After COVID-19 Vaccinations

On Dec. 15, CNBC reported that the FDA staff recommends monitoring people who get COVID-19 vaccines manufactured by Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna for symptoms of Bell’s palsy, which involves inflammation and paralysis of the nerve that controls facial muscles.21 The recommendation came after clinical trial data for both vaccines was analyzed by FDA staff.

In trials of the Moderna vaccine involving about 30,000 participants, there were four reported cases of Bell’s palsy and three had received the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, while one received a placebo. In clinical trials of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine involving about 42,000 participants, there were four reported cases of Bell’s palsy and all had received the experimental vaccine while no cases of Bell’s palsy occurred in the placebo arm of the trial.

FDA staff said there wasn’t enough data from the trials to determine causation, but that there should be increased monitoring for cases of Bell’s palsy as the mRNA vaccines are given to millions of people.

Bell’s palsy can cause facial paralysis (usually one side of face) and drooling, pain around jaw and ear, increased sensitivity to sound, headache, loss of taste and changes in production of tears and saliva.22 It can develop after a viral infection and has been reported following influenza vaccination.23 24

According to Mayo Clinic, “For most people, Bell’s palsy is temporary. Symptoms usually start to improve within a few weeks, with complete recovery in about six months. A small number of people continue to have some Bell’s palsy symptoms for life. Rarely, Bell’s palsy can recur.”25

Frequently Reported mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Reactions

Both the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines require two doses given three to four weeks apart. The CDC states that most common side effects of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are injection site redness and pain, fever, chills, fatigue (tiredness) and headache.

The CDC warns that, “these side effects may feel like the flu and may even affect your ability to do daily activities, but they should go away in a few days,” and instructs people to “get the second shot even if you have side effects after the first one, unless a vaccination provider or your doctor tells you not to get a second shot.”26

Vaccine Companies, Providers Shielded from Liability for COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries and Deaths

The vaccine manufacturers, doctors and all COVID-19 vaccine providers are completely shielded from civil liability for vaccine injuries and deaths that occur in the U.S. after COVID-19 vaccinations under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act passed by Congress in 2005.27 The Act gives a liability shield to the manufacturer of any vaccine or drug developed in response to a health emergency like a pandemic causes when a vaccine or drug causes the death or permanent injury of an individual who receives it during pre-licensure clinical trials or after it is released for public use.

Individuals who die or suffer serious harm directly caused by the administration of covered countermeasures, such as vaccines, may be eligible to receive compensation through the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program operated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,28 whether or not the harm was a result of willful misconduct on the part of the vaccine manufacturer or person administering the vaccine.


1 U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). Dec. 18, 2020.
2 FDA. FDA Takes Key Action in Fight Against COVID-19 By Issuing An Emergency Use Authorization for First COVID-19 Vaccine. FDA Press Release Dec. 11, 2020.
3 FDA. Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine. Dec. 11, 2020
4 FDA. FDA Takes Additional Action in Fight Against COVID-19 by Issuing an Emergency Use Authorization for Second COVID-19 VaccineFDA Press Release Dec. 17, 2020.
5 FDA. Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine. Dec. 18, 2020.
6 Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). Considerations for Use of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Dec. 14, 2020.
7 Schnirring L. CDC advisors recommend Moderna COVID vaccination. Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy Dec. 19, 2020.
8 Chandrasekhar R. Emergency Use Authorizations: What is an EUA, and Does Your Product Qualify? Carmargo Mar. 26, 2020.
9 CDC. Interim Considerations: Preparing for the Potential Management of Anaphylaxis at COVID-19 Vaccination Sites. Dec. 16, 2020.
10 Moderna, Inc. U.S. CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices Recommends vaccination with Moderna’s COVID-19 Vaccine for Persons 18 Years and Older. Businesswire Dec. 19, 2020
11 Clark T. Anaphylaxis Following mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Receipt. COVID-19 Vaccines Work Group of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). CDC Dec. 19, 2020.
12 Balentine JK. Severe Allergic Reaction (Anaphylactic Shock). EMedicine Health Aug. 20, 2020.
13 Story CM. What Is Anaphylaxis? Healthline Nov. 18, 2017
14 Lieberman PL. Recognition and first-line treatment of anaphylaxis. Am J Med 2014; 127 (Suppl 1).
15 Clark T. Anaphylaxis Following mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Receipt. COVID-19 Vaccines Work Group of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). CDC Dec. 19, 2020.
16 Ibid.
17 Smout A. UK Issues anaphylaxis warning on Pfizer vaccine after adverse reactions. Reuters Dec. 9, 2020.
18 Welland N, LaFraniere S, et al. Alaska Health Workers Got Emergency Treatment After Receiving Pfizer’s VaccineThe New York Times Dec. 16, 2020
19 Howard J, Langmaid V, Hanna J. Pfizer Covid vaccine: 2 Alaska health care workers suffer reactions to vaccineCNN Dec. 17, 2020.
20 CDC. Interim Considerations: Preparing for the Potential Management of Anaphylaxis at COVID-19 Vaccination Sites. Dec. 16, 2020.
21 Higgins-Dunn N. FDA staff recommends watching for Bell’s palsy in Moderna and Pfizer vaccine recipientsCNBC Dec. 15, 2020.
22 Mayo Clinic. Bell’s palsy. Apr. 2, 2020.
23 Mutsch M, Zhou W et al. Use of the intranasal Influenza Vaccine and the Risk of Bell’s Palsy in Switzerland. N Engl J Med 2004; 350: 896-903.
24 Zhou W, Pool V et al. A potential signal of Bell’s palsy after parenteral inactivated influenza vaccines: reports to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) – United States, 1991-2001. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf 2004; 13(8): 505-510.
25 Mayo Clinic. Bell’s palsy. Apr. 2, 2020.
26 CDC. What to Expect after Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine. Dec. 13, 2020.
27 Fisher BL, Parpia R. 2005 PREP Act and 1986 Act Shield Vaccine Manufacturers from LiabilityThe Vaccine Reaction Aug. 10, 2020.
28 Public Health Emergency. Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act. June 9, 2020.

Death by Government Edicts and Vaccination Is Planned Democide!

Death by Government Edicts and Vaccination Is Planned Democide!

by Gary D. Barnett
December 22, 2020


“The more power a government has the more it can act arbitrarily according to the whims and desires of the elite, and the more it will make war on others and murder its foreign and domestic subjects. The more constrained the power of governments, the more power is diffused, checked, and balanced, the less it will aggress on others and commit democide.” ~ Rudolph Rummel–“Death by Government”. Book by Rudolph Rummel, pp. 1-2, 1994.

Democide is a concept proposed by Rudolph Rummel since at least 1994 to describe “the intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their ‘authoritative’ capacity and pursuant to government policy or high command.” What better term could describe what is going on today? Governments and those controlling the political process thrive and exist only by seeking power and control. In doing so, the sacrifice of the people is a natural consequence of all government action. Today, a completely fraudulent and purposely manufactured ‘virus pandemic’ is being used as the tool to accomplish those state goals of power and control, and be damned the people in the process.

The hundreds of millions of citizens murdered by their own governments in the twentieth century alone, stands in stark contrast to the much lesser number of deaths due to inhuman government wars during that same period. This fact alone should serve as absolute confirmation of the heinous nature of the ruling class and all governing systems. It has been pounded into the heads of Americans through indoctrination techniques that this country is different, and that others committed all the past genocide while this country was noble and exempt from those monstrous and murderous policies. Nothing could be further from the truth, and if any accept what is obviously planned for our future, it would be impossible not to see the imminent carnage against Americans coming at the hands of their own government.

Already in just the past ten months, additional deaths due to despair caused by the state in the form of lockdowns, job loss, immune system destruction, and suicide are evident, and this is nothing less than first-degree murder by a different name. As I have noted on many occasions, everything done by government is preplanned and by design. Nothing happens by chance, is accidental, or natural, as all is known in advance. The state’s controllers fully understand the weakness of its citizens, as this governing and ‘education’ system has been used for many decades to train this population to become good and useful citizens of the state, instead of thinking and acting individuals. We now live in a collective society of passive fools, all due to the success of government brainwashing and propaganda policies.  Without a reversal of this plotted societal breakdown, we face terrible times indeed.

The straw that will break the camel’s back so to speak, will be the coming deadly vaccines. This nation has been put through hell this past year due to a fraud, and each and every state mandate has led to the next, each in its own way more deadly in scope if only due to this compounding of state terror. It all began with a fear campaign, but eventually most all chose to voluntarily comply with draconian measures due to peer pressure and false threats. This indicates extreme weakness of the population at large, but the combination of propaganda, scare tactics, stress, and acquiescence to orders has led to the likely assurance of a very dangerous future.

The very adverse effects of these oppressive government directives that have befallen this population greatly compound the toxic nature of this vaccination process, a process that has already begun. This was the intended outcome sought by the state. Months of lockdowns, quarantine, job loss, extreme stress, isolation, and mask wearing were all part of the plot to harm the immune systems and psyche of Americans. These ordered actions undermined the people’s natural ability to overcome health adversity, and therefore left them vulnerable to any outside invasions due to mass injection of poisons. The vaccines that are being made available will contain several viruses, deadly toxic adjuvants including mercury and aluminum, RNA and possible DNA changing additives, tracking and tracing elements, biosensor technology, nanoparticle introduction, and could even cause sterility. This is a travesty, and certainly will appease those that are intent on advancing eugenics-based procedures.

It is my opinion that the first round of vaccines will not be quite as deadly and life changing as those to follow. This stands to reason due to the fact that normal government power and control measures are usually implemented incrementally so as to gain what appears to be voluntary acceptance. The initial plot called for everyone to be vaccinated once so that a ‘return to normal’ could happen, but there was never any legitimacy to either of those false claims. Now, it is being posited by the evil ruling class that a second or third injection will be necessary, the second only a few weeks after the first. In addition, this invasive policy will also be said due to claimed future mutations, to be necessary every few months or years forever. If one considers the inherent control desires of all governing bodies, then it should be completely evident that the vaccination policies coming into view today are of extreme importance to those wishing to gain total control of the American people.

This strategy has all the makings of a slow and very targeted death plot. It will not only lead to a death of freedom, but will serve to cause a slow death of much of the population. According to the National Academy of Sciences, (NAS) the order of progression for this poisonous vaccine is completely ominous. First in line will be all the so-called high-risk workers beginning with health workers and first responders, and people of all ages that are weak and sick and have comorbid and underlying health conditions. This will include all the elderly; especially all those in nursing homes and that live in highly congested and overcrowded conditions, and all extremely unhealthy individuals. The next in line will be teachers, all with comorbidities that are moderate, the homeless, the mentally imbalanced, the disabled, prisoners, and all children. This has all the aspects of a eugenicist’s dream list.  This is a way of using mass vaccination as democide.

The vaccine scheduling will certainly cause many more deaths that can be attributed to the fake virus called Covid-19, so this vaccine strategy will serve a dual purpose. It will be used to eliminate the state’s list of undesirables and ‘unwanted,’ and in the process, the vaccine murders committed by the state will be used to continue to increase the false pandemic fear in order to advance the abhorrent agendas of the claimed ‘elite’ class and their willing accomplices in government.

Every coming edict and every vaccine will in essence cause a reign of death and destruction at the hands of those that you have voluntarily allowed to rule over you. Only by removing your consent to rule can this horror be ended.

Source links:

Hereherehereherehereherehere, and here.

The Best of Gary D. Barnett

Dr. Vernon Coleman: URGENT Information About the COVID-19 Vaccine

URGENT Information About the COVID-19 Vaccine

by Dr. Vernon Coleman
December 20, 2020


Original video found at Dr Vernon Coleman Brand New Tube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Report from CDC, in PDF format, mentioned in Dr. Vernon Coleman’s video:

Anaphylaxis Following m-RNA COVID-19 Vaccine Receipt

Robert Kennedy, Jr.: “People in Authority Lie.”

Robert Kennedy, Jr.: “People in Authority Lie.”

sourced from Age of Autism
post title: Robert Kennedy Jr “Informed Consent Has Disappeared”
December 21, 2020


Robert Kennedy Jr in Berlin, Germany last summer during his trip to speak at the Rally for Freedom and Peace:

Transcript from a YouTube Channel Guido Jones. (Disappearing in 3…2…

My father told me when I was a child: people in authority lie.

If we are going to continue to live in a democracy we need to understand that people in authority lie.

People in authority will abuse every power that we relinquish to them and right now we are giving them the power to micro-manage every bit of our lives, 24 hours a day. They’re going to know where we are, they’re going to know the money that we spend, they’re going to have access to our children.

They’re going to have the right to compel unwanted medical interventions on us. You know, the NAZIs did that in the camps, in World War 2—they tested the vaccines on Gypsies and Jews.

And the world was so horrified after the war that we signed the Nuremburg Charter and we all pledged when we do that, we would never again impose unwanted medical interventions on human beings without informed consent.

And yet in two years all of that conviction has suddenly disappeared, and people are walking around in masks where the science has not been explained to them—they are doing what they’re told.

These government agencies are orchestrating obedience and it is not democratic—it’s not the product of democracy. It’s the product of a pharmaceutical-driven, bio-security agenda that will enslave the entire human race and plunge us into a dystopian nightmare where the apocalyptical forces of ignorance and greed will be running our lives and ruining our children and destroying all the dreams and dignity that we hope to give to our children.”

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Toxic Discovery in Cancelled COVID Vaccine

Toxic Discovery in Cancelled COVID Vaccine

by Del Bigtree with Jefferey Jaxen, The HighWire
December 21, 2020


Video available at The HighWire BitChute channel.

authorities said the costly move was nothing more than ‘a precautionary measure’, a HighWire investigation has made a toxic discovery about the recently scrapped vaccine.

#FalsePositives #Australia #VaccineSafety #AIDS #HIV #GP41