James Corbett: What NO ONE Is Saying About the Lockdowns | “If You Are Advocating for Lockdowns…You Are Complicit in Murder”

What NO ONE Is Saying About the Lockdowns

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
November 24, 2020


Watch on Archive / BitChute / LBRY / Minds / YouTube

If you are advocating for lockdowns, you are complicit in tearing families apart. You are complicit in inflicting untold suffering on millions of people around the world. You are complicit in casting the poorest and most vulnerable in our societies into even further grinding poverty. You are complicit in murder.


This is James Corbett of corbettreport.com.

In 2006, a 15-year-old high school student from Albuquerque, New Mexico won third place in the Intel science and engineering fair for her project on slowing the spread of an infectious pathogen during a pandemic emergency. Using a computer simulation that she developed with the help of her father, she argued that in order to slow the spread of the disease, governments should implement school shutdowns, keep kids at home and enforce social distancing.

Incredibly, that third place high school science fair project can be tied directly to the lockdown policies being implemented by governments around the world today. You see, that father that she developed her computer simulation with was no average doting dad, but a senior researcher at Sandia National Laboratories who at that time was working on pandemic emergency response plans for the US Department of Homeland Security. His proposal to implement school shutdowns and, if need be, workplace shutdowns in the event of a pandemic emergency was developed at least in part in response to his daughter’s high school project.

Now those advocating for lockdowns have seen the destruction and death that those policies have wrought this year and we are living through that right now. Not only are people being deprived of their livelihoods and forced into grinding poverty as a direct result of these shutdowns, but now the undeniable truth is that if you are advocating for lockdowns, you are advocating for some portion of the population to be consigned to death.

This is no longer debatable. It is even openly admitted—although months too late by the World Health Organization.

DAVID NABARRO: I want to say it again: we in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as a primary means of control of this virus. [. . .] We may well have a doubling of world poverty by early next year. We may well have at least a doubling of child malnutrition because children are not getting meals at school and their parents and poor families are not able to afford it.

This is a terrible, ghastly global catastrophe, actually. And so we really do appeal to all world leaders: stop using lockdown as your primary control method. Develop better systems for doing it. Work together and learn from each other. But remember, lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never, ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer.

SOURCE: The Week in 60 Minutes #6

This is the point at which, no doubt, I’ll be expected to produce the data to back up the non-controversial observation that lockdowns kill, even though that data will do precisely nothing to penetrate the consciousness of those who have already decided that they occupy the moral high ground for advocating locking billions of people around the globe as prisoners inside their own homes. But persevere I will.

I’ll point, for example, to the letter signed by hundreds of doctors calling the lockdowns themselves a “mass casualty incident” and exhorting politicians to end the shutdowns.

I’ll point to the research that shows that thousands of people will die because of delays to cancer surgery treatments as a result of the medical shutdowns.

I’ll point to the research of the Well-Being Trust showing that 75,000 Americans are expected to die deaths of despair—including alcohol and drug misuse and suicide—this year alone as a result of the lockdowns.

I will point to the research of The Lancet showing that 265 million people are expected to be thrown into severe food insecurity as a result of these lockdowns.

I will even point to the research showing 125,000 children are expected to die from malnutrition as a result of these lockdowns.

But, as I say, none of these deaths will matter to those who have already decided that they are right and virtuous for advocating locking vast swathes of the human population inside their own homes to starve to death in the name of slowing the spread of a disease that even the epidemiologists who have been wrong about everything this year tell us will kill less than one percent of the infected.

Yes, slowing the spread, not stopping the spread. This was never about stopping a pandemic. Even the lockdown advocates never advocated that. But somehow that has been forgotten and “15 days to flatten the curve” has turned into a never-ending carte blanche for the biosecurity state to implement any number of draconian policies on its population, any number of policies on the checklist of the would-be dictator. Not only locking people inside their own homes, but constant surveillance of the population through the contact tracing and tracking apps that are increasingly being implemented around the globe, and, inevitably, the proposals for mandating the experimental vaccines which agents of the state will forcibly inject into people against their will.

This is not acceptable.

We cannot allow this to stand.

If we forsake this, our most basic right—the right to step foot outside of our own homes—then we forsake our humanity itself. An important part of what makes us human is being taken away from us in the name of stopping the spread of COVID-19.

But there is good news for those who have managed to retain their sanity in the time of insanity. We do not need a complicated plan in order to subvert this agenda. We do not need special deputization or to ask permission from the government. We do not need to join any particular political party or even any particular protest movement.

All we have to do is disobey these unlawful “orders.”

CASSIE ZERVOS: The persistent anti-lockdown protesters said they will not forget Melbourne’s strict 112 day measures as they took to the steps of Parliament. They carried signs saying “Don’t trust the government” and chanted for police to join them in their rally.

SOURCE: Melbourne anti-COVID lockdown protest turns ugly outside Parliament House

BUSINESS OWNER: I’ve lost friends who’ve killed themselves. I’ve seen clients die because they’ve lost their livelihood.

HEALTH INSPECTOR: I’m sorry to hear that.

BUSINESS OWNER: I know you are and i’m just a—I’m asking for you to guys have some compassion.

SOURCE: Buffalo, New York Business Owners Stand Up to Cuomo Lockdown Orders

ASHLEY DRIEMEYER: Can he arrest us all? Because, from what I am gathering, in this area we are all banding together and going against our governor.

SOURCE: Illinois restaurant owner will defy new state restrictions


SOURCE: Protests in Denmark – Epidemic law and mandatory vaccines – EPIDEMILOV

BUSINESS OWNERS: Get out! Get out! Get out! Get out! Get out!

SOURCE: Buffalo, New York Business Owners Stand Up to Cuomo Lockdown Orders

If you have managed to retain your sanity during this time of widespread insanity, I applaud you and wish to assure you that you are not alone. Many, many people all around the world are defying orders. They are protesting against these lockdowns. They are standing up. They are disobeying.

But of course the corporate controlled press don’t want you to know that disobedience is an option on the table and they will not report on this. But disobedience is an option. Open your business. Leave your home. Do not ask for permission. Disobey.

To those who are still advocating for lockdowns, I encourage you to do so to the face of those parents who have lost their teenage children due to suicide as a direct result of the shutdowns and tell them that their child’s death doesn’t matter because it wasn’t listed as being due to COVID-19. Or do so to the face of the tens of thousands of others who have already lost loved ones as a direct result of these shutdown or the hundreds of thousands more who will die as long as these lockdowns endure.

If you are advocating for lockdowns, you are complicit in tearing families apart. You are complicit in inflicting untold suffering on millions of people around the world. You are complicit in casting the poorest and most vulnerable in our societies into even further grinding poverty. You are complicit in murder.

A line is being crossed right now. Which side of history are you on? Make your decision now and make it wisely, because your actions during these times will not be forgotten.

You have been warned.

The Boiling Frog Effect

The Boiling Frog Effect

by Dave Cullen, Computing Forever
November 23, 2020


Available at Computing Forever YouTube and BitChute channels.


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: Below you will find a transcript of this powerful video by Dave Cullen.  The notes in brackets are my description of clips that were not transcribed. Images are screenshots of Dave’s artwork from the video.~ Kathleen

As we’ve previously discussed, you can never appease narcissists. And there’s no amount of appeasement or acquiescing to covid mandates that will satisfy the bully-boy elites in charge of your country.

If you keep playing along with their demands, you can expect more demands. It all comes to a halt when you refuse to comply.

Many people believe that, after the vaccine, life will just return to normal. I’ve been saying for quite a while now, normality was never supposed to return and that an entirely new dystopian normal was being created –through fear, coercion and the slow boiling frog effect — where people are gradually acclimatized over time, through prolonged exposure and adaptation, to a new way of living.

People actually believed that if they did what they were told by the government and the media like good little children then one day they wouldn’t have to wear face masks and do social distancing anymore.

[Here you’ll see a video clip of Fauci interview.]

So there you have it. Social distancing and masks are supposed to continue forever apparently. How did humanity ever exist prior to the implementation of these stringent and totally unnatural and anti-human public health measures?

Now, recently Professor Luke O’Neal spoke to a group of school children.

[Video clip of Professor O’Neal speaking gobbledygook to young captive audience.]

So was that clear? Kind of? Even if you’re vaccinated, you probably will have to wear your mask and social distance for six months until some “r” number thing comes down, but you still might have to wear masks in shops every winter. Okay? Yeah, that was that was clear. Right? Sure.

[More drivel from Professor O’Neal.]

Unbelievable. So he talks about the health passport app to prove that you’re vaccinated, which is basically “show me your papers, please”. And he talked about a wristband alternative. A wristband that can’t come off. And then he makes some remark about how people will complain about their civil liberties. No shit! — considering a person’s right to free movement will be infringed upon. Because if they refuse to take an unnecessary and experimental vaccine, I would imagine there will be quite a few people complaining about their fundamental human rights.

It’s unbelievable but I have been talking about this crap for months now and it seems that some of our worst concerns with respect to rising authoritarianism are actually on the horizon here.

Luke O’Neil also says that students may not be able to go to their debs (for those of you in America that’s the prom here in Ireland) if they aren’t vaccinated.

[More of the same video with innocent children being subjected to the authoritative stupidity of Luke O’Neill.]

So there you have it. You thought your life was going back to normal if you just surrendered all your rights, freedoms and bodily sovereignty for however long the lying government demanded it. Well it depends what you mean by normal. If by normal we mean the mandates and control measures will largely remain in place and everyone has to be vaccinated every year, then yeah, I guess it’s normal. Right?

[Luke O’Neil, ad nauseum.]

Whatever happened to the human immune system? Seriously. Did it just stop working in 2020 or something? What did we do before the pharmaceutical industry came along?

[World Economic Forum’s Klaus Schwab rambles some sort of nonsense.]

Let’s move on. This article is from the Daily Mail — Britons who test negative for Covid twice in a week are set to receive a freedom pass under government scheme that will allow them to live a normal life.

So, if you have to get a freedom pass, it means that you’re not free. And they’re admitting that you’re currently not free. Okay? So, that’s not a free society.

A hall pass for life basically. A hall pass to live your life. It is hoped the scheme could allow Britons to go back to a relatively normal life. Relatively meaning not normal. To earn a freedom pass people will need to get a negative test twice a week.

How far away are we from the hunger games at this stage?

Pass will allow you to mix with friends and family without distancing or masks. Again, this has been made possible by the fact that the general public were so utterly terrified, traumatized and bamboozled by fear-mongering for so many months that they actually started to believe that their rights and freedoms come from the government — when, in fact, they don’t.  They are inalienable.

So, the government takes everyone’s fundamental rights away and then, in order to get the public to comply with the new abnormal, they tease them by offering to give them back tiny little bits of scraps of their freedom.

You know, they’re kind of bribing them. And the public, being so desperate for a reprieve from all of these oppressive measures, might actually see such freedom passes as a way out.

You can see where this is leading people. They are slowly being conditioned to accept having to negotiate for the right to do things that they previously understood to be indisputable freedoms that the government couldn’t touch. They just took them for granted. Now they’re basically being told to ask the government for permission to just spend time with their friends and family, or being allowed to just forgo social distancing, or masks for a little while.

The general adult population, globally at this stage, appears to have been reduced to an infantilized state — like children having to ask if it’s okay for them to hug their grandkids or visit their neighbor. Perfectly healthy people are being told that they’re sick due to a highly questionable PCR test, all the while actual sick people who are in need of hospital care are being denied that care. They’re being denied their necessary treatments.

“COVID-19, the virus so deadly you have to be tested to know you have it,” as the meme goes.

And this argument, that asymptomatic carriers (which is to say healthy people) could get someone sick, is the most outrageous premise because it’s basically a recipe for permanent lockdowns and restrictions. If the government, with their so-called expert scientists, can simply call a pandemic at any time, and then claim that people who feel healthy are potentially sick (with a deadly virus that could get some vulnerable person killed somewhere) then it’s essentially the perfect excuse to rob everyone of their rights and freedoms — at any time and forever.

The reality is, this is not how a society that values individual civil liberties functions because the burden of proof must fall on the person making the claim about the deadly virus and they must prove that the health recommendations are proportionate to the level of the danger. Even then, I would only accept any health measures as recommendations, as advisory and not mandatory, even in a serious outbreak.

And I know some of you disagree with me on that, but you got to understand that the price of freedom is simply too high.

And you can’t just trust that, even after a genuine pandemic, that your government is going to just give your rights back to you. That’s very naive. And that’s what people have done in this case.

Now, under the spanish flu, when people were living in an actual pandemic, there was evidence all around them of this sickness. Everybody knew someone who died from it or at least had been sick from it, you know. You could see examples of sickness in the streets. Not so much with covid. Right?

The article continues:

“To earn the freedom pass people will need to be tested regularly and ,provided the results come back negative, they will then be given a letter card or document they can show to people as they move around.”

Oh boy.

“The certificate would be stored on a phone…”

I just want to point out, I said this stuff months ago. I was called a conspiracy theorist. It’s happening, so you know…

“The certificate would be stored on a phone, according to sources, and will allow people to live a relatively normal life until the government’s vaccination program gets up to speed.”

So there you go. Next up, the vaccine.

“It would even allow Britons to get away without wearing a mask, it is thought, and visit family and friends without the need to socially distance.”

Freedoms and rights we previously took for granted now coming with qualifiers and conditions. Even in your own home. Right?

It’s like the public are all prisoners being temporarily released under bail conditions.

“A source told the Telegraph: ‘They will allow someone to wander down the streets, and if someone else asks why they are not wearing a mask, they can show the card letter or an App.’

I preferred life before, when you could just walk around freely and you didn’t have to show anything to anybody. In other words, people have to show their papers. Right?

“Show me your papers, please!”

This is leading to mass medication of the populace by state coercion.

What could possibly go wrong?

This same strategy will be used for the vaccine. It almost makes you wonder why they’re pushing the vaccine so much. I wonder what’s in it?

The government will not concede any liberties to you until you conform to their medical tyranny. The governments of this world are merely puppets of the globalist interests in the World Economic Forum, The United Nations, Big Pharma — and they are at war with humanity.

This Fox News article talks about Greece. Coronavirus lockdown in Greece requires people to text authorities before leaving home.

“Under a second nationwide coronavirus lockdown in Greece, people will need to text authorities if they want to leave their homes.

“The lockdown will start at daybreak Saturday and last until the end of the month. With infections surging across the country, Prime Minister…

— let me see if i can pronounce this —

“Kyriakos Mitsotakis…

— probably not pronouncing that correctly–

“said he acted before patients overwhelm hospitals.”

Where have we heard that before?

Oh yeah, for the last eight months. All the time.

“We must stop this wave,” he said Thursday. I chose once again to take drastic measures sooner rather than later.

“As part of the lockdown, all retail stores except those selling essential items such as food, medication, and fuel will be closed.

“Travel inside the country will be severely restricted.

“People will only be allowed to leave their homes for work, physical exercise or medical reasons, and only after sending a text message to authorities.

“In the texts to the five-digit number, people will have to provide their name, address and the reason why they need to leave their home.


Where is the outrage?

Honestly. Like, what is wrong with…

Does anybody value freedom anymore? Except, you know, a handful of us at this point.

Moving on. Dan Price tweeted the following:


And that’s essentially what The Great Reset is all about.

Now imagine if Ireland’s Leo Varadkar… had given a speech to the people that went a little something like this:

“Listen guys, I’m afraid you’re gonna have to shut down your businesses forever. And there’s a virus. And it’s going to be here for ages. And the whole world is going to be thrown into one crisis after another.

“Uh, nothing we can do, guys. The rest of your life is just going to be unending misery and upheaval. Uh, new normal on the way. Sorry about that.

“Uh say goodbye to your livelihoods and social lives, the SME sector [Small Enterprise in Ireland with fewer than 50 employees] is finished.  Prepare for mandatory face masks forever in order to be able to just go into the shops or go on public transport.

“Also there’s this thing called social distancing where people treat each other like pariahs. Basically, it’s the presumption of being an asymptomatic carrier of a deadly contagious disease.

“So stay apart. And also we’re going to be essentially undermining your property rights and right to the sanctity of your homes by, uh, being able to enact legislation on how many people are permitted in your home.

“We’re gonna cancel religious services and holidays. And in the long run, uh, there’s gonna be mandatory vaccinations, guys, with, uh, digital immunity passports (which is an app on your phone that shows if you’re vaccinated) or otherwise you won’t be able to go about your life or leave your home.

“Big corporations are going to make a fortune. And more power and wealth will be transferred from you plebs to the one percent of the one percent.

“Uh, small businesses are finished.

“Shut them down. That’s an order.

“Uh, don’t make us send in the guards.”

But, you see, you can never be quite so honest with people in the beginning, when you’re trying to alter human behavior. It takes time. And the conditioning is very gradual, very subtle.

If small business owners, for example, were told in the beginning that they would have to shut down forever, there would have obviously been huge backlash and people would have twigged that something was very seriously wrong.

They would want proof that they were living in an actual pandemic, beyond some scary graphs on a television.

So Varadkar, like any other political puppet, has to follow a similar plan that’s been given to him. The public and small businesses weren’t initially told that the virus was going to be a problem for a very long time. They were told that it was just a few weeks to flatten the curve — in order to avoid the terrible grim reality of a worst case scenario of 85,000 deaths in Ireland by covid.

That’s what he suggested back in March. It seems absurd to read this headline again now in November.

Anyway, the frog in the pot has to be boiled slowly or otherwise it won’t have time to adapt to the increase in temperature and it will jump out of the water.

So to keep people under control they have to be gradually primed for the new abnormal world, with promises about how it’s all going to eventually end and go back to normal — in just a few weeks. The behavior modification narrative has to, ever so slightly, be tweaked periodically so as to be almost imperceptible by the general public.

“Two weeks to flatten the curve” becomes “it’s just a few more weeks to stop the hospitals from being overrun”.

Then it’s “the next two weeks are crucial”.

And then it’s “we have to get the ‘r’ number down”.

And then it’s “experts are concerned about worrying spikes” or something.

And then it’s “just a few more months”.

And then it’s “just until we get a vaccine”.

Eventually, it’ll be “it’s just until the next vaccine”, and then the next one after that, and so on and so on .

Mandatory masks and social distancing signs and stickers were initially suggested as being only temporary until, of course, a sufficient amount of time has passed — and the general public have been so utterly broken and demoralized that they adapt to these things as part of their daily routine. Then they become the new normal.

From the government’s perspective, there’s no need to definitively come out and say when these policies will ever go away because, if the public are so compliant, why would the government surrender their new powers?

The increased draconian airport security measures after 9/11 weren’t temporary, though many people thought they were at the time.

So, why should any government relinquish these new covid control measures?

What I couldn’t get through to people back in March and April is that, when people surrender some of their rights, governments don’t voluntarily give them back. And that has been a clear thing. That’s been a clear pattern throughout history.

Freedoms are trampled on and our lives are slowly changed bit by bit. They rob the people of their liberties, a piece at a time and all, of course, under the guise of public safety.

So, anyway, a few months go by and, sure enough, the hoodwinked, compliant public — who’ve consumed constant fear propaganda from every conceivable angle — they’re now wearing their masks like slaves of the past. They’re even wearing them walking down the street and they haven’t been told to do that.

They know to stand on the circles, follow the arrows, queue outside the supermarket, wear the masks, use the hand sanitizer, and keep their distance .

The Pavlovian dog training is complete. They’ve now been placed into a state of such brainless docility that they are ready for more arbitrary instructions.

The globalists knew that they had to get SMEs out of the way in order to create their wealth transfer to big businesses. So small business owners were told to hang in there. And eventually they were fed scraps of hope.

A new reopening plan was unveiled where restaurants, shops, hair salons, gyms and pubs, etc. would remodel and reorganize their premises and means of operating to comply with social distancing guidance. No doubt they were desperate to comply. Limits were placed on the number of people permitted into the premises. Plexiglas screens were installed. Face coverings or visors became commonplace. Time limits were put in place. Bookings and names and numbers had to be taken by pubs in order to comply with contact tracing.

All of these things were nothing more than a charade — obstacles to be put in place to obstruct and damage the businesses — part of the slow boil process. Make small businesses think that the government wants them to survive and that there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

And the SMEs fell for it, hook line and sinker. The daft regulations that were meant to undermine their business models and reduce their profitability and slowly make them unworkable, the powers-that-be knew that if they didn’t offer SMEs this false dawn of hope that they would likely become fed up and revolt against the summer lockdown.

The summer reopening was, therefore, simply all part of the narcissistic strategy of “love bombing” after an abandonment phase. It was about trying to keep the SMEs sweet.

False hopes of returning to normal would later be dashed by another second lockdown, designed to finish off the SMEs and put them out of business for good.

You cannot appease your oppressor.

Complying with one mandate will inevitably lead to another and then another and another until your life is nothing like it was before — until your life is unrecognizable and you’ve lost all your freedoms, and everything that meant anything to you.

One of the biggest challenges we face in waking people up is their flat refusal to believe in the concept of evil, and that evil is very much at work in the world right now.

But just like a viral transmission, evil needs a host to survive. Its power comes by spreading through fear and intimidation among a compliant public.

If you refuse to comply, the power of evil disappears.

Please stop complying.

The A-Z of Covid19

The A-Z of Covid19
Your handy guide for navigating the current crisis

by Mark Chapman, OffGuardian
November 22, 2020


In these troubling times it can be hard to find a clear path through the maze of disinformation and covid-denial. Print the following out and keep it with you at all times. Refer to it when confronted with a Covidiot or any suggesting you try thinking for yourself.


ANTI-VAXXER (Sic) Criminal lunatic who is intent on denying everyone the opportunity of ever being vaccinated against anything by means of unsubstantiated neo-religious ravings. Candidate for funny-farms and medical experimentation.


BREXIT: Fantasy utopian state believed in by ANTI-VAXXERS and CONSPIRACY THEORISTS.


CONSPIRACY THEORIST: Criminally insane individual dedicated to the annihilation of humanity by allowing everyone to die of COVID-19 by alleging that it may not be as deadly as we all know it is. Other characteristics include denying climate change, voting for BREXIT and non-readership of the GUARDIAN.

COVID-19: Unstoppable and totally lethal plague carried by any living organism with 100% mortality rate that can be caught by any living being on the earth. Symptoms include a) being alive and b) living on planet Earth.


DEATH: Preventable non-living condition arising from contracting COVID-19. Otherwise represented as falsely arising from conspiracy-theorist-alleged conditions e.g. “cancer”, “heart disease”, “accident”, “being shot,” etc .

DEMOCRACY: Fantasy utopia believed in by ANTI-VAXXERS and CONSPIRACY THEORISTS. Characterised by BREXIT and TRUMP.


EPIDEMIOLOGY: Fake science to spread MISINFORMATION about COVID-19.

EXPONENTIAL: Default speed of COVID-19 spread.


FACE MASK/COVERING: Essential Personal Protective Equipment for living organisms. ANTI-VAXXERS and CONSPIRACY THEORISTS do not wear them and this renders them easily identifiable.

FACT-CHECKERS: For reference please read Orwell, G,1984 ref: Ministry of Truth.

FREEDOM: Mythical condition believed in by CONSPIRACY THEORISTS and ANTI-VAXXERS (see above). Cited by the aforementioned as something preferable to protection from DEATH (see above) by COVID-19.


GATES, BILL: Philanthropist dedicated to saving the world from COVID-19.

GREAT BARRINGTON DECLARATION, THE: Pseudoscientific mumbo-jumbo written by a bunch of QUACKs including “Dr. Johnny Bananas” in order to spread MISINFORMATION about COVID-19.

GREAT RESET: THE: Mythical blueprint for post COVID-19 society. Referred to by ANTI-VAXXERS and CONSPIRACY THEORISTS.

GUARDIAN, THE: Source of reliable and truthful information regarding COVID-19. Required reading. Non-biased, humanist publication written by the most gifted journalists now living.


HANCOCK: MATT: Hero of the people dedicated to saving everyone from COVID-19.

HEALTH: Condition of existence characterised by non-infection by COVID-19. Misrepresented by ANTI-VAXXERS and CONSPIRACY THEORISTS as normal, non-pathological state.


IMMUNOLOGY: Fake science intended to mislead the public regarding COVID-19.


JOHNSON, BORIS: Prime Minister of England. Very funny chap.


KOONTZ, DEAN: Author who predicted COVID-19 in one of his novels.


LIFE: Pathological delusion believed in by CONSPIRACY THEORISTS.

LOCKDOWN: Utopian state that will free humanity for ever.


MISINFORMATION: Act of suggesting mistaken beliefs not permitted by the STATE: eg. 2+2=4 without reference to FACT CHECKERS.


NHS: Pre-2020 organisation, now defunct, providing placebo medication for now-debunked conditions such as “cancer”, “heart disease,” “diabetes” etc.

NORMAL; NEW: Post-2020 Age of Enlightenment: for further information see Zamyatin,, Y, We. Huxley, A, Brave New World.


OXFORD: UNIVERSITY OF: Developmental research station for COVID-19.


PANDEMIC: The current state of existence characterising life on Planet Earth.

PARLIAMENT: Pre-2020 institution, now defunct, dedicated to squabbling on television for the benefit of the masses over decisions that had already been taken by the STATE.

PLANDEMIC: Criminally insane publication written by CONSPIRACY THEORISTS.

POLICE: Pre-2020 organisation, now defunct, created to enact entertaining drama for the masses, e.g by driving around in fast cars and running about in city centres trying to catch “baddies” and “crooks.” Especially effective at reducing traffic congestion in December and January. Ref: Z-Cars, The Bill, Dixon of Dock Green.

PRISON: Institutions created to house ANTI-VAXXERS and CONSPIRACY THEORISTS.


QUACK: Signatory of the GREAT BARRINGTON DECLARATION with fake Ph.D.


R NUMBER: Statistical integer for illustrating spread of COVID-19. Non-referenced.


SAFE: Condition of total atrophy. See DEATH.

SCIENTIST: Individual responsible for issuing warnings justifying lockdowns.

SKY NEWS: Unbiased source of information regarding COVID-19. To be broadcast in all pubs and places of entertainment.

SOCIAL DISTANCING: Introduced 2020. The natural form of communication for human beings requiring a respectful personal space. Let’s face it, how many years have you gone around putting up with bad breath, BO and fag smoke?

STATE, THE: Benefactor and source of all blessings.

SWEDEN: Rogue state of COVID-19 deniers.


T-CELL: Mythical component of IMMUNOLOGY used to mislead the public regarding COVID-19.

TRUMP, DONALD : Former president of the United States. Believer in debunked fantasy of DEMOCRACY.


UNITED KINGDOM, THE, Isolated control population for COVID-19 VACCINE. Characterised by inhabitants with zero capacity for rebelliousness.


VACCINE: Panacea for COVID-19. To be injected into population of entire planet. Declared safe by QUACKs. Said population expendable in drive to halt “climate change.”

VIROLOGY: Fake science intended to mislead the public regarding COVID-19.

VIRUS: Integral component of COVID-19. Non-referenced.


WE: (1924, Zamyatin, Y.) Blueprint for post-COVID-19 society.

WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION: Bunch of nice chaps who like sitting around talking about COVID-19.

WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM: Bunch of nice chaps who like sitting around talking about money.


ZAMYATIN, Y: Author of “WE”, (soon to be banned)


COVID 19: Mounting Evidence of International Fraud

COVID 19: Mounting Evidence of International Fraud

by Iain Davis, In This Together
November 16, 2020


COVID 19, and the subsequent governmental responses, appear to be part of an international conspiracy to commit fraud. It seems there is no evidence that a virus called SARS-CoV-2 causes a disease called COVID 19.

Sometimes you have to go with your gut. I am not an expert in genetics and, as ever, stand to be corrected. However my attention was drawn to some research published by the Spanish medical journal D-Salud-Discovery.  Their advisory board of eminently qualified physicians and scientists lends further credibility to their research. Their claim is astounding.

The genetic primers and probes used in RT-PCR tests to identify SARS-CoV-2 do not target anything specific. I followed the search techniques outlined in this English translation of their report and can corroborate the accuracy of their claims about the nucleotide sequences listed in the World Health Organisations protocols. You can do the same.

D-Salud-Discovery state there are no tests capable of identifying SARS-CoV-2. Consequently all claims about the alleged impact of COVID 19 on population health are groundless.

The entire official COVID 19 narrative is a deception. Ostensibly, there is no scientific foundation for any part of it.

If these claims are accurate we can state that there is no evidence of a pandemic, merely the illusion of one. We have suffered incalculable loss for no evident reason, other than the ambitions of unscrupulous despots who wish to transform the global economy and our society to suit their purposes.

In doing so this “parasite class” have potentially committed countless crimes. These crimes can and should be investigated and prosecuted in a court of law.

Identification of What Exactly?

The World Health Organisation (WHO) classified COVID-19 (COronaVIrus Disease 2019). They declared a global COVID 19 pandemic on March 11th 2020.

The WHO’s Laboratory testing guidance states:

“The etiologic agent [causation for the disease] responsible for the cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan has been identified as a novel betacoronavirus, (in the same family as SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV) via next generation sequencing (NGS) from cultured virus or directly from samples received from several pneumonia patients.”

The WHO’s claim is that the SARS-CoV-2 virus causes the disease COVID-19. They also allege this virus has been clearly identified by researchers in Wuhan.

In the WHO’s Novel Coronavirus 2019-nCov Situation Report 1, they state:

“The Chinese authorities identified a new type of coronavirus, which was isolated on 7 January 2020……On 12 January 2020, China shared the genetic sequence of the novel coronavirus for countries to use in developing specific diagnostic kits.”

These two statements from the WHO clearly suggest the SARS-CoV-2 virus was isolated (meaning purified for study) and then genetic sequences were identified from the isolated sample. From this, diagnostic kits were developed and distributed globally to test for the virus in towns, cities and communities around the world. According to the WHO and Chinese researchers, these tests will find the virus that causes COVID 19.

Yet the WHO also state:

“Working directly from sequence information, the team developed a series of genetic amplification (PCR) assays used by laboratories.”

The Wuhan scientists developed their genetic amplification assays from “sequence information” because there was no isolated, purified sample of the so called SARS-CoV-2 virus. They also showed electron microscope images of the newly discovered virions (the spiky protein ball containing the viral RNA.)

However, such protein structures are not unique. They look just like other round vesicles, such as endocytic vesicles and exosomes.

Virologists claim that it is not possible to “isolate” a virus because they only replicate inside host cells. They add that Koch’s postulates do not apply because they relate to bacteria (which are living organisms). Instead, virologists observe the virus’ cytopathogenic effects (CPE), causing cell mutation and degradation, in cell cultures.

When Chinese researchers first sequenced the full SARS-CoV-2 genome they observed CPE in Vero E6 and Huh7 cells. Vero E6 are an immortalised monkey cell line and Huh7 are immortalised cancer (tumorigenic) cells. Meaning they have been maintained in vitro (in petri dish cultures) for many years.

Central to the official SARS-CoV-2 story is the idea that it is a zoonotic virus, capable of bridging the species gap from animals to humans. When scientists from the U.S. CDC “infected” various cells with the novel virus they noted the following:

“We examined the capacity of SARS-CoV-2 to infect and replicate in several common primate and human cell lines, including human adenocarcinoma cells (A549) [lung celles], human liver cells (HUH7.0), and human embryonic kidney cells (HEK-293T), in addition to Vero E6 and Vero CCL81 [monkey cells]……No cytopathic effect was observed in any of the cell lines except in Vero cells [monkey cells]…….HUH7.0 and 293T cells showed only modest viral replication and A549 cells [human lung tissue cells] were incompatible with SARS-CoV-2 infection.”

The CDC did not observe any CPE in human cells. They saw no evidence that this alleged virus caused any human illness. Nor did this supposed human virus show any notable replication in human cells, suggesting human to human infection would be impossible.

Noting this problem, a team of Polish scientists introduced this sequenced “virus” to human epithethelium (airway) cells. They observed the effects on these HAE cultures for 5 days. They noted much greater replication than the CDC scientists but ultimately stated:

“We did not observe any release of the virus from the basolateral side of the HAE culture.”

Meaning they did not see any evidence of the supposed virions breaching the cell wall membrane. Again suggesting this so called virus isn’t infectious in human beings.

It is not clear that SARS-CoV-2 is a human virus capable of causing illness. It may not even physically exist. Is it nothing more than a concept based upon predictive genetic sequences?

Voyage Of Discovery

The Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Centre published the first full SARS-CoV-2 genome (MN908947.1 ). This has been updated many times. However, MN908947.1 was the first genetic sequence describing the alleged COVID 19 etiologic agent (SARS-CoV-2).

All subsequent claims, tests, treatments, statistics, vaccine development and resultant policies are based upon this sequence. If the tests for this novel virus don’t identify anything capable of causing illness in human beings, the whole COVID 19 narrative is nothing but a charade.

The WUHAN researchers stated that they had effectively pieced the SARS-CoV-2 genetic sequence together by matching fragments found in samples with other, previously discovered, genetic sequences. From the gathered material they found an 87.1% match with SARS coronavirus (SARS-Cov). They used de novo assembly and targeted PCR and found 29,891-base-pair which shared a 79.6% sequence match to SARS-CoV.

They had to use de novo assembly because they had no priori knowledge of the correct sequence or order of those fragments. Quite simply, the WHO’s statement that Chinese researchers isolated the virus on the 7th January is false.

The Wuhan team used 40 rounds of RT-qPCR amplification to match fragments of cDNA (complimentary DNA constructed from sampled RNA fragments) with the published SARS coronavirus genome (SARS-CoV). Unfortunately it isn’t clear how accurate the original SARS-CoV genome is either.

In 2003 a team of researchers from from Hong Kong studied 50 patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). They took samples from 2 of these patients and developed a culture in fetal monkey liver cells.

They created 30 clones of the genetic material they found. Unable to find evidence of any other known virus, in just one of these cloned samples they found genetic sequences of “unkown origin.”

CHART: E Gene target sequence

Examining these unknown RNA sequences they found 57% match to bovine coronavirus and murine hepatitis virus and deduced it was of the family Coronaviridae. Considering these sequences to suggest a newly discovered SARS-CoV virus (new discoveries being ambrosia for scientists), they designed RT-PCR primers to test for this novel virus. The researchers stated:

“Primers for detecting the new virus were designed for RT-PCR detection of this human pneumonia-associated coronavirus genome in clinical samples. Of the 44 nasopharyngeal samples available from the 50 SARS patients, 22 had evidence of human pneumonia-associated coronavirus RNA.”

Half of the tested patients, who all had the same symptoms, tested positive for this new alleged virus. No one knows why the other half tested negative for this novel SARS-CoV virus. The question wasn’t asked.

This supposed virus had just a 57% sequence match to allegedly known coronavirus. The other 43% was just “there.” Sequenced data was produced and recorded as a new genome as GenBank Accession No. AY274119.

The Wuhan researchers subsequently found an 79.6% sequence match to AY274119 and therefore called it a novel strain of SARS-CoV (2019-nCoV – eventually renamed SARS-CoV-2). No one, at any stage of this process, had produced any isolated, purified sample of any virus. All they had were percentage sequence matches to other percentage sequence matches.

Isolate Nothing

Scientists are very annoyed because they keep saying the virus has been isolated but no one believes them. This is because, as yet, no one has provided a single purified sample of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. What we have instead is a completed genome and, as we are about to discover, it isn’t particularly convincing.

Investigative journalists Torsten Engelbrecht and Konstantin Demeter asked some of the scientists who said they had images of SARS-C0V-2 virions to confirm these were images of an isolated, purified, virus. None of them could.

In Australia scientists from the Doherty Institute, announced that they had isolated the SARS-CoV-2 virus. When asked to clarify the scientists said:

“We have short (RNA) sequences from the diagnostic test that can be used in the diagnostic tests”

This explains why the Australian government state:

“The reliability of COVID-19 tests is uncertain due to the limited evidence base…There is limited evidence available to assess the accuracy and clinical utility of available COVID-19 tests.”

In The UK, in July, a group of concerned academics wrote a letter to the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson in which they asked him to:

“Produce independently peer reviewed scientific evidence proving that the Covid-19 virus has been isolated.”

To date they have not received a reply.

Similarly, UK researcher Andrew Johnson made a Freedom of Information Request to Public Health England (PHE). He asked them to provide him with their records describing the isolation of a SARS-COV-2 virus. To which they responded:

“PHE can confirm it does not hold information in the way suggested by your request.”

Canadian researcher Christine Massey made a similar freedom of information request, asking the Canadian government the same. To which the Canadian government replied:

“Having completed a thorough search, we regret to inform you that we were unable to locate any records responsive to your request.”

In the U.S. the Centre For Disease Control (CDC) RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel state:

“…No quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available……..Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent for clinical symptoms.”

Last updated on 13th July 2020, the CDC are yet to obtain any pure viral sample from any patient said to have the disease of COVID-19. They openly admit their tests don’t necessarily show if SARS-CoV-2 is either present or causes COVID 19.

We are told that none of this matters. That we are ignorant and just don’t understand virology. Therefore, we must except pictures of things we know could be something else and genetic sequences (which could be anything else) as conclusive proof that this virus, and the disease it is supposed to cause, are real.

Testing For Nothing

The WHO, and every government, think tank, policy steering committee, government scientific advisor, supranational institutions and others who promote the official COVID 19 narrative, assert that SARS-CoV-2 causes COVID 19. While no one has ever produced a sample of this supposed virus, the alleged SARS-CoV-2 genome has been published. It is in the public domain.

Key genetic sequences, in the SARS-CoV-2 genome, are said to have specific functions. These are the target proteins that scientists test for to identify the presence of the “virus”. These include:

  • RNA-polymerase (Rd-Rp) gene – This enables the SARS-CoV-2 RNA to replicate inside the cytoplasm of COVID 19 diseased epithelial cells.
  • S gene (Orf2) – this glycoprotein forms the spike on the SARS-CoV-2 virion surface which supposedly facilitates SARS-CoV-2 binding to the ACE2 receptors on cells, allowing the RNA inside the virion protein shell (capsid) to pass into the now infected cell.
  • E gene (Orf1ab) – small membrane protein used in viral assembly
  • N gene (Orf9a) – the nucleocapsid gene which binds the RNA in capsid formation

The WHO maintain a publicly available record of the RT-PCR primers and probes used to test for SARS-CoV-2. The primers are specific nucleotide sequences that bind (anneal) to the antisense and sense strands of the synthesised cDNA (called forward and reverse primers respectively.)

The cDNA strands separate when heated and reform when cooled. Prior to cooling, nucleotide sequences called probes are introduced to anneal to specific target regions of the suspected viral genome. During amplification, as the regions between primers elongate, when a primer strikes a probe, the probe decays releasing a fluorescent or dye which can then be read by researchers.

It is the identification of these markers which scientists claim to prove the presence of SARS-CoV-2 in a sample.

Something else which is publicly available is the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST). This allows anyone to compare published nucleotide sequences with all those stored by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) genetic database called GenBank. Therefore we can BLAST the claimed SARS-CoV-2 primers, probes and target gene sequences.

The WHO’s forward, reverse primers and probe protocols, for the alleged SARS-CoV-2 viral genome, are based upon RdRp, Orf1, N and E gene profiles. Anyone can run them through BLAST to see what we find.

The vital RdRP nucleotide sequence, used as a forward primer is – ATGAGCTTAGTCCTGTTG. If we run a nucleotide BLAST this is recorded as a complete SARS-CoV-2 isolate with a 100% matched sequence identity. Similarly the reverse E gene primer sequence – ATATTGCAGCAGTACGCACACA – reveals the presence of the Orf1ab sequence which also identifies SARS-CoV-2.

However, BLAST also enables us to search the nucleotide sequences of the microbial and human genomes. If we search for the RdRp SARS-CoV-2 sequence it reveals 99 human chromosome with a 100% sequence identity match. The Orf1ab (E gene) returns 90 with a 100% sequence identity match to human chromosomes.

Doing the same for these sequences with a microbial search finds 92 microbes with a 100% match to the SARS-CoV-2 E gene and 100 matched microbes, with a 100% sequence identity, to the vital SARS-CoV-2 RdRp gene.

Whenever we check the so called unique genetic markers for SARS-CoV-2, recorded in the WHO protocols, we find complete or high percentage matches with various fragments of the human genome. This suggests that the genetic sequences, which are supposed to identify SARS-CoV-2, are not unique. They could be anything from microbial sequences to fragments of human chromosomes.

So called fact checkers, like Reuters’ Health Feedback project, have been quick to dismiss the claims of those who have noticed the apparent lack of specificity in the supposed SARS-CoV-2 genome. Using a slew of strawman arguments like, “this claim suggests every test should be positive,” (which it doesn’t) their debunking attempt runs something like this:

Primers are designed to bind to specific nucleotide sequences that are unique to the virus. The forward primer may bind to a particular chromosome but the reverse primer doesn’t bind to the same chromosome and so the chromosome is not present in the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Moreover because the forward and perverse primers envelop the sequence to be amplified the cDMA sequence between primers is unique to the virus.

This seems to deliberately misrepresent the significance of these findings by forwarding an argument that no one, other than the fact checkers themselves, are making. BLAST searches show that these target sequences are not unique to SARS-CoV-2. Nor do all targets need to be found for a result to be deemed positive.

Moroccan researchers investigated the epidemiology of Moroccan alleged cases of SARS-CoV-2. Nine percent were positive for three genes, eighteen percent were positive for two genes and seventy three percent for just one. As we have just discussed, many may have been positive for none.

This is entirely in keeping with WHO’s test guidelines. They state:

“An optimal diagnosis consists of a NAAT [nucleic acid amplification test] with at least two genome-independent targets of the SARS-CoV-2; however, in areas where transmission is widespread, a simple single-target algorithm can be used……One or more negative results do not necessarily rule out the SARS-CoV-2 infection.”

Regardless of the spurious arguments of well funded fact checkers, if the forward and reverse primers identify junk, perhaps one being the fragment of a chromosome and the other a microbial sequence, then the amplified region between them is probably junk too.

The argument that RT-PCR only finds RNA is specious. Natural transcription (the separation of DNA strands) occurs during gene expression. No one is saying whole chromosomes or microbes are sequenced in the alleged SARS-CoV-2 genome. Though they may, for all we know. They are saying the alleged markers, used to test for this supposed virus, are not fit for purpose.

RT-PCR tests do not sequence the entire genome. They look for incidents of specific probe florescence to indicate the presence of sequences said to exist. These sequences are defined by MN908947.1 and the subsequent updates. These primers and probes could reveal nothing but RNA matches extracted from non-coding, sometimes called “junk,” DNA (cDNA.)

For example the SARS-CoV-2 S gene is meant to be highly specific to the SARS-CoV-2 virus genome. The target sequence is – TTGGCAAAATTCAAGACTCACTTTC. A microbial BLAST search returns 97 microbial matches with 100% identity sequence match. The lowest identity percentage match, within the top 100, is 95%. A human genome BLAST also finds a 100% sequence match to 86 human chromosome fragments.

No matter where you look in the supposed genome of SARS-CoV-2, there is nothing in the WHO’s test protocols that clearly identifies what it is. The whole genome could be false. The tests do not prove the existence of SARS-CoV-2. All they reveal is a soup of unspecified genetic material.

If so, as there are no isolates or purified samples of the virus, without a viable test, there is no evidence that SARS-CoV-2 exists. Therefore, nor is there any evidence that a disease called COVID 19 exists.

This infers that there is no scientific basis for any claims about COVID 19 case numbers, hospital admissions or mortality figures. All measures taken to combat this deadly virus are quite possibly founded upon nothing.

Conclusive Fraud

Fraud is a criminal act. The legal definition of fraud is:

“Some deceitful practice or willful device, resorted to with intent to deprive another of his right, or in some manner to do him an injury.”

The Legal definition of a conspiracy is:

“A combination or confederacy between two or more persons formed for the purpose of committing, by their joint efforts, some unlawful or criminal act”

It seems, those who claim we face a pandemic have not provided any evidence to show that a virus called SARS-CoV-2 causes a disease called COVID 19. All of the information strongly suggesting this possibility is readily available in the public domain. Anyone can read it.

For there to be a fraud the deceit must be wilful. The intention must be to deliberately deprive others of their rights or injure them in some other way. If there is evidence of collusion between individuals ad/or organisations to commit fraud, then this is a conspiracy (in Common Law jurisdictions) or a Joint Criminal Enterprise (JCE) under International Law.

It seems COVID 19 has been deliberately used as a casus belli to wage war on humanity. We have been imprisoned in our own homes, our freedom to roam restricted, freedom of speech and expression eroded, rights to protest curtailed, separated from loved ones, our businesses destroyed, psychologically bombarded, muzzled and terrorised.

Worse still, while there is no evidence of unprecedented all cause mortality, there were unseasonable spikes in deaths. These correlate precisely with Lockdown measures which saw the withdrawal of the health services we pay for and a reorientation of public health services to treat one alleged disease at the exclusion of all others.

Further, it is proposed by those who have forwarded the COVID 19 story, that this alleged disease provides justification for the complete restructuring of the global economy, our political systems, societies, cultures and humanity itself.

To be allowed to participate in their so called “new normal,” which is the wholesale transformation of our entire society without our consent, they insist we submit to their conditions.

These include, but aren’t limited to, bio-metric surveillance of everyone, the centralised control and monitoring of all of our transactions, oppressive business and social restrictions and an effective demand that we have no right to sovereignty over our own bodies. This constitutes the condition of slavery.

There is no doubt that we have been deprived of our rights and injured. In Common Law jurisdictions innocence is presumed, but the evidence that harm has been deliberately caused by an international conspiracy is overwhelming. Destructive policies, enacted by governments across the world, clearly originated among globalist think tanks and supranational institutions long before the emergence of this non existent pandemic.

In Napoleonic Code jurisdictions, guilt is presumed. In order for the accused conspirators to prove their innocent they must show that, despite their immeasurable resources, they have collectively been unable to access or understand any of the freely available evidence suggesting COVID 19 is a myth.

Those responsible for the crime of conspiracy to commit global fraud should be tried. If found guilty they should be imprisoned while the rest of us get on with trying to repair the damage they have already inflicted.

Author Iain Davis is an independent researcher and short filmmaker and the author of the new book, A Dangerous Ideology. See more of Iain’s work at his blog site In This Together and follow him at Twitter & Steemit & MINDS


Connect with Iain Davis at In This Together



The Germans Are Back!

It functions like a cult, totalitarianism. It creeps up on you, little by little, little lie by little lie, accommodation by accommodation, rationalization by rationalization … until one day you find yourself taking orders from some twisted little narcissistic nihilist on a mission to remake the entire world. You don’t surrender to it all at once. You do it over the course of weeks and months.

Imperceptibly, it becomes your reality. You do not recognize that you are in it, because everything you see is part of it, and everyone you know is in it … except for the others, who are not part of it. The “deniers.” The “deviants.” The “foreigners.” The “strangers.” The “Covidiots.” The “virus spreaders.”


The Germans Are Back!

by CJ Hopkins, Consent Factory, Inc.
November 22, 2020


Break out the Wagner, folks … the Germans are back! No, not the warm, fuzzy, pussified, peace-loving, post-war Germans … the Germans! You know the ones I mean. The “I didn’t know where the trains were going” Germans. The “I was just following orders” Germans. The other Germans.

Yeah … those Germans.

In case you missed it, on November 18, the German parliament passed a law, the so-called “Infection Protection Act” (“Das Infektionsschutzgesetz” in German) formally granting the government the authority to issue whatever edicts it wants under the guise of protecting the public health. The government has been doing this anyway — ordering lockdowns, curfews, travel bans, banning demonstrations, raiding homes and businesses, ordering everyone to wear medical masks, harassing and arresting dissidents, etc. — but now it has been “legitimized” by the Bundestag, enshrined into law, and presumably stamped with one of those intricate official stamps that German bureaucrats like to stamp things with.

Now, this “Infection Protection Act,” which was rushed through the parliament, is not in any way comparable to the “Enabling Act of 1933,” which formally granted the government the authority to issue whatever edicts it wanted under the guise of remedying the distress of the people. Yes, I realize that sounds quite similar, but, according to the government and the German media, there is no absolutely equivalence whatsoever, and anyone who suggests there is is “a far-right AfD extremist,” “a neo-Nazi conspiracy theorist,” or “an anti-vax esotericist,” or whatever.

As the Protection Act was being legitimized (i.e., the current one, not the one in 1933), tens of thousands of anti-totalitarian protesters gathered in the streets, many of them carrying copies of the Grundgesetz (i.e., the constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany), which the parliament had just abrogated. They were met by thousands of riot police, who declared the demonstration “illegal” (because many of the protesters were not wearing masks), beat up and arrested hundreds of them, and then hosed down the rest with water cannons.

The German media — which are totally objective, and not at all like Goebbels’ Ministry of Propaganda in the Nazi era — dutifully reminded the German public that these protesters were all “Corona Deniers,” “far-right extremists,” “conspiracy theorists,” “anti-vaxxers,” “neo-Nazis,” and so on, so they probably got what they deserved. Also, a spokesperson for the Berlin police (who bear absolutely no resemblance to the Gestapo, or the Stasi, or any other notorious official-ideology-enforcing goons) pointed out that their water cannons were only being used to “irrigate” the protesters (i.e., not being aimed directly at them) because there were so many “Corona Denier” children in their ranks.

According to the government, the German media, the intelligentsia, and, basically, anyone in public life who wants to remain there, these “Corona Deniers” are becoming a problem. They are spreading baseless “conspiracy theories” that are threatening the public health and causing distress to the German people (e.g., that the vast majority of those infected suffer only mild to moderate flu symptoms or, more commonly, no symptoms at all, and that over 99.7% survive). They are walking around without medical-looking masks, which is making a mockery of the government and media’s efforts to convince the public that they are under attack by an apocalyptic plague. They are posting scientific facts on the Internet. They are staging these protests and otherwise challenging the government’s right to declare a “health emergency,” suspend the German constitution indefinitely, and rule society by decree and force.

Despite the German government and media’s efforts to demonize anyone not obediently parroting the official “New Normal” narrative as a “dangerous neo-Nazi Corona Denier,” the “Corona Denialism” movement is growing, not just in Germany, but all throughout Europe. Clearly, the time is coming for Germany to take stronger measures against this threat. The health of the Vater … uh, the nation, is at stake! Fortunately, this “Infection Protection Act” will provide the government with the authority it needs to conceive and carry out some kind of … well, you know, solution. Allowing these degenerate anti-social deviants to run around challenging the German government’s absolute power is not an option, not in a time of national health emergency! These “Nazi-sympathizing Corona Deniers” must be rooted out and dealt with, mercilessly!

I’m not privy to the details, of course, but, it being Germany, I imagine some sort of Special Task Force has been set up to efficiently deal with the “Corona Denier Problem.” Steps are clearly already being taken. Alternative media outlets are being deplatformed (because, according the media, they are “Querfront magazines”). In April, a well-known dissident lawyer was forcibly committed to a psychiatric ward (but the authorities and the media assured us that it had nothing to do with her dissident views, or with the lawsuits she was filing against the government; she just coincidentally became completely paranoid). Heavily-armed police are arresting YouTubers (although it isn’t clear exactly what for, as the authorities have released no details and the mainstream media is not reporting it).

In the run-up to the 29 August demonstration, at which the government granted some neo-Nazis de-facto permission to “storm the Reichstag,” so that the media could film it and discredit the real protest, one German politician went so far as to call for “Corona Deniers” to be deported … presumably on trains, somewhere to the east.

But seriously, I don’t mean to pick on the Germans. I love the Germans. I live in Germany. And they’re hardly the only ones implementing the new pathologized totalitarianism. It’s just that, given their not-too-distant history, it is rather depressing, and more than a little frightening, to watch as Germany is once again transformed into a totalitarian state, where the police are hunting down the mask-less on the streets, raiding restaurants, bars, and people’s homes, where goose-stepping little Good German citizens are peering into the windows of Yoga studios to see if they are violating “social distancing rules,” where I can’t take a walk or shop for groceries without being surrounded by hostile, glaring, sometimes verbally-abusive Germans, who are infuriated that I’m not wearing a mask, and otherwise mindlessly following orders, and who robotically remind me, “Es ist Pflicht! Es ist Pflicht!”

Yes, I am fully aware that it is “Pflicht.” If I had any doubt as to whether it was “Pflicht,” the Berlin Senat cleared that up when they commissioned and ran this charming advert instructing me to fuck myself if I don’t want to follow their “Corona orders” and profess my belief in their new Big Lie.

And OK, before the Literalist Society starts flooding me with outraged emails, no, I’m not calling these Germans “Nazis.” I am calling them “totalitarians.” Which, at this point, given everything we know, if you’re still pretending that this coronavirus in any way warrants the increasingly ridiculous “emergency measures” we are being subjected to, I’m sorry, but that is what you are.

You may not believe that is what you are … totalitarians never do, not until it is far too late.

It functions like a cult, totalitarianism. It creeps up on you, little by little, little lie by little lie, accommodation by accommodation, rationalization by rationalization … until one day you find yourself taking orders from some twisted little narcissistic nihilist on a mission to remake the entire world. You don’t surrender to it all at once. You do it over the course of weeks and months. Imperceptibly, it becomes your reality. You do not recognize that you are in it, because everything you see is part of it, and everyone you know is in it … except for the others, who are not part of it. The “deniers.” The “deviants.” The “foreigners.” The “strangers.” The “Covidiots.” The “virus spreaders.”

See, although the narratives and symbols may change, totalitarianism is totalitarianism. It doesn’t really matter which uniform it wears, or which language it speaks … it is the same abomination. It is an idol, a simulacrum of the hubris of man, formed from the clay of the minds of the masses by megalomaniacal spiritual cripples who want to exterminate what they cannot control. And what they want to control is always everything. Everything that reminds them of their weakness and their shame. You. Me. Society. The world. Laughter. Love. Honor. Faith. The past. The future. Life. Death. Everything that will not obey them.

Unfortunately, once this kind of thing gets started, and reaches the stage we are currently experiencing, more often than not, it does not stop, not until cities lie in ruins or fields are littered with human skulls. It might take us ten or twelve years to get there, but, make no mistake, that’s where we’re headed, where totalitarianism is always headed … if you don’t believe me, just ask the Germans.


Support the work of CJ Hopkins
Connect with CJ Hopkins at Consent Factory, Inc.

cover image credit WikiImages / pixabay

James Corbett Explains The Great Reset on The Highwire

James Corbett Explains The Great Reset on The Highwire

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
November 23, 2020


via The Highwire:

HighWire goes to a place we’ve never gone before.

Is there something more behind the global coronavirus response?

Why are so many leaders using the same language when talking about the future of their countries and the world?

What is the Great Reset?

Journalist James Corbett joins Del to separate facts from fiction.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / LBRY / Minds / YouTube or Download the mp4


The Highwire with Del Bigtree

Your Guide to The Great Reset

The Great Reset book

The Great Reset | Launch session 3 June 2020

Yuval Noah Harari: the world after coronavirus | Free to read

COVID-19 Transformation Map

You Won’t Believe What They’re Planning To Do With “Vaccines”

Grover on The Great Reset podcast

Solutions on The Corbett Report

Ron Paul: On Coronavirus, We Must Not Allow Politics to Dictate Science

On Coronavirus, We Must Not Allow Politics to Dictate Science

by Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute
November 23, 2020


In these past couple of weeks, two important studies have been published that could dramatically increase our understanding of the Covid-19 disease. Adding to the science of how we understand and treat this disease is something that should be welcomed, because properly understood it can save lives.

The only problem is that because the results from these two studies challenge what the media has established as conventional wisdom about the disease, the reports are at best being ignored and at worst being openly distorted by the mainstream media.

This is in my view a dangerous and foolish subjugation of science to politics and it may well end up causing many more unnecessary deaths.

First is the Danish mask study, which was completed several months ago but was only recently published in a peer-reviewed journal. The study took two groups and gave the first group masks to wear with instruction on how they should be used. The other group was the mask-free control group.

The study found that coronavirus spread within the statistical margin of error in each group. In other words, wearing the mask did little if anything to control the spread of the virus.

As the wearing of masks is still being mandated across the country and the globe, this study should be reported as an important piece of counter-evidence. At the very least it might be expected to invite a rush of similar studies to refute or confirm the results.

However, while mostly ignored by the media, when it was covered the spin on the study was so strange that the conclusion presented was opposite to the findings. For example, the Los Angeles Times published an article with the headline, “Face mask trial didn’t stop coronavirus spread, but it shows why more mask-wearing is needed.”

Similarly, a massive new study conducted in Wuhan, China, and published in the respected scientific journal Nature, reports that asymptomatic persons who have tested positive for Covid-19 do not pass on the infection to others. Considering that mask mandates and lockdowns are all based on the theory that asymptomatic “positive cases” can still pass on the sickness, this is potentially an important piece of information to help plan a more effective response to the virus.

At the least, again, it should stimulate additional, far-reaching studies to either confirm or deny the Wuhan study.

We do know, based on information from widely-accepted sources as the CDC and World Health Organization, that lockdowns can have a very serious negative effect on society. On July 14th, CDC Director Robert Redfield told a seminar that lockdowns are causing more deaths than Covid.

So if there is a way to continue fighting Covid and protecting those most at risk while drastically reducing deaths related to lockdowns, isn’t this worth some consideration? Isn’t this worth at least some further research?

Well, not  according to the mainstream media. They have established their narrative and they are not about to budge. The two studies are fatally flawed, they report. Of course that might be the case, but isn’t that an argument to attempt to replicate the studies to prove it?

That would be the scientific approach. Sadly, “trust the science” has come to mean “trust the narrative I support.” That is a very dangerous way of thinking and can prove to be deadly.

Buffalo, NY Business Owners Chase Out Health & Sheriff Departments: “We Do Not Comply!”, “Get Out!”

Buffalo, NY Business Owners Chase Out Health & Sheriff Departments: “We Do Not Comply!”, “Get Out!”

by RealTimWalton YouTube channel
November 20, 2020


Original video available at RealTimWalton YouTube channel.

Buffalo, New York Business Owners Stand Up to Cuomo Lockdown Orders; Chase Out Sheriff & Health Dept

Buffalo New York Business Owners Stand Up to Cuomo Lockdown Orders; Chase Out Sheriff & Health Dept who tried to shutdown meeting of owners trying to survive.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

James Corbett: How to Save the World (in One Easy Step!)

James Corbett: How to Save the World (in One Easy Step!)

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
November 22, 2020



Pop quiz: What’s the most powerful weapon ever invented?

The MOAB? you ask, quizzically. No, I respond authoritatively.

The H-bomb? Of course not. The A-bomb, then. Wrong again. The neutron bomb? No.

I’ll give you a hint: it’s not a bomb at all.

Ahhh, the Rods from God! No.

The mysterious new Chinese microwave weaponsDirected energy weapons generallyWhatever world-destroying technology that DARPA is playing with in Area 51?

The DoD and their MIC brethren in China, Russia and elsewhere are doubtless in possession of weaponry that would boggle our minds if it were revealed to the public, but without even knowing what those weapons are I can unequivocally tell you that none of them qualify as the most powerful weapon ever invented.

OK, last guess: F—I. W.

What a fantastic guess. You get bonus points for a very apt FLNWO callback if nothing else. And, as it turns out, you’re almost right. Or, at least, you’re on the right track.

Certainly the most powerful weapon ever invented is not traditionally viewed as a weapon at all. In fact, it is almost completely overlooked by everyone—even by the savvy sort that have found their way to The Corbett Report. Nevertheless, we don’t stand a chance of stopping the Great Reset, ending the COVID scam, halting the erection of the biosecurity state or de-throning the powers that shouldn’t be without it.

Do you give up? Alright, I’ll tell you. The most powerful weapon ever invented is . . .

What. You didn’t think I’d reveal the answer above the fold, did you? No, you’ll have to read the full report for that. But don’t worry, this report (like everything else I have ever done) is available completely for free as a public service of The Corbett Report. See the link below for the link to the free version of this editorial or, if you have a heart, please consider becoming a subscriber for access to The Corbett Report Subscriber newsletter. Your support makes this work possible.

To access the full newsletter and to support this website, please become a member today.

For free access to this editorial, please CLICK HERE.

EXCERPT from full article:

… Story is the most powerful weapon. Narrative. Ideas presented in such a way as to provoke certain thoughts or actions.

With a gun you can kill a man. With a bomb you can kill a family. With a nuke you can level a city. But with a story you can control the world.

This is how billions of people around the world have been locked up as prisoners in their own homes this past year. Not because there is an inexhaustible supply of police thugs standing on every street corner ready to shoot anyone who steps outside of their home, but because a narrative has been constructed such that the vast majority want to stay home. Give a society the right narrative and they will gladly lock themselves inside their own prison and hand over the key.

This is why billions around the globe are prepared to roll up their sleeves for an experimental, unproven “vaccine” for a disease with a 99% survival rate. The masses have been given a narrative whereby this “vaccine” is going to deliver them from a deadly plague. It doesn’t matter what counter-evidence is presented to them; the ones who take the vaccine are the righteous heroes of this story, and those who question the vaccines are the villains.

This is also why—as I’m at pains to point out over and over again in my #PropagandaWatch series—the powers that shouldn’t be spend so much time, money and effort propagandizing the public. If the world could be ruled over simply by posting armed guards on every street corner and listening devices in every home, you better believe that those who seek to rule over you would do that instead. But how could they get the armed guards to police their fellow citizens? How could they get the snoops to listen in on their neighbors? Where would the enforcers come from? The population needs to be told a compelling story about why the rulers are ruling and why it is wrong to resist their rule. If such a story is secure in their minds, they will happily police themselves. 

Read the full article and follow James Corbett at Minds.com

Induction of Coroavirus via 5G

Induction of Coroavirus via 5G

by Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath, Nature of Healing
November 21, 2020


COVID Not Isolated

There are a set of “COVID symptoms” that people can experience. The list may include the following, but may also not be related to COVID at all:

Fever or chills
Phlem-less Cough
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting

Scientifically, the proposed virus called Coronavirus, or COVID19, has not been isolated. See page 39 of the CDC document where the CDC reports the virus is not available. So, what is causing the symptoms?

Raising HAVOC In The Skin

If the Coronavirus is incognito, could the cause of COVID symptoms be related to something in the environment? Could the recent activation of the Fifth Generation, or 5G frequencies, on human skin create symptoms of COVID based on the intensity of perspiration?

In 5G research since 2008, scientists have shown evidence that the coiled portion of the sweat duct in upper skin layer is regarded as a helical antenna in the sub-THz band. In their December 2019 article in Bio Heat Transfer, they warn:

One must consider the implications of human immersion in the electromagnetic noise, caused by devices working at the very same frequencies as those, to which the sweat duct (as a helical antenna) is most attuned. We are raising a warning flag against the unrestricted use of sub-THz technologies for communication, before the possible consequences for public health are explored.

Because research has shown that skin can act as a mechanism for exchanging waves between 5G towers and dermatologic cells. The authors questioned “whether millimeter waves in 5G technology could contribute in constructing some viruses like COVID-19 within a cell.”

An Editorial published in the July 2020 J Biol Regul Homeost Agents, set out to answer that question, but was subsequently retracted. However you can read it here, in full: 5G Technology and induction of coronavirus in skin cells:

In this research, we show that 5G millimeter waves could be absorbed by dermatologic cells acting like antennas, transferred to other cells and play the main role in producing Coronaviruses in biological cells. DNA is built from charged electrons and atoms and has an inductor-like structure. This structure could be divided into linear, toroid and round inductors. Inductors interact with external electromagnetic waves, move and produce some extra waves within the cells.

The shapes of these waves are similar to shapes of hexagonal and pentagonal bases of their DNA source. These waves produce some holes in liquids within the nucleus. To fill these holes, some extra hexagonal and pentagonal bases are produced. These bases could join to each other and form virus-like structures such as Coronavirus. To produce these viruses within a cell, it is necessary that the wavelength of external waves be shorter than the size of the cell. Thus 5G millimeter waves could be good candidates for applying in constructing virus-like structures such as Coronaviruses (COVID-19) within cells.

The authors further prove their case:

When an electromagnetic wave passes the cell membrane and the nuclear membrane, it induces an extra magnetic field within the DNA inductor and interacts with its fields.

A DNA is built from charged particles and according to laws of physics, by any motion of these particles, some electromagnetic waves emerge
(15). Also, the structure of a DNA is similar to the structure of an inductor (16) in a receiver and can produce some waves. Thus, a DNA could emit some waves and interact with external waves. However, most waves have a length more than the size of cells and pass them without any effect. Only limited waves with lengths smaller than millimeter could penetrate into cell membrane and interact with DNA inductors. These wavelengths could be observed in 5 G technology.

For more information on the deployment and symptoms of 5G technology, see my articles, Planned Obsolescence of Health Under the 5G Grid, and Strategizing Microwave Warfare of 5G.

The Frequency Factor

If we connect the dots, there are direct relationships between the first pandemic outbreak locations, mandatory vaccine programs, and 5G activation.

China began compulsory vaccinations on December 1, 2019, under the The Vaccines Administration Law, which the People’s Republic of China adopted on June 29, 2019.

Soon after China and South Korea became main locations for mandatory vaccines, the 5G towers were launched on November 1, 2019. Italy was the so-called Epicenter of Coronavirus in January 2020, with cases being tied to SARS-CoV-2. Instead of stopping flights and locking down the country, should an investigation into recent vaccines and 5G activation have begun?

5G towers utilize frequencies, that affect the body at the level of DNA. They are microwave/radio wave frequencies “range anywhere from 3 kilohertz (kHz) up to 300 gigahertz (GHz).” Within this range is the range is the absorption spectrum of oxygen molecules (60 GHz).

Countrywide use of the 60 GHz RF (Radio Frequency) band along with EIRP (Effective Isotropic Radiated Power) include the following areas:

US and Canada
South Korea

The symptoms of coronavirus, in individuals tested, are similar to lack of oxygen, seizures and a phlegm-less cough.

Are the frequencies of 5G a critical factor to the sudden deaths attributed to a virus that is not influenza?

Does the 5G activation activate more than 5G waves?

Millimeter waves are currently used by the U.S. Army as a crowd control dispersal weapon called Active Denial Systems.

Does the ionization of metals and chemicals inside the body by 5G come from vaccines, toxic air, and other environmental exposures? Read more in the article When The Flu is not The Flu.

The Path Forward

Is the pandemic a PsyOp? A distraction? For what? A global super brain? A Transhumanist Agenda?

Can we transcend the illusion being manufactured to create a heart-based reality?


Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at natureofhealing.org.


Read more and connect with Rosanne Lindsay

cover image credit pixabay

[Satire] Top 5 Things to Say if You’re Caught On Thanksgiving Day

Top 5 Things to Say if You’re Caught On Thanksgiving Day

by Del Bigtree, The HighWire
November 29, 2020


While states move back towards lockdowns, and impose crazy rules for Thanksgiving, these same leaders making the rules have been caught violating them! Del breaks down the best excuses these leaders use, in case you’re caught this Thanksgiving.

#Thanksgiving #GavinNewsom #HWTop5 #Lockdown #NancyPelosi

David Icke: New Definition of Insanity — Having the Gates Vaccine

New Definition of Insanity: Having the Gates Vaccine

by David Icke
November 20, 2020


Video available at David Icke BitChute channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


cover image credit pixunfertig / pixabay


COVID-19 vs Homo Sapiens Ascorbicus

COVID-19 vs Homo Sapiens Ascorbicus

by Theo Farmer, Orthomolecular.org
November 20, 2020


(OMNS Nov 20, 2020) On an orthomolecular farm, one that uses no agricultural chemicals, and no pharmaceutical products with animals or farmers, we have a different perspective on viruses, and thus our response to the COVID19 situation may be counter to what is generally propagating in the mainstream.

For those who are unfamiliar with this topic, just a warning. This might be uncomfortable to read, but healing is not necessarily comfortable. It would be good to start with some history.

Vitamin C Mutants

In 1979, Irwin Stone published a paper, a medical hypothesis, entitled Homo Sapiens Ascorbicus, a Biochemically Corrected Robust Human Mutant. [1] Stone had been researching vitamin C and publishing papers on it for decades, and personally was taking lots of vitamin C in an attempt to match the levels he knew that animals make in their bodies continuously.

He and his wife had been in a head-on collision years earlier where he had broken most of his bones. Both had been taking many grams of vitamin C daily, and, to the surprise of medics that arrived on the scene, neither were in shock when the ambulance arrived. He was told that he would never walk again, but he was fully recovered and walking in 3 months, and he attributed that to his taking 50-60 grams of vitamin C a day while in the hospital. Stone and his wife had both experienced being the robust human mutants that he described in his paper.

What Irwin Stone knew was that a goat our size, when under stress, can produce up to 100 grams per day of vitamin C, converting glucose, blood sugar, to ascorbate. [2] Humans produce none, but we have the same mammalian cells as a goat and the same need for ascorbate, according to Stone. Stone called ascorbate “the healing factor” and he and other vitamin C researchers felt that calling ascorbate a “vitamin” did not adequately describe its necessity in helping humans prevent and heal from disease and injury.

Orthomolecular vs Pharma

Double Nobel Laureate, Linus Pauling, coined the term “orthomolecular” in 1968 in an article he published in the journal Science which was titled “Orthomolecular Psychiatry.” [3] In 1970, he wrote the bestselling book Vitamin C and the Common Cold. [4] In it is a chapter where he criticizes the pharmaceutical industry of the time for selling toxic chemicals as cold remedies when all humanity needed to know was to take high levels of ascorbate to neutralize viral infections.

Also in the 1970s, Pauling’s colleague at Stanford, Dr. Robert Cathcart treated thousands of people for various diseases in his private practice using only oral ascorbic acid. His research showed us that any viral infection could be addressed by raising the ascorbate level in the body high enough. [5] So viruses, even viral pneumonia, handled by people who are “skilled at taking vitamin C” as Cathcart put it, were a non-issue. Essentially Cathcart showed that, to the robust human mutant called Homo Sapiens Ascorbicus, viruses are a non-issue. [6]

Also by the 1970’s, the pharmaceutical industry apparently had been granted controlling influence by the mass media and governments of the world, and had a huge influence on the information distributed through our educational systems. They had essentially programmed humanity into building a dependency on their industry and products. They took control of both sides of every argument, arguing that vitamin C was important for every human, and that everyone needed to take vitamin C daily only in MILLIGRAM quantities, and they propagated rumors about the dangers of overdosing vitamin C. Mainstream medicine marginalized the information that Pauling was trying to get out, shoved his message off into a hidden corner, and those of us who grew up in the 60’s and 70’s simply weren’t trained to understand vitamin C and our human need for vitamin C. Today, the mainstream is still trapped in a model that was essentially obsoleted by Pauling and his orthomolecular colleagues in the 1970s. This industrial medicine model leads us astray from optimal health for ourselves and our children, even though it claims to offer “advanced” solutions.

Fortunately, Pauling’s Orthomolecular medicine continued to develop over the decades, in the background, and it continues to evolve today, healing people using only proper doses of nutrients. [7,8] Today, orthomolecular medicine, with only nutrients in its tool chest, is a serious competitor to the dominant pharmaceutical medicine model. Many of orthomolecular treatments are effective at relieving disease in a few hours or even a few minutes, as in the case of using vitamin C in a nebulizer for lung issues like asthma. [9] And it’s very easy for any human to prove that taking a few grams of vitamin C every 15 or 30 minutes during a day can shut down a virus, any virus, even a “novel” virus. [10,11]

Orthomolecular Farming

Somewhat battered by the dominant “health care” paradigm, my wife, Kira, and I started livestock farming with a commitment to living in a new paradigm: being pharmaceutical free and chemical free in all of our living and farming methods. We had knowledge and experience using vitamin C when we started this 160-acre farm. We had already used it for things like shutting down viral pneumonia and eliminating Kira’s dependency on epi-pens when she got stung by a wasp, and we used it to help a horse heal a broken hip bone. I had personally shut down many colds and other viruses in a day or two and was discovering how I could prevent sunburn and other radiation damage using Vitamin C and E [12, 13]. We kept my handicapped son Cameron going for years beyond his life expectancy by high dosing him with vitamin C when he had respiratory issues. We already had one grandchild, Helios, who was a vitamin C baby, and since then, we’ve welcomed more vitamin C baby grandchildren.

Each of these cascading experiences are powerful revelations on our journey to a new paradigm based on truth. Through our personal experiences, and by contrasting our gullibility earlier in life with the dramatic health benefits we realized and observed by high dosing vitamin C, we are becoming . . .

A New Farmer Species

One cause of “circling disease” in cattle is listeriosis, an infection that inflames the covering of the cow brain, similar to meningitis in humans. [14] In the mainstream veterinary model, this is a fatal disease in cows. A circling cow is about to die without massive antibiotic treatment, and even with that expensive treatment, it’s most likely to die. But with an understanding of the biochemistry of ascorbate in animals, this is a simple disease to treat, completely resolvable within hours. [15].

As orthomolecular practitioners with extensive experience dealing with all kinds of animal and human health issues using only high dose nutrients, we are simply not impressed by the mainstream COVID19 misinformation. Since we started this farm, we have been telling people that we are immersed in misinformation: lies about raw milk being dangerous, lies about food additives being safe, lies and obfuscation about nutrients, lies about vaccines being safe and useful, and, by omission, about the importance and power of a balanced microbiome in the soil, plants, animals, and humans.

When you have proven for yourself the truth, the lies have no traction. We have become, in essence, immune to the lies.

Mask-free, Gloves-free, Disinfectant-free

I titled this article “COVID19 vs Homo Sapiens Ascorbicus” because I think one of the main things we’ve proven in the years on this farm, and continue to prove daily, is Irwin Stone’s hypothesis. On this farm, we strive to match the levels of vitamin C in our bodies that animals produce. In doing so, we have become the robust human mutants that Irwin Stone predicted was possible all the way back in 1979. The reason we don’t worry about viruses, even novel viruses, is because they don’t affect the animals here and they don’t affect the homo sapiens ascorbicus farmers that we have become.

To the robust mutant, I have to say that the world has looked very strange for a long time, way before the COVID19 craze.

Out in the world, back when we were “original-recipe” homo sapiens, we were ignorantly downing food additives like polysorbate-80 (an emulsifier) in processed foods assuming it was safe, when in actuality it was damaging our gut microbiome, and we were injecting the same additive in vaccines to “boost the immunity of our children,” when in actuality it was opening up their blood brain barriers to the flow of more toxins.

Now, as transformed mutants, we no longer buy into the logic behind these practices. Homo sapiens ascorbicus aren’t affected by, and certainly don’t fear, viruses. So using pharmaceutical products to treat disease or alter our immune systems or the immune systems of our animals doesn’t make any sense.

As homo sapiens ascorbicus, we choose not to comply with unconstitutional dictates like masks, gloves, and Purell to avoid a disease that will never affect us. To our subspecies, those dictates look positively tyrannical. We know how to prevent viral infection using vitamin C, and, fortunately, we also know that high dosing vitamin C will protect us from the carcinogenic “sanitation” products being sprayed and spread freely now from shopping cart to shopping cart, on plexiglass and pin pads, and airborne in the stores that we must frequent in our quest to recruit and transform new homo sapiens ascorbicus. If you happen to see a maskless farmer in the crowd, you may be looking at one of the new, robust homo sapiens ascorbicus “mutants” that Irwin Stone predicted back in 1979. We are that new orthomolecular “species.”

A New Model

One of the founding quotes of our farm is from Buckminster Fuller, who was a brilliant contemporary of Linus Pauling. Fuller said, “You never change things by fighting against the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.”

For the last decade, we have been busy building a new reality, a farm community that homo-sapiens ascorbicus prefer to live in, one that better fits our robust mutant transformation. In observing the happenings of 2020, it seems that the existing reality, which is currently dominated by homo sapiens (original version), is failing and fading away into fear and overdue obsolescence. The new model is ours for the building, and the new model will be occupied by fearless mutants of the species homo sapiens ascorbicus and many others who, in their own way, have transcended the hysteria of the mainstream narrative.

So that’s an orthomolecular farmer’s response to COVID19. If you haven’t already figured out your relationship to ascorbic acid, ascorbate, the healing factor, vitamin C, you might want to. It will change your life. However, be aware that you may become a robust human mutant as well and you may find yourself with a naked face in a crowd of masked homo-sapiens who live in an obsolete reality.

(Theo Farmer administers the Facebook and MeWe groups titled “Vitamin C and Animals.” He is also the author of the children’s book Buttercup, Me and Vitamin C, a free pdf download at https://www.hfpma.online/shop )

Editor’s note: The views expressed in this article are the author’s and not necessarily that of all members of the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service Editorial Review Board. OMNS welcomes divergent opinions and discussion on a variety of subjects. Readers may submit their own article drafts to the Editor at the contact email below.


1. Stone, I. (1979) Homo Sapiens Ascorbicus, A Biochemically Corrected Robust Human Mutant. Med Hypotheses, 5:711-721. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/491997

2. Chatterjee IB, Majumder AK, Nandi BK, Subramanian N. (1975) Synthesis And Some Major Functions Of Vitamin C In Animals. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 258 Second Confer: 24-47. https://nyaspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/j.1749-6632.1975.tb29266.x

3. Pauling L. (1968) Orthomolecular psychiatry. Varying the concentrations of substances normally present in the human body may control mental disease. Science. 160:265-271. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/5641253

4. Pauling L. (1970) Vitamin C and the Common Cold. W.H.Freeman & Co. ISBN-13:978-0425048535

5. Cathcart RF (1981) Vitamin C, titrating to bowel tolerance, anascorbemia, and acute induced scurvy. Med Hypotheses, 7:1359-1376. http://doctoryourself.com/titration.html

6. Cathcart RF. Vitamin C pioneer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VkkWDDSti_s

7. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine. http://orthomolecular.org/library/jom

8. Orthomolecular Medicine News Service. http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns

9. Levy T. (2019) Reboot Your Gut: Optimizing Health and Preventing Infectious Disease. Orthomolecular Medicine News Service. http://www.orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v15n16.shtml

10. Hickey S, Roberts H, Downing D. (2014) Can Vitamin C Cure Ebola? Orthomolecular Medicine News Service. http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v10n13.shtml

11. AscorbateWeb. An historical compendium of 20th-Century medical & scientific literature attesting to the efficacy of ascorbate (a.k.a. “Vitamin C”) in the treatment and prevention of human and animal illnesses and diseases. https://www.seanet.com/~alexs/ascorbate

12. OMNS (2012) Vitamin C Prevents Radiation Damage: Nutritional Medicine in Japan. Orthomolecular Medicine News Service. http://www.orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v08n06.shtml

13. Hickey S, Yanagisawa A, Saul AW, Schuitemaker GE, Downing D. (2012) Fukushima Radiation Release is Worse than You Have Been Told: What You Can Do to Protect Yourself. Orthomolecular Medicine News Service http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v08n17.shtml

14. The Cattle Site. listeriosis. https://www.thecattlesite.com/diseaseinfo/192/listeriosis

15. Farmer T. (2020) C is for Cattle: How high-dose ascorbate therapy works on the farm. Orthomolecular Medicine News Service. http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v16n52.shtml

Nutritional Medicine is Orthomolecular Medicine

Orthomolecular medicine uses safe, effective nutritional therapy to fight illness. For more information: http://www.orthomolecular.org

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To locate an orthomolecular physician near you: http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v06n09.shtml

The peer-reviewed Orthomolecular Medicine News Service is a non-profit and non-commercial informational resource.

Editorial Review Board:

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Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: I recommend the work of Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Dr. Tom Cowan to understand the research showing that viruses are not at all what we have been taught. ~ Kathleen

See related articles from this site:

Exposing the Lie — Hippocratic Hypocrisy: A Tale of Two Snakes


The Contagion Fairy Tale


The Deception of Virology & Vaccines | Why Coronavirus Is Not Contagious

Dr. Tom Cowan w/ Dr. Andrew Kaufman: Strong Intuition and Deep Research Are Exposing the Medical Lies Used to Instill Fear in Humanity

Dr. Andrew Kaufman: Reviewing the Recently Published Danish Study on Effectiveness of Masks

Dr. Andrew Kaufman: Reviewing the Recently Published Danish Study on Effectiveness of Masks

by Dr. Andrew Kaufman
November 19, 2020


Available at Dr. Andrew Kaufman’s LBRY or YouTube channels.

After being denied publication by three major journals, the Danish group has finally been published in the Annals of Internal Medicine. You won’t be surprised by what they found if you are part of this community. We now have some high quality evidence on our side. Check out the paper here:

“Effectiveness of Adding a Mask Recommendation to Other Public Health Measures to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Danish Mask Wearers. A Randomized Controlled Trial”

Dr. Kaufman will be speaking at the World Freedom Alliance Rally in Copenhagen, Denmark on Saturday, November 21, 2020.


Connect with Dr. Andrew Kaufman at AndrewKaufmanMD.com

cover image credit AnnaliseArt / pixabay

Costco’s Unethical, Unlawful Behavior Exposed as It Gets Powerful Push Back From Customers Standing Against Tyranny

Costco’s Unethical, Unlawful Behavior Exposed as It Gets Powerful Push Back From Customers Standing Against Tyranny



by The Healthy American Peggy Hall


Costco on Padden Parkway, Vancouver, WA. Peoples Rights Washington —  Call Out Brings Help for Mom Being Denied Service at Costco for Not Wearing a Mask

by Ammon Bundy

Added 11/23/2020

See also: Shopper educates Costco management and police about law and tyranny


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: We have backup copies of these videos should they disappear from YouTube. If any of these are removed from YouTube or the internet and you want to view it, send a note via the contact page and we’ll upload it to our backup channels for viewing.

David Icke w/ Former FEMA Operative Celeste Solum: Barcoding You Via PCR Tests, Vaccines, Mass Depopulation, Terraforming & Transforming All Life on Earth

David Icke w/ Former FEMA Operative Celeste Solum: Barcoding You Via PCR Tests, Vaccines, Mass Depopulation, Terraforming & Transforming All Life on Earth

Video by David Icke.
Links and excerpts provided by Truth Comes to Light editor. 


Conversation excerpts:

Celeste Solum:

“My breaking news is, anyone, anyone who has taken a covid test — they have placed a magnetic beacon. You have been tagged. You have been barcoded. And I am going to provide you the evidence of that today…” 

“I also want to draw people’s attention to the word ‘illuminate’…I don’t know if you’ve recognized it, but as an organic farmer, I have. It’s like things looked like a different color. The colors were not the same as before. .. I tripped on, in my research, that these forces and powers that are retooling and restructuring our planet, have restructured light.”

David Icke:

“A lot of people are now seeing about changing humans and barcoding humans — changing the nature of humans — but they want to change the nature of all life on earth, no matter what it is…”


Celeste Solum:

“Right now, your doctor can get paid for your execution…”

David Icke:

It’s a difficulty that people have… to grasp just the scale of psychopathic, frikking evil that we’re dealing with.”


Celeste Solum:

You can imagine my horror when, in January, I went to the World Economic Forum and I saw all those plans and they had been operationalized. So, no longer were they on the shelf. No longer were they sitting in computers. All the public leaders around the world were declaring that they were operationalized, which means that they were activated…

This covid situation is the first deployment of a construct, a new lifeform, if you will  It is not a virus. It is a nano, synthetic, biological life…– and what I mean by that is they have learned how, through evil technology, to fuse biological life and robotics. And the purpose of that is for extermination — because they don’t want anything of the old world. They want a new world…

I can show you military documents that talk about the old humans and the new humans. And they want, by 2025, to have the old humans eradicated. And any human from now on basically has to be engineered in a laboratory and enhanced and augmented and part of the matrix…”


David Icke: 

“It makes perfect sense to me because, where I’m coming from… is that behind all this is a force that isn’t human. And it’s working through this network of, I think, largely hybrids — running this web that I call the global cult. And this non-human force is basically assimilating and transforming humans and human life — and, indeed, all life on earth, to fit its own design. And it’s been operating in the background. You can see it mentioned in all the ancient cultures, the Bible, everywhere… And it then makes sense that they would see us, as humans, in the way some humans see animals.”

Celeste Solum:

“Yeah. Basically, they believe that they are the custodians of the animals or the stock, the chattel. We’re nothing to them. And now is the time. They tolerated us for a time… But now is the time that they want to eradicate all life that is not made in a laboratory…”


David Icke: 

“…It seems, as I’ve observed their mentality through the years, that they are obsessed with order… They are very ill-at-ease with states of flux that they don’t control…”


Celeste Solum:

“They are retooling and rewiring our bodies. Each one of us right now has 20,000 to 30,000 nanoparticles… They’re not active… Right now, they are in a sensory capacity…”

David Icke:

“It’s clear — the whole agenda of transforming the human body. How is this going to be impacted by the covid vaccine? Because when you’ve got these psychopaths insistent, not least through mandatory, that every man, woman and child on the planet is vaccinated with this thing. It’s obviously not about a virus. It’s about the transformation of everyone’s body….” 

Celeste Solum:

“So many years ago, like over decades ago, DARPA wanted to put chips into…”

David Icke:

“For people who don’t know, DARPA is the technological development arm of the Pentagon and gives evil a bad name.”

Celeste Solum:

” Well, they do black ops…

So they wanted to put chips and RFIDs… in people’s brains but they didn’t want to have to do surgery. So after many, many years they came up with a gel that would do the same thing… This gel is called hydrogel or Quantum Dot…

So what will happen with the vaccine is, you’ll get it injected into you and then it assembles — it self assembles. And then it swarms through your body. There are 33 different classifications… of robots — each with a different mission and a payload deployed into your body…” 


David Icke:

“What’s the relevance to all of this… of the whole tecno-electromagnetic-5G web that’s being built all around us?… Does it have an effect of activating this to another level?”

Celeste Solum:

“So basically, how it works is they deployed all these…nano synbios into our body that… Their bellies are hollow. They can carry a poison… It can carry a virus, a bacteria, a fungus. It can carry… it has explosive capabilities — more explosive capability (one nanoparticle) than TNT… It gets its marching orders from the frequency that is being aimed at it. “


Celeste Solum:

“Back at the parting of the Red Sea in the Bible, it says the seas split. In the Hebrew… it talked about the sea coagulated like curds… And so, another breaking news story that I’m going to be sharing this week is —  between an enzyme and these nanoparticles they are coagulating our body like cheese curds. 

…what the doctor’s perceived as pneumonia was not pneumonia but a swarming of the nanoparticles into the lungs, making a… primitive coagulation– but they intend to do this to the whole bloodstream.  So, if they’re not going to get you one way, they’re going to get you another way.”


David Icke:

“What’s the significance then of … sticking this probe up people’s noses —  just fo this test — right up to the brain?”

Celeste Solum:

“A couple of different things. One, if you pierce the blood-brain barrier… But they really don’t need that because they’ve already figured out how to get this — these nanoparticles — to cross the blood-brain barrier. But you are then getting, in many instances, the hydrogel straight into the brain. It doesn’t even have to travel through the body…”


David Icke:

“The bottom line is, take your mind back. And stop just doing or believing what authority tells you…

Whatever happens, we keep going. Because not keeping going is just not an option.”



Original video is available at David Icke BitChute channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video will be  available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Links mentioned in this interview:

World Economic Forum: Pioneers of Change Summit 2020

International Barcode of Life

Consortium for the Barcode of Life

Barcode of Life Data Systems

Clade X Pandemic Exercise Segment 1, Segment 2, Segment 3, Segment 4


CIA Declassified & Sanitized version of The Adam and Eve Story (PDF)

World Organisation for Animal Health

Terrestrial Animal Health Code     Terrestrial Animal Health Code PDF

Terrestrial Manual — Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals

Aquatic Animal Health Code

Definition of “Stamping Out”

Manual on Procedures for Disease Eradication by Stamping Out 

The Beacon® Optofluidic System

Bill Gates and MIT Unveil Quantum Dots to Mark Children

DNA-Conjugated Magnetic Nanoparticles for Bio-Analytical and Biomedical Applications 

Celeste has a paid website/channel/community at $25 per month here: https://celestialreport.com

Celeste’s Christian/blblical-focused (free) website is shepherdsheart.life

Free content for Celeste will be coming soon on YouTube. Previously her free content was shared at diamondisc channel but will be moving to a new channel.  Check back with diamondisc for details: https://www.youtube.com/user/diamondisc/videos

Connect with David Icke at DavidIcke.com & Ickonic.com


 See videos related to The Story of Adam and Eve unclassified CIA document:

The Next End of the World | C.I.A. Classified

Bizarre Secret Files Released on Lost Ancient Human Civilizations…


Police Use Water Cannons Against Anti-Lockdown Protesters in Berlin

Police Use Water Cannons Against Anti-Lockdown Protesters in Berlin
German government trying to codify social distancing, mandatory mask wearing.

by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News
November 18, 2020


Police in Berlin used water cannons on anti-lockdown protesters who were demonstrating near the Brandenburg Gate against new COVID-19 laws they claim are unconstitutional.

The new law would codify current social distancing requirements, mandate mask wearing and increase the punishment for those flouting the rules.

The measures are expected to pass both lower and then upper houses of parliament, but that didn’t stop thousands of protesters defying a government ban to descend on the Bundestag in opposition to the law.

Police turned water cannons on demonstrators as the crowd booed while LRAD sound cannons were also utilized.

However, as the videos show, the size of the gathering was far too large for the water cannons to have much effect.

German chancellor Angela Merkel is attempting to make the country’s current “soft lockdown” more draconian, but she does not have the backing of enough state leaders and has delayed the move.

Merkel wants people to self-isolate at home for 7 days even of they only display symptoms of an ordinary cold while limiting social interactions to a maximum of two households.

The chancellor is pursuing the new measures despite Germany’s Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development Gerd Muller warning that the lockdown will end up killing more people than coronavirus itself.


Connect with Paul Joseph Watson at Summit News

Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:  See related — a short video clip from the protest. There are many videos available on YouTube with hours of footage — a simple search with today’s date and “Germany protest” will lead you to them. Clearly, this was a massive protest.

This video clip was uploaded by YouTube creator Karli Märzluft under the title “We need to get up”


Dr. Tom Cowan: The PCR Test is NOT a Valid Diagnostic Tool

The PCR Test is NOT a Valid Diagnostic Tool

by Dr. Tom Cowan
November 17, 2020


Original video is available at Dr. Tom Cowan YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Don’t Believe the COVID Case Numbers; It’s a Scam

Don’t Believe the COVID Case Numbers; It’s a Scam

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
November 17, 2020


I’ve been saying this for 9 months. Don’t believe the COVID case numbers. It’s a wall-to-wall scam.

The situation we’re facing is urgent right now. Red flags. Alarm bells.

Politicians all over the US and the world are using “rising case numbers” to drive people back into lockdowns.

The news media are trumpeting these reports of case numbers.


Eyeball diagnosis can mean a doctor observes the patient has a cough, or chills and fever. That’s all. That’s all a doctor needs to make a diagnosis of COVID. That’s a case number. Ridiculous? Of course it’s ridiculous. It’s a con. Brought to you by the CDC.

The PCR test, as I’ve explained dozens of times, spits out false-positives like waterfalls. It’s set up to do exactly that.

Increase testing and you automatically get rising case numbers. That’s the real reason for pushing expanded testing.

And there you have the scam in a nutshell.

The fascist public health agencies and the politicians WANT lockdowns. They know the only way to justify the lockdowns is to claim rising case numbers.

There’s another wrinkle you should be aware of. You’re seeing reports of “rising numbers of hospitalizations.” Wherever this is true (and not an outright lie), people could be coming to the hospital for any reason under the sun—including fear that they might “have the virus.” In the US, state hospitals receive federal money for every diagnosed COVID case. These hospitals need money. Simply and arbitrarily writing “COVID-19” on patient files becomes a way to get that money.

Occasionally, I receive reports from people who work at hospitals or know people who work at hospitals. The reports usually go this way: “We’re seeing very serious cases here. People are arriving with unusual symptoms…”

First of all, this is what hospitals are built for: people who are seriously ill. Some weeks are busier than others. Second, all over the world, there are always people who have unusual symptoms, resulting from a variety of causes. No virus required.

I recently published a smoking-gun article on the PCR test. This was during the initial furor of the election (another example of fake numbers). For those who missed reading the article, and for new readers, here it is:

Smoking gun: Fauci states COVID test has fatal flaw; confession from the “beloved” expert of experts [1]

The COVID delusion is finished, blown apart.

OK, here we go. Smoking gun. Jackpot.

Right from the horse’s mouth. Right from the man we’re told is the number-one COVID expert in the nation. What Fauci says is golden truth.

Well, how about THIS?

July 16, 2020, podcast [2], “This Week in Virology”: Tony Fauci makes a point of saying the PCR COVID test is useless and misleading when the test is run at “35 cycles or higher.” A positive result, indicating infection, cannot be accepted or believed.

Here, in techno-speak, is an excerpt from Fauci’s key quote (starting at about the 4-minute mark): “…If you get [perform the test at] a cycle threshold of 35 or more…the chances of it being replication-confident [aka accurate] are miniscule…you almost never can culture virus [detect a true positive result] from a 37 threshold cycle…even 36…”

Each “cycle” of the test is a quantum leap in amplification and magnification of the test specimen taken from the patient.

Too many cycles, and the test will turn up all sorts of irrelevant material that will be wrongly interpreted as relevant.

That’s called a false positive.

What Fauci failed to say on the video is: the FDA, which authorizes the test for public use, recommends the test should be run up to 40 cycles. Not 35.

Therefore, all labs in the US that follow the FDA guideline are knowingly or unknowingly participating in fraud. Fraud on a monstrous level, because…

Millions of Americans are being told they are infected with the virus on the basis of a false positive result, and…

The total number of COVID cases in America—which is based on the test—is a gross falsity.

The lockdowns and other restraining measures are based on these fraudulent case numbers.

Let me back up and run that by you again. Fauci says the test is useless when it’s run at 35 cycles or higher. The FDA says run the test up to 40 cycles, in order to determine whether the virus is there. This is the crime in a nutshell.

If anyone in the White House has a few brain cells to rub together, pick up a giant bullhorn and start revealing the truth to the American people.

“Hello, America, you’ve been tricked, lied to, conned, and taken for a devastating ride. On the basis of fake science, the country was locked down.”

If anyone in the Congress has a few brain cells operating, pull Fauci into a televised hearing and, in ten minutes, make mincemeat out of the fake science that has driven this whole foul stench-ridden assault on the US economy and its citizens.

All right, here are two chunks of evidence for what I’ve written above. First, we have a CDC quote on the FDA website, in a document titled [3]: “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel For Emergency Use Only.” See page 35. This document is marked, “Effective: 07/13/20.” That means, even though the virus is being referred to by its older name, the document is still relevant as of July 2020. “For Emergency Use Only” refers to the fact that the FDA has certified the PCR test under a traditional category called “Emergency Use Authorization.”

FDA: “…a specimen is considered positive for 2019-nCoV [virus] if all 2019-nCoV marker (N1, N2) cycle threshold [Ct] growth curves cross the threshold line within 40.00 cycles ( [less than] 40.00 Ct ).”

Naturally, MANY testing labs reading this guideline would conclude, “Well, to see if the virus is there in a patient, we should run the test all the way to 40 cycles. That’s the official advice.”

Then we have a New York Times article (August 29/updated September 17) headlined: “Your coronavirus test is positive. Maybe it shouldn’t be.” [4] Here are money quotes:

“Most tests set the limit at 40 [cycles]. A few at 37.”

“Set the limit” would usually mean, “We’re going to look all the way to 40 cycles, to see if the virus is there.”

The Times: “This number of amplification cycles needed to find the virus, called the cycle threshold, is never included in the results sent to doctors and coronavirus patients…”

Boom. That’s the capper, the grand finale. Labs don’t or won’t reveal their collusion in this crime.

Get the picture?

I hope so.

If a lawyer won’t go to court with all this, or if a judge won’t pay attention and see the light, they should be stripped of their jobs and sent to the Arctic to sell snow.


[1] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/11/06/smoking-gun-fauci-states-covid-test-has-fatal-flaw/

[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_Vy6fgaBPE

[3] https://www.fda.gov/media/134922/download

[4] nytimes.com/2020/08/29/health/coronavirus-testing.html

A Virus So Deadly It Killed the Flu

CDC cancels flu for 2020-21 season

by IWB, Investment Watch
October 27, 2020


Couldn’t make the numbers stack up, now they are counting every influenza death as covid-19.

Truth is they probably have been for a year.

A virus so deadly it killed the flu


Agendas & Doublespeak Mar Covid Vaccine’s Pending Release

By Jefferey Jaxen, The HighWire
November 16, 2020


With so little information public, and the information we do have is not genuinely encouraging, a cynical person might suggest the only thing breathless media coverage of Covid vaccine news has done is create pump-and-dump stock opportunities for investors.

As Bloomberg wrote: There’s ‘a wave of euphoria’ surging through global finance markets. Hooray? Pfizer’s latest stock surge was supported by press release hopium rooted in Science™. Like corporate media’s reporting on vaccine Science™, inconvenient truths are misrepresented, glossed over or outright ignored.

Just as Pfizer’s recent press release hyped its first interim analysis from its phase 3 study, the company’s CEO Albert Bourla sold 61% of his stock,  netting him a cool $5.6M.

The sale was part of a pre-scheduled 10b5-1 trading plan. So were Moderna’s Chief Medical Officer Tal Zaks and their CEO Stephan Bancel,  who made $63,069,210 and $58,591,783 respectively over the last six months with the world’s eyes on their vaccine development milestones. Optics be damned, as the companies simultaneously gobble up taxpayer money while their leadership unload stocks at record pace.

Science™ by press releases get dissected almost immediately nowadays, laying bare their shortcomings. Covid vaccine makers and their front men are throwing out big numbers to grab headlines across corporate media. Operation Warp Speed head contractor Dr. Moncef Slaoui said Friday, speaking from the White House Rose Garden (through a mask), that 20 million Americans could receive the shot by December. Followed up with 25-30 million each month after that.

Two narratives are running parallel throughout media to direct two different types of consumers. While the ‘pump and dump’ headlines target investors, the ‘vaccine will save us all’ reporting aims at the eventual mandatory consumers.

Sometimes the two meet in the middle and the veil lifts. For instance,  Reuters recent articleEurope ‘must grit teeth’ on COVID-19 as vaccine euphoria fades

Reading between the lines, Reuters might be telling investors to be on the lookout for the next Science™ by press release before making any financial moves, while commoners in Europe under second lockdown, “must grit [your] teeth.” Or perhaps another translation: Don’t mistake our media hype aimed at investors to think you’ll get out of your [second] unscientific lockdown anytime soon, Europe!

Similarly, Yahoo News ran the headlinePfizer vaccine could be key to conquering COVID-19 — but don’t throw away your mask yet. One statement message for investors, another for people under authoritarian edicts.

A recent BMJ analysis by Peter Doshi reviewed Covid vaccine frontrunners. Current trials, hyped at every turn, aren’t designed to save lives. Doshi writes, “None of the trials currently underway are designed to detect a reduction in any serious outcome such as hospital admissions, use of intensive care, or deaths. Nor are the vaccines being studied to determine whether they can interrupt transmission of the virus.

He continues, “In all the ongoing phase III trials for which details have been released, laboratory confirmed infections even with only mild symptoms qualify as meeting the primary endpoint definition. In Pfizer and Moderna’s trials, for example, people with only a cough and positive laboratory test would bring those trials one event closer to their completion.”

So why are we waiting for a vaccine to save us when its basic metrics aren’t designed to do so? In the early days of the coronavirus response, all measures were predicated on things going back to normal once the vaccine arrived. Now headlines have drastically changed. Lockdowns are here and increasing and your masks aren’t coming off when the vaccine savior arrives.

Yet that’s not stopping Ticketmaster or the airlines. Both are now considering digital vaccine verification to attend concerts or travel. A billboard.com exclusive reports, “After purchasing a ticket for a concert, fans would need to verify that they have already been vaccinated (which would provide approximately one year of COVID-19 protection)”  Where the claim ‘approximately one year of COVID-10 protection’ comes from is anyone’s guess.

Meanwhile, the World Economic Forum’s CommonPass [for the commoners] is being tested for international flight travel. The CommonPass takes traveler’s vaccine status or Covid test and prints out a scannable QR code used by airlines or border officials.

Then there’s Microsoft founder and not a doctor Bill Gates who previously claimed countries could be back to normal by “late 2021” if a vaccine is found. The Sun reports that Gates will meet with UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson to “plan a national vaccine rollout plan with the pharma giants.”

Johnson has taken criticism for announcing a second lockdown, a move he deemed a ‘nuclear deterrent’ not to be embarked upon again after the collateral damage and life-years-lost recorded from the first round of UK lockdowns.

Even the notorious Dr. Fauci’s flip flops are now openly abusive as he ratchets up the rhetoric. Fauci recently stated the UK and US are countries that “have that independent spirit.” But now is the time to “do what you’re told” continued Fauci with an uncomfortable laugh.

Upon Pfizer’s latest press release, The Lancet’s editor-in-chief Richard Horton tweeted:

Unfortunately for many like Horton, the realization should be arriving that public trust may have never been a primary goal of vaccine-makers. Science™ regularly takes a backseat to profits and ethics [see Pfizer hit with $2.3B largest criminal fraud fine in history by Justice Department]. And even when proper science should be followed, it is often sidestepped. Regularly failing to use inert placebos during vaccine trials, using trial designs with obscenely short observation windows to monitor serious adverse events, refusing to conduct vaccinated vs unvaccinated trials to compare total health outcomes and deep conflicts of interest are all in a day’s work for vaccine makers.

It should be noted that one ofthe biggest retractions in modern history by a journal, The Lancet, happened on Horton’s watch. The investigation leading to the retraction wasn’t prompted by some internal watchdogs or misinformation czars, it was driven from public pressure by independent scientists and researchers.

Second waves of lockdowns are upon us. Many who thought the vaccine would return us to normalcy have had a rude awakening. Since we are given no clear exit plan by ‘officials,’ perhaps it’s time to make our own.

Connect with Jefferey Jaxen at The HighWire


cover image credit squarefrog / pixabay

Corona Investigative Committee Attorney Reiner Fuellmich w/ Patrick Bet-David: Powerful Conversation on Global Lawsuit Over Coronavirus

Corona Investigative Committee Attorney Reiner Fuellmich w/ Patrick Bet-David: Powerful Conversation on Global Lawsuit Over Coronavirus
Patrick Bet-David and Dr. Reiner Fuellmich discuss revelations around the covid narrative, including a breakdown of what’s really been going on and how we are going to hold the people who orchestrated all of this accountable.


German Lawyer Sues The World Over Coronavirus

by Patrick Bet-David, Valuetainment
November 13, 2020

Patrick Bet-David has a virtual sit down with consumer protection trial lawyer Reiner Fuellmich to talk about the Coronavirus and his work on the German Corona investigation committee.

Panic Paper (in German) https://bit.ly/3f3IZRF

About the guest: Dr Reiner Fuellmich is one of four members of the German Corona Investigative Committee, which since July 10, 2020, has been listening to large number of international scientists’ and experts’ testimonies, to find answers to questions about the pandemic, being asked by people worldwide.


Connect with Patrick Bet-David at Valuetainment or PatrickBetDavid.com

Connect with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich at Fuellmich.com

Connect with the Corona Investigative Committee at Corona Ausschuss


[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

see related:

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich on The Corona Fraud Scandal | International Network of Lawyers Will Argue the Biggest Tort Case in World History

Medical Doctor/Manager for Wyoming’s State Public Health Department/Preparedness Unit Warns About Unfolding Medical Tyranny & Dark, Deadly History of Covid Vaccine Development

Medical Doctor/Manager for Wyoming’s State Public Health Department/Preparedness Unit Warns About Unfolding Medical Tyranny & Dark, Deadly History of Covid Vaccine Development
Dr. Igor Shepherd: Covid Vaccinations Are “Global Genetic Genocide” and “Biological Weapons of Mass Destruction”


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: The article below is sourced from garydbarnett.com. The video is from Julie Formsby YouTube channel.  As is heard in the introduction to Dr. Igor Shepherd’s talk and further detailed in Gary Barnett’s article, Dr. Igor Shepherd’s scientific background, life experience and areas of study are extensive, beginning in communist Soviet Union.  In the video, Dr. Shepherd shares his background and offers his perspective on current events — tying in his knowledge of totalitarian government agenda, biological weapons and vaccines as tools for the tyrannical takeover and destruction of humanity.

Dr. Igor Shepherd’s Talk About the Horrors of a ‘Covid’ Vaccine

by Gary D. Barnett
November 15, 2020


Dr. Igor Shepherd is a medical doctor/manager for Wyoming’s State Public Health Department/Preparedness Unit, and is on the Covid response team.

I was able to have a conversation with Dr. Shepherd after he did a talk for “Keep Colorado Free and Open” this past Tuesday. Dr. Shepherd wrote to me, and I was able to get a copy of his important talk. He has taken great risk to do this talk about the horrors of this new ‘Covid-19’ vaccine, so I recommend that all watch and listen. It is a fairly long talk and questions are answered at the end, but it is worth every minute of your time. He calls them “Biological Weapons of Mass Destruction.”

Dr. Shepherd was born and raised in the Soviet Union, and became a Military Doctor in St. Petersburg, Russia, and studied under the Strategic Rocket Force. He is an expert today on bio-weapons, Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and high yield Explosives,(CBRNE) and Pandemic preparedness. His view is that these vaccines are very similar technology to the bio-weapon RND used to develop viral weapons. He fully understands that the plan of depopulation and mandatory vaccinations will be at our doorstep very soon, and is shocked that the American people are so passive concerning this enemy takeover. He believes that this fake pandemic is the means by which a communist global government will be ushered into existence; one that cannot be voted out. I agree with this thinking, as this technocratic takeover and economic destruction will be communistic in nature.

Copyright © 2020 GaryDBarnett.com

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

Video source: Julie Formsby
Original video title: 11.10.20 Keep Colorado Free & Open – Community Action Meeting – Dr Igor Shepherd

Liverpool Lockdown

Liverpool Lockdown

by Del Bigtree, The HighWire, with Jefferey Jaxen
November 13, 2020


Video available at The HighWire Brighteon & BitChute channels.

Aided by British military, Liverpool have initiated a mass covid testing program on its population, in an attempt “to control #Covid19”. No matter how often tests prove to be inaccurate, it doesn’t seem to be stopping governing authorities in Europe, and parts of the US, from tightening their grip on the people. But there is hope. True to the spirit and tradition of Liverpool lore, the people, and elements of the science and academia, are challenging the draconian measures.

#PilotProgram #Ethics #Covid19 #NurembergTrials #TestandTrace #Yeadon #Pollock #TrueImpact

Celeb Piers Morgan Awarded ‘Vaxhole of the Week’

Celeb Awarded ‘Vaxhole of the Week’

by Del Bigtree, The HighWire
November 13, 2020


Video available at The HighWire BitChute and Brighteon channels.

What is a #Vaxhole? A person who quotes vaccine safety science that does not exist. What compelled Del to resurrect this HighWire tradition? British reporter Piers Morgan posted a tweet about the #Covid19 Vaccine you have to see to believe.

#Vaxhole #VOW #PiersMorgan #VaxholeOfTheWeek #TheHighWire #DelBigtree #COVID19 #Vaccine


Ticketmaster Says No Vaccine, No Entry! What Was Once “Conspiracy Theory” Is Now Conspiracy Fact.

Ticketmaster Says No Vaccine, No Entry! What Was Once “Conspiracy Theory” Is Now Conspiracy Fact

by Dan Dicks, Press for Truth
November 13, 2020


Vaccine certificates and immunity passports were just “conspiracy theories” 6 months ago and now they’re conspiracy fact as IBM, the CDC and the WHO are conspiring together to mass inoculate as much of the population as possible with a COVID-19(84) vaccine. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth explains why IBM is a terrible choice for third party data handling while proving that so called “conspiracy theories” are slowly becoming conspiracy facts as the powers that ought not to be incrementally crank up the heat in a boiling frog scenario that is starting to get extremely hot! 


How They’ll Fake the Success of the COVID Vaccine

How They’ll Fake the Success of the COVID Vaccine

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
November 13, 2020


I’ve described how the major clinical trials of the COVID vaccine are designed to prevent nothing more than a cough, or chills and fever [1] [2].

The whole plan to gain FDA approval of the vaccine is a stark fraud.

Now let’s move on to the next con: how to make it seem the vaccine is a roaring success.

Brief background: My readers know I’ve presented a complete case to show the SARS-CoV-2 virus was never proved to exist in the first place [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]. So the whole idea of a vaccine is a non-sequitur, an absurdity. Likewise, the PCR test for “the virus” is a fraud on several levels [11]:

For example, the number of “cycles” for which the test is set is a key factor. Each cycle is a huge amplification of the tissue sample taken from the patient.

When you blow up that tissue sample above 34 cycles, you get gigantic numbers of false-positive results, even by the standards of the test. Fauci has admitted it. I’ve pointed out that FDA guidelines nevertheless recommend doing the test at up to 40 cycles. This alone explains reports of “rising COVID case numbers.”

Let’s say Pfizer and then Moderna win FDA approval to release their vaccines in the US. With the military doing the logistics of shipping, millions of doses move out, and soon, an extraordinary number of Americans are lining up to take the shot.

After a suitable period of time, the elite medical planners will change the way the PCR test is done. The number of cycles will be drastically reduced. That order will go out to labs in the US.

What does this mean? It means that far fewer positive test results will occur.

Therefore, the trend of “new COVID cases” will stop rising. It will level off, and then it will fall.

This rigging will be heralded as proof that that vaccine is producing a victory over the virus.

There is another strategy: change the definition of “a case of COVID.” Make the new definition, in terms of clinical symptoms, more restrictive. Something like this would do the trick: “The patient must exhibit a body temperature of at least 100 for 48 consecutive hours.”

That will automatically cause a significant drop in the number of cases. The drop will be attributed to the salutary effect of the vaccine.

For purposes of lockdowns and general clampdowns [12], to promote more fear and punish areas where the economy is “too open,” a reverse-technique can be applied:

Make PCR tests adjust their cycles UPWARD, thus producing huge numbers of positive results and “new cases.”

“Well, in South Dakota, we have to mandate at least 100,000 more vaccinations in each of the following ‘hot spots,’ where case numbers have suddenly escalated. And we must lock down those areas immediately…”

Needless to say, any and all serious harm and death caused by the vaccine anywhere will be attributed to “the pandemic disease.”

And there you have it. Simple, brutal, criminal, and controlled from the federal level. A strategy for making it seem the COVID vaccine is effective, and saved the day.

Here is a backgrounder I wrote on the subject of COVID vaccine fraud:

Making a vaccine look like it’s a champion isn’t difficult for public health agencies. There are a number of strategies.

Of course, these fraudulent strategies would be serious crimes. But when has that stopped the CDC or the World Health Organization?

In no particular order—-

ONE: Rework the definition of a “COVID case.” Presently, the CDC absurdly allows doctors to diagnose a person with COVID who has a cough, or chills and fever, and lives in an area where cases are being claimed. No test necessary.

So change this practice, once the vaccine is approved. Demand testing for a diagnosis. State that cough alone is not enough. Chills and fever must also be present. Require fever to be above 100.

These and other changes would automatically shrink the number of cases. The drop in numbers would be attributed to the vaccine.

This “definitional shrinking” was, in fact, deployed in the 1950s, after the introduction of the polio vaccine.

TWO: Order a change in the way the PCR diagnostic test is done. The practice of amplifying the original test sample from the patient occurs in cycles, or jumps. The greater the number of cycles, the more likely the test will result in a COVID diagnosis. Therefore, order a reduced number of cycles for all testing labs.

Outcome? Fewer COVID diagnoses. Fewer case numbers. “The vaccine is working.”

THREE: Quietly restrict the present hospital practice of arbitrarily writing “COVID” on patient case and death files.

FOUR: Cook up and publish false studies showing more and more people are developing immunity to the virus. Attribute this to the vaccine.

FIVE: Another type of false study—“the transmission of the virus from person to person is slowing, thanks to the vaccine.”

SIX: Pump up the success of issuing Immunity certificates after vaccination. “People are feeling safer now. More businesses are reopening…”

SEVEN: Using the compliant press, simply issue bald declarations that the vaccine is a success.

EIGHT: Hide the many instances of injury and death from the vaccine. When necessary, claim COVID was the cause.

NINE: Warn that the wonderful vaccine-derived immunity is not permanent, and frequent booster shots are necessary.

TEN: Rework the definition of “vaccine-acquired immunity.” Even a very weak antibody response from the shot would qualify as “protective immunity.”

ELEVEN: Huge numbers of people with ordinary flu-like illness, pneumonia, and other traditional lung infections are being called “COVID.” Change this practice. Go back to calling many of these people “flu,” “pneumonia,” etc. COVID case numbers will drop. Claim the drop is the effect of the vaccine.

TWELVE: Presently, millions of so-called COVID cases have “co-morbidities.” These are prior serious health conditions which are, in fact, the true causes of illnesses and death. Of course, this is denied. But after the vaccine is introduced… scale back the practice of counting all these ill and deceased co-morbid patients as “COVID.” Case and death numbers will drop. Claim the vaccine is the reason.

THIRTEEN: After the vaccine is introduced, slow down testing for a brief period. This will automatically reduce the rate of new cases. Attribute the decline to the vaccine.

Committing these crimes are a walk in the park for public health agencies.

And appointing official mouthpieces to carry lies to the public is as easy as training little Faucis to sit up and bark.


[1] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/11/11/covid-vaccine-revelation-sinks-like-a-stone-disappears/

[2] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/09/24/covid-vaccine-clinical-trials-doomed-to-fail-fatal-design-flaw/


[3] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/10/08/the-smoking-gun-where-is-the-coronavirus-the-cdc-says-it-isnt-available/

[4] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/10/09/covid-the-virus-that-isnt-there-the-root-fraud-exposed/

[5] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/10/12/the-fake-coronavirus-and-the-missing-study-the-secret-in-plain-sight/

[6] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/10/13/yet-another-case-of-the-missing-virus-they-lied-and-locked-down-the-world/

[7] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/10/15/if-the-virus-isnt-there-why-do-they-believe-it-is/

[8] http://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/10/19/dr-tom-cowan-explores-the-covid-virus-invented-out-of-sheer-nonsense/

[9] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/10/22/the-virus-that-isnt-there-genetic-sequencing-and-the-magic-trick/

[10] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/10/26/the-missing-virus-answering-critics-objections/


[11] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/11/06/smoking-gun-fauci-states-covid-test-has-fatal-flaw/

[12] https://www.rt.com/usa/506308-biden-covid19-advisor-lockdown/

David Icke: There is No Virus | Realizing That, the Big Picture of a Global Tyranny Agenda Becomes Clear

David Icke: There is No Virus | Realizing That, the Big Picture of a Global Tyranny Agenda Becomes Clear

by David Icke with Gareth Icke
November 13, 2020



Original video is available at David Icke BitChute channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Dr. Tom Cowan: Vulnerable People MORE Likely to Get Sick if People Around Them Are Wearing Masks

Dr. Tom Cowan: Vulnerable People MORE Likely to Get Sick if People Around Them Are Wearing Masks

by Dr. Tom Cowan, MD
November 12, 2020


Original video is available at Dr. Tom Cowan YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

[Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: You can download a copy of the article mentioned by Dr. Tom Cowan here: Masks Don’t Work by Denis G. Rancourt, PhD — Download PDF  ]

cover image credit Candid_Shots / pixabay

UK Pub Owner Creatively Uses Loophole to Stay in Business

UK Pub Owner Creatively Uses Loophole to Stay in Business

by RT UK
November 12, 2020


Original video available at RT UK YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

David Icke w/ Dr. Tom Cowan: Truth About Viruses & Bacteria, the Body as a Living Crystal, Your Heart Is Not a Pump & the Contagion Myth

David Icke w/ Dr. Tom Cowan: Truth About Viruses & Bacteria, the Body as a Living Crystal, Your Heart Is Not a Pump & the Contagion Myth

by David Icke with Dr. Tom Cowan, MD
November 11, 2020



Original video available at David Icke BitChute channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan, MD

Connect with David Icke

The Contagion Fairy Tale

The Contagion Fairy Tale

by Thomas Cowan, MD and Sally Fallon Morell
November 10, 2020


Our book, The Contagion Myth, is now available (banned on Amazon but sold on other outlets) and has already generated dozens of comments, many of them challenging our contention that the corona “virus” does not exist and that the illness attributed to this virus is not contagious—one referred to our book as a fairy tale!

However, unlike most coronavirus skeptics, we are not arguing that the illness is just a bad case of the flu, with deaths due solely to pre-existing conditions or inappropriate hospital care; rather we postulate that the illness can be very serious and that the likely cause is radiation poisoning, probably from the worldwide deployment of 5G, starting in Wuhan, China and followed by major cities throughout the world.

Comments we have received include the following:

  • Okinawa does not have 5G but people are getting infected there;
  • Some friends went to a wedding in Kirkland, Washington and got Covid, so it must be infectious;
  • There’s 5G in New Zealand but very few cases of illness;
  • A school in our neighborhood has opened for in-person classes and there has been an outbreak—two people have tested positive;
  • A lot of people “got the virus” after a big no-mask motorcycle rally in Sturgis, South Dakota;
  • What about rabbits getting myxomatosis, a known viral disease.

With the exception of the rabbit comment (a subject to be explored in a future blog), these observations are just that—epidemiological observations, which are certainly interesting and deserve further exploration, but these in no way disprove our main contention that this virus does not exist and the illness attributed to it is not contagious.

Why take our word for the shocking claim that no scientist has found the so-called coronavirus?  Of course, you shouldn’t take our word for it, you should listen to what the experts are saying.  In July 2020, the FDA posted a CDC document entitled “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), Real-Time RT-PCR diagnostic Panel. For Emergency Use Only. Instructions for Use.” Buried in the text, on page 39, is the following statement: “. . . no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available.”

In other words, our government is telling us that there are no purified isolated samples of this “novel coronavirus,” which means that the virus has never been isolated and purified.  What they are finding in the RT-PCR tests are fragments of genetic material, which actually come from human chromosome #8. This means that the results of all RT-PCR tests are invalid—the only thing they can tell us is that we are human beings.

A January, 2020 paper on testing tells us the same thing: “The ongoing outbreak of the recently emerged novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) poses a challenge for public health laboratories as virus isolates are unavailable. . . [emphasis added]” Nevertheless, even without knowing what this virus is like, the researchers aim “to develop and deploy robust diagnostic methodology for use in public health laboratory settings without having virus material available.” A challenge indeed!

Here is an analogy to describe what is going on.  Let’s say you are a paid Lego specialist and someone offers to reward you if you can construct an exact replica of King Beauregard’s Medieval castle.  The referees put all the known Lego pieces out on a table and promise to pay you well to do the reconstruction. Naturally, you ask to see a picture of what the castle looked like or at least some sort of architectural plan so you know what to build.  But the referees say that you must reconstruct the castle without having access to any information about the original castle.  You think this is downright bizarre, but since a job is a job, you start looking.  You find pieces for a moat; you know that castles have moats and think that this must be part of the castle.  Then you find windows, turrets, soldiers, etc.–with each new finding you are given a castle-building Lego award and an increase in salary.  You write some software that fills in the rest of the castle from the fragments you have. Then you publish a peer reviewed paper on the “completed” castle for all the world to see.

Unfortunately, a child appears who looks like he has time traveled from the Middle Ages.  You show him the castle.  “Everybody knows that Beauregard didn’t have a castle.” He says.  “Beauregard was an impoverished aristocrat who was afraid of moats; he lived in a garret in London.”  But the show must go on, so his remarks are never published, while the Lego expert (who knows the child is right) keeps quiet and enjoys his hefty salary.

A number of readers have sent us studies “proving” the existence of pathogenic viruses.  In fact, one virologist claimed that “thousands of papers” show that isolated bacteria or viruses cause disease. (He also tried to convince us that one could sterilize one’s hands, cover them and they would remain sterile “indefinitely.”)

One was a link to a study with the promising title “Koch’s postulates fulfilled for SARS virus”, published 2003 in the prestigious journal Nature. We discuss this study in The Contagion Myth. The researchers claim that Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) is also caused by a coronavirus. The title itself is misleading, not to say fraudulent, because the researchers did not satisfy Koch’s postulates—which is the common-sense way of proving that a microbe causes disease. They did not satisfy River’s postulates either—River’s postulates are for proving that a virus causes a disease. These methods involve isolating and purifying a specific microbial organism from a number of individuals suffering from a specific disease and injecting the isolated, purified bacteria or virus into healthy organisms (animal or human). If every sick person has the organism and every test subject becomes ill, then you know that the specific microbe causes the specific disease.

Let’s focus on the process of isolating and purifying a virus—it’s hard to do but not impossible.  In 1973, the Pasteur Institute published guidelines for doing this. First the virologist takes mucus or secretions from a person with the disease.   The secretions are diluted and then put into a kind of blender. The resultant liquid is then passed through a very fine filter—fine enough to keep out bacteria and fungi but let the viruses through; the resulting liquid is called a supernatant. It contains the virus but also lots of other stuff as well. The supernatant must then be centrifuged in such a way that you get bands of particles of the same size and weight.  The scientist can determine which band is the virus using the known size and weight of viruses.  This band is removed from the supernatant with a pipette. This is the properly isolated and purified virus.  The virus is then transferred to some tissue to grow and multiply.

An important point is that when the virologist has finished the purification process of macerating, filtering and ultracentrifugation, he must then take an electron micrograph of the final, purified virus to show his colleagues that he has in fact successfully purified and isolated the virus.  Virologists have done this many times and for many different viruses.  Without an electron micrograph picture showing purification, no reputable journal would publish this work. The reason is simple: scientists are essentially told not to believe each other because someone says so.  If you say you isolated a virus you must show the picture to prove it, period.  Absent the picture it could be a total fabrication.  The way science is supposed to work, after you have isolated and photographed the virus, other scientists in other labs follow the exact steps that you outlined in your paper and show pictures of the same isolated virus.  Once a number of labs have done this, you have real proof that the virus exists.

In the case of the novel corona virus, every single published photograph we have seen showing the “isolated” virus shows no such thing.  Instead, it shows tissue with a number of dots, usually with an arrow pointing to the so-called coronavirus.  If you see tissue in the photograph, by definition, it’s not isolated.  An example of such a photograph comes from “Virus Isolation from the First Patient with SARS-CoV-2 in Korea,” published February 24, 2020 in the Journal of Korean Medical Science. Although the authors claim to have isolated the virus, the photographs they publish show “virus” structures inside and outside a cell (indicated by arrows), not isolated.

You can see a properly isolated “virus” in the electron microscopy image of the chicken pox “virus,” below. (By the way, although health officials claim that chicken pox is “highly contagious,” no studies have shown that exposing people to isolated chicken pox virus makes them sick.)

What virologists do today is use the liquid—called the supernatant–after either filtration or centrifuging to get rid of the bacteria, fungi and other larger material.  This is what they refer to as “purification.” This is like filtering the grounds out of coffee to get caffeine so you can study its effects.  But there are hundreds or thousands of other compounds in the coffee, so you still need to isolate the caffeine.  What the researchers should then do is put the supernatant in what’s called a sucrose density centrifuge column, which spins out the various compounds into bands.  One of these bands will contain the pure virus, which can then be photographed and analyzed.

Instead of working with pure virus, researchers use the supernatant, which contains all kinds of molecules and particles. Instead of doing a genetic analysis of the isolated virus, they do genetic analysis on the mess of compounds in the supernatant.

Now to get enough “virus” to use experimentally, virologists must grow it in a biological medium such as an animal or at least cells from an animal.  Unlike bacteria, which can be grown in petri dishes, viruses are not alive and can only “grow” in other living cells.

So they transfer the supernatant not to healthy tissue, but to tissue that has been starved of nutrients and poisoned with strong antibiotics—to make sure that what is left is only viruses and not bacteria and fungi.  The main type of tissue they use is kidney cells from various species, often monkey kidney cells (called Vero cells), and lung cancer cells. The “viruses” seem to multiply.  The resultant mess of “viruses,” particles, poisons, dead tissue and cellular debris—called “cultured” virus– is then sold to researchers as samples of “purified virus” for them to use in studies.

By the way, the CDC has published guidelines on “transport medium” for viruses.  This is what they use to inoculate the starved tissue which then grows the “virus.”  The three main ingredients are fetal bovine serum (extracted from still-living fetal calves and preserved with anti-fungals, among other poisons) along with two highly toxic antibiotics, amphotericin (affectionately called ampho-terrible) and gentamicin.  This ungodly mixture is then grown on monkey or fetal kidney cells.  Interestingly, all doctors know that the main organ affected by gentamicin and ampho-terrible is the kidneys.  So you poison the kidney, the kidney breaks down and then the virologist claims that the virus killed the kidney—without performing any controls. Don’t look behind the curtain, folks!

This practice is fraught with obvious problems for proving it is the virus and not the cancer cells or poisoned kidney cells that are causing disease when these viruses get injected into healthy test animals.

Remember that to prove that a specific virus is making humans or animals sick, they need to find the identical virus in many subjects who are sick with the same symptoms—and then make healthy humans or animals sick by exposing them to this virus.  But when researchers try to grow the purified virus on healthy cells, they don’t get a lot of viruses; and when they subject healthy tissue, healthy animals or healthy people to these “viruses,” illness does not result—and this is the wily virus that is going to kill us all!

Why do “viruses” multiply in the starved and poisoned kidney or cancer cells? Because when cells are starved or poisoned, they produce exosomes, which are identical in appearance and characteristics to what are called “viruses.” These tiny particles are helpful, not toxic.  They do not attack the cells and then multiply; rather, they are produced inside the cell, often in large amounts, when the cells are stressed by poison and starvation.

Viruses and exosomes are indistinguishable, as we learn from a study entitled “The Role of Extracellular Vesicles as Allies of HIV, HCV and SARS viruses,” published in the journal Viruses, May 2020.  To quote from the paper, “The remarkable resemblance between EVs [extracellular vesicles, that is, exosomes] and viruses has caused quite a few problems in the studies focused on the analysis of EVs released during viral infection.  Nowadays it is an almost impossible mission to separate EVs and viruses by means of canonical vesicle isolation methods, such as differential ultracentrifugation, because they are frequently co-pelleted due to their similar dimensions.  To overcome this problem, different studies have proposed the separation of EVs from virus particles by exploiting their different migration velocity in a density gradient or using the presence of specific markers that distinguish viruses from EVs.  However, to date, a reliable method that can actually guarantee a complete separation does not exist [emphasis added]. “

In other words, researchers can’t distinguish viruses from exosomes—that’s because they are the same thing and in reality, all viruses are exosomes.  Scientists are discovering that all of these “viruses” originate in our own tissues—they don’t attack us from the outside.

With this background, let’s then look at the study, “Koch’s Postulates fulfilled for SARS Virus.” The researchers took unpurified sediment from the snot of sick people, grew that in lung cancer cells until they got a sufficient quantity of cellular material to work with.  Then they centrifuged this mess again, not even attempting to purify any virus from the mixture.  Finally, they took this unholy mixture of snot sediment, lung cancer cells and who-knows-what-else and injected that into two unfortunate monkeys.  They didn’t do a control group by injecting saline into other monkeys or injecting lung cancer cells into monkeys or even injecting the liquid from the centrifuged material into monkeys. They just injected the cellular-debris-laden goop.  One of the monkeys got pneumonia, the other got a rash. That, claim the researchers, is the proof that a “coronavirus” can cause disease and that Koch’s postulates have been satisfied.

The Coronavirus Unveiled,” appearing in the New York Times, gives the impression that researchers are working with a genuine isolated coronavirus. Nevertheless, the article tells us that “In February, as the new coronavirus swept across China and shut down entire cities, . . . the best pictures anyone had managed to take were low-resolution images, in which the virus looked like a barely discernible smudge.”

How did the researchers isolate the virus?  They “doused the viruses with chemicals to render them harmless. . .” In other words, they poisoned them.  Then they somehow “concentrated the virus-laden fluid from a quart down to a single drop” after which they flash froze the drop. Then in the microscope they saw structures they called viruses.

This is not the proper way to isolate and characterize a virus, either.  Proper isolation involves ultrafiltration and centrifuging–not dousing with chemicals and flash freezing–and then performing various physical, biochemical and immunological analyses.

After seeing these particles—most likely helpful exosomes responding to the poisonous chemicals–the researchers state that “its intimately twisted genes commandeer our biochemistry [and] wrenches into our cellular factories, while others build nurseries for making new viruses.” This is highly imaginative horror-movie speculation, not science.

Virologist have three “hosts” they can use in their attempts to prove that viruses cause illness.  After “isolating” the virus, they can expose humans to the virus; they can expose animals to the virus; or they can use tissue cultures taken from various animal or human sources and expose the tissue culture to the virus.  Leaving aside the fact that they never actually isolate and purify the virus, which they openly admit, let’s assume that the unpurified fluid they are using does contain the relevant virus and therefore should be able to transmit infection.   I

In the history of virology, most virologists have decided not to do their experiments on human subjects as this is considered unethical.  In the case of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, we know of no published study that used humans as the test subjects.

Virologists also admit that in the case of most viral infections, there are no studies available proving infection in animals.  How a virus can infect and kill humans but not animals is left unexplained. Researchers get around this obvious biological conundrum by saying, “there are no animal models on which to test such-and-such a virus.” In other words, “We know that the virus infects and kills humans even though we’ve never tested the virus on humans because that would be unethical.  Therefore, we do our tests on animals, even though when we test animals. they don’t get sick, because they are not proper “hosts” for the virus. So, you’ll just have to trust us.”

In the case of SARS CoV-2, we know of two studies that used unpurified “virus” on animal models, one with hamsters and one with mice. In the hamster study, researchers took the unpurified, lung-cancer-grown, centrifuged animal secretions and squirted it down the throats and into the lungs of a group of unfortunate hamsters.  Some but not all of the hamsters got pneumonia and some even died.  We have no idea what would have happened if they had squirted plain lung cancer cells into the lungs of these hamsters, probably not anything good.  Even more perplexing, some of the hamsters didn’t even get sick at all, which certainly doesn’t square with the deadly contagious virus theory.

In the mouse study, researchers infected both transgenic mice and wild (normal) mice with unpurified virus.  None of the wild mice exposed to the “virus” got sick.  Of the mice genetically programmed to get sick, a statistically insignificant number either lost some fur luster or had an insignificant weight loss.  Thus, scientists have not been able to show that the Covid-19 “virus” causes harm to animals.

The third choice for virologist is to infect human and animal tissue with a “culture” of the virus to see what happens.  This is what they did in a study entitled, “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 from Patient with Coronavirus Disease,” published in the CDC Bulletin, June 2020.

The purpose of the study was for a group of about twenty virologists to describe the state of the science dealing with the isolation and purification, and the biological characteristics of the new SARS-CoV-2 virus, and to share this information with other scientists for their own research. A thorough and careful reading of this important paper reveals some shocking findings.

First, in the section titled “Whole Genome Sequencing,” we find that rather than having isolated the virus and sequencing the genome from end to end, they “designed 37 pairs of nested PCRs spanning the genome on the basis of the coronavirus reference sequence. . . “ This means they actually looked at a mere thirty-seven primers out of the approximately thirty thousand base pairs claimed to be the genome of an intact virus.  They then took these thirty-seven segments and put them into a computer program, which filled in the rest of the genome.

This computer-generation step—called “whole genome sequencing”–constitutes scientific fraud of the highest order. Here is an equivalency: a group of researchers claim to have found a unicorn because they found a piece of a hoof, a hair from a tail, and a sliver of a horn. They then put that information into a computer and program it to re-create the unicorn, claiming that this computer re-creation is the real unicorn. Of course, they have never actually seen a unicorn so could not possibly have examined its genetic makeup to compare their samples with the actual unicorn’s hair, hooves and horn.

The researchers claim they decided which is the real genome of SARS-CoV-2 by “consensus,” sort of like a vote.  As different computer programs will come up with different versions of the imaginary “unicorn,” they come together as a group and decide which is the real imaginary unicorn. (By the way, this is how scientists characterized the measles “virus”—by consensus!)

But the real blockbuster finding in this study comes later, a finding so shocking that it’s hard to believe what we are reading.  “Therefore, we examined the capacity of SARS-CoV-2 to infect and replicate in several common primate and human cell lines, including human adenocarcinoma cells (A549), human liver cells (HUH 7.0), and human embryonic kidney cells (HEK-293T).  In addition to Vero E6 and Vero CCL81 cells . . .  Each cell line was inoculated at high multiplicity of infection and examined 24h post-infection.”

This is the third method virologists use to prove infection and pathogenicity — the method they usually rely on—namely, the inoculation of solutions they say contain the virus onto a variety of tissue cultures. As we have pointed out, such inoculation has never been shown to kill (lyse) the tissue, unless the tissue is first poisoned and starved (grown in a “minimal-nutrient medium.”)

In the Results section, the authors state: “Therefore, we examined the capacity of SARS-CoV-2 to infect and replicate in several common primate and human cell lines, including human adenocarcinoma cells (A549), human liver cells (HUH7.0), and human embryonic kidney cells (HEK-293T) . . . Each cell line was inoculated at high multiplicity of infection and examined 24h post infection.  No CPE was observed in any of the cell lines except in Vero cells.”

Note, CPE means “cytopathic effect,” which refers to structural changes in host cells that are caused by “viral invasion.” The infecting virus is said to cause lysis (breaking up) of the host cell or, when the cell dies without lysis, an inability to reproduce. Both of these effects are said to occur due to CPEs.

So did this viral material with its “intimately twisted genes commandeer the cellular biochemistry [and] wrench into the cellular factories, while others build nurseries for making new viruses?” Nothing of the sort!

The shocking thing about the findings is that using their own methods, the virologists found that solutions claimed to contain SARS-CoV-2 (as well as poisons)—even in high amounts –were not infective to any of the three human tissue cultures they tested.  In plain English, this means they proved, on their terms, that this “new coronavirus” is not infectious to human beings.  It is only infective to monkey kidney cells, and only when you add two potent drugs (gentamicin and amphotericin), known to be toxic to kidneys, to the mix.

Interestingly, in their conclusion the authors don’t mention this important fact. Only virologists reading the whole paper will find out that if you want to grow the virus, don’t bother to use human cell lines.

Meanwhile we have worldwide lockdown predicated on the idea that something called coronavirus causes disease.   As you can read, in all three of the human cell lines no CPE (no cell death, no infection) was observed.  Only Vero cells (monkey kidney cells) were adversely affected—and remember, the material injected into these cells contained kidney toxins.  So basically, they proved that the SARS-CoV-2 virus does not infect human tissue.

Another study sent to us comes with the fancy title,  “A Novel Chimpanzee Adenovirus Vector with Low Human Seroprevalence: Improved Systems for Vector Derivation and Comparative Immunogenicity.”

The researchers used “The wild type chimpanzee adenovirus isolate Y25 [which] was originally obtained from William Hillis, John Hopkins University of Medicine. The virus was passaged in HEK293A cells (Invitrogen, Cat. R705-07) and purified by CsCl gradient . . . Viral DNA was phenol extracted for genomic sequencing and cloning.”

The researchers purchased some material (not properly isolated even though it is called an “isolate”) which they then “passaged” through human embryonic kidney cells (called HEK293A), and then they “purified” it by CsCl gradient.  You can read about this technique here. It separates DNA molecules (not viruses) after mixing them with cesium chloride (a heavy metal salt) and ethidium bromide (a mutagen that can affect DNA biological processes, like DNA replication and transcription.)

This is the same smoke and mirrors—not true separation and isolation but “surrogate” techniques that use various poisons.

Another  study sent to us is entitled, “SARS-CoV-2 structure and replication characterized by in situ cryo-electron tomography,” published June 23, 2020. The authors begin with the creed of the faithful: “β-coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-1 and Middle Eastern Respiratory Virus (MERS-CoV) are highly contagious pathogens that can cause severe lower respiratory infections. At the end of 2019, SARS-CoV-2 emerged in the city of Wuhan, China, likely through zoonotic transmission via a bat reservoir and a still unidentified intermediate host that subsequently led to a pandemic, accumulating to date to over 8 million cases and close to 500,000 deaths worldwide.”

The article provides no references for the statement that the SARS virus is “highly contagious” but does contain a lot of fuzzy electron-microscope photographs of tissues and cells whose genetic material they determined using PCR tests—the equivalent of finding moats and turrets in a bunch of Lego pieces.

The researchers did not isolate and purify the virus but instead used “monkey kidney derived VeroE6 cells” and “human pulmonary cell lines.”  In other words, they used cell lines grown in starved and poisoned cultures.

Later in the paper the authors state that they get different “morphologies” of the virus depending on which cell line they use.   In other words when grown on monkey kidney cells the virus looks one way, grown on lung cancer the same virus looks different.  That is like saying that if you plant some seeds in one garden you will get tomatoes but if you plant them in another garden you will get turnips.  What this observation tells us is that what they find comes from the tissue not the source “virus,” that is why they are different.

According to the authors, “Our report provides the first in situ cryo-ET analysis of coronaviruses at high preservation levels.” Wait a minute—this study was published on June 23, 2020. You mean they had no analyses of this virus before health officials called for universal lockdown?

By the way, Stefano Scoglio, PhD, from Italy, has come to the same conclusions that we have in a talk entitled “THE INVENTED PANDEMIC, the lack of VIRUS ISOLATION and the INVALID COVID-19 test.”

Says Scoglio, “At the center of the pandemic project stands the Covid swab test, which is based on the RT-PCR (Reverse Transcriptase- Polymerase Chain reaction): a sample of organic material is taken from the throat, or more rarely from the broncho-alveolar fluid, of the individual, and then the presence of the SARS-Cov-2 virus in the sample is tested. This is done by using the same RT-PCR methodology used to originally “isolate” the virus from patient zero. Thus, the Covid test depends essentially on the original isolation, or lack thereof, of the SARS-Cov2 virus, the original PCR isolation of the virus constituting the golden standard necessary to validate any subsequent Covid test. The problems with the original virus isolation, and thus with the ensuing swab test, are many, and they all point to the truth that the SARS-Cov2 virus has never been isolated and never tested for its pathogenicity.”

One argument we hear is that Koch’s postulates are irrelevant, out of date, useless or even “wrong.” If so, why do researchers claim to have satisfied Koch’s postulates, not only for Covid-19 but for other diseases like HIV/AIDS and Lyme’s disease.

For example, in 1997, scientists announced that human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) does fulfill Koch’ postulates and hence is the proven cause of AIDS.  The study involved taking the blood from an HIV-positive person and injecting it into one chimpanzee. They didn’t purify or isolate anything, just injected the blood into one chimpanzee. They kept the chimp for ten years–who knows what they fed it or anything about its conditions of confinement. After ten years the chimp developed an “opportunistic infection” (which could even be a yeast infection) and tested HIV-positive (a test result that occurs in at least thirty-three other conditions).  The study had no controls–like injecting the chimp with blood from someone with cancer or with blood from a healthy person.  This was the proof that HIV causes AIDS!  This is not science, but it keeps the grant money flowing.

With Lyme’s disease the “proof” that Koch’s postulates were fulfilled comes from a paper published in 1983, which reported detection of spirochete [spiral-shaped bacteria] in the blood of two patients with Lyme. The researchers then examined some ticks in the neighborhood and found the same spirochete.  That’s it, that was the “proof” of Koch’s postulates.

As we have explained, finding bacteria at the site of an injury or in a person with a disease in no way constitutes proof of causation any more than finding firemen at the site of a fire means they caused the fire.  Among other roles, bacteria act as scavengers in nature, they “eat” dead or diseased tissue.  Maggots play the same role; if you see a dead dog crawling with maggots, it would be crazy conclude that the maggots killed the dog. So why do scientists assume that the presence of “viruses” in a cell means that the cell has been attacked from the outside and taken over by hostile compounds?

If anyone can show us a properly done study in which the “coronavirus” from many sick people was isolated, purified, photographed and characterized according to the consensus agreement of the 1973 Pasteur Institute guidelines, and then shown to cause disease in healthy organisms (animals or humans), we will gladly withdraw the book. Meanwhile, we contend that the idea of a contagious coronavirus is a fairy tale.


The Contagion Myth is banned on Amazon but available at:

Dr. Cowan’s website https://drtomcowan.com/products/the-contagion-myth/

Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan

Connect with Sally Fallon Morell

Dr. Andrew Kaufman w/ Jason Liosatos: Manipulation of Humanity Via Nonsense PCR Test Results & Fear [Operation Moonshot]

Dr. Andrew Kaufman w/ Jason Liosatos: Manipulation of Humanity Via Nonsense PCR Test Results & Fear [Operation Moonshot]

by Jason Liosatos, Outside the Box w/ Dr. Andrew Kaufman
November 6, 2020


“The test…it doesn’t measure a virus and it doesn’t actually anything that they know what it is… It’s simply a test that’s easy to manipulate to get a certain percent positive…
…In the UK, I think we have an interesting story because the plans from the government leaked and published in a British medical journal… I’m talking about Operation Moonshot which is this plan to basically create a testing industrial complex.” ~ Dr. Andrew Kaufman

Dr Andrew Kaufman PCR Testing False Positives – COVID-19 Interview with Jason Liosatos

Original video available at Jason Liosatos Born Outside the Box YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry & Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Connect with Dr. Andrew Kaufman

Connect with and support Jason Liosatos

See also:

David Icke & Dr. Andrew Kaufman: Operation Moonshot & the Manipulation of Humanity

Chilling Ingredient Used in the COVID-19 Vaccine

Chilling Ingredient Used in the COVID-19 Vaccine

by Sherri J Tenpenny, DO, AOBNMM, ABIHM, VAXXTER
November 6, 2020


The horseshoe crab is thought to be 300 million years old; that’s 200 million years older than dinosaurs. They don’t sting, don’t bite and don’t harm us in any way. The annual spring congregation of egg-laden horseshoe crabs on the east coast provides a vital food source for annual migrations of millions of shorebirds.

But even this harmless sea creature may be annihilated by pharma’s insatiable drive to make a universal coronavirus vaccine. In 1990, biologists estimated 1.24 million crabs spawned in Delaware Bay, a main egg-laying nursery grounds and prime collection point for the companies. By 2019, that number had dropped to 335,211. Conservation groups feel that the planned harvest by vaccine manufacturers may lead to the species’ extinction.

Horseshoe crabs are known for their unique blue blood. But it’s not the blood’s color that is the attraction. A unique chemical found in its blood, called coagulogen, is used by the drug companies to detect as little as a few parts per billion of dangerous endotoxin bacterial contamination in any medication, medical devise or vaccine. According to  Associates of Cape Cod, Inc, one of a handful of horseshoe crab blood processors, that’s like “finding a grain of sand in an Olympic swimming pool.”

First licensed in the 1970’s, coagulogen has become the gold standard of pharmaceutical purity testing. This simple test, referred to as a limulus amebocyte lysate test, or LAL  for short, is named after the white blood cells (amebocytes) from which the chemical is harvested. The extract is so powerful that if even a trace of endotoxin is present, coagulogen will neutralize it into a gel. If no gel is formed, the product is considered to be free of bacteria. The FDA mandates that all injectable or indwelling materials to be certified as endotoxin-free using the LAL test before a product can be manufactured and sold into the market.

Harvesting the Crab: Big Business

The American LAL industry has been around a long time. The first commercial LAL production facility was established in Chincoteague, VA in 1971. Currently, several production facilities are located from Massachusetts to South Carolina. After the FDA granted approval for the commercial use of the LAL test in 1987, demand for testing reagents soared through the 1990s. Currently, drug companies require at least 80 million test units each year for drug and device testing. With the specter of using the LAL test to certify more than 15 billion COVID vaccines – two shots for every human on planet – the demand for horseshoe crab blood and LAL testing reagents may soom be stratospheric.

The crabs are harvested by local fisherman and taken to collection facilities which then return them to water within 24 to 72 hours of harvesting their blood. The crabs are returned to the ocean a great distance from where they were initially picked up to avoid recurrent rebleeding from the same crab. The process is rather straight forward: the animals are strapped into collection devices and a catheter is inserted into the sinuses where their blood is removed. Pharma claims it is a harmless procedure, similar to a human giving blood.

But how harmless is exsanguinating 30 percent of the animals’ blood?

Nearly 500,000 sea creatures are caught and then bled each year. This number is about to explode. The value of the commercial harvest of horseshoe crabs grew from about $400,000 in 2004 to more than $1.8 million in 2014. In 2018, a teaspoon of LAL was worth about $75 and the market value had ballooned to $112 million.

“The problem is that the companies need a large supply of the blood from live crabs,” a 2014 article in The Atlantic noted. “Horseshoe crabs live on the seafloor, near the shore. When they want to mate, they swim into very shallow water, and horseshoe crab collectors wade along, snatching the crabs out of their habitat.

Synthetic Alternatives

Because the demand for the LAL agent is about to explode as global vaccine demand is ramped up, alternatives for coagulogen are being explored. It appears a replacement for the blood harvesting may have been found.

Numerous articles have been published about the development of a recombinant Factor C (rFC) test, a recombinate, synthetic alternative to the LAL test. Comparative testing of samples tested with both the LAL and recombinant rFC suggests that the new test may even be superior for identifying bacterial endotoxins.

The results of a six-year study was published in the journal, Microorganisms, in March 2020. The study, which compared endotoxin sensitivity of LAL assay and two different rFC-based assays, demonstrated that both rFC-based assays were comparable to LAL. In fact, the rFC-based methods generated even better endotoxin recovery rates than traditional LAL testing. The researchers concluded:

“The rFC-based tests were found to represent reliable methods, as equivalent or even superior to LAL assays and suitable for routine bacterial endotoxin testing.”

A similar study, released in July 2020, concluded:

“rFC assays offer a number of benefits, including compliance with the principles of the 3Rs, i.e., replacement, reduction, and refinement of animal testing by safeguarding animal welfare and promoting more ethical and sustainable use of animals for testing… In summary, we demonstrated that both LAL and rFC assays are adequate for testing and releasing four vaccine products.”


Conservationists fear that the demand for horseshoe crab blood for COVID-19 vaccines may exterminate the crabs and greatly impact the shorebird population that depends on them. A synthetic substitution would be good news for the horseshoe crab population and for the entire environmental and marine ecosystem. And better for humans too.

If it becomes impossible for people to refuse the hydrogel-contaminated COVID19 vaccine, at least the vaccine will not decimate the horseshoe crab population for its manufacturing process.


Connect with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

Concerned Lawyers Network Unites Against Ongoing Crimes Against Humanity: “Notice of Liability” Issued to State and Federal Governments of Australia

Concerned Lawyers Network Unites Against Ongoing Crimes Against Humanity: “Notice of Liability” Issued to State and Federal Governments of Australia

Commentary by Kathleen Stilwell, editor, Truth Comes to Light
November 7, 2020


Below you will find Concerned Lawyers Network‘s powerful letter, presenting a Notice of Liability & Potential Claims to all Australian heads of government, ministers, CHOs, governors and commissioners of police.

The  36-page letter provides extensive documentation challenging the Covid-19 narrative, including the question of whether the Covid-19 virus was ever isolated.  It also explores the evidence related to the premeditation of this so-called pandemic.

Within the letter you will find

a detailed summary of facts,

legal questions regarding the measures taken by governments in response to the “pandemic”,

information about false pandemics in the past,

existing patents on covid-19,

problems with modeling and tests,

how covid test kits were sold before covid-19 was supposedly discovered,

how DNA of individuals is being harvested from the testing process,

links to the Gates Foundation

and much more.

You will find a list of exhibits with links to documents that detail

conflicts of interest,

deaths and cases,

financial incentives,

the issue of masks,

the suicide connection,

related crimes

and many more aspects of this orchestrated deception and global assault on humanity.

Of special importance is reference to the 229-page Harrison Research Report titled Covid-19 — Pandemic. Profit. Fallout, which was sent — on May 25, 2020 — to The Select Committee on Covid-19. The author has yet to receive a response.

The contents of this letter is of great importance internationally, as well as to Australians.

The ongoing crimes against humanity are global and affect every living being on this planet. We are all in this together and, together, we must stand up and speak out for truth and for freedom.

PDF links are provided below for you to download.


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The Harrison Report is of great importance to read.



































The Concerned Lawyers Network is an Australian network of lawyers who are concerned about how laws are improperly used against Australians.

The website concernedlawyersnetwork.net was created to share with the public the letter sent to the State and Federal Governments of Australia and accompanying exhibits / references.

No part of the site constitutes any specific legal advice for any particular person and their particular circumstances; such persons should seek their own individual personalised and tailored advice concerning their situation from a suitably qualified and experienced lawyer

Fauci Wants You Scared, Anxious, and Compliant– It’s Scientific!

Fauci Wants You Scared, Anxious, and Compliant– It’s Scientific!

by Ginger Ross Breggin and Peter R. Breggin M.D.
November 06, 2020


For more than 70 years a branch of public health science has been studying fear. But not to help humans cope.  Seventy years of study have gone into how to scare people into compliance or submission in obeying public health officials and politicians.  As it turns out, fear is a powerful motivator and can drive humans to be more easily manipulated into doing things they would ordinarily resist doing.

Few citizens realize that the government and public health scientists have put time, money and much effort into studying how to scare people into doing what the experts want us to do.  The study of fear as a tool to manipulate individuals or populations is called “Fear Appeal.” It is a robust field of study within psychology and public health and has been widely used to intimidate us since the beginning of the pandemic.

Remember when a large group of public health experts, surrounding the President of the United States, announced that there was a new deadly disease loose in the US threatening us with the loss of 2.2 million lives if we did not take drastic measures.  I remember the stone in the pit of my stomach, the abject fear that figure and that threat stirred.  Two weeks to bend the curve morphed into six weeks, and six weeks has extended seemingly forever.

Now increasing numbers of people are feeling angry at being frightened by the pandemic and COVID-19.  We have become aware of the constant release of new bits of bad news or predictions about the disease, and many of us have begun to push back against what some have labeled “panic porn.”[i] [ii]  Other citizens, especially those with emotional vulnerabilities or who live in lockdown isolation, have suffered from months of the fear-inducing messages leading to depression, anxiety, panic attacks and hopelessness.

No one has been talking openly about this “scientific” form of scare tactics called “fear appeal.” Who knew that scaring us is actually science!  Now we see this science being applied daily, especially by Dr. Anthony Fauci, the media face of the science that is used to justify the harshest shutdown measures.

A recent attempt by Dr. Fauci at fear-based influence occurred when he urged Americans to cancel their family Thanksgiving gatherings. [iii] [iv]  He said  “When you have people coming from out of town, gathering together in an indoor setting … it is unfortunate because that’s such a sacred part of American tradition, the family gathering around Thanksgiving, but that is a risk.”

More recently Fauci and the Washington Post used “fear appeal” to sway the election by making dire warnings about a Trump victory.  With the presidential election day only 48 hours away on November 2, 2020, Fauci’s warnings about COVID-19 and President Trump’s handling of it became increasingly dire.  The Washington Post offered this threatening headline:[v] ‘“A whole lot of hurt”: Fauci warns of covid-19 surge, offers blunt assessment of Trump’s response.’

The article went on to repeat and explain the ominous headline:

“We’re in for a whole lot of hurt. It’s not a good situation,” Anthony S. Fauci, the country’s leading infectious-disease expert, said in a wide-ranging interview late Friday. “All the stars are aligned in the wrong place as you go into the fall and winter season, with people congregating at home indoors. You could not possibly be positioned more poorly.”

More than 70 years of scientific research has gone into this field of fear appeal. [vi]  As review authors Witte and Allen explain:

… evaluation of a fear appeal initiates two appraisals of the message, which result in one of three outcomes. First, individuals appraise the threat of an issue from a message. The more individuals believe they are susceptible to a serious threat, the more motivated they are to begin the second appraisal, which is an evaluation of the efficacy of the recommended response. If the threat is perceived as irrelevant or insignificant (i.e., low perceived threat), then there is no motivation to process the message further, and people simply ignore the fear appeal. In contrast, when a threat is portrayed as and believed to be serious and relevant (e.g., “I’m susceptible to contracting a terrible disease”), individuals become scared. Their fear motivates them to take some sort of action—any action—that will reduce their fear. Perceived efficacy (composed of self-efficacy and response efficacy) determines whether people will become motivated to control the danger of the threat or control their fear about the threat. When people believe they are able to perform an effective recommended response against the threat (i.e., high perceived self-efficacy and response efficacy), they are motivated to control the danger and consciously think about ways to remove or lessen the threat. Typically, they think carefully about the recommended responses advocated in the persuasive message and adopt those as a means to control the danger. Alternatively, when people doubt whether the recommended response works (i.e., low perceived response efficacy) and/or whether they are able to do the recommended response (i.e., low perceived self-efficacy), they are motivated to control their fear (because they believe it’s futile to control the danger) and focus on eliminating their fear through denial (e.g., “I’m not at risk for getting skin cancer, it won’t happen to me”), defensive avoidance (e.g., “This is just too scary, I’m simply not going to think about it”), or reactance (e.g., “They’re just trying to manipulate me, I’m going to ignore them”).

In other words, there have now been 70 years worth of study and analysis about

  1. How to frighten us into compliance by making us feel it personally as a risk to ourselves and loved ones
  2. How to suggest actions we can take to alleviate the fear
  3. How to tweak both the inducements of fear and the actions recommended to maximize the response to fear in favor of public health authoritarianism.

Feeling like a little white lab rat yet?  There’s more.

In the new millennium fear appeal evolved from a primary focus on behavior relating to communicable diseases, to addressing chronic conditions that are often blamed on lifestyle choices.[vii]  Who can forget those abhorrent stop smoking advertisements on television that featured very sick, very elderly people who were dying of cancers or other diseases caused by decades of smoking.  The ads featured fear prominently and promised you could avoid that fate of illness, disfigurement, and death if you stopped smoking.

Using fear appeal is fraught with ethical issues and controversy.  There are those professionals who feel that the attack on the mental well-being of those receiving the fear message is not justified by any positive outcome or change in behavior.  And then, there are those scientists who feel that the ends justify the means, especially if society as a whole is better off because the fear campaign results in changes in behavior that lessen the threat.   For example, the fearmonger scientists believe if we are told that millions could die in this pandemic in the U.S., but if we wash our hands for at least 20 seconds every chance we get we can lessen deaths, then it will be worth it if the death rate goes down.

The scientists and public health experts who use fear appeal are proving to be the same individuals who favor a top-down tightly controlled, authoritarian approach to managing a population.  No encouragement of can-do Americanism. No appeal to our goodness. No inspiration to face the future with optimism and bravery.  These doctors just want to terrify us.

Public health officials love fear-based messages as evidenced by the extensive use of fear in the current pandemic.  From the first days where we were told over 2.2 million people would die in the U.S. and hospitals would be overrun and would collapse.[viii] We were told we needed to stay home for 2 weeks to protect hospitals from being overwhelmed and after the two weeks another month was added to the “stay home” period.  After that, governors began locking down and issuing emergency orders in some states to “prevent spikes.”

Early on, those spike statistics were numbers of hospitalizations, and numbers of deaths.  Then there was a little-discussed shift away from counting hospitalizations and deaths. Now the CDC counts the number of “cases” of COVID-19 meaning anyone who has tested positive even though only a tiny percentage of those testing positive will actually become seriously ill.

There is great news out there amid the tragedy: Numbers of deaths from COVID-19 have plummeted, even as numbers of cases have risen according to official statistics.  That means increasing numbers of Americans are surviving the disease.  Meanwhile we keep being told to be frightened and go into another shutdown because of the rise in “cases” that aren’t even sick.

Part of leadership is to help the involved members of the affected group stay strong and determined even in the face of dreadful fear and loss.  Captains of ships, heads of state, and corporate leaders understand this. Consider when President Trump tries to help us feel reassured.  The science experts who are fear mongers ridicule the President and dismiss him as dishonest when he is trying to offer hope and optimism in the face of this tragedy.  He is like the captain of a ship in a squall, reassuring passengers that the storm will soon be over, even as the waves are breaking across the deck and tossing the ship about on the high seas.

Use of fear appeal by our government officials and pandemic experts has become rampant.  Many of us sense we are being actively manipulated. During this present pandemic we have been left with having to figure out what information we are being given to scare us into conformity and what  information we have been given simply because it is scary but true.

Dr. Fauci has become suspect in his pronouncements for several reasons:

First, Fauci has specific drugs that he favors for his croney corporations.  He has been in his position as the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director for the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) for 38 years.  He has influenced the distribution of billions of dollars for specific treatments, especially Remdesivir,[ix] as well as for the development of vaccines to protect against COVID-19.  Remdesivir was a bust and Fauci has already discouraged expectations for the vaccines.

Second, Fauci has shown his political hand in his latest paper, “Emerging Pandemic diseases: How We Got to COVID-19” in which he promotes his radical progressive vision by calling for a world where there is no human crowding and where we humans change our habits and thousands of years of social evolution.

Living in greater harmony with nature will require changes in human behavior as well as other radical changes that may take decades to achieve: rebuilding the infrastructures of human existence, from cities to homes to workplaces, to water and sewer systems, to recreational and gatherings venues. In such a transformation we will need to prioritize changes in those human behaviors that constitute risks for the emergence of infectious diseases. Chief among them are reducing crowding at home, work, and in public places as well as minimizing environmental perturbations such as deforestation, intense urbanization, and intensive animal farming. Equally important are ending global poverty, improving sanitation and hygiene, and reducing unsafe exposure to animals, so that humans and potential human pathogens have limited opportunities for contact.[x]

Another blog would be required to thoroughly examine the far-reaching consequences of so many changes in human nature and nurture.

Adults spend every day of their lives constantly factoring risks versus benefits in the decisions we make.  Should we drive the mile to the store or walk?  Should we eat that burger or have some dinner that is less high-fat?  And we spend a great deal of time teaching our children how to evaluate risk and reward.

But the facts of the pandemic have continued to be muddied and manipulated so badly that the truth cannot be teased out. We are all being manipulated with misinformation.

My mother is a plucky, healthy and intelligent woman of 94 years of age who lives with us. She watches the news and keeps up with the current events. But when I asked, based on her impressions from watching the news, what she thought her chances were of dying were if she caught COVID-19, she  believed she had a 75% chance of dying if she caught COVID-19.

In fact, at worst my mother’s actual chance of dying from COVID-19 is somewhere between 5.6% [xi]and 10%[xii] for anyone over 80 years old.  Bear in mind that the statistics for all persons over 80 years old, include patients dying of a terminal illness, in full time nursing home care with chronic incapacitating illnesses such as congestive heart failure or COPD, or otherwise impaired and incapacitated. My mother’s chances of survival are much better.

We should be suspicious of anyone–expert, scientist, doctor or government official–who is trying to frighten us into doing anything more that hurts us, our culture and society, our religious practices, our education and the education of our children, and our friends, neighbors and citizens in our states and in our nation.

We are Americans.  No task is too big or too overwhelming. It is time to heal ourselves, heal our communities and states and heal America.

There is a great deal of room for optimism.

Let’s make America well again!

[1] https://nypost.com/2020/04/19/enough-with-panic-porn-and-other-commentary/

[2] https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/jun/30/mainstream-media-goes-all-in-with-panic-porn-over-/

[3] https://nypost.com/2020/10/15/fauci-warns-that-americans-may-need-to-cancel-thanksgiving/

[4] https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/dr-fauci-says-bite-bullet-110138091.html

[5] https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/fauci-covid-winter-forecast/2020/10/31/e3970eb0-1b8b-11eb-bb35-2dcfdab0a345_story.html

[6]  https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/109019810002700506?casa_token=fxdqynSiiVAAAAAA:BuKUDEZRZ_cgUTBdefAzRQ99_rze4efddXAu00PdPztLy-pSzSBwjTcxw607uETiIeb-QZe3-SjD

[7] https://www.clinicalcorrelations.org/2011/11/23/ethical-considerations-on-the-use-of-fear-in-public-health-campaigns/

[8] https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/16/us/coronavirus-fatality-rate-white-house.html

[9] https://breggin.com/faucis-remdesivir-inadequate-to-treat-covid-19-and-potentially-lethal/

[10] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0092867420310126

[11] https://osf.io/wdbpe/

[12] https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/aug/21/chances-of-getting-covid-19-are-slim-dying-from-it/

‘Willing to Lose My Business for What I Believe In’: UK Gym Owner ARRESTED & Patrons Fined Hours Into Second COVID-19 Lockdown

‘Willing to Lose My Business for What I Believe In’: UK Gym Owner ARRESTED & Patrons Fined Hours Into Second COVID-19 Lockdown

by RT
November 5, 2020


Police in Essex have arrested the owner of a Harlow gym on day one of the UK’s draconian national lockdown, hours after she vowed to stay open and accused the government of inflating Covid-19 statistics. Patrons were also fined.

Video shot outside the Ripped Gym in Wych Elm on Thursday shows dozens of Essex Police officers and several police cars on the scene as an officer demands that a woman believed to be the owner accept a £1,000 fine for breaching the newly implemented lockdown.


The woman refuses to provide her name or other ID details to the cops, claiming to be protected “under common law,” and is then arrested for not cooperating. Essex Police confirmed on Thursday they had arrested “a gym owner in Harlow” on “suspicion of breaching coronavirus legislation,” also revealing they’d filed a prohibition notice requiring her to close the business indefinitely.

The police’s statement claimed they’d been tipped off about “social media posts” advertising that the gym would remain open. The force also encouraged the public to continue turning people in for breaching restrictions, but carefully, advising them to “check” to ensure they aren’t “mis-reading a situation” before contacting police.

Ten “fixed penalty notice tickets” were also issued to gym members who were exercising when officers showed up to question the owner, the police statement confirmed. Police were seen standing guard over the entrances and exits to Ripped Gym after the owner had been taken away and the patrons asked to leave.

The gym’s owner, identified only as Michelle by local media, vowed earlier on Thursday morning that her gym would remain open in spite of the strict second lockdown in an interview with neighborhood outlet Your Harlow, explaining that “we deem ourselves essential for our members and their mental health.” She accused the UK government of exaggerating Covid-19 numbers to justify the four-week lockdown, which has forced gyms – deemed a “non-essential business” – to close, along with all other sports facilities.

While she had followed government orders and shut down her gym in March, even though “we struggled and we lost a lot of members,” she now says she feels “cheated” and “lied to.

I’m willing to lose this business for what I believe in, and I believe the government’s lying,” she said, acknowledging that she did “expect a visit from the authorities.”

Read more at RT



See also: Essex Police now guard outside Ripped Gym in Harlow

German Doctor Bodo Schiffmann’s Message to the World: “Stand Up & Fight for Our Children” | Children Are Collapsing While Wearing Useless Masks & Some May Have Died

German Doctor Bodo Schiffmann’s Message to the World: “Stand Up & Fight for Our Children” | Children Are Collapsing While Wearing Useless Masks & Some May Have Died

by Dr. Bodo Schiffman
recorded while on a corona info tour in Germany
October 6, 2020



…We have to fight for our children, but not a normal fight. It’s something we have to do with freedom and with peace… If there is only little evidence that the useless masks are danger for our childs we have to react…

…There is no deadly disease. There is nothing to protect. But they are going to harm our children. Please stay united. United against the cruelty of our politicians and our governments all around the world.

David Ike said it’s fascism. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. also said it’s fascism. And me, as a normal MD, as an ORL doctor, also tell you this is fascism.

This has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with medicine, with infection, with viruses. They possibly kill our children. Stand up and fight for our children.

…We are many. They are few. We are the people of the world…

…This coronavirus is a myth. It’s a fairy tale…

…It’s hard to believe that this is the biggest, the greatest lie ever told to the people of the world.

Please awake. Protect our children…”

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry & Odysee channels.]

cover image credit hulkiokantabak / pixabay


Cops for COVID Truth: New South Wales, Australia Police Blow Whistle on Coronavirus Deception

NSW Police Blow Whistle on Coronavirus Deception

By Tony Mobilifonitis, Cairns News
November 4, 2020


A letter written by a senior constable from the Coffs/Clarence Highway Patrol in NSW and signed by colleagues, has exposed the COVID-19 narrative for its deception and the harm it is causing to police and their relations with the public.

The letter, dated October 26, is addressed to NSW Commissioner of Police Michael Fuller and is one of the best rebuttals of the COVID narrative of fear and control written anywhere, noting false predictions of its severity, false and misleading statistics, flaws in testing and serious questions around the virus itself.

The letter makes the very strong point that in the same way they cannot use an inaccurate speed detection device on motorists, the same must be demanded of the RT PCR test and as such, “police should not in any way” mandate testing for COVID-19, or rely on the results.

For police to raise this within their own ranks may be portrayed as controversial but the action is consistent with common law enforcement, e.g. investigating, exposing and prosecuting a crime of deception carried out against the public.

The letter signatories are urging fellow police officers across the country to write a similar letter to their respective police commissioners, or to sign their form at this link. https://advocateme.wixsite.com/copsforcovidtruth 

The letter reads:

RE: Open Letter Concerning the Police Enforcement of ongoing COVID-19 restrictions

We are writing to you to raise concerns we have about the use of the police to enforce the ongoing restrictions placed upon our citizens relating to COVID-19, which has seriously eroded community trust in our great police force. Since the Attorney General Declared a State of Emergency for the novel coronavirus, our governments have acted upon certain powers to impose restrictions on its citizens, using the police to enforce their rules. Due to the novel nature of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, most people concurred that certain restrictions should be followed, until more was learnt about the virus.

With the initial modelling from the Imperial College in the UK [1] and the Peter Doherty Institute here in Australia, indicating a catastrophic number of cases that would severely burden our hospital system and could result in up to 150,000 Australian deaths [2], it is easy to comprehend why our governments would respond as they did and why the vast population would comply.

With these frightening projections it became evident that we needed to find a way to quickly diagnose the disease. Yet the Centre for Disease Control in the US states that “no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available”. [3] So even without the virus being isolated, the RT PCR test was picked to become the gold standard for testing.

We note that the modelling was later found to have serious calculation errors, such that experts who later reviewed it have said “no serious scientist gives (it) any validity”. [4, 5] And now the RT PCR test has been proven to be unreliable at best, with the inventor stating it should “never be used to diagnose infectious disease”, because it cannot tell if what it detected is alive or dead. [6, 7, 8] This test is still being relied upon to make critical decisions in the interest of public health and safety.

In the same way we cannot use an inaccurate speed detection device to proctor a civilian’s speed, the same must be demanded of a faulty RT PCR test and as such, police should not in any way mandate testing for covid-19, or rely on any outcome of the results. Now that we have almost 12 months of statistical data that can be relied upon, in place of flawed computer modelling, these statistics show a reality that is far from the modelling projections, which were relied upon by National Cabinet in their response. Here are some statistics which reflect this reality: 

For example, we now know that around 45% of people who contract the virus are asymptomatic [9] and asymptomatic transmission is between 0-2.2% [10]. We also know that 80% of people who contract the virus will only have mild symptoms [11] and it is overwhelmingly the elderly and immuno-compromised who are at risk of severe symptoms that could result in death. [12] At the time of writing, the world-wide survival rate for covid-19 is 97.3%. [13] The ordinary flu is 99.9%. [14] Furthermore, statistics clearly show that while the confirmed cases may be on the rise, the percentage of deaths is plummeting.

Sweden and Taiwan did not enforce lockdown on its citizens like much of the world did. Although Sweden failed to take better precautions to protect the elderly in the early stages, their death rate is comparable, and Taiwan’s is outstanding. The statistics show there is a high infection rate across the globe, but very low deaths; regardless of whether there was forced lockdowns or not. What we can derive from analysis of this is that these two distinctly different ways have resulted in much the same outcome.

We note from the recent Federal budget, huge debt and unemployment, is that our lockdowns have created a series of problems that now seem to outweigh the threat this virus poses. In our line of work, we know that the socioeconomical problems created here will transpire into a greater threat down the track, as people struggle to deal with the collateral damage this is causing.

We have been told that the advice from the World Health Organization is a key aspect to the National Cabinet response, yet Dr David Nabarro of the WHO recently stated “We in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as the primary means of control of this virus,” [15] So in spite of the facts, as they stand now, it would appear that the National Cabinet has been lagging in its capacity to adapt to the reality of the situation and this is causing them to fail in their duty to respond in proportion to the risk. The risk being overwhelmingly with the elderly and immunocompromised. [16, 17, 18]

What is even more concerning is the prohibition on prescribing hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 [19], when over 121 peer reviewed scientific studies have shown it to be effective in treating and preventing the disease [20, 21, 22]. Instead, the federal government has done a vaccine deal with AstraZeneca [23] and Australians told we cannot expect to go back to normal until a vaccine arrives.

AstraZeneca has been found guilty of offences relating to off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products, making false claims, kickbacks and bribery, consumer protection violation, healthcare offences, government-contracting violations and more. Since 2000 they have been fined over US$1.1billion dollars for these offences and violations. [24] Still, they have been granted protection from future product liability claims relating to its COVID-19 vaccine [25].

Alarmingly, Prime Minister Scott Morrison stated they will make the vaccine “as mandatory as you can possibly make it” [26], in spite of the criminal record of its producer, their exemption from liability claims, the fact we already have at least two approved and extremely safe medications in Ivermectin [27] and hydroxychloroquine; shown to be effective treatments and the reality that the virus does not pose a serious threat to the healthy. It seems these decisions appear to be corporate interests, not in the best interests of public health and wellbeing as is claimed.

All this indicates that the ongoing restrictions on the healthy population is a disproportionate response, yet the police are still expected to continue to enforce these measures and at risk of being forced to vaccinate against a disease that is showing not to be virulent, with a vaccine that has had no long-term safety studies and then forcing it upon the population. The evidence would suggest resources are better directed to protect the vulnerable.

We are concerned with the legitimacy of the actions we are being told to take against the citizens of Australia. States and territories cannot rise above the commonwealth constitution as well as international treaties we are signatories to, yet this is occurring. Under the state of emergency, the emergency requirements are qualified and restricted by the significant fact that emergency requirements and directions cannot request an individual to be isolated, detained, tested, vaccinated, medically treated or bodily searched in the absence of a biosecurity control order issued to the individual.

These measures are referred to as biosecurity measures and are captured under Subdivision B of Division 3 of Part 3 of Chapter 2 of the Biosecurity Act 2015. [28] (Emergency and public health powers, at the States and Territories, do not provide a carte blanche to breach an individual’s human rights by isolating them, or detaining them or testing them without the proper required notifications and risk assessments first).

There is an inter-governmental agreement [29] which places the Commonwealth in the lead as well as the Australian Health Sector Emergency Response Plan [30]. This ensures that the States and Territories act to compliment the Federal Legislative Framework. Article 7 of the international convenient of civil and political rights states “no-one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment, in particular, no-one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.” [31]

Article 27 of the Vienna convention on the law of treatise “A party may not invoke the provision of its internal law as justification of its failure to perform a treaty.” [32] Article 7 of the Australian human rights commission Act 1986 states “no-one should be subjected to torture or to cruel inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, in particular, no-one shall be subject without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation. [33]

Section 109 of the commonwealth of Australia constitution states “when a law of a state is inconsistent with a law of the commonwealth, the latter shall prevail, and the former shall to the extent of the inconsistency being valid.” [34] With federal and international legislation breaches, it will be taken that we are complicit and consensual in their undertaking on the people of Australia, potentially rendering us criminally liable under the Crimes Act 1914 [35], as well as the Criminal Code Act 1995 [36].

Many members of the force are fed up with the approach to enforce oppressive rules placed upon the population in the name of COVID-19 and the looming mandatory vaccinations. We feel a real calling to do our part to stop this oppression, so we are writing to you to raise the following issues:-

    • Police Force employees have ‘choice’ as to whether or not to receive vaccines;
    • The Police believe that all members of the community also have choice around receiving vaccines;
    • Police do not participate in any way in the forcing of vaccines upon the population;
    • That the Police Association start preparing to defend Police employees who choose to not be vaccinated
    • To raise the alarm that there is a global dictatorship occurring and the Police Force is being used as a tool to push these global and corporate agendas upon the population; and
    • To warn the Police Force not to simply acquiesce to these requests, rules and laws and to act in the best interest of its population, not tyranny of government.

Recently letters have been written to our leaders from the legal fraternity, including high profile Judges and QC’s [37], The Australian Institute for Progress penned by 30 public intellectuals including 15 professors of relevant disciplines, one of whom is an advisor on health and well-being economics to the UK government [38], Advocate Me’s open letter to all leaders seeking to review disproportionate response to SAR-CoV-2 [39], as well as hundreds of doctors from the medical fraternity [40]. Despite the government continually parroting that they are following the advice of ‘the experts’, all these requests have been ignored and the police used as the enforcers of these senseless rules. We ask that you consider the information provided herein and the NSW Police Force statement of values: –

Each member of the Police Force is to Act in a manner which: Places integrity above all; Upholds the rule of law; Preserves the rights and freedoms of individuals; Seeks to improve the quality of life by community involvement in policing; Strives for citizen and police personal satisfaction; Capitalises on the wealth of human resources; Makes efficient and economical use of public resources; and Ensures that authority is exercised responsibly.

Many of us believe that we are removing our own rights and freedoms by enforcing these rules upon the community, including our family and friends. And the community are confounded by the intensified police enforcement around peaceful freedom protests and how inconsistent this was when compared with the Black Lives Matter protests. This contradiction is further destroying public confidence.

We are reaching out to all our fellow police officers across the country, to write a similar letter to their respective police commissioners, or sign our form at https://advocateme.wixsite.com/copsforcovidtruth to show your support for this stance, which we have called Cops for Covid Truth. With trust in our police force now seriously eroded, we ask you to consider now challenging the necessity of the ongoing restrictions to restore community trust, by being an integral part of returning our State and Country back to normality.

Alexander Cooney Senior Constable Coffs/Clarence Highway Patrol
NSW Police Force Grafton Police Station
5 Duke Street Grafton NSW 2460

And other signatories


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Court Declares California Governor Newsom’s Abuse of Power Unconstitutional

BREAKING: Court Declares Gov. Newsom’s Abuse of Power Unconstitutional
Judge issues injunction restraining the Gov. from any more unconstitutional orders

by Katy Grimes, California Globe
November 2, 2020


California Assemblymen Kevin Kiley and James Gallagher sued to stop California Governor Gavin Newsom’s “one man rule,” as California Globe has reported over several months. They were in Sutter County Superior Court October 21st, arguing that Gov. Gavin Newsom has exceeded his emergency powers in issuing Executive Orders having nothing to do with the coronavirus pandemic crisis.

Monday, State Superior Court Judge Sarah Heckman tentatively ruled in favor of Gallagher (R-Yuba City) and Kiley (R-Rocklin) in their abuse of power lawsuit against Governor Newsom.

In the tentative ruling, Judge Heckman declared the Governor’s recent Executive Order N-67-20 unconstitutional. More importantly, Judge Heckman’s tentative ruling places a permanent injunction against the Governor which prevents him from unilaterally making or changing state law moving forward.

Assemblyman Kiley wrote:

The Judge ruled Newsom violated the Constitution. She also issued an injunction restraining the Governor from issuing any more unconstitutional orders. You can read the ruling here.

This marks an end to Gavin Newsom’s one-man rule. It makes clear that the laws of the State of California do not countenance an autocracy under any circumstances – not for a single day, and certainly not for eight months with no end in sight.

The ruling is “tentative,” meaning Newsom has a few days to try to persuade the Judge to change her mind, but it’s rare for a tentative ruling to change. While Newsom can appeal, we are confident the decision is on solid legal ground and will stand.

Kiley and Gallagher argue that California’s Constitution has an explicit separation-of-powers provision, which Gov. Newsom has violated. “A California Governor is constitutionally forbidden from doing the very thing Gov. Newsom has done here: exercise legislative powers,” they said.

Gov. Newsom’s Executive Order to create an all-vote-by-mail-election suspends and substantively changes California’s Elections Code. Gov. Newsom contends that the order “fits comfortably within the Governor’s broad grant of authority under the Emergency Services Act.”

Gov. Newsom’s attorneys argued that the governor does have the “”plenary” authority, along with “broad police powers” during a declared State of Emergency, and under the California Emergency Services Act (CESA).

In her ruling, Judge Heckman explains:

The Governor takes the position the California Emergency Services Act’s grant of authority to exercise “all police power vested in the state,” allowing him to “promulgate, issue, and enforce such orders and regulations as he deems necessary” authorizes him to legislate by unilaterally amending existing statutory law. Not only is this an active and ongoing controversy between the parties, but it is a critically important one for the Judicial Branch to resolve.

The Governor has issued three executive orders during the current state of emergency specifically regarding the November 3,2020 general election (Def. Exs. 4 and 5; Pl. Ex. D) and has issued more than 50 different executive orders changing numerous Califomia statutes since the state of emergency was declared. (Pl. Ex. F) Further, despite representations by the Governor’s legal counsel that Executive Order N-67- 20 dated June 3,2020 is “withdrawn,” there is no evidence it has been formally rescinded, and the Executive Order includes provisions controlling the election process for the November 3, 2020 General Election which were not superseded by the subsequently enacted legislation.

Specifically, despite the subsequent legislation, the Executive Order remained in effect requiring all county election officials to use the Secretary of State’s barcode tracking system for all mail ballots and altered the statutorily required outreach in Voter’s Choice Act counties to provide noticed, public meetings allowing for public comment on voting access for California voters with disabilities or limited English proficiency.

Judge Heckman also found “The plain meaning of the CESA does not delegate to the Governor the power to legislate, and therefore does not violate the separation of powers under California Constitution.”

Importantly, Judge Heckman did rule “On the issue of whether Executive Order N.67-20 was authorized by the California Emergency Services Act, the court finds the executive order was NOT authorized by the CESA because it improperly amended existing statutory law, exceeding the governor’s authority and violating the separation of powers.”

The judge explains:

The CESA allows the Governor, during a state of emergency, to issue orders and regulations and to suspend certain statutes, but the plain and unambiguous language of CESA does not permit the Governor to amend statutes or make new statutes. The Governor does not have the power or authority to assume the Legislature’s role of creating legislative policy and enactments. Because Executive Order N-67-20 amended sections of the Elections Code it exceeds the Governor’s authority under CESA and renders Executive Order N-67-2O invalid.

Kiley and Gallagher argued the Governor may not exercise legislative powers unless permitted by the Constitution, while the governor’s attorneys argued, “Making orders’ is what it says,” and that the legislation took care of overriding the governor’s orders.

Gallagher and Kiley argued in court that there is a very clear distinction in the California Governor’s emergency powers as it pertains to legislation: he cannot create legislation or new laws, but the emergency powers allow the governor to remove legislation that is a roadblock to making decisions during the emergency. He can suspend any regulatory statute if it is getting in the way of facilitating emergency procedures.

It appears Judge Heckman agreed with them:

The Court finds good cause to issue a permanent injunction consistent with the request set forth in paragraph 2l of plaintiffs’ complaint (Def. Ex. l), as follows: 8 Gavin Newsom, in his official capacity as Governor of the State of California is enjoined and prohibited from exercising any power under the California Emergency Services Act (Government Code $ 8550 et seq.) which amends, alters, or changes existing statutory law or makes new statutory law or legislative policy.

“Nobody disputes that there are actions that should be taken to keep people safe during an emergency. But that doesn’t mean that we put our Constitution and free society on hold by centralizing all power in the hands of one man,” Gallagher and Kiley said in a press statement.

The Court’s decision does not impact any of the election protocols for the 2020 election.

California Globe was the only Capitol media present at the trial.

Katy Grimes, the Editor of the California Globe, is a long-time Investigative Journalist covering the California State Capitol.
Connect with Katy Grimes at California Globe

No Vaccine for Tyranny

No Vaccine for Tyranny

by Ron Paul, The Ron Paul Institute
November 2, 2020


The World Health Organization (WHO) recently admitted that lockdowns cause more harm than good. Following this announcement, one would have expected American politicians to immediately end the lockdowns. After all, the WHO ‘s pronouncements are considered infallible, so much so that social media sites silence anyone who dares challenge the great and powerful WHO. Yet, governors, mayors, and other government officials across the country are ignoring the WHO’s anti-lockdown position.

Instead of admitting that the lockdowns were a mistake, many in the political class, which includes a disturbing number of medical professionals whose positions and prestige depend on government, claim that we cannot return to normalcy until a coronavirus vaccine is in wide use. This suggests that people among the majority of Americans who do not wish to be vaccinated will remain under lockdown or be forced to be vaccinated against their will.

The assault on our liberty will not end with deployment and use of a vaccine. Moncef Slaoui, the chief adviser of the Trump administration’s Operation Warp Speed, a “public-private partnership” in charge of producing and delivering a coronavirus vaccine, has said that those who receive a vaccine will be monitored by “incredibly precise … tracking systems.” Slaoui has also indicated that tech giants Google and Oracle will help the government keep tabs on the vaccinated individuals. So, the vaccine program will lead to an increase in government surveillance!

Slaoui is just the latest “expert” to endorse forcing the American people to relinquish their few remaining scraps of privacy to stop coronavirus. Dr. Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates have urged development of a digital certificate for those vaccinated for coronavirus. People without the certificate would find their liberty severely restricted.

Those who think that the new surveillance system will be limited to coronavirus should remember that Social Security numbers were only supposed to be used to administer the Social Security program. They should also consider that the PATRIOT Act’s expansion of warrantless wiretapping was supposed to be limited to stopping terrorists. However, these powers have been used for a wide variety of purposes. Whenever government is given power to abuse our rights for one reason it will inevitably use that power to abuse our rights for other reasons as well.

Fauci and Gates’ digital certificate could, and likely will, be expanded to include proof individuals have received a variety of other vaccines and medical treatments. The digital certificate could even extend to monitoring a person’s lifestyle choices on the grounds that unhealthy habits make one more susceptible to diseases.

The digital certificate could also be tied to the REAL ID program to deny individuals who have not been vaccinated the right to travel. It could also be combined with a future mandatory E-Verify system to deny unvaccinated individuals the right to hold a job. Those who consider this “paranoia” should consider Britain is already developing a covid passport.

Liberty lost in the “war on covid” will not be voluntarily returned when the coronavirus threat ends — assuming the government ever stop moving the goal posts and declares the coronavirus threat is over. Instead, the people must be prepared to take back their liberty from the politicians. Fortunately, we still have the ability to do so by the peaceful means of educating our fellow citizens and pressuring our elected officials to reverse course. We must all do what we can to use these peaceful tools before we are in a “dark winter” of authoritarianism.

[Satire] ‘Covid Force Field 5000’ Tin Foil Hat Substitute for Useless Masks

[Satire] ‘Covid Force Field 5000’ Tin Foil Hat Substitute for Useless Masks

by Martin Costello
October 31, 2020


I’ve been out trialling my ‘Covid Force Field 5000’ in the hope I can find a solution for hunmanity! 

Despite everyone following the rules SUPERBLY, it’s evident they don’t work with a second lockdown being enforced! I’ve been out trialling my ‘Covid Force Field 5000’ in the hope I can find a solution for hunmanity!

The nation is being CRIPPLED, economically, mentally and physically – this has got to STOP!

**Disclaimer – please continue to follow the government guidelines 🙂 **

Connect with Martin Costello at his YouTube channel.

Dr. Bodo Schiffmann’s Practice Raided by German Coronavirus Police

Tyranny: Dr. Bodo Schiffmann’s Practice Raided by Coronavirus Police (Video)

by RAIR Foundation USA
October 31, 2020


German otorhinolaryngologist Dr. Bodo Schiffmann reports that his practice was raided by nine police officers. Police are charging that the physician is issuing unauthorized certificates to people so that they do not have to wear masks for the Chinese coronavirus.

Just over a week ago, RAIR reported that German police raided a birthday party for Dr. Bodo Schiffmann, a prominent critic of coronavirus lockdown measures. Evidently, police received a tip that one of the members of the party went to the bathroom without wearing a mask.

Dr. Schiffmann has indeed been very vocal against the use of masks as not only ineffective against the virus, but potentially dangerous. In the video, he states that there is “an overwhelming number of medical records out there that confirm that one is harmed by the masks, that they are of no use, and that more and more people are suffering from respiratory diseases since the introduction of the mask requirement, and from mycosis, lung congestion and the like.”

One of the certificates police used to justify their search warrant, Dr. Schiffmann claims, is a “forgery.” He says “you could see that clearly on the certificate,” and still two others are from individuals they could not identify as patients. One gets the sense that the justification for the search warrant was “beefed up” with fake documents in order to make a more compelling case against Dr. Schiffmann.

Watch the following video exclusively translated by RAIR Foundation USA:

Transcript: Many thanks to Hellequin GB for the translation!


So, hello and good evening everyone. Today I had a visit from three nice officers at my practice,
who had a search warrant with them.

The accusation is that I had issued unauthorized Medical Exemption certificates.

One certificate was a forgery, you could see that clearly on the certificate.

With two others we could not determine whether the patients had been visiting us.

Thirdly, the patient’s file was photographed by the police.

All in all, very nice and insightful police officers.

Wasn’t a big problem, thank you very much for that.

And … um … now I have ask myself, how it is possible to issue incorrect medical certificates if there is no medical reason for someone to carry a certificate?

So from my point of view, everyone has the RIGHT to a medical certificate, and every doctor
who refuses to do so violates the medical code, because these masks demonstrably — now also in the police report, in addition to the known report of the Federal Office for Medicines and in the
Federal Office of Public Health — do not help against viruses, and they also do not protect against them.

And there are actually an overwhelming number of medical records out there that confirm that one is harmed by the masks, that they are of no use, and that more and more people are suffering from respiratory diseases since the introduction of the mask requirement, and from mycosis, lung congestion and the like.

So these masks endanger human lives, probably kill people, too.

And from my point of view, every doctor who does not issue a certificate, regardless, for whatever reason, is making a mistake from my point of view.

Personally, I don’t really care.

I can look at myself in the mirror, and I stand by the fact, that I advise everyone against wearing a mask because it endangers his health, and this PROVEN…

Have a nice evening.

James Corbett: After the Virus — The World of 2025

James Corbett: After the Virus — The World of 2025

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
October 30, 3030


What will the world look like in 2025? Don’t worry, you don’t have to think about the world you want and then work to bring it about. That’s silly! Just listen to the good Bilderbergers at Cognizant, who are more than happy to tell you about the new police state on steroids that is about to be erected to fight the invisible enemy of coronavirus . . . and how you can cash in on the opportunity!!!

Watch on Archive / BitChute / LBRY / Minds / YouTube or Download the mp4


Episode 387 – Your Guide to The Great Reset

After the Virus: A Discussion Looking Back on the Next 5 Years (video)

After the Virus (whitepaper)

Episode 383 – COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity

Serving the Servants: Notice of Obligation Served to UK Police Commissioners

Serving the Servants: Notice of Obligation Served to UK Police Commissioners

by Event 202
October 28, 2020


[Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: On October 20, 2020 We the People in the UK served a Notice of Obligation for treason, fraud and crimes against humanity, under common law, to over 20 police commissioners.]

Summary of Notice

Notice of Obligation (42 pages) PDF

This is a small subset of the common law Notices of Obligation served to over 20 Chief Constables.


[Satire] The Most Dangerous Disease in the World

The Most Dangerous Disease in the World

by JP Sears, AwakenWithJP
October 28, 2020


In this video, learn all about the most dangerous disease in the world, intelligence. You’ll understand what you need to do to help slow the spread of this disease. If we all work together and follow the proper social guidelines, we can rid the world of intelligence once and for all.

*For Comedy Show schedule and tickets: https://awakenwithjp.com/events/


cover image credit GraphicMama-team /pixabay

The Virus-Story: Breaking the Chains of Medical Civilization

The Virus-Story: Breaking the Chains of Medical Civilization

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
October 28, 2020


In the same way the CIA invented foreign enemies which required us to go to war, there are people who have invented stories of fearful germs that demand medical treatment and prevention. The story tellers know that among the public, many people WANT the germ, need it, and even love it. Yes, love it, after enough conditioning has helped them along the path of surrender.

The COVID operation aims to engulf all of civilization in a preposterous and fake medical nightmare.

The operation has its roots in “modifying” citizens to accept medical dictates.

There are many kinds of such dictates, and it would take volumes to explore them all. Here I present a set of numbers from the US National Center for Health Statistics, a division of the CDC, covering the year 2018:

Percent of adults who had contact with a health care professional: 84.3%.

Percent of children who had contact with a health care professional: 93.6%.

Number of physician office visits (2016): 883.7 million.

Here is another related estimate: according to the US National Alliance on Mental Illness, in a recent year, “More than 25 percent of college students have been diagnosed or treated by a professional for a mental health condition…”

Try to grasp how this unprecedented rate of exposure to doctors shapes the minds of Americans. Appointments, tests, diagnoses, advice, orders, prescriptions, drugs and vaccines, follow-ups, referrals to specialists.

These factors alone—never mind the toxic effects of treatments, or wall to wall medical ads and other propaganda—add up to a medical civilization.

Given this reality, how do you think people are going to respond when they are told there is a pandemic and they must follow orders?

After a hundred years of Rockefeller Medicine…new normal? We’ve been living under the new normal for a long time.

How many drug prescriptions do you think are written in the US every year? According to statista.com, “It is estimated that in 2019, 4.38 billion retail prescriptions will be filled throughout the United States.”

Many, many people accept the ubiquitous medical civilization without thought or pause. It’s “just the way things are.”

Pretended pandemics are an arm of medical civilization. But now we’ve reached a point where The Medical is a gateway into a technocratic Brave New World.

This attempted transition is launched from the foundation of lifelong conditioning of the public to doctors and everything those doctors order and represent.

Mind control par excellence.

Two important groups of people—politicians and journalists—are operating from bias in their decisions, because they, too, have been trained to place themselves under the care of doctors on an ongoing basis. Are they going to rip out that hard wiring of their own experience when the rubber meets the road, when they’re faced with professional questions about medical credibility? No. They’re going to side with the CDC and WHO and university experts.

What I’m describing in this article goes beyond the acceptance of “Science” as the dominant paradigm. This conditioning is deeply personal and deeply seated in the minds of people who have been trudging along the bleak path of medical care since early childhood. Medical care for every so-called “symptom.”

I have spent many hours exposing the actual death and maiming effects of medicines on the population. Again, here I’m simply discussing the up-close connection between eternal patient and doctor.

In that sense, telling a dedicated person to take off his mask is telling him to destroy what he believes is a deep lifeline, without which he might very well drown.

Medical civilization’s leaders want us to bow down to the germ. They want us to drool like Pavlov’s dogs, when they ring the bell signaling the presence of a “new virus.” Our anticipated food, in this case, is supposed to be treatment. Treatment and containment measures.

Surely, a Declaration of Medical Independence is needed. “When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the medical bands which have connected them with some Health Authority…whenever any Form of Medicine becomes destructive…it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Medicine, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness…”

Under the heading of “such principles,” one statement would make it clear that every person has the natural right to reject false faith in the germ, in its power, and in its very existence.

Let those who fear the germ, or want it, cling to it like an idol, if they must, if they refuse to be dissuaded. The rest of us will go our way, secure in our freedom from the idolatry, knowing that medicalized civilization is a tyrant, built without our consent.

Keeping freedom is now the great challenge.

The global lockdowns, present and future; the business closures; the bankruptcies; the resultant family breakups and suicides and drug addictions; the expansion of poverty, hunger, starvation; the desolation of once-great cities—on what basis has all this destruction been launched?

A story about a virus.

So pardon me if I keep attacking that story. If I keep pointing out gaping holes in that story. My basic position is this: I reject the cultish rhetoric coming out of labs. It is divorced from the world of human beings. It aims to claim ownership over our bodies, minds, and souls. Through one abstraction piled on another, its proponents have staked out a cause that is anti-life. With the data they derive and invent from their serums and sequencing, they set up a prison in which we are supposed to be biological machines that merely react to the stimuli of microbes.

Reject that lunatic non-reality.

The set-up and the con are clear: “We say there is a deadly virus on the loose. We describe it and promote it. We run the game and make the rules. We say you are unprotected unless we protect you with treatment and containment measures. We can quibble about which treatments. We can quibble about how much containment, where and when, and under what circumstances, since we define the circumstances; and we can loosen and tighten the rules at our discretion. But in the end, we are the sellers and you are the buyers. You buy our story. We are a protection racket. You give us your lives or we close you down. And guess what? Either one of those choices produces the same result. Get it?”

So when I hear someone say, in effect, THIS containment measure is necessary and effective, but THAT one is minimally effective, and THIS country did well by adopting a LESS RESTRICTIVE MODEL, and SMART CONTAINMENT WOULD LOOK LIKE THIS, I know that person has bought enough of the story to keep the basic con going; and the elite planners are winning.

The war is long. They must not win.

The Missing Coronavirus: Why I’m Not Surprised

The Missing Coronavirus: Why I’m Not Surprised

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
October 27, 2020


As my readers know, I’ve been exposing the fact that no one has proved the SARS-CoV-2 virus exists. I’ve been exposing the fact in a number of articles, coming at the issue from multiple angles. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

I’m not surprised at what I’ve found. I could offer MANY reasons for my lack of surprise. In this article, I’ll just cite one reason. A prior case with similar features.

That case is astonishing because: it was exposed in the mainstream press; many alternative news outlets failed to recognize the implications; most independent reporters have rarely, if ever, mentioned the scandal.

It’s as if there is a fear of facing up to fraud beyond a certain level of “acceptability.”

“Yes, we can expose this fraud and that one, but the other one over THERE…don’t touch it. It’s too hot, it’s too big. Let’s pretend it didn’t happen. Let’s gloss over it and move on to other things…”

And with that, I take you back to the summer of 2009. The world was agog with a pandemic called Swine Flu, caused by the H1N1 virus.

The CDC was reporting thousands of cases in America. A new vaccine had been rushed into production.

But behind the curtain, something was wrong. Actually, the CDC had STOPPED counting cases. How could that be? The agency’s main task was reporting illness and death numbers. And in the wake of their stoppage, how could the CDC claim to know there were thousands of Swine Flu cases in the US?

These questions intrigued a star investigative reporter at CBS, Sharyl Attkisson. She dug in and found out why the CDC had stopped counting cases.

Here, from an interview I conducted with her, several years ago, is her explanation:

Rappoport: In 2009, you spearheaded coverage of the so-called Swine Flu pandemic. You discovered that, in the summer of 2009, the Centers for Disease Control, ignoring their federal mandate, [secretly] stopped counting Swine Flu cases in America. Yet they continued to stir up fear about the “pandemic,” without having any real measure of its impact. Wasn’t that another investigation of yours that was shut down? Wasn’t there more to find out?

Attkisson: The implications of the story were even worse than that. We discovered through our FOI efforts that before the CDC mysteriously stopped counting Swine Flu cases, they had learned that almost none of the cases they had counted as Swine Flu was, in fact, Swine Flu or any sort of flu at all! The interest in the story from one [CBS] executive was very enthusiastic. He said it was “the most original story” he’d seen on the whole Swine Flu epidemic. But others pushed to stop it [after it was published on the CBS News website [9]] and, in the end, no [CBS television news] broadcast wanted to touch it. We aired numerous stories pumping up the idea of an epidemic, but not the one that would shed original, new light on all the hype. It was fair, accurate, legally approved and a heck of a story. With the CDC keeping the true Swine Flu stats secret, it meant that many in the public took and gave their children an experimental vaccine that may not have been necessary.

—end of interview excerpt—

The routine lab testing of tissue samples from the most likely Swine Flu patients was coming back, in the overwhelming percentage of cases, with: NO SIGN OF SWINE FLU OR ANY OTHER KIND OF FLU.

Attkisson’s article about this scandal, published on the CBS News website, languished there. The next, bigger step—putting out the story on CBS television news—was waylaid. No deal. And CBS shut down any future investigation on the subject. Attkisson’s article died on the vine. No other major news outlet in the world picked up her article and ran with it deeper into the rabbit hole.

Those test samples from “Swine Flu patients” were being analyzed at state labs all over the country. The analysis was looking for the H1N1 virus, the purported cause of Swine Flu. Whatever the types of lab tests being done, they were coming back negative.

In other words, the virus wasn’t there. It was missing.

The whole pandemic, in the US, was resting on a virus that was absent.

There are important differences between the Swine Flu and COVID debacles. But you get the idea. Where is the virus?

There are punch lines to the Swine Flu story. One of them is: mainstream molecular biologists, geneticists, infectious disease specialists, and public health experts were not deterred in the slightest by Sharyl Attkisson’s revelations. These professionals did not go back to the drawing board. They did not question their own methods. They never questioned their ability to discover or isolate a new virus. They remained unshakable in their biases.

That’s called a clue.

Here’s another clue. About three weeks after Attkisson’s article was published by CBS, the CDC—the agency Attkisson had exposed—decided to double down and tell a new fantastic lie.

On November 12, 2009, WebMD published that CDC lie: “Shockingly, 14 million to 34 million U.S. residents — the CDC’s best guess is 22 million — came down with H1N1 swine flu by Oct. 17 [2009].” (“22 million cases of Swine Flu in US,” [10] by Daniel J. DeNoon).

22 MILLION cases. Based on nothing. Based on a virus that wasn’t there.


[1] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/10/08/the-smoking-gun-where-is-the-coronavirus-the-cdc-says-it-isnt-available/

[2] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/10/09/covid-the-virus-that-isnt-there-the-root-fraud-exposed/

[3] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/10/12/the-fake-coronavirus-and-the-missing-study-the-secret-in-plain-sight/

[4] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/10/13/yet-another-case-of-the-missing-virus-they-lied-and-locked-down-the-world/

[5] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/10/15/if-the-virus-isnt-there-why-do-they-believe-it-is/

[6] http://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/10/19/dr-tom-cowan-explores-the-covid-virus-invented-out-of-sheer-nonsense/

[7] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/10/22/the-virus-that-isnt-there-genetic-sequencing-and-the-magic-trick/

[8] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/10/26/the-missing-virus-answering-critics-objections/

[9] https://www.cbsnews.com/news/swine-flu-cases-overestimated/

[10] https://www.webmd.com/cold-and-flu/news/20091112/over-22-million-in-us-had-h1n1-swine-flu#1


Connect with Jon Rappoport at No More Fake News

[Satire] Watch How the UK Picks Its Lockdown Policies

Watch How the UK Picks Its Lockdown Policies

by Simon Brodkin
October 12, 2020



The Grinch Who Stole Thanksgiving

The Grinch Who Stole Thanksgiving

by Del Bigtree, The HighWire
October 27, 2020


From telling Californains where, how and for how long to eat their turkey this year, Gov. Newsom has released his Kafka-esque regulations for Thanksgiving dinner through the California Dept of Public Health, in another unscientific attempt to stop the spread of #Covid19.

#WarOnThanksgiving #Newsom #California #FamilyGathering

Connect with Del Bigtree at TheHighWire.com

James Corbett: Where Can We Run To?

James Corbett: Where Can We Run To?

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
October 26, 2020


Today on Questions For Corbett, James answers a frequently asked question about where people can move to in order to escape the globalist agenda.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / LBRY / Minds.com / YouTube or Download the mp4


How is Japan Reacting to the Crisis? – Questions For Corbett #057

How is Japan Reacting NOW? – Questions For Corbett #061

Free Republic of Liberland

The Seasteading Institute

Connect with James Corbett at The Corbett Report

Dr. Tom Cowan: The Belief That Viruses Are Pathogenic Invaders Is Crumbling

The Belief That Viruses Are Pathogenic Invaders Is Crumbling

New Study Says ‘Exosomes’ Can’t Be Distinguished from Viruses

by Dr. Tom Cowan
October 26, 2020


In the world of science, beliefs typically die a long, slow death.  Such is the case with the germ theory, which really took off in the late 1800s.

At that time, the main proponents of the germ theory, including the Frenchman Louis Pasteur and the German Robert Koch, ardently believed that all the bacteria in living organisms, including human beings, were invaders from the outside.  In other words, from our skin inward, we were sterile, except if we had been invaded by a pathogen.  Today, 150 years later, this idea seems laughably incorrect and naïve.

Almost everyone now knows that trillions of bacteria live in and on every surface of our bodies.  Some people have even attempted to demonstrate that most of our genetic material is bacterial rather than human in origin.  We now have conclusive evidence that these trillions of bacteria living in us help digest our food, synthesize crucial nutrients, participate in detoxification functions, help regulate and control our emotions and, in some ways, participate in every normal human function.  The early proponents of the germ theory were not only completely inaccurate in their conclusions about the role of bacteria in the human organism, but, more important, they established a framework that postulated that human beings were somehow separate from nature.  This insidious and unscientific conclusion, which continues to the present time, has caused grave harm to all living systems.

In the case of viruses, a similar shift is just beginning to happen in the scientific community.  The old paradigm about viruses is that we are essentially “virus-free” in our healthy, natural state, and the only viruses that are inside us must be pathogens that came from the outside.  This belief was, of course, never proven; it was just stated as dogma, and it dovetailed nicely with the narrative of “nature is out to get us.”

If we fast forward to modern virology, we now know that these particles called viruses can be exosomes, also called extracellular vesicles (EVs), which are generated from the tissues as a way of detoxification and communication.  The way it works is that when a tissue is exposed to a certain toxin, especially one that breaks down the genetic material (i.e., EMF poisoning), the tissue packages this broken-down genetic material into vesicles so they can be excreted from the body.  This is what I mean when I say a virus is the body’s way of “pooping out poisons.”

This excreted package of poisons is not only a vital detoxification strategy, but it also serves as a communication vehicle that can be sent out to the world. Through a kind of resonance, exosomes  communicate from one part of the body to another, or from one organism to its community of friends, that a poison has been encountered, so prepare to make a defensive response.  The conclusion, then, is that these internally generated exosomes (EVs) are the agent of adaption for living beings. They are not pathogens. Unfortunately, the medical/scientific community has mistaken these detoxification-communication messengers for pathogenic viruses.  But that narrative is starting to crumble.  Consider this quote from a recent paper published in the journal Viruses 2020 May; 12(5). 571.  The paper was written by Gianessi, F et al and is titled:  “The Role of Extracellular Vesicles as Allies of HIV, HCV and SARS Viruses.” Here is a quote from Section 3 of the paper:

The remarkable resemblance between EVs and viruses has caused quite a few problems in the studies on the analysis of EVs released during viral infections.  Nowadays, it is an almost impossible mission to separate EVs and viruses by means of canonical vesicle isolation methods, such as differential ultracentrifugation, because they are frequently co-pelleted due to their similar dimension.   To overcome this problem, different studies have proposed the separation of EVs from virus particles by exploiting their different migration velocity in a density gradient or using the presence of specific markers that distinguish viruses from EVs.   However, to date, a reliable method that can actually guarantee a complete separation does not exist.

Read the final line again: A way to distinguish external “pathogenic” viruses from particles generated from our own tissues to help us adapt to a novel toxin does NOT exist, period.  Perhaps the reason virologists can’t find any method to distinguish these particles from each other, in spite of the fact that they can pull a single molecule out of virtually any complex solution, can only be because there is nothing to distinguish.  I submit that all viruses are exosomes/EVs. They are all generated from our tissues. None are pathogens.  See you later, close up shop, it’s time to get honest work.

This change in how we view viruses (exosomes) will happen, but possibly only when the old guard dies out. Paradigms are hard to change.  This one, however, is threatening to destroy the world, and we don’t have time for the virologists to fade away. We must understand this shift ourselves.  It’s not that complicated once you remove the veil.  It’s obvious: We humans are part of the joyous dance of life, viruses and bacteria are our dance partners, and without them we will trip on our own two feet and fall flat on our collective faces.

All the best,



Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan

State + Big Pharma Moves Aggressively Against Parents’ Rights

State + Big Pharma Moves Aggressively Against Parents’ Rights

by Jefferey Jaxen, The HighWire
October 26, 2020


In 2016, MSNBC host Melissa Harris Perry made a concerning statement. Discussing public education, Harris Perry said, “We have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families.”

In the four years since, concepts like “kids belong to the community” have been insidiously melded into “greater good” public health vaccination talking points from politicians deciding policy.

This move is now supercharged with the coronavirus response. We’re being told, ‘we’re all in this together,’ a mantra-like chant droned into society’s consciousness.

This debate is reaching critical mass because corporate media has long refused to provide public balance to the issue. Big Media has neutralized parents’ concerns via limited, unscientific Big Pharma talking points. The division between facts and propaganda has been percolating.

Religious, medical and philosophical barriers protecting children from historically criminal, unethical corporations have been systematically removed. It was inevitable that the final battle would be to remove the ‘parent barrier.’ That’s where we are now.

Directly before the world experienced the coronavirus, the vaccine debate had devolved to whether parents should be removed from the picture entirely when it comes to vaccine decisions. The health community and government representatives deemed parents and the need for parental consent ‘a barrier to obtaining vaccination.’

The world’s people are staring down a possible future reality in which they remain confined to their homes without an experimental COVID shot rushed to market. Meanwhile, Big Pharma is working through governmental officials and still targeting children.

Washington D.C.’s B23-0171 is a big carny in the coal mine to make the medical-industrial complex the parents of future generations of American children. Put forth in 2019, the bill had no activity for over a year. During a public hearing in June 2019, pediatrician Dr. Helene Felman, representing Washington D.C.’s chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), stated:

“As a pediatrician, I like the legislation as it stands because it offers the opportunity to capture those young adults who can make informed decisions at technically any age.”

Several other proponents of the bill who testified similarly danced around committing to an age they believed would be appropriate for a child to make their own medical decisions.

Fast forward. Present-day. The bill was just passed by a voice vote in a virtual meeting of D.C.’s Health Committee and, as the DCPost.com put it in their headline, D.C. Paves Way for Permitting Vaccination of Kids Without Parental Consent.

They decided that 11 years of age was the magic number for kids to okay vaccination behind closed doors with a provider who is protected from liability and has no accountability for what happens to the child after vaccination.

Don’t worry, the child still ‘has to meet the gatekeeper’ as described in hearing comments. “The physical still has to meet the judgment that the minor is capable of informed consent,” said Councilmember Mary Cheh.

What if the parents find out? Don’t worry, they probably won’t, it’ll be our little secret. The bill contains “many protections so that the confidentiality and privacy of the minor’s actions are maintained.”

The chair of the Health Committee who passed the bill, Vincent C. Gray (D-Ward 7), was quoted in the Washington Post saying, “the hope of an imminent corona­virus vaccine gave the bill new urgency.” This seems to imply that the Covid shot, sans parental consent, will be given to all children. Children are of the lowest risk of the coronavirus. Children are minimally if at all, represented in the current Covid vaccine trials.

Acknowledging that The Tuskegee Experiment was still in the minds of many people, Gray didn’t see that the legislation committee members were engaged in “would ever possibly have that kind of situation once again.”

The bill now goes to a second reading on October 10th. If the bill passes the second reading, it goes to the Mayor, who has up to 10 days to sign the bill, let it go into effect without a signature, or veto it. If the Mayor vetoes the bill, the Council can override the veto by a two-thirds vote.

The National Vaccine Information Center’s advocacy portal gives further points seemingly unconsidered in the bill’s creation, stating:

There is no justification to override a parent’s legal right to make an informed benefit and risk decision about vaccination on behalf of their minor children, ignore their religious rights to decline vaccination, and then hand that responsibility to vaccine providers who are protected from liability and have no accountability for what happens to the child after vaccination.

A child is less likely than their parent to understand personal and family medical history, including vaccine reactions, allergies, and autoimmune or neurological disorders.

Kids do not have the same kind of critical thinking skills or emotional maturity required to make a vaccine benefit-risk decision compared to an adult. Vaccines can cause injury and death, as evidenced by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, which has paid out over $4.4 billion dollars to vaccine victims.

Children and adolescents are vulnerable to peer and authority-figure persuasion.

If a child consents to vaccination without their parent knowing and has a reaction, the parent may not recognize the reason for their child’s decline in health, and this lack of knowledge could be life-threatening for the child.

This puts minor children at risk of being pressured and coerced into getting a COVID-19 vaccine behind their parents’ back once it is available and added to the ACIP recommended schedule for children.

A new page has been turned. The medical community, with the help of the government, has created a beachhead in the nation’s capital, supporting the effort to remove parental consent.

Connect with Jefferey Jaxen and follow his work at The HighWire.


cover image credit: tobbo/pixabay

The Missing COVID Virus — Answering Critics’ Objections

The Missing COVID Virus — Answering Critics’ Objections

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
October 26, 2020


For months, I’ve been providing evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has not been proven to exist.

Several recent objections to my analysis have been brought forward.

I’m not interested in mentioning names or getting into disputes with people who might otherwise be doing important work.

One objection that’s been raised: a key CDC document [1] I quoted [2], which openly admitted that the virus was “not available,” was not really published in July of this year. It was reprinted or updated in July; it was originally published in February, when presumably, the CDC might have had a problem obtaining isolated virus.

Really? The “pandemic” was already underway in February. The CDC, one of the two most powerful public health agencies in the world, couldn’t get isolated virus then—couldn’t get it anywhere. In other words, there was a declared pandemic without a proven virus.

That is a damning fact. I don’t care whether it was February or July. If the CDC couldn’t get the virus, no one had it.

No one had it, because no one had isolated it. Researchers simply assumed it existed.

Not only that, the CDC document [1] [2] in which the agency admitted the virus was “not available” was a long article describing how to perform the PCR test for the virus. What virus? The one that wasn’t there?

You put together a test procedure that will change the fate of humanity, but you don’t have the item the procedure is supposed to detect. This is permissible? This is excusable? Not unless science is fairy tales.

A few superficial critics of my work should also realize this CDC document is far from my only evidence showing the virus hasn’t been isolated. They should read all my articles on the subject.

Another objection to my analysis: labs do, in fact, have isolated virus in the form of “viral stocks.”

But what does that phrase mean? It means SOUP. In dishes, in labs, researchers assume they have virus mixed with cells, mixed with chemicals and drugs and who knows what else. If this is “isolation,” a rabbit is a spaceship.

Further, it is claimed, because some of those cells—monkey cells—die in the dish in the lab, this means the virus is there and is doing the killing.

Nonsense. First of all, the cells are being starved of nutrients. Second, they’re open to being poisoned by the drugs and chemicals in the soup. The presumption of the virus doing the killing is unwarranted and absurd. [3] [4] [5]

The third objection to my analysis: researchers can assemble the PCR test without actually having the virus. They can substitute “synthetic RNA” which is a close match to the virus.

I see. And they know the synthetic RNA is a close match to the missing virus exactly how? Answer: they don’t know. They assume. They pretend. [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]

This would be like saying: “Ahem. There is an unknown planet in our solar system. We haven’t seen it, we don’t know where it is, we don’t know what it looks like, but we do know the moon is a very close version of the unknown planet. Therefore, we can use everything we know about the moon to infer a precise description of the unknown planet.”

This kind of tap-dancing might win you a prize at a junior high school variety show, but it has nothing to do with science.

For those who want to further explore the core issue of the existence of the virus—e.g., medical professionals, who have large gaps and blind sports in their understanding—I STRONGLY suggest accessing the work of Dr. Andrew Kaufman [12] and Dr. Tom Cowan [13].

I understand that some people who are very much opposed to the lockdowns and the economic destruction want to keep the argument along the channels of: the deceptive PCR test; the false case and death numbers; the dangerous vaccine; the ripping away of Constitutional and natural freedoms.

Anyone who has been reading my more than 200 articles about COVID [14] knows I’ve been tackling those issues since the beginning. But the existence of the virus is not merely a distraction. It’s at the starting gate of the whole effort to initiate new levels of enslavement for all humans. It can’t be brushed aside.

It would be foolish of me to criticize people who are otherwise doing very important work to stem the tide of the technocratic takeover of Earth, simply because they aren’t addressing the existence of the virus.

If a few of them want to criticize me, fine. I’ve been around the block more times than I can count. It’s not a problem. I’d suggest, though, they do more than a dip a toe into the water of the stupendous virus-fraud.

And don’t try the tactic of accusing me of “confusing people about the pandemic.” That is not a standard for measuring veracity. It’s actually a low-level con. When two sides disagree, proponents of one side assert the other side is sowing confusion. Baloney. The confusion, in this case, is inherent in the conventional view of virus-isolation and proof of discovery.

One disease one germ, a thousand diseases a thousand germs—this lock-step ironclad pharmaceutical propaganda of more than a century has caused monstrous harm. It’s time to end the madness.

We don’t need unanimity on every issue. But we do need a measure of good will and decency. I’m glad to report that, with only a few exceptions, this is what I find.

Coda: Blithely accepting the existence of the virus puts people on a slippery slope. From that point on, they may accept at least partial anti-human “containment measures.” Lockdowns under certain circumstances, some mask wearing, some distancing, some restrictions on the size and nature of gatherings, some isolation from loved ones, some tracing, some testing. Before they know it, they’re dealing from a position of weakness and compromise: “I agree that a certain amount of destruction is necessary, but not as much destruction as Fauci wants…” On moral, spiritual, strategic, political, economic, and scientific grounds, that’s disastrous.

Now, as a backgrounder, here is my article about Dr. Tom Cowan’s recent exploration of the COVID virus invented out of sheer nonsense: [5]

Dr. Tom Cowan explores the COVID virus invented out of sheer nonsense

—Dr. Cowan analyzes yet another key document posted by the CDC, in their journal, Emerging Infectious Diseases: “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 from Patient with Coronavirus Disease, United States”—

by Jon Rappoport

October 19, 2020

The hits keep coming. The CDC used an arbitrary computer “tinker-toy” process to invent a description of the virus. The virus that no one has proven exists. This is the basic conclusion of Dr. Tom Cowan.

The CDC article [3] was discovered by Sally Fallon Morrell. Her co-author, Dr. Cowan, fleshes out the fraud. Cowan’s article is titled, “Only Poisoned Monkey Cells ‘Grew’ the ‘Virus’.” [4] [5]

Dr. Cowan: “[The CDC journal article] was published in June 2020 [original publication, March 2020]. The purpose of the article was for a group of about 20 virologists to describe the state of the science of the isolation, purification and biological characteristics of the new SARS-CoV-2 virus, and to share this information with other scientists for their own research. A thorough and careful reading of this important paper reveals some shocking findings.”

“First, in the section titled ‘Whole Genome Sequencing,’ we find that rather than having isolated the virus and sequencing the genome from end to end, they found 37 base pairs from unpurified samples using PCR probes. This means they actually looked at 37 out of the approximately 30,000 of the base pairs that are claimed to be the genome of the intact virus. They then took these 37 segments and put them into a computer program, which filled in the rest of the base pairs.”

In other words, the sequencing of the SARS-CoV-2 virus was done by assumption and arbitrary inference. If this is science, a penguin is a spaceship.

Cowan: “To me, this computer-generation step constitutes scientific fraud. Here is an equivalency: A group of researchers claim to have found a unicorn because they found a piece of a hoof, a hair from a tail, and a snippet of a horn. They then add that information into a computer and program it to re-create the unicorn, and they then claim this computer re-creation is the real unicorn. Of course, they had never actually seen a unicorn so could not possibly have examined its genetic makeup to compare their samples with the actual unicorn’s hair, hooves and horn.”

“The researchers claim they decided which is the real genome of SARS-CoV-2 by ‘consensus,’ sort of like a vote. Again, different computer programs will come up with different versions of the imaginary ‘unicorn,’ so they come together as a group and decide which is the real imaginary unicorn.”

As I’ve been stating [10], the “discovery” of the “new virus” was actually the foisting of a PRE-DETERMINED STORY ABOUT A VIRUS. Nothing real or believable about it.

But once the official pattern is laid down, others follow it dutifully.

Dr. Cowan uncovers more insanity in the CDC journal article. Using the ASSUMED new virus, in an UN-ISOLATED STATE, the researchers try to prove it is harmful by injecting it on to several different types of cells in the lab:

Cowan: “The real blockbuster finding in this study comes later, a finding so shocking that I had to read it many times before I could believe what I was reading. Let me quote the passage intact:”

“’Therefore, we examined the capacity of SARS-CoV-2 to infect and replicate in several common primate and human cell lines, including human adenocarcinoma cells (A549), human liver cells (HUH 7.0), and human embryonic kidney cells (HEK-293T). In addition to Vero E6 and Vero CCL81 cells [monkey cells]. … Each cell line was inoculated at high multiplicity of infection and examined 24h post-infection. No CPE was observed in any of the cell lines except in Vero [monkey] cells, which grew to greater than 10 to the 7th power at 24 h post-infection. In contrast, HUH 7.0 and 293T showed only modest viral replication, and A549 cells [human cells] were incompatible with SARS CoV-2 infection’.”

“What does this language actually mean, and why is it the most shocking statement of all from the virology community? When virologists attempt to prove infection, they have three possible ‘hosts’ or models on which they can test…”

“The third method virologists use to prove infection and pathogenicity — the method they most rely on — is inoculation of solutions they say contain the virus onto a variety of tissue cultures. As I have pointed out many times, such inoculation has never been shown to kill (lyse) the tissue, unless the tissue is first starved and poisoned.”

“The shocking thing about the above [CDC journal] quote is that using their own methods, the virologists found that solutions containing SARS-CoV-2 — even in high amounts — were NOT, I repeat NOT, infective to any of the three human tissue cultures they tested. In plain English, this means they proved, on their terms, that this ‘new coronavirus’ is not infectious to human beings. It is ONLY infective to monkey kidney cells, and only then when you add two potent drugs (gentamicin and amphotericin), known to be toxic to kidneys, to the mix.”

“My friends, read this again and again. These virologists, published by the CDC, performed a clear proof, on their terms, showing that the SARS-CoV- 2 virus is harmless to human beings. That is the only possible conclusion, but, unfortunately, this result is not even mentioned in their conclusion. They simply say they can provide virus stocks cultured only on monkey Vero cells, thanks for coming.”

So first…use a process of genetic sequencing that involves concocting, out of an arbitrary computer program…

The existence and structure of the “new virus”…

And then, taking a soup that the researchers claim contains the virus, in an un-isolated state, inject the soup into several types of cells in the lab…

And discover the prime target—human cells—are not infected by the imaginary virus.

And after this good day’s work, walk away and pretend nothing odd or self-incriminating happened.

And oh yes, lock down the planet based on this “science.”

Naturally, we MUST take a toxic vaccine that prevents non-infection by the non-virus.


[1] https://www.fda.gov/media/134922/download

[2] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/10/08/the-smoking-gun-where-is-the-coronavirus-the-cdc-says-it-isnt-available/

[3] https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/6/20-0516_article

[4] https://drtomcowan.com/only-poisoned-monkey-kidney-cells-grew-the-virus/

[5] http://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/10/19/dr-tom-cowan-explores-the-covid-virus-invented-out-of-sheer-nonsense/

[6] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/10/08/the-smoking-gun-where-is-the-coronavirus-the-cdc-says-it-isnt-available/

[7] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/10/09/covid-the-virus-that-isnt-there-the-root-fraud-exposed/

[8] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/10/12/the-fake-coronavirus-and-the-missing-study-the-secret-in-plain-sight/

[9] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/10/13/yet-another-case-of-the-missing-virus-they-lied-and-locked-down-the-world/

[10] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/10/15/if-the-virus-isnt-there-why-do-they-believe-it-is/

[11] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/10/22/the-virus-that-isnt-there-genetic-sequencing-and-the-magic-trick/

[12] https://www.andrewkaufmanmd.com/

[13] https://drtomcowan.com

[14] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/category/covid/