Propaganda Crash: World Economic Forum Tweets “Lockdowns Improving Cities”, Then Deletes Admitting It Was Wrong

Propaganda Crash: World Economic Forum Tweets “Lockdowns Improving Cities”, Then Deletes Admitting It Was Wrong

by Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge
February 28, 2021


If there was any doubt that economic lockdowns supposedly inspired by the Covid pandemic are the peak in globalist propaganda, it disappeared not so “quietly” once and for all at 5:48am ET on Saturday, when the globalist organization which recently unleashed such lunatics as Klaus Schwab, best known for revealing the endgame with his book COVID-19: The Great Resetdeleted a that “Lockdowns are quietly improving cities around the world.”

Remarkably, the WEF’s propaganda tweet – which was was accompanied by a video showing deserted streets and silent factories, that noted a record drop in carbon emissions and linked to an article claiming that silent cities contributed to better detection of minor earthquakes (because millions of workers losing their jobs is clearly less important than being able to measure the next M2 quake to the 8th significant digit) – survived just a few hours following a barrage of mockery and outraged comments.

Just before 6am ET on Saturday, the WEF finally deleted the tweet, admitting in a subsequent highly ratioed tweet that “lockdowns aren’t “quietly improving cities” around the world” despite still insisting that the restrictions have been “an important part of the public health response to Covid-19.”

By this point, however, social media was  in a full blown frenzy over the WEF’s admission that covid lockdowns are just peak propaganda  – one which has the complicit participation of all Silicon Valley tech giants – and sparked en even louder response from an outraged non-Davos audience.

A group quickly swarmed on the corrected tweet, claiming correctly that the actual effect of lockdowns on halting the spread of the coronavirus remains a highly debated issue.

The concession message looked like the WEF was actually “doubling down on [its] idiocy” instead of trying to do some damage control, former British MEP Martin Daubney wrote

At the same time, the peasants demonstrated remarkable insight accusing the WEF of being “the hidden enemy of the people, worldwide. The unelected force that look to dominate our lives by influencing Governments all over the globe. It needs shutting down.”

Some were furious that the propaganda arm of globalists had a “RIGHT TO RULE and DECIDE WHAT IS FAIR, EQUITABLE and REASONABLE” and warned that the crowd was coming for the WEF:

Others quickly saw through the propaganda flip-flopping, and straight to the heart of the WEF’s agenda, one of spreading “global socialism” which will make lives for billions of people a nightmare which making a handful of virtue signaling uber-globalists (who arrive in Davos on their private jets even as they parade with how green they are) richer than ever:

Yet others had even more direct suggestions for the WEF:

At the end, the catastrophic gaffe left a huge dent on what little was left of the the globalist group’s reputation, and many users argued that it should just shut up:

But most importantly, the tweet confirmed once again that what until now was a “conspiracy theory” pursued with rabid fervor by such tech giants as Google, Amazon and Twitter, was fact:

Hours later, as the WEF’s catastrophic fiasco spread virally across the world, the WEF decided to triple down on its peak idiocy, and instead of just forgetting all about the matter decided that it’s best to engage with random twitter economists, and blame it all on “a working human being who made a mistake.”

Connect with and follow the work of Tyler Durden at ZeroHedge

cover image credit soumen82hazra / pixabay


Canadian ‘Whistle Stop’ Owner Chris Scott on Public Support and His Lockdown Victory

Canadian ‘Whistle Stop’ Owner Chris Scott on Public Support and His Lockdown Victory

by Rebel News
February 27, 2021


On a recent episode of The Ezra Levant Show, Ezra caught up with Whistle Stop Cafe owner Chris Scott, live from his diner in Mirror, Alberta.

Alberta restaurants were closed to dine-in services in December by an order of public health officer Deena Hinshaw. In January, when it was clear the government was not moving to lift the closure order, Scott took matters into his own hands. He opened his dining room again, in defiance of the lockdown.

Customers filled his small diner, and so did Alberta Health Service inspectors and local RCMP.

Earlier this week we announced that Alberta Health Services was no longer seeking legal action against the Whistle Stop Cafe!

On the topic of public reaction, here’s a bit of what Chris had to say:

“It’s mixed reviews, just like anything else. There’s a group of people that are really happy and there’s a group of people that are, you know, not so happy with what I did because… I broke a rule.

“So they don’t like that. Apparently nobody lives in a glass house, and they can throw stones… but for the most part, people have been really, really supportive.

“There’s a ton of support from all over Alberta. We’ve had people travel here from B.C., from Saskatchewan, we’ve had people from Ontario here…

“They’re in the province for one reason or another, and they make the trip to the Whistle Stop Cafe in Mirror to have a burger and say ‘thank you’ for what we’re doing.”

Read more at Rebel News


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RFK Jr. Opens ‘CIA Can of Worms’

RFK Jr. Opens ‘CIA Can of Worms’

by Dr. Joseph Mercola,
February 27, 2021



  • February 10, 2021, Instagram banned the account of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for “sharing debunked claims about the coronavirus or vaccines”
  • The real reason Kennedy is being censored is because he understands and exposes the global technocratic agenda that is pushing us toward global totalitarianism
  • The corporate media are indistinguishable from the CIA when it comes to matters of domestic and foreign matters. The CIA has also played an important role in furthering the technocrats’ agenda of global domination since its inception
  • Big tech companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Google and Amazon are also deeply connected to the military-industrial-intelligence complex. They serve important surveillance and data harvesting functions without which the technocratic agenda cannot not be realized
  • The core of the technocratic power structure includes entities such as the Trilateral Commission, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the World Economic Forum, the Bilderberg Group, the Club of Rome, the Aspen Institute, the Atlantic Institute, the Brookings Institute and other think-tanks

February 10, 2021, Instagram banned the account of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an attorney, founder of Children’s Health Defense, and co-founder and president of the environmental group, River Alliance. According to Instagram, his account was removed for “sharing debunked claims about the coronavirus or vaccines.”1

This comes as no surprise to anyone who has paid attention over the past year, when privately owned social media companies started censoring users in earnest, often at the request of government officials, thereby qualifying themselves as bona fide instruments of fascism.

As described in “Fascism Definition With Examples,”2 a hallmark of fascism is an economic system in which government controls private corporations and where “a central planning authority directs company leaders to work in the national interest, which actively suppresses those who oppose it.”

The welfare of the population at large is subjugated in such a system in order to achieve “imperative social goals.” This could, for example, be the goal to vaccinate the entire population against COVID-19, which will ensure the vaccine industry can profit rather than go bust. Public health be damned.

Of course, the entire premise of a mass vaccination campaign against COVID-19 is that it will protect people and prevent unnecessary deaths from the virus. But a hidden, underlying agenda is revealed by the fact that injuries and deaths from the vaccine are either suppressed or shrugged off as collateral damage in the name of the greater good.

In other words, dying due to poor health is unacceptable and must be prevented with a vaccine, whereas dying in good health and at a young age due to vaccine injury is a perfectly acceptable price to protect the vulnerable. The end result is the same: People die. The only differences are how and why people die, and whether or not big business, which funds politicians, can profit in the process.

Don’t Trust the Medical or National Security Establishment 

In the August 2020 Ron Paul Liberty Report above,3,4 Kennedy talks about evidence suggesting his father, Robert Kennedy, was assassinated by a CIA agent hired as a security guard.

He goes on to review some of the history of the CIA — how it was initially established as an espionage organization tasked solely with intelligence gathering, only to transform into a paramilitary agency engaged with the overthrowing of democracies around the world and other nefarious and antidemocratic activities.

He also touches on the infamous CIA program called MK Ultra, in which individuals are brainwashed to carry out orders, including murders, against their own will.

CIA and Corporate Media Are One and the Same

The CIA’s role in the current flood of censorship may be more significant than most people imagine. In the Off-Guardian article,5 “Opening the CIA’s Can of Worms,” Edward Curtin highlights the close ties between the CIA and corporate mainstream media.

He cites Douglas Valentine’s book, “The CIA as Organized Crime,” in which Valentine states that “The CIA and the media are part of the same criminal conspiracy.” Curtin describes the media as “stenographers for the national security state’s ongoing psychological operations aimed at the American people,” adding that:

“For all practical purposes when it comes to matters that bear on important foreign and domestic matters, the CIA and the corporate mainstream media cannot be distinguished.”

While information warfare and psyops have been par for the course for a long time, it’s only in recent years that more people have started really noticing it, and it’s only become blatantly obvious in the past year or so, thanks to the rapid expansion of individuals, groups and topics being silenced.

In the past year, even licensed medical doctors and award-winning scientists have undergone the modern version of being tarred and feathered online, followed by expulsion from their web-based communities for the crime of asking commonsense questions and speaking truth to power.

Guilt by Headline

The aim and purpose of the kind of information warfare we currently find ourselves embroiled in is to “win the hearts and minds of the American people and pacify them into victims of their own complicity,” Curtin writes. Again, with regard to COVID-19, the purpose is clearly to get everyone to buy into the necessity of getting vaccinated and to reject objections, no matter how logical.

That the CIA-run media, medical establishment and national security apparatus are all working in tandem on this issue, and using classic propaganda tactics, is unmistakable. Curtin writes:6

“Just the other day The New York Times had this headline: ‘Robert Kennedy Jr. Barred From Instagram Over False Virus Claims.’ Notice the lack of the word alleged before ‘false virus claims.’ This is guilt by headline.

It is a perfect piece of propaganda posing as reporting, since it accuses Kennedy, a brilliant and honorable man, of falsity and stupidity, thus justifying Instagram’s ban, and it is an inducement to further censorship of Mr. Kennedy by Facebook, Instagram’s parent company …

This is one example of the censorship underway with much, much more to follow. What was once done under the cover of omission is now done openly and brazenly, cheered on by those who, in an act of bad faith, claim to be upholders of the First Amendment and the importance of free debate in a democracy. We are quickly slipping into an unreal totalitarian social order.”

Curtin disagrees with journalists like Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi and Chris Hedges, who argue that social media companies really don’t want to censor but are pressured into it by hubris-filled, power- and control-hungry corporate media personalities.

There’s more to it than that, Curtin says, pointing out that “These companies and their employees do what they are told, whether explicitly or implicitly, for they know it is in their financial interest to do so.”

He argues that they’re all “part of a large interconnected intelligence apparatus — a system, a complex — whose purpose is power, wealth, and domination for the very few at the expense of the many,” and that, it is this that makes the CIA and media “parts of the same criminal conspiracy.”

Who Pulls the Levers of Control?

“To argue that the Silicon Valley companies do not want to censor but are being pressured by the legacy corporate media does not make sense,” Curtin says, because:

“These companies are deeply connected to U.S. intelligence agencies, as are the NY Times, CNN, NBC, etc. They too are part of what was once called Operation Mockingbird, the CIA’s program to control, use, and infiltrate the media. Only the most naïve would think that such a program does not exist today.”

Indeed, many suspect Facebook is the public-friendly version of DARPA’s Lifelog, a database project aimed at tracking the minutiae of people’s entire existence for national security surveillance purposes.7 The Pentagon pulled the plug on Lifelog February 4, 2004, in response to backlash over privacy concerns.8 Yet that same day, Facebook was launched.9 Coincidence?

Whether by fluke or pre-inception collaboration, there can be no doubt that Facebook now fulfills the Lifelog purpose of surveilling, tracking and data mining its users both on- and offline.

Similarly, Google, Amazon, Twitter and other major tech companies are also tied to the “military-industrial-intelligence-media complex,” to quote Curtin’s term. All provide invaluable surveillance and censorship functions, and without them, the totalitarian control system we now find ourselves caught in wouldn’t be possible.

“The truth is the Internet was a military and intelligence tool from the very beginning and it is not the traditional corporate media that gives [tech companies] its marching orders,” Curtin writes.10

“That being so, it is not the owners of the corporate media or their employees who are the ultimate controllers behind the current vast crackdown on dissent, but the intelligence agencies who control the mainstream media and the Silicon Valley monopolies …

All these media companies are but the outer layer of the onion, the means by which messages are sent and people controlled. But for whom do these intelligence agencies work? Not for themselves.

They work for their overlords, the super wealthy people, the banks, financial institutions, and corporations that own the United States and always have.

In a simple twist of fate, such super wealthy naturally own the media corporations that are essential to their control of the majority of the world’s wealth through the stories they tell. It is a symbiotic relationship.”

Operation Mockingbird: The Great Reset

What Curtin is talking about is the same elite 0.001% of the global population I’ve written about before in articles such as “Oneness Versus the 1%,” “What You Need to Know About the Great Reset,” “The Global Takeover Is Underway,” “The Plan for a Global System of Slavery,” “The Pressing Dangers of Technocracy,” “Technocracy and the Great Reset” and many others.

While the specific identities of the individual string-pullers are difficult to discern, what’s clear is that there is an international “deep state” whose plans are implemented in a coordinated fashion around the world, seemingly at a moment’s notice, as we saw when the COVID-19 pandemic broke out.

Within days, all the world’s leaders sang the same tune. The same message was stated in dozens of languages, often verbatim, as if they were reading the same cue card. Looking at global nongovernmental agencies makes it easier to ascertain who these cue card writers might be, as they form a vast, intertwined web that keep circling back to each other.

We can discern, then, that the core of this technocratic power structure includes entities such as the Trilateral Commission, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the World Economic Forum, the Bilderberg Group, the Club of Rome, the Aspen Institute, the Atlantic Institute, the Brookings Institute and other think-tanks, just to name some of the most obvious.

Members of these exclusive “clubs,” many of which are by invitation only, include leaders from major industries, corporate media, political offices and the military-industrial complex.

As noted by Curtin, “They are the international overlords who are pushing hard to move the world toward a global dictatorship.” The CIA, as you might suspect by now, has also been part of this “deep state cabal” from the very beginning.

And, if the CIA and corporate media are two sides of the same coin, we can deduce that the global psyop currently underway has the purpose of ensuring the successful implementation of the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution — two terms that describe different aspects of the same agenda of enslavement.

While it may seem unrelated to some, the vaccine agenda does play an important part in this scheme, especially long term, which is why anti-vaccine voices are now being slapped down at a furious pace. It’s not the sole reason for their silencing, however.

The Real Threat Kennedy Poses

As Curtin points out in his article, Kennedy is not censored simply because he’s raising questions about vaccines, Bill Gates or the drug industry in general. No, it’s because he’s a direct threat to the highest echelon of this hidden global power structure that seeks to take control:11

“His critiques suggest something far more dangerous is afoot: the demise of democracy and the rise of a totalitarian order that involves total surveillance, control, eugenics, etc. by the wealthy led by their intelligence propagandists.

To call him a super spreader of hoaxes and a conspiracy theorist is aimed at not only silencing him on specific medical issues, but to silence his powerful and articulate voice on all issues.

To give thoughtful consideration to his deeply informed scientific thinking concerning vaccines, the World Health Organization, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, etc., is to open a can of worms that the powerful want shut tight.

This is because RFK, Jr. is also a severe critic of the enormous power of the CIA and its propaganda that goes back so many decades and was used to cover up the national security state’s assassination of both his father and his uncle.

It is why his wonderful recent book, ‘American Values: Lessons I Learned from My Family,’ that contains not one word about vaccines, was shunned by mainstream book reviewers; for the picture he paints fiercely indicts the CIA in multiple ways while also indicting the mass media that have been its mouthpieces.”

According to Kennedy, the CIA murdered his father. The reason they did was because he was a powerful and popular politician who, like Curtin says, “could have … tamed the power of the CIA to control the narrative that has allowed for the plundering of the world and the country for the wealthy overlords.”

In other words, he knew the CIA was the figurative center pole holding up the pole tent, and if you yank that out, the roof caves in. They couldn’t let that happen.

Connecting the Dots

Kennedy discusses many of the same topics covered in the Ron Paul Report in his much longer interview with Patrick Bet-David, above. In both interviews, he reviews his family’s tragic yet heroic history, but he also gets into the topic of vaccine safety and the folly of ignoring published science showing there are significant problems — and the fact that the medical establishment refutes and denies these problems without ever presenting any actual counter-evidence.

Kennedy also discusses data suggesting the COVID-19 lockdowns may have caused more deaths than the virus itself, as well as the civil rights issues involved. Like many other experts, he believes the lockdowns are scientifically indefensible and will kill far more people than COVID-19.

Based on a recent cost-benefit analysis12 of global lockdowns, Kennedy is correct. Data suggest the cost for lockdowns in Canada — in terms of Quality Adjusted Life Years and Wellbeing Years — is at least 10 times greater than the benefit.

In Australia, the minimum cost is 6.6 times higher, and in the U.S., the cost is estimated to be at least 5.2 times higher than the benefit of lockdowns. So, yes, pandemic measures are robbing the public of more life and fruitful years than this virus ever could.

In his interview with Bet-David, Kennedy also delves into known side effects of vaccines that in turn drive a highly profitable chronic illness industry, the lack of safety studies for vaccines, the irresponsible practice of testing vaccines against false placebos such as another vaccine, and the vaccine industry’ indemnity agreement with Congress that further prevents safe vaccines from ever being developed.

He also talks about the aggressive advertising of drugs and vaccines which, as a side effect, allows drug companies to influence media coverage of their products; the questionable integrity of Dr. Anthony Fauci; how mortality data are conflated to falsely inflate influenza deaths as a marketing ploy to sell flu vaccines; the dangers of 5G, modern-day electronic surveillance and social media’s data harvesting; and the detrimental influence of Bill Gates’ so-called philanthropy.

As Curtin notes, Kennedy’s observations, which help people connect the dots, ultimately point people to the core problem of our day, which is a hidden control structure that is seeking to destroy the American Constitution and rob us of our rights and freedoms, if we let them.

At the end of the day, that’s what all of this censorship is about. That hidden power structure does not want us to realize what’s being done to us, because then we might rebel. And, if that happens, the jig is up, since there are far more of us than there are of them.

A Well-Informed Humanity United Is the Answer

This is precisely why we must never stop seeking out and sharing this type of information. Those who buy into the propaganda are quite literally helping their soon-to-be jailers erect the prison bars around them. It’s self-destructive, which is why we need to help those we care about to understand the bigger picture and not get locked into details of differing opinions that don’t matter.

As noted in Kennedy’s October 24, 2020, online speech,13 “International Message of Hope for Humanity” — which kicked off a day of protest against the coup d’état by the technocratic elite — we must shed our imaginary fears, reject media fearmongering, insist on freedom of speech and engage in the democratic process.

“The only way we can win it is with democracy,” he said. “We need to fight to get our democracy back, to reclaim our democracy from these villains who are stealing it from us. Notice the people who are getting richest from this quarantine are the same people who are censoring criticism of the quarantine.”

Kennedy also stressed another crucial point, namely the need to unify. We must put aside our quibbles over nonessential things like race, religion and political affiliations, and stay laser-focused on the real enemy.

“What the Big Tech villains … want us to do is fight with each other. They want Blacks fighting against whites. They want republicans fighting against democrats. They want everybody polarized. They want everybody fragmented because they know that if we all get together, we’re going to start asking questions and those are questions they can’t answer …

If you’re a republican or democrat, stop talking about that. Stop identifying yourself. The enemy is Big Tech, Big Data, Big Oil, Big Pharma, the medical cartel, the government totalitarian elements that are trying to oppress us, that are trying to rob us of our liberties, of our democracy, of our freedom of thought, of our freedom of expression, of our freedom of assembly and all of the freedoms that give dignity to humanity …

The free-flow of information, the cauldron of debate, is the only thing that allows governments to develop rational policies in which self-governance will actually work and triumph.

You are on the front lines of the most important battle in history — the battle to save democracy, freedom, human liberty and human dignity from this totalitarian cartel that is trying to rob us, simultaneously, in every nation in the world, of the rights that every human being is born with …

And I pledge to you: I will go down dying with my boots on, fighting side-by-side with all of you to make sure that we return these rights and preserve them for our children.”

And, that, right there, is why Kennedy, like his father and uncle before him, is a target for elimination by the technocratic-CIA-media-drug-industrial-political-military complex. The good news is that the more people know and understand who the real enemy is, the lower the risk is for those in the know.

After all, the CIA cannot assassinate an entire country, or the entire world. At a certain point, silencing people becomes moot because too many people know the truth already. I believe this is the case with Kennedy at this point, which is why the worst they can do is try to limit his reach on social media. And with your help, even those efforts will ultimately fail.


Illegally-Detained Montreal Man Defies “Orders” and Walks Out of Quarantine Hotel

Illegally-Detained Montreal Man Defies “Orders” and Walks Out of Quarantine Hotel
This Montreal man walked out of a quarantine hotel

by David Menzies, Rebel News
February 25, 2021


Meet Montreal-based salesman Shmarya Plotkin. He makes several trips via automobile every year to New York state, given that the lion’s share of his customer base is in the U.S.A. He’s been making these trips without incident for some 25 years. But recently, when driving back to Quebec, things went sideways — big time.

Firstly, he encountered a gruff border agent who asked Shmarya if he had bought anything in the U.S.

Since Shmarya is an honest man, he provided an honest answer, that he had indeed bought a few boxes of pasta costing about $15. So much for honesty being the best policy. This seemed to inexplicably trigger the border guard, to such an extent that he told Shmarya he had to be immediately quarantined at a Montreal hotel! What’s more, he had to drive there without making any stops, even though Shmarya’s house was on the way, and he wanted to grab some food and a change of clothing. But he was sternly told that there were no exceptions to this rule.

When he got to the hotel, the front desk employees didn’t even know the property was being used as a quarantine facility! Shmarya was eventually told to go to a side entrance that was manned by a security guard.

The room he was placed in was tiny and hot, no matter how he tinkered with the thermostat. By this time, Shmarya was famished, but when his meal came, it was ghastly, and in a quantity that would make a budgie pine for more. (Shmarya was forbidden to have a delivery service bring food to him.)

Eventually, he reached a boiling point, and decided to leave the hotel where he’d been ordered to quarantine. When he encountered interference from a security guard, he called media outlet TVA — and the police. The police told the security guards they could not forcibly confine him, and soon Shmarya was making a beeline home to his wife and children. It was, in a word, a nightmare. And it was perpetrated for absolutely no good reason.

Check out my interview with Shmarya here. And take heed of the moral of the story: there is nothing that prevents authorities from lying to you — such as telling you that you MUST stay captive in a quarantine hotel…


Fight the Fines Canada


Justice Centre Represents Alberta, Canada Pastor Who Is In Jail for Peaceful, Religious Assembly

Kenney’s Alberta: Where a Pastor is in jail for refusing to stop holding church

by Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
February 26, 2021


The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms has asked Alberta Premier Jason Kenney to rescind the health orders of the Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Deena Hinshaw, which unfairly discriminate as between restaurants and houses of worship.
The Justice Centre’s letter concerns Edmonton-area pastor James Coates, who is currently in jail for exercising his Charter freedoms of conscience, religion, association and peaceful assembly.

The Justice Centre is representing Grace Life Church (Grace Life), a large church near Edmonton, and its pastor James Coates. Alberta Health Services (AHS) has ticketed Pastor Coates, taken Grace Life and Pastor Coates to court, and even attempted to completely shut the Church down. Background information on Pastor Coates’ ordeal is available here. Pastor Coates was arrested and placed in jail on February 16, 2021, after the Pastor refused to agree to conditions that he stop attending and holding church services as normal.

The Justice Centre is appealing this imprisonment of an Alberta pastor to the Court of Queen’s Bench.


Connect with Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms in Canada

As Americans Wait for $2,000 Checks, Biden Has No Problem Bypassing Congress to Bomb Syria

As Americans Wait for $2,000 Checks, Biden Has No Problem Bypassing Congress to Bomb Syria

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project
February 26, 2021


In her first interview after her defeat in the 2016 presidential election by Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton called on the United States to bomb Syria. Only hours later, in lock step with his formal alleged ‘rival,’ Trump sent 59 Tomahawk missiles hurling into Al-Shayrat air base in Homs, Syria using two US Navy destroyers. This illegal act of war was carried out in less than three months into his presidency on April 4, 2017.

This strike came with zero approval from Congress, zero investigation into the alleged crimes of Assad, and, in spite of Trump’s longstanding history standing against US meddling in Syria.

In true war hawk fashion — following in the footsteps of his predecessor — President Joe Biden, in less than two months into his presidency, launched an airstrike in the same country. Like Trump before him, Biden carried out this act of war with absolutely zero Congressional approval and, according to several sources, without evidence.

Naturally, every mainstream outlet in the country began running with the same narrative handed down to them from the Washington. This was in spite of any clear connection.

Just like Trump did during Obama’s presidency, during Trump’s presidency, Biden decried Trump’s foreign policy only to get into office and march in lockstep with the US war machine.

As Dave DeCamp writes for

According to Reutersthe US bombed a structure in Syria belonging to what it described as an “Iran-backed militia.” Two anonymous US officials told Reuters that the attack was approved by President Biden.

The airstrike is being presented as retaliation for recent rocket attacks in Iraq, including one in Erbil, the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan, that killed a contractor. The US often blames these types of attacks on Iran-aligned groups, but there are many forces inside Iraq that have their own reasons to fire on the US.

Kataib Hezbollah, an Iraqi Shia militia aligned with Iran, denied any role in the Erbil attack. With Iran seeking sanctions relief from the new administration, orchestrating such an attack does not seem to be in their interest.

The Biden administration has yet to publicly attribute blame for the Erbil attack, but US media outlets were quick to blame the incident on Iran despite a lack of evidence.

“Don’t concede the point that whoever Biden just bombed in Syria had anything to do with recent rocket attacks on US bases in Iraq. Plenty of Iraqis have their own reasons to fire on the US. How would you feel about an occupying force that’s been bombing your country for 30 years?” DeCamp Tweeted.

It wasn’t just Biden who decried Trump when he was at the helm of the US war Machine either, Biden’s press secretary Jen Psaki, also decried it.

To those paying attention, Biden’s actions on Thursday were entirely predictable. His supporters, however, are now a bit confused.

Biden promised to forgive their student loans, hand out $2,000 stimulus checks, raise minimum wage, get the kids out of cages, and help America heal after four years of Orange man bad. Instead, however, he is continuing the wars in the Middle East, bolstering the police state, and giving billions to the military industrial complex. Oh, and kids are still in cages.

The $2,000 checks are going to Raytheon and Lockheed Martin instead of those who need them, and you should have seen it coming.

In the land of the free, war is the common ground on which the partisans find resolve.

Unfortunately, the masses are so easily distracted and manipulated into fearing whatever boogieman the state throws at them like COVID, the ‘insurrection’, Antifa, defunding the police, or Trump 2024. This fear and distraction, in turn, feeds the military industrial complex while laying waste to human rights — both abroad and domestically. But the masses typically do not care as long as war is elsewhere and as long as the new war machine comes peeled off those MAGA stickers and replaced them with BLM and LGBTQ+ stickers.

“The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.” ― George Orwell, 1984

James Corbett: Precedent Trump

James Corbett: Precedent Trump

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
February 26, 2021


So here we are in 2021, living in the smoking wreckage of Pax Americana. What was the meaning of the last four years? What lessons have been learned, and how will those lessons be applied going forward? What, in other words, was Precedent Trump?

Watch on Archive / BitChute / LBRY / Minds / YouTube or Download the mp4

For those with limited bandwidth, CLICK HERE to download a smaller, lower file size version of this episode.

For those interested in audio quality, CLICK HERE for the highest-quality version of this episode (WARNING: very large download).


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Obama: A Legacy of Ashes

Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (radio script)

Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (novel)

Hate Inc. by Matt Taibi

U.S. to pay World Health Organization more than $200 million by end of month

Vaccine Bait & Switch: As Millions Pulled From WHO, Trump Gives Billions To Gates-Founded GAVI

US officially rejoins the Paris climate accord

New Pacific Trade Deal Is Biden’s Road Back to the TPP

Unplugging From the Matrix – #SolutionsWatch

Former CIA official Jeremy Bash, now of NBC News

Austin Orders Military Stand Down to Address Challenge of Extremism in the Ranks

Proposed Bill Would Bar QAnon, Capitol Protestors from Cleared Positions

The New Domestic War on Terror is Coming

Biden Administration Urged to Take Fresh Look at Domestic Terrorism

Cass Sunstein tapped to chair WHO technical advisory group

Cass Sunstein – Cognitive infiltration

Social and Spiritual Discombobulation

Social and Spiritual Discombobulation

by Adam Abraham, Thought for Food
February 24, 2021


When Joe Biden declares, as he did recently at a meeting of G7 countries (which was closed to media), that “America First” diplomacy is over, he means that “Americans first” is also over.

Biden let the G7 representatives, from Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom, that America is now back and ready to play in the Trans-Atlantic Alliance sandbox.

The “United States of America” is a bankrupt corporation that is in debt beyond belief. Yet, its highly questionable “leader” is announcing and pledging his allegiance to foreign interests, pledging more debt accelerating concessions and disbursements to said “allies”.

Americans are told to brace themselves for wave after wave of health calamity and financial stress, with little in the way of direction on how to reduce and ameliorate the matters at hand.

Please be clear: there are answers to all these issues, from health to fiscal, but they involve moving in an entirely different direction, beginning with toward the direction of truth.

We are where we are as a society, nation, and people, as a result of a cascade of lies and liars who, throughout history, no longer care what is true.

Americans have never been “first” in U.S. politics. Mr. Trump, and a few other presidents sought, to varying degrees of success, to move the system in that direction. But Mr. Biden and his ideological “supporters”, under the cover of a pandemic, have managed to dismantle the Principles that America has striven to embody.

The incessant fixation on mask wearing, ostensibly for the “protection” of others, is more so to protect the guilty, i.e., political operatives and accomplices, from a plain sight crime of monumental proportions against the people of this nation, and all of humanity.

Notice the ritualistic vibe?

These people are doing what they’ve been told to do, but not by the Americans. They do not work on behalf of the American people. They do someone’s bidding to exploit… albeit with our cooperation.

If there were no “pandemic” (and for the record, there is none), there would be no plausible reason to justify the measures that the sufficiently misinformed public has consented to permitting. If you know that the information being presented is not factual, and can cause harm would you follow it?

Employers, such as Trader Joe’s, Walmart, Walgreen’s and Amazon are offering incentives for employees to take COVID-19 injections. There’s no truth behind the initiatives. People are doing it to keep or obtain a job, a position, or continue to be able to “earn a living”.

People are agreeing to comply because they:

  1. think the danger is legitimate
  2. think that the promoters have their best interests at heart
  3. believe that no alternatives exist
  4. think the inconvenience is temporary and complying is the fastest way to get “back to normal”

So without independently verifiable, scientific evidence “experts” continue to mislead people deeper into a dysfunctional abyss. Below, Dr. Anthony “Falsy” Fauci now “suggests” that even with the supreme act of obedience and compliance, people who take the injections who want to go to restaurants are still advised to eat outdoors and avoid theaters.

Fauci: Vaccinated people shouldn’t dine indoors or go to the theater quite yet

Scientific principles are not the eminent domain of any exclusive group. They belong to everyone, because they represent Laws of Nature that apply to everyone, even those who don’t understand, “recognize” or respect them. Many who call themselves, or are thought to be “scientists” do not understand, recognize, or respect the Laws of Nature. Their pronouncements, such as Dr. Falsy’s above, if not true, will not change Biological Facts of Life.

“Social distancing” is being pushed as a behavioral norm to “protect against a now ubiquitous ‘COVID-19’, except when it is inconvenient.

The crime that is being perpetrated are coordinated actions that keep from the public information about the incorrect assumptions that have evolved into the institution known today as “modern medicine”, under the general subject of “Germ Theory”.

Still being practiced, institutionalized, and unquestioned today, erroneous medical thinking is taking compliant humans into a broader den of emotional dependency and mental servitude. One of the consequences of these misrepresentations is the decreasing inclination to seek the truth (just listen to “the authority”), and discern what is true, to choose it, and benefit from the decision.

Taught to seek approval rather than truth, we have taken some fundamental errors in thinking as gospel truth, and presumed that acting as though they were true would make it so.

As an example, this leaves us oblivious to the cumulative effects of, and connection between genetic manipulation and gender confusion and rise of transgenderism. The people who push the products that alter genetic information would explain the phenomenon by suggesting that new species of humans are “evolving”. Better to keep the scientists in the labs working than to pull back and risk seeing whether the phenomenon abates.

With an increasing portion of the population retaining or regaining their discerning abilities, a large and concerted effort was undertaken to remove and expunge mitigating factual information about pathogen origins and behavior, virology, and its remediation. Even more so, an almost total under-estimation and negation of the Human Immune System is at play by people who should know how it works. This includes the “researchers,” and the educators who teach new researchers, as well as the public. They run the education system that requires children to “get their shots” as a condition for attending schools. With “COVID-19” this erroneous thinking has expanded to prey on the public at large who are all suspected as being potential “victims”, and are being coerced, by various means of policy and subterfuge, into to injection compliance.

Please remember that there are methods that need to be pursued to maintain and restore health: the approaches described above are NOT on the list.

This track of thinking and behavior has brought us to where we are now, not only in social, cultural, and environmental chaos, but mental and spiritual too.

Unless you take the initiative to take care of yourself, and know the potential consequences, you can count on the information that you’re being given will be false.

You have the power to chart a different future. Each one of us does. All anyone has to do is seek, vet, and then follow truth, wherever it leads. Give truth and accept only truth in return.

Truth is not swayed by political affiliation, or scientific opinion. Truth is scientific, but not all “scientists” are truthful. They are only telling you what people who wanted to keep their academic or professional standing, told them. Every “hole” in their truth, is essentially a lie. It matters not whether the liar wears a white coat.

This is social and spiritual discombobulation. Knowingly or unknowingly, it is our experience and our creation. For those who condone or comply, it is also someone’s future; someone’s children will inherit this unless we make some informed decisions now.

The future is *not* in our children’s hands, as I’ve seen some people opine. It is in our hands. All who continue listening to, or obeying liars, will have been their enablers, and will pay the price.


cover image credit StockSnap / pixabay


North Dakota House Passes Bill Prohibiting Government Mask Mandates

North Dakota House Passes Bill Prohibiting Government Mask Mandates

by Rebel News
February 23, 2021


The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed a bill that would ban the implementation of President Joe Biden’s proposed national mask mandate. The bill would “prohibit state and local officials, schools and businesses from mandating face masks.”

The anti-mask mandate bill passed on Monday by a narrow margin of 50-44, and is slated to head to the state Senate, according to the Grand Forks Herald.

Three months ago, Republican North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum imposed a state-wide mask mandate, which expired in January. Several cities across the state, including Bismarck, Fargo, and Grand Forks had already required the use of masks in public spaces.

The sponsor of the anti-mask mandate bill, Republican state Rep. Jeff Hoverson, argued that North Dakota should be as free as its southern neighbor, South Dakota. The Grand Forks Herald reported that both state’s coronavirus numbers have steadily decreased, despite North Dakota’s imposition of a mask mandate. In contrast, South Dakota under Gov. Kristi Noem never imposed a mask mandate and allowed residents to make their own decisions.

Hoverson described the mask mandates as “diabolical silliness,” and described them as a part of a larger conspiracy by “unelected, wealthy bureaucrats who are robbing our freedoms and perpetuating lies.”

Supporters of the bill claim that masking does not prevent the spread of COVID-19, with many pointing out the ineffectiveness of cloth masks and paper masks as ineffectual forms of security theater. As many experts have pointed out, masks require an N-95 rating to be truly effective against the spread of infectious diseases, which many people are not wearing despite “masking up.”

Republican state Rep. Jason Dockter also spoke out against Burgum’s legislation, arguing that states should allow counties, schools, employers, and cities to have “local control” over the decision.

Experts argue that while COVID-19 cases dropped after the North Dakota governor issued a mask mandate, it was likely due to many other factors, including social distancing efforts and restrictions on the operation of businesses, more so than the mask requirement, the Herald reports.

The North Dakota bill comes following the release of new CDC guidelines pushing the importance of mask-wearing, including an advisory to wear two masks. According to the CDC, the organization ran experiments in order to examine the ways in which to improve “the fit of medical procedure masks: fitting a cloth mask over a medical procedure mask, and knotting the ear loops of a medical procedure mask and then tucking in and flattening the extra material close to the face. Each modification substantially improved source control and reduced wearer exposure.”

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top U.S. official on COVID, has been criticized for saying that wearing masks will be required indefinitely.


cover image credit Duplex / pixabay

James Corbett w/ Whitney Webb: Exploring the Oxford-AstraZeneca Eugenics Links

James Corbett w/ Whitney Webb: Exploring the Oxford-AstraZeneca Eugenics Links

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
February 24, 2021


Even some in the independent media have bought into the hype surrounding the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID vaccine and its “non-profit” nature. But once you peel back the layers of obfuscation you quickly find not only the profit motive hiding underneath, but the dark specter of eugenics. Whitney Webb of Unlimited Hangout joins us to discuss her recent article, “Developers of Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccine Tied to UK Eugenics Movement.”


Watch on Archive / BitChute / LBRY / Minds / YouTube or Download the mp4


Unlimited Hangout

Schwab Family Values

Developers of Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccine Tied to UK Eugenics Movement

Successful Not-for-Profit Oxford COVID Vaccine Threatens Big Pharma Profit Logic

The Year Ahead – Part 2: Biosecurity

GSK to start production of Ebola vaccine as tests on humans begin (2014)

Episode 208 – The Galton Institute Exposed

Major U.K. genetics lab accused of misusing African DNA

Eugenics: The Future Of Human Life In The 21st Century

Event Review: Selective Reproduction, Bioethics, and the Idea of Eugenics

Who Is Bill Gates?

Palantir’s Tiberius, Race, and the Public Health Panopticon

Teacher: I Won’t Force Kids to Wear Masks & I Won’t Wear One Either

Teacher: I Won’t Force Kids to Wear Masks & I Won’t Wear One Either

by Richie Allen
February 24, 2021


The Telegraph newspaper, to its credit, has published an opinion piece by a secondary school teacher who is based in Essex. The teacher believes that forcing kids to wear masks in the classroom is “Dystopian and abhorrent.”

The teacher has been reading “The Handmaid’s Tale with Year 11’s and described a class full of masked children as “like something out of Gilead.” Expressing concern that masks would make it seem to youngsters that schools are not safe when they desperately need some normality the teacher wrote:

They are already being flooded with messages in the media and the outside world which fill them with fear on a daily basis. The government’s whole campaign is built on fear and children have absorbed that. They have also faced a year of disruption to their learning and been kept apart from their friends. What sort of message does it send to them if we then make them wear a mask in the classroom too?

As well as being physically uncomfortable, it’s going to be almost impossible for them to communicate with me as their teacher. It will have a detrimental impact on their confidence, make them even more reluctant to put their hand up in class to ask questions and engage in the lesson. Many of them, especially those who were already struggling, have fallen massively behind during lockdown and will find it difficult or even impossible to catch up.

I’ve also seen very little evidence to suggest that masks are effective anyway. I am cynical about this idea of asymptomatic transmission. Schools aren’t necessarily the cleanest places in the world but children are meant to be exposed to a few germs to build up their immune systems.

The teacher is absolutely right. It’s dystopian and disturbing in the extreme. Of course it will unsettle children but it will also do them serious harm. Wearing masks for eight hours a day may have a seriously detrimental effect on their physical health. Dozens of studies have found that masks make breathing more difficult, especially for children.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) found that:

inhaling high levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) may be life-threatening. Hypercapnia (carbon dioxide toxicity) can also cause headache, vertigo, double vision, inability to concentrate, tinnitus (hearing a noise, like a ringing or buzzing, that’s not caused by an outside source), seizures, or suffocation due to displacement of air. 

Parents wise up and wise up fast. You must not allow your children be forced to wear a face covering when they return to the classroom.


Connect with Richie Allen

The Specter of Eugenics in the Age of Covid

The Specter of Eugenics in the Age of Covid

by Jefferey Jaxen, The HighWire
February 23, 2021


In 1977 at a building dedication bearing his name, former vice president Hubert Humphrey said, “The moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; those who are in the shadows of life, the sick, the needy and the handicapped.”

During the past year of our collective, Covid-slanted world, Humphrey’s observations would be seen as radical and unnecessary. Or perhaps even the target of a Big Tech social media censorship campaign. Current events are beginning to rhyme with past stanzas from dark epic poems one would hope were never again written or recited by conscious humanity.

It was the late 19th century and oligarchs in both America and Europe began to aggressively centralize their wealth. To justify their rule of society a reason was needed, one that appeared to be rooted in sound scientific principle at the time. Having all the hallmarks of a religious cult directed by pseudoscience, the eugenics movement landed on the shores of America into the waiting arms of The Rockefeller Foundation, the Carnegie Institute, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and the malleable minds of the influential American intelligentsia of the time.

Running parallel to the eugenic ideology’s enchantment of America’s medical and science communities, a separate power-play was initiated. The Flexner brothers, along with untold millions from both the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundation, set out to monopolize medicine steering it aggressively away from all natural therapies and holistic cures towards a ‘cut, poison, burn and inject’ future forevermore. A paradigm based upon germ theory in which the individual and their personal sovereignty was eliminated from the equation, along with the law of terrain.

With eugenics humming, a Eugenics Record Office (ERO) was established in 1910 with the aims of registering the genetic information and lineage of every American. In 1922, assistant director of the ERO, Harry Laughlin, drafted the Model Eugenical Sterilization Law to serve as the model for states.

Historian Alex Wellerstein writes, “A state law derived from his model was passed by the state of Virginia in 1924, and found constitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court in the highly flawed case of Buck v. Bell in 1927. The ruling greatly increased the passing of sterilization laws and the use of eugenic sterilization through the period of the second World War. State sterilization programs resulted in the sterilization of over 64,000 mentally ill and developmentally disabled patients by the time they went into general disuse in the mid-1960s.

Much like the late 19th century, the Covid response has provided a golden opportunity for the vertical integration of power. Decimating economies across the world, continued rolling lockdowns have strangled main street making a select few in key positions extremely wealthy and powerful. The wholesale vertical integration of society is happening before our eyes as local economies are throttled seeing both business and life itself thrust into a tightly controlled cyberspace.

The medical community has bit down hard on the Covid response with the hysteria being used to fuel a resurgence of eugenic-like behavior –selection by government edicts, executed by the medical establishment, on which lives are more important. Actions that, only a year prior, would have been socially repulsive and legally prosecutable, are now making regular headlines floated as ‘reasonable’ in a society where the humanity of many has been sidelined by the idea of an invisible viral enemy.

During the early eugenics movement, individuals were called ‘feeble-minded’ and ‘defectives.’ Those were some of the nebulous and pseudoscientific terms used to label those with a range of challenges from neurological issues and addictions to low IQ scores became just some of a litany of ‘genetic defects’ deemed worthy the state-sponsored sterilization of people against their will. The wholesale elimination of the ‘defectives’ by government was also discussed. Fortunately, as radically inhuman as the political and legal sentiment of the time became, it never reached such obscene excesses as extermination.

In a Covid-frenzied world, profound shifts in the Overton Window are being tolerated. Political will is being easily co-oped by worse-case-scenario computer modeling and doomsday virus predictions by questionable players.

The Guardian recently reported people with learning difficulties had been given do not resuscitate orders during the second wave of the pandemic. Mencap, the U.K.’s leading charity for individuals with learning disabilities, said it had received reports in January from people with learning disabilities that they had been told they would not be resuscitated if they were taken ill with Covid-19. Public Health England claims that younger people with learning difficulties aged 18 to 34 are 30 times more likely to die of Covid than others the same age.

Another disturbing data point saw scientific aides to U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson openly express views on eugenics and racial intelligence. Albeit slammed by leading scientists in February 2020 as being “confused” and “morally repugnant, the story surfaced at a time when many were mourning the loss of loved ones from government mismanagement of care homes.

Meanwhile in August, NHS managers told care homes to put blanket ‘do not resuscitate’ orders on all of their care home residents during the peak of the Covid crisis, according to a report detailed in the Daily Mail.

In their November interim reportThe Care Quality Commission’s independent investigation found the blanket and inappropriate use of ‘do not resuscitate’ orders “could have had an impact, including potentially avoidable death, on older people and disabled people living in care homes, including those with physical and sensory impairments, people with a learning disability or cognitive impairments such as dementia.

An Amnesty International report in October, which called for a full public inquiry, found inappropriate or unlawful use of ‘do not resuscitate’ orders by GPs, clinical commissioning groups, hospitals, and care homes in the U.K.

In the U.S., Covid’s urgency took on a different flavor with equally devastating results to our society’s vulnerable. Having danced around the issue for nearly a year, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and his health lead Howard Zucker have been forced to come clean about omitting the true death toll stemming from their now infamous March 25, 2020, order. Nursing homes were devastated as covid-positive patients were directed by government into understaffed nursing homes. Rather than correct the error, the order was allowed to continue for nearly two months through the height of New York’s “first wave,” before the order was rescinded.

Calls for ‘Focused Protection’ of the high-risk by global health experts went unheeded. Cuomo’s nursing home death sentence, what should have been a one-off mistake, was repeated in several states with darkly predictable outcomes.

Even the corridors of the White House aren’t exempt from this renewed misanthropic mission creep. Doctor Ezekiel Emanuel, hired by Biden’s coronavirus task force, faced backlash for an article he wrote in the Atlantic, making “An argument that society and families—and you—will be better off if nature takes its course swiftly and promptly,” at no later than 75 [Joe Biden is 77]. Emanuel writes, “Living too long is also a loss…It robs us of our creativity and ability to contribute to work, society, the world…”

The Flexner Report of old has also witnessed a make-over, supplanted by its modern-day equivalent of Big Tech social media corporations. Longtime monied operations of old to influence the medical trajectory of universities have been replaced by immediate censorship, directed by non-governmental organizations and health agencies connected at the hip with pharmaceutical interests.

In an effort to quash competing thoughts in the online marketplace of ideas, Big Tech has activated their ‘warp speed’ version of algorithmic suppression to consolidate the conversation and thus the greater medical consciousness. Medical truths, open debate and investigative discovery by individuals or organizations—from distinguished doctors to everyday citizens—have been silenced for speaking certain inconvenient truths which cast public health initiatives and individual pharmaceutical products in an often well-deserved bad light.

Where we are along the sordid trajectory of our Covid response only history will tell. Keeping these measures in place has caused irreparable damage, with the underprivileged disproportionately harmed. Despite our growing knowledge, the most compassionate approach that balances the risks and benefits of reaching herd immunity has not been followed.

The most vulnerable. The sick. People with disabilities. The young and the elderly. All have been disproportionally saddled with an unfair share of harm from the government’s myopic Covid response. Which direction societies decide upon next will resonate into our future in profound ways.

Dr. Vandana Shiva: World Bank Waging War Against Indian Farmers

Dr. Vandana Shiva: World Bank Waging War Against Indian Farmers

by GreatGameIndia w/ video by Going Underground on RT
February 22, 2021


Dr. Vandana Shiva, the Founder and President of Navdanya, Technology and Natural Resource Policy who was awarded the Right Livelihood Award, also known as the ‘Alternative Nobel Prize’ explains how the World Bank is waging a war against Indian farmers.

She discusses the recent avalanche in Uttarakhand which has left hundreds missing and the causes behind it, how the World Bank’s actions in the 1991 was arguably the start of the war between Indian farmers and global capitalism, why India’s farmers are organising en masse to oppose India’s neoliberal farming laws, 1 in 4 farmers on Earth being Indian, multinational farming corporations and their war on India’s independent farmers, the history of the spread of GMO technology such as ‘Roundup’, why a transition away from industrial farming back to small-scale farming is needed to fight climate change and much more!

Connect with Dr. Vandana Shiva at Navdanya

cover image credit MOHANN / pixabay


The Vaccine (Dis)Information War

The Vaccine (Dis)Information War

by CJ Hopkins, Consent Factory, Inc.
February 23, 2021


So, good news, folks! It appears that GloboCap’s Genetic Modification Division has come up with a miracle vaccine for Covid! It’s an absolutely safe, non-experimental, messenger-RNA vaccine that teaches your cells to produce a protein that triggers an immune response, just like your body’s immune-system response, only better, because it’s made by corporations!

OK, technically, it hasn’t been approved for use — that process normally takes several years — so I guess it’s slightly “experimental,” but the US Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency have issued “Emergency Use Authorizations,” and it has been “tested extensively for safety and effectiveness,” according to Facebook’s anonymous “fact checkers,” so there’s absolutely nothing to worry about.

This non-experimental experimental vaccine is truly a historic development, because apart from saving the world from a virus that causes mild to moderate flu-like symptoms (or, more commonly, no symptoms whatsoever) in roughly 95% of those infected, and that over 99% of those infected survive, the possibilities for future applications of messenger-RNA technology, and the genetic modification of humans, generally, is virtually unlimited at this point.

Imagine all the diseases we can cure, and all the genetic “mistakes” we can fix, now that we can reprogram people’s genes to do whatever we want … cancer, heart disease, dementia, blindness, not to mention the common cold! We could even cure psychiatric disorders, like “antisocial personality disorder,” “oppositional defiant disorder,” and other “conduct disorders” and “personality disorders.” Who knows? In another hundred years, we will probably be able to genetically cleanse the human species of age-old scourges, like racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, homophobia, transphobia, etcetera, by reprogramming everyone’s defective alleles, or implanting some kind of nanotechnological neurosynaptic chips into our brains. The only thing standing in our way is people’s totally irrational resistance to letting corporations redesign the human organism, which, clearly, was rather poorly designed, and thus is vulnerable to all these horrible diseases, and emotional and behavioral disorders.

But I’m getting a little ahead of myself. The important thing at the moment is to defeat this common-flu-like pestilence that has no significant effect on age-adjusted death rates, and the mortality profile of which is more or less identical to the normal mortality profile, but which has nonetheless left the global corporatocracy no choice but to “lock down” the entire planet, plunge millions into desperate poverty, order everyone to wear medical-looking masks, unleash armed goon squads to raid people’s homes, and otherwise transform society into a pathologized-totalitarian nightmare. And, of course, the only way to do that (i.e., save humanity from a flu-like bug) is to coercively vaccinate every single human being on the planet Earth!

OK, you’re probably thinking that doesn’t make much sense, this crusade to vaccinate the entire species against a relatively standard respiratory virus, but that’s just because you are still thinking critically. You really need to stop thinking like that. As The New York Times just pointed out, “critical thinking isn’t helping.” In fact, it might be symptomatic of one of those “disorders” I just mentioned above. Critical thinking leads to “vaccine hesitancy,” which is why corporations are working with governments to immediately censor any and all content that deviates from the official Covid-19 narrative and deplatform the authors of such content, or discredit them as “anti-vax disinformationists.”

For example, Children’s Health Defense, which has been reporting on so-called “adverse events” and deaths in connection with the Covid vaccines, despite the fact that, according to the authorities, “there are no safety problems with the vaccines” and “there is no link between Covid-19 vaccines and those who die after receiving them.” In fact, according to the “fact-checkers” at Reuters, these purported “reports of adverse events” “may contain information that is incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental, or unverifiable!”

Yes, you’re reading between the lines right. The corporate media can’t come right out and say it, but it appears the “anti-vax disinformationists” are fabricating “adverse events” out of whole cloth and hacking them into the VAERS database and other such systems around the world. Worse, they are somehow infiltrating these made-up stories into the mainstream media in order to lure people into “vaccine hesitancy” and stop us from vaccinating every man, woman, and child in the physical universe, repeatedly, on an ongoing basis, for as long as the “medical experts” deem necessary.

Here are just a few examples of their handiwork …

  • In California, a 60-year-old X-ray technologist received a second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. A few hours later he had trouble breathing. He was hospitalized and died four days later. His widow says she’s not ready at this point to link her husband’s death to the vaccine. “I’m not putting any blame on Pfizer,” she said, “or on any other pharmaceutical company.” So, probably just another coincidence.
  • A 78-year-old woman in California died immediately after being vaccinated, but her death was not related to the vaccine, health officials assured the public. “(She) received an injection of the Covid-19 vaccine manufactured by Pfizer around noon. While seated in the observation area after the injection, [she] complained of feeling discomfort and while being evaluated by medical personnel she lost consciousness.” Despite the sudden death of his wife, her husband intends to receive a second dose.
  • Also in Michigan, a 90-year-old man died the day after receiving the vaccine, but, again, this was just a tragic coincidence. As Dr. David Gorski explained, “the baseline death rate of 90-year-olds is high because they’re 90 years old,” which makes perfect sense … unless, of course, they died of Covid, in which case their age and underlying conditions make absolutely no difference whatsoever.

And then there are all the people on Facebook sharing their stories of loved ones who have died shortly after receiving the Covid vaccine, who the Facebook “fact checkers” are doing their utmost to discredit with their official-looking “fact-check notices.” For example …

OK, I realize it’s uncomfortable to have to face things like that (i.e., global corporations like Facebook implying that these people are lying or are using the sudden deaths of their loved ones to discourage others from getting vaccinated), especially if you’re just trying to follow orders and parrot official propaganda … even the most fanatical Covidian Cultists probably still have a shred of human empathy buried deep in their cold little hearts. But there’s an information war on, folks! You’re either with the Corporatocracy or against it! This is no time to get squeamish, or, you know, publicly exhibit an ounce of compassion. What would your friends and colleagues think of you?!

No, report these anti-vaxxers to the authorities, shout them down on social media, switch off your critical-thinking faculties, and get in line to get your vaccination! The fate of the human species depends on it! And, if you’re lucky, maybe GloboCap will even give you one of these nifty numerical Covid-vaccine tattoos for free!


CJ Hopkins
February 23, 2021
Photos: (1) UNICEF; (2) WTKR; (3) Facebook post (with permission); (4) thegrabill/Twitter


Connect with satirist CJ Hopkins at Consent Factory, Inc.


cover image credit pixabay

Welp, It Turns Out Weather Modification Wasn’t Just Another Crazy Conspiracy Theory

Welp, It Turns Out Weather Modification Wasn’t Just Another Crazy Conspiracy Theory

by Robert Wheeler, Organic Prepper
sourced from Activist Post
February 23, 2021


Weather modification and manipulation don’t exist.

Weather modification is a crazy conspiracy theory.

Weather modification is not scientifically possible.

All of these are phrases that have been repeated ad nauseam by mainstream media for years. Suddenly, however, now mainstream media outlets can (and do) openly discuss ongoing weather modification programs from both corporations and foreign governments.

It looks like weather modification is one of those “crazy conspiracy theories” that isn’t so crazy after all.

Let’s talk about China’s weather modification program.

China’s program sounds suspiciously like the “conspiracy theories” the MSM told us were false.

A recent story from Business Insider regarding China’s weather modification projects revealed that China is “massively expanding” its publicly admitted weather control projects. China aims to be able to cover half of the country in artificial rain and snow by 2025. The project is a rudimentary and now arcane method of “cloud seeding,” which General Electric claimed the discovery of in the United States in 1946. China launched its program in the 1960s.

Dozens of other countries have similar programs. However, China now has the world’s largest, and it employs around 35,000 people. Keep in mind this is the publicly acknowledged wing of the program, not secret research or facilities.

In a statement, the Chinese State Council said that the country’s cloud seeding project would expand five times over to cover an area of 2.1 million square miles. China is 3.7 million square miles, which means that the project would cover 56% of its land surface area.

China’s weather manipulation is set to be worldwide by 2034

The State Council said that the project would be at a “worldwide advanced level” by 2034 and that it will help alleviate “disasters such as drought and hail,” and that it will facilitate emergency responses “to forest or grassland fires.”

China’s current publicly admitted program uses artificial cloud seeding, spraying chemicals like silver iodide or liquid nitrogen into clouds which can make water droplets condense, then fall as rain or snow.

In 2008, China launched a cloud seeding project in Beijing right before the Olympics that caused rain to fall before the event started. In 2016, China devoted $30 million to cloud seeding and began firing bullets filled with salt and minerals into the sky.

In 2017, it spent $168 million on a massive supply of equipment to facilitate the project, including four aircraft and “897 rocket launchers.” Business Insider previously reported that China’s Ministry of Finance wanted to use cloud seeding to create at least 60 billion cubic meters of additional rain every year by 2020.

Chinese media reported in 2019 that cloud seeding tactics in Xinjiang prevented 70% of crops from anticipated hail damage.

One must wonder if a government has the scientific ability to manipulate the weather on such a grand scale, have they considered weaponizing it as well as using it for benevolent purposes? Some people might ask if the engineering is such that a once-in-a-century storm could be created, or some other ecological anomaly.

No, that’s just crazy talk.

For more information on the weaponization of weather, check out Steve Quayle’s book, Weather Wars.

The United States and the United Arab Emirates also have publicly acknowledged weather modification programs.

China is not the only country utilizing weather modification technology.

In 2015, for instance, the United Arab Emirates launched a $5 million research program for “rain enhancement science.”

From the mid-1960s to the early 1980s, the United States’ NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) actively pursued Project STORMFURY, a program designed to modify hurricanes. The US also used cloud seeding in the Great Plains and the Western States to “combat drought.”

Wyoming has dumped $15 million into a ten-year study that concluded cloud seeding could add 10 percent more snow to an existing storm.

Idaho even funded a National Science Foundation research project to test cloud seeding to increase snowfall.

“Idaho Power is interested in putting more snow on the ground in the mountains, which leads to more water in rivers from snowmelt,” said atmospheric scientist Jeff French of the University of Wyoming in a statement. “In turn, that leads to more power generation capability throughout the year.”

(Read a New Scientist article about Project SNOWIE here.)

The New Feudal Overlords are getting in on the act as well

Bill Gates is funding weather modification projects. (Big surprise.) One of those projects sounds eerily like the “chemtrails” that no one can talk about without mockery or accusations of insanity.

And by all means, don’t admit you believe in conspiracy theories. The FBI might consider you a domestic terrorist.

Gates’ project is called Solar Geoengineering, and it is meant to replicate the effects of a giant volcanic eruption. Thousands of planes would be flown at high altitudes and spray millions of tons of particles around the planet to create a massive chemical cloud that would cool the earth’s surface.

However, one problem with mimicking a giant volcanic eruption is that it doesn’t merely cool the earth. It can create an ice age, which leads to famine, which leads to starvation, chaos, war, and death. But that doesn’t matter to Gates. It doesn’t seem to matter to any of the national governments dead set on upending the earth’s natural balance and equilibrium humans must have with nature to survive on it either.

Many people would suggest that is the whole point.

But those people must be conspiracy theorists.

Connect with Robert Wheeler at Organic Prepper


cover image credit pixundfertig / pixabay

Justice Centre Takes Legal Action on Behalf of Canadians Affected by Mandatory Hotel Quarantines and Travel Restrictions

Justice Centre Takes Legal Action on Behalf of Canadians Affected by Mandatory Hotel Quarantines and Travel Restrictions


Mandatory hotel quarantines and travel restrictions

by Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
February 22, 2021


The Justice Centre has filed legal action in response to news that the Trudeau government will force Canadian residents into mandatory quarantine, in a hotel at their own expense, after returning from international travel.

The new mandatory quarantine takes effect February 22. Full details of the government’s plan can be reviewed here.

We first issued a news release outlining the situation, and  then a legal demand letter to the Government demanding that they stop this practice immediately and release anyone they may be currently holding in federal facilities. Despite the pending litigation, the Trudeau government has decided to proceed with this forced confinement of travellers. The legal action will be heard in Federal Court.

Trudeau also announced all Canadian airlines had agreed to cancel all the flights to ‘sun and sand destinations’ until the end of April, including Mexico and the Caribbean.

“We all agree that now is just not the time to be flying,” Trudeau said.

However, not all Canadians agree. The Justice Centre has received thousands of emails since the federal government announced that Canadians returning to the country, regardless of their reason for travel, will be forced into mandatory quarantine, in a hotel at their own expense of $2000 for a three day stay.

Also, it should be noted that the new measures are being implemented under Transport Canada and the Aeronautics Act. There is still people being detained for not having any Covid tests under the Quarantine Act, which is a different issue. The government began requiring all people arriving in Canada by air to show a negative PCR-based Covid test in early January.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced February 9 that anyone arriving at a land border with the U.S. after February 15 will be required to have taken a COVID-19 test 72 hours before seeking entry.

According to Global News, “lack of a negative test won’t necessarily prevent people from entering the country. Should Canadians or permanent residents not be able to provide that test result, they could face “severe penalties,” including fines of up to $3,000 per person. Trudeau said his government will also be implementing new measures to ensure “extensive follow up by Health Canada” to ensure they are getting tested and properly quarantining. “It’s not legal to refuse entry to a Canadian who wants to come home. That’s the major difference between land borders and air borders. You can prevent someone from boarding a flight in Miami or elsewhere, you can’t prevent someone standing at a land border crossing from coming into Canada, because technically they’re already on Canadian soil,” Trudeau said to reporters.” Starting Feb. 22, travellers entering Canada at the land border will also be required to take a COVID-19 molecular test on arrival as well as toward the end of their 14-day quarantine.

From what we know right now, if a Canadian citizen or permanent resident shows up at the land border without a negative test,  officials cannot deny you entry as you are a Canadian citizen on homeland, and you will not be taken to a quarantine facility, however the federal government has stated travellers could be given tickets of up to $3000 per day. You will be required to go home and quarantine.

If you are detained or receive a ticket as a result of returning home, please contact the Justice Centre by filling out a case submission.


Read more at Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms

On Trusting Those “Expert” Doctors & Scientists: Your Science is Bought and Paid For

On Trusting Those “Expert” Doctors & Scientists: Your Science is Bought and Paid For

by WhatsHerFace
January 14, 2021


The original video “Your Science is Bought and Paid For” is available at WhatsHerFace YouTube channel.


The infallible doctors and scientists. The arbiters of truth and justice in these hard times, held up so high in society that us common folk look like ants from atop their pedestal.

In reality, like most people, they can be bought.

This has been a constant and well documented throughout recent history.

We’ve seen it back in the 1940s when tobacco companies tapped doctors on the shoulder to promote their cigarettes.

Even more horrific was the events surrounding the Tuskegee syphilis experiment. The list goes on and on.

Even now, public health leaders have strategically recruited people with large social media followings to push the current unconstitutional public health measures.

The moral of the story? People can be bought.

Do your own research and make up your own mind.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

White House Enlists Social Media Giants to Suppress Vaccine ‘Misinformation’

White House Enlists Social Media Giants to Suppress Vaccine ‘Misinformation’
As concerns about vaccine safety grow, the Biden administration is enlisting Big Tech’s help in removing social media posts that deviate from “officially distributed” COVID-19 information.

by Megan Redshaw, J.D., The Defender
February 22, 2021


The White House is asking Big Tech giants Facebook, Twitter and Alphabet Inc.’s Google to “clamp down on chatter that deviates from officially distributed COVID-19 information,” according to the New York Post and other news reports.

Reuters reported that Biden, concerned that “fear about taking the vaccine has emerged as a major impediment” to his administration’s pandemic plan, wants help from the social media moguls to keep “misinformation” from going viral.

“Vaccine hesitancy is a huge obstacle to getting everyone vaccinated and there are no larger players in that than the social media platforms,” a White House source told Reuters late last week.

Biden’s Chief of Staff Ron Klain had previously said information questioning the COVID vaccine has caused others to question the vaccine. But the news out of Washington last week was the first sign that officials are directly engaged with Silicon Valley in censoring social media users, according to Reuters.

“Social media tycoons are now openly serving as government surrogates in censoring factually accurate information that departs from government policies and pronouncements,” said Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., co-founder and chair of Children’s Health Defense.

The Biden administration wants to make sure that unfavorable material does not start trending on social media or become an even broader movement, citing concerns over a recent anti-vaccine protest at Los Angeles Dodgers Stadium which was organized through a Facebook page.

“We are talking to [social media companies] … so they understand the importance of misinformation and disinformation and how they can get rid of it quickly,” a White House source explained.

Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-N.Y.) last week criticized social media companies in a tweet accusing Facebook and Twitter of moving too slowly in responding to targeted harassment of people getting vaccinated and what Blumenthal described as “dangerous conspiracy theories.”

A spokesperson for Facebook told Reuters the company has reached out to the White House to offer any assistance they can provide and recently announced a new policy to remove COVID information the company deems false, along with pages, groups and accounts that repeatedly spread such material.

Twitter stated the company is in “regular communication with the White House on a number of critical issues including COVID-19 misinformation.”

Google did not comment on engagement with the White House but did point to a company blog on how it stops the spread of misinformation.

In August, 2020 Children’s Health Defense filed a lawsuit charging Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg and several fact-checking organizations with censoring truthful public health posts and for fraudulently misrepresenting and defaming the children’s health organization.

The complaint alleges that Facebook has insidious conflicts with the pharmaceutical industry and health agencies and raised detailed factual allegations regarding the CDC, CDC Foundation, and WHO’s extensive relationships and collaborations with Facebook and Zuckerberg calling into question Facebook’s joint action in a censorship campaign with the government.

Earlier this month, Kennedy’s Instagram account was deplatformed without advance notice for what the media claimed were “false COVID claims” or “vaccine misinformation.” Some reports falsely characterized Kennedy as an “anti-vaxxer.”

Kennedy unequivocally rejects those characterizations. He wrote in response to Instagram’s censorship:

“Every statement I put on Instagram was sourced from a government database, from peer-reviewed publications and from carefully confirmed news stories. None of my posts were false. Facebook, the pharmaceutical industry and its captive regulators use the term ‘vaccine misinformation’ as a euphemism for any factual assertion that departs from official pronouncements about vaccine health and safety, whether true or not. This kind of censorship is counterproductive if our objective is a safe and effective vaccine supply.”

As Kennedy has stated numerous times, “for a democracy to function, civil debate of issues — including vaccine science — must be allowed. Censorship of that debate is anathema to democracy.”

Many reports have raised serious questions about the safety of COVID vaccines, including adverse reactions and other possible long-term complications that deserve debate, Kennedy said.

The Defender reported in January that a Florida doctor died three days after receiving Pfizer’s COVID vaccine. An expert on blood disorders at Johns Hopkins said in an interview with The New York Times, “I think it is a medical certainty that the vaccine was related.”Earlier this month, the CDC announced it was investigating the death of a 36-year-old doctor in Tennessee who died from an extremely rare multisystem inflammatory syndrome one month after getting his second dose of a COVID vaccination.

Drene Keyes, whose death is under investigation, died hours after receiving her first dose of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine. She experienced flash pulmonary edema likely caused by anaphylaxis, a life-threatening allergic reaction, which some have experienced after receiving the COVID vaccine.

According to new data released Friday, as of Feb. 12, 15,923 adverse reactions to COVID vaccines, including 929 deaths, have been reported to the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System since Dec. 14, 2020. One-third of reported deaths occurred within 48 hours of receiving the COVID vaccine.

“While social media companies are private entities with rights to censor information they don’t like, the involvement of the government in censorship efforts implicates the First Amendment,” Kennedy said.

Megan Redshaw is a freelance reporter for The Defender. She has a background in political science, a law degree and extensive training in natural health.

The ZeroCovid Movement: Cult Dressed as Science

The ZeroCovid Movement: Cult Dressed as Science

by Jenin Younes, American Institute for Economic Research (AIER)
February 21, 2021


This past year has given rise to some strange and novel methods of disease containment, including lockdowns and mask mandates. It is unsurprising that the natural next step in this progression has been the development of a movement known as “ZeroCovid.” Its growing influence is, perhaps, predictable given that for nearly a year we have been inundated by the views of so-called experts seeking to legitimize their myopic worldview that public health is determined solely by prevention of Covid-19.

Rather than acknowledge to a weary public that their approach has been a failure, they are doubling down and attempting to save their reputations by claiming that the problem is not that lockdowns do not work, but that they have not gone far enough.

There is, apparently, some diversity of opinion among the ZeroCovid crowd as to whether the term is to be interpreted literally, as some of its most impassioned and vocal proponents argue, or whether it simply means a more extreme version of the ideology that has dominated societies around the globe for the past year: the belief that suppressing the coronavirus is a singularly important goal, to replace all others and to be pursued with no or only minimal consideration of the effects of doing so.

ZeroCovid promoters appear to agree that much stricter border controls, lockdowns, and mask mandates are needed than exist in most nations today. Sam Bowman, one of the most prominent ZeroCoviders, claims for instance that the only way to address the coronavirus problem is with “lockdowns, school closures, travel bans, mass testing, contact tracing, and masks.” Likewise, former United Kingdom Prime Minister Tony Blair’s think-tank has stated that the only way to avoid another lockdown is to bring coronavirus cases to zero. China, Australia and New Zealand are portrayed as successes by ZeroCovid proponents, and prove that suffering now brings with it the promise of eventual freedom.

While marketing themselves as theoretically opposed to lockdowns, ZeroCovid adherents actually aspire to implement a totalitarian-style state, which we are supposed to believe will exist only temporarily. For example, Devi Sridhar, one of the movement’s most public faces in the United Kingdom, has claimed that the only way out of endless lockdown is a “crude, harsh, catastrophic lockdown” now, the first phase. Given that the third phase of Sridhar’s plan entails an “East Asian and Pacific model of elimination” that prohibits travel abroad, I can only imagine precisely what sort of totalitarian nightmare Sridhar envisions during phase one.

Those who follow this philosophy fail to recognize the glaringly obvious truth that suppression tactics have not succeeded because they run contrary to human nature (as well as basic cell biology) and entail severe deprivations of human rights and liberties. They also do not acknowledge the fact that if the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) managed to eliminate the coronavirus (a questionable assumption given the CCP’s tenuous relationship with the truth), it did so using tactics that prima facie constitute human rights violations.

Even Australia and New Zealand, which before 2020 were considered beacons of liberal democracy, have recently been the subject of investigations or inquiries by Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International. The ZeroCovid proponents do not address the reality that China, Australia, and New Zealand have continually had to implement lockdown policies in response to new cases arising even after declaring victory over the virus, and that the latter two are island nations able to effectuate border control in a way that cannot possibly be applied to nations that are geographically proximate to others and in which the virus has already become endemic.

The “Covid Community Action Summit,” a conference held at the end of January, and led and attended by many of ZeroCovid’s main players – needless to say, over Zoom – offers a glimpse into the warped worldview that pervades the ideology.

The architect of ZeroCovid, and the first speaker at the Summit, was Yaneer Bar-Yam, an American scientist who specializes in complex systems and quantitative analysis of pandemics and founded the New England Complex Systems Institute (NECSI). The participants came from a variety of backgrounds: in addition to doctors and scientists, political consultants and communications specialists were in attendance. Many presenters had business interests in pharmaceuticals and diagnostics, and those from the United States tended to be affiliated with Democratic Party politics and campaigns.

One of the most disturbing presentations was delivered by Blake Elias, a researcher at the NECSI who works directly under Bar-Yam. Given Elias’s position, it is fair to assume that his views, as articulated at the Summit, reflected those held by its organizer.

Elias, like numerous other “ZeroCovid” advocates, believes that the “lives versus economy” framing of the problem is incorrect (notably, many lockdown opponents also consider this the wrong lens through which to view the issue, but for different reasons; namely that the economy and people’s lives are inextricably intertwined and lockdown policies do not take into account crucial considerations such as mental health and civil liberties).

Valuing each life–somewhat arbitrarily and without regards to life expectancy–at $10 million, Elias plugged a bunch of numbers into a machine and voila! came up with irrefutable proof that locking down hard and fast is less costly than failing to do so. Elias earnestly stated that his airtight equation demonstrates that if you are against elimination (ZeroCovid) the only conceivable reason could be that you dispute one of his premises, so you therefore believe one of the following: the cost of infections is lower than it is; the cost of lockdowns is more; hospital capacity is greater; the importation rate is higher; or complete vaccination is achievable in a shorter time frame.

At no time did he mention psychology, human rights, or civil liberties. If Elias had the slightest understanding of these concepts, he did an exceptional job of hiding it.

Michelle Lukezic and Eric Nixon, like Elias, gave a presentation akin to what I imagine it would be like to watch aliens discuss human psychology and behavior. Presumably a couple, Lukezic and Nixon founded a company called MakeGoodTogether, and believe that the coronavirus problem boils down to a lack of individual discipline and accountability. They acknowledged that the extreme social distancing they touted as the answer to the world’s woes is contrary to our nature, but insisted that we simply must try harder.

We could eradicate coronavirus, they solemnly instructed us, if only we would insist upon declining social invitations, and suggested that people post pledges on social media to that effect. They apparently spent little time considering the plight of essential workers whose employment does not allow them the luxury of distancing, apart from a comedic description of the psychic discomfort they experienced when the mask of a workman in their home slipped down his face. Lukezic was very proud of Nixon for refusing to shake the man’s hand upon his departure. I had to double-check the link a couple of times to make sure I had not inadvertently stumbled upon a Saturday Night Live episode.

Another noteworthy contributor to the ZeroCovid Summit was Michael Baker, the architect of New Zealand’s coronavirus strategy. Baker insisted that “following the science” indisputably leads to the ZeroCovid strategy, as though science alone informs policy. He made several stunning admissions, among which are that containment should also be the strategy for influenza, and that the coronavirus pandemic has given us the opportunity to reset in order to address inequities in society and threats posed by climate change. In other words, Baker does not foresee a return to normal life.

As demonstrated by its presenters at the Summit, ZeroCovid is the unfortunate end result of the inexplicable belief held by too many people that it makes sense to fixate upon one problem to the exclusion of all others. No one at the Summit, or in any other context for that matter, has ever made a convincing case for elevating the coronavirus pandemic above all other considerations. There is a reason for this: the facts and logic all point in the opposite direction.

An argument could certainly be made that a virus or other threat calculated to wipe out humanity or a significant portion of it, across age ranges, warrants exclusive focus on that threat for its duration. As I and others have written before, the coronavirus simply does not constitute such a danger. We now have a year of data from which to conclude beyond all doubt that exposure to the virus only poses a significant risk, beyond those we are accustomed to taking in everyday life, to the very old. The overwhelming majority of those infected with the virus suffer not at all, or minimally, and recover within days or weeks. This does not mean that the problem should be ignored, but rather that it should be addressed utilizing the same methodology with which we approach all public health matters: by taking into account the effects of the policies enacted in response to them.

ZeroCovid adherents are not qualitatively different from the epidemiologists and politicians who have advocated for and imposed lockdowns and mask mandates across the globe. They all believe that they can force billions of people to behave, for an indefinite time period, in ways that are contrary to our nature and deleterious to our well-being. They see nothing wrong with assuming control over every facet of our lives.

They are maniacally focused upon theories and models, and uninterested in what works in practice. They have no conception of human liberty or dignity. Rather than recognize that lockdowns, forced human separation, and masks are ineffective at quelling the spread of the coronavirus, while carrying enormous costs, not least among them the erasure of liberal democracy, the most fervent adherents to this ideology believe that the answer is more, and harder. That means deprivation of our rights and liberties, and denial of our basic human needs, until the coronavirus is eradicated from the globe. If they get their way, that may well be until the end of time.

Many thanks to my friends and colleagues Phil Magness and Kiley Holliday, who assisted me in researching and writing this article.


Jenin Younes is a graduate of Cornell University and New York University School of Law. Jenin currently works as an appellate public defender in New York City.


Connect with American Institute for Economic Freedom

We Will Not Be Silenced: Medical Professionals Worldwide Continue to Speak Out in “Ask the Experts II”

We Will Not Be Silenced: Medical Professionals Worldwide Continue to Speak Out in “Ask the Experts II”


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

Below you will find the dynamic film “ASK THE EXPERTS II | Oracle Films | CoviLeaks | 2021 BBC Panorama Response”, which not only gives a platform for censored health professionals to speak truth, but also documents the ongoing efforts by mainstream, controlled media to suppress this truth.

I’ve created an unofficial transcript of Oracle Film’s introduction to the video because the details they share are key to our understanding of this global crime against humanity.  Oracle Films, along with all of these voices of courage, provide essential information about the major deceptions and conflicts of interest involved in this worldwide medical tyranny. ~ Kathleen

Speakers in the film:

  • Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Medical Doctor & Forensic Psychiatrist from the USA
  • Dr. Tom Cowan, Medical Doctor from the USA
  • Dr. Kevin P. Corbett, Qualified Nurse & Health Scientist from the UK
  • Dr. Anne Fierlafijn, Medical Doctor from Belgium
  • Dr. Hilde De Smet, Medical Doctor from Belgium
  • Prof. Konstantin Pavlidis, Metaphysicist from the UK
  • Dr. Zac Cox, Holistic Dentist & Homeopath from UK
  • Dr. Piotr Rubas, Medical Doctor from Poland
  • Dr. Johan Denis, Medical Doctor and Homeopath from Belgium
  • Senator Scott Jensen, Medical Doctor, Family Physician & Politician from the USA
  • Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Medical Doctor from the USA
  • Dr. Heiko Santelmann, Medical Doctor from Germany
  • Sandy Lunoe, Pharmacist from Norway
  • Dr. Simone Gold, Medical Doctor, Physician & Founder of America’s Frontline Doctors USA
  • Dr. Brian Tyson, Medical Doctor & Family Physician from the USA
  • Dr. Teryn Clark, Medical Doctor & Neurologist from the USA
  • Dr. Gaston Cornu-Labat, Medical Doctor, General Surgeon, Holistic & Integrative Physician from Argentina
  • Dr. Antoine Barbari, Medical Doctor, Senior Consultant, Professor of Medicine from Lebanon
  • Prof. Dolores Cahill, Molecular Biologist and Immunologist from Ireland
  • Kate Shemirani, Natural Nurse from the UK
  • Dr. Mario Cabrera Avivar, Medical Doctor from Uruguay
  • Dr. Elke F. de Klerk, Medical Doctor from Holland
  • Dr. Vernon Coleman, General Practitoner from the UK

Unofficial Transcript of Introduction by Oracle Films:

On the 15th of February 2021, the BBC aired a Panorama documentary entitled “Vaccines: The Disinformation War”. The program spent a great majority of it’s 29-minute runtime attacking a film we produced in collaboration with CoviLeaks in December called “Ask the Experts”. It brought together the professional opinions of medical doctors, scientists and professors from around the world — specifically regarding the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines.

All experts involved were speaking on behalf of themselves and not as a collective. Every person that spoke out did so with no financial incentive and at great personal risk to their reputation and their livelihood.

The BBC accused Oracle Films of spreading dangerous misinformation and targeting vulnerable people and ethnic minorities.

Liam Smeeth, professor of clinical epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, prominently featured in the program. Smeeth claimed the information in “Ask the Experts” was putting the health of vulnerable people at risk and that doctors spreading “false claims” should be investigated and, perhaps, even have their licenses revoked.

Now — setting aside for a moment, the question of exactly who is deciding, in this scenario, what is true and what is false — I should point out that it is not our intent to discredit the scientific prowess of Professor Smeeth. The man is clearly a qualified and accomplished career academic in the fields of epidemiology and medicine. We would, however, be remiss were we not to point out the multiple, flagrant conflicts of interest attached to him.

A quick browse of the awards and grant section of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will show you that the LSHTM has received no fewer than 122 grants from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, spanning the past 20 years, totaling well-over 250 million dollars in donations.

BBC Media Action, the BBC’s international development charity, has also received over 50 million dollars from the Gates Foundation in the same time frame.

Smeeth is a member of the steering group for UK Biobank, the UK’s major medical database, which has catalogued, in depth, genetic and health information from over half a million UK participants to date. Last year, UK Biobank partnered DNAnexus, a cloud-based analytics platform aimed at genomics and other clinical big data. DNAnexus is funded, in large part, by donations from Google and Microsoft, with Gates himself listed here as an owner.

Why didn’t Panorama — which the BBC describes as an investigative documentary series, revealing the truth about the stories that matter — consider these huge vested interests when choosing Smeeth alone to “debunk” professional opinions of dozens of specialists from around the world?

Science is the pursuit of truth and it should never be considered settled as long as scientists and doctors are putting forward alternative opinion. We stand by our decision to offer medical doctors a platform to express their views during a time of immense government overstep, coercion, and digital censorship. Every person on the planet has the right to make an informed choice and the right to receive information. We aim to preserve that right and we will never stop fighting for it.

 ASK THE EXPERTS II | Oracle Films | CoviLeaks | 2021 BBC Panorama Response

by Oracle Films in collaboration with Fiona Hine, Founder of CoviLeaks
with special thanks to World Doctors Alliance
February 20, 2021


Ask the Experts II provides a platform to some of the world’s most outspoken and heavily censored medical professionals to express their views on the validity of the global pandemic, the safety & efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines, masks and the other precautionary measures that have been so readily integrated into our everyday lives.

Original video “ASK THE EXPERTS II | Oracle Films | CoviLeaks | 2021 BBC Panorama Response” available at Oracle Films BrandNewTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

They Know What You Are (Now They’re Haggling Over the Price)

They Know What You Are (Now They’re Haggling Over the Price)

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
February 22, 2021


There’s an old joke about a wealthy man talking to a famous actress. After asking her if she would sleep with a stranger for a million dollars she delivers an enthusiastic, “Yes!” He then inquires if she would do the same for five dollars. Offended, she fumes: “Five dollars? What kind of woman do you think I am?”

“We’ve already established that,” the man rejoins. “Now we’re just haggling over the price.”

Although this joke probably doesn’t fly in today’s PC climate, we all get the point. The woman has already admitted that her principles are negotiable for the right sum. Determining the lower bounds of that sum, then, should not be inherently offensive.

This may seem like just a crude joke, but it’s actually an insightful glimpse into the fundamental philosophical debate of our time—perhaps the fundamental philosophical debate of all time. And it helps us respond to the lockdowners, the anti-free speechers and other enemies of civilization with an answer that actually gets to the heart of the issue.

To really understand what’s going on here, we need to go back to one of the oldest pursuits known to man. No, not that pursuit! I’m talking about moral philosophy, of course, the attempt to differentiate right behaviour from wrong behaviour. Along with natural philosophy (the study of the natural world that we would today understand as “science”) and metaphysics (the study of existence, God, the mind and other abstract phenomena), moral philosophy (what we commonly refer to as “ethics”) forms one of the three main pillars of philosophy. As such, it has been one of the most discussed and debated subjects in human history.

How do we know right from wrong? How should we act in any given situation? What is the right way to live? These questions have been discussed for thousands of years, and the answers that have resulted from these debates have informed, explicitly or implicitly, almost every major social, political and religious movement in history.

In the Nicomachean Ethics, for example, Aristotle founded what is today known as “Virtue Ethics,” arguing that the ethical virtues were to be found in finding the “golden mean” between vices of excess and deficiency. Thus, courage is the balance between foolhardiness and cowardice, modesty is the virtue between shyness and boastfulness, etc.

The Discourses of Epictetus outline the foundational ideas of the Stoic school, including the insight that happiness lies in controlling one’s reaction toward external events and on directing one’s attention to that which is within one’s power to control.

The Letter to Menoeceus, meanwhile, lays out the Epicurean form of hedonism, namely that pleasure is the highest good and the aim of life. (Spoiler: Epicurus’ understanding of “pleasure” is not the common one, eschewing drinking, debauchery and revelry in favour of “sober reasoning, searching out the motives for all choice and avoidance, and banishing mere opinions, to which are due the greatest disturbance of the spirit.”)

There’s deontological ethical theories and divine command theories (or “theological voluntarism,” if you prefer), theories of ethical intuitionism, theories of anarchist morality and many, many more.

But at the risk of boring you to tears (or have I already done that?), let’s concentrate on two main camps in the ethical debate. On one side are the moral idealists—those who believe that there are objective moral standards (however understood) that are applicable in all circumstances. On the other side are the moral relativists—those who hold that there are no absolutes in the ethical arena, that what is “right” or “wrong” is always dependent on circumstance.

Of course, these are huge categories and each one encompasses many schools of thought, but in the end the debate comes down to a core question: Are there moral absolutes, or can actions only be judged based on the surrounding circumstances? Answer this question wisely, because the implications of your answer may be much larger than you imagine.

Take our hypothetical actress in the joke above, for example. Her sense of the impropriety of prostitution (“What kind of woman do you think I am?”) is demonstrably not absolute; after all, she can be persuaded to engage in the act for the right sum of money. Her interlocutor, then, can correctly point out that she is, in fact, a prostitute. The only question is the sum of money that is necessary for her to overcome her moral qualms.

In short, you don’t need a Ph.D. in philosophy to understand the horns of this particular dilemma. Either you live by certain inviolable principles which you will not under any circumstances negotiate, or you don’t.

Perhaps now you see why I brought the recent Question For Corbett about excess mortality down to the question of principle. How many dead bodies during a pandemic would it take for you to agree that your inalienable human rights are, in fact, alienable? If there is in fact a number of excess deaths at which you would concede the government has the right to lockdown cities and force vaccinate the population, then you are like the woman in the joke. The so-called “health authorities” know what you are. Now they’re just haggling over the price.

The utility of this framework for interrogating our own self-professed ideals and what they imply should be evident by now.

Those who are crying for the state to come in and regulate Big Tech can’t claim to be offended when the state then tells Big Tech they have to purge COVID “disinformation” or other unapproved speech from their platform. After all, they’ve already established what you are (a government interventionist), now they’re just haggling over the price.

And is it OK for the government to tax your income by 1/10th of 1% in order to feed and clothe orphaned children? “Yes!” Then how about if they steal 99% of your income and use it to fund the military-industrial complex? “Heavens, no! That’s absurd!” But why are you so offended? They’re just haggling.

You’re in favour of wearing masks and staying home for two weeks to flatten the curve during this deadly pandemic, aren’t you? Well how about if we force vaccinate you and institute a “health passport” system that will regulate your every movement and interaction for the rest of your life? Haggling.

You see where this is going. And you see why arguing with people about the terms of the situation that has convinced them to abandon their principle will not actually get to the root of the problem. The problem is that they are not arguing from principle. They have already admitted what they are. The only thing left is to haggle over their price.

This is a deep and important topic, and should not be summed up tritely. There are many schools of thought making different arguments for consequentialist moral philosophy: utilitarianism, ethical pragmatism, situation ethics, etc. These arguments are lightly dismissed at our peril, precisely because they have become the default mode of thinking for so many people.

After all, how many people would answer differently than the woman in the joke if the price named was sufficiently high? How many people really do stand on principle and are unwilling to negotiate away their rights? How popular would it be to say that there are certain positions that are not negotiable under any conceivable circumstance? These are not simple questions, and we must confront them head on and articulate our positions on them before engaging others on these points.

But one other point to note from the joke is that the woman is offended by the implication that she is, in fact, a prostitute. One senses in her indignation the potential for a moment of self-realization, and that is perhaps the point to press. Like it or not, she’s just admitted to being a prostitute. The man is just haggling over the price.

So rather than arguing numbers and figures with a committed COVID lockdowner, you might want to haggle with them over their price.

This weekly editorial is part of The Corbett Report Subscriber newsletter.

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cover image credit mohamed_hassan / pixabay

The Moral Case Against Lockdowns: Governments Have Given Themselves the Power to Play God | The Blood-Stained History of Vaccines & Pharmaceuticals

The Moral Case Against Lockdowns: Governments Have Given Themselves the Power to Play God | The Blood-Stained History of Vaccines and Pharmaceuticals

by WhatsHerFace
January 31, 2021


“Let me tell you, as an anti-vaxxer myself, who we really are.  We are people who have been severely damaged by vaccines. We are mothers who watched our perfectly-healthy children regress after being vaccinated.  We are children who bang our heads against walls because we’re living in agony and can’t put our pain into words.

We are individuals from all walks of life who looked into the blood-stained history of vaccines and pharmaceutical companies. We are people who are tired, who are absolutely fucking done being bullied by monkeys in lab coats into injecting our children with chronic disease.”


The original video “The Moral Case Against Lockdowns” is available at WhatsHerFace YouTube channel.

Is it moral to sacrifice the lives of a few to save the lives of many?

If so, who has the moral authority to choose who lives or dies?

This moral dilemma was answered in the aftermath of the second World War, when the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights where “it forbids government from sacrificing some people for the benefits of others”.

Unfortunately, this lesson from history has been forgotten as we see governments completely disregard the human rights of people around the world with lockdowns.

Governments have given themselves the power to play God with our lives.

Governments, doctors and scientists have been encouraging people to sacrifice themselves for an alleged greater good.

One egregious example of this is the dismissal of VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System).

Doctors are lying and suppressing information about the effects of the covid-19 vaccine in order to decrease vaccine hesitancy. These people are slandering both their professional colleagues and victims of vaccine injuries for their own moral superiority.

No one is infallible, neither government or health professionals.

For this reason we must educate ourselves, for we alone are the bearers of the consequences of our choices.


Dr. Suzanne Humphries Lecture on Vaccines

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

[Satire] Bill Gates Warns of the Sacrifices We’ll Have to Make in Stirring Speech Given From His $650,000,000 Super Yacht

Bill Gates Warns of the Sacrifices We’ll Have to Make in Stirring Speech Given From His 650 Million Dollar Super Yacht
“I wanted a 500ft, 1 billion-dollar mega yacht, but I settled for this clunker just to show how committed I am to the cause.”

by The Babylon Bee
February 20. 2021


PORTLAND, OR—Bill Gates, one of the wealthiest men alive, is passionate about fighting climate change. In a recent interview, he warned everyone of the sacrifices we will have to make to avoid a climate disaster. This statement was broadcasted live from his 367 foot long, 650 million dollar superyacht, the Aqua.

“It won’t be easy. There are a great many obstacles we must overcome if we are to survive climate change,” said Bill Gates. “But this may mean giving up some of the luxuries we love the most. We will all have to substantially reduce our travel, fuel expenditures, and switch entirely to synthetic meats. Only then do we stand a chance.”

Mr. Gates stressed how we will all have to put all of our resources together if we really want to make a difference. “I wanted a 500ft, 1 billion-dollar mega yacht, but I settled for this clunker just to show how committed I am to the cause,” said Mr. Gates as he left his onboard 5-star spa. “If we go just 15 years without cars, burning fossil fuels, and we all eat bugs we can reverse the damage to our planet.”

Bill Gates was excited to announce the first of its kind hydrogen-powered engine onboard the Aqua. “There’s truly nothing like it. But I just don’t get why everyone else on the planet can’t switch to a state-of-the-art, prototype fuel source like me!”

Mr. Gates wanted to say more, but he was informed his prime rib had just come off the charcoal grill. When we met up with him on the 7th floor he was already eating something suspiciously not synthetic looking. “You’ll get used to the taste!” he said. “I know for me I almost think it’s the real thing!”

Once again, our interview with Bill Gates was cut short as we heard a helicopter landing on one of the yacht’s upper decks. “Oh! That must be John Kerry!” said Mr. Gates. “He’s here to talk about making the burning of fossil fuels punishable by death!”

About That “Attack on the Capitol”: Let’s Make 2021 the Year We Wise Up

Let’s Make 2021 the Year We Wise Up: About That “Attack on the Capitol”

by WhatsHerFace
January 9, 2021


Original video “Attack on the Capitol” is available at WhatsHerFace YouTube channel.

The events at the capitol have less to do with the Left vs Right and more to do with Us vs Them.

Get ready for more censoring of the internet and shunning of people from society.

We are now entering the beginning stages of the Chinese system of censorship.

In two short years, social media companies went from promising a one time exception to ban Alex Jones to banning Donald Trump, the sitting President of the United States.

It looks like that slippery slope was pretty steep.

If you thought cancel culture was bad before, just wait to see what is coming.

The attack on the Capitol will inevitably become just another attack on your rights.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

18,500 Lawyers Ask for the Return of the Rule of Law (Belgium)

18,500 Lawyers Ask for the Return of the Rule of Law (Belgium)

by Children’s Health Defense Europe
February 20, 2021


18,500 Belgian lawyers represented by the 3 professional associations, the French-German-speaking order, the Flemish order and the lawyers of the Supreme Court (Cour de Cassation) denounce the government’s short-circuiting of Parliament in an common open letter. As always in times of crisis, the authorities in place must respond effectively and quickly to the difficulties it generates. However, in Belgiumas in other European countries such as France and Germany, the Executive power has operated almost exclusively under the tutelage of a small group of  scientific experts, away from the parliament, civil society, courts and other consultative bodies. The 18 500 lawyers insist on recalling the importance of fundamental freedoms and respecting the rule of law, the very foundation of a democratic state. 

“What worries me most is the fact that no debate in the House of Representatives has been initiated concerning the decisions taken to address the Covid-19 pandemic”, confides the president of the Brussels Bar Maurice Krings.

It’s time to remember that we live in a democracy.

Xavier Van Gils, president of, the French-German-speaking bar of Belgium: “I find that since April our government has taken a lot of largesse with the Constitution, which is a risk for our democracy (…/…) Making laws is the role of the Parliament, not the government ”.

With this public statement the bars point at a the series of ministerial orders that  were directly issued by the federal government. Even if ministers want to follow the advice of experts and scientists, the lawyers want to remind them that the state is a democracy and must remain so.  “We are no longer facing a pandemic that we do not know about. We have time for a parliamentary debate. Perhaps we would end up with the same decisions, but then they would have the required legitimacy since they would have been taken by the elected representatives of the nation,” the lawyers wrote

What the bars also fear is growing legal insecurity in the country. Lockdown, curfew, travel restrictions, mask mandates, these legislative changes upset and cloud the understanding of Belgians. “Citizens need clear information from their government. All the more so in this crisis situation” says the president of

“The pandemic cannot justify everything” and certainly not the fact of ignoring any form of debate.

Media and experts also under fire

This open criticism was echoed by a recent documentary about the biased way and the lack of debate with which the pandemic has been covered in national channels and the mainstream media. The video called “Ceci n’est pas un Complot” (This is not A Conspiracy”) made over 1 million views in a couple of weeks.  Viewers were shocked when they saw archives of a Chatham house conference of Jan. 2019 in which Prof. Marc Van Ranst one of Belgium’s ‘daily experts’ and eminent vaccinologists explained the basic principles of  a good communication strategy during a pandemic drawing on his experience with the H1NA flu. He made it very clear how useful it was to scare the public and how one could do it starting a daily death count that would feed the mainstream media at all times and how this could be used to promote the ‘life saving vaccines.’

Needless to say a good part of the public opinion didn’t really appreciate this new portrait of their ‘national heroes’.  Shortly thereafter the Prime Minister announced that a public debate would be held in Parliament over the Coronameasures.

Meanwhile the government had taken the decision to close its borders for non-essential travel in an attempt to block its population to leave on winter holidays. Belgium, France and Germany carry on with strict measures whilst some of their European neighbours like ItalyAustria, Espagne, Poland, Greece start to release the pressure on the society and take decisions which respect the economic context and the public opinion in favour of reopening.

The European Commission reacted in an open letter to the 27 members of the Union against the closure of borders and called to the respect of the principles of proportionality and non-discrimination.  Belgium did not change its decision to keep its borders closed until the 1st of April, but announced ‘a possible reevaluation’.  The country’s experts keep the confusion going with forecasts of variants and a third wave and insist that the measures have to be maintained while indicators of hospital capacity and mortality are stable and low.   Debates in Brussels at national and European level are much awaited and could and should be heated.



© [February 2021] Children’s Health Defense Europe, A.S.B.L.. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, A.S.B.L.. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense Europe? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Senta Depuydt and the Children’s Health Defense Europe team. Your donation will help to support in their efforts.

Catherine Austin Fitts w/ Greg Hunter: Building a Bitcoin Prison

Building a Bitcoin Prison

by Greg Hunter,
February 20, 2021


Former Assistant Secretary of Housing and investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts says you have to be careful and fully understand Bitcoin.  Fitts explains, “We do know they want to go to an all-digital system with central bank cryptos.  The easiest way to build the prison is to get freedom lovers everywhere to build the prison for you.  To me, Bitcoin has always been the prototype on the way to building the all-digital crypto system that they would love to put into place.  You have $400 trillion in fiat (currency) and it needs a place to go.  If you are trying to buy up all the gold, silver and farmland, the last thing you need is competition from retail.  They want to shift them into crypto and get them to build the crypto train tracks.  In a funny kind of way, it’s brilliant.

There is talk by big banks that Bitcoin could go to $300,000 per unit by the end of the year.  Fitts thinks, “This is absolutely possible.  This is pure politics.  This has nothing to do with economics.  How much will the central bankers, who can print as much money as they want, spend to get you into this platform?  Your guess is as good as mine.  The sky’s the limit as to how much they can spend.  Remember, once they decide to bring out the central bank currencies, and they have steadily been regulating the crypto currencies, Bitcoin and everything else, so the day they decide to take this to zero, they can do it.  If you are going to invest into cryptos and build our prison for us, what you need to know is this thing could go to $300,000, and it can also go to zero.  This is a highly speculative market, and you need to approach it accordingly.”

Fitts warns of a dark future if the central bankers get everything they want.  Fitts says, “When they decide to shut down our bank accounts and say you all get on crypto, universal basic income and take that injection or you can’t transact on the financial system, this is instituting a totalitarian system through the financial system. . . . When they shut that trap door, what you need to think about is where are you going to buy food?”

In closing, Fitts says, “We are in Never, Never Land.  We have two groups in our society:  One group that can print money, and the other who can earn money.  What we saw last year is the people who could print money declared war on the people who earn money.  They basically said we are going to shut down your businesses, and we are going to suck up and take your market share or buy you out with money we print out of thin air. . . . We have no pandemic.  What this is is an economic war.”

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with Catherine Austin Fitts, publisher of The Solari Report.

Video available at USAWatchdog Rumble channel.


Connect with Greg Hunter at USAWatchdog

Connect with Catherine Austin Fitts at Solari

The Truth About Bill Gates: Our Planetary Savior Has Arrived

The Truth About Bill Gates: Our Planetary Savior Has Arrived

by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News
February 19, 2021


Video available at Paul Joseph Watson YouTube and BitChute channels.


Bill Gates owns 4 private jets and a collection of Porsches which are kept in his 66,000 square foot mansion.

He says beef farming is killing the planet while buying up record amounts of farmland.

A study found him to be a CO2 super-emitter.

But he says YOU need to make sacrifices for zero carbon!

“It’s OK when Bill does it!”

Corona Investigative Committee w/ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich & RFK, Jr.: 1st International Livestream

Corona Investigative Committee w/ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich & RFK, Jr.: 1st International Livestream

by Corona Investigative Committee with Oval Media
February 17, 2021


Original video is available at Stiftung Corona Ausschuss – Live Streams YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


Commentary and excerpts by Truth Comes to Light editor.

This is the first time The Berlin Corona Investigative Committee is being broadcast internationally. Conversation and testimony is shared with lawyers from around the world.

This livestream is 4 hours long. The first hour of this livestream involves conversation between attorneys Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Dr. Fuellmich translates RFK, Jr.’s statements into German as they go along.

Later in the video, testimonies are made in German and periodically Dr. Fuellmich translates a summary into English.

Included are two lawyers from the Austrian Corona Committee who have won 22 cases before the Austrian Constitutional Court.

A high-ranking justice from Italy shares, in Italian, evidence that he and his collegues have gathered which is relevant internationally. English translation is provided.

Senta Depuydt, a journalist with Children’s Health Defense Europe, shares updates for France and Belgium, and European Union.

The participants reveal the deaths and atrocities related to covid vaccines and detail many successes that have already taken place in the courts.  Discussion includes ways to continue and expand international cooperation for challenging global medical tyranny via the COVID-19 mandates.

Inspiring examples are shared of how people throughout the world are rising up and gathering together to stand against the lockdowns and tyrannical mandates.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich addresses the question from Austrian lawyers about how people who have been damaged by lockdowns and mandates might receive compensation. His suggestion is to  focus on going after the corporations and the individuals who are responsible, not the governments.

A lawyer from the Netherlands describes his challenges — with dramatic ups and downs — in taking on the mandatory curfew.

A lawyer from Spain shares small, yet significant, successes.

The situation in Israel was discussed, including a social experiment called “consciousness engineering“, which focuses on the entire population. The horrific unfolding experience for all Israeli citizens, along with serious vaccine injuries, was shared.

Conversation with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich also addressed the attempted global takeover via The World Economic Forum’s Great Reset and much more.

Excerpts from conversation between Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.:


RFK, Jr. shares a clip from a video  “where a whistleblower from a nursing home in Germany reported some atrocities in that nursing home in conjunction with the administration of vaccines.” [see this short segment of the livestream event, with the shared whistleblower video and comments by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich HERE.]

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich responds:

“The thing that is disturbing about this is because we are getting more and more calls from other whistleblowers — from other nursing homes in this country. Plus we’re getting information from other countries. Sweden, for example. Norway, for example. Gibraltar, for example. There are also incidents in England and in the United States that match these descriptions…

It means that people are dying because of the vaccine.

So, of course, we’re going to have to go and look into the details. We’re going to have to have autopsies performed.

But what we’re seeing in this video clip is worse than anything we ever expected.

And, if that is true, and if this is representative for what’s going on in the other nursing homes and in other countries, then we have a very serious problem.

And so do the people who make the vaccines, so do the people who administer the vaccines…

It looks more and more as though we’re dealing with homicide, maybe even murder.

We’re going to have to look into the details.”

RFK, Jr. speaks of the economic devastation for the average person, while at the same time those who are orchestrating the lockdowns are making billions of dollars.  He also speaks on the media (and social media) censorship of information related to the vaccine

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich responds:

“The odd thing is that this very same thing is going on, not just in the United States, not just here in Germany, but all over the world — which does seem to point at some kind of, shall I say “lockstep”, or plan behind this.

Because it cannot be a coincidence — at least, not in my mind as an attorney, as a lawyer. It cannot be a coincidence that this is going on worldwide.

Now we know that the people who we were just talking about — the people who are profiting from this crisis — have so much money that they also, of course, have invested in the so-called mainstream media.

But…isn’t anybody worried about the fact that the notion of free speech, the idea of free speech as the very basis for any functioning democracy, is now in the hands of private corporations who have never been elected by anyone?”

RFK, Jr.:

“One of the problems that we have in the United States that you don’t have in Europe is that in 1997 we changed the law in our country to allow pharmaceutical companies to do direct consumer advertising on television.

So, today the big television networks can make up to 70% of their revenues on pharmaceutical products. What it means is that pharmaceutical companies are dictating the content of what we see on the news

Anderson Cooper gets 12 million dollars a year and about 10 million of that comes from pharmaceutical companies…

Rupert Murdock, who runs Fox News also runs/owns the biggest vaccine company in Australia.

And so you have the press in our country that has absolutely been taken over by the pharmaceutical industry.”

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich:

“This problem seems so big, and the resulting damage seems so horrendous all over the world, that many of us have been thinking that maybe the national courts will not be able to cope with this. So the idea has been floating — and we’ve been discussing this with a number of our colleagues from all over the world — that maybe we’re going to need — once we get this to stop — we’re going to need, in order to go and deliver justice, we’re going to need something like a Nuremberg trial, second generation. Is that something that lawyers you work with have also been thinking about?”

RFK, Jr. explains the obstacles that have been created globally that would make it difficult to be treated fairly and the challenges we face.  He focuses on getting the public involved and focusing on the parts of the national and local court systems that still have integrity.

“We need to try to figure out ways, first of all, of communicating to the public.

So, we’re off of social media. The mainstream press is now captured by the pharmaceutical industry. But there are now other, evolving, ways for people who are learning to communicate to each in other ways.

We need to establish credible ways for people who care about democracy, who care about civil rights, who are concerned about the ascendency of the medical cartel to begin really revolting against the increase and unacceptable power of those power centers.

And one of those ways in through communication.

The other is, in many of our independent nations, there are opportunities in the courts — where you still have integrity in the courts and judicial system of some of our countries. And it’s getting smaller and smaller, more constricted.

But, to me those present the best opportunity. Public organizing, public communication and the use of the courts.”

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich:

“And I think what also makes sense — what we’ve been doing for months now…

I think it also makes a lot sense for all of us to continue to cooperate and share the evidence that we have, so that we’re all on the same page and that we’re all on the same level… Because the problem is universal. It’s almost identical worldwide…

I think it’s really important to show that, as you said, those parts of the judicial system that still have integrity are still functioning — and that we — you and I and the rest of the people who are working with us — are doing the best we can to show and to get as many decisions as possible from the courts of law that say:

PCR tests cannot tell you anything about infections. And that there are no asymptomatic infections. And even if there were that doesn’t play a role. As many of these decisions as possible.

Because the PCR test. the Drosten PCR test, was and still is the centerpiece of this whole thing.

If we destroy that narrative, I think this house of cards is going to come down crashing soon.”


Connect with the Corona Investigative Committee

Connect with RFK, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense

Statement of Virus Isolation | Conclusion: The SARS-CoV2 Virus Does Not Exist

Statement On Virus Isolation (SOVI)

by Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Sally Fallon Morell
February 19, 2021



Statement On Virus Isolation (SOVI)


Isolation: The action of isolating; the fact or condition of being isolated or standing alone;
separation from other things or persons; solitariness.

– Oxford English Dictionary


The controversy over whether the SARS-CoV-2 virus has ever been isolated or purified continues. However, using the above definition, common sense, the laws of logic and the dictates of science, any unbiased person must come to the conclusion that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has never been isolated or purified. As a result, no confirmation of the virus’ existence can be found. The logical, common sense, and scientific consequences of this fact are:

  • the structure and composition of something not shown to exist can’t be known, including the presence, structure, and function of any hypothetical spike or other proteins;
  • the genetic sequence of something that has never been found can’t be known;
  • “variants” of something that hasn’t been shown to exist can’t be known;
  • it’s impossible to demonstrate that SARS-CoV-2 causes a disease called Covid-19.

In as concise terms as possible, here’s the proper way to isolate, characterize and demonstrate a new virus. First, one takes samples (blood, sputum, secretions) from many people (e.g. 500) with symptoms which are unique and specific enough to characterize an illness. Without mixing these samples with ANY tissue or products that also contain genetic material, the virologist macerates, filters and ultracentrifuges i.e. purifies the specimen. This common virology technique, done for decades to isolate bacteriophages1 and so-called giant viruses in every virology lab, then allows the virologist to demonstrate with electron microscopy thousands of identically sized and shaped particles. These particles are the isolated and purified virus.

These identical particles are then checked for uniformity by physical and/or microscopic techniques. Once the purity is determined, the particles may be further characterized. This would include examining the structure, morphology, and chemical composition of the particles. Next, their genetic makeup is characterized by extracting the genetic material directly from the purified particles and using genetic-sequencing techniques, such as Sanger sequencing, that have also been around for decades. Then one does an analysis to confirm that these uniform particles are exogenous (outside) in origin as a virus is conceptualized to be, and not the normal breakdown products of dead and dying tissues.2 (As of May 2020, we know that virologists have no way to determine whether the particles they’re seeing are viruses or just normal break-down products of dead and dying tissues.)3

1 Isolation, characterization and analysis of bacteriophages from the haloalkaline lake Elmenteita, KenyaJuliah Khayeli Akhwale et al, PLOS One, Published: April 25, 2019. — accessed 2/15/21

2 “Extracellular Vesicles Derived From Apoptotic Cells: An Essential Link Between Death and Regeneration,” Maojiao Li1 et al, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 2020 October 2. — accessed 2/15/21

3 “The Role of Extraellular Vesicles as Allies of HIV, HCV and SARS Viruses,” Flavia Giannessi, et al, Viruses, 2020 May

If we have come this far then we have fully isolated, characterized, and genetically sequenced an exogenous virus particle. However, we still have to show it is causally related to a disease. This is carried out by exposing a group of healthy subjects (animals are usually used) to this isolated, purified virus in the manner in which the disease is thought to be transmitted. If the animals get sick with the same disease, as confirmed by clinical and autopsy findings, one has now shown that the virus actually causes a disease. This demonstrates infectivity and transmission of an infectious agent.

None of these steps has even been attempted with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, nor have all these steps been successfully performed for any so-called pathogenic virus. Our research indicates that a single study showing these steps does not exist in the medical literature.

Instead, since 1954, virologists have taken unpurified samples from a relatively few people, often less than ten, with a similar disease. They then minimally process this sample and inoculate this unpurified sample onto tissue culture containing usually four to six other types of material — all of which contain identical genetic material as to what is called a “virus.” The tissue culture is starved and poisoned and naturally disintegrates into many types of particles, some of which contain genetic material. Against all common sense, logic, use of the English language and scientific integrity, this process is called “virus isolation.” This brew containing fragments of genetic material from many sources is then subjected to genetic analysis, which then creates in a computer-simulation process the alleged sequence of the alleged virus, a so called in silico genome. At no time is an actual virus confirmed by electron microscopy. At no time is a genome extracted and sequenced from an actual virus. This is scientific fraud.

The observation that the unpurified specimen — inoculated onto tissue culture along with toxic antibiotics, bovine fetal tissue, amniotic fluid and other tissues — destroys the kidney tissue onto which it is inoculated is given as evidence of the virus’ existence and pathogenicity. This is scientific fraud.

From now on, when anyone gives you a paper that suggests the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been isolated, please check the methods sections. If the researchers used Vero cells or any other culture method, you know that their process was not isolation. You will hear the following excuses for why actual isolation isn’t done:

  1. There were not enough virus particles found in samples from patients to analyze.
  2. Viruses are intracellular parasites; they can’t be found outside the cell in this manner.

If No. 1 is correct, and we can’t find the virus in the sputum of sick people, then on what evidence do we think the virus is dangerous or even lethal? If No. 2 is correct, then how is the virus spread from person to person? We are told it emerges from the cell to infect others. Then why isn’t it possible to find it?

Finally, questioning these virology techniques and conclusions is not some distraction or divisive issue. Shining the light on this truth is essential to stop this terrible fraud that humanity is confronting. For, as we now know, if the virus has never been isolated, sequenced or shown to cause illness, if the virus is imaginary, then why are we wearing masks, social distancing and putting the whole world into prison?

Finally, if pathogenic viruses don’t exist, then what is going into those injectable devices erroneously called “vaccines,” and what is their purpose? This scientific question is the most urgent and relevant one of our time.

We are correct. The SARS-CoV2 virus does not exist.

Sally Fallon Morell, MA
Dr. Thomas Cowan, MD
Dr. Andrew Kaufman, MD


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Covid Vaccine Safety Systems Failing

Covid Vaccine Safety Systems Failing

by Del Bigtree w/ Jefferey Jaxen, The HighWire
February 19, 2021


Video available at The HighWire BitChute and Brighteon channels.


Health officials are coming forward to criticize a lackluster effort by health agencies to implement adequate Covid vaccine safety monitoring and reporting systems ahead of the largest vaccine rollout in history.

Del brings to light a shocking 2010 study revealing the current primary system, VAERS, may only capture less than 1% of actual injuries from vaccines, which begs the question:

Are we seeing only the tip of a massive Covid vaccine injury iceberg?

The Modelling-Paper Mafiosi

The Modelling-Paper Mafiosi

by Rosemary Frei
sourced from OffGuardian
February 11, 2021

The Pandemic Modellers Have a Conflict of Interest Problem
video is available from Rosemary Frei on Vimeo.

John Edmunds is on top of the world. He’s one of the modelling-paper mafiosi.

The London, U.K., professor is a key government advisor on COVID-19-related policies. Edmunds also was a co-author of one of the primary modelling papers that have been used to convince the masses that vigilance against Variant of Concern (VOC) B.1.1.7 should be their top priority.

And Edmunds co-wrote an influential January 21, 2021 report that concluded, “There is a realistic possibility that VOC B.1.1.7 is associated with an increased risk of death compared to non-VOC viruses.”

In addition, he speaks often to reporters about the deadliness of the new variant. Edmunds tells them, for example, that a “disaster” would ensue if lockdowns are eased too soon, because what first must be done is to “vaccinate much, much, much more widely than the elderly.”

Follow the funds

Edmunds also happens to be the spouse of someone who, at least until April 2020, was an employee of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and held shares in the company. (Edmunds doesn’t disclose this in any of his media interviews that I’ve read and watched. He also doesn’t disclose his own stock holdings.)

According to an April 2020 Daily Telegraph article, Edmunds’s wife is Jeanne Pimenta and she works for GSK. The Daily Telegraph article states Edmunds asserted his partner had recently resigned from GSK. So it’s unclear whether Pimenta currently works there or not. I did a little digging and found that the only Jeanne Pimenta LinkedIn profile indicates she’s currently director of epidemiology at GSK, while Jeanne Pimenta’s ResearchGate profile says she’s an epidemiologist at BioMarin Pharmaceutical. (I’ll have a bit more about Edmunds being married to a present or former Glaxo employee later in this article.)

In any case, GSK’s financial success is skyrocketing. On February 3 the company announced it’s collaborating with mRNA-vaccine company CureVac to spend 150 million Euros — approx $180 million USD — to make vaccines for the new variants. That effectively gives them first-entrant advantage in vaccines for the new variants. And that same Feb. 3 news release touts the new-variant vaccines as also able to serve as ‘booster’ shots after the initial rounds of vaccination.

In addition, GSK joined forces with CureVac to pump out, later this year, 100 million doses of CureVac’s ‘first-generation’ COVID-19 vaccine called ‘CvnCoV.’

Not only that: this fall GSK together with another international pharmaceutical firm, Sanofi, are scheduled to start producing what could turn out to be up to one billion doses of their COVID-19 vaccine annually. GSK’s understated Feb. 3 announcement of its Q4 2020 financial results said it will “continue to expect meaningful improvement in revenues and margins” because they are “building a high-value biopharma pipeline.”

Note that GSK and other pharma companies like Moderna and Pfizer are not responsible for damage and compensation payments to people seriously injured and killed by COVID-19 vaccines. Governments will pay instead – that is, if those injured and killed and their loved ones are able to beat the long odds and get any compensation at all.

And a remarkable February 8, 2021, investigative report in the German news outlet Welt Am Sonntag (which translates to World on Sunday) reveals another impetus for the wildly inaccurate modelling governments use to keep populations in a state of fear and control. The German article shows that in March 2020 government officials enlisted “leading scientists from several research institutes and universities. Together, they were to produce a [mathematical-modelling] paper that would serve as legitimization for further tough political measures.” These scientists obediently wrote a modelling paper tailored to the government’s instructions. The then-secret paper asserted that if lockdown measures were lifted immediately, up to one million Germans would die from COVID-19, some “agonizingly at home, gasping for breath,” after being turned away from overflowing hospitals.

Edmunds Is Deeply Invested in the Vaccine World

There’s still more to the web of money and influence surrounding Edmunds and other modelling-paper mafiosi, including Neil Ferguson (information on Ferguson is in the section below titled More Modelling Mafiosi).

The first new-variant modelling paper Edmunds co-wrote, which I mention in the second paragraph of this article, was posted on December 23, 2020. Edmunds co-authored it with his fellow members of the Centre for Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). People in the centre’s COVID-19 Working Group also contributed.

The modelling paper was posted on the e-journal Medrχiv, which publishes only non-peer-reviewed papers. The journal is the creation of an organization headed by Facebook head Mark Zuckerberg and his wife. I discuss Medrχiv and the Zuckerberg connection in my Feb. 3 article on the baselessness for the modelling papers that claim the new variants are very dangerous.

Edmunds also is dean of the LSHTM’s Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health. I contacted the institution’s media-relations department to request an interview with one of the Dec. 23, 2020, modelling paper’s authors. I didn’t receive a response.

In a Feb. 2017 video interview, Edmunds enthused that the LSHTM specializes in every aspect of vaccine development, from basic science to large-scale clinical trials. In the video he also touts using mathematical modelling as a good way to show that vaccines protect individuals and society. (And among other things he describes his group’s efforts in giving children flu vaccines and — in conjunction with Public Health England — promoting human papillomavirus [HPV] vaccines for girls and boys.)

In addition, Edmunds is a key member of the UK Vaccine Network (which until recently was known as the UK Vaccines Network – the URL for the organization has ‘UK Vaccines Network‘ in it).

And he’s a member of the U.K. govenment’s Science Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), which provides Covid-measure advice — much of it related to the unprecedentedly forceful push for mass vaccination — to U.K. prime minister Boris Johnson and his cabinet.

On top of that, Edmunds is a member of the U.K. government’s New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group (NERVTAG). It works hand in hand with SAGE, and it also heavily promotes vaccination.

And as mentioned earlier, Edmunds is married to a current or former GSK employee. A 2015 article that Edmunds co-authored states under ‘Competing interests’ for Edmunds that “My partner works for GSK.” Similarly, on the NERVTAG website’s conflict-disclosure pages – which for some reason haven’t been updated since Oct. 2017 – it reveals that Edmunds’s spouse works for GSK.

As a quick other note, the ‘Author Contributions and Acknowledgements’ section of the PDF of the December 23 modelling analysis of B.1.1.7 (pages 15 and 16) shows that almost all of the paper’s authors and members of the modelling centre’s COVID-19 Working Group receive funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and/or Wellcome Trust. (By the way, a search for Wellcome Trust yields the Wellcome website.)

And there’s more to the Edmunds story. Among other of my finds: he’s also on the Scientific Advisory Board for the Coalition for Epidemic Innovations (CEPI). CEPI was created primarily by the BMGF, the World Economic Forum and the major pharma company Wellcome. CEPI’s website states it was “launched in Davos [at the meeting of the World Economic Forum in January] 2017 to develop vaccines to stop future epidemics. Our mission is to accelerate the development of vaccines against emerging infectious diseases and enable equitable access to these vaccines for people during outbreaks.”

Investigative journalist Vanessa Beeley last year wrote a must-read two-part analysis of the ties between the key individuals, institutions, companies and funders of the UK’s Covid-19 response. She mentioned that GSK is working with CEPI to develop COVID-19 vaccines. This alliance is still going strong today.

Note also that the LSHTM’s Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health, which Edmunds heads, is primarily funded by the BMGF and the Gavi alliance. (Gavi promotes mass vaccination of people around the world — including by quarterbacking the COVAX program. Gavi’s biggest funders include the BMGF. Doctors Without Borders has criticized GAVI for being “aimed more at supporting drug-industry desires to promote new products than at finding the most efficient and sustainable means for fighting the diseases of poverty.”)

BMGF funding for the LSHTM’s Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health is growing very fast. For example, BMGF’s new grants to the faculty rose from $4.9 million USD in 2013-2014 (see page 14 [p. 9 in the PDF] of the LSHTM’s 2014 annual report) to $13.19 million USD in 2015-2016 (see page 14 [p. 9 in the PDF] of the LSHTM’s 2016 annual report)(top new research grants to each faculty at the LSHTM stopped being reported in the annual reports after 2017). Funding from the BMGF to the LSHTM as a whole was 30.2 million pounds ($40.2 million USD) in 2017-2018 (see page 9 [p. 6 in the PDF] in the school’s 2018 annual report).

By the way, the LSHTM also has a Vaccines Manufacturing Innovation Centre. It develops, tests and commercializes vaccines. (I couldn’t find any information on where the vaccines centre’s funding comes from.)

The vaccines centre also performs affiliated activities like combating ‘vaccine hesitancy.’ The latter includes the Vaccine Confidence Project. The project’s stated purpose is, among other things, “to provide analysis and guidance for early response and engagement with the public to ensure sustained confidence in vaccines and immunisation.”

The Vaccine Confidence Project’s director is LSHTM professor Heidi Larson. For more than a decade she’s been researching how to combat vaccine hesitancy. LSHTM underpins the project, which also is a member of the WHO’s Vaccine Safety Net.

More Modelling Mafiosi

Here’s information about two other members of this club:

– Public Health England (PHE) issued its first detailed report on the new variant in late December 2020 and continues to provide updates. None of their reports are peer-reviewed. One of the highest-profile co-authors of the PHE reports is PHE director Susan Hopkins. She’s also a professor of infectious diseases at Imperial College London. The college receives tens of millions of dollars a year from the BMGF. See for example this grantthis onethis one and this one. (I emailed PHE media relations to request an interview about PHE’s new-variants reports. PHE communications person Zahra Vindhani responded, “Dr. Hopkins won’t have the capacity for this in the upcoming weeks, and we aren’t able to confirm anyone else for this either.”)

– PHE is guided in its approach to vaccination by PHE’s “Strategic Priority 1” for combating infections diseases in 2020-2025. It is to “Optimise vaccine provision and reduce vaccine preventable diseases in England” (see p. 9 of PHE’s Infectious Disease Strategy 2020-2025).

– Neil Ferguson is a co-author of the PHE reports and also of a widely quoted December 31 modelling paper on the dangerousness of B.1.1.7. He’s Acting Director of the Imperial College London-based Vaccine Impact Modelling Consortium.

– Ferguson’s modelling has been extremely faulty again over the years. This has been thoroughly documented. For example, as investigative journalist Beeley wrote in Part One of a two-part investigative report in April-May 2020, Ferguson’s modelling over-estimated by about three million-fold the death toll from the bird flu, also known as H5N1. As a result, a lot of money was made by bird-flu-vaccine manufacturers, ranging from Roche (for its now-infamous, ineffective Tamiflu) to Sanofi, and they were used widely.

– Ferguson also grossly overestimated the effects of swine flu, or H1N1. As a result, millions of people were needlessly given GSK’s PandemrixIt caused brain damage, primarily narcolepsy and cataplexy, in hundreds if not thousands of vaccine recipients, mostly children. The pharma giant was granted no fault in any damage claims. Therefore the British government paid more than 60 million pounds (approx. $80 million USD at 2017 conversion rates) to victims. (And as mentioned earlier in this article, GSK and other pharma companies are similarly protected from having to pay damages to people injured or killed by their COVID-19 vaccines.)

– Ferguson also is a member, together with Edmunds and others, of SAGE.

– Another group he’s a member of is the highly influential NERVTAG. It’s the group that issued the January 21, 2021 warning, mentioned earlier in this article, that B.1.1.7 is deadly. Ferguson is a NERVTAG member even though he was reported to have resigned last spring after being caught visiting with his married lover when everyone in England was supposed to only be having contact with members of their own households (based in large part on Ferguson’s modelling and his urging the government to lock the country down).

– Ferguson also is a member of the UK Vaccines Network, along with Edmunds and others such as the Network chair Chris Whitty, who’s also the UK government’s top Covid-19 adviser Chris Whitty. The network’s focus, according to its website, “to support the [U.K.] government to identify and shortlist targeted investment opportunities for the most promising vaccines and vaccine technologies that will help combat infectious diseases with epidemic potential, and to address structural issues related to the UK’s broader vaccine infrastructure.”

These ties bind Edmunds, Ferguson and Hopkins – along with the rest of the modelling-paper mafiosi — to the bidding of governments, Big Pharma, Bill Gates and other powerful players.

They present an image of being fully devoted to the public good, while in fact actively helping to destroy it.


After obtaining an MSc in molecular biology from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Calgary, Rosemary Frei became a freelance writer. For the next 22 years she was a medical writer and journalist. She pivoted again in early 2016 to full-time, independent activism and investigative journalism. Her website is

Truth Slips Out in Coronavirus Vaccine Deaths ‘Fact Check’?

Truth Slips Out in Coronavirus Vaccine Deaths ‘Fact Check’?

by Adam Dick, Ron Paul Institute
February 17, 2021


The big money media that have been working for a year to stir up maximum fear of coronavirus have been taking the opposite tack regarding coronavirus vaccines. These experimental vaccines, which are not even vaccines under the normal understanding of what qualifies as a vaccine, rushed to the public without the regular testing, the big money media insists, are safe and should be taken by everyone.

Yet, even in this Pollyanna coverage of the experimental vaccines, occasionally the truth slips out.

On February 3, ABC News ran an article by Stephanie Widmer titled “Fact-check: No link between COVID-19 vaccines and those who die after receiving them.” The main thrust of the article is that all the people who die after taking the experimental coronavirus vaccines would have died anyway: The vaccine never caused the death no matter how soon the death occurred after a person received a shot or how out of the blue and strange the circumstances of the death. The deaths are all just a coincidence, the article suggests. Plenty of people — around 8,000 people according to the article — die each day in America, you know.

This seems like some fanciful thinking. And the thinking is the opposite of the thinking employed in attributing deaths to coronavirus. With coronavirus, the presumption generally employed by government and big money media in America is that coronavirus is the killer if a person who tested positive for coronavirus dies, no matter what other health problems he had and irrespective of coronavirus tests producing many false positive results.

Still, there is some value in this ABC News article for people not interested in reading yet another big money media article promoting everyone having an experimental vaccine injected into his arm. Around halfway through the article is a sentence that suggests something much less fanciful to explain the conclusion that the experimental coronavirus vaccines kill nobody. The article states. “Every time someone gets sick or dies shortly after getting a vaccine, government agencies investigate to ensure there’s no link.” Is this the truth slipping out?

Justice Centre Sues Canadian Federal Government for Forcible Confinement of Travellers

Justice Centre Sues Canadian Federal Government for Forcible Confinement of Travellers

by Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom
February 17, 2021


TORONTO:  The Justice Centre has filed legal action against the Federal Government in response to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau declaring to media that Canadians returning from travel will be forcibly confined in hotels at a cost of $2,000 per traveller even though they return in possession of a negative PCR test.

The Justice Centre first sent a legal demand letter to Minister of Transport Omar Alghabra on January 29, 2021 warning it would sue in Federal Court if the government proceeded with its threat to confine returning Canadians at secret locations, even those who had already tested negative for Covid.

The Justice Centre represents 13 individual applicants, including Steve Duesing, pictured above, in the comprehensive new lawsuit and is advising dozens more. The non-profit law firm and registered charity has received thousands of emails of outrage from travelling Canadians since the federal government first announced that all citizens, regardless of their reason for travel, would be forced to have a Covid PCR test in order to board an airplane to return to Canada, then be forced to take another PCR test on arrival, and then be forcibly confined for up to three days while waiting for a negative test result, and also be forced to pay $2,000.

Anyone who tests positive after returning to Canada will be “immediately required to quarantine in designated government facilities,” according to Mr. Trudeau. The government is contracting security guards to enforce mandatory quarantines, with the added threat of arrest and jail for Canadians who refuse to be forcibly confined in a federal facility. On February 9, the government announced that anyone arriving by land without a negative PCR test could face fines up to $3,000. As of February 22, travellers will also be required to submit to another Covid test towards the end of a mandatory 14-day quarantine. Additional applicants may be added to the legal action as the Justice Centre proceeds.

Justice Centre lawyer Sayeh Hassan notes that Canadians travel for many reasons and the Charter guarantees the fundamental right to enter and leave Canada. “Prime Minister Trudeau has arbitrarily made special exceptions for Olympic athletes and their support teams, for example,” notes Ms. Hassan.

“Citizens are being held unlawfully despite not having been convicted of any offence, not having had access to a lawyer, and not having appeared before a judge. Law enforcement officers are apparently refusing to inform family members of where their loved ones are being held. This outrageous policy aligns with the world’s most repressive and undemocratic regimes and is totally unacceptable,” adds Ms. Hassan.

“Quarantine, particularly of healthy or asymptomatic individuals, is the functional equivalent of house arrest and the Justice Centre will not allow it to continue unchallenged.”

“Build Back Better” From COVID-19? | The COVID-19 Global Order

“Build Back Better” From COVID-19?

by Del Bigtree, The HighWire
February 18, 2021


Video available at The HighWire BitChute and Brighteon channels.

Political leaders and billionaires around the globe have doubled down on the “build back better” strategy and it’s beginning to sound a little too similar to the World Economic Forum’s world socialization mission.

It’s hard not to wonder how #covid19 has played into the plan.

Nursing Home Nightmare

Nursing Home Nightmare

by Del Bigtree w/ Jefferey Jaxen, The HighWire
February 18, 2021


Video available at The HighWire BitChute and Brighteon channels.

Headlines in the US and UK continue to report dozens of nursing home deaths after receiving their first round of the #Covid19 vaccine.

Data out of England shows that elderly care home deaths as much as tripled when the vaccine rolled out in January.

Talk about a coincidence.


Attorney Thomas Renz w/ Dr. Peter Breggin: A Call to Join Others Fighting for Human Freedom | Update on Ongoing Lawsuits

Attorney Thomas Renz w/ Dr. Peter Breggin: A Call to Join Others Fighting for Human Freedom | Update on Ongoing Lawsuits

by Dr. Peter Breggin
February 18, 2021


Original video available at Peter Breggin MD YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Attorney Tom Renz is a Godsend for human freedom. Initially single-handed, but gaining more widespread support, Tom is leading a defensive legal assault on the those in the state and federal governments who want to destroy our freedom in the name of the public health “emergency” surrounding COVID-19. You will be moved and enlightened and inspired by his work. I am honored to share my hour with him with you. You will enlarge your understanding of COVID-19 and confirm that there is hope for better times. Please watch this, for all our sakes, and perhaps add your energy to his work. He needs good people to volunteer to help him in every possible way. If you help to advance the work of Tom Renz, you join the pantheon of people who have and who are advancing human freedom.

Ohio Stands Up!

Tom Renz website

Dr. Peter Breggin’s Website

Peter R. Breggin MD Expert Legal Report

Overview of Breggin’s Report

Legal Complaint

 See related:

COVID-19 & Public Health Totalitarianism: Untoward Effects on Individuals, Institutions and Society by Dr. Peter Breggin

From September 1, 2020 Courageous “Humble Hero” Attorney Tom Renz w/ Dr. Peter Breggin: Covid-19 Lawsuit Update

Earth Cooling Dramatically

Earth Cooling Dramatically

by Dr. Mark Sircus
February 18, 2021


Winter storms are wreaking havoc in central and southern States. The climate news has turned catastrophic. People are angry; however, the federal government is too busy with its delusional psychosis over global warming and the COVID pandemic.

People don’t realize how bad and multifaceted the situation is. We have full-scale blackouts in Mexico, millions of Americans still in the dark with no power and heat, and the biggest outage in American oil and gas history. A loss on this scale is already generating an energy crisis, meaning each and everyone one of us will be paying more for energy.

The death count is climbing, with 20 deaths now reported, and the count is not over yet, and all scientists can say is that global warming caused by humans is partly responsible for making the cold longer and more frequent; that is what the press says, and we are supposed to believe every word of it.

Obviously, global warming cannot be responsible for so much cold, but for the brain compromised, anything is possible. Of course, climate change is real; it is only man-made global warming, which is the world’s biggest scam in man’s history is not. The real story of climate change has to do with the sun and its fluctuations and the reality that we are in for a few decades of cooling temperatures on Earth.

Thousands of low-temperature records have fallen across North America during these past few days alone, with record snowfall accompanying the cold, driving the continent’s snow cover extent to unprecedented levels. Through December 2020 and January 2021, the UAH Satellite-Based Temperature of the Global Lower Atmosphere revealed that the Earth cooled dramatically and has now dropped below the 1979 through 2000 average.

The massive winter storm that buried much of the United States in snow this week, bringing record-setting cold across the plains and knocking out the power grid in Texas, is not inconsistent with climate change, according to Noah Diffenbaugh, an expert climate scientist at Stanford University. He is correct if he was talking about cold climate change.

Bill Gates, the pretend climatologist and expert on CO2 and medicine, is the man most responsible (along with Dr. Fauci) for pushing a massive delusional psychosis onto the human race, not only about COVID but about CO2, the most necessary gas for life on Earth.

You would think someone in the government would say something useful like warning the public about the signs and symptoms of hypothermia. But the press is too busy covering their backsides about global warming. In today’s world, it is impossible for anyone to admit they are wrong, so as we move into the beginning of dangerous ice-age conditions, all we will hear about is how hot it has been these last few years. Meanwhile, in Texas, after days of little or no energy food, and water shortages have developed with people burning their fences and children’s toys to stay warm.

Big Victims of the Big Lie

Texas was warned a decade ago that its power grid was unready for the cold. But since the propaganda of global warming fooled almost everyone, no one seemed to take the reality of global cooling seriously. Bottom line: The Texas grid got crushed because its operators didn’t see the need to prepare for cold weather, and everyone will pay the price. And, of course, some people will die for it, and probably many people will get sick from fighting with hypothermia.

“We have a nuclear power plant offline because of a frozen pump, we have coal plants offline because of frozen equipment or frozen coal piles, we have some wind turbines offline because of ice on the blades, we have some solar panels offline because of snow on the panels, but the most spectacular failing is really in the natural gas system where we have over 20 gigawatts of natural gas power plants that aren’t on, that we would like to be on and should be on, but they can’t get the gas they need, or their equipment is frozen,” said Professor Michael Webber, chief science officer at the University of Texas in Austin. The keywords here are frozen, not melted, as some climate fanatics who are suffering from psychosis wished it would be.

This week’s disruptive Arctic freeze isn’t just confined to North America –where this past Monday, a staggering 79% of the U.S. was below freezing. The cold is engulfing a large portion of the northern hemisphere, including central and eastern Europe, Northern and Western Asia, North Africa, and the Middle East, where snow is falling even in Lybia.

Read full article at

James Corbett: How Can a Global Conspiracy Work?

How Can a Global Conspiracy Work?

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
February 18, 2021


John writes in to ask how a global conspiracy can function and how it can be kept under wraps. Good question. Join James for this week’s edition of Questions For Corbett where he tackles the most common objections of the skeptics and their fallacious counter-arguments against the global conspiracy.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / LBRY / / YouTube or Download the mp4


The Open Conspiracy by H. G. Wells

The Next Million Years by Charles Galton Darwin

The Impact of Science on Society by Bertrand Russell

How & Why Big Oil Conquered the World

The Ultimate Revolution (Aldous Huxley)

Ecoscience by Ehrlich, Ehrlich and Holdren

The First Global Revolution (Club of Rome)

The Last Word on Overpopulation

Meet Paul Ehrlich, Pseudoscience Charlatan

Who is Bill Gates?

Prince Philip on what should be done about “overpopulation”

David Rockefeller UN 1994-09-14

Sir David Attenborough on Overpopulation

Does saving more lives lead to overpopulation?

Extra: Gates On Population Rates

Politifact “Fact Checks” Claims About Ecoscience

Stupid Conspiracy Theorists! Chemicals Aren’t Turning The Frogs GAY!!

The Disappearing Male

9/11 Whistleblowers

Episode 129 – CALEA and the Stellar Wind

The Quigley Formula – G. Edward Griffin lecture

Understanding The Dangers Of Innovation Zones And Smart Cities

Understanding The Dangers Of Innovation Zones And Smart Cities

by Derrick Broze, The Last American Vagabond
February 17, 2021


Following the news that Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak plans to launch so-called “Innovation Zones” where tech companies can create their own cities and governments, privacy advocates are responding with fear and concern.

During his State of the State address in mid-January, Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak noted that the state is suffering because of the COVID-19 restrictions and the effect on tourism. Sisolak called on the launch of “Innovation Zones”, a plan aimed at bringing companies working on “groundbreaking technologies” to Nevada and turning the state into the “epicenter of this emerging industry and creating the high paying jobs and revenue that go with it.” However, in these Innovation Zones, corporations are given the power to collect taxes, and essentially, operate as a quasi-independent government.

While the full plan for the Innovation Zones has yet to be released, The Las Vegas Review-Journal obtained a draft copy of proposed legislation which would grant tech corporations previously unheard of powers within the jurisdiction of these zones. The draft of the legislation states that traditional local governments are “inadequate alone to provide the flexibility and resources conducive to making the State a leader in attracting and retaining new forms and types of businesses and fostering economic development in emerging technologies and innovative industries.” In response, the draft calls for an “alternative form of local government”.

This “alternative form of local government” will be built around the use of innovative technologies, including:

  • Blockchain
  • Autonomous technology
  • Internet of Things
  • Robotics
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Wireless technology
  • Biometrics
  • Renewable resources

While the zones would at first operate under the authority of the county in which they are located, the legislation describes how tech companies could use Innovation Zones to form their own separate government that would act as the equivalent to a county authority. These zones would have the ability to impose taxes, form school districts and local court systems, and provide government services. The zone would have a board of supervisors with the same powers as a board of county commissioners.

During his State of the State address, Sisolak noted that Blockchains, LLC was committed to developing a “smart city” east of Reno which would run on blockchain technology. Blockchain technology is essentially a digital ledger that cannot be altered. The concept was first popularized because of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. Digital tech experts have been predicting for years that blockchain technology would revolutionize our world by integrating with various industries. Some blockchain enthusiasts believe the technology could remove the need for centralized institutions, like banks and governments. Others worry that the use of blockchain will lead to a future where every interaction is logged on a public blockchain.

Blockchains CEO Jeffrey Berns has been promoting his vision of a blockchain smart city since 2018, when the company purchased 67,000 acres of land in the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center, which also houses Google and Tesla. Berns first revealed his plans for the blockchain city in November 2018 at the Prague Blockchain Week event.

“Imagine a world where anybody, anywhere can collaborate, establish the rules of that collaboration, enforce those rules, exchange value, and do it all on the blockchain,” Berns said during his talk. “No government. No bank. No corporation. Just trusting in math.”

While Berns claims to be concerned with the growth of Big Tech companies and aims to use blockchain to eliminate the need for banks, corporations, or governments – ideas which are popular among libertarians and crypto-anarchists – his company also describes a vision where all life is placed on the blockchain. The Blockchains website describes how smart devices could be connected to a blockchain:

“By connecting smart devices to a blockchain – from smartphones and computers to internet-enabled cars, smart locks, advanced manufacturing machines, and security systems – we can facilitate marketplaces, payment services, or even a sharing economy for the Internet of Things. This makes possible not just peer-to-peer transactions, but even machine-to-machine payments for services, from tollbooth payments to battery storage, consumption, and trading. Best of all, because these interactions are on a blockchain, they will not rely on financial intermediaries or be subject to the security risks inherent in centralized data storage systems.”

Of course, blockchains are a tool. As with any tool their purpose is defined by the person wielding or creating the tool. A blockchain can be created with privacy, transparency, and speed in mind. Additionally, a developer could create a blockchain where every interaction is stored and publicly available for any company, government, or individual to see. What matters is how the technology is applied. Berns may care about privacy and have a desire to eliminate centralized authorities, but not all blockchains are equal and it seems inevitable that less savory actors will come along and attempt to use blockchain, Innovation Zones, and “smart cities” for the purposes of monitoring and controlling the population within the city.

For example, it has been reported that the infamous Bill Gates and his investment firm Belmont Partners purchased a 25,000-acre plot of land near Arizona for $80 million. Gates and Belmont Partners plan to built a smart city named “Belmont”. Details on what exactly will take place within Belmont are scarce, but Gates has said he intends to grow the population to nearly 200,000 people in the coming years. However, based on Gates’ role in the COVID-19 operation, his plans to control farmland, block out the sun, genetically engineer the food supply, and vaccinate the world, it seems unlikely that Belmont will be a place that values privacy and individual liberty.

The Danger of Smart Cities and the Lack of Privacy Protections

The smart city trend is apparently rising as more corporations and local governments are seeking to partner together in various types of special economic or innovation zones. India has pledged to build 100 smart cities, Africa is seeing $100 billion pumped into at least 20 projects, and China reportedly has as many as 500 of its own smart city pilots. Saudi Arabia has also jumped into the fray with Neom, a $500 billion project that could one day rival Silicon Valley. The city will be larger than New York City and is being promoted as the center for “the next era of human progress”.

Clearly, smart cities are not going away. However, what is often not mentioned is that these smart, autonomous cities also involve massive invasions of privacy, and in some cases, giving up the right to drive or own a vehicle.

One current example of a so-called “smart city’ is the Songdo International Business District (Songdo IBD), a 1,500 acre stretch of land along the Incheon waterfront, just 20 miles southwest of Seoul, South Korea. The project was built from the ground up on reclaimed land at a cost of about $35 million. The Guardian previously described Songdo as, “a place where the garbage is automatically sucked away through underground pipes, where lampposts are always watching you, and where your apartment block knows to send the elevator down to greet you when it detects the arrival of your car. Sensors in every street track traffic flow and send alerts to your phone when it’s going to snow, while you can monitor the children’s playground on TV from the comfort of your sofa.”

Songdo was designed not simply as a smart city, but a “ubiquitous city”, a smart city with “ubiquitous” technology. A city where computers and sensors are built into the buildings and streets, sensors are gathering information on daily life, traffic, and energy consumption. As WorldCrunch described it, “In Songdo, everything has a “U” in front of it: U-traffic, U-safety, U-governance, U-health, and of course U-entertainment. The “U” stands for “ubiquitous,” omnipresent. In other words: Big Brother is here.”

According to the “International Case Studies of Smart Cities: Songdo, Republic of Korea”, Songdo offers a number of safety and environmental measures to make life safer and more sustainable. However, there is no mention of privacy protections or the implications of having a living city that is connected to the grid and listening to it’s citizens on a daily basis. The report states that, “Songdo U-City collects 24-hour real-time data from on-site equipment such as CCTV, various sensor devices, traffic detectors.”

Additionally, there is a central command center where all “footage from crime prevention, disaster prevention, environment, and traffic surveillance cameras” is monitored to provide useful information to the citizens. Internet of Things sensors installed in houses and building are also designed to provide “real-time information to users, of how much energy has been consumed and what measures can be taken to minimize utility bill.” The plan for Songdo also envisions a driverless city where residents use ride sharing services like SOCAR exclusively.

Again, there is no mention of privacy or data protections for the residents of Songdo. However, we already have examples of how a lack of privacy protections can be disastrous for residents of Smart Cities.

Quayside is a planned smart city that has been in the works since 2016. Located on 12 acres of waterfront property southeast of downtown Toronto, Canada, Quayside represents a joint effort by the Canadian government agency, Waterfront Toronto, and Sidewalk Labs, which is owned by Google’s parent company Alphabet. Sidewalk Labs claims Quayside will solve traffic congestion, rising home prices and environmental pollution. Unfortunately, residents of Quayside will be using a centralized identity management system through which they access public services, such as library cards and health care. This means their data will be highly centralized, leaving it open to access by hackers and law enforcement. In fact, Quayside has consistently faced pushback due to a failure to build-in the necessary privacy protections.

At least two officials involved in the project have resigned. Saadia Muzaffar resigned from Waterfront Toronto in protest after the board showed “apathy and a lack of leadership regarding shaky public trust.” In October 2018, Ann Cavoukian, one of Canada’s leading privacy experts and Ontario’s former privacy commissioner, also resigned from the project. Cavoukian was brought on by Sidewalk Toronto as a consultant to help install a “privacy by design” framework. She was initially told that all data collected from residents would be deleted and rendered unidentifiable. She later learned that third parties would have access to identifiable information gathered at Quayside.

“I imagined us creating a Smart City of Privacy, as opposed to a Smart City of Surveillance,” she wrote in her resignation letter. “I have to resign because you committed to embedding privacy by design into every aspect of your operation.”

The fears around Quayside grew in late October 2019, when The Globe and Mail reported that previously unseen documents from Sidewalk Labs detailed how people living in a Sidewalk community would interact with and have access to the space around them. This experience in the proposed smart city largely depends on how much data you’re willing to share, which could be used to reward or punish people for their behavior.

Although the document – known internally as the “yellow book” – was designed as a pitch book for the company and predates Sidewalk’s formal agreements with the City of Toronto, it does provide a vision of what the Google sister company would like to do. Specifically, the document details how Sidewalk will require tax and financing authority to finance and provide services, including the ability to “impose, capture and reinvest property taxes.” The company would also create and control its public services, including charter schools, special transit systems and a private road infrastructure.

The document also describes reputation-based tools that sound disturbingly similar to the social credit system we have seen in TV shows like Black Mirror and those unfolding in modern China. These tools would lead to a “new currency for community co-operation,” effectively establishing a social credit system. Sidewalk could use these tools to “hold people or businesses accountable” while rewarding good behavior with easier access to loans and public services.

In response to the document leaks, Sidewalk spokesperson Keerthana Rang said, “The ideas contained in this 2016 internal paper represent the result of a wide-ranging brainstorming process very early in the company’s history.”

Perhaps due in part to the push back against privacy invasions, in November 2019 Sidewalk Labs released a 482-page Digital Innovation Appendix stating that none of Quayside’s systems will incorporate facial recognition, and that Sidewalk Labs won’t sell personal information or use it for advertising. Sidewalk Labs says it will require explicit consent to share personal information with third parties.

Whether Sidewalk Labs, Blockchains LLC, Bill Gates, and others’ involved in the creation of Smart Cities will respect individual privacy remains to be seen. Regardless, the importance of these protections cannot be overstated. In April 2018, the American Civil Liberties Union released a guide detailing important questions that should be asked by city officials seeking to join the Smart City craze. The guide, “How to Prevent Smart Cities from Turning to Surveillance Cities”, was written by Matt Cagle, an attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California.

In a previous interview, Cagle told me that “smart city technology can be a wolf in sheep’s clothing” because “it can be another way for the government to amass information that it may not have wanted to collect for law enforcement purposes.”

This technology is often going to be collected by companies that have developed it,” Cagle continued. “So it’s really important for the city and the community to be on the same page about who’s going to own this data as we go forward with this project, who’s going to be able to sell this data, and at the end of the day are communities in control of these technologies.”

Smart Cities Are Only The Beginning

In early February, South Korean President Moon Jae-in said the government will invest $8.8 billion into South Korea’s “smart city” project nationwide by 2025. “The key to smart cities is to establish an intelligence-type city operation system by utilizing urban data collected from CCTVs and sensors,” Moon said in his speech at the Smart City Integrated Operation Center of Songdo. “First, (the government) will realize ‘smart cities’ nationwide more speedily and digitalize the public infrastructure, like roads and railways.”

With the exporting of smart city models from Korea and recent announcements about building a smart “eco-city” in Singapore, it appears the smart city trend is not going anywhere. For the moment, these innovation zones and smart cities are simply marketing tools designed to bring people and money to the newly created cities. They are voluntary, with people freely choosing to live there and to leave if they are unhappy. However, with the understanding that the goal is to turn all cities into “smart cities”, we need to ask what happens if the smart grid is everywhere and there is nowhere to go.

In a future where all towns and cities are outfitted with the latest smart tech, fighting to maintain privacy and freedom of movement is crucial. It’s also important to understand the “innovation zones”, “special economic zones”, and “smart cities” in the context of the World Economic Forum’s “The Great Reset” vision. How do these emerging technologies and concepts play a role in fomenting the centralized, authoritarian vision imagined by the talking heads at the WEF?

In my next investigation I will further illustrate how the push for Smart Cities is directly related to Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and the push towards a Great Reset.

Derrick Broze, a staff writer for The Last American Vagabond, is a journalist, author, public speaker, and activist. He is the co-host of Free Thinker Radio on 90.1 Houston, as well as the founder of The Conscious Resistance Network & The Houston Free Thinkers.

Connect with Derrick Broze and support the work of The Last American Vagabond

cover image credit Tumisu / pixabay

The Fraudulent Use of PCR / RT-PCR Techniques for the Manipulation, Harm and, Ultimately, the Destruction of Humanity

The Fraudulent Use of PCR / RT-PCR Techniques for the Manipulation, Harm and, Ultimately, the Destruction of Humanity
A Scientific Analysis of the Significant Pitfalls Associated With the PCR / RT-PCR Techniques for the Alleged Detection of SARS-Cov-2 and Diagnosis of Covid-19

by Dr. Freedom, Contributing Writer for Truth Comes to Light
February 17, 2021


As someone with more than an adequate knowledge of the medical and clinical sciences along with some postgraduate research experience in genomic mapping using molecular genetics techniques, I would like to contribute to our understanding of this nucleic acid amplification method and how information derived from it could be very misleading when it is being used to diagnose purported “infections” in almost anything and everything nowadays.

Is it not amusing to find human swabs, samples of Coca Cola and some fruits all testing positive for “Sars-Cov- 2” using the RT-PCR protocol whilst the kit instructions, the enclosed information leaflet, as well as the print on the box clearly inform the users that the test kit detects Sars-Cov-1 only?

I suspect that the “PCR test” was intentionally chosen for its potential non-specificity. It can be a very useful technique for those wishing to control, mislead, impoverish and eliminate us as it is so easy to manipulate its protocol to suit different purposes.

It is an ideal tool to perpetrate massive deceptions.

Specific results could be generated based on specific requirements to meet certain political objectives in order to create the illusion of high and low rates of an imaginary, specific infection in different populations and appearing at different times.

Rolling trends of supposed Covid-19 infections, rolling trends of the stampeding of our rights and freedoms all in perfect harmony with the rolling trends of different vaccines presented as the only partial way out of our troubles whilst also being told that our lives might never get back to normal.

And to ensure that systematic analysis of results did not raise much suspicion with regards to bias; some degree of “natural data variability” could be fabricated through the incorporation of a certain percentage of negative test results.

The PCR can not diagnose anything useful at all.

In my opinion, being PCR positive is like testing humans for the presence of epithelial cells (which we all possess) and then confirming that indeed all humans have such cells but pretend that those cells are from a non-human or pathogenic microbial entity.

Allow me to make another analogy.

How could the finding of some very small, common, ordinary, random screws that you might find on a trail whilst hiking; necessarily and categorically prove that the screws belonged to a particular car model, manufactured on a specific date and by a specific manufacturer or that those screws belonged to something entirely different; perhaps part of a gadget?

Our bodies are awash with DNA and various RNA molecules which are constantly floating within and outside of our cells. The laboratory amplification of an alleged, specific and very short segment of DNA/RNA could not prove the existence of microbes nor could it ever predict illness or contribute to death.

I would like to refer you to the past statements and interviews of Dr Kary Mullis, the Noble Laureate and the inventor of PCR, regarding the limitations of this technique.

The specifics of the PCR/RT-PCR technique that might lend itself to manipulation and fabrication of a delusion and the creation of fear and anxiety:


1. Size of amplicon (amplified product): The smaller its size, the higher the probability that the product could be found on a variety of DNA sequences from a variety of organisms; including humans. That is why PCR should not be used for clinical diagnosis.

The sizes of the amplified DNA segments, supposedly only coding for various proteins of the Sars-Cov-2 are very small; about 112 bp long or slightly longer.

One particular pair of primers allegedly amplifies a 112 bp cDNA fragment of the Spike protein of this virus.

According to the CDC’s computer model, the size of The Sars-Cov-2 RNA is 30,000 bases long.

Thus, the fraction of the whole genome of the supposed virus that is being amplified using RT-PCR is 112/30,000 = 0.37 %.

This would certainly be a fantastic and an entirely novel way of conferring and confirming the existence and the physical wholeness of an illusory agent that has never been extracted and purified.

How could the use of PCR provide evidence for the functionality of a whimsical creation?

2. Length of individual DNA primers (forward and reverse primers, always a pair), their sequences, their respective concentrations and volumes could be altered thus influencing specificity of the annealing and the amplification rate of the target DNA/RNA molecules.

3. Types of enzymes (Reverse Transcriptases and Polymerases), their concentrations, their volumes and their chemical modifications prior to use could affect the production rate, the specificity of the amplification and the fidelity (accuracy) of amplification.

4. The denaturation temperature and the duration of denaturation could easily be altered on the PCR thermal cycling machine. Extent of DNA denaturation then determines if primers bind specifically to the “target DNA” or non-specifically to themselves in the next phase. These factors also affect the activity of polymerase enzyme, its half life and the yield.

5. The annealing temperature and the duration of annealing could easily be altered on the PCR thermal cycling machine thus affecting whether the primer pair binds to its “DNA target” specifically or non-specifically to other pieces of DNA or even binds to themselves. These factors also affect the activity of polymerase enzymes as well as the yield of specific and nonspecific DNA targets.

6The amplification temperature and the duration of amplification could easily be altered on the PCR thermal cycling machine thus affecting whether the primers remain bonded to the DNA target and the activity, half life and the fidelity of polymerase enzyme as well as the specific and nonspecific yield of DNA from various sources.

7. The number of cycles of PCR/ RT-PCR amplification programmed into the thermal cycling machine might be altered to directly affect how much amplified product is made and whether the sample would be easily detectable (by measuring the emitted fluorescence light) or not. This could increase or decrease the number of false positives according to prescribed narratives in case of unethical behaviour or genuine laboratory errors.

The higher the number of cycles, the larger the degree of amplification of specific and non-specific nucleic acid targets.

8. The concentration and final volume of the pool of RNA/DNA solution affects the degree of amplification. Has RNA been extracted and purified from the pool of DNA, RNA, proteins, cells, carbohydrates, cholesterol and lipids or is the RNA in a crude state that could negatively impact its amplification.

9. The concentrations and volumes of solutions of fluorescently labelled deoxyribonucleotide triphosphates (dNTPs) could also affect the amplification magnitude. A huge amount of DNA/RNA in the reaction from the start could ensure a higher yield of false positives.

There are four dNTPs: dGTP, dCTP, dATP, DTTP.

10. The ratio of the concentration of fluorescently labelled dNTPs over the concentration of unlabelled dNTPs could also affect the amount of DNA signal perceived and thus the number of false positives that could be detected.

11. Contaminants could result in the generation of false positive results.

12. Various enzyme inhibitors could result in the generation of false negative results.

13. Various enzyme promoters could result in the generation of false positive results.

14. The supposed RNA target belonging to the “alleged virus” is not and has never been isolated and purified prior to its amplification in the PCR machine. A swab sample will contain a mixture of DNA and RNA as well as huge amounts of proteins belonging to human cells, various bacteria, viruses, protozoa and fungal species.

Even if RNA molecules are isolated and purified from the mixture it would contain total RNA and not just the RNA of the alleged virus. The mixture might still be contaminated with traces of various DNA molecules from a variety of sources.

15. The ionic concentrations and volumes of individual components of the buffer and the final pH of the buffer solution used in the reaction could be altered.

16. The handling and preparation of ingredients prior to placement on the thermal cycling machine could also affect the number of false positive rates.

17. The water used in the reaction must be double distilled ( deionised) and autoclaved prior to use.

Contamination with microbes, DNA, RNA, enzymes and other minerals in the water component or other reaction components could yield erroneous and misleading conclusions.

18. The supposed Sars-Cov-2 primer sequences are complementary to hundreds of bacterial and human DNA molecules: If one makes a list of all the different pairs of primers that have ever been used in the PCR technique to detect the alleged “Sars-Cov 2” throughout the world and compare their sequences with bacterial and human genome data sequences, using the BLAST website as an example, you would find hundreds of almost perfect sequence matches between what is alleged to be portions of various Sars-Cov 1 and Sars-Cov 2 gene sequences and human and bacterial DNA sequences.

The various primer pairs used in the detection of the alleged SARS-COV 2 virus exhibit at least 90% sequence homology with between 4-93 human DNA segments and 100 bacterial DNA segments ( site). The forward primer in isolation, the reverse primer in isolation, and both in combination pick up hundreds of matching human and bacterial DNA sequences.

And as far as I know, no one has yet to look at sequence similarities and cross matching between Sars-Cov 1 and Sars-Cov 2 primer sequences (used in PCR and RT-PCR for the detection of the alleged viruses) and fungal and parasitic DNA sequences. And I would not be surprised at all if these sequences match plant genomic sequences too.

If the primer pair sequences match hundreds of human and bacterial DNA targets then, by inference, the targets of amplification are also of human and bacterial origin and not of “viral” origin.

However, since the tested swabs contain much more human DNA/RNA than bacterial, viral, fungal and protozoal genetic material then, it is highly likely that the high rates of false positive PCR test results used for allegedly detecting Sars-Cov 2 are actually just detecting human DNA sequences and nothing else.

Irrespective of whether intentional (cheating) or unintentional errors have been made in the PCR reactions or not, the data suggest that the PCR could be detecting hundreds of bacterial and human DNA sequences seemingly portrayed as Sars-Cov 1/2 sequences; causing huge surges in false positive rates and therefore an unmeasurably harmful levels of anxiety and fear in the populations.

19. Amplification of target DNA molecules does not require a perfect match between the DNA sequence and the primer sequences: With only a 50% homology (base sequence matching) between the unknown DNA sequence and the primer sequences, it would still be possible to amplify DNA from humans, bacteria, fungi and protozoa and then generate false positive test results depending on the setting of PCR conditions and the sequence and length of the primer pairs.

The amplified product of the PCR could easily be human DNA masked as viral RNA!

Those who believe in absolute control are forcing us to not only wear face masks but seem to be also masking and covering up the real targets of the PCR amplification reaction which appears to be human DNA, bacterial DNA and DNA/RNA from the natural environment.

20. Recent sequencing of the amplified nucleic acid (from PCR) obtained from more than one thousand patients falsely labelled as having Sars-Cov-2 and misdiagnosed as having Covid-19 has shown the presence of influenza A and influenza B sequences in the samples.

It was found that the buffer solution, as just one of the several ingredients used in the RT-PCR protocol, had allegedly been tainted with influenza virus sequences in more than a thousand samples analysed.

At first glance, the first reaction to this finding is that laboratory protocols must be tightened to prevent contamination of the sterile chemical components of the PCR.

The second obvious conclusion from sequence analysis of samples of patients mislabeled as carrying the Sars-Cov-2 would be that anyone carrying influenza A or B viruses might also test false positives for Sars-Cov-2.

The third conclusion might be that the PCR is not a perfect diagnostic method because it amplifies influenza A, influenza B, Sars-Cov-1 as well as Sars-Cov-2 sequences but that it might still be a reliable tool because it is still capable of specifically amplifying viral sequences and nothing else using the published primer sequences.

We might be sold the illusion that, with some minor adjustments to the PCR protocol, we might be able to eventually differentiate between different viruses.

But that is a total fallacy in my opinion.

What we are not being told categorically is that all those people who apparently test positive with the PCR for Covid-19, whether they appear healthy or unhealthy, are not carrying any kind of microbes whatsoever.

The PCR is capable of amplifying, under the right conditions, any non-specific piece of DNA and RNA from humans, from bacteria and may be even from many other microorganisms.

With inclusion of exogenous RNA/DNA as targets into the PCR mixture, irrespective of its source, the amount of non-specific DNA amplification (signal) would increase; pushing the agenda of labelling more of the tested patients as being positive for an imaginary virus.

What if there might be subtle efforts to try to show that if Sars-Cov-2 could not be detected at least “another virus” could be seen as contributing towards both false positive laboratory results in order to suggest that patients might be infected with a mixture of viruses but due to technical difficulties only the influenza virus sequences could be identified whilst Sars-Cov-2 could not be detected.

Since the PCR might be amplifying any piece of RNA and DNA, both from humans and bacteria, how sensible would it be to suggest that some randomly floating and amplified RNA emanated only from a virus; irrespective of the specific species or strains of the alleged microbe?

It is unlikely that all false positive cases in the world would prove contamination of the tested sample with RNA from influenza A and B viruses.

Even in the absence of contamination, the same PCR protocol has the potential to amplify just about any piece of nucleic acid from a variety of species.

Are we seeing a tactic to merely control, mitigate, repair and perhaps salvage the damaged reputation of the PCR as the alleged gold standard for the detection of a multitude of present and future well-orchestrated, well-timed, conveniently handpicked, suddenly flourishing and imaginary nasty microbes as well as the method by which imaginary diseases could be fabricated out of thin air with the sleight of hand?

21. New evidence is shedding more light on virology research and questioning the dogmatic beliefs in this field in general.

None of the “seven Corona viruses” have ever been isolated and purified.

What if other published viral sequences are also just computer models?

A German molecular biologist, Dr. Stefan Lanka and some other eminent scientists doubt the existence of the Measles and Corona Viruses.

As a validation to this claim, in 2017, the German Federal Supreme Court made a final decision agreeing that there wasn’t enough evidence to support the existence of the “measles virus”. In this trial court, Dr. Lanka even offered to pay 100,000 Euros for anyone who can prove the opposite.

Apparently, there is another offer of a reward for 100,000 Euros for anyone who can prove the existence of Sars-Cov-2.

Microbiologist and Virologist Dr. Stefan Lanka: “Viruses Do Not Cause Diseases and Vaccines are Not Effective”

22. There is some evidence from the CDC website that Sars-Cov-2 sequences seem to have been generated using computer models.

It is alleged that Sars-Cov-2 virus has a total of 30,000 organic bases as an RNA molecule even though it has never been extracted and purified from a single Covid-19 case patient.

The CDC seems to suggest that Sars-Cov-2 was a computer-generated digital virus with 37 bases allegedly sourced from cases (0.001%) with 29, 963 bases (99.99 %) having been fabricated using genomic databases.

Might this behaviour not constitute fraud?

23. Many of us are rather sceptical about the germ theory of diseases in general and unfortunately, there seems to be a conglomerate of powerful and malevolent forces that are constantly and mercilessly pushing the virus agenda. And irrespective of the designated name of a particular trendy virus, this same force subsequently follows up the proceedings with relentless and persistent propaganda to forcefully peddle new vaccines onto the unsuspecting public under the pretext of protecting public health through the fabrication of an endless supply of new and supposedly ever- evolving list of imaginary and dangerous microbes.

Please look up the ignored historical arguments between Dr. Bechamp and Dr. Pasteur that took place about hundred years ago.

24. But where have we repeatedly seen computer modelling before?

In the prediction of various endemic and pandemic infectious diseases for the last fifty years at least.

All those predictions were hugely exaggerated to drive the narrative of the germ theory of disease. By creating the perception of harmful, illusory infectious agents; the pharmaceutical companies, the medical industrial complex, governments and eugenicists push the need for swift action through virtue signalling by ordering edicts allegedly meant to “protect the public” and coercing populations into giving up their freedoms and submitting to inhumane and very harmful treatments.

Those policies are there just to enrich the parasitic minority at the expense of the huge majority.

25. Surely, the notification of a positive PCR result is the harbinger of bad news for the mental and physical health of most of humanity and yet proves itself as a valuable tool in the machinations of those tiny minorities intent on causing undue harm to mankind.

What if the PCR technique is being used as a tool and as the Holy Grail by the control freaks to establish and perpetuate their nefarious agendas in 2021 and 2030?

Could PCR that is routinely carried out in a minute cup (a well in a microtiter plate) be a significant treasure for control freaks?

Could the abuse of the PCR technique and “other dubious diagnostic techniques” bestow technologists miraculous and magical powers that could amplify DNA (alchemy), determine mankind’s fate and simultaneously act as an enabler of technocracy and tyranny?

Could the abuse of PCR create massive deceptions by creating false positive results and mislabel people as sick and dangerous to others and thus promulgate the necessity for mass vaccination programs as the only way to control the imaginary virus?

Could the abuse of PCR create unprecedented opportunities for the medical-industrial-political complex and the banking industries?

Could the abuse of this technique make satanic psychopaths happier when they see the enormous suffering, misery, illness and death of the majority caused by their policies; the inevitable consequences of false positive PCR results?

Could the abuse of such techniques not make the egocentric and solipsistic minority more delighted when they see the exponential increase in their own power, wealth and control?

Could the abuse of this technique or “other trendy diagnostic techniques” in the near future provide the psychopaths with spiritual sustenance in infinite abundance- through the use of torture, abuse, abductions, societal destruction and democide as satanic rituals- and material sustenance in infinite abundance- through monopolistic power grabs, increased wealth, the synchronous control, rationing and contamination of the world’s food production and distribution networks and keeping uncontaminated and healthy foods for themselves- whilst people are constantly being distracted by “new virus strains”, new vaccines, loss of their freedom, loss of liberty, poverty, fake elections and rallies of controlled opposition groups?

Could all these questions be answered by examining the agendas of the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates’ Foundation among many others?

The aim of the psychopathic few has alway been to foment a significant decrease in the world population with a small minority of sheeple remaining. All dumbed down and obedient slaves exhibiting minimal cognitive abilities; incapable of rationality and critical analyses and with all the natural resources and wealth of the world in the hands of the tyrannical dominion.


You could easily have a situation where you have the same patient/case, same nurse, same technician, same sample, same time and date, same equipment but different results which is total and utter nonsense.

There seems to be intentional errors in and manipulations of the conditions of the RT-PCR in order to fabricate the fraud of much higher rates of non-specific, misleading and random amplifications of human and bacterial DNA target sequences. The more people get tested, the more people yield positive results for the illusive Sars-Cov-2 thus increasing the number of people alleged to be suffering from an imaginary Covid-19 disease. These nefarious policies of fabrication of false and biased data have been in temporal resonance with certain official political objectives and announcements of the officialdom at designated times.

Such policies work hand in glove and in perfect harmony with the spewing of fear propaganda created to drive us into a programmed and preconceived path of the Pied Piper.

The PCR method is used to chemically amplify a very short piece of non-specific DNA in order to generate false positive data; inducing and amplifying frequent and regular psychological traumas, chaos, untold damage to people’s lives and madness. Its esoteric value could be to induce control, obedience, conformity, uncertainty, confusion, compliance and a lack of belief in logic and common sense. All these repugnant practices, policies and responses are killing and psychologically torturing innocent human beings.

If you are determined to socially engineer populations by creating a storm in a teacup, you might want to manipulate the PCR and other diagnostic techniques to fabricate cases.

Suddenly and by some magic, a very small, unimportant, harmless, irrelevant piece of floating RNA/DNA that has been amplified billions of times becomes visible, relevant, omnipotent, omnipresent and irreverent. A theatrical tool to foment confusion, fear and chaos by making us frightened of an imaginary virus.

If you happen to test positive, they label you as having Covid-19 and, if by happenstance your test results are negative, it has been reported that laboratories and clinicians had been ordered to keep repeating the test 30 times or more in order to get a 1 in 30 hit; forcing the false positive result.

When through sheer persistence and cheating, the system finally finds you positive; suddenly the total number of cases would go up by a figure of 30 just based on your own “final result” alone. Because the laboratory might have repeated your test 30 times, your case would be counted as thirty cases!

Now imagine this nauseating and repulsive scenario whilst testing billions of people around the world!

There are just so many ways for the policy makers to use deceit to bulk up their statistics that it beggars belief. Such tricks constitute heinous crimes that are disturbing to our consciences and our souls.

What has been going on is pseudoscience, fakery and fraud.

Instantly, very healthy people testing “positive” are vilified, harassed, intimidated and stigmatised as spreaders of “disease”. Our pockets are emptied and we are impoverished. We would then be manipulated, corralled and coerced into taking their poisonous toxins as vaccines; guaranteed to cut short your longevity, healthspan as well as lifespan.

Alternatively, to cool things down and pretend that the sophistry of the planners of the draconian, ineffective plandemic measures (such as social distancing, masking, lockdowns, the endless vaccinations, trace and track, the use of personal protective equipment, the use of air filters and hand sanitisers, the shutting down of societies, commerce and trade and the ensuing meltdowns) had been effective in temporarily controlling the pre-ordained spread of the illusory virus; at the behest of the controllers, just like flipping a switch, the various parameters on the PCR thermal cycling machine could be altered to magically create the illusion of a “significant decrease” in the number of “positive” cases/deaths.The supposedly significant decrease in cases and deaths would then be strongly and unequivocally causatively linked to the beneficial and positive role of their supposedly preventive public health measures; notably and mainly through the use of their toxic vaccines.

A frequent, regular and constant propaganda piece presented and flaunted about by the media and governments in order to drive/coerce specific, preconceived narratives and evil agendas using mind crowding and encirclement.

The amplification of very small amounts of short and very common DNA segments that could easily belong to humans, bacteria and other organisms does not prove the existence of a specific microbe whatsoever.

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) must not be perceived as the gold standard of diagnosis with which to assess and compare the reliability of other screening methods for the detection of Sars-Cov-2 or any other viruses. Nor could it be assumed to be a screening method.

The virus has never been isolated and purified and there are no gold standards for its detection and quantitative measurement.

Without the existence of a gold standard for the isolation, purification, detection and quantitative measurement of the virus itself; the use of terms such as true positive, true negative, false positive and false negative would be misleading. Therefore, the spouting of misnomers such as specificity, sensitivity, positive and negative predictive values in attempting to gauge the reliability and accuracy of detection of Sars-Cov-2 or any other virus using the PCR method would be leading us down a deep, long, tortuous and stenching rabbit hole.

PCR technique can not diagnose the existence of microbes.

PCR technique can not diagnose disease.

Presence of a common DNA/RNA sequence does not prove the existence of a specific gene or a specific organism.

Presence of a specific DNA/RNA sequence does not prove the existence and viability of a specific organism.

Natural and harmless RNA/DNA must not be perceived as harmful agents.

Presence of microbes does not prove the existence of disease.

Real science should be about facing the truth without flinching. It must be about honesty, integrity, unbiased enquiry and transparency. It is about thinking and reasoning and arguing. It is about abandoning false beliefs and dogmatic faith.

We must not allow agents of chaos to destroy humanity and the natural world based on fabrications.

Yes, the natural world.

Those same duplicitous people who vehemently espouse the tenets of saving humanity and our planet (not their planet alone) and reducing environmental pollution are the greatest destroyers and polluters of humanity and the natural world themselves.

They are the same minority cabal who are using Covid-19 and future microbial pandemics as a ruse and as a pretext to monopolise both power and the ownership of anything and everything of value under the sun and to try to usher in a dystopian communist world ruled through corruption, kakistocracy and absolutist controls.

A case of doublespeak and hypocrisy.

My tributes, highest regards and praise to the late Dr. Kary Mullis, the Noble Laureate, for his great mind, his scientific contributions, his integrity, incorruptibility, indefatigability and his steadfastness against the prevailing authoritarian and dogmatic systems of control and exploitation.


This article may be freely shared as long as the text is unaltered and the original author, Dr. Freedom, is clearly identified with a hyperlink back to the original article and author.

Huge Victory: Under Pressure, New York Ends Mandatory COVID Testing in Schools

Huge Victory: Under Pressure, New York Ends Mandatory COVID Testing in Schools
The new guidance follows in the wake of a lawsuit by CHD and eight parents of New York schoolchildren challenging mandatory COVID testing and closing of New York City Schools. 

by Children’s Health Defense, The Defender
February 17, 2021


The New York State Education Department issued a letter Feb. 16 informing all public schools in the state that parental consent to COVID-19 tests for their children is not required for in-person instruction, or for participation in any school activities, including extracurricular activities.

The letter, which applies only to public and charter schools, follows in the wake of a lawsuit challenging the closing of New York City Schools and the mandatory testing for students.

The lawsuit was filed Dec.16, 2020, by eight New York City parents and Children’s Health Defense (CHD) against the New York City Department of Education and Mayor Bill de Blasio. The parents are represented by Attorneys James Mermigis, Ray L. Flores II, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., CHD chairman and chief legal counsel, and Mary Holland, CHD president and general counsel.

The Feb. 16 letter from Kathleen R. Cataldo, assistant commissioner, Office of Student Support Services said:

“The Department has received reports from the field that some school districts are requiring parents’ consent on behalf of their children, to COVID-19 testing as a condition of activities including in-person learning and extracurricular activities. The Department hereby clarifies that parent/guardian consent for COVID 19 resting of students may not be a condition of in-person learning or other school activities.” (Underlining from the original.)

Since Nov. 19, 2020, children in grades 6-12 have been completely excluded from all in-school education. NYC has provided no specific date by which these students will be back in school.

Since early December, K-5 and special needs students have been able to attend “blended learning,” usually just 1-2 days per week, but only if they submit to in-school polymerase chain reaction (PCR) genetic testing for COVID-19. If parents refused, the education department relegated their kids to remote learning for at least the next 10 months.

NYC schools were open to all students for blended learning September through mid-November, even though all families had the option of remote learning. Mayor de Blasio shut schools down again because of a rise in the city-wide PCR positivity rate.

As plaintiffs’ experts declared in their lawsuit, PCR testing does not diagnose COVID infection, even though NYC has represented to parents that it does. PCR testing generates many false positive results, leading to disruptive and expensive isolation and quarantine, the plaintiffs allege.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that in-school testing without voluntary consent is “unethical and illegal.” Coercing parents to sign consent forms on threat of exclusion is not voluntary, the plaintiffs allege, and the education department is acting in flagrant disregard of federal public health guidance.

As the lawsuit outlined, remote learning disproportionately harms those who can’t afford access to modern technology, including high-speed internet, computers, tablets, printers, scanners and more. Further, most students in NYC are Black and Hispanic, and many parents are wary to submit their kids to medical procedures without their oversight. They wonder what really happens with their children’s test results and DNA samples

The United Federations of Teachers (UFT), the New York City Teachers Union issued a statement that the state’s letter contradicts a plan agreed to by the schools and the union. “We will fight to make sure these protocols stay in place” according to a statement on the UFT Facebook page.

NY Teachers for Choice responded to UFT with an open letter to UFT President Michael Mulgrew outlining why NY Teachers for Choice supports the new guidance. The letter ended with:

“Virtually every other school district in New York, and across the country, does not force COVID testing on staff or students because doing so is illegal. I understand and respect that you are trying to do what you believe is best and safest for your membership. However, the UFT should not stand on the side of forcing an illegal practice to take place under its watch. Please accept the new guidance from NYSED and expand upon it to ensure teachers and staff rights are respected as well.”

The lawsuit by CHD and New York parents will continue until the school closure issue is resolved.

How Many People Are the Vaccines Killing?: February 17, 2021 Update

February 17, 2021 Update: How Many People Are the Vaccines Killing?

by Dr. Vernon Coleman
February 17, 2021


No one knows how many people the vaccines are killing – or how many they will kill.

But although I haven’t seen the mainstream media mention most of these deaths, people have already died or been injured after being given the vaccine:

  1. SHOCKING – The latest covid vaccine deaths and injuries from VAERS
    Latest release of VAERS data (please share widely)
  2. EXPOSED – Pfizer vaccine in the UK. Deaths and injuries include: strokes, heart attacks, miscarriages, Bell’s Palsy, nervous system disorders, immune system disorders, psychiatric disorders and blindness.
    Deaths and injuries
  3. 8 people are now blind after covid jab – Latest AstraZeneca deaths and injuries. As well as blindness, some of the many injuries include: strokes, heart attacks, miscarriages, sepsis, paralysis, Bell’s Palsy, deafness and covid-19.
    Latest AstraZeneca figures
  4. Nurse develops Bell’s Palsy after receiving covid jab (video)
    Nurse with Bell’s Palsy
  5. A 28-year-old woman from Winconsin dies after having second dose of covid injection
    28-year-old woman from Winconsin dies…
  6. 46 nursing home residents in Spain die within one month of getting covid vaccine
    46 nursing home residents…
  7. Video of woman injured by covid vaccine
    Video of woman injured…
  8. 36-year-old doctor dies after second dose of covid vaccine
    36-year-old doctor…
  9. German nursing home whistleblower says elderly are dying after covid vaccine
    Nursing home whistleblower
  10. ‘They’re dropping like flies’ – Video of courageous nursing home CNA
    Courageous nursing home whistleblower
  11. Short video showing that many people in Israel are dying after the covid jab
    Many people in Israel are dying
  12. Man drops dead in New York 25 minutes after receiving vaccine
    Man drops dead in New York
  13. FDA and CDC officials are investigating 36 cases – including one death – of immune thrombocytopenia
    Rare blood disorder could be linked to covid vaccine
  14. Gibraltar: January ends with 71 dead in one month (vaccination rollout began on the 10th January 2021)
    71 dead in one month
  15. Miscarriages and stillbirth shortly after being given the covid vaccine
    Miscarriages and stillbirth
  16. 19-year-old hospitalised with heart inflammation after covid vaccine
    19-year-old hospitalised…
  17. 39-year-old nurse aide dies within 48 hours of receiving the covid jab
    39-year-old nurse aide dies…
  18. Seniors dying of covid vaccine labelled as natural causes
    Seniors dying of covid vaccine…
  19. Californian dies hours after receiving covid vaccine as investigation into the cause of death gets underway.
    Californian dies hours after covid vaccine
  20. Covid infects 35 vaccinated staff and residents at care home
    Covid infects 35 vaccinated…
  21. Vaccine injury video deleted from facebook
    Vaccine injury video…
  22. X-ray technician dies two days after getting the second dose of the covid vaccine
    Man dies after second dose
  23. 22 residents dead in three weeks in Basingstoke nursing home
    Basingstoke nursing home 22 dead (‘It is understood the outbreak started as residents began to have their first coronavirus vaccines though this is thought to be unrelated, according to the agency.’)
  24. A 41-year-old Portuguese mother of two who worked in paediatrics died at a hospital in Porto just two days after being vaccinated against covid-19
    Portuguese health worker 41 dies
  25. Norway is investigating the deaths of two nursing home residents who died after being vaccinated against covid-19
    Norway investigating death of two people who…
  26. Chinese health experts call to suspend the use of mRNA-based covid-19 vaccines following the deaths of 23 elderly people in Norway.
    Chinese health experts call to suspend Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine…
  27. In Florida, U.S., a doctor died after suffering a stroke after receiving a covid-19 vaccination.
    Death of Florida Doctor
  28. A 32-year-old medical doctor suffered seizures and was paralysed after receiving the covid-19 vaccine.
    Doctor is paralyzed after…
  29. A 46-year-old healthcare worker dies 24 hours after receiving the covid-19 vaccine but government says death is not related to the jab
    A 46-year-old healthcare worker…
  30. German specialists are looking into the deaths of 10 people who died after being vaccinated against covid-19
    German specialists probing 10 deaths of people vaccinated against covid-19
  31. Norway warns frail patients over 80 of vaccine risks after deaths
    Norway warns….
  32. Norway investigates 23 deaths in frail elderly patients after vaccination
    Norway investigates…
  33. Doctors in California call for urgent halt of moderna vaccines after many fall sick
    Doctors in California…
  34. Two people in India die after receiving the covid jab
    Two people die…
  35. Coronavirus vaccine put on hold as volunteer suffers serious adverse reaction
    Coronavirus vaccine put on hold…
  36. California pause some covid vaccinations after reactions
    California pause some…
  37. Baseball legend dies of ‘undisclosed cause’ 18 days after receiving covid vaccine
    Baseball legend dies…
  38. Woman injured by vaccine (Warning: disturbing video)
    Woman injured…
  39. Mother seriously injured by covid vaccine
    Mother seriously injured

Those are just some of the possible deaths and injuries that have followed vaccination.

I have no doubt that the authorities will claim that these deaths were coincidental.

And let us remember if a patient dies within 28 days of being tested positive for coronavirus (and the test doesn’t mean that the patient even has the disease since most tests are false positives) then the death will be listed as a covid-19 death and the patient will be said to have died ‘with’ covid-19. So by the same token, it is perfectly reasonable to say that if a patient dies or falls ill within 28 days of being vaccinated then the death or illness was related to the covid-19 vaccine.

Will the mainstream media ever start recording these deaths or illnesses? Or are journalists going to continue to promote the official government line – and to deny, distort or suppress the truth?

How many people have to die before the media wakes up?

Other Important Covid Vaccine Information
  1. What covid-19 vaccine AstraZeneca contains
    Covid-19 vaccine AstraZeneca
  2. Covid-19 vaccine trials to include participants as young as 6 months
    Covid-19 vaccine trials
  3. Experienced care home manager deeply concerned about the effects of covid-19 and vaccinations, on both staff and the elderly, within care facilities across the country (video)
    Experienced care home manager deeply concerned…
  4. How those who die following covid jabs are treated in the media
    How those who die…
  5. Belgian regulators advise against giving AstraZeneca to over 55s
    Belgian regulators
  6. Germany says Oxford/AstraZeneca should not be given to over 65s
    Germany says Oxford/AstraZeneca…
  7. Flu almost wiped out and at lowest level in 130 years
    Flu almost wiped out
  8. Switzerland delays approval of AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson covid-19 vaccines due to ‘insufficient data’
    Switzerland delays approval…
  9. Covid-19 vaccine side effects world map
    vaccine side effects
  10. Pathogenic priming in older adults yet another concern with covid-19 vaccines
    Pathogenic priming …
  11. Top coronavirus official warns that second dose of covid vaccine tends to cause even worse side effects than first dose
    Second dose of covid vaccine
  12. CDC: Anaphylaxis rate with covid vax 10 times greater than for flu shots
    Anaphylaxis rate…
  13. Warning: mixing coronavirus vaccines
    Warning: mixing…
  14. UK draws up plans to mix coronavirus vaccines
    UK draws up plans…
  15. Helsinki Committee to declare Pfizer performing unauthorized human experiment in Israel
    Helsinki Committee…
  16. 12,400 people in Israel tested positive for coronavirus after being injected with the Pfizer vaccine
    12,400 people in Israel…
  17. Australian vaccine abandoned over false HIV positive results
    Australian vaccine abandoned…
Covid-19 Vaccine – Possible Vaccine Side Effects

The pro-vaxxers like to tell you that vaccines are perfectly safe and perfectly effective. Even when they wouldn’t be considered safe enough to use as oven cleaner, the fanatics enthuse about them. Young people and those who know little about medicine or science, talk about vaccines with reverence because they’ve been indoctrinated into believing the pro-vaccine lies.

And the pro-vaxxers are lying, of course.

Vaccines cause a lot of illness and quite a few deaths and they don’t always do what they’re supposed to do. Governments around the world have paid out many billions of dollars to patients who have been made ill by vaccines – or to the relatives of patients who were killed by a vaccine.

There are, for example, grave doubts about what the covid-19 vaccine actually does. Since the vaccine is a new type of vaccine and is being given before the usual tests and observations have been completed no one knows what will happen to the people who have the stuff injected into an arm.

What side effects will there be? How many will die?

Well, I don’t know and nor does anyone else.

What if a woman is pregnant when she has the vaccine or gets pregnant after being given the vaccine? The vaccine isn’t supposed to be given to pregnant women but not all pregnancies are planned.

Will the vaccine interfere with essential life-saving drugs? Many elderly patients already take a number of prescribed drugs. Will the vaccine interfere with them? No one knows. The covid-19 vaccine is the biggest experiment in history. And, unlike a proper clinical trial, it is largely unregulated. As with all vaccines most of the problems which develop will never be reported or recognised.

It is estimated that in the U.S., only 1 in 100 vaccine side effects is reported.

The best we have is a working list of possible adverse event outcomes which the FDA has published in the US. (Here is the link to the draft working list)

Since I believe everyone is entitled to know what side effects there could be with a heavily promoted vaccine, I’m going to read you the official list of possible side effects. This is, remember, not my list but a draft list compiled by the FDA – the Food and Drug Administration in the US.

  • Guillain-Barre syndrome
  • Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
  • Transverse myelitis
  • Encephalitis
  • Myelitis
  • Encephalomyelitis
  • Meningoencephalitis
  • Meningitis
  • Encephalopathy
  • Convulsions
  • Seizures
  • Stroke
  • Narcolepsy
  • Cataplexy
  • Anaphylaxis
  • Acute myocardial infarction (heart attack)
  • Myocarditis
  • Pericarditis
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Death
  • Pregnancy, Birth outcomes
  • Other acute demyelinating diseases
  • Non anaphylactic allergy reactions
  • Thromocytopenia
  • Disseminated intravascular coagulation
  • Venous thromboembolism
  • Arthritis
  • Arthralgia
  • Joint pain
  • Kawasaki disease
  • Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children
  • Vaccine enhanced disease

You aren’t necessarily going to get all of those or even any of them if you have the vaccine. But those are the possible side effects that the FDA has listed. They’re all unpleasant, most of them very serious and you can’t get more serious than death.

And if you are mad enough to have the vaccine then you and your doctor should keep a look out for the symptoms of all the diseases on the FDA’s list.

Your government won’t tell you about these dangers – they don’t believe in fully informed consent as far as vaccines are concerned.

Indeed, most governments are now doing everything they can to ensure that all criticisms of vaccines are banned. Depending on where you live it is, or soon will be, illegal even to mention that vaccines might not always work or might make you ill.

Finally, if your government really cared about you they would conduct a very simple, cheap trial.

They would keep a note of all the health problems affecting 20,000 patients who had the vaccine and compare that list with a list of all the health problems affecting 20,000 patients who didn’t have the vaccine in the same period. They make the comparisons every 3, 6 and 12 months.

Of course, they’d have to find some honest doctors to oversee the trial because it would be very easy to fiddle.

But it would give some very interesting results so I doubt if they’ll be doing it.

Travelers Entering UK Must Pay to Quarantine in Gov-Sanctioned Hotel for 10 Days

Travelers Entering UK Must Pay to Quarantine in Gov-Sanctioned Hotel for 10 Days

by PFW News, Planet Free Will
sourced from Activist Post
February 16, 2021


As of Monday, travelers arriving in the United Kingdom from one of thirty-three “red list” countries are being ordered to quarantine in a government-sanctioned hotel for over a week or face a large fine.

Those travelers coming in from any country on the government’s new “red list” must also pre-book and pay £1,750 ($2,120) to stay in the sanctioned hotel, an order which amounts to a large tax burden on travelers and will likely be another blow to the desperately struggling travel industry. The cost will cover the room, testing and transport, according to the BBC.

The additional rates for one extra adult or a child aged over 12 is £650 ($788), and for a child aged five to 12 it is £325 ($394).

If the quarantine order is broken, the government is ready to issue a £10,000 ($12,114.90) fine.

If a traveler is found to be lying about where they are coming from, they will also face a £10,000 fine and potentially up to ten years in prison.

Upon arriving, travelers coming from a listed country will be escorted by government-contracted security guards to a bus which will take them to isolation.

Image Credit: PA MEDIA. /

A woman gestures to members of the media while quarantined
at Radisson Blu Edwardian Hotel at Heathrow Airport


The government’s red list includes Portugal, South Africa, Ecuador, Venezuela, and the United Arab Emirates.

The new restrictions are coming into play over health official concern of new strains of COVID-19.

As the Financial Times reports:

The travel sector has warned that the crackdown has hit the industry in what would normally be the busy half-term week as well as a crucial time for summer bookings.

“The industry simply cannot afford to wait until everyone in the UK is vaccinated before people start to travel again — otherwise insolvencies and redundancies will be inevitable,” ABTA, the trade association for the travel industry, said.

Figures released by the Office for National Statistics on Friday showed that economic output of travel agents and tour operators fell 86 per cent in December 2020 compared with February 2020, while air transport output fell 89 per cent.

Heathrow Airport CEO John Holland-Kaye said in a statement last week that Britain’s new measures are “essentially a border closure that will inevitably delay the country’s recovery and hurt the UK’s supply chains.”

“The world is more locked down today than at virtually any point in the past 12 months and passengers face a bewildering array of rapidly changing and globally uncoordinated travel restrictions,” International Air Transport Association (IATA) CEO Alexandre de Juniac said in a statement this month, adding that airlines would need continued government financial support to stay afloat.

According to the IATA, if the over-the-top travel restrictions stay in place, international passenger demand could only amount to 38% of that seen in 2019. Demand in 2020 only covered a quarter of 2019 demand.

As CNN notes, “It’s not just airlines at stake. Thousands of companies rely on travel and tourism to earn an income. These firms employed 330 million people globally in 2019, according to the World Travel and Tourism Council. The industry body estimates more than half of these workers have been laid off or are currently on furlough.”


cover image credit graceful / pixabay 

The Hague Court Sides With Activists, Tells Dutch Government to Immediately Lift ‘Illegitimate’ Curfew

The Hague Court Sides With Activists, Tells Dutch Government to Immediately Lift ‘Illegitimate’ Curfew

by RT
February 16, 2021


The Dutch government has been told by the court to reverse its coronavirus pandemic curfew after The Hague ruled there was no legal basis for it and called it an infringement on people’s rights.

In a statement, The Hague declared that the government’s use of the Extraordinary Powers of Civil Authority Act – an emergency act which allows the state to bypass the legislative process to impose a curfew in “very urgent and exceptional circumstance” – was not justified in this case during the Covid-19 crisis.

“The Preliminary Relief Judge ruled that the introduction of the curfew did not involve the special urgency required to be able to make use of the [act],” the Hague continued, noting that the government had had time to discuss such a curfew beforehand, before ruling that “the use of this law to impose curfew is not legitimate.”

The curfew is a far-reaching violation of the right to freedom of movement and privacy and (indirectly) limits, among other things, the right to freedom of assembly and demonstration.

The country’s Justice Ministry says it is now studying the ruling.

After the Dutch government imposed the curfew on January 23, citizens were legally required to stay home between the hours of 9pm and 4:30am unless they had a valid excuse, and they were warned that they could face fines if they refused to do so.

Valid excuses to go outside during the curfew included emergencies, essential work, to seek medical assistance, and to walk a dog on a lead.

The Hague’s decision was made after a group known as the Virus Truth Foundation filed a lawsuit arguing that the curfew was an infringement on human rights and the Dutch constitution.

The Netherlands experienced several nights of rioting over the curfew, which resulted in burnt cars, looted business, clashes with police, and hundreds of arrests.


cover image credit PatricioHurtado / pixabay


Critics Must Be Silenced for Billionaires to Keep Profiting From Pandemic

Critics Must Be Silenced for Billionaires to Keep Profiting From Pandemic
By controlling the media, billionaires like Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates can prolong a crisis indefinitely while they accumulate unprecedented wealth and power over humanity. 

by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., The Defender
February 16, 2021


On Feb. 15, the Jeff Bezos-owned Washington Post published a Feb. 11 Associated Press article applauding the censorship of those who criticize the government’s pandemic response policies.

The lockdown has netted Bezos $70 billion since its start. If you are Bezos, a permanent lockdown is a goldmine.

Bill Gates, meanwhile, has made $20 billion from the lockdown he previously war-gamed and then cheer-led. His strategy has included emasculating the independent media — the most likely sources of the sort of vigorous journalism that might otherwise scrutinize his self interest in the polices he helped successfully engineer for the rest of us.

Gates used millions in grants to transform the once proudly unbridled The Guardian into his personal newsletter. With $250 million, he purchased immunity from criticism by news operations like the BBC, NBC, Al Jazeera, ProPublica, National Journal, Univision, Medium, the Financial Times, The Atlantic, the Texas Tribune, Gannett, Washington Monthly, Le Monde and the Center for Investigative Reporting.

Gates also made large contributions to charitable organizations affiliated with news outlets, like BBC Media Action and the The New York Times, according to an August 2020 investigation by Columbia Journalism Review. He similarly disarmed NPR and Public Television by making them reliant on his support. In exchange, these outlets shield his sketchy projects from critical scrutiny.

Gates is arguably the world’s biggest vaccine maker. As its largest contributor, Gates controls the World Health Organization which, according to Foreign Affairs, makes no significant decision without consulting the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. He similarly exercises dictatorial authority over an army of quasi-governmental agencies that he largely created or funds: Path, GAVI CEPI, Unicef etc. These agencies have demonstrated their power to turn the globe into a captive market for Gates’ vaccine enterprise.

Meanwhile, Gates’ Big Pharma partners use their $9.6 billion in advertising expenditures to dictate round-the-clock pandemic panic and drum up blind support for highly subsidized, shoddily tested, zero-liability vaccines that prevent neither transmission nor death.

The mainstream network news shows, including CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox have put COVID Terror, Vaccines Salvation and the obligatory shaming of dissidents on a 24-hour loop with each segment (and I use this term in every sense of the word) with pharmaceutical advertisements.

These outlets have turned their weekly talk shows into fawning hagiographies for Gates’ regular satellite tours in which credulous, obsequious Sunday morning talk show hosts lob softball medical questions to a billionaire with no public health training.

Nobody ever asks Gates or his mini-me, Tony Fauci, why they chose to spend tens of billions in taxpayer dollars on speculative vaccines and zero dollars investigating the many off-the-shelf, off-patent medications that have demonstrated extraordinary success in the hands of private doctors — medications that might have ended the pandemic a year ago.

The media, which has enabled this global hostage crisis, is arguably the most consequential criminal enterprise in human history. As Rahm Emmanuel observed, “never let a good crisis go to waste.”

Gates and Fauci have demonstrated that by controlling the media, billionaires and their government cronies can prolong a crisis forever and accumulate unprecedented wealth and power over humanity.

‘Ice Age Farmer’ Christian Westbrook w/ ‘Urban Farmer’ Curtis Stone: On the Unfolding Global Takeover of the Entire Food System

‘Ice Age Farmer’ Christian Westbrook w/ ‘Urban Farmer’ Curtis Stone: On the Unfolding Global Takeover of the Entire Food System


Tough Talk On Food, Farming, and the Future with The Ice Age Farmer

by Curtis Stone w/ Christian Westbrook
February 12, 2021


Video available at Curtis Stone BitChute & Odysee  channels — and at Ice Age Farmer BitChute & LBRY channels.

Connect with Curtis Stone
Connect with  Christian Westbrook

How FCC and Big Telecom Make Us ‘the Dummies’

How FCC and Big Telecom Make Us ‘the Dummies’
The FCC and Big Telecom use an outdated and faulty testing method as the basis for their claims that cell phones and wireless devices pose no health risks. 

by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., The Defender
February 16, 2021



Big Tech and its Federal Communications Commission (FCC) toadies have used a fraudulent test to license cell phones, wireless technology and now 5G to push a technology that causes catastrophic biological damage.

Tech Titans have us addicted to devices they claimed were safe because these devices, especially 5G, are the vital cornerstone for billionaire data miners and the surveillance state. Totalitarians use this technology to enforce obedience, and Big Data uses it to filch and monetize our information.

Here is the chicanery the FCC and Big Telecom use to con us into believing that our cell phones and wireless devices are safe, for adults and children: The FCC, other governments around the world and Big Telecom use a crash dummy named SAM (Specific Anthropomorphic Mannequin). They fill SAM’s plastic head with liquid to test 5G safety.

The FCC then measures the thermal change in the brain of the dummy using “Specific Absorption Rate” (SAR). If 30 minutes exposure to cell phone radiation does not raise the temperature of SAM’s liquid-filled cranium by more than one degree celsius (known as the “thermal effect”), the FCC considers the cell phone safe.

This thermal hypothesis which has been promoted by industry engineers and physicists is false.

To the FCC and Big Telecom, we are the dummies.

Biomedical experts and scientists agree that measuring for thermal effects is not a valid and biology-based safety test. Our brain is not liquid, but a complex bio-electrical system that has been demonstrated to be vulnerable to damage from the pulsed and modulated electromagnetic fields and radiation emitted by wireless devices.

Studies based on brain scansMRI and EEGs provide irrefutable evidence of harm from wireless devices’ non-thermal exposures. Cell phones and wireless devices  can change brain wave activity, impair blood flow to the brain, damage the blood-brain barrier, interfere with brain cells communication and break brain cells’ DNA.

Clearly, we are not SAM.

This test does not even protect from thermal damage — SAM’s is based on the gigantic noggin of a 220 lb., six-foot tall adult male military recruit. SAM’s head is relevant to only 3% of the population.

Children have smaller and thinner skulls than SAM and absorb substantially more radiation than adults. Research confirms a 10-year-old absorbs more than 150% higher radiation than the SAM dummy.

Children represent a significant portion of the consumer market for wireless smart tech devices, and Big Tech is pushing these devices on babies at increasingly exceedingly early ages.

SAM, adopted by the FCC in 1996 when the only commercially used wireless devices were cell phones, measures for only short-term exposure of 30 minutes from one device. It fails to address longer and chronic exposure from numerous sources, which is the real exposure we are now facing.

Judge Patricia Millet of the U.S. Court of Appeals of the D.C. Circuit recently echoed this criticism of the FCC testing method in the hearing in the Children’s Health Defense case against the FCC.

The case, which was initiated by Dafna Tachover, director of Children’s Health Defense’s 5G and wireless harms project, challenges the FCC health and safety guidelines, including the SAM testing and the “thermal only” hypothesis.

This test and the thermal construct are essential for the telecom industry in order to continue to sell their products and for those who engage in data mining, including companies that mine our data for profit and the U.S. government, which uses the data for surveillance purposes.

To expose the fraud of the FCC and the telecom companies, Children’s Health Defense joined WeAreNotSam, an international campaign. Follow @WeAreNotSAM and help us expose the dummy testing. It is time for real and biology-based safety testing.


cover image credit Ri_Ya / pixabay


“They didn’t isolate the virus,” Chief Chinese epidemiologist tells NBC News

 “They didn’t isolate the virus,”
Chief Chinese epidemiologist tells NBC News — referring to
samples taken from the Wuhan market a year ago

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News

February 16, 2021


The Chinese scientist’s name is Dr. Wu Zunyou. He is the chief epidemiologist at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. NBC News reporter, Janis Mackey Frayer, conducted a brief interview with Dr. Zunyou on January 23, 2021.

Frayer mentioned that “samples” were taken, a year ago, at the beginning of the “outbreak,” from the infamous Huanan market in Wuhan. She then asked Dr. Zunyou, “Why has the data not been shared?”

He answered, “They didn’t isolate the virus.” He was referring to tissue samples taken from animals sold at the market.

That’s an interesting answer. Why have researchers and scientists claimed SARS-CoV-2 crossed species from animals to humans at that market, when no one ever isolated the virus from samples taken at the market?

The next, and far bigger question, is: When Dr. Zunyou says, “They didn’t isolate the virus,” is he ONLY referring to tissue samples taken from animals at the market? Or does his answer also apply to the first 40 human cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, which were claimed to result from a newly discovered coronavirus?

I’ve queried Dr. Zunyou. We’ll see if he replies.

I’ve spent the last year demonstrating that no one has proved SARS-CoV-2 exists. I’ve also explained why people are dying, why the PCR test is meaningless and useless and deceptive, why the case and death numbers are meaningless, and why the con is being foisted on the global population.

Since the early days of the “pandemic,” many scientists authoring papers have claimed they isolated the virus. However, I’ve explained how, in Orwellian fashion, they torture and twist and reverse the meaning of the word, “isolate,” so it signifies the opposite of what it ACTUALLY means.

I’ve also explained that the so-called genetic sequencing of the virus is another con. It isn’t the result of looking through some sort of cosmic microscope at genes lined up like cars in a supermarket parking lot. It’s a process using a computer program to stitch together DATA— PRESUMED pieces of a virus—based on speculation, bias, pretension, and sheer hype. Rather than science.

Based on no evidence of a new virus, the Chinese regime locked down 50 million citizens. Fairly soon, they lifted the lockdowns and pushed their economy into high gear again.

They provided the model of lockdowns to the West, where elite players—Bill Gates, the CDC, the World Health Organization, the United Nations—praised the Chinese regime and adopted their lockdown strategy; thus wrecking national economies and hundreds of millions of lives.

This is called a COVERT OPERATION. It had nothing to do with science. The operation was based on selling A STORY ABOUT A VIRUS.

For literate people, the word “isolate” indicates: a thing is separated from all other material surrounding it. Very simple. However, for virologists, the word means: “We have the virus in a soup in a dish in the lab.” UN-ISOLATED.

Virologists state: The soup consists of the virus, plus human and animal cells, plus (toxic) drugs and chemicals, plus all sorts of other genetic material.

They know the virus is in the soup, because some of the cells are dying. The virus must be killing the cells.

WRONG. The toxic drugs and chemicals could certainly be killing the cells. The cells are also being starved of vital nutrients, and that fact alone could account for cell-death.

There is no isolation. There is no proof a virus is in the soup. There is no proof a virus is killing cells. There is no proof the virus exists.

Opening the CIA’s Can of Worms

Opening the CIA’s Can of Worms

by Edward Curtin
sourced from OffGuardian
February 14, 2021


“The CIA and the media are part of the same criminal conspiracy,” wrote Douglas Valentine in his important book, The CIA as Organized Crime

This is true.  The corporate mainstream media are stenographers for the national security state’s ongoing psychological operations aimed at the American people, just as they have done the same for an international audience.  We have long been subjected to this “information warfare,” whose purpose is to win the hearts and minds of the American people and pacify them into victims of their own complicity, just as it was practiced long ago by the CIA in Vietnam and by The New York Times, CBS, etc. on the American people then and over the years as the American warfare state waged endless wars, coups, false flag operations, and assassinations at home and abroad.

Another way of putting this is to say for all practical purposes when it comes to matters that bear on important foreign and domestic matters, the CIA and the corporate mainstream media cannot be distinguished.

For those who read and study history, it has long been known that the CIA has placed their operatives throughout every agency of the U.S. government, as explained by Fletcher Prouty in The Secret Team, The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World; that CIA officers Cord Myer and Frank Wisner operated secret programs to get some of the most vocal exponents of intellectual freedom among intellectuals, journalists, and writers to be their voices for unfreedom and censorship, as explained by Frances Stonor Saunders in The Cultural Cold War and Joel Whitney in Finks, among others; that Cord Myer was especially focused on and successful in “courting the Compatible Left” since right wingers were already in the Agency’s pocket.  All this is documented and not disputed.  It is shocking only to those who don’t do their homework and see what is happening today outside a broad historical context.

With the rise of alternate media and a wide array of dissenting voices on the internet, the establishment felt threatened and went on the defensive.  It therefore should come as no surprise that those same elite corporate media are now leading the charge for increased censorship and the denial of free speech to those they deem dangerous, whether that involves wars, rigged elections, foreign coups, COVID-19, vaccinations, or the lies of the corporate media themselves. Having already banned critics from writing in their pages and or talking on their screens, these media giants want to make the quieting of dissenting voices complete.

Just the other day The New York Times had this headline:

Robert Kennedy Jr. Barred From Instagram Over False Virus Claims.

Notice the lack of the word alleged before “false virus claims.”  This is guilt by headline.  It is a perfect piece of propaganda posing as reporting, since it accuses Kennedy, a brilliant and honorable man, of falsity and stupidity, thus justifying Instagram’s ban, and it is an inducement to further censorship of Mr. Kennedy by Facebook that owns Instagram. That ban should follow soon, as the Times’ reporter Jennifer Jett hopes, since she accusingly writes that RFK, Jr. “makes many of the same baseless claims to more than 300,000 followers” at Facebook.  Jett made sure her report also went to and The Boston Globe.

This is one example of the censorship underway with much, much more to follow.  What was once done under the cover of omission is now done openly and brazenly, cheered on by those who, in an act of bad faith, claim to be upholders of the First Amendment and the importance of free debate in a democracy.  We are quickly slipping into an unreal totalitarian social order.

Which brings me to the recent work of Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi, both of whom have strongly and rightly decried this censorship. As I understand their arguments, they go like this.

First, the corporate media have today divided up the territory and speak only to their own audiences in echo chambers: liberal to liberals (read: the “allegedly” liberal Democratic Party), such as The New York Times, NBC, etc., and conservative to conservatives (read” the “allegedly” conservative Donald Trump), such as Fox News, Breitbart, etc.  They have abandoned old school journalism that, despite its shortcomings, involved objectivity and the reporting of disparate facts and perspectives, but within limits. Since the digitization of news, their new business models are geared to these separate audiences since they are highly lucrative choices. It’s business driven since electronic media have replaced paper as advertising revenues have shifted and people’s ability to focus on complicated issues has diminished drastically.  Old school journalism is suffering as a result and thus writers such as Greenwald and Taibbi and Chris Hedges (who interviewed Taibbi and concurs: part one here) have taken their work to the internet to escape such restrictive categories and the accompanying censorship.

Secondly, the great call for censorship is not something the Silicon Valley companies want because they want more people using their media since it means more money for them, but they are being pressured to do it by the traditional old school media, such as The New York Times, who now employ “tattletales and censors,” people who are power hungry jerks, to sniff out dissenting voices that they can recommend should be banned. Greenwald says:

They do it in part for power: to ensure nobody but they can control the flow of information. They do it partly for ideology and out of hubris: the belief that their worldview is so indisputably right that all dissent is inherently dangerous ‘disinformation.’

Thus, the old school print and television media are not on the same page as Facebook, Twitter, etc. but have opposing agendas.

In short, these shifts and the censorship are about money and power within the media world as the business has been transformed by the digital revolution.

I think this is a half-truth that conceals a larger issue. The censorship is not being driven by power hungry reporters at the Times or CNN or any media outlet. All these media and their employees are but the outer layer of the onion, the means by which messages are sent and people controlled.  These companies and their employees do what they are told, whether explicitly or implicitly, for they know it is in their financial interest to do so.  If they do not play their part in this twisted and intricate propaganda game, they will suffer. They will be eliminated, as are pesky individuals who dare peel the onion to its core. For each media company is one part of a large interconnected intelligence apparatus – a system, a complex – whose purpose is power, wealth, and domination for the very few at the expense of the many.  The CIA and media as parts of the same criminal conspiracy.

To argue that the Silicon valley companies do not want to censor but are being pressured by the legacy corporate media does not make sense.  These companies are deeply connected to U.S. intelligence agencies, as are the NY Times, CNN, NBC, etc.  They too are part of what was once called Operation Mockingbird, the CIA’s program to control, use, and infiltrate the media.  Only the most naïve would think that such a program does not exist today.

In Surveillance Valleyinvestigative reporter Yasha Levine documents how Silicon valley tech companies like Facebook, Amazon, and Google are tied to the military-industrial-intelligence-media complex in surveillance and censorship; how the Internet was created by the Pentagon; and even how these shadowy players are deeply involved in the so-called privacy movement that developed after Edward Snowden’s revelations.  Like Valentine, and in very detailed ways, Levine shows how the military-industrial-intelligence-digital-media complex is part of the same criminal conspiracy as is the traditional media with their CIA overlords. It is one club.

Many people, however, might find this hard to believe because it bursts so many bubbles, including the one that claims that these tech companies are pressured into censorship by the likes of The New York Times, etc.  The truth is the Internet was a military and intelligence tool from the very beginning and it is not the traditional corporate media that gives it its marching orders.

That being so, it is not the owners of the corporate media or their employees who are the ultimate controllers behind the current vast crackdown on dissent, but the intelligence agencies who control the mainstream media and the Silicon valley monopolies such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc.  All these media companies are but the outer layer of the onion, the means by which messages are sent and people controlled.

But for whom do these intelligence agencies work?  Not for themselves.

They work for their overlords, the super wealthy people, the banks, financial institutions, and corporations that own the United States and always have. In a simple twist of fate, such super wealthy naturally own the media corporations that are essential to their control of the majority of the world’s wealth through the stories they tell.  It is a symbiotic relationship. As FDR put it bluntly in 1933, this coterie of wealthy forces is the “financial element in the larger centers [that] has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson.” Their wealth and power has increased exponentially since then, and their connected tentacles have further spread to create what is an international deep state that involves such entities as the IMF, the World Bank, the World Economic Forum, those who meet yearly at Davos, etc.  They are the international overlords who are pushing hard to move the world toward a global dictatorship.

As is well known, or should be, the CIA was the creation of Wall St. and serves the interests of the wealthy owners. Peter Dale Scott, in “The State, the Deep State, and the Wall Street Overworld,” says of Allen Dulles, the nefarious longest running Director of the CIA and Wall St. lawyer for Sullivan and Cromwell:

There seems to be little difference in Allen Dulles’s influence whether he was a Wall Street lawyer or a CIA director. 

It was Dulles, long connected to  Rockefeller’s Standard Oil, international corporations, and a friend of Nazi agents and scientists, who was tasked with drawing up proposals for the CIA.  He was ably assisted by five Wall St. bankers or investors, including the aforementioned Frank Wisner who later, as a CIA officer, said his “Mighty Wurlitzer” was “capable of playing any propaganda tune he desired.”  This he did by recruiting intellectuals, writers, reporters, labor organizations, and the mainstream corporate media, etc. to propagate the CIA’s messages.

Greenwald, Taibbi, and Hedges are correct up to a point, but they stop short.  Their critique of old school journalism à la Edward Herman’s and Noam Chomsky’s Manufacturing of Consent model, while true as far as it goes, fails to pin the tail on the real donkey.  Like old school journalists who knew implicitly how far they could go, these guys know it too, as if there is an invisible electronic gate that keeps them from wandering into dangerous territory.

The censorship of Robert Kennedy, Jr. is an exemplary case.  His banishment from Instagram and the ridicule the mainstream media have heaped upon him for years is not simply because he raises deeply informed questions about vaccines, Bill Gates, the pharmaceutical companies, etc. His critiques suggest something far more dangerous is afoot: the demise of democracy and the rise of a totalitarian order that involves total surveillance, controleugenics, etc. by the wealthy led by their intelligence propagandists.

To call him a super spreader of hoaxes and a conspiracy theorist is aimed at not only silencing him on specific medical issues, but to silence his powerful and articulate voice on all issues.  To give thoughtful consideration to his deeply informed scientific thinking concerning vaccines, the World Health Organization, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, etc., is to open a can of worms that the powerful want shut tight.

This is because RFK, Jr. is also a severe critic of the enormous power of the CIA and its propaganda that goes back so many decades and was used to cover up the national security state’s assassinations of his father and uncle, JFK.  It is why his wonderful recent book, American Values: Lessons I Learned from My Familythat contains not one word about vaccineswas shunned by mainstream book reviewers; for the picture he paints fiercely indicts the CIA in multiple ways while also indicting the mass media that have been its mouthpieces. These worms must be kept in the can, just as the power of the international overlords represented by the World Health Organization and the World Economic Forum with its Great Reset must be.  They must be dismissed as crackpot conspiracy theories not worthy of debate or exposure.

Robert Kennedy, Jr., by name and dedication to truth seeking, conjures up his father’s ghost, the last politician who, because of his vast support across racial and class divides, could have united the country and tamed the power of the CIA to control the narrative that has allowed for the plundering of the world and the country for the wealthy overlords.

So they killed him.

There is a reason Noam Chomsky is an exemplar for Hedges, Greenwald, and Taibbi.  He controls the can opener for so many. He has set the parameters for what is considered acceptable to be considered a serious journalist or intellectual.  The assassinations of the Kennedys, 9/11, or a questioning of the official Covid-19 story are not among them, and so they are eschewed.

To denounce censorship, as they have done, is admirable. But now Greenwald, Taibbi, and Hedges need go up to the forbidden gate with the sign that says – “This far and no further” – and jump over it.  That’s where the true stories lie.  That’s when they’ll see the worms squirm.


Edward Curtin is an independent writer whose work has appeared widely over many years. His website is and his new book is Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies.

cover image credit OffGuardian

Dr. Tom Cowan: Infectious Ideology

Infectious Ideology

by Dr. Tom Cowan
February 15, 2021


Original video available at Dr. Tom Cowan BitChute channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


Book mentioned by Dr. Cowan:



Virus Mania:
Corona/COVID-19, Measles, Swine Flu, Cervical Cancer, Avian Flu, SARS, BSE, Hepatitis C, AIDS, Polio. How the Medical Industry … Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense 


Read the forward to Virus Mania by Etienne de Harven HERE.


Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan

[Satire] Welcome to THE UPSIDE DOWN!


by WhatsHerFace
February 14, 2021


Original video available at WhatsHerFace YouTube channel.


Good evening, and welcome to the upside down.

Where what you see, can never be.

And what you know, just isn’t so.

Where bad is good and wrong is right.

Where truth went down without a fight.

Where you might just say, every day is opposite day.

Can I offer you a mask or an anal swab?

Rape is the law, if it’s for a good cause.

Oh no, it isn’t mandatory, that would be cruel.

But you have no choice, that’s our only rule.

Before you enter I must tell you about the world’s deadliest disease.

It can take you out with a single sneeze.

It’s a clever bugger too.

It can’t take out a violent mob,.

It only thrives in those with jobs.

But luckily, we have the only cure.

It won’t stop it from spreading, but that’s all we know for sure.

So “what does it do?”,  you may ask.

No one knows, so please be sure to double mask.

“It’s super safe”, the doctor said.

Even if you end up dead.

Because the antidote can’t kill you, since it’s the leading cause of coincidence.

Now roll up your sleeve and let’s go.

I’ll take you through the backwards show.

Where doctors kill and science shills for our lord and savior, a man named Bill.

To your left, you will find our grand display of courageous men with nothing to say.

They don’t provide, or lead, or slay.

They smile, nod, and let you have your way.

To your right you’ll see our exhibition of empathy.

Where the rich stay home, and through their phone, demand that old folks die alone.

Follow along the yellow dotted line, to our memorial of dissent, our evil shrine.

The thought criminals and sense seekers and those who disrupt, the ones who tried to turn us right side up.

They did not shrink, to double think, so all of them died from “suicide”.

Thank you very much for visiting THE UPSIDE DOWN!

Now please return to the circus with the rest of the clowns.

You’ll Own Nothing and Be Happy!? – The Great Reset

You’ll Own Nothing and Be Happy!? – The Great Reset

by JP Sears, AwakenWithJP
February 13, 2021


Original video available at AwakenWithJP YouTube channel.

By 2030 you’ll owe nothing and be happy about it!

These are the words of Klaus Schwab, head of the world economic forum. It’s part of his plan for the great reset.

In this video you’ll learn why you’ll be so happy only nothing.

And also why they’ll be even happier because they own everything.


[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Connect with and support the work of JP Sears


Farmers’ Protest in India – Price of Failure Will Be immense

Farmers’ Protest in India – Price of Failure Will Be immense

by Colin Todhunter, OffGuardian
February 13, 2021


Globally, there is an ongoing trend of a handful of big companies determining what food is grown, how it is grown, what is in it and who sells it. This model involves highly processed food adulterated with chemical inputs ending up in large near-monopoly supermarket chains or fast-food outlets that rely on industrial-scale farming.

While the brands lining the shelves of giant retail outlets seem vast, a handful of food companies own these brands which in turn rely on a relatively narrow range of produce for ingredients.

At the same time, this illusion of choice often comes at the expense of food security in poorer countries that were compelled to restructure their agriculture to facilitate agro-exports courtesy of the World Bank, IMF, the WTO and global agribusiness interests.

In Mexico, transnational food retail and processing companies have taken over food distribution channels, replacing local foods with cheap processed items, often with the direct support of the government. Free trade and investment agreements have been critical to this process and the consequences for public health have been catastrophic.

Mexico’s National Institute for Public Health released the results of a national survey of food security and nutrition in 2012. Between 1988 and 2012, the proportion of overweight women between the ages of 20 and 49 increased from 25 to 35 per cent and the number of obese women in this age group increased from 9 to 37 per cent. Some 29 per cent of Mexican children between the ages of 5 and 11 were found to be overweight, as were 35 per cent of the youngsters between 11 and 19, while one in ten school age children experienced anaemia.

Former Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Olivier De Schutter, concludes that trade policies had favoured a greater reliance on heavily processed and refined foods with a long shelf life rather than on the consumption of fresh and more perishable foods, particularly fruit and vegetables. He added that the overweight and obesity emergency that Mexico faces could have been avoided.

In 2015, the non-profit organisation GRAIN reported that the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) led to the direct investment in food processing and a change in Mexico’s retail structure (towards supermarkets and convenience stores) as well as the emergence of global agribusiness and transnational food companies in the country.

NAFTA eliminated rules preventing foreign investors from owning more than 49 per cent of a company. It also prohibited minimum amounts of domestic content in production and increased rights for foreign investors to retain profits and returns from initial investments. By 1999, US companies had invested 5.3 billion dollars in Mexico’s food processing industry, a 25-fold increase in just 12 years.

US food corporations began to colonise the dominant food distribution networks of small-scale vendors, known as tiendas (corner shops). This helped spread nutritionally poor food as they allowed these corporations to sell and promote their foods to poorer populations in small towns and communities. By 2012, retail chains had displaced tiendas as Mexico’s main source of food sales.

In Mexico, the loss of food sovereignty induced catastrophic changes to the nation’s diet and many small-scale farmers lost their livelihoods, which was accelerated by the dumping of surplus commodities (produced at below the cost of production due to subsidies) from the US. NAFTA rapidly drove millions of Mexican farmers, ranchers and small businesspeople into bankruptcy, leading to the flight of millions of immigrant workers.


What happened in Mexico should serve as a warning as Indian farmers continue their protest against three recent farm bills that are designed to fully corporatize the agrifood sector through contract farming, the massive roll-back of public sector support systems, a reliance on imports (boosted by a future US trade deal) and the acceleration of large-scale (online) retail.

If you want to know the eventual fate of India’s local markets and small retailers, look no further than what US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in 2019. He stated that Amazon had “destroyed the retail industry across the United States.”

And if you want to know the eventual fate of India’s farmers, look no further than the 1990s when the IMF and World Bank advised India to shift hundreds of millions out of agriculture in return for up to more than $120 billion in loans at the time.

India was directed to dismantle its state-owned seed supply system, reduce subsidies, run down public agriculture institutions and offer incentives for the growing of cash crops for export to earn foreign exchange. Part of the strategy would also involve changing land laws so that land could be sold and amalgamated for industrial-scale farming.

The plan was for foreign corporations to capture the sector, with the aforementioned policies having effectively weakened or displaced independent cultivators.

To date, this process has been slow but the recent legislation could finally deliver a knock-out blow to tens of millions of farmers and give what the likes of Amazon, Walmart, Facebook, Cargill, Archer Daniels Midlands, Louis Dreyfus, Bunge and the global agritech, seed and agrochemical corporations have wanted all along. It will also serve the retail/agribusiness/logistics interests of India’s richest man, Mukesh Ambani, and its sixth richest, Gautam Adani.

During their ongoing protests, farmers have been teargassed, smeared and beaten. Journalist Satya Sagar notes that government advisors fear that seeming to appear weak with the agitating farmers would not sit well with foreign agrifood investors and could stop the flow of big money into the sector – and the economy as a whole.

And it is indeed ‘big’ money. Facebook invested 5.5 billion dollars last year in Mukesh Ambani’s Jio Platforms (e-commerce retail). Google has also invested 4.5 billion dollars. Currently, Amazon and Flipkart (Walmart has an 81% stake) together control over 60% of the country’s overall e-commerce market. These and other international investors have a great deal to lose if the recent farm legislation is repealed. So does the Indian government.

Since the 1990s, when India opened up to neoliberal economics, the country has become increasingly dependent on inflows of foreign capital. Policies are being governed by the drive to attract and retain foreign investment and maintain ‘market confidence’ by ceding to the demands of international capital. ‘Foreign direct investment’ has thus become the holy grail of the Modi-led administration.

Little wonder the government needs to be seen as acting ‘tough’ on protesting farmers because now, more than ever, attracting and retaining foreign reserves will be required to purchase food on the international market once India surrenders responsibility for its food policy to private players by eliminating its buffer stocks.

The plan to radically restructure agrifood in the country is being sold to the public under the guise of ‘modernising’ the sector. And this is to be carried out by self-proclaimed ‘wealth creators’ like Zuckerberg, Bezos and Ambani who are highly experienced at creating wealth – for themselves.

According to the recent Oxfam report ‘The Inequality Virus’, Mukesh Ambani doubled his wealth between March and October 2020. The coronavirus-related lockdown in India resulted in the country’s billionaires increasing their wealth by around 35 per cent, while 170,000 people lost their jobs every hour in April 2020 alone.

Prior to the lockdown, Oxfam reported that 73 per cent of the wealth generated in 2017 went to the richest 1 per cent, while 670 million Indians, the poorest half of the population, saw only a 1 per cent increase in their wealth.

Moreover, the fortunes of India’s billionaires increased by almost 10 times over a decade and their total wealth was higher than the entire Union budget of India for the fiscal year 2018-19.

It is clear who these ‘wealth creators’ create wealth for. On the People’s Review site, Tanmoy Ibrahim writes a piece on India’s billionaire class, with a strong focus on Ambani and Adani. By outlining the nature of crony capitalism in India, it is clear that Modi’s ‘wealth creators’ are given carte blanche to plunder the public purse, people and the environment, while real wealth creators – not least the farmers – are fighting for existence.

The current struggle should not be regarded as a battle between the government and farmers. If what happened in Mexico is anything to go by, the outcome will adversely affect the entire nation in terms of the further deterioration of public health and the loss of livelihoods.

Consider that rates of obesity in India have already tripled in the last two decades and the nation is fast becoming the diabetes and heart disease capital of the world. According to the National Family Health Survey (NFHS-4), between 2005 and 2015 the number of obese people doubled, even though one in five children in the 5-9 year age group were found to be stunted.

This will be just part of the cost of handing over the sector to billionaire (comprador) capitalists Mukesh Ambani and Gautum Adani and Jeff Bezos (world’s richest person), Mark Zuckerberg (world’s fourth richest person), the Cargill business family (14 billionaires) and the Walmart business family (richest in the US).

These individuals are poised to siphon off the wealth of India’s agrifood sector while denying the livelihoods of many millions of small-scale farmers and local mom and pop retailers while undermining the health of the nation.


Connect with Colin Todhunter at OffGuardian

cover image credit OffGuardian


Building the Beast System: FDA Wants GPS on Crops – Spinach Sends Email – Cow Registration Mandates

Building the Beast System: FDA Wants GPS on Crops – Spinach Sends Email – Cow Registration Mandates

by Christian Westbrook, Ice Age Farmer
February 12, 2021


The FDA is considering requiring GPS coordinates of every crop harvested, and data on when it was planted/harvested/chilled/packed/shipped. Not only would this put small farms OUT of business, it effectively requires robotic automation. British Columbia has mandated livestock registration for your safety “in this age of dangerous pandemics.” The technocratic takeover of farming continues, and the stage is now set for the introduction of the blockchain/AI beast system. Christian breaks it down in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast.

Video available at Ice Age Farmer BitChute and Lbry channels.


Connect with Christian Westbrook at Ice Age Farmer