The Scam of “Government” Explained in Less Than Five Minutes

The Scam of “Government” Explained in Less Than 5 Minutes… Now… With Memes!
“Government” Has Been the Biggest Scam in History! 

by Etienne de la Boetie2, Art of Liberty
April 25, 2024


In Government”—The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! I break down the illegitimacy, illogical nature and criminality of “government” in 150ish pages, with another 20 pages of endnotes cataloging 776 referencesIn this short clip from a podcast, I was able to break down the basics in Five (5) minutes flat. Hat tip to David Rodrigues, the founder of the Gatto Project and Valor Academy, for adding value by editing in some examples from the book.

The weirdest thing about the scam of “Government” is that ANYONE can understand its illogical nature and immorality. Here are the basics… In memes!

  1. It is IMPOSSIBLE to Have a Legitimate, Moral and Logical “Government”

a) You can’t delegate rights you don’t have personally to a “representative” or a “government”


b) You can’t be bound by a social contract you didn’t sign

Backstory: Abolitionist and legal theorist Lysander Spooner completely destroyed the legal and moral legitimacy of the U.S. Con-stitution in his 1870 masterwork No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority, whose arguments are just as valid today.

c) If my buddy and I can’t vote to rob you because there are two of us and one of you, it doesn’t matter how many additional people vote to rob Peter to pay Paul; it is still theft and immoral.


2. The Inter-Generational Organized Crime Interests Using “Government” to Rob and Control Society Have Been Using Control of Education and Monopoly Media to Control the Information that Society Receives About “Government” to Trick Them Into Thinking “Government” is Legitimate, Desirable and Necessary.

a) Control of Education – Children are unethically and manipulatively indoctrinated with the belief in “government” in mandatory schools, and private schools whose curriculum is controlled through accreditation with the belief in “government” slipped to them as a pseudo-religion known as Statism.


b) Monopolization of the MediaSix monopoly media companies run hundreds of subsidiaries with different names to give the illusion of choice.


c) Wide-scale Surreptitious Control of Hundreds of Publishers, Editors, and Reporters at Dozens of Ostensibly Unaffiliated Wire Services, Networks and Publications Control the Information the Public Receives.


In this poster from our White Rose MUCHO GRANDE series, you can see dozens and dozens of reporters, editors and publishers from dozens of ostensibly unaffiliated news organizations apparently being coordinated through three organizations that Jeffrey Epstein was a member of and meeting regularly in secure facilities swept for bugs.


Dozens of “Ex” CIA and intelligence agency alumni make up a substantial portion of the 200ish people that are paid/allowed to talk about politics and current events on the tell-a-vision.

Video Shows News Anchors in DOZENS of Different Cities Reading off the Exact Same Script.

d) Dozens and dozens of monopoly Internet Search Engines, Social Media Sites, Video Sites, and “Fact Checkers” Algorithmically Censor the Information the Public Receives About the Legitimacy of “Government” while concealing the theft of trillions. Ex-CIA employees control content moderation at Facebook, “Ex” FBI employees were (are?) controlling content moderation at Twitter/X, while “Ex”- U.S. State Department employees are controlling content moderation at TikTok.


e) Hollywood manipulatively weaves the US flag into thousands of movies and tell-a-vision shows at moments of high, positive emotion while making the “government,” CIA, FBI, and Military the heroes to trick the population into a warm and fuzzy feeling about “government” and the enforcement class living off money stolen from them at the point of a gun.


Short 7-minute video showing 469 American Flag “Product Placements” in just 12 Michael Bay Movies.


The documentary “Theatres of War” exposes the Pentagon and intelligence agencies behind THOUSANDS of Movies and Tell-a-vision shows.


Connect with by Etienne de la Boetie2

Cover image credit: pixellicious

The World Out of Kilter: Occupation and Zombification

The World Out of Kilter: Occupation and Zombification

by Paul Cudenec, Winter Oak
April 22, 2024



The kind of society I long for is an organic one, in which people live in the way they see fit, guided by their own inclinations, the customs they have inherited and the circumstances of place.

As an anarchist, I am obviously opposed to all authority imposed from above, to any kind of formalised, entrenched power, but that does not mean that there could be no kind of moral “authority” or guidance in the world I want to see.

Traditional societies often look to village elders, wise women, and other respected individuals to help steer their decision-making.

The advice they give arises from within the community concerned and, in order to be followed, will have to correspond to a generally-shared sense that the proposed direction is the right one.

This is not the case with those who exercise power over us today. Due to the corruption of our society, authority is wielded in the interests of a group which neither identifies with the people as a whole nor is prepared to be guided by its wishes.

Instead, it seeks to impose its own agenda on the population by any means necessary – by propaganda and persuasion, if possible, or otherwise by outright deceit, intimidation and physical violence.

Even worse is that this ruling gang, which is essentially nothing but an occupying force, shares neither the specific local moral codes of the various peoples it rules over, nor the general human sense of right and wrong that would once have been shared by its own ancestors.

This is because it is a rogue element, a criminal entity, intent only on increasing its own wealth and power, and has no use for ethics.

Indeed, it takes sadistic pleasure out of using, manipulating and inverting the majority population’s values – their sense of justice, their fondness for their homeland or their love of nature – in order to advance its own venal programme.

Individuals in such a society are unable to follow their own moral compass, to act according to their own innate desires, to follow their dreams, pay respect to the archetypal template in their unconscious.

This is not just because they are physically constrained, by authority, from acting and living in ways that they feel are right, but also because they have been mentally conditioned not to listen to the voice within.

They are besieged, through all their waking hours, by messaging, by propaganda that tells them they have to live, think and behave in the ways set out by the ruling gang.

A natural society will produce all kinds of individuals who complement each other in the ways that they contribute to its well-being.

There are those who are drawn to caring for others, to teaching the young, to growing, to feeding, to building, to physically defending the community, to resolving disputes and so on.

There are also the artists, poets, preachers and prophets, the antennae of the people, who are sensitive to the overall feel of the society and can sense when something is wrong.

Young people often start out with this gift – think of all the different generations rebelling, in their varying ways, against this modern world! – only to be ground down into compliance by the satanic mills of power.

But some carry on noticing and sounding the alert, with the aim of waking up the population as a whole to the danger they are facing.

It is therefore important for the ruling occupying force to isolate the small minority who remain connected to their own deep knowing and to the organic spirit of the community.

They do this by insulting, mocking, demonising, dismissing, intimidating, criminalising and imprisoning them – by presenting them, in their usual inverted manner, as a menace to the very society whose well-being they are trying to defend.

This is psychologically difficult for these social antennae, who risk being deeply wounded by a rejection that they feel comes as much from their own community as from the occupying force.

Banding together in self-defence, they can become inward-looking, cultish, and unable to properly communicate with others outside their ranks.

Or, as individuals, they can become bitter and angry with those who refuse to listen to them, dismissing most members of their community as ignorant fools who deserve no better.

In either case, they have completed the work of the ruling gang by cutting themselves off from the social organism to which they belong.

That organism therefore has no more brain, no more soul, but is a social zombie, staggering on towards its own destruction under the malevolent control of the life-sucking criminocracy.


Connect with Paul Cudenec substack | website

Cover image credit: CDD20

FDA Modernization Act 2.0 & The Avatar

FDA Modernization Act 2.0 & The Avatar

by Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath, Nature of Healing
April 18, 2024


In the Covidian Era, science has moved on to a digital upgrade of itself called Scientism, the religion of science, where science is god, and part of a new global Technocracy.

“Technocracy is the science of social engineering,” says Patrick Wood, author of Technocracy Rising.

Social engineering used to mean molding the minds of people to conform to new norms. This goes back to 1928, Ed Bernays, and his book Propaganda.  However, in a Technocracy, not only minds, but bodies, too, can be molded. If you did not get the memo, Technocracy has brought humanity from Human to Posthuman and Transhuman.

In the 2022 Journal Global Trends, Russian scientists describe the difference between Posthuman and Transhuman:

The fundamental idea of posthumanism is the rejection of biological, ethical, and ontological anthropocentrism. Transhumanism focuses on changing and improving natural human characteristics through biological, technological, and cognitive modifications…Transhumanism has the potential to preserve man as an effective economic and cognizing agent.

In other words, man as an “economic agent” refers to the cybernetic human as a commodity in a modern world. This means the laws of the nations need to change to catch up.

The U.S. FDA is meeting that goal for change with its FDA Modernization Act 2.0.  What is the FDA Modernization Act 2.0?

The new law amends the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act by authorizing sponsors of novel drugs to make use of “certain alternatives to animal testing, including cell-based assays and computer models, to obtain an exemption from the Food and Drug Administration to investigate the safety and effectiveness of a drug.

It is the FDA giving itself permission to transition from testing animal models to directly testing humans.

In the 2023 Journal of Clinical Investigation, authors cite a long list of excuses to change research models:

  1. cost
  2. low approval rates in clinical trials
  3. lack of efficacy in trail outcomes
  4. high rate of failure in therapeutics
  5. species differences between animals and humans

After decades of extrapolating animal studies to humans, suddenly animals are no longer scientifically valid. Does this transition make obsolete more than a century of animal-based research? In one sense, such a transition is long-awaited and frees innocent animals from needless torture. In another sense, it moves the mark to a new target.

Scientists now claim humans are diverse, and therefore require different models.  They propose, “human cell-based models that more accurately reflect the diversity of human genetics may guide the development of treatments that are more reliable and successful in real-world applications.”

In Scientism, humans are considered commodities.  Some Transhumanists propose transferring consciousness to a machine to create a brain-machine interface. The Russian Posthuman authors propose that consciousness may be a feature exclusive to humans. They appear not to know for sure. They state:

Accordingly, it is still possible that there is a fundamental difference between man and other objects of the world.

The new strategy is one of large-scale experiments using pooled cell lines or “cell villages” and bar codes, i.e., human commodities will receive a digital ID. With human-like neural computing, soon humanoid robots will replace humans in the workplace.  The United Nations calls this Biodigital Convergence as part of its Sustainable Goals for Smart™ cities by 2030. CeNSE is the Central Nervous System for the Earth. Networks within networks.

Personalized Medicine & Precision Public Health

Digital IDs reflect a digital avatar in Precision Healthcare. “Precision Healthcare” refers to a remote medical model of healthcare. According to a 2021 study in the Journal of Personalized Medicine:

A digital twin is a virtual model of a physical entity, with dynamic, bi-directional links between the physical entity and its corresponding twin in the digital domain.

In March 2024, Dept. of Defense (DoD) officials testified on its own priorities before the House Armed Services Subcommittee. The digital ID is a natural progression from the trend toward non-binary humans who do not identify with a specific gender.  This makes the transition, from human to digital Posthuman, effortless. All humans with a digital ID belong to an A.I., industrial (not biological) system—Transhumanism.

The rapid development of technology—in particular, artificial intelligence—accelerates the processes of industrial automation. This, in turn, raises the question of the role of man in the economy of the future: if artificial systems can more effectively perform the functions of man, then what place will man, as a potentially inefficient economic agent, take in the economy?

Studying humans in large-scale experiments has already happened. The deployment of COVID EUA medical countermeasures (MCMs), sometimes referred to as vaccines, was tested during the COVID pandemic. However, unlike vaccines, which are FDA-approved, MCMs are not. According to the CDC, MCMs include: biological products, drugs, and devices.

Be aware that MCMs are already recognized in many Federal Acts, including the 21st Century Cures Act, the Medical Countermeasures Surge Capacity Act of 2022, The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act)The Prioritizing Medical Countermeasures for National Security Act of 2023.

Testing humans in Real Time, as a digital Avatar, puts the Tele in Telehealth. It is a strategy of “emergent technology,” even though emergent technology, such as TeleMedicine, is already 10 years old.  Further, this technology prevents the need for long-term genotoxicological and carcino-toxicological vaccine studies. Any adverse events (AEs) can be released later. Or not.

For example, post-COVID, drugmaker Pfizer was court-ordered to release safety data for its BioNTech EUA ‘vaccine.’ In its first data dump of February 2021, 1300 adverse events were listed among 42,000 serious case reports. With results such as these, the dial from health to disease is turned up, as disease becomes the new normal.

Without defining, ‘modernization 2.o,’ in human terms, science and government have paved the way for a new religion in a Posthuman synthetic, digital world. To maintain the inner human is to be aware of Technocracy, and turn toward the Natural world, and the heart center.

Related articles:


Connect with Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath

Cover image credit: patrypguerreiro

The U.S. Is Running Parallel Governments. All U.S. Citizens Have Dual Citizenship & Are “Volunteered” as Property. How to Unvolunteer: “U.S. National / State Citizen Comprehensive Guide (Non Citizen National)”

The U.S. Is Running Parallel Governments. All U.S. Citizens Have Dual Citizenship & Are “Volunteered” as Property. How to Unvolunteer: “U.S. National / State Citizen Comprehensive Guide (Non Citizen National)”


Truth Comes to Light editor’s commentary:

In my personal search for clarity about the confusing (deliberately) and complicated legal maze of control over those of us who were born into or naturalized into United States citizenship, I recently came upon the website “National Status – Repatriating Freedom Seekers”.

Going through their various resources and taking their course has made many things clear and has provided me with specific steps to take, as well as coherent instructions and documentation.

I’m sharing it here for those who have been doing a similar search through the volumes of videos, books, websites and documents out there, only to find themselves overwhelmed with bits and pieces of the puzzle that don’t quite fit together.

From the National Status Introduction page:

“When you were born on American soil, you were born a National. However through legal presumption you are assumed to be a US citizen, which is completely and personally subject to the Federal Government.

“This control is feudal in nature. As a US citizen you are property of the federal government. As property your labor is collateralized, bonded, and traded.

“However, the nature of your servitude is voluntary. It has to be, because our 13th amendment forbids involuntary servitude. It’s voluntary however only because you didn’t know that you had another choice.

“Our goal is to make you aware of this choice and, if you so choose, volunteer out.”

From the National Status Forums page:

“This website was created by an independent group of nationals who have repatriated themselves from the servitude of U.S. Citizenship. It serves as a resource and a platform for anyone interested in beginning their journey to true freedom as a national. Please share with other freedom seekers.

“DISCLAIMER: The information shared on this website is free and for educational purposes only. We do not sell anything or offer any tax, political or legal advice. Use at your own discretion.”

Through the National Status website, I was led to the video that is shared below. A transcript has been prepared for your study and reference.

As always, information shared at Truth Comes to Light is done in the spirit of conversation. This is not legal advice, nor is it any other type of advice or call to action. All of these decisions are serious in nature and require study, dedicated consideration, and personal choice. 

Thank you to National Status for offering all of these materials at no cost to the public. Compiling this information and presenting in a way that we all can understand requires a great amount of time, talent, and work (not to mention their personal years of research, study, trial and error), in addition to financial costs of maintaining a website. They have created a great resource for us all.

~ Kathleen


U.S. National / State Citizen Comprehensive Guide (Non Citizen National)

by U.S. National Guide


Original video is found at USA National Guide YouTube channel. Find mirrored copies at BitChute, Odysee, & Brighteon


Message from video creator as found below the original YouTube video.

This video is a comprehensive, beginner’s guide to U.S. Nationality, State Citizenship, and how U.S. Citizens are property. Below are timestamps to sections of the video, as well as all the links referenced.

CORRECTIONS: Civil Rights are mistakenly called constitutional rights as they are given by the constitution (14th amendment), but are totally opposite of God-given Rights that are Constitutionally PROTECTED.

The affidavit should say the city and state in which you’re domiciled, not Los Angeles California.

A W-4v can be sent instead of a W-4, but some employers won’t accept it. Fill out numbers 1-3 on the W-4v normally (put the SSN). Leave 5 and 6 blank unless applicable. Check 7.

If you need to fill out a W-4, do not fill it out as I described in the video. Instead, as described in the form’s instructions on how to file as exempt, write “Exempt” under 4c, and other only fill out steps 1a, 1b, and 5. Always put your zip code and SSN in brackets.
When filling out a W-4 or W-4v add “Done in Good Faith” at the end of your signature.

For state taxes there are equivalent forms called “Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate” for each state.

When rescinding a ticket you can also include “REFUSED” and “CEASE AND DESIST.”

Roger Sayles Radio Ranch:

National USA Telegram Channel:

Certificates of Non Citizen Nationality:

American Samoan Citizenship Case:

Legal Word Games:

Voter Registration Cancellations:

Internal Revenue Code:

Possible Sales Tax Exemption:

Templates (copy the file rather than requesting to edit):

Private License Plates:
Premade (Cars and Motorcycles) –
Custom (Cars) –
Custom (All Kinds of Vehicles) –

James C Lovett:

Social Security Status Correction:

00:00 – Intro
02:09 – History
05:19 – 13th Amendment
06:13 – 14th Amendment
08:11 – Court Rulings
11:10 – Rights
14:10 – Change in Government
17:02 – U.S. Citizens are Property
20:03 – Immigration and Nationality Act
23:11 – How You Agreed
26:55 – Privileges Nationals Don’t Have
27:17 – Taxes, Codes, and Mandates
31:40 – UCC 1-308
33:26 – How To
48:09 – Passport
50:43 – Police and Driving
54:15 – Optional Steps
55:15 – Outro


Connect with USA National Guide

Please link to the original YouTube version to check for any updates, to share your comments with the author/creator of the video, and to read the comments of other viewers.


Transcript prepared by Truth Comes to Light:


I’m sure you’ve wondered how the government is able to chip away at our Constitutional rights. Despite all the checks and balances our founding fathers put in. Since early 2020, that question has been asked more than ever before.

That question can only be answered with another question. Did you know that all U.S. citizens have dual citizenship?

Today, using verifiable factual information as well as decades of experience and research, you are going to discover how United States citizens unknowingly volunteered to be the property of the United States government.

More importantly, you are going to learn how to stop volunteering.

Welcome to a comprehensive guide to becoming a state citizen, commonly known as a U.S. national and mistakenly known as a non-citizen national.

Before we can begin, this is for educational purposes only. Nothing in this video is a call to action. I am not telling or suggesting anyone does anything, nor am I responsible for anyone else’s actions. I am not discussing the topic of sovereign citizens or private citizens as I stray clear from misinformation and disinformation.

Credit must be given to Roger Sayles, the host of Radio Ranch, as most of this information is from his teachings. Roger has been so gracious as to share this with the world and to spend two hours every weekday answering people’s questions on his radio show. You can find information on how to listen or call into his radio show in the description. []

Anyone who has any questions or comments on what I’ve discussed, feel free to leave a comment below [see original YouTube video to leave your comment] and if it goes beyond the scope of this video, be sure to ask Roger on his show. Also, the U.S. National Telegram group is linked down below as well.[]

When the united states of America was founded, it was the only country in recorded human history, possibly other than the Roman Republic, that recognized and protected God-given, inalienable rights to freedom. The fatal flaw was the acceptance of slavery.

You will see shortly how the Civil War, which we are told ended slavery, was used to enslave all Americans. But first we must discuss what it was like to be a free American before the war.

As most know, the Constitution for the United States of America secured citizens of the states inalienable rights given by the Creator. All government and legal action had to abide by the rules set out in the Constitution and still does, including Common Law, which the founding fathers adopted from England. Common Law means that when a supreme or appellate court makes a ruling on how to interpret a law, that decision is applied across the state or country depending on the jurisdiction of that court.

Jurisdiction is another concept that is important to understand. Jurisdiction is defined as the power to make decisions. For example, the United States Supreme Court only has that power to make decisions for citizens and residents of the United States. They cannot decide what happens to a Brazilian citizen residing in Brazil.

Most who have read and understand the system of government set up by the Constitution are amazed by how just and free it is. So how is it possible that it has corrupted into the system you see today? Is this system unconstitutional?

Fortunately, it is constitutional, and that’s why the courts have allowed it to continue to play out. I say fortunately because that shows the system still works. They must abide by its rules, and that must mean that there is a way out. So let’s find out how.

In some interpretations, the Civil War was not a war over slavery like many have been led to believe. It was a war over states rights.

I’m sure some of you instantly had alarm bells ringing when I made that statement. Due to media propaganda perpetrated by the federal government (one could look into Operation Mockingbird) many immediately associate that interpretation with racism and slavery, as if the northerners were altruistic, loving people that were fed up with the racist Democrats in the south. They then spread the lie that the parties switched, to explain why the Republicans are now the racist ones.

The harsh reality is the Civil War had much less to do with slavery than we’re led to believe. Many politicians from both sides were and still are racist, and they’ve worked together to enslave all Americans regardless of skin color.

After the Civil War, the 13th and the 14th Amendments were instituted. The 13th Amendment to the Constitution abolished slavery by stating,

“Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”

The word ‘their’ being plural as the jurisdiction is of the several states.

Obviously voluntary servitude is omitted. A free person would have every right to serve whatever or whomever they please. That also means that you would have to be able to stop volunteering for it to remain constitutional.

Before we discover how to stop volunteering to be the slaves of the United States government, let’s see how we were tricked into doing so in the first place.

The 14th Amendment allowed all people born in the United States to become citizens by stating,

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”

There are three important things to notice in that statement.

First, this amendment is referring to a single jurisdiction, as it’s referring to the level of a singular federal government. This is distinctly different from the reference to several jurisdictions in the 13th Amendment. The importance of this will become clear shortly.

Second, it says AND subject to the jurisdiction thereof, not ARE subject to the jurisdiction thereof — meaning people can be born here or naturalized without being subject to the United States federal government’s jurisdiction.

How that can be lies in the rest of the sentence where it says,

“…citizens of the United States AND of the State wherein they reside.”

What happened here is the creation of a new class of citizenship. Before the 14th Amendment, a citizen of one of the several states was automatically a citizen of the united states of America. There was no such thing as a citizen of the United States federal government. People born in Washington, D.C. were not citizens. Again, the only status was a state citizen.

To understand this dual citizenship, let’s read some court rulings.

If at any point you’d like to ponder or read these rulings for yourself, feel free to pause, they will all be on screen.

The ruling on Tashiro v. Jordan [201 Cal. 236 (1927)] states,

“That there is a citizenship of the United States and a citizenship of a state,…”

The ruling on Kitchens v. Steele [112 F. Supp. 383] states,

” citizen of the United States, is a citizen of the federal government…”

The ruling on Gardina v. Board of Registrars of Jefferson County [160 Ala. 155; 48 So. 788 (1909)] states,

“There are then, under our republican form of government, two classes of citizens, one of the United States and one of the state.”

The ruling on U.S. v. Anthony [24 Fed. 829 (1873)] states,

“The term resident and citizen of the United States is distinguished from a Citizen of one of the several states, in that the former is a special class of citizen created by Congress.”

Remember that term resident. It’ll be important later. I will use the term U.S. Citizen, Federal Citizen and 14th Amendment Citizen interchangeably, as you can now see that they are one and the same.

It is evident then that there is a federal and a state citizenship. So can someone be one without being the other?

These next court rulings will make that clear.

The ruling on McDonel v. The State [90 Ind. 320 (1883)] says,

“…he was not a citizen of the United States, he was a citizen and a voter of the State,…”

“One may be a citizen of a State and yet not a citizen of the United States.”

The same U.S. v. Anthony case [24 Fed. Cas. 829, 830] from earlier, also stated in the ruling,

“…an individual can be a Citizen of one of the several states without being a citizen of the United States.”

Crosse v. The Bd. of Supervisors [221 A.2d 431 (1966) ruled that,

“Both before and after the Fourteenth Amendment to the federal Constitution, it has not been necessary for a person to be a citizen of the United States in order to be a citizen of his state.”

I can hear you thinking, ‘Okay, okay, I believe you. What does it matter though? Do I want to be solely a state citizen and not a citizen of the federal government? What’s the difference?’

To answer those questions, we must read some far more interesting court rulings. This is where it gets juicy.

The ruling on Belmont v. Town of Gulfport [122 S0. 10] stated,

“Taxpayers are not State Citizens.”

U.S. v. Slater [545 Fed. Supp. 179, 182 (1982)] decided in its ruling,

“Unless the defendant can prove he is not a citizen of the United States, the IRS has the right to inquire and determine a tax liability.”

Before I get into why a state citizen doesn’t have to pay taxes, you must understand the difference in the rights of a federal and state citizen.

In the Supreme Court ruling on Jones v. Temmer [89 F.Supp 1226], it was decided,

“The privileges and immunities clause of the 14th Amendment protects very few rights because it neither incorporates the Bill of Rights nor protects all rights of individual citizens. Instead, this provision protects only those rights peculiar to being a citizen of the federal government. It does not protect those rights which relate to state citizenship.”

You heard that right. The Bill of Rights is not protected for U.S. citizens, for 14th Amendment federal citizens.

Want more proof?

In the case of Hague v. CIO [307 US 496, 520], it was decided,

“…the first eight amendments have uniformly been held not to be protected from state action by the privileges and immunities clause of the 14th Amendment.”

In the ruling on the case of Twining v. New Jersey [211 US 78, 98-99], it was decided,

“The right to trial by jury and civil cases, guaranteed by the 7th Amendment… and the right to bear arms guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment… have been distinctly held not to be privileges and immunities of citizens of the United States guaranteed by the 14th Amendment… and in effect the same decision was made in respect of the guarantee against prosecution except by indictment of a grand jury contained in the 5th Amendment… and in respect of the right to be confronted with witnesses contained in the 6th Amendment… it was held that the indictment, made indispensable by the 5th Amendment and trial by jury guaranteed by the 6th Amendment, were not privileges and immunities of citizens of the United States, as those words were used in the 14th Amendment. We conclude, therefore, that the exemption from compulsory self-incrimination is not a privilege or immunity of National [Federal] citizenship guaranteed by this clause of the 14th Amendment.”

That is absolutely shocking. What rights do U.S. Citizens have then?

Well, the Supreme Court ruling on U.S. v. Valentine [288 F. Supp 957] will tell us. It states,

“The only absolute and unqualified right of a United States citizen is to residence within the territorial boundaries of the United States.”

That’s it. That is the one right of a United States citizen. All else is a privilege that can be taken away at any time.

It’s starting to make sense how they’re able to do all that we are seeing happen in the world, how they can punish us for victimless crimes and tax us on everything we own.

What has happened here is that we’ve switched from the jurisdiction of constitutional law to the jurisdiction of commercial law, the law of merchants.

Shortly after the passing of the 14th Amendment, the United States incorporated. When you hear United States, that is the corporation. When you hear united states of America, that is the original country.

Notice that the words united and states are not capitalized because they are describing the states rather than referring to a specific entity because the jurisdiction was of multiple states.

More capitalization is often a sign of corporate jurisdiction as that is a single entity. It’s a proper noun.

They also created this change on a state level. All the state governments, like California state, for example, were incorporated and this time they began with an uppercase S for State of, like in State of California, as opposed to California state, where the state was lowercase.

I bet you didn’t know that the State of California is not based in Sacramento, like California state was. The State of California is based in Washington, DC, along with all other 49 ‘state of’ governments.

The original governments are still there. They are just overlaid by this corporation.

All the original government positions still exist. They are just empty.

After creating these changes, the United States gave the former slaves US citizenship, which guaranteed them civil rights rather than constitutional rights.

As you’ve seen, there is only one absolute right US Citizens have access to. The rest are privileges. All civil rights are, are privileges. They slowly made every new child a federal citizen through their birth certificates until every state citizen was also a federal citizen.

You just saw with the names of the states and country that the capital letters are often a sign of the corporate entity.

Ever wondered why names are in all capital letters on a birth certificate or a driver’s license or a social security number?

So why would the government want to make everyone a United States Citizen as well? Let’s read the last two court cases for the answer.

In the ruling on Wheeling Steel Corp. v. Fox [298 U.S. 193, 80 L.Ed. 1143, 56 S.Ct. 773], it was stated,

“Therefore, the U.S. citizens residing in one of the states of the union, are classified as property and franchises of the federal government as an individual entity.”

In the ruling on Hendrick v. Maryland [S.C. Reporter’s Rd. 610-625. (1914)], it was decided,

“A ‘US Citizen’ upon leaving the District of Columbia becomes involved in ‘interstate commerce,’ as a ‘resident’ does not have the common law right to travel, of a Citizen of one of the several states.”

You heard that right, U.S. Citizens are property and if they’re outside of DC, that property is an interstate commerce.

Of course, it’s all about power and money. They can do just about whatever they want to U.S. Citizens other than infringe on their sole right to residing here.

You’ve probably heard the statement, property can’t own property. That’s why they can tax U.S. Citizens on all their income and property. They don’t really own it. Taxes are like their rent and interest.

That sure gives them a lot of money, as does all the debt they’ve built up.

I’m sure you’ve wondered who the government is $30 trillion in debt to. Some of you know it’s the Federal Reserve Bank, which truly isn’t a government agency.

What sort of bank gives out loans without collateral? Well, it turns out, U.S. Citizens, since they are property, are the collateral.

That is why our birth certificates look like warehouse receipts. That is why our birth certificates and our driver’s licenses and our social security cards all have bonds against them.

If a state citizen is having a child, it is highly recommended to not sign their birth certificate and establish their nationality in other ways. But I’m getting way ahead of myself.

How could someone who is already a U.S. Citizen get out of this? Can people reclaim the rights and stop paying taxes?

I said it’s constitutional, so people must be able to just stop volunteering, right? Well that’s right.

But to understand how you can get out, how anyone could get out, you must understand the three statuses that exist in this country and be wary of enormous mistakes some people have made.

They’ve done their best to make this as tricky and confusing as possible and to take that further, they had to add in a third status and change the name of the original one.

With the Immigration and Nationality Act, or INA, what used to be called a state citizen or a citizen of the united states of America was covered up by the term U.S. National. I will use these three terms interchangeably, State Citizen, Citizen of the United States of America and U.S. National.

You’ve seen now that one can be a state citizen or U.S. National without being a U.S. Citizen, or one can be both a U.S. National and a U.S. Citizen. This and the third status was further described in the INA as referenced on the Department of State website in this article titled “Certificates of Non-Citizen Nationality”, the link to which is in the description below.


The third [? second] paragraph states,

“As defined by the INA, all U.S. citizens are U.S. nationals but only a relatively small number of persons acquire U.S. nationality without becoming U.S. citizens.”

This further confirms that one can be a U.S. national, which was previously referred to as a state citizen, without being a U.S. Citizen. The third status is a non-citizen national, which this article explains. Such a person is not a citizen of one of the united states of America or of the United States Federal Corporation, yet is still considered a national. Currently, the only such people are the people of American Samoa and Swains Island. By not giving these people birthright citizenship, the government was able to claim that U.S. nationality only exists to preserve these indigenous cultures.

We all know how much the government cares about indigenous cultures here in America. This is so important to them that when the U.S. District Court for the District of Utah ruled in 2020 that American Samoans should be given U.S. citizenship by birthright, both the United States Federal Government and the American Samoan government contested the ruling within 24 hours. You can check the description for an article on where that case went.


Using this third status to hide the original citizenship not only worked, as people believed that a national is an American Samoan, it also caused some problems for people attempting to become U.S. nationals. Some people mistakenly revoked both of their citizenships and chose to become a non-citizen national. By doing so, they lost their chance to reclaim their constitutional rights and had to either leave the country, go to American Samoa or apply for nationalization.

These are likely the horror stories you may have heard about becoming national. The words we use are very important. I advise avoiding making the mistake of giving up all citizenship.

Now that that’s clear, I can discuss the ways people have continued to affirm the false presumption that was assigned to them at birth that they are U.S. Citizens.

The main way they’ve done this is by asking specific questions anytime U.S. Citizens have gone to court, wanted a driver’s license, started a bank account, etc.

The first of which is: Are you a U.S. Citizen? Which we now know means are you a former slave claiming civil rights or a state citizen giving up their constitutional rights to claim civil rights? Phrased like that, I’m sure just about everyone would answer no.

When asked where they are a citizen of, a U.S. national would say, ‘of the united states of America’, as they still are a citizen of the united states of America. They are just no longer a citizen of the United States incorporated.

The second question often asked is: Are you a resident? This is another word game. Most normally would think, resident is a geographical term, that it’s about where you reside. In this context though, it has a different meaning.

A resident was a term created to give the federal government jurisdiction over the former slaves in order to protect them from their state by having them just be residents in that state. So now we see that the question means are you residing in one of the several states and seeking the federal government’s protection from that state? Phrased like that, again, almost no one would answer yes to that question.

So when asked where they are a resident of, a U.S. national would avoid using the term ‘resident’ altogether, or ‘reside’ altogether, and say something along the lines of, ‘I’m currently living in this state or on this state’ really.

Another trick they use is asking you if you are ‘that person’ or ‘a person’. [Are you that/a/the person…?] This is mostly used in court cases.

Obviously you are a person and you will get in a lot of trouble if you say you are not because you are. But in this case, this is a legal term referring to United States property.

A U.S. national would say, I am not THAT person. The words we use are very important. You must know their word games to stop playing their game. The common definition to words are very different to those they use, which are found in Black’s Law Dictionary.

If you are choosing to get a copy of Black’s Law Dictionary, I highly recommend one of the first four versions, as a lot of the definitions have been altered in later versions.

By setting this system up like this, they have convinced people to agree to giving up their rights and becoming property by choosing U.S. Citizenship over their state citizenship.

To learn more of their word games, feel free to watch the video I’ve linked in the description.

[Black’s Law Dictionary why you need to learn their legalise in order to play the game! by James C. Lovett –]

The other primary way they legitimize the false presumption is through voting.

State citizens that are not also federal citizens do not have access to the privilege of running or voting in federal elections. Voting in federal elections is agreeing to the federal corporate jurisdiction. Below is a link to cancel voter registration.


I’ve heard nationals can become an elector rather than a voter, though I know nothing about this. If you’d like more information on that, Roger, the host of Radio Ranch, or someone on his show might know something about that.

Anyway, this topic brings up the question. Are there any other privileges that U.S. Citizens have that U.S. Nationals don’t? Other than voting, the primary privileges are financial incentives given out by the federal government, which are truly trivial compared to how much U.S. Citizens pay in taxes.

And that leads us perfectly to everyone’s favorite part. State citizens are not subject to the jurisdictional statements of codes or mandates, such as the United States Code or State Penal Codes. That does mean that nationals don’t need to register or get permits for their firearms. This is because the Penal Codes refer to ‘persons’, and we know now that nationals are not those persons.

As for the United States Code, the titles claim jurisdiction over U.S. citizens and residents.

Everyone’s favorite code, Title 26, Internal Revenue Code, has a little extra terminology in there. Let’s read it together to understand what taxes U.S. nationals are liable to pay. A link to this page is in the description.


Title 26 states,

“Section 1 of the Code imposes an income tax on the income of every individual who is a citizen or resident of the United States and, to the extent provided by section 871(b) or 877(b), on the income of a nonresident alien individual.”

As you can see, non-resident, alien individuals are only liable to two sections of the income tax, which happen to be two incredibly irrelevant taxes that the average person will never pay.

But would a U.S. national be considered a non-resident alien? They certainly aren’t citizens or residents of the United States, so that covers the non-resident part. But what makes them alien? Well, if an alien is a citizen of a different country and nationals are citizens of the united states of America, which we now know to be a different country than the United States, then it seems U.S. nationals are non-resident aliens as far as the income tax is concerned. Therefore, the average state citizen is not liable to pay income tax.

So that clears up a huge portion of taxes, yet property, sales and corporate taxes remain. U.S. Citizens can be taxed on their property because they don’t truly own it, as property can’t own property.

Nationals have the ability to raise the patent to their land, which gives them the highest jurisdiction over it, making them exempt from taxes and from the need to follow building codes and to get permits. That is quite an in-depth subject, so I’ll leave it to the expert, Ron Gibson. Feel free to research his work, lectures and interviews if you’re interested. Though be careful in researching this, as there is a large amount of false information attempting to defame him and his work. Anyway, let’s move on to sales tax.

Some may be aware that companies are liable to pay sales tax, not individuals. The companies choose to add it on to the price at the point of sale in order to make their products look cheaper while browsing. Therefore, one usually can’t get out of sales tax, but anyone, regardless of if they’re a national, can request that the company pays the tax without adding it onto the price. They may not always do this, but it’s worth a try with larger purchases like a vehicle.

Finally, there are corporate taxes. Since corporations are part of the corporate system the U.S. has built on, they must pay taxes. Luckily, I’m sure there are ways that a state citizen business owner could raise their salary to the point that the business has no income to pay taxes on, and then they could use that money to reinvest into the business.

There is also the option of creating a private membership organization, also known as an unincorporated business. If you’re interested in that topic, further research into corporate taxes or unincorporated organizations is recommended.

So some may be wondering, if a national is no longer subject to that commercial law, how can they assign commercial contracts without giving up their rights? Is stating that you’re not a U.S. Citizen enough? They won’t even know what that is.

So there happens to be a part of the Uniform Commercial Code that will help us out here. This code can be used by both federal and state citizens.

UCC, meaning Uniform Commercial Code, 1-308 is a section of the Uniform Commercial Code that allows people to sign documents with the words ‘without prejudice’ in their signature to reserve their rights. It’s like saying, ‘My common law supersedes your commercial law’.

Some people choose to add ‘UCC 1-308’ or just ‘1-308’ to their signatures, usually if there isn’t much space, or sometimes they add it after words ‘without prejudice’ to be safe. The code also provides the option to sign the words ‘under duress’ or ‘U.D.’, meaning you’re being forced into signing. That one is best used in all dealings with law enforcement or any government employees or agencies, but we’ll get into that later.

It’s recommended to allow the signature to bleed into the statement in case anyone attempts to white it out.

Finally, what you’ve all been waiting for.

Now that we understand why a person would choose to do so and what the repercussions would be, it is time to learn how someone can rebut the false presumption of federal citizenship and regain access to constitutional rights.

Let’s quickly return to the page about non-citizen nationality from the Department of State’s website to see how.


At the bottom of the page it is stated,

“Any person who becomes a citizen of the United States solely by virtue of the provisions in Section 301 [applying to those born in or residing in the Northern Mariana Islands] may within six months after the effective date of that Section or within six months after reaching the age of 18 years, whichever date is later, become a national but not a citizen of the United States by making a declaration under oath before any court established by the Constitution or laws of the United States or any other court of record in the Commonwealth in the form as follows “I _____ being duly sworn, hereby declare my intention to be a national but not a citizen of the United States.”

Now that’s crowded in a lot of unnecessary and misleading information, so I’ll simplify it for you. Any U.S. citizen can, with one sentence declaration put into their records, declare themselves a national but not a citizen of the United States.

That sentence can be altered or added to but must be changed carefully. Once again, if the terms ‘revoke my citizenship’ or anything similar is used, that could be misinterpreted as both citizenship statuses and that person would be left as a non-citizen national.

So now that we’ve seen how easy it is to get out, it’s become very clear why they’ve gone to such links to hide this and set up so many traps and word games on the way.

Let’s go through the process step by step.

This is being shared for educational purposes only. I am not encouraging anyone to do this. Your servitude is your choice. A collection of all the sample documents used will be linked in the description.

[download from this group of file:]

The first step is signing an affidavit in front of a notary. The notary confirms a person’s identity. Most people choose to have about five originals notarized as they will send out three of them and keep two for themselves, usually in separate locations in case one is destroyed, just to be safe.

Let’s go over a sample affidavit. Only that sentence referenced above is required but most choose to add more to make it entirely clear to the other organizations they’ll send this to which might not know that much about this topic.

This document is titled “Citizenship Evidence Affidavit”.

It states,

“I, [you’d put your full name here], being of sound mind and lawful age, do solemnly declare:

“1) The 1st clause of the 14th Amendment states: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the state wherein they reside.”.

“2) The 1st clause of the 14th Amendment does not say: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, ‘are’ subject to the jurisdiction thereof….”

“3) The 1st clause of the 14th Amendment contains two requirements for United States citizenship: (a) that a person be born or naturalized in the United States and (b) that a person be subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.

“4) I am not restricted by the 14th Amendment, because I receive no protection from it and I have no reciprocal obligation to a 14th Amendment allegiance or sovereignty. Thus I owe no obedience to anyone under the 14th Amendment. United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898). Thus, I am not “subject to the jurisdiction thereof….”

The first three statements set up the argument and then that fourth one that we read has a case in it that is referenced that backs up the statement in the fourth section. Let’s continue.

“5) The Department of State document, “Certificates of Non-Citizen Nationality,” located at says — in part — in the 3rd paragraph: “Section 101(a)(21) of the INA defines the term ‘national’ as ‘a person owing permanent allegiance to a state.’ Section 101(a)(22) of the INA provides that the term ‘national of the United States’ includes all U.S. citizens as well as persons who, though not citizens of the United States, owe permanent allegiance to the United States (non-citizen nationals).” “

“6) I, hereby, declare that I am a national but not a citizen of the United States.”

So number five proves the existence of the national status. And then that status is declared in number six. Let’s continue.

“7) This Affidavit is submitted to legally and lawfully rebut the fraudulent legal presumption, that I am a “citizen of the United States” under the scope and purview of the 14th Amendment’s Federal citizenship and that such Federal citizenship grants me “civil rights”.
“8) I am “non resident” to the “residency” of the 14th Amendment and “alien” to the “citizenship” thereof; therefore I am not subject to the jurisdictional statements of the United States Code.
“9) As the tax imposed in 26 U.S.C. 1, pursuant to 26 C.F.R. 1.1-1 is on “citizens” and “residents” as contemplated in the 14th Amendment, it is not applicable to me, as I am neither a “citizen” nor a “resident”.
a. Notwithstanding the fact that I may have, previously, filed U.S. Individual Income Tax Returns, such filings were done by mistake as I was unaware that these filings were mandated only for citizens and residents of the United States as contemplated by the 14th Amendment.
“10) Furthermore, I am not a “resident” of any state under the 14th Amendment and hereby publicly disavow any contract, form, agreement, application, certificate, license, permit, or other document that I or any other person may have signed expressly or by acquiescence that would grant me any privileges and thereby ascribe to me rights and duties under a substantive system of law other than the Constitutional Contract of 1787 for the united states of America and of the constitutions for the several states of the Union, exclusive of the 14th Amendment.
“11) I reiterate that I have made the above determinations and made this declaration under no duress, coercion, promise of reward or gain, or undue influence and of my own free will, with no mental reservation and with no intent to evade any legal duty under the laws of the United States or any of the several states.
“12) At any time, I reserve the right to amend and correct wherever necessary or to rescind and revoke this document.
This line allows fixing the affidavit or even changing the status back if one misses being the property of the United States. It was Benjamin Franklin who said, those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. Let’s continue.

“13) I invite any individual who has reason to believe that I am in error in my facts and conclusions above to file an affidavit stating the contrary facts and conclusions, signed under penalty of perjury before a person authorized by law to administer and witness an oath.”

This line is important to understand. To disagree with the affidavit, they must also sign an affidavit under penalty of perjury. Since everything in it is factually true, they will never do that unless they want to go to court. Finally it states,

“I declare under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the United States of America, that the foregoing is true and correct.”

Once the notary instructs to do so, one would then sign this document, print their name at the bottom and add the date. It is not necessary to sign this one without prejudice as it is not a contract with another party but can be done anyway just in case.

On the back, there is a California jurat for the notary to fill out. How each state handles jurats and notarized documents may differ so that could require more research for other states.

It is important to print it double-sided to assure the proof of notarization stays with the document.

Once that is complete, one would mail out an original copy of the affidavit, one of their original five, to the Department of State or to the Secretary of State themself, to put them on notice of the new status.

The Department of State handles citizenship, as they are the one who hands out passports. Putting them on notice is most important as they have the highest government jurisdiction over citizenship. Most mail this out with a certified return receipt. This will require them to mail back signed proof they have received the letter.

In the package would also be a cover letter, not stapled on.

Sending the affidavit with just a cover letter is considered sending it cold or naked. They cannot respond to a naked affidavit with anything other than their own affidavit, which we discussed why they won’t do. Therefore, this is the ideal start, so it’s already on file and all future notices or applications must be accepted because the status has already been changed.

Getting nothing in response but a return receipt is a sign that everything was done right, as they have nothing left to say. Here is a sample cover letter.

The highlighted parts are to be edited for each individual. An important part to point out is the statement,

“Notice to the principal is notice to the agent. Notice to the agent is notice to the principal.”

This essentially means that notifying the head of the department is notice to all of the employees and notifying an employee is notice to the head of the department.

Another important thing to point out is at the bottom where it says to add a national passport number or social security number. This is optional but will make the process much faster and will be important if you have a very common name so they can identify you. The passport number can be from an expired passport and I would imagine the passport number would be ideal for every agency other than the IRS who would likely prefer social security numbers.

The IRS is put on notice in a very similar way. Once the tracking number confirms the department of state has received the notice, one can proceed to noticing the IRS and other agencies.

The cover letter and package would be addressed to the IRS commissioner and cc’d to the Department of Treasury and franchise tax board of a state. Some states allow other states to handle collecting federal taxes, so research is required.

It is recommended to send the commissioner one of the original five affidavits and to give the Department of Treasury and franchise tax board a photocopy which would be double sided as well.

Here is a sample of the cover letter.


Notice that it says,

“Legal lawful notice. Not to be construed as a filing.”

This part is very important which is why it is highlighted. It is not meant to be edited like the other highlighted portions.

The IRS can charge $5,000 for a frivolous filing fee. By clarifying that this is a notice and not a filing, they are prevented from doing that.

Along with those three letters, there are a slew of other agencies people choose to put on notice with copies of their affidavit. Remember, these copies must be photocopied front and back to include the jurat.

The main agencies people choose are the local agencies. The cover letter would be addressed to the state’s attorney general and some examples of who would be cc’d are the district attorney, the county sheriff, the state highway patrol commissioner, state highway patrol chief of the local division and local police departments.

Some are recommending noticing the county medical examiner-coroner as they may have higher jurisdiction than the sheriff in some areas. It is even becoming common to put the county health director as there have been attempts to give them higher jurisdiction than the sheriff as well.

Here is an example list of who people can choose to cc if they lived in Los Angeles County for example. Some cities have their own police department separate from the LAPD so you’ll see them listed there as well.

Finally, if a national pays payroll taxes, they tend to put their employer on notice as well with an affidavit copy. If they require filling a W-4 form, it’s signed “without prejudice” with your signature.

[TCTL editor’s note: For W-4 instructions, see video creator’s correction and clarification found below the original YouTube video and also found above, directly under the video. Guidance on this is also found with the course and reference materials at]

The word “EXEMPT” in all capital letters is written in the box asking for income and N/A (meaning not applicable) in the boxes such as those asking for your social security number, dependents and marital status.

Around two weeks after the Department of State has received the affidavit, most nationals choose to get a form of identification that reflects their status. This is done through the passport.

They either apply for a passport or renew their passport by mail if eligible. In both cases, an original affidavit, one of the original five copies, is put between the pages of the application. Since the Department of State has the affidavit on file already, they cannot reject the application for the inclusion of the affidavit because the affidavit is already on record and therefore it is true in regards to your citizenship.

Some people cannot renew and must apply for a new one. In this case, some say to avoid using the birth certificate as proof of identity because it’s proof of the identity as a corporate entity, though the affidavit may be enough to counteract that. If required, then you have to go in person and apply for a new passport. Nationals are sure to say they would like a passport that reflects their status and they say nothing else. Just leave it at that.

It is important to also get a passport card. This works as an ID as well as for travel by land or sea in much of North America. A passport book can be obtained as well in that same application for those that like to be able to travel internationally.

The book and card will look identical to anyone else’s. The only difference is what shows up on the computer when it is scanned.

I cannot confirm this next claim as it is anecdotal, but it’s still interesting to hear. One national said that when their passport was scanned at the airport, they were sent in line and a minute later the person ran over to get them, apologizing that they’d been sent to the normal line. They were then sent to the express line for free. It’s speculated they may be classified as a diplomatic courier in that system. They technically are foreign citizens as they are foreign to the United States corporation, so there is a chance this is true. Either way, it is much more common to use this to make a difference in a much more important situation.

The primary purpose of the passport card is to be the new identification card. For example, if a police officer is to pull a national over, the national would hand them the card and ask them to scan it as a passport card. Nine out of ten times, the police officer will let them go.

A government software developer claims that this is because their file will say, “do not arrest” or “do not detain” in big red letters. That again is anecdotal, but the reason isn’t too important as the result has been verified repeatedly by nationals all over the country. Occasionally, the officer will still write a ticket, which would, of course, be signed with “under duress” or “UD 1-308” with your signature.

When this gets to the district attorney’s office, they open up the national’s file, see the national is out of their jurisdiction and throw the ticket away.

One could also send them back the ticket within three days, just to be safe, as any contract can be cancelled within 72 hours. At the top, the word “rescind” would be written, followed by the date and a signature.

Some nationals choose to keep their driver’s license, just in case, as a person does technically need one to drive a registered vehicle. In some states, they will only give licenses to US citizens. In California, though, likely because of how many illegal immigrants live here, people have noticed that when pressing that they are not a US citizen on the computer at the DMV, the question “Are you a resident?” disappears. They then sign it “UD 1-308” and have no problems.

Many choose to return their driver’s license and their license plates to the DMV, asking for their accounts to be closed and cancelled and the data removed. The DMV can be very combative, so it’s often recommended to provide as little information as possible. One could simply say that they and their property will be leaving the jurisdiction of their state’s DMV. Those people that do this choose to buy private plates for their car. Some examples are on screen and links to private plate sellers are in the description below. [see links below video found at YouTube (original) or mirrored copies at Odysee or Rumble.]

Keep in mind, this can only be done by someone who owns their car and is not financing or leasing it. It is important to have the bill of sale as proof of ownership. People often choose to keep their insurance if they already have it. Otherwise, there are insurance companies that will ensure non-registered vehicles. Someone recommended Dairyland Insurance, but I personally cannot speak for them.

There is another word game here that can be confusing, so be sure to ask Roger Sayles if you feel lost. [Roger Sayles website:]

Technically, people are required to have a license to drive a motor vehicle. Nationals, though, have the right to travel in a private conveyance. That right to travel has been established by many court cases and was even referenced in the final court case we read together on citizens being involved in interstate commerce.

It is important the national states that they are traveling in their private conveyance in response to being told they need a license or license plates to drive a motor vehicle.

The last few steps we are going to speak about here are entirely optional, but beginning to become very popular in this community.

Some nationals choose to file a Freedom of Information Act for a copy of their Department of State administrative file to ensure their affidavit is in it. It is common to wait four to six months.

Some nationals choose to authenticate their birth certificate to take it out of the federal jurisdiction. Personally, I only see that as necessary for when one has to prove their identity with the birth certificate.

Finally, a national can continue to pay into and collect Social Security. Yet many choose to cancel their Social Security number and operate using trusts or alternative numbers the IRS provides.

For more information on the birth certificates and Social Security numbers, look through James C. Lovett’s YouTube channel linked in the description below.

[James C. Lovett’s channel:]

That was a comprehensive guide to state citizenship, U.S. nationality, and how U.S. citizens are property. Thank you for listening. I appreciate any feedback.

Feel free to share this with anyone and everyone. You can use this as you please as long as you link back to the original video so people can receive the complete information. Be sure to check the description for all the resources referenced. May we all be free.

[Leave all feedback and comments below the original YouTube video. ]


Cover image credit: TungArt7

Decoding the “Legal” Word Spells That Trap Us Into a Lifetime of Slavery Within an Upside Down World: Brandon Joe Williams & Luke Storey on Escaping the Tax Slave Matrix

Decoding the “Legal” Word Spells That Trap Us Into a Lifetime of Slavery Within an Upside Down World: Brandon Joe Williams & Luke Storey on Escaping the “Free Range” Tax Slave Matrix


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

As we approach one more “tax day” in the U.S., we are seeing interviews everywhere of people who don’t pay taxes or who offer paid memberships to groups that show a way out of taxation. Yet anyone who has looked into our enslavement as United States of America citizens knows the issue is much deeper than taxation.

Many of us older folks have spent decades looking into the bizarre entrapment of people who came to America from all over the world seeking freedom. Having studied and learned from so many — from Jordan Maxwell to Anna von Reitz and David E. Robinson — I found myself at a dead end with the “state national” options wherein one clarifies national status by exchanging current allegiance to the clearly run-amok U.S. government corporation/empire for an allegiance to one of the 50 states in “the union”.

I am truly grateful to all of these researchers as each learned from the other, added additional insight, wrote books, offered workshops, spent untold time and effort helping others, etc. The work of each is priceless. However, while this path clearly revealed clues and offered pieces to the puzzle, it still left us in a state of “obedience” to a group of people we know little about. Personally, I am not seeking new (not even if they are less controlling) masters. My allegiance is to core values that are tied with “do no harm” values of common law and the general understanding of care for others and our world. These are the core values of most spiritual teachings as well. These values can never be owned, controlled or defined by any individual or group.

The work of Brandon Joe Williams has helped me personally to see how our ancestors unknowingly contracted into their own enslavement. Thus Brandon calls his course “Contract Killer”. Brandon turned the light on in the room for me by clarifying the legalese around so many words including “nation”, “state”,  “strawman”, etc.

I recently completed Brandon’s (free) course but have found myself learning more from (as well as enjoying) his more-recent conversations with assorted podcasters. His Contract Killer course is a few years old now and his presentations gain strength and clarity as he simultaneously explores, studies and teaches. 

I’ve listened to many of these conversations as I sought to understand more for myself and my family — and to share here at Truth Comes to Light. This particular interview (shared below) with Luke Storey is excellent. Luke is studying Brandon’s material and is able to add to the conversation with insights and great questions. The conversation moves forward with intention to share this information as clearly as possible with Luke’s audience.

Brandon’s Contract Killer Course presentations contain a lot of what he considers sexual humor, so these newer presentations, outside of his course, will appeal to those who are looking for something to share with their children (or with others who find the sexual humor to be more of an interference pattern than engaging). Nonetheless, Brandon gained a huge online audience with his approach to teaching this material. He spent (and continues to spend) countless hours in organizing and presenting this information at no charge. He always acknowledges and gives credit to those he learned from along the way. Certainly this work is not all his own, but he has taken this universal conversation a huge step forward in documenting and clarifying this massive, clever “word spell”.

Many of the documents he refers to can be found at the resources page at his website. For my own study, I converted his State National Theory page to PDF so that I could print it out for study. His description of his own nation is found here. Quite a few additional resources are found via dropbox links here.

From personal experience, I can say there is no easy way through this material as we all need to do this work for ourselves. In a sense we are standing on new ground which we need to learn to navigate and we must gain strength as we understand the terrain. Having said that, I will continue to share as much as I can over time to clarify the knowledge needed and steps to take in setting ourselves free from unintentional contracts with parasites.

To this day, many come to America, following the “path to freedom” that is part of America’s legend, only to find themselves trapped in one more nightmare of control.  The vision of America is still here for us to recreate but we can only do so if we are aware of the tactics of those who seek to dominate others.

Blind obedience as herd animals is not the path to freedom. Finding a new leader to follow can never be the answer. It all starts with individuals gaining awareness of how we are manipulated, seeing the games played by “the masters” as they move us from one cattle chute to another, and, perhaps, by understanding how to beat them at their own game as we step away from the game altogether.

~ Kathleen



Video available at Luke Storey Rumble, Bitchute & YouTube channels.


Common Law School: Escape the Tax Slave Matrix w/ Brandon Joe Williams | 528 | Luke Storey

by Luke Storey with Brandon Joe Williams
March 19, 2024


Are you ready to have your minds blown and your views on law, personal responsibility, and societal norms completely redefined?

I’m super excited to introduce today’s guest, the revolutionary thinker Brandon Joe Williams. This guy is redefining the rules of how we operate in the world, literally. As a lawyer and the brain behind The Amnesty Coalition, Brandon’s like a soldier of God, leveraging education and forgiveness to break chains we didn’t even know we had.

In today’s epic chat, we stomp through the murky waters of our societal system, revealing how it might be holding us back without even realizing it. Brandon’s got this unique ability to take complex legal jargon and make it understandable, showing us how to legally step out of the Free-Range Tax Slave Matrix and into a life of real freedom.

We’re not just talking theory here; Brandon brings the heat with practical, real-world strategies.
Whether you’re a regular Joe, a police officer, a judge, or even a politician, there’s something in this conversation for you. It’s all about breaking down barriers to freedom and elevating our collective consciousness. It’s not just about financial freedom or finding loopholes; it’s a full-on journey to the heart of what true freedom means in a world that often feels like it’s designed to do the exact opposite.

So buckle up, folks, and prepare for a wild ride into the depths of personal empowerment and societal transformation with Brandon Joe Williams. If you enjoy this conversation, make sure to check out Brandon’s free online course, and watch out for part two of our conversation coming soon.

00:00:00 — 1: Opening
00:03:53 — 2: Understanding Legalese: Defining Straw Man & Public Corporations
00:14:23 — 3: Breaking Down Status Collection: Defining Identities & Location
00:31:26 — 4: Self-Naturalization & Citizenship Legal Processes Explained
00:54:39 — 5: Exploring Sovereignty, Responsibility & How to Move Forward
01:18:39 — 6: Citizenship & Tax Law History
01:35:50 — 7: Overcoming Suppression with Access to Unconventional Knowledge
01:55:58 — 8: The 14th Amendment & What Happens to Our Income Taxes


[00:00:05] Luke: All right, Brandon Joe Williams, this has been a long time coming, man. I’m so stoked to chat with you today.

[00:00:10] Brandon: Yeah.

[00:00:12] Luke: So for those listening, we’ll have an in-person, in-studio chat booked here in a few weeks, and I just got so excited about the stuff you’re doing. I literally couldn’t wait. I’m just like, all right, we’re going to do one online. For that reason and because this information is going to be so new and mind blowing to many people, I think it’s going to require a couple of episodes for people just to get their head around it anyway.

[00:00:43] So as we jump into this, I want to give a shout out to my friend Alec Zeck, who texted me one of your podcasts a couple of months ago. And I was like, oh, you got to check this guy out. He’s going to come on my show. And so here we are. Let me see where I am. I’m on Lesson 17 of 39 of your course, and I’m just having my mind blown.

[00:01:04] So I think what we’ll do– yeah, it’s just I’m obsessed. Anyone that knows me is like, really? Is that all you do know? Yeah, pretty much. So in this one, we’ll do a nice overview for people, and then when you get out here to Texas, we’ll dive into more of some of the higher level complexities around infinite money, and discharging debt, and all of the fun stuff that happens once you get into this.

[00:01:29] Brandon: Yeah.

[00:01:30] Luke: So for those listening, you have already seen the show notes and the title to the show. For you, Brandon, just to set this up, it was probably 20 years ago, I think, when I heard this guy Jordan Maxwell, talking about common law terminology and the birth certificate, and why there’s a bar, and why the judge is sitting up on the thing with the black robe and there’s all this sort of legal ease doublespeak that really makes the world turn in the world of law.

[00:02:02] And so I’ve always found that very intriguing, but when I started to try and actually learn it in a way that I might be able to apply to my life someday, I found there was a huge roadblock because God bless them, all of these boomer patriot types that are teaching some of this law information had illegible 1997 websites.

[00:02:27] And there was no podcast featuring any of these people. Everything is written, not written that well. And so I’d start to study some of this and just basically get stuck and just give up because it wasn’t applicable and it wasn’t presented in here’s how you do it kind of way. It was like, well, there’s this thing out there, but good luck figuring it out.

[00:02:48] Brandon: Yeah.

[00:02:49] Luke: And you’re the first guy I’ve found that’s actually like, cool, I’ve dug in and studied all of this stuff and created your course and other things that you’re doing that actually show people how to do it. So I think that’s why I’ve been so fired up, because it’s a younger guy who speaks my language and seems to get this and is able to convey it in a way that is relatable. So thank you so much.

[00:03:11] Brandon: Yeah. And I say thank you to those people that could barely understand because the thing is that without them, I wouldn’t have had anything to work with to try to– I wanted to take the information that they were trying so hard because they care, because they’re great people. I tried to take a lot of their information, simplify it, add a lot of humor and entertainment value to it, and bring the average demographic age range of somebody who may be interested in it way, way down from that particular demographic.

[00:03:40] So while that is true, and I agree, and I say that a lot myself, I also at the same time try to appreciate a lot of what they did because if it wasn’t for what they did, such as even Copper Moonshine Stills and GMC, Lovett, and all these guys, I probably wouldn’t have never done any of this.

[00:04:00] Luke: Yeah, yeah. Me too. And I didn’t mean to be disparaging against them.

[00:04:03] Brandon: No, I know.

[00:04:04] Luke: It’s me expressing my frustration of going, I think there’s something really interesting and potentially life changing and transformative here to get an understanding of what really makes the world tick. And then digging into it and being like, okay, well what do I do with this?

[00:04:20] It’s frustrating when you can only be taken to a certain point. So maybe a good place to start would be– it’s funny, we’re in a selection year now, and I look on social media, and I see all these people fighting over the politician they want or don’t want.

[00:04:37] And as I learn more about this common law world, I’m really seeing the futility in arguing about politics because if someone has really taken their life into their own hands in a lawful way, it almost seems like it doesn’t matter who the politicians are because they’re essentially just c-level executives of various corporations that are really running things. So I think that’s something that’s very freeing about this as well. Maybe let’s start out in breaking down the three general types of law, land, air, and sea.

[00:05:21] Brandon: Yeah. Well, could we actually start with status correction? Would you mind? I think that would be more–

[00:05:28] Luke: Okay.

[00:05:28]  Brandon: We can swing over to that a little bit later. So status correction. I was actually talking with someone the other day about this, and it’s a term that you’re starting to see more and more and more with all of this stuff.

[00:05:40] And it’s not really well defined even within our own community, if you’ve noticed that. No one’s ever really stopped and said, what does that even mean? And I was thinking about it yesterday. I was doing a pre-call with a very big show that will go unnamed for now.

[00:06:00] And he’s asking about status correction and I’ve been dealing with status correction for 20 years. And I go, well, what is status correction? And he goes, uh. And I realized. I was like, we talk about this all the time. And even within our own group, we don’t really totally know what that even means if we were to define it, let’s say in a courtroom.

[00:06:21] Because everything’s in my life is going into courtrooms and litigation now. So I’m starting to think like this all the time. Status correction. Status correction. What is that? Explain that to the jury. So I was thinking about that a lot over the past week, what is status correction?

[00:06:37] And I think I’ve developed what I would consider to be a good definition for it, which is two things. First and foremost, it’s the definition of the word person and realizing that you’re actually two different persons. So the definition of the term person means an individual or an organization.

[00:06:56] And if you look in the tax code, such as the Internal Revenue Code, Title 26, the definition of person is an individual, a trust, estate, partnership, association, corporation. Could be any of those things. So when you were born, there was a corporation that was made of your name in all capital letters, and that’s what the social security account is.

[00:07:18] And that’s what a lot of these different accounts are. That’s what all your banking bills come in this particular name. And a lot of people use the term the strawman to for describing that thing.

[00:07:30] So there’s all this chaos and confusion, and people say, straw man, and all this stuff, blah, blah, blah. And it goes on and on and on, but no one stops and says, what is straw man? So from the definition from Cornell Law School, which I’m reading here– I can do a screen share.

[00:07:45] We’re going to talk as though we’re not screen sharing for the audio audience, but for the video audience, I try as hard as I can to show everything I talk about. That way I’m not just some whack job who’s lost his mind on some show, right?

[00:08:00] Luke: Love it.

[00:08:01] Brandon: So here we have Cornell Law School, strawman. Strawman is a third party that holds property in intermission for the sole purpose of transferring it to another. Now, this is very, very interesting because if you go to my website, I have an old definition of the term attorn, such as attorney. This definition comes from the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language fifth Edition.

[00:08:34] Attorn has three definitions. Definition one is to recognize or bring about a transfer, especially of property. Number two is to transfer something to another. Number three is to turn or transfer homage and service from one lord to another. This is the act of feudatories, vassals, or tenants upon the alienation of the estate. So you have this definition of attorn, which is what attorney means, which means to transfer.

[00:09:11] I laugh because they say, there’s a lot of guys like Dan S Kennedy. He’s one of my favorite marketing guys, and he says, an attorney should never be broke because it’s the only profession where you can legally steal. And literally, the word attorn means basically to steal, no joke.

[00:09:30] So it’s funny because people don’t like attorneys. Well, that’s because that’s the name attorn. It means to turn away from, to turn away from God, to transfer ownership, to transfer property. And then you have the definition of the word strawman. It’s a third party that holds property in intermission for the sole purpose of transferring it to another.

[00:09:53] So an escrow account could be a strawman, and then the attorney is the one getting the objects or things into the escrow, thus transferring its ownership through legalities and law, which is probably in some way illegal, even though it happens. So attorn and strawman actually go together pretty nicely, but the term that I use, the terms that I like, the terms that are actually more clear about what is the actual name of this particular thing that is created when you were born is actually these two terms, which I’ll say into the audio.

[00:10:37] So the first term that I really like comes from the Black’s Law Dictionary. It’s called Public Corporation. Very, very clear definition. We don’t need to go off onto some conspiracy theory about this. We just need to read the definition verbatim. And it’s very, very open, very clear, and very upfront as to what it is and how it works.

[00:11:00] A public corporation is one created by the state for political purposes and to act as an agency in the administration of civil government. I’m going to read that one again. It’s very important because it has everything to do with this whole status change, and taxation, and naturalization, and nationality. This is an important part of all of this information.

[00:11:26] Public corporation. A public corporation is one created by the state for political purposes and to act as an agency in the administration of civil government. So it’s basically like a middleman, or you could almost go so far as to say it could it be used as a strawman? Could it be a third party that holds property in intermission for the sole purpose of transferring it to another via an attorney?

[00:11:58] Sure, it could. That’s not what it is. That’s not what it is in its most basic form, and it’s most basic form it’s just a corporation that’s used as some sort of intermediary or relay station between the government and an individual. Whether it’s good, or bad, or evil, or horrible, or wonderful, that’s not really established in this definition.

[00:12:19] And that’s what I like, because it’s not really intrinsically evil. That’s the other problem. It depends on what you know and how it’s used. Another definition that’s very important that people should know, another way to describe this particular organization or corporation that’s born out of your birth certificate when it’s processed at the Department of Health and Human Services is ens legis, which is spelled E-N-S L-E-G-I-S.

[00:12:49] Definition of ens legis from the Black’s Law Dictionary is a creature of the law, an artificial being as contrasted with a natural person applied to corporations considered as deriving their existence entirely from the law. And then here I have the Title 26, the Internal Revenue Code Definition of the word person, which is probably one of the most important things to ever know in all of law and all of status correction.

[00:13:20] The term person shall be construed to mean and include an individual, a trust, estate, partnership, association, company, or corporation. So when it comes to status correction, you realize that you’re actually two different persons. You are a corporate body, and you are a living body, or human body, or man, whatever, flesh and blood, however you want to say it.

[00:13:54] In law, they call a human body or flesh and blood natural person. Now, if you dig down that definition far enough, you’ll find that they could possibly also be talking about artificial people within the definition of natural persons. So there is a bit of a nefarious and unclarity to the word natural person.

[00:14:17] But in general, especially if you want to operate in the courts like I do, where you’re actually in court a lot and dealing with court cases and litigating to get things done, you will need to operate as though you as the living being is a natural person in the law, even though that may not be entirely true.

[00:14:35] But if you don’t take that as truth to some degree or another, then you really just can’t even operate in the courts at all. It’s just not possible. Their terminology ends at that point in terms of what is a person.

[00:14:50] Luke: So another term that you hear people use in terms of status correction, and we will be defining more of this for those listening that are like, what are you even talking about, is they’ll use the legal fiction. So you’re born as a human being and then you’re issued this birth certificate that gets recorded and creates this ens legis or fiction person, etc.

[00:15:14] And so we’re walking around in a duality essentially, is the way I look at it. It’s like you, the living flesh person, and then there’s this micro corporation that’s been created, and that’s what’s interfacing with the government and required to pay taxes and all these things that we don’t want to do. But would you say a legal fiction is a viable way to frame that as well?

[00:15:37] Brandon: Well, yeah. Even in the definition of the term ens legis, a creature of the law, an artificial being as contrasted with a natural person. That’s an unaltered definition, straight out of the dictionary, literally.

[00:15:51] Luke: Got it.

[00:15:52] Brandon: So the first part of status correction, which I believe is more of a liquid understanding, it’s a lifestyle and not a piece of paper, like what you see a lot of people talking about. It’s just a bunch of paper that you sent off once and now all of a sudden you run a status correction. I don’t believe that at all. I used to believe that until I started to understand it more. And now I think it’s more of a martial art and a lifestyle, and it’s a lot more simple as well.

[00:16:18] So there’s two parts to “status correction”. The first one is persons. What persons are here? What persons are at play? And then what are the various persons? So when you put a credit card into a credit card machine, you’re actually producing currency or funds out of thin air.

[00:16:42] What is the only institution in this world that is allowed in the law to produce brand new currency out of thin air? The answer to that question is the word bank. So the all caps name is a public corporation. The all caps name is a bank. The all caps name is a lot of things. Anything that allows the government to interface between a human being and the government is basically operated through the confines of that public corporation.

[00:17:10] So the public corporation has many functions. It has banking functions. It’s a known fact in the corporate world that corporations give you limited liability and commercial activity. So the beautiful thing is that you can operate into the government with complete immunity as long as you operate into the government using your agency that was developed for the purpose of– let me reread it because I don’t like to just–

[00:17:42] A public corporation is one created by the state for political purposes and to act as an agency in the administration of civil government. When you use that person as an agency in the administration of civil government, you also get limited liability in everything that occurs in those transactions because the person that you are using, the public corporation, is the one with financial and legal responsibility, which I know is insane for most people hearing this for the first time.

[00:18:14] Probably breaking your skull, maybe feeling like glass. That’s normal. That’s what this is. And there’s really no way to really get around some of those feelings and how people may feel about that. That’s how this works, and that’s what this is. And some of it is hidden. A lot of it is not.

[00:18:32] When you get into the actual court and you start operating in the court, you can have full blown conversations with judges about this, and they know exactly what you’re talking about, and they will assist you to help you figure out which persons are in play, what are they, what are their responsibilities, and how does this all work?

[00:18:48] This is real. This is how it really works. Most people that are not involved in the court systems do not know any of this information. And the problem in status correction is that you are identifying with this particular corporation saying that you are this corporation, thus creating one person out of two different persons.

[00:19:13] That is a big, big issue. So you say the word status correction. For example, let’s say in a religious atmosphere. Some people believe, such as myself, that I am a spiritual being that inhabits a body. There are two different bodies, two different characteristics, or two different persons, or two different entities or two different awarenesses at play.

[00:19:39] You have the non-physical spiritual awareness, which is myself, the seat of creativity. And then you have the physical body, which is an awareness.  The way that law operates, it’s exactly the same thing. If someone believes as though they are their physical body, they are two different awarenesses operating as a single unit.

[00:20:06] When it comes to status correction, you need to realize that you are not this public corporation ens legis. In the confines of the law, you are a natural person that operates the public corporation or ens legis as an agency in the administration of civil government.

[00:20:30] Luke: So from one respect then you’re acting as essentially an attorney on behalf of your corporate identity, the ens legis.

[00:20:43] Brandon: Precisely. To operate in America, to operate in law, to operate in banking, you are an attorney on behalf of the ens legis public corporation. So you can use terms like I am the agent on behalf of the ens legis. I am the attorney. In fact, in regards to the ens legis, I am the representative of the ens legis.

[00:21:11] These are all valid terms, and people may try to tell you that they’re not, but they very, very much are. And when you get into actual litigation and you get in front of an actual judge, especially a federal judge, they respect the fact that you actually know what’s going on, and you aren’t many, many terms that they use for people who are–   even the word dolt, which is funny, D-O-L-T, the definition is a stupid person. What term uses the word dolt in it?

[00:21:44] Luke: Adult.

[00:21:45] Brandon: Adult. Literally, you are a dolt, right?

[00:21:49] Luke: That’s great.

[00:21:50] Brandon: But the thing that at the same time, you also have the term idiot, legal definition of idiot. One of the legal definitions of the word idiot is a private person, meaning somebody who’s not involved in any sort of legal capacity.

[00:22:07] So if they have you in a courtroom and they say you’re an idiot, then you could actually say, well, yeah, I don’t really know a lot about all your legalese and all your goofiness. And that’s actually one of the terms, the idiot. I want to find it. Maybe idiota is actually the actual– idiota, legal definition without digging through all sorts of things.

[00:22:34] Let me see if I can find it. A private man, one not in office, in common law, an idiot or fool. So you see here, these terms are really interesting because you can actually go and say, I’m an idiot. I’m a private man. I’m not involved in all of this goofiness.

[00:22:57] And that’s actually one of the definitions when you say the word adult. A dolt, what is that? It’s a stupid person. So my whole platform, and Luke’s aware of this, is all about the definitions of words and terms and not just using words and terms loosely. The word strawman is used very loosely.

[00:23:18] And you can go online, and you can find 580,000 people talking about that term, but not one of them will tell you it’s a third party that holds property in intermission for the purpose of transferring it to another. And that’s what it actually is. It’s not this nefarious, vague, God knows what. It’s almost like an escrow account essentially.

[00:23:42] I’ve heard this term, transferring utility. That might be another term that could be used for strawman, but strawman is something very specific. Now, that’s the first part of this status correction. How many persons are there? What is a person? Who are you as a person as a relation to the other persons in your life?

[00:24:08] If you have four corporations, four businesses, you actually are the agent on behalf of four corporations, four persons, and then your ens legis is also a person. And then within the confines of a legal action, you are a natural person. So if you have a Social Security Number and you have a birth certificate and you have a business owner, and you own two businesses or four businesses, you have however many businesses you have plus two additional persons in your life that you are operating.

[00:24:41] So you would have, in that case, six persons that you are operating. And you can think of these persons almost as game pieces, like monopoly pieces, the car, and the hat, and the little scruffy dog, and the iron. So you have six of these pieces in this game, and all of those pieces are considered persons in the law.

[00:25:11] So if you aren’t aware of that and you’re operating as though you are just one person, you are in an incorrect status. And that’s why the term status correction is correcting an incorrect status. That’s number one.

[00:25:33] Now, the second part of status correction is location. Where are all of these pieces located? How do you move these various playing pieces around? And what are the benefits and pitfalls of these various locations these pieces could be in? That’s the second part. So we’re going to go through–

[00:25:53] Luke: Because location determines jurisdiction, and jurisdiction is the whole game, right? That’s what–

[00:25:58] Brandon: Location determines jurisdiction. It also determines taxation. It determines a lot of things. Location is very important. I would say knowing which person’s which and having the identities worked out is probably a little bit more important than location. But location is very, very important. It’s number two in line.

[00:26:15] There’s nothing else at all, in my opinion, in terms of what status correction is. There’s just identity and location. That’s it. So when it comes to location, we’re going to start with 28 USC 3002. The 28 signifies the title, which is just the section of the United States Code. And then the second number, the 3002, represents the subsection inside of that title.

[00:26:42] So 28 USC 3002 can be typed into Google, just like that, and it’ll pop right up. I like Cornell Law School because Cornell Law, it takes all of the special definitions that are involved in these particular things, which some of them are really crazy and enraging. It’ll make those particular words clickable.

[00:27:03] So you can go right to the special definitions and never miss one. That could really, really be a big pitfall for you. Other websites, a lot of the other ones don’t do that for you. Cornell is very nice. So we’re going into Subsection 15. It says here, United States means Subsection A of that 15, is a federal corporation.

[00:27:23] Luke: Boom. There it is.

[00:27:23] Brandon: So United States is a federal corporation. Now, we already know. So as a corporation, a person, yes it is. Okay. So we’ve got a person now. Now, where is that person located? We’re going to go to a different body of law called the Uniform Commercial Code. Now, in the United States code, the different sections go by titles. In the Uniform Commercial Code, the different sections go by what’s called articles.

[00:27:56] So in the Uniform Commercial Code, we’re going to go to Article 9, Section 307. And the way that you write that is UCC 9-307. We’re going to go down to Subsection H, says here, location of United States. Below that, it says the United States is located in the District of Columbia.

[00:28:29] So we have a person, and that person is located inside the 10 miles square radius called Washington, DC. That’s probably pretty shocking for most people. Okay, so we have this location. So everyone thinks that United States is this gigantic sector, which includes all of North America. That is entirely and completely false.

[00:28:56] United States, we actually don’t know exactly where it’s located because you could say it’s located on the Southwest corner of District of Columbia. It could be located on the northeast corner of District of Columbia. It could be in the center. We also have the fact that District of Columbia is 10 square miles.

[00:29:21] How many square miles, and what shape is that zone called United States within the District of Columbia? We don’t know. I’ve never seen it anywhere. All we know is that the United States is located in the District of Columbia. We don’t know where. We don’t know how big, but we do know that’s where it’s located. Okay. So I usually just say it’s just all of DC because we don’t know where in DC it’s actually located.

[00:29:51] Luke: Right. Let me pause you for one second there just to try to give a bit of a 30,000-foot view. So we think that we live in a country called the United States when in fact we live in a country called the United States of America. So there’s, again, this duality. There’s this corporate infrastructure that’s been superimposed upon the original country.

[00:30:19] And then as an individual living person, we have another duality because there’s the person on paper, the ens legis. And then there’s the actual living, breathing human being. So we’re in this world where I would say 99.999% of the people living in this country, and we can talk about other countries a bit later, but just focusing on the US right now, is that there’s the real world and then there’s this legalese, superficial world that’s been superimposed upon it.

[00:30:52] Yet most of us don’t even know that the secondary world exists because that’s the only world we think is real. And underneath that is this foundational world where you’re a living person on a territory of 50 states. Can you take us back to the ratification of the 14th Amendment in 1871, when this trickery began to help us get amnesia as to the reality that we’re living in?

[00:31:25] Brandon: Well, would you mind if I just completed the location part and then we can jump straight into that? We’ll jump straight into that right afterward because I want make sure that we clean up because there’s only two parts to this thing called status correction, and location is an important aspect of it.

[00:31:39] But once we do that, I’d love to because it is important. How did all this start and what happened? Once we finish this conversation, that conversation will be very, very easy to go over.

[00:31:51] Luke: Perfect.

[00:31:52] Brandon: The next one we’re going to go to is 42 USC Section 9102. We’re going to scroll down to Subsection 18, and we’re going to see it says here, United States citizen means, a, any individual who is a citizen of the United States by law, birth, or naturalization. Law means that it was created under the laws of, or is contracted into the laws of the United States. Birth means born in the United States, which is difficult because we don’t actually know exactly where it’s located in Washington DC. And then we have naturalization.

[00:32:32] Naturalization, in my opinion, is where all the fun begins and ends. Naturalization is where all the excitement is, and it’s where status correction actually occurs. So naturalization, the definition comes from 8 USC 1101, Subsection A 23. And the definition is so simple and so powerful that it’s extremely shocking.

[00:32:58] And it took me a long time to be able to swallow this definition because I’m always thinking there’s got to be something nefarious here. There has to be some fine print. There has to be something more to this. And I was digging around, and bashing around, and hunting around, and I just couldn’t have the fact that this could possibly be true.

[00:33:15] And after some time of not really able to find anything underneath this and realizing that this is actually pretty clear and it actually is this crazy and this simple and this powerful, it’s mind blowing. And it has become the centerpiece for all of what I would consider status correction.

[00:33:33] The term naturalization means the conferring of nationality of a state upon a person– remember, person– after birth, by any means whatsoever. And you may feel like you’re in a full-blown daze, like a boxer just hit you in the head. And you might feel that way for a month about this definition. I assure you.

[00:34:05] Luke: Dude, when I first heard you talk about that definition, I’m like, there’s no way that it can be that way. It’s like, that can’t be true, especially the by any means whatsoever, which is essentially you sending a few affidavits off going, I’m now naturalized here or there, or wherever, and it must be followed. It’s like some of this stuff is so–

[00:34:29] Brandon: Correct.

[00:34:29] Luke: A, on one hand, it’s confusing. But on the other hand, some of it is so simple that one can’t even believe that it could be that easy to essentially leave the matrix lawfully. It’s insane.

[00:34:45] Brandon: It’s literally open sesame. No joke. No joke. Open sesame. So what this means is we’ve already covered that you have this monopoly board, you have your car, you have your top hat, you have your iron, you have your scruffy dog. Now, each of those things, and your ens legis would be in there. That would be the, whatever, other one.

[00:35:08] And then you have the natural person, which, again, that’s a little bit tricky, but some people are going to freak out. People who are on my side of the equation on all this, they hear the word natural person. They’re like, no, it’s not. Because of all this stuff. And there is some truth to that. But again, to operate at all within the confines of the courts, you are a natural person, which can definitely be rebutted as an assumption, but I use it. It’s fine.

[00:35:31] It’s not the end of the world. When you understand how all this works, the dangerousness of being considered a natural person goes down by 99% or 99.9% anyway. So the danger is being identified as a ens legis. That’s where all the danger is. Let’s cover this.

[00:35:49] So how does the monopoly game work when it comes to what’s called status correction? Okay, so first and foremost, you thought you had one playing piece. Now you’re learning, you have a whole bunch of playing pieces. Some people listening to this, people who have all sorts of estates, and trusts, and corporations, you’ve got all sorts of playing pieces. You might have 35 or 55 or 100 different playing pieces.

[00:36:13] If you’re a real estate investor and you put all your real estate, and trusts, and estates, you have so many persons, it’s unbelievable. You might have 35 or 45 persons. And your children are also two persons each, by the way.  So you have two persons for each child. So you don’t actually have, in the legal world, one child. You have two persons for your children per child.

[00:36:38] Now, the second part, location is how do you move all of these playing pieces around on the board? You don’t roll a dice. You don’t ask for permission. You literally just say, and I am not kidding, and most people listening to this will not believe me– it’s okay because I didn’t believe it for a long time either.

[00:36:58]  You grab your car, or your little dog, or your little iron, and you pick it up and say, I confer the nationality of the state of Boardwalk upon this car after birth by any means whatsoever. And you take the car, and you place the car on Boardwalk, and you are now at Boardwalk. I am not kidding when I say this.

[00:37:24] So status correction, most people will say is a one-time thing. You send in some papers, and now you have corrected your status. You can change the location of all of your game pieces 1,000 times an hour if you wanted to. You could move the dog, and the iron, and the car onto every single spot on the entire monopoly board, thousands of times per hour.

[00:38:03] So let’s say, for example, you wanted to operate in all 50 states inside of the corporate states. Because if United States is located in the District of Columbia, where do you think State of California is located? It’s also a corporation located in the District of Columbia.  Now, let’s say you wanted to operate commerce in all 50 states. It’s very easy.

[00:38:31] You create 50 persons, 50 corporations, 50 trusts, 50 associations, 50 partnerships, and you naturalize each of the individual 50 persons into each of the 50 corporate states. For example, I can create 50 corporations called Brandon Joe Williams, California; Brandon Joe Williams, Utah; Brandon Joe Williams, New Mexico; Brandon Joe Williams; Texas, and I can confer the nationality of State of California upon Brandon Joe Williams, California, after birth, by any means whatsoever, and Brandon Joe Williams, California, that playing piece is now located in state of California, which is located in Washington, DC, which I know, again, is completely batshit insane.

[00:39:41] On a scale from one to 10 billion, it’s a 10 billion on the crazy scale, but I’m telling you that’s what this is, and that’s how it works. And those two things, one being identity, two being location, is status correction. And it’s not this, like, you send in some documents one time and it’s all– yes, that’s part of it. That is a correction of status.

[00:40:11] But getting up into martial arts level with this stuff is you can move and change, and you can have more persons. Let’s say you start losing the game. Put 100 more playing pieces on the board. Create 100 more persons. Nothing’s stopping you. You can locate all those persons anywhere you want.

[00:40:31] There’s no way you can lose. When you realize how this really works and you realize how identity and location really works, you can’t lose. You can’t lose ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever. It is a physical, emotional, spiritual, financial, and legal impossibility that you could possibly lose.

[00:41:00] Now, when you say that you, which you’re actually referring to the ens legis, is a US citizen or is located in state of California, which we’ve already covered– it’s a sub corporation of United States, which the proof on that is you can find State of California, State of Utah, State of Texas, all listed on Dun & Bradstreet as businesses, which I’m not going to get into all that because the Dun & Bradstreet website irritates me sometimes. I can’t search very well in there.

[00:41:34] So when you go to voter registration and they have your name in all capital letters and they say, where is this person located? You’ll never notice it until now. Now you’ll start to notice this terminology. Like for example, when you get your driver’s license write the name of the person who is applying for a driver’s license.

[00:41:53] Very tricky. Very, very tricky. Because now you got to think identity, number one. Which identity are they referring to and how and why? So when you do voter registration or when you fill out a W-9 tax form, the bottom of the W-9 tax form states in Section two, which I will read it verbatim, I’m not going to paraphrase it.

[00:42:18] Section two, under the certification section, under penalties of perjury, I certify that, number three says, I am a US citizen or other US person. Where it says, sign here right next to where it has the little arrow for the signature, it says, signature of US person. You were not a US person until you said you were a US person.

[00:42:52] Luke: You just naturalized yourself.

[00:42:54] Brandon: You just naturalized yourself.

[00:42:56] Luke: Yeah.

[00:42:56] Brandon: You naturalized yourself with your driver’s license. You naturalized yourself with voter registration. You naturalized yourself with your passport. You naturalized yourself all over the place.

[00:43:08] Luke: Marriage license.

[00:43:09] Brandon: Marriage license, concealed carry permit, all the good stuff. Anytime that you sign under penalty of perjury that you are this ENS LEGIS, and this ens legis is located in the District of Columbia or State of California, or State of Utah, or State of Texas, you are conferring the– now, the thing is that on all these documentations, they are not referring to the natural person. They’re actually referring to the ens legis. So you are not actually naturalizing yourself as a natural person into any of these things.

[00:43:39] You’re actually unknowingly identifying yourself as the ens legis, and then you’re naturalizing the ens legis into the state after birth, by any means whatsoever. Now, traffic laws associated with State of California only apply to people who have contracted in and naturalized as residents of State of California.

[00:44:10] A ticket is a complaint. The word complaint is a lawsuit. All lawsuits when they first start, the first document that’s filed is called a complaint, unless it’s a petition, which is a little different. But just to keep it really simple, it’s almost always going to be what’s called a complaint. A complaint is a lawsuit.

[00:44:30] So what a ticket is is it’s a micro lawsuit for breach of contract. You have naturalized into State of California through voter registration. Usually it’s voter registration is one of the best ways that they can get you on the naturalization end.

[00:44:52] So just to keep it simple, US citizen is somebody who lives in United States. United States is located in the District of Columbia. Very simple. Very, very simple. So now you got to ask yourself, before we get into voter registration, I’m going to show one other thing here. So if we go up from naturalization and we go up just a couple of points to 8 USC 1101 Subsection A 21, we have another term here, another option.

[00:45:22] It says here, the term national means a person owing permanent allegiance to a state. This is a complicated thing. So first off, we have the word person. Could be a corporation, association, trust, partnership, whatever. Permanent– people get really tripped up over this word, which is great. Cornell’s great.

[00:45:47] They make it clickable. Boom. We can go right to it. The term permanent means a relationship of continuing or lasting nature as distinguished from temporary. But a relationship may be permanent, even though it is one that may be dissolved eventually at the instance either of the United States or of the individual in accordance with law. This is a trap word.

[00:46:07] Luke: That’s crazy, dude

[00:46:08] Brandon: This word means absolutely nothing. They put it in here just to trip people up, I guess. I don’t know why it’s here. It means it’s totally an oxymoron. It doesn’t have any definition. It’s circular, and it means absolutely nothing at all whatsoever. You can remove this word from this definition, and it’ll make absolutely no difference legally as to what this definition means.

[00:46:29] And it actually clears up the term very well. So let’s go ahead and just remove this and reread this word. The term national means a person owing allegiance to a state. Very simple. Very, very, very simple. Now it’s starting to take shape. I can think with that. That’s not too hard to think with. Now what we’re going to do is the term allegiance. I have a special document that I give away for free on my website for people to attach to their DS-11 passport application form. I believe you used this one, right, Luke?

[00:47:08] Luke: Indeed.

[00:47:09] Brandon: So we’re going to look up the definition of allegiance here, and we’re going to look up a few pieces of information in terms of how this works. So the term allegiance is something that a lot of people who are into the freedom movement and that kind of thing have an issue with. Because they think to themselves, well, I don’t want to pledge allegiance to the United States now that I know what it is. But here we go. Check this out.

[00:47:33] In Black’s Law’s second edition, allegiance is defined as the following. By allegiance is meant the obligation of fidelity and obedience, which the individual owes to the government under which he lives, or to his sovereign, in return for the protection he receives. It may be an absolute and permanent obligation, or it may be qualified and temporary.

[00:48:04] So the thing is that they’re not telling you you have to do– they say permanent, but then they define it and it destroys itself. So the thing is that it’s not actually absolute and permanent unless you would like it to be. It’s simply a statement of qualified and temporary allegiance. They will still issue you a passport in that way. And the way it works is as per 22 USC 212, it says here, no passport shall be granted or issued to or verified for any other persons than those owing allegiance, whether citizens or not, to the United States.

[00:48:43] Luke: That’s insane, dude.

[00:48:46] Brandon: And then we have another section here, 22 CFR 51.2. A passport may be issued only to a US national. Okay. What’s a US national? US national is defined in that same section right by where we saw naturalization in national. The term national of the United States means, a, a citizen of the United States, or, b, a person who, though not a citizen of the United States, owes permanent allegiance to the United States. Now think about this. Do you need to be located in the United States or even speak English to owe allegiance to the United States?

[00:49:35] Luke: No.

[00:49:36] Brandon: No, you do not. A person who is not living in Washington DC but pledges their allegiance with a unqualified or qualified statement would qualify as a person owing allegiance to a state. That state is called United States. So that person is now a national of the United States, or another way they put it on the I-9 Employment Eligibility verification form, a non-citizen national of the United States. Now, why is this important? You can see here on the I-9 for the video peeps, Section A, a citizen of the United States, Section B, a non-citizen national of the United States.

[00:50:27] If you scroll down, list of acceptable documents, it says here employees may present one selection from list A or a combination of one selection from list B and one from list C. In order to work, you have to establish identity, and you have to establish employment authorization. What does it say here on list A that proves both identity and employment authorization instantaneously, Subsection number one? What does it say right here?

[00:50:59] Luke: US passport, or US passport card.

[00:51:02] Brandon: So if you pledge allegiance to the United States, you are issued a passport. All you need to open bank accounts to get utilities hooked up to your house. To work in the United States is a passport. You do not need anything else. You do not need a registration card, a school ID. You do not need a Social Security number.

[00:51:25] You do not need absolutely anything else at all whatsoever to operate entirely in America as an American as if you were born and raised here. All you need is a passport. And all you need to be eligible to get a passport is to pledge allegiance to the United States.

[00:51:45] Luke: It’s just insane. You know what comes to mind when we’re going over this stuff and something I’ve pondered a lot as I’ve been studying is I feel so bad for people that want to come here and are excited to become a US citizen. And it’s such a paradox that if you are officially a US citizen, you essentially have no rights.

[00:52:09] You’ve unknowingly volunteered. And this is for people that were born here and people that are coming here. The Bill of Rights, the Constitution, these things that we claim protect our rights actually don’t apply to a US citizen. It’s like being a US citizen is actually a lower grade of citizenship than not being one, than being a state national, or whatever you want to call it.

[00:52:35] There’s many names for someone who has this. We’re talking about corrected their status, but I’ve always felt like, oh, thank God I’m a US citizen, man. I can hang out here in the States, and I can come and go as I please, get on an airplane, go to another country. I’ve got my passport, I can get back in. I’ve got my Social Security number and my id, my birth certificate.

[00:52:55] Everything that I’ve always thought were my keys to the kingdom are actually the lock on the prison door of the matrix. It’s just everything that’s like upside down world when you start to get into this stuff. It’s like everything you thought was good is not, and everything you thought was bad is good. It’s totally bizarre.

[00:53:17] Brandon: Well, you’re seeing that a lot in the media with all the illegal aliens. Illegal aliens are people who have not pledged allegiance to the United States. But the thing is, I don’t think a lot of them are illegal aliens because the thing is that they’re getting all these benefits. So someone who is not a US citizen but pledges allegiance to the United States who lives outside of the United States, such as in California– I don’t live in the United States and California because the United States is defined as a federal corporation located in the District of Columbia.

[00:53:47] As a non-citizen national, non-citizen nationals are actually Americans. So illegal aliens are actually Americans. US citizens are the foreigners. And that’s why you’re seeing all of these foreign aliens and illegal aliens getting all of these benefits from the government.

[00:54:06] We are treated better by the government. We are at a higher esteem than the government because we are the actual Americans. The quote, illegal aliens are actually the real Americans. The US citizens are our employees that are located on paper in the District of Columbia.

[00:54:23] The District of Columbia is not a state of the union called the United States of America. It is a foreign corporate zone, and its states are the US territories, which are all corporate sub states of United States such as Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, Virgin Islands, etc. That is actually the United States. The United States is Washington, DC, Guam, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Virgin Islands, and I think one other one. That is United States.

[00:54:56] And then the United States of America is the unincorporated independent, sovereign nation states such as California Republic or the Crown Colony of Vermont, or the Crown County of Connecticut, or the Southwest Territory, which is the original legal common law name for Tennessee. These are all the actual common law non incorporated locations.

[00:55:22] Your natural person can be located in California Republic and you ens legis, or one of your corporations, or one of your trusts, or one of your associations, or one of your partnerships, can be located in State of California. Now, Gavin Newsom is the governor of State of California.

[00:55:46] Luke: He’s basically the CEO of that corporation, just like Sleepy Joe is the CEO of the corporation called the United States located in the District of Columbia.

[00:55:56] Brandon: Precisely.

[00:55:56] Luke: I think a word that seems to come to mind a lot when dealing with this particular topic is the matrix. There’s been a lot of talk about that word, obviously, since that film and over the past four years with all the plandemic insanity, and all of this.

[00:56:11] People are really looking for a way out. And I think many people use that term as like, God, I’m caught in this matrix. But up until conversations like this, I don’t know that we’ve been able to fully define the matrix. And the way I see it is what I was describing for this, duality where you have this superimposed corporation that’s sitting on top of the country, and then you have your birth certificate, false identity, your corporate identity that’s sitting on top of you as a living, breathing man or woman. But it gets matrixy, really, when you think about the DC Corporation. Okay, I’m in Texas. Texas is a sub corporation of Washington, DC

[00:56:50] Brandon: State of Texas.

[00:56:52] Luke: State of Texas. Right. State of Texas. And then you have the city of Austin is another corporation

[00:56:57] Brandon: City Austin. Yeah.

[00:56:58] Luke: Right? You have Travis County.

[00:57:00] Brandon: Yeah.

[00:57:01] Luke: Yeah.

[00:57:01] Brandon: It wouldn’t be Travis County, though. It would be the County of Travis. Yeah.

[00:57:05] Luke: So there’s layers on layers on layers of all of this commercial law, basically. It’s all commerce. It’s all business. And correct me if I’m wrong, but it seems like the entire thing is just based on money. And it seems as though when we are born and assigned to this birth certificate that very much like the film, the Matrix, we’re this energy generation machine that is parasitically fed off of all of these layers of corporate entities. They’re feeding off our corporate entity, but we’re paying the price for that as just a person who wants to just live free and eat, breathe, and contribute to society. Right?

[00:57:51] Brandon: Yeah. And the most amazing thing about it, and I think now I’d like to go back to your previous question, this is perfect timing to go to how did this all starts, and the 14th Amendment, and all the good stuff. But to answer that, the real truth is that the most mind blowing thing of all this is that we live entirely voluntary, entirely voluntary.

[00:58:12] All of this is completely voluntary. Now, that’s another one that everyone’s going to think I’m full of s, which is fine. It’s fine. I thought so too. I went through years of this. Luke knows. I’m not expecting everyone to swallow this literal 400-pound fish oil pill in three seconds.

[00:58:32] But I am going to say we live in a system that is entirely voluntary. You never, ever once needed to fill out a single tax form. There is absolutely nothing in Title 26 in the Internal Revenue Code that forces you to fill out absolutely any forms at all whatsoever. All forms are voluntary. Once you have volunteered and you are now contracted, now you’re in a bit more of an involuntary situation.

[00:58:59] But the original volunteering was volunteer. Same thing with the banking system. There’s a lot of ways you can volunteer in different ways without having to volunteer as a US citizen. You volunteered as a US citizen. Even when you take on a lawyer and you’re put in prison, there’s bonds that the attorney actually signs on your behalf.

[00:59:19] You have to actually literally sign yourself and sign your own bonds to go to prison if you do not have a lawyer to sign them for you. So everything in our system, everything, which is exactly why the police make you sign the tickets they give you, everything is voluntary. And you say, well, if you don’t sign the tickets, they’re going to beat the fuck out of you, whatever.

[00:59:39] True. But the thing is that the actual structure, the actual system, the actual law, not the behavior of the police officer– the behavior of the police officer might be outside the confines of the law. When the officer threatens you, that’s outside the confines of the law. The way the law actually operates is you are not supposed to be issued a ticket until you agree and verify the fact that the ticket needs to be made.

[01:00:07] And honestly, truthfully, through the brainwashing system that’s so advanced in this country, people are actually okay with it. They get pulled over and the cop says, you’re going too fast, and say, oh yeah, you know what? You’re right. There’s kids, and I shouldn’t have been doing that. And you’ve now volunteered to accept a complaint for breach of contract.

[01:00:29] Luke: Right, right.

[01:00:30] Brandon: And this gets complicated because, let’s say, for example, you have a 35-mile an hour speed limit in a school zone where there’s lots of kids. Let’s say it’s a school zone where the bus stops across the street. Because the way that the school is structured, it’s like they had to put the bus stop over here, and then they have to cross the street to get to the actual school itself. Because the school itself is surrounded by roads, and they couldn’t get a bus line in there.

[01:00:54] Now let’s say there’s people speeding down that road all the time at going 130 miles an hour in their sports cars with their music blaring. Most people would not like that idea. So the people in the town get together and they voluntarily state that there needs to be this 35-mile an hour speed limit, or 15-mile an hour speed limit because there’s 5,000 kids going across this stretch of road every night, and they’re laughing, and they’re dropping stuff, and they’re not paying attention as to this careening, second gen Camaro coming down the road at 400 miles an hour. And then what happens is then the Camaro guy, blah, blah, blah.

[01:01:33] So this is a whole philosophical discussion because you got to think, how does a person– if a 15-mile an hour speed limit is only enforceable because a person naturalized into this corporation that has these traffic laws and it’s a breach of contract, if someone wasn’t naturalized into these particular traffic laws and they didn’t have a driver’s license anymore, how would you enforce the fact that all the local people want people going no faster than 20 miles an hour when there’s 5,000 kids walking across the street all the time?

[01:02:12] And that’s a valid discussion. The problem is that when somebody gets these tickets, where does the money go? And then the police. And it’s just like there’s all these different permutations and all these different directions. And that’s where common law is so fascinating.

[01:02:29] Because in a common law world, such as what you see in a lot of the Wild West films, someone’s causing too much gruff, the mothers or the locals get together, and they just go shoot the guy. He’s dead. Guy comes down the road at 400 miles an hour, cruising down the road. The women find out where he is at, and they go and take broomsticks, and crow bars, and all the good stuff, and they bash in all those windows, and they bash in his car, and they bash in his sides, and they bash everything in.

[01:02:55] And they say, we ever seen you going more than this kind of stuff, and this craziness, and throwing beer bottles out the window, going down this road with these kids, we’re going to kick you out of the town with pitchforks, and torches, and everything else. That was the justice system before.

[01:03:18] So you have to ask yourself, because we live in a voluntary system, what kind of a system do you want? And what kind of a system do you want to see? Because the this is that while I’m here telling you all about this system and this commercial system, it’s all based on commerce. That’s why everything is all fines and fines and fines and fines. It’s all commercial-based.

[01:03:39] Do you want this system to change? Do you want this system to go away entirely? Do you want this? People go, oh yeah, this is the best thing ever. We got to get rid of all this. And then they think like, second gen Camaro going 400 miles an hour drunk down the school lane.

[01:03:55] Brandon: They go, oh, well, wait a second. Maybe we shouldn’t. They pump the brakes, you see? So it does go both ways. This is not just a simple throw it out with the bath water kind of a conversation. This is a larger conversation where what I’m actually asking is we need a renaissance of people that are interested in governing their own space, their own family, their own town, their own zip code.

[01:04:24] Maybe just a small portion, maybe a larger portion, but it is a sovereignty. The definition of sovereignty is self-governance. It is a self-governance. It’s a governance of self, but it’s also a governance of environment. It’s a governance of environment to the level in which you would like to step up to govern.

[01:04:45]  Most people don’t even have governance of self, let alone governance of their environment. So I know that’s asking a lot, but the thing is that that’s what this conversation becomes very rapidly.

[01:04:58] Luke: That makes me think of the common law definition of a crime. There has to be an injured party.

[01:05:05] Brandon: Yes.

[01:05:06] Luke: And that’s a law that I think any thinking, responsible, kind person would adhere to. I’m down with those laws. But what we’re dealing with are these layers of statutes and codes that are all based on commerce that are essentially put in place to trip you up to monetize you. You know what I mean?

[01:05:25] So that’s the thing, I think, fundamentally that’s always appealed to me about the idea of common law, is like, yeah, it’s the golden rule. Follow the golden rule, and you’re golden. That’s simple. Now, unfortunately, we live in a world where there are a lot of wounded people that are out of integrity and don’t have any interest in following that kind of system.

[01:05:44] But I tend to lean on the maybe hopeless optimism that there are more good people in the world than there are bad, and that I think most people don’t inherently want to harm other people. And maybe, even because we have such a broken system with all these statutes and codes, and all this stuff, taxes and all these oppressive mechanisms in place, that’s actually what’s impoverishing people and causing more suffering.

[01:06:12] And the people that are suffering are the ones that end up harming other people and breaking the moral code of society. It’s like a self perpetuating loop of destruction. I did want to point to one thing back to the responsibility, personal responsibility. I think from a metaphysical point of view with this kind of work, this perspective, this renaissance really that we’re starting to see bubble up thanks to you largely–

[01:06:40] Brandon: Thank you.

[01:06:40] Luke: Is that I felt like a victim of the system for most of my life, because I’ve just been an outlier. I’m someone that just doesn’t fit in. I question authority. I don’t like the rules that don’t make sense.

[01:06:53] And so for me, there’s a very empowering element about taking responsibility for the fact that I have volunteered, albeit unknowingly and maybe some trickery of legal ease encouraging me to sign documents in a certain way and to identify myself in a certain way legally, or to put myself in a certain location or jurisdiction, maybe, I was manipulated into volunteering in some cases, but that said, still, I’m the one that put the pen to the paper and said, yes, I’m a US citizen, or, yes, I live in the District of Columbia, etc.

[01:07:28] So for me, it’s been very freeing to go like, okay, I’m not going to blame myself for doing things that I didn’t understand, and I’m also not really going to blame the system. It’s very empowering to take responsibility for oneself because then victimhood starts to evaporate. I don’t feel like I’m a victim of the system.

[01:07:45] I feel motivated to learn how the system works and actually operate according to natural law and according to common law, which is really easy for me to do because I have no interest in harming anyone in any way ever. And I ever do, I’m very happy to make restitution immediately if I did something by mistake.

[01:08:06] So it’s very freeing. It’s super liberating. Aside from just, oh, sending some paperwork off here and there, and yay, I don’t have to pay taxes, it’s like, actually, I feel as we move into this movement that you can actually be an adult and not feel afraid of the system and the government, and even beyond that, not even hate them. It’s like they’re just operating out of this collective survival instinct, right? They seem to lack creativity, and they lack the ability to actually produce things of value and beauty. So they just parasitically siphon on us and get us to sign documents and enter into their world, and we just knowingly do it. And we’re also programmed and educated to believe that if you’re a good person, that you just play along.

[01:08:55] And if you ask questions and you buck the system and exit the system, that you’re therefore a bad person, and this kind of thing. But to me, all this information is just so empowering, and I have less fear of the state. I have less resentment toward the state. And I’m also just patting myself on the back going, well, you didn’t know the stuff you were signing your whole life, and now it’s time to start educating yourself.

[01:09:17] Brandon: Yeah. The police don’t know.

[01:09:18] Luke: It’s actually beautiful.

[01:09:19] Brandon: The people at the bank don’t know. The bankers don’t know. The senior bankers don’t know. I talked to guys with 15, 20, 29 years experience. They don’t know. The only people who know to some degree, and they actually aren’t even bad people, and they’ll help you get all this sorted out, are our judges, especially federal judges.

[01:09:41] They do know. And you think to yourself, well, why aren’t they telling everybody? Well, I don’t know the answer to that question. It’s not necessarily their responsibility. And in a way, they are telling people because if you were to go in and look at their various cases, which all are public information, you can see that they are talking about a lot of these things.

[01:10:00] Are they on your Instagram feed? No. So one of the big hurdles that I had to go over and everybody has to go over is you think that you call into the Department of State and you go see this passport officer down at your local post office, and you think they know all this information. They don’t know any of this information.

[01:10:20] And the ones that behave in a poor way towards you and they think you’re a sovereign citizen, they think in their mind that you are not paying taxes, and you’re going to live in their country without paying taxes, and you not paying taxes is going to destroy the roads, and you’re going to now enjoy the benefits of being an American and enjoy the benefits of nice roads without having to contribute.

[01:10:41] Their problem is the fact that they think you are now not going to have to contribute to something that they’re contributing to and paying for, or they think they’re paying for. That’s the actual issue.

[01:10:55] Luke: The crab is in the bucket.

[01:10:55] Brandon: It’s a good thing. No, it’s not. Sorry. It’s not that thing. It’s actually a good thing. The way that they think and the way they behave is actually a good thing. They don’t want people in their mind not contributing to the beneficial aspects of their society. They want their local roads in their mind to be properly paved and fixed so that other people, a mother with her children does not hit a giant effing pothole and careen off the side of the road, and her children die in her minivan.

[01:11:36] They might not go that farther on the mind, but that’s essentially what these people are thinking. And when you understand that, you understand that these people mean well. They actually mean good things. They actually intend good things, and they think that the thing that you’re doing or trying to do is going to harm other good people. That’s what they’re upset about.

[01:12:02] Luke: Like not wearing a mask. People that believed that, some of them had the best of intentions. They were just ill-informed.

[01:12:09] Brandon: That is what I mean. It’s okay. It’s okay. I don’t get mad about that. I don’t get mad about nothing anymore. Because the thing is that when you understand where they’re coming from and you understand how they think, you realize, like you said before, I don’t think I’ve ever met a single bad person in my entire life, I don’t think, maybe.

[01:12:28] Everyone’s trying so hard to do what they think is the best and to help people the best they can and to do the best thing that they can and to make sure that other people are taken care of. And everyone has a different sphere of reality of what that is. A lot of people are like, I can only care about myself.

[01:12:43] Some people, I can only care about my family. That’s enough for me. Some people want to go beyond that. And you can judge them or whatever. But that’s not really your place. It’s not really our place to judge people, in my opinion. So the thing is it’s our place to– and it’s not a– I’m a member of the Emirati, which I take very seriously, which is a men’s fraternity that has to do with understanding what it means to be a man in this world and walk through this world as a man, especially in our relationship with women and beauty.

[01:13:10] And Zan Perrion wrote a book called The Alabaster Girl, which is the basis of our group. And one of the things she says in there is that the only real sin there is in all of humanity is obligation. And the thing is that I believe that. I actually completely believe that the only real sin there is an obligation.

[01:13:31] You have such a serious obligation towards something, and then it becomes this very unfun activity. It solidifies the activity, and it pulls all the creativity and joy out of whatever it is that you’re doing. And it kills, I guess you could say, anything that it touches because it’s like a disease.

[01:13:49] Obligation is a disease, and I know that there are many people, like in the military, which is a main demographic that I was thinking of when you were speaking earlier about– you want to talk about people who are pissed off about this information, who hate themselves, who literally go through S-U-I-C-I-D-A-L thoughts about this situation? I’m not going to say that word. It’s the military. When the military found out about this, and then they think that I worked for that, I pushed that, I did that. And I will say something. They say the word duty. Duty and obligation are two very different things. Duty. I have a duty for what I do.

[01:14:30] I enjoy my duty. I feel honor from my duty. But it’s not an obligation. Obligation is a different word. It’s a negative word. It’s something that you feel chained to that you may not really want to have an involvement with. Duty is something that not only do you want to be involved with, but it’s extreme pride point, and it’s actually one of the most important aspects of your life.

[01:14:52] And you feel like without that specific thing, you wouldn’t even be who you are identity wise. And for me, someone like me, I wouldn’t even want to live without my duty. So the thing is, the duty is a very positive, empowering thing, whereas obligation is the opposing force of that, in my opinion.

[01:15:07] Now, when you’re talking about people going through some stuff, when it comes to this information, military goes through extreme difficulties, this information, because they go through this whole, like, I pushed this. I fought for this. I killed for this whole weird craziness that I had no idea.

[01:15:25] Now, what’s so beautiful about that, just as a side point, in case any of your people here are military, I love the military very much, and I have a lot of military in my family and police as well. The people who turn who are military, and police, and all these different things, they become the most dangerous adversaries.

[01:15:47] They have a bone to pick, and they are the kinds of people that really make some very big motions in this type of stuff very rapidly because they feel very fired up. I’m not a violent person. I’m strongly against violence, but it’s almost to that level with these kinds of people that are the turncoats.

[01:16:12] The turncoats are actually some of my favorite people. The military with 20 years experience, you find this information and cry for two months straight and debate if they’re going to lay on train tracks or hang themself by kicking a chair out from underneath their body.

[01:16:28] These people, when they convert, I should say, they become a massive force to be reckoned with. So I will say at the same time, while we’re on this subject, for people out there who might be hearing these things and going down these rabbit holes, or want to go down these rabbit holes, don’t allow whatever it is that’s happened in your past to overwhelm you now.

[01:16:56] I strongly recommend that you focus on your future and what’s happening now. And like I said, you can use your past as fuel to fuel your future. And when I see people do that, that fit these categories, these people change the world. These people are mountain movers.

[01:17:16] So it goes both ways. People like you and me, it’s like, oh yeah, I paid some taxes, whatever. But then you have guys that have 15 years of service. It’s like, ooh, boy. That’s a rough one. You know what I mean?

[01:17:29] Luke: Yeah. Unknowingly advocating and enforcing the system is a whole other level of regret than just going along with it and volunteering yourself into it unknowingly, and then going, oops, wow, this sucks to be robbed of 80% of my resources for the energy that I put into the world. You’re actually enforcing that around the world on behalf of the state. Yeah. That’s a lot.

[01:17:57] Brandon: I’ve seen a lot of that. It’s dark. These guys go through some darkness. And for people who want to try to explain this stuff to their marine grandpa, their marine father, tread lightly. You could literally explain this to someone in a way where they would literally go into their gun and whiskey room and end themselves.

[01:18:25] Luke: Yeah.

[01:18:25] Brandon: Kidding. This is a–

[01:18:26] Luke: There’s layers of identity. It’s like we form our self-worth and our duty, our purpose out of our identity. And it’s got to be a nightmare to realize that the identity that you’ve been motivated by was one that was essentially fraudulently hoisted upon you by a system that knew how to do that to get you on board.

[01:18:48] Brandon: And the thing is that you are dealing with confusion and brainwashing on a level that is so advanced and so professional, and the amount of money poured into the media, and they control Hollywood just so they can say words like US citizen, and just so they can say words like my country, and just so they can program these little words into all these different TV shows and everything else.

[01:19:16] The programming system is a multi, multi, multi-trillion every single direction. All newspapers, all media, all video games, all TV shows, all movies, all everything is programmed and paid.

[01:19:35] And there’s this gigantic, massive, humongous structure that costs millions or billions of dollars a day to sustain to make sure that you are using the correct words, using the correct incantation and volunteering into the system. And the thing is that the chances that anyone could have figured this out, or walked through this or seen this, or handled this, or noticed this is so low.

[01:20:01] And the professionality, and the focus, and the desire, and the investment into what has gone into what we experience on a daily basis in this country is so overwhelming and so crushing and designed to be so overwhelming and so crushing that human beings just do not stand a chance. They just don’t, period.

[01:20:25] Luke: Can you take us back to the 14th Amendment to create a little context for how we ended up in this. I’m sure a lot of it’s very old, but to me, the 1871, the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, the gold standard in ’33 or ’35, there’s a few key points where the system really sunk its teeth into us, collectively.

[01:20:52] And that the 14th Amendment one is one that really got– that one irks me because when most people think of the 14th Amendment, they think of freeing the slaves. And most people don’t realize that when that was done, there were a number of people in the country that wanted it, and there were a number of people that didn’t want it.

[01:21:09] So they seems to me like they compromised and just went, hey, we’ll just create this second class of citizen, and this works so well. Let’s just start applying it to everyone and calling everyone US citizens and creating what we have now, which is free range slavery and voluntary servitude, but involuntary servitude was made illegal. Can you frame that for us? Because I find that piece really interesting.

[01:21:35] Brandon: Oh yeah. So after the Civil War during the reconstruction of the Civil War, 1865-ish through 1871-ish, that time period is a really important time period. The organic Act of 1871 is when the government was changed into an incorporated version of the government.

[01:22:01] And if you look in the organic Act of 1871, the carrot or cookie that was put out in an effort to justify the incorporating and converting of the government was the free public school system. So all the people out there, all the angry moms, and all these angry dads that are angry at the public school system and how it works and how it operates, that all started in 1871.

[01:22:27] And that actually was the backbone, the full-blown spinal cord of the ushering in of the entire incorporated system of the United States. During that time period, it was a little bit before that time period, I think it was around 1865, 1866, 1867, right around that time period is also when they redefined the word person to include legal fictions.

[01:22:54] All of that happened around that same time period. So the word person and the incorporated superstate was all created around that same time period after the country was all beat up from fighting itself internally over the southern states and northern states over the subject of slavery. Who knows if it was even for that?

[01:23:13] I don’t know. So 1871, you have the 14th Amendment. The 14th Amendment alludes to there being multiple types of citizenship, two different types. In 1871, there was a series of Supreme Court cases called the slaughterhouse cases, where what they did is they interpreted the 14th Amendment for the first time.

[01:23:38] What happened was, is they determined and interpreted that the 14th Amendment was actually referring to the fact that there’s two different types of citizens. At that time, it was called the federal citizen and the state citizen. Now, from the research that I’ve done, I think, and this part is Brandon’s educated opinion, my professional opinion on why this is and how it happened was they wanted to end the war, but there were still many, many, many people that did not want slavery to be abolished.

[01:24:14] So what the government did is they said, look, no problem. We’re going to create this federal citizen category, and a federal citizen is essentially going to be a volunteer employee or officer of this new corporation we’re creating, and we’ll call it a federal citizen, and they won’t have the full rights of, what they call at that time during the slaughterhouse cases, a state citizen.

[01:24:39] And you can look up the slaughterhouse cases online. I’m not going to dig into all of it. It’s a lot. It’ll slow down the podcast, like a 100x. So that’s something that we’ll just talk about, and you can look it up for yourself. The slaughterhouse cases, you can look up lots and lots of information on it.

[01:24:53] You can see lots of information, them talking about the interpretation of the 14th Amendment and federal citizens, state citizens. So the federal citizen category, over the years, I don’t know when, became the US citizen category. The state citizen category became the national category or non-citizen national category.

[01:25:22] Now, it’s complicated because they don’t say specifically state citizen. You would say national of California Republic, and that’s the exact specific word for word technical way that you would say somebody who lives in the unincorporated nation state called California and is not involved in the corporate state called state of California. You would say a national of the California Republic.

[01:26:01] That person would not be a US citizen. That person would be a non-citizen national. When you look in Title 26 really quickly, I don’t want to get into this too much. It’s very simple, and it’ll just take two seconds. A citizen of the United States is a taxpayer and has a tax liability.

[01:26:23] A non-citizen, such as a non-citizen national, does not have a tax liability and is not a tax payer, which has a special definition. Taxpayer is found in Title 26, Section 7701, Subsection A 14, I have it all memorized. Definition of taxpayer is any person who is subject to any internal revenue tax.

[01:26:51] Now, when you go into all the frivolous argument section of the IRS, which a lot of people get sent– let’s say you want to go and tell all your family about all this information. They’re going to go online. They’re going to go to the IRS website, and they’re going to find this section called the Frivolous Tax Argument section.

[01:27:07] It’s going to say there are taxpayers that believe that they don’t live in the District of Columbia, and it’s called the United States. Now, if you click control+F for the Find feature and you type in the word taxpayer, you’ll see it used 95 times all the way down throughout all the Frivolous Arguments.

[01:27:26] The word taxpayer is a person who is subject to any internal revenue tax. So what they’re saying throughout all of the Frivolous Arguments section of the website is there are people who do have a tax liability stating that they don’t have a tax liability. A non-citizen national is not a tax payer by definition.

[01:27:48] It is not someone who is subject to any internal revenue tax, but they write it in a way where it seems like they’re talking about everybody. They’re not talking about everybody. They’re talking about taxpayers.

[01:28:01] Luke: Clever. Well, I think that’s a big distinction. And to me, the taxes are just so wrong. And we can get into that more, but I think when people from the outside hear about this approach to living, they think that if you change your status, you just stop paying taxes.

[01:28:24] But the definition here is more that you are no longer classified as a taxpayer, therefore you don’t have a tax liability. So it’s not just that you’re not paying taxes. It’s that you’re not legally required if you’re classified in a certain way to even file taxes, tax returns, let alone pay them.

[01:28:45] Brandon: And since we’re–

[01:28:46] Luke: And that’s really difficult for people to get their head around because we’ve been so indoctrinated by the morality of, well, who’s going to pay for the roads? All of this kind of thinking. And you can tell us in a bit where our tax money actually goes. It doesn’t go to the roads, spoiler alert.

[01:29:04] Brandon: And I feel like we’ve gone down this far enough to where I feel like I really should show this–

[01:29:09] Luke: All right. Let’s do it.

[01:29:10] Brandon: I just really have a bit of a duty, not an obligation. Once we start talking about things for more than a split second, I feel like I should show them. So for the purposes of the– this is from a different body of law called the Code of Federal Regulations, otherwise known as CFR.

[01:29:29] So Title 26 of the CFR is the same as Title 26 in the United States Code. It has to do with the Internal Revenue Code, IRC. So Title 26 CFR Section 1.871-1, for purposes of the income tax, alien individuals are divided generally into two classes, namely resident aliens and non-resident aliens.

[01:29:58] Now, it’s very simple. We’re going to read the rest of this. It’s really not that hard to understand, but it’s really simple. Resident aliens of what? Resident aliens of United States. Where is the United States located? In the District of Columbia. Where in the District of Columbia? No one knows. No one knows. Who knows?

[01:30:19] Maybe literally no one ever even tried to know. Maybe it’s literally never been described ever, and nobody really knows at all. Maybe there really isn’t an answer to the question, where in the District of Columbia it’s located? Who knows? You could ask that if you’re in a lawsuit and there’s discovery, and you ask, where is the United States located within the territorial boundaries of the Washington, DC? You may never, ever, ever get– they may literally, on this planet, not be an answer to that question.

[01:30:47] A non-resident, alien individual is somebody who does not live in United States, which is an unknown location inside of the District of Columbia. So let’s get back into this. We’ll finish this up. Resident alien individuals are in general taxable the same as citizens of the United States, meaning people who are employees or officers of the federal corporation.

[01:31:13] Non-resident alien individuals are taxable only on certain income from sources within the United States. Now, this is where things get complicated, and this is the same thing as the definition of naturalization. So I have naturalization memorized. I’m going to reread it to you from my head.

[01:31:43] Title 8 Section 1101 Subsection A 23, naturalization is the conferring of nationality of a state upon a person after birth by any means whatsoever. Now you’ll see here is they’re saying the exact same thing here, so I’m going to read this. This is now a quote back to the quote from 26 CFR 1.871-1.

[01:32:10] However, non-resident alien individuals may elect to be treated as US residents for purposes of determining their income tax liability. So once you naturalized into State of California, or State of Texas or United States, you were a non-resident, alien individual, who then elected to be treated as a US resident for purposes of determining your income tax liability through the power of naturalization.

[01:32:57] You were not a tax payer until you did that. Once you did that, you became a taxpayer. You became a taxpayer through what’s called the election. And we have a process that’s located in the Internal Revenue Code, because again, we live in a voluntary system, and this is an entirely voluntary situation. It’s an entirely voluntary contract.

[01:33:20] I can prove that. We’ve got 26, I believe it’s CFR 601.602. Could be wrong, but if it’s not, we’re going to find it in 10 seconds. Here we are. 26. Let me just verify that. 26 CFR 601.602 Subsection A. And it’s the final sentence of subsection A. It says as following, the tax system is based on voluntary compliance, and the taxpayers complete and return the forms with payment of any tax owed.

[01:34:07] Luke: Mind blowing.

[01:34:10] Brandon: And just for those people who I was saying the definition of the word taxpayer earlier for the video people, little bonus for you, we will pull that up right here, so that way it’s not just me talking. This is 26 USC, which is the Internal Revenue Code. Title 26 of the United States Code is the Internal Revenue Code.

[01:34:30] I will prove that as well. Scroll down to Title 26. Internal Revenue code. Title 26 Section 7701 Subsection A 14 says here, taxpayer. The term taxpayer means any person subject to any internal revenue tax. The word person is clickable. It’s going to take me to 26 USC 7701 Subsection A1.

[01:34:59] The term person shall be construed to mean and include an individual, a trust, estate, partnership, association, company, or corporation. So the tax code is extremely complicated. It goes on and on and on for thousands and thousands and thousands, if not tens of thousands. Who knows? Maybe even hundreds of thousands of pages. I just explained to you the entire tax code. You really don’t even need to know anything more about the tax code at all. It’s that simple.

[01:35:30] Luke: That is just so wild. It’s like I was saying earlier it’s so interesting how this is so complex, but at the same time, it’s also so simple that you can’t believe it’s true.

[01:35:43] Brandon:  That’s exactly right.

[01:35:45] Luke: It’s so interesting. There are a few things in life like that. Usually if something’s complicated, it’s just by default that way. And you really have to work hard to figure it out. And then there’s some things that are just so simple that are just almost unbelievable. It’s insane.

[01:36:02] Brandon: So the definition of naturalization is–

[01:36:04] Luke: A few years ago I did an experiment when I was a US citizen and I had voluntarily signed all of this documentation my entire life and I was saving money. And so I just, for the first time in my life, filed my tax returns, my personal and corporate return and just didn’t pay the taxes to the state franchise in California or the IRS federally. And I just thought, I’ll deal with it later. I’ll get a few fines and some interest, and it is what it is. And I didn’t get around to paying it for a few months.

[01:36:34] And next thing I know, California actually just went in my bank account and just took the money. It’s insane. I was like, wow, they really do that. It was so interesting. And I had an attorney that called them and fixed it up, and then I paid it off.

[01:36:51] But why that happened was because I volunteered to be a taxpayer and to be a US citizen and to be a resident of the State of California, the corporation. So at the time, of course, I was pissed, like, how dare they? That’s my money. I’ll get to it when I get to it. And looking back now, learning what I’m learning here with you and some other people, it’s like, I’m the one that sent in the tax return and said, hey, I’m a taxpayer.

[01:37:19] I’ve done the accounting. This is how much I owe you, but hey, guess what? I’m not going to pay you. And they didn’t like that at all. Whereas on the flip side of that, what you’re describing here is a way of living where you’re not actually indicating yourself to be a taxpayer or a US citizen because you’ve corrected your status, and so on, as we talked about earlier.

[01:37:39] And therefore, not only would they have no legal grounds for that, but they wouldn’t be even inspired to try to do that because you’re out of that jurisdiction, I guess, would be one way of saying that. Do I–

[01:37:52] Brandon: You are not a taxpayer. You have no tax liability. A taxpayer has a tax liability, so if you don’t have no tax liability, you are not a taxpayer, period. End of story.

[01:38:00] Luke: Right, right. So over the past few years, we’ve seen insane levels of censorship with all of this medical stuff going on and the clot shots, and God knows what. And it’s eased up a little in certain cases, but I noticed, I’ll do certain episodes, and they’ll get pulled down by YouTube.

[01:38:21] In fact, today I got an email from YouTube saying, we’ve deleted your interview with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. They didn’t like that one. It was early in 2020, and they finally got rid of that one. And there are other things that you can’t talk about, or you’ll be censored, if you start questioning the moon landing or a number of different things, your content on social media will just be yanked.

[01:38:46] What I find so interesting is that information like this is left alone. To me, this is more dangerous to the state than somebody talking about what kind of injections one should get or not. Have you seen any suppression of these ideas and this information at all?

[01:39:06] Brandon: No, and it’s very, very simple. This is a great observation, and it’s very, very simple. The way that I operate, I have a lot of PR training. I have warfare PR training. I have massive marketing sales background. So everything that I do is very, very carefully constructed, even though it may seem like a totally insane seven-year-old put it together.

[01:39:27] It was very thought out. But my formula for success is very, very simple. It’s a, always make people feel good. So that means that if it’s a liberal, if it’s a conservative, if it’s this, if it’s that– now you got to understand, I was a Trump conservative, bang the drum person for a long time screaming from the hilltops, the whole nine yards.

[01:39:56] This was from probably 2020 all the way up until I started studying this stuff, so mid 2021, something like that. And I felt a little bad about it once I started learning about all this. I go, uh-oh. I didn’t necessarily start doing all this out of some sort of reparation, but there definitely was a little bit of that in my world that I thought about during that time period.

[01:40:27] But again, it’s a difficult self-reflection situation because I got sucked into something that was a world class totally well put together, multi-trillion dollar international brainwashing campaign that I didn’t stand a chance. So it’s a difficult situation, and I think that, a, always made people feel good, no matter where they’re at.

[01:41:01] Like for example, when we did the Andy Kaufman show, he was talking about T-R-A-N-S people. And he was speaking about them as maybe something a little bit confrontational, and this and that, and I changed that discussion to these people that are doing this. The thing is that, in law, only men and women have rights.

[01:41:26] So what’s happening is the people who behave that way and do those things, they are burning their own rights, and they’re saying, I don’t have human rights because I am not, as per the definition of the law, a human, which is defined as either a man or a woman. The problem with that is that these people deserve to know that they are eliminating their own humanity, their own human rights in the eyes of the law.

[01:41:54] Now, if someone knows that information and they still decide to do whatever it is that they’re doing, that’s on them at that point. But I feel like I prefer to move the conversation in a way that empowers the person in that position rather than diminishes and destroys– the only demographic in a whole world that you’ll ever hear me, as much as I try, as much as I try– you may see a couple of things here and there, but as much as I try, there’s only one demographic in the world that I just love to just pee on. Okay. Can you guess who that is?

[01:42:34] Luke: Sovereign citizens.

[01:42:36] Brandon: No. No, I don’t even mind those people. Lawyers.

[01:42:40] Luke: Oh, right, of course. Yeah, of course.

[01:42:42] Brandon: That’s the only one. If it’s a lawyer, oh, let’s go, bro. Let’s go. I’ll talk about it all day long. I’ll pull my pants down and take a big poop right here. Anything else, I try to– and it’s not the end of the world. I’m doing the Dr. Graves He’s a lawyer. 35 years. Fantastic course. I think most lawyers are horrible, to tell you the truth. And I assume they are horrible more rapidly than I will assume that they are not. I am not closing the door on them.

[01:43:23] But everybody else, judge, police, jail officer, T-R-A-N-S people, you name it, G-A-Y, I don’t care. I don’t care what liberal this, that. I don’t care. I don’t care. I really don’t care. I’m in California. The amount of times I’ve heard liberals upset about the situation and starting to question their own beliefs and angry at what’s going on, and not have no clue where to go and what to turn because in their mind, the only other option is Trump, and they’re not going to do that.

[01:43:52] So they just don’t know what the eff to do, but they’re definitely not interested in what they’re doing anymore. Everyone’s frustrated. Everyone’s angry. Everyone’s frustrated. Everyone’s wants exchange and answers. And the cool thing about what we’re doing, and what I’m doing, and what you’re now doing is that this gigantic, pressurized, explosive political scene is starting to bleed off into this zone.

[01:44:22] This is where all that pressure’s going. And the bigger that we educate, and the faster we educate, and the more content that we create, such as this podcast, the more that we’re offering people a pressure valve of which they can choose to select, whether they’re liberal, whether they’re T-R-A-N-S, whether they’re gay, whether they’re straight, whether they’re bi, whether they’re conservative, whether they’re Trump, whether they’re a MAGA, whether they’re– it doesn’t matter.

[01:44:51] Insert into the box. Whatever it is that you want to insert into the box, it doesn’t matter. Lawyers are the only ones that can come in, tread carefully, my friends, because you are not particularly excited members of this group, but we’ll accept you if you prove yourself.

[01:45:07] But you’re going to have a little bit of a more difficult time. But I’d rather be upfront about that. Besides that, we’ve all been lied to. We’ve all been screwed. And as far as I’m concerned, the only people who were close enough to the scene to see what was going on, close enough to the scene to possibly do something about the situation are the lawyers.

[01:45:28] Even the judges. Your average federal judge has a 600-case load. I don’t even know how they have a personal life. I don’t know how they don’t lose themselves in drugs and alcohol, being involved in such insane craziness and the way that lawyers behave. They are so outrageous, and they’re so unacceptable with their behavior. It’s unbelievable. I don’t even know how judges keep themselves from going insane, frankly. So that’s just how I feel about the situation.

[01:46:02] Luke: Well, I love that perspective, man. It’s team humanity. It’s like what we need now, I think, as a civilization, as a society in this state, in this country, rather in other countries around the world, is unity, man. Unity is where the power is, but you’re never going to get unity when you have people that are ideologically so opposed.

[01:46:23] You’re not going to convince a Portland liberal that he should be agreeing with the Alabama MAGA guy, the truck driver. There’s never going to be a meeting of the minds. And it’s like, why even try? I feel this movement is a real middle ground because it’s like, hey, let’s follow the golden rule.

[01:46:46] Let’s get ourselves out from under the boot of this fraudulent, corrupt system and support and help one another. And it really doesn’t matter what your political beliefs, your social behaviors, ideologies, none of that actually means anything in this space. It’s just, hey, let’s become free. And every human being to some degree values freedom.

[01:47:10] And what does that even mean? And to me, this seems like a path right down the middle way that just negates all of that bullshit that’s so divisive and just says, hey, for those that are willing to put in the time to really– you really have to study this stuff is what I’m learning.

[01:47:28] I’m not just going and pulling the trigger on all this. I’m really putting hours and hours. Like I said, I’m only up to less than 14 in your 39-part course, which, by the way guys, I highly recommend, and we’ll link to it in the show notes. Let’s put those show notes at

[01:47:45] But you have to have a passion to learn this stuff. But other than that, putting in some time and due diligence, it’s like there’s nothing that’s controversial about it whatsoever from my perspective. It’s just like, wow, we got to take responsibility. We unknowingly volunteered ourselves into some things that are very unfair and unjust, and no one’s going to come and hold her hand.

[01:48:09] No president is going to come and save us. I don’t care who it is. It’s up to us to free ourselves and to save ourselves. And that has to do with, like we talked about earlier, personal responsibility and like, okay, man, I don’t want to put in the time studying this stuff, but if I ever want to become truly free, metaphysically and physically in the world, I don’t really see another way out of it.

[01:48:34] That brings me to another funny point because you mentioned Donald Trump. I was watching a David Straight video the other day, which again, I’m watching this video. It’s the Utah course, by the way, if you want to put that in the show notes. Fantastic information. And I’m watching that on YouTube going, why isn’t this being censored? This is such powerful information, but who knows?

[01:48:56] Brandon: Well, there’s two things on that because I was going to actually going to finish that thought. So number one is make them feel good. Don’t alienate people and attack people for some political whatever. That’s number one, I think. Number two is, obviously, without question, my material is mind blowingly valuable. “My material” is just me showing definitions and terms from straight out of–

[01:49:22] Luke: And it’s free.

[01:49:23] Brandon: And it’s free.

[01:49:24] Luke: His stuff is free.

[01:49:25] Brandon: I don’t charge for anything except if you want to go into mainline litigation and you want to hire me for massive litigation and that kind of thing. Obviously, that’s mind blowingly expensive. But besides that, everything else is free all the way down. It’s the Dan S Pena, who I love so dearly.

[01:49:40] He is my favorite business coach ever. It’s the Dan S Pena style where everything’s free all the way down, including his book. And then it’s just the top, top, top tier, multi, extremely, wildly expensive, one single thing at the very top. So I really like that model. I love Dans Pena. Very huge section of my business training and my mentality. And I just love him so much.

[01:50:01] He talks a lot about it being the most stress free model and it being just a very beautiful model. And he says it more colorful language. So the second thing is when you tie everything down, like David Straight– I love him to death. He’s a great guy. He is one of the originals. Without him, a lot of us wouldn’t be here. The thing I do that’s different than a lot of these other guys is I want to show everything, and I want to say every single word perfectly.

[01:50:29] And I want every single definition of every word that could possibly be misconstrued to be defined on the spot like you saw me in this. So how can a fact checker ever hope to touch me? It’s a physical impossibility. I am the only guy on the planet pretty much– I don’t know of anybody else really at all, anywhere, on any field, whether it’s my field, or the medical field, or anything. Medical field is tough because there’s so much weirdness.

[01:51:02] My field is literally just so groundable that when I ground everything out to the level that I ground it out, fact-checkers can’t come near me. I am like a full-blown disease zone to them. They can’t come near me. They can’t touch me. I am immune to all fact-checking. And then you have the haters, and my entire platform is One Stupid F-U-C-K.

[01:51:33] So that’s all a big joke. It’s a self-deprecating, antagonism-based branding that I created. It’s very unique. You can’t touch me. You can call me whatever you want. I’m just going to laugh. And then take whatever you said and publish it, and we’re all just going to laugh at you. I show everything. I show the definitions of everything.

[01:51:54] I go to the original all the time, constantly. If I can’t share the screen, I’m sweating. I know almost everything I know I’ve repeated it to myself like I’m some kind of lunatic over and over and over again, thousands and thousands of times while I’m brushing my teeth, and eating food, and walking around town.

[01:52:11] And I don’t even want to think about it. I’m like, no, no. I need to say this particular statute to myself 1,500 times so I can memorize it forever. What in God’s name? And then on top of that, now I litigate. I’m litigating against everybody under the sun, moon, stars, and I pull the litigation trigger like I’m the most trigger happy human being walking the earth.

[01:52:32] Nobody wants to come near me, bro. Nobody wants to come within a million miles of me. And I developed all this prior. I developed all this with that forethought in place. How am I going not to get deplatformed, and how am I going to get the younger audience, and how am I going to get a non-fact checked, and how am I going to get all these things that I just– some of the stuff I developed based off of those questions. And some of the stuff I developed just because a lot of what I do and how crazy I am by the definitions of words and what it all means and how it all puts together, that’s how I would wish somebody would’ve taught me too.

[01:53:11] It’s like gold and a rule kind of thing. Do unto others as you would like to be done unto you. I teach in the way that I wish somebody would’ve taught me. God, if I would’ve had this sort of an explanation and this sort of teaching style for myself, it would’ve been very life changing.

[01:53:31] Luke: Yeah. Well, I think that’s another– and that makes a lot of sense actually. You can’t really be fact checked if your facts are verifiable. That’s one piece. Another thing that I think is really cool about the way you’re presenting this information in your course specifically, and I’m someone that learns from listening and watching more so than reading, which makes this a little difficult for me because, really, you got to be quite a reader to really get this stuff.

[01:53:57] But in your course, I’m going through it, and I’m pausing as you’re screen sharing, showing how you fill out a certain document or not. I’m literally like, I have the document over here. I pause the video. I’m doing it. You’re showing a very tactical approach to this.

[01:54:15] It’s not just theoretical. I love that David Straight Utah video. But it’s very much an overview. It’s on the concepts, the history. It’s really beautiful information, but from– and I haven’t watched every single one. I probably threw three or four of those videos, but he’s not pausing and going, okay, we’re going to break out the DS-11 passport application.

[01:54:34] And this is how you fill it out. It’s like in your course, it’s literally step by step every single thing that you do if you’re someone that is feeling strongly about going in this direction. What I was going to bring up about that video though, that was interesting because you reminded me of Donald Trump, in that video, David Straight says, and I’m going to paraphrase, he says, oh, Donald Trump knows all of this stuff, this 14th Amendment stuff, US citizen, what we’ve been talking about today.

[01:55:04] And he says in the video that Donald Trump corrected his status in 2007, or whenever it was, and that he’s trying to actually get in office and expose this and shake things up, which I don’t know if that’s true or not. His last efforts at Operation Warp Speed were a dismal and very deadly failure in my opinion.

[01:55:25] Brandon:  Yeah, four years, all he had to do is just– here we are two hours and 16 seconds into this, and he could have told you all this, or even 1/10th of this, or even a tiny bit, or even just about naturalization. He could have told you any of this information if he knew it, and he didn’t. And I think that he doesn’t actually know a lot of this information.

[01:55:44] Luke: That’s the thing to me when it comes to politics. Now it’s all complete. And not that I believed in the of it anyway. It’s all theater and left and right. It’s like two masks on the same face. Now it’s so like white noise to me. Unless and until a politician comes forward and says, hey, let’s repeal the 14th Amendment. Let’s keep the 13th Amendment there so that no one can enslave anyone. Let’s nuke the 14th Amendment. Country fixed. To me, it’s that simple.

[01:56:15] Brandon: Well, check this out.

[01:56:16] Luke: And none of them talk about any of this. I love RFK Jr. He was on the show. I found him to be a very authentic, beautiful guy. I’ve really enjoyed my time. Went to his house. I spent half a day there. He was awesome. But he has a platform. He’s got a voice. He’s not talking about this.

[01:56:32] And he’s someone I would consider to be one of the more trustworthy of the people in the ring. No politicians will touch this. And I know some of them have to know it. So I’m just like, you’re white noise. You mean nothing to me until you start talking about this information publicly.

[01:56:49] Brandon: So first and foremost, I do not believe that Donald Trump is a bad person at all, not even in the slightest. I think he’s a very good person. I think he does care very, very much about a lot of things and a lot of people, and he does love humanity. And I think that RFK fits the same category.

[01:57:11] And I can only assume, because I think that Donald Trump has a huge monstrous breast, set of balls as well, so I can only assume that if he knew this information, everyone who finds out this information and learns this information in a coherent way, you couldn’t stop them from telling you if you had a gun in their mouth.

[01:57:32] Luke: 100%.

[01:57:34] Brandon: They’re telling their family, and their friends, and their job, and every single person that comes back to me says, everyone’s left my life. Everyone thinks I’m insane. I’ve lost all my friends, and my job, and my family. It’s always the same story. Because I went through the same thing.

[01:57:48] So you got to think. If he knew with how much he likes being in the limelight and how big his ball sack really is, you think he wouldn’t say something, even if it’s alluding to it? You don’t think he would say it in a way that might not be totally direct, but you don’t think he would say something about it? I don’t believe it.

[01:58:13] Luke: Yeah, yeah.

[01:58:14] Brandon: I don’t believe it.

[01:58:15] Luke: I know. That was my thought when I heard David Straight say that. I thought, man, how could he keep quiet about it? Because he’s not a man that has an easy time holding his tongue. You know what I mean?

[01:58:27] Brandon: That’s what I mean. And then just real quick, in 1967, I have it up on the screen here, but for the audio listeners, if you look in, and I don’t even really know how to even find this. Someone sent me this, which was mind blowing, but I’m going to go ahead and read this to you. So it’s a congressional record.

[01:58:45] It’s proceedings and debates of the 90th Congress. It’s the first session. It’s Volume 113, part 12, June 12th, 1967 to June 20th, 1967. This is page 15,641. It says here, the 14th Amendment. Is it a protection law or tool of usurpation?

[01:59:25] Luke: Whoa.

[01:59:26] Brandon: And they say, here– this is actually Congress. I’m going to stand up and get closer to the screen because I can’t fricking– can you read this?

[01:59:33] Luke: That’s tiny. It’s tiny on my end.

[01:59:35] Brandon: Let me see here. Oh, there we go. Sweet. “Whereas the reconstruction acts of Congress unlawfully overthrew their existing governments, removed their lawfully constituted legislatures by military force and replaced them with rump legislators, which carried out military orders and pretended to ratify the 14th Amendment.”

[02:00:10] Luke: Whoa.

[02:00:11] Brandon: This is Congress saying this.

[02:00:12] Luke: Whoa.

[02:00:14] Brandon: And we have here the 14th Amendment is unconstitutional. The purported 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution is and should be held to be ineffective, invalid, null, void, and unconstitutional for the following reasons. And then there’s reason number one.

[02:00:44] “The Joint Resolution proposing set Amendment was not submitted to or adopted by a constitutional Congress.” This is a bit above my head. I’m just going to read this, but I would need to go and dig into what all this means. Number two, “The Joint Resolution was not submitted to the president for his approval.”

[02:01:07] Number three, which is highlighted on this screen, three, “The proposed 14th Amendment was rejected by more than one fourth of all the states, then in the union, and it was never ratified by three-fourths of all the states and the union.” So the 14th Amendment is unique in a way that it doesn’t actually even effing exist.

[02:01:34] Luke: That’s insane, dude.

[02:01:35] Brandon: Not only does the 14th Amendment– I said that for a long time too. Oh, it needs to be pulled. It actually doesn’t. It actually is already non-existent. It needs to be acknowledged as already non-existent. Do you realize that the 14th Amendment was realized and acknowledged as non-existent? This is what would happen. The Federal Reserve Bank would disappear. The United States Citizen Classification would disappear. The FBI would disappear. The CIA would disappear. The police would disappear.

[02:02:17] Luke: Policy enforcers.

[02:02:18] Brandon: The United States Corporation would disappear. Everything would vanish. Now, what would we have left? If the 14th Amendment was acknowledged to have never been correctly, whatever, so basically through fraud, so it doesn’t actually exist even now, doesn’t actually exist at all, if it was simply acknowledged being in that condition, the condition of which it is, which is non-existent, we’d have the Wild West all over again. Boom. Instantaneously.

[02:02:47] You’d have the sheriff’s office, and you’d have national currency issued by each individual state. You’d have the California currency, you’d have the Utah currency, and those currencies would be stamped gold and silver coins. And banking would be reduced to almost non-existent. Instantly. Instantly.

[02:03:06] Every single person in all of North America would instantaneously regain all of their Bill of rights, all of their human rights, and the entire Constitution instantly. All concealed carry permits would instantly vanish, all serial numbers for firearms. Well, firearms won’t exist because if you look at the Second Amendment, it says nothing about firearms.

[02:03:28] Firearms is actually a corporate term. The correct term would be arms. So firearms would cease to exist entirely as a term in law. The only term that would apply at that point in time, from that point forward, is the term arms. The CFR would vanish. The USC would vanish. The UCC would vanish because I believe it’s only in America that they call it the UCC. It’s in other countries in other names.

[02:03:57] All of it would instantaneously, overnight, completely vanish. All the prisons would be emptied out except people who had swindled, murdered, harmed, stolen, crashed, drunk. Those would be the only things that would be left in the prison system. So 80, 90, 92, 94% of the entire prison system would be vacated instantaneously.

[02:04:23] Luke: All of the people found guilty of victimless crimes.

[02:04:27] Brandon: All of this would occur. And I always say the same thing. I don’t hate the FBI. I don’t hate the CIA. These people can go and they can work in the sheriff’s office. They can become sheriff’s deputies. And they can be very, very hard. And we can have this massive, humongous, gigantic sheriff’s office that’s very, very, very, very strong on victim crimes.

[02:04:52] Anywhere there’s a victim, you’ve got a swarm of huge burly men coming down on them with machine guns instantly. You can have that. You don’t need to just wipe out the FBI and wipe out the CIA and leave these people on the side of the road. You don’t need to do that. You can transfer all these people into the sheriff’s office, and they can operate as constitutional deputies. And they hear on the phone that grandma’s a victim of something, and they’re rolling 10 deep with a fucking SWAT truck. You know what I mean?

[02:05:22] It’s okay. That’s fine. Everyone would be happy with that. It’s like the fire department. The fire department doesn’t roll up all slow. No, they roll up 100 guys. There’s ladders. Everybody’s freaking out. They all these burly men. This fire needs to get taken out, and it needs to get taken out right now.

[02:05:42] If the sheriff’s office was massive and everybody from all these different agencies was all transferred into the sheriff’s office, they’re all bored sitting around. They get one call saying, grandma’s in trouble, and they’re crashing through the windows with machine guns and body armor.

[02:05:57] No one’s ever going to do anything to anybody anymore. And then very rapidly though, that kind of a situation is going to get boring for the sheriff’s office because then in about 10 minutes there’s not going to be any crime anymore because anybody hurts anybody else, and they’ve got 416 AR rifles in their mouth.

[02:06:14] So it’s a self-defeatist situation as well because then you take all those and you put them into the sheriff’s office, and then within two weeks, crime doesn’t exist anymore. Now what? Now what are they going to do? Now you got thousands and thousands and tens of thousands of guys that all want to have some fun and enjoy their thing, and they want crime because without crime, they don’t have no reason to exist.

[02:06:39] That’s going to be a weird situation. So it’s a self-defeating prophecy where, oh, yeah. Transfer all the FBI and the CIA into the sheriff’s office. Oh yeah, that’ll last about 10 minutes. But then at that point, you have a crimeless world.

[02:06:53] So it depends. It depends as a police officer or a sheriff because they’re two different things entirely. Sheriff’s on the unincorporated side, and police is on the corporate side, the commercial side. Do you really want a crimeless society? And if you had a crimeless society, would you be terribly bored?

[02:07:17] Like what you see in a lot of the old Wild West movies where the sheriff doesn’t really do much of anything. Because the thing is, is that if you repeal the 14th Amendment, that’s what you’re going to get. The 14th Amendment doesn’t already exist. So if you acknowledge the 14th Amendment as already not existing and remove its supposed illusionary ghost of it being existing, that’s what you’re going to get.

[02:07:45] Luke: Wild. Yeah. I’m thinking about the old West with the hangings in town square. When somebody murders someone, the whole town goes down to watch them hang, and crime starts to subside real quick.

[02:07:57] Brandon: That’s what you’re going to get, especially when you got 30,000 burly men with machine guns, and body armor, and cars. It’s not one guy on a horse with a six shooter. It’s a SWAT van, and body armor, and all this stuff. And they’re bored out of their mind, and they get a call, and they’re going to roll 35 deep on these people.

[02:08:15] It’s going to be horrifying. There’s not going to be one broken window on a car from here to Timbuktu. You’re going to have helicopters, and there’s like, oh, helicopters getting rushed on it. Might as well fire it up. You know what I mean? You want to talk about toxic masculinity?

[02:08:38] That’s masculinity. That’s what you’re going to get. You’re going to get one phone call, and you have an army coming down with these people, literally, a standing army coming down with these people. It’s not going to be the Wild West where you got one guy on horseback and he puts down his whiskey bottle to go roll across town and las with somebody.

[02:09:05] Especially if everyone from the CIA and FBI does get transferred into the sheriff’s office, it’s going to be crazy. There’s not going to be any crime. It’s just not going to exist anymore. Period. And then they’re going to get bored, and that’s not good. But that’s just how this is going to work, honestly.

[02:09:24] Luke: Well, the second I hear one politician AKA lawyer, because most of them are lawyers, come forward with this proposal, I’m on board. Unless and until then, I’m out. I’m really not interested. I’m interested in the work you’re doing and helping people become free. I want to ask you something real quick, and then we’ll start to wrap it up because there’s a whole other category of stuff that I’m going to get into when you come out here to Texas in the studio, like traveling in an automobile versus driving a motor vehicle, all that good stuff, debt, mortgages, all that.

[02:10:02] But the one thing for people listening that were programmed and indoctrinated into a false sense of morality, that paying your income taxes is a moral obligation, to use your obligation word again, would you explain to the listeners where our income tax actually goes and that it doesn’t go to build schools, and roads, and things that we would hope it would? Even people think it goes to Ukraine, and Israel, and foreign countries. It doesn’t even go there. So break that down because I find that really interesting.

[02:10:34] Brandon: It goes toward the national debt. Someone sent me the Grainger report or something like that. There’s even a report where they say that because the spending is so poor, a lot of it doesn’t even go to the interest on the debt. There’s basically zero accountability.

[02:10:52] It just basically just vanishes in thin air. It does not go to Ukraine. It does not go to all these things. It does not go to anything. State of California as a private corporation located in the District of Columbia, the Internal Revenue Service is a private corporation located in Puerto Rico.

[02:11:13] So if you believe that paying Federal Reserve notes, which are promissory notes– they’re not even real money. Real money is defined in Article 1 Section 10 of the Constitution as gold and silver coins.

[02:11:28] If you believe that Federal Reserve notes being transferred via a taxpayer to a private, non-governmental organization in Puerto Rico, which is a US territory, is now taking that money and then handing that money back to the private corporation called State of California so that the CEO named Gavin Newsom can take said money and use it to do whatever he’s going to do, I would need to see some evidence of that being the case because that does not sound very realistic to me, and the reports that I’ve seen do not indicate that at all.

[02:12:11] And if you believe that to be true, you should do a Freedom of Information Act request on that information. And if your Freedom of Information Act request is denied, you should be filing lawsuits with these organizations in order to get into what’s called discovery.

[02:12:29] When you are in a lawsuit and you get into discovery, you can ask all of these questions under penalty of perjury. And if the people you’re asking do not answer the questions, you can actually order the court to find them in contempt of court and they can be fined or imprisoned for not answering the questions.

[02:12:47] Now, if someone were to go onto discovery and ask these questions and proof were to be submitted to the fact that via a taxpayer, which is a person who is subject to any internal revenue tax, this Federal Reserve Notes, which are not money, you look in UCC 3-114, very, very clear that these notes, these promissory notes and bills of exchange are not money. It says it literally verbatim.

[02:13:17] If you believe that sending these non-money negotiable instruments via a taxpayer public corporation to a foreign non-governmental trust that behaves as though it is a government agency, whereas when you go on the internet, you type in is the IRS a government agency, and it’s very, very clear, even Google will tell you it is not a government agency.

[02:13:41] If you believe that those negotiable instruments or security is going to this private trust that’s located in an incorporated zone outside of what you would consider America, called Puerto Rico, is then turning around and transferring said securities to the private corporation located in the District of Columbia called State of California so that the private corporation called State of California, which is not even located where people think it’s located and has nothing to do with territorial boundaries of California Republic, is then going to now take said securities and negotiable instruments and use them in order to improve the living environments of that local area, that to me sounds like a delusional nightmare.

[02:14:26] Luke: It’s like the biggest shell game in history.

[02:14:33] Brandon: Yeah.

[02:14:33] Luke: It’s so much sleight of hand. It’s insane. And I think it this piece about taxes really plays on the inherent good in people. We all want to make a contribution to society. We don’t want to be selfish. We want to be giving. We want to support the less fortunate, and the poor, and disabled people that can’t take care of themselves.

[02:14:54] Any thinking, feeling person, of any moral character would want to contribute and help other people like most of us do. But that’s part of the manipulation that’s so insidious, is that’s not actually what’s happening. And you can see that by going to any city, especially blue cities and going downtown to Skid Row and watching the state of the poor people there that are suffering and aren’t being helped with our so-called tax dollars. So the whole thing is fraudulent.

[02:15:24] Brandon: And you start going down the nonprofit zones, and you start seeing all sorts of weird stuff with the nonprofits too. So I always recommend that if you really do– that’s one thing I like about the old country boys. I grew up in Indiana. If the road’s messed up, you buy a little something, you buy a little tar, you buy a little whatever it is at the store, and you head out there, and it’s the men, obviously. It’s a masculine thing. You pour a little whatever it is in there, and you scrape, scrape, scrape it, and you push it across, and you put up a couple of little orange cones, and that’s it. The road’s fixed now.

[02:16:00] Luke: Right, right. So I want to leave people with some links for you. We’re going to put all this stuff at So Brandon’s site, you guys, is quite hilarious, and it’s funny that the content is so serious in its nature, law, obviously, as you guys figured out by listening to this.

[02:16:19] But his site is His site is hilarious and also just really rich with valuable information. So if you guys found some of this intriguing, inspiring, you want to learn more, I highly recommend that you go there. And if you’re serious about this, sign up for his free course, the Contract Killers course.

[02:16:40] I’m in it, like I said a couple of times here tonight. And I am thoroughly enjoying it. To take something that is this dry and boring and make it entertaining is a real feat. So I want to congratulate you on that.

[02:16:52] It’s not the type of hour to hour and a half videos I would normally be able to watch and not fall asleep, but you bring so much levity and humor and just fun to it that. It’s actually really fun to learn this stuff, especially if you know what the possible rewards at the end of the rainbow are.

[02:17:11] If one was to implement this stuff and do so responsibly and not just go Wild West about it, but really be mindful and learn as you go and take certain steps, it’s extremely life changing information. So I want to make sure that people go check that out.

[02:17:30] Also, you’ve got your law firm now, Williams & Williams, and I think the last podcast I listened to of yours, you said, well, I’m overwhelmed studying and putting out content, and I’m full of clients. I’m sure there’s going to be a lot of people listening that are like, yeah, I want to do this, but I want you to hold my hand, or as you say, hold my phallus on your content.

[02:17:56] I think that people need to realize, and you can answer what your capacity is for helping people or people that want to hire you. But I think the way you’re putting out such a mass amount of high quality, high value information that people are beholden to digest that information because most of the questions and handholding, I’m assuming, and this has been the case for me, I’ve texted you a couple of times and asked you questions, and then I look like in the videos that I haven’t watched yet, and I’m like, oh shit.

[02:18:29] He covers that in number 27. I just got to finish the damn video. So I’ll stop bugging you. But I would recommend to people, if they’re interested, to really finish that course before trying to blow you up for questions you’ve already answered ad nauseum in your content. And I know how that is because I produce, two, three-hour podcasts once a week.

[02:18:49] I’ve been doing that for eight years. And people will hit me up on Instagram and be like, what’s the best water filter? And I’m like, ah, dude, that’s why I put out these exhaustive deep, dive podcasts. So I usually just send people the podcast. I’m like, your answer is here and enjoy. And obviously I’m happy to help people, but I’m sure that you find a lot of the questions you get from people that want your direct help are already answered in all of the content you put out that.

[02:19:19] Brandon: Yeah. I have a lot of shows, and I have stuff over here, and I have stuff over here, and I have stuff all over the place. And I’m about ready to make a update video, which is going to be placed right after video 11. And I will make an announcement to the whole email list, is huge, 36,000 people.

[02:19:36] I will make an announcement, and it’s going to be a bunch of updates to some of the things like, for example, the fact that I have an explanatory statement available now, the fact that I have my own revocation of election, which is now free, that can be used instead of the Form 56, which is what I use in the course to revoke that election that you made to be treated as a US resident for the purposes of determining your income tax liability from 26 CFR 187-1.

[02:20:07] 456 is what I talk about how to use in the course, but the revocation of election affidavit document that I now give away for free, which is pretty new, in my opinion, is a better choice. So I’m going to be making a video just updating some things. I’m going to place it after video 11. I’ve got a bunch of notes here in my little pack.

[02:20:25] I’m just making sure I have everything I want to say nailed down. But I try to do whatever I can, and explain whatever I can, and make updates, and make things, and as we go. And then what I’m working on now is the pro se litigant course, which is going to be released probably later this year.

[02:20:43] I don’t know how late. It depends. We got to get a couple of big Ws on these, couple of big wins on these cases. And then I’m going to be teaching everyone how to, all by yourself, no lawyer, nothing. You don’t even need any money upfront, literally, how to do it even for free. I’m going to teach you that too.

[02:21:04] Full-blown litigation, A to Z, no money down, no lawyer required. Anything you want, go after anybody you want. That’s going to be the pro se litigate course. And that course is also going to be free, so yeah.

[02:21:21] Luke: And what’s going on with your Williams & Williams, your upper and lowercase dual identity, your law firm? Are you guys working with people in this capacity or– I’m sure people are going to want to know that. Like, cool, I’ll study all this stuff, but I want help. Do you even do that, or are you at capacity at this point?

[02:21:42] Brandon: So I can show you real quick. So this is We have the current and previous litigation page. If you go down, I have the various cases that I’m working on, and then I have a link to the PDF files associated with the various complaints and civil cover letters and summons so you can actually see everything we’re doing.

[02:22:05] And then people don’t realize if you go to PACER, which is for federal cases, if you go to, you can actually open up a free account, and you can actually search for cases. People don’t realize this. All cases and everything going on in these cases, and all the things that are being filed in these cases is all completely public information.

[02:22:34] And you can download it and print it, and you can do whatever you want. These are not private. Every once in a while, maybe there’ll be a– I don’t involve myself in child cases, but if you have a child involved and there’s certain laws against the information of the trial being published, specific filings into a court case may be considered private and may not be available on the PACER app, but 90%, especially of the stuff that we’re doing, almost everything is all public and available to be downloaded.

[02:23:04] So I just to make it easy. I have the PDF of the summons, and the complaint, and all the good stuff available right here for download for free. And then if you want to follow the cases, tremendous amounts of action is occurring. And my first case, the second, third case, are new and then my American Express case, which is going to be massive and people are really excited about seeing it, I just sent it off in the mail yesterday.

[02:23:33] I should have a case number within four or five days, and then that will get trumpeted through my email list and everywhere else. And everyone’s very excited to see that. So if you would like to see all the original documents of what we’re doing, you can download those for free from

[02:23:49] If you would like to follow along and see all of the tremendously hilarious activities of lawyers trying to intimidate my clients and complain that I am a sovereign citizen and flail around like children, you can see that in the PACER app, and you can look up the various case numbers, and you can follow along. Very exciting. I consider this, and I hear a lot of my people say that it’s more exciting than television, which I agree 100%. I think it’s more exciting than television. And to answer your question, I’m not really taking on a whole lot of people right now.

[02:24:21] We have a few clients, a bunch of cases for each client. I got a few clients that I’m onboarding, and then I have a lot of my own stuff. I’m trying to make time for all of my own stuff. I have so many things I want to file. And if you look here at how litigation works, there’s a breakdown of exactly how all of it works and exactly how we take on our clients and exactly what kind of clients we do accept.

[02:24:49] And then if you would like more information as to how is this legal and how can this even exist, and are you even a lawyer, and like, oh my God, this is the craziest thing I’ve ever seen? You can go to the questions and answers section where I answer all of those questions in great detail. And I have all of the definitions, and I have ideas, and the two types of attorney and what those mean and how they’re established.

[02:25:14] And are you a member of the bar, and are you practicing in state of California? And a lot of the information on this podcast is here, but it’s very, very good. And then one last thing I would like to actually share is on my YouTube channel. Let me stop sharing for just a moment. I have a few.

[02:25:35] It’s also the three pinned videos on my Instagram profile, which is @one.stupid.F-U-C-K. If you go to my YouTube channel, let me just see here, there are three videos that are only 10 minutes long. Let me show you those. Those are my favorite because if anybody–

[02:25:58] Luke: Infinite money, baby.

[02:26:00] Brandon: Yeah.

[02:26:00] Luke: Oh, man. Mind blowing.

[02:26:01] Brandon: So here’s the problem. You’re going to want to go, and you’re going to learn all this information, and you’re going to run around and try to tell everybody, and they’re all going to tell you you’re the most insane POS they’ve ever seen in our life.

[02:26:10] Okay, now, the way to handle that is I have this video here, how to have infinite money in less than 10 minutes. I have this video here, how to legally operate any car, motorcycle, etc., without smog, or a license, or whatever. 10-minute video. And then I have how to legally never pay taxes again in 10 minutes.

[02:26:28] Okay. Now, if you go on my Instagram, those three videos are the three pinned videos. If you go on my TikTok, those three videos are the pinned videos. Facebook, I only have just the infinite money video pinned because you can only pin one video. These are by far the best things to show people that you would like to share this information with, but you just don’t think you know enough and you don’t think you could capture their attention for several hours, which is a lot of what a lot of my other material is.

[02:27:01] The 10-minute videos are funny. They’re super fun. They’re super lighthearted, and they’re just so insane that I can– they were like flags in the ground. It’s like, if I can explain this stuff to someone that’s never heard of any of this in less than 10 minutes, I’ve really, really nailed it. I could just take a jury.

[02:27:22] I don’t care who the jury is, where they come from, age range, race, I could care less. I’m winning the case. For me it was that 10-minute mark. So I personally think that those videos are huge for the movement. I think they’re huge for what we’re doing, and I think they’re huge for people trying to share this information without being killed by their friends and family.

[02:27:48] Luke: I agree. I agree. Yeah. There is a lot of blank stares when you start to share this information with people. It’s just like right over the top of the head. But those are great videos. I highly recommend that. We’ll put them all in the show notes at Well, man, this has been enlightening, inspiring, super fun.

[02:28:10] I’ve been looking forward to this for a while, and I can’t wait to get you out here to Texas, man. I know you’re going to go on Alec’s show, The Way Forward, and you’re going to come over here. And we have a great group here, man, in Austin of like-minded folks, some buddies of mine and everyone’s starting to learn about this and become really interested and take some action.

[02:28:29] So it’s really exciting. This is the first thing in, I don’t know, maybe ever that I’ve actually seen as a viable way to really improve your life substantially. And to do so in a legal way that is devoid also of any– this isn’t a eff the government movement. This is like, we’re going to peacefully coexist with you.

[02:28:51] You guys do your thing in the District of Columbia and in the United States, and a group of us are just going to go do our own thing and go old school, United States of America. There’s a sense of diplomacy and peacefulness that actually feels really good to my nervous system.

[02:29:07] As someone who’s been eff the man my whole life, it’s like, wow, what if I just go my own way and forge my own path and allow them to keep doing whatever it is they want to do and just not participate in it. It’s a much more, I think, mentally healthy approach to it.

[02:29:24] And I really appreciate that. That’s where you’re coming from with this. And it’s really not subversive, or it’s not even rebellious. It’s just we talked about earlier, taking responsibility for your life and making different choices that are available. And I think it’s just a matter of educating people that there are other choices that are available for those that choose to pursue them.

[02:29:47] So man, thank you so much for being here. Thank you for all the work you’re doing. It’s super fun. I haven’t been this jazzed about something in quite a long time, so I’m excited.

[02:29:56] Brandon: I love it. Yeah, it’s good stuff, man. I’m the same way. I’m a freak, so it is what it is.

[02:30:02] Luke: You Sure.

[02:30:03] Brandon: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

[02:30:04] Luke: All right. Well, I’ll see you in a few weeks, my friend.

[02:30:06] Brandon: Awesome. Thank you so much, Luke.


Connect with Brandon Joe Williams at law firm website | state national theory website

Connect with Luke Storey

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The Manchester Arena False Flag — Richard D. Hall Deserves Our Support 

The Manchester Arena False Flag
Richard D. Hall Deserves Our Support 

by Iain Davis
March 1, 2024


Richard D. Hall is an independent investigative journalist and documentary film maker who has gone further than any other journalist to examine the evidence surrounding the alleged 2017 Manchester Arena bombing. If we look at the evidence, which is the only way to ascertain the truth, the Manchester Arena bombing was, in my view, a false flag.

The official Manchester Arena Bombing narrative asserts the following as “fact.”

On 22nd of May 2017, 22 people were killed by a 22 year old Islamist terrorist Salman Abedi who committed suicide when he detonated his TATP (triacetone triperoxide) backpack bomb at around 22.30. The bomb detonated just after Ariana Grande ended her set following the conclusion of her 22nd song.

Initially 59 people were reportedly injured, 38 directly by the bomb. By 2018 it was more than 800. The majority must have been injured in the stampede and this significantly increased number includes those psychologically traumatised by the event.

Among those initially injured were Ruth Murrell, Martin Hibbert and his daughter Eve. Martin was reportedly struck by 22 pieces of shrapnel.

The terrorist, Salman Abedi, was known to the intelligence agencies and was considered a to be among a tiny group of individuals, marked as a “subjects of interest” (SOI), who “merited further examination.” Despite being “of interest,” Abedi frequently flew back and forth between the Libya and the UK, passing numerous UK border check without issue.

This appeared to be the continuation of the “open door policy” the UK government had with the terrorist members of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) which was linked to al Qaeda. In a subsequent 2018 parliamentary written statement, Alistair Burt MP wrote:

​During the Libyan conflict in 2011 the British Government was in communication with a wide range of Libyans involved in the conflict against the Qaddafi regime forces. It is likely that this included former members of Libyan Islamic Fighting Group and 17 February Martyrs’ Brigade, as part of our broad engagement during this time.

Members of the LIFG Islamist terrorist group, including Salman Abedi’s father, Ramadan Abedi—also known as Abu Ismail—and their families were settled in the UK from where they could plan and coordinate attacks in Libya. Salman grew up in Fallowfield, Manchester among the UK-based Islamist terrorist community.

As a teenager, Salman joined terrorist operations in Libya during the school holidays. A very frequent flyer, he arrived back in the UK from Libya, via a stopover in Germany, just four days before the alleged attack. As usual, no one questioned him.

Richard D. Hall has “questioned” the official narrative of the Manchester Arena bombing in its entirety.

Following his extensive and diligent research, Hall subsequently published his book “Manchester: the Night of The Bang” in 2020. He released an accompanying film.

Hall reported, in both the book and the film, a significant body of evidence that strongly suggests the official account of the Manchester Arena bombing is false. He has continued to conduct his research and added further evidence since publication.

For me, that body of evidence is compelling and shows the official State narrative of the Manchester Arena bombing is not true. The evidence indicates it was a false flag operation conducted by the UK state or elements within the UK state. I reserve the right to maintain my opinion until someone can show me some evidence to change my mind.

There is no evidence in the official account that leads me to believe Manchester was not a false flag. The official account is not plausible and I have no reason to accept it.

Hall has clearly demonstrated, to anyone that actually familiarises themselves with his work, that the official narrative is constructed from a partial record of the evidence. Virtually none of the evidence reported by Hall has been discussed or examined in any depth by either the authorities or the legacy media (LM). Any conclusion that does not account for all of the evidence is questionable. A conclusion based upon an investigation that ignores or deliberately evades evidence is meaningless.

The Establishment simply insists you believe whatever it tells you about Manchester without discussing, or even acknowledging, the bulk of the evidence. Hall is the only named journalist to have reported the information otherwise excluded from public discourse. For doing so, he has been attacked by the entire UK legacy media and faces bankruptcy in the courts.

One of the reported victims of the Manchester Arena bang, Martin Hibbert, has lodged a civil claim against Hall alleging that Hall’s investigative journalism amounts to harassment and GDPR breaches. Hall has shown evidence that strongly suggests the BBC were instrumental in instigating the case against him.

Mr Martin Hibbert

In an interview aired on ITV’s Good Morning Britain (GMB), Martin Hibbert spoke about his relationship with Andy Burnham, the mayor of Manchester. Mr Hibbert stated that if he wins the case against Hall, he, Burnham and his legal team are seeking to use the ruling to push for the creation of a new criminal offence.

Hibbert and his supporters want to make it illegal to question any reported victim account of an alleged terrorist attack. If enacted, it will ensure that no investigative journalist can ever question State narratives about terror events. Once on the statute books, it is highly likely that the offence will be extended to prohibit the questioning of other State narratives, wherever it is claimed someone was harmed. Murder, for example.

At no stage did GMB question anything Mr Hibbert said. They noted that the case against Hall was ongoing, but then allowed Martin Hibbert to make a series of unchallenged, false claims about Hall. Thus, further jeopardising Hall’s defence.

The GMB interview appeared to contravene Sections 5 and 7 of the OFCOM Code. Some people have submitted complaints to OFCOM. An example of the kind of complaints raised can be read HERE. If you are satisfied that the interview breached OFCOM regulations, perhaps you might consider submitting something similar yourself.

The UK High Court of Justice has issued a summary judgment in Hall’s case. High Court Master Davison decided that all of the evidence we are about to discuss was “farcical” or “preposterous” and ruled it inadmissible. Hall cannot present key evidence in his own defence.

Journalism and its ability to question power is directly threatened by the civil action brought against Richard D. Hall. Yet virtually no legacy media nor independent media outlet, with a couple of notable exceptions, is seemingly willing to publish anything that broaches this issue or defends either Hall or his work.

A possible injunction could see all of Hall’s research and the evidence he has reported removed from the internet. His books will be burned. It seems obvious that the UK state is determined to silence Hall but, more importantly, to hide and destroy the evidence he has reported.

The UK government, the compliant legacy and many in the so-called independent media have reported a Manchester Arena “story,” primarily based upon witness testimony. The official narrative is largely anecdotal and there is a dearth of physical evidence corroborating any of it.

As Hall showed, the State’s relied upon witness testimonies are contradictory and many are not consistent with the authorities’ yarn.

For example, Hall reported the published witness testimonies of the 21 eyewitnesses who say they saw the explosion. Ten described a bright flash or orange light or fireball when it occurred and five described smoke. TATP, the explosive allegedly used, does not emit either light or smoke when it explodes.

At the subsequent public inquiry into the Manchester Arena bang—the Saunders Inquiry—paramedic Simon Butler testified that he “treated” survivors for more than three hours but added “I didn’t see a patient actively bleeding.”

Hall discovered and reported that the first people to respond to 22 dying and 38 seriously injured people in the City Room were Manchester Arena medical staff. To give you some sort of unpleasant mental image of what they supposedly faced—according to the official account—the blast was so immense that Salman Abedi’s dismembered head and torso were flung more than 160 feet through the air to land near the Victoria Station ticket stall.

Hall has provided photographic evidence—not shown at the inquiry—of the Manchester Arena medical team leaving the Arena, immediately after working in the bloodbath. They didn’t have any blood on them. Perhaps they had time to wash it off and get changed or perhaps they “didn’t see a patient actively bleeding” either.

Manchester Arena Medics leaving the Arena after being the first to respond to a bloodbath where 22 people were slaughtered and 38 seriously injured


Hall has scrutinised every single available image and CCTV frame offered as “official evidence” of what happened that night. He even created an online tool to enable anyone else to peruse the images. Which is highly recommended.

He reports, and I agree:

There are no CCTV images that show any deceased victim or seriously injured victim in the City Room or anywhere else in the Arena.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence but, following a major terrorist bombing that supposedly killed 22 people and directly injured at least 38 more, any reasonable person would expect to see some physical evidence that a bombing had, in fact, occurred. None, nada, zilch, showing anything remotely corroborative of the official account has ever been shown anywhere.

There is no publicly available, physical evidence of a large TATP bomb, packed with metal shrapnel, detonating in the City Room. To ignore this and maintain that the official story is beyond doubt, is utterly ridiculous.

The physical evidence reported by Hall has not been acknowledged by anyone who claims the Manchester Arena bombing happened as described by the authorities. It seems likely that it has been ignored because it completely contradicts and wholly undermines everything we are supposed to believe about the Manchester Arena bombing.

Perhaps the most absurd pieces of evidence analysed by Hall is the Nick Bickerstaff video. Widely reported by the legacy media, the selfie-video shows Bickerstaff, supposedly searching for his daughter, having just seen the devastation in the City Room.

Unlike the legacy media, Hall took the time to analyse and investigate the clip. He provided verifiable evidence that proved the Bickerstaff footage was filmed before the explosion occurred. In the video, Bickerstaff said there were people in the City Room who were “bashed to bits.” This clearly indicated that Bickerstaff was relaying foreknowledge of the alleged Manchester Arena bombing.

Nick Bickerstaff: Filming himself searching for his daughter having just witnessed a bombing that hasn’t happened yet.

Hall interviewed John Barr. Barr was an eyewitness who was in the City Room within four minutes of the explosion. This was 40 minutes before the first paramedic arrived and the only medical first-responders on the scene at that time—according to the official account—were the Manchester Arena medical staff, who, apparently, weren’t bloodstained by their ordeal.

John Barr filmed the scene and posted it on social media. Barr possessed a documentary record of the physical evidence observable in the immediate aftermath of a major terrorist attack. Barr was not invited to testify at the subsequent inquiry and his footage was not entered into evidence or examined.

To be clear: the Barr footage captured the scene inside the Arena Foyer (City Room) less that four minutes after the alleged explosion.

We are told that a terrorist had just detonated a massive TATP suicide bomb that sprayed deadly shrapnel over a wide area, scything through a densely packed crowd. It killed 22 people and severely injured at least 38 more. Nearly all of those 60 people would still have been in the City Room when Barr shot the footage.

So let’s consider what we can see on the John Barr video, as reported by Richard D. Hall.



Of course, what we think we see and what we imagine we see is entirely subjective. But let me briefly describe what I don’t see.

I don’t see 22 people killed by a bomb. I don’t see 38 people seriously injured by a bomb. I do not see dismembered tissue nor anywhere near enough blood to corroborate the story we are given.

I don’t see any notable panic nor, indeed, any frenetic activity at all. I don’t see anyone attempting any kind of emergency medical procedure.

I don’t see “any” structural damage.


Plate glass doors to the City Room: What sort of massive explosion is incapable of cracking even a single pane of glass?


Now please allow me to say what I do see.

I see people stood around amiably chatting. I see entirely intact paper posters and flimsy merchandise stalls—supposedly located close to the epicenter of the blast—that have not sustained any damage at all. I see completely undamaged and fully operational lighting. I see intact glass panel doors. I see unmarked walls.

I see a Ruth Murrell, who supposedly just had a bolt blown through her right leg, walking with ease in high heels, without even a limping, bringing her full weight to bear on her right leg. I see Ruth’s jeans, without any damage, despite a shrapnel supposedly passing through them. I see what looks like some minor “bleeding” that I suspect is fake.

I see too few people lying on the ground and what appears to be some limited moulage. I see an event that looks practically identical to the fake mass shooting and suicide bombing that occurred in Manchester’s Old Trafford Shopping Center one year prior, almost precisely, to the alleged Manchester Arena bombing.

I see a simulation of a terrorist attack. I see a training exercise. I see crisis actors. I see a hoaxed false flag.


Scene inside the City Room? No, this is the Old Trafford Center on the 16/05/2016.


Were this the only evidence that Hall had reported it would be enough, in my view, to cast significant doubt on the official narrative. But this is just one tiny slither of the evidence he has tried to draw to public attention.

Taken from his latest video covering the court case, the claimant’s media statements and the alleged Manchester Arena bombing, let’s just consider a few more examples of the evidence Hall has unearthed.

Richard D. Hall reported:

Evidence in witness testimony [given to the Saunders Inquiry] from the emergency services suggests emergency services did not act in a normal fashion and were deliberately inhibited by their chains of command. British Transport Police were kept out of the City Room until after the blast [emergency response was concluded] despite it being standard practice for them to be there to help manage egress from the concert. Greater Manchester Police, who arrived 15 minutes after the blast, did not establish any chain of command with the senior officer at the scene throughout the emergency response period and did not declare a major incident. [. . .] [The whole police response] was isolated from any control outside [of the City Room].

As has been widely reported elsewhere, Hall also highlights the “bizarre” decision to direct Fire Service crews from their station located near the Arena to a rendezvous point two miles further away. Thus moving them three miles away from the building, where a bomb had supposedly exploded, and keeping them there for two hours. Apparently, they weren’t needed.

If that makes no sense, the ambulance response is mind-bending. Consider what we are told about the horrific scale of this alleged terrorist attack.

Hall reported:

North West Ambulance Service was only allowed to send three paramedics to attend a scene with 60+ alleged casualties, two of the paramedics arriving 44 minutes after the blast despite there being four more hazardous trained area paramedic on-site. Eight of the first trained people to respond at the scene—the Arena medical staff—were not interviewed by the public inquiry.

Hall reported the statements of key paramedics and doctors who attended the scene. Paddy Ennis, Dan Smith, Christopher Hargreaves, Joanne Hedges, Dr Edward Tunn and Helen Motram. All of them stated that it was not their role to treat any dying or injured people and they testified that they did not treat “any.”

Hall reported that Greater Manchester Police (GMP) inspector Mike Smith and British Transport Police (BTP) Constable Dale Allcock, testified that a member of the public reported seeing an Asian male—matching Abedi’s officially reported appearance on the night—place a rucksack in the City Room before running out of the Arena. This reported sighting was confirmed by Operational Firearms Commander Edward Richardson.

Hall has presented evidence that the Saunders inquiry entered incorrectly time-stamped still images into the public inquiry. The inquiry stated they were taken 1 second before the “blast” but Hall has convincingly shown it is highly likely they were taken 30 seconds prior to detonation. This apparent 30 second gap possibly indicates an attempt to hide what happened in the City Room in the immediate moments before the bang. Did the missing CCTV images show Abedi fleeing?

In short, there is no solid evidence supporting the official narrative of the alleged Manchester Arena Bombing. It is notable only for its absence. Richard D. Hall has investigated, collated and reported the hard, verifiable evidence that casts immense doubt on the official Manchester Arena “story.”

This brings us to the most contentious aspect of Hall’s findings. People allegedly died and many were injured. Clearly, Ruth Murrell’s account of the injuries she sustained is extremely dubious.

The evidence presented by Hall indicates that the Manchester Arena bombing was a false flag. Evidence, such as the John Barr video, also suggests the possibility that it was a simulated or “hoaxed” false flag. Thus, the potential seemingly exists that no one died and no one was injured in the City Room on 22nd May 2017.

Therefore, with the information he had already uncovered in hand, Hall set about investigating the claimed deaths and injuries. He did so knowing what an immense risk he was taking. Few journalists have the guts to even contemplate undertaking such an investigation.

I will not explore the perfectly plausible theories that Hall presented in his book potentially accounting for many of the deaths and the injuries. Suffice to say, in my view, the Manchester Arena terrorist attack was a hoax and the claimed deaths and injuries cannot simply be accepted as proven facts without further investigation.

But no one, and I mean no one, wants to hear that.

The notion that the state could fake such an attack is hard enough for most people to swallow. Although some awareness of the State’s long history of using false flag terror might help overcome this strain of cognitive dissonance. As would some knowledge of the crisis actor industry.

What people blankly refuse to consider is that the State would ever claim deaths and injuries happened when they either didn’t or transpired as a result of unrelated events. The State habitually lies to us about pretty much everything, so why people find this impossible to even contemplate is hard to say, though we can speculate.

Lives lost to terrorist attacks, especially children’s, have a significant emotional impact upon us. When the entire legacy media constantly reinforces the emotions elicited by those reported deaths, if convinced by this, we run the risk of basing our comprehension of politically significant terrorist attacks on nothing but emotion, rather than on the evidence.

It is the alleged deaths and injuries that renders questioning the event unthinkable for the vast majority. Reported deaths and injuries are essential if you are going to convince an entire nation that a large-scale terrorist attack struck a city like Manchester. Especially if you haven’t got any other evidence to substantiate your claim.

We know that the UK state has been actively involved in terrorism that killed civilians. It doesn’t care about our lives. Begging the question why bother with a hoaxed false flag? Why not use a real bomb?

Again, we can only speculate.

The hoaxed false flag inevitably draws researchers to conclude that the reported deaths didn’t happen. We have seen a slew of court cases, on both sides of the Atlantic, focus upon the highly emotive and controversial claim that no one died. As the public is wholeheartedly convinced that this is an egregious and despicable slur on the memories of those who perished, juries and benches are predisposed to find these researchers guilty of defamation or harassment. Based on their emotions, few would question such rulings.

This, in turn, supports the State’s assertion that measures need to be taken to stop the so-called “conspiracy theorists” making such outrageous claims and spreading supposed disinformation and “hatred.” The United Nations is using this claim as justification for its proposed global Cybercrimes Treaty. Once signed, every signatory nation will pass laws to stop the sharing of any information that “may have an adverse impact on States, enterprises and the well-being of individuals and society.”

Is the hoaxed false flag an effective honey trap? Is the intention to lure independent journalists and researchers into exposing apparently fake deaths and then capitalise on the resultant outrage, using the media, public opinion and the courts to seemingly legitimise laws to end free speech?

If people are genuinely killed that leaves grieving families who will never let go of seeking the truth. If they aren’t, if the participants have signed some sort of enforceable contract or have been coerced in some way, this is less likely.

For example, the families of the 9/11 victims are still pursuing the US government, not to examine alleged “failures” of intelligence, as is often the case, but to ascertain what actually happened.

It should be noted that some of the families of the Manchester Arena attack are also seeking answers. While there is no questioning of the event itself, many want to know more about the apparent intelligence failures.

In truth we don’t know why a hoax was evidently favoured for the Manchester Arena false flag. Investigating State crimes without being censored or prosecuted or worse, is extremely difficult and high risk. By its nature, the evidence is not easy to gather. Often, we are left with questions and not many answers.

But questions can be well informed and rooted in the evidence. In the case of Manchester, certainly the questions posed by Hall’s work are founded firmly upon the solid evidence he has reported.

Hall would be the first to admit he doesn’t have all the answers. His work is not beyond dispute and it should be critically evaluated. The only way to start doing that is to appraise yourself of it.

“Appeal to emotion” is both a logical fallacy and a propaganda technique. Our emotions are subjective feelings and do not constitute evidence. If we care about the truth we must pursue the evidence and nothing but the evidence. That is what Richard D. Hall has done.

We may not like his conclusions and they may not be entirely correct, but the evidence he has reported is more than enough to determine that the official account of the Manchester Arena bombing is false. A reported victim of the bombing is now pursuing Hall through the courts—supported by politicians, the legacy media and a very expensive legal team—with a view to establishing a law that could end any possibility of questioning State fabricated terror events or any State narrative relating to harm supposedly caused.

So powerful are our emotions that even so-called independent media journalists either can’t see beyond them or use “appeal to emotion” as if it were a rational argument.

Richie Allen

In a recent podcast [go to 28:36] about Hall’s case and his Manchester work, independent radio host, Richie Allen, focused almost exclusively on the emotions surrounding the Manchester Bombing to largely discredit Hall’s work. Listening to the podcast is recommended because Allen neatly packaged the “appeal to emotion” propaganda, used by the legacy media to dissuade anyone from looking at the evidence Hall reported, in his podcast.

Saying that he hadn’t read Hall’s book and that he wasn’t overly familiar with his work, Allen nonetheless felt he was sufficiently well informed to pontificate on the evidence he presumably knew nothing about. He said Hall wasn’t a “real” journalist and stated that Hall didn’t have any evidence to back up his claims. Apparently, according to Allen, none of the evidence reported by Hall—discussed in this article—exists.

Richie Allen acknowledged many of the anomalies in the official narrative. He conceded that hoaxed false flags have happened before, he even mentioned the Nick Bickerstaff video. Allen said he was “at a loss” to understand it and that it was “one of the most bizarre” things he had ever reported. Had Allen read Hall’s analysis he might have been able to understand that the Bickerstaff video demonstrates foreknowledge of an alleged terrorist attack.

Allen offered an anecdote—told to him by a friend—about injured people being treated on the night as “evidence” that proved everything Hall has investigated and reported is baseless. He called Hall’s work “bollocks.”

When the bangs were heard, as shown in numerous TV reports, the crowd panicked and a stampede ensued. Thanks to Hall’s investigative journalism, this is is one of the reasons we can deduce that the Bickerstaff video was shot before the bang. The absence of the warning sirens heard in the Barr footage being another.

Thirty eight people were reportedly treated for injuries caused by a bomb. Many hundreds were reportedly treated for injuries that were not caused by a bomb.

Evidently, this hasn’t crossed Allen’s mind. He apparently assumes that all treated injuries were incurred as the direct result of bomb blast shrapnel.

Allen insisted that the victims were killed by a bomb because funerals were held which mourners attended. Of course, a funeral is not evidence demonstrating how, when or where a person died. Although Allen found it substantive.

Allen noted that many of the funerals had been covered extensively by the legacy media. He said that the people who attended the funerals believed they were saying their last goodbye to someone they cared about. While Hall has questioned some funeral attendees, he has never suggested that the majority of the mourners weren’t genuine, despite Allen telling his listeners that he did.

When his guest, Nick Kollestrom, highlighted the John Barr video (above), Allen speculated that it might show some sort of “hybrid event.” He proffered that there could have been both a real terrorist attack and a fake one which were, coincidentally, identical. Presumably, Ruth Murrell, a prominent “injured” survivor of the Manchester Arena bombing, just happened to attend both simultaneously—if Allen’s off the cuff hybrid theory is to be believed.

Ultimately, by focusing upon nothing but the emotions evoked by Hall’s claims, Allen effectively, indeed overtly, endorsed the High Court claim made against Hall. He stated, without offering any evidence, that Hall had, in some way, harassed the claimants, primarily it seems by questioning their personal accounts and seeking evidence to verify how, where and when they sustained their injuries.

Allen asked what was in it for the claimants in Hall’s case. What could they possibly gain from challenging Hall?

Richard D. Hall is being sued for £50K plus costs. Richie Allen is very well known “journalist” in the “independent media” which he frequently castigates as the “truther industrial complex.”

Richard D. Hall has uncovered the evidence that clearly indicates Manchester was a hoaxed false flag. If I am honest with myself, and if you also find his evidence compelling, then this leaves us with no choice but to agree with Hall that the reported deaths and injuries were not caused by a bomb that exploded in the Manchester Arena City Room at approximately 22.30 on the 22nd May 2017.

This is Hall’s specific allegation. He does not assert that no one died or that none of the claimed injuries are real. He suspects that some of the alleged deceased didn’t die and that some people’s injuries are fake. His only assertion, in this regard, is that no one died or sustained injuries as a direct result of Salman Abedi detonating a bomb in the Manchester Arena.

Like Hall, I don’t know what happened to those people. Hall has looked at the evidence and suggested some possible explanations. He has also presented more than enough high quality, verifiable evidence to question the State’s narrative and that includes questioning the stories we have been told about the alleged deaths and injuries. We have every right to ask those questions and to seek the answers.

Any personal offence caused is an unfortunate consequence of asking perfectly legitimate questions. Being offended is no reason to silence those questions.

Hall has requested that the claimants in his case provide the medical records that show where and when they sustained their injuries. He has asked the High Court to provide the moving CCTV footage that places the claimants in the Arena. The claimants say they have seen these images, as have their solicitor and an unnamed family liaison officer apparently. So all we have to “prove” these images exist is hearsay.

Reviewing this alleged medical and CCTV evidence in the High Court would categorically demonstrate that Hall’s theories about the claimants are wrong. You would imagine that the claimants would be eager to submit it themselves. Instead, the claimants have successfully obtained a summary judgement enabling them to avoid providing that evidence. It is not unreasonable to ask why they would do this?

Richard D. Hall’s Manchester book and all his films are freely available to the public from his Richplanet website. If you want to support Richard D. Hall’s work you can also buy a hard copy of his book from Amazon—or Richplanet. You can go to the Richplanet store and purchase more of his books and merchandise there. These sales enable Richard to earn a modest income from his work.

Richard D. Hall is one man fighting the entire UK State. Hall is appealing against the summary judgment and needs your financial help to press ahead with his ongoing legal battle. It is argumentation that Hall neither sought nor started. He is defending himself against attack.

Richard D. Hall deserves support from all who care about the truth.


Connect with Iain Davis: website | substack

Cover image credit: Ardfern
Tributes and memorials at St Ann’s Square,Manchester, England, re Manchester Arena bombing, May 2017
(creative commons license, vignette framing added)

Fake Terrorism and the Genocide Agenda

Fake Terrorism and the Genocide Agenda

by Paul Cudenec, Winter Oak
originally published February 26, 2024




The criminocracy is in danger of losing its carefully-constructed shield of invisibilty as it accelerates its deranged bid for total and permanent global control.

It is therefore obliged to ramp up its attacks on those who dare expose its existence, its crimes and its lies.

While Julian Assange is the most famous victim of its war on real journalism, another important case is that of Richard D. Hall.

Iain Davis writes: “UK independent journalist, researcher and documentary filmmaker Richard D. Hall faces conviction, sizeable damages and an injunction that could potentially end his career and his livelihood.

“The High Court of Justice has denied Hall the opportunity to present any kind of meaningful defence. This travesty of justice has potential implications, not just for Richard D. Hall, but for all journalists who dare to question power”.

The overall situation is that Hall is being sued by two alleged victims of the 2017 Manchester Arena “bombing”, which he convincingly argues was nothing of the sort, but a manufactured psy-ops.

In a recent video, Hall describes in detail the issues involved and wonders whether the case against him is really being instigated by the alleged victims or by other, hidden, forces.



He mentions in particular Marianna Spring, the BBC’s first ever “disinformation specialist and social media correspondent”, who has been actively seeking to discredit his work.

Kit Klarenberg writes on The Grayzone site that there are “troubling questions” about Spring, who appeared out of nowhere to take up the newly-created thought-police post in March 2020, at the tender age of 24.

She played a leading role in “diminishing and discrediting sizable anti-lockdown protests that engulfed the streets of central London” and depicted them as “comprised almost entirely of fringe lunatics”, he writes.

Klarenberg points to Spring’s links with the extremely dodgy “think tank” the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, which I described in this recent article.

As I explained, the ISD was co-founded by ardent Zionist George Weidenfeld and enjoys an “institutional partnership” with the even more ardently pro-Israel Anti-Defamation League.

A 2022 episode of the BBC’s Panorama programme presented by Spring featured ISD boss Sasha Havlicek discussing “how and why people come to believe that terror attacks are hoaxes”.

Hall’s admirable forensic investigation into the Manchester event was presented as evidence of a supposed “mainstreaming of extremism, hatred and conspiracy”, with Spring and Havlicek stressing “the impact these conspiracy theories have on the survivors of terror attacks”.

The ISD’s Zionist affiliations are particularly pertinent here, since the Manchester “bombing” is officially regarded as having been the work of “Islamic extremists”.

Wikipedia describes it as “the deadliest act of terrorism and the first suicide bombing in the United Kingdom since the 7 July 2005 London bombings”, also blamed on “Islamist terrorists”.

The same familiar enemy is said to have been behind pretty much every big “terrorist” attack of the 21st century, starting with 9/11, and pesky “conspiracy theorists” have been asking questions about all of them.

There is certainly historical evidence to suggest that terror attacks are often not what they appear to be.

Gianfranco Sanguinetti wrote in 1980: “I have never said that the secret services were behind every single attack, given that these days even a Molotov cocktail or a workplace sabotage are considered to be ‘attacks’: but I have said, and I have been saying for nearly ten years now, that all spectacular acts of terrorism are either remote-controlled, or directly carried out, by our secret services”.

He was referring to the terrorist attacks, in Italy and across Europe, which are now known to have been co-ordinated by NATO under what is often termed Operation Gladio.

The aim of that wave of killing – which was not faked but very real – was seemingly to push scared populations into the arms of the security state and to discredit radical groups falsely accused of being responsible.

The first of these aims is most likely still true today – who, since 2020, can seriously doubt that deliberate fearmongering plays an important part in keeping populations under control?

But the second aim must be slightly different now, because the “terrorists” involved are said to be “Islamist”.

Why would the system feel the burning need, one might ask, to create fake or false-flag events to discredit Islamist groups that do not present an obvious domestic political threat to the governments of the various countries targeted?

The answer, I suspect, lies in the way in which our political institutions have been systematically captured by elements favourable to, and often funded by, Israel – a reality that has become all too obvious since the onslaught against Gaza began.



We might also consider a document published by Jerusalem Summit nearly 20 years ago. The Acorn reported in 2016 that the leadership of this Zionist organisation included Daniel Pipes, the pro-Israel and anti-Islam US commentator, and Britain’s Baroness Cox, described by Craig Murray in 2014 as “a prominent supporter of organisations which actively and openly promote the ethnic cleansing of all Palestinians from Gaza”.

The document in question envisages “relocation” of Palestinians from their homes in Israeli-controlled territory “to allow them to build a new life for themselves and their families in countries preferably, but not necessarily exclusively, with similar religious and socio-cultural conditions”.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) has been in the limelight in recent months, accusing Israel of crimes against humanity and, in turn, being depicted as a tool of Hamas by Israel and its supporters.

Interestingly, the archived Jerusalem Summit document declares that “the dissolution of UNRWA is an essential prerequisite for any comprehensive, durable solution of the Palestinian issue”.

Also, crucially in the context of this article, it states: “The de-legitimization of the Palestinian narrative becomes a vital prerequisite to any comprehensive resolution of the Palestinian issue”.



How exactly could that “narrative” be delegitimized – thus allowing the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, by whatever means necessary, to go ahead without too much global opposition?

One way would be to associate Palestinians, in the minds of the international public, with terrorists who have been attacking their own communities.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has long been trying to make this link, claiming back in 2014: “ISIS and Hamas are branches of the same poisonous tree. When it comes to their ultimate goals, Hamas is ISIS and ISIS is Hamas. And what they share in common, all militant Islamists share in common”.

He made the same claim in October 2023, declaring: “We have always known what Hamas is. Now the whole world knows. Hamas is ISIS… We will defeat [Hamas] precisely as the enlightened world defeated ISIS”.

With many people pointing out that Hamas was created and propped up by Israel itself, insisting that ISIS is “a US-Israeli creation” and wondering if the October 7 attacks were a false-flag event, a disconcerting possibility emerges.

Could it be that all or most of the big “Islamist” terror attacks of the first two decades of this century were fake or false-flag events, designed to whip up hatred and fear of Muslims and thus of Palestinians, to demonise and dehumanise them in order to achieve the “de-legitimization” of their cause, as recommended by Jerusalem Summit?

Was this all part of a long-term plan to pave the way for the ethnic cleansing horrors that we have seen unfolding in Gaza since October 2023?

If so, is this why the Israel-linked IDS is so keen, through its boss Havlicek and her sidekick Spring, to shut down all investigation of the truth behind these events and the genocidal agenda they were designed to advance?

[Audio version]

Richard D. Hall’s videos about the Manchester Arena “bombing” and other subjects can be viewed here.


Connect with Paul Cudenec: Winter Oak website | substack

Cover image credit: Syaibatulhamdi

Lab Leak: An Elaborate Misdirection?

Lab Leak: An Elaborate Misdirection?

by Health Freedom Defense Fund Team
originally published February 7, 2024


The ongoing investigations into the elusive Covid Pandemic murder mystery are cluttered by all manner of obfuscation and misdirection.

Chief among these shaky postulations are the various iterations of the SARS-CoV-2 virus lab-leak theory, which has more lives than a feral cat and possesses a capacity for reappearing as often as the shambling zombies who lurk in the woods at the edge of town.

Once the curtain is pulled back on the unsubstantiated lab-leak hypotheses, the socially engineered sorcery of the Covid Pandemic is revealed as the base scheme that it is.

The lab-leak claim posits that SARS-CoV-2 is an engineered quasi-biological, deadly gain-of-function phenomenon rather than a computer-generated construct. The initial research paper illustrates that the virus in question was nothing more than an in-silico apparition, a simulacrum created by demonstrably dodgy genomic sequencing.

This theory advances the fanciful plot that a hyperreality TV show viral escapee miraculously slipped out of—or was released intentionally from—a biological research facility in faraway Wuhan, China, went on a global rampage, and killed millions of people.

By implying that the virus was a man-made microbial murderer, promulgators of the lab-leak story avoid facing the fact that the last three-and-a-half years were a deliberate, highly organized culling of the global population under the guise of protecting “public health.”

Unfortunately, many in-the-know folks who are skeptical of the medical industry’s pharmacological fantasies are still trapped on the lab-leak circuit of the Covid merry-go-round.

Amidst the hyperfocus on gain-of-function research, furin cleavage sites, restriction enzymes, and the rest of the sci-fi vernacular that shroud the lab-leak hypothesis in scientific-sounding mumbo jumbo there lies an elementary question, “Does this theory hold even an ounce of water?”

One conspicuous curiosity that calls into question the threat of “lab-leaked bioweapon” is the fact that the “Covid-19” deaths follow the age/risk stratification and seasonal curve of influenza and pneumonia (two named illnesses that, until 2020, health authorities lumped together in their charts).

Equally inexplicable is the fact that, in 2020, reported cases of flu in many countries suddenly vanished.

Meanwhile, many pneumonia deaths since 2020 have been fraudulently attributed to “Covid” on death certificates. Even if the bioweapon theory were a reality, perhaps we should be relieved, since Covid seemed able to impact only two kinds of populations:

1. 80-plus-year-olds who had multiple comorbidities and

2. other chronically ill people who were already in or were sent to hospitals and nursing homes.

In these institutions, “Covid” patients were forcibly “treated” with toxic medications, placed on sedatives and ventilators that blew up or collapsed their lungs, and abandoned in their rooms to die a painful, lonely, despairing death.

Family members were prevented from being at their side to comfort them, to question the macabre protocols being mercilessly inflicted, and to spirit them out of the “death row” facilities.

That the death rate attributed to Covid was so low throughout the rest of the global population proves the alleged “bioweapon” was a dud.

Indeed, to hang one’s hat on the lab-leak theory and the grandiose narrative of the Covid Pandemic requires contorted mental gymnastics and a blind faith in the esoteric.

Countless incongruities point to the lab-leak theory—and possibly the virus itself—being a myth.

Here are a few peculiarities that should cause any reasonable person to question the lab-leak theory:

(1) This Covid virus, so-called, apparently struck without warning. There was no observable evidence of contagion in late 2019 or early 2020 that would lead up to a mass death event. In the US and in alleged hotspots elsewhere, the Covid Death Event began to be reported precisely the same week the WHO declared a global pandemic—in mid-March 2020.


What dark magic was involved that trained this microbial Kraken to be released only upon administrative orders and to peak in synchroneity only in select locations?

Are we to believe a suddenly super-spreading, deadlier-than-flu, gain-of-function virus waited for a government decree to create excess deaths?

Why did this deadly virus cause no mass death in the Chinese city where a lab leak is said to have originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology?

(2) This ostensible virus did not migrate from northern Italy to central or southern Italy, nor did it impact other parts of Europe. Instead, it improbably hopped, skipped, and jumped its way straight to a public hospital in Elmhurst—in the Corona neighborhood of Queens, New York City, no less.

QUESTION: Was that a fluke or what?

(3) The “first wave” of Covid deaths in the US occurred almost exclusively in nursing homes and hospitals, not in the general population.


How is it possible that this virus was so demographically smart?

Why did it target those institutions—filled with ill, infirm, and elderly—so specifically and blanket them so completely?

Would not the high rate of deaths in hospitals and nursing homes have had anything to do with their application of dangerous protocols, their unilateral do-not-resuscitate orders, and their apparently purposeful policies of neglect?

(4) During that reputed “first wave” the people impacted were mainly poor, and many were disabled.

QUESTION: How, pray tell, was this Frankenstein virus programmed to avoid upper middle class and wealthy people? How did it know to sidestep healthy and able people? Aren’t the poor always more susceptible to disease? Do we need a viral event to explain this?

(5) During that initial wave, if we are to believe the “spreading pathogen” story, we must believe that this virus was geographically savvy. How was it that certain counties and metro areas in certain states in the US were impacted while neighboring regions adjacent to these areas were not affected? Curiously, many of these Covid-affected counties in the US were right next to unaffected areas, including in the NYC metro region where the virus seemed unable to cross rivers.

QUESTION: Was this gain-of-function hobgoblin designed to recognize county, state, and national boundaries and to stick to urban areas while leaving suburban and rural communities largely alone?

(6) Even after the “first wave,” the population groups that appeared to be exclusively targeted by this “bioweapon,” both in and out of institutions, were the elderly and the sickly and the disabled—people who are more susceptible to all types of afflictions.

QUESTION: Why did the supposedly novel virus jump over children and younger adults and able, healthy people?

(7) This lab-leaked daemonic entity killed many more victims in places where de facto police state “emergency measures” were fiercest and far fewer victims in contiguous jurisdictions where the countermeasures taken by authorities were much milder.


What each of these outlandish events illustrates is that there was no global viral event. Instead, what we saw play out was that radically different public health policies and mandates in a handful of jurisdictions around the world produced radically different health results.

Thus, to ascribe this convergent set of circumstances to a lab-leaked daemon or pathogen of any genus strains credulity. What it should be attributed to is a coordinated campaign orchestrated by powerful interests and their collaborators in academia, in the medical industry, and in the media.

Origins of the lab-leak story

In the media, the lab-leak story surfaced early on. It was quickly adopted and became an accepted narrative even amongst certain sectors of the “respectable” Covid “skeptics.” In fact, some “Establishment” Covid skeptics have built their reputations—and in some cases entire cottage industries—around the lab-leak mythology, even though this gain-of-function narrative strains credulity.

So-called Covid skeptics buying into aspects of the Covid myth creates a situation in which “dissident movement” resources are channeled into conferences and investigations where attention is fixed—and fixated—on esoteric explanations that ultimately prop up the overall pandemic narrative. If they were truly dissidents, they would be collaborating with truth-tellers to prove the demonstrable forensics of the fraud that defines the Covid enterprise.

The lab-leak theory reinforces the idea that “the virus” is a grave problem that needs to be solved rather than a fear-based control mechanism. It bolsters the notion that a “deadly” man-made, “novel” virus caused an “unprecedented medical emergency” for which a raft of invasive policies—including the worldwide suspension of basic civil liberties—would become justified.

To justify another round of lockdowns and to codify more draconian measures such as mandated vaccination in the future, all that will be needed is to reignite the fear of a bioweapon.

A further but related result of focusing on the “lab-leak” conjecture is that it shores up the “deadly novel virus suddenly appeared” narrative, which provides the rationale for the biosecurity complex to siphon trillions from taxpayers through the aptly named “pandemic preparedness” industry.

Another consequence of accepting the lab-leak supposition is to distract attention from how the perception of a pandemic/mass panic was conjured with staged Hollywood productionsdoomsday models, and the meaningless PCR tests that fraudulently manufactured cases and spuriously attributed deaths from other causes to Covid.

But perhaps the biggest problem with accepting and promoting the lab-leak theory is that it reifies the Big Lie that there ever was a “pandemic” caused by a “unique viral pathogen” in the spring of 2020. In so doing, the theory hides the crimes that were committed in the hospitals and nursing homes and provides cover for the criminals who designed and executed this top-down operation.

Not only does the “pandemic” narrative serve to conceal the likelihood that this was a mass murder spree set off by policies constructed, orchestrated, and mandated by identifiable individuals, it also serves as a smokescreen for the entire “Covid Operation” that benefited the wealthy while steamrolling working people’s lives.

Is it possible that the gain-of-function virus story was manufactured to get the public to snap up and swallow the lab-leak bait?

And was this entire fish tale dropped into the Covid discourse to keep the public obsessing over the “origins” of the disease rather than focusing on the policy-induced slaughter of the last three-and-a-half years? (When we say “slaughter,” we do not mean from an actual disease, but, rather, from isolation, from toxic treatments like Remdesivir and mRNA injections, and from the murderous misuse of sedatives and ventilators.)

Without the existence of a SARS-CoV-2 bioweapon, everything else in the official narrative swirls down the toilet, including the contrived Covid-19 case definition, the dodgy non-diagnostic rt-PCR tests, the fake excuses given for lockdowns and masks and social distancing, and the debate between whether the “novel virus” originated with a love match between a bat and a pangolin or from gain-of-function experiments at the Wuhan lab.

In other words, the establishment’s insistence on pushing the lab-leak theory serves to cover up the actual crimes that were committed on a massive scale and with impunity.

If it can be proven that there was no pandemic, as we have posited in a previous article, and no evidence of a virus, where would we go from there?

We would have to come to terms with the reality that this was never about “a mismanaged pandemic,” as some “health freedom” celebrities have taken to calling it.

We would have to confront the fact that the only pandemic was one of violent government and medical assault against billions of people, of false attribution of a made-up disease on death certificates, and of intense propaganda using fraudulent tests and bogus “scientific” studies.

We would have to accept that what we are dealing with is the collaboration of despotic public and private elements to commit criminal fraud and outright genocide.

We would have to hold the government (including intelligence agencies and the military), the health regulatory agencies, the hospitals and nursing homes, the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, and the media accountable for these crimes.

The whole system would be revealed as the corrupt house of cards it is.

In short, legitimizing the lab-leak theory is a backdoor way of legitimizing the false claim of a global pandemic.


Misdirection is a classic strategy used to divert attention from one subject and direct it to another. Getting people to ask all the wrong questions ensures they will be kept from seeking answers to the right questions. Asking the wrong questions also ensures they will always draw wrong conclusions.

Thus, we have a deceived public wrongly determining: “It was a manufactured new virus and a few bad actors.”

And we have the subversive actors, who purport to oppose the official Covid narrative, pretending to believe: “It was a bioweapon that needs to be contained next time.”

Those who subscribe to the manufactured “deadly man-made virus” story are understandably terrified and desperate for explanations and for heroes and for “bombshell reports” that will mitigate their fears.

They want some simplistic, reassuring answers that can explain it all away and let them go back to sleep.

They don’t want to be overwhelmed by talk about a global cabal or conditional UBI or programmable CBDCs or digital IDs or mass surveillance rolled out across the world via an endless series of manufactured crises.

This entire issue needs to be confronted head-on in the health freedom movement. Some apparent health freedom advocates who have captured the attention of huge audiences are, wittingly or not, doing the bidding of the biosecurity state. By maintaining and heightening the fear factor of the gain-of-function bogeyman, these influencers are creating fertile ground for future psychological “terror” campaigns.

How can we stop these popular but either deluded or deceitful actors from inadvertently—or purposely—promoting fear?

Or, more realistically, how can we help the hangers-on of these perceived “heroes” to stop giving credence to their claims—to stop automatically deferring to their opinions and advice?

One way is to show people that when they uncritically accept any statement as fact, regardless of the insubstantiality of the claim and the evidence that refutes the claim, they are operating on a level of superficial emotional reaction, are incapable of thinking critically or evaluating ideas rationally, and can be easily duped.

Each time an individual comes to understand that all facets of the official narrative of “Covid” are a fiction, that there was no “pandemic” and no “novel virus” and no “lab leak,” the world moves a step further from the lies and a step closer to the truth.


Connect with Health Freedom Defense Fund

Cover image credit: CDD20

“Millions of People Have Long COVID”; Pinocchio’s Nose Got Longer, Too

“Millions of People Have Long COVID”; Pinocchio’s Nose Got Longer, Too

by Jon Rappoport
February 20, 2024


One new study, supporting the “millions” assertion, claims the most common long COVID symptom people report is tiredness after light physical or mental exercise.


As we all know, feeling tired can only be caused by THE VIRUS.

“Doctor, six months ago, I was fine. But since then, I’ve been fatigued.”

“Right, Ms. Jones. You have long COVID.”

“Say what?”

“I diagnosed you with COVID six months ago. The disease is persisting.”

“Oh. Come to think of it, I started feeling tired right after you diagnosed me.”

“A coincidence.”

“I don’t think so. I left your office. I was depressed by the diagnosis, and when I got home I couldn’t run my usual nine miles for the day.”

“Are you saying I made you tired?”

“Yes, I believe I am.”

“I’ll write a note to Homeland Security. Expect a visit to your house. Open the door carefully and assure the agents you have no weapons and no dogs.”

Long COVID is long money. For doctors.

And of course, the virus doesn’t exist. So there’s that.

I’ve felt tired since 1952. I’ve successfully fought it off by limiting my conversations with long idiots.

If I were the predatory CEO of a pharmaceutical company, I’d establish studies proving every disease under the sun can have a long component, which must be treated with drugs and prevented by vaccines. For years.

Long flu, long colds, long eyestrain, long ass ache, etc.

Doctors received special training in medical school so they could make absurd diagnoses with a straight face.

Otherwise, this would happen:

“Doctor, when you just told me I have long COVID, you smiled. Why?”

“Sorry, I was keeping myself from laughing.”


“Sometimes it gets to be too much.”

“You lost me.”

“Have you ever said something so stupid you busted out laughing?”

“I’m not sure.”

“Ha-ha. Sorry. I’m trying to be serious, but long COVID? I mean, come on. When I first read about it, I cracked up. I had to go home from the office. Everything started to seem funny. I couldn’t control myself.”

Someday, somebody will come up with Long Pregnancy. Women can remain pregnant for up to three years. But at the end, they don’t give birth. The baby they’ve been carrying is only a few cells. However, this is a serious condition and must be treated for the full duration of the pregnancy. Treated with very expensive drugs. Otherwise the patient could develop Chronic Fatigue, Mononucleosis, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, etc.

Some of these women, when untreated, also develop Tourette’s, even speak in tongues—which can be quite embarrassing in social situations. Like Thanksgiving dinner.

There is also a condition known as Long Sermons. People are exposed to it during church services. Some houses of worship may have to be closed down, in order to curb contagion out in the community. Psychiatrists can treat the disorder, with anti-psychotic drugs.

All of these long illnesses can be avoided if we start diagnosing doctors. You don’t need a license to participate. Invent your own disease and disorder labels. Offer the doctors help—at a price. No insurance, no Medicare or Medicaid. Straight cash for your services.

For every diagnosis you make, be sure to attach the word “long.”

You’ll be correct. What these doctors are suffering from, they’ve had for a long time. Possibly since college. Maybe even earlier.

Hell, tell them it’s genetic. Doing that lets you get away with anything.

Remind them of the story about Jesus and the Money Changers. Tell them they’re suffering from Long Money Changing. That’ll hit them where they live.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

Cover image credit: Prawny

What NO ONE Is Saying About Tucker Carlson’s Putin Interview

What NO ONE Is Saying About Tucker Carlson’s Putin Interview

by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian
February 10, 2024


Everyone is talking about Tucker Carlson’s interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The two-hour long conversation was live-streamed on twitter. Every major news outlet has had some form of coverage.

You can watch the whole thing here:

After eight years of covering the Ukraine coup/civil War, and more specifically Western propaganda on Russia, I could pretty much tell you everything Putin was going to say before he said it.

Anybody who has covered Russia or Ukraine could tell you that.

He was always going to detail, in cogent and historically literate terms, Russia’s position on Ukraine.

He was always going  to  cite  the (very real) broken promises Western diplomats made about NATO’s Eastward expansion.

He was almost certainly going remake his very worthy point about US foreign policy never seeming to change no matter who is President.

He’s an intelligent and persuasive speaker, and he was always going to  do well.

And, if this was 2014, that would be great.

But it’s not 2014 is it?

It’s 2024 & the world is being hurried fast toward the Brave New (“multipolar”) Normal. Russia is on board with Agenda 2030 &  very powerful  western establishment voices are now promoting Putin & his once-sidelined views.

In the face of these realities we should be asking questions about the relevance and purpose of this kind of geopolitical theatrics.

Let’s remind ourselves again that everyone is talking about the Putin interview.


From Hillary to Elon to Russell Brand.

Every major news outlet covered it, too. Maybe they “fact-checked” it, maybe they ranted about it or insisted it be banned, but they were all talking about it.

Let’s compare and contrast that coverage to the coverage of Oliver Stone’s 4-part interview with Putin in 2017.

Seriously. Look at the difference. It tells you a great deal about how the establishment agenda is changing. There were no big headlines then.

But I don’t want to talk about Putin.  Because everyone is talking about Putin.

I want to talk about Carlson.

The  Tucker Carlson who has been suddenly positioned as a supposed anti-establishment JFK-doubting, 9/11 truthing threat to the system.

The same Tucker Carlson whose father was director of the Voice of America. The same Tucker Carlson who censored and insulted 9/11 skeptics on his show.

The same Tucker Carlson who applied to (but was allegedly turned down by) the CIA.

How did this re-invention happen?

When did it happen?

Why did it happen?

And no, I’m not claiming everything he says is de facto wrong, a lot of it is in fact very right. His monologues on the state of the economy, the 2020 election, JFK and 9/11 have all been at least partially accurate.

…but that should make us ask more questions, shouldn’t it?

Did he have some great awakening?

Even if you believe he did, do you believe that his bosses at Fox did as well? Or that Elon Musk did? Or that either of these entities would be powerless to stop him dropping supposed truth bombs on their dime if they didn’t want him to?

Tucker Carlson was the most watched current events program on US television before he was apparently  fired by Fox News last year.

Since then, and with all the hero-kudos of being exiled by the establishment,  he has been live-streaming his shows on X/Twitter instead, and every single one of them gets more views than CNN or MSNBC or his old show on Fox…Combined.

Interesting, no.

The fact is, legacy media is dying. Which is a good thing. But do you think the establishment doesn’t see this? Do you think it hadn’t occurred to them to get out in front of it by seizing control of the new media platforms and planting “leaders” in supposedly independent media movements?

As we keep having to remind our readers  lately the people and institutions that run the world are not wed to any single platform, method, nation or flag.

Or media.

They bought up all the newspapers because they were useful, they “syndicated” all the television networks because that’s what people were watching…

so now as legacy media dies –  what do you think they’re gonna do?

Like a hermit crab swapping out shells – they will simply slide themselves from their old home to a nice shiny new  “indy” one.

Goodbye old fashioned corporate CNN, hello honestly completely organic guerilla news reporting livestreaming on X and getting totally accidentally promoted by the algorithm.

Goodbye long form editorials in newspapers, hello ten-second tiktoks from fake influencers in a government-run opinion factory.

Goodbye Tucker Carlson, paid disinfo promoter, hello Tucker Carlson voice of the new media who somehow still gets promoted by the very forces he’s supposed to be opposing .

We’ve seen other examples of this kind of thing already, for example AOC’s obviously fake “look at me live streaming my random off the cuff thoughts” videos. As if she hasn’t had a focus group decide exactly how little make up she should wear or how “unkempt” her hair should be be, or signed a sponsorship deal for the fried chicken she’s eating.

The selling point of new-media was that everyone had access to it instantly, with that came realness marked by rawness.  The establishment quickly seized on these markers of authenticity & tried to make them  their own. Now that rawness is being manufactured and realness is being faked on a production line.

And by seeding the rising new-media with establishment voices allegedly “gone rogue” , the establishment take control of it.

On top of that, the transition from old to new media can also be used to co-opt independent outlets and construct agenda-controlling fake binary narratives. With the old media selling one “side”, and new media the other.

That’s how you end up with crazy scenarios where billionaires like Elon Musk are cast as some kind of outsider, no matter how many Great Reset talking points he promotes, or podcasters like Joe Rogan apparently get $250 million from the system to attack the system, or the “intellectual dark web” shilling vaccines and Israel in equal measure.

The old establishment voices (Guardian, CNN, New York Times or whoever) noisily attack these new “anti-establishment” voices (who are always selling the same agenda in a slightly altered form), knowing that the “enemy of my enemy is my friend” mindset will give them cred  in genuine alternate media circles.

I mean it’s pretty cool to get a big old “ex”-mainstreamer on your side and agreeing to be on your podcast, right? Instant kudos, excitement. “See, even Big Name X admits we’re right about this”. It’s too easy to be seduced by the lure of  “celebrity rebel” narratives. We all want to believe them don’t we.

And thus, by putting “former” establishment insiders in leadership positions of “the alternative”, the ‘elite’ control the direction of their supposed opposition.

Tucker Carlson is the first really big voice to make the swap in a major way, but he won’t be the last. And his interview with Putin is yet another sign of the “approved alternative” messaging.

According to Twitter, the interview has been viewed 140 million times in 24 hours. Tucker and Putin have been trending ever since, promoted by the all powerful algorithm on a site owned by the richest man in the world, whilst simultaneously appearing on the front pages of every paper.

Wow, cool, right. The new media is just so right about this the establishment has no choice but to promote it!

Too easy to  fail to notice there’s nothing really  “new” about this media at all. It’s just a very old hermit crab in a very new shell.


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Psychiatrists Attempt to Edit Childhood Out of Existence

Psychiatrists Attempt to Edit Childhood Out of Existence

by Citizens Commission on Human Rights UK
February 8, 2024


When it’s Children’s Mental Health Week, it’s ironic that attention isn’t actually focused on children’s mental health. Instead the focus is on mental illness and the host of psychiatric ‘disorders’ being used to label various aspects of childhood.

It would be more accurate to call it children’s mental illness week. Rather than label children mentally healthy, psychiatrists have for decades been unscientifically labelling them as mentally ill.

Through the redefinition of difficulties associated with the early years, psychiatrists have been editing childhood and adolescence out of existence. Challenging behaviour has gone under the psychiatric microscope, redefined, before being categorised as criteria for so-called mental ‘disorders.’

It’s an obsessive habit resulting in the regular use of meaningless and stigmatising psychiatric labels that can create even more difficulties for young people. Nothing appears to be off limits for editing psychiatrists.

Reading, writing and maths have been included in diagnostic manuals. They have been unscientifically classified as “impairment in reading,” “impairment in written expression” and “impairment in mathematics.”

The habit, which includes the use of labels like “ADHD” and “conduct disorder,” lead a young person down the road of mind-altering prescribed drugs. It demonstrates a focus on mental illness, not on mental health.

Children and adolescents are being chemically restrained, some for lengthy periods of time. Consequently, they experience the debilitating effects that go hand-in-hand with the drugs. The saddest and most tragic aspect of it all is some children don’t make it. They take their own lives after taking antidepressants known to cause suicidal thoughts and suicidal behaviour.

If psychiatric solutions worked, we wouldn’t keep hearing the psychiatric mantra that more and more children are suffering with mental illness. They fall into the category of having mental difficulties on the basis that boisterous or argumentative childhood behaviour has been redefined.

Parents who have lost their children have said they would never have let their children take the psychiatric drugs if they had been fully informed and knew the truth. It’s therefore vital we keep on beating the drum to expose damaging psychiatric habits.

In Children’s Mental Health Week, we must be reminded that children are not experimental animals. They are human beings who have every youthful right to expect protection, care, love and the chance to reach their full potential in life.


Connect with Citizens Commission on Human Rights United Kingdom

Cover image credit: titouhwayne

See Related:

New Diagnostic Manual With ADHD Listed Could Turn Childhood Into a Mental Disorder


Supply of Psychiatric Rhetoric Equals Demand for ADHD Drugs

The Corbett Report: The 7th Annual Fake News Awards

The Corbett Report: The 7th Annual Fake News Awards

Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: This year’s Annual Fake News Awards by James Corbett et al. is a mix of fun humor, painful truth and powerful vision. For those who prefer to read, follow the link to The Corbett Report website where James has posted the full transcript along with show notes.


by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
February 5, 2024


And now, from a deep underground military base on the other side of the flat Earth, it’s time for the 7th Annual Fake News Awards!

How did the disinformation specialists of the mockingbird media lie to the public this year? What rich, creamery nothingburgers did they use to whip the public into hysteria over matters of no consequence whatsoever? And what real scandals of earthshaking importance did they ignore? And who will walk away with the most coveted Dino of them all: the Fake News Story of the Year? Find out in this face-meltingly, apocalyptically horrifying extravaganza of media mendacity known as the Fake News Awards!

Read transcript and show notes…


Connect with The Corbett Report

The WHO and Phony International Law

The WHO and Phony International Law 

by Bruce Pardy, Brownstone Institute
January 31, 2024


A new pandemic treaty is in the works. Countries are negotiating its terms, along with amendments to international health regulations. If ready in time, the World Health Assembly will approve them in May. The deal may give the WHO power to declare global health emergencies. Countries will promise to follow WHO directives. Lockdowns, vaccine mandates, travel restrictions, and more will be in the works. Critics say that the agreements will override national sovereignty because their provisions will be binding. But international law is the art of the Big Pretend.

You drive down Main Street. Cars are parked everywhere. The signs say “No Parking” but they also say, “The City does not enforce parking restrictions.” In effect there’s no rule against parking. Laws are commands imposed with the force of the state. Rules without sanctions are mere suggestions. Some people may honor the request, but others won’t. Those who disagree with the rule can safely ignore it. In domestic law, “enforceable” and “binding” are synonyms.

But not in international law, where promises are called “binding” even if they are unenforceable. In the international sphere, countries are the highest authority. Nothing stands above them with the power to enforce their promises. No such courts exist. The International Court of Justice depends on the consent of the countries involved. No international police enforce its orders. The UN is a sprawling bureaucracy, but in the end, it is merely a place for countries to gather. The WHO is a branch of the UN whose mandate countries negotiate amongst themselves.

In the proposed pandemic treaty, parties are to settle disputes through negotiation. They may agree to be subject to the International Court of Justice or to arbitration. But they cannot be required to.

Yet international law jurists insist that unenforceable treaty promises can be binding. “The binding character of a norm does not depend on whether there is any court or tribunal with jurisdiction to apply it,” Daniel Bodansky, a professor of international law at Arizona State University, wrote in a 2016 analysis of the Paris climate agreement. “Enforcement is not a necessary condition for an instrument or norm to be legally binding.” Without this Big Pretend, international law would collapse like a house of cards on a windy beach.

All countries are sovereign. They are free to retaliate against each other for perceived wrongs, including breaches of treaty promises. They can seek to have other countries censured or expelled from the international regime. They can impose trade sanctions. They can expel ambassadors. But retaliation is not “enforcement.” Moreover, international relations are a delicate business. Aggrieved countries are more likely to express their disappointment in carefully crafted diplomatic language than to burn bridges.

The threat from WHO proposals come not from outside but from within. We live in a managerial age, run by a technocratic elite. Over time, they have acquired for themselves the discretion to direct society for the common good, as they declare it to be.

As journalist David Samuels puts it, “Americans now find themselves living in an oligarchy administered day-to-day by institutional bureaucracies that move in lock-step with each other, enforcing a set of ideologically-driven top-down imperatives that seemingly change from week-to-week and cover nearly every subject under the sun.” These bureaucracies regulate, license, expropriate, subsidize, track, censor, prescribe, plan, incentivize, and inspect. Pandemics and public health are the most recent justifications for yet more control.

Domestic governments, not international bodies, will impose WHO recommendations on their citizens. They will pass laws and policies that incorporate those directives. Even an exasperated WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said so in a briefing this week. “There are those who claim that the pandemic agreement and [amended regulations] will seed sovereignty…and give the WHO Secretariat the power to impose lockdowns or vaccine mandates on countries…These claims are completely false…the agreement is negotiated by countries for countries and will be implemented in countries in accordance with your own national laws.”

Ghebreyesus is correct. Local and national authorities will not give up their powers. To what extent international commitments will be “binding” on a country depends not on international law but on that country’s own domestic laws and courts. Article VI of the US Constitution, for example, provides that the Constitution, federal laws, and treaties together “shall be the supreme Law of the Land.” That does not mean that treaties supersede the Constitution or federal laws. Domestic legislation and policy will be required for the proposed pandemic treaty and WHO directives to be enforced on American soil. Such legislation is an exercise of sovereignty, not a repudiation of it.

The proposals are not benign. Domestic authorities seek cover for their own autocratic measures. Their promises will be called “binding” even though they are not. Local officials will justify restrictions by citing international obligations. Binding WHO recommendations leave them no choice, they will say. The WHO will coordinate their imperatives as the face of global public health.

The WHO is not taking over. Instead, it will be the handmaiden for a coordinated global biomedical state. Managers hate straight lines. Diffuse, discretionary powers avoid accountability and the rule of law. The global health regime will be a tangled web. It is meant to be.


Connect with Brownstone Institute

Cover image credit: Clker-Free-Vector-Images

Cutting, Pasting, Splicing DNA; Welcome to the New World—Oops, Full of Mistakes

Cutting, Pasting, Splicing DNA; Welcome to the New World—Oops, Full of Mistakes
 “I thought the technology was supposed to be perfect. What the hell is going on here?”

by Jon Rappoport
January 23, 2024


The bright new dawn of genetic engineering of life has a few problems. My, my.

Of course, the engineering companies pitching investors for money downplay the problems, and so do governments. Remember when Biden issued a release glorifying “overwriting cells of the body” (*) to achieve new breakthroughs in…something or other?

From Gene Watch UK, here are documented cases of genetic editing screw-ups. The language is technical, but you can grasp the essentials. Scientists are playing with fire.

“Petri et al. (2022) reported unintended genetic insertions and deletions in zebrafish following prime editing…Prime editing does not induce double stranded breaks and thus is often proposed to be safer than standard CRISPR/Cas systems. Nonetheless, integration of guide RNA derived DNA sequences was detected, showing that even using a technique without introducing foreign DNA, or double-stranded breaks, the technique does not rule out the potential for unintended insertion of exogenous DNA.”

“Tao et al. (2022) reported insertions of transposable elements in human cells in vitro following both standard CRISPR/Cas9 and prime editing systems, though these unintended changes were more common with CRISPR/Cas9 systems. Moreover, hundreds of integrated copies of vector plasmid DNA used to deliver the prime editing machinery were also detected…Moreover, insertions occurred at induced DNA breaks where CRISPR/Cas9 has been applied for controversial therapeutic editing…”

“Weiss et al. (2022) reported that in Arabidopsis plants, the DNA repair pathway chosen by the plant cells to repair the CRISPR-induced DNA breaks was influenced by the epigenetic status of the genome, including DNA methylation status… This in turn, influences the final mutational outcomes. This paper highlights limitations in relying on predictive tools that only take into consideration sequence information when trying to predict efficiency, specificity and mutational outcomes of genome editing. Bigger complexities beyond the level of the genome are also involved.”

“Höijer et al. (2022) reported large structural unintended on-target changes, including 4.8kb deletions to 1.4kn insertions, in zebrafish. This study showed the passing down of these mutations to the next generation.”

“Huang et al. (2022) reported that following CRISPR/Cas12 editing in fungal species, doublestranded breaks are repaired with multiple DNA repair pathways, each with different mutational profiles. This study highlights the lack of current understanding around the various DNA pathways that exist in various species, and how they may impact editing outcomes. Rather than being able to predict or even control CRISPR mutations outcomes as is often presented by GMO proponents, this study instead shows how CRISPR is being used in research to try to understand the basic mechanisms and complexities of DNA repair. Without a full understanding of the underlying science, assertions of precision and thus safety are unfounded.”

“Park et al. (2022) reported high levels of on-target unintended changes, when assessed using a new analytical tool that can sequence larger segments of the target site. Long range sequencing was able to detect a variety of changes including large deletions, highlighting the need for detailed analytical tools to assess on-target impacts.”

“Geng et al. (2022) report on-target unintended changes including genomic inversions, duplications, rearrangements and integration of exogenous DNA at the target-site in human cells, resulting in alterations in cell proliferation. This study highlights the potential impacts of unintended changes on target cell function, with implications for both edited plants and animals.”

But don’t worry, be happy. These genetic engineers all over the world may be bulls charging through shops shattering objects…but I’m sure they’ll eventually fix all their mistakes. Right?

For a final note—I’m not confident these genetic madmen even know what they’re playing with in the first place. When they see their errors, what are they really looking at? They make so many basic assumptions and guesses about DNA and genes, they could be operating in the dark, clueless and lost.

“Here’s a break in DNA where the repair after the cut failed.”

“Really? Are you sure that’s DNA?”

“It has to be.”


“Because if it isn’t, we have no idea what we’re doing.”

You know, THAT kind of thing.

The same kind of thing that happens when biologists trying to alter a virus fail to realize there isn’t any virus there…

These awesome problems can only be ignored in one way: by deciding that the 8 billion people on planet Earth are merely subjects in a vast ongoing experiment. And therefore have no reason to complain.

— Jon Rappoport



The Biden White House Executive Order: “Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy” (September 12, 2022). The link to this EO is hereMy comments on this EO are here—as a “breaking news” update—at the very beginning of this podcast.

See also this podcast: “DARPA/Pentagon research projects to create future humans,” here.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

Cover image credit: OpenClipart-Vectors

“You Must Be an Anti-Semite”

“You Must Be an Anti-Semite”

by Paul Cudenec, The Acorn
January 15, 2024



If you think free speech is a really good thing

If you fear the future that censorship may bring

If you think Mark Zuckerberg is a pawn of the CIA

If you don’t believe whatever the western leaders say

If you march and chant “from the river to the sea”

If you say you’ll keep fighting until Palestine is free

There’s just one explanation, right there in black and white

You must be an antisemite, you must be an antisemite

These lyrics to a song by the brilliant David Rovics, from his new album Notes from a Holocaust, really put their finger on the way that a certain term has been instrumentalised to the point of utter absurdity in the interests of silencing dissent.

Over the last few months we have all got used to hearing that it is “anti-semitic” to call for a ceasefire in Gaza, that being anti-Zionist is the same thing as being “anti-semitic“, that “false equivalence” between murders of Jews and by Jews risks “anti-semitic effect“.

David Rovics is Jewish and, while that doesn’t stop him from being accused of being “anti-semitic“, it does at least help him to see through the fraudulent nature of the insult.

As we have reported previously in The Acorn, the smear has for many years been wielded as a weapon to stifle criticism not just of Israel, but of the global criminocracy in general.

And it’s about time that we all took a leaf out of the Rovics songbook and, while remaining alert to the toxic threat of actual anti-semitism and other prejudiced attitudes, called out this blatant gaslighting.

Is it really “anti-semitic” to write a booklet exploring the power and activities of the Rothschilds, while carefully stressing that this is being done despite rather than because of their Jewish identity?

Is it really “anti-semitic” to write about the enormous influence wielded by globalist financier George Soros, given that he is Jewish?

Is it really “anti-semitic” to criticise the financial excesses of Goldman Sachs in the light of the fact that it is “a Jewish firm founded by Jews”?

Is it really “anti-semitic” to continue to investigate the “transgender” industry, even when several prominent funders turn out to be Jewish?

Is it really “anti-semitic” to write and stage “a morality tale about modern capitalism, a story of greed and financial trickery that left countless ordinary people impoverished or homeless” if the central characters, the Lehman Brothers, are Jewish?

Is it really “anti-semitic” to paint a mural declaring that “The New World Order is the enemy of humanity”, in which some of the depicted criminocrats are Jewish – and is it really “anti-semitic” to defend that mural from attack?

Is it “anti-semitic” to suggest that if the definition of what is “anti-semitic” is expanded way beyond most people’s understanding of the term, it is hardly surprising that a “rise in anti-semitism” can subsequently be identified and further instrumentalised?

Is it “anti-semitic” to point out that the victims of this instrumentalisation will not only be the non-Jews whose honest opinions will be criminalised and silenced, but the Jews who will be frightened into clinging to the gaslighters for protection against a majority outside world that they have been tricked into imagining is opposed to them as individuals and communities, rather than to the global mafia that oppresses and manipulates Jews and non-Jews alike?

[Audio version]


Connect with Paul Cudenec Winter Oak website | substack

Cover image credit: geralt

17 Million Murdered by Covid Vaccines and Voodoo Death

17 Million Murdered by COVID Vaccines and Voodoo Death


[TCTL editor’s note:

In spite of the mention of “spike protein” which seems to have a mythology all of its own within medical freedom groups, Greg Reese’s latest work is worth watching.

Here Reese shares the important work of Denis Rancourt wherein Rancourt analyzes death data during “covid” and demonstrates clearly how the cures for this made-up disease, along with cruel external force and mind control, were the actual cause of increased deaths.

Humanity historically has been bewitched and held spellbound by political and religious leaders, faux science and fear-based beliefs into cooperating with its own enslavement, self-harm and death.

As so many great researchers continue to look at what the so-called mRNA vaccines are about, what the actual contents are, and how they affect our biology, we do know that ALL vaccines have always been toxic and that NO virus has ever been isolated. All vaccines are forced upon us via lies and are all part of an incredibly ignorant (and nefarious) agenda.

Greg Reese has a unique way of writing and producing short impactful videos as he continues expanding his own awareness. This one is worth sharing.

~ Kathleen]


17 Million Murdered by COVID Vaccines and Voodoo Death

The groundbreaking research of Denis Rancourt

by Greg Reese, The Reese Report
January 11, 2024


Denis Rancourt has a PhD in Physics, he is a former tenured Full Professor, and has published over one hundred articles in leading science journals. Rancourt and his team have used all-cause-mortality data to prove there have been about seventeen million deaths as a result of official COVID-19 measures, but not from Covid, which was a lie.

As far as I can tell, from the all cause mortality data that we’ve been studying extensively for a long time, there’s no such thing as a viral respiratory pandemic. (Denis Rancourt)

He explains this all in his essay entitled, “There Was No Pandemic” which you can find on his SubStack.

There was no pandemic in the sense that there was not a particularly virulent new pathogen that was spreading and causing death. That is not what happened. What happened was huge assaults against vulnerable people by many different methods. And every time you did that, you caused excess mortality. In all the countries where they were not doing that, there was absolutely no excess mortality, even if it was a jurisdiction that was right beside the one that was doing this. (Denis Rancourt)

Rancourt explains a science of psychological murder that has been officially studied and documented for well over a century. It wasn’t just the spike protein that killed us, it was the whole damn thing.

Psychological stress and social isolation are dominant determinants of an individual’s health that causes a suppression of your immune system. And you’re going to get some kind of infection, cancer, heart disease. And very often the lungs are very exposed to the environments and they’re subjected to all the bacteria that you live with all the time. You get bacterial pneumonia and it’s a huge killer when a society is stressed, meaning all of its individuals are stressed. The kind of psychological stress that kills you is when you’re entire world is turned upside down. Your whole life you thought you had a place in the world and it’s gone. That will kill you within a very short time.

We always occupy a dominance hierarchy, a social dominance hierarchy. That is how we organize our societies because we are social animals. It is a fundamental truth of how we organize societies. The stress that is intended to keep you in your place within that dominance hierarchy is an everyday chronic stress, and the stressors have to keep changing how they’re going to stress you because you get habituated to the stress. So they have to randomly hit you with hard things every once in a while to really make sure you understand what your place is. That stress is one of the biggest determinants of health.

But we have to admit that medicine itself is a massive killer. It’s a massive cause of premature death of individuals. (Denis Rancourt)

Modern Western medicine is officially recognized as the third highest cause of death. It was designed to be a way of controlling the population.

It was designed to be a way of controlling the population. The role of medicine as an institution in our society is to maintain the dominance hierarchy, is to keep people sick and to put them in their place. It’s just part of that institutionally. (Denis Rancourt)

Financed by the Carnegie Foundation and published in 1910, the Flexner report was used to outlaw natural medicine practices in America. The Rockefeller foundation then funded a new kind of medicine. An inverted form of heath care that utilized petrochemical drugs and experimental surgery to keep people sick, and in many cases, kill the patient. As Denis Rancourt has pointed out, this is how societies have been run for centuries.

A de-classified document entitled, “Geomagnetic Factors In Spontaneous Subjective Telepathic, Precognitive And Postmortem Experiences”, as well as decades of Trauma Based Mind Control research, shows us that the CIA and our governments are well aware of the deadly effects that traumatizing a population can induce. They are killing us with fear and trauma.

This is known as psychogenic death or psychosomatic death, It is the phenomenon of sudden death brought about by strong emotional shock. Chairman of the Department of Physiology at Harvard Medical School, Walter Cannon, called it Voodoo death because mind control is the main method used in Voodoo rituals. Which is well understood by our world leaders. Bill and Hillary Clinton spent their honeymoon in Haiti at a Voodoo ritual which Bill claims inspired him to run for political office.

I was particularly intrigued by the Voodoo religion.

Voodoo’s central ritual is a dance during which spirits possessed believers. On the most interesting day of the trip, I got the chance to observe voodoo in practice. After several minutes of rhythmic dancing to pounding drums, the spirits arrived, seizing a woman and a man. The man proceeded to rub a burning torch all over his body and walk on hot coals without being burned. The woman in a frenzy, screamed repeatedly, then grabbed a live chicken and bit its head off.

By the time we got back from Haiti, I had determined to run for attorney general.

(Bill Clinton)


Connect with Greg Reese

Cover image based on creative commons work of: Desertrose7

Science Fraud in Medicines – Vast Majority Does Not Know

Science Fraud in Medicines – Vast Majority Does Not Know

by Dr. Saeed Qureshi, PhD, Bioanalyticx
January 2, 2024


If someone has not studied and practiced chemistry, physics and/or mathematics in exhaustive detail and does not have hands-on experience but claims to be a science expert or scientist, in that case, they are fake and must be ignored. (link)

Viruses and their existence and isolation, RNA, spike protein, sequencing, PCR testing, and developing vaccines resulted from fake science/scientists. The science (chemistry) does not support any of these claims. There should not be any debate or argumentation about it.

Furthermore, whenever you see the word “study” or “research,” including those published in peer-reviewed “scientific” journals concerning the virus and its RNA, spike protein, mRNA and/or vaccine, consider that you are presented with false and fraudulent information.

Nobody can do such studies or research as none of the above items are available. No study has ever been done or can be done until they are available in physical form and pure from somewhere. It is not an opinion but a scientific fact.

You are not a fool, but fake scientists have fooled and tricked you with scientific-sounding jargon.

Medical experts, particularly physicians, are often presented as science experts or scientists, which is categorically a false and invalid claim. It is not just my claim or observation; anyone can form this opinion by studying the curriculum of any medical/medicine (M.D.) degree program. (linklink)

You will quickly observe an absence of science teaching and training. The medical degree emphasizes memorizing some physiological and chemical terms to associate with the patient’s symptoms to prescribe well-established allopathic medicines (mostly pure chemicals and non-physiological). There is no actual science or its research anywhere.

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that medical experts can not follow the concepts and practices of isolation, purification, and characterization of viruses, RNA, spike protein, and vaccines. These are chemistry-based substances or molecules. Furthermore, it is unfortunate that they do not even try to understand the shortcomings (link) but demean the others, the genuine and actual scientists. The real tragedy!

Unfortunately, the public suffers from fake and false science propaganda, and so do the countries. The tragic mindset needs to be addressed – and quickly.

Information on my training, expertise, and experience is provided here.


Connect with Dr. Saeed Qureshi

Cover image credit: Juhele

On the Fairytale of Deadly Viruses Emerging From Hot Zones in Far Away Lands…

On the Fairytale of Deadly Viruses Emerging From Hot Zones in Far Away Lands…


My Crushing “Hot Zone” Virus Story No One in the Press Wants to Understand

I haven’t even seen alternative reporters picking up on it

by Jon Rappoport
January 3, 2024


Let’s start here:

1957 Asian Flu epidemic: origin, East Asia.

1980s AIDS: origin, Africa.

2009 Swine Flu epidemic: origin, Mexico.

2014 Ebola outbreak: origin, West Africa.

2015 Zika outbreak: origin, Brazil.

2020 COVID pandemic: origin, China.

Each of these supposed (fake) viruses traveled. In each case, they traveled from a foreign country to the US.

Name several viruses that, during the past 65 years, traveled from the US to foreign nations caused epidemics there.



Why not?

Purported viruses can originate anywhere. They can travel anywhere. What’s the problem?

On top of all this, we have the “Hot Zone” theory/prediction of emerging deadly viruses:

They come from jungles and rainforests far away, and because modern travel is so frequent, they come to America, and…

Because our immune systems have no previous history of encountering these viruses, the germs sweep through our population and create pandemics.

Given that description, why haven’t the proponents of the theory cited viruses that originate in the US and travel to jungles and rainforests in other nations and cause deadly epidemics there? The people in those remote places have no experience with OUR viruses.

What’s the problem?

What’s going on is really quite simple. STORIES are being told about supposed viruses. The stories inevitably feature origins in foreign lands, and the germs travel to the US.

By any measure, we should have heard press reports, over the past 65 years, of the Chicago or New York or Miami or San Francisco or Des Moines Flu showing up in Germany, France, Brazil, West Africa, China, India…

But we haven’t.

And the reason is, those aren’t the STORIES. That’s all. This has nothing to do with science.

Nothing at all.

Therefore, all the stories of foreign viruses landing here are on the level of man in the moon and Cinderella and Snow White.

If these US outbreaks of illness in the US were caused by foreign viruses, we would have witnessed similar viral outbreaks in other countries that originated here.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

Cover image based on creative commons work of: Prettysleepy & GDJ

Just in Case China Calls THIS a New Pandemic

Just in Case China Calls THIS a New Pandemic
See the circle of orange cones on the street? That’s me standing inside, digging below the surface 

by Jon Rappoport
November 24, 2023


China…new mystery outbreak…

Gateway Pundit:

An unexplained pneumonia-like sickness is reportedly swiftly spreading through schools in China, leading to a surge of hospitalizations of children.
Over the past few weeks, numerous schools in China, predominantly in Beijing and Liaoning province, have reported a rapid increase in children presenting with severe symptoms. These symptoms, including high fever and lung inflammation, are eerily similar to those of pneumonia, Daily Mail reported.
However, what sets this illness apart is the lack of common respiratory symptoms like coughing. This unique symptom profile has led health professionals to label this as an “undiagnosed pneumonia.”
Note that this peculiar symptomatology has reportedly baffled health professionals, who are struggling to categorize and understand this new illness.

Mystery? Baffling? Eerie?

I don’t think so. They always give you: “This has no explanation”—just before they magically announce they’ve found a new virus.

Of course, they never actually isolate that new virus. They never discover it. They just invent a fairy tale.

As far as “mysterious” is concerned in China right now, here is a definitive statement from the American Thoracic Society: “It is possible to have pneumonia without a cough or fever.”


For years, doctors have been diagnosing patients with pneumonia when there is no cough present. It’s not baffling. It’s not ultra-strange. So forget about that.

Which leaves the question: what IS making all these children in China sick? Hmm. Let’s see. Could it be changes in the moon’s orbit? Sun spots? Lasers fired from UFOs? Infected bats imported from Mars?


Well, how about THIS?

US Embassy in China, October 30, 2023:

EVENT: This is a notification that the Beijing City Government has issued an ‘orange’ alert for air pollution effective from 12:00 Monday, October 30 until 24:00 Thursday, November 2. An ‘orange’ alert means that official forecasts indicate Beijing’s Air Quality Index (AQI) will exceed 200 for two consecutive days or 150 for three consecutive days. The alert may be extended if air pollution levels persist.
During an “orange” alert, some businesses may reduce operations.
ACTIONS TO TAKE: The U.S. EPA recommends people with heart or lung disease, older adults, children, and teenagers limit or avoid outdoor physical activity when the AQI level exceeds 200. It recommends everyone avoid outdoor exertion if the AQI level exceeds 300.

Reuters, October 31, 2023:

Authorities issued their highest warnings for fog and haze on Tuesday as smog enveloped major cities in northern China, warning the public that visibility could drop to less than 50 metres (164 feet).
Northern province Hebei launched an anti-pollution emergency response, listing traffic safety controls for when necessary including suspending flight takeoffs and landings, temporarily closing highways and suspending ferries, China’s meteorological bureau said in a notice.
As air pollution levels in the wider Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei area and northern part of Henan province reached moderate to severe, pollution control experts said increased industrial activities, heavy trucking and crop fires had contributed to the haze, state media CCTV reported.

Crisis 24, a “global security platform,” reports that heavy pollution is occurring in Northern China provinces, including Beijing and Liaoning, the two areas reporting the “mystery illness” in children.

I see. Pollution causing lung problems. Wow. I just fell off my chair. What a revelation. Who ever heard of that?

Yeah. I went through all this—reported on all this—in 2020—with “COVID.” That was a mysterious pneumonia, too. Except for the heavy air pollution. Every year in China, about 300,000 people die from pneumonia (lung problems). That means there are millions of cases.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

Cover image credit: pixundfertig

The Psychiatric Diagnostic Evaluation: Medical Expertise or Smoke And Mirrors?

The Psychiatric Diagnostic Evaluation: Medical Expertise or Smoke And Mirrors?

By Lawrence Kelmenson, MD, Mad in America
November 21, 2023


Psychiatrists used to not put much effort into diagnosing. Instead, they focused on getting to and working on the issues in their clients’ lives that were upsetting them. But all that changed when the 1980 DSM came out. Since then, diagnosing mental disorders has been one of their main focuses (prescribing medicine being the other). People pay huge sums of money for psychiatrists’ expert opinions, and their diagnostic evaluations carry great weight in court, school, the workplace, and disability determinations. But is this truly warranted? Is a doctor really needed to make a psychiatric diagnosis, or can anyone do it?

Here are three points which support the idea that anyone can make a psychiatric diagnosis:

1. All the diagnostic criteria that psychiatrists learn in their training can be easily found on various websites. Therefore anyone can look up the criteria for diagnosing any mental illness and then conduct a do-it-yourself diagnostic evaluation.

2. It’s true that only trained doctors can perform physical exams and order lab tests, x-rays/scans, biopsies, etc.. And it’s true that only doctors are qualified to interpret their results. But these medical workups are only ever done to verify physical illness diagnoses, like cancer or diabetes. They are never done to diagnose mental illnesses. If a medical workup is ever done during a mental illness evaluation, it’s only to rule out a real (physical) illness.

3. If one examines the criteria for all the mental illness diagnoses, it becomes clear that identifying them doesn’t require any medical background or skill. For example, here are some criteria for diagnosing depression: diminished interest/pleasure in activities, indecisiveness, and feelings of worthlessness. First of all, these are not terms/concepts that only doctors are privy to. Secondly, they’re vague, subjective perceptions rather than objective, scientific facts. They’re in the eye of the beholder. Thus, any human could offer an opinion as to whether or not someone is experiencing them. Who’s to say which is the “right” opinion?

These are all excellent points.

But if a regular human such as you dares to take it upon yourself to perform a psychiatric diagnostic evaluation, you’ll be laughed at for your brazenness. You need a doctor’s official stamp of approval to make the diagnosis appear legitimate and valid. Doctors are greatly revered and trusted. Only if you tell others that a learned doctor diagnosed you with your mental illness, will it be viewed as a proven fact rather than a mere opinion. So even though psychiatrists don’t use any medical knowledge when making diagnoses, they do have MD degrees, and that’s enough.

Furthermore, for centuries psychiatrists have been designated by society to be the supreme authorities over several key areas: They decide who is insane and should be involuntarily committed and forcibly sedated. They also determine who is mentally unfit and should lose their right to manage their own lives. Perhaps these longstanding power roles have culturally imbued psychiatrists with an aura of superhuman capabilities which makes all their opinions far more important than a regular person’s. The common belief that psychiatrists have the intimidating ability to read and manipulate people’s minds may enhance this aura. Without necessarily being consciously aware of the aura, people may sense it, fear it, and be awed by it. They may thus be particularly likely to unquestioningly, submissively accept whatever their omniscient psychiatrist diagnoses and commands.

Psychiatry’s aura of superiority may be what enabled it to convince people that mental illnesses are real physical illnesses, even though they’re opposites: First psychiatry constructed a fantasy about emotional distress being a medically-treatable disease caused by a chemical imbalance or brain anomaly.Then it turned it into a reality just by proclaiming it to be true. It didn’t matter that 50 years of intensive research never found any chemical imbalances or brain anomalies. Nor did it matter that antidepressants were proven to be mere placebos(1). When psychiatry says something is true, that makes it true, no matter how illogical. And this isn’t the first time this was done: The diagnosis of hysteria was taken seriously for many centuries. It was another example of emotional distress being unfoundedly declared to be a medical condition. This time it was said to be caused by a wandering uterus, and the treatment was to coax it back into place(2).

Psychiatry would lose its power over people if its aura was removed, because nothing would be left but smoke and mirrors. People would lose faith in it (just as happened to the Wizard of Oz when his curtain was removed, revealing that he wasn’t a higher being but just a regular human). Psychiatry’s customers would then realize that they’re not defective and helpless as their doctor oppressively insists. They’d see that they’re actually capable of thinking for themselves in order to devise adaptive ways to solve their own problems. (The tin man, scarecrow, and lion made the same realization after their wizard was shown to be a fraud.) If this ever happens, then people will no longer feel compelled to follow the yellow brick road to a doctor’s office to have their painful feelings medicalized.


1. Kirsch, I. “The Emperor’s New Drugs: Exploding The Antidepressant Myth”, Basic Books, New York, 2010.

2. Wellesley, M “A Load Of Ballokis” London Review of Books, 23 April 2018.


Lawrence Kelmenson has practiced psychiatry for 32 years, working with children, adults, and families. He graduated medical school from State University of New York, and completed psychiatric residency training at Cornell. He then became staff psychiatrist, and later medical director, of Craig House Hospital in Beacon, New York until 2000, and has since conducted a psychotherapy-based private practice in Cold Spring, New York.


Connect with Mad in America

Cover image credit: Conmongt

The Trump Thing

The Trump Thing

by Larken Rose
November 14, 2023


View video at Larken Rose Bitchute & Youtube channels. Mirrored at Odysee & Brighteon.


Transcript prepared by TCTL:


Hey, Larken Rose here, and whether you completely despised Donald Trump or totally adored Donald Trump, you’ll probably be offended by this video either way. Because the two sides, the sides that are going, ‘Rah, rah, rah’, put him on the throne. And the side that’s going, ‘anybody but him on the throne’ are falling for the exact same game. And it’s worth explaining the phenomenon and how, oddly enough, both sides are examples of — they’re driven by good intentions but they’re driven into playing an inherently, immoral and destructive game known as politics.

Now the thing that the leftist media just has complete tantrums about is the same thing that makes a lot of people like Donald Trump. It isn’t principle because he doesn’t have any. It isn’t being pro-freedom because he isn’t.

It’s the fact that he doesn’t appear as a normal politician. He speaks with disdain and disrespect towards a bunch of power-happy psychos. And lots of people like that and go ‘Rah, rah, rah’ about that, as well they should.

I think, accidentally, the best thing Trump is doing is tearing down the apparent respectability of the entire system. I don’t at all mind that he talks down to them and constantly insults them. What’s kind of hysterical is that anybody imagines that he’s any different. He isn’t. He’s one more clown in the clown show.

But I wanted to at least give a little sympathy to the people falling for the Trump pitch because most of them are doing a common thing that a lot of people did. I remember doing it myself with Ross Perot. It shows how old I am. Basically imagining into his words things that I wanted him to believe in. Things, agendas that I wanted him to push, whether it matched or not.

So lots of people love Trump because they picture him as an outsider, which he’s not. They picture him as anti-establishment, which he’s not. And they hallucinate that he’s in favor of freedom, which he isn’t.

But the fact that he talks down to them and is insulting, and is sort of funny in the process, and you so rarely see that among politicians, that excites a bunch of people. Like, ‘Yeah, you tell ’em!’. And they’re not — they’re just emotionally riled up because they’re so sick of the lukewarm tomato soup BS crew — that both parties have cranked out as politicians for decades and decades and decades and decades — that by comparison, they think, here’s Trump, he says it like it

Well, no, he doesn’t, but he says it bluntly and insultingly. And that’s refreshing to a lot of people, which is kind of weird and kind of understandable. Because the fake respectability that politics has received for so long, including in the mainstream or formerly mainstream media, is sickening. Like we’re supposed to treat these people like, oh, there are lords and masters and they’re above reproach. And no, there are a bunch of corrupt, lying psychos. And the fact that Trump points that out and says so, gets a lot of people excited. And then they want to believe that he is fundamentally different, even though he’s not and he’s never given any reason to think he’s fundamentally different. Because he isn’t.

He openly adores literal dictators. He single-handedly pushed the worst federal gun control in my lifetime by telling the lawyers, not even going through Congress, something that conservatives would have flipped out if a Democrat president did this. Which is ‘I’m just going to tell the lawyers rewrite the definition of machine gun and make it include bump stocks. So now I’m just making several hundred thousand Americans into felons overnight by changing the wording of a regulation. Because I said so.’ That’s what Trump did. And if Biden had done that, all of the conservatives would have flipped out. But their own favorite clown did it. So they’re like, ‘Well, he was bullied into it or he had to or it’s not that serious. It’s just bump stocks.’ They make excuses for it, which is exactly what the other side does.

So if you’re going ‘Rah, rah, rah’ for Trump, because you think he’s anti-establishment, I commend you for being anti-establishment. I can’t commend you for being very observant because he’s not anti-establishment. He appointed all the same warmongers. He appointed all the same bankers, all the same parasitic control freaks. And he talks a little bit different.

Donald Trump IS professional wrestling. And he’s literally been involved in professional wrestling. He was the thing that they brought in to get attention back on politics because nobody cared. You have a bunch of lukewarm, boring politicians on both sides. Nobody was paying attention. Nobody cared. Voter rolls were going way down. They needed to shake it up by fabricating a fake drama.

So in comes Donald Trump with all his bluster and bravado and arrogance — and just all the qualities — including the ones that were sort of good? — which is that he dared to bash the system. I mean, he did it sort of incoherently and inconsistently. But at least he showed them, he showed them libtards by calling out how horrible they really are. Yeah, good for him.

Here’s the problem. Literally, every single historical tyrant you can think of, rose to power by bashing an injustice that was there before them. And in almost every case, it was a real injustice. You know, Hitler was right to condemn the — like the Treaty of Versailles and the way Germany had been treated after World War I and stuff like that. That was a just complaint. And that’s why people said, ‘Rah, rah, rah, we want him’. They didn’t say ‘Rah, rah, rah, we want him to kill a bunch of people or, like, bring in fascism and violently dominate everyone’. They went ‘Rah, rah, rah’ because they were so sick of what was happening, that if somebody came along who pretended to be something different, they didn’t bother looking closely at what he was actually proposing. Well, as long as he’s against that thing that we all don’t like.

And the same thing with the czars in Russia and the Soviet Union, and Mao and the feudal lords or whatever you want to call them in China, and the injustice there. We’re going to bring in communism to save the day. Every single time tyrants come to power, it’s because they’re bashing, usually rightfully bashing, some past injustice, or present injustice when they’re in the process of bashing it. That’s all Trump did.

And people were so sick of the liberal collectivist establishment that they decided, well, the enemy of my enemy must be my friend. And they didn’t bother. It was so much wishful thinking. They didn’t bother looking closely and realize Trump is literally a New York liberal. And he’s been pretty open about that. He’s literally buddies with the Clintons and that whole crowd. And he knows how to put on a show, à la professional wrestling, literally being involved in professional wrestling.

He knows how to put on a show to get people’s attention by bashing his enemies — the ones he pretends are his enemies and totally aren’t. ‘Lock her up. Lock her up.” Then the moment he’s elected. ‘Well, she’s been through enough.’ He never meant a word of it. He didn’t care. He’s buddies with them. He puts on a show and you fall for it because you’re eager to have somebody in power who’s against the establishment. So eager that you’ll ignore everything he actually says and actually does.

And what he proposed and did was slight tinkerings with the authoritarian game, adding some here, pretending to oppose authoritarianism over here — to the point where people are going, ‘Rah, rah, rah’, he’s putting tariffs on a bunch of things. ‘Yeah, he’s really sticking it to China.’

The US government can’t tax China. Do you understand that? The US government cannot tax China.

If there is trade between people in China and the US, they can tax the transaction going to the American or coming from the American. Tariffs are taxes on Americans. Always. You can’t tax foreign countries. Wnd you can say, ‘Well, it’s an import tax’. Yeah, who’s importing it? The people here! You import something from China when you’re already here. To stick a tax on that or to stick attacks on exports, you’re taxing Americans.

So you had a bunch of people going, ‘Rah, rah, rah, hooray for Trump because he’s taxing us more’. And they didn’t recognize that, because they were so into the mentality of ‘at least he’s anti-establishment and he’s against China and he’s against Russia and he’s against the libtards’. And no, he’s just one more person playing the game. And that’s why Trump is Trump. It’s because he is a very good bullshitter. Well, I can’t even say he’s very good at that. He’s just convincing enough to have gotten his way in a lot of different ways throughout his life, and to dupe a bunch of people into thinking he’s pro-freedom.

What has he said that’s pro-freedom? ‘I believe in taking guns first and going through due process second.’ What would your reaction have been if Biden said, ‘Yeah, we’re going to disarm you first and then maybe we’ll do due process second’? All conservatives would have flipped out. Donald Trump said that, live and in front of a bunch of cameras. What was your excuse? And that was talking about the red flag laws where, ‘Oh, some anonymous somebody said this person might be a danger. Let’s send in armed thugs of the state to violently disarm that person and then later we’ll go through due process and see if it was at all necessary or justified.’ That was the context. That is 100% anti-constitution, anti-second amendment and pro-dictatorship. Where you start by forcibly disarming people. Later we’ll decide whether we should have.

And so many conservatives go, ‘Well, yeah, but the other side is worse’. And that’s the problem. If you’re not thinking in terms of principles, then all they have to do to get you to cheer for a warmongering power-happy psycho is run him against the slightly worse warmongering power-happy psycho. Or what appears to you as slightly worse. And that’s why people fell for it.

And so the good news is that the enthusiasm behind Trump demonstrated sort of an inherent rebelliousness in Americans. They didn’t want the established –the establishment. They didn’t want the status quo. And here was a guy coming out and pretending to bash it. They were, ‘Rah, rah, rah. Yeah, you tell him.’ And there was so much wishful thinking. They didn’t bother to look closely at what he was actually doing, which was just more of the same. It’s more of what the puppets have always done. Authoritarian garbage.

Yeah, he kept the bombing going. He kept the war going. ‘Well, he didn’t start any new wars.’ Like how far are you going to stretch to pretend he’s a good person who believes in good things.

It’s like, oh, well, yeah, that carjacker, he’s still stealing cars, but he’s only stealing cars from the same people he stole from before. So it’s good. He’s awesome. He’s a great improvement. We support that carjacker. That’s the equivalent of what Trump supporters did.

So for Trump supporters, I would say, don’t give up your rebelliousness. Don’t give up your resentment and hatred for the establishment and the status quo because they totally deserve it. Don’t give up your resentment for the socialist BS that they’re trying to impose on you. But instead of just letting your emotions carry you away, look who you’re actually supporting. And ultimately, what that comes down to is, don’t support anybody being on the throne.

If you believe in freedom, bickering over which jackboot’s going to be on your throat or which clown is going to sit on the throne, that’s not freedom. That’s not in the direction of freedom at all. Your brain isn’t even in the direction of freedom. If the entire discussion you can comprehend is which crook should we put on the throne? The only pro-freedom answer is ‘none’. Don’t have there be a throne.

And I know that’s passed what most people want to think about right now. But in the case of Trump, he doesn’t even do a… like Reagan did a really good job in his rhetoric of bashing authoritarianism, and coming right out and saying government is not the solution, government is the problem. And saying all sorts of cool things like that. And then whether he knew it ahead of time or he was sort of cajoled or tricked into it, he supported the insane evil completely unconstitutional war on drugs.

So gee whiz, one of the best spokespeople for limited government ever, to ever make it to the White House, increased authoritarian domination. And so did Trump. And so will everybody who ever gets there. Because you’re not going to get anywhere near there if you actually, in principle, oppose authoritarianism.

And so it’s sad to watch so many people’s hopes and enthusiasm be thrown into the Trump camp as if that is the path to freedom. No, it’s not. Look more carefully. Don’t support what you blindly wish he was. See what he actually is. See what he’s actually done. See what he’s actually said. Watch what he did in his first for years in there. And then recognize that you’re not pro-freedom.

And the fact that you’re zealously against Biden, because he’s a senile old socialist psychopath — good, keep being against that. And be against that in principle, which also means being against Trump, who also push the free handouts that caused the inflation. Yes. And he did it first. And he was smart enough to do it when he knew the inflation would hit after he wasn’t there anymore. Trump did it, then Biden did it, then the inflation hit. Trump was pushing for bigger socialist handouts after that ridiculous debacle. He was also with his, with his lispy… he was pushing the same crap.

It was under his administration that that slimy little troll Fauci was pushing the propaganda. What did he do? Well, you half the time, sort of pretended, to almost be against it. That cannot be. You can’t make it that easy to trick you into cheering for your own subjugation and victimization and then be baffled by why we aren’t free.

We’re not free because you fall for crap like that. You think Trump is pro-freedom when he hasn’t even pretended to be. And Vivek Ramaswamy, however the hell you say his name, he’s the next salesman of pro-freedom authoritarianism. He’s actually way better at it than Trump as far as trying to express actual principles, but he doesn’t have any. He’s absolutely a statist authoritarian. And he’s doing the same thing of ‘I’m going to bash certain forms of authoritarianism that I think you’re against and you’re opposed to’. So you go, ‘Rah, rah, rah. Put him on the throne.’ And then you’re sort of going to downplay or ignore it when he mentions all the authoritarian domination that he’s in favor of. You’re bickering over what style of fascism you want imposed on you, instead of thinking from principle.

So as for your rah, rah, rah, anti-establishment — good, keep doing that. Only actually do it. Actually do it consistently. Not by supporting Trump, another puppet in the clown show, but by actually supporting principles that don’t match what any politician is ever going to tell you.

If you’re still looking for a political solution, you’re doomed.

So having bashed the Trump supporters, let me focus on the political left and Trump derangement syndrome. And that totally is a thing where they completely flip out. And the irony is they’re flipping out at somebody pretending to be anti-establishment who isn’t. So both sides are pretending that, ‘Ah, this is this radical, extreme change.’ No, it isn’t. Not in any way, shape or form was Trump radical on anything ever. He was this lukewarm, you know, finger to the wind, constantly seeing what would get him approval and him praise and him money. That’s all he has ever cared about.

And anyone paying any attention should be able to see that Trump cares about Trump. Nope, that’s the whole list. Just Trump. That’s all he gives a shit about is himself, his glory, his power, his money. He makes that as obvious as anybody could possibly make it. Like, could the narcissism and ego be any more obvious and blatant than the way he openly talks in front of the cameras. And if you’re trying to imagine him to be an advocate for principles instead of just an advocate for Trump, that’s just your imagination. That’s just your wishful thinking.

But let’s get back to the opponents of Trump who completely flip out at things that aren’t even significantly different. And they have to do that. They have to have tantrums at Trump because what are they even going to pretend to be for? Biden? This senile old corrupt racist? By the way, there’s way more of a basis to call Biden a racist than Trump. Like by a lot. If you look at the legislative history of what Biden has actually voted for and pushed, yeah, there’s a whole lot more basis to actually call him racist than, ‘oh, Trump has lots of white supporters. So he must be a white supremacist’ or some stupid logic like that. I have plenty of complaints against Trump, but him being a racist is like the dumbest.

That’s just the accusation they throw at everybody they don’t like. ‘You’re racist and a fascist.’ He is kind of a fascist and he openly adores dictators. So there’s that. But the racist part, you just made up.

Biden, there’s even less of an attempt to pretend he has any principles. He doesn’t believe in anything except the political machine. It’s all he’s ever been. He’s a cog in the wheel, in that giant machine of evil domination and parasitism known as the federal government. That is what Biden is. And they’ve gotten away with it so long that they take corruption… They’re not even trying anymore. Like Hunter and the stuff he’s been doing. Just so blatantly obvious. Like they didn’t even try to hide it because they thought they’d get away with it. And they knew, probabl, that the media was going to cover for them, which they did. The media lied their asses off to try to cover corruption.

And that’s the dead giveaway. Whether you’re talking about the media or just leftists in general supporting Biden, if they can do things that obviously corrupt and evil. and you’re going to look the other way because ‘well that other guy is even worse’, not only are you just as bad as the people who fell for Trump’s BS, you’re the same thing. You’re the exact same thing.

Trump supporters and Biden supporters are mirror images of each other. They’re both supporting old crooked, slimy, corrupt, power-happy, half senile, slime balls. And their excuse is, ‘Well, the other one is even worse’. Well gee, how did we get to a point where, like, two of the worst people in the world are the choices for president of the United States? And before that, it was Hillary versus Trump.

How do you think we get to the point where 300 and some million people are told to choose between the wicked witch of the west in Hillary and this egomaniac, arrogant lying piece of boop, Trump? Why is that what ended up? Because you keep falling for it. You keep voting for corrupt crooks and doing the comparison game and saying, well he’s not as bad as the other guy, so I’m going to vote for him.

Now, what I’m actually scared of is someone coming along who doesn’t suck at propaganda. And Trump is good at propaganda for an unthinking, emotion driven, angry audience that’s just so mad at the left, which I can understand. You should be left. They’re evil in doing evil things. But they’re so emotionally angry that they’re like, ‘Anybody who’s on our side say how bad they are. Good, you have our support’. Okay. Well, who is he? What does he believe? Well, he’s a self-absorbed narcissist who doesn’t believe in anything except himself. Yeah, that’s going to turn out great.

But the liberals who are just constantly having tantrums, and like obsessed with January 6th. It’s one of the funniest and saddest things I’ve ever seen. ‘January 6th, oh we have to have hearings about it.’ It was a tantrum. It was a frat party tantrum. And they’re talking of this, ‘Oh, this was an attempt to overthrow the government’. No, when there’s an attempt to overthrow the government, you’ll know it because they’ll show up with guns. And they won’t stay between the velvet ropes. But they have to blow it ridiculously out of proportion. Because what else do they have? It’s like, well, our guy is, we don’t know what he thinks. You can’t form a complete sentence. So there’s a problem with that. And even before that, there was never a principle. It was just he, he changed his positions on everything. You can go back and see the videos of Biden floundering on literally every single thing — because he’s going to say whatever he thinks will get him votes and get him public support because that’s what politicians do, including Trump.

So the political left, all they have is hatred of Trump. That’s all they have to hang on to. And it’s not like they know that on a conscious level. But, subconsciously, none of them are like Biden, he’s so brave and principled and he really cares. Nobody believes that. Nobody believes that. Biden is never… And same thing with Kamala, that babbling, cackling imbecile. Nobody believes she gives a crap about anybody but herself. Like, they’re not even putting up good actors in this puppet show anymore. And some people are still falling for it. Thankfully a lot of people aren’t.

Now let me try to give a little bit more credit to the political left, which, man, that takes a serious effort sometimes. But they look at Trump and say, ‘Oh, he’s going to start World War III’. It’s like, well, we’re on the way to World War III and who’s is in the White House now? When people are that scared — like when people are told over and over again, he’s a racist and a fascist and all these horrible things and they don’t bother to check — you can see the outcome. There’s tons of conservative pundits who do interviews with angry liberals and go like, ‘Okay, can you give me example of his racism?’. Dead silence. No example. They have no idea. They just heard other people say it about them. And that’s been true of the political left forever. And now they throw the label, racist and fascist at everybody. I mean, look at Trudeau up in Canada, which is just laughably stupid. ‘So, you don’t like us destroying your lives? Well then you’re misogynist and a racist and fascist’ to the truckers. What are you talking about? We just didn’t want you ruining our livelihoods. How did that get — and how did like homophobe get in there? Like, yeah, you must hate gay people because you want to earn a living. Okay. Not sure how many flying leaps of logic it takes to get that from there to there.

But they’ve become so desperate it’s ridiculous. All they have is throwing the labels. The thing is their followers believe it. When they get terrified. And so you get ridiculous spectacles like the Antifa, which is short for anti-fascist, which is kind of ironic because they’re the most fascist movement there is in this country. Literally, ‘we’re going to violently’ — they use the exact tactics of Hitler’s brown shirts. ‘We’re going to violently attack people, try to silence anybody who disagrees with us and label them as horrible evil people’. It’s just ridiculous because they don’t think in principles either.

What I would really ask people to do, and I know it’s a big ask because it requires people turning down their fricking emotions long enough to think, be clear in your own head about what it is that you actually want. What do you actually want? If policy were up to you. You’re the king on the throne now and they decided, yeah, these candidates are all horrible. They’re taking you and you’re putting on the throne. You can do whatever you want. What are you going to do? Is it freedom? Is it using the violence of the state to control people and limit what they can say and do? Is it using the violence of the state to rob everybody to fund a welfare state or to fund a huge military and a police force?

Whatever you want to do to the people, if you had the power, that’s what they’re going to do to you. Because you’re not going to be the one on the throne. It’s going to be somebody else. If you supported having a throne, and the amount of power that you would have used on people, and then it gets used on you and you complain about it, you’re a giant freaking hypocrite. If you’re a Republican, you’re a giant freaking hypocrite. If you’re a Democrat, you’re a giant freaking hypocrite. Because what every single statist does is say, ‘I want government force used to impose my values and my preferences and serve my interests by way of government power’. Then the next day they’re saying, ‘Hey, no fair, they’re using government power to force their interests and their priorities and their values and their preferences on to me’. Well, gee frickin’ whiz, that’s what the game is, the game that you agreed to, the game that you supported.

And this is a point I’ve made before. I’ll end on this. There is no such thing as political corruption, or I should say it’s redundant. Political corruption is redundant. There isn’t any other kind of politics.

The people who use the violence of government and call it politics to get what they want at the expense of other people’s freedom and prosperity, they call it “a representative republic doing the will of the people”. And the people on the losing end who say, ‘Hey, that’s not what I wanted’ and ‘You’re using their violence against my interests and my values. That’s corruption!’. They’re the ones who are right.

The fact that you might be the recipient, the beneficiary, from corruption doesn’t make it not corruption. Corruption is all politics and government will ever be. It’s all it can ever be.

Fricking George Washington said it. Government is not reason. It is not eloquence. It is force.

When you try to vote a person in, it’s because you want them to use force to force your agenda and your preferences onto the rest of the world. And then you act all shocked and offended when they do the same thing to you. And if you win, you go, ‘Yeah, we’ll show them. We’ll forcibly control them’. A few years later, they win and you’re going, ‘Hey, they’re forcibly controlling us’. Shut up. Until you advocate freedom for everybody, just shut the hell up.

If you’re supporting Trump, you’re supporting authoritarian mass extortion and domination. If you’re supporting Biden, you’re supporting mass authoritarian extortion and domination.

If you’re on the losing end of the game, tough crap, you deserve it because you legitimized that game. You said it was okay. You said you wanted that. You just wanted the violence used in a different direction so that you’d win and they would lose, instead of them winning and you losing.

The thing is, there’s only one way for humanity to win, which is stop advocating violent authoritarian domination. And that means do not support Trump. Do not support Biden. Do not support Vivek or DeSantis or any other clown that says, ‘If you give me power, I will do the right thing with it’. No, they won’t ever. Have they ever? No. And you can point to a thing. ‘Well, he did slightly less abuse’. Oh, goody. We got a slave master who only whips us half as much as the slave master before. Is that any closer to freedom? No. On a practical level. Okay, we’re suffering a little bit less. Rah, rah, rah. That doesn’t make you free. Just means your master is a little bit nicer to you.

And this is something that a lot of people, Trump supporters, Biden supporters, everybody else, they need to recognize that their own goodness is being used to trick them into supporting evil with them as the victim of it. You are supporting your own extortion and subjugation every time you vote, every time you rah, rah, rah, for any political candidate. I don’t care what party. And it’s really frustrating to watch.

Once you’re outside of the game and you recognize how it works, it’s frustrating to watch a bunch of well-intentioned people on both sides, screaming at the top of their lungs how much their guy needs to wield basically unlimited power to boss people around and take their stuff. And they don’t get that the politicians are just sitting back, they’re laughing their asses off, probably hanging out and having parties together like Trump and the Clintons used to. They don’t care. They’re both getting your money. They’re both controlling you while you bicker and hate each other.

And if you actually want something different, Trump isn’t it. Biden certainly isn’t it. If you actually want something different, you have to be able to comprehend something different than bickering over which clown is going to be on the throne for the next how many years.

So yeah, if you want freedom, you have to change what’s inside your own head. Because if you’re playing politics, you don’t even want freedom. You’re not even advocating freedom yourself. And if you expect government to advocate freedom when none of the people voting for it, including you, believe in freedom, you’re going to be waiting a while — like forever.

So I guess that’s about it. By the way, if you want sort of a rude slap in the face, fun allegory, fun and disturbing and traumatic allegory of how the political system actually works and what people are falling for, I highly recommend you watch The Jones Plantation at

I’m not saying either of you are bad people. I mean, yeah, there’s some bad people out there. Most Republicans, most Democrats, they mean well. They think they’re doing the right thing and they’re empowering evil in the process without even knowing it.

So my question to you is, do you care enough to pause long enough to reexamine your own assumptions and your own words and your own beliefs and your own actions to see if you might be accidentally empowering evil? Because you are.


Connect with Larken Rose  BitChute | Youtube

Watch The Jones Plantation at

Cover image credit: SarahRichterArt

See Related:

Voluntaryism: Candles in the Dark

Statism: The Most Dangerous Religion

You Can’t Win. Don’t Even Try!


The Vaccine Study That Should Have Brought Down The Empire

The Vaccine Study That Should Have Brought Down The Empire

by Jon Rappoport
November 13, 2023


When I discovered this study several years ago and wrote the following extensive piece on it, the study was a bolt from the blue, a complete devastating shocker.

It still is.

It is more than enough to topple the whole vaccine empire.

Honoring the work of the study co-author, Dr. Antonietta Gatti, Catherine Austin Fitts wrote, “Not long after the publication of this revolutionary study, tax authorities raided and investigated Dr. Gatti’s and [her husband] Dr. Montanari’s laboratory and private home—an all too usual method of intimidation.”

THAT was the “scientific follow-up.”

In a nutshell, Dr. Gatti’s 2017 study showed an incredible amount of contamination, in a whole host of traditional vaccines. The contamination was in the form of tiny nanoparticles, mostly metallic, and obviously highly harmful and dangerous.

Before reading my summary and analysis of that study—here is an updated communication from Dr. Gatti I received a few days ago. It describes, in a stark and disturbing fashion, what has been happening to her, her work, and her laboratory. This is chilling:

“At the end of last year, our laboratory no longer had the financial capacity to continue its research. The proceeds from the few analyzes requested by private individuals yielded enormously less than what the research cost us. Then, there were two possibilities: close everything or set up a foundation by giving away everything that belonged to us, hoping to find some sponsors. After all, all initiatives, even the most bizarre, find someone willing to contribute financially. Why not a foundation that does fundamental research on health? So, we opted for the latter choice, and the Nanodiagnostics Foundation was born.”

“But, after almost a year, not a cent has arrived. In short, no company, no private citizen, no institution is willing to contribute.”

“Many people continue to demand results and ask questions to which they have no answers from the institutions or their doctors, but, if it is a question of parting from some money, the silence is absolute.”

“It is clear that our work is a threat to billion-dollar businesses that are not exactly clear, at least for most people. For this reason, the most absurd and incredible slanders are invented to our detriment.

Not being able to dispute our scientific results, there are those who publish, usually anonymously, that we earn enormous sums of money, even giving the impression that the Foundation belongs to us, when it should be known that foundations do not belong to anyone, and no one can profit from them. And this is when we have donated everything that belonged to us, and we work for free.”

“Another tactic is trying to isolate and discredit us with lies. What the University of Bologna did a few days ago, the university where I graduated, then specialized and taught, is a small example.”

“A few months ago, that university asked us if we were willing to accept [a] student… who would prepare her graduation thesis with us. We agreed and agreed with the student on how to proceed. A few months passed, then, a couple of weeks ago, when the University authorities realized that the student would work with us, they sent us a message of a few lines in which they informed us that what we do (and which I had taught at that university) was of no interest to them (which, in a way, is true, although very far from the mission of the University). Needless to say, my letter to the Rector asking for explanations remained unanswered.”

“And it is also useless to say how difficult it is to publish the results that we continue to obtain, and which are not liked by those who financially maintain the medical journals, on whose scientific nature I prefer not to comment. For twice the Editor after the publication of an article (on vaccines and on SIDS) asked to retreat [sic] them. Only the work of the Robert Kennedy Jr lawyers stopped the request.”

“[Paper:] Novel chemical-physical autopsy investigation in sudden infant death and sudden intrauterine unexplained death syndromes” (click here)

“Just for your information, in spite of all difficulties, we are now dealing with very critical topics: spontaneously aborted babies, analysis of the brains of infants who died in cots (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, aka SIDS), analysis of what falls from the sky (e.g., recently hail never seen before), food, etc. All this can only be fought with personal discredit.”

“We haven’t had any visits from the regime for a long time. For them it is enough to monitor our computers and phones. The rest is done by ‘volunteers’. As for other scientists, no one deals with our topics in full. It must be realized that doing so represents a risk that is obviously preferable not to take.”

“As long as we can manage, we will continue to work. If, however, no sponsor materializes (idle chatter and empty promises are not only useless: they are a waste of time,) we will have no other option than to declare defeat, a defeat that belongs to the whole world and, above all, to the children who do not deserve the fate they are suffering.”

“…I give some details of our Foundation Nanodiagnostics (click here)…”

IF YOU CAN, PLEASE DONATE TO Dr. Gatti’s vital work at the above website.

Here is my original article on Dr. Gatti’s vaccine-contamination study:

Dangerous nano-particles contaminating many vaccines: groundbreaking study

“The Lung,” Second Edition: “Nanoparticles [are] comparable in size to subcellular structures…enabling their ready incorporation into biological systems.”

A 2017 study of 44 types of 15 traditional vaccines, manufactured by leading global companies, has uncovered a very troubling and previously unreported fact:

The vaccines are heavily contaminated with a variety of nanoparticles.

Many of the particles are metals.

We’re talking about traditional vaccines, such as HPV, flu, Swine Flu, Hepatitis B, MMR, DPT, tetanus, etc.

To begin to understand some of the destructive effects of contaminating nanoparticles in vaccines, here is the groundbreaking 2017 study:

International Journal of Vaccines & Vaccination
Volume 4 Issue 1
January 23 2017
New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro- and Nanocontamination
Antonietta M Gatti and Stefano Montanari
(Paper archived here and here)

“The analyses carried out show that in all samples checked vaccines contain non biocompatible and bio-persistent foreign bodies which are not declared by the Producers, against which the body reacts in any case. This new investigation represents a new quality control that can be adopted to assess the safety of a vaccine. Our hypothesis is that this contamination is unintentional, since it is probably due to polluted components or procedures of industrial processes (e.g. filtrations) used to produce vaccines…”

Are the study authors leaving the door open to the possibility that the contamination is intentional?

“The quantity of foreign bodies detected and, in some cases, their unusual chemical compositions baffled us. The inorganic particles identified are neither biocompatible nor biodegradable, that means that they are biopersistent and can induce effects that can become evident either immediately close to injection time or after a certain time from administration. It is important to remember that particles (crystals and not molecules) are bodies foreign to the organism and they behave as such. More in particular, their toxicity is in some respects different from that of the chemical elements composing them, adding to that toxicity…they induce an inflammatory reaction.”

“After being injected, those microparticles, nanoparticles and aggregates can stay around the injection site forming swellings and granulomas…But they can also be carried by the blood circulation, escaping any attempt to guess what will be their final destination…As happens with all foreign bodies, particularly that small, they induce an inflammatory reaction that is chronic because most of those particles cannot be degraded. Furthermore, the protein-corona effect…due to a nano-bio-interaction…can produce organic/inorganic composite particles capable of stimulating the immune system in an undesirable way…It is impossible not to add that particles the size often observed in vaccines can enter cell nuclei and interact with the DNA…”

“In some cases, e.g. as occurs with Iron and some Iron alloys, they can corrode and the corrosion products exert a toxicity affecting the tissues…”

“Given the contaminations we observed in all samples of human-use vaccines, adverse effects after the injection of those vaccines are possible and credible and have the character of randomness, since they depend on where the contaminants are carried by the blood circulation. It is only obvious that similar quantities of these foreign bodies can have a more serious impact on very small organisms like those of children. Their presence in the muscles…could heavily impair the muscle functionality…”

“We come across particles with chemical compositions, similar to those found in the vaccines we analyzed, when we study cases of environmental contamination caused by different pollution sources. In most circumstances, the combinations detected are very odd as they have no technical use, cannot be found in any material handbook and look like the result of the random formation occurring, for example, when waste is burnt. In any case, whatever their origin, they should not be present in any injectable medicament, let alone in vaccines, more in particular those meant for infants.”

This 2017 study opens up a whole new field: the investigation of nanoparticles in vaccines where none were expected.

Such particles are not medicine in any sense of the word.

Many legal and scientific “experts” assert the State has a right to mandate vaccines and force them on the population. But these contaminating nanoparticles are not vaccines or medicines. Only a lunatic would defend the right of the State to inject them.

Here is another section from the 2017 study. Trade names of vaccines, and compositions of the nanoparticle contaminants are indicated. Take a deep breath and buckle up:

“…further presence of micro-, sub-micro- and nanosized, inorganic, foreign bodies (ranging from 100nm to about ten microns) was identified in all cases [all 44 vaccines], whose presence was not declared in the leaflets delivered in the package of the product…”

“…single particles, cluster of micro- and nanoparticles (less than 100nm) and aggregates…debris of Aluminum, Silicon, Magnesium and Titanium; of Iron, Chromium, Silicon and Calcium particles…arranged in a cluster, and Aluminum-Copper debris…in an aggregate.”

“…the particles are surrounded and embedded in a biological substrate. In all the samples analyzed, we identified particles containing: Lead (Typhym, Cervarix, Agrippal S1, Meningitec, Gardasil) or stainless steel (Mencevax, Infarix Hexa, Cervarix. Anatetall, Focetria, Agrippal S1, Menveo, Prevenar 13, Meningitec, Vaxigrip, Stamaril Pasteur, Repevax and MMRvaxPro).”

“…particles of Tungsten identified in drops of Prevenar and Infarix (Aluminum, Tungsten, Calcium chloride).”

“…singular debris found in Repevax (Silicon, Gold, Silver) and Gardasil (Zirconium).”

“Some metallic particles made of Tungsten or stainless steel were also identified. Other particles containing Zirconium, Hafnium, Strontium and Aluminum (Vivotif, Meningetec); Tungsten, Nickel, Iron (Priorix, Meningetec); Antimony (Menjugate kit); Chromium (Meningetec); Gold or Gold, Zinc (Infarix Hexa, Repevax), or Platinum, Silver, Bismuth, Iron, Chromium (MMRvaxPro) or Lead,Bismuth (Gardasil) or Cerium (Agrippal S1) were also found. The only Tungsten appears in 8/44 vaccines, while Chromium (alone or in alloy with Iron and Nickel) in 25/44. The investigations revealed that some particles are embedded in a biological substrate, probably proteins, endo-toxins and residues of bacteria. As soon as a particle comes in contact with proteic fluids, a nano-bio-interaction…occurs and a ‘protein corona’ is formed…The nano-bio-interaction generates a bigger-sized compound that is not biodegradable and can induce adverse effects, since it is not recognized as self by the body.”

“…examples of these nano-bio-interactions. Aggregates can be seen (stable composite entities) containing particles of Lead in Meningitec… of stainless steel (Iron, Chromium and Nickel…) and of Copper, Zinc and Lead in Cervarix…Similar aggregates, though in different situations (patients suffering from leukemia or cryoglobulinemia), have already been described in literature.”

I’m sure you’ve read official assurances that vaccine-manufacturing problems are “rare.” You can file those pronouncements along with other medical lies.

“I’d like the heavy metal sandwich on rye, please. And instead of serving it on a plate, can you inject it?”

Several vital questions demanding answers spring from the findings of this 2017 study:

Are some of these nanoparticles intentionally placed in vaccines?

Does the standard manufacturing process for traditional vaccines INEVITABLY lead to dangerous and destructive nano-contamination?

New nano-technology is already being employed to create several vaccines—supposedly “improving effectiveness.” In fact, the RNA COVID-19 vaccine are a nano-type. Does this manufacturing process carry with it the unavoidable effect of unleashing a hurricane of nanoparticle contaminants?

How many cases of childhood brain damage and autism can be laid at the door of nanoparticle contamination?

And finally, where are these contaminated vaccines manufactured? The above study did not attempt to discover this. It was outside the scope of the research. It’s common knowledge that, for example, in the case of the US, vaccines or their components, are, in many instances, not produced domestically. Where does this put control of safety? In, say, China, where there have been numerous pharmaceutical scandals connected to contamination of products?

The vaccine establishment does not show the slightest interest in answering any of these questions. They are busy pretending the questions don’t exist.

Trusting the establishment would be suicidal.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

Cover image credit: nts01

Supply of Psychiatric Rhetoric Equals Demand for ADHD Drugs

Supply of Psychiatric Rhetoric Equals Demand for ADHD Drugs

by Citizens Commission on Human Rights United Kingdom
November 7, 2023


It is time to revisit the England-wide NHS prescription data regarding one particular category of psychiatric drug prescribing. In a previous post specifically on ADHD drugs, a shocking 15% year-on-year rise in ADHD drug prescriptions for 2022 was noted. Within the first two quarters of 2023, the previous increase has already been exceeded by over 2.5%. It now stands at an almost 18% increase for the same period, compared to 2022.

And this is the year-on-year increase. Looking at current levels compared to a long-term trend, it is even more staggering. For almost 9 years, since 2012, prescriptions of drugs used for ADHD remained fairly close to the long-term trend (within a 5% window). In 2022, that trend was broken with a 10% divergence, but in 2023 it disconnects from it completely. A 25% divergence from a steady long-term trend must signal a radical change in the userbase. What is happening?

In economics, there is the law of supply and demand. As the price increases, supply rises while demand declines. Conversely, as the price drops, supply constricts while demand grows. CCHR UK has been scrutinising the demand side of the equation, while the media has been keen to underline the supply side. Journalists tend to write about drug supply shortages as if they are occurring within a status quo of demand. An 18% year-on-year increase, and a 25% divergence from a long-term trend, is anything but a status quo.

In recent media articles, there was an obvious omission. The media failed to mention that demand has – somehow and without too much explanation – exploded. What brought about such a demand?

It should be recognised there are no physical or biological tests that can be carried out to support the existence of ADHD. None. There are no tests. Pontificating psychiatric authors have however taken regular human behaviour and redefined it as a so-called mental ‘disorder’ which has been accepted without inspection.

This isn’t a new concept. Sets of emotional and behavioural characteristics were redefined as far back as 1987 when ADHD was literally voted into existence. This however is not science. It’s consensus. It’s psychobabble. Considering the law of supply and demand, there has been a tremendous increase in the supply of psychiatric rhetoric, opinions and assumptions that have brought about a greatly-increased demand for ADHD drugs.

Furthermore, the prescribed drugs can have serious consequences, that include some of the following side-effects:

  • abdominal pain
  • aggression
  • depression
  • dizziness
  • drowsiness
  • hallucinations
  • headaches
  • insomnia
  • loss of appetite
  • moodiness
  • nervousness
  • psychosis
  • restlessness
  • seizures
  • stunted growth
  • suicidal thoughts
  • violent behaviour
  • weight loss and ‘zombie’ appearance

While there are many discerning people who question the unscientific psychiatric modus operandi, there are many who accept psychiatric labels like ADHD without inspection. Not so long ago, psychiatrists brazenly used the ‘chemical imbalance’ theory to push ADHD. That theory has been debunked but the statistics represent that more people must be accepting the label for the prescribing rates to continue to rise.

At the end of the day, being fully informed is the key policy. If people reply on the psychiatric narrative, they won’t be fully informed. Don’t be fooled by psychiatric rhetoric.

Further reading: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder – ADHD


Connect with Citizens Commission on Human Rights United Kingdom

Viruses Never Proved to Exist: Still the Greatest Suppressed Story of Our Time

Viruses Never Proved to Exist: Still the Greatest Suppressed Story of Our Time

by Jon Rappoport
October 31, 2023


As soon as I began writing about COVID in the spring of 2020, I made the case that SARS-CoV-2 hadn’t been proved to exist.

I then met Tom Cowan, Andrew Kaufman, and Christine Massey. I became aware of the work of Stefan Lanka. They were making a wide challenge about viruses in general:

No actual isolation; no proof of existence; instead, a parade of false claims and obfuscations from official sources.

A few years later…and the number of serious researchers who are coming to the same conclusion has expanded significantly. (You can find links to some of these researchers at Christine Massey’s Substack page )

The new work isn’t just a repetition of the original challenge to official authority. It attacks fake viruses from a number of angles. The shocks keep coming.

This story isn’t going away. It’s building.

It reminds me of the vaccine story. When I first started writing about dangerous and ineffective vaccines, in 1987, there were dozens of writers, present and past, who had covered similar ground—going back many decades. But that was nothing compared with…

The strength of that story now, in 2023, after the catastrophe of the COVID vaccines.

This is what I believe is going to happen to the fake virus story—against even longer odds. I say “longer,” because the proofs that viruses aren’t real by any scientific standard will undermine and detonate the very center of the medical cartel, which is all about germ theory.

Germ theory is marketing. The marketing of (toxic) drugs and vaccines for thousands of so-called distinct diseases, each supposedly caused by a unique germ.

When that fiction falls, the whole house collapses.

Going back as far as the beginning of the 20th century (and farther), another paradigm about disease emerged. It came to be called “holistic.” Probably not the best label. But the idea was: look at the whole body, the whole person. Look at body processes as connected and inter-related. Understand disease and health in those larger terms. Include environmental effects—basic sanitation, pollution, toxic chemicals, nutrition, the rise of the middle class out of poverty.

Something needs to be pointed out here. The holistic paradigm is a very difficult approach, in terms of making it pay off in real cures. It always has been difficult. Thousands of methods have been suggested. Many of these tend to mirror the medical strategy: find magic bullet solutions, take short cuts. Market them. Claim temporary fixes are permanent.

Treating the body and the person as a whole, taking in the mind-body connection—this is by no means a walk in the park.

Therefore, sooner or later, many people, discouraged, fall back on medical answers and germ theory.

The work of the no-virus pioneers provides an absolutely essential antidote to that surrender.

Because what are people surrendering to? The convenient fiction that viruses are everywhere, causing separate diseases. Convenient fiction was how viruses were willed into existence in the first place:

Doctors couldn’t cure their patients. So they looked for “something that was missing.” A hole in their hypotheses. And they claimed they found it.

Tiny particles no one had ever seen. No one had ever isolated. “This is the key. This is the great discovery.” It was a self-serving fairy tale. An excuse for treatment failure.

It kicked off millions of efforts to assure one and all that viruses were real. Marketing, parading as science.

Where were these viruses being discovered? In proprietary labs. No civilians permitted. Doors locked. Only the experts could understand the details of their own isolation of the tiny particles.

The particles which had been fantasized into existence.

We’re actually looking at a magic-myth story. Explorer-knights (doctors, researchers) are searching for an invisible dragon object which is crippling the population. These heroes finally corner it and isolate it and go to work decimating it and all its variants.

But the real ending to that story is now being provided by the multiplying number of independent researchers, who are proving the invisible dragon object was never cornered or identified or isolated.

Instead, the so-called explorer-knights made up, invented, fabricated the idea of the object to begin with.

That’s the magic. Sleight of hand. That’s the myth. Secret lab procedures that, when exposed, turn out to assume what they’re trying to prove. Also known as circular reasoning.

The whole story has come unglued.

For now, I’ll conclude with this analogy. A group of elite researchers claim that, 49 trillion light years from Earth, there is a flaming star the size of the Milky Way. At the center of that star, buried within a supernatural vault, there is a tiny, tiny purple man with green toes and orange hair who is causing all trouble and all destruction circulating throughout the universe. He’s there. He’s been “isolated.”

Given that incredible tale, would you expect, would you really expect there can be ANY sort of test which would prove the existence of that tiny man?

Could ANY test be produced that would be authentic?

So, in the case of the wild virus fairy tale, are we looking at proofs of existence and isolation that need to be improved, in order for us to accept them?

Or are we, instead, looking at the tiny purple man, about whose existence there are no possible proofs at all?

Because the story is so absurdly outrageous.

I’m thinking we’re dealing with the tiny purple man. And this may be the next chapter in the no-virus revelation:

The original concoction of viruses was so crazy, every so-called proof is going to be circular, mindless, and futile.

There is no there to get to.

Stay tuned.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

Cover image based on creative commons work of: Saydung89

CJ Hopkins: Israel’s 9/11

CJ Hopkins: Israel’s 9/11


“I know it’s difficult at times like this, but please try not to let people fuck with your head. Try not to let them punch your buttons. Try not to let them make you react to emotional stimuli like Pavlov’s dog. Take a break from the mass hysteria. Try to see things clearly. Try to understand the goals and tactics of both sides of this conflict, regardless of which side you think you’re on…”


Israel’s 9/11

by CJ Hopkins
October 15, 2023


Sorry, but I’ve seen this movie before.

I saw it in New York in 2001.

On the afternoon of September 11, I stood among the crowd on the Brooklyn Heights Promenade and watched what was left of the Twin Towers burn. Walking home as the sun was setting, it appeared to be snowing. It wasn’t snowing. The snowflakes were bits and pieces of paper, burnt ginger orange and rust brown around the edges, which the wind had carried across the East River, contracts, memos, actuarial tables, pages torn out of trashy paperback books, scribbled notes, pink telephone messages, the children’s drawings and affirmations that adorn the colorless upholstered walls of corporate cubicles throughout America.

It was snowing relics, the hideous detritus of thousands of people’s mundane lives.

America had been attacked. It was time to come together as Americans, to put aside our political differences, to rally around the flag, and the president, and go and kill a whole lot of people who had absolutely nothing to do with it.

You might be too young to remember that time. I remember it vividly. I remember it in detail. I remember how the nation “came together.” I remember how the Western world “stood with America.” I remember how we declared a “Global War on Terror,” how we “took the gloves off,” both at home and abroad, how the government and the media whipped the public up into a bloodthirsty, jingoistic frenzy. I remember being called a “traitor,” a “Saddam apologist,” a “terrorist sympathizer,” because I wouldn’t wave the flag, and “stand with America,” and get on board with murdering hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children.

So, forgive me if what follows seems a bit cold. As I said, I’ve seen this movie before.

Actually, I’m pretty torn up at the moment. Many people are. It’s been quite a week. I was planning to publish one of my satirical columns about the recent events in Israel and Gaza. It was going to focus on the “40 beheaded babies” propaganda. I started it. And stopped it. I cannot do it. Not today. I just don’t have it in me.

Instead, I’m going to drop the sarcasm for now, and say a few things for the record. Maybe just to get this out of my system. Nothing I publish is going to change what has happened, or what is going to happen in the coming days and weeks, or anyone else’s mind, probably.

I am not going to condemn the Hamas attack, as hideous as I think it was. I do not condemn things on command, or perform any other kind of tricks on command. If that’s what you’re looking for, get a dog.

That said, I am not going to call the Hamas attack “resistance” or try to justify it. I refuse to justify mass murder. If you’re OK with mass murdering civilians for your cause … OK, but own it. Call it what it is. And spare me the “legitimate resistance” bullshit.

Same goes for Israel. If you “stand with Israel” as it murders civilians, fine. Own it. Give me a break with the “Israel has the right to defend itself” bullshit, and own it.

Whatever “side” of this conflict you are on, at least have the integrity to call things what they are.

Here is what things are, in a nutshell.

Israel is a nation-state. It is doing what a lot of nation-states have done throughout the history of nation-states. It is wiping out, or otherwise removing, the indigenous population of the territory it has conquered. It has been doing this for 75 years. The indigenous population, i.e., the Palestinians, have been trying not to get completely wiped out, or otherwise removed from their indigenous territory, and lashing out at Israel in a variety of ways (i.e., from throwing stones to committing mass murder).

That is what is happening. The rest is PR. Public relations. Propaganda.

If you “stand with” the nation-state of Israel and its ongoing efforts to wipe out and otherwise remove the Palestinians from the territory it controls, I get it. The United States of America did that to its indigenous population. The British Empire did it in its colonies. A lot of nations and empires did it. It is standard nation-state behavior. There is nothing aberrational about it. If you can live with supporting that … OK, go for it, but spare me the sanctimony and the “unprovoked attack” crap.

If you “stand with” the Palestinians in their ongoing efforts to not get wiped out, or otherwise removed from their homeland, I get it. My sympathies are with them too. I’ve never found nation-states particularly sympathetic, especially when they are in their Mercilessly-Wiping-Out-the-Indigenous-Population phase. However, if you believe that “standing with” the Palestinians means celebrating mass murder, and making excuses for it like “settlers are not civilians” … OK, fine, but count me out.

What’s my point? Well, my point is, at times like this, everything conspires to keep everyone from seeing things clearly and thinking critically. Everyone’s selling you a narrative and punching your emotional buttons to force you into joining their side.

Hamas is playing on your basic human decency … your empathy for the Palestinians. Their game is, if you support the Palestinian people, you have to support the Hamas attack and condone the mass murder of unarmed civilians.

Israel is playing on your basic human decency … on your sympathy for the murdered Israelis. Their game is, if you don’t support the mass murder of Palestinian civilians that is now in progress, then you are a “terrorist-sympathizer,” who hates the Jews.

Both of these parties are fucking with your head, as are their assorted propaganda-spewing mouthpieces. They are trying to force you into a position where your only choice is to support mass murder.

You do not have to support mass murder.

I know it’s difficult at times like this, but please try not to let people fuck with your head. Try not to let them punch your buttons. Try not to let them make you react to emotional stimuli like Pavlov’s dog. Take a break from the mass hysteria. Try to see things clearly. Try to understand the goals and tactics of both sides of this conflict, regardless of which side you think you’re on. If you do not know the history of this conflict — the conflict I described above in a nutshell — please take a few minutes and educate yourself. It’s actually not that complicated.

Here’s a fifteen-minute film to get you started.

That’s it, for now. I’m sure I’ll be writing more about this in the coming weeks. As far as I can tell, what we’re about to witness is going to be protracted and extremely ugly. The IDF appears to be preparing to liquidate a sizable portion of Gaza. One assumes Hamas has prepared for this, as that was obviously what their massacre was meant to provoke. Who knows how long the fighting will last, whether it will spread, and what it will lead to?

In the meantime, everything is going by the numbers. The nations of the New Normal Reich are marching in lockstep. This is “Israel’s 9/11.” Democracy is at war with “evil” again! The demonization and criminalization of dissent that was rolled out during the “Covid pandemic” in 2020-2022 has gone into overdrive. Germany, France, and other countries have banned demonstrations expressing support for the Palestinians. Here in Berlin, police are roaming the streets, harassing and arresting Arab-looking kids, and anyone improperly criticizing Israel. Anti-Israel social-media content is being censored and visibility-filtered, while fascist content like this gets a pass …

In Neukölln, the district where I live in Berlin, a major “police action” was recently launched because someone spray-painted “fuck Israel” on a sidewalk. Oh, yeah, and then there was the German schoolteacher who punched a 15-year-old student in the face for defending his friend whose Palestinian flag the teacher had snatched out of his hand. And so on.

And this is only Week One. And you know what happens in Week Two, don’t you?

Sorry, I know, I’m spoiling the movie for the folks out there who haven’t seen it. I’ll shut up now and let you get back to it.


Connect with CJ Hopkins

Cover image credit: DangrafArt

Drs. Tom Cowan & Mark Bailey Weighing In on a Recent Paper by a Group of UK Scientists About the “No Virus” Controversy

Drs. Tom Cowan & Mark Bailey Weighing In on a Recent Paper by a Group of UK Scientists About the “No Virus” Controversy


Webinar with Dr. Mark Bailey on the HART Group: October 11, 2023

by Dr. Tom Cowan with Dr. Mark Bailey
October 11, 2023


In this webinar, Dr. Tom Cowan & Dr. Mark Bailey discuss the HART Group in England and how they have weighed in on the no-virus controversy.

They review The HART Group’s latest article, titled “Why HART Uses The Virus Model.”

This article can be found here:

 Video available at Odysee & Rumble.


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

Drs. Tom Cowan and Mark Bailey challenge an article posted on October 4, 2023 by HART (a group of scientists in the UK) titled  “Why HART uses the virus model — Arguments against ‘the virus doesn’t exist’ “.

Tom and Mark go over all key points made in the article.

It’s clear that the HART group has no idea what has been revealed in the research done by those who been exposing the false foundation of virology.

HART has somehow missed a foundational point of the “no virus” research — that no infectious “virus” has ever been isolated in the entire history of virology and that the “no virus” research shines a light on the fraud of all so-called infectious viruses.

Here is how HART group describes themselves at their website:

“HART is a group of highly qualified UK doctors, scientists, economists, psychologists and other academic experts.  We came together over shared concerns about policy and guidance recommendations relating to the COVID-19 pandemic.

We continue to be concerned about the lack of open scientific debate in mainstream media and the worrying trend of censorship and harassment of those who question the narrative. Science without question is dogma.”

Read and download PDF of Mark Bailey’s 67-page paper “A Farewell to Virology (Expert Edition)

Also referenced is the great work of Mike Stone.


Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan

Connect with Dr. Mark Bailey

Cover image credit: Alexandra_Koch

David Icke: What’s Really Happening in Israel? “Two Sides Apparently, but One Side in Reality…Getting Other People to Fight for Them”

David Icke: What’s Really Happening in Israel? “Two Sides Apparently, but One Side in Reality…Getting Other People to Fight for Them”


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: Here are a few excerpts to give you a sense of the video contents. A full transcript is provided below the video.

“It always is with every war — is that civilians on both sides are being slaughtered. Always the case — while those that order the slaughtering stay in a safe place.”


“We have two sides apparently, but one side in reality. Fighting each other, getting other people to fight for them, allowing the slaughter of Jewish civilians and Hamas, knowing that that slaughter will lead to the slaughter of Palestinian civilians.

“They are the same side, ladies and gentlemen. And it happens all over the world all the time. You see different sides. You see different groups. But it’s the same agenda, the same psychopathy, the same evil on public display.

“And we — please, please — we as a human race have got to start seeing that our so-called bloody leaders are not there to serve us. They’re there to serve an agenda to enslave us on a level never seen in known human history.”


“I’ve been watching the mainstream alternative media being taken over by barely one-dimensional buffoons, and main chances, and comedians. And we need to take it back. Because without a genuine alternative media, with a genuine perception of what is happening in the world, we have no alternative to the continued duality of sides, and us against them, when the same hands are holding the strings of all of them.

“Come on people. This has got to stop. We can’t let the perception of sides and leaders in different regimes delude us to what’s happening. We can’t let these bloody pied pipers of the alternative (mainstream alternative) media lead us to the edge of the cliff with a cul-de-sac diversion of what’s going on.

“There’s a global cult and it’s running the world through what appear to be different governments and world health organizations — at Silicon Valley and banking systems, all of it corporations. And we need to grasp that.

“The Palestinians and the Jewish people are both pawns in that game. And they need to come together to see who the real enemy is and has always been.”


Video available at Rumble and BitChute


Transcript prepared by Truth Comes to Light.

Starting at approximate timestamp 00:01:00


Hello, this is a dot connector to wade through the deceit, the diversions, the cul-de-sacs, the lies surrounding what is currently happening in Israel.

And of course, you won’t get this information in the mainstream media. In fact, from what I’ve seen in the last 24 hours, you won’t get it from some of the “big names” in the so-called alternative media.

What is the case again? It always is with every war — is that civilians on both sides are being slaughtered. Always the case — while those that order the slaughtering stay in a safe place.

When Iraqi civilians were being slaughtered with the invasion of Iraq by America and Britain, where were boy George Bush and Tony Blair? Where were they while it was all going on? Sipping coffee in the White House and Downing Street. Always the way.

And we have Netanyahu sitting here now pontificating. ‘We’re going to do this. We’re going to do that.’ You, mate, are doing nothing. You’re sending others to do it like you always do.

And the same goes for that which is really behind. Not the window dressing. What is really behind? What is known as Hamas.

So first of all, the bottom line. This was not a surprise attack. ‘Oh, yeah, it surprised us.’ Oh, really? Who do you think you’re talking to? Bloody idiots?

We have the Israeli defense forces as one of the most trained and best-equipped armies in the world. And we’re talking about a very small area in terms of Israel, Gaza.

We have Mossad, one of the most sophisticated and widespread intelligence agencies in the world that make surveillance an art form. It’s on the cutting edge. It knows everything that’s going on in that area. But somehow hundreds of Hamas “militants” laid siege to Israel, put thousands of rockets into Israel, which they somehow gathered or built or whatever without Mossad and the IDF having any idea. ‘Oh, no, we didn’t know about that.’

We had Hamas operatives coming into Israel on fricking hang gliders. But they never knew it was coming. We had fighting in all these different areas of Israel, these different locations, but the IDF and Mossad and all the rest of that vast Israeli security network had no idea.

Isn’t that what they said with 9-11? I’m hearing them saying, this is Israel’s 9-11. Well, what happened on 9-11? These planes were, they say, hijacked and there was a big build up to it, they say, preparing for it, but the whole of the American intelligence military network,’Oh, no, it was a surprise; we didn’t know’.

To say they are lying to you is to state the bloody obvious. And we’ll get into why.

This is a quote from a former IDF soldier who was a border observer. And she worked with the highest level technology available. That’s what Israel does. And this is what she said. “If a bird came close, we knew. Even a cockroach came to our fence border, we knew. How did 400 Hamas pass through today?”

The answer is they were allowed to. Was this a surprise attack for the civilian population of Israel? Oh, yes. Of course. Was it even a surprise attack for many in the rank and file of the military? But the inner core, that’s running the show, surprise to them, you must be bloody joking.

And this situation reminded me of someone I’ve quoted over the years in the books, over the decades. It’s a man called Leroy Fletcher Prowty. He served as Chief of Special Operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff under President Kennedy, JFK. He was a colonel in the United States Air Force and subsequently became a critic of US foreign policy, particularly the covert activities of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), which he believed was working on behalf of a secret world elite. This is in the 1960s and after. The very world elite I’ve been uncovering for now 34 years, my 34th year of doing it. And this is the telling quote that I’ve used a number of times in the books.

Fletcher Prowty said, “No one has to direct an assassination. It happens.” And for assassination, that means an attack like the one in Israel now as well. “No one has to direct an assassination. It happens. The active role is played secretly by permitting it to happen. This is the greatest single clue”, he said. “Who has the power to call off or reduce the usual security precautions?”

Who has that power in Israel must now come under the spotlight and be questioned why they did so. Because they obviously did.

Now, what they want you to do in any situation like this is to take sides. And if I’m going to take the side of anyone, I take the side of the civilians — the civilians in Israel who have been subject to these horrors that continue and the civilians in Gaza who are now suffering the horrors of the Israeli response.

But in terms of sides, one fighting the other, to take either is to lose the plot. Because I’ve been exposing for decades now and been called anti-Semitic for it, even though it’s the opposite. I’ve been exposing a cult.

There’s a global cult and there is a major aspect of it which is called the Sabbatean cult.

The Sabbatean cult goes back to the 1600s. I detail it all in the books. But basically, it is a grouping, a satanic grouping that is expert in posing as what it’s not. So they might pose as Islamic leaders. They might pose as Vatican leaders or they might — and have mercilessly for the Jewish people in general — they might, and have, posed as Jewish leaders. It was this Sabbatean cult, with the Rothschilds very much involved, who were responsible for the creation of Israel in 1948. And the horrors — matching what’s happened now and more — imposed by Sabbatean actually, but officially Jewish, terrorist groups like Irgun and the Stern Gang, who forced hundreds of thousands of Palestinians to leave their homeland in terror, never to return.

So when you look at what’s happening now and the horrors of what has been imposed upon Jewish civilians, we should not take sides. Because when you get to the core of what’s controlling this side and what’s controlling that side, ultimately, you’re looking at the same people.

And Sabbateans who have been the controllers of Israel from the start and then moved in on places like America — they, irony of ironies, hate Jewish people. They have contempt for them. And I’ve been saying all these years that, in the end, this Sabbatean cult is going to throw the Jewish people in general under a colossal bus. And we are now, as I speak, seeing that happen.

All the Jewish population of Israel have got to contemplate is how they were treated during the so-called pandemic, fake pandemic, and how they were forced in many and various ways to get the fake COVID vaccine, which has killed and maimed so many in its wake. They don’t care about you, Jewish people of Israel and the wider world. The Sabbatean cult has infiltrated you. It does not care about you. And that’s why it’s allowed this to happen, for ulterior motives, we will get into.

And at the same time, this global cult, as I call it, is behind Hamas. If you want to bring two groups of people into conflict with each other, then control both sides and it’s a go. And the people who are the civilians taking the consequences of that think, ‘oh, they’re against me and I’m against them’. But actually, ultimately, the same hands are on the tiller of both sides. This is how the world works and we’re seeing a blatant example of it.

Now, just look at the history of Hamas and you will see how much influence — fundamental influence in its creation — came from the Israeli government. So Hamas is hanging the Palestinian civilians out to dry and the same is happening with the government of Israel and Israeli civilians.

And here’s another quote from Fletcher Prowty. Remember, he was an insider. “The Kennedy assassination has demonstrated that most of the major events of world significance are masterfully planned and orchestrated by an elite coterie of enormously powerful people” (Wait for this. This is crucial) “who are not of one nation, one ethnic grouping, or one over-ridingly important business group. They are a power unto themselves for whom others work. Neither is this power elite of recent origin. Its roots go deep into the past.”

Which is what I’ve been uncovering all these decades. This is what I call the global cult and this is seeking to lead the world ever more obviously to a global dystopia. And to do that you have to destroy the current status quo, whatever it is. You could call it creative destruction.

You have a status quo, a way that society works, the way that society is, and as long as that status quo stays there, you can’t move the world on to your dystopia. So you destroy that status quo. And wars are bloody perfect. Economic crashes too. And then you move to another status quo. And then eventually you destroy that status quo and move on to another. And with each new status quo, they are getting closer and closer to the global dystopia they’ve been working towards for a long time. And Fletcher Prowty was right. This is not a recent thing. This goes way back into what we call history.

So there’s a technique that I coined in the 1990s. I called it Problem-Reaction-Solution. And what you do is you create a problem and you blame someone else for it. You want at stage two, having created the problem, you want the reaction from the public of outrage, of fear, of ‘something must be done’. ‘Do something. What are they going to do about it?’ But at that point, those who’ve created the problem and got that reaction from the public openly offer the solutions to the problems they have themselves created.

So already Netanyahu is saying that once we’ve overcome Hamas, we’re going to go for Iran, which we say is behind Hamas. Iran, another cult-controlled regime.

So that is one — one of the reasons for what is happening. To turn the fire towards Iran. And that has big implications as I’ll come to.

And there is even another version of Problem-Reaction-Solution that I call No-Problem-Reaction-Solution. You don’t need a real problem, you just need the illusion of it. Human-caused climate change. A hoax. Why? Because look, what’s happening. The belief in human-caused climate change, nonsensical as it is scientifically, is being used to justify the very dystopia, globally, that this cult has sought for so long.

So Netanyahu is already talking about targeting Iran, which he says is behind all this. Well, I’ve been saying for so many years that the plan is to create a conflict between the West and the East — the East involving China, the dominant party, Russia and other countries. And I’ve said this many times over the years — including Iran. And Iran has just been invited to join this BRICS economic trading group, which is dominated by China and Russia.

And you look at what’s happening now in Ukraine. That’s another Problem-Reaction-Solution. You start a war, you manipulate into place a war, an attack on Ukraine, and look what’s happened. Oh, problem. What are you going to do? Pour vast amounts of money and weaponry into Ukraine and impact massively on the global economy and on energy prices with all their implications among many, many other things. You also diminish the Western armament potential by passing so much to Ukraine.

But what else is happening with Ukraine? It has brought Russia and China closer in an economic, and other aspects, alliance together, which is the pieces on the chessboard being moved around. So Ukraine is a proxy war, who between the West and Russia, supported by China, is already begun. And this is just another aspect of it that we’re seeing here.

Now, there was a letter that is alleged to have been written by a very prominent Freemason in America in the 1800s, a bloke called Albert Pike. I’ve written about him at length in the books. Albert Pike was the sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, Scottish Rite, southern jurisdiction in America. And it said that he wrote a letter to Italian cult operative Giuseppe Mazzini in 1871 in which he described the plan for three (THREE) world wars to transform global society into the dystopia that I’ve so long warned about. Now the letter is said to have come to light via a former Canadian naval officer called William Guy Carr in the 1950s.

So obviously World War I and World War II had happened by the 1950s. So we can put them aside, even though the letter described them very accurately, you can put that aside of course. The Third World War, which hadn’t happened by the 1950s, is the crucial thing. Now of course, this letter, its existence or non-existence has been very controversial. And what I’m going to do is just read you what it said about World War III and the aftermath. And then you can make your own mind up what you think of it. And then, even more relevantly, you can see how events play out in relation to it. Certainly current events fit.

Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.

Pike is said to have written to Mazzini. “The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the ‘agentur’ of the ‘Illuminati'” (the global cult) “between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.”

Now some people will understandably pick up on that and say he’s talking about the state of Israel in 1871. Well, there was no state of Israel. But as I’ve explained in the book so many times over the years, the cult has a very different awareness of the future — because it’s bloody creating it — than the general population does. So in 1871, they would have known the plan involved the establishment of the state of Israel.

“Meanwhile,” Pike said, “the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion. We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”

Whatever the background to that, it is describing this satanic cult — deeply, deeply satanic cult — which is behind world events and will be behind current events in Israel because of where it’s planned to go and what it’s planned to play out, to create in terms of consequences.

And I had an email today — I wrote to a friend of mine in Israel, a Jewish lady in Israel, and asked her if she was okay. And, this is part of what she replied. “They took so many civilians, children, babies, old people, young people as captives and it’s unlikely they will be saved. So many killed. The guerrilla warfare is relentless and complete psychopaths, impossible to comprehend the horror and the scale of it.” And this is a lady with a big open heart that just wants peace and justice for the Palestinians and everyone else.

“People are bewildered.” she said. “How on earth the great and powerful army of Israel couldn’t even protect these settlements? The militants took over and literally conquered two settlements entirely, shooting in the streets. I feel this is just the beginning of something even major about to happen. And just like with 9/11 in the US, it smells like classic Problem-Reaction-Solution. I immediately understood what goes on here. It was given the green light for their desire to invade Iran and ultimately create their World War III. Am I right?”

She said, “Just like they did with ISIS in Syria, I always used to hear that Israel is their ground for World War III. It could be the same in the north, this time with the Hezbollah. It’s obvious both Hamas and Hezbollah play a role in invoking and creating constant havoc.” (Hezbollah in Lebanon.) “The people of Israel are nothing but patsies as well as the people of Gaza. Obviously an illusion of a country, an illusion of safety.” (Absolutely spot on.)

And a later email from her said, “I’ve just heard that there are multiple squads of militants making their way to different places in Israel including possibly my area. They are taking cars and killing whoever they can.” (This is scary shit.) “I heard suggestions of handing over a fire weapon to each citizen in order to defend themselves. This is unreal, David. I can’t believe we are at war. I’m a bit scared. We are unprepared for this. We don’t have a proper shelter or means to defend ourselves.”

Yes, it’s horrific what’s going on with Jewish people in Israel. But lest we bloody forget, the cult-owned Israeli government, from the bloody start in 1948 to today with the psychopath Netanyahu with their military and their intelligence agencies (Mossad and the rest. Shin Bet.) they have treated the Palestinian people with grotesque contempt. They have treated them like vermin, decade after decade. And in doing so, they have created a mentality that follows the psychopathic cult-owned Hamas.

I mentioned earlier about the Jewish Sabbatean terrorist groups, Irgun the Stern Gang and others, that bombed and terrorized Israel into existence in 1948. Well, that mentality is indivisible, indistinguishable from the mentality we are seeing with Hamas.

We have two sides apparently, but one side in reality. Fighting each other, getting other people to fight for them, allowing the slaughter of Jewish civilians and Hamas, knowing that that slaughter will lead to the slaughter of Palestinian civilians.

They are the same side, ladies and gentlemen. And it happens all over the world all the time. You see different sides. You see different groups. But it’s the same agenda, the same psychopathy, the same evil on public display.

And we — please, please — we as a human race have got to start seeing that our so-called bloody leaders are not there to serve us. They’re there to serve an agenda to enslave us on a level never seen in known human history.

And you know, I’ve been talking recently about the way the so-called, there is a genuine one, but so-called alternative media — what I call the mainstream alternative with all the big names and the famous names and all, ‘yes, oh, what’s he said, oh, what’s he said?’ How some of them have responded to this is classic. And like I say, I’ve been talking about the way that the alternative media — which never existed when I started out, I’ve watched it appear and grow — how they have taken it over (these so-called big names). And they’re holding it in a holding pattern, what I call the barricade of here and no further, which still sees sides, still sees duality, still sees everything through the fundamentally unbelievably-limited perception of the five senses. And we’ve seen that on display the last 24 hours as I speak.

We’ve seen Jordan Peterson of the Daily Wire, which is not the alternative media, it’s just an alternative Republican party, who’s been doing fawning interviews with Benjamin Netanyahu posting on Twitter X to go get him, Netanyahu. Enough is enough, says the great one, the psychological giant Jordan Peterson. Who is “em”. Go get ’em, Who is ’em, Mr. Peterson? Kids in Gaza, right? Because they’re the ones that are going to get it. Someone from the alternative media taking a side, because he hasn’t got a bloody clue there even is a cult, never mind, it’s got an agenda for the world.

And then we have the giant intellect that is Andrew Tate, telling us that Allah is the one, Allah is commanding, cheering Allah. That is alternative. What a joke.

I’ve been watching the mainstream alternative media being taken over by barely one-dimensional buffoons, and main chances, and comedians. And we need to take it back. Because without a genuine alternative media, with a genuine perception of what is happening in the world, we have no alternative to the continued duality of sides, and us against them, when the same hands are holding the strings of all of them.

Come on people. This has got to stop. We can’t let the perception of sides and leaders in different regimes delude us to what’s happening. We can’t let these bloody pied pipers of the alternative (mainstream alternative) media lead us to the edge of the cliff with a cul-de-sac diversion of what’s going on.

There’s a global cult and it’s running the world through what appear to be different governments and world health organisations — at Silicon Valley and banking systems, all of it corporations. And we need to grasp that.

The Palestinians and the Jewish people are both pawns in that game. And they need to come together to see who the real enemy is and has always been.


Connect with David Icke website | Rumble | BitChute

Cover image credit: hosnysalah


See Related:

TCTL editor’s note: Shai Danon talks with David Icke on unfolding events in Israel. He describes the incredibly evil horrors of the attacks on innocent villagers, driving the survivors out of their quiet, peaceful areas — with the possible motive of driving all to live in controlled, surveilled 15-minute cities (Agenda 2030).  Also discussed is how both sides are suffering and being manipulated by the Sabbatean cult or hidden globalist agenda for control of all humanity.

The Madness of Genetics: On “DNA Contamination” & the Bizarre Claim That “Specific” DNA Can Precisely Change Human Genetics and Cause Cancer

The Madness of Genetics: On “DNA Contamination” & the Bizarre Claim That “Specific” DNA Can Precisely Change Human Genetics and Cause Cancer


Instead of focusing on the DNA-contaminated mRNA vaccines, the central question should be: Has the basic assumption about “pathogenic particles (viruses)” ever been scientifically proven/confirmed? The answer is NO , and therefore every vaccination is inherently illegal and dangerous.


DNA Contamination: The Amusing Irony and Theoretical Trap

by Next Level – Wissen Neu Gedacht
translation from German via Telegram translate
October 2, 2023


It is ironic that if the assumptions of genetic theory were correct, critics would be right. This irony shows that pharmaceuticals are paradoxically finding themselves caught in the crossfire due to theses held by both critics and the mainstream.

What does that mean?

The idea that DNA is the unchanging blueprint of life has been promoted for over 40 years. But in 2006, leading researchers confirmed: This idea was naive. DNA is dynamic and constantly changing.

The human genome

Complete decoding of the human genome (in reality just reading rows of letters that are not understood) is impossible. No two people are “genetically” alike, not even one cell is another. When you consider that the individual genomes of less than 0.0003% of the 8 billion people have been sequenced (and incompletely), one thing becomes clear: assignments of genetic letter orders for cancer, eye color, height, etc. are impossible.

An example: the color of the eyes

It was believed that it was simply genetically determined. This idea turned out to be a forced interpretation of the current data, which was refuted by more recent data. So parents with blue eyes can have a child with brown eyes. This makes it clear that the idea of a fixed genetic section has been scientifically refuted.

Plain language: If every genome is unique, we only know a tiny fraction of all genomes (0.0003%) and they are constantly changing themselves, then the attempt to define fixed gene sections for certain characteristics such as eye color or cancer is worth it , like trying to catch a river with a sieve – it’s not only inaccurate, it’s simply unattainable.

The madness of genetics

When even simple examples such as eye color cannot be assigned, it seems bizarre when parties claim that foreign “specific” DNA can precisely change human genetics and cause cancer. Dr. Kary Mullis summed it up well: With PCR you can find everything in every person if you do it right. This means that every DNA or RNA sequence can be found in every person, whether healthy, sick, vaccinated or unvaccinated.

The strategy of fighting like with like may seem promising at first glance. But on closer inspection it turns out to be a theoretical trap. Instead of focusing on the DNA-contaminated mRNA vaccines, the central question should be: Has the basic assumption about “pathogenic particles (viruses)” ever been scientifically proven/confirmed? The answer is NO , and therefore every vaccination is inherently illegal and dangerous.

The current approach offers the pharmaceutical apparatus a back door: they could argue that there are better, uncontaminated vaccines or present other methods that would then have to be accepted within the long-refuted genetics thesis.

The technical implementation of the laboratory in Magdeburg is vulnerable even within the narrative

The detection is based on non-exact methods such as Qubit Flex Fluorometer and qPCR that have been performed. Neither the plasmids were directly isolated and detected nor were they properly sequenced.

  • First, we lack detailed information about the exact conditions and protocols under which these experiments were conducted.
  • Secondly, we know nothing about the negative and positive controls carried out.
  • Third, no sequencing or isolation of the plasmids was performed. This means that we do not know exactly which DNA sequences were present in the samples. Sequencing would have been necessary to determine the “theoretically” accurate nature of the DNA detected and to ensure that it was in fact plasmid DNA and not other forms of DNA.


Connect with Next Level at Telegram

Cover image credit: sujo26

David Icke with Reiner Fuellmich: On the Step by Step Takeover of Humanity & Our Natural World | The Solution Is in the Power of  ‘No’ & Our Refusal to Acquiesce

David Icke with Reiner Fuellmich: On the Step by Step Takeover of Humanity & Our Natural World | The Solution Is in the Power of  ‘No’ & Our Refusal to Acquiesce


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

Below you will find Reiner Fuellmich’s recent interview with David Icke. Some excerpts are provided to give you a sense of the overall tone. This conversation covers a wide number of topics related to our multi-dimensional, multi-frequency reality.

Along with a discussion of the ways humanity has been controlled throughout history and the awakening of so many people because of the global crimes against humanity during ‘the plandemic’ , there are also brief mentions of hidden technology, the secrecy around Antarctica (and Admiral Byrd’s expedition), Hollow Earth, underground bases, non-human manipulation of humanity, Rudolf Steiner’s (1861-1925) prediction of mind-control vaccines, etc. 

Reiner Fuellmich:

“I mean, I get bored with that because I don’t want to talk the umpteenth time about how they misused the PCR test in order to create cases that didn’t exist. I don’t want to talk about whether or not this is personality changing. I don’t want to talk about whether this is going to make people infertile. We know that it does.

“We have to step beyond this because we’re wasting our time talking about the same things over and over and over again simply because it’s so fascinating to see how blatantly they manipulated us and made us believe in totally idiotic concepts.

“If we don’t understand the whole picture, if we don’t see that, we’re not going to be able to get out of this self-created illusion.

“So in that sense, I’m extremely glad that you have put the dots together. It makes perfect sense to me and it coincides with everything that I’ve learned over the last three years.”


“I mean, yes, my friend Dexter Ryneveldt (he’s an attorney from South Africa) and I and all the other international attorneys were working on getting out the whole picture, not just the pieces of the puzzle but the whole story, in a legal proceeding. Because this is what people expect. We’re talking about justice.

“Ultimately, there will be justice. Justice will have to be done.

“But you won’t get justice inside the system, which you have just described because it’s totally, it’s the spider web. It’s totally under their control.

“So we’ll have to step outside the system and probably into a system that not just provides the legal framework as we think it should be as lawyers, but also connects with spirituality or consciousness, whatever you want to call it. Step outside the system so that they will not be able to touch us.

“Dexter’s example was, as an eagle you can’t fight a snake [on the ground] and win against it. You can’t come down and fight it at the ground. You have to pick it up into the air, which is where it can’t survive if you really want to destroy it.

“And ultimately, I think this is what this is about. It’s about either them or us. We have to either destroy them or they will destroy us. And this is what people have to understand.”


“But, you know, sometimes it helps to have a kind of a symbolism. For me as a lawyer the most important takeaway from what you’re telling us today is that we do have to go after the gophers.

“I know it’s just symbolism but it shows everyone that it’s us who are calling the shots. And if we don’t want to play along, if we want justice, if we want to hold these people responsible, then we will.

“There’s nothing that can stop us. And if we cut off this conveyor belt, so to speak, we’re destroying the spider web. And all of a sudden we will be able to see who we really are. I think this is really what it boils down to.”

David Icke:

“Well, they’ve been taking over our society over a long period of time and going step by step towards their ultimate goal.

“And I have this phrase, ‘know the outcome and you’ll see the journey‘.

“If you don’t know the outcome then everything seems random. When you know what the outcome is planned to be, the random becomes very clear stepping stones to that outcome.

“So the outcome is planned to be, first of all, a different type of human, far more synthetic in nature. This is why synthetic biology is a massively expanding area of science. This is all connected into the jabs as well — as you will have talked to many people about this.

“Up to this point, they have had to control information to manipulate perception because perception is what they’re after. They want a technological way of controlling perception. So they don’t have to do all this manipulation of information.

“So religions served the perceptual indoctrination very well. And now we’ve got science, which is overwhelmingly not science at all in its true sense.

“But what they want — and this is why they’re now coming out with it; they’ve gone from hiding it to sales-pitching it — they want to connect artificial intelligence to the human brain and the human body so that our perceptions will come direct.

“Not manipulated. Direct. You will think what AI thinks.

“And so you have this guy, Ray Kurzweil at Google, a futurist. And people say, he’s got an 80% accuracy in predicting the future.

“Well, if you know what the plan is, there’s a bloody good chance you’re going to be right.

“I mean, people say to me, how did you predict all this? Well, because I uncovered the plan.

“I’m not predicting the future. I’m predicting what the plan wants.

“And if nothing intervenes in the plan it will become the future.”


“We don’t have to fight the enemy. There’s no need to fight. We have to stop cooperating with it. Because the enemy has no freaking power…

“We are the cause of what’s happening in the world by acquiescing to authority. We take it back, the house of cards is all over the floor.”


“And you know, again, not only can you not control eight billion people… unless you recruit gophers from the eight billion people to impose your will upon the eight billion people. These are police officers. These are the military.

“And when people like that start to realize (and other people in the system start to realize) what they’re playing the part of without realizing it, who their real masters are, and the fact that their kids and grandkids are going to have to live in the world they’re helping to create — if they would then walk away and stop doing what they’re doing, then the whole thing starts to fall apart.”


“And so it’s a time of great danger, but it’s also a time of great opportunity — that we can create true freedom as opposed to the illusion of freedom…”


Connecting the Dots to See the Real Dangers

by Reiner Fuellmich, International Crimes Investigative Committee (ICIC)
October 1, 2023


In this first of two parts of ICIC’s interview, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and co-host attorney Dagmar Schoen talk with British veteran of the alternative media scene David Icke. He is an author, researcher and investigative journalist.

Reiner Fuellmich and Dagmar Schoen question him about his personal awakening process and the beginning of his involvement with the other side of the story, the real side, that initially turned his world upside down. He recounts his startling experiences that, ultimately, broadened his horizon and understanding of reality, as opposed to the mainstream’s narrative. These processes led him to leave his old life behind, defying all reprisals, and to dedicate his life to the uncovering of hidden knowledge and truths, beyond the fabricated “reality” we have been fed.

Icke describes in detail the structure and the far-reaching entanglements of a pyramidal organizational structure designed by a small, but very well-organized conglomerate. This conglomerate was, indeed, able to infiltrate almost all areas of our social structures over many years by installing stooges in politics, business, NGOs, etc.

Those who pull the strings, who act in secret, have positioned themselves like a spider in the center of this network, so that they have everything under surveillance. They must maintain their position of power at all costs in order to survive at the expense of humanity – which is waking up to this reality ever faster.

David Icke addresses issues that at first glance seem to have nothing to do with each other, explaining the entanglements and then connecting the dots so that an overall picture emerges of the great deception to which we have been and are being subjected. None of this is an accident, as the last three and a half years have shown us.

The connections are becoming clearer and clearer, revealing that this inhumane agenda is aimed at total control of humanity, combined with dehumanization through technocracy to replace anything human, indeed, creation as a whole. David Icke’s work reveals the workings of a persistent and perfidious psychological terror that is being deliberately used against us.

If we realize that we as humanity are vastly superior to this inhumane conglomerate, that it is dependent on us and can only survive through our energy and creative power, then this exploitation and deception will cease immediately. For this, the determined refusal to participate on our part is sufficient. We need only communicate this to these creatures by using the powerful word “No!” And we must understand that we are now at a point in time that even our legal systems analyze as a situation of self-defense.


Connect with ICIC website | Odysee

Connect with David Icke website | Ickonic membership

Cover image credit: StoryTaler

The Religion of Masking

The Religion of Masking

by Gwendolyn Kull, Brownstone Institute
September 14, 2023


What do burkas, tichels, yarmulkes, hijabs, kapps, fezzes, dukus, and surgical masks all have in common? Religious cultures mandate or strongly encourage these head coverings to comply with dogma. Although most of these are rooted in ethnic and religious traditions of any denomination to reflect humility before G-d and modesty before man, surgical masks have become the morality trend of the Western world for those who fear The Science before they fear any god.

As absurd as that last sentence may sound, the People of the United States are under siege–a war that is targeting our greatest claim to fame, our pride and joy: our freedom. Our Forefathers determined at the inception of this nation that all men have the inviolate right to life and liberty. Recognizing some freedoms that are indelible to the identity of a human are especially at risk of infringement, the Founders drafted the Bill of Rights to expressly protect freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom to peaceably assemble, and freedom to petition the government among other activities.

Yet over the last three years, our government has encroached on these unalienable freedoms in the name of public health and following The Science. The few government officials and bureaucrats sitting in D.C. and Georgia imposed their beliefs on what makes the public healthy on the masses, without regard for dissenting opinions or contrary beliefs. Such factional tyranny is exactly the breach of social contract the Framers aimed to prevent.

After initially telling the country that masks would not work against this virus, Anthony Fauci fell in step, ordering persons be masked and directing both government and non-government actors alike to hold their fellow citizens accountable for failing to mask. A futile exercise in the name of “public health” given research predating the pandemic had already put to bed the idea that masking could prevent respiratory infections. Even following the Cochrane Review’s pandemic masking study showing little-to-no efficacy at masks preventing infection, the Biden administration still tells the People we should be masking.

Beyond inefficacy, recent studies are also researching possible adverse consequences from constant mask-wearing, now termed “Mask-Induced Exhaustion Syndrome.” The illness bears many of the same symptoms as “long covid,” begging the question: are the health risks of long-term masking worth the miniscule efficacy? I digress. Masking mandates began to die down when the CDC lost a legal battle where the court only addressed the agency’s statutory authority to impose such a mandate. The question of whether such mandates are constitutional at all was never reached. Despite the open question in the courts, I firmly believe mask mandates do not pass constitutional muster.

Recalling my extreme parallel of religious head coverings to surgical masks, compare this scenario: one day, the bureaucrats in Washington decide that for public health and decency, everyone must wear a burka. The land would cry, “Foul!” Non-muslim citizens would lose their minds that Sharia law was being imposed on them in violation of their First Amendment right to be free from the establishment of religion! Only the worshippers of the public health fascists would gladly adorn the dress as a testament to their true belief that the burka would save them from illness. I ask you, how is our current masking guidelines any different? Because masking is not a teaching from an institutionalized religion? Is trusting The Science not a form of having faith?

In truth, our courts have held time and time again that government actors cannot infringe on our clothing under both freedom-tenants of religion and speech. Our Constitution contracts our appointed government to respect and defend our human right to liberty, which includes our ability to express ourselves and beliefs through our clothing and appearances. After all, our appearance is all a part of our individual identities. Covering one’s face, one’s physical identity, must be a choice and not a requirement.

Moreover, our individual identities are not just linked to our physical attributes. Nay, our speech is also core to our humanity and identities. Speech is the expression of one’s soul, subjective based upon the speaker’s own perceptions and experiences. How I speak and what I say is part of how others (and I) recognize me as who I am!

Like any painting serves as a window into the artist’s being, so is speech into a person’s mind, heart, and soul. It is as complex as the human body that produces such words and sounds: the speaker’s larynx, vocal chords, pharynx, palate, tongue, teeth, cheeks, lips, and nose are all coordinating in harmony to make what we think in our minds come out of our mouths. Speech is as unique to each individual as a person’s fingerprints or DNA. Muffling a person’s voice, covering the delicate facets producing speech, hiding non-verbal facial cues, and restricting air flow via masks is not natural.

Masking inhibits self-expression. Even prior to physical masking, virtue-signalers touted policing one’s own speech as being “politically correct.” Policing and masking speech is toxic to both individuals and humankind. It evokes the same hesitancy as does domestic abuse–the feeling of “walking on eggshells” for fear your words will trigger and bring you harm. It further causes an identity crisis–a dissociation within oneself, wherein the mind is policing the heart and soul for fear of offending any listener (or observer). Both perpetuate the victimhood complex where one believes she cannot live without fear because others will not do “what they are supposed to do.”

It is true that internal perceptions expressed outwardly are not always correct or palatable. Such is the beauty of allowing one to convey his opinions and beliefs in his own words: the listener can understand the person with whom she is speaking and take the opportunity to debate and educate, correct her own misunderstanding, or completely discredit the speaker of value within her own mind. Speech is not just about speaking, but about hearing and deciding what one believes to be true. Speech of our own and listening to others’ speech helps us understand and develop our own identities.

It is not that constant expletives and hyperboles should become the norm of self-expression through speech. No, language itself is so vastly malleable that it can be morphed to rise to any situation–to connect with one’s listeners. For instance, there are different ages of communication. You would not use the same words with a child as you would with adults, unless your intention is to be misunderstood or completely unintelligible like the unseen adult characters of Charlie Brown. To be understood by your listeners, you must change your speech to be appropriate for the venue and target audience.

How is any of this relevant to the topic of mask mandates eroding freedom? Requiring people to cover the face and bodily member responsible for speaking and being heard and understood is inhumane. It strips children of their ability to learn how to speak, how to use their body to produce sounds and words and sentences, and how to connect those words to facial expressions to add context for listeners. It socially distances people from each other, deteriorating the human connection that allows us to communicate and understand each other.

There is no replacement for that connection. As I discussed in a prior article, humans are a social species. Although we are capable as individuals, we fail to thrive when deprived of interacting with others. During lockdowns, people yearned to visit family, go out to restaurants, to resume “normalcy.” Zoom meetings, video calls, and text messages were not enough to curb the cravings for human connection.

Masking is just another degree of separation from one another. Although it is less obvious than the isolation of quarantines, it is just another lonely reminder that we are not free. Not free to be ourselves, not free to connect, not free from fear, not free to breathe, not free to decide for ourselves what is in our own best interest. Even President Biden joked during a recent press conference that, “they keep telling me… I got to keep wearing [a mask], but don’t tell them I didn’t have it on when I walked in,” defiantly waving his surgical mask away from his face.

Who are “they” to decide what is in any individual’s best interest? Are we children and “they” our parents? Do we lack the mental capacity to think for ourselves? Are we not developed and educated enough to decide what is healthy and what is not? Are our God-given immune systems so defective that we can no longer survive colds? I find it a hard blue pill to swallow that humanity has survived on this planet for hundreds of thousands of years for a coronavirus variant to suddenly confound our natural biological defenses.

Who are “they” at all? “They” are not our duly-elected legislators who oathed to uphold and defend our Constitution and who are the only branch of government who the People gave authority to create laws. In fact, Senator JD Vance (R-OH) is now fighting this usurpation of legislative authority by “them.” On September 7, 2023, he brought to the Senate floor the “Freedom to Breathe” Act, which would prohibit mask mandates. Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) objected to the call for unanimous consent, arguing that this legislation would infringe on the health powers of the states.

An interesting and seemingly Constitution-based argument by Senator Markey, but it presupposes masking mandates on the public are a health-related decision at all, which is not supported by scientific evidence, and that such mandates are not otherwise constitutionally prohibited.

Though the People granted health powers to the states, those powers are still limited by the People’s ultimate right to life and liberty, including the free exercise of religion without a state-sanctioned religion (The Science) and free speech without intrusions on the speech-producing orifice or physical identity of the speaker.

Masking restrictions are not a “health power” the state governments are permitted to enforce. Masking mandates are not a public health measure the federal government is permitted to sanction. Both impede life and liberty guaranteed to the People by being human and safeguarded by the People through enforcing our Constitution. As such, the People will not comply.


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Cover image credit: imperioame

Dr. Rima Laibow: Monstrous Sexualization of Children and Colonization by Mind Control

Dr. Rima Laibow: Monstrous Sexualization of Children and Colonization by Mind Control

by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, International Crimes Investigative Committee
September 10, 2023


Dr. Rima Laibow, M.D. is a graduate of Albert Einstein College of Medicine (1970) who believes passionately in the right of Americans to choose their own health paths. She has practiced drug-free, natural medicine for 50 years by seeking the underlying cause of every illness and ailment and treating that root cause.

In 2002 one of her patients from a very rich family told her about detailed plans from her circles for a new world order (NWO). This also included the reduction of the world population by 90%, because they would be “useless eaters”. Based on these stories, Dr. Laibow began to do research on these topics.

In 2004 she founded the “Natural Solutions Foundation” together with her late husband, an organization dedicated to health through food and freedom.

Her websites: and

In this episode of ICIC, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and co-host Attorney Dagmar Schön talk with Dr. Rima Laibow, a psychiatrist and specialist in child & adolescent psychiatry in the US, about the untrustworthy and demonstrably long-planned agenda of a psychopathic minority of self-proclaimed elites who stop at no crime to achieve their inhuman goals.

In their dangerous megalomania to decimate humanity by 95% and to keep the rest under their totalitarian control like cattle and to abuse them as they see fit, they do not even stop at the cruelest violence against the weakest members of our society, the children.

If it’s possible to indoctrinate all children worldwide using mind control and MK-Ultra programs with early sexualization, uprooting and identity confusion, which they incorporate into all areas of our daily lives, and to poison them by means of so-called vaccinations and in the worst case by gene-altering, experimental injections to damage their DNA, it will be easy in the future to manipulate and control humanity and to eradicate the qualities that make up being human, such as love, compassion, friendship, social connectedness.

Thus, the “useless eaters” who, in their view, burden the planet to which they have issued a sole claim, should disappear. Useful slaves, without human characteristics, created in laboratories in the best case, shall be available for them, without feelings and without polluting the planet unnecessarily and wasting resources.

Dr. Laibow speaks clearly using plain words to expose it all, and bring into the light of day this terrible plan which the power-hungry and their henchmen, who she calls “monsters”, have subtly forged under the guise of private organizations like the WHO, EU, UN, Unicef and Unesco etc., which were founded especially for this purpose. It does not gloss over anything, and points out the impending dangers to our existence and that of our children and our children’s children.

We as sentient beings, as people with strength, creativity, courage and a sense of justice must no longer remain silent in the hope that ‘it’ will eventually pass and we will be able to live a normal life again, because it was not normal before either, only that it could not be perceived due to the brainwashing and drug treatments. But now that we have seen it clearly, what has been done to us just in the last three years and they are waiting in the wings again with panic and torture, we have to stand up and protectively put ourselves in front of our children.

Dr. Laibow advises everyone to declare loud and clear, “Don’t you dare lay a hand on our children, and don’t you dare try to control our lives!”

This is the language that they understand and it is the power of community and cohesion that we need to hunt down these ‘monsters’ and hold them accountable.


Connect with Reiner Fuellmich and ICIC telegram | Odysee | Rumble | website

Cover image credit: Alexas_Fotos

There Is no Limit to State Power, and There Never Has Been!

There Is no Limit to State Power, and There Never Has Been!

by Gary D. Barnett
September 8, 2023


“Winston Smith: Does Big Brother exist?
O’Brien: Of course he exists.
Winston Smith: Does he exist like you or me?
O’Brien: You do not exist.”

~ George Orwell, 1984

From the time of birth, Americans have been inundated (indoctrinated — brainwashed) to believe that they live in a free country, and that the reason for this rests on the notion that the United States was ‘founded’ on the principle of a ‘limited government,’ where the State is greatly restricted in its power.

Fiction at this level resides only in the most extreme fantasy, and can only be propagated successfully if the entire population is put into a type of mystical trance where critical thinking is completely absent.

This did not occur recently, it has always been the case in every government on earth since the beginning of what is falsely referred to as ‘civilization.’

I should preface my remarks for those who still cling to the ridiculous idea that government can be benevolent, restricted, limited, and that any government document called a constitution, has anything whatsoever to do with rights or freedom. It absolutely does not.

The State as a political structure is based on fear, force, terror, and power gain, and nothing else.

The idea of freedom is based solely on the premise that no man has any right to rule over any other. All government is in direct contradiction of this premise, and therefore it is the antithesis of liberty, not its creator or protector.

Every aspect of the falsely claimed ‘founding,’ was and is a lie in my estimation. This statement will anger most, and what that exposes, is that people’s desires (emotions) outweigh reason and logic, and cause total confusion concerning what are the actual rights of man.

The natural rights of man are inherent; they do not come from the sky or heavens, nor any government, as each and every one of us as an unique individual, is born with a right to live, a right to life. All other rights spring from this clear assumption, regardless of those who believe otherwise, or who claim that man has no rights at all.

Because each individual has a right to his life, it stands to reason that he has every right to defend his life. In addition, he has every right to sustain his life, which indicates that he has a right to work, to prosper, to supply his every need, which leads to his right to property, and all the fruits of his labor. Every individual has a right to do whatever is necessary in order to sustain, protect, and continue his life, so long as he does not aggress or infringe on the same rights due all other individuals.

This demands the understanding that there is no such thing as a collective right, which is a government scam used to fool the herd in order to control what are falsely referred to as ‘societies.’ Since every man is an unique individual, there are only groups of individuals, not collective ‘societies.’ This leads to the reality that no one has any right to take the property of one to benefit another or any State.

Therefore, there is no right to be fed, housed, or supported, no right to medical or health care, no right for State retirement, no right to basic income, no right to universal defense, no right to universal infrastructure, no right to any ‘welfare’ by the State, and on and on.

There are no ‘social’ rights whatsoever, there are no paranormal rights; for if these unfounded mystical rights were to exist, the individual would cease to exist, and no right for any man could then exist. In fact, if any so-called ‘social’ rights exist, it would demand the slavery of all in order to sustain by force and violence the lives of those unwilling to be responsible for themselves. This would negate every right of every man.

This is why any constitution created and drafted by government is absolutely worthless if the actual rights of man are considered. In fact, the very idea of constitutions issued by the State is ludicrous, and based on deception.

The single concept alone, that government (The State) can give, define, or protect rights, is asinine, for if the State could do so, it could just as easily take all rights away at its whim, which it has done, regardless of the most idiotic notion that government could ever define human rights in the first place. They are natural, and therefore cannot be questioned. This is little understood by this largely dumbed down and indoctrinated population.

The ruling class, and the State, and all governments, have but one agenda, and that is to rule. In order to rule, the State must seek total power, therefore it will never limit itself, or restrict its own ability to garner control over its ‘claimed’ territory, or that of other states and nations.

Pieces of parchment cannot limit government, it can only enhance its ability to fool the people into believing a lie, and therefore letting down their guard in the face of extreme tyranny.

The permanent goal of all States, is to gain more power, so eliminating all limits and restrictions on its powers is the ultimate goal. This has always been, and always will be, so if real freedom is sought for the individual, the State can never be allowed to have any power over any individual.

This is why all states in existence are structured as single entities, seen to be populated only by collective hordes, all overseen by a political monopoly. This allows for all to be considered as single units, instead of areas populated by individuals. This is only a recipe for mass control.

Towns, cities, counties, states, and nations, are a plot to collectivize all individuals, so that the individual is made impotent, and destroyed in favor of the group. This is simply a control mechanism meant to avoid the power of the individual; this because to accept the individual, is to abandon all government.

This short essay is meant to clarify the basic tenets of real freedom of the individual, as opposed to the evil power of the State. It is based upon the ideas of common sense, logic, reason ethics, morality, and reality. The State has no limits, and could not survive if that were not the case. Since all government is based on force and compliance, it is impossible for the existence of any State to coexist with the individual, his natural rights, and freedom.

Quotes by Ayn Rand:

“A government is the most dangerous threat to man’s rights: it holds a legal monopoly on the use of physical force against legally disarmed victims.”

“The smallest minority on earth is the individual. those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.”

“Freedom (n.): To ask nothing. To expect nothing. To depend on nothing.”


Copyright © 2023

Connect with Gary D. Barnett

Cover image credit: Alexandra_Koch

Helen Joyce on Transgenderism, Ideology and Reality

Helen Joyce on Transgenderism, Ideology and Reality

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
September 1, 2023


There’s a real hesitancy to dive into certain topics, especially the ones that go against what most people think or believe.

This is clear when it comes to talking about gender identity and the idea that ‘trans women are women’ and, more specifically, that men and women can switch genders.

  • ‘Trans’ women are not women (and vice-versa).
  • Men and women can’t switch genders.

To be clear, there are two genders, and gender and sex are the same thing.

Delving into the postmodernist mindset, words are seen as creating reality.

This perspective is dangerous, discourages debate and promotes a culture of ‘no debate’ in which reality is dismissed outright without consideration. This approach stifles the pursuit of truth and prevents meaningful dialogue.

Furthermore, the concept of ‘sex assigned at birth’ is not only misleading, it’s nonsensical.

Sex is determined at conception and is not something that can be assigned or changed.

As an example, the societal implications of the ‘trans’ movement, particularly in relation to sports, are concerning. The fairness of allowing men, who ‘identify’ as women, to compete in women’s sports is a slippery slope. It is obviously not fair to allow a man, pretending to be a woman, to enter a boxing ring to fight against a woman.

It is based on a moral stance that prioritises the inclusion of ‘trans’ individuals over the integrity of women’s sports.

And it ultimately harms women.

In fact, it harms everything.

Helen Joyce is a journalist and author of Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality.


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Cover image credit: ArtificialArtist

COVID2099: “A New COVID Variant Called BS.24/7 Is Sweeping Across the Universe”

COVID2099: “A New COVID Variant Called BS.24/7 Is Sweeping Across the Universe”

by Frances Leader, Uncensored
August 31, 2023


A new COVID variant called BS.24/7 is sweeping across the Universe as cases and hospitalisations rise. The fast-spreading subvariant, nicknamed Crap, is now the dominant strain circulating in the Universe, health officials say.

Image captured by a Starlink satellite (actual size)

Right now, BS.24/7 accounts for the largest proportion of suspected infections in the Universe, more than any other variant, according to the latest data from the Universal Centres for Disease Control and Prevention.

BS.24/7 is a subvariant of Omicron990027.Z and a descendant of the TOXDCrap sublineage, which means it’s related to the previous dominant strains circulating this past century.

According to the Universal Health Organisation, BS.24/7 made up an estimated 90.6% of new COVID cases during the period ending on Aug. 18. After BS.24/7, the next most common subvariant is another Omicron TOXDCrap descendant, BS.101, which accounted for 73.3% of cases in Galaxy20, and FKT.U (also called Uv-bin-ad), which made up 99.7% of cases on the SMART human farms in the Outer Rim Territories.

(see map)

On Aug. 9, the Universal Health Organisation decided to re-classify BS.24/7 to a variant of imminent death. According to the latest UHO data, BS.24/7 and BS.101 are now the most prevalent COVID strains ever known, together accounting for 91% of computerised (in silico) sequences reported to inter-galactic AI by robots.

“When we look at its sequence, BS.24/7 is really similar to the other TOXD variants that are circulating right now, with a couple of small changes,” reports Dr. Ivor Sorwilli, a renowned virologist at the isolated Johns Hopkins University, Mars Campus.

The UHO added BS.24/7 to its list of potentially deadly variants under monitoring on July 19, 2099, but the variant was first detected in August 2023. “Scientists have known about this variant, and it’s been present in other Galaxies as well, but an inter-galactic electro-magnetic pulse temporarily knocked out our toaster.” says Sorwilli.

So far, BS.24/7 has been reported in 51 other Universes and there has been a steady increase in prevalence among crickets — the majority of the in silico genetic sequences originated in China, Russia and Iran which were immediately depopulated by stealth electro-magnetic radiation as a precaution.

Tourists are advised to avoid visiting the quarantined planet Earth which is known to be completely riddled with BS.24/7. Earthlings are not permitted to breathe, communicate or travel beyond their bathrooms.

Further updates will be posted on IntergalacticXtreme and MetaverseNotUrM8 social authority media sites. If you are still experiencing the impact of the inter-galactic electro-magnetic pulse, tough titties.


Connect with Frances Leader

Cover image credit: Jordan_Singh

Why Nonconformity Cures a Sick Self and a Sick Society

Why Nonconformity Cures a Sick Self and a Sick Society

by Academy of Ideas
August 22, 2023


The following is a transcript of this video.

“I must be myself, I cannot break myself any longer for you. . .If you can love me for what I am, we shall be the happier. If you cannot, I will still seek to deserve that you should.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance

The great 19th century American philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson believed that to flourish we must be a non-conformist. If we just think as others think and do as others do, we limit our potential and place our health or sickness at the mercy of social forces beyond our control. In this video we are going to explore the dangers of conformity, what non-conformity meant for Emerson, and how the non-conformist acts as a force of good in a society gone mad.

“Whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance

To be a conformist is to orient our life around the dominant norms, values, and ideals of our society. It is to allow the boundaries and templates of our culture to shape our sense of self. Most of us become conformists without reflecting on what we are doing – we see everyone around us conforming and so it feels natural to do the same. But conformity comes at a price, or as Emerson stated in a lecture given in 1844:

“I pay a destructive tax in my conformity.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, Lecture Read Before the Society in Amory Hall, March 1844

In any society only certain character traits are favoured by the trends of conformity, while many others – which may be healthy in their own right – are looked upon with indifference or disdain. In our day, for example, extroversion is favoured over introversion, obedience over disobedience, and risk-aversion over risk-taking. Some people may find their inner nature fits the mold of conformity, but many will find the opposite. For those of us in the latter group, conformity is akin to wearing a mask made to fit the mold of another’s face. The mask of conformity never feels comfortable and at times it may cause us to feel like a fraud or imposter.

Conformity also leads to waste – wasted time, wasted opportunities, and wasted resources. In the need to satisfy others and maintain appearances, we do things we do not value, say things we do not believe, and obtain things we do not need, or as Emerson writes:

“Custom . . . gives me no power therefrom, and runs me in debt to boot. We spend our incomes . . . for a hundred trifles, I know not what, and not for the things of a man. Our expense is almost all for conformity.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, Man the Reformer

But the dangers of conformity reach pathological levels when, as in our day, a society becomes infected with lies. Politicians lie almost as frequently as they open their mouths. A degenerate education system teaches lies on topics ranging from science, to history, ethics, economics, and politics. The media lies about world events. While corporations lie to us about the value, or safety, of their products. With no shortage of lies percolating throughout society, the modern path of conformity leads in errant ways. It encourages us to go into debt to buy things we don’t need, to consume unhealthy foods, to be obedient to those in power, to take pharmaceutical drugs that do more harm than good, to eschew our passion in favour of money or social status, and if we ever feel anxious or depressed, the conformist way is to distract ourselves with screens, or to numb ourselves with psychotropic drugs.

“All goes well as long as you run with conformists. But you, who are an honest man in other particulars, know that there is alive somewhere a man whose honesty reaches to this point also, that he shall not kneel to false gods, and, on the day when you meet him, you sink into the class of counterfeits. . . If you take in a lie, you must take in all that belongs to it.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, Religion

To be a non-conformist, in the modern world, is to renounce the lies that shape our society and to renounce the self that has been shaped by these lies. This act of renunciation paves the way for self-transformation, or as Emerson writes: “The man who renounces himself, comes to himself.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson, Lecture to Divinity Students). When we abandon the habits of conformity and stop pursing its ideals, we clear the way for the emergence of a more authentic state of being. We take off the false mask of conformity and permit our individual personality to shine through. But our renunciation should not be limited to self-renunciation, we should also renounce affiliation with organizations and institutions that are infiltrated by the lies of our society. For a non-conformist, according to Emerson, must stand under his or her own banner, not the banner of another:

“It is only as a man puts off all foreign support, and stands alone, that I see him to be strong and to prevail. He is weaker by every recruit to his banner.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance

Along with the act of renunciation, the non-conformist must establish a new direction in life as merely rejecting conformist ways, without replacing them with something new, will leave us in a pit of aimless and meaningless despair. We need new pursuits to keep us occupied, new habits to keep our life structured, and new goals to give us direction. In the process of re-orienting our life, we should work with what nature has granted us, as it is by cultivating our strengths and talents and aligning our life around pursuits we enjoy, that we unleash our power and pave the way for a great life, or as Emerson writes:

“There is a time in every man’s education when he arrives at the conviction . . that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance

If conformity has led us astray and we don’t know where truth lies or what the plot of ground we are meant to till consists of, spending time in solitude can help correct for this confusion. Away from the chatter and distraction of other minds, solitude can help us understand who we are and what we want from life. There are voices, wrote Emerson “which we hear in solitude, [that] grow faint and inaudible as we enter into the world.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance).  Emerson, however, while valuing solitude, did not believe the non-conformist should be a recluse. To flourish as a non-conformist is to strike the optimal balance between solitude and society. We must learn to live in harmony with others without an excessive need to gain their approval or to mimic their errant ways. Or as Emerson put it:

“Solitude is impracticable, and society fatal. We must keep our head in the one and our hands in the other. The conditions are met, if we keep our independence, yet do not lose our sympathy.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, Society and Solitude

Many people recognize the sickness of modern society, but few choose a path of non-conformity as the means of escape. One reason for this is fear, and specifically a fear of ridicule and rejection. The non-conformist must overcome this fear, or at least learn that constructive, non-conformist action can be taken even when consumed by fear:

“What I must do is all that concerns me, not what the people think. This rule. . .may serve for the whole distinction between greatness and meanness. . .It is easy in the world to live after the world’s opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance

In learning to deal with ridicule and rejection it can be helpful to recognize a constructive value to this experience. Not only does it provide us with an opportunity to cultivate the courage of acting in the face of our fears, but furthermore, those who treat us with contempt sometimes reveal truths of our character that those who care for us are too timid to point out. But even if the ridicule is not constructive, even if it is based on envy or lies, we can use the disapproval of others as motivating fuel that impels us to greater heights, and as Emerson writes:

“Dear to us are those who love us; the swift moments we spend with them are a compensation for a great deal of misery; they enlarge our life; but dearer are those who reject us as unworthy, for they add another life: they build a heaven before us whereof we had not dreamed, and thereby supply to us new powers out of the recesses of the spirit, and urge us to new and unattempted performances.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, New England Reformers

If we learn to conquer the fear of ridicule and rejection, we will possess a crucial skill in the art of non-conformity. But there is another barrier that prevents many from going the way of a non-conformist and this is laziness. To cultivate our own path through life requires hard work, discipline, and a ruthless persistence of action. For Emerson’s non-conformist is not passive, he is an active agent striving to change the world. Once the non-conformist selects a valuable goal, he sticks to it and is not driven off course merely because a bunch conformists disapprove of his ways, or as Emerson writes:

“All men have wandering impulses, fits and starts of generosity. But when you have chosen your part, abide by it, and do not weakly try to reconcile yourself with the world.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, Heroism

Or as he writes elsewhere:

“If you would serve your brother, because it is fit for you to serve him, do not take back your words when you find that prudent people do not commend you. Adhere to your own act, and congratulate yourself if you have done something strange and extravagant and broken the monotony of a decorous age. It was a high counsel that I once heard given to a young person – “Always do what you are afraid to do.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, Heroism

Following a non-conformist path will make us healthier, happier, and more powerful, but it will also turn us into a force of good in the world. For the inner state of our being manifests the events of the outer world, or as Emerson put it: “A man will see his character emitted in the events that seem to meet [him], but which exude from and accompany him.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson, The Conduct of Life) Conformists, in living by lies, are manifesting a sick society. The non-conformist, in aligning himself with the truth of his inner nature and the truth of the world, will manifest events that act as the antidote to a world gone mad.

“In the thought of tomorrow there is a power to upheave . . .all the creeds. . .of the nations, and marshal thee to a heaven which no epic dream has yet depicted. Every man is not so much a workman in the world, as he is a suggestion of that he should be. Men walk as prophecies of the next age.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, Circles


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The Grip of Fear and Need for Acceptance: The Impetus for the Psychological Takeover of the Minds of Men

The Grip of Fear and Need for Acceptance: The Impetus for the Psychological Takeover of the Minds of Men

by Gary D. Barnett
August 21, 2023


“Freud (1921), without referring to the general systems implications of his assertion, spelled out this mechanism clearly: “. . . the individual gives up his ego ideal and substitutes for it the group ideal embodied in the leader” (page 78, Group Psychology).”

~ Stanley Milgram, Obedience to Authority

The grip of fear and propaganda have captured the minds of the collective masses to such an extent, as to stop all critical thinking processes in favor of abandoning responsibility. To accept the collective mindset over right in order to fit in, or avoid conflict, is considered by most the easier path, but it necessitates immoral decisions and irresponsible behavior.

Need of the group is a recipe for ignorance, and it leads in essence, to an allowed psychological takeover of the human brain and all its capabilities to grasp truth, logic and reality, in the face of any stress or uncertainty.

In order for extreme tyranny to become the norm, for State control to be sustained, and if rule by the few is to be possible, it is required that a high level of blind consent by a major portion of the people be evident. Obviously, consent and obedience to power needs to be voluntary among the masses, because constant fear and the need for acceptance by the ‘societal’ herd, is key in any psychological plan of takeover by the ruling class.

Most propagandists use the false idea of the ‘greater good’ to fool the many into accepting this nonsense, so that shame and guilt can then help drive the effort to gain obedience and submission by the weaker group. This tactic is also effective in marginalizing the individual, which has the result of stifling any real or honest dissent.

As an example, the uptick in what are labeled fantastic weather events, and they are not in most cases, is becoming astronomical in order to stoke terror and capture the minds of the weak through psychological means. What is left completely out of the conversation, is the very likely possibility, that most of what is going on in this vein is intentional.

Once again, everything is being tied to the lie that is ‘manmade climate change.’ This narrative is taking over the airwaves, manipulating minds, and is obviously a set up for continued and vastly increasing restriction on movement, control of populations, destruction of private property, the total control of currency, and land and property grabs by government and State supporting speculators, as even more extreme wealth transfers are planned.

The ‘hurricane’ set to hit Southern California early Monday, made landfall as a minor tropical storm, with much less rain and damage than anticipated, (wanted) but was still called a “major climate disaster.” It was also said to be the first tropical storm to hit Southern California in 84 years, an outright lie. Actually, to the detriment of the forecasters and ‘climate change’ advocators, it was nearly immediately downgraded to a post-tropical storm, and all warnings were discontinued.

Future natural weather events as well, will be first blamed on fake ‘climate change,’ and then used to create the perception of massive damage, whether actual or not, caused either by purposeful or completely artificial means, but certainly intentional. State negligence, meant to enhance the damage in order to spread more fear and death, will most always be a factor. This happened of course, in Lahaina, Maui just recently, but the dependent among us are left unaware, and aimlessly grasp for any narrative that will lessen any responsibility to think independently.

When man lives, gains knowledge, and strives to improve himself, all others around him benefit by this behavior. They do not falsely  benefit due to force or theft of property as a result of heinous taxation or fabricated emergencies, which are criminal, but they benefit simply because as each individual improves himself, and is responsible for himself, he is able to achieve more, and by this act alone, society, not in the sense of collective madness, is bettered. As one improves himself, he gains more ability to understand and live a life based on reason, logic, and moral strength and fortitude, and this can greatly improve everything around him.

One should be able to understand that if a majority of individuals acted in this manner, freedom and free markets would flourish, and the State would dramatically shrink. That is the power of the individual, and so long as man lives to his highest purpose, takes responsibility for his own thoughts and actions, and relies on reason, moral existence as a purpose, and common sense as a guide, humanity will not only survive, but prosper.

To live in the shadow of others, to bow to any make-believe human authority, to do the bidding of the powerful at the expense of the weak; in other words, to accept the absurd notion that to sacrifice anything or everything for the so-called ‘greater good,’ especially given that this fictitious good is dishonestly presented under the name of hollow nationalism, is in fact the absolute antithesis of all that is right and moral.

Consider that if common men lived to improve self, to seek self-happiness, and practiced a moral existence, wars could not be fought, for war is based on the insane ‘belief’ of sacrifice to the State, and sold to the mindless as sacrifice to all others. If men en masse strive in their own self-interest, they would not feel compelled to sacrifice for the false gods of government, and therefore would not murder on orders.

War is based only on evil intent and the sacrifice of human fodder, it is not, and cannot ever be, based on moral behavior or the improvement of man.

Sacrifice, not strength, intellectual awakening, or morality, is all that the State seeks, and in order to gain the obedience of the masses, the individual, and individual accomplishment, must be destroyed. The psychological takeover of the minds of men, must precede any and all efforts of long-term totalitarian rule, for any aspect of critical thought, self-improvement, and dissent, are the considered enemies of State rule.

All who think for themselves, and live in their own best interest, will not serve the State, and will not allow for their own enslavement. Independent, self-interested men and women, do not live in fear, and do not cower in the face of adversity. They do not have an unwarranted need to be accepted by the ignorant collective crowd, for they have gained the confidence to live their lives to the fullest without sacrificing themselves to any false god called the State.

Rulers and governments work only on the basis of fear, threat, extreme force, shame, and guilt, in order to fool the people into thinking that their individual lives mean nothing, and sacrifice to the ‘greater good’ means everything.

The ‘greater good’ in this case is always the few at the top of the power pyramid of control; the elusive and dominating nation-state. This is the only reason that the irrational idiocy called nationalism, Statism, and patriotism exists.

All government is evil, and that is why all are taught and brainwashed throughout their lives to feel inferior (worthless) as individuals, but to feel whole only as an invisible cog in the wheel of a ‘national’ society. Atrocities abound due strictly to this asinine mindset, and that has been the plan all along.

Those who consciously reject reason, logic, and common sense, those who hide from reality and truth, and those who only seek to follow the crowd, are worthless to the betterment of man. They cannot be of value to your freedom, because they are of no value to themselves, so abandon them as quickly as is possible.

“People don’t want to think. And the deeper they get into trouble, the less they want to think. But by some sort of instinct, they feel that they ought to and it makes them feel guilty. So they’ll bless and follow anyone who gives them a justification for not thinking. Anyone who makes a virtue – a highly intellectual virtue – out of what they know to be their sin, their weakness and their guilt… They envy achievement, and their dream of greatness is a world where all men have become their acknowledged inferiors. They don’t know that that dream is the infallible proof of mediocrity, because that sort of world is what the man of achievement would not be able to bear”

~ Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


Copyright © 2023

Connect with Gary D. Barnett

Cover image credit: Pexels

Who are ISIS? — ISIS Are Back and They Are Faker Than Ever

Who are ISIS? — ISIS Are Back and They Are Faker Than Ever


“It is entirely reasonable to conclude that ISIS was created as ‘the bastard army’ of the Anglo-American ‘military industrial intelligence complex’ and its vassal, allied states, notably Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Our elected leaders have not led a battle against them because ISIS, knowingly or not, works for same corporate power elite who control the politicians.

“All the evidence points to the West’s consistent use of ISIS as a destabilising force in an energy rich part of the world whose impact on the global economy shaped the 20th century and remains a key strategic region at the start of the 21st . ISIS’ murderous barbarity suits the known geopolitical agenda of the Western powers. Cui bono?”

Who are ISIS?

by Iain Davis
sourced from OffGuardian
August 19, 2023


Kit Knightly, from the OffGuardian, recently published ISIS are back and they are faker than ever.

ISIS are back…and they’re faker than ever.

He explored the apparent return of the ISIS bogeymen and the media narrative that preempted their re-emergent threat. He observes that ISIS, having taken a break during the alleged COVID-19 pandemic, is seemingly the “creation of marketers and PR firms rather than any geopolitical reality.”

This article—Who Are ISIS— was written in June 2018 and offers some of the historical background which strongly suggests Kit Knightly is absolutely right.

Who Are ISIS?

Despite ISIS’ apparent defeat in Syria and Iraq it seems likely that the ISIS hydra will raise another head elsewhere in the world. Indeed they seem to be able to cling on in U.S held territory, though not Syrian/Russian held territory.

The new ISIS is something the US administration are already warning the world to prepare for. With evidence of war crimes committed by the US led coalition in the Syrian City of Raqqa, Nathan Sales, the State Department’s Counter Terrorism Coordinator said on March 2nd 2018:

As we defeat ISIS on the battlefield, the group is adapting to our success. The fight is by no means over – it’s simply moving into a new phase: from military solutions to law enforcement solutions. Increasingly, we’re going to need to supplement our military efforts to defeat ISIS with civilian measures that can ensure the group’s enduring defeat……..We’re not just worried about ISIS core, which as we all know has been degraded quite severely in its territorial holdings in Syria and Iraq, but as that territorial core has eroded, we’ve seen an increase in activity by ISIS elements elsewhere in the world.

It is heartening to know that it was actually the US who defeated ISIS on the battlefield. Perhaps some may be surprised by the US government’s apparent reticence to make greater political capital out of their victory. The warnings from Washington were far from triumphant.

You have to wonder if even they believed in their ‘stunning victory.’ You also have to question what they meant by ‘civilian measures.’ Are we to be drafted? Do they want our young, or are they simply talking about censorship and a crack down on freedom of speech?

According to the US State Department, ISIS will re-emerge in Iraq and Syria, in a different form, and is looking to spread its operations to other countries. The US have decided that three new versions already exist in the form of ISIS-West Africa, ISIS-Philippines, and ISIS-Bangladesh.

If the State Department are right ISIS’ organisational, logistical and central planning capabilities are impressive. Following significant military defeats in the middle east, they can immediately reappear in different locations, thousands of miles apart, simultaneously. Amazing don’t you think? How did they do that?

It’s almost as if there’s an underlying support structure which is able to finance and tactically support ISIS (or whatever they may be called in the future) on an international scale. Given the West’s long standing support for Islamist extremist organisations perhaps we don’t need to look far to identify who is providing that support. Certainly if we look at the rise of ISIS in Iraq and Syria a distinct prime suspect emerges.

During the U.S led coalition’s occupation of Iraq tens of thousands of Islamist extremists were thrown into mass detention centres, along with tens of thousands of other, less extreme, Iraqi’s who had been swept up during coalition raids and protest policing operations. Among the detainees was the future Caliph of the Islamic State Abu Bakr al Baghdadi. It was in Camp Bucca, under US and UK guard, where the Islamic State (and ISIS) initially took shape.

Details about Abu Bakr al Baghdadi’s time in Camp Bucca are sketchy. Some reports stated he was interned for a relatively brief period in 2004 – 2005 while others said he was imprisoned for five years between 2004 -2009. What is undeniable is that Camp Bucca was effectively a radicalisation centre for the Islamists. According to Iraqi strategic analyst Hisham al-Hashim, 17 of ISIS’ top 25 commanders came through the Camp Bucca system.

The US led coalition’s explanation for this “oversight” was that their intelligence, regarding “who was who,” was often lacking and compounded by a lack of interpreters. This meant that relatively innocuous prisoners, snared in by US and Iraqi National Guard ‘policing’ operations, found themselves thrown in with the more hardcore Islamists and radical preachers. Angered by what many saw as their unjust incarceration by the US and its allies, the incarcerated moderates were open to the radical proselytising of the extremists.

When full, Camp Bucca could hold more than 24,000 inmates, split into groups of 1000 in large wire fenced compounds. Following widespread allegations of the abuse of prisoners, some leeway was granted allowing prisoners to attend prayer meetings with other prisoner groups. For the most extreme, this served as the ideal recruitment ground. Former enemies, such as al Qaeda members and Ba’athist Party, were able to meet and plot, in relative safety, against their common foe.

In 2007 U.S military strategy in Iraq was built around the so called ‘surge.’ From a starting point of 132,000 US troops in January 2007, peaking at 168,000 in September, the ‘surge’ saw an increase in US troop deployment and a shift towards mass imprisonment in the hope or reducing combatant numbers. The crack down that accompanied ‘the Surge’ meant it was difficult for the Islamist extremists to congregate in the cities and towns, but they faced no such problems inside the Camp Bucca, Cropper and Taji detentions centres.

In a 2014 briefing paper, the Intelligence Analysis company the Soufan Group stated:

The reshaping of what is now the Islamic State (IS) began among the detainee populations in military prisons such as Camp Bucca in Iraq, where violent extremists and former regime personalities forged mutual interests over years of confinement. IS is now a chimera of Ba’athist and takfiri ideologies, with the organizational skills of the former helping channel the motivational fervor of the latter. The former regime officers who are now senior leaders in IS appear fully committed to the ideals and goals of the group, a result of a thorough radicalization that has extended from imprisonment [. . . ].

Of course, this was all deemed to be a terrible mistake. The result of a combination of short sighted policy decisions and human error by coalition officials struggling to deal with difficult conditions within the camps.

By the time of their closure in 2009, at least 100,000 Islamists had been through the US controlled camp system. As soon as they were released they re-established the networks they had built in the camps, rejoined the jihad, and set about building their caliphate. To start constructing their army they required, experienced fighters, money and armaments. Luckily for them help was on its way.

There is no doubt at all that collaboration with Islamist groups, linked to al Qaeda, was a key strategy in Iraq and Syria. Speaking in 2015 Lieutenant. General Michael T. Flynn, formerly assigned as the Pentagon’s Director of the Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA,) stated the plan to arm the Islamists was a “wilful decision”. He claimed the DIA warned the Obama administration that the policy of working with al Qaeda affiliated groups risked the creation of an ISIS like entity across the entire region. Flynn’s career was ignominiously destroyed when he committed the heinous crime of talking to Russians, instead of calling them names.

However Flynn’s comments were entirely consistent with the available evidence. Following a law suit by Judicial Watch, the DIA released a previously ‘classified’ 2012 report that confirmed the accuracy of Flynn’s statement.

It revealed the Pentagon were fully aware their support (with the notable assistance of Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar) for AQI (al Qaeda in Iraq) and ISI (Islamic State in Iraq) would be likely to lead to the rise of ISIS. The 2012 DIA Intelligence Information Report stated:

If the situation unravels there is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist principality in eastern Syria (Hasaka and Der Zor), and this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime, which is considered the strategic depth of the Shia expansion (Iraq and Iran).

It is important to fully understand what this meant. We can paraphrase this statement as follows:

  • The continued destabilisation of the region is likely to create the Islamic State. This is precisely what the West, NATO (including Turkey) and its allies in the Persian Gulf want. It will hopefully isolate Syria from its Shi’ah allies and break its strategic alliance with Iran and Iraq and ultimately Russia.

The predicted emergence of a “Salafist principality” was seen as a strategic opportunity to isolate the Syrian government. The document acknowledged, “the Salafist [sic], the Muslim Brotherhood, and AQI [al Qaeda in Iraq] are the major forces driving the insurgency in Syria,” and that, “the West, Gulf countries, and Turkey support the opposition [the insurgency in Syria].”

The creation of ISIS was no accident. It wasn’t the result of policy mistakes but, given the evidence, appeared to be the intended consequence of a deliberate strategy. Either that or the Obama administration were intent upon ignoring their own Defense Intelligence Agency report.

The subsequent level of support the U.S led coalition provided for ISIS renders any claim that this was all an ‘error’ untenable. Flynn was absolutely correct when he said the arming of the Islamists was a “wilful decision.” The Obama administration and other western governments were under no illusions. Their strategy would inevitably lead to the creation of ISIS.

Under the leadership of Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, in 2013 the former camp Bucca, Cropper and Taji detainees allied to AQI and ISI groups, announced a unifying name change to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS.) Fighters and arms started to pour in from the U.S led coalition allies Saudi Arabia, Qatar and notably Libya.

Along with the arms coming from defeated militaries in Libya and Iraq, ISIS received shipments of weaponry manufactured in Eastern Europe. A study from the Conflict Armament Research group (CAR), commissioned by the EU, traced the route of these weapons [which is available to download].

The CAR stated that ‘large numbers’ of these weapons were bought in Europe by US, Saudi and Qatari dealers. The sellers were allegedly “deceived” about the destination, thereby violating the sale and export licenses. The arms were then shipped via the “rat line” through Turkey into Syria. Once in Syria they were distributed by ‘moderate’ terrorists, such as al Nusra (al Qaeda in Syria), to their ISIS counterparts.

This was later confirmed when significant quantities of the traced weapons were found in ISIS controlled territory, such as Tikrit, Ramadi, Falluja and Mosul. However, these shipments were dwarfed by some very lucky coincidences which turned the ISIS terrorist group into a fully equipped army.

Following the withdrawal of the large scale US troop deployment from Iraq in 2011, the Iraqi army were supported by the US led coalition in their fight against the Islamist insurgency. Having destroyed Iraq’s army in 2003, the coalition then spent billions of US taxpayers’ money rebuilding it, with the profits naturally going to the global arms manufacturing corporations. The US left behind Military Transitions Teams (MiTT’s) to oversee the training and deployment of their proxy Iraqi army.

In 2014, a relatively small ISIS force, of no more than a 1000 fighters, took the Iraqi city of Mosul. At the time, the city was defended by two Iraqi Armoured divisions amounting to 30,000 soldiers. Following sporadic skirmishes on the outskirts, as ISIS approached Mosul, the entire Iraqi force simply abandoned their posts and left.

US supplied, state of the art, military hardware, stored at the al-Qayara base in Mosul, was seemingly just handed over to ISIS. Similar mysterious vanishing acts then followed in Ramadi, again with very little military pressure from ISIS, once more giving them access to heavy weapons and equipment.

In the space of a few months, ISIS not only seized hundreds of millions of dollars from various regional banks but had ‘captured’ six divisions of lethal, US supplied, military hardware. This included more than 2000 US Humvee armoured troop carriers, at least 30 M1A1 Abrams main battle tanks, 50 or so 155mm M198 howitzers (artillery guns,) helicopters, thousands of PKC machine guns, rocket launchers and tons of small arms and ammunition.

Recently ‘evidence’ offered by the British and French governments to ‘prove’ that Bashar al Assad gassed his own people in Douma stated that only his Arab Syrian Arab Army possessed the helicopters capable of dropping Chlorine barrel bombs. This was a lie. ISIS also had the required helicopters, ‘seized’ from Mosul and Ramadi.

The reason given for handing ISIS enough military hardware to form an army capable of fighting nation states was simply incompetence and crap training. However, even the worst army in the world knows enough not to simply abandon all its weapons to the enemy. If the Iraqi army were in such a terrified rush to run away, why didn’t they leave in the protection of their armoured vehicles?

Further questions arise in light of the statements made by the Mosul based head of Iraqi intelligence Ahmed al Zarkani. He said that he had repeatedly warned the US puppet government in Baghdad about the approach of ISIS.

According to Zarkani, he informed the government of Nouri al-Maliki on numerous occasions about ISIS training camps being prepared in the Nineveh region; he called for air strikes against their positions; he alerted the local military command and, following prisoner interrogations, he even discovered the time, date and code-name of the impending ISIS attack.

When he reported that the ‘Al-Eres’ (The Wedding Party) operation was imminent, he was shocked to discover, despite all the intelligence he had provided, the commander of the Mosul divisions had ‘gone on holiday.’ Nothing was done at any stage to stop ISIS from seizing their own armoured divisions.

With all its newly acquired American hardware, ISIS needed fighters trained to use it. In 2015, a report from the International Center for Counter Terrorism estimated that 30,000 foreign fighters had joined ISIS. This flow had increased with ISIS’ expansion into Syria in May 2013. Thousands of seasoned, battle hardened terrorists from the Balkans, including fighters from Kosovo, and the Caucasus, such as the Chechen Islamists, came into Syria via the NATO nation of Turkey. Many of these fighters were familiar with heavy weaponry and were capable of flying aircraft. By then, ISIS numbers were conservatively estimated at around 70,000.

The CIA operation to arm, train and equip Islamist terrorists in Syria was called Timber Sycamore. It supposedly began in 2012, it was allegedly phased out in 2017 by the Trump administration as a result of ISIS, and other terrorist groups, military losses to Syrian and Russian forces.

Western coalition special forces also started terrorists training camps in Jordan in 2011. This was basically a continuation of the training programs they had run for the KLA, NLA and al Qaeda in the Balkans.

With a budget of $1billion, thousands of fighters came through the program. Many of these fighters ended up fighting for Al Nusra, whose numbers grew to 20,000 by the alleged end of Timber Sycamore in 2017. In addition the Pentagon was funding the shipment of arms through European countries such as Denmark and Bulgaria on diplomatic flights to avoid inspection. This wasn’t just a US effort, a number of European states were also involved.

However, despite significant ground forces and plenty of armour and weapons, ISIS lacked air support and were vulnerable to air strikes. In 2014 Barrack Obama announced the US intended to launch air strikes against both Iraq and Syria to ‘degrade and destroy‘ ISIS. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth.

After more than 800 sorties, ISIS territory had more than doubled in Syria. Far from ‘degrading and destroying’ ISIS, US air strikes were apparently assisting ISIS in Syria. In fact, they had the effect of pushing ISIS towards Syria, where they seemed to benefit greatly from US bombing. Was this all another monumental mistake?

It is difficult to see how supplying weapons via airdrops to ISIS was degrading them. This happened on numerous occasions. For example, according to Iraqi intelligence, the US had dropped supplies to besieged ISIS fighters in the Yathrib and Balad districts of Iraq. Strangely this ‘accident’ provided ISIS fighters exactly what they most needed at the time, food and armour piercing rounds.

Then there are the numerous occasions when US air strikes appeared to have directly provided a strategic advantage to ISIS.

The isolated Syrian city of Deir Ezzor had been under siege by ISIS for more than a year. However, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) were holding it, mainly because they had control of the local airport. This enabled the city to be resupplied by Syrian and Russian airdrops. The airport was well protected by SAA artillery positions in the overlooking Tharda hills, giving the SAA a decisive tactical advantage.

ISIS had consistently failed to take these key strategic positions. However, on September 16th/17th 2016 the US launched air strikes against the SAA who were fighting ISIS. As soon as the SAA defences had been destroyed ISIS then launched a large scale attack and seized the positions. It appeared to be a coordinated offensive, timed precisely with the US air strikes. It was no spur of the moment assault by ISIS. Its scale and precision clearly indicated it had been planned well in advance.

Of course the US commanders said this was all an honest mistake. US Brig. Gen. Richard Coe said it was the result of human error. However, forces commanded by Lt. Gen. Jeffrey L Harrigan dispatched a reconnaissance drone to gather intelligence the day before the air strike. They claimed they ‘misinterpreted’ the intelligence, believing the positions were ISIS rather than SAA controlled, despite the fact the fixed SAA positions were no secret.

They US then ‘accidentally’ gave the Russian military the wrong targeting information, rendering them unable to warn the US that they were planning to attack the SAA not ISIS. This contravened a recent ceasefire agreement, which broke down as a result of the air strikes.

As ISIS moved in to take Deir Ezzor the MSM tried to cover up the US support for their assault. The British Daily Telegraph wrote:

The US-led coalition, as well as the Russians, have been bombing the jihadists in Deir Ezzor for the last 18 months but have been unable to dislodge them.

This was a false claim, you could call it disinformation or fake news. The US hadn’t launched any major air strikes against ISIS forces surrounding Deir Ezzor. The US attacks had been against the SAA and vital city infrastructure. For example, in January 2016 the US bombed Deir Ezzor’s electricity plant while the SAA were holding the city.

Again in May 2017 the US hit a convoy of Shi’ah Iraqi militiamen, loyal to Damascus, and a unit of armed Iranians. At the time the Syrian Arab Army, and their Iraqi and Iranian allies, were pushing ISIS back towards Iraq. The northern Syrian city of Raqqa, held by ISIS, was close to being cut off from ISIS supply lines. The convoy was taking heavy weaponry to forward positions in the battle against ISIS. Yet another example of US air strikes benefiting ISIS terrorists.

There is no doubt at all the US coalition were aware of the funding of ISIS by their Gulf allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar. A State Department memo in 2014 stated:

We need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to Isis and other radical groups in the region.

Are we to believe this was all just another string of ‘mistakes’ which caused unforeseen ‘blowback‘, accidentally creating, arming, equipping, supplying and tactically supporting ISIS? You can if you like, but if you do you need to account for the evidence which suggests otherwise.

Documentation revealed the US led coalition were anticipating the rise of a “Salafist principality in eastern Syria” and it was central to their strategic thinking; ISIS very easily obtained billions of dollars of US military equipment; ISIS benefited from US bombing campaigns in Syria, and the US appeared to have provided them with tactical air support on a number of occasions; the US led coalition were actively training and arming Islamist extremists who went on to fight for ISIS and the West’s Gulf allies were known and accepted to be funding ISIS.

Similarly, the US’ European allies had their own justifications for military action with attacks in London, Paris and Munich to mention but a few. This led them to take offensive actions in Libya, based once more upon ‘flawed intelligence,’ producing the same destabilisation and a perfect environment for the Islamists to gather and spread their form of violent jihad. This, once again, particularly benefited ISIS, who were able to use Libya as staging point for their operations in Iraq and Syria.

Obama’s departure changed nothing. Following the alleged chemical weapons attack on Khan Sheikhoun Donald Trump, who had come into office promising to end foreign wars of intervention, authorised a missile strike on Al Shayrat airfield in a supposed attempt to damage the Syrian’s ability to launch further alleged chemical weapons attacks.

In yet another remarkable ISIS benefiting “coincidence,” it just so happened that the al Shayrat airbase was the centre of Syrian operations against ISIS forces around Homs and Palmyra. Syrian forces had used it to gain a growing military advantage over ISIS. The missile strike greatly reduced the number of air strikes against the terrorists. The missile strike on al Shayrat was another example of the US effectively providing tactical air cover for ISIS.

It is entirely reasonable to conclude that ISIS was created as ‘the bastard army’ of the Anglo-American ‘military industrial intelligence complex’ and its vassal, allied states, notably Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Our elected leaders have not led a battle against them because ISIS, knowingly or not, works for same corporate power elite who control the politicians.

All the evidence points to the West’s consistent use of ISIS as a destabilising force in an energy rich part of the world whose impact on the global economy shaped the 20th century and remains a key strategic region at the start of the 21st . ISIS’ murderous barbarity suits the known geopolitical agenda of the Western powers. Cui bono?

Just like the tale you were spun about weapons of mass destruction, prior to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, practically everything you have been told about ISIS and the conflict in Syria is part of a monstrous deception.

Despite their contrition, following the lies they told about Iraqi WMDs, and promises to the public that they would never let them down again, the entire Western mainstream media has cheered the war machine along every step of the way. The simplistic narratives we have been given about ISIS have never mentioned the clear evidence that links the rise of the Caliphate to U.S led coalition objectives.

Every single time people noticed the coalitions military actions seemed to benefit ISIS, the MSM either covered this up with another ‘unfortunate coincidence’ story, accused those who raised these issues of being ‘conspiracy theorists‘ or created entirely false story lines to obfuscate the reality.

Once again, it appears most of us fell for it.


You can read more of Iain’s work at his blog (Formerly InThisTogether) or on UK Column or follow him on Twitter or subscribe to his SubStack. His new book Pseudopandemic, is now available, in both in kindle and paperback, from Amazon and other sellers. Or you can claim a free copy by subscribing to his newsletter.


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Dependency on the State Is the Core of the Takeover Plot of Humanity

Dependency on the State Is the Core of the Takeover Plot of Humanity

by Gary D. Barnett
August 16, 2023


“It’s not an endlessly expanding list of rights — the ‘right’ to health care, the ‘right’ to food and housing. That’s not freedom, that’s dependency. Those aren’t rights, those are the rations of slavery — hay and a barn for human cattle.”

~ P.J. O’Rourke

Most of you have entered the final stage of your voluntary acceptance of mass slavery, and that slavery is fully dependent on the concept of fear, compliance to a false ‘authority,’ and total dependence on the very tyrant called government, whose plan is to control the world by controlling the common, ignorant, and apathetic collective crowd called ‘the people.’ The most vital component of this ‘Great Reset’ agenda, is for the majority to be dependent on the State, and that phenomenon is now close at hand. The final foundation of all restriction, control of financial and monetary transactions, and control of movement, will hinge on the farcical fraud called manmade ‘climate change.’ No worries however, because many other excuses, and aspects of control and manipulation will be used as well, but at this point, the ‘climate change’ hoax is the lynchpin of the future takeover plot.

The speed of this agenda has accelerated far past earlier time projections, and I believe this to be due to more exposure by the few who understand what is actually happening, to explain all the contradiction, lies, and propaganda, that have inundated society for the past few decades. At this point, the somewhat panicked ruling class and its pawns in government, have vastly escalated their terror campaign worldwide, in order to shut down dissent before it can gain too much ground. This campaign of terror is meant to drive the tool of fear to a much higher degree, so as to be able to accomplish takeover goals with less resistance. As mentioned earlier, the main focus of this increased intimidation is based on the fake ‘climate change’ model.

One obvious example of this fear campaign, is the purposely heightened threat of so-called weather anomalies, especially what are conspicuous (intentionally set) fires burning at ridiculously high temperatures, destroying particular properties, towns, cities, and valuable mineral-laden land holdings. These unnatural fire outbreaks began in earnest in early spring, and have continued incessantly since that time. What began in Canada, has now overtaken the Hawaiian island of Maui, among many other areas around the world, and the devastation is incredible. Only psychopaths could perpetrate such evil as this, but the coverup and blame on bogus ‘climate change,’ has been accepted by most of course, and promulgated by the ruling class, and every State-owned or controlled mainstream media outlet. The attack on all truthtellers claiming these horrendous fires to be intentionally set, was instant, without any legitimate evidence to the contrary to back their plotted refutations, and in fact, this universal response was certainly coordinated.

Now there is a fight to see who will take this land in Maui, and by take, I mean exactly that. It has been exposed that many are attempting to buy and gain contracts to build a new ‘smart city’ on this hallowed ground, and many big players are involved, including Blackrock.. Those claiming to help, people like  Jeff Bezos and Oprah Winfrey, are already heavily involved, and the governor of Hawaii, Josh Green, has taken control of this, and not to the benefit of those residents and business owners who lost everything. (As an aside, the houses and property of Bezos and Winfrey magically escaped the fire?) This evil governor, a true controlling politician, said, and before all bodies have been recovered, or any funerals for the dead have taken place, “I’m already thinking of ways for the state to acquire that land so that we can put it into workforce housing, to put it back into families, or make it open spaces in perpetuity as a memorial to the people who were lost,” Democrat Gov. Josh Green said. What about all those who own that land the ‘State’ is going to force buy? (Steal)

But let us not stop here, as during this same year, there were unbelievable train derailments. most all of which involved very poisonous, and toxic materials, the most noted of course, being the purposely released (due to deliberate fire-setting) noxious chemicals in East Palestine, Ohio, that poisoned much of the northeast U.S. There were many more incidents of this nature as well.

As to extreme fear-mongering, weather ‘services’ nationwide, have intentionally changed all reporting in order to strike extreme fear in the collective herd called the ‘citizenry.’ Fantastic claims of record heat, which are bogus in most every case, are rampant. Instead of greens and darker muted colors to show heat, dark reds and purples just so happen to be the new norm across the entire country, and simultaneously; a coincidence certainly? In addition, the heat is not just hot, it is now “boiling” according to these weather idiots. These descriptions, while ludicrous and plotted, are purposely meant to cause undue alarm in an uninformed ‘public’ with little or no desire or effort to understand any truth.

All of these things, and an endless supply of other threats, including the threat of nuclear war, of financial collapse, of food shortages, of extreme inflation leading to extreme prices, to new ‘pandemic’ emergencies, to travel restrictions, lockdowns, monitoring of all transactions, and of total digitization of the economy in order to control all, are now constant. The end of cash is being pursued aggressively, and the replacement by central bank digital currency (CBDC) is looming in the near future. This agenda too, has recently accelerated greatly, indicating that the ruling element of society is attempting to expand its control mechanisms more quickly so as to avoid any pushback. Given what is happening in open view, the great increase of intentionally-structured disastrous events, the massive transfer of wealth and property, the government’s aggressive stance immediately following every manufactured ‘weather event’ or so-called ‘natural’ emergency, and the total disregard for life and personal property, how long will it be until this takeover plot becomes fully entrenched in reality?

All of these events are meant to make the average ‘citizen’ dependent on the State. The more dependency, the easier to control. When the bulk of society cannot or will not take care of themselves, will not be responsible for their own lives and freedom, will not fight back in their own defense, and voluntarily choose to acquiesce to authority and State relief instead of taking any personal responsibility, what will become of this country?

It will be very telling to watch this State terrorism that has been released on Maui, and how the people respond. Will they give up their homes and land that was destroyed by and due to evil forces, or will they demand to keep and hold their property? Will they disallow this totalitarian scum called a governor from his nefarious U.N. plans, and keep what is theirs? Or will they simply allow the State’s political class to do as they please with everything they have deliberately destroyed, and become wards (slaves) of the State?

Once mass dependence is in place, there will no longer be any chance of a free society. The State seeks to control all, and the way to accomplish that heinous mission, is to make the populace at large completely impotent, so that they have not the ability or drive to fight back. Total dependency is key to any takeover conspiracy by the ruling class and its State thugs, and many feigned threats and so-called emergencies will erupt on a regular basis going forward. This is without doubt in my opinion, so believe nothing, trust no State representative at any level, trust no mainstream media, and question everything!

Between the government which does evil and the people who accept it – there is a certain shameful solidarity.”

~ Author: Victor Hugo

Reference links:

A message to Maui … The truth may shock you!

Canada fires four times more toxic

California firestorms

Lahaina rebuild scheme

Additional government complicity in Lahaina fires

Hawaii governor wants to swoop in and buy up Lahaina

East Palestine, Ohio intentional chemical fire corruption


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

Cover image credit: stevepb

Jon Rappoport: On “the Big Con” of Concocted Science as a Control System — “Centers of Fake Knowledge Are Modern Cathedrals”

Jon Rappoport: On “the Big Con” of Concocted Science as a Control System — “Centers of Fake Knowledge Are Modern Cathedrals”


“CONCOCTED science is the modern version of spiritual revelation. The Roman Church—while it was carrying out witch hunts and inquisitions replete with confessions obtained through torture and capped off with death by burning at the stake—was claiming Jesus Himself had passed the keys of the Kingdom to the Church…and He tacitly approved its policies.

“These days, debilitating, brain damaging, and life-destroying vaccines are the scientific revelations the Church of Federal Medicine stands for.

“Concocted science.”


Science as Control; Centers of Fake Knowledge Are Modern Cathedrals; the Big Con

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
August 10, 2023


I continue to write about this subject because it’s vital.

NIH, the US National Institutes of Health, is the largest medical research facility in the world. It has 18,000 employees and runs on an annual budget of $45 billion.

I once suggested to Jim Warner, a White House policy analyst under Ronald Reagan, that somebody should do an audit of NIH and determine exactly what medical advancements the agency had actually made during its long history. He thought that was a terrific idea. But nothing came of it.

I assure you, an audit would reveal much less than meets the eye. Much less in the way of useful discoveries and technology. Along with mountains of useless and fraudulent science.

BUT NIH stands as a center of knowledge and a symbol, a reference point, a proof positive that medical science is marching forward.

It’s a very expensive public relations tool.

How could we not accept and signal our obedience to medicine, when we have such an awesome modern cathedral for its research?

Ditto for the CDC and the FDA. Both infernally corrupt agencies.

CONCOCTED science is the modern version of spiritual revelation. The Roman Church—while it was carrying out witch hunts and inquisitions replete with confessions obtained through torture and capped off with death by burning at the stake—was claiming Jesus Himself had passed the keys of the Kingdom to the Church…and He tacitly approved its policies.

These days, debilitating, brain damaging, and life-destroying vaccines are the scientific revelations the Church of Federal Medicine stands for.

Concocted science.

People accept science as fact, based on the IMPRESSION that actual knowledge is being discovered.

PR people make sure this impression is delivered.

Just as the Roman Church never confesses to fraud in its doctrine, the centers of modern medical knowledge never confess fraud.


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Reiner Fuellmich With Peter Mac Isaac: Why Are Canada´s Forests Burning? 

Reiner Fuellmich With Peter Mac Isaac: Why Are Canada´s Forests Burning? 

by Reiner Fuellmich, International Crimes Investigative Committee


In this episode of ICIC, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich talks with Peter Mac Isaac, former provincial game warden in Canada about the current situation there, particularly with regard to the devastating forest fires from which humans, animals and nature are still suffering.

This series of wildfires began suddenly in the spring and the causes are being blamed on the narrative of man-made climate change.

Peter Mac Isaac is not afraid to openly express his personal opinion on this and has already had to suffer reprisals from the Canadian government, which has censored his expressions of opinion in every way.

This dictatorial approach of the government under Justin Trudeau to suppress freedom of expression is reminiscent of the harsh persecution of the “Truckers for Freedom” movement in the so-called “Corona Pandemic”, when many courageous people rebelled against the incipient totalitarianism in Canada and received broad popular support.

As an expert in the field of nature and forest protection, Mac Isaac denounces the government’s fatal handling of the forest fires.

Why were no experts called into action and why were they even discouraged from assisting on the ground?

In his opinion, one of the simplest terrorist methods is to frighten people with fires so that they will accept without protest any measures that the government orders, such as a “climate lockdown”.

It was modeled on the “Corona pandemic” with its inhumane measures, after which new sociopolitical and social control mechanisms could be installed.

Through his reporting on the situation in Canada at that time and through the comparison with almost all other countries in the world, it becomes quite clear that everything that happened then and is currently happening are meticulously planned and orchestrated actions carried out by a certain group, namely “Mr. Global” and the correspondingly corrupt and unscrupulous henchmen.

He points out the importance of not being intimidated by this small group, of standing up and speaking the truth out loudly.

It only takes 3% of the people on the planet to initiate a momentum of change, the other 97% who suffer from fear and cognitive dissonance will then join and also find the courage if they have role models.

Because if we do not change anything today, this task will become more and more difficult for our children and our children’s children. We must not remain inactive, the time to stand up is now!


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Cover image credit: CharlVera

Jon Rappoport: American Culture and TV Ads — The Missing Link

Jon Rappoport: American Culture and TV Ads — The Missing Link


“The common wisdom is people are sick of TV commercials. They mute them. They change the channel to avoid them.

“I don’t think that’s true.

“The basic missing link is: the ads aren’t just promoting products; the ads ARE products.”


American culture and TV ads; the missing link; I make another breakthrough

by Jon Rappoport
August 4, 2023


The common wisdom is people are sick of TV commercials. They mute them. They change the channel to avoid them.

I don’t think that’s true.

The basic missing link is: the ads aren’t just promoting products; the ads ARE products.

But viewers have no way of expressing their preferences. Hence we need this:


It could start out on cable. I think it’d soon make it to network television. Possibly it would wind up on YouTube, where it would garner far more viewers than NBC or CBS could attract.

The Commercials Channel (CC) has no shows. It plays commercials 24 hours a day. Back to back. In an unending stream.


That’s the key.

That’s what the audience wants.

The ads are products. The viewers decide which ones are best.

The channel runs contests, all day and all night.

Here are 16 pharmaceutical commercials. Which one do you like best? Vote now.

Announce the winners.

Drug ads, fast food ads, insurance ads, bank ads, ads for movies, car ads, ads for lawyers, beer ads, soda ads…

All sorts of contests around the clock. VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE NOW.

And maybe you can bet.

Which of these 10 ads do you think will win? Lay your money down in the next 3 minutes.

You’d have 2 or 3 AI talking heads representing CC, on–air, hosting the contests.

CC runs 24/7. All ads all the time. That’s revenue for the channel.

Almost no overhead.



I mean, come on. Advertising is perhaps the most visible industry in America. Give it its due.

Instead of “Is the Chevy better than the Ford,” it’s “Is the Chevy ad better than the Ford ad.”

NOW you’re cooking.

Now you’ve got audience interest.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

Cover image credit: paulsteuber

Technocensorship: The Government’s War on So-Called Dangerous Ideas

Technocensorship: The Government’s War on So-Called Dangerous Ideas

by John & Nisha Whitehead, The Rutherford Institute
August 1, 2023


“There is more than one way to burn a book. And the world is full of people running about with lit matches.”

—Ray Bradbury

What we are witnessing is the modern-day equivalent of book burning which involves doing away with dangerous ideas—legitimate or not—and the people who espouse them.Seventy years after Ray Bradbury’s novel Fahrenheit 451 depicted a fictional world in which books are burned in order to suppress dissenting ideas, while televised entertainment is used to anesthetize the populace and render them easily pacified, distracted and controlled, we find ourselves navigating an eerily similar reality.

Welcome to the age of technocensorship.

On paper—under the First Amendment, at least—we are technically free to speak.

In reality, however, we are now only as free to speak as a government official—or corporate entities such as Facebook, Google or YouTube—may allow.

Case in point: internal documents released by the House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on Weaponization of the Federal Government confirmed what we have long suspected: that the government has been working in tandem with social media companies to censor speech.

By “censor,” we’re referring to concerted efforts by the government to muzzle, silence and altogether eradicate any speech that runs afoul of the government’s own approved narrative.

This is political correctness taken to its most chilling and oppressive extreme.

The revelations that Facebook worked in concert with the Biden administration to censor content related to COVID-19, including humorous jokes, credible information and so-called disinformation, followed on the heels of a ruling by a federal court in Louisiana that prohibits executive branch officials from communicating with social media companies about controversial content in their online forums.

Likening the government’s heavy-handed attempts to pressure social media companies to suppress content critical of COVID vaccines or the election to “an almost dystopian scenario,” Judge Terry Doughty warned that “the United States Government seems to have assumed a role similar to an Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth.’

This is the very definition of technofascism.

Clothed in tyrannical self-righteousness, technofascism is powered by technological behemoths (both corporate and governmental) working in tandem to achieve a common goal.

The government is not protecting us from “dangerous” disinformation campaigns. It is laying the groundwork to insulate us from “dangerous” ideas that might cause us to think for ourselves and, in so doing, challenge the power elite’s stranglehold over our lives.

Thus far, the tech giants have been able to sidestep the First Amendment by virtue of their non-governmental status, but it’s a dubious distinction at best when they are marching in lockstep with the government’s dictates.

As Philip Hamburger and Jenin Younes write for The Wall Street Journal: “The First Amendment prohibits the government from ‘abridging the freedom of speech.’ Supreme Court doctrine makes clear that government can’t constitutionally evade the amendment by working through private companies.”

Nothing good can come from allowing the government to sidestep the Constitution.

The steady, pervasive censorship creep that is being inflicted on us by corporate tech giants with the blessing of the powers-that-be threatens to bring about a restructuring of reality straight out of Orwell’s 1984, where the Ministry of Truth polices speech and ensures that facts conform to whatever version of reality the government propagandists embrace.

Orwell intended 1984 as a warning. Instead, it is being used as a dystopian instruction manual for socially engineering a populace that is compliant, conformist and obedient to Big Brother.

This is the slippery slope that leads to the end of free speech as we once knew it.

In a world increasingly automated and filtered through the lens of artificial intelligence, we are finding ourselves at the mercy of inflexible algorithms that dictate the boundaries of our liberties.

Once artificial intelligence becomes a fully integrated part of the government bureaucracy, there will be little recourse: we will all be subject to the intransigent judgments of techno-rulers.

This is how it starts.

First, the censors went after so-called extremists spouting so-called “hate speech.”

Then they went after so-called extremists spouting so-called “disinformation” about stolen elections, the Holocaust, and Hunter Biden.

By the time so-called extremists found themselves in the crosshairs for spouting so-called “misinformation” about the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccines, the censors had developed a system and strategy for silencing the nonconformists.

Eventually, depending on how the government and its corporate allies define what constitutes “extremism, “we the people” might all be considered guilty of some thought crime or other.

Whatever we tolerate now—whatever we turn a blind eye to—whatever we rationalize when it is inflicted on others, whether in the name of securing racial justice or defending democracy or combatting fascism, will eventually come back to imprison us, one and all.

Watch and learn.

We should all be alarmed when any individual or group—prominent or not—is censored, silenced and made to disappear from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram for voicing ideas that are deemed politically incorrect, hateful, dangerous or conspiratorial.

Given what we know about the government’s tendency to define its own reality and attach its own labels to behavior and speech that challenges its authority, this should be cause for alarm across the entire political spectrum.

Here’s the point: you don’t have to like or agree with anyone who has been muzzled or made to disappear online because of their views, but to ignore the long-term ramifications of such censorship is dangerously naïve, because whatever powers you allow the government and its corporate operatives to claim now will eventually be used against you by tyrants of your own making.

As Glenn Greenwald writes for The Intercept:

The glaring fallacy that always lies at the heart of pro-censorship sentiments is the gullible, delusional belief that censorship powers will be deployed only to suppress views one dislikes, but never one’s own views… Facebook is not some benevolent, kind, compassionate parent or a subversive, radical actor who is going to police our discourse in order to protect the weak and marginalized or serve as a noble check on mischief by the powerful. They are almost always going to do exactly the opposite: protect the powerful from those who seek to undermine elite institutions and reject their orthodoxies. Tech giants, like all corporations, are required by law to have one overriding objective: maximizing shareholder value. They are always going to use their power to appease those they perceive wield the greatest political and economic power.

Be warned: it’s a slippery slope from censoring so-called illegitimate ideas to silencing truth.

Eventually, as George Orwell predicted, telling the truth will become a revolutionary act.

If the government can control speech, it can control thought and, in turn, it can control the minds of the citizenry.

It’s happening already.

With every passing day, we’re being moved further down the road towards a totalitarian society characterized by government censorship, violence, corruption, hypocrisy and intolerance, all packaged for our supposed benefit in the Orwellian doublespeak of national security, tolerance and so-called “government speech.”

Little by little, Americans are being conditioned to accept routine incursions on their freedoms.

This is how oppression becomes systemic, what is referred to as creeping normality, or a death by a thousand cuts.

It’s a concept invoked by Pulitzer Prize-winning scientist Jared Diamond to describe how major changes, if implemented slowly in small stages over time, can be accepted as normal without the shock and resistance that might greet a sudden upheaval.

Diamond’s concerns related to Easter Island’s now-vanished civilization and the societal decline and environmental degradation that contributed to it, but it’s a powerful analogy for the steady erosion of our freedoms and decline of our country right under our noses.

As Diamond explains, “In just a few centuries, the people of Easter Island wiped out their forest, drove their plants and animals to extinction, and saw their complex society spiral into chaos and cannibalism… Why didn’t they look around, realize what they were doing, and stop before it was too late? What were they thinking when they cut down the last palm tree?”

His answer: “I suspect that the disaster happened not with a bang but with a whimper.”

Much like America’s own colonists, Easter Island’s early colonists discovered a new world—“a pristine paradise”—teeming with life. Yet almost 2000 years after its first settlers arrived, Easter Island was reduced to a barren graveyard by a populace so focused on their immediate needs that they failed to preserve paradise for future generations.

The same could be said of the America today: it, too, is being reduced to a barren graveyard by a populace so focused on their immediate needs that they are failing to preserve freedom for future generations.

In Easter Island’s case, as Diamond speculates:

The forest…vanished slowly, over decades. Perhaps war interrupted the moving teams; perhaps by the time the carvers had finished their work, the last rope snapped. In the meantime, any islander who tried to warn about the dangers of progressive deforestation would have been overridden by vested interests of carvers, bureaucrats, and chiefs, whose jobs depended on continued deforestation… The changes in forest cover from year to year would have been hard to detect… Only older people, recollecting their childhoods decades earlier, could have recognized a difference. Gradually trees became fewer, smaller, and less important. By the time the last fruit-bearing adult palm tree was cut, palms had long since ceased to be of economic significance. That left only smaller and smaller palm saplings to clear each year, along with other bushes and treelets. No one would have noticed the felling of the last small palm.

Sound painfully familiar yet?

We’ve already torn down the rich forest of liberties established by our founders. It has vanished slowly, over the decades. The erosion of our freedoms has happened so incrementally, no one seems to have noticed. Only the older generations, remembering what true freedom was like, recognize the difference. Gradually, the freedoms enjoyed by the citizenry have become fewer, smaller and less important. By the time the last freedom falls, no one will know the difference.

This is how tyranny rises and freedom falls: with a thousand cuts, each one justified or ignored or shrugged over as inconsequential enough by itself to bother, but they add up.

Each cut, each attempt to undermine our freedoms, each loss of some critical right—to think freely, to assemble, to speak without fear of being shamed or censored, to raise our children as we see fit, to worship or not worship as our conscience dictates, to eat what we want and love who we want, to live as we want—they add up to an immeasurable failure on the part of each and every one of us to stop the descent down that slippery slope.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, we are on that downward slope now.


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Cover image credit: CDD20

On the Elimination of Individual Thought and Dissent: Why Flatulent Cows Matter

On the Elimination of Individual Thought and Dissent: Why Flatulent Cows Matter


“The goal is not the elimination of cows; it’s the elimination of thinking and dissent. If we keep the above in mind as a process rather than an intended outcome, we have a greater ability to focus on the critical issue.

“To be sure, there are those entities that would like to eliminate red meat and feed people insects as a replacement. But that’s not the central issue here.

“The core objective is nothing less than the elimination of individual thought and dissent. It’s essential in the creation of a fully collectivist state, and it’s at the very heart of the overall globalist objective.”


Why Flatulent Cows Matter

by Jeff Thomas, International Man
July 31. 2023


We’ve all heard nonsense about cows presenting a danger to the continuance of life on earth – that methane gas from cow flatulence will bring on climate change faster than John Kerry’s jet.

Any thinking person (a sub-species of Homo sapiens that’s in decline but not yet endangered) would agree that the notion that an animal that’s existed in harmony with nature for over two million years could destroy the earth within fourteen years if they’re not exterminated is truly absurd.

And yet those whose ability to reason is on the decline are inclined to believe the claim. Presumably, these individuals are the same ones beginning to believe that men can have babies and that an individual can become something he or she is not simply by “identifying” as such.

But those of us who see the absurdity in such clearly nonsensical beliefs are disinclined to laugh as we observe that these concepts are being disseminated by globalist governments through a compliant media… and, worse, are being accepted by more than a few people.

As a case in point, recently, a publication – Natural News – did a piece entitled, “13 Nations agree to engineer global FAMINE by destroying agriculture, saying that producing food is BAD for the planet.”

In that article, they describe a conference led by US Climate Czar John Kerry, in which representatives from thirteen countries are stated to have committed to a diminished cow population worldwide to combat climate change.

Well, that conference did take place, and a topic of discussion was methane produced by cows, and thirteen attendees did agree that measures of some sort were needed.

But it is not the case that thirteen countries have enacted legislation to eliminate cows.

We might take a step back here and examine what actually occurred. In so doing, we may not only learn whether or not red meat will soon be eliminated globally; we might also gain some insight into how globalist governments seek to achieve their ends.

In most countries, the role of Minister for the Environment is a lowly ministerial position, given to a loyal party member as a token. Most Ministers of the Environment pontificate a fair bit but rarely implement significant change. So, let’s follow the thread of what has taken place.

  • John Kerry contacts the Environmental Ministers in a host of “lesser” countries around the world on the vague premise of “making a difference.” They’re pleased to take part, as Kerry gives them higher visibility and legitimizes their otherwise rather pointless jobs.
  • A conference is held at a four-star hotel somewhere for a few days. Everybody listens to the speakers wringing their hands over the dangers of climate change, and each minister tries to get their photos taken with John Kerry.
  • There’s very little in the text of the keynote presentation by Kerry – mostly vague comments about the dangers of methane and the need for each country to commit to making a difference.
  • At the end of the conference, the attendees are proud to sign a document that’s devoid of detail but says that they’re all in agreement in hoping to make a difference.
  • A press release is issued, showing all the ministers together, stating that methane is dangerous and that all the countries are in agreement regarding the concept of a worldwide methane control policy.
  • The message received by the public is that all the experts agree on whatever they’re saying, although what they’re saying is still quite unclear.
  • A publication such as Natural News publishes an article with a suitably alarming title.
  • The perceived overstatement by Natural News is regarded as a provocation by controlled information sources such as Wikipedia to alert the public. Interestingly, whenever a publication, group, or individual is discredited by Wikipedia, they always do so in the very first line of their description, i.e.,
  • “Natural News is a far-right, anti-vaccination conspiracy theory and fake news website known for promoting alternative medicine, pseudoscience, disinformation, and far-right extremism.”

That’s essentially the process that’s now consistently being utilized by globalists.

Wikipedia now divides all publications, pundits, and others as either truth tellers or far-right conspiracy advocates. The real issue here isn’t farting cows any more than it’s whether men can have babies. These are mere exercises.

So, if we take a step back and consider an overview of what this all means – why it’s so prevalent and why the process is being so consistently utilized – we might be conclude the following:

The issues are absurdly extreme for a reason. The objective is not the achievement of the issues themselves. It is the alteration of the psyche of the populace. 

Once the public has spent several years having their heads divided between “far-right extremism” and what’s approved by the Ministry of Truth, enough people will have been converted into non-thinking proles that a bill can be put forward with the broad and intentionally non-specific objective to outlaw far-right extremism in all its forms.

In order to assure the passage of the bill, a significant majority of people will have to have already reached the stage in their new thought process that they feel that the law is not only justified but essential. Those people who can still think will be expected to comply.

The goal is not the elimination of cows; it’s the elimination of thinking and dissent. If we keep the above in mind as a process rather than an intended outcome, we have a greater ability to focus on the critical issue.

To be sure, there are those entities that would like to eliminate red meat and feed people insects as a replacement. But that’s not the central issue here.

The core objective is nothing less than the elimination of individual thought and dissent. It’s essential in the creation of a fully collectivist state, and it’s at the very heart of the overall globalist objective.


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Cover image credit: Alexas_Fotos

This Pro-Mask “Study” Is Why You Should NEVER “Trust the Science”

This Pro-Mask “Study” Is Why You Should NEVER “Trust the Science”

by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian
July 27, 2023


Last week it was reported that the Australian state of Victoria may be considering “permanent” facemask mandates to achieve “zero-Covid”.

Now, we don’t need to get into the personal liberty implications of such a law, or  the near-infinite supply of evidence that masks don’t work to prevent the transmission of respiratory disease.

They don’t work, they never worked. Mandating them was a political move designed to make the fake Covid “pandemic” appear real, and their continued use is a symptom of brainwashing or a by-product of chronic virtue signaling.

The mask debate, such as it was, is over.

No, the only aspect of this development worth talking about is the “evidence” used to support the position – and trust me, the quotes are entirely justified.

The “study” which claims to demonstrate the benefits of permanent masking was published in the Medical Journal of Australia last week and titled “Consistent mask use and SARS‐CoV‐2 epidemiology: a simulation modelling study”.

“Simulation modelling study” is very much the key phrase there. For those who don’t know,  “simulation modelling studies” involve feeding data into a computer programme, then asking it to form conclusions.

Clearly, they are only as reliable and useful as the data you use. In fact, you can very easily make them produce any result you want by feeding in  the “right” (bad) data.

In this particular modelling study they started out by telling the computer that cloth masks reduce transmission by 53% and respirators reduced it by 80%:

Odds ratios for the relative risk of infection for people exposed to an infected person (wearing a mask v not wearing a mask) were set at 0.47 for cloth and surgical masks and 0.20 for respirators

Essentially, they told their computer that masks prevent disease…and then said “ok, computer, since you now know masks prevent disease  – what would happen if everybody wore them all the time?”

The computer then told them – obviously  – that nobody would get sick.

Because they made it logically impossible for it to say anything else.

But there’s a bit more to it.

The next layer of interest is where they got their input data from.

After all there have been dozens of studies done on masks over the years, 98% of which say masks don’t work.

So, did our guys they choose a peer-reviewed real-time control trial relying on lab-tested double-blind results?

Perhaps one of the dozen or so such trials listed in our 40 facts article?

Did they maybe average the results of multiple studies?

No, they used a phone survey.

One phone survey.

This phone survey, published last year and conducted in late 2021.

In this *ahem* “scientific study”, they had people randomly call up those who had recently been tested for “Covid”, ask them “did you wear a mask?” and then published the conclusion – “masks reduce transmission by 53%” – as if they meant something.

Interestingly, if you scroll down to the “affiliations” section you can see that one of the authors is a Pfizer grant recipient.

Rather more troublingly – and for some reason not mentioned as a conflict of interest – is that the whole study was produced by the California Board of Public Health.

California had already had a mask mandate in place for almost a year before this “study” was even started.

What we have here is not “science” it’s a computer model based on the results of a subjective phone survey conducted by a government agency with a vested interest. It is entirely meaningless, and yet is published in journals and cited by “experts”, perhaps even used as the basis of introducing new laws.

This is how “The ScienceTM” works. And, although Covid has maybe opened many people’s eyes to this issue, it is far from unique to “Covid”. You are just as likely to find this kind of “research” published on any topic – especially those that serve a political purpose – and have been for years if not decades.

Stanford Professor of evidence-based medicine,  John Ioannidis wrote a paper called “Why Most Published Research Findings Are False”, and that was back in 2005.

This has nothing to do with the “pandemic”, and everything to do with the difference between science and “The Science”. So let’s examine that distinction.

“Science” is an approach to the world. A rational method for gathering information, testing new ideas and forming evidence-based conclusions.

“The Science” is a self-sustaining industry of academics who need jobs and owe favours.

An ongoing quid pro quo relationship between the researchers – who want honors and knighthoods and tenure and book deals and research grants and to be the popular talking head explaining complex ideas to the multitudes on television – and the corporationsgovernments and “charitable foundations” who have all of those things in their gift.

This system doesn’t produce research intended to be read, it creates headlines for celebrities to tweet, links for “journalists” to embed, sources for other researchers to cite.

An illusion of solid substantiation that comes apart the moment you actually read the words, examine the methodology or analyse the data.

Self-reporting surveys, manipulated data, “modelling studies” that spit-out pre-ordained results. Affiliated-authors paid by the state or corporate interests to provide “evidence” that supports highly profitable or politically convenient assumptions.

This mask study is the perfect example of that.

Interlacing layers of nothing designed to create the impression of something.

That’s why they want you to trust it, rather than read it.


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Cover image credit: Engin_Akyurt

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich With Dr. Gerd Reuther: Medical History Shows Vaccines Never Did Anything but Harm

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich With Dr. Gerd Reuther: Medical History Shows Vaccines Never Did Anything but Harm


 [English translation is embedded in video.]


Medical History Shows, Vaccines Never Did Anything but Harm

by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, International Crimes Investigative Committee (ICIC)
July 22, 2023


In this episode of ICIC, Dr Reiner Fuellmich talks to Dr Gerd Reuther, medical doctor and radiologist, about the historical background of medicine and the genesis of diseases and epidemics over the centuries, from the pre-Christian era to the present day.

He points out numerous connections and parallels to so-called pandemics of antiquity and current events, i.e. the “Corona pandemic”. The criers of these “pandemics” have always used the same methods earlier and to this day: the creation of fear and panic.

It sheds light on the role of the Church and its representatives and how far their powerful arm has reached in science, research as well as medicine at all times. These areas were entirely under the control of the Church, and even today these exercises of power continue.

One could call this behaviour opportunistic, since throughout history the Church has always turned to those who were in power. It is currently showing this pattern again, namely when it unhesitatingly fired up the Covid vaccination propaganda. Compared to then, not much has changed:

It was and is about trivial monetary claims to power and ownership, manipulating people for their own benefit, keeping them in dependencies, e.g. on the pharmaceutical industry, and exerting control over life itself.

Historical events such as outbreaks of plague and cholera are analysed and examined for their truthfulness. The history of the origin of “vaccination” and what the belief in its effectiveness is based on are also discussed in detail.

Since when have disease patterns and symptoms been defined and documented, and why were there no “civilisation diseases” in the past? How can it be that not all people fall ill with one and the same “pathogen” and what role do the improper handling of toxins and the natural immune system play?

Dr Gerd Reuther and his wife Dr phil. Renate Reuther, historian and English specialist, have summarised all these medical-historical findings and events compactly on 150 pages in a book entitled “Hauptsache Panik” (Panic is the main thing), which, despite its historical focus, is more up-to-date than ever. For only those who know the past can shape the present and change the future.


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Cover image credit: OpenClipart-Vectors & squarefrog

Funny How the UFO Narrative Coincides With the Race to Weaponize Space

Funny How the UFO Narrative Coincides With the Race to Weaponize Space

by Caitlin Johnstone, Caitlin’s Newsletter
July 27, 2023


If Wednesday’s House Oversight subcommittee hearing on UFOs had happened ten years ago instead of today, it would have shaken the world. Imagine someone from 2013 hearing congressional testimonies about “routine” military pilot encounters with giant flying tic tacs, floating orbs, 300-foot red squares, and cubes in clear spheres zipping around in ways that surpass all known earthly technology by leaps and bounds, or about secret government possession of otherworldly aircraft they’re trying to reverse engineer and the dead bodies of their non-human pilots, or about the possibility that these creatures are not merely extraterrestrial but extra-dimensional. Their jaws would have hit the floor.

Now in 2023 we’ve been getting incrementally drip-fed bits and pieces of these stories for six years, so the scene on Capitol Hill on Wednesday didn’t have the impact it would’ve had in 2013. It’s making headlines and getting attention, but not as much as Sinead O’Connor’s death or people’s thoughts on Barbie and Oppenheimer. The response from the general public could be described as a collective nervous laugh and a shrug.

People scroll past the footage from the hearing on social media, go “Whoa, that’s weird,” and move on with their lives. The information’s going in, but just kind of on the periphery of mainstream consciousness. Maybe next year they’ll show us something that would’ve been even more shocking to someone in 2013 than Wednesday’s hearing would’ve been, and it will be met with the same nervous laugh and shrug by the people of 2024.

Of course in the circles I tend to interact with, the response is a bit different. People who are highly skeptical of the US war machine tend to also be highly skeptical of this UFO narrative we’ve been seeing since 2017.

“Distraction” is a word you hear a lot. “It’s just a distraction from ______”, where “______” is whatever hot story they personally happen to be fascinated by at the moment. I personally don’t buy that explanation; the new UFO narrative wasn’t just cooked up at the last minute to distract from current headlines, it’s been unfolding for six years, and people aren’t even paying that much attention to it. The empire doesn’t tend to orchestrate spectacular events as a “distraction” anyway; the adjustment of public attention tends to take the much more mundane form of agenda setting in the media, where some stories receive more attention than others based on what’s convenient for the oligarchs who own the press.

I also see people theorizing that this is all a ploy to ramp up the US military budget. There could totally be something to that, but again this narrative has been unfolding for six years and so far the military budget has just been swelling in the usual yearly increments as always.

Don’t get me wrong, though — I’m as skeptical about this thing as anyone. For one thing the origins of the mainstream UFO narrative which began in 2017 were steeped in extensive distortion, dishonesty and journalistic malpractice, and were carried forward by shady intelligence operatives like Lue Elizondo. David Grusch, who made by far the most sensational claims at Wednesday’s congressional hearing with his tales of dead aliens and reverse-engineered UFOs, is himself an insider of the US intelligence cartel.

But for me what really stinks about all this UFO stuff is the timing. Here we are in the early stages of a new cold war which features a race to militarize space, and we’re hearing congressional testimony about mysterious vehicles posing a threat to US airspace which have the ability to go up and down between earth and space very quickly. That smells off.

I mean, does it really sound like a coincidence that we’re seeing all these news stories about UFOs and aliens at the same time we’re seeing news stories about a race between the US and China and Russia to dominate space militarily? A Foreign Policy article from last year blares the headline “China and Russia Are Catching Up to U.S. in Space Capabilities, Pentagon Warns” with the subheading “The militarization of space is picking up pace.” These warnings are echoed in articles by Defense One and Time. An article on the United Nations website from last year carries the title “‘We Have Not Passed the Point of No Return’, Disarmament Committee Told, Weighing Chance Outer Space Could Become Next Battlefield.” A 2021 report from the war machine-funded Center for Strategic and International Studies titled “Defense Against the Dark Arts in Space: Protecting Space Systems from Counterspace Weapons” warns of the urgent need to build more space weapons to counter US enemies. A Global Times article from last year carries the title “Chinese experts urge avoidance of space weaponization amid commercial space capability deployment in Ukraine.”

These stories about the space militarization race aren’t getting the attention the much more entertaining UFO stories are getting, but it seems likely that those who are responsible for moving the war machinery around are paying a lot more attention to the former than the latter. The US Space Force took its first steps toward becoming a reality in 2017, the same year these mainstream UFO stories started coming out, with the explicit purpose of countering Russia and China.

And it just seems mighty suspicious to me how we’re being slowly paced into this UFO narrative (or UAP narrative for those hip to the current jargon) right when there’s a mad rush to get weapons into space. I can’t actually think of any other point in history when the timing of something like this would have looked more suspicious.

So for me the most disturbing parts of the UFO hearing were the parts that could wind up facilitating the agenda to militarize space, like when this phenomenon was framed as a “national security” threat or when it was mentioned that they can transition from earth to space very rapidly.

When asked by congressman Glenn Grothman “do you believe UAPs pose a threat to our national security?”, former Navy commander David Fravor answered with an unequivocal yes. A few minutes later Fravor described these vehicles as being able to “come down from space, hang out for three hours and go back up.”

When asked by congressman Andy Ogles whether UFOs could be “collecting reconnaissance information” on the US military, all three witnesses — Grusch, Fravor, and former Navy pilot Ryan Graves — answered in the affirmative. Asked by Ogles if UFOs could be “probing our capabilities,” all three again said yes. Asked if UFOs could be “testing for vulnerabilities” in US military capabilities, all three again said yes. Asked if UFOs pose an existential threat to the national security of the United States, all three said they potentially do. Asked if there was any indication that UFOs are interested in US nuclear technology, all three said yes.

Ogles concluded his questioning by saying, “There clearly is a threat to the national security of the United States of America. As members of Congress, we have a responsibility to maintain oversight and be aware of these activities so that, if appropriate, we take action.”

When asked by congressman Eric Burlison if “there has been activity by alien or non-human technology, and/or beings, that has caused harm to humans,” Grusch said he couldn’t get into specifics in a public setting (a common theme throughout the hearing), but said that “what I personally witnessed, myself and my wife, was very disturbing.”

Grusch would complicate this cryptic statement a few minutes later by saying that he’s never seen a UFO. How this statement doesn’t contradict his previous statement about having witnessed harmful behavior from non-human technology and/or beings was not made clear.

So you’ve got US policymakers being told that there are vehicles using technology not of this world routinely violating US airspace and posing an existential threat to US national security, and that these craft can go from earth to space and back at will, and that they need to help make sure their nation can address this threat.

What conclusions do you come to when presented with that kind of information? If you’re a lawmaker in charge of facilitating the operation of a highly militaristic empire, you’re probably not going to conclude that it’s time to hold hands and sing Kumbaya. You’re probably eventually going to start thinking in terms of military technology.

One of the most important unanswered questions in all this UFO hullabaloo is, why now? Why are we seeing all this movement on “disclosure” after generations of zero movement? If these things are in fact real and the government has in fact been keeping them secret, why would the adamant policy of dismissal and locked doors suddenly be reversed, allowing “whistleblowers” to come forward and give testimony before congress? If they had motive to keep it a secret this entire time, why would that motive no longer be there?

If you ask the online UFO community, many will essentially take credit for the whole thing, saying the most powerful war machine ever assembled has reversed its policy of total opacity because of “pressure” applied by disclosure activists. This doesn’t pass the smell test; the most powerful empire in history isn’t reversing course on a longstanding policy of blanket secrecy because of internet forums and FOIA requests.

So why now? Why the drastic and sudden shift from UFOs and aliens being laughable tinfoil hat nonsense to the subject of serious congressional inquiries and widespread mainstream media coverage?

Well, the timing of the race to militarize space might provide an answer to the “why now?” question. Is it a coincidence that this new UFO narrative began its rollout in 2017, around the same time as the rollout of the Space Force? Are we being manipulated at mass scale about aliens and UFOs to help grease the wheels for the movement of war machinery into space? How likely is it that by pure coincidence this extraplanetary narrative timed out the way it did just as the US empire makes a last-ditch grab at unipolar planetary domination?

I don’t know. I do know that if I’m assigning degrees of probability, “Extraterrestrial or extradimensional beings are here and take a special interest in us and sometimes crash their vehicles and our government recovered them but kept them a secret but suddenly decided not to be so secretive about them anymore” ranks significantly lower than “Our rulers are lying and manipulating to advance their own interests again.”

I am 100 percent wide open to the possibility of extraterrestrials and otherworldly vehicles zipping around our atmosphere. What I am not open to is the claim that the most depraved institutions on earth have suddenly opened their mind to telling us the truth about these things, either out of the goodness of their hearts or because they were “pressured” by UFO disclosure activists.

I don’t know what the hell is going on with this UFO thing, but I do know the drivers of the US empire have an extensive history of manipulating and deceiving at mass scale to advance imperial agendas. And I do know that at this crucial juncture in history where the empire is clinging to planetary domination with the tips of its fingernails, there are a lot of imperial agendas afoot.


Connect with Caitlin Johnstone

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James Corbett on the Weaponization of Psychology

James Corbett on the Weaponization of Psychology

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
as interviewed by ANTIJANTEPODDEN
July 26, 2023 (interview July 23, 2023)




via ANTIJANTEPODDEN: Investigative journalist James Corbett has investigated how psychology is being weaponized to target dissidents.

In this episode he explains the absurdity of the old diagnoses of anarchia, which was too much love for freedom, and drapetomania, which was the mental illness of slaves running away from their masters.

Over the last three years, we have seen a medical doctor being diagnosed and force medicated for corona insanity. This was because of his resistance to the government narrative in Switzerland. We have also seen an increased willingness to pathologize conspiracy theorists, and to label people as domestic terrorists for using their right to share their opinions.

Even though the methods used against us are ugly, and the majority just go along uncritically, James Corbett shows examples of how modeling disobedience can dramatically turn the situation around.

Show Notes:

AntijantepoddenWebsite / Substack

Dissent Into Madness:
• 1. The Weaponization of Psychology
• 2. Crazy Conspiracy Theorists
• 3. Projections of the Psychopaths
• 4. Escaping the Madhouse

Bill Goats and the Forest:

Related AJP episode:
• AJP 47 | James Corbett – COVID-19 is a step towards a prison state

Other related sources:
› My Gentle, Intelligent Brother Is Now A Conspiracy Theorist And His Beliefs Are Shocking
› How to Talk to Friends and Family Who Share Conspiracy Theories
› Help! My mother is a conspiracy theorist
› I’m Worried About Losing Touch With My Conspiracy Theorist Parents
› Speaking of Psychology: Why people believe in conspiracy theories, with Karen Douglas, PhD
› A psychologist explains why people believe in conspiracy theories
› Why We Fall for Conspiracies
› How to talk to conspiracy theorists—and still be kind
› Why Do Some People Believe in Conspiracy Theories?
› A psychologist reveals why people cling to conspiracy theories during uncertain times
› Når mamma blir konspirasjonsteoretiker
› Ingen vaksine mot overtro
› Fire forsker-råd: Slik snakker du med en konspirasjons­teoretiker
› Hvorfor er konspirasjonsteorier farlige?

› Kakistocracy (search)
› George Brock Chisholm (search)
› World Federation For Mental Health (search)
› Psychiatry of Enduring Peace and Social Progress – Chisholm and Sullivan – 1946
› John Rawlings Rees (search)
› The Tavistock Institute (search)
› The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations
› Tavistock Institute: Social Engineering the Masses
› Strategic Planning for Mental Health – J R Rees

› March 1930 – Street Interviews on Women’s Fashion, NYC (real sound)
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› Dr. Robert Hare – The Psychopathic Corporation
› Hare Psychopathy Checklist (Original) (PCL-22)
› The Sociopath Next Door – Martha Stout
› American Psycho – Axe scene
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› Dr. Thomas Binder Interview – How Psychology Was Weaponized To Suppress Truth In The Age Of COVID
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› CIA Mind Control – CIA Secret Experiments
› MK-Ultra: The shocking Cold War experiments hidden by the CIA – BBC REEL

› Acceptance of and Commitment To Freedom – #SolutionsWatch
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› Steven C. Hayes, PhD
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Connect with James Corbett

Cover image credit: CDD20

Elon, X, and the Epitome of a Front Man

Elon, X, and the Epitome of a Front Man
The illusion of choice will make your financial enslavement less painful


by Greg Reese, The Reese Report
July 26, 2023


Elon Musk announced over a year ago that he planned to convert Twitter into an everything app like China’s WeChat. An app to do everything including online banking and finance.

Last April Musk announced that Twitter Inc. has been renamed to X Corp., he created a new Artificial Intelligence company known as X.AI and he partnered with eToro for stock and crypto exchange.

The media would have you believe that Elon Musk is an independent billionaire genius whose dream is to revolutionize banking. But this story is demonstrably false. The facts tell us that Elon Musk is a frontman for the same old same old. But because he says there are only two genders he has gained the trust of a radicalized people in a time of war, without ever having to explain his lies.

Musk says he grew up poor but his family was rich with emeralds and had a history of abuse and witchcraft. Telltale signs of multi-generational mind control.

Musk received tens of thousands of dollars from his parents to launch his first business venture. A digital phone book known as Zip2. Outside coders were hired to write the entire thing because Elon couldn’t code. Zip2 sold for millions and went nowhere. But Elon made 22 million dollars and with the help of the mainstream media, launched his new persona as a quirky pop-star genius. He then acquired x dot com and announced he would create an online bank known as X. He partnered with banking experts who all left the company after accusing Elon of lying to the media about the product. Which is all he did.

Elon Musk is believed to have co-founded PayPal. This is false. In 2000 Musk sold his failing x dot com business to Confinity, a company founded in 1998 by Peter Thiel and Max Levchin. All Musk reportedly did there was insist on changing the company’s name to X. He was forced out but somehow managed to get them to agree in writing to remove all references to ‘founders’ from the company website.

Musk made nearly two hundred million off the sale of PayPal, a company that he contributed nothing to, and then used that money along with the illusion of being a successful businessman co-founder to buy his way into Tesla.

Tesla Motors was founded in 2003 by Marc Tarpenning and Martin Eberhard, who developed the Tesla Roadster. When Tesla accepted millions from Elon, it came with the condition that he be named chairman of the company. Even though he only contributed money, Musk was unable to hide his anger that the media wasn’t giving him credit for Tesla Motors. And after forcing Eberhard out of the company he re-wrote their history to have himself listed as an original co-founder.

This obvious fake persona of a billionaire quirky genius has worked so well that few even question SpaceX. The official story is that Elon, who has absolutely no experience with rocket science, came up with the idea for SpaceX while traveling to Russia with the CIA’s Michael Griffin of In-Q-Tel. Shortly after this conversation, Griffin was made administrator of NASA where he launched the COTS program that privatized NASA’s rocket program. And awarded two-hundred and seventy-eight million dollars to SpaceX who had never made or flown any rockets. Musk then partnered with rocket engineer Tom Mueller, who went on to produce rocket technology that has clearly been developed for years in the private sectors of the military-industrial complex.

Elon’s companies have received billions in government subsidies over the last two decades. Money that was later spent on the purchase of Twitter. Where he immediately began the process of turning it into an everything app with its own banking system. Or rather, the ruling class cabal that pulls his strings is turning Twitter into an everything app with its own banking system. And that should be alarming. But he says there are only two genders, and families are good, and people love a hero.

They don’t need to chip you to control you. We already have iris scanners and palm scanners. A cashless society will do the job. And for many, Elon’s X will be preferable to Amazon’s palm scanners. The illusion of choice will make your financial enslavement less painful.


Connect with Greg Reese

The Insidious Truth Behind Free School Meals

The Insidious Truth Behind Free School Meals
The UN is pushing for universal free school meals, but that level of control would be easily abused. 

by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian
July 25, 2023


There is a growing international campaign to institute free school meals all around the globe. On face of it this might seem like a great idea…

but in the New Normal age nothing is ever really free.

So, let’s unpack…

The campaign is being spear-headed by the UN-backed School Meals Coalition (SMC), whose self-proclaimed goal is “free school meals for every child by 2030” (for some reason they are obsessed with that date).

The SMC already has over 80 national governments signed up to its pledge,  with over 90 “partners” (including the Rockefeller Foundation), and these numbers are only likely to grow after their presentation at the UN’s World Food Summit earlier today.

At the same time, the Coalition is getting glowing press write-ups, like this one from The Guardian’s economics editor Larry Elliot:

For the scheme to work, rich countries would find around one-third of the $6bn annual cost, with the rest found by the governments of low-income countries through their budgets or though innovative financing ideas such as debt for school meals swaps, under which countries would channel the savings from debt relief into school meals programmes. At a time when aid budgets are being cut, $2bn a year is small change for donor governments and represents just one day’s worth of annual subsidies to food producers. It is a small price to pay for something that could do so much good.

This agenda has been lurking in the shadows of UK politics for a while now, with Labour Party MP Zarah Sultana first pushing FSM to all primary kids back in the winter of 2022.

It feels weird to write sceptically about this, because, as  a self-proclaimed leftist for most of my life, free school meals is exactly the kind of policy I likely would have supported without question just a few short years ago…

…but those few years were Covid years, and they’ve taught us all a lot.

Firstly, and most importantly, its become increasingly apparent that any policy is only as fair as the people implementing it, and only as decent as the intention behind it, and, however superficially humane  this plan might sound, the practical impact would be to hand yet more control over to the same murderous, eugenicist state that very recently killed thousands with a lie.

Secondly, a monopoly is a monopoly – whether private or state-backed – and the moment a monopoly exists the freedom to choose is dead. Freedom of choice is always the first liberty to go, but never the last.

Consider, for a moment, exactly what free school meals means in a post-covid world still reeling from a deliberately created financial crisis and in the midst of a “Great Reset” transformation.

1) The cost of living is soaring, and many parents – working parents as well as unemployed – are simply not able to afford to heat their homes or feed their children.

2) “Covid” caused a huge spike in homeschooling in countries all around the world.

3) there is an on-going campaign to “revolutionize global food systems” by promoting eating insects, GMOs and lab-grown “meat”.

Let’s trace the point where all these policies intersect.

What are we looking at?

Essentially, free school meals can be used to…

a) counter the rise in homeschooling by effectively bribing or coercing struggling parents to keep their kids in school so they can be fed

b) condition children (and their parents) into accepting eating whatever the state chooses to provide – be it ‘healthy’ GM veganism, bug-burgers or lab-grown food paste

c) this conditioning will help to normalise a more general acceptance of these “foods”

And that’s just the passive phase of control. We can assume it won’t stop there because it never does.

Maybe  free school meals will one day be tied to accepting universal basic income payments, or conditional on  your digital ID or your social credit score.

Maybe only vaccinated children will qualify for free school meals.

I’m sure you see my point.

The unfortunate truth is that we live in an era of ever-increasing  – and anti-human – corporate/state overreach.

The food might be free in the financial sense of the word,  but there will most definitely be a price to pay.


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Cover image credit: primalfuture

Lawyers May End the Trans Madness

Lawyers May End the Trans Madness

by Don Surber
July 24, 2023


The Bravo channel’s TV show I Am Jazz followed the adventures of Jazz Jennings, a spunky little boy who wanted to be a girl. The GLAAD crowd got a front man (well, boy) to push its trans movement upon boys and girls. Barbara Walters got an exclusive interview with him for Disney’s ABC. Bravo made money. He got attention. Everybody was happy.

His story was the LGBTQ version of Pinocchio but without a Jiminy Cricket to steer him clear of those who would exploit him — such as Barbara Walters and the producers of the I Am Jazz TV show. On June 20, 2018, doctors sliced and diced the 17-year-old in transsexual surgery — which is now called gender-affirming health care because everyone is too ashamed to call it a sex change.

The TV show went on a hiatus because Jazz was not too pleased with the result. He gained 100 pounds. He should have been more careful of what he wished for because he did not become a glamorous girl but a fat chick whose emotional problems grew worse.

When the show resumed, he returned to a public spotlight he had first entered at 7; Jazz now was fat and unhappy. The TV show recorded his first post-op date with a man. It was awkward and awful. Much like Kim Kardashian’s cosmetic doctoring, Jazz could change how he looked but not who he really is — a boy who never grew to be a man.

He has a trump card. He can sue. He was a minor when doctors began feeding him pills and under age when they performed this ultimate cosmetic surgery in him.

While he denies having regrets, Jazz’s behavior shows he is having second thoughts. I am pretty sure GLAAD and Bravo are sweating this one out. The stakes are so high that people are getting nosebleeds as they try to keep him away from personal injury lawyers.

My hope is that every ambulance chaser in the nation enters the detransitioning lawsuit business because it will be bigger than that Camp Lejeune water case they are advertising for plaintiffs. If suspected carcinogens — not proven, but suspected — can yield millions in legal fees, just think of the billions that could be there for the raking for a medication known to be toxic. The money is there. For example, Boston Children’s Hospital has an endowment of $7 billion.

That hospital’s Center for Gender Surgery said, “As the first pediatric center in the country dedicated to the surgical care of transgender patients, we take an interdisciplinary approach from the start to ensure exceptional patient care.”

But the children’s hospital also claims not to perform sex-change surgery on minors.

However, it is not just the surgery that is the problem. It is the pills. Puberty blockers expand the targets of litigation to include not just doctors and hospitals, but drug companies as well. It also expands the universe of plaintiffs.

The American College of Pediatricians warns, “There is not a single long-term study to demonstrate the safety or efficacy of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries for transgender-believing youth. This means that youth transition is experimental, and therefore, parents cannot provide informed consent, nor can minors provide assent for these interventions. Moreover, the best long-term evidence we have among adults shows that medical intervention fails to reduce suicide.

“Puberty blockers may actually cause depression and other emotional disturbances related to suicide. In fact, the package insert for Lupron, the number one prescribed puberty blocker in America, lists ‘emotional instability’ as a side effect and warns prescribers to ‘Monitor for development or worsening of psychiatric symptoms during treatment.’

“Similarly, discussing an experimental trial of puberty blockers in the U.K., Oxford University Professor Michael Biggs wrote, ‘There was no statistically significant difference in psychosocial functioning between the group given blockers and the group given only psychological support. In addition, there is unpublished evidence that after a year on [puberty blockers] children reported greater self-harm, and the girls also experienced more behavioral and emotional problems and expressed greater dissatisfaction with their body—so puberty blockers exacerbated gender dysphoria.’

“Puberty blockers may cause permanent physical harm.

“Temporary use of Lupron has also been associated with and may be the cause of many serious permanent side effects including osteoporosis, mood disorders, seizures, cognitive impairment and, when combined with cross-sex hormones, sterility.”

Right now, there is big money in transing kids. Obama approved having Medicaid and Medicare pay for transsexual operations and the like. He also forced insurers to cover transing, and the transing industry took off — and best of all for these ghouls is the poisonous side effects make the transed kids customers for life.

Fox reported, “A young male, who formerly identified as a trans woman, who was castrated and became a patient for life as part of gender-affirming care, wants to warn others not to follow in his footsteps. He discussed his story of resilience and learning to accept himself for who he is, for the first time, with Fox News Digital.”

He appears in a video.

The story said, “Kobe, whose name is being withheld for privacy reasons, had ‘checked every box for what they call a trans adolescent.’ He was always effeminate and loved pink and playing with Barbies. If he had never been exposed to gender ideology, he says he probably ‘would have just stayed a feminine boy. And there’s nothing wrong with that.’”

He said, “I felt unlovable as an effeminate man in society and everything. A feminine boy, actually. I was never a man, I’m trying to reclaim my manhood now and everything. It’s hard. I have breasts, I have the hip development of a woman, because I started the estrogen young. I have no gonads. You know, it’s hard. My skull never really masculinized.”

We won’t let kids smoke at 10, why do we allow them to take experimental drugs that will cause such damage?

Litigation will stop this quicker than the politicians will. Heck, the pols are still arguing over which bathroom drag queens use.

In February, Fox reported, “A prominent detransitioner sued a nationwide medical group and its doctors Thursday who she said ‘decided to perform a mutilating, mimicry sex change experiment’ on her, according to the lawsuit.

“The Center for American Liberty sued Kaiser Hospitals on behalf of detransitioner Chloe Cole ‘for pushing her into medical mutilation instead of properly treating her,’ according to Cole’s lawyer Harmeet K. Dhillon. Between the ages 13–17 years, Cole underwent a transgender transition, including the off-label use of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and a double mastectomy.”

Dhillon tweeted, “What Kaiser did, for profit, to Chloe in the name of woke ideology instead of sound medical practice, should not happen to any child in America!”

Win the case and it won’t.

The left knows these lawsuits are a bigger threat to LGBT than Ron DeSantis. In May, NYT tried to play down the kids who want their old bodies back — which will never happen. NYT objected to using detransitioners to push bans on transsexual operations for kids.

NYT said, “As more American teenagers have identified as transgender, it is difficult to say how many will transition medically — many transgender people do not — and precisely how many will later change course. Methodology, demographics and even the definition of detransition vary widely from study to study, which typically show that between 2% and 13% of people detransition, and not always because of regret.”

Only 2% to 13%?

We shut down the world’s economy because of a virus that killed less than 1% of those infected.

The story said, “Elisa Rae Shupe was well known in the transgender rights movement: first as an outspoken transgender woman, and then as the first American to change her legal sex to nonbinary.

“So when she published an essay in 2019 saying that her transition ‘was all a sham’ and that she wanted ‘to live again as the man that I am,’ conservatives took immediate notice.”

And lefties dropped her like a hot brick.

But the radioactive brick is litigation, not legislation.

The Economist reported in March, “Legal action may change transgender care in America. Some detransitioners are starting to take their doctors to court.”

The story said, “Most Americans favour protecting trans people from discrimination, but they sharply disagree on medically transitioning children. Whereas 72% of Republicans believe it should be illegal to provide a minor with medical care for gender transition, just 26% of Democrats agree, according to the Pew Research Centre, a think-tank. Activists who believe such care saves lives have tried to discredit Ms Cole, by focusing on the support she receives from firebrands on the right. But the facts of this case—if they are as claimed—could give at least some of them pause for thought.”

A Jazz Jennings lawsuit would stop hospitals from preying on kids.


Connect with Don Surber

Cover image credit: GDJ

The Free Speech Scare

The Free Speech Scare


“War and censorship go together because it is wartime that allows ruling elites to declare that ideas alone are dangerous to the goal of defeating the enemy…”


“The war, however, was of domestic origin and targeted at Americans themselves…”


“The Red Scare mutated a century later to become the virus scare in which the real pathogen they tried to kill was your willingness to think for yourself.”


The Free Speech Scare

by Jeffrey A. Tucker, Brownstone Institute
July 21, 2023

It was a strange experience watching the House hearing in which Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was testifying. The topic was censorship and how and to what extent federal government agencies under two administrations muscled social media companies to take down posts, ban users, and throttle content. The majority made its case.

What was strange was the minority reaction throughout. They tried to shut down RFK. They moved to go to executive session so that the public could not hear the proceedings. The effort failed. Then they shouted over his words when they were questioning him. They wildly smeared him and defamed him. They even began with an attempt to block him from speaking at all, and 8 Democrats voted to support that.

This was a hearing on censorship and they were trying to censor him. It only made the point.

It became so awful that RFK was compelled to give a short tutorial on the importance of free speech as an essential right, without which all other rights and freedoms are in jeopardy. Even those words he could barely speak given the rancor in the room. It’s fair to say that free speech, even as a core principle, is in grave trouble. We cannot even get a consensus on the basics.

It seemed to viewers that RFK was the adult in the room. Put other ways, he was the preacher of fidelity in the brothel, the keeper of memory in a room full of amnesiacs, the practitioner of sanity in the sanatorium, or, as Mencken might say, the hurler of a dead cat into the temple.

It was oddly strange to hear the voice of wise statesmen in that hothouse culture of infantile corruption: it reminded the public just how far things have fallen. Notably, it was he and not the people who wanted him gagged who was citing scientific papers.

The protests against his statements were shrill and shocking. They moved quickly from “Censorship didn’t happen” to “It was necessary and wonderful” to “We need more of it.” Reporting on the spectacle, the New York Times said these are “thorny questions”: “Is misinformation protected by the First Amendment? When is it appropriate for the federal government to seek to tamp down the spread of falsehoods?”

These are not thorny questions. The real issue concerns who is to be the arbiter of truth?

Such attacks on free speech do have precedent in American history. We have already discussed the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 which led to a complete political upheaval that swept Thomas Jefferson into the White House. There were two additional bouts of censorship folly in the 20th century. Both followed great wars and an explosion in government size and reach.

The first came with the Red Scare (1917-1020) following the Great War (WWI). The Bolshevik Revolution and political instability in Europe led to a wild bout of political paranoia in the US that the communists, anarchists, and labor movement were plotting a takeover of the US government. The result was an imposition of censorship along with strict laws concerning political loyalty.

The Espionage Act of 1917 was one result. It is still in force and being deployed today, most recently against former President Trump. Many states passed censorship laws. The feds deported many people suspected of sedition and treason. Suspected communists were hauled in front of Congress and grilled.

The second bout occurred after the Second World War with the House UnAmerican Activities Committee (HUAC) and the Army-McCarthy hearings that led to blacklists and media smears of every sort. The result was a chilling of free speech across American industry that hit media particularly hard. That incident later became legendary due to the exaggerations and disregard for the First Amendment.

How does the Covid-era censorship fit into this historical context? At Brownstone, we’ve compared the wild Covid response to a wartime footing that caused as much trauma on the homeland as previous world wars.

Three years of research, documents, and reporting have established that the lockdowns and all that followed were not directed by public health authorities. They were the veneer for the national security state, which took charge in the month of February 2020 and deployed the full takeover of both government and society in mid-March. This is one reason that it’s been so difficult getting information on how and why all of this happened to us: it’s been mostly classified under the guise of national security.

In other words, this was war and the nation was ruled for a time (and maybe still is) by what amounts to quasi-martial law. Indeed, it felt like that. No one knew for sure who was in charge and who was making all these wild decisions for our lives and work. It was never clear what the penalties would be for noncompliance. The rules and edicts seemed arbitrary, having no real connection to the goal; indeed no one really knew what the goal was besides more and more control. There was no real exit strategy or end game.

As with the two previous bouts of censorship in the last century, there commenced a closure of public debate. It began almost immediately as the lockdowns edict were issued. They  tightened over the months and years. Elites sought to plug every leak in the official narrative through every means possible. They invaded every space. Those they could not get to (like Parler) were simply unplugged. Amazon rejected books. YouTube deleted millions of posts. Twitter was brutal, while once-friendly Facebook became the enforcer of regime propaganda.

The hunt for dissenters took strange forms. Those who held gatherings were shamed. People who did not socially distance were called disease spreaders. Walking outside without a mask one day, a man shouted out to me in anger that “masks are socially recommended.” I kept turning that phrase around in my mind because it made no sense. The mask, no matter how obviously ineffective, was imposed as a tactic of humiliation and an exclusionary measure that targeted the incredulous. It was also a symbol: stop talking because your voice does not matter. Your speech will be muffled.

The vaccine of course came next: deployed as a tool to purge the military, public sector, academia, and the corporate world. The moment the New York Times reported that vaccine uptake was lower in states that supported Trump, the Biden administration had its talking points and agenda. The shot would be deployed to purge. Indeed, five cities briefly segregated themselves to exclude the unvaccinated from public spaces. The continued spread of the virus itself was blamed on the noncompliant.

Those who decried the trajectory could hardly find a voice much less assemble a social network. The idea was to make us all feel isolated even if we might have been the overwhelming majority. We just could not tell either way.

War and censorship go together because it is wartime that allows ruling elites to declare that ideas alone are dangerous to the goal of defeating the enemy. “Loose lips sink ships” is a clever phrase but it applies across the board in wartime. The goal is always to whip up the public in a frenzy of hate against the foreign enemy (“The Kaiser!”) and ferret out the rebels, the traitors, the subversives, and promoters of unrest. There is a reason that the protestors on January 6 were called “insurrectionists.” It is because it happened in wartime.

The war, however, was of domestic origin and targeted at Americans themselves. That’s why the precedent of 20th century censorship holds in this case. The war on Covid was in many ways an action of the national security state, something akin to a military operation prompted and administered by intelligence services in close cooperation with the administrative state. And they want to make the protocols that governed us over these years permanent. Already, European governments are issuing stay-at-home recommendations for the heat.

If you had told me that this was the essence of what was happening in 2020 or 2021, I would have rolled my eyes in disbelief. But all evidence Brownstone has gathered since then has shown exactly that. In this case, the censorship was a predictable part of the mix. The Red Scare mutated a century later to become the virus scare in which the real pathogen they tried to kill was your willingness to think for yourself.


Jeffrey A. Tucker is Founder and President of the Brownstone Institute. He is also Senior Economics Columnist for Epoch Times, author of 10 books, including Liberty or Lockdown, and thousands of articles in the scholarly and popular press. He speaks widely on topics of economics, technology, social philosophy, and culture.


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Jon Rappoport: What Someone Once Said to Me About Vaccines, Echoing Bill Gates

Jon Rappoport: What Someone Once Said to Me About Vaccines, Echoing Bill Gates


“The truth is, no one can get to health through vaccinations. If a person is sickly, vaccines won’t help. If he’s healthy, he doesn’t need vaccines.

“The bad news is, vaccines destroy. Whether it’s the so-called adjuvants they put in the shots, the goop they think are pieces of viruses (that don’t exist), the preservatives, the lipid nanoparticles, the coatings on the particles, the little segments of RNA—the injections attack the body. In all sorts of ways. In all sorts of places.”


What Someone Once Said to Me About Vaccines, Echoing Bill Gates
Dispatches from the vaccine war

by Jon Rappoport
July 19, 2023


When I think about what piece to write next, or when for the moment my tank is empty, I come up with VACCINES. That’s the subject.

It’s been that way for a long time.

I could be accused of having a grand obsession, but this isn’t the case. I’m responding to the civilizational obsession with vaccination.

At the same time, it IS personal. Because of the outrage I feel, watching medical storm troopers who have been on the march for more than a hundred years.

Watching their arrogance, their blunt stupidity, their “rational” madness. As they keep marching and invading.

If we were living in an absolute monarchy and I were King, there would be hell to pay. The troopers would pay, dearly.

Over the past 35 years, I’ve written countless articles on vaccination. I’ve run down the evidence from all the angles. Now I’m left with the feeling when all the data detailing crimes have been exhausted. I’m at the end of that trail.

It’s not THE end, though. Not by a long shot.

The troopers and their allies represent, for me, everything that’s insane about our society—especially the bland acceptance by the willing victims. The silent majority.

Including, of course, the educated classes, who proudly wear their badges of science, the ultimate virtue signal. They live in a harsh bombed out desert and think it’s a pretty garden.

Some of them watch their children go crazy from the shots, suffering massive brain damage—and still these parents won’t admit what happened.

They refuse to see what they saw.

—It might have been after a talk I gave. I had mentioned the fact that improved sanitation and nutrition in the West accounted for the decline in all sorts of illness—not the widespread introduction of vaccines.

The person said, “But for children who still can’t get nutritious food, vaccines protect them.”

It was a mindless “save the children” remark.

Of course, when the body’s defense is chronically deficient, a vaccine isn’t going to pump it up. Because there isn’t anything THERE to pump up. That’s a ridiculous fairy tale. And a vaccine isn’t food.

Bill Gates tried to pull off the same sort of nonsense, when he announced with great personal fanfare, that he’d just read a book about contaminated water supplies in the Third World—as if he’d just discovered what everyone else had known for 50 years.

So he said something like this: I saw that bad water accounted for horrific chronic diarrhea, a killer. We have to clean up the water. But meanwhile, my anti-diarrheal vaccine will help.

No it won’t. The sick child, who is wasting away, has no immune system left. The vaccine won’t build up what isn’t there.

—Belief across a population is a powerful thing. It can operate like a bulldozer, flattening all obstacles and objections. And at the end of the day, it stands naked, amid the ruins. When the belief is demanding a solution that won’t work. Vaccines.

I come from an era when vaccinations were few and far between. A poke here, a stab there. There was no CDC shouting about schedules. The big Pharma money wasn’t rolling in yet. The predators knew the public wouldn’t go for 30 or 40 shots during childhood.

But now it’s a lifeline. Oh, the kids will die if you don’t shoot them up.

Bleeding heart liberals, clueless rubes, and Big Pharma. A jackpot sales team.

And a bland Howdy Doody monster like Bill Gates in the background, pouring billions of dollars into MORE vaccines.

As I predicted early on during Warp Speed, the introduction of RNA technology was going to create a bonanza for Pharma. They’d redo every vaccine in the book with the new tech. They’re working in that direction now.

Because vaccines injure and kill, this civilization is on wartime footing. We’re under attack. Half the effort to censor us is devoted to the vaccine issue. The enemy knows what’s at stake.

If we take their prime weapon away from them—by walking away from it in huge numbers—they fall.

After the COVID fiasco, when millions of people DID walk away from the injection…the public is primed to take a look at the whole range of vaccines.

I’ve watched some of the new pundits who appeared during COVID to expose that shot. Some of them are close. They’re close to seeing that the whole arsenal of vaccines is nothing less than a doomsday weapon. They haven’t crossed that line yet. But they’re on the verge.

I crossed the line in 1988, when I wrote AIDS INC. Because I realized “the virus” wasn’t causing anything, I was looking for real causes of immune suppression—since that was what so-called AIDS was.

And that’s when I saw The Big One looming up on the horizon. Vaccines.

I started talking to Health Freedom advocates who’d been in the trenches for decades. I started reading hard to find books that investigated vaccines. And then, there it was.

I saw it.

I couldn’t look away from it.

Whatever I thought a career in journalism was, could be, should be, that career took a sharp turn.

I had no idea how much passivity I would encounter.

Pure, dumb, conformist passivity.

But with Warp Speed, and everything that followed, I saw the apathy in the public begin to dissolve.

I saw foundational pillars begin to crack.

The truth is, no one can get to health through vaccinations. If a person is sickly, vaccines won’t help. If he’s healthy, he doesn’t need vaccines.

The bad news is, vaccines destroy. Whether it’s the so-called adjuvants they put in the shots, the goop they think are pieces of viruses (that don’t exist), the preservatives, the lipid nanoparticles, the coatings on the particles, the little segments of RNA—the injections attack the body. In all sorts of ways. In all sorts of places.

In England, right at the start, when THE one shot was for smallpox, there were whole cities with high vaccination rates where people were dropping like flies. And cities where the vaccination rate was low, people came through all right.

When the authorities finally began cleaning off the raw sewage running down the city streets, when they installed public sanitation systems, disease took a very sharp downturn.

These things aren’t hard to understand.

But they’ve been hidden from the public.

We’re looking at a revolution of simple truth. Which can be spoken and delivered simply.

And widely.

By us all.

In this war.

During which we’re under attack.

Many foot soldiers happen to be doctors, who have the advantage of seeming neutral. They wave no flags. They salute no dictator. They’re calm and rational. Nevertheless, they wield the weapon, and they use it.

We can’t let that oddity deter us.

If you need a push, talk to the mother of a severely autistic child. That is, a child whose brain was assaulted by a vaccine. Have her tell you what she goes through every day of her life, with that child.

It seems difficult to believe a modern civilization could have gone so far off the track as this one has.

The difficulty in facing that fact is what drives people back into their huts and their television screens and online games.

But you know, believing something that happens to be true and then acting on it is more powerful than any civilization.

This is why I’m here. To tell you that.


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Mental Health Round-Ups: The Next Phase of the Government’s War on Thought Crimes

Mental Health Round-Ups: The Next Phase of the Government’s War on Thought Crimes

by John & Nisha Whitehead, The Rutherford Institute
July 18, 2023


“There are no dangerous thoughts; thinking itself is a dangerous activity.”

—Hannah Arendt

Get ready for the next phase of the government’s war on thought crimes: mental health round-ups and involuntary detentions.

Under the guise of public health and safety, the government could use mental health care as a pretext for targeting and locking up dissidents, activists and anyone unfortunate enough to be placed on a government watch list.

If we don’t nip this in the bud, and soon, this will become yet another pretext by which government officials can violate the First and Fourth Amendments at will.

This is how it begins.

In communities across the nation, police are being empowered to forcibly detain individuals they believe might be mentally ill, based solely on their own judgment, even if those individuals pose no danger to others.

In New York City, for example, you could find yourself forcibly hospitalized for suspected mental illness if you carry “firmly held beliefs not congruent with cultural ideas,” exhibit a “willingness to engage in meaningful discussion,” have “excessive fears of specific stimuli,” or refuse “voluntary treatment recommendations.”

While these programs are ostensibly aimed at getting the homeless off the streets, when combined with advances in mass surveillance technologies, artificial intelligence-powered programs that can track people by their biometrics and behavior, mental health sensor data (tracked by wearable data and monitored by government agencies such as HARPA), threat assessments, behavioral sensing warnings, precrime initiatives, red flag gun laws, and mental health first-aid programs aimed at training gatekeepers to identify who might pose a threat to public safety, they could well signal a tipping point in the government’s efforts to penalize those engaging in so-called “thought crimes.”

As the AP reports, federal officials are already looking into how to add “‘identifiable patient data,’ such as mental health, substance use and behavioral health information from group homes, shelters, jails, detox facilities and schools,” to its surveillance toolkit.

Make no mistake: these are the building blocks for an American gulag no less sinister than that of the gulags of the Cold War-era Soviet Union.

The word “gulag” refers to a labor or concentration camp where prisoners (oftentimes political prisoners or so-called “enemies of the state,” real or imagined) were imprisoned as punishment for their crimes against the state.

The gulag, according to historian Anne Applebaum, used as a form of “administrative exile—which required no trial and no sentencing procedure—was an ideal punishment not only for troublemakers as such, but also for political opponents of the regime.”

Totalitarian regimes such as the Soviet Union also declared dissidents mentally ill and consigned political prisoners to prisons disguised as psychiatric hospitals, where they could be isolated from the rest of society, their ideas discredited, and subjected to electric shocks, drugs and various medical procedures to break them physically and mentally.

In addition to declaring political dissidents mentally unsound, government officials in the Cold War-era Soviet Union also made use of an administrative process for dealing with individuals who were considered a bad influence on others or troublemakers. Author George Kennan describes a process in which:

The obnoxious person may not be guilty of any crime . . . but if, in the opinion of the local authorities, his presence in a particular place is “prejudicial to public order” or “incompatible with public tranquility,” he may be arrested without warrant, may be held from two weeks to two years in prison, and may then be removed by force to any other place within the limits of the empire and there be put under police surveillance for a period of from one to ten years.

Warrantless seizures, surveillance, indefinite detention, isolation, exile… sound familiar?

It should.

The age-old practice by which despotic regimes eliminate their critics or potential adversaries by making them disappear—or forcing them to flee—or exiling them literally or figuratively or virtually from their fellow citizens—is happening with increasing frequency in America.

Now, through the use of red flag lawsbehavioral threat assessments, and pre-crime policing prevention programs, the groundwork is being laid that would allow the government to weaponize the label of mental illness as a means of exiling those whistleblowers, dissidents and freedom fighters who refuse to march in lockstep with its dictates.

That the government is using the charge of mental illness as the means by which to immobilize (and disarm) its critics is diabolical. With one stroke of a magistrate’s pen, these individuals are declared mentally ill, locked away against their will, and stripped of their constitutional rights.

These developments are merely the realization of various U.S. government initiatives dating back to 2009, including one dubbed Operation Vigilant Eagle which calls for surveillance of military veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, characterizing them as extremists and potential domestic terrorist threats because they may be “disgruntled, disillusioned or suffering from the psychological effects of war.”

Coupled with the report on “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment” issued by the Department of Homeland Security (curiously enough, a Soviet term), which broadly defines rightwing extremists as individuals and groups “that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely,” these tactics bode ill for anyone seen as opposing the government.

Thus, what began as a blueprint under the Bush administration has since become an operation manual for exiling those who challenge the government’s authority.

An important point to consider, however, is that the government is not merely targeting individuals who are voicing their discontent so much as it is locking up individuals trained in military warfare who are voicing feelings of discontent.

Under the guise of mental health treatment and with the complicity of government psychiatrists and law enforcement officials, these veterans are increasingly being portrayed as ticking time bombs in need of intervention.

For instance, the Justice Department launched a pilot program aimed at training SWAT teams to deal with confrontations involving highly trained and often heavily armed combat veterans.

One tactic being used to deal with so-called “mentally ill suspects who also happen to be trained in modern warfare” is through the use of civil commitment laws, found in all states and employed throughout American history to not only silence but cause dissidents to disappear.

For example, NSA officials attempted to label former employee Russ Tice, who was willing to testify in Congress about the NSA’s warrantless wiretapping program, as “mentally unbalanced” based upon two psychiatric evaluations ordered by his superiors.

NYPD Officer Adrian Schoolcraft had his home raided, and he was handcuffed to a gurney and taken into emergency custody for an alleged psychiatric episode. It was later discovered by way of an internal investigation that his superiors were retaliating against him for reporting police misconduct. Schoolcraft spent six days in the mental facility, and as a further indignity, was presented with a bill for $7,185 upon his release.

Marine Brandon Raub—a 9/11 truther—was arrested and detained in a psychiatric ward under Virginia’s civil commitment law based on posts he had made on his Facebook page that were critical of the government.

Each state has its own set of civil, or involuntary, commitment laws. These laws are extensions of two legal principlesparens patriae Parens patriae (Latin for “parent of the country”), which allows the government to intervene on behalf of citizens who cannot act in their own best interest, and police power, which requires a state to protect the interests of its citizens.

The fusion of these two principles, coupled with a shift towards a dangerousness standard, has resulted in a Nanny State mindset carried out with the militant force of the Police State.

The problem, of course, is that the diagnosis of mental illness, while a legitimate concern for some Americans, has over time become a convenient means by which the government and its corporate partners can penalize certain “unacceptable” social behaviors.

In fact, in recent years, we have witnessed the pathologizing of individuals who resist authority as suffering from oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), defined as “a pattern of disobedient, hostile, and defiant behavior toward authority figures.” Under such a definition, every activist of note throughout our history—from Mahatma Gandhi to Martin Luther King Jr.—could be classified as suffering from an ODD mental disorder.

Of course, this is all part of a larger trend in American governance whereby dissent is criminalized and pathologized, and dissenters are censored, silenced, declared unfit for society, labelled dangerous or extremist, or turned into outcasts and exiled.

Red flag gun laws (which authorize government officials to seize guns from individuals viewed as a danger to themselves or others), are a perfect example of this mindset at work and the ramifications of where this could lead.

As The Washington Post reports, these red flag gun laws “allow a family member, roommate, beau, law enforcement officer or any type of medical professional to file a petition [with a court] asking that a person’s home be temporarily cleared of firearms. It doesn’t require a mental-health diagnosis or an arrest.

With these red flag gun laws, the stated intention is to disarm individuals who are potential threats.

While in theory it appears perfectly reasonable to want to disarm individuals who are clearly suicidal and/or pose an “immediate danger” to themselves or others, where the problem arises is when you put the power to determine who is a potential danger in the hands of government agencies, the courts and the police.

Remember, this is the same government that uses the words “anti-government,” “extremist” and “terrorist” interchangeably.

This is the same government whose agents are spinning a sticky spider-web of threat assessments, behavioral sensing warnings, flagged “words,” and “suspicious” activity reports using automated eyes and ears, social media, behavior sensing software, and citizen spies to identify potential threats.

This is the same government that keeps re-upping the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which allows the military to detain American citizens with no access to friends, family or the courts if the government believes them to be a threat.

This is the same government that has a growing list—shared with fusion centers and law enforcement agencies—of ideologies, behaviors, affiliations and other characteristics that could flag someone as suspicious and result in their being labeled potential enemies of the state.

For instance, if you believe in and exercise your rights under the Constitution (namely, your right to speak freely, worship freely, associate with like-minded individuals who share your political views, criticize the government, own a weapon, demand a warrant before being questioned or searched, or any other activity viewed as potentially anti-government, racist, bigoted, anarchic or sovereign), you could be at the top of the government’s terrorism watch list.

Moreover, as a New York Times editorial warns, you may be an anti-government extremist (a.k.a. domestic terrorist) in the eyes of the police if you are afraid that the government is plotting to confiscate your firearms, if you believe the economy is about to collapse and the government will soon declare martial law, or if you display an unusual number of political and/or ideological bumper stickers on your car.

Let that sink in a moment.

Now consider the ramifications of giving police that kind of authority in order to preemptively neutralize a potential threat, and you’ll understand why some might view these mental health round-ups with trepidation.

No matter how well-meaning the politicians make these encroachments on our rights appear, in the right (or wrong) hands, benevolent plans can easily be put to malevolent purposes.

Even the most well-intentioned government law or program can be—and has been—perverted, corrupted and used to advance illegitimate purposes once profit and power are added to the equation.

The war on terror, the war on drugs, the war on illegal immigration, the war on COVID-19: all of these programs started out as legitimate responses to pressing concerns and have since become weapons of compliance and control in the government’s hands. For instance, the very same mass surveillance technologies that were supposedly so necessary to fight the spread of COVID-19 are now being used to stifle dissent, persecute activists, harass marginalized communities, and link people’s health information to other surveillance and law enforcement tools.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, we are moving fast down that slippery slope to an authoritarian society in which the only opinions, ideas and speech expressed are the ones permitted by the government and its corporate cohorts.

We stand at a crossroads.

As author Erich Fromm warned, “At this point in history, the capacity to doubt, to criticize and to disobey may be all that stands between a future for mankind and the end of civilization.”


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Children and the Lost Age of Innocence; Sexualizing the Young; Too Many Crimes to Count

Children and the Lost Age of Innocence; Sexualizing the Young; Too Many Crimes to Count

by Jon Rappoport
July 17, 2023


And too many pedophiles to count.

I first became aware of “different children” when I met kids from the next town over: Scarsdale, circa 1948.

A few of them were smug. I wondered why.

I figured out it was because they owned things. Expensive clothes, jewelry, etc.

I’m talking about 10-year olds.

It was the vague beginning of my understanding of children as consumers.

And of course, over time, I saw the consumer culture itself rise to new heights. Children became a key market, a key demographic.

Children “needed products.”

But not just kiddie items. Children could be turned into little adults. Talking about makeup, matching outfits, expensive shoes.

And eventually, schools started teaching children about sex.

Innocence? No good. No money in it. Nothing to sell. How are you going to sell walking down a road on a spring afternoon and feeling alive with all the time in the world?

You’re nine, ten.

Sex? What?

So innocence had to be buried.

In 1948, my pals and I only needed one bat, an old softball, a few cheap gloves, and a field, and we could play all day.

No money in it.

Teaching sex in schools was a Progressive idea. Let kids know how babies were made and born, because their parents were too embarrassed to explain it.

Later, teaching sex meant teaching about the act of sex.

And now…you know where it’s gone. Chemicals, sex hormones, surgery. Surgery that destroys sex.

“We’re coming after your children.”

Make children into sexual fetish objects, then push them off a cliff.

But first, much earlier in history, make them consumers. Eliminating their innocence.

Allowing every horror that follows.

If, in 1948, teachers had approached us with notions of gender fluidity, we would have known they were insane. We would have told our parents, who would have stormed the school and raised holy hell. No school board could have turned back their fury. (And no US Attorney General would have dared suggest our parents were domestic terrorists, unless he wanted to be thrown out on the street, alone, denied by his own family, or put in a psych ward.)

Innocence. Trees coming back to life in April. Flowers. Kids running. Running everywhere. Not a product. Not a thing to be exchanged for money.

Now, sex teachers. Sex killers.

And people changing their sex:

“The bravest people and the greatest Americans” Joe Biden knows.

He has the backup of the medical industrial complex. Selling sex change is money. A booming market. Surgeons are on stand-by, ready to cut and paste genitals, faces, shoulders, legs to specifications.

Plant a polished steel tree in concrete, in our nation’s capital. The branches are sex-change, drugs and hormones and surgery, sexualized children, pedophiles.

They merge and form a diabolical business worth hundreds of billions of dollars.

A voice whispers to men and women in offices all over the world: “You can market ANYTHING.”

Pedophiles in boardrooms, schools, churches, and government councils are counting on that marketing to keep people’s Eyes Wide Shut.

— Jon Rappoport


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Cover image credit: Pexels