James Fetzer on the Nashville Transgender School Shooter Hoax

James Fetzer on the Nashville Transgender School Shooter Hoax

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
May 22, 2023


James Fetzer has chatted to me many times.

His conversations are always explosive.

I strongly recommend listening to his analyses of 9/11Sandy Hook and staged mass shootings. They are all red pill conversations.

Paradigm shifts have become a big thing thanks to the Covid™ narrative. The events of 2020 were so obviously abnormal that questioning everything immediately became a staple of my new normal.

We all know about Nashville school shooting incident that happened recently.

The following is what CNN reported.

Audrey Hale, a 28-year-old former Covenant School student who killed six people at the school Monday, carefully planned the attack, according to officials.

While the shooter’s gender identity is unclear, police told CNN that Hale was assigned female at birth and used “male pronouns” on social media.

I laughed at the bit about “assigned female at birth”. (Mark McDonald has more on that.)

Does that shooter look like a female?

The following conversation with James is mostly a slideshow in which he breaks apart the entire story, concluding that this was yet another staged mass shooting.


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 See Related:

James Fetzer on the 9/11 Coverup

James Fetzer on the Sandy Hook Coverup: What Actually Happened at the School, and Was It a False Flag Operation to Usher In Stricter Gun Laws?

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