David Icke: What’s Really Happening in Israel? “Two Sides Apparently, but One Side in Reality…Getting Other People to Fight for Them”

David Icke: What’s Really Happening in Israel? “Two Sides Apparently, but One Side in Reality…Getting Other People to Fight for Them”


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: Here are a few excerpts to give you a sense of the video contents. A full transcript is provided below the video.

“It always is with every war — is that civilians on both sides are being slaughtered. Always the case — while those that order the slaughtering stay in a safe place.”


“We have two sides apparently, but one side in reality. Fighting each other, getting other people to fight for them, allowing the slaughter of Jewish civilians and Hamas, knowing that that slaughter will lead to the slaughter of Palestinian civilians.

“They are the same side, ladies and gentlemen. And it happens all over the world all the time. You see different sides. You see different groups. But it’s the same agenda, the same psychopathy, the same evil on public display.

“And we — please, please — we as a human race have got to start seeing that our so-called bloody leaders are not there to serve us. They’re there to serve an agenda to enslave us on a level never seen in known human history.”


“I’ve been watching the mainstream alternative media being taken over by barely one-dimensional buffoons, and main chances, and comedians. And we need to take it back. Because without a genuine alternative media, with a genuine perception of what is happening in the world, we have no alternative to the continued duality of sides, and us against them, when the same hands are holding the strings of all of them.

“Come on people. This has got to stop. We can’t let the perception of sides and leaders in different regimes delude us to what’s happening. We can’t let these bloody pied pipers of the alternative (mainstream alternative) media lead us to the edge of the cliff with a cul-de-sac diversion of what’s going on.

“There’s a global cult and it’s running the world through what appear to be different governments and world health organizations — at Silicon Valley and banking systems, all of it corporations. And we need to grasp that.

“The Palestinians and the Jewish people are both pawns in that game. And they need to come together to see who the real enemy is and has always been.”


Video available at Rumble and BitChute


Transcript prepared by Truth Comes to Light.

Starting at approximate timestamp 00:01:00


Hello, this is a dot connector to wade through the deceit, the diversions, the cul-de-sacs, the lies surrounding what is currently happening in Israel.

And of course, you won’t get this information in the mainstream media. In fact, from what I’ve seen in the last 24 hours, you won’t get it from some of the “big names” in the so-called alternative media.

What is the case again? It always is with every war — is that civilians on both sides are being slaughtered. Always the case — while those that order the slaughtering stay in a safe place.

When Iraqi civilians were being slaughtered with the invasion of Iraq by America and Britain, where were boy George Bush and Tony Blair? Where were they while it was all going on? Sipping coffee in the White House and Downing Street. Always the way.

And we have Netanyahu sitting here now pontificating. ‘We’re going to do this. We’re going to do that.’ You, mate, are doing nothing. You’re sending others to do it like you always do.

And the same goes for that which is really behind. Not the window dressing. What is really behind? What is known as Hamas.

So first of all, the bottom line. This was not a surprise attack. ‘Oh, yeah, it surprised us.’ Oh, really? Who do you think you’re talking to? Bloody idiots?

We have the Israeli defense forces as one of the most trained and best-equipped armies in the world. And we’re talking about a very small area in terms of Israel, Gaza.

We have Mossad, one of the most sophisticated and widespread intelligence agencies in the world that make surveillance an art form. It’s on the cutting edge. It knows everything that’s going on in that area. But somehow hundreds of Hamas “militants” laid siege to Israel, put thousands of rockets into Israel, which they somehow gathered or built or whatever without Mossad and the IDF having any idea. ‘Oh, no, we didn’t know about that.’

We had Hamas operatives coming into Israel on fricking hang gliders. But they never knew it was coming. We had fighting in all these different areas of Israel, these different locations, but the IDF and Mossad and all the rest of that vast Israeli security network had no idea.

Isn’t that what they said with 9-11? I’m hearing them saying, this is Israel’s 9-11. Well, what happened on 9-11? These planes were, they say, hijacked and there was a big build up to it, they say, preparing for it, but the whole of the American intelligence military network,’Oh, no, it was a surprise; we didn’t know’.

To say they are lying to you is to state the bloody obvious. And we’ll get into why.

This is a quote from a former IDF soldier who was a border observer. And she worked with the highest level technology available. That’s what Israel does. And this is what she said. “If a bird came close, we knew. Even a cockroach came to our fence border, we knew. How did 400 Hamas pass through today?”

The answer is they were allowed to. Was this a surprise attack for the civilian population of Israel? Oh, yes. Of course. Was it even a surprise attack for many in the rank and file of the military? But the inner core, that’s running the show, surprise to them, you must be bloody joking.

And this situation reminded me of someone I’ve quoted over the years in the books, over the decades. It’s a man called Leroy Fletcher Prowty. He served as Chief of Special Operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff under President Kennedy, JFK. He was a colonel in the United States Air Force and subsequently became a critic of US foreign policy, particularly the covert activities of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), which he believed was working on behalf of a secret world elite. This is in the 1960s and after. The very world elite I’ve been uncovering for now 34 years, my 34th year of doing it. And this is the telling quote that I’ve used a number of times in the books.

Fletcher Prowty said, “No one has to direct an assassination. It happens.” And for assassination, that means an attack like the one in Israel now as well. “No one has to direct an assassination. It happens. The active role is played secretly by permitting it to happen. This is the greatest single clue”, he said. “Who has the power to call off or reduce the usual security precautions?”

Who has that power in Israel must now come under the spotlight and be questioned why they did so. Because they obviously did.

Now, what they want you to do in any situation like this is to take sides. And if I’m going to take the side of anyone, I take the side of the civilians — the civilians in Israel who have been subject to these horrors that continue and the civilians in Gaza who are now suffering the horrors of the Israeli response.

But in terms of sides, one fighting the other, to take either is to lose the plot. Because I’ve been exposing for decades now and been called anti-Semitic for it, even though it’s the opposite. I’ve been exposing a cult.

There’s a global cult and there is a major aspect of it which is called the Sabbatean cult.

The Sabbatean cult goes back to the 1600s. I detail it all in the books. But basically, it is a grouping, a satanic grouping that is expert in posing as what it’s not. So they might pose as Islamic leaders. They might pose as Vatican leaders or they might — and have mercilessly for the Jewish people in general — they might, and have, posed as Jewish leaders. It was this Sabbatean cult, with the Rothschilds very much involved, who were responsible for the creation of Israel in 1948. And the horrors — matching what’s happened now and more — imposed by Sabbatean actually, but officially Jewish, terrorist groups like Irgun and the Stern Gang, who forced hundreds of thousands of Palestinians to leave their homeland in terror, never to return.

So when you look at what’s happening now and the horrors of what has been imposed upon Jewish civilians, we should not take sides. Because when you get to the core of what’s controlling this side and what’s controlling that side, ultimately, you’re looking at the same people.

And Sabbateans who have been the controllers of Israel from the start and then moved in on places like America — they, irony of ironies, hate Jewish people. They have contempt for them. And I’ve been saying all these years that, in the end, this Sabbatean cult is going to throw the Jewish people in general under a colossal bus. And we are now, as I speak, seeing that happen.

All the Jewish population of Israel have got to contemplate is how they were treated during the so-called pandemic, fake pandemic, and how they were forced in many and various ways to get the fake COVID vaccine, which has killed and maimed so many in its wake. They don’t care about you, Jewish people of Israel and the wider world. The Sabbatean cult has infiltrated you. It does not care about you. And that’s why it’s allowed this to happen, for ulterior motives, we will get into.

And at the same time, this global cult, as I call it, is behind Hamas. If you want to bring two groups of people into conflict with each other, then control both sides and it’s a go. And the people who are the civilians taking the consequences of that think, ‘oh, they’re against me and I’m against them’. But actually, ultimately, the same hands are on the tiller of both sides. This is how the world works and we’re seeing a blatant example of it.

Now, just look at the history of Hamas and you will see how much influence — fundamental influence in its creation — came from the Israeli government. So Hamas is hanging the Palestinian civilians out to dry and the same is happening with the government of Israel and Israeli civilians.

And here’s another quote from Fletcher Prowty. Remember, he was an insider. “The Kennedy assassination has demonstrated that most of the major events of world significance are masterfully planned and orchestrated by an elite coterie of enormously powerful people” (Wait for this. This is crucial) “who are not of one nation, one ethnic grouping, or one over-ridingly important business group. They are a power unto themselves for whom others work. Neither is this power elite of recent origin. Its roots go deep into the past.”

Which is what I’ve been uncovering all these decades. This is what I call the global cult and this is seeking to lead the world ever more obviously to a global dystopia. And to do that you have to destroy the current status quo, whatever it is. You could call it creative destruction.

You have a status quo, a way that society works, the way that society is, and as long as that status quo stays there, you can’t move the world on to your dystopia. So you destroy that status quo. And wars are bloody perfect. Economic crashes too. And then you move to another status quo. And then eventually you destroy that status quo and move on to another. And with each new status quo, they are getting closer and closer to the global dystopia they’ve been working towards for a long time. And Fletcher Prowty was right. This is not a recent thing. This goes way back into what we call history.

So there’s a technique that I coined in the 1990s. I called it Problem-Reaction-Solution. And what you do is you create a problem and you blame someone else for it. You want at stage two, having created the problem, you want the reaction from the public of outrage, of fear, of ‘something must be done’. ‘Do something. What are they going to do about it?’ But at that point, those who’ve created the problem and got that reaction from the public openly offer the solutions to the problems they have themselves created.

So already Netanyahu is saying that once we’ve overcome Hamas, we’re going to go for Iran, which we say is behind Hamas. Iran, another cult-controlled regime.

So that is one — one of the reasons for what is happening. To turn the fire towards Iran. And that has big implications as I’ll come to.

And there is even another version of Problem-Reaction-Solution that I call No-Problem-Reaction-Solution. You don’t need a real problem, you just need the illusion of it. Human-caused climate change. A hoax. Why? Because look, what’s happening. The belief in human-caused climate change, nonsensical as it is scientifically, is being used to justify the very dystopia, globally, that this cult has sought for so long.

So Netanyahu is already talking about targeting Iran, which he says is behind all this. Well, I’ve been saying for so many years that the plan is to create a conflict between the West and the East — the East involving China, the dominant party, Russia and other countries. And I’ve said this many times over the years — including Iran. And Iran has just been invited to join this BRICS economic trading group, which is dominated by China and Russia.

And you look at what’s happening now in Ukraine. That’s another Problem-Reaction-Solution. You start a war, you manipulate into place a war, an attack on Ukraine, and look what’s happened. Oh, problem. What are you going to do? Pour vast amounts of money and weaponry into Ukraine and impact massively on the global economy and on energy prices with all their implications among many, many other things. You also diminish the Western armament potential by passing so much to Ukraine.

But what else is happening with Ukraine? It has brought Russia and China closer in an economic, and other aspects, alliance together, which is the pieces on the chessboard being moved around. So Ukraine is a proxy war, who between the West and Russia, supported by China, is already begun. And this is just another aspect of it that we’re seeing here.

Now, there was a letter that is alleged to have been written by a very prominent Freemason in America in the 1800s, a bloke called Albert Pike. I’ve written about him at length in the books. Albert Pike was the sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, Scottish Rite, southern jurisdiction in America. And it said that he wrote a letter to Italian cult operative Giuseppe Mazzini in 1871 in which he described the plan for three (THREE) world wars to transform global society into the dystopia that I’ve so long warned about. Now the letter is said to have come to light via a former Canadian naval officer called William Guy Carr in the 1950s.

So obviously World War I and World War II had happened by the 1950s. So we can put them aside, even though the letter described them very accurately, you can put that aside of course. The Third World War, which hadn’t happened by the 1950s, is the crucial thing. Now of course, this letter, its existence or non-existence has been very controversial. And what I’m going to do is just read you what it said about World War III and the aftermath. And then you can make your own mind up what you think of it. And then, even more relevantly, you can see how events play out in relation to it. Certainly current events fit.

Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.

Pike is said to have written to Mazzini. “The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the ‘agentur’ of the ‘Illuminati'” (the global cult) “between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.”

Now some people will understandably pick up on that and say he’s talking about the state of Israel in 1871. Well, there was no state of Israel. But as I’ve explained in the book so many times over the years, the cult has a very different awareness of the future — because it’s bloody creating it — than the general population does. So in 1871, they would have known the plan involved the establishment of the state of Israel.

“Meanwhile,” Pike said, “the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion. We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”

Whatever the background to that, it is describing this satanic cult — deeply, deeply satanic cult — which is behind world events and will be behind current events in Israel because of where it’s planned to go and what it’s planned to play out, to create in terms of consequences.

And I had an email today — I wrote to a friend of mine in Israel, a Jewish lady in Israel, and asked her if she was okay. And, this is part of what she replied. “They took so many civilians, children, babies, old people, young people as captives and it’s unlikely they will be saved. So many killed. The guerrilla warfare is relentless and complete psychopaths, impossible to comprehend the horror and the scale of it.” And this is a lady with a big open heart that just wants peace and justice for the Palestinians and everyone else.

“People are bewildered.” she said. “How on earth the great and powerful army of Israel couldn’t even protect these settlements? The militants took over and literally conquered two settlements entirely, shooting in the streets. I feel this is just the beginning of something even major about to happen. And just like with 9/11 in the US, it smells like classic Problem-Reaction-Solution. I immediately understood what goes on here. It was given the green light for their desire to invade Iran and ultimately create their World War III. Am I right?”

She said, “Just like they did with ISIS in Syria, I always used to hear that Israel is their ground for World War III. It could be the same in the north, this time with the Hezbollah. It’s obvious both Hamas and Hezbollah play a role in invoking and creating constant havoc.” (Hezbollah in Lebanon.) “The people of Israel are nothing but patsies as well as the people of Gaza. Obviously an illusion of a country, an illusion of safety.” (Absolutely spot on.)

And a later email from her said, “I’ve just heard that there are multiple squads of militants making their way to different places in Israel including possibly my area. They are taking cars and killing whoever they can.” (This is scary shit.) “I heard suggestions of handing over a fire weapon to each citizen in order to defend themselves. This is unreal, David. I can’t believe we are at war. I’m a bit scared. We are unprepared for this. We don’t have a proper shelter or means to defend ourselves.”

Yes, it’s horrific what’s going on with Jewish people in Israel. But lest we bloody forget, the cult-owned Israeli government, from the bloody start in 1948 to today with the psychopath Netanyahu with their military and their intelligence agencies (Mossad and the rest. Shin Bet.) they have treated the Palestinian people with grotesque contempt. They have treated them like vermin, decade after decade. And in doing so, they have created a mentality that follows the psychopathic cult-owned Hamas.

I mentioned earlier about the Jewish Sabbatean terrorist groups, Irgun the Stern Gang and others, that bombed and terrorized Israel into existence in 1948. Well, that mentality is indivisible, indistinguishable from the mentality we are seeing with Hamas.

We have two sides apparently, but one side in reality. Fighting each other, getting other people to fight for them, allowing the slaughter of Jewish civilians and Hamas, knowing that that slaughter will lead to the slaughter of Palestinian civilians.

They are the same side, ladies and gentlemen. And it happens all over the world all the time. You see different sides. You see different groups. But it’s the same agenda, the same psychopathy, the same evil on public display.

And we — please, please — we as a human race have got to start seeing that our so-called bloody leaders are not there to serve us. They’re there to serve an agenda to enslave us on a level never seen in known human history.

And you know, I’ve been talking recently about the way the so-called, there is a genuine one, but so-called alternative media — what I call the mainstream alternative with all the big names and the famous names and all, ‘yes, oh, what’s he said, oh, what’s he said?’ How some of them have responded to this is classic. And like I say, I’ve been talking about the way that the alternative media — which never existed when I started out, I’ve watched it appear and grow — how they have taken it over (these so-called big names). And they’re holding it in a holding pattern, what I call the barricade of here and no further, which still sees sides, still sees duality, still sees everything through the fundamentally unbelievably-limited perception of the five senses. And we’ve seen that on display the last 24 hours as I speak.

We’ve seen Jordan Peterson of the Daily Wire, which is not the alternative media, it’s just an alternative Republican party, who’s been doing fawning interviews with Benjamin Netanyahu posting on Twitter X to go get him, Netanyahu. Enough is enough, says the great one, the psychological giant Jordan Peterson. Who is “em”. Go get ’em, Who is ’em, Mr. Peterson? Kids in Gaza, right? Because they’re the ones that are going to get it. Someone from the alternative media taking a side, because he hasn’t got a bloody clue there even is a cult, never mind, it’s got an agenda for the world.

And then we have the giant intellect that is Andrew Tate, telling us that Allah is the one, Allah is commanding, cheering Allah. That is alternative. What a joke.

I’ve been watching the mainstream alternative media being taken over by barely one-dimensional buffoons, and main chances, and comedians. And we need to take it back. Because without a genuine alternative media, with a genuine perception of what is happening in the world, we have no alternative to the continued duality of sides, and us against them, when the same hands are holding the strings of all of them.

Come on people. This has got to stop. We can’t let the perception of sides and leaders in different regimes delude us to what’s happening. We can’t let these bloody pied pipers of the alternative (mainstream alternative) media lead us to the edge of the cliff with a cul-de-sac diversion of what’s going on.

There’s a global cult and it’s running the world through what appear to be different governments and world health organisations — at Silicon Valley and banking systems, all of it corporations. And we need to grasp that.

The Palestinians and the Jewish people are both pawns in that game. And they need to come together to see who the real enemy is and has always been.


Connect with David Icke website | Rumble | BitChute

Cover image credit: hosnysalah


See Related:

TCTL editor’s note: Shai Danon talks with David Icke on unfolding events in Israel. He describes the incredibly evil horrors of the attacks on innocent villagers, driving the survivors out of their quiet, peaceful areas — with the possible motive of driving all to live in controlled, surveilled 15-minute cities (Agenda 2030).  Also discussed is how both sides are suffering and being manipulated by the Sabbatean cult or hidden globalist agenda for control of all humanity.

David Icke with Reiner Fuellmich: On the Step by Step Takeover of Humanity & Our Natural World | The Solution Is in the Power of  ‘No’ & Our Refusal to Acquiesce

David Icke with Reiner Fuellmich: On the Step by Step Takeover of Humanity & Our Natural World | The Solution Is in the Power of  ‘No’ & Our Refusal to Acquiesce


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

Below you will find Reiner Fuellmich’s recent interview with David Icke. Some excerpts are provided to give you a sense of the overall tone. This conversation covers a wide number of topics related to our multi-dimensional, multi-frequency reality.

Along with a discussion of the ways humanity has been controlled throughout history and the awakening of so many people because of the global crimes against humanity during ‘the plandemic’ , there are also brief mentions of hidden technology, the secrecy around Antarctica (and Admiral Byrd’s expedition), Hollow Earth, underground bases, non-human manipulation of humanity, Rudolf Steiner’s (1861-1925) prediction of mind-control vaccines, etc. 

Reiner Fuellmich:

“I mean, I get bored with that because I don’t want to talk the umpteenth time about how they misused the PCR test in order to create cases that didn’t exist. I don’t want to talk about whether or not this is personality changing. I don’t want to talk about whether this is going to make people infertile. We know that it does.

“We have to step beyond this because we’re wasting our time talking about the same things over and over and over again simply because it’s so fascinating to see how blatantly they manipulated us and made us believe in totally idiotic concepts.

“If we don’t understand the whole picture, if we don’t see that, we’re not going to be able to get out of this self-created illusion.

“So in that sense, I’m extremely glad that you have put the dots together. It makes perfect sense to me and it coincides with everything that I’ve learned over the last three years.”


“I mean, yes, my friend Dexter Ryneveldt (he’s an attorney from South Africa) and I and all the other international attorneys were working on getting out the whole picture, not just the pieces of the puzzle but the whole story, in a legal proceeding. Because this is what people expect. We’re talking about justice.

“Ultimately, there will be justice. Justice will have to be done.

“But you won’t get justice inside the system, which you have just described because it’s totally, it’s the spider web. It’s totally under their control.

“So we’ll have to step outside the system and probably into a system that not just provides the legal framework as we think it should be as lawyers, but also connects with spirituality or consciousness, whatever you want to call it. Step outside the system so that they will not be able to touch us.

“Dexter’s example was, as an eagle you can’t fight a snake [on the ground] and win against it. You can’t come down and fight it at the ground. You have to pick it up into the air, which is where it can’t survive if you really want to destroy it.

“And ultimately, I think this is what this is about. It’s about either them or us. We have to either destroy them or they will destroy us. And this is what people have to understand.”


“But, you know, sometimes it helps to have a kind of a symbolism. For me as a lawyer the most important takeaway from what you’re telling us today is that we do have to go after the gophers.

“I know it’s just symbolism but it shows everyone that it’s us who are calling the shots. And if we don’t want to play along, if we want justice, if we want to hold these people responsible, then we will.

“There’s nothing that can stop us. And if we cut off this conveyor belt, so to speak, we’re destroying the spider web. And all of a sudden we will be able to see who we really are. I think this is really what it boils down to.”

David Icke:

“Well, they’ve been taking over our society over a long period of time and going step by step towards their ultimate goal.

“And I have this phrase, ‘know the outcome and you’ll see the journey‘.

“If you don’t know the outcome then everything seems random. When you know what the outcome is planned to be, the random becomes very clear stepping stones to that outcome.

“So the outcome is planned to be, first of all, a different type of human, far more synthetic in nature. This is why synthetic biology is a massively expanding area of science. This is all connected into the jabs as well — as you will have talked to many people about this.

“Up to this point, they have had to control information to manipulate perception because perception is what they’re after. They want a technological way of controlling perception. So they don’t have to do all this manipulation of information.

“So religions served the perceptual indoctrination very well. And now we’ve got science, which is overwhelmingly not science at all in its true sense.

“But what they want — and this is why they’re now coming out with it; they’ve gone from hiding it to sales-pitching it — they want to connect artificial intelligence to the human brain and the human body so that our perceptions will come direct.

“Not manipulated. Direct. You will think what AI thinks.

“And so you have this guy, Ray Kurzweil at Google, a futurist. And people say, he’s got an 80% accuracy in predicting the future.

“Well, if you know what the plan is, there’s a bloody good chance you’re going to be right.

“I mean, people say to me, how did you predict all this? Well, because I uncovered the plan.

“I’m not predicting the future. I’m predicting what the plan wants.

“And if nothing intervenes in the plan it will become the future.”


“We don’t have to fight the enemy. There’s no need to fight. We have to stop cooperating with it. Because the enemy has no freaking power…

“We are the cause of what’s happening in the world by acquiescing to authority. We take it back, the house of cards is all over the floor.”


“And you know, again, not only can you not control eight billion people… unless you recruit gophers from the eight billion people to impose your will upon the eight billion people. These are police officers. These are the military.

“And when people like that start to realize (and other people in the system start to realize) what they’re playing the part of without realizing it, who their real masters are, and the fact that their kids and grandkids are going to have to live in the world they’re helping to create — if they would then walk away and stop doing what they’re doing, then the whole thing starts to fall apart.”


“And so it’s a time of great danger, but it’s also a time of great opportunity — that we can create true freedom as opposed to the illusion of freedom…”


Connecting the Dots to See the Real Dangers

by Reiner Fuellmich, International Crimes Investigative Committee (ICIC)
October 1, 2023


In this first of two parts of ICIC’s interview, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and co-host attorney Dagmar Schoen talk with British veteran of the alternative media scene David Icke. He is an author, researcher and investigative journalist.

Reiner Fuellmich and Dagmar Schoen question him about his personal awakening process and the beginning of his involvement with the other side of the story, the real side, that initially turned his world upside down. He recounts his startling experiences that, ultimately, broadened his horizon and understanding of reality, as opposed to the mainstream’s narrative. These processes led him to leave his old life behind, defying all reprisals, and to dedicate his life to the uncovering of hidden knowledge and truths, beyond the fabricated “reality” we have been fed.

Icke describes in detail the structure and the far-reaching entanglements of a pyramidal organizational structure designed by a small, but very well-organized conglomerate. This conglomerate was, indeed, able to infiltrate almost all areas of our social structures over many years by installing stooges in politics, business, NGOs, etc.

Those who pull the strings, who act in secret, have positioned themselves like a spider in the center of this network, so that they have everything under surveillance. They must maintain their position of power at all costs in order to survive at the expense of humanity – which is waking up to this reality ever faster.

David Icke addresses issues that at first glance seem to have nothing to do with each other, explaining the entanglements and then connecting the dots so that an overall picture emerges of the great deception to which we have been and are being subjected. None of this is an accident, as the last three and a half years have shown us.

The connections are becoming clearer and clearer, revealing that this inhumane agenda is aimed at total control of humanity, combined with dehumanization through technocracy to replace anything human, indeed, creation as a whole. David Icke’s work reveals the workings of a persistent and perfidious psychological terror that is being deliberately used against us.

If we realize that we as humanity are vastly superior to this inhumane conglomerate, that it is dependent on us and can only survive through our energy and creative power, then this exploitation and deception will cease immediately. For this, the determined refusal to participate on our part is sufficient. We need only communicate this to these creatures by using the powerful word “No!” And we must understand that we are now at a point in time that even our legal systems analyze as a situation of self-defense.


Connect with ICIC website | Odysee

Connect with David Icke website | Ickonic membership

Cover image credit: StoryTaler

David Icke’s Speech for Amsterdam Peace Rally That Had Him Banned From 26 Countries

David Icke’s Speech for Amsterdam Peace Rally That Had Him Banned From 26 Countries

by David Icke
November 6, 2022


 [Video available at David Icke BitChute channel.]


Connect with David Icke


Excerpts from transcript provided by Truth Comes to Light


We must not just talk about freedom, we must live it and live it by ceasing to cooperate with that which is by the hour now destroying freedom.
So where do we go from here? Well, the moronic people who long ago handed their minds to the state and authority — well, where are they going? They’re going down the road to exactly what I’m talking about. And they’ll do nothing about it. Too busy stopping those that are trying to warn them. So that leaves the rest of us.
And there are three types of people. Two of the groups are responsible for every tyranny in history. And the third group is responsible for ending every tyranny in history.
Group number one — those who mindlessly accept anything authority tells them without question… And they will just do whatever they’re told and think whatever they’re told to think.
Then there is group number two — those that don’t want to do what authority tells them, but they’re terrified of not doing so cause they fear the consequences.
Those two groups together have been responsible for every tyranny in history. Fascism is not imposed by fascists. There’s never enough of them. Fascism is imposed by the population acquiescing to fascism. See Nazi Germany.
So if anyone says, well, what can we do? Well, you can get off your bloody ass, stiffen your backbone and stop being a bloody wimp. There’s a start. Look your children and grandchildren in the eye and tell them what you were doing when fascism was introduced…
And then there’s group number three that has ended every tyranny in history — the true renegades of this human family. Those that see they’re being lied to, who see where this is going and refuse to cooperate. The people who understand the most powerful word in the English language: No! No! No!
Stop giving your power to authority and then you’ll see, authority never had power in the first place because it was always yours.
People now have to realize when they talk about spirituality that true spirituality comes with a spine. True spirituality is never spineless. An open heart is the place where we go beyond fear, where you do what you know to be right simply because you know it’s right.
And we’re at that point now — we’re at that point now where if there is not a mass refusal to cooperate with this unfolding fascism, then we are moving very quickly into a state of global fascism that people would almost be unable to comprehend in terms of its depth and its evil.
And that, ladies and gentlemen of the Netherlands and the world, is the nightmare that we are leaving our children and grandchildren to suffer and endure.
Freedom is not just a word. It’s not just a platitude. It’s something that has to be lived. Because unless we live freedom, how can we possibly be free?
And we are at the point now where we are allowing eight billion people to be controlled and dictated to and have their lives taken over by, at the core of the core of this cult, people you would get into a single room.
That is how far the self respect of humanity has fallen. And that’s the point. Self respect. You do not have self respect when you mindlessly believe whatever you’re told by authority. You do not have self respect. When you do it, though, you don’t want to do it because you fear not doing it.
You have self respect when you stand up for your rights and your fellow humans’ rights and don’t let consequences cower you into submission.
The Netherlands is a fascist country now. My country is a fascist country. America, Canada, New Zealand, all of them. Australia. Fascist countries. France, Belgium, all of them.
And it’s only possible because we allow it.
It’s time to be a lion and not a sheep. It’s time for humanity to roar! No! No! No! No more fascist dictatorship. No more submission to Rutte and those who control him. It’s now or it’s never.


Conspiracy Author David Icke Banned From EU, Labeled a “Terrorist”

Conspiracy Author David Icke Banned From EU, Labeled a “Terrorist”
Was set to speak at event in Amsterdam this weekend. 

by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News
November 4, 2022


Conspiracy author David Icke has been banned from entering the EU and designated as a “level three terrorist,” according to his son Gareth Icke.

The public speaker and former BBC television host was due to attend an event in Amsterdam this weekend, but will now reportedly be prevented from entering any country in the European Union for a period of two years.

“Received an email from the Dutch. My dad, David Icke, has been banned from entering the EU for two years,” tweeted Gareth Icke. “They claim he is a “level three terrorist,” he added.

“The old man is banned from entering the Netherlands,” wrote Icke in another tweet. “Zero convictions, zero crimes committed. Banned by the government. Wow.”

Icke had been set to feature at an event called Together for the Netherlands, but far-left activist groups complained to the government and demanded he be barred from entering the country.

The municipality of Amsterdam also asked the Dutch IND (Immigration and Naturalisation Service) “to investigate whether Icke can be refused entry to the country,” an appeal that was apparently successful.

The municipality complained that Icke had made “anti-Semitic statements in the past that are unacceptable and deeply hurtful,” although it didn’t cite any specific examples.

The same authority even asked that if Icke had been allowed into the country, his speech at the event “be closely monitored by the Public Prosecutor to assess whether criminal statements are being made.”

Questions about the event were also asked in the Dutch parliament.

It remains to be seen what justification Dutch authorities actually used to ban Icke from speaking in the country, and why the ban also reportedly applies across the entire European Union.

Icke was previously deplatformed by multiple Big Tech platforms for opposing lockdown and vaccine mandates.

Some respodents to the news asserted that Icke had been banned for being outspoken against former Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and his role within the World Economic Forum.


Connect with Summit News

David Icke: Twitter Has Suspended Me AGAIN

David Icke: Twitter Has Suspended Me AGAIN

by David Icke
October 30, 2022





Twitter has suspended me AGAIN. We tested out the ‘new’ Musk ‘free speech’ Twitter by starting a new account, DavidickeOfficial, but almost immediately Musk’s Twitter deleted it.






This meme was my first post before suspension …


Connect with David Icke

David Icke at Worldwide Rally for Freedom (London, September 17, 2022): “This Is the Time for Humanity to Take Responsibility for Its World”

David Icke at Worldwide Rally for Freedom (London, September 17, 2022): “This Is the Time for Humanity to Take Responsibility for Its World”


“You do not eliminate the low ground by fighting with it. You eliminate the low ground by ceasing to cooperate with it. By building something better and refusing to cooperate with anything else.

Because the most powerful word in the English language or any other language is, and has always been — it is the word that has ended every tyranny in history, and ultimately it will end this one — and that word, of course, is “No! No! No!”.”


“We need to understand where the real power is. And it’s not with satanic forces that operate out of places like The City of London.  Our perception that they have power is a misunderstanding of where the power is…

How can eight billion people be controlled by a handful unless those eight billion — or most of them — give their power to the handful? This has to end! And when it ends, this tyranny will end.”


“What it takes is just that stiffened backbone, that courage to stand up to what is a house of cards — if only we would stop holding it together.”


“This is the time for humanity to take responsibility for its world. To stop pointing the finger and saying ‘it’s them’.

No. It’s us. It’s always been us. It’s always been us throughout known human history who have handed our power to the few. Which is why, throughout human history, the few have always controlled the many.”

~ David Icke, September 17, 2022, London – Worldwide Rally for Freedom


Video courtesy of TheTaoOfAnarchy Rumble channel.


Connect with David Icke

Connect with Worldwide Rally for Freedom at Telegram

David Icke: “I Won’t Stop Until I Leave This Earth”

David Icke: “I Won’t Stop Until I Leave This Earth”

by Inspired
March 3, 2022



I don’t identify with David Icke, brief human experience. I identify with being consciousness, which we all are.
Consciousness is having that experience.

And once you self identify yourself as consciousness, having a brief human experience, you can kind of rise above some much of the day-to-day crap that pulls you in when you self identify with the labels of a human life.

Because, you know, you say to people ‘Nice to meet you. Who are you?’ and they don’t say ‘I’m all that is, has been, and ever can be, having a brief human experience. Nice to meet you.’ And you say ‘Oh, thanks, thought I recognized you. Nice to meet you.’

No, they’ll give you their labels, they’ll give you their life story, their location, their birth place, their job, their race, their religion. And they’re all labels of a human life. They’re not who we are. We get caught in the labels.

So much of the division, the divided and rule, is possible because of the self-identification with labels. And when you realize that this is just a brief human experience, and that we are the consciousness having it — we are eternal consciousness on an eternal journey of exploring forever, forever — then it puts this into perspective. And it doesn’t seem so intimidating anymore.

And you think, ‘Well, when I leave the body and I look back on this brief human experience that I had, how will I feel about myself if I let morons tell me what to do, compared with saying ‘No way’. I think I feel good with the second one basically.

And because I identify with being consciousness rather than a label, I see the world very differently and things that happen in the world very differently.

That’s what drives me on. And what else drives me on, and has done for the last 30 years after I realized more and more about what was happening, is that, you know, you can’t look children in the eye — your own kids, your grandkids — you can’t look children in the street in the eye and realize what’s coming for them and say ‘Well, I’ve done my bit. I don’t have to do this anymore.’

No, no, I have to do this. And I have to do it with more determination every day because I can’t look them in the eye otherwise.

And this is what I don’t understand, you know, I’ve been doing this a long time. And I’ve seen people come and I’ve seen people go, I’ve seen people come and I’ve seen people go. And I can understand why they come. But I can’t understand why they bloody go.

Once you realize what’s going on, this…you can’t walk away, surely. How do you live with yourself? You know what’s happening and you’re walking away.

So I will leave this world at some point. Please, I won’t stay here forever.

But I will leave here still doing what I’m doing. Because I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t.


Connect with David Icke

Connect with Inspired channel

cover image credit: ToooPRaaaK / pixabay

Stand Firm: A Message From David Icke to Those Who Can See — Oracle Films

Stand Firm: A Message From David Icke to Those Who Can See — Oracle Films

by Oracle Films
December 6, 2021


Extract from a speech by David Icke on 24th July 2021 at the Worldwide Rally for Freedom, London; organised by Fiona Hine.


Connect with Oracle Films


See related:

David Icke at Worldwide Rally for Freedom — Trafalgar Square, London — July 24, 2021



cover image credit: ya_kanyarat / pixabay

David Icke: There’s Not Enough of Them to Stop Us

David Icke: There’s Not Enough of Them to Stop Us


video clip by Inspired

“We don’t need a solution. We need to remove the cause of the problem. The only way
the few have always controlled the many is because the many have acquiesced to the
few. We can stop this right now once and for all.”
~ David Icke


Watch the full video here:


Connect with David Icke

Connect with Inspired

David Icke: Message to the Morons in Uniform – Your Fascism Will Return to Haunt You

David Icke: Message to the Morons in Uniform – Your Fascism Will Return to Haunt You

by David Icke
September 24, 2021


Video available at David Icke BitChute and Banned.Videos channels.


Connect with David Icke

David Icke: How They Are Killing You and Calling It ‘Covid’

How They Are Killing You and Calling It ‘Covid’

by David Icke
August 27, 2021


Original video available at David Icke BitChute channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee, BitChute and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

David Icke: It’s More Powerful Than Anything Else

David Icke: It’s More Powerful Than Anything Else

by Inspired
August 15, 2021


Original video available at Inspired YouTube channel.

In the face of the adversity, the contrast and the great challenges we’re facing today, there is something much bigger, much greater and when it’s activated, it cannot be stopped by anyone or anything.


[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.] 


Connect with David Icke

Connect with Inspired

David Icke at Worldwide Rally for Freedom — Trafalgar Square, London — July 24, 2021

David Icke at Worldwide Rally for Freedom — Trafalgar Square, London — July 24, 2021

by Oracle Films
July 25, 2021


Video available at Oracle Films Odysee and BrandNewTube channels.


Connect with Oracle Films

Lyrics to You’ll Never Walk Alone

When you walk through a storm
Keep your chin up high
And don’t be afraid of the dark
At the end of a storm is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark

Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
Tho’ your dreams
Be tossed and blown
Walk on
Walk on
With hope in your heart
And you’ll never walk alone
You’ll never walk alone

When you walk through a storm
Hold your head up high
And don’t be afraid of the dark
At the end of a storm is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark

Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
Tho’ your dreams
Be tossed and blown
Walk on
Walk on
With hope in your heart
And you’ll never walk alone
You’ll never walk alone


Written by: Oscar Hammerstein II, Richard Rodgers
Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind

Massive Crowd at Trafalgar Square Joins David Icke in Singing His Message to the Resistance: “You’ll Never Walk Alone”

Massive Crowd at Trafalgar Square Joins David Icke in Singing His Message to the Resistance: “You’ll Never Walk Alone”

This took place at the end of David Icke’s speech at the London Freedom Rally on July 24, 2021. This massive protest was part of the World Wide Demonstrations that took place in more than 180 cities around the world.


A Message To The Resistance: You’ll Never Walk Alone
Video by Resistance GB
July 25, 2021

The finale of David Icke’s speech in Trafalgar square, with the crowd singing You’ll Never Walk Alone.

Video available at Resistance GB Odysee channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Lyrics to You’ll Never Walk Alone

When you walk through a storm
Keep your chin up high
And don’t be afraid of the dark
At the end of a storm is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark

Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
Tho’ your dreams
Be tossed and blown
Walk on
Walk on
With hope in your heart
And you’ll never walk alone
You’ll never walk alone

When you walk through a storm
Hold your head up high
And don’t be afraid of the dark
At the end of a storm is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark

Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
Tho’ your dreams
Be tossed and blown
Walk on
Walk on
With hope in your heart
And you’ll never walk alone
You’ll never walk alone


Written by: Oscar Hammerstein II, Richard Rodgers
Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind


Connect with Resistance GB

David Icke at London May 29 “Unite for Freedom” Rally

David Icke at London May 29 “Unite for Freedom” Rally
David – They’re Laughing WITH You!

video produced by Ickonic
sourced from David Icke


Original video available at Ickonic YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


Connect with David Icke

See related: The Courage of David Icke: The Wogan Interview Nobody Mentions


David Icke: Wuhan Lab ‘Virus’ Leak Is a Calculated Diversion From the Simple Truth — There Is No ‘Virus’

David Icke: Wuhan Lab ‘Virus’ Leak Is a Calculated Diversion From the Simple Truth — There Is No ‘Virus’

by David Icke
May 28, 2021

Video available at David Icke BitChute and Banned.video channels

Topics covered:

The history of the covid virus narrative

Similar history found in the HIV/AIDS narrative

The work and words of Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test

Understanding how “viruses” are isolated

Understanding the serious flaws and deceptions that are the foundation of the entire field of virology

Book by Kary Mullis, as mentioned in video: Dancing Naked in the Mind Field

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

David Icke: “Vaccine Depopulation”

David Icke: “Vaccine Depopulation”


‘Vaccine’ Depopulation – A Must Watch – David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast 

by David Icke
April 2, 2021

Video is available at David Icke BitChute channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Dr, Yeadon interviewhttps://rumble.com/vf8fz5-dr-mike-yeadon.html

Lenny Henry video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03pgiX_nQcA

David Icke: Global Apartheid – With Sabbatian-Ruled Israel Leading the Way | “Israel Is Being Used as a Human Lab”

David Icke: Global Apartheid – With Sabbatian-Ruled Israel Leading the Way
“Israel Is Being Used as a Human Lab.”

by David Icke
March 5, 2021


Original video available at David Icke BitChute and Banned.video channels.


See related:  The New Holocaust: Israeli Shai Dannon w/ David Icke on Horrific Tyranny Unfolding in Israel for Jews Who Refuse to Comply


cover image credit: WikiImages / pixabay

The New Holocaust: Israeli Shai Dannon w/ David Icke on Horrific Tyranny Unfolding in Israel for Jews Who Refuse to Comply

The New Holocaust: Israeli Shai Dannon w/ David Icke on Horrific Tyranny Unfolding in Israel for Jews Who Refuse to Comply


Israeli fears a new Holocaust is coming – Shai Dannon talks with David Icke about the horrific tyranny that ‘Covid’ Israel has become for Jews that won’t comply 

by David Icke w/ Shai Dannon
March 4, 2021

Original video available at David Icke BitChute and Banned.video channels.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Shai Dannon’s channel:


Excerpts from transcript:

Shai Dannon:

“From day one I said, look, this is fake. There’s no pandemic. Forget about it. This is the plan…

It’s in your face. Again and again…

The holocaust is coming back into Israel…

By the end of ’38 Jewish families were told: ‘Look, for your own good, for your own safety… We will take you to a new place…

Most Jewish people they really thought the Germans are going to look after them…

We need the people to wake up… The land of Israel, the people of Israel, the tradition of Israel, has been hijacked by this Zionist, Sabbatian cult who are involved with really, really nasty things from many, many years ago… And the fact that there are some Jewish families in this cult does not mean that they are part of Judaism anymore.”

David Icke: 

“…You mentioned the key word — the Sabbateans. The Sabbateans, for the people who have not come across it, is a death cult. And what they do is they pose as whatever religion or culture that they are seeking to take over. So the Saudi royal family are Sabbateans, the people that run Israel are Sabbateans, the people behind the Vatican are Sabbateans. And they pose as people supporting the culture — when they hate the culture, they want to destroy it — and then they manipulate themselves into positions of power…”

Shai Dannon:

“I have two possibilities, two assumptions. One — that Israel is the guinea pig also and experiment for the shots, but it’s also the guinea pig for the Klaus Schwab agenda, you know, bullshit… Bill Gates’ ‘Let’s mass vaccinate everyone’…

The second option — here’s a question for you:

What if, what if, everything we see around with the corona — everything — is actually for the purpose as they say, but the first is to kill the people of Israel

If first they want to take down the people of Israel, I would say to the world…

Please wake up, stand up, make noise. Help us. Because where Israel is going, the rest of the world will follow.

Trust your heart, your good intention and your morality that you will know what to do…”


 See related: Jerusalem — Altar of Sacrifice by Zen Gardner, written in September 2012

Jerusalem – Altar of Sacrifice


David Icke w/ John Smith: Overcoming Fascist Government Mandates & Reopening for Business Under Common Law

Common Law Court’s John Smith Talks With David Icke About How Businesses Can Reopen Under Common Law and Overcome the Fascist Impositions of the State

by David Icke
February 28, 2021


Original video available at David Icke BitChute and Banned.Video channels.

Common Law Court website:

Governments, agencies, law enforcement, courts and institutions are CORPORATIONS:


Attention all law enforcement:



[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

See related:

David Icke: “Common Law Is the Real Law of the Land” | Understand & Disconnect Yourself From the Deceit of Statute Law


David Icke: When People Have Nothing Left to Lose, Then We’ll See the Real Revolution

When People Have Nothing Left to Lose, Then We’ll See the Real Revolution

by David Icke
February 18, 2021


David Icke: Murder by ‘Vaccine’ — The Evidence Mounts

Murder by ‘Vaccine’ — The Evidence Mounts

by David Icke
February 12, 2020


Video available at David Icke BitChute channel.

David Icke: The War on Men and Women – Part of a Massive Agenda to Change the Nature of ’Human’

David Icke: The War on Men and Women – Part of a Massive Agenda to Change the Nature of ’Human’

by David Icke, davidicke.com
January 29, 2021


David Icke: Q-Anon Is a Psyop

David Icke: Q-Anon Is a Psyop

by David Icke, DavidIcke.com
January 22, 2021


Original video is available at David Icke BitChute channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


 See Related:

An article by Chris Menahan of Information Liberation, as mentioned by David Icke in the video above:
‘Q-Anon’ Bears Striking Resemblance to Bolshevik Psy-Op From 1920s Known As ‘Operation Trust’

For links to information about the Drake/Fulford/Wilcock scenario that David Icke mentions, see this article, written in April of 2012 by Zen Gardner:
Project Blueballs — Fulford, Wilcock and the False Hope Energy Heist


David Icke: ‘The World Is Now Fascist by Mussolini’s Definition’ — On Unfolding Global Tyranny via Technocracy

David Icke: ‘The World Is Now Fascist by Mussolini’s Definition’ — On Unfolding Global Tyranny via Technocracy

by David Icke w/ Gareth Icke
January 15, 2021


David Icke: ‘Walk Into My Parlour’ Said a Spider to the Fly — On Who Benefits in All This & Who Has the Power to Manipulate Events

David Icke: ‘Walk Into My Parlour’ Said a Spider to the Fly — On Who Benefits in All This & Who Has the Power to Manipulate Events

by David Icke
January 8, 2021


David Icke — 2021: Where From Here?

David Icke — 2021: Where From Here?

by David Icke
January 1, 2021



David Icke: The ‘Christmas Star’ Alignment – What Will It Mean?

The ‘Christmas Star’ Alignment – What Will It Mean?

by David Icke w/ Gareth Icke
December 18, 2020


Video available at David Icke BitChute channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Connect with David Icke at DavidIcke.com

David Icke’s Message to America, Shared at Freedom Rally in Philadelphia on December 6, 2020

David Icke’s Message to America, Shared at Freedom Rally in Philadelphia on December 6, 2020

by David Icke
December 6, 2020


[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Stand for Freedom With Dr. Andrew Kaufman on Sunday, Dec. 6th at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, PA | David Icke, Rick Martin, Eustace Conway, Mark Passio, Jeff Berwick & More

Stand for Freedom With Dr. Andrew Kaufman on Sunday, Dec. 6th at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, PA | David Icke, Rick Martin, Eustace Conway, Mark Passio, Jeff Berwick & More



David Icke w/ Shaun Attwood: Love & Consciousness | “Love Will Always Do What It Knows to Be Right.” | “Love Does Not Consider Consequences.”

David Icke w/ Shaun Attwood: Love & Consciousness | “Love Will Always Do What It Knows to Be Right.” | “Love Does Not Consider Consequences.”


[The video below is a clip from an interview previously recorded and uploaded to Shaun Attwood’s YouTube channel on September 26, 2020.]

Excerpts — David Icke:

“You know what love is today to so many people? It’s anti-hate… Anti-hate is not love. It’s just another version of hate… That’s why the anti-haters have hate in their face when they’re demanding we stop hating.”


“That’s what evil is. It’s the absence of love. We need to infuse it back. And part of that love is to not think about consequences for expressing love and speaking the truth, but doing it because it’s right.
“Love will always do what it knows to be right. And love does not consider consequences — because to consider consequences is to consider the very possibility that you will not do what you know to be right because of consequences. Love will never do that. It does what it knows to be right. It speaks its truth and it stands up for what it believes in.
“It doesn’t consider consequences. It considers consequences inconsequential. And the more people do that, the more this world will change.
“And the more people consider consequences, and keep backing down the alleyway to the wall at the end, the more this world will become more extreme than it is now. It’s  our choice.”

The conversation includes a discussion of the deep deception involved in the “war on drugs” and the blocking of true healing, natural substances and information.

Love And Consciousness: David I

by Shaun Attwood
November 25, 2020

Watch the full Shaun Attwood with David Icke interview here:

The Conspiracy Researcher: David I | True Crime Podcast 33

Watch the 2nd interview here:

The Royal Family: David I Part 2 | True Crime Podcast 66

Connect with David Icke at davidicke.com and ickonic.com

Connect with Shaun Attwood at shaunattwood.com


Alternate source of Shaun Attwood’s videos —
Shaun Attwood channel at Brand New Tube: https://brandnewtube.com/@ShaunAttwood

David Icke: New Definition of Insanity — Having the Gates Vaccine

New Definition of Insanity: Having the Gates Vaccine

by David Icke
November 20, 2020


Video available at David Icke BitChute channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


cover image credit pixunfertig / pixabay


David Icke w/ Former FEMA Operative Celeste Solum: Barcoding You Via PCR Tests, Vaccines, Mass Depopulation, Terraforming & Transforming All Life on Earth

David Icke w/ Former FEMA Operative Celeste Solum: Barcoding You Via PCR Tests, Vaccines, Mass Depopulation, Terraforming & Transforming All Life on Earth

Video by David Icke.
Links and excerpts provided by Truth Comes to Light editor. 


Conversation excerpts:

Celeste Solum:

“My breaking news is, anyone, anyone who has taken a covid test — they have placed a magnetic beacon. You have been tagged. You have been barcoded. And I am going to provide you the evidence of that today…” 

“I also want to draw people’s attention to the word ‘illuminate’…I don’t know if you’ve recognized it, but as an organic farmer, I have. It’s like things looked like a different color. The colors were not the same as before. .. I tripped on, in my research, that these forces and powers that are retooling and restructuring our planet, have restructured light.”

David Icke:

“A lot of people are now seeing about changing humans and barcoding humans — changing the nature of humans — but they want to change the nature of all life on earth, no matter what it is…”


Celeste Solum:

“Right now, your doctor can get paid for your execution…”

David Icke:

It’s a difficulty that people have… to grasp just the scale of psychopathic, frikking evil that we’re dealing with.”


Celeste Solum:

You can imagine my horror when, in January, I went to the World Economic Forum and I saw all those plans and they had been operationalized. So, no longer were they on the shelf. No longer were they sitting in computers. All the public leaders around the world were declaring that they were operationalized, which means that they were activated…

This covid situation is the first deployment of a construct, a new lifeform, if you will  It is not a virus. It is a nano, synthetic, biological life…– and what I mean by that is they have learned how, through evil technology, to fuse biological life and robotics. And the purpose of that is for extermination — because they don’t want anything of the old world. They want a new world…

I can show you military documents that talk about the old humans and the new humans. And they want, by 2025, to have the old humans eradicated. And any human from now on basically has to be engineered in a laboratory and enhanced and augmented and part of the matrix…”


David Icke: 

“It makes perfect sense to me because, where I’m coming from… is that behind all this is a force that isn’t human. And it’s working through this network of, I think, largely hybrids — running this web that I call the global cult. And this non-human force is basically assimilating and transforming humans and human life — and, indeed, all life on earth, to fit its own design. And it’s been operating in the background. You can see it mentioned in all the ancient cultures, the Bible, everywhere… And it then makes sense that they would see us, as humans, in the way some humans see animals.”

Celeste Solum:

“Yeah. Basically, they believe that they are the custodians of the animals or the stock, the chattel. We’re nothing to them. And now is the time. They tolerated us for a time… But now is the time that they want to eradicate all life that is not made in a laboratory…”


David Icke: 

“…It seems, as I’ve observed their mentality through the years, that they are obsessed with order… They are very ill-at-ease with states of flux that they don’t control…”


Celeste Solum:

“They are retooling and rewiring our bodies. Each one of us right now has 20,000 to 30,000 nanoparticles… They’re not active… Right now, they are in a sensory capacity…”

David Icke:

“It’s clear — the whole agenda of transforming the human body. How is this going to be impacted by the covid vaccine? Because when you’ve got these psychopaths insistent, not least through mandatory, that every man, woman and child on the planet is vaccinated with this thing. It’s obviously not about a virus. It’s about the transformation of everyone’s body….” 

Celeste Solum:

“So many years ago, like over decades ago, DARPA wanted to put chips into…”

David Icke:

“For people who don’t know, DARPA is the technological development arm of the Pentagon and gives evil a bad name.”

Celeste Solum:

” Well, they do black ops…

So they wanted to put chips and RFIDs… in people’s brains but they didn’t want to have to do surgery. So after many, many years they came up with a gel that would do the same thing… This gel is called hydrogel or Quantum Dot…

So what will happen with the vaccine is, you’ll get it injected into you and then it assembles — it self assembles. And then it swarms through your body. There are 33 different classifications… of robots — each with a different mission and a payload deployed into your body…” 


David Icke:

“What’s the relevance to all of this… of the whole tecno-electromagnetic-5G web that’s being built all around us?… Does it have an effect of activating this to another level?”

Celeste Solum:

“So basically, how it works is they deployed all these…nano synbios into our body that… Their bellies are hollow. They can carry a poison… It can carry a virus, a bacteria, a fungus. It can carry… it has explosive capabilities — more explosive capability (one nanoparticle) than TNT… It gets its marching orders from the frequency that is being aimed at it. “


Celeste Solum:

“Back at the parting of the Red Sea in the Bible, it says the seas split. In the Hebrew… it talked about the sea coagulated like curds… And so, another breaking news story that I’m going to be sharing this week is —  between an enzyme and these nanoparticles they are coagulating our body like cheese curds. 

…what the doctor’s perceived as pneumonia was not pneumonia but a swarming of the nanoparticles into the lungs, making a… primitive coagulation– but they intend to do this to the whole bloodstream.  So, if they’re not going to get you one way, they’re going to get you another way.”


David Icke:

“What’s the significance then of … sticking this probe up people’s noses —  just fo this test — right up to the brain?”

Celeste Solum:

“A couple of different things. One, if you pierce the blood-brain barrier… But they really don’t need that because they’ve already figured out how to get this — these nanoparticles — to cross the blood-brain barrier. But you are then getting, in many instances, the hydrogel straight into the brain. It doesn’t even have to travel through the body…”


David Icke:

“The bottom line is, take your mind back. And stop just doing or believing what authority tells you…

Whatever happens, we keep going. Because not keeping going is just not an option.”



Original video is available at David Icke BitChute channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video will be  available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Links mentioned in this interview:

World Economic Forum: Pioneers of Change Summit 2020

International Barcode of Life

Consortium for the Barcode of Life

Barcode of Life Data Systems

Clade X Pandemic Exercise Segment 1, Segment 2, Segment 3, Segment 4


CIA Declassified & Sanitized version of The Adam and Eve Story (PDF)

World Organisation for Animal Health

Terrestrial Animal Health Code     Terrestrial Animal Health Code PDF

Terrestrial Manual — Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals

Aquatic Animal Health Code

Definition of “Stamping Out”

Manual on Procedures for Disease Eradication by Stamping Out 

The Beacon® Optofluidic System

Bill Gates and MIT Unveil Quantum Dots to Mark Children

DNA-Conjugated Magnetic Nanoparticles for Bio-Analytical and Biomedical Applications 

Celeste has a paid website/channel/community at $25 per month here: https://celestialreport.com

Celeste’s Christian/blblical-focused (free) website is shepherdsheart.life

Free content for Celeste will be coming soon on YouTube. Previously her free content was shared at diamondisc channel but will be moving to a new channel.  Check back with diamondisc for details: https://www.youtube.com/user/diamondisc/videos

Connect with David Icke at DavidIcke.com & Ickonic.com


 See videos related to The Story of Adam and Eve unclassified CIA document:

The Next End of the World | C.I.A. Classified

Bizarre Secret Files Released on Lost Ancient Human Civilizations…


David Icke: There is No Virus | Realizing That, the Big Picture of a Global Tyranny Agenda Becomes Clear

David Icke: There is No Virus | Realizing That, the Big Picture of a Global Tyranny Agenda Becomes Clear

by David Icke with Gareth Icke
November 13, 2020



Original video is available at David Icke BitChute channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

David Icke w/ Dr. Tom Cowan: Truth About Viruses & Bacteria, the Body as a Living Crystal, Your Heart Is Not a Pump & the Contagion Myth

David Icke w/ Dr. Tom Cowan: Truth About Viruses & Bacteria, the Body as a Living Crystal, Your Heart Is Not a Pump & the Contagion Myth

by David Icke with Dr. Tom Cowan, MD
November 11, 2020



Original video available at David Icke BitChute channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan, MD

Connect with David Icke

David Icke: “Common Law Is the Real Law of the Land” | Understand & Disconnect Yourself From the Deceit of Statute Law

David Icke: “Common Law Is the Real Law of the Land” | Understand & Disconnect Yourself From the Deceit of Statute Law


“It is a deceit imposed upon the human race, generation after generation, on a scale that beggers belief and defies the imagination.”

“Common law is the real law of the land. Not the laws coming out of government, government agencies, and the institutions of state in general. Not the laws administered by the police forces and other forms of law enforcement.”

“There are two different systems of law. One they don’t want you to know about and the other one, they want you to believe it’s something that actually it isn’t.”

“This appreciation of the difference between common law and what is called statute law…offers a way to disconnect yourself, and it seems your business, from the impositions of law imposed currently in all the covid nonsense by governments and its agencies.”

“Common law is lawful. Statute law is legal. These are different terms having different meanings.”

[Note: Enhanced audio version is at bottom of this post. Several reported difficulty hearing John Smith’s voice in the original post.]

How you can lawfully disconnect yourself, your family and your business from governments and the institutions of law enforcement and no longer comply with ‘Covid’ fascism. David Icke talks with common law expert John Smith at Commonlawcourt.com. A must-watch for those who choose freedom and want to end this madness.

by David Icke
November 8, 2020


Common Law Court website:

Governments, agencies, law enforcement, courts and institutions are CORPORATIONS:


Attention all law enforcement:


[Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:  We have enhanced the audio and uploaded to our channels as a service in sharing truth. Below you’ll find a version at our Lbry/Odysee channels with enhanced audio. Links to new versions on our BitChute & Brighteon channels will also be found as soon as they are finished processing on their servers.]

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry & Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Link to register under international Common Law

Connect with David Icke

David Icke’s Livestream Speech for Vancouver Mega Freedom Rally, October 17, 2020

David Icke’s Livestream Speech for Vancouver Mega Freedom Rally, October 17, 2020

by David Icke, DavidIcke.com
October 18, 2020


“Freedom is who we are. It’s what we are. It’s what we’ve always been.”
“When people say, ‘We must take our freedom back.’
No, no. We must simply stop giving it away.”


Original video available at David Icke BitChute channel and DavidIcke.com

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry & Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

David Icke Shares Work of German Neurologist: Masks Are Destroying Children’s Brains

David Icke Shares Work of German Neurologist: Masks Are Destroying Children’s Brains

by David Icke, DavidIcke.com
October 16 2020


Original video available at David Icke BitChute channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Lbry, Odysee & Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video.]

Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

See also:

German Neurologist Warns Against Wearing Facemasks: ‘Oxygen Deprivation Causes Permanent Neurological Damage’ by Henna Maria, Sott.net

David Icke Talks With Care Home Nurse Carley Stewart About Her Experience of a Fake ‘Pandemic’

David Icke Talks With Care Home Nurse Carley Stewart About Her Experience of a Fake ‘Pandemic’

by David Icke w/ Carley Stewart
October 5, 2020


Original video available at David Icke BitChute channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Lbry, Odysee & Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video.]

David Icke Talks to In View TV Australia

David Icke Talks to In View TV Australia

by In View TV Australia with David Icke
October 5, 2020


Available at David Icke Bitchute channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Lbry, Odysee & Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video.]

David Icke & Dr. Andrew Kaufman: Operation Moonshot & the Manipulation of Humanity

David Icke & Dr. Andrew Kaufman: Operation Moonshot & the Manipulation of Humanity

by Dr. Andrew Kaufmanw/ David Icke
September 30, 2020


Original video available at Andrew Kaufman YouTube channel.



[As a service to protect truth from censorship, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, LBRY, Odysee & Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video.]

David Icke & Gareth Icke Discuss SS-Style Police Violence at the September 26 “We Do Not Consent” Rally in Trafalgar Square, London

Johnson SS Attack Peaceful Protesters – It’s Fascism People – Time to Face It

by David Icke, DavidIcke.com
September 27, 2020


Original Video available at DavidIcke.com & David Icke BitChute channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, LBRY & Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video.]

See related videos about the violence at the September 26, 2020 rally.

David Icke’s Compelling & Empowering Speech at September 26, 2020 Massive Protest, Trafalgar Square, London

David Icke’s Compelling & Empowering Speech at September 26, 2020 Massive Protest, Trafalgar Square, London

by Peter Trott
September 26, 2020


Original video is available at Peter Trott‘s YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, LBRY & Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video.]

David Icke: Now They Are Coming for Your Kids

David Icke: Now They Are Coming for Your Kids

by David Icke, DavidIcke.com
September 25, 2020


[Mirrored at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Lbry & Brighteon channels.]

David’s Books Available Here: https://shop.davidicke.com

Latest News From David Icke:  www.davidicke.com

David Icke: On Love & Fear | “When You Open Your Heart, You Know That Death Is Nothing Except a Transfer of Attention”

David Icke: On Love & Fear | “When You Open Your Heart, You Know That Death Is Nothing Except a Transfer of Attention”

by JustMotivation
September 12, 2020


[As a service to protect truth from censorship, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, LBRY & Brighteon channels. All credit goes to the original source of this video.]

“Its Coming! Are You Prepared For This?” David Icke

For more inspiring and motivation videos subscribe to Just Motivation channel: https://youtube.com/c/JustMotivation

Watch the full interview here: freedomplatform.tv/icke

David Icke: https://ickonic.com

David Icke: Heading Back to Lockdown – Puppets Read Their Script

Heading Back to Lockdown – Puppets Read Their Script

by David Icke, davidicke.com
September 10, 2020


[As a service to protect truth from censorship, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, LBRY & Brighteon channels. All credit goes to the original source of this video.]

David Icke: Do You Hear the People Sing? Oh, Yes.

David Icke: Do You Hear the People Sing? Oh, Yes.

by David Icke, davidicke.com
September 4, 2020


Subscribe to DavidIcke’s BitChute channel.

[Mirrored at TCTL Lbry & Brighteon channels.]

The Answer is available now at https://shop.davidicke.com/product/the-answer-by-david-icke/

Sign up to the brand new Ickonic Media Platform – https://www.ickonic.com

David Icke’s Powerful Speech: #UniteForFreedom, London August 29, 2020

David Icke’s Powerful Speech: #UniteForFreedom, London August 29, 2020

by Black Mirror
August 29, 2020

Trafalgar Square Rally, 29th August 2020, 2:30pm


[Mirrored copies available at TCTL BitChute, Lbry & Brighteon channels.]

Find Black Mirror on YouTube

BLACK MIRROR is independent, unmonetized, and unaffiliated with any other channel.

BLACK MIRROR is in the matrix but not of it.

BLACK MIRROR does what it wants, respectfully.

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Where We Go One We Go All

David Icke w/ Dr. Andrew Kaufman: Truth About the ‘Virus’ Test | This Fraud Is How They Justify Locking Down All of Humanity

David Icke w/ Dr. Andrew Kaufman: Truth About the ‘Virus’ Test | This Fraud Is How They Justify Locking Down All of Humanity

by David Icke with Dr. Andrew Kaufman
August 24, 2020


Dr. Andrew Kaufman brings deeper analysis of the PCR tests and antibody testing going on globally.

This illuminating conversation reveals more of the seriously-flawed ‘science’ around the ‘pandemic’ as well as the psychological, emotional and spiritual effects of acquiescing to this deception.

“Certainly the policies in the schools are going to ruin a generation of children.” ~ Dr. Andrew Kaufman

“We have the opportunity to teach our own children how to see through this stuff and think for themselves — and not be indoctrinated in that system.” ~ David Icke

Video mirrored from DavidIcke BitChute channel.

[also available at TCTL BitChute, Lbry & Brighteon channels.]

David Icke w/ Alex Jones: We Have the Power

David Icke w/ Alex Jones: We Have the Power

by David Icke as interviewed by Alex Jones
August 21, 2020

The Answer is available now at https://shop.davidicke.com/product/the-answer-by-david-icke/

[also available at TCTL BitChute, Lbry & Brighteon channels]

David Icke: ‘Covid 19’ Is a ‘Virus’ of the Human Mind

David Icke: ‘Covid 19’ Is a ‘Virus’ of the Human Mind

by David Icke, davidicke.com
August 14, 2020



David Icke: This Could Be the Turning Point When Humanity Got Off Its Freaking Knees

This is happening worldwide | David Icke

by Get 2 know
August 2, 2020



Mirrored copies also available on TCTL BitChute & LBRY channels.


See also: David Icke 8/2/2020 interview with Brian Rose — The Answer


David Icke: The Answer – Full Length Interview

David Icke: The Answer – Full Length Interview

by David Icke
interviewed by Brian Rose, London Real
August 2, 2020


We are in the midst of a high stakes INFORMATION WAR unlike anything ever seen in human history. Censorship is rife. Oppression of FREE SPEECH is now commonplace.

We have two choices:

1. To accept it, to acquiesce, to comply and hope for better days OR

2. To educate ourselves, openly debate, fight back, and create a better world for future generations


Watch Here at Freedom Platform: ROSE/ICKE V: THE ANSWER

Also mirrored on TCTL BitChute channel.

How They Pulled Off the ‘Pandemic’ – an Animated Film by David Icke

How They Pulled Off the ‘Pandemic’ – an Animated Film Explanation by David Icke

by David Icke, davidicke.com
July 24, 2020


We release this free of copyright and so please share, download and post wherever you can.
Let’s make this go globally viral.
Also available on TCTL BitChute & LBRY channels.