Chemtrails Exposed: The Deep State and the New Manhattan Project

Chemtrails Exposed: The Deep State and the New Manhattan Project

by Peter A. Kirby, Activist Post
January 14, 2019


Who is behind putting hundreds, perhaps thousands of large jet aircraft in the sky that routinely dump megatons of toxic waste over us and our biosphere?

We know it is happening. Emissions from jet aircraft that visibly stretch from horizon-to-horizon and spread out as they persist for hours obviously consist of particulate matter. We see these things regularly in all the industrialized countries of the world. Many rainwater sample test results routinely show highly anomalous levels of many different toxins including aluminum, barium, and strontium. The California Air Resources Board has found alarmingly high levels of aluminum and barium in the air that we breathe. Career scientists from the Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Forest Service, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture as well as a retired U.S. Air Force Major General have all blown the whistle.  A world-famous PhD scientist, in many published, peer-reviewed journal articles, has confirmed that the substance being sprayed is coal fly ash; a toxic waste. None of this hard scientific evidence can be disproven.

Motives are plenty. Control of the weather is God-like power and has many military and financial market applications.

Your author has for many years now been exposing huge swaths of this secret global weather modification project he appropriately calls the New Manhattan Project. For a good exploration of the currently known evidence, hard or otherwise, please refer to the author’s book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project.

As far as the day-to-day dirty work is concerned, the most probable culprits are: the Air Force, the Navy, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the Mitre Corporation, Raytheon, the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the National Center for Atmospheric Research, Lawrence Livermore National Labs, the Department of Energy, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and others.

But who is the power behind the throne?

This Project requires only the most effective and comprehensive global support network. And although this Project has only been fully operational domestically for a little over 20 years, it has been in development since the mid-1940s. So for all this time, who and what has coddled and nurtured and executively organized this Project from behind the scenes?

The Deep State

The deep state refers to a parallel secret government, organized by the intelligence and security apparatus, financed by drugs, and engaging in illicit violence, to protect the status and interests of the military against threats from intellectuals, religious groups, and occasionally the constitutional government. – UC Berkeley Professor Emeritus Peter Dale Scott

There has been a recent addition to the view afforded by our current Overton Window: the deep state. We have been hearing about it a lot in the New and Old Medias lately and a recent poll by Monmouth University finds that a large bipartisan majority feels that National policy is being manipulated or directed by it.

Sponsored by the global corporate superstate, the deep state is now being recognized for what it is: a cancerous growth that has infested itself into our otherwise legitimate democratic republic and metastasized to become like a 38 lb. tumor around our collective necks. The deep state consists of groups of individuals working together to secretly misuse the force of our government for their own selfish purposes. Just like the New Manhattan Project, it’s big, it’s highly organized, and it’s bad.

Although chemtrails and the New Manhattan Project have yet to enter the view currently afforded by today’s conventional wisdom, there is lots of evidence indicating that these things have been brought to us by the deep state and this article explores that evidence.

This article is the product of a lengthy investigation into the American government’s seedy underbelly and its contributions to the biggest scientific effort in history. The names uncovered here read like a who’s who of the establishment. Here the reader will see the evidence indicating that deep state players such as: the Central Intelligence Agency, the Nazis, the Council on Foreign Relations, General Electric, Bush, Rockefeller, and others are the most probable culprits. They’ve left their fingerprints all over it! Let us begin.

The Nazis and the CIA

And ye shall know the truth. And the truth shall make you free. – John, VIII: 32

There is no shortage of evidence indicating that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is the overall, day-to-day manager and coordinator of today’s New Manhattan Project (NMP). Created just after WWII with the National Security Act of 1947 and later enhanced by the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, the CIA is a creature of the global corporate superstate and it uses the resources of our government, most notably our military, to accomplish its ends. We’ve known for a long time now that the New Manhattan Project is of a military nature, so that makes nothing but sense.  And the other thing… oh yeah, corporations run the world.

In his book Chemtrails Exposed and in many articles, your author has presented lots of evidence linking the CIA to the NMP. From these sources, we already know that the CIA has historically owned and operated large fleets of covertly operating aircraft. The CIA has worked extensively on lots of high-technology applicable to the New Manhattan Project. The CIA has a huge influence over our media which can be used to cover-up and tell lies about the NMP. In fact, in the course of their doings, the CIA has participated in the publication of many documents with direct relevance to the NMP. Many key players in the NMP’s development have had direct connections to the CIA. One apparently very important player, William F. Raborn was briefly the director of the CIA. More recently, the author has uncovered yet more evidence linking the CIA to the NMP. As our story unfolds, this new evidence will be presented here.

It all goes back to the beginning. The origins of the CIA are very telling and they are germane not only to the rest of this section, but they also provide a background for the rest of this article. It all started in the final years of World War Two. As it was beginning to dawn upon the Germans that they were going to lose this thing, upper management decided to make deals with one Allen Welsh Dulles who, in theory was representing the United States Government but, in practice was working for the global corporate superstate; also known as the deep state.

Allen Dulles (1893-1969), stationed in Bern, Switzerland at the time and working for the CIA’s predecessor, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), was among the most influential people in laying the groundwork for the later formation of the CIA. Although there is no officially recognized founder of the CIA, a strong argument can be made for Dulles being that person. He and a handful of others went on to fill the CIA’s nascent ranks with Nazis. This process began before the conclusion of WWII with a secret mission called Operation Sunrise. Among the few Germans most instrumental in beginning this process were Nazi Generals Reinhard Gehlen (1902-1979) and Karl Wolff (1900-1984). After WWII, the bulk of the former Nazis came to America as part of something called Operation Paperclip. Allen Dulles ended up being one of the earliest directors of the Agency and to this day he is the longest serving director of the CIA. He ran the CIA for 8 years with virtually no congressional oversight and the impact of his legacy continues today. For these reasons, Allen Dulles and his more famous brother Secretary of State John Foster Dulles are persons of interest here and are referred to throughout.

Allen Dulles

Journalist Linda Hunt writes in her groundbreaking and thorough 1991 book Secret Agenda, “At least sixteen hundred scientific and research specialists and thousands of their dependents were brought to the U.S. under Operation Paperclip. Hundreds of others arrived under two other Paperclip-related projects [Project National Interest and Project 63] and went to work for universities, defense contractors, and CIA fronts.” The CIA was instrumental throughout this entire process.

Many of the former Nazis who became CIA agents were drawn from something called Amt VI (Department 6) of the SS RHSA (Reichssicherheitshauptamt or Reich Main Security Office). This was Nazi Germany’s equivalent of the CIA. During the war, the German intelligence experts working for Amt VI of the SS RHSA were commonly involved in hunting down and exterminating Communists and Jews.

Most of the other portions of the CIA’s early ranks were filled with Americans; mostly Ivy League and Wall Street types; many from Yale University in particular, the home of the notorious Skull and Bones secret society.

One may wonder how this happened. Wasn’t Nazi Germany horrendously evil? Why were they not completely destroyed? Didn’t the Nazis systematically exterminate millions of innocent men, women, and children? They did. But, they were also supported by the Western deep state. And in that case, the rules of the game are very different.

Even though Hitler was an outrageous anti-Semite and infinitely aggressive war-monger from the beginning and through to the end, the Nazis enjoyed tremendous early business and moral support amongst many of the most rich and powerful people in the Western World. In fact, the deep state built the Nazi war machine. Many of the biggest American and European corporations did tremendous business with the Nazis after World War One; during the building and maintenance of the Nazi WWII war machine. Many executives from the German subsidiaries of General Electric, Standard Oil, and other large American corporations were part of an inner circle of Heinrich Himmler’s friends doing business in Weimar Republic and Nazi Germany. Of course, later, when it became socially unacceptable to support or to have anything to do with the Nazis, and as they were losing the war, the public sieg-heilling amongst the Western elites came to an end. The evidence now shows that it simply went underground.

But the facts remain. International Business Machines (IBM) custom built early punch card computers specifically to manage the Holocaust which they then leased and regularly maintained. Henry Ford was famously an acolyte of Hitler whose company did lots of very serious business with the Nazis. We will soon explore the roles of General Electric and Rockefeller’s Standard Oil in all of this. Allen Dulles himself was a big wheel at a Wall Street law firm by the name of Sullivan and Cromwell where his brother John Foster Dulles was a partner. John Foster Dulles was an international attorney for dozens of Nazi enterprises. Sullivan and Cromwell financed the German arms manufacturer Krupp AG and managed the finances of I.G. Farben, the German chemical company that was the Nazi war effort and manufactured almost all of the Zyklon B gas used to exterminate millions of Communists and Jews.

From his landmark book Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, ivy league academic Antony Sutton provides further illustration here as he chimes in right on time, “It is important to note as we develop our story that General Motors, Ford, General Electric, DuPont and the handful of U.S. companies intimately involved with the development of Nazi Germany were – except for the Ford Motor Company – controlled by the Wall Street elite – the J.P. Morgan firm, the Rockefeller Chase Bank and to a lesser extent the Warburg Manhattan bank.” Most, if not all of these firms also donated (through their German subsidiaries) significant funds to the Nazi party’s political campaigns. Sutton’s work is based on documents which surfaced during the post-war Nuremberg Trials. Information refuting Sutton’s assertions pertaining to these matters is based on hearsay.

We are linking the Nazis and their fellow travelers to the New Manhattan Project here because: they share an intertwined history with the CIA, they had cutting edge technology such as that which is employed in the New Manhattan Project, they were very militaristic and the NMP is a military project, and many of them (especially at the top) had little to no regard for the sanctity of life, such as that which is exhibited by the people omniciding Humanity and the Earth with chemtrail spray today as part of the NMP. For these reasons it is logical to assert that the Third Reich and its documented continuing legacy play an important role in the New Manhattan Project. It is for these reasons also that this paper now expounds upon Operation Paperclip’s indiscretions and, more importantly, the possible roles of former Nazi scientists in the production of the New Manhattan Project. It is also for these reasons that, a little later, we will examine in this paper the role of many rich and powerful people and organizations that share compelling connections to both the Nazi regime’s rise and fall and the New Manhattan Project.

The main reason given for importing Nazi scientists into America was that we needed to deny the Soviets attaining these individuals. But the man running Operation Paperclip, U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel William Henry Whalen was later convicted of being a Soviet spy. There is evidence that the dreaded Soviets had penetrated Operation Paperclip almost from the beginning.

In reality, Operation Paperclip was carried out in order to maintain and grow the deep state and the New Manhattan Project. Our good friend and founder of the New Manhattan Project Vannevar Bush advocated strongly on behalf of Operation Paperclip Nazi scientists. Sputnik in 1957 greatly accelerated their importation.

German Paperclip scientists were inserted into just about every major organization associated with the development and production of the New Manhattan Project including (but not limited to): Radio Corporation of America, CBS Laboratories, the Naval Ordnance Testing Station at China Lake, the Desert Research Institute, Pennsylvania State University, The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and General Electric.

Another reason given by the CIA for secretly importing former Nazis is the high quality of German science. The German scientist in particular was good at what he did because Germany is the birthplace of modern science. Let us refer to eminent historian John Cornwell and his excellent book Hitler’s Scientists:

By the end of the first decade of the twentieth century, Germany had become the international Mecca of science. Researchers, basic and applied, flocked to German universities from all over the world; learned German to read the leading science journals and to participate in conferences and seminars. Germany was well placed to take a leading role in the development of a new physics that would transform the technology of the century, involving from the outset Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Max Born, Werner Heisenberg and Erwin Schrödinger, German-speakers all, alongside scientists from Denmark, the Netherlands, France and Britain. In turn, the new physics led to quantum mechanics and, ultimately, to nuclear physics, the science of the atom and the hydrogen bomb.

Although most of the Operation Paperclip scientists and researchers were not the worst offenders here, a great number of the Operation Paperclip Nazis were guilty of horrific war crimes. American intelligence officials regularly covered these facts up by illegally expunging evidence of much of this from the records of hundreds of Operation Paperclip Nazis. Because of this, we don’t know all of what the Operation Paperclip Nazis did over the course of the war. They probably expunged the worst stuff. What we do know is not good. Some of the more infamous benefactors of Operation Paperclip’s amnesty were: Karl Wolff, Otto von Bolschwing, Robert Verbelen, Klaus Barbie, Alois Brunner, Eugen Dollmann, Herbert Wagner, Georg Rickhey, and Otto Ambros. We will now take a brief look at a few of these Operation Paperclip Nazis.

The aforementioned General Karl Wolff was third in command of the entire SS and responsible for arranging the transportation of people to the concentration camps. A German court would later find Wolff complicit in the murder of three hundred thousand men, women, and children.

During the war, Otto von Bolschwing (1909-1982) instigated a massacre of innocent civilians in Bucharest and was a senior aide to the ‘Architect of the Holocaust’ Adolf Eichmann. Bolschwing later worked for the CIA.

Robert Verbelen (1911-1990) was sentenced to death in absentia for war crimes including the torture of two U.S. Air Force pilots. He also worked as a contract spy for the U.S. Army, which knew about his background.

Klaus Barbie (1913-1991), also known as ’The Butcher of Lyons,’ was the head of the Nazi Gestapo. During the war, working out of occupied Lyons, France, Barbie deported Jews to death camps, tortured and murdered French resistance fighters, and served as the local political police. Barbie went on to work for U.S. intelligence in Germany. Barbie also went on in 1971 to recruit a mercenary army of neofascist terrorists which conducted a three-day coup in order to install a narco-friendly regime in Bolivia. The resulting large increase in coca production benefited his shipping firm Transmaritania.

Otto Ambros (1901-1990) was a director of I.G. Farben who took part in the decision to use Zyklon B gas to murder millions of people. Hunt explains that he, “personally selected Auschwitz as the site of an I.G. Farben factory, which he later managed, because Auschwitz concentration camp prisoners could be used as slaves in the factory.” At this factory the slave laborers were worked to death and often murdered. Hunt tells us that, “Ambros was found guilty of slavery and mass murder at Nuremberg, but he was sentenced to a mere eight years’ imprisonment.” Even during his time in jail, the U.S. government kept Ambros listed as available for employment. At the order of the High Commissioner of Germany, John McCloy, Ambros was released from prison in 1951. He immediately went to work as a consultant to W.R. Grace, Dow Chemical, other American companies, and the U.S. Army Chemical Corps operating out of Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland. At the Edgewood Arsenal, Ambrose conducted poison gas experiments upon over 7,000 American soldiers. Now do you think that the people running this show would hesitate to spray our civilian population with coal fly ash as is done today?

More pertinently, some of the benefactors of Operation Paperclip’s amnesty are also known to have gone on to do work in the atmospheric sciences and other areas relevant to the New Manhattan Project. These men include: Wernher von Braun, Walter Dornberger, Martin Schilling, Kurt Debus, Arthur Rudolph, Ernst Czerlinsky, Hans Joachim Naake, Albert Pfeiffer, and Hans Dolezalek. We will now take a look at each.

Wernher von Braun (1912-1977) was an SS officer who developed rockets with his mentor and fellow Operation Paperclip benefactor Nazi General Walter Dornberger at the hellish Peenemünde slave labor camp. Von Braun applied to join the Nazi SS in 1933, was a Nazi party member since 1937, and later joined the SS at the personal behest of SS chief Himmler in 1940. Von Braun’s story is told in the most detail here because he was the de facto political leader of the Operation Paperclip Nazis. In fact, von Braun hand-picked about 120 researchers for the Operation. Many former Nazis worked under and around him. Von Braun’s story is the story of many of his fellow Operation Paperclip Nazi scientists.

Wernher von Braun

Von Braun’s early work in America involved the further development of missiles based on the German V-2 rocket which the Nazis had used to terrorize Britain during the war. This work was conducted at the U.S. Army’s Fort Bliss in Texas, at the White Sands Proving Ground in New Mexico, and at the Redstone Arsenal in Alabama. Von Braun and many of his fellow Operation Paperclip Nazi scientists later worked for NASA.

Let us refer again to historian John Cornwell:

Helped by the British, the Americans, led by Colonel Holger Toftoy (Chief of US Ordnance Rocket Branch), shipped to the United States V1 and V2 rockets and all the spares they could lay their hands on. The Americans also grabbed an entire supersonic wind tunnel from Bavaria, a submarine with an advanced propulsion system, and many different types of aircraft including jet prototypes and rocket planes. The loot transported to the Air Document Research Center at Wright Field in the United States included tons of designs.

At the White Sands Proving Ground, von Braun and his fellow former Nazi scientists lived in barracks alongside men working for General Electric. Before GE became involved, the army was working on its budding missile programs with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. The White Sands Proving Ground in New Mexico is also the location where the world’s first atomic bomb blast known as Trinity occurred. On the 16th of April, 1947 the combined German-GE team launched their first rocket.

The move to Huntsville began in April of 1950. Michael Neufeld writes, “Moving several hundred personnel, plus shops and test equipment, out of Fort Bliss and setting them up in converted buildings at Redstone Arsenal was a job that took six months.” Neufeld continues, “For Wernher and Maria von Braun, and for almost all the other Germans who came with them, Huntsville quickly became home. For the first time they could live outside of a fenced-in base and integrate themselves into American daily life.”

At the Redstone Arsenal, von Braun’s initial title was project director of the Ordnance Guided Missile Center. As a result of a big order from the auto manufacturer Chrysler, von Braun expanded his operations. Neufeld tells us that, “The construction of this in-house industrial capacity, along with cumulative army decisions to build substantial laboratories for guidance, computers, and other fields, gradually rebuilt von Braun’s empire to dimensions not seen since Peenemünde. In mid-1952 he and the other Paperclip Germans were converted to regular civil service status; in January 1953 he became the civilian head of a division for the first time: the Guided Missile Development Division of the renamed Ordnance Missile Laboratories, now commanded by Holger Toftoy. As part of a decentralization of authority in Ordnance, Toftoy had been promoted to brigadier general and sent down from Washington, displacing, much to von Braun’s relief, Hamill and his ‘regime of junior officers.’ By September 1954 von Braun had 950 employees; four years later that number had quadrupled to 3,925. Once again he proved to be a virtuoso in building and managing huge, complex, technically demanding programs.” In 1955 von Braun and 102 other Germans were sworn in as American citizens in Huntsville.

Operation Paperclip Nazi scientists

Von Braun and his fellow Operation Paperclip Nazi scientists were officially transferred to NASA on July 1, 1960. As the first director of NASA’s sprawling Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, von Braun worked with his fellow former Nazis producing the rocket that would launch America’s first satellite and, separately, the gigantic Saturn rockets designed to take Americans to the moon. But more important to this discussion are his contributions to the field of atmospheric science. At NASA von Braun helped develop modified versions of the German V-2 rocket for use in atmospheric soundings; a way to map and therefore gain a better understanding of Earth’s atmosphere.

As part of his work in the atmospheric sciences, von Braun also participated in operations Argus and Hardtack which involved detonating nuclear bombs in the high atmosphere (lower-ionosphere). These operations allowed our scientists to better map the auroral electrojet; a major aspect of our planet’s space weather, which has a direct effect on the weather we experience daily down here in the troposphere.

It is interesting to note that operations Argus, Hardtack, and other similar operations were funded and coordinated by the newly formed Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). ARPA was founded in 1958 with the help of von Braun’s boss at the Redstone Arsenal, Major General John Bruce Medaris. ARPA’s first director was GE Vice President Roy Johnson. We will look into GE’s pervasive connections to the New Manhattan Project shortly.

Because weather satellites play an important role in the NMP, it is also very interesting to understand that von Braun apparently had something to do with the production of the first line of dedicated American weather satellites. Eminent historian Michael J. Neufeld writes, “When the Defense Department made it clear in early 1958 that space reconnaissance was an air force mission, a typically inventive von Braun told an RCA engineer: ‘Let’s look at clouds!’ The army/RCA proposal evolved into a weather satellite project that later went to NASA as Tiros.” Tiros was the first line of American weather satellites dedicated to weather observation.

In his later years, von Braun became the vice president for engineering and development at an American aerospace firm called Fairchild Industries. It was during his time with Fairchild in September of 1974 that von Braun travelled to the North Slope of Alaska to visit the Prudhoe Bay Oil Field; not a very popular destination. This is of note to our discussion because the world’s largest and most versatile electromagnetic energy generator known to be able to control the weather in the fashion of the New Manhattan Project (HAARP) is powered by the natural gas coming out of the ground at Prudhoe Bay.

Now let us take a look at the other Operation Paperclip Nazi scientists who did work in the atmospheric sciences and other areas relevant to the New Manhattan Project.

Von Braun’s mentor Walter Dornberger (1895-1980) was the head of V-2 rocket development at the Peenemünde slave labor camp. Later in the war, Dornberger also convinced Hitler to build the Nordhausen rocket factory where at least 20,000 prisoners from the nearby Dora concentration camp were worked to death. After the war, he was initially interned in British POW camps, but in 1947, immediately after his release, he went to work on a classified rocketry program at the then Wright Field near Dayton, Ohio. Today this installation is known as Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and it is the most probable location used to develop the proprietary aircraft of today’s chemtrail fleet. Dornberger went on to become a senior Vice President of the Bell Aerosystems Division of the Textron Corporation. He was never officially questioned about his role at the Peenemünde death camp.

Martin Schilling (1911-2000) was a developer of the German V2 rocket during WWII as well. In 1958 he went to work for Raytheon where he went on to attain the rank of vice president for research and engineering. Evidence suggests that Raytheon manages much if not all of the directed electromagnetic energy portions of today’s New Manhattan Project.

Kurt Debus (1908-1983) was a member of the SS, the SA Brownshirts, and two other Nazi groups. He was also the V-2 flight test director at the Peenemünde slave labor camp. Debus went on to become the first director of NASA’s Kennedy Space Center. Over the course of his work in America, Dr. Debus launched more than 150 missiles and space vehicles including the USA’s first earth satellite Explorer I. NASA has produced many technologies pertinent to the New Manhattan Project. The U.S. Army gave him its highest civilian decoration, the Exceptional Civilian Service Medal in 1959.

Arthur Rudolph (1906-1996) was the director of NASA’s Saturn V rocket program designed to send Americans to the moon and the former head of production at the Mittelwerk slave labor death camp.

Ernst Czerlinsky, a former member of the SS, went to work at the Air Force Cambridge Research Center. The Air Force Cambridge Research Center did work on technologies later used in the New Manhattan Project such as advanced air traffic control systems and ionospheric heaters.

Hans Joachim Naake was a radar specialist. Radar, and specifically over-the-horizon radar, plays an important role in the development of the New Manhattan Project as these things are the predecessors of the ionospheric heaters which modify the weather as part of today’s NMP. Being that Naake was a radar specialist, he was probably working on over-the-horizon radar because that was the most cutting edge radar technology of the time.

At the U.S. Army’s Edgewood Arsenal, Albert Pfeiffer, a high-ranking Nazi scientist during the war, worked on new ways to disseminate airborne chemical warfare agents. Does that sound familiar?

Lastly, Hans Dolezalek is a distinguished German meteorologist who worked for the Wehrmacht Weather Service during WWII. He was also an early member of the Nazi SA Brownshirts. Even though Nazi scientists were not supposed to be brought in after 1948, an exception was made. Dolezalek visited America in 1958 in order to attend a major meteorological conference and subsequently accepted a job with AVCO (Aviation Corporation) in Wilmington, Massachusetts. In 1985, AVCO was acquired by the aforementioned Textron for $2.9B. With this acquisition, Textron nearly doubled in size. Initially the acquired AVCO became a division of Textron known as Textron Defense Systems. Textron Defense Systems evolved into today’s Textron Systems Weapons & Sensor Systems; a leader in intelligence-gathering capabilities and ‘advanced protection systems.’ This is the same Textron Corporation that employed von Braun’s mentor Walter Dornberger.

Dolezalek has worked extensively in the vein of the New Manhattan Project. He has done lots of work in the area of atmospheric electricity and artificial ionization. He has also done work for the Office of Naval Research; an organization with strong implications for the development of the NMP.

In 1989 the Department of Defense announced that they were filling exempted positions under the ‘program for utilization of alien scientists.’ This program was being run by the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency’s Research and Engineering Enterprise. This is the group that took over Operation Paperclip after it was disbanded in 1962. Thirteen of the new recruits were to work at NASA. The new hires included an unnamed ‘world-renowned climatologist.’ These NASA scientists worked at: the Langley Research Center (near the CIA’s headquarters), Ames Research Center at Moffet Field, and Goddard Space Flight Center.

Operation Paperclip had the official support of the United States and its military. That means that many high-ranking US military officers were fully aware of the situation and what was going on. Some were enthusiastic about it. Among those enjoying secretly bringing in the former Nazis was Army Air Corps Colonel Donald L. Putt.

Colonel Donald Putt was among those who initially reviewed captured Nazi aircraft at the Hermann Göering Aeronautical Research Institute in Brunswick, Germany. According to Linda Hunt, after seeing the facilities, swept-back wing aircraft, and other inventions there, “Putt gathered the Germans together and, without approval from higher authorities in the War Department, promised them jobs at Wright Field if they would go with him to a holding center for captured personnel in Bad Kissingen. He also promised to send their families to the United States, then instructed the scientists to sell all of their belongings and to travel light.”

By the Fall of 1946, there were 140 former Nazi scientists working under Colonel Putt at Wright Field. They included: Theodor Zobel, Adolf Busemann, General Herhudt von Rohden, and Rudolf Hermann. Although many of Putt’s Nazis were known to have committed heinous acts of violence during the war, Putt coddled, protected, and covered for his subordinates every step of the way. Putt went on to be promoted to the rank of lieutenant general and to become the military director of the Scientific Advisory Board to the Air Force Chief of Staff.

Donald L. Putt

A top ranking CIA man named Frank Wisner handled the CIA investigations of all Operation Paperclip Germans and helped obtain visas for Paperclip scientists. Wisner was the officer who formally accepted the aforementioned Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen’s surrender. Later, as director of the CIA’s Office of Policy Coordination, Wisner was also instrumental in the founding and later purchase of Civil Air Transport (CAT). CAT is one of the logical predecessors of today’s dedicated chemtrail fleet and, as we will see near the end of this piece, CAT ran the opium out of Southeast Asia. Wisner is most famous for being the CIA man who ended up going crazy and subsequently blowing his own brains out with his son’s shotgun.

Frank Wisner

Frank Wisner’s son Frank Wisner, Jr. went on to serve as a U.S. ambassador to: Zambia, Egypt, the Philippines, and India. He has also served as the U.S. Under Secretary of Defense for Policy and the Under Secretary of State for International Security Affairs. Most curiously though, Jr. was serving as the acting Secretary of State in 1996 when the large-scale domestic spraying operations began.

Frank Wisner Jr.

The CIA is on record as having sponsored domestic aerial spraying of biological agents.

A researcher by the name of Frank Olson and another by the name of Norman Cournoyer conducted CIA sponsored research out of Camp Detrick, Maryland. David Talbot in The Devil’s Chessboard writes:

After the war, they [Olson and Cournoyer] had traveled around the United States, supervising the spraying of biological agents from aircraft and crop dusters. Some of the tests, which were conducted in cities like San Francisco as well as rural areas in the Midwest, involved harmless chemicals, but others featured more dangerous toxins. In Alaska – where the two men sought to stage their experiments in an environment that resembled wintertime Russia – “We used a spore which is very similar [to] anthrax,’ Cournoyer recalled. ‘So to that extent we did something that was not kosher.’ One of their research colleagues, a bacteriologist named Dr. Harold Batchelor, learned aerial spray techniques from the infamous Dr. Kurt Blome, director of the Nazis’ biological warfare program.

Nazi biological warfare research, led by Dr. Kurt Blome (1894-1969), included experimentations on prisoners in concentration camps. Blome was later hired by the U.S. Army Chemical Corps to conduct new biological weapons research.

Kurt Blome

Frank Olson was the guy who, one week after being covertly dosed with Central Intelligence Agency LSD, died when he leapt (or was pushed) from a tenth floor window of the Statler Hotel in midtown Manhattan.

Frank Olson

So, in short, yes it’s most probably the CIA and there are apparently former Nazis and their families and friends and probably their offspring working with them. This type of stuff has been going on for a long time now.

The CIA’s Directorate of Science and Technology

A most probable place for the New Manhattan Project to reside inside of the CIA is in their Directorate of Science and Technology (DS&T). This Directorate has been at the cutting edge of two areas of technology relevant to the New Manhattan Project: satellite reconnaissance and over-the-horizon radar. Satellites can monitor atmospheric conditions and track atmospheric particles while over-the-horizon (OTH) radar is the direct predecessor of today’s ionospheric heaters which can modify the weather in the fashion of the New Manhattan Project.

Largely funded by the air force, the CIA’s Directorate of Science and Technology was created in 1963 by CIA chief John McCone. With the exception of a few, more esoteric systems, the technologies perfected by the Directorate are commonly turned over to the Defense Department. Shortly after the Directorate’s formation, Robert McNamara and the Pentagon led an effort to put the military in control of all technical collection which eventually became one of the reasons that Director McCone resigned. William Raborn’s directorship followed.

Richard Bissell as the head of Clandestine Services, was a driving force behind the development of space satellites for intelligence purposes.

The Directorate ran OTH radar facilities in Pakistan and later in Taiwan under the project names EARTHLING and CHECKWROTE respectively.

The Directorate enjoys a very cozy relationship with academia. The authors of The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence write that, “The Directorate of Science and Technology employed individual professors, and at times entire university departments or research institutes, for its research and development projects.” Marchetti and Marks continue, “in many cases, the CIA’s research involvement on the campuses went much deeper than simply serving as the patron of scholarly work.” The authors go on to note that, “the Clandestine Services had their own research links with universities, for the purpose of developing better espionage tools (listening devices, advanced weapons, invisible inks, etc.).” The authors then go on to note that, “The Clandestine Services at times have used a university to provide cover or even assist in a covert operation overseas.”

The first director of the Directorate, Albert ‘Bud’ Wheelon worked extensively on satellites. He left the DS&T in 1966 and went to Hughes Aircraft where he eventually became CEO and chairman of the board. During his time at Hughes, they became the world’s preeminent supplier of communications satellites. These facts are significant because satellites are an integral part of the New Manhattan Project and Hughes Aircraft has many connections to the NMP as well.

Albert ‘Bud’ Wheelon

Another most notable head of the CIA’s Directorate for Science and Technology is one Donald Kerr. He served in that position from 2001-2005.  Before that he worked for the Department of Energy as the Deputy Assistant Secretary and Acting Assistant Secretary for Defense Programs and later for Energy Technology. He has published many papers on ionospheric research. He currently serves on the advisory board of MIT’s Lincoln Laboratory. He graduated from MIT. He holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering, a master’s degree in microwave electronics, and a doctorate in plasma physics and microwave electronics. He is currently the Vice Chairman of the Mitre Corporation; the NMP’s most probable executor of all of the NMP’s scientific aspects. It is also very interesting to note that, along with Samuel Goudsmit of Operation Alsos (a forerunner of Operation Paperclip), Kerr worked with Luis Alvarez and Alfred Lee Loomis on early air traffic control systems and he worked on early over-the-horizon radar research that eventually resulted in today’s ionospheric heaters which employ electromagnetic energy to control our weather. These experiments were carried out under the auspices of MIT’s wartime Radiation Laboratory. In short, over the years, Donald Kerr has worked with many of the key players, in many of the key areas, on many of the key projects, and for many of the key organizations involved in the production of technologies germane to the New Manhattan Project.

Donald Kerr

The Council on Foreign Relations

Along with the Operation Paperclip Nazis, another group inextricably intertwined with the most probable managers of today’s New Manhattan Project (the CIA) is the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). They’ve been going on endlessly about the need to spray us with massive amounts of material from aircraft. We are also interested in the CFR because in 2016, the former director of the CIA John ‘Stratospheric Aerosol Injection’ Brennan famously advocated for geoengineering at their headquarters in Manhattan known as Pratt House. Immediately after this section, we will have more about the enigmatic Mr. Brennan, but in the meantime we will take a look at the CFR and their role in the New Manhattan Project.

The Council on Foreign Relations serves two purposes. It is at once a globalist think-tank and an establishment mouthpiece. Most other high-profile think-tanks are not nearly as vocal. The CFR enjoys an extremely cozy relationship not only with our U.S. State Department, but also with the CIA. With alarming frequency, the ideas emanating from the CFR become official United States Government policy. The CFR is the public face of the deep state lobby upon our government.

The CFR was formed in order to influence public opinion. James Perloff, in his book The Shadows of Power recounts the story:

Well before the Senate’s vote on ratification, news of its resistance to the League of Nations reached Colonel [Edward] House, members of the Inquiry, and other U.S. internationalists gathered in Paris. It was clear that America would not join the realm of world government unless something was done to shift its climate of opinion. Under House’s direction, these men, along with some members of the British delegation to the Conference, held a series of meetings. On May 30, 1919, at a dinner at the Majestic Hotel, it was resolved that an ‘Institute of International Affairs’ would be formed. It would have two branches – one in the United States, one in England.

The American branch became incorporated in New York as the Council on Foreign Relations on July 29, 1921.

Once again, Allen Dulles and his more famous brother John Foster Dulles show up. The brothers Dulles were among a small group of influential and wealthy individuals who founded the CFR. John Foster Dulles was a founding member of the CFR and regularly contributed articles to their most widely-read publication called Foreign Affairs beginning with the first issue. In 1926 Allen Dulles joined the CFR and in 1927 he was elected as the first president of the Council on Foreign Relations.

From his soundproof room at Pratt House, Allen Dulles wielded tremendous power. David Talbot, author of The Devil’s Chessboard writes:

When it came to undertaking secret missions, Allen Dulles was a bold and decisive actor. But he acted only after he felt that a consensus had been reached within his influential network. One of the principal arenas where this consensus took shape was the Council on Foreign Relations. The Dulles brothers and their Wall Street Circle had dominated this private bastion for shaping public policy ever since the 1920s. Over the years, CFR meetings, study groups, and publications provided forums in which the organization’s leading members – including Wall Street bankers and lawyers, prominent politicians, media executives, and academic dignitaries – hammered out major US policy directions.

Talbot continues, “If CFR was the power elite’s brain, the CIA was its black-gloved fist.”

Many members of the CFR have documented connections to the New Manhattan Project. Those members include: Glenn Seaborg, Alfred Lee Loomis, James Killian, Harlan Cleveland, James Conant, Lauchlin Currie, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., Jerome Wiesner, Marina von Neumann Whitman, John Deutch, and Frank Wisner.

Boeing, Raytheon and General Electric are (or have been) corporate members of the Council. Five of GE’s directors and three of Boeing’s have been CFR directors. These are all companies connected to the NMP.

Beginning in 1990, the Council started organizing study and discussion groups devoted to the topic of climate change and they have since gone on to issue many publications about Solar Radiation Management (SRM) which involves spraying substances out of aircraft in order to stop the CIA’s dreaded global warming.

In 2004, CFR member M. Granger Morgan teamed up with top geoengineer Ken Caldeira and six other authors to produce a paper titled “A Portfolio of Carbon Management Options.” In it, they advocate for geoengineering Earth’s climate with stratospheric aerosols.

In 2008 CFR member David G. Victor published a piece titled “On the Regulation of Geoengineering” in which he advocates for the establishment of an international framework of laws pertaining to geoengineering.

Also in 2008, the CFR released a report titled “Confronting Climate Change: A Strategy for U.S. Foreign Policy: Report of an Independent Task Force.” In it, they discuss, “injecting reflective aerosols into the atmosphere.”

2008 was a big year for geoengineering at the Council. In addition to the two documents noted above, in 2008 the CFR issued a paper titled “Unilateral Geoengineering: Non-technical Briefing Notes for a Workshop at the Council on Foreign Relations.” In this document, the authors propose spraying aluminum oxide dust into the stratosphere.

Among many other subsequent articles about global warming and climate change, CFR members David G. Victor, M. Granger Morgan, Jay Apt, John Steinbruner (1942-2015), and Katharine Ricke wrote a piece published in 2009 by the title of “The Geoengineering Option.” As one might guess, in this article the authors fear monger about climate change then suggest that we should ‘launch reflective particles into the atmosphere’ in order to save us from it. The authors are quite insistent, writing, “Governments should immediately begin to undertake serious research on geoengineering and help create international norms governing its use.” Rare in such propaganda, the authors also note that geoengineering is not a new idea and hearken back to the 1965 presidential document “Restoring the Quality of Our Environment” among other early developments. The piece, of course, then goes back to fear mongering, then on to ridiculing the opposition, then, lastly to reiterating its psychotic thesis.

Also in March of 2009, Foreign Affairs published an article called “Q&A With David Victor About Climate Change: What governments, scientists, and big business can do about global warming.” A woman named Lucy Berman interviewed the aforementioned David Victor and they chatted about spraying us with megatons of toxic chemicals. What a lovely topic of discussion!

Later in December of 2009, CFR member Granger Morgan wrote an article for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s MIT Technology Review advocating for SRM geoengineering research. It was titled “Why Geoengineering?”

In January of 2010, the most prestigious journal Nature published an opinion piece by CFR member Granger Morgan and two other authors including top geoengineer David Keith. They called their piece “Research on Global Sun Block Needed Now.” In it they advocate for SRM geoengineering research.

In July of 2010, CFR members Katherine Ricke and Granger Morgan had an article published in the prestigious journal Nature Geoscience titled “Regional Climate Response to Solar Radiation Management.” In it they found that spraying stuff out of planes might ‘stabilize’ our climate.

CFR members Granger Morgan and John Steinbruner held a panel discussion at Pratt House in 2010 titled “Developing an International Framework for Geoengineering.” During the discussion, Morgan stressed the urgency of the geoengineering situation as he raised the specter of a ‘black program’ currently conducting SRM geoengineering which everybody finds out about later. He said, “I think it would be truly disastrous if, you know, we discovered a few years from now that there was a black program that some government had stood up to sort of learn on the quiet how to do this.” Yes, we’ve found out about it already, Mr. Morgan and we plan to make this as disastrous as possible for your PR effort.

CFR member Granger Morgan contributed to the report resulting from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s 2011 Expert Meeting on Geoengineering held in Lima, Peru. He suggests, “Adding small reflecting particles in the stratosphere.”

CFR member Katharine Ricke (sounds like ‘reich’) published a doctoral thesis in August of 2011 titled “Characterizing Impacts and Implications of Proposals for Solar Radiation Management, a Form of Climate Engineering” in which she suggests that Solar Radiation Management geoengineering might be a good idea.

CFR members Frank Loy, Granger Morgan, and David G. Victor all contributed to the big 2011 report by the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Task Force on Climate Remediation Research titled “Geoengineering: A National Strategic Plan for Research on the Potential Effectiveness, Feasibility, and Consequences of Climate Remediation Technologies.” The authors note that, “it may be desirable or even necessary to enlist international fleets of aircraft, satellites, and hardware as well as international sources of funding and management capabilities.”

A CFR member by the name of Jay Apt wrote a 2012 paper with top geoengineer David Keith titled “Cost Analysis of Stratospheric Albedo Modification Delivery Systems” in which the authors write about spraying 1-5 million metric tons of materials from airplanes at an altitude of 18-30km up in the sky every year. Their top choice for the job was the Boeing ‘747-400.’ The Boeing 747 is a close relative of the Boeing KC-135 which the author has identified as the most probable make and model of the most prevalent type of dedicated chemtrail fleet aircraft.

In the Spring of 2013, CFR member Granger Morgan and two co-authors published an article in Issues in Science and Technology titled “Needed: Research Guidelines for Solar Radiation Management.” In it, they advocate for geoengineering research, call for help from the federal government, and write that, “a small fleet of specially designed aircraft could deliver enough mass to the stratosphere in the form of small reflecting particles to offset all of the warming anticipated by the end of this century for a cost of less than $10 billion per year.”

Another article published by CFR members Morgan, Apt, et al. in March of 2013 was titled “The Truth About Geoengineering: Science Fiction and Science Fact.” In it, they speculate that, “Flying a fleet of high-altitude aircraft that spray particles into the upper atmosphere would cost perhaps ten billion dollars per year -“ The authors also warn that, “Small-scale field trials in the upper atmosphere to test components of an SRM [Solar Radiation Management] system are particularly urgent.”

In February of 2015, geoengineer Jane C.S. Long and CFR members Granger Morgan and Frank Loy had an article published in the prestigious journal Nature titled “Start Research on Climate Engineering.” In it they advocate for small-scale SRM geoengineering experimentation.

On November 3 of 2015, CFR member and member of the Carnegie Institution Department of Global Ecology, Katharine Ricke published a paper, along with two other authors, titled “Climate Engineering Economics.” In this paper the authors write, “The most likely approach to implementation is high-flying aircraft outfitted with aerosol precursor dispensing systems (McClellan et al. ,2012)” As have many other authors, Ricke et al. found that using aircraft to achieve SRM is the cheapest way. In conclusion the authors urge, “Finally, we need to begin to explore specific mechanisms to ensure an efficient and equitable implementation of climate engineering technologies. While some early steps have been taken in this direction, we need to understand, from an economic perspective, how to create institutions that can accommodate these novel climate risk reduction strategies.”

Now let us take a look at some of the individual CFR members behind this duly noted body of documentary evidence.

M. Granger Morgan appears to be in charge of this effort at the CFR. His Carnegie Mellon biography tells us that he is the co-director of the Center for Climate and Energy Decision Making, the co-director of the Carnegie Mellon Electricity Industry Center, a member of the board for the International Risk Governance Council Foundation, a member of the Advisory Board for the E.ON Energy Research Center, a member of the Department of Energy’s Electricity Advisory Committee, and a member of the Energy Advisory Committee of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. In the past, he served as Chair of the Science Advisory Board of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and as Chair of the Advisory Council of the Electric Power Research Institute.  He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and the Society for Risk Analysis.  He holds a BA from Harvard College (1963) where he concentrated in physics and an MS in astronomy and space science from Cornell (1965). All of these organizations either have or potentially have connections to the NMP. His Carnegie Mellon biography says that, “His research addresses problems in science, technology, and public policy with a particular focus on energy, electric power, environmental systems, climate change, the adoption of new technologies, and risk analysis.”

M. Granger Morgan

According to her Carnegie Institution for Science, Department of Global Ecology bio, Katherine L. Reich Ricke started in 2001 as an undergraduate research assistant at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). She went on to earn a degree in earth, atmospheric and planetary science from MIT 2004. Between 2004 and 2007 she worked for something called ABT Associates in support of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency programs. In 2008 she was a visiting researcher at the Climate Dynamics Group of the University of Oxford’s Department of Physics. Between 2007 and 2011, Ricke’s time as a graduate research assistant at the Center for Climate and Energy Decision Making produced her Ph.D. dissertation titled “Characterizing Impacts and Implications of Proposals for Solar Radiation Management, a Form of Climate Engineering.” Advising her on this dissertation was M. Granger Morgan and top geoengineer David Keith. She then went on to become a postdoctoral researcher at the Carnegie Institution for Science’s Department of Global Ecology at Stanford University under top geoengineer Ken Caldeira. Shortly thereafter she became a fellow of the Carnegie Institution for Science’s Department of Global Ecology. She is currently a research associate at Cornell University’s Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.

Katherine Ricke

According to his 1997 NASA biography, Jay Apt earned a doctorate in physics from MIT in 1976. Also in 1976, Dr. Apt was a post-doctoral fellow in laser spectroscopy at MIT. From 1976 to 1980 he was a staff member of the Center for Earth & Planetary Physics, Harvard University, supporting NASA’s Pioneer Venus Mission. Dr. Apt served as the Assistant Director of Harvard’s Division of Applied Sciences from 1978 to 1980. In 1980 Dr. Apt joined the Earth and Space Sciences Division of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. From 1982 through 1985, he was a flight controller responsible for Shuttle payload operations at NASA’s aforementioned Johnson Space Center. He is currently a member of: the American Astronomical Society’s Division of Planetary Science, the American Geophysical Union, the American Physical Society, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Jay Apt

According to an online biography, Frank E. Loy was Under Secretary for Global Affairs during the Clinton administration. He worked in the areas of the environment and climate change. He was the lead U.S. climate negotiator for three years. Since 2003, he has personally funded the Frank Loy Award for Environmental Diplomacy; an award given to State Department officers working in the area of climate or the environment. He is a member of the board of directors at: the Environmental Defense Fund, the Environmental Defense Action Fund, the Nature Conservancy, Population Services International, the Round Table of Environmental Health, Sciences, Research and Medicine of the National Academy of Medicine, the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, and ecoAmerica.

Frank E. Loy

According to David Victor’s Brookings Institution and UC San Diego biographies he, “is a professor of international relations at the School of Global Policy and Strategy and director of the Laboratory on International Law and Regulation (ILAR). Victor co-founded the ILAR which works in the area of climate change regulation. Prior to joining the faculty at the University of California, San Diego, Victor was a professor at Stanford Law School where he taught energy and environmental law.” It continues, “His research focuses on regulated industries and how regulation affects the operation of major energy markets. He has a dual understanding of the science behind climate change and how international and domestic public policy work.” He is also a co-director of the Deep Decarbonization Initiative at the University of California, San Diego, an adjunct professor of Climate, Atmospheric Science, and Physical Oceanography at the The Scripps Institution of Oceanography of the University of California, San Diego, a co-chair of the Cross-Brookings Initiative on Energy and Climate at the The Brookings Institution, and a leading contributor to the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Victor is a member of the advisory council for Nature’s journal dedicated to the study of global warming titled Nature Climate Change and a board member of the journal Climatic Change. Victor is also the author of a 2011 book titled ‘Global Warming Gridlock’ which suggests geoengineering as a solution to the supposed problem of man-made global warming. Victor got his doctorate from MIT in 1997 and his BA from Harvard in 1987. He then went on to become a research scholar of the Project on Environmentally Compatible Energy Strategies of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis. Between 1998 and 2009, Victor was the Robert W. Johnson, Jr. Senior Fellow for Science and Technology of the Council on Foreign Relations. He then became the director of the Program on Energy and Sustainable Development at Stanford.

David Victor

John O. Brennan, the former CIA Director?

As mentioned earlier, John ‘stratospheric aerosol injection’ Brennan is the former director of the CIA who in 2016 famously spoke about SRM geoengineering at the headquarters of the CFR. John Brennan may also have a very interesting indirect connection to the New Manhattan Project.

John Brennan

John Brennan’s potential indirect connection to the New Manhattan Project is a bit complicated. In short, our John O. Brennan may be related to a man named James J. Brennan who worked extensively for the aforementioned Civil Air Transport and as an assistant to a U.S. congressman from New Mexico named John J. Dempsey. The full explanation follows.

The American corporation that enabled the Flying Tigers of the early 1940s held office space at Rockefeller Center. As readers of this work now know, the Flying Tigers were most probably the beginnings of today’s chemtrail fleet. After the United States officially entered WWII on the side of the Chinese against the Empire of Japan, Nelson Rockefeller did tremendous business with his in-house founders of the Flying Tigers by working with them to export pharmaceutical drugs to WWII China through something called the Sydney Ross Company; a subsidiary of Sterling Drugs. The name of the corporation that enabled the Flying Tigers was China Defense Supplies. As the assistant to New Mexico Representative John J. Dempsey, James Brennan served as the Congressional liaison to China Defense Supplies.

In 1932, Congressman Dempsey was appointed a member and later President of the Board of Regents of the University of New Mexico. After WWII in New Mexico, and specifically with the assistance the University of New Mexico, a lot of important early weather modification experiments were conducted by those pioneers of the scientific era of weather modification: Langmuir, Schaefer, and Vonnegut. As mentioned earlier, New Mexico is also home to the White Sands Proving Ground where the world’s first nuclear bomb blast occurred; a product of the original Manhattan Project.

James J. Brennan played an active role in Civil Air Transport (CAT) from the start and, as the executive vice president, attempted to save the airline in the late 1940s by making severe spending cuts. James Brennan was a 8.5% owner of the company.

Was James J. Brennan any relation to our John O. Brennan, the former Director of the CIA? Brennan says he is from in and around New York, NY. The Rockefellers are too. We will soon see their many possibilities here.

General Electric

We have a lot of evidence showing General Electric’s hand in all of this. We’ve known for some time about how three General Electric scientists (Langmuir, Schaefer, & Vonnegut) working with the navy began the modern era of weather modification way back in 1946 and how Vonnegut went on to do work in the vein of the New Manhattan Project. We also know that General Electric (GE) has also gone on to produce lots of electronic equipment which could be used as part of a global weather modification project like the one outlined here.

Amongst a lot of other evidence linking GE to the New Manhattan Project, in 1958 a General Electric vice president by the name of Roy Johnson was named the first director of the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA/DARPA); an organization which appears to provide upper level scientific management to today’s NMP. GE’s Space Sciences Laboratory has supported atmospheric research in Alaska applicable to the NMP. Not only all that, but making them even more interesting here is the fact that GE also has a big Nazi past. In fact, as mentioned earlier, General Electric men worked alongside Wernher von Braun and the other Operation Paperclip scientists at White Sands, New Mexico.

But it all goes much deeper than that.

General Electric’s story here goes back to Weimar Republic Germany and earlier. It really goes back to Tesla vs. Edison, but we’ll get into that at another time. For the purpose of this discussion, we note that General Electric was among the core of a small group of American and German banks and industrial companies that enabled Hitler’s rise to power. As explained earlier, most of Hitler’s funding ultimately came from American investors. Big, monopolistic companies like General Electric were the vehicles that made the Nazi war machine happen. In the case of GE particularly, it behooves us to look at exactly how that whole situation came about. Shall we?

Not long after World War One, way back in the days of Weimar Republic Germany, General Electric and the Rockefellers were funding German science. As noted earlier, Germany is the birthplace of modern science. Cornwell illuminates us again:

By the mid-1920s physicists were beginning to collaborate once again with their overseas colleagues. Science funding, hard to come by in Germany and Austria up to 1923, now began to benefit from a new system which eked out scarce resources with additional money from industry and some notable sources abroad. A new agency was established in Weimar Germany called Notgemeinschaft der deutschen Wissenschaft (Emergency Society for German Science). The Notgemeinschaft represented the Kaiser Wilhelm Society and its institutes, the universities and technical universities and the academies of science. It provided money not only for institutions but for research programs and individual scientists. Its funds came from the Reich government in Berlin, but it also attracted funding from General Electric and the Rockefeller Foundation in America.

This was all very convenient for GE as in 1928 a man by the name of Owen Young (1874-1962) was the chief U.S. delegate to the Young Plan reparations meetings. The Young Plan reparations meetings produced the agreements for the reparations leveled against Germany after their loss in World War One. Young co-authored the Plan with J.P. Morgan and others. The resulting Young Plan enabled General Electric and a group of their cronies to do tremendous monopolistic business during Germany’s reconstruction, resulting in the eventual production of the WWII Nazi war machine.

In 1930, after overseeing the production of his eponymous Young Plan, Owen Young became chairman of General Electric’s board of directors. If that’s not some deep state action, then this author doesn’t know what is. Young was also chairman of the Executive Committee of Radio Corporation of America (RCA), another company implicated in the New Manhattan Project.

John Foster Dulles was an executive at North American Edison.

GE is a Premium corporate member of the Council on Foreign Relations and about one third of GE’s board of directors are CFR members. One GE board member, Ann Fudge is also a CFR director.


Speaking of Nazis, the Bush family political dynasty is up to their eyeballs in this thing. Yes, the family we all love to hate has apparently been at it again. We all know how cool these guys look on TV in their $10,000 suits and how Bush Senior has been canonized by the lamestream media, but here are the facts.

The Bush family bank, Brown Brothers Harriman funded the Nazis from their anti-Semitic, hate-filled, war-mongering beginnings to LONG AFTER they invaded Poland. The Bushes have no excuses and we shouldn’t give them any. It doesn’t end there.

On Oct. 20, 1942, 10 months after the U.S. had entered the war, under the Trading with the Enemy Act, the U.S. government took over the Union Banking Corporation of which Prescott Bush was a director. Three of the shareholders who had their shares seized were Nazis. Two other businesses associated with the Union Banking Corporation were also seized. The following month, the Nazi interests invested in the Silesian-American Corporation, a company long managed by Prescott Bush, were seized under the Trading with the Enemy Act as well.

It gets darker. Roger Stone, in his book Jeb! And the Bush Crime Family suggests that old Prescott Bush was getting his hands very dirty in Nazi Germany. Stone writes, “According to a Dutch intelligence agent, Prescott Bush managed a portion of the slave labor force from Auschwitz.”

The Bush family has all sorts of other connections to the Nazis involving people and organizations such as: William Stamps Farish, William Stamps Farish III, Fritz Thyssen, William H. Draper, Jr., William H. Draper III, the Rockefellers, I.G. Farben, Standard Oil, Hermann Schmitz, and the U.S. Agency for International Development. Discussion of all these instances is slightly beyond the scope of this paper.

The Bush family also has ties to the original Manhattan Project. Senator Prescott Bush (Bush Senior’s daddy) sat on the board of directors of something called the Vanadium Corporation which supplied unrefined uranium to the Manhattan Project. Prescott Bush also sat on the board of directors of a company called Dresser Industries which produced special pumps used in the production of the refined uranium needed for the world’s first atomic bombs. Now that’s called playing both sides and that’s how the old boy network does it.

Dresser Industries was a company that worked frequently with the CIA. Prescott Bush was a member of the Dresser Industries board of directors for 22 years until 1952 when he entered the Senate. Once there, Senator Prescott Bush became Allen Dulles’ day-to-day CIA contact man.

Dresser Industries is an extremely interesting player in all of this, but it takes a little bit of explaining. Please bear with.

As we already know, the New Manhattan Project involves the electromagnetic manipulation of atmospheric particles. The manipulation of atmospheric particles in the fashion of the New Manhattan Project is a field of scientific study all unto itself and Dresser Industries has been at the forefront of this field for a very long time. Without going into the history of it all too much, it suffices to say that Dresser Industries has historically brought this field of study forward with its production of equipment designed to move and collect vaporized substances which would otherwise be lost to industrial processes.

Dresser’s signature products are the massive electrostatic precipitators attached to many coal-fired electrical power plants all around the world. These electrostatic precipitators use electrostatic energy to collect the coal fly ash (smoke from burning coal) that would otherwise be pumped out into the surrounding atmosphere.

Coal fly ash has been scientifically determined to be the exact substance with which we are being sprayed.

It is reasonable to assume that Dresser not only builds these coal fly ash electrostatic precipitators, but that they also install and service them. Servicing them would most probably involve removing and carting away megatons of fresh coal fly ash.

Way back in 1928 the Bush family bank (Brown Brothers Harriman) bought Dresser and it is reasonable to assume that Bush family members are invested in the company to this day.

Is Dresser Industries providing the coal fly ash needed for today’s New Manhattan Project?

If the reader wants to look into it further, the author has recently written a separate article about all of this. For further reading, please enjoy the author’s Dec. 2018 article “Chemtrails Exposed: Dresser Industries and the New Manhattan Project.”

Another company called Ling Temco Vought shares interesting connections to Dresser Industries and another Bush family business known as the Carlyle Group. Again, it’s a little complicated. Like Bob Marley said, “They build their world in great confusion to force on us the devil’s illusion.” So let’s clarify.

We first became interested in Ling Temco Vought (LTV) years ago when we learned about an early 1970s spin-off from LTV called LTV Electrosystems. LTV Electrosystems for a long time had a key player in the development of the New Manhattan Project on its board of directors; the aforementioned William Raborn. Raborn is well known to readers of this work. LTV Electrosystems went on to become E-systems. E-systems built the first version of the world’s most powerful and versatile ionospheric heater, HAARP; the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Project. An extensive network of ionospheric heaters (possibly including HAARP) are used today to manipulate the weather as part of the New Manhattan Project. For more about Raborn, please refer to the author’s 2017 article “William Raborn and the New Mahattan Chemtrail Project.”

Ling Temco Vought’s headquarters, known at the time as the LTV Tower, sits next to the giant Dresser Building in downtown Houston. It was acquired by Dresser in 1975.

Here’s where the Carlyle Group comes in. In August of 1992, with help from the Mellon family, Carlyle in conjunction with Loral and Northrop won a year-long struggle to acquire LTV Corp.’s Defense and Aerospace Division for $475M. The deal greatly solidified Carlyle’s position as a serious player in defense industry buyouts. After the purchase Carlyle renamed the division Vought Aircraft. Later, in July of 2000, Carlyle bought Vought Aircraft outright. For many years, Dresser Industries was headed by Henry Neil Mellon of the Mellon family that helped push through the original deal.

Author Dan Briody familiarizes us with the Carlyle Group in his book The Iron Triangle. Briody writes, “Carlyle is among the largest private equity firms in the world. It employs 491 people in 21 worldwide offices. It has more than 535 investors from more than 55 different countries. And as of June 2002, the company had over $13.5 billion under management and 21 different funds.”

Curiously enough, Briody writes that Carlyle’s LTV started as “an aerospace company spun out of Ford.” This is made all the more interesting by the author of the definitive book on the subject of LTV. Stanley Brown, in his book Ling: The rise, fall, and return of a Texas titan writes:

The postwar metamorphosis of the Ford Motor Company involved a monumental instance of corporate self-deception, the Ford family was determined to undo the founder’s crank image and his near wrecking of the company in his declining years. They cleaned out old Henry’s cronies and surrounded his young grandson with an assemblage of talented executives from outside the company, including a group of ex-Air Force officers known as the Whiz Kids, who were said to have practically invented operations research, systems analysis, and all the other trappings of modern scientific management. In stamping out the old man’s cult of warped personality, they replaced it with their own new gospel. For several years things went well as the company undid a lot of the damage done by the old management at the same time creating a marvelous new corporate image.

The Ford Foundation went on to be well represented on the aforementioned Mitre Corporation’s first board of directors.

George Soros is famously invested in the Carlyle Group. What more does one need to know? Here’s more: the Carlyle Group is a corporate member of the CFR. Bush Sr. was a director of the CFR.

So we have the Bush family with serious connections to the production of aircraft, coal fly ash, and ionospheric heaters. That’s three out of the four elements of the New Manhattan Project; the fourth being command and control centers.

It suffices to say that it truly goes on and on with these people; to the point where one just becomes numb to it all. I mean, the Bushes are into all of it: depopulation and eugenics, mind control, media manipulations, weapons trafficking, drug trafficking, money laundering, the CIA, the CFR, the Nazis and their death camps, Enron, secret societies, the New World Order, bioweapons, overthrowing governments, assassination plots, ad nauseam. By all appearances and simply put, the Bush family is the very public face of the deep state and probably would have no qualms about mass murdering the domestic population and omniciding the planet in the fashion of the New Manhattan Project. To truly understand the Bush family, one must understand the mind of a psychopath. That’s not easy for people with good intentions.


In the author’s previous writings and in this article we have already seen compelling and interesting connections between members of the Rockefeller family and the New Manhattan Project. Can you believe that there is a lot more? Believe it. Here it is.

The Rockefeller Foundation was founded in 1913 (the same year as the private U.S. Federal Reserve Bank) to promote nothing less than the welfare of all mankind. The Rockefellers intended to use science to solve the global problems of: sickness, poverty, underdevelopment, and ignorance. Spraying megatons of toxic waste from aircraft is apparently their idea of how to achieve these goals.

As mentioned earlier, the Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company was instrumental in the building of the Nazi war machine. A big way in which they participated was in providing the Germans with the equipment and information needed to produce synthetic gasoline from Germany’s plentiful domestic coal supplies.

Today, everybody knows how to do stuff like this. Heck, we’re making gas from shale now cost-effectively. Making gas from coal is easy, right? Yes, but in the 1930s, these types of technologies were cutting edge and proprietary.

The Nazi war machine ran on hydrocarbon fuel and had a seemingly insatiable need. The Rockefellers’ Standard Oil sated it. Standard Oil also provided the Nazi war effort with the means to produce synthetic rubber and ethyl lead; two other substances needed for waging their reigns of terror. In fact, the production of a war effort such as that raised by the Nazis necessarily needed all sorts of chemicals and raw materials. In many of these cases, the Rockefellers’ Standard Oil worked closely with the aforementioned I.G. Farben to produce them.

The Rockefellers were represented on the board of American I.G. not only by W.C. Teagle (a director of Standard Oil), but they were also represented by C.E. Mitchell, the chairman of the Rockefeller’s National City Bank. Their National City Bank financed the German General Electric.

Oh, look who’s here! It’s the Dulles brothers again, with General Electric! John Foster Dulles was a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation from 1935 to 1952 and also served as chairman of the board. He was also a Rockefeller family in-law. Owen Young of General Electric was a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation and General Electric held a Rockefeller Foundation corporate directorship. Allen Dulles had extensive offices at Rockefeller Center.

The Rockefeller brothers, Nelson and David, were very close associates of CIA founder Allen Dulles as well as very active and powerful members of the Council on Foreign Relations. Talbot writes that, “Nobody occupied a more central position in the Dulles brothers’ power circle than the Rockefeller brothers.” Talbot writes that, “The Rockefeller brothers served as private bankers for Dulles’s intelligence empire.” Laurence Shoup in his book Wall Street’s Think Tank writes that, “The Rockefeller Foundation is the foundation most closely tied to the CFR.” David Rockefeller (1916-2017) was the longest serving director of the CFR from 1949-1985 (36 years) and chairman from 1970 to 1985.

Chicago University was founded with funds from John D. Rockefeller Senior. This is significant because lots of weather modification work has been done at Chicago University. Also, it was at the University of Chicago where the the first known self-sustaining nuclear reaction was created; an important development in the history of the original Manhattan Project.

John D. Rockefeller IV as a senator representing West Virginia was a member of the Select Committee on Intelligence which oversaw John Brennan’s confirmation as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency in 2013.

The best has been saved for last. The Rockefellers have a direct connection to the Mitre Corporation. That’s the company that most probably orchestrates all the technological aspects of today’s NMP.

In the same year that Gordon J.F. ‘How to Wreck the Environment’ MacDonald became a trustee of the Mitre Corporation, 1968, a man from Rockefeller Family and Associates named Dr. T.F. Walkowicz became a trustee of the Mitre Corporation as well. Dr. Walkowicz was a major in the Army Air Corps and the boss of something called the National Aviation and Technology Corporation of New York, NY. He stayed on the Mitre Corporation board of directors for at least 10 years.

Dr. Walkowicz

Dr. Walkowicz was also a consultant to the production of a 1946 Army Air Force report titled “War and Weather.” “War and Weather” was but one of many reports issued as part of a series titled Toward New Horizons. Toward New Horizons (also known as the von Karman reports) featured as contributors a constellation of leading American weather modifiers and experts in applied electromagnetic energy.

Similar to the much later Air Force 2025 set of documents which contained the infamous “Owning the Weather in 2025” report and outlined the New Manhattan Project multiple times, Toward New Horizons spoke to a broad overhaul of U.S. military air operations. Dr. Walkowicz was the lead author of a report in the series titled “Future Airborne Armies.”

The report “War and Weather” provides lots of insight into the New Manhattan Project, so we will now examine it further.

The authors of “War and Weather” write that, “Long-range forecasts may be employed in planning an entire military campaign instead of one tactical maneuver.” Now we have a better understanding of the deep state’s obsession with long-term climate predictions.

The authors of “War and Weather” repeatedly stress the importance of their mission writing, “The importance of pursuing research projects in peacetime, directed at fulfilling the future requirements of the military weather services, cannot be overemphasized.” They go on to make many recommendations as to how this should be accomplished. By the end of 1946 (the year of “War and Weather’s” publication), General Electric and the navy were rolling out the modern era of weather modification.

Generally consistent with what many leading Manhattan Project scientists have stated, “War and Weather” notes that, “Atomic energy may be used to control certain weather phenomena.” What makes this quote particularly interesting and different from others is the fact that the authors write generically of ‘atomic energy’ rather than the detonation of nuclear bombs specifically as having an effect upon weather.

When they wrote of using atomic energy to modify the weather, Manhattan Project scientists who went on to do work in the atmospheric sciences such as Edward Teller commonly wrote only of atomic bombs being detonated in the atmosphere. The detonation of atomic bombs is only but one use of atomic energy. The term ‘atomic energy’ loosely applies to anything having to do with molecular physics (a.k.a. quantum mechanics). Heck, the term ‘atomic energy’ can very loosely apply to simple electricity (which is technically sub-atomic). The authors’ use of the generic term ‘atomic energy’ here opens the door to a whole range of possible applications of atomic energy as a way to control the weather; including the use of electromagnetic energy which is what is used today to control the weather as part of the New Manhattan Project.

In fact, on the last page of “War and Weather,” under the heading ‘Atomic Energy Applied to Meteorology’ the authors write, “The controlled use of atomic energy by meteorologists may result in the synthesis of certain weather phenomena or forced local release of atmospheric instability … Furthermore, it is conceivable that the peacetime applications of such concepts may be more significant than their military uses [author’s emphasis].” When these authors write of ‘the synthesis of certain weather phenomena or forced local release of atmospheric instability,’ once again they are writing about the so-called ‘butterfly effect.’ This is the notion that a relatively small amount of directed energy can have a tremendous later effect upon the weather. This is a thesis central to the peacetime New Manhattan Project.

Black budgets, missing trillions, and the global narcotics trade

We have seen that since the end of WWII the New Manhattan Project has been in development. We have also now seen compelling evidence as to who has been developing it. Another logical question is that of funding. In this penultimate section we will see that there is no shortage of ways to supply the trillions of dollars needed to carry this ultra-massive project forward over the course of 70 years plus. We will start with the infamous black budgets.

It is not a secret that, every year, the United States taxpayer funds billion-dollar military budgets which include so-called ‘black’ funds.  Although this type of spending is prohibited by our Constitution, these ‘black budgets’ as they are called have been disbursed at the discretion of the President, the Secretary of State, and the Director of Central Intelligence (the head of the CIA) since WWII. Black budgets began, appropriately enough, with the original Manhattan Project. They became a permanent part of the government with the creation of the CIA in 1947. Not only that, but the CIA has the legal ability to send and receive money to and from any and all U.S. Government offices; providing them with a way to distribute and receive any funds they wish.

For these reasons, and in consideration of the evidence presented here implicating the CIA, it is reasonable to assert that these black funds have been used to, at least in part, fund the New Manhattan Project.

Providing for even more possible funding, the annual overt defense budget is filled with code words, euphemisms, and other camouflage that allow our military to obfuscate many other clandestine efforts. There is no shortage of ways for the United States government to directly fund the development of the New Manhattan Project and we can assume that this is what has taken place. After all, elements of our United States military have repeatedly stated their position that climate change is a matter of national security and must be dealt with.

Further, $21T is apparently ‘missing’ from the Pentagon. We all know how Rumsfeld held a press conference way back in 2001 on the day before the 9/11 attacks to let us know that $2.3T was somehow missing from the Pentagon. Well, now a short article (with a collection of videos) has appeared on Catherine Austin Fitts’ website about how $21T of our taxpayer dollars has met the same fate. $21T is probably more than enough to have brought the New Manhattan Project forward over the decades.

Even more interesting, though, is the notion that today the domestic spraying operations and everything else that the New Manhattan Project entails is funded by the $400B global narcotics trade. For this assertion there is quite a bit of precedent.

Oh yeah, the Cocaine Importation Agency (CIA), has been running megatons of narcotics. There is no doubt about that. It would be quite tedious to go through all the books, movies, news reports, court cases, and other such solid evidence supporting this assertion.

Further, eminent historians such as UC Berkeley’s Peter Dale Scott can tell you that, at least since the time of China and Britain’s Opium Wars in the mid-19th century, the deep state and their many nefarious activities have been funded by the narcotics trade. There is a certain chapter of this long, sordid history which is particularly relevant to the New Manhattan Project. It is something called Operation Gladio. Operation Gladio is explored here because the proceeds from these types operations may have provided funding for the development of the New Manhattan Project and a similar type of operation may be funding the NMP today.

Operation Gladio was a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and CIA collaboration that involved staging terrorist attacks throughout Europe to be blamed on communist factions while, in actuality, the attacks were perpetrated by fascist (capitalist) ones. This was done in order to galvanize public opinion for capitalism and against communism. As we learn of their involvement here, we can see how the CIA participates in the most dastardly of deeds in order to grow their power while creating the perception of virtue. It’s kind of like how geoengineers propose spraying the Earth and all of its biota with megatons of toxic materials in order to save us from global warming.

Journalist Richard Cottrell, in his groundbreaking 2012 book Gladio: NATO’s Dagger at the Heart of Europe writes:

The sound of bullets, screams, the whumpf of great explosions, shattering glass, the scream of emergency vehicles, fell cross Europe. Bombs planted in a prominent city bank, in railway stations and trains, and in beer tents overflowing with jolly drinkers. Snipers fired at will into squares heaving with crowds of peaceful demonstrators, or supermarkets as weekend shoppers queued to pay for their groceries. A slaughter of the innocents. To meet its own political ends, the United States fostered the mirage of communist subversion of the European continent. In so doing it worked through the CIA and secret war departments of every NATO country, and ruthlessly milked and nourished latent forces of fascism left over from WW2.

As a direct result of Operation Gladio, 491 people were killed and 1,181 injured or maimed.

To understand how all this came about and to understand its relevance to the New Manhattan Project, we must, once again, go back to the beginning; to the devil’s pact mentioned earlier between Allen Dulles and the Nazis.

As noted earlier in this piece, towards the end of WWII Allen Dulles of America’s OSS made a deal with high-ranking German officials. This deal was instrumental in the creation of the CIA, but it also resulted in the creation of the so-called ‘stay behind’ armies ostensibly designed to be a capitalist (fascist) failsafe against a post-WWII European invasion by communist Russia. If the Russians were to invade a weakened Europe, the theory went, then these stay behind armies would be activated to defeat the communist aggressors. It’s not like the Russians were not weakened as well. They had just borne the brunt of WWII; suffering somewhere north of 20 million casualties and they had been our ally during the war. But nonetheless, this was the stated fear and this was the story. Creating new, secret armies consisting of Nazis and directed by Nazis and Nazi sympathizers apparently wasn’t a concern. To the contrary, according to the CIA, it was good.

Shortly after the conclusion of the Yalta Conference in February of 1945, when it became crystal-clear that Germany was going to lose the war and preliminary arrangements for the post-war Europe had been made, Dulles arranged for the transportation of the aforementioned German General Reinhard Gehlen and his top people to Fort Hunt, Virginia where it was agreed that Gehlen would return to Germany under US protection to establish the Gehlen Organization which was to be funded by United States taxpayer dollars. The Gehlen Organization subsequently set up shop in a former Waffen SS training facility near Pullach, Germany. The primary purpose of the Gehlen Organization was to create and expand the stay behind armies with men taken from the ranks of the soon to be defeated German military. The soldiers of these stay behind armies were known as ‘gladiators’ with the operation being named Gladio after the short swords the gladiators of ancient Rome used to finish their opponents.

Reinhard Gehlen

Also involved here was an Italian member of the Catholic Black Nobility by the name of Prince Junio Valerio Borghese (1906-1974) also known as The Black Prince. Borghese commanded troops for the Italian fascists under Mussolini during WWII and later organized many thousands of men from Italy, Germany, France, and Austria into the stay behind armies in Italy. By 1946, when the OSS morphed into the CIA, hundreds of Gladio units were already in place throughout Western Europe in countries such as: Italy, Germany, Turkey, Belgium, Sweden, France, and Greece.

The $200M of original funding for the stay-behind armies came from the Rockefeller and Mellon foundations, but these Western European stay behind armies needed a more stable, recurring, and covert source of funding. Not only was a stable source of funding desirable just for Operation Gladio, it was desirable for the continued funding of all of the CIA’s covert intelligence activities. Here’s where it gets interesting.

In the mid to late 1940s, near the end of WWII, it was Colonel Paul E. Helliwell’s (1915-1976) job in the Far East as Chief of Special Intelligence for the OSS to support Chaing Kai-shek’s Nationalist Chinese forces. He observed that a contingency force of Chaing Kai-shek’s army operating in an opium producing region of Burma was selling the drug locally in order to fund their continuing efforts against Mao Zedong’s communist forces. The sale of the opium at that time, though, was done in the ancient ways of many middlemen and slow ground transportation; a very inefficient process. Helliwell had the idea to begin transporting opium by aircraft to major market centers directly.

This could allow not only for the more efficient movement and sale of the opium, but also for a more efficient movement and sale of the arms Chaing Kai-shek’s soldiers needed to fight the communist aggressors. The arms could be flown in, the opium could be flown out, and the Chinese Nationalist forces could be better supplied; a win win. Helliwell ran his idea by his boss, OSS chief General William ’Wild Bill’ Donovan (1883-1959) and Wild Bill shared it with Dulles. Everybody loved it. They went about bringing Helliwell’s idea into existence and the airline that eventually began taking care of these missions was the aforementioned Civil Air Transport.

As alluded to earlier, Civil Air Transport (CAT) was the CIA’s proprietary airline which came after the Flying Tigers, preceded Air America, and is (as are the Flying Tigers and Air America) most probably a direct ancestor of today’s chemtrail fleet. Believe it or not, the CIA’s Civil Air Transport is actually on record as having performed weather modification activities over Japan; the author’s thesis.

In his book Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance Between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia, well-respected researcher Paul Williams gives us more insight into the founding of CAT:

By the close of World War II, Helliwell and a number of fellow Army intelligence officers – E. Howard Hunt, of Watergate fame; Lucien Conein, a former member of the French Foreign Legion with strong ties to the Corsican Mafia; Tommy ‘the Cork’ Corcoran, a lawyer serving the Strategic Service Unit; and Lt. General Claire L. Chennault, the military advisor to Chaing Kai-Shek and the founder of the Flying Tigers – had created the Civil Air Transport.
The original funding needed to get these guns-for-drugs airlift operations in the Far East off the ground came from Nazi gold that had been laundered and manipulated by Dulles and a man named William ‘Little Bill’ Stephenson, a British master spy. This was all done through something called the World Commerce Corporation. The World Commerce Corporation was formed by OSS chief Wild Bill Donovan with the help of a small group of very wealthy friends including: Nelson Rockefeller, Joseph C. Grew, Alfred DuPont, and Charles Jocelyn Hambro of the Hambros Bank. From its founding onward, the World Commerce Corporation’s primary function was to trade US surplus weapons and munitions to groups such as those producing the opium in Burma.

Once the opium had been airlifted out of the wilds of Burma, it was brought to Bangkok, Thailand where General Phao Sriyanonda, the director of Thailand’s national police, had his officers load it onto the freighters of the Sea Supply Company, a CIA front run by Helliwell. The opium was then shipped to Cuba where it was turned into heroin with the help of individuals from the most important families of the American Mafia as well as Schiaparelli, one of Italy’s most respected pharmaceutical companies. The heroin was then distributed by the mob to major cities throughout America. The target customers were the African-Americans of our inner-city ghettoes. All this, again, was Helliwell’s idea. Coupled with the subsequent burgeoning urban jazz scene of the 1950s, this venture proved to be a smashing success. An entire drug culture had been created and the CIA was in the money.

Opium and heroin production was later expanded to include: opium production fields in Laos, heroin production laboratories located in Marseilles, France run by the Corsican mafia, and Turkish opium brokers.

The CIA expanded their operations again later in the 1980s with street gangs and cocaine, once again targeting America’s black populations living in urban ghettos; this time feeding off of the gangster rap phenomenon to create the surrounding culture. We can now stop wondering as to how the CIA has become so powerful. Their narcotics trafficking has been a resounding success for a very long time.

The CIA and their cohorts have also organized similar weapons for drugs programs used to topple governments and install ‘friendly’ regimes all over the world, but It all started with Gladio.

The profits from the early CIA heroin production and distribution ventures of the 1940s, 50s, and 60s detailed here were laundered through The Institute of Religious Works, also known as the Vatican Bank. The funds were then distributed to the administrators of Operation Gladio through Swiss banks. This is how Operation Gladio became sustainably funded.

The CIA used their global narcotics trade to finance extremely heinous acts of depravity during Operation Gladio and subsequent operations. They got away with it the first time. Why would they not do it again? By all appearances, the CIA still runs the global narcotics trade today.

As we have seen, the CIA is also most probably responsible for the massively expensive and destructive New Manhattan Project. In consideration of all the evidence presented here, it is reasonable to assert that the CIA and their Nazis have been using the proceeds from their global narcotics racket to fund the New Manhattan Project.


[The CIA is] a secret government – a shadowy government with its own air force, its own navy, its own fund-raising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances and free from the law itself. – Senator Daniel Inouye in his closing statement to the Iran-Contra hearings, Aug. 3, 1987

As we have seen here, the deep state is fully capable of orchestrating the New Manhattan Project over the course of the last 70 years plus. The evidence presented here demonstrates that this is exactly what has happened.

Before this American deep state was generally recognized, we called it the ‘secret government’ or the ‘invisible government.’ Going back even further, we called it the ‘hidden hand’ or the ‘power behind the throne.’ For as long as there have been bureaucracies in government, what today we call the ‘deep state’ has existed. A deep state existed in ancient Egypt and Babylon for crying out loud! Over the millennia and all over the world, the existence of a deep state has drifted in and out of the general public’s consciousness as its powers have waxed and waned.  So are the cycles of these things.

Basically, our government got taken over by multinational corporate interests a long time ago. Our ship was hijacked and they’ve been sailing us straight for destruction ever since.

It’s called the ‘grand chessboard.’ The building and destruction of nations can both be profitable enterprises. They have been getting away with lots and lots of mass murders. They don’t give a damn about America. These people are globalists. To the contrary, the deep state has HATED America ever since we won the Revolutionary War. The good news is that we the people are now in the process of regaining control and they can’t stand it. Believe it or not, one’s political stripe doesn’t even really matter. The fact that your average citizen has become acutely passionate about politics means everything. Truth will prevail. The arc of history bends toward justice.

As far as our noble anti-geoengineering movement goes, we should thank God that your average well-meaning person with any decent understanding of how the world actually works now sees the deep state. This is a major victory in our information war. In fact, like the Continental Army’s victory at the Battle of Trenton, it looks like the turning point. Now that we can see the problem, we may find a solution.

We can win this thing. We can stop the spraying, remediate our environment, and bring to justice the people responsible for the massive amounts of toxic waste we have all been unnecessarily forced to ingest. But it’s even bigger than that. We are bringing about the final revolution against ALL of their tyranny worldwide. That’s where you, the reader comes in.  Please share this information generously.  Thank you.

Sources (in order of first appearance)

“EPA Whistleblower Exposes the Ongoing Geoengineering Omnicide” an article by Peter Kirby, published by Activist Post, September 3, 2018

“Chemtrails Exposed: Coal Fly Ash and the New Manhattan Project” an article by Peter Kirby, published by Activist Post, July 24, 2017

“The Secret Team: The CIA and its Allies in Control of the United States and the World” a book by L. Fletcher Prouty, published by Skyhorse Publishing, 2008

“Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance Between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia” a book by Paul L. Williams, published by Prometheus Books, 2015

“The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government” a book by David Talbot, published by HarperCollins Publishers, 2015

“Secret Agenda: The United States Government, Nazi Scientists, and Project Paperclip, 1945 to 1990” a book by Linda Hunt, published by St. Martin’s Press, 1991

“Blowback: The First Full Account of America’s Recruitment of Nazis and its Disastrous Effect on Our Domestic and Foreign Policy” a book by Christopher Simpson, published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1988

“IBM and the Holocaust: The strategic alliance between Nazi Germany and America’s most powerful corporation” a book by Edwin Black, published by Dialog Press, 2012

“George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography” a book by Webster Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin, published by Executive Intelligence Review, 1992

“Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler” a book by Antony Sutton, published by Buccaneer Books, 1976

“Hitler’s Scientists: Science, War, and the Devil’s Pact” a book by John Cornwell, published by Penguin Books, 2004

“Nazi Whitewash in 1940’s Charged” an article by Ralph Blumenthal, published by the New York Times, March 11, 1985

“Von Braun: Dreamer of Space Engineer of War” a book by Michael J. Neufeld, published by Random House, 2007

“John F. Kennedy Space Center Souvenir Book” a book by the Dexter Press, 1969

“Operation Paperclip: The secret intelligence program that brought Nazi scientists to America” a book by Annie Jacobsen, published by Little, Brown, and Company, 2014

“The Secret History of the CIA” a book by Joseph J. Trento, published by Carrol & Graf, 2005

“The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence” a book by Victor Marchetti and John D. Marks, published by Dell Publishing Co., 1980

“Death from Above: The New Manhattan Project Chemtrail Fleet” an article by Peter A. Kirby, published by Activist Post, April 22, 2015

“The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade” a book by Alfred W. McCoy, published by Lawrence Hill Books, 2003 p167 & 168

“The Wizards of Langley: Inside the CIA’s Directorate of Science and Technology” a book by Jeffrey T. Richelson, published by Westview Press, 2001

“An Interview with Former DDS&T Albert Wheelon” an article by Ed Dietel, published by Studies in Intelligence

“Honoring the Founder of CIA’s Directorate of Science and Technology” an article by Robert J. Kohler and R. James Woolsey, published in Studies in Intelligence

“Albert D. Wheelon, Architect of Aerial Spying, Dies at 84” an article by Douglas Martin, published in the New York Times, Oct. 2, 2013

“Tuxedo Park: A Wall Street Tycoon and the Secret Palace of Science that Changed the Course of World War II” a book by Jennet Conant, published by Simon & Schuster, 2002

“The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline” a book by James Perloff, published by Western Islands, 1988

“The Brothers: John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, and Their Secret World War” a book by Stephen Kinzer, published by Times Books

“Bohemian Grove and Other Retreats: A Study in Ruling-Class Cohesiveness” a book by G. William Domhoff, published by Harper and Row, 1974

“Wall Street’s Think Tank: The Council on Foreign Relations and the Empire of Neoliberal Geopolitics, 1976-2014” a book by Laurence H. Shoup, published by Monthly Review Press, 2015

“A Portfolio of Carbon Management Options” a paper by Ken Caldeira, M. Granger Morgan, Dennis Baldocchi, Peter G. Brewer, Chen-Tung Arthur Chen, Gert-Jan Nabuurs, Nebojsa Nakicenovic, and G. Philip Robertson, published in ResearchGate, March, 2004

“On the Regulation of Geoengineering” a paper by David G. Victor, published in the Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 2008

“Confronting Climate Change: A Strategy for U.S. Foreign Policy: Report of an Independent Task Force” a report by the Council on Foreign Relations, published by the Council on Foreign Relations, 2008

“The Geoengineering Option: A Last Resort Against Global Warming?” an article by David G. Victor, M. Granger Morgan, Jay Apt, John Steinbruner, and Katherine Ricke, published by Foreign Affairs, March, 2009

“Q&A With David Victor About Climate Change: What governments, scientists, and big business can do about global warming” an article by Lucy Berman, published by Foreign Affairs, March 18, 2009

“Why Geoengineering?” an article by Granger Morgan, published by the MIT Technology Review, December 21, 2009

“Research on Global Sun Block Needed Now” an op-ed by David W. Keith, Edward Parson, and M. Granger Morgan, published in Nature, January 2010

“Regional Climate Response to Solar Radiation Management” a paper by Katharine L. Ricke, M. Granger Morgan, and Myles R. Allen, published in Nature Geoscience, August 2010

“Developing an International Framework for Geoengineering” a panel discussion conducted at the Council on Foreign Relations w/ Granger Morgan and John Steinbruner moderated by Ruth Greenspan Bell, Mar. 10, 2010

“IPCC Expert Meeting on Geoengineering: Meeting Report” a report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2012

“Characterizing Impacts and Implications of Proposals for Solar Radiation Management, a Form of Climate Engineering” a doctoral thesis by Katharine L. Ricke, August, 2011

“Geoengineering: A National Strategic Plan for Research on the Potential Effectiveness, Feasibility, and Consequences of Climate Remediation Technologies” a report by the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Task Force on Climate Remediation Research, published by The Bipartisan Policy Center, 2011

“Cost Analysis of Stratospheric Albedo Modification Delivery Systems” a paper by Justin McClellan, David Keith, and Jay Apt, published by Environmental Research Letters, Aug. 30, 2012

“Needed: Research Guidelines for Solar Radiation Management” an article by Granger Morgan, Paul Gottlieb, and Robert R. Nordhaus, published in Issues in Science and Technology, Spring 2013

“The Truth About Geoengineering: Science Fiction and Science Fact” an article by David G. Victor, M. Granger Morgan, Jay Apt, John Steinbruner, and Katherine Ricke, published by Foreign Affairs. March 27, 2013

“Start Research on Climate Engineering” a paper by Jane C.S. Long, Granger Morgan, and Frank Loy, published in Nature, Feb. 5, 2015

“Climate Engineering Economics” a paper by Garth Heutel, Juan Moreno-Cruz, and Katharine Ricke, published by the Annual Review of Resource Economics, Nov. 3, 2015

“Perilous Missions: Civil Air Transport and CIA Covert Operations in Asia” a book by William M. Leary, published by Smithsonian Institution Press, 2002

“Fixing the Sky: The checkered history of weather and climate control” a book by James Roger Fleming, published by the Columbia University Press, 2010

“Progress in Defense and Space: A History of the Aerospace Group of the General Electric Company” a book by Major A. Johnson, self-published, 1993

“None Dare Call It Conspiracy” a book by Gary Allen, published by Buccaneer Books, 1971

“Jeb! And the Bush Crime Family: The Inside Story of an American Dynasty” a book by Roger Stone and Saint John Hunt, published by Skyhorse Publishing, 2016

“Initiative in Energy: The Story of Dresser Industries” a book by Darwin Payne, published by Simon and Schuster, 1979

“Prelude to Terror: The Rogue CIA and the Legacy of America’s Private Intelligence Network” a book by Joseph J. Trento, published by Carrol & Graf, 2005

“Chemtrails Exposed: Dresser Industries and the New Manhattan Project” an article by Peter A. Kirby, published by Activist Post, Dec. 28, 2018

“William Raborn and the New Mahattan Chemtrail Project” an article by Peter A. Kirby, published by Activist Post, May 24, 2017

“The Iron Triangle: Inside the secret world of the Carlyle Group” a book by Dan Briody, published by John Wiley and Sons, 2003

“Ling: The rise, fall, and return of a Texas titan” a book by Stanley H. Brown, published by Beard Books, 1999

“Foundations of the American Century: The Ford, Carnegie, and Rockefeller Foundations in the rise of American power” a book by Inderjeet Parmar, published by the Columbia University Press, 2012

“The Rockefeller File” a book by Gary Allen, published by 76 Press, 1991

“Mitre: The First 20 Years” a book by the Mitre Corporation, published by the Mitre Corporation, 1979

“War and Weather” a report by Dr. Irving P. Krick, published by the Army Air Force Scientific Advisory Group as a volume in the series Toward New Horizons, 1946

“Blank Check: The Pentagon’s Black Budget” a book by Tim Weiner, published by Warner Books, 1990

“Gladio: NATO’s Dagger at the Heart of Europe: The Pentagon-Nazi-Mafia Terror Axis” a book by Richard Cottrell, published by Progressive Press, 2012

“$21 Trillion dollars is missing from the US government. That is $65,000 for every person in America. That is as much as our entire national debt!” an article appearing on


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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr: Vaccine Big Pharma Has Total Legal Immunity

Source: Giza Death Star

by Joseph P. Farrell
January 3, 2019

There is no doubt that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. had a good year last year. Indeed, the son of the infamously murdered Senator and former U.S. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy Sr., has for some reason been emboldened to remark last year that he did not believe the official story of his father’s untimely murder shortly after winning the hotly-contested 1968 California Democratic Primary. Indeed, who does believe that story. It has more magic bullets flying around inside the pantry of the Ambassador Hotel than the murder of his uncle, former president John F. Kennedy.

RFK Jr also won a stunning victory in a lawsuit against Monsanto, and yet another stunning legal victory against the vaccine industry, opening up many documents that demonstrated an astonishing degree of malfeasance and inept, if not deliberately bad, science.

More recently, Mr. Kennedy spoke to Fox Network’s Tucker Carlson on the legal protections afforded to Big Pharma and the vaccine industry, and it’s a stunner(thanks to Mr. V.T for sharing this article):

Robert F. Kennedy Jr Drops Vaccine Truth Bomb Live On TV

It’s worth noting what he said to Carlson:

“The pharmaceutical industry is so powerful,” he explained. “They give $5.4 billion a year to the media. They’ve gotten rid of the lawyers, so there is no legal interest in those cases. They have really been able to control the debate and silence people like me.“

Asked how things could get this bad, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. explained that Congress granted Big Pharma “blanket legal immunity” when it comes to vaccines.

Big Pharma became a law unto themselves. They can put toxic ingredients in your vaccines, they can seriously injure your child – but you cannot sue them.

“What you have to understand is that the vaccine regimen changed dramatically around 1989.

Hmmmn…. 1989, wouldn’t that be during the administration of G.H.W. “Poppy” and “New World Order” Bush? But I digress… back to Mr. Kennedy:

The reason it changed, Tucker, is that Congress, drowning in pharmaceutical industry money, did something they have never done for any other industry – they gave blanket legal immunity to all the vaccine companies.

And who had to sign any such legislation? Why, the same guy whose administration also gave use the “substantial equivalence” opening the floodgates for GMOs to be introduced into the food supply. But I digress again…

“So that no matter how sloppy the line protocols, no matter how absent the quality control, no matter how toxic the ingredients, or egregious the injury to your child, you cannot sue them.

“So there’s no depositions, there’s no discovery, there’s no class action suits. All of a sudden vaccines became enormously profitable.”

The enormous profits in the unregulated industry meant Big Pharma companies raced each other to produce new and unnecessary vaccines to pump into newborn children – often dozens at a time.

Now, all of this raises a question in my mind, and it occurred to Catherine Austin Fitts in our recent Solari-year-end-wrap-up conversation (which we hope will soon be available on and in the members’ area of this website): What has emboldened Mr. Kennedy to make such statements now, not only about big pharma, but about his murdered father? As he stated on the Carlson interview, it is only the second time he has been invited on a major television network to talk about the vaccine industry and vaccine safety. But why, also, invite further ire by only recently talking about his personal thoughts about his father’s murder, and his disbelief in the official narrative that it was the “lone nut-Manchurian patsy” Sirhan Sirhan?

To put the point a bit differently, why does he feel confident enough to speak about any of these things? To do so, particularly if one is a Kennedy, is – I venture to say – a risky business. After all, all of the “brothers” – JFK, RFK Sr., Teddy – are gone. His cousin, JFK Jr., perished in highly suspicious circumstances aboard his private aircraft along with his wife, after apparently making it clear to a few friends that he either planned to investigate, or was investigating, his father’s assassination, and had aspirations for political office.

One can, of course, take the view that Mr. Kennedy is aware of the risks but nonetheless speaking out courageously in spite of them. In doing so, he would certainly be following precedents established by his father and his assassinated presidential uncle.

But perhaps there are circumstances emboldening him as well. Times have changed since those assassinations. Three – and only three – television/radio networks no longer control the flow of information. The deep state playbook is now so transparently obvious that almost every story and government-corporate narrative is questioned almost as soon as it arises. Too many suspicious doctor deaths have raised awareness of the machinations of big pharma and big agribusiness to new levels of cynicism and skepticism.

And there is, I suggest, possibly something else going on: the deep factions are at war. Mr Kennedy alluded to this by calling Big Pharma a “mafia”, and mafia bosses tend to sip brandy and smoke cigars at the table, while their soldiers are shooting at each other on the streets. In short, perhaps it was a subtle signal that the former “truces” are no longer in effect, and that some formerly allied factions are now going after other factions, with whom they were once allied. Perhaps, just perhaps, there are some within “the elite” who are genuinely alarmed at the technocratic, transhumanist, total-absence-of-morality-and-law direction that some globaloneyists want to take things.

Perhaps, but there are, after all, contra-indications. Emanuel-there’s-no-such-thing-as-French-culture-and-please-protest-in-the-traditional-peaceful-French-way-Macron for example. Or Angela-Globaloney-Mad-Madam-Merkel’s recent pronouncement that governments would have to give up their national sovereignty for the glorious sake of the New World Order, and her express statement that government would simply have to ignore their civilian populations and voters to do so. Who better to state the principles of tyranny than a German chancellor(in), huh?

In the meantime, though, kuddos, Mr. Kennedy, for stating with such clarity, the obvious truth that no one wants to confront.

See you on the flip side…

The Government “Can’t Find” $20 Trillion, While Pension Funds are Tanking

Source:  No More Fake News

by Jon Rappoport
December 31, 2018


Alert to pension fund managers all over the planet—and to everyone else—

“If 1,000 US and global pension fund managers start asking questions it could change everything – like stopping a nuclear war.”

That’s a statement from former US Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, and now president of Solari, Inc., Catherine Austin Fitts, who is a financial analyst like no other in our time.

Among other feats, she has identified a giant sucking black hole in the US government. And what has disappeared down that hole is money. Over the years, at least $20 trillion.

Unaccounted for.


If you’re a pension fund manager, stop reading this article and immediately switch over to these two articles from Fitts: “The State of Our Pension Funds” and “’FASAB [Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board] Statement 56′: Understanding New Government Financial Accounting Loopholes”.

You could begin to see a blinding light that changes your mind and changes your approach to the staggering debt your fund is dealing with. And in the process, you could help lead the way to a peaceful revolution. A far-reaching revolution, in which wide-ranging prosperity, not doom, sits up the road.

As for everyone else, here are a few of Fitts’ quotes from her mind-repairing article:

“So what is the problem? If it’s not a problem for $21 trillion to go missing from DOD and HUD, and, [if] it’s possible [for the government] to come up with more than $20[plus] trillion to give or loan to the banks [in a bailout] — when there is no legal obligation to do so, and, when we [the government] can transfer trillions of the most valuable technology in the world to private corporations at zero cost to them and [at] great cost to the taxpayers, [then] I assure you that fixing whatever pension fund problem there is, is not difficult. However, the political will must exist and want to. That is the problem.”

“If we can print money to give $20 trillion [plus] to the banks, and, [if we can] let $21 trillion go missing from the federal government, [then] why is it a problem to print $5 trillion to fund the pension funds?”

Failing pension funds are on the hook for $5 trillion (see also this short article from 2010), and the federal government has no answer? Well, that is a supreme con job, because, as Fitts points out, the government is playing far larger money games without a shred of concern.

And this is just the beginning of the rabbit hole Fitts has been traveling for the past several decades. Here is her basic position: Prosperity for the many, not the few, is eminently possible and doable.

Starting from that premise, and deploying her relentless skills as an analyst, she has discovered the strategies the government and mega-corporations have been deploying to undermine and torpedo an economically healthy society.

Finding and illuminating these strategies was not her basic intent. Her basic intent was lifting all boats for the citizenry. In pursuing that course, she came upon the secret obstructions.

And because her desire to help people did not waver in the slightest, she didn’t turn away. She exposed the obstructions. She continues to do so.

She writes: “Family wealth has the distinct advantage of returning control of investment decisions to individuals. However, this is hardly what the US establishment wants.”

“Our planetary governance and financial system currently operates significantly outside of the law. Whether the cost of war, organized crime, corruption, environmental damage, suppression of technology or secrecy, this lawlessness – and the lawlessness it encourages in the general population – represents a heavy and expensive drag on all aspects of our society, our economy and our landscape.”

Fitts cites an example of corporate choices in this lunatic money scam—General Electric: “By some estimates, its pension fund is underfunded to the tune of $31 billion. However, during the time its pension fund became so underfunded, GE spent $45 billion to buy back its publicly traded common stock. The needed funds were there at one point; it’s just that the leadership of the company decided to funnel it into stockholders’ hands rather than to the pensions of the employees who helped build the company.”

Do you have a pension fund manager? Do you know a pension fund manager? Link them to Fitts’ article. It’s long past the time when they can sit back and moan about the trouble they’re in. They need to learn about the underlying forces at work. (And if they’re a conscious part of the problem, let them learn that their game is exposed.)

Look around you. Money is everywhere. Titanic piles of it are flowing. The question is, to whom is it flowing, and how, and why? Within the current system, there are designated winners and losers. This has to do with criminal controllers posing as benefactors. They steer the money ship. They dump shipments of money at certain favored ports and keep shipments from reaching many other ports.

I know there are people out there who will say, “It’s all about the illegal Federal Reserve and the transnational bankers.” That’s like saying the drug problem is all about the Mexican cartels—but then, digging further, you also come across the expanding opium poppy fields in Afghanistan, the hands-off collusion in Chicago that permits the city to act as a primary hub for drug distribution in the US, the pharmaceutical companies that traffic millions of opioid pills to dealers, and the 2016 law that strangled DEA efforts to bust those companies.

The devil is in the details, and Fitts has uncovered an astonishing number of them.

I first came across her work about ten years ago, when we spoke several times about her specific method enabling local communities to discover money flows—the sources of money coming into their towns and cities, and the destinations of money going out. This brilliant tool would give communities the power to see exactly how money was impoverishing them, rather than enriching them. In an effort to make that tool widely available, thus pointing the way for communities to change those flows and foster local prosperity, Fitts ran into legal trouble with the federal government—and “trouble” is a vast understatement.

She emerged, after a long battle, with her primary goals securely intact.

She has answers and solutions.

Answers that are vital for our time.

Fitts was once an insider and had a front row seat at the money circus. Now, her ongoing enterprise is Solari, Inc. I highly recommend it to you.


[Related Solari Report post: Listen to Catherine Austin Fitts in conversation with Joseph P. Farrell as they discuss missing money, secret space program, the Vatican bank and other topics that tie into secrecy around money and control.]

Humanity’s Reluctance to Becoming Free

The Best of the Solari Report 2018


We know today that man, essentially, is a being of light. And the modern science of photobiology … is presently proving this. In terms of healing the implications are immense. We now know, for example, that quanta of light can initiate, or arrest, cascade-like reactions in the cells, and that genetic cellular damage can be virtually repaired, within hours, by faint beams of light. We are still on the threshold of fully understanding the complex relationship between light and life, but we can now say emphatically, that the function of our entire metabolism is dependent on light.” ~ Dr. Fritz Albert Popp, The International Institute of Biophysics


by Catherine Austin Fitts

[read entire post here]

Why does the world seem so out of balance? I believe the primary reason is that so much of what is happening is kept secret – hidden behind the secret books and secret operations of banks and corporations under the umbrella of National Security. When I was in New Zealand in May, I interviewed Amy Benjamin on The Cost of Secrecy. When family and friends ask “How could this be happening and we not know?” Amy gives us exactly what we need to explain how secrecy is engineered. How can the Deep State run the government and major operations and finances outside of the law? Here’s how.

When I was in Europe last February, our videographer Robert Dupper and I took a road trip from the Netherlands to Switzerland to interview Present Age publisher Thomas Meyer on The Future of Europe. This is a wide-ranging conversation on how we build a human future. Thomas always provides an inspiring antidote to help restore and nurture our spiritual and cultural grounding.

I was in France this summer when several of us sat down to watch Ulrike Granögger’s documentary for the Solari Future Science SeriesThe Wave Genome – Quantum Holography of DNA. This was a paradigm shifting experience for me. How could I be so ignorant of my scientific reality? If you have not watched The Wave Genome yet, here’s your chance. This is invaluable intelligence that will open your mind and open your heart.

We are daily buffeted by a fundamental reordering of institutions and cultural wars encouraged by the establishment. Maintaining our coherence is an art form. I asked Harry Blazer who is the host of the Solari Food Series to join me for a discussion on how to live a free and inspired life and maintain coherence. One afternoon we sat in my den in Hickory Valley to record and Learning to Walkabout was the result.

Our four selections for the Best of the Solari Report 2018 give you an opportunity over the holidays to connect with four of the most inspiring people I know. Enjoy!


The Pentagon’s Missing Trillions: What You Need to Know

by James Corbett
December 18, 2018


 Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed


Dr. Mark Skidmore of Michigan State University joins us to discuss his research with Catherine Austin Fitts into the $21 trillion in unaccounted transactions on the books of the US Department of Defence and the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. We discuss what we know and don’t know about the subject, the Pentagon’s nonsensical and inadequate excuses for the debacle, the new accounting guideline that legally allows every department of the federal government to create fake and altered books for public consumption, the recent failed Pentagon audit, the government’s refusal to provide any information about the problem, the failure of congress to pursue the issue, and the failure of the press to report on it.


Watch this video on BitChute / DTube / YouTube or Download the mp4


The Missing Money at

MSU scholars find $21 trillion in unauthorized government spending; Defense Department to conduct first-ever audit

David Norquist “Explains” Missing Trillions in Journal Vouchers

Has Our Government Spent $21 Trillion Of Our Money Without Telling Us?

Is Our Government Intentionally Hiding $21 Trillion In Spending?

Exclusive: The Pentagon’s Massive Accounting Fraud Exposed

MSU professor shines spotlight on Pentagon’s massive accounting irregularities

Billions Missing from Russian Space Agency

Source: Giza Death Star

by Joseph P. Farrell
December 4, 2018


There’s an old adage: once is unusual, twice is a coincidence (or perhaps, a “synchronicity”) but three or more is a pattern. Well, this story was shared by Catherine Austin Fitts, and Mr. T.M., and as one might imagine, it has my high octane speculation motor running in overdrive. Why? Well, there has been (finally) an acknowledgement in the lamestream media that there is a lot of missing money in the US Federal budget, trillions of dollars’ worth of missing money. Now, this is not news for those who’ve been following Ms. Fitts’ regular blogs, interviews and articles over the years. Recently Dr. Mark Scidmore also has chimed in. And of course, let’s not forget former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, who revealed that about two trillion dollars could not be accounted for, on September 10th, 2001. Of course, that story was quickly forgotten in the aftermath of 9/11. Nor is it news for those who’ve been following my speculations about hidden systems of finance, obfuscated amounts of gold and so on, over the years in connection to the bearer bonds scandals.

What is different about this story is that this missing money is not dollars, but rubles – 785.5 billion of them – missing from the Russian space agency, Roscosmos:

Russia space agency targeted over “stolen” billions

Now, as the article notes, 785.5 billion rubles is a “mere” 11.9 billion dollars, a veritable drop in the bucket compared to the trillions mentioned by Mr. Rumsfeld, or tracked by Ms. Fitts or Dr. Scidmore. Nonetheless, the article contains some intriguing statements, and more interestingly, does not contain other statements:

The Russian space agency Roscosmos, whose reputation has already been hit by the failure of a Soyuz rocket last month, was on Sunday targeted by the country’s audit court over financial irregularities including “stolen” billions.

“We have serious problems with Roscosmos,” the Accounts Chamber chairman Alexe Kudrin said in televised comments.

“Procurement procedures are bad, prices are too high, many projects are unfinished or halted, and funds stand unused for months, and several billion have been lost – stolen – and investigations are ongoing, ” the former finance minister added.

A 2017 report by the court signalled(sic) a total of 151 irregularities within the space agency accounts, totalling(sic) 785.5 billion rubles ($11.9 billion), Russian news agency reported.

What’s interesting in what it does say is that the explanations given for the lost money have been placed on the usual culprits in the former Communist nation: bad procurement procedures, inflated prices, unused funds, and just plain good old fashioned theft. Well, if “bad procurement procedures” are to blame, then Russia is a bastion of fiscal responsibility and efficiency, compared to Rumsfeld’s Pentagon or the federal budgetary “process” in America.

But I find much more interesting the things that are not being said. The impression given in the article is that this loss was just for 2017, yet that is not explicit. We’re left with a mere impression. We don’t really know how many years the investigation covered, nor are we given any indication of who supposedly stole some of the money, and what percentage of this 785.5 billion rubles was thought to be stolen, not simply missing or gobbled up in “bad procurement procedures”.

It’s the absence of explanation of that stolen money that intrigues me, and as one might guess, has my high octane speculation running in overdrive. A mere 785.5 billion rubles, or a mere 11.9 billion dollars in missing and/or stolen money might not seem like much in the context of American missing money stories, but as I’ve pointed out in other contexts, while Russia spends far less than the USA on military and space matters, it gets more bang for the ruble, for one of the consequences of a hidden system of finance, lots of missing money, and reserve currency status, is that prices inflate, corruption dominates the system, and comparative technologies becomes higher priced in the one context that might cost a fraction of that in the other.

So with that somewhat simplistic idea in mind, I turn to my high octane speculation of the day:

Recently in one of this website’s members’ vidchats, the question was asked if I thought there was a similar hidden financial system, and “breakaway civilization” or “secret space program” in other countries, particularly Russia. My answer was yes, and then the observation was made that one never hears about massive amounts of missing money from Russia, which is why I find this story so interesting. Recently I observed that the amounts of missing money in the US federal budget were now so astronomically huge, that the old explanation of $20,000 toilet seats and $10,000 wrenches and coffee makers were no longer an adequate cover for inflating ledger prices of supplies to cover the diversion of money into classified and deep projects. Thus the possibility emerges that Russia – with its smaller economy – might still be in the era of cooking the books to divert funds into deeper classified projects. And the fact that this is occurring within Roscosmos is suggestive enough that one possibility for that diversion of funds is into classified secret space projects.

See you on the flip side…

The Pentagram Fails Its First Audit

Source: Giza Death Star

by Joseph P. Farrell
November 20, 2018


This was another one of those stories that my email inbox was flooded with this week, and it’s a doozie. The Pentagram…er… the Pentagon, has failed its first audit. Let me repeat that: FAILED its first audit. So, thank you to all of you who noticed this story and passed it along, because as one might imagine, I have my own end-of-the-twig high octane speculation to advance on it:

Pentagon Fails Its First-Ever Official Audit

The Pentagon failed its audit, but officials aren’t surprised

Here’s what the Pentagon’s first-ever audit found

Now, reading all this, I suspect one might have the same reaction that I had: I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, so I did both, with the meter tipped at first ever so slightly on the laughter side of things, until it became hysterical humor. For one thing, they spent an awful lot of money (from the third article), on this audit:

One figure that is available: the audit itself cost $413 million, which the department notes is roughly 1/30 of one percent of the Pentagon’s overall budget. In addition, $406 million was spend on addressing issues found by the department, with another $153 million on “financial system fixes,” per a DoD factsheet — a total in FY18 of $972 million.

Yes, that’s right, the audit itself cost $413 million, with a mere $153 million spent on various “fixes”, and another $406 spent on “issues.”  Isn’t that nice? They spent on “fixes” and “issues,” and the total cost of the audit, and its “issues” and “fixes” was nearly a billion dollars. I don’t know about you, but I’m glad these people aren’t preparing my taxes; my tax lady is much better at this, and she doesn’t cost me $413 million dollars either.

But wait, there’s more: they spent all this money on an audit that they knew ahead of time would be a failure (leaving aside the all important question of how and why did they know that ahead of time? The fix was in? Falling SAT scores for the Joint Chiefs of Staff? The sensitivity training was failing? The trans-gendered bathrooms on the aircraft carriers that don’t work don’t work?):

“We never thought we were going to pass an audit, right? Everyone was betting against us that we wouldn’t even do the audit,” Shanahan told reporters Thursday at the Pentagon.

“Some of the compliance issues are irritating to me because the point of the audit is to drive better discipline in our compliance with our management systems and our procedures,” he added. “Some of those things frustrated me because we have a job to do and just have to follow our procedures.”

Among those issues are what Shanahan called “inventory accuracy,” or issues where the central database at the Pentagon identified inventory that simply wasn’t there in the real world. He also hit on the need to be “better” at cybersecurity compliance and discipline. (Emphasis added)

Ok… so the really important thing is, “at least we tried, huh? Can we get ‘high fives’ for at least trying? After all, it’s the process, not the result, that’s important.” Well, hear hear: give the Pentagram a trophy for at least “participating.” It’s all the rage these days, and if elementary schools in Amairkuhn quackademia can do it, why not the Pentagram?

But the real clincher is that one of the “issues” that they spent $406 million on was the fact that apparently the Pentagram has been buying inventory that doesn’t show up… anywhere. Hooray… no national security problem there, folks: we can outfit 20 armored divisions and 30 wings of fighters and bombers, on paper at least.

Now, if you’re like me, and you’ve been following all this “missing money”, the needle on your Suspicion Meter is in the red zone, and if you’ve purchased your Shriek-o-Meter from Catherine Austin Fitts’ Solari site, the Shriek-o-meter has passed the Screaming-Hair-pulling mark, and is headed toward the Babbling Lunacy mark. Either way, both meters are detecting pure steaming piles of cow puckey.

Now, as one might expect, I have some high octane speculation to advance in this respect: First, I suspect that today’s “inventory that isn’t there” is yesterday’s thirty thousand dollar toilet seat and fifteen thousand dollar wrench. One can only launder so much money with toilet seats and wrenches. It’s much easier to launder money for much more expensive toys that one doesn’t even have to build, and all the corporations, lobbyists, and other cutouts can take their share of the management fees and commissions along the way. But secondly, I strongly suspect that the “inventory” isn’t missing at all, it’s just been intentionally mislabeled. In other words, the inventory exists, but it’s a very different inventory than what appears on the balance sheets.  That would go to things like Secret Space Programs, covert operations, a little off-planet tithe or tribute here and there, and a little into that other phenomenon I’ve been rattling about for a few years: a completely hidden system of finance.

So in a way, the audit didn’t fail at all. It just confirmed what we already suspected, and added yet another data point to the mix.

See you on the flip side…

The Government “Can’t Find” $20 Trillion, While Pension Funds are Tanking

Source: No More Fake News

Note: the missing $20 trillion does not refer to the national debt.

by Jon Rappoport
April 24, 2018


Alert to pension fund managers all over the planet—and to everyone else—

If 1,000 US and global pension fund managers start asking questions it could change everything – like stopping a nuclear war.”

That’s a statement from former US Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, and now president of Solari, Inc., Catherine Austin Fitts, who is a financial analyst like no other in our time.

Among other feats, she has identified a giant sucking black hole in the US government. And what has disappeared down that hole is money. Over the years, at least $20 trillion.

Unaccounted for.


If you’re a pension fund manager, stop reading this article and immediately switch over to Fitts’ article, “The State of Our Pension Funds.”

You could begin to see a blinding light that changes your mind and changes your approach to the staggering debt your fund is dealing with. And in the process, you could help lead the way to a peaceful revolution. A far-reaching revolution, in which wide-ranging prosperity, not doom, sits up the road.

As for everyone else, here are a few of Fitts’ quotes from her mind-repairing article:

So what is the problem? If it’s not a problem for $21 trillion to go missing from DOD and HUD and it is possible [for the government] to come up with more than $20[plus] trillion to give or loan to the banks [in a bailout] when there is no legal obligation to do so and when we [the government] can transfer trillions of the most valuable technology in the world to private corporations at zero cost to them and great cost to the taxpayers, I assure you that fixing whatever pension fund problem there is, is not difficult. However, the political will must exist and want to. That is the problem.”

If we can print money to give $20 trillion [plus] to the banks and let $21 trillion go missing from the federal government, why is it a problem to print $5 trillion to fund the pension funds?”

Failing pension funds are on the hook for $5 trillion, and the federal government has no answer? Well, that is a supreme con job, because, as Fitts points out, the government is playing far larger money games without a shred of concern.

And this is just the beginning of the rabbit hole Fitts has been traveling for the past several decades. Here is her basic position: Prosperity for the many, not the few, is eminently possible and doable.

Starting from that premise, and deploying her relentless skills as an analyst, she has discovered the strategies the government and mega-corporations have been deploying to undermine and torpedo an economically healthy society.

Finding and illuminating these strategies was not her basic intent. Her basic intent was lifting all boats for the citizenry. In pursuing that course, she came upon the secret obstructions.

And because her desire to help people did not waver in the slightest, she didn’t turn away. She exposed the obstructions. She continues to do so.

She writes: “Family wealth has the distinct advantage of returning control of investment decisions to individuals. However, this is hardly what the US establishment wants.”

Our planetary governance and financial system currently operates significantly outside of the law. Whether the cost of war, organized crime, corruption, environmental damage, suppression of technology or secrecy, this lawlessness – and the lawlessness it encourages in the general population – represents a heavy and expensive drag on all aspects of our society, our economy and our landscape.”

Fitts cites an example of corporate choices in this lunatic money scam—General Electric: “By some estimates, its pension fund is underfunded to the tune of $31 billion. However, during the time its pension fund became so underfunded, GE spent $45 billion to buy back its publicly traded common stock. The needed funds were there at one point; it’s just that the leadership of the company decided to funnel it into stockholders’ hands rather than to the pensions of the employees who helped build the company.”

Do you have a pension fund manager? Do you know a pension fund manager? Link them to Fitts’ article. It’s long past the time when they can sit back and moan about the trouble they’re in. They need to learn about the underlying forces at work. (And if they’re a conscious part of the problem, let them learn that their game is exposed.)

Look around you. Money is everywhere. Titanic piles of it are flowing. The question is, to whom is it flowing, and how, and why? Within the current system, there are designated winners and losers. This has to do with criminal controllers posing as benefactors. They steer the money ship. They dump shipments of money at certain favored ports and keep shipments from reaching many other ports.

I know there are people out there who will say, “It’s all about the illegal Federal Reserve and the transnational bankers.” That’s like saying the drug problem is all about the Mexican cartels—but then, digging further, you also come across the expanding opium poppy fields in Afghanistan, the hands-off collusion in Chicago that permits the city to act as a primary hub for drug distribution in the US, the pharmaceutical companies that traffic millions of opioid pills to dealers, and the 2016 law that strangled DEA efforts to bust those companies.

The devil is in the details, and Fitts has uncovered an astonishing number of them.

I first came across her work about ten years ago, when we spoke several times about her specific method enabling local communities to discover money flows—the sources of money coming into their towns and cities, and the destinations of money going out. This brilliant tool would give communities the power to see exactly how money was impoverishing them, rather than enriching them. In an effort to make that tool widely available, thus pointing the way for communities to change those flows and foster local prosperity, Fitts ran into legal trouble with the federal government—and “trouble” is a vast understatement.

She emerged, after a long battle, with her primary goals securely intact.

She has answers and solutions.

Answers that are vital for our time.

Fitts was once an insider and had a front row seat at the money circus. Now, her ongoing enterprise is I highly recommend it to you.

Amairikuhn Kulcher: So Radicalized that Radicals Think Radicals Are …

Source: Giza Death Star

by Joseph P. Farrell
February 27, 2018


Warning!  Rant alert!

This one is nuts, I mean completely, totally, bottom-of-the-barrel nuts. And it’s sadly another measure of just what a “kulcherul” swamp Amairikuh – under the “leadership” of its two progressive parties – has become. One of my friend’s friends called the fetid putrid swamp that is Amairikuhn kulcher a “stinking, sinking garbage barge.” If that’s the case, then it’s a stinking sinking garbage barge being piloted by lunatics, nitwits, and kooks.

What’s more interesting to me is that several readers of this website found this article, and a few drew my attention to it by posting it on my Facebook wall. (A big thank you to all of you, although to be on the safe side, I don’t check Facebook regularly, so email articles to me via the contact button on the website.) I find that interesting simply because the general culture is something that people are now following closely.

But back to the lunatics, nitwits, and kooks in charge of piloting the garbage barge. One person who emailed this article to me expressed disbelief and wondered if the article was real. I had to stop and ponder that one, for when I read the article, nothing in it surprised me. That is to say, my “gut reaction” – before I could think about the article – was that it was, indeed, real. And that alone is a sad statement on the garbage barge, because it’s now listing severely to port and by the bow.

Here’s the article(you’ll have to copy and paste):

Yes, that’s right folks, the nuttery of the modern USSA has reached such a state that the radical sign, or square root sign, in mathematics has students thinking in terms of guns. Of course, I suspect that a certain amount of that is to be expected, in a “kulcher” that Doctors of Edubabble has managed to dumb down with their theories incubated in the teacher certification courses in the quackademy and after so many students are drugged into zombies and go on killing sprees. (Yes, there I said it: want to regulate guns? Well, then we need to look long and hard at regulating the daylights out of doctors of edubabble, increasingly Marxist colleges of teacher certification and the goofy kulchers they produce in our schools, and most importantly, psychiatrists and doctors and nurses and big pharma pushing all these drugs on our kids.)

The symbol for the square root of a number, a gun.

Think about that. It sounds goofy, utterly goofy at first, but I contend it carries a deeper significance, a cultural significance, because for people to get into the state of mind to be able to think that, then it’s the whole cultural complex that’s killing people, not just guns. We survived in this country for decades with an armed population – including teenaged boys armed with hunting rifles in their trucks (I know, growing up in South Dakota, I saw them all the time) – and we didn’t go around shooting up schools and schoolchildren. What changed? Drugs… and, I would aver, the feminization of Amairikuhn kulcher. I call it the “gynocracy”: boys will be boys, but now, that’s not a normal natural condition, but a “behavior issue” to be treated with drugs. With luck and enough drugs, maybe they can be induced to be confused about which toilet to use after the gynocracy is done making men feel guilty for being men.

Yet, all that isn’t what really leapt out and grabbed me in this article. Oh no!  Quite the contrary!

What grabbed me was this:

A discussion among students at Oberlin High School in Oberlin, La., about a mathematical symbol led to a police investigation and a search of one of the student’s homes, according to the Allen Parish Sheriff’s Office.

On the afternoon of Feb. 20, detectives investigated a report of terroristic threats at the school, where they learned that a student had been completing a math problem that required drawing the square-root sign.

Students in the group began commenting that the symbol, which represents a number that when multiplied by itself equals another number, looked like a gun.

After several students made comments along those lines, another student said something the sheriff’s office said could have sounded like a threat out of context.

Police searched the student’s home, where they found no guns or any evidence that he had any access to guns. Authorities also wrote there was no evidence the student had any intent to commit harm. (Emphasis added)

Let that one sink in for a moment. First, can one blame a bunch of students for sitting around, in the wake of the prior week’s tragic school shooting, and having guns on their mind? No, one cannot. Can one even blame the local police for (presumably) getting a search warrant to search his home for having remarked that radical signs in mathematics look like guns? Again, in the wake of the prior week’s tragic deaths (and the now emerging story that the FBI was warned, but was too busy trying to prove Russian collusion with Trump to look into it), one certainly can’t blame them either. But ponder that one too: all it takes now to (presumably) get a search warrant to search someone’s home is for their child to merely mention the word “gun” even though there was no stated intention to cause harm.

This is Amairikuhn kulcher. And it’s time to face the facts: this is what one hundred years of progressivism has produced: a generation of hyprocritical, entitled, narcissistic, drugged up and dumbed down nitwits.  The grand experiment, in other words, has been a complete and total failure.

The solution: as Catherine Austin Fitts has remarked on occasion, if you’re not in a conspiracy, then you need to start one, and start figuring out how to take the institutions back. All of them.

See you on the flip side…

Q-Anon: Disinformation Campaign Aimed at the Independent Research Community?

Source:  DarkJournalist
Published on Jan 8, 2018



Deep State Trial Balloon/Marketing Op Aimed at Alternative Media?


In this episode Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Oxford Scholar Dr. Joseph P. Farrell the author of the popular Giza Death Star Book Series.

Farrell delves deeply into the online group posts of Q Anon and its rapid spread through the Alternative Media under the guise of an anonymous insider.

Farrell Poses the question: Is the Q Anon material just the latest wave of sophisticated disinformation that Catherine Austin Fitts calls “Hope Porn”?

Disinformation Campaign

Farrell sees a sophisticated disinformation campaign aimed at the independent research community to create an Imitation Wikileaks style vehicle that will act as an All-knowing Oracle Insider for a variety of important Geopolitical situations. It is apparently designed to propagate the promise of Cabal Arrests and Elites being tried at Gitmo as a kind of Soma to pacify the growing online audience that are raising questions about the actions of the Deep State on a global scale.



Related article:

Project Blueballs — Fulford, Wilcock and the False Hope Energy Heist

UFOs & the Missing Money

Source:  Dark Journalist

Catherine Austin Fitts: UFOs & the Missing Money! New York Times Fake Disclosure — Dark Journalist

Published on Dec 23, 2017

SPECIAL UPDATE: Fitts Speaks Out on the New York Times Harry Reid Tom DeLonge UFO Story & Fake Disclosure! Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes Former Assistant Housing Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts to give her take of the recent news wave of Fake UFO Disclosure via the New York Times, Harry Reid and Tom Delonge. She also points out that the fake alien threat story will be used as a smokescreen to coverup the real story on UFOs and distract from hardcore research into The Missing Money ($21 Trillion) at HUD, NASA & the Department of Defense! They also give a preview of their major look at 2018, The Space Based Economy and Catherine’s latest Solari Report Control 101.


Speculation on the Connection Between Human Trafficking, the Deep State and Hidden System of Finance

Source:  Giza Death Star



by Joseph P. Farrell
July 31, 2017


All of you remember Lord James of Blackheath, don’t you? Well, in case you’ve forgotten who he is, he was the British peer who, a few years ago, stood in the House of Lords and gave a most peculiar speech that cited unusual amounts of gold in the world. I wrote about his speech – which was causing something of a minor fuss on the internet at that time – in my book Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations. In fact, I cited much of his remarks, as Hansard reported them, in that book. The upshot of Lord Blackheath’s remarks was that he was trying to get to the bottom of how much gold there was in the world, and as a result, contacted acquaintances in the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street (the Bank of England), and was given answers that amounted to approximately 1500 tons. There was, of course, much more to Lord Blackheath’s remarks than just that, but that was one of the things that grabbed my attention, for at around the same time, the calls within Germany by Germans to audit their country’s gold reserves had reached such a pitch that the Bundesbank decided to begin the process of repratriation of Germany’s gold deposits from London, Paris, and most importantly, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Of course, I don’t for a moment assume these pressures were the only reason Germany decided to do this. If anything, they were convenient pressures, when the real reasons were probably geopolitical, and growing mistrust between Berlin on the one hand, and London and Washington on the other.

In any case, the amounts being cited by Lord Blackheath were far below even the reported amounts of just German gold allegedly on deposit in New York. And of course, Lord Blackheath himself expressed no considerable mystification at the time at not being able to get any rational approximation from his contacts.

Well, Mr. J.R. found this article and passed it along, and I regard it as so significant in terms of my “high octane speculations” about hidden systems of finance, that I absolutely have to comment on it. Here’s the article:

Lord James of Blackheath: I Helped Smuggle Children Used For Slavery And Sex

Now, much as I’d like to belabor the moral myopia of helping to smuggle children out of the United Kingdom when one suspects “something might be going on but I did it anyway,” I suspect the article itself does a decent enough job of that.

So I will pass on to my high octane speculation of the day by way of a bit more background: my friend and colleague, former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban development Catherine Austin Fitts has expressed the opinion – during an interview with Daniel Liszt, a.k.a. the “Dark Journalist” – that the western elites have always admired slavery as a system of economic privilege and control. The problem, she averred, was that the capital could not be “perfected,” after all, slaves ran away to pursue a life of freedom and their own economic self interest. Now, however, the means of “perfecting the capital” are available, as the following article suggests:

Wisconsin Company to Implant Microchips in Employees

Most of us, I’m quite certain, who read the second article will have a “John of Patmos moment” contemplating the dire implications of that development.

But if one is running covert human trafficking rings – whether for child sex slavery, adult sex slavery, or other forms of slavery – such technology does allow one to “keep track of the cargo,” i.e., to perfect the “capital.”

Which brings me chin-to-chin with my…

…High Octane Speculation of the day: For years, in several books, blogs, and interviews, I’ve maintained that there is in existence a hidden system of finance, whose basic “mechanics” is the trade in bearer securities backed by “gold”, and hence, for me, I am of the opinion that the various “bearer bond scandals” are not, in spite of all official protestations to the contrary, easily dismissible as “simple counterfeiting scams.” We are assured – at one time even by President Obama himself – that the “securities” recovered during these scandals are completely fake, and that there is absolutely nothing to it. Yet, the same scam is run repeatedly, over and over. As I’ve observed several times: “one does not counterfeit a seven dollar bill.” In other words, even if the “securities” recovered during these scandals are fakes, no counterfeiter would attempt to run the same scam over and over again, unless there was an element of truth lurking somewhere in the center of it. The fact that many of these “securities” are “gold-backed” bearer bonds, takes us back once again to lord Blackheath’s mystification a few years ago on the floor of the House of Lords, as recorded in Hansard’s. My argument then was, in order to make a hidden system of finance work, and remain off the books, one key mechanism was the physical movement of such “securities.”

Further research, however, revealed something else, namely, that the term “gold” often functioned as a codename for drugs, and given the overwhelming size of the underground drug economy as a proportion of the financial system, I also concluded that the “gold” backing these “securities” may not have been exclusively actual bullion, but drugs.

In recent years, however, we’ve seen an increase of stories about human trafficking and sex-slavery rings, involving every demographic from little children to Siamese women. The extent of these stories has touched every continent, implying that there are world-wide networks involved in this “business,” which, given its vast extent, must also comprise an underground economy of considerable size. The Taken series of movies with Irish actor Liam Neeson explores this brutal system in fictional guise. The political purpose of such networks is, of course, rather obvious, for it entangles the rich and politically powerful in compromising activity, which create what Catherine Fitts has described as “control files” to blackmail compliance. With this possibility, one is looking at the implication that such rings are deeply and intimately entangled with the “deep state” and various intelligence agencies, and thus, with my hypothesized hidden system of finance.

Which brings me back to Lord Blackheath, and a final, new, speculation. What if “gold” is code not only for “drugs,” but for human “cargo” and “capital”, as part of this enormous network? In other words, what if slavery itself is a crucial component of this hidden system of finance? Need laborers to help build all those underground secret installations? If that sounds far-fetched, don’t forget that there’s precedent: the Nazis did it, and incidentally, they did it within an economic empire being run by the SS, where every unfortunate victim was tagged, tattooed, and numbered as the “capital assets” of the system.

Such a speculation goes a long way, for example, to explain the difficulties facing Vatican bank reform attempts, for if my speculation be true, then that bank would be intimately connected to these “financial activities,” and hence, attempts to deal with clergy scandal abuses and Vatican financial reform are not two separate issues, but intimately connected. Just recently, George

Cardinal Pell, who was tasked by Pope Francis to oversee the Vatican budget, has returned to Australia to answer sexual abuse charges.

However, if what I am proposing is true, then the extent of this human trafficking-finance ring will not be confined solely or exclusively to the Vatican: it will be intimately entwined with other large financial institutions. The Vatican might just end up being the (convenient) patsy. The hypothesis might even go a long way to explain one possible reason behind all the mysterious banker deaths and “suicides” of the past few years.

See you on the flip side…

Breakaway Truth: A Tale of Two Civilizations



Published on Jun 18, 2017

In this special episode, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Catherine Austin Fitts. Catherine is the President of The Solari Report, a quarterly journal and website that integrates economic trends with a larger geopolitical picture.

Ascent of the Black Budget Underworld
Catherine sees the forces vying for power in the 21st century as a combination of Black Budget underworld with its covert influence in drug running, money laundering and high finance, and the robotic, transhumanist corporate culture that is attempting to create a new kind of digital slavery.

In either case, the public civilization is only vaguely aware of the impact of these forces on their daily lives. In everyday living in modern society, an average person doesn’t often get the opportunity to see the massive plan being brought to bear for the global dominance of a worldwide smartgrid capable of cataloging every person according to its harvesting algorithm.

Secret Space Psyops: Celebrity Whistleblowers — Bill Ryan’s Interview with Dark Journalist, Part 3

Published on May 20, 2017

The Most Important Interview of The Series!

In this fascinating and wide ranging conclusion to the 3 part interview series by Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt of Project Avalon’s Bill Ryan, they continue to peer through and untangle the tangled web of mind control entertainment memes that are being developed by Corey Goode and David Wilcock around the topic of the Secret Space Program.
The cartoonish narratives and unvetted claims of blue avian aliens selecting Goode to be a time traveling astronaut have strained even the open minded UFO research community and the latest developments of Goode’s tale being launched as a comic book appears to sacrifice the final shred of investigative value to a case that has called into question the rationale and integrity of the New Age media production company Gaia TV.

The Celebrity Whistleblower Problem

In the course of 70 years of research into UFOs and over a decade of research into the Secret Space Program many retired Military personnel, Astronauts, and covert operators have come forward and shaped a legacy of whistleblowers that have risked tremendous repercussions to bring us the truth that the Government and the Media have kept behind a wall of total secrecy. In the case of UK hacker Gary McKinnon, he risked decades in prison to leak information concerning the fact that the United States had developed an Off-World Officer fleet with no public awareness of the program.

Recently, we’ve seen a disturbing number of individuals with no credentials, no evidence and no verifiable paper trail come forward for their 15 minutes of fame and claim to be involved as key members of this covert program. The problem is with nothing to back up their story and the additional claims they make of being messengers of elaborate galactic beings, the entire trend seems almost engineered to discredit legitimate research into the missing trillions gone from the federal budget. It is theorized by research experts like Former Assistant HUD Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts and Oxford Scholar Joseph Farrell that the missing money is being pumped into a secret space infrastructure that has no public accountability. That verifiable line of inquiry is often drowned out by the celebrity whistleblowers and their predictions of imminent ET Disclosure and the ascension of humanity through the intervention of a Space Alliance.

Psyop or Sellout?

Ryan’s article ‘The Truth About Corey Goode’ that set the stage for this informative series of interviews basically asks the question: are we looking at a psyop being perpetrated by intelligence groups to take the attention away from legitimate UFO research and replace it with story lines that won’t hold up to scrutiny and celebrity whistleblowers that will eventually be discredited and discarded by the unscrupulous entertainment companies that seek to profit from the confusion around the entire Secret Space Program topic.

Come What May

Come What May

by Sharon JamesContributing Writer at Truth Comes to Light
November 2, 2021


This morning I woke feeling sad. I cannot count how many sad mornings there have been for the past twenty months. On my early morning walk I watched a bank of clouds swallow up the sunrise. My family and friends tell me to stop reading and listening. They tell me to take breaks.

But you do not take breaks from friends who are suffering with so many degrees of struggle and loss. You cannot let the clouds swallow them up too. You read and listen to help those who cannot — to help them navigate in this nightmarish storm. And maybe you can rescue some who do not yet realize they are drowning.

My first listen today was of a dad and a young daughter speaking before a city council. They were choking on the stranglehold the mandates are putting on their community.

You want to know what he does for a living?

He runs the heart and lung machine that maybe your grandma or brother were on during open heart surgery. He says there are only two in his local hospital who do that work and neither will take the jab. So people will die when they are fired for their choice. Some will call him foolish or selfish and some will call him a hero.

He struggled to remain composed. He said he has tried to see his way around it and through it but, in the end,  standing for freedom is the only thing that makes sense for the long term. Because, well, we do not know what they will ask us to do next.

My sad did not end there. We needed a few things at a local store whose name you would know. There were bright red signs on every cooler door and on end caps and more. “Hiring Event – Today!” Other local stores have signs that say “Immediate Interviews”. Lines are long and shelves have gaps.

Manned tables were placed strategically. People were stopping by. There sat a tall man with a long beard – older. I overheard. The woman in control harshly said, “You cannot fill out an application online?” Him: “No.” Her again: “Do you have a cell phone you could fill one out on?” Him, dejected: “No.”

I walked away, knowing he was not going to get a job, no matter what. He wanted a job. He was willing to work. But he was not even good enough for a large chain retail discount store who were having a “Hiring Event – Today!”. What a false hope they held out to him and others.

With my cart filled with more than we need — because one never knows — I checked myself out. I opened my wallet to pay cash because right now, more than ever, it is important to use cash. That is another right being threatened.

After feeding the machine my money I made my way to the parking lot. It was still cloudy like my heart. I loaded the groceries into my van and drove out the side exit, heading home.

I live in rural Iowa near a very small town. I shop in a town that is bigger, but still small — less than 30,000 residents. So seeing what I saw next is rare — a beggar by the side exit of the store parking lot. Even more rare, it was a young woman.

I could have looked the other way. That is sometimes easier in the bigger cities when you cannot tell if it is a ruse or real. But I chose to read her sign. The first phrase had me.

“I have kids.”.

I pulled over. I opened my wallet, still well supplied. The tears from the dad and daughter talk threated to spill again. I put the window down and looked into the grateful eyes of a young East Indian woman — a surprise in this small town.

Her accent when she said “God bless you” confirmed her origins. A couple of scars on her face said she had suffered. I could only get out “You, too” when I handed her less than I should have. Whether her need was real or not — God bless her.

Turning left, I headed north. A sudden realization came as did the tears. My kids’ generation rarely carry cash. If you do not carry cash, how do you help in a situation like that? If people do not carry cash how does someone in need ask for help?

What if, one day, I am the beggar? Then a song came on the radio… “Sometimes heartache is the gift I need…down broken roads You’re still my rock. My hope remains, I’ll rest in the arms of Jesus, come what may.”

Come what may, I will stand firm for what I know is right.

Come what may, I will help my neighbor.

Come what may, I will trust the Lord who will care for me.

What is your ‘come what may’ list?


See my previous essays:

My Solitary Journey Through Fear: A Life-Changing Paradigm Shift — From Pandemic Believer to Uncovering the Truth

My Approach to Opening Those Feared Yet Needed “Pandemic” Conversations


Sharon James — along with her husband, children & visiting grandchildren — has lived and worked for nearly 35 years on a century farm in Iowa.

She is an avid researcher and life-long learner with a degree in education and strong interest in natural healing. Her now-adult children were all home schooled.

Sharon James is a contributing writer at Truth Comes to Light.


Sharon welcomes your comments or questions. Her email address is:


cover image credit: StockSnap / pixabay

Attorney Renate Holzeisen: “Covid Vaccines Violate European Legislation”

Attorney Renate Holzeisen: “Covid Vaccines Violate European Legislation”

by Senta Depuydt, Children’s Health Defense Europe
July 21, 2021


Senta Depuydt: [00:00:02] Hi everyone, I’m Senta Depuydt from CHD Europe, and today I’m with Renate Holzeisen, who I consider the number one lawyer litigating Covid vaccines issues at the level of the European institutions. Renate is with me for two very important legal actions against the European Commission, and we will ask people from all over Europe to participate. So Renate is a highly trained barrister in the field of economic and fiscal matters. She’s also specialised in international and European law. And since the beginning of the pandemic, she has been on the front line to defend our fundamental rights. So she has filed an impressive number of cases related to Covid vaccines. She’s from Sud Tyrol, the German speaking part of Italy so her main language is German, and she often collaborates with Austrian and German colleagues such as Reiner Fuellmich, for example. Finally, Renate is a member of the CHD Europe’s advisory board. And we are very, very proud to have you with us.

Renate, thank you for joining us. I know your time is very precious. Before you explain what we want to do today. Can you first tell us a little bit about the different legal actions you already have taken at the European level? Thank you.

Renate Holzeisen: [00:01:32] Thank you. It’s a pleasure to be with you today. So we have already filed 4 actions for annulment, according to Article 263 of the Treaty on Functioning of the European Union against the deliberations of the European Commission for the conditional authorisation of the four currently authorised so-called Covid-19 vaccines, which in fact are experimental gene therapeutic products. We found that the deliberations taken by the European Commission are fundamentally against European law of the conditional authorisation of medicines and vaccines, if they were vaccines, which we know are gene therapeutics products. They (the decisions) have to be taken according to European regulation 507 of  2006. And one of the conditions fixed by the European legislator is that the product has to guarantee a positive balance between benefits and risks.

So first of all, we have to explain that these substances weren’t studied and authorized for the prevention of the infection with the sars-cov-2 virus. They were only studied and authorised for the prevention of the disease Covid-19. And already there, we see a lot, not only of misunderstanding, but in fact, of a real propaganda, disinforming propaganda by the institutions and by the European governments. And this is a very unacceptable circumstance. We see it now with the legislations which are announced in the different European countries like France and Italy regarding the so-called Green Pass…

Senta Depuydt: [00:04:48] Yes, I’m just going to come back on this because you say so many important things there. And I remember very clearly – we published an article on this fact  that when the EMA, and there is still that interview, I believe – when the EMA released this conditional authorisation, they had a full interview with the experts and they said: “Oh, we don’t know if the vaccine is going to prevent transmission. It’s actually not been studied.. It’s not provided in the data. We have no idea about this”. On the contrary, every evidence points to the fact that in all the countries where there was this huge vaccination campaigns, Israel, UK, etc. we see that there are new variants and it didn’t it work on the transmission. So you’re really pointing to the key element of the fraud. How does the European Union or how do the different countries continue (with this)? You know, do they provide false evidence, false data to suddenly say: “Oh, yeah, well, it does actually block the transmission”. My question to you..

Renate Holzeisen: [00:06:22] Yes, we have to be very clear. We have the authorisation by the European Commission on the positive report of the EMA and from the official documentation of the European Commission, in which everybody can have a look entering in the website of the Human Medicines Register, where you can find on the top immediately the Covid-19 vaccines and clicking on the reports, you’ll find then all the deliberations of the European Commission with the attached documents. And from these documents and the documents of the EMA, which you can find on the website of the EMA, you’ll see that the European Commission and the EMA, are declaring that these substances are authorised for the prevention of the disease. They never declared any authorization for the prevention of the infection because EMA itself is declaring that it is absolutely not proven that these substances are working for the prevention of the infection. Therefore, the European Commission, couldn’t authorize these 4 substances which are Cominarty (Pfizer/BioNtech), Moderna now called Spikevax, AstraZeneca now called Vaxzevria and Janssen or Johnson & Johnson. They aren’t authorized for the prevention of the infection with the virus, and that is legally binding.

This is the basis, the legal basis we have to start from and therefore all these ‘green passes’ (covid pass)  introduced, which are referring to the proof of the vaccination, with one of these four substances: they are illegal. They are not founded in facts. So this legislation already failed before they were introduced. And we, lawyers, are now working on that, because it is clear that we would have an absolutely unconstitutional discrimination between people not treated with these experimental substances with regard to people vaccinated. And even the people who were treated with these substances, they weren’t vaccinated in order to prevent the infection.

Senta Depuydt: [00:09:54] Yes and that’s how they justified all these measures.

Renate Holzeisen: [00:09:57] Yes, it is clear that we have from the start on an absolutely not legal discrimination. And I think if we are bringing this evidence with the documentation, legal documentation of the European Commission and the EMA to the courts, the Green (Covid) pass law has to fall immediately. And also the mandatory vaccination. We have this mandatory vaccination already in Italy for the health workers. And I’m now going to file starting tomorrow, hundreds of legal actions in order to ask the annulment of the suspension already disposed by the South Tyrolean Health Authority with which hundreds of health workers were suspended from their work without wages. They have no earnings at the moment and this is obviously an absolutely unacceptable situation.

Senta Depuydt: [00:11:37] And unfortunately, we see that these kind of situations like in Italy, which is the forerunner, are coming to France. I’m sure you heard of it. And I’m sure other countries will follow.

Renate Holzeisen: [00:11:49] Yes. And it is all based on the manipulation by the governments of the facts, even off the official documents of the European Commission and the EMA, because that is the reality. Our governments are declaring the false. They are declaring that these substances are to prevent infection with the virus where these substances aren’t authorized for that.

Senta Depuydt: [00:12:27] I have a question because you and I certainly realize that the role of the European Union is really key in this. They are the ones who pushed this Accelerator Act to change all the legislation and get a waiver for the approval of gene technology. They negotiated all those bad deals for the vaccines, no transparency, no guarantees. They did this approval with almost no data, created a huge debt for citizens, etc, the Covid safety pass. And then they play the good cop, bad cop. And they are also the ones, every five minutes, every day, to change the colour codes of every country with the  ECDC. “Oh, you can go Wow it’s green. Fantastic. Stop now, it’s red!”

You know, they’re just playing with the European citizens and European member states. But I’m not aware, except for you,  if there are more lawyers litigating directly against the European Commission or institutions or the EMA or the European CDC. Can you tell me more about that. Are there others, other actions? And why would you go directly? Well, most would say no, no, we need to litigate at the national level.

Renate Holzeisen: [00:14:00] We have to do both, obviously. We know that, because of the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice, it reduced a lot, absolutely too much in my opinion, in violation of the European charter of fundamental rights, the active legitimation of the citizens to file actions for annulment before the European courts… (going) against what the European legislator wanted. So we have, in my opinion, the need of a change in that jurisdiction.

And I remember the words of the advocate general Jacobs, who made a very, very important intervention regarding that. He said:  “If they are going in that direction, there will be no real rights of defense (left) for the European citizen. And we are in this situation. So our actions for annulment, to fight against this condition, the authorizations of these experimental substances will be crucial in showing if the European court will base its’ decisions on the law and on the Charter of the fundamental rights, or if we European citizens, at the end are left alone. I found it a very crucial point. And reading what General Advocate Jakobs said years ago, our situation now is exactly what he meant. He said “Attention! The developments you are taking as a court is to deprive the citizens from a real defense in courts”.

Senta Depuydt: [00:16:54] This is well, this is a…

Renate Holzeisen: [00:16:56] Very interesting situation.

Senta Depuydt: [00:16:59] Can I come back on the actions you are filing now? So if I may sum it up, you have filed annulment cases for the four different vaccines that got a conditional approval. So you started some actions we (CHD Europe) already helped promote and find intervenors for.

Can you explain (this one)? So  you need to file your litigation, one case per vaccine. You already did it for Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca. And for these, we have no opportunity anymore, let’s say, to intervene. But for the last one, the Johnson & Johnson, we can all participate as intervenors from other countries.

Renate Holzeisen: [00:17:52] Yes, you’re right.

Senta Depuydt: [00:17:54] Give us the details. What do we need to do to join you?

Renate Holzeisen: [00:17:58] So, citizens from all over the European Union and, first of all, belonging to the categories which now are facing a mandatory vaccination, the health workers, but also others. I think about teachers, pilots and workers in a public transport system, they can intervene as sustainers of the Italian actors (plaintiffs). I brought the action for annulment against the authorisation of Janssen or Johnson & Johnson’s for Italian health workers. So now, French health workers, Belgian, German, Austrian health workers and other European citizens can intervene with their lawyers in order to sustain the action of the Italian health workers. This is one (action).

Then, next week, I will also file a specific action for annulment regarding the deliberation of the European Commission for the condition of the Authorization of Cominarty Pfizer/BioNtech for children from twelve years on. It is, it was a criminal act in our eyes and we have to ask judges to annul this authorization. But because what is done already with children all over the European Union is incredible. We have this experimental substance as well. We know that the balance between benefits and risks, especially for children, could never be positive. It is really negative because children have no problem with this virus SARS-COV-2 as the facts are showing, but they are incurring incredible risks by this experimental gene therapeutics pulled out. So that is a real crime to now inoculate the children these substances. And we have to stop it.

Senta Depuydt: [00:20:58] Well, I have two questions. The first one is, that we, as Children’s Health Defense,  our main organization is in the United States, we really follow everything that’s happening with the FDA, the CDC, because it’s really like the United States is pushing those policies. And as soon as something is approved by the FDA, it gets approved, more or less automatically, by the EMA. I can now see that the trend is moving very fast in the United States. Last I heard,  they want to vaccinate babies from six months old and they even speak about vaccinating (kids) without parental consent or even without parental information. So you would not even know that your child, if you know he comes from school and something happens, you wouldn’t even know that he’s vaccinated. So do you think that this policy is really, let’s say, pushed by the US? Because I know that the European CDC is also taking a lot of their information, their science, if we can say so. Is it pushed by the United States? What do you think about it, if you look at it?

Renate Holzeisen: [00:22:30] Yes, I see that this authorization authorities EMA and (others)… They are in the hands of the pharmaceutical lobby or more precisely the lobby are the members of these authorities. So we are in a very critical situation, and therefore, we adults we have to defend the children. We have to defend them… We adults have to block it. They depend absolutely on the help we have to provide. And I can only say that on the basis of Article 24 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, the needs and the rights of the children are at the top and stand before everything else. And that we, now, even in the European Union, are using children as guinea pigs, it’s an incredible scandal and I ask every parent, every grandmother, every grandfather, every oncle and aunt to think about what we are doing with the children. We don’t know the effects on the long term of these substances. They weren’t studied. We know the effects these substances have in a very short term. We have thousands, 11000 deaths only in Europe. And we have hundreds of thousands of very severe damages caused by these substances. And we know this is only a little part of the reality because we haven’t an active pharmacovigilance. And this is one of the breaches of the European law. It is absolutely unlawful to inoculate an experimental substance even without an active pharmacovigilance. It is crazy. But they know this and they don’t want any extra pharmacovigilance, because if there was a real pharmacovigilance, we would have figures at least ten times more, at least.

Senta Depuydt: [00:25:37] Yes, I’m absolutely aware of that. Renate, so how can we join? Let me try to explain what we can do with our friends at Children’s Health Defense and then you correct me if I’m wrong.  So what people can do in every country.

You’re filing in German. The people will need to file in German as well. So we will need to translate the action and then, the form, because you have forms for people to join as intervenors. And somebody in each country will need to find a lawyer, at least one lawyer per language.

Renate Holzeisen: [00:26:32] Yes. I would say that’s the easiest way. It is not very tricky because we are providing the translation of the action that have already filed. Actions are already translated in English, in Italian and I think even in French. And the form for the intervenors, I prepared in the original German language, because they have to be filed in German, because the proceeding is in the German language. But we have it all translated. So the lawyer who brings in the intervenors they have it all prepared by me.

Senta Depuydt: [00:27:45] Who needs to sign the form? So the lawyer will fill in the details of the people who need to say, “OK, I want to participate. This is my name, these are my details, my ID”.

Renate Holzeisen: [00:27:58] Every lawyer needs obviously the power given by his clients.

Senta Depuydt: [00:28:09] And they (lawyers) need to be registered at e-Curia (online EU bar). But that’s quite simple to do if I understand.

One question that people want to know: are any costs involved to join or any financial risks?

Renate Holzeisen: [00:28:28] So I first of all, the intervenors do only sustain the position of the (actors = plaintiffs) and don’t bring in their own arguments. So they don’t amplify the needs of defense of the counterpart, which is the European Commission, and could also be the pharmaceutical producer. So the costs are zero, as they don’t amplify the arguments brought to the court, there should be no financial risks. This is one argument.

I would also say another very important thing in order that people can understand the basis of this action for annulment. First of all, as I said, we have no positive balance of risk and benefits. And another very important argument is that there is no real gap of care (absence of treatment) of Covid-19.

And there we can see another time the very bad role played by the EMA. This is one of the conditions foreseen by the European legislator in order to give authorisation to pharmaceutical products not studied in all their aspects. We have to know that for these experimental substances there weren’t, even pre-clinical studies. Studies on animals weren’t made, which are part of fundamental studies.

Renate Holzeisen: [00:30:56] So this is only possible, according to European Union regulation 507 of 2006, if there is a real gap in (an absence of) the therapy of a disease. We know that especially in the European Union, but also in the United States, that they are blocking very good therapies based on products like Ivermectin for example. And we know that especially Ivermectin works very, very well. And we saw that the EMA two months ago, again, blocked the use of Ivermectin in the European Union. That’s the bad game they are playing. And this is one of a fundamental arguments we bring in with this action for annulment. We say “we can’t see the benefits of these substances. The risks are enormous, enormous. You can’t even calculate the balance, because you don’t know all the risks. We know that there are very high risks in the short term and all the rest we don’t even know. So we aren’t in the condition even to make a balance. So these authorisations have to be annulled immediately”.

Senta Depuydt: [00:32:58] Let me stop you there, because you mentioned many very important things. We have some legal case in Belgium exactly on this reason, you know, against the authorization of the vaccines, because there are treatments available.

And also we just did an interview a couple of days ago with Dr. Tess Lawrie for Ivermectin Day, because there’s so many doctors also who want to have the right to prescribe. So you’re really touching a very, very important element here.

I wanted to say, do you know who is actually responsible for those recommendations at EMA level? Do we know if they follow the advice of the United States, some studies,  flawed studies or of the WHO? Can we find individual liability at some point and say: “OK, this individual here is really responsible for manipulating the data or withholding the data?”

I heard on Ivermectin that the first report was very good and then that at the last minute, in France for example, some key people just came in and added little sentences like “Well, it’s still not conclusive. We cannot authorize. There is a lack of data” or something like that. Can we do anything more about it. Can we sue those people?

Renate Holzeisen: [00:34:42] Absolutely! I think we have to do the same thing as the Indian Chamber of LawyersAfter filing this fifth action for annulment regarding the specific situation of our poor children, we have also to think about a specific action for damages. We have to bring in this, according to Article 265, before the European general court against the European Commission and EMA, because (for) blocking the use of these very effective and useful medicines like Ivermectin. I think we have now enough facts in order to bring it in this way before the European General Courts. Because this is the only way they are able to go on with the application of these high risk experimental substances on all of the population. And we see the consequences. We are now in no longer democratic systems with governments introducing mandatory so-called vaccination with these ‘gene therapy experimental’ products. So we have also to take now the European organs (=organisations or agencies) before the court asking them for damages. And damages are enormous, not only the direct damages regarding life and health of the people, but in direct connection with the economic huge damages. So we have to work also on that now.

Senta Depuydt: [00:37:15] I’m very happy you say that. And I like to remind everyone – and perhaps you want to comment – on the fact that some people, for example, the Doctors For Covid Ethics or other doctors or experts have sent notices of liability to the people of the EMA, to different health agencies or to the members of the European Parliament. We know that perhaps it’s not going to have an immediate effect, but they can’t say “we didn’t know”. I remember very well in December 2019, I was at the WHO summit, the Vaccine Safety Summit, and then we had one of the Filipino health agency’s, Dr. Kenneth Hartigan-Go, who really explained the whole narrative during the dengue crisis. It’s a bit of a similar situation in a way. So they did an emergency approval because it was a pandemic (epidemic), and then it turned into a mandate of the vaccine and then they had a lot of casualties.

Senta Depuydt: [00:38:44] And so first the doctors kept silent because they were afraid to speak. And then they started to see the death cases. People got out on the streets and they stopped the campaign. It all ended up with thirty two people in criminal court, himself included, people from Sanofi, people from the agencies who had approved (the vaccine), you know, the Filipino FDA etc. So of course, they could say “we didn’t know about the risks involved”.

And especially, because you have specific risks of introducing a vaccine during a pandemic that were already raised before they started the vaccines. You remember a year ago everybody said “Oh a Covid vaccine can be dangerous because there can be aggravation of the disease, etc.” So after that, they quickly signed all these contracts exempting the pharmaceutical industry of any responsibility, because the risk was so big and then they’ve obviously forgotten that argument. So when we send notices of liability, would that be of any use in this (case) so that people can’t say “We didn’t know”.

Renate Holzeisen: [00:40:08] Absolutely. Absolutely. I personally sent a notice on December 20th, just one day before the European Commission authorized the first of these four substances Cominarty Pfizer/BioNtech always on behalf of a group of Italian health workers… to the European Commission, to the president, to the commissioner of Health and a lot of other representatives of European nations, but also of the World Health Organization. So they can’t say they didn’t know what they did.

And then obviously, the notices sent by the Doctors For Covid Ethics, which are very precise regarding the scientific basis, and they put very clear questions to the EMA. And EMA didn’t give any answer to that. So it’s absolutely clear that the workers, the persons responsible for EMA took personal responsibility for all (future damage) costs by these authorisations and the continuing in the authorization of these substances. The legal principle is very clear.

Senta Depuydt: [00:42:02] So let’s hope it works. And last thing, you mentioned the economics, and especially since it’s also part of your expertise. On our advisory board, we also work with Catherine Austin-Fitts. And she just did a report called “The “Going Direct Reset” where she really shows how the whole pandemic response from the financial point of view was really already in place to move ahead with an agenda, because we were in the economic crisis and collapse before the pandemic.

Now we can blame everything on the pandemic, of course. I really recommend that everybody reads that (report). She starts also to identify a few of the key players. So I really hope that you and Catherine (Austin-Fitts) and Reiner (Fuellmich) and Bobby Kennedy and everyone takes action, because those are really international actions. I know that one action has now been filed at the international tribunal in The Hague from French lawyers and organizations to really show also individual responsibilites, at the WHO with Tedros (Adhanom) for example, and President Macron. France has also a big role in this. So, you know, I really look forward to spread the message, to participate. And you’re really one of my heroes.

Renate Holzeisen: [00:43:52] I think the real heroes are the single citizens who are facing the situation on the front, opponing what happens. This for me are the real heroes. I say to every doctor, to every health worker who is coming to me, asking my help and thanking me, I always express my deep thanks to them because without them, we, lawyers won’t be able to bring this very, very important, and for our future fundamental questions, to the courts.

Senta Depuydt: [00:44:45] Thank you so much, Renate, and we’ll see you soon. Wish you a lot of success for all of this. Thank you very much. Bye bye.


©July 2021, Children’s Health Defense Europe, A.S.B.L.. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, A.S.B.L.. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense Europe? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Senta Depuydt and the Children’s Health Defense Europe team. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.


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Do You Consent to Color of Law?

Do You Consent to Color of Law?

by Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath, Nature of Healing
May 30, 2021


Color of law refers to an appearance of legal power to act that may operate in violation of law. Appearances can be deceiving.

In his book, The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America, author Richard Rothstein, a leading expert on housing policy, describes the myth that cities came to be racially divided through de-facto segregation, that is, through individual prejudices, income differences, or the actions of banks and real estate agencies.

Rothstein makes clear that it was laws and policy decisions by local, state, and federal governments that directly promoted the discriminatory patterns. From racial zoning in the 1920s to urban planning of the 1950s, to federal subsidies to builders not to build homes for Blacks, it was plain, open discrimination, sanctioned by government, that violated laws that continue unabated today.

The color of law is a cover of law.

Color of Law = Unlawful Mandates

Color of Law operates today by unlawful mandates and Emergency Orders, which serve one purpose: to allow one group of people to abolish your inherent rights. Remember, no one has more rights than anyone else.

No school, no store, no bank, no library, and no governor can make any order or policy that violates  your rights under Natural law. Natural laws are determined by fundamental forces within Nature.  Natural law supersedes all other laws, including man’s laws. The Constitution is codified based on the Universal law that no man has the right to rule over another man, which will always be the truth from the day of birth to the day of death. Natural Law is based in two principles: Truth and Do no harm.

Natural Law is based in principles of truth about the reality we live in. Principles are first and foremost, at the root, the most necessary and important, a foundation to build upon. The word “principle” expresses Natural Moral Law in the very way we use the word itself, such as “in principle” and “on principle”. Natural Law is an essential property of existence; it is born into being and is forever there in our reality without human causality. Our goal is to put these principle first-things first in our lives, to recognize and align with them because they are based in truth, not belief. Man’s society is not putting original, generative, beginning, foundational principles first, but trivialities, lies, and deception. Therefore, Natural Law is not man’s law.

What you need to know in 8 easy steps:

  1. Your rights and freedoms are inherent or inborn, a birthright, granted by your Creator.
  2. Government institutions do not grant rights. Institutions are established to protect your inherent rights.
  3. Governments can only grant benefits and privileges, which comes with limits and consequences.
  4. Governments cannot mandate anything under coercion or duress, such as, “Do this or else.”
  5. Governments cannot use fear or safety as reasons to take peoples’ rights.
  6. Therefore, a “mask policy” set up under government powers is a crime under the color of law that violates your rights and the principles of Natural Law.
  7. Defending your rights and freedoms is a personal responsibility, ie., an ability to respond (appropriately, reasonably, morally).
  8. Being accountable is the ability to account for your response.
Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law

Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.

For the purpose of Section 242, acts under “color of law” include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within their lawful authority, but also acts done beyond the bounds of that official’s lawful authority, if the acts are done while the official is purporting to or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties. Persons acting under color of law within the meaning of this statute include police officers, prisons guards and other law enforcement officials, as well as judges, care providers in public health facilities, and others who are acting as public officials. It is not necessary that the crime be motivated by animus toward the race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin of the victim.

The offense is punishable by a range of imprisonment up to a life term, or the death penalty, depending upon the circumstances of the crime, and the resulting injury, if any.

If you understand that a government cannot abolish rights which it has no ability to grant in the first place, then you are armed with enough knowledge to begin the process of calling out the facade when you see it practiced. Each success brings confidence for future successes. Humanity, as a whole, moves from oppression to expression, from tyranny to freedom.

Christopher Key, a man who had enough of unlawful dictates, stood up to the Jefferson County School Board in Alabama, and called them out.

Pro Se litigant Luis Ewing shares information on maintaining your rights of public accommodation (without masks and medicines) based on religious discrimination, and violations of the state and federal constitutions under the 1964 Civil Rights Act pursuant to Title 42 Section 1983.

Texan, Randall Kenton sued the Texas Governor by name, in court, causing the governor to rescind the State mask mandate, allowing all bars and restaurants to reopen at full capacity. Twenty state governors followed suit, lifting their own mandates out of fear they would lose their insurance for fraud. See the complaint filed that could be used as a template anywhere.  Health officials continued to recommend wearing a mask based on “personal responsibility” but no law: another example of Color of Law.

These people do not win by a belief. They win by a knowing. They know who they are. By holding their positions and protecting their rights, not only are they showing personal responsibility, but they are an example for others.

Cancel The Master-Slave Paradigm

What Christopher Key and others are showing is that when you reveal that a FRAUD has been perpetrated, and you follow it up by naming names, the perpetrators stand down. Behind all corporations are names of men and women. In general, suing corporate entities does nothing for the greater good, and never has. Corrupt companies, such as Pfizer, may be found criminally liable and fined in court over and over, but they continue to operate and to cause harm. However, going after individuals by name affects their pocketbooks.

No individual governor or prosecutor or judge or school board member wants their insurance rates to go up or to be dropped by insurers. Push just a little and the game has suddenly changed in the peoples’ favor.

Illegal, unlawful, and immoral acts are not only reprehensible but are also a violation of your Natural rights, as expressed in the American Declaration of Independence, and as reflected in the national and state constitutions. If you are the subject of intimidation or coercion by agencies or governments or schools or employers, forcing a medical experiment upon you as a condition to participate in society, your rights have been trampled.

Why do the majority of people become subservient to lawless authorities without any evidence of a clear and present danger? Why do people refuse to stand up for their rights and freedoms? Why do people believe they do not have a choice when it comes to forced muzzles or forced medicines when they do?

Because the majority of people have been indoctrinated through the 15,000-hour public school system and programmed by the Tel-A-Vision to not think for themselves. They have been conditioned to accept government handouts that create co-dependence. They have been dumbed down and emasculated to accept a master outside themselves.

What if accepting stimulus handouts increased the federal debt to bankrupt a nation, which amounted to a federal crime? What if knowing that a national bankruptcy could be the excuse used to reset the debt credit currency system to a Crypto credit system with your body as collateral?

What if this whole scenario already happened during the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic where masking was found to be the cause of secondary pneumonia and an invisible virus became the tool to rest society? The Great Depression followed the Spanish flu and a new system was established to enslave people using the birth certificate and social security system. From the Great Depression to the Great Reset, an invisible virus that never existed was blamed. Government promised people benefits and privileges in exchange for their rights. For more details, read Recycling the Spanish Flu Pandemic.

No government. No business, no medical professional, no school, and no employer can require or mandate ANY medical treatment or intervention, including injections or face coverings that block your ability to breathe freely. To require any injection as a condition to participate in society is unlawful coercion according to state law.

Use State Law In Your Favor

You can use state law in your favor. In California, Peggy Hall of teaches people how to protect their rights using the State Constitution and business codes. She provides documents on her website that you can print and carry with you, such as the right to public accommodation, as well as tools against discriminationAccording to California Law:

24170: This is the Protection of Human Subjects in Medical Experimentation Act
24171: The Legislature hereby finds and declares … the right of individuals to determine what is done to their own bodies.

24172 This is the “experimental subject’s bill of rights,” and states that individuals…

(j)  Be given the opportunity to decide to consent or not to consent to a medical experiment without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, coercion, or undue influence on the subject’s decision.

In the Minnesota Constitution, Article I, Section 16 says:

Sec. 16. FREEDOM OF CONSCIENCE; NO PREFERENCE TO BE GIVEN TO ANY RELIGIOUS ESTABLISHMENT OR MODE OF WORSHIP. The enumeration of rights in this constitution shall not deny or impair others retained by and inherent in the people. The right of every man to worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience shall never be infringed; nor shall any man be compelled to attend, erect or support any place of worship, or to maintain any religious or ecclesiastical ministry, against his consent; nor shall any control of or interference with the rights of conscience be permitted, or any preference be given by law to any religious establishment or mode of worship; but the liberty of conscience hereby secured shall not be so construed as to excuse acts of licentiousness or justify practices inconsistent with the peace or safety of the state, nor shall any money be drawn from the treasury for the benefit of any religious societies or religious or theological seminaries.

Shakespeare wrote, All the world is a stage. This is why appearances can be deceiving. In this world of appearances, you can separate yourself from the crowd. Do you beg for rights from government? Do you know who you are? Do you know where you live?

You live in your body. Therefore, you have inherent rights. Your rights include the right to say NO to deception. You can say NO CONTRACT. I DO NOT CONSENT to any offer, contract, testing, treatment, intervention, or injection. Ask them to show you the laws. Man’s laws compel artificial or legal PERSONS, but do not compel you. Know the difference. And think twice before signing your name.

You are not subject to masters unless you are a subject. You are not a slave unless you accept a master outside yourself. You have the power to shift the direction and devolution of humanity by taking responsibility for your actions.

Simple know who you are.

The Liberty of man consists solely in this, that he obeys the Laws of Nature, because he has himself recognized them as such, and not because they have been imposed upon him externally by any foreign will whatsoever. – Mikhail Bakunin


Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at


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James Corbett Offers His Take on Assange

by James Corbett
April 19, 2019


This is a presentation of Questions for Corbett. The question about Julian Assange appears at approximately 16:09. (Video link starts at that point.) Hint: He’s skeptical about many things surrounding Assange.


What’s your take on Assange? Have you heard of Unit 731? And just who is Percy Corbett, anyway? Get James’ answer to these and other important questions in this edition of Questions For Corbett.



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