Evidence of MASSIVE Microwave Pulses via NEXRAD Satellite Imagery

Evidence of MASSIVE Microwave Pulses via NEXRAD Satellite Imagery by Brett Houston, Brett Houston Tube uploaded to YouTube on April 20, 2024   If YouTube video disappears, you’ll find it…

With a Range That Affects the Entire World, Skynet Infrastructure Is Now Fully in Place

With a Range That Affects the Entire World, Skynet Infrastructure Is Now Fully in Place   [Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: All related to the rollout of Skynet, below…

Frequency Technology (HAARP), Strange Cloud Formations & the Intentional Blocking of Our Sun

Frequency Technology (HAARP), Strange Cloud Formations & the Intentional Blocking of Our Sun   Gov Using Frequency to BLOCK THE SUN! 2024 ARCTIC FREEZE was MAN-MADE! Undeniable PROOF Are chemtrails…

GeoEngineering Watch: Dimethylamine Skies, 90 Second Alert — “How Long Can You Hold Your Breath?”

GeoEngineering Watch: Dimethylamine Skies, 90 Second Alert — “How Long Can You Hold Your Breath?” by Dane Wigington, GeoEngineering Watch January 31. 2024   Transcript prepared by Truth Comes to…

Will the Mass Poisoning of Our Skies Cause a Killing Field Effect?

Will the Mass Poisoning of Our Skies Cause a Killing Field Effect? by Gary D. Barnett May 3, 2023   “When people look up into the sky and see white…

Come What May

Come What May by Sharon James, Contributing Writer at Truth Comes to Light November 2, 2021   This morning I woke feeling sad. I cannot count how many sad mornings there have…

My Approach to Opening Those Feared Yet Needed “Pandemic” Conversations

My Approach to Opening Those Feared Yet Needed “Pandemic” Conversations by Sharon James, Contributing Writer at Truth Comes to Light May 21, 2021   My farmer husband and his brother needed some…

My Solitary Journey Through Fear: A Life-Changing Paradigm Shift — From Pandemic Believer to Uncovering the Truth

My Solitary Journey Through Fear: A Life-Changing Paradigm Shift — From Pandemic Believer to Uncovering the Truth Aloneness – From One Extreme View of the Pandemic Journey to Another by…

Deep Resistance: Nature, Freedom, and Joy

Deep Resistance: Nature, Freedom, and Joy   The essay below is the final part of the Deep Resistance series by W.D. James. It was first published on Winter Oak.  The rest…