Space Invaders: Russell Brand on How Tech Billionaires and Their Business Ventures in Space Could Hurt All of Us

Space Invaders: Russell Brand on How Tech Billionaires and Their Business Ventures in Space Could Hurt All of Us

by B.N. Frank, Activist Post
March 17, 2021


For years already, credible individuals, agencies, and organizations have warned against launching more vehicles into space.  For one thing, there’s too much space junk out there already and it’s creating dangerous and potentially catastrophic situations.

Launching more vehicles is ill-advised for that reason and various others that are equally scary (see 123456789) including explosions (see 123).  Recently, a 5G satellite moratorium was issued in South Africa due to interference issues as well.

Unfortunately, none of this has stopped Elon Musk or other tech billionaires from launching satellites or pursuing other business ventures in space.  Of course, they are getting funding for some of this from the U.S. to provide high-speed internet.

Last month actor/comedian/activist Russell Brand produced a 13-minute video about his concerns regarding tech billionaires’ space endeavors:

Regarding internet satellites – protests are scheduled for March 19 and 20 (see 12).  Visit Stop 5G International to learn if there is an event scheduled near you.

The majority of scientists worldwide oppose 5G deployment.  Cities AND entire countries have taken action to ban, delay, halt, and limit installation AS WELL AS issue moratoriums.  Americans opposed to 5G may sign this letter asking President Biden and Vice President Harris to stop deployment.

Ilana Rachel Daniel: Outcry to the World From Israel — Medical Apartheid “Currently Reminiscent of the Holocaust”

Ilana Rachel Daniel: Outcry to the World From Israel — Medical Apartheid “Currently Reminiscent of the Holocaust”

by Flavio Pasquino, BLCKBX
March 10, 2021



Original video available at BLCKBX YouTube channel.

Ilana Rachel Daniel came with an emotional outcry for help from Jerusalem, the capital of Israel. At record speed, the government is trying to vaccinate the entire population – including pregnant women and small children – against the corona virus. “Civil rights are put aside and people can only participate in society again after vaccination,” told Ilana to Flavio Pasquino in the BLCKBX studio via a live stream connection, who tracked down Ilana after an – even – more emotional audio clip on Telegram. Ilana talks about the Green Pass, the Freedom Bracelet, the mRNA vaccine and human rights violations. “Currently reminiscent of the Holocaust,” said the Jewess who emigrated from the US to Jerusalem 30 years ago.

Ilana Rachel is active in Jerusalem as a health advisor and information officer for a new political party (Rappeh) that is heavily opposed by the regime. Opening a banc account is not possible and members of the party are also thwarted in their daily lives.


This is an official platform to find more info about Rappeh:​

The facebook group has been removed and the site can no longer be found, but through this newspaper article you can find some information about the activities of her and the party.​

BLCKBX is a Dutch YouTube platform including a website​ with a sharp focus on society matters. We are critical and seeking for truth in a investigative way but we don’t want to polarise the debates.

Connect with and support the work of BLCKBX

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

I Didn’t Order the Fauci Baloney on Rye With RNA Sauce

I Didn’t Order the Fauci Baloney on Rye With RNA Sauce

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
March 16, 2021


Waiter, I said I didn’t want the Fauci baloney with Birx pickles and Redfield mustard and the RNA sauce.

The lockdown-vaccine lunatics have a problem. They’re running out of credible front figures.

Fauci says asymptomatic COVID-19 cases can’t drive an epidemic, and never have, which means most PCR positives are meaningless, and lockdowns are unnecessary. Then he turns around and says we all have to wear masks until the sun burns out.

He says running the PCR test at more than 35 cycles gives a meaningless result, but the FDA and the CDC advise deploying 40 cycles. Fauci makes no judgment about THAT.

He says the experimental COVID vaccine is using RNA technology for the first time in history and we’re all guinea pigs; and then he says the vaccine is absolutely safe and effective.

Biden can’t find his way from the shower to his bedroom without three minders, but he’s “following the science.” His handlers are postponing the State of the Union until he resigns his office owing to health concerns, so KamALA can deliver the address and spell out the new normal.

Bill Gates keeps pouring his Foundation money into Big Pharma. These donations push up the share prices of the companies, in which he happens to hold said shares. Ordinarily, this would be called some kind of insider trading or money laundering. The perps usually go to prison.

Credible TV star news anchors? Don’t be silly. Lester Holt is a human cadaver. The other two—David Muir and Norah O’Donnell—are a Sears underwear model and an ex PR flack. Taken together, their gravitas approaches Roger Corman’s Monster from the Ocean Floor. “COVID is coming!”

The Vatican? Apparently the Pope believes Jesus urged the founding of the Roman Church so everyone could take the COVID shot in the arm. Wafer, wine, Pfizer.

Cuomo and Newsom, the American bookend lockdown governors? Cuomo’s own Party is doing a Harvey Weinstein Lite on him. The California recall petition against Newsom has gathered 2 million signatures so far.

Angela Merkel, the chancellor of Germany, in case you missed it (US major media underreporting), has refused to take the AstraZeneca jab in the arm. She states it is only approved in Germany for people 65 and under. She’s 66. Very precise of her.

US media reports: black Americans, hospital personnel, and soldiers are refusing the jab in droves.

March 12 (UPI) – “Several more countries have suspended distribution of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine over concerns about blood clotting that’s been seen in a few isolated cases.”

“Denmark was the first to suspend giving out the vaccine on Thursday. Thailand, Norway, Iceland, Bulgaria, Luxembourg, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia had all followed suit by Friday.”

But don’t worry, be happy. It’s just “a bad batch.”

That’s what they always say when people start keeling over.

(Dr. Barbara Starfield, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, July 26, 2000, Journal of the American Medical Association, “Is US Health Really the Best in the World?”—Every year in the US, the medical system kills 225,000 people; 106,000 as a result of FDA approved medical drugs, 119,000 stemming from mistreatment and errors in hospitals. Just a bad batch…)

Assuming, for the purposes of argument only, that the virus is real; the test is accurate; the case and death numbers are authentic—report after report announce that lockdowns don’t work.

I have my own “study” on this. I point to US events that should have resulted in MASSIVE super-spreader effects. The three huge Trump rallies in Washington DC, and the BLM/Antifa riots in 315 US cities.

These vivid “non-lockdown” happenings didn’t lead to millions of COVID cases and people dropping like flies, as millions of Americans from here, there, and everywhere mingled and mixed.

Here’s an interesting attempt to go “all super-spread”: the August 2020 Sturgis, South Dakota, biker rally. 450,000 bikers pulled into town, as they do every year. A preliminary study out of San Diego State University claims the result was 260,000 new COVID cases in the following month across the US.

No detailed contact tracing was possible. The real shortcoming of the study was: I see no report on the number of COVID deaths supposedly resulting from the Sturgis rally. People being diagnosed with COVID (a pineapple can register positive on a PCR test) is a far cry from people dying.

The overwhelming percentage of COVID cases are asymptomatic, or have cough, chills, fever, and nothing more.

A WebMD article describing the San Diego study only mentions one death in Minnesota claimed to be connected to Sturgis. One. After 450,000 bikers departed town.

Speaking of pineapples, remember John Magufuli, the president of Tanzania, who last year claimed that samples taken from a goat and pawpaw fruit tested positive on a PCR kit supplied by the African CDC? He’s also refused to allow COVID vaccinations in Tanzania.

Current reports from the country state he has been missing for two weeks.

His political opponents say he’s in Kenya (or India), in a hospital, critically ill with COVID-19.

Last summer, Pierre Nkurunziza, the President of Burundi, another critic of “COVID science,” ordered all World Health Organization (WHO) representatives to leave the country. He suddenly died. His replacement invited WHO back in.

Of course, these are sheer coincidences. Who would claim otherwise? WHO?

For those readers who want an antidote to this article, in order to return to oblivion, there is a simple solution: watch Lester Holt, Norah O’Donnell, and David Muir every night, simultaneously, on three TV sets; and on Sunday mornings, deeply inhale the major oily sleazebags of political talk, George Stephanopoulos, Chuck Todd, and Chris Wallace. They’ll set your teeth on edge, but they’ll render your brain nicely helpless and quiescent.

The Curious Case of Geert Vanden Bossche

The Curious Case of Geert Vanden Bossche

His Open Letter, Video Interview and High-Profile Supporters

by Rosemary Frei, MSc
March 16, 2021


On March 6, an open letter by Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD, DVM, and a video interview of him by Phillip McMillan, MD, from a company called Vejon Health, were posted online.

On the surface, Vanden Bossche appears to perhaps be addressing credible concerns about Covid.

He’s saying that the current crop of Covid vaccines will cause the novel coronavirus to mutate into a “super-infectious virus.” And therefore he’s calling for an immediate halt of the use of the current vaccines.

If humans are “committed to perpetuating our species, we have no choice but to eradicate these highly infectious viral variants” via “large vaccination campaigns,” Vanden Bossche claims at the conclusion of his open letter. But in contrast to the currently used Covid vaccines, these new vaccines must focus on stimulation of mass production of the component of the immune system known as natural killer cells, he asserts.

However, Vanden Bossche bases his views on unproven hypotheses. This is similar to, and builds on, high-profile modeling-paper authors who use theoretical frameworks to inflame fears about the supposed dangerousness of the new variants.

Despite this, Vanden Bossche’s views were very quickly and positively received by high-profile vaccine sceptics such as Dell Bigtree in his March 11 episode (starting at 57:25) and Vernon Coleman in his March 13 video and article.

Bigtree and Coleman virtually unquestioningly accept and amplify Vanden Bossche’s views. They strongly insinuate to their overwhelmingly credulous subscribers that there’s virtually no fact-checking or pause for sober second thought required.

But from my experience as a former long-time medical writer and journalist (1988-2016) — particularly a four-month stint with media-relations giant FleishmanHillard in 1994 (yes, I’ve worked for the dark side) — this has all the hallmarks of a drug-company astroturf campaign. It’s another step in the decades-long erasure of the fact that our sophisticated and highly effective immune systems work well and don’t need any assistance from the biomedical/pharmaceutical industry.

There’s abundant evidence that Vanden Bossche has a not-so-hidden agenda. For example, just before the three-minute mark in the video interview of Vanden Bossche by McMillan, Vanden Bossche indicates he’s a long-time vaccine developer. He adds he’s now focusing on vaccines that “educate the immune system in ways that are to some extent more efficient than we do right now with our conventional vaccines.” Clearly he’s got significant conflicts of interest. Therefore he has zero credibility when it comes to advising the public about how to avoid negative effects of mass vaccination.

However, Bigtree, Coleman and others don’t point out these and other red flags. In fact these high-profile alternative-media figures don’t even do basic due diligence such as looking into McMillan, who’s the man who interviewed Vanden Bossche, or the company McMillan’s apparently affiliated with, Vejon Health. Bigtree, for example, relies heavily on the McMillan interview for the content of his March 11 segment.

As far as I know, McMillan and Vanden Bosch aren’t among the thousands of MDs, PhDs, and other people with graduate degrees or equivalent qualifications who have thoroughly debunked the official Covid narrative over the last 12 months. Rather, the pair suddenly popped out of the woodwork.

Also, McMillan isn’t anything close to an expert on vaccines. He describes himself as a “dementia authority.” The most recently published paper of his that I can find is from 2016 and is on Alzheimer’s in the journal Medical Hypotheses. (In that paper he and his co-author propose nutritional supplementation to lower the body’s burden of aluminum, a high level of which is linked to Alzheimer’s.) In addition, when one clicks on one gets a message indicating the website isn’t in use. Indeed, Vejon appears to be a dormant company.

So I ignored McMillan’s interview and Vanden Bossche’s open letter when I first learned about them last week. But then on March 12 I was contacted by the producer of something called the Gary Null show on the ‘Progressive Radio Network.’ The producer, Richard Gale, asked me to be a guest. I agreed to do the interview on March 15.

About 1.5 hours before the interview was to start, I contacted Gale and asked what the interview would focus on. Gale told me Null wanted to discuss Bigtree’s segment on the Vanden Bossche letter and he sent me a link to the segment. So I quickly read the open letter and watched the full interview and Bigtree segment on it. A field of red flags popped up in my mind.

At the appointed interview start time of 12:30 pm on March 15, Null proceeded to read live to air, for about 12 minutes, some key points from the open letter. He told the audience to take them seriously. Then Null put me on the air. But he wouldn’t let me talk about the letter. Instead, he repeatedly interrupted my efforts to do so and insisted I only discuss the new variants. So I hung up. And I’ve been edited out of the archived broadcast of Null’s show.

I’m going to be interviewed live starting at 4:30 pm Eastern Standard Time today (March 16) by Ryan Cristián of The Last American Vagabond about the Vanden Bossche letter and McMillan interview. Apparently Ryan’s on the same page as me.

Meanwhile, my tweets about the open letter and the Null interview have gotten a lot of reaction. And, as it happens, since Sunday people have been emailing to encourage me to read Vanden Bossche’s letter and watch his interview. Many are swayed by his calling for an immediate half of the current crop of Covid vaccines and by the fact that people like Bigtree are propagating his messages.

So I decided to write this article to expose a few of the dozens of clues that this curious case is a continuation of the overall Covid deception.

Here are some more of those clues:

1. In his March 11 segment, Bigtree shows a slide with Vanden Bossche’s background. It indicates he’s affiliated with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI), GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis and other vaccine proponents. Dell dubs Vanden Bossche a “world-renowned vaccine creator.” Coleman calls him “a very eminent vaccine specialist.”

But, when combined with the contents of his open letter, itimpossible to believe that he’s in fact an insider who’s now going against his very high-powered comrades. (More on this below.) It’s more likely that he’s their accomplice.

Another indication that the letter is designed to propagandize rather than to let objective evidence speak for itself is the wording Vanden Bossche uses. He writes, for example, that he was “racing against the clock” to write “this agonizing letter” in which he “put[s] all of my reputation and credibility at stake” to help “turn the tide” against this “irrepressible monster” that the virus could soon become unless we heed Vanden Bossche.

2. In his open letter Vanden Bossche also writes, “I can assure you that each of the current vaccines have been designed, developed and manufactured by brilliant and competent scientists.” However, hdoesn’t say a word about the massive adverse-event rate and very scant efficacy profile of the vaccines that were created by these “brilliant scientists.”

3. Vanden Bossche also asserts that there’s an “ever[-]increasing threat from rapidly spreading, highly infectious variants.” But as I detailed in my February 3 article and accompanying video on the new variants, there is no proof that they are highly infectious or will be any time soon.

4. There is the possibility of viral resistance, as for example I note in my March 9, 2021, article and accompanying video. But it’s not the major threat Vanden Bossche attempts to scare us about by saying the virus is likely to mutate so much and so quickly because of the current mass vaccination campaigns that soon it could escape all current attempts to stop its spread. Remember, for example, that yearly flu mass vaccination hasn’t caused influenza to spiral out of control and decimate the global population.

5. Vanden Bossche also writes that some antibodies are made by the innate immune system, but that these ‘natural’ antibodies are non-specific, have “suboptimal” “maturity, and are “rather limited and only short-lived.” He claims they are a very weak link in our immune reactions to pathogens such as the novel coronavirus — and that “the combination of viral infection on a background of suboptimal Ab [antibody] maturity and concentration enables the [novel corona]virus to select mutations allowing it to escape the immune pressure.”

However, this is on very shaky ground. Because, among other things: 1) Neither in the original March 6 piece nor his March 13 follow-up does Vanden Bossche back this up with any direct, non-theoretical evidence that this is happening; 2) The ‘natural’ antibodies that are produced after encountering a pathogen are only a small part of a quick, effective and broad-based first-line immune-system defense – known as ‘innate’ or ‘passive’ immunity – which in fact largely comprises other components; and 3) Vanden Bossche downplays the effectiveness of the antibodies our bodies naturally produce as part of the second-line (‘adaptive’) part of the immune system that also has served us extremely well for millennia.

A March 11 commentary by Michael Yeadon and Marc Girardot has similar information to my points 3, 4 and 5. However the pair present it in a way that’s very pro-mRNA-vaccine and pro- much of the official-Covid-narrative — neither of which I endorse.

6. Vanden Bossche also has no references in that original document. He does include some in his follow-up, March 13, document posted on his website. But that March 13 document, like the March 6 one, hasn’t been posted on the website of a journal, never mind a peer-reviewed one, nor reviewed in any more serious manner. And in an unusual approach, he doesn’t attach each reference to a particular statement in his document; rather, he lists the references at the end of the article under categories such as ‘Natural antibodies.’

7. Vanden Bossche drives at the need for “large vaccination campaigns.” These, he writes, should be for “NK [natural-killer]-cell–based vaccines” that “will primarily enable our natural immunity to be better prepared … and to induce herd immunity.”

But it’s not very logical to believe that the only solution to the theoretical possibility of immune escape, as espoused by someone who’s got a long and strong focus on vaccination as opposed to other ways to improve health, is yet more mass vaccination.

Not to mention that the concept of herd immunity is contrived – after all, if your immune system is protecting you against a pathogen it doesn’t matter whether someone else’s is or not.

I do agree we should stop the use of the current vaccines – plus we need to stop production and use of antivirals and antibodies and other parts of the Covid-industrial complex.

But we should also not add more treatments. Covid has an extremely high survival rate. So why develop yet another expensive, invasive and experimental solution to a problem that barely exists, if it does at all?

It’s all very curious.

No, President Biden, We Are Not the Government

No, President Biden, We Are Not the Government

by Adam Dick, Ron Paul Institute
March 15, 2021


People who desire the protection of freedom from overreaching government have much to be concerned about in President Joe Biden’s Thursday speech focused on coronavirus and coronavirus-related government actions. Yet, likely the most dangerous to freedom proposition in Biden’s speech is an assertion he made that goes far beyond coronavirus-related matters — that the United States government is the same as “us,” the American people.

Biden declared in the speech:

Look, we know what we need to do to beat this virus: Tell the truth. Follow the scientists and the science. Work together. Put trust and faith in our government to fulfill its most important function, which is protecting the American people — no function more important.

We need to remember the government isn’t some foreign force in a distant capital. No, it’s us. All of us. “We the People.” For you and I, that America thrives when we give our hearts, when we turn our hands to common purpose. And right now, my friends, we are doing just that. And I have to say, as your President, I am grateful to you.

Biden is far from the first politician to assert that the American people are the government. Over forty years ago — in 1974, Murray Rothbard examined this absurd, dangerous, and often repeated claim in his essay “The Anatomy of the State.” Rothbard’s essay begins with a section titled “What the State Is Not” that reads like a direct response to the claim in Biden’s speech. Rothbard wrote:

The State is almost universally considered an institution of social service. Some theorists venerate the State as the apotheosis of society; others regard it as an amiable, though often inefficient, organization for achieving social ends; but almost all regard it as a necessary means for achieving the goals of mankind, a means to be ranged against the “private sector” and often winning in this competition of resources. With the rise of democracy, the identification of the State with society has been redoubled, until it is common to hear sentiments expressed which violate virtually every tenet of reason and common sense such as, “we are the government.” The useful collective term “we” has enabled an ideological camouflage to be thrown over the reality of political life. If “we are the government,” then anything a government does to an individual is not only just and untyrannical but also “voluntary” on the part of the individual concerned. If the government has incurred a huge public debt which must be paid by taxing one group for the benefit of another, this reality of burden is obscured by saying that “we owe it to ourselves”; if the government conscripts a man, or throws him into jail for dissident opinion, then he is “doing it to himself” and, therefore, nothing untoward has occurred. Under this reasoning, any Jews murdered by the Nazi government were not murdered; instead, they must have “committed suicide,” since they were the government (which was democratically chosen), and, therefore, anything the government did to them was voluntary on their part. One would not think it necessary to belabor this point, and yet the overwhelming bulk of the people hold this fallacy to a greater or lesser degree.

We must, therefore, emphasize that “we” are not the government; the government is not “us.” The government does not in any accurate sense “represent” the majority of the people. But, even if it did, even if 70 percent of the people decided to murder the remaining 30 percent, this would still be murder and would not be voluntary suicide on the part of the slaughtered minority. No organicist metaphor, no irrelevant bromide that “we are all part of one another,” must be permitted to obscure this basic fact.

If, then, the State is not “us,” if it is not “the human family” getting together to decide mutual problems, if it is not a lodge meeting or country club, what is it? Briefly, the State is that organization in society which attempts to maintain a monopoly of the use of force and violence in a given territorial area; in particular, it is the only organization in society that obtains its revenue not by voluntary contribution or payment for services rendered but by coercion. While other individuals or institutions obtain their income by production of goods and services and by the peaceful and voluntary sale of these goods and services to others, the State obtains its revenue by the use of compulsion; that is, by the use and the threat of the jailhouse and the bayonet. Having used force and violence to obtain its revenue, the State generally goes on to regulate and dictate the other actions of its individual subjects. One would think that simple observation of all States through history and over the globe would be proof enough of this assertion; but the miasma of myth has lain so long over State activity that elaboration is necessary.

You can read Rothbard’s complete essay here.

James Corbett & Ryan Cristian: COVID-19 Censorship, Technocracy & The Amazing Country Of Digital Gulag

James Corbett & Ryan Cristian: COVID-19 Censorship, Technocracy & The Amazing Country Of Digital Gulag

by Ryan Cristian, The Last American Vagabond
March 15, 2021


Joining me today is James Corbett, here to discuss his recent censorship as well as ‘Digital Gulag’ being built around us, and the importance of why we must act now, today, in order to stop this rising technocratic state.


Video Source Links:

In Chronological Order:

5 NIH/National Library of Medicine studies from 2004-2020 all finding verifiable health effects from wearing a face mask, including scientifically verified reduction is blood oxygen level:

Cloth Mask Study

SOME of the mask studies on efficacy:

Germany, France and Italy Suspend Use of AstraZeneca’s Experimental Vaccine

Germany, France and Italy Suspend Use of AstraZeneca’s Experimental Vaccine

by 21st Century Wire
March 15, 2021


Germany, France and Italy temporarily suspended the use of AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine on Monday, joining a growing list of nations that paused use of the vaccine in recent days over concerns that it might be tied to blood clots.

In addition, a further 18 countries have also suspended the experimental vaccine from being foisted on the public. They include: Spain, Norway, Denmark, Spain, Iceland, Netherlands, Ireland, Austria, Estonia, Lithuania, Thailand, Bulgaria, Indonesia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Romania, South Africa, Luxembourg, and Latvia.

“Blood clots, particularly if they are large, can damage tissue or organs like the lungs, heart or brain. Severe cases can be fatal, but people with small clots can often be treated outside of a hospital with prescription drugs,” said the New York Times.

Since the news broke about the problematic vaccine, Government public health officials in the UK and US, mainstream media operatives, along with a brigade of Big Pharma loyalist scientists and doctors – have all taken to the airwaves in full damage control mode, as worry is setting in that these suspensions could feed “vaccine hesitancy,” as well as planting familiar speculative stories about a new “third wave” of supposed COVID infections, as well as the usual scare stories of alleged deadly “variants”. The New York Times ran one such story, making the wild claim that:

“Scientists also worry that suspensions could feed vaccine hesitancy at a time when some European countries are entering a third wave of the virus, and the world is in a race to inoculate as many people as possible, as dangerous virus variants proliferate.”

Bloomberg News, one of the pharmaceutical industry’s biggest media assets, fired out a number of reports in the last 24 hours to try to shore-up the hemorrhaging of credibility from the likes of AstraZeneca.

In addition, the World Health Organization (WHO) sprung into damage control, releasing a number of desperate public health announcements claiming the AstraZeneca vaccine is completely safe, saying that because millions of people have already received it, then any blood clotting issues are trivial and people should not be worried about the safety of the new experimental corporate product. WHO have attempted to downplay any of the Norway findings regarding risks, brushing aside any possibility ‘causative link’ between the vaccine and any serious injury or side effects. WHO spokeswoman, Dr Margaret Harris, was keen to promote the product for AstraZeneca claiming that the controversial vaccine as “excellent”.

Of course, AstraZeneca is defending its experimental vaccine product, insisting it is totally safe.

Now Big Pharma and its backers like Bill and Melinda Gates now face the prospect of a real setback for their aggressive vaccine push, and will no doubt be spending the next month in the media promoting the vaccines as being ‘safe and effective’, still touting the marketing line that the experimental jabs will prevent both severe illness and death from COVID-19. In many places across the world, it is the only shot available.

Meanwhile, co-authors Melissa EddyAurelien BreedenEmma BubolaJenny GrossRichard C. PaddockJennifer Jett, Gaia Pianigiani and  from the New York Times seem not to care much about looking acting as a willing PR arm of the pharmaceutical industry, saying things like this:

Public health experts expect medical conditions to turn up by chance in some people after they get any vaccine. In the vast majority of cases such illnesses have nothing to do with the shots.

As 21WIRE reported last week, an international group of eminent scientists and doctors had issued an open letter calling on the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to acknowledge urgent safety concerns regarding the controversial vaccines, or simply withdraw the vaccines’ ’emergency’ authorisation. As it turns out, one of their main concerns was the issue of blood clotting, as well as the risk of stroke and internal bleeding, along with warnings about autoimmune reactions. The authors also requested that the EMA provide any evidence that each medical danger outlined “was excluded in pre-clinical animal models with all three vaccines prior to their approval for use in humans by the EMA.”

To date, they have received no response from the agency.

U.S. Federal “COVID” Spending Just Hit $41,870 Per Taxpayer. Did You See That Much in Benefit?

Federal “COVID” Spending Just Hit $41,870 Per Taxpayer. Did You See That Much in Benefit?

by Brad Polumbo, Foundaton for Economic Education
sourced from Activist Post
March 11, 2021


President Biden just signed his sweeping $1.9 trillion spending package into law. Once this bill hits the books, total taxpayer expenditure on (ostensibly) COVID relief will hit $6 trillion—which, roughly estimated, comes out to $41,870 in spending per federal taxpayer.

Did you see anywhere near that much in benefit?

The sheer immensity of this spending is hard to grasp. For context, $6 trillion is more than one-fourth of what the US economy produces in an entire year, according to Fox Business. The COVID spending blowout is at least eight times bigger than the (inflation-adjusted) price tag of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s “New Deal.”

Moreover, the COVID spending bills have all lost huge sums of money to unrelated carve-outs, politician pet projects, corporate bailouts, fraud, waste, and worse.

In the latest $1.9 trillion package, more than 90 percent of the spending is not directly related to containing COVID-19. Only 1 percent of the money, about $15 to $20 billion, is spent on vaccines. Meanwhile, hundreds of billions go to bailing out poorly managed state governments’ budget holes that predate the pandemic and $86 billion rescues failing pension plans. Meanwhile, billions more go to Obamacare expansion and subsidizing public schools long after the pandemic.

And that’s just scratching the surface.

The numbers here really are quite damning.

For the same $6 trillion in expenditure, the government could have given every federal taxpayer a $41,870 check. Or, to think about it a bit differently, it could have written every American roughly an $18,181 check.

Let’s compare this to what most Americans actually received.

Only someone who fully collected expanded unemployment benefits throughout the pandemic and received all $3,200 in total of the stimulus payments likely received more than $18,181 in direct benefit from this spending package. And that’s a relatively small fraction of the public.

Because of the way the government used outdated (and arbitrary) income data to determine eligibility, many more taxpayers saw nothing or little in exchange for their $41,870 share of the cost, perhaps just the initial $1,200 stimulus or none at all. (Meanwhile, billions in checks went to dead people).

So, for almost all Americans, the actual benefits of the multiple pieces of lengthy stimulus legislation come in far, far below the figure that they would have received if the entire pile of money was just even split up and sent out.

How can that possibly be considered a success? In fact, it’s actually a net negative.

Too often, the stimulus conversation is simply framed around whether we should give money to a certain group of people or program—rather than also including the trade-offs and costs.

The question isn’t just: Should we send people $1,400 “stimulus” checks? It is, instead: Should we send people $1,400 stimulus checks at the cost of taking the equivalent amount (or more if you factor in waste) from other people? It’s not just whether we should send $350 billion to state and local governments—but should we do so at the cost of taking an average of $2,442 per federal taxpayer?

Money doesn’t grow on trees. Or, as the great economist Ludwig von Mises put it, the government “does not have the powers of the mythical Santa Claus.”

“The truth is the government cannot give if it does not take from somebody,” Mises wrote in Bureaucracy. “They cannot spend except by taking out of the pockets of some people for the benefit of others.”

The government cannot create wealth out of thin air. It can only give anyone anything via three ways:

  • Directly increasing taxes, which discourages economic growth and directly takes money away from people
  • Running up debt, which means much higher taxes in the future plus interest, creating a drag on economic growth
  • Printing money, which “stealth taxes” the public via inflation

There’s no such thing as a free lunch, and, much to the chagrin of spend-happy politicians’, Santa Claus is not real. Government spending doesn’t create wealth; it only transfers wealth, generally destroying a lot of it in the process.

So, unless Americans are actually seeing equal or greater benefit from spending compared to its cost, it’s a raw deal for taxpayers. And for the federal government’s “COVID” spending binge, it’s not even close.

Don’t believe me? Well, did you see $41,870 in benefit from these programs? Or even $18,181?

For almost everyone, the honest answer is no.


Brad Polumbo (@Brad_Polumbo) is a libertarian-conservative journalist and Opinion Editor at the Foundation for Economic Education.

Professor Dolores Cahill & Catherine Austin Fitts: The Overwhelming Cost of Vaccine Injury

Professor Dolores Cahill & Catherine Austin Fitts: The Overwhelming Cost of Vaccine Injury

by Catherine Austin Fitts w/ Professor Dolores Cahill
March 14, 2021


Video is available at Prof. Dolores Cahill BrandNewTube channel.

PDF of Transcript of this interview is available at


Related Reading:

Solari Report

Freedom Airway

World Freedom Alliance

Dolores Cahill’s Official Website

Children’s Health Defense-Europe

McDowell Triplets

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.] 

James Corbett: Our Digital Gulag

Our Digital Gulag 

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
March 13, 2021


And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?
— Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956


It’s not often that you leave the post office quoting The Gulag Archipelago and pondering the nature of the digital gulag that is being erected around us, but here we are.

You see, it started out as a simple, ordinary, everyday trip to go buy some stamps for a package I was sending. Back in the good old days, this would have been a minor inconvenience. Remember way back when in 2019, when the biggest hassle you’d face at the post office was a long line up of people waiting to buy some postage for their parcel?

Well, that was then. This is now. The era of the New (ab)Normal™. And, like every other aspect of our existence, even the simple act of shipping a package has become an opportunity to reflect on our electronic enslavement.

It shouldn’t have surprised me. After all, last year I had to suspend DVD sales on the website because “COVID-related postal disruptions” meant that the DVDs were, more often than not, being returned undelivered (if the post office even accepted them at all). Even my annual Christmas package back home to my Canadian family ended up not being sent last year because the “new strain” fears meant a fresh round of holiday mail disruption.

So it goes without saying that going to the post office has not been a part of my everyday activities for about a year now. In fact, it’s so consistently been a source of dashed hopes and foiled plans that I’ve been more or less avoiding it altogether.

That changed this past Wednesday when I decided to test the waters by sending another parcel to the US. I went through my usual routine: I printed out a homemade shipping label, filled out the customs declaration sticker, slapped them on the envelope and headed out the door. Passing the package over to the post office clerk, I was relieved to find that mail was indeed being sent to the US as normal. He rang up the price of the postage and began affixing the stamps and I breathed a sigh of relief.

But then he stopped. He cocked his head. He made a noise that in Japanese means something like “uhhhh…”

Oh, no.

“I’m sorry, sir. You can’t send mail like this anymore.”


“Oh, you can’t send packages to the US in this way anymore,” he repeated as I stared in disbelief. No doubt beginning to question my Japanese comprehension, he reached for a flyer explaining that Japan Post was no longer accepting packages to the US with homemade labels and handwritten customs declarations. No, that was the Old (ab)Normal. Here in the New (ab)Normal you have to create an account on the Japan Post website and/or download an app to your smartphone in order to send a package. You must fill out all of the destination and customs information ahead of time and then print off a special label for the envelope before they can take it.

He ripped the half-glued stamp from the package and handed it back to me. “I’m sorry, sir. You’ll have to bring it back when you have the special label.”

I left the post office without a word, my head spinning from the interaction. In a moment, I saw it all spread out before me: A future in which nothing, not even the simplest transaction at the post office, could take place without a smartphone or an electronic device. A future in which every single transaction is monitored in real time by the government. A future in which that government could at any time intervene to stop those transactions from taking place.

I immediately thought of the opening chapter of The Gulag Archipelago.

The gulags, of course, were the Soviet forced labor camps that started under Lenin and flourished under Stalin. They were made famous in the English speaking world by Russian writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who won the Nobel prize in 1970 for his work documenting the history of the camps and the stories of those, like himself, who had served time in them.

Solzhenitsyn didn’t refer to the gulags as internment camps, though; he thought of them, collectively, as “that amazing country of Gulag,” an Archipelago of islands that themselves “crisscrossed and patterned that other country [Russia] within which it was located, like a gigantic patchwork, cutting into its cities, hovering over its streets.” In Solzhenitsyn’s vision, this island chain lay “right next to us, two yards away from us,” behind the brick walls and high fences surrounding the unmarked buildings that made up the prisons and camps that most people didn’t even know existed.

But there they sat, just out of reach, a network of institutions housing all those who committed some (usually nameless) transgression against the state. Scooped up from their homes, lured from their workplaces, ushered from their loved ones, the “residents” of this “amazing country” were led away by the members of the Soviet security forces, often without resistance, to meet their fate.

It strikes me that the digital prison that is being erected for us is quite similar. Just out of reach in that nebulous “cyberspace,” here and not here, seen and not seen, just out of reach. We know that it exists, that more and more of our life is taking place there, but we are led into it so innocuously that it seems ridiculous to question it. “Oh, James, it’s just an account to send some mail. What’s the big deal?”

The big deal, of course, is that this is just one more brick in one more edifice in one more institution in the amazing country of Digital Gulag. Sure, by itself the creation of an account on the post office website is hardly the end of the world. But, as you no doubt know by now, it does not end there. Soon enough we’ll find that our vaccination certificates are being tied to our digital identity so that we can scan the proper bar code at the UBI office in order to receive our protein substitute rations.

And, every once in a while, someone will try to escape the digital gulag. They’ll try to buy something without the proper bar code. Or they’ll try to enter a public space without a digital immunity passport. But living their lives under the watchful gaze of the electronic Big Brother panopticon, they’ll discover soon enough what it means to be a prisoner in the digital gulag.

Even when we do protest the erection of this electronic enslavement grid, that protest is—almost inevitably—planned online, tweeted out under a hashtag, photographed for Instagram, videotaped for YouTube and discussed on Facebook. And if it gets a certain number of views that protest is called a “success.”

But what does it mean for the future of political resistance—of any resistance—that all of our interactions are now taking place online? This is the questions confronted by write Bill Blunden in his recent piece on Internet Honey Traps For Everyone!

If you have a movement that depends heavily upon a digital platform, you don’t have a movement. What you’ve actually got is a honeypot that, wittingly or otherwise, will snare those drawn to it. In the end, all of that data traverses a maze of interconnected pipes which are centrally monitored and controlled by you-know-who.

And, just in case you didn’t get the point, Blunden doubles down:

The whole notion that resilient long-term organizations will coalesce around social media portals is a bit naïve. Real movements don’t emerge from the pseudo anonymity of internet channels, which are literally crawling with informantshackers, and artful government spies.

Yes, the act of going online to protest the online prison we are being placed in is akin to Soviet dissidents volunteering to go to the gulag so they can preach to the prisoners. It is inherently self-defeating.

What, then, is the answer to all of this? Resistance? Refusal? By yourself? How else to motivate others to join you in this day and age, if not online?

If there are pat, simple answers to these questions, I have yet to hear them. But I do know this: like the prisoners in the gulags, we will one day burn with anguish thinking of this time we are in, right now, when things could have been resisted. When resistance was even possible.

This is a consistent theme for Solzhenitsyn: How easy it would have been to resist at first and how impossible that resistance became later on. Putting faith in a system that they could not possibly comprehend, the average Soviet citizen believed that even if they were charged with a crime, they would surely have a chance to clear things up. As long as they were calm, as long as they let things proceed in their natural course, then surely they would be allowed to go free. As Solzhenitsyn observed, “Universal innocence also gave rise to the universal failure to act. Maybe they won’t take you? Maybe it will all blow over?”

And here in the digital gulag we find ourselves in a remarkably similar situation. “If we just follow the rules then we’ll be fine. Relax. It’s no big deal.”

But what rules? Just create the post office account. Just take your government-approved experimental mRNA injection. Just don’t ask questions or challenge authority online, and then you can participate in all the fruits of this wonderful digital existence!

Oh, did I mention I was removed from Patreon this week for spreading “COVID misinformation” and I have received two strikes on my YouTube account for “questioning the WHO guidelines?”

So how’s that rule-following thing working out for you? Still sure that it’ll all work out if we just don’t kick up too much of.a fuss?

I write all this not out of a spirit of defeatism. This is 2021, after all, the year of the people’s reset. No, I write this because we will never be able to put the brakes on this agenda unless we look it square in the face. This is inherently difficult. No one wants to look a monster in the face. But we must do it, and we must not kid ourselves about the nature of the monster that we see, or the gravity of the threat that we are facing.

As Solzhenitsyn wrote, “A person who is not inwardly prepared for the use of violence against him is always weaker than the person committing the violence.” Are we inwardly prepared for what is surely coming? And what does that mean?

Don’t ask me. I don’t have time to answer. I’m off to make an account on the Japan Post website. After all, what choice do I have?

This weekly editorial is part of The Corbett Report Subscriber newsletter.

To support The Corbett Report and to access the full newsletter, please sign up to become a member of the website.

Danser Encore: “Let Us Put Up a Fight Against the Tools of Madness”

Danser Encore: “Let Us Put Up a Fight Against the Tools of Madness”


Flash Mob in Paris, March 4, 2021:

Flashmob organisé le 4 mars 2021 à Paris, Gare du Nord.

Original video is available at Piaf Edit YouTube channel.

Find lyrics in French and English below the second video.



HK – Danser Encore Original Performance

HK – Danser encore (Officiel) 

Original video available at HK saltimbank YouTube channel.

[See lyrics in French and English below.]

Clip tourné à Avignon – Cloître des Carmes le 10/12/2020.

Avec :
HK – Chant * Jacotte Recolin – Violon * Mathilde Dupuch – accordéon * Martin Choquet – saxophone
Raphaël André – trombone * Saïd Zarouri – guitare * Thibault Delbart – guitare

English Lyrics


We still want
To keep on dancing
See our minds entwine our bodies
Spend our lives on a chord grid

Refrain x2

We are passing birds
Neither meek nor mild
We don’t swear allegiance
To dawn under any circumstances
We’ve come to break the silence

When at night on TV
Our lordship has spoken
To announce the sentence
We show our irreverence
But still with elegance

Refrain x2

Working, buying the daily grind
Lockdowns and restrictions
Nonsense on prescription
Shame on the thinker
Shame on the dancer

Each authoritarian step
Each reeking security measure
Ruins our hope and confidence
They keep increasing the pressure
To contain our conscience

Refrain x2

Let’s not be impressed
By these unreasonable requests
That sell fear in profusion
Let’s keep them at a distance
Causing distress in excess

For the sake of our mental existence
Social and environmental health
For our smiles and our mind
Let us put up a fight
Against the tools of madness

Refrain x4

 French Lyrics

Refrain :

Nous on veut continuer à danser encore
Voir nos pensées enlacer nos corps
Passer nos vies sur une grille d’accords

Refrain x2

Nous sommes des oiseaux de passage
Jamais dociles ni vraiment sages
Nous ne faisons pas allégeance
À l’aube en toutes circonstances
Nous venons briser le silence

Et quand le soir à la télé
Monsieur le bon roi a parlé
Venu annoncer la sentence
Nous faisons preuve d’irrévérence
Mais toujours avec élégance

Refrain x2

Auto attestation qu’on signe
Absurdité sur ordonnance
Et malheur à celui qui pense
Et malheur à celui qui danse

Chaque mesure autoritaire
Chaque relent sécuritaire
Voit s’envoler notre confiance
Ils font preuve de tant d’insistance
Pour confiner notre conscience

Refrain x2

Ne soyons pas impressionnables
Par tous ces gens déraisonnables
Vendeurs de peur en abondance
Angoissants, jusqu’à l’indécence

Sachons les tenir à distance
Pour notre santé mentale
Sociale et environnementale
Nos sourires, notre intelligence
Ne soyons pas sans résistance
Les instruments de leur démence

Refrain x2

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of these videos are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original sources of these videos. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Dr. Tom Cowan: “If Your Goal Is to Be Safe, You’re Dead” — Perspectives on the Sleeping Beauty Fairytale

Dr. Tom Cowan: “If Your Goal Is to Be Safe, You’re Dead” — Perspectives on the Sleeping Beauty Fairytale


Video clip from Freedom Talk 1 – 4 March 2021 

by Dean Braus, Dean’s Danes YouTube channel
March 4, 2021


Unofficial transcript provided by Truth Comes to Light:

“There’s lots of root causes of this problem. And Andy and Stefan, I think, gave really great descriptions of it. Let me add another one.

And I also want to put this in the context of: There’s really nothing new about what we’re going through.

It’s different than it used to be because of technology. But I insisted, in spite of the publishers asking me not to put the story of Sleeping Beauty in the final chapter of my book [The Contagion Myth]. And people would say: What could possibly a story of Sleeping Beauty have to do with the corona crisis?

But the root of the problem is: a human being deciding that they want to be safe. Right?

So that’s why we do this. That’s why you stay away from people. That’s why you wear masks. That’s why you get vaccines. That’s why you live your life — so you can be safe.

Now there’s a precedent to this.

So the story of Sleeping Beauty is — there’s a kingdom. And there’s a king and a queen. And they have a nice kingdom. And it’s prosperous. But they can’t have a a child. And so the kingdom can’t go on.

So then a frog — which in fairy tales is the representative of the spiritual world — says to the king and queen: I’m going to bestow the gift of a child on you. And so then the queen miraculously gets pregnant.

And then they throw a party and they invite the 12 wise women of the kingdom. That, by the way, represents the wisdom of the universe. That’s the zodiac; it’s the months. But they forgot that there was a 13th woman who they didn’t invite who was “the witch”. And the witch is always depicted as the stepmother, which is basically materialism. Right? The fallen wisdom. It’s now a materialistic way of looking at the world.

And the witch says you’re going to grow up and you’re going to prick your finger and die.

And then it turns out the 12th witch, the “good witch”, hadn’t spoken yet, so she said: “This is a very powerful spell. I can’t undo it. But I can turn it from ‘you’ll fall down dead’ to ‘you’ll just fall down asleep’.” Right?

So then the king and the queen and all the kingdom do exactly what we’re doing now. They get rid of all the spindles and all the prickery things in the kingdom. Their goal is to make everybody safe. Well, at least the princess.

The problem is — the only time you’re safe is when you’re six feet under. That’s it. If you’re a living, breathing human being you encounter danger. That’s how we grow and live.

So inevitably — inevitably — the princess grows up. Lo and behold, she pricks her finger.

The whole country, the whole kingdom, goes into lockdown. Just like now.

The bread makers can’t make bread. The people can’t go to work. There’s no economic activity. They steal all your money. The whole kingdom is in lockdown.

The princess is asleep. And then the kingdom is engulfed in toxic thorns. Right?

Just like us. Toxic thorns. Because we tried to be safe. That never works. Everybody’s on lockdown. Same as now. And then people try to save her. But they’re killed by the thorns.

Until one day a young boy hears about it. And he hears about that there’s this beautiful princess. And he could save her. And they say, “No, don’t do it. Don’t do it. You’ll get killed like everybody else.”

And he says the words that solve this whole problem. You know what the words were? In every edition he says, “No, I’m not afraid. I’m not afraid. I go in.”

What happens? The thorns part. The thorns have no power over somebody who’s not afraid.

What’s the worst thing that can happen? He dies.

You’re gonna die anyways. I mean, I don’t want people to die. Right? I don’t want people to jump off cliffs for no reason. But if your goal is to be safe, you’re dead.

So he didn’t care. He didn’t know what was going to happen. He’s not afraid. Saves the princess. Life goes on. We’re all good.

That’s what we need to happen here.”


This clip is from the full video, found here:

Dare to Ask: Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Stefan Lanka & Dr. Andrew Kaufman on Freedom, Fear, and False Science About Viruses and the Nature of Reality Itself


Canadian Government Steals Care Home Property for Refusing to Kill Their Patients

Government Steals Care Home Property for Refusing to Kill Their Patients!!!

by Dan Dicks, Press for Truth
March 13, 2021


The Delta Hospice Society in British Columbia refuses to provide MAID (medical assistance in dying) aka facilitating a suicide and for that the Canadian government has evicted all the patients, they are shutting down the hospice and they are taking over the property as well!

There are other facilities that offer that service literally within walking distance of the hospice but for the Canadian Government that doesn’t matter, if you refuse to help someone kill themselves, they’ll shut you down.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with the president of the Delta Hospice Angelina Ireland about the battle to keep people alive when the government is the only obstacle!


To support the Delta Hospice visit:

Press for Truth BitChute:
Press for Truth LBRY:

What is MAID? MAID (Medical Assistance in Dying)

Dare to Ask: Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Stefan Lanka & Dr. Andrew Kaufman on Freedom, Fear, and False Science About Viruses and the Nature of Reality Itself

Dare to Ask: Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Stefan Lanka & Dr. Andrew Kaufman on Freedom, Fear, and False Science About Viruses and the Nature of Reality Itself


by Dean Braus, Dean’s Danes YouTube channel
March 4, 2021

Freedom Talk 1 – 4 March 2021 

Original video available at Dean’s Danes YouTube channel.

Tom, Stefan, Andy & Dean talk about individual responsibility and personal commitment.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

See related:

The Misconception Called Virus by Dr. Stefan Lanka (download PDF)

Statement of Virus Isolation | Conclusion: The SARS-CoV2 Virus Does Not Exist

Dr. Tom Cowan w/ Dr. Andrew Kaufman: We Have No Scientific Proof That Viruses Cause Disease — A Response to Dr. Judy Mikovits

The Contagion Fairy Tale by Dr. Tom Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell

On the Psychology of the Conspiracy Denier

On the Psychology of the Conspiracy Denier
A closer look at the class that mocks.

by Tim Foylesourced from OffGuardian
March 13, 2021


Why is it that otherwise perfectly intelligent, thoughtful and rationally minded people baulk at the suggestion that sociopaths are conspiring to manipulate and deceive them? And why will they defend this ill-founded position with such vehemence?

History catalogues the machinations of liars, thieves, bullies and narcissists and their devastating effects. In modern times too, evidence of corruption and extraordinary deceptions abound.

We know, without question, that politicians lie and hide their connections and that corporations routinely display utter contempt for moral norms – that corruption surrounds us.

We know that revolving doors between the corporate and political spheres, the lobbying system, corrupt regulators, the media and judiciary mean that wrongdoing is practically never brought to any semblance of genuine justice.

We know that the press makes noise about these matters occasionally but never pursues them with true vigour.

We know that in the intelligence services and law enforcement wrongdoing on a breathtaking scale is commonplace and that, again, justice is never forthcoming.

We know that governments repeatedly ignore or trample on the rights of the people, and actively abuse and mistreat the people. None of this is controversial.

So exactly what is it that conspiracy deniers refuse to acknowledge with such fervour, righteousness and condescension? Why, against all the evidence, do they sneeringly and contemptuously defend the crumbling illusion that ‘the great and good’ are up there somewhere, have everything in hand, have only our best interests at heart, and are scrupulous, wise and sincere? That the press serves the people and truth rather than the crooks? That injustice after injustice result from mistakes and oversights, and never from that dread word: conspiracy?

What reasonable person would continue to inhabit such a fantasy world?

The point of disagreement here is only on the matter of scale. Someone who is genuinely curious about the plans of powerful sociopaths won’t limit the scope of their curiosity to, for example, one corporation, or one nation. Why would they? Such a person assumes that the same patterns on display locally are likely to be found all the way up the power food chain. But the conspiracy denier insists this is preposterous.


It is painfully obvious that the pyramidical societal and legal structures that humanity has allowed to develop are exactly the kind of dominance hierarchies that undoubtedly favour the sociopath. A humane being operating with a normal and healthy cooperative mindset has little inclination to take part in the combat necessary to climb a corporate or political ladder.

So what do conspiracy deniers imagine the 70 million or more sociopaths in the world do all day, born into a ‘game’, in which all the wealth and power are at the top of the pyramid, while the most effective attributes for ‘winning’ are ruthlessness and amorality? Have they never played Monopoly?

Sociopaths do not choose their worldview consciously, and are simply unable to comprehend why normal people would put themselves at such an incredible disadvantage by limiting themselves with conscientiousness and empathy, which are as beyond the understanding of the sociopath as a world without them are to the humane being.

All the sociopath need do to win in the game is lie publicly whilst conspiring privately. What could be simpler? In 2021, to continue to imagine that the world we inhabit is not largely driven by this dynamic amounts to reckless naiveté bordering on insanity. Where does such an inadvertently destructive impulse originate?

The infant child places an innate trust in those it finds itself with – a trust which is, for the most part, essentially justified. The infant could not survive otherwise.

In a sane and healthy society, this deep instinct would evolve as the psyche developed. As self-awareness, the cognitive and reasoning abilities and scepticism evolved in the individual, this innate trust impulse would continue to be understood as a central need of the psyche. Shared belief systems would exist to consciously evolve and develop this childish impulse in order to place this faith somewhere consciously – in values and beliefs of lasting meaning and worth to the society, the individual, or, ideally, both.

Reverence and respect for tradition, natural forces, ancestors, for reason, truth, beauty, liberty, the innate value of life, or the initiating spirit of all things, might all be considered valid resting places in which to consciously place our trust and faith – as well as those derived from more formalised belief systems.

Regardless of the path taken to evolve and develop a personal faith, it is the bringing of one’s own consciousness and cognition to this innate impulse that is relevant here. I believe this is a profound responsibility – to develop and cultivate a mature faith – which many are, understandably, unaware of.

What occurs when there is a childish need within us which has never evolved beyond its original survival function of trusting those in our environment who are, simply, the most powerful; the most present and active? When we have never truly explored our own psyches, and deeply interrogated what we truly believe and why? When our motivation for trusting anything or anyone goes unchallenged? When philosophy is left to the philosophers?

I suggest the answer is simple, and that the evidence of this phenomenon and the havoc it is wreaking is all around us: the innate impulse to trust the mother never evolves, never encounters and engages with its counterbalance of reason (or mature faith), and remains forever on its ‘default’ infant setting.

While the immature psyche no longer depends on parents for its well-being, the powerful and motivating core tenet I have described remains intact: unchallenged, unconsidered and undeveloped. And, in a world in which stability and security are distant memories, these survival instincts, rather than being well-honed, considered, relevant, discerning and up to date, remain, quite literally, those of a baby. Trust is placed in the biggest, loudest, most present and undeniable force around, because instinct decrees that survival depends on it.

And, in this great ‘world nursery’, the most omnipresent force is the network of institutions which consistently project an unearned image of power, calm, expertise, concern and stability.

In my view, this is how conspiracy deniers are able to cling to and aggressively defend the utterly illogical fantasy that somehow – above a certain undefined level of the societal hierarchy – corruption, deceit, malevolence and narcissism mysteriously evaporate. That, contrary to the maxim, the more power a person has, the more integrity they will inevitably exhibit. These poor deluded souls essentially believe that where personal experience and prior knowledge cannot fill in the gaps in their worldview – in short, where there is a barred door – mummy and daddy are behind it, working out how best to ensure that their little precious will be comfortable, happy and safe forever.

This is the core, comforting illusion at the root of the conspiracy denier’s mindset, the decrepit foundation upon which they build a towering castle of justification from which to pompously jeer at and mock those who see otherwise.

This explains why it is that the conspiracy denier will attack any suggestion that the caregiving archetype is no longer present – that sociopaths are behind the barred door, who hold us all in utter contempt or disregard us completely. The conspiracy denier will attack any such suggestion as viciously as if their survival depended on it – which, in a way, within the makeup of their unconscious and precarious psyche, it does.

Their sense of well-being, of security, of comfort, even of a future at all, is completely (and completely unconsciously) invested in this fantasy. The infant has never matured, and, because they are not conscious of this, other than as a deep attachment to their personal security, they will fiercely attack any threat to this unconscious and central aspect of their worldview.

The tediously common refrain from the conspiracy denier is, ‘there couldn’t be a conspiracy that big’.

The simple retort to such a self-professed expert on conspiracies is obvious: how big?

The biggest ‘medical’ corporations in the world can go for decades treating the settling of court cases as mere business expenses, for crimes ranging from the suppressing of adverse test events to multiple murders resulting from undeclared testing to colossal environmental crimes.

Governments perform the vilest and most unthinkable ‘experiments’ (crimes) on their own people without consequence.

Politicians habitually lie to our faces, without consequence.

And on and on. At what point, exactly, does a conspiracy become so big that ‘they’ just couldn’t get away with it, and why? I suggest it’s at the point where the cognitive ability of the conspiracy denier falters, and their unconscious survival instinct kicks in. The point at which the intellect becomes overwhelmed with the scope of events and the instinct is to settle back into the familiar comforting faith known and cultivated since the first moment one’s lips found the nipple. The faith that someone else is dealing with it – that where the world becomes unknown to us, a powerful and benevolent human authority exists in which we have only to place our faith unconditionally in order to guarantee eternal emotional security.

This dangerous delusion may be the central factor placing humanity’s physical security and future in the hands of sociopaths.

To anyone in the habit of dismissing people who are questioning, investigative and sceptical as tin foil hat wearing, paranoid, science-denying Trump supporters, the question is: what do you believe in? Where have you placed your faith and why? How is it that while no one trusts governments, you appear to trust nascent global governance organisations without question? How is this rational?

If you are placing faith in such organisations, consider that in the modern global age, these organisations, as extraordinarily well presented as they are, are simply grander manifestations of the local versions we know we can’t trust. They are not our parents and demonstrate no loyalty to humane values. There is no reason to place any faith whatsoever in any of them.

If you haven’t consciously developed a faith or questioned why you believe as you do to some depth, such a position might seem misanthropic, but in truth, it is the opposite. These organisations have not earned your trust with anything other than PR money and glossy lies. True power remains, as ever, with the people.

There is a reason why Buddhists strongly advise the placing of one’s faith in the Dharma, or the natural law of life, rather than in persons, and that similar refrains are common in other belief systems.

Power corrupts. And, in the world today, misplaced and unfounded trust could well be one of the greatest sources of power there is.

Massive criminal conspiracies exist. The evidence is overwhelming. The scope of those currently underway is unknown, but there is no reason to imagine, in the new global age, that the sociopathic quest for power or the possession of the resources required to move towards it is diminishing. Certainly not while dissent is mocked and censored into silence by gatekeepers, ‘useful idiots’, and conspiracy deniers, who are, in fact, directly colluding with the sociopathic agenda through their unrelenting attack on those who would shine a light on wrongdoing.

It is every humane being’s urgent responsibility to expose sociopathic agendas wherever they exist – never to attack those who seek to do so.

Now, more than ever, it is time to put away childish things, and childish impulses, and to stand up as adults to protect the future of the actual children who have no choice but to trust us with their lives.

This essay has focussed on what I consider to be the deepest psychological driver of conspiracy denial.

There are certainly others, such as the desire to be accepted; the avoidance of knowledge of, and engagement with, the internal and external shadow; the preservation of a positive and righteous self-image: a generalised version of the ‘flying monkey’ phenomenon, in which a self-interested and vicious class protect themselves by coalescing around the bully; the subtle unconscious adoption of the sociopathic worldview (e.g. ‘humanity is the virus’); outrage addiction/superiority complex/status games; a stunted or unambitious intellect that finds validation through maintaining the status quo; the dissociative protective mechanism of imagining that crimes and horrors committed repeatedly within our lifetime are somehow not happening now, not ‘here’; and plain old fashioned laziness and cowardice.

My suggestion is that, to some degree, all of these build on the foundation of the primary cause I’ve outlined here.

Tim Foyle is an English fellow who loves cats, nature, music, food, humanity and truth. You can follow his writings here, and on Twitter: @timfoyl 

Children’s Health Defense Supports Worldwide Demonstration for Freedom on March 20, 2021

Children’s Health Defense Supports Worldwide Demonstration for Freedom on March 20, 2021

by Children’s Health Defense
March 12, 2021


Senta Depuydt (President of Children’s Health Defense Europe) and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (Chairman of Children’s Health Defense) are supporting the World Wide Demonstration 2021-03-20

Link to Telegram Post

See also:

It’s Time to Rise: Worldwide Freedom Rallies Are Being Organized
for March 20th 2021


Links to the Worldwide Demonstrations:







Covid Charges Tossed! ‘Bladez 2 Fadez’ Barbershop in Alberta, Canada Allowed to Reopen

Covid Charges Tossed! ‘Bladez 2 Fadez’ Barbershop in Alberta, Canada Allowed to Reopen

by , Rebel News
March 8, 2021


Remember the story of Natalie Klein of Innisfail, Alberta? We first met her through our initiative to showcase brave business owners willing to stand up to the lockdown,

She is the central Alberta barbershop owner (and niece of former Conservative Premier Ralph Klein) who decided she wasn’t going to sit idly by and let a government-imposed COVID closure take everything that she had worked for.

Klein reopened her barbershop in defiance of the lockdown restrictions that forced her to close. Closing barbershops didn’t make any sense to Klein anyway, since her industry wasn’t responsible for a single COVID outbreak.

And Klein received immediate support from members of her community, with the exception of the usual scolds: Facebook busybodies and corona-scaredy cats, as well as local hairdressers without the tenacity to do what she did. Klein also received a visit from the cops, and health inspectors who issued her a summons to appear in Red Deer court for violating the public health order.

But right after Klein opened her barbershop, the government backed away from the shutdown of personal care businesses. Klein had forced the government to make a decision to reopen, and she changed things for the entire industry, but she also put herself in legal jeopardy to do it.

The fight for her business even inspired Klein to run for town council in Innisfail, to make sure there are freedom-minded people like her making municipal bylaws.

Rebel News hired a litigation specialist, Chad Williamson from Williamson Law, to fight Klein’s case in court. Williamson is the top gun lawyer who helped Chris Scott of the Whistle Stop Cafe beat Alberta Health Services in court when he was prosecuted for opening his dining room to customers again.

Today was Klein’s court date. And guess what? All charges were dropped!

Taking on the government is a scary proposition, but it can be done, as business owners like Chris Scott and Natalie Klein have shown us.

Natalie Klein couldn’t have done it without you!

Thank you to everyone who supported her fight by donating at You helped make this great victory for freedom possible!

Unfortunately, there’s still a lot of work left to do to protect civil liberties and a lot of people left to help fight their fines.

If you’ve received a lockdown ticket like Natalie, don’t pay it, fight it. Plead not guilty and send it to us at


Reports of Deaths After COVID Vaccines Up by 259 in 1 Week, CDC Data Show

Reports of Deaths After COVID Vaccines Up by 259 in 1 Week, CDC Data Show
Between Dec. 14, 2020, and Mar. 5, 2021, 31,079 reports of adverse events were submitted to VAERS, including 1,524 deaths, 5,507 serious injuries and 390 reports of Bell’s Palsy.

by Megan Redshaw, The Defender
March 12, 2021


Data released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the number of injuries and deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) following COVID vaccines remain consistent with previous weeks, with the exception of a 31% spike in reports of Bell’s Palsy.

Every Friday, VAERS makes public all vaccine injury reports received by the system as of Friday of the previous week. Today’s data show that between Dec. 14, 2020, and March 5, a total of 31,079 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 1,524 deaths — an increase of 259 over the previous 7 days — and 5,507 serious injuries, up 1,083 over the same time period.In the U.S., 85.01 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of March 5.


VAERS is the primary mechanism for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed.

This week’s 31% increase in reports of Bell’s Palsy marks a break with past trends. Otherwise, today’s data reflect trends that have emerged since The Defender first began tracking VAERS reports related to COVID vaccines.

This week’s VAERS data show:

  • Of the 1,524 deaths reported as of March 6, 30% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination, and 46% occurred in people who became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated.
  • Nineteen percent of deaths were related to cardiac disorders.
  • Fifty-three percent of those who died were male, 45% were female and the remaining death reports did not include gender of the deceased.
  • The average age of those who died was 77.9 and the youngest death confirmed was a 23-year-old.
  • As of March 5, 265 pregnant women had reported adverse events related to COVID vaccines, including 85 reports of miscarriage or premature birth. None of the COVID vaccines approved for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) have been tested for safety or efficacy in pregnant women.
  • There were 1,689 reports of anaphylaxis, with 59% of cases attributed to the Pfizer-Bio-N-Tech vaccine and 41% to Moderna.

The first Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine was administered in the U.S. on March 2. As of March 5, two adverse events related to the vaccine had been reported to VAERS. Both occurred in young people, and the reactions included tongue tingling and numbness, hot flashes, headache and extreme fatigue.

On March 10, The Defender reported the death of a 39-year-old woman who died four days after receiving a second dose of Moderna’s COVID vaccine. Kassidi Kurill died of organ failure after her liver, heart and kidneys shut down. She had no known medical issues or pre-existing conditions, family members said. An autopsy was ordered, but Dr. Erik Christensen, Utah’s chief medical examiner, said proving vaccine injury as a cause of death almost never happens.

Last month The Defender reported that a 58-year-old woman died hours after getting her first dose of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine. State and federal officials said they were investigating her death but did not perform an autopsy. A public records request revealed emails between State Health Commissioner Normal Oliver and public information officers that suggest officials were “concerned the death of Keyes, who is Black, could worsen vaccine hesitancy among minorities,” reported The Virginian Pilot.

State officials refused to answer how medical examiners could thoroughly rule out other potential causes of death triggered by or linked to the shot without an internal examination of the body.

The family was forced to get their own private autopsy. Keyes’ daughter said that even before state officials had her mother’s postmortem preliminary test results, the medical examiner’s office told her they would not perform an autopsy. They told her “nothing could be gleaned from an autopsy that would relate the vaccine to her death.”

On March 11, Denmark, Norway and Iceland announced they were joining other European countries in temporarily suspending use of the AstraZeneca-Oxford COVID vaccine following reports of blood clots in people who got the vaccine, The Defender reported. The Danish decision came days after Austrian authorities suspended a batch of AstraZeneca’s COVID vaccine while investigating the death of one person and the illness of another after receiving the shots. The same batch used in Austria was used in Denmark, according to Reuters.

On March 9, Australian Health Minister Greg Hunt was hospitalized two days after taking AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine. He received antibiotics and fluid. A link to the vaccine was ruled out, reported Reuters.

The AstraZeneca vaccine has not been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for Emergency Use Authorization, but the drugmaker said last week it plans to apply soon.

Meanwhile, Pfizer is gearing up to protect itself from any financial risk associated with vaccine injuries in those countries where, unlike in the U.S., there are no laws in place to indemnify the vaccine maker against liability for injuries.

As reported by The Defender on March 9, Pfizer is demanding countries put up sovereign assets as collateral for expected vaccine injury lawsuits resulting from its COVID-19 inoculation after Argentina rejected Pfizer’s request to enact legislation indemnifying the company from liability for injuries. Pfizer wanted Argentina and Brazil to guarantee the company would be compensated for any expenses resulting from injury lawsuits against it.

Pfizer demanded Brazil waive sovereignty of its assets abroad in favor of Pfizer, not apply its domestic laws to the country, not penalize Pfizer for vaccine delivery delays and exempt Pfizer from all civil liability for COVID vaccine side effects. Brazil rejected Pfizer’s demands, calling them “abusive.”

Nine other South American countries have reportedly negotiated deals with Pfizer. It’s unclear whether they actually ended up giving up national assets in return.

In the U.S., vaccine makers already enjoy full indemnity against injuries occurring from this or any other pandemic vaccine under the PREP Act. COVID vaccine injury claims are filed with the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP), which is funded by U.S. taxpayers. The CICP is administered within the Department of Health and Human Services, which also sponsors the COVID-19 vaccination program.

On March 8, the CDC released new guidelines on how those “fully vaccinated” against COVID could gather with others. According to CNN, the level of precautions taken are determined by the characteristics of unvaccinated people. Fully vaccinated people can visit with other vaccinated people indoors without masks or social distancing, and can visit indoors with unvaccinated people from a single household without masks or physical distancing if the unvaccinated people are at low risk for severe disease.

Children’s Health Defense asks anyone who has experienced an adverse reaction, to any vaccine, to file a report following these three steps.

Tanzania – The Second Covid Coup?

Tanzania – The Second Covid Coup?
President John Magufuli’s disappearance makes him potentially the 2nd “Covid denier” head of state to lose power. 

by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian
March 12, 2021


John Magufuli, President of Tanzania, has disappeared. He’s not been seen in public for several weeks, and speculation is building as to where he might be.

The opposition has, at various times, accused the President of being hospitalised with “Covid19”, either in Kenya or India, although there remains no evidence this is the case.

To add some context, John Magufuli is one of the “Covid denier” heads of state from Africa.

He famously had his office submit five unlabelled samples for testing – goat, motor oil, papaya, quail and jackfruit – and when four came back positive and one “inconclusive”, he banned the testing kits and called for an investigation into their origin and manufacture.

In the past, he has also questioned the safety and efficacy of the supposed “covid vaccines”, and has not permitted their use in Tanzania.

In the Western press Magufuli has been portrayed as “anti-science” and “populist”, but it is not fair to suggest that the health of the people of Tanzania is a low priority for the President. In fact it’s quite the opposite.

After winning his first election in 2015 he slashed government salaries (including his own) in order to increase funding for hospitals and buying AIDs medication. In 2015 he cancelled the Independence Day celebrations and used the money to launch an anti-Cholera campaign. Healthcare has been one of his administration’s top priorities, and Tanzanian life expectancy has increased every year while he has been in office.

The negative coverage of President Magufuli is a very recent phenomenon. Early in his Presidency he even received glowing write-ups from the Western press and Soros-backed think tanks, praising his reforms and calling him an “example” to other African nations.

All that changed when he spoke out about Covid being hoax.

When he was re-elected in October 2020 the standard Western accusations of “voter suppression” and “electoral fraud” appeared in the Western press which had previously reported his approval rating as high as 96%.

And the anti-Magufuli campaign increased momentum in the new year, with Mike “we lied, we cheated, we stole” Pompeo initiating sanctions against Tanzanian government officials as one of his final acts as Secretary of State. The sanctions were notionally due to “electoral irregularities”, but the obvious reality is that it’s due to Tanzania’s refusal to toe the Covid line.

Just last month, The Guardian, always the tip of the spear when it comes to “progressive” regime change ran an article headlined:

It’s time for Africa to rein in Tanzania’s anti-vaxxer president

The article makes no mention of goats, papaya and motor oil testing positive for the coronavirus, but does ask – in a very non-partisan, journalistic way:

What is wrong with President John Magufuli? Many people in and outside Tanzania are asking this question.”

Before going on to conclude:

Magufuli [is] fuelling anti-vaxxers as the pandemic and its new variants continue to play out. He needs to be challenged openly and directly. To look on indifferently exposes millions of people in Tanzania and across Africa’s great lakes region – as well as communities across the world – to this deadly and devastating virus.

The author doesn’t say exactly how Magufuli should be “challenged openly and directly”, but that’s not what these articles are for. They exist simply to paint the subject as a villain, and create a climate where “something must be done”. What that “something” is – and, indeed, whether or not it is legal – are none of the Guardian-reading public’s business, and most of them don’t really care.

Oh, by the by, the article is part of the Guardian’s “Global Development” section, which is sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Just so you know.

So, within two weeks of The Guardian publishing a Gates-sponsored article calling for something to be done about President Magufuli, he has disappeared, allegedly due to Covid. Funny how that works out.

Even if Magufuli miraculously survives his bout of “suspected Covid19”, the writing is on the wall for his political career. The Council on Foreign Relations published this article just yesterday, which goes to great lengths arguing that the President has lost all authority, and concludes:

a bold figure within the ruling party could capitalize on the current episode to begin to reverse course.”

It’s not hard to read the subtext there, if you can even call it “subtext” at all.

If we are about to see the sudden death and/or replacement of the President of Tanzania, he will not be the first African head of state to suffer such a fate in the age of Covid.

Last summer Pierre Nkurunziza, the President of Burundi, refused to play along with Covid and instructed the WHO delegation to leave his country…before dying suddenly of a “heart attack” or “suspected Covid19”. His successor immediately reversed every single one of his Covid policies, including inviting the WHO back to the country.

That was our first Covid coup, and it looks like Tanzania could well be next.

If I were the President of Turkmenistan or Belarus, I wouldn’t be making any longterm plans.

JFK’s Dream of Breakthrough Energy Technology: It Was Real; It Was Passamaquoddy

JFK’s Dream of Breakthrough Energy Technology: It Was Real; It Was Passamaquoddy
“Discussion of reviving the Passamaquoddy Tidal Power Project has surfaced every few years, with studies undertaken and debates renewed. Each time, most people agree that the engineering plan is sound: the project could be built and it would work. Other considerations, however, have kept the project from being resumed.”

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
March 12, 2021


The article describes John F Kennedy’s dream of a new energy project of awesome dimensions: the Passamaquoddy Tidal venture, which would have used huge water turbines to produce electricity for both America and Canada.

It would also have provided a model for the rest of the world.

I publish this account in the context of the Biden administration’s plan to convert huge tracts of privately owned US land to federally controlled property. On that land, relatively feeble “clean energy” technologies would replace, oil, coal, and natural gas—an unmitigated disaster.

It’s intentional. It’s part and parcel of the technocratic program to LOWER THE PRODUCTION AND USE OF ENERGY ALL OVER THE WORLD…

Thus, “saving the planet” from global warming.

Actually, not saving anything, but instead, further destroying the lives of people from one end of the world to the other, by condemning them to far less available energy.

Meanwhile, actual alternative energy innovations are suppressed.

This article is about the use of giant turbines submerged in water tides, and the resultant production of energy. JFK was vitally interested in the breakthrough Passamaquoddy Tidal Project, from the 1950s until his assassination in 1963. His public remarks, which I include in this piece, prove that fact.

As you read the brief history of Passamaquoddy, keep in mind that federal funding for the Project would be miniscule compared with the federal subsidizing of the oil and nuclear industries in America.

From “Tide mills – submerged water wheels that run machinery – have been used in Maine at least since the 18th century.”

“But tide mills are small-scale projects. For nearly 90 years, the idea of harnessing ocean tides on a larger scale, to generate electricity, has been debated in Maine. The most prominent – and often controversial – plan has been the Passamaquoddy Tidal Power Project.”

“One appeal of using ocean tides, rather than river tides, is that they occur so regularly, unaffected by droughts or other such disturbances.”

“Passamaquoddy Bay was an obvious choice for the project because more than 70 billion cubic feet of water in tides flowed in and out of the bay twice each day.”

“In 1920, Dexter P. Cooper, a young engineer who had worked with hydroelectric power, came up with a tidal power plan for Washington County.”

“His initial plan was international, damming both Cobscook and Passamaquoddy bays to create the pools necessary to feed turbines. He had a powerful supporter, Franklin D. Roosevelt, who owned a home on nearby Campobello Island.”

“Roosevelt endorsed the idea in a speech he gave in 1920 in Eastport while he was a candidate for vice president.”

“Through the 1920s, Cooper worked on the project, will help from Roosevelt.”

“They went to big power companies like General Electric, Westinghouse, and Alcoa, looking for money for initial work on the project. They hoped to have $1 million in private funds for construction.”

“New Brunswick [Maine] had agreed to plans for the huge project, passing an act to stipulate that the work had to be completed by 1932. The Federal Power Commission in the U.S. also had authorized development work.”

“The stock market crash of 1929 scuttled private investment and public support. In addition, Canadian fishermen worried about hurting fish stocks and railroads about damage to the tourist industry in New Brunswick.”

“When FDR became president and initiated the New Deal, he and Cooper and others pushed for federal investment in the project, arguing that it would provide much needed economic recovery to Washington County.”

“Critics said there was no market for power generated in Eastport, a fact that would make the project too expensive. A Federal Power Commission report determined that tidal power would be more expensive than steam-generated power.”

“Maine appointed a five-person Quoddy Hydro-Electric Commission in 1934 to further study the idea. The group reported in January 1935 that the project could proceed only if federal funds were available and that it would be appropriate for Maine to get relief funds to be used for tidal power.”

“Other study groups also stressed the benefits of Quoddy Tidal Power.”

“In 1935, the Passamaquoddy Bay Tidal Power Project received $7 million from the Public Works Administration, funds Roosevelt could allocate without Congressional approval. The money was spent on two dams across Cobscook Bay, a two-way navigation lock, a gate structure, a main generating station, and permanent and temporary housing at a nearby site named Quoddy Village.”

“The project faced a variety of political challenges and opposition from various sources in Maine and in Washington.’

“Among the opponents were Central Maine Power Co., Bangor Hydro-Electric and other power generating firms in Maine that feared the federally funded project would generate electricity at a lower cost than they could, thereby hurting their businesses.”

“Republican Governor Ralph Owen Brewster agreed to support the project if he was guaranteed some Democratic support and credit, something Roosevelt-loyal Democrats did not want to do.”

“In Congress, Southern opposition defeated funded for the project.”

“Quoddy Tidal Power was not refunded. Work was stopped in August 1936.”

“…Cancellation of the project left Eastport in a difficult situation because the town had invested in efforts to attract industry to the area. Eastport declared bankruptcy in 1937.”

“Discussion of reviving the Passamaquoddy Tidal Power Project has surfaced every few years, with studies undertaken and debates renewed. Each time, most people agree that the engineering plan is sound: the project could be built and it would work. Other considerations, however, have kept the project from being resumed.”

Next, here are “Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, Maine Democratic Party Conference Banquet, Augusta, Maine, November 15, 1959.”


Kennedy: “Let us examine the impact of this coming revolutionary decade on the State of Maine, selecting only one vital area: the demand for electrical energy. By 1970, this state alone, according to official estimates, will need 405,000 more kilowatts of capacity than all existing and planned private power sources can possibly supply. Without this added power, your industrial development, your competitive status, your business costs and home conveniences, will all lag behind other parts of the country. But there is an answer – an answer now based on a solid, factual study – and that answer is a dream 40 years old that must now become a reality: Passamaquoddy.”

“The recent report of the International Passamaquoddy Engineering Board fully justifies all the years of urging, planning and hoping. Soon after I took my oath of office as Senator, nearly 7 years ago, I urged an immediate study of the economic feasibility of harnessing these huge tides which surge and recede every day through Passamaquoddy and Cobscook Bays. I said then that such a study was urgently needed if we were to plan and prepare for the pressing power needs of Maine and all New England. And it is clear from this recent report that to tap this fantastic flow of 70 billion cubic feet of water each day would be a tremendous spur to the economic growth of Maine, and New England, and the entire United States.”

“I do not say that it is a simple undertaking. It will require vision and effort and leadership – more than we have been accustomed to in recent years. It will take money – more than many would like to spend. But if we have leaders who are willing to look ahead – who are willing to spend money now in order to reap vast returns in the future – then we can look forward to a new supply of 550,000 kilowatts – to some one million tourists a year coming to view one of the most spectacular products of modern technology – to the attraction of innumerable new industries with growing power needs – and to the regeneration of the whole economy of Maine and Washington County in particular.”

“I know something of Maine’s economic problems – for we see them in Massachusetts as well: the problems of the hard-hit textile and fish industries, the problems of chronically depressed areas, the problems of transportation, unfair competition and so-called “economic old age”. But I also know the advantages which Maine possesses: a highly skilled and well-educated labor force, easy access to overseas raw materials, and abundant supplies of fresh water. Combine these assets with a tremendous new supply of power at Passamaquoddy and Rankin Rapids – and new industries will flock to Maine.”

“This is not a relief measure, born of the Great Depression that we are talking about. It is not a visionary dream – or an expensive pork-barrel project. We are talking about a great national asset, like TVA, the Grand Coulee Dam or the St. Lawrence Seaway. It is, moreover, a great undertaking in peaceful international cooperation. For New Brunswick and all of Canada also need power to expand their economies. As in the case of the Seaway, their needs and their problems will also be considered along with our own in determining the precise form this project will take.”

“But even if the United States must go it alone, the combined Passamaquoddy and Rankin Rapids Projects will not meet all of Maine’s power needs by the year 1980. And if the power is to be shared with Canada, it will not even fulfill your additional needs in 1970. In short, there is no time to be wasted. The money, the labor, the plans and the contracts and the equipment – on all of these a start must be made in the near future.”

“It will be a breathless undertaking – one of the most impressive wonders of the modern world. It need not – it should not – be a partisan undertaking. Both parties have played a role. There is work enough for all – the benefits from this project will be withheld from none. But this bold undertaking will require progressive leadership, unlimited vision and tireless determination – and these are the qualities which this Maine Democratic Conference is talking about tonight.”

Speech source: Papers of John F. Kennedy. Pre-Presidential Papers. Senate Files. Series 12. Speeches and the Press. Box 905, Folder: “Maine Democratic Party Banquet, Augusta, Maine, 15 November, 1959.

On July 16, 1963, JFK, then president—and four months before his assassination—delivered further remarks on the Passamaquoddy Project, just after receiving a comprehensive report on it.

President Kennedy: “I AM pleased to meet today with Members of the Senate and the House of Representatives from New England to discuss the report on the International Passamaquoddy Tidal Project submitted by Secretary Udall. Two years ago, I asked Secretary Udall, in cooperation with the Corps of Engineers, to restudy the proposed project, and the hydroelectric potential of the St. John River in Maine to determine whether recent developments in electric power technology had enhanced the economic feasibility of these projects.”

“This report has been presented to me this morning, and its major conclusions are most encouraging. The report reveals that this unique international power complex can provide American and Canadian markets with over a million kilowatts for the daily peak period in addition to 250,000 kilowatts of firm power. Electric power rates in the New England region are among the highest in the United States, and the survey indicates that a massive block of power can be produced and delivered at a cost of about 4 mills, approximately 25 percent below the current wholesale cost of power in the region.”

“I am pleased to note also that the development plan proposed would preserve the superb recreational areas of the Allagash River from flooding, and that an area suitable for a new national park would be preserved in this scenic part of Maine.”

“Any proposed resource development project must, of course, meet the national interest test. It must strengthen the economy of the whole country and enable America to compete better in the market places of the world. I understand that, measured by the customary feasibility standards, the Passamaquoddy-St. John project now meets the national interest test.”

“During the last three decades American taxpayers, through their Federal Government, have invested vast sums of money in developing the water resources of the great rivers of this country—the Columbia, the Missouri, the Colorado, the Tennessee, and others. These investments are producing daily dividends for our country, and it is reasonable to assume that a similar investment [Passamaquoddy] in conserving the resources of New England will also benefit the Nation. It is also reasonable to assume that a New England development will stimulate more diversified industry, increase commerce, and provide more jobs.”

“Our experience in other regions and river valleys shows that private utility customers as well as public agency power users benefit from lowering the basic cost of electric energy.”

“Harnessing the energy of the tides is an exciting technological undertaking. France and the Soviet Union are already doing pioneering work in this field. Each day, over a million kilowatts of power surge in and out of the Passamaquoddy Bay. Man needs only to exercise his engineering ingenuity to convert the ocean’s surge into a great national asset. It is clear, however, that any development of this magnitude and new approach must also be considered in the context of the National Energy Study currently being undertaken by an interdepartmental committee under the chairmanship of the Director of the Office of Science and Technology, Dr. Wiesner.”

“These projects involve international waters, and equitable agreements must therefore be reached with the Canadian Government. Therefore, I am requesting the Secretary of State to initiate negotiations immediately with the Government of Canada looking toward a satisfactory arrangement for the sharing of the benefits of these two projects. Also, to insure full consideration of these proposals, I am directing that the Interior Department and the Corps of Engineers accelerate their work on the remaining studies of details.”

“The power-producing utilities of the United States are second to none in the world. The combined effort of science, private industry, and Government will surely keep this Nation in the forefront of technological progress in energy and electric power.”

“I think that this can be one of the most astonishing and beneficial joint enterprises that the people of the United States have ever undertaken and, therefore, I want to commend the Department of the Interior for its initiative in working on this matter the past 2 years, the congressional delegation from Maine which has been interested in this for many years, and the Members of Congress from New England who have supported this great effort. I think it will mean a good deal to New England and a good deal to the country.”

Apparently, the vision of Passamaquoddy died with President Kennedy, on November 22, 1963.

It should be understood that water turbines—whether they utilize the oceans or rivers—can supply enormous amounts of energy to the world. Clean energy, at affordable prices.

Passamaquoddy would have served as a stirring illustration.

We the people are engaged in an Energy War with globalist technocrats, who want to reduce overall energy production and usage on Earth, as a further means of controlling and weakening human life.

These technocrats lurk behind false science, propaganda, various government offices and agencies.

GREATER ENERGY is not a crime. It is a desired victory for all human beings.

Constitutional Lawyer Rocco Galati & Catherine Austin Fitts: Money & Finance Under Covid – Historical Manipulation of Humanity via Money

Constitutional Lawyer Rocco Galati & Catherine Austin Fitts: Money & Finance Under Covid – Historical Manipulation of Humanity via Money


“…And I’m absolutely convinced the most profitable business from the beginning of time is slavery. I think slavery is fantastically profitable. But it’s very difficult to manage. You know, and it’s very dangerous and violent. There’s a lot of risks. I became convinced reading his work that the reason they gave up on the African slave trade was two-fold. One was they couldn’t find a way to perfect collateral and the banks in London kept losing money… Problem number two was they couldn’t put down the issue of rebellion. But if you look at what they’ve been able to develop with digital technologies, surveillance and space weaponry, they’ve solved those problems. And that means they can go back to slavery…”


“This system that is being built — “They” are not building it. We are building it… This is not “them”, this is us. And we are standing in the psychic storm of our own evil. And if we can face that, that’s where we get the power.”


“I think at the root this is a spiritual war. You know, I think this is a ten-thousand-year spiritual war. And I think they’re going to lose. And I think they’re going to lose because what they’re doing is contradictory to the fundamental nature of the universe. Their model is incompatible with life. I don’t think it will work. And I think, ultimately, if you look at the culture they have to manage the planet, I think they’re going to kill each other.”


“The first thing you have to do: Stop building the prison… Go find the other people who are not going to build the prison…You need to understand, to the bottom of your tippy toes, that death is not the worst thing that can happen here. And then you’ve got to figure out how to build as much resiliency outside the system as you possibly can, in a way that you’re very productive… As a human civilization, we need to do everything we can to preserve the culture.”

~ Catherine Austin Fitts


Money & Finance Under Covid: A conversation with Catherine Austin Fitts

by Rocco Galati, Constitutional Rights Centre (Canada)
March 12, 2021

Original video available at Constitutional Rights Centre YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


Connect with Rocco Galati and Constitutional Rights Centre

Connect with Catherine Austin Fitts and Solari Report


The Edge of the World:
A Cultural History of the North Sea and the Transformation of Europe

by Michael Pye



The Half Has Never Been Told:
Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism

by Edward E. Baptist




My Umpteenth Reading of the Anti-Federalist Papers

My Umpteenth Reading of the Anti-Federalist Papers

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
March 12, 2021


I’m departing from my normal practice today and am not blogging about an article that readers sent me, but rather, just to share a few interesting quotations that, I hope, will be thought-provoking.

Recently I received a catalogue of books from Dover Publications, and in its “thrift books” section, it included a collection of some of the Anti-Federalist papers. Dover’s “thrift books” are little paperbacks very reasonably priced. This little edition of some of the Anti-Federalist papers cost only six dollars, so I purchased it, and have to say that the papers collected within it were nicely chosen and ordered.

But beyond this, one thing struck me in this latest re-reading; the prescience of some of the anti-federalists with where we are now.

For example, over and over again in the little Dover edition, the warning cry against the Philadelphia convention’s creature was that it would inevitably issue in aristocracy; perhaps we might call it today a “plutocracy”. “John DeWitt” in his third essay of 5 November 1787 “To the Free Citizens of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts” stated this:

Now therefore is unquestionably the proper time to examine it (the current constitution), and see if it really is what, upon paper, it appears to be. If with your eyes open, you deliberately accept it, however different it may prove in practice what it appears in theory, you will have nobody to blame but yourselves; and what is infinitely worse, as I have before endeavoured to observe to you, you will be wholly without a remedy.

Upon attentive examination you can pronounce it nothing less, than a government which, in a few years, will degenerate to a complete Aristocracy, armed with powers unnecessary in any case to bestow, and which in its vortex swallows up every other Government on the Continent. In short, my fellow-citizens, it can be said to be nothing less than a hasty stride to Universal Empire in this Western World, flattering, very flattering to young ambitious minds, but fatal to the liberties of the people. (Dover edition, pp. 48-49.)

George Mason, one of the more well-known anti-federalists, was even more succinct in his predictions, being one of Virginia’s delegates to the Philadelphia convention, and one of three delegates to the convention who refused to sign the document on the convention’s conclusion, along with Elbridge Gerry and Edmund Randolph. We are constantly reminded of the usual narrative that their refusal was based solely on their concern that the document lacked a Bill of Rights. However, over and over the warnings of “aristocracy” and “corruption” occur, sometimes within, and sometimes outside of, a context of concern about such a lack of a Bill of Rights. No such context for Mason’s remarks occurs here:

This Government will commence in a moderate Aristocracy; it is at present impossible to foresee whether it will, in its Operation, produce a Monarchy, or a corrupt oppressive Aristocracy; it will most probably vibrate some Years between the two, and then terminate in one or the other. (Boldface emphasis added)

Beyond this general warning, what comes across in this edition and arrangement of some of the anti-federalist papers is that the concern about “aristocracy” is a general template informing their opposition to the system, and that this was the root of their concern about the absence of a Bill of Rights, their critiques of the preamble, their concerns about the power of the judiciary and the open door to judicial activism (or, in some cases, the lack of judicial action), and so on.

In the current situation, people are turning to renewed study of the document and its promoters and advocates.

But I would offer that it is now even more important to revisit the sadly all-but-forgotten papers of the loyal opposition…

See you on the flip side…

Before COVID, Gates Planned Social Media Censorship of Vaccine Safety Advocates With Pharma, CDC, Media, China and CIA

Before COVID, Gates Planned Social Media Censorship of Vaccine Safety Advocates With Pharma, CDC, Media, China and CIA
In October 2019, shortly before the COVID outbreak, Gates and other powerful individuals began planning how to censor vaccine safety advocates from social media during a table-top simulation of a worldwide pandemic, known as Event 201.

by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Children’s Health Defense
March 11, 2021


Over the last two weeks, Facebook and other social media sites have deplatformed me and many other critics of regulatory corruption and authoritarian public health policies. So, here is some fodder for those of you who have the eerie sense that the government/industry pandemic response feels like it was planned — even before there was a pandemic.

The attached document shows that a cabal of powerful individuals did indeed begin planning the mass eviction of vaccine skeptics from social media in October 2019, a week or two before COVID began circulating. That month, Microsoft founder Bill Gates organized an exercise of four “table-top” simulations of a worldwide coronavirus pandemic with other high-ranking “Deep State” panjandrums. The exercise was referred to as Event 201.

Gates’ co-conspirators included representatives from the World Bank, the World Economic Forum (Great Reset), Bloomberg/Johns Hopkins University Populations Center, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, various media powerhouses, the Chinese government, a former Central Intelligence Agency/National Security Agency director (there is no such thing as a former CIA officer), vaccine maker Johnson & Johnson, the finance and biosecurity industries and Edelman, the world’s leading corporate PR firm.

At Gates’ direction, these eminences role-played members of a Pandemic Control Council, wargaming government strategies for controlling the pandemic, the narrative and the population. Needless to say, there was little talk of building immune systems, off-the-shelf remedies or off-patent therapeutic drugs and vitamins, but lots of chatter about promoting uptake of new patentable antiviral drugs and vaccines.

But the participants primarily focused on planning industry-centric, fear-mongering, police-state strategies for managing an imaginary global coronavirus contagion culminating in mass censorship of social media.

Oddly, Gates now claims that the simulation didn’t occur. On April 12, 2020, Gates told BBC, “Now here we are. We didn’t simulate this, we didn’t practice, so both the health policies and economic policies, we find ourselves in uncharted territory.”

Unfortunately for that whopper, the videos of the event are still available across the internet. They show that Gates and team did indeed simulate health and economic policies. It’s hard to swallow that Gates has forgotten.

Gates’s Event 201 simulated COVID epidemic caused 65 million deaths at the 18-month endpoint and global economic collapse lasting up to a decade. Compared to the Gates simulation, therefore, the actual COVID-19 crisis is a bit of a dud, having imposed a mere 2.5 million deaths “attributed to COVID” over the past 13 months.

The deaths “attributed to COVID” in the real-life situation are highly questionable, and must be seen in the context of a global population of 7.8 billion, with about 59 million deaths expected annually. The predictions of decade-long economic collapse will probably prove more accurate — but only because of the draconian lockdown promoted by Gates.

Gates’ Event 201 script imagines vast anti-vaccine riots triggered by internet posts. The universal and single-minded presumption among its participants was that such a crisis would prove an opportunity of convenience to promote new vaccines, and tighten controls by a surveillance and censorship state.

Segment four of the script — on manipulation and control of public opinion — is most revealing. It uncannily predicted democracy’s current crisis:

  • The participants discussed mechanisms for controlling “disinformation” and “misinformation,” by “flooding” the media with propaganda (“good information”), imposing penalties for spreading falsehoods and discrediting the anti-vaccination movement.
  • Jane Halton, of Australia’s ANZ Bank, one of the authors of Australia’s oppressive “no jab, no pay” policy, assured the participants that Gates Foundation is creating algorithms “to sift through information on these social media platforms” to protect the public from dangerous thoughts and information.
  • George Gao, the prescient director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control, worries about how to suppress “rumors” that the virus is laboratory generated: “People believe, ‘This is a manmade’… [and that] some pharmaceutical company made the virus.”
  • Chen Huang, an Apple research scientist, Google scholar and the world’s leading expert on tracking and tracing and facial recognition technology, role-plays the newscaster reporting on government countermeasures. He blames riots on anti-vaccine activists and predicts that Twitter and Facebook will cooperate in “identify[ing] and delete[ing] a disturbing number of accounts dedicated to spreading misinformation about the outbreak” and to implement “internet shutdowns … to quell panic.”
  • Dr. Tara Kirk Sell, a senior scholar at Bloomberg School of Health’s Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, worries that pharmaceutical companies are being accused of introducing the virus so they can make money on drugs and vaccines: “[We] have seen public faith in their products plummet.” She notes with alarm that “Unrest, due to false rumors and divisive messaging, is rising and is exacerbating spread of the disease as levels of trust fall and people stop cooperating with response efforts. This is a massive problem, one that threatens governments and trusted institutions.”

Sell reminds her fellow collaborators that “We know that social media is now the primary way that many people get their news, so interruptions to these platforms could curb the spread of misinformation.” There are many ways, Sell advises, for government and industry allies to accomplish this objective: “Some governments have taken control of national access to the Internet. Others are censoring websites and social media content and a small number have shut down Internet access completely to prevent the spread of misinformation. Penalties have been put in place for spreading harmful falsehoods, including arrests.”

  • Matthew Harrington, CEO of Edelman Public Relations agrees that social media must fall in line to promote government policy: “I also think we’re at a moment where the social media platforms have to step forward and recognize the moment to assert that they’re a technology platform and not a broadcaster is over. They in fact have to be a participant in broadcasting accurate information and partnering with the scientific and health communities to counterweight, if not flood the zone, of accurate information. Because to try to put the genie back in the bottle of misinformation and disinformation is not possible.”
  • Stephen Redd, the Admiral of the Public Health Service, has the sinister notion that government should mine social media data to identify people with negative beliefs: “I think with the social media platforms, there’s an opportunity to understand who it is that’s susceptible … to misinformation, so I think there’s an opportunity to collect data from that communication mechanism.”
  • Adrian Thomas of Johnson & Johnson announces “some important news to share from some of “our member companies [Pharma]”: We are doing clinical trials in new antiretrovirals, and in fact, in vaccines!” He recommends a strategy to address the problems to these companies when “rumors were actually spreading” that their shoddily tested products “are causing deaths and so patients are not taking them anymore.” He suggests, “Maybe we’re making the mistake of reporting and counting all the fatalities and infections.”
  • Former CIA deputy director, Avril Haines unveiled a strategy to “flood the zone” with propaganda from “trusted sources,” including “influential community leaders, as well as health workers.” He warns about “false information that is starting to actually hamper our ability to address the pandemic, then we need to be able to respond quickly to it.”
  • Matthew Harrington (Edelman CEO) observes that the Internet — which once promised the decentralization and democratization of information — now needs to be centralized: “I think just to build a little bit on what Avril said, I think as in previous conversations where we’ve talked about centralization around management of information or public health needs, there needs to be a centralized response around the communications approach that then is cascaded to informed advocates, represented in the NGO communities, the medical professionals, et cetera.”
  • Tom Inglesby (John Hopkins biosecurity expert advisor to the National Institutes of Health, the Pentagon and Homeland Security) agrees that centralized control is needed: “You mean centralized international?”
  • Matthew Harrington (Edelman) replies that information access should be: “Centralized on an international basis, because I think there needs to be a central repository of data facts and key messages.”
  • Hasti Taghi (Media Advisor) sums up: “The anti-vaccine movement was very strong and this is something specifically through social media that has spread. So as we do the research to come up with the right vaccines to help prevent the continuation of this, how do we get the right information out there? How do we communicate the right information to ensure that the public has trust in these vaccines that we’re creating?”
  • Kevin McAleese, communications officer for Gates-funded agricultural projects, observes that: “To me, it is clear countries need to make strong efforts to manage both mis- and disinformation. We know social media companies are working around the clock to combat these disinformation campaigns. The task of identifying every bad actor is immense. This is a huge problem that’s going to keep us from ending the pandemic and might even lead to the fall of governments, as we saw in the Arab Spring. If the solution means controlling and reducing access to information, I think it’s the right choice.”
  • Tom Inglesby, director of Bloomberg’s Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security concurs, asking if “In this case, do you think governments are at the point where they need to require social media companies to operate in a certain way?”
  • Lavan Thiru, Singapore’s Finance Minister suggests that the government might make examples of dissidents with “government or enforcement actions against fake news. Some of us, this new regulations are come in place about how we deal with fake news. Maybe this is a time for us to showcase some cases where we are able to bring forward some bad actors and leave it before the courts to decide whether they have actually spread some fake news.”

Read the attached transcript to see how Gates and his government, pharma and intelligence apparatus telegraphed their plans to censor and control the media during the pandemic. In yet another uncanny coincidence, COVID-19 began circulating among global populations within days of Gates’ meeting.

Western Media Is Using Women’s Rights in Afghanistan to Justify Continuation of US Troop Presence

Western Media Is Using Women’s Rights in Afghanistan to Justify Continuation of US Troop Presence

by Robert Inlakesh, The Last American Vagabond
March 10, 2021


US President Joe Biden has until May 1 to pull what we’re told are the remaining 2,500 US troops out of Afghanistan, one of “forever wars” he has promised to disengage from. However, the MSM – no doubt aware of just how unlikely this move is for any US president – is working to preemptively justify the President’s lack of action in regard to the Afghanistan occupation.

Last Tuesday three female Afghan journalists were brutally gunned down in Jalalabad, Eastern Afghanistan, amid a slew of similar killings having taken place over the past weeks. The attacks have not been directly linked to the Taliban, but instead other extremist groups in the country.

Despite the attacks not having been committed by the Taliban – which had signed an agreement with the Trump administration to withdrawal US forces from Afghanistan – US media outlets have attempted to use the story against the group. An article that appeared in the New York Times on the issue of the killings framed US presence in the country as a force for good, stating the following:

“Over the past 20 years of American military and diplomatic presence in Afghanistan, the government has officially enshrined rights for women and minority groups that were not allowed during the Taliban’s harsh rule until 2001. Now, those groups fear the Taliban will be back one way or another, as the American military prepares to withdraw and as the peace process between the Afghan government and Taliban limps along.”

The Western backed Afghan government, headed by President Ashraf Ghani, has indeed attempted to enshrine these rights, however, there’s no evidence to suggest the US military presence for 20 years has made women safer, in fact, quite the opposite. But even if US troop presence is working to keep the Taliban from imposing its complete rule, at this moment, the US role has paved the way for the group seizing power in more territory than it controlled in 2001. During the 20 year war, Afghanistan became the number one producer of heroin on the planet; going from near eradication of the poppy industry, prior to the US invasion, to a leading exporter following the US military presence. The US war effort has also done little to remedy its current predicament as one of the poorest economies on the planet.

In 2019, US drone strikes alone killed 700 civilians in Afghanistan and during the Trump administration’s time in office, there was an overall 300% increase in strikes in the nation. This came after a failure of the prior Obama administration to withdraw forces and end the war. In addition, the cases of egregious war crimes committed by British and Australian troops which broke headlines last year, made it clear that Western troop presence has not prevented violations of the rights of Afghans.

If Joe Biden does not withdraw forces from Afghanistan, a surge of violence in the country is inevitable, meaning that a US backlash will also occur for any casualties inflicted upon their forces. The media working to justify US troops remaining, while leaving out this inevitable increase in violence, I believe is truly cynical in nature. Anyone with a basic understanding of the situation knows, that due wholly to the American government refusing to honor its commitments, Taliban violence will surge.

If Biden refuses to withdraw the troops, then it is certain that those who will fall victim to the violence in the country will most likely include many civilians. Already, we know that US government drone strikes are highly inaccurate – whether by design or not – and the majority of those killed by these strikes are civilians. The US government likes to use its Predator Drones in order to achieve its goals; so Biden’s admin will most likely end up far exceeding the former President Trump’s horrifyingly high drone stats.

At a time when ‘cancel culture’ rules, it is surprising that there is so little criticism over the attempts to use the causes of women’s rights and minority rights as cover for escalating illegal and illegitimate wars. Instead – as was the case in justifying the Iraq war – we are still seeing the US empire and its media apparatus attempting to play on the heart strings of the people in order to further its foreign policy agendas.

US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, has vowed to start the Afghanistan peace process and recently sent a letter addressing the nation’s President, recommending a power-sharing agreement with the Taliban. Despite this sounding great, however, it seems to be the intention of the Biden government to withdraw its forces by the end of his term, according to reports emerging from Axios. This does not seem like a promising prospect though, as both of Biden’s predecessors committed to the exact same thing and failed to deliver on their promises.

The sticking point here, is the way the MSM manufactures the consent of its population. This needs to be questioned, especially while the media’s role is directly in support of the US government’s illegal and offensive wars.

Joe Biden claims he is big on women’s rights and virtue signals a lot on this issue; the media machine behind him also attempts to persuade its viewers/readers of the same thing. The question remains: if the Biden administration mass murders women and violate their rights in Afghanistan, does that suddenly make it morally acceptable just because the violence isn’t coming from Islamic extremists?


Robert Inlakesh is a documentary filmmaker, journalist, writer, Middle-East analyst & news correspondent for The Last American Vagabond.  Follow Robert on Twitter

Connect with Robert Inlakesh at The Last American Vagabond

Eight European Nations Stop AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine on Reports of “Serious” Blood Clots

Eight European Nations Stop AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine on Reports of “Serious” Blood Clots

by GreatGameIndia
March 11, 2021


Eight European nations including Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Lithuania, Estonia, Denmark, Norway and Iceland have decided to stop using the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine due to serious blood clot incidents reported in many countries.

Iceland has become the latest European nation to suspend the AstraZeneca jab.

The tiny island nation has confirmed roughly 6,000 COVID cases since the start of the pandemic, which is roughly 2% of the population.

Meanwhile, the EMA (the European equivalent of the FDA) confirmed that it has counted no fewer than 30 incidents of harmful blood clots in patients who received the vaccine, including at least one case in Denmark where the patient died.

The reason for halting the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine is due to reports of serious blood clots after vaccination.

‘Medical Racism: The New Apartheid’ Documentary Premiers Today

CHD’s New Documentary, ‘Medical Racism,’ Premieres Today
Watch today! “Medical Racism: The New Apartheid,” illuminates the shocking history of human experimentation targeting Blacks by government health regulators and private pharmaceutical companies.

by Children’s Health Defense Team
March 11, 2021


The new documentary, “Medical Racism: The New Apartheid” premieres today. You can watch it for free by visiting the “Medical Racism” website. The film is co-produced by Children’s Health Defense, Centner Productions, Kevin Jenkins of the Urban Global Health Alliance, Rev. Tony Muhammed and author/historian Curtis Cost.

“Medical Racism” illuminates the shocking history of human experimentation targeting Blacks by government health regulators and private pharmaceutical companies.

Many Americans are familiar with the historic medical atrocities committed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at Tuskegee, by the father of American gynecology, Dr. J. Marion Sims on South Carolina slave girls and the continuing medical larceny against Henrietta Lacks. But most people are likely unaware of the routine medical barbarism against Africans that persists today.

“Medical Racism” pulls back the curtain on experimentation atrocities hiding in plain sight and takes us on an unprecedented journey to unearth the truth.

The powerful documentary reveals:

  • That medical racism has happened before, and why we’re raising awareness to make sure it doesn’t happen again
  • How racism in the drug industry impacts the Black community
  • Why, when our bodies and risk are involved, it shouldn’t be about governmental control
  • How to feel empowered to have a voice about your health choices

“‘Medical Racism’ is the most powerful and important documentary ever produced on medical experimentation and other abuses against African Americans and African people on the continent of Africa,” said Curtis Cost, author of “Vaccines Are Dangerous — A Warning to the Global Community.” “I am extremely proud of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for having the courage to produce this desperately needed documentary.”

Cost added: “It was Sen. Ted Kennedy who brought the Tuskegee syphilis experiments to an end. It was President John F. Kennedy who had the courage to send troops to defend the civil rights of African-Americans. Now, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. continues that tradition with this film. As an African-American, I am extremely proud to be part of this film and all of the amazing people who contributed to making this film possible.”

On March 6, “Medical Racism” was shown at the Jubilee Film Festival which showcases films produced about the universal struggle to uphold the dignity of man. The festival provides a venue for films exploring current social problems and their solutions.

Children’s Health Defense Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. participated in a panel discussion after the film.

Watch the panel discussion here:

The film festival is a part of the annual Bridge Crossing Jubilee in Selma, Alabama, an event which commemorates “Bloody Sunday,” the day when a long line of peaceful demonstrators were brutally attacked by Alabama state troopers as they crossed the Edmund Pettus Bridge on Sunday, March 7, 1965. President Lyndon Baines Johnson, outraged by what happened in Alabama, addressed a joint session of Congress on the issue of voting rights for all Americans and later signed the Voting Rights Act on Aug. 6, 1965.

It’s crucial “Medical Racism: The New Apartheid” reaches as large an audience as possible to ensure that these abysmal practices will finally end. Be sure to share this movie with your friends and family.

By learning from the misdeeds of the past, we can avoid repeating them. Find out how you can stop the abuse by watching the movie for free at

Digital Health Pass: IBM and Moderna Hook Up to Capitalize on COVID Reset

Digital Health Pass: IBM and Moderna Hook Up to Capitalize on COVID Reset

Using what have already become clichéd industry buzzwords like “transparency,” “trust,” and even “privacy,” IBM’s Digital Health Pass marketing describes the mass tracking app as a “smart way to return to society” that allows people to “return to the activities and things they love.”

by Raul Diego, MintPress News
March 10, 2021


ARMONK, NEW YORK  IBM is partnering with Covid-19 mRNA vaccine maker Moderna to track vaccine administration in real time through its various blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, and hybrid cloud services. According to a company press release, the collaboration will “focus on exploring the utility of IBM capabilities in the U.S.,” such as a recently unveiled pilot program for a Covid-19 Digital Health Pass in the State of New York, which effectively deputizes private businesses to enforce government-imposed Covid-19 regulations.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced the initiative, billed as the “Excelsior Pass,”  during his 2021 State of the State Address in January and the program’s initial phase was tested at the Barclays Center during an NBA game, followed by another test at Madison Square Garden for an NHL game on March 2.

According to the state’s official website, the trial runs were designed to maximize “return on investment and saving development time” before submitting the “wallet app” to the Google and Apple app stores.

“The Excelsior Pass will play a critical role in getting information to venues and sites in a secure and streamlined way,” said Cuomo, who in February rolled out the state’s reopening guidelines for sports and entertainment venues, which would pave the way “to fast-track the reopening of these businesses and getting us one step closer to reaching a new normal (emphasis added).”

Built on IBM’s Digital Health Pass technology, the QR code-based health data tracking app is only one of multiple blockchain ledger applications the company will leverage as part of its partnership with Moderna. Others include their Blockchain Transparent Supply and Food Trust services, which use the open-source Hyperledger technology to share supply-chain and food sourcing “credibility” data respectively with enterprise customers.

IBM’s Blockchain World Wire cross-border payment processing service rounds out the blockchain ecosystem that will serve to “enhance” supply chain visibility and “real-time” vaccine management and administration.

Transparent coercion

Using what have already become clichéd industry buzzwords like “transparency,” “trust,” and even “privacy,” IBM’s Digital Health Pass marketing literature describes the mass tracking app as a “smart way to return to society” that allows people to “return to the activities and things they love.”

Still in the “voluntary” stages of use, according to IBM’s Steve LaFleche, the Digital Health Pass and similar mobile health verification apps, like CommonPass, cease to be so once government guidelines and regulations force the private sector to enforce their implementation, as in the case of New York’s reopening rules for stadiums, theaters and other venues.

In addition to the already widely-enforced capacity limits, social distancing and mandated facial coverings, Cuomo’s guidelines for venue operation now include the requirement that “all staff and spectators receive a negative COVID-19 PCR test within 72 hours of the event,” as well as the collection of contact information of everyone in attendance in order to “inform contact tracing efforts.”

IBM’s partnership with Moderna allows many of these requirements to be carried out unobtrusively and with minimal fuss for the general population, who are by now used to interfacing with the world on their smartphones. As LaFleche writes, the app “can interoperate easily with other solutions so that people won’t have to rely on multiple apps when going about their daily lives.”

Tethered to the blockchain

The development of these health-tracking, blockchain-based technologies as part of a broader redesign of supply chain and capital organization structures — often referred to as the “new normal” or the “Great Reset — has been in the works since at least 2016. It began with the “Use of Blockchain in Health IT and Health-related Research Challenge,” co-hosted by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), where IBM submitted its white paper, “Blockchain: The Chain of Trust and its Potential to Transform Healthcare – Our Point of View.”

Since April 2020, these efforts have sped up considerably through initiatives like the COVID-19 High Performance Computing (HPC) Consortium, a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) “spearheaded” by IBM and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, which brought Big Tech players like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft together with academic institutions and federal agencies to apply an “unprecedented scale of computing power to support COVID-19 research.”

The PPP applied its “unprecedented” computing power to controversial research topics like the supposed genetic predisposition among African Americans to Covid-19 infection and other areas of focus, such as potential treatments and “medicinal plants,” which can now all be integrated as part of IBM’s blockchain-based applications across the entire economic spectrum.

As covered by MintPress in a recent three-part series by this author, the intersection between blockchain technology and health data is at the center of a global campaign to recreate capitalism as a data-driven economic model based on a so-called “impact investment” paradigm, which purports to solve the world’s health, social and environmental problems through market-based solutions.

“Hacking the software of life”

The collection of our genomic data lies at the core of the fraudulent concept of creating financial incentives around human misery. DNA is the single point of data convergence across humanity that allows for these new “moral” economic models to generate enough volume to replicate present-day economies of scale and design financial instruments to exploit human beings at a cellular level.

Moderna’s former Chief Medical Officer, Tal Zacks, is well aware of the opportunities. On February 25, Moderna announced their CMO’s intention to step down in September as he looks forward to the “next leg of his career.” Zacks will leave a wealthy man, after regularly selling Moderna stock over the course of 2020, making him approximately $1 million a week, according to SEC filings.

In 2017, Zacks delivered a TED Talk in which he plainly states what many of the mRNA vaccine detractors have been warning about. Namely, that these novel vaccination technologies are, in fact, mechanisms designed to manipulate the human genetic code.

Zacks mirrors much of what his colleague and fellow vaccine credential promoter, Dr. Brad Perkins, said in a similar presentation that same year, in which he expounded on the massive potential for profits of these kinds of technologies — and the collection of genomic data, in particular — across the healthcare and insurance industries.

“I’m here today to tell you,” Zacks informed the spectators, “that we’re actually hacking the software of life.” Aiming at a more general audience, Zacks wasn’t as forward as Perkins in his description of the implications, limiting himself to emotional appeals through anecdotal accounts of former patients who might have been saved had they lived through the “phenomenal digital and scientific revolution” of mRNA “information therapy” solutions from which he has profited so handsomely.

Conveniently, IBM’s strong presence in the law enforcement space, as one of the largest providers of digital profiling technologies and AI policing systems in the world, may also help with any obstacles Moderna may face among vaccine-hesitant populations — such as the 3,000 Romanians who took to the streets of Bucharest to protest mass vaccinations, or the refusal of entire communities in Mexico to have their personal sovereignty violated by the world’s newest crop of snake oil salesmen.


Raul Diego is a MintPress News Staff Writer, independent photojournalist, researcher, writer and documentary filmmaker.

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COVID Vaccine Injuries — What’s the Financial Risk?

COVID Vaccine Injuries — What’s the Financial Risk?
The “Family Financial Disclosure Form for COVID-19 Injections” can help families assess the potential financial risks of being injured by the vaccine. 

by Children’s Health Defense Team, The Defender
March 11, 2021


Vaccine administrators are required under law to inform you of potential side effects and long-term health complications associated with vaccines, including the new COVID-19 vaccines.

But what about the potential impact on your financial health and well-being if you or a family member are injured by a COVID vaccine?

Traditionally, informed consent forms for vaccination, such as the one used by Walgreens, do not provide disclosure or statistics related to financial costs of possible injury, disability or death. They also don’t explain the impact on family time, resources and wealth — including reduced career potential, divorce or the impact on siblings’ education or other future plans.

Enter the “Family Financial Disclosure Form for COVID-19 Injections,” a downloadable form families can use to assess the potential financial risks of being injured by a COVID vaccine.

The form was created by Catherine Austin Fitts, president of Solari, Inc. (which publishes the Solari Report), and managing member of Solari Investment Advisory Services. The form’s purpose is to help families communicate about and prepare for the family-wide financial impact of adverse events, if any, resulting from a COVID-19 injection.

“This family financial form was inspired by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who asked me to write about the absence of information in informed consent disclosure on the potentially devastating financial impacts of adverse events related to vaccinations in general, including COVID-19 injections,” Fitts told The Defender.

“Transparency is a powerful tool,” Fitts said. “I hope this form increases people’s power and effectiveness in making wise choices for their families and the children they love.”

As stated on the form, it “is provided to facilitate effective family due diligence, communication and planning. It is essential that each person and each family take responsibility to identify and access the information they believe to be most relevant to their situation and decisions, and take responsibility to assess and manage their individual and collective risk as they believe best.”

COVID vaccines, rushed to market, are still considered experimental by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which approved them under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). Since the first EUA COVID vaccine was rolled out in the U.S. in mid-December, at least 25,212 total adverse events, including 1,265 deaths and 4,424 serious injuries, had been reported as of Feb. 26 to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

Examples of adverse events from COVID-19 injections include COVID-19 infection, anaphylaxisneurological disordersautoimmune disorders other long-term chronic diseases, blindness and deafness, infertility, fetal damage, miscarriage and stillbirth, and death. (See Table 1 in the form for examples).

Vaccine injury compensation — an uphill climb

In the U.S., vaccine makers already enjoy full indemnity against liability for injuries occurring from COVID or any other pandemic vaccine under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP).

If you’re injured by a COVID vaccine,  you have to file a compensation claim with the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP). CICP is funded by U.S. taxpayers via congressional appropriation to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).

CICP is similar to the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP), which applies to non-pandemic vaccines, but is even less generous when it comes to compensation. For example, while the NVICP pays some of the costs associated with any given claim, the CICP does not. This means that if you’re injured, you will also be responsible for attorney fees and expert witness fees.

The CICP is administered within the DHHS, which is also sponsoring the COVID-19 vaccination program. This conflict of interest makes the CICP less than likely to find fault with the vaccine.

If your claim is denied, your only route of appeal is within the DHHS, where your case would simply be reviewed by another employee. The DHHS is also responsible for making the payment, so the DHHS effectively acts as judge, jury and defendant.

As reported by Dr. Meryl Nass, the maximum payout you can receive — even in cases of permanent disability or death — is $250,000 per person. But you’d have to exhaust your private insurance policy before the CICP gives you a dime.

Employers that mandate COVID vaccines for their employees are also indemnified from liability under CICP — those claims have to go through worker’s compensation claims.

The CICP also has a one year statute of limitations, so you have to act quickly. That’s a problem because, at this point, no one really knows what injuries might arise from the COVID-19 vaccines — or when.

Fitts hopes that the form she and Solari have created will help families conduct their own due diligence before agreeing to take a COVID vaccine.

Download the Family Financial Disclosure Form for COVID-19 Injections

The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary

The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary

by Dane Wigington, GeoEngineering Watch
March 10, 2021 is excited to announce the release of our groundbreaking documentary that conclusively exposes the existence of global climate engineering operations.

Global climate engineering operations are a reality. Atmospheric particle testing conducted by has now proven that the lingering, spreading jet aircraft trails, so commonly visible in our skies, are not just condensation as we have officially been told. Over 75 years ago global powers committed the planet and populations to a climate engineering experiment from which there is no return. The intentional dimming of direct sunlight by aircraft dispersed particles, a form of global warming mitigation known as “Solar Radiation Management”, has and is causing catastrophic damage to the planet’s life support systems. The highly toxic fallout from the ongoing geoengineering operations is also inflicting unquantifiable damage to human health. Why aren’t scientists or official sources disclosing the ongoing climate engineering operations? Who is responsible for carrying out these programs? What will the consequences be if geoengineering / solar radiation management operations are allowed to continue?  The Dimming documentary will provide answers to these questions and many more. Thank you for viewing and for notifying others of The Dimming film release.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer.


Connect with GeoEngineering Watch

The New America: Bio-‘Ethics,’ Death Panels, and Killing Babies and the Old

The New America: Bio-‘Ethics,’ Death Panels, and Killing Babies and the Old

by Gary D. Barnett
March 10, 2021


“Killing a defective infant is not morally equivalent to killing a person. Sometimes it is not wrong at all.”
~ “Peter Singer” by Ed Vulliamy, February 14, 2009.

“The traditional view of the sanctity of human life will collapse under pressure from scientific, technological and demographic developments.”

“Killing a newborn baby is never equivalent to killing a person, that is, a being who wants to go on living”
~ Peter Singer, “moral” philosopher and Professor of Bioethics at Princeton University


If the masses were to look around at the reality that is staring them in the face, they would have to come to the conclusion that individual life is no longer thought to be sacred, it is not worth protecting, and it should be respected only in the sense of utilitarian necessity. These observations do not yet fully consume the total population, but do consume the minds of those currently guiding and controlling this population. In other words, the “new normal” sought is one where the sanctity of life is no longer a driving force of moral behavior, but is seen as a privilege only for those considered worthy of it by the technocratic few.

Depopulation is alive and well, but controlling all that are left in this society after the culling of the undesirables, is being pursued with the same vigor. The end result of such agenda driven policies would be the death of the old, weak, mentally unstable, newborns, and of course all dissenters that question this tyranny. Once this democide can be accomplished, the control of the rest could be achieved by the destruction of mind and body through ‘vaccination,’ and brute force by the henchmen of the state. All that would remain would be the ruling class, those that were robotic transhuman statists, and a population of slaves.

Consider that this plot while planned for decades, has advanced in just one year to such an extent as to be threatening all our livelihoods, passions, families, freedoms, and even our very lives. Nothing has been left untouched, and exhausting oppression has taken over this country and its people, leaving little room for escape. Every aspect of life has changed, as everything is being based on the fraudulent ‘Covid pandemic.’ No ‘virus’ has ever been proven to exist, so this country has been destroyed over a lie created for that very purpose. The most pathetic aspect of this coup is that the herd continues to act as one, while most all are nothing more than faceless and expressionless drones cowering in fear of imaginary monsters. Family, history, and tradition are being erased from the human psyche, and this can only lead to servitude in a totalitarian hell.

Without mass resistance, Americans should prepare to live in a dystopian nightmare where the ruling class; those in power that were voluntarily chosen and accepted by the sheep, will show no mercy and have no remorse for their calculated and conscienceless planned brutality. This brutality will begin with the considerable rationing of medical care.  The term “triage” will take on a whole new meaning, as people everywhere will be turned away and left to die instead of being treated. The term “universal healthcare” will take on a whole new meaning, as only the chosen ones will receive care. So who will choose?

Ezekiel Emanuel is Joe Biden’s chief advisor on medical issues, and a member of his Public Health (‘Covid-19’) Advisory Committee. This is the guy that argued that all over the age of 75 should die, and here is how he explained his “rationing ideas:”

“So there are two kinds of “rationing,” you might say. One is absolute scarcity leading to rationing and that’s when we don’t have enough of something and you have to choose between people. We do that with organs for transplantation. We don’t have enough. Some people will get it, other people won’t and, tragically, people will die. Similarly if we ever have a flu pandemic—not if, but when we have a flu pandemic—we’re not going to have enough vaccine, we’re not going to have enough respirators, we’re not going to have enough hospital beds. We’re just going to have to choose between people.”

It seems this process began in earnest this past year, as the old and infirmed were moved around, locked together, sick and not sick, and imprisoned in ‘nursing homes’ without proper medical care, without proper food and water, and among many infectious others. The percentage of deaths falsely claimed to be from “Covid” in these prisons for the elderly were astronomical comparatively speaking. Was this by design? By killing off the old that are dependent on “scarce” resources, government’s and their fascist partner’s stolen riches were less affected due to not supplying medical care, eliminating retirement pay for all those that died, and at the same time lowering the population. These tactics along with mass ‘vaccination,’ could lead to sterilization of the young, killing off certain classes of babies and infants, and ‘vaccinating’ the rest to gain long-term control, and this would be considered a win by the state.

Another telling sign that this “rationing” has already been implemented is the fact that many hospitals were shut down during the so-called height of this fake ‘pandemic,’ and most all medical procedures, treatments, preventative screenings, surgeries, and diagnoses were effectively cancelled for months, causing many deaths and adverse long-term health issues. Was this by design? How could it not have been, given that most hospitals were empty or purposely closed down for a ‘pandemic’ that never materialized except in the brainwashed minds of the pathetic American recipients of fear mongering propaganda by the state?

What has happened to date has been atrocious, but what is coming will be much worse, and on many more levels. Surveillance and censorship will increase, while freedoms will be doled out less frequently, and for shorter periods of time, as acquiescence will be continually tested. This is a multi-faceted attack on the people of this country. This war against the populace is just beginning, as each stage will bring more harm and more terror, as the draconian measures mandated so far will not only continue in stages or waves, but will eventually become more aggressive and more enforced as any pushback escalates.

Our only hope as I see it is mass disobedience and mass dissent; so much so that the state will have no option except to use extreme force, and that will spell the downfall of this totalitarian coup being waged against us. Once the claimed rulers have to show their hand by relying only on pure aggression and violence, they will have lost their ability to control through lies and deceit, and will be exposed as the evil and criminal oligarchs that they have always been.

Freedom is the essence of life; it is not a state of mind or a privilege. It comes from no constitution or bill of rights, or any government decree. It is inherent in the souls of man, and if not defended, it will forever be lost. To live free means that each must be willing to defend his freedom at all cost, even death. Americans are now prisoners of their own making, so the choice is clear; either fight to remove the shackles that bind you, or remain a slave to your chosen masters.

Source links:

Bioethics and the New Eugenics

Fair allocation of Scarce Medical Resources

How the High Death Rate in Care Homes Was Created

Ezekiel Emanuel–Bioethics?

Biden’s Covid-19 and Death Panel Doctor Connection

What Else Is in the Covid Vaccine

39-Year-Old Woman Dies 4 Days After Second Moderna Vaccine, Autopsy Ordered

39-Year-Old Woman Dies 4 Days After Second Moderna Vaccine, Autopsy Ordered

Kassidi Kurill’s family said she had no known medical issues or pre-existing conditions, but her heart, liver and kidneys shut down after her second dose of the Moderna vaccine.

by Megan Redshaw, The Defender
March 10, 2021


A 39-year-old woman from Ogden, Utah, died Feb. 5, four days after receiving a second dose of Moderna’s COVID vaccine, according to CBS affiliate KUTV.

Kassidi Kurill died of organ failure after her liver, heart and kidneys shut down. She had no known medical issues or pre-existing conditions, family members said.

KUTV uncovered the death as part of its investigation into COVID vaccine side effects. The investigation involved looking into reports submitted by Utah residents to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

According to The Salt Lake Tribune, there were four deaths in Utah reported to VAERS in January and February, including Kurill’s.

KUTV reported that doctors at Intermountain Medical Center recommended Kurill’s family request an autopsy, and the family agreed.

The medical examiner could not say whether the autopsy would be automatically forwarded to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Dr. Erik Christensen, Utah’s chief medical examiner, said proving vaccine injury as a cause of death almost never happens. “Did the vaccine cause this? I think that would be very hard to demonstrate in autopsy,” Christensen told KUTV.

Christensen could think of only one instance where a vaccine as the official cause of death would be seen on an autopsy report. That would be in the case of immediate anaphylaxis where someone received a vaccine and died almost instantaneously.

“Short of that, it would be difficult for us to definitively say this is the vaccine,” Christensen said. “A more likely result would be a lack of answers or an incomplete autopsy.”

An autopsy can provide answers to a family when no disease or red flags are found, or rule out other competing causes of death, Christenson explained. The lack of answers may help a family “understand if the vaccine was a possible cause.”

Christiansen said vaccine deaths are possible and do happen. “Just about every vaccine or anything you do [to] treat someone, when you inject something has a potential for a negative outcome. I’m sure VAERS can verify other vaccines have led to death.”

After her first shot, Kurill, a surgical tech for local plastic surgeons, experienced a sore arm but no other side effects. The day of her second shot she had gone shopping and was fine until she started feeling “not so great that evening,” said her sister Kristin.

According to Kurill’s father, she “got sick right away” after receiving the second shot. She had soreness at the injection site, started to get sick and complained “she was drinking fluids but couldn’t pee.”

Kurill went to the emergency room and was later transported to Intermountain Medical Center for a liver transplant. Both parents were willing to donate portions of their liver to save their daughter, Kurill died within 30 hours of arriving at the ER.

Kurill’s obituary states that she died from “apparent complications due to the second COVID-19 vaccination.”

Between December 14, 2020, and Feb. 26, 2021, VAERS had received reports of 1,265 deaths after COVID vaccination.

Although the CDC says on its website that CDC and FDA physicians review each reported death as soon as notified, it does not appear that autopsies were ordered in any of the other reported Utah cases, according to KUTV.

Last month The Defender reported on a 58-year-old woman who died hours after getting her first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. State and federal officials said they were investigating her death but had not performed an autopsy.

On Feb. 5, officials said that they did not know the cause of Keyes’ death or any underlying conditions that could have contributed to her death, but there was “no evidence it was tied to the vaccine,” reported NBC News.

According to The Virginian Pilot, a public records request related to Keyes’ death revealed concerning emails. State Health Commissioner Norman Oliver told public information officers in a Feb. 5 email that if reporters asked whether an autopsy was done on Keyes, they should say “a full autopsy was not needed in order to ascertain whether the death was related to the vaccination.”

The public records request also revealed that officials inside and outside the health department were “concerned the death of Keyes, who is Black, could worsen vaccine hesitancy among minorities,” reported The Virginian Pilot.

When the health department spokespeople crafted a statement following Keyes’ death, they included Gov. Ralph Northam’s press secretary and another Northam staffer in the editing process. The wording regarding timing of the death after the vaccine went from saying there may appear to be a relationship, “But that is not necessarily the case,” to the timing “is not evidence of it being related,” highlighting their focus on deterring speculation, according to The Virginian Pilot.

The family was forced to get their own private autopsy. Keyes’ daughter said that even before state officials had her mother’s postmortem preliminary test results, the medical examiner’s office told her they would not perform an autopsy. They told her “nothing could be gleaned from an autopsy that would relate the vaccine to her death.”

State officials didn’t answer how medical examiners could thoroughly rule out other potential causes of death triggered by or linked to the shot without an internal examination of the body.

The CDC says no deaths have been attributed to COVID-19 vaccines. However, according to the latest data available from VAERS — which includes reports submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and Feb. 26, 2021, a total of 1,265 deaths following COVID vaccines have been reported to the system.

Dr. Sheffield with Intermountain explained the difference in numbers of deaths reported and the CDC’s statement of “no vaccine deaths,” saying it comes down to what can and can’t be proven.

“You have to look at what it (the numbers) are saying,” Sheffield told KUTV. “Is it saying the vaccine caused the deaths, or there were deaths in people who received the vaccine? And those are two very different things.”

As The Defender reported last month, the CDC is investigating the death of a 36-year-old doctor in Tennessee who died Feb. 8, about one month after receiving the second dose of a COVID vaccine.

News reports at the time didn’t identify which brand of vaccine the doctor received, though at the time, only the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines were approved for emergency use in the U.S. Dr. Barton Williams’ death was attributed to multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-A) caused by asymptomatic COVID, though he never tested positive for the virus.

In January, The Defender reported on the death of baseball legend Hank Aaron from an “undisclosed” cause 18 days after receiving his first dose of the Moderna vaccine. The New York Times implied that Aaron’s death was unrelated to the vaccine, however no autopsy was conducted.

Children’s Health Defense urges anyone who suffers any reaction to any vaccine to report it following these steps.

No Safety Data? No Problem!

No Safety Data? No Problem!

by Rosemary Frei, MSc
March 9, 2021


On March 4 and 5, Canada, the UKAustraliaSwitzerland and Singapore released identical guidelines for fast-tracking release onto the market of vaccines for the new variants. The countries issued the recommendations under the banner of the ‘ACCESS Consortium.’ ACCESS is an acronym based on the first letters of the five countries’ names.

A few days earlier, on February 22, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released a similar set of recommendations. They allow Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs) for “investigational” vaccines for new variants, letting them be used on the general public without first showing evidence of safety or effectiveness.

The recommendations all state that companies don’t need to conduct new clinical trials before putting the new-variant vaccines onto the market and potentially into millions of people’s arms. Requiring new trials, the ACCESS document asserts, would cause “considerable delay” and “bears the risk that the virus is evolving even further, potentially making a new vaccine version outdated at the time of approval again.”

Instead, the safety record of the currently used Covid vaccines can be used to judge the safety of the new ones, the countries’ regulatory agencies declare.

And they claim that the currently used vaccines are safe and effective: “[T]here is considerable safety experience accumulating as the pandemic progresses and vaccines are rolled out, and [in any case] efficacy has been established for the initial vaccine candidate [i.e., the original Covid vaccines] via large clinical Phase 3 studies,” the ACCESS document states.

This is despite the fact that many observers have documented significant safety problems associated with the Covid vaccines, including high death rates.

That helps explain why public-health officials and politicians around the world are bending over backwards to assert that Covid vaccines are very safe and effective. This gives the green light for all future forms of these vaccines to be used without safety testing.

(The regulatory authorities also say these new guidelines can only be used for vaccines that are modifications of the Covid vaccines already in use. But there’s enough wiggle room in the new recommendations that I believe they also will be used for new entrants into the Covid-vaccine race.)

Rather than full clinical trials, only a small amount of data needs to be put together by the manufacturers prior to seeking an EUA. Then after the EUA is granted further data can then be gathered from people in the general population who are given the vaccines.

This approach apparently is modeled on the approval of new flu vaccines every year. The flu-vaccine regulations were in turn, “developed based on ample experience gained through years of seasonal vaccinations, and the 2009 H1N1 pandemic,” the ACCESS guidelines state.

The latter claim is particularly alarming. The H1N1 swine-flu ‘pandemic’ never materialized. Hundreds of people were needlessly severely injured by the main vaccine for it, GlaxoSmithKline’s Pandemrix. Furthermore, Glaxo was not required to compensate victims; instead, the UK government paid tens of millions of pounds to people who were brain injured by Pandemrix.

The ACCESS and US FDA recommendations only require that companies measure the level of antibodies that people produce when they are given the vaccine. The regulatory agencies will accept this as a proxy for effectiveness.

The ACCESS document states that “the correlations of antibody titres [levels] to effectiveness is not established.” They therefore suggest that the World Health Organization (WHO) create an “International Standard and Reference Panel for anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody as use of standardized reference material” for all such antibody-level tests.

Such antibody testing is conducted by measuring whether a quantity of virus or other protein-containing substance are or aren’t all bound by antibodies in a person’s blood sample. This method has been used for years.

However, as I showed in my last article and video, The Antibody Deception, there is no objective evidence that there is in fact binding of antibodies only to the novel coronavirus. Instead, antibodies that purportedly are specific to the novel coronavirus frequently bind to other things.

Therefore this is a fatally flawed approach to determining whether vaccines are effective in any way.

 There is a field of other red flags in these new recommendations. For example:

1. They don’t address the fact that until 2020 scientists were unable to develop any effective vaccines against coronaviruses, despite decades of effort. Then suddenly in 2020-2021 they were able to create at least seven. And now six countries are poised to allow vaccines for new variants to be used one after another in quick succession. The regulatory authorities don’t appear interested in objectively reconciling this contradiction.

2. The ACCESS guidelines have no references. So it’s very hard to check whether their points are accurate. The U.S. FDA recommendations have 13 references. That’s more than zero, but it’s still not a lot in a document that’s rewriting how Covid vaccines are authorized for use in hundreds of millions of people.

3. There’s not a single mention of the fact that pummelling populations with vaccines will make the viruses they’re aimed at become less susceptible to the vaccines. This phenomenon is known as resistance.

Resistance has been a concern for many decades with respect to antibiotics. But we rarely  hear about viral resistance — even though it is inevitable, particularly because other treatments such as antivirals and monoclonal antibodies.are being used against the novel coronavirus in parallel with vaccines.

4. On February 22, 2021, the USA FDA also issued a new guidance (PDF here) for development of monoclonal antibodies for treating Covid including the new variants. The document outlines how the FDA will significantly speed up this approval: “when scientifically supported, FDA will streamline the data necessary to support the development of monoclonal antibody products targeting SARS-CoV-2 and also expedite the review of these data.”

In addition, the document states that the “FDA strongly recommends that individual monoclonal antibody products be developed with the expectation that they will be combined with one or more monoclonal antibody products that bind to different epitopes [very short protein segments] to minimize the risk of losing activity against emergency variants.”

However, as I indicated in my ‘The Antibody Deception’ video and article, there’s no proof that antibodies, whether used singly or in combination with others, are effective against Covid, whether the ‘original’ virus or variants.

This all seems designed to allow new vaccines and monoclonal antibodies for the new variants onto the market with very little regulatory oversight.

David Icke: Global Apartheid – With Sabbatian-Ruled Israel Leading the Way | “Israel Is Being Used as a Human Lab”

David Icke: Global Apartheid – With Sabbatian-Ruled Israel Leading the Way
“Israel Is Being Used as a Human Lab.”

by David Icke
March 5, 2021


Original video available at David Icke BitChute and channels.


See related:  The New Holocaust: Israeli Shai Dannon w/ David Icke on Horrific Tyranny Unfolding in Israel for Jews Who Refuse to Comply


cover image credit: WikiImages / pixabay

Stalin Would Be Proud: USDA’s Transformation of Food System & Racial Equity

Stalin Would Be Proud: USDA’s Transformation of Food System & Racial Equity

by Christian Westbrook, Ice Age Farmer
March 10, 2021


Stalin would be proud: USDA calls for a “transformation of our food system” (echoing Rockefeller words) and forgives loans ONLY to black farmers.

The grain crisis will justify this transformation of the world food supply as a global communist superstate is unveiled. Christian breaks it down in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast.



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“Alexa, Does Bill Gates Kill People?”

“Alexa, Does Bill Gates Kill People?”

by Marnos Bitchute channel
March 9, 2021




See related: Greetings, Useless Eaters: A Message From Your Global Human Health Overlord

Cancer Concern for Maskers

Cancer Concern for Maskers

by Del Bigtree w/ Jefferey Jaxen, The HighWire
March 9, 2021


Video available at The HighWire Bitchute and Brighteon channels.

Put aside the obvious concerns mask wearers face: reduced oxygen levels, anxiety disorders, and scientific lack of efficacy.

Since 2012, research has shown that inhaling nanofibers can pose a serious risk to inflammation in the lungs, even mesothelioma (cancer) due to its similar shape to asbestos.

Jefferey Jaxen highlights a recent study showing the potential threat to inhaling nano plastics shed from masks.

Lawyers’ Committee Targets Sham FBI Probe of 2001 Anthrax Attacks

Lawyers’ Committee Targets Sham FBI Probe of 2001 Anthrax Attacks

by Craig McKee, Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth
March 9, 2021


We know that the anthrax attacks of 2001 were not carried out by Muslim terrorists, but what many of us may not know is that these attacks provide strong evidence that 9/11 wasn’t either.

Exposing this connection could become much easier if the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry (LC911) is successful in getting the U.S. Congress to launch a new investigation into the hugely significant but often overlooked anthrax attacks.

To this end, LC911 has laid out its rationale for wanting the case reopened in a 78-page petition that was sent to Congress on October 15, 2020. The petition is accompanied by 69 exhibits. All of this material can be viewed on the LC911 website (

LC911 contends that the official narrative of the anthrax attacks is false and that it, like 9/11, involved both a cover-up of what really happened and accusations against innocent parties.

“It’s after 9/11, but we look at it as being connected,” LC911 president David Meiswinkle, who is also a member of his organization’s anthrax committee, explained in an interview. “We did anthrax in part because no one has done it. There is no Architects & Engineers [for 9/11 Truth] for anthrax.”

An essential finding of LC911’s investigation is that the man the FBI and the Department of Justice claim was the sole perpetrator of the attacks, Dr. Bruce Ivins, not only wasn’t responsible but couldn’t have been.

Ivins was a microbiologist who worked on anthrax vaccine development at the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at the Fort Detrick military base in Maryland until his apparent suicide in July 2008. It was only after his death that he was publicly named by the FBI as its primary suspect.

The first wave of letters containing dried anthrax spores was sent one week after 9/11 to a number of locations, including several media outlets. A second wave went out the following month, and these contained a much deadlier variety, with spores that are so concentrated (one trillion spores per gram) that they behaved almost like a gas, Meiswinkle explains.

Among the targets of this second wave were U.S. senators Patrick Leahy and Tom Daschle. Both were resisting the effort to get the Patriot Act passed, and LC911 contends they were targeted to accelerate passage of the bill, something that Vice-President Dick Cheney was pushing hard for.

Five people died in the attacks, including two postal workers, and 17 were injured.

The letters themselves contained references to 9/11 and suggested that both 9/11 and the anthrax attacks were the work of Muslim terrorists. Then anthrax used was also determined to be from the Ames strain, which is known to be used by the U.S. military, although it is also held by other countries.

Four of the actual letters were recovered, two from the first group of letters and two from the second.

The two from the group first read:


The ones from the second group contained similar language and presentation:


It is significant that, in accusing Ivins, the U.S. government was admitting that the anthrax attacks, which the letters appeared to blame on Muslim extremists, were actually most likely to have originated in a U.S. military facility.

The 9/11 link to anthrax

Prominent 9/11 researcher Graeme MacQueen, also a member of LC911’s anthrax committee and author of the 2014 book The 2001 Anthrax Deception: The Case for a Domestic Conspiracy, says the fact that we know the anthrax did not come from Muslim terrorists is hugely revealing about 9/11.

“What we’re being told is that on September 11th real Islamic terrorists attacked New York and Washington and killed a bunch of people,” he says, “and starting about a week later, fake Islamic terrorists — because they pretended in their letters to be Islamic terrorists — who were people actually embedded in the U.S. military, attacked and killed a bunch of people in Washington and New York.

“It strains credibility. It would make anyone ask, if the second one was fake then maybe the first one was too.”

MacQueen says LC911 took a different approach with its petition than he did in his book, focusing on scientific evidence that can be positively verified.

“[The book and the petition] complement each other, you could say, but they are not the same.”

In The 2001 Anthrax Deception (chapter 7, page 134), MacQueen addresses a stunning link between the anthrax attacks and 9/11 in the form of a connection between several of the alleged 9/11 hijackers and the first person to die in the anthrax attacks.

One of the anthrax letters was sent to the now-defunct Sun newspaper in Boca Raton, Florida. The paper was owned by American Media Inc., the same company that owns the National Enquirer. Robert Stevens was a photo editor at the Sun, and he was the first to die after coming into contact with the anthrax.

Mike Irish was the paper’s editor in chief, and he had known Stevens for 25 years. Mike Irish’s wife, Gloria, was a real estate agent who helped two of the alleged hijackers (Marwan al-Shehhi and Hamza al-Ghamdi) find apartments in the summer of 2001. Each of these apartments was shared by two of the alleged “hijackers.” Al-Shehhi was said to be a close friend of alleged Flight 11 pilot Mohammed Atta, who he once stayed with in Hamburg, Germany.

Gloria Irish had previously found a house for Stevens. The assertion that it’s just a coincidence that the first anthrax victim shared a real estate agent with two alleged 9/11 hijackers isn’t credible, MacQueen contends.

In addition, Mike Irish, a licensed pilot, was a former member of the Civil Air Patrol based at the airport in Lantana, Florida. This is the same airport where Atta is supposed to have rented a plane in 2001. Stevens lived in Lantana.

The connections between Gloria Irish and the alleged hijackers were actually reported by several major media in October 2001, but this was before the anthrax attacks had come to light and before the connection to Stevens was clear.

Ivins’ colleagues say he was innocent

While Bruce Ivins was publicly accused of the crime only after his apparent suicide, LC911’s research shows that the FBI had previously targeted other scientists with harassment and surveillance. All of them, Meiswinkle contends, appear to have been innocent of any involvement.

He explains that one of the ways LC911’s anthrax committee developed its bank of evidence was by connecting with four scientists who worked with Ivins at Fort Detrick. These four — two were colonels and one was a lieutenant colonel — have provided statements as well as important documents to LC911 that the public has not seen before.

The USAMRIID scientists, Meiswinkle says, “all agreed that Ivins was the patsy, basically, the fall guy. And he was innocent. They knew him. They knew he couldn’t do that, that he didn’t have the capability to do it.”

LC911 also reached out to Richard Lambert, was in charge of the FBI’s “Amerithrax” investigation from 2002–2006. Lambert, who, in a federal court complaint, detailed obstruction by his FBI superiors, told LC911 representatives he met with that they would have to get Congress to subpoena the 2,000-page report he produced for the FBI because the material is classified. While he could not divulge what is in the report, he was able to confirm that 16 of those pages contain information exonerating Ivins.

LC911 petition: five conclusions

LC911 lists five primary conclusions it has reached about the anthrax attacks and the FBI investigation of the attacks in the executive summary of its petition to Congress, which states:

  1. The FBI’s sole identified anthrax killer, Dr. Bruce Ivins, a distinguished scientist with a 28-year career at U.S. Army’s Medical Research Institute, was innocent and an unfortunate scapegoat of FBI contrivance.
  2. The FBI intentionally, by concealing and avoiding key evidence, steered its investigation away from the most likely suspects, personnel associated with Dugway Proving Grounds, Batelle Memorial Institute, and their contractual CIA partner, and institutions and individuals associated with them, and concentrated on the least likely suspects, scientists from the United States Army Medical Institute of Infection Diseases (USAMRIID), and prematurely concluded its investigation upon the death of Dr. Ivins.
  3. Congressional involvement is necessary as the Department of Justice has a conflict of interest in investigating its own alleged misconduct.
  4. Those responsible for the anthrax attacks are still at large and the Nation remains in peril.
  5. The attacks appear to have been intended to rush passage of the United States Patriot Act, thus undermining civil liberties, facilitating a War on Iraq predicated on nonexistent weapons of mass destruction and inaugurating the War on Terror, which continues to this day.

Anthrax committee member Dr. Meryl Nass has been an expert on the subject of anthrax and anthrax vaccines for 30 years. She took an additional interest in this case because she was friends with Ivins, who she is convinced was framed by the FBI.

“The fact that he was a friend of mine gave me a reason to pursue this all these years,” she said in an interview.

“The vast majority of the country thinks the case was never solved or that Ivins did it,” she adds. “That’s unfortunately how Americans are about many issues. They’ve been covered once with a flurry of activity and then facts come out gradually that challenge the original narrative, and people never become aware of these facts.”

She explains that not only did Ivins work exclusively with liquid anthrax — not the powdered variety used in the attacks — but the FBI could not find even a trace of either of the contaminant bacterium present in the first set of letters nor the silicon signature found in the second used in the attacks in Ivins’ Fort Detrick workplace. She says it would be impossible to remove such traces, if they existed.

“The FBI had fumbled along building a case against one perpetrator after another,” she says. “And they went from one person to another with no direct evidence for any of them.”

Nass says she learned from the Fort Detrick scientists that Ivins’ apparent suicide made him an easy and convenient “culprit” for the FBI to settle on.

“I learned basically that the FBI had been harassing several of them,” she says, “and that they felt there had been several people that the crime could have been pinned on, and that Bruce was the first one to break and to commit suicide, and that gave the FBI their man.”

The pressure on Ivins during this period was enormous, she adds.

“You take someone who is frail emotionally, and you pound on them for a year. You tell them you are about to accuse them of multiple murders and that you have the powers of the federal government to pin this on them.”

The FBI commissioned the National Academy of Science’s National Research Council (NRC) to assess the scientific basis for its conclusion that Ivins was the guilty party. The NRC’s 2011 report fell short of supporting the FBI’s claim that it had conclusively proven Ivins’ guilt, however.

The FBI claimed it had conclusively proven that the anthrax batch Ivins was working with at Fort Detrick, known as RMR-1029, was where the spores used in the attacks had come from. The NRC report contradicted this claim, stating that while the anthrax spores used in the attacks were “consistent with” spores Ivins worked with, there was no proof that they were the same.

Nass points out that on page 55 of the report, “consistent with” is defined: “The expression “consistent with” is frequently used in this report and conveys the weakest level of certainty (greatest amount of uncertainty). In general, when the term “consistent with” is used, it means that an association may or may not be present; the available data can neither rule out nor confirm an association.”

Nass says that since 2001, biological warfare research has hugely expanded around the world.

“The preponderance of this massive bio-defense infrastructure that has developed in the United State, China, and elsewhere is, to a great extent, a consequence of the anthrax letters.”

LC911 board member and 9/11 researcher Barbara Honegger — who chronicled the connections between the anthrax attacks and 9/11 in a 2008 article — appeared at AE911Truth’s “Justice Rising: 9/11 in 2020” conference last September (along with fellow board members Meiswinkle and Mick Harrison) — to discuss LC911’s anthrax work.

During her talk, she said the attacks could offer the breakthrough needed to expose the 9/11 deception.

“… the government first wanted you to believe that it was a foreign organization, al-Qaeda, that was behind the anthrax attacks but only long enough to get their Patriot Act rushed through Congress,” she said, “Then and now they want you to believe that 9/11 and the anthrax attacks are completely unrelated, that a lone nut terrorist named Bruce Ivins did the entire thing himself.”

She suggests that the lie that Ivins was responsible is being used by the government to hide the fact that the same “domestic terrorists” — or at least some of the same ones — that were responsible for 9/11 also pulled off the anthrax attacks.

Meiswinkle says the goal is ultimately to get the evidence in front of a grand jury. LC911 has already submitted a grand jury petition concerning the World Trade Center evidence and plans to address both the Pentagon and Shanksville elements of 9/11 in the months ahead. It is also considering focusing on government obstruction, which he says is present in both 9/11 and the anthrax attacks.

If successful in getting Congress to investigate the anthrax attacks, LC911 could not only exonerate an innocent man, but it could open the eyes of many to the fact that these lesser-understood attacks provide powerful insights into the truth about 9/11 itself.

NYU Professor, Mark Crispin Miller: The Latest Victim of Cancel Culture

Canceling Critical Thinking

by Del Bigtree, The HighWire
March 8, 2021


Video available at The HighWire BitChute and Brighteon channels.

NYU Professor, Mark Crispin Miller, is the latest victim in the era of cancel culture.

During his popular “Propaganda” class, Miller offered his students information from both sides of the mask discussion, citing scientific evidence and promoting critical thinking on the divisive topic.

What happened next might shock you…


How Vaccine Makers Caused the Opioid Crisis

How Vaccine Makers Caused the Opioid Crisis

by Russell Brand
March 7, 2021


As Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine is authorised by the FDA, today’s video looks at the company’s part in creating the biggest drug epidemic in American history leading to nearly as many deaths as have been lost to Covid.

What Is the Commons and Why Should We Reclaim It?

What Is the Commons and Why Should We Reclaim It?
In the commons, we are conscious of nature’s ecological limits, aware that all humans have a right to air, water, and food, and we accept responsibility for the rights of future generations. 

by Vandana Shiva
sourced from The Defender
March 9, 2021


The path to an ecological civilization is paved by reclaiming the commons — our common home, the Earth, and the commons of the Earth family, of which we are a part. Through reclaiming the commons, we can imagine possibility for our common future, and we can sow the seeds of abundance through “commoning.”

In the commons, we care and share — for the Earth and each other. We are conscious of nature’s ecological limits, which ensure her share of the gifts she creates goes back to her to sustain biodiversity and ecosystems. We are aware that all humans have a right to air, water, and food, and we feel responsible for the rights of future generations.

Enclosures of the commons, in contrast, are the root cause of the ecological crisis and the crises of poverty and hunger, dispossession and displacement. Extractivism commodifies for profit what is held in common for the sustenance of all life.

The commons, defined

Air is a commons.

We share the air we breathe with all species, including plants and trees. Through photosynthesis, plants convert the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and give us oxygen. “I can’t breathe” is the cry of the enclosure of the commons of air through the mining and burning of 600 million years’ worth of fossilized carbon.

Water is a commons.

The planet is 70% water. Our bodies are 70% water. Water is the ecological basis of all life, and in the commons, conservation creates abundance. The plastic water bottle is a symbol of the enclosures of the commons — first by privatizing water for extractivism, and then by destroying the land and oceans through the resulting plastic pollution.

Food is a commons.

Food is the currency of life, from the soil food web, to the biodiversity of plants and animals, insects and microbes, to the trillions of organisms in our gut microbiomes. Hunger is a result of the enclosure of the food commons through fossil fuel-based, chemically intensive industrial agriculture.

A history of enclosure

The enclosure transformation began in earnest in the 16th century. The rich and powerful privateer-landlords, supported by industrialists, merchants and bankers, had a limitless hunger for profits. Their hunger fueled industrialism as a process of extraction of value from the land and peasants.

Colonialism was the enclosure of the commons on a global scale.

When the British East India Company began its de facto rule of India in the mid-1700s, it enclosed our land and forests, our food and water, even our salt from the sea. Over the course of 200 years, the British extracted an estimated $45 trillion from India through the colonial enclosures of our agrarian economies, pushing tens of millions of peasants into famine and starvation.

Our freedom movement, from the mid-1800s to the mid-1900s, was in fact a movement for reclaiming the commons. When the British established a salt monopoly through the salt laws in 1930, making it illegal for Indians to make salt, Gandhi started the Salt Satyagraha — the civil disobedience movement against the salt laws. He walked to the sea with thousands of people and harvested the salt from the sea, saying: Nature gives it for free; we need it for our survival; we will continue to make salt; we will not obey your laws.

Expanding enclosures

While the enclosures began with the land, in our times, enclosures have expanded to cover lifeforms and biodiversity, our shared knowledge, and even relationships. The commons that are being enclosed today are our seeds and biodiversity, our information, our health and education, our energy, society and community and the Earth herself.

The chemical industry is enclosing the commons of our seeds and biodiversity through “intellectual property rights.” Led by Monsanto (now Bayer) in the 1980s, our biodiversity was declared “raw material” for the biotechnology industry to create “intellectual property” — to own our seeds through patents, and to collect rents and royalties from the peasants who maintained the seed commons.

Reclaiming the commons of our seeds has been my life’s work since 1987. Inspired by Gandhi, we started the Navdanya movement with a Seed Satyagraha. We declared, “Our seeds, our biodiversity, our indigenous knowledge is our common heritage. We receive our seeds from nature and our ancestors. We have a duty to save and share them, and hand them over to future generations in their richness, integrity, and diversity. Therefore we have a duty to disobey any law that makes it illegal for us to save and share our seeds.”

I worked with our parliament to introduce Article 3(j) into India’s Patent Law in 2005, which recognizes that plants, animals, and seeds are not human inventions, and therefore cannot be patented. Navdanya has since created 150 community seed banks in our movement to reclaim the commons of seed. And our legal challenges to the biopiracy of neem, wheat, and basmati have been important contributions to reclaiming the commons of biodiversity and indigenous knowledge.

Partnership, not property

So, too, with water. When French water and waste management company Suez tried to privatize the Ganga River in 2002, we built a water democracy movement to reclaim the Ganga as our commons. Through a Satyagraha against Coca-Cola in 2001, my sisters in Plachimada, Kerala, shut down the Coca-Cola plant and reclaimed water as a commons.

Ecological civilization is based on the consciousness that we are part of the Earth, not her masters, conquerors, or owners. That we are connected to all life, and that our life is dependent on others — from the air we breathe to the water we drink and the food we eat.

All beings have a right to live; that is why I have participated in preparing the draft “Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth.” The right to life of all beings is based on interconnectedness. The interconnectedness of life and the rights of Mother Earth, of all beings, including all human beings, is the ecological basis of the commons and economies based on caring and sharing.

Reclaiming the commons and creating an ecological civilization go hand in hand.

Originally published by YES!

Man Held Without Bond for Not Wearing a Mask as Violent Rapist Granted Bail

Man Held Without Bond for Not Wearing a Mask as Violent Rapist Granted Bail

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project
March 8, 2021


For those who have been paying attention, the “experts” on the coronavirus have been the complete opposite of consistent when it comes to advising Americans and the rest of the planet on how to react to the pandemic. Since the lockdowns began last year, hypocrisy has been at the forefront and masks are on the main stage.

It’s not just hypocrisy either, the police state tyranny across the planet in regard to COVID-19 measures has exploded and those who resist are being treated worse than violent rapists, literally.

As the following case illustrates, a violation of a mask mandate can land you in jail without bail as a violent rapist is granted bail.

Australia has been on the forefront of the COVID-19 police state insanity and the following is a perfect example of why that is. Last month, in response to an increase in positive tests, the state of Ellenbrook went into yet another lockdown.

According to the lockdown rules, anyone who steps foot outside of their own home is required to wear a mask. It does not matter if you are alone or not. If you are visible in public, despite being completely alone, you must wear a mask or you will be fined.

A 41-year-old man refused to comply with this order to wear a mask outside in February, so he was subsequently arrested for it.

“When it was established he did not have a face mask, he was offered one free by officers to assist him to comply with the legal requirement,” police said.

“At this stage, there was no intention to arrest or charge the man.

“However, once it was confirmed the man was aware of the legal requirement, had the ability to now comply with the requirement, and he continued to fail to comply with the direction, the officers acted in the best interests of the community and arrested him.”

“He was arrested and taken to the Perth Magistrates Court, where he was refused bail and remanded in custody,” 7 News reported.

When the man was arraigned after his arrest, the court denied him bail and held him in a cage instead of letting him out. Let that sink in. He wasn’t wearing a mask, alone and outside, and he was arrested and denied bail for it. This is not in the interest of a free society nor in the interest of science.

Highlighting the insanity of such tyrannical measures over not wearing a mask is the fact that a violent rapist was granted bail just days before the anti-masker’s denial of bail.

Across the island in Townsville, a 19-year-old man accused of the violent rape of 66-year-old woman on a Townsville walking path was granted bail.

This teen violently raped a 66-year-old woman in public and he was granted bail. What’s more, on the same day he violently raped a senior citizen, he also attacked a different woman “causing grievous bodily harm.”

Witnesses saw the man grab the 66-year-old woman from the walking path and drag her into the bush where she was violently raped.

“It’s offending of a heinous character, there were multiple victims who were strangers to the applicant,” Prosecutor Molly Mahlouzarides said, according to ABC. 

“The attacks, the violence inflicted on these women was entirely out of the blue and one of those incidents unfolded in a public place as the woman was on her morning walk.”

Despite the random nature of the attacks and the high probability that they will happen again, the court granted the man bail and he walked out of jail to stay with his grandparents.

In the meantime, the man who refused to wear a mask rots in a cage with no bail being granted.

When the state treats those who disobey mask orders worse than they treat violent rapists, it’s high time we question their intentions.


Connect with Matt Agorist at The Free Thought Project

UK Lawyers for Liberty Will Send Letter to Your Child’s School Challenging Mask & Vaccine Mandates (at No Charge)

UK Lawyers for Liberty Will Send Letter to Your Child’s School Challenging Mask & Vaccine Mandates (at No Charge)

by Lawyers for Liberty
sourced from
March 8, 2021


Although the UK Government only recommends face masks and testing in schools, many Heads have opted to make these mandatory. If your child’s school has a mandatory mask and/or testing policy and you are concerned, we can help.

You can request a letter to be sent to your child’s school from Lawyers for Libertycompletely free of charge and also completely anonymously on your part.

This letter will register a complaint about the school’s mask and/or testing policy, and will also inform the school’s Head of the potential risks and legal liabilities of their regime.

The letter will be sent from Lawyers for Liberty anonymously – please be assured that it will not mention you or your child by name.

This is the template letter we will be sending.

Request a letter from Lawyers for Liberty to your child’s school

Women’s Day 2021 – A Message From Dr. Vandana Shiva

Women’s Day 2021 – A Message From Dr. Vandana Shiva

by Dr. Vandana Shiva, Navdanya International
March 8, 2021


Over five decades I have witnessed how food imperialism is at the root of violence against the Earth and against women. In India, wherever industrial agriculture has displaced women, women have been reduced to a disposable sex and female foeticide has emerged. I have written about this both in Staying Alive and in Earth Democracy.[1]

Food sovereignty is the foundation of women’s emancipation, because food is the basis of life, food is the currency of life. Henry Kissenger clearly articulated his politics of food imperialism when he declared the “Food is a weapon. Whoever controls food controls people.”

For thousands of years, women have contributed to the production of food, conservation of biodiversity, and earth care.

Food sovereignty in women’s hands is important for their own emancipation but also for all people and all life on Earth.

In 1996, Maria Mies and I wrote a declaration in Leipzig at the Plant Genetic Resources Conference which was signed by more than 100,000 women for the World Food Summit.[2]

For Women’s Day 2021, Women Farmers of Diverse Women for Diversity / The Women’s Food Sovereignty Movement has issued a new report, ‘Earth Rising, Women Rising: Regenerating the Earth, Seeding the Future.’[3]

As we have written in ‘Earth Rising, Women Rising: “We are a strand in the web of life and the web of biodiversity. We are custodians, breeders and producers of seed. Living seed is our living heritage which we have received in diversity and integrity from our ancestors, and which we have a duty to safeguard and pass on to future generations. “

Seed holds our co-evolutionary potential as part of creation.

Seed sovereignty (Bija Swaraj) is our birth right.

We are reclaiming our seed sovereignty.

Life begins as seed. Food begins as seed.

Healthy food grows from healthy seed.

We are breeding, producing, and sharing our seeds as a commons. Seed is not an invention. Seed is not the intellectual property of corporations. Seed is life. Seed is sacred.

We have created local community seed banks to conserve indigenous seeds and farmers’ seed producer groups to multiply and distribute nutritious and climate-resilient, local seeds.

Our indigenous Desi seeds and farmers’ varieties have much higher nutritional value than the so-called ‘High Yielding Varieties.’ These have been bred to adapt to chemicals; are nutritionally empty, contributing to diseases of deficiencies of micronutrients and trace elements; and loaded with disease-causing toxics. Indigenous seeds need less water, are more pest and disease-resistant and more climate-resilient. GMO seeds are toxic, and GMO Bt cotton has not only failed to control pests, but has trapped farmers in debt and driven hundreds of thousands among them to suicide.

The attempts to promote GMOs based on gene editing are designed to undermine biosafety regulations.

We have rejuvenated our Climate Resilient indigenous seeds.”[4]

I started Navdanya and the Seed Sovereignty and Food Sovereignty movement more than three decades ago when multinational corporations tried to hijack our seed and food through the World Bank’s conditionalities and WTO’s free trade rules.

To my young sisters I send a message of love, care and courage. We have to shed the multiple colonisations of capitalist patriarchy that reduced nature and women to a colonies, and denied their power and creativity. As members of the Earth Family, co-creating with the living Earth, we are powerful, in a non-violent, creative way.

The future is in your hands. Take care of the Earth so she can take care of you.

Dr Vandana Shiva

President of Navdanya International


[1] Vandana Shiva, Staying Alive: Women, Ecology and Development in India (New Delhi: Zed Press, 1988). Ibid, Earth Democracy: Justice, Sustainability and Peace (Boston: South End Press, 2005)

[2] Leipzig Appeal for Women’s Food Security. 1996,

[3] Diverse Women for Diversity, and Mahila Anna Swaraj. ‘Earth Rising, Women Rising: Regenerating the Earth, Seeding the Future’. Navdanya, Mar. 2021,,-women-rising

[4] Navdanya. Seeds of Hope, Seeds of Resilience How Biodiversity Makes Agriculture and Communities More Resilient to Climate Change . 2017,

Severe Reactions to COVID-19 Vaccine Close Schools in Michigan, Ohio and New York

Severe Reactions to COVID-19 Vaccine Close Schools in Michigan, Ohio and New York

by Carolyn Hendler, JD, The Vaccine Reaction
March 8, 2021


Schools in three states, Michigan, Ohio and New York were forced to close for a day last month after school staff could not work due to severe side effects from COVID-19 vaccinations.

Schools in Alma and Ithaca, Michigan were closed on Feb. 16, 2021 because the majority of the teachers had experienced side effects after they received the second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.1 School superintendent Donalynn Ingersoll closed school in Alma in anticipation of the vaccine’s severe side effects, saying:

As 70 percent of our staff (across all employee groups) will be receiving their second dose over the weekend, this means there is potential for us to be unable to provide coverage for the number of staff who may not report for work on Monday.2

Shepard schools in Michigan also closed its doors after a large number of the staff suffering from immediate negative reactions to the second dose of the Moderna mRNA-1273 vaccine called in sick.3 Superintendent, Greg Miller, sent an e-mail stating,

Unfortunately we will need to call a snow day for tomorrow, Thursday, due to the district’s staff experiencing ill symptoms from their second dose of the Covid vaccine. Their will be no on-line instruction.4

In Ohio, schools in the Fairless district were forced to close school after many of the staff suffered negative reactions to the first round of the COVID-19 vaccination.5 Maureen Ahmann, MD, medical director for Stark County Health Department said she was not concerned about the large number of people experiencing negative vaccine reactions said:

As far as specifically the call-off numbers in Fairless, I haven’t spoken to them, but I am not surprised if people are having some of the reactions like that to the vaccine. In fact, it’s kind of good news because we know they are responding.6

Ohio’s Summit County Health Commissioner Donna Skoda stated:

Feeling uncomfortable and having a headache is nowhere near what COVID can do to you and if you are fortunate enough in this vaccine shortage, to be able to have a vaccine offered to you, you should take it and put up with whatever side effects you have. … As far as people using that as an excuse not to get the vaccine, that’s their choice. No one is forcing anyone to get the vaccine. That’s not happening so if their choice is they are not going to take it, that’s their health, that’s their choice, but we are going to give it to as many people as want it.7

Staff members in the Sandy Creek district schools in New York suffered a similar fate when one-third of the school staff reported feeling ill after receiving the 2nd shot of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine causing the school to close for a day.8 Superintendent, Kyle Faulkner explained:

We are a small district, and we had so many folks down and out today that we didn’t have enough people to staff the schools,’’ Faulkner said. “Some people get pretty sick with the second shot.9

Severe Side effects From COVID-19 Vaccines Were Expected

When the COVID19 vaccines were authorized for emergency use in December, the chief scientist for the U.S. government’s Operation Warp Speed said that between one and 15 percent of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine trial volunteers reported, “significantly noticeable side effects”10

The New York Times reported that COVID-19 vaccine recipients may feel bad enough that they have to take a day off of work after the second dose of the vaccine. Half of the people in the Pfizer study experienced fatigue and at least 25-33 percent or more experienced headaches, chills and muscle pain.11

According to the documents submitted by Pfizer and Moderna to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, the vaccines caused wide spread side effects in the clinical trials. The second dose of the vaccine manufactured by Pfizer caused fatigue in 59.4 percent, headaches in 51.7 percent, muscle pain in 37.3 percent, joint pain in 21.9 percent, chills in 35.1 percent, and fever in 15.8 percent of volunteers. Moderna reported fatigue in 68.5 percent, headache in 63 percent, aches and pains in 59.6 percent, chills in 43.4 percent, and fever in 15.6 percent of vaccine trial participants.12

While the vast majority of these extreme flu-like side effects appear to be transient only lasting a day or two, more severe adverse reactions to the COVID-19 vaccines have been reported since the mass vaccination campaign of this experimental vaccine began. According to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) as of Feb. 12, there had been 15,923 adverse events reported from the COVID-19 vaccines including 3,126 serious events, 6161 life-threatening, 21 ER visits, 1,869 hospital stays and 929 deaths.13 It is important to note that a 2011 report by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Inc. funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services found that less than one percent of all vaccine adverse events are reported to VAERS.14

Some doctors contend that experiencing side effects after the COVID-19 vaccines is an expected immune response. Kavita Patel, MD an NBC News medical contributor said:

The second vaccine (dose)—think of it as having that hit to your immune system, and your immune system now recognizes the vaccine, so it does its job.” She admitted that after getting the 2nd dose she, “felt, for about 36 hours, like I had the flu.15

Bill Moss, MD, pediatrician and professor of infectious disease epidemiology at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health said:

The immune system is seeing the vaccine for the first time with the first dose and is reacting to that, and the cells of the immune system are recruited to kind of recognize that spike protein (the part of the coronavirus that the vaccine affects). So when the body’s immune system sees (the vaccine) a second time, there are more cells and there’s a more intense immune response, resulting in those side effects.

Both the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines have been granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), but they have not been officially approved for licensure by the FDA.16 17

Children’s Health Defense Joins With Coalition to Protest SpaceX Satellite Program, Citing Radiation Threat

Coalition to Protest SpaceX Satellite Program, Citing Radiation Threat

Children’s Health Defense is one of several groups planning a March 19 protest at SpaceX headquarters to demand the company end its planned deployment of 42,000 low-orbit satellites. 

by Coalition to Protest SpaceX Satellite Program, The Defender
March 8, 2021


Safe technology advocates, environmentalists and astronomers from California and beyond will gather March 19, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. PT at SpaceX headquarters in Hawthorne, Calif., to demand the company end its planned deployment of 42,000 low-orbit satellites.

Participating organizations include Children’s Health DefenseAmericans for Responsible TechnologyMoms Across America and 5G Free California.

The groups are gathering signatures worldwide on an open letter to Elon Musk and SpaceX, urging Musk to sit down with scientists, astronomers and all stakeholders to discuss the dangers of satellite programs. A group of children will hand-deliver the letter at the March 19 rally.

The SpaceX low-orbit satellites, using 5G technology, would bathe the world with microwave radiation including the mid-ocean, Antarctic and wildlife preserves and protected natural areas. Other companies such as One Web and Amazon have plans to launch up to 40,000 additional satellites.

Opponents say the environmental and health impacts of the satellites will far outweigh any potential benefits, and the environmental impacts alone will be devastating.

The SpaceX Starlink program calls for 8,400 satellites, each with a lifespan of only 5 years, to be built, launched, deorbited and burned up each year. This will add to ozone depletion, space debris and collisions, the conversion of deorbited satellites to toxic dust and smoke as they burn up in the atmosphere, and the proliferation of spaceports on pristine land and ground and water pollution around them.

Of particular concern is the global increase in microwave radiation from the satellites, ground stations and millions of  “user terminals” which are, in effect, cell antennas all over the planet, one for each subscriber.

On Feb. 26 Children’s Health Defense filed a case against the Federal Communication Commission challenging an amendment to the “Over the Air Reception Devices” rule (OTARD). Among other things, the amended rule enables the deployment of at least 1,000,000 antennas which will provide the ground infrastructure for the SpaceX satellites. The amended rule goes into effect March 29.

“We are literally guinea pigs for this technological experiment about which we have not been consulted, and for which we have not given our consent,” said David Goldberg, an event organizer. “This is the same technology used in the microwave attacks on diplomats, currently under federal investigation. Safer and more energy-efficient wired technologies are available and should be implemented, instead of thousands of satellites and millions of cell antennas that will increase wireless radiation and harm the environment.”

Participants are being asked to please abide by all California COVID-19 public health laws and mandates. For more information on the planned protest, click here.

Watch this video on the planned protest:


Constitutional Right Centre: Canadian Employee Rights & the Covid-19 Vaccine

Constitutional Right Centre: Canadian Employee Rights & the Covid-19 Vaccine
Your Rights to Decline a Vaccine in the Context of Employment

by the Constitutional Rights Centre
March 8, 2021


This short video answers the questions received by the CRC on this topic.

It provides the CRC’s view on what your rights are to decline a vaccine in the context of employment , whether in the public or private sector.


Citizens for Free Speech Defends High School Principal Who Was Suspended for Promoting Free Speech to Students

CFFS Supports High School Principal Suspended for Promoting Free Speech to Students

by Patrick Wood, Citizens for Free Speech
March 8, 2021


March 8, 2021


Barton Thorne wanted his students to be aware of the prospect of losing their right to speak and be heard in the era of “cancel culture”, and his high school immediately illustrated his point—by canceling him.

Thorne is the principal of Cordova High School in Shelby County, TN, and when he delivered his weekly video address to staff and students in January, just days after the January 6 riot on Capitol Hill, his message was clear: Beware the suppression of online speech and expression that does not conform to the prevailing orthodoxy of the moment.

It was a message not well-received by district administrators, who placed Thorne on paid leave after receiving complaints about the video’s contents. The district’s message was, in turn, not well-received by Citizens for Free Speech (CFFS).

“Here you have a high school principal,” stated CFFS founder and director Patrick Wood, “who is trying to advise his students of the importance of listening to all voices and viewpoints, who then has his own voice silenced by the school district for saying so. It’s unconscionable.”

The video message recorded by Principal Thorne warned that actions taken by the Big Tech social media platforms in limiting or banning online commentary today could have far-reaching implications for young students in their not-too-distant future.

“I’m only getting into this because as a young person, this is your future. You have a future ahead of you, and you will be developing your ideas and your values and the ways that you want to express yourself. But because these entities—Twitter, Facebook, Google, and Apple—are so powerful, and they have unilaterally made a decision of what you can and cannot see on their platforms, that’s a major issue and I want you to understand that.

“I want you to understand the problem that’s going to face you and your generation if there is no longer a marketplace, a free exchange of ideas.”

Thorne’s video address also referenced past cases of First Amendment suppression gone very wrong, including the Branch Davidian disaster in Waco, TX in 1993.

“What happens if one day a different group of people thinks that my religion is different, or funny, or should be brought into control, or should be filtered?” Thorne pondered. “Take that into speech. Maybe right now I’m in the norm, maybe right now my speech is not too outlandish, or too crazy…but what if a different group comes into power that no longer likes what I have to say, or how I think, or if they begin to think that I’m extreme?”

That question, according to Wood, is the most important one.

“There has been a sizable shift in the political winds in recent months, if not years,” explained the CFFS director, “and what was once considered acceptable speech then, is not considered acceptable now. If we allow a small monopoly of people to control what people can say and what they can hear, who’s to say it won’t be our own speech that is not acceptable six months from now? Or six years from now? It’s a dangerous game they’re playing.”

After serving a six-week suspension, ended only by a federal lawsuit filed on his behalf for violating his First and Fourteenth Amendment rights, Thorne was finally reinstated as principal. Despite returning to his position, Thorne’s lawsuit goes on, in part to help restore his tarnished reputation, and in part to demonstrate to his students the importance of defending one’s constitutional rights—which was the precise topic of his video address to begin with.

For more information about CFFS please visit


Bob Frantz

National Director of Communications

Alberta, Canada, Crown Prosecutors Continue to Withdraw COVID Tickets

Alberta, Canada, Crown Prosecutors Continue to Withdraw COVID Tickets

by Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
March 8, 2021


ALBERTA: The Justice Centre is pleased to announce the continued withdrawal of tickets issued to citizens for alleged violations of public health orders. In the latest development, the Alberta provincial Crown prosecutor has withdrawn three tickets, and a municipal crown prosecutor has withdrawn one.

The Justice Centre represents close to 100 individuals who have been ticketed for allegedly breaching public health orders in BC, AB, SK and ON for allegedly participating in peaceful protests, not wearing a mask, providing services during lockdowns, not complying with public health guidelines on signage, and other issues surrounding the Charter freedoms to move, travel, assemble, associate, worship and express themselves. So far, all COVID-related tickets issued to rally demonstrators in Alberta that the Justice Centre has defended have been withdrawn by Crown Prosecutors before trial.

Ryan Audette (pictured at right) is a Calgary man who was issued a $50 ticket at the end of November, for allegedly not wearing a mask, while exercising his Charter rights to attend a peaceful protest against lockdowns. An estimated one thousand people were at the rally in downtown Calgary.

The ticket for not wearing a mask in a “public premise” was first issued to Mr. Audette under the Calgary Face Covering Bylaw. Calgary Police Service Constable L. Clarke seemed confused about whether the Bylaw mandated mask-wearing outdoors or only indoors. The Bylaw defines “public premises” as “all or any part of a building, structure or other enclosed area to which members of the public have access as of right or by express or implied invitation[.]” On March 2, 2021, Calgary Crown Prosecutor Maggie Burlington notified the Justice Centre that the ticket will be withdrawn.

Trevor Marr (pictured left) was issued a $1200 ticket under the Public Health Act after getting off a C-train and noticing a protest rally on December 19 in downtown Calgary. After noticing the large crowd, Mr. Marr decided to make a spur of the moment decision and go and listen. Says Mr. Marr, “I agreed with what the Speaker was saying, the restrictions resembled Communist China more than freedom-of-speech-Canada. It felt good to live in a Democracy where I thought we were free to protest!”

Calgary Police officers subsequently ticketed Mr. Marr $1200 under the Public Health Act, for allegedly contravening an order of the Medical Officer of Health. On February 25, 2021, the Justice Centre was advised that the Crown was withdrawing the ticket.

Bernie Driedger (pictured at right) is a primary care paramedic who was issued a $1200 ticket on December 22, 2020, for not wearing a mask while buying a turkey and ham in a small Co-op grocery store in La Crete, Alberta. He was photographed, he believes, by a “nosy out-of-towner going around town taking pictures of La Crete residents and businesses because the majority of people refuse to wear masks.” “I believe the photo was sent in to the provincial snitch line,” he explains.

Mr. Driedger says he has lost trust in his fellow citizens and has since moved out of the community. He received a three-day suspension from work because of the photograph. “On a personal level, I believe wearing a mask is unnatural, unsanitary, and predominately anti God… I believe it to be symbolic. Wearing a mask shows the world I am easily compliant and am a willing participant in orders unsubstantiated by proper science or reason. This also shows that if I give a little on my convictions here, maybe I will give more in the next rollout of unjust violations of our freedoms,” he explains.

Mr. Driedger’s ticket has been withdrawn by the Provincial Crown Prosecutor.

Trevor Simpson (pictured left) is a Calgary man who was ticketed $1200 for allegedly not practicing safe social distancing, at a lockdown protest in Calgary on Boxing Day. He says police waited until he was three blocks away from the rally and alone, and was blocked by four Calgary Police Service officers on bicycles. “It was really outlandish to me that they would wait until I was no longer breaking the law to actually fine me!” says Mr. Simpson. “I told the police as they were writing the ticket that it went against my Charter rights and I did not believe the ticket was legal and fair.”

Mr. Simpson’s ticket has been withdrawn by the Provincial Crown Prosecutor.

“Public health officials are not the supreme law of the land – the Constitution is,” noted Jay Cameron, Litigation Director for the Justice Centre.  “A significant portion of the arbitrary and confusing public health orders which have so oppressed Canadian society are, on their face, unconstitutional and cannot be justified.  As a result, many of the tickets issued for the supposed violation of such orders will never be prosecuted.  We expect the mass withdrawal of Covid tickets to continue as prosecutors across the country correctly decide to stay charges.”


Connect with Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, Canada

Pfizer Bullies Nations to Put Up Collateral for Lawsuits

Pfizer Bullies Nations to Put Up Collateral for Lawsuits

by Dr. Joseph Mercola,
March 8, 2021



  • Pfizer is demanding countries put up sovereign assets, including bank reserves, military bases and embassy buildings, as collateral for expected vaccine injury lawsuits resulting from its COVID-19 inoculation
  • Argentina and Brazil have rejected Pfizer’s demands. According to legal experts, Pfizer is abusing its power
  • In the U.S., vaccine makers already enjoy full indemnity against injuries occurring from the COVID-19 vaccine under the PREP Act. If you’re injured, you’d have to file a compensation claim with the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP), which is funded by U.S. taxpayers
  • A significant problem with the CICP is that it’s administered within the Department of Health and Human Services, which is also sponsoring the COVID-19 vaccination program. This conflict of interest makes the CICP less likely to admit fault with the vaccine
  • The maximum CICP payout you can receive — even in cases of permanent disability or death — is $250,000 per person, and you first have to exhaust your private insurance policy before the CICP kicks in

As reported by New Delhi-based World Is One News (WION),1 Pfizer is demanding countries put up sovereign assets as collateral for expected vaccine injury lawsuits resulting from its COVID-19 inoculation. In other words, it wants governments to guarantee the company will be compensated for any expenses resulting from injury lawsuits against it.

WION reports that Argentina and Brazil have rejected Pfizer’s demands. Initially, the company demanded indemnification legislation to be enacted, such as that which it enjoys in the U.S. Argentina proposed legislation that would restrict Pfizer’s financial responsibility for injuries to those resulting from negligence or malice.

Pfizer rejected the proposal. It also rejected a rewritten proposal that included a clearer definition of negligence. Pfizer then demanded the Argentinian government put up sovereign assets — including its bank reserves, military bases and embassy buildings — as collateral. Argentina refused. A similar situation occurred in Brazil. Pfizer demanded Brazil:

  1. “Waive sovereignty of its assets abroad in favor of Pfizer”
  2. Not apply its domestic laws to the company
  3. Not penalize Pfizer for vaccine delivery delays
  4. Exempt Pfizer from all civil liability for side effects

Brazil rejected Pfizer’s demands, calling them “abusive.” As noted by WION, Pfizer developed its vaccine with the help of government funding, and now it — a private company — is demanding governments hand over sovereign assets to ensure the company won’t lose a dime if its product injures people, even if those injuries are the result of negligent company practices, fraud or malice.

Aside from Argentina and Brazil, nine other South American countries have reportedly negotiated deals with Pfizer. It’s unclear whether they actually ended up giving up national assets in return.2

Vaccine Maker Accused of Abusing Its Power

According to STAT News,3 “Legal experts have raised concerns that Pfizer’s demands amount to an abuse of power.” Lawrence Gostin, law professor at Georgetown University and director of the World Health Organization’s Collaborating Center on National and Global Health Law told STAT:4

“Pharmaceutical companies shouldn’t be using their power to limit lifesaving vaccines in low- and middle-income countries. [This] seems to be exactly what they’re doing … Some liability protection is warranted, but certainly not for fraud, gross negligence, mismanagement, failure to follow good manufacturing practices. Companies have no right to ask for indemnity for these things.”

Mark Eccleston-Turner, a lecturer in global health law at Keele University in England, added:5

“[Pfizer] is trying to eke out as much profit and minimize its risk at every juncture with this vaccine development then this vaccine rollout. Now, the vaccine development has been heavily subsidized already. So there’s very minimal risk for the manufacturer involved there.”

Don’t Expect Compensation if Injured by COVID-19 Vaccine

In the U.S., vaccine makers already enjoy full indemnity against injuries occurring from this or any other pandemic vaccine under the PREP Act. If you’re injured, you’d have to file a compensation claim with the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP),6 which is funded by U.S. taxpayers via Congressional appropriation to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).

While similar to the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP), which applies to nonpandemic vaccines, the CICP is even less generous when it comes to compensation. For example, while the NVICP pays some of the costs associated with any given claim, the CICP does not. This means you’ll also be responsible for attorney fees and expert witness fees.

A significant problem with the CICP is that it’s administered within the DHHS, which is also sponsoring the COVID-19 vaccination program. This conflict of interest makes the CICP less than likely to find fault with the vaccine.

Your only route of appeal is within the DHHS, where your case would simply be reviewed by another employee. The DHHS is also responsible for making the payment, so the DHHS effectively acts as judge, jury and defendant. As reported by Dr. Meryl Nass,7 the maximum payout you can receive — even in cases of permanent disability or death — is $250,000 per person; however, you’d have to exhaust your private insurance policy before the CICP gives you a dime.

CICP will only pay the difference between what your insurance covers and the total payout amount established for your case. For permanent disability, even $250,000 won’t go far. The CICP also has a one year statute of limitations, so you have to act quickly.

This too is a significant problem, as no one really knows what injuries might arise from the COVID-19 vaccine, or when, and this makes tying the injury to the vaccination a difficult prospect. Employers that mandate the COVID-19 vaccine will also be indemnified from liability for side effects. Instead, claims will be routed through worker’s compensation programs.

If the COVID-19 vaccines are as safe as the manufacturers claim, why do they insist on so much indemnification? Do they suspect or know something they’re refusing to admit publicly?

Side Effects Are Inevitable

Of course, those of us who have been looking at the science behind the mRNA technology used to create these novel “vaccines” have long since realized there are tremendous risks involved. For starters, mRNA vaccines are most accurately referred to as gene therapies, as this is what they are.

They effectively turn your cells into bioreactors that churn out viral proteins to incite an immune response, and there’s no off-switch.8 Based on historical and preliminary evidence, significant short- and long-term side effects are, quite frankly, inevitable.

For starters, your body sees the synthetic mRNA as “non-self,” which can cause autoantibodies to attack your own tissues. Judy Mikovits, Ph.D., explained this in her interview, featured in “How COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’ May Destroy the Lives of Millions.”

Free mRNA also drive inflammatory diseases, which is why making synthetic mRNA thermostable — i.e., slowing the breakdown of the RNA by encasing it in lipid nanoparticles — is likely to be problematic. The nanoparticles themselves also pose a risk. COVID-19 vaccines use PEGylated lipid nanoparticles, which is known to cause allergic reactions and anaphylaxis.9,10

What’s more, previous attempts to develop an mRNA-based drug using lipid nanoparticles failed and had to be abandoned because when the dose was too low, the drug had no effect, and when dosed too high, the drug became too toxic.11 An obvious question is: What has changed that now makes this technology safe enough for mass use?

As detailed in my interview with Mikovits, the synthetic RNA influences the gene syncytin, which can result in:

  • Brain inflammation
  • Dysregulated communication between the microglia in your brain, which are critical for clearing toxins and pathogens
  • Dysregulated immune system
  • Dysregulated endocannabinoid system (which calms inflammation)
Pathogenic Priming and Antibody-Dependent Enhancement

Another significant problem is that we don’t know whether antibody production is protective or pathogenic in coronavirus infections. If pathogenic, vaccinated individuals may be at increased risk of severe illness if they’re exposed to SARS-CoV-2 in the future. As reported in a December 11, 2020, Vaccine: X paper:12

“The first SARS-CoV-2 vaccine(s) will likely be licensed based on neutralizing antibodies in Phase 2 trials, but there are significant concerns about using antibody response in coronavirus infections as a sole metric of protective immunity.

Antibody response is often a poor marker of prior coronavirus infection, particularly in mild infections, and is shorter-lived than virus-reactive T-cells … Strong antibody response correlates with more severe clinical disease while T-cell response is correlated with less severe disease; and antibody-dependent enhancement of pathology and clinical severity has been described.

Indeed, it is unclear whether antibody production is protective or pathogenic in coronavirus infections. Early data with SARS-CoV-2 support these findings. Data from coronavirus infections in animals and humans emphasize the generation of a high-quality T cell response in protective immunity.”

A number of reports in the medical literature have indeed highlighted the risk of pathogenic priming and antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE). As explained in “Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire? Due Diligence Warranted for ADE in COVID-19”:13

“ADE is an immunological phenomenon whereby a previous immune response to a virus can render an individual more susceptible to a subsequent analogous infection.

Rather than viral recognition and clearance, the prior development of virus-specific antibodies at a non-neutralizing level can facilitate viral uptake, enhancing replication; a possible immune evasion strategy avoiding intracellular innate immune sensors, or pattern recognition receptors …

ADE of SARS-CoV has also been described14 through a novel FcγRII-dependent and ACE2-independent cell entry mechanism. The authors state15 that this warrants concern in the safety evaluation of any candidate human vaccines against SARS-CoV.”

Similarly, “Pathogenic Priming Likely Contributes to Serious and Critical Illness and Mortality in COVID-19 Via Autoimmunity,” published in the Journal of Translational Autoimmunity, warns that:16

“Failure of SARS and MERS vaccines in animal trials involved pathogenesis consistent with an immunological priming that could involve autoimmunity in lung tissues due to previous exposure to the SARS and MERS spike protein. Exposure pathogenesis to SARS-CoV-2 in COVID-19 likely will lead to similar outcomes.”

So, to be clear, what all of this means is that if you get vaccinated, you may actually be at increased risk for serious illness if/when you’re exposed to any number of mutated SARS-CoV-2 strains in the future.

This is why the recommendation to vaccinate individuals who have previously been infected with SARS-CoV-2, or who have an active SARS-CoV-2 infection, may actually be quite dangerous. Dr. Hooman Noorchashm recently sent a public letter17 to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Commissioner detailing these risks.

How mRNA Injections May Trigger Prion Disease

What’s more, in a paper18 titled, “COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease,” published in Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, Dr. Bart Classen warns there are also troubling evidences suggesting some of the mRNA shots may cause prion diseases such as Alzheimer’s and ALS. He writes:

“In the current paper, the concern is raised that the RNA based COVID vaccines have the potential to cause more disease than the epidemic of COVID-19. This paper focuses on a novel potential adverse event mechanism causing prion disease which could be even more common and debilitating than the viral infection the vaccine is designed to prevent …

Analysis of the Pfizer vaccine against COVID-19 identified two potential risk factors for inducing prion disease is humans. The RNA sequence in the vaccine contains sequences believed to induce TDP-43 and FUS to aggregate in their prion based conformation leading to the development of common neurodegerative diseases.

In particular it has been shown that RNA sequences GGUA, UG rich sequences, UG tandem repeats, and G Quadruplex sequences, have increased affinity to bind TDP-43 and or FUS and may cause TDP-43 or FUS to take their pathologic configurations in the cytoplasm.

In the current analysis a total of sixteen UG tandem repeats were identified and additional UG rich sequences were identified. Two GGΨA sequences were found. G Quadruplex sequences are possibly present but sophisticated computer programs are needed to verify these.

The spike protein encoded by the vaccine binds angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), an enzyme which contains zinc molecules. The binding of spike protein to ACE2 has the potential to release the zinc molecule, an ion that causes TDP-43 to assume its pathologic prion transformation.”

mRNA Technology Has Potential to Cause Microvascular Injury

Additionally, Dr. J. Patrick Whelan, a pediatric rheumatologist specializing in multisystem inflammatory syndrome, submitted a public comment19 to the FDA back in December 2020, in which he expressed concern that mRNA vaccines have “the potential to cause microvascular injury to the brain, heart, liver and kidneys in ways that were not assessed in safety trials.”

He cited research showing that “the spike protein in brain endothelial cells is associated with formation of microthrombi (clots),” and that since no viral RNA has been found in brain endothelium, “viral proteins appear to cause tissue damage without actively replicating virus.”

“Is it possible the spike protein itself causes the tissue damage associated with Covid-19?” he asks. “In 13/13 brains from patients with fatal COVID-19, pseudovirions (spike, envelope, and membrane proteins) without viral RNA are present in the endothelia of cerebral microvessels …

It appears that the viral spike protein that is the target of the major SARS-CoV-2 vaccines is also one of the key agents causing the damage to distant organs that may include the brain, heart, lung, and kidney.

Before any of these vaccines are approved for widespread use in humans, it is important to assess in vaccinated subjects the effects of vaccination on the heart … Vaccinated patients could also be tested for distant tissue damage in deltoid area skin biopsies …”

Reports of Side Effects Are Rapidly Mounting

Around the world, reports are now pouring in of people dying shortly after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. In many cases, they die suddenly within hours of getting the shot. In others, death occurs within the span of a couple of weeks.

In the wake of 29 senior citizen deaths,20 Norway is reportedly considering excluding the very old and terminally ill from getting the AstraZeneca vaccine. According to the Norwegian Medicines Agency:21

“Most people have experienced the expected side effects of the vaccine, such as nausea and vomiting, fever, local reactions at the injection site, and worsening of their underlying condition.”

The Norwegian Institute of Public Health further noted that “for those with the most severe frailty, even relatively mild vaccine side effects can have serious consequences,” and that “For those who have a very short remaining life span anyway, the benefit of the vaccine may be marginal or irrelevant.”22

In Sweden, hospitals in Sörmland and Gävleborg suspended the AstraZeneca vaccine in mid-February 2021 after a full quarter of the vaccinated hospital staff reported side effects. To prevent staff shortages and conduct an investigation, the vaccination push was temporarily paused.23 Examples of side effects reported after vaccination with Pfizer’s, Moderna’s and AstraZeneca’s vaccines from around the world include:

In the U.K., there were 49,472 reported side effects to the Pfizer vaccine and 21,032 reactions to the AstraZeneca vaccine as of January 24, 2021. As reported by Principia Scientific International,46 “For both vaccines this equates to 1 in every 333 people suffering an adverse reaction. This rate could actually be higher as some cases may have not been reported …”

Greatest Risk of All: Sudden Death

Perhaps most concerning of all are rapidly mounting reports of sudden death,47,48,49,50,51,52 mostly in the elderly but also in much younger, healthy individuals. In the U.S., COVID-19 vaccines accounted for 70% of vaccine-related deaths between January 2020 and January 2021.

As of February 12, 2021, the number of side effects reported to VAERS totaled 15,923, including 929 deaths.53 Of the 799 deaths reported within the U.S., one-third occurred within 48 hours of vaccination and 21% of them were cardiac-related.

Pfizer’s vaccine was the most dangerous in terms of death, being responsible for 58% of deaths while Moderna’s vaccine accounted for 41% of deaths. Pfizer’s vaccine was also responsible for 75% of Bell’s Palsy cases, compared to Moderna’s at 25%.54

Curiously, based on the data submitted to the FDA, Moderna’s vaccine has a death rate 5.41 times higher than Pfizer’s, yet both are dramatically lower than the national average. As noted by The Defender, the dramatic discrepancy in death rates “deserves notice and requires explanation,” adding:55

“If Moderna’s on-vaccine death rate is so far below the national death rate and also simultaneously more than five times greater than Pfizer’s on-vaccine death rate, then Pfizer’s study sample appears even less representative of the entire population …

Moderna’s screening process and exclusion criteria in the trial led to evidence that the general population is dying at a rate 6.3 times greater than the death rate in the Moderna trial — which means the Moderna study, including its estimated efficacy rate and the vaccine’s alleged safety profile — cannot possibly be relevant to most of the U.S. population.

The super-healthy cohorts studied by Moderna are in no way representative of the U.S. population. Most deaths from COVID-19 involve pre-existing health conditions of the types excluded from both Pfizer and Moderna trials …

Those enrolling in the post-market surveillance studies deserve to know the abject absence of any relevant information on efficacy and risk for them. In their zeal to help humanity, or to help themselves, these people may very well be walking into a situation that will cause autoimmunity due to pathogenic priming, potentially leading to disease enhancement should they become infected following vaccination.”

Do a Risk-Benefit Analysis Before Making Up Your Mind

To avoid becoming a sad statistic, I urge you to review the science very carefully before making up your mind about this experimental gene therapy. Also remember that the lethality of COVID-19 is actually surprisingly low. It’s lower than the flu for those under the age of 60.56

If you’re under the age of 40, your risk of dying from COVID-19 is just 0.01%, meaning you have a 99.99% chance of surviving the infection. And you could improve that to 99.999% if you’re metabolically flexible, insulin sensitive, and vitamin D replete.

So, really, what are we protecting against with a COVID-19 vaccine? These mRNA vaccines aren’t even designed to prevent infection, only to reduce the severity of symptoms. Meanwhile, they could potentially make you sicker once you’re exposed to the virus, and/or cause persistent serious side effects such as those reviewed above.

While I won’t tell anyone what to do, I would urge you to take the time to review the science and weigh the potential risks and benefits based on your individual situation before you make a decision that you may regret for the rest of your life, which can actually be shortened with this vaccine. Undoubtedly, Pfizer and other vaccine makers suspect this as well, which is why Pfizer is bullying nations into covering for any and all of its mistakes.

The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) recently posted more than 50 video presentations from the pay-for-view Fifth International Public Conference on Vaccination held online October 16 to 18, 2020, and made them available to everyone for free.

The conference’s theme was “Protecting Health and Autonomy in the 21st Century” and it featured physicians, scientists and other health professionals, human rights activists, faith community leaders, constitutional and civil rights attorneys, authors and parents of vaccine injured children talking about vaccine science, policy, law and ethics and infectious diseases, including coronavirus and COVID-19 vaccines.

In December 2020, a U.K. company published false and misleading information about NVIC and its conference, which prompted NVIC to open up the whole conference for free viewing. The conference has everything you need to educate yourself and protect your personal freedoms and liberties with respect to your health.

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity. I was a speaker at this empowering conference and urge you to watch these video presentations before they’re censored and taken away by the technocratic elite.

Link to Protecting Health and Autonomy in the 21st Century videos.


Connect with and support the work of Dr. Joseph Mercola

Dr. Vernon Coleman: Vital Revelations About How Masks Damage Children (Permanently)

Vital Revelations About How Masks Damage Children (Permanently)

by Dr. Vernon Coleman
March 6, 2021


Original video is available at Dr. Vernon Coleman BrandNewTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Free PDF of ‘Proof That Face Masks Do More Harm Than Good’ by Dr. Vernon Coleman


The lowlight of recent days has been the way schools everywhere have been planning to destroy the minds and bodies of their pupils by forcing them to wear masks.

I recently saw a long letter from the head a school in the UK which caters to children aged 11 and upwards. The letter is the most repulsive piece of crap I have ever seen emerge from any orifice belonging to a school-teacher. I speak, I should remind you, as a former GP who has seen more than his fair share of excrement.

Before I start I should remind you that a recent survey showed that school teachers are less likely to catch covid-19 than other adults. Also, the infection is so rare among children, and so harmless to fit and active school-children, that any child who becomes seriously ill with covid-19 will probably find themselves lead item on the next BBC news bulletin.

Here’s what this gibbering head has to say about what the pupils can expect when they return to what was presumably once called a school but which should now be referred to as some sort of concentration camp.

The head buffoon starts by announcing that during their first day in school healthy students will undertake a lateral flow test for covid-19 at the school’s test centre. This, of course, is entirely pointless because the biggest scientific study I’ve ever seen showed that asymptomatic spread of covid-19 does not occur. If you think about it, this makes sense. Like all varieties of the flu this disease is spread by coughing and sneezing. If you’re not coughing or sneezing…

The worst bit of this long and intensely boring and unnecessary letter however, is the bit that states that `unless medically exempt, students must wear a face mask at all times’, though presumably not when eating or drinking.

Presumably, they must, therefore, continue to wear masks if they are unable to breathe or if they are, for some reason, vomiting. No mention of not wearing masks when exercising even though a number of children have definitely died while wearing masks during exercise. I assume the school will have an undertaker on constant call to deal with this eventuality.

Students are also told that they must take with them a bottle of water and some sanitising hand gel.

Oh and windows and doors will be open and in colder weather students can wear coats in classrooms with the permission of their teacher. This is a parody of lunacy, or is it lunacy itself?

If students use school or public transport they must wear a face mask. No mention here of exemptions. The school instructs that face masks should be washed each evening. So pupils will presumably be wearing their masks all day long – regardless of the generally accepted medical view that masks should not be worn for more than two hours and definitely not for more than four hours. Forcing children to wear masks for eight hours a day is pretty nearly as daft as hitting them over the head with a cricket bat for eight hours a day. It’s child abuse and should be punished accordingly. When politicians and doctors are tried and convicted, teachers will be tried and convicted for mass child abuse.

There will be a major epidemic of bacterial pneumonia among schoolchildren as a direct result of the stupid mask wearing. And children will develop dementia in a few years’ time. That’s not theory. The medical evidence is available. Take a look at the free pdf of my small booklet Proof that masks do more harm than good. It’s available on vernoncoleman. com, and the And take a look at my other videos and articles about masks – I seem to have been warning about these damned things for decades.

And, anyone who loves masks must hate the environment. As I have reported previously billions of discarded masks, paper and cloth, are turning up in the countryside and in the sea. You can’t care about the environment if you wear a mask. It is something of a sick joke that the people who opposed plastic bags and straws now promote face masks. The hypocrisy is staggering.

And I wonder, incidentally, how many of the schools which insist on masks being worn also use WIFI – despite the clear evidence of the harm this does to children.

Next, what the hell happens to the brave children who turn up to school without masks because they have an illness which makes mask wearing particularly dangerous? In America an astonishing 8.4% of school children have been officially diagnosed as suffering from asthma. For a variety of reasons which have nothing to do with children or their health the percentage is probably a little lower in the UK. But even if only 5% of children have asthma then that means that 5% of children cannot possibly wear masks. Add in other disorders which make mask wearing absurdly dangerous and it’s safe to say that one in ten children must not wear masks. For teachers who aren’t good at maths, that’s three children in a class of thirty. And what about children who wear spectacles which will steam up – preventing them from seeing the blackboard? And children who rely on lip reading will be stuffed.

I’ve seen one head teacher say that children who don’t wear masks must stay at the back of the class and not mix with other pupils. They will be officially ostracised. That’s discrimination and I’m pleased to say that it’s still illegal in most countries – though I’ve no doubt that the Agenda 21 and Great Reset enthusiasts will see that that’s changed. Teachers should have the guts to stand up and refuse to carry out these cruel and fascist orders.

Who the hell are these teachers who promote masks? Where did they train? Are they left over guards trained at Dachau or Auschwitz? Any teacher who treats non-mask wearing children differently should be sacked immediately. Even the BBC has reported that teachers are not at significantly higher risk of death from covid-19 than the general population.

Let me be blunt for a change. Not my style, I know, but this makes me truly furious.

The bottom line is that any teacher who insists on children wearing masks is evil and should be locked up for child abuse. Six of the best with a used plimsole is nowhere near enough. Permanent incarceration in an institution of ill repute is the only sensible solution. There is no need to try the bastards because there can be no doubt about their guilt. Just lock them up and then force them to swallow the key.

My message to parents is simple – threaten to sue any teacher who wants to force children to wear masks.

My message to children who don’t wear masks – for whatever reason – is simple. You have courage and my respect. You may suffer discrimination and even abuse – but remember, every month that goes by you will gain several percentage points, both physically and mentally, on your mask wearing school mates.

Evidence shows that those who wear masks become physically debilitated and mentally weaker. And this is more true of children than of adults.

So the child who wears no mask will gradually climb towards the top of the class in both physical and mental terms.

Copyright Vernon Coleman March 6th 2021

Spiro Skouras w/ New Mexico Attorney Ana Garner: Courageous Attorney Files the First Court Case Against Mandatory Vaccination

Spiro Skouras w/ New Mexico Attorney Ana Garner: Courageous Attorney Files the First Court Case Against Mandatory Vaccination


It’s Here: First Court Case Against Mandatory Vaccination — Attorney Interview

by Spiro Skouras, Activist Post
March 7, 2021


In this interview, which was initially banned by YouTube before it was even published (but now reversed), Spiro is joined by Attorney Ana Garner of New Mexico. Garner represents her client Isaac Legaretta, an officer at the Doña Ana County Detention Center and a military veteran, who is suing the county over its new policy for first responders to receive the COVID-19 vaccinations or face termination.

Attorney Garner explains the significance of this case and what is at stake, as it is the first of its kind and may set a new standard for legal precedent regarding mandatory vaccination. Garner says she is prepared to take this case to the Supreme Court if necessary.

Spiro and Ana Garner also discuss another case of hers that is ongoing currently. A case that challenges not only the Governor of New Mexico, but the emergency itself.


Original video available at Spiro Skouras BitChute and YouTube channels.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

NM Stands Up!

First case against mandatory vaccination filed in New Mexico: report

Federal judge denies Doña Ana County employee’s request, for now, in mandatory vaccine lawsuit

EEOC Says Employers May Mandate COVID-19 Vaccinations – Subject to Limitations


Connect with Spiro Skouras at Activist Post

Mainstream Journalist Exposes Scam After Her Father Died From a Chronic Illness but Was Listed as ‘COVID Death’

Mainstream Journalist Exposes Scam After Her Father Died From a Chronic Illness but Was Listed as ‘COVID Death’


“Perhaps the most shocking thing about all this is that families have been kept apart — and obeyed the most irrational, changing rules at the whim of government — because they believed in the statistics. They succumbed to fear, which his generation rejected in that war fought for freedom.
Dad (God rest his soul) would be angry. And so am I.”
~ Bel Mooney


BEL MOONEY: My dad Ted passed three Covid tests and died of a chronic illness yet he’s officially one of Britain’s 120,000 victims of the virus and is far from alone… so how many more are there?

by Bel Mooney, Daily Mail
sourced from
February 19, 2021


A week after his death, my father’s few possessions came back from the care home, kept there in case of ‘infection’. Yet I was told that he had died in his sleep.

The things I’d packed on January 5 when he first went into the home — clothes, family photographs, a favourite cushion, a special simple ‘Alzheimer’s’ music player, the little teddy bear mascot he liked so much — all made me intensely sad.

Yet in truth, Dad had been visibly fading for months. His cough — a result of long-standing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) — was worse, and so were his frustrated moods and confusion, caused by vascular dementia.

You long for the person you love to have peace, yet the finality of death makes you cry. But here on my desk, his official death certificate ignites that sorrow into anger.

This is not because Ted Mooney contracted coronavirus in the very good (and expensive, it must be said) care home three miles from our house, as statistics will now state.

Because he did not. Yet the principal cause of death is set down officially as Covid-19 — and that, in my view, is a bizarre and unacceptable untruth.

You read of such things, but — dazed by an accumulation of figures, as we have all been for nearly a year — you can fail to take them on board.

The nightly shroud-waving and shocking close-ups of pain imposed on us by the TV news bewildered and terrified the population into eager compliance with lockdowns.

We were invited to ‘save the NHS’ and to grieve for strangers — the real-life loved ones behind those shocking death counts.

Why would the public imagine what I now fear, namely that the way Covid-19 death statistics are compiled might make the numbers seem greater than they are?

It is a bitter irony to our family that, because of the ways in which Public Health England and the Office for National Statistics list data related to Covid and deaths, we are deprived of the happy certainty that Dad died peacefully in his sleep.

Equally ironic is that this blameless man — 99 and very frail — had always refused to accept coronavirus existed, even though I had tried patiently two or three times a week to explain that it did.

‘What is this plague?’ he’d ask crossly, peering (blind in one eye, macular degeneration in the other) at the TV news. And now he is just another one of their statistics. Believing all along that we were being lied to, he has (in a strange way) been proved right.

I do not believe in conspiracy theories. Nor do I have any doubt that a pandemic called Covid-19 afflicted the world more than a year ago, causing fear and death.

And yet, confronting the timeline of my own dear father’s last weeks on this earth, I feel as bewildered as I am angry.

Why would a country wish to skew its mortality figures by, I believe, wrongly certifying deaths? What has been going on?

One day the truth may reveal panic and ineptitude rather than wilful deception. But I believe the way ‘Covid deaths’ have been counted is a national scandal.

In our family (as in many others), things had reached crisis point before Christmas because my mother, at 96, simply could not cope with taking care of Dad at home.

She had tried for more than two years but her health was suffering. We agreed to give him one last happy family Christmas — four generations in our home, noisy with the excitement of the great-grandchildren he adored.

I had chosen a local care home with a specialist dementia floor and an excellent reputation — and (they were proud to tell me) no Covid cases at all in 2020.

On New Year’s Eve, Dad went there for a Covid test. His 99th birthday was the next day — and then (the test being negative), on January 5, my husband and I took him for what he thought was respite care, to give Mum a break.

After that, things moved quickly. Two days later, my husband saw Dad in the special visiting ‘pod’ created in a ground-floor room so that patient and care worker would be behind glass.

He seemed cheerful, though he couldn’t see or hear much behind the screen. But he joked about ‘leaving all my money’ to the sweet young (female) care worker! Same old Dad. I made an appointment to visit the next week — but before then, the shutters came down.

Obeying the latest local authority rules, the home closed itself off to visitors. I felt terrible.

On January 12, they tested Dad for Covid again. It was negative.

On January 26, I had an email from the experienced male nurse in charge of the dementia patients, saying that once again Dad had tested negative. But a phone call from another care worker gave disappointing news that ‘Mr Ted’ had refused the vaccine.

I was rather frustrated — but Dad could be difficult and I could easily imagine him irritably rejecting a needle for something he didn’t believe in.

Read the rest of the article and view photos at Daily Mail


cover image credit: _Alicja_ / pixabay

‘We Do Not Censor Books’: New York Public Library Refuses to Cancel Dr. Seuss

‘We Do Not Censor Books’: New York Public Library Refuses to Cancel Dr. Seuss

Numerous other libraries follow suit. 

by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News
March 5, 2021


The New York Public Library is refusing to cave to the woke mob and cancel Dr. Seuss, asserting that it does not and will not censor books.

Last week, a far-left group called Learning for Justice forced the publisher of the books, Dr. Seuss Enterprises, to cease printing and licensing six of the works, asserting that they promoted “white supremacy.”

That prompted an immediate backlash, with sales surging on Amazon by a whopping 5.7 million percent.

Numerous libraries across the country have also stated that they will not remove the titles from their shelves.

The latest to do so is the New York Public Library, which serves Manhattan, with spokeswoman Angela Montefinise telling the media, “As with all public libraries the New York Public Library does not censor books.”

The copies that are stocked in the library will continue to be circulated until they “are no longer in acceptable condition,” according to Montefinise.

Libraries that serve the Bronx, and Staten Island, the Brooklyn and Queens have also all vowed to keep the books in circulation.

The Denver Public Library in Colorado followed suit, releasing a statement that said, “The freedom of choice in what a person decides to read is here to stay and the value of reading for any child is critical in their development.”

As we highlighted earlier, eBay has banned private sellers from listing the books on its marketplace, claiming that they contain “offensive material.”

Meanwhile, conservatives continue to ask the question; Is there one example in human history where the “good guys” have censored or destroyed books?

The Lunatic Fringe and Where to Find It | The People of Ireland Say ‘No More’ to the Lunatics Running the Asylum

The Lunatic Fringe and Where to Find It

by Gary Jordan
sourced from OffGuardian
March 4, 2021


On Sunday, an irate Irish society finally said ‘no more’. For a year they had been subjected to a criminally long lockdown to the detriment of their physical, emotional, and financial well being.

Thousands of them took to the streets of Dublin to display their dissatisfaction with a Davos-owned political class and the police state they were held hostage in. Besides one or two trouble-makers the protests were peaceful and the message was loud and clear.

Enough is enough. The Irish did what they do best – demanded freedom, stood up to their oppressors and sang songs.

The oligarchs winced. Butterflies were doing somersaults in their overfed bellies. Panic set in and beads of sweat dripped down their deranged little heads. Their biggest fear was realised; the people refused to comply. As a result, what followed was an onslaught of desperation from every political party and establishment sycophant in the nation.

The usual rhetoric was thrown out; anti-vaxxers, anti-maskers, far-right, etc, etc.


In fact, the head henchman of the political Fianna Fail and Fine Gael cartel, Garda Commissioner Drew Harris, was in such a desperate state of mind that he screwed up his lines and said that the far-left were involved as well – much to the outrage of the far-left radicalised mainstream media, forcing him to withdraw his statement later.

It sure was a sight to behold, watching their faces as the reality dawned on them that at any point the people could, with the click of a finger, take back their power and there was absolutely nothing they could do about it. It was only the inaction of a remaining portion of the population, consisting of indoctrinated zombies, rejecting any effort to reclaim their livelihoods, who saved their backsides.

But for sure it showed them, in case they needed confirmation, that if large enough numbers of people refuse their dictatorial, arbitrary mandates it crushes their illusory power. How would they explain that to the banking and pharmaceutical dynasties that they exist to serve?

In the fallout, widespread establishment media condemnation followed – for the greatest enemy of the tyrant is the advocate of liberty.

The act of peaceful protestors speaking out against elitist Fascism, the medical mafia and the Church of Scientism was too much for the Fourth Estate. It was a sin against the Cult of Covid and there was no excuse for any Irish person demanding the most basic of liberties, according to them.

With the millions and millions of dollars that disgraced Irish state broadcaster, RTE, have been receiving from the pharmaceutical and government vaccine PR institutes, the idea of peasants marching through the streets against the kakistocracy risked putting an end to the lucrative pandemic illusion.

No way could that be allowed to happen. The age-old Bolshevik tactic of using psychiatry to stifle resistance had to be rolled out.

So it was imperative that the protestors were viewed as being an unhinged small minority of the Irish population. Former Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar called them bonkers’. Others said they were part of ‘the lunatic fringe’.

Like all forms of Fascist propaganda, it was predictable.

But were those comments warranted?

Is it true that the estimated 4000-5000 people who took to the streets of Dublin on Sunday were all, in actual fact, nut-jobs? Were they dangerous conspiracy theorists? Were they expressing the views of a minority? Were they really ‘the lunatic fringe’?

I had to consider this and here’s what I concluded.

There is undoubtedly a fringe element of society in Ireland that are lunatics. There is undoubtedly a small group of people in our island nation that are, as Leo said, ‘bonkers’. But they are not the people who were on Grafton Street on Sunday.

Aside from the occasional follower of the US Military intelligence-created QAnon movement, the majority of people who marched on Sunday were hard-working, decent, law-abiding Irish men and women who voiced their discontent at the current status quo and who want to get back to making a living and chasing their dreams.

The ACTUAL fringe lunatics are, unfortunately, as they say, running the asylum. They are the people who are in charge. They are the ones who have proved to be utterly, completely, inarguably insane. It is these people who are completely bat-shit crazy. It is they who are bonkers.

Imagine, if you will, a portion of the population who are so helplessly detached from reality that they would shut down the economy of a nation, plunge its people into joblessness and destitution and keep them living under North Korean-style, Communist travel restrictions, using the pretence of a flu virus with a 99.98% survival rate for those who are infected.

Imagine being so severely sick in the head, as Professor Anthony Staines of Dublin City University (DCU) evidently is, that you would encourage your colleagues in private messages, soon leaked, to ‘increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty’ among the public to further mendacious medical agendas.

Imagine being as clinically insane as GSK and Eli Lilly-funded Professor Luke O’Neill of Trinity College, that you would advocate for attending music concerts, gigs and festivals in ridiculous plastic bubbles.

Imagine being so severely deluded, as he is, that you would suggest students attending their graduation night should wear non-removable bracelets to prove they’ve been vaccinated and then chuckle at the concept of civil liberties.

Imagine Looney Luke being so sociopathic that he would promote the idea of mandatory mask-wearing and then appear in public without wearing one himself. And all this only a few months after stating on live TV that masks are unnecessary for asymptomatic people.

The next display of Narcissistic Personality Disorder would come from Labour leader, Alan ‘Rules for Thee but Not For Me’ Kelly who, after tiresomely preaching to the masses about the importance of wearing their shame muzzles, appeared on public transport without wearing his, advising later he was too busy watching a game of football on his phone to be concerned about public health policy.

Then there’s Fine Gael politician Damien English who is so far gone that, during a live debate on national TV, dealing with the subject of retail outlets and their necessity during lockdown, he stated that clothes were not essential. Even the RTE host at the time, Miriam O’Callaghan, remarked ‘but, that seems mad Minister’ making us privy to a rare moment when the State broadcaster airs truthful content.

It gets worse.

Imagine a truly certifiable, callous, demented doctor, Chief Medical Officer and High Priest of the Covidians, Dr. Tony Holohan who is so psychopathically inclined and so devoid of empathy that he would refuse, unequivocally, to apologise for his negligent actions and subsequent cover-up which led to the death of multiple women, on his watch, due to the failures of the now notorious cervical smear scandal.

And consider a gang of thugs so mentally unbalanced they would turn up in their droves to forcibly block off public streets and intimidate passers-by, before harassing and abducting a lady (one in desperate need to open her business so she could pay her bills) in broad daylight and having no shame for it.

In a nation where a sinister gang of psychopathic hoodlums will deploy a patrol car and a riot van just to confiscate an electric bicycle from one citizen; search through the shopping bags of the elderly as they return from the supermarket; one that will humiliate and embarrass a victim of psychological illness to the point she commits suicide and one that will don balaclavas and wield batons and pepper spray while intimidating human rights and housing activists, perhaps the media and their government overlords are searching in the wrong places for the psychos in our society.

Then, we must also consider the deeply disturbed minds of the academics who are campaigning for the absolute subjugation of an entire nation. Consider the Independent Scientific Advisory Group (ISAG) and its zany wackos who want to see the nation subjected to further tyranny, with even more extreme restrictions on freedom of movement, as part of a bizarre and dangerous ‘Zero Covid’ push.

Ironically, and quite disconcertingly, one of the faces of this anti-human movement refers to herself as a human rights activist. Could you be any more dissociated from reality?

The men in white coats have a lot of work to do. This becomes obvious when we observe the Covidian sect known as NPHET (Ireland’s Coronavirus advisory group, who happen to dictate policy to a cuckolded government,) and their troubling desire to put muzzles on small children as young as four years of age, demanding that they are kept on all day for 7 to 8 hours, with no consideration for children with attention deficits or a history of trauma. Truly berserk.

Unsurprisingly, one of Ireland’s leading physicians, Dr. Gabriel Scally approves of these medieval measures on children. As a man who recently distributed a book known as Rules for Radicals to the fellow fanatics in his field, which in the introduction pays tribute to Lucifer, his support for inflicting torturous conditions on children can be expected.

We find more loose screws even at the very top of the ladder in Irish politics. When I say the top, of course, I mean the top that’s visible to the public eye, just before you reach the actual unelected government.

Here you’ll find Micheal Martin, the current Irish Taoiseach. Martin at times suffers from psychosis and lives in a land of make-believe. At one point he even suffered from false memory syndrome. In 2008, years after syphoning off and leeching from the Irish public, the banks in the nation went belly up and, inevitably (as banks do) turned to the government (read; taxpayer) for bailouts. Not according to Micheal Martin though.

In an obvious bout of neurosis, he argued that it never happened.

Assuming that this was a one-off, we moved on – until Micheal’s psychosis returned. This time he advised the public that the acts of torture, sexual abuse, imprisonment, slavery, rape, infanticide, child trafficking and GSK medical experimentation which occurred in the Catholic Church, Fianna Fail and Fine Gael-created Mother and Baby Institutions were a result of a profound failure of Irish ‘society, insinuating that we were all to blame. He quickly corrected this after much backlash.

As a side note, GSK, despite their own documentation verifying the crimes against children, has declined to apologise for the horrors they carried out.

But what more can we expect from Micheal Martin – a clown who stands by the people of Belarus and their right to protest as he begrudges his own people that very same right.

You could fill up a funny farm with these people. But in their view, it’s the freedom-loving men and women of Ireland who are ‘bonkers’.

Leo himself is fit to be admitted. Who else, if not a disarranged, unzipped bozo, would stand in front of a nation of people economically and personally devastated by government policy during a supposed-pandemic and play silly games with celebrity millionaire associates on live press briefings.

As the nation buckled under the weight of a bought-and-paid-for, treasonous political class, Leo engaged in stagecraft, quoting Hollywood movie lines. If that’s not bonkers then I can’t say what is.

No wonder then Leo appears as a card-carrying member of the Young Leader program on the website of the World Economic Forum – founded by the stark raving mad son of a former Nazi Party member.

keen student of war-mongering maniac Henry Kissinger, Klaus Schwab would grow into a man who has a need to read the mind of every human being alive and force them to eat insects. I guess we should judge Leo by the company he keeps.

How ironic it is that a man who often throws out the ‘far right’ label should be courted by an individual who was born in the 1930s Reich to a family highly regarded by the SS.

And then there’s the cuckoo climate extremists – a rabid cluster of fanatics who have lost the plot. Eamon Ryan is the perfect example of one. Absolutely nuts, he believes that the burning of fossil fuels, a practice that has existed in Ireland for literally thousands and thousands of years, is suddenly a life or death situation and if we don’t stop it we’ll all be doomed in the next 9 years.

As a result of this Ireland’s peat harvesting and production are to be brought to a halt and solid fuels are to be imported from overseas. This is the brainchild of the leader of the Green Party who believes, in his paranoid state of mind, that anything less would result in catastrophe.

To prevent such calamity, Eamon has also promised to take action that will force us to share a single car between ten families. This is all to make Ireland CO2 neutral, which will mean life itself cannot continue, as human beings, animals and plant life cannot exist without it.

The dangerous schizoids in charge of policy are completely bonkers. If any more proof of this is needed, then you only need to look at some of the agendas that they and those before them have signed the nation up to.

For example, Ireland is firmly committed to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, a push for Global Socialism and totalitarianism which promises a future in which ‘wealth is shared’ as part of what many Fabian progressives and academics in the nation believe should be the next ‘Great Leap Forward’ – referencing Chairman Mao Zedong of China’s movement which ended up causing the deaths of 45 million people.

In my book, The COVID-19 Illusion; A Cacophony of Lies, I show how the entire pandemic debacle is contrived in order to achieve these malevolent ends.

Then there’s the Irish government’s Industry 4.0 Strategy, a salute to Klaus Schwab’s Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Great Reset, which promises that soon ‘you’ll own nothing and be happy’, living in a surveillance state among the Internet of Things and an A.I-driven dystopia.

This is the tomorrow envisioned by the mad hatters in control of the nation. No wonder they are so averse to the idea of a freedom.

Of course there’s Leo’s unhealthy obsession with having us all tagged, traced and tracked through his endorsement of the Mark of the Beast Vaccine Passport program, whilst ignoring the advice of the Council of Europe, the Irish Council for Civil Liberties and many others who anticipate a tsunami of discrimination and an apartheid system – as is already being experienced in Israel.

In truth, Leo Varadkar and his cronies know full well that the protestors who marched on Sunday were not ‘bonkers’. He knows that they are part of an ever-growing segment of Irish people who are tiring of the powers-that-should-not-be.

In truth, Leo knows that those same people have the power to end his hustle at a moment’s notice.

In truth, Leo and his associates know that it is they who are insane. And as soon as the vast majority of Irish people wake up to this insanity and realise that it is destructive to their freedom, their liberties and their way of life, then it’s game over for him.

Leo knows this is not very far away.

The lunatic fringe, indeed.


Gary Jordan is an author, researcher and activist from Dublin, Ireland and author of The COVID-19 Illusion; A Cacophony of Lies.  Keep up to date with his latest articles on Substack.