The Isn’t and the Is

The Isn’t and the Is

by Zen Gardner
November 13, 2023


The virus never yet’s been found
Yet theories based on naught abound
Handy tool, device of ghouls
Another fearful trick to fool

Big bang too, a deft device
Explaining cause with bad advice
“God” works well too, to ‘splain away
With Myst’ry kept at deft abay

To understand is just control
The ego knot, the little troll
Thrives on knowing this and that
That nuisance gnat, the little brat

Show me where this self resides
Lest this contraction be but pride
Illusion traps are woven spells
Made real by other ‘magined selves

Hard to believe? Of course it is
That selfsame self within you lives
Programmed, reinforced at will
Behold our whirled, and hence the ill

Nature not, it’s doing fine
A mirror of the deft design
But humans? Man, what happened here
We bit the apple – now the fear

We can’t let go and trust what Is
Everything is now our biz
The hyperactive fearful self
Will not let go, and that’s called hell


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker, whose personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening  met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into. Zen Gardner does not currently offer public contact details.


Cover image credit: CDD20

Anesthesia — Queen of Cryptocracy

Anesthesia — Queen of Cryptocracy

by Zen Gardner
originally published October 13, 2015


Humanity’s been carefully anesthetized.

Things are moving so fast and crazy and in so many weird directions it’s tantamount to mass insanity going on. Yet most don’t even notice, and that’s the weirdest thing of all.

That polarization is what compounds the problem, and that’s why the cryptos (the ‘secret coders’) love to try to continue to confuse and divide us in every way they can.

Hence the growing divide between the awakened and anesthetized.

It’s coming down to those who dare wake up to reality vs. those who continue on within the projected mind-frame. All have a chance to wake up, but not all will take the challenge and opportunity.

Such is the nature of the Universe apparently.

This ongoing contest seems to be the playing field into which we have been planted, and it is each of our choices individually that will make up any sort of outcome.

All will be eventually resolved.

But at what cost?  Where and in what lies our response-ability?

Medication and Conditioning, Bread and Circus, Omission and Denial

This is where the great schism lies.

The awake and aware have snapped out of the control system. Those who haven’t are being tooled around like puppets on a million nano strings. When you don’t know, you don’t know that you don’t know… and are very easy to keep being fooled.

When you’ve woken up, the world is completely reversed from everything you were told and believed before. You now know that you now know! And everything rights itself and all is clear.

It takes some cobweb clearing to get a handle on the real picture but it happens, and in a relative hurry.

Truth not only defends itself, but drives itself.

How do they maintain this illusion? Mental conditioning is the name of the game for the designers and propagators of the Matrix. Once the pattern is established in its captive subjects, the more you can pour the lies on without them being noticed.

Also disguised is the fact that their every intention for humanity is for control and exploitation… at any cost or consequence to these expendable “human resources”.

To achieve this conditioning requires quite an effort on their part, because we are ultimately irrepressible and they know that.

It’s like chemtrails. If they don’t keep spraying the required concentration of their toxic soup the effects start to wane, like the fluoride dosing and the rest. To keep the vast majority sleep walking they use all kinds of methods and have to maintain them.

It’s also inspiring… because no matter what they do to us they can’t put us out of commission.

Unless they kill us off entirely, but that’s just a promotion to the next level.

Tools that Numb

But what specifically do they control us by?


  • flood our bodies with drugs delivered by any means possible
  • deprived us on nutrition, sunlight and clean air, water and food
  • dumbed down education and a fully controlled media with mind numbing false news and so-called entertainment
  • send electromagnetic smog blasting on the human nervous system wavelength
  • use violence and oppressive fear and terror tactics,

…and on and on.

They do this with impunity.

Imagine the world is a massive internment camp where the captors give the illusion the inmates are free by letting them have a few choices within this massive facility, and disguise the barbed wire fence as gorgeous murals, and the control devices as modern marvels for their advancement.

Wars are a perfect example. All supposedly for our defense, safety and security, when it’s the exact opposite.

Basic Simple Questions

Some fundamental questions that beg answers that are evident before any clear thinking individual:

  • How can a government usurping monstrosity like the United Snakes Corporation and its affiliate thugs gang rape a planet and make it look benevolent?
  • How can obviously lying elitist politicians bought off by the highest bidder be taken as serious entities in governing institutions?
  • How can known secretive government sponsored agencies pull off assassinations and staged bombings and shootings in plain sight?
  • How can the most murderous, supremacist, fascist, arrogant, racist people on earth be called “the chosen ones” and given title to anything they want including their own sanctioned Zionist territory and ravenous, genocidal agenda and be given complete religious, social and political immunity and massive financial support? All supposedly based on clearly misguided insane religious zeal?
  • How can sweeping freedom destroying measures be instituted by “executive order” and other means in a representative republic, or any supposedly democratic regime?
  • How can the food, water and air be deliberately poisoned in public knowledge and in plain sight?
  • How can the genetic modification of not just plants and animals but human beings be tolerated, no matter the stated justification?
  • How can technocratic electro-surveillance, artificial intelligence, robotic warfare and social and mental manipulation be known and accepted as legitimate human altering science and in full implementation for mass control?

….and on and on…

Why wouldn’t people in such an abused situation not go virtually berserk in protest, or a least speak out on a massive scale?

The Hypnotic Rhythm of Anesthesia

Every day I’m just amazed that so few seem to notice what’s going on.

The business as usual behavior and shallow chatter about nothing and the complete dependence on routine behavior for money and phony goals is just mind-boggling.

Clearly, there won’t be a world in which to live even those shallow goals if things aren’t changed drastically.

The day we hope our children and grandchildren to grow up in is quickly becoming not just night, but a literal nightmare.

The snapshot above is from the movie Time Machine from one of globalist insider H.G. Wells’ predictive programming pieces where cultivated humans are routinely harvested in the maws of parasitic beings.

Despite this meme of humanity being fodder for others being shown to mankind for eons via literature or inside messengers, humanity doesn’t get it. It’s another surreptitious way to hide the Truth; sci-fi or story-fy it.

Turn the real direction of the controllers into a fiction, a fantasy, and entertainment.

“A tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury, signifying nothing” as Shakespeare famously said through Macbeth.
Who’s Behind This?

I’m convinced there’s something very occult and spiritual that is ultimately behind all this, and these described techniques are just to augment the signal from the bowels of the Matrix, be they archontic or some other form of inter-dimensional influence perpetrated by willing psychopaths amongst us.

Just as how chemtrails are used by the EMFs to manipulate weather patterns while serving other purposes, they provide an enhanced medium for these spiritual influences to take effect.

The question arises,

  • Is something else being perpetrated on a massive scale?
  • Are we subjects of another realm?

I don’t know…

But does it matter where this oppression originates? I’m sure aware of the possibility and inclined to think so, but that doesn’t excuse or distance me from the very real struggle we find ourselves in.

Fundamentally my awareness of these possibilities profoundly indicates to me that I am truly free. Extremely free. And that has power. Wonderful, conscious, awakening power. And it’s for all of us.

Don’t begin to believe this massive lie, as real as it is being temporarily manifested due to the accepting ignorance of the majority of humanity.

From the religious or financial paradigms to the scarcity and fear of death memes, when you realize what effort they have to make to keep the illusion in place you also realize the extent of your innate power and what they innately fear, a complete reversal of their paradigm.

Grow in the peace of understanding and the courage of conviction, no matter how alone you may feel…

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Big Why and Other Observations  

“We are not “in control”, neither is what appears to be externally in this base level existence, no matter how much it howls and blows.
It truly is “false evidence appearing real.” It’s only real if we buy into it and conform to it. A profound dynamic, best seen outside of all of this.
This is what the true spiritual revolutionaries have always alluded to. It’s profound in every aspect. The real “I Am” of which and which we all are is simply planted inside of this human experience, seemingly separated by individual bodies.”  ~ Zen Gardner


The Big Why and Other Observations

by Zen Gardner
October 31, 2020


This is a hot button question that continually lurks behind the scenes of life’s garish activity and all of its ongoing drama.

It touches on free will, purpose and meaning, and all kinds of deeply philosophical issues. Yet it is a very simple, everyday question any conscious being asks continually within this reactive matrix we call human consciousness. All of which is inside this evolving and often seemingly devolving experience we call life.

Who’s to say what “direction” things should go?

Such questions are a pervading angst on so many levels.

Is there a reason, a meaning, a purpose to anything, immediate or even deeply remote to what we call life?

Never mind for the day to day madness that’s unfolding before our eyes?

It really is a time of opportunity.

Stay with me here. This is tough stuff to try to articulate.

The Meaning of Meaning

Whatever we think we are is always there looking for meaning. Reason and purpose are right on its heels, along with the big underlying question of “why?”

The way bigger question is, who is it that’s asking?

That’s the whopper if we’re willing to go there. If we don’t get that one, all bets are off and we’re trying to perceive things in a primordial soup of mental relativity. We assume self is one thing, the programmed sense of a continual self and reinforced identity, by ourselves as well as our environment.

But is that an illusory perception?

From “just because it is” to the religious default of “it’s God’s plan”, many foundational understandings are much closer to the truth than we realize. They default to “isness”, which escapes the rational mind. Lao Tzu had many mind-stopping things to say about this. Heck, even the Bible says that the supposed God said when asked about his name, “I am that I am.” Clearly derived from earlier teachings.

Profound realities have their way of surfacing. This mind blowing point is found throughout all great teachings.

Things just are. The implied powerlessness of such a simple realization is overwhelming to the ego driven self.

I say good. Deal with it. Head on. That fake self stuff is what’s making such a mess here.

But that’s all part of it too. Nothing is outside of the all pervading “what is”. A tremendous relief to realize. In fact, in that understanding there is no “awake” or “unawake”, despite the polarity of the informational field and the endless treadmill of so-called spirituality. We are where we are.

If you hunger for more, get there.

But I have to warn you, as was wisely said, “The way out is realizing you were never in it.”

Today’s Whirled

Let’s look at today. In my opinion, humanity is being given an opportunity to transcend the bullshit on every level. As the world structure falls apart, much is being revealed. And there’s plenty of time to think about it now.

Whether consciously or subconsciously, or be it so-called deeply intellectual or within the free-for-all of so-called spirituality and belief systems, that big question of “why” looms.

Not so much the how, which we find fascinating to track thinking we can change things – but the “why” is always implied.

As if there has to be a reason. That immediately alludes to a structural form of thinking within the very box from which the “other” is attempting to perceive outside of.

That’s not possible. It’s a closed loop.

Yet we can somehow perceive otherwise – that there’s something more profound going on.

Therein is the key.

This I feel is a time many are approaching deeper questions arising within them. Hence the clinging to religious and otherwise beliefs, or perhaps exploring other perspectives as they arise in awareness.

This is a healthy process, as all processes are. Creation arising in whatever form or circumstance is what’s going on, continually. Only now a great space or pause has been imposed upon humanity to reflect, as well as react.

And most of all, watch them both.

That’s where the cool stuff kicks in.

Who’s watching?

Cause and Effect

To the plethora of historical trackers and research adherents this means a lot; cause and inevitable effect, tracking the story in some sort of quest. But all of this is only true on a timeline of events. The predictable unfolding that’s led up to today’s condition is clear, yet few seem to notice, to the frustration of the trackers.

We may think we know “why” in both scenarios, how it came to pass as well as the acquiescent reaction.

As you know, there are reams of “information” and apparent reasons for both causes and effects. The human mind is fascinated by these.

My question here is; is that the real issue at hand?

How can we proceed if we don’t even know who or what we are?

Tricked by the Programming

This reactivity is a natural programmed reflex. We tend to see things two dimensionally. Action/reaction. All of it is extremely deterministic and by default gives the “game” over to the aggressor. Whoever calls the shots wins in such a board game.

Animated and reinforced, and hence made possible by willing participants.

That’s just how the game works.

Chess, Anyone?

The so-called opponent, as well as those being oppressed by the aggressor, are then forced into a paradigm of fight or acquiesce. If there is a social “tide” that rises to repel such affronts, as happens within small groups and large, balance can be had.

For a time. Then it goes wonky again. It’s bound to. Any real lasting “solution” can only be had by transcendent non participation that comes as a natural state when real liberation occurs.

That, or the oppressors so overplay their hand that the whole game board blows up and we start over.

It’s something like that. Maybe. I’m just observing patterns. I don’t know how this works here any more that you do. But here we are trying to “make sense” of it all.

The thing is, we have the capacity to transcend all of this by simply operating from our natural state derived from rediscovering our true, innate nature.

Not an individual attainment of any kind. Simply aligning with that which is living through us. The great I Am, if you will.

Nothing touches that.

There meaning, purpose and everything we’re so attached to dissolve and we see the illusory game for what it is.

There’s wonderful comfort and peace there. And it never ends.

It’s simply what is living through us – and everything. No “sides”. no right and wrong.

I know, tough to wrap the head around.

Guess what? That head can’t wrap around nada, zip, zilch. That’s where the problem lies.

Conscious bypass surgery comes to mind.

It happens.

What Role Truth? Back to the Why

This ongoing struggle is a remarkable phenomenon. Why life has to be combative in the first place is another big “why”. Hence my theme here.

Not just what’s going on, but why? Haven’t we seen this movie before?

We have to look deeper. There’s great peace, comfort and joy to be found, no matter the circumstances.

Truth has accrued a sort of reverent tone. That’s baloney. Let’s face it, to everyone so-called truth is different. Sure, some facts are facts, but they’re all relative to the observer. This current mass insanity of the human race should be proof enough of that.

The “illusion” of this apparent reality is often referred to. What does that mean?

“It’s just a ride”, “life is a play full of sound and fury, signifying nothing”, “Reality is an illusion although a very persistent one”. All famously common ideas in human awareness.

Let’s apply these profound truths.

As far as meaning goes; Is all of this for “soul growth”, learning, and all of that for some unending identity we think we have? Like the Egyptians, who vehemently lived and prepared for death and the afterlife. The wealthy burying themselves with treasures and even slaves to take with them.

Sound familiar? Did you know Mormons of their inner circle believe the same, that they take their riches with them? That’s also how they hook their biggest contributors as well, I know it first hand. Or how about the so-called elite’s well defensed underground bunkers worldwide, or the psychopathic drive for computerized eternal life?

Anyone see a massive fear of death here? Or more than that, fear of a full on letting go of the false self into the great all permeating ever-present that’s everything and all there is?

What horrendous fear that reveals, on both sides of the same old dualistic coin.

This permeates all of society. And it’s total bullshit.

But what a great illustration.

Do you want to pop out of that? Did you know it’s even possible?

It doesn’t deny anything. You’ll still be here doing what you feel called to do, if anything.

Like Arjuna, who supposedly woke up but still went to battle, but in full on awareness.

I find that totally cool.

There’s no judgment. Only the false egoic mind does that.

Hence the Big Questions

We’re talking nutsville with all of that death fascination I described above. This is exactly what we’re seeing in society today at a base social level, a herd easily led into whatever stall designed for them and overlords driven by insane beliefs based on control and self preservation, at any cost.

Can we see to what extent this ignorance permeates this shallow social environment we were born into?

All of those are fear-based. All just another way of missing the point. That again plays into purpose and meaning attachment as I see it.

The cart firmly before the horse of the “real deal”, to be experienced deeply here and now, and always.

The rest just happens. Or not. No matter, never mind, as has been aptly put.

Yet here I am putting these ideas down in the realm I’m making diminutive in significance.

Go figure.

I’m not really putting anything down, just pointing out amazing inconsistencies even in this realm of so-called reason. There’s something “other” that is implied even from that realm.

What is it?

THIS is IT, there is no other than. But clearly there are lots of “its” in creation, but that’s not our concern, but clearly fun to think about. All kinds of things are running around in the illusion. All for us to explore and to be entertained by.

IT just is and just doing its issing. Just don’t wear a velcro suit of identification. We’ve been there and done that. You’ll get stuck on the chessboard, and worse.

That’s where suffering comes from.

It’s time for liberation. Or not. Either way it’s just what it is.

Oh the irony, eh? See how trying to “figure it out” is just part of this illusion?

We all do find out, either in this life if we’re lucky, or eventually when our corporal existence fizzles out. We don’t know what’s past so-called death but we can be assured there’s absolutely nothing to fear.

It’s all by design, if you will. Ours is to find out now in the here and now. For now.

Or not. Neither way is wrong.

I’m just speaking to those still looking.

The Liberation of Letting Go

You’ll still be here, no matter what you “find out” behind the scenes. That’s the amazing thing. It’s all here and just is.

The human experience is a confluence of very different worlds. Paradoxes abound in all forms of discovery within our realm. We tend to dismiss them in our adherence to what we could call the mental, rational perspective.

It’s a survival technique, based on the thinking that we’d be losing something by letting go. You won’t get much help in the matrix regarding this, although some great teachers have laid these truths bare.

It’s a very individual journey. There’s a collective connection and influence, but it’s still an individual trip. As dynamics go, as we change, everything changes, and vice-versa.

In Semi Conclusion

All of the above referenced dynamics are fear based. Hence the control paradigm working as well as it does.

The “why” stems from that same plane of understanding. The same goes for meaning and purpose. They’re false self preservation driven.

We are not “in control”, neither is what appears to be externally in this base level existence, no matter how much it howls and blows.

It truly is “false evidence appearing real.” It’s only real if we buy into it and conform to it. A profound dynamic, best seen outside of all of this.

This is what the true spiritual revolutionaries have always alluded to. It’s profound in every aspect. The real “I Am” of which and which we all are is simply planted inside of this human experience, seemingly separated by individual bodies.

You’ve known this your whole life.

Hence the hunger, the seeking, even though what was seeking is what you were looking for.

Now is the time to be there, find there, go there. Whatever it takes.

In fact, it will find you if you’re willing and sincere about going all the way.

That’s all it is.

It’s simply arising. No whys, hows, ifs, ands or buts.

The teacher (truth) appears when the student is ready, to reverse the axiom.

Anyone reading this is clearly a candidate.

I wish you well.

Enjoy the ride.

No outcome necessary.

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Ratcheteering — The Mob and the Mind Screw

Ratcheteering — The Mob and the Mind Screw

by Zen Gardner
July 23, 2020


It was wickedly clever of these planners to use that “new normal” meme. The ratchet job into more and more dystopia has been going on for a long time, but this overt label-hanging bumps the very baseline, an irreversible platform from which even more manipulable insanity can be attained.

Not for all, of course. But enough. That’s all that matters to a deranged strategist.

The full meaning of ratchet is quite telling:

–a device consisting of a bar or wheel with a set of angled teeth in which a pawl, cog, or tooth engages, allowing motion in one direction only.

–a situation or process that is perceived to be deteriorating or changing steadily in a series of irreversible steps.

Pretty much nails what we’re experiencing. It’s not intrinsically natural by any means. It’s once again aberrant behavior on the part the deranged few trying to control the many. Yet it’s part of the Universe of possibilities within the construct we’re experiencing.

Weaponized Ignorance

Cognitive dissonance has been fully in effect for a long, long time, a war on the human psyche by those steering the social agenda. It’s been ratcheted up via many vectors of nonsensical contra-positions of opposing ideas, and with very clever verbiage. It thus forces the mass mind to hold many contradictory positions at the same time, forcing a kind of hypnotically induced psychotic state.

Science is their main lever on the fulcrum of the human mind. It’s been made to appear an indisputable foundation of modern truth. That’s a relatively new phenomenon in human history. Hence the term scientism amongst those tracking this phenomenon, which started in earnest at the beginning of the last century but came out of the rationalism of the 17th century. As scientism gained its stronghold, perceptive voices such as Rudolf Steiner tried to warn us, a century ago, but were overwhelmed by weaponized ignorance.

You can see the end results of years of programming all around you, from the Karen brown shirts and contact tracing surveillance, the deliberate implosion of a functional economy and cutting food supplies, to the inane mask wearing and social distancing insanity. This “new normal” is one helluva wonky animal. Yet the collective is buying it.

That it’s so blatantly leading to a vaccination/chipping agenda, with undoubtedly more control and dehumanization to follow, is both ominous and sad to witness. Herded animals heading for the slaughterhouse.

Not all are falling for this, and many are awakening, but there’s enough for a mass consensus and a helluva lot of momentum. It at least seems that way. However, nothing is set in stone. It’s still up for grabs but it’s darkening by the day. They have too many weapons at work on a heavily, generationally programmed population to bring about at least a very messy transition to wherever this might go. Or even end.

But again, as in our lives, it’s only a dream if you can grok that. Remove the fear and “they” or anything about this illusion has no leverage.

We’re witnessing the endgame of a very methodical, deliberate war on human consciousness. This is what we’re facing. There’s no way it could ever succeed. Only on the surface. Again, the story of the human experience throughout the ages. Knowing death is yet another illusion is key to fearless living.

The Mad Scramble

We’re each undergoing a very intense effort to find clarity in the midst of this madness, whether consciously or unconsciously. It’s what we do. The discomfort that cognitive dissonance brings causes what Hegel called synthesis. We create or are willing to accept something in-between or apart from opposing ideas, a type of “new normal” we feel compelled to adopt and adjust to. That’s being handled very adeptly by these psychopathic engineers.

This is what is going on right now, making pretzels of human cognizance. It’s not new, just a full court press.

At this point, anything goes. There’s no foundation in truth, or even common sense. The sweeping tide of perceived acceptance, whether true or not, moves the sea of the collective. There are eddies of questioning and even resistance to this miasmic flow, but the collective eventually moves as directed.

“These are the times that try men’s souls,” as Thomas Paine said about the personal crisis brought on by the very reality of the American Revolutionary War. Contrary to general belief, very few wanted to take on the “crown.” it was the actions of a few that sparked the fire and lit the fuse. (How much of that was also engineered is another discussion but doesn’t negate the point.)

Only now this paradigm is on a global scale.

In the World, But Not of It

There’s nothing new to all of this. It’s the scale of it that’s mind boggling and can feel quite intimidating and even cause a sense of hopelessness. The momentum we sense as to what’s going on is real in its own right. The outlook, with the massive concentration of wealth, power and media driven influence we’re witnessing, does not bode well.

It’s a culmination that cannot be avoided to whatever degree. The avalanche will reach the valley floor. The tsunami will overwhelm the shores and much more, as it already is. “You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.”

What we each determine to do or not do is obviously up to each of us. But we are all the captains of our own ships, our own lives, the only one we really know. It resides within us, the one Truth that dwarfs all others. The external does what it does. We interact with it, are clearly affected by it, and are collectively aware of and influenced by it.

In what way we respond is ours to determine. A lot is being said about fear, and rightfully so. Fear is a contraction of awareness into the realm of a very low level reactive perception of and to the external, based in ignorance. When that fear muscle constricts we have problems.

However, now is a time to dilate rather than contract, and expand to embrace deeper truths and connect with true reality.

Why is This Important?

Is this skirting the issue? Addressing the deeper dynamics of what’s really going on?

You tell me. That’s up to you.

All I can say is stand back and see what’s really going on. Keep your visitor’s badge in plain sight and remember that’s all you are. A visitor having this experience. Operate knowing this is what it is, a sort of dream appearing real, but never forget the eternal being you are.

There’s tremendous liberation of the deepest sort to be had there. It doesn’t mean retreat, it means enter into whatever you feel called to do or not do with full abandon. This is the essential freedom many brave souls have talked about, and fought and died for over millennia.

There, in that knowingness, we find peace and perspective, though all hell assails.

Humanity has lived this over and over. It’s what happens here.

We’re all part of something wonderful and amazing.

Try to stand back and see things from there.

You’ll heave a huge sigh of relief, and find strength and peace you know not of.

That’s the opportunity, hidden in plain sight.

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Good Snake, Bad Snake

Good Snake, Bad Snake

by Zen Gardner
June 16, 2020


Seriously… does anyone take all of this seriously? Can the play be any more obvious?

Not just the black dragon flood of lies and control attempts bullshit, but the white dragon response as well. Wow, illusory creation is having a field day!

Don’t fall for any of it. Simply stand back.

Remaining the observer as much as possible is a healthy perspective All things pass. Just like how clearly the first round of this virus scam fizzled and was unfolding for all to see, the predicted second wave starts, seemingly ahead of schedule.

Of course it is. This carefully sculpted Wuhan resurgence crap “even in the Chinese clampdown model” is a dead giveaway. Again. Can’t the general populace see through this? I guess not, when fear and adherence to external authority is involved.

Don’t get me wrong sincere seekers, rebels and activists of every sort. Sure, do what you feel compelled to do, but do it consciously. We’re within a play playing out, in it but not of it.

This is integral to our very presence here.

Delphi and Other Entanglements

The Greeks are infamous for “seeking a new thing”, a new philosophy or source of so-called truth. It’s encapsulated in that historical context but it’s the same human story throughout time. For example, the infamous Oracle at Delphi. The Oracle at Dephi’s real name is Pythos, as in python. Just another entangling snake. This fume intoxicated so-called Oracle is said to have spoken gibberish which the religious leaders supposedly translated.

Sound familiar? Nothing obvious here.

It’s the same old mantra: “Something or somebody else, please save me and make sense of this! What is really going on?” Always looking to the external and for collective affirmation.

That phenomenon has obviously led humanity down many a path and continues wildly today in one form after the other. The ingrained human response is to look outside of itself for salvation, to the external, to the new idea du jour or event that will seemingly “crack the egg” and bring about human conscious awareness.

A self defined, self inhibiting dead end that only leads to more loops of ignorance.

Humanity is entrained to look to the collective response for affirmation of whatever they fancy. The individual is thereby lost in a maelstrom of mental and psycho-spiritual quicksand. Easily led, easily controlled, easily subjugated. Any new control system is no better than the last.

Good Snake, Bad Snake. All Ultimately the Same

The perceived battle of good vs evil is as old as time itself. This is the paradigm in which we operate and to which we have been conditioned to respond. There are many levels, so don’t be too quick to jump to conclusions. Sure some stuff is obvious to eschew, but other levels lead us into the never-ending pinball machine where the mind games play.

That’s not a conscious realm but a mental one, subject to everything on its levels of easily manipulable perception.

Is it so hard to be aware of black snake influences on the so-called white snake side, or vice versa, to give credence to the black snake’s story? Are people that naive that these are inherent in this construct?

It’s not a pretty picture overall, but one we have to be aware of and deal with. What’s now called “normalcy bias” has a tremendous effect on the easily led majority. Individuals are lost in this miasmic maze, but amazingly
that’s not that uncomfortable to the unawakened, non-individualized persona.

Hence that feeling of collective sludge. That’s not the problem. You are, I am. Until we wake up.

That seeming sense of futility to change everything is born out of ignorance of the true cause.

It’s not out there, it’s in here!

Heroes All

The Hero’s Journey as Joseph Campbell brilliantly tracks has much truth to it. While understanding our process better,, more importantly it’s viewing all of this as an unfolding; a play, a very real one we are each engaged in. The archetypal metaphors are all around and within us it appears.

That’s a major clue right there for any authentic truth seeker. Patterns are throughout our natural realm. Recognition and awareness of these are not just to be taken in some pseudo-scientific manner, but to be consciously aware of and empowered by.

The message I get? “First – see things for how they are”.

Those are my thoughts for the day. Take ‘em for what you will. As this unfolds, it genuinely appears to be a great opportunity, but to those set in their crusty paradigms this will make no sense whatsoever.

I know it’s a tough ride here, especially right now, for all of us. But I also know if I get attached to any sort of outcome or put effects before the essential “cause. I realize I’m totally off the mark.

That to me is the profound image of putting the cart before the horse. Picture that for a minute, you’ll see the insanity of it.

As for solutions? I ask, what’s the real problem, if any, ultimately? Sure there’s survival stuff, but do people even know what they’re ultimately dealing with besides what they perceive are circumstances coming at them?

Or why?

Food for thought.

Do your best to stand back and have fun with the adventure, whatever you do.

The ride could be over at any time.

So what? It’s just a ride!

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The I of the Storm

The I of the Storm

by Zen Gardner
June 12, 2020


Talk about chaotic times. To look on the surface, the external can really get you down. It defies common sense while at the same time it appears obviously engineered to be the way it is.

It’s the reactivity that gets to us.

Sure there are very real threats, especially the techno-insanity being foisted upon humanity. Besides the obvious political and media toxic sewage being pumped out, the escalating Orwellian tracking mechanisms and especially the exponentially increasing microwave assaults are a very real threat to the survival of not just our species, but our entire planet.

All of this is nothing new. They’ve just created a reason to step on the gas using this latest false flag. This time with an unseen threat that again, like the so-called war on terror, is a ploy that has no possible end and can be refreshed at will.

It’s not a pretty picture out there.

The Fear Factor

Fear is an amazing subject. Consciously and subconsciously perceived reality mixed with personal fear based belief systems are what activate the most detrimental effects of all of this. This is where it gets real personal, whatever external forces assail.

Imagine if no one got triggered by the barrage of fake science, or the obvious race baiting going on. It’s not easy sometimes to untangle the spaghetti of entangled influences. I like what Alexander did to the Gordian knot – he just sliced through the bullshit. That’s what the sword of Truth does.

It seems they’re at every turn anticipating and provoking what they consider to be an easily fooled and triggered populace. That’s how this works. And what’s the common denominator?

The individual. How each of us responds, or doesn’t respond to these engineered or even naturally occurring phenomena. That’s where the rubber meets the road.

Imagine again a world of aware, grounded in natural truth people who just said “no way” to this ridiculous lockdown, quarantining the healthy of all things, and stopping all personal contact and their ability to make a living. Never mind the plethora of ridiculous laws and restrictions that have led up to this and will continue to follow.

Trouble is, we’re obviously not there yet as a collective, by a long shot. But times like this get people drilling down deep and open a heaven of a lot of eyes and hearts.

Just seems to be the way things work in this dualistic construct.

Hurricane Central

In the eye of he hurricane is complete peace. If the hurricane is moving, just stay centered with it. Sounds simple enough, I know. But just look at who is reading this right now. Your mind might be doing its usual gymnastics but that center in you or me never moves or wavers. That’s Who is ultimately looking and working through each and every one of us.

Nothing can touch it.

It’s when we venture out energetically and let ourselves get swept up into the storm that we lose our footing. It happens to all of us, but we can always retreat and recover.


There’s no fear there, no reactivity. Just awareness and detached observation. That’s the nature of it, no spiritual giant or super secret password needed.The temptation to get pulled out into the maelstrom can be very difficult. There’s the opportunity. What is it that’s drawing us out? Fixation? Personal issues being triggered by the issue du jour? Anxiety? Fear of the future?

Those challenges are ever present in life. Hence the opportunity. The volume and intensity is being magnified many fold, so things can become crystal clear if we’re willing to honestly look in and see what’s going on within us. All our lives we’ve been entrained to focus on the external while missing the biggest secret hidden in plain sight.

The victim game is built in and stilts growth like no other. That’s looking for footing where there is none, that and a host of other instilled, self justifying mechanisms are just an endless stream of reasons to hold on to what’s false.

Realize Your Real I’s

We’re all in the same leaky boat on an endless ocean. It’s time to realize that and get used to it. This life is ephemeral while appearing very, very real. When we operate from our true center, light and dark, right and wrong, and even life and death fade into their real perspective. Realize you’re just a visitor. Don’t own any of this.

In it but not of it.

I realize this is a very brief encapsulation of a very deep concept, but I and others have written about it plenty.

Go there and find out for yourself. Then operate from there. And stay there no matter what.

It’s the ultimate consciousness “app” where we’re all connected. You’ll find great company there and see all of this through “real-eyes”! We’ve all had glimpses through our unique lenses, why not go to the Source?

It’s always there anyway, why not tap in and find peace, comfort, vision, and amazing inner strength?

“It will be more to you than a light, and better than a known way.”

All the best.

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

In a World Where Truth Doesn’t Matter

In a World Where Truth Doesn’t Matter

by Zen Gardner
June 6, 2020


This latest round of rapidly deployed, over-reaching control mechanisms by packs of free-roaming predators only serves as another wake up opportunity for mankind. The collective consciousness of humanity has been radically shifted and will continue to do so rapidly.

It’s obviously very complex and operating on many levels. Trying to define it at any given moment is like taking a snapshot of a raging river. It’s just a moment in time of an ever flowing torrent of constant change.

We look for trends and patterns in life to gain perspective and stay alert for perceived possibilities. Most of humanity assumes that the source of this life’s complex social structure we experience as a “livestream” is fairly benign, with fairly trustworthy “authorities” managing the stream and its system of levees and spillways.

Until the flood comes — especially when there was no rain.

This oft repeated cycle of social control and its expansions and contractions is remarkable. It appears there’s not a time in known history that humanity hasn’t been ruled and governed in some way, sometimes benignly but predominantly by some form of predatory hierarchy. We take it for granted, yet always long for freedom.

Why is that?

It’s like we’re spilled Chinese checker marbles that inevitably fall into seemingly pre-determined holes we think we chose on some strange gameboard. Don’t you find that strange? Do we really choose our places or is there some sort of cosmically driven force working through us, even despite our social programming? We don’t even know, yet we believe and act like we’re free agents, not really knowing what’s really going on.

Isn’t that stranger still?

Free Range Humanity

The human societal world as we know it does not run on truth. Relative truths, perhaps, but not foundational truth. If it did there would be none of this nonsense since there would be nothing for it to manipulate. You can call it deception if you like, but that’s being generous with the idea of intention. It’s fabrications within fabrications in a fabric of illusion, easily steered by those willing to play the role of controllers.

Hence the ongoing dilemma: Knowing the deep truth somewhere within us yet having that nagging sense of frustration and unfulfillment. This all stems from the external. As was wisely said, suffering comes from attachment. Internal and external, when there’s really nothing to attach to. It’s all an illusion, the false self and this whole drama we call life.

We get glimpses of the Truth through the illusion. It’s a very personal experience. Real truth, which some call the knowing of infinite consciousness, intelligence or love, is beyond and separate from this illusory experience, all the while an innate part of this strange reality, being inclusive in the Universe of all that is. The show or game we’re within appears to be an alive projection in what could be called a limited dimension within the entirety of the Cosmos.

There’s nothing innately wrong with it, it just is. It’s ours to discover that and live free from it, yet a part of if. This presupposed reality, as we call it, is a “persistent illusion” as Einstein is reported to have said,

How Does That Help Me?

Maybe it won’t. Clinging on to beliefs of any sort creates blindness. Lower dimensional thought, if you will, can justify or negate anything it wants. A closed system, and neatly bundled up into one little egoic package.

Until something happens, and your world falls apart.

Enter the reset we’re now experiencing. Millions get their reset awakening by other means than monolithic calamities. Near death experiences, rigorous study or disciplines, psychotropic experiences, serious illness or loss of loved ones, all have eventual beautiful outcomes, but never as we expected.

Really all it requires is some sincere openness and a hunger for what’s truly real and true and some determination and willingness to shed the pressures of conformity and acceptance by others. It can be a long or short path, we’re each unique. But with the blessing of inevitable death constantly standing at the ultimate door to the unknown, it gnaws at every human soul. It’s apparently designed that way, for lack of a better term. Describing and analyzing things does not make the inevitable go away.

And that’s a good thing.

Then suddenly, as is happening on a global scale now, this confrontation with the meaning or essence of life itself comes front and center. What is this miasma of fear but a fundamental fear of death and the unknown? Or much more profoundly, the fear of no self. The fear of losing the very thing we were taught incessantly to hold on to, polish up and improve, or make something worthwhile out of.

Yeah it’s heavy stuff. What else is there? If we haven’t tackled the big questions of life, how can we ever expect to operate consciously?

I can only summarize this by saying perhaps the most profound truth to be found by each and every one of us that has been echoed through the ages;

“What’s seeking is what you’re seeking for.”

What’s looking through you, and me, is what we’re looking for.

Find that and you’re home free. Individually. The collective has to find it themselves, individually.

But Truth is contagious. The morphic field of conscious awareness is shifting, but we must pass that ultimate threshold. That’s true freedom and sovereignty. The most any of us can do is be a signpost to the gateless gate that was there all the time. No knowledge or worked up faith or belief required; no saviors needed, no galactic intervention to “save” humanity, and certainly no political or otherwise structural change will do anything.

YOU are IT!

Anything short of fully waking up out of the dream won’t do squat. If you’re worried about everything “else” out there you are sorely missing the point. First things first. You can track and fixate on it all you want but until you’re home free, a truly liberated being, it’s none of your business and the blind leading the blind will just continue to perpetuate.

Will you pay the price? It only costs everything, including most of all your self and all its bullshit issues.

Why wait until you die to find out?

The rest is illusion anyway.

There’s nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Your call.

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Once Upon a Time…

Once Upon A Time…

by Zen Gardner
May 31, 2020


Once upon a time there was a beautiful planet. Nature reigned without dominating. It simply allowed creation to unfold in all of its magnificence.

A strange species appeared one day. It wasn’t as equipped to deal with its surroundings, oddly enough. No one knows their true origin.

They multiplied and slowly colonized and continued to expand. They seemed to be operating from some foreign installation in their being, strangely apart from the natural rhythm of this virgin planet. All sorts of unnatural ideas and superstitious belief systems abounded.

No one knew what drove this new species for sure. Some were benign and enjoyed their new surroundings. Others sought to gain some sort of control over these new organisms.

Many strange phenomena unfolded over time. It appeared to be a sort of tug of war for control on small and large scales. The vast majority was swept into whatever was being forced upon them.

As suffering and fear for survival increased, so decreased their connection to the planet they were spawned upon. Confusion and fear became the rule of thumb.

Huge castles had been erected at first, then whole cites of castles. Disease and starvation devastated those not killed in feudal wars between factions of those seeking power and control.

Eventually the biggest castles and their overlords decided to try and control the entire planet.

All hell broke loose.

Stay tuned.

I’m still watching…



Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Hypnagogia and the War of Attrition

Hypnagogia and the War of Attrition

by Zen Gardner
May 26, 2020


How could all of this have happened?

“Hypnagogia is the experience of the transitional state between wakefulness and sleep in humans: the hypnagogic state of consciousness, during the onset of sleep. Mental phenomena that occur during this ‘threshold consciousness’ phase include lucid thought, lucid dreaming, hallucinations, and sleep paralysis.”

That’s a pretty apt description of the mass human condition, manifested most predominantly in the vast majority refusing to see the true state of affairs on this planet.  Sleep walking.

As George Carlin famously said. “It’s called the American dream – because you have to be asleep to believe it.”

Speaking of Amerika

The US is in the crosshairs of this global takeover. Why? Because it’s the last bastion of what once represented freedom, and Americans can be fiercely independent. Real freedom was compromised and lost a long time ago, but figments of the idea have lingered on — not just in the US, but in the minds of peoples worldwide. It was a land of  hopes and dreams to which millions flocked or sought to emulate.

Don’t let the seemingly easier lockdown there compared to other draconian reactive regimes fool you. They know they’re dealing with a tinderbox and have a gradual, intricate plan in mind. The government backed surveillance and tracing tech is the giveaway. They’re throwing a massive net and will move systematically.

After all, they’ve admittedly adopted their own creation of Chinese communism as their model. Another skillfully laid piece in their masonic chessboard.

Unfortunately, while no one seemed to be paying attention except a marginalized few, the US was carefully and mechanically steered off course and corrupted, heavily, until it reached the comatose state it’s in today. Not everyone by any means. That fierce freedom loving American spirit lives despite the assail of unfathomable attacks. Just as others worldwide cherish their basic freedoms despite despotic, centrally controlled powers to whatever degree, carefully and deliberately disguised as “democracies” with the illusion of choosing their rulers.

They’re still rulers. That’s the crux of the matter, but I digress.
The Grand Chessboard

“…the three grand imperatives of imperial geostrategy are to prevent collusion and maintain security dependence among the vassals, to keep tributaries pliant and protected, and to keep the barbarians from coming together.”

“The ultimate objective of American policy should be benign and visionary: to shape a truly cooperative global community.”

-Zbigniew Brzezinski, advisor to 5 Presidents

The design for decades has been to turn the American experiment into socialist pulp. In so doing they think they can destroy the hopes and dreams and independent ideas of millions worldwide, or at least erase a once proud reference point. My hat’s off to that deeply conscious and courageous sinew of that spirit and similar people worldwide.

Sorry to say, the real heart and soul of what many have thought was a bastion of freedom had become a mind controlled, perpetually war mongering, parasitic death trap and broadcasting bastion of human degradation.

So called patriotic Americans have been grasping at straws as the ship went out from under them. We’re not talking about shallow patriotism. We’re talking about freedom of the heart and life in its most basic form.

But despite warning after warning, the sirens of propaganda turned their minds into collective mush and participants in an unconscionable, perpetual war and mind screwing propaganda machine.

But now we’re talking about the psychopathic minions’ conniving dream. They think they can stamp out freedom? Or human consciousness for that matter?

Who’s dreaming now?

The War of Attrition

This is how drawn out battles were won in times of old. If the walled city couldn’t be penetrated and destroyed, the attacking armies starved them to death and desperation. They maintained their encirclement and just waited, blocking all supplies and communications, exits and entries.

Asphyxia ensued and surrender was assured.

This is going on to a massive degree with this bogus pandemic. Aerial and water chemical assaults for decades, state sponsored propaganda, electro-magnetic warfare, biological food poisoning and the rest. This latest round started to jack up after 911. They know to clamp down slow enough to not get a reaction.

So they think. Remember, they’re sick, psychopathic, seriously deranged control freaks who somehow claim dominion over us.

Go figure.

Is it any wonder then that in this bizarro milieu truly sick people are not being attended to, jobs and incomes have been cut, travel and availability of goods and services are almost completely stopped while, surrealistically, people have agreed to be confined to their own homes with small, restricted circles of movement? Now food supplies are being systematically cut.

It’s not the virus. That’s obviously a carefully sculpted excuse to step on the gas.

The list goes on and on and it’s only getting worse. The ratchet’s cranked down. If it lets up it won’t be much or for long.

But hang in there.

People are waking up to it. Maybe not to the intricacies and all pervasive nature of it, but they’re getting it at whatever level.

This is a highly financed, meticulously planned and fully insidious war of attrition. And finding out you’re a prisoner in someone else’s dark dream is not an easy leap.

Just Watch and See

Expect the unexpected. Don’t let despair or anger govern your mind and heart. This is a long time war on humanity showing its ugly face. That’s a good thing. People couldn’t hear the warnings before, but now they can see the truth for themselves at the most basic level. What follows in their personal awakenings will be organic.

We cannot deny this is happening. It is. It’s beyond Orwellian, Huxlian or even dystopic, yet it’s here and happening. It’s our current reality. We have to face it head on.

Life starts and we begin the dying process. Joys, fears, tears and all the rest. There are ups and downs and none of us escape the ride.

Seeing clearly what’s going on is part of liberation at its most basic level. This head on confrontation can only work for good despite whatever assails.

Anytime we come to terms with our own mortality and true state of being is always a massive opportunity. Lives change for the better, people wake up.

Get there first and let your actions follow, but only from there. The temptation to be reactive at a base level of fear must be consciously and deeply overcome first.

We have nothing to lose, Nothing.

“They” however, have everything to lose. Hence the desperation and rapid deployment of every weapon they can conceive of.  So what. It hasn’t worked so far and never will.

We are not just resilient, we are eternal Source within human form.

If we can see the bigger picture and find our true inner, unlimited resource and operate from there we’ve already won.

Just my two sense.

Keep heart.

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.


The Irony and the Ecstasy

The Irony and the Ecstasy

by Zen Gardner
May 24, 2020


I find it especially ironic that this latest round of draconian clampdown is based on a media perpetuated invisible virus meme. No big war, no attacking enemy, no material weaponry, staged boogeymen or concocted “terrorists”.

Yet this barrage of propaganda worked like a charm.

Well, there are terrorists, as usual just the same old perpetrators. The overarching enemy within the gate, its very rulers managing the human farm, now draping a shroud of containment and despair on seemingly helpless humanity.

Isn’t this surreally strange? Yet everyone worldwide responded more than they did to the phony war on terror or any other geopolitical or economic threat.

And whammo! One big bad bark from perceived authority and into the can humanity fled, and continues to cower in — even becoming enforcers themselves to degrees that escape comprehension.

Why Is It Ironic?

“Irony, in its broadest sense, is a rhetorical device, literary technique, or event in which what appears, on the surface, to be the case, differs radically from what is actually the case. Irony can be categorized into different types, including verbal irony, dramatic irony, and situational irony.”

Here’s another part of the definition:

“A literary technique, originally used in Greek tragedy, by which the full significance of a character’s words or actions are clear to the audience or reader although unknown to the character.”

Were it so, then everyone would know it’s just a play. Unfortunately the audience is only partially getting it. The vast majority are mesmerized and bought into not just the play, but the part that was designed to make it interesting with contrast. Like rooting for yin versus yang or vice verse.


One part of the irony is that the individual biological miracles that we are, so called viruses that have been around for eons are what we are fully equipped for. We’re not equipped for thermonuclear war and all of this mechanized insanity out there, but we are innately built to use good viruses as well as withstand deleterious ones.

It’s innate, just as the built-in core of our existence is wide awake, full on eternal consciousness capable of withstanding and transcending anything on this or any other plane.

In fact, we’re born of viruses and they’re an integral part of our make up. The fact that this is a clearly ramped up seasonal flu scare the whole world fell for, whatever attached mechanics, is the dark irony. The fact that so few have caught on to the sham is what makes it dark.

Cognitive dissonance is a more permeating definition perhaps. Call it what you will.

But don’t you find that strange that this would be their weapon of choice? If you think about it, doesn’t that strike at our very aliveness as supposedly conscious organisms?

It just shows they can weaponize anything, even our own minds.

Especially our own minds.

That’s what’s been eating Gilbert Globe.

It’s Really Nothing New

It’s all so dumbfoundingly amazing. We’re built to withstand all kinds of physical invasions of our very bodies. What we’re witnessing is an externalization of the process once again, as aggressive forces “do their thing” on the body politic, so incredibly easily manipulated simply through thought control.

But what’s new, really? It’s just being made magnificently manifest. It’s almost a favor to mankind. The hypnotic state of humanity is what sages, seers, prophets, philosophers and awake activists have been pounding on for ages.

This has always been the case. How else can such a small minority control such vast populations? That’s what it’s all about. Always has been.

Control – through external threats if they got out of line, and most of all internal mind coercion.

Nothing to Fear – At All

It’s just the dark machinations of the controlling few on the full on jumbotron of life for all to see. Lucky for them most of humanity is pretty well sound asleep in a state of anaphylactic fear.

Maybe it’s too obvious. Could that be it? Like the famous line saying if you tell a lie, tell a big one, otherwise no one will believe it. Go for the jugular, the whole enchilada.

Well, they just did. And here we all sit, even further confined in this already toxic fish tank.

It’s a gift. The boil burst. Everything is plain as day.

What each individual does with it is what’s playing out. History has some profound lessons in this regard, how empires rose and fell. And here we are in a global demonstration.

Some will get it, some won’t. We can’t judge by outward appearances or at all by what the borg “news” says. There’s a heaven of a lot of awakening going on at many levels.

The Squeeze Is On

The great wine press of life’s experience is in a full court press. It’s not “bad” in any conscious context, it just is. Life is playing out, as difficult as it is.

That doesn’t mean we don’t each do our part as participants in this grand unfolding. That’s what we each do. We reach out, to comfort, strengthen and encourage others. That shows the diabolical nature of isolation, social distancing and censorship. Something seems to sense our connectivity is extremely empowering.

It’s asphyxiation by design. But like I told a friend years ago who felt swamped and submerged in her very difficult situation:

Grow gills.

Feel like you’re forcibly submerged underwater and suffocating?

Grow gills.

That’s what we do. We dig deep and find the true wellspring, our true untouchable Source.

When that happens, ALL of life’s trials are seen as blessings in disguise, nothing but continued opportunity until we transform our entire outlook and understanding and truly awaken.

And we find it was worth it all.

Reminds me of the guy abandoned at the end of a rope in a deep well and couldn’t get out. He thought for sure if he let go he’d plummet to his death. He eventually couldn’t hold on any longer and just let go.

And he fell 10 inches.

Our foundation is solid rock. Let the fiery trials and blasts of ignorant idiots fly, it can’t touch what we’re truly made of.

If this helps people find that place after years of chances and even willful denial, now piled heavier with doubts and fears on every side….


No one gets out of here alive. Not the corporal us.

The real deal lives forever.

Might as will find that forever now.

It’s a great opportunity.

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Only Way Out Is In

The Only Way Out Is In

by Zen Gardner
May 21, 2020


External reality got you down? Pretty well destabilized and confused? 

I know as well as you how intense and personal this all is. I’m in the same mess wherever it came from or whatever crippled state of humanity brought this on. 

We’re all in the same hole-ridden boat on an endless ocean of discovery. 

We can describe all day the obvious workings going on. The tendency to externalize with blame or to accuse is universal in this dumbed-down experience. And this abject sense of futility is nothing new either. 

Humanity has submitted itself to rulers since inception. Paying the fiddler is continuous as well as dramatically cyclical.

This Current Maelstrom Was Inevitable

Mankind has been begging for it. If you don’t believe me, look at the degrees it’s gone to to repeatedly jump through every hoop it’s been told for ages. 

It’s pathetic but we grew up in this mess. It’s time to break the cycle.

It’s not the rulers. It’s the worship, fear of, and adherence to rulers and the loss of true selfhood that this all stems from. You get what you pay for. Everybody knows that. We just don’t like stuff when it applies to ourselves. It’s always the other guy or something external. 

Pure programmed, dualistic bullshit. Yet we keep falling for it.

The external is an extension of what’s within. You may have to wrestle with that one for a while but it’s true. We think we can see it in others but not ourselves. If you do you’ll come out the other side. It’s a way better view from there.

No worries.

Collective and individual willfully unconscious humanity has clearly brought this upon itself but it always works towards evolution, however painful.

None of us are above this challenge. It’s a personal battle that should have been fought and won individually a long time ago but society is geared otherwise and we’ve had to find our own way. Clearly few have pursued the real challenge and now we find ourselves in this collective mess. 

It’s time to face up to ourselves.

It’s Just Cycling Through – Look for the Fire of Real Truth

That all may sound morose, fatalist or even escapist to some but it’s the truth. But we don’t like the truth, unless it suits our perceived needs. Humanity has been coerced to be reactive but nothing can quench our true aliveness.

You know it. I know it.

Ironically it’s like this trumped up virus itself. Viruses are an essential part of our make up. Many challenging ones cycle through creation and make us stronger and prune the human tree, as life continually does. This external “enemy du jour” is a mind game. 

Unfortunately or perhaps inevitably, crippled humanity was ripe for this. 

So be it.

Nature is more wondrous than we know; that true Universal Nature which permeates and applies on the grandest scheme of things, more than we can imagine. 

But we don’t like that idea. It requires humility and submission. Not to false authority, but to the Source of Creation itself. We seem to default to and even prefer living under control by others, including fabricated, self assuaging belief systems, rather than take the responsibility to be truly free and natural. 

We need to look for the fire of truth in whatever we see or experience. It’s all around and within us, escaping reason and defying everything illusion throws at us.

What’s Going On Here?

Metaphorically, this appears to be something of an almost occult ceremony playing on the fear of death, as has been playing out for eons. There might be a “they” who wholeheartedly work with such seemingly adversarial energies but it’s simply the cycle of life itself. Just as the scarcity meme has, or a plethora of other easily imposed mechanisms have self-crippled the full human experience by humanity’s compliant subservience. 

We seem to find some strange form of confidence or false footing there, very much like Stockholm syndrome hostages, to be blunt.  

Does that sound harsh? That’s just how raw truth sounds to those in love with their dream state and prefer not to be woken up. We can blame circumstances all we want. Until we dig deep and find what all of this external stuff is attaching to and easily manipulating within us, this cycle will wash, rinse and repeat. 

I don’t know about you, but I know the buck stops there. Until we’re willing to truly wake up, this illusion will continue to keep its foothold. 

Scream against the machine all you want, you’re missing the point.

And Why All This? 

That’s a sort of sacred question. “Why” never has a true answer as it’s based in the rational mind, one of our installed tools that has been groomed to become an obstacle, for whatever “reason” in our strange predicament and conscious evolution. 

Give it any meaning or excuse you want. That’s what we do when we cower from real truth to distance ourselves from facing ourselves. I battle the same shit you do.

If I were to guess in the rational realm, perhaps the “reason” is to purge and purify and reveal the majesty of life, as life resolutely does day in and day out in the resounding natural world around us. 

In nature there is no fear of death or controllers. Nada. Nature just is.

But what else can burn off the dross of willful ignorance other than the fires of intense adversity? I don’t know, but that’s perhaps part of it.

We can only identify cycles, rhythms, and repeated patterns to learn from. Your conjecture is as good as mine but what underlies remains.

We each are the only experience we’ll ever know, however we paint the external. 

“Who” then are we? Have we even bothered to find that out yet, beyond this shallow shell of constant programmed action and re-action? 

Until we do this will continue. Individually and collectively.

Go Ahead

Try to tell people things like this, that their whole reference point is off, obscured, corrupted and hijacked. Have a go at it. You’ll run into an egoically driven shitstorm with more unsubstantiated and full on fabricated escapist ‘reasons” and beliefs than you can imagine.

The ego holds on, to the death, and will attempt to devour anything in its path toward continued dominion over its subject. 

That’s why it has to die. This false self thing has controlled majestic humanity for a long, long time although many have awakened out of it. 

And what do we do? We kill those people. Some teachings have survived but to little avail. 

Whether humanity starts to “get it” this time around is not within anyone’s control.

Like you, I simply describe what I see and experience.  

What anyone does with it is none of my concern. The outcome is not the issue, but heartfelt communication is the very act of love itself. That’s what we do.

Knowing we’re not alone in this experience comforts and empowers the heart. Love is our natural expression. We each have to let it burn brightly no matter what. That is the only force that can counter the deleterious effects of illusion. 

Large or small there’s no difference. Let it shine.


That’s all that matters.

Dispel the Illusion with Inner Truth

Don’t let illusion scare, depress or freak the crap out of you. 

Don’t feed It with your attention and give it no quarter. This latest external manifestation is but another carefully fabricated lie that was destined to come into being due to humanity’s own willful ignorance. 

It’s just another extension of the massive lie that only grew stronger over a compliant host for centuries. Parasites feed on a seeming dead and dying host. 

We are at an apex. One of many, but apparently a big one. A point every life should have come to individually a long, long time ago. Now it’s a collective one, a seeming network of “evil” that can only work to serve our growth and struggle to come alive, as all challenges are.

So much for the eternally combative good and evil meme, but few caught in the dualistic paradigm will grasp that. They need enemies and boogeymen to keep the game afloat. That’s all it is.

I see it as an opportunity – to truly wake up or go down the sewer pipe through the colon of history. The same challenge that was presented to our forefathers for generations. 

Many woke up, many more didn’t. The great mandala goes round and round.

The choice is up to each one of us. Leap into the unknown or follow the fabricated path to virtual hell to put it in graphic terms. 

But it’s an individual process. The collective is nothing to look to or depend on; it never has been. 

It Doesn’t Matter in the Grand Scheme of Things

All is well where it matters. 

You’re already there deep inside. Let that be your guide. 

That doesn’t go away. It never will. Fear of death itself is the ultimate illusion that has kept mankind in bondage for eons. All other fears are connected. Don’t let that snare your soul.

Our natural state is fearlessness. You already know that.

This illusion may fly apart in total chaos but the real You cannot be touched.

Find rest, strength and guidance there.

It will arise within you. It’s always been there and always will be.

No effort needed.

We are the apocalypse. The great revealing. The external is merely a reflective screen. Don’t judge anything by it. 

We each are part of the massive, co-creative Universe in and of ourselves. 

Tap into it.

Find peace and rest beyond comprehension. 

It’s unshakable and there for the taking.

Stand tall.

Much love, Zen

Only when the way ahead seems impossible will you have found it.”  – Tao de Ching


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Zen Gardner with John Consemulder on the Human Condition

Zen Gardner talks to The Human Condition Tv host John Consemulder

by TheHumanCondition
posted April 22, 2020 (recorded June 2016)


View video at YouTube. Mirrored at BitChute.

This conversation was just made public for the first time (April 22, 2020), but was recorded in June of 2016.

Zen Gardner talks to The Human Condition Tv host John Consemulder.

A deep talk about what it means to be truly awake(ened), to live according to your calling, the dilemma to take action or to be at peace (or to do or to be), the future of humanity and natural evolution, true change and what it takes, the cabal or illuminati (and our own ‘New World Order’) and more.

Actually some cosmic timing, because this talk reflects our current state of affairs worldwide and how to handle it, during this amazing opportunity for true change and worldwide transformation.


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Quo Vadis?

Quo Vadis?

by Zen Gardner
April 10, 2020


“Quō vādis is a Latin phrase meaning “Where are you marching?”. It is also commonly translated as “Where are you going?” or, poetically, “Whither goest thou?”.

Which way are we going? That’s not just a collective question, especially when it’s so clear where this is all recklessly headed. But it’s always an individual question. Do we align with social norms and in this case global draconian control and adopt that fear based mind set?  Or do we have a personal recourse and unshaken freedom even in the midst of all of this?

That’s kind of a trick question. It depends on how and through which awareness we look at all of this. To submit to fear is to align with the program and your mind and actions will follow. To whatever degree. While this external insanity clearly exists and we seem to be flushed down the system stream of things, we always have profound autonomy and free will.

What direction in our personal lives are we taking, be it mental or spiritual? Where are we individually going in our inner being and therefore outward expression? Where are our true inner convictions about life and existence? Do we see through and beyond this madness and enjoy inner peace and clarity, just as we could have perceived all along during calmer times? Or are we being overwhelmed with stimulus/response programming and denying our inner being?

There is always freedom of choice. How we steer our personal ships in this life, either consciously or circumstantially, is always up to us.

That cannot be taken away despite the insane rantings of the control grid psychopaths. They’ve always been operating in plain sight, just now they’ve come out full force – arrogant and blustery as the so-called Devil himself. The beauty of this experience is the opportunity to realize this and see our inner heart and voice come alive.

A Time of Immense Opportunity and Awakening

This predicament begs the entire issue of the dualistic nature of our existence. We are two types of being in one. We live in these amazing life forms called human bodies, incredibly intricate creations born onto a planet with its own seeming laws and subsequently imposed social paradigms. Then there is this knowing “soul” within us, virtually looking THROUGH each one of us.

It’s real. It’s who we truly are.

This paradox has been the quandary of pundits, philosophers and religious teachers throughout the ages.

What’s happening in our external world now, as disruptive and disturbing as it is, is clearly a time of opportunity to awaken to deeper truths. If people’s individual lives have not yet given birth to deeper realizations, all of this can be extremely troubling and confining, or it can give birth to who we truly are.

Some have pursued these deeper questions diligently as part of their life paths. Others, as death eventually does for all, are facing these questions full on in the face of this global takeover with very personal consequences on their personal freedom and quality of life.

It’s Nothing New – Only Intensely Condensed and Magnified

I have no doubt every human has given these issues some thought at some level. Religion and belief systems have given various degrees of satisfaction to those who have aligned with such ways of thinking, looking for comfort and solace, as well as default answers to the deeper questions we all inwardly ask. Most answers we are “told” are way stations that are simply hooks for people to hang their hats on. It wasn’t all that important to most, just a nagging question perhaps in the back of their minds. Now they come alive!

“If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything”

So how does this apply now? As it always has, only it’s massively magnified. Fear is jolting most people’s psyche on many levels. Will I see my loved ones again? Will I be tracked and categorized as many nations are either doing or proposing as is clearly coming down the pipe?

That’s not a small question.

This has never been so true on such a scale. Many of us knew this was coming – for ages. We were mocked and vilified and marginalized. Even now as this blatant fulfillment of every warning unfolds it will intensify and may mean standing in a very precarious place.

So what. That doesn’t matter. It never did, but now less than ever.

We stand in conscious infinite awareness, our souls untainted by this madness.

Stand. It will pass, and we may with it.

It really doesn’t matter.

Letting go of this worldly illusion has never been a bigger, more awesome and empowering opportunity.

Find your Source code. What you do with it is up to you.

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Dung Foo Flu and How to Sell a Psyop

Dung Foo Flu and How to Sell a Psyop

by Zen Gardner
January 27, 2020


A Little Psyop Background

First, they have to control the big money players. How? With money of course, and perceived power. Payouts, positions of power, massive profits, and also increasing that mass accepted demon from hell, “the bottom line”.

A bottom line they will cross over for the big surprise some time in the not too distant future. Or not. Maybe they, like us, are just actors? But I seriously digressed there…

How do you think 9-11 got pulled off, with it being as obvious as hell with what happened to any half brained nit-wit never mind smarty pants? The “reason” was more multifaceted than we can imagine although many have tried to track it – from profit and war to the supposed occult junk and everything in between.  It wasn’t just the war machine already cranking up its engines, nor the banksters waiting to suck trillions out of the body politic. You probably know the list, it’s mind boggling. The parasites capitalized on every aspect of it; economically, militarily, governmentally, socially, energetically and on and on. That’s just what they do – it was planned for decades and a master stroke of insane genius.

We know that now.

An essential part not much spoken about that forms a bridge in awareness perhaps was the ever important go-betweens. The ever important corporate and government assholes, the enabling order followers for profit or whatever sick kick, who were taken in on the little secret and given a world of reasons why it needed to be done. As well as why they needed to shut the hell up about it. It was clearly a vast number or co-conspirator/enablers from around the world. But most of all, the bait was pretty packets of profits and power they’d derive immediately and in years to come. As well as save their own asses and that of their families if they ever leaked what they knew. Tough bargain to resist.

But they’re still despicable skid marks on humanity. Such is base human nature at its worst.

All for the greater good of course. They actually believe that crap. That’s the breach many can’t hurdle, but it’s the way these psychopaths have thought and operated for eons. Realizing that has been a major part of this worldwide wake up. But it’s very late in the game.

We’ve tracked this stuff a long, long time, but we have to see through the anger and frustration and repeated screaming about it. This is a very, very cold, logical and pragmatic process for these parasitic, psychopathic, non-empathic tumors of the human race which people need to stand back and realize more fully.



We’re Not Stupid – Dung Foo Flu Is Another Desperate Grab

You can apply all of those characteristics above to this convoluted, fabricated Nero-like coronovarius violin pandemic attempt, the latest favorite step tumor, uh, step child. Just the latest one, that’s all it is. There’s LOTS of money to be made, big Pharma and stand by “security” measures and WHO declarations, and now watch the UN jump in with some new “virus police” and “new measures” set into place. There’s a litany of engineered bullshit, all with power plays and favors in the background, and all kinds of crap going on, as usual.

We’ll see where it goes, but more global control is always the background story; moving very large pieces of machinery into place with the public’s agreed imprimatur. The sub-stories of undermining the Chinese and the fake global enemies scheme, the industrial cover up, engineered diseases gone amok, depopulation and stupid Bill Gates’ programmed bumbling of admission etc., all of which have validity, will get all kinds of dutiful alternative coverage.

Fine. We get that. Look deeper.

None of these are new memes yet nevertheless inhabit the group consciousness we’re all swimming in. Yet they are again essentially distractions and energy grabbers if we stop there.

Beware. Be very aware.

Incremental control is all this parasite appears to be concerned about. Nothing is too macabre to perform to get its way. It’s nothing new. It never is. So why fall for it? Why be an energy they can “grab”? A bit esoteric perhaps, but so be it. The control crap is about you, and your mind, soul and spirit. All of ours. The collective in that wrong sense is an illusion. It’s personal first and foremost. It starts and stops right there.

Yin and Yang and all that stuff have extremes. Extreme extremes. So what’s new? We’ve seen this game played out since time immemorial.The thing is to consciously stand back, remain detached and stay intact and apart, truly awake consciously. See things for what they are and don’t get caught up in them. That’s step one.

And step two, three and four.

Then, most importantly, is finding out who’s looking through us. That’s the real you. Not this mesmerized egoic information addicted reactive thing – an ironically similar ping ponged control-based false self in unconscious controlled opposition to what they are.

That’s a mouthful. I can only wonder – is this perceivable to anyone?

It’s two sides of the same coin. But only in their realm. We are not of that realm. Don’t be fooled.

It’s full on weird but it’s just the way it is here. What we were groomed to think is a full on trap.



The MO Is Always the Same

Whether it be social engineering, media manipulation or some kind of other worldly dark spiritual influences, it doesn’t matter. It’s an attention grabber and ultimately an energy director – and sucker. The frustrating part is those who most need to hear this won’t get near it.

My advice for what it’s worth is to stand back. Be conscious. Don’t feed it. “We” see “them” and this silly illusory game and the more who disengage the less they have to go on. I know that implies an understanding needed on an apparently grand scale, but not really. It comes only by individuals waking up. It will never be a “group” thing – like this insane idea that a new system will solve everything.

That’s the definition of insanity if you ask me.

This all applies to this stuff going on or any other nonsense. Because there will always be more. Fear is a very subtle thing, but fascination is part of it. That’s how hypnotists operate. Focussed attention in the submitted, including fear, state can be manipulated like a puppet. It’s a known fact. Fear is its basest appeal, yet humanity has been programmed to respond to it in ways few have begun to realize – including you and me at levels few dare to explore. It’s very sad but true. We all have a lot to learn.

Desire and suffering are interlinked. It’s a challenge for all of us. That’s the real issue.

Don’t be a puppet on any level. With this latest scare or any other.



Just Talking Fundamentals Here 

There’s no hocus pocus involved or deep mystery. That’s what they play on, ignorance. And our fascination for knowledge and complexity, all egoic mind junk.

Same game as always in Maya’s playground.

Resist or expose at whatever level you feel called if need be, but in awareness – just don’t be part of it or play into it. Stay fully awake. There is a very important distinction to be had. Play, but don’t take it too seriously. I guess that will make sense when it does.

Who we truly are is not part of all this, just living through us in some magnificent way. It’s way simple but finding our way back to that is quite the ride. Nothing is as it seems in illusion. Just the nature of the game. It’s not escapist, it’s true reality. I listen to Alan Watts or read some Lao Tzu when I get entangled and out of balance, or just cut out and walk by the local river or some other nice distraction, which is often. It’s no easy ride here for any of us.

Find your true source. There we find peace that passes all understanding.

We’re in this together. Let’s make the truly best of it.

And never lose our sense of humor as we waltz our way through this insane playground.

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity. And I’m not sure about the universe.” 


Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

So What?

So What?

by Zen Gardner
January 20, 2020



So what about the latest so-called secret revealed?

Who wants to know?

And what is it we’re looking for?

An answer? What exactly is the question? Do we even know?


And the big one again: Which “who” exactly wants to know? And why?

We think we’ll finally get a handle on this thing called existence.

Really? Billions of books and millions of teachers

Do you see any difference being made?


To awaken? Then what? And what awakening exactly, and to what?

Isn’t it all inside the same illusory bubble, designed to be exactly what it is?

Levels to nowhere. There is no summit, just endless climbing and spoutings

To where? It’s all in the mind which is so easily misled.


Aren’t we already where we are?

What’s with all the angst and self effort?

Where is it taking us? Is humanity ever dying of improvements

When nothing essentially can be “improved” in the first place?


Especially when we haven’t first accepted the way things are?

Maybe we’re already complete, whole, and perfect.

Maybe we just can’t see it due to distraction and fake, pride filled effort

Caught up in the rat race to nowhere we assume is the treadmill to jump on.


Where did it get any of them? Or us? Our age is the darkest yet

When you look at the degree of deceit, control, death and suffering.

Who says there’s cycles, or ice cream castles awaiting us?

Always striving in the maze, the hamster wheel to nowhere.


The better way is no way. Our starting and ending point is zero.

No self, what the ego dreads. It wants to play the game that isn’t even real.

Oh, we can play anyway. That’s what it’s for. But while knowing what it is.

But taken so seriously? What the hell is wrong with us?


We missed the starting and ending gate that isn’t even there.

We’re willfully blind to the obvious – it is what it is what it is.

Is that so hard? Apparently. The pattern and futility are obvious.

But not in that blind state. When will humanity even begin?


Some tried to tell us. We killed them, or buried them in belief systems.

The real Truth totally blows the game wide open.

We don’t want that. We want to think it’s real.

Ignorance is ignoring. We’re caught up in blatant self infatuation.


Our knowing and growing is an illusion. It goes nowhere, really.

Unless it leads us to real submission to Truth, real Truth. Not mind junk.

That takes humility and some serious self annihilation.

Mustn’t go there. After all, that’s the birthplace of all fear, loss of self.


We love fear in all its forms. We love reacting. It makes us think we have purpose.

That’s the beauty and role of ever present death, a total gift.

The parentheses of birth and death we cleverly ignore.

We just gotta gotta gotta figure it all out. Again I ask, why?


We just can’t let go, and simply trust.

But we will, sooner or later.

Why not sooner?

I really don’t know. I’m in the same leaky boat.


Fun ride, eh?


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Let Go of the Reins

Let Go of the Reins

by Zen Gardner
January 17, 2020



Let go of the reins, the horse it knows better

Stop yanking and cranking, to all you go getters

You are the rider, with barely control

Force if you will, but you’ll pay the toll


Let go of the rudder, the ship knows its way

I know, that takes trust, life’s lesson at bay

“Trust in the sea, that tumultuous pest?”

Here’s where the problem starts, and should rest


Control’s an illusion that’s determined to fail

Though our programming tells a so different tale

We try and we push in persistent illusion

For what, may I ask? This world of confusion?


We follow on, in control’s paradigm

A reaction rehearsed, and something to mime

Look only to nature, its natural flow

Some adaption perhaps, its rhythm to know


But don’t force the ship, the horse, or the life

There are currents to follow and allow without strife

“Relinquish control? It must do what I tell!”

That my dear friend is the voice out of hell.



Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

How Many Rounds?

How Many Rounds?

by Zen Gardner
January 14, 2020


How many rounds of same old stuff until the bubble pops?

How many times to learn in life until frustration stops?

Layers up and layers down while wheels go round and round

“The bottom now we finally hit? There’s hardly any sound!”


The ground breaks through, false floor again, as mind bursts round the bend

“Again?” I cried. “Another lie? When will this learning end?

“I’ve tried it all, took every fall, I’ve searched for treasure wide!

Surely answers wait beyond the gate, I know it deep inside!”


“Aha” a voice so gently mocks, loving yet amused.

“It seems that seeking answers are why you are thus con-fused.”

I gasp for air and strength to bear, “Another round?” I mused.

This weary searcher, heart in hand, is clearly just bemused.


“It’s never wrong”, the Voice’s song, “Just let it come to you.”

“What you seek is what you are. This is the seeker’s rue.”

“But why this seeking, hungry heart? What is it I can’t see?”

“You’ll reach an end, when’ere it hits. The layers just a tease.”


I pondered there, on umpteenth floor, soon looking for a door.

“Step through it now” something calls. “Yourself your only moor.”

“How can that be? I’m only me! The truth I seek is all!”

“Leave all behind and step on through, you’ll see there was no door.”



Our seeker drops his hands to side, and thinks there’s aught to lose

“I’ve tried it all repeatedly, OK, I’ll step aside.

I’m weary with the traveling, the running here and fro

There’s clearly now, aft all attempts, nowhere else to go.”


“It’s never here, yet always is.” the Voice in comfort speaks

“Outside this realm yet always in.” The riddle seems to peak.

“I know the truth it permeates” I cry, “Yes every living thing!

But crashing down thru barriers has been no pleasant fling!”


“So what?” retorts of the voice of Truth. “What schedule are you on?

You presume to know or understand before you’re even born.

That ignorance has parted you, and prevents like prison moat

Survival of this thing called you is what’s kept self afloat.”


“In punctured time, creations rhyme, you think you understand?

Humility is knowing self has nowhere aught to stand.

You are not you, as you perceive, in fact you’re just like me.

Keep falling through, and graceful take, the who and how to be.”


I’m flummoxed now, yet calm somehow. I know it’s Truth I hear

It resonates with all I’ve learned, yet learning is not Me!

The cycles burst and bubbles pop, alas we’ve given birth

To what was true so all along. What all of it was worth.



Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

I’d Rather Die

I’d Rather Die

by Zen Gardner
January 12, 2020


I’d rather die and be alive
Than die and just be dead
I’d rather fry than compromise
With flies around my head
“Death to Self!” the placard screams
While anger inside roils
“End it now, it pointless seems!”
Midst oceans on the boil
“What is this ego death, pray tell
What is this end to self?”
The specter looms with grin from hell
“Perhaps be truth thyself”
The banter rolls around the cage
Dampened by the fluff
Muffled, no expected rage
The audience? A bluff.
The lusting, liquid mind is quick
“No matter – hit the spot!”
“Perceive or not perceive I will!
Believe, or I am not!”
The pixelating picture fades 
And falls to end of screen
Illusion and its many grades
Were never as were seen
The show goes on, the limits burn
Like layered walls of brick
Yet slowly, ever slow we learn
That naught will ever stick


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

So Why Are We Here?

So Why Are We Here?

by Zen Gardner
December 31, 2019


First off, who says there needs to be a reason? We may look at our lives linearly and think causality is at work, but is it? Besides, what is it that’s asking for a reason? Isn’t that the contraption built by that severely limited paradigm we’re trying to wake up out of?

And wouldn’t having a reason imply a desired outcome? Where did that come from?

It all sounds like presumption born out of ignorance to me. Short-sighted and unaware to the max if we’re even the least bit conscious. I know, pretty severe, but hear me out, if you want.

What Then?

What is this directive control system implanted in the human mind that seeks so hard, that tries so hard, that constantly seeks ratification for its questions and cravings? Is that truly who we are?

Maybe it’s an implant of sorts. That’s one way to think about it, at least in relation to our pure conscious awareness. A lot’s been said about the possible “foreign installation” through the ages. Is that really the case? Or maybe it’s the outgrowth of some brain function that got the “big head” that we can fit the ocean of existence into our teaspoon pea brains and call it ours and control it?

Something’s amiss. At least it sure looks that way when you examine the psychopathic nature of false science, religion, politics, economics and all the rest of these parasitic institutions for eons that are now apparently reaching a crescendo of insanity.

Better yet: does it even really matter where it came from or how it so-called evolved in the human condition?

Maybe it’s always been this way since our inception, whatever or whomever we are. I don’t know about you, but I don’t trust “science” or “history” or human reason of any sort one bit, except maybe a few obvious fight or flight type facts and mechanisms and seeming markers anyone can find all over the biosphere.

Something like that.

This is why humanity is such a scourge on the planet. No other species has wreaked such destruction and havoc. While the capabilities for creative beauty and harmony abound and attempt to manifest, why the hell are the destructive and parasitic qualities so predominant, to the point that we’re poisoning our own living environment and stinting the life of our own race in more ways than practically imaginable?

As I see it, until this fake self shit is addressed we’re only going to keep phasing from one stone age to the other into darker and darker territory in the illusory haze of bizarroville – the flip side of natural creation. People can have it if they want, but they’re spoiling the soup for everyone.

Until the real cause for all of this is addressed it’s just going to keep perpetuating. The concept of no self will never ever be a popular message to self – the big fat parasitic out of its mind elephant in the room. Putting it out of its misery will never be possible with elephant thinkers thriving and gorging it with food while very effectively misdirecting those being stomped upon to fight imaginary polarized demons.

That’s a crunchy, condensed metaphor. See if you can pull that one apart but it’s a good illustration if you ask me.

The Hurdle that Doesn’t Exist

The many ironies of life are perhaps the most fascinating subjects humanity has encountered and elaborately discussed through time immemorial. Talk about a mind-blowing repeat loop! From sages and saints and scholars to child like scientific postulations, it continues on, if only in the background of human consciousness but often posed as landmark truths.


It seems to me so called “answers” to anything must be undeniably clear and simple. We usually don’t like those as they frustrate the importance of the egoic mental process we so identify with as ourselves and self importance. There’s a lotta rub in there with not so savory aspects of the human condition implied as well as stated. When identity arises and solidifies, it rivals other interpretations and conflicts arise. Big time. Whole societies going to war with others eventually, for example, as extenuating arms of these more subtle belief systems, systematically become group identification and the war between these goes on.

Utter insanity appearing real and natural, and of all things necessary and some sort of “course of nature”. Are you kidding me?

So far I don’t think I’ve said anything anyone could argue with, even though it’s terse and pretty wide sweeping. Basic questions we all share are standard issues that confront human beings coursing through this life. Some care to look deeply at them, some go for religious or so-called spiritual explanations for refuge and relief, and most go along with whatever consensus reality is at play during the unperceived manipulated segments of their lifetimes.

That’s the in your face seemingly easy route; adopt-a-belief. Totally understandable I guess. Except when conflicts arise and they blame others for their own ignorance and all hell breaks loose over and over in micro and macro manifestations. Then shit breaks loose. It’s the continual saga of so-called history.

The Conspiracy to Nowhere

We all know we’re in this together. Somewhere within each of us we know we are intrinsically  and inextricably connected to everything. Nature screams this message, despite how it has been scientifically detached in the overly mental and rationally based viewpoint of our age. We know we’re not separate from anything. That separation is simply a mental construct – a deliberate lobotomy by the egoic structure that seeks to thrive as the all important fake self – ever dissecting in its efforts to survive.

There’s a tenet worth remembering in there somewhere.

“From dust thou art, to dust thou shalt return.” Not bad for starters. At least some basic understanding there of our transient, integrated nature. Yet it needs to be written in scripture and repeated at funerals as a too-late remembrance? Strange indeed.

The fact that we are not the dust isn’t even addressed, but I digress.

Death looms in the human psyche. A seeming “end” that provokes tremendous fear, or should I say exemplifies the underlying fear that sparks human behavior. Pleasure and pain rule our guidance systems. Death is like a big black door no one wants to talk about.

Game over. Then what? If anything.

That same fear of death to self rules all of human behavior. Fact is, it’s the false constructed egoic self that’s freaked out about being done away with, as manifest in human society and personal false paradigms. A lot there you may or may not grasp, but it’s true. Truth is beyond this play. We sense it and it’s within each of us, that knowing. But finding affirmation of this false self annihilation on this planet is very rarely found. For obvious reasons.

Birth and death seem to be bookends of a struggle, a play, a game, an adventure. The presumptuous attitude that we’re in charge of anything at all is preposterous. Life plays out, it just does. Our illusion of choice is like a plastic rudder that’s inside the boat to make the child-like passengers think they’re steering. That may sound disempowering but it’s not – it’s the complete opposite.

Is that esoteric enough? Something to think about. What do any of us really have control over? And again, what does any of us actually know? That’s the starting point – yet humanity lives in the land of conjecture and belief. That’s pretty remarkable in itself.

The Steering Steers Itself

The steering steers itself. It just does as much as ego will freak out over that one. Ours is to let go, oddly enough. Sure, there’s an element of delayed or apparent choice, or so it appears, but who chose what in your life? How did you or I get to where we are?

I know, this confronts “reason” and causality big time. And the free will thing is a big one. Sure we seem to bounce around in the pinball machine and appear to choose options, but do we? And to what extent? All I know is this aspect of apparent choice has many aspects worth exploring – honestly.

Blame, guilt, shame, victimhood, co-dependence, identification with our story, desperate self assertion – are all so real they appear to have controlled us. They haven’t. To use a simple metaphor, our boats are in a mighty current and our fiddling with what we think are controls are fundamentally inconsequential. We’re still in the mighty river. To nowhere and from nowhere. It just moves along and just is, “ising”. The ride is all there really is.

It takes getting used to. But you have to let your mind go

No desired outcome involved. No fulfillment or purpose, no meaning. It just rolls along. All of our mental, egoic or “foreign installment” related crap is just fretting against what is. All are stories within stories about what’s going on.

Does that put an end to all the angst? Because surrender is the true nature of the realized being. No doctrine, no teaching, no higher being. Just what is in the magnificence of it all. Therein is the real God we all sense. Trying to captivate it into a concept or rationality is juvenile.

It just is. Drop out of the madness. It’s a fabrication. A completely futile and pointless one. We can make it appear real by all kinds of frustrated projected exuberance but it’s still fake and has no meaning.

When you awake from a dream, was it real?

Now you’re in another one. An apparently collective one. It’s still a dream.

Ours is to see it for what it is. That “installation” or frontal cortex or socially fabricated self or whatever you want to call it that’s trying to so hard is illusion city trying to hold on to its own imagination and feel self importance.

Drop it.

The external game we perceive is a group hallucination, as real as it may appear.

When the dreamer awakes, truth appears.

Unless it’s another dream. Perhaps the Truman Show is just the first layer of infinite Russian dolls?

Let that bake your noodle.

And what difference does any of that make?

When you figure it out, supposedly, then what?

And who the hell is doing the “figuring out”?

Enjoy the ride.

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Human Cymatics Vibrational Wave Machine

The Human Cymatics Vibrational Wave Machine

by Zen Gardner
March 12, 2019


Man, are we ever being directed! Moved around, sifted and sorted, purged and purified, as much as we’ll allow. What an amazing time!

We need each other, and amazingly we’re finding each other. Cymatics is such a fascinating field, how resonant vibration literally moves molecules into beautiful geometric patterns. Conversely, disharmonious energy makes for chaotic and literally ugly patterns, as proven by the late Masaru Emoto’s research with intention and water molecules. But the implications on human alignment and behavior are immense.

It’s all about energy, vibration, resonance. How particles and waves work in the medium of this physical universe, even in the context of quantum physics, is absolutely fascinating. So called science is on the verge of truly integrating metaphysics with physics, as some already have. The implications and possible repercussions on the collective are enormous. Again, I don’t know about any “tipping point” or “event horizon” in either societal progress or conscious awakening as I’ve said recently. Never mind the 100th monkey effect nor the so-called “singularity”, a thoroughly hijacked concept by the anti-human transhumanists. I think these all are valid in a deeply true sense but the confusion factor is big. We don’t know that realm well enough yet. Such presuppositions are arrogant. By definition, we’re operating from a handicapped zone of third dimensional conceptualization of realms beyond our programmed capabilities.

But – our other dimensional senses are awakening. Hence the split into literal worlds of understanding, realization and even existence, as I see it. Those worlds do not reconcile, with or for the lower dimensional viewpoint. Hence the paradox plague on human thinking. OK by me. I like the disruption. But I have seriously digressed….

The Vibrational Shaker-Upper

My point here is that we’re experiencing not just a shake up, but an inter-active cymatic one. We’re in the vibrational phase where particles of all sorts and even living souls move around to where they belong, where like are attracted to like, and are forming beautiful mosaics of powerful connections.

It’s fabulous to watch. I know I see it in my own life. I and many others have seen it for some time with sometimes major shifts, but it’s upon us. Are you being drawn to like minded souls, while others are falling away? Never mind shifts in your perception? This will continue, and even accelerate. Beautiful clusters are forming, as well as ugly ones, as featured in the “news” as if that’s the norm. Don’t focus on those. They’re meant to cause a reaction and join in the lower vibrational astral. The creative is what’s truly happening.

This phenomenon is the nature of Universal expansion – shake, quake, awake and reassemble – break up the old and false attachments to find the new. It always has been that way, at different levels of expansion, but it appears we’re in a highly accelerated phase right now.

The point is, we’re finding each other! Weird as the process is as we’re concurrently going through major personal changes, heart resonance is taking the forefront, where it belongs. It’s totally contrary to all previous programming, even up to and through recent years. It’s totally understandable. Let’s give ourselves a break. It’s fluid, changing, and through that truth reveals itself. It’s in the letting go – of self concepts, identity, or attaching to wanted outcomes, they all play into this – and it’s good!! Let it happen, joyfully!

This just struck me as profound today. Let’s move with the flow toward our true vibration and not be afraid of change and move heartily into it.

The shift is upon us.

Sure beats everything else.

All the best, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Do You Really Want the Truth?

Do You Really Want the Truth?

by Zen Gardner
March 4, 2019


What if pursuing and finding the truth costs you everything? Everything you’ve cherished and held dear?

We have to let go and say goodbye to something to welcome something new. That’s not always easy. And then the next challenge comes.

What if doing so blows your belief systems apart? What if you find out you really have nothing to hold on to, regarding your perceived reality and your very identity?

So what.

The question remains; where’s our willingness to let go and venture into the unknown? Are we so attached to this fleeting physical plane when we know there’s so much more? Psychedelics and plant medicines just give a taste of this experience of the other realms that were hidden from us. So have near death or kundalini or peak related experiences, or just the call and longing of our souls. Every generation has had its own chance to wake up. Other dimensional realities have been there all along, alluded to by the sages of all time and verified by things as mundane as our hopes and dreams.

Never Mind, No Matter…

Does any of that matter? Not if we’re looking from the materialistic world view that’s been imposed upon us. Take a look again where “they” have taken humanity and society. It’s a synthetic diversion far away from Creation’s source. Can we really trust anything these fake, self imposed “authorities” tell us?

Why can’t we look through such simple, idealistic eyes any longer? Why has this been stripped from humanity? It’s a pathetic state of affairs overall, but even that is much of a manipulated illusion designed to discourage and denigrate. Does this sound cynical to you? Not at all. Realism exists on many levels. But that too is never, ever confining.  A bit enigmatic perhaps, but it’s out there for the grasping.

Something as simple as awakening is available to every generation, every individual. Perceived confinements are illusory, a prison of the mind and product of the subdued heart. Where’s humanity’s guts? Will it slip into the morass of false history and this projected confined narrative of stasis continuity, like what today’s fake, power crazed governments and occulted systems try to reinforce? Not for me.

It’s Right Just As It Is

The same test for humanity rolls ‘round and round. The cycle repeats and repeats, until we want to get off the merry go round. It’s a grand school, the purpose for this amusement park called life. Comfort and that false sense of security in a constantly changing Universe are like plastic wrap around a living organism. It will either burst out, or rot from allowed containment.

Which are we individually?

The wild card is free will. The power of personal decision making at every level. We can fall for the hypnotic spell in this amusement park or respond to those deep inner impulses. The choice is each of ours within every breath of our existence. The collective is nothing we can rely on, nor any, however spectacular, form of outside redemption or salvation – – be they the trick of religion or a zillion other shallow, synthetic and self excusing belief systems to get us off the hook of personal responsibility.

Does any of this matter? Why not just settle for immediate safety, security and comfort? Because there is none! That’s why. Let’s not fall asleep at the wheel. There is way more at our fingertips than we can begin to realize. Let’s at least make a go of it. Let’s not fall for the gas of somatization.

Some thoughts from the same petri dish as you. I fully know “I am no longer “I”. I wish the same for you. From there we take our next conscious steps, and they have nothing to do with what we’ve been taught or even thought previously as we progress. The irony is, none of us are who we were only minutes ago. Just another proof it’s the programmed mind that falls for the illusion, not our true selves.

See you on the flip side.

Actually, there are no sides either. The whole thing needs to be jettisoned for the illusion that it is. Truly perceive outside the hoax is all I can say. From our true selves. It simply awaits our discovery.

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”  – Socrates

All the best, Zen

For more of Zen’s work, go HERE


The Neglected Power of Freedom of Choice

The Neglected Power of Freedom of Choice

by Zen Gardner
February 28, 2018



The degree of freedom to consciously make our own decisions in life is something we’re
continually waking up to. It’s similar to living in the now. We keep trying, knowing it’s right, and
making fresh runs at it daily to live in the moment more and more fully, either by conscious
decisions or spontaneously.

What impresses me is how easy it is to fall into unsatisfactory routines. Be they habitual
behaviors or living within self circumscribed limits, whatever the reasons or excuses may be.
Physical life lends itself to routine for comfort and convenience. This includes survival issues
which can appear quite daunting, and even insurmountable, leading to our environment being
dictated by base needs and desires.

It gets more complicated when we consider personal relationships which we can often become
trapped in. These go hand in hand with whatever environment we find ourselves – our location,
finances and true quality of life being the basic guidelines for most. Now add life purpose to
this and let’s consider how free we are able to find that true fulfillment our hearts crave. They
don’t always work together without seriously draining compromises.

Freedom has to be fought for.

Are we Prisoners of Our Own Making?

The point is we can change these conditions and much more anytime we want. It’s remarkable
just how free we are. We “blame” external limitations such as the system, upbringing, mates,
family, friends and finances, but these conditions rarely lead us to what we truly desire and are
for our highest good. The question looms, are we truly confined by these? Do we only do those
things that are prescribed by previous conditions we find ourselves in, either by choice or by
simply continually defaulting to external pressures and circumstances?

It’s worth re-evaluating these questions continually, as I see it. When we honestly get down to
analyzing the various areas of our personal progress, how would we score ourselves? What
needs changing or challenging that we’re either too lazy to do anything about, or too afraid to
rock the boat and lose our seeming support system or the comfort of our routine, whether
financially, socially, psychologically, spiritually, etc? What’s holding us back from making the
changes we know we need?

More importantly, why are we so often afraid to go into the unknown? What prevents us from
stepping out to find our truest expression?

Change – Ready or Not, Here It Comes

The entire game board of life is being shaken from the cosmic down to the very social structure
of our planet, and it’s wonderful! Only truth will endure. This isn’t good news to those holding
tightly to what they currently have or how they want things to be, whether born from a culturally
reinforced fear based mentality, belief system, deep self issues or not. It’s time to wake up and
shake off the programming and follow our guts, our hearts. It’s way easier to do it voluntarily by
our own volition and heart born desire than to be forced into changes.

A time of personal challenge is now hitting us all. It’s starting with a self clean-up opportunity to
prepare us for much greater changes to come. If anyone is going through this you are not
alone. However, many will miss the significance of what’s going on right now energetically and
will pass along with increased cognitive dissonance and stubborn resistance to change. That’s
their choice, but unfortunately in most cases it will affect the rest of us. This is something to be
very aware of as the external confusion will only grow. It’s just the nature of things right now.
Similar to natural “disasters”, anyone’s life can be turned upside down at a moment’s notice.
When we live a more conscious life this realization is ever before us. The key is to not be at the
wrong place at the wrong time, in every sense.

The active ingredient within us is our free will, the power of choice, no matter the circumstances or conditions.

As Don Juan aptly said:

“Before you embark on any path ask the question: Does this path have a heart? If the answer is no, you will know it, then you must choose another path. The trouble is nobody asks the
question; and when a man finally realizes that he has taken a path without a heart, the path is
ready to kill him. At that point very few men can stop to deliberate, and leave the path. A path
without a heart is never enjoyable. You have to work hard even to take it. On the other hand, a path with heart is easy; it does not make you work at liking it.”

This is a brief life on this planet. One day our lives will end. It’s time to be alive, not dead in
some rut – aptly called a grave with the ends kicked out.

We are fully free to move about the planet, and the Universe. As we always have been.
Let’s exercise our freedom and not let it go to waste. The energy and fulfillment to be released
are unfathomable!

Love, Zen

PS. The above was inspired by a lucid dream where I found myself listening to someone
demonstrating and going on about something I had no interest in, yet felt trapped in some
small gathering of onlookers. As I went through the lucid dream transition to waking up, I found
myself wondering why had I just subjected myself to this experience? The resultant thoughts
and realizations extrapolating that dynamic quickly ensued, leading to honestly making my own
life list evaluating my current situation. A true eye opener from the heart level and great
exercise for me. This is simply sharing my experience and personal insights, for what it’s worth
to others.


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Time — The Illusory Phenomenon

Time — The Illusory Phenomenon

by Zen Gardner
February 24, 2019


It’s been wisely said that coming here to live in this 3-D reality is an opportunity. Whether we’ve been here before many times around or are just new, it’s a golden opportunity to experience, learn and evolve. This reality we find ourselves in apparently is a slowed down and densified experience, for whatever purposes. We just have to accept what we’ve been handed, whatever the source. After all, we’re here. We can start from there.

And with It all comes “time”.

What is time? Basically it appears to be a sort of construct, a projected marking system we co-create at this level. It’s therefore essentially an illusion in the truly grand scheme of things, in which we track in slow motion what we’re experiencing so as to understand what is playing out and thereby learn from. The present is the only real time. There is no past, it’s simply the wake of the ship of the present. And there is no future. There never will be. Like the illusory imprint of the past, the illusion of future is a massive concept to wrap our heads around and dissolve into reality.

But this time construct seems to be necessary at this level in some way, yet we need to see it for what it is. It’s simply a tool, like most things; not true reality nor any form of restricting cage in and of itself. This seems to betray what we think we perceive in our minds, but it doesn’t. And it’s not a necessary “evil” or constraint device, unless we let it be. It’s all for good once we learn to operate within it, see it’s potential limitations, and use it for mutual benefit consciously within this experience.


Just Another Paradox. Nothing to be Alarmed About

It’s clear that without this externalized concept of time our learning process would not be as effective at this level, although there are much better learning methodologies in timeless consciousness. It’s an opportunity for a slowed down, step by step process within an extremely challenging dimension. But it’s only a small fraction of our experience. We just need to become functionally aware of the other timeless realms where the real action is – the awareness, or remembrance of, the more truly knowing realms, with no more limiting concepts or foolish beliefs.

This 3D construct is in very limited contrast to other higher dimensional worlds and our own true soul level which is connected to ALL in a completely different realm without paradigms. That’s the place, a very real one, where things are truly conscious and efficiently operate outside of time. We sense this, and long for It to be more present in our lives. Yet here we are.

This low density existence is a different playing field all together. Hence each of us feeling like “strangers in a strange land”…because we are! But by design, so let’s explore and enjoy it. Apparently we chose to come here. We might as well enjoy the experience without getting trapped in it through ignore-ance.


The classic example of the film strip is a good one. If the frames were overlaid to create a “now” experience, coming at us all at once, the various scenes couldn’t be deciphered, at least at this level. Life films are projected one frame after another, in a linear sequence, which our “normal” perception here can therefore grasp. As we’ve often heard, once we depart this life there’s apparently an extremely rapid re-play of our experience here to learn from, with streaming awareness of it at a whole other level.

Immediate transference of all data in this realm would be akin to telepathy, towards which we are currently moving. It exists now all around us, like a cosmic internet, and we use it within us without our full knowledge. We are always capable of using this other dimensional modality, but haven’t yet realized it in most cases. But it’s coming into human awareness more and more now.

Time is a measuring device, a sort of marking system. Linearly, we call such a thing a “ruler” whereby we determine linear space. It holds to the rules, as do 3-D authorities and limitations of all sorts. Some are as straightforward as the nature of our electromagnetic universe and it’s incredible geometric design, and some as personally complex as social designs for behavior and our soul evolution through them.

Ironically we already operate in condensed microbursts of information. Empathy, resonance, and even emotions already operate in that quantum field. We just accept them as normal and somehow differentiate those from the sentient environment we’re within. But we’re catching on during this vibrational awakening. The mind is a recorder and processor according to its input, but is always out of date. The mind is the last thing to be directing our lives. Our energetic core is where it’s all happening, connected to more realms than we’re yet fully aware of. The mind is simply a slave server – and a terrible master. Just look at what minds have done to the planet and society – an ever present teaching tool.


The Paradoxical Irony and the Test of Time

An interesting axiom to consider is, whatever takes us out of living in the NOW is an illusion. We’re here to live in and deal with this realm, but it’s not real in the true sense of reality. Ideas of the past and future are known diversions. They’re mind constructs. We create our reality, moment by moment, a living dynamic. If we choose to go by yesterday’s ideas and constructions we can. But is it the true potential reality? Our true freedom of choice is boundless.

Anyone who has had a waking up experience can attest that they have found they could literally create their life, which we all do anyway ironically enough via our choices. But awareness of our magnificent nature and freedom to do as we wish is essential. We’re constantly catching up to now. That’s our learning experience as we awaken. That time is an illusion is almost common knowledge now but how that applies to our day to day lives has been illusive.

This concept is not the way we normally think. It’s transcending time while living in it. – timelessly. The time test is fundamental as to why we’re here in many ways. Sorrow, pain, regrets, past traumas, longings for what we think will fulfill us or make us happy – these plague us and have no lasting solution here. These issues can be resolved through inner work within conscious awareness, identifying how we’re operating in reactive loops that keep us in limitation. But when we’re conscious, the other stuff just happens as we follow on, let go, and yield to moments, having a conscious driven impetus. Getting out of the way and identifying the ego traps of dead assertions is essential. With this comes setting a limitless identity and letting go of anything else.

When our minds are made up, what we think we’re able or designed to be will certainly keep on repeating. However, we don’t even notice time when we’re consciously engaged – proof right there how consciousness supersedes this 3-D format. When we experience being “in the zone” we also notice time seems to go on hold and even disappear. Just a hint of what awaits us should we activate our full awareness.

We can’t waste time – but it can waste us, if we remain asleep.

It’s time to awaken, more than we’ve ever imagined.

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

A Quantum Tide Lifts All Boats

A Quantum Tide Lifts All Boats

by Zen Gardner
January 29, 2019


What strange times. We’re in a tight place right now, but it is what it is. The information field is so toxic with triggered egos, paid and unpaid trolls, agencies and AI, it’s nasty to have anything to do with. But we still have to use whatever means of communication we have as long as we can.

As far as understanding the “why”, as I currently see it, much of what we witness is simply Individuals working out their own stuff in the grand scheme of things. It’s essentially nothing to get too worked up about. No matter which end of the digital pitchfork we find ourselves in this mob mentality dominating the cybersphere. A very sad current state, but it will pass.

When the realization that everyone is simply working out their own path fully hits, the weapons will be dropped in dumbfounded amazement. However, much of what unreconciled souls say and do boils over onto others which is where push comes to shove, Hence the information battle today and the source of the conflicts we witness. How we respond and what perspective and wavelength we adopt needs careful monitoring.

I do find it Ironic though, how many of those supposedly fighting for truth still energetically feed the very thing they think they oppose. That’s a game played on humanity for eons and a great learning tool as well, if we can step back to see it for what it is. It’s an important hurdle to overcome, but that is happening as well as I see it.

That Rising Tide

It may not seem like it with all the insanity around us, but people are seriously waking up. Others are just plain shook up and having major life crises, as are most of us, but that’s good too. A massive shift is upon us that is increasing by the day and how we respond is up to us.

Whether people like it or not it’s happening. Our overall consciousness is rising despite it all, even if some have a reverse response. So many are increasingly aware, not just to the truth that we’re in an engineered society from within a plethora of world views, but a central point of debate and inquiry is regarding the very nature of reality. Just listen to the language of today and the topics being covered as opposed to just a few years ago when it began to kick in. It’s happening across every strata of society. True pioneering science and new ancient archeological and hidden historical facts continually coming to light tell the same story.

The wild thing is, the energetic tide is elevating universally, so those only observing from that plane can’t even see it as the deck lifts, unconsciously defaulting to a form of collective normalcy bias for perspective. How can they tell the sea rose without perspective? The more awake and aware can observe this phenomenon more objectively, being able to calibrate from a removed awareness, if that makes sense. It’s fabulous to realize.

It’s still a challenge to fully identify this phenomenon as old markers and points of reference vanish before us. It’s very wild indeed but we need to simply keep letting go. It’s similar to the fact that we’re careening through the universe but don’t even notice how everything is shifting all the time. We might notice how the planets in our solar system move and influence us, but that next level that all is changing its location as we circle the galactic core is also transpiring, which we’re generally unaware of.

And where is all that moving? And what energies are we experiencing? On it unfolds in continual change, the basic state of the universe. But that’s just the external. We have hardly any idea what else is going on in the unseen realms, just glimpses and occasional insights. And that world is becoming exponentially more known by the day. An amazing time to be here.

Massive Change Is Upon Us

The enigmatic nature of this ongoing shift on so many levels might be freaking some people out but this is what turns so many of us on. We can call it the lifting of the veil, the apocalypse or revelation, timeline and dimensional shifting, consciousness rising, or what I call it briefly sometimes to explain those feelings we get, it’s just plain slippage in relation to whatever frame of reference we had, sometimes moments ago. Something fantastic is happening.

I don’t know about a critical mass or hundredth monkey effect saving the planet, it is a factor and no doubt happening on some level. The idea that worlds are somehow splitting in some way resonates with me, but that may appear elusive and escapist to some. Consider it an inter dimensional metaphor if you like. Applying these and other ideas about our many levels of growing awareness can be challenging, but something profound is going on and nothing can be excluded from possibility. It’s no doubt a combination of amazing phenomena and we’re in the thick of it.

The base point in all this remains the same – it’s all about personal transformation, first and foremost. Nothing in the external really matters in that fundamental regard but we do of course learn from it. It is a reflection or mirror of the collective to some extent, but with so much on the lower levels being artificially engineered I don’t give that level much weight. It’s just another illusion and point of observation and needs to be kept in perspective. It’s nice to see things change externally, but I’m not holding my breath nor is it my business. I just do my part. Our full on personal transformation comes first, that’s my focus. Realms of discovery and awakening await all of us that dwarf all we’ve learned and realized so far that have vast consequences.

The contrast we’re experiencing in this dimension is similarly engineered by a much higher or all pervading natural creative power for our development and growth. Just as time helps us measure our experience so as to not have everything happen all at once where we wouldn’t experience the depth of this opportunity. Just as other seeming restrictions or natural and even artificial limitations, they all help us. I think it’s important to remember that.

Create, Don’t Berate

In my opinion, one of the biggest hurdles people are facing is having a negative orientation to all of this. And it’s very understandable. We’ve all seen the pitfalls of being overly dark and conspiratorial, fixating on the less savory elements of this playing field. It’s just one of the hurdles on our path, however daunting. Seeing past that into the bigger picture and the beauty of each sovereign soul at whatever stage of development they are at is so wonderfully encouraging and inspiring, in stark contrast to the more negative and judgmental mindset.

Seeing through the illusory matrix doesn’t make anyone better than another. In fact, the hallmark of wisdom is humility, knowing how little we really know and respecting that growth in others. That, and a sense of humor where we don’t take ourselves and the world around us so damn seriously. When the false bookends of birth and death are kicked out and we see our experience as a continuum in the great ongoing creative process we gain amazing clarity and peace of mind and heart.

Somehow we need to get back to our natural playful spontaneity without fear and wrong self consciousness, as opposed to self awareness. We sense that is our lost paradise within but clearly it’s accessible even if only in brief spurts for now as we continue to emerge. But emerge we will.

There Is No Doomsday – Whatever Happens

Sure we live in potentially cataclysmic times. Haven’t we always? Isn’t so-called death at everyone’s door continually? Hasn’t the planet recycled periodically? And yes, technology and mad scientism are at an all time zenith, but does that really change the fundamentals? Death is our friend, like time, just as contrast and our bodies and circumstance are, with all their challenges.

A doomsday mentality is crippling, as programmed and reinforced by the controlled religious teachings, scientism and the media, but we don’t need to fall for it. Many long term preppers and researchers have woken up to the fact that they simply weren’t happy nor fully living life in that negative bunker mindset and just set out to live their passions. I think there’s no better medicine for ourselves and the planet than that. Creating and exuding inspiring truth, goodness and beauty are what the world, and each of us, needs, and have a much more vast effect than we can realize.

Some will say that is irresponsible. Sure, good and real information that tracks the external has its place. True information activism definitely plays a very important role and has been essential. Let’s just check the orientation and vibration of our sources, and most of all our own reactivity and emotional and spiritual state, and keep a healthy balance. This is nothing new to many folks who’ve passed through that dark gauntlet, but again this is simply growth and the true evolution of our souls.

Belief Systems Ain’t What They Used to Be – But They’re Still Attachments

We’ve all shifted through many paradigms, thinking the next one was “it”, only to find that new one wasn’t “it” either as we kept awakening. It reminds me of the saying, “Don’t follow spiritual leaders, seek what they were seeking.” We can’t condemn ourselves for falling for the next thing either, which usually coagulates into a new belief system in whatever new garments they take on. That’s just part of our learning process. Breaking free is continual. There is no one time awakening, but dogmatic belief systems of any sort are clearly obstacles to be overcome, and they’re not always obvious. The attaching false ego makes sure to disguise that to reinforce itself. It’s not an easy field of learning here but we’re up to it.

Many personal awakenings are much more profound than others, but we can’t settle down in some new paradigm. As the close out sale sign says, “Everything must go!” That’s a daily if not hourly and even continual challenge, and requires cheerful acceptance. That’s where taking things too seriously is a good yardstick to measure our spiritual health. That doesn’t mean to be flippant at all, just healthily detached at all times to the best of our abilities with an open willingness to keep learning and changing, and allowing the same in others. All while still being involved in life. Quite the paradox, but here we are.

That black/white, good/evil, right/wrong dualistic polarization we’re been fed and entrained with can either help us simply learn and discern at a practical level, or seriously derail our consciousness. Judgementalism and unloving intolerance feed off of this shallow misconception. We’ve all done it and fallen for it. It’s that tricky wrong ego feeding and defending itself again, a sort of implanted survival technique giving us the wrong idea that we’re somehow above or better than others when we judge and fight for our space. It causes

separation. As we’ve all heard and is profoundly true, experiencing and knowing the Oneness of all things is paramount to our conscious awareness. This however flies in the face of everything we’ve been taught or is reinforced in this external societal matrix. Divide and conquer is a way deeper dynamic than just some political ploy for control. It’s a spiritual struggle to help us find our authenticity. Again, it all works for good.

Just Keep Going

Anyway, some thoughts from the hermitage. The best advice I could give anyone is to keep going. It’s all for good and growth and things do sort out over time, even the most devastating and challenging of life experiences.

But if not, that’s good too. Even if it doesn’t seem like it’s working out and appears to take forever.

Just hang in there and keep going. It always sorts out no matter how long it takes.

The wind’s at our back. Go with it. And just keep plodding along. We’re already there simply by keeping on in awareness. As someone wisely said, “We can’t get it wrong and it’s never done”.

We have eternity – it’s “time” to get used to it. We’re just in the thick of a very intense experience, by design. That overview helps us see clearly. We’re all simply learning and evolving.

Let’s enjoy it as best we can, and remember to stay loving, and keep rising.

We’re all in the same boat. And it’s rising with a majestic quantum tide. A unique opportunity in human history. Let’s make the best of it.

All the best, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Aspects, Fractals, and the Golden Thread

Aspects, Fractals, and the Golden Thread

by Zen Gardner
September 30, 2018


I’ve always been fascinated by the clear commonalities of religions and philosophies, and their intermingling with mysticism and the so-called occult – which is nothing more than sequestered teachings of the same.

I’m similarly bewildered by the tendency of humanity to take things out of context, or as stand alone proposed truths which may appear incomplete and therefore untrue by themselves.

Everything Leads to Unity – Separation is an Illusion

It all fits together like a multi-dimensional jigsaw puzzle, as I perceive it – each aspect or seemingly partial truth a reflection or incidence in another context of the same derived essence. Fractals, as beautifully illustrated by the Mandelbrot sets, are the tracers of this dimensional reality. Applied to human knowledge and understanding, this same living metaphor can give great insight as to the true nature of our amazing universe as well as our perception. Not just scientifically, but in our language declination, interpretive skills, and deeper sensory capabilities on many mundane as well as esoteric levels.

It’s all inter-connected as well as inter-dependent. This is the magic of conscious awakening, tapping into the plane of inter-connectivity, which Carl Jung referred to as the collective unconscious. Whatever it is, so many aspects of religious and spiritual teachings, deep philosophical and metaphysical thought, and now even post-mechanistic science, are identifying this same common denominator.

The terms for this have become somewhat flacid in the modern information onslaught, but unity consciousness is pretty spot on. Just how we’re interconnected defies the limitations of human reason. For a purpose – we’re here to arise through this in-flesh existence. Why? We can only conjecture. But apparently we are souls of some sort learning and growing through the experience. Any way we look at it, the challenge is before us and we are somehow aware of these mind-boggling and astoundingly wonderful aspects.

The Debilitating Power of Perceived Separation

Assuming you agree with me that there is an underlying unity within the Universe, at whatever level or levels, why then experience separation at this plane of existence as we do? Why the struggle to find and affirm unity if that is the inherent nature of all things? Why isn’t it inherent?

It is. Just at a different level of perception, the revolving prism through which we gaze.

This brings us directly to our dualistic paradigm we have apparently been dropped into. It reminds me of the caterpillar going through its metamorphosis, an illustration we cannot side step. Nor the many other seemingly nonsensical cycles of this magnificent creation we were born into – however limiting it can seem to whomever, and which that bothersome “other” nature within us senses at some level since birth. The perceived dualism is just a lack of understanding and/or recognition, at very profound levels.

This may appear laced with assumptions to the skeptic, but those who can hear this will hear. Some here amongst us will refuse to allow or even consciously recognize these other “bothersome” sensations, but that’s a choice anyone can make in this playing field.

Another great majestic mystery is that of free will, our unfettered power of choice. Of course this is being infringed upon through social as well as technological programming, but I contest it cannot ever be fully erased or overcome. Especially if we discern those clear signs that such are being foisted upon us and our freedom to not participate at any given time. The early warning system does not fail, but most today are blowing past that and suffering the sad consequences. It was and is still a choice.

But separation, the literal idea that we or anything is literally separate at its ultimate energetic level, is the illusion. This is spoken about since the Tao Te Ching, through Buddhism, the Summerian and Egyptian teachings, Greek philosophy and many unsung movements, all of which were later replayed in the Bible and gnostic teachings at varying levels of interference. And on and on. I can’t possibly go into the deeper aspects of this, but suffice it to say that adopting a worldview of separation brings hate, greed, competition, intolerance, and division on every level.

And the suffocation of love.

And what is the interpersonal as well as societal result? For one, disharmony and strife. But ultimately? An easily manipulated race by anyone or anything seeking control. That’s just the nature of things. That there are such entities or even people who’d capitalize on this phenomenon is for each individual to find out for themselves, but it is a truth.

What we need to know is that even this is part of the process in this experience. It dovetails with everything about our challenge here and to me only stands to reason, as well as being confirmed bythe mountains of evidence as to the truth of it.

So Aspects and Fractals? The Wind Up…and Out

Everything has its derivative, it’s counterpart or playmate, as quantum physics has discovered. It’s all energetically connected and cannot be separated from anything. Quantum entanglement is one of the coolest terms and ideas to date, but we’re only just touching the periphery of things, still. Every so-called, or self-proclaimed I should say, advanced civilization has thought it was the cat’s meow with what it discovered. Hardly any humility except in a precious few. A repeated meme even in recorded history.

We know what happened to the ones we know about. Atlantean culture seems to have gone the same way, but many will shun that idea. I don’t. And who knows who their precedents were? All I know is, the cycle is breakable, individually for sure, and collectively we will have to see, but the opportunity awaits.

Our lower human avarice and thirst for knowledge and power seems to know no bounds. Yet some beautiful men and women instead stand up to such unconscious tirades, and yet stand in awe. I salute those brave and beautiful souls.

I contend we are living in the darkest of ages. Technology means nothing without conscious awakening. Those in “authority” are just inventing new cages for the suppressed and more advanced war machines as the planet is plundered, as seems to be the repeating trend through the ages. We really don’t know the whole story – we’ve been cut off from our linear, historical past. But what is evident is evident.

The cover up is not by accident. We might soon learn something and thereby break the cycle. It’s truly up to us, as astounding as that may seem. But it’s true.

Never mind knowing everything, we know enough.

While consciousness calls.

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Janus, Illuminati God of Chaos & Deception: Twin Towers & Two-Faced Rulers

Janus, Illuminati God of Chaos & Deception: Twin Towers & Two-Faced Rulers

by Zen Gardner
September 17, 2011


Janus Bifrons ~ Who was the two-faced Greco-Roman god?

The irony is that people not only know their rulers and society overall are two-faced, they expect it.

Whether consciously or subconsciously we all know lying and deception are inherent to the matrix that’s been foisted upon us.

Another irony is that even in the definition of Janus there are two very different versions as to whom this mythological character really was.

Who was Janus?

We see this two-faced image a lot in our lives. Many know it dates back to Greek and Roman mythology. However, there’s much more to this character than meets the eye.

We’ll start with the lighter version:

Janus means “archway” in Latin. Janus was the Roman god of gateways and beginnings, often depicted as having two faces looking in opposite directions. The month of January is named for him.

Interesting. Sounds pretty innocuous. Wikipedia also mentions:

As a god of motion he looks after passages, causes the startings of actions, presides on all beginnings and since movement and change are bivalent, he has a double nature, symbolized in his two headed image.

And more:

His two faces (originally, one was always bearded, one clean-shaven; later both bearded) originally represented the sun and the moon. He was usually depicted with a key. 

Janus head is a popular phrase for deception, that is, when action does not match speech.

OK. I can do that.

“Two-faced” apparently came from this archetype emblazoned into our collective subconscious.

There’s a lot of deceit and cover up in the world, to the extent most people are quite leery of each other. Very unfortunate, when trust would go so much further but the world’s been corrupted and corruption is glorified.

And this “permission” to deceive to get ahead and even subjugate others is apparently too good to pass up for some.

A quick perusal of governmental, corporate, legal, financial and social leadership and behavior around the world is all the confirmation you need.

Keys, Janus and the Pope

Note Janus was depicted with a key. It turns out there’s a lot to this. Remember he’s the god of doors.

There’s another god, a goddess, who also bore a key.

Remember, Catholicism teaches ancient paganism with Christian names and terms. This is another perfect illustration of that.




Follow me:

About 378, the Pope fell heir to the keys that were the symbols of two well-known Pagan divinities at Rome. Janus bore a key, and Cybele bore a key; and these are the two keys that the Pope emblazons on his arms as the ensigns of his spiritual authority. (and flag)

Cybele…with fish god mitre the pope wears, and key in hand ~ goddess worship anyone?

What was this power of the keys?

It was these two gods (Janus and Cybele) that had the power of heaven and earth.

Whoa…that’s a lotta power, heaven and earth. As you can see, all this ties in with the Isis-Samiramis et al lineage of goddess worship that goes down through millennia and in which today’s Illuminati still revel.

Look at early American architecture and symbolism from the goddesses on pedestals and domes around Washington DC to the Freemasonic gift called the Statue of Liberty.

It’s all essentially the same old goddess.

In the US she’s called “Columbia”. Ring a bell?

Compare the headgear of the two above images.
In this picture the Pope carries the bent cross of the antiChrist.

Yup, the government is fully based on Freemasonic paganism to the core. All for occult power as they honor the forces they worship and tap into. More on that in a minute.

But this Vatican connection and switchover from these pagan key gods to supposed “keys of the kingdom” that somehow links to Peter whom they claim to be the first Vicar of Christ of which the Pope is spiritually descended is absolutely typical historical revisionism.

The pagan Roman priesthood (before the birth of Jesus Christ) had a sovereign pontiff who held the keys.

Pagan keys of Janus and Cybele

The goddess Cybele was also worshiped as Cardea, and the College of Cardinals was named for her.

She bore a key like Janus, which opened the gates of the invisible world.

In Greek mythology Cybele holds the key to Earth, shutting her up in winter and opening her again in the spring. 

Similarly, Janus opens the door of the sky and releases the dawn.

The term Cardinal is derived from Cardo, a hinge. Janus, whose key the Pope bears, was the god of doors and hinges…

It was only in the second century before the Christian era that the worship of Cybele under that name was introduced to Rome; but the same goddess, under the name of Cardea, with the “power of the key,” was worshipped in Rome, along with Janus, ages before. Source

Byzantine two-headed (faced) Eagle holding the keys

Now the “Flip Side” of Janus

Janus was no small potato. As you research more and more into him, he connects a lot of dots and represents serious forces.

He presides over the concrete and abstract beginnings of the world, such as religion and the gods themselves; he too holds the access to Heaven and other gods: this is the reason why men must invoke him first, regardless of the god to whom they want to pray or placate.

He is the initiator of the human life, of new historical ages, and economical enterprises: in myth he first minted coins and the first coin of the libral series, bears his effigy on one face.  Source

Who was this guy?

He’s apparently a gateway, for economic power and societal change.

But is this a real entity?

Someone they invoke?

And/or a blueprint for chaos?

Texe Marrs calls it:

The Illuminati secret formula for world revolution and deceit. This is how and why Satan is making such incredible progress. The Janus Factor is Satan’s hidden method. The two-faced Roman god Janus was known as “Keeper of the Keys” and as “Interpreter of the Mysteries.” Throughout history, Janus operatives ~ Darwin, Hegel, Freud, Marx, Lenin, Obama, and others ~ have successfully employed the Janus method to psychically and culturally churn global events and overturn all standards of morality and human dignity. Source

In other words, by playing with right v. wrong and reversing social norms to bring society into chaos, or utilizing the use of opposites with the Hegelian dialectic where a planned action provokes a similarly planned re-action, and other techniques, you can do a lot of manipulative damage.

As they have. Another dialectical symbol found throughout history, signifying the same concept as Janus is the two headed eagle, or phoenix.

The eagle of the Holy Roman Empire


Double headed eagle on Albert Pikes Freemasonry book ‘Morals and Dogma” with Order Out of Chaos slogan.

Enter Freemasonry

Freemasonry is all about opposites and duality, and playing one side against another as some sort of occult ritualistic exercise, supposedly to evoke the illuminated man and world.

It’s basically what the motto on their two-headed eagle crest says, create chaos to bring about the new world order essentially.

Most involved in lower level Freemasonry don’t know what the heck they’re involved in, like lower level anythings.

But the commitment to their agenda gets extremely serious at higher levels and human life takes a back seat to the “illuminated” program of using these techniques and powers for very evil ends.

Freemasonic symbolism is rife with duality..sun-moon, black-white, twin pillars, male-female etc.

Janus-Bifrons is his full name

The Illuminati are all about levels of disguise via carefully constructed lies, half-truths and diversions. Just as their doctrines of opposites seem to have this new-agey air of esoteric truth, these entities they literally worship in some form or another always have a cover.

What they are leaving out in the name Janus in all the popularized pictures and references to this guy is that Janus was actually known as Janus-Bifrons, and when you research THAT name it takes us to a whole different place.

In demonology Bifrons was a demon, Earl of Hell, with six legions of demons (twenty-six for other authors) under his command.

He teaches sciences and arts, the virtues of the gems and woods, herbs, and changes corpses from their original grave into other places, sometimes putting magick lights on the graves that seem candles. He appears as a monster, but then changes his shape into that of a man.

The origin of the name is, without any doubt, the Roman god Bifrons (Janus).

Other spellings: Bifrovs, Bifröus.

The Queen of England’s royal Masonic goat on parade.

Oh dear! How did this photo of the future King of England with his “pet goat” end up here?

Bifrons was also one the names given to the baphomet allegedly worshipped by the Knights Templar, and which description was as a statue with two heads surely inspired in the Roman god Bifrons, one looking towards the left to tell the past, and the other looking towards the right to tell the future, all this by means of the power of a demon (there were other suppositions on the figure of the baphomet). Source

It is also said the Janus-Bifrons appeared as a monster and then changed his appearance to that of a man.

In other words, he was (is) a shape-shifter.

A computer game demon named Bifrons (Janus’ real name) Reptilian. Hmmm…



The Knights Templar were the precursors to today’s Freemasons. Now we see how this all ties in together. Looks like this could be the same nasty dude in a few different disguises. Typical.


Now Baphomet actually takes us straight to witchcraft and the horned goat.


Which also ties in with Freemasonry. Any way you connect it, we’re down in the bowels of the occult now.

And as we know, the Illuminati are drenched in witchcraft however you slice it or want to call it.

The melding of Janus and Cybele.

Speaking of keys, when it comes to evoking spirits as the Satanic Illuminati do, there’s a lot of black magick involved that has very specific procedures. And many of these wicked controllers are adepts in this to increase their power and obtain favors.

The Lesser Key of Solomon contains detailed descriptions of spirits and the conjurations needed to invoke and oblige them to do the will of the conjurer (referred to as the “exorcist”). It details the protective signs and rituals to be performed, the actions necessary to prevent the spirits from gaining control, the preparations prior to the invocations, and instructions on how to make the necessary instruments for the execution of these rituals. Source

Things to steer clear of. Janus was considered the most important god of the Greco-Roman pantheon…even above Zeus (Jupiter). Yes, he was above the recognized head god ~ a very Luciferian concept.

Janus Global Communications logo.

So when you see references to Janus it’s nothing innocent, believe me.

Pleasant. By the way the dove at the top represents the goddess Columbia aka Isis aka Semiramis et all….right back to the other key holder, his contemporary Cybele…

Janus brought up to date

Janus is a very popular name and logo. Again, freemasonry rules the corporate world in addition to politics, finances, etc. They speak to each other in logos, and attempt to evoke spiritual power from their use.

The elite bloodlines and their minions have been into this for millennia. Take a look at an occult Rothschild party in the early part of last century:

Baroness Marie-Hélène de Rothschild sporting golden calf baphomet,
and Baron Alexis de Redé as two-faced Janus at a Rothschild soiree..

Janus was also a secret government psyop group. Again, nothing really constructive going on, one might say:

The super-secret Janus Group utilizes very highly-trained psychic assassins, who employ such techniques as the green and red marble systems, as well as the White Glove method. 

In order to psychically kill enemies of the Illuminati, the Director of Janus (an Illuminatus) wields more political clout than the hierarchy of the National Security Agency. 

He was an intimate friend of the late Roy Cohn ~ a director of Permindex, the group which masterminded the assassination of President John Kennedy. Source

Comforting to know you’re in good hands…

Weathered gargoyle embraces Shepard Hall, City College of New York

This one even boasts the Illuminati pyramid.

And finally…

Speaks for itself.

The lying, masked manipulative media in a Janus nutshell…


I hope this little foray into this age old deity has been “illuminating”.

It continues to amaze me how it always traces back to an innate lust for power and control by these elite Illuminati minions right through the ages.

They preserve what they consider to be their “inside edge” within their bloodline, and this can be traced back to the dawn of this civilization…and probably the one before.

[ED: From the ultimate deception of 911. The harbinger of change bringing the world to a darker place, serving the desires of the very dark beings on this planet. I repeat, Bush’s sitting with that classroom of children was Masonic symbolism and dark ritual at its most bizarre, in-your-face, in plain sight variety. The goat book, the innocent children, their chant. It all harks back to Janus!]

It’s important to decode their language, be it through symbolism, mythology, alchemical practices or societal engineering and programming.



The simple and ignorant will pass on and suffer the consequences.

Keep on learning, and most of all….keep wondering.

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Transcending the Parasitic Fear Agenda

Transcending the Parasitic Fear Agenda

by Zen Gardner
Jul 30, 2014


Everyone experiences fear. It’s a jarring emotion that gets amplified by the reptilian fight or flight side of our human make up. The problem comes when the prompt is deliberately manufactured and therefore non-authentic, which is why the manipulators use it so frequently and to such an extent. Fear interferes with conscious awareness, clear thinking, true knowing and in turn conscious behavior and makes for a highly manipulable state of being.

It’s not only toxic and debilitating, but fear is contagious as well as addicting.

This lower level vibration of fear has many esoteric derivations and origins. Whether people are aware of the underlying spiritual nature of our Universe or not, it is profoundly real. Where we get these fear impulses is a subject unto itself that anyone on the path of truth comes upon, but we each experience these influences. One of the most profound realizations that comes from understanding fear, besides its use as a social engineering tool, is that fear is an intrinsic energy source for parasitic controllers and entities, both human and non-human. Understanding the archonic agenda as revealed by the Gnostics is essential for grasping the bigger picture.

They feed off of our energy. That realization is a powerful motivator to not give it to them. Fearing their machinations is falling into a voluntary slave mentality and literally a form of worship.

It’s time to fearlessly stand up straight and tall and starve this parasitic beast of our energy.

The Fear Syndrome – Separating Real and Unreal Threats

Society is built on fear, primarily a fear of not having enough, whether it’s money, food, protection, safety or even love. Scarcity is a very powerful tool and being used as a global weapon against humanity on a massive scale. Food and water shortages are being engineered worldwide, while the economic flow of financial resources are similarly being dried up. These are very real attacks upon humanity as are the other crippling programs such as tainted and genetically altered food, geoengineering, electrosmogging our planet, and the ongoing drug wars on the world’s populations by mind and body altering pharmaceuticals.

It may not seem to be such a nice place to live right now, but we’re here, and for a purpose. Clearly it’s not a time to fear, but it is a time to take action to both expose these programs as well as mitigate their effects upon as many as possible through information sharing, practical measures and other proactive means.

We need to separate real threats from imagined ones, including the realm of psycho-spiritual attacks and influences. Those are only as real as we allow them to manifest. We do this two ways. We might straight up succumb to the lies these influences always transmit, which only brings on more spiritual and physical servitude and power to these would-be controllers. That, or we can simply be fascinated by these dark energies and thus empowering them through our attention and therefore intention. The world’s fascination for horror and vampire films as well as gratuitous violence via “action” movies, television and murderous video games exemplifies this. The now known widespread phenomena of satanic ritual sacrifice and abuse and the elite culture of pedophilia are very clear evidence of how these entities operate. They are fundamentally vampiric, and all of this social engineering is to generate more energy for them to feed on.

Turn it off at the source – you. With that will come cutting off the TV and other channels of transmission which in turn will help identify other levels of this program, including EMF mind control technology. The ultimate level it needs to be monitored is ultimately the spiritual source, which amply this vibration and direct these programs into unawakened minds straight into the traps being used on the material level.

It may seem to be a lot to do but ultimately getting fully conscious will transcend anyone outside of this entire realm of their matrix to where it all becomes very simple.

What If? Don’t Worry, Be Conscious

Fear can manifest in a host of ways. Worry is one of the most subtle. Most don’t attach worry to outright fear, they think it’s just a mild concern. Fear is too strong of a word in their minds, which is actually a form of denial and very dangerous. Worries lead to unconscious thoughts and actions. Now if it’s a genuine concern that’s one thing, and needs to be handled, but these wrongly minimalized worries are dangerous and need to be either let go of, or taken care of.

Worry is sometimes brought on by ourselves by not acting on what we know we should be doing, or not doing. However, most worries are completely futile distractions and a total drain. As Mark Twain famously said; “I’ve had many worries in my life, most of which never happened.” These worries can hang around our heads and hearts like cling-ons just waiting for opportunities to collect or amplify a negative vibration. They’re sometimes not easy to deal with if they require some personal resolution regarding something specific we’re avoiding or feel we’re not prepared to deal with. We’re each learning to avoid, overcome and transcend induced fear, and it’s all well within anyone’s grasp.

The elites and those fully entrenched in and using this parasitic control system live in constant worry and fear, and they should. Not only are they foisting it on others and hence bathed in it, but the very real ultimate outcome of their demise and facing the consequences of their actions looms over them like a dark spectre. Why else do they feel the need for bodyguards, armed motorcades and heavily fortified dwellings? All of those with hoarded riches, as well as power, are continually afraid they’re going to lose it.

Why? Because they will lose it all, and pay a lot of other overdue karmic bills at the same time.

The Illusory Fear of Death

Another aspect is how we all rehearse what we would do in different situations. Is it worry? I think it’s only natural to our human condition to a large extent but it can be dangerous. How will we handle facing very serious health issues, or the death of a family member or our closest loved ones, or even our own “death” and transition to the next world?

It’s only a problem if we dwell on these thoughts or we come from a standpoint of fear. It’s not fear unless we haven’t transcended those issues consciously. When we come to realize what we essentially are, fear of death loses its grip. That wondrous realization of our inherent freedom and eternal nature and the reality of infinite possibility is much of what empowers this magnificent awakening humanity is undergoing. When we come to realize what we essentially are, fear of death loses its grip.

Death worship has become a societal meme. You can see it in the news, art and the entertainment industry. The truth is this has been embedded into the human fabric from our engineered inception. Just look at the world’s religions, all fixated on death. This in turn imposes not just hierarchical dependence, but shifts the focus from being here to preparing for some sort of afterlife, crippling the ability to live here fully in the moment or respond consciously to the world around us. Death fixation is an extremely strong fear-based disempowerment tool.

We can’t give our energy away, nor can they compel us to. It’s all a bluff, no matter what rages about us.

Kitty recently succinctly commented, “We can’t die. We are eternal and just passing through. The fear of death is the greatest of all the control systems, it is this fear that stops us living fully and joyfully and holds us back . Once we realise this there will be nothing to control, we can be fully human and totally divine just as we are meant to be.”


Transcending is Practical

Awakening to the realm of full on conscious awareness is the key to transcending these lower level vibrational influences. They then become increasingly evident for what they are and we can deal with them intelligently from an enlightened standpoint. When these negative vibrations arise you can then tell them apart from a real threat that needs immediate action. When we see an influence is invading our minds or simply pestering us we can either simply shun the vibration, or take spiritual action to repel such an attack if need be. But don’t give them your energy via fear, fascination and undue attention.

These outside attacks do happen. And we’ll see more of this as these last throes of the dark agenda do their best to subvert humanity into a subservient, subjugated and suppressed state.

They can come as panic attacks as some are experiencing, or a sense of dread and feeling trapped. Some can come across outright spooky is you’re sensitive or have the qualities of an empath or psychic, as many of us do. Again, these are nothing to fear. They cannot touch you, only induce fear if you let them. Some can be directly addressed and told where to go, or you may have tapped into other spiritual technologies or even outside help of some sort which is available. But ultimately it is our individual stand and remaining consciously fearless that takes care of everything.

Whatever the source, they are all based on fear, and ensuing servitude if we comply.

Fear and Hate – Both Negative and Entropic

Hate is akin to fear. Hate is that extreme directed backlash in reaction to an influence someone perceives to be a direct threat to them in some way. The extreme manifestations are ever present, from the Zionist genocide in Gaza and on-going Ukrainian massacre, to the hate propaganda being continually ginned by the corporate, agenda-driven media. On a personal level it’s a reptilian brain reaction/protection mechanism and one of the most corrosive and destructive emotions. And they prey on this element.

Both fear and hate are entropic – they break down the beautiful complexity of the natural flow and structure of life in order to release the energy within, leaving a used up, over-simplified and dead husk in its wake. This released energy is food for the temporal and spiritual parasites and the reason their ugly forces are exerted on humanity, and the living earth. You can feel it during violent events, strong expressions of fear and hate, and even at sports venues. The energy released and dissipated is being absorbed by the parasitic forces.

Fossil fuels, atomic energy and weapons of war are all entropic. So is the electromagnetic warfare and geoengineering madness being waged on our planet. All to release energy and create a homogenous, disempowered and easily controlled environment for the parasitic few, both here and in other dimensions. Fear and hate are two of their main tools to cause this same entropic effect on our spirits and society, and are mainstays to creating the negative herd mentality of the worst and most debilitating sort.

Keep the Peace – Not the Fear

We’re each learning to avoid, overcome and transcend induced fear, and it’s all well within anyone’s grasp.

Peace is precious and our inherent right. No matter what the conditions. While the media floods the airwaves with fear in all forms and our very culture is saturated with it along with the accompanying violence and death, our spiritual home is a place of peace. And love.

We need to see through the media storm and all the accompanying garbage they’re emanating, and avoid getting contaminated by it. It’s spiritual fly paper and one thing can easily lead to another if we get on the wrong track or vibration, taking in useless, toxic information or seemingly innocuous so-called entertainment. They’ve loaded it all up with hitchhiking energies so we need to be extra vigilant.

Stay free and keep the peace that comes from consciously aware knowing. A secure confidence in the rightness of all things essential. That’s where our hearts need to be centered.

Especially in these troublesome times.

For ourselves, our loved ones, and all of humanity.

Much love, and peace to you,



Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Gaming the Illusion

Gaming the Illusion

by Zen Gardner
August 26, 2018


Humanity is amazing. I’m more encouraged by the day seeing the avenues of new life and conscious perception with which our species is surfacing. It’s remarkable. In a world where things are designed to appear so hopeless and destined for one apocalyptic hell or another, be they global nuclear war or a total AI takeover, life springs eternal – all
while the mutant matrix of parasitic control continues to crumble.

The illusion persists, does it not?

We appear to be in quite the pickle. One big question that seems to come up repeatedly is do we engage this miasmic fabric called the “system” or “matrix”, or is that counter productive in and of itself?

Another question is, how many even consider the option of “opting out” of that framework as viable in some way?

One big dilemma that seems to plague our kind is, “Can we “fix” the world we’re in?” Is it even possible, never mind desirable in some sense, to repair the world system? That may appear to be escapist or esoteric of sorts, but to me that is one of the pressing issues.

It’s Time to Think This Through

It seems to be time to think again and re-evaluate so many of these pressing fundamental issues and challenges. Are we going about it right? Are we hitting the nail on the head in our so-called activism so as to do the greatest good for mankind?

This is not to minimize anyone’s sincere efforts to stand up for truth, justice and harmony in whatever form. All is energetic fulfillment is some form. But let’s step back a bit and see the big picture to perhaps give a more conscious perspective so we keep things from getting us out of whack or pulled into the futile dark vortex we’re being confronted

This is a programmed paradigm we’re watching and drawn into participating within, very much like The Truman Show, only multi-dimensional. That’s why it’s called the world “stage”. The good guys and bad guys give it emotional credence and compelling drama which we freely agree to take part in, not fully realizing the underlying true nature of things.  Understandable on one level.

Realizing this may be a game of some sort does not in any way negate truly conscious or “moral” actions and reactions at any level, as it’s all part of the mix. But it does appear to be a staged drama on an endless loop in some profound way and should perhaps be treated as such and not taken so severely and seriously on a certain level.

Gaming the illusion is meant to be a fun experience, otherwise it’s all gloom, doom and designed destiny in some form, an all too prevalent conditioned perspective. That’s why “life’s a bitch and then you die” has been so widely quoted and popularized. A very sad yet understandable attitude. But the fact is, there’s so much more at our fingertips.

The Distraction of Entrapping Entrancement in Paradox City

It’s all a puzzle that enthralls in this 3D level of experience. The seeming writers, directors, film crew, stage hands, props, bit players and leading roles alike are just part of a play at a certain level. And some of the players aren’t even human just to make it more entertaining and intricately complicated. And then there’s the audience, without whom there would be no need for a play and no interactivity at all.

A strange phenomenon indeed.

That we can question our reality at this level and imagine, and even experience otherwise, proves there are other perspectives, and most likely underlying and even over-riding unseen multi-dimensional elements at play. Something to think about in itself.

As it appears to me and apparently many others, it’s a play, a game, but not in some shallow sense. For sure there’s some cosmic purpose of some sort. It’s not totally nonsensical, nor does this process ever end. I surmise it’s mainly a learning ground for experience and growth as we awaken out of the spell of this complex and very convincing level of illusion we call “reality”. We thereby grow in spiritual character, and perhaps clear past life and/or inherited baggage, and continue to evolve along with all of Creation.

So What Is Real Change?

Do we really think the play at this level is going to change in some fundamental way? Maybe we’’ll shift out of it if humanity is ready. That doesn’t seem to be historically verifiable and remains to be seen. But each of our awakenings definitely contributes to the overall reality. And that many are called to engage in active or non-active participation in
whatever form is all fine and well. There’s no condemnation or judgement in the true Universal force. We’re each living out our paths.

But having this understanding is extremely empowering and liberating on a whole other level.

We can rearrange stuff here and there as humanity has endeavored to do for millennia. We can also take it all apart and expose and describe it ad infinitum. That might help some but I’m not sure that changes anything if we’re battling with the external. Exposure won’t do that on its own, but it does contribute to the first stage of awakening to some degree. Unlocking what lies within each of us is the key.

Back to the Truman analogy, maybe we can even make it a different movie we’d rather see to some extent, but it’s still a movie. Some kind of morphing image that would thereby keep up the attachment to it but with the illusion of change. Interesting indeed.

Any way we go about it, the play will go on here. It has to, at least at this density. It seems that’s what it’s designed to do. Interesting perspective, eh?

As the late Bill Hicks aptly said, “It’s just a ride…” …one that’s brightly colored full of thrills and chills and appears very real.

But Only Until We Fix It?

I don’t know if that’s possible in this realm or dimension. We have to think at another level. This is its purpose, providing contrast, like opposing teams on a playing field or chess pieces on a checkerboard that we find so compelling and entertaining. Trying to eliminate the “evil” is like having only one team on the field, or throwing rocks at the theatre screen attempting to change the movie and eliminate the villainsembedded in the script. Or even something as  profoundly unconscious as trying to annihilate the “dark” yin from the yin-yang of creation. We might as well fix our appearance by adjusting the mirror, if I may extrapolate the nonsensical nature of it.

But let’s face it, it’s fun trying to figure all this out! I have to admit that, ha! What a trip! But that’s not to minimize the severity of our current predicament. Clearly humanity is being farmed and treated as assets, and that paradigm, whatever it’s source, will crumble as we each awaken to what’s really going on here.

The Natural World

I like to look at nature as a fractal paradigm here for our grounding and basic understanding. Besides its essential holographic nature with all of creation embedded within it, as it is with ourselves, everything is perfect just as it is. Imagine, without certain parasites we’d be awash in debris.

Without predators we’d be swimming in one dominant species. Without bacteria and internal healing and growth struggles of all sorts our bodies would sicken and decay almost instantly.

It all works in concert. All of it. Even if we don’t “understand” it.

Sure, things can get out of balance and there’s gardening to do here on occasion and some serious energetic challenges, that’s our responsibility on a very profound and meaningful level. Real common sense and loving care and stewardship always remain. But let’s not lose perspective when it comes to this weird projection called the whirled “stage” and the ignorant, reactive-laden attitudes that are attached to it.

That only belies a very low level of perception and understanding. This is why native cultures so close to nature enthrall us in their profound wisdom and simplicity.

It’s all the same game with everyone agreeing to play seemingly required parts. Engage it we all must, but let’s also remember to detach and see it for what it truly is.

It may seem counter intuitive, but this is where true understanding lies.

The Mental Retort

I can hear the minds churning and arguing with this perception. That’s because this perspective defies and negates the need for so much heavily invested time, energy and misdirected attention. That’s unfathomable to the lower belief-based energy fields of perception – it’s an understanding that defies an entire realm of wrongly empowered inter-reactivity. But that will escape those within that framework.

That lower lower level operational system predominantly includes humanity’s massive uncontrolled ego, individual and collective. That’s the separated, mutant spin off from root creation, the cancerous false ego issue which is at the center of our problems referred to as “the fall” or the operational system of the “mind they gave us” and all the cling- ons it attracts, amongst other explanations. I might be losing uninformed people here but hang in there.

That oft mislabeled and misunderstood “ego” is like the mind – it’s its partner in the non-self area where we’ve been conditioned from birth. Certain aspects of this ego concept are necessary and part of our functioning apparatus. But it’s either our master or our servant, our healthy interactive “friend” or the enemy within – blinding us from the true underlying reality and what empowers interconnectivity. This other fake outgrowth of what we can call the false ego is the great separator, the very thing we came here to overcome as we get back to our Source-self recognition and remembrance of who we are.

My point is, until we return to the true experiential basics on a personal and hopefully a collective basis, it’s gonna be wash, rinse repeat here as it has been for eons. Individually and collectively. We only “see through a glass darkly” here, but we do get experiential as well as intuitive insights into the “other side” and are clearly waking up to these profound truths exponentially now.

We might as well enjoy it here, but we mustn’t fool ourselves. Blaming the external is akin to abject blindness and a very serious case of mistaken identity. It’s similar to letting external “acceptance” and the opinions of others guide our lives and happiness – victimhood, false judgment, projecting blame and a host of other things, when the real issues are inside ourselves, not “out there”. The applications of this principle are myriad. That’s a fast and powerful extrapolation but a good one.

A Global Awakening? Or Are Each of Us the Whole Deal

Awakening appears to be first and foremost an individual thing. I suspect when we truly wake up, clean up and grow up, on a person to person basis, we perhaps move on from this merry-go-round to try some new adventure if we choose. Unless we decide to come back and try to help awaken a few more and likely a host of other reasons.

Who knows? Curious indeed. So many possibilities, all worth considering.

Can there be a global awakening? Maybe. But it’s not going to be done “for” anyone, but by each individual and the rest will follow. That’s ultimately not our primary concern really, worrying about the overall. No movement of any new form of collective affirmation or compliance will magically do it. Otherwise it’ll be back to square one, and just another followership rhythmically following some new meme towards a reset on the great mandala.

A sad thought perhaps, but who am I to say? We’re each on our own path and have no idea what’s really going on, except for small glimpses.

So What To Do?

This approach to life as we know it may appear to require so much seeming sacrifice of what has been familiar to us that it may sound like a lot of work and personal responsibility. This includes a hell of a lot of changes and letting go of our coveted stuff, ideas, beliefs and beloved self image. Letting it all go never goes over well and we could die or get killed for trying something so full spectrum contrarian. The price appears to be way too high on this programmed playing field. Ironic once again as we’re going to lose all of this anyway eventually. Besides the fact that final “exclamation point” can come at any time.

So why not try letting it all go now? Nothing else is working, nor ever has.

What’s really to lose in the grand scheme of things? Letting go may lead to gaining everything, more than we’ve hoped or dreamed. Amazing things certainly seem to work that way. We’ve all experienced that in our lives one time or another. So why not try it voluntarily rather than having to have it all yanked out from under us, or us from it, as will eventually happen? Which doesn’t appear to be very far off.

It Just Takes One

The rarified beauty within all of this is that if even one of us can truly awaken and power up it proves anyone can. And each one that does so exponentially affects the opportunity for others to break out of the spell, and energetically moves this orb of illusion into increments of more potentiality for those within it. That I find to be extremely inspiring and empowering.

This is all quite paradoxical so don’t expect it to make linear sense. If it’s all “under control” why do anything? Well, there’s a lot of reasons. Never forget – if those embodied sages and “radicals” who dared to speak truth in previous lifetimes in this dimension hadn’t demonstrated and shared their awakening wisdom through the ages, I suspect strongly it might have been much more difficult for those of us here and now on this amazing path to awaken from scratch.

We stand on the shoulders of the true giants who dared to reach for full on Truth manifested in Love. And as compassion has it, they felt compelled to share what they had learned. Let’s pay it forward for all of Creation. And notice of the great sages, they never said to fight the system, though they didn’t condemn such actions. They consistently said to elevate our level of conscious awareness and get back to Source as the number one priority, seeing past the illusion and attachments whereupon the basic cause for suffering is relieved.

We Can’t Get it Wrong

No path is wrong. No matter what we do we can’t “get it wrong”. That’s the beauty of it. Each soul path is unique and learning and experiencing what it does. There’s no judgement or right or wrong in this respect. It may appear that way from the lower dimensional perspective, but that is operating from a place of ignorance in the grand scheme of things. We have the capacity for so much more.

Love just is. And It’s All. Let’s get there and live It the best we can, whatever the seeming cost or obstacles. That’s how to play this game, with fearless abandon. Screw the confines, naysayers and wanna be controllers. They’re simply game board pieces set to bring about contrast, energetic opposition, and experiences. Nothing more. Just doing their job.

Seems like a wonderful set up to me. Opportunities abound as we game the illusion! Let’s take the leap! It’s exactly like fears – when we face them they disappear like the phantoms that they are.

Face it all and transcend the game! While gaming it! Confusing enough? Welcome to planet earth as embodied spiritual beings.

We are one. Yet individual.


Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Step Into the Role – an Esoteric Invitation

Step Into the Role – an Esoteric Invitation


We’re at an amazing and empowering juncture in humanity’s history. For each of us individually now is always the most profound turning point, as each decision we take directs our next step. But collectively there are extremely significant eras or epochs during our development and now is one of them.

It is during these times that a major conflux of influences takes place with which humanity is challenged to either respond according to natural instinctive and intuitive processes, or lie down and let whatever dominant forces at play take their course without resistance or conscious participation.

It is within such turbulent times we now find ourselves as conditions intensify in conjunction with an ever growing collective awareness of the realities with which we are faced. This trend towards higher vibrational realizations in the face of previous paradigms of control and subjugation now dismantling before our eyes is what we loosely term the awakening.

What is peculiar to this later stage we’re experiencing is the accelerating rate of unforeseen types of change we are embarking upon. And not only are our personal perspectives changing at an exponential rate both individually and collectively, but the outside realities that influence our lives at every level are also undergoing massive shifts affecting our evolving perspective.

Quite a fluid and potentially disconcerting mix.

What does this mean for us? As old paradigms crumble before our eyes, only a higher vibrational conscious awareness observing these dynamic interactions from a detached perspective will see clearly what is truly transpiring around us. This enables us to perceive clearly as well as respond consciously to these otherwise confusing shifting sands of changing perspectives and morphing realities. This increased divergence between those awakening and an increasingly comatose majority is both a wonderful opportunity as well as potential death knell, depending on our personal response.

This may sounds like a mouthful but bear with me; we’re undergoing conscious fluid dynamics such as humanity has never experienced before.

The Message

For awakened psychonauts traversing this ephemeral existence and longing to fulfill our role to help manifest Universal harmony via this ongoing revelation of Truth, there are very practical steps for each of us to take. This path cannot be taught, the mechanics are not set, and the personal method for navigating this maze is nothing less than experiential as well as deeply esoteric.

Yet all the while extremely practical.

This of course is all by design, as only a heart led soul can navigate its way through such a life experience and discover the many wonderful secrets patiently awaiting revelation. So called reason and mind understandings soon give way to much deeper levels of experiential knowledge that begin to direct our thoughts and actions.

Dispassionate arrows pointing the way borne out of sincere seeking appear along the path as hints to the awakening soul. Anyone or anything attempting to define the nature of what we seek is soon unmasked and eventually shunned by the awake and aware traveler who realizes the Unnamed awaits a much deeper level of realization, not a finite definition. We each find out we discover what we will by profound personal existential experience – never rote, dogmatic, hierarchical, defined or limiting categorizations and linguistic definitions.

Into this vortex of eternal knowing we march unafraid. But herein lies a major clue as to our role. If we are determined, sincere and well aware we are essentially empty vessels in this great play, within this understanding we’ll surely find what we should, and meaningful and profoundly effective courses of action soon appear as we continue this noble pursuit.

One very interesting question begins to arise and crystalize at this point. Once we’re locked into this search and commitment meets lifestyle and our voice becomes that of Truth and change, what role do we play? What and whom is Universe ultimately releasing in these living, confident voices actively interacting with the world around us in a continued unveiling of our true, inner truth-imbued selves?

Act – Take Authority

I’m convinced we are evolving not only into a greater awakened and empowered state, but one of tremendous release of a new sense of identity as our unlimited talents and potential manifest. Be it for the revealing of empowering truths, spiritual and physical healing, or the immediate use of etheric powers for particular situations, the awakening warriors are commissioned to imbue others with a contagious sense of empowerment and confidence.

This time of manifesting is not only at hand, but now upon us.

It is a choice to step into these roles as those empowering this transformation. You know who you are. Should anyone seek such spiritual gifts and power for their own selfish benefit they are clearly not among those called as such. For those unawakened to the full sense of unselfish love this can be a stumbling stone, as power tempts and tests the best of us. It’s a fundamental filtration and purification process we all pass through. But keep going.

These “next generations” of spiritual and even physically empowered beings are not only coming, but already amongst us. And what activates them? Knowing – some call it faith – not belief or hope or any over spiritualized distraction. It’s a fact of which you are intuitively certain.  More profoundly, we are now living in an epoch of awakening where such activation is desperately needed, and to my way of understanding, it is therefore available. The even more stark reality is that it is you and I who are next in line to step into this role. For the good of all.

It is no small thing and it will likely cost your life. But doesn’t any form of living cost your life? Why not live it to the full for something with profound meaning and importance for the good of all? As far as I’m concerned anyone with any sense of conviction that’s worth their salt has already crossed that irreversible rubicon. Even more directly, giving our all towards truth and right is what is immediately needed to remedy the dire circumstances that have been foisted on humanity that threaten our very existence.

This inherent urgency makes such seemingly drastic decisions to activate and take on the role of the conscious warrior a pretty easy choice in my book.

Making the Move and the Activated Rudder

Moving into a new life is least of all physical. It is a process that begins in the heart and mind. Once the lower self is convinced by higher influences of greater realities and potential life paths, decisions naturally unfold and our ships start to turn. It takes miles for a freighter or cruise ship to come about in its course. What is amazing is how the rudder works on an incredibly small fulcrum, much like the switch of our personal will, which literally creates a vacuum that draws the mightiest of ships into a consciously steered course.

We’re each endowed with something so seemingly small yet boundlessly powerful called the majesty of free will that can activate and steer these massive ships called our lives embodies the magnificence of the human experience. In the shipping industry these tiny rudders that in turn move the larger ones are called “trim tabs”.

This for me is perhaps the most empowering metaphor there is that encourages personal activism and dispels all the blockages the naysaying, doubting mind and all of the inhibiting social conditioning memes thrown at us over the course of our lives.

The Trimtab Phenomenon

You have a vision. As an individual or as a family, maybe you wish to communicate something about a burden you have. You care. You love. Maybe your concern is to find a cure for breast cancer. Maybe to save the whales. Or maybe it’s your church and you want to see people involved with your church’s mission. You want to build community around your vision with others that share that vision. And you want to see change because of this burden you carry in your heart. So you want a web site out there but you think you will be lost in all the web pages that are already out there. That isn’t necessarily true.

I like the quote from Buckminster Fuller:

Something hit me very hard once, thinking about what one little man could do. Think of the Queen Mary—the whole ship goes by and then comes the rudder. And there’s a tiny thing at the edge of the rudder called a trim tab.

It’s a miniature rudder. Just moving the little trim tab builds a low pressure that pulls the rudder around. Takes almost no effort at all. So I said that the little individual can be a trim tab. Society thinks it’s going right by you, that it’s left you altogether. But if you’re doing dynamic things mentally, the fact is that you can just put your foot out like that and the whole big ship of state is going to go. So I said, call me Trim Tab. (Source)

Awakened Warriors Arise – Step into the Role

This is a very fresh and even raw revelation for me personally. Although I’ve known it intellectually for a very long time and it has directed my life to a massive degree over the years, it has never been as profound as this current stage of my life. I’ve often said, “If you’re not free to follow life’s signs and live in synchronicity, you’re not free”, and I’ve done my best to live by those words, as far as I could see. As my life has unfolded this has become more and more real, profound and somewhat disconcerting as each new phase revealed itself to me as I was guided, as well as prodded, to move on to the next level.

But the switch lays with me.

This has ultimately led to the realization I’m sharing here, that this activation is our true destination: in other words, being the warriors we were clearly called to be from birth. I know many of you will attest to this same innate conviction. It’s often labelled as a “calling” which is very interesting in itself, but it is a very apt term as it draws us, ever so gently usually but occasionally quite insistently, as I feel the case is right now for a large number of us.

We’re at the point of a kind of insistence by Universe. I know it’s not only me experiencing this compelling. And if you haven’t yet sensed it and you are called, you soon will be more or less confronted in some way. Words are like levers that open gates and doors, and this message just may be your gateway to recognizing the role you are intended to play and perhaps bolster your conviction regarding what you already know in your heart but are not yet allowing to be fully realized in your life.

It’s time for us all to step up.

In summary may I paraphrase, “Let those that have ears to hear, hear….and activate.”

It’s time to step into the role for which we came into this world.

Love and empowerment always,



Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Push Me, Pull You Socio-Psychological Taffy Machine

The Push Me, Pull You Socio-Psychological Taffy Machine

by Zen Gardner
June 28, 2018

This is fundamental in many ways but the solution may surprise most. Nothing is as it appears. Nothing. The answers lie in the observer and within each of our grasps. But it requires some serious personal work and true honest evaluation of many profound things. Mainly ourselves, at levels many may have not yet begun to fully perceive.

The ultimate challenge and final frontier….

What is the truth? What do we base what we call truth on? When it comes to information we tend to trust what we consider “reliable sources”. And just where do they get their information? Do we know for sure?

In this day of the information glut resources are more and more spurious, never mind the infiltration of agendized psyops and A.I. disinformation bots at every level. So where do we turn? What’s the message that we need to take away from this current milieu of information pollution?

First we have to clearly identify the problem. Once we admit we’re confused and often chasing our own tails, or someone else’s, we start to gain some detachment and discernment. Admittedly it’s not easy but it’s part of the growth process. Social engineering is an easily documented reality, begun in earnest by a cabal of so-called academics and sociology think tanks as far back at the 1700’s and proliferated and heavily expanded upon in the last century. It’s there for anyone to read about in mainstream documents.

The idea that arrogant elites of the system have taken upon themselves the role of channeling everything from our education system to our media to promulgate a distinct agenda towards a certain pre-set goal for humanity isn’t easy for most to digest. It implies the whole idea of a concerted “conspiracy” in some form, a term deftly demonized as a catch all for anything contrary to their social programs. Once this deliberately engineered idea hurdle is overcome, things start to crystalize.

The Taffy Convolution Machine

Confusion, distraction and division are essential tools for those imposing their mentally confining, clearly directing paradigm. In their minds this is a necessary evolution that needs their hands-on participation and enforcement. Even the slightest degree of investigation into the government takeover of education, for example, from childhood to universities, reveals a very clear intention. The same can be said of the evolution of science, politics, the impetus behind wars and aggression in the name of “defense”, the continually consolidating corporate takeover, the engineered breakdown of the family and the clearly planned immigration and multicultural agendas…and on it goes.

Once we are willing to begin to connect the dots it becomes quite obvious that there is an overriding direction to which humanity is being deftly herded.
Today all of this has taken on a new and exponentially expanding dimension. Besides the obviously controlled mainstream media, the so-called alternative community is known to be heavily infiltrated, from anger instigation to plain distraction to new age incapacitation. This doesn’t mean there aren’t true sources of empowering truth and awareness. The point here is that everything has been led into this giant convoluted machine similar to the above taffy maker.

If this resonates to how you feel now about investigating and understanding what’s really going on, don’t be surprised or taken back by it. This is how it works. It’s the nature of the beast. Keep everyone confused and busy while they get on with their overall agenda. It’s not new, every hierarchical civilization or major institution such as religion has used this for eons. It’s just that today it is much more sophisticated and because of the electronic connectivity much faster, immediate and deftly effective.

So What Can We Do?

Number one is again identify what is going on. Many are rightfully looking for spiritual answers that surpass this seemingly insane dimension of experience. Within the taffy maker there is no end of loops and repeat conditioning which has become increasingly enticing due to its complicated algorithms, at many levels. It’s a system designed to have no escape as it sets its own ever changing rules and parameters. Eastern thought has a simple explanation or categorization for the whole ball of taffy – it’s maya, or illusion – as compared to true underlying reality.

Their advice is to just tune it out. Escape in some fashion, in other words. From there we’ll have a real perspective which profoundly includes non-participation.

This is why getting off the hamster wheel or merry go round is paramount in order to truly be clear enough to begin to grasp this strange experience. This has always been the case, but today’s challenge has become so convoluted it appears to many there is no avenue of escape, never mind solution. This is resulting in people lashing out in many ways including on minute social issues in an effort to fight their way out of this imposed paper bag over our heads.

This is engineered, believe it or not, but the evidence is overwhelming for those willing to look.

It all points to our individual personal condition. Our reactions, no matter the external impulse, are the real issue. We were groomed, in trauma-based matrix conditioning, to be reactive. That and concentrating on personal survival and acceptance. A perfect set up. Rather than look within ourselves for the limitless resources innate to us, and having our imagination cultivated and encouraged, we are conditioned to look for external help, from government to religion to unhealthy co-dependent relationships. Never mind massive distractions such as sports and celebrity and the like.

The Answer Lies Within – Each of Us

It can seem bleak, but it isn’t. This is a golden opportunity no matter how challenging. Many wonderful therapies are available for self reconciliation and discovery. Without this essential work it will only be wash, rinse repeat if we only deal with the external or the superficial.This subject is up for personal discovery whether some technique is needed or not.

In order to change the world we have to change ourselves first and foremost. Otherwise we will only create or affirm just a new socially and spiritually constrictive world based on previous ignorance or entrainment. This whole idea and approach is totally contrary to our engrained way of thinking. As the above quotation clearly states, we will only rebuild the old in new clothes. True change comes from within, approaching and addressing our most sacred territory – ourselves. The elevation that takes place is not just informational, but vibrational and in essence dimensional.

This is the realm we long for. In a sense it doesn’t really matter what happens to our perception of the outside world. But when we change individually, everything changes. And each individual change, at this profound level, changes the overall, much like the morphic field or even the profound dynamics as described by quantum physics.

This directly applies to activism as well, no matter how impassioned and sincere, and those working for change within this oppressive system at whatever level. We cannot play their game at their level. But all of this requires personal elevation to new levels of awareness.

Something to think about. This implies a lot of personal shifting and change. Some will take it up, most won’t.

I’ll leave the challenge with you. And me.

Personally, I’m working on it, and it’s profoundly liberating and empowering.

Much love,



Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Unwinding the Madness — Is It Too Late?

Unwinding the Madness — Is It Too Late?

by Zen Gardner
June 14, 2018


As more and more people are increasingly realizing, humanity is under a full spectrum attack – fundamentally on its health and well being, as well as its very basic freedoms of thought and action. The vectors are myriad as millions scramble to recover their essential health and stability as well as prevent further damage. Scientism is the new god of this age, an unquestionable standard of seeming truth that can be totally relied – re-lied – upon. A very sad state of affairs, as the cycle of humanity abdicating its very own source-linked authority is not just denied, but willingly surrendered once again.

While the current status quo may appear to be advanced with all of its technological glitz, glamour and self assuaging propaganda, in truth there have been very few “advances” in the human condition except things cosmetic. In fact, we are clearly in a barbaric feudal state and living in one of the darkest times in human history. This is not easy to see within such a colloidal suspension as today’s toxic culture, but the proof of a sick tree is in its fruits.

Do the fish in a very slowly contaminated fishbowl remember a better environment? By design, no. Earlier fish die off and those born into the slowly changing toxic environment take what they’re born into as “natural”. Change, contaminate, repeat. That’s how all this works. Generations fade away as history is hidden, written over, or fabricated, so that any actual reference point for the general population becomes today’s status quo and whatever they are told becomes unchangeable.

I covered this from an alternative perspective in The Serpentine Stealth of the Long Range Planners many years ago, but it still stands true. I don’t like to dwell on their machinations so as to avoid that degrading vibration any longer, but they need pointing out.

By the very nature of this relative-unto-itself mutant matrix, the plan is not supposed to be fully identified. They, or “the opposing program” we appear to face, seem to make concessions as to who and how many may wake up to what, but the continually morphing virus at this level of density or vibration is an animal all unto itself. It’s only power lay in our agreement to engage it on its own low dimension, an arena truly conscious divine humans will never gain a serious foothold in.

Why? It’s not our world, our domain. It’s part of the great paradox of our existence here; spirit beings in mortal bodies, the dualism and push-me, pull-me never ending game of futility should we choose that level of existence only. We do exist here and have to operate within it, but the question again remains, what is our best and most effective course of action, as well as inaction on other levels? And how do we not just survive, but thrive? And how can we effectively help our fellow true humans?

Some say a new earth of those choosing love and conscious awareness and living is being born. Others say a major “event” will soon suddenly hit our planet or quadrant in the galaxy and bring the needed changes. Neither are new schools of salvation thought, as these tendencies are embodied in religious and even secular teachings for eons. Who’s to say? The energetic shift is definitely a reality, just as celestial alignments change. But I wouldn’t bank on external rescue on any level – that’s what that parasitic “other” energy wants, your “investment”.

Others say we’ll reach a tipping point where suddenly the general populace will accept a new way of thinking and perceiving which will propel us into the changes we need. All of these ideas, while both well intentioned by some and ill intentioned or twisted by others or everything in between, potentially smack of the same hope and change based thinking, whatever slice of truth is contained within them. True hope is a wonderful, love-based empathic sensation. False hope however, like structured, dogmatic or heavily defensed beliefs, however “leading edge”, is an absolute death to progress and spiritual evolution sentence to those who ascribe to them.

As I perceive our situation, we needn’t worry about everything “out there”. Ours is a very personal, individualized journey, an understanding the mutant matrix works hard to sabatoge and marginalize by every possible group-think, survival and fear based tactic. This includes not just the usual cultural garbage that seems to have such a grip on the superficial, but those more profound aspects including those embedded in the religious and growingly more influential new spiritual schools of thought and technology. It’s a minefield to navigate, and truth manifests in many ways within almost anything, but this again points to the individual, discovering for itself what is truth and what is not. We share a collective conscious awareness underneath this, but again it’s based on each individual “soul node’s” degree of connectivity as far as bringing this greater awareness into being on our current planet at whatever collective level we arise to. Hence the profound power of the individual. We each influence and alter that entire morphogenic field.

This is the profound truth of where true activism is based, and why it’s been so suppressed, marginalized and denigrated. Please let that sink in. It is all about us individually, first and foremost.

The excavation starts at home, in our own hearts. I’ve known this was true and performed this search the vast majority of my life, much of which turned out to be very constrained with superficial attempts to get down to the nitty gritty in myself. My mind can be a great friend but an ominous enemy, telling me I already “knew” something because I grasped the concept in a sincerely researched framework, but oh the mining that was yet to be done! If we look at how much we drink in, digest and describe about the outer workings of things in this life, knowing as above so below, as well as outside as is within, the balance of research is way off kilter in most cases.

Ken Wilber gives terrific, thoroughly researched instruction regarding this – there’s not just a “wake up” phase, but there’s “clean up” and then “grow up”, which are not necessarily sequential nor mutually implied or exclusive. Stages not aforeseen even in some of the greatest teachings through the ages, even if implied, despite cultural differences. Again, the default to simply “seeing” something to be true is not the be all, end all – the full implications of truth in our personal lives must be vigorously pursued if we’re to become “whole” and then grow up to be fully realized and actuated entities here in this challenging environment – and beyond.

Most of all, there’s a profound question to ask ourselves: what is in fact experiential, or heart knowledge – as in true knowing? When we stand back and examine what in fact we really “know” we come up pretty empty handed, if we’re honest. At least it has been for me. Sure, some materialistic facts of base level existence, and maybe some profound spiritual experiential insights. But it’s important to ask ourselves; how much of what we’re operating according to is really conjecture, no matter how compelling? That’s a whole philosophical issue in itself which can turn into mushy mind wasters in a hurry, but it’s something that has struck me profoundly. This has immensely improved and enhanced my prayer and meditation practice and brought a heaven of a lot more humility to this proud man than I’ve ever experienced. And it feels good and right.

This isn’t to minimize serious pursuits however we’re led; mentally, spiritually, intellectually, as well as in outward efforts to expose, teach and educate with what we feel are greater and more empowering truths and ways to be freed and free others from limiting programming.

So, Can We Make this Turn in Time to Avoid Disaster?

My answer remains: it doesn’t matter. We each do what we can however we are led or “called”. That’s all that matters. That Lao Tzu was impressed to record his summary of realizations before he departed speaks volumes. That great masters, despite their seeming attainments, still felt compelled, from compassion for humanity, to share the liberating truths they felt they’d arrived at speaks volumes, so to speak. That those professing there is no explanation nor description for Truth, the Tao, God or Source still endeavored to do so, is in my mind and heart the expression of the soul – compassion in the face of profound ignorance and suffering, however those challenges were derived.

We are born into a crippled and infected state, containing infinitely powerful and perfect souls. We spend our lifetimes trying to find and get back to that original innocence and connectivity with Source. It may seem futile, but we know it’s not. There is no attainment. It is never done, contrary to the mechanistic viewpoint. It goes on.

We need to get used to that and comfortable with it. We’re just passing through, but it is nonetheless a very serious yet potentially thrilling and enjoyable ride.

It’s not an easy one. One thing for sure, love overrules it all. That we know, feel, and can comfortably and knowingly rely on.

Therein is peace, and an unfolding avenue ever before us that never, ever fails.

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Sopping Up the Gullibles and the Truly Great Escape

Sopping Up the Gullibles and the Truly Great Escape

by Zen Gardner
April 4, 2018


I’m continually dumbfounded by the things our human family will fall for. Myself included obviously, even what draws my attention. It’s a wild ride here.

Actually it’s not surprising nor at all unprecedented. We’ve been duped all of our lives. In fact, we’re bred duped in a fabricated whirled of false choices. I look back at my own life incredulously at the things I’ve fallen for. But I woke up from much of it, and continue waking up as many are doing. The key is to keep on – keep on learning, keep on changing, and keep on letting go of what doesn’t serve us any longer.

The pace is quickening. Today’s belief is tomorrow’s interesting phase we passed through, as we learn yet again to keep letting go. Fluidity is the key. What’s real and truly effective in our growth and lives will manifest. It’s all in place – we just need to clear the rubble, let things out, admit them and get in touch with them, learn deeply from them, and release it. All the while digging deep within for the Wellspring.

Easier said than done but it’s a process that can’t be bypassed.

In the external, the massive examples of “the big dupe” in society at large are religions, governments and the imposed economic system for starters. But those are obvious. Society is rife with containment systems from the top down and bottom up. Finding out about manipulated wars, false flags and controlled opposition is a massive wakey wakey moment for most. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. The true degree to which humanity is being manipulated is almost unfathomable. But we need to pass through that phase into the realm of profound personal freedom and spiritual empowerment.

The False Hope Trap and the Mutant Matrix

What seems to escape the awareness of many is this false hope phenomenon designed to draw the disillusioned back into the arena of endless futility. From hopey changey political types to diversions with outlandish “inside information” of never substantiated “massive political changes” under way – all to suck up energy and attention. That so many seemingly awake activists got swept into Trumpmania right on the tail of the O-bummer illusion was a total shock to many of us. And it goes on, one after the other.

By design.

I’ll add Q-anon to that just because of the effect and what it’s aroused, but I don’t know and it doesn’t matter to what extent it’s “real”. Psyops abound no matter how much “truth” they reveal. Now “The Event” is captivating everyone’s imagination. That’s hardly any different from the rapture escape hatch but again, there’s truth to it. For goodness’ sake, we’re in the middle of “the event “- we are the event if you ask me. The shift is arriving through us. The external will change, if need be, once we do. But it will likely collapse as the new is concurrently being born in the hearts of mankind.

It’s anything but “be here now” it seems. There’s always another ploy afoot to channel this false hope agenda and keep us from the business at hand. Beware of that.

My question regarding these ploys is: why Isn’t this stuff obvious at this point? As Ole Dammegard, who has relentlessly and fearlessly exposed the pattern of these psyops says, “Come on, people!” What do people want, a revival or reformation of a system that was a set up from the get go? The US for example was designed from its inception to be exactly the manipulated globalist corporation that it is today, for all those holding on to the Constitution as some sort of safe guard. That’s way hard for many to swallow it, but it’s the truth.

Be A Glean Machine

Of course there are elements of truth and safeguards for supposed freedom peppered throughout the American experiment. How else would it work? This is true of just about everything, learning to see what’s true, false and/or agendized. We need to learn how to glean the truth and what resonates from any source and jettison the rest.

Just look how whole populations have been funneled into complete slavery and servitude. Of course they have to give the illusion of choice and some tenets of apparent freedom and personal rights. It’s still a gulag; a big comfy spun-into-fantasyland one. They discovered a long time ago this phony idea of democracy would work better at subduing a populace than outright despotism, which is very hard to enforce and obviously wrong and therefore causes rebellion.

The master stroke is to keep everyone seemingly “happy” with their “stuff” and entertainments and the illusion of choice. Of course you can add in the Huxleyan pharmacological nightmare and Orwellian style full spectrum surveillance and all the rest. And how was that sold? For peoples’ protection of course; and the drugs are to make us “happy and healthy”. Not to mention all the other vectors aimed at crippling humanity, from toxic food, air and water to the microwaved environment and on and on.

It’s quite the mind-boggle. No wonder so few want to wake up out of this dystopian nightmare. Not only would they have to do something about it, but they’d risk losing their comfy lives. That’s why they fiddle with energy and commodity prices to keep everyone placated. That’s also why they don’t pull the plug on the economy. It would be too messy. They like the slow full spectrum control and population reduction method, as outlined by the Fabians way back when and even before. That way we clean up as we go and the population slowly dies off and the rest give in. They’re long range planners, and slow burn executioners.

Does this surprise you? Or scare or depress you? It’s just reality on that level. We’re at an amazing convergence point in human history. We need to see it for what it is and the opportunity this provides us. What is the real solution to all this? Try and fix it? Try and stop it? How? Can we even? Certainly not on their playing field that they keep luring people back into.

This is where the supernatural comes in. It’s actually just plain natural but it’s been marginalized again by the matrix lie. What are we essentially? Just meat robots pushing or being pushed around by other meat robots? That’s what these dark forces would have us believe. Why?

Because once we discover who we really are and the soul-level power within us it blows the whole thing to smithereens. And it’s not a low level power thing like the brute force or clever mind tricks and tech crap they use. Our weapons are not of this world. They are spiritual. It’s time to activate those and trust the fact that fighting on their level or fearing them or being in awe of their phony power (think Wizard of Oz behind the curtain) is not an option.

Because it isn’t. We cannot play their game. We have a much much bigger mission here.

We need to get to Source as deep and as fast as we can and drop everything else. That’s how I see it. We set the wheels of the Multiverse in motion when we put first things first and dig deep to our eternal connections. We cannot do it ourselves at their level. It’s a ploy to draw us in and not discover the heavy duty amazingness that we are connected to and can thereby co-create and release the immense power of true love and truth from a level they know not of.

I’m reminded of the ancient Chinese tale of a spiritual master who was confronted by barbaric warriors who had just slain a whole village. He stayed in complete peace as they threatened him every which way. The inner and outer chatter of the thugs grew and grew as the wise man didn’t flinch even at thrusting swords. Eventually the errant attackers killed themselves to prove how brave they were.

For those of you in the know, that sure sounds like the Samson option the psychopaths have up their sleeve – so be it. We’re just visiting this planet anyway to learn many things and move on. But oh, what drama! It’s very real, but ephemeral at the same time as we grow through this.

The Big Lie Sold Via Many Tricks – Over and Over

The matrix is a set up and complete lie in absolutely every aspect, permeating every phase of deliberately structured society. As the sign in the close-out store says “Everything must go!” That goes for virtually everything external and internal, including all of our personal idols and worn out beliefs and ideas and self image fears and contortions. The only way out of this mess is through the wormhole within us – our essential being that is connected to all of the Universe, and powered, protected and led by its very Source.

But I do wonder how can anyone place any credence at all in these obvious tricks. That may sound arrogant but you have to admit, it’s remarkable. What are people hoping for? For the metastasizing mutant matrix to correct itself, or that it’s in any way, shape or form fixable?

That’s a central tenet of the trap. Work on the illusion as if it’s real. It’s heavy duty energy diverging stuff and distraction from the real work within us to discover who we truly are and our connectivity to Source. The implications of this awareness are paramount.

The matrix is a vibrational black hole. Get in it, work in it, enter into conflict with it and ceaselessly describe and gripe about its workings and we’re burnt toast. Not just spent misdirected energy, but actually feeding the thing we’re so called opposing. Yes, go through the process to become aware of its existence and pervasive hold on humanity, but let’s be conscious and take the wisest course of action once we are awake and informed, and move through it.

The attachment is what to look out for. False hope diversions are incessantly being thrown at us and they’re easy to glom into. They seem to bring temporal peace and assurance in the battleground here. They’re not real. We can’t let ourselves get fooled and diverted from the real work. Drilling down to awareness and powers we never dreamed of. This is the first step. They can happen concurrently, but never neglect the drive for true connection to Source, unimpeded. We’ll know it when we get there. That’s the battle.

The good thing about any or all of these tests is that they show us how centered and grounded we are, or aren’t. We have to heed the signals as we go. Tests only make us stronger – ours is to keep drilling down to what’s actually real and then and only then make the true “difference” we long for.

Drop Out, Get Free and Grow Up

This awakening is real, as tired as that word may be getting. People are having massive personal changes in their lives now, shifts in perspective and awareness that in many cases they weren’t even looking for. Or wanting. It’s on. It’s in and all around us, evident in the preponderance of awake internet contributors, budding voices in society, and especially ourselves and those around us going through inexplicable personal changes. Let’s pay attention to this and move with it and let the rest go.

The mutant matrix is bound, and meant to, collapse and shrivel up. Don’t try to fix it or revive it, that’s a trap. The more we get on board with this vibrational shift and make the necessary personal changes the easier the transition will be. We can’t let fear or allow anger in any of their many forms direct our minds and lives. It’s easy to fall for, let’s just let our anger turn to compassion and give our full energy to this shift, beginning with ourselves.

Reactivity is enslavement. Observe and stay conscious and heart led. Guard your space.

The public arena is a play, a very persistent and intricately staged one. Let’s turn off our mental TVs as well as our physical ones. It’s a lure, a bait and switch, never mind the mindless amusements, which means away from thinking. It’s time to focus our lives like a laser to where we truly desire in our hearts. This brings great peace. Call it prayer, meditation, focus, personal commitment through shedding of distractions and shallowness. Whatever works.

But please realize this: the external and everything illusory is deliberately collapsing to help us all in this process. it’s a symbiotic unfolding as it should be. When we truly step back and observe from true inner selves this is clearly manifest.

Operations Here As I See Them

I keep any eye on what’s going on in the outer world, but it doesn’t rule my life and thoughts. My journey and continued awakening does. I prefer learning about inspirational and revelatory deep spiritual teachings most of all, as well as advances in true science, hidden history, archeology, and extra-normal phenomena in context if I feel like learning.

And I like learning. Processing towards a greater understanding in a greater and greater heart felt context is my passion.

The amount of alone and quiet time I spend has increased exponentially. My motto the past two years has been “keep the space”. In other words, guard my personal time and surroundings carefully with plenty of time for silence and nature and learning to be receptive and submissive to the process, because that’s where the real workings are going on. They need space and time to transpire and work through us. That may help others. There are no shortcuts – I feel like I’ve tried them all. Some learn more quickly than others, I’m on the slow boat but I’m thankful to be afloat.

It’s not particularly pleasant in some respects as the old impulses atrophy, but it must be done. We must venture into the unknown as I see it, and let the Universe, the great Creative force, work in our lives, without which we will never be equipped to effectively aid this amazing transition we’re in the midst of. This calling to Source is manifesting in amazing ways, many turning to previously held or newly discovered “faiths” of different persuasions and paradigms. Let it be. All roads eventually lead to Source or whatever you want to call it, as long as our hearts are pure and we don’t fall for limiting beliefs, dogma, hierarchy, interfering entities, or mind-titillating trip offs.

But such is the journey. We each have our own, and create our own realities along the way to deeper discovery.

It appears to me our contribution is first and foremost vibrational and spiritual in many ways. Our personal beingness is our contribution. At the end of life it is only who we have become that matters; not our deeds, reputation or good works. That’s the secret “weapon” that’s not so secret anymore. Who we are. Let’s revel in our newfound personal openness and the subsequent changes that brings on, and move boldly through everything thrown at us and make that connection.

And let’s not try to take all this and ourselves too seriously. We’re missing the fun and excitement of this great play when we do that. Let’s find our eternal centers, hook up, do our parts joyfully, and enjoy the show!

Keep on keeping on. We are the greatest secret! It’s in us.

See you there!

All the best, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

To All Who Can Hear

To All Who Can Hear

by Zen Gardner
March 16, 2018


We’re at an amazing time in human as well as cosmic history. What we do with it is up to each of us individually, as well as the inescapable collective of which we are all part. How we each respond individually affects the entire collective. This is our tremendous power. To do right or wrong, bring light or continued ignorance and darkness.

This responsibility is too weighty for most. They feel not just disempowered, but cowed out of their integral self soul expression. The forces are many, but playing the victim is nothing but an escape from personal responsibility. Fear, self-doubt, conditioning and subconscious inertia are difficult but not impossible to overcome. One right decision and exercise in true self affirmation leads to another, and as momentum builds it does become easier, and quite inspiring as well as horizon expanding.

All of that is co-conditional on a true willingness to let go – of past programming, false self stories, and external influences. The heart is the key; a love of truth and love itself, and for the ultimate betterment of humanity as we heal ourselves. All great and true energies align with such a spiritual disposition and the river of change and empowerment flows seemingly supernaturally in that zone, apparent parallel realities to what we witness in the external.

If we’re willing and truly desire to go there.

Again, the past attachments will fall away. But there’s nothing to fear, as what’s real and true in your life will continue on. Not all will be lost as so many fear. Sincere heart led relationships, the means for peace, contentment and survival, everything is healthily maintained. It is all well taken care of. The dualistic realm of separation here will fight this knowing tooth and tong, but it cannot win. If we are determined.

We all must remember that this is a training place, a proving ground, with wonderful soul lessons we came here to learn. That is the purpose of life on this very challenging yet bountiful and beautiful planet. Many say that is why we chose to come here, to learn and grow. But the amnesia we experience upon re-entry and immediate psycho-social conditioning fight our waking up and remembering quite comprehensively. By design.. And it’s not “bad” like we think. That too is an “allowed” construct to give us contrast and clarity, as well as soul strengthening during our adventure and lesson learning time.

Yet we are up to the challenge, otherwise we would not be here. That deep soul-sucking sense of futility we all run into and apparent meaninglessness is just a construct. It’s a lie of the first order. We know that in our hearts, yet so many waver and weaken and fall back into the victim mentality in a resignation to just get by and avoid conflict and pain. But as we’ve all experienced, that never works. The overwhelming external, all in escape mode, keep the amusements and distractions amply offered front and center to numb the deep inner pain and longing, all the while knowing that there is something else we are here for.

Enter Religions and Belief Systems

Sublimation is an interesting concept. One definition says “Sublimation is the transformation of unwanted impulses into something less harmful. This can simply be a distracting release or may be a constructive and valuable piece of work. When we are faced with the dissonance of uncomfortable thoughts, we create psychic energy. This has to go somewhere. Sublimation channels this energy away from destructive acts and into something that is socially acceptable and/or creatively effective.”

This is basically a replacement or camouflage dynamic. It is prevalent in our unconscious as we maneuver through life. It’s quite stealthy until we begin to recognize it. It’s sort of a “find and replace” program to help us not face the raw truth about our real selves and condition.

Religion is a perfect example. We have an innate knowing there is so much more to this life here. We sense it strongly. Society gives us labels for these feelings such as “faith” in something unseen, for which they have a ready explanation. This lower dimensional construct we live in is quick to fill in this sensation and need with religion – “faith” in the unknown, “trust” the hierarchy of those that know more than you, etc etc. A very clever design. That or sincerely relate to us “outside” formal religions and then direct or shunt humanity into one of the myriad religious practices and “alternative” belief systems of this world.

Belief systems are a bit more subtle, as they claim independence from the mainstream religions, so there’s that added element of spiritual and mental pride that “I’m not going for that – I’m going for this!” An amazingly clever “catch all, clean up” dynamic, but it’s just another manifestation of ignorance and pride. We’ve all fallen for one form or another of this. After all, throughout all this that shallow, false egoic self wants to survive no matter what. And that belief thing is fully hooked up to the veil, the matrix; i.e. the illusory testing system. But I digress, a bit.

If this is too abstract or esoteric for some, I apologize, Hence the title. I will close with something of a summary of this particular exercise:

  1. We are way more than we can even imagine and we need to tap into it.
  2. We need to be willing to do so at any cost. Any.
  3. Doing so will solve any and every personal as well as global issue or problem.
  4. Understand that limitation devices are in place for a good reason – to help us recognize false ego driven attachments – – in order to let them go.
  5. The challenge is subtle yet plain as day. Beliefs are just that: temporal non-real constructs that offer convenience, excuses cloaked in ritual ego-based offerings based in superstition, and in most cases justifying what we want.
  6. Reality is reality. Find it, face it, embrace it.
  7. The illusory matrix we’ve encountered here is purely fear driven. When we let go of fear every door opens and the love, beauty and simplicity of true creation and who we truly are pours through.

We are the light of the world. Let it shine.

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Jerusalem – Altar of Sacrifice

Jerusalem – Altar of Sacrifice

by Zen Gardner
September 3, 2012


The battle for the control of Jerusalem is the epitome of everything ugly about the condition of humanity. Drenched in the blood-soaked garb of religious zeal, armies have come and gone across the world’s landscape murdering and savagely pillaging for ultimate control of the “city of peace”.

Welcome to the occult dystopia of battlefield earth.

“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee.”

While the world’s three main monotheistic religions all claim Jerusalem as their sacred and most holy capital, this one historic city is the focal point for more war, hate and conflict than any other on earth. Eleven times over the past two millennia this strangely significant location has changed hands via horrific bloodletting, as if Abraham’s deferred call to sacrifice his own son on the nearby Temple Mount needs constant avenging.

And whoever wins the struggle for Jerusalem seems to become the world’s ruler du jour. Curious, indeed.

Zionism – The Ultimate Avenger

After centuries of slaughter by hysterical, puppeteered armies, the short lull that followed was finally broken by an effort to “reclaim” the promised land through a carefully organized political movement called Zionism. An integral part of the Illuminist agenda for world domination, Zionism alone, however, was not enough to make a move to re-occupy the supposed “promised land”.

There needed to be a “catalyzing event”…much like the “new Pearl Harbor” the neocons alluded to regarding 9/11 before it happened. After all, we need to galvanize public opinion…or is everything wrapped up behind the scenes?

Bring on World War II

Carefully planned and financed on both sides by Zionist-backed banking entities, the pincers were firmly placed on the pre-conditioned scapegoats called “the Jews”. Their own? Yes, those they own. Deftly evil, I know.

The Zionist Rothschild handlers and a continually aggravated Ashkenazi mindset amongst the Zionist leadership had done a bang up job of making Jews anathema to those around them. Now it was time, like Abraham of old, to sacrifice their own. Having helped bring the Nazis to power, the warlike Zionist AshkeNAZI Illuminati could now move toward their goal. Outrageous extermination.

And then never let the world forget about it.

After all, a good home base for world governance is worth the investment, is it not? Especially if it’s someone else’s life you’re investing.

“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee.”

Jerusalem – Center Stage of our Programmed Reality

Our manipulated reality is controlled by very dark forces. They conjure the powers of the occult, the money myth, false religion and paid-for brute force to steer humanity in the direction that serves their purposes.

Strategically located at the geopolitical heart of civilization and one of the most powerful convergences of global ley lines, the significance of this cryptically labelled “city of peace” is apparent. It’s as if Jerusalem is a 3-D jumbotron on which “the play” is being projected.

And the world is watching.

The Bible, Freemasonry, the Kabala, all lay claim to the importance and power of controlling Jerusalem. The New World Order advocates admittedly want to install a one world religion with a one world leader in Jerusalem. The Vatican and Zionism and their new age sycophants are integral to this plan. All three major religions await the return of their respective messiahs to rule from Jerusalem.

Even the off-world Annunaki Nephilim spoken of in the Sumerian tablets are said to be returning. Is that what all this hubbub is about? A final takeover by an alien race? Is this ley line convergence evidence of a long coveted inter-dimensional portal through which they’ll return?

Any way you look at it, the stage has been meticulously set for something big that we’re supposed to accept.

My advice? Don’t go near it. It will be made to appear very appealing, and many will be deceived by it, but it’s clearly not for humanity’s benefit. Just the opposite. Their design is to make us a slave race…even more than we already are.

The Big Question

The big question for the immediate future is; will we soon witness the apparent sacrifice of Israel to pave the way for this next level? Would they do such a horrific thing again only on a much grander scale, to bring about this maniacal plan? Could they even succeed after such chaotic insanity is unleashed on the world?

Think “Twin Towers” and you’ll get the idea. Like the engineered post-Nazi effect and the post 9/11 wars and terrorism lockdown, our covert societal engineers have one last stage in mind, and it’s aimed toward establishing their headquarters on the altar of human sacrifice, Jerusalem, the Orwellian “city of peace”.

We’re witnessing high sorcery reaching the culmination of thousands of years of scheming, manipulation and wanton bloodletting. The Illuminists want to “occupy” the world, as well as our very being–those of us who will survive their pre-planned conflagration and intended reduction of the world’s population.

Will the world let them pull this off? Is anyone even watching?

And yet again, the damning cry from one who tried to warn them….

“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee.”


Don’t fear, my friends. Only good can come of it. All of it. We are eternal consciousness at one with a loving, eternal Source. This is our planet and we shall regain it and it shall be restored in due time, one heart at a time, one awakened, empowered spirit at a time.

Keep up the awakening, it’s freaking them OUT!

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

So What the Hell is Going On?

So What the Hell is Going On?

by Zen Gardner
February 22, 2018


I prefer to be left alone but some things need addressing.

This is a very, very powerful time.

And not to give any illusions, it’s only going to get more intense. The tests and trials and life breakings going on are enormous. I am experiencing them first hand, my friends and acquaintances are experiencing them first hand, and family and internet contacts and responses confirm the same.

Loved ones suddenly lost, sometimes several including beloved pets, seemingly tragic turns of events, major health challenges, and to a major degree dark shadow soul experiences are surfacing. Especially this deep self confrontation by itself or brought on by exterior events. These external triggers and internal almost alchemical self realizations of course go together, but this time around is a whole other ball game.

This is no joke or fabrication. This transition is real to the bone. And it’s just getting under way.

I haven’t wanted to put these types of things out for various reasons since my enforced departure. They used to hit the mark freakishly. It has nothing to do with me. It’s all of us – our collective experience which we all feel and we then individuate as we will, or vice versa, it simply is what it is. It goes both ways from individual to collective and back. That in itself is something not many will grasp but that is what intuition and more consciously releasing into the collective experience is all about.

It has to be said, that’s all. For the comfort and easing up of the pain of isolation and the relief that true heart connected communication brings.

It will get more intense. As I and many others have said for a long time, it you’re already on the path of true self and hence everything discovery, this is yet another set of surfable waves if you’ve been paddling for some time. However, the waves are growing ever more intense. We can do this. That, or duck under and swim out to deeper, calmer waters at will, which is sometimes called for when it gets to be too much. There’s nothing wrong with that.

We are not victims, we are being propelled. And we are in charge.

I follow space weather. It indicates the same. The good sites as well as the esoteric interpretations. I strongly respect astrology, certain resonant channeled or dream information, and even divination techniques where synchronicity reigns supreme. It all speaks the same. We are blessed with many methodologies by which to learn.

The information whirled on the geopolitical basis has strongly soured for me. It’s on a repeat, low vibrational cycle that I find extremely toxic at this point. But people learn at their own speeds and have their own journeys. As well as subconscious motives and attachments. So be it.

I’m a survivor. I fight with everything in me to know the real truth and connect with the loving Source. It’s a fight, a tough one, for all of us.

That’s what I’m addressing here. Our commonality. We all need to be reminded we’re in this together, in deeper and deeper aspects and even dimensions and realms, but we’re in this together.

Knowing that we are co-experiencing these phenomena brings massive empowerment.

I rest my case.

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Battlefield is You

The Battlefield is You

by Zen Gardner
April 2013


There’s no looking for crowd validation. There’s no waiting for outside redemption. There’s no collective bargaining to rely on.

The awakening is you. Only you.

That’s what all this ruckus is about. The battle for your spirit and soul. And that’s the boat each of us is in. There is nothing more important in this life for you, or me, than waking up. Once that’s straightened out the rest will follow.

How we perceive the world around us creates and reinforces the world around us. Once we become conscious and aware that this existing matrix we’re witnessing is an arbitrary creation manipulated by power-crazed puppeteers, however you perceive them, that is when the change happens.

And the Universe will tell you what to do from there.

That’s what to respond to. Nothing else. That’s your job. That’s my job. Don’t shirk it when it happens.

Enjoy Your Earthly Suit, But Rediscover Who You Truly Are

Like me, you are sitting inside, or somewhat near anyway, the body you chose to be in. We’re looking through and freely operating these amazing biological machines on a fabulous planet. And, “Wow, there appears to be a whole lot of other beings like me walking around! Where am I? What am I here for? And what am I supposed to do?”

I know, jumped off the deep end there, but that’s exactly our predicament. And what immediately sets in once we arrive? As young children we have this abandon as we experience this incredible place and all its feelings, sights and sounds. We screech with delight, sing made up songs, swing our arms around wildly, and run in place. We just express!

Then what happens? We start to conform to what we’re seeing, as well as what we’re being told. We become more regimented and are herded into classrooms and categories. We start feeling social pressures and are then handed this fundamental doctrine of insecurity where fear and scarcity become our main drivers. Your purpose in life now is to “fit in and get a job” so you won’t run out of money or food. Your internal, conscious response? “This is strange. Everything’s a problem here. Sure didn’t feel that way when I arrived.”

The Illusory Attachment Trap

The main trick of the illusory world around us is to make us think we’re somehow attached to it, and therefore dependent, and that we need to conform to this world we’re viewing. We tend to judge by the standards we’re exposed to, and act accordingly. We base our lives and actions around these perceived behavior patterns, which in turn gradually dull the voice of conscious awareness.

You might have noticed how blind people, such as entertainers Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder, gesticulate totally freely, rocking their heads while singing or talking, and have wildly free facial expressions, almost as if they’re handicapped.

Obviously they’re not. But it strikes you. They’re free from visual conformity. They don’t know how everyone else acts. They’re free to physically express their emotions without having to conform to the suppressed, fearful conformist nature of our hung up society. They don’t know you don’t rock back and forth, shake your head and smile so broad your face almost cracks. How liberating!

And that principle can be applied across the board.

We judge so much by how we think it will measure up to the world around us rather than just express what we’re thinking and feeling openly. Whether with close friends and family, our peer group, or the message we pick up in public or from the media, we’re being programmed. Programmed to not respond to obvious needs, but to strange, shallow self-serving impulses.

Just like everyone else.

You can say that’s just natural, but it’s not. It’s induced behavior from a manipulated and self-regulating created collective. Natural for the matrix, but not for a conscious human being, especially when the crowd is clearly going the wrong way. But who’s looking when you’re sleep walking.

The Cost of Vicarious Living and Beyond

In the end most humans end up living a vicarious life, acting out the projection they think they’re supposed to live up to. That’s bondage. The yardstick is acceptance rather than truth or conscience. This is heavily reinforced through education, the media and the existing paradigm they’ve succeeded in creating. It appears to be the only option out there…but only to the unawakened.

But there’s a price to pay.

Everything. Waking up costs everything. So what? What are you saving up for? Aren’t you paying that price anyway even if you’re not waking up? Life always costs everything. You’ll leave here eventually, like me, and the cost will be your life. How did you spend it? Consciously, or trying to conform, and using that to hide behind to justify living as a comfortable, selfish, lazy brain donor to the system you’re too afraid to buck?

That’s the battlefield. You. Me. It goes no further. What we see playing out in the world is a bunch of you’s and me’s deciding if they’ll live consciously and truly respond to that still, small voice within them, or not. The sad reality is almost every one of them has been duped into being fixated on what all the other “me’s” are doing in order to keep up with the projected reality. It’s like a school of fish feverishly clinging together in response to a perceived predator.

The only thing is, for conscious, spiritual reality there is no predator. That’s the secret. We are eternal consciousness having an experience. The way to solve these problems is to re-create the perceived reality through conscious awareness and conscious actions.

When You Get the Call, Take It!

We, individually, have to change first. We have to commit to consciousness, get free of entanglements and live a conscious life. The rest has little meaning until we get out of the matrix ourselves.

If each of us would get that message the phony world structure would crumble in a minute. Every soldier would drop his weapon and go home. Every politician would wake up as if out of a dream and go be with his family. Every policeman would lay down his gun, take off his uniform, and go help someone in need, smiling and greeting people on his way.

It’s you. It’s me. Your personal world and experience is the only one you’ll ever know. Don’t bite off more than you can chew. Just let consciousness be your guide. But act on it.

And don’t fret too much about what it is you’re supposed to do. You’ll know it when you see it. It comes in the form of little things, little decisions, the rest follows. Learn to listen to that voice and act accordingly and it gets louder and louder.

Just walk away from what you know to be wrong, and do what you know to be right. It’s not that hard once you start. And again, once you get your boat in motion, the rudder will take effect.

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”  Lao Tzu

…Now go for it.  I can’t wait to hear about it!

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

I, Caterpillar

I, Caterpillar

by Zen Gardner
February 13, 2018


When the caterpillar metamorphosizes into a butterfly it first stops everything, wraps itself into a cocoon, and turns into goo. When humans hit this process, that’s pretty damn dark, discouraging and soul challenging.

And downright frightening.

All previous orientation goes out the window. We’re lost and seemingly helpless during this alive dying process. Our world crumbles into mush. We’re alone in a womb of darkness barely aware that we’re awaiting rebirth in some form.

The literal process of the amazing caterpillar then sparks what are aptly named imaginal cells to come alive. These in turn begin to communicate with other imaginal cells as well as the broken down morass of seemingly decomposed organic material, completely reorganizing and transforming the previous insect from the completely disassembled original organism.

The Rebirth is Just Beginning.

How long this process takes for each of us no doubt varies. Who’s to say what type of butterfly we each are configured to become, but become it we will if we can simply endure the process.

We each were born once; alone, descending from some heavenly state into this ever so challenging dimension. We forget our origins and cling to a myriad of influences for meaning and comfort. We don’t like letting go of anything we’ve come to cherish or depend on.

The Process Continues

We’re each unique in this process yet the alchemical transformation is fundamentally the same. Death to the old to give birth to the new.

As natural as this process is, it is still a choice to endure it or not in the grand divine plan. However, we all will meet this experience eventually upon the death of our earthly vessel. But that’s the merciful last resort. The opportunity to experience this rebirth here and now is a well disguised gift and the key to transforming all of society and creation itself. It comes to the sincerely pure in heart, which every living being essentially is but rarely allows itself to realize.

Until now.

Our Collective Opportunity

Though we are each magnificent individuals, we are living in an extremely unique time. Our entire planet and everything in and on it is transforming beneath and above our feet. This is what we are feeling and experiencing, whether we consciously acknowledge it or not, despite all the efforts to stop it. It can be frightening and disconcerting or it can be exhilarating – and most likely both concurrently. Either way, it is happening.

Fight it if we must, but nothing can stop it, not even death itself. The fact that we’re sharing this experience only enhances the process.

Some call it the awakening, some call it the apocalypse or revealing. Some even call it the second coming. These all allude to the exact same process. “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” That line in the Bible alone contradicts every conditional inference in the entire book, same as “God is love”. That’s all we need to know. That goes for every other severely crippling religion or belief system.

Unconditional Love

It requires no belief mechanism, no mediator, no go between, no amount of learning or knowledge. It just is. Yeah, that so-called “God” idea is just that cool. Everything that preceded this epoch were just illustrations to light up darkened landscapes of their times. It’s time to drop all the trappings and rigamarole and be who we truly are.

We have to admit, humanity’s attachment to bullshit is astounding.

That may sound blasphemous to some but that was and is and always has been the true message. No more bunker mentality. Our connection to Creator Source is being restored by our own personal “revelation” – if we let it. It’s not for special people, just the sincerely willing.

Don’t worry about changing everything. Just change. Simply allow yourself to metamorphosize.

It comes naturally if we let it and allow the process to proceed. It will take us to seemingly dark inner places for some time but it’s all for good. I’m still in the midst of it myself but the light of that new day is glimmering on the horizon. And I know for a fact that I am by no means alone in this process.

Will you let the transformation happen? That’s the only real issue at hand. Everything else will follow beautifully and gracefully.

“He that has ears to hear, let him hear.”

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Ploughman Cometh

The Ploughman Cometh

by Zen Gardner


Ready your heart, ready your steel

The plowman’s coming and is he ever real

Ready your starboard, ready your stern

He’s not very picky as it’s everyone’s turn


Plow up the earth, dig up the dearth

Till ‘till the tillerman’s done all he’s worth

Old plants uprooted, raked from the soil

Making room for the new for our too-human coil


No one can tell how the change will unfold

It’s ever so private, yet ever so bold

Will each of us yield, and let nature’s sway?

Or cling to the old, and be thus dragged away


Cycles they must, to break up the crust

Where stagnation meets change is always a bust

Some are so supple, yet others resist

The choice is within, what’ere we insist


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Apocalypse Now – Falling Idols and Spiritual Adversaries

by Zen Gardner
April 22, 2016


We’re living in very challenging times. Our metal is being tested to new and extreme degrees that increase by the day. It’s clearly a time for expanded wisdom, discretion and discernment to fully understand what is happening around and within us.

As well as determination.

In a time of revelation, which is what the apocalypse is referring to, things come to light that can rock our world. False idols fall, concepts are cracked, and new understandings and awakenings abound, whether we like them or not. These are each up to the individual to find out and experience for themselves, but they can be very disconcerting when it comes to the shattering of old paradigms of thinking and our current personal outlook on the world, no matter how seemingly progressive we think we are.


The Fall of False Images and Mass Projections

There are many symptoms of radical change that we can expect. Idolatry, or putting unquestioned faith and misguided “belief” in some human or system, or even supernatural solution-bringer, is completely off course.

As long as humanity looks for a leader they will be sorely disappointed. History attests to this in spades. Projecting our problems, questions and needs for exterior solutions is destined to fail. Worse yet as it affirms this mass hysteria. Anyone or anything that pretends to fill this vacuum you can be assured are deceived to whatever degree, unfortunately with the strong reinforcement of a sycophantic populace programmed to look for such.

Start by not putting people in that position of temptation. It’s ultimately up to us, similar to not participating in the matrix.

The more perceptive understanding of this has to do with those who accept this predominant role of “solution bringer”. Once someone agrees to play this part of the projected play being broadcast you have problems, and it usually comes up because of not just the throngs projecting the wrong intent, but that those agreeing to fulfill such a role have grown an inflated ego, together with a plethora of attachments, capable of collecting this group intention, consciously or otherwise.

In the words of Lao Tzu:

“A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.”

Again, history attests to this. People look for a leader, a panacea, a catch all solution, someone else to do the real work and have all the conviction they’re lacking, and when it appears to be embodied in a particularly charismatic figure who is then emboldened and willing to play this role, we have serious problems.

Every time. Truth by its very nature is a continually acting catalytic iconoclast.

Truthful ideas lead us to more truth and empowerment. Granted, some people can encapsulate and articulate these ideas better than others, but it’s nonetheless the ideas, not the people. When the intention and attention is hypnotically focused on the usually dynamic individual, those accepting such a role are immediately programmed to self destruct.

As truth has it, when something gets in the way of white hot truth it burns up. It may take time but it won’t stand the test.

It’s never clear in the time of transition but always clarifies over time. It’s up to us to be circumspect and wise in our observations and resultant behaviors.

Plato said something very profound in this regard:

“When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty and there is nothing to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader.” – Plato


Inside and Outside Attacks

A big part of this revelation we’re in the midst of has to do with knowing not just the truth but the enemies of truth. These contrarian “signal jammers” can be clearly belligerent external foes of freedom, creativity and the like which are relatively easy to spot individuals or socially engineered trends, but there are also inside or internal spiritual attacks on ourselves or others in our midst that can be difficult to identify as well as deal with.

This awareness of spiritual attacks must become an important aspect of our awareness. Whether people call these influences transdimensionals, demons, archons, wetiko or whatever, they are real, and very active and present in this human conflict.

People will be, and already are, seeing personality changes in others around them who are not moving or working with the truth vibrations, if you will. If you haven’t yet experienced this element you soon will, but it usually takes some grounded awareness and spotting ability to see them for what they are, and that awareness can only manifest when there is the ability to see what you are.

Some coming into our midst are people who are clearly outside plants and shills, but I would venture to say that the most present danger is the spiritual element which invariably uses the weakest link available as their doorway in any situation.

These negative, parasitic forces go where there is an opening. A particularly weak individual, someone with a grudge or contrary agenda for whatever reason, or simply a misguided soul laden with pride who is easily influenced and in some cases taken over.

These influences are not just demonically persuasive and extremely intelligent and can win almost any argument on their level if you engage them, but very aggressive.

This is where the fuller overarching paradigm of how to effect change is most blatantly manifest – learning to circumnavigate and ultimately rise above this level of interchange is a proverbial stitch in time and will avoid untold confusion and wasted energy.

This might sound a bit woo woo and out there for some geopolitical pragmatists, but if you’re reading this I’m sure you’ll identify some of these symptoms. Obviously psychopaths are fully charged with these elements, but it’s when it reaches you personally that we can be taken aback and inadvertently steered into futile encounters or courses of action.

The spiritual cannot be ignored. In fact, it is first and foremost amongst factors that need to be under consideration at any and every given time during this transitional process.


Take It from There

This may seem a bit vague to some but you will come to see it manifest in many ways. Much more needs to be explained about these inside and outside attacks but I wanted to touch on the concepts to get the ball rolling.

Idols will fall. Despite any temporary confusion good folks will survive and thrive as they empower. Paradigms will continue to crumble and morph. It’s a spectacular convergence and a time to learn.

Go with the flow but be aware, very aware, of the influences we are being bombarded with. This is a very serious transition we’re in the midst of and we need to remain vigilant and detached in our perspective.

There is no in between when it comes to joining the forces for truth.

Just a heads up.

Stay on top of it, not under.

Much love always,


Philosopher Kings, Rings and Things

Philosopher Kings, Rings and Things

by Zen Gardner
June 28, 2015


In ancient days there were Philosopher Kings and Queens, Sages and Wise Councils who led, or rather encouraged, mankind.

They did this by their innate understanding, not by force or decree, but by loving and compassionate empowerment and without hierarchy. They simply pointed the way for humanity to discover its own true self by conscious awakening and the realization of its true potential.

Truly benign and loving sages, shamans and elders who sought the best for humanity.

Sad to say however, those days were usually scuttled by blood thirsty power mongers, as in the days of ancient Greece and other more enlightened civilizations being overthrown by warlords, or as in the cases of the deliberate evisceration of native peoples across the world.

No doubt this cycle has been repeated for millennia, even before recorded history.

Memes of these ancient struggles have been passed down through so-called myths and legends, and have often been immortalized by works of art and literature.

The Lord of the Rings by Tolkien is one example; part myth, and a large part hidden truth. The Iliad and the Odyssey by Homer, a classic for centuries, is another.

Modern culture has repeated these archetypal imprints furiously in an effort to play upon these deeply known truths in the human heart.

Unfortunately, it has usually been to fictionalize and distance these great truths in the societal engineers’ efforts to further alienate us from their profound meaning and significance.

The Ring of Truth – Or Power?

It’s interesting how the image of the ring has been so predominant in these ancient and modern stories.

The placing of the ring on rulers, be they crowns or literal rings on the hand, has signified some form of generally accepted authority for eons.

It is quite profound how rings are used as power and allegiance symbols – be it epic tales, royalty, marriage or even decorative jewelry. The ring even extends to halos over so-called holy figures and a host of other applications.

This doesn’t make the ring symbol untoward or evil in itself, it’s merely a focal point.

The ring in any form simply exemplifies infinity, the universal Source, the completeness of Creation and our ongoing creativity. It’s not sinister in the least. It reflects what is attached to it.

The Lord of the Rings meme and so many others like it have become predominant in today’s worldview.

According to Tolkien’s tale this coveted ring of power causes many to go through incredible events with much drama, only for the ring to be thrown into the maw of earth’s interior cauldron to be destroyed forever, thus sparing mankind.

  • What is the real message here?
  • For us, is it that this scenario of overcoming should be so and that’s why humanity draws inspiration from this story of struggle and eventual victory over evil?
  • And might humanity realize this symbolic ring of power syndrome still exists on our planet and needs to be destroyed?

What is compelling is the underlying notion of a power so immense that controlling it is the fantasy of would-be rulers.

This of course hails to the Luciferian doctrine of controlling energy itself, to be mimicked and then disguised as a false “light” in an effort to dominate and empower dark forces in order to exalt their ilk above Truth itself.

It’s an ancient meme, but our planet’s history is riddled with it on up to and including today’s world.

The “ring” in their hands is one of power. This is not so in the minds and hearts of the conscious who realize they are intricately woven into the fabric of the divine and understand the true nature of reality.

There is a serious vibrational disconnect here between these ideas, and we should beware of getting swept into their perverted interpretation and thus struggle on the wrong playing field with hampered capability.

Enter the Philosopher Kings

While these agents of evil and psychopathic control have been glorified by violence and bloodshed throughout so-called fables and history as they extol their “victories” over their declared “enemies”, the protagonist(s) of every heart resonating tale is always a wise and brave one, or ones, who stood up against the status quo and untoward forces for the good of humanity.

Someone(s) who had the overarching Truth held close to their hearts who were incorruptible and unstoppable despite the chaos perpetrated by the purveyors of death and destruction.

Yes, there is a place where our worlds collide.

We still hold these conscious outspoken figures and wise ones dear in an unshakable way. This is why this meme is utilized in almost every romanticized notion of courage and bravery in spite of seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

We resonate with it, therefore it’s something they want to control, pervert and/or erase entirely.

You might have noticed the “rise of the dark knight” theme that’s swept the entertainment industry in recent years. Former heroes become corrupted agents of evil while pristine qualities of love and beauty have become grossly perverted.

The social engineering is in full swing in an attempt to reverse even our archetypical knowing of not only the difference between good and evil, but of courageous acts of love and altruism, all in an attempt to bring confusion and despair and further chaos as humanity’s moral compass gets jacked around by their manipulative magnets.

The fundamental truths that underlie our very existence however cannot be hijacked – only masked and twisted in an effort for a temporary effect on the social climate of the day.

Philosopher Kings and wise loving Queens are ever not only amongst us, but a voice within each of us, pointing the way out of the madness into a life of empowered sanity and social harmony.

All the would-be controllers can try to do is suppress these voices by marginalizing and minimalizing their influence.

But that’s a tough one to do in today’s interconnected and rapidly awakening world.

Warrior Within Arise

Standing up for and speaking the truth and rising in defense of our oppressed collective family can never be thwarted.

It is the heart cry of each and every truly alive warrior of love. Hindered perhaps, but never quenched. When the offending forces of greed and power grow to such proportions as they have today, these opposing elements become much more manifest and clearly defined as the catalytic crystallization between these two forces takes effect as it is now.

It’s a challenging time. We’re being driven to personal choices such as most of us have never experienced.

Those on the front lines of these oppressive warring powers know full well the extent of their murderous programs such as the western hegemonic genocide victims in Gaza and the Ukraine and the like, but the vast majority in nations perpetrating these atrocities and societal manipulations are still sitting on the sidelines, clinging to their willful ignorance and apathy and trusting the mainstream narrative that it’s all for their good and security.

The voices of truth are rising, and in massive numbers and in ever increasing volume. With or without mass communications, individuals and local communities are arising to their challenges and taking a stand.

The number one instrument we each need to activate is our own resonant understanding. This goes beyond “normal knowledge” as we’ve been taught and goes deeper into heart knowledge, a realm we’re all learning to access and trust all the more.

That voice of our inner Philosopher King, and Queen – with the divine Feminine regaining her rightful place – cannot be fully suppressed, any more than you can compress water between two flat plates. It will simply relocate, and in fact be forced to rapidly spread farther and wider than it ever has before.

So never mind the naysayers, the fear mongers, the mockers, the disempowering and the rejectors. The truth is what it is and cannot be stopped.

It’s now up to each of us to know, live and speak this truth with everything in us. The onslaught humanity is faced with is not in our imagination and will not go away by burying our heads in the sand.

We owe it:

  • to the great voices that have dared to speak the truth in love and wisdom and those who’ve stood up for humanity in every age
  • to our progeny and our fellow human beings
  • to our ravaged planet
  • to the wondrous creative Universal Source that has imbued us with such marvelous attributes awaiting our willingness to activate

Into the breach…!

They have no defense against truth. Be bold, brave and unafraid.

Step into your warrior role and fulfill your destiny…


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Untapped Power of Releasing Judgement

The Untapped Power of Releasing Judgement

by Zen Gardner
December 11, 2017


Judgement is a loaded and oft misused term. Perhaps discernment is a better word in most cases when it comes to perception, rather than drawing definitive lines as judgement implies, since we know so little regarding our experiential realm. After all, we’re each operating from our own belief systems when it comes to how we judge people, circumstances and even ideas.

Our individual belief based realities are so subjective it’s virtually impossible to arrive at agreed upon perspectives. We each decide for ourselves what we think is best for us individually. Where the encroachment happens is in our projecting onto others our belief systems, when we’re all individuals with only parts of a morphing jigsaw puzzle. The more objective way to view this interactive maze is from a higher dimensional overview.

Ironically, judgement in itself is not knowing or understanding. When we truly know we don’t judge. It’s all about alignment. We don’t judge when we’re in alignment with Source. We just know. Despite the sliding scales of relativism in the mental and belief realms, there is an underlying energetic reality that transcends judgement. The judgement that we’re identifying here only happens when we’re out of alignment with Source.

Discernment vs Judgement

The word discernment implies a sense of conscious perception of reality. Intentions and actions of others are often perceived via limited and heavily tainted judgement mechanisms, and are often harsh, absolute and frequently quite condemning. In reality we really don’t know the full story or path of another, we just project from our own experience and beliefs. Whether on purpose or not, judgement can also be a sort of social and even ego based survival tool we employ to support our own views.

It happens with everyone, whether consciously or unconsciously. We’ve been taught to operate this way, as it’s been used collectively to set social norms as well as taboos. Categorizing as a result of such judgement is usually a safety mechanism we think will help us manage people, situations and information. Ironically, while we do judge and categorize others, we’re also subjects of the same process ourselves in the hearts and minds of others. In that light, it’s no wonder the world often appears separated and fragmented when in reality we are all one.

Imagine if all judgement was true discernment based on a greater sense of conscious reality from a perspective of love. Imagine seeing the beauty of what we observe instead of reacting in judgement. This is the world we each long for and know exists at some level. It is coming into being one realization at a time as new worlds are being birthed, one transformed life at a time.

The Journey is One Step at a Time

The first step is to notice it in ourselves. Take note how a strong judgement of anyone or anything leaves little room for true transcendent love that respects all living things and the splendor of all creation and the underlying Source within everything. Understanding this process transcends seeing what another goes through as “good or bad” when it’s all ultimately energy and free will playing out, finding its way back to Source. This tempers and supersedes reactivity, a learned behavior which only further emphasizes conflict and separation.

When we take responsibility when called for yet forego negative judgement we uplift the spirit of our thoughts and actions. Some things are even none of our business yet we often get into judgement to feel better about ourselves and reinforce our sense of “rightness”. Being so sure about what is “right and wrong” in any situation often stems from this type of judgement. Are we really seeing the big picture? Perhaps things are just as they should be in a fundamental sense. Are we maintaining a higher frequency in our perception? Are we looking for the good and deeper purpose in others or situations? These are conscious guidelines that can help us.

One way to discern wrong judgement is its polarizing effect. In fact judgement feeds off of dualism and this polarization of right and wrong, black and white, much like the infamous checkerboard playing field of the matrix. As long as we can be polarized in any form we become subject to the dominant players in a game not of our conscious choosing. We’re then easily caught in the trap of resisting which only leads to operating in a lower density and this misguided play persisting.

It all begins in our hearts and thoughts. Once misguided emotions are pulled in to participate we unwittingly become even more securely plugged into the web of this matrix, often having the opposite effect of what we’re struggling to do in our triggered reactivity. We’ve all fallen for this game. It’s not easy to transcend and maintain a detached and more aware conscious state here, but it’s well worth the effort and has the greatest beneficial effect overall.

Even the slightest attempts in this direction show us how deeply ingrained our mental habits are towards judgement and the like. Thankfully even that only further strengthens our resolve to overcome the negative pull of polarity. As an example, some are reacting even now to these ideas, categorizing them as new age, escapist, irresponsible and the like. They’ll eventually get past that if they so choose, but again, this is part of their process and nothing to be condemned. It’s the nature of growth and change.

The requirement for continual growth is malleability and fluidity, constant personal change, and focused yet relaxed intention. The simplest path is following our passion, doing what inspires and excites us. And while it may require some conscious recognition and release of old patterns, the rewards are magical.

Taking an Honest Look

If we trace this dynamic back we can see how wrong judgement of this sort leads to anger, self righteousness, resentment, bitterness and a whole host of loveless, unhappy, negative and unconscious states of being. No amount of knowledge or information regarding the works of ignorance and darkness brings happiness, unless put forth in their true context for the simple goal of awareness and perspective. Otherwise, over dwelling on the negative brings on reactivity and entrapment in that lower vibrational frequency. At that point the loop persists as egos attach to their roles on the dualistic playing field rather than dissolving into a much higher, more effective energetic form.

This is not to say there isn’t a time for conscious actions of all sorts. This isn’t some blissed out state of inactivity, although it can be for some. We each have unique capabilities and avenues of response and creativity during our tenure here. We just need to operate consciously as fully as possible in that unified field we each are connected to.

True love sees the good and possibilities. It’s not unaware of the full spectrum between light and dark energies, it simply transcends them. An attitude of love shouldn’t be part time or conditional, yet that is our challenge. It applies across the spectrum of existence. That’s where Source operates and of which we are part.

The entanglement we’re experiencing here is a testing and training ground, to strengthen us, as well as to enjoy. We may not get it right away, but we have eternity for this never-ending process of learning. If we’d rather wait on making further progress for whatever reasons in our immediate situations, as many choose to do, so be it. Although as humanity is experiencing now, circumstances eventually become quite uncomfortable which propels us towards change. When the overall milieu changes to a more loving one it’s quite contagious and softens others to the idea. The key is to help turn the tide by changing ourselves first.

The reason attachments are held on to so adamantly is because the alternative of letting go can appear a bit scary to many. We tend to identify with our actions and beliefs and sense of separateness as we feel it’s a negation of our cherished self image. It’s that heavily reinforced case of mistaken identity. None of that is our true self. Our stories are not who we really are. Our true higher selves operate at an entirely different level.

Ironically, to think we can fix and save others often judges and divides while at the same time feeding unhealthy social complexes and unresolved personal issues. Not that we aren’t to uplift and help one another in whatever way we’re called to, but to acknowledge oneness uplifts all life and separation loses its illusory grip. Identifying aspects of differentiation is completely normal, but an underlying attitude and understanding of unity awareness overrides this dynamic of separation at the root level.

The Power of Love

With this one fundamental tool of real love we can bypass a myriad of illusions and distractions in this lower density. Within us lies the connection to much higher frequencies, hence the feelings of dissociation and confusion we sometimes experience here in the mixing of these contradictory, paradoxical worlds.

The very fact that we can grasp these and other seemingly esoteric concepts attests to the existence of these unseen and sometimes deliberately hidden realities. The longings and experiences of our hearts and spirits speak to this as well. Polarized mind-based settled science is yet to quantify this to their satisfaction, but many in that field are realizing some very deep esoteric truths must be at play. This is yet more evidence of the energetic shift under way and another vector of awakening that is also changing the morphic field we inhabit.

Such is our current state, but this socio-spiritual stasis is not a constant. It is continually shifting. We can either ride with it or resist these changes, it’s up to us. Heading for the middle of the river where the current is strong and fast and staying as buoyant as possible is the ultimate ride for those who want answers and peace for our planet. It may not appear to be an easy task but this is due to our attachment to our emotional pasts that still await dissolving. Thankfully the “uncomfortable” alternatives we all experience here eventually lead us to that course of full freedom and fulfillment. This built in contrast thankfully has a powerful catalytic effect which then brings growth, much like a germinating seed reaching through the dark soil towards the light.

Sail courageously, whatever course you choose. Each of our paths are different but we share an amazing energetic commonality, one without limits and which we’re here to tap into and explore.

The key is within us, not outside of us. When we personally change, everything changes, including our personal realities – and in more ways than we can even imagine, so far, but they do manifest, howbeit incrementally.

There is no destination or ultimate outcome. The process is ongoing and always now, continually creating new realms and realities in constant expansion in a non-judging multiverse far beyond our comprehension.

It’s all pretty wonderful after all, isn’t it?


In love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Seeing Through the Masquerade of Illusion

Seeing Through the Masquerade of Illusion

by Zen Gardner
December 3, 2017


The idea of illusion is often bandied about somewhat flippantly in this day and age but it’s something well worth exploring in terms of our human condition of conscious, as well as not so conscious, awareness.

There are very many levels of so-called illusion. There are the manufactured ones regarding hierarchy, manipulated economics, social and media control and the like, that affect us socially as well as energetically. And then there are those embedded illusions in age old psycho/bio/genetic and spiritual programming that appear to be fundamental to our apparent physical existence, from whatever sources they’re derived.

Most of all it’s the self generated illusions we conjure up for whatever reasons. Not hard to do in a world full of other self-generated illusions to justify our own, big and small.

Never mind who’s to “blame” regarding any of this, we’re saddled with what we have and what “is”. Let’s start there. Not an easy ride here in these respects but apparently we’re up to it.

All of that is in direct as well as indirect contraposition to who we really are. The more complicated the illusion the more time we spend trying to figure it out, and thereby unwittingly remain in it. One of life’s many fundamental conundrums.

So what is it in us that seems to be so fascinated by these complex illusions? Are we in fact keeping them functional and energized by our participation, as well as our own false sense of self, and is it true that they really have no life of their own?

An interesting and potentially extremely powerful concept. If true, that would mean our personal disengagement with these mechanisms would free us at least individually, despite the fact that others may perpetrate the overall hoax by their participation. However, what if a critical mass of human participants withdrew their energizing of this projection? Something many of us think about, having the good of all dear to our hearts.

The big question remains: how many would dare to make this leap, especially considering it clearly requires a certain death to the cloaked false self and its convincing story and its many attachments?

Illusion, the Matrix, and the Tech Advance

Those various versions, dimensions or levels of these clearly false realities seem to intersect, but they don’t really meet anywhere. They don’t have organically organized substance or natural relationships – as in directly derived from Source. They’re a manipulated, mutant outgrowth. There is a profound difference on many levels.

They all just are, whatever has manifested for us to deal with. They don’t necessarily have any “reasonable” relationship, they just mess with each other – all converging in our mixed up, unclear perception – which is where they virtually exist due to our engagement with them. The “real thing” within us that is observing all of this lives independent of all of these influences – which is where our “higher self” operates from, if you want to call it that. Consciousness is as clean a term and concept I think we can use which is why I’ve stayed with it so far.

It’s distinctly observational. That sacred eternal space “we” inhabit – our true being inherently connected with everything that exists, is distinctly separate from these many superficial layers of manifestation yet is aware of them all.

We are observing these things, more or less, while having our interaction with whatever wave, thought or energetic forms that seem to appear around and within us. This is independent of whether tech is involved. But tech has really stepped up the game in recent years, on purpose of its own energetic right to manifest, making it appear more tangible and real than ever. Ironically all while it is nothing of the sort, except again via our participation. Our inherent power is magnificently independent of these things, but this has been ignored, deliberately covered up, and forgotten.

Many of us are remembering now, as if awaking from a dream. Slowly this reality is coming into focus. It’s time to trust our intuition and never mind the old markers. The shift has happened and is continuing to unfold. Flow with it however it is manifesting in our lives is my understanding.

Belief Systems Determine Our Reality

This experience is constantly evolving and will continue to for eternity. There’s no set goal or endgame, it just is and is ever creating and expanding, with energies attracting resonant energies and repelling opposites. It’s just as we see galaxies and solar systems form and then dissipate in the macro. Darkness has its role, as does light, similar to magnetic polarity. One can’t exist without the other and they work synergistically.

Without this contrast on the 3-D level we wouldn’t learn or grow. It’s a dance, a test of sorts, a learning platform, and a game – all at once apparently.

Our tendency is to try and nail down issues – seeming truths and systems that seem stable in this ever-changing and evolving existence. Rather than let go into the fact that life is basically constant change, we seek control in order to eliminate uncomfortable variables that come our way. Settled science is a good example in the mental framework, while religions are a huge manifestation on the social and philosophical level. But really our lives are our religions, our way of life, the reflection of what it is we’ve come to believe or subscribe to. Religions and belief systems are like popsicle sticks we hope will hold the goo together.

It really doesn’t need anything to hold anything, as there isn’t anything to hold together.

That may sound scary to some but nature makes that obvious. There is form and apparent structure to it, just as we have spines and skeletons and all the amazing attachments, but ultimately everything is amazing forms of cooperative energy, with the expansive Universe hanging out there in space just fine to illustrate the point. All life, organic, inorganic and other realms as well, is replete with amazing forms of living energy. We can break it down to electromagnetic energy, wave forms and plasma, and even deeper concepts such as ether and prana or the Tao etc., including other dimensional aspects, but again it’s running itself just fine. There is no control except what we might call the Divine Isness, the free form generating Source, something we’ll never understand nor be able to label or define.

In my view we have to accept that we’ll never know or fully understand in that sense and we have to let that go. Not an easy task in this dualistic, mind-dominated dimension where mind compels us along some linear accomplishment-oriented track like a relentless conveyor belt.

That’s why these god forms have such power over people’s minds. It’s that hunger for holding on to something, to worship or blame, some external structure, when all we need to do is let go. We’re already there – we each are It. Pretty counter intuitive to everything this world system tells us and the multi-level reinforcement of it, but that’s closer to what our reality truly is than this constant trying to understand, hold on to, control and fix paradigm.

I know, this is a lotta work to just realize we need to live in the Now. Quite humorous actually. But again, acceptance and a deep form of surrender is apparently the key.

It’s similar to knowing we are not our bodies, nor our minds. This amorphous other self is beyond all of that. Just hearing yourself think tells you that, or observing yourself observing, or being aware when you’re more aware. It’s in plain sight, but we don’t know how to translate that knowing into our 3-D existence. It really doesn’t need to be worked on or even perceived fully, it just is already. That’s why truly detached observation is so liberating. At that point there’s an inherent acceptance of what is – not trying to understand, control or break free of anything.

Translated into our personal lives, until we fully and truly honestly accept ourselves and our personal as well as interactive condition as it is, we can’t move on. When we do the seeming barriers just melt away.

The Solution is Simple – Take One Step At A Time

Unplug from the matrix at every level and it’s non-existent in our lives. Simple, but not always easy. It’s our very own energy that keeps illusions pumping and morphing according to whatever latest illusion we’re willing to empower through “belief”. Believe comes from the Greek word pistevo – to “drink in”. Belief is simply entertaining extraneous ideas as if true and thus empowering them. Fear works the same way, when there really is absolutely nothing to fear. A very powerful illusion.

It’s quite profound if you think about it and shows from whence our problems derive.

It’s all the same when it comes to illusions of any sort, no matter how “real” they may appear. Tech is simply another manifested modulation web, designed and brought into being by its participants essentially, not just the initiating forces, whatever or whomever they may be. Many attempts have been made for humanity’s full spectrum dominance, and many efforts have failed. That’s what people forget. This one clearly has legs, at least right now in this span of illusory time, but not without a lot of promotion and of course more importantly eager participation. If you stand back and look at it consciously, it can’t fully succeed in the light of the enormity of creation, no matter its pervasiveness in some small realm of manifestation.

Look at what appears to possibly be devastation on other planets in our solar system. They could very well be similar attempts, all of which ended in self-destruction. So be it, the Universe is doing just fine, and those who participated in all of that, like our previous civilizations, are the wiser for it, seeing we are eternal beings. The learning and growth goes on, we just don’t fully see the other dimensions of existence involved.

Not all of us. Some do, to various degrees. Intuitively I think we all know there’s much more than meets the eye.

The magnificent irony is that just one being getting through their crude mesh blows the whole plan. The tech manifestation is really a gift, an illustration of what the sages have said about maya, or the illusion of the 3-D world, for millennia. It’s a crude illustration and learning tool, if we can see it. The Matrix movie alluded to this – that we each are the ONE.

The fake matrix is like another fully illusory, self-purported law of fake, control-seeking lower dimensional “physics”, but with its own exception. In fact many of them. Because it’s clearly fake and so many have broken free from it. In other words, it’s not a law of any sort, contrary to its assumptive assertions. It’s thereby inherently and immediately debunked. It’s blown from the get-go for anyone paying attention.

A perfect illustration of illusion.

Distractions, Secondary Sources, and the Deeper Purpose of Illusions

There are so many explanations for everything. It’s up to each of us to wend our way through this energetic maze as begets our purpose and growth. That’s our personal reality, like fractal mini-theaters within ever bigger illusory projection theaters, such as shallow society and all its spin-offs. Never go by anyone else’s interpretation, including anything said here. There may be something to glean that resonates but each of our experiences is wholly our own. No one else’s, no collective to lean on, yet at the same time we synergistically influence each other.

This is all the deeper purpose as I see it – like plants on a forest floor simply growing through life, despite all the microbiological “explanations” – really just descriptions in order to feel in control. People speak authoritatively about what’s going on, on many, many levels, and it’s getting more complex, detailed and “out there” by the day. We have to be careful about what we’re buying into, yet at the same time there is wonderful pioneering being done that much can be learned from.

A maze of influences. All of which lead us eventually to heart knowing. The reality is, there’s nothing out there that we don’t already know at some level within us.

While we should go by our personal experience we often don’t. We’re often shopping for answers that fit some previous belief system or hunger for comfort and a sense of security. Again, illusion induced thinking.

It’s tricky stuff, but that metastasizing ball of wax is the bait apparently. Maybe it’s the apple our race allegorically bit into? The fact that we’re aware of all this blows that one to bits too.

Do We Really Want to Real-Eyes?

It’s always way more obvious than we’d like to think or believe. Perhaps the realization of how duped we’ve been is causing an egoic reaction that shuts that down. All of that is fear based. There really is nothing to fear – that’s the impulse that needs to be clearly identified at every level, as well as anger at the seeming injustice of it all and that deep sense of abandonment we all face. All fully recognized and accepted for what they are, and which will subsequently be let go of. But not until we embrace it honestly. Not as good or right, but seeing it for what it is, honestly, without contest or reactivity or even a desire to let it go. Unconditionally.

Again, counter-intuitive, yet attachment free.

A carrot is a carrot. That might sound cryptic but it really isn’t. True reality, as it is said, is as plain as the nose on our face.

Enjoy the ride, that’s our first priority. When we’re in an excited and joyous mode and following our individual passions things are much, much clearer. It’s meant to be that way for much simpler and easier, as well as happier navigation.

As the saying goes, life is not a problem to be solved, but an experience to be enjoyed.

Clarity follows.

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Crypto Current-Seas and the Shifting Morphic Field

Crypto Current-Seas and the Shifting Morphic Field

by Zen Gardner
November 28, 2017

(A response to an awakened friend regarding the arising of crypto currencies as a potential economic as well as societal answer.)


Very interesting questions you pose. The financial situation is a symptom as you know, yet also a controller and apparent key to unlocking centralized power. So, like projected individual consciousness and the collective, they work synergistically as I see it.

I find it’s important to always remember that our perception is very 3-D tainted, if not seriously bound, so even our perceptions are fundamentally limited, something I think we need to remain aware of, vigilantly. In a parallel fashion, it appears to me both power and money have to go at the same time in a strange yet practical way, so I don’t apply myself to anything having to do with currencies, nor any specific seemingly actionable vectors at this point. I addressed all of those for years but it was time for me to move on. But that’s me. The NWO thing will attempt to solve these issues, just as religion pretends to address spiritual longings, but it’s a scam. They’ll declare a false peace with carefully engineered “solutions” along these lines while declaring unity as they co-opt humanity at large. At least that’s the plan.

The great thing is so many have done such wonderful work. There’s enlightening information available now for anyone who decides to search, and I admire and respect those who do provide such work honestly and sincerely and without agenda. I just don’t see much point in overly rehashing it and thereby drawing further attention and intention to it, other than what is essential – i.e. information from those whom I would call the true Watchers. There needn’t be many nor nearly as many repeaters as we now have, as it’s spawned infective egos, disinfo and psyops galore. But it is what it is for those who need to experience all of that and find their way.

This is especially so in light of the fact that knowing all of that clearly, at least for me, comes to indicate the solution is in how we individually live and come alive spiritually, which has a much greater effect than anything we do externally, although each are manifestations of the other. By doing so we’re then changing the entire morphogenic field, if you will, by changing our personal vibration and what we contribute to energetically. As I said for years, when we realize the vast power of our personal consciously empowered energetic effect it will magnify this shift exponentially. That may sound a bitt woo woo to some but it’s a fact.

Rabbit Hole Fever

It’s similar to the over-emphasis on seeing the dark occult influences, or even the many machinations of the control fascinated cabal. Once aware of them, which is important, and knowing the teachings regarding them are out there, we need to move on as I see it. To remain in any of these fields of investigation too long is only to feed them and draw undue attention to them. Not an easy shift for most.

It borders on fascination which is a form of worship, very akin to the energy of subservience and fear. It only gives more power and subtly assumed adoration and servitude to the very things we claim to recognize as negative or “wrong”.

But again, this dualism playing out is a teaching tool, an opportunity to learn and grow, that can’t be bypassed or misunderstood for what it really is. Similar to the friction and surface tension that draws water up the stems of plants, it’s part of the process, as in the classic illustration of the butterfly struggling through its metamorphosis. When we accept these influences without wrong judgement we begin to spiritually understand the dynamics we live within and their apparent purposes, despite the seemingly needless suffering that appears to take place.

There’s tremendous peace and clarity of a very transcendent nature to which these realizations give birth.

I’m going way off point it may appear, but as I see it the only current-cy worth placing our attention on is the energetic current of true Source creation, as well as our innate indwelling Source energy. I guess I’m a purist, but this is my journey. I know everything will follow heading straight for Source, but I don’t discount at all countless manifestations of it are happening in budding forms; they just don’t have much importance to what I’m drilling for except as outward signs of change. It’s encouraging, but we have to remain in hot pursuit of the Real Deal as I see it and stay honed in. The rest will never take us Home, for lack of a better word, until we do.

Back to Cryptos

I don’t trust crypto currencies any more than anything, but see them as a sign of budding life attempting to take form. They’re something to be careful with like anything, but much of the original intention is terrific. This question takes me back to the reformation vs true revolution contraposition. The tendency of humanity to reform instead of truly break free is evident. Perhaps this is why Gaia, in concert with Source, has had to truly “dump and recycle” our planet over and over, way more times than most of humanity would like the know about, or would-be controllers would like us to be aware of. For that very purpose.

Hence true history is erased from the 3-D collective, for obvious reasons. The parasitic energies want to live. Yet so do we in our energetic form. The battle for energy is all part of the way things naturally work, seeking attention and intention and hence energy, a strange and foreign thought to the dualistic mind. Good and evil, light and dark, can be likened to the yin and yang, symbolizing entirety. Or perhaps a theoretical atom. Which do you kick out, the positive or the negative? Or are both “making the whirled go round”?

The Asymptote That Is Never Reached

To me, “everything must go”, the big sale, and humanity has to at least be willing to make a true leap in consciousness before any kind of real reset will work. Universe is ready to meet the willing heart. It’s not that complicated. Maybe all these cyclical trends are leading up to it, but I’m constantly reminded of the asymptote – the ever approached axis by the infinitely closer but never reaching hyperbolic curve. As a metaphor or illustration, this curve is like the prevailing human condition as not fully willing to truly transform, pierce through and “get” its inherent deception to make it through the membrane of the axis it approaches to where true reality operates.

A perhaps crude and clearly two dimensional illustration but it makes a point. Approaching can be deceptive and self assuaging. Breaking through requires full on transformation. Think reverse osmosis.

This always brings me back to the ego and mind, put simply, that fight tooth and tong to stay alive. This parasitic influence we were apparently saddled with does not die easy and I’m not trying to minimize the intensity of the scrap we are in. Yet all is not eternal frustration, but is all for the purpose of Source creation unfolding and ourselves discovering who we really are. This is where our power lies.

This is altogether different and separate from this grossly limiting 3-D experience we’re born into, an apparent learning process which all of this contrast beautifully serves. It’s seemingly non-sensical, paradoxical and counter intuitive, but so be it. The fact that we can perceive that such a perspective exists beyond the seemingly self-contradicting mundane proves its very reality. Quite profound in itself.

“Other” – that “outside of” this limiting, self serving construct – exists, and must be found accessed and lived before we can even begin to assess and address our situation in the least bit consciously, never mind sufficient empowerment beyond what is available on this plane of existence. This is something seers, mystics and even leading edge true philosophers and rogue scientists have been hounded for identifying and expounding upon for eons.

The ego-mind driven system will not tolerate it because it means its demise. Plain and simple.

Again, it’s really not that complicated – like our fight and flight mechanisms we apparently harbor. They’re all very basic mechanisms that are actually easily identified.

Crypto Co-opts and the Synthetic Copycats

I look at the crypto currency stuff and contrary commentary and I agree with some that it’s being co-opted as we speak. I see most alternative forays the same. That may sound cynical but that doesn’t demean the profound significance of whatever form or level of all that’s transpiring. That’s what happens to all directional “missiles” of truth with the trajectory of escape from this gravitational field – they’re contained, dismissed, shot down or co-opted by rote.

As we gain clarity it is all easily dismissed.

As I said a long time ago, which drew a lot of criticism, I think we’re leading “them” by our conscious avant-garde ideas and perceptions which I’m convinced they follow ever so closely, all of which goes way beyond their synthetic intelligence. They, whomever “they” or these containment influences are, only follow, copy, imitate, and subvert relentlessly, trying to co-opt and lead truly conscious outcroppings. For them it’s a constant game of catch up.

People can take that for what they will, but that’s what I perceive.

The Truth and our growing awakening is leading them, not the other way around. Parasites are always looking for new food or are protecting their crops. They will continue to fight it tooth and tong in this dualistic battle we’re born into. At some point or perhaps in an other dimensional way, true Source-derived consciousness transcends these low density mechanisms, but those still in the school of dualism are unable to see that. Hence the disconnect.

Those worlds do not intersect, but rather perhaps a better graphic illustration is that these lower levels are subsets of the greater, however by no means in any Cartesian form. This gets into dimensional perspective which we are handicapped from seeing clearly from this plane, hence language cannot communicate these deeper truths and realities which subsequently drives us to intuitive heart knowing and learning.

It’s like those still in the dualistic warrior mode. There’s a place for it for some, I was there a long time as well, including within the controlled religious paradigm previous to other layers of taking a “contestual” stance. Information and exposure to the light of truth is essential. I somehow melded the spiritual warfare with socially expressed activism when they are dimensionally of quite different natures.

They aren’t necessarily the same, mutually exclusive, nor contrary. The essential warfare is our individual journeys to fully wake up and overcome obstacles etc. to make our full connection and true self realization. Fully. Or at least to get past some non delineated threshold, the convoluted nature of which I’m attempting to describe here, which is where I’m venturing now and feeling fully humbled by as I venture on.

The unknown is exactly that – unknown – fully foreign and pretty scary to our entrained natures. There’s nothing at all unhealthy about that. Fear can work in our favor, ironically enough.

Informational and social activism as I see it is a transitory stage and apparently essential for many, but not all. Many leap right past it but that is the exception as far as I have seen. But in this era, serious preliminary bondage-cutting has to start at the basics since the metastasized mutant matrix’s sinews have such a strong control on the mind and even hearts of this epoch. A tough one to slog out as so many of us have experienced from a variety of approaches.

Liberation at every level is essential, but we mustn’t focus on the seemingly dark negative. That short circuits and defeats the awakening process at so many levels – the great test of judgmental dualism that thrives on reinforcing separation.

It’s many levels operating at once – individually and collectively. We are each on a very individual path, so the need to avoid negative, self righteous judgment becomes quite evident in this process, yet few manifest. We each learn at our own speed, and all of this is merely the backdrop for it – ironically to be enjoyed at the same time as we suffer and grow through it.

Conclusion, of Sorts

I got off on quite the tangent there, going back to planar geometric mathematics ironically enough, but such is how I currently perceive our experience at the particular “angles” of my perception I’ve been exploring. Again, I am astoundingly humbled by the vastness of it all, but we are all essentially consciousness having this experience, the very reason for us having this discussion at all.

That we realize how little we perceive yet feel so much more proves there are other realms we sense and for which we seek. This is an incontrovertible fact and not some form of escape or delusion as many would say. Those who cannot even conceive of the idea that there are many co-existing realities and dimensions operating concurrently will sooner or later find out otherwise. That our language and minds cannot grasp these ideas is the very nature of this testing and learning ground.

The amazing and wonderful phenomenon is that so many are on to this adventure and sense the same things, however they describe or manifest their understandings. Quite an amazing time to be here.

Much love, and thanks for the provocative question. As in everything, it all points back to  our essential nature – amazing beyond our cognitive abilities, yet well within our super conscious, true being.

It’s no wonder this spasmatic miasma called the matrix or society and all the interim control levels will do everything they can to prevent humanity from discovering who they truly are. As this awakening happens, despite anything that tries to stop it, it’s turning things around, upside down and inside out.

Only truth can survive that.

This is going to be very interesting indeed. In fact, it already is and always has been!

So who or what is it again that is viewing all of this we experience?

Therein lies the answer.

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Making the Next Big Shift

Making the Next Big Shift

by Zen Gardner
October 22, 2017


The so-called shift is actually a continuum of experiences as we let go into where we’re being drawn. However there do appear to be some delineations that we can identify and hopefully learn from. Similar to a ladder, the two poles clearly point upward, but we need intermittent rungs between them in order to make progress one step at a time.

Such is the shift, as I see it. Maybe this is more a collective phenomenon we experience individually yet concurrently, I don’t know. That’s a kind of chicken or the egg type of paradox. But just as we encounter similar localized weather challenges, we do seem to share the influence of so many factors in this planetary experience.

We never stop learning – ever. That’s a long time. Funny how we tend to be so goal and outcome oriented. “I want to find myself.” “I need to know the answers to the big questions.” “What is the meaning of life?” Strange, really. Like life is a problem to be solved instead of something simply to be experienced, as the expression goes.

Shifting in experiential and even mental perception is a remarkable thing. It implies coming out of something into a new awareness and life experience. It changes everything, and all from the inside, not the external. Yet the external experience subsequently changes in sympathetic vibration to our perceptive awareness. Again, paradoxical in nature essentially, which doesn’t make any sense according to the low level thinking we were conditioned with.

It’s much like the counter-intuitive slit experiment that quantum physics stumbled upon, the influence of attention on space/time matter, along with the discovery of particles resonating simultaneously with extremely remote “sister” particles. If you think about just those discoveries it should alter the entire world view of humanity, it’s approach to science, philosophy, spirituality and most of all day to day living.

But it’s hasn’t, by design. Except for those who are making the shift and take these things on board along with a plethora of other new awakenings to more full on awareness. The sages of all time have said the same things in various ways. It’s been in plain sight all along.

Stops Along the Way

It’s very easy to get tripped off, side-tracked and waylaid on our way to greater and greater awareness. The overall spiritual milieu is so charged with tricky cling-ons of egoic attachments of every sort it can feel like flying thru an asteroid belt of velcro balls just waiting to latch on to whatever they can. That’s actually good for us, as whatever “sticks” and distracts or upsets us is always a mirror, something to learn about our inner corresponding velcro and to release.

That’s the trick to all of this. Judgement is a very clever prankster. It self-righteously points out faults and issues in others it thinks it sees oh so clearly while exalting the ego of the observer. Lots of stuff works like that.

It’s similar to this good/evil, dark/light game so many  are involved in. The fighting, finger pointing and judgmental antipathy is again ego feeding. When in fact these polarities are provided to give us contrast and catalyze our learning on this plane of existence. Dualism is just part of the overall, as there is a unified consciousness that supersedes any mental conceptualization and inherently connects us all.

These aren’t new thoughts or realizations, yet now is when this awareness needs to be integrated into our lives in order to transform them into a new “vibrational” existence. Enough theory and mental chatter, shifting is all about living in a so-called higher dimension, if you will. Although again, language and word encapsulations don’t do any of this justice, something we all will continue to run up against more and more as the shift takes hold.

Categories, Broad-brushing and Mental Prejudice

I think this is a very important point. Where we derive our inspiration and learning from can come from anywhere. In this information age where we can find youtubes, articles and podcasts about almost anything under the sun, it can be quite the minefield. It takes a lot of discernment, but that grows as we learn to find what resonates and what doesn’t.

But just because something does not resonate with us we shouldn’t claim it’s therefore not true for everyone in some fashion. We don’t know what is really going on fully. We’re all on individual learning curves. I find this broad brushing of anything conveniently labeled as “new age” is really stunting a lot of peoples’ growth. This goes for any categorizing for personal convenience. It’s usually born out of fear and ignorance of the unknown and very easy to do. Sure the new age movement was co-opted to a large degree, but the truth still gets out. So was the awakening of the 60’s and today’s alternative information and research “movement”, if you can call it that. But right there “movement” has a collective tag and freeze frames mental conceptualization.

Where’s the fluidity?

It’s the egoic mind that seeks comfort and context, but it operates at a very low frequency. It only tracks past events. Only imagination and spirit led understanding and aware perception can really grasp the essentials. It’s so much like settled science, tracking and mapping and dissecting in an effort to get the mind “around” things for a sense of control and egoic superiority. It always points back to the same thing. We have to let go of all that. It’s interesting and may bring some understanding, but more than anything it should inspire awe and wonder and a humbling sense of being part of such a wondrous natural experience that we all share.

We have deeply set ways of thinking and such old, worn out ideas of perceiving to let go of. It’s a form of mental prejudice. Being conscious is a full time experience as we learn to trust and let go at much deeper levels than we have yet perceived. And there’s no arrival point – we’re in this for eternity. In fact, we always have been.

Moving Into the Next Phase

There is a collective mindset to be wary of. It too evolves but it has influence on each of us. These incre-mental changes can be good in some aspects, but more than anything they’re deceptive – as if a slow reformation will somehow fix the existing paradigms.

Not gonna work.

We’re talking about a total shift in perception and hence experience. It has nothing to do with the old. The only thing we can learn from the past is that it’s always more of the same.

It’s destined to fail, to contain, to limit, by its very nature. Breaking out of that lower dimensional miasma is so very new, so different, virtually all of our old programming and understandings must be scrapped and left on the trash heap of history. It’s that new, that different, and totally breaks from any sense of self, the biggest hurdle to overcome.

This is why so few are willing to let go into it. They want to have their cake and eat it too, prisoners of their own paradox. It’s the limiting nature we were born into and are here to transcend. We of course can still enjoy the amazing experience here, but without ignorance or attachment to it. It’s not escaping, it’s living our fullness in remembrance of who we are while enjoying the gift of this strange vacation-land, school of higher learning, and natural park.

That some have built rides and control mechanisms and seek to distract us from our true nature is a side show and should be treated as such. When we really see that it loses its power and eventually can no longer exist, once it’s served its function in teaching us and we let our fascination for it go. Until we do it will continue on. This is why many talk about moving into 5-D while the others continue to learn in 3-D or however you want to conceptualize it. In some fashion we can move on while the others continue to learn what they need to.

It’s painful to watch as it affects so many, but it’s been this way for millennia.

We can offer guidance and some instructions but it’s their free will and up to them what they do with it. To enter into the contest with them is completely contrary to what Source is showing us. It reminds me of how the subconscious can’t hear negatives, so bombastic pronunciations against things only affirms what we are saying not to do. Dualism is a very tricky construct if we don’t see it for what it is. So much is embedded in language. Handle with loving care.

Our highest form of so-called “activism” is to simply live as well as be in our highest potential by example. At the same time and something to take great heart and encouragement in, those of us entering into this next stage of the shift are massively affecting the morphogenic field which changes everything and further facilitates others “catching on”.

Every change changes everything. So make conscious ones and follow your excitement. That’s true zero point energy!

It’s the only way.

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Who Am I? Who Are You?

Who Am I? Who Are You?

by Zen Gardner
October 14, 2017


Isn’t that the big question? I don’t know who I am, and I’m strangely and wonderfully at peace with it. We spend our lives trying to nail that jello to a tree. To what end? Maybe we should just let it go and just be.

That’s a radical thought, eh? Just be. Let’s try letting go of this identity crap born of the ego-driven matrix we’re all too familiar with. That’s a novel concept! But not really. It’s what the true masters in many forms have taught all along but we’ve been too dense to understand.

And way too afraid to try. We think there’s something to lose. Baloney.

We instead hold on – to our programming, to our frustrated attempts to compete; for love, attention, even meaning in our lives. All completely misdirected, misinformed, mismanaged and just plain missing the point of it all.

What are we here to defend? To assert? To prove? And to whom? Our misguided parents we hold deep in our psyches from whom to gain that attention and love and affirmation we never got?  And approval? Or damaged layers in between? What’s to approve? And would it ever satisfy that craving we’ve sublimated throughout our years yet we’ve hung on to from birth?

Are we defined by our past, our works, our personalities, our reputations? Our aspirations? Our inner chatter?

Some serious stuff to think about. Even if we’ve  “attained” any of these misdirected aspirations, does that solve or really satisfy anything? Another biggie to consider. Maybe job, career, mate, sense of fulfillment or fame would do the trick? No, it won’t, and doesn’t. Why? We don’t even need it.

It feeds an imaginary construct. It has nothing to do with who we truly are. It’s all essentially an illusion.

It’s about time we woke up out of our self serving hypnotic stupor.

Being There

It’s been a long road for many of us. We knew the answer would be simple but realizing it is to see past our blind spots. Blind spots by their very nature cannot be seen nor seen beyond. We need help. And we eventually get it in synchronistic and even seeming “magical” ways.

If we’re open and sincerely want it.

I have no profound words of wisdom that haven’t been said before. I just like to express what I’m going through and perceiving, no more, no less. It’s not always understood nor welcomed but that’s not my problem. I just do what I do. You do what you do.

But there’s no escaping reality.

Like you, I’m tired of the struggle. It’s been my undoing in many respects due to my intensity, but it apparently had to be to get me to where I was going. Way too simple, I know. Like the onion, there are many layers to peel until we get true clarity one level at a time and approach the heart of the matter. And then we find nothing – it was all peels, layer upon layer containing emptiness.

Or perhaps – it’s more like the fractal artichoke – seeking the food in the center when it was in each leaf all along.

But when we sincerely realize the elusive “answer” is a deep realization of an amazing emptiness from our limited construct – oh how full that emptiness is!

In A Nutshell

The summation to all this? It doesn’t matter who you “are” or who I “am”. It really doesn’t.

Just be. That’s who we are. Drop everything else.


Quit analyzing yourself to death. Once you’ve made the inner journey and realize what’s going on and are aware, let it all go.


Attachment and belief system free as the little innocent children we truly are.

Have fun with life, live your passion and excitement. Let the rest go.

It couldn’t be simpler.

What a relief, eh?

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Upgrade to the Next Level of Now

Upgrade to the Next Level of Now

by Zen Gardner
September 18, 2017


All things are new. The old systems and paradigms are crumbling before our eyes and minds. Outdated mechanisms of knowledge and understanding have shifted and are passing. For those who are open and ready, it’s an amazing time for letting go.

It can be conceived as timeline or dimensional shifts and bleed-throughs if you like. For those experiencing and tracking these changes you will understand, others may sense something fundamentally different but are having a more difficult time just yet, but all will continue to progress. For those wanting to move with this energetic shift it will come, and more understanding as well as awareness will seep in. It can be subtle, or sometimes one psychic or transdimensional experience can trigger a big leap forward.

While we have so much in common we are all on unique paths. There’s no “one way” but there are commonalities that we all experience.

This energetic shift simply requires letting go into it, because it just is. As sure as we’re alive and Source eternally exists, our progression is assured one way or the other. The move “forward” is always there if we’re willing to move into it, but even if we hang back the overall field is moving anyway. This gets to the crux of our learning experience here, as there are several paradoxical aspects to all of this.

Those who’ve been seeking and learning and growing and working to bring about a better world as well as a more realized self expression have gone through much. While our most profound realizations are incredibly simple, all we’ve gone through to get there has been essential. Each of our paths are distinctly individual, yet we are a form of collective soul at the same time, each yearning for mastery of our being with the best possible outcome for all. This obviously does not apply to all those we share the planet with at this point, but the opportunity is available to all.

While many of us have striven to bring truth and openness to a deliberately darkened world, we’ve gone through many stages in the process. We’ve been the dreaming child, the system slave, the dropout, the student, the philosopher, the hungry researcher, the activist, the warrior, the preacher, the pundit, the angry cynic, the tired observer, the insider, the outcast, etc. The list is long, but these stages, whatever they’ve been, were essential to our development.

We eventually learn we cannot impose receiving the truth on anyone, only offer what we individually have learned, and it’s up to others what they do with it. Increased communication has been one of the driving forces for this recent acceleration of awareness that’s sweeping the planet, in addition to other unseen influences. For those engaged in these activities it’s right at whatever level they’ve chosen, but we must be aware of being drawn back into their vibrational level.  We need to help in whatever effective way possible but we can’t force it or interfere with free will, despite the fact that the matrix operates this way.

It operates on a judgmental frequency. Source does not.

Whatever our outlook, a rising tide lifts all boats.

And the tide is rising.

The Dissolving Past

Not only is the external structure collapsing, albeit somewhat violently, old manners and frameworks of perception are dissipating. How much each old system is sustained depends on how many cling to these often self-projected or believed paradigms, as nothing can override our choice to progress or hold on to the status quo. This is causing a separation of worlds in many respects, as realities split apart, much like worlds or timelines.

This is real.

This is not always obviously manifested externally, certainly not to the satisfaction of the skeptic or naysayer. It is evident, however, in changed lives, raised and lowered vibrations, new discoveries and ideas surfacing, and new social trends taking hold. In fact, it’s quite remarkable once you can perceive them.

A Place Called Now

For the sincere seekers, our search has been for meaning, for the full experience of living, and the Truth that permeates all things. We look for answers to the fundamental questions of life and eventually come to realize we’ve contained them all along in our heart of hearts . We have a knowing about a Source that emanates from within and without and have always been set out to connect with it.

It appears in the timeless state of Now. We get glimpses of it; our feelings draw us towards it, and our hearts long to experience more of it. A certain amount of information helps us along the way, but the reality we seek is beyond it, as what we perceive through this limitation only provides arrows pointing towards the unspeakable which we experience in moments outside of time.

This has long been known, yet even this experience is transcending the old concepts and belief systems. We’ve accumulated many helpful understandings from past teachings, yet in the light of this truly new energetic shift even those are outdated in many respects. Reference points can be anchors if we’re not fully conscious, which is clearly seen in the fullness of a truly fresh Now experience.

The Now is a portal. It’s always there, it’s always here. The Now is the ever present zero point everyone is striving for, yet it is always with us. It exists – over and over, yet timelessly. It’s we who have the difficulty in turning into it fully. Again the paradox, finding no time while inhabiting a world seemingly bound by time.

The Now just is, yet we struggle to find it, to understand it, as it slips through our fingers. Or so we think. In fact we’re flickering in and out of it continuously. Sometimes we can feel its ecstasy, sometimes not. We know we should live in it, yet time sweeps us along like the current of a mighty river, only allowing temporary glimpses of the majestic Now. Our minds then scurry to understand what only the heart can perceive, our ever present conundrum in this denser world of duality.

How do we escape time and explore this amazing realm of Now? It’s not always easy, yet it happens spontaneously with little or no effort. Mind gets in the way to make work of it, or identify when it is happening. Filtration mechanisms working overtime dull our nowness. Concerns and habits shroud our sensibilities. Circumstances and physical conditions blind the senses. Ever new as well as old ephemeral belief systems cloak our awareness.

Yet inspiration opens the door continually. Imagination lights the way. Each of our developmental stages were paving stones that led up to now, and they will continue, albeit in continued transformational manifestations. Yet those too must be let go of in deep energetic and forgiving ways in so many respects so as not to hold us back from previous perceptions.

Everything Is New

The truth is we can all be more in the Now than we are, but the inspiring realization is we’re there a lot more than we think we are. Besides always being in it whether we’re fully conscious of it or not, our lives are filled with breakthrough Now experiences.

Techniques such as meditation and more quiet time and deep experience in nature enhance this, while moments of emotional release, insights and creative imagination and inspiration abound in our lives, often spontaneously, resulting in the same. Making room for more of all of these aspects being a higher priority than ever in our lives soon goes without saying, once we’re really serious about this transition personally as well as for all of humanity and our planetary condition.

Therein lies a commitment to be made.

The Letting Go

We each experience a great falling away of many things in this process. Old unfruitful relationships, locations, living conditions, modes of expression and cherished belief systems. All of these shift or evaporate altogether. Let them pass. The new will manifest almost immediately and in many cases concurrently.

While we may experience times of isolation and solitude, it’s all a wonderful growing opportunity. It can be quite an emotional journey facing ourselves honestly and seeing former close acquaintances or beliefs fade from our lives. The beauty here is that our true friends and family become manifest.

And we are many.

Depending on our rate of acceleration as well as preparation, this shifting process can be a bit disconcerting. While our previous efforts may appear to have been off course or pointless in light of what we learn down the road, they weren’t. Many ideas and concepts and viewpoints will prove to have been quite off course in relation to what we come to learn is true, but they were what helped get us here. It’s seeing that and letting the old go that are at issue.

It’s easy if we’re malleable and trusting. Call it faith in the divine nature of it all, but that is something we can all be securely confident of, despite the seemingly bizarre nature and consequences of many of the choices that have taken place on this evolving planet.

There are no mistakes. There is no condemnation except what we personally ascribe to. Outside of us everything is beautifully neutral. There is no judgement. We invent and comply with that, in accordance with separation. When we realize all is One in different facets and stages and in the process of expansion we don’t judge, we accept, and in love, seeing the wonder of Creation both seen and unseen.

The Paradox of Three Dimensional Life

Yet paradoxically there is the part we are each here to do, most of all to truly awaken and raise in conscious awareness and enduring unconditional love. The ultimate solution. Nothing to wait for. Just be it. The rest will follow as we let go of old triggers toward less fruitful endeavors. It’s very tempting to get into the fray and all things reactive and fight it out in our minds or on the streets or in the staged informational platform at their low density level, but it’s to no avail and only muddies the waters.

Steer clear. Don’t feed the miasma. Be aware of it but don’t even touch it. It’s a tar baby designed to short circuit our connectivity to Source and who we truly, deeply are. That’s what they fear. Not our activism or exposure, although that’s all part of it. It’s us getting the real understanding of our true power as well as what energizes them and keeps them in business, which we then refuse to supply as we rise to a higher vibration with much more effectiveness.

That’s non-compliance.

Get free. Stay free. Help raise the planetary vibration. Share love, speak truth, live in the true joy of real Knowing that transcends these tricks and traps and manifestations of ignorance. Live according to your passion. The world is starving for love, kindness, gentleness, hope and happiness. We’re awash in it if we look around. Don’t let them drag us down to their level.

Creation keeps expanding and learning, and we are an amazing and integral part of it all!

What a wonder!

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

All Things New

All Things New

by Zen Gardner
August 22, 2017


We might be surprised at just how much newness is coming our way but it’s here, ready or not. We can absorb it at our own speed and according to our own choice of course, but it’s here and available for energizing and awareness such as we’ve never experienced before.

It’s not only just beginning to exponentially accelerate, it’s an open ended process. Grok that if you can, but we’re there.

Anyone who claims they’ve arrived doesn’t know what they’re talking about. Anyone who says “this is the only way” or right methodology or system of belief isn’t telling the full truth. The only thing we’ll ever fully know is knowing itself. All else are tools and ladders, outdated as fast as they have been used and nothing to hold on to, however helpful they have been.

The paradigms aren’t just shifting, they’re crashing. They’re being evaporated as if disintegrating by a cosmic directed energy beam. And it’s all good, no matter the consequences or fallout.

Allowing Change

We can take change two ways – voluntarily and even enthusiastically, or resist it. There are many levels of change and some may seem easier than others, but they’re all interconnected. One change implies another and as we’ve all experienced, as we take steps in the direction we’re being drawn it becomes easier every step.

But the stepping doesn’t stop once and for all, even though we all tend to think we’ve “arrived” somewhere better than before in certain aspects and tend to camp out. Where we temporarily land is never the final resting place. It, too, soon grows old and hindering and thus we’re stirred up again to move on in some way, shape or form. Only now it’s been stepped up exponentially.

It’s strange how religious belief systems speak about coming transformations as if they happen to us externally, yet fail to recognize the change happens through us. It’s symptomatic of the polarized nature of lower dimensional thinking, much like resisting the external issues of the world without changing the causal elements within our very own nature. But this cycle is about to shift drastically, and already is, especially for those who’ve become aware of it. It’s sort of a secret in plain sight, much like the matrix engineers and their many once clandestine control programs.

Complete Newness

What’s phenomenally liberating and breathtakingly fresh about this unprecedented change taking place to ourselves and our planet is the complete newness of this reset. The lower dimensional mind cannot comprehend such a drastic shift since it works on past information and calculated possibilities. The heart, and/or higher self, however, perceive beyond mind and thought, where one has experiential knowledge of these realities. This includes both potential worlds of experience as well as these new fields that are realizing energetically and will eventually manifest more clearly physically.

This will help us all let go of our pet belief systems and egoic attachments, albeit somewhat reluctantly if our minds and egos get in the way. The beauty of this energetic surge is that it is so powerful it bypasses even old restraint systems. It’s like walking out of a room into a new realm whose factual reality cannot be denied. It just is. And we’re in it.

This might escape those who are tethered securely to the lower density and find refuge and solace in that framework, but for anyone with a sensitive heart and truly awakening spirit it will make perfect sense. It’s not made up or hopeful over-spiritualized conjecture, it’s as sure as quantum physics applied to our daily lives, recognizing actual influences in our realms of experience.

Don’t be too surprised as personal stuff comes up. It’s part of this realignment and a fast track opportunity if we let it happen. Many of us have done much personal work towards clearing old issues and belief systems but this new shift is bringing up vestiges of yet to be released levels of personal traumas, engrained patterns and identity attachments. It will work symbiotically for those already on the path, but it will catch many sideways who haven’t been working towards alignment. Don’t let that distract or discourage you, it’s simply an amplified opportunity to let go of the old.

Reality Bites

We’re entering a new realm of experience. It’s brand new and unprecedented. There’s no road map or pseudo-spiritual or philosophical explanation, it’s experiential. And glorious. We’ve seen and heard hints at it, but the real deal is now breaking forth. All things are new – not the old reborn, but new. In new ways and with new perceptions.

Let them happen. Observe and go with the flow. Reality as we knew it will self erase, scrubbed like an evaporating timeline. The only reference point will be unconditional love – no judgement, no fear, no preconceived notions. Exactly what we’ve been hungering for.

We just need to let it happen. Stay centered, detached, and trusting. A new paradigm is being born on a massive scale energetically. Many will not see it and react in fear and intransigence to this energy, fighting to hold on to the old. The matrix will become even more angry and reactive and strive to regain control. It cannot, but it is a lower dimensional reality that will implode and take what it can with it.

We are not part of that miasma. Let the energies and your heart lead you to higher ground and live there. This lower energy spasm will pass, but not without very real consequences on the perceived earth level of existence. Let it pass as you share your love and trust with those you influence by your very presence. Never fear or live in reactivity to it. Stay “above” it and maintain your higher frequency.

A new world is dawning. Live there. It’s the best we can do for all worlds in this life process. Energetically we contribute to the best possible outcomes for all involved and co-create the birth of the new earth.

Stay open. In a waking, meditative state.

Much love,



Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Change Our Language, Change Our Thoughts, Change Our Lives, Change the World

Change Our Language, Change Our Thoughts, Change Our Lives, Change the World

by Zen Gardner
August 13, 2017


I was recently enlightened regarding the power of energetic discernment of language, which translates immediately and almost automatically into new and liberating thinking patterns and elevates personal vibration.

Our language is very crude and has been largely engineered and hijacked, as have so many other areas of this controlled lower density experience. But we’re forced to use this medium, at least for now. Words have intrinsic power, and as many have pointed out, we “spell” words. This alludes to the fact that they do often contain spells when maliciously used, while they can be wonderfully empowering and enlightening when correctly used, or in some cases avoided altogether.

What the dark aspects are up to is something to be well aware of but nothing to get boogie-booed about. It’s a very weak vibe that only has power within the fear based vibrational framework of the matrix. We don’t have to be part of it and can rise above that paradigm whenever we want, which will hopefully become a continual way of living for each of us. This begs for greater awareness of the roots of language and how to avoid the many pitfalls of careless and unintended usages of this medium of information exchange.

Beware of Loaded Words

There are many harsh and violent words used in common expressions that can conjure up quite brutal images without our intending to do so which in turn unknowingly dull our senses. “I was cut off in traffic”, “that cake was to die for”, “what a killer song”, “take a hit on this”, “my feet are killing me”, etc. Those are the obvious sort. Sometimes strong words are quite apt but they have leaked into the vernacular to a very large degree.

What’s more subtle are the often aggressive usages of language and imagery that polarize and reinforce dark energies, calling attention and thus intention to entrapping and spirit demeaning emotions and energetic miasmas that can plague our lives.  Mainstream media uses this as a matter of course and control, but even much of alternative media is rife with polarity and dwelling on the negative and something from which we can learn. Sure there are occult influences and there’s a concerted effort to quench our humanity, but look at us thrive and learn and grow in spite of it all.

I’ve gone through some of my old writings and seen very careless language usage. By throwing around powerful terms and images in an effort to fight my way out of this entrapping matrix I often inadvertently reinforced what it was I was exposing, mentally and vibrationally. While they need to be pointed out, it’s unnecessary to keep repeating these dark realities we’re profoundly aware of. Why conjure up these images unnecessarily or re-taste their dark effects once they’ve been exposed? It’s contrary to what we’re trying to create and actually works against the process. We do the same when in a misguided spirit of judgement about people and ideas in our efforts to formulate opinions and identify what we’re experiencing.

There’s no point keeping those old, dilapidated and controlling energies in place when in fact they are falling away and in their final death throes – for those who will let them go. And the more who let them go the more their intrinsic power dissipates for all. We can allude to them effectively enough without transferring that energy. We do the same when emphasizing the aspect of polarity when we repeat and emphasize the “us and them” and “right and wrong” dualistic worldview.

We actually reinforce what we’d rather not experience or don’t agree with just because it’s so prevalent in social discourse. It often comes in a combative form when letting off steam or expressing strong emotions, “those bastards are poisoning us!” or “I hope they get what’s coming to them” etc. That’s a vivid form of what I’m talking about.

Unconscious Word Slinging 

What is even more common and disempowering besides the reference to the dark energies, is the unnecessary strongly judgmental put downs of others as well as ourselves in our very language that is carelessly flung about, often in an effort to share a mood or emotion with someone else. We think we’re being a good friend by commiserating and complying with someone’s issues, or initiating our own to get down to their level as a “friend”, but it’s so often grovelling in lower dimensional, degrading and disempowering and even violent and angry language which only draws everyone into a negative vortex.

It’s not easy to recognize these habits never mind change them, but it makes a huge difference that’s well worth working towards. We say we’re awakening but maintain our sleep patterns without realizing it.

Carelessly slung negative terms and concepts only perpetrates more anger, more angst, more remembering of what’s wrong with everything. Basically more focus on the negative. It not only does no good except to make us feel better about ourselves, it does serious harm – to ourselves and others. We think we’re being smart and informed pointing out all the evil we think we can see so clearly (usually comparing ourselves to those “ignorant” ones who cannot) but we’re really just bringing out the garbage again and again and spreading it around to look at and gloat in our disdain, creating a self-sustaining loop of negativity. That becomes a habit and thus makes us feel good when we do it, satisfying a misguided urge.

When we look at why do we do that we get to the heart of it. We can blame “them” or him or her for our woes but that’s again missing the point. We have a habit, a fascination for it. We even think it’s cool. Whole careers are built on tearing down what some consider false. This can be an important part of awakening, but it’s only part of the equation. Without clearly planting and building up and affirming what takes the place of what needs to be destroyed, we’re left with destruction and chaotic debris and nothing else.

Acute exposers of apparent wrongs get a lot of acclaim, which then appears to reinforce that they’re on the right track. In part, yes, but overall groupthink can kick in and be misled despite the truth of what is being said. Many get the wrong negative energetic undercurrent or carrier signal instead of a mountain top vista with clear, empowering solutions, leaving ourselves and others with encouragement and inspiration instead of focussing on all that’s seemingly “wrong”. In a fear prone world it’s important to be sensitive to this. We see this so clearly in the “system” but do we see these tricky mechanisms happening within ourselves? It’s a challenge we need to face.

We do the same thing in our own minds, led by our ego trying to bolster itself. And that’s a toughie to fully identify and then let go of, at least its power over us. Remember, the ego, the wrong one based in fear and pride, wants to stay alive at any cost. Only getting fully honest with ourselves can we even see this at work. Again, it’s all fear based, even in the most bold and brave looking fully engaged yet entangled individuals. No one can see this at work until they’ve made the choice to be willing to let go of the self image built around our beliefs. Ego driven self assertion only creates more separation which leads right back to polarity, a completely unintended consequence.  Once we do let go, more than we can imagine opens up to us.

Using Language and Thoughts to Change Our Reality

When we realize how infected our words are, which is easy to spot when we read our own messages or hear ourselves speak, then we can begin to clearly see the thought processes that brought these misguided words into being. It can be tricky stuff, but it’s quite simple. We just examine what made us say what we said and how we said it and what feelings and mind trips are behind it. When that happens we look at the originating thought process and identify what it is we really meant and come up with a better more truthful way of putting it.

Language is a very powerful tool, for good or for not so good. I won’t say evil because that’s a buzz word with way too much baggage and misleading meanings and inferences. That goes for a lot of words, but some we have to use. In fact, we can reverse the wrong connotations of many words that have been polluted by using them correctly with right meaning and spirit.

When our thoughts subsequently change, and we realize the wonderful uplifting power of avoiding emphasizing the negative and keeping our vibration high and accentuating the wonder of existence and our amazing potential, our lives change. Quickly. We notice a softness appear in our communications and demeanour yet the same basic message is conveyed without the swords and spears and tar flinging. We then soon start to notice  the sound of the trees, the shimmer of the starry night sky, and the beauty in people around us, and not their faults and weaknesses. Life changes. In fact, our reality changes. Because we did.

This may sound Pollyannaish, escapist or irresponsible to the dyed in the wool justice warrior but it is more powerful than imaginable. To dissipate the shadows we can be aware of them but we don’t have to focus on them. We simply radiate more light. It’s simple physics. We’re aware of what’s out there, but aren’t drawn into it. The problems arise when we don’t want to let go of the world we’ve built and worked so hard to create as our bastion of beliefs from which to attack the “enemy”. That’s a big one, but it’s surmountable as we let go of our misguided belief systems.

Enlightening and liberating information is helpful and it’s very important to be fully informed, but to unduly dwell in the vibration and imagery of the shadow works is another containment mechanism. It turns out that oppositional fighting paradigm was all wrong. It’s not gonna work – it never has and never will. That’s one of the main things we’re here to learn in this dimension of seeming separation. It’s the very thing that inhibits unity consciousness as well as personal development and stops love in its tracks. So there’s no condemnation in coming to that realization – it took all that for us to arrive at the right answers. And we’re a lot stronger and wiser for it.

Creating Careful Thoughts and Careful Words

It’s similar to having to listen to someone rehashing their woes and problems or aches and pains. We endure it to be a friend and a listening ear, and there’s a time for listening, but are we doing a service to them getting down there with them? Of course we don’t beat back what to them is very real, but what do we reflect? Do we chime in with our own issues or deftly elevate the conversation to a higher frequency and better reality?

The easy way to start is to eliminate harsh and condemning words, anything that “conjures” up dark imagery and unnecessarily draws focus on what’s wrong. There’s an element of importance in understanding what we’re up against in this reality, but to continually draw attention to it and see it in everything is to be entrapped by it, when there’s so much beauty around and within us. What we accentuate and give energy to grows. Do we want the dark energy to expand and grow, or goodness and love and what’s right? Again, it’s pure physics and energy dynamics when it comes down to it and extremely practical.

We toss terms and “cool” concepts around like cinder blocks – including strong words of judgement and condemnation. “She’s such a so and so” or “everything is so fucked” and think nothing of it. We assume we’re understood, that we don’t literally mean what we’re saying and that it’s just to make a point and chime in to the vibe going around, but the words stand alone and have weight – serious weight. This behaviour is curried by the very things that many of us detest in social engineering programs, yet we fall for this on a very personal, continually reinforced level, even in our self chatter, denigrating ourselves. It’s careless, and quite unconscious behaviour that takes a serious toll on everything energetically.

Identifying what makes this phenomenon so pervasive in our behaviour is an eye opener. Underlying all thought and hence behaviour are attitudes and belief systems we’ve subscribed to, agreements we’ve made at some level. We’ve so often fallen for the engineered worldview we often give up our sense of wonder and love except as a fall back position, instead of it being the prominent reality. We’re angry and pissed off at everything and let powerful negative emotions and frustration run amok.

In other words, when we get immersed and entrenched in the dark information world we lose immediate contact with Source. A lot needs to be and is being exposed, but it’s how it’s presented and in what spirit and vibration that matters most. Even the quantity of information itself, as well as the quality, can be overwhelming and needs to be carefully monitored, in addition to any fascination for it.

Making the Shift

The beauty of this language change is that it works when you apply it. Re-read something you wrote and take out what you know isn’t fully true phrase by phrase as well as any strong wording that could be said another way that still tells the truth of what you’re trying to say. Take out (not “cut” as an example) the words that lend pointless or excessive negative connotations. “I’m such an asshole, I can’t believe I was so stupid!” can be “Wow, have I got a lot to learn” or something closer to the truth and not such a harsh put down of yourself you don’t really believe anyway. That’s a false belief we take on temporarily to self efface and gain points and chime into some false meme. So unnecessary – as well as patently untrue. Just look at the effect. This can be applied across the board.

Soften things up. Everyone is suffering enough as it is. Let’s be kind and gentler with ourselves and each other. All of this indignant bravado is habitual and part of the illusion we’ve helped co-create by adhering to it and repeating it. Violent and harsh and negative language and thoughts even weaken our immune systems and cause other health hazards. It’s mindless behaviour. It’s a perfect example of how energetic systems seek to grow, be they shadow energies or life giving ones. We need to choose wisely what we want to be part of, now more than ever as times appear to be increasingly confusing.

Why not contribute to what gives life and health and let the other atrophy? This can of course be extrapolated out to other applications in our lives. What are we engaged in? What type of information or personal actions are we taking on board and energizing? What are we ultimately transmitting? There’s a place for right knowledge but so much is toxified we have to be extremely careful what we deal with and how we interact with it.

Information is a tool, a ladder of sorts for elevating our perspective. It leads us out of one worldview into another. Once we understand what’s going on we’re meant to detach from the mechanisms that hold us back while utilizing the empowering information. We literally leave one room and move into another realm. So why spend so much of our time being upset about the nature of the old one, or re-describing it continually, be it the world system or our own pasts? The answer is to simply get out and not let it sap our energy, and by our example encourage others to change paradigms as well.

When we realize that energetic matrix is there, as it always has been, as a duality to provide contrast for our energetic awakening and growth, we gain a whole new perspective. When we get to that truer and better reality then we’ll understand what real solutions are – and how they’ve been available to us all along by simply throwing the switch – saying goodbye to the old and moving into co-creating the new. The shadow miasmas that are currently in place to teach us, being our own unenlightened reflection in many ways, will dissipate for lack of participation in thought and deed and thus not allowing ourselves to be its energetic food.

It makes sense to me. I’m in the midst of this formidable challenge but it’s so very enlightening. Just changing my language has changed my outlook, thoughts, and life. The rest follows and opens up like a flower to the sun.

As we change, so changes the world.

Energy is our tool. Let’s participate and contribute wisely and watch our lives elevate as well as that of those around us. Transformation of the whole begins with each one of us. The shift is an energetic one and happens in more realms of creation than we can currently imagine.

It all stems from thought, which gives birth to words, which then set things in motion.

We change, everything changes.

Enjoy the shift!

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Our Focus Creates Our Future

Our Focus Creates Our Future

by Zen Gardner
July 25, 2017


We’re continually creating our experiential realities, whether consciously or unconsciously. The worlds we live in are of our own making, whether through adopting versions we perceive of existing realities, or forging new ones through our own thoughts, ideas and decisions. Or a combination of both.

We’re all absorbing so much information to process, both consciously and subconsciously, in both audio and visual forms as well as unseen energetic streams and impulses, in addition to our own self chatter. We’re all learning and can feel a bit scrambled with such a bombardment of input and so much information to evaluate amidst these tectonic social and spiritual shifts. That’s to be expected in this growing process.

Once we identify the power of our own creative abilities we learn to make more conscious, heartfelt decisions in order to live the most expansive experiential reality that we can. Expansion is a natural phenomenon, and while it’s not always easy to grasp what we’re going through, we’re each part of a magnificent unfolding in which we play an integral part. We can feel we’re limited or subject to our circumstances when in reality we’re fully in charge of our destinies.

We Chart Our Own Course

Our course is determined by our thoughts and what we willingly choose to focus our attention on. From there we build individual belief systems by which we navigate and process the incoming information field of ideas and apparent realities, both perceived manifested ones, as well as informational data. We have complete freedom to choose our course, despite evidence that appears to tell us anything to the contrary.

Whether we choose the course to unselfishly better humanity or live to serve our own desires at any cost to others is a major dividing line, as ego centrism is the driving nature of the control matrix, whereas true unconditional love for others is manifesting our divine nature. Either way, we each contribute to energetic expansion through whatever belief systems we’ve aligned with.

This is why personal alignment to truth in our core is so important, beginning with the truth of who we actually are. This takes some serious personal discovery, but it isn’t as complicated as we’ve been led to believe. Taking action on what our hearts are calling us to do and be and following the path of heartfelt inspiration is essential, despite the obstacles that will present themselves. Our true nature then manifests as old conditioning peels away from our lives.

What Is Focus?

Our focus can be determined by what we spend our time on, physically as well as mentally. It’s what we put our attention towards and allow to dwell in our thoughts and especially our hearts which translates into active, or passive, direction in our lives.

In the entrapping control paradigm, we’re steered to focus on survival primarily, which leads to alignment with the false ego support systems and the already in place rules of the socio-economic game currently at play. We can still exist quite consciously to varying degrees while having to “entertain” these confines and conditions, but generally speaking the world system is built on a myopic, compassionless service to self alone outlook, with empathic consideration and care for others having to temporarily play a secondary, highly disadvantaged role.

This however is changing rapidly as the control grid continues to be rapidly exposed for what it truly is, a lose-lose paradigm built on imposed, false premises for parasitic control purposes. That matrix construct is an energetic miasma of a completely different nature. By its nature it minimizes the power of sovereign cooperation and the resultant unity consciousness and awareness those important aspects bring, all of which are completely independent of external control. This is why the shadow works are clumsily striving to maintain their control grid through any means necessary. But it’s inevitably collapsing, having no foundation in truth and the natural laws of love and compassion.

Awareness of the control grid is what’s bringing it down, due to the endeavors of many to expose its workings and the overall elevation of consciousness, both of which are working symbiotically. Even more importantly, this rising awareness has given birth to a connectivity to what is being hidden from us about ourselves, the power of our full nature. As this awareness grows and activation occurs, the energy released is changing the course of millions of lives as well as our entire vibrational and energetic milieu.

In fact, nothing is more powerful in disempowering and dismantling the matrix and empowering others than the release of our true nature which so many are experiencing at ever expanding levels and which continues to grow at an exponential rate.

Focus on What We Desire

It’s important to move our emphasis from the workings of this deceptive, entrapping power grid to what it is we all desire. This is important individually first of all – realizing who we fully are, releasing whatever is holding is back, and discovering our unfathomable power as energetic beings. Attention to this should be our top priority, and how we can each manifest more fully. Obsessively dwelling on what’s “wrong” is vibrationally deleterious as we inadvertently contribute to that lower density vibration, a state in which we can barely live and only leads to more fascination for the fear based workings of the control system, thus making us part of the very energetic structure we want to see dismantled and from which we are working to escape.

Intrinsic to raising our individual vibration is triumphant happiness. Realizing all is working out as it should and that everything is in place for a purpose is very important. There are many ways to view our experience here, and this is an essential aspect. It’s not escapist, as we each still need to play the role we’re called to, responsibly with right choices of action as well as disengagement with the old.

Seeing the true big picture of our condition brings a very deep joy and sense of gratitude, two aspects that put us into a much higher vibration and much more effective mode of operation. Otherwise, anger and frustration and unnecessarily dwelling on the negative hold us back from focusing on what it is we truly want, and throttles our power of creativity which we are learning to manifest. And that too is expanding rapidly.

Having a victorious and joyful attitude and keeping vibrationally free and empowered is kryptonite to the would-be controllers, which is why they like to draw humanity through any means they can into engaging with them on their low level, thus hampering our inherent vibrational advantage.

Be Aware, But Be Careful Where We Focus

No matter how well intentioned, adopting dualistic, combative thought forms are not just futile, but counter productive. Exposure is needed, but it must always be bathed in empowering inspiration as to the true overall state of creation. All is an evolutionary process working itself out, with each individual free to choose whatever course they have to. However, a large part of this dynamic within the free will paradigm is that we can influence others’ awarenesses. But we can’t force them. Things have to play out at levels we cannot conceive yet we must do our part, which is most importantly and profoundly energetic. It’s an odd, paradoxical mixture here so a heightened sense of insight as to our true situation is a must for truly conscious navigation in these oft confusing waters.

Through enlightened exposure of the nature of the dark workings of the shadow side, while maintaining the integrity of a higher vibration, our conscious and aware attitude and actions work much more effectively at bringing down any control systems. This includes the individuals participating in them. Reaction-based energetic action only strengthens the polarized so-called “enemy”. In fact, whatever information we may find revealing is better viewed from that same higher dimensional state, avoiding reactivity and energetically draining mental and emotional currents. But also be careful about pure information overload. The pure weight of it can be overwhelming if we’re not careful or circumspect.

The reason for this energetic dynamic of dualism is to create contrast. Contrast is where the learning and hence raising of vibration and true knowing takes place as we learn to overcome through awareness. Right and wrong are valid within the moral matrix, but contrast is also a gift, a tremendous learning tool, without which we couldn’t learn to make preferences and find our way back out of this field of separation from Source. Both dark and light are essential to the process are are part of the very fabric of creation.

Everything has a role to play. We learn by contrast, which brings clarity. It takes time obviously, as history attests, but now we’re in a highly accelerated phase, socially as well as personally. True conscious awareness is a state that is quite transcendent from our so-called normal way of viewing our reality. Once we work from there, the ability to literally create our own realities, and a new world with it, come clearly into view and hence realization.

Ready or Not, Here They Are

The changes are coming on fast. It’s important to stay inspired with our personal course of life. We should move with our passions and what inspires us, and leave the dead weights behind. Be grateful for them as they taught us much, but now is a time for personal freedom, inspiration, and swift movement, mentally and spiritually.

Ironically this can lead to, as it is for many, having our lives slow down externally in order to give us more time to process these enormous energetic shifts and new types of information and resultant changes. Many are experiencing seemingly strange physical issues as well. This is simply a manifestation of working in more profound realms and allowing very deep changes to occur within us. They’re nothing to fear or worry about, but they can be challenging. Just know it’s all part of the process.

Freedom to allow space for these personal changes is paramount at this time, so we need to do whatever we can to find those openings for time in nature, time alone, and time for extra rest. It’s important to listen to uplifting and spiritually instructive teachings, get energetic help if need be, be vigilant as to what or who you associate with, and find like spirited people even if they are few.

Be good to yourself as this is a very swift and powerful energetic current moving through us. Try not to be too baffled by it, it’s a very good thing. We’re each transmuting way more of the old to the new than we realize as we pursue truth and remain open to and move with this energetic change and undergo this rapid learning process. We’re transceivers whether we like it or not, either of the lower vibrational contract and its machinations and keeping them in place, or helping to affirm the new world we’re co-creating and thus manifesting.

Know the difference and maintain your true, higher integrity. It becomes clearer as we go. We can often simply tell what’s right or wrong for us by how things make us feel. Pulling our focus from fascination for this metastasizing matrix can be difficult, as many can only see these darker aspects, being so completely bathed in knowledge of these occult workings which permeate our lives. But when we have a hard time putting it aside and appreciating the beauty of nature and the many wonderful people of this planet and other powerfully positive aspects of our existence, then it’s time to realize our focus has gotten off course. And with it, our vibratory influence similarly inadvertently moves into the very dimension we’d rather see dissipated.

It’s much like a gravitational field and it can engulf us before we realize it. It’s not irresponsible to tune it out once you’re aware it exists. The knowledge of its workings is an important part of our awareness and education and what woke many of us up. That was only the first stage of the launch. When we allow the second and succeeding boosters to kick in, our perspective becomes gloriously clear and new understandings as to our most effective course of action for ourselves and/or how we go about them, mankind and our planet come clearly into view!

Last Thoughts

We must choose what we focus on wisely. We are in control, so we need to take the wheel rather than go with whatever energetic flow catches our attention, or fascination.

These wild waters are much easier to navigate with an even keel derived through discernment and vigilant awareness.

Enjoy the ride! And may all your chosen realities be positive, empowering and joyous ones! Blow on past the lower realms into new perspectives and levels of effectiveness you only dreamed of!

Life’s not a bummer. It’s a gift. A huge challenge and tough learning ground, granted, but try dwelling on all that’s right and amazing and wonderful for a while, and take a look at the REAL big picture!

Throw the switch with confidence and watch your reality shift – and that of those around you. Then follow your passion with renewed gusto and inspiration – and perspective! Let it infuse your life and just watch what happens!

The world we desire is ours for the taking, and living. It begins Now. It always has!

In Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Outside and the Inside

The Outside and the Inside

by Zen Gardner
July 17, 2017


We’re all outsiders and insiders in various respects. Social circles, generally speaking, are just one aspect but they often affect us to drastic degrees. Acceptance by others and needing a sense of “belonging” are strong driving forces in most people’s lives. Sometimes these coincide with our need for a sense of purpose, but often what ultimately drives our heart can alienate us from previous surroundings as we progress through life.

I know for myself my close acquaintances that I still resonate with have narrowed down drastically, but then again I’ve had several drastic shifts. But this has always been the case in my life, with each new paradigm dissolution or correction, as many have experienced. Going through what appears to be loneliness in taking a new direction and leaving the old life behind is a precious opportunity. In most cases we don’t see that as the case when we’re younger and learning about this earthly place and getting knocked around by this mechanistic matrix, but we get the hang of it as life progresses.

Social conditioning and group consciousness are weird things to integrate and fully grasp, and often even individual changes are part of a larger shift and new “collectives” form outside the old ones with new awarenesses arising. These then gain their own group characteristics which in turn are broken out of in various ways, sometimes shifting the “group” think and status, and sometimes birthing another potential tectonic shift in awareness.

Control Systems

What’s evident in most collectives is the formation of new sets of stated or unstated control mechanisms, mores, and regulations for a host of reasons. Religions are a great example, how a system with the stated intention to liberate and empower actually becomes a highly controlled diversion from real truth, giving the illusion of freedom. So called “democratic” governments are the same.

How we allow these encrusted, paralytic structures to do what they do is a massive subject, but we essentially draw these upon ourselves as a personal extension of our own lack of awareness of ourselves. We can be free, and are, at any and all given times, yet we succumb to external control for a wide variety of reasons. These are fundamentally driven by fear – a literal fear of freedom, of what we consider to be the “unknown”, because it directly implies taking responsibility. This can be largely driven by fear of scarcity – being without our basic needs for food, shelter and community. As long as that’s the driving force, humanity is a sitting duck for anyone seeking to manipulate the controls in any way possible.

The amazing and wondrous truth underlying any social system is that any and all control mechanisms can be easily thrown off in a heartbeat by not falling for the illusion of fear. Fear is another huge subject as it permeates so many of our mental and emotional mechanisms and eludes recognition for what it is, being so deeply woven into the lower vibrational human fabric and our fascination for it which can lure us in without our realizing it.

Are You a True Outcast? 

If so, treasure it. In fact cherish it. There’s freedom there. You don’t want to be “accepted” or on the inside of any confinement system in this low dimension. In fact, just about everything we experience in this realm of limitation is a potential trap, no matter how innocuous anything may seem. Anything that limits or even hints at conditions and restrictions, watch out. If it encloses, encircles, is conditional and draws unnecessary boundaries, it’s not your friend and it’s time to make tracks outta there.

It’s just another control system within the overarching control matrix, no matter how cleverly disguised. We draw these conditions upon our unawakened selves. Layers upon layers of them. But we’re getting there as we work our way out of the cocoon we were born into and our wings of truly awakened flight develop.

Once we bend to conformity we’ve lost our edge. Living truly consciously is an open agreement to be freewheeling together, which is a whole different “story”. That’s when what’s essential connects us and remains the focus. Otherwise any and every new normalcy bias will take control, pick up on social as well as negative spiritual rules and “norms”, and quash true freedom of expression individually and collectively. Just look how imagination is treated like a fanciful flight into fantasy, when it’s actually our highest expression of creativity.

Being your true individual heart-led self might seem to be “lonely” at first but just give it time. A whole new world will open up to you. The seeming loss of old, restricting and conditional acquaintances and surroundings is a small price to pay to explore the boundless nature of existence.


So why do such an “uncomfortable” thing as to be your true sovereign self? It depends on where your head and heart are at and what your priorities are. What’s more important to you? Truth, or comfort just surviving in someone else’s construct, group or otherwise? We live in our own shadows or that of others when we could be basking in the light, if we’re willing to step out. Aren’t you tired of the same old stories, including your own? It’s not that hard, it just takes a little honesty with yourself and you’re off and running. But don’t stop. There’s always new enclosures seeking to trip you off into another new construct.

It’s fear that keeps us confined. Fear of many things, most of which are intensely reinforced by this group agreement called society. And fear is all based on lies, complete lies. It’s more obvious by the day that the world doesn’t need to be the way it is, yet the personal implications of our own responsibility regarding this group projection continue to escape most.

The wonderfully empowering reality is that as we honestly pursue truth these energizing and liberating dynamics take hold no matter what. Truth is not popular, especially when it touches on cherished beliefs or sensitive personal issues. It’s very painful at first, even though it liberates the true essence of who we truly are.

No worries, it only means constant change. And wow, the worlds that open up are beyond comprehension!

Stay on the outside. The infinite knows no boundaries.

“Being an outsider to some extent, someone who does not “fit in” with others or is rejected by them for whatever reason, makes life difficult, but it also places you at an advantage as far as enlightenment is concerned. It takes you out of unconsciousness almost by force.”   -Eckhart Tolle


Sincerely, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

As It Is, So Are We

As It Is, So Are We

by Zen Gardner
July 6, 2017


Mankind is an experiment. No experiment can go wrong as they are simply experiments. We exist in a conscious universe, one of innumerable coexisting universes. Since the creative universe is conscious we know intention is involved. A sequence of choices or agreements were made of some fashion to bring this world and our habitation of it into being. This includes our own willing agreement since we too are fractals of eternal consciousness in a loving Universe.

The experiment on our planet and perhaps others in our Universe is to see what would happen when an infinitely gifted awareness with free will was dropped into a lower density existence where it experiences limitation and a temporary forgetfulness of its true state. What would this race respond to? How would it react? What would it do, with the added gift of Gaia as its beautiful home?

This wasn’t an accident or trick by any means. We were given the choice whether to take on this challenge or not. We’re here by free will, despite our having temporarily forgotten that element. Had we remembered from the outset it would not have been a pure experiment, nor real test. We took on this adventure willingly, knowing it would lead to greater growth and understanding for our eternal selves as well as that of others and all of creation. The later waves of us also knew this was something of a rescue mission to see if we could turn things around, as humanity up to then as well as now had made a right mess of things and not developed as they could have.

Universe is continually expanding. As its nature is consciousness, so awareness of itself is continually expanding through its various creations, be they planets or beings of any kind. Newness, new creations, new realms are continually being born. Creation never stops. Expansion is what every level of vibration or energetic frequency seeks, even the lower, dark ones. It’s the nature-al process of being. This is why inspiration and creativity are intrinsically connected, as well as happiness and true fulfillment in the moment, which is timeless.

Fear is the false awareness of separation. It creates its own frequency fence that self reinforces the lower density structure. It manifests in many forms from survival concerns to psychological and spiritual mechanisms that induce paralysis and constraint. That illusion is strong and one of the main hurdles to overcome during our tenure here. Learning to manage our emotions and what drives them is another as they can so easily be misguided and energetically as well as socially manipulated.

Data Receivers and Retrievers

Notice how learning, experiencing and even consuming are natural to our form of being. We’re continually processing. Sometimes in futile loops without learning the true nature of things, but very often in an effort to understand how everything works, and why. This is why. We’re contributing to the Universe discovering itself energetically, from the simplest things to what we might consider breakthrough concepts and ideas. The irony is that they’re all already there to simply be dis-covered. Our hunger and thirst for true knowledge is seemingly insatiable due to its infinite, open ended potential, making our experience a thrill when we’re on the right track.

As we all experience, we receive information in many forms. Some is purely mental input as a form of natural science mechanism discoveries, while other data comes via intuition and other senses we are waking up to the nature of more and more. Either way, we’re continually processing what we receive, while at the same time we’re sending data back to Source like transceivers as Universe expands. We’re like roving landing vehicles in and on a strange land constantly analyzing information which is continually relayed back to where we originated. There is a vast amount of knowledge we have yet to gain regarding this process, but that’s enough to remind us why we’re here, amongst other things.

Dark and Light

It’s all the nature of the expansion of all things. The negative oriented forces do the same, seeking expansion in a misguided form by dominion over others to capture their energy for themselves. It’s part of the process that is allowed due to free will and a choice an apparent few make, for whatever reason. Some may not be of us and from other dimensions and part of the test here, yet it’s the same energetic principle.  Nothing is inherently evil in that sense. All is energy seeking expansion. But what choice is made will determine if that energetic force will reach back to Source voluntarily or force itself to be recycled and miss the ecstasy of true energetic growth.

This is why fixating on the negative that has been allowed to propagate is only giving that energy more sustenance. The only answer to the negative is to not feed it with attention or intention but to increase the positive, raising the standard high by energetic influence and example to others. The lower density field is one of conflict and draws anything it can into it, however well meaning, thereby reinforcing polarity which increases its energetic influence. The dualistic field of contest and conflict throughout society is a clear manifestation of this.


Darkness is a form of shadow energy. It copies natural energy laws, but only in lower dimensions. It cannot even grasp higher dimensional existence never mind do anything about it. All it can do is try to prevent others from tuning into and eventually moving into those higher frequencies by its very low dimensional, dense vibratory nature.

The dark cannot coexist with light – it simply ceases to exist where there is true light. This is why that energetic level manifests fear which gives a heightened sense of separation from our true source, which in turn disempowers in order to contain what it needs to reinforce itself. Attachment to these dark mechanisms, either with or against them, only feeds this cycle. Once we realize this simple truth the game changes – drastically – individually and collectively.

We’re simply becoming aware of what always has been. And it’s amazingly wonderful!

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

You’re Already There — You’re Already It

You’re Already There — You’re Already It

by Zen Gardner
June 11, 2017


Searching and seeking connotes not having, not knowing that which we’re seeking. It’s an oppositional paradigm, presupposing an initial ignorance.

We already know. We just need to remember and let it out.

Why we’re here, where we came from, and what the overall truth of our condition is has intrigued me, like many others, since childhood. It’s since driven the course of my life, looking for personal as well as societal solutions in this challenging paradigm.

In this fully structured, programmed and controlled density we’ve landed in that’s a tall order to whatever degree we’re motivated to inquire.

It’s fascinating and an incredible opportunity to exist here, despite all the obstacles, hardships and challenges. Some have called earth a living library, a visual hub of genetic and vibrational information, an experiment of sorts, a school, and sort of game even, and a place visited for eons by a plethora of intelligent life forces.

From what I’ve learned in my short life here that resonates and makes a lot of sense.

But real truth and reality transcend even events, although they do help to fill in the blanks and give sustenance to further understanding.

Knowledge and Understanding Come from the Heart, Not the Head

Modern science is in for a shock. Healing and happiness come from vibrational harmony with Source. Knowledge of the nature of our energetic self has actually been available since the earliest markings of civilization, but those markers are now way off many fold, buried in forgetfulness. Our history is extremely deep, but the truth remains the same.

We have been kept in the shallows, far from deep understanding. Historically, mentally, socially and especially psychically. You know this because that psychic awareness doesn’t ever sleep. It can be repressed, twisted, lied about and disguised, but it’s always there.

We’re Universe rediscovering itself. It’s a sort of informational feedback loop – as we experience and transmit data we resonate with Source. A very esoteric sounding concept but even “real” science and especially recent discoveries in quantum physics bear this out.

Nothing is lost, all energy recycles – as do we, in one form or another. Always know, we have choice even there, however this multiverse recycles itself. We are an integral part with a living role to play within it.

Now is simply a point of projection. We have the power to shift that at any given time and literally create our own reality.

A Perpetual Evolution – And It’s All Good!

We may not like everything we’re witnessing in the external but it’s all for good. Nothing is fully determined nor is any so-called outcome set. Just possible probables. Our free will is fully involved, but paradoxically it doesn’t matter either. It all comes out right in the wash no matter what happens because the wash is the ongoing process and contains everything within it.

The outcome already is. It’s now. Everything seeks to expand. It’s our choice what we desire to resonate with and give our energy to, be it dark or light. The collective today has temporarily made a dark choice and we’re witnessing it, but we can detach from that world and create another reality no matter how many of the entranced have glommed on to this current paradigm.

Co-creating a new reality is both the dissolution of the old and solution to the present. But it can only happen when we individually break the cycle by facing how we each individually are the manufacturers and feeders of these projected realites, seeing our own reflection in everything we see and experience. No small task, but it’s what we came to discover and remember.

It’s all way over our heads and we’ll never get to the bottom of it all. And that’s good as well. Ours is to participate and expand who we truly are into the energetic field. Doing so changes everything around us on so many levels, most of which we cannot see. Universe is rediscovering itself through us and revels in the play and discovery, and so should we.

Universe and all the worlds contained are evolving. There’s a massive continual data exchange going on. We’re all in a wondrous evolutionary mix that cannot be fully understood, but we can get a perception of what we’re participating in, enough to empower and inspire us beyond anything we’ve ever perceived. It’s our right and part of our inborn nature and knowledge, despite any limitations and fracturing into dualistic paradigms that have been imposed upon us. It’s for our learning. We need the contrast between dark and light to learn from – that’s what we came for!

Revive Your Psychic Abilities and Come Alive

Perception is everything – as is imagination, our generative force of creation. They go hand in hand as one creates the other. Emotional response and emotive desire and beliefs are in the same seeming contraposition. We create our realities accordingly. Identifying what belief systems we entertain and why is a continual education.

We see mirrors of ourselves in everything we encounter – mainly in our reactions. A conscious response is another level of understanding and vibration. The world we perceive about us is whatever we decide to coordinate with and sympathetically tune into due to our own level of perception and innate belief systems, like magnetic mercurial thought forms finding each other. The dark is nothing to fear – it simply provides contrast in which to choose.

When we realize this is fact, as even modern physicists have unwittingly stumbled upon, never mind they’re not understanding it’s significance, the nature of our true reality begins to dawn. There are worlds upon worlds of realities, as well as new realities continually brought into being. The Universe delights in this process, Those who master the nature of this ultimate reality live as the true “gods” we thought to be outside of ourselves.

We are it. And we’re already there.

Wrap your head around that and you’ll never touch another toxic word, thought, concept, news article or way of thinking again and be born into a new realm of existence beyond you’re wildest imaginations.

In truth, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Mirror and the Choice

The Mirror and the Choice

by Zen Gardner
June 2, 2017

The concept of judgement has many meanings but there are two basic types as I see it so far. One is a very necessary operational function whereby we make continual choices – what to think, speak, and decide upon for personal adaptation and decision making. The other is a more polarizing determination in the heart or mind by which we classify, categorize and even label external ideas, situations and people in a more static sense. These can blend into a mix that’s difficult to unwind, never mind untether from our egoic selves and operational identities we take upon ourselves, but it’s very doable.

The fascinating aspect of this is very similar to language. Judgement, like words, can either be empowering and liberating or very deleterious to our spiritual condition as well as those around us. This is especially true regarding those whom we deem to “judge” if we project such low vibrational information to others via thoughts and resultant words and actions. But much more so it affects our own spirits which we emanate, thus leading to attachment to similar low vibrational energetic “clusters”.

The Mirror and the Choice

“When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.” – Earl Nightingale

The incredibly empowering and liberating aspect of a detached observation of ourselves in this process resides within one simple understanding. Everything we perceive is a mirror of our own created reality, including any external or shared realities we’ve chosen to accept and adopt. It’s all choices. There’s nothing external to “blame”; we choose the reality in which we live. 

The agreed upon denser and darker collective “reality” is simply a group energetic construct, and again a reflection of individual consciousness’ who’ve agreed upon something that appears “convincing” or “believable” in some way, shape or form, thus “solidifying” it in a sense. Although we’re inherently much more enlightened and aware and capable as beings that have access to true reality in several dimensions, being born here in a 3D reality it is very easy to identify with this lower destiny framework and thus forget who we truly are. 

We chose this challenge, and we were very adventurous and courageous to do so. We accepted the challenge of separation knowing it would be a struggle to live in forgetfulness and then to truly awaken and remember who we are. This is the thrill of being on this amazing planet, a very special experience to be savored and enjoyed to the maximum. When we remember this is simply an experience, a sort of adventure or test to come here and go through all of this, everything becomes extremely clear. 

Polarity, or dualism, is illusory from the standpoint of our true nature within much more profound realities, yet it exists here for our learning. The difference between the dark and the light provides contrast in which we are able to discern the workings of this 3D construct, as well as the forces that manipulate it. But we’re not to dwell on that continually, but to let our true nature supersede this experience and thus help bring the overall energy to a much higher dimension. 

All energy seeks to expand – – as the light, so the dark. Each collects according to what vibrates or resonates in tune with it, due to lessons to be learned by those with that proclivity or fascination for the workings of lower dimensional power and control games. Again, all to be learned from individually, whether due to some form of karmic or fractal resolution, or simply new hurdles to learn and grow from.

We’re Here to Learn and Remember

Even more than seeing these machinations for what they are, we are learning about ourselves by what draws us or gets its grip on us. Much of the trauma we’ve experienced being born and raised in this 3D reality appears to be inescapable – whether it was parental abuse and neglect which led to a lifetime of related traumas that need understanding and undoing, or later compounded stages of issues that developed due to the earlier years of contamination. It’s all a mirror to learn from and thus release collected energies that are holding us back.

It really doesn’t matter where it came from. Now that we’re aware of these influences, previous unconscious actions and addictive repeat loop behaviors then become a choice, whether to continue on subjected to them or not. This is the challenge we all face. Without dealing with our own states of being we really cannot understand the external group projection, never mind others individually. 

Hence judgement is a very base form of unconscious energy.

This is where judgement of the wrong sort comes in. What affects each of us, and how, is the learning opportunity. It’s not a time to attack and condemn, but a time to humbly learn for ourselves why and how what we perceive affects us the way it does. Proof that this is the case lies in performing this exercise, and noticing how what once triggered us loses its power. The reaction is gone. The memory of it might be there but as we get free from base reactivity, and the grip these aspects that once bothered us grows increasingly weaker and with greater facility – and joy. 

Hence the mirror. What we see is what we’re projecting, or reacting to, often lying unconsciously dormant within each of us. An amazing opportunity to learn and get freer with each experience. No judgement, just learning and inspiration. Harsh or defining judgement only limits ourselves, it has nothing to do with the other person or situation. We get to know ourselves by not just what turns us on and inspires us, but what “ruffles” us and upsets us. All wonderful opportunities.

Besides, how can we presume to know what’s best for someone else? Maybe they’re living something out they need to for some reason in their own learning and growing process. We don’t need to tune into it if we don’t want to, that’s our freedom of choice. They’re having their experience to be lived. To fixate on something so-called negative, that is something of a lower nature, is to feed into it. This is a very common mistake and it’s rooted in the wrong type of judgement, not seeing the true bigger picture of what is transpiring here. 

Our greatest possible effect is to live in our natural higher dimensional environment. 

Dark vs Light, Perspiration vs Inspiration, or Fear vs Happiness?

All of the above. Love has become something of a worn out, ill defined idea which is why I’ve not included it. Happiness and inspiration however are tangible. We run on those. We think that’s a special part time state of being we get treated to once in a while,  but really it’s our true “normal” level of being, contrary to all we’ve been taught consciously and subconsciously in this 3D control hologram. 

When we realize this, everything becomes extremely simple and clear. What makes you happy? Think it, say it, do it, create it. What inspires you? Think it, say it, do it, create it. Let the rest go.

The boundless worlds are ours for the making by remembering and realizing them. Don’t let the dead end anchors of wrong judgementalism and blaming the mirror hold you back. Learn from them and move along – the path is a moving walkway ready to draw you home.

Cut loose and be who you truly are! As we do whole new worlds will open up and a new reality is born within us. It’s extremely contagious and the path to performing the highest good for others here! The boundless energies that were once duped by staring at the dark and pointing out what’s “wrong”, as most of us have done, will be released into an orgasm of change individually and collectively in a way we only dreamt was possible. 

Realizing the so-called dark side is only another vibrational process doing its thing in this unfolding of Universe, as it’s meant to do, is extremely liberating. It’s all a program that’s running like a multilayered sorting software package. When we truly wake up to this reality and remember who we are and that this is simply a sort of adventure land playground to be explored and enjoyed, life becomes what it already was all along! 

The dream within a dream is seen for what it is. 


In joy and inspiration, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Context — The Shifting Sands of Subjective Awakening

Context — The Shifting Sands of Subjective Awakening

by Zen Gardner
April 29, 2017

Funny how in this manufactured whirled of social and moral relativism people still find grounds to judge so quickly about anything and everything. Little do they know they’re standing in shifting sands on sliding platforms with no true conscious or aware point of reference.

Natural law has been eviscerated from our consciousness.

Thanks to massive social engineering programs, fallacy based education, and now political correctness, there’s nowhere to stand that’s based in reality. Unless you dig for it. And once you find it act upon it.

Natural, truly connected living has been yanked from beneath us. Where’s the context for anything now? From whence do we judge anything? There’s right judgement which is necessary for conscious living, and there’s wrong judgement which falsely evaluates situations and people constantly without the full facts or “walking in their shoes”.

In other words, what is the true frame of reference that determines right from wrong, or in many cases fact from fiction?

What is Context?

Context is described as the “circumstances, conditions, factors, state of affairs, situation, background, scene or setting” for an event or point of view. This has everything to do with understanding the full truth regarding any situation. Whether we interpret those factually or through the many lenses of indoctrination and programming is fundamental to true awareness.

Such a definitive term may seem tangential to what I stated at the outset, but has everything to do with our adulterated operating systems.

Almost always what we get in the external whirled and often internal dialogue is a floating mass of manipulable garbage. So what if people can identify a beer can or rotten tomato or plastic bag floating in a sewage canal? That doesn’t make it not garbage. Yet humanity does that incessantly, picking through unrelated information and making story upon story to fit their own fabricated story for whatever reason.

That was a bit of a leap to metaphor but symbolizes much. We target myopically and draw any conclusion we want. After all, there are no rules except constantly shifting ones. And society today and this energetic matrix happily feeds off of our misdirected angst, anger, frustration and ignorance.

As some glaring examples, think about the engineered gender confusion. Male and female barely exist any longer. Or the new math where 1 plus 1 doesn’t necessarily equal 2. Or outcome based education for that matter with everything geared to predetermined results for integration into the meat grinder of society. How about banks “too big to fail”, or things kept from public view or knowledge due to issues of “national security”…never mind morally depraved hollywood and the music industry giving permission for base behaviors. These are all contextually based assertions, evidence that the frame of reference has been hijacked and any connection to simple, natural law severed. 

Yet because people are used to this sliding scale in every aspect of their lives they go along with it. They used to call that spineless, but now the definition of “spine” will be debated.

“A man goes to knowledge as he goes to war, wide-awake, with fear, with respect, and with absolute assurance. Going to knowledge or going to war in any other manner is a mistake, and whoever makes it will live to regret his steps.” – Don Juan Matus

It’s All Ultimately Personal – But the Game is Rigged

While we’re driven by societal and cultural pressures to work within certain agreed upon “norms”, right or not, we all have a conscience. An inner true self, somewhere within us. It knows when we’re lying or things are fundamentally wrong, when we’re conforming for whatever reason, and sees how to navigate and survive in this cesspit of ignorance while maintaining some usually misguided sense that we know what we’re doing.

Is it all that relative now? Yes it is, for the unwary and ungrounded in true knowledge.

This has been an area of intense exploration for me for many reasons. Anyone seeking to gain some sort of true spiritual foothold in this mess called “the world” or society has to wade through countless levels of this. Due to the deluge of moral and social relativism, the foundation for natural law and natural truly connected living has been yanked from beneath us.

My inquiry here is, where’s the context? For anything? In other words, what is the frame of reference from which we determine right from wrong; or in many cases, as shocking as it may seem, actual fact from fiction and illusion?

People will hear what they want to hear for a smorgasbord of reasons with yet another smorgasbord of options to choose from.

“I’ve come to realize that the biggest problem anywhere in the world is that people’s perceptions of reality are compulsively filtered through the screening mesh of what they want, and do not want, to be true.”  – Travis Walton

It’s A Deliberate Whirled of Relativism

Context has to do with our relationship to our surroundings in conjunction with some sort of frame of reference – regarding ideas, concepts, perceptions etc., and drawing a clear picture of what something is in its right meaning, with the added caveat of its relation to its circumstances and surroundings. Of course true knowledgable assessment is assuming the observer is grounded in a right perspective, again, the shifting field taking on relativist stuff in most cases, those vastly manipulated “norms”. The adjustable parts of this formula are our perception of any one of those parameters. Hence it is very slippery in the 3D world as any one of these can be played with, limited, and directed, at the moment from external influences or from life long programming.

Here’s another type of example: Just imagine how future generations will (hopefully) look back at those who joined the military. “How could anyone ever DO such a thing?” Well, they’ll be lacking context, although the stupidity of it remains. Their judgement is only partial, and not fully informed.

This happens throughout society. We actually like it because we can make snap judgements about things we really know nothing about and get a false sense of rightness and security, usually reinforced if not guided by the current social environment. 

No real context. Worse yet, no grounding in reality, just relativism. Works like a charm. Just look at the world today – gutless, compliant, apathetic, and irresponsible at every level.

Withholding essential information in any imposed, false “context” totally manipulates external perception. “He shot him in cold blood” may not include the fact that the other guy had a knife and was coming at him. “Assad gassed his own people” just needs to be said to trigger whatever is sitting out there in the latent mass programming field, and the pre-directed misinformation has fertile ground for any ignoramus to believe any baseless assertion, to give two more obvious examples.

Right and wrong are easily manipulated in a foundationless world. And all this is possible because we don’t have a strong connection to natural law.

“Enlightenment is not what this new age community is trying to tell people that it is. Enlightenment means knowing what’s going on around you.  Enlightenment means knowing what’s going on within you. Enlightening means truly knowing the true objective difference between right and wrong and living that in your life on a daily basis. Enlightenment means not aggressing upon your fellow human beings but not agreeing to voluntarily be aggressed upon by them either.” – Mark Passio

Natural Law, The Trivium, and Logical Fallacies

So how do we find the true foundation? Besides the illusive terms of consciousness and awareness, how do we operate here?

I defer to the lucid teachings of Mark Passio and the well researched works of people like Jan Irwin, James Corbett, and a host of other level headed researchers into well founded truth. I can’t begin to explain it all for you here, but the truth is there and is way simpler and more fundamental and action oriented than most would care to know about.

We want answers, results and conclusions, and quick, or to be told what to do and think. That’s the prevalent mindset that still remains even amongst the so-called alternative community. I’ve had a good taste of what happens because of this problem of non-contextual judgmentalism and it was a mighty wake up call, snapping me out of my own blind relativism in certain areas of my perception of where humanity was at, including the so-called awakening. A great experience, but no cake walk. Facing reality, or experiencing this now bastardized idea of awakening, is continual and not for the faint hearted or self preserving. It’ll challenge you to the bone. And that’s a good thing.

Find the truth. It might surprise you with just how simple it is. Especially about yourself if you’re willing to go there and still falling prey to these manipulations. They’re incessant and extremely subtle and require a vigilant, hard worked for, true sense of understanding regarding what’s really transpiring here in order to identify and get free from them.

It’s ongoing, so don’t expect to arrive anywhere. But we can find and know our footing in these shifting tides of degrading illusions.

What’s your true reference point?

“What makes this pain of denial more or less painful is one’s moral compass. The few, the brave, the integral warriors for truth, sacrifice tidy explanations and the comfort of static perceptions in order to remain at the frontier of discovery and a constantly adjusting worldview, which experience and new knowledge foster.” – Jack Adam Weber

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.