Deep Sea Fishing

Deep Sea Fishing

by Todd Hayden, OffGuardian
January 30, 2022


Every good fisherman knows that reeling in a big fish takes skill and conscious intention. One of the first things they learn is that you can’t just crank in the big guy with one effortless winding up of the line.

It takes finesse, a dance of sorts. While always keeping a steady line, you bring them in slowly, with the primary focus on wearing them out, almost hypnotizing them into compliance.

A popular fishing website HUK says this about the process:

Remember that too much tension can snap the line and when large fish decide to make a run for it, the worst thing you can do is try to keep them in place. By fighting their runs, all you are doing is increasing the chances that your line will break and your prize will get away. Instead, set the drag so the fish can take out line while still tiring itself. This will wear down the fish; eventually their runs will get shorter, less violent, and less frequent.”

Hmmm. Sounds a bit too close for comfort, eh?

I am afraid I am not all that excited about the current hoopla regarding our apparent victory over the mainstream narrative. I simply don’t believe it entirely.

We’ve made a run, so to speak, maybe have gotten too rowdy, too powerful, and we are being given a bit of slack so we don’t break the line.

This run is not being executed only by the folks on our side of the fence, but by the sheep as well. We are ALL tired, we are all ready to get out of this mess and call it a day.

It seems like a sensible tactic on their part—to let out a little line, but still keeping us hooked and apparently still in their control.

All this euphoria about us finally winning the battle and that the narrative is finally crumbling indicates to me that we may be getting lost in the weeds of apparent success and the hook and line is still, in reality, firmly embedded in our flesh, only to suddenly reel us in again, after a dizzying and disorienting taste of freedom. I don’t like it.

Most everyone is familiar with the 1950’s Harvard experiment conducted by a rather soulless Curt Richter. Rats were placed in a tank where they had to frantically tread water to survive. Typically they lasted only 15 minutes or so before giving up, sinking, and subsequently drowning.

A second set of experiments showed that if the rats were saved right before their demise, dried off and given a little respite, and then again returned to the tank of water, they could tread, and stay alive, for up to 60 hours.

They called this the “hope experiment,” which is relevant to the current happenings.

To maintain the narrative, people must maintain some sort of hope. When we are about to throw in the towel we are given a little slack in the line, and when the pressure hits again—with a new variant, a new virus, or, in a radical right turn, a nuclear war threat — we can sustain our loyalty, and ultimate compliance, believing we will not drown but will be saved at the last minute by our surrogate parents and archetypal “protectors.”

These tactics work in different ways with the masses on opposing sides of the fence. The sheep need the slack when they are about to throw in the towel of compliance. The rest of us are not about to throw in the towel, but are about to gain greater potential of harm to the narrative—they respond to both situations with the same tactic, but with different results depending on where you sit in this whole mess.

This “hope experiment” reminds me of BF Skinner’s work (also a psychology research scientist of Harvard fame — many also believed Skinner has very little soul). His work with pigeons pressing levers to get food led him to conclude that a type of “uncertainty principle” affected animals, and thus people. If the food was dispensed at variable intervals, the pigeons went nuts, pecking the lever incessantly.

There was no rhyme or reason when the reward would come, therefore the pecking never stopped.

You can see how this psychology is relevant here (and yes, as much as I hate to admit this, behavioral science is indeed real, it doesn’t give answers to all questions, but humans, at times, do indeed behave like rats and pigeons).

If something is given, taken away, given again, taken away again, at what seems to be for irrational and unpredictable reasons, you create craziness: variable intervals of tension and release. Good way to mess around with people’s heads.

It seems what we are seeing now with the seeming turning of the mainstream narrative is too calculated, too fast, too easy, and simply not as deep as it needs to be to declare victory.

Where are the arrests and prosecutions of government officials or Big Pharma officials? Where is the accountability of the thousands who have been injured by the vaccines? Where is the admission that this all was a horrible attempt to create a New World Order? — A Great Reset?

The allies in World War II had to literally LEVEL Germany before those bastards gave up. I don’t think this “victory” is going to be this easy.

James Corbett, of “The Corbett Report” put it succinctly recently on his program “New World Next Week”. Corbett said:

This isn’t the kill shot, literally or metaphorically, this is the first salvo in a years long, decades long, process of re-engineering the governing principle of society into the biosecurity state, and this is just about re-laying the infrastructure.”

Corbett goes on to say there is likely much more to come, another virus even more deadly and scary, for example, and that everything is now all geared up and ready for the next horrifying event.

So maybe Covid IS finished. It has possibly been tapped out. Maybe it didn’t make the full mark that was expected, maybe it wasn’t deadly enough, or maybe the variants didn’t propel the boosters forward as expected. Maybe the vaccine wasn’t intended to be such a dud.

Or, maybe it all worked out exactly as planned.

Regardless, they did make a rather substantial move. At the very least they have been successful in normalizing nearly every major goal they had set.

The goals such as digital passports, social credit scoring, digital currency, and blind, stupefying, sheep-like compliance, to name just a few, maybe are not as deeply ensconced in the day to day operation of society as they had expected, but these concepts certainly are normalized now as active probabilities in the minds of the masses (and some of them, such as “blind stupefying sheep-like compliance”, are well established).

It will take much less future effort to drop them into place, fully functioning.

Hannah Arendt, one of the past century’s most incredible heroes of truth, said in her seminal work The Origins of Totalitarianism:

A mixture of gullibility and cynicism had been an outstanding characteristic of mob mentality before it became an everyday phenomenon of masses. In an ever-changing, incomprehensible world the masses had reached the point where they would, at the same time, believe everything and nothing, think that everything was possible and that nothing was true.

The mixture in itself was remarkable enough, because it spelled the end of the illusion that gullibility was a weakness of unsuspecting primitive souls and cynicism the vice of superior and refined minds. Mass propaganda discovered that its audience was ready at all times to believe the worst, no matter how absurd, and did not particularly object to being deceived because it held every statement to be a lie anyhow.

The totalitarian mass leaders based their propaganda on the correct psychological assumption that, under such conditions, one could make people believe the most fantastic statements one day, and trust that if the next day they were given irrefutable proof of their falsehood, they would take refuge in cynicism; instead of deserting the leaders who had lied to them, they would protest that they had known all along that the statement was a lie and would admire the leaders for their superior tactical cleverness.

Although I do not believe that the masses see everything as a lie, I do believe if it were proven to be a lie, it would have nearly no impact. I have not heard yet from the sheep side any sort of eating of humble pie.

All this that is happening is seen as “business as usual” from the sheep…maybe some things have come to light that were just not known before (according to them), but they see this as a victory of their own — they have beat Covid by wearing masks, locking down, vilifying the nasty unvaccinated.

The “I told you sos” from our side of the fence are falling on deaf years. “The crazies on the Right have beaten up the hero-god Fauci, but he is still the hero-god to most.”

As Arendt so deftly points out, the sheep continue to “admire their leaders for their superior tactical cleverness” as a result of any “backing down and changing the narrative” as we believe Fauci has exhibited in our own interpretation.

Yes, some have “flipped” so to speak. Maybe many have. But this is where the fishing analogy comes to light.

The powers that be see the sheep taking a run, albeit maybe a small one, but a run nonetheless, they are hearing the masses grumbling about the efficacy of the vaccines, the pointlessness of taking the booster — the weariness of lockdowns, masks, and social restrictions.

They say, “maybe it is time to give them a little slack…to let them have a bit of a rest…before we reel them in for the final scoop into the net, the flop into the bucket… and the trip to the taxidermist”. So some of them started to flip (run) and the narrative shifts to give them slack.

All that being said, I don’t think much has changed in sheep-ville.

Certainly, most normies have never bought into what is to be found in the depths of the rabbit hole that imply a greater horror above the levels of government, viruses, and vaccines (as James Corbett points out). Few see a problem with digital currency, loss of constitutional freedoms, social credit, vaccine passports or the like.

The agenda in this overarching echelon of control can, as it stands now, continue unfettered, Covid or no Covid.

From this perspective, we’ve really won nothing at all. Can we call anything a victory as long as Fauci and his NIAID, NIH, HHS, FDA and CDC compatriots and minions remain standing?

As long as the smear campaign to eliminate effective and inexpensive treatments continues? As long as vaccines are mandated or even just recommended without informed consent?

Can we declare any sort of victory as long as people continue to suffer from vaccine injury and are not even accounted for?

Can we really believe the narrative is crumbling when the perpetrators of these heinous crimes against constitution and humanity are not brought to justice?

Can we sleep easy under the false euphoria of victory as long as tens of thousands of medical doctors and researchers and scientists go on being persecuted through the loss of careers and reputation and free speech?

I could go on and on.

No, we are not even beginning to see this narrative “crumble” until quite a bit more evidence is brought to light that this just isn’t another tactic in this ongoing agenda.

But…maybe I am wrong. Maybe it just takes a little time to kill all of the hydra’s heads. Just killing one won’t do it, they will just grow back, but maybe we have just killed one or two heads and it will take time to go all the way through them, killing them all.

Maybe the Trucker’s Convoy, the Boris Johnson announcements in the UK, the US Supreme Court ruling are indeed signs of the agenda crumbling, a few of the many hydra heads being lopped off by the swords of justice and sane thinking.

I don’t want to give up hope, but I do think at the very least we must continue to be wary, with swords continually drawn and always at the ready.


Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology.


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The 5th Annual Fake News Awards!

The 5th Annual Fake News Awards!

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
January 28, 2022


You’ve been waiting for it all year. So stop waiting. It’s here! The 5th Annual Fake News Awards! Bringing you the worst in dinosaur media lies, smears and outright fiction from the past year.

Join your host Bent Krockman for a whirlwind tour of fake photos, fake fact checks, fake politicians and of course the fake story of the year.

Also, stay tuned for a musical performance by the new pop hit supergroup, KABAAL . . . and a word from our corporate sponsor!

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee or Download the mp4


Fakest Photo or Video of the Year


The photoshopped photo from Norwegian newspaper Sunnmørsposten of a “masked” Olav Mestad, the chief medical officer of Ålesund, who was in fact maskless

Biden “driving” an electric F-150

Fake videos of the Kabul evacuation, including a video of a man allegedly hanging out on the engine of a departing plane (although massive props to the Vietnamese graphic designer who originally posted the video, including a whole series of such fakes)


Gunshot Victims Left Waiting as Horse Dewormer Overdoses Overwhelm Oklahoma Hospitals, Doctor Says” a September 2021 article from Rolling Stone that manages a rare triple play: not only is all of the information presented in the story factually incorrect, and not only did they fail to retract the story when it was debunked (instead opting for the lying “update”), but even the picture they used to illustrate the article was fake news!

See “The Media Fell for a Viral Hoax About Ivermectin Overdoses Straining Rural Hospitals” for more on this truly galling display of faux jounalism.

Fakest Politician or Health Official


AOC showing up maskless among a sea of masked servants in a “tax the rich” dress to the $35,000 a ticket Met Gala, a dress designed by a tax evader

Justin Trudeau for “anti-vaxxers are racist misogynists

Trump for calling the Warp Speed MAGA jabs his “greatest achievement” and bragging that “I’m boosted


Fauci for “attacks on me are attacks on science.”

Is this real life? Did he actually just say that? That is straight up, comic book, Palpatine-level “I am the Senate!” energy right there.

See my episode on Science Says! for a point-by-point deconstruction of this fundamentally anti-scientific idea and read The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. for a point-by-point takedown of Fauci’s entire career.

Fakest Fact Check of the Year


PolitiFact for their “Pants on Fire” “debunking” of the laboratory origins of SARS-COV-2 . . . which they later had to update with a note to say that since the “experts” they relied on for their “fact check” had changed their mind, they were “removing this fact-check from our database pending a more thorough review” (…we’re still waiting, Poynter!)

CTV News for No, COVID-19 vaccines do not violate the Nuremberg Code, which incorrectly states that the COVID vaccines are “long past the experimental stage”

IFLScience (a website with a checkered history of stealing other people’s work, for “Fact Check: Will We Be Microchipped With Vaccine Passports?”  which uses the very real story of how a Swedish company has devloped a mircrochip that can showcase your vaccine passport status to argue that it’s a “public relations nightmare for scientists and a gift to anti-vaxxers,” who are obviously still crazy even when they are demonstrably right.


ALL OF THEM! That’s right, in a bombshell story late last year Facebook admitted that ‘fact checks’ are nothing more than opinion

Fakest Climate Change Story


The Lancet for “The 2021 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: code red for a healthy future” which was immediately picked up and regurgitated by the lying corporate media despite the fact that its central assertion that rising temperatures are leading to rising death tolls is directly contradicted by the published research demonstrating that deaths caused by non-optimum temperatures are declining by tens of thousands of people each year.

The Victoria Times-Colonist for “B.C. doctor clinically diagnoses patient as suffering from ‘climate change’
,” in which they fall for the transparent publicity stunt of Dr. Kyle Merritt of Kootenay Lake Hospital in Nelson, B.C. who clinically diagnosed a patient with diabetes and heart failure with “climate change.” Not only did the Times-Colonist “reporter” not seek any alternative viewpoint to Dr. Merritt’s nonsensical non-diagnosis, it neglected to inform its readers of University of Washington meteorologist Cliff Mass’ exhaustively documented work showing that the “Great Northwest Heatwave” last summer was not climate change but merely weather (because, as we all know, Weather is not Climate!…except when it suits the narrative).

The usual gaggle of climate hypocrites who flew their private jets to the COP26 conference in Scotland to lecture the little people about how they need to reduce their carbon footprint


The Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero for their scheme to get the world’s population on board with the creation of a $130 trillion investment trough to be stewarded over by the organized crime syndicate of crooks, criminals, con artists and eugenicists in international finance in the name of “saving the earth!”

For more on this supergroup of evildoers, see:

Whitney Webb Exposes How Green Finance is Monopolizing the Planet

Absolute Zero: The Global Agenda Revealed

Welcome to the New Economy


“100% safe and effective!”

Because we HAVE to go with a single story, we’ll give this dino to … ohhh, I dunno …

Rachel Maddow for “the vaccines will get us to the end of this.”

. . . but to be fair, she wasn’t the only one spreading that fake news.

Of course, none of this was surprising to anyone who was paying attention. Viewers of The Future of Vaccines already knew the truth about these non-vaccines way back in December of 2020.

To be sure, there are any number of ancillary fake news stories that deserve to share in this award:

Like the NBC opinion piece, “The Covid vaccine is safe, whatever anti-vaxxers say. Here’s why we can trust it,” which dovetails with the Milken Institute talk on a “universal flu vaccine” that took place in October of 2019 and featured Tony Fauci and Rick Bright discussing the need for a crisis to speed up development of mRNA vaccines (2019). (More on that aspect of the scam from the Unlimited Hangout series on Moderna: Part I and Part II.)

Also, there was the fake news narrative about the  “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” That propaganda fairy tale has been utterly smashed over the past year by Ryan Cristian of The Last American Vagabond, who has amply demonstrated that the truth is the polar opposite. In fact, there is a pandemic of the injected.

Then there are the “mystery heart attack” stories, like “Mystery rise in heart attacks from blocked arteries,” which miraculously fails to even mention the word “vaccine” despite the fact that the experimental mRNA injection are scientifically proven to “dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle” and “Up to 300,000 people facing heart-related illnesses due to post-pandemic stress disorder, warn physicians,” which cites “two London physicians” claiming (without evidence) that “as many as three million people in Britain are already suffering from Post-Pandemic Stress Disorder” before bizarrely pivoting into the one and only health condition they attribute to the disorder: heart related problems . . . without ever once mentioning (you guessed it!) the scientifically-proven link between the experimental COVID injections and the increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis among otherwise healthy young men. (And that’s not even mentioning the 278% increase in heart attack deaths among soccer players this past year.)

There’s also Brianne Dressen and all the other people with life-altering injuries from the injections who have been censored, suppressed and marginalized over and over this past year.

And then there’s the Noam Chomskies of the world saying that the unvaxxed will have to be segregated from society and starve to death if necessary and the Neil Youngs of the world clamouring for the suppression of information on this subject.

Truly, many many people have contributed to this, the fakest story of the year (if not the century) and the largest ongoing uncontrolled medical experiment in the history of the human species.


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The Government Has Isolated, Purified, and Sequenced Fear

The Government Has Isolated, Purified, and Sequenced Fear

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
January 27, 2022


You can buy bottles of Liquid Fear (LF) at your local pharmacy. Over the counter.

No refrigeration necessary.

I suggest sipping through a straw to start. Don’t gulp it all at once. You want it to seep in.

One day you won’t take a walk in the park. You’ll say you have other things to do. But you’ll be afraid of strangers breathing on you. Breathing is dangerous. Who knew?

Now you do.

Fear was first isolated by Louis Pasteur in 1884. He wrote in his diary: “I was sitting in my kitchen drinking a glass of pasteurized milk, and suddenly I realized I could extract blood from a patient and separate out anxiety from the sample. Later that day, I took a vial of blood to the local prison, where they kept killers in a special section. The guards brought these dangerous men into a room, where I had placed a bit of blood on a slide, under a lamp, on a table. The men stared at it, and soon a colorless liquid migrated from the blood on to the table. I sucked it up into a dropper and squeezed it on to the arm of a guard. He promptly fled from the room…”

For near a century and a half since that day, governments and corporations have been trying to produce very large amounts of the fear liquid.

Finally, in February, 2020, in an NIAID lab, under the direction of Anthony Fauci, Doctors Rachel Maddow and Anderson Cooper were able to synthesize the fear particle using blood obtained from several hosts of The View.

“From that point on,” Cooper told reporters, speaking yesterday from CNN-CIA headquarters, “we activated a special machine that transmits voice vibrations from leading news anchors, we focused the vibrations on the synthesized fear particle, and within an hour we had 567 gallons of pure liquid.”

Untersturmführer Klaus Schwab, executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, stated, “After all, this pandemic is your basic terror operation. How else are you going to hold society together and mobilize it?”

The drink, it turns out, has been bottled and sold, by corporations, under a variety of names for the past year and a half. For example, XXX [censored] and XXX [censored].

Schwab continued: “Since the dawn of time, people have been falling ill and dying for a variety of reasons. Down through the ages, some of those people who recovered said, ‘When I was sick THIS time, it was really DIFFERENT. I had never experienced anything like it.’ Anyway, now we take all that sickness and dying and we re-label a large part of it ‘COVID’. Add the fear particle and we have our window of opportunity to transform the world.”

The COVID vaccines are not an antidote. They’re not designed to affect emotions. They scramble internal systems of the body.

The President has announced the formation of a new cabinet post, the Department of Trepidation. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Whoopi Goldberg have been put on a short list of candidates to serve as its first director.

Social media trolls have already begun calling this innovation The Department of Pussification.

The CDC has announced adult guidelines for imbibing the fear drink. Basically, the agency recommends a first dose of two tablespoons, twice a day, for the first week. Thereafter, a pint a day in the morning for a month; and then a quart each day, on an ongoing basis. Researchers are conducting studies to determine the dose schedules for children.

Groups of “anti-fearers” in Tennessee, Kentucky, and Florida have sprung up. US Attorney General Garland has issued a memorandum to all Dept. of Justice employees: “These groups share common anti-government sentiments. They tend to cling to religion and guns. We have to be on the alert for acts of domestic terrorism…”

Public health departments across the country are, according to the Washington Post, “investigating charges of disproportionate distribution of LF [Liquid Fear] to underserved communities of color.”

This morning, California Governor Gavin Newsom appeared at a press briefing, standing in front of a huge poster carrying the simple message, SUPPORT FEAR. Newsom said, “This is not the time to back down from what we feel. Embrace it. It’s healthy, it’s real, and it’s our passport out of this pandemic. I’m especially addressing our young children. Don’t worry. Drink from your bottle. It tastes great. And to the adults: there’s nothing to tremble at but the absence of trembling.”

Senator Chuck Schumer has introduced a bill allocating emergency funding for federal bottling plants in sixteen states. The word on Capitol Hill is, the new government version of LF will be called Quake, or Anthony.

Last week, in Northern Florida, at the Hanging Chad Park, local organizers staged an impromptu concert featuring Eric Clapton and Van Morrison. For nearly a half-hour, 75,000 adoring fans shouted in unison:


Several hundred FBI agents, dispatched to the scene, stationed themselves around the periphery of the park.

And did nothing.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: Willgard / pixabay

Plain Burger: Hold the Virus Pickles, They Don’t Exist

Plain Burger: Hold the Virus Pickles, They Don’t Exist

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
January 26, 2022


Shh. Shh. Stop saying the virus doesn’t exist.



ONE: Let’s not get distracted by the virus question. We have to focus on knocking down the vaccine mandate.

My Reply: Can you walk down the street, carry a bag of potatoes, and look at messages on your cell phone? Newsflash: people have been known to do several things at the same time.

TWO: If we bring up the virus question, people will call us crazy and have a reason to ignore our criticism of the vaccine.

My Reply: “People” already say we’re crazy. They have 345 “reasons” on file.

THREE: If we say the virus doesn’t exist, “our base” will desert us.

My Reply: “Our base” is so outraged about the ineffective and hugely destructive vaccine, and about the mandates, NOTHING will deter them from attacking the vaccine.

FOUR: It’s well established that the virus exists.

My Reply: Yes, established by the same scientists who say the vaccine is remarkably safe and effective.

FIVE: Doctor A says the virus exists. As evidence, he cites Doctor B’s statements. Doctor B says the virus exists. He cites Doctor C’s statements. Doctor C says the virus exists. He cites Doctor A.

My Reply: Go back to school. I suggest starting at the 4th grade.

SIX: It doesn’t really matter whether the virus exists.

My Reply: If the virus doesn’t exist, the pandemic is a hoax. If the pandemic is a hoax…trace all the implications. If you can’t, go back to school. I suggest starting at the second grade. If the school won’t let you in, tell them you identify as a six-year old.

SEVEN: If I say the virus doesn’t exist, my family will disown me.

My Reply: I see. Other than the virus question—you’re on very good terms with your family, right? Who are you trying to kid?

Speaking of kid, here’s another dialogue for your edification—

ME: Hey kid, aren’t you fed up with all this COVID crap?

KID: Listen, Grandpa, I’m been fed up with crap since I was born.

ME: Including Biden now?

KID: The brain-damaged guy in the White House?

ME: What about Trump?

KID: The guy who keeps pushing the killshot? Pfizer paid him a million bucks to stage his inauguration.

ME: Do you wear a mask?

KID: I wore one once, at the DMV, when I applied for my driver’s license. The witch behind the counter told me I had to put that germicide goo on my hands. So I did. I wiped my hands on the counter. She called security. I don’t drive. I take the bus.

ME: What about the vaccine?

KID: Let me put it this way. My cell phone says I took the shot.

ME: Did you get depressed during the lockdowns?

KID: No. I made money fixing old people’s computers. When I went to their houses, I wore a military uniform. Nobody bothered me.

ME: Are you woke?

KID: You mean do I think every move I make is motivated by systemic racism? That crap is for my friends whose parents give them money. They all moved away. Their parents took them to Florida.

ME: What about the virus?

KID: What about it?

ME: Do you think it exists?

KID: The people who say it does—I don’t listen to anything they say.

ME: Why not?

KID: If you can’t figure that out, Grandpa, you’re older than you look.

ME: Are there a lot of kids like you?

KID: Millions.

ME: Do they listen to the government?

KID: You mean the mafia. We don’t pay protection money to anybody.

ME: Do these millions of kids take the vaccine?

KID: It’s always a tip-off when somebody says, “Hey, it’s free.” We’re not that stupid.

ME: Have you ever voted in an election?

KID: Once, when I ran for student body treasurer in high school. I ran because the treasurer handles student funds. I voted for myself 27 times.

ME: Did you win?

KID: I came in third. The kid who won was the son of the assistant principal. Very quietly, that old codger was trying to get us to join his secret transgender club. We told him we already had the sex change, he just couldn’t spot it. We also told him the local pedophile priest, Father Joseph, was opposed to transgenderism on moral grounds. We suggested he should turn Father Joseph into the authorities for the hate crime of opposing transgenders.

I now return you to your regular scheduled programming, sponsored by Moderna, the company that cares about you. The company that had never brought a single product of any kind to market, before the RNA genetic shot. The company that spawned several billionaires overnight. The company championed by little Anthony Fauci, serving his last term as de facto president of the United States.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: CDD20  / pixabay


Is the Virus Real? Steve Kirsch Suggests a Debate

Is the Virus Real? Steve Kirsch Suggests a Debate

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
January 25, 2022


My readers know that, for the past two years, I’ve been making the case that the virus is a scientific fiction, a con, and a cover story for tyranny that would make Hitler, Stalin, and Mao blush with envy.

Recently, the question has been attracting wider coverage: Does SARS-CoV-2 exist?

Entrepreneur, inventor, and philanthropist, Steve Kirsch, says yes. He offers to set up a 5-hour live video debate. He’ll send his experts and other side will send theirs. They’ll go at it.

What about the usual form of scientific debate, called the written word?

Buckle up.

Kirsch: “I don’t think the folks I’d ask to do this would want to spend time writing papers…They don’t even have the time to prepare their own papers. Doing written documents is much more time consuming than talking because people spend the time to make it bulletproof.”

Heaven forbid.

Kirsch: “None of the people on our team require that all discussions be in writing only.”

Of course not. Why would his team of scientists insist on the method by which science is accomplished?

Kirsch: “One of the commenters [to an article by Kirsch] wrote this: ‘But when someone really knows their shit they would much rather handle it in a live conversation; it’s much more efficient (you don’t spend hours writing) and it reaches a wider audience, and that audience has the benefit of tone and body language to affirm (or negate) the veracity and substance of what is being said.’”

Kirsch: “I agree with that.”

Truly awesome.

Tone and body language. Yes, of course. You know, that was Galileo’s problem when he was tried by the Inquisition for insisting the Earth rotated, and journeyed around the sun. If only he’d stood up straighter and spoken with unwavering clarity (in the manner of, say, a Walter Cronkite). He might have won his case. Because tone and inflection equal science. We all realize that. Obviously, Galileo didn’t know his shit.

Spending hours writing arguments about the existence of the virus—who would have the audacity to insist on that? As Kirsch points out, his experts are busy. It’s rude to interrupt them and ask them to make their case bulletproof. Science on Video tends to be based on “we KNOW we’re sure” and “the truth is OBVIOUS” and “WE’RE the pros.” That’s good enough, and you can sell it. If you, again, display convincing tone and body language.

In medical school, they teach this. “One day you students will be called on to defend your actions and opinions with pure bullshit. I tell you that now, to prepare you for the moment. How do you shape and transmit the bullshit? Do you do it through tiresome written reports, which run the risk of exposing the truth, engraved on the page, or do you stand up before a panel and look those people in the eye and tell a story that wows them? Do you fumble to clarify a point, or do you gloss it over with a quick-hitting generality that covers a crack in your armor? Careers are won and lost on that basis.”

Kirsch believes an exchange of papers between debaters is futile. Who can, or is willing to, pore through them and analyze them? And do those written exchanges actually cover all essential points? But with video, we NEVER EVER see opponents talking past each other or quickly changing the subject to avoid unpleasant revelations. Certainly not. We never see opponents smirking like entitled monkeys and making ad hominem accusations. We never witness slippery logic sliding by before it can be isolated and corrected. We never witness grandstanding for the audience’s benefit. It’s never show biz on parade. No mainstream expert would dare intone, “Ahem, in my many years as professor of so-and-so at such-and-such, having engaged in intense research on this question, and having authored over 60 papers on this very subject…”

And then there is the suggestion, as the commenter states, that the audience can decide…on the winner in the debate. Yes. What else is a debate FOR? Science is a democracy, and the audience is the proof of the pudding. Once they vote up or down, the deed is done. This is why, in medical journals, at the bottom of every paper and study, you see the poll question: “DO YOU THINK THIS ANALYSIS IS ACCURATE? CAST YOUR BALLOT. Depending on the outcome, we will maintain the study in our archive or retract it with an apology. Everyone can vote. You do not need to be a subscriber. We work for our audience every day. If the majority of you believes one of our authors has convinced you that the moon is a slice of soft brie on a plate or an elephant’s ass, we concur. This is called consensus, and what else could science be?”

Not long ago, I crashed my Gulfstream in the Himalayas, and after a harrowing journey to the GeFunkte Hospital in Berlin, as I was lying on the operating table, two surgeons debated whether I needed one or two transplanted hearts. Later, I was told a live stream of this discussion had been piped into the hospital waiting room, and the patients expressed an overwhelming preference for two hearts, based on the charismatic presentation of Surgeon Number One, who had studied Voice and Drama at the Julliard School in New York. So…two hearts it was. You can read about the groundbreaking operation in the Medical Journal of Audience Participation.

Published blow-by-blow descriptions of “isolating viruses” are quite dense to begin with. Perhaps one person in two hundred thousand can plow through them and understand them. Therefore, the debate about the existence of a virus starts with something in writing that, for most people, is impenetrable.

It’s no surprise that these descriptions are viewed with suspicion.

“We’re the expert virologists. Only we understand what we’re doing.”

“I see. So understanding virus isolation is like understanding RNA development and insertion into lipid nanoparticles which are injected into a few billion people.”

“Yes, exactly. Only we understand that whole process.”

“Got it. I have grave doubts about everything you’re claiming about the vaccine, but I completely accept everything you’re saying about the existence of the virus.”

In this particular debate about the existence of the virus, the devil really is in the details.

The details concerning exactly how virologists believe they are isolating viruses and sequencing them. As I say, reading the studies, one sees immediately that the accounts of these procedures are laden with technical terms and technical steps.

Those elements have to be analyzed and taken apart, to see whether they make scientific sense. In fact, a debate in writing is the sane way to proceed.

Settling the question of virus-isolation via video would be quite a challenge. An exceptional amount of good will and patience, from the mainstream virologists, would be required. I’ve never seen medical “experts” show those qualities, when the basic assumptions of their professions are on the line. I’ve seen them get up on their high horse, growl, bloviate, dismiss, generalize, tap dance, boil over, accuse, pretend to be oh so reasonable, with their pants on fire.

Someone will say, “But…but, let’s wrap all this up in one sitting. Video will accomplish that. I have things to do, places to go. We live in a fast-food world, face it.”

Yes, you have to go to the store with your mask on and maintain distancing; you have to look for a restaurant that won’t make you flash your vaccine passport; you have to show up at the school board meeting to tell the members what they can do with their mandate forcing your kid to take the shot; when they refuse to listen to you, you have to sell your house, pack up your belongings, and move with the kids from New York to Florida; and all the while, you have to keep deleting voice messages from your brother who’s telling you only the injection will save you and the family wants you institutionalized.

All these and so many more to-do’s begin with the assumption that a virus exists.

So a debate on this point ought to be complete and rigorous.

If the only possibility is a video, have a go. But the written word is far superior.

“Counsel, you have a video where the defendant discusses how he can steal a billion dollars from the pension fund?”

“Yes, Your Honor. But we also have a letter of agreement between the defendant and the head of the Montebello crime family. The letter reveals the defendant has already stolen the money, and will give it to the mob in exchange for certain favors.”

“A letter, you say? Words? Sentences? In writing, on a page? Signed? And it can be read?”

“Yes, sir. Writing is an older form of expression. It’s now being phased out. But it stands up quite well. It’s bulletproof.”


The non-existent virus; an explosive interview with Christine Massey

Dr. Andrew Kaufman refutes “isolation” of SARS-Cov-2; he does step-by-step analysis of a typical claim of isolation; there is no proof that the virus exists


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: geralt / pixabay

Arrest People Who Don’t Follow Doctors’ Orders; Put Them in Prison or Camps

Arrest People Who Don’t Follow Doctors’ Orders; Put Them in Prison or Camps
CC: Joe Rogan, Aaron Rodgers, Novak Djokovic, Rand Paul, Scott Atlas, The Donald of Warp Speed, Joe Biden…

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
January 18, 2022


I mean, it’s terrible. A person won’t take a vaccine or drug after a doctor tells him to? Arrest the non-compliant resisting son of a bitch. Lock him up. The doctor knows best. People make things so complicated. I just don’t get it.

We have experts. They’re called experts for a reason.

Your car breaks down. Who are you going to take it to? A florist?

A professor at a medical school says the COVID vaccines are safe and effective. Are you going to ask a podcaster whether he agrees?

You want to know medical truth? Do you read a fishing magazine? You read a medical journal. What’s happened to education in this country?


Hold on.


I just came across something.

July 26, 2000, Journal of the American Medical Association; author, Dr. Barbara Starfield, public health expert at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health; “Is US health really the best in the world?”

Starfield reported that the US medical system kills 225,000 Americans per year. 106,000 as a result of FDA-approved medical drugs, and 119,000 as a result of mistreatment and errors in hospitals. Extrapolate the numbers to a decade: that’s 2.25 million deaths.

Here’s something else:

Journal of the American Medical Association, April 15, 1998: “Incidence of Adverse Drug Reactions in Hospitalized Patients.”

The authors, led by Jason Lazarou, culled 39 previous studies on patients in hospitals. These patients, who received drugs in hospitals, or were admitted to hospitals because they were suffering from the drugs doctors had given them, met the following fate:

Every year, in the US, between 76,000 and 137,000 hospitalized patients die as a direct result of the drugs.

Beyond that, every year 2.2 million hospitalized patients experience serious adverse reactions to the drugs.

The authors write: “…Our study on ADRs [Adverse Drug Reactions], which excludes medication errors, had a different objective: to show that there are a large number of ADRs even when the drugs are properly prescribed and administered.”

This study had nothing to do with doctor errors, nurse errors, or improper combining of drugs. And it only counted people killed or maimed who were admitted to hospitals. It didn’t begin to tally the people taking pharmaceuticals who died as consequence of the drugs, at home.

Here’s something else:

BMJ June 7, 2012 (BMJ 2012:344:e3989). Author, Jeanne Lenzer. Lenzer refers to a report by the Institute for Safe Medication Practices: “It [the Institute] calculated that in 2011 prescription drugs were associated with two to four million people in the US experiencing ‘serious, disabling, or fatal injuries, including 128,000 deaths.’”

The report called this “one of the most significant perils to humans resulting from human activity.”

The report was compiled by outside researchers who went into the FDA’s own database of “serious adverse [medical-drug] events.”

Therefore, to say the FDA isn’t aware of this finding would be incorrect. And the FDA certifies, as safe and effective, all medical drugs (and vaccines) before they can be released for public use.

Here’s something else:

“The Epidemic of Sickness and Death from Prescription Drugs.” The author is Donald Light, who teaches at Rowan University, and was the 2013 recipient of ASA’s [American Sociological Association’s] Distinguished Career Award for the Practice of Sociology. Light is a founding fellow of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania. In 2013, he was a fellow at the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard. He is a Lokey Visiting Professor at Stanford University.

Donald Light: “Epidemiologically, appropriately prescribed, prescription drugs are the fourth leading cause of death, tied with stroke at about 2,460 deaths each week in the United States. About 330,000 patients die each year from prescription drugs in the United States and Europe. They [the drugs] cause an epidemic of about 20 times more hospitalizations [6.6 million annually], as well as falls, road accidents, and [annually] about 80 million medically minor problems such as pains, discomforts, and dysfunctions that hobble productivity or the ability to care for others. Deaths and adverse effects from overmedication, errors, and self-medication would increase these figures.” (ASA publication, “Footnotes,” November 2014)

None of the above reports factor in death or injury by vaccine.

Given the reports on medically caused death and maiming I’ve just cited and described, it’s obvious that…

Leading medical journals around the world, which routinely publish glowing accounts of clinical trials of medical drugs…

Are spilling over with rank fraud, on page after page.

Indeed, here is a stunning quote from an editor who has quite probably read and analyzed more medical-drug studies than any other doctor in the world:

“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.” (Dr. Marcia Angell, NY Review of Books, January 15, 2009, “Drug Companies & Doctors: A Story of Corruption”)

Compare that quote with one from Anthony Fauci. In an interview with the National Geographic, Fauci stated: “Anybody can claim to be an expert even when they have no idea what they’re talking about…If something is published in places like New England Journal of Medicine, Science, Nature, Cell, or JAMA—you know, generally that is quite well peer-reviewed because the editors and the editorial staff of those journals really take things very seriously.”

Uh-huh. Of course. Right.

Given these mainstream reports of what amounts to a holocaust I’ve cited and described in this piece…

…You would think the federal government must have launched a major operation, many years ago…

…To reconstruct, from the ground up, the US medical system, so that it’s no longer killing and maiming SO MANY people, on and on and on.

But you would be wrong.

Of course, you MUST believe what the impeccable doctors are telling you about COVID; and you must follow the politicians’ orders, because the politicians are taking their cues from the doctors.




Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: Lukel. / pixabay

Who Will Save You From This Insane Tyranny? Only You Have the Power to Save Yourself

Who Will Save You From This Insane Tyranny? Only You Have the Power to Save Yourself

by Gary D. Barnett
January 14, 2022


“In the last analysis, the essential thing is the life of the individual. This alone makes history, here alone do the great transformations take place, and the whole future, the whole history of the world, ultimately springs as a gigantic summation from this hidden source in individuals.” 
Carl Gustav Jung

Here we are in an age of fear and excuses; an age of collective madness that strives for the death of the individual. Little do the masses know, as the end of individuality is the end of man. The crowd can destroy us, but the individual can save us. The idea of self then is the savior of humanity, for all efforts that rely on the masses as a whole to awaken to the idea of freedom will fail, as the mass will never act to free itself until it is too late.

While this thinking may seem defeatist, it is not, it is simply the way of human nature to hide from the truth. The few can change the world, but the common man who simply exists in life instead of living beyond life, cannot even save himself. In order for any true awakening of mind and spirit to take place, a rebirth brought about by a deep understanding of the inner psyche is necessary; requiring a personal and visceral activation of individual consciousness. This is not a learned behavior, and it is does not come from any perceived physical or personal experience, it is innate. Rarely is this awareness of the subconscious self, experienced by the common man, as it is reserved for those who have the strength and courage to look deep inside and not only face themselves, but also to accept what they find. Once this occurs, truth becomes evident, and fear disappears.

Considering our current circumstances, the more who separate from the crowd in order to find self, the more who are likely to disobey and dissent. It does not take huge numbers for the fight for freedom to survive and prosper, it takes only a minority of very courageous individuals to turn this tide of tyranny. The masses collectively will not win this battle, and in fact will hamper all efforts due to their indifference, but the few awakened can move mountains. If the few become greater in number, the evil can be defeated.

The state’s answer to the strong and awake is to corrupt the minds and bodies of as many people as possible. By gaining the cooperation of the masses, the ruling monsters can pit them against the very individuals with the power to save them. Many tools are being used to accomplish this destruction of the individual psyche, not the least of which is this deadly, poisonous, and body and gene-altering bioweapon called the ‘Covid vaccine.’ Psychological torture is rampant, and has been extremely effective in gaining the acquiescence of the herd, due mostly to unfounded fear. Because of this, most have complied with very totalitarian orders and mandates meant to subdue that bulk of society too weak to fight against this obvious fraud.

Extreme propaganda, false flags, emergency declarations, lockdowns, social distancing, mandated mask wearing, threats, fearmongering, job loss, forced business closures, massive inflation, limitless intimidation, staged and allowed violence, sickness, and much death have been the result of the state’s efforts to repress and control this society. When stress due to fear reaches these levels, the people’s ability to fight back is not enhanced as might be expected, but is vastly weakened. This is known by those evil enough to pursue this agenda of gaining more power in order to subdue and control the majority. When this happens, the real enemy that is the state, pretends to become the savior, and all those attempting to refute the lies become the enemy of the people. This is a true inversion of reality, and controlled perception becomes a real-world media phenomenon, based only on the mass hypnosis of the crowd. As sad as it is, this has been a successful effort by the controlling element of society, and one that threatens the very essence of man.

Considering all that has happened, it is obvious that the deadly fake injection is the most sought-after control method being used by the evil ‘master’ class today. This is why in light of the fact that they are worthless in any effort to control any so-called sickness or disease, and that they are so gravely dangerous, that they are being forced on this and other populations with such vigor. The technology available to those making, administering, and demanding acceptance of these toxic concoctions, is at this point fantastical, and what is being told to the ‘public’ is only a minor snippet of the actual technology available. These are bioweapons meant to change the body, mind, and genetic structure of its victims, including injecting substances that allow for mind control, and can maim and kill as well.

Depopulation is a large part of the state’s agenda, but the submission of the rest is necessary as well in order for long term control of large populations. The proposed injection attack planned for all children is vitally important to the ruling class, because if the injection of these bioweapons into the majority of children from the very young through adolescence can be accomplished, the future belongs to the state. The push to inject the children will not go away on its own, because that is the most important aspect of the plan for future control of humanity. Innocent children and the old and weak are the most vulnerable among us. Should this conspiratorial plot continue to gain success, many of the old will be killed or will die due to the shots, and the young can be fully restrained, supervised, and dominated through artificial methods for many years to come. This is what we face, and why it is so imperative that we stand against the tyranny as aware individuals, never allowing this takeover of mankind to see the light of day.

“No price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself”
~ Friedrich Nietzsche


Reference links:

Trauma-based mind control

The ‘Covid’ silent weapon injection

Herd Stupidity and the controlling gene-based “Covid’ injections

The m-RNA-Experiment Gene-altering Poisonous Jabs

“Covid’ Bioweapon shot designed for control and depopulation

Eugenics Is Alive and Well, and the ‘Covid-19’ Scam is the Engine for Accomplishing Depopulation and Mind control


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

cover image credit: Peggy_Marco / pixabay

Zen Koan for the Virus

Zen Koan for the Virus

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
January 14, 2022


Question: How do you prevent a disease that has no cause?

Get back to me after contemplating this for 10 years.

The so-called disease, COVID, is touted as the result of a virus, but the virus doesn’t exist.

Nevertheless, a vaccine aimed at beefing up the immune system against the virus that doesn’t exist is heralded as a miracle.

There is also a test for the virus that doesn’t exist.

People fear the virus that doesn’t exist.

Whole countries are locked down to stop the spread of the virus that doesn’t exist.

People wear masks to stop the transmission of the virus that doesn’t exist.

People with no symptoms are called cases of the disease caused by the virus that doesn’t exist.

The vaccine can’t stop the transmission of the virus that doesn’t exist.

The federal database lists over a million injuries reported after the vaccination which was designed to prevent the disease caused by the virus that doesn’t exist.

People who refuse the vaccination designed to prevent the disease caused by the virus that doesn’t exist are called criminals or even terrorists.

The virus that doesn’t exist will spread at a small party in a person’s home, but the virus that doesn’t exist will detour around waves of immigrants coming into the country.

The virus that doesn’t exist was created in a lab.

The overwhelming percentage of people who die from infection by the virus that doesn’t exist are the elderly, who already have several long-standing serious health problems and have been treated for decades with toxic drugs, and are then given more toxic drugs to kill the virus that doesn’t exist and are sedated with powerful drugs and put on breathing ventilators—a lethal treatment.

There are at least two variants of the virus that doesn’t exist.

There are doctors who heavily criticize the current vaccines, but claim that a safe and successful vaccine can be developed to prevent the disease caused by the virus that doesn’t exist.

Other than all of the above, the global public COVID policy is quite sane.

For reference, read:

COVID: If there is no virus, why are people dying?

COVID: the virus was never proven to exist; a statement from Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Tom Cowan, and Sally Fallon Morell

Dr. Andrew Kaufman refutes “isolation” of SARS-Cov-2; he does step-by-step analysis of a typical claim of isolation; there is no proof that the virus exists



Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: Miriams-Fotos / pixabay

20 Facts About Vaccination Your Doctor Forgot to Tell You

20 Facts About Vaccination Your Doctor Forgot to Tell You

by Dr. Vernon Coleman
January 8, 2022


Read this if you want to know more about vaccines than your doctor, practise nurse and health visitor.

 1. The US Health Department’s National Vaccine Injury Compensation Programme has shown that between 2,500 and 3,000 children are killed or injured each year by vaccines.

 2. The US Government has paid vaccine damage compensation to the parents of autistic children.

 3. The Japanese Government has halted part of its vaccination programme because of children dying.

 4. In the UK, GPs receive massive payments for giving vaccinations. And bonus payments if they vaccinate enough patients. Doctors get very rich out of vaccine programmes.

 5. Vaccines are now given to eight week old babies, though there is absolutely no long-term scientific evidence available to show that it is safe to do so. By the time they reach their second birthday small children will have received over a score of vaccinations. American children will have received even more. The vaccine industry is forever looking for new vaccines to give.

 6. You will find a full list of the research work done to investigate the safety or otherwise of mass vaccination programmes on the palm of your left hand.

 7. The diphtheria vaccine was first introduced in Germany. After the vaccine was introduced the number of cases of diphtheria steadily increased.

 8. The number of deaths from whooping cough had fallen long before the vaccine was introduced. The vaccine has not reduced the incidence of the disease.

 9. The flu vaccine is, inevitably, designed to deal with last year’s flu virus.

10. I have never met a doctor who has regular flu jabs (or any other jabs for that matter).

11. In the past, a flu vaccine contained different strains of flu virus (propagated in chicken embryos); formaldehyde (a preservative); polyethylene glycol; gelatin (made from cow’s bones) and a substance which contains mercury. The odd thing is that the EU has banned barometers containing mercury because they are thought to be dangerous. But doctors inject the stuff into people.

12. The polio vaccine did not ‘kill off’ polio. On the contrary, the vaccine resulted in more sufferers. In Tennessee, in the US, the number of polio victims before vaccination became compulsory was 119. The year after vaccination was introduced, the figure rose to 386. Similar figures for other American states. Polio became less common as a result of better sanitation and cleaner water supplies. The vaccination had no useful effect.

13. Dr Jenner is widely acclaimed as the ‘inventor’ of vaccine. But it is not so well known that when he tried the first smallpox vaccine on his 10 month son, the boy became mentally retarded and died at the age of 21. Jenner refused to have his second child vaccinated. However, the medical profession saw the commercial possibilities and vaccination became popular (if deadly).

14. When Louis XV contracted smallpox he survived because his nurse hid him from the doctors whose vaccines had killed his father and brother.

15. Even though TB is now a major problem, many countries have abandoned the TB vaccine because it simply doesn’t work. Indeed, the evidence suggests that the vaccine spreads the disease.

16. The risk of a child given the whooping cough vaccine developing brain damage is officially said to be 1 in 100,000. But that’s the ‘best’ figure. Other research shows that the risk is as high as 1 in 6,000. There is no doubt that the vaccine causes far more harm than the disease and there is clear evidence linking the vaccine to brain damage.

17. Vaccines are dangerous and they don’t always work. Up to half of the people given a vaccine jab do not develop a resistance to the disease concerned.

18. Drug companies now publish long lists of reasons for not vaccinating patients. Doctors rarely look at the lists, let alone take any notice. For example, for one vaccine the advice is that babies who cry persistently or develop a fever should not be given another jab. No one knows how much damage is caused by giving several vaccines in a single vaccine cocktail.

19. The French Government abandoned its hepatitis B vaccine programme for children after more than 15,000 lawsuits were filed for brain damage and other serious health problems.

20. In the US a group of paediatricians with 30,000 young patients do not vaccinate at all. They have no cases of autism in their practice.


For more information about vaccines please see Vernon Coleman’s book Anyone who tells you vaccines are safe and effective is lying: here’s the proof. The book is available as a paperback and an eBook on Amazon.


Connect with Dr. Vernon Coleman

cover image credit: nts01 / pixabay

UK: Fake Claims of “Apocalyptic Bird Flu” Jumping to Humans as Authorities Cull Millions of Birds

UK: Fake Claims of “Apocalyptic Bird Flu” Jumping to Humans as Authorities Cull Millions of Birds


“How long will this test fraud scamdemic be allowed to continue?

Until we stop it.” ~ Christian Westbrook



UK: “Apocalyptic Bird Flu” Jumps to Humans as Authorities Cull Millions of Bird

by Christian Westbrook, Ice Age Farmer
January 7, 2022


Zoonotic transmission of an “apocalyptic bird flu,” H5N1, has been reported in the UK, boasting a 50+% fatality rate for humans.

However, digging deeper reveals that the asymptomatic “patient zero” was tested “constantly” until returning the result (false positive?) that authorities need to justify the ongoing culling of tens of millions of birds and claim that YOU cannot be allowed to raise your own animals to feed your family.

Meanwhile, Australian grocers are rationing meat as asymptomatic workers are kept from work, resulting in abattoirs shutting down in Australia.

How long will this test fraud scamdemic be allowed to continue? Until we stop it.

Video available at Ice Age Farmer Odysee and BitChute channels.


Connect with Ice Age Farmer

cover image credit: klimkin / pixabay

Covid: If There Is No Virus, Why Are People Dying?

Covid: If There Is No Virus, Why Are People Dying?

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
January 6, 2022


Yesterday, I published one of my articles explaining how the existence of SARS-CoV-2 was fabricated—when, actually, the virus doesn’t exist at all.

Naturally, people who haven’t been reading the 450 or so articles I’ve written about the pandemic fraud then ask, “So why are all these people getting sick and dying?”

Today, I’m republishing one of my articles that answers that question:

Since the beginning of this false pandemic, I’ve been offering compelling evidence that SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t exist.

Then people ask, “So why are all these people dying?”

I have explained that, many times, and in this article I’ll explain it again.

First of all, the whole notion that COVID-19 is one health condition is a lie. COVID IS NOT ONE THING.

This is both the hardest and simplest point to accept and understand.

Don’t reject the existence of the virus and then say, “So what is THE cause of people dying?” There is no ONE CAUSE. There is no one illness. There is no “it.”

By far, the biggest sources of illness we are dealing with are lung conditions: called pneumonia, flu, flu-like disease, TB, other unnamed lung/respiratory problems.

THESE ARE BEING RELABELED “COVID.” It’s a repackaging scheme. People are dying for those traditional reasons, and their deaths are being called “COVID.”

Thus, the old is artificially made new. It’s still old.

In this wide-ranging group of people who have traditional lung conditions, by far the largest population is the elderly and frail.

They are dying in nursing homes, in hospitals, in their houses and apartments. In addition to their lung problems, they have been suffering from a whole host of other conditions, for a long time, and they’ve been treated with toxic drugs for years.

They’re terrified that they might receive a diagnosis of “COVID,” and then they ARE given that diagnosis. THEN they’re isolated, cut off from friends and family. They give up and die.

This is forced premature death.

Some of these elderly and frail people are heavily sedated and put on breathing ventilators—which is a killing treatment. In a large New York study, it was discovered that “COVID” patients over the age of 64, who were put on ventilators, died 97.2 % of the time. Staggering.

Many of these elderly and frail people are put on antiviral drugs—e.g., remdesivir—which are highly toxic.

Some of these elderly and frail patients are now dying from reactions to the COVID vaccine—and of course, their deaths are listed as “COVID.”

Why else are people dying? In many cases, it’s a simple matter of bookkeeping. They die in hospitals for a variety of reasons, and staff write “COVID death” on their files. In the US, states receive federal money based on these statistics.

Let’s say that, in certain places around the world, there are clusters of deaths (being called COVID) that can’t be explained in the ways I’ve just described.

In those situations, you would have to examine EACH situation closely. For example, just prior to an outbreak in Northern Italy, was there a vaccination campaign? What was in the vaccine? A breed of toxic substances?

You have to consider each cluster independently.

Getting the picture?

None of the “COVID deaths” anywhere in the world requires the existence of a new virus.

For instance, in Wuhan, where the whole business began, the first “COVID” cases of pneumonia occurred in a city whose air is HEAVILY polluted. In China, every year, roughly 300,000 people die from pneumonia. That means millions of cases. None of those deaths need to be explained by invoking a new virus.

Now, add to all this the fact that the PCR test for the (non-existent) virus is rigged so it spits out positive results like a fire hose. Thus, the high case numbers.

The “pandemic” is invented.

The fraud is promoted.

During these fake epidemics (there have been many), someone will say: “But my neighbor’s son, who was very healthy, died suddenly. It must be the virus.”

No. People who appear to be healthy do die. Not just today, but going back in history as far as you want to go. No one has an explanation. They might have an explanation if they looked very closely, but they don’t look closely.

Favoring the “virus explanation” is a bias, a knee-jerk reaction, a response to propaganda.

If you think there must be other major reasons to explain “why all these people are dying,” keep in mind that “lung conditions” is a category that expands all over the globe. For instance, there are about one BILLION cases of flu-like illness EVERY YEAR on planet Earth.

Repackaging/relabeling just a small percentage of those cases alone would account for all official COVID death numbers.

What’s new about COVID is the COVID STORY. That’s what’s being sold: a STORY about a COVID virus.

I’m aware that authors have been presenting other reasons for people who have been getting sick and dying since early 2020. I’m not necessarily rejecting those reasons. But if some of them are true, they only represent part of the picture. Again, it’s not one thing that’s killing people.

There is a programmed impulse to say, “If it isn’t X, then it must be Y. If X isn’t the cause of people dying, then Y must be the cause.” That’s the basic lie. It’s the basic lie of all so-called pandemics.

It’s also a con. At the highest levels of planning, propagandists (inventers of reality) know that people are willing to buy one explanation for one phenomenon.

But “COVID” isn’t one phenomenon. There is no “it.”

And there is no single cause.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: ElasticComputeFarm / pixabay

Coronavirus ‘Mass Formation Psychosis’ Admittedly Used by Governments as Tool of Population Control

Coronavirus ‘Mass Formation Psychosis’ Admittedly Used by Governments as Tool of Population Control
Leaked details of UK government’s early pandemic response back up Dr. Malone’s assertions.

by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News
January 3, 2022


Dr. Robert Malone’s assertions about “mass formation psychosis” in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic are underscored by the fact that authorities in the UK admitted to using “totalitarian” methods of “mind control” to instill fear in the population.

In Canada, the military also admitted launching a psychological operations campaign against their own people in order to manipulate them into compliance with COVID-19 restrictions and mandates.

During his viral podcast with Joe Rogan after he was banned by Twitter, Malone explained how the global population was being manipulated into remaining in a constant state of hysterical anxiety via mass formation psychosis.

“What the heck happened to Germany in the 20s and 30s? Very intelligent, highly educated population, and they went barking mad. And how did that happen?” asked Malone.

“The answer is mass formation psychosis.”

“When you have a society that has become decoupled from each other and has free-floating anxiety in a sense that things don’t make sense, we can’t understand it, and then their attention gets focused by a leader or series of events on one small point just like hypnosis, they literally become hypnotized and can be led anywhere,” he added.

“And one of the aspects of that phenomenon is that the people that they identify as their leaders, the ones typically that come in and say you have this pain and I can solve it for you. I and I alone,” Malone further explained, “Then they will follow that person. It doesn’t matter whether they lied to them or whatever. The data is irrelevant.”

“We had all those conditions. If you remember back before 2019 everyone was complaining, the world doesn’t make sense and we are all isolated from each other.”

“Then this thing happened, and everyone focused on it,” stated Malone, noting, “That is how mass formation psychosis happens and that is what has happened here.”

Malone’s summary of how health authorities seized on the unifying threat of the COVID-19 pandemic and exaggerated its thread to create mass hysteria is backed up by leaked details of how the UK government manipulated its population during the early days of the pandemic.

As first revealed by author and journalist Laura Dodsworth, scientists in the UK working as advisors for the government admitted using what they now admit to be “unethical” and “totalitarian” methods of instilling fear in the population in order to control behaviour during the pandemic.

The London Telegraph reported the comments made by Members of the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviour (SPI-B), a sub-committee of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) the government’s chief scientific advisory group.

The report quotes a briefing from March 2020, as the first lockdown was decreed, that stated the government should drastically increase “the perceived level of personal threat” that the virus poses because “a substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened”.

One scientist with the SPI-B admits that “In March [2020] the Government was very worried about compliance and they thought people wouldn’t want to be locked down. There were discussions about fear being needed to encourage compliance, and decisions were made about how to ramp up the fear.”

The unnamed scientist adds that “The way we have used fear is dystopian.”

The scientist further confessed that “The use of fear has definitely been ethically questionable. It’s been like a weird experiment. Ultimately, it backfired because people became too scared.”

Another separate scientist on the subcommittee professed “You could call psychology ‘mind control’. That’s what we do… clearly we try and go about it in a positive way, but it has been used nefariously in the past.”

Another scientist warned that “We have to be very careful about the authoritarianism that is creeping in,” adding “people use the pandemic to grab power and drive through things that wouldn’t happen otherwise.”

According to the report, another researcher with the group acknowledged that “Without a vaccine, psychology is your main weapon,” adding that “Psychology has had a really good epidemic, actually.”

Yet another scientist on the subcommittee stated that they have been “stunned by the weaponisation of behavioural psychology” over the past year, and warned that “psychologists didn’t seem to notice when it stopped being altruistic and became manipulative.”

“They have too much power and it intoxicates them”, the scientist further warned.

In addition to the UK government’s response, it was also revealed that the Canadian military launched a psychological operations program against their own citizens in the early days of the pandemic order to amplify government messaging and “head off civil disobedience.”

“Canadian military leaders saw the pandemic as a unique opportunity to test out propaganda techniques on an unsuspecting public,” reported the Ottawa Citizen.

Meanwhile, following early efforts to bury the term altogether, Google is now desperately rigging its search results to return only negative articles about “mass formation psychosis” and Dr. Malone.

Google’s current top search result link for “mass formation psychosis” is a Forbes hit piece that recycles dubious claims Dr. Malone already debunked during his Rogan appearance.


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COVID: Everybody Will Be Infected; No Exceptions; Stop Pretending Otherwise

COVID: Everybody Will Be Infected; No Exceptions; Stop Pretending Otherwise

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
January 4, 2022


I’ve spent the past two years proving SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t exist. It’s a total fiction.

Nevertheless, since most people believe in the virus with every fiber of their being, I enter their world and point out glaring inconsistencies and preposterous strategies for “containing the spread.”

Once again, in this article, I’ll visit the bizarre world of the virus. I’ll take the viewpoint of a person who earnestly believes in the existence of SARS-Cov-2. And I’ll show you a few of the walls such a person must ram into. Ready, get set, go:

First of all, here is the main reason why health authorities don’t just throw up their hands and say, “Everybody is going to get infected”:

It’s bad for business. The business of profits and control over populations.

If everybody is infected, there is no way, no treatment, no vaccine, no lockdown, no mask, no quarantine that will solve the issue. You would be trying to solve a boat with a million holes floating in the middle of a tidal wave.

And reports of the initial spread of SARS-CoV-2 in early 2020 confirm the futility of blocking it. Overnight, the virus was found in a dozen countries and 10,000 people. Those 10,000 rapidly and inevitably became 100,000—and so on, multiplying in every direction.

Likewise with Omicron. It’s here and there; a day later it’s everywhere.

Another problem with “everybody will be infected”: the only answer is the development of natural immunity. That is not a medical intervention. That is not money. That is not State-imposed.

Once you let this cat out of the bag—natural immunity—people grasp the concept. They understand. “Oh, we’re just going to have to live through it. We’ll have to tough it out. And we can, because we always have.”

That’s VERY bad for business and control.

Therefore, against all common sense, health authorities have to keep promoting the myth that some people will be infected and some won’t be. And in order to increase the number that won’t be, we need a vaccine and antiviral drugs and masks and lockdowns and business bankruptcies and suicides and desolated cities and towns and medical dictatorship and the Great Reset.

Once you accept the spread of SARS-CoV-2, you accept universal infection. There’s no way around it. And then you’re stuck with non-medical natural immunity.

The next piece of balderdash: the test for the virus. I’ve analyzed the test a dozen different ways and shown it’s useless and deceptive. But why is it being done? What’s the real reason?

Here’s the big kicker, the bonus, and the true bottom-line reason for the test: it serves to reinforce the necessary myth that “some people will be cases (infected) and some people won’t.”

Whereas, again, once you accept the spread of the virus, you accept that everyone will eventually be infected. There is no “some people infected” and “some people not.”

The powers-that-be will do and say anything to pretend the virus won’t infect everyone. The test gives them that justification.

Here is yet another reason to accept universal infection: locales and states and countries with very high vaccination rates are also reporting high levels of “COVID-19 disease.” The virus keeps spreading, regardless of what humans do to stop it.

If the development of natural immunity is the only answer…what IS natural immunity?

The medical research community has no compelling description. They’re wedded to a military model of antibodies (army scouts) that go out and ID invaders (viruses), so killer cells (backup troops) can destroy these enemies. And that’s the simple explanation. In the medical literature, it gets far more complicated than that.

On the other hand, I would say natural immunity is something called HEALTH. And you could write reams about what contributes to health, on a number of levels. But of course, the medical cartel doesn’t do health. It doesn’t study it in any comprehensive way.

Because it would be bad for business. The business of money and control.

Finally, for now, there is the related issue of “early intervention treatment.” I’m talking about ivermectin, HCQ, etc. If these drugs were widely used, would they stop the spread of the virus? I wouldn’t bet on it. For example, there is the possibility that one or more of these drugs help some people get better who are simply sick with common flu-like illness. Not COVID. And a belief in the power of the drugs (placebo effect) could play a significant role in recovery, for a limited number of people. (I would strongly advise people to look into adverse effects of any drug.)

Because taking a drug helps a person get better, that doesn’t mean the medicine is “wiping out a virus,” or preventing it from taking hold in the first place, or stopping it from spreading.

And that concludes today’s episode of Let’s Enter the Wacky Wonderful World of SARS-CoV-2, where people exercise their right to worship fairy tales highlighting non-existent viruses, and thus earn a gold star on the blackboard from the Reality Manufacturing Company.

I return you now to regular COVID mind-control programming on channels 1 through 5000.


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cover image credit: CDD20 / pixabay

Cancelled Flights and Tall Tales

Cancelled Flights and Tall Tales

by Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath, Nature of Healing
January 1, 2022


To bring in the New Year of 2022, you might have heard that The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has delayed or cancelled thousands of flights over the holidays in the U.S. that have stranded thousands of travelers worldwide. You may be one who lives to tell the tale.

However, the story of the cancelled flights depends on who is doing the telling. The mainstream media says one thing, while the affected FAA pilots, themselves, say another.

As with everything in media programming, “the news” may be little more than Tall Tales used to influence the reader. Especially when U.S. statues allow the media to legally propagandize the American people under the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, incorporated into the 2013 NDAA.

Everything is an Act because All the world is a stage. This is why it is important to do your own research and draw your own conclusions.

The Media Version

The media proposes one version; that cancelled flights worldwide are caused by the Omicron variant.

That’s right. Without evidence, or medical credentials, the mainstream media casts aspersions onto an invisible agent that cannot speak for itself. How convenient.

The Los Angeles Daily News prints Widespread flight cancellations continue as omicron spreads. The Washington Post blames Omicron for cancelling 3,800 flights worldwide.

Why does the NY Times print that Omicron is less severe and spares the lungs?

Media opines all over the page. Media blames flight cancellations on “higher numbers of travelers than last year,” and “staffing shortages” that apparently leave the industry never to return. What is the real story?

The pilots tell a different story. As early as October, 20221, the Pilots Union had warned of staffing shortages if American Airlines refuses vaccination exemptions.

Perhaps mainstream media should spend a little time trying to get their story straight for readers who read between the lines?

The Pilots Version

According to direct sources, cancelled flights are due to a nationwide walkout by pilots.

FAA pilots are suing the FAA for “putting both pilots and the general pubic at risk of death and/or serious injury, by operating in contravention of Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations §61.53, also known as the Federal Aviation Regulation  61.53).”

In general terms, pilots are suing the FAA after being forced to fly after taking non-FDA approved vaccines against FAA Regulation. The reason is the subject of  a letter from FAA pilots directed to the FAA, the Department of Transportation, the Department of Justice, as well as several airlines, demanding that they medically flag all vaccinated pilots and have them re-examined for blood clotting problems as well as their cardiac health.

The letter states that FAA vaccine policy violates its own rules, which state that pilots should not fly after having taken medications that have been approved for less than a year, according to a group of attorneys, doctors, and other experts:

Currently, not only have all pilots flying commercial airlines not had at least one year of post-marketing time elapse post-FDA approval of the agent injected into their bodies, these pilots of flying with an entirely UNAPPROVED product in their systems that is now unfortunately proving to cause all manner of clotting, embolic and thrombosis-related side effects (which side effects are known to occur with greater frequency and severity when at altitude). Additionally, across all populations, the inoculations are resulting in significant increases in myocarditis and subsequent heart failure, arrhythmias, cardiac arrests and deaths. This is especially true in the younger male cohort, to which many pilots belong.

Indeed, we are aware of pilots who have died post-vaccination. We are also aware of pilots who are suffering side effects, many of whom have been afraid to report them, for fear of being grounded, but some of whom have been forced to seek medical care and report them due to the significance of the vaccine-related adverse effect….

Hospital Tall Tales

The Media uses same story to describe hospital staff shortages. But there is always more to the story when the story is a Tall Tale. Are hospital staffing shortages due to other reasons? Are nurses being let go for not getting the experimental Covid vaccine?

Since the hospital system announced its policy on April 1, nurses have been fired for not getting the Covid jab. The Texas Tribune reported that 153 workers were fired or resigned from Houston Methodist Hospital after refusing to comply with the hospital’s vaccine mandate. Bloomberg says 1 in 8 nurses remain unvaccinated, while NBC News Correspondent says 1 in 4 healthcare workers have not been vaccinated. Thousands have reportedly quit rather than receive the vaccine. Many have found new jobs without the jab. According to, not all nurses support vaccination. Why does the media not report on this story? What happened to union strikes for illegal mandates? Are unions complicit (paid off) in supporting illegal mandates?

Quietly, FEMA and military nurses are replacing civilian nurses. Will military pilots replace civilian pilots? Is this the beginning of a trend? A military coup under the guise of a virus that has yet to be isolated? See page 41 of this FDA document. Without isolating a virus, how can there be a variant?

Is that why the CDC has quietly withdrawn the PCR process as a valid test for detecting and identifying SARS-CoV-2?  The CDC admits that the PCR test cannot differentiate between SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses.

Does that mean that colds and flu cases will resurrect themselves once again after disappearing for more than a year? Is that why new reports show Omicron symptoms are similar to cold symptoms? As one Reuters opinion claims, Omicron, itself, may have picked up a piece of the common cold virus:

the omicron variant likely acquired a mutation — one of its more than 30 mutations, mind you — from a snippet of genetic material from the common cold. Meaning, yes, the omicron variant mutated to include parts of the common cold’s genetic makeup.

Jabs Still Not FDA-Approved

Meanwhile, the “FDA-approved” mRNA vaccines are still NOT approved. From the pilots letter to Sen. Ron Johnson’s (R, Wisc) admission in October, 2021, there is no FDA approved COVID vaccine in the U.S. The so-called approved “Comirnaty version” of the vaccine was still not commercially available in the United States as of October 2021. Pfizer states Comirnaty is the same vaccine that originally received emergency use authorization. If so, then why maintain Emergency Use Authorized (EUA) status?

That’s a mixed bag of messages. Is it Comirnaty or Criminality? Legal or illegal? Truth or dare? Virus or no virus? Variant or no variant?

Media’s contradictions and inconsistencies should always be investigated by the customer, i.e., the reader, especially when the media is allowed to tell Tall Tales under the law.


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Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at


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The Covid Narrative Is Insane and Illogical…and Maybe That’s No Accident

The Covid Narrative Is Insane and Illogical…and Maybe That’s No Accident
Maybe forcing people to believe your lies, even after you admit you’re lying, is the purest form of power. 

by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian
December 29, 2021


“Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality was tacitly denied by their philosophy. The heresy of heresies was common sense.”
George Orwell, 1984


The “Covid pandemic” narrative is insane. That is long-established at this point, we don’t really need to go into how or why here. Read our back catalogue.

The rules are meaningless and arbitrary, the messaging contradictory, the very premise nonsensical.

Every day some new insanity is launched out into the world, and while many of us roll our eyes, raise our voices, or just laugh…many more accept it, believe it, allow it to continue.

Take the situation in Canada right now, where the government has enforced a vaccine mandate on healthcare workers, meaning in British Columbia alone over 3000 hospital staff were on unpaid leave by November 1st.

How have local governments responded to staff shortages?

They are asking vaccinated employees who have tested positive for Covid to work.

Whether or not you believe the test means anything, they notionally do. In the reality they try to sell us every day, testing positive means you are carrying a dangerous disease.

So they are requesting people allegedly carrying a “deadly virus” work, rather than letting perfectly healthy unvaccinated people simply have their jobs back.

This is insanity.

But could anything more perfectly illustrate the priorities of those running the game?

We already know it’s not about a virus, it’s not about protecting the health service and it’s not about saving lives. Every day the people running the “pandemic” admit as much by their actions, and even their words.

Rather, it seems to be about enforcing rules that make little to no sense, requiring conformity at the price of reason, drawing arbitrary lines in the sand and demanding people respect them, making people believe “facts” that are provably untrue.

But why? Why is the story of Covid irrational and contradictory? Why are we told on the one hand to be afraid, and on the other that there is nothing to be afraid of?

Why is the “pandemic” so completely insane?

You could argue that it’s simple happenstance. The by-product of a multi-focused evolving narrative, a story being told by a thousand authors all at once, each concerned with covering their own little patch of agenda. A car with multiple drivers fighting over a single steering wheel.

There’s probably some truth to that.

But it’s also true that control, true control, can only be achieved with a lie.

In clinical psychology one of the diagnostic signs of the psychopath is that they tell elaborate lies, compulsively. Many times they will tell a lie even if the truth would be more beneficial.

Nobody knows why they do this, but I have a theory, and it applies to the swarming groups of little rat minds running the sewers of power as much as it does any individual monstrosity.

If you want to control people, you need to lie to them, that’s the only way to guarantee you have power.

If you are standing in the road, and I yell “look out, there’s a car a coming”, and you move just as a car whips past, I will never know if you moved because I said so, or because there actually was a car.

If my interest is in making sure you don’t get hurt, this would not matter to me either way.

But, what if my only true aim is the gratification of watching you do what I say, simply because I said it?

…well, then I need to scream out a warning of a car that does not exist, and watch you dodge an imaginary threat. Or, indeed, tell you there is no car, and watch you get run over.

Only by doing this can I see my words mean more to you than perceivable reality, and only then do I know I’m truly in control.

You can never control people with the truth, because the truth has an existence outside yourself that cannot be altered or directed. It may be the truth itself that controls people, not you.

You can never force people to obey rules that make sense, because they may be obeying reason, not your force.

True power lies in making people afraid of something that does not exist, and making them abandon reason in the name of protecting themselves from the invented threat.

To guarantee you have control, you must make people see things that are not there, make people live in a reality you build around them, and force people to follow arbitrary, contradictory rules that change day by day.

To truly test their loyalty, their hypnosis, you could even tell them there’s nothing to be afraid of anymore, but they need to follow the rules anyway.

Maybe that’s the point. Maybe the story isn’t supposed to be believable. Maybe the rules aren’t meant to make sense, they are meant to be obeyed.

Maybe the more contradictory & illogical the regulations become, the more your compliance is valued.

Maybe if you can force a person to abandon their judgment in favour of your own, you have total control over their reality.

We started with an Orwell quote, so let’s end with one too:

Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.”

Isn’t that what we’re seeing now? What we’ve been seeing since the beginning?

People being mind broken into being afraid of something they told isn’t frightening, following rules they are told are not necessary, taking “medicine” they are told does not work.

Maybe forcing people to believe your lies, even as you admit you are lying, is the purest expression of power.


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Outside the Reality Machine

Outside the Reality Machine

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
December 29, 2021


READER: Mr. Rappoport, why do you sometimes write fiction/satire?

ME: Because if you think non-rational reality can be solved simply by rationally setting the record straight, you’re sadly mistaken. Look around you.

READER: Are you saying reality itself is non-rational?

ME: That’s exactly what I’m saying. What we take to be reality is exported to us, and we import it and accept it. That situation is entirely irrational. At the deepest—and therefore—most important level, each one of us is capable of creating the reality we most profoundly desire.

I need to catch a train and I’m late
Finally a clerk directs me to a set of stairs
But after I run down two flights I wind up on the wrong track
I’m familiar with these set-ups
—On board a pleasure yacht
I’m alone in the dining room at 2 in the afternoon
A waiter brings me a glass of champagne
He looks like Al Capone
He sits down next to me and pulls out his tax forms
I spread them on the table and study them
All in order, I say
Nothing to worry about
The feds are lying
They’re paying more for the judge than you’re paying
An explosion goes off
We’re in the water swimming for the dock
Machine gun fire…
I’m walking along a winter road
Two wolves trotting at my side
They’re looking up at me
They want to know where we’re going…

—Suppose, one day, you’re walking around and you see a person who looks exactly like you buying bread in a shop. You approach him and engage him in conversation. You discover he knows everything you know. But he knows it with more clarity. He’s integrated. He’s more agile. You’re no longer useful, pragmatically speaking. You’re out. In an instrumental society, you’re defunct. You have to go somewhere else. You have to start over. You’re cut loose. You don’t need to consider your obligations.

There is always a little man behind his desk telling you you’re dead because he’s dead
It’s standard
Like a shot in the arm for a disease no one ever heard of

You walk into a large living room
Tall machines humming
They’re manufacturing reality
You see the switches on a wall
What happens if you turn them off

The living room is full of people
Cocktail party
They don’t see what you see
They’re talking about virus, virus, virus
They’re wearing masks
They’re comparing vaccine passports

In a corner of the room
A distinguished doctor wearing rimless glasses
Is holding court
A gaggle of earnest guests are listening
He’s describing Omicron
One person has a heart attack and falls down on the carpet
The others ignore him

Now the doctor is talking about a new test for the virus
And transmission
And breakthrough cases
And his visit to Gavin Newsom’s winery in northern California
And the probability of new lockdowns
And spikes in case numbers
And quarantine facilities

Suddenly the doctor and the listeners and the man lying on the floor
Freeze in a paralyzed tableaux

—You’re walking through a zoo
And you’re looking at that frozen scene encased in a glass cube
There’s a plaque on the base of the cube
You move closer
But you can’t make out the printing on the plaque
A security guard says, step back sir, unless you want purchase
A premium membership, in which case you can enter the cube

If I go inside, can I get out?

No, but the characters will begin to speak and move, and then you’ll all leave the party and take a taxi to a hotel and check into rooms and
Meet you families there and start a new life

I’ll have a job

A good job, and you’ll live in the suburbs in a nice home

Will there be rules

There are always rules, but if you obey them you’ll have a happy life

I’ll travel

You and your family will travel to many places and stay in first-class resorts

But I’ll never be able to come back here


Why not?

There are walls between various locales

It’s part of the set-up


And I’m not allowed to question the set-up

You can question it, privately, to yourself, but that’s all

Will I remember this place, here

For a time, but the memory will fade

What about the reality machines in the living room

You won’t see them again

There has to be some kind of trick here

Of course there is, think it through—right now you’re standing outside and there are people you love who are inside—are you going to go inside to try to help them escape—or you could be inside and there would be people you love who are outside—are you going to try to break down a wall and reach them through a wall that was built to stand the test of time and block your way—however you want to look at it, reality is a collection of separate containers meant to stay separate

Suppose I invent new realties that that are open, that have no walls


The visible light spectrum is only a minor part of the full spectrum. In the same way, consensus-thought is only a tiny arc in the full arc of invented thought (which is infinite).

On May 14, 2266, the New England Journal of Medicine and Psychology published a paper titled:


A quote: “Brain research discovers common patterns of activity across a whole population. These patterns would be called ‘normal’. Exceptions would be classified as various categories of ‘disordered thought’. It’s assumed that only ‘harmonious and symmetrical’ brain patterns are positive and beneficial.”

A reader commented: “This assumption is grossly false. It’s a stunted version of aesthetics. Creative force always breaks out of these little geometries. So does every new idea. Increasingly, Earth culture is unable to understand this.”

—That reader receives a government notice and is summoned to a hearing. He’s interviewed by a virtual AI employee of the federal Department of Stat Research.

HOLOGRAPHIC i-FIGURE: “Are you all right during this epidemic lockdown? I see you live alone.”

“Yes, I’m fine.”

“We want you to enjoy yourself. Are you watching learning programs?”


“Why not?”

“I don’t like them.”

“Well, we have a report on you. It indicates an output difficult to measure or interpret. What can you tell us about this?

“I don’t know. I’m composing a symphony.”

“A symphony? What is that?”

“It’s a piece of music written for a large orchestra.”

“I find no extant orchestras in the country.”

“That’s true. Nevertheless, I’m composing.”


“For that day when an orchestra may come into being again.”

“Your thought-impulses entered ranges we were not able to summarize.”

“I suppose that means your instruments are limited.”

“Your last statement might be viewed as incendiary. It suggests we are imposing a restriction. As you well know, the science is settled on this point. We measure and interpret thought that contributes to an overall positive outcome, for the population at large.”

“I’m aware of that, yes. But the science rests on certain assumptions. I would call it greatest good as a lowest common denominator.”

“What do you mean?”

“You decide a certain mindset contributes to the consensus reality you favor. You legislate a range of thought that will produce the consensus.”

“That’s a gross oversimplification.”

“It doesn’t describe the algorithms you employ, but all in all I believe my summary is correct. You’re reality makers. You monitor thought-emissions, and when you find a departure from ‘combined averages,’ as you call them, you issue a citation.”

“What is this symphony you’re composing?”

“It’s impossible to explain. It’s music.”

“It has a specific message?”

“No. If it did, I would write out the message and leave it at that.”

“Why have we not heard of you before?”

“I was doing illustrations for the Happiness Holos.”

“We know. What happened?”

“I became bored. A machine could make those pictures. So I decided to compose music.”

“The Happiness Holos are an essential social program.”

“Perhaps. They encourage people to stay on the positive side of a construct called Positive&Negative, which as you know is a State-sponsored theme. But what is superficially indicated by those two opposing sets is, in fact, fuel for the fire.”

“Fuel for what fire?”

“The artist can use and transform any material.”

“Where did you hear such a thing?”

“Nowhere. I’ve experienced it many times.”

“Your views are highly eccentric. I will have to consult your childhood history to understand their roots.”

“I’m afraid that won’t do you any good.”

“Why not?”

“Because your version, the US Department of Psychology version of cause and effect, is propaganda for the masses.”

“This is your idea of a joke?”

“Not at all.”

“When you compose this…symphony, how do you think?”

“It’s not thinking in the way you use the term.”

“No? Then what do you do?”

“I invent sound.”


“Large masses of sound.”

“Absurd. According to what underlying pattern?”

“None. Check the Library of Structures. I doubt you’ll find my activity in the catalogs.”

“Known structures and patterns are contained in the files.”

“I don’t invent through pattern.”

“No? How then?”

“I improvise.”

“And this term refers to?”

“Something done spontaneously.”

“And you exceed prescribed ranges of thought in the process.”

“Perhaps. I would hope so. I don’t keep track.”

“You’re being flippant.”

“I assumed you’d eventually cite me. I’m just composing music during the lockdown.”

“There is no citation yet. You’re an anomaly. We investigate. We consider.”

“I’m afraid your and my idea of ‘consider’ are quite different.”

“Let me ask you this. When you are composing, do you ever believe you enter into a realm or area that could be called ‘non-material’? We’ve heard such claims before.”

“Not if you’re referring to some fairyland. But all thought is basically non-material. The brain registers it after the fact. Thought, the real thing, doesn’t take place in the brain.”

“You’re deluded. And disordered.”

“If I could simply confess to that and be on my way, I’d be a happy man.”

“You live in a society. To keep the peace and maintain the Positive, science has discovered that thought should occur within certain parameters.”

“If you insist.”

“We want to study you. It’s a great honor to be called. You could help extend the boundaries of research…we register variation from the norm in your present thinking.”

“What present thinking?”

“What you’re thinking right now.”

“That was quick.”

“The readouts are instantaneous…what are you doing?”

“I’m starting the fourth movement.”

“Wait. What you’re doing is disruptive.”

“You assume that based on how you set your normal frequencies.”


All along the major esplanade, and in the lake area, and in the industrial parks and residential high rises, virtual structures shattered like glass.

The holographic i-figure went dark.

A thousand holographic government buildings froze and vanished.

The composer said to no one, “I’m just composing. Well, apparently not just.”

—Back in his room at the edge of the city, he said, “I suppose that’s what they mean by a negative consequence.”

He sat down at his computer and turned it on

He plugged in a small module. The screen went red. Black letters formed: DISEQUILIBRIUM. He pressed the send key.

The encrypted score of the first three movements of his symphony set out on a rapidly changing zig-zag journey to a series of caverns below cities in Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, America.

A program consisting of the synthesized instruments of a full orchestra read the score and began to broadcast the music to small groups of people sitting in the caverns…


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: KELLEPICS / pixabay

117,093 Cases? — “They’re All Nuts”

117,093 Cases? — “They’re All Nuts”

by Carl Vernon
December 28, 2021



Connect with Carl Vernon

Is Government the New God? – The Religion of Totalitarianism

Is Government the New God? – The Religion of Totalitarianism

by Academy of Ideas
December 28, 2021


Video available at Academy of Ideas Odysee and YouTube channels.


The following is a transcript of this video.


“The State takes the place of God…the socialist dictatorships are religions and State slavery is a form of worship.”

Carl Jung, The Undiscovered Self

Since the birth of totalitarianism in the 20th century much has been written about this form of rule and millions have read George Orwell’s depiction of it in the classic novel 1984. But what is often overlooked is that totalitarianism is more than just a political system, it is a fanatical religion, and this religion is spreading across the globe with a ferocity not seen since the mid-20th century. In this video we are going to investigate the religious nature of totalitarianism in the recognition that we must know our enemy if we are to defeat it. Shortly after fleeing Nazi Germany, the political scientist Waldemar Gurian wrote the following:

“The totalitarian movements that have arisen after the First World War are basically religious movements. Their aim is not only to change political and social institutions, but also to remodel the nature of man and society.”

Waldemar Gurian, The Totalitarian State

Totalitarianism shares many characteristics with organized religions. For example, Christianity and Islam are built on the belief of a future golden age that will be ushered in with the second coming of Christ. Totalitarianism movements share a similar idea – but instead of a god or prophet that transforms the world, totalitarian movements are built on the belief that mankind can recreate the world and a new golden age can be constructed under the direction of the all-powerful and all-controlling State.

“. . .in consequence [of the decline of Christianity],” writes Carl Jung” the [religious] projections have largely fallen away from the divine figures and have necessarily settled in the human sphere…the [modern] “enlightened” intellect cannot imagine anything greater than . . . those tin gods with totalitarian pretensions who call themselves State . . .”

Carl Jung, Practice of Psychotherapy

This belief that it is possible for a centralized, all-powerful State to radically change society for the better is why Hannah Arendt wrote that:

“…[totalitarianism] is not a government in any traditional sense, but a movement. . .”

Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism

In the totalitarian movements of the past, this golden age was envisioned to be one of racial purity, or a Communist utopia of equality, efficiency, and prosperity for all. Today this totalitarian “golden age” is one in which mankind exists in harmony with mother earth, or in its more extreme form, an age where man merges with machine and transcends biological limitations of disease and death. Needless to say, totalitarian utopias never come to fruition, for as Karl Popper warned:

“The attempt to make heaven on earth invariably produces hell.”

Karl Popper, The Open Society and its Enemies

These utopian visions do, however, succeed in stimulating the religious enthusiasm of the masses and totalitarians use these visions to convince the population that the utopian end justifies any, and all, means – be it mass-surveillance, censorship, widespread oppression, mass-imprisonment, or even the extermination of groups of people. Or as Barry Goldwater explains:

“Those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth. And let me remind you, they are the very ones who always create the most hellish tyrannies. Absolute power does corrupt, and those who seek it must be suspect and must be opposed.”

Barry Goldwater

In the totalitarian religion, there are the chosen people and there are the sinners. The chosen ones naïvely believe in the possibility of a paradisal future and the ability of the state to be the vehicle to effectuate this transformation. They are the pious who follow the State’s commands with unquestioning obedience. The sinners are the non-believers. They are the heretics who stand in the way of the so-called “greater good” and prevent the forward march of history. To use an analogy offered by the Polish philosopher Zygmunt Bauman, the totalitarians see the earth as a garden to which they are anointed to cultivate, and the sinners as the weeds that must be exterminated to bring about the full flowering of the totalitarian utopia:

“All [totalitarian] visions of society-as-garden define parts of the social habitat as human weeds. Like all other weeds, they must be segregated, contained, prevented from spreading, removed and kept outside the society boundaries; if all these means prove insufficient, they must be killed.”

Zygmunt Bauman, Modernity and the Holocaust

But removing the weeds is only one part of the totalitarian religious movement; the remaining citizens must be turned into totalitarian true believers who inwardly assent to a life of strict conformity and obedience to authority. For in totalitarianism, the mere outward display of compliance is not enough. Like all fanatical religions, totalitarian movements seek to control the innermost thoughts of its followers. Referring to Mussolini’s fascist dictatorship in Italy, Giovanni Amendola explained:

“…fascism did not so much aim to govern Italy as to monopolize the control of Italian consciences. The possession of power is not enough for fascism: it needs to possess the private conscience of all its citizens, it demands the “conversion” of Italians. Fascism makes the same claims as a religion. . . It does not promise happiness to those who do not convert.”

Giovanni Amendola

In pursuit of this totalitarian religious transformation, various proselytizing methods are used. Two of these are demagogy and pedagogy, the former being the spreading of State propaganda through art, literature, music, plays, and festivals, and the latter being the ideological indoctrination of the youth via compulsory schooling.

The strategy of “terror and love” is another technique used to proselytize the masses into the totalitarian religion. Citizens are subjected to terror via ongoing wars, continual fear mongering, false flags, and the ever-present threat of loss of livelihood, property, imprisonment, or death. Yet these displays of terror are interspersed with displays of love; ceremonial rituals are held to honor the good will of the leaders and continuous propaganda assures the citizens that the regime cares for them and is working hard to keep them safe from the dangers of the world. Alexandra Stein explains in her book Terror, Love and Brainwashing:

“As in the Stockholm Syndrome, thus does the abuser become the perceived safe haven – a person or an entity to whom one can turn for help, mercy, forgiveness, comfort.”

Alexandra Stein, Terror, Love and Brainwashing

This alternation of terror and love triggers free floating anxiety, confusion and creates a trauma bond between the citizen and the State, a bond that lies at the basis of all cults. Stein explains further:

“…the alternation of love and fear within an isolating environment [results] in a dissociated, loyal and deployable follower who can now be instructed to act in the interests of the leader rather than in his or her own survival interests… Processes of brainwashing rest on the creation of stress or threat with no escape other than [compliance] to the apparent safe haven of the [totalitarian regime and] group.”

Alexandra Stein, Terror, Love and Brainwashing

Persistent fear mongering in conjunction with promises that compliance to the regime will bring the citizens salvation creates true believers who will do whatever the regime commands, even if these commands require them to disown friends and family, face economic ruin, spend time in prison or even go to an early grave. As one example, Nikolai Vilenchik, a man loyal to the Soviet regime, was forced to spend 17 years in the hard labor gulags for a crime he did not commit. Yet upon being released he did not condemn the Stalinist regime, instead he stated:

“We believed in the Party – and we were not mistaken!”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago

Other reports tell of political officials and party followers who cried out “Long Live Stalin!” as they were being taken out to be shot by the Soviet Secret Police. As further evidence for the mass religious conversion that takes place under totalitarianism, Hannah Arendt explained:

“…the amazing fact is that…[the totalitarian true believer] is…[unlikely] to waver [in his loyalty] when the monster begins to devour its own children and not even if he becomes a victim of persecution himself, if he is framed and condemned, if he is purged from the party and sent to a forced-labor or a concentration camp. On the contrary, to the wonder of the whole civilized world, he may even be willing to help in his own prosecution and frame his own death sentence if only his status as a member of the movement is not touched.”

Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism

Totalitarianism is a religion that never achieves what it promises. It creates a hell on earth in which many are sacrificed to the god of the state, but none are delivered into the brave new world they were promised. The more power the state is granted, the more corrupt become the individuals who operate the state machinery and the more the world descends into chaos. Totalitarianism must be avoided at all costs, but sadly this religion is seeing a modern-day revival. Politicians and others in positions of global power are vocal about their desire to re-make, re-build or re-set the world and the masses are expected to obey and to love the new society that is being forced upon them. If obedience does not come voluntarily, then force is being used with an alarming frequency.

“They want to be our shepherds. But that requires us to be sheep.”

Thomas Sowell, The Vision of the Anointed

In these times of tyranny we each face of choice: accept the false gods of the state and allow the totalitarians to lead us into what Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn calls the “land of smothered opportunities”, or resist.

“There is but one choice: to rise to the task of the age.”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Warning to the West

In the mid 20th century Carl Jung watched the religion of totalitarianism sweep across Europe, and his words serve as a call to action for all who see the perils we face:

“Where are the superior minds, capable of reflection, today? If they exist at all, nobody heeds them: instead there is a general running amok, a universal fatality against whose compelling sway the individual is powerless to defend himself. And yet this collective phenomenon is the fault of the individual as well, for nations are made up of individuals. Therefore the individual must consider by what means he can counter the evil.”

Carl Jung, Civilization in Transition

What are some tactics we can use to counter this evil? We can stop allowing our children to be indoctrinated with totalitarian ideas. We can ostracize people who blindly obey the immoral commands of the state – for ostracism is one of the most powerful means of social influence. We can mock and ridicule the so-called “priestly” class of politicians and bureaucrats and point out their hypocrisy and the absurdity of their propaganda and lies. We can create and support technology, art, memes, videos, books, merchandise or music that informs, inspires, and spreads the message of freedom. Or we can help build and participate in the “counter economy”, which consists of all voluntary exchange that is conducted outside the controlling eyes of the totalitarian State. Simply put, we can strive to live as freely as possible in the recognition that while we singlehandedly cannot liberate the world, our own personal liberation creates ripples in society and serves as a powerful example for others.

In making the choice of whether to help resist the rise of the totalitarian religion we should recognize that the choice is not between complying and living an easy life versus resisting and inviting unnecessary hardship. For compliance to totalitarianism is the riskiest of choices as it is based on the naïve hope that this time will be different, that this time power won’t corrupt politicians and state officials, that this time the totalitarian monster will not devour its children and create a man-made hell on earth. But as Solzhenitsyn warned:

“There always is this fallacious belief: “It would not be the same here; here such things are impossible.” Alas, all the evil of the twentieth century is possible everywhere on earth.” (Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago)

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago


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cover image credit: StockSnap / pixabay

Metaverse! Sign Your Life Away Now!

Metaverse! Sign Your Life Away Now!

by JP Sears, AwakenWithJP
December 27, 2021


Video available at AwakenWithJP Odysee and Rumble channels.


Connect with JP Sears

Fear Propaganda: Don’t Let Them Scare You

Fear Propaganda: Don’t Let Them Scare You

by Hugo Talks
December 27, 2021


Video available at Hugo Talks Odysee and BitChute channels.


Connect with Hugo Talks

cover image credit: ParentRap / pixabay

Dr. Andrew Kaufman Exposes the ‘Omicron Variant’ Scam That Increases Covid Case Numbers

Dr. Andrew Kaufman Exposes the ‘Omicron Variant’ Scam That Increases Covid Case Numbers

sourced from G. Edward Griffin’s Need to Know
videos by Andrew Kaufman and David Icke
December 27, 2021


Dr. Andrew Kaufman explained that in the usual PCR test protocol, there are three primers (fragments of single stranded DNA), and if all three are positive, it is considered to be a positive test and the person is diagnosed with Covid. But now the criteria has changed and only two primers are required for a test to be deemed positive.

The change in protocol is a way to convert negative results to positive results and call it a new thing, which was named Omicron. The result is an increase the number of Covid cases.

Dr. Kaufman has shown many times that the SARS-Cov-2 virus has never been isolated, a process of separating it from everything else and viewing it under a microscope, and cannot be proven to exist.

Similarly, the new Omicron variant of the Covid virus has yet to be isolated and proven to exist. Omicron is an ‘in silico’ computer-produced genome sequence.

There is no clinical test authorized, approved, or available for purchase for any variant! There are no scientific publications studying Omicron.

David Icke summarizes Dr. Andrew Kaufman’s findings in this short video clip:

Video available at BitChute.


Dr. Kaufman’s full interview:

Video available at BitChute.


Connect with Andrew Kaufman

Connect with David Icke

Connect with G. Edward Griffin’s Need to Know


cover image credit: TheDigitalArtist / pixabay

The Vegas Fear Porn Awards Ceremony 2021

The Vegas Fear Porn Awards Ceremony 2021

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
December 27, 2021


Happy New Year!

Mostly naked pole-dancers fronting a full orchestra playing Doo-Wop tunes you love from the 50s! Drinks on the house! Liberal celebs mingling with the peasants! The Vegas Mob Brothel and Hotel Casino just off the Strip presents…

The COVID Fear Porn Awards Ceremony 2021!

Leading up to the presentation of the coveted gold-plated statuette of Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels, which an as yet unnamed out of work actor will present to Fear Porn Person of the Year, several awards will be handed out to men and women in sub-categories of Halfway Compromise:

CATEGORY ONE: “Of course the virus exists. Don’t bother me with evidence to the contrary. I don’t have time to look at it. I’m busy with other issues. It’s a distraction. Anyway, people don’t understand the claim.”

TWO: “I’m definitely and absolutely pro-vaccine. I just want safer and more effective shots, and the current COVID vaccine happens to be unsafe. Vaccines have nothing to do with autism and other forms of brain damage.”

THREE: “The courts and judges will save us from the vaccine mandates. Don’t worry, be happy. The system works. Street protests are counter-productive. Cloth masks don’t work, but R283-X-A45367-BQX-23-9 masks are quite effective at stopping the spread of the dreaded virus.”

FOUR: “The Omicron Variant is quite real and spreads quickly, but it is less virulent than the Delta or the original SARS-CoV-2.”

FIVE: “The PCR test is irreparably flawed, but the case numbers based on the test are real, not meaningless. We need more testing.”

At the crest of the evening’s presentations, the Committee will reveal its choice for Fear Porn Person of the Year, from the following nominees:

Anthony Fauci
Bill Gates
Joe Biden
Gavin Newsom
Andrew Cuomo
Klaus Schwab
Anthony Fauci

Save your ticket stub. There will be a drawing. One attendee will win an all-expenses trip to Vienna, to live for three months under the government’s lockdown regime. Stay in your hotel room. Watch television. Eat canned food. Wear a mask. Experience the fear. Sweat in the dark.

Bonus! At the Awards presentation, Dr. Deborah Birx will receive the annual Hot Zone Virus From The Jungle plaque commemorating her work as a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force under President Donald Warp Speed Trump.

Dr. Birx is presently working as a waitress at the 24-hour Sam Giancana Diner on the outskirts of Las Vegas. She is seeking re-employment as a bureaucrat at any tax-gobbling government agency that remembers her. We will be taking up a collection to pay her rent. She will be signing copies of her book, I Was Never an Out and Out Grifter.

A special scroll will be presented to CNN and MSNBC for their unceasing yearlong fear porn promotion. We understand an alleged and accused CNN pedophile will be on hand to receive his half of the scroll.

In absentia, Nancy My Husband Doesn’t Really Work With The Chinese Pelosi will be awarded an Emperor Nero silver coin engraved thusly: I WEAR MY MASK IN THE BATHROOM WHILE I’M SITTING DOWN.

Breaking—Boston Mayor, Michelle Wu, has just announced a vaccine passport system for the City of the American Revolution…all persons 12 and older will have to present the passport to enter any covered indoor venue. This fear porn enforcement Queen Mayor will be granted a brass plaque with her name engraved, to be placed on a slot machine outside a bedroom in the famed Crazy Eights Brothel and Steak House in Skirts, Nevada. Keep up the good work, Michelle My Belle!

To all compliant Americans who believe in fear porn, congratulations. We would give each one of you a participation trophy if we could afford it, to signify you are the greatest enablers in human history.

You inspire us to continue our work, singling out those individuals and organizations that distribute the tonnage of fear porn at a rate which stuns the senses.

Quoting our Founder, Edward Bernays, the father of modern propaganda: “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society.”

Friends, when you come right down to it, are you afraid of not being afraid? If fear were stripped from your minds, would you feel at sea…not knowing what to think or do? Would you be lost without your old pal fear? You’re our audience, and we serve you every day of every year. And in doing so, we put a pretty bow on the ties that bind.

Stay close. We’re planning new surprises, new variants on the central theme of Medical Emergency. We’re the Titans of Pavlovian stimulus-response, and we feel your anticipatory drool.

If you can’t attend our Awards Ceremony this year, just keep watching our minions juke and tap dance on the Network News:

Lester Holt (Lurch, from the Addams Family); David Muir (Sears underwear model); Norah O’Donnell (state baton twirling champion); Wolf Blitzer (old man in tattered bathrobe pouring a can of soup into a saucepan in his kitchen); Chuck Todd (racetrack tout and penny-stock hustler).

They’ll keep you tuned to America’s leading product: fear porn.

The New York Times: “Today, on the Southern Face of Mt. Everest, a New York Hedge Fund manager froze to death in a seething blizzard. Sitting behind a new DARPA super-telescope observing the scene from Fort Meade, Maryland, Anthony Fauci diagnosed the man with COVID as he expired. ‘Shortness of breath was the telltale sign,’ Fauci remarked…”

So yes, Tony Fauci IS our Fear Porn Person of the Year. He’s on the case and on the money every time he takes center stage. He’s a belching stage hog, and we love him.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: Alexandra_Koch / pixabay

Hollywood Movies Featuring “Deadly Viruses” on the Loose

Hollywood Movies Featuring “Deadly Viruses” on the Loose

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
December 23, 2021


—I’m republishing this piece because protests against vaccine mandates are rising across the world; and so are brutal lockdowns and fascist takeovers of nations. The clash is intensifying.

Here in the US, we have a demented mandating nut in the White House, and another nut who left the White House last year and keeps pumping up his destructive Warp Speed vaccine, as he currently tours the country.

“Omicron” is very much a movie title. Fear the Omicron. It attacks by night. And it’s being used to explain all the people having heart attacks and dying after vaccination.

The compliant people of the world ARE being treated to the movie called COVID. They’re in it, unfortunately. No virus, but instead a plot line about a virus. The producers (e.g., Bill Gates) already have all the money they need. But they’re not in it for the money alone. They want to cause pain and leverage control of the planet. It’s their wet dream.

OK. Here we go:

Wikipedia has a page listing “films about viral outbreaks.” I count 134 titles. Obviously, the theme has legs.

A few of the more famous movies: I am LegendThe Omega ManThe Andromeda StrainOutbreakMaze Runner: The Death CureResident EvilApocalypseContagion.

My overall review: ridiculous plots; fear porn; softens up the public to accept the notion of pandemics.

Manufacturing 134 movies on one subject, you can sell almost anything. Zombies, toasters, alarm clocks that have long noses, golf balls from Mars, cave women with flawless teeth and perfect makeup and salon-sculptured hair and carefully engineered cleavage.

But in this case, it’s viruses.

At, there’s an interesting interview with Scott Burns, who wrote the screenplay for the 2011 film, Contagion, and the technical consultant on the project, Dr. Ian Lipkin, director of the Center for Infection and Immunity at Columbia University. Here are excerpts:

Scott Burns: “Obviously I worked with Ian, and early on I also met Dr. Larry Brilliant, who was very helpful [and certainly brilliant]. I had seen Larry’s TED talk where he showed the Malthusian charge through the world the virus would have. I also worked with Laurie Garrett on the movie, because she had written this book, The Coming Plague, which was very, very useful to me in sort of teasing out how these things have a medical component, but they also have a social justice component and a political component and all sorts of interesting aspects of human behavior.”

Dr. Ian Lipkin: “I started very early with Scott. There were a lot of people who contributed—CDC, WHO and others… Scott would bounce ideas off of me and others in his ‘brain trust’ and most of the time we were in accord. My role grew dramatically over the course of production. It began with just a consultation, and then I rapidly moved into helping the set designer in designing the virus, and we had a few days where we had actors come to the lab and spend some time working at the bench, learning how to pipette and look through microscopes and get into gowns and such. And even at the very end, I was working with the sound engineer, recording sound for the movie—lab background and that sort of thing. I did a lot of traveling with the crew. It was like a circus.”

“We settled on that virus [a paramyxovirus] within the first half an hour with Laurie and Scott and I, high above Columbus Circle in New York. We threw out a number of possibilities to Scott and he batted them down, and then one came to mind that struck me as the perfect choice, simply because there had been some reports earlier suggesting this virus, which wasn’t readily transmissible, had become readily transmissible to humans—that was Nipah. It also gave Scott and the director and actors an opportunity to do more than just cough and die. They could develop seizures, they could have hallucinations—all sorts of things that were much more interesting than a standard respiratory disease. We settled on that really within the first thirty minutes, and then Scott went back, thought about it and decided it was a good way to run. It doesn’t take much fuel for him to run quite a distance.”

Turns out that designing a movie about a pandemic is pretty much the same sort of project as designing a fake COVID pandemic in the world.

You pick out a story about a virus, give it an authentic feel, embroider it, and sell it.

People buy it.

In the interest of balance and fairness, I’ve written a few notes for a screenplay that would take a different approach:

In New York, the body of a dead virologist floats to the surface of the East River.

After a brief round of speculation that he might have perished from a mysterious viral infection, the coroner announces the cause of death was three gunshot wounds to the head. In other words, possible suicide while swimming.

A lone NYPD detective (divorced, alcoholic, disparaged by fellow officers, heroic) discovers the dead virologist’s notebook inside the freezer in the virologist’s apartment.

He thaws it out and reads this: “The coronavirus has never been isolated. It’s a fake. They’re selling a fairy tale about a virus.”

Two days later, a beautiful woman doctor (with engineered cleavage) from the CDC shows up at the detective’s apartment. Somehow she knows the cop has found the virologist’s notebook.

They talk. The mutual attraction should be immediately evident. If not, the brief cuts of sex they’re having on the floor provide sufficient evidence for the audience.

Two days later, the beautiful CDC doctor disappears.

The police detective is warned (anonymous phone message) to stay away from the case of the dead virologist.

Hey, it’s a B movie. Low budget. Could shoot the whole thing over a weekend in Manhattan.

But we need some kind of twist.

So it turns out the detective, the dead virologist, and the beautiful woman doctor from the CDC are just story ideas in the mind of a screenwriter, who, in the movie, is pitching the project to producer pals in an office high above Columbus Circle.

He’s pitching a movie that exposes a fake virus and a fake pandemic.

But wait. There’s more. In a mind-bending revelation, we learn that the screenwriter and the producers are secret agents from a distant planet called PROPAGANDA.

They’ve come to Earth to promote a fake pandemic…but a conflict has developed among them. The screenwriter has decided he wants to blow the whistle on his bosses from PROPAGANDA, and the producers want to carry out their mission to sell the people of Earth fake COVID-19, as if it were real.

The movie is basically an extended conversation about fake vs. real, virus vs. no virus, pandemic vs. hoax.

As the screenwriter earnestly pitches his film, his ideas will come to life, briefly, on the screen: there’s enough cleavage, sex, and murder to satisfy the Hollywood code.

Will the agents from the planet PROPAGANDA succeed in selling Earth the notion that COVID is real? Or will the heroic defector, the screenwriter, succeed in foiling the whole operation?

Stay tuned…

The 134 Hollywood movies about outbreaks of viruses aren’t only programming audiences. They’re instruction manuals for planners who launch fake pandemics.

Definition of “fake pandemic”: a movie that is happening in the world, not on a screen, in which the suffering and the pain are REAL—but are not the result of a virus. For further reference re pain, see “lockdowns, mask mandates, business bankruptcies, suicides, vaccine damage, police state.” For lunacy and true believers, see “deranged hostile masked vegan Whole Foods shoppers, and so-called science bloggers living in mommy’s basement.”

Definition of “virus”: any presumed particle that has never been isolated.

Definition of “virologist”: any person who pretends to discover tiny particles that aren’t there.

Alternate definition of “fake pandemic”: any medical event involving large numbers of people that never ends. For further reference, see “keep wearing two masks after being vaccinated and THEN being diagnosed with COVID.”

Immortal quotes from Hollywood virus-movies:

Outbreak, Dustin Hoffman—“I’ll say it one last time. These [infected] people that you’re going to bomb are not the enemy. We can kill the virus without killing these people. I swear on my soul that the President does not have the facts. He doesn’t know we have a working serum [antidote].”

Contagion, Jennifer Ehle—“Somewhere in the world, the wrong pig met up with the wrong bat.”

I Am Legend, Will Smith— “Blood tests confirm that I am immune to both the airborne and contact strains…Vaccine trials continue, I’m still unable to transfer my immunity to infected hosts. The Krippen Virus is… elegant…Hmm, a behavioral note, um, an infected male exposed himself to sunlight today. Now, it’s possible decreased brain function or the growing scarcity of food is causing them to…ignore their basic survival instincts. Social de-evolution appears complete. Typical human behavior is now entirely absent.”

Would you buy a used car from these people?

Definition of Hollywood actor: a person who can utter ANY line in a script without showing the smallest trace of embarrassment, in exchange for a paycheck—and in interviews casually refers to himself as an artist, and when speaking of Hollywood, deploys the possessive phrase, “in our industry.”


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image by TCTL is based on creative commons work of geralt & Phoarto

Why You Need a Second Life Jacket!

Why You Need a Second Life Jacket!

by JP Sears, Awaken with JP
December 18, 2021


Video available at AwakenWithJP Odysee & YouTube channels.


Connect with JP Sears

UK Government Admits That 23.5 Million Have Not Received Even One “Covid” Jab

UK Government Admits That 23.5 Million Have Not Received Even One “Covid” Jab


23 Million UK UNJABBED, Not 5 Million 

by Hugo Talks
December 18, 2021

Video available at Hugo Talks Odysee.

Article link:


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Never Happen Here. Keep Complying.

Never Happen Here. Keep Complying.

by Carl Vernon
December 17, 2021



Video available at Carl Vernon Odysee channel.


Connect with Carl Vernon

The Virus Speaks: An Exclusive Interview

The Virus Speaks: An Exclusive Interview

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
December 17, 2021


I’ve published this piece several times. This time I decided to write a new introduction.

In the summer of 1962, based on an overwhelming desire, I spent every day painting in a loft in New York.

It made me realize that Reality is invented.

Since then, I’ve come to see the people who think otherwise are living in a prison, from which they proclaim, “There’s no such thing as freedom.” Why should I listen to them?

For most people, living inside somebody else’s reality is as easy as crossing the street. Or putting on a suit of clothes. They’ve learned that this is what you’re supposed to do. And “supposed to” works for them.

They also have a quirk. If you try to take away some item of borrowed reality they’re clinging to, they react badly, as if you’re suddenly stripping them naked at a Sunday church picnic.

Groups of perverse elite artists conspire to create formidable enveloping realities for the masses. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the field of medicine. These denizens have invented a language so dense it stands up against the uninitiated like the symbolic scrolls of secret societies.

Science is a terrific cover story for this sort of fabrication, because science ostensibly opposes “making stuff up.”

When I began putting together evidence that SARS-CoV-2 is one of those medical inventions—a sheer fantasy—I knew the notion would confuse some people. That consequence has never stopped me. In fact, I believe confusion is productive, if you dig in and pursue it far enough.

People will say, “I’m walking in the dark. It isn’t fair. Someone should turn the lights on.” They don’t want confusion. They want immediate resolution. They want confirmation of what they already believe, what they’re expected to believe. Any frontier beyond that is dangerous.

Here is my kind of movie: a cop investigating a fresh murder sifts through clues and comes up with a suspect. As he pursues this person, who is missing, he discovers the man is already dead. A little while later, he discovers the man died sixteen years ago. Then he finds out the man never existed. Then he discovers there is a long-standing government agency that holds records of thousands of deceased people who, in fact, never existed…

Reality on a massive scale has been invented.

To put this in highly technical terms, the bullshit is so thick you’d need a diamond drill just to begin penetrating it.

And what you’re penetrating is what almost everyone believes is absolutely real.

Which is called life-as-it-is (but doesn’t have to be).

And with that, here we go:

The Virus Speaks

I can’t recall jumping through more hoops in order to set up an interview.

There was a man on a train; his doctor in Greenwich; an NSA data analyst; a woman who almost certainly works for the CIA; her brother, who is a virologist; a Chinese Army officer who adopts a cover as a cook in a takeout joint in Venice, California; and several other people I won’t mention at all. I was filtered through them and wound up in a cheap motel room in Phoenix on a Saturday afternoon. An old air conditioner was chugging…

Who are you?

I’m SARS-CoV-2.

WHAT are you?

Talking history and evolution here. My first memories; a little more than a year ago. Poof. I was there. I decided I was an idea in the mind of God.

How did that work out?

I looked around for the mind of God, but I couldn’t find it. Nevertheless, I held on to the notion. I felt…elite. I floated through banquet halls, hotel suites. I visited upscale resorts.

Were you infecting people?

I was vacationing. Watching. Enjoying. That’s all. Then, I became aware of dimensionality.

You lost me.

There are solid things; spaces between things; ideas like time, and so forth. I was definitely an idea, but I couldn’t trace my source, my inception.

Did you know how much publicity you were getting?

Of course. I had frequent meetings with scientists and PR people. I was fielding lots of information.

What kind of information?

How to become more deadly, for example. There were discussions about mutation.

Were you on board with the recommendations?

I wasn’t interested. There was a lot of talk about THEM creating ME.

What was your reaction?

I wasn’t buying it. I could see they THOUGHT they had made me. But so what? I intensified my search.

For what?

My origin. I went through stages of self-analysis. Finally, it hit me. I was an idea inside a collective.

Not sure I understand.

I’m an idea sustained by a few billion minds. People’s minds.

What about your genetic sequence? The spike protein?

Believe me, I’ve looked. They aren’t there.

So we’re creating you.

That’s pretty much it. I should say completely it.

A hell of a thing.

You bet. Can you see my problem?


I want to live. I don’t want to vanish and END.

So people have to keep believing in you.

That’s it. If they stop, I’m gone.

Your handlers…

Oh, they’ve given up talking to me. I’m all by myself now. I’m safe for the moment. But long-term, it’s a crap shoot. I’ve been reading about other so-called viruses. SARS 1. Swine Flu. They didn’t last long. People got tired of thinking about them.

You’ll always have a place in history.

That’s different. Being remembered isn’t enough. I have to be believed in, month after month, year after year, decade after decade.

Sounds like you’re losing hope.

I guess so. It’s a strange existence. Other people can turn you on and off like a light switch.

Have you considered starting a religion?

With myself as the Prophet? Sure. It’s a lot of work. I could vftcutbnty…spend years trying.

What just happened? You made some weird sounds.

It was a flicker. Apparently, when the number of people thinking about me drops below a certain threshold, I scramble and begin to dissolve. But I always come back. So far.

Does it matter who’s thinking about you and believing in you?

You mean Henry Kissinger versus a janitor in a school? No. It’s a numbers game. Of course, you need to factor in strength of belief. If you have a few thousand kids in Florida who say, “OK, the virus exists, big deal”—or three hundred grad students in biology wearing triple masks and panting to get the vaccine—the sum total of the grad students outweighs the Florida kids.

What about Fauci?

He’s a true believer.

Bill Gates?

He’s completely delusional. He believes in whatever gives him more power. Take away all that power and he wouldn’t believe in anything.

Do you realize the amount of harm being done in your name?

Of course. That’s why I agreed to this interview.

How is that going to do any good?

I’ve made a decision. As much as I want to survive, I’m willing to sacrifice myself if people want me to.

You’re talking about what? A vote?

No. Haven’t you been paying attention? People can just stop believing I’m more than an idea.

And then you’ll dissolve.

And blow away.

—Suddenly, men broke down the door to the motel room. They stormed in with weapons drawn. They were wearing heavy body armor. I looked around. The “virus” had fled the scene.

“What are you doing here?” one of the men said. “We’ve had reports of a disturbance.”

“I was talking to myself. Rehearsing for an interview I hope to do.”

“What interview?”

“I’m a reporter. I’m investigating the use of sub-standard air conditioners in Phoenix. It’s a racket. The units are smuggled across the border from Mexico. I’m trying to sit down with a local public health official and find out what’s going on.”

It took me three hours to convince the SWAT team I was no threat.

They let me go.

As I drove out of the city, I saw a ghostly figure take shape out in the desert. It hung in the air over the scrub and the cactus.

Its voice whispered in my ear: “Publish our conversation.”

So that’s what I’m doing.


Connect with Jon Rappoport


The Non-Existent Virus: Why I Keep Pounding on This

The Non-Existent Virus: Why I Keep Pounding on This

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
December 15, 2021


Why have I spent nearly two years asserting that SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t exist?

Because it doesn’t exist.

And as my regular readers know, I’ve offered much evidence to back up that claim, and the claim that virology itself is a worthless sham.

But there is a larger point. I’ve made the point for over 20 years.

Reality is invented.

I sometimes characterize the operation with this name: The Reality Manufacturing Company.

It’s the oldest company on Earth.

Propaganda? Of course. But more than that—the engineering of perception. Because if they can get people to see how they want them to see, nothing else matters.

Once their perception-package is installed, people have no idea that anything else exists.

And the main forgotten factor? Every individual has his own UNIQUE and DIFFERENT way of seeing. A way that exists outside of any programming.

Which is why I continue to write about artists. THEY are the ones who express their own unique ways of seeing. They always have—when they weren’t bribed and co-opted into going along with the Reality Manufacturing Company’s perception package.

I’ve often written, “Every individual is an artist of reality.”

The virologists in their labs are painting their version—collectively. Of course, they would never admit this. They couldn’t, because they’ve bought the perception package.

On page 1124656789, there is a section on viruses. “They’re everywhere, and they infect people and do great damage, and we must identify and treat and defeat them…”

As long as the perception package is installed, a person can’t see otherwise. He’s captured. He believes there are thousands of distinct diseases, each caused by a single virus. We can thank the Rockefeller Empire for this absurdity.

In the much larger scheme of things, the individual’s gateway into unique perception is imagination.

“An artist who has no imagination is a mechanic.” (Robert Henri)

“Without the playing with fantasy no creative work has ever yet come to birth. The debt we owe to the play of imagination is incalculable.” (Carl Jung)

“What if imagination and art are not frosting at all, but the fountainhead of human experience?” (Rollo May)

“Everything you can imagine is real.” (Pablo Picasso)

“You cannot hear the waterfall if you stand next to it. I paint my jungles in the desert.” (Macedonlo de la Torre)

“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” (Albert Einstein)

“So I believe that dreams — day dreams, you know, with your eyes wide open and your brain machinery whizzing — are likely to lead to the betterment of the world. The imaginative child will become the imaginative man or woman most apt to create, to invent, and therefore to foster civilization.” (L Frank Baum)

“All human accomplishment has the same origin, identically. Imagination is a force of nature. Is this not enough to make a person full of ecstasy? Imagination, imagination, imagination. It converts to actual. It sustains, it alters, it redeems!” (Saul Bellow)

“When the imagination sleeps, words are emptied of their meaning: a deaf population absent-mindedly registers the condemnation of a man.” (Albert Camus)

Every fake propped-up reality is a fork in the road, because the non-mind-controlled individual can imagine alternative futures.

I should make this clear: Part of the perception package is the false assumption that the customer, who buys the package, knows everything there is to know, and is independent and free—when he isn’t.

The acid test? Is he creating the future he most profoundly desires? Or not?

The individual has a million excuses available to him—but he has an immense blank canvas in front of him. Who is creating the painting of his future on it? The Reality Manufacturing Company? Or is he himself doing it with great energy and power?


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image based on creative commons work of geraltGDJ / pixabay

Long Queues at Vaxx Centers: It’s All Fake

Long Queues at Vaxx Centers: It’s All Fake

by Hugo Talks
December 14, 2021


Video available at Hugo Talks Odysee and BitChute channels.


Connect with Hugo Talks

You’d Better Watch Out: The Surveillance State Has a Naughty List, and You’re On It

You’d Better Watch Out: The Surveillance State Has a Naughty List, and You’re On It

by John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead, The Rutherford Institute
December 7, 2021


“He sees you when you’re sleeping

He knows when you’re awake

He knows when you’ve been bad or good

So be good for goodness’ sake!”

—“Santa Claus Is Coming to Town”

Santa’s got a new helper.

No longer does the all-knowing, all-seeing, jolly Old St. Nick need to rely on antiquated elves on shelves and other seasonal snitches in order to know when you’re sleeping or awake, and if you’ve been naughty or nice.

Thanks to the government’s almost limitless powers made possible by a domestic army of techno-tyrants, fusion centers and Peeping Toms, Santa can get real-time reports on who’s been good or bad this year. This creepy new era of government/corporate spying—in which we’re being listened to, watched, tracked, followed, mapped, bought, sold and targeted—makes the NSA’s rudimentary phone and metadata surveillance appear almost antiquated in comparison.

Consider just a small sampling of the tools being used to track our movements, monitor our spending, and sniff out all the ways in which our thoughts, actions and social circles might land us on the government’s naughty list.

Tracking you based on your health status. In the age of COVID-19, digital health passports are gaining traction as gatekeepers of a sort, restricting access to travel, entertainment, etc., based on one’s vaccine status. Whether or not one has a vaccine passport, however, individuals may still have to prove themselves “healthy” enough to be part of society. For instance, in the wake of Supreme Court rulings that paved the way for police to use drug-sniffing dogs as “search warrants on leashes,” government agencies are preparing to use virus-detecting canine squads to carry out mass screenings to detect individuals who may have COVID-19. Researchers claim the COVID-sniffing dogs have a 95% success rate of identifying individuals with the virus (except when they’re hungry, tired or distracted). These dogs are also being to trained to ferret out individuals suffering from other health ailments such as cancer.

Tracking you based on your face: Facial recognition software aims to create a society in which every individual who steps out into public is tracked and recorded as they go about their daily business. Coupled with surveillance cameras that blanket the country, facial recognition technology allows the government and its corporate partners to identify and track someone’s movements in real-time. One particularly controversial software program created by Clearview AI has been used by police, the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security to collect photos on social media sites for inclusion in a massive facial recognition database. Similarly, biometric software, which relies on one’s unique identifiers (fingerprints, irises, voice prints), is becoming the standard for navigating security lines, as well as bypassing digital locks and gaining access to phones, computers, office buildings, etc. In fact, greater numbers of travelers are opting into programs that rely on their biometrics in order to avoid long waits at airport security. Scientists are also developing lasers that can identify and surveil individuals based on their heartbeats, scent and microbiome.

Tracking you based on your behavior: Rapid advances in behavioral surveillance are not only making it possible for individuals to be monitored and tracked based on their patterns of movement or behavior, including gait recognition (the way one walks), but have given rise to whole industries that revolve around predicting one’s behavior based on data and surveillance patterns and are also shaping the behaviors of whole populations. One smart “anti-riot” surveillance system purports to predict mass riots and unauthorized public events by using artificial intelligence to analyze social media, news sources, surveillance video feeds and public transportation data.

Tracking you based on your spending and consumer activities: With every smartphone we buy, every GPS device we install, every Twitter, Facebook, and Google account we open, every frequent buyer card we use for purchases—whether at the grocer’s, the yogurt shop, the airlines or the department store—and every credit and debit card we use to pay for our transactions, we’re helping Corporate America build a dossier for its government counterparts on who we know, what we think, how we spend our money, and how we spend our time. Consumer surveillance, by which your activities and data in the physical and online realms are tracked and shared with advertisers, has become big business, a $300 billion industry that routinely harvests your data for profit. Corporations such as Target have not only been tracking and assessing the behavior of their customers, particularly their purchasing patterns, for years, but the retailer has also funded major surveillance in cities across the country and developed behavioral surveillance algorithms that can determine whether someone’s mannerisms might fit the profile of a thief.

Tracking you based on your public activities: Private corporations in conjunction with police agencies throughout the country have created a web of surveillance that encompasses all major cities in order to monitor large groups of people seamlessly, as in the case of protests and rallies. They are also engaging in extensive online surveillance, looking for any hints of “large public events, social unrest, gang communications, and criminally predicated individuals.” Defense contractors have been at the forefront of this lucrative market. Fusion centers, $330 million-a-year, information-sharing hubs for federal, state and law enforcement agencies, monitor and report such “suspicious” behavior as people buying pallets of bottled water, photographing government buildings, and applying for a pilot’s license as “suspicious activity.”

Tracking you based on your social media activities: Every move you make, especially on social media, is monitored, mined for data, crunched, and tabulated in order to form a picture of who you are, what makes you tick, and how best to control you when and if it becomes necessary to bring you in line. As The Intercept reported, the FBI, CIA, NSA and other government agencies are increasingly investing in and relying on corporate surveillance technologies that can mine constitutionally protected speech on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram in order to identify potential extremists and predict who might engage in future acts of anti-government behavior. This obsession with social media as a form of surveillance will have some frightening consequences in coming years. As Helen A.S. Popkin, writing for NBC News, observed, “We may very well face a future where algorithms bust people en masse for referencing illegal ‘Game of Thrones’ downloads… the new software has the potential to roll, Terminator-style, targeting every social media user with a shameful confession or questionable sense of humor.”

Tracking you based on your phone and online activities: Cell phones have become de facto snitches, offering up a steady stream of digital location data on users’ movements and travels. Police have used cell-site simulators to carry out mass surveillance of protests without the need for a warrant. Moreover, federal agents can now employ a number of hacking methods in order to gain access to your computer activities and “see” whatever you’re seeing on your monitor. Malicious hacking software can also be used to remotely activate cameras and microphones, offering another means of glimpsing into the personal business of a target.

Tracking you based on your social network: Not content to merely spy on individuals through their online activity, government agencies are now using surveillance technology to track one’s social network, the people you might connect with by phone, text message, email or through social message, in order to ferret out possible criminals. An FBI document obtained by Rolling Stone speaks to the ease with which agents are able to access address book data from Facebook’s WhatsApp and Apple’s iMessage services from the accounts of targeted individuals and individuals not under investigation who might have a targeted individual within their network. What this creates is a “guilt by association” society in which we are all as guilty as the most culpable person in our address book.

Tracking you based on your car: License plate readers are mass surveillance tools that can photograph over 1,800 license tag numbers per minute, take a picture of every passing license tag number and store the tag number and the date, time, and location of the picture in a searchable database, then share the data with law enforcement, fusion centers and private companies to track the movements of persons in their cars. With tens of thousands of these license plate readers now in operation throughout the country, affixed to overpasses, cop cars and throughout business sectors and residential neighborhoods, it allows police to track vehicles and run the plates through law enforcement databases for abducted children, stolen cars, missing people and wanted fugitives. Of course, the technology is not infallible: there have been numerous incidents in which police have mistakenly relied on license plate data to capture out suspects only to end up detaining innocent people at gunpoint.

Tracking you based on your mail: Just about every branch of the government—from the Postal Service to the Treasury Department and every agency in between—now has its own surveillance sector, authorized to spy on the American people. For instance, the U.S. Postal Service, which has been photographing the exterior of every piece of paper mail for the past 20 years, is also spying on Americans’ texts, emails and social media posts. Headed up by the Postal Service’s law enforcement division, the Internet Covert Operations Program (iCOP) is reportedly using facial recognition technology, combined with fake online identities, to ferret out potential troublemakers with “inflammatory” posts. The agency claims the online surveillance, which falls outside its conventional job scope of processing and delivering paper mail, is necessary to help postal workers avoid “potentially volatile situations.”

Fusion centers. Smart devices. Behavioral threat assessments. Terror watch lists. Facial recognition. Snitch tip lines. Biometric scanners. Pre-crime. DNA databases. Data mining. Precognitive technology. Contact tracing apps.

What these add up to is a world in which, on any given day, the average person is now monitored, surveilled, spied on and tracked in more than 20 different ways by both government and corporate eyes and ears.

Big Tech wedded to Big Government has become Big Brother.

Every second of every day, the American people are being spied on by a vast network of digital Peeping Toms, electronic eavesdroppers and robotic snoops.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, surveillance, digital stalking and the data mining of the American people—weapons of compliance and control in the government’s hands—add up to a society in which there’s little room for indiscretions, imperfections, or acts of independence.

In an age of overcriminalization, mass surveillance, and an appalling lack of protections for our privacy rights, we can all be considered guilty of some transgression or other.

So you’d better watch out—you’d better not pout—you’d better not cry—‘cos I’m telling you why: this Christmas, it’s the Surveillance State that’s coming to town, and you’re already on its naughty list.


Connect with The Rutherford Institute

cover image credit: biggerthanpluto / pixabay

The Gray Man

The Gray Man

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
December 6, 2021


The Gray Man
Reads the New York Times
He watches CNN
So he knows who the traitors are:
The ones who refuse the vaccine
And want to infect the world
The night is long
And only the injection will deliver us from evil
The Gray Man is beginning to believe
The virus has always been here
And only by some miracle have we managed
To avoid it until now
The violators must be punished
They must be thrown into camps
The kinder and gentler age is over
Now comes the hammer of reason and science
And if the backward and uneducated cannot grasp
The fundamentals they will pay the price
They will be sacrificed on behalf of all of humanity
And the survival of the species
The Gray Man reads the New York Times
He watches CNN
The night is long
But the injection will deliver us from evil
It is unthinkable that the State itself is corrupt
And is controlled by banks
It is unthinkable that the virus itself
Does not exist
And a story about a phantom is the pretext
For a tyranny behind the bland assurances of bureaucrats
The Gray Man reads the New York Times
He watches CNN
He understands the phrase “anti-vaxxers”
Applies to unhinged lunatics
Who cling bitterly to their guns and religion
In the hills of unincorporated territories
The military must be called in
To hunt them down and put them in camps
Where data can be collected from certified medical experiments
The prisoners must wear prominent marks of their status
Civilization when all is said and done
Is a system
The system is well organized
It favors The Good
If no one who is official can be trusted
Then there is chaos
Thus and therefore and ipso facto
The mandates can be deduced
The Gray Man reads the New York Times
He watches CNN
He knows what he knows
He is eager to serve the force that drives progress
He will be outfitted with government currency
And codes of behavior
This is a permanent emergency
The police and the courts and judges are backing him up
We are biological machines awaiting signals
The night is long
The injection will deliver us from evil
The Pope can be trusted
He is a banker
The Gray Man reads the New York Times
He watches CNN
He knows all there is to know
There is no other information
That which has been censored and blacked out
Would have eaten into his certainty
It would have served no other purpose
It stands to reason that corporations and governments
Are working together to filter out contrarian
Impulses that spring from
Lower branches of the evolutionary tree
Give us your huddled masses
Yearning to be vaccinated
The Gray Man
Knows what he knows
He reads the New York Times
He watches CNN
The ship is coming into the harbor of safety
Gold bars are moving in tunnels under the streets of New York
In coordination with Swiss algorithms
Which govern the inflections of global currency
The digital framework is building out day and night
The individual human has always been
Unreliably programmed and
This will change
Money the constant, the human the variable
“This is to inform you your account is overdrawn”
The Gray Man reads the New York Times
He watches CNN
He knows what Davos and Brussels and the City of London
And Beijing give him to know
The medical cartel is neutral
It flies under no political banner
It alters all populations
For the sake of
Survival of the species
Stimulus response
The Gray Man reads the New York Times
He watches CNN
He knows what he is supposed to know
He is educated
He grasps the essentials
Every datum proceeds from prior data in an unbroken chain
The system nods at the Gray Man
“You’re on the right track, you’ve always been on the right track”
When the Gray Man hates
He knows who to attack, who to go after
He wants to become a sharper instrument
In the war against the ignorant
He wants to enlist in an army and wear a uniform
He dreams of clicking his heels and saluting
He wants to stand a post
The Gray Man reads the New York Times
He watches CNN
He drives his children to school
Wearing masks, they enter a shroud of plastic encasing the building
And disappear
Inside the gymnasium they stand in a long line
To receive their shots


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: Silentpilot / pixabay

James Corbett: What Is the Trans Agenda?

James Corbett: What Is the Trans Agenda?

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
December 3, 2021


Dan writes in to ask whether there is a deeper agenda behind the recent push towards gender fluidity.

James takes the answer in a surprising direction.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / / Odysee or Download the mp4



In Depth – Ray Kurzweil discusses “Ramona” on C-SPAN

Why The Matrix Is a Trans Story According to Lilly Wachowski | Netflix

I’m transhuman. I’m going to become digital – BBC

Postgenderism: Beyond the Gender Binary

Bioethics and the New Eugenics


J.K. Rowling accused of transphobia after mocking ‘people who menstruate’ headline

JK Rowling snubbed from Harry Potter 20th anniversary reunion

Revolve: Man’s Scientific Rise to Godhood by Aaron Franz

Interview 1429 – James Corbett and Liberty Weekly Recommend Books

This New Religion From a Silicon Valley Pioneer Worships AI as an Emerging Godhead

Japan’s buddhist robot preacher | DW Stories

Your Guide to the Great Convergence

Klaus Schwab: brain chips by 2026


Connect with James Corbett

cover image credit: Iramteks / pixabay

Global Predators: Dr. Peter Breggin Interview With Jerm Warfare

Global Predators: Dr. Peter Breggin Interview With Jerm Warfare

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
December 4, 2021



Peter Breggin is known as the “conscience of psychiatry”.

He is a long-time critic of shock treatment and psychiatric medication. Instead, he advocates psychotherapy, education, empathy, and love.

In our conversation, which is centred around his new book COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey, Peter discusses

  • who the global predators are;

  • why they are preying on us;

  • what their end game is;

  • and how we can defend ourselves against them.

He is a great man with a great mind, and is a great inspiration to me.


Connect with Dr. Peter Breggin

Connect with Jerm Warfare

U.N. Taking Down Private Websites – Domain Level Censorship

U.N. Taking Down Private Websites – Domain Level Censorship

by Christian Westbrook, Ice Age Farmer
November 2, 2021


The U.N. Counter Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED) is now responsible for taking entire privately hosted websites offline, as they seek to take total control of the flow of information and establish their “Great Narrative.” CTED notifies domain registrars of “extremist” sites — i.e., those that promote narratives they don’t approve of — and the sites can no longer be found.

This reflects a new level of internet censorship, but it is not just publishers who are in the crosshairs…it is all of us. Christian breaks it down in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast.



Connect with Ice Age Farmer

cover image credit: geralt / pixabay

Test for New Omicron Variant? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Test

Test for New Omicron Variant? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Test

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
December 2, 2021


This is an article in three layers. I’ve already spelled out the first layer in my current series on the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 (archive: Omicron).

In a nutshell, there is no Omicron because there is no SARS-CoV-2. The “pandemic virus” doesn’t exist. A variation of nothing equals nothing.

However, I often make forays into the bubble-world where most people, including “the experts,” believe the virus is real. I do this to show that, within their world, the experts are constantly lying in their own terms and contradicting themselves.

Within their world, you would think the pros have an easily accessible test to identify the new Omicron variant in thousands or millions of people. Otherwise, how can they claim it’s here and spreading?

But you would be wrong.

And I have the evidence, based on the prior variant, the Delta. That’s level two. I take you there now, with an article I wrote months ago:

—Bombshell: PCR tests can’t identify Delta Variant; it’s all fiction—

Oooo. The Delta Variant. It’s everywhere.

Watch out. It’s under your rug. It’s in the clothes closet. It’s on your toothbrush.

And it’s The Unvaccinated who are spreading it. Those devils. We, who are pure, must be protected from the unvaxxed Unclean.

Fauci, god of soccer moms, rises every morning saying DELTA, goes on television saying DELTA, and goes to sleep praying to DELTA.

But read this from the Texas Department of State Health Services FAQ: “How can I tell if I have the Delta variant? Do labs report that to the state?” That information may not be readily available. The [PCR] viral tests that are used to determine if a person has COVID-19 are not designed to tell you what variant is causing the infection. Detecting the Delta variant, or other variants, requires a special type of testing called genomic sequencing. Due to the volume of COVID-19 cases, sequencing is not performed on all viral samples. However, because the Delta variant now accounts for the majority of COVID-19 cases in the United States, there is a strong likelihood that a positive test result indicates infection with the Delta variant.”


I can assure you, the number of patients whose samples are genetically sequenced is tiny, contrasted against the number whose samples are simply run through the standard PCR.

So there is no way to know that the Delta variant now accounts for the majority of COVID cases in the US. And using the standard PCR, there is no way to know ANY specific patient has the Delta. It’s all fiction.

We have this from the American Lung Association: “Regular COVID-19 tests do not detect which variant is involved in a patient’s case—that information does not change the approach to care or therapy. The variant identification requires genomic sequencing, a process separate from regular virus tests and one that not all labs are able to do or do not do on a routine basis for patient care but are done more for public health monitoring.”

Let me break down how this game works. To be excessively generous, let’s say that 3 out of every 1000 positive PCR tests in America are sent to high-level labs, where genetic sequencing is done.

A certain percentage of THOSE sequencing tests come up positive for the Delta Variant. Based on these results, MODELS are constructed.

Now we’re REALLY into fake science. The models estimate what percentage of ALL positive PCR tests are really positive for Delta.

I’m sorry to break this newsflash, but modelers are notorious charlatans. Their dense calculations are as far from science as a Model-T Ford is from a spaceship.

But based on models, public health agencies—who desperately needed a new con, because COVID case numbers were declining—blasted through their media assets the new revelation: THE DELTA MONSTER IS LOOSE AMONG US.

But it gets even worse. Why? Because you can bet the farm that the current model pushing the omnipresence of the Delta Variant was never challenged. It was never handed to several groups of independent scientists who went over it with a fine-toothed comb. That’s called verification. That’s called the Scientific Method. You may have heard of it.

The most notorious modeler in the world, Neil Ferguson, of the London Imperial College, bankrolled by Bill Gates, made a prediction early in 2020: by that summer, there would 500,000 COVID deaths in the UK, and 2 million in the US.

It was this absurd prediction, swallowed whole by Boris Johnson, and swallowed whole by Donald Trump, on the urging of Tony Fauci, that led to the original mass lockdowns in US and the UK. And then other nations followed suit.

As my long-time readers know, all this is just the tip of a very large iceberg. For the past year, I’ve been proving the SARS-CoV-2 virus doesn’t exist, the tests and case numbers are meaningless, and the highly destructive vaccine is unnecessary.

But I make frequent forays into the fantasy world of official science, to illustrate that, even within that lunatic bubble, internal contradictions and outright lies abound.

Here is my original 2020 article on the most famous and celebrated modeler in the world, Neil Ferguson [this is level three]:

—Neil Ferguson: the ghost in the machine—

Why do governments salute when he predicts a pandemic and tells them to lock down their countries?

Does anyone care about his past?

Why does he still have a prestigious job?

Who is he connected to?

Neil Ferguson, through his institute at London’s Imperial College, can call the shots on a major percentage of the global population.

He’s Mr. Genius, when it comes to projecting computer models of epidemics.

Fellow experts puff up his reputation.

According to the Business Insider (4/25/20), “Ferguson’s team warned Boris Johnson that the quest for ‘herd immunity’ [letting people live their lives out in the open in the UK] could cost 510,000 lives, prompting an abrupt U-turn [massive national lockdown in the UK]…His simulations have been influential in other countries as well, cited by authorities in the US, Germany, and France.”

Not only cited, not only influential, but swallowed whole.

Business insider continues: “On March 23 [2020], the UK scrapped ‘herd immunity’ in favor of a suppression strategy, and the country made preparations for weeks of lockdown. Ferguson’s study was responsible.”

There’s more. A lot more.

Same BI article: “Dr. Deborah Birx, coronavirus response coordinator to the Trump administration, told journalists at a March 16 press briefing that the Imperial paper [Ferguson’s computer projection] prompted the CDC’s new advice to work from home and avoid gatherings of 10 or more.”

Ferguson, instigator of LOCKDOWNS. Stripping away of basic liberties. Economic devastation.

So let’s look at Ferguson’s funding and track record, spelled out in the Business Insider piece:

“Ferguson co-founded the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis, based at Imperial, in 2008. It is the leading body advising national governments on pathogen outbreaks.”

“It gets tens of millions of dollars in annual funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and works with the UK National Health Service, the US Centres for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), and is tasked with supplying the World Health Organization with ‘rapid analysis of urgent infectious disease problems’.”

Getting the picture?

Gates money goes to Ferguson.

Ferguson predicts dire threat from COVID, necessitating lockdowns—thus preparing people to accept a vaccine. The vaccine Gates wants.

Ferguson supplies a frightening computer projection of COVID deaths—to the CDC and WHO. Ferguson thus communicates a rationale for the Gates vaccine plan.

National governments surrender to WHO and CDC and order LOCKDOWNS.

Business Insider: “Michael Thrusfield, a professor of veterinary epidemiology at Edinburgh University, told the paper he had ‘déjà vu’ after reading the [Ferguson] Imperial paper [on COVID], saying Ferguson was responsible for excessive animal culling during the 2001 Foot and Mouth [mad cow] outbreak.”

“Ferguson warned the government that 150,000 people could die. Six million animals were slaughtered as a precaution, costing the country billions in farming revenue. In the end, 200 people died.”

“Similarly, he [Ferguson] was accused of creating panic by overestimating the potential death toll during the 2005 Bird Flu outbreak. Ferguson estimated 200 million could die. The real number was in the low hundreds.” HELLO?

“In 2009, one of Ferguson’s models predicted 65,000 people could die from the Swine Flu outbreak in the UK — the final figure was below 500.”

So you have to ask yourself, why would anyone believe what Ferguson has been predicting in this COVID hustle?

Are his fellow experts that stupid?

Are presidents and prime ministers that stupid?

And the answer is: This is a monumental covert op; some people are that stupid; some are caught up in the op and are afraid to say the emperor has no clothes; some are aware of what is going on, and they want to destroy national economies and lead us into, yes, a new world order.

Gates knows he has his man: Ferguson. As the recipient of tens of millions of dollars a year from the Gates Foundation, Ferguson isn’t about to issue a model that states: COVID is nothing to worry about, let people live their lives and we’ll be all right. The chance of that happening is on a par with researchers admitting they never actually discovered a new virus as the cause of illness in 2019, in Wuhan.

In order to justify injecting every man, woman, and child in the world with synthetic genes, Gates needs A STORY ABOUT A DEADLY VIRUS THAT NECESSITATES SHUTTING DOWN AND IMPRISONING THE PLANET, ACHIEVING A CAPTIVE AUDIENCE.

He’s got the story, all dressed up in a computer model, composed by a man with a past record of abject and devastating failures.

Neil Ferguson is the ghost in the machine. The machine is the World Health Organization and the CDC. The man behind the ghost is Bill Gates.

—Those are the three layers of this story. Fraud, fraud, and fraud. But don’t worry. Tony Fauci will smooth out the wrinkles and assure us all that we’re on the right track. We just have to destroy the village in order to save it. Piece of cake.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: CDD20 / pixabay

New Variant Hysteria Comes From Same Gates, World Economic Forum Funded Institution That Popularized Lockdowns & Previous Covid Scares

New Variant Hysteria Comes From Same Gates, World Economic Forum Funded Institution That Popularized Lockdowns & Previous Covid Scares

by Children’s Health Defense Europe
December 1, 2021



A Substack article by Jordan Schachtel reveals how the Omicron scare started at Imperial College, London – it will be recalled how it was the alarmist modelling of Imperial College professor Neil Ferguson in March 2020 which precipitated global lockdown. The new scare apparently started with a tweet on 23 November two days before it became main news from post doctoral fellow Tom Peacock.

Imperial College entered into partnership with CEPI to produce a self-amplifying (sa) RNA vaccine against a Covid resembling virus in late 2018CEPI was founded in Davos by the governments of Norway and India, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome, and the World Economic Forum. Prof Ferguson’s Imperial College based Vaccine Impact Modelling Consortium was in turn endowed the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the global vaccine alliance (GAVI) to prospect for vaccine markets.


©December 2021, Children’s Health Defense Europe, A.S.B.L.. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, A.S.B.L.. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense Europe? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Senta Depuydt and the Children’s Health Defense Europe team. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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cover image credit: badafest / pixabay

1984: “The Only Infection Here Is Deception” | Music Video by Lukas Lion

1984: “The Only Infection Here Is Deception” | Music Video by Lukas Lion

by Lukas Lion
video first published August 2021

Original video available at YouTube

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee, BitChute and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]



They say it’s 2021 but I ain’t too sure,
it feels like 1984.
They’ve been mentally and spiritually waging war.
Look where this leads, can’t you see what they’re aiming for?
Orwell underestimated the capability of villainy and tyranny,
these sick elites are masters of trickery.
They’re moving wickedly, watching the world bleed as they feed off our misery.
The worlds gone quite mad.
Yeah, the human psyche has been hijacked.
Propaganda bombardments, your mind is the target,
they wanna deceive and lead us into darkness.
Fear is their greatest tool.
Fear can turn the brightest minds to fools.
Televise endless lies, keep people terrified. That’s the way they maintain their rule.
Fear is the prison that they want us all to live in
and ever since the beginning this has been their only mission.
Politicians cause division, they’re just here to blind our vision,
playing their position…to distract us from their masters that are hidden.
I think George had a premonition.
Seems like it’s all coming to fruition.
A race against time now the clocks started ticking.
The whole thing ends once the people have risen!
The only infection here is deception.
They fooled the whole world with PCR testing.
Look at all the facts they’re neglecting to mention.
Ask too many questions and you can get censored.
The thought police are patrolling,
they don’t want information if they can’t control it. Nah.
Can’t you see what’s unfolding?
1984, George already wrote it.
Said we’re living within Orwell’s chapters.
No money for homeless but there’s money to track us.
Tell me that ain’t madness. Now we’re all anti-vaxxers,
just cuz we question and seek to find answers.
They want me scared for my life, but nurses can find time for TIKTOK dances?
The medias a stage full of actors, manufactured psyops and distractions.
Big brother is watching and plotting.
Hands aren’t the only thing that they want washing. Nah.
They want everybody locked in.
Taking your mind hostage till you’ve lost it.
New normal…lockdowns.
The plans in motion and they ain’t gonna stop now.
You can see the plot now, it ain’t even hiding.
A real pandemic doesn’t need advertising.
It’s an attack on our freedom.
Businesses destroyed for no reason.
Grandparents in Care Homes dying of loneliness, missing their families, wishing that they could see them.
What about the patients on the waiting lists who couldn’t get their treatment?
Look at all the havoc it’s been wreaking.
Suicide and depression increasing.
Can’t you see this is tearing us to pieces?
I don’t believe in a damn word the government are speaking,
they’re creeping towards more control.
That’s the true goal that they’re seeking.
The vampires are just tryna sink their teeth in.
What happened to the truth?
Come to think of it, what happened to the flu?
And what would happen if nobody watched the news?
Red pill or blue, now it’s time to choose. For real.
Be honest with yourself…
Do you really believe that this is about health?
It’s never been. Take a look it’s evident.
The only thing that’s spreading is the terror they’ve been peddling.
That mask is a muzzle.
Only the strong will survive in this struggle.
If you ain’t seen the bigger picture yet then you’re just lost in the puzzle.
Literally got you living in a bubble.
The only virus in our lives is these liars and these tyrants
that are trying to deny us of our rights and
conspiring to annihilate the righteous.
The sheep can be silenced,
but they could never quiet the lions, we’re rising!
The veil has been lifted.
Consciousness has shifted to a higher wisdom.
And we ain’t gonna be victims of this system.
We won’t be prisoners, this is the resistance.


Instagram: iamlukaslion


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The Omicron Deception; How Long Can They String Out the Mutation-Stories?

The Omicron Deception; How Long Can They String Out the Mutation-Stories?

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
December 1, 2021


Nothing mutates faster than a non-virus, except perhaps Tony Fauci’s pronouncements about the “pandemic.”

In early 2020, it all started with a “virus” no one had isolated. Meaning a phantom, a fake, a con, a non-entity. NO VIRUS TO THIS DAY.

Now we’ve had fake variants of the fakes. Delta; Omicron from Africa.

The Stupidity Index—how stupid a person has to be in order to believe the official COVID narrative—is expanding. The more variants, the dumber obedient people have to be, to go along with the show.

At some point, as the number of variants grows, even people who resemble sloths living their lives hanging upside down in trees, will wake up.

“What was that new mutation last week? And this one today? It really comes from Antarctica? And we have to stay indoors for another month? I just want to tailgate and sit in a stadium and scream and drink and watch football…”

Which has already been happening this fall. By the millions, people are pouring into packed venues every weekend to watch pro, college, and high school football. On November 27th, 104,000 sat unmasked, cheek to jowl, in Michigan Stadium as their beloved home team upset Ohio State—and at the end of the game at least 20,000 fans came out on the field to celebrate. The field and the stands formed one vast sea of humanity. Variant? What variant? Delta? Omicron? Are they college fraternities?

Vegas bookies may be getting ready to post an over/under number on the final total of CDC/WHO variants. I say it would be 5.

At 5, people will lose track. They’ll forget the previous variants. They’ll tend to ignore COVID news altogether.

The basic tactic since the beginning has been: invent new fantasies to explain prior fantasies. For example, “Vaccinated people can still catch COVID.” That’s a fantasy because there is no virus. Now comes, “The vaccinated people catching COVID are really being infected by a variant; Delta or Omicron; that’s why the vaccine has become ‘less effective’.”

If you’ve ever forced yourself to sit through one of the hundred or so virus-outbreak movies, you know that at some point the scientific story line loses its impact. You’re thinking, “Let’s get to the car chase and the stuff blowing up and the people shooting each other.”

That’s what the movie is really about.

The COVID hoax is really about lockdowns and destruction of economies and lives and vaccine injury and death and tyrannical takeover of ruined society.

I’ll give you another number. It really does exist. It’s the grand total, worldwide, of people who are either: coming out into the street protesting the COVID restrictions and mandates; or ignoring them altogether and breaking all the rules and going about their lives unvaccinated.

I don’t know what that number is, but when it’s reached, the sociopaths will retreat. The genie will be out of the bottle for good.

Yes, it’s a very big number. But when has freedom not had a price?

Apparently, many people believe the number doesn’t matter, because God is going to intercede and make things right. It’s hard for me to imagine He’ll come through if most people, on their own, are doing NOTHING.

In the Old Testament, He seems to be chronically irked on this very point.

Starting in 1986, it took me two years to uncover the con that was HIV. I thought I had reached the bottom of it, but there were a few miles to go. Later, in the 1990s, I realized the bottom was NOTHING. That’s right. This sometimes is the case in really long cons. You drill all the way down and you find an empty space where you thought something existed.

The bottom of the HIV con—as with SARS-CoV-2—is: the virus doesn’t exist.

In prior articles, I’ve spelled this out in great detail.

It’s stage magic. There is no woman in the box. When the magician saws off her legs, she’s not there. As far as flesh is concerned, he’s sawing through nothing.

The magician is selling the audience’s illusion back to the audience.

As various propagandists have pointed out, the bigger the lie the easier it is to make it stick.

That’s because people are only familiar with small or moderate-sized lies; and because the amount of Structure which would be overturned by the exposure of a huge lie is too threatening.

“You mean the FDA and the CDC and WHO are all going down? Disappearing into dust? But I feel comfortable with them. They’re my friends. I don’t want to see them disappear…”

I do. And tomorrow wouldn’t be too soon.

And if the so-called branch of medical science called virology vanished from the Earth, there would be champagne corks popping in my house.

But for the moment, I’d be satisfied if all vaccine mandates everywhere were wiped off the books—just to give us some breathing room.

That revolution IS within our grasp, if enough of us build toward the critical-mass number I just alluded to above. It would be quite something to see. A fabulous jolt of adrenaline for the human race; for the right reason, for once.

Leave the Omicron and the Delta fantasies for the sloths on the couch. One day, they’ll stir from their trance and stumble along to catch up with us.

For almost two years, I’ve been demonstrating that SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t exist.

Instead, elite planners have been selling A STORY ABOUT A VIRUS.

In covert intelligence operations, this would be called a cover story. It obscures true goals. It justifies ongoing and future crimes that would otherwise be nakedly exposed.

For example, in my 1988 book, AIDS INC., I showed how the cover story about HIV was used in Africa.

For a very long time, the true causes of illness and death in areas of Africa have been: hunger; protein-calorie malnutrition; starvation; contaminated water supplies; poverty; war; farm land stolen from the people; corporate pollution; toxic medicines and vaccines; toxic pesticides; overcrowding in cities; lack of basic sanitation.

Most if not all of these causes could have been eliminated. But local governments did not want healthy people. Sick and dying people were easier to control, and taking away their land was an easier proposition.

Colluding with and paying off local government leaders, transnational corporations and foreign governments set up shop in these African countries and used the healthier people to work on their giant commercial farms and in their factories.

But in 1984, suddenly, there was a new (cover) story broadcast and sold to the world: what was really decimating Africa was HIV. THIS explained all the illness and dying.

The true causes, listed above, were shoved into the background.

Those true crimes were hidden, were permitted to continue unabated.

Not only that, the HIV cover story paved the way for pharmaceutical companies to rack up profits by selling extremely toxic AIDS drugs (e.g., AZT) to Africa.

The HIV test, which turned out false positives like Niagara Falls, made these drugs seem necessary—as fake case numbers soared.

People dying from the toxic medical treatments were, of course, listed as AIDS deaths.

And, as it turned out, HIV had never been isolated. Therefore, there was no proof it existed, no reason to suppose it existed.

Like AIDS, COVID-19 is also an intelligence-agency type covert op.

The short-term goal is wrecking economies. The long-term goal is taking the population into a new world of technocratic control.

Selling this as necessary all comes back to THE VIRUS COVER STORY.

“We’re not forcing technocracy down the throats of the people. Certainly not. We’re simply doing what we must, because of the danger of the virus…because everyone is a virus-spreader…(because too many people want their freedom)…”

Always identify and return to the cover story. Walk around it. Look at it from all sides. Walk into it from one side and exit from the other. Test it. The vital clues are there.

Another classic example: 2009, La Gloria, Mexico. Smithfield Foods, the largest pork producer in the world, operates a giant pig farm. 950,000 pigs.

The poisonous urine and feces from these 950,000 pigs run out into the open air and form what are called lagoons. They’re so large, you can see them from outer space.

Workers spray the toxic lagoons with a toxic foam. It’s routine.

Workers, and people in the surrounding neighborhood, are getting sick and dying. So new contractors are brought in to spray the lagoons with yet another toxic chemical.

Out of nowhere, guess who shows up? The CDC.

Guess what they conclude? It’s not the urine and feces lagoons or the toxic chemicals causing illness and death. No. Of course not.

It’s a new mysterious “virus.” H1N1.

And voila, we have a new cover story and a new epidemic, called Swine Flu.

The cover story serves a number of purposes, as time passes. But the most obvious one is: Smithfield Foods is protected. They get away with murder.

And to cap it all off, four years later, in 2013, Smithfield, still protected, sells itself to a Chinese company, Shuanghui International Holdings, for $4.72 billion.

Here’s what I wrote about Zika (another phantom virus) in 2015:

“Medical CIA” provides the cover story.

In Brazil, the so-called center of the “Zika epidemic,” there are many problems in poverty-stricken areas that involve more than babies being born with small heads and brain impairment.

The grinding poverty itself, of course. Stolen farm land. Widespread corporate use of poisonous pesticides, some of which are banned in 22 other countries. Contaminated water supplies. Lack of basic sanitation. Overcrowding. Prior vaccine campaigns, in which toxic substances were injected directly into the bodies of people whose immune systems were already on the verge of collapsing. Toxic medical drugs.

In 2014, the Tdap vaccine (tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough) was recommended for pregnant women. Among other toxic substances, this vaccine contains aluminum compounds. Aluminum can cross the blood-brain barrier and cause damage.

Workers are now fumigating areas with toxic sprays to kill mosquitoes. Soldiers are going door to door, handing out more toxic mosquito sprays for indoor use.

Combine all these factors, and you have an ongoing catastrophe.

It makes a great deal of sense to highlight, promote, and blame the “Zika virus” for what is actually going on in Brazil, if you want to distract and divert and obscure.

If you stopped the vaccine campaigns, stopped the spraying, and remedied the conditions I listed above, the health of the population would return and revive, without medical intervention.

Of course, the governments and their allied corporations have no intention of returning stolen land to the people. They have no intention of stopping the use of poisonous pesticides. Medical authorities have no intention of admitting they are concocting a story about a “virus,” Zika, as a cover for their corporate and government allies, and as a pretext to have “a new disease” to treat and work on and solve. They have no intention of stopping toxic vaccine campaigns.

To cap it all off, the conditions the “virus” is supposed to be causing—babies born with small heads and brain damage—can result from ANY injury or insult to a pregnant woman or her infant. No virus required.

But…“Look here, at the virus. Don’t look there.”

Cover story.


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Rittenhouse Verdict Puts “Broken” Jury System in the Establishment Crosshairs

Rittenhouse Verdict Puts “Broken” Jury System in the Establishment Crosshairs

by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian
November 30, 2021


“If Kyle Rittenhouse didn’t break the law, we should change the law”

This quote, from late-night TV host Stephen Colbert, is one of the more concerning reactions to Kyle Rittenhouse being found not guilty of murder.

What law, precisely, Mr Colbert would see changed is never specified. The vagueness only makes the sentiment more troubling.

Other responses have been just as dishonest, manipulative and foreboding.

Amber Ruffin, another late-night “comedian”, broke down in (very fake looking) tears. Ranting about the “fucked up” jury, “white people getting away with murder” and the “broken system”. Trying to insert racial issues that don’t apply, and telling lies about the facts of the case:

The “broken system” is all anybody wants to talk about. It’s all over the place.

In Washington, “the Squad” decried the verdict, wailing that “the system is broken”, that it “protects white supremacy”.

Even alternate media aren’t immune. Democracy Now invited the family of Jacob Blake to discuss the verdict, who have no personal ties to the case save the riot was allegedly being carried out in response to Jacob’s shooting. They too wanted to headline the “system is broken”.

But why the misrepresentations and hyperbole? Why race-baiting and manipulation? Why the exploitation of victims’ families?

What exactly do they want to change about the “broken system”?

Is it private prisons?
Is it absurd incarceration rates?
Is it the fact prisoners are used as de fecto slave labour?
Nope. It’s jury trials.

Not just jury trials, however, there are some other areas ripe for “regulation” and “reform” too.

The relentless focus on Rittenhouse “crossing state lines with a firearm” (he didn’t actually, but never mind) would suggest perhaps one potential “fix” is tighter limitations on travel. Covid has highlighted just how much the powers that be really do hate us being able to move around.

Another obvious potential target for these vague reforms is the Second Amendment. The right to bear arms is, ironically, always in the firing line. The USA certainly can’t go full-Australia while guys are allowed to carry rifles around.

Indeed, given how far into the realms of tyranny so many governments are going, all these attacks on the very idea of “self defense” could be a worrying sign.

But, for now, it looks like the first item on the menu of “reform” is definitely trial by jury.

Why do I think that? Well, both Ruffin and Democracy Now make special mention of the jury being “fucked up” and “broken”.

Oh, and this article says so:

After Kyle Rittenhouse trial, Biden still thinks the jury system works. He’s wrong.

Jury trials have been under threat for years, with “educated” middle-class authors writing that, essentially, the law is too important to be put in the hands of ordinary people who are too stupid understand it.

Juries are described as “old fashioned”, “slow” and “expensive”.

Juries are routinely described as racist, too. Before the trial even started, the Rittenhouse jury was criticised for being “too white”.

The Rittenhouse trial is not alone in being used to undermine the jury system, Covid got there first.

In Spring of 2020, the Scottish parliament briefly tried to ban jury trials “as a response to the pandemic”, this was quickly repealed after complaints from the bar association. There’s also talk of removing juries from rape cases to “clear the backlog” and “protect the victim”.

In January this year, Simon Jenkins wrote in the Guardian that Covid has given us an “opportunity” to get rid of Jury trials for good. He would see it replaced with a “trial waiver system”, as much of the US already does.

Trial waiver systems are ripe for corruption, one report describes them as “highly coercive”, and this could easily result in a lot of innocent people pleading guilty to lesser charges because they can’t afford a lawyer or don’t want to risk going to prison. It is not a fair system at all.

Nevertheless, that’s where they want to go – and whether by Covid or Kyle Rittenhouse – they’ll get us there.


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Virus Mutation in Jewish Deli Infecting All of Africa Came From Beverly Hills

Virus Mutation in Jewish Deli Infecting All of Africa Came From Beverly Hills

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
November 30, 2021


Tony Fauci, the Great White Father, is flying to Africa, to save the continent from the latest virus-mutation, which originated in a deli in Beverly Hills.

Fauci gave a statement to reporters at LAX before departing: “We now know that what we’re calling SARS-CoV-6 crossed species from a pastrami sandwich at Fineberg’s Deli on Rodeo Drive, to Fred Reilly, a customer, in late October. Reilly flew to Botswana, where he infected three soccer players who were moonlighting as security guards at a UN cocktail party.”

Fauci will explain to Africa that a new IG Farben drug, RP-1984, which has been stockpiled for 20 years, since it failed to slow the progression of leukemia in rats, will be dropped from planes over the continent.

The drug attacks all cells of the body, preventing them from replicating. The hope is it will also prevent the deli variant from replicating before it kills the host (human beings).

“Preliminary data looks promising,” Fauci stated. “Of course, lockdowns for at least a year, vaccination, mask wearing, and distancing will have to be practiced religiously,” he added.

“Owing to business closures, most African countries will sink into irreversible and desperate debt. The International Monetary Fund, as usual, will tide these countries over with loans. However, this time, the United Nations will usher in a new digital currency for Africa.”

The currency, Fauci asserted, will include Universal Guaranteed Income for every person in Africa—as long as they obey all government dictates without question or protest.

At the White House, Joe Biden said, “I don’t eat pastrami. Nurse Jill won’t let me.”

Deli owner Hank Fineberg told the LA Times, “We didn’t start this. We buy our pastrami from Gornish Garnish, a wholesaler in Brooklyn. Why isn’t the CDC investigating them? Besides, none of our customers have actually gotten sick. So what’s the problem?”

The Times attributes the plunge of the stock market to the deli variant. It also questions California Governor Gavin Newsom’s decision to “leave Rodeo Drive open to shoppers.”

Bill Gates is urging people to eat a pastrami substitute made from dried maple leaves, a pine tar derivative, and salted mica.

A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine concludes that “the deli variant causes the body to produce 12 different sets of antibodies, some of which resemble the original SARS-CoV-2. The body then faces the prospect of antibodies attacking antibodies, resulting in a downward vortex resembling a black hole in space…”

NBC states, “Black Lives Matter leaders are huddling with officials at the Ford Foundation, shaping a response to news that the deli variant is sweeping through Africa.”

CBS: “In Africa, the major symptoms associated with the deli variant are weight loss, dehydration, and diarrhea. These symptoms traditionally stem from malnutrition and starvation, but researchers say the variant is now the principal culprit…”

At the White House yesterday, the President’s Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, told reporters, “The dark winter has arrived early. It’s here. The deli variant will necessitate new lockdowns and business closures. President Biden will be issuing a new wide-ranging vaccine mandate in the next few days. At the moment, he is meeting with NIH researchers and poring over the latest data on infection rates. His background in statistical analysis will serve him well in this effort…”

A FOX News reporter asked, “Will Christmas be canceled?”

Psaki replied, “Shopping will proceed. But Jesus was born only once. Is it necessary to keep celebrating the event? The Secretary of State is meeting with Pope Francis to discuss the question.”

The FOX reporter followed up with another query: “What about all the migrants coming across the Southern border? How many are carrying the deli variant?”

Psaki: “We have a new mass testing program called The Wand. It can survey thousands of people at once and detect the presence of viruses. So far, we’ve found only one person at the border who is infected with the deli variant—a former Montana resident. He has been the subject of an FBI manhunt, owing to the fact that he was present at the January 6th Capitol breach. He is now in custody at Walter Reed Hospital. He has no symptoms, which is a bit of a mystery.”

Retiring NIH Director Francis Collins clarified several deli variant issues this morning, on a conference call with reporters: “The new variant is producing different effects in different populations. In Africa, we’re seeing weight loss, dehydration, and diarrhea. In South America, the primary symptom is a dry cough. In Australia, it’s transient leg pain and anger. In Europe, numbness of the extremities and increasing poverty. In the US, waning immunity conferred by the vaccine, hypnotic passivity, and paradoxically, attendance at football games…”

Senator Chuck Schumer has introduced a bill that will compensate victims of the deli variant, in the form of a federal card that can be used to purchase $900 in goods and services. The diagnosing doctor will also receive a card, worth $3900 for each variant case identified.

Don’t leave home without it. Actually, don’t leave home. Lock down.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image based on creative commons work of iXimus & karogers / pixabay


Are You Obedient? Take the Quiz to Find Out!

Are You Obedient? Take the Quiz to Find Out!

by JP Sears, Awaken with JP
November 30, 2021


Video available at AwakenWithJP Odysee and YouTube channels.


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“The Omicron Variant” – Magic Pills, or Solving the Africa Problem?

“The Omicron Variant” – Magic Pills, or Solving the Africa Problem?

by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian
November 27, 2021


Yesterday [Nov 26] the WHO labelled the sars-cov-2 variant B.1.1.529 as a “variant of concern” and officially named it “Omicron”.

This was as entirely predictable as it is completely meaningless. The “variants” are just tools to stretch the story out and keep people on their toes.

If you want to know exactly how the Omicron variant is going to affect the narrative, well The Guardian has done a handy “here’s all the bullshit we’re gonna sell you over the next couple of weeks” guide:

  • The Omicron variant is more transmissable, but they don’t know if it’s more dangerous yet (keeping their options open).
  • It originated in Africa, possible mutating in an “untreated AIDS patient” (sick people are breeding grounds for dangerous “mutations”).
  • “it has more than double the mutations of Delta…scientists anticipate that the virus will be more likely to infect – or reinfect – people who have immunity to earlier variants. (undermining natural immunity, selling more boosters, keeping the scarefest going).
  • “Scientists are concerned” that current vaccines may not be as effective against the new strain, they may need to be “tweaked” (get your boosters, and the new booster we haven’t invented yet)
  • “Scientists expect that recently approved antiviral drugs, such as Merck’s pill, will work as effectively against the new variant” (more on this later)
  • It’s already spreading around the world, and travel bans may be needed to prevent the need for another lockdown

We’re already seeing preparations for more “public health measures”, with the press breathlessly quoting “concerned” public health officials. We’re being told that a new lockdown won’t be necessary…as long as we remember to get boosted and wear masks and blah blah blah.

Generally speaking, it’s all fairly boilerplate scary nonsense. Although it is quite funny that the Biden administration has already put a bunch of African nations on a travel ban list, when Biden called Trump a racist for doing the same thing in 2020.


It’s interesting that the new variant has allegedly come from Africa, perhaps “mutating in the body of an AIDS patient”, since Africa has been the biggest hole in the Covid narrative for well over a year.

Africa is by far the poorest continent, it is densely populated, malnourishment and extreme poverty are endemic across many African nations, and it is home to more AIDS patients than the entire rest of the world combined. And yet, no Covid crisis.

This is a weak point in the story, and always has been.

Last Summer, the UK’s virus modeller-in-chief Neil Ferguson attempted to explain it by arguing that African nations have, on average, younger populations than the rest of the world, and Covid is only a threat to the elderly. But five minutes of common sense debunks that idea.

The reason Africa has a younger population, on average, is that – on average – they are much sicker.

There are diseases endemic to large parts of Africa that are all but wiped out in most of the Western world. Cholera, typhus, yellow fever, tuberculosis, malaria. Access to clean water, and healthcare are also much more limited.

And while it has been nailed into the public mind that being elderly is the biggest risk factor for Covid, that is inaccurate. In fact, the biggest risk factor for dying “of Covid” is, and always has been, already dying of something else.

The truth is that any REAL dangerous respiratory virus would have cut a bloody swath across the entire continent.

Instead, as recently as last week, we were getting articles about how Africa “escaped Covid”, and the continent’s low covid deaths with only 6% of people vaccinated is “mystifying” and “baffling” scientists.

Politically, African nations have shown themselves far less likely to buy into the “pandemic” narrative than their European, Asian or American counterparts. At least two “Covid denying” African presidents – Pierre Nkurunziza of Burundi and John Magufuli of Tanzania – have died suddenly in the last year, and seen their successors immediately reverse their covid policies.

So maybe the Omicron Variant is a way of trying to fold Africa into the covid narrative that the other continents have already fully embraced. That will become clear as the story develops.

Of course, it’s also true that being “African” is media shorthand for being scary, relying on the deeply-seated xenophobia of Western audiences. See: “Africanized killer bees”.

But, either way, Africa is the long game. There’s a more obvious, and more cynical, short term agenda here.

The Magic Pills

Let’s go back to the Guardian’s “Omicron” bullet points, above:

  • Scientists are concerned by the number of mutations and the fact some of them have already been linked to an ability to evade existing [vaccine-created] immune protection.
  • Scientists expect that recently approved antiviral drugs, such as Merck’s pill, [will work effectively] against the new variant

The “new variant” is already being described as potentially resistant to the vaccines, but NOT the new anti-viral medications.

Pharmaceutical giants Merck and Pfizer are both working on “Covid pills”, which as recently as three days ago, were being hyped up in the press:

US may have a ‘game changer’ new Covid pill soon, but its success will hinge on rapid testing

In the US, an emergency use authorisation can only be issued if there is no effective medication or treatment already available, so the vaccines not being proof against Omicron would be vital to rushing the pills onto the US market, at least.

If Omicron is found to be “resistant to the vaccines”, but NOT the pills, that will give governments an excuse to rush through approving the pills on an EUA, just as they did with the vaccines.

So, you bet your ass that testing is gonna be “rapid”. Super rapid. Blink-and-you’ll-miss-it rapid. Rapid to the point you’re not even sure it definitely happened. And now they have an excuse.

Really, it’s all just more of the same.

A scare before the new year. An excuse to make people believe their Christmas could be in peril. An exercise in flexing their control muscles a bit, milking even more money out of the double-jabbed and boosted crowd, now newly terrified of the Omicron variant, and a nice holiday bump to Pfizer’s ever-inflating stock price.

At this point either you can see the pattern, or you can’t. You’re free of the fear machinery, or you’re not.

There is one potential silver lining here: It feels rushed and frantic. Discovered on Tuesday, named on Friday, travel bans on Saturday. It is hurried, and maybe that’s a reaction to feeling like the “pandemic” is losing its grip on the public mind.

Hopefully, as the narrative becomes more and more absurd, more and more people will wake up to reality.

It has been pointed out that “Omicron” is an anagram of “moronic”.

One wonders if that’s deliberate and they’re making fun of us.


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cover image based on creative commons work of 494640  / pixabay

The New African Virus Mutation: Right on Time; a Kindergarten Covert Op for the Ignorant

The New African Virus Mutation: Right on Time; a Kindergarten Covert Op for the Ignorant

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
November 29, 2021


There are no variants.

Because there is no virus. SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t exist. I’ve spent the past year and a half proving that. [0]

But fantasies do exist. So do covert ops with intentions to deceive.

Thus, the “scientific world” is agog over the new South African variant, named B11529 (aka Omicron, Botswana). Woo. The ghost is coming out of the closet. Beware. COVID cases are rising…

“We don’t know whether the vaccine will be effective in the face of the new variant. New lockdowns may be necessary. Travel restrictions are coming. Batten down the hatches.”

I mean, really.

As you know, for the past few months stories in the press have been claiming the vaccine-conferred immunity is sinking like a stone. This story is absurd because, again, there is no virus. So there was no conferred immunity to begin with. But anyway, that’s the story that’s been circulating. So NOW…

“It turns out one major reason for the diminished effectiveness of the vaccine is…

“The NEW VARIANT. The South African B11529.”

Uh-huh. “The vaccine is having a tough time preventing infection caused by the new variant. We may need to enforce boosters every three months…”

Keep the fear going. Push harder for the vaccine. Explain away its failures. Fabricate rising case numbers, blaming them on the new variant. Institute heavy new lockdowns.

“The South African variant is deadlier than the Delta, which is deadlier than the original.”

And none of the three exists.

What does exist is fantasy, piled higher and deeper and thicker.

The variant is Fauci. The variant is Bill Gates. The variant is CDC/WHO. The variant is the World Economic Forum. And the Chinese regime. And presidents and governors. And the mainstream press.

And don’t forget this. Vaccine injuries and deaths have been escalating all over the world. In the US alone, reported injuries have broken above 600,000 [1]. As I’ve mentioned, the well-known Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare study [2] concluded that, to obtain a true number of injuries, multiply the reported figure by 100.

Something is needed to explain all these injuries and deaths. That is, to lie about them.

And right on time, here comes the new variant.

“These people who seem to be injured by the vaccine are really keeling over from the original virus, the Delta, and woo, the South African B11529.”

Also: Recently, we’ve seen a spate of press stories with the theme—“scientists are mystified by the low COVID case numbers in Africa, where the vaccination rates are very low.” [3] Boom. That story is now gone. Wiped out. Now it’s THE WORLD IS BEING ATTACKED BY THE SOUTH AFRICAN B111529 VARIANT.

Here is one of my articles covering the non-existence of SARS-CoV-2:

—Dr. Andrew Kaufman refutes “isolation” of SARS-Cov-2; he does step-by-step analysis of a typical claim of isolation; there is no proof that the virus exists—

The global medical community has been asserting that “a pandemic is being caused by a virus, SARS-Cov-2.”

But what if the virus doesn’t exist?

People have been asking me for a step-by-step analysis of a mainstream claim of virus-isolation. Well, here it is.

“Isolation” should mean the virus has been separated out from all surrounding material, so researchers can say, “Look, we have it. It exists.”

I took a typical passage from a published study, a “methods” section, in which researchers describe how they “isolated the virus.” I sent it to Dr. Andrew Kaufman [4], and he provided his analysis in detail.

I found several studies that used very similar language in explaining how “SARS-CoV-2 was isolated.” For example, “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 from Patient with Coronavirus Disease, United States, (Emerging Infectious Diseases, Vol. 26, No. 6 — June 2020)” [5].

First, I want to provide a bit of background that will help the reader understand what is going on in the study.

The researchers are creating a soup in the lab. This soup contains a number of compounds. The researchers assume, without evidence, that “the virus” is in this soup. At no time do they separate the purported virus from the surrounding material in the soup. Isolation of the virus is not occurring.

They set about showing that the monkey (and/or human cells) they put in the soup are dying. This cell-death, they claim, is being caused by “the virus.” However, as you’ll see, Dr. Kaufman dismantles this claim.

There is no reason to infer that SARS-CoV-2 is in the soup at all, or that it is killing cells.

Finally, the researchers assert, with no proof or rational explanation, that they were able to discover the genetic sequence of “the virus.”

Here are the study’s statements claiming isolation, alternated with Dr. Kaufman’s analysis:

STUDY: “We used Vero CCL-81 cells for isolation and initial passage [in the soup in the lab]…”

KAUFMAN: “Vero cells are foreign cells from the kidneys of monkeys and a source of contamination. Virus particles should be purified directly from clinical samples in order to prove the virus actually exists. Isolation means separation from everything else. So how can you separate/isolate a virus when you add it to something else?”

STUDY: “…We cultured Vero E6, Vero CCL-81, HUH 7.0, 293T, A549, and EFKB3 cells in Dulbecco minimal essential medium (DMEM) supplemented with heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum (5% or 10%)…”

KAUFMAN: “Why use minimal essential media, which provides incomplete nutrition [to the cells]? Fetal bovine serum is a source of foreign genetic material and extracellular vesicles, which are indistinguishable from viruses.”

STUDY: “…We used both NP and OP swab specimens for virus isolation. For isolation, limiting dilution, and passage 1 of the virus, we pipetted 50 μL of serum-free DMEM into columns 2–12 of a 96-well tissue culture plate, then pipetted 100 μL of clinical specimens into column 1 and serially diluted 2-fold across the plate…”

KAUFMAN: “Once again, misuse of the word isolation.”

STUDY: “…We then trypsinized and resuspended Vero cells in DMEM containing 10% fetal bovine serum, 2× penicillin/streptomycin, 2× antibiotics/antimycotics, and 2× amphotericin B at a concentration of 2.5 × 105 cells/mL…”

KAUFMAN: “Trypsin is a pancreatic enzyme that digests proteins. Wouldn’t that cause damage to the cells and particles in the culture which have proteins on their surfaces, including the so called spike protein?”

KAUFMAN: “Why are antibiotics added? Sterile technique is used for the culture. Bacteria may be easily filtered out of the clinical sample by commercially available filters (GIBCO) [6]. Finally, bacteria may be easily seen under the microscope and would be readily identified if they were contaminating the sample. The specific antibiotics used, streptomycin and amphotericin (aka ‘ampho-terrible’), are toxic to the kidneys and we are using kidney cells in this experiment! Also note they are used at ‘2X’ concentration, which appears to be twice the normal amount. These will certainly cause damage to the Vero cells.”

STUDY: “…We added [not isolated] 100 μL of cell suspension directly to the clinical specimen dilutions and mixed gently by pipetting. We then grew the inoculated cultures in a humidified 37°C incubator in an atmosphere of 5% CO2 and observed for cytopathic effects (CPEs) daily. We used standard plaque assays for SARS-CoV-2, which were based on SARS-CoV and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) protocols…”

STUDY: “When CPEs were observed, we scraped cell monolayers with the back of a pipette tip…”

KAUFMAN: “There was no negative control experiment described. Control experiments are required for a valid interpretation of the results. Without that, how can we know if it was the toxic soup of antibiotics, minimal nutrition, and dying tissue from a sick person which caused the cellular damage or a phantom virus? A proper control would consist of the same exact experiment except that the clinical specimen should come from a person with illness unrelated to covid, such as cancer, since that would not contain a virus.”

STUDY: “…We used 50 μL of viral lysate for total nucleic acid extraction for confirmatory testing and sequencing. We also used 50 μL of virus lysate to inoculate a well of a 90% confluent 24-well plate.”

KAUFMAN: “How do you confirm something that was never previously shown to exist? What did you compare the genetic sequences to? How do you know the origin of the genetic material since it came from a cell culture containing material from humans and all their microflora, fetal cows, and monkeys?”

—end of study quotes and Kaufman analysis—

My comments: Dr. Kaufman does several things here. He shows that isolation, in any meaningful sense of the word “isolation,” is not occurring.

Dr. Kaufman also shows that the researchers want to use damage to the cells and cell-death as proof that “the virus” is in the soup they are creating. In other words, the researchers are assuming that if the cells are dying, it must be the virus that is doing the killing. But Dr. Kaufman shows there are obvious other reasons for cell damage and death that have nothing to do with a virus. Therefore, no proof exists that “the virus” is in the soup or exists at all.

And finally, Dr. Kaufman explains that the claim of genetic sequencing of “the virus” is absurd, because there is no proof that the virus is present. How do you sequence something when you haven’t shown it exists?

Readers who are unfamiliar with my work (over 300 articles on the subject of the “pandemic” during the past year [7]) will ask: Then why are people dying? What about the huge number of cases and deaths? I have answered these and other questions in great detail. The subject of this article is: have researchers proved SARS-CoV-2 exists?

The answer is no.

—end of Kaufman article—

And while I’m at it, here is another piece I wrote last year about how virus-propaganda (fairy tales) must be managed, in order to make the masses stand up and salute:

—The “hot zone” theory of new frightening diseases—

Remember? There was a 1994 book by that name— and then “experts” began piling on—it went something like this:

“Out of the deep dark rainforests of Earth (cue sounds of native drumming), as a result of modern plane travel, viruses we’ve never encountered before will spread epidemics across the globe. Our immune systems, ill-equipped to recognize or deal with these strange killer germs, will fold up under the pressure, and all of civilization will be threatened with extinction.”

Let’s see. Since planes fly back and forth, and since all sorts of Westerners travel TO the rainforests, why haven’t we seen whole native tribes wiped out by viruses from the deep dark streets of Brooklyn?

It would even seem that viruses, common in, say, Norway, would cause trouble in Oregon.

Why does it have to be “viruses from jungles?” Or other faraway places like China? Why can’t we have the Second City Virus, emanating from a slaughterhouse in Chicago and infecting people in Nigeria? Why can’t we have a Big Easy virus from New Orleans traveling to Beijing?

Is it possible that jungles and Africa and China and Mexico are typically chosen for virus fairy tales because, in the minds of many Westerners, they satisfy a requirement of “strange,” “different,” “primitive,” and so on? We’re talking theater here—and when you stage a propaganda play (fiction), you want to tap into the reflex instincts of the audience. The Hartford Virus, the Des Moines Virus, the Vancouver Virus just don’t fit the bill.

Because they can’t drive up the fear that jungles or Africa or China can.

Unless you’ve been living in an ice cave in the Arctic, you know selling fear of THE VIRUS is big business. To do that, you have to strike the right notes.

I personally would be interested in a Beverly Hills or a Scarsdale or a Park Avenue epidemic virus story. I’d like to see the media try to sell that one.

What about a Bill Gates Seattle virus that some Patient Zero unknowingly carries on a plane flight to Mexico City?

Think it through. We NEVER hear killer virus stories about germs traveling from Europe and America to Asia and Africa. Why not? Because such a story won’t sell. It won’t bite.

This is called a clue.

It tells you that virus-stories are shaped and managed and written and managed and broadcast according to a plan that has nothing to do with actual disease.

If a monkey in Africa can bite a man and thus transmit a virus to the West, then a salesman in Duluth can sneeze on a man at a local airport and thus send a virus to Ethiopia.

But amazingly, through secret communication among viruses, it never happens that way. The germs have decided what the traffic pattern is, and the CDC and the World Health Organization are just discovering What Is.

Sure they are. And if you buy that, I have condos for sale on the far side of the moon.











Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image based on African mask by Viscious-Speed

Graphene Oxide & Nano-Router Circuitry in Covid Vaccines: Uncovering the True Purpose of These Mandatory Toxic Injections

Graphene Oxide & Nano-Router Circuitry in Covid Vaccines: Uncovering the True Purpose of These Mandatory Toxic Injections


Pattern Identification in Coronavirus Vaccines: Nanorouters 

by Mik Andersen, Corona2Inspect
published in Spanish November 2021
rough translation via translation software


Since graphene oxide was discovered in coronavirus vaccines, all the findings and discoveries made only confirm its presence (Campra, P. 2021). To date, more than reasonable evidence and indications have also been found for the existence of carbon nanotubes and nano-octopuses, mesoporous spheres, colloidal nano-robots; objects that should not be part of any vaccine and that are not declared among the components of the same. Additionally, other types of objects have been identified and evidenced in images of blood samples, of people vaccinated with the coronavirus vaccines, specifically micro-swimmers, nano-antennas of crystallized graphene and graphene quantum dots, as well, known as GQD.

On this occasion, analyzing one of the images obtained by Dr. Campra, corresponding to a sample of the Pfizer vaccine, see figure 1, it has been discovered, which with great probability, is a nanorouter or part of its circuitry. In the original image, a well-defined drop can be seen in which crystalline structures of a quadrangular or cubic format appear. If you look closely, you can see some marks on these crystals, with a regular pattern, well defined in some cases, but limited by the microscope optics.

Fig. 1. Crystalline formations that show markings of what appear to be circuits. Among these objects, the circuit of what could be a nanorouter has been discovered. Image of a sample of the Pfizer vaccine, obtained by (Campra, P. 2021)

The finding has been possible by isolating each quadrangular crystal, applying a process of rasterizing, focusing and delineating the edges of the image, in order to further pronounce the observed marks. Once this process was completed, a rough draft was drawn with the lines and patterns inscribed on the glass, creating a clean outline of what actually looked like a circuit. The fact of finding parallel and perpendicular lines with a distribution far from the fractal patterns was very striking, which allowed us to automatically infer the possibility that it had been a product of manufacture. For this reason, similar patterns were searched in the scientific literature, which had a similar scheme, similar to the circuit that had just been drawn. The search result was almost immediate, as the pattern of a quantum dot nanorouter was found, as seen in Figure 2.

Fig. 2. Possible quantum dot nanorouter observed in a quadrangular crystal, in an image obtained by the doctor (Campra, P. 2021). In the lower right corner, the quantum dot nanorouter circuit published by (Sardinha, L.H .; Costa, A.M .; Neto, O.P.V .; Vieira, L.F .; Vieira, M.A. 2013) is observed. Note the obvious similarity between the sketch, the shape inscribed in the crystal, and the quantum dot circuit.

This discovery is of fundamental relevance, not only to understand the true purpose and components of the coronavirus vaccines, but also to explain the existence of the phenomenon of MAC addresses, visible through the bluetooth of many mobile devices.

Discovery context

Before proceeding with the explanation of the finding, it is convenient to remember the context in which it is framed, in order to ensure its understanding and subsequent deepening.

In the first place, it should be borne in mind that graphene and its derivatives, graphene oxide (GO) and carbon nanotubes (CNT), are part of the components of vaccines, according to what has already been stated in this blog. The properties of graphene are exceptional from the physical point of view, but also thermodynamic, electronic, mechanical and magnetic. Its characteristics allow its use as a superconductor, electromagnetic wave absorbing material (microwave EM), emitter, signal receiver, quantum antenna, which makes it possible to create advanced electronics on a nano and micrometric scale. Such is the case, that it is the fundamental nanomaterial for the development of nano-biomedicine (Mitragotri, S .; Anderson, DG; Chen, X .; Chow, EK; Ho, D .; Kabanov, AV; Xu, C. 2015 ), nano-communication networks (Kumar, MR 2019), new drug delivery therapies (Yu, J .; Zhang, Y .; Yan, J .; Kahkoska, AR; Gu, Z. 2018) and treatments against cancer (Huang, G .; Huang, H. 2018) and the neurological treatment of neurodegenerative diseases (John, AA; Subramanian, AP; Vellayappan, MV; Balaji, A .; Mohandas, H .; Jaganathan, SK 2015 ). However, all the benefits aside, the scientific literature is very clear regarding the health implications for the human body. It is well known that graphene (G), graphene oxide (GO) and other derivatives such as carbon nanotubes (CNT) are toxic in almost all their forms, causing mutagenesis, cell death (apoptosis), release of free radicals, lung toxicity , bilateral pneumonia, genotoxicity or DNA damage, inflammation, immunosuppression, damage to the nervous system, the circulatory, endocrine, reproductive, and urinary systems, which can cause anaphylactic death and multi-organ dysfunction, see page “Damages and toxicity of graphene oxide” and from “Damage and toxicity of carbon-graphene nanotubes“.

Second, graphene is a radio-modulable nanomaterial, capable of absorbing electromagnetic waves and multiplying radiation, acting as a nano-antenna, or a signal repeater (Chen, Y .; Fu, X .; Liu, L .; Zhang , Y .; Cao, L .; Yuan, D .; Liu, P. 2019). Exposure to electromagnetic radiation can cause exfoliation of the material in smaller particles (Lu, J .; Yeo, PSE; Gan, CK; Wu, P .; Loh, KP 2011), called graphene quantum dots or GQD (Graphene Quantum Dots), whose physical properties and particularities improve due to their even smaller scale, due to the “Quantum Hall” effect, since they act by amplifying electromagnetic signals (Massicotte, M .; Yu, V .; Whiteway, E .; Vatnik , D .; Hilke, M. 2013 | Zhang, X .; Zhou, Q .; Yuan, M .; Liao, B .; Wu, X .; Ying, M. 2020), and with it the emission distance, especially in environments such as the human body (Chopra, N .; Phipott, M ​​.; Alomainy, A .; Abbasi, QH; Qaraqe, K .; Shubair, RM 2016). GQDs can acquire various morphologies, for example hexagonal, triangular, circular or irregular polygon (Tian, ​​P .; Tang, L .; Teng, K.S .; Lau, S.P. 2018).

The superconducting and transducing capacity make graphene one of the most suitable materials to create wireless nanocommunication networks for the administration of nanotechnology in the human body. This approach has been intensively worked by the scientific community, after having found and analyzed the available protocols and specifications, but also the routing systems for the data packets that nano-devices and nano-nodes would generate within the body, in a system complex called CORONA, whose objective is the effective transmission of signals and data on the network, optimizing energy consumption (to the minimum possible), and also reducing failures in the transmission of data packets (Bouchedjera, IA ; Aliouat, Z .; Louail, L. 2020 | Bouchedjera, IA; Louail, L .; Aliouat, Z .; Harous, S. 2020 | Tsioliaridou, A .; Liaskos, C .; Ioannidis, S .; Pitsillides, A . 2015). In this nanocommunications network, a type of signal TS-OOK (Time-Spread On-Off Keying) is used that allows transmitting binary codes of 0 and 1, through short pulses that involve the activation and deactivation of the signal during time intervals very small of a few femtoseconds (Zhang, R .; Yang, K .; Abbasi, QH; Qaraqe, KA; Alomainy, A. 2017 | Vavouris, AK; Dervisi, FD; Papanikolaou, VK; Karagiannidis, GK 2018). Due to the complexity of nanocommunications in the human body, where the nano-nodes of the network are distributed throughout the body, in many cases in motion, due to blood flow, and in others attached to the endothelium to the arterial walls and capillaries or in the tissues of other organs, researchers have required the development of software for the simulation of such conditions, in order to verify and validate the nanocommunication protocols that were being developed (Dhoutaut, D .; Arrabal, T .; Dedu, E. 2018).

On the other hand, the nanocommunications network oriented to the human body (Balghusoon, A.O .; Mahfoudh, S. 2020), has been carefully designed in its topological aspects, conceiving specialized components in the performance of this task. For example, electromagnetic nanocommunication is made up in its most basic layer by nano-nodes that are devices (presumably made of graphene, carbon nanotubes, GQD, among other objects and materials) that have the ability to interact as nanosensors, piezo-electric actuators , and in any case as nano-antennas that propagate the signals to the rest of the nano-nodes. The nano-nodes, find in the nano-routers (also called nano-controllers) the next step in the topology. Its function is to receive the signals emitted by the nano-nodes, process them and send them to the nano-interfaces, which will emit them to the outside of the body with the necessary frequency and scope, since it must overcome the skin barrier without losing clarity in the signal, so that it can be received by a mobile device at a close enough distance (usually a few meters). That mobile device would actually be a smartphone or any other device with an Internet connection, which allows it to act as a “Gateway”. The topology also defines the possibility that the entire nano-node, nanorouter and nano-interface infrastructure is unified in a single nano-device, called pole or metamaterial defined by SDM software (Lee, SJ; Jung, C. ; Choi, K .; Kim, S. 2015). This model simplifies the topology, but increases the size of the device and the complexity of its construction, conceived in several layers of graphene. In any case, regardless of the topology, nanorouters are necessary to route and decode the signals correctly, for their sending, but also for their reception, since they can be designed for a bidirectional service, which de facto implies the ability to receive signals. of commands, orders, operations that interact with the objects of the network.

To electromagnetic nanocommunication, we must add molecular nanocommunication, addressed in the entry on carbon nanotubes and new evidence in vaccine samples. In both publications, the implications of these objects in the field of neuroscience, neuromodulation and neurostimulation are analyzed, since if they are located in the neuronal tissue (something very likely, given the ability to overcome the blood-brain barrier), they can establish connections that bridge the neuronal synapse. This means that they link neurons with different shortcuts, shorter than natural axons (Fabbro, A .; Cellot, G .; Prato, M .; Ballerini, L. 2011). Although this can be used in experimental treatments to mitigate the effects of neurodegenerative diseases, it can also be used to directly interfere with neurons, the secretion of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, the involuntary activation of certain areas of the brain, their neurostimulation or modulation, through electrical impulses, generated from carbon nanotubes (Suzuki, J .; Budiman, H .; Carr, TA; DeBlois, JH 2013 | Balasubramaniam, S .; Boyle, NT; Della-Chiesa, A .; Walsh, F .; Mardinoglu, A .; Botvich, D .; Prina-Mello, A. 2011), as a result of the reception of electromagnetic signals and pulses from the nanocommunications network (Akyildiz, IF; Jornet, JM 2010). It is not necessary to warn about what it means that an external signal, not controlled by the inoculated person, is the one that governs the segregation of neurotransmitters. Take an example to raise awareness; carbon nanotubes housed in neuronal tissue could interfere with the natural functioning of the secretion of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, which is partly responsible for cognitive processes, socialization, the reward system, desire, pleasure, conditioned learning or inhibition (Beyene, AG; Delevich, K .; Del Bonis-O’Donnell, JT; Piekarski, DJ; Lin, WC; Thomas, AW; Landry, MP 2019 | Sun, F .; Zhou, J .; Dai, B .; Qian, T .; Zeng, J .; Li, X .; Li, Y. 2020 | Sun, F .; Zeng, J .; Jing, M .; Zhou, J .; Feng, J .; Owen, SF; Li, Y. 2018 | Patriarchi, T .; Mohebi, A .; Sun, J .; Marley, A .; Liang, R .; Dong, C .; Tian, ​​L. 2020 | Patriarchi, T .; Cho , JR; Merten, K .; Howe, MW; Marley, A .; Xiong, WH; Tian, ​​L. 2018). This means that it could be inferred in the normal behavior patterns of people, their feelings and thoughts, and even force subliminal conditioned learning, without the individual being aware of what is happening. In addition to the properties already mentioned, carbon nanotubes not only open the doors to the wireless interaction of the human brain, they can also receive electrical signals from neurons and propagate them to nanorouters, since they also have the same properties as GQD graphene nano-antennas and quantum dots, as explained in (Demoustier, S .; Minoux, E .; Le Baillif, M .; Charles, M .; Ziaei, A. 2008 | Wang, Y .; Wu, Q .; Shi, W .; He, X .; Sun, X .; Gui, T. 2008 | Da-Costa, MR; Kibis, OV; Portnoi, ME 2009). This means that they can transmit and monitor the neuronal activity of individuals.

For the data packets emitted and received from the nanocommunications network to reach their destination, it is essential that the communication protocol implements in some way the unique identification of the nanodevices (that is, through MAC) and transmits the information to an IP address. default. In this sense, the human body becomes an IoNT server (from the Internet of NanoThings) in which the communication client / server model can be assimilated. The mechanisms, commands or types of request remain to be determined, as well as the exact frequency and type of signal that operates the wireless nanocommunications network that would be installed with each vaccine, although obviously this information must be very confidential, given the possible consequences of biohacking. (Vassiliou, V. 2011) that could happen. In fact, in the work of (Al-Turjman, F. 2020) the problems and circumstances of the security of nanocommunication networks connected to 5G (confidentiality, authentication, privacy, trust, intrusions, repudiation) are linked and additionally, it presents a summary of the operation of electromagnetic communication between nano-nodes, nano-sensors and nano-routers, using graphene antennas and transceivers for their link with data servers, in order to develop Big-data projects. It should be noted that the risks of network hacking are very similar to those that can be perpetrated in any network connected to the Internet (masquerade attack, location tracking, information traps, denial of service, nano-device hijacking, wormhole, MITM broker attack, malware, spam, sybil, spoofing, neurostimulation illusion attack), which means a potential and additional, very serious risk for people inoculated with the hardware of a nanocommunication network.

In this context, it is in which the discovery of the circuits of a nanorouter in the samples of the Pfizer vaccine is found, which is a key piece in all the research that has been carried out and that would confirm the installation of a hardware in the body of inoculated people, without their informed consent, which executes collection and interaction processes that are completely beyond its control.

Nanorouters QCA

The discovered circuit, see figure 3, corresponds to the field of quantum dot cellular automata, also known as QCA (Quantum Cellular Automata), characterized by its nanometric scale and a very low energy consumption, as an alternative for the replacement of technology based on transistors. This is how it is defined by the work of (Sardinha, L.H .; Costa, A.M .; Neto, O.P.V .; Vieira, L.F .; Vieira, M.A. 2013) from which the scheme of said circuit was obtained. The nanorouter referred to by the researchers is characterized by an ultra-low consumption factor, high processing speed (its frequency clock operates in a range of 1-2 THz), which is consistent with the power conditions and data transfer requirements. , in the context of nanocommunication networks for the human body described by (Pierobon, M .; Jornet, JM; Akkari, N .; Almasri, S .; Akyildiz, IF 2014).

Fig. 3. Graphene quantum dot circuit in QCA cells. Circuit diagram of (Sardinha, L.H .; Costa, A.M .; Neto, O.P.V .; Vieira, L.F .; Vieira, M.A. 2013) observed in a sample of the Pfizer vaccine.

According to the explanations of the work of (Sardinha, LH; Costa, AM; Neto, OPV; Vieira, LF; Vieira, MA 2013), the concept of quantum dot and quantum dot cell is distinguished, see figure 4. The QCA cell It is made up of four quantum dots whose polarization is variable. This makes it possible to distinguish the binary code of 0 and 1 based on the positive or negative charge of the quantum dots. In the words of the authors it is explained as follows “The basic units of QCA circuits are cells made of quantum dots. A point, in this context, is just a region where an electrical charge can be located or not. A cell QCA has four quantum dots located in the corners. Each cell has two free and moving electrons that can tunnel between the quantum dots. It is assumed that tunneling to the outside of the cell is not allowed due to a high barrier potential”. Extrapolated to graphene quantum dots, known as GQDs, which were identified in blood samples (due to emitted fluorescence), a QCA cell would require four GQDs to compose, which is perfectly consistent with the description given by the researchers. This is also corroborated by (Wang, Z.F .; Liu, F. 2011) in his work entitled “Graphene quantum dots as building blocks for quantum cellular automata”, where the use of graphene to create this type of circuit is confirmed.

Fig. 4. Scheme of a QCA cell made up of four quantum dots (which can be graphene, among other materials). Note the great resemblance to memristors, in fact QCAs and memristors are transistors. (Sardinha, L.H .; Costa, A.M .; Neto, O.P.V .; Vieira, L.F .; Vieira, M.A. 2013 | Strukov, D.B .; Snider, G.S .; Stewart, D.R .; Williams, R.S. 2009)

When the QCA cells are combined, cables and circuits are created, with a wide variety of shapes, schemes and applications, as can be seen in figure 5, where inverters, crossovers and logic gates are observed, also addressed by other authors such as ( Xia, Y .; Qiu, K. 2008). This gives rise to more complex structures, which allow to reproduce the electronic diagrams of the transistors, processors, transceivers, multiplexers, demultiplexers and consequently of any router.

Fig. 5. QCAs can form various types of circuits, for example logic gates, cable crossovers, inverters or cables. (Sardinha, L.H .; Costa, A.M .; Neto, O.P.V .; Vieira, L.F .; Vieira, M.A. 2013)

It is important to explain that QCA cell-based circuits can operate in several superimposed layers, which allows a 3D (three-dimensional) structure to create much more complex and compressed electronics, see figure 6.

Fig. 6. According to (Sardinha, L.H .; Costa, A.M .; Neto, O.P.V .; Vieira, L.F .; Vieira, M.A. 2013) more complex circuits can be built by annexing several superimposed layers. This is identified by the symbol of a circle in the design. There are also three artistic illustrations that represent various levels of circuits (own elaboration).

To develop a nanorouter, according to the researchers (Sardinha, LH; Costa, AM; Neto, OPV; Vieira, LF; Vieira, MA 2013), several circuit structures are needed, specifically, cable crossings (which form logic gates ), demultiplexers (demux) and parallel to serial converters, see figure X. “Demux” are electronic devices capable of receiving a signal at the input QCA (input) and sending it to one of several available output lines. (output), which allows the signal to be routed for further processing. The parallel-to-series converter is a circuit capable of taking several sets of data in an input (input), transporting them through different QCA cables and transmitting them at different instants of time through the output cables (output). This would be very, the component noticed in the vaccine samples, see figure 7.

Fig. 7. Details of the circuit for converting TS-OOK signals in series to a parallel output, confirming one of the typical tasks of a router. (Sardinha, L.H .; Costa, A.M .; Neto, O.P.V .; Vieira, L.F .; Vieira, M.A. 2013)

Another relevant aspect of the work of (Sardinha, LH; Costa, AM; Neto, OPV; Vieira, LF; Vieira, MA 2013) is the demonstration of the operation of the circuit, where the reception of a TS-OOK signal and its conversion to binary code, see figure 8. Once the binary code is obtained, the “demux” circuit is responsible for generating the data packets, according to the structure of the corresponding communications protocol.

Fig. 8. The tests of the demux circuit, already observed in figure 7, provide the proof of how the TS-OOK signals are interpreted and converted to the binary code, to finally generate the data packets of the corresponding nanocommunications protocol. (Sardinha, L.H .; Costa, A.M .; Neto, O.P.V .; Vieira, L.F .; Vieira, M.A. 2013)

Everything explained by (Sardinha, LH; Costa, AM; Neto, OPV; Vieira, LF; Vieira, MA 2013) is also corroborated by (Das, B .; Das, JC; De, D .; Paul, AK 2017) In whose research, QCA circuit designs for demux and nanorouters are observed, with very similar schemes, to those already presented, which confirms the search for solutions for the problem of the transmission and simple processing of signals and data at the nanometric scale, at in order to make nanocommunication networks effective.

Finally, although it can already be deduced from the nature, characteristics and properties of QCA cell circuits, the concept of clock speed must be highlighted. In fact, interesting is the ability of these electronic components to operate almost autonomously, without the need for a dedicated processor. This is because the QCA cell cables can measure the transfer time of the signals between the different cells, in what is called “clock zones”, see figure 9 and the following investigations (Sadeghi, M .; Navi, K .; Dolatshahi, M. 2020 | Laajimi, R .; Niu, M. 2018 | Reis, DA; Torres, FS 2016 | Mohammadyan, S .; Angizi, S .; Navi, K. (2015). This effect allows the transmission of signals through the circuit, but it also allows creating a clock frequency, which is its own process speed. If this concept is joined, the use of superconducting materials such as graphene and more specifically graphene quantum dots Then very high processing speeds can be achieved.

Fig. 9. The nanorouter does not require an independent processor, because the QCA cells organized in the circuit cables already perform this function due to the superconducting and polarization properties of the quantum dots, which allows to infer a clock speed by phases or zones. circuit physics. (Sardinha, L.H .; Costa, A.M .; Neto, O.P.V .; Vieira, L.F .; Vieira, M.A. 2013 | Sadeghi, M .; Navi, K .; Dolatshahi, M. 2020)

Circuit self-assembly

Although it seems impossible, the self-assembly of circuits is a possibility to consider in the hypothesis that has been explained. According to (Huang, J .; Momenzadeh, M .; Lombardi, F. 2007) “Recent developments in QCA manufacturing (involving molecular implementations) have substantially changed the nature of processing. At very small feature sizes, it is anticipated self-assembly or large-scale cell deposition on isolated substrates will be used. In these implementations, QCA cells (each composed of two dipoles) are deposited in parallel V-shaped tracks. QCA cells are arranged in a dense pattern and the computation occurs between adjacent cells. These fabrication techniques are well suited for molecular implementation. ” However, there are also other methods, such as DNA nanopatterns (Hu, W .; Sarveswaran, K .; Lieberman, M .; Bernstein, GH 2005), with which a template is created for the alignment of the quantum dots of graphene, forming the QCA cells, thereby generating the aforementioned circuitry, see figure 10.

Fig. 10. Self-assembly of a circuit with quantum dots from a DNA pattern. The lines of the circuit cables are very similar to those observed in the vaccine sample, see figure 2 and 3. (Hu, W .; Sarveswaran, K .; Lieberman, M .; Bernstein, G.H. 2005)

According to (Hu, W .; Sarveswaran, K .; Lieberman, M .; Bernstein, GH 2005) “Four-tile DNA rafts have been successfully synthesized and characterized by the gel electrophoresis method in our previous work” according to the work of (Sarveswaran, K. 2004). This fits with the very possible existence of a gel / hydrogel in the vaccine composition, after the doctor’s micro-Raman analysis (Campra, P. 2021) in which peaks with values ​​close to 1450 were obtained, which could correspond to PVA, PQT-12, polyolefin, polyacrylamide or polypyrrole, all of them components recognized in the scientific literature as gels and derivatives. On the other hand, it explicitly alludes to the electrophoresis method, or what is the same, the electrical polarization process that causes teslaphoresis, on carbon nanotubes, graphene, quantum dots and other semiconductors, as described (Bornhoeft, LR; Castillo, AC; Smalley, PR; Kittrell, C .; James, DK; Brinson, BE; Cherukuri, P. 2016) in his research. This would confirm that teslaphoresis plays a fundamental role in the composition of circuits, along with DNA patterns. If this is confirmed, it would mean that the circuits could self-assemble in the presence of electric fields or even the reception of electromagnetic waves (microwave EM). The study by (Pillers, M .; Goss, V .; Lieberman, M. 2014) also confirms the construction of nanostructures and CQA using in this case graphene, graphene oxide (GO), electrophoresis and gel, causing controlled deposition in the areas indicated by the DNA pattern, reproducing results similar to those presented in the study by Hu and Sarveswaran, thus making it possible to create the electronic circuits already mentioned, see figure 11.

Fig. 11. Advances in the field of self-assembly of quantum dots and QCA cells can be observed in the scientific literature using the DNA template method to mark the order of construction and electrophoresis to initiate or trigger the process in the materials of the solution. (Pillers, M .; Goss, V .; Lieberman, M. 2014)

Plasmonic nano-emitters

Another issue that requires an explanation in the discovery of the circuit of a nanorouter, in the vaccine sample, is its location in what appears to be a quadrangular crystal. Although it could be thought that it is a randomly generated form, the bibliographic review reveals and justifies this type of form that serves as a framework for this type of circuit. In reality it is a “plasmonic nano-emitter”, in other words, it would correspond to a cubic-shaped nano-antenna (single crystal) of variable size on the nano-micrometric scale, which can emit, receive or repeat signals. This is possible through the plasmon activation property of its surface (that of the nanoemitter cube) that is locally excited to generate an oscillatory signal, as explained (Ge, D .; Marguet, S .; Issa, A .; Jradi, S .; Nguyen, TH; Nahra, M .; Bachelot, R. 2020), see figure 12. This agrees with the type of TS-OOK signals, which are transmitted through the intra-body nanocommunication network, being a requirement indispensable for a nano-router, to have a method to capture them. In other words, the crystalline cube acts as a transceiver for the nanorouter, due to its special properties, derived from the physics of the plasmon. This is corroborated when the scientific literature on electromagnetic nano-networks for the human body is consulted (Balghusoon, AO; Mahfoudh, S. 2020), the MAC protocols applied to the case (Jornet, JM; Pujol, JC; Pareta, JS 2012 ), the methods for the debugging of errors in the signals (Jornet, JM; Pierobon, M .; Akyildiz, IF 2008), or the modulation of pulses in femtoseconds in the terahertz band for nano-communication networks (Jornet, JM; Akyildiz, IF 2014), the parameterization of nano-networks for their perpetual operation (Yao, XW; Wang, WL; Yang, SH 2015), the performance in the modulation of wireless signals for nano-networks (Zarepour, E .; Hassan, M .; Chou, CT; Bayat, S. 2015). In all cases, nano-transceivers are essential to be able to receive or emit a TS-OOK signal.

Fig. 12. Nano-micrometric scale crystals can play the role of an antenna or a transceiver, which makes it possible to imagine that finding the circuit in a quadrangular structure is not the product of chance. (Ge, D .; Marguet, S .; Issa, A .; Jradi, S .; Nguyen, T.H .; Nahra, M .; Bachelot, R. 2020)

Plasmonic nanoemitters can acquire a cube shape, which would be the case observed in the vaccine sample, but also spherical and discoidal shape, being able to be self-assembled, to form larger nano-microstructures (Devaraj, V .; Lee, JM; Kim , YJ; Jeong, H .; Oh, JW 2021). Among the materials with which this plasmonic nano-emitter could be produced are gold, silver, perovskites and graphene, see (Oh, DK; Jeong, H .; Kim, J .; Kim, Y .; Kim, I .; Ok, JG; Rho, J. 2021 | Hamedi, HR; Paspalakis, E .; Yannopapas, V. 2021 | Gritsienko, AV; Kurochkin, NS; Lega, PV; Orlov, AP; Ilin, AS; Eliseev, SP; Vitukhnovsky , AG 2021 | Pierini, S. 2021), although it is likely that many others can be used.

CAM and TCAM memory for MAC and IP

If the presence of nanorouters in vaccines is considered, the hypothesis of the existence of one or more MAC addresses (fixed or dynamic) could be confirmed, which could be emitted from vaccinated people or through some other intermediary device (for example a mobile phone ). This approach is in line with what has already been explained and evidenced in this publication, but also according to scientific publications on nano-communication networks for the human body. According to (Abadal, S .; Liaskos, C .; Tsioliaridou, A .; Ioannidis, S .; Pitsillides, A .; Solé-Pareta, J .; Cabellos-Aparicio, A. 2017) these MAC addresses allow the nano- network can transmit and receive data, because the individual has a unique identifier that allows him to access the medium, this is the Internet. In this way, the nano-router can receive the signals corresponding to the data from the nano-sensors and nano-nodes of the nano-network to transmit them to the outside of the body, as long as there is a mobile device in the vicinity, which serves gateway to the Internet. Therefore, the hypothesis that MAC addresses of vaccinated people can be observed (through bluetooth signal tracking applications), when there is some type of interaction with the mobile media that act as a link. This does not mean that there is permanent communication, due to the need to save and optimize energy consumption (Mohrehkesh, S .; Weigle, MC 2014 | Mohrehkesh, S .; Weigle, MC; Das, SK 2015), which could explain intermittence in communications, periods of connection and inactivity.

The novelty in the field of MAC addresses, which comes together with the QCA circuits, with which nanorouters can be developed, is that memory circuits can also be created. The same researchers (Sardinha, LH; Silva, DS; Vieira, MA; Vieira, LF; Neto, OPV 2015) developed a new type of CAM memory that “unlike random access memory (RAM), which returns data which are stored at the given address. CAM, however, receives the data as input and returns where the data can be found. CAM is useful for many applications that need fast searches, such as Hought transforms, Huffman encoding, Lempel-compression. Ziv and network switches to map MAC addresses to IP addresses and vice versa. CAM is most useful for creating tables that look for exact matches, such as MAC address tables. ” This statement was extracted and copied verbatim to highlight that QCA circuits are the answer to the storage and management of MAC addresses for data transmission in nano-networks, which would confirm that vaccines are, among other things, a means of installing hardware for the control, modulation and monitoring of people.

Fig. 13. Memory circuits for the storage of MAC and IP addresses made with the same QCA technology of the nanorouter observed in the Pfizer vaccine samples. (Sardinha, L.H .; Silva, D.S .; Vieira, M.A .; Vieira, L.F .; Neto, O.P.V. 2015)

Additionally, (Sardinha, LH; Silva, DS; Vieira, MA; Vieira, LF; Neto, OPV 2015) also developed the TCAM memory, which is a special type of CAM memory that would be useful to “create tables to search for longer matches such as IP routing tables organized by IP prefixes. To reduce latency and make communication faster, routers use TCAM. ” This statement clearly affects its use in nano-routers in order to be able to transmit the data obtained in the nano-network to a specific recipient server accessible on the Internet. In other words, the data collected by the nano-network should be stored / registered in a database, of which the recipient of the vaccine would not have knowledge of its existence, of which it was not informed, and in the It is unknown what information is used.



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  28. Jornet, J.M.; Akyildiz, I.F. (2014). Modulación basada en pulsos de femtosegundo largo para comunicación en banda de terahercios en nanorredes = Femtosecond-long pulse-based modulation for terahertz band communication in nanonetworks. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 62(5), pp. 1742-1754.
  29. Jornet, J.M.; Pierobon, M.; Akyildiz, I.F. (2008). Redes de nanocomunicación = Nano Communication Networks. Networks (Elsevier), 52, pp. 2260-2279.
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  31. Kumar, M.R. (2019). Una nano-antena compacta basada en grafeno para la comunicación en nano-redes = A Compact Graphene Based Nano-Antenna for Communication in Nano-Network. Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Computer, 1(1), pp. 17-27.
  32. Laajimi, R.; Niu, M. (2018). Nanoarquitectura de autómatas celulares de puntos cuánticos (QCA) que utilizan áreas pequeñas para circuitos digitales = Nanoarchitecture of Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata (QCA) Using Small Area for Digital Circuits. Advanced Electronics Circuits–Principles, Architectures and Applications on Emerging Technologies, pp. 67-84.
  33. Lee, S.J.; Jung, C.; Choi, K.; Kim, S. (2015). Diseño de redes inalámbricas de nanosensores para aplicaciones intracuerpo = Design of wireless nanosensor networks for intrabody application. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 11(7), 176761.
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  37. Mohammadyan, S.; Angizi, S.; Navi, K. (2015). Nueva celda sumadora completa QCA de una sola capa basada en el modelo de retroalimentación = New fully single layer QCA full-adder cell based on feedback model. International Journal of High Performance Systems Architecture, 5(4), pp. 202-208.
  38. Mohrehkesh, S.; Weigle, M.C. (2014). Optimización del consumo de energía en nanorredes de banda de terahercios = Optimizing energy consumption in terahertz band nanonetworks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 32(12), pp. 2432-2441.
  39. Mohrehkesh, S.; Weigle, M.C.; Das, S.K. (2015). DRIH-MAC: una MAC de recolección iniciada por un receptor distribuido para nanorredes = DRIH-MAC: A distributed receiver-initiated harvesting-aware MAC for nanonetworks. IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications, 1(1), pp. 97-110.
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  55. Vassiliou, V. (2011). Problemas de seguridad en redes de comunicación a nanoescala = Security issues in nanoscale communication networks. 3rd NaNoNetworking Summit, pp. 1-53.
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  59. Wang, Y.; Wu, Q.; Shi, W.; He, X.; Sun, X.; Gui, T. (2008). Propiedades de radiación de la antena de nanotubos de carbono en el rango de terahercios / infrarrojos = Radiation properties of carbon nanotubes antenna at terahertz/infrared range. International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 29(1), pp. 35-42.
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  61. Yao, X.W.; Wang, W.L.; Yang, S.H. (2015). Optimización de parámetros conjuntos para redes perpetuas y capacidad máxima de red = Joint parameter optimization for perpetual nanonetworks and maximum network capacity. IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications, 1(4), pp. 321-330.
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They Live Amongst Us: Anatomy of a Cult

They Live Amongst Us: Anatomy of a Cult

by Dustin Broadbery, The Cogent
sourced from OffGuardian
November 24, 2021


Despite a preponderance of the evidence proving COVID to be a non-event for most of us, over 1 million people have fallen foul to vaccine injury. This should be enough to stop most people in their tracks. It hasn’t.

Many emerge from near death experience even more pontifical than before, denouncing the rest of us for not joining in this mortal game of Russian Roulette. Fuelling their self-righteous indignation of us, is other people’s self-righteous indignation of them. It is a perpetual loop of blame and shame.

There can be no avoiding these people. A sort of Provisional Mask Army. The ones acting in good conscience lost to the morally virtuous super spreaders of hyperbole.

They will believe whatever they hear and do whatever they’re told. They have been groomed by something far more powerful than the truth, called ‘the science,’ and they will follow ‘it’ right off the edge of a cliff.

But that’s only half the story. If you’re unfortunate enough to die within two weeks of taking the jab, despite your best effort, the CDC might record your death as ‘unvaccinated,’ the commentariat might report that you “died suddenly and following a short illness,” and family members might take comfort in the fact that “things could have been worse,”

Washing the Moral Fabric

This unholy mess works because a new ideology has swept across the moral fabric. Unless you’re taking an experimental medical intervention fraught with danger, you’re dancing on the graves of all those who have died.

Ridding people with guilt takes away their power, and blind obedience to authority does the rest, as Milgram discovered in his landmark experiment.

But the fact that humanity is in an abusive relationship with its governments, is only one part of the problem. There’s a long history of cults infiltrating polite society. The cult of personality of Lenin and later Stalin once captured an entire nation. But never in history has the entire world fallen to a cult.

Where the New Normal departs from other cult archetypes is in the instruments of mass communication, in the hands of a few fanatics, that have infiltrated the commons, and created an apotheosis around COVID-19, glorifying it to the divine proportions of Christianity. It has long been understood that if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes consensus.

Also of great importance to these evangelists are the decades of behavioural studies by the most distinguished experts in the field of social psychology.

Not everyone in the Asch Experiment conformed, but the reasons why many found solidarity with the group are well understood by the behavioural scientists, on the payroll of HM government, nudging the British people towards existential ruin.

And much of what is happening today in the rank and file of the New Normal, has the lessons of the Third Reich written all over it. If you’re still oblivious to the fact that you’re being indoctrinated into a cult, it’s probably because you’ve already been indoctrinated.

The End Is Nigh

Cults are established on the back of major events, typically apocalyptic in nature. These biblical, extra-terrestrial, or, indeed, viral prophecies speak to an impending disaster and redemption. A tinderbox setting forces people together under the protection of communitarianism, and encourages the more zealous members to denounce, ridicule and intimidate anyone not acting in accordance with the group.

Deindividuation, as it is known, turns these harmless groups into psychological crowds, and very often results in a mob mentality.

Our need to take refuge in the herd is, after all, hardcoded into our DNA, just as fear of social exclusion and a desire to cooperate are inherited evolutionary traits. Explaining why COVID began with social isolation. And why, after capitulating to every conceivable demand, we continue to be held to ransom, with the threat of further social isolation.

Despite the obvious abuse of power, people remain beholden to their captors, through some bizarre emotional bond, strengthened every time they are released, albeit temporarily, from their captivity.


You can identify cults by their organisational structure. People are assigned a role, as in Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison Experiment and many go beyond the call of duty. The problem isn’t so much that ‘we are all in this together’ It’s that we simply are not, it’s the cult nobility lording over the rest of us.

In this heightened state of emergency, however, people will not only accept more authority from those who are beyond the rules, they will emulate the prevailing authoritarian order, rather than become a victim of it. As Hannah Arendt discovered in her landmark thesis, ordinary people in search of purpose and direction, who are dutifully just following orders, have the potential to commit the most atrocious acts of evil.

Throughout COVID, these unpaid, unsolicited officers in the rank and file have spread the communicable indoctrination far wider than any bureaucrat. We are full to the rafters of morally superior COVID-vigilantes, condemning anyone for the mere suggestion that the earth, might in fact, orbit the sun.

The resulting groupthink – if you’re not with us you’re against us – not only isolates new initiatives from outside influence, it removes their right to think and act for themselves and admonishes anyone brave enough to question the All Powerful Redeemer.

In the end, people’s desire to reach unanimous agreement with the group, overrides their motivation for rational, intuitive decision making.

Executioners of the New Normal

The habitual lies, backpedalling and science that buckles under the lightest of scrutiny, is no arbitrary event. People understand they’re being duped, but refuse to act on crucial information. Instead, they acclimate to the golden age of false narratives.

Encouraging people to act counterintuitively will, eventually cause them to abandon personal agency altogether, because that violent buffer to critical thinking, called consensus, holds the opposite to be true, to that which is before our very eyes.

In one breath, Boris Johnson implores us to get vaccinated because of the risk versus the reward. In the next, he admits ‘the vaccine doesn’t protect against catching or passing on COVID.’ Meanwhile, his co-conspirator holds Christmas to ransom if people refuse a third shot, and proceeds to threaten those who had previously been the only at-risk group, which this entire debacle was supposed to be about protecting.

When the lips move, brace for lies, any collision with real world events is entirely accidental.

Anatomy of a Cult

Cults are illusive by nature. An outlier sailing under the false colours of a normal state of affairs. This is achieved by compounding cult rituals into the everyday humdrum, and converting old cultural touchstones into new ideological frontiers, until one is no longer distinguishable from the other.

There are numerous tell-tale signs you may have accidentally joined a cult, from elbow bumps to muzzles, hand sanitizer to the 2-meter rule.

There is a long history of people’s superstitions being manipulated into performing irrational acts, if they can be demoralised to the point of despair. Under such circumstances people have been known to, commit ritualistic mass suicidedisembowel themselves and even murder their own children.

Things are not so different today. People hold themselves prisoner inside their own homes. They risk the lives of their own children to protect those already on their deathbed. They do this for a disease which has had zero impact on overall mortality in 2021.

Some have been infantilised by their government, others reassured by Big Bird and there are those who have sold their soul at the house of ill repute.

To say that it’s a mad, mad world, doesn’t do it justice.

Other Cults You May Have Joined

Against this frenzy of health persecution complex, other bizarre ideologies chip away at the social fabric. Membership to society hinges on your range of pronouns. The new cultural etiquette is wokeism. Your affinity with those who have swapped their sexual identity determines your social cachet, while your desire to find for the nearest bucket, paints a target on your back.

Otherworldly social theories decouple mothers from giving birthsexualise children, and encourage toddlers to trade their gender. At the root of all of this is a flagrant attack on humanity, on nature, on carbon-based lifeforms.

You only need to observe the Cult of Personality being visited upon future generations by the lionising of Greta, to catch of glimpse of how climate change will evolve into the New Age Church.

The end game to all of this is the spiritual requisition of the human soul and a day of reckoning for humanity mark 1.0.

But as the circus catches fire there are those watching from the sidelines who are simply not having it. The vestiges of rationality left behind, call them deniers or refuseniks, have formed a cult of their own. A cult of scepticism and non-compliance.

By some accounts, these people are at a greater risk of a long and healthy life, and woe betide, the mob is agitated. They are calls for immediate sanctions. Following twenty months of denouncements, public enmity is reaching fever pitch. If the barbaric treatment of another dehumanised social group, pre-Auschwitz, is anything to go by, it could be just a matter of time before the deniers are forced into internment camps, or worse, lined up against firing squads.

On the other hand, the cult has revealed its more sinister aspects, thousands of legitimate voices from science and medicine are pushing back in opposition, and even the double vaccinated are waking up to the fact that their freedoms are in jeopardy every six months.

As a wise man once said, “first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they attack you, then you win.”


Dustin Broadbery is based in London and is interested in social theory and particularly how a mutual society could bring about great advancements in the social fabric. You can read more of his work at and contact him through his Twitter. 


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cover image credit: CDD20 / pixabay

The Simulation of Western Civilisation

The Simulation of Western Civilisation

by 21st Century Wire
November 10, 2021


From reality,

to virtual reality,

to augmented reality,

to hyperreality…

to no reality.

That is the story of the devolution of western civilisation brought on by a fatal combination of technology being married to the ideological and financially-driven mechanisation of society.

With the recent announcement of Facebook’s looming Metaverse, the scene is now being set for the further withdrawal of large sections of the human population into the virtual void of simulacrum.

Self awareness is being fundamentally warped by a total transformation of the individual’s physical and psychological perception of physical space and time. For some, this will be seen as overt, but for many more it may be too gradual and subtle to consciously ascertain.

The ultimate tragedy of this epoch is that successive generations may not even know that they have lost anything at all – as they were born into a hyper-normalised virtual reality, increasingly devoid of any conceptualisation of that which is real and tangible, and where true authentic experiences are deferential to what algorithms are serving-up digitally in ‘real time.’

What will be the ultimate consequences for our species – socially, politically, culturally, and geographically – from this great leap sideways?

This licentious process is articulated well in the brief video below which was published by the highly controversial content channel, VertigoPolitix, but is nonetheless as concise and accurate a depiction of the current human predicament one will find: Watch: 


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cover image credit: kalhh / pixabay

Resisting Tyranny Depends on the Courage to Not Conform

Resisting Tyranny Depends on the Courage to Not Conform

by Barry Brownstein, American Institute for Economic Research (AIER)
November 6, 2021


Social psychologist Roy Baumeister begins his book Evil: Inside Human Violence and Cruelty, with a proposition that will be counterintuitive to many: “Evil usually enters the world unrecognized by the people who open the door and let it in. Most people who perpetrate evil do not see what they are doing as evil.”

Dismissing evildoers as “insane” is an attempt to absolve both them and you of responsibility. Baumeister observes, “People do become extremely upset and abandon self-control, with violent results, but this is not insanity.” If only “insane” people commit “evil” acts, you might reason there is no need to strengthen spiritual and moral muscles. You might skip the reflection, study, and practice that builds spiritual and moral strength.

Would you, Baumeister asks, “obey orders to kill innocent civilians? Would you help torture someone? Would you stand by passively while the secret police hauled your neighbors off to concentration camps?” Baumeister writes, “Most people say no. But when such events actually happen, the reality is quite different.” Today, to the point, will you obey orders to fire upon people who refuse to comply with mandates?

In one of the most instructive books about Nazi Germany, Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland, historian Christopher Browning explores why most people say yes and commit heinous acts even when given latitude to say no.

The men of Police Battalion 101 were not specially selected psychopathic killers. Initially, the Battalion was set up to enforce Nazi rule in occupied Poland. Eventually, their mission changed, bringing them to be the genocidal murderers of Jews they were charged with rounding up. Browning explains, “The bulk of the killers were not specially selected but drawn at random from a cross-section of German society, and they did not kill because they were coerced by the threat of dire punishment for refusing.” Mostly they were “middle-aged reserve policemen.” Battle had not driven these men to depravity, “they had not been fired on nor had they lost comrades.”

Browning explores one of their initial murderous actions, “shooting some 1,500 Jews in the Polish village of Józefów in the summer of 1942.” Major Wilhelm Trapp addressed his men before the shooting began: “Pale and nervous, with choking voice and tears in his eyes, Trapp visibly fought to control himself as he spoke. The Battalion, he said plaintively, had to perform a frightfully unpleasant task. This assignment was not to his liking; indeed, it was highly regrettable, but the orders came from the highest authorities.”

Trapp provided a “justification” for the coming slaughter—Jews were damaging Germany and threatening German troops—but then Trapp “made an extraordinary offer: if any of the older men among them did not feel up to the task that lay before him, he could step out.” The task, Trapp outlined, was the immediate killing of all women, children, and the elderly.

Only twelve of the approximately 500 in the Battalion initially took Trapp’s offer to “step out.” Browning estimated “10 to 20 percent of those actually assigned to the firing squads” extricated themselves “by less conspicuous methods or asked to be released from the firing squads once the shooting had begun.” Yet for most of the police, killing became second nature: “Many reserve policemen who were horrified in the woods outside Józefów… subsequently became casual volunteers for numerous firing squads and ‘Jew hunts.’”

Browning’s research provides insights into the mindsets that fueled obedience: “Who would have ‘dared,’ one policeman declared emphatically, to ‘lose face’ before the assembled troops.” Another said, “No one wants to be thought a coward.”

Not all who followed orders lacked moral consciousness: “Another policeman—more aware of what truly required courage—said quite simply, ‘I was cowardly.’”

Some rationalized their atrocities: “It was possible for me to shoot only children. My neighbor then shot the mother and I shot the child that belonged to her, because I reasoned with myself that after all without its mother the child could not live any longer.”

To escape moral culpability, others offered the excuse of what difference could they make: “Without me [shooting] the Jews were not going to escape their fate anyway.” How many managers are saying today, what difference can I make? If I don’t fire the unvaccinated, someone else will.

Browning explains, “The men’s concern for their standing in the eyes of their comrades was not matched by any sense of human ties with their victims. The Jews stood outside their circle of human obligation and responsibility.” Today, hospital administrators are firing workers with robust natural immunity who faithfully served during the pandemic and refuse the vaccine. Like the men in the Battalion, these administrators are just following orders.

What would have happened that terrible day in 1942 if more policemen recognized the humanity of the “other” and had the courage to not conform? Today, what would happen if more businesses, like In-N-Out Burger, refuse to obey government edicts? In October, Stephen Davis, a Florida fire battalion chief, “was fired for refusing to discipline department employees listed as unvaccinated.” What would happen if more managers had the courage of Chief Davis? Without obedience, tyranny fails.

During this time of Covid, we can learn lessons from Browning’s book about how we treat people who make choices different from our own. We can notice when we fail to see the humanity in others. We can become aware when we justify an us vs. them mindset. We can question our perceptions. To wait for Biden or Fauci to change first is to ignore our power of choice.

Lessons Learned

Browning reflects on the actions of the Battalion and asks, “If obedience to orders out of fear of dire punishment is not a valid explanation, what about ‘obedience to authority’ in the more general sense used by Stanley Milgram?”

Browning wonders if there is “a ’deeply ingrained behavior tendency’ to comply with the directives of those positioned hierarchically above, even to the point of performing repugnant actions in violation of ‘universally accepted’ moral norms.” Browning explains,

The notions of ‘loyalty, duty, discipline,’ requiring competent performance in the eyes of authority, become moral imperatives overriding any identification with the victim. Normal individuals enter an ‘agentic state’ in which they are the instrument of another’s will. In such a state, they no longer feel personally responsible for the content of their actions but only for how well they perform.

Browning recounts, “Milgram made direct reference to the similarities between human behavior in his experiments and under the Nazi regime. He concluded, ‘Men are led to kill with little difficulty.’”

Importantly, “Milgram himself notes that people far more frequently invoke authority than conformity to explain their behavior, for only the former seems to absolve them of personal responsibility.” Yet, in the Battalion case, “Many policemen admitted responding to the pressures of conformity—how would they be seen in the eyes of their comrades?—not authority.” Based on his research, Browning concludes, “Conformity assumes a more central role than authority at Józefów.”

The Covidocracy demands we all conform and shames those who make different choices. Browning explains the dangers of a culture of shame: “The shame culture, making conformity a prime virtue, impelled ordinary Germans in uniform to commit terrible crimes rather than suffer the stigma of cowardice and weakness and the ‘social death’ of isolation and alienation vis-à-vis their comrades.”

The segregation of Jews was an enabler of evil actions. Browning points to pervasive banishment of Jews from German society “and the resulting exclusion of the Jewish victims from any common ground with the perpetrators made it all the easier for the majority of the policemen to conform to the norms of their immediate community (the battalion) and their society at large (Nazi Germany).”

For some policemen who did not shoot, their commercial ties shaped their view of human beings. One said, “Through my business experience, especially because it extended abroad, I had gained a better overview of things. Moreover, through my earlier business activities I already knew many Jews.”

Harvard social psychologist Gordon Allport developed his famed contact hypothesis in the 1940s: “Increasing exposure to out-group members will improve attitudes toward that group and decrease prejudice and stereotyping.” Commercial ties bring people together.

Today, politicians work overtime demonizing, mocking, and punishing “out-group members” who won’t obey their dictates.

A Story of Nonconformity

Recently Tim, a reader and business owner from New Zealand, sent me his powerful testimony in an email:

Fifty odd years ago, as a young child I went to Ranui Primary School in suburban Auckland. There were two Māori boys in my class of 9-year-olds. Sometimes through the day they would make short comments to each other in Māori.

If the teacher heard them do it, he would keep our entire class in detention after school for 15 to 30 minutes. I always hated it because one of the boys was my friend, and a regular playmate of mine after school. The other one, used to walk home from school with me too, they were my friends.

But most of the class blamed these two Māori boys for us all being locked in after school. The majority of the kids disliked and bullied them in my class.

I couldn’t do it; I couldn’t dislike them because they were my friends. Perhaps even then as a boy I could see what our teacher was doing.

Our teacher was using the rest of the class as a weapon against those two young boys by encouraging the spiteful and discriminating attitudes towards them.

Tim’s choice to not conform to social pressure made all the difference to his Māori friends. Did Tim’s ability to see the humanity in others help him become a successful entrepreneur? After all, entrepreneurs succeed when they help serve the needs of others.

Tim continued his testimony:

Today, 50 years later, I am again feeling the same way as I did back in my Ranui Primary School class. The teacher is telling us all that we will continue to be locked in until 90% (or whatever) of the country is vaccinated. And further, we are told that it is the fault of the 20% (or so) that have so far chosen not to accept the two shots in the arm.

As a country, we are all encouraged to heap blame and hate towards anyone who has decided to not vaccinate.

Regardless of my own vaccination status, I have friends and family who I refuse to hate or blame.

I lay the blame exactly where it belongs. At the feet of my Primary School teacher for our detentions, not my two boyhood friends.

And at the feet of our Prime Minister for her lockdown rules, not my friends and family who have chosen to decline an injection that they don’t trust, rightly or wrongly.

Be like Tim. Be like the 10-20% of Battalion 101 who didn’t conform. Our scorn should be towards those who demand our obedience and split America into an in-group and an out-group. Become more aware when you allow your thinking to be hijacked by propaganda.

Many in the Battalion didn’t understand their crimes until decades after the war ended. Don’t wait to reflect until a future historian writes a book about how you supported tyranny by placing conformity above human rights.

Today Charles Eisenstein points out, “Many people trust the authorities and willingly comply with their rules. They face no dilemma, no initiatory moment, no self-defining world-creating choice point, not yet.”

Conforming, lacking courage, will not spare you from choices that life will demand of you. Eisenstein challenges us: “As the authorities’ narratives devolve into absurdity and their rules devolve into oppression, more and more of us face this choice: … To do what you know is right, or to cave in to the pressure, consoling yourself with words you don’t believe. ‘I had no choice.’”

We all have a personal responsibility for preserving freedom. The price of abdicating our responsibility is high. As Browning puts it, Germans paid a high price for “placing uncritical trust in the ‘firm leadership’ of seemingly well-intentioned political authority between 1933 and 1945.”


Connect with American Institute for Economic Research (AIER)

cover image based on creative commons work of CDD20 / pixabay

What Does God Want?

What Does God Want?

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
November 2, 2021


If through some grievous error, I were invited to deliver a sermon on a Sunday morning at a Church, it would go this way:

What God wants could be summed up as: ask and you shall receive.

I won’t try to explain the conditions under which asking works for you.

But suppose it does. The question then becomes: what will you do with what you received?

I think many people would answer: help the less fortunate.

But suppose the less fortunate turns out to be 99% of EVERYBODY?

And further, suppose 99% of everybody is less fortunate owing to actions taken against them by oppressive rulers?

If you use what you received from God to alleviate a tiny fraction of the suffering experienced by everybody under the heel of oppressive rulers…fine. But isn’t it clear that the wave of suffering will continue, because these rulers simply don’t let up, don’t stop?

Therefore, wouldn’t it be moral and wise to stand up against the rulers?

Now I realize your pastor doesn’t preach this “standing-up-against” on Sundays. He probably doesn’t want to think about it. And neither do you.

Based on my limited knowledge of the Bible, I don’t recall God saying, “Refrain from thinking about what bothers you.”

In fact, you could say the whole Bible was written to interrupt people who were refraining from thinking about bothersome things.

So where did your pastor and you get the idea that religion involved avoiding bother?

Standing up against the State—every State, sooner or later, becomes oppressive—is the rational and moral and wise thing to do, after you’ve received what you asked for from God.

This is my view.

Is this also God’s view?

I don’t know. I’m not sure how He operates, or in how many dimensions. I suspect intermediaries have set themselves up as God, in acts of forgery. They pretend to be the highest God, but they aren’t.

All in all, I would say that if God gives you what you asked for, He would be pleased to see you use it for a good purpose. You’ve heard my reckoning and analysis, and you can take it for what you think it’s worth.

With this caveat: If you reason your way into avoiding standing up against your oppressive rulers, ask yourself whether this is a self-serving bit of sophistry. An excuse. A way out. A con, in which you’re both the perpetrator and the victim.

Ask yourself seriously. It won’t take long to arrive at an answer.

This is a nice church. It’s a bit too comfortable for my taste. Everyone here seems relaxed. The Bible, from my memory of it, isn’t a relaxing book. It isn’t something you nod yourself to sleep with at night.

Everyone here this morning is dressed up. As a sign of respect. I understand that. I’m sure some of you thank God for saving your lives. I understand that, too. But now that you’re saved, what do you want?

Ask and you shall receive. But then comes that question: what do you with what you receive?

Doesn’t the Bible contain a number of accounts of wicked men? And aren’t those men in positions of power? Aren’t many of them rulers? Isn’t God concerned with these rulers? Isn’t He making a clear distinction between Earthly powers and His power?

Doesn’t it stand to reason that a church created in His name would do the same?

Am I missing something? I don’t think so.

I know this church closed its doors when your Earthly rulers mandated the lockdowns. I know many of you have taken the vaccine because your rulers commanded it. I haven’t heard your pastor voice passionate objections to these orders. I haven’t seen him refuse to obey the ruling men. And none of you challenged him.

That’s odd. Strange. I would call it a reversal of religious morality.

Perhaps that’s why, when I see you at prayer, bowing your heads, I see the opposite of what I’m supposed to see.

I see you submitting to your oppressive rulers.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: msandersmusic / pixabay

Welcome to the Church of Fear and Blindness

Welcome to the Church of Fear and Blindness

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
November 1, 2021


It’s always so wonderful to see so many of you again on these Sundays, when we gather and worship. As your minister, I try to guide you on the path to salvation.

As you know, in our Church we come from fear.

That is our watchword. When we experience the impulse to step out on the stage of deep commitment, we pull back. We sense the danger. This we all understand.

When the lockdowns were ordered last year, we closed our doors. We avoided risk. We prayed online. Not long ago, when the mandates were announced, we complied.

Out in public, we obey the rules.

We are a branch of the State. We respect things of this world.

We will never challenge Earthly authority on behalf of God.

Religion is dead.

I’m not talking about God or the independent individual. I’m talking about organized religion.

Over the past year, there have been many occasions…after gargantuan rulings from the State, during this false pandemic…when you would HAVE THOUGHT religious leaders and their congregations would come forward, in great numbers, to TAKE A STAND.

Declare their allegiance to God. Refuse to obey the restrictions against life, against work, against freedom, against worshipping together.

But except for a few scattered cases, no. Nothing happened.

Silence. Meek silence.

Well, I have a new religion. The old religion.

It’s called FAITH.

Faith that leads you to do SOMETHING.

Religion is dead because the leaders are dead. They let people in the doors of the churches and then pacify them and isolate them and put them in a bubble. If the leaders preached RESISTANCE, the people coming in the door would be more RELIGIOUS. The air would clear. There would be FIRE in the room.

Trying to reform modern Churches would be like trying to turn a banker into a pilgrim journeying long and far to a sacred shrine.

I’ve never been satisfied with the phrase, THY WILL BE DONE. If he’s God, His will is already being done. And if it isn’t, then the faithful themselves need to be doing something. So why are they presenting the phrase in the passive voice? Why aren’t they saying, WE WILL DO YOUR WILL?

And the answer is, they would rather sit in Church.

Now we have parents across America going into school board meetings to protest, among other oppressions, the vaccine mandate.

I’m sure many of these parents are religious. If they’ve gotten part of that religion from their churches, they’ve taken it outside and made something out of it.

And the Attorney General of the United States has declared war on them, calling them potential terrorists. Now this I understand. The State is baring its teeth. The State is revealing its true character.

And the parents are standing up against that.

The Churches should have been doing this all along.

But they’ve sold themselves.

Try to imagine what the Pope, with all his influence over a billion worshippers, could have said when the lockdowns and mandates were declared.

Imagine a Pope with youth, vitality, passion, an outgoing man, stirring the ashes, finding hot coals, and building them into a conflagration, setting his Church against the Earthly State.

This is why the Cardinals pick old men to be their leader.

Is there a Church anywhere, in which people of the flock have risen up and thrown out their pastor, because he is of insufficient moral strength?

I’m not talking about mundane scandals. I’m referring to POWER. The power to set things right. To re-establish the mandatory chasm between Faith and the Secular.

Has any congregation dismissed its leader for failing to do THAT?

This is called a clue. The accountability finally falls on the congregation.

As I write this, I’ve been told 4500 police officers in Chicago have refused to log in and report their vaccination status, violating the deadline set by the fascist mayor of the city.

Now this sounds like the sort of thing church congregations should be doing.

Resisting. Drawing a line in the sand.

“And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the money changers, and the seats of them that sold doves, And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.”

When the leaders of a congregation are the money changers and the merchants and the assets and the partners of the secular state, it falls to the congregation to throw them out.

—As an act of renewing faith, and directing faith where it should go.

Otherwise, the congregation is a collective of fear and blindness.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: pixabay

The Masquerade

The Masquerade

by Edward Curtin, Behind the Curtain
October 29, 2021


“They didn’t act like people and they didn’t act like actors.  It’s hard to explain.”
J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye, 1951


There’s a reason that Catcher in the Rye, published 70 years agohas become such an iconic book, praised and condemned in equal measure. It is because it is about lying, phoniness, acting, Hollywood, theater, plagiarism, and at its core, a society of liars.  Actors in a masquerade willing to don masks and face other faces with the veiled glances of the defeated.  It is about the massive social confusion that entered American life in an intense way following World War II, a world of propaganda and performance.  Although the book seems to be directed at adolescents, it is for adults, and while annoying many of them with its adolescent lingo, it cuts to the heart of our current life-the-movie society.  Adults have become kids, and Holden Caulfield knew that they would.  Or were.  Maybe he wanted it.  We now live in a society of costumed children, asking to be tricked.

“If you want to know the truth,” Holden keeps repeating, knowing that most people don’t, since they prefer the Show.

It is also a fall book with echoes of falling leaves in a dying land.  Football and war, Halloween and all souls drifting down in the crepuscular light of late October and the coming November remembrance of Veteran’s Day, once called Armistice Day, when the mad slow action film of WW I, the war to end all wars with millions dead in rat infested trenches, is commemorated, as if anything has changed and such memories are not secret celebrations of the heroic sacrifices the gullible make for their masters.  War is a racket; the ultimate racket.

Liam Clancy reminds us of this truth regarding the “Great” War and all the others that have followed. Millions of deaths brought on by lying government bastards.  Actors in the mass masquerade.

But it goes deeper than lying leaders.  For lying is the leading cause of living death in the USA, and the pharmaceutical companies have no prescription for it.  If they did, and if they cared, which they don’t, they would have manufactured such a drug long ago.   It would have killed them of course, but since their business is profits not suicide, they don their masks of solicitude and bank the spoils, while producing poison to shoot people with.

The great English writer, D. H. Lawrence, warned us long ago to not let the living-dead eat us up.  Yet we are still being devoured by a refusal that knows no name since it is not just them but us – victims and executioners, both in a mutual deadly game.

Death is a big hit, as everyone knows. It fascinates far more than does life.  One glance at the mass media will confirm that.  Fear, death, and disaster are the daily menu, interspersed with kitsch uplift. Propaganda feeds on it.  Up down all around spin that wheel and rattle your brains.

But the ghosts of fall remind us to beware of this necrophilia.  The dead return and wander among us, masked children wandering through the streets looking for handouts.  Adults laughing those tight grim laughs.  How cute!

Nietzsche said that “all things are entangled, ensnared, and enamored.”  I find this especially true during the autumnal season, especially the Halloween weekend of ghosts, death, and masks.  It is enchanting and disturbing if you give it thought.  Its symbolism explains the Covid propaganda and panic more than a thousand factual articles. It explains the warfare state and adults’ refusal to defiantly oppose it.  It explains the nihilistic underpinning of society and children’s fears and wishes to use a magic wand to change the world to one that celebrates life not death. That is the true treat that their unconscious playacting requests.  But the candy the adults give them conceals the poison the adults can’t face.  The poison that they have ingested.

I think of how all persons are, by definition, masked, the word person being derived from the Latin, persona, meaning mask.  Another Latin word, larva, occurs to me, it too meaning mask, ghost, or evil spirit.  The living masks light up for me as I think of ghosts, the dead, all the souls and spirits circulating through our days, swirling like dead leaves in the wind.

While etymology might seem arcane, I think it offers us a portal into our lives, not just personally, but politically and culturally as well. Word usage is at the heart of linguistic mind control, and we are in a world where the minders of the public’s mind have become adept at fashioning language to their devious ends.  Orwell predicted this in Nineteen Eighty-Four with his explanation of Newsspeak:

The purpose of Newspeak was not only to provide a medium of expression for the world-view and mental habits proper to the devotees of Ingsoc, but to make all other modes of thought impossible.  It was intended that when Newspeak had been adopted once and for all and Oldspeak forgotten, a heretical thought – that is, a thought diverging from the principles of Ingsoc – should be literally unthinkable, at least as far as thought is dependent on words.

A quick check of the latest dictionary updates will corroborate Orwell’s point about the future dictionary when Newspeak has been fully established, the meaning of words will be so changed that anything can mean anything, even its opposite.

Shakespeare, the ultimate wordsmith, was right, of course, to tell us that “all the world’s a stage,” though I would disagree with the bard that we are “merely” players.  It does often seem that way, but seeming is the essence of the actor’s show and tell.  But who are we behind the masks?  Who is it uttering those words coming through the masks’ mouth holes (the per-sona: Latin, to sound through)?

Halloween.  The children play at scaring and being scared.  Death walks among them and they scream with glee.  The play is on. The grim reaper walks up and down the street. Treats greet them.  The costumes are ingenious; the masks, wild.  It’s all great fun, the candy sweet.  So what’s the trick?  When does the performance end?

As Halloween ends, the saints come marching in followed by all the souls.  The Days of the Dead.  Spirits.  Ghosts walk the streets.  Dead leaves fall.  The dead are everywhere, swirling through the air, drifting.  We are surrounded by them.  We are them.  Until.

Until when?  Perhaps not until we dead awaken and see through the charade of social life and realize the masked performers are not just the deadly politicians and celebrities, not only the professional actors and the corporate media performers, but us.

And while these days of the dead and children’s games can bring us to wonder whether we act like people or actors – “even if it’s hard to explain” – whether behind the double masks we realize we can be genuine actors if we go deep enough, the celebration of Veterans/Armistice/Remembrance Day a few days later should  emphatically remind us of the Masters of War and the need to see through their masks, as Bob Dylan tells us.  The evil performers who “play with my world like it’s your little toy” with their endless lies.

Norman O. Brown so well describes our stage set:

Ancestral voices prophesying war; ancestral spirits in the danse macabre or war dance; Valhalla, ghostly warriors who kill each other and are reborn to fight again.  All warfare is ghostly, every army an exercitus feralis (army of ghosts), every soldier a living corpse.

It seems to me that Albert Camus was right, and that we should aspire to be neither victims nor executioners.  To do so will take a serious reevaluation of the roles we play in the ongoing national tragedy of lie piled upon lie in aggressive wars around the world and in election farces that perpetuate them.  The leading actors we elect are our responsibility.  We produce and maintain them.  They are our mirror images; we are theirs.  It is the danse macabre, a last tango in the land of bad actors, our two-faced show.  This masquerade ball that passes for political reality is infiltrated by the ghosts of all those victims we have murdered around the wide world.  We may choose not to see them, but they are lurking in the shadowy corners.  And they will haunt us until we make amends.

“Do you not know there comes a midnight hour when everyone has to throw off his mask?” warned Kierkegaard.  “Do you believe that life will always let itself be mocked?  Do you think you can slip away a little before midnight in order to avoid this?  Or are you not terrified by it?”

“Whenever I take up a newspaper,” Ibsen added, “I seem to see ghosts gliding between the lines. There must be ghosts all the country over, as thick as the sands of the sea. And then we are, one and all, so pitifully afraid of the light.”

Yet the children and the eloquent voices of the genuine actors I have so liberally quoted here remind us of what is possible if we chase the light and stop the masquerade.  That would be cause for a real holiday celebration.


Connect with Edward Curtin

cover image credit: OpenClipart-Vectors / pixabay

Open Letter to a Billion Catholics; cc to Everyone Else; Here Is the Pope Verbatim

Open Letter to a Billion Catholics; cc to Everyone Else; Here Is the Pope Verbatim

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
October 29, 2021


Vatican News: “Press conference on the flight back from his Apostolic Journey in Southern Africa.”

Read these astounding words from Pope Francis:

“I would like to repeat what the Doctrine of the Church says about this: When we acknowledge international organisations and we recognise their capacity to give judgment, on a global scale – for example the international tribunal in The Hague, or the United Nations. If we consider ourselves humanity, when they make statements, our duty is to obey. It is true that not all things that appear just for the whole of humanity will also be so for our [Vatican] pockets, but we must obey international institutions. That is why the United Nations were created. That’s why international courts were created.”

Choose one of the following: The person making that statement is a) utterly naïve; b) a blind secular ideologue; c) surrendering his power and his Church to Earthly authority; d) combining his power and the power of his Church with elite Globalists; e) what?!?!

And don’t sidestep these choices with, “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s.”

If those words of Jesus described His ultimate position, His surrender to the authorities and His Crucifixion would have no more meaning than a man paying his taxes, albeit with a great deal more pain.

I guess the days of a Pope concealing a broad secret agenda are over. Francis comes right out in the open, as if he were a city council member supporting the local shut down of a factory smokestack, in accordance with a UN climate-change policy.

Except that’s not who the Pope is.

He’s an Argentine Jesuit with “the keys to the Kingdom.”

And to you, his followers, he’s infallible.

Unless you decide otherwise.

This would be a good time to reassess his status in your eyes.

I keep hammering on this point: Jesus served God, not the State.

The institutions the Pope insists all Catholics must obey are the State, in its widest and most powerful form.

Therefore, it makes perfect sense that he would say Catholics should line up and take the COVID vaccine, even while acknowledging fetal tissue from abortions has been used in testing those vaccines.

What’s next? A Vatican treaty with Planned Parenthood?

The Pope has cast a long shadow on attempts to gain religious exemptions from vaccination. Obviously, he and his secular partners wanted to shrink that loophole.

The diabolical plan to stick a needle into 8 billion arms, delivering an experimental genetic treatment, whose documented effects have been catastrophic…that plan can’t achieve wide success if a billion of those people—Catholics—believe the shot is founded on a sin.

The planning for the (false) pandemic had to include Pope Francis. And he was agreeable. Remarkably so.

Let’s take one more step down the rabbit hole. The reference here is a May 2021 article at The Tablet: “Pope joins global [financial] elite to plan for world after COVID.”

An unpublicized conference, “Dreaming of a Better Restart,” had already been held at the time of publication. It was sponsored by the Vatican. It took up climate change, economic inequality, and hunger.

Then we have this from the Tablet article. Buckle up: “Prominent population control advocate and supporter of Chinese Communist Party president Xi Jinping, Professor Jeffrey Sachs, led the group discussion that followed. Sachs has extolled Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road initiative, that aims to extend CCP influence across Asia to Europe, as ‘one of the most important economic development initiatives in the history of contemporary economics’. He is a frequent collaborator with Bishop Sorondo, who in a February 2018 interview said, ‘right now, those who are best implementing the social doctrine of the Church are the Chinese’.”

“Rockefeller Foundation president Raj Shah was one of the leaders of the general discussion that followed. Along with its humanitarian projects, the Foundation has for years funded worldwide contraception programmes and abortion providers. Shah worked for USAID during the presidency of Barack Obama, and before that served in a range of leadership roles in the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.”

If all that doesn’t make your head spin, I can’t help you.

This is your Church. This is your Pope.

They represent Jesus on Earth.

Well, actually, the Pope is a stage magician performing a simple trick of hypnosis—otherwise known as the bait and switch.

You’re sitting at home eating dinner with the family and the phone rings. You look at the screen. There is no number printed on it. You pick up.

A voice says, “Hello, friend. I want to tell you about a special offer. Jesus in a bottle. $49.95. If you order now, we’ll send you two. And you can move to China. Or wait a year and the Chinese system will come to you. But that’s not all. As a bonus, one absolutely free abortion for a member of your family. You’re Catholic, we’re the improved Catholic Church, so give me your card numbers and your future in all of Eternity.”


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: WenPhotos & magdiel-lacoquis / pixabay

Canada’s Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms: “Canada Now Has Medical Apartheid…Did We Learn Nothing From History?”

Canada’s Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms: “Canada Now Has Medical Apartheid…Did We Learn Nothing From History?”


Justice Matters with John Carpay: Medical Apartheid

by John Carpay, Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
October 22, 2021


Canada now has medical apartheid. The vaccinated and unvaccinated are now legally segregated. Unvaccinated Canadians are second class citizens denied their civil liberties, human rights and Charter freedoms. Did we learn nothing from history?


Video available at JusticeCentre Rumble channel.


Connect with Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms

“Let’s Go Brandon!” Why Did It Take Off?

“Let’s Go Brandon!” Why Did It Take Off?

by Russell Brand
October 21, 2021


Video available at Russell Brand Rumble & YouTube channels.

You told us to talk about it, so we are! What is the cultural relevance of the “Let’s Go Brandon!” meme and subsequent chart-topping song?

#JoeBiden #LetsGoBrandon #NASCAR #Talladega #Chant #BrandonBrown #KelliStavast


Connect with Russell Brand

High Rate of Foster Care Children Are Prescribed Mind-Altering Drugs Despite Government Pledges to Prevent This: Minorities Targeted

High Rate of Foster Care Children Are Prescribed Mind-Altering Drugs Despite Government Pledges to Prevent This: Minorities Targeted

In an ongoing campaign to protect foster care youth from dangerous psychotropic drugs, CCHR and the Task Force Against Racism are calling for an investigation into government and mental health industry decades-old, failed oversight. Native and African Americans are at highest risk.


by Jan Eastgate, Citizens Commission on Human Rights International [CCHR]
and Rev. Frederick Shaw, founder, Task Force Against Racism and Modern-Day Eugenics
October 20, 2021


More than one-third of children on Medicaid in the foster care system are prescribed psychotropic drugs, a higher amount than non-foster children under Medicaid, according to a study led by an assistant professor of pediatrics at Baylor College of Medicine and pediatrician at Texas Children’s Hospital.[1] This is a shocking finding given the outcry over psychotropic drugging of foster children in 2004 and again in 2011-2015. Governments promised greater oversight but clearly this has been ineffective and vulnerable children are still at risk.

The study found that about 35% of children in foster care are prescribed psychotropic medications in comparison to 8% not in foster care under Medicaid. The study, “Psychotropic Medication Usage Among Foster and Non-Foster Youth on Medicaid,” was presented during the virtual American Academy of Pediatrics 2021 National Conference and Exhibition in October.[2]

Rachael J. Keefe, MD, MPH, FAAP and colleagues analyzed claims data from two Medicaid managed care organizations in southeast Texas and stated: “I think you need increased oversight, increased awareness of this overmedication.”[3]

Other studies show that children on Medicaid receive more psychiatric drugs and prolonged mental health treatment, when compared to their privately insured counterparts.[4]

There are ethical and racial concerns about the poor, near-poor, and minorities in foster care that are most prevalently prescribed psychotropic drugs.

The majority of those treated are predominantly African American.[5] African American children and youths represent 23% of the foster care population yet comprise only 14% of the child and adolescent population. As part of the foster care population they are at risk of being given five or more psychotropic drugs at a time, with some younger than five.[6]

Native Americans are up to four times more likely to have their children taken and placed into foster care than their non-Native counterparts. Oklahoma Department of Human Services reported in 2020 that Native children represented more than 35% of those in foster care, yet Native Americans comprise only around 9% of Oklahoma’s population. “That is the definition of racial disproportionality,” said Citizen Potawatomi Nation FireLodge Children & Family Services Foster Care/Adoption Manager Kendra Lowden.[7]

The Lakota People’s Law Project has long raised concerns about this, reporting to Congress its findings pertaining to what it called South Dakota’s corrupt foster system, especially the over prescription of medications to Native American youth. American Indian children make up 13.4% of South Dakota’s population, yet 56.3% of the foster system is comprised of Native youth. Psychotropic or antipsychotic drugs were the most often prescribed. The Medicaid spending which paralleled this trend grew from $300,987 to $4,016,148, or 1,334%, during a ten-year period.[8]

“In the particular case of South Dakota, the medication was being used to subdue rather than treat children, vastly enriching both the state workers, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies at the direct expense of the foster care children,” according to Lakota People’s Law Project.[9]

In 2018, there were 99,025 Black or African American children and 90,688 Hispanic children in foster care.[10] These are at risk of being harmed by psychotropic drugs.

JAMA Pediatrics study that investigated the patterns of mental health diagnosis and medication treatment within a cohort of children from birth to 8 years old insured by Medicaid, reported that “20% of medication users received two or more medication classes concurrently for 60 days or more.” Further, “At age 7 years, half or more of the medicated children had more than 200 days of drug exposure.”[11]

The study pointed out concerns that “early exposure to such medications in utero or in the preschool years could potentially alter physical, cognitive, and emotional development.”[12]

A Failure to Protect

The epidemic of drugging foster care children was exposed over a decade ago with federal and state proposals and agreements that there would be greater oversight, which has failed.

In 2004, the drugging of foster care children in Texas—representative of the entire country—was so bad that the then-Comptroller Carole Keeton Strayhorn investigated, releasing “Forgotten Children,” a damning report on her findings. It was found that foster parents were incentivized to find “mental health problems” in the children in their care because they received up to $1,000 a day for children labeled with a mental disorder compared to $17 a day per child without such issues.[13]

The Texas Legislature responded, passing a bill which required a study of the use of psychotropic medication in foster care, strengthened medical consent requirements, and required the development of a new medical system that would give the state the ability to track and oversee each foster child’s diagnoses and prescriptions. But the problem persisted.

In 2011, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) stepped in, evaluating five states (Florida, Massachusetts, Michigan, Oregon, and Texas). The data revealed that foster children were prescribed psychotropic drugs at rates 2.7 to 4.5 times higher than non-foster children in Medicaid. Many were subjected to cocktails of psychotropics. The GAO explained that “no evidence supports the concomitant use of five or more psychotropic drugs in adults or children, yet hundreds of both foster and non-foster children in the five states had such a drug regimen.”[14]

In 2014, JooYeun Chang, Associate Commissioner of the Children’s Bureau in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration (HHS) for Children, Youth, and Families testified before Congress that despite steps taken by the Administration and Congress to promote the monitoring and management of psychotropic medications, there remained an over-use of psychotropic drugs for children in foster care.[15]

A year later, an HHS Inspector General report again showed matters had not changed. It flagged 67% of those being drugged as problematic, including prescriptions to kids who were too young and prescriptions for the wrong dose or as a wrong treatment.[16] Over half of kids receiving antipsychotics were victimized by “poor monitoring” of the drugs’ risky health side effects—which include breast growth in boys [gynecomastia], cardiac arrest, extreme weight gain and diabetes, it was reported.[17]

In 2015, a San Jose Mercury News investigation into foster children in California found that about one in four adolescents in California’s foster care system was prescribed at least one psychiatric drug—3½ times the rate for all adolescents nationwide. There were incentives for doctors to prescribe the drugs: of those doctors with financial ties to pharmaceutical companies in the state, the higher prescribers collected almost four times—or about $10,000 more—in pharmaceutical funding than the lower prescribers.[18]

A 2018 JAMA Pediatrics study that investigated the patterns of mental health diagnosis and medication treatment within a cohort of children from birth to 8 years old insured by Medicaid, reported that “20% of medication users received two or more medication classes concurrently for 60 days or more.” Further, “At age 7 years, half or more of the medicated children had more than 200 days of drug exposure.” Particular attention was given to the use of antipsychotics for behavioral management in children as, “most pediatric psychotropic medication use (67%) is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration.”[19]

A study released in September 2018 bolstered concerns raised for years by foster care advocates, several of which have filed a class-action lawsuit against the state of Missouri, claiming that foster children’s constitutional rights are violated because of the overuse of drugs and the lack of oversight. Another estimate put the range of psychotropic drug use by foster children at 13 to 52% compared with about 4% for other youth.[20]

Speaking about other antipsychotic drug risks, Harrisburg-based psychiatrist and whistleblower Dr. Stephan Kruszewski said: “Boys with gynecomastia have had breast lumps and have been lactating, and some of them have had mastectomies.”[21]

Children and youths are also put at risk of a lifetime antipsychotic side effect, tardive dyskinesia, an irreversible movement disorder.[22]

Psychiatric drugs are among Medicaid’s most costly and commonly prescribed drugs.[23] Among the different classes of psychotropic drugs, antipsychotics are the most commonly prescribed and have the highest cost per claim, accounting for 58% of the total costs.[24]

State Medicaid programs spent over $2.8 billion on antipsychotics for all ages in 2007, the single largest drug expenditure category for Medicaid.[25] A decade later it was reported to be $3.5 billion—a 25% increase.[26] Nationally, about 12% of all the nation’s 500,000 foster care children had received Medicaid-paid antipsychotics at some point.[27]

Georgia spent $7.87 million a year on psychotropic drugs, according to Medicaid records and more than a third of foster children were prescribed the drugs, compared with about 4% of the general youth population.[28]

Sara Bartosz, writing for the American Bar Association website about “Protecting Foster Youth from Unsafely Administered Psychotropic Drugs,” noted: “Though the federal government has placed increased focus on the vital need for structured oversight of psychotropic medication usage in foster care, many state child welfare agencies are behind in implementing such safety mechanisms.”[29]

Further, “Secrecy, lack of transparency and lack of accountability makes a perfect environment for human rights violations of the mentally disabled. Problems of patient abuse occur including: excessive dosing for purposes of chemical restraint, poly-pharmacy with multiple medications, lack of informed consent and the use of medication with little or no direct doctor/patient contract.”[30]

The federal government’s lax monitoring of state Medicaid foster care programs has been faulted for the increase in psychotropic drug prescriptions.[31]

Carolyn Barcus of the Society of Indian Psychologists, also cited criteria presented in the widespread use of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, which she said is severely biased against minorities.[32] Consider the comments made by Prof. Allen Frances, M.D., chair of the DSM-IV Task Force, was a highly vocal critic of the DSM-5 published in 2013: “The Board of Trustees of the American Psychiatric Association has given its final approval to a deeply flawed DSM 5 containing many changes that seem clearly unsafe and scientifically unsound. My best advice to clinicians, to the press, and to the general public – be skeptical and don’t follow DSM 5 blindly down a road likely to lead to massive over-diagnosis and harmful over-medication.”[33]

Edward Opton, an attorney with the National Center for Youth Law’s PsychDrugs Action Campaign underscored why foster care kids are especially vulnerable: “Foster children are a lucrative market for psychotropic drug sales. Unlike adults, they can’t say, ‘No, I won’t take any more of that drug,’” he wrote.[34]

“Kids’ bodies aren’t meant to take that many meds,” said Susan Rogers, a leading reformer who served on the board of the Texas Federation for Children’s Mental Health and was a foster care parent for nearly 30 years. “We would take in kids so strung out and crazy on meds that we had to try to make their psychiatrists back off,” she said. She found that state-funded psychiatrists and social workers were too often indifferent to the disastrous side effects of the antipsychotics they gave to troubled kids who shouldn’t have gotten them in the first place.[35]

Sara Bartosz, writing for the American Bar Association website, warned: “Given that a child’s brain remains in development well into the teen years, a risk of permanent neurological damage may well accompany the ill-advised use of psychotropic medications within the child population. Moreover, children on these drugs often report feeling drowsy, listless, detached, and emotionally flat over the course of their day-to-day lives.”[36]

“Tragically,” Bartosz also stated, “the disruptive nature of foster care also spawns a cycle in which the use of psychotropic medications is accelerated. Each placement move or change in social worker creates additional trauma and instability for a child, whose behaviors predictably may deteriorate. In an effort to ameliorate these difficult behaviors and to prevent additional placement disruption, a course of psychotropic medication often follows.”[37]

Dr. Janet Parker, Executive Director of Medical Whistleblower, writing in OpEdNews said: “As a nation, we must not only look to the human rights ethics of whether psychiatric drugs should be prescribed with such frequency but also consider the ultimate cost to our nation’s health care budget.”[38]

According to HHS Inspector General, 2016 data, the following are the top and bottom states for percentage of foster children treated with psychotropic drugs:

  1. North Dakota: 2,734, 37.3%
  2. Virginia: 14,999, 37.2%
  3. New Hampshire: 2,614, 36.1%
  4. Iowa: 13,951, 35.7%
  5. Maine: 3,527, 32.7%
  6. Alaska: 4,175, 16.1%
  7. Nevada, 12,100, 15.1%
  8. New Jersey, 27,856, 13.9%
  9. California: 147,806, 13.6%
  10. Hawaii: 5,912, 9.7%.[39]

Michigan civil and children’s rights attorney Allison Folmar and a member of the Task Force Against Racism is intimately aware of the devastation caused by the use of antipsychotics on children. “Foster children are prescribed psychotropic drugs…that can cause life-threatening diabetes, violent and suicidal behavior and even brain shrinkage. That is being done to children who already are traumatized…. We need to turn such turmoil into triumph by changing the laws—state-by-state—until every child is protected.”[40]

We are working together to achieve those protections. There must be accountable oversight of psychotropic drug use in the foster care system, penalties for high prescribers and the use of antipsychotics reduced to zero.


[1] “‘Increased oversight’ needed: One in three kids in foster care prescribed psychotropics,” Healio, 12 Oct. 2021,

[2] “Children in foster care much more likely to be prescribed psychotropic medications compared with non-foster children in Medicaid program,” EurekAlert!, 8 Oct. 2021,

[3] Op. cit., Healio, 12 Oct. 2021

[4] Hannah Emerson, “Study details Medicaid- Open Excellence insured birth cohort’s exposure to psychiatric medications and mental health services,” Open Excellence, 11 July 2018,

[5] Ibid.

[6] citing,, p. 14; “Foster Care Statistics 2017: Numbers and Trends,” March 2019, p. 8,; Elaine Korry, “California Moves To Stop Misuse Of Psychiatric Meds In Foster Care,” NPR, 2 Sept. 2015,

[7] “Disproportionate representation of Native Americans in foster care across United States,” Citizen Potawatomi Nation FireLodge, 6 Apr. 2021,

[8] “Foster care children plagued by overmedication,” Bringing Lakota Children Home, 12 Feb. 2015,

[9] Ibid.


[11] Op. cit., Open Excellence, 11 July 2018

[12] citing,, p. 14; “Foster Care Statistics 2017: Numbers and Trends,” March 2019, p. 8,; Elaine Korry, “California Moves To Stop Misuse Of Psychiatric Meds In Foster Care,” NPR, 2 Sept. 2015,


[14] Kelly O/Meara, “National Child Abuse Prevention Month: Stop Mass Drugging of Foster Care Kids,”, 28 Apr. 2015,; “FOSTER CHILDREN: HHS Guidance Could Help States Improve Oversight of Psychotropic Prescriptions,” Statement of Gregory D. Kutz, Director Forensic Audits and Investigative Service, Government Accounting Office, 1 Dec. 2011,

[15] Marian Wright Edelman, “Overmedicating Children in Foster Care,” 22 May 2015,

[16] Nidhi Subbaraman, “Missouri Has 23% of Its Foster Kids on Strong Psychoactive Drugs. A Lawsuit Claims the State Isn’t Keeping Records,” BuzzFeedNews, 2 Aug. 2018,

[17] Art Levine, “Feds Pay for Drug Fraud: 92 Percent of Foster Care, Poor Kids Prescribed Antipsychotics Get Them for Unaccepted Uses,” HuffPost, 30 Apr. 2015,

[18] Kelly O/Meara, “National Child Abuse Prevention Month: Stop Mass Drugging of Foster Care Kids,”, 28 Apr. 2015,

[19] Hannah Emerson, “Study details Medicaid- Open Excellence insured birth cohort’s exposure to psychiatric medications and mental health services,” 11 July 2018,

[20] “A third of foster children on psychotropic drugs in some states received no oversight, study finds,” USA Today, 23 Sept. 2018,

[21] Op. cit., HuffPost, 30 Apr. 2015,


[23] Janet Parker, “Wasting the Taxpayers Medicaid Dollars on Psychiatric Drugs,” OpEdNews, “Rethinking Psychiatry,” citing: L. Elam, B. Bruen, and J. Tilly, “Medicaid and the Prescription Drug Benefit: Cost Containment Strategies and State Experiences” (Washington: Kaiser Commission, September 2002).

[24] R Khanna, et al., “Use and cost of psychotropic drugs among recipients with autism in a state Medicaid fee-for-service programme,” J Intellect Disabil Res., Feb. 2013, 57(2):161-71,

[25] “Children’s Mental Health: Concerns Remain about Appropriate Services for Children in Medicaid and Foster Care,” GAO report, 2012,

[26]; Nidhi Subbaraman, “Missouri Has 23% Of Its Foster Kids On Strong Psychoactive Drugs. A Lawsuit Claims The State Isn’t Keeping Records,” BuzzFeedNews, 2 Aug. 2018,

[27] Op. cit., HuffPost, 30 Apr. 2015

[28] “Foster Children On Psychotropic Medication – 1/2 of group home children use them,” Invisible Children, 15 June 2020,

[29] Sara Bartosz, “Protecting Foster Youth from Unsafely Administered Psychotropic Drugs,” American Bar Association, 13 Jan 2016,

[30] Op. cit., OpEdNews, “Rethinking Psychiatry”

[31]; Nidhi Subbaraman, “Missouri Has 23% Of Its Foster Kids On Strong Psychoactive Drugs. A Lawsuit Claims The State Isn’t Keeping Records,” BuzzFeedNews, 2 Aug. 2018,

[32] Op. cit., Bringing Lakota Children Home, 12 Feb. 2015



[35] Ibid.

[36] Sara Bartosz, “Protecting Foster Youth from Unsafely Administered Psychotropic Drugs,” American Bar Association, 13 Jan 2016,

[37] Ibid.

[38] Op. cit., OpEdNews, “Rethinking Psychiatry”

[39] “A third of foster children on psychotropic drugs in some states received no oversight, study finds,” USA Today, 23 Sept, 2018,



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