When Human Experimentation Is Criminal: Legal Action You Can Take Against Medical Tyranny

Informed Consent: You’re a Lab Rat

by Dr. David Martin, David Martin World
May 26, 2020


[TCTL Editor’s Note: Several US readers shared links to information, from a number of sources, regarding the use of Standard Form 95 to legally challenge the unfolding medical tyranny.  Based on clarity, prepared documents, and strength of understanding, I selected the work of Dr. David Martin to share here.

TCTL provides a partial transcript to use as reference after viewing Dr. David Martin’s video. The original video has been mirrored to TCTL Bitchute channel in the event that it is removed from YouTube.

Please note that this posting is not legal advice. Nothing found on this website will ever be offered as legal advice. This is shared as reference and potential tool for your use. Do your own research and take responsibility for your own actions.

From The United States Department of Justice on the use of SF 95:

Standard Form 95 is used to present claims against the United States under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) for property damage, personal injury, or death allegedly caused by a federal employee’s negligence or wrongful act or omission occurring within the scope of the employee’s federal employment. These claims must be presented to the Federal agency whose employee conduct gave rise to the injury.

Standard Form 95 is not required to present a claim under the FTCA, but it is a convenient format for supplying the information necessary to bring an FTCA claim. Please note that a completed form must state a claim for money damages in a “sum certain” amount (that is, a specific amount) claimed for personal injury, death, or injury to or loss of property. In addition, if a sum certain is not specified in Standard Form 95 block 12d, or in accompanying information, a submission cannot be considered a valid presentation of a claim. The completed Standard Form 95 must be presented to the appropriate federal agency within two years after the claim accrues.

See Dr. David Martin’s CLAIM FOR DAMAGES ARISING FROM NEGLIGENCE AND POSSIBLE CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY for complete understanding of the experimentation you have been subject to without your consent, and the criminal elements involved.

You might have questions about how to determine a dollar value as compensation for emotional distress or mental anguish, for possible future health issues due to forced mask wearing, etc.  These and other questions, such as how to fill out forms, etc. will require your own research.  Contact information for Dr. David Martin is included below. I would suggest following his work for updates.

Feel free to share your research and experiences in the comment section below and/or send a note to the email address found on the TCTL contact page. — Kathleen]


Form & Addendum:

Example Form 95 claim:

Form 95 addendum (include this with your form, it outlines the basis for the claim):

Form 95 download:


Mentioned at 8:13 — Declaration under the public readiness and emergency preparedness act for medical countermeasures: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2020/03/17/2020-05484/declaration-under-the-public-readiness-and-emergency-preparedness-act-for-medical-countermeasures

Mentioned at 10:00 — L Song Richardson’s article “When Human Experimentation is Criminal: https://scholarlycommons.law.northwestern.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=7314&context=jclc

Mentioned at 12:45 — U.S vs. Stanley case: https://biotech.law.lsu.edu/cases/research/stanley.htm

Link to the slides used in the video:



Partial Transcript of Informed Consent: You’re a Lab Rat by Dr. David Martin


[TCTL Editor’s Note: the following transcript was sourced using YouTube’s transcript function, with some additional editing by us along with the addition of hyperlinks for your convenience.]

“At the end of this video I am going to be giving you an opportunity to actually do something, which you can do: 1) for free and 2) to start taking action to stand up against all of the tyranny that’s happening.

…For those of you who don’t know, the 21 Code of Federal Regulations is the rules that govern the Food and Drug Administration. And those rules are set out for the guidelines of how we constitute what is safe and what is effective in medicine in the United States.

Rules on Informed Consent, which is actually one of the early sections of the the provisions of the code of federal regulations that govern the FDA, say in Section 50.20 that, except as provided in 50.23 and 50.24, no investigator may involve a human being as a subject in research covered by these regulations unless the investigator has obtained the legally effective consent of the subject or the subjects legally authorized representative.

…But the problem with the Declaration of Helsinki and the problem with the trials in Nuremberg was that the United States and other countries specifically decided that, while they wanted to punish the Germans for what they did during the Second World War, they wanted to keep a wiggle-room-out clause that allowed them to continue to do human experimentation on people without their consent.

That sounds like the pot calling the kettle black and that’s the reason why it sounds like it is because it’s illegal, immoral and unethical. But Section 50.23 and section 50 24 gives, in 50.23, the Department of Defense an opportunity to waive all requirements of informed consent for anybody serving in the military. Which means that if you are serving in the military, or you’re part of any of the branches of the armed services, you actually not only have no rights to inform consent.

But it’s worse than that… What’s worse than that is the  Supreme Court, in a very famous case of the United States v Stanley, decided that not only do you have no rights but you have no redress either. Congress thankfully passed a law later… that actually gave a tiny bit of room for people who have been severely harmed by federal government research, without their consent, a way to get redress.

But the law and the Supreme Court actually ruled that basically the Department of Defense can waive informed consent and can do basically anything they want to anybody in the military.

50.24 is more problematic.

…I found something really problematic when I found was a thing called … MCMs — Medical Counter Measures.

And I want to read what the Federal Register has — and this is the law in the United States — that during declared emergencies medical industry is exempted from liability.

And you heard what I just said. If you declare an emergency, the current 1379 trials on medical devices for diagnostics and therapeutics around coronavirus — every single one of those manufacturers, every single one of those individuals — from the date of the declared emergency, has immunity from any liability.

They can literally poison you. They can literally kill you with their therapy and there is no recourse in law, courtesy of the exemption that’s in 21 CFR.

…In other words, the reason why governors are so dedicated to keeping up the illusion of a pandemic and the illusion of the state of emergency is because, it turns out, that any action taken under an emergency use authorization by the FDA — any action taken by any manufacturer for any research that they’re doing they get a get-out-of-jail-free card and they can do anything that they want and they have… no liability.

They have absolute immunity.

For those of you who have the time to do it, I highly recommend L. Song Richardson’s article When Human Experimentation is Criminal.

…But there’s a little tiny problem and I told you there’s going to be hope at the end of this very disappointing, very abysmal, very unfortunate set of facts. The hope is that, under Section 50.24,  Anthony Fauci, and the CDC, and all the criminal co-conspirators I’ve talked about before at the Department of Health and Human Services, forgot to read a little tiny clause…

And the one thing they got wrong was for 50.24 to work there has to be, and I quote, “concurrence of a licensed physician who is a member of or consultant to the Institutional Review Board and who is not otherwise participating in the investigation“.

In other words — if there was going to be a clinical trial on any intervention for coronavirus, there had to be somebody not associated with any of the therapies.

Ha. Ha! This, my friends, is where we enter into the rabbit hole of the fun.

Because, you’ll notice that every individual that is in the Advisory Program, and every individual that has been active in stipulating the biggest of the clinical trials, which is called social distancing and face mask wearing, which is clinical research as a defined term under the FDA standard of clinical research, they screwed up by not having an independent and institutional review board which is required under the 50.24 waiver.

In other words, they thought they were getting away with absolute immunity, but they screwed up. Because they kept the conspirators all in the room and forgot that they have to have somebody who is independent.

…I read the entirety of the case United States versus Stanley, a case that was argued in 1986. and while Justice Antonin Scalia gets my absolute loser of the week, right, because he’s the guy who decided for the majority — and basically came up with this doctrine that says that the US can get away with anything and is absolutely incapable of having their immunity pierced.

Justice Brennan and Justice O’Connor dissented with the majority in that Supreme Court case.

Now I want to read you what Justice Brennan wrote: “The court confers absolute immunity from money damages on federal officials, military and civilian alike, without consideration of long-standing case law establishing the general rule that such officials are liable for damages caused by their intentional violation of well-established constitutional rights.” That is the absolute statement by Justice Brennan.

And Justice O’Connor says “No judicially crafted rule should insulate from liability the involuntary and unknowing human experimentation alleged to have occurred in the case.

And the case, remember, was actually an outgrowth of the MKULTRA case. This was when the CIA and DOD were injecting people with LSD and then trying to figure out what the side effects were.

Indeed, as Justice Brennan observes, the United States military played an instrumental role in the criminal prosecution of Nazi officials who experimented with human subjects during the Second World War. And the standards that were the Nuremberg military tribunals developed to judge the behavior of defendants, stated that, quote, “voluntary consent of human subject is absolutely essential“.

Did you hear what she said?  “is absolutely essential to satisfy moral, ethical and legal concepts.

…”If this principle is violated, the very least that society can do is see that victims are compensated as best they can be by the perpetrators. I am prepared to say that our Constitution’s promise of due process of law guarantees this much.” That is a quote from Sandra Day O’Connor.

…if two well-respected Supreme Court jurists actually come to the same conclusion that any normal human being would come to, which is that no constitutional rights can be abridged because somebody decides to act in an arbitrary and capricious manner, and put against their will a human subject in an experiment, then what’s going on right now?

Now let’s break this down really simply.

You are part of an experiment.

There is no medical or scientific evidence at all that the 6-foot distance has anything to do with the way a healthy population stays healthy in our society.

Social distancing is based on droplet studies which have never been associated with actual epidemiologic data.

So when Dr. Birx gets up and says we now think that there’s science to justify social distancing, Dr. Birx is lying to you.

There is no science justifying it.

It’s a belief system.

And the Supreme Court has been very clear on the difference between science and belief. Which means if you are currently living in under an order to social distance, you are part of a large epidemiologic experiment.

There is no science for this. You are a lab rat.

…The tyrant that is Governor Northam seeks to impose upon the population of Virginia, a face mask ordinance.

But here’s the problem: There is no scientific evidence that those work, and more importantly, there is very specific evidence that they actually impair the healthy functioning of society.

You, if you are asked to wear a face mask, are a lab rat.

You are subject to an investigation.

Social distancing, face mask wearing, both are experiments. They are experiments promulgated by the Department of Health and Human Services, supported by the Center for Disease Control.

And they have no Institutional Review Board authorization — which means they are in violation of the law.

And that, my friends, is the reason why I hope millions of people hear what I’m about to say.

After the injustice that was given to the Stanley case. And, just for your reference, the Stanley in the Stanley case was a veteran of the Korean War and I believe also the Vietnam War. He was subject to all kinds of clinical experimentation and his life was actually severely damaged. He went on to be a Florida police officer and continued to serve his country. But his country didn’t serve him back. And after reading the dissent to the Supreme Court’s decision in 1986, Congress passed an interesting law that created a very interesting action you can take.

…You go to the US Department of Justice website and you download Standard Form 95.

…It is your pathway to actually find a criminal or a civil liability, define it, and seek redress from the agency of the federal government that harmed you.

What’s harm? Well if you lost your job, if you lost customers, if you were physically harmed because you couldn’t go to doctors appointments, you couldn’t do the things that you needed to do to maintain your health, the Department of Human Services is actually supposed to get their liability notice from you.

…You need to send it to the US Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the General Counsel, 200 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington DC 20201.

And in that form you need to say that:

  • The Department of Health and Human Service, through the Center for Disease Control and the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Disease, sought and filed and received a patent starting in 2003 which made the identification, the detection and detection kits for coronavirus not available to the general population. They, by virtue of that act, by filing that patent, they made it impossible for the public health interest to be served.  And that’s the beginning of the damage.
  • In 2007 they extended their patent filing and in that patent filing sought to actually patent the virus, which is against 35 US Code Section 101.
  • In 2013 and 2018 they worked to use international sources and take the research on gain-of-function, which was determined by the National Institutes of Health in 2013 to be unethical.
  • They decided to take it offshore and work with the Wuhan Institute of Virology so that they could get around the ethical and legal implications of the work being done here in the United States. And they did that willfully.
  • So that at September 2019, in the publication World at Risk from the World Health Organization, Dr. Anthony Fauci and the members of the committee, that actually are affiliated with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, could make a recommendation that a respiratory-based pathogen simulation must be run with no Institutional Review Board review, with no independent physician certifying that their actions were legal — therefore, getting them out from the exclusions of Section 50.242 of the 21 Code of Federal Regulation.

They decided to start a clinical trial that you have become an unwilling participant in.

And the damages that you have, the damages that are your loss of livelihood, your loss of access to health, your loss of access to Liberty, the costs associated with your shutdown, the fact that you have not been able to work, the fact that you have not been able to deal with child care — every one of those facts is now a financial liability under the Standard Form 95 submission to the US Department of Health and Human Services.

Now here’s what it’s going to get fun.

They are required by law to respond to you. And the best thing about it is there’s a time limit on it. They have to respond within 90 to 180 days depending, on whether they get some wiggle room. But here’s the other part of that.

You have two years from the date of the injury or from the date of the civil claim or from the date of the crime — you have two years to do this filing.

…I want the office of the general counsel of the Department of Health and Human Services to be overwhelmed with millions of claims.

I want every person who has filed an unemployment claim, I want every one of those people to fill out a form 95 and send it to the office of the General Counsel. I want the Department of Health and Human Services to know that their violation of their own rules, which led to the destruction of your life and your livelihood, I want them to know that it comes at a cost.

… my goal, thirty million individual forms of claims for benefits for an illegal clinical trial.

And the specifics on the clinical trial, just so you get it right, are you have been forced to an experiment in which you did not give consent. And the experiment was called social distancing and face mask wearing. That’s the experiment. There is no institutional review board, there is no independent doctor, and it is up to you now to take a stand.

…Remember in the Stanley case, one courageous veteran — one courageous veteran — stood against the tyranny of the Department of Defense’s experimentation with LSD and stood against the tyranny of the CIA’s investigations with LSD. One veteran stood alone and that got Congress to act in 1986 and 1987.

Please understand, ladies and gentlemen, if a million of us act, if 30 million of us act, if a hundred million of us act, we will be heard.  Because they have no recourse. Because they wrote the rules and they didn’t follow them.

…I want to see 35 million of us standing together and actually sending the bill for this crime to the place that it started–  the United States Department of Health and Human Services.”

In the event that the original video is censored and deleted by the source social media platform,
link here to a mirrored copy on Truth Comes to Light Bitchute channel.

The Vatican and the New Manhattan Project

The Vatican and the New Manhattan Project

by Peter A. Kirby, Activist Post
June 7, 2020


Today we see Pope Francis urgently and repeatedly warning us of the extreme dangers of climate change resulting from man’s emissions of atmospheric carbon dioxide. This, while the author’s greatly revised and expanded second edition of his book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project reveals that the theory of man-made climate change is a cover story and catalyst not only for a socio-economic agenda espoused by such politicians as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. It is also a cover story and catalyst for a global weather modification effort the author refers to as the New Manhattan Project.

Ultimately, logic and facts prove beyond a shadow of doubt that this over-popularized theory of man-made climate change is false. So why is Pope Francis insisting otherwise? Could it be that the Vatican is invested in this theory’s agendas? In this article we will examine the evidence suggesting that the Vatican is invested in today’s New Manhattan Project.

The Vatican and geoengineering

In mid-2011, under Pope Benedict XVI, the Vatican first publicly got involved in the climate issue by endorsing a study commissioned by the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy of Sciences. The study is called “Fate of Mountain Glaciers in the Anthropocene” and it advocates for a strong policy response to the threat of man-made climate change. In the report, geoengineering is discussed. In the panel discussions leading up to the report, Solar Radiation Management geoengineering (chemtrails) was discussed.

In June 2015, Pope Francis produced an encyclical titled Laudato si’ which outlined his position on man-made climate change.

In late 2017 a geoengineering seminar was held for Pope Francis’ new Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development. The seminar was organized by the Carnegie Climate Geoengineering Governance Initiative and included presentations by representatives from the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Climate Interactive, and the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre. Carnegie-funded organizations have an extensive history of promoting Solar Radiation Management (SRM) geoengineering.

As explained in the author’s book, SRM geoengineering is code for the modern state of the biggest scientific effort in history. The author refers to this effort as the New Manhattan Project. Interestingly, when one looks back in history for more Vatican connections to the New Manhattan Project, one finds plenty.

The Vatican and the Nazis

Evidence presented in the author’s book reveals extensive connections between the WWII Nazi regime and the New Manhattan Project. Not surprisingly, the record also shows that the Vatican was aligned with the Nazis and provided support to them before, during, and after their reign.

At the turn of the century, the Church’s laws began to be redrafted in such a way as to allow for power to be centralized in the Vatican. These laws were published and brought into force in 1917.

Upon the death of Pope Benedict XV, in early 1922, the Church was not in a good financial condition. In order to meet expenses, the Vatican was forced to secure loans, mostly from German banks. This may have been the later Nazi regime’s initial foothold.

In early 1929, the Vatican seized a new, elevated position in world power. In that year, the Lateran Treaty between Italy and the Church further centralized power in the Vatican. Not only that, the Lateran Treaty established Vatican City as a sovereign nation as it granted vast amounts of other ‘extraterritorial holdings’ of land elsewhere in Rome and Italy. As a result of this treaty, Catholicism was declared the official religion of Italy and was to be taught in all public and private schools. The treaty stipulated further that Italy give the Vatican and the Pope $90M in cash and bonds as well as another, undisclosed sum. The Italian government also agreed to pay the salaries of all the Parrish priests in the country. In return for all this, the Church relinquished claims to lands previously seized by the Italian government and agreed to establish diplomatic relations with same. The Lateran Treaty codified the power of the Vatican and re-invigorated the Roman Catholic Church; allowing it to become the vast entity of centralized power that it is today.

Lateran Treaty signatories

All this about centralization of authority within the Vatican and a concurrent infusion of power and wealth is relevant to our discussion because these are events that allowed for the later rise of Nazi Germany and the systematic extermination of millions of people. You see, in the 1870s, the German government had passed a series of laws which persecuted Catholics. But, because their grass roots was empowered, the German Catholic clergy of the 1870s and their laity successfully resisted this persecution. It was a messy process. Lots of property and lives were ruined in the struggle, but ultimately, the people prevailed.

Hitler and his fellow National Socialists, as well as many leaders in the Vatican, knew before the Nazis’ rise to power that German Catholics would strongly resist the rise of a violently anti-Semitic regime such as theirs. German Catholic resistance had the potential to derail the Nazi effort. In order for Hitler to rise to power and execute the Holocaust, those involved knew that the German Catholics needed to be pacified and put on the sidelines. Hitler had written about it in Mein Kampf. Once an adequate level of power was centralized in the Vatican, enabling the Church to successfully enforce a German Catholic stand-down, the Nazis would then be able to move forward with their plans. That’s not to say that German Catholics completely stood down during WWII. They didn’t. But these necessary levels of centralized power were ultimately achieved and new technologies in the areas of travel and communications also arrived to help the Nazis effectively squelch domestic Catholic dissent.

Working from the beginning to achieve all of this was the former Eugenio Pacelli (1876-1958), Pope Pius XII – also known as Hitler’s Pope. Pacelli, as a young lawyer, worked on the aforementioned turn-of-the-century redrafting of Church law which centralized power in the Vatican. He also worked as papal nuncio in Munich and Berlin during the 1920s, enforcing the laws he had helped redraft. As he enforced these redrafted laws, Pacelli was also pursuing a Reich Concordat: a treaty between Germany and Rome that would finally create the situation needed for Hitler’s swift rise to power.

The former Eugenio Pacelli, Pope Pius XII

In late 1929, Pacelli was summoned to Rome. In light of his successful contributions to the Vatican’s recent resurgence, he was made a cardinal and the new Vatican secretary of state – the second most powerful position in all of the Catholic Church. He immediately set to work on the Reich Concordant.

Through a series of deft political maneuverings carried out by Pacelli, on July 20, 1933 the Reich Concordant was signed by Pacelli on behalf of the Vatican, and by Franz von Papen (1879-1969) on behalf of Germany. Along the way, as results of the negotiations, Adolf Hitler was made Chancellor of Germany and the German parliament passed legislation which greatly increased Hitler’s power.

The Reich Concordant constituted a full prostration of the German Catholic Church in open co-operation with the Nazis. About two months after the signing of the concordant, the German Catholic bishops, who had previously issued a statement condemning the Nazis, now issued a statement of submission before the Third Reich. In fact, as part of the agreement, Catholic bishops throughout Germany were obliged to take a loyalty oath to the Third Reich. Criticism of the new, authoritarian doctrines passed down from the Vatican was prohibited. To top it all off, the Reich Concordant stipulated that a 9 percent tax on salaried income was to be levied upon all practicing Catholics in Germany. This tax was taken directly out of people’s paychecks and produced billions in revenue for the Church.

It wasn’t long after the signing of the concordant that Hitler, through an order issued by Pacelli, mandated that the German political party which had represented the German Catholics (the Center Party) dissolve itself. The chairman of the deposed Catholic Center Party then urged German Catholics to sacrifice their freedoms for a strong and secure state while Pacelli instructed them to be loyal Catholics through their loyalty to the Nazis.

Hitler noted that the terms of the concordant were of great help, “in the urgent fight against international Jews.” Synchronously, Pacelli turned a blind eye to not only the ongoing persecution of the Jews, but also to the executions of leading German Catholic leaders, and continued to do so throughout the war.

Pacelli, the Vatican, and the Nazis had successfully executed an end-run around the German Catholic laity. When Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli was coronated as Pope Pius XII on March 12, 1939, he presided over the most powerful Roman Catholic Church in history. On September 1 of that same year, the Nazis invaded Poland and were well on their way.

After the war, the Vatican made millions from selling false passport papers to fleeing Nazi war criminals and other activities associated with the formation of a ratline to South America. As Paul Williams, author of The Vatican Exposed writes, “Fleeing war criminals were sheltered within Vatican City and granted new identities.” For this protection, the fleeing Nazis usually had to pay 40 to 50 percent of their complete savings. Williams continues:

Several prominent Nazi criminals, including Franz Stangl, commandant of Treblinka, were granted living quarters within the confines of Vatican City and at the pope’s summer residence at Castle Gandolfo. Others were lodged with Catholic families, who were pleased to open their doors to Vatican ‘guests’ for a small stipend. Still other criminals were sheltered in monasteries under the guise of friars, monks, and religious brothers. By 1946 these facilities were filled to capacity and scores of fugitive Nazis were housed in convents where they were dressed in full habit as nuns.

Williams specifies:

In addition to Klaus Barbie and Franz Stangl, the Church sheltered such luminaries as Adolph Eichmann, Hitler’s top henchman and director of the genocide program; Eduard Roschmann, the ‘Butcher of Roga’; SS General Walter Rauff, inventor of the mobile gas truck; Gustav Wagner, commandant of the Sobibor Camp; and Dr. Joseph Mengele, the ‘angel of death’ at Auschwitz.

The Vatican bank and the CIA

The Vatican has potential financial connections to the New Manhattan Project. The Vatican’s main financial institution, the Institute for Works of Religion (a.k.a. the Vatican Bank), was founded by none other than our friend Pope Pius XII and has been investing in companies associated with the New Manhattan Project. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has a history of working with the Vatican Bank and, as readers of this work already know, the CIA is most probably the overall, day-to-day manager of today’s New Manhattan Project.

In 1942 the Vatican Bank was founded by Hitler’s Pope and another man by the name of Bernardino Nogara (1870-1958). As explained earlier, Pius XII had made sure that robust revenue streams were coming in like never before. So they needed to do something with all the cash; hence the Vatican Bank. The foundation of the bank had a lot to do with being able to transfer money to Swiss bank accounts – for the funding of religious works, you understand. They apparently considered Operation Gladio a religious work – but we’ll get to that in a moment.

The Vatican Bank is owned and controlled entirely by the reigning Pope: the self-described vicarious representative of Jesus Christ on Earth: a man we are supposed to believe in. One of the Vatican Bank’s three boards of directors consists of prominent international bankers.

Now, Operation Gladio was a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and CIA collaboration that involved staging terrorist attacks throughout Europe (mostly in Italy) to be blamed on communist factions while, in actuality, the attacks were perpetrated by fascist (capitalist) ones. This was done in order to galvanize public opinion for capitalism and against communism. As a direct result of Operation Gladio, 491 people were killed and 1,181 injured or maimed. Operation Gladio was funded by profits from a global heroin racket that involved the CIA, American and Sicilian Mafias, and a multi-national pharmaceutical corporation called Schiaparelli. The profits from this enterprise were laundered through the Vatican Bank and distributed to the perpetrators of Operation Gladio through Swiss banks. We can now see how the Vatican and the CIA have participated in dastardly deeds to grow their power while creating the perception of virtue. It’s kind of like how geoengineers propose spraying the Earth and all of its biota with tens of thousands of megatons of toxic materials in order to save us from global warming. Maybe drug money laundered through the Vatican Bank is funding today’s New Manhattan Project.

By 1968 the Vatican was a major shareholder in General Electric, IBM, and other large American corporations. The Vatican has also been invested in Chase Manhattan Bank and Standard Oil. These corporations have documented connections to the New Manhattan Project.


Pope Benedict XVI, Pope Francis, and the Vatican have demonstrated that they believe that the fight against global warming is worthy of their involvement. To what extent they are involved remains unclear. But, when taking into consideration the evidence presented here, it is not unreasonable to think that the Vatican is involved in funding the New Manhattan Project.

The master thesis of the Catholic Church is that man is bad and must be made better by the Church. This is analogous to how today’s geoengineers say that we are in trouble because of man’s activities and need to be made better by geoengineering.

Let us not forget that, over the centuries, the Catholic Church has ordered many persecutions and executions over differences of scientific opinion. These differences of opinion pertained to matters where the Church was 180 degrees WRONG. Does that sound familiar?

Just like the theory of man-made global warming is more about money, politics, and power than science, the Vatican is less of a religious organization and more of a political organization. They always have been. They are even less of a scientific organization. They are not a legitimate scientific authority and, at least in this case, should not be operating as one.

Today, the Vatican is at least providing rhetorical support for the spraying of tens of thousands of megatons of toxic waste from aircraft ANNUALLY. What are they doing at most?


“Climate Change: Vatican Enters the Fray” an article by William Petland, published by Forbes, May 6, 2011

“Fate of Mountain Glaciers in the Anthropocene” a report by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, May 11, 2011

“Geoengineering: The good, the MAD, and the sensible” an article by Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, published by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, June 12, 2011

Laudato si’ an encyclical letter by Pope Francis, 2015

“Vatican Seminar on the Governance of Geoengineering” by Cynthia Scharf, Pablo Suarez, and Tebaldo Vinciguerra, published by the Carnegie Climate Governance Initiative, June 1, 2018

Hitler’s Pope: The Secret History of Pius XII a book by John Cornwell, published by Viking Penguin, 1999

The Vatican Exposed: Money, Murder, and the Mafia a book by Paul L. Williams, published by Prometheus Books, 2003

Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance Between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia a book by Paul L. Williams, published by Prometheus Books, 2015

GLADIO: NATO’s Dagger at the Heart of Europe: The Pentagon-Nazi-Mafia Terror Axis a book by Richard Cottrell, published by Progressive Press, 2012


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Peter A. Kirby is a San Rafael, CA researcher, author, and activist. Please buy the greatly revised and expanded second edition of his book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project available now exclusively at Amazon. Also please join his email list at his website PeterAKirby.com.

Dr. Joseph Farrell: Emergency Powers, COVID-19, Bio-Economic EMF Warfare, Deep State, Continuity of Government

Dr. Joseph Farrell Emergency Powers COVID-19 Bio-Economic EMF Warfare Deep State COG!

by Daniel Liszt, Dark Journalist
March 26, 2020


Dark Journalist And Dr. Joseph Farrell COVID-19 Bio-Economic EMF Warfare Deep State COG Continuity Of Government!

Special LiveStream with QA

Bio-Economic Warfare

In this fascinating episode Dark Journalist interviews Oxford Scholar Dr. Joseph Farrell on the seizing of unconstitutional Emergency Powers in relation to the COVID-19 health crisis.

They examine whether this is an operation designed to accomplish a financial reset that consolidates financial, political and surveillance power into the hands of a repressive Deep State.

Support Dark Journalist: https://darkjournalist.com

The Dark Journalist X Series Trailer: https://youtube.com/watch?v=eSVNSAy02ss

Australia Burning: Disaster Capitalism or Something Else?

Australia Burning: Disaster Capitalism or Something Else?

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
January 13, 2019


By far and away this past week, the biggest story flooding my email inbox were the fires in Australia. That’s partially understandable, as many members and readers of this website live in Australia. When these first started, though, I was skeptical of the explanations – what few there were – on the media. I did manage to hear a story from the Australian media that in one instance they had arrested two young men committing arson, who somehow managed to get the uniforms of a fire department in New South Wales.  But the lack of details thus far has been the most suspicious thing. Note that I said “thus far”, because details are beginning to emerge…

…but not in the media, but rather, by Australians taking pictures and making videos.

And, yes, this in itself fits a pattern we’ve seen before, in California and its fires, and the patterns in Australia and California are remarkably similar, right down to the fact that lamestream corporate controlled media will not report on, much less ask the questions, raised by the apparent anomalies. But in Australia’s case, there’s something new(This article shared by B.H.):

OPERATION TORCH AUSTRALIA: A Special Report on the Geoengineered Firestorms and DEW-triggered Arson Fires

What concerns me here is the map at the beginning of this article, for a glance at it shows something that to my mind is mighty peculiar: the entire continent is ringed with these fires, and that means they have become an environmental disaster. In fact, one thing my local talk show radio station did report about the Australian fires is the massive loss of wildlife, to the tune of hundreds of millions of animals.  Then ask yourself this question: if these fires were deliberately planned, what kind of intelligence would ring the inhabitants – human and otherwise – of an entire continent with fire?

I suspect most of us would imply something toward the “diabolical” end of the spectrum.

Notably, in that article, there are pictures of what appear to be normal fires burning the things that fires burn: trees, brush, houses, cars, and so on.

But wait, there’s more, much more; several people, P.J., V.T., and many others, sent articles with videos or pictures, and an old theme, one we’ve seen before in California, is being repeated: burned houses while nearby trees and brush is unburned; burned wheel rims and engine blocks, and pictures that – if not photoshopped and the genuine article – are suggesting that there is some sort of exotic technology in play, perhaps a directed energy technology:

Houses Explode and Burn While Nearby Trees Remain Untouched in Australia—Same DEW signatures as California arson fires

Are the unheard of “roaring fireballs” in Australia the product of Directed Energy Weapons?

Directed Energy Weapons Being Used in Operation Torch Australia

Explanations are few and far between, but similar to the California fires, one of them is the plans for high speed rail: burn out the people, buy up the land on the cheap, and develop:

Five new cities and a high-speed rail network are a step closer

For those who’ve been following these strange fires, from Greece to California, Siberia, Canada, Brazil, Bolivia, and now the fires surrounding Australia, the patterns are there for all to see. The only pattern we’ve not seen yet anywhere else but in California are the curious pictures of fires having been started in the junction and meter boxes connecting power lines to homes. Otherwise, we’re looking at the same thing: anomalous burning and destruction of homes, while nearby shrubbery and trees appear to be untouched, wheel rims and engine blocks literally turned into puddles, while other parts of vehicles remain relatively unscathed, and most importantly, pictures showing collimated air or fire, suggesting directed energy.

So what’s going on? Thus far, I like many others have been speculating that we may have been watching some sort of “disaster capitalism” at work, and there is a certain amount of coincidental evidence to suggest that: the clustering of fires in California in regions or land slated for special projects, like the expansion of Silicon Valley northward across the bay, or high speed rail, and so on. And as seen above, we have a similar suggestion implied for some of the regions impacted in the Australian fires. But I’m unaware of similar claims or arguments in the case of fires in Greece, Canada, Bolivia or Siberia.

There is, however, another explanation, one so obvious and yet so horrible in its implications that I do not really want to mention it, but I do so because perhaps other people have been thinking  the same thing, or better, because perhaps other people have some evidence or argument to present in support of the following high octane speculation:  Could it be that what we’re watching is not disaster capitalism, but a war? If so, is this the “preliminary bombardment” softening up the target before the troops are sent in and the bridgehead is established? If it is a war, who is it between? Who’s doing the shooting? Are we living in some real life version of H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds, where Martians show up suddenly and use heat weapons to burn down whole cities? Or are we fighting some terrestrial group?

I don’t know about you, but between the two high octane speculations, the one I find more tolerable is the disaster capitalism scenario. At least there we have an idea of who’s behind it, and why.

See you on the flip side…


Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

Chemtrails Exposed: The Research Corporation for Science Advancement and the Origins of the New Manhattan Project

Chemtrails Exposed: The Research Corporation for Science Advancement and the Origins of the New Manhattan Project

by Peter A. Kirby, Activist Post
November 24, 2019


Recently uncovered evidence indicates that the New Manhattan Project – otherwise known as ‘geoengineering’ – goes back further than previously thought.

As the name ‘New Manhattan Project’ implies, the author was previously under the impression that this ultra-massive, super-secret scientific project (the biggest of all time, in fact) only went back to the mid-1940s; directly after the end of the original Manhattan Project. Your intrepid author has recently found evidence suggesting that the New Manhattan Project should be called the Old Manhattan Project because it now looks like its roots actually go back about 35 years earlier.

The findings presented here have everything to do with an organization called The Research Corporation for Science Advancement and the origins of The Research Corporation for Science Advancement (Research Corporation) have everything to do with the life and work of one Frederick Gardner Cottrell (1877-1948).

Today the Research Corporation for Science Advancement has a website, a Twitter feed, and a Facebook page.

If you don’t know what the New Manhattan Project is, please refer to the author’s book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project available exclusively at Amazon.

Frederick Gardner Cottrell

In the early 1900s Frederick Gardner Cottrell pioneered the field of large-scale, electrostatic removal of coal fly ash from the emissions of coal-fired electrical power plants. This is relevant to the New Manhattan Project for a few reasons.

It is relevant because it has been scientifically proven beyond a reasonable doubt by Dr. Marvin Herndon and his peer-reviewers all over the world that the substance with which we are being routinely sprayed today is coal fly ash. You see, coal fly ash is the smoke that rises from burning coal. It’s a toxic waste by-product of the electrical power industry. There’s a big, cheap supply of it all over the world and if they don’t spray it into our atmosphere, it costs the electrical power companies big money to properly dispose of it. The low cost and ready availability of coal fly ash makes it suitable for geoengineering purposes because geoengineers are talking about spraying tens of thousands of megatons of toxic substances such as this from airplanes ANNUALLY. For more about coal fly ash, please refer to the author’s 2017 article “Chemtrails Exposed: Coal Fly Ash and the New Manhattan Project.”

Not only that, but electrical power companies have a long history in weather modification, and the New Manhattan Project is a global, second generation weather modification project. Specifically, electrical power companies have for many decades openly sprayed silver iodide from ground-based generators in order to make it snow. The runoff from this artificially nucleated snowpack then fills up their mountain reservoirs and is subsequently used to generate hydroelectric power. How much does the Pacific Gas and Electric Corporation love you?

Furthermore, when coal fly ash is electrostatically removed from the exhaust system of a coal-fired power plant, a mini-New Manhattan Project takes place. This is what originally inspired the author’s investigation here. You see, today’s coal fly ash is removed from a power plant’s exhaust system using something called an electrostatic precipitator. These electrostatic precipitators collect fly ash by first electrically charging the airborne ash particles, then attracting them to oppositely charged plates where the ash is then taken away. This is analogous to how, in the course of today’s New Manhattan Project, atmospheric particles are electromagnetically ionized (charged) and then manipulated. This use of electromagnetic energy is the defining aspect of the project and, strangely enough, we see it replicated in this NMP sub-operation of fly ash sequestration. Frederick Cottrell was the American pioneer in the field of electrostatic precipitation.

So, let us learn more about this intriguing Frederick Cottrell character, whose life’s work was so inextricably intertwined with air pollution and, most pertinently, coal fly ash air pollution. Like your author, Cottrell was born in the San Francisco Bay Area. This is his story.

Frederick Gardner Cottrell was born in Oakland, CA in 1877. As a boy, Cottrell marveled at the swift proliferation of applied electrical power. At the age of 19 he received a Bachelors degree in chemistry from the University of California and subsequently became a chemistry teacher at Oakland High School. He then traveled abroad to the Mecca of science, Germany. During this time he also traveled extensively throughout Europe as well as throughout the eastern half of America, visiting just about all of the big scientific universities while meeting and studying under many famous European and American scientists. Upon his return to America, from 1902 to 1911 Cottrell taught physical chemistry at UC Berkeley. Cottrell was gregarious, universally well-liked, and an extraordinarily sharp scientist.

In America, Cottrell traveled to many universities which have since been implicated in the production of the New Manhattan Project such as: The University of Chicago, Cornell, Harvard, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Most notably, though, on his return journey Cottrell also visited Schenectady, New York; the home of W.R. Whitney’s General Electric Laboratories which was just beginning its long and storied history in the realm of industrial scientific discoveries. In fact, General Electric and Whitney would go on for many years trying unsuccessfully to sign Cottrell as an employee. As readers of this work already know, General Electric appears to be central to the production of the New Manhattan Project.

In 1906 Cottrell first successfully collected and removed unwanted airborne particles with electrical precipitation as part of an industrial process at a DuPont plant engaged in the manufacture of acids and explosives in Pinole, CA. It was not to improve the quality of the breathable air, though. For DuPont, Cottrell found a way to eliminate certain arsenic mists which were a by-product of their industrial processes that were causing production difficulties. Elimination of the arsenic mists during the production of sulphuric acid allowed the DuPont plant to produce their goods much more efficiently. It was during this time that Cottrell drew up his first two successful U.S. patents pertaining to electrical precipitation and a new industry was born.

Once Cottrell had successfully demonstrated his new and improved methods of electrical precipitation, one of Cottrell’s friends, a man by the name of Harry East Miller was sure that Cottrell ‘had something’ and promptly incorporated and became the primary funder of something called the Western Precipitation Company.

The parent corporation of the Western Precipitation Company was something called the International Precipitation Company. The International Precipitation Company held the patents while the Western Precipitation Company was the operating unit. Miller, Cottrell, E.S. Heller, a well-known San Francisco attorney, and Berkeley professor Edmund O’Neill were the original shareholders with seed money investment coming from all except Cottrell. An additional early loan was secured from the Wells Fargo Nevada National Bank.

After returning to Pinole to perfect and definitively demonstrate their improved methods, Western Precipitation’s first real job came in 1907 at the Selby Smelting and Lead Company in Selby, California. This job was all about cleaning up the ambient air.

The troubles at the Selby Smelting and Lead Company were not uncommon. Ever since the Industrial Revolution and all throughout the 19th century, much of the industrialized world (especially Europe and the industrialized centers of America) struggled with poor air quality due to the emissions coming from local factories. At Selby, the downwind residents of Solano County were reporting foul odors, reduced agricultural production, corroded metals, and other significant environmental problems due to the pollution coming from the Selby plant. It got so bad that the residents of Solano County had banded together back in 1905 to petition for an injunction against the Selby plant’s offending emissions.

When officials at the Selby plant heard about Western Precipitation’s successful demonstration of their improved methods at nearby Pinole, they immediately looked to Western Precipitation for a solution to their problems. Western Precipitation’s efforts at Selby were ultimately successful, the air quality in Solano County was restored, and the Selby Smelting and Lead Company continued operations there. It was a win win.

In the years following the successes at Pinole and Selby, Western Precipitation solved emissions problems at industrial facilities such as large copper smelters and cement factories.

In July of 1910, at the first annual meeting of the American Chemical Society in San Francisco, Cottrell held his first major public discussion of his work in the field of electrical precipitation and his speech was well received both domestically and abroad. A variety of air pollution-producing industries as well as civic organizations gave inquiries. Cottrell’s International Precipitation Company was well on its way to prosperity.

In 1911 Cottrell resigned from his position at the University of California at Berkeley and took a job as a physical chemist with the U.S. Bureau of Mines. He took the job because the then director of the Bureau, a man by the name of Joseph A. Holmes, was cultivating an expanded role for the newly created Bureau. One of Holmes’ initiatives was that of organizing efforts related to ameliorating the problem of pollution caused by the burning of coal. Holmes saw air pollution from the burning of coal as an issue for the Bureau of Mines because coal is a mined substance and the organizations burning said coal had intimate business relationships with the miners. Cottrell’s experience in electrical precipitation made him a natural fit.

The Research Corporation for Science Advancement

It was not long after his arrival in Washington, D.C. for his job with the Bureau of Mines in June of 1911, when Cottrell started taking steps towards forming the Research Corporation, as it was originally called. With help from Holmes, the Director of the Bureau of Mines, as part of this process, Cottrell began negotiations with the Smithsonian Institution to let them take over ownership of his patents pertaining to electrical precipitation. It was suggested that the Smithsonian Institution could use funding from the royalties generated by the business development of International Precipitation Company’s patents to fund scientific efforts which had the potential to improve Americans’ daily quality of life.

You see, unlike Bill Gates, George Soros, or so many others, Cottrell was a real philanthropist. He actually wanted to use his patents to foster development of the greater good. He may have been naïve, but his intentions were good.

Cottrell soon returned to the San Francisco Bay Area where he went about organizing a Bureau of Mines office and laboratory in San Francisco. Also at this time, he and his business associates (Miller, Heller, and O’Neill), as a preliminary step to handing their patents over to the Smithsonian, signed over both the Western Precipitation Company and the International Precipitation Company (without patents) to one of Cottrell’s former pupils named Walter A. Schmidt, who became the manager of both the International Precipitation Company and the Western Precipitation Company.

By this time, there was huge interest and activity associated with the Cottrell group’s new technologies and the job offers were coming in from all over the world. With the signing over of the companies, Cottrell and his associates received only modest compensation. With the disposition of his businesses, Cottrell plunged into his work at the Bureau.

In December of 1911, the Regents of the Smithsonian decided to accept Cottrell and associates’ offer with a caveat. The Regents of the Smithsonian advised that a stock corporation be organized which was to take title of the patents. The Regents advised that the Smithsonian Institution be directly represented in this new corporation by the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution – at the time, a man by the name of Charles D. Walcott (1850-1927). From this arrangement and from the royalties generated by the International Precipitation Company patents, the Smithsonian Institution, they suggested, would stand to benefit financially. This suggested corporation would later be formed as the Research Corporation.

At the time of the Smithsonian’s decision, Cottrell happened to be back east again in Washington D.C. attending an important meeting. Being that the Smithsonian’s Executive Committee was ready to act, Cottrell extended his stay.

After attending the executive session of the Smithsonian’s Board of Regents where they announced their decision pertaining to Cottrell’s patents, Walcott (Secretary of the Smithsonian) and Cottrell adjourned to a restaurant across the street where they ran into Arthur Dehon Little (1863-1935). The presence of Arthur D. Little is important to our discussion because his eponymous corporation (a research organization, no less) was later to do lots of serious work in the vein of the New Manhattan Project. From little acorns mighty oaks grow. Little was a staunch supporter of Cottrell’s efforts to establish this new corporation – he even suggested the name Research Corporation. Little offered lots of other advice and volunteered to steer Cottrell towards the ‘right’ people. It was Little who put Cottrell in touch with T. Coleman DuPont (1863-1930) who enthusiastically took a seat on the nascent Research Corporation’s board of directors. Little took a seat on the first board as well. Du Pont stayed on the Research Corporation board of directors from 1912 to 1930 while Arthur D. Little remained as a Research Corporation board member from 1912 to 1921.

The newly christened Research Corporation needed more members of the board to oversee their important work. For upwards of two months following the Smithsonian’s decision, Cottrell and Bureau of Mines chief Holmes communicated with about one hundred men from many different vocations in order to find directors for the new Research Corporation. They eventually decided upon 14 well-known men from academia, government, and industry, including a man named Elihu Thompson (1853-1937) who was the founder of something called the Thompson-Houston Company. The Thompson-Houston Company was one of the precursors of the General Electric Company which has only the most serious implications for the New Manhattan Project. Thomson was also the president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology from 1920 to 1923. Another original board member was one Charles A. Stone (1867-1941) who was a trustee of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This is significant because the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is another organization highly implicated in the science history of the New Manhattan Project. Smithsonian Secretary Walcott took a seat on the Research Corporation board as well. By early February of 1912, the Research Corporation’s original board of directors had been chosen and its Articles of Incorporation were ready to be filed.

Although years later the Research Corporation bought back all of its stock, members of its original board initially paid for founder’s stock which filled the nascent Research Corporation’s coffers and gave the corporation its seed money needed for starting operations.

Over the years, many other luminaries of the New Manhattan Project have served on the Research Corporation’s board of directors including: Karl T. Compton (1887-1954), James R. Killian Jr. (1904-1988), Alfred Lee Loomis (1887-1975), and Vannevar Bush (1890-1974). All four of these men have strong implications for the New Manhattan Project with Loomis and Bush possessing only the strongest. Alfred Lee Loomis was a Research Corporation board member from 1930 to 1933, then again from 1948 to 1959. In 1938 the Research Corporation awarded a grant to Vannevar Bush. Vannevar Bush was a Research Corporation board member from 1939 to 1946.

On February 16 of 1912 the Research Corporation was incorporated under the laws of the state of New York, a one-room office was leased at 63 Wall St., and a manager by the name of Linn Bradley was hired. Cottrell returned to his office work for the Bureau of Mines in San Francisco. A prospectus was printed up and, in order to increase revenue, Bradley went about finding new contract opportunities.

Back in the San Francisco Bay Area once again, Cottrell applied the principals of electrical precipitation to weather modification. This is significant because, as noted earlier, the topic of our study, the New Manhattan Project is, largely and in its essence, a global weather modification project. Specifically, Cottrell experimented with the electrical dissipation of low-lying fogs. Here Cottrell was following in the footsteps of Sir Oliver Lodge (1878-1955) who had successfully performed similar experiments in London many years earlier. This type of weather modification activity, utilizing a charged wire to cause the coalescence of fog, is duly noted in the historical weather modification literature.

Cottrell and his wife moved to Washington D.C. in November of 1916, where they then lived for the next 28 years.

The International Precipitation Company and its subsidiary the Western Precipitation Company flourished under Walter Schmidt’s management. Immediately following the end of hostilities in Europe, Schmidt returned to rejuvenate International Precipitation’s business there. In the course of doing so, he joined forces with Sir Oliver Lodge’s Fume Deposit Company to form the British firm Lodge Cottrell Ltd. To this day Lodge Cottrell Ltd produces and services industrial electrostatic precipitators, mostly outside of America.

In the first two years of its existence, the Research Corporation got its revenue almost entirely from the fees associated with their engineering consultancy work pertaining to the design, installation, and maintenance of electrostatic precipitators. In the first few years of its existence, the Research Corporation mostly went about building up cash reserves.

During this time there were large precipitators being built around the country. By January 1915, about three years after its creation, the Research Corporation had $65K in cash and $100K in secured notes, subsequently, the previously issued founders’ stock was bought back in that same year.

In 1920 Cottrell briefly served as the chief of the Bureau of Mines for 8 months. Beginning in 1921 Cottrell also served as the chairman of the National Research Council’s Division of Chemistry and Chemical Technology. The National Research Council was funded by the Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations, among others. This put him in touch with Rockefellers and Carnegies – two family names highly correlated with the New Manhattan Project.

With the exception of an early grant to Cottrell as part of a company promotion, the Research Corporation didn’t really start giving out money for the advancement of science until 1923. In 1923 the Research Corporation made their first real grant when they paid $5K toward the atmospheric sounding rocket experiments of the American rocketry pioneer Robert H. Goddard (1882-1945). This was an investment in the atmospheric sciences as sounding rockets are used to gather atmospheric data. From the beginning, the Research Corporation was funding projects highly relevant to the New Manhattan Project. As we will soon see, many others were funded later.

At the Research Corporation, the way it worked was that Howard Poillon ran day-to-day operations while Cottrell was largely responsible for developing new inventions and ideas, accepting new patents, and the granting of funds. Cottrell’s official status was that of a paid consultant.

Another early recipient of Research Corporation money was Ernest Orlando Lawrence (1901-1958): Manhattan Project scientist and the father of the cyclotron. In 1931 the Research Corporation made the first of many grants to Ernest Lawrence for the development of his cyclotron.

In late July of 1931, after Lawrence had successfully produced a million-volt proton with an eleven inch accelerator, Fred Cottrell encouraged his friend from UC Berkeley to ask the Research Corporation for funding. Before the end of the month, Lawrence was in New York, asking the Research Corporation for $10-$15K. Cottrell came along to personally introduce Lawrence and plead his case before the board of directors. The Research Corporation was impressed with Lawrence and they decided to make a $5K grant, even though they had to go to the bank and borrow the funds because they were in the throes of the Great Depression. William Buffum of the Chemical Foundation followed up with a promise of another $2.5K.

On different occasions between 1931 and 1940, the Research Corporation gave to Lawrence’s work at the Berkeley Radiation Laboratory: $5K, $1.8K, $2K, $2K, $3K, $1K, $5K, $1.7K, $7.5K, $5K, and $50K. That’s a grand total of $84K, or, conservatively, about $1.5M in today’s dollars.

The Research Corporation, as the assignee, also applied for one of Lawrence’s patents for him. Their collaborative patent “Method and Apparatus for the Acceleration of Ions” covers methods of the cyclotronic production of radioactive substances discovered by Lawrence.

Cottrell’s biographer Cameron writes, “In the thirties, when the period of intensive study of atomic energy began, the earliest diversified support and encouragement of the development of the techniques of nuclear physics in America came from Research Corporation.” He also writes, “The Lawrence patent had, by 1949, been licensed free of royalties to twenty-eight universities and scientific institutions to build cyclotrons. More than that, it was income from the precipitation patents that helped in several instances to build or operate these cyclotrons which the corporation licensed.”

Along with funding Lawrence, the Research Corporation funded other early cyclotron work at: Columbia University, the University of Rochester, the University of Chicago, and Cornell University.

The Research Corporation also funded Robert Van de Graaff’s (1901-1967) electrostatic generator, also known as a Van de Graaff-Trump accelerator after the Donald’s uncle, John G. Trump (1907-1985). Van de Graaff’s work was conducted at MIT. Cameron writes, “[The Van de Graaff group of patents on the electrostatic generator] were assigned to Research Corporation under a general agreement with Massachusetts Institute of Technology and in turn were ultimately licensed back to the High Voltage Engineering Corporation formed by Van de Graaff and his associates.” Van de Graaff’s associates included John Trump. As readers of this work already know, John Trump was the MIT professor who looked over Nikola Tesla’s posthumously confiscated documents.

In 1938 it was reported that the Research Corporation had donated funds to Columbia University in order to support their program of supplying, “artificial radioactive materials for use as tracers in biochemical processes.” Today the New Manhattan Project uses atmospheric radioactive tracers along with satellites to actively map atmospheric activity.

At some point during this time, the Research Corporation moved out of its original offices on Wall St. and moved into offices in the steeple of the Chrysler Building in Manhattan.

In the early thirties, the Smithsonian had established a laboratory for Cottrell’s use. In this laboratory Cottrell installed a man by the name of Chester Gilbert who was formerly the president of the American Coal Corporation. At the Smithsonian laboratory, after receiving an anonymous donation of $6K, Gilbert initially investigated the production of lime-gypsum plaster based on some Research Corporation patents. Gilbert’s lime-gypsum work led him to work pertaining to the use of coal fly ash. This work put Gilbert and Cottrell among the pioneers in the field of coal fly ash utilization, a field that continues to this day. Gilbert and Cottrell figured that coal fly ash could be processed and then used as a filler in cements and plasters. They also went about processing coal fly ash for use as a household cleaning powder.

The author of Cottrell’s biography, Frank Cameron describes the Research Corporation’s Smithsonian laboratory in a very interesting way. Cameron describes the Smithsonian laboratory as analogous to a phenomenon germane to weather modification and the atmospheric sciences: nucleation. Curiously, when referring to the laboratory where Gilbert and Cottrell performed pioneering work in the field of coal fly ash utilization, Cameron writes, “They [Gilbert and Cottrell] did not foresee it as the mote, the speck of dust around which Cottrell’s ideas and those of his protégés, like so many particles of moisture, would begin to coalesce to form the drop of rain.”

It may have been during this time that Gilbert, Cottrell, or other pioneers in the field of coal fly ash utilization noticed or figured that the smoke from coal-fired, electrical power plants causes precipitation. It had been noted for many years previously that explosions and smoke from burning fires cause precipitation. Maybe the Research Corporation and their Smithsonian laboratory attempted to determine the validity of these claims by doing a study about whether or not, under the appropriate atmospheric conditions, the smoke from coal-fired electrical power plants can be scientifically proven to cause precipitation. It is known today that if coal is finely pulverized before combustion, then many of the resultant fly ash particles will be the optimum size for atmospheric nucleation (.1 micron). Maybe they even collected some of this coal fly ash from one of their electrostatic precipitators and dumped it out of an airplane to see if it caused atmospheric precipitation. Just sayin’. And if the reader is aware of just how many of the author’s speculations have turned out to be directly over the target, then the reader should be just listenin’.

As the years went on, the Research Corporation’s electrostatic precipitator business grew and grew. In 1928 Research Corporation had 43 contracts in hand to build and install electrostatic precipitators. In 1941 Research Corporation had 95 contracts to build and install electrostatic precipitators. In 1942 Research Corporation had 130 contracts.

During WWII something called the Research Construction Company, which was formed by the Research Corporation, served as a ‘model shop’ for MIT’s Radiation Laboratory. Under contract to MIT, the Research Construction Company produced over $12M worth of radar apparatus. In their book commemorating their centennial anniversary, the Research Corporation for Science Advancement tells us, “Research Construction Company made small production runs for immediate military needs. Successful prototypes were turned over to government contractors for mass production.” This is significant because the wartime MIT Radiation Laboratory has serious implications for the New Manhattan Project. For more information about the MIT Rad Lab, please refer to the author’s 2017 article “Chemtrails Exposed: Truly a New Manhattan Project.”

Cottrell eventually returned to Berkeley and died in his chair during a morning meeting of the National Academy of Sciences on the campus of UC Berkeley in November of 1948. Cameron writes, “About nine-thirty he slumped in his chair, his head back, an audible rattle in his throat.

“He died among friends. Hildebrand, of the university’s chemistry department, helped Farrington Daniels lay him on the floor, and it was thought that death had come instantly. A doctor arrived and after the body had been removed it was the sentiment of those attending that Cottrell would have wished the meeting to go on.

“The session continued.”

The Research Corporation for Science Advancement writes of significant developments in the post-war era, “In 1954, as a result of [a] change in the tax law, Research Corporation reorganized its precipitator business as Research-Cottrell, a wholly-owned but taxable subsidiary.” The authors continue, “From 1957 to 1967 Research Corporation was supported mainly by the earnings of its commercial precipitation subsidiary, Research-Cottrell, and royalties from inventions in its patent portfolios.” “By the mid-1960s, further federal efforts to limit nonprofit control over commercial activities prompted Research Corporation to lower the percentage of its ownership in the precipitator business, and Research-Cottrell became a publicly held company in 1967.

“The [Research Corporation] Foundation’s endowment was established during the second half of the twentieth century, coming primarily from the Research-Cottrell stock offering. Research Corporation finally divested itself of all of the precipitator firm’s stock in the 1980s.” “The Foundation’s precipitator business, Research-Cottrell, survives as Hamon-Research Cottrell, a public corporation headquartered in New Jersey that is a major provider of air-pollution control technology.”

The Research Corporation has historically given many grants to scientific studies conducted in areas relevant to the New Manhattan Project. The Research Corporation has consistently funded work in the areas of: plasma physics, astrophysics, microwave spectroscopy, radioactive tracers, atmospheric physics, electromagnetic fields, particle physics, meteorology, ionospheric research, nucleation, biology, and more.

Famous scientists implicated in the New Manhattan Project such as Merle Tuve (1901-1982), Isidor Rabi (1898-1988), and CalTech’s Lee DuBridge (1901-1994) have all been Research Corporation grantees.

In 1965 Alfred Y.F. Wong of the University of California at Los Angeles’ Plasma Physics Lab received $6K for work in, “Experimental studies of fundamental plasma physics.” Again in 1972 Wong received $10K from the Research Corporation. The following year Barrett H. Ripin, Reiner L. Stenzel, and the aforementioned Alfred Wong of UCLA got $10,200 to study ion beam-plasma wave interactions.

This is the same Alfred Y.F. Wong who went on, in the 1980s, to found and direct the High Power Auroral Stimulation (HIPAS) ionospheric heater in Alaska. The HIPAS ionospheric heater was a precursor to the infamous High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) antenna. Further, my science advisor tells me that weather modification work prominently mentioned by Vice Admiral William F. Raborn, Jr. was conducted at the HIPAS facility.

This is the same Alfred Y.F. Wong that got busted for fraudulently producing phony invoices pertaining to U.S. government contract work. He pled guilty, was sentenced to 5 days behind bars, as well as six months home detention, and was ordered to pay nearly $1.7M in restitution.

Wong is currently listed on UCLA’s website as a Professor Emeritus of ‘Exp. Plasma & Environmental Physics.’

For more about Vice Admiral Raborn and his implications for the New Manhattan Project, please see the author’s previous article “William Raborn and the New Manhattan Chemtrail Project.”

Oddly enough, the cover of the Research Corporation for Science Advancement’s 2008 annual report features a question mark made of clouds high above the Earth, appearing as though it has been written in the sky by aircraft. In this same report they reveal that the so-called Scialog program, which they originally disclosed in the previous year’s annual report, is all about tackling ‘global climate change.’ Oddly enough as well, so is the New Manhattan Project.

In their 2009 report they refer to global climate change as a ‘looming challenge.’

In their 2010, 2011, and 2012 reports, they note that Cherry A. Murray served on their Presidential Advisory Committee. For the fact that Cherry A. Murray is the former Director of the Department of Energy’s Office of Science, the author has identified her as a person of interest in the New Manhattan Project. You know that the original Manhattan Project became the Atomic Energy Commission, which, in turn, became the Department of Energy, right? Murray also was the principal associate director for science and technology at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) from 2004-2009. LLNL is the author’s number one choice for a New Manhattan Project command center location. Murray got her B.S. and Ph.D. in physics from MIT.

In their 2010 and 2011 reports, their then president and CEO James M. Gentile identified himself as a climate zealot as he characterized climate change as a daunting challenge to be overcome.

A managing director of Brown Brothers Harriman, G. Scott Clemons sits on the Research Corporation for Science Advancement’s board of directors. This is significant because of Brown Brothers Harriman’s affiliation with the Bush family as well as the fact that Brown Brothers Harriman acquired another producer of electrostatic precipitators known as Dresser Industries in 1928. For more about Brown Brothers Harriman, the Bush family, and Dresser Industries, please refer to the author’s 2018 article “Chemtrails Exposed: Dresser Industries and the New Manhattan Project.”

Other interesting individuals from organizations such as: The Chase Manhattan Bank, Kuhn, Loeb & Co., the Aeronautic Division of the Ford Motor Company, the Carnegie institute of Technology, MIT’s Radiation Laboratory, CalTech, and something called Energy Global all have sat or currently sit on the Research Corporation’s board of directors.


The Research Corporation has always funded what we call ‘basic science.’ These are the small, highly specific studies that produce results which are often in turn used as the building blocks of much larger scientific efforts. Over the years, the Research Corporation has funded thousands of basic science studies.

Furthermore, we know that one of the 3 ways that the Research Corporation has funded itself over the years is from corporate stock dividends – the other two being patent royalties and electrostatic precipitator engineering services fees. For many decades now, the Research Corporation has maintained an investment portfolio consisting mostly of the dividend-paying stocks of large, American companies.

Doesn’t it make sense, then that the Research Corporation would fund basic science studies which might produce new discoveries helpful to the corporations that fund the Research Corporation? This is probably what has been taking place.

Given this, doesn’t it also make sense, then that, over the years, the Research Corporation may have funded basic science studies which produced new discoveries which were then used as building blocks of the New Manhattan Project? The Research Corporation has owned the dividend-paying stocks of companies like General Electric, Boeing, and Standard Oil which all have strong implications for the NMP. As noted earlier, one of the Research Corporation’s founding members, Elihu Thomson was also a founding member of General Electric and General Electric appears to be the most instrumental corporation in the NMP’s history. Furthermore, we have seen many people strongly connected to the NMP also working for the Research Corporation such as Alfred Lee Loomis, Vannevar Bush, and Arthur D. Little.

For the production of the New Manhattan Project, use of an operation like the Research Corporation would be very advantageous. The New Manhattan Project, being that it is the biggest scientific project in history, has necessarily required gargantuan boatloads of basic scientific studies. And here is a self-sustaining organization that, for over 100 years and to this day, due to the efforts of Frederick Cottrell, produces an endless amount of this stuff. It’s even better than making the taxpayer pay for it!

It is hoped that this article provides more clarity about the biggest scientific effort in Human history and that our continuing investigations of coal fly ash air pollution will illuminate us and contribute to relieving us of our burdens. As these investigations have repeatedly found, when one investigates coal fly ash air pollution, one finds the New Manhattan Project. It’s funny how that works, isn’t it? Let’s keep moving in this direction. Thank you, Dr. Herndon.


The greatly revised and expanded second edition of my book “Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project” is coming! It’s looking like spring 2020. There’s just so much here! For one, the new Chemtrail Fleet chapter is going to be a real BARN BURNER. Have I ever disappointed you? Stay tuned. To be among the first to be notified of the second edition’s publication, please join my email list at my website peterakirby.com

Bibliography (in order of first appearance)

“Chemtrails Exposed: Coal Fly Ash and the New Manhattan Project” an article by Peter A. Kirby, published by Activist Post, July 24, 2017

Cottrell: Samaritan of Science a book by Frank Cameron, published by Doubleday, 1952

“Frederick Gardner Cottrell 1877-1948” a National Academy of Sciences Biographical Memoir by Vannevar Bush, published by the National Academy of Sciences, 1952

100 Years of Supporting Science Innovation: Research Corporation for Science Advancement: 1912-2012 a book by the Research Corporation for Science Advancement, published by the Research Corporation for Science Advancement, 2012

US patent #1,948,384 “Method and Apparatus for the Acceleration of Ions” by Ernest O. Lawrence

An American Genius: The Life of Ernest Orlando Lawrence, Father of the Cyclotron a book by Herbert Childs, published by E.P. Dutton & Co., 1968

“Chemtrails Exposed: Truly a New Manhattan Project” an article by Peter A. Kirby, published by Activist Post, March 13, 2017

Research Corporation annual reports 1950-2018

“Former UCLA Physics Professor Agrees To Plead Guilty In Federal Contract Fraud Case And Pay Nearly $1.7 Million In Damages” a press release by the Department of Justice, U.S. Attorney’s Office, Central District of California, published by the United States Department of Justice, May 9, 2013

“William Raborn and the New Manhattan Chemtrail Project” an article by Peter A. Kirby, published by Activist Post, May 24, 2017

The Research Corporation (1912-1952): Dedicated to Progress in Education and Science a booklet containing a transcript of a speech by Dr. Joseph Warren Barker, published by the Newcomen Society, 1952


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Peter A. Kirby is a San Rafael, CA researcher, author, and activist. Buy his book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project available now exclusively at Amazon.

Geoengineering, Toxic Skies & Plastic Rain in the US Rockies

Plastic Rain in the US Rockies

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
August 16, 2019


This article is one to ponder carefully for a number of reasons, which we’ll get to. But the basic story is – surprise surprise! – scientists in the US Rocky Mountains region have been finding microscopic plastic filaments and globules in the rain (say it isn’t so!!!), according to this story shared by S.D.:

It’s raining plastic: microscopic fibers fall from the sky in Rocky Mountains

What’s interesting about the article isn’t so much its statement of the obvious – that “there’s plastic in that thar rain!” – but how it got there:

Plastic was the furthest thing from Gregory Wetherbee’s mind when he began analyzing rainwater samples collected from the Rocky Mountains. “I guess I expected to see mostly soil and mineral particles,” said the US Geological Survey researcher. Instead, he found multicolored microscopic plastic fibers.

The discovery, published in a recent study (pdf) titled “It is raining plastic”, raises new questions about the amount of plastic waste permeating the air, water, and soil virtually everywhere on Earth.

“I think the most important result that we can share with the American public is that there’s more plastic out there than meets the eye,” said Wetherbee. “It’s in the rain, it’s in the snow. It’s a part of our environment now.”

“My results are purely accidental,” he said, though they are consistent with another recent study that found microplastics in the Pyrenees, suggesting plastic particles could travel with the wind for hundreds, if not thousands, of kilometers. Other studies have turned up microplastics in the deepest reaches of the ocean, in UK lakes and rivers and in US groundwater.

A major contributor is trash, said Sherri Mason, a microplastics researcher and sustainability coordinator at Penn State Behrend. More than 90% of plastic waste is not recycled, and as it slowly degrades it breaks into smaller and smaller pieces. “Plastic fibers also break off your clothes every time you wash them,” Mason said, and plastic particles are byproducts of a variety of industrial processes.

It’s impossible to trace the tiny pieces back to their sources, Mason said, but almost anything that’s made of plastic could be shedding particles into the atmosphere. “And then those particles get incorporated into water droplets when it rains,” she added, then wash into rivers, lakes, bays and oceans and filter into groundwater sources. (Emphasis added)

There you have it: it’s all the plastic waste we’re producing, which breaks down into small particles, then combines in the atmosphere in water droplets, to fall to earth again in the rain. Case closed, message received: we’ve got to curb human activity to save the planet. (This is, after all, The Guardian we’re dealing with.)

Now, don’t get me wrong, I have no difficulty that this is true, but not nearly to the extent that is being carefully alleged here. What disturbs me about the article is its blatant material omission, i.e., the complete absence of any mention of the chemtrail-spraying phenomenon, and this after Bill Gates and Harvard were recently caught “red handed” (pun intended) talking about how to spray stuff into the atmosphere to “dim the sun.” For those of us who’ve been following the geoengineering phenomenon, or for that matter, the strange case of Morgellon’s disease and its plastic fibers growing in the lesions of its sufferers, it is this spraying itself, not the normal human activity and use of plastics, that is the real culprit: spray a bunch of gunk into the atmosphere, and it’s going to fall to the earth and cause environmental problems.

Which brings me, not to my speculation of the day, but to my rant of the day: until these so-called environmentalists show genuine concern about the geoengineering phenomenon and its environmental effects, then I turn a jaundiced and cynical eye on their so-called concern for the environment. I’m back to the basic proposition: if you are unwilling to acknowledge and discuss the very plans of the “sprayers and spewers” like Mr. Gates and its effects on the environment, then you’re simply not to be taken seriously.

Or to put it country simple: it is the geoengineers who are behind the bulk of the problem, not us.

And sadly, in the interim, the plastic rains down on the Colorado Rockies…


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Chemtrails Exposed: The Deep State and the New Manhattan Project

Chemtrails Exposed: The Deep State and the New Manhattan Project

by Peter A. Kirby, Activist Post
January 14, 2019


Who is behind putting hundreds, perhaps thousands of large jet aircraft in the sky that routinely dump megatons of toxic waste over us and our biosphere?

We know it is happening. Emissions from jet aircraft that visibly stretch from horizon-to-horizon and spread out as they persist for hours obviously consist of particulate matter. We see these things regularly in all the industrialized countries of the world. Many rainwater sample test results routinely show highly anomalous levels of many different toxins including aluminum, barium, and strontium. The California Air Resources Board has found alarmingly high levels of aluminum and barium in the air that we breathe. Career scientists from the Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Forest Service, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture as well as a retired U.S. Air Force Major General have all blown the whistle.  A world-famous PhD scientist, in many published, peer-reviewed journal articles, has confirmed that the substance being sprayed is coal fly ash; a toxic waste. None of this hard scientific evidence can be disproven.

Motives are plenty. Control of the weather is God-like power and has many military and financial market applications.

Your author has for many years now been exposing huge swaths of this secret global weather modification project he appropriately calls the New Manhattan Project. For a good exploration of the currently known evidence, hard or otherwise, please refer to the author’s book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project.

As far as the day-to-day dirty work is concerned, the most probable culprits are: the Air Force, the Navy, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the Mitre Corporation, Raytheon, the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the National Center for Atmospheric Research, Lawrence Livermore National Labs, the Department of Energy, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and others.

But who is the power behind the throne?

This Project requires only the most effective and comprehensive global support network. And although this Project has only been fully operational domestically for a little over 20 years, it has been in development since the mid-1940s. So for all this time, who and what has coddled and nurtured and executively organized this Project from behind the scenes?

The Deep State

The deep state refers to a parallel secret government, organized by the intelligence and security apparatus, financed by drugs, and engaging in illicit violence, to protect the status and interests of the military against threats from intellectuals, religious groups, and occasionally the constitutional government. – UC Berkeley Professor Emeritus Peter Dale Scott

There has been a recent addition to the view afforded by our current Overton Window: the deep state. We have been hearing about it a lot in the New and Old Medias lately and a recent poll by Monmouth University finds that a large bipartisan majority feels that National policy is being manipulated or directed by it.

Sponsored by the global corporate superstate, the deep state is now being recognized for what it is: a cancerous growth that has infested itself into our otherwise legitimate democratic republic and metastasized to become like a 38 lb. tumor around our collective necks. The deep state consists of groups of individuals working together to secretly misuse the force of our government for their own selfish purposes. Just like the New Manhattan Project, it’s big, it’s highly organized, and it’s bad.

Although chemtrails and the New Manhattan Project have yet to enter the view currently afforded by today’s conventional wisdom, there is lots of evidence indicating that these things have been brought to us by the deep state and this article explores that evidence.

This article is the product of a lengthy investigation into the American government’s seedy underbelly and its contributions to the biggest scientific effort in history. The names uncovered here read like a who’s who of the establishment. Here the reader will see the evidence indicating that deep state players such as: the Central Intelligence Agency, the Nazis, the Council on Foreign Relations, General Electric, Bush, Rockefeller, and others are the most probable culprits. They’ve left their fingerprints all over it! Let us begin.

The Nazis and the CIA

And ye shall know the truth. And the truth shall make you free. – John, VIII: 32

There is no shortage of evidence indicating that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is the overall, day-to-day manager and coordinator of today’s New Manhattan Project (NMP). Created just after WWII with the National Security Act of 1947 and later enhanced by the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, the CIA is a creature of the global corporate superstate and it uses the resources of our government, most notably our military, to accomplish its ends. We’ve known for a long time now that the New Manhattan Project is of a military nature, so that makes nothing but sense.  And the other thing… oh yeah, corporations run the world.

In his book Chemtrails Exposed and in many articles, your author has presented lots of evidence linking the CIA to the NMP. From these sources, we already know that the CIA has historically owned and operated large fleets of covertly operating aircraft. The CIA has worked extensively on lots of high-technology applicable to the New Manhattan Project. The CIA has a huge influence over our media which can be used to cover-up and tell lies about the NMP. In fact, in the course of their doings, the CIA has participated in the publication of many documents with direct relevance to the NMP. Many key players in the NMP’s development have had direct connections to the CIA. One apparently very important player, William F. Raborn was briefly the director of the CIA. More recently, the author has uncovered yet more evidence linking the CIA to the NMP. As our story unfolds, this new evidence will be presented here.

It all goes back to the beginning. The origins of the CIA are very telling and they are germane not only to the rest of this section, but they also provide a background for the rest of this article. It all started in the final years of World War Two. As it was beginning to dawn upon the Germans that they were going to lose this thing, upper management decided to make deals with one Allen Welsh Dulles who, in theory was representing the United States Government but, in practice was working for the global corporate superstate; also known as the deep state.

Allen Dulles (1893-1969), stationed in Bern, Switzerland at the time and working for the CIA’s predecessor, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), was among the most influential people in laying the groundwork for the later formation of the CIA. Although there is no officially recognized founder of the CIA, a strong argument can be made for Dulles being that person. He and a handful of others went on to fill the CIA’s nascent ranks with Nazis. This process began before the conclusion of WWII with a secret mission called Operation Sunrise. Among the few Germans most instrumental in beginning this process were Nazi Generals Reinhard Gehlen (1902-1979) and Karl Wolff (1900-1984). After WWII, the bulk of the former Nazis came to America as part of something called Operation Paperclip. Allen Dulles ended up being one of the earliest directors of the Agency and to this day he is the longest serving director of the CIA. He ran the CIA for 8 years with virtually no congressional oversight and the impact of his legacy continues today. For these reasons, Allen Dulles and his more famous brother Secretary of State John Foster Dulles are persons of interest here and are referred to throughout.

Allen Dulles

Journalist Linda Hunt writes in her groundbreaking and thorough 1991 book Secret Agenda, “At least sixteen hundred scientific and research specialists and thousands of their dependents were brought to the U.S. under Operation Paperclip. Hundreds of others arrived under two other Paperclip-related projects [Project National Interest and Project 63] and went to work for universities, defense contractors, and CIA fronts.” The CIA was instrumental throughout this entire process.

Many of the former Nazis who became CIA agents were drawn from something called Amt VI (Department 6) of the SS RHSA (Reichssicherheitshauptamt or Reich Main Security Office). This was Nazi Germany’s equivalent of the CIA. During the war, the German intelligence experts working for Amt VI of the SS RHSA were commonly involved in hunting down and exterminating Communists and Jews.

Most of the other portions of the CIA’s early ranks were filled with Americans; mostly Ivy League and Wall Street types; many from Yale University in particular, the home of the notorious Skull and Bones secret society.

One may wonder how this happened. Wasn’t Nazi Germany horrendously evil? Why were they not completely destroyed? Didn’t the Nazis systematically exterminate millions of innocent men, women, and children? They did. But, they were also supported by the Western deep state. And in that case, the rules of the game are very different.

Even though Hitler was an outrageous anti-Semite and infinitely aggressive war-monger from the beginning and through to the end, the Nazis enjoyed tremendous early business and moral support amongst many of the most rich and powerful people in the Western World. In fact, the deep state built the Nazi war machine. Many of the biggest American and European corporations did tremendous business with the Nazis after World War One; during the building and maintenance of the Nazi WWII war machine. Many executives from the German subsidiaries of General Electric, Standard Oil, and other large American corporations were part of an inner circle of Heinrich Himmler’s friends doing business in Weimar Republic and Nazi Germany. Of course, later, when it became socially unacceptable to support or to have anything to do with the Nazis, and as they were losing the war, the public sieg-heilling amongst the Western elites came to an end. The evidence now shows that it simply went underground.

But the facts remain. International Business Machines (IBM) custom built early punch card computers specifically to manage the Holocaust which they then leased and regularly maintained. Henry Ford was famously an acolyte of Hitler whose company did lots of very serious business with the Nazis. We will soon explore the roles of General Electric and Rockefeller’s Standard Oil in all of this. Allen Dulles himself was a big wheel at a Wall Street law firm by the name of Sullivan and Cromwell where his brother John Foster Dulles was a partner. John Foster Dulles was an international attorney for dozens of Nazi enterprises. Sullivan and Cromwell financed the German arms manufacturer Krupp AG and managed the finances of I.G. Farben, the German chemical company that was the Nazi war effort and manufactured almost all of the Zyklon B gas used to exterminate millions of Communists and Jews.

From his landmark book Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, ivy league academic Antony Sutton provides further illustration here as he chimes in right on time, “It is important to note as we develop our story that General Motors, Ford, General Electric, DuPont and the handful of U.S. companies intimately involved with the development of Nazi Germany were – except for the Ford Motor Company – controlled by the Wall Street elite – the J.P. Morgan firm, the Rockefeller Chase Bank and to a lesser extent the Warburg Manhattan bank.” Most, if not all of these firms also donated (through their German subsidiaries) significant funds to the Nazi party’s political campaigns. Sutton’s work is based on documents which surfaced during the post-war Nuremberg Trials. Information refuting Sutton’s assertions pertaining to these matters is based on hearsay.

We are linking the Nazis and their fellow travelers to the New Manhattan Project here because: they share an intertwined history with the CIA, they had cutting edge technology such as that which is employed in the New Manhattan Project, they were very militaristic and the NMP is a military project, and many of them (especially at the top) had little to no regard for the sanctity of life, such as that which is exhibited by the people omniciding Humanity and the Earth with chemtrail spray today as part of the NMP. For these reasons it is logical to assert that the Third Reich and its documented continuing legacy play an important role in the New Manhattan Project. It is for these reasons also that this paper now expounds upon Operation Paperclip’s indiscretions and, more importantly, the possible roles of former Nazi scientists in the production of the New Manhattan Project. It is also for these reasons that, a little later, we will examine in this paper the role of many rich and powerful people and organizations that share compelling connections to both the Nazi regime’s rise and fall and the New Manhattan Project.

The main reason given for importing Nazi scientists into America was that we needed to deny the Soviets attaining these individuals. But the man running Operation Paperclip, U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel William Henry Whalen was later convicted of being a Soviet spy. There is evidence that the dreaded Soviets had penetrated Operation Paperclip almost from the beginning.

In reality, Operation Paperclip was carried out in order to maintain and grow the deep state and the New Manhattan Project. Our good friend and founder of the New Manhattan Project Vannevar Bush advocated strongly on behalf of Operation Paperclip Nazi scientists. Sputnik in 1957 greatly accelerated their importation.

German Paperclip scientists were inserted into just about every major organization associated with the development and production of the New Manhattan Project including (but not limited to): Radio Corporation of America, CBS Laboratories, the Naval Ordnance Testing Station at China Lake, the Desert Research Institute, Pennsylvania State University, The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and General Electric.

Another reason given by the CIA for secretly importing former Nazis is the high quality of German science. The German scientist in particular was good at what he did because Germany is the birthplace of modern science. Let us refer to eminent historian John Cornwell and his excellent book Hitler’s Scientists:

By the end of the first decade of the twentieth century, Germany had become the international Mecca of science. Researchers, basic and applied, flocked to German universities from all over the world; learned German to read the leading science journals and to participate in conferences and seminars. Germany was well placed to take a leading role in the development of a new physics that would transform the technology of the century, involving from the outset Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Max Born, Werner Heisenberg and Erwin Schrödinger, German-speakers all, alongside scientists from Denmark, the Netherlands, France and Britain. In turn, the new physics led to quantum mechanics and, ultimately, to nuclear physics, the science of the atom and the hydrogen bomb.

Although most of the Operation Paperclip scientists and researchers were not the worst offenders here, a great number of the Operation Paperclip Nazis were guilty of horrific war crimes. American intelligence officials regularly covered these facts up by illegally expunging evidence of much of this from the records of hundreds of Operation Paperclip Nazis. Because of this, we don’t know all of what the Operation Paperclip Nazis did over the course of the war. They probably expunged the worst stuff. What we do know is not good. Some of the more infamous benefactors of Operation Paperclip’s amnesty were: Karl Wolff, Otto von Bolschwing, Robert Verbelen, Klaus Barbie, Alois Brunner, Eugen Dollmann, Herbert Wagner, Georg Rickhey, and Otto Ambros. We will now take a brief look at a few of these Operation Paperclip Nazis.

The aforementioned General Karl Wolff was third in command of the entire SS and responsible for arranging the transportation of people to the concentration camps. A German court would later find Wolff complicit in the murder of three hundred thousand men, women, and children.

During the war, Otto von Bolschwing (1909-1982) instigated a massacre of innocent civilians in Bucharest and was a senior aide to the ‘Architect of the Holocaust’ Adolf Eichmann. Bolschwing later worked for the CIA.

Robert Verbelen (1911-1990) was sentenced to death in absentia for war crimes including the torture of two U.S. Air Force pilots. He also worked as a contract spy for the U.S. Army, which knew about his background.

Klaus Barbie (1913-1991), also known as ’The Butcher of Lyons,’ was the head of the Nazi Gestapo. During the war, working out of occupied Lyons, France, Barbie deported Jews to death camps, tortured and murdered French resistance fighters, and served as the local political police. Barbie went on to work for U.S. intelligence in Germany. Barbie also went on in 1971 to recruit a mercenary army of neofascist terrorists which conducted a three-day coup in order to install a narco-friendly regime in Bolivia. The resulting large increase in coca production benefited his shipping firm Transmaritania.

Otto Ambros (1901-1990) was a director of I.G. Farben who took part in the decision to use Zyklon B gas to murder millions of people. Hunt explains that he, “personally selected Auschwitz as the site of an I.G. Farben factory, which he later managed, because Auschwitz concentration camp prisoners could be used as slaves in the factory.” At this factory the slave laborers were worked to death and often murdered. Hunt tells us that, “Ambros was found guilty of slavery and mass murder at Nuremberg, but he was sentenced to a mere eight years’ imprisonment.” Even during his time in jail, the U.S. government kept Ambros listed as available for employment. At the order of the High Commissioner of Germany, John McCloy, Ambros was released from prison in 1951. He immediately went to work as a consultant to W.R. Grace, Dow Chemical, other American companies, and the U.S. Army Chemical Corps operating out of Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland. At the Edgewood Arsenal, Ambrose conducted poison gas experiments upon over 7,000 American soldiers. Now do you think that the people running this show would hesitate to spray our civilian population with coal fly ash as is done today?

More pertinently, some of the benefactors of Operation Paperclip’s amnesty are also known to have gone on to do work in the atmospheric sciences and other areas relevant to the New Manhattan Project. These men include: Wernher von Braun, Walter Dornberger, Martin Schilling, Kurt Debus, Arthur Rudolph, Ernst Czerlinsky, Hans Joachim Naake, Albert Pfeiffer, and Hans Dolezalek. We will now take a look at each.

Wernher von Braun (1912-1977) was an SS officer who developed rockets with his mentor and fellow Operation Paperclip benefactor Nazi General Walter Dornberger at the hellish Peenemünde slave labor camp. Von Braun applied to join the Nazi SS in 1933, was a Nazi party member since 1937, and later joined the SS at the personal behest of SS chief Himmler in 1940. Von Braun’s story is told in the most detail here because he was the de facto political leader of the Operation Paperclip Nazis. In fact, von Braun hand-picked about 120 researchers for the Operation. Many former Nazis worked under and around him. Von Braun’s story is the story of many of his fellow Operation Paperclip Nazi scientists.

Wernher von Braun

Von Braun’s early work in America involved the further development of missiles based on the German V-2 rocket which the Nazis had used to terrorize Britain during the war. This work was conducted at the U.S. Army’s Fort Bliss in Texas, at the White Sands Proving Ground in New Mexico, and at the Redstone Arsenal in Alabama. Von Braun and many of his fellow Operation Paperclip Nazi scientists later worked for NASA.

Let us refer again to historian John Cornwell:

Helped by the British, the Americans, led by Colonel Holger Toftoy (Chief of US Ordnance Rocket Branch), shipped to the United States V1 and V2 rockets and all the spares they could lay their hands on. The Americans also grabbed an entire supersonic wind tunnel from Bavaria, a submarine with an advanced propulsion system, and many different types of aircraft including jet prototypes and rocket planes. The loot transported to the Air Document Research Center at Wright Field in the United States included tons of designs.

At the White Sands Proving Ground, von Braun and his fellow former Nazi scientists lived in barracks alongside men working for General Electric. Before GE became involved, the army was working on its budding missile programs with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. The White Sands Proving Ground in New Mexico is also the location where the world’s first atomic bomb blast known as Trinity occurred. On the 16th of April, 1947 the combined German-GE team launched their first rocket.

The move to Huntsville began in April of 1950. Michael Neufeld writes, “Moving several hundred personnel, plus shops and test equipment, out of Fort Bliss and setting them up in converted buildings at Redstone Arsenal was a job that took six months.” Neufeld continues, “For Wernher and Maria von Braun, and for almost all the other Germans who came with them, Huntsville quickly became home. For the first time they could live outside of a fenced-in base and integrate themselves into American daily life.”

At the Redstone Arsenal, von Braun’s initial title was project director of the Ordnance Guided Missile Center. As a result of a big order from the auto manufacturer Chrysler, von Braun expanded his operations. Neufeld tells us that, “The construction of this in-house industrial capacity, along with cumulative army decisions to build substantial laboratories for guidance, computers, and other fields, gradually rebuilt von Braun’s empire to dimensions not seen since Peenemünde. In mid-1952 he and the other Paperclip Germans were converted to regular civil service status; in January 1953 he became the civilian head of a division for the first time: the Guided Missile Development Division of the renamed Ordnance Missile Laboratories, now commanded by Holger Toftoy. As part of a decentralization of authority in Ordnance, Toftoy had been promoted to brigadier general and sent down from Washington, displacing, much to von Braun’s relief, Hamill and his ‘regime of junior officers.’ By September 1954 von Braun had 950 employees; four years later that number had quadrupled to 3,925. Once again he proved to be a virtuoso in building and managing huge, complex, technically demanding programs.” In 1955 von Braun and 102 other Germans were sworn in as American citizens in Huntsville.

Operation Paperclip Nazi scientists

Von Braun and his fellow Operation Paperclip Nazi scientists were officially transferred to NASA on July 1, 1960. As the first director of NASA’s sprawling Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, von Braun worked with his fellow former Nazis producing the rocket that would launch America’s first satellite and, separately, the gigantic Saturn rockets designed to take Americans to the moon. But more important to this discussion are his contributions to the field of atmospheric science. At NASA von Braun helped develop modified versions of the German V-2 rocket for use in atmospheric soundings; a way to map and therefore gain a better understanding of Earth’s atmosphere.

As part of his work in the atmospheric sciences, von Braun also participated in operations Argus and Hardtack which involved detonating nuclear bombs in the high atmosphere (lower-ionosphere). These operations allowed our scientists to better map the auroral electrojet; a major aspect of our planet’s space weather, which has a direct effect on the weather we experience daily down here in the troposphere.

It is interesting to note that operations Argus, Hardtack, and other similar operations were funded and coordinated by the newly formed Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). ARPA was founded in 1958 with the help of von Braun’s boss at the Redstone Arsenal, Major General John Bruce Medaris. ARPA’s first director was GE Vice President Roy Johnson. We will look into GE’s pervasive connections to the New Manhattan Project shortly.

Because weather satellites play an important role in the NMP, it is also very interesting to understand that von Braun apparently had something to do with the production of the first line of dedicated American weather satellites. Eminent historian Michael J. Neufeld writes, “When the Defense Department made it clear in early 1958 that space reconnaissance was an air force mission, a typically inventive von Braun told an RCA engineer: ‘Let’s look at clouds!’ The army/RCA proposal evolved into a weather satellite project that later went to NASA as Tiros.” Tiros was the first line of American weather satellites dedicated to weather observation.

In his later years, von Braun became the vice president for engineering and development at an American aerospace firm called Fairchild Industries. It was during his time with Fairchild in September of 1974 that von Braun travelled to the North Slope of Alaska to visit the Prudhoe Bay Oil Field; not a very popular destination. This is of note to our discussion because the world’s largest and most versatile electromagnetic energy generator known to be able to control the weather in the fashion of the New Manhattan Project (HAARP) is powered by the natural gas coming out of the ground at Prudhoe Bay.

Now let us take a look at the other Operation Paperclip Nazi scientists who did work in the atmospheric sciences and other areas relevant to the New Manhattan Project.

Von Braun’s mentor Walter Dornberger (1895-1980) was the head of V-2 rocket development at the Peenemünde slave labor camp. Later in the war, Dornberger also convinced Hitler to build the Nordhausen rocket factory where at least 20,000 prisoners from the nearby Dora concentration camp were worked to death. After the war, he was initially interned in British POW camps, but in 1947, immediately after his release, he went to work on a classified rocketry program at the then Wright Field near Dayton, Ohio. Today this installation is known as Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and it is the most probable location used to develop the proprietary aircraft of today’s chemtrail fleet. Dornberger went on to become a senior Vice President of the Bell Aerosystems Division of the Textron Corporation. He was never officially questioned about his role at the Peenemünde death camp.

Martin Schilling (1911-2000) was a developer of the German V2 rocket during WWII as well. In 1958 he went to work for Raytheon where he went on to attain the rank of vice president for research and engineering. Evidence suggests that Raytheon manages much if not all of the directed electromagnetic energy portions of today’s New Manhattan Project.

Kurt Debus (1908-1983) was a member of the SS, the SA Brownshirts, and two other Nazi groups. He was also the V-2 flight test director at the Peenemünde slave labor camp. Debus went on to become the first director of NASA’s Kennedy Space Center. Over the course of his work in America, Dr. Debus launched more than 150 missiles and space vehicles including the USA’s first earth satellite Explorer I. NASA has produced many technologies pertinent to the New Manhattan Project. The U.S. Army gave him its highest civilian decoration, the Exceptional Civilian Service Medal in 1959.

Arthur Rudolph (1906-1996) was the director of NASA’s Saturn V rocket program designed to send Americans to the moon and the former head of production at the Mittelwerk slave labor death camp.

Ernst Czerlinsky, a former member of the SS, went to work at the Air Force Cambridge Research Center. The Air Force Cambridge Research Center did work on technologies later used in the New Manhattan Project such as advanced air traffic control systems and ionospheric heaters.

Hans Joachim Naake was a radar specialist. Radar, and specifically over-the-horizon radar, plays an important role in the development of the New Manhattan Project as these things are the predecessors of the ionospheric heaters which modify the weather as part of today’s NMP. Being that Naake was a radar specialist, he was probably working on over-the-horizon radar because that was the most cutting edge radar technology of the time.

At the U.S. Army’s Edgewood Arsenal, Albert Pfeiffer, a high-ranking Nazi scientist during the war, worked on new ways to disseminate airborne chemical warfare agents. Does that sound familiar?

Lastly, Hans Dolezalek is a distinguished German meteorologist who worked for the Wehrmacht Weather Service during WWII. He was also an early member of the Nazi SA Brownshirts. Even though Nazi scientists were not supposed to be brought in after 1948, an exception was made. Dolezalek visited America in 1958 in order to attend a major meteorological conference and subsequently accepted a job with AVCO (Aviation Corporation) in Wilmington, Massachusetts. In 1985, AVCO was acquired by the aforementioned Textron for $2.9B. With this acquisition, Textron nearly doubled in size. Initially the acquired AVCO became a division of Textron known as Textron Defense Systems. Textron Defense Systems evolved into today’s Textron Systems Weapons & Sensor Systems; a leader in intelligence-gathering capabilities and ‘advanced protection systems.’ This is the same Textron Corporation that employed von Braun’s mentor Walter Dornberger.

Dolezalek has worked extensively in the vein of the New Manhattan Project. He has done lots of work in the area of atmospheric electricity and artificial ionization. He has also done work for the Office of Naval Research; an organization with strong implications for the development of the NMP.

In 1989 the Department of Defense announced that they were filling exempted positions under the ‘program for utilization of alien scientists.’ This program was being run by the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency’s Research and Engineering Enterprise. This is the group that took over Operation Paperclip after it was disbanded in 1962. Thirteen of the new recruits were to work at NASA. The new hires included an unnamed ‘world-renowned climatologist.’ These NASA scientists worked at: the Langley Research Center (near the CIA’s headquarters), Ames Research Center at Moffet Field, and Goddard Space Flight Center.

Operation Paperclip had the official support of the United States and its military. That means that many high-ranking US military officers were fully aware of the situation and what was going on. Some were enthusiastic about it. Among those enjoying secretly bringing in the former Nazis was Army Air Corps Colonel Donald L. Putt.

Colonel Donald Putt was among those who initially reviewed captured Nazi aircraft at the Hermann Göering Aeronautical Research Institute in Brunswick, Germany. According to Linda Hunt, after seeing the facilities, swept-back wing aircraft, and other inventions there, “Putt gathered the Germans together and, without approval from higher authorities in the War Department, promised them jobs at Wright Field if they would go with him to a holding center for captured personnel in Bad Kissingen. He also promised to send their families to the United States, then instructed the scientists to sell all of their belongings and to travel light.”

By the Fall of 1946, there were 140 former Nazi scientists working under Colonel Putt at Wright Field. They included: Theodor Zobel, Adolf Busemann, General Herhudt von Rohden, and Rudolf Hermann. Although many of Putt’s Nazis were known to have committed heinous acts of violence during the war, Putt coddled, protected, and covered for his subordinates every step of the way. Putt went on to be promoted to the rank of lieutenant general and to become the military director of the Scientific Advisory Board to the Air Force Chief of Staff.

Donald L. Putt

A top ranking CIA man named Frank Wisner handled the CIA investigations of all Operation Paperclip Germans and helped obtain visas for Paperclip scientists. Wisner was the officer who formally accepted the aforementioned Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen’s surrender. Later, as director of the CIA’s Office of Policy Coordination, Wisner was also instrumental in the founding and later purchase of Civil Air Transport (CAT). CAT is one of the logical predecessors of today’s dedicated chemtrail fleet and, as we will see near the end of this piece, CAT ran the opium out of Southeast Asia. Wisner is most famous for being the CIA man who ended up going crazy and subsequently blowing his own brains out with his son’s shotgun.

Frank Wisner

Frank Wisner’s son Frank Wisner, Jr. went on to serve as a U.S. ambassador to: Zambia, Egypt, the Philippines, and India. He has also served as the U.S. Under Secretary of Defense for Policy and the Under Secretary of State for International Security Affairs. Most curiously though, Jr. was serving as the acting Secretary of State in 1996 when the large-scale domestic spraying operations began.

Frank Wisner Jr.

The CIA is on record as having sponsored domestic aerial spraying of biological agents.

A researcher by the name of Frank Olson and another by the name of Norman Cournoyer conducted CIA sponsored research out of Camp Detrick, Maryland. David Talbot in The Devil’s Chessboard writes:

After the war, they [Olson and Cournoyer] had traveled around the United States, supervising the spraying of biological agents from aircraft and crop dusters. Some of the tests, which were conducted in cities like San Francisco as well as rural areas in the Midwest, involved harmless chemicals, but others featured more dangerous toxins. In Alaska – where the two men sought to stage their experiments in an environment that resembled wintertime Russia – “We used a spore which is very similar [to] anthrax,’ Cournoyer recalled. ‘So to that extent we did something that was not kosher.’ One of their research colleagues, a bacteriologist named Dr. Harold Batchelor, learned aerial spray techniques from the infamous Dr. Kurt Blome, director of the Nazis’ biological warfare program.

Nazi biological warfare research, led by Dr. Kurt Blome (1894-1969), included experimentations on prisoners in concentration camps. Blome was later hired by the U.S. Army Chemical Corps to conduct new biological weapons research.

Kurt Blome

Frank Olson was the guy who, one week after being covertly dosed with Central Intelligence Agency LSD, died when he leapt (or was pushed) from a tenth floor window of the Statler Hotel in midtown Manhattan.

Frank Olson

So, in short, yes it’s most probably the CIA and there are apparently former Nazis and their families and friends and probably their offspring working with them. This type of stuff has been going on for a long time now.

The CIA’s Directorate of Science and Technology

A most probable place for the New Manhattan Project to reside inside of the CIA is in their Directorate of Science and Technology (DS&T). This Directorate has been at the cutting edge of two areas of technology relevant to the New Manhattan Project: satellite reconnaissance and over-the-horizon radar. Satellites can monitor atmospheric conditions and track atmospheric particles while over-the-horizon (OTH) radar is the direct predecessor of today’s ionospheric heaters which can modify the weather in the fashion of the New Manhattan Project.

Largely funded by the air force, the CIA’s Directorate of Science and Technology was created in 1963 by CIA chief John McCone. With the exception of a few, more esoteric systems, the technologies perfected by the Directorate are commonly turned over to the Defense Department. Shortly after the Directorate’s formation, Robert McNamara and the Pentagon led an effort to put the military in control of all technical collection which eventually became one of the reasons that Director McCone resigned. William Raborn’s directorship followed.

Richard Bissell as the head of Clandestine Services, was a driving force behind the development of space satellites for intelligence purposes.

The Directorate ran OTH radar facilities in Pakistan and later in Taiwan under the project names EARTHLING and CHECKWROTE respectively.

The Directorate enjoys a very cozy relationship with academia. The authors of The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence write that, “The Directorate of Science and Technology employed individual professors, and at times entire university departments or research institutes, for its research and development projects.” Marchetti and Marks continue, “in many cases, the CIA’s research involvement on the campuses went much deeper than simply serving as the patron of scholarly work.” The authors go on to note that, “the Clandestine Services had their own research links with universities, for the purpose of developing better espionage tools (listening devices, advanced weapons, invisible inks, etc.).” The authors then go on to note that, “The Clandestine Services at times have used a university to provide cover or even assist in a covert operation overseas.”

The first director of the Directorate, Albert ‘Bud’ Wheelon worked extensively on satellites. He left the DS&T in 1966 and went to Hughes Aircraft where he eventually became CEO and chairman of the board. During his time at Hughes, they became the world’s preeminent supplier of communications satellites. These facts are significant because satellites are an integral part of the New Manhattan Project and Hughes Aircraft has many connections to the NMP as well.

Albert ‘Bud’ Wheelon

Another most notable head of the CIA’s Directorate for Science and Technology is one Donald Kerr. He served in that position from 2001-2005.  Before that he worked for the Department of Energy as the Deputy Assistant Secretary and Acting Assistant Secretary for Defense Programs and later for Energy Technology. He has published many papers on ionospheric research. He currently serves on the advisory board of MIT’s Lincoln Laboratory. He graduated from MIT. He holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering, a master’s degree in microwave electronics, and a doctorate in plasma physics and microwave electronics. He is currently the Vice Chairman of the Mitre Corporation; the NMP’s most probable executor of all of the NMP’s scientific aspects. It is also very interesting to note that, along with Samuel Goudsmit of Operation Alsos (a forerunner of Operation Paperclip), Kerr worked with Luis Alvarez and Alfred Lee Loomis on early air traffic control systems and he worked on early over-the-horizon radar research that eventually resulted in today’s ionospheric heaters which employ electromagnetic energy to control our weather. These experiments were carried out under the auspices of MIT’s wartime Radiation Laboratory. In short, over the years, Donald Kerr has worked with many of the key players, in many of the key areas, on many of the key projects, and for many of the key organizations involved in the production of technologies germane to the New Manhattan Project.

Donald Kerr

The Council on Foreign Relations

Along with the Operation Paperclip Nazis, another group inextricably intertwined with the most probable managers of today’s New Manhattan Project (the CIA) is the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). They’ve been going on endlessly about the need to spray us with massive amounts of material from aircraft. We are also interested in the CFR because in 2016, the former director of the CIA John ‘Stratospheric Aerosol Injection’ Brennan famously advocated for geoengineering at their headquarters in Manhattan known as Pratt House. Immediately after this section, we will have more about the enigmatic Mr. Brennan, but in the meantime we will take a look at the CFR and their role in the New Manhattan Project.

The Council on Foreign Relations serves two purposes. It is at once a globalist think-tank and an establishment mouthpiece. Most other high-profile think-tanks are not nearly as vocal. The CFR enjoys an extremely cozy relationship not only with our U.S. State Department, but also with the CIA. With alarming frequency, the ideas emanating from the CFR become official United States Government policy. The CFR is the public face of the deep state lobby upon our government.

The CFR was formed in order to influence public opinion. James Perloff, in his book The Shadows of Power recounts the story:

Well before the Senate’s vote on ratification, news of its resistance to the League of Nations reached Colonel [Edward] House, members of the Inquiry, and other U.S. internationalists gathered in Paris. It was clear that America would not join the realm of world government unless something was done to shift its climate of opinion. Under House’s direction, these men, along with some members of the British delegation to the Conference, held a series of meetings. On May 30, 1919, at a dinner at the Majestic Hotel, it was resolved that an ‘Institute of International Affairs’ would be formed. It would have two branches – one in the United States, one in England.

The American branch became incorporated in New York as the Council on Foreign Relations on July 29, 1921.

Once again, Allen Dulles and his more famous brother John Foster Dulles show up. The brothers Dulles were among a small group of influential and wealthy individuals who founded the CFR. John Foster Dulles was a founding member of the CFR and regularly contributed articles to their most widely-read publication called Foreign Affairs beginning with the first issue. In 1926 Allen Dulles joined the CFR and in 1927 he was elected as the first president of the Council on Foreign Relations.

From his soundproof room at Pratt House, Allen Dulles wielded tremendous power. David Talbot, author of The Devil’s Chessboard writes:

When it came to undertaking secret missions, Allen Dulles was a bold and decisive actor. But he acted only after he felt that a consensus had been reached within his influential network. One of the principal arenas where this consensus took shape was the Council on Foreign Relations. The Dulles brothers and their Wall Street Circle had dominated this private bastion for shaping public policy ever since the 1920s. Over the years, CFR meetings, study groups, and publications provided forums in which the organization’s leading members – including Wall Street bankers and lawyers, prominent politicians, media executives, and academic dignitaries – hammered out major US policy directions.

Talbot continues, “If CFR was the power elite’s brain, the CIA was its black-gloved fist.”

Many members of the CFR have documented connections to the New Manhattan Project. Those members include: Glenn Seaborg, Alfred Lee Loomis, James Killian, Harlan Cleveland, James Conant, Lauchlin Currie, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., Jerome Wiesner, Marina von Neumann Whitman, John Deutch, and Frank Wisner.

Boeing, Raytheon and General Electric are (or have been) corporate members of the Council. Five of GE’s directors and three of Boeing’s have been CFR directors. These are all companies connected to the NMP.

Beginning in 1990, the Council started organizing study and discussion groups devoted to the topic of climate change and they have since gone on to issue many publications about Solar Radiation Management (SRM) which involves spraying substances out of aircraft in order to stop the CIA’s dreaded global warming.

In 2004, CFR member M. Granger Morgan teamed up with top geoengineer Ken Caldeira and six other authors to produce a paper titled “A Portfolio of Carbon Management Options.” In it, they advocate for geoengineering Earth’s climate with stratospheric aerosols.

In 2008 CFR member David G. Victor published a piece titled “On the Regulation of Geoengineering” in which he advocates for the establishment of an international framework of laws pertaining to geoengineering.

Also in 2008, the CFR released a report titled “Confronting Climate Change: A Strategy for U.S. Foreign Policy: Report of an Independent Task Force.” In it, they discuss, “injecting reflective aerosols into the atmosphere.”

2008 was a big year for geoengineering at the Council. In addition to the two documents noted above, in 2008 the CFR issued a paper titled “Unilateral Geoengineering: Non-technical Briefing Notes for a Workshop at the Council on Foreign Relations.” In this document, the authors propose spraying aluminum oxide dust into the stratosphere.

Among many other subsequent articles about global warming and climate change, CFR members David G. Victor, M. Granger Morgan, Jay Apt, John Steinbruner (1942-2015), and Katharine Ricke wrote a piece published in 2009 by the title of “The Geoengineering Option.” As one might guess, in this article the authors fear monger about climate change then suggest that we should ‘launch reflective particles into the atmosphere’ in order to save us from it. The authors are quite insistent, writing, “Governments should immediately begin to undertake serious research on geoengineering and help create international norms governing its use.” Rare in such propaganda, the authors also note that geoengineering is not a new idea and hearken back to the 1965 presidential document “Restoring the Quality of Our Environment” among other early developments. The piece, of course, then goes back to fear mongering, then on to ridiculing the opposition, then, lastly to reiterating its psychotic thesis.

Also in March of 2009, Foreign Affairs published an article called “Q&A With David Victor About Climate Change: What governments, scientists, and big business can do about global warming.” A woman named Lucy Berman interviewed the aforementioned David Victor and they chatted about spraying us with megatons of toxic chemicals. What a lovely topic of discussion!

Later in December of 2009, CFR member Granger Morgan wrote an article for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s MIT Technology Review advocating for SRM geoengineering research. It was titled “Why Geoengineering?”

In January of 2010, the most prestigious journal Nature published an opinion piece by CFR member Granger Morgan and two other authors including top geoengineer David Keith. They called their piece “Research on Global Sun Block Needed Now.” In it they advocate for SRM geoengineering research.

In July of 2010, CFR members Katherine Ricke and Granger Morgan had an article published in the prestigious journal Nature Geoscience titled “Regional Climate Response to Solar Radiation Management.” In it they found that spraying stuff out of planes might ‘stabilize’ our climate.

CFR members Granger Morgan and John Steinbruner held a panel discussion at Pratt House in 2010 titled “Developing an International Framework for Geoengineering.” During the discussion, Morgan stressed the urgency of the geoengineering situation as he raised the specter of a ‘black program’ currently conducting SRM geoengineering which everybody finds out about later. He said, “I think it would be truly disastrous if, you know, we discovered a few years from now that there was a black program that some government had stood up to sort of learn on the quiet how to do this.” Yes, we’ve found out about it already, Mr. Morgan and we plan to make this as disastrous as possible for your PR effort.

CFR member Granger Morgan contributed to the report resulting from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s 2011 Expert Meeting on Geoengineering held in Lima, Peru. He suggests, “Adding small reflecting particles in the stratosphere.”

CFR member Katharine Ricke (sounds like ‘reich’) published a doctoral thesis in August of 2011 titled “Characterizing Impacts and Implications of Proposals for Solar Radiation Management, a Form of Climate Engineering” in which she suggests that Solar Radiation Management geoengineering might be a good idea.

CFR members Frank Loy, Granger Morgan, and David G. Victor all contributed to the big 2011 report by the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Task Force on Climate Remediation Research titled “Geoengineering: A National Strategic Plan for Research on the Potential Effectiveness, Feasibility, and Consequences of Climate Remediation Technologies.” The authors note that, “it may be desirable or even necessary to enlist international fleets of aircraft, satellites, and hardware as well as international sources of funding and management capabilities.”

A CFR member by the name of Jay Apt wrote a 2012 paper with top geoengineer David Keith titled “Cost Analysis of Stratospheric Albedo Modification Delivery Systems” in which the authors write about spraying 1-5 million metric tons of materials from airplanes at an altitude of 18-30km up in the sky every year. Their top choice for the job was the Boeing ‘747-400.’ The Boeing 747 is a close relative of the Boeing KC-135 which the author has identified as the most probable make and model of the most prevalent type of dedicated chemtrail fleet aircraft.

In the Spring of 2013, CFR member Granger Morgan and two co-authors published an article in Issues in Science and Technology titled “Needed: Research Guidelines for Solar Radiation Management.” In it, they advocate for geoengineering research, call for help from the federal government, and write that, “a small fleet of specially designed aircraft could deliver enough mass to the stratosphere in the form of small reflecting particles to offset all of the warming anticipated by the end of this century for a cost of less than $10 billion per year.”

Another article published by CFR members Morgan, Apt, et al. in March of 2013 was titled “The Truth About Geoengineering: Science Fiction and Science Fact.” In it, they speculate that, “Flying a fleet of high-altitude aircraft that spray particles into the upper atmosphere would cost perhaps ten billion dollars per year -“ The authors also warn that, “Small-scale field trials in the upper atmosphere to test components of an SRM [Solar Radiation Management] system are particularly urgent.”

In February of 2015, geoengineer Jane C.S. Long and CFR members Granger Morgan and Frank Loy had an article published in the prestigious journal Nature titled “Start Research on Climate Engineering.” In it they advocate for small-scale SRM geoengineering experimentation.

On November 3 of 2015, CFR member and member of the Carnegie Institution Department of Global Ecology, Katharine Ricke published a paper, along with two other authors, titled “Climate Engineering Economics.” In this paper the authors write, “The most likely approach to implementation is high-flying aircraft outfitted with aerosol precursor dispensing systems (McClellan et al. ,2012)” As have many other authors, Ricke et al. found that using aircraft to achieve SRM is the cheapest way. In conclusion the authors urge, “Finally, we need to begin to explore specific mechanisms to ensure an efficient and equitable implementation of climate engineering technologies. While some early steps have been taken in this direction, we need to understand, from an economic perspective, how to create institutions that can accommodate these novel climate risk reduction strategies.”

Now let us take a look at some of the individual CFR members behind this duly noted body of documentary evidence.

M. Granger Morgan appears to be in charge of this effort at the CFR. His Carnegie Mellon biography tells us that he is the co-director of the Center for Climate and Energy Decision Making, the co-director of the Carnegie Mellon Electricity Industry Center, a member of the board for the International Risk Governance Council Foundation, a member of the Advisory Board for the E.ON Energy Research Center, a member of the Department of Energy’s Electricity Advisory Committee, and a member of the Energy Advisory Committee of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. In the past, he served as Chair of the Science Advisory Board of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and as Chair of the Advisory Council of the Electric Power Research Institute.  He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and the Society for Risk Analysis.  He holds a BA from Harvard College (1963) where he concentrated in physics and an MS in astronomy and space science from Cornell (1965). All of these organizations either have or potentially have connections to the NMP. His Carnegie Mellon biography says that, “His research addresses problems in science, technology, and public policy with a particular focus on energy, electric power, environmental systems, climate change, the adoption of new technologies, and risk analysis.”

M. Granger Morgan

According to her Carnegie Institution for Science, Department of Global Ecology bio, Katherine L. Reich Ricke started in 2001 as an undergraduate research assistant at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). She went on to earn a degree in earth, atmospheric and planetary science from MIT 2004. Between 2004 and 2007 she worked for something called ABT Associates in support of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency programs. In 2008 she was a visiting researcher at the Climate Dynamics Group of the University of Oxford’s Department of Physics. Between 2007 and 2011, Ricke’s time as a graduate research assistant at the Center for Climate and Energy Decision Making produced her Ph.D. dissertation titled “Characterizing Impacts and Implications of Proposals for Solar Radiation Management, a Form of Climate Engineering.” Advising her on this dissertation was M. Granger Morgan and top geoengineer David Keith. She then went on to become a postdoctoral researcher at the Carnegie Institution for Science’s Department of Global Ecology at Stanford University under top geoengineer Ken Caldeira. Shortly thereafter she became a fellow of the Carnegie Institution for Science’s Department of Global Ecology. She is currently a research associate at Cornell University’s Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.

Katherine Ricke

According to his 1997 NASA biography, Jay Apt earned a doctorate in physics from MIT in 1976. Also in 1976, Dr. Apt was a post-doctoral fellow in laser spectroscopy at MIT. From 1976 to 1980 he was a staff member of the Center for Earth & Planetary Physics, Harvard University, supporting NASA’s Pioneer Venus Mission. Dr. Apt served as the Assistant Director of Harvard’s Division of Applied Sciences from 1978 to 1980. In 1980 Dr. Apt joined the Earth and Space Sciences Division of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. From 1982 through 1985, he was a flight controller responsible for Shuttle payload operations at NASA’s aforementioned Johnson Space Center. He is currently a member of: the American Astronomical Society’s Division of Planetary Science, the American Geophysical Union, the American Physical Society, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Jay Apt

According to an online biography, Frank E. Loy was Under Secretary for Global Affairs during the Clinton administration. He worked in the areas of the environment and climate change. He was the lead U.S. climate negotiator for three years. Since 2003, he has personally funded the Frank Loy Award for Environmental Diplomacy; an award given to State Department officers working in the area of climate or the environment. He is a member of the board of directors at: the Environmental Defense Fund, the Environmental Defense Action Fund, the Nature Conservancy, Population Services International, the Round Table of Environmental Health, Sciences, Research and Medicine of the National Academy of Medicine, the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, and ecoAmerica.

Frank E. Loy

According to David Victor’s Brookings Institution and UC San Diego biographies he, “is a professor of international relations at the School of Global Policy and Strategy and director of the Laboratory on International Law and Regulation (ILAR). Victor co-founded the ILAR which works in the area of climate change regulation. Prior to joining the faculty at the University of California, San Diego, Victor was a professor at Stanford Law School where he taught energy and environmental law.” It continues, “His research focuses on regulated industries and how regulation affects the operation of major energy markets. He has a dual understanding of the science behind climate change and how international and domestic public policy work.” He is also a co-director of the Deep Decarbonization Initiative at the University of California, San Diego, an adjunct professor of Climate, Atmospheric Science, and Physical Oceanography at the The Scripps Institution of Oceanography of the University of California, San Diego, a co-chair of the Cross-Brookings Initiative on Energy and Climate at the The Brookings Institution, and a leading contributor to the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Victor is a member of the advisory council for Nature’s journal dedicated to the study of global warming titled Nature Climate Change and a board member of the journal Climatic Change. Victor is also the author of a 2011 book titled ‘Global Warming Gridlock’ which suggests geoengineering as a solution to the supposed problem of man-made global warming. Victor got his doctorate from MIT in 1997 and his BA from Harvard in 1987. He then went on to become a research scholar of the Project on Environmentally Compatible Energy Strategies of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis. Between 1998 and 2009, Victor was the Robert W. Johnson, Jr. Senior Fellow for Science and Technology of the Council on Foreign Relations. He then became the director of the Program on Energy and Sustainable Development at Stanford.

David Victor

John O. Brennan, the former CIA Director?

As mentioned earlier, John ‘stratospheric aerosol injection’ Brennan is the former director of the CIA who in 2016 famously spoke about SRM geoengineering at the headquarters of the CFR. John Brennan may also have a very interesting indirect connection to the New Manhattan Project.

John Brennan

John Brennan’s potential indirect connection to the New Manhattan Project is a bit complicated. In short, our John O. Brennan may be related to a man named James J. Brennan who worked extensively for the aforementioned Civil Air Transport and as an assistant to a U.S. congressman from New Mexico named John J. Dempsey. The full explanation follows.

The American corporation that enabled the Flying Tigers of the early 1940s held office space at Rockefeller Center. As readers of this work now know, the Flying Tigers were most probably the beginnings of today’s chemtrail fleet. After the United States officially entered WWII on the side of the Chinese against the Empire of Japan, Nelson Rockefeller did tremendous business with his in-house founders of the Flying Tigers by working with them to export pharmaceutical drugs to WWII China through something called the Sydney Ross Company; a subsidiary of Sterling Drugs. The name of the corporation that enabled the Flying Tigers was China Defense Supplies. As the assistant to New Mexico Representative John J. Dempsey, James Brennan served as the Congressional liaison to China Defense Supplies.

In 1932, Congressman Dempsey was appointed a member and later President of the Board of Regents of the University of New Mexico. After WWII in New Mexico, and specifically with the assistance the University of New Mexico, a lot of important early weather modification experiments were conducted by those pioneers of the scientific era of weather modification: Langmuir, Schaefer, and Vonnegut. As mentioned earlier, New Mexico is also home to the White Sands Proving Ground where the world’s first nuclear bomb blast occurred; a product of the original Manhattan Project.

James J. Brennan played an active role in Civil Air Transport (CAT) from the start and, as the executive vice president, attempted to save the airline in the late 1940s by making severe spending cuts. James Brennan was a 8.5% owner of the company.

Was James J. Brennan any relation to our John O. Brennan, the former Director of the CIA? Brennan says he is from in and around New York, NY. The Rockefellers are too. We will soon see their many possibilities here.

General Electric

We have a lot of evidence showing General Electric’s hand in all of this. We’ve known for some time about how three General Electric scientists (Langmuir, Schaefer, & Vonnegut) working with the navy began the modern era of weather modification way back in 1946 and how Vonnegut went on to do work in the vein of the New Manhattan Project. We also know that General Electric (GE) has also gone on to produce lots of electronic equipment which could be used as part of a global weather modification project like the one outlined here.

Amongst a lot of other evidence linking GE to the New Manhattan Project, in 1958 a General Electric vice president by the name of Roy Johnson was named the first director of the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA/DARPA); an organization which appears to provide upper level scientific management to today’s NMP. GE’s Space Sciences Laboratory has supported atmospheric research in Alaska applicable to the NMP. Not only all that, but making them even more interesting here is the fact that GE also has a big Nazi past. In fact, as mentioned earlier, General Electric men worked alongside Wernher von Braun and the other Operation Paperclip scientists at White Sands, New Mexico.

But it all goes much deeper than that.

General Electric’s story here goes back to Weimar Republic Germany and earlier. It really goes back to Tesla vs. Edison, but we’ll get into that at another time. For the purpose of this discussion, we note that General Electric was among the core of a small group of American and German banks and industrial companies that enabled Hitler’s rise to power. As explained earlier, most of Hitler’s funding ultimately came from American investors. Big, monopolistic companies like General Electric were the vehicles that made the Nazi war machine happen. In the case of GE particularly, it behooves us to look at exactly how that whole situation came about. Shall we?

Not long after World War One, way back in the days of Weimar Republic Germany, General Electric and the Rockefellers were funding German science. As noted earlier, Germany is the birthplace of modern science. Cornwell illuminates us again:

By the mid-1920s physicists were beginning to collaborate once again with their overseas colleagues. Science funding, hard to come by in Germany and Austria up to 1923, now began to benefit from a new system which eked out scarce resources with additional money from industry and some notable sources abroad. A new agency was established in Weimar Germany called Notgemeinschaft der deutschen Wissenschaft (Emergency Society for German Science). The Notgemeinschaft represented the Kaiser Wilhelm Society and its institutes, the universities and technical universities and the academies of science. It provided money not only for institutions but for research programs and individual scientists. Its funds came from the Reich government in Berlin, but it also attracted funding from General Electric and the Rockefeller Foundation in America.

This was all very convenient for GE as in 1928 a man by the name of Owen Young (1874-1962) was the chief U.S. delegate to the Young Plan reparations meetings. The Young Plan reparations meetings produced the agreements for the reparations leveled against Germany after their loss in World War One. Young co-authored the Plan with J.P. Morgan and others. The resulting Young Plan enabled General Electric and a group of their cronies to do tremendous monopolistic business during Germany’s reconstruction, resulting in the eventual production of the WWII Nazi war machine.

In 1930, after overseeing the production of his eponymous Young Plan, Owen Young became chairman of General Electric’s board of directors. If that’s not some deep state action, then this author doesn’t know what is. Young was also chairman of the Executive Committee of Radio Corporation of America (RCA), another company implicated in the New Manhattan Project.

John Foster Dulles was an executive at North American Edison.

GE is a Premium corporate member of the Council on Foreign Relations and about one third of GE’s board of directors are CFR members. One GE board member, Ann Fudge is also a CFR director.


Speaking of Nazis, the Bush family political dynasty is up to their eyeballs in this thing. Yes, the family we all love to hate has apparently been at it again. We all know how cool these guys look on TV in their $10,000 suits and how Bush Senior has been canonized by the lamestream media, but here are the facts.

The Bush family bank, Brown Brothers Harriman funded the Nazis from their anti-Semitic, hate-filled, war-mongering beginnings to LONG AFTER they invaded Poland. The Bushes have no excuses and we shouldn’t give them any. It doesn’t end there.

On Oct. 20, 1942, 10 months after the U.S. had entered the war, under the Trading with the Enemy Act, the U.S. government took over the Union Banking Corporation of which Prescott Bush was a director. Three of the shareholders who had their shares seized were Nazis. Two other businesses associated with the Union Banking Corporation were also seized. The following month, the Nazi interests invested in the Silesian-American Corporation, a company long managed by Prescott Bush, were seized under the Trading with the Enemy Act as well.

It gets darker. Roger Stone, in his book Jeb! And the Bush Crime Family suggests that old Prescott Bush was getting his hands very dirty in Nazi Germany. Stone writes, “According to a Dutch intelligence agent, Prescott Bush managed a portion of the slave labor force from Auschwitz.”

The Bush family has all sorts of other connections to the Nazis involving people and organizations such as: William Stamps Farish, William Stamps Farish III, Fritz Thyssen, William H. Draper, Jr., William H. Draper III, the Rockefellers, I.G. Farben, Standard Oil, Hermann Schmitz, and the U.S. Agency for International Development. Discussion of all these instances is slightly beyond the scope of this paper.

The Bush family also has ties to the original Manhattan Project. Senator Prescott Bush (Bush Senior’s daddy) sat on the board of directors of something called the Vanadium Corporation which supplied unrefined uranium to the Manhattan Project. Prescott Bush also sat on the board of directors of a company called Dresser Industries which produced special pumps used in the production of the refined uranium needed for the world’s first atomic bombs. Now that’s called playing both sides and that’s how the old boy network does it.

Dresser Industries was a company that worked frequently with the CIA. Prescott Bush was a member of the Dresser Industries board of directors for 22 years until 1952 when he entered the Senate. Once there, Senator Prescott Bush became Allen Dulles’ day-to-day CIA contact man.

Dresser Industries is an extremely interesting player in all of this, but it takes a little bit of explaining. Please bear with.

As we already know, the New Manhattan Project involves the electromagnetic manipulation of atmospheric particles. The manipulation of atmospheric particles in the fashion of the New Manhattan Project is a field of scientific study all unto itself and Dresser Industries has been at the forefront of this field for a very long time. Without going into the history of it all too much, it suffices to say that Dresser Industries has historically brought this field of study forward with its production of equipment designed to move and collect vaporized substances which would otherwise be lost to industrial processes.

Dresser’s signature products are the massive electrostatic precipitators attached to many coal-fired electrical power plants all around the world. These electrostatic precipitators use electrostatic energy to collect the coal fly ash (smoke from burning coal) that would otherwise be pumped out into the surrounding atmosphere.

Coal fly ash has been scientifically determined to be the exact substance with which we are being sprayed.

It is reasonable to assume that Dresser not only builds these coal fly ash electrostatic precipitators, but that they also install and service them. Servicing them would most probably involve removing and carting away megatons of fresh coal fly ash.

Way back in 1928 the Bush family bank (Brown Brothers Harriman) bought Dresser and it is reasonable to assume that Bush family members are invested in the company to this day.

Is Dresser Industries providing the coal fly ash needed for today’s New Manhattan Project?

If the reader wants to look into it further, the author has recently written a separate article about all of this. For further reading, please enjoy the author’s Dec. 2018 article “Chemtrails Exposed: Dresser Industries and the New Manhattan Project.”

Another company called Ling Temco Vought shares interesting connections to Dresser Industries and another Bush family business known as the Carlyle Group. Again, it’s a little complicated. Like Bob Marley said, “They build their world in great confusion to force on us the devil’s illusion.” So let’s clarify.

We first became interested in Ling Temco Vought (LTV) years ago when we learned about an early 1970s spin-off from LTV called LTV Electrosystems. LTV Electrosystems for a long time had a key player in the development of the New Manhattan Project on its board of directors; the aforementioned William Raborn. Raborn is well known to readers of this work. LTV Electrosystems went on to become E-systems. E-systems built the first version of the world’s most powerful and versatile ionospheric heater, HAARP; the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Project. An extensive network of ionospheric heaters (possibly including HAARP) are used today to manipulate the weather as part of the New Manhattan Project. For more about Raborn, please refer to the author’s 2017 article “William Raborn and the New Mahattan Chemtrail Project.”

Ling Temco Vought’s headquarters, known at the time as the LTV Tower, sits next to the giant Dresser Building in downtown Houston. It was acquired by Dresser in 1975.

Here’s where the Carlyle Group comes in. In August of 1992, with help from the Mellon family, Carlyle in conjunction with Loral and Northrop won a year-long struggle to acquire LTV Corp.’s Defense and Aerospace Division for $475M. The deal greatly solidified Carlyle’s position as a serious player in defense industry buyouts. After the purchase Carlyle renamed the division Vought Aircraft. Later, in July of 2000, Carlyle bought Vought Aircraft outright. For many years, Dresser Industries was headed by Henry Neil Mellon of the Mellon family that helped push through the original deal.

Author Dan Briody familiarizes us with the Carlyle Group in his book The Iron Triangle. Briody writes, “Carlyle is among the largest private equity firms in the world. It employs 491 people in 21 worldwide offices. It has more than 535 investors from more than 55 different countries. And as of June 2002, the company had over $13.5 billion under management and 21 different funds.”

Curiously enough, Briody writes that Carlyle’s LTV started as “an aerospace company spun out of Ford.” This is made all the more interesting by the author of the definitive book on the subject of LTV. Stanley Brown, in his book Ling: The rise, fall, and return of a Texas titan writes:

The postwar metamorphosis of the Ford Motor Company involved a monumental instance of corporate self-deception, the Ford family was determined to undo the founder’s crank image and his near wrecking of the company in his declining years. They cleaned out old Henry’s cronies and surrounded his young grandson with an assemblage of talented executives from outside the company, including a group of ex-Air Force officers known as the Whiz Kids, who were said to have practically invented operations research, systems analysis, and all the other trappings of modern scientific management. In stamping out the old man’s cult of warped personality, they replaced it with their own new gospel. For several years things went well as the company undid a lot of the damage done by the old management at the same time creating a marvelous new corporate image.

The Ford Foundation went on to be well represented on the aforementioned Mitre Corporation’s first board of directors.

George Soros is famously invested in the Carlyle Group. What more does one need to know? Here’s more: the Carlyle Group is a corporate member of the CFR. Bush Sr. was a director of the CFR.

So we have the Bush family with serious connections to the production of aircraft, coal fly ash, and ionospheric heaters. That’s three out of the four elements of the New Manhattan Project; the fourth being command and control centers.

It suffices to say that it truly goes on and on with these people; to the point where one just becomes numb to it all. I mean, the Bushes are into all of it: depopulation and eugenics, mind control, media manipulations, weapons trafficking, drug trafficking, money laundering, the CIA, the CFR, the Nazis and their death camps, Enron, secret societies, the New World Order, bioweapons, overthrowing governments, assassination plots, ad nauseam. By all appearances and simply put, the Bush family is the very public face of the deep state and probably would have no qualms about mass murdering the domestic population and omniciding the planet in the fashion of the New Manhattan Project. To truly understand the Bush family, one must understand the mind of a psychopath. That’s not easy for people with good intentions.


In the author’s previous writings and in this article we have already seen compelling and interesting connections between members of the Rockefeller family and the New Manhattan Project. Can you believe that there is a lot more? Believe it. Here it is.

The Rockefeller Foundation was founded in 1913 (the same year as the private U.S. Federal Reserve Bank) to promote nothing less than the welfare of all mankind. The Rockefellers intended to use science to solve the global problems of: sickness, poverty, underdevelopment, and ignorance. Spraying megatons of toxic waste from aircraft is apparently their idea of how to achieve these goals.

As mentioned earlier, the Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company was instrumental in the building of the Nazi war machine. A big way in which they participated was in providing the Germans with the equipment and information needed to produce synthetic gasoline from Germany’s plentiful domestic coal supplies.

Today, everybody knows how to do stuff like this. Heck, we’re making gas from shale now cost-effectively. Making gas from coal is easy, right? Yes, but in the 1930s, these types of technologies were cutting edge and proprietary.

The Nazi war machine ran on hydrocarbon fuel and had a seemingly insatiable need. The Rockefellers’ Standard Oil sated it. Standard Oil also provided the Nazi war effort with the means to produce synthetic rubber and ethyl lead; two other substances needed for waging their reigns of terror. In fact, the production of a war effort such as that raised by the Nazis necessarily needed all sorts of chemicals and raw materials. In many of these cases, the Rockefellers’ Standard Oil worked closely with the aforementioned I.G. Farben to produce them.

The Rockefellers were represented on the board of American I.G. not only by W.C. Teagle (a director of Standard Oil), but they were also represented by C.E. Mitchell, the chairman of the Rockefeller’s National City Bank. Their National City Bank financed the German General Electric.

Oh, look who’s here! It’s the Dulles brothers again, with General Electric! John Foster Dulles was a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation from 1935 to 1952 and also served as chairman of the board. He was also a Rockefeller family in-law. Owen Young of General Electric was a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation and General Electric held a Rockefeller Foundation corporate directorship. Allen Dulles had extensive offices at Rockefeller Center.

The Rockefeller brothers, Nelson and David, were very close associates of CIA founder Allen Dulles as well as very active and powerful members of the Council on Foreign Relations. Talbot writes that, “Nobody occupied a more central position in the Dulles brothers’ power circle than the Rockefeller brothers.” Talbot writes that, “The Rockefeller brothers served as private bankers for Dulles’s intelligence empire.” Laurence Shoup in his book Wall Street’s Think Tank writes that, “The Rockefeller Foundation is the foundation most closely tied to the CFR.” David Rockefeller (1916-2017) was the longest serving director of the CFR from 1949-1985 (36 years) and chairman from 1970 to 1985.

Chicago University was founded with funds from John D. Rockefeller Senior. This is significant because lots of weather modification work has been done at Chicago University. Also, it was at the University of Chicago where the the first known self-sustaining nuclear reaction was created; an important development in the history of the original Manhattan Project.

John D. Rockefeller IV as a senator representing West Virginia was a member of the Select Committee on Intelligence which oversaw John Brennan’s confirmation as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency in 2013.

The best has been saved for last. The Rockefellers have a direct connection to the Mitre Corporation. That’s the company that most probably orchestrates all the technological aspects of today’s NMP.

In the same year that Gordon J.F. ‘How to Wreck the Environment’ MacDonald became a trustee of the Mitre Corporation, 1968, a man from Rockefeller Family and Associates named Dr. T.F. Walkowicz became a trustee of the Mitre Corporation as well. Dr. Walkowicz was a major in the Army Air Corps and the boss of something called the National Aviation and Technology Corporation of New York, NY. He stayed on the Mitre Corporation board of directors for at least 10 years.

Dr. Walkowicz

Dr. Walkowicz was also a consultant to the production of a 1946 Army Air Force report titled “War and Weather.” “War and Weather” was but one of many reports issued as part of a series titled Toward New Horizons. Toward New Horizons (also known as the von Karman reports) featured as contributors a constellation of leading American weather modifiers and experts in applied electromagnetic energy.

Similar to the much later Air Force 2025 set of documents which contained the infamous “Owning the Weather in 2025” report and outlined the New Manhattan Project multiple times, Toward New Horizons spoke to a broad overhaul of U.S. military air operations. Dr. Walkowicz was the lead author of a report in the series titled “Future Airborne Armies.”

The report “War and Weather” provides lots of insight into the New Manhattan Project, so we will now examine it further.

The authors of “War and Weather” write that, “Long-range forecasts may be employed in planning an entire military campaign instead of one tactical maneuver.” Now we have a better understanding of the deep state’s obsession with long-term climate predictions.

The authors of “War and Weather” repeatedly stress the importance of their mission writing, “The importance of pursuing research projects in peacetime, directed at fulfilling the future requirements of the military weather services, cannot be overemphasized.” They go on to make many recommendations as to how this should be accomplished. By the end of 1946 (the year of “War and Weather’s” publication), General Electric and the navy were rolling out the modern era of weather modification.

Generally consistent with what many leading Manhattan Project scientists have stated, “War and Weather” notes that, “Atomic energy may be used to control certain weather phenomena.” What makes this quote particularly interesting and different from others is the fact that the authors write generically of ‘atomic energy’ rather than the detonation of nuclear bombs specifically as having an effect upon weather.

When they wrote of using atomic energy to modify the weather, Manhattan Project scientists who went on to do work in the atmospheric sciences such as Edward Teller commonly wrote only of atomic bombs being detonated in the atmosphere. The detonation of atomic bombs is only but one use of atomic energy. The term ‘atomic energy’ loosely applies to anything having to do with molecular physics (a.k.a. quantum mechanics). Heck, the term ‘atomic energy’ can very loosely apply to simple electricity (which is technically sub-atomic). The authors’ use of the generic term ‘atomic energy’ here opens the door to a whole range of possible applications of atomic energy as a way to control the weather; including the use of electromagnetic energy which is what is used today to control the weather as part of the New Manhattan Project.

In fact, on the last page of “War and Weather,” under the heading ‘Atomic Energy Applied to Meteorology’ the authors write, “The controlled use of atomic energy by meteorologists may result in the synthesis of certain weather phenomena or forced local release of atmospheric instability … Furthermore, it is conceivable that the peacetime applications of such concepts may be more significant than their military uses [author’s emphasis].” When these authors write of ‘the synthesis of certain weather phenomena or forced local release of atmospheric instability,’ once again they are writing about the so-called ‘butterfly effect.’ This is the notion that a relatively small amount of directed energy can have a tremendous later effect upon the weather. This is a thesis central to the peacetime New Manhattan Project.

Black budgets, missing trillions, and the global narcotics trade

We have seen that since the end of WWII the New Manhattan Project has been in development. We have also now seen compelling evidence as to who has been developing it. Another logical question is that of funding. In this penultimate section we will see that there is no shortage of ways to supply the trillions of dollars needed to carry this ultra-massive project forward over the course of 70 years plus. We will start with the infamous black budgets.

It is not a secret that, every year, the United States taxpayer funds billion-dollar military budgets which include so-called ‘black’ funds.  Although this type of spending is prohibited by our Constitution, these ‘black budgets’ as they are called have been disbursed at the discretion of the President, the Secretary of State, and the Director of Central Intelligence (the head of the CIA) since WWII. Black budgets began, appropriately enough, with the original Manhattan Project. They became a permanent part of the government with the creation of the CIA in 1947. Not only that, but the CIA has the legal ability to send and receive money to and from any and all U.S. Government offices; providing them with a way to distribute and receive any funds they wish.

For these reasons, and in consideration of the evidence presented here implicating the CIA, it is reasonable to assert that these black funds have been used to, at least in part, fund the New Manhattan Project.

Providing for even more possible funding, the annual overt defense budget is filled with code words, euphemisms, and other camouflage that allow our military to obfuscate many other clandestine efforts. There is no shortage of ways for the United States government to directly fund the development of the New Manhattan Project and we can assume that this is what has taken place. After all, elements of our United States military have repeatedly stated their position that climate change is a matter of national security and must be dealt with.

Further, $21T is apparently ‘missing’ from the Pentagon. We all know how Rumsfeld held a press conference way back in 2001 on the day before the 9/11 attacks to let us know that $2.3T was somehow missing from the Pentagon. Well, now a short article (with a collection of videos) has appeared on Catherine Austin Fitts’ website about how $21T of our taxpayer dollars has met the same fate. $21T is probably more than enough to have brought the New Manhattan Project forward over the decades.

Even more interesting, though, is the notion that today the domestic spraying operations and everything else that the New Manhattan Project entails is funded by the $400B global narcotics trade. For this assertion there is quite a bit of precedent.

Oh yeah, the Cocaine Importation Agency (CIA), has been running megatons of narcotics. There is no doubt about that. It would be quite tedious to go through all the books, movies, news reports, court cases, and other such solid evidence supporting this assertion.

Further, eminent historians such as UC Berkeley’s Peter Dale Scott can tell you that, at least since the time of China and Britain’s Opium Wars in the mid-19th century, the deep state and their many nefarious activities have been funded by the narcotics trade. There is a certain chapter of this long, sordid history which is particularly relevant to the New Manhattan Project. It is something called Operation Gladio. Operation Gladio is explored here because the proceeds from these types operations may have provided funding for the development of the New Manhattan Project and a similar type of operation may be funding the NMP today.

Operation Gladio was a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and CIA collaboration that involved staging terrorist attacks throughout Europe to be blamed on communist factions while, in actuality, the attacks were perpetrated by fascist (capitalist) ones. This was done in order to galvanize public opinion for capitalism and against communism. As we learn of their involvement here, we can see how the CIA participates in the most dastardly of deeds in order to grow their power while creating the perception of virtue. It’s kind of like how geoengineers propose spraying the Earth and all of its biota with megatons of toxic materials in order to save us from global warming.

Journalist Richard Cottrell, in his groundbreaking 2012 book Gladio: NATO’s Dagger at the Heart of Europe writes:

The sound of bullets, screams, the whumpf of great explosions, shattering glass, the scream of emergency vehicles, fell cross Europe. Bombs planted in a prominent city bank, in railway stations and trains, and in beer tents overflowing with jolly drinkers. Snipers fired at will into squares heaving with crowds of peaceful demonstrators, or supermarkets as weekend shoppers queued to pay for their groceries. A slaughter of the innocents. To meet its own political ends, the United States fostered the mirage of communist subversion of the European continent. In so doing it worked through the CIA and secret war departments of every NATO country, and ruthlessly milked and nourished latent forces of fascism left over from WW2.

As a direct result of Operation Gladio, 491 people were killed and 1,181 injured or maimed.

To understand how all this came about and to understand its relevance to the New Manhattan Project, we must, once again, go back to the beginning; to the devil’s pact mentioned earlier between Allen Dulles and the Nazis.

As noted earlier in this piece, towards the end of WWII Allen Dulles of America’s OSS made a deal with high-ranking German officials. This deal was instrumental in the creation of the CIA, but it also resulted in the creation of the so-called ‘stay behind’ armies ostensibly designed to be a capitalist (fascist) failsafe against a post-WWII European invasion by communist Russia. If the Russians were to invade a weakened Europe, the theory went, then these stay behind armies would be activated to defeat the communist aggressors. It’s not like the Russians were not weakened as well. They had just borne the brunt of WWII; suffering somewhere north of 20 million casualties and they had been our ally during the war. But nonetheless, this was the stated fear and this was the story. Creating new, secret armies consisting of Nazis and directed by Nazis and Nazi sympathizers apparently wasn’t a concern. To the contrary, according to the CIA, it was good.

Shortly after the conclusion of the Yalta Conference in February of 1945, when it became crystal-clear that Germany was going to lose the war and preliminary arrangements for the post-war Europe had been made, Dulles arranged for the transportation of the aforementioned German General Reinhard Gehlen and his top people to Fort Hunt, Virginia where it was agreed that Gehlen would return to Germany under US protection to establish the Gehlen Organization which was to be funded by United States taxpayer dollars. The Gehlen Organization subsequently set up shop in a former Waffen SS training facility near Pullach, Germany. The primary purpose of the Gehlen Organization was to create and expand the stay behind armies with men taken from the ranks of the soon to be defeated German military. The soldiers of these stay behind armies were known as ‘gladiators’ with the operation being named Gladio after the short swords the gladiators of ancient Rome used to finish their opponents.

Reinhard Gehlen

Also involved here was an Italian member of the Catholic Black Nobility by the name of Prince Junio Valerio Borghese (1906-1974) also known as The Black Prince. Borghese commanded troops for the Italian fascists under Mussolini during WWII and later organized many thousands of men from Italy, Germany, France, and Austria into the stay behind armies in Italy. By 1946, when the OSS morphed into the CIA, hundreds of Gladio units were already in place throughout Western Europe in countries such as: Italy, Germany, Turkey, Belgium, Sweden, France, and Greece.

The $200M of original funding for the stay-behind armies came from the Rockefeller and Mellon foundations, but these Western European stay behind armies needed a more stable, recurring, and covert source of funding. Not only was a stable source of funding desirable just for Operation Gladio, it was desirable for the continued funding of all of the CIA’s covert intelligence activities. Here’s where it gets interesting.

In the mid to late 1940s, near the end of WWII, it was Colonel Paul E. Helliwell’s (1915-1976) job in the Far East as Chief of Special Intelligence for the OSS to support Chaing Kai-shek’s Nationalist Chinese forces. He observed that a contingency force of Chaing Kai-shek’s army operating in an opium producing region of Burma was selling the drug locally in order to fund their continuing efforts against Mao Zedong’s communist forces. The sale of the opium at that time, though, was done in the ancient ways of many middlemen and slow ground transportation; a very inefficient process. Helliwell had the idea to begin transporting opium by aircraft to major market centers directly.

This could allow not only for the more efficient movement and sale of the opium, but also for a more efficient movement and sale of the arms Chaing Kai-shek’s soldiers needed to fight the communist aggressors. The arms could be flown in, the opium could be flown out, and the Chinese Nationalist forces could be better supplied; a win win. Helliwell ran his idea by his boss, OSS chief General William ’Wild Bill’ Donovan (1883-1959) and Wild Bill shared it with Dulles. Everybody loved it. They went about bringing Helliwell’s idea into existence and the airline that eventually began taking care of these missions was the aforementioned Civil Air Transport.

As alluded to earlier, Civil Air Transport (CAT) was the CIA’s proprietary airline which came after the Flying Tigers, preceded Air America, and is (as are the Flying Tigers and Air America) most probably a direct ancestor of today’s chemtrail fleet. Believe it or not, the CIA’s Civil Air Transport is actually on record as having performed weather modification activities over Japan; the author’s thesis.

In his book Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance Between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia, well-respected researcher Paul Williams gives us more insight into the founding of CAT:

By the close of World War II, Helliwell and a number of fellow Army intelligence officers – E. Howard Hunt, of Watergate fame; Lucien Conein, a former member of the French Foreign Legion with strong ties to the Corsican Mafia; Tommy ‘the Cork’ Corcoran, a lawyer serving the Strategic Service Unit; and Lt. General Claire L. Chennault, the military advisor to Chaing Kai-Shek and the founder of the Flying Tigers – had created the Civil Air Transport.
The original funding needed to get these guns-for-drugs airlift operations in the Far East off the ground came from Nazi gold that had been laundered and manipulated by Dulles and a man named William ‘Little Bill’ Stephenson, a British master spy. This was all done through something called the World Commerce Corporation. The World Commerce Corporation was formed by OSS chief Wild Bill Donovan with the help of a small group of very wealthy friends including: Nelson Rockefeller, Joseph C. Grew, Alfred DuPont, and Charles Jocelyn Hambro of the Hambros Bank. From its founding onward, the World Commerce Corporation’s primary function was to trade US surplus weapons and munitions to groups such as those producing the opium in Burma.

Once the opium had been airlifted out of the wilds of Burma, it was brought to Bangkok, Thailand where General Phao Sriyanonda, the director of Thailand’s national police, had his officers load it onto the freighters of the Sea Supply Company, a CIA front run by Helliwell. The opium was then shipped to Cuba where it was turned into heroin with the help of individuals from the most important families of the American Mafia as well as Schiaparelli, one of Italy’s most respected pharmaceutical companies. The heroin was then distributed by the mob to major cities throughout America. The target customers were the African-Americans of our inner-city ghettoes. All this, again, was Helliwell’s idea. Coupled with the subsequent burgeoning urban jazz scene of the 1950s, this venture proved to be a smashing success. An entire drug culture had been created and the CIA was in the money.

Opium and heroin production was later expanded to include: opium production fields in Laos, heroin production laboratories located in Marseilles, France run by the Corsican mafia, and Turkish opium brokers.

The CIA expanded their operations again later in the 1980s with street gangs and cocaine, once again targeting America’s black populations living in urban ghettos; this time feeding off of the gangster rap phenomenon to create the surrounding culture. We can now stop wondering as to how the CIA has become so powerful. Their narcotics trafficking has been a resounding success for a very long time.

The CIA and their cohorts have also organized similar weapons for drugs programs used to topple governments and install ‘friendly’ regimes all over the world, but It all started with Gladio.

The profits from the early CIA heroin production and distribution ventures of the 1940s, 50s, and 60s detailed here were laundered through The Institute of Religious Works, also known as the Vatican Bank. The funds were then distributed to the administrators of Operation Gladio through Swiss banks. This is how Operation Gladio became sustainably funded.

The CIA used their global narcotics trade to finance extremely heinous acts of depravity during Operation Gladio and subsequent operations. They got away with it the first time. Why would they not do it again? By all appearances, the CIA still runs the global narcotics trade today.

As we have seen, the CIA is also most probably responsible for the massively expensive and destructive New Manhattan Project. In consideration of all the evidence presented here, it is reasonable to assert that the CIA and their Nazis have been using the proceeds from their global narcotics racket to fund the New Manhattan Project.


[The CIA is] a secret government – a shadowy government with its own air force, its own navy, its own fund-raising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances and free from the law itself. – Senator Daniel Inouye in his closing statement to the Iran-Contra hearings, Aug. 3, 1987

As we have seen here, the deep state is fully capable of orchestrating the New Manhattan Project over the course of the last 70 years plus. The evidence presented here demonstrates that this is exactly what has happened.

Before this American deep state was generally recognized, we called it the ‘secret government’ or the ‘invisible government.’ Going back even further, we called it the ‘hidden hand’ or the ‘power behind the throne.’ For as long as there have been bureaucracies in government, what today we call the ‘deep state’ has existed. A deep state existed in ancient Egypt and Babylon for crying out loud! Over the millennia and all over the world, the existence of a deep state has drifted in and out of the general public’s consciousness as its powers have waxed and waned.  So are the cycles of these things.

Basically, our government got taken over by multinational corporate interests a long time ago. Our ship was hijacked and they’ve been sailing us straight for destruction ever since.

It’s called the ‘grand chessboard.’ The building and destruction of nations can both be profitable enterprises. They have been getting away with lots and lots of mass murders. They don’t give a damn about America. These people are globalists. To the contrary, the deep state has HATED America ever since we won the Revolutionary War. The good news is that we the people are now in the process of regaining control and they can’t stand it. Believe it or not, one’s political stripe doesn’t even really matter. The fact that your average citizen has become acutely passionate about politics means everything. Truth will prevail. The arc of history bends toward justice.

As far as our noble anti-geoengineering movement goes, we should thank God that your average well-meaning person with any decent understanding of how the world actually works now sees the deep state. This is a major victory in our information war. In fact, like the Continental Army’s victory at the Battle of Trenton, it looks like the turning point. Now that we can see the problem, we may find a solution.

We can win this thing. We can stop the spraying, remediate our environment, and bring to justice the people responsible for the massive amounts of toxic waste we have all been unnecessarily forced to ingest. But it’s even bigger than that. We are bringing about the final revolution against ALL of their tyranny worldwide. That’s where you, the reader comes in.  Please share this information generously.  Thank you.

Sources (in order of first appearance)

“EPA Whistleblower Exposes the Ongoing Geoengineering Omnicide” an article by Peter Kirby, published by Activist Post, September 3, 2018

“Chemtrails Exposed: Coal Fly Ash and the New Manhattan Project” an article by Peter Kirby, published by Activist Post, July 24, 2017

“The Secret Team: The CIA and its Allies in Control of the United States and the World” a book by L. Fletcher Prouty, published by Skyhorse Publishing, 2008

“Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance Between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia” a book by Paul L. Williams, published by Prometheus Books, 2015

“The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government” a book by David Talbot, published by HarperCollins Publishers, 2015

“Secret Agenda: The United States Government, Nazi Scientists, and Project Paperclip, 1945 to 1990” a book by Linda Hunt, published by St. Martin’s Press, 1991

“Blowback: The First Full Account of America’s Recruitment of Nazis and its Disastrous Effect on Our Domestic and Foreign Policy” a book by Christopher Simpson, published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1988

“IBM and the Holocaust: The strategic alliance between Nazi Germany and America’s most powerful corporation” a book by Edwin Black, published by Dialog Press, 2012

“George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography” a book by Webster Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin, published by Executive Intelligence Review, 1992

“Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler” a book by Antony Sutton, published by Buccaneer Books, 1976

“Hitler’s Scientists: Science, War, and the Devil’s Pact” a book by John Cornwell, published by Penguin Books, 2004

“Nazi Whitewash in 1940’s Charged” an article by Ralph Blumenthal, published by the New York Times, March 11, 1985

“Von Braun: Dreamer of Space Engineer of War” a book by Michael J. Neufeld, published by Random House, 2007

“John F. Kennedy Space Center Souvenir Book” a book by the Dexter Press, 1969

“Operation Paperclip: The secret intelligence program that brought Nazi scientists to America” a book by Annie Jacobsen, published by Little, Brown, and Company, 2014

“The Secret History of the CIA” a book by Joseph J. Trento, published by Carrol & Graf, 2005

“The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence” a book by Victor Marchetti and John D. Marks, published by Dell Publishing Co., 1980

“Death from Above: The New Manhattan Project Chemtrail Fleet” an article by Peter A. Kirby, published by Activist Post, April 22, 2015

“The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade” a book by Alfred W. McCoy, published by Lawrence Hill Books, 2003 p167 & 168

“The Wizards of Langley: Inside the CIA’s Directorate of Science and Technology” a book by Jeffrey T. Richelson, published by Westview Press, 2001

“An Interview with Former DDS&T Albert Wheelon” an article by Ed Dietel, published by Studies in Intelligence

“Honoring the Founder of CIA’s Directorate of Science and Technology” an article by Robert J. Kohler and R. James Woolsey, published in Studies in Intelligence

“Albert D. Wheelon, Architect of Aerial Spying, Dies at 84” an article by Douglas Martin, published in the New York Times, Oct. 2, 2013

“Tuxedo Park: A Wall Street Tycoon and the Secret Palace of Science that Changed the Course of World War II” a book by Jennet Conant, published by Simon & Schuster, 2002

“The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline” a book by James Perloff, published by Western Islands, 1988

“The Brothers: John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, and Their Secret World War” a book by Stephen Kinzer, published by Times Books

“Bohemian Grove and Other Retreats: A Study in Ruling-Class Cohesiveness” a book by G. William Domhoff, published by Harper and Row, 1974

“Wall Street’s Think Tank: The Council on Foreign Relations and the Empire of Neoliberal Geopolitics, 1976-2014” a book by Laurence H. Shoup, published by Monthly Review Press, 2015

“A Portfolio of Carbon Management Options” a paper by Ken Caldeira, M. Granger Morgan, Dennis Baldocchi, Peter G. Brewer, Chen-Tung Arthur Chen, Gert-Jan Nabuurs, Nebojsa Nakicenovic, and G. Philip Robertson, published in ResearchGate, March, 2004

“On the Regulation of Geoengineering” a paper by David G. Victor, published in the Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 2008

“Confronting Climate Change: A Strategy for U.S. Foreign Policy: Report of an Independent Task Force” a report by the Council on Foreign Relations, published by the Council on Foreign Relations, 2008

“The Geoengineering Option: A Last Resort Against Global Warming?” an article by David G. Victor, M. Granger Morgan, Jay Apt, John Steinbruner, and Katherine Ricke, published by Foreign Affairs, March, 2009

“Q&A With David Victor About Climate Change: What governments, scientists, and big business can do about global warming” an article by Lucy Berman, published by Foreign Affairs, March 18, 2009

“Why Geoengineering?” an article by Granger Morgan, published by the MIT Technology Review, December 21, 2009

“Research on Global Sun Block Needed Now” an op-ed by David W. Keith, Edward Parson, and M. Granger Morgan, published in Nature, January 2010

“Regional Climate Response to Solar Radiation Management” a paper by Katharine L. Ricke, M. Granger Morgan, and Myles R. Allen, published in Nature Geoscience, August 2010

“Developing an International Framework for Geoengineering” a panel discussion conducted at the Council on Foreign Relations w/ Granger Morgan and John Steinbruner moderated by Ruth Greenspan Bell, Mar. 10, 2010

“IPCC Expert Meeting on Geoengineering: Meeting Report” a report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2012

“Characterizing Impacts and Implications of Proposals for Solar Radiation Management, a Form of Climate Engineering” a doctoral thesis by Katharine L. Ricke, August, 2011

“Geoengineering: A National Strategic Plan for Research on the Potential Effectiveness, Feasibility, and Consequences of Climate Remediation Technologies” a report by the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Task Force on Climate Remediation Research, published by The Bipartisan Policy Center, 2011

“Cost Analysis of Stratospheric Albedo Modification Delivery Systems” a paper by Justin McClellan, David Keith, and Jay Apt, published by Environmental Research Letters, Aug. 30, 2012

“Needed: Research Guidelines for Solar Radiation Management” an article by Granger Morgan, Paul Gottlieb, and Robert R. Nordhaus, published in Issues in Science and Technology, Spring 2013

“The Truth About Geoengineering: Science Fiction and Science Fact” an article by David G. Victor, M. Granger Morgan, Jay Apt, John Steinbruner, and Katherine Ricke, published by Foreign Affairs. March 27, 2013

“Start Research on Climate Engineering” a paper by Jane C.S. Long, Granger Morgan, and Frank Loy, published in Nature, Feb. 5, 2015

“Climate Engineering Economics” a paper by Garth Heutel, Juan Moreno-Cruz, and Katharine Ricke, published by the Annual Review of Resource Economics, Nov. 3, 2015

“Perilous Missions: Civil Air Transport and CIA Covert Operations in Asia” a book by William M. Leary, published by Smithsonian Institution Press, 2002

“Fixing the Sky: The checkered history of weather and climate control” a book by James Roger Fleming, published by the Columbia University Press, 2010

“Progress in Defense and Space: A History of the Aerospace Group of the General Electric Company” a book by Major A. Johnson, self-published, 1993

“None Dare Call It Conspiracy” a book by Gary Allen, published by Buccaneer Books, 1971

“Jeb! And the Bush Crime Family: The Inside Story of an American Dynasty” a book by Roger Stone and Saint John Hunt, published by Skyhorse Publishing, 2016

“Initiative in Energy: The Story of Dresser Industries” a book by Darwin Payne, published by Simon and Schuster, 1979

“Prelude to Terror: The Rogue CIA and the Legacy of America’s Private Intelligence Network” a book by Joseph J. Trento, published by Carrol & Graf, 2005

“Chemtrails Exposed: Dresser Industries and the New Manhattan Project” an article by Peter A. Kirby, published by Activist Post, Dec. 28, 2018

“William Raborn and the New Mahattan Chemtrail Project” an article by Peter A. Kirby, published by Activist Post, May 24, 2017

“The Iron Triangle: Inside the secret world of the Carlyle Group” a book by Dan Briody, published by John Wiley and Sons, 2003

“Ling: The rise, fall, and return of a Texas titan” a book by Stanley H. Brown, published by Beard Books, 1999

“Foundations of the American Century: The Ford, Carnegie, and Rockefeller Foundations in the rise of American power” a book by Inderjeet Parmar, published by the Columbia University Press, 2012

“The Rockefeller File” a book by Gary Allen, published by 76 Press, 1991

“Mitre: The First 20 Years” a book by the Mitre Corporation, published by the Mitre Corporation, 1979

“War and Weather” a report by Dr. Irving P. Krick, published by the Army Air Force Scientific Advisory Group as a volume in the series Toward New Horizons, 1946

“Blank Check: The Pentagon’s Black Budget” a book by Tim Weiner, published by Warner Books, 1990

“Gladio: NATO’s Dagger at the Heart of Europe: The Pentagon-Nazi-Mafia Terror Axis” a book by Richard Cottrell, published by Progressive Press, 2012

“$21 Trillion dollars is missing from the US government. That is $65,000 for every person in America. That is as much as our entire national debt!” an article appearing on solari.com



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  • ClimateViewer.com
  • AirCrap.org
  • NuclearPlanet.com
  • StopSprayingUs.com
  • GlobalSkyWatch.com
  • ChemtrailsProject.com
  • ChemtrailsProjectUK.com
  • ChemtrailSafety.com
  • GeoengineeringWatch.org


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Dane Wigington: Geoengineering Is Fueling Firestorm Catastrophes

Dane Wigington: Geoengineering Is Fueling Firestorm Catastrophes

by Dane Wigington, Geoengineering Watch
July 30, 2018


Yet again forests in the Western US are incinerating as the US east coast is anomalously wet and cool. All official sources are blaming the rapidly increasing extreme and deadly wildfire behavior on global warming alone, but is that the full truth? What factors are “official sources” not informing us of in regard to the increasingly destructive wildfires?

The NASA satellite image above reveals massive climate engineering operations being carried out over vast expanses the Pacific ocean off of the US west coast. The geoengineering / solar radiation management operations completely disrupt the hydrological cycle and thus fuel drought and fires (a scenario which has been ongoing). The image was captured on Saturday, July 28th, 2018. This happened to be the day that a long planned climate engineering awareness and call to action event had to be canceled in Redding, California, due to the Carr fire. Smoke from the Carr fire is clearly visible on the NASA satellite image.

Though there are countless forms of human activity damaging the climate and biosphere, illegal global climate engineering / solar radiation management operations are a primary causal factor fueling catastrophic wildfires all over the globe (which official sources are not disclosing). Climate engineering is completely disrupting the hydrological cycle, triggering increasing dry lightningdestroying the ozone layer, contaminating soils, and covering everything at ground level with an incendiary dust (due to the fallout from atmosphere spraying programs). The 10 minute video below elaborates on the direct effect geoengineering operations are having on forest fires, their behavior and their frequency. Geoengineering is nothing less than weather warfare.

The Carr Fire in Redding, California, my hometown, is one of the latest catastrophic infernos to erupt.

A fully engulfed structure along HWY 299 near Redding California. Photo credit: AP/Noah Berger

Other recent western infernos also confirm the impact of climate intervention operations. The satellite animation below was recorded on October 11th, 2017, it is important to examine carefully. Anomalous, counter-directional and extreme wind patterns over the core wildfire region was a major contributing factor in the firestorm cataclysm that occurred in the Santa Rosa region of California . All official sources continue to ignore and omit any discussion of the ongoing illegal climate engineering operations.

The climate engineering atrocities are a primary factor in the equation of exponentially increasing forest fires and fire intensity.

GeoengineeringWatch.org 44567
Forest fire, US West Coast. Photo credit: Rebecca Boatman

All around the world forests are incinerating at an ever more rapid rate, if the current trajectory of biosphere collapse continues, these forests are not coming back.

All of us must work together in the effort to fully expose and halt the ongoing climate engineering / weather warfare assault. How? By circulating credible data from a credible source. Make your voice heard in this all important battle.

[TCTL editor’s note: The commentary below was added to this “Geoengineering Is Fueling Firestorm Catastrophes” post in response to many sensationalized narratives and conclusions that are being circulated about the creation and / or causes of the recent and ongoing catastrophic California firestorms.]

How do we expose and halt the catastrophic global climate engineering assault?  We need to stand on solid verifiable ground in regard to the data and conclusions we share, or we will lose all credibility in this most important battle for the greater good. We must not give in to and indulge in implausible speculation that by its very nature provokes disbelief which can only weaken our strategic position as we expose the very real and terrible crimes being perpetrated against our dying planet. Are recent and current California fires behaving in unprecedented ways and burning at exceptionally high temperatures? Yes. Are there reasons to believe the public is not being informed of key core issues that are directly related to the exponential increase in global forest fires? Yes. Does available data make clear that climate engineering in countless ways set the stage for the firestorm nightmares? Without question.

All this being said, in regard to the recent and ongoing California firestorms there are a great many baseless claims circulating on the internet that should cause us all to take immediate pause. These narratives include the suggestion that everything from laser beams to military incendiary bombs were used to cause/create recent and ongoing catastrophic fires. Though laser and directed energy weapons do exist in some forms (https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/your-air-force/2016/06/25/air-force-has-directed-energy-weapons-now-comes-the-hard-part/)  ,there is no documentation whatsoever to confirm any sky to ground laser / directed energy platform is even remotely capable of causing massive and instant vaporization of countless structures over vast expanses. If such instant and extreme destruction were to occur (from massive laser / energy beams, spiraling down from the sky in the middle of the night), wouldn’t they have been seen by many? If such instant destruction technology does exist, and was used, why is there so much film footage of extreme wind and heat driven flames during the fires? Even if “directed energy” weapons of this caliber existed, and were used, CAL FIRE and thousands of residents would also have to be a part of such a coverup (which is completely implausible).  Again,” laser / directed energy beams” (if a technology for such sky to ground decimation even exists) would be extremely visible.

Again, though some have referred to technology (that does exist) for extremely powerful laser and plasma beams, emission can only be produced from a ground bases source with access to extreme levels of power. Any such powerful emission could not be produced from an overflying aircraft or a satellite. Even a flying full scale massive electrical power plant could not even begin to produce such an emission. And consider this, the most powerful laser beams (that have been created under test conditions in ground facilities) only existed for a trillionth of a second, and was only 2 millimeters wide, thats it.  We must remember and consider that the California wind driven firestorms raged for days over extensive areas.

We must also stop to consider all the converging factors that are fueling the firestorm cataclysms.  Record low fuel moisture contents (directly connected to climate engineering). Extreme and unpredictable wind conditions which can be directly connected to convection manipulation via jet aircraft dispersions of atmospheric aerosols (that are a core part of climate engineering operations). Accumulated incendiary dust (from climate engineering fallout) not only laying on the surface of forest foliage, but blowing in the winds around and above the fires. About the trees that are still standing in many photos of fire burn areas, green living trees are not prone to burning beyond the folliage and thinner branches. Green living trees WILL NOT fully incinerate (unlike dwellings that contain no imbedded fuel moisture. In the case of the Santa Rosa firestorms many of the trees were Redwoods which are extremely fire resistant. All should take the time to look up more information on this, here is one sample link, FYI http://forestschoolsbapet.blogspot.com/2013/04/redwoods-and-why-are-they-fireproof.html

Redwood trees have very thick bark which has a lot of water inside it. They also DO NOT have any pitch inside the trunks which is a very flammable substance found in many other trees. Another factor that helps to make the redwood trees fireproof is the fact that they do not have any of the resins that other trees like pine and the sap that the tree contains is made up of a majority of water also adding to the fireproofing ability.

As already stated, other species of living and green trees would also not completely burn in the same manner as dried and fully cured building materials, not at all. Any that have ever tried to burn a completely green log in a fire will know this. Such a piece of “fuel” will not burn, the moisture is too impregnated in it. Ever put a paper cup filled with water in a fire? It, also, will not burn until the water boils out. The top of the cup burns down in pace with the water boiling out. Though the crowns of many pine species are, of course, highly combustible, the trunks and heavy branches are not (assuming the tree was alive when exposed to fire).

Back to the extreme heat and wind in these fires, like a bellows (or blower) for a forge, such extreme conditions can rapidly increase combustion and thus temperatures. Such extreme conditions and winds also scatter embers at unimaginable speed onto landscapes, into attics, eaves, etc, where the embers are fanned by the high winds into further combustion. Many older homes are built with extremely flammable materials, and many even with wood sub-floors which provide even more fuel at the critical base of dwelling fires. Once subfloors have been burnt away, it could provide a cavity for some larger incombustible materials to fall into (such as porcelain sinks and toilets which extreme heat can also shatter).

Structure fires are much hotter and burn longer than a forest fire, and in many cases, what you find is a single home ignites and then like dominos falling other homes catch on fire. This is exactly what is occurred in California communities like Santa Rosa.

As homes in close proximity ignite, all of the natural gas and / or propane supplied to homes adds further fuel to the wind blown furnace flames. Once fully ablaze, one home can ignite those immediately adjacent to it from the radiant heat alone. Homes across a street could be far enough away to be spared. Also, in scenarios where one home was in ashes next to another that did not burn, fire crews may have been present and actively watering down homes that had not yet ignited. Again, some next to other homes that were fully ablaze. In regard to the many badly burned vehicles, none of those making the “directed energy weapons” claims have bothered to mention the obvious, vehicles all have fuel tanks that radically accelerate and heat fires once the vehicle is fully ablaze. Those that have ever seen the remains of a vehicle that has fully incinerated along the side of a highway know that such vehicles look exactly like those in the firestorms.

I viewed a number of videos that show trees burning from the inside out, with some claiming this was proof of a laser weapon. This, also, is verifiably false. I have personally witnessed  this exact scenario dozens of times over years of controlled burns on my own habitat reserve land, and fighting on the front line of wildfires that have occurred with staggering frequency on and near my acreage on the east side of Lake Shasta.. Any ember that settles into a hollowed out and decaying tree trunk will start such a fire as those featured in videos claiming directed energy weapons were used. In several instances I have witnessed trees that had a rotted hollow at the base of the trunk which allowed air in, and embers. Once the rotted core ignited and burned up through the rotted center of the trees (completely rotted cores are now common in still living trees due to epidemic fungal infections in the forest), the trees  literally looked like a blow torch with flames shooting out from the top. Please, don’t believe me about trees with rotting cores burning from embers being common, ask any wild land firefighter how many times they have witnessed this phenomenon, it is extremely common. About the extreme heat and wind blown fire scenarios, again, if and when the heat plum from a fire is blowing along at ground level, combustibles one side or another may not be very effected from the directional flow of flames and heat that is being pushed in a particular direction due to the powerful winds. I am speaking from personal experience, not from speculation.

Some videos claimed brick or rock walls on some sides of some homes had disappeared, all of the “before and after” photos I have seen of this showed veneer walls of brick or rock, not walls that were actually constructed of these materials. Some of the same circulating videos claim that glass or aluminum could not melt in a wildfire, also false. Anyone that has ever put bottle into a hot camp fire and left it in the core of the coals all night knows better. The same with an aluminum can. And, again, to be clear, all the factors I mentioned in this report must be remembered. Yes, these fires are unprecedented, the heat and behavior is unprecedented, geoengineering is inarguably a major factor that set the stage. Fires are increasingly ignited in the worse possible locations at the worst possible times. Do these fires serve many agendas of those in power? Yes, absolutely, but we must still stand on solid ground with the data and conclusions we share with any breaking news story if we are to retain credibility.

I know many people who are now claiming no one died (and no one was injured) in Las Vegas, claiming that it was all staged. This narrative is also very harmful to the cause of credibility, insisting on the truth. I have a long term friendship with a former Green Beret who just lost two close colleagues in Las Vegas. Though the Las Vegas event also has countless unanswered questions, and appears to be anything but what official sources are telling us, people were injured and died. The notion that thousands of people, including emergency workers and hospitals, could all be in on some grand conspiracy theater, is not rational. Are we to believe that 9/11 was only a staged slaughter? That people did not die there? Let’s all remember that those in power do not care how many they kill (collateral damage) to accomplish their agenda. Are we to believe the power structure would go to unimaginable lengths to avoid killing anyone in the Las Vegas event? Such a conclusion is also not rational given what we know about the demeanor of those in power. Many of the sites and sources pushing the ” laser beams / directed energy beams” created the fires” false narrative are also propagating the “Flat Earth” and “global warming is a hoax” false and highly discrediting narratives.

William Thomas, a former member of the U.S. Navy Reserves, author of Chemtrails Confirmed, and the reporter who broke the “chemtrails” story for Environment News Service in 1998, observes that smoke is the bane of atmospheric lasers.

Directed-energy beams from military lasers are scattered and diffused by curtains of smoke, as well as water vapor (clouds) and rain.

And sandstorms. “Just look what happened during the U.S. invasion of Iraq when directed-energy sensors on aircraft, gunships and armor were shut down by blowing sand,” this author of Bringing The War Home wrote to geoengineeringwatch.

“There is no way (unverified) space-based lasers could penetrate the smoke over the vast U.S. wildfires with enough focused energy remaining to light a campfire.”

In the case of the “global warming is a hoax” disinformation, this is in fact exactly the false narrative that the power structure and the geoengineers want. Why would anyone who claims to be fighting climate engineering / geoengineering push this kind of disinformation?


There is also the false and completely undocumented claim reporting  “water vapor machines” are producing all the moisture for storms. Again, this narrative is verifiably absurd. https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/cooling-towers-climate-engineering-is-there-a-connection/

Credibility is so very critical in the fight for the greater good. Logic, reason, and due diligence investigation must be a part of the equation, or hard earned credibility is completely sacrificed. The truth is more than alarming enough, we must make every effort to stand on solid and factual ground. Credibility is extremely difficult to earn, and so very easy to lose.


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Cover image credit: YIvers

Joseph P. Farrell: An Odd Thing About Those Fires in Greece…

Joseph P. Farrell: An Odd Thing About Those Fires in Greece…

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
July 30, 2018


Remember those fires in California? You know, the ones that mysteriously appeared seemingly from nowhere, and burned down buildings and cars and rather strangely left nearby trees and shrubs …well… “unburned”? And that left property values in the tank and easy to pick up for pennies on the dollar? And which, incidentally, there are now reports of people suffering strange rashes, headaches, breathing problems and so on? And, oh yea, that the military was called in to deal with?

Yes, those fires…

Well, oddly enough, this week my inbox contained a few emails of pictures that people that had sent me, pictures taken by Greeks of those recent fires in and around Athens and a few nearby resort communities. And, oddly enough, these emails contained pictures, and oddly enough, the people sending them could not find any links for them. What the pictures showed, however, was the strange “California” pattern all over again: completely melted cars, while nearby trees and shrubs are…well… “unburned”. So needless to say, I went “looking” and found a few suggestive pictures like these contained in an article at CNN:

Cars turn to molten metal as Greek wildfires wipe villages off the map

Granted this is not much, and the cars depicted are hardly puddles of molten metal. But there is that very odd picture – the third major picture insert – taken near the town of Mati, which shows some burned out houses, a few burned trees, but oddly enough, some trees near the burned out houses that were not burned at all, at least, to my eye.

Well, needless to say, I find that “interesting,” especially since (here comes a bit of high octane speculation) Greece as we know was hit by Mad Madam Merkel’s – and Goldman-Sachs’ – “austerity” plan, with Greece’s assets in the crosshairs; “Parthenon, for sale, cheap.” Of course, countries like France, Spain and so on have offered assistance and sent firefighters and so on, and many of the pictures of these fires were taken by drones (gee, I wonder who might be involved with that?), and as in the case of the California fires, the Greek military was called out to assist.

But still, nothing much to go on. But Mr. B.H. found one photo on Facebook that resembles the other photos people sent me (the ones without links): https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2258157387532148&set=a.219302648084309.67599.100000137271778&type=3&theater

Curiously, the cars seem to have been the victims of some high heat, as well as a nearby telephone pole, but the trees and nearby buildings are oddly and seemingly unscathed. The problem here, of course, is there is no public provenance for the picture… we don’t know if this is Athens or its environs or not. But I can say, that the picture looks very much like the others sent to me. And of course, our Facebook poster has already jumped to the conclusion that the culprit was a directed energy weapon of some sort. Well, too early for that conclusion, and based only on one picture. After all, one can find plenty of pictures from the fire where shrubbery and trees were burned. Nothing to see here. Move along…

… maybe, because there have been reports throughout the lamestream media that the Greek government is suspecting arson. For example:

‘Serious indications’ deadly Greece wildfire was arson, official says

It seems Public Order Minister Nikos Toskas thinks the fire may have been arson:

Public Order Minister Nikos Toskas told reporters that satellite image analysis and ground inspections suggest the fire that broke out in multiple places over a short period of time Monday likely resulted from arson.

“We have serious indications and significant findings of criminal activity concerning arson,” Toskas said. “We are troubled by many factors, and there have been physical findings that are the subject of an investigation.”

The Hellenic Fire Service’s special arson section, which probes all major fires, is investigating to determine the exact cause of the blaze. The mayor of the area where it broke out previously said it might have been sparks from a severed electricity pylon cable. (Emphasis added)

So we have

1) “physical findings” that are “the subject of an investigation,” the nature of which physical findings are unspecified;

2) except the Hellenic Fire Service is indicating that “it might have been sparks from a severed electricity pylon cable”, which, in the context of Minister Toskas’ remarks, would seem to imply that someone had deliberately severed the electrical pylon cable, a difficult and dangerous thing, and one requiring some expertise; but wait, one severed cable will not explain

3) the fact that Minister Toskas indicated that the fires broke out in several places more or less simultaneously.

So, were several electrical cables severed? Not likely, but if so, that would raise the stakes considerably, since that would imply teams of experts to sever said cables. Perhaps the fires were simply started the “old fashioned way” by more or less simultaneous ignition, but that would again, require a few teams or individuals to do so, and that again, implies some sort of “arson conspiracy”. And as in any crime, the real questions are not simply who has the means and opportunity to do so, but the motivation. The means here is the important question, for if the pictures that people sent me should showing anomalous “California-fires-style” damage, then that narrows the means down to unconventional and “exotic” forms of arson, and implicates some very big players. And of course, the motivation for doing so remains conveniently unexplained in the Greek government’s public explanations so far as I can tell.

So for the moment, I’m not entirely convinced of the “directed energy weapons” hypothesis, even though, privately, I’ve received a number of suggestive photos which have no provenance. There are some suggestive photos in the lamestream corporate media, but they’re only that. Nor am I willing to discount the hypothesis entirely either. There is something suspicious about those fires in Greece, as the Greek government has admitted.

Time will tell… it always does when “narratives” are involved, and begin to unravel.

See you on the flip side…


Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

How to Fake an Alien Invasion

How to Fake an Alien Invasion

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
February 8, 2015


We all know about the crude pie-plate-on-string UFO hoaxes that have been perpetrated in the past. But what if I were to tell you the greatest UFO hoax of all time is being prepared right now, and it has Rockefeller backing and UN/Vatican/presidential support? Join us this week as we peek under the bluebeam curtain at the great alien invasion false flag. – James Corbett

Watch on BitChute / Minds / Odysee / YouTube or Download the mp4

Transcript and Sources:

James Corbett: Welcome back to The Corbett Report ladies and gentlemen, I’m your host James Corbett of corbettreport.com podcasting to you as always from the sunny climes of western Japan, here on this 5th day of February 2015.

Welcome to Episode 301 of the Corbett Report – How to Fake an Alien Invasion.

Now you better be careful who’s watching over your shoulder today because we’re about to broach one of the most top secret, ultra-classified pieces of information in the entire conspiracy pantheon. A subject so sensitive that it’s mere exposure threatens to topple the power-pyramid itself and, as a result, is never talked about in the establishment mouthpiece media. I’m referring of course to the topic of…[whispers] aliens.

“Just what was in the skies over Jerusalem and why did it stop over one of the most treasured sites in Christianity?”

(Source: Female Anchor Scared Of UFO Sighting Over Jerusalem’s Dome Of The Rock – Time Reference: 01:29)

“We bring you this special radio television broadcast in order to give you the very latest information on an amazing phenomenon, the arrival of a spaceship in Washington. The army has taken every precaution to meet any emergency which may develop. Just a minute ladies and gentlemen, I think something is happening…”

(Source: Day the Earth Stood Still Trailer | Time Reference: 01:39)

“What’s hovering over Salt Lake City? Is it a a rocket? A blimp? A UFO?”

(Source: A Giant UFO Over Salt Lake City | Time Reference: 02:06)

PRESENTER: “Former government UFO expert is warning that Britain is wide open to alien visitors and that the consequences of not monitoring extraterrestrials could be huge. Nick Pope, who resigned from the Ministry of Defense UFO Project, says the department looking into UFOs has all but closed down and despite a higher number of credible sightings. Lets speak to Nick Pope, he joins us in the studio…”

(Source: BBC Warns of Alien Invasion | Time Reference: 02:11)

PRESENTER: “…you want to meet this guy. Joining us now are team leader James Fox: one of the nation’s top UFO experts and Erin Ryder who is in charge of tech and recon for this series, good morning to both of you”
This is a ufologist? Is that what the actual…?
So they say” “OK” [laughter]”

(Source: CBS: UFO’s Mounting Preponderance of Evidence & Government Cover Up! | Time Reference: 02:36)

“AWA 517 do you want to report a UFO? over
Negative we don’t want a report.
Aries31 do you wish to report a UFO? over
Negative we don’t want one of those either.
Aries31 do you wish to file a report of any kind? over
I wouldn’t know what kind of report to file, centre
Aries31..me neither. I’ll try to track traffic at destination. over.”

(Source: Close Encounters of the Third Kind – Indianapolis Air Traffic Control detects the UFO’s | Time Reference: 02:49)

“While the family knows their story sounds of this world, they are convinced they witnessed a close encounter and will be keeping a watchful eye on the sky.

I think we’re definitely believers now.”

(Source: UFO near San Diego – El Cajon, California – CBS News | Time Reference: 03:20)

Sorry my mistake, my mistake, no – this is clearly a subject that is propounded time and again ad nauseam in the establishment mouthpiece media . That same media that we know is lying to us about most major world events, either through direct lying or lying by omission. So why are they not omitting this little idea from the cultural context? Why are they constantly returning to the idea of ‘alien presence’, ‘alien cover-up’, ‘alien invasion’, ‘alien threat’?

Why is this propounded so often, not just in the news media but of course also in those cultural-entertainment productions that I hope we understand are, at the end, a product of the culture-creation industry that has been predictably programming us, again for decades, generations perhaps, to accept various memes and ideas including of course this idea of ‘alien invasion’, ‘alien threat’ and the fallout and consequences thereof, which again is a theme that has been returned to time, and time, and time, and time, and time again for the better part of the century by this point. It’s almost as if the billionaire power players at the top of this pyramid are actually connected to an idea to implant this idea of alien invasion in the public consciousness for the purpose of manipulating public opinion, and that’s because… they are connected to such an agenda, demonstrably so.

“Ladies and gentlemen, here is the latest bulletin from the Intercontinental Radio News. Toronto, Canada: Professor Morse of McGill University reports observing a total of three explosions on the planet Mars, between the hours of 7:45 PM and 9:20 PM, eastern standard time. This confirms earlier reports received from American observatories. Now, nearer home, comes a special bulletin from Trenton, New Jersey. It is reported that at 8:50 PM a huge, flaming object, believed to be a meteorite, fell on a farm in the neighborhood of Grovers Mill, New Jersey, twenty-two miles from Trenton. The flash in the sky was visible within a radius of several hundred miles and the noise of the impact was heard as far north as Elizabeth.”

(Source: “War of the Worlds” 1938 Radio Broadcast | Time Reference: 05:04)

NARRATOR: “Orson Welles’ War of the Worlds.Never before had a radio broadcast provoked such outrage, or such chaos. Upwards of a million people convinced, if only briefly, that the United States was being laid waste by alien invaders, and a nation left to wonder how they possibly could’ve been so gullible.

By a quarter past eight eastern time, telephones were ringing madly all across the country, as concerned Americans tried to determine the whereabouts of relatives, warn friends and acquaintances, and most of all, corroborate what they were hearing.

Man on the phone (archival): City Desk. A what?? Wait a minute.

NARRATOR: For the next several hours, newspapers, radio stations and police precincts from coast to coast would be swamped with calls.

Man on the phone (archival): Well I can’t help that ma’am, we just don’t know anything about it. Did I say something about a quiet Sunday evening?
Second man (archival): What’s going on anyway?

NARRATOR: Soon, strange bulletins began coming in over the press service wires. In Bergenfield, New Jersey, just north of Grovers Mill, some 20 families turned up at a police station, with all of their household possessions piled into their cars. In Indianapolis, a woman rushed the pulpit in a Methodist church, shouting that the end of the world had come. And in Washington state, a spectacularly ill-timed power failure plunged the small town of Concrete into darkness , and sent terrified residents fleeing into the mountains.

Announcer, The War of the Worlds (archival audio): The battle which took place tonight at Grover Mills has ended in one of the most startling defeats ever suffered by an army in modern times; 7,000 men armed with rifles and machine guns pitted against a single fighting machine of the invaders from Mars. One hundred and twenty known survivors…

Seymour Charles Hayden, Sunland, California (actor): Well, my wife she came in, my wife, just wringing her hands and wailing away, her eyeballs about to pop out on to her lap going, “What is it? What is it? What could it be? Is it the Germans?” Well, she hadn’t heard that word ‘Martians’, but I had.

Announcer, The War of the Worlds (archival audio):…a brief statement informing us that the charred body of Carl Phillips has been identified in a Trenton hospital.
David Roepik, Journalist: We think that we’re really smart, but if there’s a cue out there that could possibly be dangerous, we’re going to react to it protectively, autonomically, instinctively, fear first, and reason and fact second”

(Source: War of the Worlds: The Panic Broadcast | PBS America | Time Reference: 05:47)

Now I’m sure that the majority of the listening and viewing audience will be familiar with the story of Orson Welles’ infamous 1938 radio dramatization of the famous H.G. Wells novel The War of the Worlds, and the resulting hysteria and panic that ensued, driving people insane, believing there to be a real alien invasion taking place and farmers running out into the fields shooting at grain silos and the like, and that story is a fascinating one for a number of reasons, namely because it is a confluence of different events in world history at that time, that had an effect on shaping an entire field of study, and of course this relates to the advent of mass-communication technologies like the radio which was still, to some extent, in its infancy as a broadcast medium at that time, capable of reaching a nation as wide and diverse as America and reaching however many millions of people at the same time and inducing this kind of mass panic and psychosis, and it is interesting to study in that regard and so it is not surprising that it was immediately made the subject of such a study funded by, who else, the Rockefellers. And we can take more on this from a very very important article that was published on globalresearch.ca back in 2012 – Early Psychological Warfare Research and the Rockefeller Foundation by Professor James Tracy. Reading from that article:

“The “founding fathers” of mass communication research could not have established their field without Rockefeller largesse. Alongside World War One propagandist and University of Chicago political scientist Harold Lasswell, psychologist Hadley Cantril was a principal contributor to the knowledge and information that helped propel Rockefeller-controlled enterprises, an American empire in the postwar era. Throughout this period Cantril provided the Rockefeller combine with important information and new techniques in public opinion measurement and management in Europe, Latin American, and the United States. A roommate of Nelson Rockefeller’s at Dartmouth College in the late 1920s, Cantril took a doctorate in psychology at Harvard, coauthoring The Psychology of Radio with his doctoral mentor Gordon Allport in 1935. “Radio is an altogether novel medium of communication,” Cantril and Allport observed, “pre-eminent as a means of social control and epochal in its influence upon the mental horizons of men.

The work garnered the attention of Rockefeller Foundation Humanities Division officer John Marshall, commissioned by the Foundation with convincing commercial broadcasters to include more educational programming into their advertiser-driven schedules. To this end Rockefeller was funding fellowships at the CBS and NBC broadcasting networks.

Aware of the Dartmouth connection, Marshall encouraged the enterprising Cantril to apply to the Foundation for support. Cantril’s request resulted in a $67,000 grant for a two-year charter of the “Princeton Radio Project” (PRP) at Princeton University. There Cantril proceeded to develop studies assessing radio’s effects on audiences. In 1938 Cantril also became a founding editor of the Rockefeller Foundation-funded Public Opinion Quarterly, an organ closely associated with US government’s psychological warfare endeavors following World War Two.

When the Princeton venture commenced another trained psychologist close to Rockefeller, CBS Director of Research Frank Stanton, was named PRP lead researcher but took a secondary role of Associate Director due to his position at the broadcast network. At this time Austrian émigré social scientist Paul Lazarsfeld was recruited to join Cantril. Thus Cantril, Stanton, and Lazarsfeld were closely affiliated and ideally positioned to embark on a major study involving public opinion and persuasion.

The opportunity for such an analysis presented itself when CBS broadcast Orson Welles’ rendering of H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds on on October 30 1938. Lazarsfeld saw the event as especially noteworthy and immediately asked Stanton for CBS funds to investigate reaction to what at the time was the largest immediate act of mass persuasion in human history. Over the next several months interviews with War of the Worlds listeners were collected, provided to Stanton at CBS, and subsequently analyzed in Cantril’s 1940 study, The Invasion From Mars: A Study in the Psychology of Panic”

(Source: Early “Psychological Warfare” Research and the Rockefeller Foundation | Time Reference: 09:46)

A fascinating little tidbit from history I trust that you’ll agree and if you do I hope you’ll go and follow the link in the show notes to that original article so you can continue reading about Hadley Cantril’s adventures providing studies and information about psychological persuasion to the Rockefeller Foundation, and how that developed and contributed to world psychological warfare techniques for the US Army and things of that nature, but again I think it is interesting to see this confluence of HG Wells’ War of the Worlds becoming a radio dramatization which incites this mass panic, the largest immediate act of mass persuasion in human history, that is then studied by the Princeton Radio Project backed up by the Rockefeller Foundation.

But you could argue that that’s a tangential connection or just a coincidental connection, that this doesn’t mean that the Rockefellers are interested in mass-persuasion in terms of alien invasion per se, it’s just that that was the immediate proximate cause of this particular study.

So you might fruitfully ask “Are there any connections between the Rockefellers and this idea of faking an alien invasion or an alien presence of some sort?” and the answer is…yes! Yes there is such evidence…

“Mr. Rockefeller backed many UFO-related projects in the period between the late 80s and 2000, but for the purposes of this Hearing we will concentrate on his political initiatives in these areas. Laurance Rockefeller’s first forays into ufology started sometime in the late eighties through Dr. Cecil B. Scott Jones, a parapsychologist and former U.S. Navy Commander who had worked as Naval Attaché in Asia and at the Naval Scientific and Technical Intelligence Center. Between 1985 and 1991, Jones was Special Assistant to Senator Claiborne Pell (1918-2009), the powerful Rhode Island Democrat Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (1987-1994) who was deeply interested in parapsychology, and who many of you met personally. Sen. Pell was also friends with Laurance Rockefeller and both served on the board of the Human Potential Foundation, a small think tank launched in 1989 in Vienna, Virginia, by Jones to conduct “research into all conditions of humankind: physiological, psychological and spiritual”.

Many of the papers released by the White House’s OSTP come from Scott Jones, who knew Dr. John Gibbons, a physicist who worked for many years as Director of the Office of Technology Assessment for the U.S. Congress and was appointed in 1993 by the Clinton administration to direct the OSTP.

What was the exact turning point of Laurance Rockefeller’s evolution from a general interest in consciousness studies into the specific area of UFOs and Extraterrestrial Intelligence is still unclear, but the end of the Cold War and the arrival in Washington of a younger generation represented by Bill and Hillary Clinton are key factors. He felt the time was ripe for a new and fresh approach into an area that had been previously dominated by a Cold War mentality. Rockefeller recruited for this effort a long-time associate, Henry L. Diamond, an environmental attorney from Washington, DC whose links to the family went all the way back to the 1960s when he worked with Laurance in his conservation activities. Diamond also knew John Gibbons and so he was the right person to make the first contact with the OSTP chief when he sent a Memorandum on March 29, 1993 requesting a meeting, and I’m quoting now the first paragraph:

Laurance S. Rockefeller, who is a leading U.S. conservationist, businessman, and philanthropist, is anxious to have a brief meeting with Dr. Gibbons to discuss the potential availability of government information about unidentified flying objects and extraterrestrial life. As one who has had a long-time interest in environmental and spiritual issues, Mr. Rockefeller, with other leading citizens, is planning to make an approach to President Clinton on this subject…”

(Source: The Citizens Hearing on Disclosure April 29th Antonio Huneeus | Time Reference: 14:07)

“I invite all of the political media, all media in general but certainly the political media , to look at the Rockefeller initiative it is one of the stories in American history it’s one of the great political story certainly in this or any other time. It is filled with amazing people who are still around and still very powerful. At the time that Rockefeller approached, through his attorney, President Clinton. Clinton’s key adviser or one of his very key advisors was John Podesta. The Chief of Staff at the time was Leon Panetta. The wife of the president at the time was Hillary Clinton. A good friend of the family at the time, soon to be Clinton’s Secretary of Energy, was Bill Richardson. This Initiative went on for six years. The press completely ignored it, as if What’s the news there? It’s just a billionaire Rockefeller trying to get the President to release all of the files on these phenomena. Possibly put a letter into every newspaper in the country, and release… and basically end the Truth Embargo. There’s no news there.”

(Source: Citizens Hearing April 29th Steven Bassett Rockefeller Initiative and John Podesta | Time Reference: 17:07 or Annotated Proceedings of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure – pdf)

Now for those of you not immersed in the topic of the disclosure movement you may not be familiar with some of these names and faces but some of the main ones to take note of are, of course, Dr Stephen Bassett who founded and ran something called the Paradigm Research Group at paradigmresearchgroup.org. He defines himself as a political activist, lobbyist, commentator, the executive director of Paradigm Research Group and the Extra Terrestrial Phenomena Politicalist Action Committee and executive producer of the X Conference the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure and the Congressional Hearing Initiative and Dr Steven Greer who runs something called the Disclosure Project and he describes himself as the father of the ‘Disclosure Movement’ and the person who presided over the groundbreaking National Press Club Disclosure Event in May of 2001.

So these are some of the biggest names if not the biggest names in this disclosure movement and, well, they don’t really make a secret of the fact that the Rockefellers are, well specifically Laurance Rockefeller was a big help in getting this movement launched back in the mid 1990s and again we can document this and in order to do so let’s turn to a very important website which I will commend to your attention and I hope that you guys out there have… well I know some of you have already found and have emailed me about it. I have found it myself and it seems that myself and the author of this website are in accord on a number of political views especially the overall way in which the the BRICS and China and Russia and other aspects of the ‘new world order’ system are being used as the good cop in a ‘good cop/bad cop’ system, but also on this subject of the UFO ‘disclosure movement’ in a very important article called ‘Why are the Rockefellers and the Jesuits guiding the UFO disclosure movement at redefining god.com, I will put the link in the show notes so you can go and follow it but just reading from that article:

“The Rockefeller role in getting the disclosure ball rolling is something of an open secret among the disclosure people, the disclosuristas as I call them, on Stephen Bassett’s own Research Group website, a specific Rockefeller effort referred to as ‘The Rockefeller Initiative’ is openly touted. The same effort is also touted on Steven Greer’s disclosure project website as ‘Project Starlight’.

This letter from the Project Starlight Coalition was the result of the historic as Asilomar California meeting that Dr. Greer organized and Laurance Rockefeller paid for in June 1995, just before Clinton’s meeting with Rockefeller in August 1995.”

Source: Why are the Rockefellers and the Jesuits guiding the UFO Disclosure Movement? | Time Reference: 20:06)

So who is Laurance Rockefeller ? Well according to Laurance Rockefellers biography, in 1937 he inherited his grandfather’s seat on the New York Stock Exchange. He served as Founding Trustee of the Rockefeller Brothers’ Fund for 42 years from its inception in 1940 to 1982. During this time he also served as president 1958 to 1968, and later its chairman 1968 to 1980, for 22 years, longer than any other leader in the fund’s history. He was also a founding trustee of the Rockefeller Family Fund from 1967 to 1977.

So not only was Laurance deeply involved in the financial industry, but he was also among the founders of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Rockefeller Family Fund. These funds are notorious for advancing globalist aims under the pretense of ‘philanthropy’. Laurance also served on the Rockefeller Brothers Fund’s ‘Special Studies Project’

Now, I’ll let you continue reading about that special studies project and the interesting fact that even now, four decades after the publication of the final report the ‘Prospect for America: The Rockefeller Panel Reports’. Certain sections of that report are still classified, which is interesting in and of itself, but there are also screenshots of some of the pages of this report here in this very important article talking about how they are steering America towards shaping a ‘new world order’ and things that you would expect to find in a typical Rockefeller study.

I suppose the point here is to emphasize that Laurance Rockefeller, of course very much in the heart of the Rockefeller matrix, pushing this global-government agenda which David Rockefeller so gleefully admitted to in his memoirs, as I’m sure we all know or we all should know by now, and I would again suggest you go to see this original article if for no other reason than to click on such things as ‘The Rockefeller Initiative’ or the Disclosure Project’s own ‘Projects Starlight’ page where you can browse through and see all of the main characters who are connected through this initiative, that ran from 1993 to 1996 including of course President Clinton and Laurance Rockefeller along with Hillary and Dr. John Gibbons and John Podesta and vice president Al Gore and all this other cast of Congress critters and very unsavoury characters including of course Dr. Steven Greer, the aforementioned father of the disclosure movement. And again all of these letters are archived here online so you can go and read through them all and the various correspondence between some of the players including Laurance Rockefeller and John Gibbons and Laurance Rockefeller and the Clintons.

I mean this is a pretty interesting and openly admitted non-secret that the disclosure movement was really launched with the aid of Laurance Rockefeller and the Clinton administration, so I think that should at least get our antennas up towards the possibility that this is going to be used towards the furtherance of some sort of staged or faked alien invasion .

Now that again sounds like an outlandish prospect to those poor souls coming in from mainstream-medialand who are just landing on this site randomly. I hope that you will be able to at least appreciate that there might be a reason why the very rich and powerful and well-connected would be interested in doing something as ridiculous and outlandish, I agree with you there, as staging some sort of ‘alien threat’, ‘alien presence’ – whatever it may be. But, there are reasons why this might be done and these aren’t reasons we have to speculate on. We can find all of the usual suspects talking about these reasons in all of the usual places, and of course the big ones: global religion; global finance and global government, uniting the world around this perceived alien threat.

“What is exceptional is that the Vatican was taking very seriously what science might tell us, about the possibility of extraterrestrial intelligent life-forms. That’s what the conference was about. I can’t tell you that the Vatican found any alien life, I don’t think that’s what they were looking for but they were taking very seriously, the issue.”

(Source: Alien Life: Vatican and NASA Now Talking | Time Reference: 24:59)

“We probably won’t be seeing aliens at mass anytime soon, but the Vatican’s chief astronomer does say that there could exist other forms of life outside Earth, and he says if they do exist they are God’s creatures.”

(Source: The Vatican’s Take on Aliens? | Time Reference: 25:22)

INTERVIEWER: “So how does this actually work? When Discovery decided they were going to do a show on alien invasions, your phone rings because you’re on the, sort of, speed dial for theoretical physicists who can help them do the war game for how this might play out?

DR. MICHIO KAKU: Well believe it or not we physicists have actually studied the question of what happens if we do encounter a hostile advanced civilization that space, and Hollywood gets it all wrong. Hollywood assumes that the aliens are maybe a hundred years more advanced than us, and if only we had a secret weapon we could defeat the aliens. Wrong. Either the aliens don’t bother with us because we’re simply too primitive, or if they do invade it’ll be more like Bambi versus Godzilla.”

(Source: Dr. Michio Kaku: How to Survive an ALIEN INVASION | Time Reference: 25:34)

“Now the United Nations is getting ready for contact with aliens from outer space . This is Mazlan Othman. She’s out of Malaysia. She will be plant earth’s first interstellar diplomat.”

(Source: UN Appoints Ambassador for Aliens | Time Reference: 26:14)

MAZLAN OTHMAN: “First I have to categorically deny that I was appointed or will be appointed the ambassador for aliens, the ambassador for the United Nations for aliens.
No, the committee is not discussing this very… this subject matter but yes I was in the UK to attend a meeting which I can quote to you called ‘Towards a Scientific and Societal Agenda on Extraterrestrial Life ‘which is why this whole thing came about, because the British press caught hold of the fact that I was going to be at this meeting, and I was on a panel that was discussing… they call it the Great Panel Debate. I like that name, it’s extraterrestrial life and arising political issues for the UN Agenda””

(Source: Ambassador” Rumour not True says Scientist | Time Reference: 26:26)

PAUL KRUGMAN: “It’s very hard to get inflation in a depressed economy but if you had a program of government spending plus an expansionary policy by the Fed you could get that. So if you think about using all of these things together you could accomplish a great deal.

If we discovered that, you know, space aliens were planning to attack and we needed a massive build-up to counter this space alien threat and really that inflation and budget deficits took secondary place to that, this lump would be over in 18 months, and then if we discovered “Woops we’ve made a mistake there actually aren’t any..”

PROF. KENNETH ROGOF: We need Orson Welles is what you’re saying…

PAUL KRUGMAN: No there was a Twilight Zone episode like this in which, er, scientists fake an alien threat in order to achieve world peace, well this time we don’t need it we need it in order to get some fiscal stimulus.”

(Source: Krugman calls for space aliens to fix U S economy | Time Reference: 27:18)

RONALD REAGAN: “Perhaps we need some outside universal threat, to make us recognize this common bond . I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.”

(Source: Reagan’s ALIEN speech to UN | Time Reference: 28:02)

“And should we win, the day the 4th of July will no longer be known as an American holiday but as the day when the world declared with one voice ” We will not go quietly into the night, we will not vanish without a fight, we’re going to live on we’re going to survive. Today we celebrate our independence day.””

(Source: Independence Day | Time Reference: 28:22)

JIMMY KIMMEL: “If you saw there were aliens there would you tell us?


JIMMY KIMMEL: You would?

BILL CLINTON: I think, look. What do we know? We know now we live in an ever-expanding universe. We know there are billions of stars and planets literally out there. And the universe is getting bigger. We know from our fancy telescopes that just in the last two years more than twenty planets have been identified outside our solar system that seem to be far enough away from the sun and dense enough that they might be able to support some form of life so it makes it increasingly less likely we are alone.

JIMMY KIMMEL: Oh, you’re trying to give me a hint there are aliens.

BILL CLINTON: No, I’m trying to tell you I don’t know but if we were visited someday, I wouldn’t be surprised. I just hope that it’s not like Independence Day. That it, you know.. a conflict. Maybe that’s the only way to unite this increasingly divided world of ours. If they’re out there we’d better think of how all the differences among people on earth would seem small if we felt threatened by a space invader that the whole theory of Independence Day – everybody gets together and makes nice and you know…

KIMMEL: You and Bill O’Reilly would be hiding in a bunker together…”

(Source: Bill Clinton Talks About The Coming FAKE Alien Invasion – April 1st 2014 | Time Reference: 28:54)

What an interesting milieu of characters we have floating around there. We have the Vatican and the U.N. and Nobel prize-winning economist/Keynesian wing-nut Paul Krugman and multiple presidents of the United States and all of these people, all talking about the same thing: ‘Wouldn’t it be great if we had this idea of an alien threat that would unite us all behind ..fill in the blank…World Government or world financial system or baptizing the aliens wouldn’t that be wonderful!” and it’s interesting to look at this, I mean I didn’t fall off the turnip truck yesterday, I understand and can smell a public preparation for some sort of staged event when I see one, and well if it looks and smells and quacks like a false-flag operation – it probably is one. And again being supported by some of the most prominent and powerful and well-connected political and financial elites, clearly there is something very very stinky here, and in order to really understand this stink, again we know why this would potentially be a valuable thing for the power elites to consolidate their power in a world government or what have you, but the question is could they do it, and if so how could they do it? These are important questions that we need to address if we want to really broach the subject and, I guess if we’re going to address it we have two different routes we can take. We can go down the unverifiable, unsourceable, unfalsifiable, undocumented route, or we can go down the sourced, verified, falsifiable documented route, and me being me I’m going to go down the sourced, falsifiable, documented route. But if you want to go down that unsourced, unknowable, unverifiable route you can go, for example, with something called Project Blue Beam.

Now this is something that I’m sure most of the listeners out there have heard of at some point, at least in a vague sense, as some sort of plan that was uncovered there must be documents backing this up ,and about staging an alien invasion with holograms in order to create a world government, something along those lines.

Well, if you really want to open Pandora’s box of Project Blue Beam it’s much more specific than that and well, somewhat more outlandish and much less documented than you might expect.

This really all dates back and sources back to one particular French Canadian journalist Serge Monast who was talking in the mid 1990’s about this Project blue beam, this NASA project that he had uncovered and was unveiling to the public, that had a multiple-stage process for creating a: world religion; world government; world tyranny, and this involved the induction of earthquakes in order to expose archaeological finds – manipulated, planted archaeological finds – that would change our view of human history and a staged extraterrestrial invasion, and the appearance of a new Messiah to be the head of this world religion, and the imposition of UN World Government etcetera , so this is a detailed plan that was talked about, but again there is literally no documents behind this, there is no NASA secret paper that was ever exposed about this. It really all sources back to this Serge Monast and a couple of interviews that are available online. There’s a transcript of a speech. There’s a translation of what I guess is some sort of summary of a book that apparently he wrote on this subject. He did write a book, apparently in French, on this subject but it’s never been reprinted and its basically unobtainable so there’s a couple of different translations of something that may have sourced from this book more or less, but that’s basically it. I mean there’s just a few scraps, and from those scraps there’s been a lot of talk, and a lot of people have run with this idea but I think not a lot of people know where it actually sources from so I will put some links in the shownotes so you can actually follow them and read about them and come to your own conclusion: ‘Is this worth following?’, and ‘Why should we believe this particular piece of information?’. Call me a doubting Thomas. I’ll believe it when I see…something, anything documentable and verifiable in terms of this plan.

Now if we want to go down the other route and look at actual verifiable sourced and knowable technologies that we know exist, let alone those technologies that we don’t know exist that are being worked on in the skunkworks of DARPA, down in the bowels of the Pentagon, and for more on DARPA I’ll direct you to a previous Corbett Report radio episode where we talked about DARPA and its various projects, but for some of the technology that we do know about we can source that in a number of different ways, from a number of different seemingly disparate threads, but definitely technologies that we now know exist. One place to start – we can get the clue from the book by previous Corbett Report guest James Perlof: ‘Truth is Lonely Warrior’ where he talks about a airforce military publication that is or was available on the Air Force website. You can still access it through there on the Wayback Machine, and again the link will be in the show notes, and this is about an airborne holographic projector which this, again this af.mil website notes is:

“…a three-dimensional visual image in the desired location, removed from the display generator. The projector can be used for psychological operations and strategic perception management. It is also useful for optical deception and cloaking, providing a momentary distraction when engaging an unsophisticated adversary.”

(Source: Airborne Holographic Projector | Time Reference: 35:33)

You can see the unsophisticated visualization that is accompanying this on the website itself, but yes very crudely, it’s a plane projecting an image of another plane elsewhere in the sky. Now that, of course is a very crude implementation of this type of holographic technology that, at the very least, would be required for making the world believe we were under some sort of alien invasion threat or what-have-you, but that, again, is twenty years old now and sources from an airforce military website. I’m thinking that the actual technology would be somewhat more advanced, but again we don’t have to speculate about that we can take a look at the very real developments in technology including such incredible things as beaming sound directly into people’s ears, touchable holograms, and being able to manipulate people’s perceptions and incite fear and panic through brain wave technology.

PRESENTER: “The ultimate weapon in the infowar would be so secret, so invisible, so undetectable you would never know your mind was under attack. At Laurentian University in Ontario, Canada a young student is about to undergo one of the strangest experiences of her life. They’re hooking Denise’s brain up to an electroencephalograph or EEG machine. For 30-40 minutes this will monitor her brain waves, while these electric coils attached on either side of her head will immerse her brain in an electromagnetic field. Her brain actually completes the circuit between the two coils. The field pulsing through her brain is less powerful than one given off by a digital clock radio, but acutely controlled and focused on specific parts of the brain, it will open Denise’s mind to outside suggestion by this man. Dr. Michael Persinger is a professor of psychology and neuroscience. He is designing ways to put the power of mind-control to good use. Dr. Persinger’s research focuses on brain trauma, and he uses carefully controlled doses of electromagnetic radiation to induce relaxation and alleviate pain.

DR. PERSINGER: So what Sandra did was to initiate a opiate releasing pattern that’s a burst-firing field that is stimulated once every 4 seconds and that produces relaxation and a very pleasant sensation. Similarly using the appropriate field we can induce fear and apprehension but clearly that would be unethical in that setting.”

PRESENTER: Dr. Persinger’s tests suggest that carefully programmed electromagnetic frequencies can tap into individual brains and influence people’s emotions.

DR. PERSINGER: The cognitive processes of the human brain are really quite simple and if you understand how they work you can make entire populations think and decide in the manner of which you wish.”

PRESENTER: Many experts are skeptical of such an Orwellian scenario but Persinger thinks the implications are chillngly real.

DR. PERSINGER: Suppose you generate a field that produces fear, fundamental fear, in large numbers of people and then over the television or in traditional ways you say “The reason we’re having this fear is because of this particular group.” so now you start to move the population, believing in a direction that you wish.”

PRESENTER: To influence 250 million people, the equivalent of the entire population of the United States, may not be that difficult. According to Dr. Persinger we already have the technology, satellites and television and radio transmitters. Mind control may already be happening. We know the mysterious psyops plane can beam persuasive sounds and pictures into people’s television sets. Will it someday beam disturbing frequencies directly into the mind.”

(Source: UltraScience ’97 Electronic Mind Control | Time Reference: 36:54)

DR. JOSEPH POMPEI: “First your voice is transformed into high-frequency ultrasound, a sound so high that no-one can hear it. Sound is highly directional, so like a torch it can be pointed at someone standing a long way away. Although they can not hear the ultrasound it causes secondary vibrations in the air around them and it’s that sound the person hears. So, if you imagine you’re in a room and I shine a flashlight at you it’s very bright for you but it’s very dark for everybody else. In much the same way the audio spotlight creates a very narrow beam of sound that can shine at a listener. They hear it very clearly and it doesn’t create noise that might bother other people in the same space.”

(Source: Voice to Skull Time | Time Reference: 40:12)

PRESENTER: “Researchers at Tokyo University have come up with the technology that is a first and significant step away from the mouse and keyboard, touchable holograms.

HIROYUKI SHINODA (translated): Up until now holography has been for the eyes only. If you tried it touch it, your hand would go right through, but now we have the technology that also adds the sensation of touch to holograms.”

(Source: Japanese Scientists Create Touchable Holograms | Time Reference: 40:51)

Now look I’m not necessarily saying that there’s going to be a staged alien invasion tomorrow and that we should all be concentrating on this, nor am I saying that there is no such thing as alien life in the universe. I would be shocked, flabbergasted if there was not, and whether or not it’s visiting Earth well, what do I know? How do I know? I mean I haven’t seen it myself but does that mean it doesn’t exist? Well of course not. Again I’ll let you guys, you’re grown up boys and girls out there I’m sure, I’m sure you can decide for yourself on things like that but we should know that there is a coordinated plan or an agenda in place, to capitalize on such things as fake alien invasions that is being funded and promoted by the financial power elite, at the top of the pyramid, and is being promoted and pushed out into the cultural sphere by the politicians and economists and the Vatican and the UN, and then underneath them the culture- creators in the entertainment industry, to prepare the public for such a possibility and we should be on guard against such manipulations.

And again these technologies that are now coming together, again the ones that we know about, let alone the ones that her secretly in development that we don’t have access to, are clearly along the path towards making such an event possible ,and again you can look at something like the Norway spiral and believe the official response that this was a Russian ICBM test that went awry and if you believe that I have a bridge on the moon to sell you, but again all of these are just different pieces of the puzzle and I think they add up towards something very interesting and something that is potentially coming sometime in the future, but even if this particular instantiation this fake alien invasion or what-have-you doesn’t come together, still the concept of psychological manipulation through manipulated events in manipulated reality is an important one, and obviously one that we have to continue to keep in mind and now that the technology for making these events possible is more and more a documentable reality I think, again we should have our mental guards up for such eventualities.

So that’s, I think, where we’re going to leave things today.

Once again this is an open-source investigation and I invite and encourage and applaud the input of all of you out there so if you are a Corbett Report member please do leave your comments on the website with any relevant links or information. Any comments, questions, complaints, criticisms, concerns or otherwise all invited as usual there at corbettreport.com.

Once again I’m your host James Corbett of corbettreport.com thanking you for joining me for this edition of the Corbett Report podcast and inviting you to join me again next week.


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