by B.N. Frank
October 2, 2019
Health experts – including the American Medical Association – have been warning for many years now about biological and environmental risks associated with LED streetlights. This has been reported by the mainstream media and other sources.
Many people have been replacing LED bulbs in their homes because of health warnings. Communities continue to install them anyway in streetlights despite risks and opposition (see 1, 2).
From Hawaii Now:
On Tuesday, city leaders were joined at Honolulu Hale by Hawaii Energy and Johnson Controls to announce the completion of work to install some 53,000 LED streetlights in Oahu neighborhoods.
It’s a change that will likely save millions per year in utility costs.
“LED lights make the streets brighter. Now why do we like this? I think it’s obvious to most people. A brighter street is a safer street – for pedestrians maybe crossing, for people driving down the street, and also to cut down on crime,” Mayor Caldwell said.
Work to convert the street lights began in November 2017.
According to the city, the $46.6 million project was financed through Johnson Controls, so the city did not expend any upfront funds.
LED streetlights also have surveillance capabilities. There’s been opposition reported about that as well.
Activist Post regularly reports about issues associated with LED light bulbs used for street lights, vehicle headlights, and everything else. For more information visit our archives.

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