A Rant for Everyone Who Thinks Government and Masters Are Vital and Necessary
by Gary D. Barnett
January 17, 2024
“To be GOVERNED is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured, commanded, by creatures who have neither the right nor the wisdom nor the virtue to do so. To be GOVERNED is to be at every operation, at every transaction noted, registered, counted, taxed, stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed, authorized, admonished, prevented, forbidden, reformed, corrected, punished. It is, under pretext of public utility, and in the name of the general interest, to be placed under contribution, drilled, fleeced, exploited, monopolized, extorted from, squeezed, hoaxed, robbed; then, at the slightest resistance, the first word of complaint, to be repressed, fined, vilified, harassed, hunted down, abused, clubbed, disarmed, bound, choked, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed; and to crown all, mocked, ridiculed, derided, outraged, dishonored. That is government; that is its justice; that is its morality.”
~ Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, The General Idea of the Revolution in the Nineteenth Century
It will be obvious to my readers and supporters after reading this, that I have been inundated with very annoying responses to my last article. I have been cursed, called names, and preached to about the necessity of government. I have been told to give a one-shot solution to fix not only this screwed up country of 335 million people, but the entire world of 8 billion. I have been sent ‘plans’ to do this and told that I must use them or be blamed for not fixing the ‘planet.’ I have been told that only with government rule can chaos be avoided. (That one puzzles me greatly, considering the state of chaos in this world today) I was asked, “How much do you pay Lew Rockwell to publish your nonsense?” This dolt did not even know how to read the copyright to know that it was republished for free from my website. I was told to quit “preaching” the “nothing” I write. I was told: “You, actually! (are the problem) and a few others like you. I’ve already pointed out to you, the ‘method’ (to fix the world) but have not heard of any action, or reaction” (from me). I was told, “You are just another open borders anarchist.”
I won’t bore you with any more of this drivel, but sufficed to say, there is plenty more, much not suitable for children. And by the way, this is not meant for all my wonderful readers, supporters, and subscribers, but for all those who cannot write to me without being rude, condescending, nasty, sarcastic, and uncivil. I will post a few of my replies to these people, (not their names or emails) so that I do not have to keep writing to them individually. Please excuse my wrath. I try to be somewhat cordial, but at times, it is just too tempting to lash out.
These responses are mine:
“My goodness, you are so confused.
“As to anarchy, it is not some ideology, political structure, or governing system, it is just freedom with non-aggression. Any who aggress would be subject to any and all self-defense only, not aggression, by any anarchical society. Those who want to be ruled can have it, so long as they do not attempt to force it on those who do not.
This world is in total chaos and war, and has always been. Governments guarantee that. The fact that you ignore your own situation is mind-boggling. Do you not have your private earnings stolen through forceful and violent taxation? Have you ever been drafted into slavery, as I was? Have you ever been locked down, been subject to constant surveillance, restricted from doing almost absolutely anything without mandated licensing and extortion, had your business or work shut down, been forced to pay for war and everyone else’s welfare, been told you are not allowed to travel or work unless you take bogus tests and get bio-weapon injections, watched as transvestites and transgender idiots have invaded all schools and many government positions of power, been forced into horrendous government indoctrination centers called ’schools,’ been imprisoned for putting a plant into your body, been subject to laws concerning every aspect of your life, had your own property taxed into oblivion by government, had the fake currency supply printed into the hundreds of trillions so you pay 100 times more than you did when you were younger, been subject to protectionist policies to protect fascist corporations that disallow you from having needed goods, or been locked and imprisoned in your own home? This is a very short list, so why go on?
Screw the second amendment and the heinous constitution. I have always been armed, and always will be, but I have killed no one. Peaceful anarchists do not aggress or create violence, they only depend on actual self-defense individually or collectively. Anyone ransacking my house and threatening me or my family would be shot, period.
And lastly, I don’t give a shit about anyone wanting to live off of what I earn. That is pure theft or theft by proxy, and only scum (purposely) seek to steal from their neighbors.”
You have been brainwashed to think that you and all others cannot live and make decisions without a master class, stupid people (politicians) telling you what to do. That is a ridiculous mistake in judgement, and an admission of dependency and pathetic weakness. I do not have that gene!”
“Everyone in this country, including the Indians, are either immigrants or the progeny of immigrants. So I guess you should lump yourself into what you describe as “scum” and “invaders,” since this country is consumed by immigrants.
It is amazing to me that the lack of intellect has gotten so widespread. It is astounding that ignorance and insanity is so common that few can see the nose in front of their dependent face.”
“If only you had a clue, but you don’t. I never called for “open borders,” unless all property was held by private individuals in a free society, and government was totally restricted or abolished from control. You cannot even read and understand simple language, so why do you expect to be coddled by your obvious insecurity?”
“Well, you were rude from your first words, but then what else could be expected?
You obviously do not want to do anything of value for yourself in order to become free. You obviously expect me or others to do it for you. How pathetic is that?”
“Maybe you should reread my article in full this time, and a couple of hundred others, and attempt to actually understand what I was saying, before you pop off with misinformation and condescending remarks.”
“Well, that is great, so why not send your plan to ‘better’ people, say maybe Tucker Carlson, or Alex Jones, or Trump, and have them implement your plan. They certainly have more clout than me, and if they fail to fix the world with your idea, then you can blame them too.”
“I care not what dumb asses think, including you. You apparently did not understand a single word I said, but that is not surprising. You would blame anyone who wanted a better life, regardless of where that life might be, and automatically assume that anyone wanting a different life in a different place, must be scum. Look around this country at the ‘legal’ Americans, and tell me that this is the ‘heaven’ you seek. The dumb asses you speak of, are the ones who have accepted a master and rule by force of this evil, heinous government, and to this day continue to beg for handouts and protection, and I am not even speaking about the government’s efforts to pay off people to come here illegitimately. You missed my entire point. Most all the morons that you speak of, are your neighbors, and not ‘illegal’ immigrants, but stupid Americans.”
“I write for me, (and those who respect freedom) not for the vast majority of dolts who have chosen to be ruled over, controlled, and who desire to be dependent on a master, and voluntarily enslaved.
I don’t give a shit what ‘others’ (those who rudely condemn my personal views) think, except that I attempt to pass on as much fact, logic, and truth as I may encounter, so that others have an opportunity to learn and act. If they do nothing, as is the norm, they will be the cause of their own demise.”
“Stupid, uninformed comments all!”
I will not apologize for these few remarks, because they were intended only for those who were deserving of my pent-up ire. A little outrage at times is good for the mind and spirit, especially when one is overwhelmed by rudeness, vulgarity, arrogance, and annoyance, and it does put a smile on my face.
Thank you, and good night!
Copyright © 2024 GaryDBarnett.com
Cover image credit: geralt

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