Source: Activist Post
Activist Post Response To NewsGuard’s Request About Editorial Practices
by Activist Post Editors
August 16, 2019
Activist Post is being considered for NewsGuard’s exclusive “conspiracy” news blacklist. They recently contacted us about our editorial practices to see if we qualify for this great honor. For those who don’t know, NewsGuard is creating warning labels to protect you from misinformation on the interwebs. They’re very credible with a former Director of CIA and Secretary of the DHS on their board.
Activist Post came from humble beginnings as a free Blogger site during the wild days of the Internet. Back then, Facebook recklessly allowed grown adults to freely discover and share content without any filters or pseudo-state fact checkers. Feral humans could feast on any information they desired. Greedy advertisers didn’t care about your political leanings or if you believed in chemtrails. It was a level playing field for independent bloggers to compete in the marketplace of ideas. As a result, millions consumed Activist Post content without knowing it can turn their minds into gravy.
Because someone may be exposed to untruths on the Internet, warning labels are just common sense. A wise man named Morpheus once said “Most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to defend it.” That’s why we support NewsGuard’s mission of “restoring trust and accountability” in news.
And, if we’re being honest, landing on another conspiracy blacklist would give us major street cred. Imagine an upstart “truther” blog trying to compete with us without NewsGuard’s mark. Imagine anyone seeking to question the official narrative of events. Who are they going to trust? That’s right, a NewsGuard certified conspiracy site.
Editorial Practices
Activist Post does exactly opposite of the corporate media: we ask questions, research, and give our honest take on events. Our agenda is to expose corruption and promote peace and individual liberty.
Our information-gathering process begins by wearing our most comfortable pajama pants, making fresh Costa Rican coffee, and taking a deep drag of sativa cannabis to get the creative juices flowing. Then we examine the corporate media to find which lies piss us off the most. We expose those lies with data and sources, and explain why they threaten peace and freedom. Rinse and repeat.
For instance, every source that NewsGuard labels as “trusted” produces a constant stream of lies and propaganda to promote more war abroad and a nanny police state at home. Their pathetic journalism and naked agenda gives us an endless supply of content.
Conspiracy Credentials
We don’t believe the official story of September 11th. Building 7 and all. We don’t know what really happened, but it seems clear that someone in power “hated us for our freedoms” judging by how many we lost following that event. Ask your NewsGuard advisors Tom Ridge and Michael Hayden for more details about spying on all Americans without a warrant and molesting innocent people at airports after 9/11.
We think the official reasons for going to war in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Syria and Iran are complete bullshit. Non-existent WMDs and humanitarian bombs to spread democracy, really? Some alternative sources claim they’re about resource control which seems plausible. However, we go even further. We believe the cabal wants to gain control of the few remaining independent central banks on earth. After all, why occupy nations by force when you can enslave them through phony debt? And somebody’s got to protect the US dollar from competition, right?
We think the left-right political paradigm is manufactured to give people the illusion of choice. It’s never been more obvious that politics is a reality show. Incidentally, democracy doesn’t ensure freedom anyway, especially when the public is brainwashed with only one narrative.
We believe central banking and the fractional reserve system makes politics irrelevant.
We think the war on drugs is immoral, illogical, ineffective, and criminally harmful. It destroys more lives than drugs themselves. And it’s a convenient excuse for government to violate the rights of peaceful people. It appears to be a conspiracy too.
We are pro-choice for vaccines. We oppose forced medication. Gasp!
We don’t think CO2 is a pollutant.
Our YouTube channel was terminated before it was cool for saying sex robots were objects, not subjects. It must’ve triggered the robot censors presumably because it thinks it’s alive.
We were labeled “Russian Propaganda” for publishing unfavorable things about Hillary Clinton. A claim we admitted to here.
We have acquired “Strong Conspiracy” ratings from other agencies:
MediaBiasFactCheck about Activist Post – “Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information, therefore fact checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources.”
Washington University academic paper features Activist Post as one of the “Influential Domains in Alternative Narratives.”
SourceWatch labels us a conspiracy site for the books we recommend. Whatever you do kids, don’t read these books.
RationalWiki says Activist Post’s specialty is “left-wing conspiracy-mongering.”
US News and World Report says Activist Post is a “fake news site to avoid at all costs” citing FakeNewsWatch.com, a site that no longer exists likely due to civil lawsuits…
We hope this is enough to qualify for NewsGuard’s conspiracy warning. The label would help us keep undesirables away. We only want free-thinking individuals who prefer peace, love and liberty at Activist Post. Close-minded, indoctrinated tools who want more war, hate, and oppression will have a safe space at NewsGuard’s green-check websites.

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Everything posted on this site is done in the spirit of conversation. Please do your own research and trust yourself when reading and giving consideration to anything that appears here or anywhere else.