Source: Giza Death Star Community
May 2, 2019
There’s a disturbing article at Zero Hedge about asteroid apocalypse and defense drills… and as usual, Joseph has some high octane speculation about it… https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-0…
[Article referenced in video: The Aliens Among Us]
by Joseph P. Farrell
May 3, 2019
I’m always amazed at the ability of the “Gizars” to spot intriguing information, especially if it concerns technologies that don’t normally “show up on the radar” of the lamestream corporate controlled media, nor, for that matter, on the radar of the alternative research field. But L.G.R. spotted this one, and passed it along.
And it’s a doozie.
“It” in this case is a patent filing from 2017, rather blandly titled “Electromagnetic Field Generator and method to generate an electromagnetic field”, interestingly enough the assignee is the US government via the Secretary of the Navy.
Eletcromagnetic Field Generator
There are several intriguing things about this patent application, not the least of which are the first two paragraphs:
The invention described herein may be manufactured and used by or for the Government of the United States of America for governmental purposes without payment of any royalties thereon or therefor.
And why would the USA want to do that? Well, paragraph two provides the answer:
To date there are more than 100,000 potentially dangerous asteroids (Near Earth Objects) which cross the earth’s orbit, with only, 11,000 having been catalogued and currently tracked. earth will be impacted again and again; it is only a matter of time and circumstance. Therefore, there is a need for an effective method to deflect or destroy these potentially dangerous asteroids. (Emphasis added)
That, of course, reveals itself to be the purpose of the patent, and of course, if you’re like me, you’ve probably also noted the more or less “coincidental” appearance of this patent within a year of the Trump Administration’s creation of a “space force”. After reviewing a few other methods of deflecting asteroids in paragraph three, the patent description observes that “the techniques described… would only affect ‘small’ asteroids, on the average diameter levels of approximately 100 meters.” Implication: we need something that can take care of the really big ones, and that is not subject to the hazards of kinetic targeting (with its chances for a “miss”) and the resulting fragmentation of the asteroid, which could be as dangerous as the asteroid itself as many potential impacts would replace just one.
And thus, “the present invention is directed to an electromagnetic field generator and a method to generate an electromagnetic field with the needs enumerated above,” i.e., something strong enough to “deflect or destroy” a big asteroid. And when you read the details in the filing, you might, like me, be thinking that “this sounds vaguely familiar” and that it might “ring a Bell.”
Oh, and in case you missed it, it’s also a handy thing to have around for some “other” purposes:
It is a feature of the present invention to provide a method and apparatus for generating an impenetrable defensive shield to Sea and Land as well as Space-based military and civilian assets, protecting these assets from such threats as Anti-Ship Ballistic Missiles, Radar Evading Cruise Missiles, Top Attack for main battle tanks…
Oh…. did we mention, it’s capable of a little solar manipulation as well?:
…as well as counteracting the effects of solar-induced Coronal Mass Ejections… (Paragraph 0012)
Presumably it will do all this by generating electromagnetic fields, which, to accomplish all these feats, would have to be extraordinarily strong, but not to worry, because the “the design of energy generation machinery with power output levels much higher than those currently achievable by conventional means, is made possible with this invention.”(Paragraph (0012)
At this point, the patent goes on to outline how it’s going to do all of this, and lo and behold, it does so by spinning a plasma, utilizing shells in a sphere of peizoelectric ceramics doped with radioactive materials. Of course, I’m over-simplifying, but the end result of all of this is that this creates the Mossbauer Effect of vibrationally stimulated and cohered releases of gamma rays. All of this, according to paragraph 30, will generate field strengths per square meter of (get this) 10,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo to 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 watts. That’s ten septillion to one hundred octillion watts.
Per square meter.
I dunno about you, but this seems to me to be quite a lot of deflection. Maybe even enough to “grab and throw”; it’s a handy thing to have around to “snag” an asteroid, mine it, and then throw it away. And you could make it do double duty: when you’re done mining it, you could throw it at someone you don’t like…
See you on the flip side…
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