Call to European Parents: Join EU Action to Withdraw Authorisation of Pfizer Covid Injection for Children 12+

Call to European Parents: Join EU Action to Withdraw Authorisation of Pfizer Covid Injection for Children 12+

by Children’s Health Defense Europe
August 15, 2021


Deadline: September 15th 2021

Action: join as intervenor in the legal action to annul EU license of Pfizer/BioNtech vaccine for children aged 12 years and over 

Conditions for Application:  parent of a child in the European Union 

Costs: no fees to apply

Details of case and form for application: see at the end of this article

In Italy starting from 6 August the ‘Green Pass’ or Covid certificate will be required for children over 12 years to access restaurants, indoor sports and cultural venues and also school.

The request for annulment rises from the fact that in practice this introduces a de facto vaccine obligation for children and constitutes an imminent danger to their health.  The action is filed against the European Commission since it has released a centralised conditional marketing authorisation for the vaccine that does not require further decision from European member state (here the Italian government).

Healthy children have ZERO risk of infection with Sars-Cov-2 .  Therefore there CANNOT be a positive risk-benefit ratio for children especially when injecting a substance that is based on experimental gene  therapy. 

Scientific evidence referenced in the complaint also shows that:

  • Covid can be treated
  • Asymptomatic transmission is not real
  • The Covid vaccine has no efficacy
  • There is no specific dosing of the vaccine for children they will have a more potent injection
  • Coagulation/blood clotting linked to the use of the spike protein has been observed as an important adverse event
  • Contrary to the claims of Pfizer the injected material does not stay in the arm but spreads all over the body and builds up in fragile areas such as the brain, the heart, the kidneys and the genitals.

Renate Holzeisen has filed this case on behalf of Italian families who are fighting the marketing authorisations that have been issued in the EU for the Comirnaty (Pfizer/BioNTech) vaccines. While the plaintiffs in this case are Italian , any European with children may participate in this legal action as an intervenor. In legal terms, an intervenor is someone who is not a party to the existing lawsuit but who makes themself a party by either joining with the plaintiff or uniting with the defendant in resistance of the plaintiff’s claims.

There is no charge to participate in this legal action, and participants are at no risk of being held financially liable should the case be lost.

People who wish to become an intervenor must provide copies of their ID cards to the coordinating lawyer in their country who will complete the paperwork provided by Attorney Holzeisen and register their participation.

For more information, please read the article below. The application forms are available in several languages below the article. If you need the documents in a language not listed, please contact us.

The deadline for participation is 15 September 2021.

You can read the full text of the legal action here and watch an interview with Attorney Renate Holzeisen here.

Concerned parents can ask a European lawyer registered with the General Court to lodge an application to intervene under article 142 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Court.

If the application is successful, the General Court will admit the applicant as an intervenor, which will allow them to support the action and attend any oral hearing.

They must lodge the application in German—the language of the action—within 6 weeks of the action’s publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. Attorney  Holzeisen has prepared a draft application in German  but all documents are also available in several languages.   Would-be intervenors should complete the form and enclose proof of their professional capacity with a national lawyer who will review the documents and then apply on their behalf at the EU court. Lawyers can ask for a temporary registration at the European bar in which case they will have 48h access to file the documents.

Intervenors and lawyers in need of further assistance can contact Attorney Holzeisen’s office by email.

Background on previous actions: Four actions, one for each authorised vaccine,  have already been  brought by Italian Attorney Renate Holzeisen to defend the rights of health workers in northern Italy who  are growing into a pan-European push-back against the genetic engineering of the population by Big Pharma.

Italian health workers sought help from Attorney Holzeisen after their government told them to accept experimental Covid candidate-vaccines or give up their jobs. Attorney  Holzeisen is challenging the licenses granted by the European Commission in its Implementing Decision of 21 December 2020 for use of these products within the EU.

AVAILABLE for DOWNLOAD (click on the chosen language to download the PDF):

Action of Annulments for the Comirnaty (Pfizer/BioNTech) Vaccine:


©August 2021, Children’s Health Defense Europe, A.S.B.L.. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, A.S.B.L.. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense Europe? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Senta Depuydt and the Children’s Health Defense Europe team. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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