Can Cars Run on Water?
I present answers from various sources
by Jon Rappoport, Jon Rappoport substack
August 3, 2022
For years, I’ve been writing about the technocrats’ plan to radically lower energy production and use, worldwide.
This program, hidden behind all sorts of propaganda about energy-sharing, environmental justice, and climate change, is a method for visiting destruction on humanity.
Aside from oil, gas, coal, and nuclear, alternatives exist. The technocrats’ preference for solar and wind power—two methods that are presently incapable of replacing traditional energy sources—shouldn’t make people think those are the only options.
Here, I ask the question, can cars run on water?
I present answers from various sources.
Keep this in mind. Many of the naysayers readily admit the technology is available but claim the cost is prohibitive. They neglect to mention the gigantic government subsidies and deals and favors that make nuclear power—and even the oil industry—possible.
These critics will NEVER say, “Well, sure, you can build a nuclear power plant that produces steam, but the cost of doing it is absurdly high and rules it out as a viable source of energy.” But they WILL say it about splitting water into oxygen and hydrogen and running cars on hydrogen.
Popular Mechanics (2008): “There is energy in water. Chemically, it’s locked up in the atomic bonds between the hydrogen and oxygen atoms. When the hydrogen and oxygen combine, whether it’s in a fuel cell, internal combustion engine running on hydrogen, or a jury-rigged pickup truck with an electrolysis cell in the bed, there’s energy left over in the form of heat or electrons. That’s converted to mechanical energy by the pistons and crankshaft or electrical motors to move the vehicle.”
“Problem: It takes exactly the same amount of energy to pry those hydrogen and oxygen atoms apart inside the electrolysis cell as you get back when they recombine inside the fuel cell. The laws of thermodynamics haven’t changed, in spite of any hype you read on some blog or news aggregator. Subtract the losses to heat in the engine and alternator and electrolysis cell, and you’re losing energy, not gaining it–period.”
From thoughtco[dot]com (2019): “Can you make fuel from water that you can use in your car? Yes. Will the conversion increase your fuel efficiency and save you money? Maybe. If you know what you are doing, probably yes.”
MIT School of Engineering (2018): “A water molecule contains three atoms: an oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms, which bond together like magnets. According to Wai Cheng, a professor of mechanical engineering and director of the Sloan Automotive Lab (where he does research on engine performance and emissions, combustion science, and energy conversion), breaking those bonds will always take more energy than you get back.”
“Let’s say you wanted to build this car. It would need equipment to split a water molecule apart and separate its oxygen and hydrogen. Then it would need to isolate each of them in separate tanks. Then you would need a combustion system that could mix and ignite them, or a fuel cell that could recombine them to make electricity. The released energy could then drive a piston or run a motor and move the car.”
“Here’s the problem, Cheng says: ‘A water molecule is very stable.’ The energy needed to separate the atoms is greater than what you get back — this process actually soaks up energy instead of giving it out.”
“Plus there’s a more volatile problem: hydrogen is dangerously flammable. Without the right safety measures, a fender-bender could turn into an explosion worthy of an Avengers movie.”
Gaia[dot]com (2020): “[Stanley] Meyer’s invention promised a revolution in the automotive industry. It worked through an electric water fuel cell, which divided any kind of water — including salt water — into its fundamental elements of hydrogen and oxygen, by utilizing a process far simpler than the electrolysis method.”
“Despite skepticism about the legitimacy of a car that runs on water, Meyer was able to patent his invention under Section 101 of the Subject Matter Eligibility Index…”
“Meyer’s water-powered engine was the result of 20 years of research and dedication, and he claimed it was capable of converting tap water into enough hydrogen fuel to drive his car from one end of the country to the other. His invention was mind-boggling and promised a future of non-polluting vehicles that could be refueled with a garden hose.”
“On March 21, 1998, Meyer was having lunch at a Cracker Barrel with his brother and two potential Belgian investors. The four clinked their glasses to toast their commitment to uplifting the world, but after taking a sip of his cranberry juice, Meyer clutched his throat, sprang to his feet, and ran outside. Rushing after him, his brother Stephen found him down on his knees, vomiting violently. He quickly muttered his last words, ‘They poisoned me’.”
“Meyer’s death was investigated for three months, though it was eventually written on the coroner’s report that he died of a cerebral aneurysm.”
The Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch, July 8, 2007, “The car that ran on water,” by Dean Narciso:
“After more than 20 years of research and tinkering, it was time to celebrate.”
“Stanley Allen Meyer, his brother and two Belgian investors raised glasses in the Grove City Cracker Barrel on March 20, 1998.”
“Meyer said his invention could do what physicists say is impossible — turn water into hydrogen fuel efficiently enough to drive his dune buggy cross-country on 20 gallons straight from the tap.”
“He took a sip of cranberry juice. Then he grabbed his neck, bolted out the door, dropped to his knees and vomited violently.”
“‘I ran outside and asked him, “What’s wrong?”’ his brother, Stephen Meyer, recalled. ‘He said, “They poisoned me.” That was his dying declaration’.”
“Stanley Meyer’s bizarre death at age 57 ended work that, if proved valid, could have ended reliance on fossil fuels.”
“People who knew him say his work drew worldwide attention: mysterious visitors from overseas, government spying and lucrative buyout offers.”
“His death sparked a three-month investigation that consumed and fascinated Grove City police.”
“‘Meyer’s death was laced with all sorts of stories of conspiracy, cloak-and-dagger stories,’ said Grove City Police Lt. Steve Robinette, lead detective on the case.”
“If Stephen Meyer was shocked at his twin brother’s collapse and death, he was equally amazed at the Belgians’ response the next day.”
“‘I told them that Stan had died and they never said a word,’ he recalled, ‘absolutely nothing, no condolences, no questions’.”
“‘I never, ever had a trust of those two men ever again’.”
“Today, Stanley Meyer is featured on numerous Internet sites. A significant portion of the 1995 documentary It Runs on Water, narrated by science-fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke and aired on the BBC, focuses on his ‘water fuel cell’ invention.”
“James Robey wants a permanent place for Meyer in his Kentucky Water Fuel Museum.”
“‘He was ignored, called a fraud and died without his small hometown even remembering him with so much as a plaque,’ Robey wrote in his self-published book Water Car.”
“Meyer had euphoric highs and humiliating defeats. He was kind and generous yet paranoid and suspicious. He would be hailed as a visionary and a genius. He also would be sued and declared a fraud.”
“The basis for Meyer’s research, electrolysis, is taught in middle-school science labs.”
“Electricity flows through water, cracking the molecules and filling test tubes with oxygen and hydrogen bubbles. A match is lighted. The volatile gases explode to prove that water has separated into its components.”
“Meyer said his invention did so using much less electricity than physicists say is possible. Videos show his contraptions turning water into a frothy mix within seconds.”
“‘It takes so much energy to separate the H2 from the O,’ said Ohio State University professor emeritus Neville Reay, a physicist for more than 41 years. ‘That energy has pretty much not changed with time. It’s a fixed amount, and nothing changes that’.”
“Meyer’s work defies the Law of Conservation of Energy, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed.”
“‘Basically, it says you can’t get something for nothing,’ Reay said.”
“‘He may have had a nice way to store the hydrogen and use it to make a very effective motor, but there is no way to do something fancy and separate hydrogen with less energy’.”
“…Nevertheless, Meyer attracted believers, investors and, eventually, legal trouble.”
“‘I was a sucker for some of this stuff at the time,’ William E. Brooks said from his home in Anchorage, Alaska.”
“Brooks invested more than $300,000 in Meyer’s technology. He hoped to find applications for his aviation business.”
“Today, he and his wife, Lorraine, laugh about the ordeal, made easier because their money was returned in a 1994 settlement in Franklin County Common Pleas Court.”
“Two years later, a Fayette County judge found ‘gross and egregious fraud’ in Meyer’s contract negotiation with two businessmen. Their money was returned.”
“…Belief in Meyer continues today. So does suspicion about plots to silence him.”
“Stephen Meyer recalled a phone call to his brother’s home in the 1980s.”
“’He turned to me and said, ‘They just offered me $800 million. Should I take it?’”
“I said, ‘Hell yes. How much money do you want?’”
“‘He got very quiet. When he got into that thinking process, I just let him alone,’ Stephen recalled.”
“Charlie Hughes, now 36, vividly recalls the strangers who visited his parents’ home in the late 1970s.” [Stanley Meyer was living in the Hughes house at the time.]
“He had been playing outside when the driveway suddenly filled with limousines. Men in turbans stepped out. In ‘stern, thick accents,’ they asked for Meyer. ‘I remember, because I was not allowed in my own house that day’.”
“They left briskly. Charlie was about to go inside when the driveway filled again, this time with military vehicles. ‘Army brass,’ he recalled.”
“At dinner that night, Meyer told them: ‘The Arabs wanted to offer me $250 million to stop today. You and this lovely family can live in peace and prosperity the rest of your days’.”
“The Army officials, meanwhile, had questioned Meyer about what the foreigners wanted, thinking that a deal might have been struck, Charlie recalled Meyer telling the family.”
“Meyer discusses the offers in the Clarke documentary.”
“‘Many times over the last decade, I have been offered enormous amounts of money simply to sell out or sit on it… The Arabs have offered me a total of a billion dollars total pay simply to sit on it and do nothing with it’.”
“The Grove City police investigation of Meyer’s death included taped interviews of more than a dozen witnesses.”
“Absent, however, were audiotapes of the two Belgians, Phillippe Vandemoortele and Marc Vancraeyenest.”
“The men had agreed to purchase 56 acres along Seeds Road in Grove City. The city had approved a research campus there two months before Meyer’s death.”
“Lt. Steve Robinette said it’s possible the men’s interviews were not taped.”
“Calls and e-mails to Vandemoortele and Vancraeyenest for this story were not returned.”
“The Franklin County coroner ruled that Meyer, who had high blood pressure, died of a brain aneurysm. Absent any proof of foul play, the police went with the coroner’s report.”
“The only detectable drugs were the pain reliever lidocaine and phenytoin, which is used to treat seizures.”
“And what became of the dune buggy that captivated a community for at least a few years?”
“A longtime friend of Meyer’s, who doesn’t want to be named because he fears that people will bother him about the invention, led a reporter to the basement of a property south of Columbus recently.”
“‘I really shouldn’t be showing you this,’ he said.”
“After passing through several darkened rooms scattered with computers and electrical equipment, he opened a door. In the far corner of a garage sat the buggy, its leather seats cracked, its engine partially covered with a cloth.”
“A decal on the bright red paint declares: ‘Jesus Christ is Lord’.”
“Then the man quickly led the way out. Lights went dark. Doors clicked shut.”
“In his front yard, he sat on a lawn chair and sipped fruit punch. He watched the cars and trucks drive by on the road, burning gasoline.”
Finally, for now, here is an excerpt from an article I dug out of my files. I can’t find the whole article, and I don’t know who wrote it. The excerpt indicates there are innovative ways to split hydrogen and oxygen from water. I present the excerpt. I don’t know whether the methods described are workable.
Another variation on the water-fuel theme relies more on vibrations than on chemistry. At more than 100 per cent efficiency, such a system produces hydrogen gas and oxygen from ordinary water at normal temperatures and pressure.
One example is U.S. Patent 4,394,230, Method and Apparatus for Splitting Water Molecules, issued to Dr. Andrija Puharich in 1983. His method made complex electrical wave forms resonate water molecules and shatter them, which freed hydrogen and oxygen. By using Tesla’s understanding of electrical resonance, Puharich was able to split the water molecule much more efficiently than the brute-force electrolysis that every physics student knows. (Resonance is what shatters a crystal goblet when an opera singer hits the exact note which vibrates with the crystal’s molecular structure.)
Puharich reportedly drove his mobile home using only water as fuel for several hundred thousand kilometers in trips across North America. In a high Mexican mountain pass he had to make do with snow for fuel. Splitting water molecules as needed in a vehicle is more revolutionary than the hydrogen-powered systems with which every large auto manufacturer has dallied. With the on-demand system, you don’t need to carry a tank full of hydrogen fuel which could be a potential bomb.
Another inventor who successfully made fuel out of water on the spot was the late Francisco Pacheco of New Jersey. The Pacheco Bi-Polar Autoelectric Hydrogen Generator (U.S. Patent No. 5,089,107) separated hydrogen from seawater as needed.
A pioneer in breaking down water into hydrogen and oxygen without heat or ordinary electricity, John Worrell Keely reportedly performed feats which 20th-century science is unable to duplicate. He worked with sound and other vibrations to set machines into motion. To liberate energy in molecules of water, Keely poured a quart of water into a cylinder where tuning forks vibrated at the exact frequency to liberate the energy. Does this mean he broke apart the water molecules and liberated hydrogen, or did he free a more primal form of energy? The records which could answer such questions are lost. However, a century later, Keely is being vindicated. One scientist recently discovered that Keely was correct in predicting the exact frequency which would burst apart a water molecule. Keely understood atoms to be intricate vibratory phenomena.
Cover images are from Stanley Meyer’s water fuel cell patent, which he claimed produced more energy than it consumed.
U.S. Patent 5,149,407: Process and apparatus for the production of fuel gas and the enhanced release of thermal energy from such gas.
Sourced from public domain here and here / Wikimedia Commons

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