2024 & the Inevitable Rise of Biometrics

2024 & the Inevitable Rise of Biometrics by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian May 21, 2024   Have you noticed a lot of two-factor authentication prompts lately? Are you getting emailed verification…

What NO ONE Is Saying About Tucker Carlson’s Putin Interview

What NO ONE Is Saying About Tucker Carlson’s Putin Interview by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian February 10, 2024   Everyone is talking about Tucker Carlson’s interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin….

UN & Bill Gates Launch “50in5” Global Digital Infrastructure Plans

UN & Bill Gates Launch “50in5” Global Digital Infrastructure Plans by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian November 16, 2023   Last week the United Nations Development Program officially launched their new initiative promoting…

Who are ISIS? — ISIS Are Back and They Are Faker Than Ever

Who are ISIS? — ISIS Are Back and They Are Faker Than Ever   “It is entirely reasonable to conclude that ISIS was created as ‘the bastard army’ of the…

This Pro-Mask “Study” Is Why You Should NEVER “Trust the Science”

This Pro-Mask “Study” Is Why You Should NEVER “Trust the Science” by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian July 27, 2023   Last week it was reported that the Australian state of Victoria may be…

The Insidious Truth Behind Free School Meals

The Insidious Truth Behind Free School Meals The UN is pushing for universal free school meals, but that level of control would be easily abused.  by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian July…

Wait…Are They REALLY Going to Do a UFO Psy-Op?

Wait…Are They REALLY Going to Do a UFO Psy-Op? Everyone from whistleblowers to the White House is suddenly talking about aliens…but why?  by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian June 14, 2023  …

WHO Launches New “Digital Health Initiative”

WHO Launches New “Digital Health Initiative” Chalk up another “I told you so” for the Conspiracy Theorists.  by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian June 8, 2023   On Monday, the World Health…
