‘Raw Milk Conspiracy’ Band: “Miss Information Whore”

‘Raw Milk Conspiracy’ Band: “Miss Information Whore” Launch on Defiance Records


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

I was contacted by Raw Milk Conspiracy, letting us know about the release of their EP (Extended Play) recording of “Miss Information Whore”.  Raw Milk Conspiracy is an “awake punk rock band” based out of London. 

Below you will find two videos (available at Resistance GB YouTube & Odysee channels). The first is a music video of their newly-released “Miss Information Whore”. The second is an interview with Resistance GB that reveals more about their vision and backgrounds. A third video of a live launch event can be found here.

On first listen, I was impressed by the strength and intelligence of their music. In listening to their interview with Resistance GB, I was touched by their personal story of standing up against the evil lies that are  attempting to bulldoze all of humanity into compliance with self-harm.

Resistance GB on the new EP release:

The EP [Miss Information Whore] covers the true journey of the band, from an engineer, a pot-washer and a music teacher to ‘extremists’ and convicted ‘criminals’, who find themselves enemies of the state.

“In a perfectly reflected world of mass formation psychosis driven by state propaganda, ‘trusted news initiatives’, mass censorship, police brutality, social hypocrisy and government corruption, one man’s actions calling a BBC employee a traitor and throwing a half-empty humus-pot in self-defence can lead him down a darker path.

 “The following melodies describe the climate or fear, an act of protest, an arrest, a particularly trisyllabic interview, and a descent down a dangerous road of extremism, to the extent that one begins to question whether an emotion can truly be a crime.”

In whatever way you can, please share their work and support them. Download the EP from Amazon or Apple. If you live in the UK, consider attending live events or purchasing their CD at Defiance Records. (Donations for Defiance Records’ work can be made at the same link.)

Raw Milk Conspiracy gigs are listed at Defiance Records website:

June 27th to 30th 2024 – Sounds Beautiful Festival, Wimborne, Dorset – Raw Milk Conspiracy (Buy Tickets Here)

July 25th – Underground Sounds – Raw Milk Conspiracy (at The Night Owl – N4 2DH)

August 3rd 2024 – Bush Hall, London – Raw Milk Conspiracy (Supporting The Blockheads)

Join me in letting them know you appreciate their courage, humor and creative work by sharing links to their videos, showing up at live events or passing this article on to others.

~ Kathleen


Raw Milk Conspiracy — Miss Information Whore

Video available at Odysee & YouTube


Miss Information whore
Evil to the core
We’re stuck in 1984
Ghastly corporate bore

Lies, on top of Lies, on top of lies
Cant believe my ears, my eyes
And now sadly
Now sadly it comes as no surprise

Ghastly corporate bore
Were stuck in 1984
Evil to the core
Miss Information whore
Evil, evil to the core


The Resistance Podcast Episode #1: Raw Milk Conspiracy 

Video available at Odysee & YouTube

Willsy interviews Raw Milk Conspiracy, creators of “Miss Information Whore”. Find more information about the band and their launch at: defiancerecordings.com



Five Times August: ‘There Ain’t No Rock and Roll’

Five Times August: ‘There Ain’t No Rock and Roll’

by Five Times August
October 20, 2023


Video available at Five Times August Rumble, BitChute, Odysee, YouTube

Songwriter: Bradley James Skistimas
Publisher: Seven Places Music (ASCAP)
Label: Baste Records

Well there ain’t no rock and roll
Ever since they sold out Rolling Stone
All the words that were sung in the past
Will never feel the same when we’re looking back
All the old men sitting in their make up chair
With their gold record walls really couldn’t care
All the fame feels the same when you’ve had enough
So they don’t bother standing up
And there ain’t no peace and love
Ever since the sixties kids grew up
All the drugs and the girls and the cash
After all the songs it was gone in a flash
All those bad boy rebels and the attitude
What a show, we didn’t know that none of it was true
Only self serve anti-establishment
We were all so innocent
Because there ain’t no rock and roll
And the blues has lost it’s soul
All the punks gave the man control
And every pop star’s bought and sold
No, there ain’t no
Ain’t no rock and roll
And there ain’t no Joni, no Bob
No one stuck around for their protest job
All the stars and the big pharma whores
Shilling for a check from their corporate chores
All the actors say what they’re paid to say
While the fans take the blame
All the once cool fools that were me and you
Well they pushed us all away
Because there ain’t no rock and roll
And the blues has lost it’s soul
All the punks gave the man control
And every pop star’s bought and sold
No, there ain’t no
Ain’t no rock and roll
And there ain’t no Boss, no Queen
Never was a rage against the damn machine
No there ain’t no fighter in the foo
No more rockin’ in those free world shoes
All the high strung Neil Young wannabes
Yea their silence has been deafening
All the suits lick the boots of the government
What they sang they never meant
Because there ain’t no rock and roll
And the blues has lost it’s soul
All the punks gave the man control
And every pop star’s bought and sold
No, there ain’t no
Ain’t no rock and roll
No, there ain’t no
Ain’t no rock and roll
No, there ain’t no
Ain’t no rock and roll
No, there ain’t no
Ain’t no rock and roll

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Cover image credit: screenshot from video

‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ Artist Turns Down $8 Million From Stunned Music Execs, Says “Nothing Special About Me”

‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ Artist Turns Down $8 Million From Stunned Music Execs, Says “Nothing Special About Me”

by Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge
August 18, 2023


Nine days ago, Oliver Anthony’s gritty coal country ballad “Rich Men North Of Richmond” was published on YouTube. The song has become the blue-collar political anthem for millions of Americans ahead of the 2024 presidential election cycle.

On Thursday, Anthony revealed his real name is Christopher Anthony Lunsford. He said the viral response to the song blew him away and only anticipated it would get hundreds of thousands of views, not millions. As of Friday, the song ranks number one on iTunes.

Lunsford is a former factory worker and lives in the forgotten part of the US, Appalachia, an area plagued with an opioid crisis and abandoned factories. The song tells the story of working-class folk who struggle daily while being ignored and mocked by political elites just north of Richmond.

Lunsford detailed in a lengthy Facebook post that he turned down a $8 million deal from stunned music industry executives:

People in the music industry give me blank stares when I brush off 8 million dollar offers. I don’t want 6 tour buses, 15 tractor trailers and a jet. I don’t want to play stadium shows, I don’t want to be in the spotlight. I wrote the music I wrote because I was suffering with mental health and depression. These songs have connected with millions of people on such a deep level because they’re being sung by someone feeling the words in the very moment they were being sung. No editing, no agent, no bullshit. Just some idiot and his guitar. The style of music that we should have never gotten away from in the first place.

Since going viral nine days ago, he has received over 50,000 messages from people reacting to the song. He said some messages include stories about “Suicide, addiction, unemployment, anxiety and depression, hopelessness and the list goes on.”

Lunsford provided more details about who he exactly is…

My legal name is Christopher Anthony Lunsford. My grandfather was Oliver Anthony, and “Oliver Anthony Music” is a dedication not only to him, but 1930’s Appalachia where he was born and raised. Dirt floors, seven kids, hard times. At this point, I’ll gladly go by Oliver because everyone knows me as such. But my friends and family still call me Chris. You can decide for yourself, either is fine.

In 2010, I dropped out of high school at age 17. I have a GED from Spruce Pine, NC. I worked multiple plant jobs in Western NC, my last being at the paper mill in McDowell county. I worked 3rd shift, 6 days a week for $14.50 an hour in a living hell. In 2013, I had a bad fall at work and fractured my skull. It forced me to move back home to Virginia. Due to complications from the injury, it took me 6 months or so before I could work again.

From 2014 until just a few days ago, I’ve worked outside sales in the industrial manufacturing world. My job has taken me all over Virginia and into the Carolinas, getting to know tens of thousands of other blue collar workers on job sites and in factories. Ive spent all day, everyday, for the last 10 years hearing the same story. People are SO damn tired of being neglected, divided and manipulated.

In 2019, I paid $97,500 for the property and still owe about $60,000 on it. I am living in a 27′ camper with a tarp on the roof that I got off of craigslist for $750.

There’s nothing special about me. I’m not a good musician, I’m not a very good person. I’ve spent the last 5 years struggling with mental health and using alcohol to drown it. I am sad to see the world in the state it’s in, with everyone fighting with each other. I have spent many nights feeling hopeless, that the greatest country on Earth is quickly fading away.

He concludes with:

That being said, I HATE the way the Internet has divided all of us. The Internet is a parasite, that infects the minds of humans and has their way with them. Hours wasted, goals forgotten, loved ones sitting in houses with each other distracted all day by technology made by the hands of other poor souls in sweat shops in a foreign land.

When is enough, enough? When are we going to fight for what is right again? MILLIONS have died protecting the liberties we have. Freedom of speech is such a precious gift. Never in world history has the world had the freedom it currently does. Don’t let them take it away from you. 

Just like those once wandering in the desert, we have lost our way from God and have let false idols distract us and divide us. It’s a damn shame.

Meanwhile, the political left is triggered by this song for speaking the truth. And the country music industry is “confused by man actually from the country making actual music.”

Country Music Industry Confused by Man Actually From Country Making Actual Music


Connect with ZeroHedge

TCTL editor’s note: See the touching video compilation below of individuals  listening to Oliver Anthony singing The Rich Men of Richmond. Many with tears in their eyes and all responding with emotional recognition of the truth in his words. Below that is the YouTube link to the song, followed by the lyrics.


Rich Men North of Richmond by Oliver Anthony


I’ve been sellin’ my soul, workin’ all day

Overtime hours for bullshit pay

So I can sit out here and waste my life away

Drag back home and drown my troubles away.



It’s a damn shame what the world’s gotten to

For people like me and people like you

Wish I could just wake up and it not be true

But it is, oh, it is.



Livin’ in the new world

With an old soul

These rich men north of Richmond

Lord knows they all just wanna have total control

Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do

And they don’t think you know, but I know that you do

‘Cause your dollar ain’t shit and it’s taxed to no end

‘Cause of rich men north of Richmond.


I wish politicians would look out for miners

And not just minors on an island somewhere

Lord, we got folks in the street, ain’t got nothin’ to eat

And the obese milkin’ welfare.

Well, God, if you’re 5-foot-3 and you’re 300 pounds

Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds

Young men are puttin’ themselves six feet in the ground

‘Cause all this damn country does is keep on kickin’ them down.

Repeat Pre-Chorus

Repeat Chorus

I’ve been sellin’ my soul, workin’ all day

Overtime hours for bullshit pay.


Music From the Past, When the World Was Young

Music From the Past, When the World Was Young
Brigadoon; Heather on the Hill; a man discovers joy and love

by Jon Rappoport


If you can stand it, you might contrast Brigadoon with “Get rich or die tryin’”, or any sample of hip hop lyrics that have infiltrated what is called The Culture.

Once upon a time, American Broadway musicals took the country by storm. South Pacific, Oklahoma, Finian’s Rainbow, Guys and Dolls…

Many of the musicals were made into films. Like Brigadoon.

Here’s a synopsis of that exhilarating show (1947).

Stageagent.com: —When New Yorkers Tommy Albright and Jeff Douglas get lost on a vacation in the Scottish Highlands, they stumble into Brigadoon. Brigadoon is a mythical village that, they learn, appears for a single day once every hundred years. At first, Tommy and Jeff are mystified by the villagers’ 18th century garb as they go to market, but they are soon charmed by romantic liaisons: Tommy, who is engaged back in New York, falls terribly in love with headstrong Fiona, while Jeff enjoys a harmless flirtation with Meg Brockie. It is only when Harry Beaton, the rejected suitor of Fiona’s sister, Jean, tries to leave Brigadoon that the two men realize the complicated truth: at the end of the day, this town will disappear into the mist for the next hundred years – and if anyone succeeds in leaving Brigadoon, the town and the people in it will be lost, forever. Tommy is forced to choose between returning to the world that he knows and his New York fiancee—or taking a chance on life and love in a mysterious new place. Including such famous hits as “Heather on the Hill” and “Almost Like Being in Love,” Lerner and Loewe’s Brigadoon has music that will sweep you off your feet and a whimsical story that is a tribute to the power of true love.—

Tommy risks everything for true love…and grasps it.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

TCTL editor’s note:

Reading Jon Rappoport’s post (above) inspired me to share the music from Brigadoon here with our readers. The music and the lyrics lifted my heart. I couldn’t help but listen over and over as I prepared the lyrics, and I remember being enchanted by the music when I first heard it so many years ago. 

“There’s a smile on my face for the whole human race. Why, it’s almost like being in love.”

“All the music of life seems to be, like a bell that is ringing for me.”

I hope that as you listen to the videos shared below, that this music will bring a smile to your heart and to your face, and that perhaps you will find yourself swaying with the sounds of joy and the love carried within the music.

The story of Brigadoon is magical in that it reminds us of the many worlds within our world. And that the choice is ours where we hold our attention. Our attention carries our power to create worlds.

I hope you enjoy listening as much as I did while preparing this. I know I’ll be hearing their echo and will be singing these songs for days to come. ~ Kathleen

Music from Brigadoon as performed by Kelli O’Hara and Patrick Wilson, New York City Center in 2017
“Almost Like Being In Love” from Brigadoon 


Maybe the sun gave me the power
For I could swim Loch Lomond
And be home in half an hour
Maybe the air gave me the drive
For I’m all aglow and alive

What a day this has been
What a rare mood I’m in
Why, it’s almost like being in love

There’s a smile on my face
For the whole human race
Why, it’s almost like being in love

All the music of life seems to be
Like a bell that is ringing for me

And from the way that I feel
When that bell starts to peal

I would swear I was falling
I could swear I was falling
It’s almost like being in love

When we walked up the brae
Not a word did we say
It was almost like bein’ in love

But your arm linked in mine
Made the world kind o’ fine
It was almost like being in love

All the music of life seems to be
Like a bell that is ringing for me
And from the way that I feel
When that bell starts to peal

I would swear I was fallin’
I could swear I was falling
It’s almost like being in love

 The Making of Lerner & Loewe’s Brigadoon (New York City Center 2017 Cast Recording)

The Heather on the Hill


Can’t we two go walkin’ together
Out beyond the valley of trees?

Out where there’s a hillside of heather
curtsyin’ gently in the breeze

That’s what I’d like to do
See the heather, but with you

The mist of May is in the gloamin’
And all the clouds are holdin’ still

So take my hand and let’s go roamin’
Through the heather on the hill

The mornin’ dew is blinkin’ yonder
There’s lazy music in the rill

And all I want to do is wander
Through the heather on the hill

There may be other days as rich and rare
There may be other springs as full and fair

But they won’t be the same
They’ll come and go
For this I know

That when the mist is in the gloamin’
And all the clouds are holdin’ still
If you’re not there I won’t go roamin’
Through the heather on the hill

The heather on the hill


The mist of May is in the gloamin’
And all the clouds are holdin’ still

So take my hand and we’ll go roamin’
Through the heather on the hill

The mornin’ dew is blinkin’ yonder
There’s lazy music in the rill

And ’tis a lovely time to wander
Through the heather on the hill

There may be other days as rich and rare
There may be other springs as full and fare

But they won’t be the same
They’ll come and go
For this I know

That when the mist is in the gloamin’
And all the clouds are holdin’ still
If you’re not there, I won’t go roamin’
Through the heather on the hill

The heather on the hill


Cover image credit: neelam279

MonaLisa Twins Music Video: I Bought Myself a Politician

MonaLisa Twins Music Video: I Bought Myself a Politician

by MonaLisa Twins
hat tip Rosanne Lindsay, Nature of Healing


I bought myself a politician
Cause I have never said I’d play it fair
They’re currently on sale
Just picked them up from Yale
They’re even cheaper if you take a pair

And on a whim I also bought the opposition
It’s better to be safe, you never know
And then for even less
I also bought the press
To wrap it up and I was good to go

Who would have thought that no one dared to stop me on my joyride
(Oh what a joyride)
Who would have thought that I could bring the whole world to its knees
And now the time has come to buy my way into the limelight

(just got the time right)
As universal scientist and generous philanthropist
my shopping list confirms my expertise

I bought myself a politician
Cause I have never said I’ll play it fair
If they are not on sale
I pick them up from jail
It doesn’t hurt to have a few to spare

Who would have thought that no one dared to stop me on my joyride
(Oh what a joyride)
Who would have thought that I could bring the whole world to its knees
And now the time has come to buy my way into the limelight
(so I can shine bright)
As universal scientist and generous philanthropist
my shopping list confirms my expertise

If you look closely you can see I’m on a mission
There’s something that I really wanna do
I’m promising you health
I’ll save you from yourself
That’s how I’m gonna try
To get you to comply
Might even have to lie so that you will let me buy you too


Connect with MonaLisa Twins

Five Times August Music Video: “Gates Behind The Bars”

Five Times August Music Video: “Gates Behind The Bars”

by  Brad Skistimas, Five Times August
February 6, 2023


“Gates Behind The Bars”

The wimp’s on the loose
He’s bought all the land
He’s out for revenge
To hurt every man
He’ll print all the food
And drug every kid
Pretend like he’s good
Then hide what he did

Nobody’s safe
Nobody’s safe
Nobody’s safe
‘Til we have gates behind
Gates behind the bars

The geek’s in control
He’s changed his disguise
His chemical world
Will be your demise
He’s sick and he’s cruel
And acts like he’s God
Speaks on the stage
While zombies applaud

Nobody’s safe
Nobody’s safe
Nobody’s safe
‘Til we have gates behind
Gates behind the bars

He’s coming for you
His plans at the door
He’s climbed through the windows
He’s part of the war

He deals in the dark
And buys his own truth
He’ll package it up
And he’ll sell it to you

All the sheep will believe
Afraid they will die
Trapped by the one
Who has wrapped them in lies

The creep’s not alone
He plots with his friends
The forum they have
Is a circle of sin
There’s snakes all around
Who traffic and kill
They’ll dope up the world
With needles and pills

No body Is safe
Nobody’s safe, Hey Hey
No body Is safe
‘Til we have gates behind
Gates behind the bars

No body Is safe
No body Is safe, Hey Hey
No body Is safe
‘Til we have gates behind
Gates behind the bars


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Feliz Navidad: A Musical Tribute to Grandpa Elliott, Playing for Change

Feliz Navidad | Grandpa Elliott Tribute | Playing For Change

by Playing for Change
December 23, 2022


Celebrate the season of togetherness with this special holiday tribute in memory of our beloved Grandpa Elliott. Enjoy the soulful sounds of Grandpa singing the classic “Feliz Navidad” and join us in remembering his impactful journey from singing on the streets of New Orleans for 65 years, to joining the PFC Band in 2009 and performing in over 25 countries around the world!

Grandpa Elliott’s amazing authenticity, passion for music and joyful spirit captivated the hearts of the people. May his memory and music continue to uplift us as he sings with the angels.

“Let’s all try a little harder, care more than we do about each other and honor him by giving love and joy to everybody we meet, the way Grandpa did for all of us.” — Mark Johnson, PFC co-founder

“Feliz Navidad”- Written by José Feliciano


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Five Times August: “Fight for You” Freedom Music

Five Times August: “Fight for You” Freedom Music

by Five Times August
May 13, 2022


Cover art illustration by Bob Moran (bobmoran.co.uk)

“Fight For You” Lyrics:

Through the madness and the lies
As they’re holding back the truth
No matter what they try
I will always fight for you

I will save your innocence
They are trying to remove
I am here at your defense
And I will always fight for you

Yes I will always fight for you
I will stand here in the way
And I will not give up on you
I will shield you from the pain

In the battle on the field
There is evil on the move
But I hope that you can feel
That I will always fight for you

In the darkness of the times
There’s a light that shines the proof
It’ll soon reveal the crimes
So I won’t stop this fight for you

Yes I will always fight for you
I will brave every attack
And I will not give up on you
I will always have your back

So to every single mother, father
Stand up for your sons and daughters
Do not back down, don’t let up
You are all they have for armor
So make this a war to win
Look in their eyes and tell them

That I will always fight for you
I will stand guard at the gate
And I will not give up on you
I will stop each shot they take

Yes, I will always fight for you
I will always fight for you


Connect with FiveTimesAugust

See related:

“Silent War” by Five Times August Live at “Defeat the Mandates” March & Rally in Washington, DC

“Sad Little Man” by Five Times August — Music Video 2021

“This Just In” by Five Times August (Official Music Video) 2022

“God Help Us All” by Five Times August (Music & Lyric Video) 2021

The Sonic Universe: ‘Hold the Line’ Music Video

The Sonic Universe: ‘Hold the Line’ Music Video


by The Sonic Universe


Hold the line, hold the line
Won’t let them steal our sovereignty with their lies

This is spiritual warfare
Between the light and darkness
It’s an empirical nightmare
What they’re tryna inject inside us
We’re not signing up
For their experiment
Try to coerce and force us
But they’ll never penetrate our temples cause we

Hold the line, hold the line
Won’t let them steal our sovereignty with their lies, so we
Hold the line, hold the line
We stand together and we do not comply, yeah we hold the line

We are the doctors and nurses
Sleepless nights and overtime on the front lines
We are police in the cities
And firefighters, we’re protecting the families
Kicked us to the curb for the shot we refuse
It’s our body and our right to choose
It don’t matter, we will weather this storm
Cause God is with us in this battle, come and join us as we

Hold the line, hold the line
Won’t let them steal our sovereignty with their lies, so we
Hold the line, hold the line
We stand together and we do not comply, yeah we hold the line

We hold the line in love, hold the line
Show ‘em what we’re made of, hold the line

Hold the line, hold the line
Won’t let them steal our sovereignty with their lies, so we
Hold the line

To the parents of the children
We’re sending hope to you
Pull ‘em out of the system
We’ll build a better school
Hold the line


Connect with The Sonic Universe

‘What Happened in Ottawa?’ Freedom Convoy 2022 Documentary: “Freedom Over Fear. Love Over Hate.”

‘What Happened in Ottawa?’ Freedom Convoy 2022 Documentary: “Freedom Over Fear. Love Over Hate.”

by Freedom For All Media Group
March 6, 2022


What Happened in Ottawa? | Freedom Convoy 2022 Documentary


Justin Trudeau’s infamous “fringe minority” statement:

“The small fringe minority of people who are on their way to Ottawa, who are holding unacceptable views that they’re expressing, do not represent the views of Canadians.”


Words from protestors in Ottawa:

“I’m not a misogynist. I’m not a racist. I have no problem with white people/ I have no problem with other… It is the vocabulary that has been spreading in many countries… This is a consorted effort to use the same vocabulary colloquially so that people get brainwashed, divide themselves and insult their friends, their neighbor. It’s organized for that. And people have to see beyond the trap. It’s really important. We’re a very compliant society. We’re also very polite, and so we will agree. But the problem now is, it is the time to fight…”


“If you come here and see what’s happening, you will feel it…When you come here, you feel in in your heart. You feel what’s happening around here and you can’t do anything but smile. Take our gas. Take our diesel. Take our propane. Take everything you want. But you will not take our freedom. You will not take our love.”



“Freedom over fear.
“Love over hate.”




Vera Sharav, Holocaust survivor

“I think the best thing that’s happened so far are the truckers in Canada. Who hopefully will be a model for other truckers and other working class people who will rise up and say enough. They are our hope. And it’s a fact that we really, really need to recognize.

“People who are not totally brainwashed can see the big lie. And they’re really prompted to get up and take their chances and do what has to be done to stop it. I hope that others follow and that we will be willing to support them. We really need to put the perpetrators on trial. This is terribly important.

“I want to stress that the vital lessons from the Holocaust… what facilitated the Holocaust was the silence and indifference of those who watched and did nothing to prevent it.”



“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless.
Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”

~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a German Lutheran pastor and theologian. He was also a participant in the German Resistance movement against Nazism, a founding member of the Confessing Church


[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee, BitChute and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


Connect with Freedom For All Media Group

cover image credit: Maksimsokolov  / Flckr Commons

“This Just In” by Five Times August (Official Music Video) 2022

“This Just In” by Five Times August (Official Music Video) 2022

by Five Times August
March 18, 2022


“This Just In” by Five Times August (Official Music Video) 2022


This just in, another liar on the news
Standing at the pulpit, ready to abuse
This just in, another coward in control
Scared by the sounds, so he hides in a hole
He’ll call on the guards to trample the crowd
‘Cause the louder they get they silence his power
Shame, blame, no matter what they say
Don’t let the bastard get to you
He’s going to try to shut us down,
but we’ll stand our ground
Hey, this just in, he’ll lose
This just in, another villain on the screen
Acting like a hero for all the drama queens
This just in, another black painted face
Lathered in his virtue, enslaving every race
He’ll send out the troops and freeze the accounts
Says the freedom you get is what he makes allowed
Shame, blame, no matter what they say
Don’t let the bastard get to you
He’s going to try to shut us down,
but we’ll stand our ground
Hey, this just in, he’ll lose
If you look in his eyes you can see he’s afraid
So fragile inside while the town’s on parade
Shame, blame, no matter what they say
Don’t let the bastard get to you
He’s going to try to shut us down,
but we’ll stand our ground
Hey, this just in, he’ll lose
No he’ll never shut us down,
‘Cause we’ll stand our ground
Hey, this just in, you lose



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Trudeau vs The Honkening

Trudeau vs The Honkening

by FreedomToons
February 19, 2022



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Trudeau vs the Truckers

Trudeau vs the Truckers

by Freedom Toons
February 3, 2022



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Song for the Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy: “Oh Canada, We Stand on Guard for Thee”

Song for the Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy: “Oh Canada, We Stand on Guard for Thee”


“Stand On Guard” is a powerful prophetic declaration song over Canada written by Nikki Mathis of Summit Sounds and was first sung at a Battle For Canada gathering in November 2018 at North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada. The song was later released on iTunes along with O Canada by Summit Sounds in 2019.


Video compiled by Timcarr Rumble channel.

Music by Nikki Mathis of Summit Sounds.
Here is the link to the full song.

Summit Sounds on Apple Music

Nikki Mathis on Apple Music

“Silent War” by Five Times August Live at “Defeat the Mandates” March & Rally in Washington, DC

“Silent War” by Five Times August Live at “Defeat the Mandates” March & Rally in Washington, DC

by Brad Skistimas, Five Times August
January 23, 2022


Silent War

Somebody’s selling a new religion
Somebody’s selling a lie
Somebody wants all the strife and division
That’s driving us out of our minds

They’re telling the world not trust their own eyes
They’re telling the people they’re wrong
They’re keeping the truth for their power and gain
And taking whatever we’ve got

And some of you eat all the lies you’ve been fed
Some of you just go along
Training acceptance inside of your head
To give them whatever they want

You’re leaving your brothers and sisters behind
You’re told it’s the best thing to do
You’re shutting out friends ‘cause you’re told that’s what’s right
Now they win because all of us lose

And it’s so sad
Watching these times as they change
And it’s so bad
The battle’s been violent and strange
As they lock us indoors
In a prison of this silent war

Now someone is trying to sell you the cure
The same one who made the disease
And they’ll try to convince you and make you feel sure
But hey, there ain’t no guarantees

They covered your mouth and they’ve tied back your hands
They did it to all of the kids
And nobody knows all the damage that’s done
And won’t ask until the master permits

And it’s so sad
Watching these times as they change
And it’s so bad
The battle’s been violent and strange
We all shout behind doors
In a prison of this silent war

So take back your freedom
And fight for your life
Stand up before it’s all gone
Take back your freedom
And fight for your life
Stand up before it’s all gone

‘Cause it’s so sad
Watching these times as they change
And it’s so bad
The battle’s been violent and strange
We can’t let them take more
We can’t let them win this silent war

So take back what is yours
Do not let them win this silent war


Written & Performed by Bradley James Skistimas

Connect with Five Times August

Wonderful Christmastime by Five Times August

Wonderful Christmastime by Five Times August

by Five Times August
originally published December 8, 2017


Download or send as gift: https://fivetimesaugust.bandcamp.com/track/wonderful-christmastime

Originally recorded and released in 2017, this cover of Paul McCartney’s Christmas classic was made almost entirely out of toddler and kid toys from around the house. Artwork was drawn by my son’s Austin & Dylan.
Hope You Enjoy! ~ Brad

Connect with Five Times August


See also:

“I Will Not Be Leaving Quietly” by Five Times August (Music & Lyric Video) 2021

“Sad Little Man” by Five Times August — Music Video 2021

“God Help Us All” by Five Times August (Music & Lyric Video) 2021

“We Are the 99%” by The Daz Band Hits No. 1 Spot for Singles at Amazon UK

“We Are the 99%” by The Daz Band Hits No. 1 Spot for Singles at Amazon UK


Original video available at Truth and Music BitChute channel.

[TCTL editor’s note: On December 13, 2021 “We Are the 99%” reached No. 1 in the singles chart at Amazon UK. As of today, December 21, it is No. 4 in the charts. You can help them reach No. 1 again by purchasing and downloading from one of the links below.]



by The Daz Band


Please download our record now from Amazon or Apple and help make it Christmas no.1 to let the rulers know we know and are saying no, non, nein, niet, not a chance.
Well we finally released what has become the worldwide protest anthem of the 2020’s, We are the 99%, aka ‘Stick Your New World Order Up Your Arse’ – a comedy song written back in 2013 by Darren Nesbit on waking up to the reality of the world many of you are also aware of.
They tried to stop us – even the recording session for ‘We are the 99%’ got stopped because of the ‘controversial’ nature of the lyrics – and one distributor also refused to allow it, using the reason of ‘medical misinformation’ – as if anyone is going to get health advice from a comedy song. 
Please download, stream, play loud and share everywhere..Could be a fun end to the year..
with peace & love & faith xxx

Lyrics can be found here.

Learn more about the band.








Connect with The Daz Band

A Very Fauci Christmas — Music Parody

A Very Fauci Christmas — Music Parody

by Noisy Minority Report, Children’s Health Defense
December 18, 2021


Original video available at ChildrensHealthDefense Rumble channel.

Mirrored at TCTL BitChute, Odysee & Brighteon channels.


Connect with Children’s Health Defense

“God Help Us All” by Five Times August (Music & Lyric Video) 2021

“God Help Us All” by Five Times August (Music & Lyric Video) 2021



God Help Us All

by FiveTimesAugust
Music & Lyrics by Bradley James Skistimas
January 15, 2021


Lock down all towns
Everybody slow down
Give ‘em everything you have
Mask up, vax up
Get your body trashed up
Better do what they ask

It’s alright, okay
Sorry, but ya can’t pray
Gotta keep the church doors closed
No superstitions
A saint politician
Will tell ya what you need to know

Citizen fools
And brand new rules
Make everyone a hero now
So keep your distance
No resistance
Only do what you’re allowed

Cash that check
Go dance in the wreck
But just don’t speak your mind
Get your facts from the paid contracts
‘Cause never would they tell a lie

They don’t know me
And they don’t own me

Oh God help us all
Look what we’ve become
Oh God help us all
And fix what we have done

See no evil
Bow to the needle
Didn’t we turn out great?
Sick is the new health
Poor is the new wealth
Truth is whatever they say

Expert lectures
Media protectors
Tell me who to love and hate
Jail in the network
Hail to the Zuck-burg
Head down, just behave

Liberty, freedom, angels, demons
Someone’s in control
(Well) no way, no how
I wouldn’t say it too loud
Don’t you know they’re on patrol?

Need more likes
Post up, let’s fight
There’s no way that you’re wrong
Gott listen to the science
‘Cause it’s all about compliance
You agree or you’re gone

They don’t know me
And they don’t own me

Oh God help us all
Look what we’ve become
Oh God help us all
And fix what we have done

Sell my info
Hacked in, don’t know
Show me what I need to buy
Sex consumption, no corruption
Just as advertised

You’ve been labeled
And I’ve enabled
Better apologize
Racist slander
Time to organize

Shot, bang, who’s next?
Brain dead, useless
Show it on the TV screen
Tell me who to vote for
Gotta to start a new war
Wouldn’t want to live in peace

Divide and Conquer
Weak, not stronger
Everybody know your place
Do it now, won’t hurt
Dig into your own dirt
Virtue found it’s grave

They don’t know me
And they don’t own me

Oh God help us all
Look what we’ve become
Oh God help us all
And fix what we have done

Incite violence
Enforce silence
Mainstream message
Won’t you guide us?
You know what is best
For our own good

Anti-this and anti-that
Cancel this and cancel that
Take it to the streets
And the neighborhoods

Worship actors
Food and drugs
Brand yourself
Give them your blood
Don’t believe your eyes
Don’t look around

Fake news, rumors,
Ok boomer
Ignorance will stain our future
Will ya make it through
Or burn it down?

Oh God!
Oh God!
Help us all
Oh God!
Help us all

Oh God!
Oh God!
Help us all
Oh God!
Help us all

Oh God!
Oh God!
Help us all
Oh God!
Help us all


Copyright 2021 Seven Places Music (ASCAP)


cover image credit: Tanuj_handa / pixabay

Stand Firm: A Message From David Icke to Those Who Can See — Oracle Films

Stand Firm: A Message From David Icke to Those Who Can See — Oracle Films

by Oracle Films
December 6, 2021


Extract from a speech by David Icke on 24th July 2021 at the Worldwide Rally for Freedom, London; organised by Fiona Hine.


Connect with Oracle Films


See related:

David Icke at Worldwide Rally for Freedom — Trafalgar Square, London — July 24, 2021



cover image credit: ya_kanyarat / pixabay

1984: “The Only Infection Here Is Deception” | Music Video by Lukas Lion

1984: “The Only Infection Here Is Deception” | Music Video by Lukas Lion

by Lukas Lion
video first published August 2021

Original video available at YouTube

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee, BitChute and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]



They say it’s 2021 but I ain’t too sure,
it feels like 1984.
They’ve been mentally and spiritually waging war.
Look where this leads, can’t you see what they’re aiming for?
Orwell underestimated the capability of villainy and tyranny,
these sick elites are masters of trickery.
They’re moving wickedly, watching the world bleed as they feed off our misery.
The worlds gone quite mad.
Yeah, the human psyche has been hijacked.
Propaganda bombardments, your mind is the target,
they wanna deceive and lead us into darkness.
Fear is their greatest tool.
Fear can turn the brightest minds to fools.
Televise endless lies, keep people terrified. That’s the way they maintain their rule.
Fear is the prison that they want us all to live in
and ever since the beginning this has been their only mission.
Politicians cause division, they’re just here to blind our vision,
playing their position…to distract us from their masters that are hidden.
I think George had a premonition.
Seems like it’s all coming to fruition.
A race against time now the clocks started ticking.
The whole thing ends once the people have risen!
The only infection here is deception.
They fooled the whole world with PCR testing.
Look at all the facts they’re neglecting to mention.
Ask too many questions and you can get censored.
The thought police are patrolling,
they don’t want information if they can’t control it. Nah.
Can’t you see what’s unfolding?
1984, George already wrote it.
Said we’re living within Orwell’s chapters.
No money for homeless but there’s money to track us.
Tell me that ain’t madness. Now we’re all anti-vaxxers,
just cuz we question and seek to find answers.
They want me scared for my life, but nurses can find time for TIKTOK dances?
The medias a stage full of actors, manufactured psyops and distractions.
Big brother is watching and plotting.
Hands aren’t the only thing that they want washing. Nah.
They want everybody locked in.
Taking your mind hostage till you’ve lost it.
New normal…lockdowns.
The plans in motion and they ain’t gonna stop now.
You can see the plot now, it ain’t even hiding.
A real pandemic doesn’t need advertising.
It’s an attack on our freedom.
Businesses destroyed for no reason.
Grandparents in Care Homes dying of loneliness, missing their families, wishing that they could see them.
What about the patients on the waiting lists who couldn’t get their treatment?
Look at all the havoc it’s been wreaking.
Suicide and depression increasing.
Can’t you see this is tearing us to pieces?
I don’t believe in a damn word the government are speaking,
they’re creeping towards more control.
That’s the true goal that they’re seeking.
The vampires are just tryna sink their teeth in.
What happened to the truth?
Come to think of it, what happened to the flu?
And what would happen if nobody watched the news?
Red pill or blue, now it’s time to choose. For real.
Be honest with yourself…
Do you really believe that this is about health?
It’s never been. Take a look it’s evident.
The only thing that’s spreading is the terror they’ve been peddling.
That mask is a muzzle.
Only the strong will survive in this struggle.
If you ain’t seen the bigger picture yet then you’re just lost in the puzzle.
Literally got you living in a bubble.
The only virus in our lives is these liars and these tyrants
that are trying to deny us of our rights and
conspiring to annihilate the righteous.
The sheep can be silenced,
but they could never quiet the lions, we’re rising!
The veil has been lifted.
Consciousness has shifted to a higher wisdom.
And we ain’t gonna be victims of this system.
We won’t be prisoners, this is the resistance.


Instagram: iamlukaslion


Connect with Lukas Lion


Country Singer Blind Joe: “Stand Your Ass Up and Scream It Out Loud. I Will Not Comply!”

Country Singer Blind Joe: “Stand Your Ass Up and Scream It Out Loud. I Will Not Comply!”


[Already censored once from YouTube, we share the reupload at Blind Joe’s YouTube channel below. But, just in case, we have added a mirrored Odysee copy at the end of this post and have made it available at Odysee, BitChute & Brighteon. All credit and copyright belong to Blind Joe. — TCTL editor] [Nov. 11 update: Second upload of original has been removed from YouTube. It has been widely mirrored at alternative sites by now.]

About Blind Joe


I will not comply

Quit tryin ta take me to task cuz I don’t wanna wear a mask or take a vaccine that could maybe make me die

They got no scientific evidence to back that crap up

All they do is feed us lie after lie

That’s why I will not comply

Since back last March I’ve had an achy-breaky heart like old Billy Ray Cyrus

Been catching a case of the blues from the news around this damn coronavirus

Now they’re telling us we gotta keep our chin diapers up even if we got the shot in the arm

But nobody’s talkin bout exercise or eating food that’s fresh grown from the farm

That’s why I will not comply

Quit trying ta take me to task cuz I don’t wanna wear a mask or take a vaccine that could maybe make me die

They got no scientific evidence to back that crap up

All they do is feed us lie after lie

That’s why I will not comply

The only way to stop the violence is for us to break the silence right now

So if you tend to agree and you’re pissed off like me

Stand your ass up and scream it out loud

Sing I will not comply

Quit tryin ta take me to task cuz I don’t wanna wear a mask or take a vaccine that could maybe make me die

They got no scientific evidence to back that crap up

All they do is feed us lie after lie

That’s why I will not comply

I’m here to tell ya people

I will not comply!!!


Connect with Blind Joe

cover image credit: blindjoe.com

1 Eternity to Flatten the Curve

1 Eternity to Flatten the Curve

by FreedomTunes
October 28, 2021



Connect with FreedomToons

Anti-Medical-Tyranny Anthem “Let’s Go Brandon” Shoots to No. 1 in the Hip-Hop Charts

Anti-Medical-Tyranny Anthem “Let’s Go Brandon” Shoots to No. 1 in the Hip-Hop Charts
“Let’s Go Brandon” by Bryson Gray (MUSIC VIDEO) [Ft. Tyson James & Chandler Crump] 

by 21st Century Wire
October 26, 2021


This week, a controversial new song has shot to No. 1 in the hip-hop charts, entitled, “Let’s Go Brandon” by Bryson Gray – a track which is riding on the wave of a popular crypto-political meme. The track was so popular on YouTube that the company’s censorship department in San Francisco was forced to take it down for fear it would garner tens of millions of views. The company removed Gray’s music video, claiming he was guilty of spreading “medical misinformation.” But the Orwellian move quickly backfired, as the track has now gone global viral on every conceivable platform, and is quickly becoming an anti-Biden and anti-Big Tech anthem. Worse yet, for the Democratic Party this incident threatens to further hemorrhage support among two key demographics: African-American voters and young males under 30.

For those who aren’t aware, the chant “Let’s Go Brandon” became popular after a NASCAR crowd was chanting “***k Joe Biden,” but the partisan reporter instead said to TV camera they were chanting for race winner, Brandon Bilt.


Watch Bryson Gray’s smash hit “Let’s Go Brandon,” a song which has now reached the number one slot on iTunes and in numerous other music charts: 

Video available at chandler_crump Rumble channel.


Connect with 21st Century Wire

The Testimonies Project: Silenced by the Media & Government, Brave Israelis Share Stories of Severe Adverse Reactions & Deaths Following the Covid Vax Injection

The Testimonies Project: Silenced by the Media & Government, Brave Israelis Share Stories of Severe Adverse Reactions & Deaths Following the Covid Vax Injection


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: Avital, a courageous mother of two, took on the project of giving a voice to Israelis who have been seriously harmed or killed as a result of receiving the Pfizer Covid vaccine. A link to her website is found at the bottom of this post. Israelis who have been injured or have had family members die due to these toxic experimental injections can share their testimonies here.


“Hello. My name is Avital and I’m a mother of two boys. 
In the past months I’ve been hearing about more and more people I know who experienced severe adverse effects shortly after receiving the Pfizer shot. I also noticed that no news company, journalist, reporter or anyone investigated these events thoroughly and published the data.
Then they started administering this experimental vaccine to our children. That’s when I decided to take on this task.
I read thousands of testimonies and spoke with hundreds of people. Most of them, due to the hostility around this subject, were afraid to be exposed.
Eventually, I was able to reach the brave ones who agreed to be exposed. Here are their testimonies.”
~ Avital, creator of The Testimonies Project


 The Testimonies Project: The Movie

by The Testimonies Project
September 28, 2021


The Testimonies Project was created to provide a platform for all those who were affected after getting the covid-19 vaccines, and to make sure their voices are heard, since they are not heard in the Israeli media.

We hope this project will encourage more and more people to tell their story.

Original video available at Rumble.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee, BitChute and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


Connect with The Testimonies Project

Israelis, share your testimonies here

cover image credit: Counselling / pixabay

The Little Charade — Far From This World

The Little Charade — Far From This World

by WhatsHerFace
September 6, 2021


[Video available at WhatsHerFace Odysee, Rumble and YouTube channels.]

Maybe they’re right
Maybe there is something wrong with me
I just don’t see how a government that wants to keep me safe could be bad

Look at my pass
Isn’t it neat
Hope it’ll make my vaccinations complete
Wouldn’t you think I’m the girl
The girl that fears, everything

Do as I’m told
Dignity’s sold
How many boosters can one body hold
Looking at my face you’d think
Sure, she’s got Bell’s Palsy

I’ve got Pfizer, Moderna and AZ
I’ve got Johnson and Johnson galore
You need proof for a job? I’ve got 120
But who cares
No big deal
They’ll want more

I don’t wanna be, where the sheeple are
I wanna see my friends without masking
Walking around with those, what do you call them?
Oh yeah, teeth

Trusting the experts you won’t get you far
Shots are required for hugging, laughing
Limit of 5 when we, what’s the word again?

Can’t board a ship or take a trip
Soon you’ll need proof of vax to take a shit
Out of the C
Wish I could flee
Far from this world

What would I give, if they let me live Without these measures
What would I pay to spend a day without clean hands
They’ll take your land
Hope you understand
That they will, come for your own daughters
Fuck your feelings, tired of kneeling
Ready to stand

I’m ready to know, about the NWO
Usine my iPhone to seek out answers
What’s in the vaccine and why does it

When will they learn
Wouldn’t I love, love for the world to rise up above
Out of the C
Wish I could flee
Far from this world


Connect with WhatsHerFace

Shouting at the Wall: MC Abdul, Palestinian Kid Rapper From Gaza

Shouting at the Wall: MC Abdul, Palestinian Kid Rapper From Gaza


Palestinian kid rapper from Gaza.

shared by The Worldwide Truth Channel
August 11, 2021

Original video available at The Worldwide Truth Channel YouTube.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


Connect with The Worldwide Truth Channel

“I Will Not Be Leaving Quietly” by Five Times August (Music & Lyric Video) 2021

“I Will Not Be Leaving Quietly” by Five Times August (Music & Lyric Video) 2021

by FiveTimesAugust
July 23, 2021


Stream/Download: https://songwhip.com/fivetimesaugust/


You can hate me, try to break me
Talk me down and denigrate me
You can try to silence every word
But I will not be leaving quietly, no

I won’t leave
I won’t leave
I will not be leaving quietly

And you can mock me, try to out smart me
You can shame me and try to blame me
You can do your best to shut me up
But I will not be leaving quietly, noI won’t leave
I won’t leave
I will not be leaving quietly

I’m gonna stand here
And I’ll fight for every word
I’m gonna shout the truth
Until you know it’s heard

I’m gonna stand here
And I’ll fight for every word
I’m gonna shout the truth
Until you know it’s heard

You can scold me, attempt to control me
Ban me and censor and label and troll me
You can push me and try to kick me out
But I will not be leaving quietly, no

I won’t leave
I won’t leave
I will not be leaving quietly

And you can mute me,
Strike and dispute me
Dumb down the rest, yea, but I’ll keep refusin’
You can pretend like you’ve seen the last of me
But I will not be leaving quietly, no

I won’t leave
I won’t leave
I will not be leaving quietly

I’m gonna stand here
And I’ll fight for every word
I’m gonna shout the truth
Until you know it’s heard

I’m gonna stand here
And I’ll fight for every word
I’m gonna shout the truth
Until you know it’s heard

You can hate me, try to break me
Talk me down and denigrate me
You can try to silence every word
But I will not be leaving quietly, no

I won’t leave
I won’t leave
I will not be leaving quietly, no

I won’t leave
I won’t leave
I will not be leaving quietly, no

I won’t leave
I won’t leave
I will not be leaving quietly

Written & Performed by Bradley James Skistimas
Copyright 2021 Seven Places Music (ASCAP)

Danser Encore: “Let Us Put Up a Fight Against the Tools of Madness”

Danser Encore: “Let Us Put Up a Fight Against the Tools of Madness”


Flash Mob in Paris, March 4, 2021:

Flashmob organisé le 4 mars 2021 à Paris, Gare du Nord.

Original video is available at Piaf Edit YouTube channel.

Find lyrics in French and English below the second video.



HK – Danser Encore Original Performance

HK – Danser encore (Officiel) 

Original video available at HK saltimbank YouTube channel.

[See lyrics in French and English below.]

Clip tourné à Avignon – Cloître des Carmes le 10/12/2020.

Avec :
HK – Chant * Jacotte Recolin – Violon * Mathilde Dupuch – accordéon * Martin Choquet – saxophone
Raphaël André – trombone * Saïd Zarouri – guitare * Thibault Delbart – guitare


English Lyrics


We still want
To keep on dancing
See our minds entwine our bodies
Spend our lives on a chord grid

Refrain x2

We are passing birds
Neither meek nor mild
We don’t swear allegiance
To dawn under any circumstances
We’ve come to break the silence

When at night on TV
Our lordship has spoken
To announce the sentence
We show our irreverence
But still with elegance

Refrain x2

Working, buying the daily grind
Lockdowns and restrictions
Nonsense on prescription
Shame on the thinker
Shame on the dancer

Each authoritarian step
Each reeking security measure
Ruins our hope and confidence
They keep increasing the pressure
To contain our conscience

Refrain x2

Let’s not be impressed
By these unreasonable requests
That sell fear in profusion
Let’s keep them at a distance
Causing distress in excess

For the sake of our mental existence
Social and environmental health
For our smiles and our mind
Let us put up a fight
Against the tools of madness

Refrain x4

 French Lyrics

Refrain :

Nous on veut continuer à danser encore
Voir nos pensées enlacer nos corps
Passer nos vies sur une grille d’accords

Refrain x2

Nous sommes des oiseaux de passage
Jamais dociles ni vraiment sages
Nous ne faisons pas allégeance
À l’aube en toutes circonstances
Nous venons briser le silence

Et quand le soir à la télé
Monsieur le bon roi a parlé
Venu annoncer la sentence
Nous faisons preuve d’irrévérence
Mais toujours avec élégance

Refrain x2

Auto attestation qu’on signe
Absurdité sur ordonnance
Et malheur à celui qui pense
Et malheur à celui qui danse

Chaque mesure autoritaire
Chaque relent sécuritaire
Voit s’envoler notre confiance
Ils font preuve de tant d’insistance
Pour confiner notre conscience

Refrain x2

Ne soyons pas impressionnables
Par tous ces gens déraisonnables
Vendeurs de peur en abondance
Angoissants, jusqu’à l’indécence

Sachons les tenir à distance
Pour notre santé mentale
Sociale et environnementale
Nos sourires, notre intelligence
Ne soyons pas sans résistance
Les instruments de leur démence

Refrain x2

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of these videos are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original sources of these videos. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

The Great RESIST: “Wake Up Call” Documentary With World Freedom Alliance

The Great RESIST: “Wake Up Call” Documentary with World Freedom Alliance

by Oracle Films
February 4, 2021

Original video available at Oracle Films BrandNewTube and Oracle Films Uncensored YouTube channels.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

WAKE UP CALL | Documentary 4K | World Freedom Alliance: Copenhagen

The World Freedom Alliance gathers in Copenhagen, Denmark to bring together the world’s most prolific freedom-fighters.

Centring around a political rally of JFK21, this documentary features the latest comments from Andrew Kaufman, Catherin Austin Fitts, Dolores Cahill and many other members of the WFA in 2021.

Support the work of Oracle Films: https://paypal.me/oraclefilms

(See partial transcript below.)


This documentary, created by Oracle Films, features many speakers including:

  • Mads Palsvig, Former Investment Banker
  • Dr. Mikael Nordfors, Medical doctor from Sweden
  • Dr. Heiko Schoning, Medical Doctor from Germany
  • Monique Janssen, Psychologist from Holland
  • Agathe Levi Palsvig, Psychology Student
  • Maneka Helleberg, Chairman of WFA from Sweden
  • Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., American lawyer, chairman of Children’s Health Defense
  • Mick Stott, British Army Veteran
  • Mathias Levi Palsvig, Political Party Member — JFK21
  • Prof . Dolores Cahill, Molecular Biologist & Immunologist
  • Dr. Johan Denis, Medical Doctor from Belgium
  • Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Medical Doctor & Forensic Psychiatrist from America
  • Dr. Margareta Griesz-Brisson, Neurologist from Germany
  • Catherine Austin Fitts, Investment Advisor & former U.S. Asst Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
  • Dr. Scott Jensen, Minnesota State Senator & Medical Doctor
  • Dr. Heiko Santelmann, Medical Doctor from Germany
  • Dr. Elke F. De Klerk, Medical Doctor from Netherlands
  • Justyna Walker, Political Activist & Singer/Songwriter
  • Senta Depyydt, Journalist from Belgium


The following unofficial, partial transcript is provided by Truth Comes to Light.


Dr. Mikael Nordfors

We are lots of experts here in our organization — lots of professors, nobel prize winners, doctors — and we agree on very strongly on some points like the PCR test is not reliable and the lockdown measures has no scientific background. Actually, they are proven to not work in the multiple studies published now. And still we do it. And these experts, when WHO they are paid to say a certain agenda and they don’t dare to have a debate with us. They only use censorship to silence us down. And that shows that we are right and they are wrong, because if they were right and we were wrong they could easily challenge us in a debate. And then people could decide for themselves. But we’re not even allowed to have the right to have a debate today.


Monique Janssen

And you know how the brain works, pictures go straight into our unconscious brain. We are being brainwashed wherever we go. This is not humanity. We should stop this immediately. This is child abuse. And they really believe that they have to do this in order to keep us safe because they are so loyal to us (our children). They want to keep us safe. And it’s not their job. So we have to show them what it is to be courageous, so they can mirror that. We have to show them to be loving people, to help each other, to hold hands, to make jokes, to love, to make serotonin, to make endorphins, to make dopamines, to make oxytocin. We have to show them. They learn from us how it is to be humans.


Agathe Levi Palsvig

They take us by our empathy and morals and say things like ‘keep each other safe’ and ‘follow the rules’. And, of course, an empathic person would fall for that. While these rules are getting more and more preposterous for a virus with a survival rate of 99%. We are not stupid!

Human beings are hardwired for connection and we have a fundamental need to belong. We are here to love, to connect, to learn and to be in service — something that is being made almost impossible for all of us to fulfill right now. So I just want to remind everybody that we’re not up against people who are asleep. Okay? We’re up against those people who would pay any price to keep the good people, our people, asleep. We are the minority until we become the majority. We are here to win.


Mads Palsvig

We have started the 4th of November. We copied the success from Iceland in 2008. So we are doing a lot of pots and pans noise. And we call it the clinky clunky. And the atmosphere is really something everybody should try. Because I thought we do the pots and pans to wake up the politicians, to make a statement that they don’t pay attention to the people, they don’t listen. I thought it would just be a lot of noise. But actually you get into a rhythm. And it’s actually very very pleasurable actually.


Maneka Helleberg

There is not like one scientific truth. Science is turning into religion right now. Science is not a religion. It’s not supposed to be. Science should be a discussion, an open debate. In a democracy there is a debate. Period. If we don’t have an open debate, it’s not a democracy. And that’s what we need to reclaim again, over and over.


Mads Palsvig

I’m a former investment banker and it was a total shock to me when I realized that the stories we hear about money creation was not true. But it is the privately owned banks that are creating money. And then I stumbled upon Executive Order 11110 by your uncle, John F. Kennedy, who produced money the way it should be, by the government, for the people, debt-free money.

We have now started political party where we want to issue money the same way. And also I’ve been looking on Occupy Wall Street and the Yellow Vest Movement in France, and I strongly believe that one of the reasons it’s not working is because there’s no political platform. So we are now working within the World Freedom Alliance to support and encourage political movement — so that all the movements come together.

But actually also have a plan for how we can get rid of the politicians who are starting wars left right and center, poisoning our food, our air, our water, our medicine and certainly also our vaccines.


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

I’m very, very heartened by what I see happening in Denmark — the commitment to human rights, civil rights, to democracy. To resistance to this medical cartel, to the imposition of totalitarian controls and the creation of the surveillance state.

You were talking about my uncle, John Kennedy… He said the primary job of every American president is to keep the country out of war. He had been in a war himself and he saw, not only the brutality of war, but he also saw what war and global war and a waging of war does to civil society and to democracies.


Mick Stott

I’m a grandfather. I’m a father. But I’m also an ex-soldier and I served for 30 years. I’m here to speak to the veterans and the military people whom I’ve grown to love, know and help. And what I would say is that we are in danger as a police force and a group of soldiers of becoming agents. We’re becoming order followers.

And I can say this to you from the heart, the most dangerous group of people that exist today are the ones that follow orders without questioning those orders. As veterans we’ve been lied to for years. We know what that feels like. Veterans are the intermediary group of people that stand between the politicians and the people we signed up to protect and serve. As did police officers.

So what I would say to veterans, serving soldiers and the police people out there is: Remember why you signed your oath. Remember why you took that oath. And why you took the shilling. And you decided to fight abroad for these people. It’s us that are going to step in into that gap that exists — to make sure that we fulfill our promise to our communities. And to keep those communities what they’re meant to be, which is a community.

And I’m going to say to veterans out there, and you will totally understand this, but a civilian group might not understand this, I’m saying to you guys: Get ready to stand too.


Mathias Levi Palsvig

A lot of people are following orders and are wearing masks out of empathy. And they have good intentions. And they are doing it because they think that wearing a mask will help save grandma’s life. But I can tell you my grandma has been isolated for months. I call her every day and I think it is absolutely devastating that she has to be isolated.

And if I was an old man who grew up during fascism and war, I think I would take the chance and see my grandchildren. And take the chance, maybe die happy, rather than live as an isolated slave. I think that there are a lot of people here who are more qualified than I am to tell you about the virus or about law. We have here world famous immunologists, virologists, doctors, researchers. And for that reason, I would like to talk about something else.

My great-grandfather was in a concentration camp. My mother is from Moscow and, in World War II, 30 million Russians died for our freedom. And that’s only one country, from one war. Now if you look over time, all the wars, there have been in all countries, how many millions of people or probably billions of people have died for our fundamental freedom and for our rights? And I’ll be honest. It is — it’s absolutely heartbreaking to see so many people I know, so many people I love, who are willing to give away their freedom because the government tells them to do it, because of a virus.

Well, I have one thing to say: If they want to take away my rights and my freedom, they can come and take it from me — over my dead body!


Dr. Johan Denis

Trying to keep the light out on a sunny day, in a dark room, is very difficult. You really have to cover everything up, and be vigilant, because the smallest and the slightest crack will let the light in and reveal brightly what is inside. Truth is this shining light.

Therefore, every voice that speaks the truth becomes a beam of light that make all dark coverings crumble.

Dear friends, let’s be courageous. L.et us stand firm for this truth. Those who have been misled are our brothers and sisters too. And we welcome them. We hold no grudges. We believe in unity. Let us connect to our brothers and sisters in union and rejoice our connection and togetherness.


Dr. Andrew Kaufman

We’ve been patient. We’ve been tolerant. We’ve even been, at least some of us to some degree, compliant. But this has got to end now. You’ve been on the streets telling your government this and it has worked so far. Now is the time to keep going. You have the momentum. You have the numbers. You have the heart. I’m grateful you’re standing up.

Your government has tried to oppress you with the proposed epidemic law. They want you to take the vaccine. If you refuse, they want to prohibit you from shopping, working and traveling. If that fails, they want to put you into concentration — I mean quarantine camps. If that fails, they’ll have the police force you into the camps. And if that fails, they want to have the police force you down and give you the vaccine. But you won’t let that happen.

You told them and they backed down. But you have to keep telling them because they will keep trying. As many of you know, it turns out this whole pandemic of COVID-19 is a fabricated web of deception. It is a tool of manipulation and control.

Picture for a moment that there were no news reports, no masks, no social distancing, lockdowns or store closings. Would we see that anything was different from all the past years of our collective experience? Have we seen people dying in the streets? Have we all lost people unexpectedly who are in good health? Are we burying bodies in our backyards? Or is there only the illusion of a pandemic?

At present, these tyrannical policies are based only upon so-called cases. This is not the same as when a doctor diagnoses you with an illness. To be a case, you can be completely healthy no symptoms at all. All that is required for a case is to have a positive test. You don’t need a test to tell you when someone has a fatal disease. The reason they’re using this test is to manipulate us. Let me tell you about this so-called PCR test. It stands for Polymerase Chain Reaction. This test, as discussed many times by its inventor Kary Mullis, is not suited to diagnose an illness or prove the cause of a disease.

“If they could find this virus in you at all. And with PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody. It starts making you believe in the sort of Buddhist notion that everything is contained in everything else. Right? I mean because if you can amplify one single molecule up to something that you can really measure, which PCR can do, then there’s just very few molecules that you don’t have at least one single one of them in your body. Okay? So that could be thought of as a misuse of it. Just to claim that it’s meaningful.”

It is a research and manufacturing tool. Yes — manufacturing DNA or RNA sequences. In this situation, it’s manufacturing a fake disease. So what this test actually does is make a lot of something out of a little of that something. That’s it. It takes a short sequence of DNA or RNA and replicates it over and over. It’s like looking for a needle in a haystack by making that one needle magically turn into 100 million needles. Certainly you would be able to see that many. One problem is, however, that when you amplify those needles, you also amplify twigs ,spider webs, lint, pebbles, dust, ants, hair and anything else that’s close to size of the needle.

So when you see the thing in large quantities are you seeing the needles or are you seeing pebbles and twigs? According to Dr. Fauci in the United States, if you amplify more than 35 cycle thresholds then all your results are twigs and pebbles.

“If you get a cycle threshold of 35 or more that the chances of it being replication competent are minuscule. You almost never can culture virus from a 37 threshold cycle. So I think if somebody does come in with 37, 38 even 36 you got to say, you know, it’s just it’s just dead nucleotides. Period.”

But that is exactly what they’re doing in many countries — like in England where they’re using a whopping 45 cycles. All their results are junk.

But there’s more. The particular RNA sequences this test looks at are based upon a theoretical model of a theoretical virus’ genes. It uses short sequences called primers to find the target of a so-called virus. A group of researchers in Spain recently searched these primers in a special database open to the public called BLAST and found that they are identical, not only to several different human sequences, but also to as many as 100 different bacteria. That means that almost anything like a fruit, a puddle of water, a sheep, or another animal, could test positive. And, in fact, they all have.

Since bacteria are ubiquitous, virtually anything could be positive for this PCR test. But based on this fraudulent and worthless test, your rights have been compromised. The more testing that is done, the worse it has gotten and will get.

You must resist and say no to the swab. Do not get tested or allow your children or family to get tested. They control the game through testing. If they set the cycles high, the number of positives will be high. Then they will order more lockdowns and other tyrannical policies.

One of those policies is about wearing masks. In my opinion, masks are one of the most heinous parts of this crisis. They make us alienated and estranged from our brothers and sisters. They tell us to hide our identity in shame. They tell us to be afraid of our neighbors. They tell us to shut our mouths. They tell us not to smile. It’s time to throw away those masks forever.

Thanks to Danish scientists, Dr. Bundgaard et al., we now have for the first time high quality randomized controlled trial data on masks for COVID-19. After being refused by three major journals, this paper was finally published earlier this week. I must note that the authors had to write up their discussion with some ridiculous statements just to make it look more favorable to the mainstream to get published. But their scientific conclusions were very clear. There was no evidence that masks reduce infection. I repeat, no evidence. Thank you, Denmark, for this major contribution.


Dr. Mikael Nordfors

There might be some kind of new virus out there. And there is some new disease that I didn’t see so much before, so many patients. But on the other hand, it’s not hard to heal it. I for me, I know how to heal COVID-19. And you’re not allowed to talk about this. Because you can do vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, malaria medicines like hydroxychloroquine, and also awesome treatment vitamin C infusions, and the corticosteroid inhalation. And if you combine all these things and some anticoagulants very few people have to die from this disease. And if they are so bad that they die, they will probably die anyway in a couple of months. It’s undeniable now.

I mean you can see it so clearly how this totally well-known medicine hydroxychloroquine suddenly it becomes the devil and you cannot take it. I say, they will never find any vaccine that is even close to vitamin D. So you just take vitamin D and the COVID problem is solved. That’s why we don’t have any COVID in the summer because you get sun. That’s proven in many, many studies. There is a linear relationship between vitamin D level and COVID-19 mortality.


Dr. Margareta Griesz-Brisson

I would like to appeal to the physicians and to our leading medical groups, please show some character and some backbone. The pandemic is a medical issue and it has to be solved medically. Please stop the madness and behave professionally.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

If you say to yourself, who are the people who are censoring our debate? All of those people are the people who are making money on the lockdown. Facebook. You know they have permanently bankrupted half the businesses in America [voice from audience: “and in Europe”].

And what’s happening, these are all small businesses. And guess who’s replacing them? Amazon. What’s happening now is a giant shift in wealth from the middle class in America, which is being obliterated and disempowered. And our constitutional rights are being robbed. That wealth is being shifted to this very rich group of robber barons from Silicon Valley, and from the banking industry, and from the pharmaceutical industry, and the medical cartel.


Mads Palsvig

The harsh reality is that our media — they are lying to us. And the government is also lying. They are collaborators with foreign powers. But it’s clear that there has been a coup d’etat in every single country in the world. Who benefits? It seems to be the large multinational corporations and the super rich. And the people who are decimated and destroyed is the middle class.


Catherine Austin Fitts

What they are doing is moving to destroy as much independent income as possible. Because independent income is what has been supporting the democratic process. And if they can force everybody onto their centralized, or centrally-controlled, transaction systems, then they can proceed to have complete control. So they don’t want independent producers, they don’t want independent income. They want a centralized control.

So, since March 2019, global billionaires are up 27% net worth and hundreds of thousands of small businesses and farms have been put out of business. And that’s not an accident. That’s intentional. What you’re trying to do is shift all the income into your platforms, starve your enemy, and basically put them in a position where they’re dependent.

I think one of the things that has made it difficult for all of us to push back on this is they’re working on multiple tracks. The central bankers are working on one track. The pharmaceutical companies are working another track. The military is working another track. The tech guys are working in another track. The telecommunications people are working in another track. And if you’re not integrating across all those silos, you don’t see how the vision is going to come together in the future.

You know, so this is a battle about everything, if you will. But it comes down to two visions. One is a vision of humans who are sovereign under what I would describe as divine intelligence or authority. And the other is humans are a resource, like a barrel of oil. So it’s transhumanism technocracy against freedom and belief that we are capable of civilization.


Heiko Schoning

We are free people. We do have the choice to choose the freedom or to choose a tyranny. And, I kid you not. Nobody should say that he was not informed because it’s all written in a book. They call it “COVID-19 The Great Reset”. Do we want this? We are the Great Resist!


Dr. Scott Jensen

Edmund Burke said something like this: “All it takes for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing.”

I’m so glad that you’re not doing nothing. You’re addressing a contrarian narrative. You’re questioning the conventional narrative. You’re seeing data corrupted and saying ‘why?’. You’re seeing individual rights stripped away from people and saying ‘why?’. And you’re seeing transparency absolutely thrown out the window and you’re saying ‘why?’.

I have absolute confidence that at some point in time the truth will come out. What price will we pay along the way? I’m not certain. We’ve already paid a price.

We’ve shut down schools and damaged children’s education at a level we may never be able to quantify. We have put in place policies that have encouraged mental health despair and suicide. We have caused people to postpone critical health care needs, including the diagnosis and treatment of cancer and heart disease, and many other human maladies. These are dark days. But I’m absolutely confident that we will get through this.

And a big part of the reason I share that confidence with you today is because you matter. Your motivation, your willingness to get up and do something, to speak to the issue, to leave your home and the comfort of it, and demonstrate or speak out. This matters.


Dr. Mikael Nordfors

Most decisions should be made on the individual level, as low level as possible. And the politicians are only those decisions when it’s really necessary. For example, vaccinating children for COVID-19 is absolutely bullshit.


Dr. Heiko Santelmann

Nobody needs a vaccine which is not a vaccine. But everybody needs hugs and fresh air, vitamin D-3 and zinc.


Dr. Elke F. De Klerk

The government seems to want to own our bodies and is putting laws in place to take away our human rights, take away our bodily integrity. They want to vaccinate us. They want to track and trace us. It is a torture and a humiliation for humanity. And we are going to stop it.


Prof. Dolores Cahill

If you paid me one million, I wouldn’t take it. If you paid me 10 million, I wouldn’t take it. I would go to prison first. And if somebody vaccinates me, I will be suing them for attempted murder.


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

You know, we have a First Amendment in our country that protects freedom of speech. And we were the first nation to have that. The founders of my country did not pass the First Amendment to protect speech when it is convenient, when it doesn’t offend anybody, when it’s safe.

The First Amendment is there to protect speech when it’s obnoxious, when it’s dangerous, when people don’t want to hear it. That’s why we have rights.

We have religious rights. Not when everybody likes the same religion but when you don’t like that religion. They have to right anyway.

We have the right to assembly. Not when we like your protest or when we don’t, when the government doesn’t like your protest. That’s why we have it — when they say the protest is dangerous because there’s a pandemic.

That’s what the First Amendment is for. It’s not there to protect protests that everybody agrees with. It’s there to protect the protest that nobody agrees with — a minority.


And then everybody says ‘well, trust the experts.’

I can tell you something. For 40 years I’ve been suing chemical companies and oil companies and big polluters like Monsanto. When we go to court, they have an expert there. And if you listen to that guy, you’re going to believe everything they say — because they’re smart and they have credentials. Luckily, we get to bring our experts in who shows our data. And the jury gets to decide.

On any issue that you have, there’s experts diametrically opposed to each other. You can’t say trust the experts. … So, let’s have some democracy. Let’s have an open debate. Anything they tell us to do is illegitimate if it is not the product of open debate and democratic process. Let’s debate it and let’s find out the truth.

‘The New Normal’ Documentary: What the 1% Has to Gain and the Rest of Us Are About to Lose

The New Normal

by happen.network


Original video is available at happen.network. It has already been banned and deleted from YouTube.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

It’s January 2021, the world is in lockdown and our economy is on the brink of collapse.

Will the new vaccine enable our lives to return back to normal or does it mark a pivotal point in the evolution of humanity (one that is driven by artificial intelligence, will reimagine capitalism and be governed by extreme tyrannical laws that are dictated by global elites)?

The New Normal, a factual, 50-minute documentary, investigates The Fourth Industrial Revolution, what the 1% has to gain and the rest of us are about to lose.


happen.network is a forward-thinking digital media and social platform that values integrity, curating independent current-affairs content for a free-thinking community.


Eerie Pandemic SciFi Film “The Hamburg Syndrome” (1979)

Eerie Pandemic SciFi Film “The Hamburg Syndrome” (1979)


Clips from “The Hamburg Syndrome” (1979), German pandemic Sci-Fi film

A deadly disease breaks out in Hamburg. In a quarantine camp, a doctor, a young woman, a hotdog vendor and an anarchist in a wheelchair get to know each other. Together they manage to escape. The small group tries to break away to the south, but their trip becomes a chaotic odyssey through Germany.

German Title: Die Hamburger Krankheit

Director: Peter Fleischmann
Screenplay: Peter Fleischmann, Roland Topor, Otto Jägersberg

It’s a Wonderful World

Louis Armstrong: It’s a Wonderful World

by Louis Armstrong




Some of you young folks been saying to me,

“Hey, Pops, what you mean, ‘What a wonderful world’?

“How about all them wars all over the place? You call them wonderful?

“And how about hunger and pollution? That ain’t so wonderful either.”

Well, how about listening to old Pops for a minute. Seems to me, it ain’t the world that’s so bad but what we’re doin’ to it.

And all I’m saying is, see what a wonderful world it would be if only we’d give it a chance.

Love, baby, love. That’s the secret.


If lots more of us loved each other we’d solve lots more problems. And then this world would be a gasser.

That’s what ol’ Pops keeps saying.

What A Wonderful World

I see trees of green
Red roses too
I see them bloom
For me and you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world

I see skies of blue
And clouds of white
The bright blessed day
The dark sacred night
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world

The colors of the rainbow
So pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces
Of people going by
I see friends shaking hands
Saying, “How do you do?”
They’re really saying
“I love you”

I hear babies cry
I watch them grow
They’ll learn much more
Than I’ll never know
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world

Yes, I think to myself
What a wonderful world


Cover image credit: Library of Congress (public domain)

Stand and Deliver: Performed by Eric Clapton, Written by Van Morrison

Stand and Deliver: Performed by Eric Clapton, Written by Van Morrison


Original video, posted on December 4, 2020, has been deleted from YouTube. Here is the original link.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Stand and Deliver, written by Van Morrison and performed by Eric Clapton was released today on YouTube.

Proceeds will go to Morrison’s Lockdown Financial Hardship Fund, which assists musicians facing difficulties as a result of the coronavirus and resulting lockdown measures.

Stand and Deliver is available for download and streaming from iTunes, Amazon Music, Deezer and all other outlets from Dec. 4.

Eric Clapton website:

Eric Clapton YouTube channel

Van Morrison website:

Van Morrison YouTube channel:



sourced from Genius.com

Stand and deliver
Dick Turpin wore a mask too
Stand and deliver
Dick Turpin wore a mask too
Take a look in the mirror
I got what’s happenin’ to you

Do you wanna be a free man
Do you wanna be a slave?
Do you wanna be a free man
Do you wanna be a slave?
Do you wanna be a king
Or just remain a knave?

Do you wanna be a pauper
Or do you wanna be a prince?
Do you wanna be a pauper
Or do you wanna be a prince?
You wanna get robbed from behind?
Cast your fate to the wind

Magna Carta, Bill of Rights
Constitution, what’s it worth?
You know they gonna grind us down
‘Till it really hurts

Is this a sovereign nation
Or just a fascist state?
You better look out, people
‘Fore it gets to late

[Instrumental interlude]

You wanna be your own driver
Or keep on floggin’ the dead horse?
You wanna be your own driver
Or keep on floggin’ the dead horse?
You wanna make it better
Or do you wanna make it worse?

Stand and deliver
Dick Turpin wore a mask too
Stand and deliver
Dick Turpin wore a mask too
Take a look in the mirror
I got what’s happenin’ to you

Cashless Society: A Dystopian Sci-Fi Short Film

Cashless Society | Dystopian Sci-Fi Short Film 

by Zachary Denman
November 26, 2020

The Cashless Society was the step before the new world economy called the Global Credit System, which was all part of The Great Reset.

Cashless Society is the sixth part in the Sci-Fi Dystopian Short Film series, you can watch the other parts here:
The Great Reset: https://youtu.be/z2wj_OhZY4w
Police State: https://youtu.be/zSi0dAwYKos
Mandatory Vaccine: https://youtu.be/lP8yTtptW5M
Masked Agenda: https://youtu.be/R3qzxe2zTug
Track and Trace: https://youtu.be/OGGczyk9BL8

Written | Director | Camera | Editor | Music
Zachary Denman

Kain – Actor
George Bloomfield

Van Morrison: No More Lockdown

Van Morrison: No More Lockdown

by Van Morrison
October 22, 2020


Provided to YouTube by The state51 Conspiracy

No More Lockdown · Van Morrison

No More Lockdown ℗ 2020 Exile Records

Released on: 2020-10-23

Producer: Van Morrison

Composer: Van Morrison

Lyricist: Van Morrison


sourced from genius.com

No more lockdown
No more government overreach
No more fascist police
Disturbing our peace
No more taking of our freedom
And our God-given rights
Pretending it’s for our safety
When it’s really to enslave
Who’s running our country?
Who’s running our world?
Examine it closely
And watch it unfurl
No more lockdown
No more threats
No more Imperial College
Santas making up crooked facts
No more lockdown
No more pulling the wool over our eyes
No more celebrities telling us
Telling us what we’rе supposed to feel
No more status quo
Put your shoulder to thе wind

No more lockdown
No more lockdown
No more lockdown
No more lockdown

No more lockdown
No more government overreach
No more fascist police
Disturbing our peace
No more taking of our freedom
And our God-given rights
Pretending it’s for our safety
When it’s really to enslave
Who’s running our country?
Who’s running our world?
Examine it closely
And watch it unfurl
No more lockdown
No more threats
No more Imperial College Santas
Making up crooked facts
No more lockdown
No more pulling the wool over our eyes
No more celebrities telling us
How we’re supposed to feel
No more status quo
Gotta put your shoulder to the wind

No more lockdown
No more lockdown
No more lockdown
No more lockdown
No more lockdown
No more lockdown

No more lockdown
No more lockdown
No more lockdown
No more lockdown
No more lockdown
No more lockdown
No more lockdown
No more lockdown

cover image credit pixabay


Permanent Holiday by Mike Love | “We Got to Take Back the Knowledge, Take Back the Power”

Permanent Holiday by Mike Love | “We Got to Take Back the Knowledge, Take Back the Power”


by Mike Love

‘Permanent Holiday’ is a song about change. So many people have shared with me the change that this song has brought about in their lives, that it’s been their anthem for taking back their power, their sovereignty.

It’s brought about no greater change in anyone’s life than my own, though. It’s the song that introduced me to most of you, that brought me around the world.

I hope you know all the words by now, but in case you’ve been scratching your head at what I’m saying on a few of those lines, we thought we’d put together this nifty lyric video for you, complete with syllable-building bridge breakdown section, in case you want to try your hand at plugging a microphone in to a loop pedal and piecing it together yourself.


Connect with Mike Love

Lyrics sourced from genius.com

Oh Lord, I’m on a permanent holiday
I’m going outside to play
I ain’t gonna slave away
Not for no corporate Babylon
I’m never gonna be a pawn in their manipulation games

Oh Lord I’m taking the reins
I’m breaking the chains
I’m never gonna kneel, no way
My prophet is Heaven sent
No preacher or president can lead I astray
They’ll never know
I’m taking Jah highway home

Oh I’ve got my own path to follow
Don’t know if you’ll overstand
I’ve got my own truth to swallow
And you know that if I could you know I would throw my guitar on my back, pick up the slack, and leave here tomorrow
But I know that I am a pawn of Babylon I got to face the facts, embrace the axe, and cut these chains off my sorrow

So I’m on a permanent holiday
I’m going outside to play
I ain’t gonna slave away, no, not for no corporate babylon
I’m never gonna be a pawn in their manipulation games

Ten thousand years of captivity
We must eventually
Open up our eyes and see
They’re manipulating we
With so much uncertainty
And so many mysteries
Why are so few questioning
The unnatural state of things?

It’s a nightmare
We’re living in a nightmare
Everyone’s living so scared
They’re virtually unaware
Of this fear that rules their lives
Occupies, consumes their minds
This fear of bankruptcy
Financial impotancy
It’s funny money, money, money
It’s all this digital currency, woah yeah
It’s all this monopoly money
That keeps us from ever being free

And so it seems we’ll be in this prison for life
’cause if we keep buying then they’ll keep selling the lie
So it’s up to I and I…

Ohh Lord, I won’t be manipulated, mind-controlled, and inundated
I will seek the Revelation, make my life a celebration
I will be the change I’m seeking, manifest the words I’m speaking
I refuse to be imprisoned. I will make my own decisions

I’m on a permanent holiday
I’m going outside to play
I ain’t gonna slave away
Not for no corporate babylon
I’m never gonna be a pawn in their manipulation games

Oh Lord I’m taking the reins
I’m breaking the chains
I’m never gonna kneel, no way
My prophet is Heaven sent
No preacher or president can lead I astray
They’ll never know. I’m taking Jah highway home

I’ll never go astray
I’m leaving the past
And forwarding fast
’cause freedom is here to stay

Oh Lord we got to take back the knowledge
We got to take back the power
We got to take back the knowledge
We got to take back the power
We got to take back the knowledge
To take back the power
Take back what they have stolen from our hearts
And we got to take back the esoteric knowledge
Ohh Lord for too long they’ve been keeping us apart
Ohh yes, we got to take back the knowledge, take back the power, humanity don’t let this be our final hour

Take back the knowledge, take back the power, humanity don’t let this be our final hour
Take back the knowledge, take back the power, humanity don’t let this be our final hour
Take back the knowledge, take back the power, humanity don’t let this be our final hour
Take back the knowledge, take back the power, humanity don’t let this be our final hour
Take back the knowledge, take back the power, humanity don’t let this be our final hour
Take back the knowledge, take back the power, humanity don’t let this be our final hour
Take back the knowledge, take back the power, humanity don’t let this be our final hour

Take back the knowledge
Take back the power

Alternate version — Live at HiSessions:


F*ck the Fraud [Music Video]

Fuck the Fraud Music Video

by FireHead via ThoughtCrime7
October 11, 2020


Original video is available at ThoughtCrime7 YouTube channel. Subscribe and support his work there.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry & Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

[Satire/Music Video] I’m Masking Alone Now

[Satire/Music Video] I’m Masking Alone Now

by Media Bear
October 17, 2020


Original video available at Media Bear YouTube and BitChute channels.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Lbry, Odysee & Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

T-shirts & stickers: www.mediabear.redbubble.com

Support Media Bear:

Dr. Bruce Lipton: How to Create Heaven on Earth

Dr. Bruce Lipton: How to Create Heaven on Earth

by After Skool w/ Dr. Bruce Lipton
June 9, 2020


Dr. Bruce Lipton, PhD is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit.

Stem cell biologist, bestselling author of The Biology of Belief and recipient of the 2009 Goi Peace Award, he has been a guest speaker on hundreds of TV and radio shows, as well as keynote presenter for national and international conferences.

In 1982, Dr. Lipton began examining the principles of quantum physics and how they might be integrated into his understanding of the cell’s information processing systems. He produced breakthrough studies on the cell membrane, which revealed that this outer layer of the cell was an organic homologue of a computer chip, the cell’s equivalent of a brain.

His research at Stanford University’s School of Medicine, between 1987 and 1992, revealed that the environment, operating though the membrane, controlled the behavior and physiology of the cell, turning genes on and off. His discoveries, which ran counter to the established scientific view that life is controlled by the genes, presaged one of today’s most important fields of study, the science of epigenetics.

Two major scientific publications derived from these studies defined the molecular pathways connecting the mind and body. Many subsequent papers by other researchers have since validated his concepts and ideas.

Connect with After Skool: https://www.afterskool.net/

Support After Skool on Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/AfterSkool

Connect with Dr. Bruce Lipton: https://www.brucelipton.com/



The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth
by Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.

The Honeymoon Effect: A state of bliss, passion, energy, and health resulting from a huge love. Your life is so beautiful that you can’t wait to get up to start a new day and thank the Universe that you are alive.

Think back on the most spectacular love affair of your life—the Big One that toppled you head over heels. For most, it was a time of heartfelt bliss, robust health, and abundant energy. Life was so beautiful that you couldn’t wait to bound out of bed in the morning to experience more Heaven on Earth.

It was the Honeymoon Effect that was to last forever. Unfortunately for most, the Honeymoon Effect is frequently short lived. Imagine what your planetary experience would be like if you could maintain the Honeymoon Effect throughout your whole life.

Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., best-selling author of The Biology of Belief, describes how the Honeymoon Effect was not a chance event or a coincidence, but a personal creation. This book reveals how we manifest the Honeymoon Effect and the reasons why we lose it. This knowledge empowers readers to create the honeymoon experience again, this time in a way that ensures a happily-ever-after relationship that even a Hollywood producer would love.

With authority, eloquence, and an easy-to-read style, Lipton covers the influence of quantum physics (good vibrations), biochemistry (love potions), and psychology (the conscious and subconscious minds) in creating and sustaining juicy loving relationships.

He also asserts that if we use the 50 trillion cells that live harmoniously in every healthy human body as a model, we can create not just honeymoon relationships for couples but also a “super organism” called humanity that can heal our planet.

Imaginal Cells & the Evolution of the Butterfly

Imaginal Cells & the Evolution of the Butterfly

by Bruce Lipton
sourced from Abraham Heisler
April 2012


Renowned cellular biologist, Dr. Bruce Lipton narrates the process of a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly over a milieu of imagery in “The Evolution of the Butterfly”.

The film combines first hand footage from the Occupy Wall Street movement with stylized portraits of the recent economic collapse and gives a backdrop of hope to sometimes bleak reality.

For more information on the caterpillar and butterfly, humanity and society, see Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future And A Way To Get There From Here



Produced, Directed, Edited by Abraham Heisler – http://www.AbrahamHeisler.com

Associate Producer – Steve Bhaerman – http://www.wakeuplaughing.com

Interview with Bruce H. Lipton, PhD – http://www.brucelipton.com

Additional Footage by Mike McSweeney – http://vimeo.com/mikemcsweeney

Mark Benson – http://www.suncoastphotography.ca/

Michael Premo – http://michaelpremo.com/

Jesse Johnson Animation by Brian Wilson – http://brianowilson.com/

Actors Peter Menchini Anamika & Arunima Stoller


Take Heart & Share Their Courage: Impactful Documentary Reveals the Truth About August 1st Massive Protest in Berlin

1.3 Million Germans Protest in Berlin to “Stop the Coronavirus Madness” and to “Stop the Media Lies”

by Vax Not
August 28, 2020



[Mirrored copies also available at TCTL BitChute, Lbry & Brighteon channels.]

The Truth About the August 1st Anti-Lockdown Protests in Berlin

On August 1, 2020, hundreds of thousands of people gathered in Berlin, Germany to protest mask mandates, lockdowns, and the growing tyranny of COVID.

The media attempted to paint the attendees as right-wing extremists and nazis.

This documentary shows a different story.

The next big demonstration is planned for August 29th and is called “Berlin invites Europe – Festival for freedom and peace“.

Special thanks to Laura Kern for compiling this!

Sources/Thanks to:

SchwrzVyce (song)

KenFM.de eingeSCHENKt.tv

Ben Swann

LION Media


Epoch Times

Deutsch RT – Deutsch

Dr. Bodo Schiffmann

Sandra Wesolek


Samuel Eckert

“The After Time” (a short film)

“The After Time” (a short film)

by Truthstream Media
August 18, 2020


also available on BitChute

[TCTL editor’s note: Truthstream warns this might not be for everyone.  Yet, it certainly expresses how many of us (possibly most of us) have felt during this cruel mind control and manipulation of humanity. Isolated and alone, we are, nonetheless, all in this together. — Kathleen]

Film by Truthstream: TheMindsofMen.net


The Stories We Tell Ourselves

The Stories We Tell Ourselves

by Aaron & Melissa Dykes, Truthstream Media
June 28, 2020


Also available on YouTube


“…You create, which is to conceive images in your mind  — of nothing more than images that go in there combined with reason and intent. Intent being defined as a bending of the mind towards an image. And what’s an image?

An image is just a representation — a symbol to your mind.

Until you give authority to one of your creations by believing in it. Believing, of course, being yet another power in the form of energy.

That’s all it is.  An imaginary future.

So why not imagine something else?

Hey, did you know in our old dictionary the word life was also defined as energy?”


Everything the State Does Coercively Was Once Done Voluntarily for Ourselves and Each Other

An Excerpt from The Monopoly on Violence by Stateless Productions (June 1, 2020)
June 8, 2020


“As the state expands, it’s easy to forget that everything the state does coercively
was once done voluntarily for ourselves and each other.”


Help fund future efforts or download the movie for free: https://themonopolyonviolence.com/

The Reality of Not Being Governed

The Reality of Not Being Governed

An Excerpt from The Monopoly on Violence by Stateless Productions (June 1, 2020)
June 8, 2020

Help fund future efforts or download the movie for free: https://themonopolyonviolence.com/


The Monopoly on Violence

The Monopoly on Violence

by Stateless Productions
June 1, 2020

This is our crowdfunded documentary about anarchism and The State.

Featuring interviews with: James C. Scott, David Friedman, Michael Huemer, Scott Horton, Stephan Kinsella, Max Borders, Thaddeus Russell, Tom Woods, Walter Block, Ron Paul, Joseph Salerno, Maj Toure, Andrew Napolitano, Bob Murphy, Mark Thornton, Ryan McMaken and many more. We’re overwhelmed by the positive response so far!

Help fund future efforts or download the movie for free: https://themonopolyonviolence.com/

Sourced from Activist Post

In the event that the original video is censored and deleted by the source social media platform, link here to a mirrored copy on Truth Comes to Light Bitchute channel.

Kiss the Ground — Farming in Service of Life


A few voices of Biodynamic Agriculture share their view of the beautiful harmonies that exist within nature and how following Biodynamic practices can heal the land, influence our food systems and, in turn, nourish our health.

To learn more visit http://kisstheground.com/biodynamic/

Directed, Co-Produced, Shot, Edited and Colored – Ben Cowan and Taliesin Black-Brown

Co-Produced and Creative Development – Mallory Cunningham

Sound design – John Buroker at HEARby

Sound Composer – Maxime Lacoste-Lebuis

A film by Zephyr Visuals

This short film was created in partnership Zephyr Visuals and co-produced by Dr. Mercola and sponsored by Crofter’s Organic, White Leaf Provisions, Montinore Estate, Bonterra, Frey’s Vineyard, Truett Hurst Winery, Brook’s Wine, Soter Vineyards, Biodynamic Association, Summerfield Waldorf School, Nekoosa Cranberries and Demeter.

With special thanks to Erin Sojourner. Thank you to our partners who made it possible to bring this short film to you.

More Predictive Programming: Dead Zone TV Show (2003) on Coronavirus Pandemic With Chloroquine as the Cure

Dead Zone TV Show (2003) Mentions Coronavirus and the cure being Chloroquine.

by A B
May 5, 2020



Dead Zone TV Show – Episode: Plague. Aired July 13, 2003. Mentions Coronavirus, Chloroquine being the cure and lockdowns.


Plandemic Movie Part I — Dr. Judy Mikovits: A Wake Up Call to Humanity

Plandemic Movie Part I — Dr. Judy Mikovits: A Wake Up Call to Humanity

by Mikki Willis
May 4, 2020


Censored by YouTube at Mikki Willis source channel.

Available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute and Lbry channels.

Message from Mikki Willis:

Dear gatekeepers of truth and free speech, before removing this video, please read these words:

The world is watching you.

We understand the pressure you’re under to censor any information that contradicts the popular narrative.

We know the risk that comes with defying the orders of those who pull the strings.

We realize even the biggest of tech giants are under the command of powerful forces that wield the ability to destroy your empire with the click of a key.

But due to the critical condition of our world, “I was just doing my job” is no longer an acceptable excuse.

This is no time to play politics. Our future is your future. Your family’s future. Your children’s future. Your grandchildren’s future.

This is a plea to the human in you. Preventing this information from reaching the people is taking a firm stance on the wrong side of history. A choice you will certainly live to regret as truth exponentially emerges.

There is nothing, no billionaire, no politician, no media, no level of censorship that can slow this awakening. It is here. It is happening.

Who’s side are you on? And to the citizens of this magnificent planet… If anything is clear at this moment, it is the fact that no one is coming to save us. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.

Though great forces have worked long and hard to divide us, our resilience, strength, and intelligence has been gravely underestimated.

Now is the time to put all our differences aside. United we stand. Divided we fall. Be brave.

Share this video far and wide! Should this video be removed from this platform, download your own copy at: PlandemicMovie.com

Then, upload directly to all of your favorite platforms. You have our full permission to spread this information without limitation.



Prior to the completion of the full-length documentary we’ll be releasing a series of vignettes. The first installment features renowned scientist, Judy Mikovits PHD.  PlandemicMovie.com


Wake Up Outta Your Sleep

Wake Up Outta Your Sleep

by Truthstream Media
May 3, 2020


Saw this preacher, decided to make a song…


This video is also available on Truthstream Media‘s Bitchute channel should the YouTube video seen above be censored or become otherwise unavailable.


Watch ‘Hummingbird’ Spy Cam Capture Sea of Monarch Butterflies Take Flight

Watch ‘Hummingbird’ Spy Cam Capture Sea of Monarch Butterflies Take Flight

May 2, 2020


In the winter, billions of monarch butterflies find warmth in the cool Mexican mountains. Huddled together with closed wings for maximum heat, a hovering ‘hummingbird’ captures the awakening of these magical creatures in a dazzling dance. The video is part of PBS Nature’s Spy in the Wild Series.

Each episode tells the story of wide-range emotions experienced by all animals such as a capacity to love, grieve, deceive, and invent. The use of animatronic cameras allows for a non-invasive loo into the lives of creatures we wouldn’t necessarily see. The series makes use of other camera designs to explore groups of orangutans, tortoises, sloths, cobras, hippos, and more.


“We wanted to make a small spy creature that could explore and maneuver through a forest and film one of the most fragile creatures in the entire series, monarch butterflies,”
Phil Dalton of John Downer Productions said in an interview.


Photo via John Downer Productions


“We knew hummingbirds share their habitat and so this was our inspiration. The goal was to make a hummingbird to scale, about 20 centimeters [8 inches] from head-to-tail, hover in all directions, be as quiet as possible and have no exposed moving parts, as well as carry a 4K camera.



“After many prototypes, we managed to make spy hummingbird, weighing just 70 grams,” or about 2.5 ounces, Dalton said. “It could hover just like the real thing. It was also totally harmless to the butterflies with shields to protect the butterflies from coming into contact with moving parts. The butterflies could even land safely on [the] spy hummingbird’s wings. The results were sensational, filming the migrating swarms through the forest, wingtip to wingtip.”



Traveling from North America to Mexico, monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) travel up to 2,800 miles. While some believe this area is home to microclimatic tree conditions, the multigenerational travel to this specific area is still unknown.

Discover more from the ‘Spy in the Wild’ series.

Video: “The House Cat Flu” is Coming. The Meow Apocalypse…

Video: “The House Cat Flu” is Coming. The Meow Apocalypse…

Satire: The Simpsons (2010)

by Prof Michel Chossudovsky
April 19, 2020


The following episode of the Simpsons was released in 2010.

It is a satire. But at the same time it reveals the unspoken truth.

This episode was not taken out the blue. In 2010 when The House Cat Flu  episode was broadcast on TV in November 2010,  the  World was recovering from the 2009 H1N1 swine flu H1N1 pandemic which turned out to be fake.

In the Meow Apocalypse, it was a campaign against the house cat.

In the REAL LIFE 2009 H1N1 swine flu pandemic, a worldwide campaign was launched against the pig. Hundreds of thousands of pigs were slaughtered. 

The WHO was and remains controlled by Big Pharma. In 2009, WHO Director General Margaret Chan ordered 4.9 billion doses of an H1N1 vaccine from the pharmaceutical industry. It was  multibillion dollar scam. 

scroll down for details on the H1N1 Swine flu pandemic.

VIDEO: House Cat Flu, the Meow Apocalypse

The H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic

In 2009, hundreds of thousands of pigs were executed Worldwide, despite the fact that  the WHO had confirmed that there was no danger of transmission from pigs to humans.

And then what happened, an authoritative study by the John Hopkins School of Public Health was released saying that humans could infect the pigsPutting Meat on the Table Industrial Farm Animal Production in Americas, see also Washington Post, May 9 2009).

Based on incomplete and scanty data, the WHO Director General nonetheless predicted with authority that: “as many as 2 billion people could become infected over the next two years — nearly one-third of the world population.” (World Health Organization as reported by the Western media, July 2009).

It was a multibillion bonanza for Big Pharma supported by the WHO’s Director-General Margaret Chan. 

In June 2009, Margaret Chan made the following statement:

“On the basis of … expert assessments of the evidence, the scientific criteria for an influenza pandemic have been met. I have therefore decided to raise the level of influenza pandemic alert from Phase 5 to Phase 6.  The world is now at the start of the 2009 influenza pandemic. … Margaret Chan, Director-General, World Health Organization (WHO), Press Briefing  11 June 2009)

What “expert assessments”?

In a subsequent statement she confirmed that:

“Vaccine makers could produce 4.9 billion pandemic flu shots per year in the best-case scenario”,Margaret Chan, Director-General, World Health Organization (WHO), quoted by Reuters, 21 July 2009)

A financial windfall for Big Pharma Vaccine Producers including GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Merck & Co., Sanofi,  Pfizer. et al.

The same Big Pharma companies are also behind the coronavirus pandemic.

Fake News, Fake Statistics, Lies at the Highest Levels of Government

The media went immediately into high gear (without a shred of evidence). Fear and Uncertainty. Public opinion was deliberately misled

Swine flu could strike up to 40 percent of Americans over the next two years and as many as several hundred thousand could die if a vaccine campaign and other measures aren’t successful.” (Official Statement of Obama Administration, Associated Press, 24 July 2009).

“The U.S. expects to have 160 million doses of swine flu vaccine available sometime in October”, (Associated Press, 23 July 2009)

Wealthier countries such as the U.S. and Britain will pay just under $10 per dose [of the H1N1 flu vaccine]. … Developing countries will pay a lower price.” [circa $40 billion for Big Pharma?] (Business Week, July 2009)

But the pandemic never happened.

There was no pandemic affecting 2 billion people…

Millions of doses of swine flu vaccine had been ordered by national governments from Big Pharma. Millions of vaccine doses were subsequently destroyed: a financial bonanza for Big Pharma, an expenditure crisis for national governments.

There was no investigation into who was behind this multibillion fraud. 

Several critics said that the H1N1 Pandemic was “Fake”

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), a human rights watchdog, is publicly investigating the WHO’s motives in declaring a pandemic. Indeed, the chairman of its influential health committee, epidemiologist Wolfgang Wodarg, has declared that the “false pandemic” is “one of the greatest medicine scandals of the century.” (Forbes, February 10, 2010)

And in January 2010, the WHO responded with the following statement

The Western media which provided daily coverage of  the pandemic, remained mum (with some exceptions) on the issue of financial fraud and disinformation.

I should emphasize that the present Public Health Crisis concerning China’s novel coronavirus is of an entirely different nature to that of H1N1.

But there important lessons to be learnt from the 2009 H1N1 Pandemic: 

The fundamental issue we must address pertaining to both present as well as previous public health emergencies:

Can we trust the Western media?

Can we trust the World Health Organization (WHO)?

Can we trust the US government  including the US Centers  for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), all of which are serving the interests of Big Pharma (at tax payers’ expense).

Dancin’ in the Streets

image credit: dinagyang festival tribe dance by vinsky2002

Dancin’ In The Streets

by Vin Cognito

What we’re all gonna do when this crap is over and done with.