Google and the CI@: How Independent Are Multinational Giants?

Google and the CI@: How Independent Are Multinational Giants?

by Insight History
sourced from Activist Post
March 27, 2021


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How independent are the largest corporations in the world? It is often portrayed that companies such as Google are simply private corporations that have very few connections to the establishment. Yet, as It turns out, there are endless connections between many corporate giants and the military-intelligence complex.

We got a glimpse into this relationship back in 2016, when the former CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt, who, at the time, was Executive Chairman of Google’s parent company, Alphabet Inc, became the head of a new innovation board at the Pentagon. Later that year, Jeff Bezos, the CEO of Amazon, joined the same board at the Pentagon.

Google and DARPA

The ties between Google and US government agencies run much deeper than this however. The relationship started even before the tech company was founded in the late 1990s. In 1994, the US government launched the Digital Library Initiative (DLI). This initiative awarded research grants to various university projects, mostly those who focused on developments in the early and emerging internet, with the overarching aim of this initiative being the creation of a global digital library.

Multiple organizations were involved in selecting projects for DLI funds. Three of these organizations were the National Science Foundation, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), which is the arm of the US Department of Defense that funds and develops emerging technologies.

One project that received funding through the DLI was at Stanford University, called The Stanford Integrated Digital Library ProjectBetween 1994 and 1999, the project received over $4.5 million in awards. The description of the award is very interesting, as it essentially describes what Google became:

“This project – the Stanford Integrated Digital Library Project (SIDLP) – is to develop the enabling technologies for a single, integrated and ‘universal’ library, proving uniform access to the large number of emerging networked information sources and collections. These include both on-line versions of pre-existing works and new works and media of all kinds that will be available on the globally interlinked computer networks of the future. The Integrated Digital Library is broadly defined to include everything from personal information collections, to the collections that one finds today in conventional libraries, to the large data collections shared by scientists. The technology developed in this project will provide the ‘glue’ that will make this worldwide collection usable as a unified entity, in a scalable and economically viable fashion.”

Two graduate students at Stanford who received funding through the DLI were Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the co-founders of what would become Google Inc in 1998. An early prototype of Google was built at Stanford using DLI funds. It was called BackRub, and, amongst other things, it allowed the user to crawl from page to page by following links. The early Google algorithms were run on a series of computers that were“mainly provided by the NSF-DARPA-NASA-funded Digital Library project at Stanford.” After a few more years of development and funding by various parties, Google was officially born in 1998.

Google Earth and the CIA

The connections between Google and government agencies continued into the 21st century. In the early 2000s, a software company called Keyhole, which developed an earlier version of what became Google Earth, received financing from the CIA’s venture capital firm, In-Q-Tel. The CIA started In-Q-Tel in 1999 as its major investment arm to fund start-ups, businesses, and other ventures, with In-Q-Tel still operational today. The CIA had a partner in financing the Keyhole investment, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), an organization that provides satellite-based intelligence for US government agencies.

In fact, the CIA and NGA were clientsof Keyhole as well as investors, with Keyhole software used by the intelligence community during the Iraq war. In 2004, Google acquiredKeyhole, with their software becoming the foundation of what we know today as Google Earth. After Google bought Keyhole in 2004, certain executivesfrom the CIA’s In-Q-Tel joined divisions of the tech company. In the coming years, Google hired a host of people from the world of intelligence and defense, and agreed numerous deals with agencies in the intelligence and military community.

Google and the NSA

In 2010, Google enlisted the National Security Agency (NSA) to help them secure their network after a cyberattack. Also in 2010, the investment companies of the CIA and Google, In-Q-Tel and Google Ventures, both invested in a company called Recorded Future, which monitors real-time internet traffic to try to predict future events. In 2012, a US court ruled that the NSA didn’t have to disclose if it had a relationshipwith Google.

In 2013, it was reported that the NSA had direct access to servers run by Google, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, YouTube, and other corporate giants, under the secret Prism program that had been operational since 2007. This allowed the NSA to collect user data, including search history and the content of emails. Documents from the NSA appeared to indicate that at least some of the companies were aware of the NSA operation, although all the companies denied any knowledge of the program. The connections between multinational corporations and the intelligence community continue. Last year, the CIA handed lucrative cloud computing contracts worth billions to five tech giants, including Amazon, Microsoft, and Google.

In-Q-Tel, Data Mining, and Apple

There are other data points that are worth noting. In relation to social media, In-Q-Tel has financed numerous data-mining companies in recent years, an unsurprising field for intelligence agencies to be interested in. These companies collect data on people’s social media activity and build unique, individual profiles based on demographic, financial, geographic, and purchase histories.

Another curious data point worth noting is that Steve Jobs, the co-founder and former CEO of Apple Inc, had held a top secret security clearance during his time working at Pixar, according to reports. Over the years, Apple has worked alongside US government agencies on various occasions. In 2005, Apple built a top secret iPod for two defense contractors working on behalf of the US Department of Energy. The custom iPod looked and worked like a normal iPod, but had extra hardware in it that secretly recorded data. Only four people at Apple knew about the project, according to reports. A decade later, in 2015, Apple was one of a group of companies and universities that were working on a Pentagon contact to design stretchable electronics with sensors that could be worn by soldiers or fitted on warplanes and ships.

Needless to say, there are endless connections between many multinational corporations and the military-intelligence community, raising questions over how independent many of these companies actually are.


Andrea Shalal Former Google CEO Schmidt to head new Pentagon innovation board | Reuters

Eugene Kim Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos joins Pentagon Defense Advisory Board (

On the Origins of Google | NSF – National Science Foundation

Digital Libraries Initiative (DLI) Projects 1994‐1999 – Fox – 1999 – Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology – Wiley Online Library

NSF Award Search: Award # 9411306 – The Stanford Integrated Digital Library Project

Google (

Yasha Levin (20 Dec. 2018) Google’s Earth: how the tech giant is helping the state spy on us | Google | The Guardian

Leanna Garfield (30 De. 2015) CIA’s EarthViewer was the original Google Earth (

Matt Hines (27 Oct. 2004) Google buys satellite image firm Keyhole – CNET

Noah Shachtman (29 July, 2010) Google, CIA Invest in ‘Future’ of Web Monitoring – ABC News

Glenn Greenwald and Ewen Macaskill (7 June, 2013) NSA Prism program taps in to user data of Apple, Google and others | US news | The Guardian

Ellen Nakashima (4 Feb. 2010) Google to enlist NSA to help it ward off cyberattacks (

Court rules NSA can keep mum on ties with Google | Fox News Associated Press

Chris Ciaccia CIA awards cloud computing contract worth billions to firms including Amazon, Microsoft, Google | Fox Business

Jim Edwards (11 July, 2011) Social Media Is a Tool of the CIA. Seriously – CBS News

About IQT – In-Q-Tel

Kim Zetter Steve Jobs’ Pentagon File: Blackmail Fears, Youthful Arrest and LSD Cubes | WIRED

David Alexander – Pentagon teams up with Apple, Boeing to develop wearable tech, Reuters

BBC News, Apple helped make ‘top secret’ iPod for US government

You Can’t Win. Don’t Even Try!

You Can’t Win. Don’t Even Try!

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
March 27, 2021


Imagine you find a prisoner in an unlocked jail cell. Confused, you ask him why he’s sitting there when the door to his cell isn’t even locked.

“Oh, it’s unlocked? I didn’t check.”

You assure him it’s unlocked and ask again why he doesn’t leave.

“Why bother? They’ll probably catch me before I get out.”

You look around in confusion. You explain to him that this isn’t even a prison. That he’s simply been told to wear an orange jumpsuit and stay in an unlocked room, but he doesn’t have to comply. All he has to do is leave.

“Even if I get away, they’ll just find me and bring me back here. Might as well just stay put.”

Do you think this story is ridiculous? Of course it is. But the situation it details is all too true. In fact, researchers have known for half a century the mechanism by which people can be made to effectively lock themselves up inside their own mental prison . . . and it didn’t take long for the intelligence agencies to put that research to use.

Today, let’s explore the startling true story of how and how the public has been conditioned into a (false) sense of helplessness, and—more important by far—what you can do to break that conditioning.


If the story of the prisoner who won’t escape his unlocked jail cell sounds outlandish, consider the story of The Elephant and the Rope. Short story even shorter:

In India, elephant handlers often train baby elephants to be submissive by chaining them to a post. They’ll fight with all their will to break free. Day in and day out they’ll try, but eventually they just give up. When the baby elephants become adults they no longer need chains to be tied in place; just a thin rope will do.

Now, if that sounds like a cruel thing to do to an elephant, you’re right. But it’s also effective. Massive, powerful adult elephants can be kept in place with a flimsy rope simply because they have been conditioned since birth to believe that they can’t break free of their tether.

But like many things that are obvious to those who work with the natural world, this insight had to be “rediscovered” in the lab by some graduate students in psychology. In this case, Martin Seligman, a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania, conducted a series of experiments in the late 1960s that essentially replicated this elephant and the rope phenomenon.

Entitled “Learned Helplessness,” his 1972 paper outlining this research showed how Seligman and his team had subjected two sets of dogs to painful electric shocks.

The first group of dogs —were placed in a “shuttle box” where they could escape the electric shocks by jumping over a small barrier. These dogs soon learned that crossing the barrier protected them from the shocks and (as you would expect) crossed the barrier more and more quickly each time the experiment was performed until they could escape the shocks altogether.

The second group of dogs were placed in what Seligman described as a “Pavlovian hammock” from which they could not escape the shocks however much they struggled. This set of dogs reacted completely differently from the control group when placed in the shuttle box. Fully two-thirds of this group did not even try to escape the shocks and thus never discovered that they could avoid them altogether by crossing the barrier. They simply lay down, whining, until the shocks ceased.

The lesson of this experiment is seemingly straightforward: “By our hypothesis, the dog does not try to escape because he expects that no instrumental response will produce shock termination.” In other words, if you want to induce complete helplessness in a dog, condition them to believe that nothing they do will make any difference.

But, as I noted in my video on Mouse Utopia and the Blackest Pill, animal experiments are never really about animals. They’re about humans. In this case, too, the point was not to learn how to induce helplessness in dogs, but to learn how that state of helplessness (aka depression) is induced in humans.

So how long do you think it took for the CIA to start weaponizing Seligman’s research for use against its enemies? If your answer was “three decades,” then you win a prize!

Yes, by the time the war (of) terror came along, the Criminals In Action were using Seligman’s experiments as a how-to guide in their illegal torture program.


An old folk tale holds that you can conjure the apparition of Mary Bloodsworth (aka “Bloody Mary”) by chanting her name in front of a mirror in a candle-lit room. But if you want to summon a real demon, it’s much more straightforward than that. All you have to do is document a psychological phenomenon that can be weaponized against the population and before you know it you’ll have the CIA at your doorstep, notepad in hand. Just ask Martin Seligman.

Having long since shifted his focus from torturing animals in the name of understanding human depression, by 2001 Seligman had pioneered a new branch of cognitive psychology called positive psychology seeking to help people overcome their learned helplessness (more on which later). As part of that work, Seligman delivered a lecture on at the San Diego Naval Base in May, 2002 on how his research could help American personnel—in his own words—”resist torture and evade successful interrogation by their captors.”

Among the hundred or so people in attendance at that lecture was one particularly enthused fan of Selgiman’s work: Dr. Jim Mitchell, a military retiree and psychologist who had contracted to provide training services to the CIA. Although Seligman had no idea of it at the time, Mitchell was—as we now know—one of the key architects of the CIA’s illegal torture program.

Naturally, Mitchell’s interest in Seligman’s talk was not in how it could be applied to help American personnel overcome learned helplessness and resist torture but rather how it could be used to induce learned helplessness in a CIA target and enhance torture. As the New York Times described in a report on the subject in 2009:

Dr. Mitchell, colleagues said, believed that producing learned helplessness in a Qaeda interrogation subject might ensure that he would comply with his captor’s demands. Many experienced interrogators disagreed, asserting that a prisoner so demoralized would say whatever he thought the interrogator expected.

Unsurprisingly, Mitchell got his way and, equally unsurprisingly, those submitted to these techniques began to say whatever their interrogators expected, exactly as predicted. Mitchell and his colleague, Dr. Bruce Jessen, helped direct the 2002 “interrogation” of Abu Zubaydah—who was waterboarded 83 times in a single month—and the supposed 9/11 “mastermind,” Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who “confessed” to the 9/11 plot after being waterboarded 183 times and sleep deprived for over six days. Mitchell himself even personally threatened to cut the throat of KSM’s son during one interrogation.

These techniques were so effective that, not only did they produce the testimony that formed the backbone of the 9/11 Commission Report (and thus, to this day form the backbone of the official 9/11 story), they also caused KSM to confess to targeting a bank that wasn’t even founded until after his arrest! Talk about results!

In a sick way, the CIA’s experiments in inducing learned helplessness proved that Seligman had discovered valid insights into a real psychological phenomenon. It certainly is possible to create the conditions to break someone’s will and cause them to confess to whatever their torturers want. But this is emphatically not the point of the learned helplessness research and it is important to note that Seligman, for his part, was never aware that his research was being used by the CIA until after the the Senate’s report on the torture program was released to the public and that he completely denounced the perversion of his research when it was exposed.


From some lab experiments in the 1960s to an illegal CIA torture program four decades later, the story of the research into learned helplessness is incredible enough. But (thankfully for us) the story doesn’t end there.

In one version of Seligman’s experiment, one group of dogs were given levers to push that could stop the shocks from happening while another group were given levers to push that did nothing at all. Unsurprisingly, when the levers were taken away, the dogs whose levers had worked in the first round of the experiment attempted to escape the shocks and eventually discovered that they could jump over the barrier to be free of them; the dogs whose levers had not worked almost uniformly curled up and accepted the shocks without even attempting to escape.

The would-be social engineers know this already. This is precisely why we are asked to fixate on the never-ending (s)election sideshow circus. As I have pointed out time and time again, not only is the entire concept of “electing” “representatives” to impose their will on the entire population of an arbitrary geographical location fundamentally immoral, it is also a sure way to induce learned helplessness in the population.

As you know by now, the 2D political chess game that is used to distract the public does absolutely nothing to change the real political agenda that is set by the 3D chess masters. And just as every child eventually discovers that their toy driving wheel doesn’t actually control the car, so, too, do even the most devoted statists eventually begin to realize that their ballot in the voting box every four years does nothing to prevent the globalist agenda from playing out like an unstoppable nightmare.

This realization is demoralizing. That is the entire point. The message of the political system that we have grown up with our whole lives is: “Throw the bums out every four years if you like. It doesn’t matter! It changes nothing! You have no effect on the system.”

Unfortunately, all too often the victims of this conditioning merely internalize this message and stop there. These are the people who spend their time in online fora and comment sections preaching that nothing will ever change, shooting down every idea or alternative that is ever proposed. Although critical examination of ideas is always important, the victims of learned helplessness fail to realize that they have been locked inside a mental prison by their erstwhile masters. Like the prisoner in our hypothetical unlocked jail cell, they have not only given up hope of escaping, they have even given up trying to look for an escape route.

But what if we were to examine the results of this experiment from the other side? What if, instead of the would-be controllers of humanity, we examine these findings for what they can tell us about how to empower the public and dispel the learned helplessness that keeps them from looking for real solutions?

This is the question that Seligman turned to after the publication of his experimental findings. You see, he was not experimenting on dogs because he was a sadist. Nor was he simply interested in studying learned helplessness, either in dogs or humans.

After documenting the phenomenon, his focus quickly shifted to what could be done with this knowledge. As Maria Konnikova documents in her 2015 New Yorker article on the research:

But Seligman didn’t stop his research there. He had told his supervisor that he didn’t believe in causing suffering unless it had some inherent value that would lead to bettering lives, both canine and human. So he and Maier [his colleague in the original experiments] set out to figure out a way to reverse the effect of learned helplessness in the dogs. What they found was that one simple tweak could stop the passivity from developing. When the researchers first put all the dogs in the shuttle box, where the shock was controllable by a jump, and, only then, into the inescapable harness, the effect of the harness was broken: now, even though the dogs were being bombarded by shocks, they didn’t give up. They kept trying to control the situation, pressing the panels despite the lack of feedback. And when they were again put into the box, they didn’t cower. Instead, they immediately reclaimed their ability to avoid shocks.

One key insight that can be garnered from this research is that, just as people can be conditioned into a state of helplessness by being subjected to uncontrollable shocks, they can be “innoculated” (to use a phrase) against that feeling of helplessness by first being exposed to a situation where they do have control.

This is part of the core ethos of my #SolutionsWatch series. There are, certainly, those things that are completely beyond our control. But, because they are beyond control, there is absolutely no point in focusing on them. Our priority has to be those things that are within our control. Where and how we live; what we spend our time, money and energy doing; who we spend our time with; how we provide the necessities for our family; the type of community that we live in: all of these things are, to some extent, things that we can have a direct influence on, and by exerting that influence (however slight), we train ourselves that our situation is not hopeless.

The field of positive psychology is well worth exploring. In doing so, we can gain important insights into our own cognitive processes and become more conscious of the explanatory styles that we use to make sense of the world. In so doing, we can also gain more control over those processes and un-learn a lifetime of learned helplessness that has caused many to abandon all hope.

At the very least, it can help us to realize that the door to our mental jail cell is unlocked. All we have to do is walk out the door.

This weekly editorial is part of The Corbett Report Subscriber newsletter.

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Poisonous Experimental ‘Covid’ Injection Trials on Infants Have Begun: They Should All Be Imprisoned!

Poisonous Experimental ‘Covid’ Injection Trials on Infants Have Begun: They Should All Be Imprisoned!

by Gary D. Barnett
March 28, 2021


“The victimization of children is nowhere forbidden; what is forbidden is to write about it.” 

~ Alice Miller (1998). “Thou Shalt Not Be Aware: Society’s Betrayal of the Child”, p.235, Macmillan


I will write about this government’s efforts to not only victimize children, but to purposely cause them irreparable harm and even death, so as to control their bodies, minds, and spirits in the quest to achieve power over all in the future.

The hope in life is that it will be filled with joy and happiness, but often this is not the case. We strive to achieve a better way, but still life can be consumed by misery and evil.  The normal expectation of parents is that their children are healthy, happy, and free of strife, and have a better chance at life than they did. Children, especially when they are first born and very young, are not only totally helpless, but they are completely innocent beings fully dependent on others to survive and remain unscathed. The protection we provide for them is vital, and nothing is more important than protecting the innocent, especially our children. We have reached a stage where this government that has been voluntarily allowed to exist by this population of fools, is attempting to destroy children in order to control humanity. This is an immoral abomination.

If the children are destroyed, so goes the rest of the world, but if the powerful and their government pawns succeed in this plot to mutilate the bodies and minds of children, those that allowed such a travesty will deserve no life of joy.

There are many forms of abusive and tyrannical governing systems simultaneously at work in this now mentally deficient country, but this is certainly a fascist oligarchy, where the government and the corporate state are partnered at most every level. Maybe the worst aspects of these partnerships are those between the two most abhorrent entities of corruption and abuse, this government and the murderous pharmaceutical industry. They are right before our eyes attempting to harm every child in America, and have no conscience whatsoever concerning their efforts to do so. They see only dollars, control, and power over all, and the children be damned.

At this point in time, there are several Covid ‘vaccine’ trials going on that are using children as guinea pigs. This is total insanity, but what is happening now is even worse, as trials have begun on infants as young as 6 months old. The past trials, which are all atrocious, have been on children above the age of 11, but now these murderous pharmaceutical companies are targeting children from 6 months to 11 years old, all with the blessing of “your” government. Both Pfizer and Moderna have been testing on older children. Pfizer has been using 12 to 15 year olds, while Moderna has been using 12 to 17 year olds. Now both are experimenting on children from 6 months to 11 years. Johnson & Johnson has also announced that it would be testing their “Covid-19 vaccine” on infants as well as newborns!

“Pfizer’s trial will test three different vaccine doses: 10, 20 and 30 micrograms per shot, according to the Times. (The Pfizer dose for adults is 30 micrograms per shot, according to CNBC.) The doses will first be tested in children ages 5 to 11, then 2 through 4 and finally 6 months to 2 years, the Times reported.” Pfizer’s second trial is set to begin soon with 4,500 children; two-thirds will receive the real shot, and one-third will get a placebo.

This is all a plotted set up for the mass injection of all children, and I expect that this will become mandated for all children in schools across the country at every age. The most evil monster Fauci said “he projects that U.S. high school students could be vaccinated in the fall and elementary and middle school students in the first quarter of 2022, according to CNBC.” So the stated plan is to inject every single child in America with this toxic, poisonous, gene altering, and mind controlling concoction.

People are dying worldwide due to these deadly “Covid” injections, the side effects have been horrendous, and sickness has been rampant due to these shots. Now they are coming after your children. What sane parent would allow their children to be used as experimental rats by this evil and corrupt government and its partners in murder? What kind of parent would allow their newborn or infant child to go through virulent exploratory testing by giant corporate whores? What parent would allow the use of aborted fetal cell lines into their own child? These are not parents; they are uncaring predators!

Much has been written about ‘vaccine’ trials on children, but if one looks at the mainstream, he would come away thinking that every trial is a godsend, and is being done to protect the children. Everything is for the children after all, but is it really? In this case it is meant for alteration and damage in order to achieve another part of this global takeover, which is based on total control over all of society.

Children are not fodder for the government and its criminal partners in the pharmaceutical industry to use for experimentation. Newborns, infants, and young children cannot protect themselves at all, they cannot opt out, they cannot fight back, and they cannot defend themselves from evil and immoral parents.

As I have said over and over again, government cares nothing about you, your children, or your grandchildren, unless it benefits their desire to harm and kill in order to stay in power. I care not that any consenting adult decides voluntarily to agree to these fake ‘vaccine’ experiments, regardless of the consequences, because that is their choice, and stupidity is no crime.

All of us should do whatever is necessary to stop this abuse and slaughter of young children being used by this government and all its criminal partners for their own benefit. Any parent using their young children for government experimentation should be confronted, they should be investigated, and they should be prosecuted for child abuse.

What in the hell has happened to the people of this country that they would use their own babies as tools for the state? What has happened to society when they do not question such atrocities? What will be the fate of those that stand by and allow this abuse against children at the hands of tyrants?

The souls of humanity are at stake here, as nothing could be more depraved than this exhibition of allowed abuse against the most innocent of all mankind. A child’s life is precious, it is the epitome of innocence, and all those that touch a child leave a mark. All should protect the innocent, so that the mark left is one of love and not the mark of the beast that is this evil that is before us today.

“If we don’t stand up for children, then we don’t stand for much.”

~ Marian Wright Edelman, Reading Between the Lines of Arne Duncan’s ‘Major’ Speech” by Valerie Strauss, January 12, 2015.


Source links:

Pfizer starts Covid-19 vaccine trial in young kids

Pfizer vaccine trial on infants

Johnson & Johnson vaccine morally compromised

The virus that isn’t there

What is in the Covid shot?

Invading Antarctica: Hidden History of Secret South Pole Colony

Invading Antarctica: Hidden History of Secret South Pole Colony


“While many of the topics Mae Brussell brings up regarding Antarctica are very controversial, especially regarding German UFO technology — since the secret of flying saucer propulsion is also the key to the dream of universal free energy, which is classified and kept from the general population by oil companies that have maintained a monopoly on energy.
That said, what was arguably even more controversial was her quote regarding Churchill, when comprehending the degradation of cultural marxism, and Stalin’s totalitarian communism, and the mistake of letting him consolidate power.
Churchill reportedly exclaimed, “We have killed the wrong pig.” A similar quote was made by General Patton after the end of the Second World War when he said that America defeated the wrong enemy.
Of course, the powers that be are more afraid of people waking up to the truth about World War II than any other topic — which is evident by the degree of censorship that exists whenever the official narrative is challenged.
One can’t help but wonder: What if Churchill, Patton or the soldiers that died during World War II could see the world today. Would they still volunteer to fight with the same patriotism and optimism? Or would they look at the corrupt media, world leaders, and question who the real enemy is.”
~ Robert Sepehr



Invading Antarctica: Secret South Pole Colony

by Robert Sepehr
January 30, 2021

Original video is available at Robert Sepehr YouTube channel.

Operation Highjump was commanded by Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, lasted six-months (Aug 1946 – Feb 1947), and included 4,700 armed personnel, thirteen ships and thirty-three aircraft.

Still classified and officially titled the United States Navy Antarctic Developments Program, their covert mission was to seek out and destroy an alleged subterranean South Polar colony established by Germany, before and during WW2, which not only harbored thousands of scientists in a semi-secret secluded base, but free energy technology and advanced propulsion craft (UFOs).


Mae Brussell was an American radio personality with a career spanning from 1971-1988, where she addressed topics ranging from the assassination of President John F. Kennedy to anomalies concerning Antarctica and thee UFO phenomena.


[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

cover image credit: pixabay


Rutgers’ Vaccine Apartheid – The Persecution Worsens Unless We Stop It Now

Rutgers’ Vaccine Apartheid – The Persecution Worsens Unless We Stop It Now

by Christian Westbrook, Ice Age Farmer
March 27, 2021


Rutgers U announces students are required to receive vaccine, as senators call “anti-vaxxers” domestic terrorists. Legislators call for banning ‘conspiracy theorists’ from government.

The push for vaccine apartheid and censorship of critical thought is accelerating, and the state is creating a sub-human class of “untermensch” who are dangerous. This is happening rapidly.

Christian from the Ice Age Farmer broadcast stresses how urgent the situation is in this bitchute exclusive.

ice.age.farmer BitChute channel

My Rooster Earl Is More of an Expert Than Dr. Fauci

My Rooster Earl Is More of an Expert Than Dr. Fauci

by Dr. Pam Shervanick, America’s Frontline Doctors
March 26, 2021


I live on a farm in the middle of nowhere. When we first started raising hens, they would not last long. Foxes would hunt them, and owls would swoop down and steal them. My hens were scared. Then we got our rooster, Earl. Earl is not a nice creature; he bosses the hens around and occasionally tries to attack me. I bring a boat oar to the henhouse for personal protection. But he keeps the predators away, so the hens put up with him because they are no longer afraid. I have not lost a hen since Earl arrived on the scene.

Why all this talk about Earl the ornery rooster? By observing animal behavior, I have clarity and understanding of the root cause of the current global mass psychosis. Our problem is fear, not Covid-19.

Psychosis is defined as impaired contact with reality.  Educated, rational people have stopped using critical thinking. Acting out of fear, many blindly cling to the words of a government bureaucrat. Dr. Fauci has been wrong more times than he has been right. Under the misleading guise of “following the science,” we comply with his whims, like my hens comply with Earl’s temper. He crows the loudest — Dr. Fauci, not Earl — and is very authoritative. He makes us feel protected and authority makes us feel safe, or does it? When does authoritative behavior become authoritarian rule?

We are collectively facing a ‘complex trauma’, that is a state of prolonged exposure to multiple and interrelated traumas that override our initial fight or flight mechanism. A prolonged state of fear triggers a response known as ‘fawning’.  Fawning behaviors are people-pleasing. Merging the wishes, needs and demands of others, we look to reduce conflict to achieve safety. When a person enters this state, they are under the control of their reptilian brain where lies our primitive drives. Obvious empirical evidence fails to be computed accurately and it becomes impossible to make a balanced decision.

Freedom cannot survive in an obedient, chronically fearful, and delusional society. This is an open invitation for government overreach. We must face our fear and seek truth. We cannot follow instructions out of fear without consideration. Act out of love for yourself, your family, and humankind.  People are not dangerous vectors of disease but lies are. It’s time to take control back. In this series of articles, I will discuss how to control our fear responses so we can remain grounded.

Lies, Damned Lies, Statistics, and Murder: The Real Nature of Government

Lies, Damned Lies, Statistics, and Murder: The Real Nature of Government

by Gary D. Barnett
March 26, 2021


People do not expect to find chastity in a whorehouse. Why, then, do they expect to find honesty and humanity in government, a congeries of institutions whose modus operandi consists of lying, cheating, stealing, and if need be, murdering those who resist?” ~ H. L. Mencken

Political power, let’s call that government, can only be achieved if those few holding that power convince the people at large, let’s call them subjects, to voluntarily consent to be ruled. By creating elections, the government in essence claims power by consent, as voting in this flawed and corrupt system means accepting that system and accepting the outcome. That acceptance, while implied, is meant to serve as the law of the land, and why would it not, given that the people line up by the millions to choose their own masters? If the people can be fooled into believing that such a farce is the basis of their liberty, then they can be managed and controlled quite easily.

As any with even a modicum of intelligence left can see, this entire setup is based on lies, propaganda, and deceit, but the people continue to participate in this ludicrous process throughout their entire lives; all the time expecting a better result. This is true of those that vote and many that do not.  Most simply accept the system due to indoctrination and a lifetime of brainwashing. This of course, is the definition of insanity, and so long as the masses remain in this state of confusion and compliance, public insanity will be the driving force of the government’s success in acquiring and holding power over them.

The preposterous nature of the lack of understanding of freedom by the masses is our biggest problem. This ignorance of liberty has been evident since the so-called “Founders” created this centrally controlled nation-state and their own set of rules for the people to live by at the very secret Constitutional Convention. This is astounding. There has been a steady decline in what partial freedom did exist in the past, but jumping forward to today, all that can be said is that little if any freedom now exists. The decimation of freedom of the individual has been accomplished incrementally, but the continuous assault against the natural rights of Americans has been unrelenting in its march toward the totalitarianism that now consumes this country. This was all planned long ago.

Now we face a total crushing of all liberty at the hands of the state, and few have been able to grasp the absolute urgency of this situation, as most are still of the belief that all will be fine, and we soon will return to the normal amount of tyranny that has escalated for decades on end without resistance. For all those that take this uninformed and absurd position, maybe you should consider just some of the things happening right before your eyes, instead of “hoping” that all will magically be remedied.

In one form or another, we have been locked down for over a year. That has changed somewhat in some areas, but is still in effect for many in one form or another. Quarantines, business closings, and home imprisonment were ordered, and will be ordered again. Mask wearing is still mandated in many areas across many states, but people are still wearing them even if not ordered to do so, so mass compliance and cowardice is evident. Travel outside this country has been nearly shut down, and mandated testing by bogus tests and mask mandates are required, and even domestic travel has become a nightmare. Governments in Europe and the U.S. are aggressively seeking legislation for immunity passports, or “papers,” and Europe is very close to approving ‘vaccination’ proof or ‘demanding immunity’ proof now. It is claimed that this will expand freedom, when just the opposite is the case, as this is just more propaganda. Mass surveillance is expanding, as is censorship of everyone not going along with the state’s dishonest narrative, which is an obvious sign that the government and its partners are attempting to eliminate all truth and free speech. Multiple mass shootings have been taking place, and these seem likely to be staged false flag events, or at least possibly allowed by the enforcement agencies and the FBI. Evidence has already surfaced that they had advance knowledge about the alleged shooter in Boulder. This will be used to set up gun control and gun confiscation in the near future, all under the guise of safety. The telegraphing of continued tyranny is apparent as well, as now the new falsely claimed threat will be mutant variants of a virus that does not exist. These claims are meant to prepare the sheep for more extreme tyranny at the hands of the state. More incidences of police violence against those not willing to comply with mask mandates are occurring, and police brutality is once again increasing. Even Dr. Judy Mikovits was manhandled and injured by airport security in communist California, this even though she had on a special mask given to her by her doctor. Squatters and people unwilling to pay their rent are being protected by the state at the expense of homeowners, as the government in many instances has disallowed eviction due to not paying rent or mortgage payments. This is just a short list.

The toxic and life-changing concoction falsely called a ‘vaccination,’ is nothing less than a way to poison society, alter the genetic makeup of Americans, and is most certainly causing infertility, sickness, anaphylactic shock, body and mind crippling, and in many cases deaths of individuals taking this shot. More pressure is being applied to get a high percentage of the population injected, and as time goes by, this toxic poison will be required in order to travel and move about, work, enter stores and businesses, to gain access to finances, food, stimulus checks, and many other daily vital functions. In other words, the push to force Americans to get injected with this so-called Covid experiment are already underway, and are expanding every day.

In the midst of all this totalitarian madness, many more agendas are being pursued by the controlling and governing classes, including possible war, monetary restructuring and eliminating cash, gun control, bogus climate change policies that rely on economic destruction and control, government land grabs, the mass transfer of private property from citizens to government due to government mandates causing bankruptcy, the rollout of ‘smart’ technology that is very detrimental to society, and much more.

The final agendas will include mass extermination of much of the population, transformation of the human mind and body through transhuman alteration, and technocratic control of the planet by the most evil among us.

The people can stop this by practicing en masse total disobedience and dissent at every level possible. Numbers are important, and as more awaken, as is beginning to happen, more dissent should be forthcoming; so much so that with a small percentage of Americans, this debacle we face can be turned around, and this government can be made impotent. Without a mass effort, we will all come to know what slavery and servitude really means, and all will be targeted, whether black, white, Democrat, Republican, left, right, men, women, gay, straight, and all those others of every culture and ethnicity. None will be spared, so acting and working together to regain freedom is imperative!

Unity and cooperation can win the day, while fighting amongst ourselves will only guarantee tyranny and misery. We must work together in any way possible to defeat this evil enemy called the state, and if we do not, oppression, violence, and killing will be a certainty in our future. This can be done without violence, but if we wait too long, fighting will become necessary; it will be brutal and ugly, but this governing system must be dismantled and its power abolished, as it can never be reformed.

“No price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche


Source links:

Immunity passports

Injectable biochip and surveillance

The state is destroying freedom through censorship

FBI knew who Boulder suspect was before shooting

Mutant Covid viruses being used to lockdown Americans

Dr. Judy Mikovits Assaulted

Government protect squatters in California that took over private home

The Covid ‘Vaccine’ kills

James Corbett: Exposing Biden’s SECRET Plans!!!

Exposing Biden’s SECRET Plans!!! 

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
March 27, 2021


You don’t need a crystal ball to predict the future and you don’t need secret, anonymous sources to know what the globalists are planning to do. Don’t miss this week’s edition of The Corbett Report podcast where James peels backs the curtains on the open conspiracy and details what’s likely to happen in the coming years.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee / YouTube or Download the mp4



Foreign Affairs 1947: “The Sources of Soviet Conduct” (The Long Telegram)

New World Next Week covers The Long Telegram 2.0

Foreign Affair 1974: “The Hard Road to World Order”

Patrick Wood – Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order

Foreign Affairs 1993: “Clash of Civilizations”

James covers Clash of Civilizations 1.0 in QFC #031

Clash of Civilizations 2.0

China, the Quad and the Next Great War

Foreign Affairs 2020: “Why America Must Lead Again” by Joseph R. Biden

“Global Tax Grid” search on The Corbett Report,

The Global Government Is Preparing A Global Tax Regime

Janet Yellen: No Financial Crisis In Our Lifetime

Yellen: Biden Admin working with OECD on global tax cooperation

Timothy Wu: Is The First Amendment Obsolete? (video)

Is The First Amendment Obsolete? (article)

President Trump: 5G is a race we will win

How Joe Biden Plans To Make The American Empire Great Again

Lawrence Wilkerson on Biden’s pro-war cabinet

Spread the Word: The Uprising Has Begun! – #NewWorldNextWeek (information on Vilsack)

Meet John Kerry, Skull and Bones Ambassador

Geert v. Bossche: Whistleblower or Trojan Horse? COVID Vax Enhance Zoonotic Risk

Geert v. Bossche: Whistleblower or Trojan Horse? COVID Vax Enhance Zoonotic Risk

by Christian Westbrook, Ice Age Farmer
March 15, 2021


Geert Vanden Bossche has made a splash by coming out against the current COVID-19 vaccinations — but is he genuine, or revealing the next leg of the agenda?

Either way, his explicit warning about the enhanced risk of zoonotic spread is worth discussing.

Dr. Stefan Lanka & Dr. Tom Cowan: How We Got Into This Mess — The History of Virology & Deep Medical Deceptions

Dr. Stefan Lanka & Dr. Tom Cowan: How We Got Into This Mess — The History of Virology & Deep Medical Deceptions
“I think the bottom line here, Stefan, if you agree, is that the chemistry and the
structure follows consciousness. Not the other way around.”
~ Dr. Tom Cowan


My Discussion With Stefan Lanka About Virology

by Dr. Tom Cowan with Dr. Stefan Lanka
March 24, 2021

Original video available at Dr. Tom Cowan BitChute channel.

On Wednesday I had an hour-long discussion with German biologist and virologist Stefan Lanka.

Stefan spoke about the history of virology, helped us to understand the many wrong turns virologists have taken over the years, and updated us on his ground-breaking study that will disprove the basic tenets of virology.

Stefan Lanka’s papers on the virus misconception:

The Virus Misconception — Measles As an Example Part I

The Virus Misconception — Measles As an Example Part II


Stefan Lanka’s interviews and articles: 

How Dead Are Virus Anyway? All Claims of Virus Existence Refuted

The Causes of Corona Crisis Are Clearly Identified — Virologists Who Claim Disease-Causing Viruses Are Science Fraudsters and Must Be Prosecuted

Interview: Measles Virus Process:

Stefan Lanka’s website:


Dr. Tom Cowan’s channels:

Tom Cowan’s website:

Support Dr. Tom Cowan at SubscribeStar:

Suez Canal Blocked: A “Worst Case Scenario for Global Trade”

Suez Canal Blocked: A “Worst Case Scenario for Global Trade”

by Christian Westbrook, Ice Age Farmer
March 25, 2021


The Suez Canal’s blockage by a ship run aground is emblematic of the cascading failures in the global economy: a controlled demolition of all human activity is leading us into The Great Reset.



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Lockdown One Year On – It Doesn’t Work, It Never Worked & It Wasn’t Supposed to Work

Lockdown One Year On – It Doesn’t Work, It Never Worked & It Wasn’t Supposed to Work
Light up the lone candle on the saddest birthday cake in the world! The most destructive public policy of the century is growing up and doesn’t look like slowing down.

by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian
March 23, 2021


And so we come to March 23rd, and lockdown’s first birthday. Or, as we call it here, the longest two weeks in history.

1 year. 12 calendar months. 365 increasingly gruelling days.

It’s a long time since “2 weeks to flatten the curve”, became an obvious lie. Sometime in July it turned into a sick joke. The curve was flattened, the NHS protected and the clapping was hearty and meaningful.

…and none of it made any difference.

This was not a sacrifice for the “greater good”. It was not a hard decision with arguments on both sides. It was not a risk-benefit scenario. The “risks” were in fact certainties, and the “benefits” entirely fictional.

Because Lockdowns don’t work. It’s really important to remember that.

Even if you subscribe to the belief that “Sars-Cov-2” is a unique discrete entity (which is far from proven), or that it is incredibly dangerous (which is demonstrably untrue), the lockdown has not worked to, in any way, limit this supposed threat.

Lockdowns. Don’t. Work.

They don’t make any difference, the curves don’t flatten and the R0 number doesn’t drop and the lives aren’t saved (quite the opposite, as we’ve all seen).

Just look at the graphs.

This one, comparing “Covid deaths” in the UK (lockdown) and Sweden (no lockdown):

Or this one, comparing “Covid deaths” in California (lockdown) and Florida (no lockdown):

From Belarus to Sweden to Florida to Nicaragua to Tanzania, the evidence is clear. “Covid”, whatever that means in real terms, is not impacted by lockdowns.

Putting the entire population under house arrest doesn’t benefit public health. In fact, it’s (rather predictably) incredibly counter-productive.

The damage done by shuttering businesses, limiting access to healthcare, postponing treatments and diagnosespostponed surgeries, increasing depression, soaring unemployment and mass poverty has been discussed to death. The scale of the impact cannot be overstated.

Dr David Nabarro, World Health Organization special envoy for Covid-19, said this of lockdowns back in October:

We in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as the primary means of control of the virus[…]just look at what’s happened to the tourism industry…look what’s happening to small-holding farmers[…]it seems we may have a doubling of world poverty by next year. We may well have at least a doubling of child malnutrition […] This is a terrible, ghastly global catastrophe.”

terrible, global catastrophe. A doubling of childhood malnutrition.

The “pandemic” didn’t do that, lockdowns did that. They were never going to achieve their stated aims. And what’s more, they were never intended to achieve those aims.

Too often soft language in the media talks about “misjudgments” or “mistakes” or “incompetence”. Supposed critics claim the government “panicked” or “over-reacted”. That is nonsense. The easiest, cheesiest excuse that has ever existed.

“Whoops”, they say, with an emphatic shrug and shit-eating grin “I guess we done messed up!”. Unflattering, but better than the truth.

Because the truth is that the government isn’t mistaken or scared or stupid…they are malign. And dishonest. And cruel.

All the suffering of lockdown was entirely predictable and deliberately imposed. For reasons that have nothing to do with helping people and everything to do controlling them.

It’s been more than apparent for most of the last fifty-two weeks that the agenda of lockdown was not public health, but laying the groundwork for the “new normal” and “the great reset”.

A series of programmes designed to completely undercut civil liberties all across the world, reversing decades (if not centuries) of social progress. A re-feudalisation of society, with the 99% cheerfully taking up their peasant smocks “to protect the vulnerable”, whilst the elite proselytise about the worth of rules they happily admit do not apply to them.

And we’ve all had lives ruined and a year of precious time wasted. For nothing. You’ve been locked up for two weeks that lasted 365 days. For nothing.

…or rather, for everything. Because that’s what they are trying to take from us. Everything. And the only way to stop them is not to let them. To simply refuse consent.

Let’s not let lockdown get a second birthday.

Dr. Stefan Lanka & Dr. Tom Cowan: How We Got Into This Mess — The History of Virology & Deep Medical Deceptions

Dr. Stefan Lanka & Dr. Tom Cowan: How We Got Into This Mess — The History of Virology & Deep Medical Deceptions

“I think the bottom line here, Stefan, if you agree, is that the chemistry and the
structure follows consciousness. Not the other way around.”
~ Dr. Tom Cowan


My Discussion With Stefan Lanka About Virology

by Dr. Tom Cowan with Dr. Stefan Lanka
March 24, 2021

Original video available at Dr. Tom Cowan BitChute channel.

On Wednesday I had an hour-long discussion with German biologist and virologist Stefan Lanka.

Stefan spoke about the history of virology, helped us to understand the many wrong turns virologists have taken over the years, and updated us on his ground-breaking study that will disprove the basic tenets of virology.

Stefan Lanka’s papers on the virus misconception:

The Virus Misconception — Measles As an Example Part I

The Virus Misconception — Measles As an Example Part II


Stefan Lanka’s interviews and articles: 

How Dead Are Virus Anyway? All Claims of Virus Existence Refuted

The Causes of Corona Crisis Are Clearly Identified — Virologists Who Claim Disease-Causing Viruses Are Science Fraudsters and Must Be Prosecuted

Interview: Measles Virus Process:

Stefan Lanka’s website:


Dr. Tom Cowan’s channels:

Tom Cowan’s website:

Support Dr. Tom Cowan at SubscribeStar:


[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

The COVID Narrative As an Occult Work of Art

The COVID Narrative As an Occult Work of Art

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
March 24, 2021


Readers who have been with me the past year know I’ve dismantled every piece of the official COVID narrative. Factually. Scientifically.

I knew from 30 years of experience—investigating HIV/AIDS, West Nile, SARS1, Swine Flu, Ebola and Zika—what to look for in the fake COVID science.

I also want to look at the COVID narrative as an occult work of art. That is, it embroils the uninformed person in an initiation of sorts, with the promise of a final revelation and rescue.

Occult initiations are mysteries, in the sense that the believer is fed steps and procedures which he can’t fathom, or only partially understands.

This is purposeful. The believer’s imagination is engaged without him knowing it. He attributes meaning to factual gibberish.

But no one wants to find out that the images and speculations he is entertaining are empty and barren. HE PREFERS to think a ceremony is highly charged and, on some level, is important to him.

Thus, at the beginning, when “the virus is discovered,” and the initiation is introduced, the believer’s imagination clicks, and he senses he is on a new track of experience. He is entranced:

This is not ordinary life any longer. This is different. Fear, interest, excitement, anticipation are all available. Which are exactly what occult initiations are supposed to provoke: the magnified sense of possibility. The Ordinary is gone.

“Researchers have found a new virus, which is causing an outbreak.” Found a virus? What does that mean? The virus has been isolated. What does that mean? The virus has been sequenced. What does that mean? The believer can automatically apply his own images and thoughts and sensations and feelings to this mystery.

And indeed, the whole “virus discovery process” HAS been conducted behind closed doors, in high-security facilities, in a sanctum where only the priests can operate. Because they possess the magic.

They have found the enemy.

Next comes a new piece of magic. The test. The priests have devised a highly complex system of amulet arranging and rubbing, in order to detect the presence of the virus in a human.

How did they accomplish this, and so quickly? Through AMPLIFICATION. The essence of the specimen taken from the patient—in itself an initiatory step—is so small, no microscope can register it. But through a successive series of “doublings,” the specimen is transformed into a visible object.

And the believer will take this (PCR) test. Another step on the road.

Minor priests will announce the outcome of the test to the believer. Positive or negative. Now the meaning of “the virus” sinks in: infected or not infected. Either way, the initiation is proceeding.

If infected, there will be potions. “Anti-virals.” Ventilators, to bring what the believer may not be able to provide himself: the breath of life.

And yes, one possible outcome is death. This is no superficial initiation. The stakes are high, very high.

We come, of course, to the mask. The believer’s identity will be protected. Masking makes one an anonymous member of a very large group—all of whom are undergoing the same ceremony and enforcing it on others. Secret society.

Masking, traditionally, is for criminals as well. (The thrill of the outlaw.)

Masking also erases identity. The believer can find (imagine) a new persona.

Masking includes a sense of sacrifice. “I eliminate who I was, for the Cause.”

Masking introduces touches of humiliation, guilt, and pride. All standard elements of initiation.

Distancing provides “necessary isolation,” so the initiatory process for the individual can proceed unhampered. Distancing (like masking) separates the Clean from the Unclean.

The lockdown is further isolation. Removal from the influences of the outside world and its distractions. “The monk in his cell.” Great sacrifice of the means of financial support, in order to attain purity. Renunciation of ordinary work (employment) for a higher purpose; purification.

And finally, rescue and revelation—the vaccine. The injection. The transformation of cells of the body, which now produce a protein that stimulates the action of the immune system; a protein that under ordinary circumstances would never come into being. Miracle.

Immunity and purity are attained. Elite status is won through enduring the whole preceding ritual. A document (wellness certificate) is created and recorded. The initiate can now reenter the world. He is made anew.

If he suffered from the injection—well, that was part of what he needed to endure. If he died, that, too, was “worthy.” A sacrifice on the altar of The Group.

Of course, this COVID initiation isn’t meant to be a CONSCIOUS occult ceremony. The person isn’t meant to know he is in a cult. He senses glimmers and rivulets of ritual. He swims among them. He knows very little, but he FEELS.

As with every occult process, reality is created for him. The whole purpose of the steps on the ladder to redemption is: the quelling of the person’s own creative fire, by which he can invent his own future, freely.

In effect, the cult artists say: “You don’t make your own painting; our painting makes you.”

Through the pretended “science” of virology (fake isolation, fake sequencing) and the pretended “science” of vaccinology (fake immunity), the State—which is already an authoritarian entity—becomes a Cult.

Prior law (the Constitution) is ruled out; it is anathema. It didn’t account for the new great enemy: the virus. “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty” is replaced: “The eternal virus demands the curtailment of liberty.”

“Science” is the cover story that conceals the occult hypnotic inducement.


cover image credit: pixabay

We’re Suing the Trudeau Government Over COVID Jails

We’re Suing the Trudeau Government Over COVID Jails

by Keean Bexte, Rebel News
March 23, 2021


I am suing Justin Trudeau’s government. Enough is enough.

If you have been following along, you’ll have seen my recent detention at a “government sanctioned COVID-19 isolation facility.” That is Liberal Party-speak for government gulag.

I was recently on a work assignment in Florida, covering Canadian vaccine refugees fleeing Trudeau’s procurement failure and heading stateside for a poke in the arm. Upon returning, I was threatened with a $750,000 fine and six months in jail if I did not submit to an illegal throat inspection and subsequently present myself to a local gulag.

Not only does this program trample over the fundamental rights and freedoms of thousands of Canadians every week — it is causing irreparable financialemotional, and in some cases, physical harm to countless vulnerable citizens.

Specifically, our lawsuit argues that this government program is a flagrant and ongoing violation of sections 7, 8, and 9 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (along with a few other laws and freedoms).

Make no mistake, this lawsuit and the program itself are leaving a black eye on the government. The people who Trudeau is interning as political scapegoats — leaving them mobbing hotel employees for food — are the very same people who would typically be voting Liberal. Canadians who are members of ethnic minorities and have family members abroad — that is Trudeau’s bread and butter. This program is such a stain on Trudeau that the government issued a state-sanctioned comedy sketch on the CBC’s This Hour Has 22 Minutes, mocking my coverage of the inner workings of these facilities.

Of course, the state comedians laughed at my disgust with the cold toaster waffles, but neglected to mention the women who have allegedly been assaulted and molested in Trudeau’s “isolation facilities.” They forgot to mention the families who can’t cover rent after Trudeau extorted $2,000 from them as a political punishment for going to see their dying relatives abroad.

Rebel News and I are suing Trudeau because it is the right thing to do. It is not just to get justice for ourselves — we are applying to a federal judge to strike down this illegal and shameful program nationwide. If you want to see that happen, please consider helping us crowdfund our legal bills. It is the only way we can keep going.

Read the full lawsuit at Rebel News

Constitutional Lawyer Rocco Galati Takes on the Lies & Crimes of the Covid Operation — Lawsuit Filed Against the Canadian Government

Lawsuit against Trudeau Government: Constitutional Lawyer Rocco Galati and the Lies and Crimes of the COVID Operation

by Rocco Galati and Mark Taliano
March 22, 2021


Celebrated Canadian Constitutional lawyer Rocco Galati characterizes the COVID Operation as “the biggest example of misinformation and lies on a global scale that we’ve seen.”

The Constitutional challenge that he is filing with the Ontario Superior Court seeks to pull back the shroud of secrecy imposed by the Trudeau and Ford governments which, he says, are currently and have been “ruling by decree” beneath the pretexts of “COVID Measures” and “Emergency Measures”.

Specifically, he is seeking “declatory and injunctive” relief against COVID measures. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) is also named as a defendant since it is publicly funded with a public mandate under the Broadcast Act and has a “duty of care.”

Both Prime Minister Trudeau and Premier Ford refuse to divulge the substance and source of their “medical advice”, and the media, including the CBC, are guilty of extraordinary censorship.

Whereas mayors in North America have proudly met with Bill Gates for advice, he has obvious conflicts of interest, and he is neither a doctor nor an expert.

Ontario’s world-renowned Sick Kid’s Hospital, on the other hand, is well qualified to weigh in on these matters. In a recent peer-reviewed study conducted by two expert virologists, aided by twenty experts, the hospital has advised against social distancing and masking, (1) saying that social distancing and masking import drastic psychological harm on children.

Galati reminds us of the impacts of societies’ fascistic reactions to COVID.

  • State diktats have assisted in premature deaths of people in Long Term Care Facilities.
  • 170,000 scheduled surgeries (including heart and cancer surgeries) in Canada were postponed,
  • suicides have spiked,

The Guardian reported that in the month of April 2020 alone, there were 10,000 extra dementia patient deaths in England and Wales. (2) The World Food Bank notes that 130 million additional people will be on the brink of starvation due to COVID measures (already one child starves to death every 29 seconds on planet earth).

Galati explains how all of the COVID statistics have been manipulated, saying, for example, that if the primary cause of death is cancer, but COVID is evident or presumed, then the Cause of Death is listed (falsely) as COVID.

The government’s reactions to COVID amount to “state crimes”. Galati’s lawsuit should be a strong step in freeing ourselves from these destructive globalist tentacles.

Rocco Galati is a Toronto-based Constitutional Lawyer. Connect with Rocco Galati at Constitutional Rights Centre.

Mark Taliano is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) and the author of Voices from Syria, Global Research Publishers, 2017.  Connect with Mark Italiano. 


(1) John C.A. Manley, “Toronto Children’s Hospital Recommends Back to School without Masks or Social Distancing. Detailed Report.” Global Research, 21 July, 2020.
( Accessed 22 July, 2020.

(2) The Guardian, “Extra 10,000 dementia deaths in England and Wales in April.” 5 June, 2020.
( Accessed 22 July, 2020.

Connect with Vaccine Choice Canada

Kids, Schools and COVID Tests — What Are the Risks?

Kids, Schools and COVID Tests — What Are the Risks?
Researchers warn of brain injury risks for millions of children who are now going to routinely undergo nasal swab tests administered by nonexperts — in some cases, by schoolchildren themselves. 

by Alliance for Natural Health International
March 22, 2021


Kids in the UK returned to school this month — the first step in a painfully slow easing of restrictions tabled to last months. However, this is only on the grounds that children undergo regular COVID-19 testing and follow mask mandates now extended into classrooms as well as common areas. All of which comes at a cost, both to the health and wellbeing of the children as well siphoning a whopping £78 million from tax-payers money.

But are these restrictions necessary? Research scientists from the Department of Infectious Disease at Imperial College, London, suggest not, because of the extremely low SARS-CoV-2 transmission rates in schools.

Kids — fancy poking your brains?

Some people are rightly concerned that the improper use of nasal swabs used in PCR or lateral flow testing may result in damage to the delicate membrane protecting the brain. But if you were to believe the fact-checkers, you’d assume this is nothing more than a conspiracy theory. But as has been demonstrated in many other instances, the fact checkers have got it wrong again.

There is a risk — and that risk gets greater as more and more untrained people (now including children) administer their own swabs.

In October 2020, a case report was published in JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery detailing the case of a woman whose brain membrane was pierced by a COVID test swab resulting in the leakage of cerebrospinal fluid. A second woman in the U.S. recently had a similar experience. Assessing the use of nasal swabs, researchers publishing in JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery issued warnings about the risks for the millions who are now routinely going to undergo tests, especially from inexpertly administered nasal swabs.

And who’s administering the nasal swabs in schools? The schoolchildren themselves! Let’s hope that when kids do it wrong, it’s because they don’t go deep enough — not too deep. What no one seems to be being told is that the cribriform plate, the significant part that separates the brain from the nasal cavity is a delicate, soft, honey-comb or sieve-like structure that is thin and narrow with tiny perforations. This is why it’s a perfect site for endoscopic transnasal skull-based surgery. But clearly it’s proven nonsense to suggest someone inept at wielding a nasal swab can’t push their swab into their brain.

Why lateral flow testing in schools is deeply misleading — and a waste of public money

Nearly 57 million lateral flow test (LFT) kits have been delivered to schools in the UK.

Concerns have been leveled at their accuracy due to the number of false positive results they return. Conversely, there are also concerns over the high levels of false negatives, although this is less of an issue as true negative rates are far lower than is generally thought. Views around the use of mass testing to detect SARS-CoV-2 are mixed with concerns that mass testing does not prevent transmission of the virus. Confusion reigns in terms of positive tests. If a child tests positive at home and a subsequent PCR test comes back negative that child can return to school.

However, if a positive LFT test has been undertaken on school premises the pupil and their contacts will have to self-isolate whether or not they have a negative PCR test as the government considers the chances of the LFT test being a false positive as minimal.

We have previously discussed the problems with PCR testing and the significantly increased likelihood of a test returning a positive result when prevalence of the virus in the community is low. The same problem applies to lateral flow tests. To illustrate this we plugged in the sensitivity and specificity data (77.8% and 99.68% respectively) from the Innova rapid flow test into the MedCalc Diagnostic test evaluation calculator. The aims were to calculate the positive predictive value (PPV) (i.e., the probability that SARS-VoV-2 is present when the test is positive) and the negative predictive value (NPV) (i.e., the probability that SARS-CoV-2 is not present when the test is negative) taking into account the low prevalence (amount) of infection in a given population.

This is important because, as we explained in our ‘Casedemic’ piece that critiqued PCR tests, Bayesian theory makes it essential that we take into account prevalence when considering the false positive and negative rates of any diagnostic test. A key fact that the UK’s health minister, Matt Hancock, just can’t seem to wrap his head around — or chooses not to.

We’ve used three prevalence rates: 0.14% (taken from NHS Test & Trace data), then halved that (0.07%) and doubled it (0.28%), to take into account variation, as prevalence is something of a moving feast.

At these prevalences, you’ll find much lower positive predictive values (PPVs) than claims around accuracy being made by the government.

For the three prevalence rates, 0.07%, 0.14% and 0.28%, the chances of a positive test successfully indicating the presence of the infection is 15%, 25% and 41%, respectively. That’s something school kids, parents and their teachers are just not being told.

The Royal Statistical Society’s COVID-19 taskforce has also raised concerns over the risk of ‘positive’ tests when infection prevalence is low. Isn’t it odd that no one seems to be listening? We’d ask again: where is the cost/benefit analysis showing that this massive purchase using taxpayers money of 57 million lateral flow test kits was justified for schools?

Spit or swab?

Nose and throat swab testing can not only potentially harm the person being tested, it’s also downright unpleasant. Is there a better way of testing? Actually there is, but we’re not hearing much about it. It involves the plethora of saliva tests that appear to be as effective as the lateral flow tests — and far easier to administer. A recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that a far higher number of saliva samples were positive for up to 10 days following diagnosis of COVID-19 compared to swab samples.

Saliva tests are becoming increasingly available, but have yet to be utilized by governments.

Here are some details:


  • SalivaDirect — developed by Yale School of Public Health was approved for use by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration in August of last year.
  • Scientists at Washington University have announced the development of a saliva test they hope could be used at scale.
  • DxTerity has added a saliva based SARS-CoV-2 test to its portfolio.


  • Covguard saliva tests are available to UK citizens.
  • Vatic Health is another UK based offering created by a team of scientists, engineers and designers.
  • And if you’re looking for saliva tests that also fulfill ‘Fit to Fly’ requirements then take a look at Fitness Genes and Hydro-x.


  • A team at the University of Technology, Sydney has developed a very sensitive saliva test for SARS-CoV-2 antigens that can deliver results in under 15 minutes.

Originally published by Alliance for Natural Health International.

Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

Water is Not for Sale

Water is Not for Sale
Interview with Maude Barlow, world-leading expert on water supply issues

by Manlio Masucci, Navdanya International
March 22, 2021


Is it even possible to think of privatizing a major common resource, such as water, essential for life on earth? To the point that it becomes the object of financial speculation on the market? The answer to this seemingly surreal question comes to us, as it often does, from the United States and, needless to say, it is yes.

The entry of water in the futures market, the so-called ‘forward market’, is almost certain to mark a momentous step in the history of humanity. This news from the United States is accompanied by  other recent developments that cannot fail to raise alarm, especially for Italy. These include the latest Ispra report that documents the state of degradation of Italian water sources and the same conclusion regarding the health of its lakes, which are threatened by the phenomenon of eutrophication, caused by the excessive use of fertilizers in agriculture and their disposal in lake basins.

In September 2020 specifically, the European Commission filed an infringement procedure on the state of water in Lake Vico, in northern Lazio. We have to add the notorious statistic about bottled water to this data. Italy continues to be its biggest European Consumer.

All in all, there is more than enough material here to merit an opinion from Maude Barlow, who is internationally renowned for having obtained the recognition of water access as a human right in her role as UN Special Rapporteur. Barlow, a founding member of the International Forum on Globalization and of the Council of Canadians, was awarded the alternative Nobel Right Livelihood Award in 2005 and is considered one of the world’s most authoritative voices on all water-related issues.

We interviewed her to understand what is happening internationally and what to do to protect a resource that is vital to humanity’s  present and future.


Maude Barlow, let’s start with the latest news. The CME Group – the world’s largest financial derivatives exchange company – has launched the world’s first water futures market, opening up speculation from financiers and investors. What are the immediate consequences and potential dangers of this act?

There is a massive race going on between those who see the world’s dwindling clean water sources as a commodity to be put on the open market like oil and gas, and those who believe water is a human right, a common resource, and an essential public service. There are many ways in which water is commodified: the privatization of water services; the growing bottled water industry; water trading and water pollution trading (the exchange of fees between polluting agents); land and water grabs in developing countries; and now the creation of a water futures market where wealthy speculators will bid on and profit from drought and suffering, driving the price of water even higher in a world where billions endure a  lack of access. While this is a terrible new development, I am not remotely ready to regard it as a finality. We are recovering many municipalities from privatization experiments. We are getting bans on bottled water through municipalities and universities converting to Blue Communities, which pledge to protect the human right to water access. There is a  growing understanding that nature has rights and we need a legal framework of protection for the water itself. We are already putting together a movement to stop the creation of a water futures market.

Your role was central to making the United Nations declare that access to clean water and sanitation is a human right. Do you think this right has been violated? And if this is the case, are there any steps that the UN can take? 

There have been many positive developments since the UN recognized the right to water. Almost four dozen countries have either amended their constitutions or adopted a new law to protect the human right to water access. The UN resolution has been used in a number of legal cases around the world  and is widely quoted in legal and political circles. Many governments have set targets for the fulfilment of this obligation, which are included in their Sustainable Development Goals. There is no doubt in my mind that creating a water futures market is a violation of the commitment to the human right to water and that it would certainly be worth trying to take this issue to the General Assembly, although, of course, the ‘free’ market would insist that it is exempt from any rules set by that body. I think political pressure on governments to stop this practice and declare water as a common resource is probably the best next step.

You have pointed out that the water crisis is particularly dangerous today, as we live through  the COVID pandemic. What are the connections between the pandemic and the environmental crisis? 

COVID has shone a spotlight on the human water crisis. At least half of the world’s population does not have a place to wash their hands with soap and warm water – the first thing we were taught to do when the virus surfaced last year. Three quarters of households and nearly half of the health care facilities in the Global South lack access to clean water on site.

But the crisis is not restricted to developing countries. The World Health Organization reports that 57 million people in Europe do not have piped water at home and 21 million still lack access to basic drinking water services.

The silver lining, however, may be that aid money and funding coming from wealthy countries to assist the COVID struggle in poor countries, is going to establish permanent sanitation facilities. We need to protect the planet’s water and more just access to it if we have any hope of dealing with such pandemics in the future.

You recently released a joint statement with the renowned environmentalist Vandana Shiva, underlining that the chemical and water-intensive model of industrial agriculture in California and many other parts of the world is a major driver of the water crisis. Agriculture (including irrigation, livestock and aquaculture) is by far the largest water consumer, accounting for 69% of annual water withdrawals globally. (FAO, AQUASTAT). How can we overcome this unsustainable production model?

You raise a very important point here. All over the world, traditional farming methods are being replaced by large industrial and corporate farming operations and factory farms. Not only are they producing massive chemical-laden waste that is dangerous for our waterways, creating deadly blue green algae,but they are also using  water indiscriminately and not practising the water- saving techniques ingrained in the knowledge of Indigenous, peasant and family farmers all over the world. A few corporations own and control almost all aspects of food production, from meat to wheat, and they hold great sway with elected officials over agriculture policy. To truly deal with upcoming water shortages, we must address the way in which we grow food to stop the destruction of groundwater sources caused by industrial agriculture.

A recent report by Ispra (Superior Institute for Environmental Protection and Research – Italy), detected 299 different polluting substances in  surface-level Italian waters. Pesticides and herbicides are the most prevalent among them but fertilizers, which are the root of the eutrophication process, especially in many national lakes, are also present . In many villages around some of these lakes, the water is no longer potable. Is it an uniquely Italian problem or do you consider it to be global?

Eutrophication – the over-enrichment of lakes, rivers and oceans by nutrients – is rampant all over the world. The resulting oxygen depletion can create algal blooms and even ‘dead zones’ where life cannot survive. Many countries, even in the so-called developed world, have little or no regulation for dealing with the runoff from factory farms and industrial food production, even though they may have regulations for human waste. Here in my country, Canada, a study found that 246 major lakes are seriously compromised by eutrophication. Thisincludes Lake Winnipeg, the 10th largest lake in the world, which is suffering badly because of hog farming on its shores. In some poor countries where much of the world’s consumer goods are produced, local water bodies are completely contaminated. Changing these practices has to come first  in our plan for water protection.

With a production of 14 billion litres per year and an annual per capita consumption of 206 liters, Italy is the largest European consumer of bottled water (29 litres per capita more than Germany, +16.4%; 84 litres more than France, +68.9%). What do you think about this?

Bottled water started in Europe and spread to the rest of the world. It used to be packaged in glass in Europe but it is increasingly plastic these days. We are a planet drowning in plastic and we humans are now ingesting it in our food. We must break our bottled water habit and we need Italians to help this happen. Italy is the major consumer of bottled water in Europe and could lead the way in changing this practice and helping to save the planet.

Which steps can civil society, farmers and consumers take to protect their right to water as a common good?

We must all demand that everything our governments do – every policy, every action – takes its effect on water into account. If that effect is harmful to water, we return to the drawing board. Trade agreements that protect corporate water abuse and over-exploitation must be challenged. Governments must legislate to protect the planet’s threatened water supplies and human access to them. Clean, safe, public water for all, everywhere, has to be our goal and the only way to get there is to start truly protecting our precious water sources and stop seeing water as a resource for our profit and convenience.

Can you walk us through the Blue Communities project?

We first introduced the concept of a Blue Community wherever a local municipality, university, or even a religious community, is committed to protecting water as a common resource. The pledge to become a Blue Community is really three-fold: to protect water as a human right; to promise to keep water services public; and to phase out bottled water on municipal premises and events. Many European cities added a fourth: to promote public-public partnerships rather than public-private in their dealings with the Global South.

The whole concept started in Canada when we had a right wing government promoting the privatization of water services  and we wanted to reach municipalities, getting them to promote public services, before the government did. It has been very successful here. To my surprise, the concept got picked up in other places, especially in Europe, and some universities, faith-based communities, etc.  Paris, Berlin, Brussels, Munich, Montreal, Vancouver and Los Angeles are among the cities who have already signed up. So I would love to see Italy embrace the project. We worked with the coalition that undertook the successful referendum against privatization in 2011 and we are still in close touch with the various water justice movements.


cover image credit:  Tama 66 / pixabay


Why I’ve Come to Suspect That Covid-19 Doesn’t Even Exist

Why I’ve Come to Suspect That Covid-19 Doesn’t Even Exist

by Richie Allen
March 22, 2021


Until recently I believed that I may have had covid-19. Shortly after Christmas 2019 I became very ill. I spent the first three weeks of January 2020 in bed. I thought I was a goner. My GP was bewildered. He knew my lungs weren’t getting oxygen, but hadn’t a clue as to why.

There was no mucus on my chest and no fluid on my lungs, but I was turning blue. Steroids made little difference. Sitting up in bed alongside Caroline one night when it was really bad, I told her I was sorry and to take care of herself.

I came out of it. I still don’t know how. There’s a video of me on The Richie Allen Show Facebook page. I recorded it to explain my absence. I can’t watch it. I look like a corpse. I dropped nearly a stone and a half (20 lbs) and haven’t managed to put it back on.

Then Covid. Then lockdown. I wondered. Maybe I had it. I eventually satisfied myself that I must have had it. What else could it have been? I’ve had pneumonia in my lifetime and some very severe chest infections. Antibiotics and physiotherapy got me out of those jams.

This felt different. It wasn’t worse than pneumonia, it just felt like there was nothing that could relieve it. Like I said, fortunately I pulled through. I never smoked and I am very fit. I put it down to that.

Now though, I am not so sure that I had covid-19 or that it even exists. I’m saying I am not sure. I’m no expert. There’s a reason they call these opinion pieces.

The thing that bugs me most is the disappearance of the flu. I can’t get my head round that one. Governments all over the world have told the same story this Winter. Flu has been eradicated.

Public Health England (PHE) announced last month that not a single case of flu had been found in the UK in January/February 2021. PHE analyses thousands of swab samples every week for the prevalence of different respiratory viruses in the population.

685,243 samples were analysed over a seven week period from the second week in January. Guess what? There wasn’t a single case of the flu, or so they claimed. I don’t believe them. Asked to account for that, they said it was down to coronavirus restrictions.

I don’t believe that either. That’s a little too convenient. Flu has been eradicated because we worked from home, socially distanced and wore masks? No way. If they’d claimed to have found 500 flu cases, or 1000, I might have believed them. They found none. Something is up. Maybe flu is being diagnosed as covid-19. Maybe.

Writing in The Daily Mail today, NHS Consultant Pathologist Dr. John Lee challenged the UK’s covid death count. Lee writes:

“Some point to the Covid death toll, now over 125,000 in Britain, which is almost double the number of British civilians who died in the Second World War.

But we should remember that this represents two winter peaks (a time of year when it is not unusual for tens of thousands of Britons to die from respiratory diseases).

And that some of the total is due to the manner in which we record Covid deaths: there is a big difference between dying directly from Covid, and dying after testing positive for Covid within the last 28 days, where other illnesses may well be responsible.

Notably, we have never recorded respiratory deaths this way before.”

I’ve highlighted the points germane to my argument. Respiratory illnesses carry off thousands of our most vulnerable each and every Winter. But we are told that the only respiratory killer in town at the moment is coronavirus. That’s surely impossible?

Why did the government and Public Health England adopt a brand new method for recording covid deaths? As Lee says, there’s a very important distinction between dying of something and dying four weeks after testing positive for something. It’s tantamount to anti-science.

I’ve eliminated all the obvious possibilities as to the reason for making such a change in the method of recording deaths. I have concluded that the change was made to drive up the numbers. There can be no other explanation. It’s classic Occam’s razor.

Now why would anyone want to make it look like far more people are dying from an illness than actually are? There aren’t too many possibilities here. Someone is working to an agenda.

Maybe that agenda is to convince the public that they are in the midst of a deadly pandemic and therefore must accept radical changes to their lives, sacrifice their livelihoods and take experimental medicines? Sound far fetched? I would have thought so once upon a time.

Throughout most of 2020, people were diagnosed as having coronavirus, after having a PCR test. The test is redundant. The man who invented it, Dr. Kary B. Mullis, said it wasn’t made to detect any type of infectious disease.

A Portuguese Court ruled late last year that the PCR test is “unable to determine, beyond reasonable doubt, that a positive result corresponds to the infection of a person by the SARS-cov-2 virus.” The UK media ignored this.

Has SARS-cov-2 been isolated then? Does it even exist? Is the PCR test picking up fragments of other viruses in people, which testers are then labelling covid-19? The answer is yes and remember, this has been happening since day one.

I don’t know for sure that covid-19 doesn’t exist, but weighing up everything I know now, I must concede that it is a possibility. The question is, does it matter at this point?

Millions have already had the experimental “vaccines.” The damage done to children is immeasurable. The totalitarian tiptoe has become the totalitarian stampede. Vaccine passports are here. Social crediting is on the horizon. It hardly matters now, whether covid-19 is real or just the flu rebranded.


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Want a Job? Get a Shot!

Want a Job? Get a Shot!

by Ron Paul, Ron Paul Instittute
March 22, 2021


Mask tyranny reached a new low recently when a family was kicked off a Spirit Airlines flight because their four-year-old autistic son was not wearing a mask. The family was removed from the plane even though the boy’s doctor had decided the boy should be exempted from mask mandates because the boy panics and engages in behavior that could pose a danger to himself when wearing a mask.

Besides, four-year-olds do not present much risk of spreading or contracting coronavirus. Even if masks did prevent infections among adults, there would be no reason to force children to wear masks.

Mask mandates have as much to do with healthcare as Transportation Security Administration (TSA) screenings have to do with stopping terrorism. Masks and TSA screenings are “security theater” done to reassure those frightened by government and media propaganda regarding coronavirus and terrorism that the government is protecting them.

Covid oppression will worsen if vaccine passports become more widely required. Vaccine passports are digital or physical proof a person has taken a coronavirus vaccine. New York is already requiring that individuals produce digital proof of taking a coronavirus vaccine before being admitted to sporting events.

Imagine if the zealous enforcers of mask mandates had the power to deny you access to public places because you have not “gotten your shot.” Even worse, what if a potential employer had to ensure you were “properly” vaccinated before hiring you? This could come to pass if proponents of mandatory E-Verify have their way.

E-Verify requires employers to submit personal identifying information — such as a social security numbers and biometric data — to a government database to ensure job applicants have federal permission to hold jobs.

Currently, E-Verify is only used to assure a job applicant is a citizen or legal resident. However, its use could be expanded to advancing other purposes, such as ensuring a potential new hire has taken all the recommended vaccines.

E-Verify could even be used to check if a job applicant has ever expressed, or associated with someone who has expressed, “hate speech,” “conspiracy theories,” or “Russian disinformation,” which is code for facts embarrassing to the political class.

Many employers will be reluctant to hire such an employee for fear their businesses will become the next targets of “cancel culture.” Those who doubt this should consider how many businesses have folded under pressure from the cultural Marxists and fired someone for expressing an “unapproved” thought.

Politicians and bureaucrats have used overblown fear of coronavirus to justify the largest infringement of individual liberty in modern times. Covid tyranny has been aided by many Americans who are not just willing to sacrifice their liberty for phony security, but who help government take away liberty from their fellow citizens.

The good news is that, as it becomes increasingly clear that there was no need to shut down the economy, throw millions out of work, subject children to the fraud of “virtual” learning, and force everyone to wear a mask, more people are turning against the politicians and “experts” behind the lockdowns and mandates. Hopefully, these Americans will realize that, in addition to coronavirus lockdowns and mandates, the entire welfare-warfare-fiat money system is built on a foundation of lies.

“Bad Reception” Film (2003) about the Wireless Revolution and Opposition to Cell Towers in San Francisco (Free Online)

“Bad Reception” Film (2003) about the Wireless Revolution and Opposition to Cell Towers in San Francisco (Free Online)

by B.N. Frank, Activist Post
March 21, 2021


American opposition to cell tower installation started long before 5G due to concerns about reduced property value, public safety risks, as well as health and environmental effects from radiation emissions.  For many years now American firefighter unions have also opposed the use of their stations for cell tower and antenna installation due to exposure risks.

American Academy of Pediatrics and other health experts have repeatedly warned that children are more vulnerable to adverse health effects from exposure.

Of course, where there has been opposition – there has been more of an effort to strategically camouflage telecommunications infrastructure.  This has only increased due to the controversial “Race to 5G” (see 12).

Environmental Health Trust has recommended several documentaries and films about risks associated with cell towers and other sources of wireless radiation.  Recently, one produced in 2003 became available to watch for free online.

From Environmental Health Trust:

The Wireless Revolution in San Francisco: Film “Bad Reception” Streaming Free Online

Bad Reception:  The Wireless Revolution in San Francisco

The Telecommunications Act of 1996, passed by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President Bill Clinton, preempted local governments in the U.S. from considering the environmental effects of wireless facilities if they met F.C.C. exposure guidelines.  These guidelines were designed to be protective solely of thermal (i.e., heating) effects of radiofrequency radiation, not all potential biological and health effects.

Armed with this federal preemption, the wireless industry in the late 1990s-early 2000s began the rollout of so-called 3G (i.e., digital voice and data) cellular phone technology and the infrastructure to run it.  Across the country, local communities were faced with the sudden appearance of cellular phone towers and antennas mounted to buildings and other structures, oftentimes in close proximity to where people lived, worked and played.

Bad Reception: The Wireless Revolution in San Francisco, which premiered in January 2003 at local venues in San Francisco, California and was subsequently broadcast nationwide on Free Speech TV, focuses on San Francisco as a case study of one of many of these communities where concerns were raised about the potential health and environmental consequences of this revolution in wireless communications.  Bad Reception tells the compelling story of residents from backgrounds as diverse as the city itself as they take on one of the most powerful corporate entities in the world.

Produced and Directed by Doug Loranger.  Co-Produced by Gordon Winiemko.  USA.  Running time:  55:23 minutes

Lawsuits have been filed against the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for failing to protect Americans from unsafe levels of cell phone and WiFi radiation as well as 5G on Earth (see 12345) and in space (see 12).  A petition has also been launched asking the World Health Organization (WHO) to establish more protective universal EMF and RF exposure limits.

China, the Quad, and the Next “Great” War

China, the Quad, and the Next “Great” War

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
March 22, 2021


The stage is now being set for the next great war on the so-called “Grand Chessboard.”

As anyone who has been paying attention to global geopolitics in recent years will know by now, the US Empire (the US, the UK, Israel, the Five Eyes allies, NATO and all their regional allies and vassals) are preparing to square off against China and the Axis of Evil (China, Russia, Iran, North Korea and any state that provides any resistance to the US Empire) for global control in the 21st century.

And, as readers of this column will be uniquely prepared to understand, this entire conflict is part of a 3D chess game that is taking place over and above the regular, 2D nation-state chessboard that we are being asked to fixate on.

However, there is a 2D chess game going on and it is part of the Problem-Reaction-Solution that the 3D chess players are using to bring about their agenda. So today let’s examine the latest moves on the grand chessboard and see what they reveal about the globalists’ plans for total control.

Problem: The Rise of China

 All hail Chinese democracy!

Remember five years ago when everyone was talking about the 十三五? Well, guess what? It’s already time for the 十四五! (My, how the half-decades fly by!)

Yes, as you no doubt know by now the Chinese Communist Party just wrapped up the fourth session of the 13th National People’s Congress at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. And, as you also know, dear informed reader, that means that the ChiComs have just laid out their next five-year plan. (Do you have your copy yet?)

There are at least four categories of hot take on what the latest five-year plan entails.

There are the hot takes from the partisan lying mockingbird repeaters in the controlled establishment press who are trying to scry the tealeaves for weaknesses and vulnerabilities of the New Red Menace™. Observe, for example, Foreign Policy‘s gloating that the plan shows Beijing’s “lack of ambition” or The Economist‘s finger-wagging about China’s lackluster carbon reduction efforts or the Council on Foreign Relations’ warning of Beijing’s “growing urgency to protect China from external vulnerabilities through attaining self-reliance in science and technology.”

There are the hot takes from the actual state-controlled Chinese media. See Xinhuanet‘s calm and measured observation that the passage of the plan “demonstrates the unity of the leadership of the Party, the position of the people as masters of the country, and law-based governance” for a typical example.

There are the hot takes from various industry publications that focus on what the plan means for those seeking to corner the domestic Chinese market for their goods or what China’s moves will mean for their sector. Thus, PitchBook concentrates on China’s efforts to woo foreign capital by loosening restrictions in certain industries, Nature concentrates on China’s decision to concentrate on creating a “strategic research force for the nation,” and Power Technology does a deep dive on the implications of the new five-year plan for the energy sector.

And then there are the quasi-independent media sources that—in seeking to combat the predominant establishment narrative—serve mostly as a mouthpiece for ChiCom talking points. Take Pepe Escobar, for example, whose latest piece on The Shape Of Things To Come In China starts out by reporting on the details of the five-year plan and end up in a paean to Chinese Communist system of technocratic tyranny, claiming that “public opinion confidence in the Beijing leadership remains solid” and that the ChiComs system “is like a sophisticated mix of internationalist Marxism with Confucianism (privileging harmony, abhorring conflict): the framework for ‘community with a shared future for mankind.'”

What all of these perspectives ultimately serve to do is to reinforce the central narrative of the New Cold War: that the rise of China is a threat to the Western establishment. This narrative reinforces the impression that the 2D chess game is really the game for all the marbles (to mix gaming metaphors) and it throws the general public into a fear state where they are more apt to call for action to combat this vile threat than to seek to understand the nature and origins of this threat.

That’s convenient for the 3D chess players, because it plays right into the next stage of their controlled dialectic, namely . . .

Reaction: The Rise of the Quad

Scared yet, China?

As Newton taught us, for every action there is an equal-and-opposite reaction. And so it is that, once we are conditioned to believe in the rise of the New Red Menace™, we are simultaneously prepared to expect a reaction from the West.

Thus, when the Japanese see headlines about the Chinese naval threat against the (uninhabited) Senakaku Islands and the Australians read about how their government is being threatened by the ChiComs and the Indians read about Chinese cyber intrusions into key infrastructure networks and Americans read the latest story about the Chinese bogeyman (today’s horror story: China is coming for South America!), it seems only natural that our valiant political leaders would do something to counteract this neo-Yellow Peril.

Well, fret not, dear scared citizen, your leaders are indeed taking action. They’re forming The Quad!

No, “the Quad” is not some new Marvel Comic superhero team; it’s the snappy name for the US/Japan/Australia/India alliance that is seeking to keep that rising Chinese menace in check. The Quad—formally known as the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue—was first proposed by then-Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in 2007, but was activated during the Trump Administration during Pompeo’s Indo-Pacific security push.

Like everything else of importance to the 3D chess players, the transition from the Trump-era Quad to the Biden-era Quad has been seamless. Trump Secretary of State Mike “lie, cheat, steal” Pompeo’s call in October of last year for the Quad to become an “Asian NATO” became Biden’s call for a Quad leaders summit this month as if nothing at all had happened in the intervening months.

The fact that Team Coke and Team Pepsi are working toward the same foreign policy goals are baffling to those stuck looking at the 2D chess board, but from the 3D perspective, this continuity of agenda is telling. It demonstrates that the China bogeyman narrative is important to those who are steering this agenda. Whatever flavour of cola is in power, it is important for the public to understand that China is The Enemy and must be confronted by The Good Guys. Hence, the Quad marches on.

As I’ve demonstrated at length before, it’s not that the ChiComs and their “axis of evil” friends are actually the misunderstood good guys in all of this. It’s that the entire ChiCom threat has been carefully and deliberately constructed by wealth transfersbanking agreementsR&D investmentsmilitary technology “leaks” and offshoring of manufacturing over the course of several decades. Just as Antony Sutton demonstrated with regards to the Soviet Union in Cold War 1.0, the neo-Red Menace of Cold War 2.0 is similarly a paper tiger constructed by the same network of 3D chess players on the global chessboard and for the same purpose: to prepare the public for the inevitable “solution.”

Solution: War

 Are you a pawn on their chessboard?

As I’ve often had cause to observe, you don’t need to have a crystal ball to see where this is headed: war.

Yes, we all know that we are in the preparatory stages to outright confrontation right now. The pieces are being set in place, the narrative is being formed, and the pawns in the game (you and me) are being told why we will have to fight and die for the glory of our square on the grand chessboard.

But this is a phoney narrative. In reality, there is a war taking place, but the war is not a war between China and the US. It’s taking place between the so-called, self-appointed “Superclass” that stands over and above this nation-state system and the average person.

The end goal is not to destroy either the American Empire or the Chinese Communist system, but to merge these systems into the worst of both worlds, a technocratic tyranny where the few rule over the many. This is, in some ways, the very premise of all of the work that I have been doing here at The Corbett Report for the past 14 years, so either you get it by now or you don’t. But if you don’t, this explanation might be the easiest way for you to understand the concept.

If you do understand it, then I think it is imperative that we make a commitment right now not to be swept up in the war hysteria that will inevitably be sweeping over the population in the coming years. We cannot control the 2D chessboard ourselves, but we can at least control what role we have in this game and can refuse to play the part of obedient pawns in the game.

In the end, the average Joe (or Zhou) on the streets of Shanghai is not your mortal enemy. The actual threat to your life and livelihood come from the would-be misleaders who have lied to you about 9/11 and the war of terror and weapons of mass destruction and the 2008 financial crisis and the wars in Libya/Syria/Yemen and COVID-1984 and nearly everything else of importance.

The politicians and establishment media mouthpieces for the real ruling oligarchy—the 3D chess players who are manipulating this game for their own benefit—are now trying to gin the public up into hysteria over the growing Chinese menace even as they’re attempting to implement Chinese-style lockdowns and facial recognition systems and social credit scores at home.

Are you going to fall for it?

This weekly editorial is part of The Corbett Report Subscriber newsletter.

To support The Corbett Report and to access the full newsletter, please sign up to become a member of the website.

Vaccine: Twenty Countries Suspend Injections; Does That Make You “Hesitant?”

Vaccine: Twenty Countries Suspend Injections; Does That Make You “Hesitant?”

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
March 22, 2021


The Guardian: “Several European countries have halted using the Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid vaccine…”

The Guardian has a brand new definition of “several.” Their own article lists the following nations: Austria, Estonia, Latvia, Luxembourg, Lithuania, Romania, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, The Netherlands, Ireland, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Slovenia, Cyprus, Sweden.

Bulgaria and Thailand have also stopped the jab.

The reason for the “pause?” A “small” number of people have developed blood clots.

And now, as I write this, the Wall St. Journal is reporting that European Union medical regulators have decided everything is OK—“the benefits of the shots outweigh the risks.” Standard boilerplate language for: “we don’t have to explain the vaccine injuries or deaths.”

If you believe just a few people with blood clots caused 20 countries to stop giving the jabs, I have condos on Mars for sale.

Hidden behind the firewall of the vaccine establishment, MANY people are keeling over.

And why wouldn’t they? Governments and pharma companies have rushed a new experimental RNA technology into use, for the first time in history. Prior to the COVID injection, all attempts to force approval of RNA tech had failed; dangerous and deadly over-reaction of the immune system was the reason.

Since I seem to be one of the only people saying this, I’ll say it again: Bill Gates, Fauci, and other rabid vaccinators are in love with RNA tech. It allows vaccines to be produced far more quickly, easily, and cheaply.

For any purported virus, at the drop of a hat, companies can come up with a vaccine. It doesn’t take four years. It takes three months.

“We just discovered a virus that crossed over from geese. And here’s a new one from Easter bunnies. And another new one just drifted in from Jupiter. We’ll have vaccines ready by Christmas. The seventh mutation of SARS-CoV-2 has its own vaccine as of yesterday. If you want to take the kiddies to Disneyland, find one of those pretty pink vans parked in your town, take the shot and receive your updated Immunity Certificate…”

Then there is this: the COVID vaccines manufactured by AstraZeneca, Pfizer, and Moderna are completely ineffective at preventing serious illness. BY DESIGN.

Months ago, a NY Times piece, by Peter Doshi and Eric Topol, spelled it out.

September 22, 2020: “These Coronavirus Trials Don’t Answer the One Question We Need to Know”:

“If you were to approve a coronavirus vaccine, would you approve one that you only knew protected people only from the most mild form of Covid-19, or one that would prevent its serious complications?” [Clue: “most mild” means cough, or chills and fever, which cure themselves without the need for a vaccine.]

“The answer is obvious. You would want to protect against the worst cases.”

“But that’s not how the companies testing three of the leading coronavirus vaccine candidates, Moderna, Pfizer and AstraZeneca, whose U.S. trial is on hold, are approaching the problem.”

“According to the protocols for their studies, which they released late last week, a vaccine could meet the companies’ benchmark for success if it lowered the risk of mild Covid-19, but was never shown to reduce moderate or severe forms of the disease, or the risk of hospitalization, admissions to the intensive care unit or death.”

“To say a vaccine works should mean that most people no longer run the risk of getting seriously sick. That’s not what these trials will determine.”

The COVID shot: dangerous AND ineffective.

Trump’s coronavirus task force knew the truth. Biden’s task force knows the truth. But they don’t care.

The CDC and the WHO know. They don’t care, either.

But these authorities are very nervous, because droves of people are avoiding the vaccine. It’s not “hesitancy.”

It’s utter rejection.

Sensible rejection.

It began soon after the initial rollout of the Pfizer vaccine. NBC News, December 31, 2020:

“A large percentage of front-line workers in hospitals and nursing homes have refused to take the Covid-19 vaccine…”

“About 50 percent of front-line workers in California’s Riverside County have refused to take the vaccine…”

“Anecdotally, an estimated 60 percent of Ohio nursing home employees have refused the vaccine already…”

“A survey of 2,053 New York City firefighters found that more than half said they would refuse the Covid-19 vaccine when it became available to them…”

And all that was long before 20 countries suspended the injection.

I’ll close, for now, with two statements about the role vaccines have played in eliminating deaths from diseases—because true history matters:

“The combined death rate from scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough and measles among children up to fifteen shows that nearly 90 percent of the total decline in mortality between 1860 and 1965 had occurred before the introduction of antibiotics and widespread immunization. In part, this recession may be attributed to improved housing and to a decrease in the virulence of micro-organisms, but by far the most important factor was a higher host-resistance due to better nutrition.” Ivan Illich, Medical Nemesis, Bantam Books, 1977

Robert F Kennedy, Jr.: “After extensively studying a century of recorded data, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Johns Hopkins researchers concluded: ‘Thus vaccinations does not account for the impressive declines in mortality from infectious diseases seen in the first half of the twentieth century’.”

“Similarly, in 1977, Boston University epidemiologists (and husband and wife) John and Sonja McKinlay published their seminal work in the Millbank Memorial Fund Quarterly on the role that vaccines (and other medical interventions) played in the massive 74% decline in mortality seen in the twentieth century: ‘The Questionable Contribution of Medical Measures to the Decline of Mortality in the United States in the Twentieth Century’.”

“In this article, which was formerly required reading in U.S. medical schools, the McKinlays pointed out that 92.3% of the mortality rate decline happened between 1900 and 1950, before most vaccines existed, and that all medical measures, including antibiotics and surgeries, ‘appear to have contributed little to the overall decline in mortality in the United States since about 1900 — having in many instances been introduced several decades after a marked decline had already set in and having no detectable influence in most instances’.”

Corona Investigative Committee: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich & Vera Sharav on Historical Ties of the Unfolding Medical Tyranny to the Holocaust — We Must Work Together Internationally to Stop This

Corona Investigative Committee: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich & Vera Sharav on Historical Ties of the Unfolding Medical Tyranny to the Holocaust
— We Must Work Together Internationally to Stop This


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

The video below is an excerpt from the 5+ hour Session 44 of the Corona Investigative Committee, livestreamed on March 19, 2021. The full session (mostly in German without English translation) is found HERE.

This interview with Vera Sharav is in English, with German translation.

Vera Sharav is a public advocate for human rights. She is the founder and president of the Alliance for Human Research Protection (AHRP) which serves as an information resource and public interest watchdog organization whose goal is to unlock the walls of secrecy in biomedical research and bring accountability to that endeavor. AHRP Infomails have a wide following: they are read by physicians and scientists, public health officials, journalists, lawyers, and patient advocacy organizations. Read more about Vera Sharav HERE.

Excerpts from Vera Sharav’s testimony:

“Today some people are starting to understand why the German people didn’t rise up. Fear kept them from doing the right thing.

Medical mandates today are a major step backward toward a fascist dictatorship and genocide.”


“What sets the Holocaust apart from all other mass genocides is the pivotal role played by the medical establishment. The entire medical establishment. Every step of the murderous process was endorsed by the academic and professional medical establishment.

Medical doctors and prestigious medical societies and institutions lent the veneer of legitimacy to infanticide, mass murder of civilians.

T4 was the first industrialized medical murder project in history. The first victims were disabled German infants and children under three. They were identified by midwives who reported their existence to the state.  The next victims were the mentally ill, followed by the elderly in nursing homes.

The murderous operations were methodical and followed protocol very, very carefully. Questionnaires were sent out to all psychiatric institutions requiring detailed information about each patient. A committee of 54 psychiatrists made the final life and death decisions for each patient.

Now the objective of T4 was to eliminate the economic burden of those the regime and the doctors deemed “worthless eaters”.  And it was also to empty beds to make room for wounded soldiers during the war.

T4 also served as a testing ground for various lethal chemical and pharmaceuticals. The financial beneficiaries of the Nazi genocide were the corporate elite. Their record of collaboration with genocidal regimes is uninterrupted. Without the financial support of Wall Street bankers and collaboration by major U.S., German and Swiss corporations — that provided the chemical, the industrial and the technological material  — Hitler could not have carried out this unprecedented, industrialized, murderous operations.


Original video “Sitzung 44: Die Wurzeln des Übels” is available at Stiftung Corona Ausschuss – Live Streams YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


Related information:

Link here read more about the T4 Program, also called T4 Euthanasia Program

Link here to Schwab Family Values investigative report by Johnny Vedmore


Link with the work of Vera Sharav at Alliance for Human Research Protection
Link with the work of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Corona Investigative Committee


Ice Age Farmer w/ The Last American Vagabond: Global Manipulation of Humanity via Destruction of Our Food Supply

Ice Age Farmer w/ The Last American Vagabond: Global Manipulation of Humanity via Destruction of Our Food Supply


Topics include:

  • Control of humanity via control of the food supply
  • Cycles of the sun and weather patterns in history. See Ice Age Farmer’s Wiki
  • How geoengineering and weather modification/weather warfare is linked with natural earth patterns.
  • Population reduction
  • Plans to eliminate all small farmers
  • Push for mass vaccinations
  • Vaccine passports
  • The use of the false viral pandemic scenario to target and eliminate animal agriculture
  • Digital control of humanity and food via apps
  • Importance of growing your own food and saving seeds
  • Importance of defending our right to grow food
  • The true abundance of this planet
  • The challenge of being part of families who totally buy into the “covid” narrative
  • We need to reclaim our power


TLAV and Ice Age Farmer Interview – Impending (Planned) Food Infrastructure Collapse, To “Build Back Better”

by Ryan Cristian, The Last American Vagabond w/ Christian Westbrook, Ice Age Farmer
March 19, 2020

Joining me today is Christian Westbrook, also known as Ice Age Farmer.

Today we are discussing a very serious problem that not only appears to be on the horizon for Americans, and much of the world, but one that very well might have been planned, orchestrated, or at the very, least allowed to happen.

This is the topic of collapsing food infrastructure, and how that can be used to further subjugate an already desperate and vulnerable population.



Connect with The Last American Vagabond

Connect with Ice Age Farmer


Gov. Ron DeSantis Opposes Vaccine Passports in Florida

Gov. Ron DeSantis Opposes Vaccine Passports in Florida

by Adam Dick, Ron Paul Institute
March 19, 2021


Good for Governor Ron DeSantis. In sharp contrast with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo who recently imposed “vaccine passport” requirements for people in New York to attend certain events, DeSantis is standing up for freedom and against the imposing of vaccine passports in Florida.

In a Thursday press conference, DeSantis stated his firm opposition to vaccine passports, as well as to requiring people to demonstrate they have tested negative for coronavirus. A WCJB-TV report quotes DeSantis’ comments on the matter from the press conference:

‘I just want to make very clear in Florida, we are not doing any vaccine passports,’ Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said during his news conference on Thursday afternoon. ‘I think it’s a bad idea. And so that will not happen. And so folks should get vaccinated if they want to obviously provide that. But under no circumstances will the state be asking you to show proof of vaccination.’

‘And I don’t think private companies should be doing that either,’ added DeSantis. ‘So we’re going to look into see what we need to do to be able to make sure we’re protecting Floridians. But I do think it would be a big problem to start going down the road of vaccine passports.’

‘You have some of these states saying to go to a sporting event, you have to show either a negative test or a vaccine proof. I think you just got to make decisions. If you want to go to an event go to an event if you don’t don’t, but to be requiring people to provide all this proof,’ said DeSantis. ‘That’s not how you get society back to normal. So we’re rejecting any vaccine passports here in the state of Florida.’

Back in September, when most governors were extending and even adding to their states’ coronavirus crackdowns because of “the science,” DeSantis was terminating restrictions in Florida and giving a platform to scientists opposed to the multitude of draconian government actions taken in the name of countering coronavirus.

Hollywood Movies Featuring “Deadly Viruses” on the Loose

Hollywood Movies Featuring “Deadly Viruses” on the Loose

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
March 19, 2021


Wikipedia has a page listing “films about viral outbreaks.” I count 134 titles. Obviously, the theme has legs.

A few of the more famous movies: I am Legend; The Omega Man; The Andromeda Strain; Outbreak; Maze Runner: The Death Cure; Resident Evil: Apocalypse; Contagion.

My overall review: ridiculous plots; fear porn; softens up the public to accept the notion of pandemics.

Manufacturing 134 movies on the same subject, you can sell almost anything. Zombies, toasters, alarm clocks that have long noses, golf balls from Mars, cave women with flawless teeth and perfect makeup and salon-sculptured hair and carefully engineered cleavage.

But in this case, it’s viruses.

At, there’s an interesting interview with Scott Burns, who wrote the screenplay for the 2011 film, Contagion, and the technical consultant on the project, Dr. Ian Lipkin, director of the Center for Infection and Immunity at Columbia University. Here are excerpts:

Scott Burns: “Obviously I worked with Ian, and early on I also met Dr. Larry Brilliant, who was very helpful [and certainly brilliant]. I had seen Larry’s TED talk where he showed the Malthusian charge through the world the virus would have. I also worked with Laurie Garrett on the movie, because she had written this book, The Coming Plague, which was very, very useful to me in sort of teasing out how these things have a medical component, but they also have a social justice component and a political component and all sorts of interesting aspects of human behavior.”

Dr. Ian Lipkin: “I started very early with Scott. There were a lot of people who contributed—CDC, WHO and others… Scott would bounce ideas off of me and others in his ‘brain trust’ and most of the time we were in accord. My role grew dramatically over the course of production. It began with just a consultation, and then I rapidly moved into helping the set designer in designing the virus, and we had a few days where we had actors come to the lab and spend some time working at the bench, learning how to pipette and look through microscopes and get into gowns and such. And even at the very end, I was working with the sound engineer, recording sound for the movie—lab background and that sort of thing. I did a lot of traveling with the crew. It was like a circus.”

“We settled on that virus [a paramyxovirus] within the first half an hour with Laurie and Scott and I, high above Columbus Circle in New York. We threw out a number of possibilities to Scott and he batted them down, and then one came to mind that struck me as the perfect choice, simply because there had been some reports earlier suggesting this virus, which wasn’t readily transmissible, had become readily transmissible to humans—that was Nipah. It also gave Scott and the director and actors an opportunity to do more than just cough and die. They could develop seizures, they could have hallucinations—all sorts of things that were much more interesting than a standard respiratory disease. We settled on that really within the first thirty minutes, and then Scott went back, thought about it and decided it was a good way to run. It doesn’t take much fuel for him to run quite a distance.”

Turns out that designing a movie about a pandemic is pretty much the same sort of project as designing a fake COVID pandemic in the world.

You pick out a story about a virus, give it an authentic feel, embroider it, and sell it.

People buy it.

In the interest of balance and fairness, I’ve written a few notes for a screenplay that would take a different approach:

In New York, the body of a dead virologist floats to the surface of the East River.

After a brief round of speculation that he might have perished from a mysterious viral infection, the coroner announces the cause of death was three gunshot wounds to the head.

A lone NYPD detective (divorced, alcoholic, disparaged by fellow officers, heroic) discovers the dead virologist’s notebook inside the freezer in the virologist’s apartment.

He thaws it out and reads this: “The coronavirus has never been isolated. It’s a fake. They’re selling a fairy tale about a virus.”

Two days later, a beautiful woman doctor (with engineered cleavage) from the CDC shows up at the detective’s apartment. Somehow she knows the cop has found the virologist’s notebook.

They talk. The mutual attraction should be immediately evident. If not, the brief cuts of sex they’re having on the floor provide sufficient evidence for the audience.

Two days later, the beautiful CDC doctor disappears.

The police detective is warned (anonymous phone message) to stay away from the case of the dead virologist.

Hey, it’s a B movie. Low budget. Could shoot the whole thing over a weekend in Manhattan.

But we need some kind of twist.

So it turns out the detective, the dead virologist, and the beautiful woman doctor from the CDC are just story ideas in the mind of a screenwriter, who, in the movie, is pitching the project to producers in an office high above Columbus Circle.

He’s pitching a movie that exposes a fake virus and a fake pandemic.

But wait. There’s more. In a mind-bending revelation, we learn that the screenwriter and the producers are secret agents from a distant planet called PROPAGANDA.

They’ve come to Earth to promote a fake pandemic…but a conflict has developed among them. The screenwriter has decided he wants to blow the whistle on his bosses from PROPAGANDA, and the producers want to carry out their mission to sell the people of Earth fake COVID-19, as if it were real.

The movie is basically an extended conversation about fake vs. real, virus vs. no virus, pandemic vs. hoax.

As the screenwriter earnestly pitches his film, his ideas will come to life, briefly, on the screen: there’s enough cleavage, sex, and murder to satisfy the Hollywood code.

Will the agents from the planet PROPAGANDA succeed in selling Earth the notion that COVID is real? Or will the heroic defector, the screenwriter, succeed in foiling the whole operation?

Stay tuned…

The 134 Hollywood movies about outbreaks of viruses aren’t only programming audiences. They’re instruction manuals for planners who launch fake pandemics.

Definition of “fake pandemic”: a movie that is happening in the world, not on a screen, in which the suffering and the pain are REAL—but are not the result of a virus. For further reference, see “lockdowns, mask mandates, business bankruptcies, suicides, vaccine damage, police state, and true believers (e.g., deranged hostile masked vegan Whole Foods shoppers, so-called science bloggers living in mommy’s basement, etc.).”

Definition of “virus”: any presumed particle that has never been isolated.

Definition of “virologist”: any person on the payroll of Bill Gates or entities Gates funds.

Alternate definition of “fake pandemic”: any medical event involving large numbers of people that never ends. For further reference, see “keep wearing two masks after being vaccinated.”

Immortal quotes from Hollywood virus-movies:

Outbreak, Dustin Hoffman—“I’ll say it one last time. These [infected] people that you’re going to bomb are not the enemy. We can kill the virus without killing these people. I swear on my soul that the President does not have the facts. He doesn’t know we have a working serum [antidote].”

Contagion, Jennifer Ehle—“Somewhere in the world, the wrong pig met up with the wrong bat.”

I Am Legend, Will Smith— “Blood tests confirm that I am immune to both the airborne and contact strains…Vaccine trials continue, I’m still unable to transfer my immunity to infected hosts. The Krippen Virus is… elegant…Hmm, a behavioral note, um, an infected male exposed himself to sunlight today. Now, it’s possible decreased brain function or the growing scarcity of food is causing them to…ignore their basic survival instincts. Social de-evolution appears complete. Typical human behavior is now entirely absent.”

Would you buy a used car from these people?

Canadian Father Jailed & Facing Up to 5 Years in Prison for Speaking Out About How “Educators” Secretly Pushed His Daughter to Change Her Gender (Permanent Sterilization)

Canadian Father Jailed & Facing Up to 5 Years in Prison for Speaking Out About How “Educators” Secretly Pushed His Daughter to Change Her Gender (Permanent Sterilization)


Below you will find coverage of this still-unfolding situation. Dan Dicks of Press for Truth
and Drea Humphrey of Rebel News have both been covering the story.


BC Father Arrested, Jailed & Potentially Facing 5 Years for Speaking About Transitioning Daughter!!!

by Dan Dicks, Press for Truth
March 18, 2021

For over 3 years Rob Hoogland has been doing interviews with Press For Truth to tell the world about what’s happening to parental rights in this country and to raise awareness about the dangers transitioning children.

For violating the courts gag order a warrant was put out for Rob’s arrest, he is now sitting in jail and potentially facing 5 years in prison!

In this video Dan Dicks speaks with Rob Hoogland in the final minutes of his freedom about why he continues his campaign to raise awareness about the dangers of transitioning kids even in the face of a tyrannical government that may put him away for 5 years!!


Connect with Dan Dicks at Press for Truth


What is ‘SOGI 1 2 3‘ ?

Link to MassResistance interview mentioned by Rob

Father of Trans Child Jailed for Speaking Out Against Gender Transition

by Drea Humphrey, Rebel News
March 18, 2021

Connect with Drea Humphrey at Rebel News

Ernst Stavro Blohfeld…Er… Klaus Schwab: A Family History

Ernst Stavro Blohfeld…Er… Klaus Schwab: A Family History

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
March 19,


This remarkable article was spotted and shared by E.V.H., but before we get to it, a little background. Regular readers here may recall that some weeks ago I blogged about Klaus Schwab, the perpetually scowling figure who heads the World Economic Forum. I noted at the time that Schwab seemed very much like the character of Dr. Ernst Stavro Blohfeld, the fictitious villain and head of SPECTRE (Special Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion) from the James Bond films. I wasn’t the only one who noticed, apparently, because shortly after that, pictures of Schwab in a gray uniform, holding a white cat ala SPECTRE’s Blohfeld, began to appear on the internet. But on a more serious note, I also observed in that blog that little to nothing appeared to have been known about Schwab’s family, and there was a curious lacuna in his biography at that time from when he completed his degrees to his emergence on the world stage as the spokesman for Mr. Globaloney and The Great Financial Reset.

Apparently, others observed this curious lack of details about Schwab, and set out to remedy that situation in the very lengthy article below, which appeared just last February along with a rather flattering picture illustration of Schwab himself:

We pick up the story with Schwab’s father Eugen, a manager for a Swiss-German company, Escher-Wyss in Schwab’s home town of Ravensburg. The allegations are revealing:

In the pre-war years of the 1930s leading up to the German annexation of Poland, Ravensburg’s Escher-Wyss factory, now managed directly by Klaus Schwab’s father, Eugen Schwab, continued to be the biggest employer in Ravensburg. Not only was the factory a major employer in the town, but Hitler’s own Nazi party awarded the Escher-Wyss Ravensburg branch the title of “National Socialist Model Company” while Schwab was at the helm. The Nazis were potentially wooing the Swiss company for cooperation in the coming war, and their advances were eventually reciprocated.

Ravensburg was an anomaly in wartime Germany, as it was never targeted by any Allied airstrikes. The presence of the Red Cross, and a rumoured agreement with various companies including Escher-Wyss, saw the allied forces publicly agree to not target the Southern German town. It was not classified as a significant military target throughout the war and, for that reason, the town still maintains many of its original features. However, much darker things were afoot in Ravensburg once the war began.

Eugen Schwab continued to manage the “National Socialist Model Company” for Escher-Wyss, and the Swiss company would aid the Nazi Wermacht produce significant weapons of war as well as more basic armaments. The Escher-Wyss company was a leader in large turbine technology for hydroelectric dams and power plants, but they also manufactured parts for German fighter planes. They were also intimately involved in much more sinister projects happening behind the scenes which, if completed, could have changed the outcome of World War II.

From this point, the article traces how some of Escher-Wyss’s hydro-turbine technology made it into the Nazi atom-bomb project via the Norsk heavy water production plant in Norway. Here the article goes a bit awry claiming that heavy water was vital for the production of plutonium for that project. As I’ve outlined in my book Reich of the Black Sun, the German project, while it knew of the possibility of plutonium, also knew that its production could only be accomplished in a reactor, and that it would be a long and difficult project. It thus concentrated on the less complicated project of uranium isotope separation and enrichment for a uranium-fueled bomb. But in either case heavy water could be used both as a neutron moderator in a reactor, and more importantly, as a source of deuterium fuel for a “boosted fission” bomb, which is what I’ve been arguing in my various books about the Nazi atom bomb project.

And Schwab’s father headed a firm in Ravensbruck with ties to that project. Let that sink in a moment. As such, Schwab’s father was also allegedly involved in another infamous Nazi practice:

Back in the Escher-Wyss factory in Ravensburg, Eugen Schwab had been busy putting forced labourers to work at his model Nazi company. During the years of World War II, nearly 3,600 forced labourers worked in Ravensburg, including at Escher Wyss. According to the city archivist in Ravensburg, Andrea Schmuder, the Escher-Wyss machine factory in Ravensburg employed between 198 and 203 civil workers and POWs during the war. Karl Schweizer, a local Lindau historian, states that Escher-Wyss maintained a small special camp for forced labourers on the factory premises.

The use of masses of forced labourers in Ravensburg made it necessary to setup one of the largest recorded Nazi forced labour camps in the workshop of a former carpenter’s at Ziegelstrasse 16. At one time, the camp in question accommodated 125 French prisoners of war who were later redistributed to other camps in 1942. The French workers were replaced by 150 Russian prisoners of war who, it was rumoured, were treated the worst out of all the POWs. One such prisoner was Zina Jakuschewa, whose work card and work book are held by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Those documents identify her as a non-Jewish forced labourer assigned to Ravensburg, Germany, during 1943 and 1944.

This of course does not implicate Klaus Schwab himself in any of these practices nor does it implicate him in any way with sympathy for the practice nor the ideology behind it. It does, however, raise a yellow flag of caution, and perhaps should provide a context in which to view his own statements to the effect that “you vill not own property und you vill be happy!” This, plus the fact that Schwab seems to have pursued academic studies of mechanical engineering in relationship to macroeconomics of credit and export, might indicate at least some filial interest in his father’s wartime experiences, since after his studies and a stint in the USA at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, he went to work for his father’s old company.

The atom bomb connection would continue at Escher-Wyss (now Sulzer-Escher-Wyss)  after the war, as it became involved in South Africa’s effort to acquire the bomb:

Escher-Wyss had been involved with manufacturing and installing nuclear technology at least as early as 1962, as shown by this patent for a “heat exchange arrangement for a nuclear power plant” and this patent from 1966 for a “nuclear reactor gas-turbine plant with emergency cooling”. After Schwab left Sulzer Escher-Wyss, Sulzer would also help to develop special turbocompressors for uranium enrichment to yield reactor fuels.

When Klaus Schwab joined Sulzer Escher-Wyss in 1967 and started the reorganisation of the company to be a technology corporation, the involvement of Sulzer Escher-Wyss in the darker aspects of the global nuclear arms race became immediately more pronounced. Before Klaus became involved, Escher-Wyss had often concentrated on helping design and build parts for civilian uses of nuclear technology, e.g. nuclear power generation. Yet, with the arrival of the eager Mr. Schwab also came the company’s participation in the illegal proliferation of nuclear weapons technology. By 1969, the incorporation of Escher Wyss into Sulzer was fully completed and they would be rebranded into Sulzer AG, dropping the historic name Escher-Wyss from their name.

It was eventually revealed, thanks to a review and report carried out by the Swiss authorities and a man named Peter Hug, that Sulzer Escher-Wyss began secretly procuring and building key parts for nuclear weapons during the 1960s. The company, while Schwab was on the board, also began playing a critical key role in the development of South Africa’s illegal nuclear weapons programme during the darkest years of the apartheid regime. Klaus Schwab was a leading figure in the founding of a company culture which helped Pretoria build six nuclear weapons and partially assemble a seventh. (Boldface emphasis added)

This now ratchets up the suspicion meter considerably, when placed into context of what else is known about the South African project. In 1973 the New York Times book division published a book by Barbara Rogers and Zdenek Cervenka titled The Nuclear Axis: The Secret Collaboration between West Germany and South Africa, a title which says it all… almost. The authors detail how a Luftwaffe general in the Bundeswehr, himself a holdover from World War II, and several German firms including Degussa(which was also involved in the wartime Nazi atom bomb effort), were involved in aiding South Africa to acquire the atom bomb, which in the opinion of many (including this author) it did. The arrangement was a “tidy” one: in exchange for South African uranium, Germany would supply the technology to enrich it and the engineering to turn it into a bomb. South Africa became the front behind which postwar Germany acquired nuclear weapons technology, for the South African bomb was in effect a German one…

… and an Israeli one, because the third partner in this picture was Israel itself, lending technical assistance as well in return for a steady supply of uranium from the project. The arrangement was a rather  nifty one, given that all three states were in some measure and for very different reasons each a pariah state, and each viewed its national security was being jeopardized without nuclear weapons.

But now we find Schwab himself – Dr. Ernst Stavro Blohfeld and SPECTRE – squatting in the middle of that West German-South African atom bomb effort.

The implications here are inescapable, and the article’s author, Johnny Vedmore, doesn’t shrink from mentioning them:

In the case of Klaus Schwab himself, it appears that he has helped to launder relics of the Nazi era, i.e. its nuclear ambitions and its population control ambitions, so as to ensure the continuity of a deeper agenda. While serving in a leadership capacity at Sulzer Escher Wyss, the company sought to aid the nuclear ambitions of the South African regime, then the most Nazi adjacent government in the world, preserving Escher Wyss’ own Nazi era legacy. Then, through the World Economic Forum, Schwab has helped to rehabilitate eugenics-influenced population control policies during the post-World War II era, a time when the revelations of Nazi atrocities quickly brought the pseudo-science into great disrepute. Is there any reason to believe that Klaus Schwab, as he exists today, has changed in anyway? Or is he still the public face of a decades-long effort to ensure the survival of a very old agenda?

The last question that should be asked about the real motivations behind the actions of Herr Schwab, may be the most important for the future of humanity: Is Klaus Schwab trying to create the Fourth Industrial Revolution, or is he trying to create the Fourth Reich?

For my part, readers can already guess the answer, for I’ve been trying for years to warn people about a post-war “Nazi International,” an “extra-territorial state” hiding behind a complex tapestry of corporations, funds, foundations, think tanks, and a bewildering labyrinth of interconnections, all still firmly in the grasp of a hideous ideology.

See you on the flip side…

The Crumbling Public Health PSYOP

The Crumbling Public Health PSYOP

by Jefferey Jaxen, The HighWire
March 16, 2021


The RAND corporation defines psychological warfare as involving the planned use of propaganda and other psychological operations, or PSYOPs, to influence the opinions, emotions, attitudes, and behavior of opposition groups.

Meanwhile, defines individuals PSYOP operators as “Experts in their field, they specialize in unconventional capabilities, cultural expertise, language proficiency, military deception and advanced communications techniques encompassing all forms of media.”

From health officials to governments and corporate media outlets to social influencers, the general public has been the target of a sustained PSYOP in the guise of public health over the past year. Public heath officials have used the Covid-19 pandemic as a justification to green light several aspects of psychological warfare upon the public.

In the UK, it’s openly admitted that the secretive British Army unit’s 77th Brigade and Specialist Group Military Intelligence, once used against foreign enemy combatants, is now targeting its own public domestically in an aggressive more to shape public thought and neutralize independent voices.

Several aspects of the coronavirus response used by public health officials could be categorized as myopic, ham-fisted and shortsighted. For example, sustained global lockdowns of all society, never been done before for more destructive viruses and disease, should never have happened. The science was, and still is clear. The data now proves it and history warned against it.

study published in Nature, one of many scientific examples of the failed lockdown strategies, found that staying at home did not play a dominant role in reducing COVID-19 transmission. The researchers  concluded “…using this methodology and current data, in ~ 98% of the comparisons using 87 different regions of the world we found no evidence that the number of deaths/million is reduced by staying at home.

In short, the lockdowns have failed. Many governors are racing to reopen their states. Leaders are also hoping that regranting freedoms to their populace will erase any memory that they were the same people who put them in the social and economic chokehold in the first place. An overly aggressive, pointless move which suffocated their life, liberty and livelihoods for the past year while ignoring pleas and protests to stop.

As the lockdowns were being pushed as viable options by public health experts, countless global voices expressed widespread disagreement and caution to no avail.

The Great Barrington Declaration, with over 55,000 signatures from public health scientists and medical practitioners, stands as a testament and unheeded warning against widespread lockdowns – despite attempts by the media to vilify its scientific points and a push by Big Tech social media to censor its continued presence.

The public voice and scientific warnings of former Trump-administration Covid task force senior advisor Dr. Scott Atlas was targeted for social elimination. He questioned both the lockdowns and keeping kids out of school during his short tenure.

At the time, coordinated media attacks working in lockstep with focused social media censorship were able to manufacture a false consensus painting Dr. Atlas as promoting “dangerous falsehoods and behaviors and showing “disdain for established medical knowledge.” Nothing could have been further from the truth.

In the fast-moving flow of Covid information warfare, the astroturf campaign worked, even if only for a short period of time. Unfortunately for society, Atlas’s warnings based on readily available science have been continually proven right. In a recent piece, Atlas writes:

“…despite all efforts, there was an undeniable failure to stop cases from rapidly escalating and prevent hospitalizations and death.”

“All legitimate policy scholars should, today, be openly reexamining policies that severely harmed America’s families and children, while failing to save the elderly.”

What does the public have to show for allowing sustained lockdowns? Widespread harms and unnecessary deaths from missed hospital care for a myriad of critical health emergencies such as strokes, heart attacks, organ transplant surgeries and other vital issues.

Skyrocketing domestic and child abuse, a four-fold increases in depression, three-fold increases in anxiety symptoms and a doubling of suicidal ideation, particularly among young adults – college age – after the first few months of lockdowns. With an overall increase in drug overdoses and suicides.

Widespread unemployment leading to an additional 890,000 U.S. deaths over the next 15 years disproportionately affecting minorities and women.

If the devil is real, he would have been a big fan of the lockdowns.

Now society has entered an interesting junction. The PSYOP crowd is still operating. Moving away from hard-driving the lockdown messaging and into vaccine (mis)information. There’s a current window that allows for clarity to see the psychological warfare in action.

The golden ticket to reenter society and enjoy ‘normal’ again was supposed to be vaccine compliance and its accompanying electronic surveillance and tracking system to ensure it. That isn’t up and running yet.

The ‘Green Pass/Freedom Certificate’ narrative has fallen behind and is still being marketed with consent working to be manufactured in the media. There’s a bigger problem. The shots are still experimental under emergency use. In other words, despite how Fauci tried to spin it recently, they are not approved by the FDA.

People are asking too many inconvenient questions. Can it stop transmission? Can it stop infection? What about long-term safety? Can I sue the manufacturer if I get injured? If it works so well, why are boosters already being made?

In addition, the PSYOP crowd has been working nonstop, 24/7, day and night to explain away a laundry list of and illnesses and even deaths occurring shortly after the vaccine as mere coincidence. Their op has had little success with continually diminishing returns as time goes on. Especially as much of the data shows climbing peaks of severe illness and mortality following vaccine campaigns.

More stumbling blocks were added as Astrazenca’s shot has been shelved due to safety concerns by the following countries and counting daily:  Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Denmark, Ireland, Thailand, the Netherlands, Norway, Iceland, Congo, Bulgaria, Canada.

PSYOP public health officials are now trying to make two ends, drifting further away by the moment, meet. Masks are coming off, main street’s  are opening in states across America and summer is right around the corner.

The data, science and public distaste will not allow another large-scale lockdown to occur. In short, the incentives to get vaccinated is waning…fast. The op was laid bare by Washington Post opinion columnist Leana Wen, M.D. in her recent interview

Wen is a doctor and we are supposed to respect her expertise. But how educated and informed is she when one can simply look at any one of several ethics codes and doctrines from around the world and see that they all universally agree individuals should never be forced or coerced into an experimental medical produce without choice and informed consent?

When looking at the evidence of continued failure and extreme efforts of deception (and often violence) utilized, one must ask to what ends and to whose advantage are the public health PSYOP and its operators working towards?

Discuss: President Magufuli Dead at 61 — A Corporate Coup Has Removed Tanzania’s “Covid Denying President”, and Nobody Should Be Surprised.

Discuss: President Magufuli Dead at 61
A Corporate Coup Has Removed Tanzania’s “Covid Denying President”, and Nobody Should Be Surprised.

by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian
March 18, 2021


After weeks of being out of the public eye, Tanzania’s President John Magufuli has died age 61, according to the country’s Vice President.

The global press are reporting the death of Tanzania’s “Covid denying President” with barely disguised glee.

The official cause of death is rumoured to be a heart attack, but some are implying it may have been due to the virus. The Economist, for example reports:

Many believe the virus was to blame”.

As if what “many believe” really means anything.

However it happened – whether virus or heart attack or, ahem, “suicide” – the long and short of it as that Magufuli is gone. Just as we predicted only a few days ago.

So what now for the East African nation? Well presumably Magufuli’s successor – be it the Vice-President, or a hastily elected new leader (perhaps the head of the opposition, given so many column inches in recent weeks) – will take the reins of the country.

Will they continue their predecessor’s “Covid denying” policies? I would be astounded.

If what happened in Burundi last summer is any guide, the Tanzanian Covid approach will be totally reversed within a day or two of the President dying.

As the Council on Foreign Relations reported, only last week:

a bold figure within the ruling party could capitalize on the current episode to begin to reverse course.”

Expect that “Bold Figure” to rise to prominence very soon, and receive the kind of glowing write-ups in the Western press, that only their hand-picked men ever get.

Bloomberg is already reporting that:

Tanzania’s Next Leader to Face Predecessor’s Covid Denialism

And that:

New leader must decide whether to change course on Covid-19

The Covid reversals have actually already begun, they were being put in place even before the President was reported dead, with WHO spokespeople praising Tanzania’s “new position” on Covid as early as March 12th.

The “new position” will likely be enforced with industrial blackmail. Bloomberg reports:

Magufuli spearheaded a major infrastructure investment drive, and pending decisions on whether to proceed with several mega-projects will now fall to his successor.

It’s not hard to see the obvious financial threat here. “Change your Covid position, or foreign investors will pull out of your infrastructure projects”.

Plus, there are the former President’s plans to part-nationalise the mining industry, which his successor may well be forced to halt, for fear of “alienating international investors”:

The nation’s new leader will also need to decide whether to run the risk of alienating international investors and press ahead with controversial mining reforms that Magufuli said were needed to ensure the nation derives greater benefit from its natural resources.

It seems fairly obvious there’s been a major powerplay in Tanzania, a soft coup using business in place of bullets. But what do you think?

  1. What will President Magufuli’s successor do now?
  2. Will the WHO be invited back into the country?
  3. Will they start mass testing?
  4. Will Tanzania’s “hidden pandemic” suddenly come to light?
  5. Did Magufuli really die of natural causes?
  6. For those of you who answered yes to question 5, would you like to buy a bridge?

As always, discuss below.

[Go to OffGuardian to join the discussion.]

Vandana Shiva: Divide & Rule — The Plan of the 1% Is to Make You Disposable

Vandana Shiva: Divide & Rule — The Plan of the 1% Is to Make You Disposable

by After Skool
March 16, 2021


Vandana Shiva (born 5 November 1952) is an Indian scholar, environmental activist, physicist, food sovereignty advocate, and anti-globalization author.

Based in Delhi, Shiva has written more than 20 books. Shiva founded the Research Foundation for Science, Technology, and Natural Resource Policy (RFSTN), an organization devoted to developing sustainable methods of agriculture, in 1982.

She has traveled the world spreading a powerful message of oneness and interconnectedness.

Song at the end:
The Vision by Ra-Grim

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The Dancing Fascists and Their Willful Destruction of Irish Culture

The Dancing Fascists
and Their Willful Destruction of Irish Culture

by Gary Jordan, Wake TF Up Weekly
March 17, 2021



St Patrick’s Day is a good time for reflection for Irish people all over the world.

It is also a good day to acknowledge the death of a nation and an appropriate time to remember how delinquents within our own country are laying waste to an ancient land and its values. It is a perfect time to take a look in the mirror and ask why we have allowed a small percentage of slithering reptiles to sabotage and hijack our nation, while the future of our children hangs in the balance. St Patrick’s Day should be a day to celebrate the culture and history of a unique nation of people. Instead, it is a day of mourning, as the very things that make us Irish have been stripped away from us. The cosy pubs, the sing-songs, the family get-togethers, the friendly fireside camaraderie, the banter, the craic, the dancing, – all gone, given away; with consent and complacency.

Well, not quite the dancing…..

As the slithering reptiles betray the people and bow to the demands of those who own them, they rely on a faction within our population to enforce their criminality. The Masonic Irish political mafia depends on the willful ignorance of useful idiots to crush dissent, while they pursue their agenda. These useful idiots, in Ireland, are known as the Garda Siochana. They are tasked with enforcement of tyranny as those same slithering reptiles construct a prison for society. The Garda Siochana adhere to the orders, thus allowing this nightmarish, dystopian future to be built. That same nightmarish, dystopian future that the members of the Garda Siochana are helping to build is the very one that their own children and grandchildren will have to suffer. The Garda Siochana will have a responsibility, each member individually, to look into their children’s eyes someday and explain to them their reasoning. They will have to answer, ‘why did you assist in building this hellhole?’ They will have to find an answer to the question ‘what were you doing when they were taking our freedoms and liberties?’. And they will respond;

We were dancing

And they were.

Earlier this year, Irish Gardai, around the country, went viral on social media as they danced for the European banking cartels, the City of London financial institution, the Davos ‘elite’, Wall Street and her Majesty the Queen, celebrating the transfer of wealth from the people they swore an oath to serve. Jacob Rothschild must have had a hard-on, as he watched clueless Freemason subordinates, dance to the tune of Jerusalema, in tribute to the Zionist Israeli Defence Force Fascists and the impending Palestinian-style prison our planet is about to become. Well done boys and girls.

On completion, they advanced their reign of Fascism in the towns, streets and villages of Ireland, determined to crush any form of culture or tradition left on the island. They would go after the Irish sibin, for example – a dangerous outpost; one where you can find all kinds of dangerous, illicit activities, including, at best, palavering, crooning, prattling and tittle-tattle or, at worst, shimmying and jamming. One such hazardous hot spot was discovered in County Offaly. Thankfully, Garda Siochana and their dedicated Operation Navigation personnel put an end to it, thus obliterating any form of merriment that may have potentially arisen out of the abhorrent site.

Other ominous places of entertainment have been found in the country and the Gardai have acted in a likewise manner, recognising them as locations where people could enjoy the craic and have a laugh. One of them was so outrageous, its residents were even known to have been watching football together. The traumatic images were hard to handle, but the fine officers of the force, handled it like professionals, shutting it down and avoiding further incidents of laughter and happiness. A true deathtrap in the eyes of our Fuhrers, it was a symbol of an earlier time, one of fun and freedom; when the Irish had a lifestyle worth envying. It could not be tolerated anymore, under any circumstances.

The attacks on traditional Irish pubs by Gardai have been innumerable. They have deliberately chosen key dates on the calendar such as New Year’s Eve to throw their weight around, putting a halt to the social events of countless individuals in several regions of the nation. Fraternizing and mingling have been reduced to forbidden acts in their eyes, as they exert their illusory authority all over the island, from County Monaghan to County Kerry, decimating the age-old Irish custom of friendly interaction and comradeship.

Of course, they are not just responsible for the breaking up of private parties and family gatherings, but also the devastation to Irish bars all over the nation as it is predicted that at least 2000 of them will not be able to afford themselves the opportunity of reopening, due to the economic damage of lockdowns; which we must remind ourselves are enforced by the Gardai.

Similarly, closures have been experienced by the religious institutions of our island. In a blatant act of aggression, a Catholic priest in the country was found to have been handing out the Eucharist to devoted worshippers in a church in Dublin. One of the city’s media outlets, ‘Dublin Live’ described the illegal operation as ‘sneaky’ when people lined up in secret to accept Holy Communion. It was evident that Ireland was rapidly descending into a nation of criminals as lonely, frustrated, elderly men and women were engaged in the covert consumption of the ‘body of Christ’ in what can only be described as surreptitious circumstances. The spiritual support was condemned by Gardai and the priest was warned not to repeat his mistakes.

This was a throwback to the events of Brigid’s Day when Irish Catholics showed up at a shrine in Co. Louth to pray to the Second Patron Saint of Ireland, after St. Patrick. Our Dancing Fascists soon put a stop to this hooliganism as they deployed their finest and arrested the devotees, doing a great service to the occult, Kabbalah-reading, Christian-hating, Zionist financiers who they now work to appease.

The Church is not the only symbol of tradition that the Garda Siochana target in their servitude of the Globalists. They have also zoomed in on the centuries-old sporting activities that are unique to Ireland. The art of Gaelic football is world-renowned as a passionate past-time for many Irish people. For this reason, in the ‘New Normal’ that attempts to decimate anything that is pro-human such as sports and leisure, the Gardai have broken up post-GAA match dinner parties and removed spectators from the stands.

They’ve even pounced on the ‘Wandering Irish’ as they lay siege to the timely tradition of travel, synonymous with the people of this nation who have journeyed extensively, exploring the four corners of the earth. Yet another age-old habit terminated by the Irish government and prohibited at the hands of the Garda Siochana, who are penalising those who attempt to leave the country.

Culture and tradition are anathemas to the authorities in Ireland today. When a Minister within the country publicly denounces the extremely Irish practice of drinking alcohol on St. Patrick’s Day and urges people to drink water instead, you know that there is an outright war on the country’s heritage. St. Patrick would be rolling in his grave if he watched the 2,500 Gardai, including air, dog and mounted units, occupy the land, in all their arrogant Fascism, determined to defecate on the one day of the year that celebrates Irishness. Purposely and actively, the Yellow Streak brigade stand with their heads held high, imprisoning the population, while serving the elite agenda on a day that the eyes of the world, smilingly, gaze upon the Emerald Isle. The chant ‘shame on you’, has never been so apt.

Of course, there are many who will declare that such policing is implemented to keep us safe against a deadly virus. And I would say, if you think that is the truth, I’ve got a bridge in Dublin called the Ha’penny I’d like to sell you.

As the Dancing Fascists put their boot down on the day of Irish observance, 4000 foreign nationals prepare to fly into the country to commence work in fields picking fruit. Now, as someone who has travelled and worked in several countries worldwide, I am very open to hard-working individuals chasing their ambitions, packing up and setting off across the waters to earn a living for themselves and their families. What I’m not open to is the bullshit coming out of the politicians’ mouths as they struggle to get their stories straight – shutting down the nation on the pretense of a pandemic, yet flying thousands in to work here. Nonsense. It is about as credible as the tale that there were 56 million cases of influenza in a 12 month period in the United States alone – and then one day, just like that, they all magically disappeared. It’s another case of sell-out vermin called politicians lying, in order to destroy their nation’s economy at the behest of Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and the pharmaceutical and banking mafia cartel.

Some may also say that not all Gardai are bad. And I would agree. But we could have said the same thing about the Gestapo or the SS. Rudolf Hoess was generally, at face value, said to be a nice guy. Those that knew him considered him sociable, friendly and helpful to those around him. A study of his book, Commandant of Auschwitz, reveals that he was a devoted family man, well-spoken, articulate and in many ways considerate and caring. This does not excuse the fact that millions were murdered under his watch. Many believe it was not an evil intention that drove him to this but instead, a commitment that he made to ‘just follow orders’. It is obvious today that a huge number of Irish Gardai, and indeed law enforcement personnel worldwide, are doing just that. However, this is no excuse and they cannot be forgiven.

They are complicit in the destruction of the culture and tradition of the nation and in the ravaging of businesses and establishments throughout the land. They have assaulted freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom to dissent and freedom of movement. They are greatly responsible for the wave of mental health issues and suicides presently plaguing our nation.

What’s even worse, is that when people of this nation go out on the streets to push back against the Fascism that is been carried out and object to the soul-destroying mandates of the political slime that run the country on behalf of billionaire gangsters, the Gardai are the very first to lace up their boots, don their badges and wield their batons as they shell out fines, brutalize and detain. They are the very first to defend their overlords; the very first to abuse those that love their country and their freedom enough to stand up against the imposed tyranny.

In my book, The COVID-19 Illusion; A Cacophony of Lies, I warned of the dangers that would come when the Garda Siochana were given unprecedented power over the people of Ireland. I briefly outlined their century-long sins against all walks of life in this country, their framing of innocent people and their bullying, brutish actions towards women and children. The lockdown and COVID-19 debacle have brought the true nature of the Irish policing institute out for all to see. They have disgraced themselves. They have spat in the faces of the people of this country, they have urinated on its culture and they treated its tradition like excrement. For this, the Garda Siochana, for generations to come, will be remembered as an organization that turned its back on the people and pledged its allegiance to the slithering reptiles of the banking and pharmaceutical cartels and the diseased Irish government. For this reason, Gardai will have a lot of explaining to do. They will have to explain themselves not just to the population at large but to their own families as well. They have chosen their position and are now sitting on the wrong side of history.

One thing’s for sure, the Dancing Fascists won’t be able to foxtrot their way out of this one too easily…..

Happy St. Patrick’s Day to one and all from Ireland!


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Study Analyzes Wireless Radiation-COVID Connection

Study Analyzes Wireless Radiation-COVID Connection

by Makia Freeman, The Freedom Articles
March 17, 2021


The wireless radiation-COVID connection cannot be ignored if one is truly committed to discovering the underlying medical causes of whatever this COVID thing is. I have dedicated most of my articles to exposing the scamdemic, the fake death count, the fake numbers, the fake PCR test, the fake vaccine, the non-existent virus and more. However, I am writing this to bring some focus back to what could be a major factor in causing the genuine and legitimate illness some people have experienced from what is called COVID. Early on in the pandemic I talked about the 5G-coronavirus connection. Now, I’d like to broaden the focus to EMF (Electromagnetic Fields or Frequencies) and RFR (Radio Frequency Radiation) in general, both of which are forms of non-ionizing radiation. A study this year from January 2021 entitled Evidence for a Connection between COVID-19 and Exposure to Radiofrequency Radiation from Wireless Telecommunications Including Microwaves and Millimeter Waves” analyzes this theme and finds some compelling evidence to support the radiation-COVID connection.

Uncovering the Wireless Radiation-COVID Connection

A hallmark of Operation Coronavirus has been the invention of an entirely new disease (COVID-19) with such broad and vague symptoms that virtually anything, but especially the common cold, flu and pneumonia, could be reclassified and recategorized as this new disease. My April 2020 article pointed out how it was crucial to avoid the trap of thinking COVID was some new thing, when there was not 1 disease and not 1 cause. That being said, it is beyond coincidence that many COVID symptoms match up with many effects of radiation exposure. The authors of the study state they have examined “a large body of peer reviewed literature, since before World War II, on the biological effects of wireless radiation that impact many aspects of our health” and that from this research they were able to discover “intersections between the pathophysiology of COVID-19 and detrimental bioeffects of wireless radiation exposure.” Pathophysiology is defined as “a convergence of pathology with physiology” and is the study of the “disordered physiological processes that cause, result from, or are otherwise associated with a disease or injury.” In simple English, the study found that many of the so-called effects or symptoms blamed on COVID are identical or remarkably similar to ones caused by wireless radiation.

Hypoxia and Hypoxemia

Let’s start with these 2 terms, hypoxia and hypoxemia, which both refer to conditions of under-oxygenation in the body. In the article Masks Cause Damage: Study Reveals Mask-Hypoxia-Blood Clot Connection, I highlighted how wearing masks limits oxygen intake which can then lead to potentially fatal blood clots. This study also found very similar effects between EMF/RFR and COVID when analyzing the blood:

“Two recent studies documented the formation of erythrocyte aggregates (Havas, 2013) and erythrocyte aggregates and echinocyte formation upon human exposure to 4G-LTE smart phone radiation (microwaves) (Rubik, 2014) … Exposure to radiation from a cell phone for two consecutive 45-minute periods caused two types of effects: initially increased stickiness of peripheral red blood cells and rouleaux formation (rolls of stacked red blood cells) and subsequently formation of echinocytes (spiky red blood cells). Similar red blood cell changes have been described in peripheral blood of COVID-19 patients (Lakhdari et al., 2020). Rouleaux formation is observed in 1/3 of COVID-19 patients, whereas spherocytes and echinocytes have been observed at variable levels. Rouleaux formation impedes the microcirculation. These blood changes may also impede oxygen transport, contributing to hypoxia, and increase the risk of
thrombosis (Wagner et al., 2013) and therefore stroke, which can manifest in COVID … 
In short, both RFR exposure and COVID-19 can cause deleterious effects on red blood cells and reduced hemoglobin levels contributing to hypoxia in COVID.”

The tendency for blood to coagulate (thicken) in dangerous ways accompanies both EMF and COVID, and has been pointed out by doctors such as Dr. Robert Young who speaks of the corona effect.

Oxidative Stress

Next, the study found that that oxidative stress was another indicator of a radiation-COVID connection. It defines oxidative stress as a “condition reflecting an imbalance between an increased production of ROS [Reactive Oxygen Species] and an inability of the organism to detoxify the ROS or to repair the damage they cause to biomolecules and tissue”:

“Immune dysregulation … has been identified in the cytokine storm accompanying severe COVID-19 infections and generates oxidative stress (Cecchini and Cecchini, 2020). Oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction may further perpetuate the cytokine storm, worsening tissue damage, and increasing the risk of severe illness and death. Similarly low-level RFR generates ROS in cells that cause oxidative damage. In fact, oxidative stress is considered as one of the primary mechanisms in which RFR exposure causes cellular damage. Among 100 currently available peer-reviewed studies investigating oxidative effects of low-intensity RFR, 93 studies confirmed that RFR induces oxidative effects in biological systems (Yakymenko et al., 2015) … Oxidative stress is also an accepted mechanism causing endothelial damage (Higashi et al., 2009). This may manifest in patients with severe COVID-19 in addition to increasing the risk for blood clot formation and worsening hypoxemia (Cecchini and Cecchini, 2020).”

Immune Dysregulation, Calcium Levels, Heart Disease and More
The study proceeds to look at all the ways that COVID elicits the same kind of response as EMF radiation, including the immune response, intracellular calcium levels, heart disease and arrythmias. In all cases, there is strong evidence of a radiation-COVID connection:

“In short, COVID-19 can lead to immune dysregulation as well as cytokine storm. By comparison, exposure to low-level RFR as observed in animal studies can also compromise the immune system, with chronic daily exposure producing immunosuppression or immune dysregulation including hyperactivation … cardiac arrhythmias are more commonly

encountered in critically ill patients with COVID … regarding RFR exposure bioeffects, in 1969 Christopher Dodge of the Biosciences Division, U.S. Naval Observatory in Washington DC, reviewed 54papers and reported that RFR can adversely affects all major systems of the body, including impeding blood circulation; altering blood pressure and heart rate;affecting electrocardiograph readings; and causing chest pain and heart palpitations (Dodge, 1969). In the 1970s

Glaser reviewed more than 2000 publications on RFR exposure bioeffects and concluded that microwave radiation can alter the ECG (electrocardiogram), cause chest pain, hypercoagulation, thrombosis, and hypertension in addition to myocardial infarction (Glaser, 1971; 1976).”
The study also specifically mentions 5G:
“Most recently, Bandara and Weller (2017) present evidence that people who live near radar installations (millimeter waves: 5G frequencies) have a greater risk of developing cancer and experiencing heart attacks. Similarly, those occupationally exposed have a greater risk of coronary heart disease. Microwave radiation affects the heart, and some people are more vulnerable if they have an underlying heart abnormality (Cleary, 1969). In short, both COVID19 and RFR exposure can affect the heart and cardiovascular system, directly and/or indirectly.”
The Conclusion of the Study

The point of the study was not to prove causation, but rather to show there is some kind of radiation-COVID connection that needs to be further investigated. The authors write that:

“evidence from the literature summarized here suggests a connection between several adverse health effects of RFR exposure and the clinical course of COVID-19. The evidence indicates that RFR may weaken the host, exacerbate COVID-19 disease, and thereby worsen the pandemic. This evidence presented here does not claim causation. Clearly COVID-19 occurs in regions with little wireless communication. In addition, the relative morbidity caused by RFR exposure in COVID-19 is unknown. The question of causation could be investigated in controlled laboratory experiments.”

Here is their conclusion:

“We conclude that RFR and, in particular, 5G, which involves 4G infrastructure densification, has exacerbated COVID-19 prevalence and severity by weakening host immunity and increasing SARS-CoV-2 virulence by (1) causing morphologic changes in erythrocytes including echinocyte and rouleaux formation that may be contributing to hypercoagulation; (2) impairing microcirculation and reducing erythrocyte and hemoglobin levels exacerbating hypoxia; (3) amplifying immune system dysfunction, including immunosuppression, autoimmunity, and hyperinflammation; (4) increasing cellular oxidative stress and the production of free radicals exacerbating vascular injury and organ damage; (5) augmenting intracellular Ca2+ essential for viral entry, replication, and release, in addition to promoting pro-inflammatory pathways; and (6) worsening heart arrhythmias and cardiac disorders. In short, RFR is a ubiquitous environmental stressor that contributes to adverse health outcomes of COVID-19. We invoke the Precautionary Principle and strongly recommend a moratorium on 5G wireless infrastructure…”

This study is not the first to make the connection between 5G/RFR and COVID. As I covered in my article 5G Induces Coronaviruses: New Study Models Millimeter Wave Influence on DNA, there have been other attempts analyzing this, although that study was later retracted.

Final Thoughts on the Radiation-COVID Connection

It’s always going to be more sexy and spectacular to sell a story of a killer virus rather than explain that each individual is responsible for their own state of health according to how well they cultivate, much like a farmer, their own inner bio-terrain. It’s always going to be more preferable for Big Gov and the Corporatocracy to blame an invisible enemy rather than admit that, in their unbridled quest for domination and control, their poisoning of the environment – even if by unseen frequencies in the airwaves – is contributing to major disease and sickness in the population. It’s just too easy and convenient for the dark forces that rule this world to blame it all on a virus, especially when the alleged effects of a coronavirus so closely mimic the effects of EMF radiation. The COVID op is a chance for us to wake up to a broader picture of reality, particularly in terms of understanding health, disease, viruses, radiation and the worldwide conspiracy.

Ilana Rachel Daniel: Outcry to the World From Israel — Medical Apartheid “Currently Reminiscent of the Holocaust”

Ilana Rachel Daniel: Outcry to the World From Israel — Medical Apartheid “Currently Reminiscent of the Holocaust”

by Flavio Pasquino, BLCKBX
March 10, 2021



Original video available at BLCKBX YouTube channel.

Ilana Rachel Daniel came with an emotional outcry for help from Jerusalem, the capital of Israel. At record speed, the government is trying to vaccinate the entire population – including pregnant women and small children – against the corona virus. “Civil rights are put aside and people can only participate in society again after vaccination,” told Ilana to Flavio Pasquino in the BLCKBX studio via a live stream connection, who tracked down Ilana after an – even – more emotional audio clip on Telegram. Ilana talks about the Green Pass, the Freedom Bracelet, the mRNA vaccine and human rights violations. “Currently reminiscent of the Holocaust,” said the Jewess who emigrated from the US to Jerusalem 30 years ago.

Ilana Rachel is active in Jerusalem as a health advisor and information officer for a new political party (Rappeh) that is heavily opposed by the regime. Opening a banc account is not possible and members of the party are also thwarted in their daily lives.


This is an official platform to find more info about Rappeh:​

The facebook group has been removed and the site can no longer be found, but through this newspaper article you can find some information about the activities of her and the party.​

BLCKBX is a Dutch YouTube platform including a website​ with a sharp focus on society matters. We are critical and seeking for truth in a investigative way but we don’t want to polarise the debates.

Connect with and support the work of BLCKBX

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

I Didn’t Order the Fauci Baloney on Rye With RNA Sauce

I Didn’t Order the Fauci Baloney on Rye With RNA Sauce

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
March 16, 2021


Waiter, I said I didn’t want the Fauci baloney with Birx pickles and Redfield mustard and the RNA sauce.

The lockdown-vaccine lunatics have a problem. They’re running out of credible front figures.

Fauci says asymptomatic COVID-19 cases can’t drive an epidemic, and never have, which means most PCR positives are meaningless, and lockdowns are unnecessary. Then he turns around and says we all have to wear masks until the sun burns out.

He says running the PCR test at more than 35 cycles gives a meaningless result, but the FDA and the CDC advise deploying 40 cycles. Fauci makes no judgment about THAT.

He says the experimental COVID vaccine is using RNA technology for the first time in history and we’re all guinea pigs; and then he says the vaccine is absolutely safe and effective.

Biden can’t find his way from the shower to his bedroom without three minders, but he’s “following the science.” His handlers are postponing the State of the Union until he resigns his office owing to health concerns, so KamALA can deliver the address and spell out the new normal.

Bill Gates keeps pouring his Foundation money into Big Pharma. These donations push up the share prices of the companies, in which he happens to hold said shares. Ordinarily, this would be called some kind of insider trading or money laundering. The perps usually go to prison.

Credible TV star news anchors? Don’t be silly. Lester Holt is a human cadaver. The other two—David Muir and Norah O’Donnell—are a Sears underwear model and an ex PR flack. Taken together, their gravitas approaches Roger Corman’s Monster from the Ocean Floor. “COVID is coming!”

The Vatican? Apparently the Pope believes Jesus urged the founding of the Roman Church so everyone could take the COVID shot in the arm. Wafer, wine, Pfizer.

Cuomo and Newsom, the American bookend lockdown governors? Cuomo’s own Party is doing a Harvey Weinstein Lite on him. The California recall petition against Newsom has gathered 2 million signatures so far.

Angela Merkel, the chancellor of Germany, in case you missed it (US major media underreporting), has refused to take the AstraZeneca jab in the arm. She states it is only approved in Germany for people 65 and under. She’s 66. Very precise of her.

US media reports: black Americans, hospital personnel, and soldiers are refusing the jab in droves.

March 12 (UPI) – “Several more countries have suspended distribution of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine over concerns about blood clotting that’s been seen in a few isolated cases.”

“Denmark was the first to suspend giving out the vaccine on Thursday. Thailand, Norway, Iceland, Bulgaria, Luxembourg, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia had all followed suit by Friday.”

But don’t worry, be happy. It’s just “a bad batch.”

That’s what they always say when people start keeling over.

(Dr. Barbara Starfield, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, July 26, 2000, Journal of the American Medical Association, “Is US Health Really the Best in the World?”—Every year in the US, the medical system kills 225,000 people; 106,000 as a result of FDA approved medical drugs, 119,000 stemming from mistreatment and errors in hospitals. Just a bad batch…)

Assuming, for the purposes of argument only, that the virus is real; the test is accurate; the case and death numbers are authentic—report after report announce that lockdowns don’t work.

I have my own “study” on this. I point to US events that should have resulted in MASSIVE super-spreader effects. The three huge Trump rallies in Washington DC, and the BLM/Antifa riots in 315 US cities.

These vivid “non-lockdown” happenings didn’t lead to millions of COVID cases and people dropping like flies, as millions of Americans from here, there, and everywhere mingled and mixed.

Here’s an interesting attempt to go “all super-spread”: the August 2020 Sturgis, South Dakota, biker rally. 450,000 bikers pulled into town, as they do every year. A preliminary study out of San Diego State University claims the result was 260,000 new COVID cases in the following month across the US.

No detailed contact tracing was possible. The real shortcoming of the study was: I see no report on the number of COVID deaths supposedly resulting from the Sturgis rally. People being diagnosed with COVID (a pineapple can register positive on a PCR test) is a far cry from people dying.

The overwhelming percentage of COVID cases are asymptomatic, or have cough, chills, fever, and nothing more.

A WebMD article describing the San Diego study only mentions one death in Minnesota claimed to be connected to Sturgis. One. After 450,000 bikers departed town.

Speaking of pineapples, remember John Magufuli, the president of Tanzania, who last year claimed that samples taken from a goat and pawpaw fruit tested positive on a PCR kit supplied by the African CDC? He’s also refused to allow COVID vaccinations in Tanzania.

Current reports from the country state he has been missing for two weeks.

His political opponents say he’s in Kenya (or India), in a hospital, critically ill with COVID-19.

Last summer, Pierre Nkurunziza, the President of Burundi, another critic of “COVID science,” ordered all World Health Organization (WHO) representatives to leave the country. He suddenly died. His replacement invited WHO back in.

Of course, these are sheer coincidences. Who would claim otherwise? WHO?

For those readers who want an antidote to this article, in order to return to oblivion, there is a simple solution: watch Lester Holt, Norah O’Donnell, and David Muir every night, simultaneously, on three TV sets; and on Sunday mornings, deeply inhale the major oily sleazebags of political talk, George Stephanopoulos, Chuck Todd, and Chris Wallace. They’ll set your teeth on edge, but they’ll render your brain nicely helpless and quiescent.

No, President Biden, We Are Not the Government

No, President Biden, We Are Not the Government

by Adam Dick, Ron Paul Institute
March 15, 2021


People who desire the protection of freedom from overreaching government have much to be concerned about in President Joe Biden’s Thursday speech focused on coronavirus and coronavirus-related government actions. Yet, likely the most dangerous to freedom proposition in Biden’s speech is an assertion he made that goes far beyond coronavirus-related matters — that the United States government is the same as “us,” the American people.

Biden declared in the speech:

Look, we know what we need to do to beat this virus: Tell the truth. Follow the scientists and the science. Work together. Put trust and faith in our government to fulfill its most important function, which is protecting the American people — no function more important.

We need to remember the government isn’t some foreign force in a distant capital. No, it’s us. All of us. “We the People.” For you and I, that America thrives when we give our hearts, when we turn our hands to common purpose. And right now, my friends, we are doing just that. And I have to say, as your President, I am grateful to you.

Biden is far from the first politician to assert that the American people are the government. Over forty years ago — in 1974, Murray Rothbard examined this absurd, dangerous, and often repeated claim in his essay “The Anatomy of the State.” Rothbard’s essay begins with a section titled “What the State Is Not” that reads like a direct response to the claim in Biden’s speech. Rothbard wrote:

The State is almost universally considered an institution of social service. Some theorists venerate the State as the apotheosis of society; others regard it as an amiable, though often inefficient, organization for achieving social ends; but almost all regard it as a necessary means for achieving the goals of mankind, a means to be ranged against the “private sector” and often winning in this competition of resources. With the rise of democracy, the identification of the State with society has been redoubled, until it is common to hear sentiments expressed which violate virtually every tenet of reason and common sense such as, “we are the government.” The useful collective term “we” has enabled an ideological camouflage to be thrown over the reality of political life. If “we are the government,” then anything a government does to an individual is not only just and untyrannical but also “voluntary” on the part of the individual concerned. If the government has incurred a huge public debt which must be paid by taxing one group for the benefit of another, this reality of burden is obscured by saying that “we owe it to ourselves”; if the government conscripts a man, or throws him into jail for dissident opinion, then he is “doing it to himself” and, therefore, nothing untoward has occurred. Under this reasoning, any Jews murdered by the Nazi government were not murdered; instead, they must have “committed suicide,” since they were the government (which was democratically chosen), and, therefore, anything the government did to them was voluntary on their part. One would not think it necessary to belabor this point, and yet the overwhelming bulk of the people hold this fallacy to a greater or lesser degree.

We must, therefore, emphasize that “we” are not the government; the government is not “us.” The government does not in any accurate sense “represent” the majority of the people. But, even if it did, even if 70 percent of the people decided to murder the remaining 30 percent, this would still be murder and would not be voluntary suicide on the part of the slaughtered minority. No organicist metaphor, no irrelevant bromide that “we are all part of one another,” must be permitted to obscure this basic fact.

If, then, the State is not “us,” if it is not “the human family” getting together to decide mutual problems, if it is not a lodge meeting or country club, what is it? Briefly, the State is that organization in society which attempts to maintain a monopoly of the use of force and violence in a given territorial area; in particular, it is the only organization in society that obtains its revenue not by voluntary contribution or payment for services rendered but by coercion. While other individuals or institutions obtain their income by production of goods and services and by the peaceful and voluntary sale of these goods and services to others, the State obtains its revenue by the use of compulsion; that is, by the use and the threat of the jailhouse and the bayonet. Having used force and violence to obtain its revenue, the State generally goes on to regulate and dictate the other actions of its individual subjects. One would think that simple observation of all States through history and over the globe would be proof enough of this assertion; but the miasma of myth has lain so long over State activity that elaboration is necessary.

You can read Rothbard’s complete essay here.

James Corbett & Ryan Cristian: COVID-19 Censorship, Technocracy & The Amazing Country Of Digital Gulag

James Corbett & Ryan Cristian: COVID-19 Censorship, Technocracy & The Amazing Country Of Digital Gulag

by Ryan Cristian, The Last American Vagabond
March 15, 2021


Joining me today is James Corbett, here to discuss his recent censorship as well as ‘Digital Gulag’ being built around us, and the importance of why we must act now, today, in order to stop this rising technocratic state.


Video Source Links:

In Chronological Order:

5 NIH/National Library of Medicine studies from 2004-2020 all finding verifiable health effects from wearing a face mask, including scientifically verified reduction is blood oxygen level:

Cloth Mask Study

SOME of the mask studies on efficacy:

Germany, France and Italy Suspend Use of AstraZeneca’s Experimental Vaccine

Germany, France and Italy Suspend Use of AstraZeneca’s Experimental Vaccine

by 21st Century Wire
March 15, 2021


Germany, France and Italy temporarily suspended the use of AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine on Monday, joining a growing list of nations that paused use of the vaccine in recent days over concerns that it might be tied to blood clots.

In addition, a further 18 countries have also suspended the experimental vaccine from being foisted on the public. They include: Spain, Norway, Denmark, Spain, Iceland, Netherlands, Ireland, Austria, Estonia, Lithuania, Thailand, Bulgaria, Indonesia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Romania, South Africa, Luxembourg, and Latvia.

“Blood clots, particularly if they are large, can damage tissue or organs like the lungs, heart or brain. Severe cases can be fatal, but people with small clots can often be treated outside of a hospital with prescription drugs,” said the New York Times.

Since the news broke about the problematic vaccine, Government public health officials in the UK and US, mainstream media operatives, along with a brigade of Big Pharma loyalist scientists and doctors – have all taken to the airwaves in full damage control mode, as worry is setting in that these suspensions could feed “vaccine hesitancy,” as well as planting familiar speculative stories about a new “third wave” of supposed COVID infections, as well as the usual scare stories of alleged deadly “variants”. The New York Times ran one such story, making the wild claim that:

“Scientists also worry that suspensions could feed vaccine hesitancy at a time when some European countries are entering a third wave of the virus, and the world is in a race to inoculate as many people as possible, as dangerous virus variants proliferate.”

Bloomberg News, one of the pharmaceutical industry’s biggest media assets, fired out a number of reports in the last 24 hours to try to shore-up the hemorrhaging of credibility from the likes of AstraZeneca.

In addition, the World Health Organization (WHO) sprung into damage control, releasing a number of desperate public health announcements claiming the AstraZeneca vaccine is completely safe, saying that because millions of people have already received it, then any blood clotting issues are trivial and people should not be worried about the safety of the new experimental corporate product. WHO have attempted to downplay any of the Norway findings regarding risks, brushing aside any possibility ‘causative link’ between the vaccine and any serious injury or side effects. WHO spokeswoman, Dr Margaret Harris, was keen to promote the product for AstraZeneca claiming that the controversial vaccine as “excellent”.

Of course, AstraZeneca is defending its experimental vaccine product, insisting it is totally safe.

Now Big Pharma and its backers like Bill and Melinda Gates now face the prospect of a real setback for their aggressive vaccine push, and will no doubt be spending the next month in the media promoting the vaccines as being ‘safe and effective’, still touting the marketing line that the experimental jabs will prevent both severe illness and death from COVID-19. In many places across the world, it is the only shot available.

Meanwhile, co-authors Melissa EddyAurelien BreedenEmma BubolaJenny GrossRichard C. PaddockJennifer Jett, Gaia Pianigiani and  from the New York Times seem not to care much about looking acting as a willing PR arm of the pharmaceutical industry, saying things like this:

Public health experts expect medical conditions to turn up by chance in some people after they get any vaccine. In the vast majority of cases such illnesses have nothing to do with the shots.

As 21WIRE reported last week, an international group of eminent scientists and doctors had issued an open letter calling on the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to acknowledge urgent safety concerns regarding the controversial vaccines, or simply withdraw the vaccines’ ’emergency’ authorisation. As it turns out, one of their main concerns was the issue of blood clotting, as well as the risk of stroke and internal bleeding, along with warnings about autoimmune reactions. The authors also requested that the EMA provide any evidence that each medical danger outlined “was excluded in pre-clinical animal models with all three vaccines prior to their approval for use in humans by the EMA.”

To date, they have received no response from the agency.

U.S. Federal “COVID” Spending Just Hit $41,870 Per Taxpayer. Did You See That Much in Benefit?

Federal “COVID” Spending Just Hit $41,870 Per Taxpayer. Did You See That Much in Benefit?

by Brad Polumbo, Foundaton for Economic Education
sourced from Activist Post
March 11, 2021


President Biden just signed his sweeping $1.9 trillion spending package into law. Once this bill hits the books, total taxpayer expenditure on (ostensibly) COVID relief will hit $6 trillion—which, roughly estimated, comes out to $41,870 in spending per federal taxpayer.

Did you see anywhere near that much in benefit?

The sheer immensity of this spending is hard to grasp. For context, $6 trillion is more than one-fourth of what the US economy produces in an entire year, according to Fox Business. The COVID spending blowout is at least eight times bigger than the (inflation-adjusted) price tag of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s “New Deal.”

Moreover, the COVID spending bills have all lost huge sums of money to unrelated carve-outs, politician pet projects, corporate bailouts, fraud, waste, and worse.

In the latest $1.9 trillion package, more than 90 percent of the spending is not directly related to containing COVID-19. Only 1 percent of the money, about $15 to $20 billion, is spent on vaccines. Meanwhile, hundreds of billions go to bailing out poorly managed state governments’ budget holes that predate the pandemic and $86 billion rescues failing pension plans. Meanwhile, billions more go to Obamacare expansion and subsidizing public schools long after the pandemic.

And that’s just scratching the surface.

The numbers here really are quite damning.

For the same $6 trillion in expenditure, the government could have given every federal taxpayer a $41,870 check. Or, to think about it a bit differently, it could have written every American roughly an $18,181 check.

Let’s compare this to what most Americans actually received.

Only someone who fully collected expanded unemployment benefits throughout the pandemic and received all $3,200 in total of the stimulus payments likely received more than $18,181 in direct benefit from this spending package. And that’s a relatively small fraction of the public.

Because of the way the government used outdated (and arbitrary) income data to determine eligibility, many more taxpayers saw nothing or little in exchange for their $41,870 share of the cost, perhaps just the initial $1,200 stimulus or none at all. (Meanwhile, billions in checks went to dead people).

So, for almost all Americans, the actual benefits of the multiple pieces of lengthy stimulus legislation come in far, far below the figure that they would have received if the entire pile of money was just even split up and sent out.

How can that possibly be considered a success? In fact, it’s actually a net negative.

Too often, the stimulus conversation is simply framed around whether we should give money to a certain group of people or program—rather than also including the trade-offs and costs.

The question isn’t just: Should we send people $1,400 “stimulus” checks? It is, instead: Should we send people $1,400 stimulus checks at the cost of taking the equivalent amount (or more if you factor in waste) from other people? It’s not just whether we should send $350 billion to state and local governments—but should we do so at the cost of taking an average of $2,442 per federal taxpayer?

Money doesn’t grow on trees. Or, as the great economist Ludwig von Mises put it, the government “does not have the powers of the mythical Santa Claus.”

“The truth is the government cannot give if it does not take from somebody,” Mises wrote in Bureaucracy. “They cannot spend except by taking out of the pockets of some people for the benefit of others.”

The government cannot create wealth out of thin air. It can only give anyone anything via three ways:

  • Directly increasing taxes, which discourages economic growth and directly takes money away from people
  • Running up debt, which means much higher taxes in the future plus interest, creating a drag on economic growth
  • Printing money, which “stealth taxes” the public via inflation

There’s no such thing as a free lunch, and, much to the chagrin of spend-happy politicians’, Santa Claus is not real. Government spending doesn’t create wealth; it only transfers wealth, generally destroying a lot of it in the process.

So, unless Americans are actually seeing equal or greater benefit from spending compared to its cost, it’s a raw deal for taxpayers. And for the federal government’s “COVID” spending binge, it’s not even close.

Don’t believe me? Well, did you see $41,870 in benefit from these programs? Or even $18,181?

For almost everyone, the honest answer is no.


Brad Polumbo (@Brad_Polumbo) is a libertarian-conservative journalist and Opinion Editor at the Foundation for Economic Education.

Dr. Tom Cowan: “If Your Goal Is to Be Safe, You’re Dead” — Perspectives on the Sleeping Beauty Fairytale

Dr. Tom Cowan: “If Your Goal Is to Be Safe, You’re Dead” — Perspectives on the Sleeping Beauty Fairytale


Video clip from Freedom Talk 1 – 4 March 2021 

by Dean Braus, Dean’s Danes YouTube channel
March 4, 2021


Unofficial transcript provided by Truth Comes to Light:

“There’s lots of root causes of this problem. And Andy and Stefan, I think, gave really great descriptions of it. Let me add another one.

And I also want to put this in the context of: There’s really nothing new about what we’re going through.

It’s different than it used to be because of technology. But I insisted, in spite of the publishers asking me not to put the story of Sleeping Beauty in the final chapter of my book [The Contagion Myth]. And people would say: What could possibly a story of Sleeping Beauty have to do with the corona crisis?

But the root of the problem is: a human being deciding that they want to be safe. Right?

So that’s why we do this. That’s why you stay away from people. That’s why you wear masks. That’s why you get vaccines. That’s why you live your life — so you can be safe.

Now there’s a precedent to this.

So the story of Sleeping Beauty is — there’s a kingdom. And there’s a king and a queen. And they have a nice kingdom. And it’s prosperous. But they can’t have a a child. And so the kingdom can’t go on.

So then a frog — which in fairy tales is the representative of the spiritual world — says to the king and queen: I’m going to bestow the gift of a child on you. And so then the queen miraculously gets pregnant.

And then they throw a party and they invite the 12 wise women of the kingdom. That, by the way, represents the wisdom of the universe. That’s the zodiac; it’s the months. But they forgot that there was a 13th woman who they didn’t invite who was “the witch”. And the witch is always depicted as the stepmother, which is basically materialism. Right? The fallen wisdom. It’s now a materialistic way of looking at the world.

And the witch says you’re going to grow up and you’re going to prick your finger and die.

And then it turns out the 12th witch, the “good witch”, hadn’t spoken yet, so she said: “This is a very powerful spell. I can’t undo it. But I can turn it from ‘you’ll fall down dead’ to ‘you’ll just fall down asleep’.” Right?

So then the king and the queen and all the kingdom do exactly what we’re doing now. They get rid of all the spindles and all the prickery things in the kingdom. Their goal is to make everybody safe. Well, at least the princess.

The problem is — the only time you’re safe is when you’re six feet under. That’s it. If you’re a living, breathing human being you encounter danger. That’s how we grow and live.

So inevitably — inevitably — the princess grows up. Lo and behold, she pricks her finger.

The whole country, the whole kingdom, goes into lockdown. Just like now.

The bread makers can’t make bread. The people can’t go to work. There’s no economic activity. They steal all your money. The whole kingdom is in lockdown.

The princess is asleep. And then the kingdom is engulfed in toxic thorns. Right?

Just like us. Toxic thorns. Because we tried to be safe. That never works. Everybody’s on lockdown. Same as now. And then people try to save her. But they’re killed by the thorns.

Until one day a young boy hears about it. And he hears about that there’s this beautiful princess. And he could save her. And they say, “No, don’t do it. Don’t do it. You’ll get killed like everybody else.”

And he says the words that solve this whole problem. You know what the words were? In every edition he says, “No, I’m not afraid. I’m not afraid. I go in.”

What happens? The thorns part. The thorns have no power over somebody who’s not afraid.

What’s the worst thing that can happen? He dies.

You’re gonna die anyways. I mean, I don’t want people to die. Right? I don’t want people to jump off cliffs for no reason. But if your goal is to be safe, you’re dead.

So he didn’t care. He didn’t know what was going to happen. He’s not afraid. Saves the princess. Life goes on. We’re all good.

That’s what we need to happen here.”


This clip is from the full video, found here:

Dare to Ask: Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Stefan Lanka & Dr. Andrew Kaufman on Freedom, Fear, and False Science About Viruses and the Nature of Reality Itself


Canadian Government Steals Care Home Property for Refusing to Kill Their Patients

Government Steals Care Home Property for Refusing to Kill Their Patients!!!

by Dan Dicks, Press for Truth
March 13, 2021


The Delta Hospice Society in British Columbia refuses to provide MAID (medical assistance in dying) aka facilitating a suicide and for that the Canadian government has evicted all the patients, they are shutting down the hospice and they are taking over the property as well!

There are other facilities that offer that service literally within walking distance of the hospice but for the Canadian Government that doesn’t matter, if you refuse to help someone kill themselves, they’ll shut you down.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with the president of the Delta Hospice Angelina Ireland about the battle to keep people alive when the government is the only obstacle!


To support the Delta Hospice visit:

Press for Truth BitChute:
Press for Truth LBRY:

What is MAID? MAID (Medical Assistance in Dying)

On the Psychology of the Conspiracy Denier

On the Psychology of the Conspiracy Denier
A closer look at the class that mocks.

by Tim Foylesourced from OffGuardian
March 13, 2021


Why is it that otherwise perfectly intelligent, thoughtful and rationally minded people baulk at the suggestion that sociopaths are conspiring to manipulate and deceive them? And why will they defend this ill-founded position with such vehemence?

History catalogues the machinations of liars, thieves, bullies and narcissists and their devastating effects. In modern times too, evidence of corruption and extraordinary deceptions abound.

We know, without question, that politicians lie and hide their connections and that corporations routinely display utter contempt for moral norms – that corruption surrounds us.

We know that revolving doors between the corporate and political spheres, the lobbying system, corrupt regulators, the media and judiciary mean that wrongdoing is practically never brought to any semblance of genuine justice.

We know that the press makes noise about these matters occasionally but never pursues them with true vigour.

We know that in the intelligence services and law enforcement wrongdoing on a breathtaking scale is commonplace and that, again, justice is never forthcoming.

We know that governments repeatedly ignore or trample on the rights of the people, and actively abuse and mistreat the people. None of this is controversial.

So exactly what is it that conspiracy deniers refuse to acknowledge with such fervour, righteousness and condescension? Why, against all the evidence, do they sneeringly and contemptuously defend the crumbling illusion that ‘the great and good’ are up there somewhere, have everything in hand, have only our best interests at heart, and are scrupulous, wise and sincere? That the press serves the people and truth rather than the crooks? That injustice after injustice result from mistakes and oversights, and never from that dread word: conspiracy?

What reasonable person would continue to inhabit such a fantasy world?

The point of disagreement here is only on the matter of scale. Someone who is genuinely curious about the plans of powerful sociopaths won’t limit the scope of their curiosity to, for example, one corporation, or one nation. Why would they? Such a person assumes that the same patterns on display locally are likely to be found all the way up the power food chain. But the conspiracy denier insists this is preposterous.


It is painfully obvious that the pyramidical societal and legal structures that humanity has allowed to develop are exactly the kind of dominance hierarchies that undoubtedly favour the sociopath. A humane being operating with a normal and healthy cooperative mindset has little inclination to take part in the combat necessary to climb a corporate or political ladder.

So what do conspiracy deniers imagine the 70 million or more sociopaths in the world do all day, born into a ‘game’, in which all the wealth and power are at the top of the pyramid, while the most effective attributes for ‘winning’ are ruthlessness and amorality? Have they never played Monopoly?

Sociopaths do not choose their worldview consciously, and are simply unable to comprehend why normal people would put themselves at such an incredible disadvantage by limiting themselves with conscientiousness and empathy, which are as beyond the understanding of the sociopath as a world without them are to the humane being.

All the sociopath need do to win in the game is lie publicly whilst conspiring privately. What could be simpler? In 2021, to continue to imagine that the world we inhabit is not largely driven by this dynamic amounts to reckless naiveté bordering on insanity. Where does such an inadvertently destructive impulse originate?

The infant child places an innate trust in those it finds itself with – a trust which is, for the most part, essentially justified. The infant could not survive otherwise.

In a sane and healthy society, this deep instinct would evolve as the psyche developed. As self-awareness, the cognitive and reasoning abilities and scepticism evolved in the individual, this innate trust impulse would continue to be understood as a central need of the psyche. Shared belief systems would exist to consciously evolve and develop this childish impulse in order to place this faith somewhere consciously – in values and beliefs of lasting meaning and worth to the society, the individual, or, ideally, both.

Reverence and respect for tradition, natural forces, ancestors, for reason, truth, beauty, liberty, the innate value of life, or the initiating spirit of all things, might all be considered valid resting places in which to consciously place our trust and faith – as well as those derived from more formalised belief systems.

Regardless of the path taken to evolve and develop a personal faith, it is the bringing of one’s own consciousness and cognition to this innate impulse that is relevant here. I believe this is a profound responsibility – to develop and cultivate a mature faith – which many are, understandably, unaware of.

What occurs when there is a childish need within us which has never evolved beyond its original survival function of trusting those in our environment who are, simply, the most powerful; the most present and active? When we have never truly explored our own psyches, and deeply interrogated what we truly believe and why? When our motivation for trusting anything or anyone goes unchallenged? When philosophy is left to the philosophers?

I suggest the answer is simple, and that the evidence of this phenomenon and the havoc it is wreaking is all around us: the innate impulse to trust the mother never evolves, never encounters and engages with its counterbalance of reason (or mature faith), and remains forever on its ‘default’ infant setting.

While the immature psyche no longer depends on parents for its well-being, the powerful and motivating core tenet I have described remains intact: unchallenged, unconsidered and undeveloped. And, in a world in which stability and security are distant memories, these survival instincts, rather than being well-honed, considered, relevant, discerning and up to date, remain, quite literally, those of a baby. Trust is placed in the biggest, loudest, most present and undeniable force around, because instinct decrees that survival depends on it.

And, in this great ‘world nursery’, the most omnipresent force is the network of institutions which consistently project an unearned image of power, calm, expertise, concern and stability.

In my view, this is how conspiracy deniers are able to cling to and aggressively defend the utterly illogical fantasy that somehow – above a certain undefined level of the societal hierarchy – corruption, deceit, malevolence and narcissism mysteriously evaporate. That, contrary to the maxim, the more power a person has, the more integrity they will inevitably exhibit. These poor deluded souls essentially believe that where personal experience and prior knowledge cannot fill in the gaps in their worldview – in short, where there is a barred door – mummy and daddy are behind it, working out how best to ensure that their little precious will be comfortable, happy and safe forever.

This is the core, comforting illusion at the root of the conspiracy denier’s mindset, the decrepit foundation upon which they build a towering castle of justification from which to pompously jeer at and mock those who see otherwise.

This explains why it is that the conspiracy denier will attack any suggestion that the caregiving archetype is no longer present – that sociopaths are behind the barred door, who hold us all in utter contempt or disregard us completely. The conspiracy denier will attack any such suggestion as viciously as if their survival depended on it – which, in a way, within the makeup of their unconscious and precarious psyche, it does.

Their sense of well-being, of security, of comfort, even of a future at all, is completely (and completely unconsciously) invested in this fantasy. The infant has never matured, and, because they are not conscious of this, other than as a deep attachment to their personal security, they will fiercely attack any threat to this unconscious and central aspect of their worldview.

The tediously common refrain from the conspiracy denier is, ‘there couldn’t be a conspiracy that big’.

The simple retort to such a self-professed expert on conspiracies is obvious: how big?

The biggest ‘medical’ corporations in the world can go for decades treating the settling of court cases as mere business expenses, for crimes ranging from the suppressing of adverse test events to multiple murders resulting from undeclared testing to colossal environmental crimes.

Governments perform the vilest and most unthinkable ‘experiments’ (crimes) on their own people without consequence.

Politicians habitually lie to our faces, without consequence.

And on and on. At what point, exactly, does a conspiracy become so big that ‘they’ just couldn’t get away with it, and why? I suggest it’s at the point where the cognitive ability of the conspiracy denier falters, and their unconscious survival instinct kicks in. The point at which the intellect becomes overwhelmed with the scope of events and the instinct is to settle back into the familiar comforting faith known and cultivated since the first moment one’s lips found the nipple. The faith that someone else is dealing with it – that where the world becomes unknown to us, a powerful and benevolent human authority exists in which we have only to place our faith unconditionally in order to guarantee eternal emotional security.

This dangerous delusion may be the central factor placing humanity’s physical security and future in the hands of sociopaths.

To anyone in the habit of dismissing people who are questioning, investigative and sceptical as tin foil hat wearing, paranoid, science-denying Trump supporters, the question is: what do you believe in? Where have you placed your faith and why? How is it that while no one trusts governments, you appear to trust nascent global governance organisations without question? How is this rational?

If you are placing faith in such organisations, consider that in the modern global age, these organisations, as extraordinarily well presented as they are, are simply grander manifestations of the local versions we know we can’t trust. They are not our parents and demonstrate no loyalty to humane values. There is no reason to place any faith whatsoever in any of them.

If you haven’t consciously developed a faith or questioned why you believe as you do to some depth, such a position might seem misanthropic, but in truth, it is the opposite. These organisations have not earned your trust with anything other than PR money and glossy lies. True power remains, as ever, with the people.

There is a reason why Buddhists strongly advise the placing of one’s faith in the Dharma, or the natural law of life, rather than in persons, and that similar refrains are common in other belief systems.

Power corrupts. And, in the world today, misplaced and unfounded trust could well be one of the greatest sources of power there is.

Massive criminal conspiracies exist. The evidence is overwhelming. The scope of those currently underway is unknown, but there is no reason to imagine, in the new global age, that the sociopathic quest for power or the possession of the resources required to move towards it is diminishing. Certainly not while dissent is mocked and censored into silence by gatekeepers, ‘useful idiots’, and conspiracy deniers, who are, in fact, directly colluding with the sociopathic agenda through their unrelenting attack on those who would shine a light on wrongdoing.

It is every humane being’s urgent responsibility to expose sociopathic agendas wherever they exist – never to attack those who seek to do so.

Now, more than ever, it is time to put away childish things, and childish impulses, and to stand up as adults to protect the future of the actual children who have no choice but to trust us with their lives.

This essay has focussed on what I consider to be the deepest psychological driver of conspiracy denial.

There are certainly others, such as the desire to be accepted; the avoidance of knowledge of, and engagement with, the internal and external shadow; the preservation of a positive and righteous self-image: a generalised version of the ‘flying monkey’ phenomenon, in which a self-interested and vicious class protect themselves by coalescing around the bully; the subtle unconscious adoption of the sociopathic worldview (e.g. ‘humanity is the virus’); outrage addiction/superiority complex/status games; a stunted or unambitious intellect that finds validation through maintaining the status quo; the dissociative protective mechanism of imagining that crimes and horrors committed repeatedly within our lifetime are somehow not happening now, not ‘here’; and plain old fashioned laziness and cowardice.

My suggestion is that, to some degree, all of these build on the foundation of the primary cause I’ve outlined here.

Tim Foyle is an English fellow who loves cats, nature, music, food, humanity and truth. You can follow his writings here, and on Twitter: @timfoyl 

Covid Charges Tossed! ‘Bladez 2 Fadez’ Barbershop in Alberta, Canada Allowed to Reopen

Covid Charges Tossed! ‘Bladez 2 Fadez’ Barbershop in Alberta, Canada Allowed to Reopen

by , Rebel News
March 8, 2021


Remember the story of Natalie Klein of Innisfail, Alberta? We first met her through our initiative to showcase brave business owners willing to stand up to the lockdown,

She is the central Alberta barbershop owner (and niece of former Conservative Premier Ralph Klein) who decided she wasn’t going to sit idly by and let a government-imposed COVID closure take everything that she had worked for.

Klein reopened her barbershop in defiance of the lockdown restrictions that forced her to close. Closing barbershops didn’t make any sense to Klein anyway, since her industry wasn’t responsible for a single COVID outbreak.

And Klein received immediate support from members of her community, with the exception of the usual scolds: Facebook busybodies and corona-scaredy cats, as well as local hairdressers without the tenacity to do what she did. Klein also received a visit from the cops, and health inspectors who issued her a summons to appear in Red Deer court for violating the public health order.

But right after Klein opened her barbershop, the government backed away from the shutdown of personal care businesses. Klein had forced the government to make a decision to reopen, and she changed things for the entire industry, but she also put herself in legal jeopardy to do it.

The fight for her business even inspired Klein to run for town council in Innisfail, to make sure there are freedom-minded people like her making municipal bylaws.

Rebel News hired a litigation specialist, Chad Williamson from Williamson Law, to fight Klein’s case in court. Williamson is the top gun lawyer who helped Chris Scott of the Whistle Stop Cafe beat Alberta Health Services in court when he was prosecuted for opening his dining room to customers again.

Today was Klein’s court date. And guess what? All charges were dropped!

Taking on the government is a scary proposition, but it can be done, as business owners like Chris Scott and Natalie Klein have shown us.

Natalie Klein couldn’t have done it without you!

Thank you to everyone who supported her fight by donating at You helped make this great victory for freedom possible!

Unfortunately, there’s still a lot of work left to do to protect civil liberties and a lot of people left to help fight their fines.

If you’ve received a lockdown ticket like Natalie, don’t pay it, fight it. Plead not guilty and send it to us at


Reports of Deaths After COVID Vaccines Up by 259 in 1 Week, CDC Data Show

Reports of Deaths After COVID Vaccines Up by 259 in 1 Week, CDC Data Show
Between Dec. 14, 2020, and Mar. 5, 2021, 31,079 reports of adverse events were submitted to VAERS, including 1,524 deaths, 5,507 serious injuries and 390 reports of Bell’s Palsy.

by Megan Redshaw, The Defender
March 12, 2021


Data released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the number of injuries and deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) following COVID vaccines remain consistent with previous weeks, with the exception of a 31% spike in reports of Bell’s Palsy.

Every Friday, VAERS makes public all vaccine injury reports received by the system as of Friday of the previous week. Today’s data show that between Dec. 14, 2020, and March 5, a total of 31,079 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 1,524 deaths — an increase of 259 over the previous 7 days — and 5,507 serious injuries, up 1,083 over the same time period.In the U.S., 85.01 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of March 5.


VAERS is the primary mechanism for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed.

This week’s 31% increase in reports of Bell’s Palsy marks a break with past trends. Otherwise, today’s data reflect trends that have emerged since The Defender first began tracking VAERS reports related to COVID vaccines.

This week’s VAERS data show:

  • Of the 1,524 deaths reported as of March 6, 30% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination, and 46% occurred in people who became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated.
  • Nineteen percent of deaths were related to cardiac disorders.
  • Fifty-three percent of those who died were male, 45% were female and the remaining death reports did not include gender of the deceased.
  • The average age of those who died was 77.9 and the youngest death confirmed was a 23-year-old.
  • As of March 5, 265 pregnant women had reported adverse events related to COVID vaccines, including 85 reports of miscarriage or premature birth. None of the COVID vaccines approved for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) have been tested for safety or efficacy in pregnant women.
  • There were 1,689 reports of anaphylaxis, with 59% of cases attributed to the Pfizer-Bio-N-Tech vaccine and 41% to Moderna.

The first Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine was administered in the U.S. on March 2. As of March 5, two adverse events related to the vaccine had been reported to VAERS. Both occurred in young people, and the reactions included tongue tingling and numbness, hot flashes, headache and extreme fatigue.

On March 10, The Defender reported the death of a 39-year-old woman who died four days after receiving a second dose of Moderna’s COVID vaccine. Kassidi Kurill died of organ failure after her liver, heart and kidneys shut down. She had no known medical issues or pre-existing conditions, family members said. An autopsy was ordered, but Dr. Erik Christensen, Utah’s chief medical examiner, said proving vaccine injury as a cause of death almost never happens.

Last month The Defender reported that a 58-year-old woman died hours after getting her first dose of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine. State and federal officials said they were investigating her death but did not perform an autopsy. A public records request revealed emails between State Health Commissioner Normal Oliver and public information officers that suggest officials were “concerned the death of Keyes, who is Black, could worsen vaccine hesitancy among minorities,” reported The Virginian Pilot.

State officials refused to answer how medical examiners could thoroughly rule out other potential causes of death triggered by or linked to the shot without an internal examination of the body.

The family was forced to get their own private autopsy. Keyes’ daughter said that even before state officials had her mother’s postmortem preliminary test results, the medical examiner’s office told her they would not perform an autopsy. They told her “nothing could be gleaned from an autopsy that would relate the vaccine to her death.”

On March 11, Denmark, Norway and Iceland announced they were joining other European countries in temporarily suspending use of the AstraZeneca-Oxford COVID vaccine following reports of blood clots in people who got the vaccine, The Defender reported. The Danish decision came days after Austrian authorities suspended a batch of AstraZeneca’s COVID vaccine while investigating the death of one person and the illness of another after receiving the shots. The same batch used in Austria was used in Denmark, according to Reuters.

On March 9, Australian Health Minister Greg Hunt was hospitalized two days after taking AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine. He received antibiotics and fluid. A link to the vaccine was ruled out, reported Reuters.

The AstraZeneca vaccine has not been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for Emergency Use Authorization, but the drugmaker said last week it plans to apply soon.

Meanwhile, Pfizer is gearing up to protect itself from any financial risk associated with vaccine injuries in those countries where, unlike in the U.S., there are no laws in place to indemnify the vaccine maker against liability for injuries.

As reported by The Defender on March 9, Pfizer is demanding countries put up sovereign assets as collateral for expected vaccine injury lawsuits resulting from its COVID-19 inoculation after Argentina rejected Pfizer’s request to enact legislation indemnifying the company from liability for injuries. Pfizer wanted Argentina and Brazil to guarantee the company would be compensated for any expenses resulting from injury lawsuits against it.

Pfizer demanded Brazil waive sovereignty of its assets abroad in favor of Pfizer, not apply its domestic laws to the country, not penalize Pfizer for vaccine delivery delays and exempt Pfizer from all civil liability for COVID vaccine side effects. Brazil rejected Pfizer’s demands, calling them “abusive.”

Nine other South American countries have reportedly negotiated deals with Pfizer. It’s unclear whether they actually ended up giving up national assets in return.

In the U.S., vaccine makers already enjoy full indemnity against injuries occurring from this or any other pandemic vaccine under the PREP Act. COVID vaccine injury claims are filed with the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP), which is funded by U.S. taxpayers. The CICP is administered within the Department of Health and Human Services, which also sponsors the COVID-19 vaccination program.

On March 8, the CDC released new guidelines on how those “fully vaccinated” against COVID could gather with others. According to CNN, the level of precautions taken are determined by the characteristics of unvaccinated people. Fully vaccinated people can visit with other vaccinated people indoors without masks or social distancing, and can visit indoors with unvaccinated people from a single household without masks or physical distancing if the unvaccinated people are at low risk for severe disease.

Children’s Health Defense asks anyone who has experienced an adverse reaction, to any vaccine, to file a report following these three steps.

Tanzania – The Second Covid Coup?

Tanzania – The Second Covid Coup?
President John Magufuli’s disappearance makes him potentially the 2nd “Covid denier” head of state to lose power. 

by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian
March 12, 2021


John Magufuli, President of Tanzania, has disappeared. He’s not been seen in public for several weeks, and speculation is building as to where he might be.

The opposition has, at various times, accused the President of being hospitalised with “Covid19”, either in Kenya or India, although there remains no evidence this is the case.

To add some context, John Magufuli is one of the “Covid denier” heads of state from Africa.

He famously had his office submit five unlabelled samples for testing – goat, motor oil, papaya, quail and jackfruit – and when four came back positive and one “inconclusive”, he banned the testing kits and called for an investigation into their origin and manufacture.

In the past, he has also questioned the safety and efficacy of the supposed “covid vaccines”, and has not permitted their use in Tanzania.

In the Western press Magufuli has been portrayed as “anti-science” and “populist”, but it is not fair to suggest that the health of the people of Tanzania is a low priority for the President. In fact it’s quite the opposite.

After winning his first election in 2015 he slashed government salaries (including his own) in order to increase funding for hospitals and buying AIDs medication. In 2015 he cancelled the Independence Day celebrations and used the money to launch an anti-Cholera campaign. Healthcare has been one of his administration’s top priorities, and Tanzanian life expectancy has increased every year while he has been in office.

The negative coverage of President Magufuli is a very recent phenomenon. Early in his Presidency he even received glowing write-ups from the Western press and Soros-backed think tanks, praising his reforms and calling him an “example” to other African nations.

All that changed when he spoke out about Covid being hoax.

When he was re-elected in October 2020 the standard Western accusations of “voter suppression” and “electoral fraud” appeared in the Western press which had previously reported his approval rating as high as 96%.

And the anti-Magufuli campaign increased momentum in the new year, with Mike “we lied, we cheated, we stole” Pompeo initiating sanctions against Tanzanian government officials as one of his final acts as Secretary of State. The sanctions were notionally due to “electoral irregularities”, but the obvious reality is that it’s due to Tanzania’s refusal to toe the Covid line.

Just last month, The Guardian, always the tip of the spear when it comes to “progressive” regime change ran an article headlined:

It’s time for Africa to rein in Tanzania’s anti-vaxxer president

The article makes no mention of goats, papaya and motor oil testing positive for the coronavirus, but does ask – in a very non-partisan, journalistic way:

What is wrong with President John Magufuli? Many people in and outside Tanzania are asking this question.”

Before going on to conclude:

Magufuli [is] fuelling anti-vaxxers as the pandemic and its new variants continue to play out. He needs to be challenged openly and directly. To look on indifferently exposes millions of people in Tanzania and across Africa’s great lakes region – as well as communities across the world – to this deadly and devastating virus.

The author doesn’t say exactly how Magufuli should be “challenged openly and directly”, but that’s not what these articles are for. They exist simply to paint the subject as a villain, and create a climate where “something must be done”. What that “something” is – and, indeed, whether or not it is legal – are none of the Guardian-reading public’s business, and most of them don’t really care.

Oh, by the by, the article is part of the Guardian’s “Global Development” section, which is sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Just so you know.

So, within two weeks of The Guardian publishing a Gates-sponsored article calling for something to be done about President Magufuli, he has disappeared, allegedly due to Covid. Funny how that works out.

Even if Magufuli miraculously survives his bout of “suspected Covid19”, the writing is on the wall for his political career. The Council on Foreign Relations published this article just yesterday, which goes to great lengths arguing that the President has lost all authority, and concludes:

a bold figure within the ruling party could capitalize on the current episode to begin to reverse course.”

It’s not hard to read the subtext there, if you can even call it “subtext” at all.

If we are about to see the sudden death and/or replacement of the President of Tanzania, he will not be the first African head of state to suffer such a fate in the age of Covid.

Last summer Pierre Nkurunziza, the President of Burundi, refused to play along with Covid and instructed the WHO delegation to leave his country…before dying suddenly of a “heart attack” or “suspected Covid19”. His successor immediately reversed every single one of his Covid policies, including inviting the WHO back to the country.

That was our first Covid coup, and it looks like Tanzania could well be next.

If I were the President of Turkmenistan or Belarus, I wouldn’t be making any longterm plans.

Constitutional Lawyer Rocco Galati & Catherine Austin Fitts: Money & Finance Under Covid – Historical Manipulation of Humanity via Money

Constitutional Lawyer Rocco Galati & Catherine Austin Fitts: Money & Finance Under Covid – Historical Manipulation of Humanity via Money


“…And I’m absolutely convinced the most profitable business from the beginning of time is slavery. I think slavery is fantastically profitable. But it’s very difficult to manage. You know, and it’s very dangerous and violent. There’s a lot of risks. I became convinced reading his work that the reason they gave up on the African slave trade was two-fold. One was they couldn’t find a way to perfect collateral and the banks in London kept losing money… Problem number two was they couldn’t put down the issue of rebellion. But if you look at what they’ve been able to develop with digital technologies, surveillance and space weaponry, they’ve solved those problems. And that means they can go back to slavery…”


“This system that is being built — “They” are not building it. We are building it… This is not “them”, this is us. And we are standing in the psychic storm of our own evil. And if we can face that, that’s where we get the power.”


“I think at the root this is a spiritual war. You know, I think this is a ten-thousand-year spiritual war. And I think they’re going to lose. And I think they’re going to lose because what they’re doing is contradictory to the fundamental nature of the universe. Their model is incompatible with life. I don’t think it will work. And I think, ultimately, if you look at the culture they have to manage the planet, I think they’re going to kill each other.”


“The first thing you have to do: Stop building the prison… Go find the other people who are not going to build the prison…You need to understand, to the bottom of your tippy toes, that death is not the worst thing that can happen here. And then you’ve got to figure out how to build as much resiliency outside the system as you possibly can, in a way that you’re very productive… As a human civilization, we need to do everything we can to preserve the culture.”

~ Catherine Austin Fitts


Money & Finance Under Covid: A conversation with Catherine Austin Fitts

by Rocco Galati, Constitutional Rights Centre (Canada)
March 12, 2021

Original video available at Constitutional Rights Centre YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


Connect with Rocco Galati and Constitutional Rights Centre

Connect with Catherine Austin Fitts and Solari Report


The Edge of the World:
A Cultural History of the North Sea and the Transformation of Europe

by Michael Pye



The Half Has Never Been Told:
Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism

by Edward E. Baptist




Before COVID, Gates Planned Social Media Censorship of Vaccine Safety Advocates With Pharma, CDC, Media, China and CIA

Before COVID, Gates Planned Social Media Censorship of Vaccine Safety Advocates With Pharma, CDC, Media, China and CIA
In October 2019, shortly before the COVID outbreak, Gates and other powerful individuals began planning how to censor vaccine safety advocates from social media during a table-top simulation of a worldwide pandemic, known as Event 201.

by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Children’s Health Defense
March 11, 2021


Over the last two weeks, Facebook and other social media sites have deplatformed me and many other critics of regulatory corruption and authoritarian public health policies. So, here is some fodder for those of you who have the eerie sense that the government/industry pandemic response feels like it was planned — even before there was a pandemic.

The attached document shows that a cabal of powerful individuals did indeed begin planning the mass eviction of vaccine skeptics from social media in October 2019, a week or two before COVID began circulating. That month, Microsoft founder Bill Gates organized an exercise of four “table-top” simulations of a worldwide coronavirus pandemic with other high-ranking “Deep State” panjandrums. The exercise was referred to as Event 201.

Gates’ co-conspirators included representatives from the World Bank, the World Economic Forum (Great Reset), Bloomberg/Johns Hopkins University Populations Center, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, various media powerhouses, the Chinese government, a former Central Intelligence Agency/National Security Agency director (there is no such thing as a former CIA officer), vaccine maker Johnson & Johnson, the finance and biosecurity industries and Edelman, the world’s leading corporate PR firm.

At Gates’ direction, these eminences role-played members of a Pandemic Control Council, wargaming government strategies for controlling the pandemic, the narrative and the population. Needless to say, there was little talk of building immune systems, off-the-shelf remedies or off-patent therapeutic drugs and vitamins, but lots of chatter about promoting uptake of new patentable antiviral drugs and vaccines.

But the participants primarily focused on planning industry-centric, fear-mongering, police-state strategies for managing an imaginary global coronavirus contagion culminating in mass censorship of social media.

Oddly, Gates now claims that the simulation didn’t occur. On April 12, 2020, Gates told BBC, “Now here we are. We didn’t simulate this, we didn’t practice, so both the health policies and economic policies, we find ourselves in uncharted territory.”

Unfortunately for that whopper, the videos of the event are still available across the internet. They show that Gates and team did indeed simulate health and economic policies. It’s hard to swallow that Gates has forgotten.

Gates’s Event 201 simulated COVID epidemic caused 65 million deaths at the 18-month endpoint and global economic collapse lasting up to a decade. Compared to the Gates simulation, therefore, the actual COVID-19 crisis is a bit of a dud, having imposed a mere 2.5 million deaths “attributed to COVID” over the past 13 months.

The deaths “attributed to COVID” in the real-life situation are highly questionable, and must be seen in the context of a global population of 7.8 billion, with about 59 million deaths expected annually. The predictions of decade-long economic collapse will probably prove more accurate — but only because of the draconian lockdown promoted by Gates.

Gates’ Event 201 script imagines vast anti-vaccine riots triggered by internet posts. The universal and single-minded presumption among its participants was that such a crisis would prove an opportunity of convenience to promote new vaccines, and tighten controls by a surveillance and censorship state.

Segment four of the script — on manipulation and control of public opinion — is most revealing. It uncannily predicted democracy’s current crisis:

  • The participants discussed mechanisms for controlling “disinformation” and “misinformation,” by “flooding” the media with propaganda (“good information”), imposing penalties for spreading falsehoods and discrediting the anti-vaccination movement.
  • Jane Halton, of Australia’s ANZ Bank, one of the authors of Australia’s oppressive “no jab, no pay” policy, assured the participants that Gates Foundation is creating algorithms “to sift through information on these social media platforms” to protect the public from dangerous thoughts and information.
  • George Gao, the prescient director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control, worries about how to suppress “rumors” that the virus is laboratory generated: “People believe, ‘This is a manmade’… [and that] some pharmaceutical company made the virus.”
  • Chen Huang, an Apple research scientist, Google scholar and the world’s leading expert on tracking and tracing and facial recognition technology, role-plays the newscaster reporting on government countermeasures. He blames riots on anti-vaccine activists and predicts that Twitter and Facebook will cooperate in “identify[ing] and delete[ing] a disturbing number of accounts dedicated to spreading misinformation about the outbreak” and to implement “internet shutdowns … to quell panic.”
  • Dr. Tara Kirk Sell, a senior scholar at Bloomberg School of Health’s Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, worries that pharmaceutical companies are being accused of introducing the virus so they can make money on drugs and vaccines: “[We] have seen public faith in their products plummet.” She notes with alarm that “Unrest, due to false rumors and divisive messaging, is rising and is exacerbating spread of the disease as levels of trust fall and people stop cooperating with response efforts. This is a massive problem, one that threatens governments and trusted institutions.”

Sell reminds her fellow collaborators that “We know that social media is now the primary way that many people get their news, so interruptions to these platforms could curb the spread of misinformation.” There are many ways, Sell advises, for government and industry allies to accomplish this objective: “Some governments have taken control of national access to the Internet. Others are censoring websites and social media content and a small number have shut down Internet access completely to prevent the spread of misinformation. Penalties have been put in place for spreading harmful falsehoods, including arrests.”

  • Matthew Harrington, CEO of Edelman Public Relations agrees that social media must fall in line to promote government policy: “I also think we’re at a moment where the social media platforms have to step forward and recognize the moment to assert that they’re a technology platform and not a broadcaster is over. They in fact have to be a participant in broadcasting accurate information and partnering with the scientific and health communities to counterweight, if not flood the zone, of accurate information. Because to try to put the genie back in the bottle of misinformation and disinformation is not possible.”
  • Stephen Redd, the Admiral of the Public Health Service, has the sinister notion that government should mine social media data to identify people with negative beliefs: “I think with the social media platforms, there’s an opportunity to understand who it is that’s susceptible … to misinformation, so I think there’s an opportunity to collect data from that communication mechanism.”
  • Adrian Thomas of Johnson & Johnson announces “some important news to share from some of “our member companies [Pharma]”: We are doing clinical trials in new antiretrovirals, and in fact, in vaccines!” He recommends a strategy to address the problems to these companies when “rumors were actually spreading” that their shoddily tested products “are causing deaths and so patients are not taking them anymore.” He suggests, “Maybe we’re making the mistake of reporting and counting all the fatalities and infections.”
  • Former CIA deputy director, Avril Haines unveiled a strategy to “flood the zone” with propaganda from “trusted sources,” including “influential community leaders, as well as health workers.” He warns about “false information that is starting to actually hamper our ability to address the pandemic, then we need to be able to respond quickly to it.”
  • Matthew Harrington (Edelman CEO) observes that the Internet — which once promised the decentralization and democratization of information — now needs to be centralized: “I think just to build a little bit on what Avril said, I think as in previous conversations where we’ve talked about centralization around management of information or public health needs, there needs to be a centralized response around the communications approach that then is cascaded to informed advocates, represented in the NGO communities, the medical professionals, et cetera.”
  • Tom Inglesby (John Hopkins biosecurity expert advisor to the National Institutes of Health, the Pentagon and Homeland Security) agrees that centralized control is needed: “You mean centralized international?”
  • Matthew Harrington (Edelman) replies that information access should be: “Centralized on an international basis, because I think there needs to be a central repository of data facts and key messages.”
  • Hasti Taghi (Media Advisor) sums up: “The anti-vaccine movement was very strong and this is something specifically through social media that has spread. So as we do the research to come up with the right vaccines to help prevent the continuation of this, how do we get the right information out there? How do we communicate the right information to ensure that the public has trust in these vaccines that we’re creating?”
  • Kevin McAleese, communications officer for Gates-funded agricultural projects, observes that: “To me, it is clear countries need to make strong efforts to manage both mis- and disinformation. We know social media companies are working around the clock to combat these disinformation campaigns. The task of identifying every bad actor is immense. This is a huge problem that’s going to keep us from ending the pandemic and might even lead to the fall of governments, as we saw in the Arab Spring. If the solution means controlling and reducing access to information, I think it’s the right choice.”
  • Tom Inglesby, director of Bloomberg’s Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security concurs, asking if “In this case, do you think governments are at the point where they need to require social media companies to operate in a certain way?”
  • Lavan Thiru, Singapore’s Finance Minister suggests that the government might make examples of dissidents with “government or enforcement actions against fake news. Some of us, this new regulations are come in place about how we deal with fake news. Maybe this is a time for us to showcase some cases where we are able to bring forward some bad actors and leave it before the courts to decide whether they have actually spread some fake news.”

Read the attached transcript to see how Gates and his government, pharma and intelligence apparatus telegraphed their plans to censor and control the media during the pandemic. In yet another uncanny coincidence, COVID-19 began circulating among global populations within days of Gates’ meeting.

Digital Health Pass: IBM and Moderna Hook Up to Capitalize on COVID Reset

Digital Health Pass: IBM and Moderna Hook Up to Capitalize on COVID Reset

Using what have already become clichéd industry buzzwords like “transparency,” “trust,” and even “privacy,” IBM’s Digital Health Pass marketing describes the mass tracking app as a “smart way to return to society” that allows people to “return to the activities and things they love.”

by Raul Diego, MintPress News
March 10, 2021


ARMONK, NEW YORK  IBM is partnering with Covid-19 mRNA vaccine maker Moderna to track vaccine administration in real time through its various blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, and hybrid cloud services. According to a company press release, the collaboration will “focus on exploring the utility of IBM capabilities in the U.S.,” such as a recently unveiled pilot program for a Covid-19 Digital Health Pass in the State of New York, which effectively deputizes private businesses to enforce government-imposed Covid-19 regulations.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced the initiative, billed as the “Excelsior Pass,”  during his 2021 State of the State Address in January and the program’s initial phase was tested at the Barclays Center during an NBA game, followed by another test at Madison Square Garden for an NHL game on March 2.

According to the state’s official website, the trial runs were designed to maximize “return on investment and saving development time” before submitting the “wallet app” to the Google and Apple app stores.

“The Excelsior Pass will play a critical role in getting information to venues and sites in a secure and streamlined way,” said Cuomo, who in February rolled out the state’s reopening guidelines for sports and entertainment venues, which would pave the way “to fast-track the reopening of these businesses and getting us one step closer to reaching a new normal (emphasis added).”

Built on IBM’s Digital Health Pass technology, the QR code-based health data tracking app is only one of multiple blockchain ledger applications the company will leverage as part of its partnership with Moderna. Others include their Blockchain Transparent Supply and Food Trust services, which use the open-source Hyperledger technology to share supply-chain and food sourcing “credibility” data respectively with enterprise customers.

IBM’s Blockchain World Wire cross-border payment processing service rounds out the blockchain ecosystem that will serve to “enhance” supply chain visibility and “real-time” vaccine management and administration.

Transparent coercion

Using what have already become clichéd industry buzzwords like “transparency,” “trust,” and even “privacy,” IBM’s Digital Health Pass marketing literature describes the mass tracking app as a “smart way to return to society” that allows people to “return to the activities and things they love.”

Still in the “voluntary” stages of use, according to IBM’s Steve LaFleche, the Digital Health Pass and similar mobile health verification apps, like CommonPass, cease to be so once government guidelines and regulations force the private sector to enforce their implementation, as in the case of New York’s reopening rules for stadiums, theaters and other venues.

In addition to the already widely-enforced capacity limits, social distancing and mandated facial coverings, Cuomo’s guidelines for venue operation now include the requirement that “all staff and spectators receive a negative COVID-19 PCR test within 72 hours of the event,” as well as the collection of contact information of everyone in attendance in order to “inform contact tracing efforts.”

IBM’s partnership with Moderna allows many of these requirements to be carried out unobtrusively and with minimal fuss for the general population, who are by now used to interfacing with the world on their smartphones. As LaFleche writes, the app “can interoperate easily with other solutions so that people won’t have to rely on multiple apps when going about their daily lives.”

Tethered to the blockchain

The development of these health-tracking, blockchain-based technologies as part of a broader redesign of supply chain and capital organization structures — often referred to as the “new normal” or the “Great Reset — has been in the works since at least 2016. It began with the “Use of Blockchain in Health IT and Health-related Research Challenge,” co-hosted by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), where IBM submitted its white paper, “Blockchain: The Chain of Trust and its Potential to Transform Healthcare – Our Point of View.”

Since April 2020, these efforts have sped up considerably through initiatives like the COVID-19 High Performance Computing (HPC) Consortium, a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) “spearheaded” by IBM and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, which brought Big Tech players like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft together with academic institutions and federal agencies to apply an “unprecedented scale of computing power to support COVID-19 research.”

The PPP applied its “unprecedented” computing power to controversial research topics like the supposed genetic predisposition among African Americans to Covid-19 infection and other areas of focus, such as potential treatments and “medicinal plants,” which can now all be integrated as part of IBM’s blockchain-based applications across the entire economic spectrum.

As covered by MintPress in a recent three-part series by this author, the intersection between blockchain technology and health data is at the center of a global campaign to recreate capitalism as a data-driven economic model based on a so-called “impact investment” paradigm, which purports to solve the world’s health, social and environmental problems through market-based solutions.

“Hacking the software of life”

The collection of our genomic data lies at the core of the fraudulent concept of creating financial incentives around human misery. DNA is the single point of data convergence across humanity that allows for these new “moral” economic models to generate enough volume to replicate present-day economies of scale and design financial instruments to exploit human beings at a cellular level.

Moderna’s former Chief Medical Officer, Tal Zacks, is well aware of the opportunities. On February 25, Moderna announced their CMO’s intention to step down in September as he looks forward to the “next leg of his career.” Zacks will leave a wealthy man, after regularly selling Moderna stock over the course of 2020, making him approximately $1 million a week, according to SEC filings.

In 2017, Zacks delivered a TED Talk in which he plainly states what many of the mRNA vaccine detractors have been warning about. Namely, that these novel vaccination technologies are, in fact, mechanisms designed to manipulate the human genetic code.

Zacks mirrors much of what his colleague and fellow vaccine credential promoter, Dr. Brad Perkins, said in a similar presentation that same year, in which he expounded on the massive potential for profits of these kinds of technologies — and the collection of genomic data, in particular — across the healthcare and insurance industries.

“I’m here today to tell you,” Zacks informed the spectators, “that we’re actually hacking the software of life.” Aiming at a more general audience, Zacks wasn’t as forward as Perkins in his description of the implications, limiting himself to emotional appeals through anecdotal accounts of former patients who might have been saved had they lived through the “phenomenal digital and scientific revolution” of mRNA “information therapy” solutions from which he has profited so handsomely.

Conveniently, IBM’s strong presence in the law enforcement space, as one of the largest providers of digital profiling technologies and AI policing systems in the world, may also help with any obstacles Moderna may face among vaccine-hesitant populations — such as the 3,000 Romanians who took to the streets of Bucharest to protest mass vaccinations, or the refusal of entire communities in Mexico to have their personal sovereignty violated by the world’s newest crop of snake oil salesmen.


Raul Diego is a MintPress News Staff Writer, independent photojournalist, researcher, writer and documentary filmmaker.

Connect with Raul Diego at MintPress News

The New America: Bio-‘Ethics,’ Death Panels, and Killing Babies and the Old

The New America: Bio-‘Ethics,’ Death Panels, and Killing Babies and the Old

by Gary D. Barnett
March 10, 2021


“Killing a defective infant is not morally equivalent to killing a person. Sometimes it is not wrong at all.”
~ “Peter Singer” by Ed Vulliamy, February 14, 2009.

“The traditional view of the sanctity of human life will collapse under pressure from scientific, technological and demographic developments.”

“Killing a newborn baby is never equivalent to killing a person, that is, a being who wants to go on living”
~ Peter Singer, “moral” philosopher and Professor of Bioethics at Princeton University


If the masses were to look around at the reality that is staring them in the face, they would have to come to the conclusion that individual life is no longer thought to be sacred, it is not worth protecting, and it should be respected only in the sense of utilitarian necessity. These observations do not yet fully consume the total population, but do consume the minds of those currently guiding and controlling this population. In other words, the “new normal” sought is one where the sanctity of life is no longer a driving force of moral behavior, but is seen as a privilege only for those considered worthy of it by the technocratic few.

Depopulation is alive and well, but controlling all that are left in this society after the culling of the undesirables, is being pursued with the same vigor. The end result of such agenda driven policies would be the death of the old, weak, mentally unstable, newborns, and of course all dissenters that question this tyranny. Once this democide can be accomplished, the control of the rest could be achieved by the destruction of mind and body through ‘vaccination,’ and brute force by the henchmen of the state. All that would remain would be the ruling class, those that were robotic transhuman statists, and a population of slaves.

Consider that this plot while planned for decades, has advanced in just one year to such an extent as to be threatening all our livelihoods, passions, families, freedoms, and even our very lives. Nothing has been left untouched, and exhausting oppression has taken over this country and its people, leaving little room for escape. Every aspect of life has changed, as everything is being based on the fraudulent ‘Covid pandemic.’ No ‘virus’ has ever been proven to exist, so this country has been destroyed over a lie created for that very purpose. The most pathetic aspect of this coup is that the herd continues to act as one, while most all are nothing more than faceless and expressionless drones cowering in fear of imaginary monsters. Family, history, and tradition are being erased from the human psyche, and this can only lead to servitude in a totalitarian hell.

Without mass resistance, Americans should prepare to live in a dystopian nightmare where the ruling class; those in power that were voluntarily chosen and accepted by the sheep, will show no mercy and have no remorse for their calculated and conscienceless planned brutality. This brutality will begin with the considerable rationing of medical care.  The term “triage” will take on a whole new meaning, as people everywhere will be turned away and left to die instead of being treated. The term “universal healthcare” will take on a whole new meaning, as only the chosen ones will receive care. So who will choose?

Ezekiel Emanuel is Joe Biden’s chief advisor on medical issues, and a member of his Public Health (‘Covid-19’) Advisory Committee. This is the guy that argued that all over the age of 75 should die, and here is how he explained his “rationing ideas:”

“So there are two kinds of “rationing,” you might say. One is absolute scarcity leading to rationing and that’s when we don’t have enough of something and you have to choose between people. We do that with organs for transplantation. We don’t have enough. Some people will get it, other people won’t and, tragically, people will die. Similarly if we ever have a flu pandemic—not if, but when we have a flu pandemic—we’re not going to have enough vaccine, we’re not going to have enough respirators, we’re not going to have enough hospital beds. We’re just going to have to choose between people.”

It seems this process began in earnest this past year, as the old and infirmed were moved around, locked together, sick and not sick, and imprisoned in ‘nursing homes’ without proper medical care, without proper food and water, and among many infectious others. The percentage of deaths falsely claimed to be from “Covid” in these prisons for the elderly were astronomical comparatively speaking. Was this by design? By killing off the old that are dependent on “scarce” resources, government’s and their fascist partner’s stolen riches were less affected due to not supplying medical care, eliminating retirement pay for all those that died, and at the same time lowering the population. These tactics along with mass ‘vaccination,’ could lead to sterilization of the young, killing off certain classes of babies and infants, and ‘vaccinating’ the rest to gain long-term control, and this would be considered a win by the state.

Another telling sign that this “rationing” has already been implemented is the fact that many hospitals were shut down during the so-called height of this fake ‘pandemic,’ and most all medical procedures, treatments, preventative screenings, surgeries, and diagnoses were effectively cancelled for months, causing many deaths and adverse long-term health issues. Was this by design? How could it not have been, given that most hospitals were empty or purposely closed down for a ‘pandemic’ that never materialized except in the brainwashed minds of the pathetic American recipients of fear mongering propaganda by the state?

What has happened to date has been atrocious, but what is coming will be much worse, and on many more levels. Surveillance and censorship will increase, while freedoms will be doled out less frequently, and for shorter periods of time, as acquiescence will be continually tested. This is a multi-faceted attack on the people of this country. This war against the populace is just beginning, as each stage will bring more harm and more terror, as the draconian measures mandated so far will not only continue in stages or waves, but will eventually become more aggressive and more enforced as any pushback escalates.

Our only hope as I see it is mass disobedience and mass dissent; so much so that the state will have no option except to use extreme force, and that will spell the downfall of this totalitarian coup being waged against us. Once the claimed rulers have to show their hand by relying only on pure aggression and violence, they will have lost their ability to control through lies and deceit, and will be exposed as the evil and criminal oligarchs that they have always been.

Freedom is the essence of life; it is not a state of mind or a privilege. It comes from no constitution or bill of rights, or any government decree. It is inherent in the souls of man, and if not defended, it will forever be lost. To live free means that each must be willing to defend his freedom at all cost, even death. Americans are now prisoners of their own making, so the choice is clear; either fight to remove the shackles that bind you, or remain a slave to your chosen masters.

Source links:

Bioethics and the New Eugenics

Fair allocation of Scarce Medical Resources

How the High Death Rate in Care Homes Was Created

Ezekiel Emanuel–Bioethics?

Biden’s Covid-19 and Death Panel Doctor Connection

What Else Is in the Covid Vaccine

Stalin Would Be Proud: USDA’s Transformation of Food System & Racial Equity

Stalin Would Be Proud: USDA’s Transformation of Food System & Racial Equity

by Christian Westbrook, Ice Age Farmer
March 10, 2021


Stalin would be proud: USDA calls for a “transformation of our food system” (echoing Rockefeller words) and forgives loans ONLY to black farmers.

The grain crisis will justify this transformation of the world food supply as a global communist superstate is unveiled. Christian breaks it down in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast.



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Cancer Concern for Maskers

Cancer Concern for Maskers

by Del Bigtree w/ Jefferey Jaxen, The HighWire
March 9, 2021


Video available at The HighWire Bitchute and Brighteon channels.

Put aside the obvious concerns mask wearers face: reduced oxygen levels, anxiety disorders, and scientific lack of efficacy.

Since 2012, research has shown that inhaling nanofibers can pose a serious risk to inflammation in the lungs, even mesothelioma (cancer) due to its similar shape to asbestos.

Jefferey Jaxen highlights a recent study showing the potential threat to inhaling nano plastics shed from masks.

Lawyers’ Committee Targets Sham FBI Probe of 2001 Anthrax Attacks

Lawyers’ Committee Targets Sham FBI Probe of 2001 Anthrax Attacks

by Craig McKee, Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth
March 9, 2021


We know that the anthrax attacks of 2001 were not carried out by Muslim terrorists, but what many of us may not know is that these attacks provide strong evidence that 9/11 wasn’t either.

Exposing this connection could become much easier if the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry (LC911) is successful in getting the U.S. Congress to launch a new investigation into the hugely significant but often overlooked anthrax attacks.

To this end, LC911 has laid out its rationale for wanting the case reopened in a 78-page petition that was sent to Congress on October 15, 2020. The petition is accompanied by 69 exhibits. All of this material can be viewed on the LC911 website (

LC911 contends that the official narrative of the anthrax attacks is false and that it, like 9/11, involved both a cover-up of what really happened and accusations against innocent parties.

“It’s after 9/11, but we look at it as being connected,” LC911 president David Meiswinkle, who is also a member of his organization’s anthrax committee, explained in an interview. “We did anthrax in part because no one has done it. There is no Architects & Engineers [for 9/11 Truth] for anthrax.”

An essential finding of LC911’s investigation is that the man the FBI and the Department of Justice claim was the sole perpetrator of the attacks, Dr. Bruce Ivins, not only wasn’t responsible but couldn’t have been.

Ivins was a microbiologist who worked on anthrax vaccine development at the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at the Fort Detrick military base in Maryland until his apparent suicide in July 2008. It was only after his death that he was publicly named by the FBI as its primary suspect.

The first wave of letters containing dried anthrax spores was sent one week after 9/11 to a number of locations, including several media outlets. A second wave went out the following month, and these contained a much deadlier variety, with spores that are so concentrated (one trillion spores per gram) that they behaved almost like a gas, Meiswinkle explains.

Among the targets of this second wave were U.S. senators Patrick Leahy and Tom Daschle. Both were resisting the effort to get the Patriot Act passed, and LC911 contends they were targeted to accelerate passage of the bill, something that Vice-President Dick Cheney was pushing hard for.

Five people died in the attacks, including two postal workers, and 17 were injured.

The letters themselves contained references to 9/11 and suggested that both 9/11 and the anthrax attacks were the work of Muslim terrorists. Then anthrax used was also determined to be from the Ames strain, which is known to be used by the U.S. military, although it is also held by other countries.

Four of the actual letters were recovered, two from the first group of letters and two from the second.

The two from the group first read:


The ones from the second group contained similar language and presentation:


It is significant that, in accusing Ivins, the U.S. government was admitting that the anthrax attacks, which the letters appeared to blame on Muslim extremists, were actually most likely to have originated in a U.S. military facility.

The 9/11 link to anthrax

Prominent 9/11 researcher Graeme MacQueen, also a member of LC911’s anthrax committee and author of the 2014 book The 2001 Anthrax Deception: The Case for a Domestic Conspiracy, says the fact that we know the anthrax did not come from Muslim terrorists is hugely revealing about 9/11.

“What we’re being told is that on September 11th real Islamic terrorists attacked New York and Washington and killed a bunch of people,” he says, “and starting about a week later, fake Islamic terrorists — because they pretended in their letters to be Islamic terrorists — who were people actually embedded in the U.S. military, attacked and killed a bunch of people in Washington and New York.

“It strains credibility. It would make anyone ask, if the second one was fake then maybe the first one was too.”

MacQueen says LC911 took a different approach with its petition than he did in his book, focusing on scientific evidence that can be positively verified.

“[The book and the petition] complement each other, you could say, but they are not the same.”

In The 2001 Anthrax Deception (chapter 7, page 134), MacQueen addresses a stunning link between the anthrax attacks and 9/11 in the form of a connection between several of the alleged 9/11 hijackers and the first person to die in the anthrax attacks.

One of the anthrax letters was sent to the now-defunct Sun newspaper in Boca Raton, Florida. The paper was owned by American Media Inc., the same company that owns the National Enquirer. Robert Stevens was a photo editor at the Sun, and he was the first to die after coming into contact with the anthrax.

Mike Irish was the paper’s editor in chief, and he had known Stevens for 25 years. Mike Irish’s wife, Gloria, was a real estate agent who helped two of the alleged hijackers (Marwan al-Shehhi and Hamza al-Ghamdi) find apartments in the summer of 2001. Each of these apartments was shared by two of the alleged “hijackers.” Al-Shehhi was said to be a close friend of alleged Flight 11 pilot Mohammed Atta, who he once stayed with in Hamburg, Germany.

Gloria Irish had previously found a house for Stevens. The assertion that it’s just a coincidence that the first anthrax victim shared a real estate agent with two alleged 9/11 hijackers isn’t credible, MacQueen contends.

In addition, Mike Irish, a licensed pilot, was a former member of the Civil Air Patrol based at the airport in Lantana, Florida. This is the same airport where Atta is supposed to have rented a plane in 2001. Stevens lived in Lantana.

The connections between Gloria Irish and the alleged hijackers were actually reported by several major media in October 2001, but this was before the anthrax attacks had come to light and before the connection to Stevens was clear.

Ivins’ colleagues say he was innocent

While Bruce Ivins was publicly accused of the crime only after his apparent suicide, LC911’s research shows that the FBI had previously targeted other scientists with harassment and surveillance. All of them, Meiswinkle contends, appear to have been innocent of any involvement.

He explains that one of the ways LC911’s anthrax committee developed its bank of evidence was by connecting with four scientists who worked with Ivins at Fort Detrick. These four — two were colonels and one was a lieutenant colonel — have provided statements as well as important documents to LC911 that the public has not seen before.

The USAMRIID scientists, Meiswinkle says, “all agreed that Ivins was the patsy, basically, the fall guy. And he was innocent. They knew him. They knew he couldn’t do that, that he didn’t have the capability to do it.”

LC911 also reached out to Richard Lambert, was in charge of the FBI’s “Amerithrax” investigation from 2002–2006. Lambert, who, in a federal court complaint, detailed obstruction by his FBI superiors, told LC911 representatives he met with that they would have to get Congress to subpoena the 2,000-page report he produced for the FBI because the material is classified. While he could not divulge what is in the report, he was able to confirm that 16 of those pages contain information exonerating Ivins.

LC911 petition: five conclusions

LC911 lists five primary conclusions it has reached about the anthrax attacks and the FBI investigation of the attacks in the executive summary of its petition to Congress, which states:

  1. The FBI’s sole identified anthrax killer, Dr. Bruce Ivins, a distinguished scientist with a 28-year career at U.S. Army’s Medical Research Institute, was innocent and an unfortunate scapegoat of FBI contrivance.
  2. The FBI intentionally, by concealing and avoiding key evidence, steered its investigation away from the most likely suspects, personnel associated with Dugway Proving Grounds, Batelle Memorial Institute, and their contractual CIA partner, and institutions and individuals associated with them, and concentrated on the least likely suspects, scientists from the United States Army Medical Institute of Infection Diseases (USAMRIID), and prematurely concluded its investigation upon the death of Dr. Ivins.
  3. Congressional involvement is necessary as the Department of Justice has a conflict of interest in investigating its own alleged misconduct.
  4. Those responsible for the anthrax attacks are still at large and the Nation remains in peril.
  5. The attacks appear to have been intended to rush passage of the United States Patriot Act, thus undermining civil liberties, facilitating a War on Iraq predicated on nonexistent weapons of mass destruction and inaugurating the War on Terror, which continues to this day.

Anthrax committee member Dr. Meryl Nass has been an expert on the subject of anthrax and anthrax vaccines for 30 years. She took an additional interest in this case because she was friends with Ivins, who she is convinced was framed by the FBI.

“The fact that he was a friend of mine gave me a reason to pursue this all these years,” she said in an interview.

“The vast majority of the country thinks the case was never solved or that Ivins did it,” she adds. “That’s unfortunately how Americans are about many issues. They’ve been covered once with a flurry of activity and then facts come out gradually that challenge the original narrative, and people never become aware of these facts.”

She explains that not only did Ivins work exclusively with liquid anthrax — not the powdered variety used in the attacks — but the FBI could not find even a trace of either of the contaminant bacterium present in the first set of letters nor the silicon signature found in the second used in the attacks in Ivins’ Fort Detrick workplace. She says it would be impossible to remove such traces, if they existed.

“The FBI had fumbled along building a case against one perpetrator after another,” she says. “And they went from one person to another with no direct evidence for any of them.”

Nass says she learned from the Fort Detrick scientists that Ivins’ apparent suicide made him an easy and convenient “culprit” for the FBI to settle on.

“I learned basically that the FBI had been harassing several of them,” she says, “and that they felt there had been several people that the crime could have been pinned on, and that Bruce was the first one to break and to commit suicide, and that gave the FBI their man.”

The pressure on Ivins during this period was enormous, she adds.

“You take someone who is frail emotionally, and you pound on them for a year. You tell them you are about to accuse them of multiple murders and that you have the powers of the federal government to pin this on them.”

The FBI commissioned the National Academy of Science’s National Research Council (NRC) to assess the scientific basis for its conclusion that Ivins was the guilty party. The NRC’s 2011 report fell short of supporting the FBI’s claim that it had conclusively proven Ivins’ guilt, however.

The FBI claimed it had conclusively proven that the anthrax batch Ivins was working with at Fort Detrick, known as RMR-1029, was where the spores used in the attacks had come from. The NRC report contradicted this claim, stating that while the anthrax spores used in the attacks were “consistent with” spores Ivins worked with, there was no proof that they were the same.

Nass points out that on page 55 of the report, “consistent with” is defined: “The expression “consistent with” is frequently used in this report and conveys the weakest level of certainty (greatest amount of uncertainty). In general, when the term “consistent with” is used, it means that an association may or may not be present; the available data can neither rule out nor confirm an association.”

Nass says that since 2001, biological warfare research has hugely expanded around the world.

“The preponderance of this massive bio-defense infrastructure that has developed in the United State, China, and elsewhere is, to a great extent, a consequence of the anthrax letters.”

LC911 board member and 9/11 researcher Barbara Honegger — who chronicled the connections between the anthrax attacks and 9/11 in a 2008 article — appeared at AE911Truth’s “Justice Rising: 9/11 in 2020” conference last September (along with fellow board members Meiswinkle and Mick Harrison) — to discuss LC911’s anthrax work.

During her talk, she said the attacks could offer the breakthrough needed to expose the 9/11 deception.

“… the government first wanted you to believe that it was a foreign organization, al-Qaeda, that was behind the anthrax attacks but only long enough to get their Patriot Act rushed through Congress,” she said, “Then and now they want you to believe that 9/11 and the anthrax attacks are completely unrelated, that a lone nut terrorist named Bruce Ivins did the entire thing himself.”

She suggests that the lie that Ivins was responsible is being used by the government to hide the fact that the same “domestic terrorists” — or at least some of the same ones — that were responsible for 9/11 also pulled off the anthrax attacks.

Meiswinkle says the goal is ultimately to get the evidence in front of a grand jury. LC911 has already submitted a grand jury petition concerning the World Trade Center evidence and plans to address both the Pentagon and Shanksville elements of 9/11 in the months ahead. It is also considering focusing on government obstruction, which he says is present in both 9/11 and the anthrax attacks.

If successful in getting Congress to investigate the anthrax attacks, LC911 could not only exonerate an innocent man, but it could open the eyes of many to the fact that these lesser-understood attacks provide powerful insights into the truth about 9/11 itself.

NYU Professor, Mark Crispin Miller: The Latest Victim of Cancel Culture

Canceling Critical Thinking

by Del Bigtree, The HighWire
March 8, 2021


Video available at The HighWire BitChute and Brighteon channels.

NYU Professor, Mark Crispin Miller, is the latest victim in the era of cancel culture.

During his popular “Propaganda” class, Miller offered his students information from both sides of the mask discussion, citing scientific evidence and promoting critical thinking on the divisive topic.

What happened next might shock you…