Rebel News was on location at the Whistle Stop Café in Mirror, Alberta this past Saturday, where owner Chris Scott has refused to shut down, despite new provincial lockdown measures. Chris has become, in the eyes of many, the unofficial leader of Alberta’s restaurant revolution, as many businesses are following his lead in refusing to heed Alberta Health Services’ directives.
Hundreds were on hand for Saturday’s event, with many waiting in line for hours for a chance to get their fill of Adamson Barbecue. A seemingly endless parade of cars and trucks honked in support of the event while passing by, though you might not have heard them over the live music that entertained the large crowd throughout the day. Numerous attendees commented on how “normal” all of this seemed, when contrasted with the isolation and starkness of a locked-down Canada.
AHS and the RCMP did arrive on location, issuing yet another closure order to the Whistle Stop Café. They also quickly cleared out a few guests who were dining inside the restaurant, but made no effort to put an end to the large outdoor event, which Skelly noted was an incredible departure from the abuse he endured at the hand of police and RCMP in Toronto.
Chris Scott insists that events like these will continue at the Whistle Stop until the government stops imposing crippling and overreaching restrictions on local businesses.
Highlights — excerpt from statements by CNN Technical Director Charlie Chester:
“Any reporter on CNN — what they’re actually doing is they’re telling the person what to say… It’s always like leading them in a direction before they even open their mouths. The only people that we [CNN] will let on the air, for the most part, are people that have a proven track record of taking the bait.”
“COVID? Gangbusters with ratings, right? Which is why we [CNN] constantly have the [COVID] death toll on the side, which I have a major problem with – with how we’re tallying how many people die every day.”
“Like, why isn’t it high enough, you know, today? Like it would make our point better if it was higher. And I’m like, what am I f***ing rallying for? That’s a problem that we’re doing that.”
“It’s fear. Fear really drives numbers [TV ratings] … Fear is the thing that keeps you tuned in.”
“The special red phone rings and this producer picks it up. You hear [murmurs], and every so often they put it on speaker and it’s the head of the network being like, ‘There’s nothing that you’re doing right now that makes me want to stick. Put the [COVID death toll] numbers back up, because that’s the most enticing thing that we had. So, put it back up.’”
“I think there’s an art to manipulation…Inflection, saying things twice — there’s little subtleties to how to manipulate people…I mean, it’s enough to change the world, you know?”
“No one ever says those things out loud, but it’s obvious based on the amount of stories that we [CNN] do. The fact that we have a segment called ‘The Good Stuff’, which is a feel-good thing, but it’s a dedicated moment at the end to almost be the ice cream to alleviate everything that you’ve been through. Something sweet to end it with, because everything else is doom and gloom.”
Well, the Scroll found last month wasn’t in a cave and it wasn’t in a dead sea; it was in the remains of an ancient synagogue excavated below the Jerusalem Star Deli in the middle of the city.
Researchers found “several rolls inscribed in an early version of Aramaic…”
The astonishing conclusion? These rolls are over 8000 years old.
And they contain pointed references—actually, instructions—about the practice of vaccination.
Researchers and scientists in Israel have expressed great interest because, of course, the nation is now undergoing one of the most extensive mandated vaccination campaigns in human history, to turn back the COVID pandemic.
Persons living in Israel are, according to reports, having a very difficult time leaving the country without proof of vaccination.
Scholars at the Tel Aviv Center for Historical Studies have just released excerpts from newly discovered 8000-year-old scrolls:
“The Sky Cadets came to earth on a sheet of flying matzos. They brought us the secret of the vaccine, to save humankind.”
“Every Temple needs a rabbi who is called a Fauci. He interfaces with the public.”
“The Flying Cadets taught us a secret mantra: ‘only swelling and redness at the injection site.’ We repeat it for an hour before bedtime.”
“If, during a large vaccination program, people start dropping like flies, have the Faucis announce, ‘It was the virus, not the vaccine’.”
“It will be useful to invoke ‘the bad batch’: ‘Overall, the vaccine is a resounding success; the contaminated batch has been identified and destroyed’.”
“Don’t listen to Moishe. He spreads malicious gossip. His pushcart of natural remedies is a source of the virus.”
“Eat bacon only after receiving the Swine Flu vaccine.”
“Never allow the public to witness the holy ceremonies of discovering a new virus or making a new vaccine. These rituals are conducted by rabbis in sancta guarded by pharmaceutical money changers.”
“When, in the future, people everywhere DO drop like flies during a vaccination campaign, consider calling the devastation a Flood that is drowning the world, and take appropriate evasive measures.”
The Israeli Public Health Service has claimed these translations are in error. Spokesman Dr. Spike Jonas told reporters, “Clearly, when our ancestors were held in bondage in Egypt, they were demanding the vaccine against Bird Flu. The Pharaoh refused to distribute the injection to our people. This resulted in the Exodus, the parting of the Red Sea, and the great escape. After 40 years, Moses’ flock was led to an outpost of the World Health Organization near Canaan, where medical teams were on emergency alert. The life-saving shots were delivered, and that is why we are here today…”
In New York, during a good will tour of the devastated city, Anthony Fauci and Governor Andrew Cuomo encouraged the few citizens on the streets to cheer up and take heart and buckle down and stay tough and show the world what New Yorkers are made of. A heckler remarked, “We’re made of a long drive to Florida, where we’re permanently relocating…” Dr. Fauci commented on Dr. Spike Jonas’ statement: “He solves the mystery of the Biblical Exodus. The Hebrews were so intent on taking the Bird Flu vaccine, they willed the Red Sea to part and escaped the Pharaoh, who was disproportionately distributing the shots. This should be an inspiration for our time…”
A team of AI specialists at Harvard and MIT are currently undertaking a radical rewrite of the entire Old Testament. Heading up the project, retired transgender surgeon and medical ethicist, Dr. Ray Balzoff, issued a statement to the press:
“We believe the whole of the Old Testament is actually based on a vaccination controversy. The snake in the Garden was attempting to convince Eve to reject the seasonal flu shot. When she did, humankind experienced the Fall. Cain murdered his brother Abel because Abel sinned by refusing the protective HPV shot that prevents cervical cancer. David killed Goliath by substituting a saltwater placebo shot for the actual Hep B vaccination. Goliath soon declined and perished from liver disease.”
UPDATE: A new passage from the Deli Aramaic scrolls in Jerusalem has just been released: “We are the seers. We can view the future. Many years from now, a test called the PCR will be developed for detecting viruses. We believe our present method of testing is just as accurate as the PCR. While a person is sleeping, we rub two jagged rocks on his left and right temples. When he suddenly awakes, if he sits up immediately, the test is positive. If he continues to lie in a prone position, the test is negative…”
UPDATE 2: Catholic Bishop in Exile, Father Arch Ipelago, who is doing a 10-year jolt in the federal Colorado ADMAX, for sexually assaulting minors, told the Associated Press, “When Jesus handed over the Keys to the Kingdom, for the formation of a new Church, it was to be called The Vaccine-I-Can. Eventually, that name was changed to Vatican…but the mission remains the same. Wine, wafer, Pfizer. Everybody must take the shot…”
Standing for Freedom: Massive Crowd Gathers to Protest Government’s Attack on GraceLife Church in Edmonton, Alberta CA
A massive Sunday protest at the site of GraceLife Church resulted in outside agitators pulling down the fence that currently walls off the property, before other protesters put it back up.
This weekend marked the first Sunday since the government of Alberta seized control of and forcibly occupied the property of GraceLife Church, west of Edmonton. Approximately 1,000 people protested the government overreach against the church on the road in front of the heavily fortified property, where dozens of armed RCMP and private security from Paladin remain staged behind three layers of fencing.
After protesters pulled down the fence on Sunday, RCMP riot teams were brought in and staged, but not deployed on the crowd. Earlier in the protest, hymns were sung and prayers were offered that government officials and the police would have a change of heart and return the property to GraceLife. As the fence came down, many protesters chanted to the others, “leave the fence alone.”
GraceLife was first issued a closure order by Alberta Health Services in January for failing to comply with the public health orders that limit church capacity to 15 per cent of fire code, force congregants into masks, prevent singing and the playing of instruments and mandate social distancing. The church says this is a violation of their fundamental freedom to practice their religion and has remained open, defying restrictions and holding services to a capacity crowd week after week. GraceLife drew international attention after Pastor James Coates turned himself in to provincial authorities for failing to comply with public health orders, and spent 35 days in custody at Edmonton’s maximum security Remand Centre.
At the time of the protest, most of the GraceLife congregation, along with Pastor Coates, were holding services at an undisclosed location off-site. They’ve gone underground, like Christian churches in China, to avoid the scrutiny of the state.
The congregation of GraceLife could have pulled the fence down at any time. They haven’t. For the congregation at GraceLife, it’s never been about the building or the property. They are the church, wherever they are, as long as they’re together in person.
What GraceLife wanted from the very beginning of their showdown with the government was to be able to gather together in person, unrestricted by the province and the health bureaucracy the Alberta government oversees. That’s why Pastor Coates was willing to go to jail. That’s also why Pastor Coates remained in jail, morally unable to comply with bail conditions that would force him to restrict his congregation to 15 per cent of fire code capacity.
The government can lock up their pastor. Another will take his place. The government can seize their church and land. They will meet elsewhere.
One would have to look far and wide in alternative researchdom, I suppose, to find anyone who wasn’t a bit suspicious about “drills” being used as cover for real operations. Anyone familiar with the deep background story of 9/11 is aware of a raft of military and civilian drills occurring on that day, many of which conveniently mimicked aspects of the real happenings that day, including injecting “false returns” on radar for jets that weren’t really there, hijackings, and so on. Similarly, many are aware of the Event 201 “pandemic drill” of 2020 that, again, mimicked almost perfectly the covid planscamdemic. Indeed, some people argue that “they” simply took the Event 201 “drill” live with the planscamdemic.
So in the spirit of forewarned is forearmed, this article shared by E.G. should be carefully pondered, for the subject is a massive “drill” to game out a large scale cyber-attack, and the resulting collapse of supply chains:
The WEF, Russia’s Sberbank, and its cybersecurity subsidiary BIZONE announced in February that a new cyberattack simulation would occur July 9, 2021. The event will simulate a supply-chain cyberattack similar to the SolarWinds attack that would “assess the cyber resilience” of the exercise participants.
The exercise comes several months after the WEF, the “international organization for public-private cooperation” that counts the world’s richest elite among its members, formally announced its movement for a Great Reset, which would involve the coordinated transition to a Fourth Industrial Revolution global economy in which human workers become increasingly irrelevant. This revolution, including its biggest proponent, WEF founder Klaus Schwab, has previously presented a major problem for WEF members and member organizations in terms of what will happen to the masses of people left unemployed by the increasing automation and digitalization in the workplace.
New economic systems that are digitally based and either partnered with or run by central banks are a key part of the WEF’s Great Reset, and such systems would be part of the answer to controlling the masses of the recently unemployed. As others have noted, these digital monopolies, not just financial services, would allow those who control them to “turn off” a person’s money and access to services if that individual does not comply with certain laws, mandates and regulations.
Now as regular readers of this website are well aware, I have little use and almost nothing but scorn for Ernst Stavro Klaus Blohschwab and the World Economic Fleecing (which is what we call the World Economic Forum on this website). So I would put nothing bast them but to stage another drill, and then attempt to “turn it live”.
But what really intrigues me here is that the World Economic Fleecing is actually admitting something that I and others have been trying to warn about for some time: an all-digital world with digital “currencies” and digital “trades” in digital “securities” and “equities” is just asking for trouble… beaucoups trouble, and that for a very simple reason: it’s a single point of failure that could be brought down by any number of methods: cyber-attacks (or hacking as we used to say), massive power failure, electro-magnetic pulse, or as simple a thing as coordinated special teams attacks on the actual hardware choke points holding it all together (think of those attacks on California electrical sub-stations in Sillycon Valley or the cable-cutting in San Franfreakshow a few years ago). Here’s their admission in all its cold, stark, reality:
The newly updated event website, Cyber Polygon 2021, ominously warns as the world is more interconnected and global digitalization accelerates “a single vulnerable link is enough to bring down the entire system, just like the domino effect. A secure approach to digital development today will determine the future of humanity for decades to come.”
So has Mr. Globaloney learned his lesson?
Hardly, for as the article goes on to note, such pre-fab crises often pop up when Mr. Globaloney wants to institute some sort of major change. As the above quotation also suggests, however, that change is still predicated on digital systems: “A secure approach to digital development today will determine the future of humanity for decades to come.”
Uh huh…
To put that point a bit differently, the world’s current system is sort of like a digital version of a Rube Goldberg machine, or a digital version of the old children’s game Mouse Trap: a hopelessly overly complex contraption designed to do a simple thing: in this case, catch a mouse (See So the solution that Mr. Globaloney wants is apparently to add more digital versions of rubber bands, cranks, cogs, gears, winches, pulleys, strings, and other contraptions to it. All those things, like the game, are I suspect to keep us all busy and occupied marveling at how it all works and missing it when it doesn’t…
…except there’s a question being dodged, and it’s a significant one, and we can cast it in two forms: (1) What will Mr. Globaloney be using? and (2) how did we ever survive handling supply chains, running railroads, truck companies, ships, and airplanes for all those years without computers? How did all those countries at the beginning of World War One move all those millions of men into the exact position to the square yard for the start of military operations without computers and do so in a matter of a mere three to four weeks? How did we ever manage to buy and sell stocks, go to the grocery store? In short, transact? How will we run all those freight trains and trucks and supplies without computers?
Lessee… well, there were things called invoices, bills of exchange, bills of lading, semaphores, checks, cash, telephones, telegraphs, Pony Expresses, stage coaches, and steam engines (all highly secure from cyber attacks and electro-magnetic pulse, though vulnerable to things like Comanches and robbers and pirates). We navigated the oceans without GPS, by using old fashioned things like astrolabes and compasses and sextants (and with our digital reliance, could we navigate using such things now? Would we even remember how?) We designed and built those ships and steam engines and airplanes using slide rules and drafting tables…not CAD (Computer Aided Design).
In short, we did it. And to put it country simple: analogue worked… and worked well…
Don’t forget it, because Mr. Globaloney would like us all to think he has, and that we should…
Public health officials are in charge and normal life is forbidden
Canadians are entering the thirteenth month of government restrictions that are managing and dictating every aspect of our lives—the thirteenth month of daily and ongoing violations of our human rights and fundamental freedoms. It is no longer innocent until proven guilty, it is sick until proven healthy.
Original video available at Justice Centre rumble channel.
[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]
New Kentucky Law Preserves Vaccine Exemptions Even During Pandemic
Legislation passed with bipartisan support preserves certain vaccine exemptions, including religious and medical, even if the state mandates vaccines during a pandemic.
Kentucky residents will have the right to refuse vaccinations on the basis of religious, medical and conscientiously held beliefs, even during a pandemic, under a bill signed into law March 28, without the signature of Gov. Andy Beshear.
Senate Bill 8 was created by Republican Senator Mike Wilson in response to concerns about potential COVID vaccine mandates. Kentucky has not yet mandated the vaccines, but a pre existing law allowed the state to mandate vaccines during a pandemic.
The Kentucky House of Representatives passed the bill with bi-partisan support, breaking the typical pattern of party line voting on health freedom bills.
Kentucky Medical Freedom Coalition (KMFC), a grassroots organization founded in 2020, has been tirelessly advocating for health freedom. Two of the organization’s officers, Mary Kathryn DeLodder and Bethany Clark, worked with their team to raise awareness on issues and legislation, including Senate Bill 8, that impact health freedom. Together they built relationships with elected officials and the community.
While this bill is a win for Kentucky, there is growing concern all over the country about businesses and employers requiring COVID vaccines for employers and customers. DeLodder said the work continues in 2022 to protect employees from mandates, as S.B. 8 does not apply to Kentucky’s private businesses.
DeLodder and Clark have been doing this work since 2017. They recognized the need for a formal organization and worked with their team to create KMFC. Their work includes educating, empowering and uniting concerned citizens to take action and be part of the medical freedom conversation.
The two women advise other advocates looking for ways to make a difference to understand the makeup of their state legislature, seek out like-minded, like-hearted people and work together to create change.
DeLodder and Clark said this recent win was a result of the collaborative efforts of Kentucky citizens taking action.
A bi-partisan win in Kentucky proves the tide is turning and medical freedom is being honored in many states. Advocates can learn from Kentucky’s and other states’ best practices and build on their momentum.
Now is the time to revisit and initiate conversations with state representatives to ensure that mandates do not become the new normal. It’s not necessary to be part of a formal group to be an advocate — all that’s required is the passion, persistence and perseverance to take daily action.
Here are three actions medical freedom advocates can take to make a difference at the state level:
Initiate/revisit conversations with your state legislators on the topic of medical freedom. Elected officials are in office to address constituents’ concerns. Call your elected officials to express concerns about mandates. Schedule an appointment to meet and foster a relationship with your representative.
Share “good bills” with your local representatives and partner with like-minded legislators to create legislation for your state. Partner across state lines and utilize bill language that’s been successful.
Create community. You are never alone! Find a local group that shares your values and beliefs. Get involved with grassroots advocacy groups and work together to make change. If you are in Kentucky visit Kentucky Medical Freedom Coalition for local news, events and bill updates.
It is the darnedest thing. The UK government flat out admits it has been lying to the public, but in such a bland manner that it is not at all clear why the official government numbers suddenly shifted. And they didn’t shift a little. Covid hospitalizations declined by 50%.
The way this is being presented is like something out of “1984.” Yesterday we were at war with Oceana. Today we are war with EastAsia. Nothing changed. The reporters never ask, “Why?”
The latest figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show that 23 per cent of coronavirus deaths registered are now people who have died “with” the virus rather than “from” an infection…
Daily death figures by “date of death” reveal that Britain has had no more than 28 deaths a day since the beginning of April, even though the government-announced deaths have been as high as 60…
Likewise, Oxford University has calculated that the number of people in hospital with an active Covid infection is likely to be around half the current published daily figure. Tuesday’s official figure showed there were 2,537 Covid patients in hospital, with 230 new admissions.
Australia’s Telco Watchdog Holds a Behind Closed Doors Auction to Sell the Untested 5G Millimetre (26GHZ) Wave Spectrum, Up for Grabs to the Highest Bidder
Today (12 April 2021) is an extremely concerning day in Australia for the advancement of the Fifth Generation (5G) roll-out.
The Australian Government’s agency Australian Media and Communications Authority (ACMA) is set to profit enormously from the sale of 5G millimetre wave spectrum licences (on top of the billions of dollars already made from previous spectrum license sales).
As we speak, there is a private auction being held behind closed doors.
Why did you not hear about this? Well, simply because ACMA and Big Telco want this to “slip under the radar” and subsequently our mainstream media have little interest in reporting on it.
What the mainstream media ought to be reporting on is the fact that Big Telco are moving ahead with experimental millimetre wave technology against the will of the people!
What we know is that over 100,000 people in Australia have come forward in social media communities objecting to the 5G upgrade due to lack of scientific research and safety!
What we know is that the Telco “watchdog” ACMA are now set to give even more power to the self-regulated Telco industry.
What we know is that we don’t just have land-based companies (Telstra, Optus, Vodafone, Nokia, NBN etc) vying for 5G in this auction. Satellite firms such as billionaire Elon Musk’s Starlink are also bidding to secure this untested spectrum, and beam millimetre waves at the earth from thousands of new communication satellites. This 26Ghz spectrum is 7.5 times more powerful (and this is just the start) than the 5G network we are already being exposed to.
Check out this blatant free-for-all flexibility from a so-called ‘watchdog’:
“The 26 GHz band spectrum license has inherent flexibility that allows winning bidders to choose how they deploy service in the spectrum they win. Licensees are able to determine the services they deliver and the technology they employ.
Bidders should take account of the spectrum available and bandwidth needed for the performance of the equipment the bidder desires to operate. The spectrum lots are not pre-designed to accommodate any particular equipment standard. However, they may accommodate the operation of a particular standard (or even non-standard equipment) at a particular location and frequency, depending on the total bandwidth and area of the spectrum licence that a bidder has acquired.”
(6.7.1 Flexibility of a spectrum licence pg.79)
What we know currently is that the 5G upgrades all over Australia are not yet operating in the millimetre wave spectrum.
But it’s only a matter of time.
There is no better time than NOW to oppose the further deployment of this experimental 5G infrastructure.
We are calling on you to take off your rose-coloured glasses and truly see the marketing propaganda that has been dished up by Big Telco.
Step 1. Boycott 5G phone. Simply don’t buy them. This one powerful action will disable the networks ability to communicate with the 5G technology!
Step 2. Know your stuff – stay informed! Sign up for the We Are Not SAM News and keep an eye out on our Instagram for truth bombs and the latest information. Learn more from We Are Not SAM and ORSAA.
Step 3. Find out where 5G is being rolled out in Australia.
Step 4. Talk with friends, family, neighbours, schools – spread the word!
We literally hold the remote control in our hands and it’s time to put a stop to this madness.
If we want to have a world with Safe Technology we must have proper safety testing and put a halt to any further deployment of Fifth Generation infrastructure.
The CDC and FDA called for a temporary but immediate halt to the use of J&J’s COVID vaccine while they investigate at least six cases of potentially dangerous blood clots in people who received the vaccine.
Federal agencies today said they will stop using the single-shot Johnson & Johnson (J&J) COVID vaccine at mass vaccination sites while they investigate the vaccine’s possible link to potentially dangerous blood clots. States and other providers also are expected to pause vaccinations.
In a joint statement from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the agencies said they are investigating six cases of blood clots in the U.S. All six occurred in women between the ages of 18 and 48, and symptoms occurred six to 13 days after vaccination.
One woman died and a second woman in Nebraska was hospitalized and is in critical condition, The New York Times reported.
The CDC will convene a meeting of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices Wednesday to further review the cases and assess their potential significance. The FDA will review that analysis, according to the joint statement.
The agencies said that until “that process is complete, we are recommending a pause in the use of this vaccine out of an abundance of caution.”
In addition to advising healthcare workers to report any adverse reactions to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, the agencies recommended people who have received the J&J vaccine and develop severe headache, abdominal pain, leg pain or shortness of breath within three weeks after vaccination should contact their healthcare provider.
Blood clots have also been linked to AstraZeneca’s COVID vaccine, which has not yet been approved in the U.S.
EU regulators on April 7 said they identified a “possible link” between AstraZeneca’s vaccine and blood clots, but said the benefits of the vaccine outweighed the risks. At the time, the European Medicines Agency said it was also investigating several reports of blood clots in recipients of the J&J vaccine.
On Monday, the FDA confirmed it is investigating blood clots in people who received the J&J vaccine.
The FDA issued an Emergency Use Authorization for the J&J vaccine on Feb. 28. The company committed to delivering 20 million doses of the vaccine to the U.S. government by the end of March, but later had to extend the deadline and roll back the number of doses.
As The Defender reported Monday, J&J’s rollout in the U.S. has been anything but smooth. Last week, J&J vaccine sites in four states had to shut down after reports of adverse reactions. News reports did not disclose the nature of the reactions that, in some cases, resulted in vaccine recipients having to be hospitalized.
There have also been recent reports of COVID breakthrough cases in people who received the vaccine, marketed under its subsidiary, Janssen.
At the beginning of the month, the vaccine maker had to throw out 15 million doses of its vaccine after they were contaminated with AstraZeneca vaccine ingredients at an unapproved manufacturing plant in Baltimore. The setback contributed to last week’s announcement that the company won’t be able to deliver on its promise of 24 million additional doses of its one-shot vaccine by the end of April.
On Monday, the company faced backlash from investors after its CEO was awarded a 17% pay raise while billions are being paid out for the company’s role in the nation’s opioid epidemic.
Last month, The Defender reported on J&J’s long history of civil and criminal lawsuits, resulting the company having to pay billions in fines to settle lawsuits, including some involving product recalls.
“All government, in its essence, is a conspiracy against the superior man: it’s one permanent object is to oppress him and cripple him… One of its primary functions is to regiment men by force, to make them as much alike as possible and as dependent upon one another as possible, to search out and combat originality among them.” ~ H. L. Mencken, “Prejudices: Third Series (Le Contrat Social)“. Book by H. L. Mencken, 1922.
At this point in time, ‘hope’ seems to be a consuming factor in the minds of many, as more of my correspondence tends to be critical of hearing the truth. Many want to see good news; they desire only positive messages due to small outbreaks of sanity among the herd and a tiring of doom. While this is a normal reaction after 13 months of lockdown hell, it can also be a very dangerous position to take. This conspiracy that has been planned for decades is not going away quickly or quietly, and the end game sought is closer to completion than ever before. With this knowledge, it is not prudent to dismiss reality in favor of the abandonment of truth.
The ‘Covid’ plot will not subside anytime soon, and the controlling few and their government accomplices have a grand agenda that includes taking over the minds and bodies of all humanity, and creating a global governing system that will rely on very centralized technocratic control. In addition, depopulation on a large scale is desired, and in order to achieve that goal, many must be sickened and many must die. While this may seem to be too harsh a reality to fathom, in order to stop this onslaught of tyranny, it is vital to resist and disobey at every level, and it is imperative to continue fighting against our enemy the state until it is made completely impotent.
Part of the country has opened up somewhat, and other parts are still in a state of lockdown, mandatory mask wearing, and curfews. Much of Europe, Canada, Australia, and most of the rest of the western world are even worse, but what is happening there will soon happen here. Travel is very restricted for the most part, and international travel has become almost impossible unless one is willing to face wearing a mask, extreme prejudice, dangerous testing, possible poisonous injection, and costly mandated quarantine in a prison-like setting. No sane person would bow to such pressure and totalitarian threats, or take such undue personal risk in order to simply travel at will. There has been some pushback, and with the exception of certain areas of this society, deadly injections falsely labeled as a ‘vaccine’ have not yet reached saturation levels, but what will the government’s coming tactics be in order to reestablish mass fear in this already beaten down population?
It seems logical to assume that this tyrannical takeover plot will not simply be scrapped due to some minor pushback. Actually, with only partial resistance evident, the more aggressive the state will become in my opinion. The idea is to gain control over the majority, ‘vaccinate’ them, and then go after all the dissenters and non-vaccinated. If large numbers refuse to adhere to this plot, this would be difficult for the ruling class to overcome, so the tyranny, fear mongering, and new mandates will likely increase throughout this year. The reason for this is that the effort to control society has been one of massive proportion, and it is meant to be the final attempt to achieve complete control of the people and the economy. To get this close and fail would be devastating to those in power, as it would expose this coup for what it really is, even to many of those in this country that have been blinded by apathy and ignorance for so long.
The state’s attempts to complete this transition to a global governing technocratic system will necessarily require that much fear be instilled in the populace so that many more in the near future will accept more loss of freedom and they will mass ‘vaccinate,’ which has not occurred to date. This means we will face more threats, more panic, more claimed virus outbreaks, and possibly attacks through the use of targeted bio-weapon releases that will be used to scare more of the herd into submission. The more that take this Covid injection, the worse things will become, as the deaths due to this poison will be attributed to one or another virus, either the current version or some claimed mutant strain. There has been much talk and media hype lately about mutating variants of what has been mislabeled as Covid-19, so this looks to be a planned attempt to set people up for more lies that will lead to extreme panic later this year.
Expect many reports of more positive tests, more outbreaks, and more death. If those already ‘vaccinated’ begin to die off in large numbers over the next few months or during the next flu season due to the unknown effects of this experimental toxic concoction, that tragedy would be used to promote more ‘vaccination,’ which would of course cause even more death. This vicious cycle would be pleasing to the state, as it would promote more lockdowns, more quarantine, more restrictions, more demands, more small business destruction, more surveillance, more censorship, more immunity passports, and that would lead to more control.
There are many things that the government and its accomplices could do to cause more fear among the people, and that is why it is imperative to trust absolutely nothing from any government source or any mainstream media. Every single thing should be questioned and scrutinized, and ‘Covid’ tests and toxic injections should be avoided at all cost.
Be prepared for more tyranny, but do not be surprised at anything this governing system does to reinstate terror into the population. There has been a slight lessening of draconian measures as of late, but many are dying from this toxic pathogen delivery system called a vaccine, and that has temporarily caused a slight stall in dictatorial policy. But all the while, the senile Biden is very busy enacting executive orders, while Congress and state governors are putting forth extreme spending and restrictive legislation, and plotting the next phase of this attack on the people. Gun control orders have been put into place by fiat just this week, and that of course is another step toward disarming this population. The drive toward immunization passports, which are nothing less than ‘papers’ similar to what were mandated in the past in Nazi Germany, Russia, and communist China, among other countries, is accelerating. These dictatorial measures of control are expanding worldwide, and New York is already requiring these ‘papers,’ and has legislation pending that would allow the evil governor and his henchmen to capture and imprison in camps those that would be deemed by the state to be a ‘health threat.’ The immunity passports will eventually be used to restrict all the necessities of life to those not complying, and this will be done to force more vaccination. It is a dastardly plan, but one that is advancing quickly during this seemingly calmer period, so these invasions against all of us cannot be ignored or allowed to go forward.
As politicians are apt to say in every war they aggressively pursue, nothing is off the table, and we will use every weapon possible to stop the enemy, regardless of the consequences. But we are the enemy this time, and the weapons they possess are many. The propaganda will continue and escalate dramatically, and the terror against the people will never stop until we stop it. Expect the unexpected, because this is a serious situation, and those of us unwilling to submit will face a great threat going forward unless our numbers grow exponentially. We can never give up, and we must fight without reservation to protect our precious lives and freedom.
“Every time I hear a political speech or I read those of our leaders, I am horrified at having, for years, heard nothing which sounded human. It is always the same words telling the same lies. And the fact that men accept this, that the people’s anger has not destroyed these hollow clowns, strikes me as proof that men attribute no importance to the way they are governed; that they gamble – yes, gamble – with a whole part of their life and their so called ‘vital interests.” ~ Albert Camus (1978). “Notebooks, 1935-1942”, Harcourt
People on the volcano-stricken island of St. Vincent have been told by the country’s Prime Minister that they won’t be rescued if they haven’t taken the COVID vaccine.
Yes, really.
Cruise ships were dispatched to evacuate the island after the 4,000-foot high volcano La Soufrière erupted on Friday.
However, Ralph Gonsalves, the Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, gave a press conference warning that those who hadn’t taken the jab would be left to fend for themselves.
“The chief medical officer would be identifying the persons already vaccinated so that we can get them on the ship,” Gonsalves said.
16,000 people are being evacuated from the ‘red zone’ areas of the island that are most at risk, but that number won’t include those who for whatever reason haven’t taken the shot.
“If people are willing to welcome you at a time of COVID-19, they will wish you to have the highest level of protection possible,” Gonsalves told the media.
According to local officials, some people don’t want to be evacuated because they are scared they’ll be forced to take the vaccine.
This is another example of how vaccination status is being used by governments around the world to deny people basic necessities, including being rescued from a natural disaster.
Numerous countries are preparing to implement vaccine passports which would deny the unvaccinated from entering certain venues, which could eventually extend to pubs, restaurants, cinemas and shops.
When a new epidemic is launched and promoted, despite the lack of good science and good evidence, it is jacked up on television screens. Images begin to flow:
An emergency medical vehicle on a street. EMT personnel, in hazmat suits, load a man strapped down to a stretcher, into the van. On another street, a man collapses on the sidewalk. We see a quarantined man sitting inside a huge plastic bubble on a third street. Cut to an airport lobby. Soldiers are patrolling the space among the crowds. Cut to a lab. Close-up of vials of liquid. Camera pulls back. Techs in light green scrubs are placing the vials into slots of a table-top machine. Auditorium—a man on a platform, wearing a doctor’s white coat, is pointing a wand at a large screen, on which a chart is displayed, for the audience. Back to the street. People are wearing face masks.
These images wash over the television viewer. Meanwhile, the anchor is imparting his prepared meaning: “The government today issued a ban on all travel into and out of the city…hundreds of plane flights have been cancelled. Scientists are rushing to develop a vaccine…”
The television audience has an IMPRESSION of knowing something. They’re in the flow, the flow of the news…they’re in the images…
—Network, the 1976 film written by Paddy Chayefsky, reveals what media kings would do if they unchained their basic instincts and galloped all the way into the madness of slash-and-burn Roman Circus.
The audience is jaded beyond recall. It needs new shocks to the system every day. The adrenaline must flow. The line between reporting the news and inventing it? Erase it. Celebrate the erasure. Watch ratings soar.
Why pretend anymore? Why spend countless hours preparing and broadcasting synthetic artificial news, as if it were real? Does the audience care about such niceties? The audience just wants action.
The film proceeds from these premises.
Arthur Jensen, head of the corporation that owns the Network, speaks to unhinged Network newsman, Howard Beale, who has revealed, on-air, a piece of the real planetary power structure in a few moments of sanity: “You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, Mr. Beale, and I won’t have it!! Is that clear?!… You are an old man who thinks in terms of nations and peoples. There are no nations. There are no peoples. There are no Russians. There are no Arabs. There are no third worlds. There is no West. There is only one holistic system of systems, one vast and immane, interwoven, interacting, multivariate, multinational dominion of dollars. Petro-dollars, electro-dollars, multi-dollars, reichmarks, rins, rubles, pounds, and shekels. It is the international system of currency which determines the totality of life on this planet. That is the natural order of things today. That is the atomic and subatomic and galactic structure of things today! And YOU have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU WILL ATONE!”
Head of programming for the Network, Diana Christensen, shifts the whole news department over to the entertainment division.
Thus emerge new shows with soaring ratings: Howard Beale, [Religious] Prophet of the Air Waves; The Mao Tse-Tung Hour, in which a guerrilla group films itself carrying out armed bank robberies; and Sybil the Soothsayer, a Tarot reader.
Diana becomes the network’s new executive star.
There is no longer even a pretense of a need for news anchors to appear authoritative, objective, or rational.
Diana Christensen is unstoppable. She sees, with burning clarity, that audiences are bored to the point of exhaustion; they now require, as at the end of the Roman Empire, extreme entertainment. They want more violence, more insanity, out in the open. On television.
In promoting her kind of news division, she tells network executives:
“Look, we’ve got a bunch of
hobgoblin radicals called the
Ecumenical Liberation Army who
go around taking home movies
of themselves robbing banks.
Maybe they’ll take movies of
themselves kidnapping heiresses,
hijacking 747’s, bombing bridges,
assassinating ambassadors.
We’d open each week’s segment
with that authentic footage,
hire a couple of writers to
write some story behind that
footage, and we’ve got
ourselves a series…
“Did you see the overnights on the
Network News? It has an 8 in New
York and a 9 in L.A. and a 27 share
in both cities. Last night, Howard
Beale went on the air [as a newscaster] and yelled
‘BULLSHIT’ for two minutes, and I
can tell you right now that tonight’s
show will get a 30 share at least.
I think we’ve lucked into something…
“I see Howard Beale as a latter-day
prophet, a magnificent messianic
figure, inveighing against the
hypocrisies of our times, a strip
Savonarola, Monday through Friday.
I tell you, Frank, that could just
go through the roof…Do you want to figure out
the revenues of a strip show that
sells for a hundred thousand bucks
a minute? One show like that could
pull this whole network right out
of the hole! Now, Frank, it’s being
handed to us on a plate; let’s not
blow it!”
Television in the “real world” isn’t all the way there yet, but it’s close.
In Network, Diana Christensen personifies the news. She is the electric, thrill-seeking, non-stop force that is terrified of silence.
She lives and feeds on adrenaline. So does the viewing public. Nothing else ultimately matters. Ratings are the top line and the bottom line. The individual and his thoughts are completely irrelevant.
Howard Beale, over the cliff, a news man screaming on-air about the insanity of the news, is perfectly acceptable, because the audience is simply responding to Beale’s inchoate outrage and their own. Nothing deeper is explored. What could have resulted in a true popular rebellion is short-circuited. Beale becomes a crazy loon, a novelty item. Yet one more distraction.
When, in a brief interlude of clarity, he begins telling his audience about the takeover of society by mega-corporations and mega-money, his show droops. Ratings collapse. Diana is no longer interested in him; she wants to sack him.
However, Arthur Jensen, the head of the corporation that owns the television network, wants to keep Beale on the air, as a messenger of the “galactic truth” about the beneficial integration of all human activity under the rubric of global money and global power. He converts Beale to his cause.
Diana sees only one way out of this ratings disaster: kill Beale; on-air; during his show. And so it is done.
Network also shows us the audience becoming actor, player, participant. The audience is jumping out of its skin to be recognized, courted, and adored as a mighty rolling force embodying no particular meaning.
Audience wants to be a star. Audience wants to BE news; audience wants its actions to be shown on television. That establishes its legitimacy. Nothing else is necessary.
Diana knows it, and she is more than willing to accommodate this frantic desire, if only her bosses will let her go all the way.
The best film ever made about television’s war on the population, Network stages only a few minutes of on-air television.
The rest of the film is dialogue and monologue about television. Thus you could say that, in this case, word defeats image. Which was scriptwriter Paddy Chayefsky’s intent.
Even when showing what happens on the TV screen, Network bursts forth with lines like these, from newsman Howard Beale, at the end of his rope, on-camera, speaking to his in-studio audience and millions of people in their homes:
“So, you listen to me. Listen to me! Television is not the truth. Television’s a god-damned amusement park. Television is a circus, a carnival, a traveling troupe of acrobats, storytellers, dancers, singers, jugglers, sideshow freaks, lion tamers, and football players. We’re in the boredom-killing business… We deal in illusions, man. None of it is true! But you people sit there day after day, night after night, all ages, colors, creeds. We’re all you know. You’re beginning to believe the illusions we’re spinning here. You’re beginning to think that the tube is reality and that your own lives are unreal. You do whatever the tube tells you. You dress like the tube, you eat like the tube, you raise your children like the tube. You even think like the tube. This is mass madness. You maniacs. In God’s name, you people are the real thing. We are the illusion.”
It is Beale’s language and the passion with which he delivers it that constitutes his dangerous weapon. Therefore, the Network transforms him into a cheap religious figure, whose audience slathers him with absurd adoration.
Television’s enemy is the word. Its currency is image.
Beale occasionally breaks through the image and defiles it. He cracks the egg. He stops the picture-flow. He brings back the sound and rhythm of spoken poetry. That is his true transgression against the medium that employs him.
The modern matrix has everything to do with how knowledge is acquired.
Television, in the main, does not attempt to impart knowledge. It strives to give the viewer the impression that he knows something. There is a difference.
The impression of knowing is a feeling, a conviction, a belief the viewer holds, after he has watched moving images on a screen and listened to a narrator. THIS is what the viewer prefers. He wants no part of knowledge.
A basic premise of modern age is: “everything is (connected to) everything.” This fits quite well with the experience of watching video flow.
Example: we see angry crowds on the street of a foreign city. Then young people on their cell phones sitting in an outdoor café. Then the marble lobby of a government building where men in suits are walking, standing in groups talking to each other. Then at night, rockets exploding in the sky. Then armored vehicles moving through a gate into the city. Then clouds of smoke on another street and people running, chased by police.
A flow of consecutive images. The sequence, obviously, has been assembled by a news editor, but most of the viewing audience isn’t aware of that. They’re watching the “interconnected” images and listening to a news anchor tell a story that colors (infects) every image: “This is revolution for democracy, created by the technology of cell phones…”
Viewers thus believe something. Television has imparted a sensation to them.
Therefore: a short circuit occurs in the mind.
When you export this pattern out to a whole society, you are talking about a dominant method through which “knowledge” is groped and held close.
“Did you see that fantastic video about the Iraq War? It showed that Saddam actually had bioweapons.”
“Really? How did they show that?”
“Well, I don’t remember. But watch it. You’ll see.”
And that’s another feature of the modern acquisition of “knowledge”: amnesia about details.
The viewer can’t recall key features of what he saw. Or if he can, he can’t describe them, because he was inside them, busy building up his impression of knowing something.
Narrative-visual-television story strips out and discards conceptual analysis. To the extent it exists, it’s wrapped around and inside the image and the narration.
Paddy Chayefsky made his pen a sword, because he was writing a movie about television, against television. He was pitting Word against Image.
When a technology (television) turns into a method of perception, reality is turned inside out. People watch TV through TV eyes.
Mind control is no longer something merely imposed from the outside. It is a matrix of a self-feeding, self-demanding loop.
Willing Devotees of the Image WANT images, food stamps of the programmed society.
The triumph of Network is that it makes its words win over pictures, IN a picture, IN a film.
A pandemic, the false pandemic I’ve been rejecting in many articles, is delivered through video flow and narration. Stacked and cut images.
There is no challenge to the flow in any basic way, through the intrusion of actual knowledge, because that would shut down the parade of images and nullify the reasons for broadcasting them in the first place.
The old theater adage, “the show must go on,” when adapted for television, becomes, “the flow must go on.” Once its course is set, there can be no turning back.
The television audience, imprisoned in homes, rides the river…
European Plans for ‘Vaccine Passports’ Were in Place 20 Months Prior to the Pandemic. Coincidence?
With the world being told that so-called ‘vaccine passports’ will be required for all international travel in future, and in many countries even to enter shops, restaurants, bars, gyms, hotels, theatres, concerts and sports events, the impression we are being given is that the measure is a direct result of the coronavirus pandemic. In Europe, however, which hosts 8 of the top 10 pharmaceutical exporting countries, planning for vaccine passports began at least 20 months prior to the start of the COVID-19 outbreak. Apparently, the pandemic conveniently provided European politicians with the ‘excuse’ they needed to introduce the idea.
The ‘European Commission’ – the executive body of Europe – first published a proposal for vaccine passports on 26 April 2018. Buried deep in a document dealing with ‘Strengthened Cooperation against Vaccine Preventable Diseases’, the proposal was essentially ignored by the mainstream media.
A roadmap document issued in early 2019 subsequently set out specific plans for implementing the European Commission’s proposal. The primary action listed in the roadmap was to “examine the feasibility of developing a common vaccination card/passport” for European citizens that is “compatible with electronic immunization information systems and recognized for use across borders.” The plan aimed for a legislative proposal to be issued in Europe by 2022.
Interestingly, the roadmap uses several terms that, while relatively uncommon in most countries prior to the pandemic, have since become heard on a daily basis in the mainstream media. Perhaps the most notable of these is ‘vaccine hesitancy’. Supporting European countries in “countering vaccine hesitancy” is listed in the document as one of the key action points.
The possibility of pandemics and “unexpected outbreaks” occurring is also referred to in the roadmap. Revealingly, specific reference is made to supporting the authorization of “innovative vaccines, including for emerging health threats.” Stating that the “vaccine manufacturing industry” has a “key role” in meeting the aims described in the document, the roadmap lists “improving EU manufacturing capacity” and stockpiling vaccines as further action points to be considered. Towards strengthening “existing partnerships” and “collaboration with international actors and initiatives,” the roadmap also refers to a global vaccination summit meeting that took place in September 2019. A close examination of the attendees and subject matter for this meeting is revealing.
The 2019 Global Vaccination Summit
Unreported by most mainstream media outlets, a ‘Global Vaccination Summit’ was hosted in Brussels, Belgium, on 12 September 2019. Organized by the European Commission in cooperation with the World Health Organization, the meeting took place just 3 months before the coronavirus outbreak began. Significantly, this was also only 36 days before the now infamous coronavirus outbreak simulation exercise, supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum, and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, which took place on 18 October 2019.
An invitation-only event, the vaccination summit participants included political leaders, high-level representatives from the United Nations and other international organizations, health ministries, leading academics, scientists and health professionals, the private sector, and non-governmental organizations.
The summit was structured around three round tables entitled ‘In Vaccines We Trust’, ‘The Magic Of Science’, and ‘Vaccines Protecting Everyone, Everywhere’. Notable panel members for these round tables included Nanette Cocero, Global President of Pfizer Vaccines; Dr. Seth Berkley, CEO of GAVI, the Global Vaccine Alliance – an organization that has received vast amounts of funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; and Joe Cerrell, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Managing Director for Global Policy and Advocacy.
Who really benefits from vaccine passports? Certainly not ordinary people, for whom sharing their health records and other personal data could soon become mandatory merely for participation in society. Instead, the chief beneficiary will be the multinational pharmaceutical industry. With global drug and vaccine sales already forecast to reach $1.5 trillion this year, pharmaceutical companies and their investors are salivating at the prospect of vaccine passports becoming mandatory worldwide.
The total market for COVID-19 vaccines is predicted to be worth $100 billion in sales and $40 billion in post-tax profits. Annual vaccinations against mutations of the coronavirus could raise these numbers still further. Unless we resist vaccine passports and instead ‘vote for reason’, drug and vaccine makers could force the world into long-term economic and political dependency. Our urgent goal must therefore be to replace the greed-driven pharmaceutical ‘business with disease’ with a healthcare system based on truly preventive approaches. Accepting the pharmaceutical industry’s alternative to this is simply unthinkable.
Original video available at Gunnar Kaiser YouTube channel. Video originally published on March 24, 2021.
[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]
Excerpt from CJ Hopkins April 9, 2021 newsletter:
So, I sat down with Gunnar Kaiser a few weeks back to talk about the Covidian Cult, the New Normal totalitarianism, global capitalism, etc., and Gunnar was just about to release the interview on his popular YouTube channel, but YouTube has “locked down” his channel to prevent him from posting any new material.
Fortunately, there was this embedded link going around that someone created from Gunnar’s Patreon thing, so you can watch the Interview on YouTube after all. It’s just not officially there. If you do want to watch it, maybe do that soon, before YouTube takes any further emergency measures to protect you from potentially dangerous content. (Here’s the link. The interview is in English. Gunnar’s intro is in German.)
If you are not already familiar with Gunnar Kaiser, he is a German author, who writes about literature and philosophy on his blog and runs Kaiser TV, the YouTube channel where my interview does not officially appear. He has also been a well-mannered, thoughtful, but outspoken critic of the “New Normal,” and thus has been demonized by august members of the German media and other influential personages who are desperately trying to achieve total “New Normal” Gleichschaltung (you can look that word up on the Internet, and I covered the atmosphere in Germany in this column from November 2020).
Anyway, what happened to Kaiser TV was, one of these influential persons, a former TV weatherman (I kid you not) named Jörg Kachelmann, didn’t like some things that Gunnar said in one of his recent videos, so he went apeshit, publicly accused Gunnar of being a “dangerous, far-right Covidiot,” and demanded that YouTube take extreme measures against him.
Kachelmann didn’t bother to offer any evidence of Gunnar’s “dangerousness,” or his “far-rightness” (because, of course, none exists), but he didn’t have to, because, in Germany today, anyone who challenges or questions the official “New Normal” narrative is automatically demonized as a “Covid denier,” a “conspiracy theorist,” a “far-right sympathizer” (if not an outright “neo-Nazi”) by the government, media, and, sadly, much of the German public.
This demonization of anyone citing actual scientific facts, asking perfectly rational questions, objecting to the “emergency Covid-19 measures,” or otherwise failing to mindlessly conform to the “New Normal” ideology, is not at all unique to Germany. You’ve probably noticed it happening wherever you live. It does, however, evince a particularly German character here, which, as you can imagine, is quite disturbing. Watching the majority of German society snap to attention and robotically follow orders for the last year has certainly made an impression on me.
Speaking on Talk Radio yesterday morning, Professor Robert Read, who sits on the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), said that vaccinating everyone now, is a fantastic springboard for booster jabs against future covid variants.
Read was asked by host Julia Hartley-Brewer, why all restrictions weren’t being lifted immediately, now that the pandemic has ended. This week, University College London published a study that claims the UK has already reached so-called herd immunity.
Read said that the best approach is to wait until nearly everyone has been fully vaccinated. He said:
“We’ll be much tougher as a country as we go forward into 2022, which we expect then to see incursion of new variants of this virus, cos it’s already happening all over the world.
And if we’ve got everybody vaccinated as much as we can, that gives us a fantastic springboard for booster vaccinations for our population to protect them as new variants emerge in other parts of the world, so a little bit of caution is warranted now.”
As you’ll see in the clip below, Hartley-Brewer either didn’t hear him, or wasn’t prepared to go after him. Read used terminology like “baseline” and “springboard.” The vaccination programme is not about protecting against coronavirus.
Whatever covid is or was, it’s long gone. Imperial College London has been running the REACT study, which measures covid levels in society. Yesterday, it said that only 1 in 500 people in England has the virus. That’s 0.2 per cent of the population.
People are not sick. Hospitals are operating at normal capacity levels. Deaths across Winter 2020/2021, were below the five year average in hospitals and care homes. Reopening the schools last month didn’t increase transmission. There is no covid-19.
“Vaccinate everyone now as a springboard for booster vaccinations against future variants,” said Robert Read. It couldn’t be clearer.
A mild respiratory infection (covid) is being used as the excuse to bring in a long-planned mass vaccination programme, which will see citizens accepting state mandated medicine, in return for certain privileges. I wish I was wrong. I’m not.
Farmers in France and Croatia are standing up to EU policies that are designed to end traditional farming and ranching: Even as a new seed law CRIMINALIZES traditional seed saving, drones and satellites are launched to monitor all fishing in realtime. Croatians are wary of the EU Ag Census which takes total inventory of all food production — farms, animals, bees, anything — because it was only 1945 when Yugoslavia LAST conducted a census … right before they collectivized the farms and kicked people off their land. They remember. They recognize a total takeover of food. Do you?
Video available at Ice Age Farmer Odysee and YouTube channels.
What is a zero-carbon future? What does it look like? To imagine, turn off your heater. No airports. No shipping. No animals. Perfect surveillance state. In this Ice Age Farmer special report, Christian breaks The “Absolute Zero” plan and how governments are actively taking drastic steps every day to meet these dystopian goals for Travel, Transport, Energy, Manufacturing, Recycling, and Food. We must understand the reality underneath their flowery philanthropic language: Absolute Slavery.
Mexico President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has distinguished himself among top national political leaders across the world by not freaking out over coronavirus. Instead, López Obrador has gone his own way with actions including choosing to usually not wear a mask and criticizing other nations’ political leaders for “acting like dictators” in their imposing of coronavirus-related mandates.
Now comes news of López Obrador again going directly against the worldwide coronavirus political tide. He decided not to take one of the experimental coronavirus vaccines.
Many government leaders across the world have, in contrast, made a big show of their publicly taking experimental coronavirus vaccine shots.
While United States President Joe Biden is out spreading blatantly fraudulent propaganda that experimental coronavirus vaccines are safe and everyone should take them, south of the border President López Obrador is pretty much saying “I’ll pass.”
As reported Monday by the Associated Press, López Obrador, who had refused to take a shot earlier because he did not want to become a “spectacle,” chose again not to take a shot when, based on his age and where he lives, his turn recently came up. Why? López Obrador explains that doctors advised him he already has sufficient antibodies due to having been infected with coronavirus in January.
Instead of allowing himself to be corralled like livestock into a mass vaccination pen, López Obrador did what people have long done as a matter of course, he obtained medical advice focused on his own unique circumstances and then made up his own mind about his healthcare. His conclusion: Taking shots is not the right course of action for him.
How normal. How not “new normal.” What a breath of fresh air.
Joining me today is Whitney Webb, here to discuss her recent exodus from the increasingly authoritarian country of Chile, the regime change that just took place in Tanzania, as well as the 4th Industrial Revolution.
The arch loon in Downing Street, Borifice McMuppet has come up with another brilliant wheeze according to the front page of today’s Times (5th April 2021). Everybody in the UK will be required to test themselves twice a week to check if they have been struck down by a bug so lethal it causes no or mild symptoms in most people and is rarely fatal – and when it is, almost always for people already very ill – and is which is in any case actually so routinely treatable it would hardly have killed anybody at all, had the cures not been suppressed.
The test to be used is the Lateral Flow Test. The idea according to the Times is that if you test yourself positive using the LFT, you can then get a confirmation by having the (get this) more accurate PCR test.
The PCR test is more accurate?
The PCR test is famous for being the most inaccurate test known to freakin’ man on account of not being designed as a diagnostic tool and, per the government’s own ruddy website, not able to detect a live infectious virus.
It’s difficult to image a test less accurate than the PCR test, which the government persists with only because its inherent uselessness enable them to make the ‘infections’ and ‘cases’ stats say whatever they want them to say, whilst sounding sciency.
So what is the ruddy point in everybody testing themselves twice a ruddy ruddy week (at immense profits to whichever of the government’s pals own the company that manufactures the test kits) using a test that us even more useless than one that is already totally useless?
We are being lied to, hoodwinked, deceived, played, conned, bamboozled, flummoxed, tricked, deluded, duped, fooled, foiled, double-crossed, bilked, confounded, flimflammed and hornswoggled.
Even as Parisians continue to struggle under lockdown, members of the French elite, potentially including government ministers, have been caught attending rulebreaking secret restaurants in the French capital.
French TV channel M6 aired secretly recorded footage of clandestine dinners taking place at an “underground restaurant located in a beautiful part” of Paris.
The clip shows guests at the restaurant without masks openly kissing each other and violating social distancing rules. There also appears to be no restrictions on the number of guests allowed.
The cost of the dinners – as much as €490 euros per person, underscores the fact that the private club caters exclusively for wealthy visitors.
According to an anonymous organizer of such events, later revealed to be Pierre-Jean Chalencon, the owner of the Palais Vivienne, they are occurring two or three times a week and are attended by government ministers.
Chalencon subsequently claimed that he was joking when he admitted to the infractions.
Last night, Paris’ chief prosecutor Remy Heitz launched an investigation into the matter, asserting that organizers and participants will be prosecuted.
“If ministers or deputies have broken the rules, they must pay fines and be penalized like any other citizen,” said junior minister Marlene Schiappa.
This is just the latest example of members of government and other insiders in major western countries avoiding the very same lockdown policies they impose on other people.
Last month, John Kerry was caught removing his face mask as soon as he boarded a flight in Boston.
Joe Biden also violated his own executive order on the day it was signed when his family took part in a photo-op on federal property after removing their masks.
California Governor Gavin Newsom’s rampant hypocrisy was exposed when he was caught on camera unmasked eating indoors at a Michelin star restaurant with a group of 12 people while telling Californians they could only celebrate Thanksgiving outside.
When Nancy Pelosi visited a hair salon in San Francisco, breaking rules that only allow service outdoors, she also removed her mask.
Meanwhile, in the UK, one of the main architects of the country’s lockdown policy, Professor Neil Ferguson, violated the law to visit his married mistress in London.
You’ll no doubt be aware of it by now. The Prime Minister wants every man woman and child to to take two covid-19 tests a week. Read my previous article if this is the first you’ve heard of it.
Johnson will address the nation from Downing Street’s new media room at 5 pm. He’ll be flanked by two of the usual SAGE goons. The PM will try and sell his national mass testing plan to a totally fed-up public. It has previously been dubbed the “moonshot.”
It is insane. It is unprecedented and it is 100 per cent tyrannical. Unprecedented because no government in history has asked its healthy citizens to subject themselves to routine testing for a virus. Why would a healthy person take a test? It’s totally illogical. Tyrannical because the government is promising that compliance is the way to hasten the removal of restrictions.
Is there anyone who still believes that this is about a virus? More than half the population has received a vaccine. The so-called vulnerable have all had two doses. Hospitals are quiet (they were never busy), cases numbers are insignificant and there are few deaths.
Last week, UK Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty said that the country cannot lock down again and that we’ll have to learn to live with Covid just as we live with the flu. Whatever covid is or was, it is on the way out. The vast majority of us either never had it, or if we did, we didn’t even know as the symptoms were so mild.
I strongly suspect that covid is the flu rebranded. I say suspect, because in the end, what the hell do I know? I do know though, that they told us that the flu disappeared. Again, does anyone believe that? I still chuckle when I think that people bought that horseshit.
So whatever it is or was, it’s nearly done. Yet the government is sending mass testing kits to every home in the country. The government wants us to carry digital covid certificates to get into the pub or the cinema.
I don’t have to tell you what’s really going on or why this is really happening. You know. I’ll tell you what I am going to do when covid tests are dropped through my letterbox.
I’m going to stick them in my dog’s poo. I’m going to piss on them. I’m going to push them around the neighbour’s cat litter tray. I’m going to neatly wrap them and post them to Boris Johnson, 10 Downing Street, SW1A 2AA.
If you feel as strongly as I do, consider doing the same. I choose peaceful civil disobedience over tyranny. I will never take their dangerous experimental drugs and I will not be coerced into testing myself twice a week for a mythical disease.
What happened to the War on Terror? World leaders have swapped it out for a new narrative: the permanent pandemic, where society will be controlled under the guise of “pathogen vigilance.”
Those in positions of power have long recognized that conditions of fear and panic furnish exploitable opportunities to restructure society. COVID-19 is certainly a textbook example of this observation, illustrating that well-tuned fear campaigns can persuade many people to abandon essential medical and individual freedoms.
One of the key elements in the propagandist’s toolkit for perpetuating fear is repetition, particularly if the fear messages come from different directions and sources and are cloaked in a veneer of officialdom and respectability.
Thus, in the first few months of 2021, we have seen a proliferation of admonishments telling Americans that pandemics pose an “existential threat” to the United States and are here to stay.
‘Existential threats’ — history repeats
In January, a bipartisan commission released a dramatic 44-page report calling for an “Apollo Program for Biodefense,” explicitly comparing the proposal to the efforts that first landed humans on the moon. The commission laid the groundwork for its report in 2015, when it published a National Blueprint for Biodefense.
Now, seizing the COVID-19 moment, the commission is making the case for a vastly expanded biodefense budget — amounting to billions of biodefense dollars annually — to implement its conveniently ready-to-go blueprint.
Key members of the Biodefense Commission used the “existential threat” language in the aftermath of 9/11 in reference to terrorism — the same language they are using now regarding pandemics. Commission Chair Joseph Lieberman championed the post-9/11 creation of the Department of Homeland Security; Co-chair Thomas Ridge served as the first Homeland Security director.
Observing the downplaying of terrorism by Obama and senior administration officials, including then-Vice President Biden, journalists at The Guardian chimed in, calling assertions of an “existential [terrorist] threat” hyperbolic, “zany” and “absurd.” The next year, the Biodefense Commission issued its National Blueprint.
Brace yourself
Dovetailing with the Biodefense Commission’s report, the media are telling the public to “start planning for a permanent pandemic.” For example, deploying the loaded language so favored by propagandists, German-American writer Andreas Kluth warned Americans on March 24 (in Bloomberg) of a “global arms race” pitting “coronavirus mutations … against vaccinations,” suggesting that SARS-CoV-2 could “become our permanent enemy, like the flu but worse.”
A former writer for The Economist and a self-styled interpreter of historical successes and failures, Kluth conjures up a foe — a mutating virus too “protean and elusive” to ever be conquered — that undoubtedly hits the biodefense wonks’ sweet spot. Far from rejecting pandemic hyperbole as “zany” or “absurd,” Kluth instead cheerlessly advises Americans to brace for “endless cycles of outbreaks and remissions, social restrictions and relaxations, lockdowns and reopenings.”
Ironically, Kluth argued last July in favor of a revival of “classical liberalism,” clarifying that he meant “not in the American sense of ‘left’ but in the European sense of ‘freedom.’”
Kluth also assures residents of the U.S. and other wealthy nations that vaccination “a couple of times a year” will be part of the “new normal.” Arguing for realism, however, he cautions that vaccination against “the latest variant in circulation” will never occur “fast or comprehensively enough to achieve herd immunity.”
The most positive notes Kluth seems able to strike are his conclusions that this “Brave New World needn’t be dystopian” and that, with each successive lockdown, “we [will] damage the economy less than in the previous one.”
Global control grid
As Children’s Health Defense and others have pointed out, COVID-19 — and the spectre of pandemics more generally — offer a handy pretext for the wider financial and governance overhaul that is unfolding, benefiting the few while building out a global control grid for the many.
In this context, we should not be surprised to see that the Biodefense Commission’s report highlights 15 core technology priorities that would fundamentally restructure society and daily life — in both the physical and digital realms — in the service of pathogen vigilance. These include:
A National Public Health Data System to “integrate, curate and analyze” granular data at all levels in “real time.”
Artificial-intelligence-driven “digital pathogen surveillance” involving tracking of data sources like social media, online forums and internet search queries.
“Pathogen transmission suppression in the built environment,” including “air filtration and sterilization systems” that could involve diffusion of nanoparticles (no consent required) via HVAC systems.
“Needle-free” methods of drug and vaccine administration to “increase uptake” and work around “the logistical challenges of delivering these pharmaceuticals to potentially billions of people.”
In light of these stated priorities, it is interesting to note that the Biodefense Commission’s Ridge heads up an eponymous Beltway security consulting firm, while Lieberman serves as senior counsel for a New York law firm whose roster of financial services, real estate and (bio)technology clients includesGoogle and Israel’s Teva Pharmaceuticals.
Teva announced in February that it is in discussion with COVID-19 vaccine makers about possible “co-production” of some of the shots. The same day, Teva’s CEO told CNBC’s Meg Tirrell (who asked about this “very bright spot in Teva’s business”) that the company was “proud to be the partners” for the distribution and logistics of Pfizer’s experimental vaccine in Israel which, as of mid-March, had administered the shots to nearly 60% of the population, “more doses per capita than any other country,” according to Tirrell.
Teva’s CEO said nary a peep about the experts who are warning that Pfizer’s injection of Israelis is producing mortality far in excess of what would be expected from COVID itself.
Like Teva’s CEO, Andreas Kluth has been an enthusiastic booster of messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine technology, happy about synthetic mRNA’s endless permutations and the possibility of telling cells “to make whatever protein we want.”
While acknowledging that experimental mRNA vaccines had problems in the past (such as their tendency to cause “fatal inflammation” in animals), Kluth celebrates the COVID-19 pandemic as the “grand debut of mRNA vaccines and their definitive proof of concept,” stating: “Henceforth, mRNA will have no problems getting money, attention or enthusiasm — from investors, regulators and policymakers.”
In short, permanent pandemics promise to be good for technocracy and good for Big Business.
In the past two days, Ireland has opened seven new pop-up testing centres, to find people who have covid-19, but have no symptoms. The tests are free for people over the age of 16, with no symptoms.
What kind of fuckery is this you ask? Proper fuckery. Here’s the deal:
Government: “There’s nothing wrong with you, but come and have a test to see if you have the covid. If you test positive we’ll tell you to go home and self-isolate. We’ll tell everyone you interacted with recently to get indoors and isolate too.”
Paddy: “Fair enough.”
Dust off your Irish jokes. Fill your boots. I won’t take offence. In the last week alone, 14,000 amadán’s in Taytoland, who didn’t have so much as a tickle in their throats let alone a headache, turned up at one of these centres to be tested.
The Vikings, The Normans, The Spanish, The French, The Dutch and The British Empire all tried and failed to conquer my country and subjugate my people.
Bill Gates finally figured it out. All he had to do was tell Paddy that there was a deadly virus circulating. So, deadly, that most people wouldn’t get it. So deadly, you’d need to be tested to see if you had it and so deadly, it has a 99.7 per cent survival rate.
In his latest book, How to Avoid a Climate Disaster: The Solutions We Have and the Breakthroughs We Need, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates lays out a plan to stop global warming by reducing greenhouse gas emissions to zero. A fact that seems a little ironic coming from one of the world’s largest emitters[1], whose “guilty pleasure” is flying on private jets and who just joined a bid to acquire the world’s largest private jet services company[2]. But this sort of contradiction, of placating a severe root problem with a superficial solution, is nothing strange for Gates, as a closer look into his million-dollar investments, billionaire and private company partnerships, and his political agenda show little alignment with the goal of truly curving climate change, helping alleviate world hunger, or lifting the poor out of poverty.
Gates’ unparalleled influence marks not only the extraordinary power of his wealth, but also a convergence of philanthropy, private corporations, and international institutions to shape policy and development landscapes to their own interests. But this shaping, while seemingly justified by a noble humanitarian and environmental cause, instead pushes a failed paradigm of industrialization and corporate concentration under the guise of necessary technological innovation.
While there is little doubt that we are living in moments of compounding crises, the push for new technological innovations as the path to solving the world’s problems is now quickly becoming the only mechanism. Creating a blind-spot for both the root causes of the crises we face, and how continually going down this path will only serve to exacerbate the crises further. But this avoidance of true systemic solutions is not an accidental overlook by a well-meaning technological innovations sector. Instead, it is resulting in the same giant corporations and power structures that created our current crises to sell us back their own proposed ‘solutions’.
This technological solutionism mentality is apparent in all of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s (BMGF) initiatives which, by their nature, end up denying real solutions to the climate crisis. These initiatives, grants, and development programs cover a vast area – such as food, agriculture, seed, health, climate change, education, media, infrastructure, and energy as shown in Navdanya International’s Gates to a Global Empire report[3] – and weave a complicated web of international power and influence to ensure specific interests. With the weight of investment capital held by both the Gates Foundation Trust and their personal wealth, in conjunction with their bought public media platform, Bill and Melinda Gates set the agenda across these different sectors with very little to no accountability. In the end, this works to align public opinion with private company investments, and international and state policy, to open up new markets through policy alignment and state co-investment in the name of ‘development’.
A principal example is how he spreads his agenda authority over global health by investing in international health institutions, like the World Health Organization (WHO), for whom the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation provides nearly 20% of the institution’s funds[4]. He aims to control education and the media, for instance, by funding scientific research establishments like Cornell University[5] and John Hopkins University, as well as providing generous grants to prominent newspapers[6] like the Guardian, BBC, and Al Jazeera to name a few, to publish stories aligned with his narratives.
Despite his pronouncement to help fight climate change, Gates also directly invests in the fossil fuel industry[7]. He is the largest shareholder[8] in one of Canada’s largest oil and gas companies, Canadian National Railway, while Microsoft also has direct ties to the oil and gas industries. As explained by ETC in “The Sugar Daddy of Geoengineering”[9], Gates has been one of the major supporters for extreme geoengineering (“miracle technologies”), Carbon dioxide Removal Techniques (CDR), Solar Geoengineering, and other such techniques alongside the fossil fuel industry for more than a decade. Techniques that could potentially lead to disastrous damage to the planet’s weather systems and natural cycles.
The Imposition of a Failed Agriculture Model
One of the major sectors where Gates’ private market and power interests are more apparent is in his push for agricultural transformation. The Gates Foundation has been pushing new technologies and an industrial agricultural model for decades, under the guise of putting an end to hunger and climate change.
In 2008, Gates attempted to revive the failed model of the 1960s Green Revolution in Africa by launching the AGRA[10] (Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa) program, encouraging farmers to move toward large-scale, commercial monocultures and promoting synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and high-yield or GMO seeds. Timothy Wise’s research explained in the Gates to a Global Empire report[11], shows how 15 years later, there is no evidence that the objectives set out by AGRA have resulted in significant productivity improvements and have instead triggered a 30% increase of people suffering from extreme poverty in AGRA countries. Demonstrating direct evidence of this initiative’s failure.
While many have come out to critique the failure of AGRA, it is not the only example of Bill Gates’ attempts to control what goes on in farmer’s fields. In January 2020, the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation launched Ag One[12], a new research institute that aims “to empower smallholder farmers with the affordable, high-quality tools, technologies, and resources they need to lift themselves out of poverty”. The goal is to promote Green Revolution techniques alongside new technological innovations, like data and sensor technology, precision agriculture, gene drives, GMOs, artificial intelligence predictive models, and so on, to increase crop productivity in Africa, Asia, and in Latin America as Ag Tech[13]. With the launch of Ag Tech, partnerships were also announced with the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), Microsoft, Bayer, Corteva, and Syngenta, in addition to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, giving rise to a dangerous alliance in Latin America of industrial agriculture firms and biotechnology.
The BMGF clearly and proudly focuses on these partnerships and the perpetual pushing of the industrial agriculture paradigm. For instance, Gates’ enthusiasm for chemical fertilizers is well known, According to him, fertilizers are a “magical invention that can help lift millions of people out of poverty”[14], even though scientists say they emit dangerous amounts of greenhouse gases (GHG) [15], and are known environmental pollutants. Gates also sees GMO seeds as a “necessary technical solution” to agricultural development that could “end starvation in Africa”[16] regardless of their known failures, as well as their devastating environmental, social, health consequences. He has also publicly expressed his full-fledged support for highly problematic[17] gene editing methods like CRISPR-Cas9, which he has invested millions in[18]. His foundation also heavily funds the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) centers, which receive over 70%[19] of BMGF agricultural research investments, making Gates the second largest donor of CGIAR. These investments give Gates a considerable amount of influence, allowing him to shape the global agriculture and development policy agenda and serve as a convenient way to open up new markets for agribusiness and biotech in previously unprofitable or hard-to-reach markets. Policy alignment in these countries and these sectors then ensures a return on Gates’ investments.
Global Commission on Adaptation
One of the ways Gates silently pushes his vision and agenda is through the Global Commission on Adaptation[20], an international commission co-founded by Gates that pushes technological solutions to climate change adaptation and mitigation, through such things as filling in the ‘data gap’ of the global south through digital agriculture[21]. For example, the policy recommendations and position papers of the Commission triggered in 2018 a report co-authored by IICA and CGIAR[22] which bluntly stated that “climate change adaptation in agriculture is contingent on increased investment to modernize agricultural systems.” The report was actively endorsed by the heads of the Global Commission at the time.
Founders of the commission also include Kristalina Georgieva, the current managing director at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and former Chief Executive Officer of the World Bank; and the former 8th secretary-general of the UN, Ban-Ki Moon. The commission has 22 convening countries and is supported by a range of foreign ministers and ministries, policymakers, heads of development banks and development corporations, heads of the UN, and heads or former heads of governments. Since the end of its 2020 mandate, the board of directors no longer directly includes Gates, but still includes actors who remain close to the Gates agenda. These include Rodger Voorhies, the President of Global Growth & Opportunity Division of the BMGF and head of Ag One. As well as, Feike Sijbesma – current CEO[23] and honorary chairman of DSM, a synthetic biology and fake food company funded by Breakthrough Energy Ventures.
Breakthrough Energy Ventures: The Revolving Door for “Super Emitters”
While the political pushing of the industrial paradigm happens through development initiatives and policy lobby, where this game of billionaire profit-making and corporate partnerships is most clear is in one of Gates’ most prominent personal investment funds: Breakthrough Energy Ventures. Now being thrown into the spotlight as a symbol of Gates’ commitment to solving climate change, this investment fund is supported by other philanthrocapitalists[24] and billionaires such as Jeff Bezos, Mukesh Ambani, Michael Bloomberg, Richard Branson of Virgin Group, Reid Hoffman of LinkedIn, Jack Ma of Alibaba, former Enron trader and hedge fund manager turned philanthropist John Arnold, among other prominent names.
Out of the multiple startups funded by Breakthrough, seven are involved in the areas of food and agriculture, particularly through the development and marketing of synthetic biology and biotechnology products. While these startup companies use the greenwashed rhetoric of promoting ‘sustainable climate solutions’, a closer look reveals the company’s leadership teams to be riddled with ex DuPont, Monsanto, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, PepsiCo, and Microsoft executives. Raising the question, how can people involved in the very companies which created our health, ecological, and climate crisis, be in any way qualified to sell us back the ‘solution’?
A direct example of the overlap between industrial food and agriculture and the new tech-companies is, Motif Foodworks[25] a synthetic biotech company that works to create and market “plant-based alternatives” to meat and dairy products, as well as creating finished food products and ingredients. The startup makes its claim to sustainability by referencing its lack of need for land, agricultural inputs, and intensive external resources while providing enhanced nutrition. They have an exclusive partnership with prominent, and also Gates-funded, synthetic biotech firm Ginkgo Bioworks[26], which creates products for pharmaceutical companies, such as Moderna, industrial chemicals, and industrial food ingredients, such as for Motif Foodworks. Ginkgo Bioworks was also involved in a $100M partnership with Bayer to develop synbio microbe fertilizers. But this isn’t the only tie Motif Foodworks has to large industrial food and agriculture firms. All of their top leadership[27] – from their CEO, the Chief Commercial Officer (CCO), and the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) had previous tenures at DuPont and PepsiCo. Their head of Regulatory, Government and Industrial Affairs also spent eight years as the Director of Global Advocacy at Monsanto, another nine as Dupont’s Director of Corporate Regulatory affairs and four at CropLife as the VP of Science and Regulatory Affairs. Their top advisor is the ex-CEO of PepsiCo Indra Nooyi. The same applies to Breakthrough funded startups Nature’s Fynd[28] or Biomilq[29] where the Product Management & Business development executive, Rachel Lee was a former Strategy Officer at BMGF and co-founder of Biomilq underwent an internship at BMGF the year her company was founded.
This pattern repeats itself with another Breakthrough Energy Ventures company Pivot Bio, which looks to replace synthetic nitrogen fertilizers for corn monocultures, with synbio engineered nitrogen-fixing microbes. The company received a $70 million investment from Breakthrough in 2017, and then another $100 million investment[30] in the summer of 2020. Here all of the top executives are former DuPont or Monsanto executives: From the CTO who spent 30 years at DuPont and DuPont Pioneer developing industrial seed oils; the VP of Regulatory and Government Affairs who spent 27 years at DuPont as the former head of Government Affairs and leader of trade negotiations; the VP of Product Development spent 37 years at Monsanto; the VP of Communications led the global communications team for DuPont Pioneer, and the VP of Commercial Operations promoted the adoption of biotech while working for the marketing department of DuPont and DuPont Pioneer. Not to mention that Cooper Rinzler is both Director of Pivot Bio and a Member of the Breakthrough Energy Ventures Board of Directors.
Apart from the multiple problems with the development and application of these synthetic biology products in food and agriculture, the flight of ex-industrial agriculture company executives to new biotech startups signals the next iteration of industrial agriculture concentration and market expansion, not sustainable “climate-smart” solutions. Especially as members of the same companies that have continually denied the detrimental effects of their food and agricultural ‘innovations’, are now selling us back equally risky, myopic, and untested solutions to problems their companies created in the first place. Not to mention the obvious a repeated pattern of obviouse conflicts of interests present in this incestuous sector. This is why it is no surprise that Breakthrough Energy Ventures, also has an active policy toolkit[31]. Breakthrough does not just see itself as a private investment firm but is also involved in policy advocacy to make sure their innovations have a market. And in alignment with Gates’ strategy of shaping public opinion through media, a new journalism program, headed by former Wall Street Journal journalist Amy Harder, is also under development. But while these factors are purposefully obscured, the industry around “plant-based diets”, justified as “climate-smart”, a “sustainable diet” is starting to boom.
The False Promise of Fake Food
One of Gates’ most recent promotions is his prescriptions of synthetic foods for developed countries as a means to combat climate change. In a recent interview with MIT Technology Review[32], Gates says he thinks “all rich countries should move to 100% synthetic beef.” Fake food replaces animal products with highly processed food grown in labs, like fake meat, fake dairy products, or fake eggs. It is made possible by technical innovations such as synthetic biology, which involves reconfiguring the DNA of an organism to create something entirely new. For instance, plant-based meat companies like Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods use a DNA coding sequence from soybeans or peas to create a product that looks and tastes like real meat. Some companies are also investing in cell-based meat[33], grown from real animal cells, but it has yet to reach the market.
More and more firms are getting involved in this fast-growing market, like Motif Foodworks (plant-based meat and dairy alternatives), Ginkgo Bioworks (custom-built microbes), BioMilq (lab-grown breast milk), Nature’s Fynd (fungi-grown meat and dairy alternatives), Eat Just (egg substitutes made from plant proteins), Perfect Day Food (lab-grown dairy products) or NotCo (plant-based animal products made through AI), to name but a few. The industrial meat-industry giants are also profiting from this blossoming market. Meat producers like Tyson Foods (which has invested in Memphis Meats and Future Meat Technologies which both create lab-grown meat replacements), Nestle, Cargill, Maple Leaf Foods, or Perdue Farms are thriving on this trend, selling products like sausages, burgers, and ground beef largely made from pea or soy protein. All these companies are backed up by high-ranked billionaires and Big Tech investors. Bill Gates alone has invested 50 million dollars in Impossible Foods and actively finances Beyond Meat, Ginkgo Bioworks, and BioMilq, as described above.
The perpetuation of ecologically damaging practices
Fake food advocates claim it is a real solution to climate change and solves environmental degradation, while also ironing out animal welfare concerns. For instance, Impossible Foods[34] declare their plant-based meat needs 96% less land, 87% less water and emits 89% fewer greenhouse gases than conventional animal-based products.
However, fake food has a larger carbon footprint than less-processed plant proteins[35]. Plant-based substitutes are up to seven times more GHG-intensive than whole pulses. Cell-based meat also emits more GHG than animal products, like pork or poultry. Recent research even suggests that over the long-term, the environmental impact of lab-grown meat[36] could be higher than that of livestock.
Moreover, fake food is advertised as “eco-friendly”, and yet it is made with proteins from pea, soy, or corn which are being grown on a large, industrial scale, relying on tillage, monocultures, toxic pesticides, and often, GMOs. The Impossible Burger is made with GMO Roundup-sprayed soya, leading to massive ecological devastation[37]. Total levels of glyphosate detected in the Impossible Burger by Health Research Institute Laboratories were 11.3ppb, making its consumption highly dangerous[38] as only 0.1ppb of glyphosate can destroy gut bacteria, damage to vital organs like the liver and kidneys, cause reproductive abnormalities, or even tumors, as glyphosate is also a “probable human carcinogen”. More broadly, the reliance on pesticides is directly linked with long-term chronic health problems, for consumers and farmers.
Other companies like Beyond Meat[39], who market their products as “cleaner” since they are free from genetically modified ingredients, still admit to not being organic[40], and still rely heavily on monocultures and pesticides. Ironically, these plant-based meat alternatives, which claim to save animals, water, and the environment, are instead directly contributing to the food system that is threatening global biodiversity[41], destroying wildlife, altering the soils, and polluting groundwater supplies[42]. Moreover, the fake food companies’ supply chains require excessive fossil fuel transport[43], like most industrial food.
The health impacts of hyper-processed fake foods
Not only is fake food harmful to the environment, but it also can be detrimental to human health. Plant-based substitutes are likely to have a range of adverse long-term health outcomes[44], due to them being highly processed and containing ingredients like isolated pea proteins and canola oil.
New additives also made through synthetic biology are being added to these products. For example, to make the Impossible Burger appear to “bleed” like real meat, a“heme” molecule is added which comes from soy leghemoglobin, a colorant produced in genetically engineered yeast. According to the Center for Food Safety, the FDA didn’t conduct adequate long-term testing[45] before approving the color additive in 2019, and after a short-term rat trial[46] several potential adverse effects were detected like changes in weight gain, changes in the blood that can indicate inflammation or kidney disease, disruptions in the reproductive cycle and possible signs of anemia. Despite the lack of evidence that the additive is safe, Impossible Foods’ products containing genetically engineered heme are now being sold in supermarkets across the United States, exemplifying a deregulatory environment that prefers corporate profit and influence over public health.
The entire process of isolating plant-based proteins can also have dangerous consequences[47] for human health. Many anti-nutrients are found within soy that can produce harmful health effects, such as digestive disorders, hormone imbalances, autoimmune diseases, obesity, digestive disorders, neurological conditions, or immunologic reactions. Especially as the soy and pea protein primarily used in most plant-based meats is heavily processed through high heating, chemical extractions and isolations of proteins, and now genetic altering, generating compounds that are not naturally found in foods.
Finally, artificially created animal products sometimes lack several natural nutrients or benefits. For instance, lab-grown milk such as BioMilq’s can’t change in response to the child’s need, as real breast milk can. It contains no hormones or bacteria from the mother’s biome and, more importantly, it does not have antibodies[48], which are vital to babies.
Plant-based meats, on the other hand, do not meet the nutritional requirements that are fulfilled by real animal foods. Simply adding isolated proteins, vitamins, and minerals to diets does not confer the same health benefits[49] as when these nutrients are ingested as whole foods, which contain thousands of compounds acting in synergy. Plant-based burgers aren’t healthier than animal products[50], including red meat.
Patenting: making profit from life
Far from ending climate change or world hunger, the patenting of artificial fake food growing techniques becomes yet another instrument of profit-making by corporations and billionaires. Especially as 20 patents[51] are now assigned to Impossible Foods, with over 100 additional patents pending[52] for other fake meat proxies, from chicken to fish.
It’s no wonder that big plant-breeding companies like Bayer see a great opportunity in the plant-based industry boom[53]. In a 2019 investor event in Missouri, Bob Reiter, Bayer’s head of research and development at the company’s crop science division, said that plant-based meat companies “are sourcing different types of crops and that could also create opportunity for us, being a company that is a plant-breeding company”.
This patenting logic also reduces animals and nature to an “improvable technology”, in the words of Pat Brown, CEO, and founder of Impossible Foods. According to him[54], “animals have just been the technology we have used up until now to produce meat”. This means they can simply be replaced by more efficient technologies like artificial food. Fake food separates humans from nature and food from life. But we need to think beyond our strictly human needs and understand the needs of the ecological systems in which we are embedded. We cannot address the pressing environmental crisis without transforming our relationship with nature.
Missing the point of regenerative agriculture
Fake food shifts political power away from organic farmers and local markets toward biotech companies. It disregards local and indigenous knowledge and diverse food cultures that have evolved alongside diverse ecosystems. Moreover, it completely ignores the solutions offered by the growing regenerative agriculture movement. While concerns about industrial meat production are legitimate, regenerative animal grazing practices[55] can actually improve biodiversity, soil health and actively sequester carbon into the soil[56] by grooming and fertilizing vegetation and soil. Such models have the potential to substantially help mitigate climate change[57], or at least not exacerbate it further, and to repair damaged soils and slow desertification processes. This means that, in some cases, meat from grass-fed animals can have a lower ecological footprint than plant-based burgers. Studies by Quantis International demonstrated a +3.5 CO2-eq emissions/per kg[58] product in the life cycle analysis of the Impossible Burger, versus −3.5 CO2-eq/per kg[59] for beef produced using regenerative grazing practices, meaning that over the lifecycle of the animal more carbon was sequestrated than emitted.
Fake food investors and advocates fail to see how the real problems lie in the industrial agriculture model, rather than in meat production alone. Pointing toward the need to implement agroecological practices and agricultural diversity[60] to ensure a healthier environment and food sovereignty on a global scale.
Fake food is a fake solution, that aims to replace meat without challenging the profit-driven capitalist food and farming industry. This mindset explains why we will soon see Beyond Meat burgers in McDonald’s plant-based menus[61] when we should instead focus on the necessity for real regenerative agriculture and systemic change to protect nature and people’s health.
Biodiversity and Agroecology are True Solutions to Climate Change
Climate change and its very real consequences cannot be fully addressed without recognizing the central role of the industrialized and globalized food system in creating the climate crisis by contributing 44% to 57% of all greenhouse gas emissions through deforestation, animals in concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), plastics and aluminum packaging, long-distance transport, and food waste.[62] Further industrialization, globalization, and now digitalization as promoted by the BMGF would mean further promotion of commercial seeds, toxic chemical use, high water usage, giant gas-guzzling farm equipment, and a massive fossil fuel-based global transport and production system, which would directly risk the rise of this GHG contribution. Not to mention, as has been shown during the initial Coronavirus lockdowns in 2020, these globalized and industrialized food systems are also significantly more vulnerable to disruptions, something climate change is already accelerating. Therefore, the way we produce our food should play an important role in how we reduce greenhouse gas emissions and directly adapt to climate change.
We have a choice to not go further down the path that has already destroyed biodiversity, farmers’ lives, and rural economies and is now threatening to fully close off the future by destroying our planet. Especially as there are other paths that farmers across the world have walked for nearly 10,000 years, which have been continually rejuvenated through diverse agroecological systems. An agroecological path that can now show the way toward a more ecological future and is now being walked by local, diverse food communities across the world as a way to bring in a new paradigm of living in harmony with nature.
Agroecology is based on a broad set of principles and includes diverse ways of farming with nature and rejuvenating biodiversity through living seed, soil, and local food communities, without the use of chemicals. From seed to table, a diversity of movements is formed by a variety of actors including small farmers, gardeners, civil society organizations, citizens, policymakers, researchers, and international organizations. Movements can also take many forms including, organic farming, permaculture, biodynamic, regenerative farming, Matsunuoba Fukukua’s vision of natural farming[63], local/ zero kilometer food chains, cooperative models of production and consumption, community-supported agriculture (CSAs), farmers markets, biodistricts[64], community and school gardens, urban farms, community seed banks,[65] slow food movements and revival of traditional[66] and forgotten foods, as well as hundreds of thousands of local farming traditions which have evolved over millennia. All of these approaches adapt agroecological methods to local contexts, to fit local needs, traditions, and knowledge systems. These traditions and approaches all put care for people and the land first, and place food sovereignty at the center of their local circular, cyclical, biodiverse, healthy, and sustainable food economies. Through these diverse methods, small farmers are feeding their local communities[67] healthy, nutritious food while simultaneously preserving ecosystemic health.
Agroecological food systems are a proven way to decrease CO2 emissions through actively sequestering greenhouse gases.[68] This is done through reorienting food supply chains to local food economies that eliminate fossil fuel-intensive methods and global supply chains, replacing them with resource recycling, low-intensity inputs which mimic nature’s nutrition, and hydrologic cycles to heal the soil and biodiversity.[69] It is also done through strengthening soils by increasing soil biodiversity, contributing both to fix carbon dioxide back into soils while reducing the need for chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Healthy soils also help sustain increased biodiversity, reducing pest and disease pressures.[70] To be specific, it has been estimated that through widespread agroecological and organic farming conversions 40 percent of the world’s agriculture greenhouse gas emissions could be mitigated in a minimum implementation scenario and up to 65 percent in a maximum carbon sequestration scenario.[71]
Along with providing a long-lasting solution to climate change, the transition to agroecological food and farming systems would also ensure the livelihoods of more than 1.5 billion smallholder farmers globally, along with working to ensure food sovereignty in the world’s most vulnerable populations. All over the world, these food communities are already transitioning to this ecological and democratic path, thus sowing the seeds of a food system in the hands of communities, women, farmers, and consumers free of corporate control, poisons, food miles, plastics, and patents. They are creating resilience in the face of deepening ecological and economic vulnerabilities through reclaiming seed, food, and knowledge as commons.
Agroecological solutions to climate change are based on a systemic approach that acknowledges the root cause of our crises, a deep understanding of living processing, and therefore, embodying a different vision of what food systems transformation could look like at the political, social, and economic levels. This true, agroecological transformation is incompatible with the industrial agriculture paradigm, as it requires a complete shift away from the hyper-centralized, corporate-controlled industrial food system.
So in reality, the Gates’ strategies have nothing to do with lifting poor people out of poverty or fighting climate change. There is nothing altruistic, coy, or ‘optimistic’ about Gates and his foundation. Instead, it is a blatant attempt for the accumulation of power through the stubborn imposition of a failed paradigm. The level of influence accumulated by Gates, a billionaire who actively admits his limited knowledge of the problems he is attempting to solve, stands to take power away from democratic governance, and calls for climate and ecological justice by replacing democratic decisions through enforcing policies that adhere to his whims. All the while usurping much needed attention, funds, and policy away from a diverse agroecological transformation.
In other words, Bill Gates and his fellow private business partners will continue to produce exponentially worse problems than the ones they propose to ‘solve’, while simultaneously working to concentrate ever more power into private hands through the dogma of technology. These described technologies are used as methods of direct imposition, without any democratic, ethical, social, or ecological assessment. All the while substituting complex, diverse, self-organized, autopoietic systems, creating a new level of illusion that is propelling us faster toward collapse.
In the end, two distinct futures of food and farming are emerging – one leads to the regeneration of our planet, our soils, our biodiversity, our water, our rural economies and farmers’ livelihoods, our health, and our democracy. The second road leads to the collapse of the planet’s ecosystems and of socioeconomic systems that sustain society. The future of diverse species, our common human future, and our daily bread depends on which road we take.
Authors: Ruchi Shroff, Carla Ramos Cortés, Marion Bessol
Hi, Klaus. Satan asked me to drop by and have a chat with you.
How’s he doing?
He really wants to get The Great Reset off the ground. World fascism. Universal Guaranteed Income tied to social credit score.
We’re working on it.
He knows you and your people at the World Economic Forum are pushing as hard as you can.
I was hoping you’d have an update on my suite of rooms in Hell. The construction has been underway for a year.
The workers are almost finished, Klaus. I’ll send you photos soon. We want to get the virtual landscape right. You look through any window and you see the Swiss Alps. Installing the weather changes…there was a minor problem with the transition from winter to spring, but I think we’ve fixed it.
We could be looking at a problem with the NBA, Klaus. Reports of slaves making sneakers in China are piling up. The NBA players are supporting “social justice” protests, but they’re wearing slave-made shoes on the court. If ESPN covers the story…
I don’t think that’ll happen. Too much ad revenue at stake.
It’s tricky, Klaus.
I’m heading to China next month. I’ll speak with Xi Jinping.
See if you can get a few minutes with Michael Jordan.
How is the Hell on Earth operation proceeding?
Well, Klaus, we may need some help from your computer engineers. We have measurement problems with the current algorithms. The hundred-year plan is to remake Earth so it mirrors Hell in all respects. But how do you calculate progress toward that goal precisely? There are thousands of variables. Of course, in general, we’re succeeding. But we’re scientists. We want to be able to apply precise numbers to our reports. Satan is a stickler for numbers. MIT, Harvard. He has that background.
I have sharp people. Keep me posted. I can lend them to you. —Listen, I’m worried about the vaccine.
We’re keeping a close eye on that. Fauci continues to screw the pooch. He’s out of control. Ego. He contradicts himself every few days. We may have to sideline him. Give him a medal, a Nobel, and put him out to pasture. Which new fake virus are you considering for the next phase, Klaus?
We’re thinking about a rerun of Ebola and Zika. Both. We already have lots of prior propaganda built up on them. The hemorrhaging and bleeding symptom of Ebola scares the hell out of people. It’s useful. All we have to do is increase antibiotic usage and the spraying of organophosphate insecticides and, voila, we produce bleeding. It’s a winner.
Good. Because the “new COVID strain” fantasy isn’t selling. Are more lockdowns coming in America?
We’re trying. I don’t want to see large crowds at NSCAR, and college football next fall.
Keep testing these athletes, Klaus. Every day, if necessary. Jam that long stick right up into their brains to get samples for the PCR.
So why are you really here? What does Satan want?
This is secret society stuff, Klaus. Need to know only. Keep it strictly confidential.
Of course.
Hell is overcrowded. It’s a serious problem. As we told you a long time ago, people come here because they WANT TO. They’re not consigned. In the last year, we’ve had a major influx. We investigated. Turns out it’s the Reincarnation Hesitancy factor. Fewer people want to return to Earth for another life. And they’re scared about the entrance requirements for Heaven, so they show up in Hell.
Why are they hesitant about reincarnating?
The increasing chaos on Earth. But the big reason is: they don’t want to be reborn as infants and take all the childhood vaccines. They know the shots are highly damaging. Who wants to go through a whole life in some kind of grotesque brain-injured condition?
I see. Well, how can I help?
We want your people at the World Economic Forum to launch a new global religion. Not overtly, of course. Use cutouts. But the theme of the religion is reincarnation. Use some corrupted form of Hinduism as your guide. Insist that reincarnation is mandatory. It’s the path to enlightenment. People have to come back, over and over, until they learn every lesson that enables them to transcend the need for a human form. You get the idea.
Interesting. You know, with a combination of mandatory vaccination and mandatory reincarnation, we might really have something. A one-two punch. A squeeze play.
These days, the Gates of Hell look like the US Southern border. Lots people struggling to get in. We can’t process them all. So we’re sending them all for preliminary programming, as a first step.
What kind of programming?
It’s basically the US public education system. After a few months, the average IQ drop is 20 points. Then we assign them to meaningless desk jobs. But this is only a temporary solution. We need more supervisors to handle people individually. The trick in each case is getting the proportions of pleasure and pain right. When we do, we can keep a person for about a thousand years, before he drifts away.
I wish you could just raise Hell up to Earth and install it wholesale. It would make our work much easier.
We’re doing that on a limited basis. It’s called China.
The Beijing regime is working on a 20-year plan to surveil, in real time, every square inch of the whole country. Indoors and outdoors. It’s quite ambitious.
Their latest innovation is swarms of small spy drones disguised as doves.
I’ll put a few people to work drawing up plans for a new world religion. We might be able to add a few wrinkles to mandatory reincarnation. While on Earth, know your place. Live out the life you’re assigned. This fits nicely with the technocratic overview: every human is given a slot in the System, for the benefit of all. That kind of thing.
I like it, Klaus. A “scientific” version of “accept your fate.”
The new religion is safe and effective.
The Church of Biology.
DNA determines destiny.
Throw in a promise of GMO humans. “You can accelerate your path to enlightenment, reduce the number of your reincarnations by submitting to gene alteration.”
A whole new set of vaccines that alter DNA.
It’s good to brainstorm with you, Klaus. Get busy on this.
Say hello to Satan. Tell him thanks for my immunity passport. I look forward to being able to travel back and forth between Hell and Earth on a regular basis.
With reports that President Joe Biden’s administration is planning for imposing a vaccine passport mandate in America, expect to see in the media a deluge of vaccine passport propaganda. What will that propaganda look like? A template illustrating several elements you can expect to see in the propaganda push was provided several weeks ago in a CNN interview.
In the first week of March, host Fareed Zakaria and his guest Arthur Caplan provided at CNN a textbook example of how to present vaccine passport propaganda to the American people. Let’s look at some of the major elements of the propaganda template as demonstrated by Zakaria and Caplan.
1) Include some short expression that the idea of vaccine passports can be troubling, but make sure to only bring this up superficially. This is accomplished in the CNN segment by starting with a clip from a short scene from the movie Casablanca. In the clip, a policeman asks to see a man’s “papers,” the man says he does not have them, and the policeman responds, “in that case we’ll have to ask you to come along.” Not shown is the remainder of the scene in which the accosted man, after presenting apparently expired papers, attempts to flee only to be gunned down. Not showing the full scene demonstrates the care demanded in the propaganda to not allow any depiction of potential dire consequences from imposing vaccine passports.
2) Frame the imposing of a vaccine passport mandate as something that is both inevitable and threatens only minimal, if any, harm. Zakaria accomplishes this task with the first sentence he utters to begin the media segment. Zakaria states: “From Casablanca to today, a demand to produce personal documents can be uncomfortable, but, post-pandemic, it’s something we’ll all likely have to get more and more comfortable with.” Masterfully, Zakaria, in addition to minimizing the problems with passports as just causing discomfort, asserts that even that discomfort with time will disappear, suggesting objecting to vaccine passports is just an irrational or silly reaction.
3) Bring on a guest who, despite his description making him sound like someone who would be looking out for the interests of people concerned about vaccine passports, pretty much says that vaccine passports are the best thing since sliced bread. In the CNN interview the guest performing this role is Arthur Caplan, who Zakaria introduces as a “medical ethicist” and “professor at NYU.” A medical ethicist will surely provide some warning about dangers from vaccine passports, right? Yes, in many cases. But, Caplan is not that sort of medical ethicists. He is the one picked to be interviewed in a media segment designed to promote acceptance of vaccine passports.
4) Reiterate that vaccine passports are inevitable, and that people should support them. Zakaria hits the nail on the head with this, presenting this first question to his guest: “So explain why you think, basically, that this is the future and we should be comfortable with it.”
5) Declare that vaccine passports must be imposed on the American people because of coronavirus. Caplan accomplishes this task in his first words in the media segment. He states: “Well, I’m sure that the future holds vaccine passports for us, partly to protect against the spread of Covid.” Of course, as coronavirus has turned out not to be a major danger to most people, imposing a vaccine passport mandate to counter it makes no more sense than doing it to counter any other of many diseases. But, this is not a topic to be brought up when selling people on vaccine passports. Fearmongering, no matter how ridiculously unjustified, is the name of the game. This is the fraudulent message people are encouraged to act on without much critical thought: Coronavirus is gonna kill us all unless we take the shots and show our papers!
6) Say that mandating vaccine passports is really no big deal because of some other supposedly very similar restriction to which some people are already subjected. Caplan states: “And, you know, it’s not a new idea, we have it for yellow fever; there are about more than a dozen countries that say you can’t come in if you haven’t been vaccinated against yellow fever, and many others require you to show proof of vaccination if you transit through those countries.” Are the yellow fever-related requirements justified? Caplan does not say more than that, because these somewhat similar restrictions exist someplace, the mandating of vaccine passports in America is fine. That’s medical ethicist reasoning? Anyway, the yellow fever stuff, because most Americans have no experience with or knowledge of it, is a fine example for the propaganda. Few watchers of the segment will have any basis for questioning the current practice that is used to justify the new desired mandate. One big difference, though, jumps out on further consideration. Caplan explains that the yellow fever requirements apply for just coming to several countries. In contrast, Zakaria early in the interview says the vaccine passports that will, he claims, inevitably be imposed on Americans will be required for people “to get on an airplane, to go to a concert, or to go back to work.” The vaccine passport mandate is, thus, much more troublesome for most Americans than yellow-fever-related requirements for entry into a few countries that most Americans never visit. But, the point is to quickly present the example as if it provides conclusive support no matter how far that representation is from the truth.
7) Dismiss as insignificant people’s concerns about being required, in order to go about their daily activities, to present a vaccine passport and to take a vaccine, or, really, an experimental coronavirus vaccine that is not even a vaccine under the normal meaning of the term. Assert instead that the only danger to freedom could be something theoretical that could be additionally required in the future. Here is how Zakaria puts it in a question to Caplan: “What about the concerns that many people have about privacy, about the privacy of their health data, that, you know, is there a slippery slope here — ‘OK, I’m comfortable telling you whether or not I have Covid, but does that mean it becomes OK to ask about other things?’” Of course, many people are justifiably wary of being pressured to take the shots and then having their mandated vaccine passport used to track them as they go about their daily activities. That is why this media segment and others like it are being presented, after all.
8) Dismiss any concern that vaccine passports can in fact harm freedom. Instead, describe people as benefiting from and gaining freedom by their being mandated to take experimental coronavirus vaccines and present vaccination passports in order to go about their daily activities. Oh yeah, and keep quiet about all the mass surveillance facilitated by a vaccine passport program, the vaccinations-based caste system resulting from the mandate that will make people who do not take the shots suffer, and how the vaccine passport program can be expanded to advance many additional types of control over people. Here is how Caplan puts it: “With a Covid certification, you’re going to gain freedom, you’re going to gain mobility, and I’m going to suggest that you’re probably going to be able to get certain jobs.” Talk about turning things on their head. The mandate really means that people who do not comply will be barred from the mobility they already have and fired from their jobs. Freedom is supported by rejecting the mandate, not by supporting it.
9) Insist that the vaccine passport mandate is fine because it will be applied equally to all people. This is something Zakaria and Caplan spend a long time talking about in the CNN segment. Come on guys, something bad does not become good because it is applied to the maximum number of people, irrespective of their race, sex, or whatever. We are dealing with a mandate here, not giving everyone a serving of his favorite dessert.
10) Declare that a vaccine passport mandate helps encourage people to take the shots. (Unlike the other nine elements of the vaccine passport mandate propaganda template, this one is likely true. Threats can yield compliance. Still, the threats could deter some people from taking the experimental coronavirus vaccine shots. It sure makes you wonder about shots’ supposed safety when an extreme, and unprecedented, act of force is employed to ensure people take the shots.) States Caplan in the interview: “It also gives you an incentive to overcome vaccine hesitancy. Some people are not sure still whether they want to do the vaccine, but if you promise them more mobility, more ability to get a job, more ability to get travel, that’s a very powerful incentive to actually achieve fuller vaccination.” What Caplan is really talking about is coercion. He is saying that people who would otherwise refuse taking the shots will be forced to do so by the vaccine passport mandate severely restricting their activities and even depriving them of the ability to earn an income so long as they do not give in to the demand they take the shots. All this authoritarianism is dressed up in deceptive language. “Vaccine hesitancy” is substituted for “vaccine refusal” to disguise that the vaccine passport mandate is about stopping people from exercising free choice. “Incentive” is substituted for “coercive technique.”
Watch Zakaria and Caplan’s interview here:
Hopefully, many people will see through the deception and be able to prevent the implementation of the vaccine passport mandate Zakaria, Caplan, and others are promoting in the media.
Pastor James Coates Returns to GraceLife in Edmonton, Canada — RCMP Try to Disrupt Services
This past Sunday marked the return of Pastor James Coates to his congregation at GraceLife Church after spending 35 days in provincial custody for breaking public health orders that limited the size of worship services.
The church, just west of Edmonton, has become a flashpoint in the fight to protect religious freedom from government overreach and infringement during the coronavirus pandemic. Coates has openly defied provincial public health orders, preaching to capacity crowds where mask laws and social distancing are not enforced. His actions, which he described as obedient to God, prompted police and Alberta Health Services inspectors to surveil the church, issue a $1,200 ticket to Coates, and then arrest and charge the pastor with an undertaking requiring him to follow the public health orders on February 7. Ultimately, Coates turned himself in on February 16 for breaking the undertaking, after holding non-compliant services again on February 14.
Coates was released from custody on March 22 and returned to his church this Sunday, although not to preach. He offered opening and closing prayers while Associate Pastor Jake Spenst led the sermon to a crowd that reached fire code capacity of 619.
As services began, two local RCMP officers and an Alberta Health Services inspector demanded entry to the church, something church elders argued would violate section 176(2) of the Criminal Code, which prohibits interrupting a religious services. A tense exchange between the two sides lasted approximately 20 minutes before police and inspectors left to monitor the service from off-site, after being denied access to the church.
Wristbands and Dining Cards: New Army Policies Exclude, Isolate Unvaccinated
The U.S. Army can’t legally mandate COVID vaccines, but restrictive policies like those at Fort Drum and Fort Bragg make it increasingly difficult for service members to refuse.
“Liberty is always dangerous but it is the safest thing we have.” —Henry Emerson Fosdick
A March 17 memorandum from the commander at the U.S. Army’s Fort Drum reservation in New York lists privileges withheld from service members who refuse to get the COVID-19 vaccine — an experimentalEmergency Use Authorization product not proven to prevent infection or transmission of the COVID virus.
The memo, “Prohibited Activities for Personnel Within the Authority of the Commander, 10th Mountain Division and Fort Drum,” states:
Fully vaccinated service members do not have “restriction of movement” or quarantine after travel and return to post. Unvaccinated must quarantine for 10 days and can test out after seven days of quarantine. “Family members must be able to quarantine with the service member (i.e. spouse cannot go to work, children cannot go to school).”
Vaccinated service members only require an O-3 (captain or company commander) to approve their leave, while unvaccinated must request leave from a higher-ranking O-5 (lieutenant colonel or battalion commander) with an additional procedural step of submitting an Exception to Policy (ETP). These ETPs will be tracked at the division level for additional scrutiny, and likely will be denied.
Vaccinated service members may meet with or host any non-local visitor from outside the five states contiguous to New York (New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Vermont). Unvaccinated service members must obtain approval from an O-5 in their chain of command, and then enter a 10-day quarantine to meet with or reside with any non-local visitor.
Vaccinated service members have no limits on gatherings at a private residence. Unvaccinated have a limit of 12 guests at indoor gatherings, and 15 guests at outdoor gatherings. ETPs may be granted for larger on-post public social gatherings by an O-5 commander, but If all personnel attending the gathering are vaccinated no ETP is required.
Vaccinated service members can conduct outdoor physical training unmasked. Unvaccinated must wear masks during physical training. Vaccinated personnel may be authorized to conduct unmasked physical training at indoor facilities, “without unvaccinated personnel present.”
Face masks may be removed if all people in a room are vaccinated.
Perhaps the most shocking item in the new policy is this: Fort Drum authorized a COVID wristband for vaccinated service members.
What’s happening at Fort Drum is bad enough, but maybe not as bad as the civil rights violation occurring against the unvaccinated at Fort Bragg in North Carolina, where the commander of the 82nd Airborne Division has made a vaccination card mandatory to enter a dining facility.
Because a majority of lower enlisted soldiers don’t have access to kitchens in the barracks, they are dependent on the dining facilities for most, if not all of their meals while on duty or in training rotations which don’t provide access to public restaurants.
This mandate will disproportionately affect lower-income personnel who may have to trade accepting an experimental vaccine in order to have food.
These policies at Fort Drum and Fort Bragg are reminiscent of the fear and prejudice that led to policies of exclusion, removal and detention of loyal Japanese Americans to internment camps — or concentration camps, in corrected historical terminology, as the targeted people of Japanese descent were not enemies of the state.
Likewise, the Army’s COVID policies are based on prejudice against the unvaccinated (personnel who do not put the vaccinated at risk) and hysteria concerning a virus with a 99.9% survival rate for most military service members.
Has the U.S. Army forgotten its historical role in facilitating most of the internment camps that caused loss of income, lack of access to healthcare, psychological trauma and public hostility for thousands of Japanese Americans?
As COVID policies force quarantines upon healthy people and their entire families, have leaders deserted the Ex parte Endo U.S. Supreme Court decision of 1944 that declared loyal citizens of the U.S. cannot be detained without cause?
The policies at Fort Drum and Fort Bragg set the stage for a sequel to the shameful chapter in U.S. Army history detailed in the Commission on Wartime Relocation report, “Personal Justice Denied.”
It is urgent that service members file complaints to the inspector general to halt this momentum towards medical fascism.
While his COVID-19 policies have dominated media coverage regarding his disappearance and suspicious death, Tanzania’s John Magufuli was hated by the Western elites for much more than his rebuke of lockdowns and mask mandates. In particular, his efforts towards nationalizing the country’s mineral wealth threatened to deprive the West of control over resources deemed essential to the new green economy.
Less than 2 weeks ago, Tanzanian Vice President Samia Suluhu Hassan delivered the news that her country’s president, John Pombe Magufuli, had died of heart failure. President Magufuli had been described as missing since the end of February, with several anti-government parties circulating stories that he had fallen ill with COVID-19. During his presidency, Magufuli had consistently challenged neocolonialism in Tanzania, whether it manifested through the exploitation of his country’s natural resources by predatory multinationals or the West’s influence over his country’s food supply.
In the months leading up to his death, Magufuli had become better known and particularly demonized in the West for opposing the authority of international organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO) in determining his government’s response to the COVID-19 crisis. However, Magufuli had spurned many of the same interests and organizations angered by his response to COVID for years, having kicked out Bill Gates-funded trials of genetically-modified crops and more recently angering some of the most powerful mining companies in the West, companies with ties to the World Economic Forum and the Forum’s efforts to guide the course of the 4th industrial revolution.
Indeed, more threatening than his recent COVID controversies was the threat Magufuli posed to foreign control over the world’s largest, ready-to-develop nickel deposit, a metal essential to electric car batteries and thus the current effort to usher in an electric, autonomous vehicle revolution. For instance, just a month before he disappeared, Magufuli had signed an agreement to begin developing that nickel deposit, a deposit that had been previously co-owned by Barrick Gold and Glencore, the commodity giant deeply tied to Israel’s Mossad, until Magufuli revoked their licenses for the project in 2018.
Running afoul of the most powerful corporate and banking cartels followed then by the mysterious onset of sudden regime change would normally garner considerable coverage from anti-imperialist independent media outlets, which recently covered similar events in Bolivia that led to the removal of Evo Morales from power. However, the very outlets that have extensively covered Western-backed regime change efforts for years have been entirely silent on the very convenient death of Magufuli. Presumably, their silence is related to Magufuli’s flouting of COVID-19 narrative orthodoxy, as these same outlets have largely promoted the official narrative of the pandemic.
Yet, regardless of whether one agrees with Magufuli’s response to COVID, his sudden departure and Tanzania’s new leadership is a defeat for a widely popular domestic movement that sought to mitigate and reverse the centuries-long exploitation of Tanzania by the West. Now, with Magufuli’s lengthy disappearance followed by his apparent sudden death from heart failure, the country’s future is now set to be determined by Tanzanian politicians with deep ties to the oligarch-beholden United Nations and the World Economic Forum.
In contrast to Magufuli, who routinely stood up to predatory corporations and imperialist designs on his country, Samia Suhulhu and Tanzanian opposition politician Tundu Lissu are poised to offer up their country’s resources, and their population, on the altar of the Western elite-driven 4th industrial revolution.
Magufuli’s celebrated rise and his clashes with the West
Magufuli was first elected with his running mate and now president of Tanzania, Samia Suhulu, back in 2015 with 58% of the vote. At first, the president was met with lavish praise from the same Western media outlets that would later seek to demonize him. For instance, a BBC report from 2016 reflected on Magufuli’s first year in office and noted his 96% approval rating. The report also quoted political analyst Kitila Mumbo, who remarked, “there is no doubt that President Magufuli is very popular among many ordinary Tanzanians” and added that “the president’s main promise of extending free education to secondary school, which came into effect in January, has been well received.”
Also in 2016, CNN had reported that “the Tanzanian public has gone wild for its new President John Magufuli” and that “after sweeping to victory in October 2015, Magufuli has embarked on a remorseless purge of corruption.” The article reported that Magufuli had inspired a new term, as seen in Tanzanians’ social media posts:
“ … ‘Magufulify’ – defined as: ‘To render or declare an action faster or cheaper; 2. to deprive [public officials] of their capacity to enjoy life at taxpayers’ expense; 3. to terrorize lazy and corrupt individuals in society.’”
Indeed, Magufuli’s term was characterized by making decisions that benefited the majority of Tanzanians, largely at the expense of foreign corporations but also by overhauling a government known for its entrenched corruption and absenteeism prior to Magufuli’s rise. His administration cut the salaries of the executives at state-owned companies, as well as his own salary, from $15,000 to $4,000 USD. Some State parades and celebrations were reduced or cancelled to cover the expenses of public hospitals.
Healthcare had long been one of Magufuli’s priorities, and the life expectancy of the country significantly increased every year he was in office. In addition, in the previous 50 years of Tanzanian independence, only 77 district hospitals were constructed, whereas during the past 4 years alone, 101 such hospitals were constructed and equipped with local funds. By July 2020, the country had grown from a so-called lower income country to a middle income country, per the World Bank.
A recent report by the hawkish, US establishment think tank, the Center for Strategic International Studies (CSIS), was highly critical of Magufuli, but noted the following about his political philosophy:
“Magufuli, who subscribes to his own homegrown “Tanzania first” philosophy, believes that Tanzania has been cheated out of profit and wealth by exploitative mabeberu (“imperialists”) since independence. To secure populist support, Magufuli has fashioned his agenda as a continuation of the socialist vision of Tanzania’s first president, Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, who advocated self-reliance, an intolerance to corruption, and a strong nationalist character.”
Magufuli’s various conflicts with the mabeberu transpired throughout his presidency, targeting various projects and business ventures of corporations and oligarchs that have worked to exploit much of the Global South for decades. For example, in late 2018, Tanzania’s government ordered a stop to all ongoing field trials on genetically modified (GM) crops and the destruction of all plants grown as part of those trials. Those trials were being conducted by a partnership called the Water Efficient Maize for Africa (WEMA) project, which was a collaboration between Monsanto and the African Agricultural Technology Foundation, a non-profit funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, GM seed/agrochemical giant Syngenta, PepsiCo and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), long known to be a cut-out for the CIA. Then, in January of 2021, a month before Magufuli’s disappearance, Tanzania’s agriculture ministry not only announced a cancellation of all “research trials involving genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the country” for the second time, it also announced plans to institute new biosafety regulations aimed at protecting Tanzania’s food sovereignty by scrutinizing western GM seed imports.
Historically, the US has been particularly harsh to countries that resist the integration of GM biotech into their food systems. According to a State Department cable from 2007 published by Wikileaks, Craig Stapleton, then-US Ambassador to France, advised the US to prepare for economic war with countries unwilling to introduce Monsanto’s GM corn seeds into their agricultural sectors. He recommended the US “calibrate a target retaliation list that causes some pain across the E.U.” for the bloc’s resistance to approving some GM products. In another cable from 2009, a US diplomat stationed in Germany relayed intelligence on Bavarian political parties to several US federal agencies and the US Secretary of Defense, telling them which parties opposed Monsanto’s M810 corn seed and spoke of “tactics that the US could impose to resolve the opposition.”
The US government’s use of food as a weapon for imperialist agendas became de facto policy when Henry Kissinger was Secretary of State during the Nixon administration. During that period, a classified report was produced by the State Department that argued that the population of the developing world threatened US national security and posited that food aid be used as an “instrument of national power” to advance US empire.
A roadblock for the Ruling Class’ “green” future
Magufuli’s role in robbing Big Ag of a foothold in Tanzania a month before his disappearance and death certainly casts suspicion on the circumstances surrounding his demise. Yet, if that weren’t enough, Magufuli, during the exact same time frame, greatly angered the most powerful commodity corporations in the world across the sectors of mining, oil and natural gas.
Particularly damaging to foreign corporate interests and agendas was Magufuli’s targeting of the foreign-dominated mining sector in Tanzania, which contains some of the world’s largest deposits of minerals essential to 4th industrial revolution-related technologies. With 500,000 tonnes of nickel, 75,000 tonnes of copper, and 45,000 tonnes of cobalt, Tanzania sits on a mountain of mineral wealth and, more specifically, minerals needed for next-generation batteries and hardware that are themselves essential to the effort to rapidly implement “smart” infrastructure and automation globally. Within Africa, Tanzania has the continent’s second largest mining sector, second only to South Africa.
In the years prior to Magufuli’s rise, Tanzania had offered relatively low tax rates and little regulatory oversight for mining companies. Yet, in 2017, Magufuli declared “economic warfare” on foreign mining companies and his administration followed through on the declaration, passing two laws that provided the government with a much greater share of the revenue from the exploitation of Tanzania’s natural resources. This, of course, came at the expense of foreign mining conglomerates. The new legislation also gave the government the right to renegotiate and/or revoke existing mining licenses that had been awarded prior to Magufuli’s presidency.
Soon after, Tanzania’s government took aim at Acacia Mining, which is now owned by Canadian mining giant Barrick Gold, and slapped them with $190 billion in fines for unpaid taxes and penalties. “It shouldn’t happen that we have all this wealth, sit on it, while others come and benefit from it by cheating us,” Magufuli said of the decision. “We need investors, but not this kind of exploitation. We are supposed to share profits.” In 2018, the administration went after Acacia again, fining them $2.4 million for contaminating local water supplies in residential areas.
The signing of the Kabanga Nickel Framework Agreement in January 2021. Source:
2018 was also the year that Magufuli’s biggest rift with powerful mining corporations took place, one that potentially influenced his disappearance and subsequent death. The Kabanga nickel project, the largest, development-ready nickel deposit in the world, had been owned jointly by Canada’s Barrick Gold and commodities giant Glencore. In May 2018, Magufuli’s administration revoked the Barrick-Glencore license for the project, along with several others that included other nickel, gold, silver, copper and rare earth mining projects.
Angering Glencore in particular is a risky business. The commodities giant was originally founded by Marc Rich, an infamous asset for Israel’s Mossad who allowed Glencore profits to be used to finance covert intelligence activities. Rich and Glencore’s intelligence ties are discussed in greater detail in Part IV of Whitney Webb’s series on the Jeffrey Epstein scandal. Today, Glencore is closely linked with Nat Rothschild, the son and heir of the scion of the British-based branch of the elite banking family, who purchased a $40 million stake in the company and was largely responsible for orchestrating Simon Murray’s appointment as Glencore’s chairman as well as his close relationship with Glencore CEO Ivan Glasenberg.
Then, in January 2021, a month before Magufuli disappeared, the Kabanga Nickel project went forward without Glencore and Barrick Gold, with Tanzania successfully negotiating joint ownership of the mine with a company set up by Norwegian millionaire Peter Smedvig and two of his associates. Unlike the Barrick-Glencore project, in which Tanzania’s government had no financial stake, the new project gave Tanzania a 16% ownership stake in the mine, which is now required by law following Magufuli’s reform of the country’s mining sector.
The loss of Kabanga was clearly a grave one for Barrick Gold and Glencore given the central role nickel and this specific deposit in Tanzania are set to play in the production and implementation of “smart” technologies. Nickel, among other uses, is a key component of the next-generation batteries used in “smart” technologies, specifically in electric vehicles. As a result, the demand for nickel is projected to rise dramatically in the next few years, in part due to the current effort to phase out most motor vehicles and replace them with ones that are both electric and self-driving. The importance of nickel to the so-called 4th Industrial Revolution has been underscored by the World Economic Forum, which estimates that demand for high-purity nickel for EV battery production “will increase by a factor of 24 in 2030 compared to 2018 levels.” In addition, last month, Tesla CEO Elon Musksaid that “nickel is the biggest concern for electric car batteries.”
In addition to Tanzania’s valuable nickel reserves, it can be argued that Tanzania’s other most significant mineral wealth lies in its graphite reserves, which rank as the 5th largest in the world. In 2018, Oxford Business Group estimated that Tanzania would become one of the top three graphite producers on the planet. With the World Bank estimating that graphite demand will increase 500% in the next 30 years, Tanzania now holds a strong bargaining position in the global market. The global lithium-ion battery market is “expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.0% from 2020 to 2027,” and these batteries usually require both nickel and graphite, both of which are plentiful under Tanzania. As Elon Musk has put it, “lithium-ion batteries should be called nickel graphite batteries.”
Last year, Musk had tweeted that “We will coup whoever we want! Deal with it,” in response to accusations that the US government had backed the 2019 coup in Bolivia so that Musk’s Tesla could acquire rights to the world’s largest lithium reserves, another mineral critical to electric vehicle battery production. A few months before Musk’s infamous tweet, the foreign minister of Bolivia’s coup government had written a letter to Musk that stated that “any corporation that you or your company can provide to our country will be gratefully welcomed” in relation to the country’s mining sector. These incidents underscore US empire’s current willingness to engage in regime change to ensure control of mineral deposits considered essential to emerging technologies and the 4th Industrial Revolution.
Logo for the latest iteration of the Kabanga Nickel mining project. Source:
In the case of Tanzania, it is worth noting that Glencore, which had its ownership of the Kabanga nickel deposit revoked by Magufuli, is closely tied to the World Economic Forum and is part of the Forum’s Global Battery Alliance as well as its Mining and Metals Blockchain Initiative, both of which focus on supply chains for minerals deemed essential to the 4th Industrial Revolution. Also of interest is the fact that Tundu Lissu, the Magufuli government’s most vocal critic and a main source for all mainstream media Tanzania reporting, was formerly employed by the World Resources Institute (WRI), a US-based non-profit and “strategic partner” of the World Economic Forum. The WRI aims to build “clean energy markets” and “value supply chains,” supply chains which will inevitably depend on cheaply sourced raw materials like nickel, graphite, and cobalt.
The World Resource Institute has received no less than $7.1 million from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and, according to the WRI donor page, they’ve received no less than $750,000 from the West’s most powerful corporate actors including Shell, Citibank, The Rockefeller Foundation, Google, Microsoft, The Open Society Foundation, USAID, and the World Bank. Lissu praised news of Magufuli’s sudden death as a “relief” and an “opportunity for a new beginning” in Tanzania. Tellingly, he also spoke very positively of the country’s future under Magufuli’s Vice President and current President Samia Suhulu, suggesting that she will take the country in a direction very different than that of her predecessor.
Thabit Jacob, a Tanzanian academic at Denmark’s Roskilde University was quoted in UpStream as saying that Rostam Aziz — one of Tanzania’s wealthiest businessmen and ex-parliament member who had a major falling out with Magufuli over tax policy— could soon become a key player in the new government, “meaning big business will play a bigger role” in the country’s future. Rostam owns Caspian Mining, the single largest Tanzanian mining firm and a frequent contractor for Barrick Gold.
COVID-19 response met with foreign hostility
Under the Magufuli administration, Tanzania’s COVID-19 response policies ran counter to the international consensus, with the country declining to implement any major lockdowns or mask mandates. It should be noted that even the CFR relayed that these decisions had the democratic support of the masses, writing that “on-the-street sentiment suggests many Tanzanians agree with the government’s light-touch approach.”
Magufuli was also skeptical of adopting COVID-19 vaccines before they could be investigated and certified by Tanzania’s own experts, warning that they could pose safety concerns due to their rushed development. “The Ministry of Health should be careful, they should not hurry to try these vaccines without doing research … We should not be used as ‘guinea pigs’”, Magufuli had stated in January. “We are not yet satisfied that those vaccines have been clinically proven safe,” Tanzanian Health Minister Dr. Dorothy Gwajima later remarked at a news conference.
Magufuli refused to immediately agree to receive COVID-19 vaccines from COVAX, a public-private partnership between Gates’ GAVI and the World Health Organization which aims to deliver 270 million COVID vaccines – with 269 million of them being the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine – to the world “as soon as they’re available.” In recent weeks, major safety issues with the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine have been identified by national regulatory bodies across Europe and Asia and numerous countries have suspended its use.
However, such nuance regarding the safety of “vaccine aid” was absent from the now ubiquitous mainstream narrative of Magufuli being “anti-science.” That narrative was first established as early as May 2020, when Magufuli exposed the inaccuracy of imported PCR testing kits after a goat, a piece of fruit, and motor oil all received ‘positive’ test results from the supplied kits. “There is something happening … we should not accept that every aid is meant to be good for this nation,” he proclaimed in a national address.
After this address, Bloomberg called Magufuli the “COVID-denying president.” Foreign Policy went as far as to dub the President as “Denialist in Chief” and asked if he was even “more dangerous than COVID-19.” Magufuli became the Western press’s poster boy for “COVID denial” while Tanzania became “the country that’s rejecting the vaccine.”
However, in the months that followed May 2020, the accuracy of PCR testing kits have been called into question, not only by mainstream media, but also “authoritative” global health bodies like the World Health Organization, thereby validating Magufuli’s initial critique. In a story titled “Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be”, the New York Times reported that the “standard [PCR] tests are diagnosing huge numbers of people who may be carrying relatively insignificant amounts of the virus. . . and are not likely contagious.”
In November 2020, a landmark court case in Portugal ruled that the PCR test used to diagnose COVID-19 was not fit for that purpose, ruling that “a single positive PCR test cannot be used as an effective diagnosis of infection.” In their ruling, judges Margarida Ramos de Almeida and Ana Paramés referred to a study by Jaafar et al., which found that the accuracy of some PCR tests was only about 3%, meaning up to 97% of positive results could be false positives.
By December 2020, the World Health Organization had confirmed that the PCR test was ripe for false positives, warning that they could easily lead to COVID-free individuals receiving positive test results. The position that PCR testing kits are unreliable is not new science, as a 2007 New York Times article titled “Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic that Wasn’t” wrote that the sensitivity of PCR testing kits “makes false positives likely, and when hundreds or thousands of people are tested, false positives can make it seem like there is an epidemic.” In addition, large batches of PCR test kits in the early phase of the COVID-19 crisis were contaminated with COVID-19 prior to their use, which was later found to have significantly skewed the number of cases reported in the early phases of the pandemic in the US and beyond.
Numerous examples of vaccines with severe adverse effects being pushed onto the Tanzanian people, combined with the widely reported safety issues surrounding the AstraZeneca/ Oxford vaccine that Tanzania would receive through COVAX, make the Western media’s “anti-science” characterization of Magufuli particularly inappropriate. For example, as far back as 1977, studies published in The Lancet established that the risks of the diphtheria tetanus pertussis (DTP) vaccine are greater than the risks associated with contracting wild pertussis. After mounting evidence linking the drug to braindamage, seizures, and even death, the U.S. phased it out in the 1990s and replaced it with a safer version called DTaP. A 2017 study funded by the Danish government concluded that more African children were dying at the hands of the deadly DTP vaccine than by the diseases it prevented. Researchers examined data from Guinea Bissau and concluded that boys were dying at 3.9 times the rate of those who had not received the shot, while girls suffered almost 10 times (9.98) the death rate. GAVI, subsidized by USAID and the Gates Foundation, has dumped over $27 million worth of the dangerously outdated DTP vaccine onto the Tanzanian health system as of today.
Furthermore, as detailed by Unlimited Hangout in December, the developers of the Oxford vaccine (the vaccine Tanzania would receive under COVAX), are deeply entangled with the eugenics movement and engage in ethically questionable activities regarding the intersection of race and science to this day. In 2020, The Wellcome Trust, the research institute where both of the lead developers of the Oxford vaccine work, was accused by the University of Cape Town of illegally exploiting hundreds of Africans by stealing their DNA without consent.
Also concerning is the fact that more than 20 European countries have halted use of the Oxford/ AstraZeneca vaccine due to a possible link to blood clot disorders and strokes. Even the New York Times has questioned if the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine is a viable candidate, particularly for Africa. According to a Times article from February, South Africa halted use of the AstraZeneca-Oxford coronavirus vaccine after evidence emerged that the vaccine did not protect clinical trial volunteers from mild or moderate illness.”
A recent election victory “amid claims of fraud”
In October 2020, Magufuli was reelected to a second, five year term, this time gaining a resounding 84.39% of vote. At the time, the US government-funded outlet Voice of America (VOA) quoted one Tanzanian, Edward Mbise, who told the outlet that “[they] all expected [Magufuli] to win due to what he has done … he has accomplished so many things that you can’t even finish listing all of them.”
However, Tundu Lissu, the leader of Magufuli’s main opposition party, alleged that the election had been fraudulent, but provided no evidence. According to the same VOA article, Lissu called for “citizens [to] take action to ensure all election results are changed.”
Lissu’s accusations of fraud were widely reprinted by Western media despite the lack of evidence. A BBC article was titled “President Magufuli Wins Election Amid Fraud Claims.” The Guardian, funded heavily by the Gates Foundation, similarly claimed that “Tanzania’s President wins re-election Amid Claims of Fraud.” In the US, the New York Timespublished a story called, “As Tanzania’s President Wins a Second Term, Opposition Calls for Protests.”
Neither mention of Magufuli’s approval ratings nor quotes from actual Tanzanian people were anywhere to be found in these articles, details which had been plentiful in Western mainstream media coverage of his first election victory. Quotes that did appear were usually from Lissu, now exiled in Belgium, or other members of his party.
Not long after Lissu’s claims had been uncritically repeated by major Western media outlets, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced sanctions on his last day in charge of the State Department that targeted Tanzanian officials who had allegedly been “responsible for or complicit in undermining the 2020 Tanzanian general election”. It is worth pointing out that the similarities between the election fraud accusations in Tanzania and those made in Bolivia just prior to the US-backed November 2019 coup are considerable.
Two weeks later, on February 5th, 2021, the Center for Strategic & International Studies suggested that the US might, as it often does, fund Magufuli’s political opposition, openly suggesting that the “the Biden administration has an opportunity to increase direct engagement with Tanzanian opposition politicians and civil society groups,” using Magufuli’s “dangerous” approach to COVID-19 as public justification.
That same week, the Guardian’s Global Development section (made possible through a partnership with The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) published an article titled, “It’s time for Africa to rein in Tanzania’s anti-vaxxer president.” Predictably, this article, and others like it, sought to paint the African leader as a crazy conspiracy theorist, but left out the fact that Magufuli had earned his master’s and doctorate degrees in Chemistry before being elected president in 2015.
On March 9th, Tundu Lissu, the opposition leader formerly employed by the Washington-based and Wall Street-funded World Resource Institute, contended that Magufuli was critically ill with COVID-19. In a series of tweets, Lissu asserted that the then-president had been flown first to Kenya and then India to be treated for the virus. “We urge the government to come out publicly and say where is the president and what is his condition,” John Mnyika, another opposition leader, also publicly stated similar claims. The very first paper to run the story that Magufuli had COVID-19 was The Nation, a relatively new Kenyan newspaper that has received $4 million from the US-based Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Meanwhile, the Magufuli government repeatedly dismissed these claims as fake news. “He is fine and doing his responsibilities,” insisted Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa on March 12. “A head of state is not a head of a jogging club who should always be around taking selfies,” Constitutional Affairs Minister Mwigulu Nchemba had said at the time.
On March 11, just days before the announcement of Magufuli’s death and Suhulu’s appointment to the post of President, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the influential think tank closely tied to the Rockefeller family and the US political elite, suggested that a “bold figure within the ruling party [i.e. Magufuli’s party] could capitalize on the current episode to gain popularity and begin to reverse course …”
While a swift leadership transition in Tanzania might seem like an unexpected surprise to western financial interests, groups in the US who specialize in foreign meddling and regime change operations had been at work in Tanzania ever since Magufuli’s initial election victory. The National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a US government think/do tank which aims to “support freedom around the world,” pumped $1.1 million into different Tanzanian opposition groups and causes over the last few years. One co-founder of NED, Allen Weinstein, once disclosed to the Washington Post that “A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.” Carl Gershman, NED’s other co-founder, once told the New York Times that “It would be terrible for democratic groups around the world to be seen as subsidized by the CIA . . .and that’s why the endowment was created.”
NED’s recent operations in Tanzania included projects to “organize young people to promote reform, and introduce them to new media tools that can assist in their efforts”, “recruit and train young artists to convey stories about governance”, financially support an opposition-friendly “satirical” news production that provides humorous commentary on current events to “encourage conversations”, as well as financially supporting the production of a “comprehensive televised civic education campaign” aimed at both COVID-related public awareness and “voter education.” The grantee for the funds, the Tanzania Bora Initiative, whose slogan is “transforming mindsets, influencing cultures” boasts of “empowering over 50 young Tanzanian political candidates.” The Tanzania Bora Initiative was also heavily supported by USAID while Magufuli was in office.
One wonders what effects these NED and USAID-funded efforts would have had on the country if Magufuli had not died in office. In January, the CIA-filled Jamestown Foundation began reporting on Tanzania’s “creeping radicalization issue” and eerily put forward the idea that “Tanzania could be primed to experience an increase in violence directed inward…” Though this thankfully never came to fruition, in other cases of Western-backed regime change, opposition groups funded by these same organizations have been known to stoke or create violence in order to justify Western intervention.
The Magufuli Administration wasn’t oblivious to the West’s regime change efforts. In the years following his election victory, Tanzanian police forces had raided meetings organized by the Open Society Foundations, a group infamous for their meddling initiatives in states targeted by the US’ foreign policy establishment.
Yet, despite his strong stands against the West, something about Magufuli’s approach had changed the day of his last public appearance on February 24th, 2021. That morning, the Tanzanian President had begun urging his countrymen to wear masks, something he had resisted doing for nearly a year after the WHO declared a pandemic, and urged them to begin taking health precautions.
A new President, to Western applause
Convenient for the powers that Magufuli had angered, his successor and VP, Samia Suluhu, hails from the United Nations’ World Food Programme and has a profile listed on the website of the World Economic Forum, suggesting a closeness with the circles her predecessor had rebuked. It still remains unclear if she has already reversed any of Magufuli’s policies, either economic or COVID-related, but some shifts seem likely given that her appointment has been met with pure celebration by the same institutional actors that actively worked to undermine President Magufuli.
Another potential indicator is the dubious discovery of a new COVID variant in Tanzania that reportedly has more mutations than any other variant. That variant’s discovery was announced just over a week following the announcement of Magufuli’s death and seems tailor-made to provide a public justification of a reversal of Tanzania’s government approach to COVID. Notably, the Tanzania variant was discovered by Krisp, “a scientific institute that carries out genetic testing for 10 African nations” that is funded by the Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust and the governments of the US, the UK and South Africa.
Regarding a potentially imminent reversal of Tanzania’s COVID policy, the reaction of the top official at the World Health Organization may offer a clue. WHO General Director Tedros Ghebreyesus had no time to comment after receiving word of Magufuli’s sudden death, but quickly took to Twitter minutes after Suluhu’s swearing-in ceremony to congratulate the country’s first female president, telling her that he’s “looking forward to working with her to keep people safe from COVID-19, and end the pandemic.” Ghebreyesus was previously on the board of two organizations that Bill Gates had founded, provided seed money for, and continues to fund to this day: GAVI and the Global Fund, where Tedros was chair of the board.
A few days before Ghebreyesus’ tweet, the State Department released a statement reaffirming the US’ commitment to supporting Tanzanians as they advocate for respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and work to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, stating that “We hope that Tanzania can move forward on a democratic and prosperous path.” Vice President Kamala Harris had nothing to say in regards to the popular East African president suddenly dying, yet – like Ghebreyesus, she managed to send her best wishes to the newly sworn in Suluhu Samia on Twitter.
Billionaire-backed Human Rights Watch, whose revolving door with the US government is well documented, welcomed Magufuli’s death, publishing a piece entitled “Tanzania: President Magufuli’s Death Should Open New Chapter,” writing that the African leader’s sudden passing “provides an opportunity.” Notably, the same organization had supported the US-backed military coup in Bolivia as well as the Trump Administration’s regime change efforts in Nicaragua and had called for an increase of deadly U.S. sanctions on Venezeula’s Chavista government, even after the publication of a report by The Center for Economic and Policy Research which found that at least 40,000 Venezuelan civilians had already died due to the such sanctions.
Earlier this month, Judd Devermont, a former CIA senior political analyst on sub-Saharan Africa, in a CSIS piece titled “Will Magufuli’s Death Bring Real Change to Tanzania?,” wrote that, prior to Magufuli’s death, it was “believed that Suluhu was growing increasingly wary of Magufuli’s authoritarian policies. . .” Later in the article, the former CIA analyst accidentally disclosed his working definition of “authoritarianism” when he wrote: “Magufuli steered Tanzania toward authoritarianism by implementing a nationalist economic agenda characterized by stifled regional and international trade and a blow to foreign direct investment (FDI).”
However, the claim that Magufuli was against all foreign investment is misleading. Perhaps Devermont should have written that Magufuli’s policies were a blow to FDI from the West, as Magufuli, in the last months of his presidency and his life, was directly courting foreign investment from China.
In mid-December 2020, Tanzania Invests reported on a Magufuli meeting with Chinese leadership, after which Magufuli announced that Tanzania “welcomes traders and investors from China in various areas like manufacturing, tourism, construction, and trade for the benefit of both parties.” The report also noted that “Magufuli asked China to cooperate with Tanzania in investing in large projects by providing cheap loans” and that “Tanzania will further develop and enhance its long-standing relationship with China and will continue to support China on various international issues.” China is currently Tanzania’s top trading partner and Tanzania is the largest recipient of Chinese government aid in Africa. It is worth considering that this China pivot, particularly at a time when the US’ new Cold War with China is reaching new heights, played a role in Western-backed regime change efforts targeting Tanzania.
Looking beyond Tanzania
The fate suffered by President John Magufuli and Tanzania is similar to what happened in a neighboring country, Burundi, just six months ago. The president of Burundi, Pierre Nkurunziza, publicly refused to enact top-down mitigation measures in response to COVID-19, and was similarly vilified by US aligned press and think tanks. In May 2020, Nkurunziza expelled the World Health Organization from Burundi and, three weeks later, it was reported that he had died after suddenly going into cardiac arrest.
More recently, Zambia, which borders Tanzania and is set to hold elections this August, is currently angering some of the same actors that Magufuli had challenged in its government’s efforts to nationalize its copper mines and potentially other mining projects. In December, Zambian President Edgar Lungu announced that his government would acquire “a significant stake in some selected mine assets” in order to “create sufficient wealth for the nation.” Echoing Magufuli, Lungu had stated “We shall no longer tolerate mining investors who seek to [profit] from our God-given natural resources, leaving us with empty hands.”
In January, Lungu took a step towards nationalizing the copper mining sector after a protracted dispute with none other than Glencore. Copper, like nickel, graphite and lithium, is a metal critical to the success of the 4th Industrial Revolution. Western media reports on Lungu’s recent move quoted experts who urged Zambia’s government “to tread carefully” in its efforts to increase the role of the public sector in the nation’s mining industry.
Then, a week after Magufuli’s death was announced, Lungu’s main competitor in the upcoming election publicly accused Lungu of trying to have him murdered while some English language, pro-Western media outlets have already claimed that Lungu plans to rig the upcoming election in his favor and that the country “may burn” if the election has the “wrong” outcome.
Such examples reveal that the situation that has recently unfolded in Tanzania is hardly unique in today’s Africa. However, the domination of the media landscape with constant COVID coverage has made Western audiences largely unaware of the various regime change efforts that have taken place or are underway in the region. Unlike regime change efforts of the recent past, those targeting Africa, and also Bolivia, seem laser focused on mining assets deemed essential to establishing the supply chains needed to power the 4th Industrial Revolution.
With many of these countries having recently cozied up to China, it seems the regime change projects and proxy wars of the future are set to revolve, not around fossil fuels and pipelines, but over whether the East or the West will dominate the supplies of minerals needed to produce and maintain next-generation technology.
Not only has COVID kept reporting on these coups for minerals to a minimum, it has also lent a convenient cover for the demonization of leaders and the advancement of regime change in countries that are being targeted for other reasons that have everything to do with resources and little to do with a virus.
Jeremy Loffredo is a journalist and researcher based in Washington, DC. He is formerly a segment producer for RT AMERICA and is currently an investigative reporter for Children’s Health Defense.
Whitney Webb has been a professional writer, researcher and journalist since 2016. She has written for several websites and, from 2017 to 2020, was a staff writer and senior investigative reporter for Mint Press News. She currently writes for The Last American Vagabond.
In an interview with Dr. Joseph Mercola, Vandana Shiva says, “… if In the next decade, if we don’t protect what has to be protected … and take away the sainthood from this criminal, they will leave nothing much to be saved.”
Bill Gates is entering every field that has to do with sustaining life and, for over a decade, has undermined vitality in all its forms, in an effort to seize control over and profit from it.
By funding research and financing public institutions, Gates is able to force those institutions down a path where they can only use his patented intellectual property.
While pretending to save the world through philanthropy, Gates’ solutions perpetuate and worsen the world’s problems. They may even threaten the future of humanity, as they’re driving us closer to extinction.
Through his company, Gates Ag One, Gates is pushing for one type of agriculture for the whole world, organized top, down. This includes digital farming, in which farmers are surveilled and mined for their agricultural data, which is then repackaged and sold back to them.
The answer to the environmental problems we face is not more of the very things that created the problems in the first place, which is what Gates proposes. The answer is regenerative agriculture and real food.
In this interview, Vandana Shiva, Ph.D., discusses the importance and benefits of regenerative agriculture and a future Regeneration International project that we’ll be collaborating on.
We’re currently facing enormously powerful technocrats who are hell-bent on ushering in the Great Reset, which will complete the ongoing transfer of wealth and resource ownership from the poor and middle classes to the ultra-rich. Perhaps the most well-known of the individuals pushing for this is Bill Gates who, like John Rockefeller a century before him, rehabilitated his sorely tarnished image by turning to philanthropy.
However, Gates’ brand of philanthropy, so far, has helped few and harmed many. While his PR machine has managed to turn public opinion about him such that many now view him as a global savior who donates his wealth for the good of the planet, nothing could be further from the truth.
Gates’ stranglehold on global health
The magnitude of Gates’ role over global health recently dawned on me. I believe the COVID-19 catastrophe would not have been possible had it not been for the World Health Organization (WHO), which Gates appears to exert shadow-control over. Remember, it was primarily the WHO that facilitated this global shutdown and adoption of freedom-robbing, economy-destroying measures by virtually every government on the planet.
When then-President Trump halted U.S. funding of the WHO in 2020, Gates became the biggest funder of the WHO. As explained in “WHO Insider Blows Whistle on Gates and GAVI,” the WHO has turned global health security into a dictatorship, where the director general has assumed sole power to make decisions that member states must abide by, but according to a long-term WHO insider, Gates’ vaccine alliance GAVI actually appears to be the directing power behind the WHO.
The two — Gates and the WHO — have been working hand in hand pushing for a global vaccination campaign, and Gates has a great deal of money invested in these vaccines. We’ve also seen extraordinary efforts to censor natural alternatives and inexpensive, readily available and clearly effective drugs, such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, and it appears the reason for this is probably because they’re competitors to the vaccine.
Emergency use authorization for pandemic vaccines are only given when there are no other treatments, so vilifying alternatives has been a key strategy to protect vaccine profits.
The parallels between Rockefeller and Gates
As noted by Shiva, the comparisons between Rockefeller and Gates are quite apt. Rockefeller created not just Big Oil but also Big Finance and Big Pharma. He had intimate connections with IG Farben. There was a Standard Oil IG Farben company. Without the fossil fuels of Standard Oil, IG Farben couldn’t have made synthetic fertilizers or fuels.
In 1910, Rockefeller and Carnegie produced The Flexner Report, which was the beginning of the end for natural medicine in the conventional medical school curriculum. They eliminated it because it saw natural medicine as a hugely competitive threat to the new pharmaceuticals that were primarily derived from the oil industry.
Much of Rockefeller’s history has been captured by Lily Kay, who sifted through Molecular Vision of Life’s archives. There, she discovered that the Nazi regime, which was a eugenics regime that thought some people were inferior and needed to be exterminated to keep the superior race pure, didn’t vanish when Germany lost the war.
Eugenics simply migrated to the U.S., and was taken up by Rockefeller under the term of “social psychology as biological determinants.” The word gene did not exist at that time. Instead, they called it “atoms of determinism.” Rockefeller paid for much of the eugenics research, which ultimately resulted in the silencing and suppression of true health.
To be healthy means to be whole, and wholeness refers to the “self-organized brilliance of your integrated body as a complex system,” Shiva says. That’s what Ayurveda is based on, and even this ancient system of medicine has been attacked in recent times. The notion of genetic determination ignores this foundational wholeness, seeking instead to divide the human body into mechanical components controlled by your genes.
“Coming back to the parallels, Rockefeller was behind it because he was driving the chemical industry. When the wars were over, they said, ‘Oh my gosh, we have all these chemicals to sell.’ And they invented the Green Revolution and pushed the Green Revolution on India.
“Rockefeller, the World Bank, the U.S. all worked together, and if the farmers of India are protesting today, it’s a result of Rockefeller’s initiative, the Green Revolution in India. Most people don’t realize what high cost India has borne; what high cost the state of Panjon has born.
“Then you have Gates joining up with Rockefeller and creating the Alliance for the Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) … which pretends to be his solution to climate change. I say, “My god, what kind of stage has the world reached that absolute nonsense can pass the science?” I’ll give you just three examples from his chapter on agriculture, in which he talks about how we grow things.
“First of all, plants are not things. Plants are sentient beings. Our culture knows it. We have the sacred tulsi. We have the sacred neem. We have the sacred banyan. They are sentient beings. So many people are awake to animal rights. I think we need more people awake to plant rights and really tell Mr. Gates, “No, plants are not things.”
“He goes on to celebrate Norman Borlaug, who was in the DuPont defense lab, whose job it was to push these four chemicals by adapting the plants [to them]. So, he created the dwarf variety, because the tall varieties are free varieties … [Gates] says we’re eating food because of Borlaug. No, people are starving because of Borlaug. The farmers are dying because of Borlaug.”
Gates offers problems as solutions
Gates hails synthetic fertilizer is the greatest agricultural invention. “Doesn’t he realize synthetic nitrogen fertilizers are creating desertification, dead zones in the ocean and nitric oxide, which is a greenhouse gas?” Shiva says. In short, he’s offering the problem as the solution. Gates also, apparently, does not understand that nitrogen-fixing plants can fix nitrogen. He incorrectly claims that plants cannot fix nitrogen.
Gates is equally wrong about methane production from livestock. “Have you smelt methane behind nomadic tribes?” Shiva asks. “Have you ever smelt methane behind our sacred cow in India? No, they don’t emit methane.” The reason cows in concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) emit methane that stinks to high heaven is because they’re fed an unnatural diet of grains and placed in crowded quarters. It’s not a natural phenomenon. It’s a man-made one.
“You know what Mr. Gates wants to teach us? He says cows make methane because of their poor stomachs,” Shiva says. “They call them containers. I think we should sue him for undoing basic biology 101. You’ve talked about how he controls the WHO. He’s also trying to take control of the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO).
“[FAO] has recognized ecological agriculture is the way to go and supported [regenerative] agriculture up until last year, when Gates started to take charge. Now he’s moving the food summit to New York. Five hundred organizations have said, ‘This is no longer a food summit, it’s a poison summit. The poison cartel and Bill Gates are running it to push more poisons, now under new names. So, we have a lot of work to do.’”
The answer to the environmental problems we face is not more of the very things that created the problems in the first place, which is what Gates proposes. The answer is regenerative agriculture and real food.
“When people are eating healthy food, there is no problem,” Shiva says. “[Gates] wants to commit a crime against our gut microbiome, pushing more fake food through Impossible Food. And he wants to create conditions so that real food will disappear. That’s why we all have to organize together and the scientists have to start being protected.
“There’s an extinction taking place. They call it the sixth mass extinction. Most people think the sixth mass extinction is about other species. They don’t realize large parts of humanity are being pushed to extinction. Food is health, as Hippocrates said, [and that requires] indigenous systems of learning, ecological agriculture, small farmers.
“In Bill Gates’ design, all this that makes life, life, that makes society, society, that makes community, community, that makes healthy beings, he would like to push this to extinction because he’s afraid of independence, freedom, health and our beingness. He wants us to be ‘thingness,’ but we are beings …
“The worst crime against the Earth and against humanity is using gene editing technologies for gene drives, which is a collaboration of Gates with DARPA, the defense research system. Gene drives are deliberately driving [us] to extinction. Now he does it in the name of ending malaria. No. It’s about driving to extinction.
“Amaranth is a sacred food for us. It’s a very, very important source of nutrition … There’s an application in that DARPA-Gates report of driving the amaranth to extinction through gene rights. And when this was raised at the Convention on Biological Diversity, do you know what he did? He actually hired a public relations agency and bribed government representatives to not say no. Can you imagine?”
Gates’ long-term play
Gates clearly had a long-term vision in mind from the start. His growing control of the WHO began over a decade ago. Over this span of time, he also started transitioning into Big Pharma and the fake food industry, which would allow his influence over the WHO’s global health recommendations to really pay off.
While fake foods have many potential problems, one in particular is elevated levels of the omega-6 fat linoleic acid (LA). If you eat real food, you’re going to get more than enough LA. Our industrial Western diet, however, provides far more than is needed for optimal health already, and engineered meats are particularly loaded with LA, as they’re made with genetically modified soy oil and canola oil.
This massive excess of LA will encourage and promote virtually all degenerative diseases, thereby accelerating the destruction of human health. In addition to that, Gates is also investing in pharmaceuticals, which of course are touted as the answer to degenerative disease. Again, his solutions to ill health are actually the problem. Shiva says:
“Gates … [is] entering every field that has to do with life. Our work in Navdanya, which means nine seeds, is basically work on biodiversity in agriculture. We started to bring together all the work that he’s doing in taking over. I mentioned the Rockefeller Green Revolution, now the Gates-Rockefeller Green Revolution in Africa. The next step he wants to push is … digital agriculture.
“He calls it Gates Ag One, and the headquarters of this is exactly where the Monsanto headquarters are, in St. Louis, Missouri. Gates Ag One is one [type of] agriculture for the whole world, organized top down. He’s written about it. We have a whole section on it in our new report, ‘Gates to a Global Empire.’”
Stolen farmer data is repackaged and sold back to them
What does digital agriculture entail? For starters, it entails the introduction of a digital surveillance system. So far, Shiva’s organization has managed to prevent Gates from introducing a seed surveillance startup, where farmers would not be allowed to grow seeds unless approved by Gates surveillance system.
The data mining, Shiva says, is needed because they don’t actually know agriculture. This is why Gates finances the policing of farmers. He needs to mine their data to learn how farming is actually done. This knowledge is then repackaged and sold back to the farmers. It’s evil genius at its finest.
Through his funding, Gates now also controls the world’s seed supply, and his financing of gene editing research has undercut biosafety laws across the world. As explained by Shiva, the only country that doesn’t have biosafety laws is the U.S. “The rest of the world does because we have a treaty called the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety,” she says.
“While he created the appearance of philanthropy, what he’s doing is giving tiny bits of money to very vital institutions. But with those bits of money, they attract government money, which was running those institutions. Now, because of his clout, he is taking control of the agenda of these institutions. In the meantime, he’s pushing patenting, be it on drugs, vaccines or on seeds.”
Taken together, Gates ends up wielding enormous control over global agriculture and food production, and there’s virtually no evidence to suggest he has good intentions.
The anatomy of monopolization
The company that collects patents on gene-edited organisms, both in health and agriculture, is Editas, founded by a main financial investor for the Gates Foundation. Gates is also a big investor in Editas.
“So, here’s a company called Editas to edit the world as if it is a Word program. The two scientists who got the Nobel Prize this year have both been funded in their research by Gates. My mind went back to how Rockefeller financed the research, got the Nobel Prize, and then made the money.
“So, you finance the research. Then you finance the public institutions, whether they be national or international. You invest and force them down the path where they can only use what is your patented intellectual property. And, as he has said in an interview, his smartest investment was vaccines, because it is a 1-to-20 return. Put $1 in and make $20. How many billions of dollars have been put in? You can imagine how many trillions will be made.
“At the end of it, where does food come from? It comes from seed. He wants to control it. It comes from land. He’s controlling that. He’s become the biggest farmland owner [in the U.S.]. But you need weather [control]. You need a stable climate.
“So, what could be a weapon of control of agriculture? Weather modification. He calls it geoengineering. This is engineering of the climate. Again, making it look like he’s going to solve global warming by creating global cooling.”
As explained by Shiva, Gates is also heavily invested in climate modification technologies that not only will destabilize the earth’s climate systems more, but also can be weaponized against the people by controlling rainfall and drought. In India, they’ve been having massive hail during harvest time, which destroys the harvest.
Is the UN subservient to Gates?
According to Shiva, Gates is also corrupting the UN system, just like he’s corrupted world governments and the WHO, and in so doing, he’s destroying the efforts built over the last three decades to protect the global environment.
“Whether it be the climate treaty, the biodiversity treaty or the atmospheric treaties, he is absolutely behaving as if the UN is his subservient institution,” Shiva says. “[He thinks] governments and regulatory bodies should not exist … and that people in democracy have no business to speak. [If they do], they’re conspiracy theorists.”
Taking down Gates’ empires
As it stands right now, ordinary people are forced to fight battles that are in actuality rooted in institutional, structural and societal crimes. These crimes really need to be addressed the way Rockefeller’s Standard Oil empire was addressed. In the case of Gates, his empire is actually multiple empires, and they all need to be dismantled. To that end, I will be collaborating with Shiva and Regeneration International, which she co-founded, on a project to boycott Gates’ empires.
“I’ve noticed that no matter what the movement, they’re using the word regeneration now. It could be a health movement, a democracy movement, a peace movement, a women’s movement — everyone has realized that regeneration is what we have to shift to,” Shiva says.
“So, what do we need to be doing in the next decade? For me, the next decade is the determining decade, because these petty minds’ insatiable greed want to go so fast that if, in the next decade, we don’t protect what has to be protected, build resilient alternatives and take away the sainthood from this criminal, they will leave nothing much to be saved.
“The poison cartel is also big pharma. People think agriculture is here, medicine is there. No. The same criminal corporations gave us agrichemicals. They gave us bad medicine that creates more disease than it solves. So, Big Pharma, Big Ag, Big Poison — it’s all one. And Bill Gates is holding it all together even more, and trying to make them bigger because he has investments in all of them …
“I think [seeds] is where we have to begin … I’m hoping that we will be able, together, to launch a global movement soon to take back our seeds from the international seed banks. The strategy is we need to remind the world that these are public institutions [and] that they’re accountable to the farmers whose collections these [seeds] are …
“On the food question, I think that’s the big one because food and health go [together]. In Ayurveda, it says food is the best medicine, and if you don’t eat good food, then no medicine can cure whatever disease you have. The best medicine is good eating. And Hippocrates said ‘Let food be thy medicine.’ So, I think this is the time to really grow a very big global campaign for food freedom.
“Food freedom means you cannot destroy our right to grow food. Secondly, you cannot destroy our governments’ obligations to us to support regenerative agriculture rather than support degenerative agriculture and subsidize it. And third, I think we should call for a worldwide boycott of lab foods …
“Another part of this should be, don’t let Big Tech enter our bodies. Let big tech not enter life sciences … These guys will make life illegal. Living will be illegal except as a little piece in their machine through their permission.”
Each year, Navdanya holds a two-week campaign on food freedom starting October 2, which is nonviolence day. We now need to take that campaign to the global stage, and I will do my part to aid this effort. So, mark your calendar and prepare to join us in a global boycott of food that makes you sick — processed food, GMO foods, lab-created foods, fake meats, all of it.
More information
You can learn more about Shiva’s work and her many projects on During the first week of April every year, Navdanya gives a five-day course called Annam, Food as Health, via Zoom. In this course, you’ll learn about soil and plant biodiversity and healthy eating for optimal health.
“When all the spiritual forces, all of nature’s forces and most of people’s forces are aligned together, what can [a few] billionaires, technocrats — who want to be richer than they are, greedier than they are, more violent than they are — do?” Shiva says. “They don’t count in the long run, really. It’s just that we cannot afford to not do the things that we can do.”
How independent are the largest corporations in the world? It is often portrayed that companies such as Google are simply private corporations that have very few connections to the establishment. Yet, as It turns out, there are endless connections between many corporate giants and the military-intelligence complex.
We got a glimpse into this relationship back in 2016, when the former CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt, who, at the time, was Executive Chairman of Google’s parent company, Alphabet Inc, became the head of a new innovation board at the Pentagon. Later that year, Jeff Bezos, the CEO of Amazon, joined the same board at the Pentagon.
Google and DARPA
The ties between Google and US government agencies run much deeper than this however. The relationship started even before the tech company was founded in the late 1990s. In 1994, the US government launched the Digital Library Initiative (DLI). This initiative awarded research grants to various university projects, mostly those who focused on developments in the early and emerging internet, with the overarching aim of this initiative being the creation of a global digital library.
Multiple organizations were involved in selecting projects for DLI funds. Three of these organizations were the National Science Foundation, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), which is the arm of the US Department of Defense that funds and develops emerging technologies.
One project that received funding through the DLI was at Stanford University, called The Stanford Integrated Digital Library Project. Between 1994 and 1999, the project received over $4.5 million in awards. The description of the award is very interesting, as it essentially describes what Google became:
“This project – the Stanford Integrated Digital Library Project (SIDLP) – is to develop the enabling technologies for a single, integrated and ‘universal’ library, proving uniform access to the large number of emerging networked information sources and collections. These include both on-line versions of pre-existing works and new works and media of all kinds that will be available on the globally interlinked computer networks of the future. The Integrated Digital Library is broadly defined to include everything from personal information collections, to the collections that one finds today in conventional libraries, to the large data collections shared by scientists. The technology developed in this project will provide the ‘glue’ that will make this worldwide collection usable as a unified entity, in a scalable and economically viable fashion.”
Two graduate students at Stanford who received funding through the DLI were Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the co-founders of what would become Google Inc in 1998. An early prototype of Google was built at Stanford using DLI funds. It was called BackRub, and, amongst other things, it allowed the user to crawl from page to page by following links. The early Google algorithms were run on a series of computers that were“mainly provided by the NSF-DARPA-NASA-funded Digital Library project at Stanford.” After a few more years of development and funding by various parties, Google was officially born in 1998.
Google Earth and the CIA
The connections between Google and government agencies continued into the 21st century. In the early 2000s, a software company called Keyhole, which developed an earlier version of what became Google Earth, received financing from the CIA’s venture capital firm, In-Q-Tel. The CIA started In-Q-Tel in 1999 as its major investment arm to fund start-ups, businesses, and other ventures, with In-Q-Tel still operational today. The CIA had a partner in financing the Keyhole investment, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), an organization that provides satellite-based intelligence for US government agencies.
In fact, the CIA and NGA were clientsof Keyhole as well as investors, with Keyhole software used by the intelligence community during the Iraq war. In 2004, Google acquiredKeyhole, with their software becoming the foundation of what we know today as Google Earth. After Google bought Keyhole in 2004, certain executivesfrom the CIA’s In-Q-Tel joined divisions of the tech company. In the coming years, Google hired a host of people from the world of intelligence and defense, and agreed numerous deals with agencies in the intelligence and military community.
Google and the NSA
In 2010, Google enlisted the National Security Agency (NSA) to help them secure their network after a cyberattack. Also in 2010, the investment companies of the CIA and Google, In-Q-Tel and Google Ventures, both invested in a company called Recorded Future, which monitors real-time internet traffic to try to predict future events. In 2012, a US court ruled that the NSA didn’t have to disclose if it had a relationshipwith Google.
In 2013, it was reported that the NSA had direct access to servers run by Google, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, YouTube, and other corporate giants, under the secret Prism program that had been operational since 2007. This allowed the NSA to collect user data, including search history and the content of emails. Documents from the NSA appeared to indicate that at least some of the companies were aware of the NSA operation, although all the companies denied any knowledge of the program. The connections between multinational corporations and the intelligence community continue. Last year, the CIA handed lucrative cloud computing contracts worth billions to five tech giants, including Amazon, Microsoft, and Google.
In-Q-Tel, Data Mining, and Apple
There are other data points that are worth noting. In relation to social media, In-Q-Tel has financed numerous data-mining companies in recent years, an unsurprising field for intelligence agencies to be interested in. These companies collect data on people’s social media activity and build unique, individual profiles based on demographic, financial, geographic, and purchase histories.
Another curious data point worth noting is that Steve Jobs, the co-founder and former CEO of Apple Inc, had held a top secret security clearance during his time working at Pixar, according to reports. Over the years, Apple has worked alongside US government agencies on various occasions. In 2005, Apple built a top secret iPod for two defense contractors working on behalf of the US Department of Energy. The custom iPod looked and worked like a normal iPod, but had extra hardware in it that secretly recorded data. Only four people at Apple knew about the project, according to reports. A decade later, in 2015, Apple was one of a group of companies and universities that were working on a Pentagon contact to design stretchable electronics with sensors that could be worn by soldiers or fitted on warplanes and ships.
Needless to say, there are endless connections between many multinational corporations and the military-intelligence community, raising questions over how independent many of these companies actually are.
Imagine you find a prisoner in an unlocked jail cell. Confused, you ask him why he’s sitting there when the door to his cell isn’t even locked.
“Oh, it’s unlocked? I didn’t check.”
You assure him it’s unlocked and ask again why he doesn’t leave.
“Why bother? They’ll probably catch me before I get out.”
You look around in confusion. You explain to him that this isn’t even a prison. That he’s simply been told to wear an orange jumpsuit and stay in an unlocked room, but he doesn’t have to comply. All he has to do is leave.
“Even if I get away, they’ll just find me and bring me back here. Might as well just stay put.”
Do you think this story is ridiculous? Of course it is. But the situation it details is all too true. In fact, researchers have known for half a century the mechanism by which people can be made to effectively lock themselves up inside their own mental prison . . . and it didn’t take long for the intelligence agencies to put that research to use.
Today, let’s explore the startling true story of how and how the public has been conditioned into a (false) sense of helplessness, and—more important by far—what you can do to break that conditioning.
If the story of the prisoner who won’t escape his unlocked jail cell sounds outlandish, consider the story of The Elephant and the Rope. Short story even shorter:
In India, elephant handlers often train baby elephants to be submissive by chaining them to a post. They’ll fight with all their will to break free. Day in and day out they’ll try, but eventually they just give up. When the baby elephants become adults they no longer need chains to be tied in place; just a thin rope will do.
Now, if that sounds like a cruel thing to do to an elephant, you’re right. But it’s also effective. Massive, powerful adult elephants can be kept in place with a flimsy rope simply because they have been conditioned since birth to believe that they can’t break free of their tether.
But like many things that are obvious to those who work with the natural world, this insight had to be “rediscovered” in the lab by some graduate students in psychology. In this case, Martin Seligman, a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania, conducted a series of experiments in the late 1960s that essentially replicated this elephant and the rope phenomenon.
Entitled “Learned Helplessness,” his 1972 paper outlining this research showed how Seligman and his team had subjected two sets of dogs to painful electric shocks.
The first group of dogs —were placed in a “shuttle box” where they could escape the electric shocks by jumping over a small barrier. These dogs soon learned that crossing the barrier protected them from the shocks and (as you would expect) crossed the barrier more and more quickly each time the experiment was performed until they could escape the shocks altogether.
The second group of dogs were placed in what Seligman described as a “Pavlovian hammock” from which they could not escape the shocks however much they struggled. This set of dogs reacted completely differently from the control group when placed in the shuttle box. Fully two-thirds of this group did not even try to escape the shocks and thus never discovered that they could avoid them altogether by crossing the barrier. They simply lay down, whining, until the shocks ceased.
The lesson of this experiment is seemingly straightforward: “By our hypothesis, the dog does not try to escape because he expects that no instrumental response will produce shock termination.” In other words, if you want to induce complete helplessness in a dog, condition them to believe that nothing they do will make any difference.
But, as I noted in my video on Mouse Utopia and the Blackest Pill, animal experiments are never really about animals. They’re about humans. In this case, too, the point was not to learn how to induce helplessness in dogs, but to learn how that state of helplessness (aka depression) is induced in humans.
So how long do you think it took for the CIA to start weaponizing Seligman’s research for use against its enemies? If your answer was “three decades,” then you win a prize!
Yes, by the time the war (of) terror came along, the Criminals In Action were using Seligman’s experiments as a how-to guide in their illegal torture program.
An old folk tale holds that you can conjure the apparition of Mary Bloodsworth (aka “Bloody Mary”) by chanting her name in front of a mirror in a candle-lit room. But if you want to summon a real demon, it’s much more straightforward than that. All you have to do is document a psychological phenomenon that can be weaponized against the population and before you know it you’ll have the CIA at your doorstep, notepad in hand. Just ask Martin Seligman.
Having long since shifted his focus from torturing animals in the name of understanding human depression, by 2001 Seligman had pioneered a new branch of cognitive psychology called positive psychology seeking to help people overcome their learned helplessness (more on which later). As part of that work, Seligman delivered a lecture on at the San Diego Naval Base in May, 2002 on how his research could help American personnel—in his own words—”resist torture and evade successful interrogation by their captors.”
Among the hundred or so people in attendance at that lecture was one particularly enthused fan of Selgiman’s work: Dr. Jim Mitchell, a military retiree and psychologist who had contracted to provide training services to the CIA. Although Seligman had no idea of it at the time, Mitchell was—as we now know—one of the key architects of the CIA’s illegal torture program.
Naturally, Mitchell’s interest in Seligman’s talk was not in how it could be applied to help American personnel overcome learned helplessness and resist torture but rather how it could be used to induce learned helplessness in a CIA target and enhance torture. As the New York Times described in a report on the subject in 2009:
Dr. Mitchell, colleagues said, believed that producing learned helplessness in a Qaeda interrogation subject might ensure that he would comply with his captor’s demands. Many experienced interrogators disagreed, asserting that a prisoner so demoralized would say whatever he thought the interrogator expected.
Unsurprisingly, Mitchell got his way and, equally unsurprisingly, those submitted to these techniques began to say whatever their interrogators expected, exactly as predicted. Mitchell and his colleague, Dr. Bruce Jessen, helped direct the 2002 “interrogation” of Abu Zubaydah—who was waterboarded 83 times in a single month—and the supposed 9/11 “mastermind,” Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who “confessed” to the 9/11 plot after being waterboarded 183 times and sleep deprived for over six days. Mitchell himself even personally threatened to cut the throat of KSM’s son during one interrogation.
These techniques were so effective that, not only did they produce the testimony that formed the backbone of the 9/11 Commission Report (and thus, to this day form the backbone of the official 9/11 story), they also caused KSM to confess to targeting a bank that wasn’t even founded until after his arrest! Talk about results!
In a sick way, the CIA’s experiments in inducing learned helplessness proved that Seligman had discovered valid insights into a real psychological phenomenon. It certainly is possible to create the conditions to break someone’s will and cause them to confess to whatever their torturers want. But this is emphatically not the point of the learned helplessness research and it is important to note that Seligman, for his part, was never aware that his research was being used by the CIA until after the the Senate’s report on the torture program was released to the public and that he completely denounced the perversion of his research when it was exposed.
From some lab experiments in the 1960s to an illegal CIA torture program four decades later, the story of the research into learned helplessness is incredible enough. But (thankfully for us) the story doesn’t end there.
In one version of Seligman’s experiment, one group of dogs were given levers to push that could stop the shocks from happening while another group were given levers to push that did nothing at all. Unsurprisingly, when the levers were taken away, the dogs whose levers had worked in the first round of the experiment attempted to escape the shocks and eventually discovered that they could jump over the barrier to be free of them; the dogs whose levers had not worked almost uniformly curled up and accepted the shocks without even attempting to escape.
The would-be social engineers know this already. This is precisely why we are asked to fixate on the never-ending (s)election sideshow circus. As I have pointed out time and time again, not only is the entire concept of “electing” “representatives” to impose their will on the entire population of an arbitrary geographical location fundamentally immoral, it is also a sure way to induce learned helplessness in the population.
As you know by now, the 2D political chess game that is used to distract the public does absolutely nothing to change the real political agenda that is set by the 3D chess masters. And just as every child eventually discovers that their toy driving wheel doesn’t actually control the car, so, too, do even the most devoted statists eventually begin to realize that their ballot in the voting box every four years does nothing to prevent the globalist agenda from playing out like an unstoppable nightmare.
This realization is demoralizing. That is the entire point. The message of the political system that we have grown up with our whole lives is: “Throw the bums out every four years if you like. It doesn’t matter! It changes nothing! You have no effect on the system.”
Unfortunately, all too often the victims of this conditioning merely internalize this message and stop there. These are the people who spend their time in online fora and comment sections preaching that nothing will ever change, shooting down every idea or alternative that is ever proposed. Although critical examination of ideas is always important, the victims of learned helplessness fail to realize that they have been locked inside a mental prison by their erstwhile masters. Like the prisoner in our hypothetical unlocked jail cell, they have not only given up hope of escaping, they have even given up trying to look for an escape route.
But what if we were to examine the results of this experiment from the other side? What if, instead of the would-be controllers of humanity, we examine these findings for what they can tell us about how to empower the public and dispel the learned helplessness that keeps them from looking for real solutions?
This is the question that Seligman turned to after the publication of his experimental findings. You see, he was not experimenting on dogs because he was a sadist. Nor was he simply interested in studying learned helplessness, either in dogs or humans.
After documenting the phenomenon, his focus quickly shifted to what could be done with this knowledge. As Maria Konnikova documents in her 2015 New Yorker article on the research:
But Seligman didn’t stop his research there. He had told his supervisor that he didn’t believe in causing suffering unless it had some inherent value that would lead to bettering lives, both canine and human. So he and Maier [his colleague in the original experiments] set out to figure out a way to reverse the effect of learned helplessness in the dogs. What they found was that one simple tweak could stop the passivity from developing. When the researchers first put all the dogs in the shuttle box, where the shock was controllable by a jump, and, only then, into the inescapable harness, the effect of the harness was broken: now, even though the dogs were being bombarded by shocks, they didn’t give up. They kept trying to control the situation, pressing the panels despite the lack of feedback. And when they were again put into the box, they didn’t cower. Instead, they immediately reclaimed their ability to avoid shocks.
One key insight that can be garnered from this research is that, just as people can be conditioned into a state of helplessness by being subjected to uncontrollable shocks, they can be “innoculated” (to use a phrase) against that feeling of helplessness by first being exposed to a situation where they do have control.
This is part of the core ethos of my #SolutionsWatch series. There are, certainly, those things that are completely beyond our control. But, because they are beyond control, there is absolutely no point in focusing on them. Our priority has to be those things that are within our control. Where and how we live; what we spend our time, money and energy doing; who we spend our time with; how we provide the necessities for our family; the type of community that we live in: all of these things are, to some extent, things that we can have a direct influence on, and by exerting that influence (however slight), we train ourselves that our situation is not hopeless.
The field of positive psychology is well worth exploring. In doing so, we can gain important insights into our own cognitive processes and become more conscious of the explanatory styles that we use to make sense of the world. In so doing, we can also gain more control over those processes and un-learn a lifetime of learned helplessness that has caused many to abandon all hope.
At the very least, it can help us to realize that the door to our mental jail cell is unlocked. All we have to do is walk out the door.
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Poisonous Experimental ‘Covid’ Injection Trials on Infants Have Begun: They Should All Be Imprisoned!
“The victimization of children is nowhere forbidden; what is forbidden is to write about it.”
~ Alice Miller (1998). “Thou Shalt Not Be Aware: Society’s Betrayal of the Child”, p.235, Macmillan
I will write about this government’s efforts to not only victimize children, but to purposely cause them irreparable harm and even death, so as to control their bodies, minds, and spirits in the quest to achieve power over all in the future.
The hope in life is that it will be filled with joy and happiness, but often this is not the case. We strive to achieve a better way, but still life can be consumed by misery and evil. The normal expectation of parents is that their children are healthy, happy, and free of strife, and have a better chance at life than they did. Children, especially when they are first born and very young, are not only totally helpless, but they are completely innocent beings fully dependent on others to survive and remain unscathed. The protection we provide for them is vital, and nothing is more important than protecting the innocent, especially our children. We have reached a stage where this government that has been voluntarily allowed to exist by this population of fools, is attempting to destroy children in order to control humanity. This is an immoral abomination.
If the children are destroyed, so goes the rest of the world, but if the powerful and their government pawns succeed in this plot to mutilate the bodies and minds of children, those that allowed such a travesty will deserve no life of joy.
There are many forms of abusive and tyrannical governing systems simultaneously at work in this now mentally deficient country, but this is certainly a fascist oligarchy, where the government and the corporate state are partnered at most every level. Maybe the worst aspects of these partnerships are those between the two most abhorrent entities of corruption and abuse, this government and the murderous pharmaceutical industry. They are right before our eyes attempting to harm every child in America, and have no conscience whatsoever concerning their efforts to do so. They see only dollars, control, and power over all, and the children be damned.
At this point in time, there are several Covid ‘vaccine’ trials going on that are using children as guinea pigs. This is total insanity, but what is happening now is even worse, as trials have begun on infants as young as 6 months old. The past trials, which are all atrocious, have been on children above the age of 11, but now these murderous pharmaceutical companies are targeting children from 6 months to 11 years old, all with the blessing of “your” government. Both Pfizer and Moderna have been testing on older children. Pfizer has been using 12 to 15 year olds, while Moderna has been using 12 to 17 year olds. Now both are experimenting on children from 6 months to 11 years. Johnson & Johnson has also announced that it would be testing their “Covid-19 vaccine” on infants as well as newborns!
“Pfizer’s trial will test three different vaccine doses: 10, 20 and 30 micrograms per shot, according to the Times. (The Pfizer dose for adults is 30 micrograms per shot, according to CNBC.) The doses will first be tested in children ages 5 to 11, then 2 through 4 and finally 6 months to 2 years, the Times reported.” Pfizer’s second trial is set to begin soon with 4,500 children; two-thirds will receive the real shot, and one-third will get a placebo.
This is all a plotted set up for the mass injection of all children, and I expect that this will become mandated for all children in schools across the country at every age. The most evil monster Fauci said “he projects that U.S. high school students could be vaccinated in the fall and elementary and middle school students in the first quarter of 2022, according to CNBC.” So the stated plan is to inject every single child in America with this toxic, poisonous, gene altering, and mind controlling concoction.
People are dying worldwide due to these deadly “Covid” injections, the side effects have been horrendous, and sickness has been rampant due to these shots. Now they are coming after your children. What sane parent would allow their children to be used as experimental rats by this evil and corrupt government and its partners in murder? What kind of parent would allow their newborn or infant child to go through virulent exploratory testing by giant corporate whores? What parent would allow the use of aborted fetal cell lines into their own child? These are not parents; they are uncaring predators!
Much has been written about ‘vaccine’ trials on children, but if one looks at the mainstream, he would come away thinking that every trial is a godsend, and is being done to protect the children. Everything is for the children after all, but is it really? In this case it is meant for alteration and damage in order to achieve another part of this global takeover, which is based on total control over all of society.
Children are not fodder for the government and its criminal partners in the pharmaceutical industry to use for experimentation. Newborns, infants, and young children cannot protect themselves at all, they cannot opt out, they cannot fight back, and they cannot defend themselves from evil and immoral parents.
As I have said over and over again, government cares nothing about you, your children, or your grandchildren, unless it benefits their desire to harm and kill in order to stay in power. I care not that any consenting adult decides voluntarily to agree to these fake ‘vaccine’ experiments, regardless of the consequences, because that is their choice, and stupidity is no crime.
All of us should do whatever is necessary to stop this abuse and slaughter of young children being used by this government and all its criminal partners for their own benefit. Any parent using their young children for government experimentation should be confronted, they should be investigated, and they should be prosecuted for child abuse.
What in the hell has happened to the people of this country that they would use their own babies as tools for the state? What has happened to society when they do not question such atrocities? What will be the fate of those that stand by and allow this abuse against children at the hands of tyrants?
The souls of humanity are at stake here, as nothing could be more depraved than this exhibition of allowed abuse against the most innocent of all mankind. A child’s life is precious, it is the epitome of innocence, and all those that touch a child leave a mark. All should protect the innocent, so that the mark left is one of love and not the mark of the beast that is this evil that is before us today.
“If we don’t stand up for children, then we don’t stand for much.”
~ Marian Wright Edelman, Reading Between the Lines of Arne Duncan’s ‘Major’ Speech” by Valerie Strauss, January 12, 2015.
“While many of the topics Mae Brussell brings up regarding Antarctica are very controversial, especially regarding German UFO technology — since the secret of flying saucer propulsion is also the key to the dream of universal free energy, which is classified and kept from the general population by oil companies that have maintained a monopoly on energy.
That said, what was arguably even more controversial was her quote regarding Churchill, when comprehending the degradation of cultural marxism, and Stalin’s totalitarian communism, and the mistake of letting him consolidate power.
Churchill reportedly exclaimed, “We have killed the wrong pig.” A similar quote was made by General Patton after the end of the Second World War when he said that America defeated the wrong enemy.
Of course, the powers that be are more afraid of people waking up to the truth about World War II than any other topic — which is evident by the degree of censorship that exists whenever the official narrative is challenged.
One can’t help but wonder: What if Churchill, Patton or the soldiers that died during World War II could see the world today. Would they still volunteer to fight with the same patriotism and optimism? Or would they look at the corrupt media, world leaders, and question who the real enemy is.”
Operation Highjump was commanded by Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, lasted six-months (Aug 1946 – Feb 1947), and included 4,700 armed personnel, thirteen ships and thirty-three aircraft.
Still classified and officially titled the United States Navy Antarctic Developments Program, their covert mission was to seek out and destroy an alleged subterranean South Polar colony established by Germany, before and during WW2, which not only harbored thousands of scientists in a semi-secret secluded base, but free energy technology and advanced propulsion craft (UFOs).
Mae Brussell was an American radio personality with a career spanning from 1971-1988, where she addressed topics ranging from the assassination of President John F. Kennedy to anomalies concerning Antarctica and thee UFO phenomena.
[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]
cover image credit: pixabay
Rutgers’ Vaccine Apartheid – The Persecution Worsens Unless We Stop It Now
Rutgers U announces students are required to receive vaccine, as senators call “anti-vaxxers” domestic terrorists. Legislators call for banning ‘conspiracy theorists’ from government.
The push for vaccine apartheid and censorship of critical thought is accelerating, and the state is creating a sub-human class of “untermensch” who are dangerous. This is happening rapidly.
Christian from the Ice Age Farmer broadcast stresses how urgent the situation is in this bitchute exclusive.
I live on a farm in the middle of nowhere. When we first started raising hens, they would not last long. Foxes would hunt them, and owls would swoop down and steal them. My hens were scared. Then we got our rooster, Earl. Earl is not a nice creature; he bosses the hens around and occasionally tries to attack me. I bring a boat oar to the henhouse for personal protection. But he keeps the predators away, so the hens put up with him because they are no longer afraid. I have not lost a hen since Earl arrived on the scene.
Why all this talk about Earl the ornery rooster? By observing animal behavior, I have clarity and understanding of the root cause of the current global mass psychosis. Our problem is fear, not Covid-19.
Psychosis is defined as impaired contact with reality. Educated, rational people have stopped using critical thinking. Acting out of fear, many blindly cling to the words of a government bureaucrat. Dr. Fauci has been wrong more times than he has been right. Under the misleading guise of “following the science,” we comply with his whims, like my hens comply with Earl’s temper. He crows the loudest — Dr. Fauci, not Earl — and is very authoritative. He makes us feel protected and authority makes us feel safe, or does it? When does authoritative behavior become authoritarian rule?
We are collectively facing a ‘complex trauma’, that is a state of prolonged exposure to multiple and interrelated traumas that override our initial fight or flight mechanism. A prolonged state of fear triggers a response known as ‘fawning’. Fawning behaviors are people-pleasing. Merging the wishes, needs and demands of others, we look to reduce conflict to achieve safety. When a person enters this state, they are under the control of their reptilian brain where lies our primitive drives. Obvious empirical evidence fails to be computed accurately and it becomes impossible to make a balanced decision.
Freedom cannot survive in an obedient, chronically fearful, and delusional society. This is an open invitation for government overreach. We must face our fear and seek truth. We cannot follow instructions out of fear without consideration. Act out of love for yourself, your family, and humankind. People are not dangerous vectors of disease but lies are. It’s time to take control back. In this series of articles, I will discuss how to control our fear responses so we can remain grounded.
Lies, Damned Lies, Statistics, and Murder: The Real Nature of Government
“People do not expect to find chastity in a whorehouse. Why, then, do they expect to find honesty and humanity in government, a congeries of institutions whose modus operandi consists of lying, cheating, stealing, and if need be, murdering those who resist?” ~ H. L. Mencken
Political power, let’s call that government, can only be achieved if those few holding that power convince the people at large, let’s call them subjects, to voluntarily consent to be ruled. By creating elections, the government in essence claims power by consent, as voting in this flawed and corrupt system means accepting that system and accepting the outcome. That acceptance, while implied, is meant to serve as the law of the land, and why would it not, given that the people line up by the millions to choose their own masters? If the people can be fooled into believing that such a farce is the basis of their liberty, then they can be managed and controlled quite easily.
As any with even a modicum of intelligence left can see, this entire setup is based on lies, propaganda, and deceit, but the people continue to participate in this ludicrous process throughout their entire lives; all the time expecting a better result. This is true of those that vote and many that do not. Most simply accept the system due to indoctrination and a lifetime of brainwashing. This of course, is the definition of insanity, and so long as the masses remain in this state of confusion and compliance, public insanity will be the driving force of the government’s success in acquiring and holding power over them.
The preposterous nature of the lack of understanding of freedom by the masses is our biggest problem. This ignorance of liberty has been evident since the so-called “Founders” created this centrally controlled nation-state and their own set of rules for the people to live by at the very secret Constitutional Convention. This is astounding. There has been a steady decline in what partial freedom did exist in the past, but jumping forward to today, all that can be said is that little if any freedom now exists. The decimation of freedom of the individual has been accomplished incrementally, but the continuous assault against the natural rights of Americans has been unrelenting in its march toward the totalitarianism that now consumes this country. This was all planned long ago.
Now we face a total crushing of all liberty at the hands of the state, and few have been able to grasp the absolute urgency of this situation, as most are still of the belief that all will be fine, and we soon will return to the normal amount of tyranny that has escalated for decades on end without resistance. For all those that take this uninformed and absurd position, maybe you should consider just some of the things happening right before your eyes, instead of “hoping” that all will magically be remedied.
In one form or another, we have been locked down for over a year. That has changed somewhat in some areas, but is still in effect for many in one form or another. Quarantines, business closings, and home imprisonment were ordered, and will be ordered again. Mask wearing is still mandated in many areas across many states, but people are still wearing them even if not ordered to do so, so mass compliance and cowardice is evident. Travel outside this country has been nearly shut down, and mandated testing by bogus tests and mask mandates are required, and even domestic travel has become a nightmare. Governments in Europe and the U.S. are aggressively seeking legislation for immunity passports, or “papers,” and Europe is very close to approving ‘vaccination’ proof or ‘demanding immunity’ proof now. It is claimed that this will expand freedom, when just the opposite is the case, as this is just more propaganda. Mass surveillance is expanding, as is censorship of everyone not going along with the state’s dishonest narrative, which is an obvious sign that the government and its partners are attempting to eliminate all truth and free speech. Multiple mass shootings have been taking place, and these seem likely to be staged false flag events, or at least possibly allowed by the enforcement agencies and the FBI. Evidence has already surfaced that they had advance knowledge about the alleged shooter in Boulder. This will be used to set up gun control and gun confiscation in the near future, all under the guise of safety. The telegraphing of continued tyranny is apparent as well, as now the new falsely claimed threat will be mutant variants of a virus that does not exist. These claims are meant to prepare the sheep for more extreme tyranny at the hands of the state. More incidences of police violence against those not willing to comply with mask mandates are occurring, and police brutality is once again increasing. Even Dr. Judy Mikovits was manhandled and injured by airport security in communist California, this even though she had on a special mask given to her by her doctor. Squatters and people unwilling to pay their rent are being protected by the state at the expense of homeowners, as the government in many instances has disallowed eviction due to not paying rent or mortgage payments. This is just a short list.
The toxic and life-changing concoction falsely called a ‘vaccination,’ is nothing less than a way to poison society, alter the genetic makeup of Americans, and is most certainly causing infertility, sickness, anaphylactic shock, body and mind crippling, and in many cases deaths of individuals taking this shot. More pressure is being applied to get a high percentage of the population injected, and as time goes by, this toxic poison will be required in order to travel and move about, work, enter stores and businesses, to gain access to finances, food, stimulus checks, and many other daily vital functions. In other words, the push to force Americans to get injected with this so-called Covid experiment are already underway, and are expanding every day.
In the midst of all this totalitarian madness, many more agendas are being pursued by the controlling and governing classes, including possible war, monetary restructuring and eliminating cash, gun control, bogus climate change policies that rely on economic destruction and control, government land grabs, the mass transfer of private property from citizens to government due to government mandates causing bankruptcy, the rollout of ‘smart’ technology that is very detrimental to society, and much more.
The final agendas will include mass extermination of much of the population, transformation of the human mind and body through transhuman alteration, and technocratic control of the planet by the most evil among us.
The people can stop this by practicing en masse total disobedience and dissent at every level possible. Numbers are important, and as more awaken, as is beginning to happen, more dissent should be forthcoming; so much so that with a small percentage of Americans, this debacle we face can be turned around, and this government can be made impotent. Without a mass effort, we will all come to know what slavery and servitude really means, and all will be targeted, whether black, white, Democrat, Republican, left, right, men, women, gay, straight, and all those others of every culture and ethnicity. None will be spared, so acting and working together to regain freedom is imperative!
Unity and cooperation can win the day, while fighting amongst ourselves will only guarantee tyranny and misery. We must work together in any way possible to defeat this evil enemy called the state, and if we do not, oppression, violence, and killing will be a certainty in our future. This can be done without violence, but if we wait too long, fighting will become necessary; it will be brutal and ugly, but this governing system must be dismantled and its power abolished, as it can never be reformed.
“No price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche
You don’t need a crystal ball to predict the future and you don’t need secret, anonymous sources to know what the globalists are planning to do. Don’t miss this week’s edition of The Corbett Report podcast where James peels backs the curtains on the open conspiracy and details what’s likely to happen in the coming years.
Geert Vanden Bossche has made a splash by coming out against the current COVID-19 vaccinations — but is he genuine, or revealing the next leg of the agenda?
Either way, his explicit warning about the enhanced risk of zoonotic spread is worth discussing.
Dr. Stefan Lanka & Dr. Tom Cowan: How We Got Into This Mess — The History of Virology & Deep Medical Deceptions
“I think the bottom line here, Stefan, if you agree, is that the chemistry and the
structure follows consciousness. Not the other way around.” ~ Dr. Tom Cowan
On Wednesday I had an hour-long discussion with German biologist and virologist Stefan Lanka.
Stefan spoke about the history of virology, helped us to understand the many wrong turns virologists have taken over the years, and updated us on his ground-breaking study that will disprove the basic tenets of virology.
The Suez Canal’s blockage by a ship run aground is emblematic of the cascading failures in the global economy: a controlled demolition of all human activity is leading us into The Great Reset.
Light up the lone candle on the saddest birthday cake in the world! The most destructive public policy of the century is growing up and doesn’t look like slowing down.
It’s a long time since “2 weeks to flatten the curve”, became an obvious lie. Sometime in July it turned into a sick joke. The curve was flattened, the NHS protected and the clapping was hearty and meaningful.
…and none of it made any difference.
This was not a sacrifice for the “greater good”. It was not a hard decision with arguments on both sides. It was not a risk-benefit scenario. The “risks” were in fact certainties, and the “benefits” entirely fictional.
Because Lockdowns don’t work. It’s really important to remember that.
Even if you subscribe to the belief that “Sars-Cov-2” is a unique discrete entity (which is far from proven), or that it is incredibly dangerous (which is demonstrably untrue), the lockdown has not worked to, in any way, limit this supposed threat.
Lockdowns. Don’t. Work.
They don’t make any difference, the curves don’t flatten and the R0 number doesn’t drop and the lives aren’t saved (quite the opposite, as we’ve all seen).
Just look at the graphs.
This one, comparing “Covid deaths” in the UK (lockdown) and Sweden (no lockdown):
Or this one, comparing “Covid deaths” in California (lockdown) and Florida (no lockdown):
From Belarus to Sweden to Florida to Nicaragua to Tanzania, the evidence is clear. “Covid”, whatever that means in real terms, is not impacted by lockdowns.
Putting the entire population under house arrest doesn’t benefit public health. In fact, it’s (rather predictably) incredibly counter-productive.
Dr David Nabarro, World Health Organization special envoy for Covid-19, said this of lockdowns back in October:
We in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as the primary means of control of the virus[…]just look at what’s happened to the tourism industry…look what’s happening to small-holding farmers[…]it seems we may have a doubling of world poverty by next year. We may well have at least a doubling of child malnutrition […] This is a terrible, ghastly global catastrophe.”
A terrible, global catastrophe. A doubling of childhood malnutrition.
The “pandemic” didn’t do that, lockdowns did that. They were never going to achieve their stated aims. And what’s more, they were never intended to achieve those aims.
Too often soft language in the media talks about “misjudgments” or “mistakes” or “incompetence”. Supposed critics claim the government “panicked” or “over-reacted”. That is nonsense. The easiest, cheesiest excuse that has ever existed.
“Whoops”, they say, with an emphatic shrug and shit-eating grin “I guess we done messed up!”. Unflattering, but better than the truth.
Because the truth is that the government isn’t mistaken or scared or stupid…they are malign. And dishonest. And cruel.
All the suffering of lockdown was entirely predictable and deliberately imposed. For reasons that have nothing to do with helping people and everything to do controlling them.
It’s been more than apparent for most of the last fifty-two weeks that the agenda of lockdown was not public health, but laying the groundwork for the “new normal” and “the great reset”.
A series of programmes designed to completely undercut civil liberties all across the world, reversing decades (if not centuries) of social progress. A re-feudalisation of society, with the 99% cheerfully taking up their peasant smocks “to protect the vulnerable”, whilst the elite proselytise about the worth of rules they happily admit do not apply to them.
And we’ve all had lives ruined and a year of precious time wasted. For nothing. You’ve been locked up for two weeks that lasted 365 days. For nothing.
…or rather, for everything. Because that’s what they are trying to take from us. Everything. And the only way to stop them is not to let them. To simply refuse consent.
Let’s not let lockdown get a second birthday.
Dr. Stefan Lanka & Dr. Tom Cowan: How We Got Into This Mess — The History of Virology & Deep Medical Deceptions
“I think the bottom line here, Stefan, if you agree, is that the chemistry and the
structure follows consciousness. Not the other way around.” ~ Dr. Tom Cowan
On Wednesday I had an hour-long discussion with German biologist and virologist Stefan Lanka.
Stefan spoke about the history of virology, helped us to understand the many wrong turns virologists have taken over the years, and updated us on his ground-breaking study that will disprove the basic tenets of virology.
[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]
Readers who have been with me the past year know I’ve dismantled every piece of the official COVID narrative. Factually. Scientifically.
I knew from 30 years of experience—investigating HIV/AIDS, West Nile, SARS1, Swine Flu, Ebola and Zika—what to look for in the fake COVID science.
I also want to look at the COVID narrative as an occult work of art. That is, it embroils the uninformed person in an initiation of sorts, with the promise of a final revelation and rescue.
Occult initiations are mysteries, in the sense that the believer is fed steps and procedures which he can’t fathom, or only partially understands.
This is purposeful. The believer’s imagination is engaged without him knowing it. He attributes meaning to factual gibberish.
But no one wants to find out that the images and speculations he is entertaining are empty and barren. HE PREFERS to think a ceremony is highly charged and, on some level, is important to him.
Thus, at the beginning, when “the virus is discovered,” and the initiation is introduced, the believer’s imagination clicks, and he senses he is on a new track of experience. He is entranced:
This is not ordinary life any longer. This is different. Fear, interest, excitement, anticipation are all available. Which are exactly what occult initiations are supposed to provoke: the magnified sense of possibility. The Ordinary is gone.
“Researchers have found a new virus, which is causing an outbreak.” Found a virus? What does that mean? The virus has been isolated. What does that mean? The virus has been sequenced. What does that mean? The believer can automatically apply his own images and thoughts and sensations and feelings to this mystery.
And indeed, the whole “virus discovery process” HAS been conducted behind closed doors, in high-security facilities, in a sanctum where only the priests can operate. Because they possess the magic.
They have found the enemy.
Next comes a new piece of magic. The test. The priests have devised a highly complex system of amulet arranging and rubbing, in order to detect the presence of the virus in a human.
How did they accomplish this, and so quickly? Through AMPLIFICATION. The essence of the specimen taken from the patient—in itself an initiatory step—is so small, no microscope can register it. But through a successive series of “doublings,” the specimen is transformed into a visible object.
And the believer will take this (PCR) test. Another step on the road.
Minor priests will announce the outcome of the test to the believer. Positive or negative. Now the meaning of “the virus” sinks in: infected or not infected. Either way, the initiation is proceeding.
If infected, there will be potions. “Anti-virals.” Ventilators, to bring what the believer may not be able to provide himself: the breath of life.
And yes, one possible outcome is death. This is no superficial initiation. The stakes are high, very high.
We come, of course, to the mask. The believer’s identity will be protected. Masking makes one an anonymous member of a very large group—all of whom are undergoing the same ceremony and enforcing it on others. Secret society.
Masking, traditionally, is for criminals as well. (The thrill of the outlaw.)
Masking also erases identity. The believer can find (imagine) a new persona.
Masking includes a sense of sacrifice. “I eliminate who I was, for the Cause.”
Masking introduces touches of humiliation, guilt, and pride. All standard elements of initiation.
Distancing provides “necessary isolation,” so the initiatory process for the individual can proceed unhampered. Distancing (like masking) separates the Clean from the Unclean.
The lockdown is further isolation. Removal from the influences of the outside world and its distractions. “The monk in his cell.” Great sacrifice of the means of financial support, in order to attain purity. Renunciation of ordinary work (employment) for a higher purpose; purification.
And finally, rescue and revelation—the vaccine. The injection. The transformation of cells of the body, which now produce a protein that stimulates the action of the immune system; a protein that under ordinary circumstances would never come into being. Miracle.
Immunity and purity are attained. Elite status is won through enduring the whole preceding ritual. A document (wellness certificate) is created and recorded. The initiate can now reenter the world. He is made anew.
If he suffered from the injection—well, that was part of what he needed to endure. If he died, that, too, was “worthy.” A sacrifice on the altar of The Group.
Of course, this COVID initiation isn’t meant to be a CONSCIOUS occult ceremony. The person isn’t meant to know he is in a cult. He senses glimmers and rivulets of ritual. He swims among them. He knows very little, but he FEELS.
As with every occult process, reality is created for him. The whole purpose of the steps on the ladder to redemption is: the quelling of the person’s own creative fire, by which he can invent his own future, freely.
In effect, the cult artists say: “You don’t make your own painting; our painting makes you.”
Through the pretended “science” of virology (fake isolation, fake sequencing) and the pretended “science” of vaccinology (fake immunity), the State—which is already an authoritarian entity—becomes a Cult.
Prior law (the Constitution) is ruled out; it is anathema. It didn’t account for the new great enemy: the virus. “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty” is replaced: “The eternal virus demands the curtailment of liberty.”
“Science” is the cover story that conceals the occult hypnotic inducement.
cover image credit: pixabay
We’re Suing the Trudeau Government Over COVID Jails
I was recently on a work assignment in Florida, covering Canadian vaccine refugees fleeing Trudeau’s procurement failure and heading stateside for a poke in the arm. Upon returning, I was threatened with a $750,000 fine and six months in jail if I did not submit to an illegal throat inspection and subsequently present myself to a local gulag.
Not only does this program trample over the fundamental rights and freedoms of thousands of Canadians every week — it is causing irreparable financial, emotional, and in some cases, physical harm to countless vulnerable citizens.
Specifically, our lawsuit argues that this government program is a flagrant and ongoing violation of sections 7, 8, and 9 of the CanadianCharter of Rights and Freedoms (along with a few other laws and freedoms).
Make no mistake, this lawsuit and the program itself are leaving a black eye on the government. The people who Trudeau is interning as political scapegoats — leaving them mobbing hotel employees for food — are the very same people who would typically be voting Liberal. Canadians who are members of ethnic minorities and have family members abroad — that is Trudeau’s bread and butter. This program is such a stain on Trudeau that the government issued a state-sanctioned comedy sketch on the CBC’sThis Hour Has 22 Minutes, mocking my coverage of the inner workings of these facilities.
Of course, the state comedians laughed at my disgust with the cold toaster waffles, but neglected to mention the women who have allegedly been assaulted and molested in Trudeau’s “isolation facilities.” They forgot to mention the families who can’t cover rent after Trudeau extorted $2,000 from them as a political punishment for going to see their dying relatives abroad.
Rebel News and I are suing Trudeau because it is the right thing to do. It is not just to get justice for ourselves — we are applying to a federal judge to strike down this illegal and shameful program nationwide. If you want to see that happen, please consider helping us crowdfund our legal bills. It is the only way we can keep going.
Celebrated Canadian Constitutional lawyer Rocco Galati characterizes the COVID Operation as “the biggest example of misinformation and lies on a global scale that we’ve seen.”
The Constitutional challenge that he is filing with the Ontario Superior Court seeks to pull back the shroud of secrecy imposed by the Trudeau and Ford governments which, he says, are currently and have been “ruling by decree” beneath the pretexts of “COVID Measures” and “Emergency Measures”.
Specifically, he is seeking “declatory and injunctive” relief against COVID measures. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) is also named as a defendant since it is publicly funded with a public mandate under the Broadcast Act and has a “duty of care.”
Both Prime Minister Trudeau and Premier Ford refuse to divulge the substance and source of their “medical advice”, and the media, including the CBC, are guilty of extraordinary censorship.
Whereas mayors in North America have proudly met with Bill Gates for advice, he has obvious conflicts of interest, and he is neither a doctor nor an expert.
Ontario’s world-renowned Sick Kid’s Hospital, on the other hand, is well qualified to weigh in on these matters. In a recent peer-reviewed study conducted by two expert virologists, aided by twenty experts, the hospital has advised against social distancing and masking, (1) saying that social distancing and masking import drastic psychological harm on children.
Galati reminds us of the impacts of societies’ fascistic reactions to COVID.
State diktats have assisted in premature deaths of people in Long Term Care Facilities.
170,000 scheduled surgeries (including heart and cancer surgeries) in Canada were postponed,
suicides have spiked,
The Guardian reported that in the month of April 2020 alone, there were 10,000 extra dementia patient deaths in England and Wales. (2) The World Food Bank notes that 130 million additional people will be on the brink of starvation due to COVID measures (already one child starves to death every 29 seconds on planet earth).
Galati explains how all of the COVID statistics have been manipulated, saying, for example, that if the primary cause of death is cancer, but COVID is evident or presumed, then the Cause of Death is listed (falsely) as COVID.
The government’s reactions to COVID amount to “state crimes”. Galati’s lawsuit should be a strong step in freeing ourselves from these destructive globalist tentacles.
Researchers warn of brain injury risks for millions of children who are now going to routinely undergo nasal swab tests administered by nonexperts — in some cases, by schoolchildren themselves.
Kids in the UK returned to school this month — the first step in a painfully slow easing of restrictions tabled to last months. However, this is only on the grounds that children undergo regular COVID-19 testing and follow mask mandates now extended into classrooms as well as common areas. All of which comes at a cost, both to the health and wellbeing of the children as well siphoning a whopping £78 million from tax-payers money.
But are these restrictions necessary? Research scientists from the Department of Infectious Disease at Imperial College, London, suggest not, because of the extremely lowSARS-CoV-2 transmission rates in schools.
Kids — fancy poking your brains?
Some people are rightly concerned that the improper use of nasal swabs used in PCR or lateral flow testing may result in damage to the delicate membrane protecting the brain. But if you were to believe the fact-checkers, you’d assume this is nothing more than a conspiracy theory. But as has been demonstrated in many other instances, the fact checkers have got it wrong again.
There is a risk — and that risk gets greater as more and more untrained people (now including children) administer their own swabs.
In October 2020, a case report was published in JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery detailing the case of a woman whose brain membrane was pierced by a COVID test swab resulting in the leakage of cerebrospinal fluid. A second woman in the U.S. recently had a similar experience. Assessing the use of nasal swabs, researchers publishing in JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery issued warnings about the risks for the millions who are now routinely going to undergo tests, especially from inexpertly administered nasal swabs.
And who’s administering the nasal swabs in schools? The schoolchildren themselves! Let’s hope that when kids do it wrong, it’s because they don’t go deep enough — not too deep. What no one seems to be being told is that the cribriform plate, the significant part that separates the brain from the nasal cavity is a delicate, soft, honey-comb or sieve-like structure that is thin and narrow with tiny perforations. This is why it’s a perfect site for endoscopic transnasal skull-based surgery. But clearly it’s proven nonsense to suggest someone inept at wielding a nasal swab can’t push their swab into their brain.
Why lateral flow testing in schools is deeply misleading — and a waste of public money
Concerns have been leveled at their accuracy due to the number of false positive results they return. Conversely, there are also concerns over the high levels of false negatives, although this is less of an issue as true negative rates are far lower than is generally thought. Views around the use of mass testing to detect SARS-CoV-2 are mixed with concerns that mass testing does not prevent transmission of the virus. Confusion reigns in terms of positive tests. If a child tests positive at home and a subsequent PCR test comes back negative that child can return to school.
However, if a positive LFT test has been undertaken on school premises the pupil and their contacts will have to self-isolate whether or not they have a negative PCR test as the government considers the chances of the LFT test being a false positive as minimal.
We have previously discussed the problems with PCR testing and the significantly increased likelihood of a test returning a positive result when prevalence of the virus in the community is low. The same problem applies to lateral flow tests. To illustrate this we plugged in the sensitivity and specificity data (77.8% and 99.68% respectively) from the Innova rapid flow test into the MedCalc Diagnostic test evaluation calculator. The aims were to calculate the positive predictive value (PPV) (i.e., the probability that SARS-VoV-2 is present when the test is positive) and the negative predictive value (NPV) (i.e., the probability that SARS-CoV-2 is not present when the test is negative) taking into account the low prevalence (amount) of infection in a given population.
This is important because, as we explained in our ‘Casedemic’ piece that critiqued PCR tests, Bayesian theory makes it essential that we take into account prevalence when considering the false positive and negative rates of any diagnostic test. A key fact that the UK’s health minister, Matt Hancock, just can’t seem to wrap his head around — or chooses not to.
We’ve used three prevalence rates: 0.14% (taken from NHS Test & Trace data), then halved that (0.07%) and doubled it (0.28%), to take into account variation, as prevalence is something of a moving feast.
At these prevalences, you’ll find much lower positive predictive values (PPVs) than claims around accuracy being made by the government.
For the three prevalence rates, 0.07%, 0.14% and 0.28%, the chances of a positive test successfully indicating the presence of the infection is 15%, 25% and 41%, respectively. That’s something school kids, parents and their teachers are just not being told.
The Royal Statistical Society’s COVID-19 taskforce has also raised concerns over the risk of ‘positive’ tests when infection prevalence is low. Isn’t it odd that no one seems to be listening? We’d ask again: where is the cost/benefit analysis showing that this massive purchase using taxpayers money of 57 million lateral flow test kits was justified for schools?
Spit or swab?
Nose and throat swab testing can not only potentially harm the person being tested, it’s also downright unpleasant. Is there a better way of testing? Actually there is, but we’re not hearing much about it. It involves the plethora of saliva tests that appear to be as effective as the lateral flow tests — and far easier to administer. A recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that a far higher number of saliva samples were positive for up to 10 days following diagnosis of COVID-19 compared to swab samples.
Saliva tests are becoming increasingly available, but have yet to be utilized by governments.
Here are some details:
SalivaDirect — developed by Yale School of Public Health was approved for use by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration in August of last year.
Scientists at Washington University have announced the development of a saliva test they hope could be used at scale.
DxTerity has added a saliva based SARS-CoV-2 test to its portfolio.
Vatic Health is another UK based offering created by a team of scientists, engineers and designers.
And if you’re looking for saliva tests that also fulfill ‘Fit to Fly’ requirements then take a look at Fitness Genes and Hydro-x.
A team at the University of Technology, Sydney has developed a very sensitive saliva test for SARS-CoV-2 antigens that can deliver results in under 15 minutes.
Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.
Is it even possible to think of privatizing a major common resource, such as water, essential for life on earth? To the point that it becomes the object of financial speculation on the market? The answer to this seemingly surreal question comes to us, as it often does, from the United States and, needless to say, it is yes.
The entry of water in the futures market, the so-called ‘forward market’, is almost certain to mark a momentous step in the history of humanity. This news from the United States is accompanied by other recent developments that cannot fail to raise alarm, especially for Italy. These include the latest Ispra report that documents the state of degradation of Italian water sources and the same conclusion regarding the health of its lakes, which are threatened by the phenomenon of eutrophication, caused by the excessive use of fertilizers in agriculture and their disposal in lake basins.
In September 2020 specifically, the European Commission filed an infringement procedure on the state of water in Lake Vico, in northern Lazio. We have to add the notorious statistic about bottled water to this data. Italy continues to be its biggest European Consumer.
All in all, there is more than enough material here to merit an opinion from Maude Barlow, who is internationally renowned for having obtained the recognition of water access as a human right in her role as UN Special Rapporteur. Barlow, a founding member of the International Forum on Globalization and of the Council of Canadians, was awarded the alternative Nobel Right Livelihood Award in 2005 and is considered one of the world’s most authoritative voices on all water-related issues.
We interviewed her to understand what is happening internationally and what to do to protect a resource that is vital to humanity’s present and future.
Maude Barlow, let’s start with the latest news. The CME Group – the world’s largest financial derivatives exchange company – has launched the world’s first water futures market, opening up speculation from financiers and investors. What are the immediate consequences and potential dangers of this act?
There is a massive race going on between those who see the world’s dwindling clean water sources as a commodity to be put on the open market like oil and gas, and those who believe water is a human right, a common resource, and an essential public service. There are many ways in which water is commodified: the privatization of water services; the growing bottled water industry; water trading and water pollution trading (the exchange of fees between polluting agents); land and water grabs in developing countries; and now the creation of a water futures market where wealthy speculators will bid on and profit from drought and suffering, driving the price of water even higher in a world where billions endure a lack of access. While this is a terrible new development, I am not remotely ready to regard it as a finality. We are recovering many municipalities from privatization experiments. We are getting bans on bottled water through municipalities and universities converting to Blue Communities, which pledge to protect the human right to water access. There is a growing understanding that nature has rights and we need a legal framework of protection for the water itself. We are already putting together a movement to stop the creation of a water futures market.
Your role was central to making the United Nations declare that access to clean water and sanitation is a human right. Do you think this right has been violated? And if this is the case, are there any steps that the UN can take?
There have been many positive developments since the UN recognized the right to water. Almost four dozen countries have either amended their constitutions or adopted a new law to protect the human right to water access. The UN resolution has been used in a number of legal cases around the world and is widely quoted in legal and political circles. Many governments have set targets for the fulfilment of this obligation, which are included in their Sustainable Development Goals. There is no doubt in my mind that creating a water futures market is a violation of the commitment to the human right to water and that it would certainly be worth trying to take this issue to the General Assembly, although, of course, the ‘free’ market would insist that it is exempt from any rules set by that body. I think political pressure on governments to stop this practice and declare water as a common resource is probably the best next step.
You have pointed out that the water crisis is particularly dangerous today, as we live through the COVID pandemic. What are the connections between the pandemic and the environmental crisis?
COVID has shone a spotlight on the human water crisis. At least half of the world’s population does not have a place to wash their hands with soap and warm water – the first thing we were taught to do when the virus surfaced last year. Three quarters of households and nearly half of the health care facilities in the Global South lack access to clean water on site.
But the crisis is not restricted to developing countries. The World Health Organization reports that 57 million people in Europe do not have piped water at home and 21 million still lack access to basic drinking water services.
The silver lining, however, may be that aid money and funding coming from wealthy countries to assist the COVID struggle in poor countries, is going to establish permanent sanitation facilities. We need to protect the planet’s water and more just access to it if we have any hope of dealing with such pandemics in the future.
You recently released a joint statement with the renowned environmentalist Vandana Shiva, underlining that the chemical and water-intensive model of industrial agriculture in California and many other parts of the world is a major driver of the water crisis. Agriculture (including irrigation, livestock and aquaculture) is by far the largest water consumer, accounting for 69% of annual water withdrawals globally. (FAO, AQUASTAT). How can we overcome this unsustainable production model?
You raise a very important point here. All over the world, traditional farming methods are being replaced by large industrial and corporate farming operations and factory farms. Not only are they producing massive chemical-laden waste that is dangerous for our waterways, creating deadly blue green algae,but they are also using water indiscriminately and not practising the water- saving techniques ingrained in the knowledge of Indigenous, peasant and family farmers all over the world. A few corporations own and control almost all aspects of food production, from meat to wheat, and they hold great sway with elected officials over agriculture policy. To truly deal with upcoming water shortages, we must address the way in which we grow food to stop the destruction of groundwater sources caused by industrial agriculture.
A recent report by Ispra (Superior Institute for Environmental Protection and Research – Italy), detected 299 different polluting substances in surface-level Italian waters. Pesticides and herbicides are the most prevalent among them but fertilizers, which are the root of the eutrophication process, especially in many national lakes, are also present . In many villages around some of these lakes, the water is no longer potable. Is it an uniquely Italian problem or do you consider it to be global?
Eutrophication – the over-enrichment of lakes, rivers and oceans by nutrients – is rampant all over the world. The resulting oxygen depletion can create algal blooms and even ‘dead zones’ where life cannot survive. Many countries, even in the so-called developed world, have little or no regulation for dealing with the runoff from factory farms and industrial food production, even though they may have regulations for human waste. Here in my country, Canada, a study found that 246 major lakes are seriously compromised by eutrophication. Thisincludes Lake Winnipeg, the 10th largest lake in the world, which is suffering badly because of hog farming on its shores. In some poor countries where much of the world’s consumer goods are produced, local water bodies are completely contaminated. Changing these practices has to come first in our plan for water protection.
With a production of 14 billion litres per year and an annual per capita consumption of 206 liters, Italy is the largest European consumer of bottled water (29 litres per capita more than Germany, +16.4%; 84 litres more than France, +68.9%). What do you think about this?
Bottled water started in Europe and spread to the rest of the world. It used to be packaged in glass in Europe but it is increasingly plastic these days. We are a planet drowning in plastic and we humans are now ingesting it in our food. We must break our bottled water habit and we need Italians to help this happen. Italy is the major consumer of bottled water in Europe and could lead the way in changing this practice and helping to save the planet.
Which steps can civil society, farmers and consumers take to protect their right to water as a common good?
We must all demand that everything our governments do – every policy, every action – takes its effect on water into account. If that effect is harmful to water, we return to the drawing board. Trade agreements that protect corporate water abuse and over-exploitation must be challenged. Governments must legislate to protect the planet’s threatened water supplies and human access to them. Clean, safe, public water for all, everywhere, has to be our goal and the only way to get there is to start truly protecting our precious water sources and stop seeing water as a resource for our profit and convenience.
Can you walk us through the Blue Communities project?
We first introduced the concept of a Blue Community wherever a local municipality, university, or even a religious community, is committed to protecting water as a common resource. The pledge to become a Blue Community is really three-fold: to protect water as a human right; to promise to keep water services public; and to phase out bottled water on municipal premises and events. Many European cities added a fourth: to promote public-public partnerships rather than public-private in their dealings with the Global South.
The whole concept started in Canada when we had a right wing government promoting the privatization of water services and we wanted to reach municipalities, getting them to promote public services, before the government did. It has been very successful here. To my surprise, the concept got picked up in other places, especially in Europe, and some universities, faith-based communities, etc. Paris, Berlin, Brussels, Munich, Montreal, Vancouver and Los Angeles are among the cities who have already signed up. So I would love to see Italy embrace the project. We worked with the coalition that undertook the successful referendum against privatization in 2011 and we are still in close touch with the various water justice movements.
Until recently I believed that I may have had covid-19. Shortly after Christmas 2019 I became very ill. I spent the first three weeks of January 2020 in bed. I thought I was a goner. My GP was bewildered. He knew my lungs weren’t getting oxygen, but hadn’t a clue as to why.
There was no mucus on my chest and no fluid on my lungs, but I was turning blue. Steroids made little difference. Sitting up in bed alongside Caroline one night when it was really bad, I told her I was sorry and to take care of herself.
I came out of it. I still don’t know how. There’s a video of me on The Richie Allen Show Facebook page. I recorded it to explain my absence. I can’t watch it. I look like a corpse. I dropped nearly a stone and a half (20 lbs) and haven’t managed to put it back on.
Then Covid. Then lockdown. I wondered. Maybe I had it. I eventually satisfied myself that I must have had it. What else could it have been? I’ve had pneumonia in my lifetime and some very severe chest infections. Antibiotics and physiotherapy got me out of those jams.
This felt different. It wasn’t worse than pneumonia, it just felt like there was nothing that could relieve it. Like I said, fortunately I pulled through. I never smoked and I am very fit. I put it down to that.
Now though, I am not so sure that I had covid-19 or that it even exists. I’m saying I am not sure. I’m no expert. There’s a reason they call these opinion pieces.
The thing that bugs me most is the disappearance of the flu. I can’t get my head round that one. Governments all over the world have told the same story this Winter. Flu has been eradicated.
Public Health England (PHE) announced last month that not a single case of flu had been found in the UK in January/February 2021. PHE analyses thousands of swab samples every week for the prevalence of different respiratory viruses in the population.
685,243 samples were analysed over a seven week period from the second week in January. Guess what? There wasn’t a single case of the flu, or so they claimed. I don’t believe them. Asked to account for that, they said it was down to coronavirus restrictions.
I don’t believe that either. That’s a little too convenient. Flu has been eradicated because we worked from home, socially distanced and wore masks? No way. If they’d claimed to have found 500 flu cases, or 1000, I might have believed them. They found none. Something is up. Maybe flu is being diagnosed as covid-19. Maybe.
Writing in The Daily Mail today, NHS Consultant Pathologist Dr. John Lee challenged the UK’s covid death count. Lee writes:
“Some point to the Covid death toll, now over 125,000 in Britain, which is almost double the number of British civilians who died in the Second World War.
But we should remember that this represents two winter peaks (a time of year when it is not unusual for tens of thousands of Britons to die from respiratory diseases).
And that some of the total is due to the manner in which we record Covid deaths: there is a big difference between dying directly from Covid, and dying after testing positive for Covid within the last 28 days, where other illnesses may well be responsible.
Notably, we have never recorded respiratory deaths this way before.”
I’ve highlighted the points germane to my argument. Respiratory illnesses carry off thousands of our most vulnerable each and every Winter. But we are told that the only respiratory killer in town at the moment is coronavirus. That’s surely impossible?
Why did the government and Public Health England adopt a brand new method for recording covid deaths? As Lee says, there’s a very important distinction between dying of something and dying four weeks after testing positive for something. It’s tantamount to anti-science.
I’ve eliminated all the obvious possibilities as to the reason for making such a change in the method of recording deaths. I have concluded that the change was made to drive up the numbers. There can be no other explanation. It’s classic Occam’s razor.
Now why would anyone want to make it look like far more people are dying from an illness than actually are? There aren’t too many possibilities here. Someone is working to an agenda.
Maybe that agenda is to convince the public that they are in the midst of a deadly pandemic and therefore must accept radical changes to their lives, sacrifice their livelihoods and take experimental medicines? Sound far fetched? I would have thought so once upon a time.
Throughout most of 2020, people were diagnosed as having coronavirus, after having a PCR test. The test is redundant. The man who invented it, Dr. Kary B. Mullis, said it wasn’t made to detect any type of infectious disease.
A Portuguese Court ruled late last year that the PCR test is “unable to determine, beyond reasonable doubt, that a positive result corresponds to the infection of a person by the SARS-cov-2 virus.” The UK media ignored this.
Has SARS-cov-2 been isolated then? Does it even exist? Is the PCR test picking up fragments of other viruses in people, which testers are then labelling covid-19? The answer is yes and remember, this has been happening since day one.
I don’t know for sure that covid-19 doesn’t exist, but weighing up everything I know now, I must concede that it is a possibility. The question is, does it matter at this point?
Millions have already had the experimental “vaccines.” The damage done to children is immeasurable. The totalitarian tiptoe has become the totalitarian stampede. Vaccine passports are here. Social crediting is on the horizon. It hardly matters now, whether covid-19 is real or just the flu rebranded.
Mask tyranny reached a new low recently when a family was kicked off a Spirit Airlines flight because their four-year-old autistic son was not wearing a mask. The family was removed from the plane even though the boy’s doctor had decided the boy should be exempted from mask mandates because the boy panics and engages in behavior that could pose a danger to himself when wearing a mask.
Besides, four-year-olds do not present much risk of spreading or contracting coronavirus. Even if masks did prevent infections among adults, there would be no reason to force children to wear masks.
Mask mandates have as much to do with healthcare as Transportation Security Administration (TSA) screenings have to do with stopping terrorism. Masks and TSA screenings are “security theater” done to reassure those frightened by government and media propaganda regarding coronavirus and terrorism that the government is protecting them.
Covid oppression will worsen if vaccine passports become more widely required. Vaccine passports are digital or physical proof a person has taken a coronavirus vaccine. New York is already requiring that individuals produce digital proof of taking a coronavirus vaccine before being admitted to sporting events.
Imagine if the zealous enforcers of mask mandates had the power to deny you access to public places because you have not “gotten your shot.” Even worse, what if a potential employer had to ensure you were “properly” vaccinated before hiring you? This could come to pass if proponents of mandatory E-Verify have their way.
E-Verify requires employers to submit personal identifying information — such as a social security numbers and biometric data — to a government database to ensure job applicants have federal permission to hold jobs.
Currently, E-Verify is only used to assure a job applicant is a citizen or legal resident. However, its use could be expanded to advancing other purposes, such as ensuring a potential new hire has taken all the recommended vaccines.
E-Verify could even be used to check if a job applicant has ever expressed, or associated with someone who has expressed, “hate speech,” “conspiracy theories,” or “Russian disinformation,” which is code for facts embarrassing to the political class.
Many employers will be reluctant to hire such an employee for fear their businesses will become the next targets of “cancel culture.” Those who doubt this should consider how many businesses have folded under pressure from the cultural Marxists and fired someone for expressing an “unapproved” thought.
Politicians and bureaucrats have used overblown fear of coronavirus to justify the largest infringement of individual liberty in modern times. Covid tyranny has been aided by many Americans who are not just willing to sacrifice their liberty for phony security, but who help government take away liberty from their fellow citizens.
The good news is that, as it becomes increasingly clear that there was no need to shut down the economy, throw millions out of work, subject children to the fraud of “virtual” learning, and force everyone to wear a mask, more people are turning against the politicians and “experts” behind the lockdowns and mandates. Hopefully, these Americans will realize that, in addition to coronavirus lockdowns and mandates, the entire welfare-warfare-fiat money system is built on a foundation of lies.
“Bad Reception” Film (2003) about the Wireless Revolution and Opposition to Cell Towers in San Francisco (Free Online)
American opposition to cell tower installation started long before 5G due to concerns about reduced property value, public safety risks, as well as health and environmental effects from radiation emissions. For many years now American firefighter unions have also opposed the use of their stations for cell tower and antenna installation due to exposure risks.
Of course, where there has been opposition – there has been more of an effort to strategically camouflage telecommunications infrastructure. This has only increased due to the controversial “Race to 5G” (see 1, 2).
Environmental Health Trust has recommended several documentaries and films about risks associated with cell towers and other sources of wireless radiation. Recently, one produced in 2003 became available to watch for free online.
The Wireless Revolution in San Francisco: Film “Bad Reception” Streaming Free Online
Bad Reception: The Wireless Revolution in San Francisco
The Telecommunications Act of 1996, passed by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President Bill Clinton, preempted local governments in the U.S. from considering the environmental effects of wireless facilities if they met F.C.C. exposure guidelines. These guidelines were designed to be protective solely of thermal (i.e., heating) effects of radiofrequency radiation, not all potential biological and health effects.
Armed with this federal preemption, the wireless industry in the late 1990s-early 2000s began the rollout of so-called 3G (i.e., digital voice and data) cellular phone technology and the infrastructure to run it. Across the country, local communities were faced with the sudden appearance of cellular phone towers and antennas mounted to buildings and other structures, oftentimes in close proximity to where people lived, worked and played.
Bad Reception: The Wireless Revolutionin San Francisco, which premiered in January 2003 at local venues in San Francisco, California and was subsequently broadcast nationwide on Free Speech TV, focuses on San Francisco as a case study of one of many of these communities where concerns were raised about the potential health and environmental consequences of this revolution in wireless communications. Bad Reception tells the compelling story of residents from backgrounds as diverse as the city itself as they take on one of the most powerful corporate entities in the world.
Produced and Directed by Doug Loranger. Co-Produced by Gordon Winiemko. USA. Running time: 55:23 minutes
Lawsuits have been filed against the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for failing to protect Americans from unsafe levels of cell phone and WiFi radiation as well as 5G on Earth (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and in space (see 1, 2). A petition has also been launched asking the World Health Organization (WHO) to establish more protective universal EMF and RF exposure limits.
The stage is now being set for the next great war on the so-called “Grand Chessboard.”
As anyone who has been paying attention to global geopolitics in recent years will know by now, the US Empire (the US, the UK, Israel, the Five Eyes allies, NATO and all their regional allies and vassals) are preparing to square off against China and the Axis of Evil (China, Russia, Iran, North Korea and any state that provides any resistance to the US Empire) for global control in the 21st century.
And, as readers of this column will be uniquely prepared to understand, this entire conflict is part of a 3D chess game that is taking place over and above the regular, 2D nation-state chessboard that we are being asked to fixate on.
However, there is a 2D chess game going on and it is part of the Problem-Reaction-Solution that the 3D chess players are using to bring about their agenda. So today let’s examine the latest moves on the grand chessboard and see what they reveal about the globalists’ plans for total control.
Problem: The Rise of China
All hail Chinese democracy!
Remember five years ago when everyone was talking about the 十三五? Well, guess what? It’s already time for the 十四五! (My, how the half-decades fly by!)
Yes, as you no doubt know by now the Chinese Communist Party just wrapped up the fourth session of the 13th National People’s Congress at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. And, as you also know, dear informed reader, that means that the ChiComs have just laid out their next five-year plan. (Do you have your copy yet?)
There are at least four categories of hot take on what the latest five-year plan entails.
There are the hot takes from the partisan lying mockingbird repeaters in the controlled establishment press who are trying to scry the tealeaves for weaknesses and vulnerabilities of the New Red Menace™. Observe, for example, Foreign Policy‘s gloating that the plan shows Beijing’s “lack of ambition” or The Economist‘s finger-wagging about China’s lackluster carbon reduction efforts or the Council on Foreign Relations’ warning of Beijing’s “growing urgency to protect China from external vulnerabilities through attaining self-reliance in science and technology.”
There are the hot takes from the actual state-controlled Chinese media. See Xinhuanet‘s calm and measured observation that the passage of the plan “demonstrates the unity of the leadership of the Party, the position of the people as masters of the country, and law-based governance” for a typical example.
There are the hot takes from various industry publications that focus on what the plan means for those seeking to corner the domestic Chinese market for their goods or what China’s moves will mean for their sector. Thus, PitchBook concentrates on China’s efforts to woo foreign capital by loosening restrictions in certain industries, Nature concentrates on China’s decision to concentrate on creating a “strategic research force for the nation,” and Power Technology does a deep dive on the implications of the new five-year plan for the energy sector.
And then there are the quasi-independent media sources that—in seeking to combat the predominant establishment narrative—serve mostly as a mouthpiece for ChiCom talking points. Take Pepe Escobar, for example, whose latest piece on The Shape Of Things To Come In China starts out by reporting on the details of the five-year plan and end up in a paean to Chinese Communist system of technocratic tyranny, claiming that “public opinion confidence in the Beijing leadership remains solid” and that the ChiComs system “is like a sophisticated mix of internationalist Marxism with Confucianism (privileging harmony, abhorring conflict): the framework for ‘community with a shared future for mankind.'”
What all of these perspectives ultimately serve to do is to reinforce the central narrative of the New Cold War: that the rise of China is a threat to the Western establishment. This narrative reinforces the impression that the 2D chess game is really the game for all the marbles (to mix gaming metaphors) and it throws the general public into a fear state where they are more apt to call for action to combat this vile threat than to seek to understand the nature and origins of this threat.
That’s convenient for the 3D chess players, because it plays right into the next stage of their controlled dialectic, namely . . .
Reaction: The Rise of the Quad
Scared yet, China?
As Newton taught us, for every action there is an equal-and-opposite reaction. And so it is that, once we are conditioned to believe in the rise of the New Red Menace™, we are simultaneously prepared to expect a reaction from the West.
Well, fret not, dear scared citizen, your leaders are indeed taking action. They’re forming The Quad!
No, “the Quad” is not some new Marvel Comic superhero team; it’s the snappy name for the US/Japan/Australia/India alliance that is seeking to keep that rising Chinese menace in check. The Quad—formally known as the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue—was first proposed by then-Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in 2007, but was activated during the Trump Administration during Pompeo’s Indo-Pacific security push.
Like everything else of importance to the 3D chess players, the transition from the Trump-era Quad to the Biden-era Quad has been seamless. Trump Secretary of State Mike “lie, cheat, steal” Pompeo’s call in October of last year for the Quad to become an “Asian NATO” became Biden’s call for a Quad leaders summit this month as if nothing at all had happened in the intervening months.
The fact that Team Coke and Team Pepsi are working toward the same foreign policy goals are baffling to those stuck looking at the 2D chess board, but from the 3D perspective, this continuity of agenda is telling. It demonstrates that the China bogeyman narrative is important to those who are steering this agenda. Whatever flavour of cola is in power, it is important for the public to understand that China is The Enemy and must be confronted by The Good Guys. Hence, the Quad marches on.
As I’ve demonstrated at length before, it’s not that the ChiComs and their “axis of evil” friends are actually the misunderstood good guys in all of this. It’s that the entire ChiCom threat has been carefully and deliberately constructed by wealth transfers, banking agreements, R&D investments, military technology “leaks” and offshoring of manufacturing over the course of several decades. Just as Antony Sutton demonstrated with regards to the Soviet Union in Cold War 1.0, the neo-Red Menace of Cold War 2.0 is similarly a paper tiger constructed by the same network of 3D chess players on the global chessboard and for the same purpose: to prepare the public for the inevitable “solution.”
Solution: War
Are you a pawn on their chessboard?
As I’ve often had cause to observe, you don’t need to have a crystal ball to see where this is headed: war.
Yes, we all know that we are in the preparatory stages to outright confrontation right now. The pieces are being set in place, the narrative is being formed, and the pawns in the game (you and me) are being told why we will have to fight and die for the glory of our square on the grand chessboard.
But this is a phoney narrative. In reality, there is a war taking place, but the war is not a war between China and the US. It’s taking place between the so-called, self-appointed “Superclass” that stands over and above this nation-state system and the average person.
The end goal is not to destroy either the American Empire or the Chinese Communist system, but to merge these systems into the worst of both worlds, a technocratic tyranny where the few rule over the many. This is, in some ways, the very premise of all of the work that I have been doing here at The Corbett Report for the past 14 years, so either you get it by now or you don’t. But if you don’t, this explanation might be the easiest way for you to understand the concept.
If you do understand it, then I think it is imperative that we make a commitment right now not to be swept up in the war hysteria that will inevitably be sweeping over the population in the coming years. We cannot control the 2D chessboard ourselves, but we can at least control what role we have in this game and can refuse to play the part of obedient pawns in the game.
In the end, the average Joe (or Zhou) on the streets of Shanghai is not your mortal enemy. The actual threat to your life and livelihood come from the would-be misleaders who have lied to you about 9/11 and the war of terror and weapons of mass destruction and the 2008 financial crisis and the wars in Libya/Syria/Yemen and COVID-1984 and nearly everything else of importance.
The politicians and establishment media mouthpieces for the real ruling oligarchy—the 3D chess players who are manipulating this game for their own benefit—are now trying to gin the public up into hysteria over the growing Chinese menace even as they’re attempting to implement Chinese-style lockdowns and facial recognition systems and social credit scores at home.
Are you going to fall for it?
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