La Quinta Columna’s Incubus Project: Continuing Analysis of Big Pharma’s “Vaccine” Injectables

La Quinta Columna’s Incubus Project: Continuing Analysis of Big Pharma’s “Vaccine” Injectables
Ricardo Delgado Presents Questions & a Hypothesis


Incubus Project

by Ricardo Delgado, La Quinta Columna
the video below is an English translation provided by La Quinta Columna

March 10, 2024


Growth formation of the material from the Comirnaty Pfizer injectable after being subjected to certain conditions (using a reptile incubator).

After 48 hours of exposure to 37 degrees Celsius (simulating human body temperature) and constant ultraviolet light stimulation, we proceeded to analyse the result again by optical microscopy.

Haxon Achilles II microscope, bright field.

Magnification: 120 X – 1800 X

Video, translated from Spanish to English by La Quinta Columna, is available at La Quinta Columna Rumble & Odysee channels.


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Transcript prepared by Truth Comes to Light
[images are screenshots from video]


Based on what we know about the contents of the so-called vaccines, the COVID vaccines, they contain graphene and nanotechnology.

Here we have some images obtained via optical microscopy.

Well, we’re seeing formations that you’re used to seeing with not a lot of magnification, around a hundred magnification. And showing you points under the light of the condensator, we can see that these are little crystals that Dr. Roger Leir called orthorhombic crystal structures that are radio-modulable in a scalar manner via 5G.

In scientific literature, they correspond to graphene nanostructures, plasma, micro antennae. We have microfilaments, strands, and you’re used to seeing all of this, of course.

This is before putting the sample through the incubation process.



We’ll give it a little bit more magnification so that you can see those quadrangular patterns over here. We’ve got some over here. You can see that they’re those little squares.



Here’s a big piece of a graphene microfoil, and we’ve got hundreds in a single drop in just one centimeter squared, with about 800 magnification.

This is more graphene. Here you can see those quadrangular patterns. This is in profile. Sometimes they turn on the sample, and they even assemble themselves. Later on you’ll see some examples of those that have already assembled. And unfortunately, we’re quite used to seeing all of this.



This is another quadrangular pattern. This is a micro, almost nanoparticle, and we’ve got about a 1000 something magnification. And this is all normal, which shouldn’t be normal, based on what we know.

This is more graphene.



This is very characteristic, isn’t it?

Take note here. It is true that we’ve got around a 1000 magnification.



We’re just taking a look at a single drop here.



Here we go back to 100-120 magnification only. What we’re trying to do is find those ovoid shape structures.

We’re used to seeing this type of filament and strands, even the quadrangular patterns that you can see on the left.



It’s incredible that all of this is in a single injectable, as you can see here. And that metallic junk is in everybody — that everybody can see and that nobody says anything.

Now they’re talking about microplastics. But don’t worry because the video will be uploaded onto La Quinta Columna info’s website. It’s the Incubus Project.

Here what we’re seeing is another assembled structure of graphene. You’ve got a quadrangular pattern here.



And for those that said these were salt crystals (you remember that) or sugar crystals, it’s incredible all of this. This is such a determined attack against the whole of humankind. And this is in plain sight of everybody.

And nevertheless, all this is still going forward. There are still people that talk about vaccine, about RNA.

Here we have another assembled structure, a little bit more elaborate. Obviously none of this is normal. None of this should be in any injectable. but now that we have acquired this knowledge since 2021, none of this surprises us. Although unfortunately, most of the planet is not aware of this. They think that we’re talking in terms of vaccines still.



Now the good things come along. We’re going to place the sample of two drops of Comirnaty Pfizer in an incubator for reptiles.

The new environmental conditions are 37 degrees centigrade with a constant temperature and ultraviolet light. After 48 hours, we analyze the sample again via optical microscopy. And these are the results that we have obtained.

First of all, what we can see is that the graphene is kind of like more diluted. That’s the feeling we get. But this is not what draws our attention.

Here we can see a formation that you’ll see in just a second. Take note of this.

This is new. I’m just going to stop there. And this is what has appeared after exposure to ultraviolet radiation, to constant heat.

And you’ll see this with a greater magnification later. But one gets the feeling that there’s a kind of generation of a tree. And you can see a series of nodules or nodes. And you’ll see that from each nodule or node, there are three strands that come out.



It’s similar to what Franc Zalewski, electron microscopy found with an electron microscopy.

We’re going to do the same with the similar system with 25 — this is 25 microns, which is about 25,000 nanometers. And there’s just two days that have gone by, 48 hours. And the day after tomorrow, that will make four days, which are 96 hours. And we’ll have a look at it again then.

I’m not sure whether these are neural networks. The carbon nanotubes are, but these aren’t nanotubes. So anyhow, we’ll see this later. Let’s continue.



One gets the feeling that there’s a hatching or eclosion happening.

A little bit more magnification now.



Somebody said that if the sample dries up, there’ll be no evolution, but it doesn’t dry up because there’s hydrogel.

Let’s have a look at it now with a clear or light field.

This is what I want you to observe now. There’s a nucleus that looks metallic in nature, and each node has three limbs or extremities.

There’s the third one. Can you see it?



And this coincides exactly with what Dr. Franc Zalewski said. And we’re going to do everything possible to get in touch with him. Let’s remember what he said.

“I marked the vials numbers one, two and three. Only the third one was that thing inside. And it grew and developed for four days. And then I put it into a sputtering chamber. There the temperature is high so that the graphite is sputtered or pulverized…”

Similar to the habitat we have created inside the incubator.

Another thing is that we don’t know whether inside the incubator we’re going to be able to recreate the conditions inside the human body in terms of temperature and exposure to ultraviolet light. I think though we will be able to.

And about the intake of insects, not sure there.

“There’s another one. If there were only one, but here we can see another one. We can see the head and legs coming out of it. The scale is 30 microns.

‘The thing’ has found fertile ground. And here we have ‘the thing’. That thing is smiling at us.”



From La Quinta Coluna, we are studying the evolution of the sample submitted to the new incubation environmental conditions.

We suggest as a starting hypothesis that there will be a transformation during the exposure of the content of the Comirnaty Pfizer vial.

The sample will be submitted to evaluation via optical microscopy every 48 hours. So that’s the video. This is what we have.

And this is based on what we can get to know from what we’ve done. And we will not hide this information. We will make this information public.

And as and when we get more samples and as and when more time goes by, this will hopefully give us the key to what is evolving in that.

The question, not the conclusion we’ve reached, far from it, but the question is, are they using human bodies as incubators?

And is that why they don’t want to get rid of our bodies and biologies or human beings in general?

When they obtain biomedical or biometric data from individuals, is it really to monitor human beings or is it rather to monitor the conditions of the human beings as incubators?
These are just questions I’m asking.

In order to incubate, if anything is being incubated or if something is germinating, what is it incubating? Those are the questions that I’m asking.

Why do they want human beings to eat insects? Is it to normalize the feeding of insects so that they can survive or is it to feed something that they have introduced previously?

Why heat? They’re clearly generating artificial heat via geoengineering to everybody’s surprise. Because they precisely need that heat.

They need blue ultraviolet light and at the same time as this technological implementation of ultraviolet light is being implemented all over the world. There are many casualties or things that just seem to be there by chance.

So these are just questions.

And so we’re using the descriptive format just as they do based on everything we observe. The day after tomorrow we’ll have further images.


See Related:

La Quinta Columna: The Game is Over — Putting It All Under the Microscope: The Transhumanist Agenda, ‘Covid-19’, Graphene Oxide & The Human Brain Project, WiFi Radiation… & the Hidden, Historical Manipulation of Humanity


Cover image credit: TheDigitalArtist

Pretending to be Alternative: Toxic Pharmaceuticals With “Intelligent Surfaces”

Pretending to be Alternative: Toxic Pharmaceuticals With “Intelligent Surfaces”


Pretending to be Alternative

by Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath, Nature of Healing
March 9, 2024


Since the onset of the Covidan Era in 2019, the “alternative media” and its alternative media celebrities, have occupied a greater percentage of center stage.  They didn’t have to push their way into the spotlight since they own part of it, a section further upstage.

The “alternative media” has upstaged the mainstream media in the promotion, and selling, of “alternative remedies ” for COVID-19. Among the many options is Ivermectin.

In 2020, I wrote an article on the dangers of Ivermectin in the article, The Rise of Ivermectin, found here. Additional information was published by Vaccine Impact here. Why bring up yesterday’s news?

Old news is new again when new information becomes available. What the many “alternative” faces did not reveal about their “alternative” products is that they were not alternative at all. They contain the same materials as the standard issue EUA injectables and pills. They only come packaged with a less inflammatory script.

Pretending to be Alternative

Beware of “off label” drugs, such as Ivermectin, pretending to be alternative. They are pharmaceuticals. Today, they are built with intelligent surfaces designed to work with 6G systems for wide-scale global deployment. In 2024, 5G has become yesterday’s news. The new narrative boasts  7G to succeed 5G and 6G.

While we already know these products are prescription drugs, we should know that they work with nanotechnology and are activated by electromagnetic frequencies as part of digital surveillance systems.

This has been true since 2003, when president George Bush signed the 21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act. Since then, over thirty Federal departments, independent agencies, and commissions work together toward a brave new world of cybernetics, cognitive technology, and digital surveillance systems.

But what about the stories of people Ivermectin has helped?

Pharmaceuticals may help the body, before they hurt it. Ivermectin is a known anti-parasitic. If it helps people, then they have parasites. And these days, who doesn’t have parasites? Especially when there are parasites among us, parasites in high places. However, Ivermectin studied in randomized, controlled trials showed no clinical benefit in the prevention or treatment of Covid-19. Toxic effects include: severe confusion, ataxia, seizures, and hypotension.

New oral antibodies are the next “alternative” product being marketed. Yet. alternative science, in 2012, claimed that antibodies, alone, are not enough to mount a natural and true immune response.  The activation of T cells comprise a primary “cell-mediated” immune response to an antigen stimulus.

How much help “alternative” products offer depends upon the individual ingredients, and whether they are injected (vaccine), ingested (pill), or inhaled (airborne).  The most immediate and potentially dangerous delivery system is by injection, since the materials bypass the body’s innate immune system to be delivered directly into the bloodstream.  From the blood, electromagnetic nanomaterials (lipdnanoparticles, graphene, and hydrogels), are carried to organs, tissues and cells, where they take up residence and become embedded into tissue.

Nanobots are self-assembling and self-replicating. They have artificial intelligence (A.I.). They take orders and commands, military-style. The National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) has been around for 25 years. NNI is the new supplement to the president’s 2024 budget called for under the provisions of the 21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act (15 USC §7501). If the president is supplementing with A.I. as a budget item, then Americans should be aware of the updated national diet.

The “Alternative” Pharma Products

Choosing an “alternative” medication is still a medication. Thus, it is important to read the labels and do the research.

The REAL McCoy

With definitions ever-changing under a NanoNarrative, we need to return to “REAL.”  “Real” is eating clean with organic, grass fed meat and milk, pastured eggs, locally-grown vegetables and fruits, eating with the seasons. “Real” is connecting to Nature and the world of plants and herbs as medicine. “Real” does not require a label.

Food is the main fuel of the body. Still, in today’s world, food as fuel is not enough due to our many toxic exposures.

It is important to supplement with “real” ingredients, not “alternatives.” Supplementing foods should be food-based, such as fruit freshly harvested, nutrient-rich broths, and herbal preparations, such as teas and tinctures.  For example, when sourcing vitamin C, choose food-based C over ascorbic acid.

Real foods resemble body parts. Citrus fruits have a similar appearance to female mammals’ mammary glands. These fruits support breast health and lymphatic flow into and out of the breasts.

In a world of nanotech, it takes an effort to be natural. Get to know your local ‘small farmer’ as someone not small in stature, but small in commercial operation. The Weston A. Price Foundation connects people to local small farmers to source real foods. Find a local chapter here.

The farther from nature, the closer to synthetic A.I., the door to Cyborgs, and the realm of Transhumanism.


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Rosanne Lindsay is a Traditional Naturopath, Herbalist, Writer, and Author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally. Find her on Facebook at Consult with her remotely at


Connect with Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath

Cover image credit: qimono

Aiding Those We Kill: US Humanitarianism in Gaza

Aiding Those We Kill: US Humanitarianism in Gaza 

by Dr. Binoy Kampmark, Global Research
March 7, 2024


The spectacle, if it did not say it all, said much of it.

Planes dropping humanitarian aid to a starving, famine-threatened populace of Gaza (the United Nations warns that 576,000 are “one step from famine”), with parachuted packages veering off course, some falling into the sea.

Cargo also coming into Israel, with bullets, weaponry and other ordnance to kill those in Gaza on the inflated premise of self-defence. Be it aid or bullets, Washington is the smorgasbord supplier, ensuring that both victims and oppressors are furnished from its vast commissary.

This jarring picture, discordant and hopelessly at odds, is increasingly running down the low stocks of credibility US diplomats have in either the Israel-Hamas conflict, or much else in Middle Eastern politics. Comments such as these from US Vice President Kamala Harris from March 3, made at Selma in Alabama, illustrate the problem:

“As I have said many times, too many innocent Palestinians have been killed. And just a few days ago, we saw hungry, desperate people approach aid trucks, simply trying to secure food for their families after weeks of nearly no aid reaching Northern Gaza. And they were met with gunfire and chaos.”

Harris goes on to speak of broken hearts for the victims, for the innocents, for those “suffering from what is clearly a humanitarian catastrophe”. A forced, hammed up moral register is struck. “People in Gaza are starving. The conditions are inhumane. And our common humanity compels us to act.”

It was an occasion for the Vice President to mention that the US Department of Defense had “carried out its first airdrop of humanitarian assistance, and the United States will continue with these airdrops.” Further work would also be expended on getting “a new route by sea to deliver aid.”

It is only at this point that Harris introduces the lumbering elephant in the room: “And the Israeli government must do more to significantly increase the flow of aid. No excuses.” They had to “open new border crossings”, “not impose any unnecessary restrictions on the delivery of aid” and “ensure humanitarian personnel, sites, and convoys are not targeted.” Basic services had to be restored, and order promoted in the strip “so more food, water, and fuel can reach those in need.”

In remarks made at Hagerstown Regional Airport in Maryland, President Joe Biden told reporters that he was “working with them [the Israelis] very hard. We’re going to get more – we must get more aid into Gaza. There’s no excuses. None.”

In a New Yorker interview, White House National Security spokesman John Kirby keeps to the same script, claiming that discussions with the Israelis “in private are frank and very forthright. I think they understand our concerns.” Kirby proceeds to fantasise, fudging the almost sneering attitude adopted by Israel towards US demands. “Even though there needs to be more aid, and even though there needs to be fewer civilian casualties, the Israelis have, in many ways, been receptive to our messages.”

The other side of this rusted coin of US policy advocates something less than human. The common humanity there is tethered to aiding the very power that is proving instrumental in creating conditions of catastrophe. The right to self-defence is reiterated as a chant, including the war goals of Israel which have artificially drawn a distinction between Hamas military and political operatives from that of the Palestinian population being eradicated.

Harris is always careful to couple any reproachful remarks about Israel with an acceptance of their stated policy: that Hamas must be eliminated.  Hamas, rather than being a protean force running on the fumes of history, resentment and belief, was merely “a brutal terrorist organization that has vowed to repeat October 7th again and again until Israel is annihilated.” It had inflicted suffering on the people of Gaza and continued to hold Israeli hostages.

Whatever note of rebuke directed against the Netanyahu government, it is clear that Israel knows how far it can go. It can continue to rely on the US veto in the UN Security Council. It can dictate the extent of aid and the conditions of its delivery into Gaza, which is merely seen as succour for an enemy it is trying to crush. While alarm about shooting desperate individuals crowding aid convoys will be noted, little will come of the consternation. The very fact that the US Airforce has been brought into the program of aid delivery suggests an ignominious capitulation, a very public impotence.

Jeremy Konyndyk, former chief of the USAID’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance during the Obama administration gives his unflattering judgment on this point.

“When the US government has to use tactics that it otherwise used to circumvent the Soviets and Berlin and circumvent ISIS in Syria and Iraq, that should prompt some really hard questions about the state of US policy.”

In his remarks to The Independent, Konyndyk finds the airdrop method “the most expensive and least effective way to get aid to a population. We almost never did it because it is such an in-extremis tool.” Even more disturbing for him was the fact that this woefully imperfect approach was being taken to alleviate the suffering caused by an ally of the United States, one that had made “a policy choice” in not permitting “consistent humanitarian access” and the opening of border crossings.

Even as this in extremis tool is being used, US made military hardware continues to be used at will by the Israel Defence Forces. The point was not missed on Vermont Democratic Senator Peter Welch:

“We have a situation where the US is airdropping aid on day one, and Israel is dropping bombs on day two. And the American taxpayer is paying for the aid and the bombs.”

The chroniclers of history can surely only jot down with grim irony instances where desperate, hunger-crazed Palestinians scrounging for US aid are shot by made-in-USA ammunition.

Copyright © Dr. Binoy Kampmark, Global Research, 2024

Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)


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Cover image credit: hosnysalah

The Manchester Arena False Flag — Richard D. Hall Deserves Our Support 

The Manchester Arena False Flag
Richard D. Hall Deserves Our Support 

by Iain Davis
March 1, 2024


Richard D. Hall is an independent investigative journalist and documentary film maker who has gone further than any other journalist to examine the evidence surrounding the alleged 2017 Manchester Arena bombing. If we look at the evidence, which is the only way to ascertain the truth, the Manchester Arena bombing was, in my view, a false flag.

The official Manchester Arena Bombing narrative asserts the following as “fact.”

On 22nd of May 2017, 22 people were killed by a 22 year old Islamist terrorist Salman Abedi who committed suicide when he detonated his TATP (triacetone triperoxide) backpack bomb at around 22.30. The bomb detonated just after Ariana Grande ended her set following the conclusion of her 22nd song.

Initially 59 people were reportedly injured, 38 directly by the bomb. By 2018 it was more than 800. The majority must have been injured in the stampede and this significantly increased number includes those psychologically traumatised by the event.

Among those initially injured were Ruth Murrell, Martin Hibbert and his daughter Eve. Martin was reportedly struck by 22 pieces of shrapnel.

The terrorist, Salman Abedi, was known to the intelligence agencies and was considered a to be among a tiny group of individuals, marked as a “subjects of interest” (SOI), who “merited further examination.” Despite being “of interest,” Abedi frequently flew back and forth between the Libya and the UK, passing numerous UK border check without issue.

This appeared to be the continuation of the “open door policy” the UK government had with the terrorist members of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) which was linked to al Qaeda. In a subsequent 2018 parliamentary written statement, Alistair Burt MP wrote:

​During the Libyan conflict in 2011 the British Government was in communication with a wide range of Libyans involved in the conflict against the Qaddafi regime forces. It is likely that this included former members of Libyan Islamic Fighting Group and 17 February Martyrs’ Brigade, as part of our broad engagement during this time.

Members of the LIFG Islamist terrorist group, including Salman Abedi’s father, Ramadan Abedi—also known as Abu Ismail—and their families were settled in the UK from where they could plan and coordinate attacks in Libya. Salman grew up in Fallowfield, Manchester among the UK-based Islamist terrorist community.

As a teenager, Salman joined terrorist operations in Libya during the school holidays. A very frequent flyer, he arrived back in the UK from Libya, via a stopover in Germany, just four days before the alleged attack. As usual, no one questioned him.

Richard D. Hall has “questioned” the official narrative of the Manchester Arena bombing in its entirety.

Following his extensive and diligent research, Hall subsequently published his book “Manchester: the Night of The Bang” in 2020. He released an accompanying film.

Hall reported, in both the book and the film, a significant body of evidence that strongly suggests the official account of the Manchester Arena bombing is false. He has continued to conduct his research and added further evidence since publication.

For me, that body of evidence is compelling and shows the official State narrative of the Manchester Arena bombing is not true. The evidence indicates it was a false flag operation conducted by the UK state or elements within the UK state. I reserve the right to maintain my opinion until someone can show me some evidence to change my mind.

There is no evidence in the official account that leads me to believe Manchester was not a false flag. The official account is not plausible and I have no reason to accept it.

Hall has clearly demonstrated, to anyone that actually familiarises themselves with his work, that the official narrative is constructed from a partial record of the evidence. Virtually none of the evidence reported by Hall has been discussed or examined in any depth by either the authorities or the legacy media (LM). Any conclusion that does not account for all of the evidence is questionable. A conclusion based upon an investigation that ignores or deliberately evades evidence is meaningless.

The Establishment simply insists you believe whatever it tells you about Manchester without discussing, or even acknowledging, the bulk of the evidence. Hall is the only named journalist to have reported the information otherwise excluded from public discourse. For doing so, he has been attacked by the entire UK legacy media and faces bankruptcy in the courts.

One of the reported victims of the Manchester Arena bang, Martin Hibbert, has lodged a civil claim against Hall alleging that Hall’s investigative journalism amounts to harassment and GDPR breaches. Hall has shown evidence that strongly suggests the BBC were instrumental in instigating the case against him.

Mr Martin Hibbert

In an interview aired on ITV’s Good Morning Britain (GMB), Martin Hibbert spoke about his relationship with Andy Burnham, the mayor of Manchester. Mr Hibbert stated that if he wins the case against Hall, he, Burnham and his legal team are seeking to use the ruling to push for the creation of a new criminal offence.

Hibbert and his supporters want to make it illegal to question any reported victim account of an alleged terrorist attack. If enacted, it will ensure that no investigative journalist can ever question State narratives about terror events. Once on the statute books, it is highly likely that the offence will be extended to prohibit the questioning of other State narratives, wherever it is claimed someone was harmed. Murder, for example.

At no stage did GMB question anything Mr Hibbert said. They noted that the case against Hall was ongoing, but then allowed Martin Hibbert to make a series of unchallenged, false claims about Hall. Thus, further jeopardising Hall’s defence.

The GMB interview appeared to contravene Sections 5 and 7 of the OFCOM Code. Some people have submitted complaints to OFCOM. An example of the kind of complaints raised can be read HERE. If you are satisfied that the interview breached OFCOM regulations, perhaps you might consider submitting something similar yourself.

The UK High Court of Justice has issued a summary judgment in Hall’s case. High Court Master Davison decided that all of the evidence we are about to discuss was “farcical” or “preposterous” and ruled it inadmissible. Hall cannot present key evidence in his own defence.

Journalism and its ability to question power is directly threatened by the civil action brought against Richard D. Hall. Yet virtually no legacy media nor independent media outlet, with a couple of notable exceptions, is seemingly willing to publish anything that broaches this issue or defends either Hall or his work.

A possible injunction could see all of Hall’s research and the evidence he has reported removed from the internet. His books will be burned. It seems obvious that the UK state is determined to silence Hall but, more importantly, to hide and destroy the evidence he has reported.

The UK government, the compliant legacy and many in the so-called independent media have reported a Manchester Arena “story,” primarily based upon witness testimony. The official narrative is largely anecdotal and there is a dearth of physical evidence corroborating any of it.

As Hall showed, the State’s relied upon witness testimonies are contradictory and many are not consistent with the authorities’ yarn.

For example, Hall reported the published witness testimonies of the 21 eyewitnesses who say they saw the explosion. Ten described a bright flash or orange light or fireball when it occurred and five described smoke. TATP, the explosive allegedly used, does not emit either light or smoke when it explodes.

At the subsequent public inquiry into the Manchester Arena bang—the Saunders Inquiry—paramedic Simon Butler testified that he “treated” survivors for more than three hours but added “I didn’t see a patient actively bleeding.”

Hall discovered and reported that the first people to respond to 22 dying and 38 seriously injured people in the City Room were Manchester Arena medical staff. To give you some sort of unpleasant mental image of what they supposedly faced—according to the official account—the blast was so immense that Salman Abedi’s dismembered head and torso were flung more than 160 feet through the air to land near the Victoria Station ticket stall.

Hall has provided photographic evidence—not shown at the inquiry—of the Manchester Arena medical team leaving the Arena, immediately after working in the bloodbath. They didn’t have any blood on them. Perhaps they had time to wash it off and get changed or perhaps they “didn’t see a patient actively bleeding” either.

Manchester Arena Medics leaving the Arena after being the first to respond to a bloodbath where 22 people were slaughtered and 38 seriously injured


Hall has scrutinised every single available image and CCTV frame offered as “official evidence” of what happened that night. He even created an online tool to enable anyone else to peruse the images. Which is highly recommended.

He reports, and I agree:

There are no CCTV images that show any deceased victim or seriously injured victim in the City Room or anywhere else in the Arena.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence but, following a major terrorist bombing that supposedly killed 22 people and directly injured at least 38 more, any reasonable person would expect to see some physical evidence that a bombing had, in fact, occurred. None, nada, zilch, showing anything remotely corroborative of the official account has ever been shown anywhere.

There is no publicly available, physical evidence of a large TATP bomb, packed with metal shrapnel, detonating in the City Room. To ignore this and maintain that the official story is beyond doubt, is utterly ridiculous.

The physical evidence reported by Hall has not been acknowledged by anyone who claims the Manchester Arena bombing happened as described by the authorities. It seems likely that it has been ignored because it completely contradicts and wholly undermines everything we are supposed to believe about the Manchester Arena bombing.

Perhaps the most absurd pieces of evidence analysed by Hall is the Nick Bickerstaff video. Widely reported by the legacy media, the selfie-video shows Bickerstaff, supposedly searching for his daughter, having just seen the devastation in the City Room.

Unlike the legacy media, Hall took the time to analyse and investigate the clip. He provided verifiable evidence that proved the Bickerstaff footage was filmed before the explosion occurred. In the video, Bickerstaff said there were people in the City Room who were “bashed to bits.” This clearly indicated that Bickerstaff was relaying foreknowledge of the alleged Manchester Arena bombing.

Nick Bickerstaff: Filming himself searching for his daughter having just witnessed a bombing that hasn’t happened yet.

Hall interviewed John Barr. Barr was an eyewitness who was in the City Room within four minutes of the explosion. This was 40 minutes before the first paramedic arrived and the only medical first-responders on the scene at that time—according to the official account—were the Manchester Arena medical staff, who, apparently, weren’t bloodstained by their ordeal.

John Barr filmed the scene and posted it on social media. Barr possessed a documentary record of the physical evidence observable in the immediate aftermath of a major terrorist attack. Barr was not invited to testify at the subsequent inquiry and his footage was not entered into evidence or examined.

To be clear: the Barr footage captured the scene inside the Arena Foyer (City Room) less that four minutes after the alleged explosion.

We are told that a terrorist had just detonated a massive TATP suicide bomb that sprayed deadly shrapnel over a wide area, scything through a densely packed crowd. It killed 22 people and severely injured at least 38 more. Nearly all of those 60 people would still have been in the City Room when Barr shot the footage.

So let’s consider what we can see on the John Barr video, as reported by Richard D. Hall.



Of course, what we think we see and what we imagine we see is entirely subjective. But let me briefly describe what I don’t see.

I don’t see 22 people killed by a bomb. I don’t see 38 people seriously injured by a bomb. I do not see dismembered tissue nor anywhere near enough blood to corroborate the story we are given.

I don’t see any notable panic nor, indeed, any frenetic activity at all. I don’t see anyone attempting any kind of emergency medical procedure.

I don’t see “any” structural damage.


Plate glass doors to the City Room: What sort of massive explosion is incapable of cracking even a single pane of glass?


Now please allow me to say what I do see.

I see people stood around amiably chatting. I see entirely intact paper posters and flimsy merchandise stalls—supposedly located close to the epicenter of the blast—that have not sustained any damage at all. I see completely undamaged and fully operational lighting. I see intact glass panel doors. I see unmarked walls.

I see a Ruth Murrell, who supposedly just had a bolt blown through her right leg, walking with ease in high heels, without even a limping, bringing her full weight to bear on her right leg. I see Ruth’s jeans, without any damage, despite a shrapnel supposedly passing through them. I see what looks like some minor “bleeding” that I suspect is fake.

I see too few people lying on the ground and what appears to be some limited moulage. I see an event that looks practically identical to the fake mass shooting and suicide bombing that occurred in Manchester’s Old Trafford Shopping Center one year prior, almost precisely, to the alleged Manchester Arena bombing.

I see a simulation of a terrorist attack. I see a training exercise. I see crisis actors. I see a hoaxed false flag.


Scene inside the City Room? No, this is the Old Trafford Center on the 16/05/2016.


Were this the only evidence that Hall had reported it would be enough, in my view, to cast significant doubt on the official narrative. But this is just one tiny slither of the evidence he has tried to draw to public attention.

Taken from his latest video covering the court case, the claimant’s media statements and the alleged Manchester Arena bombing, let’s just consider a few more examples of the evidence Hall has unearthed.

Richard D. Hall reported:

Evidence in witness testimony [given to the Saunders Inquiry] from the emergency services suggests emergency services did not act in a normal fashion and were deliberately inhibited by their chains of command. British Transport Police were kept out of the City Room until after the blast [emergency response was concluded] despite it being standard practice for them to be there to help manage egress from the concert. Greater Manchester Police, who arrived 15 minutes after the blast, did not establish any chain of command with the senior officer at the scene throughout the emergency response period and did not declare a major incident. [. . .] [The whole police response] was isolated from any control outside [of the City Room].

As has been widely reported elsewhere, Hall also highlights the “bizarre” decision to direct Fire Service crews from their station located near the Arena to a rendezvous point two miles further away. Thus moving them three miles away from the building, where a bomb had supposedly exploded, and keeping them there for two hours. Apparently, they weren’t needed.

If that makes no sense, the ambulance response is mind-bending. Consider what we are told about the horrific scale of this alleged terrorist attack.

Hall reported:

North West Ambulance Service was only allowed to send three paramedics to attend a scene with 60+ alleged casualties, two of the paramedics arriving 44 minutes after the blast despite there being four more hazardous trained area paramedic on-site. Eight of the first trained people to respond at the scene—the Arena medical staff—were not interviewed by the public inquiry.

Hall reported the statements of key paramedics and doctors who attended the scene. Paddy Ennis, Dan Smith, Christopher Hargreaves, Joanne Hedges, Dr Edward Tunn and Helen Motram. All of them stated that it was not their role to treat any dying or injured people and they testified that they did not treat “any.”

Hall reported that Greater Manchester Police (GMP) inspector Mike Smith and British Transport Police (BTP) Constable Dale Allcock, testified that a member of the public reported seeing an Asian male—matching Abedi’s officially reported appearance on the night—place a rucksack in the City Room before running out of the Arena. This reported sighting was confirmed by Operational Firearms Commander Edward Richardson.

Hall has presented evidence that the Saunders inquiry entered incorrectly time-stamped still images into the public inquiry. The inquiry stated they were taken 1 second before the “blast” but Hall has convincingly shown it is highly likely they were taken 30 seconds prior to detonation. This apparent 30 second gap possibly indicates an attempt to hide what happened in the City Room in the immediate moments before the bang. Did the missing CCTV images show Abedi fleeing?

In short, there is no solid evidence supporting the official narrative of the alleged Manchester Arena Bombing. It is notable only for its absence. Richard D. Hall has investigated, collated and reported the hard, verifiable evidence that casts immense doubt on the official Manchester Arena “story.”

This brings us to the most contentious aspect of Hall’s findings. People allegedly died and many were injured. Clearly, Ruth Murrell’s account of the injuries she sustained is extremely dubious.

The evidence presented by Hall indicates that the Manchester Arena bombing was a false flag. Evidence, such as the John Barr video, also suggests the possibility that it was a simulated or “hoaxed” false flag. Thus, the potential seemingly exists that no one died and no one was injured in the City Room on 22nd May 2017.

Therefore, with the information he had already uncovered in hand, Hall set about investigating the claimed deaths and injuries. He did so knowing what an immense risk he was taking. Few journalists have the guts to even contemplate undertaking such an investigation.

I will not explore the perfectly plausible theories that Hall presented in his book potentially accounting for many of the deaths and the injuries. Suffice to say, in my view, the Manchester Arena terrorist attack was a hoax and the claimed deaths and injuries cannot simply be accepted as proven facts without further investigation.

But no one, and I mean no one, wants to hear that.

The notion that the state could fake such an attack is hard enough for most people to swallow. Although some awareness of the State’s long history of using false flag terror might help overcome this strain of cognitive dissonance. As would some knowledge of the crisis actor industry.

What people blankly refuse to consider is that the State would ever claim deaths and injuries happened when they either didn’t or transpired as a result of unrelated events. The State habitually lies to us about pretty much everything, so why people find this impossible to even contemplate is hard to say, though we can speculate.

Lives lost to terrorist attacks, especially children’s, have a significant emotional impact upon us. When the entire legacy media constantly reinforces the emotions elicited by those reported deaths, if convinced by this, we run the risk of basing our comprehension of politically significant terrorist attacks on nothing but emotion, rather than on the evidence.

It is the alleged deaths and injuries that renders questioning the event unthinkable for the vast majority. Reported deaths and injuries are essential if you are going to convince an entire nation that a large-scale terrorist attack struck a city like Manchester. Especially if you haven’t got any other evidence to substantiate your claim.

We know that the UK state has been actively involved in terrorism that killed civilians. It doesn’t care about our lives. Begging the question why bother with a hoaxed false flag? Why not use a real bomb?

Again, we can only speculate.

The hoaxed false flag inevitably draws researchers to conclude that the reported deaths didn’t happen. We have seen a slew of court cases, on both sides of the Atlantic, focus upon the highly emotive and controversial claim that no one died. As the public is wholeheartedly convinced that this is an egregious and despicable slur on the memories of those who perished, juries and benches are predisposed to find these researchers guilty of defamation or harassment. Based on their emotions, few would question such rulings.

This, in turn, supports the State’s assertion that measures need to be taken to stop the so-called “conspiracy theorists” making such outrageous claims and spreading supposed disinformation and “hatred.” The United Nations is using this claim as justification for its proposed global Cybercrimes Treaty. Once signed, every signatory nation will pass laws to stop the sharing of any information that “may have an adverse impact on States, enterprises and the well-being of individuals and society.”

Is the hoaxed false flag an effective honey trap? Is the intention to lure independent journalists and researchers into exposing apparently fake deaths and then capitalise on the resultant outrage, using the media, public opinion and the courts to seemingly legitimise laws to end free speech?

If people are genuinely killed that leaves grieving families who will never let go of seeking the truth. If they aren’t, if the participants have signed some sort of enforceable contract or have been coerced in some way, this is less likely.

For example, the families of the 9/11 victims are still pursuing the US government, not to examine alleged “failures” of intelligence, as is often the case, but to ascertain what actually happened.

It should be noted that some of the families of the Manchester Arena attack are also seeking answers. While there is no questioning of the event itself, many want to know more about the apparent intelligence failures.

In truth we don’t know why a hoax was evidently favoured for the Manchester Arena false flag. Investigating State crimes without being censored or prosecuted or worse, is extremely difficult and high risk. By its nature, the evidence is not easy to gather. Often, we are left with questions and not many answers.

But questions can be well informed and rooted in the evidence. In the case of Manchester, certainly the questions posed by Hall’s work are founded firmly upon the solid evidence he has reported.

Hall would be the first to admit he doesn’t have all the answers. His work is not beyond dispute and it should be critically evaluated. The only way to start doing that is to appraise yourself of it.

“Appeal to emotion” is both a logical fallacy and a propaganda technique. Our emotions are subjective feelings and do not constitute evidence. If we care about the truth we must pursue the evidence and nothing but the evidence. That is what Richard D. Hall has done.

We may not like his conclusions and they may not be entirely correct, but the evidence he has reported is more than enough to determine that the official account of the Manchester Arena bombing is false. A reported victim of the bombing is now pursuing Hall through the courts—supported by politicians, the legacy media and a very expensive legal team—with a view to establishing a law that could end any possibility of questioning State fabricated terror events or any State narrative relating to harm supposedly caused.

So powerful are our emotions that even so-called independent media journalists either can’t see beyond them or use “appeal to emotion” as if it were a rational argument.

Richie Allen

In a recent podcast [go to 28:36] about Hall’s case and his Manchester work, independent radio host, Richie Allen, focused almost exclusively on the emotions surrounding the Manchester Bombing to largely discredit Hall’s work. Listening to the podcast is recommended because Allen neatly packaged the “appeal to emotion” propaganda, used by the legacy media to dissuade anyone from looking at the evidence Hall reported, in his podcast.

Saying that he hadn’t read Hall’s book and that he wasn’t overly familiar with his work, Allen nonetheless felt he was sufficiently well informed to pontificate on the evidence he presumably knew nothing about. He said Hall wasn’t a “real” journalist and stated that Hall didn’t have any evidence to back up his claims. Apparently, according to Allen, none of the evidence reported by Hall—discussed in this article—exists.

Richie Allen acknowledged many of the anomalies in the official narrative. He conceded that hoaxed false flags have happened before, he even mentioned the Nick Bickerstaff video. Allen said he was “at a loss” to understand it and that it was “one of the most bizarre” things he had ever reported. Had Allen read Hall’s analysis he might have been able to understand that the Bickerstaff video demonstrates foreknowledge of an alleged terrorist attack.

Allen offered an anecdote—told to him by a friend—about injured people being treated on the night as “evidence” that proved everything Hall has investigated and reported is baseless. He called Hall’s work “bollocks.”

When the bangs were heard, as shown in numerous TV reports, the crowd panicked and a stampede ensued. Thanks to Hall’s investigative journalism, this is is one of the reasons we can deduce that the Bickerstaff video was shot before the bang. The absence of the warning sirens heard in the Barr footage being another.

Thirty eight people were reportedly treated for injuries caused by a bomb. Many hundreds were reportedly treated for injuries that were not caused by a bomb.

Evidently, this hasn’t crossed Allen’s mind. He apparently assumes that all treated injuries were incurred as the direct result of bomb blast shrapnel.

Allen insisted that the victims were killed by a bomb because funerals were held which mourners attended. Of course, a funeral is not evidence demonstrating how, when or where a person died. Although Allen found it substantive.

Allen noted that many of the funerals had been covered extensively by the legacy media. He said that the people who attended the funerals believed they were saying their last goodbye to someone they cared about. While Hall has questioned some funeral attendees, he has never suggested that the majority of the mourners weren’t genuine, despite Allen telling his listeners that he did.

When his guest, Nick Kollestrom, highlighted the John Barr video (above), Allen speculated that it might show some sort of “hybrid event.” He proffered that there could have been both a real terrorist attack and a fake one which were, coincidentally, identical. Presumably, Ruth Murrell, a prominent “injured” survivor of the Manchester Arena bombing, just happened to attend both simultaneously—if Allen’s off the cuff hybrid theory is to be believed.

Ultimately, by focusing upon nothing but the emotions evoked by Hall’s claims, Allen effectively, indeed overtly, endorsed the High Court claim made against Hall. He stated, without offering any evidence, that Hall had, in some way, harassed the claimants, primarily it seems by questioning their personal accounts and seeking evidence to verify how, where and when they sustained their injuries.

Allen asked what was in it for the claimants in Hall’s case. What could they possibly gain from challenging Hall?

Richard D. Hall is being sued for £50K plus costs. Richie Allen is very well known “journalist” in the “independent media” which he frequently castigates as the “truther industrial complex.”

Richard D. Hall has uncovered the evidence that clearly indicates Manchester was a hoaxed false flag. If I am honest with myself, and if you also find his evidence compelling, then this leaves us with no choice but to agree with Hall that the reported deaths and injuries were not caused by a bomb that exploded in the Manchester Arena City Room at approximately 22.30 on the 22nd May 2017.

This is Hall’s specific allegation. He does not assert that no one died or that none of the claimed injuries are real. He suspects that some of the alleged deceased didn’t die and that some people’s injuries are fake. His only assertion, in this regard, is that no one died or sustained injuries as a direct result of Salman Abedi detonating a bomb in the Manchester Arena.

Like Hall, I don’t know what happened to those people. Hall has looked at the evidence and suggested some possible explanations. He has also presented more than enough high quality, verifiable evidence to question the State’s narrative and that includes questioning the stories we have been told about the alleged deaths and injuries. We have every right to ask those questions and to seek the answers.

Any personal offence caused is an unfortunate consequence of asking perfectly legitimate questions. Being offended is no reason to silence those questions.

Hall has requested that the claimants in his case provide the medical records that show where and when they sustained their injuries. He has asked the High Court to provide the moving CCTV footage that places the claimants in the Arena. The claimants say they have seen these images, as have their solicitor and an unnamed family liaison officer apparently. So all we have to “prove” these images exist is hearsay.

Reviewing this alleged medical and CCTV evidence in the High Court would categorically demonstrate that Hall’s theories about the claimants are wrong. You would imagine that the claimants would be eager to submit it themselves. Instead, the claimants have successfully obtained a summary judgement enabling them to avoid providing that evidence. It is not unreasonable to ask why they would do this?

Richard D. Hall’s Manchester book and all his films are freely available to the public from his Richplanet website. If you want to support Richard D. Hall’s work you can also buy a hard copy of his book from Amazon—or Richplanet. You can go to the Richplanet store and purchase more of his books and merchandise there. These sales enable Richard to earn a modest income from his work.

Richard D. Hall is one man fighting the entire UK State. Hall is appealing against the summary judgment and needs your financial help to press ahead with his ongoing legal battle. It is argumentation that Hall neither sought nor started. He is defending himself against attack.

Richard D. Hall deserves support from all who care about the truth.


Connect with Iain Davis: website | substack

Cover image credit: Ardfern
Tributes and memorials at St Ann’s Square,Manchester, England, re Manchester Arena bombing, May 2017
(creative commons license, vignette framing added)

Fake Terrorism and the Genocide Agenda

Fake Terrorism and the Genocide Agenda

by Paul Cudenec, Winter Oak
originally published February 26, 2024




The criminocracy is in danger of losing its carefully-constructed shield of invisibilty as it accelerates its deranged bid for total and permanent global control.

It is therefore obliged to ramp up its attacks on those who dare expose its existence, its crimes and its lies.

While Julian Assange is the most famous victim of its war on real journalism, another important case is that of Richard D. Hall.

Iain Davis writes: “UK independent journalist, researcher and documentary filmmaker Richard D. Hall faces conviction, sizeable damages and an injunction that could potentially end his career and his livelihood.

“The High Court of Justice has denied Hall the opportunity to present any kind of meaningful defence. This travesty of justice has potential implications, not just for Richard D. Hall, but for all journalists who dare to question power”.

The overall situation is that Hall is being sued by two alleged victims of the 2017 Manchester Arena “bombing”, which he convincingly argues was nothing of the sort, but a manufactured psy-ops.

In a recent video, Hall describes in detail the issues involved and wonders whether the case against him is really being instigated by the alleged victims or by other, hidden, forces.



He mentions in particular Marianna Spring, the BBC’s first ever “disinformation specialist and social media correspondent”, who has been actively seeking to discredit his work.

Kit Klarenberg writes on The Grayzone site that there are “troubling questions” about Spring, who appeared out of nowhere to take up the newly-created thought-police post in March 2020, at the tender age of 24.

She played a leading role in “diminishing and discrediting sizable anti-lockdown protests that engulfed the streets of central London” and depicted them as “comprised almost entirely of fringe lunatics”, he writes.

Klarenberg points to Spring’s links with the extremely dodgy “think tank” the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, which I described in this recent article.

As I explained, the ISD was co-founded by ardent Zionist George Weidenfeld and enjoys an “institutional partnership” with the even more ardently pro-Israel Anti-Defamation League.

A 2022 episode of the BBC’s Panorama programme presented by Spring featured ISD boss Sasha Havlicek discussing “how and why people come to believe that terror attacks are hoaxes”.

Hall’s admirable forensic investigation into the Manchester event was presented as evidence of a supposed “mainstreaming of extremism, hatred and conspiracy”, with Spring and Havlicek stressing “the impact these conspiracy theories have on the survivors of terror attacks”.

The ISD’s Zionist affiliations are particularly pertinent here, since the Manchester “bombing” is officially regarded as having been the work of “Islamic extremists”.

Wikipedia describes it as “the deadliest act of terrorism and the first suicide bombing in the United Kingdom since the 7 July 2005 London bombings”, also blamed on “Islamist terrorists”.

The same familiar enemy is said to have been behind pretty much every big “terrorist” attack of the 21st century, starting with 9/11, and pesky “conspiracy theorists” have been asking questions about all of them.

There is certainly historical evidence to suggest that terror attacks are often not what they appear to be.

Gianfranco Sanguinetti wrote in 1980: “I have never said that the secret services were behind every single attack, given that these days even a Molotov cocktail or a workplace sabotage are considered to be ‘attacks’: but I have said, and I have been saying for nearly ten years now, that all spectacular acts of terrorism are either remote-controlled, or directly carried out, by our secret services”.

He was referring to the terrorist attacks, in Italy and across Europe, which are now known to have been co-ordinated by NATO under what is often termed Operation Gladio.

The aim of that wave of killing – which was not faked but very real – was seemingly to push scared populations into the arms of the security state and to discredit radical groups falsely accused of being responsible.

The first of these aims is most likely still true today – who, since 2020, can seriously doubt that deliberate fearmongering plays an important part in keeping populations under control?

But the second aim must be slightly different now, because the “terrorists” involved are said to be “Islamist”.

Why would the system feel the burning need, one might ask, to create fake or false-flag events to discredit Islamist groups that do not present an obvious domestic political threat to the governments of the various countries targeted?

The answer, I suspect, lies in the way in which our political institutions have been systematically captured by elements favourable to, and often funded by, Israel – a reality that has become all too obvious since the onslaught against Gaza began.



We might also consider a document published by Jerusalem Summit nearly 20 years ago. The Acorn reported in 2016 that the leadership of this Zionist organisation included Daniel Pipes, the pro-Israel and anti-Islam US commentator, and Britain’s Baroness Cox, described by Craig Murray in 2014 as “a prominent supporter of organisations which actively and openly promote the ethnic cleansing of all Palestinians from Gaza”.

The document in question envisages “relocation” of Palestinians from their homes in Israeli-controlled territory “to allow them to build a new life for themselves and their families in countries preferably, but not necessarily exclusively, with similar religious and socio-cultural conditions”.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) has been in the limelight in recent months, accusing Israel of crimes against humanity and, in turn, being depicted as a tool of Hamas by Israel and its supporters.

Interestingly, the archived Jerusalem Summit document declares that “the dissolution of UNRWA is an essential prerequisite for any comprehensive, durable solution of the Palestinian issue”.

Also, crucially in the context of this article, it states: “The de-legitimization of the Palestinian narrative becomes a vital prerequisite to any comprehensive resolution of the Palestinian issue”.



How exactly could that “narrative” be delegitimized – thus allowing the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, by whatever means necessary, to go ahead without too much global opposition?

One way would be to associate Palestinians, in the minds of the international public, with terrorists who have been attacking their own communities.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has long been trying to make this link, claiming back in 2014: “ISIS and Hamas are branches of the same poisonous tree. When it comes to their ultimate goals, Hamas is ISIS and ISIS is Hamas. And what they share in common, all militant Islamists share in common”.

He made the same claim in October 2023, declaring: “We have always known what Hamas is. Now the whole world knows. Hamas is ISIS… We will defeat [Hamas] precisely as the enlightened world defeated ISIS”.

With many people pointing out that Hamas was created and propped up by Israel itself, insisting that ISIS is “a US-Israeli creation” and wondering if the October 7 attacks were a false-flag event, a disconcerting possibility emerges.

Could it be that all or most of the big “Islamist” terror attacks of the first two decades of this century were fake or false-flag events, designed to whip up hatred and fear of Muslims and thus of Palestinians, to demonise and dehumanise them in order to achieve the “de-legitimization” of their cause, as recommended by Jerusalem Summit?

Was this all part of a long-term plan to pave the way for the ethnic cleansing horrors that we have seen unfolding in Gaza since October 2023?

If so, is this why the Israel-linked IDS is so keen, through its boss Havlicek and her sidekick Spring, to shut down all investigation of the truth behind these events and the genocidal agenda they were designed to advance?

[Audio version]

Richard D. Hall’s videos about the Manchester Arena “bombing” and other subjects can be viewed here.


Connect with Paul Cudenec: Winter Oak website | substack

Cover image credit: Syaibatulhamdi

Pandora’s Polymer: Synthetic Blood and the Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB)

Pandora’s Polymer: Synthetic Blood and the Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB)

by Clifford E Carnicom
February 29, 2024


A second polymer form that originates from the Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB) has been isolated and assessed.  The CDB is a xenobiotic, genetically engineered synthetic biology that represents a threat to human existence.  It has been under study for several decades and is known to degrade human health in a myriad of ways, with foremost visible damage to the blood.

The research at Carnicom Institute (CI) over the past couple of years is directed toward an increased understanding of the relationship between the CDB and the interaction from the “Covid Era” that has additionally been imposed. This research establishes that this synthetic biology is the primary source of blood damage, including that of blood coagulation.  There is strong evidence that the purported “vaccines” from the Covid Era have added another complex layer of harm that increases the rate of and visibility of blood clots and coagulation.

Blood, biology, chemistry and polymer research at CI is at the core of understanding this relationship.  A series of research papers by CI over this same period disclose many of the mechanisms of harm that are now known to exist.  Numerous other researchers are now involved because of the assaults from the Covid Era, but it is hoped that an immediate awareness of the broader history of the decades old grand assault from synthetic biology will unfold. For your sake, and our sake, it needs to. No time for debates as to Who’s On First at this point…

Here is the assessment of this polymer that can be provided at this time:

The material remains consistent with a genetically engineered, bacteria produced biopolymer likely composed primarily of proteins with potential incorporation of carbohydrates and lipids. The confirmed presence of hemoglobin and the culture solution properties suggest a genetically engineered product designed to mimic specific functionalities of blood components.”

Once again, keep in mind that this culture product derives solely from the existence of the CDB (nomenclature, 2014).  No purported “vaccine” is introduced or required to produce this material.

The existence of synthetic blood, xenobiotic filaments, vinyl polymer functional groups, and proteins within this same culture product will be confronted at some point in comprehending the impact of the CDB upon human biology.

The makings of blood clots, in more than one way, are fully in place from the existence of the CDB alone.  As mentioned, the Covid Era appears to add another significant layer of complexity to the blood clotting issue, but original sources for the problems, now amplified, will need to be acknowledged.

And yes, this polymer form also has “biomedical” (in this case, aka known as synthetic biology) applications.

Second polymer isolation from CDB culture. All evidence points to that of a biopolymer polymer, i.e., composed in part of the biomolecules of life (protein, carbohydrates, lipid, nucleic acids). Magnifcation 2x.

One distinction that seems to exist between the two polymers recently isolated is that the previous form appears to act as a significant hydrogel.  The dominant characteristics of this polymer seem to center on biological interaction.

Additional image of biopolymer isolated from the CDB. Magnification 2x.


Image of synthetic erythrocytes contained within CDB isolated biopolymer. Multiple tests for hemoglobin present remain positive. Original magnification 8000x.

End of Short Version


In like fashion to the previous polymer isolated, the following additional information is provided:

The assessment derives from the following testing methods:

1. Measured or observed properties of a particular and specific material that are produced solely by the CDB in culture form.
2. Ultraviolet Spectroscopy (UV)
3. Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)
4. Qualitative Chemistry
5. Conductivity
6. pH
7. Thermodynamics
8. Solubility
9. Reasonably sophisticated chemometric analysis that attempts to synthesize the chemical nature of the material in a combined sense, dependent upon measured properties.
10. Spectroscopy and chemical reference sources.

The measured or observed properties of the substance are:

1. Microscopic view at 3200x reveals significant presence of cells that match erythrocyte geometry and size
2. Thermodynamic properties:
a) Browns at 200 deg C
b) Charred at 410
c) Combustion point, if it exists, is greater than 510 deg C
d) Releases detectable volatile organic compounds during heating
3. Near infrared absorbance indicates probable functional groups present:
a) Methyl
b) Amide/protein
c) Vinyl
d) Alkyl alcohol.
4. Solubility test information:
a) Slightly soluble in water
b) Slightly soluble in Acetone
c) Insoluble in Mineral Oil
d) Moderately soluble in approx 1M sulfuric acid
e) Insoluble in NaOH-KOH
5. Color is pure white
6. It is created by genetically engineered bacteria
8. Ultraviolet absorbance at 258 nanometers (nm) and at less than 198 nm.
9. Soft Plastic polymer appearance and texture
10. The material has been confirmed to contain hemoglobin.
11. pH of the generating culture is 3.9
12. Electrical conductivity of the generating culture is 10.6 millisiemens (mS)

Clifford E Carnicom
Feb 29 2024

Born Clifford Bruce Stewart, Jan 19 1953


Connect with Carnicom Institute website | substack

Cover image credit: kropekk_pl

See Related:

Clifford Carnicom on the Link Between GeoEngineering & Unusual Filaments Within Blood Samples, Blood Clots, and (Purported) “Vaccine” Studies

The Danger in the Air – Rainwater Analysis Research by Dr. Geanina Hagimă From Romania Shows Magnetic Nanoparticles and Filaments. Comparison to Clifford Carnicom’s Rainwater Analysis

Dr. Ana Mihalcea & Clifford Carnicom: What Is Happening to Humanity’s Blood? — On the Loss of Electrical Blood Conductivity in the Post C19 Era

Unvaccinated Blood Unrecognizable After Application of Low Level Electrical Current and Structures Rapidly Grow – Clifford Carnicom’s Findings Confirmed

New Psychotic Technology to Stop Viruses That Don’t Exist

New Psychotic Technology to Stop Viruses That Don’t Exist
Without People’s Informed Consent or Knowledge

by Jon Rappport
February 29, 2024


Sounds like a bad horror movie. And it is, in real life.

Informed Consent Action Network (Feb 14, 2024) (*):

A new class of “encrypted RNA” vaccines are being developed where the RNA would piggyback onto an existing wild virus and spread from person to person without any person’s knowledge or consent.

This so-called “therapy” uses a technology called TIPs (Therapeutic Interfering Particles), which are described as “engineered molecular parasites” that piggyback on a wild virus. If you get the virus, you also get these parasites. Once inside an infected person, the TIPs are supposed to rapidly multiply, hijacking the resources the wild virus needs to multiply and therefore stopping the virus.

Supporters of this technology claim it will “solve” several problems with traditional vaccine delivery, including “behavior barriers” like noncompliance. Meaning everyone gets vaccinated—whether they like it or not.

Let me try to disentangle this.

Some naturally circulating virus (which doesn’t exist) will be captured and outfitted with lab-created molecular parasites.

The virus (which doesn’t exist) plus its attached parasites will enter the body, where the parasites will “hijack the resources” the virus (which doesn’t exist) needs to survive and multiply.

What resources would these be? The bloodstream? The nervous system? The brain? The anus?

And what does “hijack” mean? Destroy? Disable? Wall off from the rest of the body?

The virus (which doesn’t exist) stops multiplying and dies. Then that person is immune from further infection by that type of virus (which doesn’t exist).

I assume, when the wild virus plus the parasites enter the body, even though the virus doesn’t exist it’s a tiny blob of SOMETHING, rather than just an idea.

What would that something be? No idea.

Whatever the parasites are actually doing in the body, we know they’re not aiding in destroying the virus, because the virus doesn’t exist.

Glad we’ve cleared all that up.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

Cover image credit: CDD20

New International Coalition: Global Radiation Emergency

New International Coalition: Global Radiation Emergency

by Arthur Firstenberg, Cellular Phone Task Force
February 28, 2024


Global Radiation Emergency is a just-formed coalition of individuals, organizations and scientists on six continents whose mission is to save Planet Earth.  Birds are disappearing from our skies, bees from our flowers, insects from our forests, worms from our soils, animals from their dens, and health from our bodies.

Our coalition will be contacting leaders in science and medicine, directors of environmental organizations, law institutes, government officials, astronomers, universities, religious leaders, and groups representing parents, children and schools. Our website is

The Electrosmog Policy Brief, so far in Englishfrançaisitalianosvenska and日本語will be our roadmap and our guideposts. The Radio Wave Packet, so far in Englishfrançaisnorsk and Nederlands, will be a basic tool with which to penetrate the wall of denial, to place wireless technology alongside climate change on the world’s agenda of greatest assaults on life and most immediate threats to survival.

If you or your organization wants to join our coalition, please send a message to Global Radiation Emergency on the contact page of the website.

Arthur Firstenberg
President, Cellular Phone Task Force

Subscribe to Cellular Phone Task Force newsletters.


Connect with Arthur Firstenberg website | substack

Cover image credit: Mysticsartdesign

See Related:

Rainbow Lorikeets Dropping From the Sky

5G, Satellites & the Global Wireless Rollout: On the Irradiation of Cats, Dogs, Birds & All of Our Natural World

Arthur Firstenberg: An Autumn’s Tale

Pesticide Exposure Linked to Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, and Metabolic Disease in Seniors

Pesticide Exposure Linked to Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, and Metabolic Disease in Seniors

by Beyond Pesticides
February 27, 2024


(Beyond Pesticides, February 27, 2024) Popular culture and official policy continue to ignore a blatant source of the rise in obesity: chemical exposures, including pesticides. A study, “Associations of chronic exposure to a mixture of pesticides and type 2 diabetes mellitus in a Chinese elderly population,” contributes to the now-massive trove of evidence linking pesticides to diseases and shows that by the time people reach retirement age they are suffering from a heavy burden of contamination that raises their risk of complex disease.

Since the 1960s, obesity in both adults and children has nearly tripled. More than half of U.S. adults were either obese or severely obese by 2018, according to data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Study. The 55-year trend line is decidedly upward. More women than men are obese, and black women suffer the most, but men are racing to catch up. Between 1999 and 2018, Mexican American men shot up from the lowest percentage of obesity to nearly the highest.

Obesity is a milestone on the road to Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney failure, joint replacement, and more. The causes of obesity are severely misunderstood. Most people believe that discipline and willpower are what keep a person from being fat, even if they have “fat genes.” The medical opinion is “calories in, calories out” — obesity, genetic or not, can be staved off with diet and exercise. But despite decades of advice, sweat, tears, and billions of dollars spent on ineffective diet pills and menus, obesity is a global emergency. If popular attitudes and medical theories were correct, obesity would be far less common and more easily controlled. It is not. Therefore, beliefs and advice are incorrect—or at least incomplete.

The researchers from the Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention identified 39 pesticides in the study population. Women had slightly higher levels and a stronger correlation between obesity, pesticide burden and type 2 diabetes than men. The most significant contributors were β-Hexachlorocyclohexane (β-BHC) and oxadiazon.

β-BHC is a byproduct of technical grade lindane production and common near lindane factories. For example, in 2005 an Italian biomonitoring program found β-BHC levels 20 times higher than the legal limit in cows’ milk. The subject cows’ water came from a river which had been polluted by waste from a lindane facility. Lindane is available in the U.S. only as a treatment for head lice and not for any agricultural uses. It has been listed as a Persistent Organic Pollutant under the Stockholm Convention since 2009. The International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies it as a possible human carcinogen; it has been linked to aplastic anemia and breast cancer and is an endocrine disruptorOxadiazon is a herbicide and likely human carcinogen used in the U.S. on golf courses, parks, athletic fields, playgrounds, cemeteries and some horticultural contexts but which is not registered for any food uses.

The β-BHC and oxadiazon associations with type 2 diabetes in the Chinese senior study are “pronounced among elderly women,” according to the authors. They are also linear, meaning that for each increment of pesticide body burden, the risk of diabetes rises a comparable amount. These data, the authors write indicate “that it is an urgent need to take practical measures to control these harmful pesticides.”

Although β-BHC and oxadiazon now have limited uses in the U.S., the study found levels in the Chinese seniors of many pesticides that are still used in the U.S. in agricultural, horticultural, residential, and other applications. These include atrazine, acetochlor, metolachlor, and permethrin, to name a few, all of which have been reported to disturb lipid functions. A 2020 review of agrochemicals affecting obesity discusses more obesogenic pesticides registered in the U.S.

A concurrent publication by most of the same authors as the 2024 Chinese pesticide study reviewed evidence for environmental obesogens’ disruption of lipid metabolism. This review notes that, “Currently, more than 50 types of chemicals with high human exposure levels have been identified as environmental obesogens that can interfere with lipid metabolism and induce obesity. Experimental studies have shown that the lipid metabolism interference effects of obesogens have multiple targets, including nuclear receptors [thyroid, steroid, vitamin D3, and retinoid receptors], transcription factors [wide number of proteins that initiate and regulate the transcription of genes], cytokines [proteins important to cell signaling], and hormones. The interfering factors of environmental obesogen-induced obesity include transgenerational effects, susceptibility [developmental] windows, gender differences…and diet habits…”

Lipids are fat-soluble compounds that are essential for cells’ structural integrity along with numerous other functions in organisms from bacteria to humans. But when fat consumption exceeds the body’s need for lipids, humans make more fat cells or expand existing cells. When these storage options are full, lipids begin leaking into other tissues such as the kidneys and pancreas, contributing to a wide variety of serious diseases.

Research on environmental contributions to obesity was pioneered by Bruce Blumberg, who recounts how he discovered the effects of tributyltin (TBT) in his 2018 book with Kristin Loberg, The Obesogen Effect: Why We Eat Less and Exercise More but Still Struggle to Lose WeightTBT refers to a family of tin compounds used to keep marine snails off ship hulls (a use now banned), to prevent fungal growth in wood and textile production, as a stabilizer in polyvinyl chloride products, and other uses. It bioaccumulates and can take 30 years to break down. Blumberg’s presentation at Beyond Pesticides’ 2018 36th National Pesticide Forum, is available on YouTube.

Dr. Blumberg, a professor of developmental and cell biology at the University of California Irvine and a molecular biologist by training, was curious about Japanese research showing that TBT could change fish from female to male, so he looked for cellular receptors that TBT could bind to. He found that TBT did not activate sex hormone receptors as expected; instead, it activated the process that leads to fat cell development. He showed that frog embryos exposed to TBT converted their testes to fat, that mice exposed to TBT in the womb had larger fat deposits as adults, and that this predisposition affected later generations. Subsequent research into the term Blumberg coined, obesogens, has expanded knowledge of these phenomena.

One of the widely-studied culprits is the notorious organophosphate chlorpyrifos. It has a painful and ragged history of regulation by EPA, which itself has repeatedly opined that it is toxic to human health. Currently, as BP reported last November, chlorpyrifos residues are still permitted in food owing to a shoddy and biased court-ordered instruction by the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals.

The organophosphate insecticide chlorpyrifos does its damage in varied ways. Beyond Pesticides covered a 2019 study finding that it promotes obesity development even at low doses. The study found that chlorpyrifos prevented “diet-induced thermogenesis” in brown adipose tissue at concentrations “as low as 1 part per million.” Brown fat is considered better than white fat, and it burns calories to keep the body at an even temperature in cold conditions.

An earlier study by some of the same authors of the 2024 pesticide-diabetes research showed that chlorpyrifos also contributes to obesity by causing leaky gut and inflammation; when they transferred chlorpyrifos-altered microbes to unexposed mice, those mice added fat and lost insulin sensitivity –major factors in type 2 diabetes induction.

Despite reduced usage, TBT keeps on giving – and demonstrating that even at individually low doses, and even when a chemical has been banned or restricted, it can remain in the environment and combine with other toxic chemicals to cause harm. A 2019 study showed that “Combined exposure [to TBT and the “forever chemical” perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS)] significantly promoted the fat accumulation in newly hatched [fish] larvae, even when the doses of TBT and PFOS were both at the levels that did not show obesogenic effect. The interactive effect of TBT and PFOS could aggravate the total obesogenic effect of their mixtures, indicating a synergistic interaction.”

There are ways to fight back against the onslaught:

The body of research now available also supports the very recent admission by some health professionals that obesity is not caused by poor character, laziness or lack of willpower. The review of environmental obesogens and their role in metabolic diseases cites approximately 50 studies reporting specific obesogenic effects of more than 50 chemicals. Obesity has multiple determinants, but absent willpower is not one of them. Unfortunately, the medical establishment is still focused on mechanisms, such as brain activity, that cause people to eat too much, and suggest that high-calorie food is too easily available. These are probably factors, but the message that environmental obesogens are a dire emergency has not yet been received. The prevailing concept is that too much food is the problem, when it’s perhaps not the amount of food, but the pesticide load of the food, that is an essential cause of the slow-motion global pandemic of obesity and diabetes.

All unattributed positions and opinions in this piece are those of Beyond Pesticides


Associations of chronic exposure to a mixture of pesticides and type 2 diabetes mellitus in a Chinese elderly population. Tian Chen, Xiaohua Liu, Jianghua Zhang, Lulu Wang, Jin Su, Tao Jing, Ping XiaoChemosphere, Volume 351, March 2024, [Open Access]

Environmental Obesogens and Their Perturbations in Lipid Metabolism. Xiaoyun Wang, Zhendong Sun, Qian S. Liu, Qunfang Zhou, and Guibin Jiang Environ. Health, February 13, 2024, [Open Access]

Agrochemicals and obesity, Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, Volume 515, 15 September 2020, Xiao-Min Ren, Yun Kuo, Bruce Blumberg, [Open Access]

Pesticide-Induced Diseases: Diabetes.; “a wealth of additional research on the link between toxic pesticide exposure and the development of diabetes. Replacing conventional food products with organic consistently leads to reduced levels of pesticide in one’s body.”

Food For Thought: Eating Organic Reduces Risk of Type 2 Diabetes,

Study Finds Recently Banned, Common Insecticide Promotes Obesity Development, and Related Illnesses,

Grandmother’s Exposure to DDT Increases Granddaughters’ Breast Cancer and Cardiometabolic Disorder Risk,

Childhood Development Hurt By Preconception Exposure to Environmental Stressors,


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Cover image credit: hpgruesen

The REAL Sexual Revolution Is Loss of Sexuality

The REAL Sexual Revolution Is Loss of Sexuality
 Brought to you by antidepressants

by Jon Rappoport
February 27, 2024


I just read a stunner of an article by Freya India. It describes the crushing effects of SSRI antidepressants on young people:

SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Re-Uptake Inhibitors) are a common class of antidepressants used to treat depression, anxiety and other mental health problems. Popular SSRIs include Fluoxetine (Prozac), Escitalopram (Lexapro), and Sertraline (Zoloft). Something well established about these drugs is that they have sexual side-effects. In fact, between 40 and 65% of people who take an SSRI are thought to experience some form of sexual dysfunction. What few people know, though, is these side effects can persist even after coming off of the drugs—a condition called Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction (PSSD).

This is more than just low libido. It can be a total loss of libido, genital numbness, erectile dysfunction, an inability to orgasm and complete lack of sexual attraction. Emotional blunting is also common, with sufferers describing a numbing of positive emotions, no romantic feelings, and difficulty connecting with others…

In the UK, 1 in 3 teenagers aged 12 to 18 has been prescribed antidepressants. In 2022 alone, the number of children aged 13 to 19 taking antidepressants rose by 6,000 to 173,000…

And increasingly before puberty! In the UK, antidepressant prescriptions for children aged five to 12 years increased by more than 40% between 2015 and 2021. Aged five! Before they’ve even had the chance to develop normally! Online forums are already full of people sharing their experiences of puberty on SSRIs and now dealing with sexual dysfunction as adults. Stories of starting Zoloft at age 11 and never developing normal sexual sensation. Of being prescribed Prozac at 14 and not knowing what it’s like to have a libido. Of taking Lexapro for less than a month and still having genital numbness six years on.

Loss of sexual feeling, desire, interest.

And on top of that, tons of assurances from the Woke mob that having no sexuality is just fine. It’s a gender identity.

As opposed to a CHEMICAL DISASTER.

I went to Google and typed in “SSRIs loss of sexual feeling.” Here are the entries that sprang up:

NIH: “Sexual dysfunction in [SSRIs].”

Harvard Health: “Some people taking SSRIs aren’t able to have an orgasm at all. These symptoms tend to become more common with age…”

Mayo Clinic: “Effects on sexual function can include: A change in your desire for sex; Erectile problems; Orgasm problems; Problems with arousal, comfort and satisfaction.”

New York Times: “Doctors and patients have long known that antidepressants can cause sexual problems. No libido. Pleasureless orgasms. Numb genitals…”

So it’s no secret.

Except—how many doctors who are about to prescribe antidepressants to children tell their parents, “The drug can have serious sexual side effects”?

So there’s that. Widespread ignorance, because doctors keep their mouths shut about what they know.

And when all sexual feeling shuts down, a child is told, “Non-binary…asexual…gender…trans…it’s all fine…no problem…”

The kid thinks he’s on the cutting edge of a new society, a new culture, a new way of seeing male and female, a revolution.

It’s the drugs. THE DRUGS.

Chemical castration.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

Cover image credit: Tilixia-Summer

Reiner Fuëllmich Update: February 23, 2024

Reiner Fuëllmich Update: February 23, 2024


Video sourced from Reiner Fuëllmich Telegram channel.
Mirrored at Truth Comes to Light BitChute & Odysee channels.


Transcript prepared by Truth Comes to Light:


Dear friends, let me give you a quick update of what is happening.

Due to illness, my criminal trial was delayed by two weeks, but on Tuesday, February 27th, it will continue.

Two witnesses that will be heard on that day are, one, the person who filed the criminal charges against me and who was in the process, in the self-destructive process, of losing every last bit of credibility he might have ever had. The other witness is my former co-host Viviane Fischer, whom the above-mentioned person threatened to sue for a million dollars in December of 23.

Currently, the criminal charges of having violated a fiduciary duty to take care of another person’s monetary interests (which is, of course, the donors of the Corona Investigative Committee) seem to be evaporating into thin air. This is all depending, of course, on how important and how pervasive the political pressure is that’s coming from behind.

The only fiduciary duty we owed was the one spelled out in the bylaws of the Corona Committee and communicated to our donors when we asked them for donations. That is, to use that money solely for the purpose of investigating the Corona scandal. We would not get paid for our work, in particular, not for conducting the interviews, and we would not receive any payments upon leaving the corporation, as the donations would continue to serve that purpose on a permanent basis.

That is what we promised our donors and viewers. The crucial question is, therefore, if this fiduciary duty towards our donors and viewers was violated when we took some of the donations out of the bank account of the Corona Committee, or if this action was covered by the business judgment rule, which allows directors of a corporation much discretion, that is, gives us a lot of leeway, especially when there is a threat to the very existence of the corporation.

We believe that it is clear for three reasons that our decision was covered by the business judgment rule. One, we didn’t take the money secretly and not to increase our personal wealth at the expense of the Corona Committee. Rather, we did it openly through clear loan contracts, which means we were obligated to repay the loan to the Corona Committee, and these loans were transparently listed in the Corona Committee’s books. Two, there was an imminent danger of our bank account getting attached by the authorities, that’s by the district attorney’s office, as we were informed by Professor Sucharit Bhakdi’s group that their bank account had just been attached.

At the same time, the directors and shareholders of the Corona Committee were already under investigation as our bank accounts were being cancelled by the banks who had informed the authorities of possible money laundering. I had, in fact, as shown in the DA’s files, informed all shareholders and the inner circle of the Corona Committee of this threat by email without, however, getting any response from the two inactive substitute shareholders/directors who filed the criminal charges against us.

The third reason why our loans were not a violation of the fiduciary duty to take care of our donors’ financial assets, is that we were both willing and able to repay the loans. The district attorney decided this with respect to Viviane Fischer when he stopped investigating her in April of ’23 after hearing her side of the story. And the court decided this with respect to me after they had finally heard my side of the story in a ruling dated January 9th, 2024.

The court understands that I, as the international face of the Corona Committee, was in the process of using all the evidence we had collected through our interviews in international legal proceedings, which our group of international attorneys and I were working on, and that I was doing everything in my power to make the findings of the Corona Committee public on an international level. So that there was absolutely no reason for me to destroy these activities and, of course, my reputation by not repaying the loan.

The court also understands that I would have repaid the loan as planned with the proceeds of the sale of my house. The only reason I didn’t do it is because that money was stolen by the three people who filed the criminal charges against me — stolen by way of fraud and extortion. We filed a criminal complaint against the three crooked attorneys in mid-December of ’23 and are now waiting for a response from the DA’s office. Let’s see if the district attorney scrutinizes their bank accounts as thoroughly as he did ours.

By the way, another district attorney had refused to start criminal proceedings against us already in 2022. I’ll give you the details of this.

In her ruling — and she knew everything. She had all the facts back then.

In her ruling, she decided, she wrote on June 14, 2022:

Against this backdrop there’s not enough evidence that the founders of the Corona Committee or any other of those involved in its activities intended, as it would be necessary for starting criminal proceedings, from the start to ask for donations under the guise of the Corona Committee without delivering what they promised. This is true even if such donations were collected in excess of what was necessary for their work and if such donations were used for other purposes for which there is currently no evidence, especially as other such investments may have been in the best interest of a Corona Committee, or to use them for purposes of the Corona Committee at a later time.

So that’s what she wrote in 2022.

Let me continue and finish.

I told you we filed a criminal complaint against those three crooked attorneys in mid-December. Let’s see what’s going to happen.

Apart from my personal situation, the international crises in Ukraine and in Israel/ Palestine seem to be coming to a head and the economic collapse of Europe, especially of Germany is obvious for everyone.

The question is how long the people, in particular the Germans, will continue to remain silent. Justice will come however. Both the international lawyers, myself and, of course, all of you who are supporting me with your letters and postcards in an almost magical way, stand for this. I continue to read everything.

Here’s six more of my favorite songs. One is George Gershwin’s “Rhapsody in Blue” and his wonderful “Summertime” for Porgy and Bess. Then there’s the O’Jay’s “Love Train” and “Backstabbers”. And then there’s Journey: “Don’t Stop Believin'” and “Only the Young”.

See you soon.


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An Overview of What Reiner Füellmich Is Facing as His Trial Starts & the Circumstances Leading Up to His Arrest

Recap: Reiner Fuellmich Explains the Circumstances Leading Up to His Arrest

ICIC Law Reports on Reiner Fuëllmich’s Trial Process — Day 1 and Day 2

Lab Leak: An Elaborate Misdirection?

Lab Leak: An Elaborate Misdirection?

by Health Freedom Defense Fund Team
originally published February 7, 2024


The ongoing investigations into the elusive Covid Pandemic murder mystery are cluttered by all manner of obfuscation and misdirection.

Chief among these shaky postulations are the various iterations of the SARS-CoV-2 virus lab-leak theory, which has more lives than a feral cat and possesses a capacity for reappearing as often as the shambling zombies who lurk in the woods at the edge of town.

Once the curtain is pulled back on the unsubstantiated lab-leak hypotheses, the socially engineered sorcery of the Covid Pandemic is revealed as the base scheme that it is.

The lab-leak claim posits that SARS-CoV-2 is an engineered quasi-biological, deadly gain-of-function phenomenon rather than a computer-generated construct. The initial research paper illustrates that the virus in question was nothing more than an in-silico apparition, a simulacrum created by demonstrably dodgy genomic sequencing.

This theory advances the fanciful plot that a hyperreality TV show viral escapee miraculously slipped out of—or was released intentionally from—a biological research facility in faraway Wuhan, China, went on a global rampage, and killed millions of people.

By implying that the virus was a man-made microbial murderer, promulgators of the lab-leak story avoid facing the fact that the last three-and-a-half years were a deliberate, highly organized culling of the global population under the guise of protecting “public health.”

Unfortunately, many in-the-know folks who are skeptical of the medical industry’s pharmacological fantasies are still trapped on the lab-leak circuit of the Covid merry-go-round.

Amidst the hyperfocus on gain-of-function research, furin cleavage sites, restriction enzymes, and the rest of the sci-fi vernacular that shroud the lab-leak hypothesis in scientific-sounding mumbo jumbo there lies an elementary question, “Does this theory hold even an ounce of water?”

One conspicuous curiosity that calls into question the threat of “lab-leaked bioweapon” is the fact that the “Covid-19” deaths follow the age/risk stratification and seasonal curve of influenza and pneumonia (two named illnesses that, until 2020, health authorities lumped together in their charts).

Equally inexplicable is the fact that, in 2020, reported cases of flu in many countries suddenly vanished.

Meanwhile, many pneumonia deaths since 2020 have been fraudulently attributed to “Covid” on death certificates. Even if the bioweapon theory were a reality, perhaps we should be relieved, since Covid seemed able to impact only two kinds of populations:

1. 80-plus-year-olds who had multiple comorbidities and

2. other chronically ill people who were already in or were sent to hospitals and nursing homes.

In these institutions, “Covid” patients were forcibly “treated” with toxic medications, placed on sedatives and ventilators that blew up or collapsed their lungs, and abandoned in their rooms to die a painful, lonely, despairing death.

Family members were prevented from being at their side to comfort them, to question the macabre protocols being mercilessly inflicted, and to spirit them out of the “death row” facilities.

That the death rate attributed to Covid was so low throughout the rest of the global population proves the alleged “bioweapon” was a dud.

Indeed, to hang one’s hat on the lab-leak theory and the grandiose narrative of the Covid Pandemic requires contorted mental gymnastics and a blind faith in the esoteric.

Countless incongruities point to the lab-leak theory—and possibly the virus itself—being a myth.

Here are a few peculiarities that should cause any reasonable person to question the lab-leak theory:

(1) This Covid virus, so-called, apparently struck without warning. There was no observable evidence of contagion in late 2019 or early 2020 that would lead up to a mass death event. In the US and in alleged hotspots elsewhere, the Covid Death Event began to be reported precisely the same week the WHO declared a global pandemic—in mid-March 2020.


What dark magic was involved that trained this microbial Kraken to be released only upon administrative orders and to peak in synchroneity only in select locations?

Are we to believe a suddenly super-spreading, deadlier-than-flu, gain-of-function virus waited for a government decree to create excess deaths?

Why did this deadly virus cause no mass death in the Chinese city where a lab leak is said to have originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology?

(2) This ostensible virus did not migrate from northern Italy to central or southern Italy, nor did it impact other parts of Europe. Instead, it improbably hopped, skipped, and jumped its way straight to a public hospital in Elmhurst—in the Corona neighborhood of Queens, New York City, no less.

QUESTION: Was that a fluke or what?

(3) The “first wave” of Covid deaths in the US occurred almost exclusively in nursing homes and hospitals, not in the general population.


How is it possible that this virus was so demographically smart?

Why did it target those institutions—filled with ill, infirm, and elderly—so specifically and blanket them so completely?

Would not the high rate of deaths in hospitals and nursing homes have had anything to do with their application of dangerous protocols, their unilateral do-not-resuscitate orders, and their apparently purposeful policies of neglect?

(4) During that reputed “first wave” the people impacted were mainly poor, and many were disabled.

QUESTION: How, pray tell, was this Frankenstein virus programmed to avoid upper middle class and wealthy people? How did it know to sidestep healthy and able people? Aren’t the poor always more susceptible to disease? Do we need a viral event to explain this?

(5) During that initial wave, if we are to believe the “spreading pathogen” story, we must believe that this virus was geographically savvy. How was it that certain counties and metro areas in certain states in the US were impacted while neighboring regions adjacent to these areas were not affected? Curiously, many of these Covid-affected counties in the US were right next to unaffected areas, including in the NYC metro region where the virus seemed unable to cross rivers.

QUESTION: Was this gain-of-function hobgoblin designed to recognize county, state, and national boundaries and to stick to urban areas while leaving suburban and rural communities largely alone?

(6) Even after the “first wave,” the population groups that appeared to be exclusively targeted by this “bioweapon,” both in and out of institutions, were the elderly and the sickly and the disabled—people who are more susceptible to all types of afflictions.

QUESTION: Why did the supposedly novel virus jump over children and younger adults and able, healthy people?

(7) This lab-leaked daemonic entity killed many more victims in places where de facto police state “emergency measures” were fiercest and far fewer victims in contiguous jurisdictions where the countermeasures taken by authorities were much milder.


What each of these outlandish events illustrates is that there was no global viral event. Instead, what we saw play out was that radically different public health policies and mandates in a handful of jurisdictions around the world produced radically different health results.

Thus, to ascribe this convergent set of circumstances to a lab-leaked daemon or pathogen of any genus strains credulity. What it should be attributed to is a coordinated campaign orchestrated by powerful interests and their collaborators in academia, in the medical industry, and in the media.

Origins of the lab-leak story

In the media, the lab-leak story surfaced early on. It was quickly adopted and became an accepted narrative even amongst certain sectors of the “respectable” Covid “skeptics.” In fact, some “Establishment” Covid skeptics have built their reputations—and in some cases entire cottage industries—around the lab-leak mythology, even though this gain-of-function narrative strains credulity.

So-called Covid skeptics buying into aspects of the Covid myth creates a situation in which “dissident movement” resources are channeled into conferences and investigations where attention is fixed—and fixated—on esoteric explanations that ultimately prop up the overall pandemic narrative. If they were truly dissidents, they would be collaborating with truth-tellers to prove the demonstrable forensics of the fraud that defines the Covid enterprise.

The lab-leak theory reinforces the idea that “the virus” is a grave problem that needs to be solved rather than a fear-based control mechanism. It bolsters the notion that a “deadly” man-made, “novel” virus caused an “unprecedented medical emergency” for which a raft of invasive policies—including the worldwide suspension of basic civil liberties—would become justified.

To justify another round of lockdowns and to codify more draconian measures such as mandated vaccination in the future, all that will be needed is to reignite the fear of a bioweapon.

A further but related result of focusing on the “lab-leak” conjecture is that it shores up the “deadly novel virus suddenly appeared” narrative, which provides the rationale for the biosecurity complex to siphon trillions from taxpayers through the aptly named “pandemic preparedness” industry.

Another consequence of accepting the lab-leak supposition is to distract attention from how the perception of a pandemic/mass panic was conjured with staged Hollywood productionsdoomsday models, and the meaningless PCR tests that fraudulently manufactured cases and spuriously attributed deaths from other causes to Covid.

But perhaps the biggest problem with accepting and promoting the lab-leak theory is that it reifies the Big Lie that there ever was a “pandemic” caused by a “unique viral pathogen” in the spring of 2020. In so doing, the theory hides the crimes that were committed in the hospitals and nursing homes and provides cover for the criminals who designed and executed this top-down operation.

Not only does the “pandemic” narrative serve to conceal the likelihood that this was a mass murder spree set off by policies constructed, orchestrated, and mandated by identifiable individuals, it also serves as a smokescreen for the entire “Covid Operation” that benefited the wealthy while steamrolling working people’s lives.

Is it possible that the gain-of-function virus story was manufactured to get the public to snap up and swallow the lab-leak bait?

And was this entire fish tale dropped into the Covid discourse to keep the public obsessing over the “origins” of the disease rather than focusing on the policy-induced slaughter of the last three-and-a-half years? (When we say “slaughter,” we do not mean from an actual disease, but, rather, from isolation, from toxic treatments like Remdesivir and mRNA injections, and from the murderous misuse of sedatives and ventilators.)

Without the existence of a SARS-CoV-2 bioweapon, everything else in the official narrative swirls down the toilet, including the contrived Covid-19 case definition, the dodgy non-diagnostic rt-PCR tests, the fake excuses given for lockdowns and masks and social distancing, and the debate between whether the “novel virus” originated with a love match between a bat and a pangolin or from gain-of-function experiments at the Wuhan lab.

In other words, the establishment’s insistence on pushing the lab-leak theory serves to cover up the actual crimes that were committed on a massive scale and with impunity.

If it can be proven that there was no pandemic, as we have posited in a previous article, and no evidence of a virus, where would we go from there?

We would have to come to terms with the reality that this was never about “a mismanaged pandemic,” as some “health freedom” celebrities have taken to calling it.

We would have to confront the fact that the only pandemic was one of violent government and medical assault against billions of people, of false attribution of a made-up disease on death certificates, and of intense propaganda using fraudulent tests and bogus “scientific” studies.

We would have to accept that what we are dealing with is the collaboration of despotic public and private elements to commit criminal fraud and outright genocide.

We would have to hold the government (including intelligence agencies and the military), the health regulatory agencies, the hospitals and nursing homes, the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, and the media accountable for these crimes.

The whole system would be revealed as the corrupt house of cards it is.

In short, legitimizing the lab-leak theory is a backdoor way of legitimizing the false claim of a global pandemic.


Misdirection is a classic strategy used to divert attention from one subject and direct it to another. Getting people to ask all the wrong questions ensures they will be kept from seeking answers to the right questions. Asking the wrong questions also ensures they will always draw wrong conclusions.

Thus, we have a deceived public wrongly determining: “It was a manufactured new virus and a few bad actors.”

And we have the subversive actors, who purport to oppose the official Covid narrative, pretending to believe: “It was a bioweapon that needs to be contained next time.”

Those who subscribe to the manufactured “deadly man-made virus” story are understandably terrified and desperate for explanations and for heroes and for “bombshell reports” that will mitigate their fears.

They want some simplistic, reassuring answers that can explain it all away and let them go back to sleep.

They don’t want to be overwhelmed by talk about a global cabal or conditional UBI or programmable CBDCs or digital IDs or mass surveillance rolled out across the world via an endless series of manufactured crises.

This entire issue needs to be confronted head-on in the health freedom movement. Some apparent health freedom advocates who have captured the attention of huge audiences are, wittingly or not, doing the bidding of the biosecurity state. By maintaining and heightening the fear factor of the gain-of-function bogeyman, these influencers are creating fertile ground for future psychological “terror” campaigns.

How can we stop these popular but either deluded or deceitful actors from inadvertently—or purposely—promoting fear?

Or, more realistically, how can we help the hangers-on of these perceived “heroes” to stop giving credence to their claims—to stop automatically deferring to their opinions and advice?

One way is to show people that when they uncritically accept any statement as fact, regardless of the insubstantiality of the claim and the evidence that refutes the claim, they are operating on a level of superficial emotional reaction, are incapable of thinking critically or evaluating ideas rationally, and can be easily duped.

Each time an individual comes to understand that all facets of the official narrative of “Covid” are a fiction, that there was no “pandemic” and no “novel virus” and no “lab leak,” the world moves a step further from the lies and a step closer to the truth.


Connect with Health Freedom Defense Fund

Cover image credit: CDD20

“Millions of People Have Long COVID”; Pinocchio’s Nose Got Longer, Too

“Millions of People Have Long COVID”; Pinocchio’s Nose Got Longer, Too

by Jon Rappoport
February 20, 2024


One new study, supporting the “millions” assertion, claims the most common long COVID symptom people report is tiredness after light physical or mental exercise.


As we all know, feeling tired can only be caused by THE VIRUS.

“Doctor, six months ago, I was fine. But since then, I’ve been fatigued.”

“Right, Ms. Jones. You have long COVID.”

“Say what?”

“I diagnosed you with COVID six months ago. The disease is persisting.”

“Oh. Come to think of it, I started feeling tired right after you diagnosed me.”

“A coincidence.”

“I don’t think so. I left your office. I was depressed by the diagnosis, and when I got home I couldn’t run my usual nine miles for the day.”

“Are you saying I made you tired?”

“Yes, I believe I am.”

“I’ll write a note to Homeland Security. Expect a visit to your house. Open the door carefully and assure the agents you have no weapons and no dogs.”

Long COVID is long money. For doctors.

And of course, the virus doesn’t exist. So there’s that.

I’ve felt tired since 1952. I’ve successfully fought it off by limiting my conversations with long idiots.

If I were the predatory CEO of a pharmaceutical company, I’d establish studies proving every disease under the sun can have a long component, which must be treated with drugs and prevented by vaccines. For years.

Long flu, long colds, long eyestrain, long ass ache, etc.

Doctors received special training in medical school so they could make absurd diagnoses with a straight face.

Otherwise, this would happen:

“Doctor, when you just told me I have long COVID, you smiled. Why?”

“Sorry, I was keeping myself from laughing.”


“Sometimes it gets to be too much.”

“You lost me.”

“Have you ever said something so stupid you busted out laughing?”

“I’m not sure.”

“Ha-ha. Sorry. I’m trying to be serious, but long COVID? I mean, come on. When I first read about it, I cracked up. I had to go home from the office. Everything started to seem funny. I couldn’t control myself.”

Someday, somebody will come up with Long Pregnancy. Women can remain pregnant for up to three years. But at the end, they don’t give birth. The baby they’ve been carrying is only a few cells. However, this is a serious condition and must be treated for the full duration of the pregnancy. Treated with very expensive drugs. Otherwise the patient could develop Chronic Fatigue, Mononucleosis, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, etc.

Some of these women, when untreated, also develop Tourette’s, even speak in tongues—which can be quite embarrassing in social situations. Like Thanksgiving dinner.

There is also a condition known as Long Sermons. People are exposed to it during church services. Some houses of worship may have to be closed down, in order to curb contagion out in the community. Psychiatrists can treat the disorder, with anti-psychotic drugs.

All of these long illnesses can be avoided if we start diagnosing doctors. You don’t need a license to participate. Invent your own disease and disorder labels. Offer the doctors help—at a price. No insurance, no Medicare or Medicaid. Straight cash for your services.

For every diagnosis you make, be sure to attach the word “long.”

You’ll be correct. What these doctors are suffering from, they’ve had for a long time. Possibly since college. Maybe even earlier.

Hell, tell them it’s genetic. Doing that lets you get away with anything.

Remind them of the story about Jesus and the Money Changers. Tell them they’re suffering from Long Money Changing. That’ll hit them where they live.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

Cover image credit: Prawny

We Think This Dystopia Is Normal Like People in Abusive Relationships Think It’s Normal

We Think This Dystopia Is Normal Like People in Abusive Relationships Think It’s Normal

by Caitlin Johnstone
originally published February 15, 2024


Westerners who don’t appreciate the extreme dysfunctionality of western civilization are like someone in an abusive marriage who hasn’t yet recognized that there’s a problem, or someone who had a violent and chaotic childhood who still thinks their home life was basically normal.

All of us understand that there are problems with our society, and most of us understand that a lot of of those problems are severe. But few westerners really get just how bad it is. How pervasively diseased it is.

In reality, we are living in a profoundly sick dystopia that is built on a foundation of human corpses and fueled by an endless river of human blood. Our news media are propaganda services, our entertainment is brainwashing, and our mainstream culture is social engineering, all built to keep us turning the gears of a vast globe-dominating empire.

There’s a widespread assumption throughout the western world that while things might not be perfect our society is certainly much better than what people experience in a nation like China, smugly believing ourselves to be a free society full of free thinkers and free people in contrast with those unfortunate thought-controlled communist conformists. In fact western civilization is one giant thought-controlled conformity machine where people’s minds are shaped by mass-scale psychological manipulation far more effectively than anywhere else in the world, exactly because westerners don’t know this is happening and believe they are free.

Western minds don’t like to be told this, because it goes against everything they’ve been trained to believe about their nation, their society, and their world. Obviously we are much freer here than those poor saps to the east; here in the west we are free to choose between 197 flavors of frosted breakfast cereal and 20,000 different superhero movies. We are free to choose between voting for warmongering capitalist authoritarian Democrats or warmongering capitalist authoritarian Republicans. We are free to sell our labor at a fraction of the value it generates to any exploitative ecocidal employer of our choosing. We are free to think whatever thoughts we’ve been trained to think by our education systems, mass media, and Silicon Valley algorithm manipulation. We are free to speak our minds, which have been shaped and conditioned to serve the interests of the powerful and never to say anything that falls outside the Overton window of acceptable opinion.

Sure there are outliers in the margins, westerners who’ve slipped outside the matrix of thought control and have gained the ability to traffick in unauthorized opinions — if you’re reading this you’re probably one of them. But our numbers are deliberately kept too small to have any political consequence, and if those numbers start getting too big for comfort we immediately see influence ops to sow division and confusion and herd people back toward the mainstream flock. Sure we in our small numbers are free to voice unauthorized opinions on marginal platforms where we can’t have much impact — we’re free to dig a hole in the ground and whisper whatever we want into it, too.

The single biggest obstacle to our freedom in the west is our widespread belief that we are free. Until we collectively realize we’re human livestock being continually herded into our respective gear-turning stations to keep the imperial juggernaut trudging ever forward on the world stage, we’ve got no chance to break free and bring the whole abusive system crashing down.

Until this is seen we’re like the wife who thinks it’s perfectly normal that her husband controls all her finances and dictates every aspect of her life, and who’d be shocked and angered if anyone tried to tell her that this is what an abusive relationship looks like. We’re like the man who insists he had a happy childhood despite remembering a lot of body trauma and screams.

The truth is all around us — we’re marinating in it 24/7/365. But we can’t see it, because it’s all we’ve ever known. We’ve been conditioned to think that this murderous ecocidal mind-controlled dystopia is normal, and we can’t imagine it being any other way. The prospect of ending it can actually feel scary and intimidating, just as it can for someone who’s thinking about fleeing an abusive relationship.

But real freedom is just on the other side of that fear. All we’ve got to do is become sufficiently conscious of what’s really going on here.


Connect with Caitlin Johnstone

Cover image credit: artbykleiton

Nanoparticle Rain: GeoEngineering & Sun-Blocking Particles That Poison Our Planet

Nanoparticle Rain: GeoEngineering & Sun-Blocking Particles That Poison Our Planet


Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, February 17, 2024, #445

by Dane Wigington, GeoEngineering Watch
February 17, 2024


“UN chief warns climate chaos and food crises threaten global peace: ‘Empty bellies fuel unrest‘ “, that new headline is from AP news.

Now let’s add this, from the Wall Street Journal, “Scientists Resort to Once-Unthinkable Solutions to Cool the Planet“.

The WSJ report is, of course, referring to spraying Earth’s skies with sun blocking particles.

We must deal with the biggest hole in the bottom of the boat, climate intervention operations, or the boat goes down, game over.

The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.



Connect with GeoEngineering Watch

Cover image credit: ignartonosbg

See Related:

The Military Routinely Disperses Aluminum-Coated Fiberglass Into the Air 

Engineering Deluge: GeoEngineering Weather Manipulation

GeoEngineering Watch: Dimethylamine Skies, 90 Second Alert — “How Long Can You Hold Your Breath?”

Magnetic Rain? [Short Video]: Documenting the Toxic Geoengineering of Our Skies

The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary


What Is the Brain?

What Is the Brain?

by The Library of Atlantis
February 17, 2024


The brain is a scalar wave computer. It is formed from a scalar wave template and when developed will host a toroidal standing wave complex which acts as the computational centre for holistic cognition. Communication with other parts of the body is by means of longitudinal scalar waves via the myelin sheath surrounding the nerves.

In the case of the Brain of a White Collar Worker a man only had 90% of a full sized brain, He had some leg weakness on one side and a low IQ of around 75 but still managed to maintain a job as a civil servant and to raise a family. This case is cited by some as proof that the brain is not the centre of intelligence and has some other purpose.

We are told by neuro-scientists that the functions of the brain are arranged geographically, with some areas responsible for emotional regulation and others processing visual information etc. Either the brain above has compensated in a spectacular fashion or what we are being told is simply not true.

John Lorber 1915-1996 produced images of hundreds of brains and found many cases of hydrocephalus that had resulted in reduced brain size but with often no great cognitive impairment. In one case, a young man had an IQ of 126, gained a first class honours degree degree in mathematics and had normal social function but hardly any brain.

When we did a brain scan, we saw that instead f the normal 4.5 cm thickness of brain tissue between the ventricles and the cortical surface, there was just a thin layer of mantle measuring a millimetre or so. His cranium is filled mainly with cerebrospinal fluid.” – John Lorber

The man had been referred to a physician as a boy because his head was slightly larger than normal.

What does all this mean?

The conundrum here is that the human head is quite large and uses up a lot of resources, which by itself is an evolutionary disadvantage. There must be some other pressing need then for a large cranium although brain volume seems irrelevant.

The logical conclusion is that the important factors in the workings of the brain are not the volume or number of neurons but instead the overall shape, size and proportions of the organ itself.

To see how this could be so we will need to understand a bit about embryonic development, fluid pressure, scalar waves, electromagnetic forces, fractal holo-fields and the golden ratio.

If, after this, things still seem a bit incredible then we can recall the words of Sherlock Holmes: ”When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”

In embryonic development we find that blood flow precedes the development of the blood vessels and apparently acts as a guide for their development somehow. Electric fields are suspected and this idea is reinforced by the observation that spiralling blood flow in the aorta is instrumental in the formation of the heart as a spiral vortex machine,

Once the heart is formed, regulation of pressure serves to refine the shape and determine the dimensions of the arteries and indeed the thickness of their walls.

Consideration of development is important. Evolutionary processes are commonly evaluated according to their function but what is hardly ever discussed is that every physical feature in biology has to have a physical cause; there has to be some developmental plan that can result in that organ or ability,

The developmental function of the early brain then is to increase in size thereby exerting a gentle outward pressure (static electric forces) on the still malleable skull and causing it to expand at a controlled rate. There is no need for DNA to be involved here, the forces are physical and the ‘plan’ is simple.

The brain grows in a particular way which determines the rate of expansion of the skull. Grey matter is added in a way that results in a ‘blooming’ much like a cauliflower or cloud might develop. This allows for a refinement of shape which a simple balloon-like inflation would not.

A skull that is expanded via a filling of water will experience equal pressure in every direction and tend to be larger, wider and more spherical than the norm.

The Golden Ratio

The normal skull is not spherical though, it has a very specific shape of very specific proportions and those proportions involve the Golden Ratio.



So to provide fine-grained control the shape of the developing brain then we need a morphogenic field that somehow ‘knows’ about the Golden Ratio.

As luck would have it, the scalar waves of Konstantin Meyl are the ideal candidate for such a function. It isn’t so much that they are capable of such a ratio but that they naturally form three dimensional structures whose most stable state has dimensions in the Golden Ratio.

So these dimensions then are actually ‘hard-coded’ into the laws of physics and it should not be surprising then to find them cropping up all over the place. As an example, the dimensions of the red blood cell are also in this ratio: Blood flow and scalar waves

So a series of linked toroidal scalar waves are suspected of being instrumental in the development of the brain and skull. But what happens once development is complete?

This magneto- electric field now has another function which is to act as the substrate for cognition. The whole brain is the host for a distributed ‘holographic’ field which is responsible for information management for the rest of the body as well as intellectual and emotional computation.

The field is non-dissipative and maintains stability as a toroidal attractor state with the ideal dimensions to suit its physical nature.

Mae-Wan Ho has described the field in the brain as a sequence of nested torii with each layer vibrating to a different frequency and the ratio of the frequencies between adjacent layers as being equal to Φ, the golden ratio again. This ensures that there is minimal resonance between layers of the field and hence least interference but maximal independence between layers of the field. Good design.

Signals are sent to and from the brain via the nerves but again using scalar waves as the transmission medium: Scalar waves and nerves.

Physicists almost unanimously require that the field be holographic in nature, meaning not that it is an illusion but that each part of the field contains all of the information rom the entirety of the field. This means that the field is also fractal (self-similar) in nature with any small part being a miniaturised version of the field as a whole.

The structure of the torus is ideal for representation of such field, being supportive of stable, resonating scalar waves and being describable by the same laws of nature at all physical scales of reality. There is clearly a need in biology for information to move freely from the macro to the sub-atomic and back so the idea of a holo-field is pretty much a necessity given only this requirement and nothing else.

In the new field physics of Konstantin Meyl, there is no Plank Length, no minimum size to any piece of the universe and so any piece of bio-field can theoretically hold an arbitrary large amount of information.

In one experiment, tissue from a human brain was implanted in a mouse and an immediate increase in learning ability was demonstrated, leading the experimenters to conclude that it isn’t so much the size of brain that is important as the quality of the tissue.

Another interpretation is that along with the material substance of the brain, the scientists had transplanted a piece of the holo-field containing all of the information from the human brain including memories, emotional processing and sense of self. This structure had merged with the field of the mouse to produce what is essentially a single hybrid consciousness.

Advisable not to try this at home, maybe.

Life after death‘ experiences are recorded where a patient will describe complex and coherent experiences that happened whilst zero cortical activity was recorded. This is because the scientists were recording classical electric fields only which are radiative and hence measurable. Scalar waves are non-dissipative and difficult to measure.

Brain death is a lie, it has always been a lie and it continues to be a lie” – Paul Byrne M.D.

Many people have made complete recoveries after a diagnosis of brain death. Many people have had their organs removed whilst arguably still alive.

Clearly the wrong thing is being measured.


The brain is a scalar wave computer whose proportions derive from its development and are also instrumental in its eventual function. The overall dimensions are crucial to its performance by electromagnetic vibration and not chemical exchanges in the neurons.

A millimetre of grey matter appears to be all that is necessary to create a toroidal signals transducer of Golden Ratio dimensions but brain geometry that is irregular can disrupt the standing wave within the skull and result in impaired cognition.

Damage to specific areas of the brain will disrupt the field in specific ways which makes it appear that function is somehow attached to physical material when it is really a ‘holistic’ or holographic field with information distributed across the whole field and very likely throughout the entire body.


Brain of a white collar worker – Feuillet, Dufour, Pelletier

Is Your Brain Really Necessary? – Roger Lewin on John Lorber

Hersens, brains, prof. John Lorber – YouTube documentary

John Lorber – Wikipedia

DNA Structure and the Golden Ratio Revisited – Stuart Henry Larsen

Mammalian Skull Dimensions and the Golden Ratio (Φ) – Tamargo, Pindrick

The influence of the Golden Ratio on the Erythrocyte – M Purcell, R Ramsey

Scalar Waves – Konstantin Meyl

“Meaning of Life & the Universe: Transforming” – Mae-Wan Ho
ISBN-10. 981310886X ; ISBN-13. 978-9813108868

Consciousness in the Universe is Scale Invariant and Implies an Event Horizon of the Human Brain – Geesink, Meijer

Brain Death” is False – Paul A. Byrne, M.D. and Rev. George M. Rinkowski


Connect with The Library of Atlantis

Cover image credit: holdendrils

What NO ONE Is Saying About Tucker Carlson’s Putin Interview

What NO ONE Is Saying About Tucker Carlson’s Putin Interview

by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian
February 10, 2024


Everyone is talking about Tucker Carlson’s interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The two-hour long conversation was live-streamed on twitter. Every major news outlet has had some form of coverage.

You can watch the whole thing here:

After eight years of covering the Ukraine coup/civil War, and more specifically Western propaganda on Russia, I could pretty much tell you everything Putin was going to say before he said it.

Anybody who has covered Russia or Ukraine could tell you that.

He was always going to detail, in cogent and historically literate terms, Russia’s position on Ukraine.

He was always going  to  cite  the (very real) broken promises Western diplomats made about NATO’s Eastward expansion.

He was almost certainly going remake his very worthy point about US foreign policy never seeming to change no matter who is President.

He’s an intelligent and persuasive speaker, and he was always going to  do well.

And, if this was 2014, that would be great.

But it’s not 2014 is it?

It’s 2024 & the world is being hurried fast toward the Brave New (“multipolar”) Normal. Russia is on board with Agenda 2030 &  very powerful  western establishment voices are now promoting Putin & his once-sidelined views.

In the face of these realities we should be asking questions about the relevance and purpose of this kind of geopolitical theatrics.

Let’s remind ourselves again that everyone is talking about the Putin interview.


From Hillary to Elon to Russell Brand.

Every major news outlet covered it, too. Maybe they “fact-checked” it, maybe they ranted about it or insisted it be banned, but they were all talking about it.

Let’s compare and contrast that coverage to the coverage of Oliver Stone’s 4-part interview with Putin in 2017.

Seriously. Look at the difference. It tells you a great deal about how the establishment agenda is changing. There were no big headlines then.

But I don’t want to talk about Putin.  Because everyone is talking about Putin.

I want to talk about Carlson.

The  Tucker Carlson who has been suddenly positioned as a supposed anti-establishment JFK-doubting, 9/11 truthing threat to the system.

The same Tucker Carlson whose father was director of the Voice of America. The same Tucker Carlson who censored and insulted 9/11 skeptics on his show.

The same Tucker Carlson who applied to (but was allegedly turned down by) the CIA.

How did this re-invention happen?

When did it happen?

Why did it happen?

And no, I’m not claiming everything he says is de facto wrong, a lot of it is in fact very right. His monologues on the state of the economy, the 2020 election, JFK and 9/11 have all been at least partially accurate.

…but that should make us ask more questions, shouldn’t it?

Did he have some great awakening?

Even if you believe he did, do you believe that his bosses at Fox did as well? Or that Elon Musk did? Or that either of these entities would be powerless to stop him dropping supposed truth bombs on their dime if they didn’t want him to?

Tucker Carlson was the most watched current events program on US television before he was apparently  fired by Fox News last year.

Since then, and with all the hero-kudos of being exiled by the establishment,  he has been live-streaming his shows on X/Twitter instead, and every single one of them gets more views than CNN or MSNBC or his old show on Fox…Combined.

Interesting, no.

The fact is, legacy media is dying. Which is a good thing. But do you think the establishment doesn’t see this? Do you think it hadn’t occurred to them to get out in front of it by seizing control of the new media platforms and planting “leaders” in supposedly independent media movements?

As we keep having to remind our readers  lately the people and institutions that run the world are not wed to any single platform, method, nation or flag.

Or media.

They bought up all the newspapers because they were useful, they “syndicated” all the television networks because that’s what people were watching…

so now as legacy media dies –  what do you think they’re gonna do?

Like a hermit crab swapping out shells – they will simply slide themselves from their old home to a nice shiny new  “indy” one.

Goodbye old fashioned corporate CNN, hello honestly completely organic guerilla news reporting livestreaming on X and getting totally accidentally promoted by the algorithm.

Goodbye long form editorials in newspapers, hello ten-second tiktoks from fake influencers in a government-run opinion factory.

Goodbye Tucker Carlson, paid disinfo promoter, hello Tucker Carlson voice of the new media who somehow still gets promoted by the very forces he’s supposed to be opposing .

We’ve seen other examples of this kind of thing already, for example AOC’s obviously fake “look at me live streaming my random off the cuff thoughts” videos. As if she hasn’t had a focus group decide exactly how little make up she should wear or how “unkempt” her hair should be be, or signed a sponsorship deal for the fried chicken she’s eating.

The selling point of new-media was that everyone had access to it instantly, with that came realness marked by rawness.  The establishment quickly seized on these markers of authenticity & tried to make them  their own. Now that rawness is being manufactured and realness is being faked on a production line.

And by seeding the rising new-media with establishment voices allegedly “gone rogue” , the establishment take control of it.

On top of that, the transition from old to new media can also be used to co-opt independent outlets and construct agenda-controlling fake binary narratives. With the old media selling one “side”, and new media the other.

That’s how you end up with crazy scenarios where billionaires like Elon Musk are cast as some kind of outsider, no matter how many Great Reset talking points he promotes, or podcasters like Joe Rogan apparently get $250 million from the system to attack the system, or the “intellectual dark web” shilling vaccines and Israel in equal measure.

The old establishment voices (Guardian, CNN, New York Times or whoever) noisily attack these new “anti-establishment” voices (who are always selling the same agenda in a slightly altered form), knowing that the “enemy of my enemy is my friend” mindset will give them cred  in genuine alternate media circles.

I mean it’s pretty cool to get a big old “ex”-mainstreamer on your side and agreeing to be on your podcast, right? Instant kudos, excitement. “See, even Big Name X admits we’re right about this”. It’s too easy to be seduced by the lure of  “celebrity rebel” narratives. We all want to believe them don’t we.

And thus, by putting “former” establishment insiders in leadership positions of “the alternative”, the ‘elite’ control the direction of their supposed opposition.

Tucker Carlson is the first really big voice to make the swap in a major way, but he won’t be the last. And his interview with Putin is yet another sign of the “approved alternative” messaging.

According to Twitter, the interview has been viewed 140 million times in 24 hours. Tucker and Putin have been trending ever since, promoted by the all powerful algorithm on a site owned by the richest man in the world, whilst simultaneously appearing on the front pages of every paper.

Wow, cool, right. The new media is just so right about this the establishment has no choice but to promote it!

Too easy to  fail to notice there’s nothing really  “new” about this media at all. It’s just a very old hermit crab in a very new shell.


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Psychiatrists Attempt to Edit Childhood Out of Existence

Psychiatrists Attempt to Edit Childhood Out of Existence

by Citizens Commission on Human Rights UK
February 8, 2024


When it’s Children’s Mental Health Week, it’s ironic that attention isn’t actually focused on children’s mental health. Instead the focus is on mental illness and the host of psychiatric ‘disorders’ being used to label various aspects of childhood.

It would be more accurate to call it children’s mental illness week. Rather than label children mentally healthy, psychiatrists have for decades been unscientifically labelling them as mentally ill.

Through the redefinition of difficulties associated with the early years, psychiatrists have been editing childhood and adolescence out of existence. Challenging behaviour has gone under the psychiatric microscope, redefined, before being categorised as criteria for so-called mental ‘disorders.’

It’s an obsessive habit resulting in the regular use of meaningless and stigmatising psychiatric labels that can create even more difficulties for young people. Nothing appears to be off limits for editing psychiatrists.

Reading, writing and maths have been included in diagnostic manuals. They have been unscientifically classified as “impairment in reading,” “impairment in written expression” and “impairment in mathematics.”

The habit, which includes the use of labels like “ADHD” and “conduct disorder,” lead a young person down the road of mind-altering prescribed drugs. It demonstrates a focus on mental illness, not on mental health.

Children and adolescents are being chemically restrained, some for lengthy periods of time. Consequently, they experience the debilitating effects that go hand-in-hand with the drugs. The saddest and most tragic aspect of it all is some children don’t make it. They take their own lives after taking antidepressants known to cause suicidal thoughts and suicidal behaviour.

If psychiatric solutions worked, we wouldn’t keep hearing the psychiatric mantra that more and more children are suffering with mental illness. They fall into the category of having mental difficulties on the basis that boisterous or argumentative childhood behaviour has been redefined.

Parents who have lost their children have said they would never have let their children take the psychiatric drugs if they had been fully informed and knew the truth. It’s therefore vital we keep on beating the drum to expose damaging psychiatric habits.

In Children’s Mental Health Week, we must be reminded that children are not experimental animals. They are human beings who have every youthful right to expect protection, care, love and the chance to reach their full potential in life.


Connect with Citizens Commission on Human Rights United Kingdom

Cover image credit: titouhwayne

See Related:

New Diagnostic Manual With ADHD Listed Could Turn Childhood Into a Mental Disorder


Supply of Psychiatric Rhetoric Equals Demand for ADHD Drugs

The Military Routinely Disperses Aluminum-Coated Fiberglass Into the Air 

The Military Routinely Disperses Aluminum-Coated Fiberglass Into the Air 

by Dr. Joseph Mercola
February 8, 2024



  • Militaries around the world routinely disperse tiny bits of aluminum-coated fiberglass and plastic — known as “chaff” — into the air column, to shield aircraft and ships from enemy radar
  • Chaff has been used for decades, without clear evidence that it’s safe for humans and the environment
  • In response to a United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report issued in August 2021, the U.N. announced it’s considering spraying sulfate aerosols into the Earth’s stratosphere to modify climate. The tiny reflective particles would act as reflectors, bouncing sunlight back into space instead of onto the Earth’s surface
  • The U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is using “climate science” as a vehicle to promote socialist ideology
  • According to Dane Wigington, founder of, the risks of geoengineering are so immense, it poses an extinction-level threat to humanity, and the window of opportunity to save ourselves is rapidly closing

In addition to the weather modification1 going on around the world, militaries around the world are also routinely dispersing tiny bits of aluminum-coated fiberglass and plastic — known as “chaff” — into the air column, to shield aircraft and ships from enemy radar.2 Not surprisingly, this has been done for decades, without clear evidence that it’s safe for humans and the environment.

According to a 1998 General Accounting Office report3 and a 1999 follow-up report4 by the Naval Research Laboratory, the environmental, human and agricultural impacts of chaff used in military training scenarios at the time were “negligible and far less than those from other man-made emissions,” but does that really mean it’s safe? As explained in a 2001 Navy Medicine paper:5

“Radiofrequency (RF) chaff is an electronic countermeasure designed to reflect radar waves and obscure planes, ships, and other assets from radar tracking sources.

Chaff consists of aluminum-coated glass fibers (also referred to as dipoles) ranging in lengths from 0.8 to 0.75 cm. Chaff is released or dispensed from military vehicles in cartridges or projectiles that contain millions of dipoles.

When deployed, a diffuse cloud of dipoles is formed that is undetectable to the human eye. Chaff is a very light material that can remain suspended in air anywhere from 10 minutes to 10 hours and can travel considerable distances from its release point, depending on prevailing atmospheric conditions.

Training for military personnel, particularly aircraft pilots, in the use of chaff is necessary to deploy this electronic countermeasure effectively. As with most acquired skills, the deployment of chaff must be maintained by practicing in-flight release during training.

It is estimated that the U.S. Armed Forces dispense about 500 tons of chaff per year, with most chaff being released during training exercises within the continental United States.”

Is Chaff Safe?

According to the Naval Medicine investigation, inhalation of whole, intact chaff fibers pose “no risk” to humans due to their larger size. “If inhaled, dipoles are predicted to deposit in the nose, mouth, or trachea and are either swallowed or expelled,” the paper states.6

Note the use of the word “predicted,” however. Predictions are not evidence. They’re basically guessing. Open questions also remain about what happens when the fibers degrade.

“Several investigations have demonstrated that Al-coated dipoles are resistant to weathering and breakdown under desert conditions,” the paper states.7

“A 1977 US Navy-sponsored a study found no evidence to indicate that chaff degrades significantly or quickly in water from the Chesapeake Bay nor did this material leach significant amounts of aluminum into the Bay.

A recent study by our group found no evidence that 25 years of chaff operations at the Naval Research Laboratory detachment at Chesapeake Beach, MD resulted in a significant increase in sediment or soil aluminum concentrations (Wilson et al 2000).

However, additional studies are needed to determine the half-life of chaff dipoles in various soils and environmental conditions and whether dipoles breakdown to respirable particles …

Although there is no definitive evidence from the epidemiological literature that chaff exposure is not harmful, there is epidemiological information available on workers involved in the glass fiber manufacturing industry. Data from these studies suggests that exposure to fibrous glass is not associated with increased risk of death from respiratory disease.”

The problem with that is that fiberglass workers are equipped with protective gear, including respirators, Tyvek suits and safety goggles8 — gear that normal people don’t wear when they’re out and about. All this tells us is that chaff is unlikely to cause harm to public health, provided people are wearing respirators, which they don’t.

Remarkably, not much beyond these three reports exist. While all admitted the need for continued research, none appears to have been published, so there’s really no telling what the real-world impact might be. That said, common sense tells us that air dispersed aluminum and fiberglass is highly likely to have some sort of impact on the environment and human health.

Geoengineering Has Been Going on for Decades

Aluminum and fiberglass are not the only toxins being sprayed across our skies. As detailed by Dane Wigington, founder of, weather modification, also known as geoengineering, in which various toxic metals and chemicals are dispersed at high altitude, has been going on for more than 70 years, and is increasing rather than declining.

In response to a United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report issued in August 2021,9,10 which called for radical measures to prevent further global warming, the Biden Administration launched a research effort in 2022 to determine the most effective way to dim the sun.11

One proposal involves injecting sulfur dioxide aerosols into the Earth’s stratosphere. The tiny reflective particles would bounce sunlight back into space instead of onto the Earth’s surface.12 According to Harvard researchers,13 this strategy is not only “technically possible” but also “remarkably inexpensive,” having a price tag that is “well within the reach of several nations.”

Earth’s climate is largely controlled by how much solar radiation reaches the Earth and how much is absorbed by its surface or reradiated to space. Cloud coverage and greenhouse gasses are examples of factors that influence the reflectance of solar radiation.14

“If geoengineering proposals are to influence global climate in any meaningful way, they must intentionally alter the relative influence of one of these controlling mechanisms,” Britannica explains.15

The U.N. report mentions solar radiation management and greenhouse gas removal as forms of geoengineering.16 Sulfate aerosols fall into the solar radiation management category. By reflecting more solar radiation back into space, the aerosols lower global temperatures but also have a serious “side effect” — they lower average precipitation.

As a result, additional geoengineering techniques — such as thinning out cirrus clouds in the upper atmosphere — would be necessary to counteract the decrease in precipitation. What could possibly go wrong?

Supercomputers have run models to predict how solar radiation management may affect different parts of the Earth, not only in terms of temperature but also rainfall and snowfall. Report author Govindasamy Bala, from the Indian Institute of Science, said “the science is there,”17 but it’s far from an exact one.

“I think the next big question,” Bala told Reuters, “is, do you want to do it? … That involves uncertainty, moral issues, ethical issues and governance.” As Reuters reported, “That’s because every region would be affected differently. While some regions could gain in an artificially cooler world, others could suffer by, for example, no longer having conditions to grow crops.”18

‘Catastrophic Risks’

Three months after the IPCC published its panic-inciting report, Australian and British researchers published an original research article warning that stratospheric aerosol injection carries “catastrophic risks” that may well lead us into “a fate worse than [global] warming”:19

“Injecting particles into atmosphere to reflect sunlight, stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI), represents a potential technological solution to the threat of climate change. But could the cure be worse than the disease? …

SAI plausibly interacts with other catastrophic calamities, most notably by potentially exacerbating the impacts of nuclear war or an extreme space weather event. SAI could contribute to systemic risk by introducing stressors into critical systems such as agriculture.

SAI’s systemic stressors, and risks of systemic cascades and synchronous failures, are highly understudied. SAI deployment more tightly couples different ecological, economic, and political systems. This creates a precarious condition of latent risk, the largest cause for concern …

A well-coordinated use of a small amount of SAI would incur negligible risks, but this is an optimistic scenario. Conversely, larger use of SAI used in an uncoordinated manner poses many potential dangers. We cannot equivocally determine whether SAI will be worse than warming. For now, a heavy reliance on SAI seems an imprudent policy response.”

In June 2023, the European Commission put out a call for “international talks on the dangers and governance of geoengineering,” warning that geoengineering schemes aimed at altering the global climate pose “unacceptable” risks. During a news conference, EU climate policy chief Frans Timmermans stated:

“Nobody should be conducting experiments alone with our shared planet. This should be discussed in the right forum, at the highest international level.”

Time will tell whether such talks ever take place. In September 2023, the Climate Overshoot Commission, chaired by Pascal Lamy, a former World Trade Organization chief, called for a worldwide moratorium on solar radiation modification experiments “that would carry risk of significant transboundary harm,” and to focus instead on strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.20,21 But, as of yet, no such moratorium has been agreed upon.

Socialist Ideology, Not Climate Science

Zuzana Janosova Den Boer experienced Communist rule in Czechoslovakia before moving to Canada. In her article, “I Survived Communism — Are You Ready for Your Turn?” she detailed the “all-too familiar signs of the same propaganda” starting to permeate her adopted country.22

In relation to geoengineering, she points out that communism has been subverting the environmentalist movement since the 1970s, when then-chairman of the Communist Party USA, Gus Hall, published a book called “Ecology,” in which he stated:23

“Human society cannot basically stop the destruction of the environment under capitalism. Socialism is the only structure that makes it possible … We must be the organizers, the leaders of these movements.”

Den Boer writes:24

“This idea was incorporated into the U.S. Green Party program in 1989 … in which the fictitious threats of ‘global warming’ and ‘climate change’ are used to scare the public into believing humanity must ‘save the planet’:

‘This urgency, along with other Green issues and themes it interrelates, makes confronting the greenhouse [effect] a powerful organizing tool … Survival is highly motivating, and may help us to build a mass movement that will lead to large-scale political and societal change in a very short time …

First of all, we [must] inform the public that the crisis is more immediate and severe than [they] are being told, [that] its implications are too great to wait for the universal scientific confirmation that only eco-catastrophe would establish.’”

The U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Den Boer suggests, is promoting not climate science but socialist ideology, citing as evidence comments made by Ottmar Georg Edenhofer, former co-chair of the IPCC Working Group III, who in a 2010 interview stated that climate issues are about economics, and that:25

“We must free ourselves from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy … We must state clearly that we use climate policy de facto to redistribute the world’s wealth.”

Geoengineering Poses Extinction-Level Threat to Humanity

Even without factoring in social control, the practical risks of geoengineering are impossible to ignore. According to scientific studies, the particulates dispersed during these geoengineering events “shred” the ozone layer. They also disrupt the hydrological (rain) cycle, which leads to another host of downstream effects, and this is in addition to spreading toxins across the entire planet surface.

So, while some of the planet might benefit from these programs, other parts could be decimated by droughts, raging forest fires, flooding or storms. Moreover, while global cooling is the stated aim of most of these geoengineering programs, as the planet warms, the laws of physics state you need more precipitation to cool it, not less, because the atmosphere carries more moisture as the temperature rises.

To cool the planet, you need to create more rain, but these programs have resulted in less rain, and the reason for the reduction in rain fall is due to the particulates in the atmosphere. In addition to deflecting heat from the outside, these particles also trap heat down below, making the overall heating of the planet massively worse.

The risks are so immense, Wigington warns geoengineering already poses an extinction-level threat to humanity. The window of opportunity to save ourselves is rapidly closing.

Unfortunately, if people really understood the totality of the situation — not just that the climate is being manipulated, but that as a result, the global climate systems have deteriorated to the point that the entire Earth is in serious trouble; in short, that these programs may have created a runaway extinction event — the emotional impact might be too great to bear for many. Wigington addressed this in an interview I did with him back in 2016:

“Our situation is far more severe than most people have any understanding of,” he said. “Climate engineering is making the situation worse, not better.

So [they must] try to keep the population from panicking because of the severity and immediacy of the climate implosion, and keep the population in the dark because the climate intervention programs have helped to accelerate this process and toxified every single one of us in the process.

Every single human subject we test is packed full of aluminum, barium — all the heavy metals we know are associated with these programs. It doesn’t matter where they live.

And we know it’s coming down in the precipitation in unimaginable quantities — quantities enough to change soil pH values in the Pacific Northwest 10 to 12 times total alkaline — that’s an unimaginable amount of metal coming down in the rain.

If populations understood, truly, what’s been done to them, what’s been done to the planet … they’d be taking to the streets with pitchforks and torches all over the globe.”

California Aquatic and Terrestrial Insect Life Has Been Decimated lists a number of lab tests that have been performed on rain water, air sample and more, and their results. You can find them under the Tests section.

“In regard to the effect in the environment, in Northern California alone … what we’ve seen in the last decade … is a 90% decline in aquatic and terrestrial insect life — a virtual crash,” Wigington told me in 2016.

“There’s so much aluminum coming down the precipitation, affecting the soil pH, and — this is very important — the UV radiation level is off the charts, and that we can link directly to climate engineering … We’re seeing UVB levels about 1,000% higher than we’re being told. It’s burning the bark off of trees. It’s killing plankton. It’s affecting insect life …

[It increases UVB radiation] because it shreds the natural protection for the planet. When you put a particle in the atmosphere, it doesn’t matter whether it’s from a back of a jet or a volcano; it causes a chemical reaction in the atmosphere that destroys ozone. Period. So the more of these particles you put in the atmosphere, the more rapid the ozone destruction is.”

With all of that in mind, it’s highly unlikely that military chaff dispersements have no negative impact. An argument could be made that chaff is too important of a defense system to get rid of, and that may be true. But the climate-specific engineering is another matter altogether.

In years past, it was kept hush-hush, and dismissed as a conspiracy theory. Since then, however, governments around the world, and international bodies like the U.N. have become quite open about the use of geoengineering for climate control, and if the global public does not push back against these efforts, we might not survive to regret it. has a list of action items you can review if you want to get involved and get the word out. I also recommend watching Wigington’s documentary “The Dimming,” below, to learn more.




Connect with Dr. Joseph Mercola

Cover image credit: U.S. Air Force photo/ Master Sgt. Kevin J. Gruenwald. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image or file is in the public domain in the United States.

Rainbow Lorikeets Dropping From the Sky

Rainbow Lorikeets Dropping From the Sky

And Many Other Such Reports From Around the World

by Arthur Firstenberg, Cellular Phone Task Force
February 6, 2023


Last Wednesday, ABC News in Australia carried a story about hundreds of rainbow-colored parrots falling dead out of the sky along a swath of the east coast of that country centered on Brisbane, the capital of Queensland. In 2010, around the time the first 4G cell towers were being built, ornithologists described the first cases of a mysterious disease that paralyzed and killed these stunning creatures. During the summer of 2019-2020, when the first 5G towers went into service, 1,500 rainbow lorikeets rained out of the skies. And last week, when more than 200 dead lorikeets were collected in just a few days, it made headlines again.

This disease, which has been named Lorikeet Paralysis Syndrome, has puzzled scientists. It is not encephalomyelitis, which was described in the 1970s as an uncommon disease in these birds that began with clenching of the feet progressing to complete rigid paralysis. The brains and spinal cords of such birds were abnormal, showing edema, cell death, degeneration of neurons, and other gross abnormalities. But birds with Lorikeet Paralysis Syndrome are limp, not rigid, and have no visible abnormalities. In the past 14 years, ornithologists have been at a complete loss to explain it. Tests for all known pesticides and fungicides have come back negative, and scientists have ruled out infectious diseases. And the same syndrome is being seen in flying foxes. An article in the Australian Veterinary Journal states:

“Manifestations of this disease range from the inability to fly and hindlimb weakness and ataxia, to a flaccid paralysis of all limbs and the neck, inability to blink, paralysis of the tongue, inability to swallow and voice change. The number of cases each year ranges from hundreds to thousands, making it one of the most important wildlife diseases and animal welfare concerns in Australia.”

Muriel in the UK, who brought this to my attention, writes:

“What puzzles me is that people cannot see what is going on and they do not understand why these beautiful birds are dying. Even reading the symptoms will give you a clue!

“I observe wildlife here, the birds, the bees who come to my garden. The birds get confused, and the bees, I only have a handful in the Summer now. Quite a lot of cats have been lost where I live. Too many from December to January. I really think that cats are getting confused and are getting lost as a result.”

Reports from around the world (continued)

Persephone writes from California: “I’ve had a dozen free range farmyard chickens for the last 5 years, supplemented each summer with new chickens obligingly hatched by some of the members of the flock. Every winter until this one, their egg production would drop off, but only to about half the production of the rest of the year. This winter, they stopped laying completely, even the youngest hens. This happened in early November, and there have been no eggs since. Knowing that emfs negatively affect reproduction in many species, I wonder if the increasing emf smog has finally overcome their reproductive capacity completely in these colder months. Will they start laying again in spring? I don’t know.”

Steve writes from Ontario: “I too have noticed a decline of birds at my feeders. I live just east of Toronto on Lake Ontario. What can we do?”

Felicity writes from Australia: “Our experience here in Mid North South Australia with the massive wind turbines is horrible. There are no bats left here, or eagles.”

Tapani writes from Finland: “It is my observation that mosquitoes and other insects have decreased dramatically in the tropical countries. I have been working in the tropics since 1986. Until recently, I always carried two mosquito nets with me and used them always wherever I slept, at home, and in hotels. Also in Finland in summer. It was the most important item in my bag.

“Now I hardly need my mosquito nets. I just returned from the Philippines where I didn’t have to use them at all. In the Mindoro jungle island there were some mosquitoes outside at night but not many. The same is true in other tropical countries where I recently visited, Singapore, Nicaragua, Honduras, Costa Rica. The last time I used my nets was in remote Eastern Finland last summer because there were flies in the house.

“Insects, birds, and frogs have almost disappeared. The green movement doesn’t talk about the obvious reason.” 

Ron writes from Australia: “Years ago I had what I hope was a precognizant dream. EVERYTHING was turned off and it felt like a whole body orgasm, so intense it woke me up, like a sense of release, I knew exactly what it was and my senses stretched out into the surrounding forest like there had been a magnet ready to plug me back into nature and I knew there was an antichinus nesting under the floor, a snake slithering down the hill about 50 meters away. I miss the birds and insects and the sound of a healthy forest so much, I am sure it will take off again if we just stop. It isn’t too late yet.

Davidina writes from England: ”I am 84 years old. I have always been a keen lover of Wildlife and in particular Butterflies and Birds. For the past 5 or 6 years, ever since a 5G mast was erected nearby, my husband and I have noticed with great alarm that there is a huge decrease in ALL Insects, Butterflies and Birds. In fact, we saw virtually NONE of any of these creatures during the past 12 months, and the numbers of these have been VERY few for at least the past two or three years. I am very, very sad at what has happened. The world is not the same place that I grew up in and loved as a small child. I despair!” 

Jean-Jacques writes from France: “During these last years , after driving your car for hundreds of kilometers, your windshield is as clean as when you started.”

Carlotta writes from England: “I too have noticed here in Gloucestershire, the decline in my back garden, so much so since the Covid years 2020 to now. That summer we had great weather for planting food stuffs and with it there were many insects in our garden, however there seemed to be hardly any last year, not many bees and no ladybirds at all! Flies are gone from kitchens and we no longer need to cover our food. The flies that used to hit the windscreen on journeys no longer exist! What can we do?”

Danielle writes from Namibia: “I’m seeing fewer bees and insects. It’s strange is it not? We want to communicate, but it’s killing our world.”

Peter writes from Switzerland: “Where I grew up, in rural Switzerland, insects, birds, bees, bumblebees, dandelions in the garden. . . it was paradise. Much of it is gone today. Been replaced by literally a forest of antennas.”

Alec writes from France: “It is sad isn’t? In our French farm village it’s exactly the same story.”

Leroi writes from France: “I notice something in human beings since the 1990s: there is an expanding number of disabled children. I lived in Belgium until the year 2003; there was a tower on my street, in the middle of the village, with 3 tiers of cell phone antennas on it. On my street alone I counted 14 disabled babies. Now these families are definitively in great difficulties.”

Charmaine writes from Scotland: “I live in the far north of Scotland in a small village. I saw one cabbage white butterfly in my flower garden last summer (2023), very very few bumble bees and little to no other flying pollinators. One single Jenny wren, one pair of blackbirds, no blue tits, no thrushes, chaffinches and no other small birds except a single Robin. We used to have a very bad period during summer when there were so many biting midges just at the time the swallows and martins arrived that it was uncomfortable to go outside. I can’t remember being bitten at all last summer and there were few swallows and martins racing down the river, skimming the surface. I saw no moths this year either and heard only one or two squeaks from bats. But then if there are no insects these wonderful creatures will leave. What we do have is a reasonably noisy house sparrow group thanks to the creeper plant on the side of a neighbour’s house. We also have a small group of starlings nesting in the old fisherman’s storage facility built from stone blocks by the harbour. It’s no longer really used by fishermen as the herrings were fished out here so that is also a thing of the past.

“Our house is opposite a small, well-flowing river and near the ocean so we should have much wildlife and insects. Sadly we now do not. Signal towers have gone up and the dratted wind turbines up the braes and in the fields. They have also put up 80 wind turbines in the North Sea that we can see from the land and we know there is trouble from those with the shellfish and crab populations in the North Sea. I so hate what is happening and even in a rural setting, these much needed and loved creatures are missing.”

Judith writes from England: “Greetings from south coast UK. I have designated my little home and garden to be an organic Nature Reserve, and do what I can to support all Life, so have various Spiders indoors, many hibernating Snails, and some Frogs & Toads. Flies and Moths are very rare, as are Butterflies, and Ladybirds. I haven’t checked the ants recently. There’s still a community of Blue-tits and some visiting Starlings in the big bramble hedge, and there were some edible blackberries this year, though the pear tree had a plentiful crop which didn’t ripen properly. Worms and Woodlice seem still in evidence. I left all the thistles to grow big and was blessed to see some Bees — also to see that Snails love Thistles! Foxes come through quite often, at night, but I haven’t seen a Hedgehog in a long while.”

Michael writes from California: “Living in Santa Cruz for over 40 years I have noticed the same wildlife and insect declines.”

Margaretha writes from Australia: “I have an ulcerated toe and often it is not covered so that it gets air, but I need to be careful in case a fly comes in and sits on it. I have had it happen once and it was terrible.

“But now there are so few flies. When visitors come and the door opens, we always needed to shoo the flies away. Now, none seem to be around. It is Summer in Australia and it is a time for plenty of flies.”

Pamela writes from England: “I live on Dartmoor, and am finding many less birds and insects than when I came here in 1990.”

Kristel writes from Switzerland: “Thank you for informing us and registering all that is observed in the concrete world as oppose to the virtual where so many spend their entire days nowadays. In the west part of Switzerland where I’ve always lived, I noticed the same as all the other people’s reports in your last newsletter.

“I lived near the lake when I was a child and the frogs’ chants were so loud! They stopped around 1999-2000 here. I started gardening around that turn of the century. In my urban area then, around 2001-2002 I started noticing bumble bees and bees having strange behaviors — flying around in circles, being not able to fly, dying ones who looked before dying totally lost and crippled. The wild bee colonies left my garden. No more butterflies too, except the white ones. I also noticed more and more diseases in my garden.

“I got full-blown EHS from 2010-2015, thanks to the new smartphones and the 4G roll-out. So I fled to the countryside to an area with less cell phone coverage. I was so happy to notice again bumble bees, honey bees, butterflies and wild insects in my garden. There were a lot of birds too. Especially in the winter times.

“But around the spring of 2019 there was a huge mass of dying trees in the surrounding forests. I live at the foot of the Jura Mountains. It’s mostly firs and beech trees. In the media they say it is because of droughts and warmer temperatures. But the amount of dead trees was much more massive in the precise area of the Jura where the military radar was beaming. Around 2020 the military bought a new American radar, much more powerful, that is now covering a larger area, not only the upper mountain front but also portions of the coastline of the Neuchâtel lake.

“In the years after 2020 I noticed dying trees everywhere and farther outside the radar beam. They are cutting the dying trees at a fast rate. When you go for a walk in the forests it looks more like undergrowth forests than a real forest with mature trees. And this winter I was shocked to look at the Jura. Where it use to be all green in the wintertime now it’s all brown. There are almost no firs or conifers left. I also went across big piles of hundreds and hundreds of cut conifer trunks. If I can judge from the size they were centenarians or even older firs. I am so sad to witness the extinction of these magical beings. As I know how much they can bring to Humanity. How you feel at peace, calm, and breathe deeply around those majestic beings. Humans really need their energy now just in order to stay grounded in these crazy times.

“For the last two winters I have noticed fewer and fewer birds when there used to be so many at the bird feeder. Also no more squirrels. No more hares seen. Blackbirds are fewer and smaller. Three times I saw a dead male finch lying on the ground with no sign of injuries in my garden and in the area. I saw for the first time in my life a rook with white feathers on his tail. This summer there were no more bats and so a lot more mosquitos. In my neighborhood thuya’s hedges are dying. I also notice more and more diseases in my garden. My health is also declining and my friends’ health too. Everybody seems exhausted and get colds really frequently, even in the summer time and they have a harder time to get rid of them. It seems to me that general immunity for all living beings in my area has dropped. I don’t look at the stars anymore as I see all these new satellite lights that destroy all the beauty and magic of our nights.

“The living world is dying, and no one wants to know the real cause. Everybody’s looking at their screens and talking about carbon emissions and demanding more electrical energy, more innovations, more electric technology. Here in Switzerland they plan a 30% increase in electricity production the next few years!

“Today a news item just hit the headlines. The title is « Why is biodiversity dying out faster in Switzerland than elsewhere? ». In this article they point in part at our population density. But no words about e-radiation. Right, there’s so many people living here. In 2022, 220,4 inhabitants per square kilometer including mountains and lakes. And most of them with one or more smartphones. Swiss people love to say they are « advanced users of innovative technology ». If you look at a Swiss map there are antennas and electrical power lines everywhere. In this article from the Swiss government it is said that « In Switzerland, mobile communication services are almost fully covered ». But despite that they continue to erect new masts saying that we need always more due to the ever increasing flux of data.”

Alison writes from Florida: “In Florida we have ‘no see um’s’ in the warm months. I’ve seen or felt no evidence of them for the past 2 summers.”

Susie writes from Georgia: “The chilling silence and lack of critter noise is terrible. Thirty years ago, at dusk, when I took my evening walk in the streets of University City in St. Loius, Missouri, there were gigantic, beautiful swarms of fireflies everywhere — in every patch of grass, wherever it was green, there was a glowing fog of fireflies.

“I did not notice the sandhill crane migration this year. Millions of Starlings flew overhead at St. Mary’s Academy in September. Typically, the starling flocks we have seen annually were about 300-500 birds — nothing of this magnitude before now.”

George writes from Australia: “Where I live in Gold Coast, the birds (robins to eagles), butterflies, frogs, cane toads, bees, cicadas, aphids, insects and moths, spiders, flying foxes and the scents of native scented flowering native trees have disappeared.”

Susan writes from Cape Cod, Massachusetts: “Birds are lessening. May 2023 was the beginning of a normally big tick season. Ticks were everywhere for a week, then the next week they were gone. This fall another cycle started and within a week there were none.  Bees have definitely lessened.”

Hannah writes from South Carolina: “I moved to South Carolina 3 years ago before the pandemic. We noticed how great it was because there was so much wildlife here compared to the Northeast. Three years later and it is all gone. No one says anything… no one cares…”

Diana writes from the island of Samos, Greece: “Insects and birds are declining rapidly worldwide. It’s no good trying to throw all the blame on pesticides or other chemical toxins, because there are still enough places in the world where pesticides and other such poisons are not in the environment, such as where I live. If pesticides were the problem, we wouldn’t be seeing huge declines in insect and bird populations here, and particularly not in the area where I live.”

Diana has documented not only the disappearance of most insects, but severe deformities in those that remain: butterflies with deformed wings, scorpions with short tails, butterflies that are half their normal size, dragonfly populations in which females outnumber males 100 to 1, instead of the normal ratio of 1 to 1.

She continues: “We have lost almost all species of beetles, lacewing and other flies, most of the moths (and all the larger moths except for a few hummingbird moths), many butterflies, virtually all wasps and hornets, and many species of wild bees including wild honeybees. There are almost no mantises, no katydids, and very few grasshoppers and crickets. There are a few slugs, but no snails. There are very few woodlice, earwigs, millipedes, centipedes or silverfish, and very few web-spinning spiders. No species of insect remains unaffected; all species have either declined or vanished altogether, including soil insects such as earthworms (we have only seen two this year) grubs (none) and even ants. When the queens hatched after the first rain, there were very few of these flying ants compared to other years—a few dozen compared to hundreds. Many plants are not being pollinated properly…

“As the insects vanish, so do other creatures that depend on them. Here on Samos, I have noticed a huge decline in lizards of all sorts, including geckos and chameleons, all of which live on insects. Bats have also declined hugely. Hedgehogs, which are snail-eaters, are locally extinct. As the insects vanish, the food we humans need becomes harder to grow. When the insects are gone, we too will starve.

“Insectivore birds are declining very rapidly, and this past year we saw many fewer flycatchers, shrikes, bee-eaters, hoopoes, swifts, swallows and martins than we used to have. There were no night-jars at all. Insectivores on migration don’t stay long these days, because they can’t find enough to eat. Most garden songbirds are insectivores, and I fear the day when we will no longer wake up to the songs of robins, blackbirds, song-thrushes, black-caps and other warblers. If wild plants aren’t pollinated, the seed-eaters such as chaffinches and goldfinches will perish too.”

Diana states in no uncertain terms: “Are there biologically safe power levels that would protect life on this planet? … the answer is no. I think we must choose: wireless technologies or nature. And since we can’t live without nature — wireless technologies cannot feed us — we must choose nature if we want to survive.”

Jeff called me from Alberta. “We’re seeing effects on birds, and no bugs on our windshields. I think we’re slowly getting cooked,” he told me.

Andrew emailed me from England on January 26. “There was a little skit on BBC Breakfast this morning,” he wrote. He quoted the program: “Fewer wild birds are visiting UK gardens, with greenfinches, starlings and sparrows seeing the greatest decline.”

Where there are few cell phones in use, nature is still abundant. Birds are fleeing from other areas and taking refuge there. Insects are still thriving there, even where there is a lot of agriculture and therefore pesticides:

Suzan writes from England: “I live in East Anglia. The population here is fairly low, and mobile phones tend to lose the signal. The nearest town, with 11,000 inhabitants, is 2 miles away. The nearest town with 5G is 10 miles away, and the coastline of the North Sea is 10 miles away. There are many woods and substantial agricultural land here.

“I have seen an increase in birds I’ve never seen before, millions of insects (ants, flies, wasps, bees, ladybirds, butterflies, hornets etc.). Grass, thistles and trees grow in abundance. Even my Jack Russell terrier still has a spring in his step at nearly 17 years of age.

“I chose to live here after being diagnosed with cancer in 2011 and refusing all conventional treatments. I believe that technology needs to turn the volume right down but people are almost attached to mobile devices intravenously and wonder why they get sick.” 

Jack writes from Ontario: “We have a cottage near Bon Echo provincial park. We are in a relatively isolated area on a lovely little lake. We feel fortunate and with very few cell phones around we hope to continue to make our area a healthy place for wildlife. We have noticed a decline of some insects but we do have lots of small birds having a smorgasbord in the trees around us. To this point we feel we are doing ok but have noticed there are no honeybees around us and only one or two Monarchs. We have planted milkweed but to this point no larvae or monarchs.

“However, we do have water snakes, garter snakes and frogs, and even a family of beavers down at the end of the lake. The frogs seem to be in decline a bit but with the water snakes there must be plenty to sustain them. The lake has many fish including bass, walleye and pike.

“A couple of blue herons have made their home across the lake as well as a family of loons which took out a family of geese… Loons do not share well in their claimed territory. The family of screech owls are a ‘hoot’ at night, particularly the babies, and the pileated woodpeckers make short work of deadwood. They love the black carpenter ants.

“Lots of mosquitoes, blackflies, deer and horseflies that tell us they are still in charge for May-July, at least until the dragonflies are done with them.

“Just a positive observation but I do worry for the future.”

I can confirm the above observations. At the end of August 2023, I took a trip up to South Dakota. In Nebraska and Kansas, although I could see cell towers in the distance everywhere we went, there were more farms than people and few cell phones were in use. I was amazed not only at how much better I felt there, but at how many birds I saw while driving on roads through endless fields of corn and soybeans. I was also amazed at all the insects we had to clean off our windshield.


Arthur Firstenberg
President, Cellular Phone Task Force
Author, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life
P.O. Box 6216
Santa Fe, NM 87502

Subscribe to Arthur Firstenberg newsletters.


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Cover image credit: FlorenceD-Pix

See Related:

More Reports From Around the World on RF Radiation Damage

5G, Satellites & the Global Wireless Rollout: On the Irradiation of Cats, Dogs, Birds & All of Our Natural World

The Desperate Failing Plan for a New American Century

The Desperate Failing Plan for a New American Century
They are few and we are many, and they must be stopped. 

by Greg Reese, The Reese Report
February 7, 2024



On January 16th of 1991, as the Soviet Union was collapsing and the cold war coming to an end, George H.W. Bush publicly announced a new campaign of American dominance which he called, the New World Order.

“This is an historic moment. We have in this past year made great progress in ending a long era of conflict and Cold War. We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a new world order, a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance at this new world order, an order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the UN’s founders.”

~ George H.W. Bush

Vladimir Putin told Oliver Stone that in the year 2000 he asked President Clinton if Russia could join NATO, which he said made the American delegation very nervous. They were not interested in world peace. They had different plans.

In 1997 the Project for the New American Century was founded by William Kristol and Victoria Nuland’s husband, Robert Kagan. In September of 2000 they published their agenda entitled; “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” which outlined an ambitious and aggressive plan to achieve world dominance, starting in the Middle East and ending with Russia. The document acknowledged the fact that their world domination efforts would “trouble American allies” and could therefore be a long process “absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.”

A year after publishing this, two thousand people were murdered in the World Trade Center and blamed on a small terrorist group created by the C.I.A.. And with this catastrophic and catalyzing event, the plan for a new American century went into action.

“About ten days after 9/11, I went through the Pentagon. And one of the generals called me and he says, we’ve made the decision we’re going to war with Iraq. This was on or about the 20th of September. I said, We’re going to war with Iraq, Why? He said, I don’t know. So I came back to see him a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, Are we still going to war with Iraq? And he said, it’s worse than that, he said, I just got this down from upstairs meeting in the secretary of defense office today. And he said, this is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finishing off… Iran.”

~ General Wesley K. Clark

George H.W. Bush’s son, George W., began a propaganda campaign to sell the American public on overthrowing Iraq. Spinning lies about Weapons of Mass Destruction.

“I take the threat very seriously. I take the fact that he develops weapons of mass destruction very seriously.

Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists.”

~ George W. Bush

 When the lies became obvious, George W. made jokes while reveling in the blood of the innocent.

Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, said that murdering millions of Iraqi children was worth it.

Lesley Stahl:

“We have heard that a half a million children have died. I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?”

Madeleine Albright:

“I think this is a very hard choice. But the price we think the price is worth it.”

The power hungry cabal, made up of close-knit families who practice multi-generational child abuse and mass mind control, began overthrowing sovereign nations. And murdering innocent civilians became the new norm for U.S. foreign policy. But their plan for global domination was failing, and starting in 2020 with the COVID scam, they began targeting U.S. citizens.

They have become desperate and they are going for broke. Slaughtering innocent Palestinians to spark a war with Iran, and sacrificing the people of Ukraine to hopelessly take on Russia.

These inbred families are getting old and they are fighting for their lives. There is too much at stake for them to ever give up which makes them more dangerous than ever. But they are few and we are many, and they must be stopped.


Connect with Greg Reese


The Graphene Market: The Truth Behind the Myth

The Graphene Market: The Truth Behind the Myth

by Next Level (Knowledge Rethought)
translated from German via Telegram translate
February 6, 2024



Graphite sold as graphene: A critical look

The sale of products touted as graphene reveals a profound disconnect between marketing promises and scientific reality. These products, often described as miracle materials, turn out to be nothing more than conventional graphite upon closer inspection.

Note: This applies to “graphene”, “graphene oxide” and the made-up term “graphene hydroxide”

Circular reasoning and refutation

Circular Reasoning: The assumption that the mere ability to purchase a product proves its existence is misleading. Following this logic, “Wi-Fi cables” on eBay or “isolated pathogenic viruses” that are offered for sale must also be real.

Refutation: The marketing of graphene is based on an overestimation of its properties. What is sold as “graphene” is merely thin sheets or particles of graphite that do not meet the definition of true graphene.

Why the product sold cannot be real graphene

Definition of graphene: Real graphene is said to consist of a one- to nine-layer structure of carbon atoms. Beyond this limit we no longer speak of graphene, but of graphite.

Commercial Products: Often sold in powder form, “graphene sheets,” or as a dispersion, these “graphene” products imply processing beyond the definition of graphene. They are effectively no longer graphene.

Material properties and number of layers: In theory, the unique properties of graphene only apply to structures with up to nine layers . Products on the market contain materials that do not meet these criteria and therefore must technically be classified as graphite.

Final note

Graphene, scientifically defined as a layer up to nine atoms thick, is a maximum of 0.9 nanometers thick – invisibly small and 1200 times thinner than the structure of SARS-CoV-2, which has never been isolated . Logically speaking, any visible and purchaseable “graphene” product cannot be real graphene. From the tenth layer onwards, graphene turns into graphite, with completely different properties.

What we see and buy cannot be graphene by scientific definition.

In other words, graphene does not exist not only because it cannot be produced or isolated under normal conditions, but also because scientific experiments and laboratory studies – such as with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) – have shown that it does not have the extraordinary properties which are theoretically attributed to it, namely extreme hardness and resistance. This raises the question of how graphene, theoretically known as the hardest and most resilient material, can break and deform beyond repair under the microscope’s electron beam or in a conventional oxidation-reduction process.


Connect with Next Level at Telegram (German language)

Cover image credit: HanJae

See related:

Next Level Researchers Challenge the Theory That Graphene Oxide Has Been Found in Vaccines


The Corbett Report: The 7th Annual Fake News Awards

The Corbett Report: The 7th Annual Fake News Awards

Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: This year’s Annual Fake News Awards by James Corbett et al. is a mix of fun humor, painful truth and powerful vision. For those who prefer to read, follow the link to The Corbett Report website where James has posted the full transcript along with show notes.


by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
February 5, 2024


And now, from a deep underground military base on the other side of the flat Earth, it’s time for the 7th Annual Fake News Awards!

How did the disinformation specialists of the mockingbird media lie to the public this year? What rich, creamery nothingburgers did they use to whip the public into hysteria over matters of no consequence whatsoever? And what real scandals of earthshaking importance did they ignore? And who will walk away with the most coveted Dino of them all: the Fake News Story of the Year? Find out in this face-meltingly, apocalyptically horrifying extravaganza of media mendacity known as the Fake News Awards!

Read transcript and show notes…


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Engineering Deluge: GeoEngineering Weather Manipulation

Engineering Deluge: GeoEngineering Weather Manipulation

by Dane Wigington, GeoEngineering Watch
February 3, 2024


“Imminent Deluge: Southern California Braces for Potentially Catastrophic Storm” (from Yahoo News).

A manipulated atmospheric flow of moisture is scheduled for the Southwestern US.

During the same span of time and beyond the eastern half of the US is scheduled for an extended period of record high temperatures, again.

The Great Lakes region is in the bullseye zone of the big winter warm-up.

Wildfires are raging from South America to South Africa and even Canada’s record firestorms of 2023 are not yet completely extinguished though it’s the middle of winter.

Global conflicts, chaos and carnage continue to escalate in lockstep with unfolding planetary ecological collapse. And through it all the dimming of our skies gets worse by the day.

How long till impact at full velocity? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.



Connect with GeoEngineering Watch

Cover image credit: KRiemer

See Related Documentary:

The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary


The Claimed ‘Holocaust’ State of Zionist Israel Commits a ‘Holocaust’ Against Palestinians

The Claimed ‘Holocaust’ State of Zionist Israel Commits a ‘Holocaust’ Against Palestinians

by Gary D. Barnett
February 2, 2024


“Monsters exist, but they are too few in number to be truly dangerous. More dangerous are the common men, the functionaries ready to believe and to act without asking questions.”

~ Primo Levi

First, let us understand the actual meaning of the word holocaust, and the transformation of, and targeted use of this expression. The word actually means “sacrifice by fire” or “burnt offering.” If taken directly from Latin, (holocaustum) it means “a thing wholly burnt.” Like many words and terms, it has been bastardized, and given wider figurative meanings, some which include massacre, or massacre of large numbers of people, but eventually became singularly associated with Jewish deaths in Germany under Hitler during World War II. This was supposedly not to be used as a proper name for Hitler’s Jewish policies, but that has been ignored these past many decades. Basically, the word ‘Holocaust” now refers only to the murder of Jews by Hitler during the war. This is a very deceptive objective achieved by long-term repetition of a misdescribed term.

What is disturbing about this change and isolated use, is that it was meant to serve a particular interest only, and therefore it was segregated for the purpose of yielding a plotted agenda as opposed to describing actual separated atrocities. Few would ever take the time to research, write, or expose this situation, because to do so opens one up to very aggressive criticism, threats, and false accusations of being ‘antisemitic,’ which also is a misunderstood, and completely ridiculous claim.

If the term holocaust was used properly, it would have to account for most every victim of bombings, sanctions, torture of populations, war, (all war) slaughter, massacre, and the outright murder of millions at the hands of the State. Millions upon millions, hundreds of millions actually, have been brutally burned, poisoned, fire-bombed, put into concentration camps (consider Eisenhower’s murderous concentration camps) and murdered indiscriminately in the name of savage and violent aggression. What about the victims of Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, and the genocide of tens of millions at the hands of monsters, and all those who supported these monsters, so many of which were built, funded, weaponized, and fully supported by the warmongering nation-state called  the U.S.? What about Korea, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, where millions of innocents at the hands of America and its allies, were raped, burned, poisoned, murdered, had their villages and towns razed and destroyed entirely, including women, children, and the old? Why are not all of these massacres considered holocausts?

So that brings us to today, where Zionist Israel locked up Gaza, surrounded it with high guarded walls and razor wire, effectively turning Gaza into an open-air prison, a concentration camp; fully controlled by Zionist forces. This happened after 75 years of displacement, bombing, massacre, and murder of Palestinians by Zionist Israel. Then, after what appears to be either or both, a false flag set-up using a purposely placed Hamas, or an allowed cooperative ‘invasion’ with Hamas, so as to intentionally claim the ‘right’ to eliminate millions of an entire population. This is a plotted massacre; it is a holocaust.

The irony and hypocrisy here are beyond imagination, and involve genocide at every level. This hellish and evil atrocity has been supported far and wide across much of western society, at least until the obvious nature of these horrendous murders and brutal slaughter of innocents became even too much for many supporters to sanction. This was simply  not out of real pity or sympathetic compassion for the innocent, it was in most cases due to fear of being associated with such blatant, immoral and disgusting evil. And the massacres continue as the world watches.

This is being forgotten here in the U.S., as concentration on insane ‘elections,’ the Taylor Swift Bowl, the rotten Trump ‘trial,’ threat of all-out war against Iran and the Middle East, the Grammy’s, the geo-engineered weather anomalies referred to as fake ‘climate change,’ the completely unknown ‘X-‘virus,’ the transgender idiocy, and of course much, much more take over the headlines. There is no telling what tomorrow will bring, when this economy will implode, or when Taylor Swift becomes president. This is a world gone mad!

In the meantime, the slaughter of innocents will continue, and expand, as you sit and watch while normality, tradition, moral behavior, empathy, and any intellect of the masses left, disappears from view.

Do not forget the people of Gaza, do not forget Lahaina, do not forget East Palestine, Ohio, do not forget any of the atrocities committed in your name, the current and impending wars, but do forget this heinous ‘election,’ the political class, the government in its entirety, all State mandates, and the enormous number of intentional distractions thrown at you from every angle. Live as if you are actually free, and you will have a chance to gain liberty one step at a time.

Jean Baudrillard said in “Simulacra and Simulation:”

“Forgetting extermination is part of extermination.”

There was not just one extermination of people, there have been many, and the massacres continue to bring death and destruction to millions. Without the acknowledgement of modern extermination as a certainty, you may be next in line for extinction.

Referenced links:

Dark Secrets of Eisenhower’s and America’s WWII Death Camps

Genocides of the 20th and 21st centuries

(The U.S. was conveniently left off this list, but considering all wars, aggressions, and support for many on this list, the U.S. should be at the top)

Israeli military says Gaza slaughter will continue throughout 2024

Gaza deliberately being made uninhabitable

The history of the Israeli expulsion of Palestinians

The Hannibal Directive and Zionist Israel’s False Flag Terrorism

Copyright © 2024


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

Cover image credit: hosnysalah

GeoEngineering Watch: Dimethylamine Skies, 90 Second Alert — “How Long Can You Hold Your Breath?”

GeoEngineering Watch: Dimethylamine Skies, 90 Second Alert — “How Long Can You Hold Your Breath?”

by Dane Wigington, GeoEngineering Watch
January 31. 2024


Transcript prepared by Truth Comes to Light


Is highly toxic dimethylamine now being sprayed into our skies?

Consider this, patent number 202-203-12691, October 6, 2022. Method for rain cloud formation using airborne dimethylamine injection.

In this patent, a process is described wherein said nucleation is catalyzed by the injection of a chemical substance dimethylamine into the upper atmosphere, preferably through injection of said substance into an electron-rich aircraft engine exhaust.

The subsequent formation of negatively charged ions has a catalytic effect on the generation of cloud condensation nuclei.

But governments would never subject their populations to geoengineering jet-sprayed toxic elements, would they?

Look up for your answer.

So just how toxic is dimethylamine?

Here’s how bad it is from

Hazard summary: Dimethylamine can affect you when breathed in and passing through your skin. Dimethylamine can irritate and cause severe burns of the skin.

Contact can severely irritate and burn the eyes with possible permanent damage, corneal opacities, causing blindness. Breathing dimethylamine can irritate the nose and throat along with the lungs, causing coughing and or shortness of breath. Higher exposures can cause a buildup of fluid in the lungs, aka pulmonary edema. Repeated exposure may damage the liver.

Dimethylamine is also highly flammable.

Anyone remember Lahaina?

Dimethylamine is a colorless gas with an ammonia-like odor.

And now climate engineering patents are promoting spraying dimethylamine into our skies?


How can you hold your breath?


Connect with GeoEngineering Watch

Cover image credit: Iowa, Nov. 2023, photos by Sharon James

See related:

Dane Wigington With Greg Hunter: Lahaina Incineration Is Deadly Weather Warfare

The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary

An Overview of What Reiner Füellmich Is Facing as His Trial Starts & the Circumstances Leading Up to His Arrest

An Overview of What Reiner Füellmich Is Facing as His Trial Starts & the Circumstances Leading Up to His Arrest


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: The following article was mentioned in a post at Elsa Scheider’s Truth Summit substack. The article was published in German and was mentioned on Bittel TV (German podcast) in an update about Reiner Füellmich’s situation. Elsa’s substack is the best source that I’ve found for keeping up with Reiner’s situation. She speaks German and English, has connections with Reiner’s legal team and with Inka, Reiner’s wife. This article was translated from German to English using deepl translator. (Füllmich is the spelling used in the original article.) ~ Kathleen

The Prejudgement of Dr. Füllmich


Even before the main trial against Dr. Reiner Füllmich begins, the courts indicate what they intend to do – a short trial and a quick verdict against the critical lawyer and human rights activist: they impose a muzzle on a Füllmich lawyer with a penalty clause, ignore motions by the defence, disregard legal deadlines and construct a case that does not even exist. Has the verdict been reached before the first day of the trial has even begun?


by Wolfgang Jeschke, Laufpass
January 30, 2024


The judges of the courts entrusted with the various aspects of the Füllmich case are guaranteed a place in history. Like so many terrible jurists from Germany’s past, they too will be honored accordingly. The suspicion is obvious that the judges here have to deliver a verdict to the system and disregard the rights of the persecuted.

Illegal abduction and deprivation of liberty

After the illegal abduction of Füllmich from Mexico (due to the lack of an international arrest warrant, the lawyer was only arrested at Frankfurt Airport. The abduction was coordinated with the Mexican authorities, who accompanied Füllmich to the FRG and then handed him over to the FRG police); now follows the second act in the illegal persecution of the unbending critic.

Reiner Füllmich is to be silenced. He was locked up because of accusations made by his alleged comrades-in-arms in the Corona Committee: Justus Hoffmann, Marcel Templin and Antonia Fischer. They drafted a lavish criminal complaint, which ultimately led to Füllmich’s arrest and his deprivation of liberty, which continues to this day.

Of the many accusations that Hoffmann and his accomplices had woven into their sometimes blatantly false suspicions, only one accusation remains for the criminal proceedings in the current partial opening: Dr. Füllmich is said to have embezzled 700,000 euros and used it for his own purposes. A bizarre accusation, as there are contracts and receipts for the 700,000 euros.

The 700,000 euros were to be parked in a secure store of value that the state could not access. So Füllmich parked the money in his own sphere. After selling his house, the loan was to be repaid in accordance with the contract. During the coronavirus crisis, the system blocked and/or seized the accounts of many critics. Securing the company’s capital was intended to ensure the long-term viability of the Corona Committee. The same applies to the purchase of physical gold, which was stored at Degussa as a crisis-proof investment.

There are contracts with the Corona Committee for the loans to Füllmich, concluded with his then co-partner Viviane Fischer, who also took over a loan of 100,000 euros. She signed the loan agreements and is also authorized to sign for the Corona Committee’s gold reserve. Füllmich and Fischer can only access the gold reserves together.

The court apparently understood that Füllmich and Fischer had transparently documented the transactions together. However, instead of taking note of the fact that these were normal civil law agreements between managing partners, they constructed a collusive – illegal – collaboration between the two heads of the then Corona Committee and an “embezzlement” by Dr. Füllmich.

But if Viviane Fischer is involved, why are there no proceedings against the Berlin lawyer? Or to put it another way: why were the investigations against Viviane Fischer dropped? The reason given for dropping the investigation against Viviane Fischer was that she could have repaid the loan. Which she did, albeit belatedly. The same applies to Füllmich – if over one million euros of the purchase price of his house had not been diverted to another account.

Muzzle for the defense

Deconstructing the allegations is quite simple: the loans were based on contracts, were listed in the company’s financial documentation and were to be repaid. In Füllmich’s case, after the sale of his property. However, this was thwarted by the people who filed the complaint against Dr. Füllmich. They succeeded, in this case the lawyer Marcel Templin in particular, in diverting EUR 1,158,000 of the purchase price to his own account. As a result, Füllmich lacked the funds to repay the loan.

Dagmar Schön, one of Reiner Füllmich’s lawyers, had pointed out in a Bittel TV program that a large part of the sum that Füllmich had allegedly appropriated was already in an account of one of the complainants. This clarified two things: 1. why Dr. Füllmich was unable to repay the loan and 2. that more than the loan amount was already under the control of the Corona Committee co-partners.

Hoffmann and his accomplices did not like this clarification by the lawyer Schön – they obtained a court order from the Berlin Regional Court that Dagmar Schön was not allowed to state the true fact that considerable funds (1,158,000 euros) from the house sale were in Marcel Templin’s account. The Berlin judge Wiesener thus ordered a ban on stating a proven fact – in other words, the judge prohibited Wiesener from stating a truth that would exonerate the defendant and incriminate the complainants. The court has the documents that prove that this large sum of money was diverted to Marcel Templin’s account.

The justification for the ban on making statements is downright absurd: the money that the buyer of the property had transferred to Marcel Templin was not identical to the money that Füllmich had received through the loan agreements. Is Judge Wiesener living in old crime novels where money was moved around in suitcases? In times of digital transactions, there is no money that could have a physical identity. Money paid by bank transfer is never identical to a ‘sum of money’ that was used to pay for something else, unless it is cash. Moreover, it is completely irrelevant what money Reiner Füllmich wanted to use to repay his loans. What is significant, however, is that 1,158,000 million euros are in the account of the complainant Marcel Templin without legal grounds and Reiner Füllmich was thus deprived of the power of disposal over his assets. Judge Wiesener’s interpretation of this point appears to be completely inappropriate and unworldly.

A further problem arises from the decision of the Berlin judge Wiesener: the prohibition on making statements, which was imposed on the defense with the verdict, violates the rights of the accused. While the public prosecutor’s office sends out press releases in which the accusations are publicly described, the defense has been prohibited from expressing exculpatory circumstances. Until a verdict is reached, however, a defendant is presumed innocent. He himself and the defense have the right to make exculpatory statements.

The lawyer Dagmar Schön appealed against the verdict. The Court of Appeal allowed her appeal and stated, among other things: “However, the application made by the plaintiffs for the injunction is already inadmissible.” To avoid unnecessary litigation, the plaintiffs in the injunction should consider withdrawing the action as it had no prospect of success. So there are still ordinary judges in the country after all.

The notary and the 1,158,000 euros

The role of the notary who notarized the property sale will be examined in more detail. Notaries act as public officials. Notaries are obliged to be neutral and independent and have a duty of confidentiality. Their task includes not only the notarization of contracts, but also the official duty of executing the notarized legal transaction.

In the Füllmich case, the contracts state that the purchase price for the Füllmich property is to be transferred to a Füllmich account. This was notarized by the notary. However, after the contract was concluded, the notary instructed the buyers to transfer large parts of the purchase price to Marcel Templin’s account. In doing so, the notary may have breached his fundamental notarial duties and his duty of neutrality. His conduct in the course of the real estate transaction will be the subject of a separate investigation.

Biased judges – political process?

Dr. Füllmich’s lawyers have filed several motions for recusal against judges Schindler, Wedekamp and Hoock of the 5th Criminal Chamber – Commercial Criminal Chamber – of the Göttingen Regional Court. A chain of misconduct to the detriment of the person being prosecuted is shown therein. Everything points to the fact that Reiner Füllmich is to be given a short trial.

The three judges disregarded statutory deadlines (which is an official misconduct), ignored the appeal for detention and did not take it into account in the partial opening order of the trial. The three judges also rejected an application by the defense for an extension of the deadline, which was based on the illness of both lawyers.

The motion for recusal also complains that the fact that the public prosecutor’s office allowed the defense to inspect the files after a long delay was not taken into account. The incomplete transmission of the files, the decision on the detention complaint without an oral hearing, the opening of proceedings before the conclusion of the investigations and other reasons suggest that the judges of the 5th Criminal Chamber were biased.

Likewise, the Göttingen judges Schindler, Wedekamp and Hoock did not take into account numerous exonerating circumstances that speak for the innocence of the persecuted person. In particular, the fact that Reiner Füllmich wanted to and was able to repay the loans was not taken into account. This is the only way the accusations can be upheld – by the court ignoring facts and framing the “case” in such a way that a conviction can result:

Serious misconduct at the expense of the defendant:

In the opinion of the defense and established case law, Judges Schindler, Wedekamp and Hoock were guilty of serious misconduct. They were obliged to check the electronic receipt of files, as they knew that the defense’s pleadings were received by the court electronically. The three judges also knew that further documents would be submitted by the defense. At the same time, there was an application for an extension of the deadline until January 5. For these reasons, they were obliged to check whether the documents had been received in the court’s electronic mailbox.

If they had dutifully carried out this check, they would have found that something had been received on the night of January 3rd – namely a well-founded complaint of detention. Judges Schindler, Wedekamp and Hoock should have given priority to dealing with this detention complaint and could not have opened the proceedings. They did not do so. This conduct is a serious misconduct. As a result, this serious misconduct must also be punished by disciplinary action. This alone justifies the application for recusal against Judges Schindler, Wedekamp and Hoock – because an application for recusal is justified whenever there is serious misconduct that must also be punished by disciplinary action.

Furthermore, the criminal complaint against Justus Hoffman and Antonia Fischer for false accusations and the question of whether Justus Hoffmann and Marcel Templin – possibly together with the notary who notarized the deed – illegally obtained access to the majority of the proceeds from the sale of the property remain unconsidered. Despite these suspicions, Hoffmann and his accomplices are summoned as witnesses against Reiner Füllmich.

The summoning of witnesses who are unable to make any material contribution to the charge of embezzlement also appears curious. For example, the notary who notarized the sale of the Füllmichs’ property is to testify. It makes no sense to call him and others as witnesses, as they cannot make any contribution to the question of breach of trust. On the contrary: in court, witnesses can always invoke Section 55 of the Code of Criminal Procedure and refuse to testify if they could incriminate themselves. The more intensively you look into the case, the more the bogeyman that is being set up here becomes apparent. The suspicion that this is intended to be a short political trial becomes more and more substantiated.

With their behavior, the judges are violating the principle of the presumption of innocence and denying Reiner Füllmich the right to a fair trial guaranteed under Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

Schindler’s cunning?

The presiding judge Schindler, who has a particular penchant for violating the rights of the accused, recently had his own motion for recusal overturned. The defense had already announced at the beginning of the year that it wanted to mandate two additional lawyers to defend the accused. So that the two lawyers could familiarize themselves with the case, defence lawyer Katja Wörmer had requested that the start of the trial be postponed.

Schindler also rejected this request to postpone the start of the trial. He was apparently of the opinion that he had to determine what the representation of the defendant should look like. He did not consider it necessary to call in additional lawyers. In times when the judiciary is controlled by the executive, anything seems possible. Even the court’s decision on the staffing of the defense of a persecuted person.

In rejecting the motions, Schindler refers to a “manageable subject matter of the proceedings” – meaning that the court is obviously already finished with the investigation and assessment of the facts and only wants to pass judgment in line with the prosecution. The judges violate the rights of the persecuted person in such a clear manner, commit malpractice and give the impression that they want to deny the persecuted person a constitutional procedure. It seems as if they want to be relieved of their responsibility for the political process by means of an application for bias. Or (the worse alternative): They were promised benefits in return for a harsh and swift guilty verdict – promotions, career-enhancing transfers or something else. We will also keep an eye on this.

The application of Section 266 StGB by judges Schindler, Wedekamp and Hoock also seems more than questionable. In its case law on Section 266 StGB, the Federal Court of Justice states: “What is required is not only that the perpetrator is given a wide scope of action, but also that there is a lack of control, i.e. his actual ability to access the trustor’s assets without simultaneous control and monitoring by the trustor.”  However, the loans were officially and transparently contractually agreed. They were booked with the company. There was no secrecy and the company was aware of the loans at all times.

The Berlin judge who imposed the muzzle on Füllmich’s lawyer Dagmar Schön does not consider Section 266 StGB to apply: “The mere non-repayment of a loan does not constitute a criminal offense and certainly does not constitute embezzlement within the meaning of Section 266 StGB.” So why Section 266 StGB is being applied here seems more than questionable. Unless, of course, the judges have been taken in by the complainants Justus Hoffmann, Marcel Templin and Antonia Fischer. The mandatory element of financial loss on the part of the lender is also missing.

The complaint dated 02.09.2022 is an excess of accusations with numerous contrived accusations and interpretations of criminal law that would probably not have passed in any university exam. The complaint reads like a hodgepodge of accusations – along the lines of: something works, something sticks. In any case, Hoffman, Templin and Fischer do not consider the case law of the Federal Court of Justice – why should they? It would invalidate the main point of the indictment.

Abuse of criminal jurisdiction

One can continue to speculate about the motives of the complainants. It smells and tastes of a collaboration between the system and the persecutors. It seems obvious that they are also abusing criminal jurisdiction in order to promote their own financial interests and shape civil law disputes with the help of the criminal division. The inflated civil law dispute between shareholders is now being dragged before the criminal court.

The disputes between the members of the Corona Committee are classic civil law disputes between shareholders. They therefore belong in mediation discussions or civil law proceedings. However, civil proceedings cost money and sometimes take a long time. Shifting the clarification of claims to a creatively designed criminal complaint avoids costs and can shorten the proceedings. And since you have done the system a favor here, you can expect a positive verdict. Because the system wants to silence Füllmich. This is only possible with a guilty verdict, for the imposition of which it must in turn clarify the civil law issues in the same proceedings. 2 in 1: The FRG silences a critic and the complainants get their Judas wages.

It seems obvious that the complainants are misusing the criminal chamber to clarify civil law issues. Perhaps also in order to have their civil law dispute resolved quickly with the help of the criminal chamber, because it can be assumed that the criminal courts in Germany make short work of critical people. Paragraph 1 of Section 262 of the Code of Criminal Procedure makes this possible: “If the criminal liability of an act depends on the assessment of a civil legal relationship, the criminal court shall also decide on this in accordance with the provisions applicable to proceedings and evidence in criminal matters.”

However, in view of the facts of the case, the evidence available and the conduct of the complainants, the court could also apply section 262, paragraph 2 of the Code of Criminal Procedure: “However, the court is authorized to suspend the investigation and to set a time limit for one of the parties to bring the civil action or to await the judgment of the civil court.”

Justus Hoffmann and Antonia Fischer have since been charged with false accusations. Many of their accusations are demonstrably untrue. For example, Marcel Templin already has 1,158,000 euros from the sale of the Füllmich family’s house. Another example: The complaint states, “Füllmich has also made himself liable to prosecution for embezzlement by purchasing the gold bars without the consent of the shareholders, obscuring their existence and possessing them for himself.” The gold bars are stored at Degussa. Removal is only possible with the joint signatures of Reiner Füllmich and Viviane Fischer.

How long will the court allow itself to be led around by the nose here? Just reading the criminal complaint insinuates the intentions of the complainants. Not only do they point out possible misconduct that the public prosecutor’s office would have to prosecute – they also provide an assessment of the facts in their “pleading” and thus prepare a verdict, so to speak.

Misleading the public prosecutor’s office?

The public prosecutor’s office should also gradually realize that it is being deceived and instrumentalized. Recognizably false accusations, but also obvious misleading by the complainants, should set the public prosecutor’s office on edge. One example: the complainants had misled the public prosecutor’s office by submitting incomplete minutes of the company’s founding meeting. This was the only reason why the public prosecutor’s office assumed that the shareholders did not have sole power of representation.

On the other hand, the conduct of the public prosecutor’s office is also remarkable: while Reiner Füllmich’s accounts were frozen and his assets arrested in the course of the arrest, the public prosecutor’s office apparently did not confiscate or freeze the EUR 1,158,000 from the account of the lawyer Templin. What happened to the money? Why is the public prosecutor’s office not taking action here?

The key question, however, is: Why is the public prosecutor’s office investigating embezzlement under Section 266 StGB at all? Even a cursory examination makes it easy to see that the conditions for embezzlement are not met here. The actions of Reiner Füllmich and Viviane Fischer were documented (loan agreements and accounting lists) and therefore known to the company. There is even an indication in the email correspondence that Füllmich had informed the complainants Justus Hoffmann and Antonia Fischer about a loan.

Finally, there is a lack of another essential element for the existence of embezzlement: there is no financial disadvantage for the Corona Committee. The loans should and could have been repaid. The funds for this were to be generated from the sale of the house. The loans were not paid out to a destitute borrower: the Füllmich family’s property (a large house in Göttingen) always had enough substance to enable the loans to be repaid. The public presentation gives the impression that Füllmich secretly pocketed money and used it privately. But how he used the loan is irrelevant. The money was to be placed in a safe place and later repaid – and this was ensured until the illegal appropriation of the purchase price of Füllmich’s house. Without a financial disadvantage on the part of the Corona Committee, there is no offense of unlawful appropriation.

The obvious inconsistencies give many friends of the Enlightenment hope that Dr. Reiner Füllmich will soon be released. That this hope may be unfounded is shown by the many verdicts against critics of the measures, lawyers, doctors and journalists in the FRG and the Western world: the “legal system” is once again proving to be the servant of a repressive system that will accept neither criticism nor resistance. The clearest voices are to be silenced. No matter what the cost – even if it means giving up the rule of law.


Connect with Laufpass (German)

The WHO and Phony International Law

The WHO and Phony International Law 

by Bruce Pardy, Brownstone Institute
January 31, 2024


A new pandemic treaty is in the works. Countries are negotiating its terms, along with amendments to international health regulations. If ready in time, the World Health Assembly will approve them in May. The deal may give the WHO power to declare global health emergencies. Countries will promise to follow WHO directives. Lockdowns, vaccine mandates, travel restrictions, and more will be in the works. Critics say that the agreements will override national sovereignty because their provisions will be binding. But international law is the art of the Big Pretend.

You drive down Main Street. Cars are parked everywhere. The signs say “No Parking” but they also say, “The City does not enforce parking restrictions.” In effect there’s no rule against parking. Laws are commands imposed with the force of the state. Rules without sanctions are mere suggestions. Some people may honor the request, but others won’t. Those who disagree with the rule can safely ignore it. In domestic law, “enforceable” and “binding” are synonyms.

But not in international law, where promises are called “binding” even if they are unenforceable. In the international sphere, countries are the highest authority. Nothing stands above them with the power to enforce their promises. No such courts exist. The International Court of Justice depends on the consent of the countries involved. No international police enforce its orders. The UN is a sprawling bureaucracy, but in the end, it is merely a place for countries to gather. The WHO is a branch of the UN whose mandate countries negotiate amongst themselves.

In the proposed pandemic treaty, parties are to settle disputes through negotiation. They may agree to be subject to the International Court of Justice or to arbitration. But they cannot be required to.

Yet international law jurists insist that unenforceable treaty promises can be binding. “The binding character of a norm does not depend on whether there is any court or tribunal with jurisdiction to apply it,” Daniel Bodansky, a professor of international law at Arizona State University, wrote in a 2016 analysis of the Paris climate agreement. “Enforcement is not a necessary condition for an instrument or norm to be legally binding.” Without this Big Pretend, international law would collapse like a house of cards on a windy beach.

All countries are sovereign. They are free to retaliate against each other for perceived wrongs, including breaches of treaty promises. They can seek to have other countries censured or expelled from the international regime. They can impose trade sanctions. They can expel ambassadors. But retaliation is not “enforcement.” Moreover, international relations are a delicate business. Aggrieved countries are more likely to express their disappointment in carefully crafted diplomatic language than to burn bridges.

The threat from WHO proposals come not from outside but from within. We live in a managerial age, run by a technocratic elite. Over time, they have acquired for themselves the discretion to direct society for the common good, as they declare it to be.

As journalist David Samuels puts it, “Americans now find themselves living in an oligarchy administered day-to-day by institutional bureaucracies that move in lock-step with each other, enforcing a set of ideologically-driven top-down imperatives that seemingly change from week-to-week and cover nearly every subject under the sun.” These bureaucracies regulate, license, expropriate, subsidize, track, censor, prescribe, plan, incentivize, and inspect. Pandemics and public health are the most recent justifications for yet more control.

Domestic governments, not international bodies, will impose WHO recommendations on their citizens. They will pass laws and policies that incorporate those directives. Even an exasperated WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said so in a briefing this week. “There are those who claim that the pandemic agreement and [amended regulations] will seed sovereignty…and give the WHO Secretariat the power to impose lockdowns or vaccine mandates on countries…These claims are completely false…the agreement is negotiated by countries for countries and will be implemented in countries in accordance with your own national laws.”

Ghebreyesus is correct. Local and national authorities will not give up their powers. To what extent international commitments will be “binding” on a country depends not on international law but on that country’s own domestic laws and courts. Article VI of the US Constitution, for example, provides that the Constitution, federal laws, and treaties together “shall be the supreme Law of the Land.” That does not mean that treaties supersede the Constitution or federal laws. Domestic legislation and policy will be required for the proposed pandemic treaty and WHO directives to be enforced on American soil. Such legislation is an exercise of sovereignty, not a repudiation of it.

The proposals are not benign. Domestic authorities seek cover for their own autocratic measures. Their promises will be called “binding” even though they are not. Local officials will justify restrictions by citing international obligations. Binding WHO recommendations leave them no choice, they will say. The WHO will coordinate their imperatives as the face of global public health.

The WHO is not taking over. Instead, it will be the handmaiden for a coordinated global biomedical state. Managers hate straight lines. Diffuse, discretionary powers avoid accountability and the rule of law. The global health regime will be a tangled web. It is meant to be.


Connect with Brownstone Institute

Cover image credit: Clker-Free-Vector-Images

Next Level: An Analysis of “Spike Protect” Product

Next Level: An Analysis of “Spike Protect” Product


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

In the post shared below, Next Level takes a look at “Spike Protect” products being sold to supposedly protect and/or repair damage from “spike proteins”. (For more information on Next Level, see their magazine here.)

This is the “Spike Protect” product promoted by Dr. Bodo Schiffmann as mentioned in the Next Level post. Ingredients: nattokinase, astaxanthin, black pepper extract and curcuma extract. Dr. Bodo Schiffman’s channels are published in German: Telegram and YouTube.

You will likely have seen a few versions of “Spike Protect” capsules offered for purchase by some of the natural healing or medical freedom channels that you follow. A quick web search found several with varying ingredients. 

      • Here
        Ingredients: black cumin seed extract, dandelion root, n-acetyl cysteine, green tea providing EGCG, nattokinase, selenium.
      • Here
        This site also mentions “shedding” protection. Their product comes in a bundle of products that include: selenium, glutathione, turmeric, quercetin, hesperidin, nattokinase, black seed oil, dandelion root, Irish moss, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, selenium, proteases, bromelain, papain, kelp, rutin, grape seed, ALA, citrus bioflavonoid, rose hips, Asian ginseng, eleuthero [Siberian ginseng], ginkgo biloba, CoQ10, green tea, catalase, flaxseed, lutein, SOD, parsley.
      • Here
        Ingredients: quercetin, schisandra, gingko leaf, serrapeptase, nattokinase.
      • Here
        Ingredients: nattokinase, dandelion root, selenium, black sativa, green tea extract, Irish sea moss.
      • and Here
        Ingredients: dandelion leaf, juniper berry, slippery elm, ginger root.

These same ingredients have been recommended for many of the symptoms related to upper respiratory issues and blood clots — in other words, for all things “covid” and “covid jab” side effects.

In the post below, Next Level challenges the idea that “spike proteins” are the culprit in causing these symptoms.

Product advertising for “Spike Protect” is based on evidence-free studies.

by Next Level
translated from German via telegram translate
January 25, 2024


The community has requested a critical analysis of the studies used as the basis for the Spike Protect product.

It is important to emphasize that no serious scientist — regardless of his critical attitude — would use such study results as a reliable evidence base. The product’s arguments against supposed “spike proteins” are based on a number of studies that do not provide sufficient evidence. This product has not yet been tested for effectiveness in controlled scientific studies.

Critical assessment of one of these studies (Post Bodo Schiffmann.)

1. Incomplete data presentation

Of the 81 long COVID patients (undefined diagnosis) examined, only data from 70 patients were presented. The missing information on 11 patients could represent bias if their results did not meet expectations.

2. Questionable evidence of “spike protein” fragments

The study found weak signals of “vaccine spike protein” fragments in only 2 of 81 patients and a fragment of the alleged “viral spike protein” in one patient.

3. Analysis of fragments instead of whole proteins

Only fragments and not whole “spike proteins” were analyzed, which increases the risk of misclassification.

4. Possible artifact formation due to trypsin

The samples were treated with trypsin to generate fragments, raising the question of whether the identified fragments may be artifacts of trypsin use. This becomes particularly relevant with the mention of Australian virologists who reported that visible ‘spikes’ under the electron microscope could only be created by using trypsin. This highlights the importance of comparative controls with untreated samples. Controls without trypsin were not performed.

5. Variability of detection limit

The limit of detection in mass spectrometry is not standardized (similar to the CT value in PCR), meaning that other laboratories might have interpreted the authors’ 2 weak signals differently. Both as an artifact and undetectable.

6. Interpretation of mass spectrometry results

The results are based solely on the indirect method of mass spectrometry. However, this technique does not provide clear yes or no answers but requires interpretation of the results. In mass spectrometry, so-called ‘peaks’ are created in the mass spectrum, which provide information about the presence of certain molecules. However, the very weak signals of these peaks identified in the study have not been confirmed by other independent methods, calling their reliability into question.

7. Lack of positive controls

Positive controls, i.e. samples known to contain the target molecule (in this case the “spike protein”), are not mentioned in the study.

8. Insufficient information on negative controls

Although unvaccinated samples are mentioned as negative controls, there are no specific details about how many negative control samples were used, how exactly these samples were analyzed, or what specific criteria were used for their selection. (Theoretically, this could be a single case).

9. Mass spectrometry and database dependency

In mass spectrometry, molecules are interpreted by comparing their mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) with database values. Incorrect database entries, such as incorrectly defining a harmless protein as a “spike protein,” can lead to misinterpretations, for example, with syncytin being mistakenly identified as a spike protein.

An article analyzing the other studies used to sell “Spike Protect” will be published in the next few weeks on NEXT LEVEL.


Presence of viral spike protein and vaccinal spike protein in the blood serum of patients with long-COVID syndrome


Connect with Next Level at telegram

Cover image credit: Frank_Reppold

See Related:

What Does — and Doesn’t — Make Us Sick

Drs. Tom Cowan, Andy Kaufman & Stefan Lanka: On the Myth That Virology Is Real Science & What We Don’t Yet Know About These Highly Toxic Covid “Vaccines” 

Dr. Tom Cowan on the “Spiked Protein Toxin” & “Virus Created in a Lab” Stories

Fake Science Vs Science – Be Cautious

The Contagion Fairy Tale

The Stars, They Do Not Matter No Mo’

The Stars, They Do Not Matter No Mo’

by Michael Clarage, Michael’s Newsletter
January 22, 2024


The 8 sides of the Great Pyramid

The Great Pyramid of Giza has encoded the size and shape of the Earth, distance to the Sun, precession of the equinox, etc. Every decade someone discovers a new astronomical fact encoded in the Great Pyramid. I was there and left the tour group to look around, and found the entire structure is placed on top of a foundation of 500-800 ton precision cut stones. Seemed to me that the pyramid was a recent construction compared to that foundation. And still we have no idea how all this was built.

All the ancient monuments are found to be precisely aligned with the stars. As if it mattered. Why does it no longer matter to us?

All those civilizations that existed prior to 10,000 BC are gone. Evidence is flooding in ( pun intended ) that all were wiped out by a cataclysm. Each new geological discovery increases the scale of this cataclysm. All these wiped out people cared SO MUCH about Earth’s relation to the stars. Why does all that make ABSOLUTELY no difference to us now?

JWST can detect the atmosphere composition of invisible stars!

The average man-on-the-street can see on his phone the latest images from the James Webb Telescope of 13 billion year old galaxies, and explore the chemical composition of the newest Brown Dwarf stars; but the man has absolutely no sense or thought that any of it makes the slightest difference. This is not “a failure of educators to make science relevant”. This is a cultural blind spot. The rest of the cosmos is less important to us than some 19th century weird curio cabinet.

From what I can gather, one of the purposes of these ancient monuments was to tell the people when the next galactic current sheet was passing through our solar system, hence telling us when the next cataclysm was coming. If not exactly this, then something of that nature and time-scale. This is why Gobekli Tepe was intentionally buried: they knew SHTF was coming, they buried their stuff in hopes survivors would one day find it, and get a leg up on the next end of times. I wonder if they imagined it would be 12 thousand years later.

There is also a spiritual dimension to all this. A people like ours that has no need of the stars must feel separate from the stars. We have lost touch with the stars in ourselves. By design, some part of ourselves has come from the stars, used to live in the stars, still lives in the stars ( linear time verb tense fails here ). From that point of view, the most important fact about us is precisely this starry connection: what the heck are we doing all the way down here on this cold, dark, dense planet? If that question mattered more, then we would not need public relations writers to make the JWST relevant. If that question still mattered probably a lot of things would be different.


Connect with Michael Clarage

Cover images credit: CDD20 (1) & (2)

Cutting, Pasting, Splicing DNA; Welcome to the New World—Oops, Full of Mistakes

Cutting, Pasting, Splicing DNA; Welcome to the New World—Oops, Full of Mistakes
 “I thought the technology was supposed to be perfect. What the hell is going on here?”

by Jon Rappoport
January 23, 2024


The bright new dawn of genetic engineering of life has a few problems. My, my.

Of course, the engineering companies pitching investors for money downplay the problems, and so do governments. Remember when Biden issued a release glorifying “overwriting cells of the body” (*) to achieve new breakthroughs in…something or other?

From Gene Watch UK, here are documented cases of genetic editing screw-ups. The language is technical, but you can grasp the essentials. Scientists are playing with fire.

“Petri et al. (2022) reported unintended genetic insertions and deletions in zebrafish following prime editing…Prime editing does not induce double stranded breaks and thus is often proposed to be safer than standard CRISPR/Cas systems. Nonetheless, integration of guide RNA derived DNA sequences was detected, showing that even using a technique without introducing foreign DNA, or double-stranded breaks, the technique does not rule out the potential for unintended insertion of exogenous DNA.”

“Tao et al. (2022) reported insertions of transposable elements in human cells in vitro following both standard CRISPR/Cas9 and prime editing systems, though these unintended changes were more common with CRISPR/Cas9 systems. Moreover, hundreds of integrated copies of vector plasmid DNA used to deliver the prime editing machinery were also detected…Moreover, insertions occurred at induced DNA breaks where CRISPR/Cas9 has been applied for controversial therapeutic editing…”

“Weiss et al. (2022) reported that in Arabidopsis plants, the DNA repair pathway chosen by the plant cells to repair the CRISPR-induced DNA breaks was influenced by the epigenetic status of the genome, including DNA methylation status… This in turn, influences the final mutational outcomes. This paper highlights limitations in relying on predictive tools that only take into consideration sequence information when trying to predict efficiency, specificity and mutational outcomes of genome editing. Bigger complexities beyond the level of the genome are also involved.”

“Höijer et al. (2022) reported large structural unintended on-target changes, including 4.8kb deletions to 1.4kn insertions, in zebrafish. This study showed the passing down of these mutations to the next generation.”

“Huang et al. (2022) reported that following CRISPR/Cas12 editing in fungal species, doublestranded breaks are repaired with multiple DNA repair pathways, each with different mutational profiles. This study highlights the lack of current understanding around the various DNA pathways that exist in various species, and how they may impact editing outcomes. Rather than being able to predict or even control CRISPR mutations outcomes as is often presented by GMO proponents, this study instead shows how CRISPR is being used in research to try to understand the basic mechanisms and complexities of DNA repair. Without a full understanding of the underlying science, assertions of precision and thus safety are unfounded.”

“Park et al. (2022) reported high levels of on-target unintended changes, when assessed using a new analytical tool that can sequence larger segments of the target site. Long range sequencing was able to detect a variety of changes including large deletions, highlighting the need for detailed analytical tools to assess on-target impacts.”

“Geng et al. (2022) report on-target unintended changes including genomic inversions, duplications, rearrangements and integration of exogenous DNA at the target-site in human cells, resulting in alterations in cell proliferation. This study highlights the potential impacts of unintended changes on target cell function, with implications for both edited plants and animals.”

But don’t worry, be happy. These genetic engineers all over the world may be bulls charging through shops shattering objects…but I’m sure they’ll eventually fix all their mistakes. Right?

For a final note—I’m not confident these genetic madmen even know what they’re playing with in the first place. When they see their errors, what are they really looking at? They make so many basic assumptions and guesses about DNA and genes, they could be operating in the dark, clueless and lost.

“Here’s a break in DNA where the repair after the cut failed.”

“Really? Are you sure that’s DNA?”

“It has to be.”


“Because if it isn’t, we have no idea what we’re doing.”

You know, THAT kind of thing.

The same kind of thing that happens when biologists trying to alter a virus fail to realize there isn’t any virus there…

These awesome problems can only be ignored in one way: by deciding that the 8 billion people on planet Earth are merely subjects in a vast ongoing experiment. And therefore have no reason to complain.

— Jon Rappoport



The Biden White House Executive Order: “Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy” (September 12, 2022). The link to this EO is hereMy comments on this EO are here—as a “breaking news” update—at the very beginning of this podcast.

See also this podcast: “DARPA/Pentagon research projects to create future humans,” here.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

Cover image credit: OpenClipart-Vectors

Watchlisted: You’re Probably Already on a Government Extremism List

Watchlisted: You’re Probably Already on a Government Extremism List

by John & Nisha Whitehead, The Rutherford Institute
January 23, 2024


“In a closed society where everybody’s guilty, the only crime is getting caught.”
— Hunter S. Thompson

According to the FBI, you may be an anti-government extremist if you’ve:

a) purchased a Bible or other religious materials,

b) used terms like “MAGA” and “Trump,”

c) shopped at Dick’s Sporting Goods, Cabela’s, or Bass Pro Shops,

d) purchased tickets to travel by bus, cars, or plane,

e) all of the above.

In fact, if you selected any of those options in recent years, you’re probably already on a government watchlist.

That’s how broadly the government’s net is being cast in its pursuit of domestic extremists.

We’re all fair game now, easy targets for inclusion on some FBI watch list or another.

When the FBI is asking banks and other financial institutions to carry out dragnet searches of customer transactions—warrantlessly and without probable cause—for “extremism” indicators broadly based on where you shop, what you read, and how you travel, we’re all in trouble.

Clearly, you don’t have to do anything illegal.

You don’t even have to challenge the government’s authority.

Frankly, you don’t even have to care about politics or know anything about your rights.

All you really need to do in order to be tagged as a suspicious character, flagged for surveillance, and eventually placed on a government watch list is live in the United States.

This is how easy it is to run afoul of the government’s many red flags.

In fact, all you need to do these days to end up on a government watch list or be subjected to heightened scrutiny is use certain trigger words (like cloud, pork and pirates), surf the internet, communicate using a cell phone, limp or stutter, drive a car, stay at a hotel, attend a political rally, express yourself on social media, appear mentally ill, serve in the military, disagree with a law enforcement official, call in sick to work, purchase materials at a hardware store, take flying or boating lessons, appear suspicious, appear confused or nervous, fidget or whistle or smell bad, be seen in public waving a toy gun or anything remotely resembling a gun (such as a water nozzle or a remote control or a walking cane), stare at a police officer, question government authority, or appear to be pro-gun or pro-freedom.

We’re all presumed guilty until proven innocent now.

It’s just a matter of time before you find yourself wrongly accused, investigated and confronted by police based on a data-driven algorithm or risk assessment culled together by a computer program run by artificial intelligence.

For instance, a so-called typo in a geofence search warrant, which allows police to capture location data for a particular geographic area, resulted in government officials being given access to information about who went where and with whom within a two-mile long stretch of San Francisco that included churches, businesses, private homes, hotels, and restaurants.

Thanks to the 24/7 surveillance being carried out by the government’s sprawling spy network of fusion centers, we are all just sitting ducks, waiting to be tagged, flagged, targeted, monitored, manipulated, investigated, interrogated, heckled and generally harassed by agents of the American police state.

Without having ever knowingly committed a crime or been convicted of one, you and your fellow citizens have likely been assessed for behaviors the government might consider devious, dangerous or concerning; assigned a threat score based on your associations, activities and viewpoints; and catalogued in a government database according to how you should be approached by police and other government agencies based on your particular threat level.

Before long, every household in America will be flagged as a threat and assigned a threat score.

Nationwide, there are upwards of 123 real-time crime centers (a.k.a. fusion centers), which allow local police agencies to upload and share massive amounts of surveillance data and intelligence with state and federal agencies culled from surveillance cameras, facial recognition technology, gunshot sensors, social media monitoring, drones and body cameras, and artificial intelligence-driven predictive policing algorithms.

These data fusion centers, which effectively create an electronic prison—a digital police state—from which there is no escape.

Yet this crime prevention campaign is not so much about making America safer as it is about ensuring that the government has the wherewithal to muzzle anti-government discontent, penalize anyone expressing anti-government sentiments, and preemptively nip in the bud any attempts by the populace to challenge the government’s authority or question its propaganda.

As J.D. Tuccille writes for Reason, “[A]t a time when government officials rage against ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation’ that is often just disagreement with whatever opinions are currently popular among the political class, fusion centers frequently scrutinize peaceful dissenting speech.”

These fusion centers are the unacknowledged powerhouses behind the government’s campaign to censors and retaliate against those who vocalize their disagreement and discontent with government policies.

It’s a setup ripe for abuse.

For instance, an investigative report by the Brennan Center found that “Over the last two decades, leaked materials have shown fusion centers tracking protestors and casting peaceful activities as potential threats. Their targets have included racial justice and environmental advocates, right-wing activists, and third-party political candidates.”

One fusion center in Maine was found to have been “illegally collecting and sharing information about Maine residents who weren’t suspected of criminal activity. They included gun purchasers, people protesting the construction of a new power transmission line, the employees of a peacebuilding summer camp for teenagers, and even people who travelled to New York City frequently.”

This is how the burden of proof has been reversed.

Although the Constitution requires the government to provide solid proof of criminal activity before it can deprive a citizen of life or liberty, the government has turned that fundamental assurance of due process on its head.

Each and every one of us is now seen as a potential suspect, terrorist and lawbreaker in the eyes of the government.

Consider some of the many ways in which “we the people” are now treated as criminals, found guilty of violating the police state’s abundance of laws, and preemptively stripped of basic due process rights.

Red flag gun confiscation laws: Gun control legislation, especially in the form of red flag gun laws, allow the police to remove guns from people “suspected” of being threats. These laws, growing in popularity as a legislative means by which to seize guns from individuals viewed as a danger to themselves or others, will put a target on the back of every American whether or not they own a weapon.

Disinformation eradication campaigns. In recent years, the government has used the phrase “domestic terrorist” interchangeably with “anti-government,” “extremist” and “terrorist” to describe anyone who might fall somewhere on a very broad spectrum of viewpoints that could be considered “dangerous.” The ramifications are so far-reaching as to render almost every American an extremist in word, deed, thought or by association.

Government watch lists. The FBI, CIA, NSA and other government agencies have increasingly invested in corporate surveillance technologies that can mine constitutionally protected speech on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram in order to identify potential extremists and predict who might engage in future acts of anti-government behavior. Where many Americans go wrong is in naively assuming that you have to be doing something illegal or harmful in order to be flagged and targeted for some form of intervention or detention.

Thought crimes programs. For years now, the government has used all of the weapons in its vast arsenal—surveillance, threat assessments, fusion centers, pre-crime programs, hate crime laws, militarized police, lockdowns, martial law, etc.—to target potential enemies of the state based on their ideologies, behaviors, affiliations and other characteristics that might be deemed suspicious or dangerous. It’s not just what you say or do that is being monitored, but how you think that is being tracked and targeted. There’s a whole spectrum of behaviors ranging from thought crimes and hate speech to whistleblowing that qualifies for persecution (and prosecution) by the Deep State. It’s a slippery slope from censoring so-called illegitimate ideas to silencing truth.

Security checkpoints. By treating an entire populace as suspect, the government has justified wide-ranging security checkpoints that subject travelers to scans, searches, pat downs and other indignities by the TSA and VIPR raids on so-called “soft” targets like shopping malls and bus depots.

Surveillance and precrime programs. Facial recognition software aims to create a society in which every individual who steps out into public is tracked and recorded as they go about their daily business. Coupled with surveillance cameras that blanket the country, facial recognition technology allows the government and its corporate partners to warrantlessly identify and track someone’s movements in real-time, whether or not they have committed a crime.

Mail surveillance. Just about every branch of the government—from the Postal Service to the Treasury Department and every agency in between—now has its own surveillance sector, authorized to spy on the American people. For instance, the U.S. Postal Service, which has been photographing the exterior of every piece of paper mail for the past 20 years, is also spying on Americans’ texts, emails and social media posts.

Constitution-free zones. Merely living within 100 miles inland of the border around the United States is now enough to make you a suspect, paving the way for Border Patrol agents to search people’s homes, intimately probe their bodies, and rifle through their belongings, all without a warrant. Nearly 66% of Americans (2/3 of the U.S. population, 197.4 million people) now live within that 100-mile-deep, Constitution-free zone.

Vehicle kill switches. Sold to the public as a safety measure aimed at keeping drunk drivers off the roads, “vehicle kill switches” could quickly become a convenient tool in the hands of government agents to put the government in the driver’s seat while rendering null and void the Constitution’s requirements of privacy and its prohibitions against unreasonable searches and seizures. As such, it presumes every driver potentially guilty of breaking some law that would require the government to intervene and take over operation of the vehicle or shut it off altogether.

Biometric databases. “Guilt by association” has taken on new connotations in the technological age. The government’s presumptions about our so-called guilt or innocence have extended down to our very cellular level with a diabolical campaign to create a nation of suspects predicated on a massive national DNA database.

Limitations on our right to move about freely. At every turn, we’re tracked in by surveillance cameras that monitor our movements. For instance, license plate readers are mass surveillance tools that can photograph over 1,800 license tag numbers per minute, take a picture of every passing license tag number and store the tag number and the date, time, and location of the picture in a searchable database, then share the data with law enforcement, fusion centers and private companies to track the movements of persons in their cars. With tens of thousands of these license plate readers now in operation throughout the country, police can track vehicles in real time.

The war on cash. Digital currency provides the government and its corporate partners with a mode of commerce that can easily be monitored, tracked, tabulated, mined for data, hacked, hijacked and confiscated when convenient. This push for a digital currency dovetails with the government’s war on cash, which it has been subtly waging for some time now. In recent years, just the mere possession of significant amounts of cash could implicate you in suspicious activity and label you a criminal. Americans are having their bank accounts, homes, cars electronics and cash seized by police under the assumption that they have been associated with some criminal scheme.

These programs push us that much closer towards a suspect society where everyone is potentially guilty of some crime or another and must be preemptively rendered harmless.

In this way, the groundwork is being laid for a new kind of government where it won’t matter if you’re innocent or guilty, whether you’re a threat to the nation, or even if you’re a citizen.

What will matter is what the government—or whoever happens to be calling the shots at the time—thinks. And if the powers-that-be think you’re a threat to the nation and should be locked up, then you’ll be locked up with no access to the protections our Constitution provides.

In effect, you will disappear.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, our freedoms are already being made to disappear.


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Dawn Lester on “Measles Threat”: Who Do They Think They’re Fooling?

Dawn Lester on “Measles Threat”: Who Do They Think They’re Fooling?

by Dawn Lester, Dawn’s Writing
January 21, 2024


And so here we are again with yet another ‘health scare’ story hitting the headlines. This time it’s measles.

Although this is a UK storyline, I would point out that the WHO published a News Release dated 16 November 2023 entitled Global measles threat continues to grow as another year passes with millions of children unvaccinated.

So I suppose it shouldn’t be at all surprising to see reports about an upsurge in measles cases in the UK, such as the BBC article entitled Measles: Why are cases rising and what are the symptoms?

The article gets straight to the point in the opening sentence,

“Measles cases are likely to spread rapidly unless more people are vaccinated, the UK Health Security Agency has warned.”

The next sentence states,

“Pop-up clinics are being opened to get more children vaccinated.”

Another BBC article, entitled Get measles vaccine to avoid rapid spread, says UK health boss, refers to Helen Bedford, professor of children’s health at University College London, and states, under the heading What is causing the drop in vaccinations?

“The pandemic also had an impact, with “some parents afraid to attend clinics for fear of catching Covid or because they were not clear that vaccination services were continuing”, Prof Bedford adds.”

Could it also be that some parents have actually started to earnestly research the real nature of vaccines and have decided not to subject their precious babies to that procedure?

Both BBC articles describe measles as ‘highly contagious’ and state that,

“It normally clears up after seven to 10 days.”

This raises the obvious question of why the alleged increase in cases is of such concern if it is a condition that is self-limiting and only lasts about a week or so?

The first cited article professes to address this issue by claiming that,

“…it can lead to serious problems if it infects other parts of the body, such as the lungs or brain.”

This is followed by the claim that,

“Complications can include pneumonia, meningitis, blindness and seizures.”

Although the article claims that ‘measles can be fatal’, it recognises that ‘this is rare’.

So why is this being reported as a serious problem when the number of deaths from ‘measles or related infections’ between 2000 and 2022 was 23? I am not denying that children and adults experience illness, and I would add that a single death is one too many. What I am contending is that claims that any death is caused by an ‘infection’, whether measles or something else, is grossly misleading, which is putting it mildly, because there is no evidence for the existence of any ‘infectious virus’.

I would point out that, by comparison, almost nothing is reported about the very real information relating to the much greater numbers of adults and children who have died as the result of the Covid-19 injections.

Nevertheless, the following claim is found under the heading Why are measles cases rising and where are outbreaks?

“Some 85% of children in 2022-23 had received two MMR doses by the time they were five years old, the lowest level since 2010-11. The goal is 95%.”

The idea of a required ‘target’ percentage of vaccination coverage is based on the concept of ‘herd immunity’. In order for ‘herd immunity’ to be valid, there needs to be evidence that the disease in question fulfils certain criteria, which are: that it is caused by a virus; that it can be prevented by a vaccine; and that one person’s ‘immunity’ – which really means their health status – affects another person’s health status.

These criteria have never been proven in reality. Herd immunity is a fallacy.

The advice, under the heading What should you do if you get measles? includes,

“rest and drink plenty of fluids.”

This is actually sound advice – although I must add that I am not providing anything that should be construed as ‘medical advice’.

The symptoms that are labelled ‘measles’ are part of the body’s normal processes of self-healing.

Unfortunately, the core message of both articles is to promote the MMR vaccine using propaganda rather than actual evidence of its efficacy, because there is none. No vaccine has ever been proven to prevent any ‘disease’ and all vaccines produce side effects, which the article claims to address under the healing What are the side effects of the MMR jab? with the comment that,

“Most side effects are mild and do not last long.”

The propaganda continues within the statement that Andrew Wakefield ‘wrongly’ claimed that the MMR vaccine was associated with autism. Although he was struck off the register as the result of his work, which was the discovery of a link between autism and gut issues, Andrew Wakefield was never against the use of vaccines, he merely questioned the use of multiple vaccines, like MMR, instead of single ones.

What IS conspicuous by its absence in either of these articles, is any reference to the Stefan Lanka court case in 2016, the result of which was a clear demonstration that the study papers that are used as ‘proof’ that measles is caused by a virus, do not actually provide that proof. In other words, it has never been proven that measles is caused by a virus.

It is obvious that this is another case of fear-mongering aimed mainly at parents of young children with the objective of increasing vaccine uptake and thereby boosting the profits of Big Pharma.

The question is: How many will comply?

I would also ask: Have enough people seen through the lies regarding the claims of safety and effectiveness of vaccines? Is that why the vaccination uptake has reduced?

I suppose only time will tell.

I am ever hopeful that there is an increasing number of people who are awakening to the truth about the so-called ‘healthcare system’ we are supposed to follow; and learning how they really can take back control of their own health and the health of their family, especially their babies.


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The CDC Doctor Responsible for Hiding Myocarditis and Promoting Vaccines

The CDC Doctor Responsible for Hiding Myocarditis and Promoting Vaccines

by Brownstone Institute
January 20, 2024


The CDC withheld an “alert on myocarditis and mRNA vaccines” warning of the connection between heart inflammation and Covid-19 shots in May 2021, the Epoch Times has revealed.

The agency never published the alert; instead, its authors pushed vaccines on all age groups across the country.

Dr. Demetre Daskalakis was the author of the draft. He gained minor celebrity status during the response to Covid and Monkeypox, appearing on magazine covers dressed in bondage and posting shirtless photos demanding Americans wear masks.

The proposed alert came in response to two fatal post-Pfizer vaccination myocarditis deaths in Israel and repeated warnings from the Department of Defense.

Despite voicing private concern, Daskalakis publicly promoted the products. In the same month he sent the warning, he wrote, “Data over dogma. Vaccines Work,” in response to a CDC tweet allowing “fully vaccinated” Americans to “resume activities without wearing a mask or staying 6 feet apart.” He then posted, “Highly effective prevention means fewer barriers, physical or social. #Covidvaccine.”

At the time, the overwhelming majority of American teenagers had not received Covid shots. No state had a vaccination rate above 20% for 12- to 17-year-olds. In California, 90% of that age cohort remained unvaccinated. Indeed, the age gradient of risk was so steep – medically significant outcomes from the virus centered on the age and infirm – there was never a reason to push them on the general population.

Over the following two years, Dr. Daskalakis and his colleagues pushed the shots on every age group and deliberately withheld publishing its alert on myocarditis. Instead, the CDC sent repeated alerts encouraging Covid-19 vaccination for everyone.

Two months after the unpublished warning, the CDC sent an alert to doctors to “remind patients that vaccination is recommended for all persons aged 12 years of age and older, even for those with prior SARS-CoV-2 infection.”

The propaganda efforts, in conjunction with President Biden’s mandates, succeeded. By May 2023, a large majority of American teenagers had received at least one dose of a Covid vaccine. The vaccination rate for 12 to 17-year-olds in California skyrocketed from 10% to 84%, with one in five receiving an additional booster, according to CDC data.

The rate of vaccination for 12 to 17-year-olds went from 3% to 47% in Mississippi, 15% to 87% in Virginia, and 19% to 94% in Vermont from May 2021 to May 2023.

During that time period, Dr. Daskalakis repeatedly avoided voicing concerns over the risk of myocarditis. “I am so excited for my #Covid19 booster on Monday! I love vaccines!” he posted on Twitter in September 2022. In October 2023, he posted a photo of him receiving another Covid shot.

Daskalakis sent the draft alert to Henry Walke and John Brooks, both senior officials at the CDC. Their social media accounts do not share the same penchant for nudity and mRNA shots as Dr. Demetre’s, but, like Daskalakis, they continued to promote the shots without mentioning the discarded myocarditis alert.

In January 2022, Walke joined Dr. Rochelle Walensky in a CDC telebriefing that recommended a “safe and effective vaccine” for “all children five and older.” Brooks blamed “people who are not vaccinated” as “the source of new emerging [Covid] variants” in March 2022.

To this day, the CDC recommends children begin receiving Covid vaccines once they are six months old. It is not possible for immigrants to obtain legal permission to work in the US without one.

Fifty years ago, the most incisive questions from the Watergate hearings came from Senator Howard Baker: “What did the President know, and when did he know it?” The inquiry, ostensibly simple, encompassed the entire scandal.

The corruption of our public health apparati demands a similar probe. What did they know, and when did they know it? As the Covid regime demands “a pandemic amnesty,” the report from the Epoch Times adds to the plethora of evidence that their misdeeds were not mere mistakes; they were deliberate acts of fraud and deceit.

They knew of the risks, and they withheld the information from the American people. Stripped of informed consent, millions of citizens took the shots while doctors like Demetre Daskalakis denied them the right to know the risks of the product.


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World Cup Radiation Event

World Cup Radiation Event

by Arthur Firstenberg, Cellular Phone Task Force
January 18, 2024


On February 9-11, 2024, world-class skiers from around the globe will gather at Lake Placid, New York for the purpose of jumping off a cell tower.

A colleague alerted me to this horror. There will be an FIS Ski Jumping World Cup Event at Lake Placid in a few weeks, hosted by the Olympic Regional Development Authority (ORDA). She and her daughter visited the location as tourists last week. She took the above photograph of the tower after they had climbed it. She writes:

“As we were getting to the top of the tourists’ indoor stairs (after the elevator ride) at the Olympic Ski Jumping Complex in Lake Placid, NY, I suddenly felt faint and dizzy, and began to lose my balance. So I asked my daughter to hang onto me, as I gripped the railing. I pulled myself upward to the top step, but as I got to the ‘landing’ floor — before any lookout part — I suddenly felt as if my head were in a vise — a strange new feeling for me, not like any headache I had ever had in my life, with both sides of my head feeling as if they were being pressed inward, and hard. Then, when I walked outside, I felt another distinctly new feeling — in my chest — as if my heart were being vigorously shaken up and down, fast and hard. That is when I looked up and saw a huge bundle of antennas that seemed to be about 30 feet directly above and to the left of my head.

“I remained dizzy as I forged forward to the place at the top of the ski slope, where the ski jumpers ‘launch.’ When we finally went down to the next level to take the tourists’ ‘Zip Line’ ride down to the bottom of the ski slope I felt a tremendous relief in my body. But I remained horrified that this is where athletes from all over the world will soon compete and jump off, with the need for supreme focus and balance.”

There were three antennas on the 277.9-foot-tall ski-jump tower in 1999, and two dozen more antennas have been added and upgraded over the years. The harm increased in 2021 when Verizon and T-Mobile added more antennas, increased again in 2022 when AT&T added more, and increased again on December 9, 2023 when Verizon upgraded some of its antennas in preparation for the upcoming World Cup Event. There are now three tiers of panel antennas surrounding the ski jump tower on three sides, as well as half a dozen whip antennas on top. When skiers are at the top of the ski slope, if they look up they can see, about 30 feet above them, the top tier of cell phone antennas on the front of the tower, and the whip antennas on the top. They cannot see the cell phone antennas in back, or the two tiers of lower cell phone antennas on each side, some of which are at the same level as where they are standing.

When a skier sits on the bar from which he or she will launch, he or she is irradiated directly from above by both panel and whip antennas, and that radiation bounces off the reflective snow beneath him or her while skiing down the slope prior to jumping, which quadruples the radiation because of the reflections. And that is not even the main problem. The harm done by the radiation is caused not only by its power level but by its bandwidth and the number of signals you are bathed in. The antennas on this ski jump tower will be broadcasting hundreds or thousands of signals simultaneously during the World Cup Event when every spectator will be using his or her cell phone.

ORDA, FIS (Fédération Internationale de Ski et de Snowboard), and the skiers who are planning to come to Lake Placid to compete in February’s World Cup ski jumping event should be warned that this ski jump tower is a mammoth cell tower that is very dangerous to athletes.

The phone number of ORDA’s Olympic Jumping Complex is (518) 302-5919. The email address for FIS is and their phone number in Switzerland is +41 (0)33 244 6161. The President of FIS, Johan Eliasch, is a billionaire, an avid skier, and a true environmentalist. He founded the Rainforest Trust, which has purchased 37 million acres of rainforest throughout the world to keep them from being logged. He is the co-founder and co-chair of Cool Earth, which gives cash directly to rainforest peoples to protect both them and the life-giving forests that they live in. He should be educated about RF radiation and what it is doing to athletes, people in general, and our world. He can be contacted on his personal website, here:

Suggestions are welcome as to how to publicize this and use this opportunity to educate the public about the harm to health and environment of wireless technology.

This is what the whole ski jumping complex looks like:

Arthur Firstenberg
President, Cellular Phone Task Force
Author, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life
P.O. Box 6216
Santa Fe, NM 87502
phone: +1 505-471-0129
January 18, 2024

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A Rant for Everyone Who Thinks Government and Masters Are Vital and Necessary

A Rant for Everyone Who Thinks Government and Masters Are Vital and Necessary

by Gary D. Barnett
January 17, 2024


“To be GOVERNED is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured, commanded, by creatures who have neither the right nor the wisdom nor the virtue to do so. To be GOVERNED is to be at every operation, at every transaction noted, registered, counted, taxed, stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed, authorized, admonished, prevented, forbidden, reformed, corrected, punished. It is, under pretext of public utility, and in the name of the general interest, to be placed under contribution, drilled, fleeced, exploited, monopolized, extorted from, squeezed, hoaxed, robbed; then, at the slightest resistance, the first word of complaint, to be repressed, fined, vilified, harassed, hunted down, abused, clubbed, disarmed, bound, choked, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed; and to crown all, mocked, ridiculed, derided, outraged, dishonored. That is government; that is its justice; that is its morality.”

~ Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, The General Idea of the Revolution in the Nineteenth Century

It will be obvious to my readers and supporters after reading this, that I have been inundated with very annoying responses to my last article. I have been cursed, called names, and preached to about the necessity of government. I have been told to give a one-shot solution to fix not only this screwed up country of 335 million people, but the entire world of 8 billion. I have been sent ‘plans’ to do this and told that I must use them or be blamed for not fixing the ‘planet.’ I have been told that only with government rule can chaos be avoided. (That one puzzles me greatly, considering the state of chaos in this world today) I was asked, “How much do you pay Lew Rockwell to publish your nonsense?” This dolt did not even know how to read the copyright to know that it was republished for free from my website. I was told to quit “preaching” the “nothing” I write. I was told: “You, actually! (are the problem) and a few others like you. I’ve already pointed out to you, the ‘method’ (to fix the world) but have not heard of any action, or reaction” (from me). I was told, “You are just another open borders anarchist.”

I won’t bore you with any more of this drivel, but sufficed to say, there is plenty more, much not suitable for children. And by the way, this is not meant for all my wonderful readers, supporters, and subscribers, but for all those who cannot write to me without being rude, condescending, nasty, sarcastic, and uncivil. I will post a few of my replies to these people, (not their names or emails) so that I do not have to keep writing to them individually. Please excuse my wrath. I try to be somewhat cordial, but at times, it is just too tempting to lash out.

These responses are mine:

“My goodness, you are so confused. 

“As to anarchy, it is not some ideology, political structure, or governing system, it is just freedom with non-aggression. Any who aggress would be subject to any and all self-defense only, not aggression, by any anarchical society. Those who want to be ruled can have it, so long as they do not attempt to force it on those who do not.

This world is in total chaos and war, and has always been. Governments guarantee that. The fact that you ignore your own situation is mind-boggling. Do you not have your private earnings stolen through forceful and violent taxation? Have you ever been drafted into slavery, as I was? Have you ever been locked down, been subject to constant surveillance, restricted from doing almost absolutely anything without mandated licensing and extortion, had your business or work shut down, been forced to pay for war and everyone else’s welfare, been told you are not allowed to travel or work unless you take bogus tests and get bio-weapon injections, watched as transvestites and transgender idiots have invaded all schools and many government positions of power, been forced into horrendous government indoctrination centers called ’schools,’ been imprisoned for putting a plant into your body, been subject to laws concerning every aspect of your life, had your own property taxed into oblivion by government, had the fake currency supply printed into the hundreds of trillions so you pay 100 times more than you did when you were younger, been subject to protectionist policies to protect fascist corporations that disallow you from having needed goods, or been locked and imprisoned in your own home? This is a very short list, so why go on?

Screw the second amendment and the heinous constitution. I have always been armed, and always will be, but I have killed no one. Peaceful anarchists do not aggress or create violence, they only depend on actual self-defense individually or collectively. Anyone ransacking my house and threatening me or my family would be shot, period.

And lastly, I don’t give a shit about anyone wanting to live off of what I earn. That is pure theft or theft by proxy, and only scum (purposely) seek to steal from their neighbors.”

You have been brainwashed to think that you and all others cannot live and make decisions without a master class, stupid people (politicians) telling you what to do. That is a ridiculous mistake in judgement, and an admission of dependency and pathetic weakness. I do not have that gene!”

“Everyone in this country, including the Indians, are either immigrants or the progeny of immigrants. So I guess you should lump yourself into what you describe as “scum” and “invaders,” since this country is consumed by immigrants. 

It is amazing to me that the lack of intellect has gotten so widespread. It is astounding that ignorance and insanity is so common that few can see the nose in front of their dependent face.”

“If only you had a clue, but you don’t. I never called for “open borders,” unless all property was held by private individuals in a free society, and government was totally restricted or abolished from control. You cannot even read and understand simple language, so why do you expect to be coddled by your obvious insecurity?”

“Well, you were rude from your first words, but then what else could be expected?

You obviously do not want to do anything of value for yourself in order to become free. You obviously expect me or others to do it for you. How pathetic is that?”

“Maybe you should reread my article in full this time, and a couple of hundred others, and attempt to actually understand what I was saying, before you pop off with misinformation and condescending remarks.”

“Well, that is great, so why not send your plan to ‘better’ people, say maybe Tucker Carlson, or Alex Jones, or Trump, and have them implement your plan. They certainly have more clout than me, and if they fail to fix the world with your idea, then you can blame them too.”

“I care not what dumb asses think, including you. You apparently did not understand a single word I said, but that is not surprising. You would blame anyone who wanted a better life, regardless of where that life might be, and automatically assume that anyone wanting a different life in a different place, must be scum. Look around this country at the ‘legal’ Americans, and tell me that this is the ‘heaven’ you seek. The dumb asses you speak of, are the ones who have accepted a master and rule by force of this evil, heinous government, and to this day continue to beg for handouts and protection, and I am not even speaking about the government’s efforts to pay off people to come here illegitimately. You missed my entire point. Most all the morons that you speak of, are your neighbors, and not ‘illegal’ immigrants, but stupid Americans.”

“I write for me, (and those who respect freedom) not for the vast majority of dolts who have chosen to be ruled over, controlled, and who desire to be dependent on a master, and voluntarily enslaved.

I don’t give a shit what ‘others’ (those who rudely condemn my personal views) think, except that I attempt to pass on as much fact, logic, and truth as I may encounter, so that others have an opportunity to learn and act. If they do nothing, as is the norm, they will be the cause of their own demise.”

“Stupid, uninformed comments all!”

I will not apologize for these few remarks, because they were intended only for those who were deserving of my pent-up ire. A little outrage at times is good for the mind and spirit, especially when one is overwhelmed by rudeness, vulgarity, arrogance, and annoyance, and it does put a smile on my face.

Thank you, and good night!


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Antarctica Strangeness: Hess, Apollo Astronauts, Ketchup Kerry, Patriarchs of Moscow, and …

Antarctica Strangeness: Hess, Apollo Astronauts, Ketchup Kerry, Patriarchs of Moscow, and …

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
January 17, 2024


Well, there’s yet another Antarctica strangeness story to relate.  If you’re a regular reader here, you know the long (and very strange) list of people associated with, or who have actually visited, the place.  For those of you who are relatively new to this website and its blogs, however, it would be helpful to have a brief review and resume of that list of people associated with the southern continent in modern times:

  1. Reichmarschall Hermann Goering, who among other “achievements” founded both the Gestapo and the Luftwaffe, and co-sponsored the 1938-39 Nazi expedition to that continent, along with
  2. Stellvertreter Rudolf Hess, “Deputy” Fuehrer of Nazi Germany,
  3. American Admiral Richard Byrd, who helped brief the Nazi expedition on what conditions they would encounter, and who was later chosen to lead the post-war Operation High Jump expedition to the continent in 1946-1947.  We were told that the operation was necessary because the Arctic might become a theater of war, and that it was necessary to test our equipment and tactics in Arctic conditions. Yes, but we had Alaska and Canada available for that, and they were easier to reach. We even built the Alcan Road during World War Two to be able to ship supplies by road through Canada to Alaska.  We did not need to send an entire flotilla to Antarctica. Initial tentative conclusion: there was some other reason for our (and the Nazis’) interest in the continent.  Oh…. did I mention that the planning for Admiral Byrd’s expedition involved Fleet Admiral Nimitz, and more importantly, Secretary of Defense James Forrestal?  So you can add
  4. Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz, and
  5. Secretary of Defense James Forrestal to the list of people strangely associated with the place.  More recently this list has come to include:
  6. King Juan Carlos, who actually visited the place;
  7. Apollo 11 Astronaut Buzz Aldrin, who not only  visited the place, but who had to be medically evacuated from it, after allegedly tweeting that what he had seen there was “absolutely evil”, or words to that effect;
  8. All sorts of British royals beginning with Prince Philipp;
  9. Secretary of State John “ketchup” Kerry, who took time during a diplomatic junket in 2016, during the height of the presidential election, to divert to the polar continent, ostensibly to get a first-hand look at “global warming” (q.v. my frozen water pipes of Monday).  The fact that this occurred during a diplomatic junket led me to speculate that perhaps the real purpose of the diversion was to conduct high level secret diplomacy, perhaps with a world leader, or perhaps with “someone else”, away from prying public eyes. Or was “Ketchup” Kerry summoned there?
  10. Russian Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow Kirill III, who, fresh from a meeting with “Novis Ordo Roman Catholic” Pope Francis in Havana, travelled to Antarctica. Again, there was a “story” that was put out that the Patriarch of Moscow and All the Russias went there to bless the Orthodox chapel that had been built. Indeed, the Russians did build a chapel there, but basically any hierarch could have blessed it. But the Patriarch?  At approximately the same time, Turkey announced that it wanted a “share” in Antarctica and would be starting its own outposts there, and there was a strange story from Saudi Arabia that they had found a “something” while excavating parts of Mecca, and that the “something” was so dangerous they contacted the infidel Patriarch of Moscow to take it and deal with it, a story that I found, and still find, to be incredible and highly unlikely, but I mention it here for completeness’ sake. The blessing and consecration of the chapel done, the Patriarch then posed for some photo-ops with the penguins, and returned to balmy Moscow.
  11. Oh… and in case you’d forgotten, Colonel Fletcher Prouty, one time Pentagon-CIA-White House liaison officer under president John F. Kennedy, was dispatched by his boss, none other than General Ed Lansdale of Yamashita’s gold-Three-tramps-in-Dallas-on-the-day-of-the-assassination fame, to accompany some dignitaries to and from Antarctica during the time period of the assassination. You’ll remember Prouty from his book The Secret Team and from Donald Sutherland’s portrayal of him in Oliver Stone’s movie JFK. 

Now, that’s just the people. There has been a veritable litany of other oddities concerning the polar continent, from glaciers breaking off the ice shelf (and touted as proof of global warming), which “broken off pieces” somehow managed to be almost perfectly rectangular, as if they had been cut off, to google maps searches that allegedly showed massive fossils of “something” peeking out from under the snow, to mountains that look perfectly pyramidal, claims of Nazi era U-Boat bases, the presence of Raytheon and Lockheed-Martian on the continent…

…in short, the place is a veritable magnet of high strangeness, not the least of which are the people associated with it. (For a complete review of all my blogs on Antarctic strangeness, just type “Antarctica” into the search engine on this website []).

Now you can add this to the list:

A Papal Visit to the South Pole? Pope Francis Looks to New Peripheries

Yes you read that correctly: there is some chatter that Pope Francis (or else, some group within the Curia) wants the Pope to go to Antarctica. Francis apparently made the announcement last October:

Pope Francis, who is known as “the Pope of the peripheries,” has suggested the possibility of traveling to somewhere no pope has gone before — the South Pole.
In a new interview published on Oct. 17, the Pope said that he plans to visit his native Argentina, adding: “Somebody said that if I go to Argentina, I should stop at Rio Gallegos, then head to the South Pole, land in Melbourne, and visit New Zealand.”
“It would be a rather long journey,” he joked.
The 86-year-old Pope does not currently have any international trips on his official schedule, but he recently made a 4,000-mile journey to Mongolia and visited the French city of Marseille.

And we have the mention of the trip of Patriarch Kirill:

Pope Francis would not be the first religious leader to visit Antarctica. Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill visited an Antarctic research station — and walked with penguins — in 2016 as part of a trip to Latin America, which included a historic meeting with Pope Francis in Cuba.

I suspect that we’re meant to take from this mention that if the Patriarch can do it, the Papacy should not be “one-upped” by the Orthodox, and assert its own presence there. Who knows? The article goes on to mention that there have been Catholic chapels on the continent under the jurisdiction of Argentina’s military bishopric. Bottom line: whether Francis or his successor goes to Antarctica, we may reasonably expect that sooner or later a Pope will visit the place, walk with the penguins, and have his picture taken among them.

As one might expect, I have some high octane speculation to advance, and it concerns this very strange and now potentially papal list of visitors and strange people associated with the place.  Even by mentioning a potential visit, Francis has now become a member of that list, at least by associating himself and the institution he occupies in connection with the place. So again: I pose the question: what could possibly explain the association of such a strange list of people with the place?  Rudolf Hess? John Kerry? King Juan Carlos? Buzz Aldrin? Kirill? Goering? Francis?

No, I don’t think is has anything to do with neutrinos, or any of the other things about the place.  All the strange goings on there I suspect are related, or tied together, somehow, by the list of people visiting the place. I suspect that the moment it became clear that there was lots of land down there, and that the moment it became clear that the Piri Reis map showed the coastline of the continent, that a small group of people realized its significance: an entire continent, under ice, that is to say, under water. Atlantis.  And I suspect that the moment this was realized, that the hunt was on for its lost technology, archives, and corroborating evidence.

But most importantly, I think the hunt was on for survivors… In short, I strongly suspect that at the core of the Antarctic high strangeness is not a “what”, but a who…  And Whoever It is, It is an important Who, important enough to attract the attention of Nazi Reichmarschalls, American Fleet Admirals and Secretaries of Defense and State, and of Kings, Princes, Patriarchs, and Popes…

…See you on the flip side…


Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

Cover image credit: Gallagher’s Bar — PublicDomainPictures

The “Rules-Based International Order”

The “Rules-Based International Order”

by Caitlin Johnstone
January 15, 2024


The “rules-based international order” has allowed the incineration of Gaza, and the bombing of Yemeni forces who are trying to stop it.

The “rules-based international order” allowed hundreds of thousands of people to be killed by western-backed Saudi atrocities in Yemen.

The “rules-based international order” allowed NATO powers to knowingly provoke a world-threatening proxy war in Ukraine.

The “rules-based international order” allowed western powers and their regional partners to plunge Syria into a horrific civil war by flooding the nation with heavily armed fascistic extremist factions.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed the US to invade and occupy a vast stretch of Syrian territory in order to control the nation’s natural resources and prevent reconstruction.

The “rules-based international order” allowed Libya to be turned into a chaotic hellscape after western-backed forces killed Gaddafi following a long-desired western regime change operation disguised as “humanitarian intervention”.

The “rules-based international order” allowed the invasion of Iraq to destabilize an entire region resulting in millions of deaths following a campaign of deliberate lies and propaganda.

The “rules-based international order” allowed the invasion of Afghanistan and a decades-long occupation sustained by lies and corruption.

The “rules-based international order” allowed the imprisonment of Julian Assange for journalistic activities exposing US war crimes.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed the planet to be circled by hundreds of US military bases, including in places where the people who live there vehemently oppose their presence like OkinawaIraq and Syria.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed the US and its allies to kill huge numbers of civilians with siege warfare tactics in nations like YemenIraq and Venezuela.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed the US to interfere in scores of elections around the world at will and forcibly topple inconvenient governments whenever it wants to.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed China to be surrounded by a rapidly increasing amount of US military bases and war machinery in preparation for a future conflict of unimaginable horror.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed the US to plunge the world into a new cold war with rapidly-escalating brinkmanship against nuclear-armed Russia and China.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed our civilization to be controlled by the most powerful propaganda system ever devised, creating a mind-controlled dystopia of brainwashed gear-turners who are deceived into believing they are free.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed unfathomable amounts of government malfeasance to be hidden behind an increasingly opaque wall of government secrecy.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed the interests of ordinary human beings to be subordinated and subjected to the interests of billionaire corporations and sociopathic government agencies.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed the destruction of our ecosystem for the enrichment of powerful plutocrats.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed our planet to be dominated by an empire of extreme murderousness and depravity at the cost of nonstop bloodshed and ever-increasing tyranny.

If the “rules-based international order” has allowed all these things to happen, what kind of “rules” are we talking about exactly? And what kind of “order” do they sustain?

If this is what the “rules-based international order” looks like, would we not, perhaps, be better off without it?


Connect with Caitlin Johnstone

Cover image credit: Express_Images

The Sounds of Light: Thunderbolt Project

The Sounds of Light: Thunderbolt Project

by Thunderbolts Project
January 13, 2024


Light makes different sounds which are dynamic, gorgeous, and mimic living creatures and other sounds of nature.

When most people think about light it’s what our eyes can see, visible light—the single octave from red-to-violet light in the electromagnetic spectrum—although, in the scientific lexicon “light” is defined as the EM spectrum in its entirely. There are frequencies we can hear and see—but the frequencies we cannot hear and see are known as radio, micro, infrared, ultraviolet, x-ray, and gamma rays.

First documented in 1882, British telephone operators described whistling and crackling sounds. It wasn’t until the early 1930s when we began to associate these sounds with the Northern lights. Finally, in 2012 the first audio recording of an Aurora was released.

Interdisciplinary Geometer Buddy James dissects sounds in creation mythology, how Alfvén Waves can support wave-like variations in magnetic fields, and the non-biological ambient sound of Auroras.

Buddy James: The Sounds of Light | Thunderbolts


Transcript prepared by Truth Comes to Light




“I consider this extremely important,” said Mr. Tesla. “Light cannot be anything else but a longitudinal disturbance in the ether involving alternate compressions and rarefactions. In other words, light can be nothing else than a sound wave in the ether.”

End quote.

Light makes different sounds. In fact, the sounds that light makes are incredibly gorgeous and they seem to mimic living creatures and other natural sounds here on Earth.

When I first heard about this, I was completely mind blown and wondered why I had never heard of this up until then.

This journey we are about to take goes into the beautiful geometries of light and how it seems that sunlight fragments or filaments into individual sounds that make up some sort of protective layer around the globe, that flows in plasma tubes around the earth from the north to the south poles.

When we talk about light, we think of light as just visible light, which is only one tiny little sliver of the full spectrum of light. Light is actually indeed the full electromagnetic spectrum.

In science, the entire electromagnetic spectrum is called light. And since light is just varying frequencies, it makes sense ultimately to call sound a form of light.

You have the frequencies we can hear and the frequencies we cannot hear. Likewise, we have the frequencies we can see and the frequencies we cannot see.

According to Hindu mysticism, light and sound is what composes the entire universe and they have a name for it, the Soniferous Ether. Soniferous meaning producing or conducting sound.

To begin, we start with a simple sentence, the sounds of the auroras. Yes, the northern lights that we are all so familiar with, known as aurora borealis, and the southern lights the aurora australis, actually make noises as well as beautiful colors that we have all come to know and love.

The earth is continuously being bombarded by solar particles. When sun spot activity acts up and emits solar flares towards earth’s magnetosphere, the skies on the north and south poles illuminate with vibrant dancing colors. These particles also create very low frequency electromagnetic waves. This creates a natural type of radio which can be picked up by receivers. It’s incredible to know that the earth makes its own radio waves.

The first known and documented description of the sounds of the auroras was in 1882 by British telephone operators described as whistling and crackling sounds. These remained perplexing sounds until the early 1930s when some people started to associate these sounds with the northern lights. Even then, it wasn’t until 2012 when Unto Laine of Alto University released the first recordings of auroral sounds.

So this phenomenon is an extremely new discovery.

Even then, I’m sure that these weren’t the first people to actually hear the sounds of the auroras as there are ancient myths and legends surrounding the sounds themselves.

For example, the Sami people, indigenous to the Nordic countries, believed that the aurora carried the sounds of their dead ancestors and must be treated with respect. It’s considered wrong or taboo to whistle or sing in their presence. Otherwise, you might risk being whisked away by the lights, never to be seen again.

The Guardian writes, and I quote, “Rare reports of crackling and whooshing noises accompanying auroras have traditionally been dismissed by scientists as folklore, but data gathered in Finland has shown that under the right weather conditions, auroras can be accompanied by noises.”

So without further ado, let’s hear some of the sounds of the auroras. [4:53 timestamp in video]

There are all sorts of different sounds to listen to that the auroras are emitting. Lots of them have different names as well. We will go through and categorize some of these sounds and compare them to some of the natural sounds occurring here on earth.

To begin with, we have the auroral chorus. [5:24 timestamp]

Now, let’s listen to frogs, more specifically, a type of frog called spring peepers. [5:39 timestamp]

The sounds of the auroral chorus and the sounds of the spring peepers sound incredibly similar, almost like there is a mimicking or a mimicry that happens. As above, so below.

Now, let’s take a listen to this crackling static produced by the auroras. [6:05 timestamp]

I will now compare this to the sound of crackling ice that is produced by an ice skater skating on thin ice. [6:25 timestamp]

They are similar sounds, but correlation doesn’t mean causation.

That being said, I will describe some of these naturally occurring sounds.

First, we have biophony. Biophony is a term introduced by Krause, who in 1998 first began to express the soundscape in terms of its acoustic sources.

The biophony refers to the collective acoustic signatures generated by all sound-producing organisms in a given habitat at a given moment. So, the frog’s chirping would be considered a biophony.

Then we have geophony. Geophony means non-biological ambient sounds generated by the natural world. For example, the sounds of wind, the sounds of rain, thunder, and waves.

This term was also originated by musician and soundscape ecologist Bernie Krause, and was constructed from the Greek “geo” related to earth and “phone”, meaning sound. So, the sounds of the auroras would be considered a geophony.

Light in the form of lightning obviously makes a sound that we are all familiar with called thunder. But did you know that this sound is also heard in the auroras?

When listening to the auroras with specially designed receivers, every once in a while you’ll hear a crackling sound, which is a lightning strike somewhere on earth. And then shortly after this electromagnetic pulse, you can hear an ascending and descending whoosh, which is called a hissy whistler.

The geometry of this sound is incredible as it wraps way out into the Van Allen belts in the shape of a torus, and descends from one pole and then bounces back and ascends to the other pole.

The name for those who are lovers of thunderstorms is brontophile. Bronto is Greek for thunder and phile comes from the ancient Greek word meaning to love. And likewise, the condition of being afraid of thunderstorms is called brontophobia.

Back to the sound of lightning. According to The Guardian, there are more subtle and less understood noises associated with lightning, known as brontophonic sounds, which are heard far less frequently.

Brontophonic sounds sound like hissing of a red-hot iron in water or the tearing of fabric. Thunder travels at the speed of sound and is usually heard several seconds after a lightning flash. But brontophonic sounds are perceived at the same time as the flash.

One theory is that brontophonic sounds come from induced charge. The same potential difference that generates a lightning stroke may create smaller pockets of electrical charge in the surrounding areas. These may be strong enough at the instant of lightning to make crackling electrical sounds similar to static electric discharge.

Brontophonic sounds are part of a larger category of electrophonic sounds — anomalous rustles and pops, also associated with meteors and the aurora borealis, all of which remain essentially mysterious.

So let’s go back to the initial question. Does light produce sound?

It is said that light does not produce sound on its own because it does not have a physical medium that it can create vibrations in.

When certain types of light hit a surface, some of the photons are absorbed and their energy is transformed into mechanical waves that generate sound.

Okay. So I’ve also heard that sound cannot be heard in a vacuum.  So if you were in outer space and somehow you were able to scream, no audible sound would come out.

According to mainstream physicists, space IS a vacuum. Sound is carried by atoms and molecules.

In space, with no atoms or molecules to carry a sound wave, there is no sound. There’s nothing to get in sound’s way out in space, but there’s nothing to carry it, so it doesn’t travel at all.

No sound also means no echo.

But then I found out about something called Alfvén waves. In 1942, Swedish physicist Hannes Alfvén combined the mathematics of fluid mechanics and electromagnetism to predict that plasmas could support wave-like variations in the magnetic field, a wave phenomena that now bears his name, Alfvén waves.

Northumbria University’s, Dr. Richard Morton, and colleagues found evidence that the magnetic waves also react or are excited, higher in the atmosphere by sound waves leaking out from the inside of the sun. The researchers discovered that the sound waves leave a distinct marker on the magnetic waves.

The presence of this marker means that the sun’s entire corona is shaking in a collective manner in response to the sound waves. This is causing it to vibrate over a very clear range of frequencies.

This newly discovered marker is found throughout the corona and was consistently present over the 10-year time span examined. This suggests that it is a fundamental constant of the sun and could potentially be a fundamental constant of other stars as well.

So what this article is saying is that not only does light produce sound, but that our very own life-sustaining light source itself, the sun, is producing sound.

What’s more is that Alfvén waves play a critical role in organizing individual elements into Birkeland currents through a process called Marklund Convection.

So the sound of light literally self-organizes matter into filaments of tubes within tubes like 3D-cymatics.

So what is it called when someone can actually hear light?

Once thought to be a rare condition, some forms of synesthesia actually allow people to hear light and light flashes. According to Smithsonian magazine, one in five people may be able to hear a flash of light.

So I want to leave us with these last important thoughts pertaining to the importance of sound and the role of light in the universe, as well as creation myths around the world that believe that the creation of everything in the beginning was sound.

According to JPL, NASA, aka mainstream cosmology or scientism, the question is asked: Was the world created by sound?

And their answer is,

“Before there were any stars or galaxies, 13.8 billion years ago, our universe was just a ball of hot plasma — a mixture of electrons, protons, and light. Sound waves shook this infant universe, triggered by minute, or ‘quantum,’ fluctuations happening just moments after the big bang that created our universe.”

Lastly, what roll does sound play in some creation myths?

The myths from many different cultures have always told us, God created the world from sound, from music.

Across the globe, there are creation myths which include music as one of the factors playing a major role in the creation of the world.

In the beginning was the word, according to the gospel of John.

And God said, “Let there be light.” And there was light. Genesis 1:3.

Thus, speaking the universe into existence, implying that sound comes before light or sound begets light.

From the Vedas of the Hindu tradition comes the writings that “In the beginning was Brahman, with whom was the Word. And the Word is Brahman.”

They state that creation arises from the first sound of the universe, the primordial sound [Om or Aum — listen at 16:07].

The ancient Egyptians believed that the God Thoth created the world by voice alone.

And the Popol Vuh from the Mayan tradition, the first real humans are given life by the sole power of the word.

And there you have it. Sound produces light, produces life.


Connect with Thunderbolts Project

Cover image credit: Noel_Bauza

“You Must Be an Anti-Semite”

“You Must Be an Anti-Semite”

by Paul Cudenec, The Acorn
January 15, 2024



If you think free speech is a really good thing

If you fear the future that censorship may bring

If you think Mark Zuckerberg is a pawn of the CIA

If you don’t believe whatever the western leaders say

If you march and chant “from the river to the sea”

If you say you’ll keep fighting until Palestine is free

There’s just one explanation, right there in black and white

You must be an antisemite, you must be an antisemite

These lyrics to a song by the brilliant David Rovics, from his new album Notes from a Holocaust, really put their finger on the way that a certain term has been instrumentalised to the point of utter absurdity in the interests of silencing dissent.

Over the last few months we have all got used to hearing that it is “anti-semitic” to call for a ceasefire in Gaza, that being anti-Zionist is the same thing as being “anti-semitic“, that “false equivalence” between murders of Jews and by Jews risks “anti-semitic effect“.

David Rovics is Jewish and, while that doesn’t stop him from being accused of being “anti-semitic“, it does at least help him to see through the fraudulent nature of the insult.

As we have reported previously in The Acorn, the smear has for many years been wielded as a weapon to stifle criticism not just of Israel, but of the global criminocracy in general.

And it’s about time that we all took a leaf out of the Rovics songbook and, while remaining alert to the toxic threat of actual anti-semitism and other prejudiced attitudes, called out this blatant gaslighting.

Is it really “anti-semitic” to write a booklet exploring the power and activities of the Rothschilds, while carefully stressing that this is being done despite rather than because of their Jewish identity?

Is it really “anti-semitic” to write about the enormous influence wielded by globalist financier George Soros, given that he is Jewish?

Is it really “anti-semitic” to criticise the financial excesses of Goldman Sachs in the light of the fact that it is “a Jewish firm founded by Jews”?

Is it really “anti-semitic” to continue to investigate the “transgender” industry, even when several prominent funders turn out to be Jewish?

Is it really “anti-semitic” to write and stage “a morality tale about modern capitalism, a story of greed and financial trickery that left countless ordinary people impoverished or homeless” if the central characters, the Lehman Brothers, are Jewish?

Is it really “anti-semitic” to paint a mural declaring that “The New World Order is the enemy of humanity”, in which some of the depicted criminocrats are Jewish – and is it really “anti-semitic” to defend that mural from attack?

Is it “anti-semitic” to suggest that if the definition of what is “anti-semitic” is expanded way beyond most people’s understanding of the term, it is hardly surprising that a “rise in anti-semitism” can subsequently be identified and further instrumentalised?

Is it “anti-semitic” to point out that the victims of this instrumentalisation will not only be the non-Jews whose honest opinions will be criminalised and silenced, but the Jews who will be frightened into clinging to the gaslighters for protection against a majority outside world that they have been tricked into imagining is opposed to them as individuals and communities, rather than to the global mafia that oppresses and manipulates Jews and non-Jews alike?

[Audio version]


Connect with Paul Cudenec Winter Oak website | substack

Cover image credit: geralt

Geoengineering Watch: Chemical Flash Freeze

Geoengineering Watch: Chemical Flash Freeze

by Dane Wigington, GeoEngineering Watch
January 13, 2024


Video source

“A Weekend of Ferocious Winter Weather Could See Low-Temperature Records Set in the US Heartland”.

The chemical flash freezing of the US is being super sensationalized by all matrix media sources. The geoengineers are doubling down on winter weather whiplash, but what aren’t they telling us?

Here’s one headline example from this week, “Birds drop from trees’ in extreme 45C Australian heat amid sweltering four week heatwave”.

There can be no legitimate discussion of climate anything, from any perspective, without first and foremost addressing global climate intervention operations.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.


Connect with GeoEngineering Watch

Cover image credit: NOAA, public domain

New Hampshire Bill to Ban Climate Engineering, 90 Second Alert

New Hampshire Bill to Ban Climate Engineering, 90 Second Alert

by Dane Wigington, GeoEngineering Watch
January 13, 2024


Video source


Transcript prepared by TCTL:

A 2024 New Hampshire bill will attempt to ban climate engineering operations. House bill 1700-FN as introduced, 2024 session.

Here are excerpts:

The Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Services shall immediately issue a cease and desist order upon the discovery of stratospheric aerosol injection, cloud-seeding weather modification, or other atmospheric polluting activity, including excessive electromagnetic radio-frequency microwave radiation emissions.

The General Court finds that many atmospheric activities such as weather modification, stratospheric aerosol injection, solar radiation modification, and other forms of geoengineering involving the intentional release of polluting emissions, harm human health, state security, and the economy of New Hampshire.

It is therefore the intention of the General Court to prohibit SAI geoengineering and other intentionally polluting activities in New Hampshire’s atmosphere and or at ground level.

Further, on the bill, the following statement is made:

Federal programs have become, quote, destructive.

How’s that for an example to the rest of the so-called elected officials in the divided states of America?

The global ecological collapse is already unfolding, but finally, a flag of courage from the ranks of governmental officials. All this being said, legislation won’t stop the controllers or climate engineering, but it does bring desperately needed attention to the weather warfare crimes.

Ultimately, reaching a critical mass of public awareness is the only way forward in this fight, aka the proverbial pitchforks and torches moment.

It’s up to all of us to look up, speak up, and do our part in the all-important effort to expose and halt climate intervention destruction.


Connect with GeoEngineering Watch

Cover image credit: pixundfertig

Watch related documentary:

Video source

Clifford Carnicom on the Link Between GeoEngineering & Unusual Filaments Within Blood Samples, Blood Clots, and (Purported) “Vaccine” Studies

Clifford Carnicom on the Link Between GeoEngineering & Unusual Filaments Within Blood Samples, Blood Clots, and (Purported) “Vaccine” Studies
“These Filaments, Actually a Product of Synthetic Biology, Have Altered Human Biology in Untold Ways for Decades”


TCTL editor’s commentary:

During these past years, as more and more humans are awakening to the global assault that is in the process of transforming or terraforming the planet (including humans and all biological life) there is extensive research related to the so-called “covid mRNA vaccines” and all the deaths related to these poisonous injections. Yet, this assault is not a new agenda and has been going on for a very long time. Geoengineering, tampering with food and water supplies, EMF radiation & wireless technology, poisonous farming practices, and all vaccines (for both humans and animals, all of which have always been toxic and sometimes deadly) have all been part of this global anti-life agenda.

In his article below, Clifford Carnicom, challenges some of the research related to “covid vaccines”. Here he shares links to many articles from his past research related to geoengineering and the highly-toxic substances that fall from our skies. His extensive work in the uncovering of the cause of morgellons, a strange “disease” suffered by so many globally, clearly points to geoengineering as a probable cause. Of interest are the number of military and government agencies who visit his website (see The Visitors), while at the same time the EPA refuses to analyze and identify the fibrous substance sample that Carnicom provided. Of course, one is reminded here of the U.S. Department of Defense’s role in the rollout of mandated “covid vaccines” (see the work of Katherine Watt),

For those new to the work of The Carnicom Institute, please take a look at the many links to previous work that Clifford provides at the end of his article.

As an example, here is an excerpt from an article titled “The New Biology” written in June of 2014:

“It is generally perceived that the so-called “Morgellons” issue is primarily, if not exclusively, a human condition. It is not. It will be found that this condition actually represents a fundamental change in the state and nature of biology as it is known on this earth. The evidence now indicates and demonstrates that there is, at the heart of the “condition”, a new growth form that transcends, as a minimum, the plant and animal boundaries.

The precedent for this argument was made some time past in the paper entitled “Morgellons: A New Classification” (Feb 2010); the central theme of that paper remains valid at this time. The very classification of the domains of life is central to that paper. Readers may also wish to refer to the papers entitled, “Animal Blood” (Jan 2010) and “And Now Our Children” (Jan 2008), where additional precedents were established. The August 2011 video presentation, “Geo-Engineering & Bio-Engineering: The Unmistakable Link” is also relevant here.”

We owe a lot of gratitude to Clifford Carnicom and so many others who are working to uncover the truth about this horrific transhuman & anti-life agenda that is a daily assault on us all.

~ Kathleen Stilwell 1/12/2024



A “Filaments” Perspective: 25 Years and Counting…

by Clifford E. Carnicom, Carnicom Institute
January 11, 2024


For the past several years, there has been some attention given to the presence of unusual filaments within blood samples, blood clots, and (purported) “vaccine” studies. If studied adequately, it will be determined that these filaments have a complex internal biology within them, down to the sub-micron level (minimum).  Various names and chemical identities have been assigned to these filaments, such as “ribbons”, “threads”, “graphene oxide”(i.e., elementary chemistry) and the like.  There are numerous implications from various researchers that these filaments originate from the advent of the “Covid Era”.

The characterization of these filaments as a product only of recent years, i.e., from purported “vaccines”, is mistaken.  Any characterization of the filaments as being of relatively simple or uniform chemistry is mistaken.  Any characterization of the filaments as being an unknown and mysterious entity (with no effort expended to remedy that ignorance) is equally inadequate and mistaken.

It is a disservice to simplify their nature, origin, constitution, and capabilities.  These filaments, actually a product of synthetic biology, have altered human biology in untold ways for decades and they are NOT a mystery as to their origin or general nature.  Any perpetuation of that myth is either from ignorance or with motive.

These unusual and remarkable filaments:

1. Have a known and documented existence of approximately 25 years.
2. Are of an extremely complex biological nature, internally down to the sub-micron level (at a minimum).
3. Have been intensively studied by Carnicom Institute (CI) and others for this same time period.
4. Are directly a physical aspect of the health condition known as “Morgellons”.
5. Have been shown to have a direct role in blood clotting and blood changes that appear to occur more frequently and visibly within the Covid Era.
6. Are ultimately of a synthetic, engineered, xenobiotic nature.
7. Were first identified to originate from an environmental source (geoengineering, bioengineering research).
8. Were given to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the year 2000 with a request for identification on behalf of the public welfare; this request was refused via a “policy” decision.
9. Are a direct metabolic development of the Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB) under study at CI over these same decades.
10. Have some variation in form (a degree of pleomorphism) and size (although all are primarily microscopic) and all have an existence that can be shown to directly originate from the CDB.
11. Can be shown to be a source of synthetic blood production under appropriate culture conditions.
12. The filaments can be demonstrated to be distributed throughout human biology, not just blood.
13. Can be cultured successfully from these same CDB.

These conclusions are justified with the research available at CI beginning in 1999 and they carry forward to the present day.

As the available research is too lengthy to present, a sampling of representative images and titles from the ~450 paper research set will be given for a sense of the state of affairs:

EPA Refuses to Identify, Returns Sample After 18 Month Delay (July 5, 2001)

Biological Components Identified (May 11, 2000)

Aerosol Ground Sample: Microscopic Views (Nov 4, 1999)

Visitors to WWW.CARNICOM.COM (Aug 26, 1999)

Morgellons: An Environmental Source (Dec 14, 2009)

Morgellons: Airborne, Skin & Blood – a Match (Dec 10, 2007)

Cross-Domain Bacteria Isolation (May 17, 2014)

CDB: Growth Progressions (Jun 13, 2014)

The New Biology (Jun 18, 2014)

Morgellons: An International Presence (Aug 10, 2016)

Global Validation (Nov 26, 2017)

Bean Growth Report (Oct 3, 2017)

Morgellons : Unique Protein Isolated & Characterized (Oct 1, 2017)

 Blood Alterations: A Six Part Series (Aug 2022 – Oct 2022)


Connect with Clifford E. Carnicom website | substack

Cover image credit: pixundfertig 

17 Million Murdered by Covid Vaccines and Voodoo Death

17 Million Murdered by COVID Vaccines and Voodoo Death


[TCTL editor’s note:

In spite of the mention of “spike protein” which seems to have a mythology all of its own within medical freedom groups, Greg Reese’s latest work is worth watching.

Here Reese shares the important work of Denis Rancourt wherein Rancourt analyzes death data during “covid” and demonstrates clearly how the cures for this made-up disease, along with cruel external force and mind control, were the actual cause of increased deaths.

Humanity historically has been bewitched and held spellbound by political and religious leaders, faux science and fear-based beliefs into cooperating with its own enslavement, self-harm and death.

As so many great researchers continue to look at what the so-called mRNA vaccines are about, what the actual contents are, and how they affect our biology, we do know that ALL vaccines have always been toxic and that NO virus has ever been isolated. All vaccines are forced upon us via lies and are all part of an incredibly ignorant (and nefarious) agenda.

Greg Reese has a unique way of writing and producing short impactful videos as he continues expanding his own awareness. This one is worth sharing.

~ Kathleen]


17 Million Murdered by COVID Vaccines and Voodoo Death

The groundbreaking research of Denis Rancourt

by Greg Reese, The Reese Report
January 11, 2024


Denis Rancourt has a PhD in Physics, he is a former tenured Full Professor, and has published over one hundred articles in leading science journals. Rancourt and his team have used all-cause-mortality data to prove there have been about seventeen million deaths as a result of official COVID-19 measures, but not from Covid, which was a lie.

As far as I can tell, from the all cause mortality data that we’ve been studying extensively for a long time, there’s no such thing as a viral respiratory pandemic. (Denis Rancourt)

He explains this all in his essay entitled, “There Was No Pandemic” which you can find on his SubStack.

There was no pandemic in the sense that there was not a particularly virulent new pathogen that was spreading and causing death. That is not what happened. What happened was huge assaults against vulnerable people by many different methods. And every time you did that, you caused excess mortality. In all the countries where they were not doing that, there was absolutely no excess mortality, even if it was a jurisdiction that was right beside the one that was doing this. (Denis Rancourt)

Rancourt explains a science of psychological murder that has been officially studied and documented for well over a century. It wasn’t just the spike protein that killed us, it was the whole damn thing.

Psychological stress and social isolation are dominant determinants of an individual’s health that causes a suppression of your immune system. And you’re going to get some kind of infection, cancer, heart disease. And very often the lungs are very exposed to the environments and they’re subjected to all the bacteria that you live with all the time. You get bacterial pneumonia and it’s a huge killer when a society is stressed, meaning all of its individuals are stressed. The kind of psychological stress that kills you is when you’re entire world is turned upside down. Your whole life you thought you had a place in the world and it’s gone. That will kill you within a very short time.

We always occupy a dominance hierarchy, a social dominance hierarchy. That is how we organize our societies because we are social animals. It is a fundamental truth of how we organize societies. The stress that is intended to keep you in your place within that dominance hierarchy is an everyday chronic stress, and the stressors have to keep changing how they’re going to stress you because you get habituated to the stress. So they have to randomly hit you with hard things every once in a while to really make sure you understand what your place is. That stress is one of the biggest determinants of health.

But we have to admit that medicine itself is a massive killer. It’s a massive cause of premature death of individuals. (Denis Rancourt)

Modern Western medicine is officially recognized as the third highest cause of death. It was designed to be a way of controlling the population.

It was designed to be a way of controlling the population. The role of medicine as an institution in our society is to maintain the dominance hierarchy, is to keep people sick and to put them in their place. It’s just part of that institutionally. (Denis Rancourt)

Financed by the Carnegie Foundation and published in 1910, the Flexner report was used to outlaw natural medicine practices in America. The Rockefeller foundation then funded a new kind of medicine. An inverted form of heath care that utilized petrochemical drugs and experimental surgery to keep people sick, and in many cases, kill the patient. As Denis Rancourt has pointed out, this is how societies have been run for centuries.

A de-classified document entitled, “Geomagnetic Factors In Spontaneous Subjective Telepathic, Precognitive And Postmortem Experiences”, as well as decades of Trauma Based Mind Control research, shows us that the CIA and our governments are well aware of the deadly effects that traumatizing a population can induce. They are killing us with fear and trauma.

This is known as psychogenic death or psychosomatic death, It is the phenomenon of sudden death brought about by strong emotional shock. Chairman of the Department of Physiology at Harvard Medical School, Walter Cannon, called it Voodoo death because mind control is the main method used in Voodoo rituals. Which is well understood by our world leaders. Bill and Hillary Clinton spent their honeymoon in Haiti at a Voodoo ritual which Bill claims inspired him to run for political office.

I was particularly intrigued by the Voodoo religion.

Voodoo’s central ritual is a dance during which spirits possessed believers. On the most interesting day of the trip, I got the chance to observe voodoo in practice. After several minutes of rhythmic dancing to pounding drums, the spirits arrived, seizing a woman and a man. The man proceeded to rub a burning torch all over his body and walk on hot coals without being burned. The woman in a frenzy, screamed repeatedly, then grabbed a live chicken and bit its head off.

By the time we got back from Haiti, I had determined to run for attorney general.

(Bill Clinton)


Connect with Greg Reese

Cover image based on creative commons work of: Desertrose7

More Reports From Around the World on RF Radiation Damage

More Reports From Around the World on RF Radiation Damage
Even the Ticks Are Vanishing

by Arthur Firstenberg, Cellular Phone Task Force
January 9, 2024


The reports continue to come in from around the world. The billions of mobile devices and the 9,000 satellites are rapidly replacing the bugs, birds and beasts of the Earth.

Patricia writes from Missouri: “I have been living in rural southwest Missouri for the last 25 years without a mobile phone. When I bought my home in 2005, the soil on the lot was extremely poor and very compacted from having been driven over with riding mowers for many years. I wanted to bring it back and turn my whole yard into a ‘food forest’. I started by sowing clover and cultivating the dandelions instead of trying to get rid of them as so many people do. After the clover started to blossom, I noticed it was being visited by thousands of bumblebees. I had so many hummingbirds that three feeders were needed to keep them from fighting for access. Mosquitoes were almost non-existent around my area.

“At night I could see hundreds of bats flying around, and in spring the yard and whole area was filled with the peeping of little green tree frogs. They would perch along the rim of my swimming pool and lay their eggs in the water. (Note, the town does not chlorinate the water supply and I do not chlorinate the pool.) Every morning I would check the pool for their eggs and move them to a small pool that I set up just for the frogs, where I would feed the tadpoles and change the water as needed (keeping the tadpoles in buckets during the changes).

“After I had been living here for six years, the first cell tower was erected at the edge of town. Over the next few years, more towers went up, until the whole area was saturated with RF radiation. The town also used a federal grant to change all the electric meters to electronic ones and do away with the analog meters. Each year since, the number of bumblebees seemed to shrink by half, even though I still have the clover and dandelions. During the past 4-5 years, I could count the number of bumblebees on one hand. The last two years I’ve seen only one or two per YEAR. The hummingbirds are totally gone. I used to find their nests in the fall when thinning.

“Worst of all is the complete annihilation of the tree frogs. Even friends who live out in the sticks and have ponds on their property have noticed the recent “silent spring” phenomenon. Speaking of silent springs: It used to be nearly impossible to sleep past dawn with the windows open in spring, summer and fall here due to the enormous numbers of songbirds that produced a daily morning and evening symphony. Their numbers have declined to the point where I have to actively listen for them in order to hear them at all.

“I could go on about the diminished numbers of butterflies, crickets, praying mantises, spiders and earthworms I’ve observed. The declines are not limited to the smaller critters; there used to always be cottontail rabbits in the yard, and I haven’t seen one of them in recent years. I have lost more pets to cancer since 2010 than I care to count. There aren’t even any mice anymore! My personal health has declined severely as well. At the same time there have been notable increases in the numbers of mosquitoes, chiggers and ticks — to the point where it is miserable spending a few minutes outside.”

Birds and spiders eat ticks and chiggers. Birds and bats eat mosquitoes. So mosquitoes, chiggers and ticks, being hardy, multiply when their predators are gone. But not for long:

Marie writes from Sweden: “Even the ticks are gone in some areas.”

Daniel writes from Los Angeles: “I hardly see any moths anymore.”

Sonya writes from Surrey, England: “Last year I only had two large flies in the house and both died within a few hours. When I was a teenager in the Midlands during the 1950s, I couldn’t open my bedroom window during the hot summers because there were banks of midges swarming under the eaves; even here in Surrey five years or so ago, there used to be a few midges around inside the house during a hot evening. I saw none last year.”

Renee writes from the UK: “For the last 3 years, we’ve seen fewer and fewer bees, butterflies and other pollinators. This last growing season we saw only a few bees or butterflies — hardly any insects at all!”

Robert writes from Austria: “I worked for 30 years in a large hospital in Vienna. There I worked with the air conditioning systems. They were very large and had correspondingly large filters. When I first worked there in the ‘90s, we had to sweep up all sorts of flies under the external filters. A 110 liter plastic bag was pretty much full. 30 years later there are only a few hand shovels full (approximately 20 liters) to sweep up. The continuous decline of insects has really shocked me.

The e-radiation decimates the insects so much. It is the worst massacre in the world. It finally has to stop.”

Marianna writes from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada: “There are new 5G cell phone antennas put onto an apartment house here with a giant crane. It’s a room of antennas on two buildings near me and I am suffering!

“There are very few songbirds or robins, no skylarks, no sparrows, fewer ducks and Barrow’s goldeneyes, fewer crows, etc. Also, there have been no flowers on bushes or fruit produced as in the past. I have watched a fig tree produce fruit in 2022 only to see the fruit harden and shrivel at harvest time as all the leaves cascaded to the ground at once. This year I watched again and actually got a few handfuls of figs but watched the majority shrivel and harden and the leaves fall in one swoop before fall! It’s devastating and almost no one sees or cares. There are few bumblebees and zero honey bees. My son does art work on the demise of bees! Harmony Arts Festival, West Vancouver.”

Nat writes from Newcastle, Australia: “There is now a noticeable decrease in insects in our region, even flies and mosquitoes. At this time of year flies and mossies are a pest and appear in great numbers but not this year. I could count the number of flies I see each day on one hand and I have yet to see a mosquito. Spiders are a rarity in the garden now and should be abundant. Five years ago I had an accident and couldn’t drive for several months. A pair of finches took the opportunity to build a nest outside of the garage, under the house, and continued to breed there until this year. There were thirty-four finches sitting on the power lines earlier this year but they seem to have gone. What have we done to the planet?

Howell writes from Thailand: “I went to Penang, Malaysia. In the evening I could hear an insect sound but then realised it was coming from only one place. I looked and saw it was coming from a loudspeaker. In the day the hotel played bird sounds because there are so few birds and insects now.

“Back in my hometown about an hour from Bangkok I realised the same thing was happening, no mosquitoes, very very few cockroaches, no ants, et cetera et cetera.

“This morning I was shocked and saddened by seeing only one House Martin from the 8 nests on the wall below my window. That they have actually survived for so long is remarkable because there is so little food for them–so few insects. The colony has been there for years. One day I noticed a House Martin on the ground that could not fly because its wings had been mutated and were too wide.

“I also saw a squashed 5-legged frog on a walk. I cut down my walking because noticing the lack of insects was very upsetting. There are urban birds like sparrows and pigeons but even their numbers seem to be declining.

“It is good to see people around the world waking up to what is happening. Locals here are happy there are no more mosquitoes and very very few cockroaches. They do not realise what is causing it and they do not care.”

Bob writes from England: “I am very old and have always been a naturalist and observer of changes in the world of nature. In the past two decades, I have noticed the decline of butterflies especially those which migrate from France to England, and the absence of insects on the car windscreen. On our farmland we always had a strong rabbit population which soon picked up after the myxi [myxomatosis] decimation, but now I rarely see one. In past years in the spring at night we would have hundreds of Maybugs (cockchavers) flying into our house windows; I have not seen one for years.

“The work you are doing is essential as you know, our natural wildlife has been my life, several years ago I concluded that we had even then lost some seventy percent of it. We humans are a part of that wildlife. Since the introduction of atomic weapons our future has never been certain, but this is far more subtle and I believe threatening.”

Barbara writes from Québec, Canada: “I noticed a decline in the insects, birds and creepy crawly things after a cell phone tower went up behind our family’s home over 20 years ago. After two years, seven of our neighbors had died from cancers and heart attacks and all the animal life vanished. The June bugs died in the ground. It is too sad to remember or recount all that we experienced while living there during that time as it was a time of pure evil and torture.”

Author, poet and journalist Sean Arthur Joyce writes from Canada: “Today in our community in southeastern British Columbia is our local Christmas Bird Count. The results are positively eerie: hardly a bird to be found, and we live in a mountainous region that is at least 100 kilometres from the nearest major city. I’ve noticed just over the past couple of months that the birds coming to the feeder have plummeted. Where before, we had daily, regular visits from a dozen or so chickadees and nuthatches all through the year, this has dropped to the occasional pair only once or twice a week. At first I chalked this up to the squirrel monopolizing the feeder for a while, but since he stopped doing that the bird count has still not increased.

“Given how far we are from a major city, and the fact that we have no 5G here (though we do have 4G cell service in some areas, but it doesn’t work outside the villages), I’m assuming we may be experiencing radiation from the Starlink satellites even in this semi-remote, rural area.

“We’re going into a solar maximum cycle in 2024 (actually it has already started) according to scientists, which has already resulted in a flare affecting radio transmissions around the world. More are predicted in the coming months. There are days I pray we get such a major blast of solar flares from the sun that it knocks out ALL of the satellites.

“Of course, that would knock us back about 200 years but maybe that’s the only way we’ll see a return of the bird life.”

Maya writes from San Francisco: “My second-floor porch is at the bottom of a Prevailing North Wind funnel, that blows across the dozen backyards, that create the green space interior of our block. The south side of the porch is open to the sky, between buildings on either side that are much taller, creating the wind funnel, and at least a constant breeze.

“When I first moved here four decades ago, I often counted 20 or 30 birds and many bees and butterflies every day. They stopped by the plants I set out for them on the porch as they flew both north and south. Now I only see one or two small birds a week scurrying across the porch floor. But never any bees, and maybe one or two small white butterflies a week. Beginning five or six years ago, I’ve walked the same path in Golden Gate Park several times a week, and counted 50 or 60 Canadian Geese every time. Now, maybe there are 15 or 20 of them. And all the various ducks and hawks are rarely seen. And the glorious breath-taking seasonal Blue Herons are gone.

“Also now, there is a 5G tower more than 500 feet away, at eye level with the porch and my desk window. I spent a small fortune on EMF shielding screens for the desk area windows that look out on the porch. But they only shield 80% of the radiation. Lately I’ve noticed that when I must be at the computer for several hours, the left side of my face by the window, is red.”

Henrik writes from Sweden: “I have seen the same thing happen here in Sweden with the insects. The crane fly and the wasp are gone. In my filled compost bucket there was not a single fruit fly in July and August. Flies and butterflies have also decreased.”

Josephine writes from California:  “All of my ants are gone. No rising population of ants rescuing eggs when I water my roses. No little house cleaners coming in for jelly left on the counter in the kitchen. None coming in during the rain.”

Arthur Firstenberg
President, Cellular Phone Task Force
Author, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life


Connect with Arthur Firstenberg

Cover image credit: Pexels

See Related:

RF Radiation and Our Changing Earth

Arthur Firstenberg: An Autumn’s Tale

Arthur Firstenberg: Ecocide From Space

Arthur Firstenberg on Electrosmog: “The Ability to Use a Mobile Device Everywhere on Earth Means That Every Square Meter of the Earth Must Be Irradiated at All Times.”

DOD Ran Warp Speed From Its Inception, Sidelining the FDA and Drug Companies

DOD Ran Warp Speed From Its Inception, Sidelining the FDA and Drug Companies
DoD’s unprecedented role in running Warp Speed as a military operation–the military framework and leadership of Operation Warp Speed 

by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin, Exposing the Global Predators
January 9, 2024


On January 7, 2024, my research uncovered an official Department of Defense publication (DoD) from May 15, 2020, describing the masterplan for Operation WARP Speed, confirming DoD’s unprecedented role in running Warp Speed as a military operation:(1)

U.S. Department of Defense


Trump Administration Announces Framework

and Leadership for ‘Operation Warp Speed’

May 15, 2020 |The opening paragraph of the release places the U.S. military at the center of developing and controlling WARP Speed:(2)

On Friday, the Trump Administration announced the appointment of Moncef Slaoui as chief advisor and General Gustave F. Perna as chief operating officer of Operation Warp Speed (OWS), the administration’s national program to accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics (medical countermeasures).
Dr. Slaoui is a venture capitalist and, formerly, Chairman of Global Research and Development and Chairman of Global Vaccines at GlaxoSmithKline, where he led the development of five major novel vaccines. As the four-star general in charge of the U.S. Army Materiel Command, General Perna oversees the global supply chain and installation and materiel readiness for the U.S. Army, including more than 190,000 military, civilian, and contract employees.

From the start, Warp Speed was a Great Reset operation with the chief advisor, a “venture capitalist,” and the man in charge was a four-star general in the U.S. Army. This is an extraordinary example of the military-industrial complex at work, this time directing and organizing the greatest assault ever made on the lives of Americans and the U.S. Constitution. It is the U.S. Army acting as the assault troops for the global predators.

The DoD release describes how the heart of the defense establishment is fully geared up for Warp Speed:

“In addition to deploying 62,000 military service members in direct support of fighting COVID-19 on frontlines across the globe, the Department of Defense is racing towards a vaccine,” said Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper. “Through our research and development labs, such as DARPA and the Defense Health Agency, and our massive logistical knowledge and capacity, we are committed to achieving the goal of Operation Warp Speed for the American people.”

DoD Controls the Entire “Approval” Process for Safety and Effectiveness

The DoD press release makes clear that the FDA, which supervises and evaluates pharmaceutical industry studies for safety and effectiveness, is no longer in charge of vaccine development. The entire process is in the hands of the “government,” meaning the military:

The protocols for the trials will be overseen and set by the federal government, as opposed to traditional public-private partnerships, in which pharmaceutical companies decide on their own protocols.

The “protocols” for the trials are the entire basis of how and by what standards the clinical trials will be performed if they are performed at all. The “government,” in this case, is the DoD with some advisory input from HHS, neither of which has the legal right or the capacity to take this role.

Meanwhile, when discussing the organization of WARP Speed in 2020, Paul Mango, HHS deputy chief of staff for policy, disavowed any government role for testing the vaccines, stating, “Quite honestly, we are not conducting any science whatsoever inside the government to support Operation Warp Speed, none.”(3,4)

So, from the start, the government was completely in charge of the protocols for drug company research, removing the drug approval process from the hands of the FDA and the drug companies; but the “government” itself was doing none of the scientific work. That made a catastrophe inevitable because no one was authorized to conduct a scientific evaluation of the safety and efficacy of the mRNA platform injections that are causing so much death and destruction—and none has ever been done!

As we demonstrated in our book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey, and elsewhere,(5) it was well-known in the scientific community by 2020 that efforts to make vaccines for SARS-CoVs in animal experiments had such deadly results they were too lethal to the animals to ever attempt to test on human beings.

Proving the lethality of the mRNA platform and the “vaccines,” the death toll has been climbing since the opening day of the jabs, now with 20,000 reports to the VAERS reporting system monitored by both the CDC and FDA, with most of the deaths occurring in the first three days of the injection. For reasons I’ve already analyzed, based on scientific research and my forensic research experience, fewer than 1 in 100 serious adverse vaccine reactions are reported. Thus, 20,000 reports of death to VAERS indicate a real death toll of 2,000,000 or more.(6) Not only did they fail to do the preliminary scientific evaluation on humans, but they then also ignored and denied the death toll that continues to grow in the U.S. and around the world.

The Military Masterplan Chart Gets Leaked

In September 2020, the journal STAT published an article by Nicholas Florko, which displayed a leaked organization in July 2020 elaborate schematic for Operation Warp Speed, further documenting the vast military involvement. The chart divides responsibility for Warp Speed between “HHS” and “Defense.” The print is too small for a legible reproduction in this column but can be easily found at this link.(7)  STAT reported:

The labyrinthine chart, dated July 30, shows that roughly 60 military officials — including at least four generals — are involved in the leadership of Operation Warp Speed, many of whom have never worked in health care or vaccine development. Just 29 of the roughly 90 leaders on the chart aren’t employed by the Department of Defense; most of them work for the Department of Health and Human Services and its subagencies.

Confirming the Groundbreaking Work of Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt

Although we just located this May 2020 DOD Press Release, the role of the DoD in Operation Warp Speed has been under diligent examination for some time by brilliant researchers in the health freedom movement, including Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt.

Sasha Latypova has recently published her “Summary of Everything and Quick Links, Updated –Year End 2023,” which covers research on the militarization of Warp Speed, including her work as well as Katherine Watt’s.(8)

Katherine Watt recently cut to the heart of the matter in regard to the sham role played by the drug companies:

All FDA activity that appeared to be license-related, pertaining to all biological products manufactured since May 2019, has been fraudulent, performative, charade, pretextual, and any other word or phrase that means not real, not substantive, not legally relevant.(9)

Implications for Robert Malone’s Role

Among the Deep State organizations described in the DoD press release as collaborators was “NIH’s ACTIV partnership for vaccine and therapeutic development.” ACTIV is essentially a Great Reset Center in the federal government for these collaborations between government and outside sources of wealth of power. Representatives on NIH ACTIV include The Gates Foundation, many top drug companies, and key government agencies.

In a sworn statement for a legal case dated October 21, 2021, Robert Malone, MD declared himself an “active member of NIH ACTIV” (p. 4 ) and further listed his participation in “Accelerated COVID-19 Therapeutic Interventions and Vaccines: ACTIV Therapeutics Clinical Working Group, NIH. Invited Participant. June, 2020-present” (p. 16).(10)

We were the first to make public Dr. Malone’s participation in NIH ACTIV, and more recently Dr. Malone has declared he is no longer a member. It seems probable that his role on ACTIV made him aware from early on that Operation Warp Speed was, in fact, a DoD operation and the drug companies had a sham role, but we are not aware of his bringing that information to the health freedom movement when he arrived.

As documented in his same sworn statement dated October 21, 2021, Malone also has a long and very active business and professional involvement with the Department of Defense, including managing large contracts and sitting on important committees at DoD and DTRA, The Defense Threat Reduction Agency, a defense and a combat support agency within DoD. Malone also denies any more recent or current involvements with DoD and DTRA.

Our earlier disclosures about Malone’s background were among his reasons for bringing a $25 million defamation lawsuit against us and against Dr. Jane Ruby, on whose show I discussed related issues. The judge has recently dismissed Malone’s defamation suit against all of us. The judge has also warned Malone that he might declare his lawsuit “frivolous,” and he has ordered Malone to explain why he should not be forced to pay the legal expenses of the Breggins and Dr. Ruby.(11)

Overall Implications of DoD Running WARP Speed

The implications of the DoD’s role in Operation WARP Speed are complex and require continuing unraveling. But these investigations may not substantially change the big picture because the ultimate villains are higher up the totalitarian totem pole and remain the same: the international governance being imposed upon the world by the global predators, including many multi-billionaires and the institutions they have captured from the UN and the World Health Organization (WHO) to the global banking system and the military-industrial complex—all of which we thoroughly document in our book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey.




4 There is a fascinating Government Accounting Office (GAO) memo from January 2022, stating that HHS took over control from the defense department in early 2022 and that GAO found that HHS itself did not have the ability to manage Operation WARP speed.

5 Since our book was published, we also discovered a scientific paper with Robert Malone as coauthor that demonstrated and concluded that mRNA “vaccines” were too dangerous to be tested on humans.

6 Peter and Ginger Breggin (2021, November). COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey. Available at  Also see Peter Breggin column,


Sasha Latypova: Summary of Everything and Quick Links, Updated – Year End 2023

9 Katherine Watt: On the continuing effort to fit a square peg (legalized manufacturing and use of biological weapons) into a round hole (FDA drug, device and biological product regulation).


11 | Judge Dismisses Malone’s $25 Million Defamation Lawsuit


Connect with Peter and Ginger Breggin Substack | Website

Cover image credit: Duffman-commonswiki

German Truckers Team Up With Farmers to Raise Hell Over Disappearing Fuel Subsidies

German Truckers Team Up With Farmers to Raise Hell Over Disappearing Fuel Subsidies

by Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge
January 9, 2024


German truckers joined farmers for a week of protests over a government plan to scrap tax breaks on diesel used in agriculture in order to ‘combat climate change,’ after Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s three-party coalition announced plans last month to nix a car tax exemption for farming vehicles as well as diesel tax breaks.

Protesters in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin parked tractors and displayed signs such as ‘No farmer, no food, no future’.

Photo: Christian Charisius/dpa via AP


The government announcement is part of a plan to try and fix a 17-billion-euro (US$18.6 billion) hole in Germany’s 2024 budget, AP reports.


On Thursday, the government walked back part of the plan, announcing that while the car tax exemption would remain, cuts in diesel tax breaks would be staggered over three years. This did not calm German farmers, whose Association demanded a full reversal, and said it would move forward with a “week of action” starting Monday, in which farmers used tractors to block entry roads to highways early in the day.

There was disruption due to convoys of tractors in and around some cities, too. Production at a Volkswagen auto plant in Emden in northwestern Germany was stopped because access roads were blocked, preventing employees from getting to work, German news agency dpa reported.
Among demonstrations across the country, several hundred tractors and other vehicles gathered in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin.
The protests are under scrutiny after a group of farmers on Thursday prevented Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck from disembarking a ferry in a small North Sea port as he returned from a personal trip to an offshore island. -AP

And of course, authorities are warning that ‘far-right groups and others could try and capitalize on the protests. (Maybe Russia too!?).


Germany’s budgetary changes included the controversial cuts, which was ‘required’ after the country’s highest court annulled an earlier decision to redirect nearly US$66 billion originally meant to mitigate fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic in order to combat climate change and modernize the country.

Surely this won’t lead to more rampant inflation.



Connect with ZeroHedge

Cover image credit: H-tt
protesting farmers in Munich, Germany 2024-01-08

Catherine Austin Fitts on “The Great Taking” Financial Coup That Intends to Strip Us of All Assets

Catherine Austin Fitts on “The Great Taking” Financial Coup That Intends to Strip Us of All Assets


The Great Taking

by Dr. Joseph Mercola
January 7, 2024


Video available at BitChute. Download interview transcript.


  • David Webb, a former hedge fund investor, has written a book called “The Great Taking,” as well as filmed a documentary by the same name. His book and film detail how the Federal Reserve influences financial markets, and how its money creation has outpaced economic growth of the U.S., which is a huge red flag indicating that the velocity of money is collapsing
  • Central bankers and other globalists have carefully planned the coordinated takedown of the financial system using highly sophisticated strategies, including the manipulation of derivative markets. Whatever securities you believe you may own, you’re not the actual owner of, and when the derivative markets collapse, everything can be taken from you
  • While Webb’s work raises serious concerns, there are other more pressing issues that need our attention. Priority No. 1 is ensuring we have control over our financial transactions. We need to help state legislators to protect financial transaction freedom
  • North Dakota has a sovereign state bank, and the Florida State Legislature is getting ready to introduce legislation for state banking in the state of Florida. All states need to do this, as it’s one of the primary ways to protect the financial freedom of all citizens
  • Priority No. 2 is building and securing food freedom, and No. 3 is transparency and education. We need to educate people about the severity of what’s coming, so that we can, en masse, begin to make different choices

The video above features repeat guest Catherine Austin Fitts, a finance expert, and founder and president of the Solari Report. She’s one of the wisest persons out there when it comes to understanding finances and how to protect your wealth in the face of this global wealth transfer.

We also discuss the work of David Webb,1 a former hedge fund investor and a good friend of Austin Fitts. He has written a book called “The Great Taking,” available for free as a PDF from, as well as a documentary by the same name, available on CHD.TVRumble and YouTube.

Webb’s book and film detail how the Federal Reserve influences financial markets, and how its money creation has outpaced economic growth of the U.S., which is a huge red flag indicating that the velocity of money (the rate at which money is circulating through the economy) is collapsing. In short, a major financial depression is at hand, and when it all falls apart, we will lose everything.

A Financial Coup Is Underway

Webb reveals how central bankers and other globalists have, for at least five decades or more, carefully planned the coordinated takedown of the financial system using highly sophisticated strategies, including the manipulation of derivative markets.

Whatever securities you believe you may own, you’re not the actual owner of, and when the derivative markets collapse, everything can be taken from you. At the end of it all, you truly will “own nothing,” as predicted/promised by the World Economic Forum (WEF).

But there’s more. In her annual wrap-up, Austin Fitts reviews what she calls “many great takings,” because Webb only describes one of them. Wealth is also being stolen from us in dozens of other ways, and we need to understand them all if we are to protect ourselves with any amount of success.

“My focus is hugely on remedies, not problems,” Austin Fitts says, “and when it comes to remedies, you want to make sure you sequence your remedies against the enemy’s various tactics. So, sequencing is very, very important when it comes to remedies.
The important thing to understand about the great taking is that the World Economic Forum has told you what they’re planning: It’s 2030 and you have no assets. So the question is, exactly how are they going to strip you of your assets?
What David is talking about is stripping you of your securities, but you need to worry about far more than just your securities. You need to worry about your bank, which he touches on and does a very good job of describing some of the history around banking. You have to worry about your real estate. You have to really worry about your precious metals and other currency alternatives.
You have to worry about your business and your local investments and then yes, you have to worry about your securities. David is focused on just securities, which is why we did this section called ‘The Great Taking’ that goes through everything.”
Top Three Priorities

While Webb’s work may raise serious concerns, there are other more pressing issues that need our attention. Priority No. 1, according to Austin Fitts, is ensuring we have control over our financial transactions. Her focus for 2024 is therefore to help state legislators in the U.S. to work with banks and citizens within its jurisdiction to protect financial transaction freedom.

“That’s where pushback is critical,” she says. “If they can get financial transaction control then they can take everything, and I mean, everything, including your children …
If you dive in and look at the terms and conditions that some of these payment gateways are asking for now … you’re giving them permission to go into your bank account and take everything. It’s frightening.
So, the No. 1 thing to remedy against is financial transaction control. If you go to Solari, we have something called a financial transaction freedom memo. Print it out and start looking at all the things you can do to protect yourself from somebody controlling your financial transactions.
If they get that, The Great Taking is on. They take everything — real estate, securities, everything. So first and foremost, don’t worry about your securities. Worry about your banking and your transactions.
The second Great Taking is … food and health. The push to control the food system is on because to control financial transactions, they also need to control food because, if you can get your food and energy outside the banking system, you can survive without their banking system. This is why we cannot allow a 100% digital financial system.
The third Great Taking I’m concerned about is the real estate, because we see an extraordinary move being done to take control of the land, the real estate, including farmland, which is very much related to the food.
There are all sorts of games that can be played with the banking system to default people on their mortgages, and of course, interest rates and inflation are part and parcel of that.”

As noted by Austin Fitts, the process of reducing the homeownership rate has been going on for decades. It’s related to monetary policy, because inflation has doubled the average payment on the median-price home in America over the last four or five years alone. So, the younger generation is being completely wiped out and cannot afford to buy homes.

It’s also related to another Great Taking, which is the fraudulent inducement of student loans. Most of the big banks are paying close to zero percent for their capital, while students with loans are paying 5% to 9%, and those with credit card debt are paying 17%. “It’s an extraordinary differential in the cost of capital that’s literally engineered into the system in a very unfair way,” she says.

A System to Rob Us of Our Security Assets

Austin Fitts goes on to review Webb’s background, and how he came to the discoveries he made. In summary, financial regulators have created a way, through the custodian system, of robbing 100% of the security assets as a senior creditor, most likely through a default of derivatives.

Austin Fitts is not overly concerned about this, though, because while Webb believes a legal pathway has been created through the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), Austin Fitts and her experts don’t think it’ll stick. “We are still looking for a UCC expert who can figure this out,” she says.

What Webb has proven, however, is that there has been an extraordinary effort by the financial regulators to assert control of ALL collateral. Austin Fitts believes this was done to keep the financial bubble going.

“The reason I’m not worried about a grab of the securities in the near future is because I think the way you grab assets is by getting financial transaction control to the banking system,” she says. “Once you have that, you can do everything. You can take 100% of the assets, including securities. So, I think financial transaction control is coming faster.
I think in terms of sequencing, a grab of all the securities is not near. What David would say is, if they get themselves in a corner, they have to do it. My feeling is they have so many ways out of a corner, it’s not necessary. What they’re going to do is what I’ve seen them doing, which is pushing for financial transaction control.
But here’s what’s great about David’s research. No one goes through the bother of doing what they’ve done if there’s integrity in the system. I think David has proven, yet again, that the financial system is lacking integrity and is engineered to benefit a few at the expense of the many.
The other thing I thought was very good about his book was, he describes the game in terms of insiders and outsiders to the banking system through the Great Depression — how your bank could fold; you lose your deposits, but you’re still liable for your mortgage.
And of course, that’s how you get people’s real estate. You abrogate your income obligations to them, but then you hold them accountable for their debts.”
There’s No Safe Harbor for Anyone

It’s telling that Webb started this journey because he was trying to figure out how to protect his own family’s wealth only to, in the end, realize there is no safe harbor, not even for a financial insider like himself. The system is completely rigged from every angle. The sober realization is that there’s no getting away from this Great Taking.

We must face it head on, and do the work necessary to change the system so that it protects everyone. Part of that work is to make our political representatives understand what is happening, and that it is in their own self-interest to protect financial freedom.

Many of them are extraordinarily wealthy, and they too stand to lose everything if they don’t take action. They’re not insulated from this Great Taking. Like Webb discovered, there’s no safe harbor for them either. Webb’s contention is that the situation is salvageable, but we do need some kind of reset.

Just not The Great Reset the globalists have planned. One possibility would be to implement a small tax on digital transactions, like a fraction of 1%. The revenues generated from that transactional fee could fund the government, doing away with income taxes, provided we don’t have to engage in international wars.

Top Three Financial Drains

According to Austin Fitts, the top three things that are draining our wealth are:

  1. Tyranny
  2. The use of environmentally damaging processes like industrial farming instead of regenerative farming, the hardware required for the control grid and the electromagnetic field radiation that goes with it
  3. The control of innovation, which prevents cost savings

All three of these are alterable. We can eliminate these financial drains, but we can’t start there. First, we need to secure our financial transaction freedom, because everything basically hinges on that. If we lose that, we’ve already lost everything else.

Three Basic Action Items

Again, be sure to download Solari’s financial transaction freedom memo. It details the problems, and the solutions. “Do what you’re comfortable doing,” Austin Fitts says.

“One is using cash. And when you use cash, start talking with local businesses and find ways of interacting locally that will give you more local resilience. And of course, the big one is food, because I don’t know a way of getting food that is safe, other than knowing where it’s coming from and knowing the people who are producing it …
The third thing you can do is to bring transparency, and this is really important. If you go to Solari, we’ve put together a list of short videos on CBDCs and financial transaction freedom. The first one is the one-minute video of the head of the BIS basically saying we can make the rules centrally and enforce them centrally with CBDCs.
The second one is Neel Kashkari, head of the Minneapolis Fed, one of the 12 Fed banks, saying ‘I can see why the Chinese would want this because it gives you complete surveillance and control. But why would Americans ever let this happen?’ If it’s so bad that one of the Fed presidents is telling you you don’t want it, that’s very helpful.
Then we have Bo Li [deputy managing director of the] IMF talking about the programmability of money, so if they decide you can only eat bugs and no pizza, your money will only buy bugs. And then the last one is Richard Werner talking about a top central banker telling him that CBDCs, ultimately, will be a chip that they want to put in your hand.
We need to tell people what’s going on and help them understand how serious this is, because it’s hard for many to fathom that somebody would want that kind of complete control. With AI and software, you can deliver that kind of complete control.
With a very short video, one minute or less, people get it. And that’s the point at which you can turn to your state legislators and your state banking association and say, ‘OK, what are you guys going to do to make sure I don’t end up like the Tennessee truckers?’
What’s very interesting … the states have the power to assert complete sovereignty over the money and the cash flows within their area, and to protect them. Now, they haven’t done it. And one of the reasons they haven’t done it is the Treasury and the central banks have been very good at making it financially attractive to buy into the federal system.
[Eventually], it’s going to be more important to be sovereign and free than to get another $2 billion in education — an education that requires you to teach your kids how to be sex slaves.
So, one of the things you can do bring transparency, but start working with your bankers, with your State Bankers Association, your state legislators, and encourage them to take the steps. And if you look at the Financial Transaction Freedom memo, we list all the different things that a federal legislator can do.”
Why We Need Sovereign State Banks

North Dakota already has a sovereign state bank, and the Florida State Legislature is getting ready to introduce legislation for state banking in the state of Florida. Tennessee is looking at ways to create independent payment systems, and is in the process of starting a Bullion Depository and authorizing their treasurer to start buying gold and silver.

These are just some of the strategies that can, and need, to be implemented by all states. As noted by Austin Fitts, “The only way I can protect my individual sovereignty is if my state protects my financial sovereignty.” And states can do that by implementing sovereign state banks that are not tied to the central banking system.

“If you have a sovereign state bank, what that means is, your citizens are paying taxes into your accounts, and you have the ability, working with the state banks and credit unions and financial institutions, to keep the transactions going so that the Treasury or the central bank can’t lock you down or shut you down.
I mean, that is amazing. If you also have a bullion depository, then you’ve got gold and silver reserves and that makes it easier for other people in the state to have a depository they can trust, and that means they can start doing transactions with gold and silver, particularly if you take the sales tax off.
Tennessee has taken the sales tax off golden and silver. And there’s a big squabble now — several states have put in bills making gold and silver legal tender, but do it in a way where the Feds can’t charge capital gains, so that you can use gold and silver as currencies locally. It’s a great way to start a local currency.”
A Building Wealth Reset

In conclusion, what we need to do, first and foremost, is to regain and safeguard our control of our financial transactions. Next, we need what Austin Fitts refers to as a “building wealth reset,” a reset of the financial system that allows us to build both living equity (health) and financial equity.

And we can do that. While it may seem as though we’re on a speed train headed for a brick wall, and that we have no way to get off, that may simply be an illusion. We probably have far more choice than we think.

“During my litigation [against the government], I had many different attorneys, and they would surround me and say, ‘You have to do this, you have no choice,’” Austin Fitts says.
“And I would say ‘I refuse. I’m not going to do that.’ That’s a choice. And then, what would happen? Suddenly, an option would open up that wasn’t there before. In other words, my refusal to go down the pathway that I had no choice created a new choice.”

Remember that as you move forward. Refusing to be part of the system may seem impossible, but the very act of making the choice to refuse may be the very thing that opens up brand new possibilities and options. Certainly, there are paths to victory, beginning with getting state leadership to get onboard with sovereign state banking.

1 TFTC December 18m, 2023


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Cover image credit: MV-Fotos

Vaccine Damage Has Three Known Causes

Vaccine Damage Has Three Known Causes

by Next Level (New Medicine)
translated from German via telegram translate
January 6, 2024


Harmful effects of toxic adjuvants and preservatives in vaccines

Since the poisons in the vaccine mixture are defined as auxiliary substances, as an adjuvant to the protein component of the vaccine, they are considered harmless substances and are not subject to strict pharmaceutical law.

The known and typical effects of these poisons are systematically ignored when assessing vaccine damage because the vaccine is only considered to have an immunological effect. The actual vaccine, the little protein in the vaccination mixtures, actually has no toxic potential.

Allergies to the “protein” components in the vaccination mixtures

All protein components in all vaccines are misinterpreted as parts of pathogens or as weakened viruses. In reality, the proteins in the vaccination mixtures are components of completely normal and harmless bacteria and their “waste products” that occur in every human being.

Also included are components of chicken embryos, human and animal tissues/cells and their cell organelles. Under certain circumstances, allergies to these proteins can be triggered in anyone. Allergies can cause processes called autoimmune reactions.

Brain psychosomatic processes through the personal feelings accompanying the act of vaccination

These processes — originally designed as meaningful biological special programs — are triggered when the act of vaccination is perceived as existentially threatening and overwhelming. The brain-psychosomatic triggers and processes were determined by Dr. Hamer discovered and described.

The allergic and toxic reactions of the vaccine mixtures can chronicle the brain psychosomatic programs, intensify them and make therapy more difficult. Typical examples of these brain psychosomatic programs triggered by vaccinations are autism, depression, mania, epilepsy, convulsions and others.


Connect with Next Level at telegram (German)

Cover image credit: RichardsDrawings

Weaponizing Winter Weather

Weaponizing Winter Weather

by Dane Wigington, GeoEngineering Watch
January 6, 2024


Video available at Rumble & YouTube

The full fury of winter weather warfare is being released on major portions of the US and Russia. Was this the plan that was hatched at the recent COP 28 global climate conference?

Chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding operations are wreaking havoc around the world on populations and the environment alike. Global conflict is being fomented as the total desperation of the matrix manipulators spirals completely out of control.

How long till the links in the chain of our current paradigm shatter? Thank you for tuning in to this week’s installment of Global Alert News, thank you for you help with sounding the alarm.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.


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Cover image credit: cplo

See Related:

Aluminum Snow: Lab Test Confirmed

GeoEngineering Watch: Nanoparticulate Rain, Interview With a Scientist

A Nation of Non-Compliers

A Nation of Non-Compliers

by Jeffrey A. Tucker, Brownstone Institute
January 6, 2024


The train wasn’t scheduled for another 20 minutes, so I had a chance to contemplate the official sign on the door of the huge elevator leading to the platform. It said that only four people are allowed in because we must all practice social distancing. There was a helpful map of the interior of the elevator with stick figures telling people exactly where to stand.

Yes, these stickers are still everywhere. I recall when they first went up, sometime in April 2020. They seemed oddly uniform and appeared even permanent. At the time I thought, oh, this is a huge error because within a few weeks, the error of the whole of this idiocy is going to be known by all. Sadly, my worst fears came true: it was designed to be a permanent feature of our lives.

Same with the strange arrows on the ground telling us which way to walk. They are still everywhere, stuck on the floor, an integral part of the linoleum. If you walk this way, you will infect people, which is why you have to walk that way, which is safe. As for masks, the mandates keep popping up in strange places and strange ways. My inbox fills with pleas for how people can fight this stuff.

The essential message of all these edicts: you are pathogenic, a carrier, poisonous, dangerous, and so is everyone else. Every human person is a disease vector. While it’s fine you are out and about, you must always create a little isolation zone around you such that you have no contact with other human beings.

It’s so odd that no dystopian book or novel ever imagined a plot centered on such a stupid and evil concept. Not even in 1984 or The Hunger Games, or The Matrix or Equilibrium, or Brave New World or Anthem, was it ever imagined that a government would institute a rule that all people in public spaces must stand six feet away in all directions from any other person.

That some government would insist on this was too crazy for even the darkest imaginings of the most pessimistic prognosticator. That 200 governments in the world, at roughly the same time, would go there was unimaginable.

And yet here we are, years after the supposed emergency, and while governments are not enforcing it, for the most part, many are still pushing the practice as the ideal form of human engagement.

Except that we are not doing it. In this train station, no one paid any attention to any of the signage. The exhortations were entirely ignored, even by those who are still masked up (and, one presumes, boosted seven times).

When the moment arrived for people to get into the elevator, a crowd began to pour in, quickly beyond four, then eight, then 12. I stood there shoulder to shoulder with fully 25 other people in one elevator with a sign that demanded only four people get in at any one time.

I sort of wanted to ask the crowd if they saw the sign and what did they think. But that would have been absurd, because, actually, no one even cares. In any case, one guy asking a crowded elevator such a question would have raised suspicions that I was deep state or something.

It was never clear in any case who was enforcing this. Who issued the rule? What are the penalties for not complying? No one ever said. Sure, there was in the past usually some flunky bureaucrat or Karen who yelled at people and said do this and don’t do that. But those people seem long ago to have given up.

It’s not even a thing anymore. And yet the signs still exist. Probably they will stay forever.

There is an enormous disjunction that still persists between what we are told to do and what we actually do. It’s as if incredulity toward official diktat is now baked into our daily lives. My first thought is that it doesn’t make much sense at all, even from the point of view of those who aspire to control our lives, to issue commands to which no one listens or obeys. On the other hand, there might be some meta-rationale for this, as if to say, “We are nuts, you know we are nuts, we know you know we are nuts, but we are in charge and can continue to do this anyway.”

In other words, edicts to which no one complies serve a certain purpose. They are a visual reminder of who is in charge, what those people believe, and the presence of a Sword of Damocles hanging above the whole population: at any point, anyone can be snatched away from normal life, made a criminal, and be forced to pay a price.

The nuttier the edicts, the more effective the message.

Thus do we live in insane times. There seems to be a huge and widening gulf separating the rulers from the ruled, and this gulf pertains to values, aims, methods, and even vision for the future. Whereas most of the population aspires to live a better life, we cannot shake the sense that someone out there who has more power than the rest of us aspires for us to be poorer, more miserable, more afraid, more dependent, and more compliant.

After all, we are just barely shaking off the most grandiose experiment in universal human control in the historical record, the attempt to micromanage the whole of everyone belonging to the human race in the name of gaining control over the microbial kingdom. The effort petered out over time but how in the heck does anyone with ruling-class power expect to maintain any credibility after such a destructive experiment?

And yet there is a reason we have heard precious few concessions that it was all bogus and unworkable, and why there is still a dripping sound of papers telling us that the whole scheme worked pretty well and that people who say otherwise are disseminators of disinformation. There are still publishing opportunities out there to trash repurposed generics and praise the shots and boosters. The power is still with the crazy people, not with those who question them.

And the people who threw themselves into Covid controls as the greatest years of their lives are still at it. Hardly a day goes by when there is not a freshly written hit piece on the resistance and efforts to trash those with enough sagacity to see through all the baloney. Far from being rewarded, those who protested and opposed are still living under a cloud that comes with being an enemy of the state.

We all know that it is not just about these dumb stickers and these virus controls. There is more going on. Coincident with the pandemic restrictions came the triumph of woke ideology, the intense push for EVs, and wild ramp-up in weather paranoia with the discovery that climates change, a rampant gender dysphoria and denial of chromosomal reality, an unprecedented refugee flood that no one in power is willing to mitigate, a continued attack on gas including even stoves, and a host of other inane things that are driving rational people to the brink of despair.

We long ago gave up the hope that all of this is random and coincidental, any more than it so happened that nearly every government in the world decided to plaster social distancing signs everywhere at the same time. Something is going on, something malevolent. The battle of the future really is between them and us but who or what “them” is remains opaque and too many of “us” are still confused about what the alternative is to what is happening all around us.

Noncompliance is an essential start regardless. That crowded elevator, assembling spontaneously in open defiance to the blasting signage, is a sign that something in the human longing to be free to make our own decisions, still survives. There are cracks in the great edifice of control.


Jeffrey Tucker is Founder, Author, and President at Brownstone Institute. He is also Senior Economics Columnist for Epoch Times, author of 10 books, including Liberty or Lockdown, and thousands of articles in the scholarly and popular press. He speaks widely on topics of economics, technology, social philosophy, and culture.


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Cover image based on creative commons work of Mohamed_hassan & geralt

PA State Dept. of Agriculture Unlawfully Raids Amish Family Organic Farm, Seizing Food & Property, Shutting Down Operations

PA State Dept. of Agriculture Unlawfully Raids Amish Family Organic Farm, Seizing Food & Property, Shutting Down Operations

[TCTL editor’s note: Those of us who have purchased food from Miller’s Farm network over the years (many of us travelling from other states) know what a gift they are to a wide community who value pure foods (including raw milk) and value the care in growth and preparation of those foods. If food freedom is essential to you, please consider sending a donation or supporting them by writing to the state “authorities” involved in this raid.]

State Employees Search Amos Miller Farm, Seize Property

by The Lancaster Patriot Staff
January 4, 2023


State agents carry off coolers full of Amos Miller’s property on Jan. 4, 2024 in Upper Leacock Township, Pennsylvania.

Three Pennsylvania State Troopers and seven other individuals spent several hours inside a building on Amos Miller’s Lancaster County farm while conducting a search on Jan. 4, 2024, eventually leaving with multiple coolers containing Miller’s property.

Attempts were made by The Lancaster Patriot to enter the facility during the search, but a Pennsylvania State Trooper said, “we’re conducting a search warrant inside this building right now,” and told the reporter to leave the building until the search was completed.

The search was conducted by employees of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, with Pennsylvania State Police offering assistance as needed.

A search warrant was issued on Jan. 3, 2024, by Magisterial District Judge B. Denise Commins and included an affidavit of probable cause completed by Sheri Morris, Acting Bureau Director of Food Safety with the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture.

The affidavit referenced incidents involving Miller’s products dating back to 2016, with the latest including the claim that on Dec. 19, 2023, Morris was informed “by the NY state Department of Health of a confirmed positive case of a foodborne pathogen (STEC – Shiga toxin producing E. Coli) in an underage individual” who had allegedly consumed products from Miller’s private buying club. On Dec. 28, 2023, Morris was allegedly notified about a similar incident in Michigan.

In the affidavit, Morris contends that Miller has not filed for applications from the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture “for registration, licensing, or permitting under the pertinent Retail Food Facility Safety Act, Food Safety Act, or Milk Sanitation Laws.”

A report of seized property provided to Miller after the search was conducted listed 37 items, including sour cream, chocolate milk, ice cream, and eggnog.

A notice affixed to a walk-in cooler door stated that the food in the cooler “has been detained by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture pursuant to Section 5726(a) of the Food Safety Act.” The notice states that the food “may be adulterated or misbranded and shall be detained.” The notice states that it is “unlawful to remove the food from the premises or to dispose of it without approval of the Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture.”

Removal or disposal of “a detained or embargoed food article” is a criminal and civil offense.

The cooler contains hundreds of items and represents a large portion of Miller’s products.

Products in Amos Miller’s walk-in cooler put “under detention” by Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture.

Miller’s private buying club provides customers with sustainable alternatives to commercially produced food. In addition to serving customers who travel to his location, Miller also ships his products across the nation.

“They [his customers] don’t trust the large corporations,” Miller told The Lancaster Patriot in 2022. “It’s not sustainable. For some reason the government keeps endorsing the large corporations, and it can cause big trouble.”

Miller’s products include cheese, meat, eggs, and raw milk. His company website states that all food products “are only available to members who belong to our Private Association and are NOT available to the PUBLIC.” Miller’s products are not sold in grocery stores.

U.S. Congressman Thomas Massie (R-Kentucky) shared a post from The Lancaster Patriot on X (the platform formerly known as Twitter) and commented in support of Miller.

“Looks like Amos Miller’s farm is being raided,” Massie said. “With all of the problems in society today, this is what the government wants to focus on? A man growing food for informed customers, without participating in the industrial meat/milk complex? It’s shameful that it’s come to this.”

The post on X has garnered over 745,000 views in less than six hours, with many comments in support of Miller and food freedom, noting that Miller’s buyers knowingly purchase his raw products and accept any associated risks.

The mailbox for Miller’s Organic Farm sits along Mill Creek School Road in Upper Leacock Township.

Miller’s attorney, Robert Barnes, released the following statement just hours after the search was conducted:

“Today, the Department of Agriculture of the State of Pennsylvania suddenly came, without notice, raided Amos’ farm, and detained everything Amos had in the farm’s freezer. They did so in a lawless manner, without appropriate authority, in violation of their own rules and regulations, despite never objecting to the prior resolutions reached with the federal government, and despite a complete failure by the state to even reach out to Amos’ known counsel, Robert Barnes. The state’s own rules require advance notice, reasonable time frames for inspections, and a showing of credentials, none of which occurred here. Instead, the state unlawfully obtained a search warrant, based on materially false statements in an affidavit by a high-ranking state official in an agency with a known grievance against independent farmers like Amos, and, after the raid and finding no evidence of wrongdoing, then illegally ordered detained every item of food in one of Amos Miller’s coolers, including buffalo meat not even subject to federal regulation. The detention order is patently illegal under Pennsylvania law. Despite the constant harassment, Amos will continue to do all he legally can to provide the food his members deeply need. Amos thanks you for your continued support at this critical time for food freedom in America.”

(This story has been updated.)


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Connect with Amos Miller Organic Farm

Connect with GiveSendGo Campaign

From GiveSendGo Campaign page in support of Miller’s Farm:

Amos Miller’s Amish farm in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, was raided on January 4, 2024. Under the watchful eye of Pennsylvania State Troopers, and the backing of a search warrant, agents of the state entered Amos’ property, spent hours inside his buildings, and then hauled off some of his products. The remaining products they are forbidding Amos from selling, effectively ending his business until further notice. As Amos fights this injustice, he needs to keep paying his employees and supporting the small farms that rely on Amos to sell their natural products. If you would like to help keep Amos in business, please consider a donation.

Also, if you live in Pennsylvania, please contact your State Representative and State Senator and ask them to pressure Dept. of Ag Secretary Russell Redding to rescind the food detainment order. If you are outside Pennsylvania, please consider contacting Redding directly (

For more on Amos Miller, visit:

See Related:

‘We Farmers Need to Stand Together’: Feds Take Aim at Pennsylvania Organic Farmer

Apocalypse of Yajnavalkya: A New Cosmology of the History of Man Revealed

Apocalypse of Yajnavalkya: A New Cosmology of the History of Man Revealed

[TCTL editor’s note: This conversation between Jeff Berwick and Chris Horlacher reveals segments of humanity’s history as found in ancient records. For those of us seeking to understand who we are and what this realm of ours is, the information they share seems to contain pieces to the puzzle. Of course, some of what is shared is simply speculation and is offered here in the spirit of conversation, not as a belief system. Questions within this conversation that related to any race of humanity as being representatives of darker forces is denying the reality that all races of humanity participate in controlling and belittling others, as well as cruelty and fear-based responses to life events. ~ Kathleen]


Apocalypse of Yajnavalkya: A New Cosmology of the History of Man Revealed

by Jeff Berwick, The Dollar Vigilante
January 2, 2024


Video available at Odysee and Dollar Vigilante TV

I hope you’re ready for Giants, Aliens, and Atlantis Rising! Chris Horlacher, publisher of The Apocalypse of Yajnavalkya and I just did an interview that puts a whole new spin on Flat Earth theory as a psyop! And other REALLY fascinating revelations that make everything we’ve learned to date look like Child’s Play I.

Book discussed in the video:

The Apocalypse of Yajnavalkya: Revelations Concerning the Nature of Humanity and the Gods by Yajnavalkya

Book summary:

Humanity stands on a precipice. The final judgment draws near, when all the works of evil will be destroyed and the world made new. Wickedness has been present since the beginning of human history but is now more visible than ever; why is civilization being hastened toward this annihilation? Who is guiding this destruction? What can you do to prepare yourself and your loved ones to live well in this tumultuous time?

In The Apocalypse of Yajnavalkya, an ancient sage returns to take you on a four-book journey that answers these questions and more. Prepare to be simultaneously surprised and enlightened, challenged and awakened. In considering the truths presented here, you will have the information you need to endure the coming destruction and become a fully actualized, powerful human being in the process.

Book I – The Ages of Man
Human history receives a long-overdue rewrite that covers the last 300,000 years. From our beginnings in a Moroccan cave, to the rise of Atlantis and their attempts to civilize other primitive humans, the War in Heaven, and the Fallen Watchers or Anunnaki, we see a clear narrative unfolding. Our collective myths and legends are of our contacts with this civilization, bearing witness to the technological marvels they created. Using a vast collection of ancient texts, and marrying their words to modern genetic, geological, climate, anthropological and archeological science, a vision of our present circumstances comes into clear view – one in which all mysteries are finally revealed.

Book II – The Divine Quaternity
With all illusions shattered, a new foundation for understanding the universe and your self is elucidated in detail. Blending ancient wisdom received from the Atlanteans by way of Hermes Trismegistus, with current scientific understanding, we arrive at a new and complete theory of the universe. One that explains many mysterious phenomena and opens the door to new modes of being and thinking.

Book III – The Shadow of Death
The great enemy of humanity is still with us and more powerful than ever. Here you will learn how they have shaped your world, keeping you in darkness and sophisticated bondage. The science of ruling humans has been developed over many millennia and you must learn these methods for yourself if you are ever to be free. Occult mysteries will take on new light and you will see the myriad distractions that have been created to keep you from focusing your attention on one of the most pervasive and damaging secrets ever kept by the ruling classes.

Book IV – The Path of Righteousness
We finally end with a guide on rescuing your body and soul from the grips of evil. The path begins with the purification of your body and mind, then finally the awakening of your spirit with the true sacraments that have been hidden away from humanity. Here you will learn the ancient ways of the Atlanteans for achieving ascension of the spirit, freeing yourself forever from tyranny.


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Cover image credit: darksouls1


January 3, 2024: Personal Message From Reiner Fuellmich

January 3, 2024: Personal Message From Reiner Fuellmich

sourced from Reiner Fuellmich telegram channel
January 3, 2024



Rosdorf, 03.01.2024

Dear friends, supporters and companions! ❤️

I wish everyone a Happy New Year and assure everyone that I will continue. We will not let up with our educational work and the subsequent legal investigation into the plandemic.

Of course it is very difficult for me to be away from my wife and my dogs and my family and friends. But it helps me a lot that I always receive new information through the many letters and postcards, as well as very personal messages and stories. All this helps me a lot. That’s why I can still say with full conviction and determination: Some crack under pressure, I don’t!

The international colleagues with my friend Dexter and all the others are also still ready to ensure justice for all. This time the broken system will not be able to stand in front of evil.

In a somewhat longer communication in the next few days, I will be able to explain important details concerning both the case against me and our international legal work.

There is no doubt that things are moving faster and faster in our direction. But there is also no doubt that the other side is fighting for its survival, i.e. remains highly dangerous. Do not be intimidated or even discouraged: We will expose everything that must come to light and we will ensure that the collapse of the system and the transition to a new human coexistence without corruption and without violence is made possible with the help of justice.

❤️ I thank you again for your support, and I thank our ICIC team for their work. ❤️

I believe that the criminals who are trying to paralyze and financially bleed me and my wife, my family and my friends will not only fail, but each and every one of them will pay. We can be slowed down, but we cannot be stopped.

Best regards, Reiner Fuellmich


ICIC editor’s addition: Here are the details for 📬POST to Reiner.

Please note the following information:

👉 It is NOT ALLOWED to ADD stamps or money to the post in Rosdorf Prison.

👉 The mail will be read and delivery may take two days to two weeks.

The address is:

JVA Rosdorf
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
Am Großen Sieke 8
37124 Rosdorf




Follow Reiner Fuellmich at Telegram

Cover image is combination of evergreen photo by MolnarSzabolcsErdely and ICIC photo of Reiner Fuellmich

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