Open Letter to Merrick Garland, Us Attorney General: One of Your Prisoners Describes His Life in DC Gitmo; the World Is Reading His Letter; How Long Will You Ignore It?

Open Letter to Merrick Garland, Us Attorney General: One of Your Prisoners Describes His Life in DC Gitmo; the World Is Reading His Letter; How Long Will You Ignore It?

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
November 11, 2021



The prisoner’s name is Nathaniel DeGrave. He was arrested in connection with the January 6th, 2021, “Capitol breach.” The date of his arrest was January 28, 2021.

He has pled not guilty to all charges. It’s important to note that the description your Office gives of his case lists no date for his trial. So DeGrave has been in jail for NINE MONTHS, so far, without a trial.

Here, first, is your Office’s description of his status. Then I’ll publish DeGrave’s letter, written from jail. The letter has already been published elsewhere online, and people all over the world have read it. It details the conditions under which he is being held. Not in a remote foreign country; in America.

If you don’t believe his letter merits an immediate intercession on your part, and a speedy investigation, then what are you there for? You’re the head of the US Department of JUSTICE.

The last time I looked, the legal framework of America still contained a (fading) phrase: innocent until proven guilty. Do you believe in that concept? Does it strike you as real and legitimate? Or would you say it’s just a fantasy for fools?

DEGRAVE, Nathaniel J. (aka, Nathan DeGrave)
Case Number:
Assaulting, Resisting, or Impeding Certain Officers; Civil Disorder; Obstruction of an Official Proceeding; Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building or Grounds; Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building or Grounds; Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building; Impeding Passage Through the Capitol Grounds or Buildings; Act of Physical Violence in the Capitol Grounds or Buildings; Parading, Demonstrating, or Picketing in a Capitol Building
Location of Arrest:
NEVADA, Las Vegas
Case Status:
Arrested 1/28/21. Indicted 2/5/21.
Arraigned 3/16/21 and pleaded not guilty to all counts.
Detention hearings held on 3/25/21 and 4/26/21.
Superseding indictment issued 9/15. Arraigned 9/27 and pleaded not guilty to all counts.
Defendant remains committed. Status conference at for 10/21 at 12:30 pm.
Case Documents:
DeGrave, Nathan – Complaint & Statement of Facts
Degrave – Indictment
Sandlin-DeGrave Superseding Indictment

And now, here is Nathaniel DeGrave’s letter, written from jail:

Dear Fellow Americans –

I never thought I’d write a letter like this, but we’re living in very different times. This is my cry for help.

My name is Nathan DeGrave, and as a non violent participant at the Jan 6th rally, I’ve spent the last 9 months detained as a political prisoner in pod C2B at the DC DOC…otherwise known as DC’s Gitmo.

The conditions here for Jan 6ers have been inhumane. In fact, some inmates are even begging to be transferred to GUANTANAMO BAY, where even THEY have more acceptable standards.

Class action LAWSUITS are being filed against this prison; and even the ACLU has gotten involved. Senators Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene have since attempted to gain access to this facility and inspect the conditions of the jail, only to be denied.

The vile filth of what has become our daily life is being illegally HIDDEN from the members of OUR OWN CONGRESS.

So…let me tell you about what me and many of the other Jan 6ers have been experiencing in DC’s Gitmo. It is my hope that with MEDIA EXPOSURE and the awareness of the American public, that SOMETHING may be done and this never happens to anyone ever again.


For the first 120 days in DC’s Gitmo, Jan 6ers experienced DAILY LOCKDOWNS for 23-24 HOURS before being allowed to leave our small 120 sq. ft cell. The PHYSICAL and MENTAL ANGUISH that results from this kind of SEVERE ISOLATION has caused many people to go on a RAPID mental decline.

As a result, a large percentage of us are HEAVILY MEDICATED with anti-anxiety and anti-depressant drugs, which helps to cope with the psychological and mental ABUSE we endure.

Many times, the little rec we DO receive is STRIPPED AWAY if our cell isn’t up to the standards of the guard on duty. This changes from day to day. Jan 6ers have lost rec time and out of cell activity ANY TIME news interviews about the jail are aired on TV, people speak up about our conditions, or rallies are held in our name. We’ll probably have a lockdown upon the publishing of this letter. So I have already warned those I know in advance.

Masks are WEAPONIZED and used against us, even though we NEVER leave the facility. Officers have walked in with the SOLE INTENTION of needing to write 20-30 disciplinary reports against Jan 6ers, which adversely effects our chances of release and causes loss of privileges, phone time and commissary. Masks need to be covering both the nose and mouth AT ALL TIMES or we are threatened and locked down in our cells. Jan 6ers are always respectful to the employees around us, but C.Os maintain the need to invent reasons for discipline.

PRIVILEGED LEGAL DOCUMENTS have been CONFISCATED and gone missing from various cells, and HIGHLY SENSITIVE discovery (video evidence under attorney/client privilege) is watched by employees during our legal calls.

Jordan Mink, for example, had all discovery TAKEN by ERT officers on August 23rd despite the objection of his attorney. They handcuffed him, searched his room, and then proceeded to take all video evidence in his possession. Additionally, legal visits take 2-3 WEEKS or more to be scheduled, leaving little time to discuss our defense and prepare for trial.

The EXTREME medical neglect in this facility has caused a variety of adverse illnesses and disease. Some show signs of scurvy. And some even have Covid like symptoms, but medical personnel have refused to treat it.

Christopher Worrell, for example, is an inmate with Cancer, who also broke his hand in prison and requires surgery. Both have been completely ignored. Federal judge Royce Lamberth got to the point where on October 12th, he filed contempt of court charges against the warden of the DC DOC, claiming that Worrell’s civil rights have been violated, and demanding the U.S attorney general inquire further about his and other possible violations.

Another inmate, Peter Stager, WAITED FOUR MONTHS to receive his CPAP breathing machine, and has needed an MRI since spring, which has also been ignored by staff.

The harsh, unlivable conditions of our unit has caused health hazards that defy Department of Health regulations. And on at least five occasions, RAW SEWAGE has overflowed our unit, causing human fecal matter to flood the floors and rooms. That’s also in addition to the MOLD on cell walls, as well as the rusty pipes, and DIRTY WATER that flows from these sinks. White rags TURN BROWN when exposed to the water from our faucets.

We are undergoing SEVERE NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCIES and STARVATION. For breakfast this morning, I received a tray of flavorless paste, two slices of bread, and a slice of bologna. Lunches usually consist of rice and beans, but we’ll get cold chicken/beef patties if we are lucky. For dinner, we are sometimes fed a diet of cheese sandwiches, and bologna and cheese 4 to 5 times per week.

Without commissary, people like myself are FORCED TO STARVE. I suffer from HEADACHES and NAUSEA on an almost REGULAR BASIS from the malnutrition and constant hunger I am subjected to. I have lost ALMOST 15 POUNDS since I’ve been detained.

Our rights to personal hygiene are also totally neglected. Razors are PROHIBITED, and inmates are forced to either go unshaved, and grow long beards, or use a razor free cream that BURNS and IRRITATES the skin. But many other jails have allowed the use of razors without incident. Haircuts are also PROHIBITED from unvaccinated inmates. For me, it’s been nearly 9 months. I look VIRTUALLY UNRECOGNIZABLE in the condition I’m in. I fear even my family would not recognize me.

Contact with the outside world, from legal visits to seeing loved ones is HIGHLY RESTRICTED. After in-person visits, legal or otherwise, we are forced to undergo humiliating STRIP SEARCHES, despite ALL visitors being thoroughly checked for contraband. If it’s a legal visit, we are placed in a 14 day quarantine, with no out of cell time; EVEN IF your attorney is VACCINATED and tests NEGATIVE for Covid. Visits with friends or family members, for unvaccinated inmates, are NEVER ALLOWED.

As a result, many people have skipped critical meetings with their council, and NEVER get an opportunity to see friends or family. VIDEO VISITATION, while available to the rest of the jail, is RESTRICTED in the Jan 6 pod. Mail is delayed for MONTHS, and phone calls are limited to a MAXIMUM of pre approved 12 numbers. If there’s anyone else in our extended family or otherwise we’d like to call, we’re pretty much out of luck.

RELIGIOUS SERVICES, protected by the 1st amendment, are NOT provided to Jan 6ers. Neither are in person classes or other activities available to the rest of the jail. An inmate named Ryan Samsel, instead attempted to organize his own bible study inside the pod, until he was viciously BEATEN and LEFT FOR DEAD by correctional officers. He suffered a broken eye socket and brain damage as a result of the vicious attack. He’s now permanently blind in one eye. On another occasion, Scott Fairlamb was confronted by an officer in the middle of the night, and his life was threatened, once the officer’s body cam was disabled. Many, like myself, are afraid they could be the next victim.

And last but not least, we experience racism from many guards on a daily basis, being the ONLY WHITE REPUBLICANS in the entire jail. The false narrative is has been passed around the jail and to corrections officers that we are “white supremacists” (we are NOT). The inmate population is predominantly black, so we are at risk being here because of this false narrative. The guards are mostly liberal migrants from Africa who have been conditioned to hate us, and hate America. Jan 6ers have been mocked, beaten and ridiculed by guards for singing the National Anthem. The Corrections Officers despise our politics and the love we have for this country. At one point, an officer even yelled “FUCK AMERICA!”, and threatened to lock us down FOR A WEEK if we attempted to sing the National Anthem again.


Finally, I feel like I should touch briefly on the government and prosecutor’s portrayal of who I am as a person.

No, I am not a terrorist, extremist or any of the other names I’ve been called by the government. More than anything, I am a red blooded patriot and I love this country more than anything.

I am being unfairly prosecuted and definitely overcharged. I never assaulted anyone, destroyed property, or stolen anything. I walked through wide open doors to enter the Capitol, along with my camera crew hoping to get the rally on video. I was never even armed at any point inside the Capitol.

Our goal was to make a documentary, and get likes and shares on social media. Yes I wore a costume (that the prosecutor refers to as paramilitary gear and body armor) but it was for the movie and was nothing of the sort.

And yet, 9 months later here I sit, with 10 years worth of charges and no hope for a future. The surveillance footage shows absolutely no signs of assault, and despite attempts by media companies to get it released to the public, the government has denied it.

I think that’s because they are fully aware that this footage is questionable at worst, and exonerates me at best. Please don’t be fooled by the media. I am a loving and peaceful person with no history of violence.

This weaponized DOJ and their blatant resentment of my respect for President Donald Trump is putting me in a situation that makes me feel helpless in my current situation.


Despite me and other Jan 6ers experiencing these unthinkable conditions, all of us remain POSITIVE and HOPEFUL that, in the end, JUSTICE WILL PREVAIL. We maintain a LOVE for this country and the Constitution like no other. The only thing keeping us going is our undying patriotism, the camaraderie between one another and our faith in God.

Please…SHARE THIS LETTER with EVERYONE you know: friends and family, senators, representatives, political organizers, civil rights groups and media outlets.

The truth HAS to get out. And the jail MUST PAY for what they are doing to this country’s citizens.

As a result of this unlawful detainment the last 9 months, I have lost everything. The successful business I spent 13 years of my life working on, my apartment in Las Vegas, social media accounts with a lifetime of memories…you name it.

The government has essentially CANCELLED ME. Not only that, but following the arrest, my best friend of 12 years robbed my apartment, stole my cat, and hacked my personal Instagram with 100,000+ followers.

Since then, I often go between feelings of hopefulness and moments of depression. I wonder if I can ever recover from this, but I have to remind myself to never give up.

There are major medical complications I now struggle with as a result of the jail’s neglect of my health since being here.

If there is any way I hope to recover, my only hope are the ones who are reading this. I was on top of the world once upon a time, and that life seems now only like a distant memory.

If there’s anything you can do to help, I would appreciate anything at all. Inmates here are being extorted with lack of nutrition, forcing me to spend most of what’s left on commissary which I can no longer afford.

I need desperate help with my legal expenses and just help staying alive in here with commissary and all the expenses I still have on the outside as my livelihood and life has been stripped away from me. Thank you for any help you can afford, even if it is a few dollars it goes a long way in here.

Sincerely and with love,

Nathaniel DeGrave

Remember, Merrick, this is a man who has not yet been to trial. His trial date has not been set.



Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: ErikaWittlieb / pixabay

It Took Me a Long Time to Face What I Knew to Be True About 9/11

It Took Me a Long Time to Face What I Knew to Be True About 9/11

by William Hurt, Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth
November 10, 2021


I was born in 1950. Mom moved back to New York City with my two brothers and me in 1955, and we became New Yorkers.

I watched the South Tower “top off” in ’71. Mom had worked close to the Empire State Building during the War and would mention when we were growing up how, on a foggy July day in 1945, a B-25 had flown right into it. In ’78, I was watching the antenna being attached to the North Tower and remarked to my first-grade buddy that somebody “sure could run into those big things.”

Many veteran New Yorkers were rubbed the wrong way by their design. Manhattan is actually a small piece of real estate. Interwoven neighborhoods. People walk there. Shoulder to shoulder. I tended to stay far away from them even though I worked in a little theatre only 15 or so blocks away for 12 years.

At age 51, I permanently moved away with my younger sons two weeks before September 11, 2001. The towers were indelible reference points to me by then. To all of us.

On the day of the attack, I was in Boston with my eldest in a café having breakfast, with the pickup parked and packed, ready to go to Montreal for a gig. There was a little TV hung to the molding of a wall. Someone said, “Look.”

Being a general aviation pilot, my first thought was, “That’s no small plane. And no accident.” My next thought was of family and close friends. We called and, thank goodness, they were all okay. My third thought was about the borders. I assumed the borders would be closed immediately. I had a contract in Montreal to get to that day. I prayed that they would stay closed so that my contract wouldn’t force me to go to Canada only for the borders to be closed again, leaving me stranded from my kids.

Then the second plane hit. I started thinking about those lost. The massiveness. A completely new kind of shock entered my life. I hoped with all my heart that the first responders would be okay. Then the towers fell. And the world changed.

Unbelievably, the border did open up again the very next day. I was floored. The contract said I had to go. I hugged my kid and drove, shattered.

In my case, the journey toward understanding started with an unusual emotional experience. Ten days later, on the film set in Montreal, it seemed a nightmare that no one was stopping, even on their own, let alone as a group, to absorb this paradigm shift. Where was the ritual of mutual care when something massively terrible happens? I felt alone. A catastrophe of infinite meaning had taken place, and we were routinely going about our professional duties, saying nothing about it. Maybe it was just too big. Moviemaking is myopic like that. But it seemed wrong. Deep emotional turmoil filled me. Worry for my children.

It was a busy scene involving over a hundred people. As I returned to what they call “start marks” for another “master shot” (of the whole scene before tighter “coverage” setups begin), I stopped. And I suddenly couldn’t remember where I was. What city was I in?

Then my body just “went” to New York. It was “there,” floating high up inside one of the imploding towers. I was trying to catch the falling bodies in my arms. Trying to pick them from out of everything and grab them to my chest to save them, but everything was passing through me — the immense pieces of concrete and superstructure mingled with the bodies of my fellows. I couldn’t catch them. They went through my arms. Everything did. I was what they call “losing it.”

A crew member came up and said, “Mr. Hurt, we’re ready.” I had no idea what he meant. The man asked, “Are you okay?” I heard his voice and said, “I don’t think so.”

They led me to a trailer outside. Some caring people came to talk to me for a little while. The administration wanted to get the set back to work. One person, a fellow actor, seemed to understand. She recognized that I was going into deep shock.

I left the set and they sent a doctor. Someone wrote “possible TIA” (transient ischemic attack) on a piece of paper. But months later, after scans, that was completely ruled out. What happened was not a physical problem.

For me, the overriding fact was supremely simple. It was that, to my knowledge, big buildings just couldn’t fall down that way, under any circumstances. It had never happened because, well, it couldn’t happen. I kept finding myself saying to others, “But, look, buildings like that can’t pulverize to dust in mid-air and just fall down smack straight into their own socks.” No building constructed anything like them in the history of the whole world had ever fallen down like those buildings fell, except for one cause. In earlier days, I’d done some light construction work. I’d seen a couple of smaller things (like big silos) brought down. It was a kick. I asked how it was done. The answer? “Very, very carefully.”

A day later I was back at work. Another week later, and by sheer coincidence, there we were, filming on location in NYC. Prior to 9/11, a reservation had been made for us to stay at a hotel 12 blocks north of Ground Zero. I asked the young elevator man as we first went up to the room if he’d lost anyone close. Surprised and instantly in tears, he said, “My uncle. He was the window-washing machines overseer. Never missed a day.” Off my room, there was a patio. I could look down the avenue and see the site, smoldering in the night lights. In horror, I knew what it was partly made of. We all did. What I didn’t know at that time: Thermite keeps burning a long time. At night, I’d go down. They let me through the barriers because I was recognized. I’d talk to and hug the first responders.

It never left me.
The discrepancy.
The difference between the story we were told to believe and its impossibility.

I felt alone until 2013. Then I couldn’t stand it anymore, and I started digging. Digging for truth in the rubble of the official lie, then in another heavier layer of rubble that lay in my own mind, installed there by our mass media.

It took a while but, finally, I found pieces of evidence online. Mixed in among all the nonsense, there was sane and reasoned evidence. One of the sources, the strongest one by far, a source supported by thousands of responsible, honest, honorable, grounded, normal, respectful people — professional architects and engineers all around the world — was Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. An amazing act of courage and compassion meets us there when we can bring ourselves to seek the answers.

Why did I wait so long, like so many others, to start digging? It astonishes me, until I look at the size of what happened and also at my inability to believe that my government could have betrayed the families of those killed that day by not giving them the first thing they were owed: the truth.

It relieves me immensely to have given my name and my artistic advice as an executive producer of the new film The Unspeakable. I also deeply respect the definitive film SEVEN about the “other” building so few know of that also, somehow, fell neatly, “smack straight into its own socks” that day. An impossibility in any way but one.

The Unspeakable is about a horror that was committed upon innocent people and about their friends and loved ones struggling to heal while the truth is suppressed by those we are supposed to be able to trust. It’s also about the attempt to break the individual human heart and spirit — but how it cannot be broken in some.

The meaning of such evil acts can’t really be measured in numbers. The measure is taken one mother or father or sister or friend at a time. The question is not how could anyone do this to so many, but how could anyone do this to anyone.

The human heart has been the focus of my life’s study, so it is to the cause of these families and friends and this humbly heartfelt film that I add my name. I’m grateful and, again, very relieved to join with them in profound sorrow for their loss and to be a part of speaking their unspeakable truth.

I don’t suppose or pretend to know who or how or why this thing was done. But I feel it must begin with one step. NIST, our National Institute of Standards and Technology, must be brought to account for lying to all of us.

Photo by Rick McGinnis, taken September 11, 2005.


Connect with Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth

Control of Graphene Through Sound Waves

Control of Graphene Through Sound Waves

by Orwellito, Orwell City
November 10, 2021


The incident of the ‘heart attack avalanches’ that occurred in Texas while Travis Scott was performing a concert at Astroworld has caught the attention of the whole world.

What could have happened that caused such a chain reaction in people? One of the hypotheses that La Quinta Columna has is that the graphene in the body of the inoculated people present at the concert was stimulated by sound. Sound crazy? Not to those who know that it’s, in fact, highly probable.

Below, Orwell City brings a video in which biostatistician Ricardo Delgado and Dr. Sevillano discuss a study that could explain the phenomenon.

[Video available at Rumble.]

Ricardo Delgado: 

Well. That’s, precisely, what we were talking about. I found an article —which we also discussed at the time— that talks about graphene and sound waves. How do they affect graphene?

It says, ‘Control of graphene by sound. 2017. Research and Science. A theoretical study suggests the possibility of using mechanical waves to govern the behavior of electrons in this two-dimensional material.

The finding could find applications in electronics and in the design of smart materials. In recent years, materials with a single-layer thickness of two-dimensional atoms have sparked a revolution in nanotechnology.

Well, here’s a little bit of the story.

The ability to control the behavior of electrons in these materials is of fundamental interest. Graphene has been dubbed the wonder material. It is the best-known conductor of electricity and heat. And combines the lightness of graphite with the strength of diamond. Let’s see what else it says. Graphene’s deformations generate all sorts of changes in the behavior of its electrons. This has led to the idea of developing smart materials that, in a controlled manner, modify their electronic properties according to the stress applied.

Let’s see.

In a recent theoretical work carried out together with Maurice Oliva-Leyva, from the Materials Research Institute of the UNAM, we have analyzed the effect of sound waves on the electronic behavior of graphene. Our results, published in the Journal of Physics, suggest the possibility of using mechanical deformations to calibrate the electrons of the material. That is, to generate a beam that propagates in a given direction. The finding represents a first step toward the manipulation of electrons and graphene by sound waves and opens the door to several applications.

Here it is. That is, electrons in graphene can be manipulated by sound waves.


Dr. Sevillano: 

That’s it. The moment you can vary the molecular configuration of a molecule of this material through sound waves means that graphene also absorbs the energy that comes through sound waves. My friend, you know how it can be excited in front of a loudspeaker, for example. It can be excited there. That’s where it can. You have it there.


Connect with Orwell City

cover image credit: mtmmonline / pixabay</p

The Covid Hoax: The Steamroller to Tyranny. “It’s not Just a Question of Vaccination or No Vaccination”

The Covid Hoax: The Steamroller to Tyranny. “It’s not Just a Question of Vaccination or No Vaccination”

by Peter Koenig, Global Research
November 2, 2021


There is so much scientific communication published on the non-mainstream media, pointing repeatedly and again and again to the absolute lack of justification for vaccinating children, for vaccinating adults, there is simply no justification for vaccination. Period. And this especially not with an experimental mRNA-genome altering injection – there is no justification for the entire criminal Covid hoax, period.

Covid’s mortality rate is about 0.07%, or less. Anything else is a lie.

The very Dr. Anthony Fauci said so in a peer-reviewed paper, New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), “Navigating the Uncharted”, March 2020.

Yet the steamroller bulldozes on, rolling over all the scientific evidence, and since the steamroller pays and corrupts the media, the media keep lying and corrupting people, and the governments keep corrupting, threatening, blackmailing, coercing certain vulnerable scientists into continuing with the lie despite their better knowledge.

Deceit-propaganda has no end with a narrative that is a total lie. The steamroller consists of the governments and their corrupted media, the entire UN system, in particular WHO and this powerful elitist cult, whose members are not be named, but are generally known.

This is all fact.

Repeating the “non-justification” over and over again — that it is unconstitutional, that it is illegal, that it is criminal, that it is against human rights, that it is not justified by any science that holds its ground – is useless. As only the converted will listen. While the steamroller doesn’t listen, rolls on, rolls over everything, over any opposing opinion, doesn’t even seek dialogue. The steamroller is right – by sheer crushing any opposition, and forcing them into tyranny.

Some may spread the truth. But we see what damage has already been done in the course of less than 2 years — millions, perhaps tens of millions have died — not from Covid, but from the poison that is called Covid vaccine. Yet, the steamroller ignores all that… never mentions this fact, just forces more and more people into getting the poison jab. And it rolls on over all the evidence, lying to you, to us, that’s what the very governments, elected and paid for by us, the people, are doing – all of them, all 193 UN member countries.

The few honest and transparent ones (most of them in Africa, one in Haiti), they were punished by death, through poison, by strangulation, by guns — they are to be deterrents for others, who may possibly want to follow in their footsteps and defy the Big Crime UN Agenda 2030.

This has to be said.

This has to be known by the people.

It’s not just a question of vaccination or not vaccination.

YOU must understand what is behind the false vaccination, to understand that it is much more than believing the governments nice-talk of protecting your health – all these governments have sold themselves to the devil, to hell, to say it bluntly, because they all know the true agenda behind this UN Agenda 2030, that started with the midnight gong of entering 1 January 2020 – not by accident. The vaxx agenda is a question of life and death.

No pandemic starts at once worldwide…. except when it had been prepared by a long hand before, through several publicly known events, but not disseminated by the bought mainstream media, such as the 2010 Rockefeller Report, Event 201 of 18 October, 2019 in NYC sponsored by the Gates Foundation, by Rockefeller funded Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, and by – who else – the all-commanding NGO – the World Economic Forum, the WEF.

Believe it or not, the WEF is an NGO of the elite, of the richest of the rich, of the Wall Street heads, Corporate Heads, Hollywood Heads – and some other heads. Yes, the WEF is an NGO that orders the UN to behave and to tell lies they (the WEF) want them (Guterres and his UN clan) to tell the world, and to repeat the lies over and over again.

And the real agenda is:

1) Massive population reduction – as part of the Gates, Rockefeller, Kissinger, et al eugenist agenda. That’s their number one goal. That’s why you are not getting a true vaccine, but a killer vaccine, it undermines your immune system, it results in mortality and morbidity. Deaths and injuries may occur within 2 to 3 years, so that strong believers in the vaccine, and deniers of the truth, will never accuse the vaccine, or the vaccine manufacturers, or WHO, of your or your relative’s death – that’s part of the plan, because the consequences of the “vaxx” are multiple but some of their main characteristics are:

i) the substances in the injection attack the human reproductive systems, male and female, often by cancer, miscarriages and more;

ii) they cause blood clots – that lodge mainly in the lungs, impairing your breathing capacity, but they can and often do migrate to the heart, causing heart strokes, or heart embolies, or heart attacks, or they move to the brain, where they may cause a brain stroke, or death;

iii) they may attack — and often do — your immune system through the overproduction of Spike proteins created by the “vaccine”, so you may fall for any infectious disease, that otherwise you would have resisted by your natural immune system.

2) They convert your body through the graphene oxide in the injection into a magnetic field that will respond to 5G and soon 6G ultra-microwaves’ commands, converting your brain into a computer and converting you, Humans, into robots or Transhumans, that can be surveyed and controlled by every step “it” takes – no longer you but the transhuman. If not behaving according to orders, it, the transhuman, may also be extinguished, by remote-control.

Sounds too fantastic to be true? Read Klaus Schwab’s book, “Covid-19: The Great Reset“, and watch his 2016 interview (less than 2 min) with the Swiss French TV (see also first segment in video below), where he intimates and predicts that by about 2025 humans will be chipped, so they can receive commands from 5G / 6G waves, and, he literally adds, will become Transhumans.

[Video available at BitChute.]

3) The fabricated Covid crisis is bankrupting as many small and medium and even large enterprises as possible around the globe, creating untold unemployment and misery and leaving a stock of bankrupted assets to be transferred for a penny on the dollar – or less – to the top elite, to those who are engineering the biblical crime we are experiencing since almost two years.

This is not conspiracy, these are facts, facts which we, the People, still may stop if we wake up NOW and act in solidarity.

Getting back to the beginning, where the point is made, that it is no good to keep endlessly repeating the illegality of the “Covid measures”, the unconstitutionality of the Covid passes, or the Green Passes, or the vaxx-passes, or all that is stored in the infamous QR-code, for now on your cell phone, soon to be implanted under your skin, already predicted in 2016, by Klaus Schwab.

Repeating what those of us, who do not follow the mainstream have captured long ago, is no good, unless you also explain the whole story, namely that Covid and the vaxx hoax around it, is but an instrument for a much larger agenda, of which the number one goal is massive population reduction, and you may be part of it. Knowing what the eugenists real goal is, you might faint. Let it suffice to say that their objective is reducing the world population by considerably more than half. And that beginning by the rich western world, where most unrenewable resources are used, where most capital can be stolen and transferred to the top elitist cult-clan, so that you, surviving citizen, may be happy with a basic income, that allows you to survive.

Or, as Klaus Schwab says: “You will own nothing and be Happy.”

Unless you are aware of this entire background, not only of the unconstitutionality of the fake and deadly “vaccine”, you will just roll over in your comfort zone, letting it happen, being tyrannized, without noticing – and at the end, when it is too late, you will wake up and say “nobody told me” — exactly. Doesn’t that sound familiar?  As familiar as to almost believe that Hitler’s Nazi Germany and the ensuing WWII was just a trial run for what is unfolding in front of our eyes – as UN Agenda 2030.

Be aware. We can stop it. If we want to. We are many. They are few.

We still have 9 years to go. But once you have been jabbed – you have lost a fair amount of your capacity to resist, of your autonomy, as you may die, or become incapacitated. So, don’t get vaxxed, don’t accept tyranny, don’t accept a discriminating vaxx- certificate. Say NO – to the covid crime being committed by “our” authorities upon us, the People.

And talk to the police, the military. They should also know. Because in the end, they are sitting in the same boat as we, the People, especially since their constitutional role is defending the people, not the tyrants at the head of governments. Talk to them. Peacefully – with reason. As they are also being lied to.

Stop it NOW.


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Gavin Newsom Reappears, Claims He Skipped Climate Conference to Go ‘Trick-or-Treating’

Gavin Newsom Reappears, Claims He Skipped Climate Conference to Go ‘Trick-or-Treating’

by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News
November 10, 2021


California Gov. Gavin Newsom has reappeared in public for the first time since October 27th, claiming he missed the Cop26 climate conference to go ‘trick-or-treating’ with his children.

Newsom spoke at the California Economic Summit, where he complained about the “treadmill” of work he had to plough through.

Fox News reports that Newsom’s children held an “intervention” during a family dinner because they “couldn’t believe I was going to miss Halloween.”

“He ultimately decided to stay home because the “knot” in his stomach was too much to bear,” according to the report.

Breitbart’s Joel Pollak wondered why Newsom had to miss the climate summit given that it is still ongoing and Halloween was 10 days ago.

“In addition to family, Newsom claims he has devoted the past two weeks to work — though he spent Saturday at the lavish wedding of billionaire oil heiress Ivy Getty, with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) officiating the nuptial vows,” he writes.

Speculation had been raging as to why Newsom hadn’t appeared in the public eye for two weeks after receiving his COVID-19 booster shot.

Journalist Steve Kirsch previously claimed that Newsom had been out of sight since October 27 because he had a bad reaction to the jab.

“The explanation Gavin gave in the video (that he had a change of heart and wanted to spend Halloween with his kids) seems a bit odd since his press office said he was working in the Capitol,” writes Kirsch.

“I have a good friend who is politically well connected who spoke with Newsom’s former staffers and they all thought it was a really weird explanation,” he added.

Kirsch says he showed the before and after videos of Newsom to a neurologist, who claims the Governor is “100%” recovering from Bell’s palsy due to lingering “telltale” signs.

“She had a dermatologist review as well who said the same thing,” claims Kirsch. “She said most people wouldn’t be able to tell, but this is her “bread and butter” so she knows exactly what to look for.”


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California’s Gov. Newsom Injured by Moderna Booster Shot, Source Tells ‘The Defender’ [Children’s Health Defense]

California’s Gov. Newsom Injured by Moderna Booster Shot, Source Tells ‘The Defender’ [Children’s Health Defense]
A source close to California Gov. Gavin Newsom today told The Defender the governor experienced an adverse reaction to the Moderna COVID vaccine he received Oct. 27, the last day he was seen in public. 

by Children’s Health Defense Team
November 8, 2021


A source close to California Gov. Gavin Newsom today told The Defender the governor experienced an adverse reaction to the Moderna COVID vaccine he received Oct. 27.

The source, who asked not to be identified, said Newsom’s symptoms were similar to those associated with Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS), a known side effect of many vaccines.

GBS is a neurological disorder in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks part of its peripheral nervous system — the network of nerves located outside of the brain and spinal cord — and can range from a very mild case with brief weakness to paralysis to leaving the person unable to breathe independently.

The governor has not been seen in public since he was photographed Oct. 27 getting his COVID booster.

On Oct. 29, Newsom’s office issued a statement referring to unspecified “family obligations” as the reason the governor canceled his scheduled appearances, including his planned meetings at the global COP 26 climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland.

A local ABC News outlet reported that when “the surprising announcement was made,” a spokesperson said Newsom planned to participate virtually in the climate conference. However, Newsom’s name was removed from the schedule and he did not participate.

The Defender reached out to Newsom’s office today by phone and email, but the office did not respond before publication.

According to Fox News, Newsom’s wife, Jennifer Siebel Newsom, on Sunday tweeted — then quickly deleted — a message urging people to “stop hating” while her husband has been out of the public eye since canceling plans, including his appearances at COP 26.

Commenting on the situation, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., chairman of Children’s Health Defense, today said he “prays for Newsom’s family” and wishes him a quick recovery.

Kennedy added:

“However, if it’s true the governor has suffered debilitating neurological injuries following vaccination, it raises grave ethical questions about his seemingly dishonest efforts to conceal his injuries while implementing aggressive policies to force the children and working people of California to endure similar risks.”

Newsom has been an outspoken advocate of COVID vaccines and mandates. On Oct. 1, he announced California’s schoolchildren will be required to get the COVID vaccine once it is fully approved by the FDA. It’s the first such mandate in the country.

In a Nov. 3 press release, the governor’s office said California was launching a “robust” vaccination program for 5- to 11-year-olds. The governor has allocated more than 1.2 million vaccines for the 5-11 age group and is setting up 4,000 vaccine sites throughout the state.

According to Times of San Diego, Newsome got the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) COVID vaccine in April 2021 when his age group became eligible. In July, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration added a warning to the J&J COVID vaccine noting the vaccine had been linked to GBS.

The latest data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System show that between Dec. 14, 2020, and Oct. 29, 2021, there were 705 reports of GBS following COVID vaccines, with 41% of cases attributed to Pfizer, 31% to Moderna and 28% to J&J.

In April, The Defender reported on a teen who was diagnosed with GBS after his first dose of a COVID vaccine. And last week, The Defender reported on a 63-year-old cancer survivor diagnosed with GBS after her second dose of the Pfizer vaccine.

GBS is included as a possible risk for many vaccines including Adacel, Afluria, Engerix-B, Fluarix, Flulaval, FluMist, Fluzone, Gardasil/Gardasil 9, Havrix, Menactra, Menomune, MMR-II, PedvaxHIB, Pneumovax-23, ProQuad, Recombivax, Tenivac, Vaqta and Varivax.

Since 1992, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid approximately $500 million to 1,450 victims of post-vaccination GBS, The Defender reported.


©November 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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cover image credit: CHD website

The Simulation of Western Civilisation

The Simulation of Western Civilisation

by 21st Century Wire
November 10, 2021


From reality,

to virtual reality,

to augmented reality,

to hyperreality…

to no reality.

That is the story of the devolution of western civilisation brought on by a fatal combination of technology being married to the ideological and financially-driven mechanisation of society.

With the recent announcement of Facebook’s looming Metaverse, the scene is now being set for the further withdrawal of large sections of the human population into the virtual void of simulacrum.

Self awareness is being fundamentally warped by a total transformation of the individual’s physical and psychological perception of physical space and time. For some, this will be seen as overt, but for many more it may be too gradual and subtle to consciously ascertain.

The ultimate tragedy of this epoch is that successive generations may not even know that they have lost anything at all – as they were born into a hyper-normalised virtual reality, increasingly devoid of any conceptualisation of that which is real and tangible, and where true authentic experiences are deferential to what algorithms are serving-up digitally in ‘real time.’

What will be the ultimate consequences for our species – socially, politically, culturally, and geographically – from this great leap sideways?

This licentious process is articulated well in the brief video below which was published by the highly controversial content channel, VertigoPolitix, but is nonetheless as concise and accurate a depiction of the current human predicament one will find: Watch: 


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cover image credit: kalhh / pixabay

Top NIH Unvaxxed Scientist Willing to Lose Job and License, Will Argue Against Vaccine Mandates in Livestreamed Ethics Review

Top NIH Unvaxxed Scientist Willing to Lose Job and License, Will Argue Against Vaccine Mandates in Livestreamed Ethics Review
A senior bioethicist and director of the Laboratory of Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health — who said he’s willing to risk his medical license — will argue against vaccine mandates during a Dec. 1 livestreamed roundtable.

by Megan Redshaw, The Defender
November 9, 2021


A senior bioethicist who heads a research team at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) is taking the lead at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the debate over the ethics of COVID vaccine mandates.

Dr. Matthew Memoli, director of the Laboratory of Infectious Diseases at NIH, will argue against vaccine mandates during a Dec. 1 livestreamed roundtable session, which will be open to the public.

“There’s a lot of debate within the NIH about whether [a vaccine mandate] is appropriate,” David Wendler, a senior NIH bioethicist in charge of planning the session, told the WSJ. “It’s an important, hot topic.”

Memoli opposes mandates for the COVID vaccines authorized for emergency use in the U.S., and has chosen not to be vaccinated.

Memoli sought a religious exemption from the mandatory vaccine requirements imposed by health authorities in the District of Columbia, where he is licensed to practice medicine.

Memoli said he is willing to risk his job and his license for the right not to receive a COVID vaccine. During the scheduled roundtable early next month, he will make the case against mandates.

“I think the way we are using the vaccines is wrong,” Memoli said in a July 30 email to Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the NIAID, and two of his lieutenants. Memoli called mandated vaccination “extraordinarily problematic.”

Memoli told the WSJ one of Fauci’s colleagues thanked him for his email. Memoli said he supports COVID vaccines for high-risk populations including the elderly and obese, but said, “blanket vaccination of people at low risk of severe illness could hamper the development of more-robust immunity gained across a population from infection.”

Memoli, a 16-year veteran at the NIH was selected this month for a 2021 NIH director’s award — a top recognition from the head of the agency, for his supervision of a national study into undiagnosed COVID cases early in the pandemic.

Memoli said his children have received their childhood vaccines, and he will support the results of the ethics discussion regardless of the outcome.

“I do vaccine trials. I, in fact, help create vaccines,” Memoli told the WSJ. “Part of my career is to share my expert opinions, right or wrong … I mean, if they all end up saying I’m wrong, that’s fine. I want to have the discussion.”

Christine Grady, head of NIH’s Clinical Center bioethics department and Fauci’s wife, approved the Dec. 1 seminar — a session called “Grand Rounds.”

Grady said in an email she believes there is interest in the topic across the agency.

“Our hope is that the December Grand Rounds will be relevant to the debates that are going on around the country regarding vaccine mandates,” an agency spokeswoman said on Grady’s behalf.

A federal appeals court on Saturday issued a stay temporarily halting the Biden administration’s private-employer COVID vaccine mandate, citing, “grave statutory and constitutional” issues with the requirement.

“Because the petitions give cause to believe there are grave statutory and constitutional issues with the mandate, the mandate is hereby stayed pending further action by this court,” the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit said in the order.

The case was brought by multiple businesses and several states, including Texas, Utah, Louisiana, South Carolina and Mississippi. They argued the requirements exceed the authority of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), which will enforce the mandates, and amount to an unconstitutional delegation of power to the executive branch by Congress.

The Biden administration on Monday asked the federal court to lift the order blocking the mandate for large private employers. The administration said the petitioners were not claiming a “major prospect of harm” from the rule, so the court should allow the mandate to proceed while the case makes its way through the system.

“Accordingly, there is no need to address petitioners’ stay motions now, and the court should lift its administrative stay and allow this matter to proceed under the process that Congress set forth for judicial review of OSHA standards,” lawyers for the administration argued.

The White House on Monday said businesses should move forward with Biden’s vaccine mandate for private businesses, despite a federal court order temporarily halting the rules, CNBC reported.

“People should not wait,” White House Deputy Press Sec. Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters during a press briefing. “They should continue to move forward and make sure they’re getting their workplace vaccinated.”

The OSHA regulation applies to employers with at least 100 workers, creating an emergency temporary rule that will require employers to mandate workers be vaccinated against COVID or submit to regular testing. A deadline for companies to comply with the regulation was set for Jan. 4.

Petitioners said the mandate, publicized as an emergency temporary standard by OSHA, should be struck down because it exceeds OSHA’s authority under the Occupational Safety and Health Act.

More than two dozen states have filed lawsuits against the Biden administration over the vaccine mandate for large private employers in the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 11th and D.C. Circuits. Federal law dictates cases be consolidated and heard by one federal appeals court chosen by a lottery.

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, the lottery could take place on or around Nov. 16, and the case could make its way to the Supreme Court.


©November 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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Goodbye Premier Dan Andrews. The Melbourne, Australia Rebellion Has Begun.

Goodbye Premier Dan Andrews. The Melbourne, Australia Rebellion Has Begun.

by Aussie Cossack
November 9, 2021


There is more Aussie spirit in the crowd than in the Upper and Lower House of Parliament combined! The whole world is watching today’s events in Melbourne in deep awe and respect to the people of Melbourne! Dictator Dan Andrews will face the same political fate as Romanian Communist Leader Nicolae Ceaușescu. Congratulations to citizen journalist and freedom fighter True Arrow for capturing this excellent footage.


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all images credit: screenshots from True Arrow video footage


Mass Resistance to Unconstitutional Mandate Grows as 27 States Sue—And Start to Win—Over Forced Jabs

Mass Resistance to Unconstitutional Mandate Grows as 27 States Sue—And Start to Win—Over Forced Jabs

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project
November 6, 2021


When you turn on the television or scroll your social media feed, the controllers of information seek make you feel isolated, alone, and defeated for not getting behind the massive push to forcibly vaccinate every American against their will. Mass protests are ignored across the planet.

The anti-establishment voice is muted by big tech but to those who know how to listen, we can hear through the noise and on the other side, the battle for medical freedom wages on — and we are winning.

Before going on any further, it is important to point out that this is not an “antivax” stance. It is pro-choice. If you want to take the vaccine, it is your right to do so. However, when you move from making your own personal medical decisions, to forcing them on others, the argument is no longer about health, it is about attacking an individual’s right to bodily autonomy. Those who seek to remove our rights to bodily autonomy are enemies to freedom and would do well to study history and the horrifying implications from similar movements in the past.

Despite the utter insanity of forcing millions of people to undergo a medical procedure against their will, the Biden administration’s plan was rolling ahead, full steam. Though the establishment attempts to silence the opposition, their attempts are futile and massive resistance is growing.

Last week, Seema Nanda, solicitor for the U.S. Department of Labor, said that the federal Occupational Safety and Health Act gives OSHA the authority to act quickly during an emergency if it finds workers are subject to a grave danger. The agency contends its temporary rule also preempts any state or local bans on employers’ ability to require vaccines.

“We are fully prepared to defend this standard in court,” Nanda said.

Nanda is about to have to stand by those words as 27 states have since filed lawsuits against the federal government over the mandate. The Biden administration’s unconstitutional deadline for taking the jab is January 4, 2021. Those who do not comply will face a slew of fines, other mandates, and insane testing requirements.

“This mandate is unconstitutional, unlawful, and unwise,” Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt said in a court filing in the St. Louis-based 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on behalf of 11 states last week.

So far, the opposition is winning.

On Saturday, the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeal halted the OSHA mandate, delaying it until there has been further judicial review.

In their decision, the judges said the petitions gave them “cause to believe there are grave statutory and constitutional issues with the mandate.”

Indeed, there have already been grave consequences with Biden’s plan as it has triggered mass resignations, and an upsurge of employee layoffs at companies as vaccine-hesitant Americans question the infringement of their civil liberties and human rights.

“There should be no reason for hesitation in passing a ban on vaccine mandates or passport requirements or, at a minimum, requiring religious or medical exemptions in such requirements. OSHA’s vaccination mandate represents a real threat to individual liberty,” West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey said in a statement, cited by the Hill.

“As we have seen throughout the country, it is also a public policy disaster that displaces vulnerable workers and exacerbates a nationwide shortage of front-line workers, with severe consequences for all Americans,” he went on to add.

“Its unlawful mandate will cause injuries and hardship to the working families, inflict economic disruption and staffing shortages on the States and private employers, and impose even greater strains on struggling labor markets and supply chains,” the attorney general said in the lawsuit, according to The Hill.

This is why people are in the streets across the country and all over the world. Civil disobedience is their only option left as they are forced out of their jobs, denied entry into public places, and forbidden from travelling.

Freedom comes not from cheerleading forced medication and government tyranny but from those who resist it. It is quite heartening to see this resistance growing though you should not expect the revolution to be televised.

As the mainstream media refuses to question the idea behind mandating vaccinations, they have made their role clear in this tyranny as enablers. This should come as no surprise either given the money that pours into their coffers from the ones who stand to gain the most from vaccine mandates — big pharma.


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cover image credit: aitoff / pixabay

The Idiocy of COP26

The Idiocy of COP26

by 21st Century Wire
November 9, 2021


Imagine a historic international summit with leaders from around the world gathering to save the human race from certain doom, but with the biggest leaders falling asleep during speeches, and where two of the major powers didn’t even bother to show up at all. And that’s only scratching the surface of what went wrong at this year’s global climate event.

When US president Biden eventually woke up, it was to the realisation that neither China and Russia were there, but there were plenty of virtue-signalling elites, royals, bureaucrats, billionaires, teenaged activist and Hollywood actors all arriving by private jet and motorcade to save the world from a supposed imminent mass extinction of the human race – by demanding that all the normal folks pay higher prices for everything, forego basic services and freedoms… that will somehow lower the earth’s temperature? It’s globalist Vaudeville.

Author, journalist and GB News host Neil Oliver delivers a stunning rebuke against the clown world on display at this year’s COP26 Climate Change confab in Glasgow, Scotland. Watch:


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Bill Gates: “Germ Games” Needed to Prepare for Bioterrorist Attacks

Bill Gates: “Germ Games” Needed to Prepare for Bioterrorist Attacks

by Jack Phillips, The Epoch Times
sourced from Activist Post
November 5, 2021


Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates on Tuesday warned that international authorities, including the World Health Organization, need to take action against the threat posed by bioterrorism and said “germ games” is the best way to prevent it.

“It’ll take probably about a billion a year for a pandemic Task Force at the WHO level, which is doing the surveillance and actually doing what I call ‘germ games’ where you practice,” Gates during an interview with the chair of the Health Select Committee, Jeremy Hunt, for the think tank Policy Exchange, according to Sky News.

Germ games are when government agencies and militaries practice scenarios of a pandemic.

Gates then asked: “You say, OK, what if a bioterrorist brought smallpox to 10 airports? You know, how would the world respond to that?”

The world’s fourth-richest noted that to prepare for a doomsday scenario, the United States and United Kingdom would have to spend “tens of billions” on research and development.

“There’s naturally-caused epidemics and bioterrorism-caused epidemics that could even be way worse than what we experienced today and yet, the advances in medical science should give us tools that, you know, we could do dramatically better,” Gates also remarked.

During his interview with Hunt, Gates also said there should be a “new way” to manufacture vaccines that can stop the transmission of a virus better. That also would require global research and development, he said.

“You know, we didn’t have vaccines that block transmission. We got vaccines that help you with your health, but they only slightly reduced transmission,” he explained. “We need a new way of doing the vaccines.”

“The nice thing is a lot of the [research and development] we need to do to be ready for the next pandemic are things like making vaccines cheap, having big factories, eradicating the flu, getting rid of the common cold, making vaccines just a little patch you put on your arm, things that will be incredibly beneficial even in the years when we don’t have pandemics,” Gates said, without elaborating how it could be accomplished.

The billionaire’s comments come as it was revealed last month that the World Economic Forum, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security hosted a “high-level pandemic exercise” known as “Event 201” in October 2019 to simulate a pandemic.

The participants in the scenario were presented with a simulated outbreak of “novel zoonotic coronavirus” that was transmitted from bats to pigs to people, causing a pandemic.

“The disease starts in pig farms in Brazil, quietly and slowly at first, but then it starts to spread more rapidly in healthcare settings,” according to the Event 201 scenario.


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The Ongoing Operation for the Digital Enslavement of Humanity Is Insane | The Old Saying Was Right — Kill Your Television

The Ongoing Operation for the Digital Enslavement of Humanity Is Insane | The Old Saying Was Right — Kill Your Television


“When government and technology are working together, the potential for abuse increases exponentially. To save ourselves, both of these forces must be permanently put in their place.”


The Old Saying Was Right: Kill Your Television
 (And Your Smartphone)

by Richard HugusContributing Writer at Truth Comes to Light
November 8, 2021


A month ago, illegal and criminal coercion toward covid injections in the workplace was announced by the Biden Administration. Many have lost their jobs for rightly refusing this unsafe, ineffective, and possibly life-changing medical procedure. Now it has been announced by the pharma-owned FDA and CDC that children 5 to 11 years old may be given the shot. Comments from the public and renowned doctors and scientists were overwhelmingly against this, but as with so may other boards across the country, the officials at the table voted unanimously in favor, as if they never heard a thing. This shot will now be mandated in spite of the fact that older children who have already been injected have experienced heart problems and other serious reactions, including death. Neither of these age groups have ever been in danger, and the shots can only hurt them. Next it will be children newborn to 4. What are we to make of a government willing to sacrifice children to pharmaceutical company profits, or ends even worse?

Coerced injections, worthless for their stated purpose, and now provably harmful, are clearly a means to some end. This might include social control through digital passports, totalitarian surveillance, the re-engineering of humanity through genetic manipulation, the reduction of the world’s population (a longtime dream of eugenicists), hooking people up to the “internet of bodies”, or all of the above. One thing is certain — none of this was ever about public health. That lie is impossible to believe as we watch health care workers being fired, leaving hospitals understaffed; as news of injection injuries is censored; as ER doctors ignore injection injuries and fail to report them; as the medical establishment is seen to be under the obvious control of politics and corporations; as goalposts are moved, new rules invented, and definitions changed; as sanitation workers are let go and garbage piles up in the streets; as fire fighters and first responders are put on “leave without pay;” as workers across the country lose their jobs and can no longer provide for themselves or their families; as mental health declines from isolation, fear, and stress; as natural immunity is suddenly no longer recognized; and as effective medicines are withheld while harmful medicines are protocol. The goal is apparently not to promote public health, or indeed social order, but to destroy it. One might think that government would respond to the obvious deterioration of society, but the last two years have shown that this is actually what governments want. This is a war from the inside out. Our own government is trying to kill us.

We have been fed a string of lies 20 months long, but lies over time have a way of wearing thin. In the attempt to explain contradictory evidence, official explanations become more and more elaborate, and the more this happens the easier it is for us to see both the lies and the liars. Our great advantage is that the truth doesn’t need the vast resources of states and corporate media to be told. When it came to the point where the state was forced to just censor the truth outright, this was just another lesson for us. The bigger the coverup, the more obvious the crime. Clarity grows every day.

The tyranny we are facing didn’t just start in March 2020. We are in the midst of a system that had already surrounded us when the “pandemic” operation began. This is why such an obvious hoax gained so much territory so quickly across the world. The operation itself was carefully planned, but it was built on an established foundation. For almost 60 years — counting back to the John F. Kennedy assassination — the world has been subjected to a long list of planned attacks in which black operators created a traumatic public event, manipulated the public into believing the event was carried out by a selected patsy, and made desired institutional changes on the basis of that event. The September 11, 2001 attack seemed the pinnacle of any ambition these operators could possibly have, until covid 19 came along and somehow struck 193 countries with the same catastrophic results all at the same time. Manufactured case and death statistics then started rolling in, videos of people dying in the streets were produced, and the narrative of a terrible, unprecedented public health emergency was everywhere around us. The real event was seasonal respiratory illness hyped as a “pandemic”, with maybe a dash of real bioweapon thrown in. The patsy was bats in China spreading a mysterious deadly virus. And the deep institutional change looks like a wholesale re-organization of national economies, resources, and populations to suit the one-world-government  fantasy of Vanguard investment bankers, secret cabals, and the openly conniving Davos elite. Far more people were immediately killed by health care policy and medical malpractice in the early days of the covid operation — for example, the elderly sent to die in nursing homes, the ventilator murders — than the 3,000 who died on September 11. Without death and gore, there is no trauma, and the scale of this op required plenty of trauma. As intended in the 9-11 operation, the US proceeded with a series of wars against the enemies of Israel. As intended in the Covid 19 operation, the oligarchs have proceeded to destroy economies worldwide. 9-11 led to millions of deaths; covid 19 (the operation) will bring many more.

Dark actors with evil schemes have been honing their craft throughout history, but have never been able to fool more people than in the age of Edward Bernays, mass media, and social engineering. Today, a world-shaking falsity can be created out of thin air.  The 1969 “moon landing” is a good example. Fortunately that psy-op was carried out without mass murder. It was an astounding feat. From the battleship Maine to the Gulf of Tonkin, to “weapons of mass destruction”, to the 7-7 London bus bombing, to 9-11, to the Boston Marathon bombing, to the Las Vegas hotel shooter massacre, to the January 6 “insurrection”, and scores of other entrapments, fakes, and shootings; served by a veritable industry of crisis actors, informants, patsies, undercover police, agents, infiltrators, provocateurs, assassins, and spies; huge lies have been relentlessly sprung upon an unwitting, crisis-weary public, and the lies have succeeded for the most part because people can’t believe anyone would commit crimes of such magnitude.

Perhaps it’s time to rethink our relationship to the source of much of this manipulation — the TV screen. We literally are not seeing something real when it comes to us through this medium. The image on the screen is not reality. It may easily show us what someone else wants us to believe. The format is a wide open field for propagandists. Our personal experience is limited. TV makes our experience seem almost unlimited and we come to believe this expanded experience is authentic. We have been seduced by media and technology to such an extent that today much of our “reality” is not even real — it is virtual. It all comes down to epistemology — what is real and what we actually know is one of the central questions of philosophy. But for the sake of our survival, gaining knowledge through our own direct experience, dealing with people face to face, being there in person, interacting with the natural world in our immediate (non-mediated) surroundings, seems like the first step to take to escape the brainwashing that we get from electronic media. Like junk food, electronic media is pervasive and addictive. We are not physically or psychologically prepared to deal with it. We are simply not capable of ‘knowing’ all the people, places, ideas, and events brought to us in the avalanche of content on the internet. The hosts of the virtual world, like Facebook and Google, are happy to see us occupied on smart phones and social media with a previously unimaginable circle of  hundreds of “friends.” We may even organize with our hundred friends to break Facebook and Google into a thousand pieces, but Silicon Valley doesn’t care because they gain so much more from collecting and selling our data.

Technology once seemed to be there to make life easier, but then it quietly enslaved us. To fight technocracy — that is,  government which derives its power from technology — we have only to look at the technocrats’ means of control — QR codes, data bases, surveillance cameras, license plate readers, algorithms, artificial intelligence, body scanners, microchips, video games, blockbuster movies, cable TV, smartphones, and credit scores — and get them one by one out of our lives. It is certainly within our means to get rid of the devices we ourselves carry. Are you opposed to “vaccine passports”? Then don’t carry or own the smartphone that makes them possible.

Facebook recently announced it wants to change its name to “Meta”, the Latin word for ‘beyond.’ To the forward-thinking predators running Facebook, the “metaverse” is the next frontier in the attempt to capture and control human minds. With a VR (virtual reality) headset, one actually believes he’s in a given program, and may even believe he’s interacting with the program. The next step will be a no-headset, or wireless, VR platform. Since the oligarchs want to use those of us who survive the Frankenshots as slave labor, they would want us to be more than just passive batteries in a pod with cables stuck to our heads, as in The Matrix. Mobile humans having reality fed to them wirelessly would be a huge improvement. Perhaps the technology for that is contained in the “vaccines”,  with their strange magnetic effects, so far unacknowledged and unexplained. Indeed, this may be why Bill Gates said that “unfortunately everyone on the planet will have to be vaccinated.” Obviously, the privileged few can’t have unauthorized humans walking around in their own reality!

The ongoing operation for the digital enslavement of humanity is insane. We are not a Frankenstein experiment. We are not software programs. We are not computers. We are not ones and zeros. We are not transhuman. We are miracles created by God, not to be tampered with. It is time to de-digitize the world around us and return to our spiritual connections and our humanity. Like government, technology is there to serve us, not the other way around. Like government, technology is not to be trusted. When government and technology are working together, the potential for abuse increases exponentially. To save ourselves, both of these forces must be permanently put in their place.

These days many of us are in the streets protesting. The benefit of this is not that we might attract the attention of politicians who hold us in contempt, but that we see and talk to each other in person, and give those on the sidelines strength in seeing healthy and strong opposition to the madness. When it comes time to actually confront the authorities, they will have no choice but to listen, and they aren’t going to like it. On the way to that day, and perhaps in order to reach it, we have to get 60 years of very sophisticated, highly manipulative media programming well out of our heads. Hoaxes and false flags will then be immediately obvious, and will no longer be used against us. The “pandemic” and the cast of characters fomenting this two year atrocity will disappear like a bad dream. It’s as if we can beat this operation simply by evolving.


Richard Hugus is the founder of Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates “We are residents of Cape Cod, Massachusetts who support freedom of choice in all matters having to do with our own and our childrens’ health.”  Connect with them here.

Read more of Richard’s writings:

Richard Hugus is a contributing writer at Truth Comes to Light.


 Also by Richard Hugus:

“My Name Is Bill Gates, King of Kings”
Madness: It Is Up to Us to Put a Stop to the Mass Injection Program


Connect with Richard Hugus

cover image credit: Sammy-Sander / pixabay

A Billion Catholics, Covid Vaccines, and the Duty to Refuse Injection

A Billion Catholics, Covid Vaccines, and the Duty to Refuse Injection
Unless fear and comfort are the true pillars of the Church

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
November 8, 2021


Let me start by saying, everybody acts from faith. Faith in something, no matter what it is.

A billion Catholics are not the Vatican.

The Vatican, through the Pope, has made its position clear: take the COVID vaccines.

But then there are the consciences of a billion of the faithful.

In prior articles in this series (archive here), I’ve made it clear that COVID vaccines have, in fact, relied on a fetal-tissue cell line, HEK 293, for testing, and the cell line was originally obtained via an abortion.

Moreover, the evidence points to an abortion in which the infant was delivered from her mother’s womb, alive, and then was killed by a doctor removing her kidneys for fetal tissue. Infanticide. Murder.

Does it matter whether the abortion and the murder were committed yesterday, or in a room in a hospital in the Netherlands, in 1972? Are a billion Catholics willing to say, “It was so long ago, it doesn’t have meaning anymore”?

Is that a reasonable position of Faith?

My understanding is this: Catholics believe Jesus commanded the founding of His Church, which is their Church. Does that count now? Is it wrong to contemplate what He would advise? As opposed, for example, to what Anthony Fauci would advise?

I also understand the Pope, in telling Catholics to take the vaccine, was not claiming to speak from a position of infallibility. Doesn’t that leave the door open to the consciences of the billion members of the Church?

Is it archaic to speak about conscience? Is religious membership really an elaborate charade, a social stage play?

Suppose a high member of the Vatican said to the world: “There are many medical experiments that are used to develop and test vaccines and drugs. In these experiments, which have been performed for a hundred years, doctors remove an infant from his mother’s womb, ALIVE, and then take his kidneys or make a hole in his skull and vacuum out his brain, or cut out his heart. These killings are very real. Those of our faith should think deeply about whether they want to receive the medicines and vaccines associated with these murders…”

What would happen?

Suppose this esteemed member of the Vatican made this announcement, replete with details, every day for a month?

What would happen?

Suppose this esteemed priest decided to keep making the announcement until sufficient members of the congregation, worldwide, stepped forward, visibly, and made their voices heard and refused the vaccine?

What would happen?

As some people are reading this, they will answer, “This esteemed priest would be murdered.”

Yes? And? So?

Don’t the sacred vows of a priest go beyond loyalty to this world? Isn’t his conviction to his faith a thing larger than his life on Earth?

Would you expect or want a priest, who serves as a pipeline to God for his congregation, to be a materialist, a person inextricably bound to his comforts and duties here?

If by joining the Church as a member, a person comes closer to God, is he asked to pay no price for that gift? Is he asked to incur no risk in his life?

The Church is, in fact, founded on matters of life and death. That is where faith encounters a reckoning. And this is true of all religions.

But at their most profound pinnacle of teaching, where “the outer garments” are cut away, religions guide the individual soul to come to his own decision about what his faith means, and how far he will go in standing with it.

One person, a billion people.

The Power is always there.

One step across the threshold.


George Fox, the fiery 17th century preacher who founded the Quakers movement in England, traveled the countryside exhorting thousands of people to find Christ and God for themselves: “Why should any man have power over any other man’s faith, seeing [that] Christ Himself is the author of it?”

At the time, there were laws forbidding “unauthorized worship.” Fox constantly broke them. He was frequently arrested—at least twice for blasphemy, and on one of those occasions it was suggested he should be sentenced to death. Parliament intervened on his behalf.

He performed many healings and wrote a book listing and describing them. The book disappeared, and no copies ever surfaced.

Thinking about George Fox and his courage as background and example…

Now, in 2021, should believers grasp a destiny that outdistances the fear of being banned from Facebook; being “attacked” online for expressing an opinion about an election audit; being fired from a job; being “canceled” for telling a joke?

Has the need for security and comfort expanded to such a degree that people of faith are willing to abandon their beliefs on a moment’s notice?


If today you picked a few thousand people of faith and sent them back to the time of Moses, to live as Egyptians under the Pharaoh; it’s quite possible that when God loosed the 10 plagues against them—“water turning to blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and the killing of firstborn children”; the Pharaoh would simply say: “The only adverse effects are minor pain and swelling at the injection site and transient fatigue”; and these people would believe him.

How much faith is required in order to open one’s eyes?

And having opened them, to have a voice and make that voice heard?

And to endure against the consequences, because faith is not ultimately invested in material things?


Book of Revelation: “And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength. And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last: I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death. Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter; The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks…”

For those who believe these words, the majestic scope of these words, who take them as truth—

What will they do now?

Will they sit still, or will they rise up and take action?


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: RobertCheiab / pixabay

Patents, Biodiversity, and Genetic Ownership

Patents, Biodiversity, and Genetic Ownership


“Let’s assume some Dr. Neo Frankenfauci bent over a bubbling cauldron somewhere in the bowels of the International Technoapparatchikcrats’ Institute for Genetic Shenanigans is cooking up a potion that includes all sorts of secret ingredients in the recipe, things like heavy metals and parasites and a clever code in the messenger RNA to modify a body in such a way to produce proteins it otherwise wouldn’t have produced.
And let’s imagine the same said Dr. Frankenfauci inventing various means to introduce the potion into the food supply and touting it as a way to quackcinate people via their GMO food supply. And let’s imagine cows, birds, pigs, foxes and wolves eating said food supply (or each other), and voila, the  modifications spread and start executing their programs in several different species.”


Patents, Biodiversity, and Genetic Ownership

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
November 8, 2021


On this website [Giza Death Star] and in our members’ vidchats, a number of readers and contributors of articles have been wondering to what extent a patented synthetic life form places a lien on an individual who may wittingly or unwittingly consume it.  Well, if you have any doubts about the ultimate answer to that question and the lengths that Mr. Globaloney and his “technoapparatchikcrats” intend to go, check out the following article shared by V.S.:

Global blueprint exposed: The takeover of all genetic material on Earth

As the article notes, the  “plan” was outlined in a United Nations-sponsored conference (who else?) known as the Brundtland Commission, which was later published by Oxford University Press (who else?), under the title Our Common Future.

The article is well worth reading in its entirety, especially for its focus on the hypocrisy of global and corporate elites when they express concern for “the environment”:

The Rio conference proposed the question, what can be done to save the world from excessive development that causes pollution, global warming, loss of rain forests, etc. The answer was that more development was needed and by the same actors that were previously wrecking habitats and plundering nations. In other words, more development was needed to erase the effects of previous development. Brundtland convinced the UN that this somehow made sense, and it was subsequently adopted as “the agenda for the 21st century” in 1992.

But then comes the crucial question:

Others saw through the smoke and mirrors. Two environmental researchers and authors noted in their book, The Earth Brokers“free trade and its promoters came to be seen as the solution to the global ecological crisis.”[3] They could not have been more blunt:

“We argue that UNCED has boosted precisely the type of industrial development that is destructive for the environment, the planet, and its inhabitants. We see how, as a result of UNCED, the rich will get richer, the poor poorer, while more and more of the planet is destroyed in the process.”[4]

In 2021, this result could not be more clearly seen: the rich are off the charts, the poor are in the gutters and the planet and its economic systems are in tatters.

How did we get here?

The answer is a stunner:

“Neither Brundtland, nor the secretariat, nor the governments drafted plan to examine the pitfalls of free trade and industrial development. Instead, they wrote up a convention on how to ‘develop’ the use of biodiversity through patents and biotechnology.”[5]

Note the buzzword “biodiversity”.  This key term is the conceptual heart of a line of reasoning elegantly laid out in the article:

“The diversity of species is necessary for the normal functioning of ecosystems and the biosphere as a whole. The genetic material in wild species contributes billions of dollars yearly to the world economy in the form of improved crop species, new drugs and medicines, and raw materials for industry.”[6]

The specific development of biodiversity is seen in Chapter 6, Species and Ecosystems: Resources for Development:

“Species and their genetic materials promise to play an expanding role in development, and a powerful economic rationale is emerging to bolster the ethical, aesthetic, and scientific case for preserving them. The genetic variability and germplasm material of species make contributions to agriculture, medicine, and industry worth many billions of dollars per year… If nations can ensure the survival of species, the world can look forward to new and improved foods, new drugs and medicines, and new raw materials for industry.”[7]

Further on, Brundtland states:

“Vast stocks of biological diversity are in danger of disappearing just as science is leaning how to exploit genetic variability through the advances of genetic engineering… It would be grim irony indeed if just as new genetic engineering techniques begin to let us peer into life’s diversity and use genes more efficiently to better human conditions, we looked and found this treasure sadly depleted.”[8]

Conclusion #1: The word “biodiversity” is explained to mean “genetic resources”. Genes are something to be exploited and used more efficiently than they are used in their natural state.

Turning back to The Earth Brokers, the authors’ observations provide an eye-witness account of what they actually saw at the UNCED and Biodiversity Convention summit:

“The convention implicitly equates the diversity of life – animals and plants – to the diversity of genetic codes, for which read genetic resourcesBy doing so, diversity becomes something that modern science can manipulate. Finally, the convention promotes biotechnology as being ‘essential for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.”[9]

If there is any doubt as to what the goal is, they conclude with this mind-blowing statement:

“The main stake raised by the Biodiversity Convention is the issue of ownership and control over biological diversity… the major concern was protecting the pharmaceutical and emerging biotechnology industries.”[10]

So note the steps of the “logic”: (1) the genetic diversity of of species on the planet is necessary to its survival; (2) this “bioviersity” is a source of great wealth; (3) this wealth can be increased by the “scientific manipulation” of that diversity; (4) that scientific manipulation in turn raises “the issue of ownership and control over biological diversity; and that in turn means that (5) the pharmaceutical and “biotechnology” industries would have to be protected.

How would these protected industries implement this ownership?

To reinforce the thought, the authors bluntly stated, “they wrote up a convention on how to ‘develop’ the use of biodiversity through patents and biotechnology.”[11]

In other words, to establish ownership over “biodiversity” it was only necessary to establish a patent lien on a species by the biotechnological or genetic manipulation of that species. The implication of this statement is that every species on the planet will have to be so modified in order to establish that lien. The process can be made much simpler by the introduction of genetic technologies capable of traveling from one species to another and executing biotechnological programming. Think of it as the next step in the Mon(ster)santo strategy of suing farmers whose property is discovered to have GMO plants growing on it, whether known to the farmer or not. Unlike the Mon(ster)santo strategy, it is no longer necessary to send out actual human spies, one can simply engineer the tracking of the modifications by including the tracking in the modification.  Think Baal Gates here.

Of course, there’s an assumption implicit in all this “reasoning” and that is that the scientific manipulation of “biodiversity” will actually lead to more diversity and hence to “survivability” and “sustainability” (not to mention that the limits of the claim of patent liens on ownership as a legal issue impinging on fundamental God-given human rights are not mentioned at all). Let’s do a bit of high octane speculation. Let’s assume some Dr. Neo Frankenfauci bent over a bubbling cauldron somewhere in the bowels of the International Technoapparatchikcrats’ Institute for Genetic Shenanigans is cooking up a potion that includes all sorts of secret ingredients in the recipe, things like heavy metals and parasites and a clever code in the messenger RNA to modify a body in such a way to produce proteins it otherwise wouldn’t have produced. And let’s imagine the same said Dr. Frankenfauci inventing various means to introduce the potion into the food supply and touting it as a way to quackcinate people via their GMO food supply. And let’s imagine cows, birds, pigs, foxes and wolves eating said food supply (or each other), and voila, the  modifications spread and start executing their programs in several different species.

As a result, what is happening is not more “biodiversity,”  but less. And at a certain threshold it may be that “biodiversity” sufficiently collapses due to the degradation of the genetic pool of a species, indeed, of several species through the spread of the engineered manipulation itself.

In short, all of this wonderful plan depends on the hubris of the manipulators that, indeed, they have sufficient wisdom in the current state of human knowledge to do it.

Sorry, but I’m not buying the product. We were (and are) constantly assured that the mRNA quackcines were (and are) entirely safe… while the strange adverse reactions keep growing, as hospital emergency rooms are overflowing with people with respiratory and sudden heart problems, and so on.

Rather, what strikes me is that this is a reckless and desperate attempt to collateralize – to enslave – humanity itself via such a scheme.

And while we’re talking about ownership, these modern doctors Frankenfaucis are gambling on something else: that the original owner(s) won’t show up…

See you on the flip side…


Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

cover image credit: pasja1000 / pixabay

Let the Children Breathe — Breathing in Excessive CO2 & Hypercapnia

Let the Children Breathe — Breathing in Excessive CO2 & Hypercapnia

by Dr. Mark Sircus
November 8, 2021


Though CO2 is the primary gas that gives rise to life, few people on the planet understand much about CO2. It just so happens that life and health depend on high enough levels of CO2 in the blood and tissues. Carbon dioxide is a nutrient and a product of respiration and energy production in the cells, and its lack or deficiency is a starting point for profound disturbances in the body.

When it comes to CO2, you might as well be talking to fish about land and air. The biggest scam in the history of man is about CO2 and man-made global warming. Climate change is real, but it’s intense climate change and cold climate change.

CO2 is crucial to life, health, and even the safe use of oxygen in hospitals. CO2 is precious, so more is better; ask any plant on the planet.

“Over the oxygen supply of the body carbon
dioxide spreads its protecting wings.”
Friedrich Miescher
Swiss physiologist, 1885

Normal arterial levels of CO2 have antioxidant properties. Indeed, a group of Russian microbiologists discovered that “CO2 at a tension close to that observed in the blood (37.0 mm Hg) and high tensions (60 or 146 mm Hg) is a potent inhibitor of generation of the active oxygen forms (free radicals) by the cells and mitochondria of human tissues” (Kogan et al, 1997). Dozens of studies have shown that modern “normal subjects” breathe about 12 L/min at rest, while the medical norm is only 6 L/min. As a result, blood CO2 levels are less than usual.

Carbon dioxide is present in the blood in several forms, such as bicarbonate, dissolved carbon dioxide, and carbonic acid, of which 90% is bicarbonate or HCO3. Plants survive by extracting CO2 from the air using magnesium at the center of chlorophyll and sunlight to convert it into proteins and sugars. In medicine, up to 5% carbon dioxide is added to pure oxygen to stimulate breathing after apnea and stabilize the O2/CO2 balance in the blood.

There has never been much doubt that CO2 builds up behind a mask. New research published in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) has found that wearing a face mask causes children to inhale dangerous carbon dioxide levels that become trapped behind the mask. (Fauci does not care and now planning to attack 25 million children ages 5-12 with unsafe vaccines they don’t need.)

The peer-reviewed research letter from Dr. Harald Walach and colleagues found that the air masked children inhaled contained more than six times the legal, safe limit for closed rooms as set down by the German Federal Environmental Office. The safe limit is 0.2%, whereas the air the masked children inhaled contained over 1.3% carbon dioxide.

The effect was worse for younger children, with one seven-year-old child inhaling air with 2.5% carbon dioxide, over 12 times the safe limit. The study looked at two types of masks, FFP2 masks and surgical masks, and found no significant difference between the two. The authors explained that this alarming result likely explains the complaints from children who wear face masks for long periods.

“Most of the complaints reported by children can be understood as consequences of elevated carbon dioxide levels in inhaled air. This is because of the dead-space volume of the masks, which collects exhaled carbon dioxide quickly after a short time. This carbon dioxide mixes with fresh air and elevates the carbon dioxide content of inhaled air under the mask, and this was more pronounced in this study for younger children.”

“This leads in turn to impairments attributable to hypercapnia. A recent review concluded that there was ample evidence for adverse effects of wearing such masks. We suggest that decision-makers weigh the hard evidence produced by these experimental measurements accordingly, which suggest that children should not be forced to wear face masks.”

The kinds of masks people are wearing were never (never!) designed to be worn for long periods, and doing so is very harmful. Are you aware that operating rooms are supplied extra oxygen to compensate for the reduction in oxygen flow from mask-wearing?


What has been in doubt is whether that would lead to a full-out case of hypercapnia. What this paper maintains is that mask-wearing leads to chronic but mild hypercapnia. However, the seriousness of hypercapnia is mitigated by widespread carbon dioxide deficiencies already existing in the blood. Nevertheless, that still does not make wearing masks a good idea, and for children, it marks health officials as inhumane stupid, or worse.

Chronic hidden hyperventilation (over-breathing) is very common among western populations leading to impaired oxygenation of body tissues. But what is driving down the O2 levels is hyperventilation. It is getting rid of too much CO2. Meaning we need the CO2 almost as much as we need the O2.

The Reuters Staff concedes that wearing a mask causes hypercapnia is partially accurate but not wholly true. They say:

A small study in 2006 looked at healthcare workers wearing N95 masks during the SARS epidemic. It concluded that using N95 masks might cause the healthcare workers to develop headaches, and wearing them for shorter amounts of time may reduce the frequency and severity of the headaches (here).

A representative from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) told Reuters: “The CO2 will slowly build up in the mask over time. However, the level of CO2 likely to build up in the mask is mostly tolerable to people exposed to it. You might get a headache but you most likely [would] not suffer the symptoms observed at much higher levels of CO2. The mask can become uncomfortable for various reasons, including sensitivity to CO2, and the person will be motivated to remove the mask. It is unlikely that wearing a mask will cause hypercapnia.”

In the U.S. National Library of Medicine, we read, “Wearing N95 masks results in hypooxygenemia and hypercapnia which reduce working efficiency and the ability to make correct decisions. Medical staff are at increased risk of getting Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), and wearing N95 masks is highly recommended by experts worldwide. However, dizziness, headache, and shortness of breath are commonly experienced by the medical staff wearing N95 masks. The ability to make a correct decision may be hampered, too.”

Dr. Baruch Vainshelboim, a well-published author from the Cardiology Division of Veterans Affairs, writes, “In addition to hypoxia and hypercapnia, breathing through facemask residues bacterial and germs components on the inner and outside layer of the facemask. These toxic components are repeatedly rebreathed back into the body, causing self-contamination. Breathing through facemasks also increases temperature and humidity in the space between the mouth and the mask, releasing toxic particles from the mask’s materials. Rebreathing contaminated air with high bacterial and toxic particle concentrations along with low O2 and high CO2 levels continuously challenge the body homeostasis, causing self-toxicity and immunosuppression.”

In 1904, Danish scientist Christian Bohr noticed that hemoglobin binds oxygen more tightly at high pH than at low pH. This phenomenon is called the Bohr effect. CO2 and bicarbonate, carbon dioxide’s twin sister, are the vital players in the pH balance in both cells, blood, and other bodily fluids meaning CO2 holds the keys to oxygen delivery. If the level of carbon dioxide in the blood is lower than normal, this leads to difficulties releasing oxygen from hemoglobin.

Death-Care Officials

The human race has made a huge mistake giving power and trust to healthcare officials who are more like death-care officials. Death and disease are the two overriding paradigms of modern civilization. Many of the wealthiest families in the world make their money poisoning humanity. The chemical and pharmaceutical industries have done tremendous harm, showing disease statistics, especially with cancer and autism.

This is a polite way of saying human beasts are at the helm of public health and their weapon of choice are vaccines backed up by muzzling and suffocation masks, social distancing, and lockdowns. These medical and health beasts are the same ones who favored gain of function viral research in a lust to attack the human herd.

It should be utterly clear that anyone connected to gain of function research should be rounded up and detained for Nuremberg-type trials. The lead guy in this large group is Fauci.

It is utterly absurd that we trust the very people and organizations that created the virus and caused the pandemic to protect us from the harm they made. However, for more on masks and the injury, read Mask Madness – The Death of Science and Mask Generated Infectious Pandemics.

FDA Approves Attacks on 25 Million Children

We have been betrayed on a scale that would make Judas look like a saint. The FDA and the CDC should be shipped off to hell where they can feel for the rest of eternity their actions against children. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was advised on Tuesday the 26th of October to authorize Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine for children between the ages of 5 and 11. They do not care how many kids will get hurt from the shot!

The FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee made the recommendation. Seventeen-panel members voted yes to recommend the authorization. One abstained. When are people going to start demonstrating in front of FDA offices?


“To my mind, it’s criminal (not hyperbole) to force children to wear masks all day. Setting aside the very real psychological effects, we’re going to have a generation of brain damaged children. Ever heard the expression, “Not enough oxygen at birth?” That’s a joke at the expense of a mentally challenged person, but that’s literally what we’re doing. And we’re told it’s to “keep us safe,” writes Guy Crittenden.


Connect with Dr. Mark Sircus

cover image credit: Stewardesign / pixabay

Polish Refugee in Canada: Communism in Poland Was Defeated Through Non-Compliance

Polish Refugee in Canada: Communism in Poland Was Defeated Through Non-Compliance


“There is a force — a force they cannot take away from us, which is willpower.
And willpower is always driven by love… So if you know what I’m talking
about, use love. Don’t be on their level.”
~ Bojena 


Poland Crushed Communism by Not Complying (Exclusive Video)

by Renee Nal, RAIR Foundation
November 7, 2021


A Polish refugee warns that policies and rhetoric that ultimately resulted in Martial Law in Poland is taking place in Canada.

During a “Rally For Freedom” held on November 6th, 2021 in Parliament Hill in Ottawa, a Polish survivor of communism named Bojena delivered a short, but fiery address.

The rally was organized in part by, and RAIR Foundation USA was in attendance. A speaker with Action4Canada explained that Poland beat communism peacefully.

“They didn’t use guns, they didn’t hijack anybody, there was no bombs going off… They did it through non-compliance,” he said. “And that spread to the rest of Europe,” he continued.

Bojena agreed, explaining that her grandmother was a survivor of the all-women Ravensbrück concentration camp. They were “slaves, working 14-16 hours per day,” Bojena said. “But she survived. Do you know why,” Bojena asked. “Because she had forgiveness in her heart but she was this kind of woman, okay?”

To illustrate her grandmother’s attitude during her time at the Ravensbrück concentration camp, Bojena made a gesture:

Bojena’s message is simple. To stop communism: Do Not Comply.

When Bojena was 17 years old, she was inspired by Poland’s anti-Communist Solidarity movement under Lech Walesa. “When I was 17, I was beaten, arrested actually twice… I came to Canada recognized as a political refugee,” she explained.

From a previous RAIR interview with Bojena:

But now the Polish refugee sees policies and rhetoric that ultimately resulted in Martial Law in Poland taking place in Canada. ‘We’ve been there, we Polish people – we’ve been there – the entire communist block – we’ve seen what the communists are capable of doing,’ she continued. ‘Please stand up before it’s too late,’ Bojena said.

Stressing the importance of non-compliance, Bojena said “[N]on-Compliance is my second name, okay?” Non-compliance based on the Constitution and Bill of Rights is needed to stop this tyranny, she stressed to the crowd.

We must stop waiting for others to save us, Bojena said. We can only save ourselves, she stressed. “If I can do it, it’s about freaking time you do it,” she said. “Non-compliance. Simply say ‘No!’,” she continued.

Watch the video:


Connect with RAIR Foundation

The Moments They Tell You They Are Kill Shots

The Moments They Tell You They Are Kill Shots

by Aussie Fighter
November 6, 2021



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V Is for Vaccine: CNN and Sesame Street Host Town Hall Encouraging Kids Ages 5 to 11 to Get Vaccinated

V Is for Vaccine: CNN and Sesame Street Host Town Hall Encouraging Kids Ages 5 to 11 to Get Vaccinated
A play-by-play of Sesame Street’s town hall event on CNN.

by Beth Baisch, The Post Millenial
November 6, 2021


As the COVID-19 vaccine begins to be administered to children as young as 5-years-old, CNN hosted a town hall with the beloved inhabitants of Sesame Street to encourage children to get vaccinated.

“The ABCs of COVID Vaccines,” hosted by CNN’s Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta and journalist Erica Hill, opened with 5-year-old monster Rosita excitedly telling her friends how she just got her first dose of the COVID vaccine.

This led to scripted questions from 6-year-old Big Bird, whose Granny Bird wants him to get the shot.

The rest of the show went as follows:

Big Bird doesn’t even know what a vaccine is, prompting Gupta and Hill to bring in an “expert”: Super Grover, who is saddened to hear they did not want to talk about vacuums.

The mic is then handed off to Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett, who helped develop a COVID vaccine, who fielded several questions from children, describing the vaccine’s ingredients to one as “a message wrapped in a ball of fat” that tells the body how to fight COVID.

A father asks how parents can be certain children are getting the correct dose of the vaccine, and is simply told by “the color of the vial.”

Another child asks if the COVID vaccine is “a superhero for the villian coronavirus.” Corbett responds to say that “the vaccine is just your training camp for you to become the superhero.”

Big Bird’s Granny Bird—visibly flustered at the opportunity to talk to Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy—says she heard that COVID-19 “doesn’t make kids that sick.” Murthy acknowledges that it doesn’t, but that “COVID has taken a big toll on our children” and so they should still get the shot.Granny Bird gasps when Gupta tells her children can still spread the virus to others, including grandparents, and decides to take Big Bird for his shot.
Elmo becomes excited at the prospect of getting the vaccine after a child asks if he will get one. Gupta tells Elmo that the vaccine is only available to children 5 and older, but that “scientists are working hard” to change that. In the meantime, he is told to keep wearing a mask, which Elmo excitedly agrees to.

By the end of the special, Big Bird has been given his first COVID shot, and Elmo has a new favorite thing to dress as: Dr. Sanjay Gupta. The special closes with Elmo, in his Gupta costume, whispering “Elmo loves you” to the viewers.


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cover image credit: ScribblingGeek / pixabay

Washington, DC: Heartbreaking, Powerful Testimonies on Covid Vaccine Injuries & Deaths

Washington, DC: Heartbreaking, Powerful Testimonies on Covid Vaccine Injuries & Deaths


“Now CDC can never say they didn’t know better. No matter what happens
going into the future, let it be known that this happened in Washington, DC.”
~ Del Bigtree


On November 2, 2021 U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) hosted a panel discussion in Washington, DC that addressed the serious issue of COVID-19 vaccine injuries and deaths.

In the video shared below, Del Bigtree interviews Brianne Dressen, a vaccine trial participant who was severely injured. The video also shares excerpts from other vaccine injured speakers and from a father whose teen son passed away following vaccination.

Vaccine injured who addressed the panel:

Cody Flint, airline pilot from Cleveland, MS who accumulated 10,000 hours of flight time diagnosed with left and right perilymphatic fistula, Eustachian tube dysfunction, and elevated intracranial pressure following Pfizer vaccination

Ernest Ramirez, father from Austin, TX whose only son collapsed playing basketball and passed away from myocarditis following Pfizer vaccination

Amy and Abby Alvo, family from Los Angeles, CA whose daughter suffered adverse reaction from first dose of Pfizer vaccine, having been denied a medical exemption twice, she will be kicked off her collegiate cheer team if she is not fully vaccinated

Doug Cameron, farm operations manager from Idaho, permanently paralyzed following vaccination

Kyle Werner, professional mountain bike racer from Boise, ID diagnosed with pericarditis following vaccination

Suzanna Newell, triathlete from Saint Paul, MN diagnosed with an autoimmune disease and reliant on a walker or cane to walk following vaccination

Kelly Ann Rodriguez, young mother from Tacoma, WA reliant on walker following vaccination

Maddie de Garay, 12-year old Pfizer clinical trial participant from Cincinnati, OH confined to wheelchair and feeding tube

Brianne Dressen, Astra Zeneca clinical trial participant from Utah, co-founded, a patient advocacy organization dedicated to increasing awareness of adverse events

Dr. Joel Wallskog, orthopedic surgeon from Mequon, WI diagnosed with transverse myelitis following Moderna vaccination


Vaccine Trial Participant Speaks Out

by Del Bigtree, The HighWire
November 5, 2021

Video available at The HighWire BitChute, Rumble and Brighteon channels.

Brianne Dressen thought she was doing the right thing when she signed up for the COVID-19 AstraZeneca vaccine trial in 2020.

She now joins the growing number of severely vaccine-injured at a press conference in Washington D.C., and shares her heartfelt story in-studio on The HighWire.


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Texas & Florida Governors Pitch Shippers to Send Containers to Their Ports Amid California’s Logjams

Texas & Florida Governors Pitch Shippers to Send Containers to Their Ports Amid California’s Logjams

by Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge
November 6, 2021


Congestion at Southern California’s top ports is so severe that governors on the other side of the US advertise their ports are ready for businesses and can handle the overflow.

Bloomberg News observes multiple ports across the Gulf Coast and US East Coast are less congested than Los Angeles and Long Beach ports. The twin ports are the largest in the Northern Hemisphere and are responsible for 40% of US containerized volume. Currently, 79 vessels are waiting to offload at these ports, causing major supply chain disruptions.

In response to the congestion, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott launched a new campaign to reroute container ships at backlogged ports in California to the Lone Star state. He tweeted, “Texas ports are open & ready to help fix America’s supply chain backlog. We can get goods out faster & at a lower cost than California due to our centralized location.”

Last month, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis called on shippers to reroute their vessels from backlogged West Coast ports to Florida, where the capacity to berth vessels and offload cargo is plentiful.

“We have to make sure people can go Christmas shopping as normal. We have to make sure that all the necessities are there,” DeSantis said. “And if it’s because ships are sitting off the coast somewhere else, and they can be rerouted here, and we can get all those shelves stocked, then we want to be a part of that solution.”

However, there’s a significant obstacle with container ships rerouting from the West Coast. That issue, well, it’s time and will add an extra ten days to the sail due to an extra leg through the Panama Canal. But with wait times increasing across West Coast ports, it could be advantageous to head to other ports.

Florida’s Port of Jacksonville could be the next best option for carriers as their facilities are one truck drive away from 100 million consumers.

“If you’re trying to move it to this side of the United States and you’re parked off the coast of California, those 10 days are now being eaten up,” East Coast, Florida Ports Council President Michael Rubin said. “They’re probably less than what you’re paying now.”

Severe West Coast port congestion could be temporary reworking containerized flows into the US as overflow may be headed to less clogged terminals. This could be one way to alleviate supply chain disruptions that have resulted in surging inflation and product shortages nationwide.


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cover image credit: zoellnerwillich / pixabay

Resisting Tyranny Depends on the Courage to Not Conform

Resisting Tyranny Depends on the Courage to Not Conform

by Barry Brownstein, American Institute for Economic Research (AIER)
November 6, 2021


Social psychologist Roy Baumeister begins his book Evil: Inside Human Violence and Cruelty, with a proposition that will be counterintuitive to many: “Evil usually enters the world unrecognized by the people who open the door and let it in. Most people who perpetrate evil do not see what they are doing as evil.”

Dismissing evildoers as “insane” is an attempt to absolve both them and you of responsibility. Baumeister observes, “People do become extremely upset and abandon self-control, with violent results, but this is not insanity.” If only “insane” people commit “evil” acts, you might reason there is no need to strengthen spiritual and moral muscles. You might skip the reflection, study, and practice that builds spiritual and moral strength.

Would you, Baumeister asks, “obey orders to kill innocent civilians? Would you help torture someone? Would you stand by passively while the secret police hauled your neighbors off to concentration camps?” Baumeister writes, “Most people say no. But when such events actually happen, the reality is quite different.” Today, to the point, will you obey orders to fire upon people who refuse to comply with mandates?

In one of the most instructive books about Nazi Germany, Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland, historian Christopher Browning explores why most people say yes and commit heinous acts even when given latitude to say no.

The men of Police Battalion 101 were not specially selected psychopathic killers. Initially, the Battalion was set up to enforce Nazi rule in occupied Poland. Eventually, their mission changed, bringing them to be the genocidal murderers of Jews they were charged with rounding up. Browning explains, “The bulk of the killers were not specially selected but drawn at random from a cross-section of German society, and they did not kill because they were coerced by the threat of dire punishment for refusing.” Mostly they were “middle-aged reserve policemen.” Battle had not driven these men to depravity, “they had not been fired on nor had they lost comrades.”

Browning explores one of their initial murderous actions, “shooting some 1,500 Jews in the Polish village of Józefów in the summer of 1942.” Major Wilhelm Trapp addressed his men before the shooting began: “Pale and nervous, with choking voice and tears in his eyes, Trapp visibly fought to control himself as he spoke. The Battalion, he said plaintively, had to perform a frightfully unpleasant task. This assignment was not to his liking; indeed, it was highly regrettable, but the orders came from the highest authorities.”

Trapp provided a “justification” for the coming slaughter—Jews were damaging Germany and threatening German troops—but then Trapp “made an extraordinary offer: if any of the older men among them did not feel up to the task that lay before him, he could step out.” The task, Trapp outlined, was the immediate killing of all women, children, and the elderly.

Only twelve of the approximately 500 in the Battalion initially took Trapp’s offer to “step out.” Browning estimated “10 to 20 percent of those actually assigned to the firing squads” extricated themselves “by less conspicuous methods or asked to be released from the firing squads once the shooting had begun.” Yet for most of the police, killing became second nature: “Many reserve policemen who were horrified in the woods outside Józefów… subsequently became casual volunteers for numerous firing squads and ‘Jew hunts.’”

Browning’s research provides insights into the mindsets that fueled obedience: “Who would have ‘dared,’ one policeman declared emphatically, to ‘lose face’ before the assembled troops.” Another said, “No one wants to be thought a coward.”

Not all who followed orders lacked moral consciousness: “Another policeman—more aware of what truly required courage—said quite simply, ‘I was cowardly.’”

Some rationalized their atrocities: “It was possible for me to shoot only children. My neighbor then shot the mother and I shot the child that belonged to her, because I reasoned with myself that after all without its mother the child could not live any longer.”

To escape moral culpability, others offered the excuse of what difference could they make: “Without me [shooting] the Jews were not going to escape their fate anyway.” How many managers are saying today, what difference can I make? If I don’t fire the unvaccinated, someone else will.

Browning explains, “The men’s concern for their standing in the eyes of their comrades was not matched by any sense of human ties with their victims. The Jews stood outside their circle of human obligation and responsibility.” Today, hospital administrators are firing workers with robust natural immunity who faithfully served during the pandemic and refuse the vaccine. Like the men in the Battalion, these administrators are just following orders.

What would have happened that terrible day in 1942 if more policemen recognized the humanity of the “other” and had the courage to not conform? Today, what would happen if more businesses, like In-N-Out Burger, refuse to obey government edicts? In October, Stephen Davis, a Florida fire battalion chief, “was fired for refusing to discipline department employees listed as unvaccinated.” What would happen if more managers had the courage of Chief Davis? Without obedience, tyranny fails.

During this time of Covid, we can learn lessons from Browning’s book about how we treat people who make choices different from our own. We can notice when we fail to see the humanity in others. We can become aware when we justify an us vs. them mindset. We can question our perceptions. To wait for Biden or Fauci to change first is to ignore our power of choice.

Lessons Learned

Browning reflects on the actions of the Battalion and asks, “If obedience to orders out of fear of dire punishment is not a valid explanation, what about ‘obedience to authority’ in the more general sense used by Stanley Milgram?”

Browning wonders if there is “a ’deeply ingrained behavior tendency’ to comply with the directives of those positioned hierarchically above, even to the point of performing repugnant actions in violation of ‘universally accepted’ moral norms.” Browning explains,

The notions of ‘loyalty, duty, discipline,’ requiring competent performance in the eyes of authority, become moral imperatives overriding any identification with the victim. Normal individuals enter an ‘agentic state’ in which they are the instrument of another’s will. In such a state, they no longer feel personally responsible for the content of their actions but only for how well they perform.

Browning recounts, “Milgram made direct reference to the similarities between human behavior in his experiments and under the Nazi regime. He concluded, ‘Men are led to kill with little difficulty.’”

Importantly, “Milgram himself notes that people far more frequently invoke authority than conformity to explain their behavior, for only the former seems to absolve them of personal responsibility.” Yet, in the Battalion case, “Many policemen admitted responding to the pressures of conformity—how would they be seen in the eyes of their comrades?—not authority.” Based on his research, Browning concludes, “Conformity assumes a more central role than authority at Józefów.”

The Covidocracy demands we all conform and shames those who make different choices. Browning explains the dangers of a culture of shame: “The shame culture, making conformity a prime virtue, impelled ordinary Germans in uniform to commit terrible crimes rather than suffer the stigma of cowardice and weakness and the ‘social death’ of isolation and alienation vis-à-vis their comrades.”

The segregation of Jews was an enabler of evil actions. Browning points to pervasive banishment of Jews from German society “and the resulting exclusion of the Jewish victims from any common ground with the perpetrators made it all the easier for the majority of the policemen to conform to the norms of their immediate community (the battalion) and their society at large (Nazi Germany).”

For some policemen who did not shoot, their commercial ties shaped their view of human beings. One said, “Through my business experience, especially because it extended abroad, I had gained a better overview of things. Moreover, through my earlier business activities I already knew many Jews.”

Harvard social psychologist Gordon Allport developed his famed contact hypothesis in the 1940s: “Increasing exposure to out-group members will improve attitudes toward that group and decrease prejudice and stereotyping.” Commercial ties bring people together.

Today, politicians work overtime demonizing, mocking, and punishing “out-group members” who won’t obey their dictates.

A Story of Nonconformity

Recently Tim, a reader and business owner from New Zealand, sent me his powerful testimony in an email:

Fifty odd years ago, as a young child I went to Ranui Primary School in suburban Auckland. There were two Māori boys in my class of 9-year-olds. Sometimes through the day they would make short comments to each other in Māori.

If the teacher heard them do it, he would keep our entire class in detention after school for 15 to 30 minutes. I always hated it because one of the boys was my friend, and a regular playmate of mine after school. The other one, used to walk home from school with me too, they were my friends.

But most of the class blamed these two Māori boys for us all being locked in after school. The majority of the kids disliked and bullied them in my class.

I couldn’t do it; I couldn’t dislike them because they were my friends. Perhaps even then as a boy I could see what our teacher was doing.

Our teacher was using the rest of the class as a weapon against those two young boys by encouraging the spiteful and discriminating attitudes towards them.

Tim’s choice to not conform to social pressure made all the difference to his Māori friends. Did Tim’s ability to see the humanity in others help him become a successful entrepreneur? After all, entrepreneurs succeed when they help serve the needs of others.

Tim continued his testimony:

Today, 50 years later, I am again feeling the same way as I did back in my Ranui Primary School class. The teacher is telling us all that we will continue to be locked in until 90% (or whatever) of the country is vaccinated. And further, we are told that it is the fault of the 20% (or so) that have so far chosen not to accept the two shots in the arm.

As a country, we are all encouraged to heap blame and hate towards anyone who has decided to not vaccinate.

Regardless of my own vaccination status, I have friends and family who I refuse to hate or blame.

I lay the blame exactly where it belongs. At the feet of my Primary School teacher for our detentions, not my two boyhood friends.

And at the feet of our Prime Minister for her lockdown rules, not my friends and family who have chosen to decline an injection that they don’t trust, rightly or wrongly.

Be like Tim. Be like the 10-20% of Battalion 101 who didn’t conform. Our scorn should be towards those who demand our obedience and split America into an in-group and an out-group. Become more aware when you allow your thinking to be hijacked by propaganda.

Many in the Battalion didn’t understand their crimes until decades after the war ended. Don’t wait to reflect until a future historian writes a book about how you supported tyranny by placing conformity above human rights.

Today Charles Eisenstein points out, “Many people trust the authorities and willingly comply with their rules. They face no dilemma, no initiatory moment, no self-defining world-creating choice point, not yet.”

Conforming, lacking courage, will not spare you from choices that life will demand of you. Eisenstein challenges us: “As the authorities’ narratives devolve into absurdity and their rules devolve into oppression, more and more of us face this choice: … To do what you know is right, or to cave in to the pressure, consoling yourself with words you don’t believe. ‘I had no choice.’”

We all have a personal responsibility for preserving freedom. The price of abdicating our responsibility is high. As Browning puts it, Germans paid a high price for “placing uncritical trust in the ‘firm leadership’ of seemingly well-intentioned political authority between 1933 and 1945.”


Connect with American Institute for Economic Research (AIER)

cover image based on creative commons work of CDD20 / pixabay

Country Singer Blind Joe: “Stand Your Ass Up and Scream It Out Loud. I Will Not Comply!”

Country Singer Blind Joe: “Stand Your Ass Up and Scream It Out Loud. I Will Not Comply!”


[Already censored once from YouTube, we share the reupload at Blind Joe’s YouTube channel below. But, just in case, we have added a mirrored Odysee copy at the end of this post and have made it available at Odysee, BitChute & Brighteon. All credit and copyright belong to Blind Joe. — TCTL editor] [Nov. 11 update: Second upload of original has been removed from YouTube. It has been widely mirrored at alternative sites by now.]

About Blind Joe


I will not comply

Quit tryin ta take me to task cuz I don’t wanna wear a mask or take a vaccine that could maybe make me die

They got no scientific evidence to back that crap up

All they do is feed us lie after lie

That’s why I will not comply

Since back last March I’ve had an achy-breaky heart like old Billy Ray Cyrus

Been catching a case of the blues from the news around this damn coronavirus

Now they’re telling us we gotta keep our chin diapers up even if we got the shot in the arm

But nobody’s talkin bout exercise or eating food that’s fresh grown from the farm

That’s why I will not comply

Quit trying ta take me to task cuz I don’t wanna wear a mask or take a vaccine that could maybe make me die

They got no scientific evidence to back that crap up

All they do is feed us lie after lie

That’s why I will not comply

The only way to stop the violence is for us to break the silence right now

So if you tend to agree and you’re pissed off like me

Stand your ass up and scream it out loud

Sing I will not comply

Quit tryin ta take me to task cuz I don’t wanna wear a mask or take a vaccine that could maybe make me die

They got no scientific evidence to back that crap up

All they do is feed us lie after lie

That’s why I will not comply

I’m here to tell ya people

I will not comply!!!


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Melbourne, Australia: Mainstream Reporters Retreat Behind Police as Spirited Pro-Freedom Protestors Shout “We Want Truth!”

Melbourne, Australia: Mainstream Reporters Retreat Behind Police as Spirited Pro-Freedom Protestors Shout “We Want Truth!”



Mainstream media was NOT welcome at Melbourne rally

by TOTT News
November 6, 2021


Melbourne demonstrators let the mainstream media know what they think about distorted coverage this afternoon, as reporters move back behind police and flee the area.

Citizens shout ‘we want the truth’ as reporters are chased out of town.

See more protest coverage of the huge crowd that overflowed the streets of Melbourne’s Central Business District:

‘We Say No!’: Victorians continue the fight against pandemic bill


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all images credit: screenshots from TOTT News video

Thousands of Canadian Aviation Professionals Join Hub for Pilots and Passengers Against Mandatory Vaccines

Thousands of Canadian Aviation Professionals Join Hub for Pilots and Passengers Against Mandatory Vaccines

by Dan Dicks, Press for Truth
November 5, 2021


Free To Fly is a group of more than 2,500 aviation professionals along with over 35,000 passengers who’s goal is: “To unite people through one of the most cherished freedoms of modern civilization – the freedom to travel great distances safely, quickly, and in comfort.” 

In 2021 the Covid-19(84) nightmare took a turn for the worst when vaccines became mandatory for travel in Canada leaving many to feel like prisoners in their own country. Many pilots are now loosing their jobs because they refuse to be coerced into getting the experimental mRNA shot. Free2Fly was created by former pilots who’s lives have been changed forever due to Covid-19(84). 

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with the founders of Free2Fly Matt Sattler and Greg Hill about the organization they’ve created, who’s involved, what their aspirations are and most importantly what you as an individual can do to help gain back your right to travel unmolested by the government. 


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cover image credit: StockSnap / pixabay

Texas Towns Avoid Some Federal Mandates by Rejecting Federal Money

Texas Towns Avoid Some Federal Mandates by Rejecting Federal Money

by Mike Maharrey, Tenth Amendment Center
November 5, 2021


BRADY, Texas (Nov. 5, 2021) – The federal government imposes all kinds of mandates and regulations on states and localities through requirements attached to federal funding. More than 60 Texas cities have avoided some of these strings by rejecting federal coronavirus aid.

According to the Texas Department of Emergency Management (TDEM), Brady recently joined dozens of other Texas municipalities with populations under 50,000 in rejecting federal money doled out in response to the pandemic. The Brady City Council turned down $1.3 million offered through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The council unanimously voted to send back nearly $675,000 it has already received and to decline a second payout scheduled for next year.

The U.S. Treasury manages the distribution of ARPA funds to Texas counties and cities with populations above 50,000. The TDEM distributes funding to smaller jurisdictions. The Texas legislature appropriated $16.3 billion in ARPA funds.

The U.S. Department of the Treasury contractually obligates governments taking ARPA money to comply with a long list of stipulations.

“Recipient agrees to comply with the requirements of section 603 of the Act, regulations adopted by Treasury pursuant to section 603(f) of the Act, and guidance issued by Treasury regarding the foregoing. Recipient also agrees to comply with all other applicable federal statutes, regulations, and executive orders, and Recipient shall provide for such compliance by other parties in any agreements it enters into with other parties relating to this award.” [Emphasis added]

The contract includes a list of applicable federal acts but does not detail what executive orders would apply. According to The Texan, activist Sheila Hemphill told the council “all other applicable” directives could include vaccine mandates, contract tracing programs, and any future coronavirus directives the federal government issues.

In an interview, Hemphill told The Texan that all city employees would be treated as “federal contractors” and bound by federal employment directives if Brady accepted the funding.

According to the unofficial meeting minutes, Councilwoman Jane Huffman opposed taking the funds, saying, “We live here in Brady because we want to be left alone. We want to control what happens in our community.”

Back in 2016, at least four local communities rejected HUD funding in order to avoid the onerous regulations. The HUD Affirmatively Further Fair Housing (AFFH) regulations total 377 pages. They give unelected HUD bureaucrats broad powers over grant recipient communities, including the power to reverse electoral decisions by local voters and force them to join “regions” against their wishes. Under AFFH, the federal government can control zoning, planning, land use, location of public transportation, and even the socioeconomic diversity of elementary and secondary classrooms.

While federal money with its promise of funding wonderful projects is an enticing carrot, a large stick inevitably follows close behind. By taking federal money, cities, towns, counties and states forfeit control over their own communities. Instead, bureaucrats in D.C. get to dictate and direct local concerns.

The best way to maintain local control is to reject federal funding and all the strings that inevitably come attached.

Federal money isn’t about helping poor people. It’s about command and control. State and local governments can’t complain when they willingly let the feds bribe them into relinquishing control.

But they can refuse the money.

This is the simplest and most effective nullification strategy there is: if you don’t want federal control, don’t take federal money. It’s as simple as that.


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cover image credit: Billy Hathorn  / Wikimedia Commons

Pfizer Has Secret Government Contracts for Covid Vaccines: Advocacy Group Says Company Puts Profits Over Public Health and Reveals Seven of Its Contracts Are Worth $5 Billion

Pfizer Has Secret Government Contracts for Covid Vaccines: Advocacy Group Says Company Puts Profits Over Public Health and Reveals Seven of Its Contracts Are Worth $5 Billion

by Natasha Anderson, Daily Mail
October 20, 2021
sourced from Global Research


Incisive report by the Daily Mail.

Excerpts below

A consumer rights advocacy group has released a report revealing that COVID vaccine producer Pfizer has secret government contracts and used power to ‘shift risk and maximize profits.’

Pfizer has 73 formalized deals for its COVID-19 vaccine but of those, only five have been formally published by governments and include ‘significant redactions,’ Public Citizen found.

The seven known contracts reviewed by Public Citizen are worth more than $5 billion.

The advocacy group – which gained access to several leaked, unredacted contracts – claims the Manhattan-based pharmaceutical giant’s contracts ‘consistently place Pfizer’s interests before public health imperatives.’

The report accuses Pfizer of including secret language blocking donations of its own doses, opposing an intellectual property waiver that could have allowed for the sharing of technology, having ‘unilateral authority for other decisions’ and more.

Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine – the first to receive emergency use authorization in the U.S. – has become the most popular worldwide, with 3.5 billion doses purchased.

Pfizer has 73 formalized deals for its COVID-19 vaccine but of those contracts, only five have been formally published by governments and are heavily redacted. The known contracts are worth $5 billion and were reviewed by Public Citizen, which outlined its findings (pictured)

Experts predict its sales to double in 2022, the Washington Post reported.

Due to the fact that information in several contracts remains redacted, it is unknown exactly what the total cost of all agreements are.

The details and obligations outlined in numerous contracts also remain undisclosed.

Experts allege that secret contracts poses risks to others.

‘Hiding contracts from public view or publishing documents filled with redacted text means we don’t know how or when vaccines will arrive, what happens if things go wrong and the level of financial risk buyers are absorbing,’ Tom Wright, research manager at the Transparency International Health Program, said.

Public Citizen gained access to Pfizer’s contracts with the US, UK, Albania, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Dominican Republic, European Commission and Peru.

‘The contracts offer a rare glimpse into the power one pharmaceutical corporation has gained to silence governments, throttle supply, shift risk and maximize profits in the worst public health crisis in a century,’ the group’s report alleges.

Contract experts, who reportedly analyzed the leaked documents, claim that Pfizer uses ‘unfair and abusive’ contractual terms in negotiations that give them the right to silence governments.

Read the complete Daily Mail Online article here.

Our thanks to the Daily Mail


cover image credit: x3 / pixabay

Fauci: A Conversation in Hell

Fauci: A Conversation in Hell

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
November 5, 2021


Soon after his passing, Fauci found himself in a small office. A desk, two chairs, a floor lamp. The carpet was worn. The paint on the wall was peeling. A young man wearing a white tropical suit walked in and sat down behind the desk. He motioned Fauci to a chair.

Where am I?

This is Hell, Tony.

Thank God.


Of course. This is where the party is, right?

You could say that.

For years, I’ve been conducting private experiments on orphans. Trying to develop antibodies against Heaven. The results seemed promising, so I’ve been injecting myself every morning. You know, whatever works.

We’ve been looking forward to your arrival.

Good. Can I check into a hotel?

We have a room for you in the fortress. It has a view of the lake.

Just one room? I’d prefer a suite. How is the room service? I’ll need aides. I want to set up a lab.

You’ll spend a great deal of time in a lab, Anthony. As a subject.

A subject? Of what?

We run experiments around the clock.

For purposes of enhancement? Life extension?

You don’t need extension. This is forever.

What then?

We have a schedule for residents. On Mondays, we’re doing high-dose AZT trials. We’re calculating the rate of body breakdown. As you know, the drug stops all cells from replicating.

I helped pioneer the drug. There must be some mistake. I conduct and organize studies. I don’t participate in them as a volunteer. That would be madness.

The other Monday option is six hours on the rack. Body-stretching. It’s an extreme form of Pilates. You get one break for a vegan meal, two shots of wheatgrass, and ten minutes of chanting led by a failed Hollywood actress in spandex.

Something’s wrong.

Maybe you’ve been wrong.

About what?

Let’s see. Where to start? You helped lead the world into masks, distancing, lockdowns, economic devastation, a highly toxic vaccine.

There was a pandemic.

Anthony, there’s no need for obfuscation. You’re in Hell.

I take the Fifth. There was a plan. I helped carry it out. I was an administrator. It was my job. I followed orders.

You profited handsomely.

You have no idea. I made out like Rockefeller.

We know, Anthony. We’re not distracted by limited hangouts or cover stories.

I have no intention of becoming a subject or a victim. It’s below my rank and status. Talk to Hillary. Talk to Bill Gates.

We have a program specifically prepared for Hillary. Bill is a different story. He’s one of our active agents on Earth. When he finally makes port here, his arrogant ego bloated beyond all reasonable standards of propriety, he’ll require a step-down protocol designed by the Marquis.

De Sade?

None other.

This is starting to sound like a nightmare. There HAS to be a mistake. I deserve my rewards.

Do you have any idea how times I’ve heard that in this room, Anthony?

I’m a master of designing protocols and studies. I could help you.

Now on Tuesdays, we feature a forced march through thriving soldier-anthills and snake pits in a driving rain.

But Jesus is my Savior.

I doubt that.


Because you’re here, Anthony. The proof of the pudding. Remember the studies on orphans in New York, at the Incarnation Center? The body-ripping AIDS drugs administered by coercion and force? Through intubation? Many of those children died. Your agency funded the studies.

Okay, look, that’s why I’m saying I can help you. I know how to do that work.

On Wednesdays, our residents can opt for a massive breakfast of methamphetamine, after which they crawl through dark tunnels and fight it out for access to a room where attendants are standing by with counteracting injections of Thorazine.

That’s horrible.

You’ve done worse, Anthony.

But I wasn’t on the receiving end.

Giving, receiving. A few of our scholars propose that, in the larger scheme of things, Hell is merely correcting an imbalance in Nature.

Talk to Biden. He’ll vouch for me.

Biden? Really? Even if we wanted to, he’s non compos mentis.

Does that mean he’s not responsible for his own actions? He’ll go to Heaven?

Good one, Anthony. We like jokes.

Did you hear the one about the rabbi performing brain surgery on the priest? I’ve got hundreds of medical side-splitters. Do you need a court jester? I can dance and sing.

Oh, you’ll dance and sing, Anthony. Now, Thursday is straight immersion in the lake of fire. Or you can opt for being strapped in a chair and sprayed with chemicals that bring on a whole host of profound respiratory symptoms. Not being able to breathe results in some very interesting reactions. While this is happening to you, you’ll be forced to watch news anchors on television describing these symptoms as caused by a virus. For fourteen hours straight. It’s quite delicious.

Again, you’re talking about the kind of medical ops I administer. I can help you refine the parameters.

Our pros, Anthony, have been at this for a very long time. They know their business, believe me.

I’m Doctor Prestige. The most famous people in the world come to me for advice, on everything from experimental brain implants to nose jobs. Wherever I go, I’m celebrated. Feted. Showered with accolades and applause. Prime ministers want to kiss my ring.

And you’ll reconnect with some of those prime ministers in the tunnel of meth, scratching and clawing and biting and ripping your way toward a shot of Thorazine.

I’m having a dream. This is a dream.

That’s what everyone thinks. Until they don’t. Given your Catholic upbringing, I’m surprised you’re so surprised by Hell. Think Dante. The Inferno.

One of my Jesuit teachers told me Hell was just a con, a strategy to control the rubes and yokels.

Never believe a Jesuit, Anthony. Like the CIA, they wake up in the morning and they go to sleep at night lying.

And who are you? Who are you to consign me to a fate worse than death?

I’m the assistant director of Human Resources. I started out cleaning the horse stalls for the Riders of the Apocalypse and worked my way up.

I could work my way up. I’m very diligent. I can fill vials. Prepare injections. Sweep animal cages. You know, when I was a child, I wanted to be a door man at a fancy apartment building, so I could wear a uniform. I could be a greeter. Hold umbrellas for people in the rain while they’re getting in cabs.

We do have some former researchers who work in cages with animals.

You see? I could do that.

I wouldn’t exactly call it work. We lock the researchers in cages with animals they used to torture.

My God. Has anyone ever escaped from here?

There are a few stories. According to legend, Heinrich Himmler, Reichsführer of the Nazi SS, almost made it in 2005. He was a few miles from the Unknown Forest, when he happened upon a group of gay Jewish men who were organizing a Pride event. One of the men recognized him. We might have surveillance video footage in our archive. I’ll see if I can dig it up. Now let me show you to your room. As I say, it has a nice view of the lake…

I have money.

We’re cashless.

I have connections. I’ll give you their phone numbers.

Don’t be silly. We’re bloated with connections.

I’ll give you my honor. Or dishonor. I’ll give you my soul.

You’re here, Anthony. We have you. Whole. Sliced and diced. Every which way. Now come with me. It’s a short boat ride to the Fortress along the river of ammonia. Don’t forget to put on your mask. I’d recommend two.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image based on work of Owensart & Devanah / pixabay

The Man Who Died Alone

The Man Who Died Alone
               Who was he? And who are we?

by Celia Farber, The Truth Barrier
November 5, 2021


It’s 2021.

Our gravely concerned Globalist jailers have placed us in psychic open-air graves clear around the world. As the sun rises and sets, they bray and bray, like mules made of recycled tin, their unceasing hammer blows to our exhausted souls, that we must, as the singular and final act of human decency, “get vaccinated.”So they think we  didn’t hear them the last ten thousand times they said it? What does it mean to repeat ONE THING over and over and over and over to a person, or to 400 million people? It means you don’t acknowledge their aliveness, or your own. There are no longer ears, anywhere, no give and take, no dialogue. No life.

I just watched this Biden Propaganda clip, and as ever, the man makes me despair, even though I don’t believe in despair.

Somebody working for the US Gov actually wrote the words: “This is not about your freedom.”

Oh you think?

“Martha, come quick! The President has explained this is not about our freedom. We can totally change and upgrade, Martha. We no longer have to be dirty, selfish Americans. Come listen to President Biden explain everything!”

He touches his ear in that creepy signaling way that to me simply makes me feel I am about to be thrown in the back of a white van. And I’m 6 years old. That’s how much I am actually frightened by the visual and auditory experience of “The President.” Also, please can somebody explain the wallpaper to me? What is “Vaccine.Gov?” I imagine it it the final end station whereby the Pharmaceutical Cabal overtly overtakes the “US Government.”

Watch the horror here:

Meanwhile, God is changing the colors of all the leaves, wishing we would look at them.

Instead we peer into the goggles, go to the machine, checking the Death Weather Report. A now 1.5 year hostage crisis in which the dead are killed, to be weaponized against us hostages. And that’s only part of the shell game.

The dead hold the secrets of what really killed them. One must never question Covid as “cause” of death; Morticians have to be skilled resistance warriors to even obtain any “Covid” corpses for post-mortems, let alone tell us what they found.

The dead are exploited ruthlessly to fuel the PCR and “Vaccine” gold rushes; You might say they are the gold. (Better to say, the graphene.)

But they must remain silent, never reveal how they died. They are loved after death in political Covid “memorials” only if their loved ones agree they died of Covid. All other deaths are stripped of state-sanctioned sympathy.

Meanwhile, there is, as this paper states, “great reluctance worldwide” to perform autopsies on those said to have died of “Covid-19.”

(I’m running out of quotation marks.)


Let’s not exhaust ourselves. This is a very crude and obvious Tiger Show. Same tricks as with AIDS, massively amped up and refined.

Their best weapon is a one word magic wand that literally achieves for them transformation of any thing into whatever they need it to become. It’s a four letter word:


Risk is always trans-calculational in essence, so can always be whipped out and used to abuse people to the end of time. You may notice, they control the Risk Projectors at the back of our cages while we can never get a word in edgewise that it is in fact them we fear.

No “virus” behaves like this. Nothing found in nature behaves like this.

But that’s part of the new One World Religion: To not question how this virus does behave like this. (HIV is sitting around in a retirement home looking at newspaper articles from her bygone glory days.)

And whereas previous despots admitted they were eliminating people, (albeit for the common good,) these narcissistic beasts insist they are protecting us, and they try to make us thank them. One of the Covid Reich’s favorite domination and shaming rituals is to get the spouse of a person who died following injections to urge people to still get their shots.

We are all culturally pressured, bullied and gaslit now, to mimic the dead as much as possible, by shutting down expressions of life, love, motion, aspiration, and hope.

The mask is the Lenin Bust of this final revolution, the unifying symbol— the idol we use to guard against this era’s complex gulags.

I was in the Soviet Union with my father in 1985, consciously partaking in a propaganda mission I’ll tell you about another time, if we have nothing better to do. (It was to do with the POWs in Afghanistan, and trying to persuade their mothers that the government cared. They invited: A Rabbi, a Priest and an Anti-Communist, my father.)

One day, in a restaurant, my father stopped to ponder a Buddha statue, and made a joke to our guide. “Let me guess. He’s thinking about Lenin. Right?”

Our guide turned white and begged my father: “Please Barry, no jokes about Lenin.” My father dropped his arms to his side and repressed a smile. He believed there was no subject you can’t joke about, but humorlessness is, indeed, the go to tonal- setting of the wicked.

When we can make jokes openly, we will know the Jacobins have lost terror power. I think we are approaching it.

If you are a loser, you want nothing more than to impose some new thing at all times on the minds and souls of your victims. That’s what the mass murder based ISMs are all about. (Bolshivism, Communism, Fascism—what shall we call this one?)

Beauty, art, literature, faith, history, music, traditions—all these are but potential portals of infection, as they take our minds off the drum beat of “Covid,” (as I write, being displaced by Climate Change 2.) They make us remember, our lost civilizations and no revolution permits that. They make us long to transcend separation. But wait! You’re supposed to worship separation too, which prepares you excellently to resemble the dead, while still biologically alive.

Have you noticed: Covid mostly appeals to people who were always sour-pusses?

Our minds are trained upon computer generated speculations: Who died, how certain people are failing to fear death sufficiently, how much debt we carry, to those who have banked on our death speculations, what we will do, pay, surrender, or become, in order to buy their fake bonds of ostensible Death Prevention (“Vaccines.”)

Want to see a real hockey stick?

The spike in all deaths reported to VAERS by year:

This is, a heroic one-woman website that clarifies all the data which, on the official VAERS website is rendered deliberately and shamefully inscrutable.
As you can clearly discern, every day this website remains up, is that it is as reasonable to say the Covid Machine is preventing death as it is to claim Stalin prevented the deaths of Ukrainians in 1932.

Which the New York Times, come to think of it, did.

In its way.

Here’s the Pulitzer Prize winning Walter Duranty in his own words, denying there was famine in Ukraine on the front pages of the Paper of Record. (I can’t address rumors of his necrophilia, but I feel that somehow this ‘rumor’ seems less crazy every day.)

Here’s the truth about Stalin’s unfathomable genocide by famine known as Holomodor.

The New York Times to this day won’t revoke Duranty’s Pulitzer, because the prize apparently maintains its sheen by pompous defense of “whatever we printed,” as opposed to “what actually happened.” Every journalist offered it should refuse it until Duranty’s is revoked. (But even if that happens, we still would have to deal with Laurie Garrett’s Pulitzer, and so many others.)

No longer are we permitted to live until we die, we must die before we die, or at least, in incremental ways, stop moving, so we all the more closely resemble the dead. It’s a very bizarre Neo-progressivism, which tells people they risk something worse than death if they state publicly they are not afraid of a Corona/Cold virus. They will be re-assigned as part of the “far-right.” And they will of course, be accused of murder.

The new “left” has collapsed entirely into a shrill nanny state of “prudent jailers,” expressing its decomposing atheism by way of Synthetic Virus Worship. Scientifically bankrupt contagion mania alchemizes, for them, into chronic indignation, disapproval, accusation and finally homicidal rage. If only they would go back to telling us from which nations we may not purchase grapes due to unjust conditions for the workers.

No—there are no more “workers,” there are no more branches of progressivism that do not invoke, as supreme and only cause, Contagion and its social and economic hostage demands. Progressivism (by which I mean global corporations) is cheering the mass decimation of all working classes, professional classes, underclasses, anything you can come up with. (Migrant caravans whose children and women can be trafficked are, for now, set aside.)

The industrial destruction of the whole world and all its inhabitants, in case you’re missing the plot, must proceed unabated in the name of “fighting the virus,” which is a direct descendent of the HIV/AIDS UFO. What people learn only too late is that “the virus,” since it is born in silico, and wielded through synthetic meta-verse perceptions achieved by a set of trans-calculational PCR CT settings, will win every round of this video game. With “variants,” forget it.

All you have with which to defend yourself is “But I feel fine.” You are never “fine,” Rube. You are perpetually in debt, in these new black-debt parallel financial systems that emerged after the first debt-based future projected surrogate marker based illness known as “HIV/AIDS.”

The mantra: “Get tested” really means, worship the Debt Idol.
It is now an act of social terrorism to even think in these terms. Whatever next? Horse-paste?

Many people did try very hard, for many years, against almost indescribable psychological warfare, to shoot down the HIV/AIDS UFO, with a clear understanding of how dangerous it was. Why could it not be done? Because of woke-ism having overtaken, indeed become inseparable from, “science.”

It was a stain, you see, to “suggest” that “HIV was not the cause of AIDS.” It was denialism. Fringe. Conspiracy. Right wing. Homophobic. Anti-science. Responsible for the death of millions. And so forth. Somewhere in there, we lost most of our potential allies. Still, the fight was formidable, and soon to be documented in a whole new light. If you have not done so, consider ordering Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book The Real Anthony Faucihere.

The dominant power insists inside a well lit media psychosis that a “Corona virus” formerly understood as a common respiratory “virus,” which can’t even be witnessed, or made “available” as bio-material in the very hands of Christian Drosten (lesser magic) is nevertheless killing millions around the world. The Numerologists, let’s call them. Lynn Margulis called them that.

So what about the man who died alone?

I posted this video the other day, despite how disturbing, shocking and transgressive it was. A good friend and reader of this page, “CathPath,”made an important observation:

“Sadly, such events are no longer surprising. Yet, am I alone in questioning the appropriateness of the acquaintance going “live” on social media with this public break-in into his house– invading this poor victim’s privacy even– or especially– in death?

I also doubt that such dreadful videos will even change any of such captive minds at this point.”

I have been thinking on and off about the man who died, the man who filmed it, the firemen, and what exactly I myself was doing when I shared it.

I actually felt, when I first watched it, that the man who films and cries, and tries to get the truth out, was being respectful of the dead man.


Because he was there. He witnessed, he lamented. Without him, the dead man is in even more trouble, he is simply removed. Why was it left to a near stranger to miss him, to note he’d gone silent?

Ivan Klima’s novel Love and Garbage is a heart-searing meditation on this very dilemma. How totalitarian regimes attack love to transform it to garbage. (Which they can’t do.)

Still, I draw a blank. I can’t find North, South, East West.

I can’t say which is more right or more wrong. Maybe I myself have ceased to be entirely human, or maybe we all have.

In 2020, I lost my best friend and my father. I was not able to bury either of them. My father’s ashes were handed to me and my son, curbside, by a woman in a mask outside the Greenwich Village funeral home. No fault of theirs.

Incidentally, those people—the ones who work with the dead and their families—they are among the kindest people you will ever meet.

Covid presents impossible choices by design. I feel I am lost in a vault, frozen in time before 2020, when I knew what it meant to be human. Now I only know how to pump out “information” and “warnings.” I’m homesick for my lost inner landscape, and the places we all used to meet. Homesick for the human landscape.


Connect with Celia Farber, The Truth Barrier

cover image credit: Noah Silliman / Unsplash

London — October 30th Freedom March Highlights

London — October 30th Freedom March Highlights


by James Scott
November 5, 2021


Connect with James Scott

Victoria, Australia: Police Allow “Kill the Bill” Protestors to Assemble & Speak Freely at Flemington Racecourse

Victoria, Australia: Police Allow “Kill the Bill” Protestors to Assemble & Speak Freely at Flemington Racecourse


‘KILL THE BILL’: Protesters take to Flemington over new pandemic laws 
Police allow anti-Dan protest to peacefully march in Melbourne.

by Avi Yemini, Rebel News
November 5, 2021

Hundreds marched to Flemington Racecourse in protest of Premier Daniel Andrews’ proposed pandemic bill.

In an unusual scene, police facilitated the peaceful anti-Dan protest—even blocking roads for the protesters.

Chanting ‘kill the bill’, the group arrived at the Melbourne Cup entrance, where 10,000 punters were slowly allowed in after showing their vaccine passports.

Following speeches and chants, the protest marched back to Footscray Park to enjoy a family-friendly picnic.

For almost two years, the government and mainstream media have told us these protesters are “violent thugs looking for a fight with police”.

This event proves that narrative as fake news. When police are willing to uphold the right to protest, there is no violence.

The protest was diverse, but the message was uniform: Kill the bill.

Fifty-six thousand people have signed a petition to the Governor who holds the power to stop the legislation from being enacted.

Connect with Rebel News

The Most Dangerous Technology Ever Invented — Part Three

The Most Dangerous Technology Ever Invented — Part Three


Cell Phones Are Not Here to Stay

by Arthur Firstenberg, Cellular Phone Task Force
November 4, 2021


On the day digital cell phone service began in New York City, I was away from home at a three-day law conference. The day I returned home I became dizzy. Within a few days I was also nauseous and I had uncontrollable tremors. I had the first asthma attack of my life. My eyeballs felt like they were bulging out, my lips felt dry, fat and puffy, I felt pressure in my chest, and the bottoms of my feet hurt. I became so weak I couldn’t lift a book. My skin became so sensitive I couldn’t bear to be touched and I could hardly stand to wear my clothes. My head was roaring like a freight train. After the fourth day I could not sleep or eat. During the sixth night my larynx went into spasm three times. Each time that happened I couldn’t draw a breath in or out and I thought I was going to die. I left home the next morning, never to return.

This did not happen only to me, or only to a few people. Beginning November 14, 1996, the day Omnipoint Communications turned on all those cell towers, hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers became suddenly ill. Many thought they were having a heart attack, a stroke or a nervous breakdown. The Health Department called it an influenza epidemic, and it lasted until the following May. They did not stop to wonder why it hit only New York and not any nearby cities at that time. Weekly mortality statistics from the Centers for Disease Control revealed a 17 percent rise in mortality in the city beginning the week of November 17, lasting 11 weeks, that killed 2,300 people.

The epidemic did not hit Boston until the following year, when Sprint began service there on November 12, 1997. Mortality spiked by 15.5% for 16 weeks. It hit San Diego when Pacific Bell began service there on November 1, 1996, lasted for 17 weeks, and raised mortality by 14.5%. It did not hit nearby Los Angeles until the following summer, when Pacific Bell began service there on July 3, 1997, and mortality rose by 30% for the next 15 weeks. It hit Philadelphia in the spring, when Sprint began service there on April 3, 1997, and Detroit in the fall, when Sprint began service there on October 15, 1997. It hit Jacksonville, Florida the previous fall, when Powertel began service there on October 15, 1996. It hit Chicago, Milwaukee, Austin, San Antonio, Fort Worth, Houston, Atlanta, Fresno, Spokane, Portland, Sacramento, Charlotte, and Tulsa, beginning in each city on the day digital cell phone service became available in that city.

I learned, in 1996, that power levels do not matter. After microwave radiation had nearly killed me in Brooklyn after only six days of exposure, I was sure the radiation levels must be sky high, and I hired a professional engineer, Stuart Maurer, to go to my house with his spectrum analyzer to measure the radiation. I came down for the day from my motel room in upstate New York to watch him. To my astonishment, the highest level he measured, anywhere in my house, was 0.0001 microwatts per square centimeter. Clearly I still had a lot to learn about microwave radiation, and many things I thought I knew were wrong.

The same thing is happening now with 5G, only this time instead of blaming an influenza virus, society is blaming a coronavirus. And this time, it is happening everywhere at once instead of one city at a time. On October 13, 2020, Verizon issued a press release announcing the availability of its 5G network throughout the United States, and on the same day Apple issued a press release announcing the launch of its 5G phone, the iPhone 12. The iPhone 12 and 12 Pro were available in stores October 23, and the iPhone Mini and Max were available in early November. And in every state except two, mortality began to suddenly rise the week of October 24 or soon after, and not later than the week of November 21. The two exceptions were Wisconsin, where the mortality spike began the week of October 17, and Hawaii, which did not have a significant rise in deaths last winter. Nationally, mortality rose an average of 25% for 20 weeks, and 300,000 people died.

It is happening everywhere at once also to birds, insects, wildlife, and plant life. A correspondent in Knoxville, Tennessee wrote to me last week:

“These past couple of months I’ve noticed 5 bumblebees now on our flowers that have appeared paralyzed to me. We unfortunately have Verizon’s 5G Ultra Wideband very close to our home, which is only available outside, and I think they are being impacted by that. We brought 4 of them into our house, each at different times, and 3 of the 4 revived within about 5 minutes, so I then released them back outside. The 4th one took a little over an hour to revive before it was able to fly off.”

Another observer, in East Dover, Vermont, wrote, a couple of days ago:

“We grow 3 acres of blackcurrants, 200 blueberry bushes (11 varieties) and a smattering of other novelty berry plants. Our small farm is certified organic with 8 open acres certified (only 3 planted) and the remainder of the 31 acres is wooded. The blackcurrants are early bloomers and our 4 varieties all bloom within a few days of each other. There are so many different pollinating insects that come to the fields including a certain type of bumblebee with a red middle. It is wondrous to see and hear all the different shaped insects noisily working away.

“This spring, as I walked down the rows and admired all the blossoms in the front field, I suddenly stopped because it was almost completely quiet. There were two bumblebees among the 2,225 blackcurrant bushes and their buzzing was so noticeable because everything was so silent. When I mentioned this to a fifth generation apple farmer, he said that not only were there no pollinators this year, the timing of everything was off. For example, his asparagus was two weeks early (ours was, too). Compared with 2020, our blackcurrant blooming times were 2 weeks early this year. It was a cold spring but I would think that would delay blooming. So that is another reason the insects weren’t around yet. Two weeks is a huge amount of time! The blueberries were also generally early and the usual succession of blooms through the varieties was altered.

“The next day, I raced over to Forever Wild, a honeybee farmer, and secured a pallet of four hives. It was too cold for them to fly so they stayed in their hives in the middle of a gorgeous bloom of blackcurrants. Apparently, bumblebees will fly when it is in low 50s but honeybees need it to be at least 59 degrees. The honeybee farmer said they pollinate one quarter of the whole state (Vermont) and that all the guys up north (mostly apples) were talking about the same thing — no pollinators and specifically no bumblebees.

“Another curiosity this year was the fact that we had very few Japanese beetles. This could be because it was an extremely wet year but it is interesting to note that the beetles and bumblebees both winter underground. Also, when I visited my parents in September in Concord, MA, my mother pointed out how all the oaks had dark spots on them. All our tree leaves have the same spots here in southern Vermont and especially on the beech and quaking aspens. I planted our first berry plants in 2014 so I don’t have a vast wealth of personal experience owning and running a farm but I hope to continue my observations and plan on recreating that experiment with aluminum screening that Katie Haggerty did except with blackcurrants.”

A naturalist in Greece, Diana Kordas, wrote a detailed report in October from the island of Samos in the eastern Mediterranean:

“I live in the country a few kilometers from the capital town of Samos, Vathi, which sits at the end of a large bay, and opposite the tourist village of Kokkari. In July of this summer, 2021, a pilot 5G cell tower was turned on above Kokkari. This cell tower is across the bay from us, one of its two panels points directly at us, and it is at the same height above sea level as our property. It is approximately 6 kilometers away.

“Where we live we are surrounded by cell towers and boosters (14 total) operating at 2G, 3G, and 4G frequencies. There has been a gradual diminution of insect and bird life in the last few years, especially since 2014, when 4G came here. Many species are affected; we lost the last of the fireflies (we used to have many) two summers ago. It has been years since we had a bug splattered on the windshield of the car as we drove along. But since that 5G cell tower across the bay went live, we have lost nearly all the pollinators and a great deal more besides.

“In the early part of the summer we had a great many pollinators: bumblebees, honeybees, many sorts of wild bees, carpenter bees, wasps of all kinds, and hoverflies. We tend to notice them as we grow all our own fruit and vegetables. Our early summer crops were pollinated without any problem, but melons, tomatoes and courgettes (zucchini) which we planted in early July have produced very little fruit as they did not get many pollinators though there were many blossoms. Not a single courgette has been pollinated and the tomatoes produced only 3 fruits; the melons (not as many as we would have expected) seem to have been pollinated by tiny night-flying moths.

“We own three and a half acres of land, which a big property for the island. It has many large trees (pines, cypresses, carobs, wild pistachio, olives, almonds and a grove of extremely rare gum mastic trees) and some fruit trees (apricots, plums and pears) as well as fields of grasses and wild plants. I should note here that we do not use pesticides of any sort, and we do not have any adjoining neighbours who use any pesticides; also, most of the land surrounding us is wild both up the mountain and down to the sea. Our own land has never had any pesticides and I would say the same is most likely true for most of the land around us. This is NOT a pesticide problem.

“We also keep our land as wild as possible, and except for the plots we cultivate the wild plants are allowed to grow freely: grasses, flowers (many orchids), and a lot of wild fennel. There are many bushes and hedges (I don’t know the English names for these plants). Many of the trees are over 100 years old, and some of the cypresses are over 300 years old.

“When planting we tend to intercrop and also plant flowering basils and zinnias, which attract pollinators, among the other plants. We also put out saucers of water for them to drink from — bees get thirsty. We usually get lots of bees, butterflies, hoverflies, wasps, etc., of many species, and we had many pollinators until recently. The decline began in July when the tower went live.

“The bees and other pollinators, and indeed most of the insects, are now almost all gone. We know this for several reasons: one is what we see (or don’t see) on the vegetable beds, one is what we are seeing generally (or not seeing, which is hardly anything) and the most important is what we are not seeing on the carob trees. Every year at this time, the male carobs flower abundantly and draw in hundreds of pollinators: bees of all sorts, wasps, hornets and hoverflies. You can’t go anywhere near these trees without being aware of a loud buzzing, and the insects are busy on them all day. These trees bloom for about a month, they are in full flower, and to date there has been virtually nothing on them: one bumblebee, one honeybee, a few hornets, a few flies of different species, a couple of tiny wild bees. We check many times a day, every day.

“This is NOT due to the weather, either. Since the carob trees went into flower we have had a variety of weather patterns, from strong northerly winds to fairly strong southerlies, interspersed with a good many still days. It has rained once. The temperatures are about average for the time of year. Wind or no wind, warm or cool, there are virtually no pollinators on the carobs.

“One day we also checked for bees on every male carob we could find between here and Kokkari, and we couldn’t find any insects on any other flowering carob— or any insects at all, except a few flies.

“The flowering carobs are a good indicator of pollinators because they attract so many. Certain plants are good for this, like traveller’s joy/cat’s claw, a thorny climbing vine which has very sweet-smelling flowers and blooms in this season (we haven’t seen any pollinators on them either) and onion flowers, which will attract every type of wasp and hornet there is (but not bees). We do not have onion flowers at this time, but on past occasions when we have had, we got large numbers of wasps and hornets, including many species we did not recognize.

“On our land, as I write this, we have lost not only bees but all sorts of other insects: beetles of all sorts including cockchafers and ladybirds, web-spinning spiders, mantises, moths and butterflies (we always get great clouds of graylings on the pines in July-August, but hardly any this year), dragonflies of all sorts, grasshoppers and crickets. October is the season for dragonflies, and we presently have the warm, still weather when they arrive in the thousands. This year we have maybe 1/100th of the usual number. We have a few hornets (not nearly as many as usual), horseflies (fewer than usual) and flies (which seem of all the insects to be the least affected).

“We still have mosquitoes, but I believe the reason for this is that they breed in our cistern, which has stone walls two feet thick and a cement roof — it is protected from electromagnetic fields. The mosquitoes get in through the overflow pipe and tiny gaps in the stones that cover the drain holes. Our neighbour, who has an open-topped cistern, had thousands of mosquito larvae in the water (and a big mosquito problem) earlier in the summer, now has no mosquitoes. I checked, and there are no larvae in the water of his cistern any more.

“I can only think that the 5G cell tower has caused these things to happen, because nothing else accounts for the sudden, severe drop in the number of insects here. The tower went live in July and the losses we are seeing have happened since July. I also think that we are seeing a drop in the number of small rodents: rats, mice and voles. We are not losing fruit and vegetables to mice or rats, which we always do. Also, on a wild bit of land like this, one tends to find traces of them, or to catch tails whisking away in the beam of a torch at night, or to hear them (tree rats can be quite noisy), and it seems they too are gone or going. My neighbour keeps finding dead rats, yet he never poisons them so they didn’t die from that.

“We are also seeing changes in animal behaviour. We feed a number of golden jackals which are having problems hunting due to a lack of wildlife in the area. The bay of Samos is/we are already surrounded by many cell towers and boosters in addition to the new 5G cell tower and wildlife including insects and birds has been declining for years. However, over the past few weeks the number of jackals coming to us has tripled and they are exhibiting symptoms of extreme anxiety, following us around in the evenings and now starting to appear in the daytime as well (they are primarily nocturnal). These are wild animals that we do not treat as pets, but some of them are becoming positively clingy, approaching to within several feet and sitting for periods of time just a few feet away. Some of them, which were not aggressive before, have started to become very aggressive with other jackals and fights are always breaking out.

“The area is also experiencing problems with wild boar, which are also looking for food. We have had several too-close encounters with these large and dangerous animals (which are also appearing at times when they shouldn’t, before sunset) and digging up large portions of our land at night. I was charged by one and so was my husband. Many people are seeing them in daytime, and they have dug up gardens, groves and the sides of the road. This has never happened before.

“Bird numbers are diminishing. We have still got fairly large numbers of great tits and sardinian warblers, which tend to stick to the deep cover of thick hedges and large trees, but we have lost all the chiffchaffs and chaffinches. We have a few blackbirds but it is a long time since we have seen a songthrush, or a wren. The robins have not arrived from further north, though they should have by now. We have a pair of tawny owls but little owls have disappeared. We get jays and crows, a few ring-neck doves (diminishing) and wood-pigeons, which have become few in number lately. Gull numbers (yellow-legged gulls) are falling and the shags which were always on the beach below our land have disappeared entirely. We are getting fewer raptors — we usually have sparrowhawks, Eleanora’s falcons, goshawks, buzzards and short-toed eagles, but they are avoiding this area now though we see them elsewhere, as well as ravens.

“We have seen virtually no migrating birds in this area this fall: a few flycatchers, a couple of red-backed shrikes, and a flock of Little Gulls flying out to sea is all. We heard but didn’t see a flock of bee-eaters, which didn’t stop here as they usually do.

“In conclusion, cell towers in general have diminished the number of insects and pollinators in this area, along with bird numbers and wildlife generally. The new 5G cell tower has had a devastating effect in a very short time, but it is impossible to know the full consequences until next spring at the earliest.”


Those of you who remember car windshields splattered with insects, gardens ablaze with butterflies and abuzz with bees, loud choruses of crickets on land, and of frogs in ponds, and thick flocks of songbirds singing their joy at life, will understand what I am about to say. Cell phones are not here to stay. Whether people will willingly give them up is another question.

If people will willingly give up cell phones, the sudden and dramatic improvement in everyone’s health and sense of well-being, and the return of all our lost and disappearing cousin species who are still trying to share the Earth with us, will restore hope to the human species and catalyze other changes that will suddenly become possible, most importantly the ending of the mining and use of fossil fuels, which are converting the oxygen in our air to carbon dioxide, acidifying our oceans, polluting our rivers, lakes, streams and groundwater, and filling oceans, land, atmosphere, and ourselves with particles of plastic.

If people do not willing give up cell phones, then our planet does not have long to live, and cell phones will die with the Earth. In either case, they are not here to stay. Please join me in working toward the restoration of our home. If you have not yet signed it, sign the International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space. If your organization has consultation status at the United Nations and has the ability to formally submit this Appeal to the U.N., get in touch with me. If your organization opposes 5G and you have not yet done so, contact me at about signing the amicus brief supporting our case in the Supreme Court. Please download, save, and distribute Part I, Part II and Part III of this series. If you still own or use a cell phone, please throw it away, now, and if you do not have a landline, get one.



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Read Parts One and Two:

The Most Dangerous Technology Ever Invented — Part One
The Most Dangerous Technology Ever Invented — Part Two — There is No Dose Response for Microwave Radiation



Connect with Arthur Firstenberg

cover image credit: based on creative commons work by creozavr / pixabay

VAERS Reveals Death by Lot Number: Specific States Get Certain Vials

VAERS Reveals Death by Lot Number: Specific States Get Certain Vials

by Stew Peters
November 1, 2021


The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) collects information that the CDC is supposed to use to determine the safety of vaccines that have been released for the public.

That system has revealed some extremely SHOCKING information about specific lot numbers that seem to be causing more damage and death than others. Dr. Jane Ruby joined Stew Peters to discuss.


Connect with Stew Peters Show

cover image credit: ckstockphoto / pixabay

Murdering Infants to Obtain Fetal Tissue for Vaccine Research

Murdering Infants to Obtain Fetal Tissue for Vaccine Research


“…the more evidence arises supporting my worst fear—that a perfectly innocent
living child, a healthy little girl, born alive and outside the womb, was killed for
and by the harvest of her organs, and that this is a practice that may underlie
great parts of the research industry.”

~ AnnaMaria Cardinalli



Murdering Infants to Obtain Fetal Tissue for Vaccine Research
An interview with AnnaMaria Cardinalli

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
November 4, 2021


For my recent series of articles on the murder of infants to obtain fetal tissue for vaccine testing and research, I gained key information from investigative reporter AnnaMaria Cardinalli’s article, “Catholic Conscience and the COVID-19 Vaccine,” in Crisis magazine.

AnnaMaria agreed to do an interview on this and related subjects. The interview speaks for itself—and it should provide people a VERY fundamental reason for rejecting the COVID vaccine.

Q: It seems you’ve lived at least several lives side by side. You’ve earned a lofty worldwide reputation as an operatic contralto and classical guitarist; you’re a licensed private investigator; you carried out extensive research for the US military in Afghanistan; you own a private security firm; you donate all your earnings to a Catholic order which wants to start an orphanage for exploited children. And I’m not covering all the bases. It’s rather mind-blowing. Before we dive into the subject at hand, can you speak to this variety and achievement?

A: Ha! Your question is very flattering and I’m hardly at issue here, but I’ll be happy to answer. The variety of work I’ve been involved in is so wildly unlikely that I could have never sat down and come up with it as a plan! The one factor underlying all it is my incredible fortune to have been raised soundly in the Catholic Faith by my mom, so despite my own many failings, I knew enough to put my life completely at the disposal of God’s will from an early age. I find utterly astounding the adventures on which He’ll lead a soul when He’s given that freedom. Making music was always my personal hope, but the rest came as a natural consequence of responding to circumstances around me with whatever capacities I had the ability to respond. That’s the very definition of responsibility (“response ability”), and a real means by which God guides our lives, don’t you think?

Q: In your wide range of experiences, did medical issues ever pop up on your radar?

A: Medical issues arose in two ways. On one hand, when I worked for the FBI and was embedded with the Joint Special Operations Command In Iraq, I received truly fantastic, cutting-edge training in a collateral duty as a Tactical Operational Medic. Later, in Afghanistan, I participated in medical missions to help assess rural tribal community needs—particularly the medical needs of women and children. Through these military experiences, I found a passion for emergency medicine. I recently re-certified as an EMT to better assist my community’s current medical mission to the homeless (, and I continue to pursue more advanced certifications.

On the other hand, I do not approach the issue of the cell line origins as a practitioner or any sort of medical expert, but as an investigative journalist, simply seeking out the facts and holding them to the light of common logic. My thinking is that the factors necessary to understand the nature of what we put into our bodies must be, at least on a basic level, accessible and comprehensible to the general population, and one need not be a medical expert to grasp them. Otherwise, how could most of us make an informed decision? We can’t allow clear, critical truths to be obfuscated by the statement, “You’re not an expert. You wouldn’t understand.”

Q: How did you become interested in the very specific origin of the fetal cell line, HEK 293? What made you think it might be important?

A: I was led to interest in HEK 293 via a long path. My experience in Afghanistan imparted to me a particular investigative focus on Human Trafficking. I’ve written and worked extensively on the issue, and the more I learn, the more I am overwhelmed by its prevalence, both internationally and on our own soil. In recent years, while the China Tribunal brought the harvesting and sale of organs belonging to unwanted citizens into clear focus overseas, the Planned Parenthood expose by David Daleiden [more on that expose — covered by Celia Farber, here and here] and others brought the same practice to light in the US. Both these developments solidified the trafficking issue in my mind not only as one of forced labor or sexual exploitation but of the complete commoditization of the human person—the viewing of the human being as a mere collection of occasionally useful parts, lacking any other value. This should frighten every person, regardless of their faith background or lack of one, because history shows us over and over again that it’s when we fail to recognize our common humanity that atrocities prevail.

With regard to HEK 293 specifically, for Catholics like myself, it is a grave moral responsibility to examine whether any action one takes participates in, perpetuates, or encourages such evil. We are bound to inform our own individual consciences and act in accordance with them. So, when the COVID vaccine became available, I sought to find out all I could about the nature of its origins and was led right back into the human trafficking concerns that plague me. It was in this research that I came across the work of the biologist and vaccine developer Pamela Acker [author of “Vaccination: A Catholic Perspective”; more here]. Her public acknowledgement of the necessary procedure for ensuring the viability of Human Embryonic Kidney (HEK) cells coincided with what medical professionals had shared with me privately.

For me, this was enough to raise concern that warranted further investigation before taking the vaccine. Sadly, the more the matter is investigated, as it was by the courageous, thorough, and insightful author of the Gateway Pundit article, the more evidence arises supporting my worst fear—that a perfectly innocent living child, a healthy little girl, born alive and outside the womb, was killed for and by the harvest of her organs, and that this is a practice that may underlie great parts of the research industry. Believe me, I am longing to find firm and indisputable confirmatory evidence that this nightmare scenario is NOT the case. However, your in-depth coverage of the subject following the Crisis and Gateway Pundit articles seems to continually contribute direct, expert-based medical evidence of the horrifying truth. Saddening as it is, I truly appreciate what you are accomplishing.

Q: The HEK (Human Embryo Kidney) 293 fetal cell line has been used to test COVID vaccines. That makes its origin vividly important now. How did you become convinced that the evidence pointed to the removal of an alive infant from her mother’s womb, and then the killing of that infant, in 1972, in the Netherlands, in order to harvest her kidneys—which would be used to create the HEK 293 cell line?

A: I reiterate that I had to be convinced by simple logic that anyone, not medical researchers exclusively, could follow. In fact, the more specialized the language describing a medical moral issue becomes, the more it can be used to obscure the facts. I would almost laugh, if not for the gravity of the issue, at hyper-euphemistic descriptions one finds in the medical literature. It discusses, for instance, situations like the finding of electrical impulses in the cardiac tissue of the POC.

First of all, “POC?” Product of conception? What a way to talk around an issue! I’m a proud product of conception and have never met anyone who wasn’t! Electrical impulses in the cardiac tissue? With fewer keystrokes, that could be called “a heartbeat.” So, I’m a POC with intact electrical impulses in my cardiac tissue or, if anyone were looking to save on ink, “alive.” Please, though, forgive my digression.

I worked to write very carefully in the Crisis article the simple facts that concerned me about the origins of the HEK 293 cell line. Rather than try to summarize that argument in this interview and thus potentially miss a critical component—may I please direct interested readers to the article at the link below?

Catholic Conscience and the COVID-19 Vaccine

I became further convinced of the reality following the publication of the Gateway Pundit exclusive which offered some insightful analysis taking into account the recent Pfizer whistleblower revelations. I’d also like to direct anyone interested to that great article with a link below.

Exclusive: Pfizer’s Nervousness About Its COVID Vaccine’s Origins Conceals a Horror Story

It’s not that I don’t want to answer the question, it’s that I want it to be answered as accurately as possible.

Q: When I read conventional medical literature that describes research on aborted fetuses, I see no mention of taking the infant from the mother’s womb, alive, and then killing him/her. Is this a research “open secret” that is held back from the public and even many doctors? I read a 1975 federal report on medical research using fetuses. It went on for a hundred pages, and there wasn’t one reference to killing infants in the process of removing their organs.

A: I think the first issue here is the extremely removed language typical of the descriptions of these procedures that I reference above, along with its tendency to state actions separate from their obvious consequences. It’s a linguistic tendency that may well reflect the thinking and training of researchers and abortionists. In Dr. Kathi A. Aultman’s testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on March 15th 2016, which you excerpted in your incredibly revealing post of October 27th [see here; more here], the doctor describes her initial fascination with the cellular perfection of the little bodies she dissected, and explains that it was only years later that was she able to overcome her scientific dissociation to make the intellectual connection that the tiny perfect bodies were those of people whose lives she had ended.

I worry our society has removed death so far from life that we don’t even recognize it, and that is a scary thing. Our grandparents die in facilities away from home rather than with their hands held in ours. Our food arrives packaged and devoid of any reminders of the animals from which it came. Fido moves to a faraway farm, while we play immersive games where graphically taken lives merely “reset.” Therefore, unlike any generation prior to ours, most of us can go through life without regularly witnessing the reality of death, which makes for a very unnatural understanding of it—one far from the Catholic motto of memento mori. It’s an understanding that might even allow a scientist to admire a human body on which she performed a procedure that ended the function of its “cellularly perfect” organs without grasping that she was its killer.

I suspect this kind of thinking in turn produces academic writing in which it is almost impossible to see anything untoward. Perhaps most authors themselves can’t see it, aside from the presumably rarer instances of dedicatedly evil individuals who do see things clearly and actively choose to obfuscate the reality. Either way, this is why the literature will never say, as you had difficulty finding, “in the next step, kill the newborn,” even if it is the obvious consequence of the procedure described.

If the doctors involved were capable of that kind of cause-and-effect thinking, perhaps they would have to first write, “in the next step, first anesthetize, then kill the newborn.” If some of those doctors believed themselves Christians, they would have to write “in the next step, first baptize, then anesthetize, and then kill the newborn.” Even if they believed themselves merely in possession of basic mammalian instincts, they would at least have to write “in the next step, first cuddle and comfort the crying newborn, then anesthetize and kill him.” Of course, they can’t go there without recognizing the child’s humanity, so instead, the scientific dissociation of cause-and-effect remains in place.

This critical thought barrier is evidenced particularly in the literature when we see organs harvested from living children outside the womb referred to as fresh “fetal” or even “embryonic” tissue. The biomedical research companies requisitioning the tissue make the same linguistic error and it goes constantly uncorrected. No. The medical term for a delivered fetus in its first moments and days of life outside the womb is a neonate. A newborn. Most of these people went to medical school and know the difference, but they persist in the error.

Perhaps if we could only require them to accurately use the language of “fresh neonatal tissue” in their requisitions and reports, some would be unable to proceed. Requesting a “heart of newborn” for the development of whatever a researcher might be concocting in the lab might finally sound to the ears of many too much like procuring the ingredients of a witch’s brew belonging to horror fiction. It certainly makes “eye of newt” sound resoundingly tame.

Other than the issue of logic and language, however, I don’t think the practice of infanticide by vivisection is particularly secret among those working closely in the arena of biomedical research, and it’s certainly known among the abortionists who supply the needs of the industry, although I agree with you that it’s not something that doctors whose scope never intersects the arena are aware of any more than most of us are. It’s simply not brought to our attention in the media. We focus where the media points us, and there appears some decided silence on the issue.

A breakthrough in public awareness of the direct killing of living unwanted newborns for the sake of biomedical research, which, almost incomprehensibly, generated far less media attention and public outcry than it should have, occurred with the David Daleiden hearings. There many doctors and scientific procurement company representatives spoke openly of the practice, though often in the detached terms that would require careful listening. For instance, the CEO of Stem Express admitted dryly that “fetal hearts were perfused using a Langendorff apparatus.”

Langendorff apparatus serves to preserve the functional viability of hearts ex-vivo (which means, literally, outside of a living body). That is, to specify the use of the Langendorff apparatus is to know that a heart requiring this preservation was, in fact, taken from a living body. To state the painfully obvious cause-and-effect reasoning generally left out here, the removal of a functioning vital organ from a living person (without the replacement of its function) is the direct killing of that person. No example is clearer than that of a beating heart. Ask an Aztec.

Dr. Theresa Deisher, a Stanford University School of Medicine researcher heavily involved with the use of adult stem cells, describes exactly how that killing must take place in order for the Langendorff perfusion to function. Both in her September 19th, 2019 testimony at the Daleiden trial and in a same-day interview with Lifesite News, she explained that the individuals performing the vivisection would necessarily “cut open the baby’s chest and they would take the heart out beating and drop it in a buffer with potassium. She went on to state with rare clarity, “of course, if the heart isn’t beating, they can’t get any of these cells. Nobody wants a stopped heart.”

At another point in her testimony she explained again that, “some of the babies had to have beating hearts when they were harvested.” Logic alone dictates this fact, as she explained “once the heart goes into contraction, you can’t get it to come out of that position.” It “has to be beating and be arrested in a relaxed position” to be of use for research purposes.

Again, just with the use of basic reason, it goes without saying that not only are breathing hearts being removed, but that these procedures occur on living children outside the womb, not within it. The people doing the dissection are not opening the chest of the child in the sort of incredibly rare and highly specialized in utero surgery that might be done to repair a fetal heart condition. The cost and specialization would be astronomical and nonsensical, as they intend to destroy the child, not save it.

So, just by using the single example of hearts on the Langendorff apparatus, which is to say nothing of the “embryonic” kidney cells, (which may more accurately be called “neonatal” kidney cells) used in the COVID vaccine testing and development, I think I can answer your question by saying there is no “open secret” regarding infanticide for medical research. There is no secret at all. I am not revealing anything that is not already obvious, even to a non-expert, given to looking at the simple facts.

The shocking thing, at this point, is not that this is happening, but that we have yet to react, as a whole, in opposition to it. In fact, we accept it by welcoming into our lives the “benefits” of the tortuous murders of innocent children. If we are doing this unknowingly, then perhaps it is because we have bought into the suspension of cause-and-effect reasoning like that to which the researchers subscribe.

Your question leads me, however, to one more point, which I hope provides a wake-up point if nothing else has. Even more shocking than our acceptance of this evil is the fact that it is entirely unnecessary. We could have the same or perhaps greater benefits by other means, but we don’t pursue the course of action that has proven successful in halting unethical bioresearch before and redirecting the course of the industry.

Why don’t we do for our own species what we have succeeded in doing for animals? Most people recognize that animal advocacy and speaking with our wallets through the boycotting of unethically-produced products is genuinely critical because lab animals are innocent creatures who cannot speak for themselves. Isn’t that true of human “lab babies” too?

Also in the expert testimony cited above, Dr. Deisher made the point that using human fetal tissue for research has become more prevalent because increasing regulations on the welfare of animals have made the use of humans more convenient. More convenient! In a way, while horrifying, this is also wonderful news, because it means that animal activists successfully changed things, albeit with a terrible unexpected outcome. However, it means that we can do the same for our species too!

Does that mean that the kind of beneficial research advances which have previously come from the study of neonatal tissue need to stop? Do we have to decide on a sacrificial trade off, with improvement in the lives of those with debilitating illnesses on one hand and the murder of human babies with less compassion than lab rats on the other? Is that how science must proceed—in sanitized facilities behind closed doors that, just in case we become personally in need of its “benefits,” we prefer not to give much thought?

Here’s another shocker. Not at all. Adult pluripotent stem cells, obtained with adult consent and with no need for tortuous murders, actually negate the necessity of the use of fetal organs for stem cell research, because they can be cultured into any type of body cell. This technology exists now, but its use is more costly and less common than the worn-in ease of the baby butchering business. However, like any emerging technology, the more its use expands, the lower its costs become.

We can be the drivers of the expansion of its use, by making unethical research the expensive and inconvenient option. When I was a little girl, I was horrified to learn that lipsticks were tested on mistreated lab rabbits and resolved to never condone that practice with my purchase. So did every little girl I knew. Now cruelty-free cosmetics are the expected and affordable norm. Please, if we could ban together as a caring society to save the bunnies, what should we be willing to do to save the babies?


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: modified from creative commons work of FamilyPhotoStudio / pixabay

Garbage In, Garbage Out?

Garbage In, Garbage Out?

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
November 4, 2021


The following article (sent by K.M. – thank you!) is very very short, but the implications could go on for millennia if one stops and thinks about it. And I’m blogging about it because those implications concern a wild and wacky scenario that I’ve been kicking around in my head for a few years now, and this story gives that scenario a bit more credence. Up until now, the only confirmation of that wild and wacky scenario has been the occasional stock market “flash crash”.   If you’ve hung around this website for a long time, you’ll be aware of my thoughts on algorithmic trading and flash crashes: they reflect markets wildly disconnected from actual human market activity. I know that being a traditionalist I’m supposed to love capitalism and private property and all that stuff, but I don’t, at least not the kind of crony finance crapitalism that makes money by trading paper with computer algorithms, and not making things and selling them.

But anyway, I’ve yammered on enough… it’s time to get to the very very short story:

Zillow Scrambles To Punt 7,000 Homes For $2.8 Billion As AI Flipping Scheme Ends In Disaster

Note the following details:

On Sunday we reported that Zillow Group’s AI-powered house flipping operation was a dismal failure – with 93% of homes in their Phoenix, Arizona portfolio (the company’s second largest) currently listed at less than what the real estate company had paid, as revealed by an Insider investigation.

In Phoenix, 36.5% of properties currently for sale were listed below their purchase price, while the remainder of the 93% started higher, only to have price reductions.

Launched in 2017, Zillow’s iBuying arm uses a wide array of real-estate data with the goal of quickly and efficiently acquiring properties to flip for a profit. The program has vacuumed up properties across the country to flip, only to be met with fierce competition from services such as Redfin, Offerpad and Opendoor.  (Underlined emphasis added)

Summing all this up, we have the following:

(1) a real estate company (in this case Zillow), thought it would be a really good idea to gather all sorts of real estate data; and,

(2) have a sophisticated computer program crunch all that data and tell said company’s buyers what houses to buy; and,

(3) make some improvements to said houses and “flip” them, i.e., sell them for a profit over and above the purchase price plus the cost of the improvements.

So colour me suspicious.

Suspicion Number One:

If you’re familiar with former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (mortgage division) Catherine Austin Fitts’ story, this will sound very familiar. After leaving HUD, she founded her own company called Hamilton. She put together a software program that could track money flows county by county. The crooks and criminals in fedgoobernment did not like that, contrived to steal the software, and cooked up charges against Fitts, and brought her to trial… and lost, costing her a fortune to litigate, ending her company.  But where’s her software?  Well, to my ears, Zillow’s effort sounds a bit like what she and her team at Hamilton had invented. If you’re familiar with the Inslaw-PROMIS software story, we all know what happens to software the government wants to steal: it ends up all over the place in dozens of modifications with a trail of possession that it would take a software program (like PROMIS) to trace.

Now I mention Suspicion Number One because it’s only the backdrop to my main point, and Suspicion Number Two:

For some time – as I observed in the opening paragraph of this blog – I’ve been wondering if there isn’t a very simple explanation to all the craziness we’re witnessing in the world. What if our so-called technocratic “experts” were simply doing what computer programs – AI’s? – were telling them to do? What if virtually every policy and/or decision was being gamed out on super-computers and the technocrats were simply the human agents executing those “decisions”? At the beginning of the planscamdemic, for example, we were told all sorts of dire stuff would happen… as the result of “computer models”.   We’re constantly preached to about “climate change,” itself a concept coming mostly out of computer models. So what happens when those models are flawed, and moreover, plugged into an artificial intelligence which is capable of modifying its own program as circumstances dictate? I rather suspect that if the original program itself is the product of inherently flawed humans, that a flawed “core” will still remain flawed and as the modifications to its own programming grow, that the effects of the core flaw will only grow, perhaps exponentially. And while we’re at it, let’s plug in Elon Musk’s warning of a few years ago: what if, in inventing artificial intelligence, we open the gateway for some sort of “hyper-dimensional entity” to take over that system, unbeknownst to its human inventors?

The result would be Zillow: chaos, as decisions are not being made any more in a genuinely human way, and a market not reflective of real human market concerns and activities, but a virtual one… divorced from reality.

But in Zillow’s case, they got it wrong.  I doubt, however, that the lesson will be learned. The real danger is that the technocrats view even themselves as machines. All it requires is simply the right programming, and we’ll get it right.

See you on the flip side…


Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

cover image credit: geralt / pixabay

Vaccine-Injured Speak Out, Feel Abandoned by Government Who Told Them COVID Shot Was Safe

Vaccine-Injured Speak Out, Feel Abandoned by Government Who Told Them COVID Shot Was Safe
During an event hosted Tuesday by U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), people whose lives were ruined by COVID vaccines said they feel abandoned by a government that told them it was their patriotic duty to get the shot. 

by Megan Redshaw, The Defender
November 3, 2021


U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) on Tuesday held a discussion with a panel of experts, including clinicians, scientists, lawyers and patient advocates, and with people injured by COVID vaccines, who gave powerful testimonies about their experiences.

Johnson and the expert panel discussed the importance of early treatment for COVID, healthcare freedom and natural immunity, the impacts of mandates on the American workforce and the economy, COVID vaccine safety concerns and the lack of transparency from federal health agencies in response to his COVID oversight requests.

None of the major mainstream media outlets picked up the event, but Children’s Health Defense hosted Johnson’s live panel discussion on CHD.TV.

Cody Flint [57.20], a 33-year-old airline pilot from Cleveland, Mississippi, was among those who spoke out about their injuries. Flint was healthy and had no underlying health conditions prior to receiving Pfizer’s COVID vaccine.

Within 30 minutes of getting his first dose on Feb. 1, Flint developed a severe stabbing headache that later became a burning sensation in the back of his neck.

Two days later, he got into his airplane to do a job and quickly realized something wasn’t right.

Flint explained:

“I was starting to develop tunnel vision and my headache was getting worse. Approximately two hours into my flying I pulled my airplane up to turn around and felt an extreme burst of pressure in my ears. Instantly I was nearly blacked out, dizzy, disoriented, nauseous and shaking uncontrollably. By the grace of God I was able to land my plane without incident, though I do not remember doing this.

“My initial diagnosis of vertigo and a severe panic attack — although I’ve never had a history of either of these — was later replaced with left and right perilymphatic fistula, eustachian tube dysfunction and elevated intracranial pressure due to brain swelling. My condition continued to decline and my doctors told me only an adverse reaction to the Pfizer vaccination or major head trauma could have caused this much spontaneous damage.”

Flint underwent numerous spinal taps and two surgeries to address the fistulas and intracranial pressure. He said he has more questions than answers, does not know if he will ever be able to fly a plane again, lost a year of his life and part of his children’s lives.

“This vaccine has taken my career from me, and the future I have worked so hard to build,” Flint said. “I used all my savings just to pay medical bills just to be able to survive. My family is on the verge of losing everything we have.”

Flint, who is pro-science and pro-vaccine, said the main issue rests squarely on the fact that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and NIH (National Institutes of Health) refuse to acknowledge that real lives are being absolutely destroyed by this vaccine.

“The federal government has yet to help a single one of the vaccine-injured,” Flint said. “It was my understanding the federal government accepted the responsibility of helping people injured by vaccines, considering they gave pharmaceutical companies fully legal immunity from people like me.”

Flint said it is time for the government to stop silencing vaccine injuries like his, and it is unconscionable for these agencies not to help.

​​Lt. Col. Theresa Long [101:00], a U.S. Army surgeon, said she believes the COVID vaccine is a greater threat to a soldier’s health and military readiness than the virus itself.

“Over 200,000 service members have rejected the vaccine yet the military is pressing forward without regard to the damage to the morale and readiness to process these soldiers out,” Long said. “We have never lost 200,000 soldiers on the battlefield in a few months. Taking soldiers out of uniform has the same impact on readiness as losing them on the battlefield.”

Long explained she tried to get senior leadership within the military to inform military members of the risks of vaccines, as required by informed consent.

She said in one day, she had to ground three out of three pilots due to COVID vaccine injuries. When she told her command, her patients were canceled, her charts were pulled for review and Long was told she would not be seeing acute patients anymore — just healthy pilots who needed physicals.

Ernest Ramirez [1:16:40], from Texas, said his only son, 16 years old, collapsed while playing basketball and passed away from myocarditis following Pfizer vaccination. Ramirez got his son the Pfizer vaccine to protect him because it was the right thing to do.

“My government lied to me,” Ramirez said. “They said it was safe, and now I go home to an empty house,” Ramirez said. “They need to quit pushing this on children. I lost mine and you need to protect yours.”

Ramirez said the vaccine isn’t worth the risks, and all he wants is his son back. “Do not make the mistake I made. I did it because I thought it was a great thing to do. It wasn’t.”

“On Dec. 17, 2020, they did a study and they knew it [the COVID vaccine] was causing heart problems in teenagers. Why wasn’t it released until October of this year?” Ramirez asked. “This is murder.”

“I love the “hell out of my country,” Ramirez said, “but I do not trust my government anymore.”

Kyle Werner [123:40:40] is a 29-year-old professional mountain bike racer and three-time national champion from Idaho who was diagnosed with pericarditis following vaccination.

Werner said he got vaccinated because his country asked him to and he believed the vaccine was safe and effective.

“In June, I joined the rapidly growing number of young men who developed pericarditis — inflammation of the lining surrounding the heart — post mRNA vaccine,” Werner said. “That condition, along with POTS [postural orthostatic tachycardia] and reactive arthritis, have completely brought an end to life as I knew it.”

Werner said he has since been bedridden, is unable to work and unable to exercise for months. He fears his career “has been officially ended.”

Werner said he isn’t asking the government to end the vaccine program, he just wants some transparency and acknowledgment of what’s happening so that “we as a country” can have an honest discussion of the risks.

“Where there is risk, there must be choice, and without acknowledging people are being seriously injured and dying, we are doing a great disservice to the American people,” Werner said.

“It is estimated Moderna and Pfizer will make $60 billion this year on COVID vaccines,” Werner said. “With the roll-out of boosters and mandates, it seems like much of that is destined to be recurring revenue.”

Werner suggested a portion of the profits should be set aside to study vaccine injuries and to compensate the vaccine-injured.

Douglas Cameron [127:29] was a healthy and physically active 64-year-old before he received the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) shot at his workplace on April 5. The day after his vaccination he started experiencing side effects he believed were due to the vaccine.

“I lost bladder control, suffered ED [erectile dysfunction], my legs felt odd, I had a […] sensation in my hips” and “over the next few days my symptoms worsened and I became alarmed.”

Cameron went to the ER where he explained to doctors he had recently received J&J’s vaccine. He tested positive for COVID and underwent a battery of tests before being sent home.

Three days later Cameron told his wife he felt like he drank poison. “My whole body felt different,” Cameron said. “I went to bed at 10:00 pm at night and woke up at 2 am paralyzed from the diaphragm down.”

Doctors discovered Cameron had a blood clot in his leg and his entire spinal cord had swollen and hemorrhaged. He was placed on a ventilator, was in the ICU for two weeks and spent 105 days in the hospital and rehab centers.

“I have had multiple MRIs, CT scans, EKGs, x-rays, spinal angiograms, spinal taps, autoimmune blood tests, muscle biopsies — everything has come back negative in an attempt to pin my paralysis on my body and not the J&J vaccine,” Cameron said. “Today I am an unemployed paraplegic who is learning an entirely new lifestyle and the only thing I did between full health and my current condition was take a shot.”

Suzanna Newell [1:32:30] a former triathlete from Minnesota, was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease after receiving her second dose of Pfizer on April 13. She now needs a walker or cane to get around.

Since Newell was injured she has very little motivation or energy. She has extreme fatigue, struggles to retrieve words, can’t concentrate or focus, has ringing in her ears, blurred vision, muscle spasms, internal vibrations and joint pain. Newell was diagnosed with small-fiber neuropathy, an autoimmune disorder, and is now on disability.

“This is not a pandemic of the unvaccinated. This is a pandemic of trauma.” Newell said. “We are unnecessarily being traumatized due to our cases being overlooked, misdiagnosed and hidden. We aren’t being believed and our trust in the media and government is faltering.”

Newell said at a minimum, the public has a right to know that injuries are a possibility before they’re vaccinated. Newell said she was excited to get the vaccine to do her part for her country, but “where is my country now?”

Kelly Ann Rodriguez [1:43:30], a 35-year-old mother from Washington, needs a walker after her second Pfizer vaccine dose on May 5.

“On June 29, my predictable life came to a screeching halt,” Rodriguez said. “I lost my ability to speak naturally. I have become unable to walk without a walker and I do not know if or when the tremors will come or go. I can no longer cook, clean or even pick up or hold my baby for too long before my body starts to shake uncontrollably or is thrown into excruciating pain.”

Rodriguez explained:

“This has become the most lonely and isolating experience in my 35 years of life. I have been made to feel that I do not matter to those in western medicine. That I am nothing more than an annoyance and waste of time. I deserve to be heard and treated with compassion, but instead, I have been called a liar and a fake and I have even been told by the ER doctors that this is all in my head and there is nothing medically wrong with me, to the point where they called a social worker to have me evaluated and committed to a […] mental health hospital.”

Maddie de Garay from Ohio volunteered for the Pfizer vaccine trial when she was 12. On Jan. 20, Maddie received her second dose of the Pfizer COVID vaccine as a participant in the clinical trial for 12- to 15-year-olds and is now in a wheelchair.

Her vaccine adverse reaction has been completely ignored by the FDA, CDC, Pfizer and the mainstream media.

Maddie and her mother, Stephanie de Garay also participated in Johnson’s June 29 press conference for vaccine-injured families. De Garay’s mother said neither Pfizer, the FDA or CDC have contacted her about her daughter’s condition, and Maddie’s adverse event was excluded from the data Pfizer reported about its clinical trial.

Dr. Joe Wallskog [3:01:00], an orthopedic surgeon from Wisconsin, was diagnosed with transverse myelitis after receiving Moderna vaccination on Dec. 30. Wallskog has been off work since attempting to go back two weeks after his diagnosis, as he is no longer safe to work as an orthopedic surgeon.

Wallskog has not been contacted by U.S. health agencies, other than the CDC verifying  his report was submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting stem (VAERS). His injury was not classified as “serious,” because he was not hospitalized and did not die.

“My life has dramatically changed after this adverse reaction,” Wallskog said. “The career I’ve had for 19 years, that I took 14 years to train for is likely over.”

Brianne Dressen [2:40:00], a clinical trial participant in the U.S. AstraZeneca trial, is co-founder of — a patient advocacy organization dedicated to increasing awareness of adverse events.

Dressen participated in Johnson’s June 29 press conference, and her husband provided public comment to the FDA during their recent hearing on the authorization of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine for 5 to 11-year-olds.

Dressen suffered an adverse event in Nov. 2020 during the AstraZeneca clinical trial, was dropped from the trial and her reaction was excluded from AstraZeneca’s reported data.

Dressen said:

“The heads of the NIH, FDA and CDC have known first-hand about my case and thousands of others,” Dressen said. “These direct reports began as early as last December. I along with several injured physicians continued to reach out to the FDA through emails and phone calls. We did emails and video conferences with Peter Marks and Janet Woodcock.”

Dressen said she has “asked and begged repeatedly for them to acknowledge these reactions,” but they declined.

“They know their lack of acknowledgment has created an insurmountable barrier to our ability to receive medical care from doctors who rely on these agencies for information,” Dressen said.

Dressen said U.S. health agencies are aware of vaccine injuries, deaths, the lack of follow-up on VAERS, injuries to children, problems with clinical trials, the scientific and media censorship and mandates imposed on the injured. “They know all of it,” Dressen said, “and they have for months.”

Dressen said the NIH, an institute many turned to for help, is no longer accepting calls from the vaccine-injured.

“Here’s your proper informed consent. If you get COVID, you will get medical help,” Dressen said. “But I’m afraid to tell you” if you have an adverse reaction, “you’re on your own. The government won’t help you. The drug companies won’t help you. The medical teams will have no idea how to help you. Financially you will on your own. You will be completely on your own.”

Dressen ended her testimony by sharing a letter from a friend who committed suicide because she could no longer endure her COVID vaccine injury.


©November 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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‘I Consider It Murder!’: A Grieving Father Cries Out to Warn Others About Covid Vaccine

‘I Consider It Murder!’: A Grieving Father Cries Out to Warn Others About Covid Vaccine



by LifeSiteNews
November 1, 2021

Ernest Ramirez, whose 15 year old son was killed by the Pfizer vaccine, has traveled all the way from McAllen, Texas to Washington, D.C. to share his pain and suffering with other victims, and to bring attention to the scandal of the massive coverup to hide the truth about vaccine injuries and deaths.


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Creepy Pfizer Ad Tells Kids They Are “Superheroes” for Taking Jab, Ignores Injuries of Others

Creepy Pfizer Ad Tells Kids They Are “Superheroes” for Taking Jab, Ignores Injuries of Others

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project
November 3. 2021


The multi-billion dollar pharma giant with an incredibly tainted past, who has seen exponential profits during the pandemic as a result of taxpayers being forced to pay for the jab, has also enjoyed billions in taxpayer dollars to advertise said jab. The windfall of profits realized from vaccinating adults quickly turned the company’s sights to children as their customer base waned. Despite children facing a near zero chance of dying from COVID-19, the FDA jumped on board and quickly approved Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine for children ages 5-11.

After spending billions in taxpayer funded advertisements to convince adults to take the jab, Pfizer launched a new ad this week, which seemingly targets their new customer base — children. The company held back nothing and referred to children who got the vaccine as part of the experiment as “superheroes” with “superpowers”

Superheroes come in all sizes ??‍♀️????‍♂️??‍♀️ Watch as real kids express thanks to their superheroes; the 5-11 year old #Covid19 vaccine clinical trial volunteers. We’re incredibly grateful to the trial participants and their families ? #ScienceWillWin

Watch the creepy video below:

Sadly, the kids in the video above are not heroes. None of them are of the age to consent to take a jab and they were all offered up to the pharma giant as guinea pigs by their parents.

While this ad is specifically referring to the kids whose parents allowed them to be guinea pigs as “superheroes,” the underlying tone is meant to appeal to all children.

“If I take the vaccine, I will be a superhero!”

Naturally, this ad is not very appealing to many who have a family member or friend who has suffered an adverse reaction to the jab. As a result, the dislikes on the video have already surpassed the likes and are climbing fast.

It is important to point out that the overwhelming majority of folks who get vaccinated have little to no side effect. However, to say it carries no risk and to censor those who point out those risks is highly unethical at best and downright insidious at worst.

As TFTP reported, this push to vaccinate children is in spite of the fact that children face a near-zero threat from the virus. What’s more, as Americans are quickly learning, the vaccine loses efficacy over time leading to a large number of breakthrough cases which the Centers for Disease Control can no longer sweep under the rug.

On top of breakthrough cases, there has been a record number of adverse reactions reported to the CDC and many of them include children. One of those children — who participated in the Pfizer trial and is a “superhero” according to the ad above — is Maddie de Garay, who received the Pfizer vaccine when she was 12. She is now is in a wheelchair.

Like Pfizer, Maddie’s family made an advertisement to tell her story about her experience with the vaccine. Unlike, Pfizer, however, Maddie’s ad is and has been actively censored on YouTube. What’s more, Comcast pulled the ad last week as it was slated to run before the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee met to discuss COVID-19 vaccines for children.

Another one of these “superheroes” who has been censored into oblivion is Ernesto Ramirez Jr. who was one of hundreds of children like Maddie who took the jab early on. Sadly, however, unlike Maddie, he did not survive and five days after the shot, according to his father, Ernesto dropped dead.

“I kept hearing more advertisements about how it was safe for the teenagers, so I said ‘OK,’” Ernesto’s father, Ernesto Ramirez told Fox 26 Houston journalist Ivory Hecker earlier this year. “Two or three weeks later the CDC started announcing children were having enlarged hearts.”

“A typical heart for a boy this age would be less than 250 grams,” said Dr. Peter McCullough, a Dallas physician featured in Hecker’s video. “In this case it was more than 500 grams.”

Ramirez tried to raise money for his deceased son’s funeral but because he claimed the jab killed his son, GoFundMe deleted it.

Apparently, according to big tech, only those who praise the vaccine’s efficacy are allowed a platform. If you or your child was injured by it, you have no right to speak. If you doubt why that is, try watching the video below.


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cover image based on work of Eleatell & MaxPrst / pixabay 

Malfeasance Behind the FDA Vax OK for Children

Malfeasance Behind the FDA Vax OK for Children

by F. William Engdahl, Global Research
November 2, 2021


On October 27 the US Food and Drug Administration Advisory Panel on Vaccines recommended the agency allow Pfizer to amend its Emergency Use Authorization for its COVID vaccine to include children 5 through 11 years old. Two days later the FDA officially approved the rollout. Major media are treating this as a positive development to protect young children. On closer inspection it is anything but that. The FDA is today shockingly corrupt under the Acting Director and is little more than a rubber stamp for Big Pharma, and especially Pfizer, where the former FDA head sits on the board.

The FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee voted 17 to 0, with one abstention, to give a green light allowing Emergency Use Authorization for the Pfizer-BioNTech experimental mRNA to children between 5 and 12 years. The expert who abstained later explained he did so because of limited safety and efficacy data provided. Previously the FDA had approved the vaccine for 12 and older. Adding to the stench of corruption around the latest vote, the Biden Administration a week earlier announced it had already purchased enough Pfizer vaccine to inoculate all 28 million 5- to 11-year-olds in the US. Did they know the fix was in?

‘…Just the Way it Goes’

The record of the FDA, the major drug oversight agency in the US Government, regarding safety and risks of the experimental gene-altered mRNA vaccines of Pfizer, is one of criminal malfeasance, defined as willful violation of a public trust or obligation that causes harm or death. Their latest ruling is even more egregious for blatant conflicts of interest and scientific fraud. Both Pfizer, who conducted the tests on the efficacy of their own vaccine on the 5-11 year age group, and the FDA experts, admitted that they had no idea if the vaccine was safe for such a young population.

Dr. Eric Rubin, professor of immunology at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health voted to approve the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, noting, “The data show that the vaccine works and is pretty safe … and yet we’re worried about a side effect that we can’t measure yet, but it’s probably real.” That is hardly confidence-building. He then stated, “we’re never going to learn about how safe this vaccine is unless we start giving it. That’s just the way it goes.”

This cold-blooded nonchalance is even more astonishing in light of the fact that the incidence of serious side effects in the 5-11 age group who allegedly have tested positive for the corona virus is essentially zero. According to data of the US Government Centers for Disease Control, the Infection Fatality Rate for children from 0-17 years is 0.0002 per 100,000 and far lower for the 5-11 years. A research study by Johns Hopkins University found that risk of severe illness or death from covid19 in a study of 48,000 children is essentially zero if no other morbidity risk such as leukemia, diabetes or asthma is present. Moreover, risk of infecting other children is also very low.

In their submission to FDA for approval, Pfizer stated the vaccination was needed for the 5-11 age group to prevent covid disease transmission. Yet in their FDA hearing on questioning, Dr. William Gruber, senior vice president of Pfizer Vaccine Clinical Research and Development, said they did not even assess whether the vaccine prevents transmission. We might ask why is this at all needed then if the risk to children is zero and there is no evidence of children transmission?

Even more shocking is the statement by Pfizer about its tests. First there were no animal tests on rats or such first. They admitted that the tested human group was so small that they could not test for myocarditis or pericarditis. Yet those are among the most reported negative effects for all others that have had the Pfizer jab. In its FDA application Pfizer noted that the number of participants in the current clinical development program was “too small to detect any potential risks of myocarditis associated with vaccination,” and that “to evaluate long-term sequelae of post-vaccination myocarditis/pericarditis” in participants 5 to <12 years of age will not be studied until after the vaccine is authorized for children.”

Flawed Pfizer Tests

The tests Pfizer made were also fatally flawed. According to Dr. Josh Guetzkow, of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Pfizer study was not double-blind. Further, Pfizer cherry-picked subjects to evidently better their results. Three thousand children age 5-11 received Pfizer’s COVID vaccine, but only 750 of those children were selectively included in the company’s safety analysis. And Pfizer dismissed cases with adverse vaccine effects in their FDA filing: “Few serious Adverse Events, none of which were related to vaccine, and no AEs leading to withdrawal were reported.” They give no explanation how that was determined. Just trust Pfizer.

And post-vaccination follow up was less than 2 months for one test cohort and only 2.4 weeks for a second. The Pfizer report to FDA read, “Supplemental safety expansion group data were analyzed from approximately 1500 vaccine recipients with a median follow-up time of 2.4 weeks after Dose 2. These supplemental data demonstrate an acceptable safety profile…” It can take months or longer for side effects to manifest. Vaccine experts recommend at least 18-24 month post-vaccine follow up, not 3 months or 2.4 weeks. This is not serious science.

As well, it seems the FDA and or Pfizer wrongly name the vaccine in the title as “BNT162B2 [COMIRNATY (COVID-19 VACCINE, MRNA)] .“Yet the actual FDA text calls it “Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine (BNT162b2).”

The separate company, BioNTech of Mainz, Germany, has a similar but “legally different” vaccine, trade-named Comirnaty, that is not available in the USA. The distinction is essential as it was the basis in August for the corrupt FDA to give Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine an extension of Emergency Use Authorization but to misleadingly declare its full approval for Comirnaty vaccine of BioNTech. This is deliberate fraud and allowed the Biden Administration to mandate vaccination of US government workers (curiously except for White House and Congress), military, and any company with more than 100 employees.

Conflicts of Interest?

The corruption of the FDA extends to the members of the Vaccine Advisory Committee. Many of the members of the current 18 person committee have direct ties to Pfizer or to the pro-Pfizer Gates Foundation.

Prof. Holly Janes of the Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center in Seattle designed the flawed Pfizer tests. Her institute is funded by Gates Foundation money. FDA committee member Dr. Steven Pergam is also with the Gates-funded Fred Hutch center. Acting committee chair, Arnold S. Monto was a paid consultant to Pfizer. Committee member Archana Chatterjee worked on a Pfizer research project related to vaccines for infants between 2018-2020. Geeta K. Swamy is chair of the “Independent Data Monitoring Committee for the Pfizer Group B Streptococcus Vaccine Program,” a committee sponsored by Pfizer. Duke University states that “Dr. Swamy serves as a co-investigator for the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine trial.” FDA Committee member Gregg Sylvester was a vice president for Pfizer Vaccines. Ofer Levy, professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School is on record vigorously supporting Pfizer covid vaccines for children 12 and older. And FDA committee member Paul Offit professor of pediatrics at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia called openly last June for covid vaccine permission for children.

When we compare the actions of corrupt FDA Acting Director Janet Woodcock during the August FDA extension of emergency use authorization for Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, she refused then to even allow the vaccine committee to meet to debate the issue. Several months before in June 2021 three members of the FDA Vaccine Committee resigned in protest over Woodcock’s refusal to heed the near unanimous vote of the advisory committee to approve an Alzheimer’s drug called Aduhelm against the wishes of nearly every member on the panel.

Clearly Woodcock has been busy in the meantime stacking the advisory committee with pro-Pfizer members. Not to be forgotten is the fact that after he left as head of the FDA under Trump, Scott Gottlieb immediately joined the board of directors of…Pfizer Inc. Woodcock served under him at FDA.Woodcock has been at FDA since 1986, almost as long as Fauci at NIAID. Woodcock was Biden’s choice to head FDA, but a massive opposition from 28 groups including state attorneys general and citizen groups forced him to name her “acting,” which does not need Congressional scrutiny. Woodcock was directly responsible for the original FDA approval of deadly opioids over the objections of her own scientists and other advisors.

Already California has moved to make public school admission contingent on covid vaccination, anticipating Pfizer approval. This spread of the deadly Pfizer vaccine to children who have near zero risk of serious disease makes no public health sense. It is simply prima facie evidence of medical malfeasance at the highest levels of the US Government including FDA, with plausible criminal intent. The FDA decision will now be used to argue for similar inclusion of essentially no risk children for the vaccine jab.


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cover image credit: squarefrog / pixabay

Whistleblower Exposes Fake Data Behind Pfizer’s Covid-19 Vaccine Trial

Whistleblower Exposes Fake Data Behind Pfizer’s Covid-19 Vaccine Trial

by GreatGameIndia
November 3, 2021


Leading medical journal The BMJ has published an incendiary report exposing faked data, blind trial failures, poorly trained vaccinators, and a slow follow-up on adverse reactions in the phase-three trial of Pfizer’s Covid jab.

Central to the exposé is Brook Jackson, who, for two weeks, served as regional director at Ventavia Research Group, the company contracted to assist with the pivotal trial. She provided The BMJ with dozens of internal company documents, photos, audio recordings, and emails supporting her concerns.

Jackson reveals that Ventavia staff who conducted quality-control checks were overwhelmed by the volume of problems they were identifying. She repeatedly informed her superiors of poor laboratory management, and patient safety and data integrity issues.

In a cited internal document from August 2020, shortly after the Pfizer trial began, a Ventavia executive identified three site staff members with whom to “go over e-diary issue/falsifying data, etc.” One employee was said to have been subsequently “verbally counseled for changing data” and “not noting late entry.”

Jackson reported her concerns to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but was fired later the same day on the basis that she was “not a good fit.”


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cover image credit: ErikaWittlieb / pixabay

Project Contamination and Indemnity

Project Contamination and Indemnity

by Rosanne Lindsay, ND, Nature of Healing
November 2, 2021



In August of 2021, Japan suspended Moderna’s COVID vaccine after another million doses were found to be “contaminated” with ‘black substances, foreign substances, and pink material.” By September, Moderna recalled their vaccines after stainless steel was found inside vials.

At that time, Japanese officials had administered 118,310,106 doses of the COVID vaccine. If they suspended more than two million doses due to contamination, just how many contaminated doses had been administered? How many people received a contaminated jab?

Nobody knows. That’s above their pay grade.

What about monitoring recipients who might have been contaminated?

What is the definition of a contaminant? Why the mystery?

According to some, popular contaminants already exist in vaccines, including mercuryaluminumformaldehydenano-contamination of metals and polysorbate 80, to name a few. However, the CDC and FDA do not consider these CDC-known toxins / carcinogens as “contaminants.” For instance, aluminum is not a neurotoxin. In a vaccine, aluminum is an adjuvant to stimulate the immune response.

So who is responsible for the contamination of COVID products that are injected?

Indemnity Scheme

In our “advanced world,” no one is responsible. Furthermore, there is never enough evidence that will ever prove a cause for adverse effects when it comes to vaccines, including COVID vaccines. Just calling an injection a “VACCINE” automatically makes it immune from any liability.

Since 1986, The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (H.R. 5546) makes vaccines and their makers, including the doctors who inject them, exempt from all liability for damages from their products.

Under the PREP Act, companies such as Pfizer and Moderna have total immunity from liability if something unintentionally (or intentionally) goes wrong with their COVID vaccines. That means that you cannot sue them if you have severe COVID vaccine side-or-direct effects, and the government likely won’t compensate you for damages. What other industry or company has that kind of protection?

No other.

What is the difference between the 1986 Vaccine Injury Act and The PREP Act?  The script? The actors?

The 1986 Act works as a remedial measure, under which vaccine-manufacturers are not be held responsible for compensating any vaccine-related injury claims. Instead, the Act is supposed to provide compensation to eligible individuals for damaging effects of their vaccines. The program covers 16 routine vaccines for children entering public schools. However, as claims have mounted, few are ever paid out in the private vaccine court. There is no provision for damages based on pain and suffering. However, the vaccine court is profitable for vaccine lawyers who get paid no matter who wins or loses.

The PREP Act is an expansion of the 1986 Act, as it shields companies manufacturing the experimental COVID vaccines not approved by the FDA, called Emergency Use Authorized (EUA) vaccines. The justification this time? The Act is meant to jumpstart U.S. defenses against an outbreak like COVID-19 by shielding from lawsuits makers of critical products, from diagnostic tests to vaccines, as well as doctors and drug distributors.

Both Acts require claimants to prove their injuries are “the direct result” of a vaccine. So far, most COVID vaccine cases have been denied compensation for the simple reason that, according to the lawyers, there is virtually no definitive research on injury causation to reference.

Meanwhile, the medical literature all but points to vaccines as the cause of autoimmune disease in a syndrome known as A.S.I.A. or Autoimmune Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants, as in vaccine adjuvants. [See study 1(autoimmune), study 2 (Shoenfeld’s)study 3 (thyroid)study 4 (neurological), and hundreds more].

A scheme is a scheme is a scheme.

Swine Flu

As a result of human complacency to schemes, any vaccine adverse side-or-direct effects may not become apparent until millions of people have received the vaccine. Recall the fiasco of the Swine Flu epidemic that threatened to become a pandemic? Remember the inaccuracy of case definitions and “mistakes” that blew the whole thing out of proportion? Is it happening again?

According to Science, The WireIndia has the world’s largest childhood immunisation scheme, larger than all the European and Middle Eastern countries combined. 

The Prime Minister of Australia, Scott Morrison, says the new “COVID-19 vaccine indemnity scheme will provide confidence to medical practitioners to administer both AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccines to Australians,” as long as there is informed consent.

Why is there is no informed consent prior to injection, only after?

When the leaders of “the free world” call a mass injection campaign a schemethe people need to pay attention.

In May 2021, the New York Times reported that Emergent BioSolutions, whose Baltimore plant ruined millions of coronavirus vaccine doses, disclosed for the first time on Wednesday that more than 100 million doses of Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine are now on hold as regulators check them for possible contamination.  In June, the FDA instructed Johnson & Johnson to throw out 60 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine produced at a Baltimore plant out of concern that they may have been contaminated, and because they were not suitable for use. 

Contamination or Additive?

Accident or Project?

Truth or lie?

In any good mystery there are always more questions than answers. And there are always criminals who plan not to get caught. Expect that criminals of this scheme have covered their trails (indemnity) and made others vulnerable (contamination) so they get away when their scheme begins to unravel.

Next The Children

As of September 2021, with reports of widespread contamination, and ongoing investigations, the FDA has told journals such as Scientific American to promote the expansion of injections to children ages 5 to 11.

By appointment only, Pfizer Friday Nights For Kids began at area Fire Stations across the U.S. during Halloween weekend, a time for rituals and blood sacrifices. What better way for kids to spend a Friday night than getting their first COVID jab?

Parents, are you paying attention?


Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at


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cover image credit: CDD20 / pixabay

The Pope: A Conversation in Hell

The Pope: A Conversation in Hell

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
November 3, 2021


Within an hour of passing from this life, Pope Francis found himself in a small office. Worn carpet, a desk, two chairs. The wall paint was peeling. A young man wearing a white tropical suit walked in and sat down behind the desk. He motioned the Pope to the chair across from him.

Where am I?

In Hell, Francis.

That’s impossible.


I’m the Pope.

There’s another way to look at it. Why wouldn’t you be here?

No, really. There’s obviously been an error. A tragic mistake.

I’m afraid not. Our transport system is bulletproof. It runs on AI.

Then…then you’re Satan?

Good one, Francis. No. I’m Sid, the assistant director of Human Resources.

Where is Satan? I demand to speak with him.

Satan doesn’t do celebrity intake. He didn’t even speak with Stalin. Or Torquemada.

Look, I don’t care about your system. I’ve been sent to the wrong place. I’m destined to meet with the Savior and His Father.

Yeah, well, that’s not going to happen. You’re here, this is Hell, and that’s that.

Baloney. How do I get a message through to God?

After all this time, you don’t know how? Anyway, we’re blocked off. No service from here to there.

There must be an angel I can talk to.

Another good one. No, Francis, we’re all out of angels.

I have resources. Art, gold, manuscripts.

You HAD them.

Get the Vatican on the phone.

We used to have a direct line. But then they stopped paying their bill.


I’m afraid so. For the duration.

This is unconscionable. Somebody has their wires crossed. There are millions of people named Francis. I was switched out.

Or you deserve to be here. Let’s talk about that.

There must be something I can offer you.

In the abstract, bribery is an interesting conversation, but we’re way past that.

What’s the set-up here? Who needs favors and blessings?

We run a tight ship. We have a schedule. Monday is medical day. Right now, we’re performing a series of experiments on brain-computer interface. Volunteers are attached through skull probes to a program that loads them up with advanced mathematics. The integration phase has run into serious problems. Instead of data, people are experiencing raw electronics. The pain levels are exceedingly high. So we’re trying to counteract that with drugs.

You’re not serious.

This is Hell.

You said “volunteers.”

On Mondays, you could opt for a clinical trial of high-dose AZT. We’re measuring the timeline of cell death. AZT essentially stops cells from replicating. In layman’s terms, the body decays rapidly and falls apart.

This must be a dream.

On Tuesday, we strap you to a treadmill traveling 37 miles an hour for two hours, while gradually lowering you into the lake of fire.

What have I done? What have I done to deserve this?

Let’s talk about that. For instance, the deal with the Chinese.

The Chinese are a wonderful people.

Sure. We’re all wonderful, Francis. I’m talking about the Chinese regime and Xi Jinping.

You mean the Vatican support for abortion? Our endorsement of their social credit score system? The conferences on integrating Catholicism and Communism?

That would be a start.

So what? So what if we made those accommodations? China is a powerhouse. I wasn’t just going to sit there and watch them roll over us. Sid, they already control half of Italy. Why do you think the first COVID lockdowns in the West started in my backyard?

Your allegiance was to Jesus and God.

You’re joking, right? Even God makes deals. He applies pressure, gets what he wants, and then he backs off. Send a plague, obtain compliance, declare a truce. It’s all about the action. One player gets one piece, another player gets another. You spread out the baksheesh, you pocket the vig.

Now we’re getting somewhere. Similar situation with climate change, right?

Just another deal. Another hustle. These flim-flam artists really believe they can measure the Earth’s overall temperature? Are you kidding me? Much less the HISTORY of the temperature? But that’s the play now. The UN Panel. They’ll package the threat of a planetary collision between the Earth and Mars, if it’ll give them a leg up.

You saw an opportunity.

Of course. I’m the number one humanitarian in the world when it comes to hunger and inequality. Those are my talking points. I can do a bang-up job of faking a connection between them and climate change. So I’m needed. The grifters involved are all already making out like bandits on climate. So they sit down with me, I negotiate my ten percent. Plus they get to reduce energy production all over the world. You know, as the “solution.” This gives them more poverty and debilitation, which are good for their business—Control. I’m in the same business. We see eye to eye.

I like it, Francis.

Wait a minute. I’m losing the thread. I mean, you’re on my side, right? You get an insight into my strategy and you approve. Yes?

Absolutely. You’re talking our language.

So then why are you talking about Monday and Tuesday and subjecting me to all kinds of torture on your schedule, if I’m not here to pay for my sins?

Francis, I would have thought you’d figured that out a long time ago. We’re sadists. We enjoy our work. That’s all. We don’t truck with Heaven. We have no opinion or knowledge about them. We just accept the souls who show up here. I’m happy you’re with us. But we need raw material. You’re it.

What?! There’s nothing moral about punishment in this place?

Moral? Think it through, Francis. Again, this is Hell.

All right. I’m a fast adapter. There are things, then. Things I could teach you, Sid.

I don’t think so. We’ve been around the block a few million times. We know our business.

There’s no money involved?

We’re cashless. Let me show you to your room. It has a view of the lake…

I’m having a mental health problem. Can I see a doctor?

This place is filled with doctors. I can get you in this afternoon. You supported psychiatric treatment while you were at the Vatican, right? Here, though, the doctors tend to be a little bent. They go to extremes with their treatments. I’ll make a few calls and find you an unenthusiastic straight shooter. Of course, experiencing what a standard protocol of Haldol does to the nervous system…the tranquilizing effect is only stage one. After that, the neurons start firing randomly. Impulse control goes out the window…

I want out!

Ah, but you’re in, Francis.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: Comfreak / pixabay

Bulgaria: Restaurant Owners & Citizens Fight Back — 80% Decline in Restaurant Visits After Green Pass Mandate

Bulgaria: Restaurant Owners & Citizens Fight Back — 80% Decline in Restaurant Visits After Green Pass Mandate


Bulgarians Fight Back: 80% Decline in Restaurant Visits After Green Passes Mandated

by Amy Mek, RAIR Foundation
November 2, 2021


Only 20% of Bulgaria, which has a population of 7 million, has been jabbed with the experimental mRNA injection.

RAIR Foundation USA correspondent Tania Groth was on the scene in Varna, Bulgaria, on Thursday, at a demonstration held by restaurant associations and various freedom fighters to protest the government’s authoritarian green pass program. Thousands marched in different cities across the country under their motto, “All together! For health, work, future, security!”.

The protest came after the Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Association came out with alarming data showing the effects of the green pass on their businesses and workers. A green pass is a paper document or app that proves the holder has been thoroughly “vaccinated” or recovered from the coroanvirus. It grants them access to indoor restaurants, bars, cafes, and other indoor venues. There was more than an 80% drop in turnovers and visits to restaurants in the first two days after the “green certificate” became mandatory to visit places for food and entertainment.

The decline of patrons is proportional to the low number of people vaccinated in Bulgaria. Only 20% of Bulgaria, which has a population of 7 million, has been jabbed with the experimental mRNA injection. This puts the county last in the European Union, with an average of 69% fully vaccinated.

“Although most of the industry has made serious efforts and provided staff to meet the requirements, there are no customers. Some of the most profitable restaurants in Bulgaria even experienced a day with 0 reservations.

Restaurants across Bulgaria are closing with each passing day,” explains organizers. With the rapidly rising prices of electricity, fuel, and food. Their incomes are not able to cover household expenses. Businesses like restaurants and their workers are doomed, explained protesters.

According to the protesters, the green passes implemented by Stoycho Katsarov, the Minister of Health, are highly discriminatory and have led to the total depopulation of their establishments. “There are no economic measures to support the affected businesses and keep the work of employees – zero,” explained the organizers.

The protest was organized by the Alliance of Tourist Industry in Bulgaria, Bulgarian Association of Restaurants, Association of Restaurants in Bulgaria, Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Association, Bulgarian Health and Fitness Association, Bulgarian Association of Retail Centers, representatives of children’s centers, and others.

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What Does God Want?

What Does God Want?

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
November 2, 2021


If through some grievous error, I were invited to deliver a sermon on a Sunday morning at a Church, it would go this way:

What God wants could be summed up as: ask and you shall receive.

I won’t try to explain the conditions under which asking works for you.

But suppose it does. The question then becomes: what will you do with what you received?

I think many people would answer: help the less fortunate.

But suppose the less fortunate turns out to be 99% of EVERYBODY?

And further, suppose 99% of everybody is less fortunate owing to actions taken against them by oppressive rulers?

If you use what you received from God to alleviate a tiny fraction of the suffering experienced by everybody under the heel of oppressive rulers…fine. But isn’t it clear that the wave of suffering will continue, because these rulers simply don’t let up, don’t stop?

Therefore, wouldn’t it be moral and wise to stand up against the rulers?

Now I realize your pastor doesn’t preach this “standing-up-against” on Sundays. He probably doesn’t want to think about it. And neither do you.

Based on my limited knowledge of the Bible, I don’t recall God saying, “Refrain from thinking about what bothers you.”

In fact, you could say the whole Bible was written to interrupt people who were refraining from thinking about bothersome things.

So where did your pastor and you get the idea that religion involved avoiding bother?

Standing up against the State—every State, sooner or later, becomes oppressive—is the rational and moral and wise thing to do, after you’ve received what you asked for from God.

This is my view.

Is this also God’s view?

I don’t know. I’m not sure how He operates, or in how many dimensions. I suspect intermediaries have set themselves up as God, in acts of forgery. They pretend to be the highest God, but they aren’t.

All in all, I would say that if God gives you what you asked for, He would be pleased to see you use it for a good purpose. You’ve heard my reckoning and analysis, and you can take it for what you think it’s worth.

With this caveat: If you reason your way into avoiding standing up against your oppressive rulers, ask yourself whether this is a self-serving bit of sophistry. An excuse. A way out. A con, in which you’re both the perpetrator and the victim.

Ask yourself seriously. It won’t take long to arrive at an answer.

This is a nice church. It’s a bit too comfortable for my taste. Everyone here seems relaxed. The Bible, from my memory of it, isn’t a relaxing book. It isn’t something you nod yourself to sleep with at night.

Everyone here this morning is dressed up. As a sign of respect. I understand that. I’m sure some of you thank God for saving your lives. I understand that, too. But now that you’re saved, what do you want?

Ask and you shall receive. But then comes that question: what do you with what you receive?

Doesn’t the Bible contain a number of accounts of wicked men? And aren’t those men in positions of power? Aren’t many of them rulers? Isn’t God concerned with these rulers? Isn’t He making a clear distinction between Earthly powers and His power?

Doesn’t it stand to reason that a church created in His name would do the same?

Am I missing something? I don’t think so.

I know this church closed its doors when your Earthly rulers mandated the lockdowns. I know many of you have taken the vaccine because your rulers commanded it. I haven’t heard your pastor voice passionate objections to these orders. I haven’t seen him refuse to obey the ruling men. And none of you challenged him.

That’s odd. Strange. I would call it a reversal of religious morality.

Perhaps that’s why, when I see you at prayer, bowing your heads, I see the opposite of what I’m supposed to see.

I see you submitting to your oppressive rulers.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

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Resist the Unique Patient Identifier!

Resist the Unique Patient Identifier!

by Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute
November 1, 2021


If people who torture animals are psychopaths, then what are government officials who use taxpayer dollars to fund animal torture? Many are asking this question in the wake of revelations that the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci – high priest of the COVID cult – funded medical “research” involving the torture of puppies. This led “Fire Fauci” to trend on Twitter, and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) to call for his resignation.

The puppy torture story was followed by disclosures that the federal government funded the testing of experimental AIDS vaccines on orphans. Many of the orphans used as human guinea pigs subsequently died, and nurses who assisted in these experiments reported that many children got sick immediately after receiving the vaccines.

Testing dangerous drugs on orphans and torturing puppies in the name of “science” is certainly shocking, but is it really surprising that government would fund these types of activities? What is the difference between using orphans and puppies for cruel experiments in the name of protecting public health and killing innocent children in drone attacks in the name of stopping terrorism?

Ironically, these revelations come when Congress is on the verge of allowing the federal bureaucracy to destroy what remains of our medical privacy. Both the Senate and House versions of the Labor, Education, and Health and Human Services Appropriations bill remove the prohibition on the development of a “unique patient identifier.”

The prohibition on funding for the unique patient identifier, which I sponsored, has been in place since 1998. The push to allow the government to force every American to obtain a unique patient identifier is being justified as a means to efficiently monitor Americans’ “contact and immunization” status.

When I began fighting the unique patient ID in the 1990s, my opponents denied that medical identifiers would make it impossible to ensure confidentiality of medical records. Now, they are saying we should support medical identifiers because they allow government officials, employers, schools, airlines, and even stores and restaurants to discover what, if any, vaccinations or other medical treatments we have or have not received. The result of the identifier will be a medical caste system, where those who refuse to follow the mandates or advice of the “experts” are denied opportunities to work, receive an education, or even go to church or enjoy a night out on the town.

A unique patient identifier will weaken health care by making individuals reluctant to share personal information—such as drug and alcohol use and past sexual history—with health care providers. It will also discourage sick individuals from seeking medical care for fear their physicians will discover they are unvaccinated, smoke, are overweight, or engage in other unapproved behaviors.

A unique medical ID could also be tied to government records of gun purchases. Someone with “too many” guns could be labeled a potential mental health risk and harassed by law enforcement. This is especially likely if the gun grabbers are successful in their push to enact “red flag” laws in every state.

Fortunately, there is a growing resistance to vaccines and other mandates. This resistance is unlikely to passively accept a federally-issued unique patient identifier. If those of us who know the truth take advantage of the opportunity presented by the resistance to COVID tyranny, we can not only stop the scheme to force every American to obtain a “unique patient identifier” but end all government control of our health care.


Connect with Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity


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Welcome to the Church of Fear and Blindness

Welcome to the Church of Fear and Blindness

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
November 1, 2021


It’s always so wonderful to see so many of you again on these Sundays, when we gather and worship. As your minister, I try to guide you on the path to salvation.

As you know, in our Church we come from fear.

That is our watchword. When we experience the impulse to step out on the stage of deep commitment, we pull back. We sense the danger. This we all understand.

When the lockdowns were ordered last year, we closed our doors. We avoided risk. We prayed online. Not long ago, when the mandates were announced, we complied.

Out in public, we obey the rules.

We are a branch of the State. We respect things of this world.

We will never challenge Earthly authority on behalf of God.

Religion is dead.

I’m not talking about God or the independent individual. I’m talking about organized religion.

Over the past year, there have been many occasions…after gargantuan rulings from the State, during this false pandemic…when you would HAVE THOUGHT religious leaders and their congregations would come forward, in great numbers, to TAKE A STAND.

Declare their allegiance to God. Refuse to obey the restrictions against life, against work, against freedom, against worshipping together.

But except for a few scattered cases, no. Nothing happened.

Silence. Meek silence.

Well, I have a new religion. The old religion.

It’s called FAITH.

Faith that leads you to do SOMETHING.

Religion is dead because the leaders are dead. They let people in the doors of the churches and then pacify them and isolate them and put them in a bubble. If the leaders preached RESISTANCE, the people coming in the door would be more RELIGIOUS. The air would clear. There would be FIRE in the room.

Trying to reform modern Churches would be like trying to turn a banker into a pilgrim journeying long and far to a sacred shrine.

I’ve never been satisfied with the phrase, THY WILL BE DONE. If he’s God, His will is already being done. And if it isn’t, then the faithful themselves need to be doing something. So why are they presenting the phrase in the passive voice? Why aren’t they saying, WE WILL DO YOUR WILL?

And the answer is, they would rather sit in Church.

Now we have parents across America going into school board meetings to protest, among other oppressions, the vaccine mandate.

I’m sure many of these parents are religious. If they’ve gotten part of that religion from their churches, they’ve taken it outside and made something out of it.

And the Attorney General of the United States has declared war on them, calling them potential terrorists. Now this I understand. The State is baring its teeth. The State is revealing its true character.

And the parents are standing up against that.

The Churches should have been doing this all along.

But they’ve sold themselves.

Try to imagine what the Pope, with all his influence over a billion worshippers, could have said when the lockdowns and mandates were declared.

Imagine a Pope with youth, vitality, passion, an outgoing man, stirring the ashes, finding hot coals, and building them into a conflagration, setting his Church against the Earthly State.

This is why the Cardinals pick old men to be their leader.

Is there a Church anywhere, in which people of the flock have risen up and thrown out their pastor, because he is of insufficient moral strength?

I’m not talking about mundane scandals. I’m referring to POWER. The power to set things right. To re-establish the mandatory chasm between Faith and the Secular.

Has any congregation dismissed its leader for failing to do THAT?

This is called a clue. The accountability finally falls on the congregation.

As I write this, I’ve been told 4500 police officers in Chicago have refused to log in and report their vaccination status, violating the deadline set by the fascist mayor of the city.

Now this sounds like the sort of thing church congregations should be doing.

Resisting. Drawing a line in the sand.

“And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the money changers, and the seats of them that sold doves, And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.”

When the leaders of a congregation are the money changers and the merchants and the assets and the partners of the secular state, it falls to the congregation to throw them out.

—As an act of renewing faith, and directing faith where it should go.

Otherwise, the congregation is a collective of fear and blindness.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

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The Most Dangerous Technology Ever Invented — Part Two

The Most Dangerous Technology Ever Invented — Part Two


There is No Dose Response for Microwave Radiation

by Arthur FirstenbergCellular Phone Task Force
October 27, 2021


The selling of cell phones is, and always has been, based on lies and deception. The biggest lie is that they are “low power” devices and that this makes them safe. That is a double lie. It is a lie because they are not low power. If you put a cell phone — any cell phone — in your hand or next to your body, you are being blasted by more microwave radiation from your phone than you are getting from any cell tower, and by ten billion times as much microwave radiation as you are getting from the sun, the Milky Way, or any other natural sources. The exposure guidelines established by the Federal Communications Commission reflect this reality: cell towers are permitted to expose your body at a specific absorption rate of 0.08 watts per kilogram, while cell phones are allowed to expose your brain at a specific absorption rate of 1.6 watts per kilogram, which is twenty times higher.

And it is a lie because low power devices are not any safer than high power devices. The reason for this is that electromagnetic fields are not toxins in the ordinary sense, and the rule in toxicology that a lower dose is a safer dose does not apply to microwave radiation. As Allan Frey wrote in 1990:

“Electromagnetic fields are not a foreign substance to living beings like lead or cyanide. With foreign substances, the greater the dose, the greater the effect — a dose-response relationship. Rather, living beings are electrochemical systems that use low frequency EMFs in everything from protein folding through cellular communication to nervous system function. To model how EMFs affect living beings, one might compare them to the radio we use to listen to music… If you impose on the radio an appropriately tuned EMF or harmonic, even if it is very weak, it will interfere with the music. Similarly, if we impose a very weak EMF signal on a living being, it has the possibility of interfering with normal function if it is properly tuned. That is the model that much biological data and theory tell us to use, not a toxicological model.”

The most thorough investigation of the blood-brain barrier effect, which Frey discovered in 1975, was done at Lund University in Sweden beginning in the late 1980s with various sources of microwave radiation and later, in the 1990s and 2000s, with actual cell phones. They found not only that there is not a dose response, but that there is an inverse dose response for this type of injury. They exposed laboratory rats to what is now called 2G cell phone radiation, and then they reduced the power level of the radiation ten-fold, a hundred-fold, a thousand-fold, and ten thousand-fold. And they found, to their surprise, that the greatest damage to the blood-brain barrier occurred not in the rats that were exposed at full power, but in the rats that were exposed to phones whose radiation was reduced by a factor of ten thousand! This was the equivalent of holding a cell phone more than one meter away from your body. The leader of the research team, neurosurgeon Leif Salford, warned that non-users of cell phones were being damaged by their neighbors’ cell phones, and that this technology was “the world’s largest biological experiment ever.”

And in a further set of experiments, published in 2003, Salford’s team exposed young rats to what is now called a 2G cell phone, just once for two hours, either at full power, or at two different levels of reduced power, and sacrificed them 50 days later to examine their brains. They found that a single exposure to an ordinary cell phone operating at normal power had permanently destroyed up to 2% of the brain cells of almost all the rats. Damaged neurons dominated the picture in some areas of their brains. When the power of the phone was reduced ten-fold it caused brain damage in every rat. When the power of the phone was reduced one hundred-fold, this type of permanent brain damage was observed in half of the exposed animals.

And in still further experiments, published in 2008, they exposed rats to a cell phone for two hours once a week for a year, still using what is now called a 2G cell phone. The exposed rats suffered from impaired memory, regardless of whether they were exposed at an SAR level of 60 milliwatts per kilogram or 0.6 milliwatts per kilogram. In other words, reducing the power level by a factor of one hundred did not make the cell phone less dangerous.

The lack of a dose response has been reported over and over. Physicist Carl Blackman spent much of his career at the Environmental Protection Agency figuring out why not only particular frequencies but also particular power levels of RF radiation cause calcium to flow out of brain cells. Ross Adey at UCLA, Jean-Louis Schwartz at the National Research Council of Canada, and Jitendra Behari at Jawaharlal University in India reported the same thing. Geneticist Sisir Dutta, studying the same phenomenon at Howard University in 1986, found peaks of calcium flow at SAR levels of 2 W/kg and 1 W/kg, and also at .05, .0028, .001, .0007, and .0005 W/kg, with some effect all the way down to .0001 W/kg. The effect at 0.0007 W/kg SAR was quadruple the effect at 2.0 W/kg, in other words a 3,000-fold reduction in power level resulted in a 4-fold increase in calcium disturbance. The frequency was 915 MHz, the same frequency that was later to be used for cell phones.

Maria Sadchikova and her Soviet colleagues, in the 1960s and 1970s, examined hundreds of workers exposed to microwave radiation on the job, and consistently found that the sickest workers were the ones who were exposed to the lowest, not the highest power levels.

Igor Belyaev, at Stockholm University, found that genetic effects occurred at specific frequencies and that the magnitude of the effect did not change with power level over 16 orders of magnitude, all the way down to 10-18 watts per square centimeter, a level that is one quadrillion times lower than what a cell phone delivers to one’s brain.

Dimitris Panagopoulos, at the University of Athens, found that fruit flies exposed to a cell phone for just one minute a day for five days produced 36 percent fewer offspring than flies that were not exposed at all. When he exposed them to the phone for six minutes a day for five days, it reduced the number of their offspring by 50 to 60 percent. And the maximum effect occurred when the cell phone was about one foot away from the flies, not when it was touching the vial that the flies were in. In further research, he showed that the effect is due to DNA damage and consequent cell death caused by the radiation.

In another experiment, Panagopoulos’s colleague, Lukas Margaritis, exposed fruit flies to various frequencies of RF radiation at exposure levels ranging from 0.0001 watts per kilogram to 0.04 watts per kilogram, and found that even a single exposure to any of these frequencies at any of these power levels for just 6 minutes caused a significant amount of ovarian cell death.

And in further research, Margaritis’s team exposed fruit flies to a cell phone either once for 6 minutes, once for 12 minutes, 6 minutes a day for 3 days, or 12 minutes a day for 3 days. Under each condition the phone tripled to sextupled the amount of ovarian cell death. And then this team tried other sources of microwave radiation for between 10 and 30 minutes per day for up to 9 days and found that each of them reduced the number of offspring by between 11 and 32 percent. The cell phone and the cordless phone had the greatest effect, but the WiFi, the baby monitor, the Bluetooth, and the microwave oven also substantially reduced the fecundity of the flies.

The effects on insects are so obvious that even a high school student can easily demonstrate them. In 2004, Alexander Chan, a sophomore at Benjamin Cardozo High School in Queens, New York, exposed fruit fly larvae daily to a loudspeaker, a computer monitor, and a cell phone for a science fair project and observed their development. The flies that were exposed to the cell phone failed to develop wings.

What Are We Doing to Nature?

We are distressing and disorienting not only birds, but also, as is being discovered, insects. It appears that all little creatures that have antennae use them to send and receive communications electronically — communications that are being interfered with and drowned out by the much more powerful communications of our wireless devices.

When honey bees perform their waggle dance to inform one another of the location of food sources, it is not only a visual dance but an electromagnetic one. During the dance they generate electromagnetic signals with a modulation frequency between 180 and 250 Hz. And they send another kind of signal, which has been called the “stop” signal, up to 100 milliseconds long, at a frequency of 320 Hz. The stop signal is used when the colony already has too much food, and it causes the dancers to stop dancing and leave the dance floor. Uwe Greggers, at Freie Universität Berlin, discovered that bees will start walking and actively moving their antennae in response to artificially generated electromagnetic fields that imitate these natural signals, even in the absence of any visual or auditory cues. Bees whose antennae he had removed or coated with wax did not respond to these signals.

Pollination is also dependent on electromagnetic communication — between bees and flowers. Bees carry positive charge on their bodies from flying in the global atmospheric electric field, while flowers, being connected to the earth, carry a negative charge. Dominic Clarke, at the University of Bristol, has proved that not only does this facilitate pollen transfer from flowers to bees, but that bees sense and are attracted not only to the colors of flowers but also to the distinct patterns of their electric fields. The electric field of a flower diminishes immediately after being visited by a bee, and other bees “see” this and only visit flowers whose electric field is robust. While honey bees see the fields with their antennae, bumble bees see the fields more with the hairs that cover their bodies, which not only make them such distinctive creatures but also function as a kind of antenna.

In 2007, German biologist Ulrich Warnke published an important booklet in both English and German titled Bees, Birds and Mankind: Destroying Nature by “Elektrosmog” (Bienen, Vögel und Menschen: Die Zerstörung der Natur durch ‚Elektrosmog’). In it, he reminded us that there are only two long-range forces — gravity and electromagnetism — that shape everything in the universe including our bodies, and that we ignore that fact at our peril. Electricity is the foundation of life, he warned, and “this destruction of the foundation of life has already wiped out many species forever.” We cannot immerse our world, he said, in a sea of electromagnetic radiation that is up to 10,000,000,000 times as strong as the natural radiation that we evolved with without destroying all of life. He summarized the research that he and others had done with honey bees. It is no wonder, wrote Warnke, that bees are disappearing all over the world.

They began disappearing at the dawn of the radio age. On the small island lying off England’s southern coast where Guglielmo Marconi sent the world’s first longdistance radio transmission in 1901, the honey bees began to vanish. By 1906, the island, then host to the greatest density of radio transmissions in the world, was almost empty of bees. Thousands, unable to fly, were found crawling and dying on the ground outside their hives. Healthy bees imported from the mainland began dying within a week of arrival. In the following decades, Isle of Wight disease spread along with radio broadcasting to the rest of Great Britain, and to Italy, France, Switzerland, Germany, Brazil, Australia, Canada, South Africa, and the United States. In the 1960s and 1970s its name changed to “disappearing disease.” It became urgent in the late 1990s with the wireless revolution, and became a worldwide emergency by 2006, when it was renamed “colony collapse disorder.” Today not only domestic bees, but all wild bees, are in danger of extinction.

Amphibians are not only disappearing, but large numbers of amphibian species have already gone extinct, even in the most remote, pristine areas of the world — pristine, that is, except for communication towers and radar stations emitting microwave radiation. Amphibians are the most vulnerable of all classes of animals on the planet to electromagnetic radiation, and they have been dwindling and going extinct since the 1980s. When I looked into this in 1996, every species of frog and toad in Yosemite National Park was disappearing. In the Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve of Costa Rica, the famous and highly protected golden toad had gone extinct. Eight of thirteen frog species in a Brazilian rainforest preserve had gone extinct. The famous gastric-brooding frog of Australia was extinct. Seventy-five species of the colorful harlequin frogs that once graced streams in the tropics of the Western Hemisphere were extinct. Today, more than half of all known kinds of frogs, salamanders and caecilians (snake-like amphibians), amounting to 4,300 species, are either extinct or in danger of extinction.

In 1996, when cell towers marched into remote areas of the United States, mutant frogs began turning up by the thousands in lakes, streams and forests all across the American Midwest. Their deformed legs, extra legs, missing eyes, misplaced eyes, and other genetic mistakes were frightening school children out on field trips. In 2009, wildlife biologist Alfonso Balmori did a simple, obvious experiment on the balcony of an apartment in Valladolid, Spain not far from a cell tower, an experiment that proved what was happening: he raised tadpoles in two identical tanks, except over one of them he draped a thin layer of fabric that was woven with metallic fibers, which admitted air and light but kept out radio waves. The results shocked even Balmori: in a period of two months, 90 percent of the tadpoles in the tank without the shielding had died, versus only 4 percent in the shielded tank.

Similar shielding experiments have confirmed, in spades, what is happening to birds, and what is happening to our forests. Scientists at the University of Oldenburg in Germany were shocked to find, beginning in 2004, that the migratory songbirds they had been studying were no longer able to orient themselves toward the north in spring and toward the southwest in autumn. Suspecting that electromagnetic pollution might be responsible, they did for their birds what Balmori did for his tadpoles a few years later: they shielded the aviary from radio waves during the winter with aluminum sheeting. “The effect on the birds’ orientation capabilities was profound,” wrote the scientists. The birds all oriented toward the north the following spring.

And in 2007, in a backyard laboratory in the foothills of Colorado’s Rocky Mountains, Katie Haggerty decided to do the same experiment with aspen seedlings. She wanted to find out if radio waves were responsible for the decline of aspen trees all over Colorado that had begun in 2004. She grew 27 aspen trees — nine without any screening, nine with aluminum window screening around their pots which kept out radio waves, and nine with fiberglass screening which kept out just as much light but let in all the radio waves. After two months, the new shoots of the radio-shielded aspens were 74 percent longer, and their leaves 60 percent larger, than those of either the mock-shielded or the unshielded aspens. And in the fall, the shielded trees had large, healthy leaves in brilliant fall colors that aspens are famous for: bright orange, yellow, green, dark red, and black. The mock-shielded and unshielded trees had small leaves in drab yellow and green, covered with gray and brown areas of decay. The only thing that had changed in Colorado’s Rocky Mountains in 2004 was the installation of a new emergency communication system called the Digital Trunked Radio System composed of 203 radio towers whose transmissions covered every square inch of the state.

(to be continued)

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Read Part One:

The Most Dangerous Technology Ever Invented — Part One


Connect with Arthur Firstenberg

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FDNY Union Boss Warns New Yorkers of ‘Slowed Response Times’ as de Blasio’s Vax Mandate Kicks In

FDNY Union Boss Warns New Yorkers of ‘Slowed Response Times’ as de Blasio’s Vax Mandate Kicks In

by 21st Century Wire
November 1, 2021


“This is the moment we’ve all been waiting for,” New York Firefighters Union boss Andrew Ansbro announced during an early morning briefing today for the media. Watch:

Though the number of NYC fire houses that may shutter beginning today is still unknown, the number could reach into the ‘dozens’ according to multiple media reports. Ansbro added:

“Every time any single company is out of service, the response time in that area is affected,” he explained. “If this company was out of service and one of you were to drop of a heart attack right now, if they were in service, they’d be here in a minute. If they were out of service, another firehouse in the area has to get here. Your response time to your heart attack is affected by this company being out of service. Our system is a web where we’re constantly picking up slack for other companies, based on their responses.”

As Mayor Bill De Blasio’s heavy-handed COVID-19 vaccine mandate officially goes into effect today for NYC’s 378,000 city employees, as many as 10,000 workers have either outright resisted or plan to stage a ‘sick-out’ this week.

It was de Blasio who early on in the city’s vaccine rollout could be seen at press conferences pushing the corporate jabs, and even while feasting on a greasy burger and fries.

Now, his insistence that his city’s workforce, made up of thousands of firefighters and other first responders, should submit to the vaccine or be docked pay, could cripple The Big Apple’s ability to respond to all kinds of emergencies as the winter and holiday season approaches.


Connect with 21st Century Wire

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Most Doctors and Hospitals Have Become Paid Assassins of the State!

Most Doctors and Hospitals Have Become Paid Assassins of the State!

by Gary D. Barnett
November 1, 2021


Doctors are just the same as lawyers; the only difference is that lawyers merely rob you, whereas doctors rob you
and kill you too.
~ Anton Chekhov


Germ theory was the downfall of modern medicine, and most all of any honest approach to health was lost, while prevention, natural remedies, and the wonder of the human immune system were forgotten in favor of money, prescription drugs, deadly ‘vaccination,’ and unnecessary surgery. Doctors became the tools of the corporate medical system, the pharmaceutical industry, and the hospital industrial complex. As time passed, this situation only worsened, and now this fraudulent ‘Covid’ pandemic scare has led to doctors and hospitals becoming voluntary paid assassins of the state, whether knowingly or not.

Regardless of circumstance, it has become extremely dangerous to go to or be admitted to any hospital, especially if symptoms expressed are considered ‘Covid’ related, such as cold, flu, pneumonia, or any respiratory ailments. Going to a hospital under these circumstances is life-threatening, and not due to sickness, but to ‘medical’ protocols meant to harm, not heal. In fact, these protocols in many if not most hospital settings, especially for any considered elderly, which now means anyone over 50, are meant to kill the patient, which should be considered an act of murder.

This is a time when any good doctors and medical personnel left could and should be exposing this heinous fraud and evil intent by the so-called medical system, but those willing to tell the truth are few and far between, and in many cases, those actually doing so are threatened or silenced, and any risk of job loss seems to take total priority over all decisions made. Consider the implications of this situation; as it indicates that doctors and hospitals are beholding only to their employers or to the system that feeds them, not to the Hypocritic Oath or any desire whatsoever to help those in need. In other words, money power, and control are now the underlying aspects of the health and medical system’s core structure; the good of the patient be damned. Consider the use of remdesivir as treatment for what is falsely referred to as ‘Covid?’ As I wrote some time ago:

“Consider the fact that remdesivir, an experimental drug, was fast-tracked as the “standard of care” for ‘Covid’ early on by Anthony Fauci, and was originally the only approved ‘Covid” treatment for American hospitals, even though this drug does not work against anything, and causes many adverse reactions, body organ failure, and a high incidence of death. “Remdesivir was one of four drugs in a clinical trial for Ebola in 2018, and was dropped from the study before it was over, after a safety review revealed that it had the highest death rate of the drugs being tested.” One of only two studies cited by Fauci for the recommended use of this toxic drug was the Ebola Trial in 2018, and in that trial, the manufacturer, Gilead Sciences, only tested 53 patients for just 28 days. Gilead had close ties, monetary interests, and partnership with the CDC and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), headed up by Fauci.”

“Fauci knew of the deadly nature of the poisonous remdesivir at least as early as 2018, but chose to use this dangerous drug with fast-track FDA approval in October of 2020 as the “standard of care,” and the primary treatment in all U.S. hospitals for all “Covid” patients. That means that American patients across this country were not treated, but murdered.”

This drug is still in use in hospitals today, authorized by Fauci, alleged ‘health’ organizations, hospitals, and doctors across the country.

Consider the use of ventilators for all those very ill due to flu-like symptoms who were isolated in hospitals and nursing homes nationwide, especially those in New York and other high population centers? Death occurred for most all of those patients, so how could the doctors not have understood that killing all the patients by very invasive and dangerous ventilator use was not a way to help or save them? If 76% to 97% of all patients treated in this manner died, how could any doctor or hospital not only question, but stop this madness to find out why extreme death rates were the result?

Now, rationing of care based on age, mental condition, and considered use to society or the greater good, a communistic approach, have become the norm. How can this be supported by any claiming to be doctors or ‘health’ administrators, when the main purpose of care is supposed to be about helping all patients? The incentives that drive this insanity are certainly tied to money and financial gain to those going along with this slaughter of innocents, but other nefarious factors are also evident. The elimination of the old and those approaching retirement is of major concern to the ruling class, so killing off this unwanted part of society as the state sees it, is a plus. The funds stolen in the process are redirected into the pockets of government and the rich benefactors of government policy. The ruling sector, the corporate whores, almost the entirety of the medical system, and others benefit from the murder of certain groups of people, so the killing continues unabated.

In the midst of all this evil behavior, and in the middle of what is falsely labeled a ‘pandemic’, a time when immune system destruction and extreme stress due only to government mandates that isolate individuals and families, destroy any financial security for the masses, and control of most aspects of life are present, a poisonous and deadly ‘vaccine’ protocol has been heavily marketed, mandated in very many circumstances, and pushed on the public as the only way to survive what is obviously a completely fake and purposely manufactured ‘crisis.’ While doctors and hospitals continue to rake in millions upon millions of dollars due to this fraud, and do so willingly, the torture of many, financial destruction, and death continues among the general population; not due to any bogus ‘virus,’ but to a planned outcome due to a plot to control all, long considered and sought by the state, its controllers, the pharmaceutical industry criminals, the health and medical complex, and all the corporate and government support systems, including the ludicrous and despicable sector called enforcement.

The doctors and hospitals must not be allowed to willingly continue to maim and kill those it is charged with helping. They must be stopped from ignoring every aspect of proper care for their patients in order to gain more wealth, or retain their positions only by contradicting every medical ethical standard ever set by sane and caring individuals. There is no excuse for this behavior, and every single person in the ‘health’ and medical profession that consciously accepts and goes along with this practice of harm and deceit should face prosecution. Nothing less will be of value to society.

The next target of this murderous nation-state and all its partners are the children; all the children. The injection of toxic and deadly poisons in children from infancy to adult is not only desired, but already underway in some areas, with a goal of ‘vaccinating’ every child in this country over the next year and after. If this is allowed to go forward by the sheep in this country, what future is possible for this and any upcoming generations? Freedom cannot be won or exist in any system that has taken control of the young through gene-altering, immune system destructive protocols, and experimental control technology, administered by state mandate in order to either, maim, kill, or control the bulk of society.

In order for this plot against mankind to go forward, the people have to voluntarily submit to the state’s agenda. Without this voluntary submission, the state will fail, but with continued compliance and strict obedience by the masses, nothing of what has been known in the past as a normal life in a somewhat free country will remain. All that can be expected in any passive, indifferent, and docile society of a collective mass of ignorance, is a life in a technocratic matrix of total control and dependence on the evil few. This is our future if mass resistance is not forthcoming!

“Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time. Conscientious
objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.”
~ Mahatma Gandhi


Source links:

The coverup of state murder

Hospitals are now prisons

 Antoine Béchamp, champion of natural medicine

The purposeful killing of the old in nursing homes

Death by ventilator, not ‘Covid’

Death rates in care homes created on purpose: Murder by stealth

The non-existent virus

Pfizer’s immoral ’Covid vaccine’ trials on children


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

cover image based on creative commons work of MichaelWuensch & pendleburyannette / pixabay

Victoria, Australia: It’s Late in the Day as the People Take Their Stand Against the Governing Psychopaths Intoxicated by Their Own Power

Victoria, Australia: It’s Late in the Day as the People Take Their Stand Against the Governing Psychopaths Intoxicated by Their Own Power

by NelleusContributing Writer at Truth Comes to Light
October 31, 2021


On October 26, 2021, Victorians were appalled to learn about the new legislation being pushed by the maniacal, power-drunk psychopath (Dan Andrews, Premier of Victoria, Australia) in which gives himself and his cronies unlimited, dictatorial power over all Victorians. This has ignited the fire within many Australians who are now strongly speaking out against this horrific medical tyranny.

Images credit: screenshot from Real Rukshan video footage

Near the end of this article you can watch empowered protestors standing strong and speaking from the heart, and hear MP Ryan Smith as he addresses Parliament:

I’ve never seen a worse piece of legislation that gives…
unprecedented and draconian and dictatorial power.” 

Deranged Psychopath, Premier of Victoria

Many of us continue to ask the questions: How does anyone trust this person? How can people believe anything that he says?

Words and paradoxical statements that come out of his mouth seem to be made up at whim. He often smirks, as if holding back a laugh, while announcing dictates that severely harm the lives of all Victorians.

Yes, the duper’s delight, it’s a giveaway smile
When you see it up close, you know something’s not right
~ Van Morrison

Images credit: The BFD

This cruel and perfidious emperor of Victoria has employed the scattergun approach. He is constantly changing the rules and writing new legislation whilst attempting to amend existing laws.

His message is clear, you must obey (be fully vaccinated) to participate in the new society and its vaccinated economy.

Mass Murderers Who Are “Just Following Orders”

In Victoria and throughout Australia, we are dealing with mass murderers who are intoxicated by their own power. They look with glee upon the pain, hopelessness, and uncertainty that they inflict upon the Australian people. The ongoing psychological and physical assaults, which the population has been forced to endure for nearly two years, are relentless, bringing even the most resilient almost to their knees on occasion.

It is becoming more evident, as each day unfolds, that the intent of these barbaric rulers is to isolate and discriminate against all who choose freedom and bodily autonomy. For most, there will be no work if not vaccinated. Unvaccinated will have strict limitations on goods and services. They will also be excluded from many establishments and venues.

We’ve seen blatant murder of the elderly and immunocompromised, and they are now being targeted to be the first recipients of the toxic booster shots. The bureaucrats forced this action, knowing full well this would likely be the demise of people who have unwittingly put their trust in these monsters.

It’s clearly getting “late in the day” here in Australia.

If this new legislation goes through, it will carry catastrophic consequences for us all. If the obedient masses turn a blind eye and allow this law to be passed, they will condemn their own children to a life of servitude and slavery, that is if their children survive.

The New Legislation Explained
Andrews government moves to secure permanent pandemic powers

Those found “intentionally and recklessly” breaching health orders would face two years in jail or a $90,000 fine, while the Premier would get draconian powers to declare pandemics.

Excerpts from article by TOTT News:

In June 2021, TOTT News reported that the Andrews government was in secret negotiations to introduce legislation granting cabinet the sole power to declare pandemic emergencies at any time — effectively leading to a state of permanent virus warfare.

Today, the Andrews government has moved on these plans, introducing a piece of legislation that gives the Premier sweeping powers to declare pandemics.

Images credit: screenshots from 9 News video footage

‘Draconian’: Government introduces new pandemic laws into Parliament

Excerpt from article by Sumeyya Ilanbey, The Age

The legislation gives provision for the government to enforce public health orders to certain types of people, and take into account “their characteristics, attributes or circumstances”. Opposition Leader Matthew Guy argued the legislation would enable the government to discriminate against certain groups of people and shadow attorney-general Tim Smith described it as “terrifying”.

Dan Andrews plan to give himself ‘unlimited power’ to declare pandemics even with zero cases and jail Victorians for two years if they break restrictions is half way to becoming law 

Excerpts from article by Miriah Davis and Charlie Moore, Daily Mail Australia

The Victorian Opposition has described the laws as an ‘attack on democracy’ and vowed to oppose them at every turn.

‘Under these laws Victorians face a $21,909 fine for failing to wear a face mask and business a $109,044 fine if a customer fails to check-in properly,’ Opposition leader Matthew Guy said.

The bill has been drafted after consultation with three crossbench MPs to guarantee it will pass this week or next month despite the opposition from the Liberals and Nationals.

The new laws will replace the state of emergency powers which expire on December 15 when they will have been in place for 21 months.

The Opposition fears they could be used to re-impose lockdowns in the near future.

‘These new laws aren’t about streamlining State of Emergency powers but about making it easier for the State Government to control people’s lives,’ Mr Guy said.

‘Daniel Andrews wouldn’t be passing these laws unless he planned on using them.

‘The thought of handing even more power to the person who got us into this mess is simply unacceptable.

‘This extreme legislation is a threat to every Victorian family, small business and local community. It must be stopped.’

Victorian premier given power to declare pandemics under proposed pandemic laws

Excerpts from article by Bridget Rollason, the ABC News

The opposition has repeatedly refused to support the government’s extension of the state of emergency, calling it a “power grab”.

Victorian opposition leader Matthew Guy accused the Andrews government of drafting “the most extreme” pandemic legislation of any state or territory in Australia.

“Placing so much power in the hands of one person … would be unprecedented,” he said.

“We see these laws as an incredible attack on democracy, usurping the parliament, usurping the cabinet process, which is what exists in New South Wales, and then allowing the Premier to effectively rule by decree, for months on end.

“In short, this bill is the most extreme of its kind[s] that we’ve seen in Australia. While a pandemic requires different approaches, it doesn’t require a law as extreme as this.”

Premier Daniel Andrews could be given extra powers to declare pandemics and enforce emergency laws 

Excerpts from article by David Wu, Sky News

The government will be able to limit movement of the population, ban gatherings, shut down businesses and enforce quarantine if needed…

It also outlines the ability to apply pandemic orders to “classes of person” who can be identified by “their characteristics, attributes or circumstances”.

Victorians Rise Up

Although some have wondered if enough Australian people would ever wake up and stand up, the uprising is now clearly seen and it is growing every day.

Protest Against The Permanent Pandemic Legislation – Melbourne – 30.10.21

Melbourne demonstrators gather to oppose new pandemic powers bill 

True courage – Ex-Police Officer Speaks Out
by Melbourne Ground

Ryan J. Smith, a Liberal Party member of the Victorian Legislative Assembly, offers powerful words in opposition to this legislation.

Partial transcript prepared by Truth Comes to Light:

Acting speaker, I have been in this place for 15 years and, without fear of exaggeration, I can honestly say that I’ve never seen a worse piece of legislation that gives — not the government of the day, but the premier of the day –unprecedented and draconian and dictatorial power.

Now putting aside for the moment, that when an ordinary, pedestrian, run-of-the-mill bill comes in this place, the minimum that the opposition, and indeed, the people of Victoria have — the minimum time that they have to review the legislation is two weeks. That’s the standard in this place. Two weeks.

This legislation came to us this morning — a scant seven or eight hours ago — 120 pages of legislation that will have the most far-reaching impacts on every one of the six and a half million people that live in the state. [It] will have huge impacts on all those people in a way — in a greater way — then the government has had impact on them in the past two years.

Now I shouldn’t have to stand up in this place, I think, Speaker, and explain to those opposite the difference between intent and what is actually in a bill. I shouldn’t have to explain that.

Because this bill allows the government to do an extraordinary number of things that ordinary Victorians would be horrified with.

And to hear the government in their press conferences get up and say ‘Ah yeah, but we wouldn’t use it that way’ is just a ridiculous comment from a government that just is trying to pull the wool over ordinary Victorian’s lives.

This bill will allow detention without cause.

This bill will allow arbitrary arrest.

This bill will allow discrimination of people based on race, sexuality, sex, gender, disability, religion, political beliefs.

That’s what this bill allows.

And if the health minister and the premier don’t want to use the bill for those things, then put clauses in that narrow it. Because, at the moment, that’s what the bill allows.

And it is just an unbelievable situation that the government, the Labor Party — you come in day after day and talk about the commitment to getting rid of discrimination, insuring that we don’t discriminate against any class of person ever — come in with a bill that actively allows one man, the premier of the state, to discriminate against all sorts of classes.

And if we think for a moment, if Victorians actually think for a moment, that this premiere, who has let them down so badly in the last 18 months, who has stripped two years out of our children’s lives, who damaged their education. their well-being , their mental health — has been the cause of thousands of businesses to go bankrupt and closed the doors. You only have to walk down the street, out the front doors of this parliament, to see For Lease signs on empty shops — over and over and over again.

Do you think people who were trapped on the other side of the New South Wales border — for weeks and weeks and weeks — believe that this premiere will not use these draconian powers to continue to hurt them?

Do you think that Victorians who were sent scrambling for the border at New Year’s Eve last year, sitting in a queue until three or four in the morning with babies and children — do you think they believe this premiere won’t use these dictatorial powers?

Do those parents who have home-schooled their kids, week after week after week — do you think they believe this premiere when he says he won’t use these dictatorial powers?

Do you think they believe a premier who says ‘Hey Victorians, we don’t want to be like New South Wales. We’re just going to have a short, short lockdown. Seven days…

It is a joke but I have to say it anyway. You know, it’s too serious to joke but, you know, they say the worst part of a seven-day lockdown is the first three weeks.

It is ridiculous that this government expects that people will believe that they won’t use the powers that are in this legislation.

If you’re not going to arbitrarily arrest people, then take it out of the bills.

If you’re not going to discriminate based on religion or political persuasion they take it out of the bill.

If you’re not going to arbitrarily detain people — Premier, take it out of the bill.

If you’re not going to declare a pandemic and give yourselves the opportunity to impose these orders and directions on Victorians when there isn’t a pandemic in the state, let alone the country, then take it out of the bill.

It’s in the bill because you’re going to use it.

No Victorian believes you are not going to use the powers because they have heard, day after day, the premier get up in front of a press conference… lecture them, tell them off, never take any blame…

We’ll oppose this every step of the way — in this place, in the upper house, and out on the streets.

I oppose this bill with every core of my being.


In closing, watch how a violinist, in solidarity with protestors against medical tyranny, moved the hearts of thousands with his rendition of the Australian national anthem.
There was a sense that this was a moment that will go down in Australian history.



Nelleus is an independent reporter, dedicated to freedom, and committed to revealing the truth about unfolding events in Australia, .

“There is no compromise, we will always stand with you for the truth.”

Nelleus is a contributing writer at Truth Comes to Light.


cover image credit:  THS via TOTT News

Dark Journalist & Dr. Joseph Farrell: HotZone Global Government & the UFO File

Dark Journalist & Dr. Joseph Farrell: HotZone Global Government & the UFO File
“The breakaways are trying to take over. They’re trying to step out into the open — if you look at it a certain way. Basically, what we’re seeing is a federal government that’s been captured by a group of radicals that have no connection to the history or culture of this country. ” ~ Joseph P. Farrell


by Daniel Liszt, Dark Journalist
October 29, 2021

The Exotic Technology Card

Oxford scholar and Giza Death Star book series author Dr. Joseph Farrell returns to join Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt for a spellbinding look into the bizarre geopolitical hurricane gaining force as we head into 2022.

He sees major moves in the HotZone of Cuba where ancient ruins and covert operations like Havana Syndrome run rampant.

A supply crisis being engineered in the US by shadowy forces who are searching for something mysterious.

Massive repression and mind control worldwide as a global dictatorship steps out of the shadows and a major secret coming to the surface regarding aerospace, exotic technology and the UFO file that may play a crucial role in starting (or preventing) a new World War.

Special Topics:


Havana Syndrome

Pine Gap

Supply Crisis

HotZone Intrigue

Push For World War

Exotic Technology

Mind Control

Committee to Run the President

See related for understanding COG (Continuity of Government), the Deep State, hidden global manipulation, space wars and more.

Dark Journalist Special Report: NORTHCOM COG Vs. The Constitution 

Dark Journalist X Continuity of Government (COG) Martial Law Takeover Revealed!

Dr. Joseph P. Farrell w/ Dark Journalist: Election Aftermath, ‘Deep Events’ & the Deep State | Resemblance of 2021 Domestic Terror Bill to 1933 Enabling Act in Nazi Germany

Dark Journalist X-Series 96: UFOs And Continuity of Government (COG) Secret Revealed!

Dr. Joseph P. Farrell w/ Dark Journalist: Election Aftermath, ‘Deep Events’ & the Deep State | Resemblance of 2021 Domestic Terror Bill to 1933 Enabling Act in Nazi Germany

Dr. Joseph Farrell w/ Dark Journalist: Nazis in Space – Von Braun, JFK and the UFO Invasion Op

Dark Journalist w/ Joseph P. Farrell: Deep State X Space Wars & the Controlled Global Narrative


Connect with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell

Connect with Dark Journalist

cover image credit: PhotoVision / pixabay

If I Were an Atheist Materialist Biological Machine

If I Were an Atheist Materialist Biological Machine

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
November 1, 2021


If I were an atheist materialist who believed all humans were nothing more than biological machines, the practice of delivering an infant whole and alive, through Caesarean Section, and then cutting out his heart and removing tissue for medical research would still make me turn away and want to forget I had ever heard this was happening in the world. (My series on medical infanticide, here [1])

Because a click would go off inside me.

I wouldn’t know what the click was, or why it happened, but I would feel something. And if I were a creature living in Huxley’s Brave New World, I would know the feeling was a signal I should go to the medical dispensary and obtain the drug Soma, which would put me in a pleasant forgetful state…

And yet in our world, there are doctors and nurses and technicians and researchers who don’t even experience the click. They participate in the murders of the infants. They do the work. [2]

They are backed up by bureaucrats and elected officials and ethicists and pharmaceutical executives and medical school teachers and deans and medical journal editors and medical journalists and even religious leaders.

How is it that people of faith, billions of them, are not standing up together against this establishment?

Obviously, something has gone wrong with religion. That is the only conclusion.

In organizing itself, it has become concerned with perpetuating itself. It has built a wall between its people and what faith means.

Jesus threw the money changers out of the Temple, but what happens when the money changers ARE the Temple?

What happens when pastors fail to inspire their congregations to take action in the world and stand up against their oppressors?

Vaccine companies used fetal cell line HEK 293 to test their COVID vaccines. That cell line was surely obtained through the medical murder of an infant, in 1972, in the Netherlands. Her kidneys were removed for the tissue, killing her.

Religious people can say that’s none of their business. They can say anything that will close them off from action.

But ABIDING FAITH is supposed to triumph over society and government, the “things of this world.” That’s one of the sacred points of faith. It’s supposed to allow a person to go to the wall for his beliefs.

A Pope carrying all the accoutrement of the Roman Church can issue a statement supporting the COVID vaccine. This tells you how much of the material world the Pope pays homage to. How much he has sold of himself. He is not an illustration of the test of faith.

If I were an atheist materialist who believed all humans were biological machines, there are churches and temples I could walk into; and feel at home.

The Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute “is a 501 (c)3 non-profit organization with a mission to end human trafficking and exploitation for the purposes of biomedical research and commercial products. Our President and Founder, Theresa Deisher Ph.D., has over 30 years of pharmaceutical research and leadership experience. She discovered adult cardiac derived stem cells, has worked on their therapeutic uses as an alternative to human fetal DNA, and leads a team of scientists at AVM Biotechnology dedicated to changing what a diagnosis of cancer, autoimmunity, or chronic infectious disease means to patients and their loved ones. As a result of this work, Dr. Deisher is named as an inventor on over 47 patents.” [3]

I’m going to give you a few important quotes from their published material. Wherever “fetal cells” and “cell line” are mentioned, this indicates material obtained from an aborted fetus. Were these infants removed from their mothers’ wombs, alive, and then murdered? Except in one instance, this is not covered. However, Sound Choice founder, Dr. Deisher, in a devastating interview with Robert Kennedy [4], makes it clear that the practice of removing infants, alive, from the womb, extracting their tissue to make cell lines, and killing them is a widespread practice.

In the first 15 minutes of the interview [4], Deisher discusses infants in the womb for 20 weeks, even 32 weeks, being taken out alive, with their blood supply functioning (essential) and then killed by cutting out their hearts or their brains. This is what is done in order to obtain tissue that will be turned into fetal cell lines.

At the top of the interview, Kennedy said he didn’t want to get into the moral aspect of fetal cell lines. But after listening to Deisher, he was shaken. He said so. He said they would have to cover the moral aspect.

Here are Sound Choice Institute statements: [5]

“Today, more than 23 vaccines are contaminated by the use of aborted fetal cells. There is no law that requires that consumers be informed that some vaccines are made using aborted fetal cells and contain residual aborted fetal DNA. While newer vaccines produced using aborted fetal cells do inform consumers, in their package inserts, that the vaccines contain contaminating DNA from the cell used to produce the vaccine, they do not identify the cells as being derived from electively aborted human fetuses.”

“The United States government has known about the dangers of human DNA from aborted fetal cell-lines since at least 2005. They set guidelines which are supposed to keep the DNA at a specific limit, which they hypothesize will not cause cancer. There is no monitoring of vaccines by our government agencies to ensure those limits are adhered to. Vaccines (MMR, Varicella, and Hepatitis A) sent for independent analysis have consistently shown levels of human fetal DNA that are far beyond the ‘established safety limits’.”

“Instead of conducting safety studies the FDA regulated the amount of human DNA that could be present in a vaccine to no greater than 10ng.”

“Unfortunately, the Sound Choice team discovered that the fetal DNA levels ranged anywhere from 142ng – 2000ng per dose, way beyond the so-called ‘safe’ level.”

“Human fetal cell lines are used to culture some vaccines. They are listed on the CDCs Vaccine Excipient list as [cell lines] WI-38, MRC-5, HEK293, PERC.6.

* WI-38 is a diploid human cell culture line composed of fibroblasts derived from lung tissue of an aborted female fetus.

* MRC-5 (Medical Research Council cell strain 5) is a diploid human cell culture line composed of fibroblasts derived from lung tissue of a 14-week-old aborted male fetus.

* Human embryonic kidney cells 293, also often referred to as HEK 293, HEK-293, 293 cells, or less precisely as HEK cells, are a specific cell line originally derived from human embryonic kidney cells grown in a tissue culture.

* PERC.6 cell line was derived from human embryonic retinal cells taken from an elective abortion.

* The newest cell line created in 2015 for vaccines: WALVAX 2 is taken from the lung tissue of a 3-month gestation female who was ultimately selected from among 9 aborted babies. The scientists noted how they followed specific guidelines to mimic WI-38 and MRC-5 in selecting the aborted babies, ranging from 2-4 months gestation. They further noted how they induced labor using a ‘water bag’ abortion to shorten the delivery time and prevent the death of the fetus to ensure live intact organs which were immediately sent to the labs for cell preparation.” [6]

“Human Diploid Cells (aborted fetal material) provide the ‘cell culture’ in which vaccine formulas are often grown or nurtured. Current vaccines in circulation which were manufactured using aborted fetal material include:

* Polio vaccine (inactivated/IPV) & Oral Polio (live virus) drops : Sanofi Pasteur recently announced they are discontinuing the use of aborted fetal cells in the manufacturing of Poliovax, Pentacel, and Quadracel polio vaccines. Ask before receiving these vaccines as it will take some time for the ethically available options to be widely available.

* Measles, Mumps, Rubella vaccine/MMR (Rubella component)

* Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Poliomyelitis vaccine (DTaP/TdP)

* Varicella (Chickenpox) vaccine & Shingles (zoster) vaccine

* Hepatitis A and Hepatitis A & B vaccines

* Rabies vaccine

* Shingles

* Some Coronavirus vaccines”










Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: Yuri_B / pixabay

Australia Confiscating Bank Accounts, Property, Licenses, & Businesses for Non-Compliance With COVID Fines

Australia Confiscating Bank Accounts, Property, Licenses, & Businesses for Non-Compliance With COVID Fines

by Sundance, The Last Refuge
October 29, 2021


Of all the extreme measures carried out by various states in Australia, the collections and confiscations by the State Penalty and Enforcement Register (SPER) might just be the icing on the cake.

During the lengthy COVID lockdown in the state of Queensland, Australia (Brisbane area), most workers were not permitted to work or earn a living.

Several states stepped in to provide wage subsidies so people could purchase essential products and pay their living expenses.  However, during the lockdown if you were caught violating any of the lockdown rules, you were subject to a civil citation, a fine or ticket for your COVID violation.

Get caught too far from home, outside your permitted bubble, and you get a ticket.  Get caught spending more than the permitted 1 hour outside, get a ticket.  Get caught without a mask, even by yourself – and yep, ticket.  Enter a closed quarantine zone (park, venue, etc.) and you get a ticket.  Tickets were being handed out by police on the street as well as during random checkpoints on the roadways.

Additionally, people returning to Queensland were put into a system of involuntary quarantine.  The costs for that quarantine, mostly hotel rooms, were to be paid by the people being involuntarily captive and not allowed home.

Citizens were required to have their physical location scanned via a QR code on their phone. These checkpoints were to assist in controlling the COVID spread and were used for contact tracing throughout the past two years.  However, the checkpoints and gateway compliance scans also registered your physical location; the consequence was an increased ability for police and COVID compliance officers to catch people violating the COVID rules.  Ex: If you checked in at the grocery store, they knew how far from home you are, and the police could figure out if you violated your one hour of time outside the home at the next checkpoint.

The result of all this compliance monitoring was thousands of fines, civil citations for violating COVID rules.  Thousands of people given thousands of fines that would need to be paid.

Now the state is requiring all of those civil citations get paid, or else.  And the enforcement actions to collect these fines from the State Penalty and Enforcement Register are quite extreme.  Citizens who have outstanding tickets are finding their driver’s licenses suspended; bank accounts are being frozen and seized; homes and property are are being confiscated, as well as business licenses suspended for outstanding citations.

“Queenslanders who received fines for breaking Covid-19 rules risk having their homes seized and bank accounts frozen in a government crackdown to collect $5.2 million in repayments.” (LINK)

Brisbane Times – “SPER was undertaking “active enforcement” on another 18.4 per cent of fines, worth about $1 million, which a spokesman said “may include garnishing bank accounts or wages, registering charges over property, or suspending driver licences”.   The remaining 25.2 per cent of fines were either under investigation or still open to payment without further action being taken.

Outside SPER’s work, Queensland Health took the unusual step of calling in private debt collectors to chase up $5.7 million amounting from 2045 significantly overdue invoices for hotel quarantine.  (read more)


Connect with The Last Refuge

We Will Not Comply!: James Corbett w/ James Evan Pilato

We Will Not Comply!

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report w/ James Evan Pilato, Media Monarchy
October 29, 2021


Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee or Download the mp4

Story #1: NIH Silently Removes “Gain of Function” from Website After Report Confirms Directors Fauci and Collins Lied to Congress About Funding the Research in China

Archived: Gain-of-Function Research Involving Potential Pandemic Pathogens

Archived 2009: Epidemic and Pandemic Alert and Response (EPR)

Archived 2021: Epidemic and Pandemic Alert and Response (EPR)

CDC Changes Definition of “Vaccines” to Fit Covid-19 Vaccine Limitations

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Serology

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Serology, antibodies and immunity

What is the WHO? – Questions For Corbett #066

Story #2: J&J aka LTL Uses Sneaky Bankruptcy Maneuver to Block Lawsuits Over Cancer Claims

Johnson & Johnson Pulls Sale of Talc-Based Baby Powder In North America

Asbestos Found in Baby Powder. You’ll Never Guess How J&J Respond!… #PropagandaWatch

Everything Is Super Swell At Johnson & Johnson, Folks! (Just Don’t Mention The Baby Powder Cancer)

PRIMO RADICAL #250: Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky: “There’s no liberty that allows you to drive through a red light because you feel like it…” // Also Chomsky: “Military industry has the liberty to bomb foreign countries and use my language-to-code system developed at MIT because Air force generals feel like it.”

Don’t Worry, New Yorkers, That Gas In the Subway Is Only a Test

Story #3: “We Will Not Comply!” – NYC Workers Protest Vax Mandate With March Across Brooklyn Bridge

New Mexico Judge Denies Los Alamos Lab Workers’ Claim In Vaccine Fight

Dozens Of Top Nuclear Scientists With ‘Highest Security Clearances’ Being Fired From Los Alamos Lab After Vax Mandate

Los Alamos National Laboratory’s Latest Information on COVID-19


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