by Jon Rappoport
January 29, 2020
Sometimes, during years of research, unusual dots pop up, and you see connections you never suspected were there.
Here is a bottom line connection. When the poor and disenfranchised people mount a protest against some draconian action of the State or corporation, the super-rich controllers don’t register outright panic. They believe they can manage the situation. They can offer more aid, more welfare, more sympathy, more empty promises. They can divert and re-channel problems. They can form groups that essentially go nowhere.
However, when protestors show up who are obviously from the middle class, alarm bells sound. These middlers are supposed to be allies of the controllers. They have very nice perks from the system. They know how to look the other way when horrible things happen to others. They spend most of their time protecting what they have.
At that point, when the middle class goes rogue, weird things happen. Unpredicted things.
I have three examples.
In 1982, when I was just starting out as a reporter for LA Weekly, I interviewed Bill Perry, who had quit his plush job as head of PR for Lawrence Livermore Labs in Berkeley, California, where they do research on better nuclear weapons.
Bill told me this job was the culmination of a long upward struggle for him. He had arrived at a pinnacle. He could now call press conferences in fancy hotels, and reporters would flock to his events and cover them. A dream realized.
This was the time of a movement called the Nuclear Freeze. Groups around the world were calling for a moratorium on the production of atomic and hydrogen weapons. Outside the gates of Lawrence Livermore, protestors gathered every day.
At first, Bill paid no attention to them. But eventually, he began looking. He saw more and more people wearing suits and business clothes. These were the middle class. That shook him up. He started thinking about the real meaning of his job and the work of the Lab. He found a conscience. You could say he was a representative of “the controllers.” One day, he just handed in his resignation papers and left the cushiest job he would ever have. Who could have foreseen that?
Recently, as New Jersey legislators were trying to pass a bill that would eliminate religious exemptions from the vaccination of children, a large group of protestors gathered every day outside the building where the debate was taking place. Again, many of these parents were middle class. They should have been happy robots—but they weren’t. Far from it. Suddenly, the pro-vaxx legislators didn’t have the votes to pass the bill.
Last summer, in Wuhan, China, a city where air pollution often reaches very dangerous levels, protests erupted. Against all odds, in a brutal police State, thousands of people took to the streets. They and their children were experiencing serious lung problems. Again, many of these protestors were the very people who were benefiting from the economic juggernaut that is Wuhan. Middle class.
And a few months later, voila. Suddenly, China announces that a very convenient coronavirus is causing a very serious disease. One of the major features of this supposed epidemic? Lung problems. Not only that, the whole city of Wuhan must be locked down. Protests? Totally vanquished. Outlawed.
Is it fair and just that the poor and disenfranchised are ignored or “re-purposed” when they rebel, while the middle class is paid great attention? Of course not. But that’s the way it is. And it’s understandable when you think about it, because: FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF THE STATE, OR A MAJOR CORPORATION, these middle class people are being groomed for success. They’re being “paid off” to think like properly programmed entities. They’re supposed to support whatever the State is doing, because they benefit. From the point of view of the State, when the “payoffs” stop working, that’s a sign of trouble.
And when significant numbers of the middle class gather and show up in one place and make it clear they’re sick and tired of the all-powerful dragon blowing smoke at them, that’s an even bigger sign of trouble.
Here’s a fourth example. Go watch Vaxxed2, a new film in which parents tell the heartbreaking stories of what happened to their children after they received vaccinations. Damage. Brain damage. These parents are credible. Some of them look and sound like the middle class neighbors of other middle class people. They’re supposed to be happy and complacent, and walled off from the problems of society. But they aren’t. They’re grief-stricken and outraged. If they once believed they were protected from the usual tragedies that beset others, they don’t believe it anymore.
The State and its corporate partners have a monolithic view of power and how it operates. They can lay on fancy propaganda and media drivel, but underneath it all, they think they’re kings. Kings rule, everyone else follows.
When that concept begins to break down, the kings start looking at themselves and wondering where their vestments have gone and why they are naked.

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