Comedian Jim Breuer: Jim’s Got a Heavy Message — “Get Your Life Out of the World That Is Trying to Drag You Into an Emotional, Demonic, Evil Distress.”
by Jim Breuer
July 8, 2022
“Get your emotions, get your life out of the world that is trying to drag you into an emotional, demonic, evil distress.”
“Start looking at the beauty right in front of you with yourself, with yourself.”
“I don’t have politics. I don’t have politics. That’s the world trying to divide and conquer and take your faith away.”
“We’re all obsessed. Deep, life issues right now. Abortion. Everyone’s running out there going nutso from a SLOGAN. Everything’s a sales pitch. It’s a slogan to control your emotions, to control your life, to control your actions.”
“‘My body, my choice. My body, my choice.’ Stop it. You’re being controlled. You’re being manipulated. Your spirit, your soul, the beauty inside you is being sucked out…
Stop it. Your life is right in front of you. Right in front of you. Everyone has their own journey.”
“We’re getting sucked into nonsense. There’s such a deeper part of life…But if you don’t allow it — like a radio station — if you don’t want to listen to the station, you’re never going to know it. And you’ve got no right to say ‘it doesn’t exist, that’s stupid’.”
“Please, go out, enjoy life. Please, every time you feel the need to get sucked into a subject that’s just a slogan to debate and argue over — I have deep friends that are saying they want to be identified as a who or a what, a noun. Do you understand the attack on your mentality when you don’t know what you are anymore?
This really has to do with, in my opinion, deeper spirituality, God, the Lord, however you want to put it. I hope you find it. I hope you tap into it. It will help you spread light to so many others, so many others, so many others.”
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