Dr. Joseph P. Farrell on CERN (2016): What Is the “Atom Smasher” Hadron Collider Project Really About? — A Look at Its Deep Political Roots & Potential Global Danger

Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: Recently the powerful, mysterious, sovereign entity called CERN announced an event to take place on July 5, 2022. From the CERN website (emphasis ours):
“CERN is set for jam-packed, exciting and ecstatic days starting on 3 July with the first celebrations of the ten-year anniversary of the discovery of the Higgs boson, a scientific symposium on 4 July and ending on a high note on 5 July, with collisions at unprecedented energy levels at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) marking the launch of the new physics season at CERN’s flagship accelerator.”
As would be expected, there is a lot of buzz right now, reviving interest in all sorts of theories about what CERN is really up to. From The Sun (July 2, 2022):
“On July 5, 2022, there will be collisions at unprecedented energy levels at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).
The LHC, which is the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator, is at the center of conspiracy theories surrounding CERN.
People have shared their superstitions regarding the “portal” that will open after two high-energy particle beams are set to travel at close to the speed of light before they collide…”
From an article at Independent from 2016 titled “‘Human sacrifice’ staged at Cern, home of the God Particle” :
“Many have suggested that the Large Hadron Collider could bring about a black hole in the Earth, or that something is going on there that would allow people to access new forms of power that would be wielded against the Earth. Others still have said that the work might open a portal to another dimension – an apparent extrapolation from the fact that the work going on there might allow scientists to test theories about the presence of other dimensions.
Others have claimed that Cern’s work is meant to prove that God doesn’t exist…”
Below you will find an interview by Dark Journalist, Daniel Liszt as he shares conversation with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell.
From Dark Journalist’s notes about the video: “Dr. Joseph P. Farrell… explores the deep political roots and global dangers of the controversial particle physics experiment by CERN called The Hadron Collider, which was set up in Geneva, Switzerland with a massive military. style budget of over six billion dollars.”
CERN Death Star: Final Apotheosis, found below the first video, continues the conversation, going into more detail about the nature of CERN as a sovereign entity that cannot be sued, with links to ancient, advanced technology (a “super-advanced cosmological defense system”) and much more.
“…they are literally trying to recreate the conditions of the universe as their model of physics explains it immediately after the Big Bang. So, in other words, that’s cosmology right there… In other words, they’re telling you right there that they’re playing around with the alchemy of the entire universe. They are playing around with the technology that will give them the insight, possibly, in how to manipulate that reality.” ~ Dr. Joseph P. Farrell
CERN Dangers Revealed! Paperclip Nazis and Cosmology Cartel – Dr. Joseph Farrell & Dark Journalist
by Daniel Liszt, Dark Journalist with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell
Livestream January 30, 2016 on YouTube
Join Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt as he welcomes back Oxford Scholar and author of the popular Giza Death Star book series Dr. Joseph P. Farrell. His latest book, The Third Way: The Nazi International, European Union and Corporate Fascism, explores the deep political roots and global dangers of the controversial particle physics experiment by CERN called The Hadron Collider, which was set up in Geneva, Switzerland with a massive military style budget of over six billion dollars!
Dr. Farrell’s research exposes CERN’s official story of the so-called “Atom Smasher” Hadron Collider Project, as being ostensibly created for peaceful scientific experiments in particle physics, and reveals that it is actually a dangerous advanced technology project set up for secret military purposes and is seeking the ability to manipulate matter on a galactic scale and possibly even open dimensional doorways.
Strangelets Danger
He cites the massive disturbances in the magnetosphere of the earth when the Hadron Collider is turned on and outlines that it may have serious consequences for physical life on earth and a major impact on the rotation of the planet itself. We also will discover that voices in the scientific community have raised objections that CERN is unsafe due to the potential development of “Strangelets” a distorted potential byproduct of the matter smashing experiments that have been compared to mini black holes that suck in all dense matter and energy. He also shows the undeniable similarity between the CERN Hadron Collider and a Nazi Physics project called The Bell” that was an underground Torsion Physics project built by slave labor and overseen by the top Nazi Scientists to give them a master weapon to rule the world!
Deep State Nazi Connections
Dark Journalist and Dr. Farrell investigate the history of CERN and demonstrate clear links of a post-war Nazi International through the figure of John J. McCloy , lawyer for notorious German corporate conglomerate IG Farben. McCloy was also the Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations and became the American High Commissioner for post World War II Germany. In a controversial action, McCloy helped clear and vet over 70,000 Nazis (yes, 70,000!) helping to utilize their intelligence networks to set up the CIA.
One of the major figures that he cleared was top Nazi legal theorist and prisoner of war Dr. Walter Hallstein who was eventually responsible for helping to set up CERN and who was also a key architect for developing the the Nazi plan for a European Federation that was eventually adopted as the blueprint for the European Union. McCloy, in a strange twist, also served on the Warren Commission to whitewash any Deep State connections to the JFK Assassination. JFK was famously committed to “Smashing the CIA into a thousand pieces” as a way to root out the Nazi infiltration of the agency and regain control over the government from suspected Nazi collaborators like CIA director Allen Dulles.
Revealing, groundbreaking, shocking, unnerving, and rife with controversial, staggering implications of a massive covert military project hiding in plain sight, don’t miss this cutting- edge Dark Journalist Episode!
[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee, BitChute and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]
Also by Dark Journalist with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell
CERN Death Star: Final Apotheosis – Dark Journalist & Dr. Joseph Farrell
livestream November 30, 2016 on YouTube
The Ancient and Future Death Star
Prepare for a fantastic exploration of the antediluvian past and the looming, ominous high tech future as Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt invites Oxford Scholar Dr. Joseph Farrell back for his most important interview to date. Together in this part one of three episodes. they examine the unusual links between the obscure ancient technology that Farrell has researched in his Giza Death Star books and explore the connections it has with the futuristic dimensional doorway that the mysterious scientific organization CERN has created under the auspices of its controversial Hadron Collider experiments.
The Great Pyramid
Farrell theorizes that the Great Pyramid is much older than recorded history and was originally set up as a kind of super-advanced cosmological defense system with the power to wreak havoc on Earth and in the Cosmos through a highly complex series of resonances networked inside the structure. It’s an undeniable reality that over the last century hundreds of researchers, physicists, geologists and archaeologists have examined and noted the highly unusual and amazingly accurate mathematical patterns in the layout and construction of this marvel of the ancient world. These patterns suggest a sophisticated knowledge of astronomy, Earth science, geology and geometry that was certainly not available to early Egyptian civilization according to mainstream academics, raising the possibility that the true builders of the Great Pyramid were a forgotten technological civilization that was wiped out of existence in the distant past.
Farrell sees the CERN organization in Geneva, Switzerland as shrouded in mystery and finds that its most well-known project, the Hadron Super Collider ostensibly set up to unlock the ‘Higgs Boson’ or ‘God Particle’ by the use of a particle physics experiment, is actually a public cover for a far different activity to covertly deploy a dimensional doorway accessing super weapon for the 21st century that would rival its counterpart the Giza Death Star.
CERN has been mired in controversy since moving forward with its particle collider experiments over the objections of distinguished scientists who have observed unusual changes in the Earth’s magnetosphere when the collider is turned on. Some of these independent scientists have warned the public that hazardous by-products of the experiments called ’Strangelets’ pose a serious potential danger for the public at large and may damage the environment for centuries to come. CERN has also been accused of organizing occult rituals and being highly secretive during its scientific research with a public and private purpose for its vastly complex work. Attempts to sue CERN for its practices have fallen flat due to its unusual status as a ‘sovereign entity.’
This Dark Journalist episode will start us on a fascinating, eye-opening, startling and unnerving journey of what the power structure on Earth is really engaged in behind the scenes and how far they are willing to go for global and galactic domination. You don’t want to miss it!
[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee, BitChute and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]
See related by Joseph P. Farrell (July 21, 2021):
Also related, see this Dark Journalist episode on the Alice collider, which is in France and takes its the signal from CERN.
“…It is creating the hottest and the coldest condition anywhere. That is — hotter than the sun, colder than deep space. Do you think CERN is a normal scientific project after hearing that?”
~ Daniel Liszt, Dark Journalist
Starting at approximately 1 hour 23 minutes into the video listen to what Dark Journalist’s reveals about Alice: https://youtu.be/Gg35-fDLJ_0?t=4977
Connect with Joseph P. Farrell
cover image by CERN under their creative commons license, shared by MichaelSchoenitzer at Wikimedia Commons

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