Dr. Mark Bailey: “HIV Inserts”, Lies & “Lab Leaks”
“The claim that ‘SARS-CoV-2’ contains “HIV inserts” is emblematic of the propagation of decades of virological pseudoscience. Peng Zhou’s team could not engineer a virus as there was no evidence
of a virus to begin with, just as there is no evidence of ‘HIV’. The debate over the origin of the 38 39 COVID-19 “pandemic” has been presented as a false dichotomy where the uninitiated are asked to pick between: (1) ‘zoonotic spillover’ (wet market/bat cave, etc) or (2) ’lab leak’ (accident vs deliberate). The overall story is not disrupted by those throwing ‘HIV’ into option 2, in fact, it helps maintain the virus model on multiple fronts.”
~ Excerpt from “HIV Inserts”, Lies & “Lab Leaks” by Dr. Mark Bailey
“HIV Inserts”, Lies & “Lab Leaks”
by Dr. Mark Bailey
June 2, 2024
More people than ever are becoming aware of the COVID-19 Fraud, not just with regard to the purported tests, “responses” and vaccines but with the foundational claim that a pathogenic virus ‘SARS-CoV-2’ exists. However, the notion that there are “bio-weapons” and “gain of function” activities taking place keeps many people believing that the virus model may have some validity.
My latest essay focusses on the origins of the COVID-19 “lab leak” and ‘HIV insert’ narratives and why they continue to serve multiple pandemic industries. At the heart of it, an examination of gp120, a protein first described in 1984 and attributed to ‘HIV’, unravels the propagation of virological fraud into the present era…
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