Dr. Mike Yeadon: “I Don’t Think I’ll Ever Accept or Recommend Another Vaccine”
by Dr. Mike Yeadon
sourced from Dr. Mike Yeadon Telegram channel
December 24, 2022
I was just writing a briefing note for myself and it grew into this, which might be useful for some.
I don’t think I’ll ever accept or recommend another vaccine & sincerely wish I’d checked the facts on the established ones & didn’t wait for covid to point out to me how corrupt politicians are.
I do recognize that we mostly took at face value what was claimed for most products, pharmaceutical companies and non.
We’d have thought that a reasonable stance, because we know each industry sector is regulated and, in addition, surely ordinary people would stop companies deliberately harming others?
Well, yes. These assumptions rest upon other assumptions, that there isn’t such a thing as “regulatory capture” (where government employees are tempted to bend the rules in exchange for benefits, generally deferred).
Also, the assumption that there aren’t many people & organisations intent on accruing & using power over ever greater proportions of the population.
In fact, I don’t think that there are many truly terrible / evil people. There are probably only a few thousand people around the world who are, for reasons I’ll never understand, intent on seizing power at an extraordinary level.
The big problem we have is a very much larger group of people who are easily swayed by greed or fear to enact the wishes of the tiny group of evil perpetrators. Who are they, the enablers? This is MY personal take. They’re not in any particular order.
1. Pretty much all healthcare staff.
2. Those who create or communicate “content” for high-reach media entities, because people like to trust those they virtually invite into their homes every day on TV.
3. Politicians (almost all of them, whether active or passive).
4. Seniormost staff & a very small number of well-placed employees of huge pharmaceutical companies.
5. An analogously small number of decision-makers in the regulatory environment.
6. “Law enforcement”, not only police, judiciary & the covert services but also technocrats & civil servants, lying with statistics.
7. Only in the modern era have “Influencers” taken centre stage, but they’re oh so important now. In UK, people like “Professor” Devi Sridhar, TV Doctor Hillary, football pundit Gary Lineker & more.
8. *Philanthropaths everywhere, like Gates, Soros, Oprah Winfrey, who deploy billions of dollars of seemingly generous efforts to save the planet.
9. Some of your own friends and family, perhaps. Quite likely & tragically. They’re just aligning to what they believe is the right to do.
10. People I’ve missed out. Oh, like the WEF, the UN, the WHO, the EU, the Group of XX (most important nations), the Council for Foreign Relations, the IPCC, etc
Those who insist that we’re destroying earth’s climate through global warming (we’re definitely not) & that there are too many people (also not true) provide convenient partial excuses for the “unavoidably undemocratic processes, necessary to save the planet”.
Borderline genius, is this. It also offers a believable explanation for why we’re being subject increasingly authoritarian control. “Having tried democratic methods to accomplish a needed change, & failed, this is something we’ve just got to do”.
I forgot banks. Makes me realise that the ultimate movers & shakers are more or less out of site & certainly beyond reach. A large fraction of those above deserve whatever is the prevailing punishment for convicted murderers or accessories to the fact.
I don’t expect this lot to be brought before a justice system that’d beyond corruption. But we don’t need that in order to thwart their plans.
To defer, deflect or derail their intended future for us, “the little people”, that’s all we need to accomplish. In every dimension, be awkward, don’t follow their diabolical agendas. I expect they’ll have a flexible timeline, but it won’t be open-ended (“2030: you’ll own nothing & be happy”).
If we’re able to slow them down just a little bit, I expect they’ll have to move more quickly & that’s when their mistakes will become to be easier to see & opposition will grow.
Best wishes
*Philanthropaths: those who pretend to be doing good works with their own money. In fact, they’re using a charitable structure to disguise their malign intent. You know who I mean.
Follow Dr. Mike Yeadon on Telegram
Cover image credit: EvgeniT

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