Dutch Farmers Spray Manure on Town Hall in Protest of Climate Plans
To Meet New Climate Goals, Farmers Will Be Forced Out of Business
by Peter Imanuelsen, The Freedom Corner with PeterSweden
July 1, 2022
In their infinite wisdom, the government of the Netherlands wants to impose new climate goals of reducing nitrogen output by 2030, which will force farmers out of business.
The Netherlands had even appointed a new Minister for Nature and Nitrogen! The minister, Christianne van der Wal has practically said that some farmers will have to give up their farms.
The target is designed to comply with EU rules on reducing nitrogen pollution. In order to meet the goals, farmers will have to downsize their businesses or shut down.
And the farmers are not happy about it. Last week some 40 000 farmers took to a mass protest. Did you hear about any of this on the news? I bet you probably did not…
Farmers have taken to the highways, setting up blockades.
Very angry Dutch farmers block border between Holland and Germany. Harsh protests in many Dutch cities after politicians' decision to closes dozens of farms and cattle ranches to reduce nitrogen by 30% – 70% to comply with EU regulations on nitrogen pollution. pic.twitter.com/uKYXj0gvD8
— RadioGenoa (@RadioGenoa) June 30, 2022
Farmers also sprayed manure at the local town hall in Lochem.
🇳🇱 Ondertussen bij het gemeentehuis in Lochem: boeren verspreiden mest voor de deur van het gemeentehuis! pic.twitter.com/ECovC8TID3
— Kees (@Kees71234) June 27, 2022
So let me get this straight. We are already looking at a worldwide food crisis as a result of skyrocketing fertilizer prices and the war in Ukraine (as Russia and Ukraine are major grain exporters, and that is now coming to a standstill).
The protests have of course been condemned by the politicians, but according to a poll it seems like many people support the farmers.
The political party Farmer-Citizen Movement is ranking high in the polls. In fact, they are now the second largest party in the Netherlands!
Interessante overeenkomsten tussen opmars BBB nu en die van FVD exact vier jaar geleden, die leidde tot een uitslag bij #PS2019 waarbij de FVD groter werd dan de VVD.https://t.co/28LOJYnI3c pic.twitter.com/hWB4z1WIwk
— Maurice de Hond (@mauricedehond) June 26, 2022
Just today in Norway several large food producers implemented massive price increases on food. For example the price of Pepsi Max went up by over 30%. With inflation and skyrocketing fuel prices things are not looking better for next year.
We will likely see even more expensive food next year, and unfortunately probably famines in some parts of the world.
So what does the genius politicians in Europe do? They want to shut down farms because of climate change of course! That will surely help!
The cows are farting too much! That’s not a joke by the way. In New Zealand they want to implement a tax on cow farts and burps!
I really don’t get this. We are facing a food crisis and they want to shut down farms in the name of climate change?
I guess they really want you to eat the bugs and be happy. They are working on making meat so expensive that the common people won’t be able to afford it.
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Peter Imanuelsen, also known as PeterSweden, is an independent journalist reporting on the real news that the media is ignoring, focusing on liberty and freedom.

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