Enormous 5G Towers Being Installed in NYC Neighborhoods Despite Reports of Illness, People Moving After 2018 5G Activation
by BN Frank, Activist Post
November 9, 2022
Widely reported issues associated with 5G include aviation equipment interference (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), cybersecurity risks (see 1, 2), biological and environmental health risks, and poor service (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9). In regard to health, since 2018 there have been reports of people and animals experiencing symptoms and illnesses after 5G was activated (see 1, 2, 3) including in some New York City neighborhoods. This was documented in a video posted by Dr. Naomi Wolf as well as on Twitter:
A comment about 5G: Amelia Immel:” It is being erected in our area….we are being fried nightly and unable to sleep in our bedroom with the windows covered. Electrical sensations, tingling numbness, extreme nausea, headaches , ears burning and ringing. Have been hospitalized twice for severe dehydration from sweating( signs of electro hypersensitive) and temps of 103 without infections found. Literally cooking my organs inside out. Please read in depth the physical symptoms of being in too close contact. Our home is up for sale and surprisingly 4 other homes as well on my street alone. Very unusual. This is a nightmare which cost us last month 1100$ of hotel expenses. This is devastating our lives. My pets can barely walk as well.
READ EVERY WORD. Int’l Firefighters Org uses TOP QUALITY peer-reviewed scientific journals to OPPOSE fighters being near 5G and other cellphone towers as this poses a DIRECT THREAT to health. WHY should U be OK w it? Postingon http://Dailylout.io http://www.iaff.org/hs/Facts/CellTowerFinal.asp …
12:50 PM – 20 Jun 2018
Wow — 5G really is very bad for our health. I had no idea. Small cell EMF frequencies every few hundred yards to enable “the internet of things”, driverless cars…but a mass of health problems. http://emfsafetynetwork.org/how-to-oppose-small-cell-5g-towers/ …
6:46 PM – 19 Jun 2018 from Manhattan, NY
Yep, T-Mobile “fired up” 5G in NYC and 30 cities are due to get 5G by end of year. Soon there will be no escape from these health hazards, sense of pressure and irritability and maybe even weirdly affected clouds.https://techcrunch.com/2018/02/27/these-will-be-the-first-cities-getting-5g-from-sprint-and-t-mobile/ …
Since 2018 5G opposition has increased worldwide and deployment has been banned, delayed, or limited in some locations but obviously not in The Big Apple.
From ZeroHedge:
“Monstrosities”: New York Has Started Erecting Thousands Of Giant Gray 5G Towers
by Tyler Durden
Look around, you can’t miss them.
Giant ugly new 5G towers are starting to take over New York City and, despite attempting to look futuristic, many can’t help but notice just how much of an eyesore the additions to city streets have become.
The columns are gray and color and about 32 feet high, according to a new report by the New York Times, with some dwarfing three story buildings. And they’re popping up with little to no warning.
“We were shocked because we had no idea what it was,” one store owner in the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brooklyn said. Marion Little, who owns Stripper Stain & Supplies, says that his customers and neighbors have asked about it.
He told the New York Times:“They’ve been emailing me, calling me weekends, Facebooking me, like, ‘Yo, what’s that?’ and I’m sitting there like, ‘I have no clue.’”
“I wasn’t even quite sure what it was,” another resident told The Times about a tower popping up in his neighborhood. “The buses turn here. It’s going to be easy to miscalculate and hit the thing,” he said of the tower’s placement at a B26 bus stop.
“Never have I heard one mention of residents asking for a tower to be placed where we live,” said Democratic liaison for the 57th Assembly District in Fort Greene Renee Collymore. “Before this tower came, I had fine service. What, a call dropped every now and then? So what. You keep going.”
Chelsea Formica, who lives on the Upper East Side, got a call from her husband about it while she was out: “He was like, ‘Hey, you know, they put something up outside of our window. I’m just laying here on the couch and it’s pretty big.’”
When she returned home, she was in disbelief: “I was like, ‘Oh, my God,’ freaking out. It’s huge. It’s so big.”
The towers are part of a deal that New York City has with CityBridge and LinkNYC, who is going to be installing 2,000 of the towers in the city over the next several years. Many of the towers are taking the place of where old payphones used to be. The towers have not been activated yet.
Other towers are going to be placed on top of traffic lights and street lamps, according to the report.
The Times notes that 90% of the new towers will be in “neighborhoods in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island and above 96th Street in Manhattan”. They will provide residents with free access to digital calling and Wi-Fi. Carriers like AT&T and Verizon will also be able to use the towers to compliment existing infrastructure.
In 2019, telecom executives gave U.S. congressional testimony that they had NO independent scientific evidence that 5G is safe and the majority of scientists worldwide oppose deployment (see 1, 2, 3, 4). In 2021, a federal court ruled in favor of petitioners who sued The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for not updating wireless radiation guidelines (including 5G) despite scientific evidence of harm submitted to the agency. Some researchers have also warned that activation may be contributing to COVID-19 infections as well as hundreds of thousands if not millions of bird deaths!
Regardless, the regulatory agency (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) as well as other American government and state agencies and committees (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) have continued to promote and fund 5G deployment and densification (see 1, 2) as well as that of 4G and public Wi-Fi (which also poses known health and environmental risks).
In 2019, telecom executives gave U.S. congressional testimony that they had NO independent scientific evidence that 5G is safe and the majority of scientists worldwide oppose deployment (see 1, 2, 3, 4). In 2021, a federal court ruled in favor of petitioners who sued The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for not updating wireless radiation guidelines (including 5G) despite scientific evidence of harm submitted to the agency. Some researchers have also warned that activation may be contributing to COVID-19 infections as well as hundreds of thousands if not millions of bird deaths!
Regardless, the regulatory agency (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) as well as other American government and state agencies and committees (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) have continued to promote and fund 5G deployment and densification (see 1, 2) as well as that of 4G and public Wi-Fi (which also poses known health and environmental risks).
Good luck, New Yorkers.
Activist Post reports regularly about 5G and other unsafe technologies. For more information, visit our archives and the following websites:
- Americans for Responsible Technology
- Environmental Health Trust
- Physicians for Safe Technology
- Wireless Information Network
cover image credit: Tdorante10

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