Final Stand: More Lies about Overcrowded Hospitals and the Fake Race Narrative
by The Dollar Vigilante
July 14, 2020
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Corona – The Simple Truth in Under 6 Minutes https://youtu.be/IRlPPzydSyM
I Chose Not To Wear A Mask. Forgive Me by Iama Price https://vimeo.com/431082695
What The Left Won’t Tell You About The Plight Of Black People And The Myth Of Systemic Racism by MRCTV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQEbUMX1uug
Phoenix Mayor Lied About Morgues & ‘Refrige Trucks’ To Store Overflow COVID Bodies https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/phoenix-mayor-lied-about-morgues-refrige-trucks-to-store-overflow-covid-bodies-video/
Introduction to Candles in the Dark

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