ICAN Lawsuit Wins Preliminary Injunction in Challenge to D.C.’s Minor Consent Law
by Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN)
March 18, 2022
In a HUGE win for parents in D.C. and beyond, a federal court for the District of Columbia just granted a preliminary injunction in a case funded by ICAN, and another case, that challenged D.C.’s law allowing doctors to vaccinate children 11 years of age and older without parental knowledge or consent. The Court explained that “Children will be unable to decide to get vaccinations without their parents’ consent!” This is a huge win for the rights of parents to raise their children without the government and pharma taking over their parental rights!
Some highlights from the Court’s decision are below, and you can read it in full here:
- “Two crucial exchanges of information lie at the heart of the NCVIA. The first is the exchange of information from parent to doctor. Healthcare providers recommend against vaccinations if individuals reacted poorly to past immunizations. A VIS [Vaccine Information Statement] describes the risks of certain vaccines and explains when they are contraindicated… By removing the parent from the vaccine decision, the MCA [the D.C. law allowing children to be vaccinated without parents knowing] undercuts a key purpose of the VIS and a safety check before the vaccination.”
- “[T]he MCA encourages children to deceive their parents. Once a child has gone behind her parents’ backs to get a vaccine, what is she supposed to do if she has a negative reaction? Some children might tell their parents; others very well might be afraid and try to hide their actions. Besides the obvious medical risk such a situation entails, this throws a wrench in the NCVIA’s goal of ‘[f]ast, informal adjudication’ of vaccine injuries.”
- “Enjoining the MCA will not prevent children from being vaccinated…The only impact will be that children will be unable to decide to get vaccinations without their parents’ consent.”
- “States and the District are free to encourage individuals—including children—to get vaccines. But they cannot transgress on the Program Congress created. And they cannot trample on the Constitution.”
It is through your support that ICAN is able to fund these critical lawsuits, defending parents’ rights and upholding constitutional and statutory rights. Thank you for that ongoing support and we assure you this is not the last case or the last victory that we will bring to you and to everyone hoping to live in a country that believes parents, not the government working with pharma companies, should raise their children.
Watch the announcement of the lawsuit win from ICAN CEO, Del Bigtree, here.
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