ICIC Law Reports on Reiner Fuëllmich’s Trial Process — Day 1 and Day 2
Dr. Reiner Fuëllmich — The Process
by Jiota, ICIC Law News
sourced from Reiner Fuëllmich telegram
Day 1 and 2
Göttingen, 31.1. and 2.2.2024
This is an account of my personal impressions and feelings. I have reproduced what I have heard in the sessions as I personally understood it, and I do not claim to know all the connections and legal details or the whole truth. This report must not be taken out of context.
It’s very chilly on this Wednesday morning in Göttingen. The wind makes me shiver slightly on the way to the district court. The main entrance is not intended to gain access to the first day of the trial in the case of Dr. Reiner Fuëllmich. Security is high and access is a narrow, separate side entrance that everyone has to go through, including the lawyer.
It is just before 9 a.m., and the trial is scheduled to begin at 9:15 a.m. Dr. Reiner Fuëllmich has been waiting there for about two hours for the start of the trial. He was brought here at 6:30 a.m. from the Rosdorf prison, where he has been incarcerated for over a quarter of a year, as I learned from the lawyer. In the catacombs of the courthouse there are rooms that look like “real” cells, yes, they are “real” cells: barren, a bunk, bars …
Dr. Fuëllmich is always transported in handcuffs, with his arms crossed and fixed in front of his chest. In the course of the first day of the trial, he will explain exactly how this works. All complaints of the defense about this procedure, which can no longer be justified even with the hypothetical risk of flight, were rejected.
In front of me, some spectators are already waiting to be admitted. Some have brought cardboard signs on which they express their opinion in short words, such as “Legislative, judiciary and executive go hand in hand!”. They are not allowed to take such signs with them and hold them in front of the window in order to reach one or the other judicial official or representatives of the mainstream press. In vain, because suddenly there is a bit of a hectic pace and everything has to be done meticulously and quickly in order to check and search the people in detail.
It’s like at the airport, taking off my jacket, putting all my belongings in a plastic container, yes, even the dog treats I accidentally forgot in my coat pocket. ID card, accreditation certificate, press card, scarf, keys, handkerchiefs … Then the short step through the electronic airlock, where at the end a judicial officer pats me down. And with every visitor…
To my surprise, the people in the uniforms with the inscription “Justice” and “Task Force Justice” are very friendly, courteous and helpful. No trace of “askance” or even hostility. On the contrary, they show me the separate entrance for the press and answer all questions in a friendly and patient manner.
I see a TV crew, an editor, photographers and a cameraman with a sound engineer. They look a bit uncertain, as it quickly becomes apparent that the majority of those present are supporters of Dr. Fuëllmich. And so they stand a little off to the side. Too bad, I think.
As a result, the division is visible and they don’t particularly try to mingle with the visitors or even approach each other innocently. However, despite the energetically perceptible wall that does not allow even this, the unspoken opinion of the viewers about the leading media is abundantly clear.
In the courtroom, which is currently the largest available and holds 36 seats for listeners, I hear two young men behind me talking about the spelling of Dr. Fuëllmich’s name. “Is it spelled with ü or with ue? At the law firm it said ue, I took a look at it,” says one. The other shrugs. I lean over to the questioner and tell him that I think the spelling with ue is necessary for his work in America, because there are no umlauts and since Dr. Fuëllmich is also admitted to the bar in California and has also studied and worked there, he probably spells it himself with ue there. But since we are here in Germany, I would write the name with umlaut. He looks at me astonished but interested and nods.
Later I see that of course he did not follow my advice. Maybe also because I answered the question about who I would write for, with:
“I’m a freelance journalist and I choose who I write for.”
My counter-question to him: “Which newspaper do you write for?” must have stuck in his memory, because he looks at me slightly indignantly and answers: “I’m from NDR!”. I have to smile, breathe a nonchalant “Ah” at him and smile my actual answer to myself, remembering that the NDR has received a filming permit and has committed itself by accreditation to pass on the photographs, recordings and information to other media houses. So they are important.
What that will probably turn out to be is my not unfounded mistrust of the mainstream media. Through my own experiences as a salaried editor and later as a freelance journalist and publisher, I know enough about how “press” and “news and opinion-making” work. During the Corona plandemic, I suddenly became aware of this clever manipulation of human brains, a knowledge that swirled inside me for years, like so many things that I felt were “strange” or inconsistent in many everyday areas, but to which I never paid deeper attention. After all, you’re busy organizing your life …
But now, here in the courtroom and four years after the proclamation of what I consider to be the greatest crime against humanity because it is worldwide and taking place at the same time, the so-called “Corona pandemic”, I know that nothing is as important as freedom.
I guess you have to take freedom away from someone before you really become aware of its importance. In my desperation, because of the numerous people who fell victim to this narrative four years ago (and still are), I struggled to bring the truth, or at least other opinions, to the public. Bloody noses, quarrels, ended friendships (if there were any), attacks on my economic existence and character assassination were the result. It was a bad time for so many of us who quickly saw through this perfidious game, wanted to help our fellow human beings and simply spoke our minds.
In this truly dark time of loneliness, I heard reports from Prof. Dr. Bhakdi, Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Schiffmann, saw what Michael Ballweg did with “lateral thinking”, and it was my personal therapy to go to the demos to realize: We are many! It was balm and I realized that the community is the most important thing to free oneself from the thicket of cloudy thoughts that make you feel powerless and energy-less.
In July 2020, the great moment of hope came for me and since then I have been personally convinced that there will be real justice at some point. The press conference of the so-called “Corona Committee” was broadcast in the alternative media and four lawyers explained that they had come together to debunk the narrative of this strange pandemic through educational work and the gathering of expert opinions. This gave courage and strengthened the belief in a legal reappraisal of all the injustice, at the beginning of which we were still standing at that time. We didn’t know what to expect and what would be done to us…
And now I’m sitting here, in the courtroom in Göttingen, the city where the law firm of the renowned lawyer (one of the four mentioned above) and consumer advocate Dr. Reiner Fuëllmich was located. Sadly, I look at the empty space that will soon fill up.
There are name tags on the tables: Attorney Katja Wörmer, Prof. Dr. Weiler, Attorney Dr. Reiner Fuëllmich. On the tables opposite are the name tags of Public Prosecutor John, Attorney Dr. Justus Hoffmann and Attorney Antonia Fischer. The seats of the latter two remain empty, on both days: they have called in sick at the same time…
I remember the initial meetings of the Corona Committee, the presence and the strength and eloquence of Dr. Reiner Fuëllmich, and how he asked the right questions, talked to the experts, scientists and guests and brought so much important information to light.
I don’t remember any of the four who were present at the time as intensely as I remember him. Despite all the adversities and reprisals, he did not give up. After the betrayal and the perfidious exclusion from his own (!) Committee, he seamlessly continued his work and founded ICIC (International Crimes Investigative Committee) and went even deeper down the rabbit hole, producing many more insights into world affairs.
I am abruptly brought back from my short journey into the past and my memories of the beginnings of the Corona Committee, the strength and hope I felt after the press conference.
The door opens and the chamber, consisting of three professional judges and two lay judges, enters. The audience also rises, and the presiding judge, Schindler, asks us to take our seats. Dr. Fuëllmich enters from the side door which opens, handcuffed and with his file folders, which he carries awkwardly due to the restraint. He is pale and yet he walks upright and confident. His lawyer greets him and after he sits down, the handcuffs are removed.
I will see these pictures in the evening in the NDR “report”, in close-up of course. They need sensations in order to program the viewer negatively, even before a single word is reported. This was clear to me from the beginning and does not surprise me, especially not after the past four years of the worst propaganda against dissenters.
Even before the prosecutor can read out the indictment at the request of the presiding judge, the defense attorney files a motion for the indictment not to be read and for the proceedings to be discontinued due to several deficiencies. This procedure is possible and lawyer Katja Wörmer is allowed to justify her applications and reads them aloud.
After this has been done, the sitting is adjourned and the board retires to discuss the request. This lasts about an hour and during this time Dr. Fuëllmich is again handcuffed and taken to the catacombs of the courthouse, not allowed to remain in the courtroom with others.
The tension is rising. Will the defense’s motion be accepted? We are not very optimistic. But it was good to hear about the errors and shortcomings in the indictment. Many of them, in fact…
The Chamber returns after its deliberations. We eagerly await what she has to say. Of course, the defense’s request is rejected, and it would have been too nice to discontinue the proceedings now, after all the fanfare due to deficiencies in the indictment. Chairman Schindler does not seem to be aware of this procedure, which allows a motion to be made before the indictment is read. Be that as it may, the prosecutor is now allowed to read the indictment, stands up and does so in a loud voice.
When he has finished, the chairman asks for Dr. Fuëllmich’s data and asks if he wants to comment on the matter. In a firm voice, he answers: Yes!
And he begins to report on how he is now getting the opportunity to be heard for the first time here and now after more than three months of pre-trial detention. He complains that he is being handcuffed and that all requests by the defense to prevent this, because there is no sufficient justification for it, have been rejected. Then he describes how, every time he is transported to the courthouse, his arms are crossed in front of his chest, his elbows are bent upwards, he demonstrates it, and fixes him and his crossed arms with abdominal cuffs and puts the handcuffs on, so that under no circumstances could he make even a tiny movement with his arms, and he explains that every time he thinks: I hope I don’t stumble…
He then addresses Prosecutor John directly:
“Mr. John, I will not forgive you for one thing! I will never forgive you that when I was kidnapped from Mexico at the airport, when I was taken away in handcuffs by the armed officers, I looked back and saw my wife standing there alone, crying bitterly! I don’t forgive you for that and it will come back to you, Mr. John. It will come back to you!”
Dr. Fuëllmich is emotional about the memory of this terrible and monstrous day. The chairman intervenes and asks him to moderate himself, although he has spoken very calmly. Presumably, the chairman fears that the palpable tension could escalate and he wants to prevent further boiling up of emotions.
The defence lawyer took the floor and recalled the defendant’s situation, which has been going on for almost four months now. It calms down again and Dr. Fuëllmich reaffirms that his deportation from Mexico, without an international arrest warrant, was a deportation by the German state. Prosecutor John frowns. But Dr. Fuëllmich is not deterred and says that he only sees all this now, through the study of his file, and was himself horrified that he had been secretly investigated for 1.3 years, that there had been a dedicated line of the complainants on him, and all this without his even once being a questioned; without the right to be heard.
That suddenly, and without being given a reason, his wife’s bank account in Germany was seized. He opens one of the file folders and reads out an email, the contents of which make me shudder:
“Hello Mr. John, as of now it is planned to lure Reiner Fuëllmich to the consulate under the pretext that he still has to correct a signature on the passport (!) and then have him arrested by the Migration Authority. A date has not been set. Probably week 36 or 37.”
In my opinion, prosecutor John is a bit uncomfortable with this situation. He slides back and forth on his swivel chair and turns with it sometimes to the left and sometimes to the right, looks at his laptop. He doesn’t comment. Dr. Fuëllmich says to him, “Yes, it was a kidnapping.” He goes on to speak, still addressing the public prosecutor: “As I can now see from the file, you have neither observed the principle of ‘audiatur et altera pars’ (listen to the other side) nor the principle that must be observed in particular when applying §266 of the Criminal Code, namely to investigate not only incriminatingly, but also exculpatory. That has not happened here. In no way was there any search for exculpatory material.”
Again, no reaction from the prosecutor, not even when Fuëllmich tells him that. In his opinion, he was “put on the cross” and goaded by Hoffmann and A. Fischer and that everything was to be kept secret at the request of both of them regarding who the complainants were, because they were afraid of violent outbursts on the part of Fuëllmich, who would have also allegedly threatened them with a Winchester. Fuëllmich reads all this out of the file.
I make a brief comparison of what I have heard with the images of Justus Hoffman in my head. A friend sent me pictures from the website of a Berlin martial arts school showing Hoffmann, a tall, stocky young man with a bull’s neck in a white martial arts outfit, who is a black belt. Furthermore, I remember a report by the Bild newspaper on him, which shows that he courageously put an armed intruder in the stairwell to flight, according to the report. There is a picture of him leaning against the banister of the hallway. So, I think to myself, you were afraid of Reiner Fuëllmich, who often used the metaphor: “Then you have to get the Winchester out of the cupboard!”, which means something like: “I take out the club when I vehemently advocate for something.” …
That the prosecutor could really have believed such chatter?
The chairman wants to start with the questioning and Dr. Fuëllmich answers all questions and explains the meaning of § StGb 266, what it means and how easily it can be abused, quotes comments from renowned professors on this and other details. It is an extremely interesting short lecture and I am impressed by the legal knowledge and the talent to express it in such a way that even a layman understands what it is about.
Then he talks about his father, a passionate detective who taught him the pursuit of justice. He goes on to describe the beginnings of the Corona Committee. That he was at his ranch in California with his wife in the spring of 2020, heard about the hype about Corona and wondered. He wanted to recover on the ranch from years of strenuous work, the proceedings against large and fraudulent corporations and had initially decided to stay in the USA until the scaremongering about Corona was over.
But he was persuaded by his wife to return to Germany and see what was going on there. None of this was normal and he wanted to research what the global Corona pandemic was actually about. So he came back to Germany, and after phone calls with his friend at the time, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, with whom he worked at Transparency, who introduced him to lawyer Viviane Fischer.
After some discussions, it was decided to launch an information campaign, in the style of expert interviews, and in addition to himself and Viviane Fischer, two other people were to be part of the team, namely a well-known professor of finance and a well-known microbiologist. But after the first meeting together, both declined. Law professor Dr. Martin Schwab, who also worked at Transparency, introduced Fuëllmich and Fischer to two young, students of Schwab,
Justus Hoffmann and Antonia Fischer, who then co-founded the “Corona Committee Vorschalt UG” as “substitutes”, which, however, was never registered. As shareholders, all four were entitled to exclusive representation in equal shares. In the beginning, Hoffmann and Antonia Fischer were present at the meetings, but did not get involved much and did not take care of the organizational work.
It quickly became clear to Fuëllmich that they had nothing to contribute and did not have any legal experience or other expertise. Hoffmann would not have been admitted to the bar until 2019. At some point, the two wanted to “do their own thing”, as they apparently thought they had received enough media prominence through the Corona Committee meetings and withdrew from the Corona Committee, founded their own project, the so-called “Mask Force” and moved into a one-room law firm, joined forces with lawyer Marcel Templin, also a student of Martin Schwab, and founded the law firm “Hafenanwälte”. They disappeared from the Corona Committee and it was probably not a big loss.
Vivane Fischer and Fuellmich continued to work and, according to Fuëllmich, the two “port lawyers” reappeared some time later. Their projects did not go as hoped and they demanded money from Viviane Fischer and Dr. Fuëllmich for their “work” in the Corona Committee. They were also equal shareholders and had to be informed about everything, even though they were not heard from, seen or known where they had gone for months. The accountant had kept telling everyone involved to register the UG. This was finally to happen, but there was a stalemate in the shareholders’ meeting, there was no agreement, and since V. Fischer and Fuëllmich were on one side and Hoffmann with A. Fischer on the other, there was no consensus. As a shareholder, it was therefore not possible to agree on a result and, according to Fuëllmich’s testimony, the port lawyers prevented the registration of the upstream UG with their behaviour and disappeared again.
After the founding of the first company “Corona Committee Vorschalt-UG”, which, as is well known, had never been registered and to which all four lawyers belonged as equal partners, Dr. Fuëllmich had founded a new company, namely the Corona Committee Foundation, with Viviane Fischer as equal shareholders and managing director, after both had signed up for their “work” after disputes over the contrary monetary claims of Hoffmann and Antonia Fischer in the articles of association, in committee and other disagreements.
Fuëllmich, with certainty, reaches for a file and reads out the passage in the articles of association that states that no shareholder is entitled to personal expenses, and can only reclaim his share in the business in the amount of €125 in the event of resignation. He emphasizes again and again that he and Viviane Fischer agreed that no monetary demands should be made here, let alone have been made. Firstly, this was covered by the statutes and, secondly, it would be an outrageous demand, since it would have been from donations for the committee’s work and certainly no expense allowances would be allowed to be paid.
Apparently, the “port lawyers”, who failed with their own project “Mask Force”, wanted to obtain a benefit through their admission to the Corona Committee Vorschalt-UG at the time and their supposedly resulting and bestowed “prominence”. A dispute ensued, after which Fuëllmich and V. Fischer parted ways with the other two and, as mentioned, founded the Corona Committee Foundation, in which they both hold a 50% stake and are the sole representatives. Fuëllmich emphasized that they still are, as this company was incorporated and still exists.
Turning to the public prosecutor, Fuëllmich says that he, Mr. John, had been abused by these people, because they had cleverly orchestrated their plan to bring their claims into the criminal proceedings by way of a complaint, since they would never have gotten that far through civil law, and would also have had to pay a huge sum in advance in court costs considering the large amount in dispute. So they didn’t pay anything, and perhaps they were promised the committee’s donations as a “reward” if they took part in the hunt for, Fuëllmich, as V. Fischer said in a news broadcast; publicly calling for the hunt of Fuëllmich, with the hunter’s cry ‘Halali’.
The chairman asks many questions, which Dr. Fuëllmich answers in detail and reports on how the work with the Corona Committee and the entire project took on a life of its own in quick succession and gained an enormous reach through his international contacts, such that a huge number of inquiries, tipoffs, requests for help in the form of emails, telephone calls, letters to the address in Berlin, (which is also the postal address of lawyer Viviane Fischer) and the number of viewers of the live streams increased rapidly from week to week. And with this flood of input, the important customer relations work also came to the fore.
Many people who wrote to the postal address in Berlin did not receive a reply. They did the only logical thing and then wrote to the law firm Fuellmich in Göttingen, as they quickly found its address on the Internet. The law firm was flooded with inquiries and his staff were was quickly occupied exclusively with the care of the people who had contacted the Corona Committee. This went on for some time and Viviane Fischer claimed that she had managed this flood of inquiries with a friend, who received a few hundred euros a month for it, which would not be true, according to Fuëllmich. This amount of work could not be done with an assistant, and it was jointly decided that the law firm Fuëllmich would receive a monthly payment to cover the remuneration of the employees who worked for the Corona Committee Customer Relations and for the corresponding social security contributions. Fuëllmich himself would not have received any of it.
He goes on to explain that there was a very high willingness to donate, which was not expected at all. It was then possible to work more professionally and, due to the international reach, simultaneous translators were hired, IT was expanded, a manager was hired and additional technology was purchased, and media specialists were paid.
The Corona Committee became more and more popular and suddenly Hoffmann and A. Fischer appeared again, with demands for money. The fact that this was not possible according to the statutes alone and that the donations were to be used for the committee’s work was repeated again to Fuëllmich and V. Fischer. However, Hoffmann and A. Fischer insisted that they were still co-shareholders of the original UG, that they were entitled to all information, and that a settlement agreement could be reached. Neither Fuëllmich nor V. Fischer agreed to this and threw them both out and banned them from entering.
The chairman asked Dr. Fuëllmich whether the preliminary UG had ever been dissolved, which he replied in the negative, since they had been of the opinion under company law, after discussing with company lawyers, that this was considered obsolete due to the long withdrawal of the two and due to the lack of contribution and the lack of interest in cooperation, since the preliminary UG had never been registered and no result could be achieved due to the stalemate.
There was talk of corporation tax assessments which, as apparently claimed by Justus Hoffmann, he and A. Fischer had received, in a not inconsiderable amount. The chairman asks whether Fuellmich knows about it. Fuellmich doubts this, since he himself was also a shareholder and had not received any such notices and he could not imagine that only two shareholders received corporation tax assessments while the others did not. Whether the Vorschalt-UG is now a “small GmbH”, since it has never been registered, or whether it must be treated as a GbR, that also has to be clarified in these proceedings.
After the rift, an attempt at mediation was made via Zoom under the direction of Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab. However, this failed, because Hoffmann and A. Fischer demanded sums of money as compensation, which would come from the donations (which, however, were made for the committee work by the donors). Fuëllmich and V. Fischer rejected this settlement agreement. He would not accept money for nothing, according to Fuëllmich.
When Dr. Fuëllmich complained about V. Fischer’s lack of diligence and organization, and of his having traveled to the USA for three months, where he took part in the “Crimes against Humanity Tour” with renowned scientists such as Dr. Judy Mikovitz, a dispute arose with V. Fischer. She didn’t want him to stay in the U.S. for so long and only continue to accompany the committee via Zoom.
There had been more and more disputes, also with regard to the treatment of guests in the Corona Committee, which culminated in his priorly planned, publicly declared exclusion from his own Corona Committee, which took place live on 02 September/ 09 February 2022 by V. Fischer and the media officer Oval Media. V. Fischer had told Fuëllmich that there would be no meeting that day, because the wife of manager Corvin Rabenstein was expecting her second child and therefore the meeting had to be postponed. This was an outright lie, because the meeting took place, albeit without Dr. Fuëllmich, and Viviane Fischer accused him of embezzlement and irregularities with donations, without him having been present to address these accusations.
Coincidentally, the complaint by Justus Hoffmann and Antonia Fischer against Dr. Reiner Fuëllmich was also filed on 2.9.2022 and comprised 30 pages, so it must have been planned and created long in advance. What exactly prompted Viviane Fischer to do this, Fuëllmich speculates. However, he repeats that there had been discrepancies for some time regarding V. Fischer’s way of working and lack of organization. Nevertheless, he did not really know the exact reason why she made common cause with the two port lawyers, although she knew that they were constantly asking for money and had made this severance payment proposal and also asked Wolfgang Wodarg whether there could not also be money for the committee work and that of V. Fischer for mentioning Justus Hoffmann’s name, in her book.
Dr. Fuellmich considers Justus Hoffmann to be the mastermind and sees Antonia Fischer more as a follower. He had also warned V. Fischer about the two, but she did not take this to heart and now she herself would also be legally attacked by both of them.
The chairman asked for details of the funds withdrawn under loan agreements. Once €100,000 to Viviane Fischer and €200,000 and €500,000 to Dr. Fuëllmich. He explains that during this time there were many known cases in which important and renowned experts had to deal with considerable reprisals in the course of their educational work and that Prof. Hockertz’s account had been terminated or garnished and that this was also threatening Prof. Bhakdi’s association MWGFD, which Viviane Fischer also mentions in her book, namely that Prof. Bhakdi had this as a warning. The Corona Committee already had the fifth account in a row, as the others were all terminated without giving reasons.
Since Dr. Fuëllmich is not a friend of banks, since he had sued almost all banks for the injured parties in the context of the junk real estate scandals that triggered an economic crisis, there was not much hope for help from this side. A quick solution had to be brought about, in which the people’s donations, which were urgently needed for the continued work of the Corona Committee, would have to be secured from state access, and in such a way that it would be safe and also retain its value, or could also increase it. A store of value. A part was invested in gold and the sums already mentioned were withdrawn openly and in the books by means of loan agreements. Viviane Fischer would have used the money for her livelihood and Dr. Fuellmich invested a large sum to increase the value of his property, which he wanted to sell as planned, as he was of the opinion that expropriations would occur in Germany through the back door through burden-sharing laws. In this way, the money would be secured from the state’s grasp in any case.
After the danger situation had eased and the house had been sold, it had been planned to return the money to the committee, which he could easily have done at any time, publicly confirming this several times, since the house had a value of around €1.3 million. His wife owned the ranch in California and there were always internationally known people who would have granted him a loan on the basis of his real estate assets, and whom he also names as witnesses.
Viviane Fischer had secured her loan through the advance sale of her fictitious book, which would only have generated interest among people through the name of Dr. Reiner Fuëllmich named as co-author on the bookcover, something which came entirely from V. Fischer, and this is also mentioned in the contract with Dr. Fuëllmich, “to put words in his mouth”, can pay back, according to Fuëllmich’s assumption.
I remember from various chat histories that many people are probably still waiting for their already paid book to be sent to them…
The chairman asks whether Dr. Fuëllmich would have known at the time of signing the loan whether V. Fischer had real estate as collateral. Fuëllmich said he believed that her statement that she had real estate was true, as he also knew her husband had personally visited the farm in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, where she raises sheep. However, he only found out later that there was a marriage contract and that the real estate was not owned by V. Fischer and relied on her statements. It was assumed on both sides that everyone owned debt-free real estate, which was and is demonstrably the case with him.
It seems to me that the chairman does not seem to understand exactly why it was so important to both of them to take the large sums of money from the bank account, transfer them to a secure store of value and thus invest them as far as possible by bringing them into stores of value and/or protect them through safe consumption, so that state access would never have been successful and the work of the Corona Committee would never have been endangered at any time.
Dr. Fuëllmich once again explains the immense influx, the importance of the work, the importance for the public and the overwhelming interest in the committee, especially the international one, which had only come about through his contacts and his work in the USA.
He explains how he came to study in the USA and get his license in California and briefly touches on the cases in which he represented consumers against large corporations. He mentions the Kuehne & Nagel cases, in which a contingency fee of 40 million was agreed if the case was won, the cases against Deutsche Bank and almost all the other banks that had been involved in the junk real estate scandal that had robbed thousands of people of their assets and homes, and thus made it clear to the court that he would have had no reason at all to to fraudulently appropriate donations from the committee, to embezzle them and therefore to leave the country and destroy the work of the Corona Committee.
He and his wife had already made the decision to leave Europe at the end of 2020, as there were fears of a collapse of the German economy, combined with burden-sharing demands on property and land owners, which would come true right now, namely that he had been correct in his forecasts.
At some point, the presiding judge asks the prosecutor if he has any questions for the defendant. He declines. In fact, apart from reading the indictment, he didn’t say much. I just want to believe that he and the judges, as well as the two jurors will start to think at the hearing of Dr. Fuëllmich and perhaps one of them may have a flash of insight; small rays of hope that illuminate the darkness that still wafts over the whole, complex matter …
The presiding judge decides that an additional date must be set for the interrogation of Dr. Fuëllmich and sets the coming Friday, i.e. in two days. I see this as a good sign, because he explains that there are still many questions he would like to ask. So he still seems to be interested in listening to Dr. Fuëllmich’s explanations and needing further answers on the matter. This gives me hope and I leave the courthouse feeling a little lighter than I had entered it that morning.
The next day begins with the already familiar security procedure. This time I don’t have the dog treats in my coat pocket, I say, and the court staff laughs. The mood is more relaxed than the day before. You have already “sniffed” each other and trust that each other is okay. They are really friendly people and that makes me think. After all, aren’t we sometimes too quick to condemn people who work as public authorities and label them as “systemlings”, as “lemmings” who simply follow the authorities and their employers? I decide to be more mindful of such creeping and evaluative thoughts in the future. After all, we all want to create a better new world…
In the courtroom, I talk to a visitor and tell her that I found the NDR report, which was adopted 1:1 by all other media houses and portals and which also contained many false allegations, very one-sided and meaningless, and how one can manage to get out of such a complex situation as this, for which the large economic chamber of the regional court has (provisionally) scheduled ten days of hearings, It was probably not without reason that he was able to deliver such a meagre work, which did not contain anything meaningful or informative about yesterday’s day of negotiations. Meanwhile, the NDR editor sent for today’s hearing sits right next to us and has to listen to everything. There are coincidences…
I take my place in the press area and she comes up to me. She gives her name. “May I ask what medium you write for?” she says. I politely take her outstretched hand in greeting, say my name and reply that I am a freelance journalist and would choose the media to which I would offer my articles and reports.
She asks where she can read my report on the proceedings. “Let’s exchange phone numbers later,” I suggest. “Then I can tell you everything.” She nods and then leaves and takes a seat in her chair. We should see each other again during the break …
The presiding judge opens the hearing and immediately begins further questioning of the accused. Today, the class action lawsuit is being discussed, and what exactly it would be. Dr. Fuëllmich explained to the Board what exactly a class action is and what advantages this procedure would have in terms of taking evidence and compensation for damages in the event of a positive outcome for the group of plaintiffs.
I really enjoy listening to Dr. Fuëllmich’s explanations and every time, even after the hundredth listen, I learn something new. The Chamber also listens carefully to him and I wonder if the judges have ever heard of a class action, since this possibility does not exist in Germany. I also remember how Dr. Fuëllmich told me about his career, that he had also taught at universities and given lectures to students. You can see that and the information content is immense.
He explains that, independently of the Corona Committee, he has teamed up with a large team of international lawyers to file class actions in several countries for the legal processing of the so-called Corona pandemic. The findings, expert opinions and expert opinions from the work of the Corona Committee should serve as a basis for the taking of evidence. Incidentally, these were publicly available to anyone who wanted to bring forth a lawsuit themselves. In order to make it possible for small businesses and self-employed persons such as hairdressers and the like, to enforce claims for the economic damage caused by the ordered Corona coercive measures, a lump sum of €800 was agreed for everyone who wanted to join the class action.
Marcel Templin, also one of the “port lawyers” and a former student of Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab, whose expertise as a law professor had always been trusted, was supposed to administer these funds on behalf of the IG Sammelklage (interest group), and he would also have initially received the powers of attorney of the clients.
Unfortunately, Marcel Templin did not provide adequate support to the clients. All such work was done by Fuëllmich, and attempts were made to get some class action lawsuits in different countries through the courts. He names Canada with his lawyer colleague Michael Swinwood, Australia, the USA and South Africa, and mentions that he is still continuing this work, especially with his South African colleague Dexter Rynefeldt, who can also testify as a witness. So far, however, none of the class action lawsuits have been accepted by the courts, but this would not detract from the amount of work done in preparation, etc. But they will continue to work on it.
All work, such as the preparations as well as the client information letters, etc., was carried out by Dr. Fuellmich and Templin was only formally entrusted with the administration. At the same time, Dr. Fuellmich was busy 24/7 with the educational work in the Corona Committee. But Templin’s work continued to be unsatisfactory. There was an increasing number of complaints from clients because they did not receive any answers to their contacts and the worst-case scenario occurred, namely that all the addresses of the clients, i.e. the affiliated companies, were suddenly published on the Internet. Fuëllmich could not say whether it was stupidity due to insufficient data backup, or intent. The clients were furious and complained to Fuëllmich’s law firm. He explained to them that the client data was managed by Marcel Templin and that he had made this mistake with which he, Fuellmich and his law firm had nothing to do. He tried to calm everyone down and limit the damage as much as possible. The clients no longer wanted their data to be managed by Templin, but by Fuëllmich himself, and so Fuëllmich advised them to terminate their mandates with Templin and to reissue the powers of attorney to him, Fuëllmich. All this happened, and about 90% of the powers of attorney came back to Fuëllmich. Thus, Templin would no longer have had the right to act on behalf of the clients and the class action. Fuëllmich demanded the return of the remaining client funds, since the powers of attorney were now also with him. However, Marcel Templin did not publish them. He kept it.
The chairman asked why Fuëllmich had received a loan of €600,000 from the funds of Templin’s class action. Fuëllmich justifies this by stating that under no circumstances did he want to issue clients with an advance cost note, as he felt that this was extremely inappropriate right at the beginning of this mandate. However, since he would receive remuneration for the work he had done and what was still to be done, he had decided with Templin to take out the loan. A contract had also been concluded on this. After the fiasco with the data leak and the clients’ dissatisfaction with Marcel Templin and the retrieval of the powers of attorney, which was completed in August 2022, Templin terminated the loan and demanded the sum back immediately.
Fuëllmich had used the loan to pay off some money he owed his ex-wife from the divorce proceedings of the past, as it was a kind of advance note. Shortly afterwards, on 2.9.2022 [September 2, 2022], he was removed from his own committee and discredited by Viviane in the public meeting of the Coronas Committee, about which he was lied to about it’s not having taken place.
The highlight, however, which also makes the judges look a bit incredulous, is the strangeness that the planned sale of Fuëllmich’s unencumbered property has led to the fact that the majority of the purchase price of around € 1.3 million did not go to the account of the seller, i.e. Dr. Fuëllmich, but to the account of Marcel Templin. On the Göttingen property, which was free of encumbrances, there was an already settled, i.e. an empty owner’s mortgage, which could have been filled again with a loan if necessary, without having to use notarial services in a costly procedure. In the meantime, Fuëllmich’s mortgage bank has been taken over by Warburg Bank. Fuëllmich explains that he was in contact with the clerk in person, by email and by phone and tried to clarify the error. He had also entrusted his lawyers with the task. During the cooperation regarding the class action, Dr. Fuëllmich had made an offer to Marcel Templin to register a land charge. According to the established case law of the Federal Court of Justice, such an offer is valid for a maximum of four weeks and must also be accepted during this period, Dr. Fuëllmich explains. But Templin had never done that. It was only after more than a year that he accepted this offer, which had already expired, shortly before the sale of the house, which was no longer legally valid, and claimed that he had a mortgage in his name, and had the money from the sale of the house transferred to him, and that too as a person Marcel Templin and not, for example, as a representative of the interest group class action.
Furthermore, the sum of €600,000 granted as a loan was not transferred to him, but the entire purchase price of the Fuëllmich property minus a smaller sum that Dr. Fuëllmich received, so that more than €1 million would have to be in Marcel Templin’s account, including the remaining client money of Fuëllmich’s clients who had terminated the mandate at Templin and transferred it back to Dr. Fuëllmich.
There is incredulous astonishment in the hall and the very concentrated and level-headed chairman waits a few seconds before he says: “But Dr. Fuëllmich, how can it be that the notary instructs the buyer’s bank to transfer almost all the money from the sale of the house to Mr. Templin’s account?”
“Yes, that’s what we ask ourselves all the time and that’s why we’re sitting here today,” is Fuëllmich’s answer.
And the chairman replies: “Then we will have to question Mr. Kleinjohann in detail. Do you release him from his duty of confidentiality? Fuëllmich answered in the affirmative.
Fuëllmich, well prepared, picks up a file again and immediately opens the appropriate page and reads aloud: “If you want to get into the house and don’t want us to put it in foreclosure, and you don’t have any more property, Mr. Röstel, then you should transfer the money to Mr. Templin’s account.”
Fuëllmich explains that one of the two buyers, in this case Mr. Röstel, had been put under massive pressure with the story about the danger of foreclosure of the property he had just acquired because of an alleged land charge in favor of Marcel Templin, and that he could only avert this if he transferred all the money to Templin. Dr. Fuëllmich speaks here of blackmail of the buyer.
He reads from a chat history between V. Fischer and Justus Hoffmann, among others. V. Fischer asks why Templin would have received the entire sum, which would have been only €650,000. Hoffmann replies: He just negotiated well. Wink smiley.
Fuëllmich mentions again that 90% of the client powers of attorney were back with Fuëllmich at that time (namely, since August 2022) and Templin had no authorization at all for this at that time. Especially not as a private person. The chairman asked if the documentation could be sent to him. The lawyer answered in the affirmative. They will scan all of them and send it to them.
The exact circumstances will be clarified in the course of the proceedings, witnesses must be heard, etc. Nevertheless, it seems inexplicable to the chairman how it happened that the money from the real estate sale could end up with Templin instead of Fuëllmich. But the chairman seems determined to get to the bottom of the matter. Now it also becomes clear why Dr. Fuëllmich took the € 700,000 loan amount from the Corona Committee as a store of value, and could not repay it after the sale of his property, and how he was robbed of his belongings and his existence by way of fraud.
One of the two associate judges speaks up and asks questions for the first time. What would happen to the property in the USA, the ranch that belonged to his wife? If his wife had not agreed that he should use the proceeds of the sale of the ranch to repay the loan amount, would Fuëllmich have been able to ensure that he would have been able to dispose of the money after all? Fuëllmich says yes, and says that such a thing would never have happened and that he was and is always in agreement with his wife. The assessor probes. Fuëllmich reaffirms that he and his wife decide everything together and act together. The lawyer intervenes and mentions that it would also be a community of accrued gains and that there was no prenuptial agreement. The associate judge is now satisfied …
Dr. Fuëllmich gets emotional when he says, “My wife is the most important person in my life, she is very smart, very reserved, and a petite, delicate person, an angel.” He could hardly bear the fact that she, too, would be damaged by the matter. An absurdity!
You can tell he’s worried about his wife. How horrible it must be to worry about a loved one and not be able to see her… I remember that at some point in the course of the proceedings, Dr. Fuëllmich said, speaking about all the adverse circumstances that both of them have had to endure: “That will be decided by international lawyers and courts”.
I cling to these words, for a long time, which he keeps repeating: without justice there can be no peace. And we must first ensure justice! That is what I wish for all the victims of this terrible crime against humanity!
Now, finally, another charge comes into play. Subsidy fraud. Of course, this sounds much better to the sensationalist press than: irregularities in the application for Corona emergency aid.
The law firm of Fuëllmich would have received €15,000 in emergency aid. Whether Dr. Fuëllmich knew that they may have been applied for unlawfully, whether he had filled out the form and how the amounts declared had been calculated, and what about the form that had to be filled out when it came to calculating whether and what amounts would have to be repaid, Fuëllmich replied that he had not filled out any forms. His lawyer points out that the Corona emergency aid regards applications from the first half of 2020 and that the Corona Committee was founded in the second half of 2020 and has nothing to do with the emergency aid. Dr. Fuëllmich reports that there have been payment defaults and requests for postponements from clients who have suffered and expected to lose sales due to the Corona measures, and since the law firm Fuëllmich would almost exclusively serve small, medium- and solo self-employed entrepreneurs who were affected by the Corona measures such as lockdowns, etc., there would have been some clients who had been affected and to whom Fuëllmich granted a reprieve.
In addition, he had been on the ranch in the USA in the first half of 2020 and everything the accountant of the law firm said and did always had hand and foot and there would have been no reason not to trust her statements. He would not have filled out any forms, neither when applying nor when billing.
At the latest with this accusation, I am convinced that Dr. Fuëllmich will be absolved of any wrongdoing with regard to money at any price. Almost every entrepreneur has applied for Corona emergency aid, the offer of the state, which has prevented companies from generating sales, and where there is already case law from the Düsseldorf Administrative Court, which ruled in favor of the three plaintiffs, who did not want to and do not have to pay back the emergency aid. And I think about which boss or managing director who has an accounting department or a tax consultant would have sat down at the computer himself to fill out some constantly changing forms …
I can only shake my head, because the fact that accusations about Corona emergency aid are still being conjured up is really the crowning glory of all the charges, which are made up of a confusing mixture of Corona Committee, class action, port lawyers and colleagues, real estate money fraud and Corona emergency aid money.
What immense damage has been caused by these people, because all these things could have been discussed openly and personally and clarified under civil law. The Corona Committee was demonstrably destroyed, the number of website visits clearly proves this, the party dieBasis, whose chairmen Fuëllmich and Fischer were at the time, shaken, the resistance severely damaged, loss of trust wherever you look, split in the resistance, hopelessness … damage that cannot be quantified with money, let alone repaired.
I wonder if the initiators of the trial against Fuëllmich sometimes ask themselves at night: was it worth it? And do they think about their children? Will they perhaps have to give themselves new surnames in the distant future, out of shame?
I’m trying to imagine what it felt like, with all this knowledge now gushing out of Dr. Fuëllmich for the first time, after almost four months of enforced silence, and knowing that the money from his property was made by one of his adversaries who brought him here with his colleagues… To have to watch this public Tribunal Five against an absent delinquent, powerless, back then, when Viviane Fischer, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, Robert Cibis, from Oval Media who was the life partner of V. Fischer at the time, Justus Hoffmann and Antonia Fischer sat together and the public could witness how this conglomerate streamed live there and made fun of Dr. Reiner Fuëllmich, devaluing him, discrediting him, slandered, without the opportunity for him to comment on it …
Among them lawyers … (Hear the other side, too.)
Why they did this is still incomprehensible to me, and why they didn’t get him to do it, with everything they did and claimed publicly. I’m looking forward to when they will actually have to step into the spotlight in the courtroom, without their own protection, which you have by just talking into a camera.
Because now this publicity is being created, caused by themselves in the context of this negotiation, and I hope that everything will be on the table, that they will sow what they have reaped. I believe in cause and effect, in the laws of nature, and in the fact that everything you do, and especially with what intention you do it, will return to the one who sent it out. It’s already beginning… The third day of the trial is scheduled exclusively for the questioning of the two complainants, Justus Hoffmann and Antonia Fischer.
copyright Jiota for ICIC Law News [jiota@icic.law]
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